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						Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited

          Annual Report 2019

                April 2020
Gujinggong Liquor     Aged Original Liquor                                             Annual Report 2019

         The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the
         directors, supervisors and senior management of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company
         Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality,
         accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall
         be jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentations, misleading statements or
         material omissions therein.
         Liang Jinhui, the legal representative, Ye Changqing, the Chief Accountant, and Zhu
         Jiafeng, the head of the financial department (equivalent to financial manager)
         hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in this Report are factual,
         accurate and complete.
         All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this
         Report and its summary.
         Any plans for the future and other forward-looking statements mentioned in this
         Report shall NOT be considered as absolute promises of the Company to investors.
         Investors, among others, shall be sufficiently aware of the risk and shall differentiate
         between plans/forecasts and promises. Again, investors are kindly reminded to pay
         attention to possible investment risks.
         The Board has approved a final dividend plan as follows: based on the Company’s
         total shares on 31 December 2019, a cash dividend of RMB15.00 (tax inclusive) per 10
         shares is to be distributed to the shareholders, with no bonus issue from either profit
         or capital reserves.
         This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English.
         Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions,
         the Chinese versions shall prevail.

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Gujinggong Liquor     Aged Original Liquor                          Annual Report 2019

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions     2

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information   5

Part III Business Summary                                     10

Part IV Management Discussion and Analysis                    11

Part V Significant Events                                     28

Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information             42

Part VII Preferred Shares                                     48

Part VIII Convertible bonds                                   49

Part IX Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff   50

Part X Corporate Governance                                   58

Part XI Corporate Bonds                                       65

Part XII Financial Statements                                 66

Part XIII Documents Available for Reference                   253

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Gujinggong Liquor          Aged Original Liquor                                                        Annual Report 2019


                          Term                                                    Definition

                                                  Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited inclusive of its consolidated
   The “Company”, “ Gu Jing” or “we”
                                                  subsidiaries, except where the context otherwise requires

                                                  Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited exclusive of subsidiaries,
   The Company as the parent
                                                  except where the context otherwise requires

   Gujing Group                                   Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.

   Yellow Crane Tower                             Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.

                                                         ~ 4 ~
Gujinggong Liquor             Aged Original Liquor                                                            Annual Report 2019

         Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

Stock name                               Gujing Distillery, Gujing Distillery-B

Stock code                               000596, 200596

Stock exchange for stock listing         Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company name in Chinese                  安徽古井贡酒股份有限公司

Abbr.                                    古井

Company name in English (if any)         ANHUI GUJING DISTILLERY COMPANY LIMITED

Abbr. (if any)                           GU JING

Legal representative                     Liang Jinhui

Registered address                       Gujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, P.R.China

Zip code                                 236820

Office address                           Gujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, P.R.China

Zip code                                 236820

Company website                          http://www.gujing.com

Email address                            gjzqb@gujing.com.cn

II Contact Information

                                                             Board Secretary                          Securities Representative

Name                                            Ye Changqing                                Mei Jia

                                                Gujing     Town,   Bozhou   City,   Anhui   Gujing    Town,     Bozhou    City,    Anhui
                                                Province, P.R.China                         Province, P.R.China

Tel.                                            (0558)5712231                             (0558)5710057

Fax                                             (0558)5710099                             (0558)5710099

Email address                                   gjzqb@gujing.com.cn                         gjzqb@gujing.com.cn

III Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report Is Lodged

Newspapers       designated   by   the   Company     for
                                                            China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Ta Kung Pao (HK)
information disclosure

Website designated by CSRC for publication of this          http://www.cninfo.com.cn

                                                               ~ 5 ~
Gujinggong Liquor              Aged Original Liquor                                                           Annual Report 2019

Place where this Report is lodged                            The Board Secretary’s Office

IV Change to Company Registered Information

Unified social credit code                               913400001519400083

Change to principal activity of the Company
                                                         No change
since going public (if any)

Every change of controlling shareholder since
                                                         No change
incorporation (if any)

V Other Information

The independent audit firm hired by the Company:

Name                                      RSM China

                                          Suite 901-22 to 901-26, Wai Jing Mao Building (Tower 1), No. 22 Fuchengmen Wai Street,
Office address
                                          Xicheng District, Beijing, China

Accountants writing signatures            Fu jinyong, Bao guangrong, Jiang jieyu

The independent sponsor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The independent financial advisor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

□ Yes √ No

                                                  2019                       2018                                      2017
                                                                                               change (%)

Operating revenue (RMB)                      10,416,961,584.23        8,686,140,336.89                 19.93%       6,968,325,048.55

Net profit attributable to the listed
                                               2,097,527,739.86       1,695,231,643.05                 23.73%       1,148,740,644.93
company’s shareholders (RMB)

Net profit attributable to the listed
company’s     shareholders     before
                                               1,891,097,157.37       1,638,204,454.34                 15.44%       1,069,457,368.70
exceptional      gains   and    losses

Net cash generated from/used in
                                                192,447,063.45        1,440,881,285.95                -86.64%         930,914,712.78
operating activities (RMB)

Basic     earnings       per      share                     4.17                    3.37               23.74%                      2.28

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Gujinggong Liquor             Aged Original Liquor                                                       Annual Report 2019


Diluted      earnings   per       share
                                                         4.17                  3.37                23.74%                     2.28

Weighted average return on equity
                                                      25.55%                24.03%                  1.52%                  19.09%

                                                                                         Change of 31
                                                                                      December 2019 over
                                          31 December 2019      31 December 2018                              31 December 2017
                                                                                      31 December 2018

Total assets (RMB)                          13,871,297,363.16     12,509,928,449.72                10.88%       10,152,862,119.05

Equity attributable to the listed
                                             8,944,111,764.44      7,601,984,024.58                17.65%        6,459,078,378.38
company’s shareholders (RMB)

VII Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign
Accounting Standards

1. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No difference for the Reporting Period.

2. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No difference for the Reporting Period.

3. Reasons for Accounting Data Differences Above

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII Key Financial Information by Quarter

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                 Q1                    Q2                     Q3                      Q4

Operating revenue                            3,668,502,474.92      2,319,610,524.17        2,214,767,350.88       2,214,081,234.26

Net profit attributable to the listed
                                               783,389,904.73        464,926,409.28         493,294,846.62         355,916,579.23
company’s shareholders

Net profit attributable to the listed
company’s     shareholders    before          749,094,364.21        416,776,614.89         444,504,344.99         280,721,833.28
exceptional gains and losses

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Gujinggong Liquor             Aged Original Liquor                                                        Annual Report 2019

Net cash generated from/used in
                                            1,010,701,440.91          31,032,307.92        1,199,637,755.93       -2,048,924,441.31
operating activities

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the quarterly financial data in the table above or their summations differs materially from what

have been disclosed in the Company’s quarterly or interim reports.

□ Yes √ No

IX Exceptional Gains and Losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                       Item                            2019                2018                 2017                   Note

Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets
(inclusive      of     impairment    allowance        -7,615,741.56     -10,060,019.55        -10,659,063.45

Government subsidies charged to current
profit or loss (exclusive of government
subsidies given in the Company’s ordinary            98,293,177.32      36,041,674.45        34,257,968.39
course of business at fixed quotas or amounts
as per the government’s uniform standards)

Gain or loss on fair-value changes in trading
financial assets and liabilities & investment
income from disposal of trading financial
assets and liabilities and available-for-sale        144,234,319.52      18,653,228.80        54,544,637.44
financial assets (exclusive of effective
portion of hedges that arise in the Company’s
ordinary course of business)

Reversed portion of impairment allowance
for accounts receivable which are tested                       0.00                0.00          491,989.18
individually for impairment

Non-operating income and expense other
                                                      57,215,092.96      32,375,890.89        27,140,455.30
than the above

Less: Income tax effects                              71,418,613.38      18,150,068.72        25,366,619.70

         Non-controlling interests effects (net
                                                      14,277,652.37       1,833,517.16          1,126,090.93
of tax)

Total                                                206,430,582.49      57,027,188.71        79,283,276.23             --

Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item defined or listed in the Explanatory

Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss


□ Applicable √ Not applicable
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Gujinggong Liquor          Aged Original Liquor           Annual Report 2019

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

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Gujinggong Liquor           Aged Original Liquor                                                           Annual Report 2019

                                        Part III Business Summary

I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period

Is the Company subject to any industry-specific disclosure requirements?


The Company primarily produces and markets liquor and spirits.
As one of China’s traditional top eight liquor brands, the Company is the first listed liquor and spirits company with both A and B
stocks. It is located in Bozhou City, Anhui Province in China, the hometown of historic figures Cao Cao and Hua Tuo, as well as one
of the world’s top 10 liquor-producing areas. No changes have occurred to the main business of the Company in the Reporting Period.
As the main product of the Company, the Gujing spirit originated as a “JiuYunChun Spirit”, together with its making secrets, being
presented as a hometown specialty by Cao Cao, a famous warlord in China’s history, to Emperor Han Xiandi (name: Liu Xie) in A.D.
196, and was continually presented to the royal house since then. With crystalline liquid, rich aroma, a fine flavor and a lingering
aftertaste, the Gujing spirit has helped the Company win four national distilled spirit golden awards, a golden award at the 13th SIAL
Paris, the title of China’s “Geographical Indication Product”, the recognition as a “Key Cultural Relics Site under the State
Protection”, the recognition with a “National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Project”, a Quality Award from the Anhui
provincial government, a title of “National Quality Benchmark”, among other honors.
In recent years, China’s top liquor companies have basically finished adjusting their teams, strategies, products, etc., and are
experiencing a continuous, strong recovery relying on their superior brand influence and product quality. The big picture for the
liquor industry has taken shape. Regional small and medium liquor producers are in face of a reshuffle, while regionally famous
liquor brands are busy dealing with competition from both larger and smaller fellow companies. As such, the liquor industry has
entered a new normal.

II Significant Changes in Major Assets

1. Significant Changes in Major Assets

Not applicable.

2. Major Assets Overseas

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Core Competitiveness Analysis

No material changes occurred to the Company’s core competitiveness in the Reporting Period.

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                       Part IV Management Discussion and Analysis

I Overview

In 2019, under the guidance of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and President Xi Jinping’s
thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, the Company further implemented various guidelines and policies.
Upholding the values of “Be Honest, Offer Quality Spirits, Be Stronger and Be Helpful to the Society”, the Company beefed up the
implementation of the new strategy of “Digitalization, Internationalization, and Stricter Compliance with Law and Regulations”, as
well as promoted the “Nie Guangrong Spirit”. It further improved corporate management, motivated employees, accelerated
transformation and upgrading, further implemented the “Distilled Spirits 5.0” strategy, and successfully achieved all the operating
For 2019, the Company recorded operating revenue of RMB 10.417 billion, up 19.93% compared to 2018; a net profit attributable to
the Company as the parent of RMB 2.098 billion, rising 23.73% from the year earlier; earnings per share of RMB4.17, 23.74%
higher than 2018; and net cash generated from operating activities of RMB192 million, going down 86.64% on a year-on-year basis
(primarily driven by considerable increases in structured and term deposits that are not drawable in advance, as well as term
deposits put in pledge for the issuance of notes payable. Exclusive of the effects of the aforesaid factors, net cash generated from
operating activities stood at RMB1.997 billion). Meanwhile, the brand value reached a new high of RMB146.98 billion.
The Company’s Overall Operation During the Reporting Period
1. Strengthen market construction to continuously rise the brand influence
By strengthening the market construction, the Company further enhanced the organization-driven. Focused on systemic competition,
the Company established a new marketing mechanism of upstream-downstream linkage, information exchange, quick response, and
overall coordination. The brand construction has been strengthened to gradually increase brand influence.
2. Accelerate the transformation of the Company and continuously improve the management
The Company stands firmly on Strategy 5.0 and promotes the depth of digital transformation. During the Reporting Period, the
digital marketing, Gujing SAP ERP and CRM projects were completed, and at the same time, these projects were successfully
switched online. The digital operation structure system with digital marketing (CRM) in the front line and SAP ERP as the main
channel in the backstage has been completed to lay a foundation for a new digital Gujing.
3. Stably optimize quality control and boost the application of scientific research transformation
The Company strengthened the management of production process, established a sound quality control system and standard,
optimized the inspection project of raw and auxiliary materials into the factory, standardized inspection standards and inspection
operations, improved supply efficiency, and avoided behavioral risks. The Company’s two technological innovation achievements
have reached the international leading level, one scientific achievement has reached the domestic leading level, one scientific
achievement has won a prize awarded by China Light Industry Council, one has won the third prize of Provincial Science and
Technology Award, and two scientific research achievements have been transformed within the company. Gujing Distillery Product
Design Center was recognized by the “National Industrial Design Center” and “China Light Industry Engineering Technology
Research Center”.
4. In-depth collaboration between production and sales ensures a prominent effect of balanced production
The Company implemented a coordinate mechanism between production and sales to continuously improve production efficiency
and supply satisfaction. A logistics system and a planting model with high-quality raw grain base have been built to ensure the
quality of raw materials and reduce supply risks.
5. Strictly abide by the bottom line of environmental protection and constantly improve the environmental protection
The Company continued to increase investment in environmental protection, and achieved the “Four Goals” for safe production

                                                           ~ 11 ~
throughout 2019. The Company’s main pollutant indicators for environmental protection was stable and reached the standard, which
effectively controlled the energy loss rate and equipment failure rate. In the whole year, all the main environmental pollution
discharge pollutants met the standard, and no environmental pollution accidents occurred. The company was successfully selected
into the “National Green Factory” list.
6. Adhere to the guidance of the Party building and promote the “Nie Guangrong Spirit”
The     Company      implemented      an    in-depth    educational    activity   on    the    theme    of      “Remain true to our original
aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind”. According to the arrangement of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party
Committee and the Municipal Party Committee, the Company resolutely follows the main line of learning and implementing Xi
Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Focused on the general requirements of “remain true,
fulfill the Mission, find the reasons of falling behind, and emphasize the implementation”, the Company spared no effort to study and
education, investigation and research, inspection of problems, rectification and implementation throughout the entire process and
yielded prominent fruits. During this period, the Company held a grand activity “Report on Comrade Nie Guangrong’s Advanced
Deeds” in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, making “Nie Guangrong Spirit” well spread and promoted.
7. During the Reporting Period, the Company still had the following pressures and inadequacies
(1) The complex macroeconomic environment has brought many uncertainties to the development of the liquor industry.
(2) The level of lean management of the Company falls behind the pace of the Company’s development.
(3) The system, mechanism and the vitality of the Company need to be further activated.
(4) Bold innovation is required in cultivating talents, inspiring talents, and retaining talents by system.

II Core Business Analysis

1. Overview

See relevant contents of “I Overview” in “Management Discussion and Analysis”, herein

2. Revenue and Cost Analysis

(1) Breakdown of Operating Revenue

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                            2019                                           2018

                                                   As % of total                                  As % of total
                                                                                                                           Change (%)
                         Operating revenue      operating revenue       Operating revenue      operating revenue
                                                        (%)                                            (%)

Total                      10,416,961,584.23                100.00%       8,686,140,336.89                    100.00%                19.93%

By operating division

Manufacturing              10,416,961,584.23                100.00%       8,686,140,336.89                    100.00%                19.93%

By product category

Distilled spirits          10,164,144,471.76                  97.57%      8,519,862,666.82                    98.09%                 19.30%

Hotel services                 88,659,455.17                  0.85%           86,807,124.18                    1.00%                  2.13%

Other                         164,157,657.30                  1.58%           79,470,545.89                    0.91%               106.56%

By operating segment

                                                              ~ 12 ~
North China                        557,017,590.00                   5.35%           436,508,213.35                   5.03%               27.61%

Central China                    9,326,923,639.55                   89.53%      7,867,207,092.57                     90.57%              18.55%

South China                        520,685,208.39                   5.00%           367,741,836.37                   4.23%               41.59%

Overseas                               12,335,146.29                0.12%            14,683,194.60                   0.17%              -15.99%

(2) Operating Division, Product Category or Operating Segment Contributing over 10% of Operating
Revenue or Operating Profit

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                        YoY change in                            YoY change in
                                                                     Gross profit                            YoY change in
                        Operating revenue        Cost of sales                         operating revenue                          gross profit
                                                                       margin                                cost of sales (%)
                                                                                             (%)                                  margin (%)

By operating division

Manufacturing           10,416,961,584.23 2,426,046,924.89                   76.71%             19.93%                 25.57%             -1.05%

By product category

Distilled spirits       10,164,144,471.76 2,257,907,919.10                   77.79%             19.30%                 20.63%             -0.24%

Hotel services                 88,659,455.17      39,765,568.71              55.15%                  2.13%              3.52%             -0.60%

Other                         164,157,657.30     128,373,437.08              21.80%            106.56%                485.97%           -50.63%

By operating segment

North China                   557,017,590.00     184,315,816.75              66.91%             27.61%                 13.39%             4.15%

Central China            9,326,923,639.55 2,065,495,633.99                   77.85%             18.55%                 25.34%             -1.20%

South China                   520,685,208.39     170,592,892.09              67.24%             41.59%                 46.96%             -1.19%

Overseas                       12,335,146.29       5,642,582.06              54.26%             -15.99%                 1.88%             -8.02%

Core business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Whether Revenue from Physical Sales is Higher than Service Revenue

√ Yes □ No

 Operating division                     Item                 Unit                     2019                    2018               Change (%)

                              Sales volume                   Ton                         90,318.85               82,818.70                9.06%
Distilled           spirits
                              Output                         Ton                         93,798.87               83,254.25               12.67%
                              Inventory                      Ton                         13,987.83               10,507.81               33.12%

Any over 30% YoY movements in the data above and why:
√□ Applicable □ Not applicable
The ending balance of inventory is 13987.83 tons, an increase of 33.12% compared with last year, which is mainly due to the
increase of inventory for Spring Festival.
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(4) Execution Progress of Major Signed Sales Contracts in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Breakdown of Cost of Sales

By operating division
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                           2019                                   2018
                           Item                              As % of total cost                     As % of total cost     Change (%)
       division                            Cost of sales                          Cost of sales
                                                                  of sales (%)                           of sales (%)

                   Direct materials       1,807,661,503.73               74.51% 1,465,613,415.05                75.86%           23.34%

                   Direct labor cost       214,328,787.10                 8.83%   183,657,819.79                 9.51%           16.70%

Food               Manufacturing
                                           147,018,800.80                 6.06%   134,698,484.31                 6.97%             9.15%
manufacturing      expenses

                   Fuels                    88,898,827.47                 3.66%    87,773,829.59                 4.54%             1.28%

 (6) Changes in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Reporting Period

√Yes □ No
Hubei Huanghelou Beverage Co., Ltd. was newly established this year.

(7) Major Changes to the Business Scope or Product or Service Range in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Major Customers and Suppliers

Major customers:

Total sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                                                  1,883,372,178.17

Total sales to top five customers as % of total sales of the
Reporting Period (%)

Total sales to related parties among top five customers as % of
total sales of the Reporting Period (%)

Information about top five customers:

                                                              Sales revenue contributed for
   No.                        Customer                                                              As % of total sales revenue (%)
                                                              the Reporting Period (RMB)

                                                                  ~ 14 ~
1                             Customer A                                  749,884,238.55                                          7.20%

2                             Customer B                                  577,850,797.92                                          5.54%

3                             Customer C                                  204,809,138.19                                          1.97%

4                             Customer D                                  177,370,278.21                                          1.70%

5                             Customer E                                  173,457,725.30                                          1.67%

Total                               --                                   1,883,372,178.17                                     18.08%

Other information about major customers:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Major suppliers:

Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                                         691,819,821.13

Total purchases from top five suppliers as % of total purchases
of the Reporting Period (%)

Total purchases from related parties among top five suppliers
as % of total purchases of the Reporting Period (%)

Information about top five suppliers:

                                                           Purchase in the Reporting
    No.                           Supplier                                                        As % of total purchases (%)
                                                                  Period (RMB)

1                              Supplier A                                 273,330,053.07                                      10.96%

2                              Supplier B                                 175,259,289.50                                          7.02%

3                              Supplier C                                 104,833,589.08                                          4.20%

4                              Supplier D                                  72,811,249.30                                          2.92%

5                              Supplier E                                  65,585,640.18                                          2.63%

Total                                --                                   691,819,821.13                                      27.73%

Other information about major suppliers:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expense

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                         2019            2018               Change (%)         Reason for any significant change

Selling expense                   3,184,894,221.10    2,682,535,305.26              18.73%

Administrative expense              685,280,546.45     644,997,046.65                6.25%

                                                                                             The main reason is the increase of
Finance costs                       -97,625,803.51      -51,572,629.73             -89.30%
                                                                                             interest income.

                                                                                             The main reason is the increase of R &
R&D expense                          42,373,017.33      23,966,766.04               76.80%
                                                                                             D investment in this year.

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4. R&D Expense

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

We carried out R&D projects in the current year to study and develop new products, improve the quality of our products, study the
intelligent brewage technique and new brewage technique.
R&D Achievements of the Company: The Company’s two technological innovation achievements have reached the international
leading level, one scientific achievement has reached the domestic leading level, one scientific achievement has won a prize awarded
by China Light Industry Council, one has won the third prize of Provincial Science and Technology Award, and two scientific
research achievements have been transformed within the company. The Key Technology for Ecological Cave Brewing and Base
Liquor Quality Improvement of Yellow Crane Tower won the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China National Food
Industry Association. Yellow Crane Tower Xianning Testing Center obtained the National Laboratory Accreditation Certificate
which is issued by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS). Since 2019, the Company has licensed
115 patents.
Details about R&D expense:

                                              2019                              2018                         Change (%)

Number of R&D personnel                                      938                                968                         -3.10%
R&D personnel as % of total
                                                           9.69%                             11.63%                         -1.94%
R&D expense (RMB)                                 269,107,374.89                   224,585,370.62                           19.82%
R&D expense as % of operating
                                                           2.58%                             2.59%                          -0.01%
Capitalized   R&D    expense
                                                             0.00                              0.00                          0.00%
Capitalized R&D expense as %
                                                           0.00%                             0.00%                           0.00%
of total R&D expense
Reasons for any significant YoY change in the percentage of R&D expense in operating revenue:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reason for any sharp variation in the percentage of capitalized R&D expense and rationale:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Cash Flows

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                Item                          2019                              2018                         Change (%)

Subtotal of cash generated from
                                               12,080,069,939.92                 9,950,615,569.29                           21.40%
operating activities
Subtotal   of    cash   used      in
                                               11,887,622,876.47                 8,509,734,283.34                           39.69%
operating activities

Net cash generated from/used in
                                                  192,447,063.45                 1,440,881,285.95                          -86.64%
operating activities

Subtotal of cash generated from
                                                4,138,301,120.12                 3,530,649,713.30                           17.21%
investing activities
Subtotal   of    cash   used      in
                                                1,466,159,130.60                 4,656,442,207.19                          -68.51%
investing activities

                                                           ~ 16 ~
Net cash generated from/used in
                                                      2,672,141,989.52              -1,125,792,493.89                         337.36%
investing activities

Subtotal of cash generated from
                                                       755,400,000.00                  503,616,553.34                          50.00%
financing activities
Subtotal     of   cash     used   in
                                                      -755,400,000.00                 -503,616,553.34                          -50.00%
financing activities

Net cash generated from/used in
                                                      2,109,189,052.97                -188,527,761.28                        1,218.77%
financing activities

Explanation of why any of the data above varies significantly:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
(1) Net cash generated from operating activities stood at RMB192,447,063.45 in the Reporting Period, down 86.64% year-on-year,
primarily driven by considerable increases in structured and term deposits that are not drawable in advance, as well as term deposits
put in pledge for the issuance of notes payable. Exclusive of the effects of the aforesaid factors, net cash generated from operating
activities stood at RMB1.997 billion.
(2) Net cash generated from investing activities stood at RMB2,672,141,989.52 in the Reporting Period, up 337.36% year-on-year,
primarily driven by an increase in cash proceeds from disinvestment.
(3) Net cash generated from financing activities stood at RMB-755,400,000.00 in the Reporting Period, down 50.00% year-on-year,
primarily driven by an increase in dividends distributed.
(4) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents stood at RMB2,109,189,052.97 in the Reporting Period, up 1,218.77% year-on-year,
primarily driven by the recovery of investments upon maturity.
Reason for any big difference between the net operating cash flow and the net profit for this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Analysis of Non-Core Businesses

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                             31 December 2019                     31 December 2018            Change in
                                                                                                           Reason for any significant
                                          As % of total                       As % of total   percentage
                          Amount                               Amount                                               change
                                             assets                              assets          (%)

Monetary assets        5,619,749,918.09          40.51% 1,705,760,865.12             13.64%      26.87%

                         40,776,567.96            0.29%       29,748,068.74           0.24%       0.05%

Inventories            3,015,051,961.78          21.74% 2,407,306,664.86             19.24%       2.50%

                          4,710,086.02            0.03%        5,027,228.53           0.04%      -0.01%

                                                                ~ 17 ~
equity                     4,678,282.24                 0.03%          4,900,000.00             0.04%      -0.01%

Fixed assets           1,722,572,998.79               12.42% 1,763,988,530.56                  14.10%      -1.68%

Construction in
                         183,984,816.07                 1.33%        93,320,557.56              0.75%      0.58%

2. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                       Gain/loss on Cumulative Impairment
                                         fair-value     fair-value      allowance
                      Beginning                                                       Purchased in the    Sold in the      Other
     Item                              changes in the    changes         for the                                                   Ending amount
                       amount                                                        Reporting Period Reporting Period changes
                                         Reporting      charged to Reporting
                                          Period         equity          Period

Financial assets

1. Financial
assets at fair
profit or loss 2,965,016,000.42 17,585,151.48                   0.00          0.00 1,053,830,000.00 3,527,400,054.88         0.00 509,031,097.02

Subtotal      of
financial          2,965,016,000.42 17,585,151.48               0.00          0.00 1,053,830,000.00 3,527,400,054.88         0.00 509,031,097.02

Total of the
                   2,965,016,000.42 17,585,151.48               0.00          0.00 1,053,830,000.00 3,527,400,054.88         0.00 509,031,097.02

                                0.00            0.00            0.00          0.00                0.00              0.00                     0.00

Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:
□ Yes √ No

3. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End

                        Item                               Ending carrying value (RMB)                           Reason for restriction

Bank deposits                                                                       2,675,000,000.00 Structured deposits and time deposits that

                                                                       ~ 18 ~
                   Item    Ending carrying value (RMB)                    Reason for restriction

                                                               cannot be withdrawn in advance and time

                                                               deposits that are pledged for issuing bank

                                                               acceptance drafts

                                                               A pledge is used to issue a banker's
Notes receivable                              349,377,134.82
                                                               acceptance draft

                   Total                    3,024,377,134.82

                                  ~ 19 ~
V Investments Made

1. Total Investment Amount

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Major Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Major Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Financial Investments

(1) Securities Investments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Gain/loss on
 Variety                                                                             fair value             Purchased
             Code of        Name of         Initial     Accounting    Beginning                  fair value           Sold in the Gain/loss in     Ending                          Source of
                                                                                    changes in                in the
   of                                                   measurement                               changes             Reporting the Reporting                 Accounting title
             securities    securities   investment cost                                  the                Reporting                                                                funds
                                                          model     carrying value Reporting charged to Period          Period      Period     carrying value
                          1st Assets                     Fair value                                                                                             Available-for-sale Self-owned
Fund                                    200,000,000.00                206,393,107.46 5,491,397.78     0.00      0.00        0.00 15,000,000.00 211,884,505.24
                          Management                     method                                                                                                 financial asset   funds

                                                                                             ~ 20 ~
Other ending holding securities
                                                                 --                                                                                                                   --                --

Total                                     200,000,000.00         --         206,393,107.46 5,491,397.78       0.00        0.00             0.00 15,000,000.00 211,884,505.24          --                --

Disclosure          date     of     the
announcement about the board’s The Company held the 9th Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors on 26 April 2019, reviewed and approved the proposal on carrying out securities investment
consent       for     the    securities business

Disclosure          date     of     the
announcement about the general
meeting’s      consent      for    the
securities investment (if any)

(2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                                                                                                                                      of closing
                                                                                                                          Purchased in                                                investment
                    Relationship                                        Initial                              Beginning                      Sold in the   Impairment       Ending                     gain/loss
                                   Connected        Type of                                                                      the                                                  amount in
  Operator            with the                                        investment Starting date Ending date   investment                      Reporting    provision (if investment                     in the
                                   transaction     derivative                                                              Reporting                                                        the
                     Company                                           amount                                 amount                          Period         any)          amount                     Reporting
                                                                                                                             Period                                                   Company’s
                                                                                                                                                                                      ending net

Reverse                                          Reverse                          28
                                                                                              30 June
repurchase          Naught         No            repurchase of                0.00 December                      17,990            1,090         19,080             0.00       0.00           0.00%          0.35
of national                                      national debt                    2018

                                                                                                   ~ 21 ~

Total                                                                    0.00      --            --             17,990         1,090        19,080          0.00          0.00        0.00%        0.35

Capital source for derivative investment                        Company’s own funds

Lawsuits involved (if applicable)                               N/A

Disclosure date of board announcement approving
                                                                30 August 2013
derivative investment (if any)

Disclosure date of shareholders’ meeting announcement
approving derivative investment (if any)

Analysis of risks and control measures associated with
derivative investments held in the Reporting Period
                                                                The Company had controlled the relevant risks strictly according to the Derivatives Investment Management System.
(including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk,
credit risk, operational risk, legal risk, etc.)

