东北电气发展股份有限公司 (A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (在中華人民共和國註冊成立之股份有限公司) Stock Code: 000585 股份編號:000585 2020 Social Responsibility Report 社会责任报告 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 1 Contents 目录 About This Report 2 關於本報告 Core Business 3 核心業務 Corporate Vision 4 公司願景 Environmental Responsibilities 5 環境責任 Emissions 6 排放物 Use of Resources 16 資源使用 Environment and Natural Resources 21 環境與天然資源 Social Responsibility 23 社會責任 Economic Benefits 23 經濟效益 Product Responsibility 23 產品責任 Service Responsibility 26 服務責任 Supply Chain Management 27 供應鏈管理 Employment 29 僱傭 Health and Development 30 健康與安全 Development and Training 32 發展及培訓 Labour Standards 33 勞工準則 Anti-corruption 34 反貪污 Community Investment 35 社區投資 Corporate Governance 36 企業管治 Notes by the Board on the “non-standard audit report” 38 董事會對會計師事務所本報告期 issued by the accounting firm for the reporting period “非標準審計報告”的說明 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 2 社會責任報告 2020 About This Report 关于本报告 Northeast Electric Development Company Limited (“NEE” or the 东北电气发展股份有限公司(“东北电气”、“本公 “Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”, 司”)及 其 附 属 公 司(统 称“本 集 团”、“我 们”)自 “we”, “us” or “our”) have been preparing the Environmental, Social and 2017年度起开始编制环境、社会及管治报告(“本 Governance Report (the “Report” or the “ESG Report”) since 2017 and 报告”,“ESG报告”),每年度定期发布。基于往 publish it at the fixed period annually. Based on practical experience of 年的实践经验,我们力求继续深入践行可持续健 previous years, we strive to further implement the concept of sustainable 康发展的理念,本报告旨在如实反映2020年度本 and healthy development. The Report aims to give a fair picture of the 集团对于环境保护、企业社会责任及企业管治的 Group’s exploration, development and practice in respect of environmental 探索、发展与实践,帮助更多的利益相关方深入 protection, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance in 了解本集团在这方面的实践成果。 2020, in a bid to help more stakeholders better understand the Group’s achievements in this respect. During the preparation of the Report, the standards and guidelines we 在本报告的编制过程中,我们遵循和参考的标准 followed and referred to include the Guidelines of the Shenzhen Stock 及指引包括:《深圳证券交易所上市公司规范运 Exchange for Standardized Operation of Companies Listed on the Main 作指引》《香港联合交易所证券上市规则》之附录 Board, the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (“ESG 二十七《环境、社会及管治报告指引》(“ESG报告 Reporting Guide”) stated in the Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing the 指引”)、中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任编 Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the 制指南》、全球可持续发展标准委员会《GRI可持 Guidelines for the Preparation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports 续发展报告标准》。 in China issued by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards issued by the Global Sustainability Standards Board. The Report covers the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 本 报 告 之 涵 盖 时 间 为2020年1月1日 至2020年12月 2020. The Report focuses on the performances of the Company and its 31日。本报告着重汇报本公司及附属公司阜新封 subsidiaries Fuxin Enclosed Busbar Co., Ltd (“Fuxin Busbar”) and Hainan 闭母线有限责任公司(“阜新母线”)和海南逸唐飞 Garden Lane Flight Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (“Garden Lane Flight 行酒店管理有限公司(“逸唐酒店”)于报告期内在 Hotel”) on environment, social responsibility and governance during the 环境、社会责任及管治方面的表现。 reporting period. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 3 About This Report 关于本报告 As the supreme decision-making division for ESG management of the 董事会作为本集团ESG管理的最高决策机构,是 Group, the Board of Directors is primarily responsible for the formulation ESG策略的制定和监督的首要负责机构,确保建 and supervision of ESG strategies, ensuring the establishment of effective 立行之有效的ESG风险管理和内部监控系统,并 ESG risk management and internal supervision systems, and is responsible 负 责 审 议 及 批 准 年 度ESG报 告。同 时,本 集 团 已 for considering and approving annual ESG reports. Meanwhile, the Group 指定相关职能部门人员组成工作小组,依据董事 has designated relevant functional personnel to form a working group 会议定的ESG管理策略,落实ESG年度工作内容, which shall carry out annual ESG work pursuant to the ESG management 主要负责评估及识别ESG相关风险,制定改进计 strategy resolved by the Board, and is mainly responsible for assessing and 划,收集并向董事会汇报与ESG管理相关的数据, identifying ESG-related risks, making improvement plans, collecting and 以及编制年度ESG报告。 submitting data related to ESG management to the Board and preparing annual ESG reports. Core Business 核心业务 During the reporting period, based on the original research and 报告期内,在原有输变电设备相关产品的研发、 development, design, production and sales businesses of power transmission 设计、生产和销售业务的基础之上,本集团继续 and transformation equipment related products, the Group continue pushed 推动公司整体由传统制造业向现代服务业转型升 forward the Company’s overall transformation and upgrading from the 级,围绕机场空港酒店及相关配套服务,大力拓 traditional manufacturing sector to modern service industry, and made great 展酒店管理和住宿业务,以寻求新的商业机会和 efforts to expand hotel accommodation and management services business 利润增长点,为公司持续经营和发展带来新的动 centering on airport hotels and relevant supporting services, with a view to 力。主营产品包括封闭母线(主要应用于电力系 seeking new business opportunities and profit growth drivers, which has 统领域,用以提高输电线路能效,支持大功率电 brought about new momentum to the Company’s sustainable operation 能的传输,是电力系统的重要设备)和酒店住宿、 and development. Main products include enclosed busbars mainly used for 餐饮、酒店管理服务。 power system to improve the energy efficiency of transmission lines and support high power transmission (being an important piece of equipment for power system) and hotel accommodation, catering, and management services. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 4 社會責任報告 2020 About This Report 关于本报告 Corporate Vision 公司愿景 Vigorously fulfilling its environmental responsibility of “Friendly 公司一直践行“环境友好、保护家园”的环境观, Environment, Warm Home”, the Company strives to create an 怀着共建环境友好企业的愿望,本着“以信持誉、 environment friendly enterprise. In line with the business objective of “Good 创新永恒”的经营宗旨,通过全体员工与时俱进 Faith for Reputation, Everlasting Innovation”, it provides customers 的市场意识和拼搏进取的坚韧毅力,为客户提供 with better products and services through the concerted efforts of all 更优质的产品及服务。 employees to keep abreast of the times and struggle ahead. As a responsible and visionary enterprise, we create value to shareholders 作为一家具有责任心及远见的企业,我们通过优 and potential investors through optimising corporate governance, 化营运管治、环境保护、培养人才和厂区环境投 environmental protection, talent development and factory environment 资等方面的措施,为股东和潜在投资者创造价值 investment, and simultaneously support our business philosophy and 的同时,也可实现经营理念和业务目标,推动公 objectives, promote sustainable development strategy, implement 司可持续发展,履行环境友好策略,肩负社会责 environmental-friendly policies, fulfill corporate social responsibility, 任,推动人才持续成长,为建设更美好的和谐社 devote to sustainable talent growth, and endeavor to build a more pleasant 会环境而奋斗。 and harmonious social environment. The Group actively improves its corporate governance structure to 同时本集团积极完善公司法人治理结构,规范公 standardise its operation. The Group seriously complied with the provisions 司运作。本集团认真遵守《香港联合交易所证券 of “Corporate Governance Code” and “Corporate Governance Report” in 上市规则》之附录十四《企业管治守则》及《企业 Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock 管治报告》的规定,幷在适当的情况下采纳其中 Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and, where appropriate, adopted the 所载的建议最佳常规。 recommended best practices as specified therein. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 5 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 The Group has always adhered to the environmental protection concept 本集团始终秉持可持续发展的环保理念,力求打 of sustainable development, endeavoring to create a resource-conserving 造资源节约型、环境友好型发展模式,为社会生 and environment-friendly development model so as to contribute to the 态文明建设献出一份力量。报告期内,本集团认 construction of social and ecological civilization. During the reporting 真遵守和执行国家关于环境保护和节能减排方面 period, the Group conscientiously complied with and implemented national 的各项法律法规,严格控制污染物排放,重点落 laws and regulations on environmental protection, energy conservation and 实废水、碳排放和废弃物管理,并制定《环境因 emission reduction, strictly controlled pollutant discharge with focuses on 素识别评价控制程序 》《应急响应准备程序 》和《风 wastewater, carbon emission and waste management. Besides, it developed 险应对控制程序 》,从而对环境风险进行有效控 Control Procedures for Identification and Evaluation of Environmental 制。各生产经营单位于每年初制定环境目标,并 Elements, Emergency Response and Preparation Procedures and Risk 将目标进行分解,按月考核并计入工资绩效,确 Response and Control Procedures so as to effectively control environmental 保实现环境责任和社会承诺;同时,本公司已建 risks. Each production and operation unit set environmental objectives at 立并不断完善绿色管理工作体系,积极探索低碳 the beginning of each year, detailed the objectives, and carried out monthly 经营模式,坚持节能技改、挖潜降耗,持续深入 assessment and included the results in salary performance, ensuring the 推进环境友好型企业建设。 fulfillment of environmental responsibilities and social commitments. Meanwhile, the Company has established and constantly improves the green management system, energetically exploresa low-carbon business model, adheres to transformation of energy-saving technology and exploiting potential to reduce consumption, and continues to promote the construction of an environment-friendly enterprise. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 6 社會責任報告 2020 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 1. Emissions 1. 排放物 According to the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s 根据中华人民共和国《环境保护法 》《大气 Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on 污 染 防 治 法 》《水 污 染 防 治 法 》《噪 音 污 染 the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, the Law 防 治 法 》《固 体 废 物 污 染 防 治 法 》《节 约 能 of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of 源法 》及《清洁生产促进法 》等系列法律法 Water Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on 规,本集团高度重视各类污染物对环境的 the Prevention and Control of Ambient Noise Pollution, the Law 影响及排放物管理规范,现已将污染物排 of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of 放管理纳入对所属企业环保绩效考核中, Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, the Energy Conservation 在各酒店经营场所和生产厂区均设置环保 Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s 骨干,将环保绩效考核与人员绩效、晋升 Republic of China on Promoting Clean Production and other 等挂钩,实现“定人员、定责任、定任务、 laws and regulations, the Group attaches great importance to the 定奖惩”,使环保考核指标涵盖了全部操 impact of various pollutants on the environment and emission 作流程。2020年,未发生对本集团有重大 management standards. Currently, pollutant discharge management 影响的环境违规事件。 