Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited Abstract of Semi-annual Report 2016 Stock code: 000596, 200596 Stock name: Gujing Distillery, Gujing Distillery B Announcement No.: 2016-024 Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited Abstract of Semi-annual Report 2016 1. Important notes The Abstract is based on the full text of the semi-annual report. For more details, investors are suggested to read the full text disclosed at the same time with the Abstract on, the website of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange or any other websites designated by the CSRC. The Abstract has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. Corporate profile Gujing Distillery, Gujing Stock name Stock code 000596, 200596 Distillery B Stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange Contact information Board Secretary Securities Representative Name Ye Changqing Ma Junwei Tel. (0558)5712231 (0558)5710057 Fax (0558)5317706 (0558)5317706 E-mail 2. Financial highlights and shareholder changes (1) Financial highlights Whether the Company performs any retroactive adjustments to or restatements of its accounting data of last year due to change in accounting policies or correction of accounting errors □ Yes √ No Reporting Period Same period of last year +/- (%) Operating revenues (RMB) 3,045,034,706.73 2,713,042,828.92 12.24% Net profit attributable to shareholders of 431,055,462.62 380,504,804.17 13.29% the Company (RMB) Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company after excluding exceptional 423,236,352.49 368,258,604.21 14.93% profit and loss (RMB) Net cash flows from operating activities 326,112,612.99 336,217,657.83 -3.01% (RMB) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.86 0.76 13.16% Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.86 0.76 13.16% Weighted average return on equity (%) 8.54% 8.75% -0.21% As at the end of the As at the end of last year +/- (%) Reporting Period Total assets (RMB) 8,762,569,335.47 7,183,147,641.13 21.99% Net assets attributable to shareholders of 5,196,297,183.36 4,833,721,630.08 7.50% the Company (RMB) (2) Shareholdings of the top 10 ordinary shareholders Unit: share Total number of ordinary 19,231 1 Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited Abstract of Semi-annual Report 2016 shareholders at the end of the Reporting Period Shareholdings of the top 10 ordinary shareholders Number of Pledged or frozen shares Name of Nature of Shareholding Number of restricted ordinary ordinary shareholder shareholder percentage shares held Status Number shares held ANHUI GUJING State-owned GROUP 53.89% 271,404,022 Pledged 114,000,000 corporation COMPANY LIMITED GAOLING Foreign 2.47% 12,446,408 FUND,L.P. corporation NORGES Foreign 2.43% 12,217,246 BANK corporation UBS Foreign (LUXEMBOUR 2.41% 12,150,199 corporation G) S.A. GREENWOOD S CHINA Foreign ALPHA 1.71% 8,627,598 corporation MASTER FUND CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET State-owned 1.30% 6,543,600 MANAGEMEN corporation T CO., LTD. CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HONG Foreign 1.13% 5,684,059 KONG corporation SECURITIES LTD CHINA CONSTRUCTI ON BANK CORPORATIO N - E-FUND NEW SILK ROAD Other 0.79% 4,000,000 FLEXIBLE CONFIGURATI ON HYBRID SECURITIES INVESTMENT FUNDS GOLDEN CHINA Foreign 0.75% 3,786,434 MASTER corporation FUND 3W GREATER Foreign CHINA FOCUS 0.70% 3,529,479 corporation FUND Among the shareholders above, the Company’s controlling shareholder—Anhui Gujing Group Company Limited—is not a related party of other shareholders; nor are they parties acting in concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Related or act-in-concert parties Shareholding of Listed Companies. As for the other shareholders, the Company does not know among the shareholders above whether they are related parties or whether they belong to parties acting in concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies. 2 Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited Abstract of Semi-annual Report 2016 Shareholders conducting N/A securities margin trading (if any) (3) Shareholdings of the top 10 preference shareholders □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. (4) Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 3. Discussion and analysis by the management 2016 has continued to see obvious downward pressure on China’s economy, with complexity and volatility in the environment at home and abroad. Despite signs of recovery in the distilled spirits industry, which had been in hibernation, the industry as a whole is still going through deep change with continuous pressure. Under the common efforts of the Board and all the other staff, for the six months from January to June 2016, we achieved operating revenues of RMB3.045 billion, up 12.24% year on year; and net profit of RMB431 million, representing a year-on-year growth of 13.29%. As such, the operating goals that we had set for the first half of 2016 at the beginning of the year were all accomplished. To achieve that, we took the following main measures in the reporting period: ① following a strategy of “from the high-end market to other markets, from the international market to the domestic market” to extend our brand influence; ② optimizing our market competitive strategy through pushing forward the campaign to bring our products to more channels, stores and consumers as well as through expanding our marketing channels to low-tier cities; ③ further improving our brewing technique to increase our product quality; ④ pushing forward market internalization, reforming our management methods and optimizing our human resource; and ⑤ accelerating automation, informatization and intelligentization through the “5.0” strategy. 4. Matters related to financial reporting (1) Explain any changes in the accounting policies, accounting estimates and measurement methods as compared with the financial reporting of last year □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. (2) Explain any retroactive restatements due to correction of significant accounting errors in the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. (3) Explain any changes in the consolidation scope as compared with the financial reporting of last year √ Applicable □ Not applicable 3 Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited Abstract of Semi-annual Report 2016 Main Holding percentage (%) Registration Nature of Name operating Way of gaining place business Directly Indirectly place Bozhou gujinggong Bozhou, Bozhou, Business 100.00 Investment Marketing Anhui Anhui trading Co. Ltd. Wuhan Pride Yellow Crane Wuhan, Wuhan, Business combination not Tower Production 51.00 Hubei Hubei under the same control Distillery Co., Ltd. (4) Explanation of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors concerning the “non-standard” auditor’s report issued by the CPAs firm for the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4