Changes in market prices or fair value of derivative
investments during the Reporting Period (fair value
analysis should include measurement method and
related assumptions and parameters)

Significant changes in accounting policies and specific
accounting       principles    adopted       for   derivative
investments in the Reporting Period compared to
previous reporting period

                                                                Based on the sustainable development of the main business and the sufficient free idle money, the Company increased the profits
                                                                through investing in the reasonable financial derivative instruments, which was in favor of improving the service efficiency of the idle
Opinion     of   independent     directors    on   derivative funds; in order to reduce the investment risks of the financial derivative instruments, the Company had set up corresponding supervision
investments and risk control                                    mechanism for the financial derivative instrument business and formulated reasonable accounting policy as well as specific principles of
                                                                financial accounting; the derivative Investment business developed separately took national debts as mortgage object, which was met
                                                                with the cautious and steady risks management principle and the interest of the Company and shareholders. Therefore, agreed the

                                                                                                ~ 22 ~
                                                             Company to develop the derivative Investment business of reverse repurchase of national debt not more than the limit of RMB0.3

5. Use of Funds Raised

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI Sale of Major Assets and Equity Interests

1. Sale of Major Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Sale of Major Equity Interests

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII Major Subsidiaries

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Major fully/majority-owned subsidiaries and those minority-owned subsidiaries with an over 10% effect on the Company’s net profit:
                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                Relationship            Main
 Company                               business
                   with the                          Registered capital        Total assets            Net assets         Operating revenues      Operating profit         Net profit
    name                                scope

Bozhou                            Wholesales
               Subsidiary                                  84,864,497.89        2,987,262,154.57        114,267,236.43        9,408,967,287.45        918,498,076.90        684,310,878.29
Gujing Sales                      of     distilled

                                                                                              ~ 23 ~
Co., Ltd                           spirit,
                                   feeds        and

Anhui                              Manufacture
Longrui                            and sale of
                Subsidiary                             86,660,268.98          334,367,483.96          283,457,347.19              263,211,742.36             47,521,309.38        40,366,861.19
Glass Co.,                         glass
Ltd                                products

Crane Tower
                                   and sales of
Wine            Subsidiary                            400,000,000.00        1,113,378,476.47          707,788,358.44             1,153,666,330.72           166,767,019.61       128,603,665.60
Industry Co.,

Jinhao Hotel Subsidiary                                54,000,000.00          197,339,647.17           77,032,345.33                78,097,168.09            18,396,718.11        10,829,628.99
                                   and house
Co., Ltd.

Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in the Reporting Period:
√Applicable    □Not applicable

                                                                 Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting          The impact on the overall production operation and
                    The name of the company
                                                                                            period                                                          performance

                                                                                                                                  Optimize the internal management structure and enhance the
Hubei yellow crane tower beverage co. LTD                       Set up
                                                                                                                                  internal driving force.

                                                                                        ~ 24 ~
VIII Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX Prospects

(I) Development Prospect of the Industry the Company is in
1. The epidemic of COVID-19 has accelerated industry reshuffle to make it more concentrated
As a strong pressure test for the liquor industry, theCOVID-19has disturbed the liquor industry in the short term, but the overall
stable trend of the industry remains unchanged. Liquor companies have periodical operating pressure. In the first half of the year,
they mainly focused on digesting market inventory, while in the second half of the year, with further differentiation and declined
frequency of alcohol consumption, famous liquor brands will speed up their recovery. The industry’s concentration will be further
improved to rapidly eliminate inferior capacity.
2. Continuous innovation in marketing model with integrated development of online and offline channels
The non-contact impact of the epidemic of COVID-19 has caused an outbreak of online Cloud Economy. Liquor manufacturers have
exposed their shortcomings of traditional offline channels. The importance and convenience of online channel sales stand out. After
the epidemic, a situation where offline and online promotions converge will appear, and the trend of online and offline integration
development will become more and more apparent. Online social e-commerce and the emerging “Cloud after-work drinks” will
become a new growth point; and new methods will be adopted for traditional offline sales channels to empower and endow new
meanings of the era. The wave of “community block sales” in the liquor industry is coming soon.
3. Quality strategy is prominent with the upcoming of the era of healthy consumption
Health and health-nurturing practices are green consumption and the trend of the liquor industry. Healthy drinking has become a
consumption concept. The trend of “drink less and drink better” is more prominent. Consumers demand for health is increasing. They
pay more attention to brand and quality. In pursuit of the concept of quality consumption, the strategy of dumb-type large single
product will become the standard of famous liquor. The volume of high-end and sub-high-end products will be further increased, and
high-quality light bottle liquor and small liquor are also popular because of their high quality-price ratio and rich self-drinking and
group-drinking scenes.
(II) Development Strategy of the Company
1. Firmly boost "Strategy 5.0, Five-Star Operation” Strategy
Comprehensively fulfill Strategy 5.0 and have the "User-Centered" thought fully and deeply implemented in the Company. Solidly
create the "Five-Star Operation", enhance competitive force, improve quality and efficiency, optimize services and promote healthy
and efficient operation of the enterprise.
2. Firmly boost reform and innovation strategy
Deeply boost marketing innovation, technological innovation and mechanism innovation and generate endogenous power of the
3. Firmly create “Talent Highland” strategy
Intensify talent recruitment and attraction and establish flexible talent attraction and wisdom experience borrowing mechanism.
Innovate talent training mode and promote independent cultivation & development and absorption & attraction simultaneously.
4. Firmly boost the strategy of integration of Party governance
Comprehensively strengthen Party discipline, continuously strengthen “four-consciousness”, and strengthen political leadership.
Need to take firm political stand, strengthen political orientation, practically strengthen “four-consciousness”. Thoroughly study and

                                                             ~ 25 ~
implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with
Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and guide all the Party members to enhance their thought and action consciousness to
maintain the core.
(III) Operating Revenue Plan of the Company in 2020
In 2020, the Company plans to achieve an operating revenue of RMB11.6 billion, rising 11.36% compared with that of last year; and
achieve a total profit of RMB2.99 billion, rising4.08% compared with that of last year.
(IV) Operating Risk of the Company
1. The adverse effect of the systematic risk in macro-economic environment on the development of the industry and the Company.
2. Impact of industrial policy adjustment and change on the sustainable development of the Company.
3. Impact of epidemic of COVID-19 on the comsumption behaviors and habits.
(V) Operating Measures
1. Marketing
In order to enhance the balance of the market, the Company has cemented the base of its headquarter; continued to better its
investment attraction in peripheral markets; further optimized product structure and the proportion of medium and high-end products,
and accelerated the nationalization of Gujinggong Liquor. As for brand construction, the Company continued to actively participate
in empowering the country by brand projects, adhered to the IP of brand communication, and increased domestic and foreign
promotion efforts. Through further optimizing dealer development policies, the Company strengthened dealer access, enlarged its
business networks and made it stronger by developing channels.
2. Product Management
The Company strictly implemented the production process, concentrated on the source control; paid great attention to the process
management and key linkage of production, strictly performed the standardization of work, strengthened technical quality work. It
continued to strengthen strict management of specific quality inspections, further improved the quality management system, focused
on process control to ensure that every bottle of Gujing that goes on the consumer’s table is of good quality.
3. Engineering Construction
The Company accelerated the planning design and phased construction of the smart technology transformation project (smart park)
for liquor production, prepared its fund planning and financing work, and adhered to high standards and high quality to promote the
construction of smart park projects.
4. Informatization Construction
The Company which took informatization into its whole management system and centered on SAP ERP system and digital marketing
project, actively pushed the second phase construction of the digital marketing project. By enhancing its data management,
strengthening data application empowerment, establishing smart management corporate and setting up an integrated corporate
management platform, the Company has achieved a concentrated control and operation to promote process standardization, data
visualization, and management standardization, and support its business innovation and development.
5. Human Resource
Based on the demands of the Company’s strategic development, the Company continuously optimized the channels for talents
introduction, further improved talent structure and salary structure; strengthened the orientation of performance appraisal,
continuously innovated performance management model; incessantly cemented talent echelon construction, conducted talent training
and cultivation in a comprehensive, multidimensional and targeted way.
6. Internal Management
The Company deeply carried out the “four revolutions” (ideological revolution, organizational revolution, behavioral revolution,
management revolution), and solidly implemented the “five goals and six projects”; adhered to the “four betters” orientation (better
positioning, better process, better state, better management), established the consciousness for the better, work hard on the word

                                                             ~ 26 ~
“better”. Through transforming strict management into normalcy, the Company strengthened the ideological education of employees,
focused on management innovation, employed innovative thinking, made full use of new methods and tools to break the inertial work
mode, prevent aging mentality and old-fashioned manage, comprehensively improve work efficiency, and stimulate creative
7. Corporate Culture Construction
The Company should continue to strengthen the leadership team’s construction, temper the core team of “loyalty and cleanness”;
continue to carry out warning education on integrity, and further build an ideological line of defense against corruption; continue to
rectify formalism, bureaucracy, and “laziness, randomness, fatigue, glibness and complacency” and dogmatism, cultivate pragmatic
and rigorous work style of cadres and employees; continue to strengthen ideological and political work, maintain the main position of
cultural propaganda and ideological work; continue to strengthen the leadership of Party building, and gather the strong power of the
revolution. At the same time, the Company needs to focus on the construction of civilization practice center for a new era and cultural
communication base of Gujing contribution, promote the “Nie Guangrong Spirit” to the entire industry, and further deepen the
Gujing corporate culture.
In 2020, the Company will continue to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the Second,
Third, and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee. Guided by Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics for a New Era, the Company remains true to the original aspiration and remembers its mission. Under the strong
leadership of Bozhou municipal government and Bozhou Municipal Committee, the Company has fully implemented the core values
of socialism and upholding the values of “Be Honest, Offer Quality Liquor, Be Stronger and Be Helpful to the Society”, and the spirit
of Nie Guangrong and the consciousness of better products. With a long-term vision and a strong focus, the Company will promote
the implementation of Strategy 5.0 in depth, earnestly implement the “four betters” working method, and strive to move towards “a
new Gujing of digitalization, internationalization, and rule of law.”

X Communications with the Investment Community such as Researches, Inquiries and


1. During the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                              ~ 27 ~
                                              Part V Significant Events

I Profit Distributions to Ordinary Shareholders (in the Form of Cash and/or Stock)

How the profit distribution policy, especially the cash dividend policy, for ordinary shareholders was formulated, executed or revised
in the Reporting Period:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The 2018 Annual General Meeting held on 20 May 2019 reviewed and approved the Company’s Interest Distribution Scheme in
2018 that based on the total shares of 503,600,000 of the Company on 31 December 2018, cash dividends was distributed at
RMB15.00 per 10 shares (tax inclusive), and the total cash dividends distributed was RMB755,400,000.00 (tax inclusive).

                                              Special statement about the cash dividend policy

In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and
resolution of general meeting

Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                        Yes

Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                      Yes

Independent directors faithfully performed their duties and played
their due role

Non-controlling interests are able to fully express their opinion
and desire and their legal rights and interests are fully protected

In case of adjusting or changing the cash dividend policy, the
conditions and procedures involved are in compliance with No adjustments or changes
applicable regulations and transparent

The profit distributions to ordinary shareholders, either in the form of cash or stock, in the past three years (including the Reporting
Period) are summarized as follows:
1. 2017 profit distribution plan of the Company: distribute the cash of RMB10.00 (tax inclusive) for every 10 shares without bonus
issue from capital reserves;
2. 2018 profit distribution plan of the Company: distribute the cash of RMB15.00 (tax inclusive) for every 10 shares without bonus
issue from capital reserves.
3. 2019 profit distribution plan of the Company: distribute the cash of RMB15.00 (tax inclusive) for every 10 shares without bonus
issue from capital reserves.
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                       Net profit
                                     attributable to                            Cash                     Total cash
                       Cash              ordinary                                                        dividends
                                                          A as % of B         in other  C as % of B                      D as % of B
     Year         dividends (tax    shareholders of                         forms (such                  (including
                                                              (%)             as share      (%)                              (%)
                  inclusive) (A)         the listed                                                    those in other
                                      company in                                (C)                      forms) (D)

                                                               ~ 28 ~
                                   statements for the
                                        year (B)

2019              755,400,000.00 2,097,527,739.86               36.01%           0.00          0.00% 755,400,000.00          36.01%

2018              755,400,000.00 1,695,231,643.05               44.56%           0.00          0.00% 755,400,000.00          44.56%

2017              503,600,000.00 1,148,740,644.93               43.84%           0.00          0.00% 503,600,000.00          43.84%

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company fails to put forward a cash dividend proposal for the ordinary shareholders despite the
facts that the Company has made profits in the Reporting Period and the profits of the Company as the parent distributable to the
ordinary shareholders are positive.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II Final Dividend Plan for the Reporting Period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Bonus issue from capital reserves for every 10
shares (share)

Dividend for every 10 shares (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                               15.00

Bonus issue from profit for every 10 shares (share)                                                                                 0

Total shares as the basis for the final dividend plan

Total cash dividends (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                            755,400,000.00

Cash dividends in other ways (such as share
repurchase) (RMB)

Total cash bonus (including other methods) (RMB)                                                                      755,400,000.00

Distributable profits (RMB)                                                                                        6,397,131,020.62

Percentage of cash dividends to the total distributed                                                                            100%

                                                   Particulars about the cash dividends


                                         Details of final dividend plan for the Reporting Period

The company intends to distribute rmb15 (tax included) per 10 shares based on the total number of shares at the end of the year,
totaling rmb755,400,000.00. This year does not send bonus, does not transfer to increase capital stock with accumulation fund.

III Fulfillment of Commitments

1. Commitments of the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and Acquirers, as well
as the Company Itself and other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Period or Ongoing at the Period-end

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                              ~ 29 ~
                                                                                             Date of
                                                            Type of        Details of                       Term of
             Commitment                     Promisor                                       commitment                     Fulfillment
                                                          commitment     commitment                      commitment

                                                                        The Company
                                                                        promised that
                                                                        Yellow Crane
                                                                        Distillery Co.,
                                                                        Ltd. would
                                                                        realize the
                                          Anhui Gujing                  operating
Commitments made in acquisition
                                          Distillery     Performance    revenue of                                        Fulfilled in
documents or shareholding alteration                                                      29 April 2016 Y2017-Y2021
                                          Company        commitment     RMB1,                                                2019
                                          Limited                       308.125
                                                                        million (tax
                                                                        inclusive) and
                                                                        the net profit
                                                                        margin would
                                                                        be not lower
                                                                        than 11.00%
                                                                        in 2019.

Fulfilled on time                         Yes

Specific reasons for failing to fulfill
commitments on time and plans for N/A
next step (if any)

In accordance with the share transfer agreement signed by the Company with Wuhan Pride Investment Group Co., Ltd. and the
natural person Yan Hongye on the acquisition of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yellow Crane
Tower Distillery”), the Company promised that the operating revenue (tax inclusive) of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery would reach
the following data:

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB’0,000

                      Period                           Y2017           Y2018              Y2019            Y2020             Y2021

 Committed operating revenue (tax inclusive)           80,500.00       100,625.00         130,812.50      170,056.25        204,067.50

Meanwhile, within five years since the delivery date (excluding the year in which the delivery date of target equity is located), the net
profit margin (net profit/operating revenue) of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery for each year shall be not lower than 11.00%. If the
audited net profit margin of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery for each year is lower than 11.00%, the Company should compensate the
balance as required by the agreement; if the net profit margin of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery is lower than 11.00% for consecutive
two years, the transferee has the right to repurchase all shares of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery held by the Company with the price
of RMB816 million.
The realization of commitment on performance in the single statement of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery in 2019 is as follows:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                               ~ 30 ~
               Item                  Actual amount        Promised amount                Difference                Completion rate

 Operating      revenue    (tax
                                          131,006.46                130,812.50                        193.96                 100.15%

 Net profit                                12,860.37                  12,298.61                       561.76                 104.57%

 Net profit ratio                            11.15%                     11.00%                        0.15%                  101.36%

2. Where there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and the Reporting Period was still
within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has been reached for the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or Its Related
Parties for Non-Operating Purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

V Explanations Given by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the Independent
Directors (if any) Regarding the Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on the Financial
Statements of the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI YoY Changes to Accounting Policies, Estimates and Methods

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

              Contents and reasons                      Approval procedures                                    Notes

The Ministry of Finance issued Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises
No.22-Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments (CK [2017] No. 7),
Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.23-Transfer of Financial                                                  Refer to Announcement on Changes in
                                             Reviewed and approved on the 9th Meeting
Assets (CK [2017] No. 8), Accounting                                                     Accounting Policy on
                                             of the 8th Board of Directors and the 8th
Standards for Business Enterprises                                                       http://www.cninfo.com.cn disclosed on the
                                             Meeting of the 8th Supervisory Committee
No.24-Hedge Accounting (CK [2017] No.                                                    same date for details.
9) and Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.37-Presentation of
Financial Instrument (CK [2017] No. 14).
The Company started to implement the
abovementioned new standards from 1

                                                            ~ 31 ~
January 2019. According to the above
requirements, the Company implemented
the above new standards governing
financial instrument from 1 January 2019,
and changed relevant accounting polices in
line with the stipulations of the above new
standards governing financial instrument.
In accordance with the relevant
requirements of new standard governing
financial instrument, the retroactive
adjustment was not conducted to the same
period of last year, and no impact the
changes of accounting policies will occur
to the financial situation and operating
results in the prior period.

On 30 April 2019, Notes of Revising and
Printing the Format of 2019 General
Enterprises Financial Statement (CK
[2019] No. 6) (hereinafter referred to as
“Notes of Revising”) was issued by the
Ministry of Finance, making partial
amendments to the format of general
enterprises financial statements, stipulated
that the format is applicable to the interim Reviewed and approved on the 10th                    Refer to Announcement on Changes in
and annual financial statements in and after Meeting of the        8th   Board of Directors and   Accounting Policy on
2019 of non-financial business executing       the   9th   Meeting of the   8th   Supervisory     http://www.cninfo.com.cn disclosed on the
ASBE and the regulations of Notes of           Committee                                          same date for details.
Revising. The Company belongs to the
enterprise executed the new standards
governing financial instrument but not new
standards governing revenue and leases,
and shall adjust correspondingly to the
format of financial statements and part of
course presentation combined with the
requirements of Notes of Revising.

VII Retrospective Restatements due to Correction of Material Accounting Errors in the
Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

                                                                   ~ 32 ~
VIII YoY Changes to the Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                      Principal                                                   stake(%)
  Name of                                             Nature of the
                      place of       registered                                                                  Make way
  subsidiary                                            business          directly          indirect
Hubei Yellow
Crane Tower         Hubei         Hubei              Production and                                       Hubei Yellow Crane Tower
beverage co.        xianning      xianning           manufacturing                                        beverage co. LTD

IX Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor

Current independent auditor:

Name of the domestic independent auditor                  RSM Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

The Company’s payment to the domestic independent
auditor (RMB’0,000)

How many consecutive years the domestic independent
auditor has provided audit service for the Company

Names of the certified public accountants from the
domestic independent auditor writing signatures on the Fu jinyong, Bao guangrong, Jiang jieyu
auditor’s report

How many consecutive years the certified public
accountants have provided audit service for the 1

Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor was changed for the Reporting Period.
√Yes □ No
Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor was changed for the audit period.
□Yes √ No
Indicate by tick mark whether the approval procedure was fulfilled to change independent auditor.
√Yes □ No
Particulars of reappointment and changes of independent auditor
Refer to announcement on changes of independent auditor on http://www.cninfo.com.cn disclosed on 28 November 2019 for details.
Independent auditor, financial advisor or sponsor engaged for the audit of internal controls:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The Company engaged RSM Certified Public Accountants (LLP) as the internal control auditor in 2019.

X Possibility of Listing Suspension or Termination after Disclosure of this Report

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                              ~ 33 ~
XI Insolvency and Reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XII Major Legal Matters

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIII Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIV Credit Quality of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XV Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures
for Employees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVI Major Related-Party Transactions

1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity Interests

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Related Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

                                               ~ 34 ~
4. Credits and Liabilities with Related Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Other Major Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVII Major Contracts and Execution thereof

1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases

(1) Entrustment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Leases

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Major Guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Cash Entrusted to Other Entities for Management

(1) Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Overview of cash entrusted for wealth management during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                                               Overdue unrecovered
      Specific type               Capital resources    Amount incurred         Undue Balance

                                                        ~ 35 ~
Trust financial products Self-owned funds                                              30,000.00                             0.00                         0.00

Bank financial products Self-owned funds                                             295,600.00                         28,517.00                         0.00

Broker financial
                              Self-owned funds                                                0.00                           0.00                         0.00

Others                        Self-owned funds                                         20,000.00                        20,000.00                         0.00

                            Total                                                    345,600.00                         48,517.00                         0.00

Particulars of cash entrusted for wealth management with single significant amount or low security, bad liquidity, and no capital
                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                                                     Amou Actual
                                                                                                                                            Plan for
                                                                                                     nt of recove                                       Overvi
                     Type                                              Determin Annua Estim actual               ry of Allowa                           ews of
                                                 Sta En                                                                             Legal     asset
Name of Type          of               Capital                           ation      l yield    ate   profit profit nce for                              events
                            Amo                  rt   d Use of                                                                      proced manage
     the    of the   the               resourc                         method of     for      profit or loss or loss impair                              and
                             unt                 dat da         fund                                                                ures or ment in
    trustee trustee prod                  e                            remunerat refere        (if     in         in    ment (if                        query
                                                 e    te                                                                             not       the
                     uct                                                  ion        nce      any) Report Report          any)                          index
                                                                                                                                            future or
                                                                                                      ing         ing                                   (if any
                                                                                                     Period Period

                                                           ing new
Wings       Limite                                                     1.2% of
                                                           s with
Asset       d                                                          products’
                                       Self-ow             fixed
Manage Liabili              20,00                                      net value                     1,500.
                     Fund              ned                 earning                  7.00%                        N/A               Yes      Yes
ment        ty                     0                                   and 20%                              00
                                       funds               s,
Compan Comp                                                            of excess
y           any                                                        earnings
                                                           ase of
                                                           l debt,
                                                           and etc.

                            20,00                                                                    1,500.
Total                                    --      -- --           --        --         --                          --                  --          --      --
                                   0                                                                        00

Whether there is the case where the principal cannot be recovered at maturity or other case which may cause impairment for cash
entrusted for wealth management
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                          ~ 36 ~
(2) Entrusted Loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Other Major Contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVIII Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

1. Measures Taken to Fulfill CSR Commitment

The Company disclosed Social Responsibilities Report of Enterprises for 2019 on 27 April 2020. (for details, see

2. Measures Taken for Targeted Poverty Alleviation

(1) Plans

In accordance with the "organizations are responsible for villages and individuals are responsible for families” poverty alleviation
work arrangement of Bozhou Municipal Party Committee, the Company has established targeted support towards 178 poor families
with 306 people in Bali Village, Yanglou Village and Wuma Village, Wuma Town, Qiaocheng District, Bozhou, which have been
lifted out of poverty by the joint efforts of people in charge of poverty alleviation and three assistance and support villages as of the
end of December 2019.

(2) Summary of the Related Work Done in the Reporting Period

① The Company visited and helped 178 poor households. By uniformly purchasing 178 Chinese New Year gifts, the Company
arranged 90 persons in charge of assistance to send the gifts to the 178 poor households. The gifts were not only confined to rice,
spring couplets, festive liquor, lotus root and lotus root juice, but also including a sincere New Year blessing;
② The Company carried out the “Warm the Young with Love, Help the Young Realize Their Dreams” activity to care for young
people with difficulties. The Gujing Group Labor Union and the Youth League Committee respectively went to the three
administrative villages (Yanglou, Bali, and Wuma) in Wuma Town, and collected the “small wishes” of the poor young teenagers.
And on 25 January 2019, they sent coats, school bags and “love gift packages” to help teenagers to “realize their dream”, and sent
blessing and encouraged them to grow up healthily;
③ The Company organized activities to listen to the story of “initial intention” and ignited the dreams of the “the Young”. In order
to further implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi’s important speech at the educational work conference on the theme of
“remain true and remember mission”, and to firmly grasp the general ideas of the Communists to remain true, fulfill the mission, find
the reasons of falling behind, and emphasize the implementation, at the beginning of September, the Company’s logistics control
center organized all party members of the branch to Yangzhuang Village, Lumiao Town, where the poverty alleviation cadre was
selected by the corporate, to carry out branch team building activities.

                                                              ~ 37 ~
(3) Subsequent Plans

① Learn the important discourse on poverty alleviation, and ensure political stand. General Party Secretary Xi Jinping's important
discourse on poverty alleviation work is both an ideological weapon and an action guide. The party organizations of all levels of the
Company shall work out a study plan carefully, strengthen the recognition of party members and management personnel on poverty
alleviation work, and put the poverty alleviation work as a major political task, a top livelihood project and a matter of primary
② Know about targeted poverty alleviation movement and report and pass it on well. Carry out the requirements of the
Organizational Department of the Municipal Committee and the Municipal Poverty Alleviation Bureau, unite under the leadership of
heads and fulfill the poverty alleviation work all-roundly.
③ Absorb aspiring youths in poverty and enlarge employment poverty alleviation and relief. Connect to three positioned assistance
and support villages and two stationed villages actively, absorb aspiring youths in poverty or children of households in poverty to
work in the Company, and widen the income increase channels of households in poverty.
④ According to the notification and requirement of the Bozhou Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, the Company
strictly implements the spirit of “Work Tips on the Role of Selecting and Helping Cadres in the Fight against the Epidemic
Prevention and Control”. By combining the actual needs of corporate to select and help the poor cadres and help villages, the
Company provided supplies and sent encouraging words to win the battle for epidemic prevention and control.

3. Issues Related to Environmental Protection

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is identified as a major polluter by the environmental protection

                 Name of                  Number of Distribution                          Discharge                  Approved
 Name of                       Way of                                     Discharge                        Total                 Excessive
                  major                    discharge of discharge                         standards                    total
  polluter                    discharge                                  concentration                   discharge               discharge
                pollutants                   outlets          outlets                    implemented                 discharge

Anbui                                                      plant,
Gujing                       Directly                      Zhangji
               COD                                     3                  25.42mg/L      ≦100mg/L          94.16t     155.05t    Naught
Distillery                   discharge                     plant,
Co., Ltd.                                                  Headquarter

Anbui                                                      plant,
Gujing                       Directly                      Zhangji
               NH3-N                                   3                  0.48mg/L       ≦10mg/L            2.18t      15.53t    Naught
Distillery                   discharge                     plant,
Co., Ltd.                                                  Headquarter

Anbui                        Organized                     Gujing                        Gujing plant,
Gujing                       discharge                     plant,                        Headquarter
               Smoke                                   3                  9.76mg/m                           2.41t       /        Naught
Distillery                   through                       Zhangji                           plant
Co., Ltd.                    chimney                       plant,                        ≦10mg/m

                                                                    ~ 38 ~
                                                      Headquarter                   Zhangji plant
                                                      plant                           ≦20mg/m

                                                                                    Gujing plant,
Anbui                         Organized               plant,
                                                                     2.14mg/m       Headquarter
Gujing                        discharge               Zhangji
             Sulfur Dioxide                       3                  9.02mg/m plant≦35mg/m           3.92t         /    Naught
Distillery                    through                 plant,
                                                                     5.99mg/m       Zhangji plant
Co., Ltd.                     chimney                 Headquarter

                                                                                    Gujing plant,
Anbui                         Organized               plant,
                                                                    16.92mg/m       Headquarter
Gujing       Nitrogen         discharge               Zhangji
                                                  3                 80.94mg/m plant≦50mg/m         15.33t      /        Naught
Distillery   oxide            through                 plant,
                                                                    17.09mg/m       Zhangji plant
Co., Ltd.                     chimney                 Headquarter

                                                      No. 1
Anhui                         Organized               furnace,
Longrui                       discharge               No. 2
             Smoke                                3                      /          ≦200mg/m       10.56t      /        Naught
Glass Co.,                    through                 furnace,
Ltd                           chimney                 No. 3

                                                      No. 1
Anhui                         Organized               furnace,
Longrui                       discharge               No. 2
             Sulfur Dioxide                       3                      /          ≦850mg/m          0.5t     /        Naught
Glass Co.,                    through                 furnace,
                                                                     Not detected
Ltd                           chimney                 No. 3

                                                      No. 1
Anhui                         Organized               furnace,
Longrui      Nitrogen         discharge               No. 2
                                                  3                      /          ≦700mg/m       78.64t      /        Naught
Glass Co., oxide              through                 furnace,
Ltd                           chimney                 No. 3

Construction and operation of facilities for preventing pollution:
1. Construction and operation of the sewage control facilities of the listed Company and its subsidiary companies
(1) The sewage treatment capacity of the sewage treatment station of Zhangji plant of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd is about 700
tons per day. IC anaerobic jar, improved A/O and in-depth treatment process has been adopted. The sewage is discharged after
treatment and up to the standard, and discharge of sewage is in compliance with the direct discharge requirements in Table 2 of
GB27631-2011 Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Fermentation Alcohol and Distilled Spirits Industry.
(2) The sewage treatment capacity of the sewage treatment station of the headquarters of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd is about
4000 tons per day. IC anaerobic jar, A/O and in-depth treatment process has been adopted. The sewage is discharged after treatment
and up to the standard, and discharge of sewage is in compliance with the direct discharge requirements in Table 2 of GB27631-2011

                                                               ~ 39 ~
Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Fermentation Alcohol and Distilled Spirits Industry.
(3) The sewage treatment capacity of the sewage treatment station of Gujing Subsidiary under Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd is
about 2800 tons per day. IC anaerobic jar, A/O and in-depth treatment process is adopted. The sewage is discharged after treatment
and up to the standard, and discharge of sewage is in compliance with the direct discharge requirements in Table 3 of GB27631-2011
Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Fermentation Alcohol and Distilled Spirits Industry.
(4) The production and living sewage of Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd is discharged into the sewage treatment station of Zhangji
Plant under Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited, and it is discharged after treatment and up to the standard.
2. Construction and operation situation of waste gas control facilities of the listed Company and its subsidiaries
(1) The flue gas control facilities of thermal power stations of the Headquarters and Gujing Subsidiary of Anhui Gujing Distillery
Company Limited run well, and waste gas is discharged through the 65-meter-tall exhaust funnel after the waste gas treatment is up
to the standard, adopting the process of cloth-bag dust removal (original)+Limestone-Wet flue gas Desulfurization (renovated)
+SNCR Denitrification by non-catalytic reduction (original) + SCR Denitrification by catalytic reduction (newly added) + Wet
electrostatic precipitator (newly added), and discharge of flue gas meets the super-low discharge requirements (smoke ≤10mg/m3,
SO2≤35mg/m3, NOx≤50mg/m3).
(2) The coal-to-gas work has been completed and runs stably at Zhangji Plant under Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited, and
waste gas is discharged through the 20-meter-tall exhaust funnel, of which and discharge of flue gas meets the requirements for
coal-fired boiler in Table 2 of GB13271-2014 Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Industrial Kiln and Furnace.
(3) No. 2 furnace of Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd has been stopped, and No. 2 and No. 3 furnaces have completed coal-to-gas work
and are running stably. SCR Denitrification by catalytic reduction has been adopted, waste gas from No. 1 furnace is discharged
through the 45-meter-tall exhaust funnel and waste gas from No. 3 furnace through the 45-meter-tall exhaust funnel after the waste
gas treatment is up to the standard. The discharge of flue gas meets the requirements in GB9078-1996 Emission Standard of Air
Pollutants for Boiler.
(4) The Headquarter of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited and Gujing Branch finished product coding machine exhaust gas
treatment facilities are operating well. By adopting photocatalytic oxidation technology, the Company’s flue gas emissions comply
with the Table 1 standard requirements of DB12/524-2014 Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Volatile Organic Compounds.
(5) The Headquarters of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited and the odor treatment facilities of Zhangji Sewage Station are
operating well. By adopting technologies like photocatalytic oxidation and activated carbon adsorption, and the Company’s emission
of exhaust gas meets the requirements of Table 2 of the Standard for Emission of Pollutants.
In 2019, the environment protection facilities of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited and its subsidiaries ran normally in
general, main pollutants can achieve up-to-standard discharge, environment information is opened to the public normally, and they
have performed their social responsibilities properly.
Environmental impact assessment of construction project and other administrative license situation in respect of
environmental protection

 No.                        Item                    Category of EIA       EIA approval (filing) time    EIA approval (filing) number

          In-depth renovation project of
          sewage treatment station in            Environment affection
   1                                                                          16 November 2019              BHB [2019] No. 36
          industrial park of Anhui Gujing        form
          Distillery Company Limited

Emergency plan for sudden environment affairs
The Company has formulated the Emergency Plan of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited for Sudden Environmental Pollution
Accident, which has been filed with municipal environmental protection bureau. Emergency plan drill has been carried out according
to relevant requirements.