has been included in the environmental performance assessment of affiliated enterprises. Environmental protection specialists have been assigned in each hotel and production factory. Environmental performance assessment has been linked with personnel performance and promotion, which clarifies responsible persons, responsibilities, tasks, rewards and punishment, making sure that assessment indicators in connection with environmental protection cover all operation procedures. In 2020, there was no environmental violation with significant impacts on the Group. Since 2019, the Group focuses on hotel accommodation, catering, 2019年以来,本集团重点开展酒店住宿、 and management services and the research and development, 餐饮、酒店管理和输变电设备相关产品的 design, production, and sales of power transmission and 研发、设计、生产和销售的业务,主营业 transformation equipment related products. The business scope 务发生变化,因而排放量相应增加。在生 has changed from 2019, and therefore emissions have increased 产经营活动中会产生废气、废水、固体废 accordingly. Exhaust gases, wastewater, solid waste, noise, smoke, 弃物、噪声和烟尘等污染物。具体排放物 dust and other pollutants are generated during production and 构成对照表如下: operation activities. The specific composition of emissions is as follows: SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 7 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 Amount/Weight Amount/Weight in 2020 in 2019 No. Type Substance emitted 2020年 2019年 序号 类型 排放物 数量╱重量 数量╱重量 1 Dust 0.096mg/m 0.096mg/m 粉尘 2 Smog - - 烟雾 3 Atmospheric Emissions Noise 45-53db 45-53db 大气排放 噪音 4 Carbon dioxide 24t 47.4t 二氧化碳 5 Nitrogen oxides 1.25t 1.25t 氮氧化合物 6 Industrial wastewater 1550m 1540m Sewage Emissions 生产废水 7 废水排放 Sanitary wastewater 6600m 10286m 生活废水 8 Recyclable waste 1.1t 1.1t 可回收废物 9 Waste Non-recyclable waste 90t 184t 废弃物 不可回收废物 10 Hazardous waste 0.75t 0.75t 危险废物 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 8 社會責任報告 2020 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 Power transmission and transformation products – Design and 输变电产品-封闭母线设计及加工 processing of closed busbar During daily production, only greenhouse gases are released. 日常生产活动中仅排放温室气体,产生经 Other pollutants generated like industrial wastewater and exhaust 过滤后已不带有任何化学危险物质的工 gases contain nodangerous chemical substance after filtration 业生产废水和废气等污染物,且均可以在 and can be directly released after meeting the environmental 达到环保标准的情况下直接排放;产生少 protection standards. Besides, there will be little dust and smog 量的可忽略不计的粉尘烟雾;产生不超过 that is negligible and mechanical noise of no higher than 60dB 60dB符合环保标准的机械噪音;在材料的 within environmental protection standards. During the processing 加工过程中会产生固体边角废料的可回收 of materials, recyclable waste of solid leftover materials will be 废弃物,如废铝、废铁和废铜等,2020年 generated, such as waste aluminum, iron and copper. In 2020, a total 共 计 产 生1.1吨 的 固 体 可 回 收 废 弃 物,较 of 1.1 tons of solid recyclable waste was generated, down slightly 去年略有下降。 from last year. Hotel accommodation, catering and hotel management services 酒店住宿、餐饮及酒店管理服务 In the newly-expanded business area, the Company also fully 作为新拓展的业务领域,本公司亦在酒店 considers a plan that will reduce the impact on environment in 及餐饮项目的建筑设计、客房改造及设备 building design, room renovation and equipment selection for the 选用上充分考虑降低对环境影响的方案, hotel catering project. During project construction, the Company 在项目施工过程中积极采取措施将施工现 actively took measures to control the pollution of smoke, dust, 场的烟尘、噪声、废气、废水、固体废弃 noise, exhaust gases, wastewater and solid waste on the construction 物等污染控制在法律、法规和施工管理规 site within the scope specified by laws, regulations and construction 定的范围内,在酒店餐饮经营场所投入运 management rules. After hotel catering premises were put into 营后也严格按照国家标准执行一系列环境 operation, a series of environmental protection measures in strict 保护措施,该项目已通过当地环境保护局 accordance with national standards were also implemented. The 出具的建设项目竣工环境保护验收。 project has passed the environmental protection acceptance for completion of construction projects by the local environmental protection bureau. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 9 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 1.1 Exhaust and greenhouse gas emissions 1.1 废气及温室气体排放 In view of the business nature and production activities of 基于本集团的业务性质及生产活 the Group, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, little dust and 动,日常经营排放二氧化碳、氮氧 other exhaust and greenhouse gases are generated during 化合物及少量粉尘等废气和温室气 daily operation, mainly from (1) the combustion of fuel 体,主要来自于(1)因燃烧煤气管 supplied by gas pipes for cooking with kitchen stoves in 道供应的燃料以供酒店厨房炉灶烹 hotels and boiler heating; (2) the using of refrigeration 饪及锅炉加热;(2)酒店及办公区 materials by air conditioners in hotels and office areas; (3) 域的空调使用制冷物质;(3)工厂 factory machining; and (4) seasonal heating, etc. 机械加工;及(4)季节性取暖等。 The Group strictly complies with the Law of the People’s 本集团严格遵守中华人民共和国《大 Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of 气污染防治法 》,并持续实施行之 Atmospheric Pollution and continues to implement effective 有效的环保措施,我们已将废气及 environmental protection measures. We have maintained 温室气体排放密度整体维持在相对 the overall emission density of exhaust and greenhouse 较低的水平,针对在生产过程中产 gases at a relatively low level. For smoke, dust and other 生的烟尘、粉尘等污染物质,尽可 pollutants produced during the operation process, we try to 能避免敞开式操作,幷设置排风装 avoid open operation and set up ventilation devices. We use 置;使用符合国家环保标准的喷漆 paint spraying equipment meeting national environmental 设备,减少有害气体的排放。 protection standards to reduce the emission of harmful gases. Greenhouse gases of the Group mainly come from air 本集团温室气体的排放主要来源于 conditioning and seasonal heating in hotel rooms and office 酒店客房和办公区域的空调、季节 areas. A number of serious energy-saving policies were 性取暖等。由于2020年已实施一系 implemented in 2020, details of which are described in the 列严格的节能政策,该等政策的详 section of “Use of Resources”. 情将于本报告之资源使用章节阐释。 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 10 社會責任報告 2020 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 The Group’s emission of greenhouse gases is summarised 温室气体排放表现概要如下: as follows: Weight Weight (tons of carbon dioxide) (tons of carbon dioxide) 2020 2019 Item 2020年重量 2019年重量 项目 (吨二氧化碳) (吨二氧化碳) Total emissions 24 47.4 排放总量 Density (emissions/employees) 0.15 0.30 密度(排放╱雇员人数) 1.2 Sewage emissions 1.2 废水排放 The Group has fully satisfied the regulations provided in 本集团已全面落实贯彻中华人民共 the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention 和国《水污染防治法 》及国务院关于 and Control of Water Pollution and the Notice of the State 《水污染防治行动计划的通知 》的要 Council on Issuing the Action Plan for Prevention and 求,集团内生产企业已装置水循环 Control of Water Pollution. The producers under the Group 回收设施,且大部分供水及排水设 have installed water recycling facilities. Most of the water 施由物业管理公司提供及管理,生 supply and drainage facilities are provided and managed 活污水均按照国家控制标准排放。 by property management companies, and the Group has discharged all domestic wastewater in accordance with the national control standards. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 11 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 In 2020, as a result of the COVID-19 (“ 新型冠狀病毒 ”) 2020年度,本集团在生产运营、酒 outbreak to hotel-related businesses, as a result of domestic 店经营过程中排放的生产废水和生 water of hotel business, industrial wastewater and domestic 活废水,以及员工在日常办公过程 wastewater discharged during production, operation, and 产生的生活污水,本年度共排放污 hotel running by the Group and domestic sewage generated 水8,150千 立 方 米,受 疫 情 对 酒 店 during daily office work by employees amounted to 相关业务的持续影响,较去年减少 8,150,000 cubic metres, an decrease of 31% from last year. 31%,污 水 排 放 强 度 为10,188千 立 Wastewater discharge intensity is 10,188,000 cubic metres/ 方米╱亿元营业收入。本集团各业 RMB100 million revenue. All the Group’s business sectors 务板块企业均严格遵照中华人民共 strictly comply with the requirements of the Law of the 和 国《水 污 染 防 治 法 》等 国 家 法 律 People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of 法规及排放标准、环评批复、排污 Water Pollutionand other national laws and regulations, 许可证的要求,做到达标排放。 as well as emission standards, environmental impact assessment documents and pollutant discharging licenses, and discharge in accordance with standards. 1.3 Waste emissions 1.3 废弃物排放 The Group generates waste during its operation. We have 本集团在营运过程中会产生废弃 established and strictly implemented a waste management 物,我 们 制 定 了《废 弃 物 管 理 制 system, aiming to properly dispose all types of waste. In 度 》,并 严 格 执 行,旨 在 妥 善 处 理 addition to effective waste management, we also promote 各类废弃物,实施有效的废弃物管 the concept of circular economy throughout the operation 理的同时,在整个营运过程中推动 process to reduce waste as much as possible. We encourage 循环经济概念,尽可能减少产生废 reuse, recycling and replacement of waste. 弃物,鼓励废弃物利用、循环再造 及替代使用。 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 12 社會責任報告 2020 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 1.3.1 Hazardous waste 1.3.1 有害废弃物 Although the Group produces little hazardous 尽管本集团每个年度仅产生 waste every year, we have prepared the guidelines 较少数量的有害废弃物,我 on management and disposal of hazardous waste. 们亦制定管理及处置有害废 Any harmful waste produced will be disposed of in 弃物的指引,对于产生任何 accordance with relevant environmental protection 有害废弃物,我们必定按照 rules. As activated carbons for environmental 相关环境规例处理该等废弃 protection facilities need to be replaced every 物。因环保设施需每半年更 six months, 0.5 ton of hazardous waste-activated 换一次活性炭,进而产生危 carbon generated. 险废物-活性炭0.5吨。 Weight in 2020 Weight in 2019 (tons of hazardous waste) (tons of hazardous waste) Item 2020年重量 2019年重量 项目 (吨有害废弃物) (吨有害废弃物) Total emissions 排放总量 0.5 0.75 Density (Emissions/Million revenue) 密度(排放╱百万元收入) 0.01 0.01 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 13 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 1.3.2 Non-hazardous waste 1.3.2 无害废弃物 Certain non-hazardous solid waste is inevitably 本集团在机械加工及酒店餐 produced by the Group during machining and 厅经营活动中会不可避免的 operation of hotel restaurants, mainly from raw 产生一些无害固体废物,主 material cutting and processing, kitchen waste of 要产生自原材料切割和加工 hotel restaurants, daily garbage of hotel rooms and 工序、酒店餐厅厨余垃圾、 waste from office work of employees. We adopt 酒店客房日常垃圾以及员工 the classification management and centralized 办公过程,我们采用对无害 disposal of non-hazardous solid waste, while 固体废物实行分类管理,集 non-recoverable waste like paper and domestic 中处置的原则,对不可回收 waste is cleaned by qualified sanitation company. 废物如纸张、生活垃圾等, Recoverable solid waste, such as waste paper, scrap 则交给合资格的环卫公司定 metal and wood refuse, is recycled. Discharge 期清运,并对可回收的固体 of main non-hazardous waste is summarised as 废弃物,如废纸、废金属和 follows: 废木料等回收利用。主要的 无害废弃物排放概述如下: Weight (tons) Weight (tons) Type in 2020 in 2019 类型 2020年重量(吨) 2019年重量(吨) Recyclable waste – Copper 可回收废物—铜 0.35 0.35 Recyclable waste – Aluminium 可回收废物—铝 0.35 0.30 Recyclable waste – Iron 可回收废物—铁 0.4 0.4 Non-recyclable waste – Domestic waste 不可回收废物—生活垃圾 89 184 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 14 社會責任報告 2020 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 In order to reduce waste emissions, the Group 为了减少废弃物排放,本集 actively promotes the related projects in regard to 团结合业务特性,从升级改 upgrading and transforming production process, 造生产工艺、使用替代品、 using substitutes and advocating “demand as 倡导按需索取三个方向,积 needed” by combining with business characteristics, 极推进相关项目开展,并定 and examines the amount of non-hazardous waste 期检查各单位无害废弃物的 produced by each department regularly, so as to 相关数目情况,从而整体降 reduce the overall impact of non-hazardous waste 低业务运营产生的无害废弃 produced on the environment during business 物对环境的影响。 