                                                           ~ 40 ~
Environmental self-monitoring scheme
The Company has formulated the Self-Monitoring Scheme of Key Pollution Source Enterprises under the National Monitoring and
published it on the website of Bozhou Environmental Protection Bureau.
Other environment information that should be disclosed
Other related environment protection information

XIX Other Significant Events

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XX Significant Events of Subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                         ~ 41 ~
                    Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information

I. Share Changes

1. Share Changes

                                                                                                                                  Unit: share

                                       Before                 Increase/decrease in the Reporting Period (+/-)              After

                                                                     Shares as    Shares as
                                                                     dividend     dividend
                                               Percentage   New                                                                   Percentage
                                  Shares                             converted    converted     Other   Subtotal     Shares
                                                  (%)       issues                                                                   (%)
                                                                       from      from capital
                                                                       profit     reserves

I. Restricted shares                       0       0.00%                                                                      0       0.00%

II. Non-restricted shares       503,600,000     100.00%                                                            503,600,000      100.00%

1 RMB ordinary shares           383,600,000      76.17%                                                            383,600,000       76.17%

2    Domestically      listed
                                120,000,000      23.83%                                                            120,000,000       23.83%
foreign shares

III. Total shares               503,600,000     100.00%                                                            503,600,000      100.00%

Reasons for share changes:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Approval of share changes:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Transfer of share ownership:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Effects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the Company’s ordinary
shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior accounting period, respectively:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

1. Securities (Exclusive of Preferred Shares) Issued in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                ~ 42 ~
2. Changes to Total Shares, Shareholder Structure and Asset and Liability Structures

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Existing Staff-Held Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Shareholders and Actual Controller

1. Shareholders and Their Shareholdings at the Period-End

                                                                                                                                                Unit: share

                                                                                                                               Number         of
                                  Number              of                                                                       shareholders
                                  ordinary                                                                                     with     resumed
                                                                                  Number     of     preferred
Number          of                shareholders        at                                                                       voting rights at
                                                                                  shareholders             with
ordinary                21,204 the         month-end                     29,696                                             0 the month-end                  0
                                                                                  resumed voting rights (if
shareholders                      prior      to      the                                                                       prior    to    the
                                                                                  any) (see note 8)
                                  disclosure of this                                                                           disclosure     of
                                  Report                                                                                       this Report (if
                                                                                                                               any) (see note

                                              5% or greater shareholders or top 10 shareholders

                                                           Total shares Increase/decrease Restricted                           Shares in pledge or frozen
                        Nature of Shareholding                                                              Non-restricted
Name of shareholder                                        held at the    in the Reporting        shares
                      shareholder percentage                                                                  shares held           Status          Shares
                                                           period-end         Period              held

GROUP COMPANY                                53.89% 271,404,022                                               271,404,022 In pledge            114,000,000
                      legal person

GAOLING               Foreign
                                                  2.47% 12,446,408                                                12,446,408
FUND,L.P.             legal person

                      Other                       2.45% 12,324,779                                                12,324,779

CHINA INT'L           Foreign                     1.96%      9,871,986                                             9,871,986

                                                                     ~ 43 ~
CAPITAL CORP           legal person

SECURITIES             Foreign
                                              1.72%     8,672,976                                   8,672,976
CLEARING               legal person

                       Other                  1.49%     7,500,000                                   7,500,000

CHINA                                         1.40%     7,068,861                                   7,068,861
                       legal person

ASSET                  State-owned
                                              1.30%     6,543,600                                   6,543,600
MANAGEMENT             legal person

CHINA ALPHA                                   1.12%     5,657,150                                   5,657,150
                       legal person

NORGES BANK                                   1.03%     5,211,411                                    5,211,411
                       legal person

Strategic investor or general legal
person    becoming      a      top-10
ordinary shareholder due to rights
issue (if any) (see note 3)

                                        Among the shareholders above, the Company’s controlling shareholder—Anhui Gujing Group
                                        Company Limited—is not a related party of other shareholders; nor are they parties acting in
Related     or    acting-in-concert
                                        concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in
parties among the shareholders
                                        Shareholding of Listed Companies. As for the other shareholders, the Company does not know
                                        whether they are related parties or whether they belong to parties acting in concert as defined in
                                        the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed

                                                                ~ 44 ~

                                            Top 10 non-restricted shareholders

                                                                                                               Shares by type
      Name of shareholder                   Non-restricted shares held at the period-end
                                                                                                           Type           Shares

                                                                                           271,404,022 ordinary         271,404,022

GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                           12,446,408 listed foreign 12,446,408

CHINA- E FUND                                                                                          RMB
CONSUMPTION SECTOR                                                                          12,324,779 ordinary          12,324,779
STOCK SECURITIES                                                                                       share

CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP                                                                               Domestically
HONG KONG SECURITIES                                                                         9,871,986 listed foreign     9,871,986
LTD                                                                                                    stock

                                                                                             8,672,976 ordinary           8,672,976

CHINA LIMITED-JINGSHUN                                                                                 RMB
GREATWALL EMERGING                                                                           7,500,000 ordinary           7,500,000
GROWTH HYBRID                                                                                          share

                                                                                             7,068,861 listed foreign     7,068,861

                                                                                             6,543,600 ordinary           6,543,600

                                                                                             5,657,150 listed foreign     5,657,150

NORGES BANK                                                                                  5,211,411 listed foreign     5,211,411

                                                       ~ 45 ~
                                           Among the shareholders above, the Company’s controlling shareholder—Anhui Gujing Group
Related        or   acting-in-concert
                                           Company Limited—is not a related party of other shareholders; nor are they parties acting in
parties among top 10 unrestricted
                                           concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in
public shareholders, as well as
                                           Shareholding of Listed Companies. As for the other shareholders, the Company does not know
between     top     10      unrestricted
                                           whether they are related parties or whether they belong to parties acting in concert as defined in
public shareholders and top 10
                                           the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed

Top 10 ordinary shareholders
involved in securities margin N/A
trading (if any) (see note 4)

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders of the
Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Controlling Shareholder

Nature of the controlling shareholder: controlled by a local state-owned legal person
Type of the controlling shareholder: legal person

     Name of controlling                                                                Unified social credit
                                     representative/person Date of establishment                                      Principal activity
           shareholder                                                                          code
                                             in charge

                                                                                                                Making beverage,
                                     Liang Jinhui             16 January 1995         91341600151947437P        construction materials and
                                                                                                                plastic products, etc.

Controlling         shareholder’s
holdings       in   other      listed The controlling      shareholder ANHUI       GUJING GROUP COMPANY LIMITED directly
companies at home or abroad holds100,000,000 shares of Huaan Securities Co., Ltd. owning the proportion of shares of 2.76%.
in the Reporting Period

Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Information about the Actual Controller

Nature of the actual controller: Local administrator for state-owned assets
Type of the actual controller: legal person

                                                                     Date of         Unified social credit
   Name of actual controller          representative/person                                                         Principal activity
                                                                 establishment               code
                                              in charge

State-owned Assets Supervision                   N/A                                         N/A                          N/A

                                                                   ~ 46 ~
and              Administration
Commission of the People’s
Government of Bozhou

Other listed companies at home
or abroad controlled by the
actual    controller    in   the
Reporting Period

Change of the actual controller during the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company:

Indicate by tick mark whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Other 10% or Greater Corporate Shareholders

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Limitations on Shareholding Decrease by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder, Actual Controller,
Reorganizer and Other Commitment Makers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                           ~ 47 ~
                                         Part VII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preferred shares in the Reporting Period.

                                                  ~ 48 ~
                                       Part VIII Convertible bonds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preferred shares in the Reporting Period.

                                                 ~ 49 ~
           Part IX Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff

I Change in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

                                                                                  Increase Decreas
                                                                      Beginning in the e in the         Other        Ending
                         Incumbent/Form Gende Ag Start of     End of
    Name    Office title                                             shareholdin Reportin Reportin increase/decrea shareholdin
                               er         r    e tenure       tenure
                                                                      g (share) g Period g Period     se (share)    g (share)
                                                                                  (share)   (share)

Liang                                              20 June   19 June
            of the        Incumbent   Male    54
Jinhui                                             2017      2020

                                                   20 June   19 June
Li Peihui Director        Incumbent   Male    47
                                                   2017      2020

Zhou        Director,                              20 June   19 June
                          Incumbent   Male    46
Qingwu      GM                                     2017      2020

            Executive                              20 June   19 June
Yan Lijun                 Incumbent   Male    47
            Deputy                                 2017      2020

                                                   20 June   19 June
Xu Peng Deputy            Incumbent   Male    50
                                                   2017      2020

            GM, Chief
            Accountan                              20 June   19 June
Changqin                  Incumbent   Male    46
            t,                                     2017      2020
            of the

Wang        Independe                              20 June   19 June
                          Incumbent   Male    55
Gao         nt director                            2017      2020

Song        Independe                              20 June   19 June
                          Incumbent   Male    58
Shuyu       nt director                            2017      2020

Wang        Independe                                        19 June
                          Incumbent   Male    58 Septemb
Ruihua      nt director                                      2020
                                                   er 2019

Sun         Chairman Incumbent        Male    55 20 May      19 June

                                                          ~ 50 ~
Wanhua      of                                               2019      2020

Yang                                                         20 June   19 June
            Supervisor Incumbent            Male        53
Xiaofan                                                      2017      2020

Wang        Employee                                         20 June   19 June
                          Incumbent         Male        50
Zibin       supervisor                                       2017      2020

Lu                                                           20 May    19 June
            Supervisor Incumbent            Male        40
Duicang                                                      2019      2020

            Employee                                         20 June   19 June
Zhang Bo                  Incumbent         Male        55
            supervisor                                       2017      2020

Zhang       Deputy                                           20 June   19 June
                          Incumbent         Male        52
Lihong      GM                                               2017      2020

            GM                                               20 June   19 June
Xianghon                  Incumbent         Male        46
            assistant                                        2017      2020

Gao         GM                                               20 June   19 June
                          Incumbent         Male        50
Jiakun      assistant                                        2017      2020

            Independe                                        20 June
Du Jie                    Former            Male        50             Septemb
            nt director                                      2017
                                                                       er 2019

Wang                                                         20 June   20 May
            Supervisor Former               Male        55
Feng                                                         2017      2019

Fu                                                           20 June   20 May
            Supervisor Former               Male        51
Qiangxin                                                     2017      2019

    Total        --                --           --      --      --          --

II Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

        Name              Office title           Type                   Date                             Reason

                      independent        The independent
Du Jie                                                          September 27, 2019   Personal reasons.
                      director           director

                      Chairman of the
Wang Feng             Supervisory        Left                   20 May 2019          Job adjustment.

                                                                     ~ 51 ~
Fu Qiangxin       Supervisor         Left               20 May 2019            Job adjustment.

III Biographical Information

Professional backgrounds, major work experience and current duties in the Company of the incumbent directors, supervisors and
senior management:
1. Mr. Liang Jinhui, male, born in October 1966, is Political Engineer and a deputy to the 13 th National People’s Congress who has
educational experience of graduate student, incumbent president of the Company and president and Secretary of CPC of Gujing
Group. He ever took the post of MD, GM, Deputy GM, GM of Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd., Supervisor of Third Supervisory
Committee, Director of the 4th, 5th and 6th Board of Directors and Chairman of the 7th Board of Directors of the Company.
2. Mr. Li Peihui, male, born in July 1973, is a holder of master degree. He is a senior accountant, CPA and member of national
leading accounting talents. At present, he acts as the Company’s Vice Secretary of CPC and president of Gujing Group. He had ever
served as deputy GM and GM of Financial Department, deputy chief accountant, chief accountant, Secretary of Board of Directors
and Director of the Company; Chairman of the Board of Anhui Ruijing Business Travel Group Co. and Anhui Huixin Financial
Investment Group; executive vice president and CFO of Gujing Group; and director of the 7 th Board of Directors.
3. Mr. Zhou Qingwu, male, born in February 1974, is a senior accountant and national chief sommelier with educational experience
of graduate student. At present, he is Director and General Manager of the Company, Vice Secretary of CPC of Gujing Group. He
had ever acted as Chairman and General Manager of Bozhou Gujing Packing Material Co., Ltd., Deputy GM and deputy executive
GM of the Company and Director of the 5 th , 6th and 7th Board of Directors of the Company.
4. Mr. Yan Lijun, male, June 1973, is a holder of master degree with Senior Taster. Now he is Director, Executive Deputy GM of the
Company, member of CPC Committee of Gujing Group, Chairman of the Board and GM of Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd. He once
worked as a salesman of Sale Company, District Manager, Director of Market Research, Vice Manager of Planning Department,
Director of Hefei Strategic Operations Center, Vice GM and director of the 7 th Board of Directors of the Company.
5. Mr. Xu Peng, male, born in September 1970, has educational experience of undergraduate college. He is the Director and Deputy
GM of the Company, member of CPC Committee of Gujing Group, and Chairman of the Board of Yellow Crane Tower Liquor
Industry Co., Ltd. He had ever acted as Deputy Director and Director of Finance Second Office of Finance Department of the
Company, Manager of Finance Department of Anhui Laobada Co., Ltd., Vice Manager and Manager of Finance Department of the
Company, Deputy General Manager and Chief Supervisor of Market Supervision Department of Bozhou Gujing Sales Company,
Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company, and Chairman of the 7 th Board of Directors.
6. Mr. Ye Changqing, male, born in October 1974, is a member of national leading accounting talents (back up) with master degree
and International Certified Internal Auditor. He is the incumbent Director, Deputy GM, Chief Accountant and Secretary of Board of
Directors of the Company. He had ever acted as Chief Auditor of Audit Department, Vice Manager of Audit Department and Vice
Supervisor and Supervisor of Auditing& Supervision Department; and Supervisor of the 4 th Supervisory Committee of the Company;
Director and Secretary of the 5th, 6th, and 7th Board of Directors, and Chief Accountant of the Company.
7. Wang Gao, Male, born in April 1965, Doctor of Sociology graduated from Yale University, Professor of Marketing, Bao Steel
Chaired Professor, vice dean, member of Management Committee, Academic Director of CMO Project, Co-Academic Director of
Global CEO Project & WIT 120 Project in China Europe International Business School. He acts as the independent director in
GOME, Canature, Yunji, SINENG He once worked as Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of Department of Marketing in School of
Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, deputy director of China's Retail Research Center Academic Director of Harvard -
central Europe - Tsinghai university senior managers (SEPC) project. Strategic Analysis Manager of Minute Maid Branch of
Coca-Cola Company and senior counselor of The Information Resources Co., Ltd. (IRI).
8. Song Shuyu, male, born in November 1962, is Senior Engineer and Master of Chinese Wine with educational experience of
graduate student. Now, he is Deputy President and Secretary General of China Alcoholic Drinks Association, Secretary-general of

                                                            ~ 52 ~
Liquor Branch Association, Secretary General of Market Professional Committee, Secretary General of White Wine Club Technical
Committee, specialist who enjoy the special allowance of the state council. He also is member of Chinese liquor standardization
technical committee, Deputy Secretary General of strong-flavor, Feng-flavour, soybean-flavor and rice flavour Liquor Technical
Committee of Chinese Liquor Standardization Technical Committee, Chairman of Committee of Te-flavour Chinese spirits and
Laobaigan-flavour Chinese spirits standardization technical committee.
9. Wang Ruihua, male, born in January 1962, is a non-practicing CPA with a doctor’s degree in management. Now he acts as a
professor and doctoral advisor in the Business School of Central University of Finance and Economics, the independent director in
Beijing Zhong Ke San Huan Hi-Tech Co., Ltd., Harbin Gloria Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. and Bank Of Beijing Co., Ltd.
10. Sun Wanhua, male, was born in October 1965 with a bachelor degree. Now he acts as the Chairman of the Supervisory
Committee of the Company, member of the Party Committee and vice president in Gujing Group. He once held the posts of the
member of Standing Committee of CPC County Committee, the Party Secretary of People’s Armed Forces Department and political
commissar in Minquan County, Henan Province, member of Standing Committee of Discipline Inspection Committee in Bozhou,
Deputy Director of Bozhou Supervision Bureau and Deputy Secretary of Bozhou Discipline Inspection Committee.
11. Mr. Yang Xiaofan, male, born in April 1967, is a holder of master degree. At present, he is Supervisor of the Company and Vice
President and member of CPC Committee of Gujing Group. He once acted as Vice President and General Manager of Anhui Gujing
Real Estates Group Co., Ltd., Assistant to President of Gujing Group; Director of the 5 th, 6th and 7th Board of Directors of the
Company and Supervisor of the 7th Supervisory Committee.
12. Wang Zibin, male, born in August 1970, a senior auditor, certified internal auditor and CPA with a college degree. Now he acts as
the Employee Supervisor of the Company, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee in
Gujing Group. He once held the posts of the GM of Audit Department in Gujing Group, Assistant GM in Bozhou Construction
Investment Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., CFO and Deputy GM in Hefei Marketing Center of Bozhou Gujing Sales Company,
the Supervisor of the 7th Supervisory Committee of the Company and Director in Audit Supervision Center of Gujing Group.
13. Lu Duicang, male, born in March 1980, a senior accountant with a bachelor degree. Now he serves as the Assistant Financial
Controller in Gujing Group. He once acted as the accountant, deputy director, and director of No.1 Center of Finance Department,
factory director of the Liquor and Spirits Bottling Branch and Manager of Finished Product Department in the Company, Controller
of the Financial Management Center in Gujing Group, GM of Anhui Huixin Finance Investment Group Co., Ltd. and the Supervisor
of the 5th, 6th and 7th Supervisory Committee of the Company.
14. Mr. Zhang Bo, male, born in July 1965, is an economist with bachelor degree. Now, he serves as Employee Supervisor of the
Company and Chairman of the Labor Union of Gujing Group. He once worked as Chairman of the board and GM of Bozhou Gujing
Printing Co., Ltd. and Bozhou Gujing Glassware Manufacturing Co., Ltd. as well as Chairman of the Board of Bozhou Ruineng Heat
and Power Co., Ltd. and Supervisor of the 7th Supervisory Committee of the Company.
15. Mr. Zhang Lihong, male, born in October 1968, is an economist with bachelor degree. He is incumbent Deputy GM of the
Company and member of CPC Committee and deputy secretary of Commission for Discipline and Inspection of Gujing Group. He
once acted as clerk, Secretary of Operation Department and Market Development Department, Deputy GM, Director of General
Office, Director of Service Centre of Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd., Director of HR Department and Administrative Service Center
of the Company.
16. Mr. Zhu Xianghong, male, born in September 1974, is a senior Wine Taster with bachelor degree. He is incumbent assistant to
GM of the Company, and GM of Yellow Crane Tower Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. He once acted as GM of Product Department of
Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd., GM of Hefei Office, regional GM of Northern Anhui Province, GM of Anhui Operating Centre and
standing Deputy GM of Sales Company.
17. Mr. Gao Jiakun, male, born in November 1970, is a holder of bachelor degree. He is incumbent assistant to GM of the Company.
He once served as GM of Production Management Department, Vice Director of Production Management Centre, Chairman of the
Board and GM of Bozhou Pairuite Packing Products Co., Ltd., Director of Finished Products Filling Centre and Production

                                                           ~ 53 ~
Management Centre of the Company.
Offices held concurrently in shareholding entities:
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                          Office held in
                                                                                                            Remuneration or
     Name                       Shareholding entity                      Start of tenure   End of tenure   allowance from the
                                                                                                           shareholding entity
                                                          Chairman of
                                                          the Board of
Liang Jinhui     Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                            1 May 2014                        Yes
                                                          Chairman of

                                                          Chairman of
                                                                         31 October
Li Peihui        Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.             Party                                            Yes

                                                                         31 October
Sun Wanhua       Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.             member of                                        Yes
                                                          the Party

                                                                         1 November
Yang Xiaofan     Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.             member of                                        Yes
                                                          the Party

                                                          Member of
                                                          the Party
Wang Zibin       Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.             Chairman of    23 May 2019                       Yes

                                                                         27 November
Lu Duicang       Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.             Financial                                        Yes

                                                          Chairman of
                                                                         16 October
Zhang Bo         Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.             the Labor                                        Yes

Notes            The above-mentioned personnel, though they take posts in shareholders’ entities, comply with the relevant
                 employment requirements of Company Law, Securities Law and never disciplined by CSRC, other relevant

                                                        ~ 54 ~
                 departments and the Stock Exchange.

Offices held concurrently in other entities:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulator on the incumbent directors, supervisors and senior
management as well as those who left in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payments of remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior
(I) Decision-making procedure of remuneration for Directors, Supervisors and Executive Officers
The Remuneration & Appraisal Committee under the Board of Directors is in charge of drafting appraisal index of senior
management and checking accomplishment of annual index.
(II) Determination basis of remuneration for Directors, Supervisors and Executive Officers
The remuneration is determined based on the annual performance of the Company and the appraisal result in accordance with the
spirits in the Implementation Opinion on Deepening the System Reform of Remuneration of Chargers in Provincial Enterprises
(WF[2015] No. 28), and the Interim Procedures of Remuneration Management of Chargers in Municipal Enterprises (GZG[2017] No.
21) issued by the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the People’s Government of Anhui.
(III) Actual Payment of remuneration for Directors, Supervisors and Executive Officers
Payment of the remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Executive Officers is distributed annually according to check.
Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management for the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB'0,000

                                                                                                Total before-tax
                                                                                                  remuneration     Any remuneration
      Name             Office title            Gender           Age         Incumbent/Former
                                                                                                    from the       from related party

                    Chairman of the
Liang Jinhui                           Male                             54 Incumbent                               Yes

Li Peihui           Director           Male                             47 Incumbent                               Yes

Zhou Qingwu         Director, GM       Male                             46 Incumbent                      146.58 No

Yan Lijun           Executive Deputy Male                               47 Incumbent                      325.07 No

                    Director, Deputy
Xu Peng                                Male                             50 Incumbent                       94.39 No

                    Director, Deputy
                    GM, Chief
Ye Changqing                           Male                             46 Incumbent                      141.44 No
                    Secretary of the

                                                           ~ 55 ~

Wang Gao                               Male                             55 Incumbent              7.50 No

Song Shuyu                             Male                             58 Incumbent              7.50 No

Wang Ruihua                            Male                             58 Incumbent              0.00 No

                   Chairman of
Sun Wanhua         Supervisory         Male                             55 Incumbent                     Yes

Yang Xiaofan       Supervisor          Male                             53 Incumbent                     Yes

Wang Zibin                             Male                             50 Incumbent                     Yes

Lu Duicang         Supervisor          Male                             40 Incumbent                     Yes

Zhang Bo                               Male                             55 Incumbent                     Yes

Zhang Lihong       Deputy GM           Male                             52 Incumbent           144.65 No

Zhu Xianghong      GM assistant        Male                             46 Incumbent           306.48 No

Gao Jiakun         GM assistant        Male                             50 Incumbent           127.02 No

Du Jie                                 Male                             50 Former                 7.50 No

                   Chairman of
Wang Feng          Supervisory         Male                             55 Former                        Yes

Fu Qiangxin        Supervisor          Male                             51 Former                        Yes

         Total                --              --                 --                 --        1,308.13         --

Equity incentives for directors, supervisors and senior management in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Employees

1. Number, Functions and Educational Backgrounds of Employees

Number of in-service employees of the Company as the parent                                                         5,642

Number of in-service employees of major subsidiaries                                                                4,039

Total number of in-service employees                                                                                9,681

Total number of paid employees in the Reporting Period                                                              9,681

Number of retirees to whom the Company as the parent or its                                                         1,142

                                                           ~ 56 ~
major subsidiaries need to pay retirement pensions


                             Function                                                       Employees

Production                                                                                                                   5,452

Sales                                                                                                                        2,378

Technical                                                                                                                      471

Financial                                                                                                                      187

Administrative                                                                                                               1,193

Total                                                                                                                        9,681

                                                     Educational backgrounds

                     Educational background                                                 Employees

Master or above                                                                                                                 84

Bachelor                                                                                                                     2,286

Junior college                                                                                                               1,965

High school or below                                                                                                         5,346

Total                                                                                                                        9,681

2. Employee Remuneration Policy

The remuneration policy was conducted strictly in line with the related law and regulations of the state, and the plan of operation
performance and profits of the Company and the relevant remuneration policy management.

3. Employee Training Plans

Employee training is significant in the Human resource management. The Company always pay high attention to the employee
training and development, the Company sets up effective training plan combining with the current situation of the Company, annual
plan, nature of the post and the demand of employee learning, which includes new employee induction training, on-job training,
front-line employee operating skills training, management improvement training and part-time study. Continuously improve the
whole quality of the employees, realized a win-win situation and progress between the Company and the employees.

4. Labor Outsourcing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                          ~ 57 ~
                                      Part X Corporate Governance

I General Information of Corporate Governance

Since foundation, the Company constantly perfects corporate governance structure and standardize its management strictly in
accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law, Standard for Governance of Listed Companies, Guide Opinion on Setting up
Independent Directors Systems for Listed Companies as well as principles and requirements of other relevant laws, regulations and
normative documents.
In the reporting period, the Company developed internal control activity, implemented Rules on Management of Assets Provision for
Impairment, The Policy on the Liability of Disclosing Materially Inaccurate Information in Annual Report, Rules for Management of
External Information User and Rules for Management of Insider of Inner Information, perfected internal control system step by step,
promoted normative operation and healthy development. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the management of
the Company make decisions, perform rights and assume obligation strictly according to the standard operation rules and inner
control system so as to make sure the standard operation of the Company in the frame of rules and systems.
In the reporting period, according to requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Rules for Listing of Shares in
Shenzhen Stock Exchange and with the “open, fair and just” principle, the Company seriously and timely performed information
disclosure obligation and guaranteed that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete, free from fictitious presentation,
misleading statements or important omissions, so that all the shareholders will equally acquaint themselves with all the notices of the
After the reporting period, the Company will continuously optimize and perfect the corporate governance of listed companies, further
improve the standard operation of the Company.
Indicate by tick market whether there is any material incompliance with the regulatory documents issued by the CSRC governing the
governance of listed companies.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

II The Company’s Independence from Its Controlling Shareholder in Business, Personnel,
Asset, Organization and Financial Affairs

The Company and the controlling shareholder, Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd., realized five independences in terms of business,
personnel, assets, organizations and financial affairs, with separate independent calculation, independent and complete business,
independent operation ability, and independent responsibilities and risks. Majority shareholders cannot surpass the shareholders’
general meeting to directly or indirectly interfere with the Company’s decisions and legal production as well as operation activities,
and there is no same trade competition state of the same products between the company and majority shareholders.