operation. 进一步优化设计图 Further optimise the design drawing, avoid 纸,减少产品二次返 reworking, reduce the use of raw material 工,减少原材料的使 and production of scraps, through which the 用及边角料的产生, Group decreases waste from sources; 从源头上降低废弃物 的产生; Replace disposable hotel supplieswith 更换酒店一次性用 recyclable products and try to provide 品,以可循环使用的 plastic products only when customers are 产品作为替代品,并 in need, so as to cut the overuse of earth 尽量仅在客人有需要 resources; 时才提供塑料制品, 从而减少对地球资源 的过度使用; Adjust the changing pattern of printer 调整打印耗材更换模 consumables, and encourage employees to 式,倡导员工尽量黑 print in black and white as well as on both 白打印及双面打印, sides, recycle and use waste printing paper; 回收和利用打印废 纸; SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 15 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 Apply “environmental protection 酒 店 客 房 内 使 用“环 logos” in hotel rooms to remind customers 保 牌”,提 醒 客 人 减 to reduce the frequency of changing 少住宿用品的更换频 accommodation supplies, so as to reduce 率,减少物品损耗和 goods consumption and save water; 节约用水; Launch “Clean Your Plate Campaign” 推 行“光 盘 行 动”, and post warm tips in all restaurants and 并在所有餐厅和食堂 canteens suggesting moderate number of 提供温馨提示卡,建 dishes; 议客人适量点菜; Change work model and advocate paperless 更换工作模式,提倡 office to reduce unnecessary paper waste; 无纸化办公,减少不 必要的纸张浪费; In view of the special circumstance of 考虑今年疫情防控特 epidemic prevention and control this 殊期间,为防止人员 year, we have advocated work from home 汇集和集中,倡导居 and other new flexible work models, 家弹性办公等新工 and controlled the number of personnel 作方式,控制会议人 attending meetings via network, video 数,并多采用网络、 and online platforms as far as possible, to 视频、线上平台等形 prevent unnecessary on-site gatherings and 式进行,减少不必要 traveling, thus saving office resources and 的现场聚集和出行, meeting costs. 从而节省办公资源和 会议成本。 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 16 社會責任報告 2020 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 2. Use of Resources 2. 资源使用 The Group strictly abides by the Law of the People’s Republic of 本集团严格遵守中华人民共和国《节约能 China on Conserving Energy, the Measures for the Administration 源法 》《工业节能管理办法 》《工程机械、标 of Industrial Energy Conservation, the Technical Regulations 准 通 用 行 业 节 能 设 计 技 术 规 定 》和《机 械 on Energy Conservation Design of Engineering Machinery and 行业节能设计规范 》等法律法规及政府规 Standard and Common Industry, the Design Code for Energy 章制度,我们已根据业务特点制定了节能 Conservation of Machinery Industry, and other laws, regulations 制度和规范要求,进一步加强节能管理, and government rules. We have developed energy-saving systems 通过推广节能型的设备及电器、逐步推行 and standard requirements based on business characteristics to 垃圾分类收集等举措,将节能降耗的环保 further strengthen energy-saving management. Through measures 理念渗透到工业生产和酒店运营的各项环 such as promotion of energy-saving equipment and electrical 节。 appliances and setting steps to carry out classified collection of waste, we implement the environmental protection concept of energy-saving and consumption reduction in all aspects of industrial production and hotel operation. 2.1 Energy consumption 2.1 能源消耗 The main energy consumption of the Group in its daily 电力和水资源是本集团于日常营运 operations is electricity and water consumption. 的主要能源消耗。 Density Density (per million (per million Consumption revenue) Consumption revenue) in 2020 in 2020 in 2019 in 2019 No. Type of resource Unit 2020年 2020年密度 2019年 2019年密度 序号 资源种类 单位 消耗量 (每百万元收入) 消耗量 (每百万元收入) 1 Power Kw/h 2,385,800 29,810 3,234,500 32,345 电力 2 Water M 8,150 102 11,826 118 水 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 17 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 We took proactive measures to achieve the goal of using 我们积极采取相关措施以达到节约用电、 electricity economically and efficiently and reducing 高效用电及减少碳排放的目标,经过多渠 carbon emissions. Through the publicity of environmental 道宣传环保知识及采取有效措施,在大家 protection knowledge in various channels and the adoption 的共同努力下,本集团用电效益相应提升: of effective measures, the electricity efficiency of the Group has been improved correspondingly with everyone’s joint efforts: Ensure the normal operation of equipment by 通过对工厂车间、酒店客房、办公 reasonable renovation and update, regular repair 区域所使用设备进行合理改造更 and maintenance of equipment used in factory 新,定期维护保养,确保设备的正 workshops, hotel rooms and office areas; 常运行; Improve the air conditioning and lighting 完善经营公共区域及酒店房间空 management of public areas and hotel rooms, 调、照明管理,采取一系列合适的 adopt a series of appropriate energy-saving and 节能环保措施,包括安装节能照明 environmental protection measures, including the 装 置,如LED灯 具 或 节 能 灯 泡 以 减 installation of energy efficient lighting devices 低耗电量、客房新风机更换热回收 (such as LED lamps or energy-saving light bulbs) 轮、倡导在办公区域自然光线充足 to reduce power consumption, replacement of 的情况下减少开灯; heat recovery wheels of new fans in guest rooms, advocating turning off lights when the natural light suffices in the office areas; Apply energy-saving measures of cooling and air 采用制冷和空调系统节能措施,倡 conditioning systems, and encourage employees 导员工在温度适宜的时候,尽量开 to open windows to circulate air and shut down 窗通风,关闭空调,节能减排。 air conditioners as much as possible when it is in moderate temperature, in an effort to save energy and reduce emission. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 18 社會責任報告 2020 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 In addition, the Group vigorously pushes green office, 此外,本集团大力推行绿色办公,倡导员 advocates green traveling by encouraging employees to 工绿色出行,上下班尽量采用公共交通或 take public transportation or shared bicycles and arranging 共享单车,安排远程通勤车,解决了员工 a commuter bus for employees to solve the “last kilometer” “最后一公里”出行问题,减少汽车尾气的 travelling problem of employees, thus reducing the 排放。 emission of exhaust gas. 2.2 Water consumption 2.2 水源消耗 Due to the Group’s business nature, there is 由于本集团业务性质,除在产品生 domestic water consumed in the daily office, 产过程中消耗水资源外,还在员工 dining and bathing process of employees, water 日常办公、餐饮和洗浴过程消耗生 for cleaning environment, watering the lawn and 活用水,以及清洗作业环境、浇灌 fire demand, apart from the water consumption 草坪和消防用水等,生活用水均来 in the product manufacturing process. Domestic 自于市政用水,大部分供水设施由 water is sourced from municipal water supply. 物业管理公司提供及管理,故采购 Most of the water supply facilities are provided and 适合水源与本集团不相关。 managed by property management companies, so the procurement of suitable water sources is not relevant to the Group. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 19 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 In order to standardize the water utilization, 为了规范企业用水,本集团各业务 relevant water resource management measures 领域根据自身特点制定了相关水资 have been formulated by all business sectors of the 源管理办法,机械加工业务方面制 Group based on their own characteristics, including 定《用水用电用气管理规定 》,酒店 the Regulations on the Management of Water, 餐饮业务方面制定《水电节约管理 Electricity and Gas Consumption in the aspect 办法 》等,强化水资源管理和利用, of machining business and the Measures for the 我们不断加强宣传教育和培训,积 Management of Water and Electricity Conversation 极安排各单位用水管理人员参与各 in the aspect of hotel catering business, etc., to 类节水业务培训,鼓励他们通过网 strengthen the management and utilization of water 络平台加强学习,充实知识,鼓励 resources. We continue to strengthen the publicity, 各单位根据本单位用水特点,积极 education and training, actively arrange water 开展各种形式的节水宣传教育活动。 management personnel of each unit to participate in different water-saving business training, encourage them to learn more and enrich knowledge through online platforms, and encourage each unit to actively implement various water-saving publicity and education activities according to its characteristics of water utilization. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 20 社會責任報告 2020 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 2.3 Use of packaging material 2.3 包装材料使用 Based on the nature of our business, during 基 于 我 们 的 业 务 性 质,在 来 料 加 processing of materials provided by clients, 工、生产及后期包装、餐厅经营过 production and packaging, and restaurant 程中,本集团会消耗大量用于产品 operation, the Group will consume a large amount 包装的包装材料,2020年共计使用 of packaging materials for product packaging. In 12.6吨的包装用材料总量,同比耗 2020, a total of 12.6 tons of packaging materials 材量减少3.4吨,具体对照如下: was used, and the amount of consumables decreased by 3.4 tons year on year, the specific comparison is as follows: Weight (tons) Weight (tons) Type in 2020 in 2019 类型 2020年重量(吨) 2019年重量(吨) Wooden box 木箱 5.4 6.5 Carton 纸箱 0.6 0.8 Plastic 塑料 0.6 0.7 Box iron 槽钢 6 8 Total 总计 12.6 16 Density (Weight/Revenue in millions) 密度(重量╱百万收入) 0.16 0.16 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 21 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 3. Environment and Natural Resources 3. 环境与天然资源 We always adhere to the concept of environmental protection 我们始终践行环境保护责任的理念,通过 responsibility, pursue e the philosophy of sustainable environmental 内部管理将可持续的环保理念传递到公司 protection in the Company’s operation and production and 经营生产、员工工作和生活中,实施各种 employees’ work and life through internal management, and 节约资源的措施,比如酒店装修建造时尽 implement various resource saving measures, such as selecting 可能选择环保材料,且在通过环保部门的 environment-friendly materials as much as possible in hotel 环评测试后才可开业;客房及大堂等设置 decoration and construction, starting business after passing the 空气净化器,对旧锅炉进行改造,减少碳 environmental impact assessment test by environmental protection 排放;推行视频会议,减少员工不必要的 department; setting up air cleaners in guest rooms and the lobby, 差旅出行;简化会场布置,不制作不必要 and retrofitting old boilers to cut carbon emissions; carrying out 的易拉宝、演讲台KT板等,只印刷必要的 video conferences to reduce unnecessary business trips; simplifying 桌牌、横幅、提示板,并尽可能提高重复 the venue decoration, reducing unnecessary roll screen, podium KT 使用效率。 board, etc., printing necessary table cards, banners, reminder boards only, and maximizing the efficiency of reuse as much as possible. In order to fully implement the concept of sustainable development, 为贯彻落实可持续的发展理念,本公司积 the Company actively guides its subsidiaries to promote green 极引导所属企业推行绿色办公,鼓励节约 office, encourage them to save resources and energies, reduce 资源和能源,减少污染物排放,使用并回 pollutant emissions, and use and recycle renewable products. At the 收可再生产品;充分使用网络办公,提倡 same time, the Company is people-centered, advocates harmonious 文件材料双面打印,定期整理回收可利用 working, and actively creates a green and comfortable office 的纸张;提倡以人为本,和谐办公,积极 environment for employees. Employees adopt the form of network 为员工打造绿色舒适的办公环境,提倡办 office, and are encouraged to print files and materials on both sides, 公室种植绿色植物,净化空气,减少空气 arrange and recycle reusable paper regularly. Upholding the idea of 污染。 people first and harmonious workplace, we take the lead to create a green and comfortable office environment for our staff. The Company promotes to grow plants in the office to purify the air and reduce air pollution. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 22 社會責任報告 2020 Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任 Meanwhile, we focus on the environmental education and advocacy 同时,重视员工的环保教育和宣传工作, among staff to raise the awareness of our people to understand 以提高员工明白节约资源的重要性,鼓励 the importance of resource conservation. They are encouraged 他们充分利用资源,发挥其最大效能,且 to make full use of resources, to maximize their effectiveness 杜绝资源使用中出现浪费现象。鼓励雇员 and toavoid wastage of resources. We encourage employees to 积极参与环境公益活动,安排员工参加大 actively participate in environmental public welfare activities, 股东海航集团组织举办的“我为加快推进 and arrange for employees to participate in the public activity 海南自由贸易港建设做贡献”主题系列活 themed of “devoting yourself to accelerating the construction of 动,并为支持湖北抗击新冠疫情组织“自 Hainan Free Trade Port” organized by the substantial shareholder 愿 捐 款 抗 击 疫 情”公 益 活 动。此 外,积 极 HNA Group, and we organized public benefit activities of 倡导员工积极在日常生活中践行绿色公益 “voluntary contributions to anti-epidemic event” for supporting 活动,如尽量少开车上下班,乘坐公共交 the fight against COVID-19 in Hubei Province. In addition, we 通绿色出行方式;尽量减少食堂工作餐的 actively encourage employees to actively practice green public 浪费等。 welfare activities intheir daily lives, such as driving to and from the workplace as littleas possible, taking public transportation, and minimizing the waste of working meals in the canteen. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 23 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 1. Economic Benefits 1. 经济效益 The Group has always focused on its economic responsibilities, 本集团始终关注自身所承担的经济责任, aiming at economic responsibility goals in such aspects as 围绕提升经济效益,落实产品及服务品质 improving economic benefits, implementing product and service 管理、消费者权益保护、供货商长期合作 quality management, protecting the interests of consumers, 关系维护和创新发展等诸多方面的经济 maintenance of long-term cooperation with suppliers and 责任目标。我们将“质量为本,服务为先” innovative development. Taking “quality priority and service first” 作为公司管理理念,珍视消费者的消费体 as the Company’s management philosophy, we value consumers’ 验,认真接纳各项意见和建议,高效率地 experience, sincerely accept various opinions and suggestions, and 处理产品和服务投诉,这令我们得以不断 deal with product and service complaints efficiently, which enables 改善酒店服务及产品工艺,并维持我们良 us to continuously improve the hotel service and product process, 好的市场形象。与此同时,我们亦将全体 and maintain our good image in the market. Meanwhile, we also 供应商视作重要的商业伙伴,积极与之建 regard all suppliers as our important business partners, and actively 立长期良好的合作关系,为本集团的稳定 establish good long-term relationships with them, to provide 发展提供持久动力。 enduring impetus to the Group’s stable development. 2. Product Responsibility 2. 产品责任 Focusing on product quality, the Group has built and implemented 本集团非常重视产品质量,已全面建立并 a strict quality management system. Fuxin Busbar has formulated 执行了严格的质量管理体系:旗下生产企 the Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety 业阜新母线针对产品生产流程制定了《质 Management Manual and the Procedure File for the product 量、环境、职业健康安全管理手册 》《程序 manufacturing process of Fuxin Busbar, and implemented metal 文件 》,执行金属封闭母线标准GB/T8349- enclosed busbar standard GB/T8349-2000. Our products have 2000,产品已通过质量管理体系、环境管 passed the quality management system certification, environmental 理 体 系、职 业 健 康 安 全 管 理 体 系 认 证、 management system certification, occupational health and safety PCCC电能产品认证。 management system certification, and PCCC certification. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 24 社會責任報告 2020 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 Fuxin Busbar has set up the quality inspection and process 阜新母线设立有质检与工艺部,增加产品 department, and increase relevant functions of product process 工艺检验的相关职能,从而有效保障生产 inspection, thus effectively ensuring inspection in the production 过程检验和工艺贯彻效果。同时,通过增 process and process implementation effect. At the same time, the 加专职检验人员数量,于各车间内实行兼 product quality is strictly controlled by increasing the number of 职检查人员聘任制,严格把关产品质量。 full-time inspectors and implementing the employment system 我们亦鼓励员工进行技术创新和小改小 for part-time inspectors in each workshop. We also encourage 革,对工艺过程进行改进,提高产品质量 employees to make technological innovations and minor reforms to 提高生产效率。 improve the process, enhance the product quality and productivity. Driven by the strategy of developing high-tech products and 阜新母线秉承开发高新技术产品和申报 applying for high-tech enterprise certification, Fuxin Busbar has 高新技术企业的双新驱动战略,2018年以 continuously pushed technical improvements and research and 来每年以不低于收入5%的研发投入持续推 innovation of new products since 2018 by utilising not less than 动技术改造和新产品研发创新,新取得15 5% of revenues per annum for R&D investment. As a result, it 项实用新型专利和多项新产品研发创新 has obtained 15 utility model patents and achieved multiple new 成果,经过三年筹划、准备和积极申报, products research and innovation results. Thanks to the planning, 本年度内阜新母线终于成功获评为辽宁省 preparation, and proactive application for three years, Fuxin Busbar 2020年首批高新技术企业。 has been awarded one of the first batch of high-tech enterprises of 2020 in Liaoning Province during this year. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 25 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 To standardize product quality appraisal and substandard product 为规范产品质量鉴定和不合格产品回收程 recovery procedure, we formulated the Regulations on the Control 序,我们制定了《不合格品控制管理规定 》 and Management of Substandard Products, the Quality Rejection 和《质量否决制度 》《不合格品控制程序 》, System and the Substandard Product Control Procedure to define 用以界定试验、接收、放行责任人的责权 the power and responsibilities of the person in charge of test, 范围。鉴定过程中发现不合格产品时,需 acceptance and release. The Notice of Reworking and Repair 出 具《返 工 返 修 通 知 单 》《废 品 通 知 单 》, and the Notice of Defective Products shall be issued when non- 并将追查质量责任。在确保出厂产品质量 conforming products are found in the appraisal process, and the 水准的基础之上,我们亦重视产品的售后 quality responsibility will be investigated. We also think highly 服务,制定了《售后管理规定 》《质量信息 of the after-sales service of products on the basis of ensuring the 反馈与服务管理规定 》,售后发现存在严 quality of ex-factory products, and have formulated the After- 重质量缺陷、隐患的产品,应当及时召回 sales Management Regulations and the Regulations on Quality 或采取其他有效措施,进一步完善并提高 Information Feedback and Service Management. If products are 产品质量和服务水平。 found to be of serious quality defects or hidden dangers after they are sold, they shall be timely recalled or other effective measures shall be taken, so as to further improve the quality of products and services. We insist on the supplier access and evaluation mechanism in the 在本集团从事的酒店餐饮业务中,我们坚 hotel catering business in which the Group is engaged, and have 持供应商准入和评价机制,与所有供应商 signed commitment letters of food safety and quality with all 签订了食品安全质量承诺书,严格执行质 suppliers to strictly carry out quality, environment, safety standards 量、环境、安全标准和检测制度,严格实 and inspection systems, strictly implement regulations on the 施食品添加剂使用管理规定,严把采购、 usage and management of food additives. Each of the procurement, 验货、贮存、加工、出品的每道环节,确 inspection, storage, processing and production links is under strict 保食品安全和规格水准,竭力为每位客户 control to ensure the food safety and specification, striving to offer 提供高品质餐饮服务和住宿体验。 high-quality catering services and accommodation experience for each customer. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 26 社會責任報告 2020 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 3. Service Responsibility 3. 服务责任 As a hotel operator, we keep up with the market trends and 作为酒店运营商,我们紧贴市场趋势和需 demands, devoting to creating an airline hotel brand and 求,致力于打造航空酒店品牌,向每位客 delivering high-quality and convenient services and facilities for 户提供优质、便捷的服务与设施,为此, each customer. To this end, we have established a set of strict 我们已建立起一套严密的酒店管理、住宿 management regulations and rules for hotel management services, 及餐饮服务质量管理规章制度,包括但不 accommodation and catering service quality as core standards of 限于《运营手册 》《市场销售管理操作手册 》 personnel management, operation and management and service 《餐 饮 规 章 制 度 》及《餐 饮 标 准 操 作 程 序 》 quality management, including but not limited to the Operation 等,将其作为人员管理、经营管理、服务 Manual, the Operation Manual of Marketing Management, the 质量管理的核心标准。此外,我们为细心 Catering Regulations and Rules, the Catering Standard Operating 洞察客户需求,建立投诉建议机制,主动 Procedures, etc. In addition, we have insight into customers’ 收集客户意见,定期分析及研究,以改善 demands, establish complaint and suggestion mechanisms, actively 酒店运营和员工表现,不断强化酒店员工 collect customers’ opinions for regular analysis and research, with 的服务意识。 an aim to improve the hotel operation and employees’ performance, and continuously strengthen the service awareness of staff in the hotel. The Group is firmly against any fraudulent and exaggerated 在产品销售和酒店营运过程中,本集团坚 promotion in the process of product sales and hotel operation. We 决反对以任何虚假及夸张方式进行宣传, closely monitor the authenticity and positivity of the promotion 我们严密监控宣传内容的真实性和正面 contents. All product labels and advertising promotional materials 性,所有品产品标签和广告宣传文案等均 must comply with the Group’s policies and only can be put into the 须 遵 循 本 集 团 的 政 策,并 经 过 仔 细 核 对 market upon careful inspection. Furthermore, the Group strictly 检验后才能推向市场。另外,本集团严格 complies with all laws and regulations related to the privacy of 遵守行有关个人资料隐私的所有法律及 personal data. In accordance with our privacy policies, all personal 规例。根据我们的隐私政策,收集到的所 data collected must be kept strictly confidential, including setting 有个人资料均严格保密,包括设置不同级 different levels of access, only granting access to and handling 别的访问权限,仅允许获得授权的人员接 customers’ personal data by the authorized personnel, requiring 触、处理客户个人资料、酒店员工须签署 hotel staff to sign confidentiality agreements, keeping relevant 保密协议、登记员工查阅客户资料的相关 records of the access to customers’ data by staff. 记录。 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 27 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 4. Supply Chain Management 4. 供应链管理 Based on years of operational development experience in the 基于多年来在电气设备制造行业的运营发 electrical equipment manufacturing industry, we have gained a good 展经验,我们对行业及其上下游产业均有 understanding of the industry and its upstream and downstream 良好的认识,并以此对供应商进行评价和 industries, and evaluate and manage suppliers on that basis to select 管理,评选出合格供应商,建立合格供应 qualified suppliers and create files for qualified suppliers. Suppliers 商档案。按《供方评价准则 》对供应商进行 are evaluated according to the Supplier Evaluation Standards. 评价。大宗原材料和电气件供应商比较稳 Supplier of bulk raw materials and electrical components are 定,合作信誉度较高,报告期内,本集团 relatively stable with good credibility in cooperation. During the 未知悉出现任何重大质量问题和供应商投 reporting period, the Group is not aware of any significant quality 诉。 