III Horizontal Competition

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                            ~ 58 ~
IV Annual and Special General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

                                                    Investor participation                                                     Index to disclosed
        Meeting                    Type                                      Date of the meeting       Disclosure date
                                                            ratio                                                                 information

                                                                                                                           Announcement on
                                                                                                                           Resolutions of the
The 2018 Annual         Annual General
                                                                    61.15% 20 May 2019              21 May 2019            2018 Annual General
General Meeting         Meeting
                                                                                                                           Meeting disclosed on

                                                                                                                           Announcement on
                                                                                                                           Resolutions of the 1st
The 1st Extraordinary
                        Extraordinary                                                                                      Extraordinary
General Meeting of                                                  64.61% 27 September 2019        28 September 2019
                        General Meeting                                                                                    General Meeting of
                                                                                                                           2019 disclosed on

                                                                                                                           Announcement on
The   2nd                                                                                                                  Resolutions of the
Extraordinary           Extraordinary                                                                                      2nd Extraordinary
                                                                    59.80% 26 November 2019         27 November 2019
General Meeting of      General Meeting                                                                                    General Meeting of
2019                                                                                                                       2019 disclosed on

2. Special General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Performance of Duty by Independent Directors in the Reporting Period

1. Attendance of Independent Directors at Board Meetings and General Meetings

                               Attendance of independent directors at board meetings and general meetings

                     Total number
                        of board                                                    Board             Board
                                            Board                                                                 director failed
                     meetings the                           Board meetings        meetings         meetings the                        General
   Independent                             meetings                                                               to attend two
                     independent                          attended by way of      attended         independent                        meetings
       director                           attended on                                                              consecutive
                     director was                         telecommunication       through a    director failed                         attended
                                             site                                                                     board
                        eligible to                                                 proxy           to attend

                                                                    ~ 59 ~
Wang Gao                          4               0                    4                  0          0 No                           0

Song Shuyu                        4               0                    4                  0          0 No                           0

Wang Ruihua                       1               0                    1                  0          0 No                           0

Du Jie                            3               1                    2                  0          0 No                           2

Why any independent director failed to attend two consecutive board meetings:

2. Objections Raised by Independent Directors on Matters of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any independent directors raised any objections on any matter of the Company.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Other Information about the Performance of Duty by Independent Directors

√ Yes □ No

Suggestions from independent directors adopted or not adopted by the Company:
During the Reporting Period, the independent directors of the Company made professional opinion or suggestions on the Company's
business decision in strict accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company, and
provided independent opinion on issues needing independent directors’ opinion in the independent exercise of their duties, playing a
due role in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the Company's shareholders.

VI Performance of Duty by Specialized Committees under the Board in the Reporting Period

1. Duty performance of the Strategy Committee
The Strategy Committee is under the leadership of the Board of Directors. In the Reporting Period, in strict compliance with the
Specific Implementation Rules for the Strategy Committee, the Strategy Committee conscientiously performed its duties, making a
lot of constructive suggestions for the efficient execution of the Company’s strategy.
2. Duty performance of the Audit Committee
In the reporting period, five members of the Audit Committee diligently and responsibly performed their duties as stipulated in the
relevant rules of the Company:
(1) It reviewed the annual report of the Company in 2019.
(2) Upon discussion with RSM China for the 2019 annual audit, it determined the schedule for the financial report and internal
control audit for 2019.
(3) It communicated in advance with the CPAs firm and independent directors before the CPAs firm came to the Company and
started the 2019 annual audit.
(4) It reviewed the short form of the preliminary financial statements of 2019 prepared by the financial department of the Company
for the first time before the annual auditor came to the Company and made some helpful suggestions.
(5) After the annual auditor came to the Company and started the audit, it communicated with the registered accountants on the
problems found in the audit and the submission time of the audit report.
(6) After the annual auditor issued the preliminary audit opinion, it reviewed the 2019 annual financial statements again and made the
final resolution.
3. Duty performance of the Nomination Committee

                                                             ~ 60 ~
In the reporting period, in strict compliance with the Specific Implementation Rules of the Nomination Committee, the Nomination
Committee vigorously worked on various tasks, which ensured that the senior management staffs of the Company were hired in
compliance with laws and regulations.
(1) In the Reporting Period, the senior management staff hired by the Company satisfied the requirements of the Company Law and
other relevant laws and regulations. They were qualified as senior management staff. They were not in such a case where the
Company Law should forbid them from being senior management staff. Nor they were forbidden by CSRC from entering the
securities market.
(2) In the Reporting Period, the senior management staff of the Company were nominated and hired in line with the Company Law
and the Company’s Articles of Association. The hired personnel have never been punished by CSRC, other relevant authorities or
stock exchanges.
4. Duty performance of Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
(1) The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee affiliated to the Board of Directors, according to relevant regulations of
Implementation Rules of Remuneration and Appraisal Committee successfully completed the annual performance appraisal to
directors, supervisors and senior executives in line with standards and procedures of performance appraisal during the reporting
(2) Through the deliberation and assessment of the committee, the consistent opinion was that the general remuneration level
complied with development of the Company; the remuneration level of directors, supervisors and senior executives accurately
reflected the overall performance situation of the Company and individual work performance, which complied with the remuneration
management system; the remuneration plan and procedure of issuing remuneration were in accordance with the laws and did not
violate relevant national laws and regulations.

VII Performance of Duty by the Supervisory Committee

Indicate by tick mark whether the Supervisory Committee found any risk to the Company during its supervision in the Reporting
□ Yes √ No
The Supervisory Committee raised no objections in the Reporting Period.

VIII Appraisal of and Incentive for Senior Management

The Company has set up a Performance Appraisal and Incentive Mechanism for Senior Executives, which links remuneration of
senior executives with the Company’ performance, the decision-making management adopts the assessment and incentive measures
by linking the annual remuneration with the Company’ economic indexes & management achievement. To promote the standard,
healthy and orderly development of the Company and keep the stability of the Executive Officers, the Company annually sets up the
assessment index for them and signs a written responsibility of business target at the year-begin, then decides their remuneration and
the rewards & punishment at the year-end according to their personal work performance and completion of the Company’s operating

IX Internal Control

1. Material Internal Control Weaknesses Identified for the Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

                                                            ~ 61 ~
2. Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report

Disclosure date of the internal control
                                               27 April 2020
self-evaluation report

Index to the disclosed internal control See www.cninfo.com.cn for the Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
self-evaluation report                         Self-assessment Report of Internal Control

Evaluated entities’ combined assets as % of
consolidated total assets
Evaluated entities’ combined operating
revenue as % of consolidated operating                                                                                                  99.89%

                                       Identification standards for internal control weaknesses

                                               Weaknesses in internal control over financial Weaknesses in internal control not related
                                                                  reporting                                    to financial reporting

                                               Critical defect: Separate defect or other
                                               defects that result in failure in preventing,
                                               finding out and correcting major wrong
                                               reporting in financial report in time. The
                                               following circumstances are deemed as
                                               critical defects: (1) Ineffective in controlling
                                                                                                  Any of the following circumstances shall
                                               the environment; (2) Malpractice of directors,
                                                                                                  be deemed as a critical defect, and other
                                               supervisors and senior management officers;
                                                                                                  circumstances shall be deemed as major
                                               (3) According to external auditing, there’s
                                                                                                  or minor defects according to their degree
                                               major wrong reporting in current financial
                                                                                                  of impact.
                                               report, which fails to be found by the
                                               company in its operating process; (4) Major (1) Violate national laws, regulations or
                                               defects found and reported to the top standardized documents;
                                               management fail to be corrected within a (2) Major decision making procedure is
Nature standard
                                               reasonable    period    of     time;   (5)   The not scientific;
                                               supervision of audit committee of the (3) Lack of systems results in systematic
                                               company and its internal audit department for failure;
                                               internal control is ineffective;                   (4) Critical or major defects fail to be
                                               (6) Other defects that may affect correct rectified;
                                               judgment of users of statements. Major (5) Other circumstances that have major
                                               defect: Separate defect or other defects that impact on the company.
                                               result in failure in preventing, finding out and
                                               correcting wrong reporting in financial report
                                               in time, which shall be noted by the top
                                               management despite of not attaining or
                                               exceeding critical level. Minor defect: Other
                                               internal control defects not constituting
                                               critical or major defects.

                                                               ~ 62 ~
                                                Critical defect:
                                                (1) Wrong reporting ≥0.5% of total operating
                                                                                                Critical defect: The defect with direct
                                                (2) Wrong reporting ≥5% of total profit;
                                                                                                property loss amounting to over RMB10
                                                (3) Wrong reporting ≥0.5% of total assets;
                                                                                             million, has great negative impact on the
                                                (4) Wrong reporting ≥0.5% of total owner’s company and is disclosed in public in the
                                                equity.                                      form of announcement.
                                                Major defect:                                   Major defect: The defect with direct
                                                (1) Wrong reporting ≥0.2% but <0.5% of property          loss   amounting   to    RMB1
                                                total operating revenue;                        million to RMB10 million (included), or
                                                (2) Wrong reporting ≥2% but <5% of total is penalized by governmental authority of
Quantitative standard                           profit;                                         the country but has not resulted in

                                                (3) Wrong reporting ≥0.2% but <0.5% of negative impact on the company.
                                                total assets;                                   Minor defect: The defect with direct

                                                (4) Wrong reporting ≥0.2% but <0.5% of property loss no more than RMB1 million
                                                total owner’s equity.                   (included),    or   is    penalized  by
                                                                                                governmental      authority    of     the
                                                Minor defect:
                                                                                                provincial-level or below but has not
                                                (1) Wrong reporting<0.2% of total operating
                                                                                                resulted in negative impact on the
                                                (2) Wrong reporting<2% of total profit;
                                                (3) Wrong reporting<0.2% of total assets;
                                                (4) Wrong reporting<0.2% of total owner’s

Number of material weaknesses in internal
control over financial reporting
Number of material weaknesses in internal
control not related to financial reporting
Number of serious weaknesses in internal
control over financial reporting
Number of serious weaknesses in internal
control not related to financial reporting

X Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                  Opinion paragraph in the independent auditor’s report on internal control

We believe that the Company has maintained effective internal control on financial report in all significant respects according to the
Basic Rules for Enterprise Internal Control and relevant regulations on 31 December 2019

Independent auditor’s report on
internal control disclosed or not

Disclosure date                          27 April 2020

                                                                   ~ 63 ~
Index to such report disclosed       See www.cninfo.com.cn for Audit Report of Internal Control

Type of the auditor’s opinion       Unmodified unqualified opinion
Material weaknesses in internal
control not related to financial None

Indicate by tick mark whether any modified opinion is expressed in the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal
□ Yes √ No
Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal control is consistent with the internal
control self-evaluation report issued by the Company’s Board.
√ Yes □ No

                                                           ~ 64 ~
                                          Part XI Corporate Bonds

Does the Company have any corporate bonds publicly offered on the stock exchange, which were outstanding before the date of this
Report’s approval or were due but could not be redeemed in full?

                                                           ~ 65 ~
                                        Part XII Financial Statements

I Independent Auditor’s Report

Type of auditor’s opinion                                          Unmodified unqualified opinion

Date of signing the auditor’s report                               24 April 2020

Name of the auditor                                                 RSM China

No. of the auditor’s report                                        Rongcheng audit character [2020] 230Z1808

Name of CPA                                                         Fu jinyong, Bao guangrong, Jiang jieyu

                                                   Text of the Auditor’s Report
To the Shareholders of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited:


     We have audited the financial statements of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as “Anhui Gujing”), which

comprises the consolidated and the parent company’s statement of financial position as at 31 December 2019, the consolidated and

the parent company’s statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, the consolidated and the parent company’s

statement of cash flows, the consolidated and the parent company’s statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and the

notes to the financial statements.

     In our opinion, the accompanying Anhui Gujing’s financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated

and the company’s financial position as at 31 December 2019, and of their financial performance and cash flows for the year then

ended in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

     Basis for Opinion

     We conducted our audit in accordance with Chinese Standards on Auditing (CSAs). Our responsibilities under those standards

are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are

independent of Anhui Gujing in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of the Chinese Institute of Certified

Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities. We believe that the audit evidence we obtained is

sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

     Key Audit Matters

     Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of the most significance in our audit of the financial

statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and

informing our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

     I. Revenue recognition

   i. Description

     Refer to notes to the consolidated financial statements "3. 29. Revenue" and "5. 34. Revenue and Cost of Sales ".

                                                             ~ 66 ~
     In 2019, the company achieved revenue of 10.417 billion yuan, an increase of 19.93% compared with the same period in 2018.

As revenue is one of the key performance indicators of the company, there may be the risk of material misstatement in whether the

revenue is recognized in an appropriate accounting period. Therefore, we regard revenue recognition as a key audit matter.

   ii. Audit response

     Our procedures for revenue recognition include:

     i)       Understand the internal control process design related to the sales business, and execute the walk-through test, perform

the control test on the identified key control points;

     ii)      Interview with the management, check the samples of sales contract, analyze the significant risk and reward transferring

point related to revenue recognition of liquor sales, and then evaluate whether the company's sales revenue recognition policy is


     iii)     Sampling inspection of supporting documents related to liquor sales revenue recognition, including sales orders, sales

invoices, outbound orders, etc.;

     iv)      Compared with the liquor sales data of other enterprises in the same industry, compared the liquor sales data of the last

period with the current period, analyzed the overall rationality of revenue and gross margin;

     v)       For the liquor sales revenue recognized before and after the balance sheet date, select samples to check the sales orders,

sales invoices, outbound orders, etc., in order to evaluate whether the sales revenue is recorded in an appropriate accounting period;

     vi)      Confirm the amount of liquor sold and the closing balance of the advance payment to the main distributor by sending

confirmation letter.

     II. Accuracy of inventory balances

   i. Description

     Refer to notes to the consolidated financial statements "3 13. Inventory" and "5. 8. Inventory".

     Anhui Gujing has a large inventory balance and needs to maintain an appropriate level of inventory to meet future market or

production demand. The inventory balance accounts for 21.74% of the company's total assets, and most of the inventory is

semi-finished products and work in progress products. As the most important asset of liquor production enterprises, inventory has a

high balance at the end of the year and a large proportion of the total assets. Therefore, we regard the accuracy of the company's

inventory balance as a key audit matter.

   ii. Audit response

     Our procedures for the accuracy of inventory balances include:

     i)       Understand the internal control process design related to inventory business, and carry out walk-through test, carry out

control tests for identified key control points;

     ii)      Obtain the stocktaking plan and stocktaking results of the company, understand the stocktaking methods and review

procedures of the company, and supervise the stocktaking;

     iii)     Understand the company's inventory cost accounting method, select several months of cost calculation sheet to review,

and select the main categories of inventory to carry out valuation test;

                                                              ~ 67 ~
     iv)    To understand the provision method of the company's inventory impairment, evaluate the appropriateness of the provision

method, and review whether the provision amount is correct;

     v)     Perform analytical procedures and compare with companies in the same industry.

     Other information

     Management of Anhui Gujing is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information

included in the Annual Report of Anhui Gujing for the year of 2019, but does not include the financial statements and our auditor’s

report thereon.

     Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance

conclusion thereon.

     In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so,

consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit

or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

     If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are

required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

     Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements

     Management of Anhui Gujing is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance

with Accounting Standards of Business Enterprises, and for the design, implementation and maintenance of such internal control as

management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement,

whether due to fraud or error.

     In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing Anhui Gujing’s ability to continue as a going

concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless

management either intends to liquidate Anhui Gujing or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

     Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing Anhui Gujing’s financial reporting process.

     Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

     Our Objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material

misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high

level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with CSAs will always detect a material misstatement

when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could

reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

     As part of an audit in accordance with CSAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism

throughout the audit. We also:

     i)     Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design

and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis

for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as

                                                              ~ 68 ~
fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

     ii)    Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in

the circumstances.

     iii)   Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related

disclosures made by management.

     iv)    Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit

evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on Anhui

Gujing’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in

our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion.

Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions

may cause Anhui Gujing to cease to continue as a going concern.

     v)     Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the financial statements

represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

     vi)    Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities

within Anhui Gujing to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and

performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.

     We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit

and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

     We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements

regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on

our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

     From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance

in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our

auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we

determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be

expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

                                                              RSM China CPA LLP                       [Name of CPA]:Fujinyong

                                                             ChinaBeijing                         [Name of CPA]:Baoguangrong

                                                                                                     [Name of CPA]:Jangjieyue

                                                                                                             [Date] 24 April 2020

                                                              ~ 69 ~
II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
                                                        31 December 2019
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                    Item                             31 December 2019                    31 December 2018

Current assets:

  Monetary assets                                                   5,619,749,918.09                 1,705,760,865.12

  Settlement reserve

  Interbank loans granted

  Held-for-trading financial assets                                     509,031,097.02                            0.00

  Financial assets at fair value through
                                                                                  0.00                      622,892.96
profit or loss

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable                                                  1,004,217,431.56                 1,347,427,811.34

  Accounts receivable                                                    40,776,567.96                 29,748,068.74

  Accounts receivable financing

  Prepayments                                                           197,453,313.96                182,558,000.75

  Premiums receivable

  Reinsurance receivables

  Receivable      reinsurance    contract

  Other receivables                                                      25,746,957.22                 43,342,878.22

     Including: Interest receivable                                       1,908,788.81                 24,923,178.08

                  Dividends receivable

  Financial assets purchased under
resale agreements

  Inventories                                                       3,015,051,961.78                 2,407,306,664.86

  Contractual assets

  Assets classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current assets                                           0.00                300,000,000.00

  Other current assets                                                  114,439,167.07               3,012,478,687.20

                                                           ~ 70 ~
Total current assets                          10,526,466,414.66    9,029,245,869.19

Non-current assets:

  Loans and advances to customers

  Investments in debt obligations

  Available-for-sale financial assets                      0.00     206,393,107.46

  Investments in other debt obligations

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments                     4,678,282.24        4,900,000.00

  Investments in other equity

  Other non-current financial assets

  Investment property                              4,710,086.02        5,027,228.53

  Fixed assets                                 1,722,572,998.79    1,763,988,530.56

  Construction in progress                      183,984,816.07       93,320,557.56

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Use rights assets

  Intangible assets                             785,717,932.76      742,083,609.10

  R&D expense

  Goodwill                                      478,283,495.29      478,283,495.29

  Long-term prepaid expense                      70,240,106.82       83,561,473.46

  Deferred income tax assets                     90,494,544.51       86,580,171.06

  Other non-current assets                         4,148,686.00      16,544,407.51

Total non-current assets                       3,344,830,948.50    3,480,682,580.53

Total assets                                  13,871,297,363.16   12,509,928,449.72

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Borrowings from the central bank

  Interbank loans obtained

  Held-for-trading financial liabilities

  Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                                 703,679,646.86      349,203,413.72

                                           ~ 71 ~
  Accounts payable                                    563,494,195.40     484,952,598.59

  Advances from customers                             529,863,011.73    1,149,143,310.48

  Contractual liabilities

  Financial      assets          sold    under
repurchase agreements
  Customer deposits and interbank
  Payables     for    acting       trading   of
  Payables      for      underwriting        of

  Payroll payable                                     454,189,532.89     457,299,476.43

  Taxes payable                                       482,903,109.59     372,993,624.18

  Other payables                                     1,315,878,229.01   1,192,020,147.82

     Including: Interest payable

                 Dividends payable

  Handling charges and commissions

  Reinsurance payables

  Liabilities directly associated with
assets classified as held for sale
  Current      portion      of     non-current

  Other current liabilities                           197,484,121.41     295,164,745.44

Total current liabilities                            4,247,491,846.89   4,300,777,316.66

Non-current liabilities:

  Insurance contract reserve

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

                 Perpetual bonds

  Lease liabilities

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payable


  Deferred income                                      72,778,437.92      76,636,500.55

  Deferred income tax liabilities                     118,872,366.61     102,764,515.11

                                                  ~ 72 ~
  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                    191,650,804.53                             179,401,015.66

Total liabilities                                               4,439,142,651.42                          4,480,178,332.32

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                                  503,600,000.00                             503,600,000.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                                              1,295,405,592.25                          1,295,405,592.25

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income                                                0.00                              4,794,830.59

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                                               256,902,260.27                             256,902,260.27

  General reserve

  Retained earnings                                             6,888,203,911.92                          5,541,281,341.47

Total equity attributable to owners of
                                                                8,944,111,764.44                          7,601,984,024.58
the Company as the parent

Non-controlling interests                                        488,042,947.30                             427,766,092.82

Total owners’ equity                                           9,432,154,711.74                          8,029,750,117.40

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                          13,871,297,363.16                         12,509,928,449.72

Legal representative: Liang Jinhui                                       The Company’s chief accountant: Ye Changqing

Head of the Company’s financial department: Zhu Jiafeng

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                     Item                           31 December 2019                        31 December 2018

Current assets:

  Monetary assets                                               2,919,818,830.20                          1,078,172,917.59

  Held-for-trading financial assets                              489,861,097.02                                          0.00

  Financial assets at fair value through
                                                                            0.00                                622,892.96
profit or loss

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable                                               378,740,100.82                           1,256,336,386.34

  Accounts receivable                                            218,558,555.07                               9,385,950.54

                                                           ~ 73 ~
  Accounts receivable financing

  Prepayments                                  17,906,999.63      10,869,911.54

  Other receivables                           125,219,213.84     110,800,665.19

     Including: Interest receivable                301,888.89               0.00

                 Dividends receivable

  Inventories                                2,688,839,871.27   2,125,826,967.11

  Contractual assets

  Assets classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets                          1,280,998.32    1,764,267,968.83

Total current assets                         6,840,225,666.17   6,356,283,660.10

Non-current assets:

  Investments in debt obligations

  Available-for-sale financial assets                    0.00    206,393,107.46

  Investments in other debt obligations

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments               1,148,213,665.32   1,148,213,665.32

  Investments in other equity

  Other non-current financial assets

  Investment property                           4,710,086.02      24,715,657.40

  Fixed assets                               1,310,704,771.36   1,290,714,455.79

  Construction in progress                     84,477,784.02      86,634,753.93

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Use rights assets

  Intangible assets                           243,928,047.95     189,968,142.25

  R&D expense


  Long-term prepaid expense                    48,354,967.15      56,643,945.05

  Deferred income tax assets                   31,360,809.87      37,415,458.17

  Other non-current assets                         574,026.00     12,474,026.00

Total non-current assets                     2,872,324,157.69   3,053,173,211.37

                                          ~ 74 ~
Total assets                                      9,712,549,823.86   9,409,456,871.47

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Held-for-trading financial liabilities

  Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                                     49,114,582.04      28,648,913.72

  Accounts payable                                 450,303,984.53     362,290,556.21

  Advances from customers                               31,724.77    1,123,125,892.84

  Contractual liabilities

  Payroll payable                                  100,357,808.20     117,748,485.96

  Taxes payable                                    371,012,223.50     161,176,957.25

  Other payables                                   274,053,511.54     372,902,293.22

     Including: Interest payable

                 Dividends payable

  Liabilities directly associated with
assets classified as held for sale
  Current      portion      of   non-current

  Other current liabilities                         11,953,800.20      32,605,794.55

Total current liabilities                         1,256,827,634.78   2,198,498,893.75

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

                 Perpetual bonds

  Lease liabilities

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payable


  Deferred income                                   33,229,246.47      36,417,554.85

  Deferred income tax liabilities                   22,799,814.64       4,828,737.52

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                       56,029,061.11      41,246,292.37

                                               ~ 75 ~
Total liabilities                                        1,312,856,695.89           2,239,745,186.12

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                            503,600,000.00            503,600,000.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                                       1,247,162,107.35           1,247,162,107.35

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income                                         0.00              4,794,830.59

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                                         251,800,000.00            251,800,000.00

  Retained earnings                                      6,397,131,020.62           5,162,354,747.41

Total owners’ equity                                    8,399,693,127.97           7,169,711,685.35

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                    9,712,549,823.86           9,409,456,871.47

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                      Item                        2019                       2018

1. Revenue                                               10,416,961,584.23          8,686,140,336.89

  Including: Operating revenue                           10,416,961,584.23          8,686,140,336.89

               Interest income

               Premium income

               Handling       charge      and
commission income

2. Costs and expenses                                     7,833,874,460.30          6,510,898,845.96

  Including: Cost of sales                                2,426,046,924.89          1,932,064,837.65

               Interest expense

               Handling       charge      and
commission expense


               Net claims paid

               Net amount provided as
insurance contract reserve
               Expenditure       on     policy

                                                 ~ 76 ~
                 Reinsurance            premium

                 Taxes and surcharges                   1,592,905,554.04   1,278,907,520.09

                 Selling expense                        3,184,894,221.10   2,682,535,305.26

                 Administrative expense                  685,280,546.45     644,997,046.65

                 R&D expense                              42,373,017.33      23,966,766.04

                 Finance costs                            -97,625,803.51     -51,572,629.73

                   Including:            Interest
                                                          33,652,843.25      15,408,022.76

                                                         133,813,626.35      68,964,800.42

Add: Other income                                         98,244,470.32      35,701,674.45

         Return on investment (“-” for loss)           126,427,450.28     148,215,468.62

            Including: Share of profit or loss
                                                             -221,717.76               0.00
of joint ventures and associates
              Income           from          the
derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost (“-” for loss)
         Foreign exchange gain (“-” for
         Net gain on exposure hedges (“-”
for loss)

         Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
                                                          17,585,151.48        -161,541.19
for loss)

         Credit impairment loss (“-” for
                                                             -932,729.84               0.00

         Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)            -1,217,745.51     -12,726,868.74

         Asset disposal income (“-” for
                                                             252,518.68         526,066.38

3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                    2,823,446,239.34   2,346,796,290.45

Add: Non-operating income                                 57,805,996.37      35,289,980.44

Less: Non-operating expense                                8,410,456.65      13,160,175.48

4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                   2,872,841,779.06   2,368,926,095.41

Less: Income tax expense                                 715,037,184.72     628,012,434.53

5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                      2,157,804,594.34   1,740,913,660.88

  5.1 By operating continuity

        5.1.1 Net profit from continuing
                                                        2,157,804,594.34   1,740,913,660.88
operations (“-” for net loss)

                                                    ~ 77 ~
      5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)

  5.2 By ownership

      5.2.1 Net profit attributable to
                                                       2,097,527,739.86   1,695,231,643.05
owners of the Company as the parent
      5.2.1 Net profit attributable to
                                                         60,276,854.48      45,682,017.83
non-controlling interests
6. Other comprehensive income, net of
                                                                   0.00     -48,725,996.85
  Attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                   0.00     -48,725,996.85
as the parent
      6.1   Items      that    will     not   be
reclassified to profit or loss
         6.1.1     Changes        caused      by
remeasurements         on     defined    benefit
pension schemes
         6.1.2      Other       comprehensive
income that will not be reclassified to
profit or loss under the equity method
         6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other equity instruments
         6.1.4 Changes in the fair value of
the company’s credit risks

         6.1.5 Other

      6.2 Items that will be reclassified to
                                                                   0.00     -48,725,996.85
profit or loss
         6.2.1      Other       comprehensive
income that will be reclassified to profit
or loss under the equity method
         6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other debt obligations
         6.2.3 Gain/Loss on changes in the
fair value of available-for-sale financial                         0.00     -48,725,996.85
         6.2.4      Other       comprehensive
income arising from the reclassification
of financial assets
         6.2.5 Gain/Loss arising from the
reclassification       of     held-to-maturity
investments to available-for-sale financial

                                                   ~ 78 ~
          6.2.6    Allowance         for      credit
impairments in investments in other debt
          6.2.7 Reserve for cash flow
          6.2.8 Differences arising from the
translation                  of             foreign
currency-denominated                       financial

          6.2.9 Other

  Attributable          to        non-controlling

7. Total comprehensive income                                 2,157,804,594.34          1,692,187,664.03

  Attributable to owners of the Company
                                                              2,097,527,739.86          1,646,505,646.20
as the parent
  Attributable          to        non-controlling
                                                                 60,276,854.48            45,682,017.83

8. Earnings per share

  8.1 Basic earnings per share                                            4.17                      3.37

  8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                          4.17                      3.37

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                     Item                              2019                      2018

1. Operating revenue                                          5,564,895,569.73          4,255,302,263.38

Less: Cost of sales                                           2,269,256,097.78          1,772,452,588.66

        Taxes and surcharges                                  1,366,947,316.98          1,074,150,390.45

        Selling expense                                         66,666,543.63            177,002,048.12

        Administrative expense                                 449,947,174.03            443,945,470.10

        R&D expense                                             21,923,357.07             17,321,657.06

        Finance costs                                           -34,323,060.49            -42,463,654.44

          Including: Interest expense                           33,506,232.15             15,408,022.76

                        Interest income                         69,580,038.23             58,659,575.81

Add: Other income                                               54,224,566.00             15,340,983.23

         Return on investment (“-” for
                                                               846,168,044.08            953,463,522.77

            Including: Share of profit or
loss of joint ventures and associates

                                                       ~ 79 ~
                Income       from           the
derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost (“-” for loss)

         Net gain on exposure hedges (“-”
for loss)

         Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
                                                       17,585,151.48         -161,541.19
for loss)

         Credit impairment loss (“-” for
                                                           -274,201.63               0.00
         Asset impairment loss (“-” for
                                                           -948,348.71     -11,600,870.40
         Asset disposal income (“-” for
                                                            36,552.41                0.00

2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                 2,341,269,904.36    1,769,935,857.84

Add: Non-operating income                              45,105,856.60       29,427,413.82

Less: Non-operating expense                             4,137,379.38        9,158,255.98

3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                2,382,238,381.58    1,790,205,015.68

Less: Income tax expense                              396,856,938.96      227,402,111.65

4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                   1,985,381,442.62    1,562,802,904.03

  4.1      Net    profit   from      continuing
                                                     1,985,381,442.62    1,562,802,904.03
operations (“-” for net loss)

  4.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)

5. Other comprehensive income, net of
                                                                  0.00     -48,659,905.79
  5.1 Items that will not be reclassified
to profit or loss
        5.1.1     Changes      caused       by
remeasurements on defined benefit
pension schemes
        5.1.2 Other comprehensive income
that will not be reclassified to profit or
loss under the equity method
        5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other equity instruments
        5.1.4 Changes in the fair value of
the company’s credit risks

        5.1.5 Other

  5.2 Items that will be reclassified to
                                                                  0.00     -48,659,905.79
profit or loss

                                                  ~ 80 ~
     5.2.1 Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method
     5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other debt obligations
     5.2.3 Gain/Loss on changes in the
fair value of available-for-sale financial                                   0.00            -48,659,905.79
     5.2.4 Other comprehensive income
arising from the reclassification of
financial assets
     5.2.5 Gain/Loss arising from the
reclassification        of         held-to-maturity
investments        to             available-for-sale
financial assets
     5.2.6     Allowance               for      credit
impairments in investments in other
debt obligations

     5.2.7 Reserve for cash flow hedges

     5.2.8 Differences arising from the
translation                  of               foreign
currency-denominated                         financial

     5.2.9 Other

6. Total comprehensive income                                    1,985,381,442.62          1,514,142,998.24

7. Earnings per share

    7.1 Basic earnings per share                                             3.94                      3.10

    7.2 Diluted earnings per share                                           3.94                      3.10

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                    Item                                 2019                       2018

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Proceeds from sale of commodities
                                                                10,746,837,904.99          9,158,327,553.33
and rendering of services
  Net increase in customer deposits and
interbank deposits
  Net increase in borrowings from the
central bank

                                                         ~ 81 ~
  Net increase in loans from other
financial institutions
  Premiums            received        on    original
insurance contracts

  Net proceeds from reinsurance

  Net        increase        in     deposits    and
investments of policy holders
  Interest,         handling        charges     and
commissions received
  Net increase in interbank loans
  Net      increase        in      proceeds    from
repurchase transactions
  Net proceeds from acting trading of

  Tax rebates                                                  9,498,718.50     18,279,633.65

  Cash generated from other operating
                                                           1,323,733,316.43    774,008,382.31
Subtotal       of     cash        generated    from
                                                          12,080,069,939.92   9,950,615,569.29
operating activities
  Payments           for     commodities        and
                                                           1,593,805,653.82   1,141,576,748.20
  Net increase in loans and advances to
  Net increase in deposits in the central
bank and in interbank loans granted
  Payments for claims on original
insurance contracts

  Net increase in interbank loans

  Interest,         handling        charges     and
commissions paid

  Policy dividends paid

  Cash paid to and for employees                           2,042,656,319.91   1,557,106,771.09

  Taxes paid                                               3,292,028,435.78   3,095,830,374.91

  Cash        used      in        other    operating
                                                           4,959,132,466.96   2,715,220,389.14
Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                          11,887,622,876.47   8,509,734,283.34
Net     cash        generated       from/used     in
                                                            192,447,063.45    1,440,881,285.95
operating activities

                                                       ~ 82 ~
2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestment                           4,007,300,054.88   3,392,057,566.06

  Return on investment                                   126,649,168.04      137,503,636.38

  Net proceeds from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                  4,351,897.20        1,088,510.86
long-lived assets
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal      of     cash      generated      from
                                                        4,138,301,120.12   3,530,649,713.30
investing activities
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                      412,329,130.60      307,319,114.99
long-lived assets

  Payments for investments                              1,053,830,000.00   4,349,123,092.20

  Net increase in pledged loans granted

  Net payments for the acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash       used      in      other   investing
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                                        1,466,159,130.60   4,656,442,207.19
Net    cash        generated     from/used      in
                                                        2,672,141,989.52   -1,125,792,493.89
investing activities

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received

      Including: Capital contributions by
non-controlling interests to subsidiaries

  Borrowings obtained

  Cash generated from other financing
Subtotal      of     cash      generated      from
financing activities

  Repayments of borrowings

  Payments for interest and dividends                    755,400,000.00      503,600,000.00

      Including:       Dividends       paid    by
subsidiaries to non-controlling interests
  Cash       used      in   other      financing
                                                                    0.00          16,553.34

                                                     ~ 83 ~
Subtotal of cash used in financing
                                                             755,400,000.00            503,616,553.34
Net    cash        generated     from/used      in
                                                            -755,400,000.00           -503,616,553.34
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                            2,109,189,052.97          -188,527,761.28
Add:     Cash       and     cash      equivalents,
                                                             835,560,865.12           1,024,088,626.40
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                            2,944,749,918.09           835,560,865.12

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                       Item                          2019                      2018

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Proceeds from sale of commodities
                                                            4,469,643,061.53          3,047,700,512.72
and rendering of services

  Tax rebates                                                  4,448,500.00              4,523,679.80

  Cash generated from other operating
                                                             530,824,780.80            744,922,683.25
Subtotal      of     cash      generated     from
                                                            5,004,916,342.33          3,797,146,875.77
operating activities
  Payments          for     commodities       and
                                                            1,103,336,566.52          1,151,280,535.30

  Cash paid to and for employees                             674,939,745.53            556,958,789.26

  Taxes paid                                                1,967,147,571.63          1,875,058,501.76

  Cash       used      in     other     operating
                                                            1,195,092,963.86           606,222,797.89
Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                            4,940,516,847.54          4,189,520,624.21
Net    cash        generated     from/used      in
                                                              64,399,494.79           -392,373,748.44
operating activities

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestment                               2,200,740,054.88          2,592,057,566.06

  Return on investment                                       846,168,044.08            956,590,486.35

  Net proceeds from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                       2,760,011.69               153,914.79
long-lived assets

                                                     ~ 84 ~
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
                                                                     0.00       3,587,238.24
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal      of     cash      generated      from
                                                          3,049,668,110.65   3,552,389,205.44
investing activities
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                        271,021,692.83     228,181,556.23
long-lived assets

  Payments for investments                                 716,000,000.00    2,546,323,092.20

  Net payments for the acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash       used      in      other     investing
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                                           987,021,692.83    2,774,504,648.43
Net    cash        generated     from/used       in
                                                         2,062,646,417.82     777,884,557.01
investing activities

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received

  Borrowings obtained

  Cash generated from other financing
Subtotal      of     cash      generated      from
financing activities

  Repayments of borrowings

  Payments for interest and dividends                      755,400,000.00     503,600,000.00

  Cash       used      in    other       financing
Subtotal of cash used in financing
                                                           755,400,000.00     503,600,000.00
Net    cash        generated     from/used       in
                                                          -755,400,000.00    -503,600,000.00
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                         1,371,645,912.61     -118,089,191.43
Add:     Cash       and     cash       equivalents,
                                                           708,172,917.59     826,262,109.02
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                         2,079,818,830.20     708,172,917.59

                                                      ~ 85 ~
7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB


                                                              Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

       Item                            Other equity                                                                              Gener
                                                                            Less:        Other       Specifi                                                                         Non-controlli Total owners’
                                       instruments           Capital                                             Surplus           al       Retained        Othe
                  Share capital                                             Treasur comprehensi        c                                                             Subtotal         ng interests        equity
                                  Preferre Perpetu Othe     reserves                                             reserves        reserv     earnings         r
                                                                            y stock    ve income reserve
                                  d shares al bonds   r                                                                            e

1.     Balances
as at the end 503,600,000.                                1,295,405,592.                                       256,902,260.               5,541,281,341.           7,601,984,024. 427,766,092.8 8,029,750,117.
of the prior                 00                                        25                                                   27                         47                       58                   2             40
for changed                                                                                                                                4,794,830.59

of     previous

                                                                                                 ~ 86 ~
for business
2.       Balances
as       at      the 503,600,000.   1,295,405,592.        256,902,260.   5,546,076,172.   7,601,984,024. 427,766,092.8 8,029,750,117.
beginning of                  00               25                  27               06               58               2               40
the year
3.       Increase/
decrease          in
                                                                         1,342,127,739.   1,342,127,739.                   1,402,404,594.
the           period                                                                                       60,276,854.48
                                                                                    86               86                               34
(“-”           for
     3.1       Total
                                                                         2,097,527,739.   2,097,527,739.                   2,157,804,594.
comprehensi                                                                                                60,276,854.48
                                                                                    86               86                               34
ve income
     3.2 Capital
and reduced
by owners

                                                     ~ 87 ~
increased by
increased by
holders of
other equity
included in

 3.3      Profit            -755,400,000.0   -755,400,000.0   -755,400,000.0
distribution                            0                0                0

n to surplus
n to general

                   ~ 88 ~
                              -755,400,000.0   -755,400,000.0   -755,400,000.0
n to owners
                                          0                0                0
Increase        in
capital        (or
share capital)
from capital
Increase        in
capital        (or
share capital)
from surplus
Loss        offset
by         surplus

                     ~ 89 ~
Changes        in
transferred to
ve         income
transferred to
Increase       in
the period
Used in the

     3.6 Other

                    ~ 90 ~
4.     Balances
                  503,600,000.                            1,295,405,592.                                         256,902,260.               6,888,203,911.           8,944,111,764. 488,042,947.3 9,432,154,711.
as at the end
                            00                                         25                                                     27                         92                       44                   0             74
of the period

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB


                                                              Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

       Item                            Other equity                                                                                Gener
                                                                            Less:        Other         Specifi                                                                         Non-controlli Total owners’
                                       instruments           Capital                                               Surplus           al       Retained        Othe
                  Share capital                                             Treasur comprehensi          c                                                             Subtotal         ng interests        equity
                                  Preferre Perpetu Othe     reserves                                               reserves        reserv     earnings         r
                                                                            y stock    ve income       reserve
                                  d shares al bonds   r                                                                              e

1.     Balances
as at the end 503,600,000.                                1,295,405,592.              53,520,827.4               256,902,260.               4,349,649,698.           6,459,078,378. 382,100,628.3 6,841,179,006.
of the prior                 00                                        25                          4                          27                         42                       38                   3             71
for changed

of     previous

                                                                                                 ~ 91 ~
for business
2.       Balances
as       at      the 503,600,000.   1,295,405,592.   53,520,827.4   256,902,260.   4,349,649,698.   6,459,078,378. 382,100,628.3 6,841,179,006.
beginning of                  00               25              4             27               42               38               3               71
the year
3.       Increase/
decrease          in
                                                     -48,725,996.                  1,191,631,643.   1,142,905,646.                   1,188,571,110.
the           period                                                                                                 45,665,464.49
                                                              85                              05               20                               69
(“-”           for
     3.1       Total
                                                     -48,725,996.                  1,695,231,643.   1,646,505,646.                   1,692,187,664.
comprehensi                                                                                                          45,682,017.83
                                                              85                              05               20                               03
ve income
     3.2 Capital
                                                                                                                        -16,553.34      -16,553.34
and reduced
by owners

                                                              ~ 92 ~
increased by
increased by
holders of
other equity
included in
                                                              -16,553.34       -16,553.34

 3.3      Profit            -503,600,000.0   -503,600,000.0                -503,600,000.0
distribution                            0                0                             0

n to surplus
n to general

                   ~ 93 ~
                              -503,600,000.0   -503,600,000.0   -503,600,000.0
n to owners
                                          0                0                0
Increase        in
capital        (or
share capital)
from capital
Increase        in
capital        (or
share capital)
from surplus
Loss        offset
by         surplus

                     ~ 94 ~
Changes        in
transferred to
ve         income
transferred to
Increase       in
the period
Used in the

     3.6 Other

                    ~ 95 ~
4.     Balances
                   503,600,000.                           1,295,405,592.                                256,902,260.         5,541,281,341.        7,601,984,024. 427,766,092.8 8,029,750,117.
as at the end                                                                     4,794,830.59
                               00                                     25                                           27                     47                     58           2                40
of the period

8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB


                                               Other equity instruments                        Less:       Other
            Item                                                                                                        Specific      Surplus        Retained                     Total owners’
                               Share capital Preferred Perpetual           Capital reserves   Treasury comprehensive                                                  Other
                                                                   Other                                                reserve       reserves        earnings                       equity
                                               shares   bonds                                  stock      income

1. Balances as at the
                              503,600,000.00                               1,247,162,107.35             4,794,830.59               251,800,000.00 5,162,354,747.41            7,169,711,685.35
end of the prior year
Add: Adjustments for
changed       accounting                                                                                -4,794,830.59                                4,794,830.59
     Adjustments        for
corrections of previous

     Other adjustments

2. Balances as at the
                              503,600,000.00                               1,247,162,107.35                                        251,800,000.00 5,167,149,578.00            7,169,711,685.35
beginning of the year
3. Increase/ decrease in
the period (“-” for                                                                                                                            1,229,981,442.62             1,229,981,442.62
     3.1             Total
                                                                                                                                                 1,985,381,442.62             1,985,381,442.62
comprehensive income

                                                                                              ~ 96 ~
  3.2              Capital
increased and reduced
by owners
     3.2.1 Ordinary
shares increased by
     3.2.2 Capital
increased by holders of
other equity
     3.2.3 Share-based
payments included in
owners’ equity

     3.2.4 Other

  3.3               Profit
                                      -755,400,000.00   -755,400,000.00
Appropriation           to
surplus reserves
Appropriation           to
                                      -755,400,000.00   -755,400,000.00
owners                 (or

     3.3.3 Other

  3.4 Transfers within
owners’ equity

                             ~ 97 ~
     3.4.1 Increase in
capital      (or     share
capital) from capital
     3.4.2 Increase in
capital      (or     share
capital) from surplus
     3.4.3 Loss offset
by surplus reserves
     3.4.4 Changes in
defined             benefit
pension            schemes
transferred to retained
     3.4.5           Other
comprehensive income
transferred to retained

     3.4.6 Other

  3.5 Specific reserve

     3.5.1 Increase in
the period
     3.5.2 Used in the
  3.6 Other

4. Balances as at the
                              503,600,000.00   1,247,162,107.35            251,800,000.00 6,397,131,020.62   8,399,693,127.97
end of the period

                                                                  ~ 98 ~
                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB


                                             Other equity instruments                        Less:       Other
           Item                                                                                                       Specific      Surplus        Retained                 Total owners’
                             Share capital Preferred Perpetual           Capital reserves   Treasury comprehensive                                                 Other
                                                                 Other                                                reserve       reserves        earnings                    equity
                                             shares   bonds                                  stock      income

1. Balances as at the
                            503,600,000.00                               1,247,162,107.35            53,454,736.38               251,800,000.00 4,103,151,843.38           6,159,168,687.11
end of the prior year
Add: Adjustments for
changed      accounting
  Adjustments         for
corrections           of
previous errors

  Other adjustments

2. Balances as at the
                            503,600,000.00                               1,247,162,107.35            53,454,736.38               251,800,000.00 4,103,151,843.38           6,159,168,687.11
beginning of the year
3. Increase/ decrease
in the period (“-” for                                                                             -48,659,905.79                            1,059,202,904.03            1,010,542,998.24
  3.1               Total
comprehensive                                                                                        -48,659,905.79                            1,562,802,904.03            1,514,142,998.24
  3.2             Capital
increased            and
reduced by owners

                                                                                              ~ 99 ~
     3.2.1 Ordinary
shares increased by
     3.2.2 Capital
increased by holders
of other equity
payments included in
owners’ equity

     3.2.4 Other

  3.3              Profit
                                      -503,600,000.00   -503,600,000.00
Appropriation         to
surplus reserves
Appropriation         to
                                      -503,600,000.00   -503,600,000.00
owners               (or

     3.3.3 Other

  3.4          Transfers
within owners’ equity
     3.4.1 Increase in
capital      (or   share
capital) from capital

                            ~ 100 ~
     3.4.2 Increase in
capital      (or     share
capital) from surplus
     3.4.3 Loss offset
by surplus reserves
     3.4.4 Changes in
defined             benefit
pension            schemes
transferred              to
retained earnings
     3.4.5           Other
income transferred to
retained earnings

     3.4.6 Other

  3.5              Specific
     3.5.1 Increase in
the period
     3.5.2 Used in the

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as at the
                              503,600,000.00   1,247,162,107.35       4,794,830.59   251,800,000.00 5,162,354,747.41   7,169,711,685.35
end of the period

                                                                  ~ 101 ~
                                 Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd.
                                 Notes to the Financial Statements
                                For the year ended 31 December 2019
        (All amounts are expressed in Renminbi Yuan(“RMB”)unless otherwise stated)


1.1 Corporate Information

Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “the Company” or "Company") was approved by
Anhui State-owned Assets Administration by WanGuoZiGongZi (1996) NO. 053. Anhui Gujing
Group Co., Ltd. was the sole sponsor of the Company. The Company was established by converting
the net assets of the main production and operating assets of its core enterprise Anhui Bozhou
Gujing Distillery into 155 million shares of state-owned shares with a net value of 377.1677 million
yuan. The registered place of the Company is Bozhou City, Anhui Province, People's Republic of
China. The Company was established on March 5, 1996 with the approval of Anhui Secretary of
Government (1996) No. 42 by the Anhui Provincial People's Government. The Company started its
founding meeting on May 28, 1996, and registered with the Anhui Provincial Administration for
Industry and Commerce on May 30, 1996.
The Company issued 60 million foreign-oriented shares for domestic listing (hereinafter “B”
shares) in June 1996 and 20 million domestic listed RMB ordinary shares (hereinafter “A” shares)
in September 1996, the par value of ordinary shares is RMB1per share. Both A share and B share
are listed on Shenzhen Stock exchange.
The headquarters of the Company is located in Gujing town, Bozhou city, Anhui province. The
Company and the subsidiaries (collectively called “Group”) is mainly engaged in liquor production
and sales; it belongs to the food manufacturing industry.
The original registered capital wasRMB 235 million, the total amount of shares was 235 million,
including state-owned shares 155 million, “B” shares 60 million, “A” shares 20 million with the
par value of RMB 1 per share.
On May 29, 2006, the shareholder meeting for the Company’s split share structure reform of
A-share market has discussed and approved the proposal of the split share structure reform, and
the reform was implemented in June 2006. After the implementation of the Company’s split share
structure reform, all shares of the Company became tradable shares, which included
147,000,000shares with restrictions on disposal, representing 62.55% of total share capital, and
88,000,000 shares without restrictions on disposal, representing 37.45% of total share capital.
                                            ~ 102 ~
On June 27, 2007, the Company issued the Announcement of release restriction shares by Anhui
Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd., the 11,750,000 restricted outstanding shares with the restricted
condition on disposal became non-restricted in the stock market, and the conversion date is June
29, 2007. Hence, outstanding shares with the restrict condition on disposal are 135,250,000 shares,
representing 57.55% of total share capital, the share without restricting condition on disposal are
99,750,000 shares, representing 42.45% of total share capital.
On July 17, 2008, the Company issued the Announcement of release restriction shares by Anhui
Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd., the 11,750,000 restricted outstanding shares with the restricted
condition on disposal became non-restricted in the stock market, and the conversion date is on
July 18, 2008. Hence, outstanding shares with the restricted condition on disposal were
123,500,000 shares, representing 52.55% of total share capital, the share without restricting
condition on disposal are 111,500,000 shares, representing 47.45% of total share capital.
On July 24, 2009, the Company issued the Announcement of release restriction shares by Anhui
Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd., the 123,500,000 restricted outstanding shares with the restricted
condition on disposal became non-restricted in the stock market, and the conversion date was on
July 29, 2009. Hence, all shares of the Company became outstanding shares without restricted
condition on disposal.
According to the approval by China Securities Regulatory Commission (the authorization file No.
zhengjianxuke[2011]943), on July 15, 2011, the Company privately issued 16,800,000 shares of
ordinary share (A shares) to specific investors, the par value was RMB 1 per share, and the
offering price was RMB 75 per share, the funds raised amounted to RMB 1,260 million. After
deducting the sundry issuing charges amounting to RMB 32,500,549.73, the actual funds raised
amounted to RMB 1,227,499,450.27. The position of the above raised funds has been verified by
Reanda Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. with a Capital Verification Report (REANDA YAN
ZI[2011]No.1065). After the non-public issuance, the share capital of the Company increased to
RMB 251.80 million.
According to the resolution of 2011 annual general meeting of stockholders, the Company
converted 10 shares for each10 shares from capital reserves based on the 251.80 million shares on
31 December 2011, the total number of converted shares was 251.80 million, and the transfer was
implemented in 2012. After the conversion, the registered capital increased to RMB 503.60
As of 31 December 2019, the accumulated number of issued share capital was 503.60 million
The Company registered in Gujing town, Bozhou city, Anhui province.

                                            ~ 103 ~
The approved business scope of the Company: grain procurement (operation by license),
production of distilled spirits, brewing equipment, packaging materials, glass bottles, alcohol,
grease (limited to the by-products from alcohol production), high-tech development,
biotechnology development, deep processing of agricultural and sideline products, sales of
self-produced products.
The parent company of the Company and ultimate parent company is Anhui Gujing Group Co.,
Ltd. incorporated in China.
The financial statements were approved and authorized for issue, upon the resolution of the
Company’s Board of Directors meeting on April 24 2020.

1.2 Scope of Consolidation

(a) Incorporated subsidiaries of the Company

At 31 December 2019, subsidiaries of the Company are as follows:

                                                                                Proportion of
                                                                           Shareholding (or similar
  Sequence                                             Abbreviation of
                     Name of Subsidiaries                                    equity interest) (%)
   Number                                               Subsidiaries
                                                                             Direct       Indirect

     1       Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd.              Gujing Sales           100.00                -

             Anhui Jinyunlai Culture & Media Co.,
     2                                                    Jinyunlai            100.00                -

             Anhui Ruisiweier Technology Co.,
     3                                                   Ruisiweier            100.00                -

     4       Anhui Colorful Taste Wine Co., Ltd.     Colorful Taste Wine       100.00                -

     5       Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd.             Longrui Glass           100.00                -

             Bozhou Gujing Waste Recycling Co.,
     6                                                  Gujing Waste           100.00                -

             Shanghai     Gujing    Jinhao   hotel
     7                                                  Jinhao Hotel           100.00                -
             management company

     8       Bozhou Gujing hotel Co., Ltd               Gujing Hotel           100.00                -

             Anhui      Yuanqing    environmental
     9                                                 Environmental           100.00                -
             protection Co., Ltd.

                                                     ~ 104 ~
             Anhui Gujing Yunshang Electronic             Gujing Electronic
     10                                                                               100.00          -
             Commerce Co., Ltd                               Commerce

             Anhui        Zhenrui      Construction     Zhenrui Construction
     11                                                                               100.00          -
             Engineering Co., Ltd                            Engineering

             Anhui RunanxinkeTesting Tech. Co.,
     12                                                  Runanxinke Testing           100.00          -

                                                         Yellow Crane Tower
     13      Yellow Crane Tower Wine Co., Ltd                                          51.00          -

             Yellow Crane Tower Wine (Suizhou)             Suizhou Yellow
     14                                                                                     -     51.00
             Co., Ltd                                       Crane Tower

     15      Hubei Junhe Advertising Co., Ltd.            Junhe Advertising                 -     51.00

             Hubei Yellow Crane Tower Beverage           Yellow Crane Tower
     16                                                                                     -     51.00
             Co., Ltd.                                        Beverage

             Yellow Crane Tower Wine (Xianning)           Xianning Yellow
     17                                                                                     -     51.00
             Co., Ltd.                                      Crane Tower

     18      Wuhan Yashibo tech. Co., Ltd.                     Yashibo                      -     51.00

             Wuhan Tianlong Jindi Technology
     19                                                    Tianlong Jindi                   -     51.00
             Development Co., Ltd.

     20      Wuhan Junya Sales Co., Ltd.                     Junya Sales                    -     51.00

     21      Xianning Junhe Sales Co., Ltd.                Xianning Junhe                   -     51.00

     22      Suizhou Junhe Commercial Co., Ltd.            Suizhou Junhe                    -     51.00

For details of the subsidiaries mentioned above, please refer to Note 7 INTEREST IN OTHER

(b) Change of the scope of consolidation

The newly incorporated subsidiaries during the reporting period are as follows:

  Sequence                                            Abbreviation of          Reporting Period
                    Name of Subsidiaries
   Number                                              Subsidiaries

             Hubei Yellow Crane Tower            Yellow Crane Tower              January 1 to
             Beverage Co., Ltd.                          Beverage             December 31, 2019

For the detail of the change of consolidation scope, please refer to Note 6 CHANGES IN THE
                                                       ~ 105 ~


2.1 Basis of Preparation

Based on going concern, according to actually occurred transactions and events, the Company
prepares its financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises – Basic standards and concrete accounting standards, Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises – Application Guidelines, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises –
Interpretations and other relevant provisions (collectively known as “Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises, issued by Ministry of Finance of PRC”). In addition, the company also
disclosed relevant financial information in accordance with the CSRC “Preparation Rules for
Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15—General Provisions
on Financial Reports (2014 Revision)”.

2.2 Going Concern

The Company has assessed its ability to continually operate for the next twelve months from the
end of the reporting period, and no any matters that may result in doubt on its ability as a going
concern were noted. Therefore, it is reasonable for the Company to prepare financial statements on
the going concern basis.


The following significant accounting policies and accounting estimates of the Company are
formulated in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. Businesses not
mentioned are complied with relevant accounting policies of the Accounting Standards for Business

3.1 Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The Company prepares its financial statements in accordance with the requirements of the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, truly and completely reflecting the Company’s
financial position as at 31 December 2019, and its operating results, changes in shareholders' equity,
cash flows and other related information for the year then ended.

3.2 Accounting Period

The accounting year of the Company is from January 1 to December 31 in calendar year.

3.3 Operating Cycle

The normal operating cycle of the Company is twelve months.

3.4 Functional Currency

                                            ~ 106 ~
The Company takes Renminbi Yuan (“RMB”) as the functional currency.

The Company’s overseas subsidiaries choose the currency of the primary economic environment in
which the subsidiaries operate as the functional currency.

3.5 Accounting Treatment of Business Combinations under and not under Common Control

(a) Business combinations under common control

The assets and liabilities that the Company obtains in a business combination under common
control shall be measured at their carrying amount of the acquired entity at the combination date. If
the accounting policy adopted by the acquired entity is different from that adopted by the acquiring
entity, the acquiring entity shall, according to accounting policy it adopts, adjust the relevant items
in the financial statements of the acquired party based on the principal of materiality. As for the
difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the acquiring entity and the
carrying amount of the consideration paid by it, the capital reserve (capital premium or share
premium) shall be adjusted. If the capital reserve (capital premium or share premium) is not
sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

For the accounting treatment of business combination under common control by step acquisitions,
please refer to Note 3.6 (6).

(b) Business combinations not under common control

The assets and liabilities that the Company obtains in a business combination not under common
control shall be measured at their fair value at the acquisition date. If the accounting policy adopted
by the acquired entity is different from that adopted by the acquiring entity, the acquiring entity
shall, according to accounting policy it adopts, adjust the relevant items in the financial statements
of the acquired entity based on the principal of materiality. The acquiring entity shall recognise the
positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it
obtains from the acquired entity as goodwill. The acquiring entity shall, pursuant to the following
provisions, treat the negative balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the
identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquired entity:

(i) It shall review the measurement of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and
contingent liabilities it obtains from the acquired entity as well as the combination costs;

(ii) If, after the review, the combination costs are still less than the fair value of the identifiable net
assets it obtains from the acquired entity, the balance shall be recognised in profit or loss of the
reporting period.

For the accounting treatment of business combination under the same control by step acquisitions,
please refer to Note 3.6 (f).

                                               ~ 107 ~
(c) Treatment of business combination related costs

The intermediary costs such as audit, legal services and valuation consulting and other related
management costs that are directly attributable to the business combination shall be charged in
profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. The costs to issue equity or debt securities for
the consideration of business combination shall be recorded as a part of the value of the respect
equity or debt securities upon initial recognition.

3.6 Method of Preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements

(a) Scope of consolidation

The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be determined on the basis of control. It not
only includes subsidiaries determined based on voting power (or similar) or other arrangement, but
also structured entities under one or several contract arrangements.

Control exists when the Company has all the following: power over the investee; exposure, or rights
to variable returns from the Company’s involvement with the investee; and the ability to use its
power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns. Subsidiaries are the entities
that controlled by the Company (including enterprise, a divisible part of the investee, and structured
entity controlled by the enterprise). A structured entity (sometimes called a Special Purpose Entity)
is an entity that has been designed so that voting or similar rights are not the dominant factor in
deciding who controls the entity.

(b) Special requirement as the parent company is an investment entity

If the parent company is an investment entity, it should measure its investments in particular
subsidiaries as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss instead of consolidating those
subsidiaries in its consolidated and separate financial statements. However, as an exception to this
requirement, if a subsidiary provides investment-related services or activities to the investment
entity, it should be consolidated.

The parent company is defined as investment entity when meets following conditions:
a. Obtains funds from one or more investors for the purpose of providing those investors with
investment management services;

b. Commits to its investors that its business purpose is to invest funds solely for returns from capital
appreciation, investment income or both; and

c. Measures and evaluates the performance of substantially all of its investments on a fair value

If the parent company becomes an investment entity, it shall cease to consolidate its subsidiaries at
the date of the change in status, except for any subsidiary which provides investment-related
services or activities to the investment entity shall be continued to be consolidated. The
                                              ~ 108 ~
deconsolidation of subsidiaries is accounted for as though the investment entity partially disposed
subsidiaries without loss of control.

When the parent company previously classified as an investment entity ceases to be an investment
entity, subsidiary that was previously measured at fair value through profit or loss shall be included
in the scope of consolidated financial statements at the date of the change in status. The fair value of
the subsidiary at the date of change represents the transferred deemed consideration in accordance
with the accounting for business combination not under common control.

 (c) Method of preparing the consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements shall be prepared by the Company based on the financial
statements of the Company and its subsidiaries, and using other related information.

When preparing consolidated financial statements, the Company shall consider the entire group as
an accounting entity, adopt uniform accounting policies and apply the requirements of Accounting
Standard for Business Enterprises related to recognition, measurement and presentation. The
consolidated financial statements shall reflect the overall financial position, operating results and
cash flows of the group.

(i) Like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent are
combined with those of the subsidiaries.

(ii) The carrying amount of the parent’s investment in each subsidiary is eliminated (off-set) against
the parent’s portion of equity of each subsidiary.

(iii) Eliminate the impact of intragroup transactions between the Company and the subsidiaries or
between subsidiaries, and when intragroup transactions indicate an impairment of related assets, the
losses shall be recognised in full.

(iv) Make adjustments to special transactions from the perspective of the group.
(d) Method of preparation of the consolidated financial statements when subsidiaries are
acquired or disposed in the reporting period

(i) Acquisition of subsidiaries or business

Subsidiaries or business acquired through business combination under common control

When preparing consolidated statements of financial position, the opening balance of the
consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted. Related items of comparative financial statements
shall be adjusted as well, deeming that the combined entity has always existed ever since the
ultimate controlling party began to control.

Incomes, expenses and profits of the subsidiary incurred from the beginning of the reporting period
to the end of the reporting period shall be included into the consolidated statement of profit or loss.
                                              ~ 109 ~
Related items of comparative financial statements shall be adjusted as well, deeming that the
combined entity has always existed ever since the ultimate controlling party began to control.