issues and supplier complaints. With regard to our newly developed hotel accommodation and 而针对新开发的酒店住宿和餐饮业务,我 catering business, we carefully choose suppliers and contractors, 们审慎挑选供应商和承包商,甄选出认可 and select accredited partners. At present, we have established a 合作伙伴,目前我们已建立起可靠的供货 reliable supplier network, offering diversified products and services 商网络,提供由餐饮、清洁及洗衣、客房 covering catering, cleaning and laundry, guest room supplies and 用品及各种酒店设施等多元化产品及服 hotel facilities. As the supply chain is directly linked to the level 务。由于供应链将直接关系到我们向客人 of services we provide for customers, the Group maintains close 提供服务的水准,因此,本集团与我们的 liaison with our suppliers to monitor their performance and ensure 供货商始终维持紧密的联系以监察他们的 compliance with our service commitments, in an effort to provide 表现,确保符合我们的服务承诺,为客人 superior living experience for our customers. 提供优质的入住体验。 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 28 社會責任報告 2020 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 In order to efficiently manage the supply chain and lower risks, 为了更好地管理供应链并降低风险,本集 the Group’s procurement department is in charge of the unified 团采购部门统一负责管理与日常酒店营运 management of procurement matters related to daily hotel operation. 有关的采购事宜。我们已制定良好的供应 We have established a sound management system for the supply 链系统管理制度,提高供应链协调性和稳 chain system to improve its coordination and stability. Meanwhile, 定性,同时,我们深知采购决定可能会对 due to a deep knowledge that procurement decisions may have a 社会和环境产生深远的影响,尽量减少采 profound impact on the society and environment, possible adverse 购过程中对环境和社会可能产生的不良影 effects of the procurement process on the environment and society 响,例如将环保指标作为采购酒店设施和 are reduced as much as possible, such as taking the environmental 用品的考量因素,尽可能购买对环境友好 protection into consideration when purchasing hotel appliances 的 产 品,包 括LED照 明、可 降 解 购 物 袋、 and supplies, purchasing environment-friendly products as far 具有环保认证和标识的危险化学品及清 as possible, including LED lights, biodegradable shopping bags, 洁用品、提倡绿色和本地农产品采购等。 hazardous chemicals and cleaning supplies with environmental 未来,我们仍将不断强化供货商筛选与评 certification and labelling, and advocating purchase of green 定,并诚挚欢迎合资格、有能力及优质的 and local agricultural products. In the future, we will continue to 供货商参与,实现“共赢发展”。 strengthen the screening and evaluation of suppliers, and welcome the participation of qualified, competent and quality suppliers to achieve “win-win development”. Similarly, we also attach great importance to the relationships 同样地,在输变电设备相关产品设计和加 with suppliers and regard them as important business partners 工过程中,我们也极为重视供货商关系并 in the design and processing process of power transmission and 视其为重要商业伙伴。所有供货商的选用 transformation equipment related products. All suppliers are 均严格遵守供货商选用流程,由专业技术 selected in strict accordance with the supplier selection process. 团队对供货商的资质、技术水平、生产能 The professional review panel has conducted stringent accreditation 力等方面进行严格评审,将通过评选的供 on suppliers’ qualification, technological capacity, productivity 货商进入协作单位名单,产品生产所需的 and others. Only those accredited suppliers will be on the list 原材料由协作单位供应。 of cooperative units, by which the raw materials necessary for production are offered. During the year, the Group is not aware of any major 于本年度,本集团并不知悉任何主要供货 suppliers’actions or practices that had a significant negative impact 商有对商业道德、环境保护、人权及劳工 on business ethics, environmental protection, human rights and 常规造成重大负面影响的行为或惯例。 labour practices. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 29 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 5. Employment 5. 雇佣 At the strategic perspective of maintaining the healthy development 从 维 护 公 司 健 康 发 展 的 战 略 角 度 考 虑, of the Company, we are fully aware that employees are one of 我们充分意识到员工是企业宝贵的资产 our valuable assets, and ensuring employees’ interests and career 之一,保障员工权益和职业发展是我们重 development is our important social responsibility. Therefore, 要的社会责任与担当,切实做到“依法合 we effectively implement the principle of “legal and reasonable 理 用 工,促 进 和 谐 劳 动 关 系”。本 集 团 严 employment, promotion of harmonized labour relationship”. 格 遵 守 中 国 人 民 共 和 国《劳 动 合 同 法 》及 Strictly complying with the Labour Contract Law of the People’s 地方性法律法规,坚持平等化、多元化原 Republic of China and local laws and regulations, and sticking to the 则,建立公平、民主、竞争、择优的选人 principles of equality and diversification, the Group has established 用人机制,并依法签订劳动合同。同时, a fair, democratic, competitive and meritocratic selection and 我们已制定并持续完善《薪酬管理 》《招聘 employment mechanism and enters into labour contracts in 管理 》《员工假期管理办法 》《员工手册 》等 accordance with the law. Meanwhile, we have formulated and 相关政策和实施规程,由人力资源部门严 improved relevant policies and implementation rules including 格控制员工的出勤时间及薪酬架构等,定 the Salary Management, the Recruitment Management, the 期对员工的工作表现和能力做出评估,并 Administrative Measures for Employees’ Vacation and the 以此作为员工薪酬调整及职位晋升的基 Employee Manual. The human resources department strictly 准,同时更鼓励部门管理人员积极与员工 controls the attendance time and salary structure of employees, 沟通反馈,以持续提升工作表现和成效。 evaluates the performance and ability of employees on a regular basis and takes such results as the benchmark of employees’ salary adjustment and promotion. At the same time, the department managers are continuous encouraged to actively communicate with employees and give them feedback to continuously improve their performance and efficiency. In order to improve employees’identification and belonging, the 为提高员工的认同感和归属感,本集团也 Group also actively provides multiple benefits for employees 积 极 提 供 包 括 年 度 身 体 检 查、节 假 日 补 including annual physical examination, holiday allowance, high 贴、高温补贴等多种福利,尽可能令每位 temperature allowance etc., enabling each staff to be respected 员工得到尊重和关怀,增强企业凝聚力, and cared as much as possible, thus enhancing the corporate 激发员工工作热情和创造力。 cohesiveness, and stimulate employees’ enthusiasm and creativity. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 30 社會責任報告 2020 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 The Group strictly forbids any unethical employment approaches, 本集团严格禁止任何不道德的雇用手法, including child labour and forced labour in the workplace, ensures 包括在工作场所雇用童工和强迫劳工,保 employees to enjoy labour rights and perform their obligations in 护员工依法享有劳动权利和履行劳动义 accordance with laws, and earnestly fulfills social responsibilities. 务,切实履行社会责任。于本年度,本集 During the year, the Group is not aware of any material violations of 团并不知悉存在任何有关雇佣及劳动实务 laws and regulations relating to employment and labour practices. 的法律及法规的重大违规情况。 6. Health and Development 6. 健康与安全 Particularly in response to the emergency of the COVID-19 尤其在新冠病毒疫情紧急事态下,我们更 pandemic, we are committed to providing employees with a safe 加致力为雇员提供安全健康的日常工作环 and healthy environment for daily working and clearly identify 境,并将“重视员工健康,关注职业健康” “emphasis on employees’ health and concern with occupational 明确为企业责任之一,这对改善员工职业 health” as one of our corporate responsibilities, which is essential to 健康和工作效率至为重要。我们严格遵守 improving occupational health and work efficiency of employees. 国家有关职业健康法律法规,包括但不限 In strict abidance by relevant national laws and regulations on 于中华人民共和国《安全生产法 》《职业病 occupational health, including but not limited to the Work Safety 防治法 》《职业安全及健康条例 》等,并制 Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s 定内部安全管理手册,其中明确列载了多 Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational 项安全管理和意外防范措施,并按劳动防 Diseases, the Occupational Safety and Health Rules, we have 护要求提供员工劳动保护用品,如口罩、 developed an internal safety management manual in which a 防毒面具、防护眼镜、手套、工作服、毛 number of safety management and accident prevention measures 巾等劳保用品,对员工每年进行体检,对 are set out, and provide employees with labour protective articles 食堂管理人员进行体检办理健康,对特殊 including masks, gas masks, protective glasses, gloves, work 岗位进行培训并办理岗位操作证。 clothes, towels in accordance with labour protection requirements. Physical examination for employees is arranged each year. Canteen management personnel will take physical examination for health certification, and trainings are provided topersonnel in special positions for operation certificate. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 31 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 We have conducted various trainings and drills for our employees 2020年3月份对内审员进行了《职业健康安 in 2020, including trainings on Occupational Health and Safety 全管理体系要求 》培训,对生产人员进行 Management System Requirements for internal auditors and on 了《消 防、安 全 隐 患 排 查,危 险 源 识 别 处 Identification and Handling of Potential Fire and Safety Hazards for 置方法 》培训;2020年5月份对员工进行了 production personnel in March; trainings on Safety Knowledge and 《安 全 知 识 及 操 作 规 程 》培 训;2020年8月 Operating Procedures for staff in May; on Fire Safety Promotion 对 员 工 进 行《消 防 安 全 宣 传 和 火 灾 案 例 》 and Fire Cases for staff in August; and on Strengthening the 培训;2020年9月份对生产人员进行《加强 Construction of Dual Prevention Mechanism for Avoiding Safety 双重预防机制建设,防止安全事故发生 》 Accidents for production personnel in September; trainings on 培训;2020年9月份对员工做《应急疏散演 Emergency Evacuation and Fire Fighting Drills for staff along with 练及消防灭火演练培训 》和消防安全疏散、 actual fire evacuation and extinguishing drills in September; as well 灭火实际演练;2020年11月份对现场服务 as trainings on Safety Operations for on-site service personnel in 人员做《安全作业 》培训。 November. Particularly in response to the emergency of the COVID-19 尤其在新冠病毒疫情紧急事态下,公司严 pandemic, the Company had established teams and developed 格遵守当地政府新冠疫情防控要求,在疫 measures at the early stage of the outbreak in strict compliance with 情初期成立疫情防控小组,制定了疫情防 the requirements of local governments for epidemic prevention 控措施方案。在疫情期间储备足量的防疫 and control. During the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, 物资和消杀器具,员工入厂扫码登记测体 the Company had stocked adequate supplies and sterilization 温,所有员工在厂内佩戴口罩,休息室, devices, required all employees to scan QR codes for registration, 会议室、食堂等容易聚集的场所设专人消 test temperatures and wear masks once they entered factories, and 杀,食堂采用错时用餐,所有用餐员工保 arranged dedicated personnel for disinfection and sterilization in 持1米 以 上 距 离。办 公 楼 内 设 新 冠 隔 离 观 places such as lounge rooms, meeting rooms and dining rooms 察室,员工身体异常可及时隔离观察。员 where people are more likely to gather. The Company also set 工及其家属的出差及返程必须报备,经确 different time periods for employees to have meals in dining 认无疫情传播可能性后,经批准方可返回 rooms and required all employees having meals to maintain a 工作岗位。 distance above 1 meter from others. Isolated observation rooms were provided in the office building, so that employees could be isolated for observation timely in case of discomforts. Travel and return by employees and their families must be reported and may be approved to return to work only after being confirmed that there is no possibility for them to spread the epidemic. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 32 社會責任報告 2020 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 7. Development and Training 7. 发展及培训 In order to effectively respond to market competition and industry 为了有效地应对市场竞争和行业变化,我 changes and with the awareness of the importance of cultivating 们认识到培育人才及提升职业技能对员工 talents and enhancing professional skills to employees and 和企业都是至关重要的,因此我们鼓励员 an enterprise, we encourage employees to receive continuing 工参与职业继续教育和专业培训,如交易 vocational education and participate in professional training, such 所组织的董事会秘书任职资格和后续培 as the qualifications and follow-up training of secretary of the 训、上市公司财务总监后续培训、独立董 board organized by the Exchange, the follow-up training of the 事合规培训等,系统地学习掌握相关专业 listed company’s financial controllers, the independent directors’ 知识,为持续更新董事、监事、高级管理 compliance training, to systematically learn and master relevant 人员履职所需的知识与资讯、履职能力提 professional knowledge, which provides a practical guarantee for 供了切实的保障。 directors, supervisors, senior management to continuously update the knowledge and information required for their performance of duties as well as to enhance their ability to perform duties. In addition, to assist employees in continuously pursuing excellence 另外,为了协助员工能够在工作上不断追 in work and enhancing expertise, we will also offer support to 求卓越,并增进其专业知识,我们也会通 them through a variety of internal training programs, for example, 过各式各样的内部培训计划给予他们支 professional skill improvement trainings relating to quality 持。例 如 相 关 职 能 部 门 组 织 的 质 量 管 理 management system, special ultrasonic checkout equipment, high- 体系、超声波特种检测设备、高压试验操 pressure test operation, argon arc welding, fire safety, new safety 作、氩弧焊接、消防安全、新安全法、新 law, new product technology special effects, computer aided design 产品技术特效、CAD计算机辅助设计、ERP (CAD), ERP resource management system, office automation 资源管理系统、OA办公自动化系统、金蝶 system(OA), and Kingdee financial computerization software 财务电算化软件等职业技能提升培训。为 organized by relevant functional departments. Orientation courses 新入职员工提供的迎新课程,使他们能够 for new employees enable them to understand the business 了解业务营运及工作环境,尽快融入企业; operations and working environment and fit into the Company 定期为全体员工提供的企业文化宣讲课 as soon as possible.The Company also offers regular courses of 程,加深企业认同感,提振员工士气;此 corporate culture presentation for all employees to deepen the 外,我们发现员工因岗位职级、职业规划 sense of corporate identity and boost employee morale. Further, 不同而存在着个体需求差异,我们需要制 we found that employees in different post grades and with different 定的培训方案,为此我们制定了多元化培 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 33 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 career planning have different individual needs, for which we 训课程,并以业务研讨会、线上线下授课 need to develop a training scheme. We have designed diversified 等多种形式提供,涉及企业管理、职业健 training courses and provided them in various forms including 康与安全、服务品质提升、企业合规、技 business seminars and online and offline teaching, covering 术研发以及环境管理,涵盖从一线生产、 enterprise management, occupational health and safety, service 运营等基础人员到高级管理人员等不同工 quality improvement, corporate compliance, technology R&D, and 种、不同层级的员工。 environmental management and available for employees of different types of work and different levels from ordinary employees at the front-line production and operation to senior management. 8. Labour Standards 8. 劳工准则 The Company strictly follows the Labour Contract Law of the 本公司严格遵守中华人民共和国《劳动合 People’s Republic of China and other labour laws, regulations and 同法 》及其他人事法律法规和政策,坚持 policies, uphold equal and standardized employment, explicitly 平 等 雇 佣,规 范 用 工,明 确 禁 止 发 生“雇 prohibits child labour and forced labour, and strictly implements 佣童工”、“强制劳动”等情况,依法签订 the statutory holidays system,and stipulation of pay above normal 劳动合同;严格遵守中华人民共和国《劳 working hours. 动法 》,严格执行法定节假日休息制度和 高于正常工作时间的工资报酬规定。 During the year, the Group is not aware of any material violations of 于本年度,本集团并不知悉任何重大违反 laws and regulations relating to child labour and forced labour. 童工及强制劳工相关法律及法规的事宜。 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 34 社會責任報告 2020 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 9. Anti-corruption 9. 反贪污 In active response to the call of regulators on the construction of an 为积极响应监管机构关于建设“合规、诚 industry of “compliance, integrity, professionalism and stability”, 信、专 业、稳 健”的 行 业 文 化 之 号 召,本 the Group continues to establish systems in terms of combating 集团持续开展反腐倡廉(包括但不限于防 corruption and upholding integrity (including but not limited to 止贿赂、防止勒索以及防止欺诈等行为) bribery prevention, extortion prevention, and fraud prevention), 制度建设,不断加强恪守商业道德教育和 continuously strengthens the education on adherence to business 相关人员的管理,严格遵守中华人民共和 ethics and the management of relevant personnel and strictly abides 国《刑法 》《反贪污贿赂法 》《反洗钱法 》《招 by the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law 标投标法 》及《防止贿赂条例 》等相关法例, of the People’s Republic of China on Anti-Corruption and Anti- 对贿赂、勒索、欺诈及洗黑钱等不法行为 bribery, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Anti-money 始终采取零容忍。我们要求员工及供应商 Laundering, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Tenders, 廉洁自律,始终秉持诚信正直和公平竞争 Bids,the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance and other relevant laws. 的理念,坚决杜绝业务运营中发生任何贿 The Group always has zero tolerance for bribery, extortion, fraud, 赂和贪污行为。为提高透明度及整体道德 money laundering and other illegal behaviors. We require our 标准,协助员工更加了解公司对反贪的要 employees and suppliers to be incorruptible and self-disciplined, 求,提高防范意识,我们已在《员工手册 》 always uphold the concept of integrity and fair competition, 中规定反贪污政策及监控措施,包括对员 and resolutely prevent any bribery and corruption in business 工及供应商贿赂之定义及情景描述,例如 operations. For the purpose of enhancing transparency and overall 收受礼物和小费等,以协助并指导员工知 ethical standards, helping employees obtain an better understanding 悉反贪污的要求,以及如何在日常营运中 of the Company’s anti-corruption requirements, improving 防止发生贪污行为,任何员工在业务过程 prevention awareness, we have specified anti-corruption policies 中向供货商要求或从供货商收受礼品(不 and monitoring measures in the employee manual, including the 论以金钱或任何其他方式)将可能会面临 definition and scenario description of bribery of employees and 纪律处分,甚至是解雇。 suppliers, for example, gifts and tips receiving, to assist and let employees to be informed of anti-corruption requirements, and methods to prevent corruption in daily operations. Any employee who requests or accepts gifts (money or in any other form) from suppliers in business courses may be subject to disciplinary sanction or even dismissal. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 35 Social Responsibilities 社会责任 In a bid to standardize the code of conduct of employees and create 为规范员工行为准则,营造风清气正、积 a positive and initiative working atmosphere, the Group amended 极向上的工作氛围,本报告期内,本集团 and improved such internal monitoring rules as the Code of 组织对《员工手册 》《员工行为准则 》《举报 Conduct for Employees, the Reporting and Complaint Management 及投诉管理制度 》和《反舞弊管理制度 》等 System, and the Anti-fraud Management System, and cultivated the 内控制度进行了完善修订,并通过开展廉 sense of social responsibility and legal consciousness of employees 洁案例宣贯教育,培养员工的社会责任感 and encouraged employees and relevant stakeholders to report 和法律意识,鼓励员工及相关利益方举报 misconduct in any form by launching propaganda of integrity cases 任何形式的不当行为。 during the report period. 10. Community Investment 10. 社区投资 The Group is well aware that the long-term development of an 本集团深知企业的长远发展离不开来自社 enterprise cannot materialize without the support and engagement 会各方的支持与参与,作为和谐社会的参 of all parties in the society. As the participant and co-builder of 与者和共建者,我们常怀感恩之心,积极 a harmonious society, we are always grateful, actively give back 回报社会,鼓励引导员工参与社会公益性 to the society and encourage and guide employees to participate 志愿服务。动员干部员工响应监管机构和 in social welfare voluntary services. We mobilize management 股东单位牵头组织的各类公益项目,例如 personnel to involve in various public welfare projects led by 一帮一扶贫行动、爱心献血、公益募捐、 regulators and shareholders, for example, one-to-one poverty 关爱福利院孤儿和孤寡老人等社区活动。 alleviation, blood donation, public donation, care for orphans and 本报告期内,子公司阜新母线组织了帮扶 the elderly in welfare homes, and other community activities. 员工大病爱心捐款活动,公司上下齐心协 During the reporting period, with concerted efforts, we launched 力帮助患病员工家庭纾解就医和生活困 donations to employees with serious illness, and helped their 难,坚定生活信心,早日度过难关。 families overcome difficulties in their living and access to medical care, enhance their confidence in life and get through hard times as early as possible. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 36 社會責任報告 2020 Corporate Governance 企业管治 The Group has been actively enhancing its corporate governance structure 本集团严格按照中华人民共和国《公司法 》和《证 and standardizing its operations through strictly complying with relevant 券法 》等有关规定,积极完善公司法人管治结构, provisions such as the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China 规范公司运作。本公司董事会致力继续提高企业 and the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Board of 管治的水平,幷坚信良好的企业管治是本集团业 the Company is committed to maintaining a high standard of corporate 务的长远成功及可持续发展关键之点。 governance, and believes that good corporate governance practices are crucial to the success and sustainable development of the Company’s business in the long run. During the reporting period, the Group has fully complied with all code 在报告期内,本集团同样全面遵守《深圳证券交 provisions set out in the Guidelines of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange 易所上市公司规范运作指引 》《香港联合交易所 for Standardized Operation of Listed Companies and the Corporate 证券上市规则 》附录十四《企业管治守则 》及《企 Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report in Appendix 14 to the 业管治报告 》的规定,并在适当的情况下采纳其 Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong 中所载的建议最佳常规。 Kong Limited and, where appropriate, adopted the recommended best practices as specified therein. To protect the interests of the Group and the shareholders while enhancing 为保障本集团及股东利益及提升公司价值,本集 the corporate value, the Group has been adopting a sound structure, good 团一直以来奉行良好的企业管治架构实务及程 practices and proper procedures of corporate governance. The Board of 序。董事会是本公司的最高管理机构,现由六名 Directors, now comprised of six executive directors and three independent 执 行 董 事 及 三 名 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 组 成。本 年 度 non-executive directors, is the highest governing body of our Group. 内,及时增补董事,在董事会中引进三名具有酒 During the year, the directorships were filled promptly. The Group included 店业务背景的董事和委任一名具有会计和财务管 three directors who have experience of hospitality business and appointed 理专长的独立董事,有利于打造董事成员多元化 an independent non-executive director who has experience in accounting 的管治环境。 and financial management, which is favorable to create a governance environment featuring with board diversity. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 37 Corporate Governance 企业管治 In strict compliance with good corporate governance principles, the Board 董事会坚守良好的企业管治原则,董事会主席负 has clear division of responsibilities. The Chairman is responsible for the 责管理及领导董事会,确保本集团维持强而有效 management and leadership of the Board to ensure that our Group maintains 的企业管治实务及程序。