Cash flows from the beginning of the reporting period to the end of the reporting period shall be
included into the consolidated statement of cash flows. Related items of comparative financial
statements shall be adjusted as well, deeming that the combined entity has always existed ever since
the ultimate controlling party began to control.

Subsidiaries or business acquired through business combination not under common control

When preparing the consolidated statements of financial position, the opening balance of the
consolidated statements of financial position shall not be adjusted.

Incomes, expenses and profits of the subsidiary incurred from the acquisition date to the end of the
reporting period shall be included into the consolidated statement of profit or loss.

Cash flows from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be included into the
consolidated statement of cash flows.

(ii) Disposal of subsidiaries or business

When preparing the consolidated statements of financial position, the opening balance of the
consolidated statements of financial position shall not be adjusted.

Incomes, expenses and profits incurred from the beginning of the subsidiary to the disposal date
shall be included into the consolidated statement of profit or loss.

Cash flows from the beginning of the subsidiary to the disposal date shall be included into the
consolidated statement of cash flows.

(e) Special consideration in consolidation elimination

(i) Long-term equity investment held by the subsidiaries to the Company shall be recognised as
treasury stock of the Company, which is offset with the owner’s equity, represented as “treasury
stock” under “owner’s equity” in the consolidated statement of financial position.

Long-term equity investment held by subsidiaries between each other is accounted for taking
long-term equity investment held by the Company to its subsidiaries as reference. That is, the
long-term equity investment is eliminated (off- set) against the portion of the corresponding
subsidiary’s equity.

(ii) Due to not belonging to paid-in capital (or share capital) and capital reserve, and being different
from retained earnings and undistributed profit, “Specific reserves” and “General risk provision”
shall be recovered based on the proportion attributable to owners of the parent company after
long-term equity investment to the subsidiaries is eliminated with the subsidiaries’ equity.

                                             ~ 110 ~
(iii) If temporary timing difference between the book value of the assets and liabilities in the
consolidated statement of financial position and their tax basis is generated as a result of elimination
of unrealized inter-company transaction profit or loss, deferred tax assets of deferred tax liabilities
shall be recognised, and income tax expense in the consolidated statement of profit or loss shall be
adjusted simultaneously, excluding deferred taxes related to transactions or events directly
recognised in owner’s equity or business combination.

(iv) Unrealised inter-company transactions profit or loss generated from the Company selling assets
to its subsidiaries shall be eliminated against “net profit attributed to the owners of the parent
company” in full. Unrealized inter-company transactions profit or loss generated from the
subsidiaries selling assets to the Company shall be eliminated between “net profit attributed to the
owners of the parent company” and “non-controlling interests” pursuant to the proportion of the
Company in the related subsidiaries. Unrealized inter-company transactions profit or loss generated
from the assets sales between the subsidiaries shall be eliminated between “net profit attributed to
the owners of the parent company” and “non-controlling interests” pursuant to the proportion of the
Company in the selling subsidiaries.

(v) If loss attributed to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary in current period is more than the
proportion of non-controlling interest in this subsidiary at the beginning of the period,
non-controlling interest is still to be written down.

(f) Accounting for Special Transactions

(i) Purchasing of non-controlling interests

Where, the Company purchases non-controlling interests of its subsidiary, in the separate financial
statements of the Company, the cost of the long-term equity investment obtained in purchasing
non-controlling interests is measured at the fair value of the consideration paid. In the consolidated
financial statements, difference between the cost of the long-term equity investment newly obtained
in purchasing non-controlling interests and share of the subsidiary’s net assets from the acquisition
date or combination date continuingly calculated pursuant to the newly acquired shareholding
proportion shall be adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share premium). If capital
reserve is not enough to be offset, surplus reserve and undistributed profit shall be offset in turn.

(ii) Gaining control over the subsidiary in stages through multiple transactions

Business combination under common control in stages through multiple transactions

On the combination date, in the separate financial statement, initial cost of the long-term equity
investment is determined according to the share of carrying amount of the acquiree’s net assets in
the ultimate controlling entity’s consolidated financial statements after combination. The difference
between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the carrying amount of the long
-term investment held prior of control plus book value of additional consideration paid at
                                              ~ 111 ~
acquisition date is adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share premium). If the capital
reserve is not enough to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against surplus reserve
and undistributed profit in turn.

In the consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities acquired during the combination
should be recognized at their carrying amount in the ultimate controlling entity’s consolidated
financial statements on the combination date unless any adjustment is resulted from the difference
in accounting policies. The difference between the carrying amount of the investment held prior of
control plus book value of additional consideration paid on the acquisition date and the net assets
acquired through the combination is adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share
premium). If the capital reserve is not enough to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted
against retained earnings.

If the acquiring entity holds equity investment in the acquired entity prior to the combination date
and the equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, related profit or loss, other
comprehensive income and other changes in equity which have been recognised during the period
from the later of the date of the Company obtaining original equity interest and the date of both the
acquirer and the acquiree under common control of the same ultimate controlling party to the
combination date should be offset against the opening balance of retained earnings at the
comparative financial statements period respectively.

Business combination not under common control in stages through multiple transactions

On the consolidation date, in the separate financial statements, the initial cost of long-term equity
investment is determined according to the carrying amount of the original long-term investment
plus the cost of new investment.

In the consolidated financial statements, the equity interest of the acquired entity held prior to the
acquisition date shall be re-measured at its fair value on the acquisition date. Difference between the
fair value of the equity interest and its book value is recognised as investment income. The other
comprehensive income related to the equity interest held prior to the acquisition date calculated
through equity method, should be transferred to current investment income of the acquisition
period, excluding other comprehensive income resulted from the remeasurement of the net assets or
net liabilities under defined benefit plan. The Company shall disclose acquisition-date fair value of
the equity interest held prior to the acquisition date, and the related gains or losses due to the
remeasurement based on fair value.

(iii) Disposal of investment in subsidiaries without a loss of control

For partial disposal of the long-term equity investment in the subsidiaries without a loss of control,
when the Company prepares consolidated financial statements, difference between consideration
received from the disposal and the corresponding share of subsidiary’s net assets cumulatively

                                              ~ 112 ~
calculated from the acquisition date or combination date shall be adjusted into capital reserve
(capital premium or share premium). If the capital reserve is not enough to absorb the difference,
any excess shall be offset against retained earnings.

(iv) Disposal of investment in subsidiaries with a loss of control

Disposal through one transaction

If the Company loses control in an investee through partial disposal of the equity investment, when
the consolidated financial statements are prepared, the retained equity interest should be
re-measured at fair value at the date of loss of control. The difference between i) the fair value of
consideration received from the disposal plus non-controlling interest retained; ii) share of the
former subsidiary’s net assets cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date or combination date
according to the original proportion of equity interest, shall be recognised in current investment
income when control is lost.

Moreover, other comprehensive income and other changes in equity related to the equity investment
in the former subsidiary shall be transferred into current investment income when control is lost,
excluding other comprehensive income resulted from the remeasurement of the movement of net
assets or net liabilities under defined benefit plan.

Disposal in stages

In the consolidated financial statements, whether the transactions should be accounted for as “a
single transaction” needs to be decided firstly.

If the disposal in stages should not be classified as “a single transaction”, in the separate financial
statements, for transactions prior of the date of loss of control, carrying amount of each disposal of
long-term equity investment need to be recognized, and the difference between consideration
received and the carrying amount of long-term equity investment corresponding to the equity
interest disposed should be recognized in current investment income; in the consolidated financial
statements, the disposal transaction should be accounted for according to related policy in “Disposal
of long-term equity investment in subsidiaries without a loss of control”.

If the disposal in stages should be classified as “a single transaction”, these transactions should be
accounted for as a single transaction of disposal of subsidiary resulting in loss of control. In the
separate financial statements, for each transaction prior of the date of loss of control, difference
between consideration received and the carrying amount of long-term equity investment
corresponding to the equity interest disposed should be recognised as other comprehensive income
firstly, and transferred to profit or loss as a whole when control is lost; in the consolidated financial
statements, for each transaction prior of the date of loss of control, difference between consideration
received and proportion of the subsidiary’s net assets corresponding to the equity interest disposed
should be recognised in profit or loss as a whole when control is lost.
                                              ~ 113 ~
In considering of the terms and conditions of the transactions as well as their economic impact, the
presence of one or more of the following indicators may lead to account for multiple transactions as
a single transaction:

(a) The transactions are entered into simultaneously or in contemplation of one another.

(b) The transactions form a single transaction designed to achieve an overall commercial effect.

(c) The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction.

(d) One transaction, when considered on its own merits, does not make economic sense, but when
considered together with the other transaction or transactions would be considered economically

(v) Diluting equity share of parent company in its subsidiaries due to additional capital injection by
the subsidiaries’ minority shareholders.

Other shareholders (minority shareholders) of the subsidiaries inject additional capital in the
subsidiaries, which resulted in the dilution of equity interest of parent company in these subsidiaries.
In the consolidated financial statements, difference between share of the corresponding subsidiaries’
net assets calculated based on the parent’s equity interest before and after the capital injection shall
be adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share premium). If the capital reserve is not
enough to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

3.7 Classification of Joint Arrangements and Accounting for Joint Operation

A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control. Joint
arrangement of the Company is classified as either a joint operation or a joint venture.

(a) Joint operation

A joint operation is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the
arrangement have rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.

The Company shall recognise the following items in relation to shared interest in a joint operation,
and account for them in accordance with relevant accounting standards of the Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises:

(i) its assets, including its share of any assets held jointly;
(ii) its liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;

(iii) its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;
(iv) its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; and

(v) its expenses, including its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

                                                 ~ 114 ~
(b) Joint venture

A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement
have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

The Company accounts for its investment in the joint venture by applying the equity method of
long-term equity investment.

3.8 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash
equivalents include short-term (generally within three months of maturity at acquisition), highly
liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to
an insignificant risk of changes in value.

3.9 Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation of Foreign Currency Financial

(a) Determination of the exchange rate for foreign currency transactions

At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction, the amount in the foreign
currency shall be translated into the amount in the functional currency at the spot exchange rate of
the transaction date, or at an exchange rate which is determined through a systematic and reasonable
method and is approximate to the spot exchange rate of the transaction date (hereinafter referred to
as the approximate exchange rate).

(b) Translation of monetary items denominated in foreign currency on the balance sheet date

The foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance
sheet date. The balance of exchange arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on
the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initial recognition or prior to the
balance sheet date shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period. The foreign
currency non-monetary items measured at the historical cost shall still be translated at the spot
exchange rate on the transaction date; for the foreign currency non-monetary items restated to a fair
value measurement, shall be translated into the at the spot exchange rate at the date when the fair
value was determined, the difference between the restated functional currency amount and the
original functional currency amount shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current

(c) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

Before translating the financial statements of foreign operations, the accounting period and
accounting policy shall be adjusted so as to conform to the Company. The adjusted foreign
operation financial statements denominated in foreign currency (other than functional currency)
shall be translated in accordance with the following method:
                                            ~ 115 ~
(i) The asset and liability items in the statement of financial position shall be translated at the spot
exchange rates at the date of that statement of financial position.. The owners’ equity items except
undistributed profit shall be translated at the spot exchange rates when they are incurred.

(ii) The income and expense items in the statement of profit and other comprehensive income shall
be translated at the spot exchange rates or approximate exchange rate at the date of transaction.

(iii) Foreign currency cash flows and cash flows of foreign subsidiaries shall be translated at the
spot exchange rate or approximate exchange rate when the cash flows are incurred. The effect of
exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the statement of cash flows as an
adjustment item.

(iv) The differences arising from the translation of foreign currency financial statements shall be
presented separately as “other comprehensive income” under the owners’ equity items of the
consolidated statement of financial position.

When disposing a foreign operation involving loss of control, the cumulative amount of the
exchange differences relating to that foreign operation recognised under other comprehensive
income in the statement of financial position, shall be reclassified into current profit or loss
according to the proportion disposed.

3.10 Financial Instruments

Effective at 1st January 2019

Financial instrument is any contract which gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity and a
financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.

(a) Recognition and derecognition of financial instrument

A financial asset or a financial liability should be recognised in the statement of financial position
when, and only when, an entity becomes party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

A financial asset can only be derecognised when meets one of the following conditions:

(i) The rights to the contractual cash flows from a financial asset expire

(ii) The financial asset has been transferred and meets one of the following derecognition

Financial liabilities (or part thereof) are derecognised only when the liability is extinguished—i.e.,
when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires. An exchange of
the Company (borrower) and lender of debt instruments that carry significantly different terms or a
substantial modification of the terms of an existing liability are both accounted for as an
extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial liability.
Purchase or sale of financial assets in a regular-way shall be recognised and derecognised using
                                             ~ 116 ~
trade date accounting. A regular-way purchase or sale of financial assets is a transaction under a
contract whose terms require delivery of the asset within the time frame established generally by
regulations or convention in the market place concerned. Trade date is the date at which the entity
commits itself to purchase or sell an asset.

(b) Classification and measurement of financial assets

At initial recognition, the Company classified its financial asset based on both the business model
for managing the financial asset and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset:
financial asset at amortised cost, financial asset at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) and
financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI). Reclassification of
financial assets is permitted if, and only if, the objective of the entity’s business model for
managing those financial assets changes. In this circumstance, all affected financial assets shall be
reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period after the changes in business model;
otherwise the financial assets cannot be reclassified after initial recognition.

Financial assets shall be measured at initial recognition at fair value. For financial assets measured
at FVTPL, transaction costs are recognised in current profit or loss. For financial assets not
measured at FVTPL, transaction costs should be included in the initial measurement. Notes
receivable or accounts receivable that arise from sales of goods or rendering of services are initially
measured at the transaction price defined in the accounting standard of revenue where the
transaction does not include a significant financing component.

Subsequent measurement of financial assets will be based on their categories:

(i)Financial asset at amortised cost
The financial asset at amortised cost category of classification applies when both the following
conditions are met: the financial asset is held within the business model whose objective is to hold
financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows, and the contractual term of the financial
asset gives rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payment of principal and interest on
the principal amount outstanding. These financial assets are subsequently measured at amortised
cost by adopting the effective interest rate method. Any gain or loss arising from derecognition
according to the amortization under effective interest rate method or impairment are recognised in
current profit or loss.

(ii)Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)

The financial asset at FVTOCI category of classification applies when both the following
conditions are met: the financial asset is held within the business model whose objective is achieved
by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets, and the contractual term of the
financial asset gives rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payment of principle and
interest on the principal amount outstanding. All changes in fair value are recognised in other

                                             ~ 117 ~
comprehensive income except for gain or loss arising from impairment or exchange differences,
which should be recognised in current profit or loss. At derecognition, cumulative gain or loss
previously recognised under OCI is reclassified to current profit or loss. However, interest income
calculated based on the effective interest rate is included in current profit or loss.

The Company make an irrevocable decision to designate part of non-trading equity instrument
investments as measured through FVTOCI. All changes in fair value are recognised in other
comprehensive income except for dividend income recognised in current profit or loss. At
derecognition, cumulative gain or loss are reclassified to retained earnings.

(iii)Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)
Financial asset except for above mentioned financial asset at amortised cost or financial asset at fair
value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI), should be classified as financial asset at fair
value through profit or loss (FVTPL). These financial assets should be subsequently measured at
fair value. All the changes in fair value are included in current profit or loss.

(c) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

The Company classified the financial liabilities as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or
loss (FVTPL), loan commitments at a below-market interest rate and financial guarantee contracts
and financial asset at amortised cost.

Subsequent measurement of financial assets will be based on the classification:

(i)Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)
Held-for-trading financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) and financial
liabilities designated at FVTPL are classified as financial liabilities at FVTP. After initial
recognition, any gain or loss (including interest expense) are recognised in current profit or loss
except for those hedge accounting is applied. For financial liability that is designated as at FVTPL,
changes in the fair value of the financial liability that is attributable to changes in the own credit risk
of the issuer shall be presented in other comprehensive income. At derecognition, cumulative gain
or loss previously recognised under OCI is reclassified to retained earnings.

(ii)Loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts
Loan commitment is a commitment by the Company to provide a loan to customer under specified
contract terms. The provision of impairment losses of loan commitments shall be recognised based
on expected credit losses model.

Financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the Company to make specified payments to
reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due
in accordance with the original or modified terms of a debt instrument. Financial guarantee
contracts liability shall be subsequently measured at the higher of: The amount of the loss

                                               ~ 118 ~
allowance recognised according to the impairment principles of financial instruments; and the
amount initially recognised less the cumulative amount of income recognised in accordance with
the revenue principles.

(iii)Financial liabilities at amortised cost

After initial recognition, the Company measured other financial liabilities at amortised cost using
the effective interest method.

Except for special situation, financial liabilities and equity instrument should be classified in
accordance with the following principles:

(i) If the Company has no unconditional right to avoid delivering cash or another financial
instrument to fulfill a contractual obligation, this contractual obligation meet the definition of
financial liabilities. Some financial instruments do not comprise terms and conditions related to
obligations of delivering cash or another financial instrument explicitly, they may include
contractual obligation indirectly through other terms and conditions.

(ii) If a financial instrument must or may be settled in the Company's own equity instruments, it
should be considered that the Company’s own equity instruments are alternatives of cash or another
financial instrument, or to entitle the holder of the equity instruments to sharing the remaining rights
over the net assets of the issuer. If the former is the case, the instrument is a liability of the issuer;
otherwise, it is an equity instrument of the issuer. Under some circumstances, it is regulated in the
contract that the financial instrument must or may be settled in the Company's own equity
instruments, where, amount of contractual rights and obligations are calculated by multiplying the
number of the equity instruments to be available or delivered by its fair value upon settlement. Such
contracts shall be classified as financial liabilities, regardless that the amount of contractual rights
and liabilities is fixed, or fluctuate totally or partially with variables other than market price of the
entity’s own equity instruments

(d) Derivatives and embedded derivatives
At initial recognition, derivatives shall be measured at fair value at the date of derivative contracts
are signed and subsequently measured at fair value. The derivative with a positive fair value shall be
recognized as an asset, and with a negative fair value shall be recognised as a liability.

Gains or losses arising from the changes in fair value of derivatives shall be recognised directly into
current profit or loss except for the effective portion of cash flow hedges which shall be recognised
in other comprehensive income and reclassified into current profit or loss when the hedged items
affect profit or loss.

An embedded derivative is a component of a hybrid contract with a financial asset as a host, the
Company shall apply the requirements of financial asset classification to the entire hybrid contract.
If a host that is not a financial asset and the hybrid contract is not measured at fair value with

                                               ~ 119 ~
changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss, and the economic characteristics and risks of the
embedded derivative are not closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host,
and a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the
definition of a derivative, the embedded derivative shall be separated from the hybrid instrument
and accounted for as a separate derivative instrument. If the Company is unable to measure the fair
value of the embedded derivative at the acquisition date or subsequently at the balance sheet date,
the entire hybrid contract is designated as financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss.

(e) Impairment of financial instrument
The Company shall recognise a loss allowance based on expected credit losses on a financial asset
that is measured at amortised cost, a debt investment at fair value through other comprehensive
income, a contract asset, a lease receivable, a loan commitment and a financial guarantee contract.

(i) Measurement of expected credit losses
Expected credit losses are the weighted average of credit losses of the financial instruments with the
respective risks of a default occurring as the weights. Credit loss is the difference between all
contractual cash flows that are due to the Company in accordance with the contract and all the cash
flows that the Company expects to receive, discounted at the original effective interest rate or
credit- adjusted effective interest rate for purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets.

Lifetime expected credit losses are the expected credit losses that result from all possible default
events over the expected life of a financial instrument.

12-month expected credit losses are the portion of lifetime expected credit losses that represent the
expected credit losses that result from default events on a financial instrument that are possible
within the 12 months after the reporting date (or the expected lifetime, if the expected life of a
financial instrument is less than 12 months).

At each reporting date, the Company classifies financial instruments into three stages and makes
provisions for expected credit losses accordingly. A financial instrument of which the credit risk has
not significantly increased since initial recognition is at stage 1. The Company shall measure the
loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses.
A financial instrument with a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition but is not
considered to be credit-impaired is at stage 2. The Company shall measure the loss allowance for
that financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses. A financial
instrument is considered to be credit-impaired as at the end of the reporting period is at stage 3. The
Company shall measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to the
lifetime expected credit losses.

The Company may assume that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased
significantly since initial recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have low credit risk
                                               ~ 120 ~
at the reporting date and measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal
to 12-month expected credit losses.

For financial instrument at stage 1, stage 2 and those have low credit risk, the interest revenue shall
be calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of a financial asset.
For financial instrument at stage 3, interest revenue shall be calculated by applying the effective
interest rate to the amortised cost after deducting of impairment loss.

For notes receivable, accounts receivable and accounts receivable financing, no matter it contains a
significant financing component or not, the Company shall measure the loss allowance at an amount
equal to the lifetime expected credit losses.


For the notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, accounts receivable financing and
long-term receivables which are demonstrated to be impaired by any objective evidence, or
applicable for individual assessment, the Company shall individually assess for impairment and
recognise the loss allowance for expected credit losses. If the Company determines that no objective
evidence of impairment exists for notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, accounts
receivable financing and long-term receivables, or the expected credit loss of a single financial asset
cannot be assessed at reasonable cost, such notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables,
accounts receivable financing and long-term receivables shall be divided into several groups with
similar credit risk characteristics and collectively calculated the expected credit loss. The
determination basis of groups is as following:

Determination basis of notes receivable is as following:
Group 1: Commercial acceptance bills

Group 2: Bank acceptance bills
For each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and the
lifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit losses and
considering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.

Determination basis of accounts receivable is as following:
Group 1: Accounts receivables due from the company within the scope of consolidation

Group 2: Accounts receivables due from other customers
For each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through preparing an aging analysis
schedule with the lifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for
credit losses and considering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.

Determination basis of other receivables is as following:
Group 1: Other receivables due from the company within the scope of consolidation
                                             ~ 121 ~
Group 2: Other receivables due from others

For each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and the
12-months or lifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit
losses and considering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.

Debt investment and other debt investment

For debt investment and other debt investment, the Company shall calculate the expected credit loss
through the default exposure and the 12-month or lifetime expected credit loss rate based on the
nature of the investment, counterparty and the type of risk exposure.

(ii) Low credit risk

If the financial instrument has a low risk of default, the borrower has a strong capacity to meet its
contractual cash flow obligations in the near term and adverse changes in economic and business
conditions in the longer term may, but will not necessarily, reduce the ability of the borrower to
fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations.

(iii) Significant increase in credit risk
The Company shall assess whether the credit risk on a financial instrument has increased
significantly since initial recognition, using the change in the risk of a default occurring over the
expected life of the financial instrument, through the comparison of the risk of a default occurring
on the financial instrument as at the reporting date with the risk of a default occurring on the
financial instrument as at the date of initial recognition.

To make that assessment, the Company shall consider reasonable and supportable information, that
is available without undue cost or effort, and that is indicative of significant increases in credit risk
since initial recognition, including forward-looking information. The information considered by the
Company are as following:

       Significant changes in internal price indicators of credit risk as a result of a change in credit
risk since inception

      Existing or forecast adverse change in the business, financial or economic conditions of the
borrower that results in a significant change in the borrower’s ability to meet its debt obligations;

      An actual or expected significant change in the operating results of the borrower; An actual
or expected significant adverse change in the regulatory, economic, or technological environment of
the borrower;

      Significant changes in the value of the collateral supporting the obligation or in the quality
of third-party guarantees or credit enhancements, which are expected to reduce the borrower’s
economic incentive to make scheduled contractual payments or to otherwise have an effect on the

                                              ~ 122 ~
probability of a default occurring;

     Significant change that are expected to reduce the borrower’s economic incentive to make
scheduled contractual payments;

      Expected changes in the loan documentation including an expected breach of contract that
may lead to covenant waivers or amendments, interest payment holidays, interest rate step-ups,
requiring additional collateral or guarantees, or other changes to the contractual framework of the

      Significant changes in the expected performance and behaviour of the borrower;

      Contractual payments are more than 30 days past due.
Depending on the nature of the financial instruments, the Company shall assess whether the credit
risk has increased significantly since initial recognition on an individual financial instrument or a
group of financial instruments. When assessed based on a group of financial instruments, the
Company can group financial instruments on the basis of shared credit risk characteristics, for
example, past due information and credit risk rating.

Generally, the Company shall determine the credit risk on a financial asset has increased
significantly since initial recognition when contractual payments are more than 30 days past due.
The Company can only rebut this presumption if the Company has reasonable and supportable
information that is available without undue cost or effort, that demonstrates that the credit risk has
not increased significantly since initial recognition even though the contractual payments are more
than 30 days past due.

(iv) Credit-impaired financial asset
The Company shall assess at each reporting date whether the credit impairment has occurred for
financial asset at amortised cost and debt investment at fair value through other comprehensive
income. A financial asset is credit-impaired when one or more events that have a detrimental impact
on the estimated future cash flows of that financial asset have occurred. Evidences that a financial
asset is credit-impaired include observable data about the following events:

Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or the borrower;a breach of contract, such as a default
or past due event; the lender(s) of the borrower, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the
borrower’s financial difficulty, having granted to the borrower a concession(s) that the lender(s)
would not otherwise consider;it is becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or
other financial reorganisation;the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because
of financial difficulties;the purchase or origination of a financial asset at a deep discount that
reflects the incurred credit losses.
(v) Presentation of impairment of expected credit loss

                                             ~ 123 ~
In order to reflect the changes of credit risk of financial instrument since initial recognition, the
Company shall at each reporting date remeasure the expected credit loss and recognise in profit or
loss, as an impairment gain or loss, the amount of expected credit losses addition (or reversal). For
financial asset at amortised cost, the loss allowance shall reduce the carrying amount of the financial
asset in the statement of financial position; for debt investment at fair value through other
comprehensive income, the loss allowance shall be recognised in other comprehensive income and
shall not reduce the carrying amount of the financial asset in the statement of financial position.

(vi) Write-off

The Company shall directly reduce the gross carrying amount of a financial asset when the
Company has no reasonable expectations of recovering the contractual cash flow of a financial asset
in its entirety or a portion thereof. Such write-off constitutes a derecognition of the financial asset.
This circumstance usually occurs when the Company determines that the debtor has no assets or
sources of income that could generate sufficient cash flow to repay the write-off amount.

Recovery of financial asset written off shall be recognised in profit or loss as reversal of impairment

(f) Transfer of financial assets

Transfer of financial assets refers to following two situations:

    Transfers the contractual rights to receive the cash flows of the financial asset;

 Transfers the entire or a part of a financial asset and retains the contractual rights to receive the
cash flows of the financial asset, but assumes a contractual obligation to pay the cash flows to one
or more recipients.
(i) Derecognition of transferred assets

If the Company transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset,
or neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial
asset but has not retained control of the financial asset, the financial asset shall be derecognised.
Whether the Company has retained control of the transferred asset depends on the transferee’s
ability to sell the asset. If the transferee has the practical ability to sell the asset in its entirety to an
unrelated third party and is able to exercise that ability unilaterally and without needing to impose
additional restrictions on the transfer, the Company has not retained control.

The Company judges whether the transfer of financial asset qualifies for derecognition based on the
substance of the transfer.

If the transfer of financial asset qualifies for derecognition in its entirety, the difference between the
following shall be recognised in profit or loss:

    The carrying amount of transferred financial asset;
                                                ~ 124 ~
 The sum of consideration received and the part derecognised of the cumulative changes in fair
value previously recognised in other comprehensive income (The financial assets involved in the
transfer are classified as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income in
accordance with Article 18 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22 -
Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments).
If the transferred asset is a part of a larger financial asset and the part transferred qualifies for
derecognition, the previous carrying amount of the larger financial asset shall be allocated between
the part that continues to be recognised (For this purpose, a retained servicing asset shall be treated
as a part that continues to be recognised) and the part that is derecognised, based on the relative fair
values of those parts on the date of the transfer. The difference between following two amounts shall
be recognised in profit or loss:

    The carrying amount (measured at the date of derecognition) allocated to the part derecognised;

 The sum of the consideration received for the part derecognised and part derecognised of the
cumulative changes in fair value previously recognised in other comprehensive income (The
financial assets involved in the transfer are classified as financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income in accordance with Article 18 of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments).
(ii) Continuing involvement in transferred assets

If the Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a
transferred asset, and retains control of the transferred asset, the Company shall continue to
recognise the transferred asset to the extent of its continuing involvement and also recognise an
associated liability.

The extent of the Company’s continuing involvement in the transferred asset is the extent to which
it is exposed to changes in the value of the transferred asset

(iii) Continue to recognise the transferred assets
If the Company retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the transferred
financial asset, the Company shall continue to recognise the transferred asset in its entirety and the
consideration received shall be recognised as a financial liability.

The financial asset and the associated financial liability shall not be offset. In subsequent
accounting period, the Company shall continuously recognise any income (gain) arising from the
transferred asset and any expense (loss) incurred on the associated liability.

(g) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the statement of financial
position and shall not be offset. When meets the following conditions, financial assets and financial

                                              ~ 125 ~
liabilities shall be offset and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position:

The Company currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts; The
Company intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability

In accounting for a transfer of a financial asset that does not qualify for derecognition, the Company
shall not offset the transferred asset and the associated liability.

(h) Determination of fair value of financial instruments
Determination of financial assets and financial liabilities please refer to Note 3.11

Following financial instruments accounting standard is applicable for year 2018 and before

(a) Classification of financial assets

(i) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

This category comprises financial assets defined as held for trading, or those designated as at fair
value through profit or loss. The former mainly includes shares, bonds, funds, and derivative
financial instruments investment that are not designated effective hedging instruments that are
acquired principally for the purpose of sale in the near future. Such financial assets are initially
recognised at fair values when acquired. Relevant transaction expenses are included in the current
profit or loss. Cash dividends that have been declared but not distributed and bond interests that
have matured but not been drawn included in the consideration paid are recognised as receivables
separately. The interests or cash dividends to be received during the holding period are recognised
as investment income. On the balance sheet date, this category of financial assets is measured at fair
value, and change in fair values is included in the current profit or loss. Difference between the fair
value and initial measurement amount is recognised as investment income upon disposal;
meanwhile, gains or losses from changes in fair values are written-off.