董事会主席祝捷先生兼 strong and effective corporate governance practices and procedure. The 任总裁,负责本集团业务之日常管理运作,于董 duties of General Manager are performed by Mr. Zhu Jie, the Chairman, 事会其他成员及其他高级管理层之协助下,紧密 and is responsible for the daily management and operation of our Group’s 监控本集团之营运及财务业绩,找出经营中不足 business, who, with the assistance of other Board members and other 之处,幷作出所有必需及适当行动改善该等不足, senior management members, closely monitors the operation and financial 其亦负责订立本集团未来业务计划及策略,待董 results of our Group, identifies the operational deficiencies and carries 事会批准。董事会之下已设战略发展委员会、投 out all necessary and appropriate actions to correct such deficiencies. The 资管理委员会、薪酬委员会、提名委员会及审计 Chief Executive Officer is also responsible for formulating our Group’s 审核委员会,并根据实际情况,及时调整委员会 future business plans and strategies which are subject to the Board’s 成员,为充分发挥委员会在公司管治方面职能方 approval. There are the Strategic Development Committee, the Investment 面奠定基础。各委员会根据其所属职权范围,定 Management Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Nomination 期评估及审查其工作的有效性。 Committee and the Audit Committee under the Board, the membership of which will be adjusted in time based on actual circumstances, so as to lay a foundation to give a full play of their functions regarding corporate governance. Each committee regularly evaluates and reviews the effectiveness of its work in accordance with its terms of reference. During the reporting period, the Board of the Company has strictly observed 在报告期内,本公司董事会严格遵守法律及监管 the policies and practices stipulated by laws and regulatory requirements, 规定方面的政策及常规,幷以此制定及修订公司 and also formulated and amended its regulations with reference to those 规章制度,不断完善企业管治政策及常规,持续 policies and practices, with an aim to perfect our corporate governance 关注董事及高级管理人员的培训及持续专业发展, policies and practices. The Company continues to focus on the training and 幷积极开展内部审查整改工作,以提高公司管治 continuing professional development of directors and senior management, 水平。 and actively carries out internal review and rectification work to improve the Company’s governance. The Group reviews the Governance Code in a timely manner to strengthen 本集团会适时检视管治守则,强化内部监控、完 the internal control and improve the prevention and management of risks. 善风险防范与管理,确保符合最新的监管要求。 Compliance with the latest regulatory requirements is thus ensured. For 有关本集团更详尽的企业管治政策和程序及其他 more detailed corporate governance policies and procedures of our Group 数据,请参阅本公司2020年年报内所载之有关公 and other information, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report set 司治理的企业管治报告。 out in the Annual Report 2020 of our Company. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 38 社會責任報告 2020 Corporate Governance 企业管治 Ⅴ. NotesbytheBoardonthe“non-standardauditreport”issued 五、 董事会对会计师事务所本报告期“非标准 by the accounting firm for the reporting period 审计报告”的说明 The Company engaged Mazars as the auditor of the Company for 东北电气聘请中审众环为公司2020年度审 the year of 2020. Mazars has issued the unqualified audit report 计机构,中审众环为公司2020年度财务报 with paragraphs regarding material uncertainties on the ability to 告出具了带持续经营重大不确定性段落的 continue as a going concern for the 2020 financial report of the 无保留意见的审计报告。 Company. Special notes by the Board on matters related to non-standard audit 董事会关于对非标准审计意见涉及事项的 opinions 专项说明 Matters involved in audit opinions 审计意见涉及事项的内容 (1) Domestic auditor Mazars Certified Public Accountants LLP (1) 境内审计机构中审众环会计师事务 is of the view that: 所(特殊普通合伙)认为: Material uncertainties related to going concern: We 与持续经营相关的重大不确定 draw the attention of users of financial statements to the 性:我 们 提 醒 财 务 报 表 使 用 者 关 information as set forth in Note 2 to the financial statements 注,如 财 务 报 表 附 註 二、2所 述, that, the Company recorded accumulated net loss of RMB- 东 北 电 气2020年 末 累 计 净 亏 损- 1,995,343,315.68 and equity attributable to shareholders of 1,995,343,315.68元,归 属 于 母 the parent of RMB-187,420,368.40 at the end of 2020. As 公 司 股 东 权 益-187,420,368.40 of 31 December 2020, the current liabilities of the Company 元,且 截 至2020年12月31日,东 were RMB145,543,698.50 higher than its current assets. In 北电气流动负债高于流动资产 the meanwhile, the Company faced a compensation amount 145,543,698.50元。同 时 东 北 电 气 of RMB94 million for settled lawsuits. Such matters or 面 临 已 决 诉 讼 的 赔 偿 金 额0.94亿 situations indicate the existence of material uncertainties 元,这些事项或情况,表明存在可 that could lead to significant doubts about the Company’s 能导致对东北电气持续经营能力产 ability to continue as a going concern. This matter does not 生重大疑虑的重大不确定性。该事 have effects on the issued audit opinions. 项不影响已发表的审计意见。 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 39 Corporate Governance 企业管治 (2) The overseas auditor Mazars CPA Limited is of the view (2) 境外审计机构中审众环(香港)会计 that: 师事务所有限公司认为: Material uncertainties related to going concern: 与持续经营相关的重大不确定性: We draw attention to Note 2 to the consolidated financial 我 们 提 请 注 意,综 合 财 务 报 表 附 註2有 关 statements concerning the adoption of the going concern 采纳编制综合财务报表时所依据的持续 basis on which the consolidated financial statements have 经 营 基 准。贵 集 团 截 至2020年12月31日 的 been prepared. The Group had net current liabilities and net 流动负债净额及负债净额分别为人民币 liabilities of RMB145,543,000 and RMB185,229,000 as at 145,543,000元 及 人 民 币185,229,000元。 31 December 2020 respectively. These conditions, along 该等情况及综合财务报表附註2所载的其 with other matters as set forth in Note 2 to the consolidated 他事项显示存在重大不确定性,或会对贵 financial statements, indicate that a material uncertainty 集团的持续经营能力产生重大怀疑。经考 exists that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability 虑贵集团采取的措施后,董事认为贵集团 to continue as a going concern. The directors, having 将有能力持续经营。我们就此事项的意见 considered the measures being taken by the Group, are of 並无作出修改。 the opinion that the Group would be able to continue as a going concern. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 40 社會責任報告 2020 Corporate Governance 企业管治 The Board’s opinion on such matter and specific measures to 董事会对该事项的意见及消除该事项及其 eliminate the matter and its influence 影响的具体措施 The Board of the Company believes that the aforesaid audit 公司董事会认为,上述审计意见客观和真 opinions gave a true and fair view of the Company’s actual financial 实地反映了公司实际的财务状况,揭示了 position and disclosed the risks in the continuing operations of 公司存在的持续经营风险。在评估本集团 the Company. While evaluating whether the Group has sufficient 是否有足够财务资源以持续经营为基础 financial resources to continue as a going concern, the Group 继续经营时,已考虑到未来流动性及其可 has taken into account the future liquidity and its source for 用资金来源。为增强持续发展能力和盈利 funds available. In order to enhance the Company’s sustainable 能力,改善资产质量,促进长远、健康发 development capability and profitability, improve asset quality, 展,争取撤销退市风险警示,公司拟采取 promote its long-term and healthy development and strive to 以下措施改善持续经营能力: cancel the risk warning of delisting, the Company plans to take the following measures to improve its ability to continue as a going concern: 1. In early 2021, Beijing Haihongyuan, the parent of the 1、 2021年初,本集团之母公司北京海 Group, has issued a letter of commitment in respect to 鸿源已出具提供财务支持的承诺 financial support and undertakes to unconditionally provide 函,在承诺函出具之日起两年内, financial support for the Group, including providing 承诺无条件为本集团提供财务支 funds, guarantees and otherwise to assist the Group in 持,包括以提供资金、担保等方式 the replenishment of working capital, within two years 协助本集团补充营运资金。目前, from the issue date of the letter of commitment. Currently, 公司全资子公司沈阳凯毅电气有限 Shenyang Kaiyi Electric Co., Ltd. (“Shenyang Kaiyi”), a 公司(“沈阳凯毅”)已与北京海鸿源 wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, has entered into 签署借款合同,2021年度北京海鸿 a loan contract with Beijing Haihongyuan. In 2021, Beijing 源继续向沈阳凯毅出借余额最高不 Haihongyuan will continue to lend a loan with a maximum 超 过5,000万 元 的 借 款,用 于 支 持 balance of no more than RMB50 million to Shenyang Kaiyi 公司生产经营。 to support the production and operations of the latter. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 41 Corporate Governance 企业管治 2. The Company will further optimise the governance 2、 进 一 步 完 善 上 市 公 司 治 理 结 构, structure of the listed company, facilitate the management 推动管理团队转变思维,积极开拓 team to change their mindset and vigorously blaze new 创新、开源节流,激发管理团队活 trails in a pioneering spirit and raise income and reduce 力、干劲和创造力,通过开拓新市 expenditure. Additionally, it will stimulate the vitality, 场、发展新客户,推动业务转型发 enthusiasm and creativity of the management team, drive 展,提高产品创新能力。 business transformation by expanding new markets and developing new customers, and enhance the product innovation capability. 3. Financing channels in the capital market will be fully 3、 充分利用资本市场融资渠道。公司 utilised. Relevant subsidiaries of the Company feature a 旗下相关子公司拥有良好银行信用 favorable credit profile in the bank and financing records 和融资记录,具备融资能力,且报 and have the ability to raise capital. Besides, they had 告期内还清银行借款,后期可视自 paid loans off in the reporting period. They can apply for 身业务扩张需要,申请银行授信和 bank credits and loans in accordance with their business 贷 款 支 持。2020年2月14日,中 国 expansion. Requirements for the non-public offering of 证监会发布新修订的《上市公司证 A shares by listed companies are loosened, according 券发行管理办法》,新规放宽了对 to the newly revised Administrative Measures for the 上 市 公 司 非 公 开 发 行A股 的 要 求, Issuance of Securities by Listed Companies released by the 同 时 东 北 电 气 作 为H股 上 市 公 司, China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on 14 可以由年度股东大会授权董事会增 February 2020. Meanwhile, the Company, as an H-share 发H股20%。因此,尽管目前存在间 listed company, can conduct a seasoned equity offering 接控股股东海航集团及其关连方重 of 20% of its H shares upon authorisation by the Board at 整能否成功的不确定风险,上市公 the annual general meeting. Thus, the listed company can 司仍可以充分利用两地资本市场平 still fully utilise financing policies for the capital market to 台的融资政策,探讨通过可能的融 probe into possible financing methods, though whether the 资方式,引进战略投资者,优化股 restructuring of the indirect controlling shareholder, HNA 权结构,募集用于支持业务转型、 Group, and its related parties will be successful remains 补充日常经营所需营运资金,积极 uncertain. It can attract strategic investors, optimise the 拓展新业务板块,增强公司的核心 equity structure, raise working capital to support business 竞争力和可持续发展能力。 transformation and supplement routine operations, actively expand new business segments and reinforce the core competitiveness and sustainability of the Company. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 42 社會責任報告 2020 Corporate Governance 企业管治 4. Market demands in all aspects significantly recover 4、 随着全球疫情影响的逐渐消退,借 from the same period of last year, along with the gradual 助“十四五”规划开局之年的春风, disappearance of the global COVID-19 pandemic and 各方面市场需求同比明显回升,有 thanks to the opportunities in the first year of the “14th Five- 利于公司全面恢复和提升主营业 year Plan”, favorable for the Company to fully recover and 务。根据市场变化和需求,积极调 improve its main businesses. The business structure will be 整业务结构,加速向现代服务产业 conscientiously adjusted in line with market changes and 转型进程,优化整体布局;开发新 demands. The Company will accelerate its transformation 客户群体,完善和强化销售体系, to the modern service industry and optimise its overall 做大做强主营业务收入规模。 layout. Furthermore, it will develop new customer bases, perfect and consolidate its sales system and build up the income scale of its main businesses. 5. To open up new development space, the Company will 5、 为寻求发展新空间,公司将继续以 continue to regard its subsidiary, Hainan Garden Lane 子公司海南逸唐飞行酒店管理有限 Flight Hotel Management Co., Ltd., as a platform to expand 公司为平台,研究探索发展壮大业 its business segments, further leverage strengths in market 务模块,进一步借助大股东在酒店 resources, talent advantage and outstanding brand value of 上下游行业的市场资源、人才优势 the substantial shareholder in upstream and downstream 和突出的品牌价值,积极开展酒店 hotel industries to actively conduct hotel business. New 类业务,在巩固存量业务规模基础 business will be earnestly developed, while consolidating 上,积极拓展增量业务,使上市公 the existing business scale. Thus, the business scope of 司的业务范围得到扩充,资产组合 the listed company will be expanded. The asset portfolio 结构得到改善,为上市公司的持续 structure will be improved. New vitality will be injected 经营注入新的活力。 into the continuing operation of the listed company. 6. The Company will proactively mobilise and tap into its own 6、 积 极 调 动 和 深 入 挖 掘 自 身 资 源, resources, intensify overall budget management and cost 加强全面预算管理和成本管控,严 control, strictly control expenditure, reduce operating costs 格控制各项费用支出,降低经营成 and maximise the profitability of main business. 本,最大限度提高主营业务盈利水 平。 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 43 Corporate Governance 企业管治 7. The receivable of RMB13.04 million from the Haizhou 7、 应收阜新市海州区房屋征收办公室 House Expropriation Office of Fuxin is the land 1,304万 元 系 子 公 司 阜 新 封 闭 母 线 compensation for the South Plant of Fuxin Enclosed Busbar 有限责任公司南厂区土地征收款, Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company. The Company will 2021年争取全额回款以补充本集团 endeavor to recover the full amount in 2021 to supplement 流动资金需求。 the demand for working capital of the Group. 8、 严格按照上市公司规范运作的要 8. In strict accordance with the Standardised Operation of 求,不断提高工作标准和完善内部 Listed Companies, the Company will keep upgrading 控 制 体 系,建 立 健 全 企 业 运 营 组 its working standards and improving its internal control 织机构,不断完善各项内部控制制 system, establish a sound operation organisation across the 度,加强风险控制措施,降低公司 Group and strengthen internal control policies. Besides, 经营风险,使公司的内控制度更具 it will develop robust risk control measures to mitigate 有可操作性,杜绝有损上市公司及 operating risks and create a more feasible internal control 股东利益的情况发生,争取实现公 system. It will eradicate the incidents that may damage the 司经营目标。 interests of the listed company and shareholders and strive to achieve its operating targets. Through the above measures, the Company’s management 通过以上措施,管理层认为以持续 considers that it is reasonable to prepare the financial 经营为基础编制本财务报表是合理 statements on a going concern basis. The Board has made 的。董事会对本集团的持续经营能 a full and detailed assessment of the Group’s ability to 力也进行了充分详尽的评估,包括 continue as a going concern, including reviewing the 审阅管理层编制的本集团未来12个 Group’s working capital forecast for the next 12 months 月的营运资金预测,认为本集团可 compiled by the management. It is believed that the Group 以获取足够的融资来源,以保证营 can obtain sufficient sources of financing to ensure the need 运资金和资本开支的需要,认同管 for working capital and capital expenditure. The Board 理层以持续经营为基础编制本财务 recognised the compilation of these financial statements on 报表。 a going concern basis by the management. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 44 社會責任報告 2020 Corporate Governance 企业管治 The Board will continue to pay attention to and supervise 董事会将持续关注並监督公司管理 the management of the Company so that they take proactive 层积极采取有效措施,提升公司持 and effective measures to improve the Company’s ability 续经营能力,维护公司和广大投资 to continue as a going concern and safeguard the legitimate 者的合法权益。 rights and interests of the Company and investors. Northeast Electric Development Co., Ltd. 东北电气发展股份有限公司 29 March 2021 二〇二一年三月二十九日 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 45 GUIDELINES AND INDEX OF THIS REPORT 本报告指引及索引 The Company has complied with the “comply or explain” provisions set 本公司已遵守《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上 out in the ESG Reporting Guide in Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing the 市规则 》附录二十七《环境、社会及管治报告指引 》 Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The 所载的“不遵守就解释”条文,下表为汇报守规情 table below sets forth an overview of our compliance with the provisions. 况的概要。 Areas, Aspects, KPIs “Comply or explain” Provisions Reference 范围、层面及关键绩效指标 “不遵守就解释”条文 page 参考页码 AEnvironmental A环境 Aspect A1 Emissions 层面A1 排放物 General Disclosure Information on:(a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations 5-6 一般披露 that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to air and greenhouse gas emissions,discharges into water and land, and generation of hazardous and non- hazardous waste. 有关废气及温室气体排放、向水及土地的排污、有害及无害废弃物的产生等 的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料 KPI A1.1 The types of emissions and respective emissions data. 7 关键绩效指标A1.1 排放物种类及相关排放数据 KPI A1.2 Greenhouse gas emissions in total (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per 8-10 关键绩效指标A1.2 unit of production volume, per facility). 温室气体总排放量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施 计算) KPI A1.3 Total hazardous waste produced(in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per 12 关键绩效指标A1.3 unit of production volume, per facility). 所产生有害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项 设施计算) KPI A1.4 Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity 13 关键绩效指标A1.4 (e.g.per unit of production volume, per facility). 所产生无害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项 设施计算) SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 46 社會責任報告 2020 GUIDELINES AND INDEX OF THIS REPORT 本报告指引及索引 Areas, Aspects, KPIs “Comply or explain” Provisions Reference 范围、层面及关键绩效指标 “不遵守就解释”条文 page 参考页码 KPI A1.5 Description of measures to mitigate emissions and results achieved. 14-15 关键绩效指标A1.5 描述减低排放量的措施及所得成果 KPI A1.6 Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, 14-15 关键绩效指标A1.6 reductioninitiatives and results achieved. 描述处理有害及无害废弃物的方法、减低产生量的措施及所得成果 Aspect A2 Use of Resources 层面A2 资源使用 General Disclosure Policies on the efficient use of resources, including energy, water and other 16 一般披露 rawmaterials. 有效使用资源(包括能源、水及其他原材料)的政策 KPI A 2.1 Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in 16 关键绩效指标A 2.1 total(kWh in ’000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). 按类型划分的直接及/间接能源(如电、气或油)总耗量(以千个千瓦时计算) 及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算) KPI A 2.2 Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per 16 关键绩效指标A 2.2 facility). 总耗水量及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算) KPI A 2.3 Description of energy use efficiency initiatives and results achieved. 17-18 关键绩效指标A 2.3 描述能源使用效益计划及所得成果 KPI A 2.4 Description of whether there is any issue in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water 18-19 关键绩效指标A 2.4 efficiency initiatives and results achieved. 描述求取适用水源上可有任何问题,以及提升用水效益计划及所得成果 KPI A 2.5 Total packaging material used for finished products (in tonnes) and, if applicable, 20 关键绩效指标A 2.5 withreference to per unit produced. 制成品所用包装材料的总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)每生产单位占量 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 47 GUIDELINES AND INDEX OF THIS REPORT 本报告指引及索引 Areas, Aspects, KPIs “Comply or explain” Provisions Reference 范围、层面及关键绩效指标 “不遵守就解释”条文 page 参考页码 Aspect A3 The Environment and Natural Resources 层面A3 环境及天然资源 General Disclosure Policies on minimising the issuer’s significant impact on the environment and natural 21-22 一般披露 resources. 减低发行人对环境及天然资源造成重大影响的政策 KPI A3.1 Description of the significant impacts of activities on the environment and natural 21-22 关键绩效指标A3.1 resources and the actions taken to manage them. 描述业务活动对环境及天然资源的重大影响及已采取管理有关影响的行动 B Social B社会 Aspect B1 Employment 层面B1 雇佣 General Disclosure Information on:(a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations 29-30 一般披露 that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working hours, rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and other benefits and welfare. 有关薪酬及解雇、招聘及晋升、工作时数、假期、平等机会、多元化、反歧 视以及其他待遇及福利的:(a) 政策;及(b) 遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关 法律及规例的资料 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 48 社會責任報告 2020 GUIDELINES AND INDEX OF THIS REPORT 本报告指引及索引 Areas, Aspects, KPIs “Comply or explain” Provisions Reference 范围、层面及关键绩效指标 “不遵守就解释”条文 page 参考页码 Aspect B2 Health and Safety 层面B2 健康与安全 General Disclosure Information on:(a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations 30-31 一般披露 that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to providing a safe working environment and protecting employees from occupational hazards. 有关提供安全工作环境及保障雇员避免职业性危害的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守 对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料 Aspect B3 Development and Training 层面B3 发展及培训 General Disclosure Policies on improving employees’ knowledge and skills for discharging duties at work. 32-33 一般披露 Description of training activities. 有关提升雇员履行工作职责的知识及技能的政策。描述培训活动。 Aspect B4 Labour Standards 层面B4 劳工准则 General Disclosure Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations 33 一般披露 that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to preventing child and forced labour.有关防止童工或强制劳工的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守对发行人有重大影响 的相关法律及规例的资料 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2020 社會責任報告 2020 49 GUIDELINES AND INDEX OF THIS REPORT 本报告指引及索引 Areas, Aspects, KPIs “Comply or explain” Provisions Reference 范围、层面及关键绩效指标 “不遵守就解释”条文 page 参考页码 Aspect B5 Supply Chain Management 层面B5 供应链管理 General Disclosure Policies on managing environmental and social risks of the supply chain. 27-28 一般披露 管理供应链的环境及社会风险政策 Aspect B6 Product Responsibility 层面B6 产品责任 General Disclosure Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations 23-25 一般披露 that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to health and safety, advertising, labelling and privacy matters relating to products and services provided and methods of redress. 有关所提供产品和服务的健康与安全、广告宣传品、标签及私隐事宜以及补 救方法的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料。 Aspect B7 Anti-corruption 层面B7 反贪污 General Disclosure Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations 34-35 一般披露 that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering. 有关防止贿赂、勒索、欺诈及洗黑钱的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守对发行人有重大 影响的相关法律及规例的资料。 Aspect B8 Community Investment 层面B8 社区投资 General Disclosure Policies on community engagement to understand the needs of the communities 35-37 一般披露 where the issuer operates and to ensure its activities take into consideration the communities’interests. 有关以社区参与来了解营运所在社区需要和确保其业务活动会考虑社区利益 的政策 東北電氣發展股份有限公司