(ii) Held-to-maturity investments

Held-to-maturity investments refer to government bonds, corporate bonds with fixed or
determinable payments and fixed maturity, for which the Company has a positive intention and
ability to hold to maturity. Held-to-maturity investments are initially measured at fair values plus
the related transaction costs when acquired. Bond interests that have matured but not been drawn
included in the consideration paid is recognised as a receivable separately. The interest income
calculated at amortisation cost and effective interest rate during the holding period is recognised as
investment income. The difference between the amount received and the book value of the
investment is included in the investment income upon disposal.

(iii) Receivables

Receivables mainly include accounts receivable and other receivables. Receivables arise from
                                               ~ 126 ~
external sales of goods or rendering of service by the Company. They are recognised initially at the
contract price or agreement price receivable from the purchasing party.

(iv) Available-for-sale financial assets

This category of financial assets comprises those financial assets that cannot be classified as
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity financial assets, loans and
receivables. Available-for-sale financial assets are initially recognised at fair values plus the related
transaction costs when acquired. Cash dividends that have been declared but not distributed and
bond interests that have matured but not been drawn included in the consideration paid are
recognised as receivables separately. The interests or cash dividends to be received during the
holding period are recognised as investment income.

For available-for-sale financial assets that are foreign currency monetary financial assets, the
exchange gain or loss shall be recognised in current profit or loss. Interest of available-for-sale debt
instrument investment calculated using effective interest rate method shall be recognised in current
profit or loss; cash dividend of available-for-sale equity instrument investment shall be recognised
into current profit or loss when the investee declares the dividend. At the balance sheet date,
available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value and change in fair value shall be
included in other comprehensive income. The difference between the amount received and the book
value of the financial asset is included in the investment income upon disposal. Meanwhile, the
corresponding accumulated change in fair value recognised in other comprehensive income is
transferred into investment income.

(b) Classification of financial liabilities

(i) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

This category of financial liabilities comprises financial liabilities that are defined as held for
trading, or those that are designated as at fair value through profit or loss. This category of financial
liabilities is initially measured at fair value. Relevant transaction costs are included in the current
profit or loss. On the balance sheet date, change in fair values is included in the current profit or

(ii) Other financial liabilities

Other financial liabilities are those financial liabilities excluding financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss.

(c) Reclassification of financial assets

An investment will be reclassified as available-for-sale if, as a result of a change in intention or
ability, it fails to meet the requirements for classification as held-to-maturity. After the
reclassification, it will be subsequently measured at fair value. If the held-to maturity investment is
                                                ~ 127 ~
partially disposed, or a large part of it has been reclassified, and not included in the exceptions
illustrated in provision 16 of “Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and
Measurement of Financial Instruments”, as a result of which, the remaining of the investment fails
to meet the requirements for classification as held-to-maturity, any remaining held-to-maturity
investments should also be reclassified as available-for-sale, and subsequently measured at fair
value. However, it is prohibited that the above available-for-sale is reclassified back to
held-to-maturity within current fiscal year and the following two fiscal years.

On the date of reclassification, difference between carrying value of the investment and its fair
value is recorded in other comprehensive income, which shall be transferred out and recognised
directly in current profit or loss upon incurrence of impairment or de-recognition of the investment.

If, as a result of a change in intention or ability or a reliable measure of fair value is no longer
available or because the two preceding financial years have passed since the reclassification of
held-to-maturity to available-for-sale investment, it becomes appropriate to measure a financial
asset at cost or amortised cost rather than at fair value, the fair value or carrying amount of the
financial asset on the date of reclassification becomes its new cost or amortised cost, as applicable.

In the case of a financial asset with a fixed maturity, the gain or loss related to the financial asset
previously recoginsed in other comprehensive income shall be amortised to current profit or loss
over the remaining life of the financial asset using the effective interest method. Any difference
between the new amortised cost and maturity amount shall also be amortised over the remaining life
of the financial asset using the effective interest method and recognised in current profit or loss. In
the case that a financial asset does not have a fixed maturity, the gain or loss related to the financial
asset previously recoginsed in other comprehensive income shall remain in the equity and
recognised in profit or loss when the financial asset is sold or otherwise disposed of.

(d) Classification of financial liabilities and equity instruments

Except for special situation, financial liabilities and equity instrument should be classified in
accordance with the following principles:

(i) If the Company has no unconditional right to avoid delivering cash or another financial
instrument to fulfill a contractual obligation, this contractual obligation meet the definition of
financial liabilities. Some financial instruments do not comprise terms and conditions related to
obligations of delivering cash or another financial instrument explicitly, they may include
contractual obligation indirectly through other terms and conditions.

(ii) If a financial instrument must or may be settled in the entity's own equity instruments, it should
be considered that the entity’s own equity instruments are alternatives of cash or another financial
instrument, or to entitle the holder of the equity instruments to sharing the remaining rights over the
net assets of the issuer. If the former is the case, the instrument is a liability of the issuer. Otherwise,

                                               ~ 128 ~
it is an equity instrument of the issuer. Under some circumstances, it is regulated in the contract that
the financial instrument must or may be settled in the entity's own equity instruments, where,
amount of contractual rights and obligations are calculated by multiplying the number of the equity
instruments to be available or delivered by its fair value upon settlement. Such contacts shall be
classified as financial liabilities, regardless that the amount of contractual rights and liabilities is
fixed, or fluctuate totally or partially with variables other than market price of the entity’s own
equity instruments.

(e) Transfer of Financial Assets

Transfer of financial assets include below situations:

    The contractual rights to receive cash flows from the asset are transferred to another entity; or

 The financial assets are totally or partially transferred to another entity, while the rights to
receive cash flows from the asset or obligations to pay the received cash flows to one or several
payees are retained.

(i) Derecognition of transferred financial assets
The financial assets should be derecognised if the Company has transferred substantially all the
risks and rewards of the asset, or the Company has neither transferred nor retained substantially all
the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset.

When judging whether control of the asset has been transferred or not, the Company shall lay
emphasis on the transferee’s substantial capability to sell the financial asset. If the transferee itself
can sell the financial asset as a whole to a third party that has no any relationship with it, without
any restrictions on this sale through supplemental terms, it is shown that the control of the asset has
been given up.

The principle of substance over form is adopted to determine whether the transfer of a financial
asset satisfies the criteria described above for derecognition of a financial asset.

If the entire transfer of financial asset satisfies the criteria for derecognition, the difference between
the amounts of the following two items shall be included in the current profit or loss:

    The carrying amount of the transferred financial asset;

 The sum of the consideration received from the transfer and the cumulative amount of the
changes in fair value originally and directly included in owners’ equity (where the financial asset
transferred is an available-for-sale financial asset).

If the transferred asset is part of a larger financial asset and the part transferred qualifies for
derecognition, the previous carrying amount of the financial asset shall be allocated between the
part that continues to be recognised and the part that is derecognised, based on the relative fair
values (In such circumstances,servicing asset shall be treated as a part that continues to be
                                              ~ 129 ~
recognised)and the difference between the amounts of the following two items shall be recognised
in current profit or loss:

    The carrying amount allocated to the part derecognised and;

 The sum of the consideration received for the part derecognised and any cumulative fair value
change originally and directly recognised in other comprehensive income (where the financial asset
transferred is an available-for-sale financial asset).

(ii) Continuing involvement in transferred financial assets
If the Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of
the financial asset, and retains control of the transferred financial asset, the Company shall continue
to recognise the transferred asset to the extent of its continuing involvement and also recognize an
associated liability.

The extent of the entity’s continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset is the extent to
which it is exposed to changes in the value of the transferred asset.

(iii) Continuing recognise transferred financial assets
If the Company retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a transferred financial
asset, the Company shall continue to recognise the transferred asset in its entirety and the
consideration received shall be recognised as a financial liability.

The financial asset and the associated liability shall not be offset. During the subsequent accounting
period, the Company shall continue to recognise any income arising on the transferred financial
asset and any expense incurred on the associated liability. If the transferred financial asset is
measured at amortised cost, to designate a financial liability as at fair value through profit or loss is
not applicable to the associated liability.

(f) Derecognition of financial liability

A financial liability shall be totally or partly derecognised if its present obligations are totally or
partly dissolved.

If the assets to be used to settle a financial liability is transferred to another institute or establish a
trust, where the present obligations still exist, either the financial liability or the assets transferred
shall not be derecognised.

Where the Company enters into an agreement with a              creditor so as to substitute the existing
financial liabilities with any new financial liability, and   the new financial liability is substantially
different from the contractual stipulations regarding         the existing financial liability, it shall
derecognise the existing financial liability, and shall at    the same time recognise a new financial

                                               ~ 130 ~
Where substantial revisions are made to some or all of the contractual stipulations of the existing
financial liability, the Company shall derecognise the existing financial liability totally or partly,
and at the same time recognise the financial liability with revised contractual stipulations as a new
financial liability.

Upon total or partial derecognition of financial liabilities, the difference between the carrying
amount of the financial liabilities derecognised and the consideration paid (including non-cash
assets surrendered or new financial liabilities assumed) shall be included in the current profit or

(g) Offsetting financial assets and liabilities

Financial assets and liabilities shall be presented separately in the statement of financial position
and shall not be offset. However, they shall be presented on a net basis after offsetting if the
following criteria are both satisfied.

(i) The Company has a legal right to offset the recognised amounts, and the right is executable at
present; and
(ii) The Company has an intention to settle on a net basis or liquidate the asset and settle the
liability simultaneously.

Asset transfer that does not satisfy the criteria for derecognition of this asset, the transferor shall not
offset the transferred asset and the related liability.

(h) Impairment testing and impairment provision of financial assets

(i) Objective evidence for the impairment of the financial assets

    The issuer or debtor encounters serious financial difficulties;

 The debtor violates the terms of contract, for example, it cannot repay the interest or the
principal of the loan on schedule;

 The creditor makes concessions to the debtor in financial difficulties from the respect of
economy or law;

 The creditor is possible to bankrupt or execute other financial restructuration;

 The financial asset is no longer traded in the active market since the issuer encounters
significant financial difficulties;

 It is unrecognisable whether cash flows from an asset in one group of financial assets has
decreased, however, it is identifiable that the estimated future cash flows of the group of financial
assets has decreased and measurable since they are initially recognised through overall assessment
on them on the basis of public data;

                                               ~ 131 ~
 The debtor’s technological, market, economic or legal environment encounters significant
unfavorable change, as a result of which investment cost may not be recovered;

 A serious or prolonged decline in the fair value of equity instrument.

    Other objective evidence that indicate impairment of financial assets.

(ii) Impairment provision of the financial assets (excluding receivables)

Financial assets at amortised cost

When the financial asset is impaired, the carrying amount of the financial asset shall be written
down to the present value of its expected future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have
not occurred); the amount written down shall be recognised as impairment loss in current profit or

The present value of the estimated future cash flows is determined by discounting at the original
effective rate of the held-to maturity investment, considering the value of related guaranty
(deducting expense incurred for obtaining or selling this guaranty). The original effective rate is the
effective rate calculated when the held-to maturity investment is initially recognised. For held-to
maturity investment with floating interest rate, when calculate the present value of expected future
cash flow, the current effective interest rate determined in the contract can be used as the discount

When assesses the impairment of financial asset at amortised cost, the Company recognize the
financial asset with the balance accounts for more than 5%(including 5%)of the total amount as
financial asset with individually significant balance and the balance below 5% of the total amount
as financial asset with individually insignificant balance.

When assesses the impairment of financial asset with individually significant balance, if there are
objective evidences indicate the assets have impaired, the Company shall recognize the impairment
loss and included in profit or loss; for financial asset with individually insignificant balance, the
Company could assess the impairment individually or included in the financial asset group with the
similar credit risk characteristics.

If the financial asset (including with individually significant and insignificant balance) is not
impaired through the individual assessment, it shall be assessed again in the assessment of the
financial asset group with the similar credit risk characteristics; if it has recognised the impairment
through the individual assessment, then shall not be included in the assessment of the financial asset
group with the similar credit risk characteristics.

If, in a subsequent period, the carrying amount of the financial asset at amortised cost increases and
the increase can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised,
the previously recognised impairment losses are reversed, included in current profit or loss. But the

                                             ~ 132 ~
carrying amount after the reversal shall not exceed the amortised cost in assuming that no
impairment loss been recognised at the date of reversal.

Impairment provision of available-for sale financial assets
For available-for sale financial assets that is impaired, when recognize the impairment loss, the
cumulative loss arising from the decline in fair value that has been recognised previously in other
comprehensive income shall be transferred out into the impairment loss of asset. After the
available-for sale debt instrument is impaired, the interest revenue shall be calculated by using the
discount rate that used to discount the future cash flows when determining the impairment loss.

If, in a subsequent period, the carrying amount of available-for-sale debt instruments investments
increases and the increase is related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was
recognised, the previously recognised impairment losses are reversed, and included in current profit
or loss. Impairment loss of available-for sale equity instrument cannot be reversed through profit or

(i) Method of determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

Method of determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities please refer to Note

3.11 Fair Value Measurement
Fair value refers to the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in
an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
The Company determines fair value of the related assets and liabilities based on market value in the
principal market, or in the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market price for
the related asset or liability. The fair value of an asset or a liability is measured using the
assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability, assuming that
market participants act in their economic best interest.

The principal market is the market in which transactions for an asset or liability take place with the
greatest volume and frequency. The most advantageous market is the market which maximizes the
value that could be received from selling the asset and minimizes the value which is needed to be
paid in order to transfer a liability, considering the effect of transport costs and transaction costs

If the active market of the financial asset or financial liability exists, the Company shall measure the
fair value using the quoted price in the active market. If the active market of the financial
instrument is not available, the Company shall measure the fair value using valuation techniques.

A fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account a market participant’s ability
to generate economic benefits by using the asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another

                                              ~ 133 ~
market participant that would use the asset in its highest and best use.

 Valuation techniques
The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which
sufficient data are available to measure fair value, including the market approach, the income
approach and the cost approach. The Company shall use valuation techniques consistent with one or
more of those approaches to measure fair value. If multiple valuation techniques are used to
measure fair value, the results shall be evaluated considering the reasonableness of the range of
values indicated by those results. A fair value measurement is the point within that range that is
most representative of fair value in the circumstances.

When using the valuation technique, the Company shall give the priority to relevant observable
inputs. The unobservable inputs can only be used when relevant observable inputs is not available
or practically would not be obtained. Observable inputs refer to the information which is available
from market and reflects the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset
or liability. Unobservable Inputs refer to the information which is not available from market and it
has to be developed using the best information available in the circumstances from the assumptions
that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability.

    Fair value hierarchy
To Company establishes a fair value hierarchy that categorises into three levels the inputs to
valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority
to Level 1 inputs and second to the Level 2 inputs and the lowest priority to Level 3 inputs. Level 1
inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the
entity can access at the measurement date. Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted prices
included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.
Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

3.12 Receivables

Following accounts receivable accounting standard is applicable for year 2018 and before.

(a) Receivable with individually significant balance and recognised provision for bad debts

(i) Assessment basis or standard of amount individually significant

The amount of accounts receivable over RMB 2 million and other receivables over RMB 2 million
is assessed individually significant.

(ii) Method of provision for bad debts of receivables which are individually significant

For accounts receivable with individually significant amount, the Company shall test impairment
separately. After separate impairment test, if there is objective evidence of impairment, the
                                             ~ 134 ~
impairment loss of receivables shall be recognised at the difference between the individual
receivable’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows and the provision
for bad debts shall be recognised accordingly.

If the difference between expected future cash flows and the present value of short-term accounts
receivable is very small, when determine the relevant impairment loss, the expected future cash
flows may not be discounted.

(b) Receivables with provision for bad debts recognised on the basis of similar credit risk

Group 1: Except for the existence of objective evidence that the Company will not be able to
recover the amount in accordance with the original terms of receivables, no provision for bad debts
shall be made for the transactions between companies within the scope of the consolidated
statement of receivables.

Group 2 For accounts receivables with individually significant amount but with no impairment
indicated after a separate test, combined with the accounts receivables with individually
insignificant amount, the Company use aging as the credit risk characteristic.

Provision method for bad debt provision by group 2: aging analysis method

Provision ratio for bad debts on the basis of aging analysis:
                                           Provision ratio for accounts          Provision ratio for other
                                                  receivable%                         receivables%


    Including:1-6months                                                   1.00                                1.00

    7-12months                                                            5.00                                5.00

    1-2years                                                          10.00                                  10.00

    2-3years                                                          50.00                                  50.00

    Over 3 years                                                     100.00                              100.00

 (c) Receivables that are individually insignificant but with bad debt provided on an
individual basis

For receivables that are individually insignificant with objective evidence of impairment, if the
provision for bad debts based on the aging analysis method cannot reflect the actual situation, they
shall be separately assessed for impairment and recognise the impairment losses. Impairment loss
shall be recognised at the difference between the carrying amount and the present value of
estimated future cash flows and the provision for bad debts shall be recognised accordingly.

                                             ~ 135 ~
3.13 Inventories

(a) Classification of inventories
Inventories are finished goods or products held for sale in the ordinary course of business, in the
process of production for such sale, or in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the
production process or in the rendering of services, including raw materials, work in progress,
semi-finished goods, finished goods, goods in stock, turnover material, etc.
(b) Measurement method of cost of inventories sold or used

Inventories are initially measured at the actual cost. Cost of inventories includes purchase cost,
processing cost, and other costs. Cost of the issue is measured using the weighted average method.

(c) Inventory system
The perpetual inventory system is adopted. The inventories should be counted at least once a year,
and surplus or losses of inventory stocktaking shall be included in current profit and loss.

(d) Provision for impairment of inventory

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. The excess of cost over net
realizable value of the inventories is recognised as provision for impairment of inventory, and
recognised in current profit or loss.

Net realizable value of the inventory should be determined on the basis of reliable evidence
obtained, and factors such as purpose of holding the inventory and impact of post balance sheet
event shall be considered.

(i) In normal operation process, finished goods, products and materials for direct sale, their net
realizable values are determined at estimated selling prices less estimated selling expenses and
relevant taxes and surcharges; for inventories held to execute sales contract or service contract, their
net realizable values are calculated on the basis of contract price. If the quantities of inventories
specified in sales contracts are less than the quantities held by the Company, the net realizable value
of the excess portion of inventories shall be based on general selling prices. Net realizable value of
materials held for sale shall be measured based on market price.

(ii) For materials in stock need to be processed, in the ordinary course of production and business,
net realisable value is determined at the estimated selling price less the estimated costs of
completion, the estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes. If the net realisable value of the
finished products produced by such materials is higher than the cost, the materials shall be
measured at cost; if a decline in the price of materials indicates that the cost of the finished products
exceeds its net realisable value, the materials are measured at net realisable value and differences
shall be recognised at the provision for impairment.

(iii) Provisions for inventory impairment are generally determined on an individual basis. For

                                              ~ 136 ~
inventories with large quantity and low unit price, the provisions for inventory impairment are
determined on a category basis.

(iv) If any factor rendering write-downs of the inventories has been eliminated at the reporting date,
the amounts written down are recovered and reversed to the extent of the inventory impairment,
which has been provided for. The reversal shall be included in profit or loss.

(e) Amortisation method of low-value consumables

Low-value consumables: One-off writing off method is adopted
Package material: One-off writing off method is adopted

3.14 Long-term Equity Investments

Long-term equity investments refer to equity investments where an investor has control of, or
significant influence over, an investee, as well as equity investments in joint ventures. Associates of
the Company are those entities over which the Company has significant influence.

(a) Determination basis of joint control or significant influence over the investee

Joint control is the relevant agreed sharing of control over an arrangement, and the arranged
relevant activity must be decided under unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. In
assessing whether the Company has joint control of an arrangement, the Company shall assess first
whether all the parties, or a group of the parties, control the arrangement. When all the parties, or a
group of the parties, considered collectively, are able to direct the activities of the arrangement, the
parties control the arrangement collectively. Then the Company shall assess whether decisions
about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties that collectively control
the arrangement. If two or more groups of the parties could control the arrangement collectively, it
shall not be assessed as have joint control of the arrangement. When assessing the joint control, the
protective rights are not considered.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of
the investee but is not control or joint control of those policies. In determination of significant
influence over an investee, the Company should consider not only the existing voting rights directly
or indirectly held but also the effect of potential voting rights held by the Company and other
entities that could be currently exercised or converted, including the effect of share warrants, share
options and convertible corporate bonds that issued by the investee and could be converted in
current period.
If the Company holds, directly or indirectly 20% or more but less than 50% of the voting power of
the investee, it is presumed that the Company has significant influence of the investee, unless it can
be clearly demonstrated that in such circumstance, the Company cannot participate in the
decision-making in the production and operating of the investee.

                                             ~ 137 ~
(b) Determination of initial investment cost

(i) Long-term equity investments generated in business combinations

For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, if the Company makes
payment in cash, transfers non-cash assets or bears liabilities as the consideration for the business
combination, the share of carrying amount of the owners’ equity of the acquiree in the consolidated
financial statements of the ultimate controlling party is recognised as the initial cost of the
long-term equity investment on the combination date. The difference between the initial investment
cost and the carrying amount of cash paid, non-cash assets transferred and liabilities assumed shall
be adjusted against the capital reserve; if capital reserve is not enough to be offset, undistributed
profit shall be offset in turn.

For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, if the Company issues
equity securities as the consideration for the business combination, the share of carrying amount of
the owners’ equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controlling party is recognised as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment on the
combination date. The total par value of the shares issued is recognised as the share capital. The
difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying amount of the total par value of the
shares issued shall be adjusted against the capital reserve; if capital reserve is not enough to be
offset, undistributed profit shall be offset in turn.

For business combination not under common control, the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed
and the fair value of equity securities issued to obtain the control of the acquiree at the acquisition
date shall be determined as the cost of the business combination and recognised as the initial cost of
the long-term equity investment. The audit, legal, valuation and advisory fees, other intermediary
fees, and other relevant general administrative costs incurred for the business combination, shall be
recognised in profit or loss as incurred.

(ii) Long-term equity investments acquired not through the business combination, the investment
cost shall be determined based on the following requirements:

For long-term equity investments acquired by payments in cash, the initial cost is the actually paid
purchase cost, including the expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly related to the
acquisition of long-term equity investments.

For long-term equity investments acquired through issuance of equity securities, the initial cost is
the fair value of the issued equity securities.

For the long-term equity investments obtained through exchange of non-monetary assets, if the
exchange has commercial substance, and the fair values of assets traded out and traded in can be
measured reliably, the initial cost of long-term equity investment traded in with non-monetary
assets are determined based on the fair values of the assets traded out together with relevant taxes.
                                             ~ 138 ~
Difference between fair value and book value of the assets traded out is recorded in current profit or
loss. If the exchange of non-monetary assets does not meet the above criterion, the book value of
the assets traded out and relevant taxes are recognised as the initial investment cost.

For long-term equity investment acquired through debt restructuring, the initial cost is determined
based on the fair value of the equity obtained and the difference between initial investment cost and
carrying amount of debts shall be recorded in current profit or loss.

(c) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss
Long-term equity investment to an entity over which the Company has ability of control shall be
accounted for at cost method. Long-term equity investment to a joint venture or an associate shall
be accounted for at equity method.

(i) Cost method

For Long-term equity investment at cost method, cost of the long-term equity investment shall be
adjusted when additional amount is invested or a part of it is withdrawn. The Company recognises
its share of cash dividends or profits which have been declared to distribute by the investee as
current investment income.

(ii) Equity method

If the initial cost of the investment is in excess of the share of the fair value of the net identifiable
assets in the investee at the date of investment, the difference shall not be adjusted to the initial cost
of long-term equity investment; if the initial cost of the investment is in short of the share of the fair
value of the net identifiable assets in the investee at the date investment, the difference shall be
included in the current profit or loss and the initial cost of the long-term equity investment shall be
adjusted accordingly.

The Company recognises the share of the investee’s net profits or losses, as well as its share of the
investee’s other comprehensive income, as investment income or losses and other comprehensive
income respectively, and adjusts the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. The carrying
amount of the investment shall be reduced by the share of any profit or cash dividends declared to
distribute by the investee. The investor’s share of the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other than
those arising from the investee’s net profit or loss, other comprehensive income or profit
distribution, shall be recognised in the investor’s equity, and the carrying amount of the long-term
equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly. The Company recognises its share of the investee’s
net profits or losses after making appropriate adjustments of investee’s net profit based on the fair
values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the investment date. If the accounting policy and
accounting period adopted by the investee is not in consistency with the Company, the financial
statements of the investee shall be adjusted according to the Company’s accounting policies and
accounting period, based on which, investment income or loss and other comprehensive income,
                                              ~ 139 ~
etc., shall be adjusted. The unrealized profits or losses resulting from inter-company transactions
between the company and its associate or joint venture are eliminated in proportion to the
company’s equity interest in the investee, based on which investment income or losses shall be
recognised. Any losses resulting from inter-company transactions between the investor and the
investee, which belong to asset impairment, shall be recognised in full.

Where the Company obtains the power of joint control or significant influence, but not control, over
the investee, due to additional investment or other reason, the relevant long-term equity investment
shall be accounted for by using the equity method, initial cost of which shall be the fair value of the
original investment plus the additional investment. Where the original investment is classified as
available-for sale investment, difference between its fair value and the carrying value, in addition to
the cumulative changes in fair value previously recorded in other comprehensive income, shall be
recogised into current profit or loss using equity method.

If the Company loses the joint control or significant influence of the investee for some reasons such
as disposal of equity investment, the retained interest shall be measured at fair value and the
difference between the carrying amount and the fair value at the date of loss the joint control or
significant influence shall be recognised in profit or loss. When the Company discontinues the use
of the equity method, the Company shall account for all amounts previously recognised in other
comprehensive income under equity method in relation to that investment on the same basis as
would have been required if the investee had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities.

(d) Equity investment classified as held for sale

Any retained interest in the equity investment not classified as held for sale, shall be accounted for
using equity method.

When an equity investment in an associate or a joint venture previously classified as held for sale
no longer meets the criteria to be so classified, it shall be accounted for using the equity method
retrospectively as from the date of its classification as held for sale. Financial statements for the
periods since classification as held for sale shall be amended accordingly.

(f) Impairment testing and provision for impairment loss
For investment in subsidiaries, associates or a joint venture, provision for impairment loss please
refer to Note 3.20.

3.15 Investment Properties

(a) Classification of investment properties
Investment properties are properties to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, including:
(i)Land use right leased out
(ii)Land held for transfer upon appreciation

                                               ~ 140 ~
(iii)Buildings leased out

(b) The measurement model of investment property
The Company adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment properties. For
provision for impairment please refer to Note 3.20.
The Company calculates the depreciation or amortization based on the net amount of investment
property cost less the accumulated impairment and the net residual value using straight-line method.

3.16 Fixed Assets

Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets with higher unit price held for the purpose of producing
commodities, rendering services, renting or business management with useful lives exceeding one

(a) Recognition criteria of fixed assets

Fixed assets will only be recognised at the actual cost paid when obtaining as all the following
criteria are satisfied:

(i) It is probable that the economic benefits relating to the fixed assets will flow into the Company;

(ii) The costs of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.
Subsequent expenditure for fixed assets shall be recorded in cost of fixed assets, if recognition
criteria of fixed assets are satisfied, otherwise the expenditure shall be recorded in current profit or
loss when incurred.

(b) Depreciation methods of fixed assets

The Company begins to depreciate the fixed asset from the next month after it is available for
intended use using the straight-line-method. The estimated useful life and annual depreciation rates
which are determined according to the categories, estimated economic useful lives and estimated
net residual rates of fixed assets are listed as followings:
                                                     Estimated useful    Residual           Annual depreciation
             Category         Depreciation method
                                                        life (year)      rates (%)               rates (%)

    Buildings and
                            straight-line-method           8.00-35.00         3.00-5.00               2.70-12.10

    Machinery equipment     straight-line-method           5.00-10.00         3.00-5.00               9.50-19.40

    Vehicles                straight-line-method                  4.00               3.00                    24.25

    Office equipment and
                            straight-line-method                  3.00               3.00                    32.33

For the fixed assets with impairment provided, the impairment provision should be excluded from
                                                    ~ 141 ~
the cost when calculating depreciation.

At the end of reporting period, the Company shall review the useful life, estimated net residual
value and depreciation method of the fixed assets. Estimated useful life of the fixed assets shall be
adjusted if it is changed compared to the original estimation.

(c) Recognition criteria, valuation and depreciation methods of fixed assets obtained through
a finance lease
If the entire risk and rewards related to the leased assets have been substantially transferred, the
Company shall recognise the lease as a finance lease. The cost of the fixed assets obtained through a
finance lease is determined at the lower of the fair value of the leased assets and the present value of
the minimum lease payment on the date of the lease. The fixed assets obtained by a finance lease
are depreciated in the method which is consistent with the self-owned fixed assets of the Company.
For fixed assets obtained through a finance lease, if it is reasonably certain that the ownership of the
leased assets will be transferred to the lessee by the end of the lease term, they shall be depreciated
over their remaining useful lives; otherwise, the leased assets shall be depreciated over the shorter
of the lease terms or their remaining useful lives.

3.17 Construction in Progress

(a) Classification of construction in progress

Construction in progress is measured on an individual project basis.
(b) Recognition criteria and timing of transfer from construction in progress to fixed assets

The initial book values of the fixed assets are stated at total expenditures incurred before they are
ready for their intended use, including construction costs, original price of machinery equipment,
other necessary expenses incurred to bring the construction in progress to get ready for its intended
use and borrowing costs of the specific loan for the construction or the proportion of the general
loan used for the constructions incurred before they are ready for their intended use. The
construction in progress shall be transferred to fixed asset when the installation or construction is
ready for the intended use. For construction in progress that has been ready for their intended use
but relevant budgets for the completion of projects have not been completed, the estimated values of
project budgets, prices, or actual costs should be included in the costs of relevant fixed assets, and
depreciation should be provided according to relevant policies of the Company when the fixed
assets are ready for intended use. After the completion of budgets needed for the completion of
projects, the estimated values should be substituted by actual costs, but depreciation already
provided is not adjusted.
3.18 Borrowing Costs

(a) Recognition criteria and period for capitalization of borrowing costs

The Company shall capitalize the borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition,
                                             ~ 142 ~
construction or production of qualifying assets when meet the following conditions:

(i) Expenditures for the asset are being incurred;

(ii) Borrowing costs are being incurred, and;

(iii) Acquisition, construction or production activities that are necessary to prepare the assets for
their intended use or sale are in progress.

Other borrowing cost, discounts or premiums on borrowings and exchange differences on foreign
currency borrowings shall be recognized into current profit or loss when incurred.

Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction
or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption is for a continuous
period of more than 3 months.
Capitalization of such borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying assets being acquired,
constructed or produced become ready for their intended use or sale. The expenditure incurred
subsequently shall be recognised as expenses when incurred.

(b) Capitalization rate and measurement of capitalized amounts of borrowing costs

When funds are borrowed specifically for purchase, construction or manufacturing of assets eligible
for capitalization, the Company shall determine the amount of borrowing costs eligible for
capitalisation as the actual borrowing costs incurred on that borrowing during the period less any
interest income on bank deposit or investment income on the temporary investment of those
Where funds allocated for purchase, construction or manufacturing of assets eligible for
capitalization are part of a general borrowing, the eligible amounts are determined by the
weighted-average of the cumulative capital expenditures in excess of the specific borrowing
multiplied by the general borrowing capitalization rate. The capitalization rate will be the weighted
average of the borrowing costs applicable to the general borrowing.
3.19 Intangible Assets

(a) Measurement method of intangible assets
Intangible assets are recognised at actual cost at acquisition.

(b) The useful life and amortisation of intangible assets

(i) The estimated useful lives of the intangible assets with finite useful lives are as follows:

               Category         Estimated useful life                         Basis

Land use right                                   50 years                   Legal life

Patent right                                     10 years   The service life is determined by reference

                                                ~ 143 ~
                                                            to the period that can bring economic

                                                                   benefits to the Company

                                                          The service life is determined by reference

Software                                      3-5 years     to the period that can bring economic

                                                                   benefits to the Company

                                                          The service life is determined by reference

Trademark                                     10 years      to the period that can bring economic

                                                                   benefits to the Company

For intangible assets with finite useful life, the estimated useful life and amortisation method are
reviewed annually at the end of each reporting period and adjusted when necessary. No change
incurred in current year in the estimated useful life and amortisation method upon review.
(ii) Assets of which the period to bring economic benefits to the Company are unforeseeable are
regarded as intangible assets with indefinite useful lives. The Company reassesses the useful lives
of those assets at every year end. If the useful lives of those assets are still indefinite, impairment
test should be performed on those assets at the balance sheet date.
(iii) Amortisation of the intangible assets
For intangible assets with finite useful lives, their useful lives should be determined upon their
acquisition and systematically amortised on a straight-line basis over the useful life. The
amortisation amount shall be recognized into current profit or loss according to the beneficial items.
The amount to be amortised is cost deducting residual value. For intangible assets which has
impaired, the cumulative impairment provision shall be deducted as well. The residual value of an
intangible asset with a finite useful life shall be assumed to be zero unless: there is a commitment
by a third party to purchase the asset at the end of its useful life; or there is an active market for the
asset and residual value can be determined by reference to that market; and it is probable that such a
market will exist at the end of the asset’s useful life.
Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives shall not be amortised. The Company reassesses the
useful lives of those assets at every year end. If there is evidence to indicate that the useful lives of
those assets become finite, the useful lives shall be estimated and the intangible assets shall be
amortised systematically and reasonably within the estimated useful lives.

(c) Criteria of classifying expenditures on internal research and development projects into
research phase and development phase
Preparation activities related to materials and other relevant aspects undertaken by the Company for
the purpose of further development shall be treated as research phase. Expenditures incurred during
the research phase of internal research and development projects shall be recognised in profit or loss
when incurred.
Development activities after the research phase of the Company shall be treated as development

                                              ~ 144 ~
(d) Criteria for capitalization of qualifying expenditures during the development phase
Expenditures arising from development phase on internal research and development projects shall
be recognised as intangible assets only if all of the following conditions have been met:
(i) Technical feasibility of completing the intangible assets so that they will be available for use or
(ii) Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
(iii) The method that the intangible assets generate economic benefits, including the Company can
demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible assets or the intangible assets
themselves or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the intangible assets;
(iv) The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the
development and to use or sell the intangible asset; and
(v) Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset.
3.20 Impairment of Long-Term Assets
Impairment loss of long-term equity investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures,
investment properties, fixed assets and constructions in progress subsequently measured at cost,
intangible assets, shall be determined according to following method:
The Company shall assess at the end of each reporting period whether there is any indication that an
asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the Company shall estimate the recoverable
amount of the asset and test for impairment. Irrespective of whether there is any indication of
impairment, the Company shall test for impairment of goodwill acquired in a business combination,
intangible assets with an indefinite useful life or intangible assets not yet available for use annually.
The recoverable amounts of the long-term assets are the higher of their fair values less costs to
dispose and the present values of the estimated future cash flows of the long-term assets. The
Company estimate the recoverable amounts on an individual basis. If it is difficult to estimate the
recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the
groups of assets that the individual asset belongs to. Identification of an group of asset is based on
whether the cash inflows from it are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or
groups of assets.
If, and only if, the recoverable amount of an asset or a group of assets is less than its carrying
amount, the carrying amount of the asset shall be reduced to its recoverable amount and the
provision for impairment loss shall be recognised accordingly.
For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination shall, from the
acquisition date, be allocated to relevant group of assets based on reasonable method; if it is
difficult to allocate to relevant group of assets, good will shall be allocated to relevant combination
of asset groups. The relevant group of assets or combination of asset groups is a group of assets or
combination of asset groups that is benefit from the synergies of the business combination and is
not larger than the reporting segment determined by the Company.

                                               ~ 145 ~
When test for impairment, if there is an indication that relevant group of assets or combination of
asset groups may be impaired, impairment testing for group of assets or combination of asset groups
excluding goodwill shall be conducted first, and calculate the recoverable amount and recognize the
impairment loss. Then the group of assets or combination of asset groups including goodwill shall
be tested for impairment, by comparing the carrying amount with its recoverable amount. If the
recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, the Company shall recognise the impairment
The mentioned impairment loss will not be reversed in subsequent accounting period once it had
been recognised.
3.21 Long-term Deferred Expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are various expenses already incurred, which shall be amortised over
current and subsequent periods with the amortisation period exceeding one year. Long-term
deferred expenses are evenly amortised over the beneficial period
3.22 Employee Benefits
Employee benefits refer to all forms of consideration or compensation given by the Company in
exchange for service rendered by employees or for the termination of employment relationship.
Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination
benefits and other long-term employee benefits. Benefits provided to an employee's spouse,
children, dependents, family members of decreased employees, or other beneficiaries are also
employee benefits.
According to liquidity, employee benefits are presented in the statement of financial position as
“Employee benefits payable” and “Long-term employee benefits payable”.

(a) Short-term employee benefits

(i) Employee basic salary (salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy)
The Company recognises, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, actually
occurred short-term employee benefits as a liability, with a corresponding charge to current profit
except for those recognised as capital expenditure based on the requirement of accounting
(ii) Employee welfare
The Company shall recognise the employee welfare based on actual amount when incurred into
current profit or loss or related capital expenditure. Employee welfare shall be measured at fair
value as it is a non-monetary benefit.
(iii) Social insurance such as medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance,
housing funds, labor union fund and employee education fund
Payments made by the Company of social insurance for employees, such as medical insurance,
work injury insurance and maternity insurance, payments of housing funds, and labor union fund

                                            ~ 146 ~
and employee education fund accrued in accordance with relevant requirements, in the accounting
period in which employees provide services, is calculated according to required accrual bases and
accrual ratio in determining the amount of employee benefits and the related liabilities, which shall
be recognised in current profit or loss or the cost of relevant asset.
(iv) Short-term paid absences
The company shall recognise the related employee benefits arising from accumulating paid
absences when the employees render service that increases their entitlement to future paid absences.
The additional payable amounts shall be measured at the expected additional payments as a result of
the unused entitlement that has accumulated. The Company shall recognise relevant employee
benefit of non-accumulating paid absences when the absences actually occurred.
(v)Short-term profit-sharing plan
The Company shall recognise the related employee benefits payable under a profit-sharing plan
when all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) The Company has a present legal or constructive obligation to make such payments as a result of
past events; and
(ii) A reliable estimate of the amounts of employee benefits obligation arising from the profit-
sharing plan can be made.

(b) Post-employment benefits

(i) Defined contribution plans

The Company shall recognise, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, the
contribution payable to a defined contribution plan as a liability, with a corresponding charge to the
current profit or loss or the cost of a relevant asset.

When contributions to a defined contribution plan are not expected to be settled wholly before
twelve months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render the
related service, they shall be discounted using relevant discount rate (market yields at the end of the
reporting period on high quality corporate bonds in active market or government bonds with the
currency and term which shall be consistent with the currency and estimated term of the defined
contribution obligations) to measure employee benefits payable.

(ii) Defined benefit plan

The present value of defined benefit obligation and current service costs

Based on the expected accumulative welfare unit method, the Company shall make estimates about
demographic variables and financial variables in adopting the unbiased and consistent actuarial
assumptions and measure defined benefit obligation, and determine the obligation period. The
Company shall discount the obligation arising from defined benefit plan using relevant discount rate
(market yields at the end of the reporting period on high quality corporate bonds in active market or
                                             ~ 147 ~
government bonds with the currency and term which shall be consistent with the currency and
estimated term of the defined benefit obligations) in order to determine the present value of the
defined benefit obligation and the current service cost.

The net defined benefit liability or asset

The net defined benefit liability (asset) is the deficit or surplus recognised as the present value of
the defined benefit obligation less the fair value of plan assets (if any).

When the Company has a surplus in a defined benefit plan, it shall measure the net defined benefit
asset at the lower of the surplus in the defined benefit plan and the asset ceiling.

The amount recognised in the cost of asset or current profit or loss
Service cost comprises current service cost, past service cost and any gain or loss on settlement.
Other service cost shall be recognised in profit or loss unless accounting standards require or allow
the inclusion of current service cost within the cost of assets.

Net interest on the net defined benefit liability (asset) comprising interest income on plan assets,
interest cost on the defined benefit obligation and interest on the effect of the asset ceiling, shall be
included in profit or loss.

The amount recognised in other comprehensive income

Changes in the net liability or asset of the defined benefit plan resulting from the remeasurements

 Actuarial gains and losses, the changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation
resulting from experience adjustments or the effects of changes in actuarial assumptions;

 Return on plan assets, excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined benefit
liability or asset;

 Any change in the effect of the asset ceiling, excluding amounts included in net interest on the
net defined benefit liability (asset).

Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability (asset) recognised in other comprehensive
income shall not be reclassified to profit or loss in a subsequent period. However, the Company
may transfer those amounts recognised in other comprehensive income within equity.

(c) Termination benefits

The Company providing termination benefits to employees shall recognise an employee benefits
liability for termination benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss of the reporting
period, at the earlier of the following dates:

(i) When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of
an employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal.
                                              ~ 148 ~
(ii) When the Company recognises costs or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the
payment of termination benefits.

If the termination benefits are not expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the end
of the annual reporting period, the Company shall discount the termination benefits using relevant
discount rate (market yields at the end of the reporting period on high quality corporate bonds in
active market or government bonds with the currency and term which shall be consistent with the
currency and estimated term of the defined benefit obligations) to measure the employee benefits.

(d) Other long-term employee benefits

(i) Meet the conditions of the defined contribution plan
When other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to the employees satisfies the
conditions for classifying as a defined contribution plan, all those benefits payable shall be
accounted for as employee benefits payable at their discounted value.
(ii) Meet the conditions of the defined benefit plan
At the end of the reporting period, the Company recognised the cost of employee benefit from other
long-term employee benefits as the following components:

 Service costs;

 Net interest cost for net liability or asset of other long-term employee benefits

 Changes resulting from the remeasurements of the net liability or asset of other long-term
employee benefits
In order to simplify the accounting treatment, the net amount of above items shall be recognised in
profit or loss or relevant cost of assets.
3.23 Estimated Liabilities

(a) Recognition criteria of estimated liabilities

The Company recognises the estimated liabilities when obligations related to contingencies satisfy
all the following conditions:

(i) That obligation is a current obligation of the Company;

(ii) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Company as a result of performance
of the obligation; and

(iii) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

(b) Measurement method of estimated liabilities

The estimated liabilities of the Company are initially measured at the best estimate of expenses
required for the performance of relevant present obligations. The Company, when determining the
                                             ~ 149 ~
best estimate, has had a comprehensive consideration of risks with respect to contingencies,
uncertainties and the time value of money. The carrying amount of the estimated liabilities shall be
reviewed at the end of every reporting period. If conclusive evidences indicate that the carrying
amount fails to be the best estimate of the estimated liabilities, the carrying amount shall be
adjusted based on the updated best estimate.
3.24 Revenue

(a) Revenue from sale of goods

Revenue from sale of goods shall be recognised when the following criteria are satisfied:
(i) Significant risks and rewards related to ownership of the goods have been transferred to the
(ii) The Company retains neither continuous management rights associated with ownership of the
goods sold nor effective control over the goods sold;
(iii) Relevant amount of revenue can be measured reliably;
(iv) It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow into the
Company; and
(v) Relevant amount of cost incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably.

Revenue arising from domestic sales of goods is recognized when goods are dispatched and
delivered to the buyer, when significant risks and rewards attached to the ownership of the goods
sold are passed to the buyer, when neither continual involvement in the rights normally associated
with the ownership of the goods sold nor effective control over the goods controls are retained,
when revenue arising from the goods sold is reliably measurable, when inflow of future economic
benefits is probable, and when cost incurred or to be incurred associated with the goods sold is
reliably measurable. Revenue arising from non-domestic sales of goods is recognized when goods
are loaded on board and when the export clearance with the custom is completed.

(b) Revenue from rendering of services

When the outcome of rendering of services can be estimated reliably at the balance sheet date,
revenue associated with the transaction is recognised using the percentage of completion method.
Percentage of completion is determined based on the measurement of the work completed

The outcome of rendering of services can be estimated reliably when all of the following conditions
are satisfied: i) the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; ii) it is probable that the associated
economic benefits will flow to the Company; iii) the percentage of completion of the transaction
can be measured reliably; iv) the costs incurred and to be incurred for the transaction can be
measured reliably.

The Company shall determine the total revenue from rendering of services based on the received or
receivable price stipulated in the contract or agreement, unless the received or receivable amount as
                                             ~ 150 ~
stipulated in the contract or agreement is unfair. At the end of the reporting period, the Company
shall recognise the revenue from rendering of the services in current period, based on the amount of
multiplying the total amount of revenues from rendering of the services by the percentage of
completion then deducting the accumulative revenues from rendering of the services that have been
recognised in the previous accounting periods. At the same time, the Company shall recognise the
current cost incurred for rendering of the services based on the amount of multiplying the total
estimated cost for rendering of the services by the percentage of completion and then deducting the
accumulative costs from rendering of the services that have been recognised in the previous
accounting periods.

If the outcome of rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably at the balance sheet date, the
accounting treatment shall be based on the following circumstances, respectively:

(i) When the costs incurred are expected to be recovered, revenue shall be recognised to the extent
of costs incurred and charge an equivalent amount of cost to the profit and loss;

(ii) When the costs incurred are not expected to be recovered, revenue shall not be recognised and
the costs incurred are recognised into current profit or loss

(c) Revenue from alienating the right to use assets

When it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow into the
Company and amount of revenue can be measured reliably, the Company shall recognise the
amount of revenue from the alienating of right to use assets based on the following circumstances,

(i) Interest revenue should be calculated in accordance with the period for which the enterprise's
cash is used by others and the effective interest rate; or

(ii) The amount of royalty revenue should be calculated in accordance with the period and method
of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or agreement.

3.25 Government Grants

(a) Recognition of government grants

A government grant shall not be recgonised until there is reasonable assurance that:
(i) The Company will comply with the conditions attaching to them; and

(ii) The grants will be received.
(b) Measurement of government grants

Monetary grants from the government shall be measured at amount received or receivable, and
non-monetary grants from the government shall be measured at their fair value or at a nominal
value of RMB 1.00 when reliable fair value is not available.
                                            ~ 151 ~
(c) Accounting for government grants
(i) Government grants related to assets

Government grants pertinent to assets mean the government grants that are obtained by the
Company used for purchase or construction, or forming the long-term assets by other ways.
Government grants pertinent to assets shall be recognised as deferred income, and should be
recognised in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the useful lives of the relevant assets. Grants
measured at their nominal value shall be directly recognised in profit or loss of the period when the
grants are received. When the relevant assets are sold, transferred, written off or damaged before the
assets are terminated, the remaining deferred income shall be transferred into profit or loss of the
period of disposing relevant assets.

(ii) Government grants related to income

Government grants other than related to assets are classified as government grants related to income.
Government grants related to income are accounted for in accordance with the following principles:

If the government grants related to income are used to compensate the enterprise’s relevant
expenses or losses in future periods, such government grants shall be recognised as deferred income
and included into profit or loss in the same period as the relevant expenses or losses are recognised;

If the government grants related to income are used to compensate the enterprise’s relevant
expenses or losses incurred, such government grants are directly recognised into current profit or

For government grants comprised of part related to assets as well as part related to income, each
part is accounted for separately; if it is difficult to identify different part, the government grants are
accounted for as government grants related to income as a whole.

Government grants related to daily operation activities are recognised in other income in
accordance with the nature of the activities, and government grants irrelevant to daily operation
activities are recognised in non-operating income.
(iii) Loan interest subsidy

When loan interest subsidy is allocated to the bank, and the bank provides a loan at lower-market
rate of interest to the Company, the loan is recognised at the actual received amount, and the interest
expense is calculated based on the principal of the loan and the lower-market rate of interest.

When loan interest subsidy is directly allocated to the Company, the subsidy shall be recognised as
offsetting the relevant borrowing cost.

(iv) Repayment of the government grants

Repayment of the government grants shall be recorded by increasing the carrying amount of the
asset if the book value of the asset has been written down, or reducing the balance of relevant
                                              ~ 152 ~
deferred income if deferred income balance exists, any excess will be recognised into current profit
or loss; or directly recognised into current profit or loss for other circumstances.

3.26 Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities
Temporary differences are differences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the
statement of financial position and its tax base at the balance sheet date. The Company recognise
and measure the effect of taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences on
income tax as deferred tax liabilities or deferred tax assets using liability method. Deferred tax
assets and deferred tax liabilities shall not be discounted.

(a) Recognition of deferred tax assets

Deferred tax assets should be recognised for deductible temporary differences, the carryforward of
unused tax losses and the carryforward of unused tax credits to the extent that it is probable that
taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, the carryforward
of unused tax losses and the carryforward of unused tax credits can be utilised at the tax rates that
are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised, unless the deferred tax asset arises
from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that:

(i) Is not a business combination; and
(ii) At the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (tax loss)

The Company shall recognise a deferred tax asset for all deductible temporary differences arising
from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, only to the extent that, it is probable

(i) The temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future; and

(ii) Taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be

At the end of each reporting period, if there is sufficient evidence that it is probable that taxable
profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the
Company recognises a previously unrecognised deferred tax asset.

The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset shall be reviewed at the end of each reporting period.
The Company shall reduce the carrying amount of a deferred tax asset to the extent that it is no
longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow the benefit of part or all of
that deferred tax asset to be utilised. Any such reduction shall be reversed to the extent that it
becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.

(b) Recognition of deferred tax liabilities
A deferred tax liability shall be recognised for all taxable temporary differences at the tax rate that
are expected to apply to the period when the liability is settled.

                                               ~ 153 ~
(i) No deferred tax liability shall be recognised for taxable temporary differences arising from:

 The initial recognition of goodwill; or

 The initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which: is not a business
combination; and at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit
(tax loss)
(ii) An entity shall recognise a deferred tax liability for all taxable temporary differences associated
with investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures, except to the extent that both of the
following conditions are satisfied:

 The Company is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference; and

 It is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.
(c) Recognition of deferred tax liabilities or assets involved in special transactions or events

(i) Deferred tax liabilities or assets related to business combination
For the taxable temporary difference or deductible temporary difference arising from a business
combination not under common control, a deferred tax liability or a deferred tax asset shall be
recognised, and simultaneously, goodwill recognised in the business combination shall be adjusted
based on relevant deferred tax expense (income).

(ii) Items directly recognised in equity

Current tax and deferred tax related to items that are recognised directly in equity shall be
recognised in equity. Such items include: other comprehensive income generated from fair value
fluctuation of available for sale investments; an adjustment to the opening balance of retained
earnings resulting from either a change in accounting policy that is applied retrospectively or the
correction of a prior period (significant) error; amounts arising on initial recognition of the equity
component of a compound financial instrument that contains both liability and equity component.

(iii) Unused tax losses and unused tax credits
Unsused tax losses and unused tax credits generated from daily operation of the Company itself

Deductible loss refers to the loss calculated and permitted according to the requirement of tax law
that can be offset against taxable income in future periods. The criteria for recognising deferred tax
assets arising from the carryforward of unused tax losses and tax credits are the same as the criteria
for recognising deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences. The Company
recognises a deferred tax asset arising from unused tax losses or tax credits only to the extent that
there is convincing other evidence that sufficient taxable profit will be available against which the
unused tax losses or unused tax credits can be utilised by the Company. Income taxes in current
profit or loss shall be deducted as well.

                                              ~ 154 ~
Unsused tax losses and unused tax credits arising from a business combination
Under a business combination, the acquiree’s deductible temporary differences which do not satisfy
the criteria at the acquisition date for recognition of deferred tax asset shall not be recognised.
Within 12 months after the acquisition date, if new information regarding the facts and
circumstances exists at the acquisition date and the economic benefit of the acquiree’s deductible
temporary differences at the acquisition is expected to be realised, the Company shall recognise
acquired deferred tax benefits and reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill related to this
acquisition. If goodwill is reduced to zero, any remaining deferred tax benefits shall be recognised
in profit or loss. All other acquired deferred tax benefits realised shall be recognised in profit or

(iv) Temporary difference generated in consolidation elimination
When preparing consolidated financial statements, if temporary difference between carrying value
of the assets and liabilities in the consolidated financial statements and their taxable bases is
generated from elimination of inter-company unrealized profit or loss, deferred tax assets or
deferred tax liabilities shall be recognised in the consolidated financial statements, and income taxes
expense in current profit or loss shall be adjusted as well except for deferred tax related to
transactions or events recognised directly in equity and business combination.

(v) Share-based payment settled by equity

If tax authority permits tax deduction that relates to share-based payment, during the period in
which the expenses are recognised according to the accounting standards, the Company estimates
the tax base in accordance with available information at the end of the accounting period and the
temporary difference arising from it. Deferred tax shall be recognised when criteria of recognition
are satisfied. If the amount of estimated future tax deduction exceeds the amount of the cumulative
expenses related to share-based payment recognised according to the accounting standards, the tax
effect of the excess amount shall be recognised directly in equity.
3.27 Changes in Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates
(a) Changes in accounting polices

On 30 April 2019,Ministry of Finance announced the “Notice of Revising and Issuing the Format
of Financial Statements of General Enterprises for 2019” (Caikuai [2019] No.6) and required
enterprise which adopted the new financial instrument standard but not yet adopt the new revenue
standard and new lease standard to prepare the financial statements according to the following

In the statement of financial position, “Notes receivable and Accounts receivable” are split into
“Notes receivable” and “Accounts receivable”; “Accounts receivable financing” are added to
reflect the notes receivable and accounts receivable which measured at fair value through other

                                             ~ 155 ~
comprehensive income on balance sheet date; “Notes payable and Accounts payable” are split into
“Notes payable” and “Accounts payable”;

In the statement of comprehensive income, “Gains /(losses) from derecognition of financial assets
measured at amortised cost” are added under the “Investment income/(losses)”.

On 19 September 2019, the Ministry of Finance issued “Notice of Revising and Issuing the Format
of Consolidated Financial Statements for 2019” (Caikuai [2019] No. 16), as a complement of the
announcement Caikuai [2019] No. 6.

The Company has prepared comparative financial statements in accordance with the requirement of
Caikuai [2019] No. 6 and and Caikuai [2019] No. 16, and changed the presentation by retrospective
adjustment method.

On 31 March 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments (Revised in 2017)” (Caikuai [2017]
No. 7), “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of financial assets
(Revised in 2017) ”(Caikuai [2017] No. 8), “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 24
- Hedging (Revised in 2017)” (Caikuai [2017] No. 9). On 2 May 2017, the Ministry of Finance
issued “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37 - Presentation of Financial
Instruments (Revised in 2017)” (Caikuai [2017] No. 14) (the above standards are collectively
referred to as the “New Financial Instruments Standards”). Domestic listed companies are required
to implement the new financial instruments standards from 1 January 2019. The Company
implemented the above mentioned new financial instrument standards on 1January 2019, and
adjusted the relevant contents of accounting policies. Details please refer to Note 3.10.

If the recognition and measurement of financial instruments before 1 January 2019 was inconsistent
with the requirements of the new financial instruments’ standards, the Company retroactively
adjusted the classification and measurement (including impairment) of the financial instruments in
accordance with the new financial instrument standards. The difference between the original
carrying amount of the financial instrument and the new carrying amount on the date of
implementation of the new financial instruments’ standards (i.e. 1 January 2019) was recognised in
retained earnings or other comprehensive income at 1 January 2019. At the same time, the company
did not adjust the comparative financial statement data.
 (b) Significant changes in accounting estimates
The Company has no significant changes in accounting estimates for the reporting period.
  (c) Adjustments of the financial statements at the beginning of the reporting period for the
first year adoption of new financial instruments standards.

Consolidated Financial Statements
Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

                                           ~ 156 ~
                        Items                      31 December 2018       1 January 2019        Adjustment

Current assets:

Cash and cash equivalents                             1,705,760,865.12     1,705,760,865.12                    -

Held-for-trading financial assets                                 N/a.     2,965,016,000.42    2,965,016,000.42

Financial assets at fair value through profit or
                                                            622,892.96                 N/a.         -622,892.96

Notes receivable                                      1,347,427,811.34     1,347,427,811.34                    -

Accounts receivable                                      29,748,068.74        29,748,068.74                    -

Advances to suppliers                                   182,558,000.75       182,558,000.75                    -

Other receivables                                        43,342,878.22        43,342,878.22                    -

Including: Interests receivable                          24,923,178.08        24,923,178.08                    -

Dividend receivable                                                   -                    -

Inventories                                           2,407,306,664.86     2,407,306,664.86                    -

Non-current assets maturing within one year             300,000,000.00       300,000,000.00                    -

Other current assets                                  3,012,478,687.20       254,478,687.20    -2,758,000,000.00

                 Total current assets                 9,029,245,869.19     9,235,638,976.65     206,393,107.46 -

Non-current assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets                     206,393,107.46                 N/a.     -206,393,107.46

Long-term equity investments                              4,900,000.00         4,900,000.00                    -

Investment properties                                     5,027,228.53         5,027,228.53                    -

Fixed assets                                          1,763,988,530.56     1,763,988,530.56                    -

Construction in progress                                 93,320,557.56        93,320,557.56                    -

Intangible assets                                       742,083,609.10       742,083,609.10                    -

Goodwill                                                478,283,495.29       478,283,495.29                    -

Long-term deferred expenses                              83,561,473.46        83,561,473.46                    -

Deferred tax assets                                      86,580,171.06        86,580,171.06                    -

Other non-current assets                                 16,544,407.51        16,544,407.51                    -

               Total non-current assets               3,480,682,580.53     3,274,289,473.07     -206,393,107.46

Total assets                                         12,509,928,449.72    12,509,928,449.72                    -

Current liabilities

Notes payable                                           349,203,413.72       349,203,413.72                    -

                                                    ~ 157 ~
                           Items                      31 December 2018       1 January 2019         Adjustment

    Trade payables                                         484,952,598.59       484,952,598.59                     -

    Advances from customers                              1,149,143,310.48     1,149,143,310.48                     -

    Employee benefits payable                              457,299,476.43       457,299,476.43                     -

    Taxes payable                                          372,993,624.18       372,993,624.18                     -

    Other payables                                       1,192,020,147.82     1,192,020,147.82                     -

    Including: Interests payables                                        -                     -

          Dividend payables                                              -                     -

    Other current liabilities                              295,164,745.44       295,164,745.44                     -

                 Total current liabilities               4,300,777,316.66     4,300,777,316.66                     -

    Deferred income                                         76,636,500.55        76,636,500.55                     -

    Deferred tax liabilities                               102,764,515.11       102,764,515.11                     -

               Total non-current liabilities               179,401,015.66       179,401,015.66                     -

                       Total liabilities                 4,480,178,332.32     4,480,178,332.32                     -

    Owners’ equity

    Share capital                                          503,600,000.00       503,600,000.00                     -

    Capital reserves                                     1,295,405,592.25     1,295,405,592.25                     -

    Other comprehensive income                               4,794,830.59                     --       -4,794,830.59

    Surplus reserves                                       256,902,260.27       256,902,260.27                     -

    Retained earnings                                    5,541,281,341.47     5,546,076,172.06         4,794,830.59

       Total owner’s equity attributable to parent                                                                -
                                                         7,601,984,024.58     7,601,984,024.58

    Non-controlling interests                              427,766,092.82       427,766,092.82                     -

                    Total owners’ equity                8,029,750,117.40     8,029,750,117.40                     -

          Total liabilities and owners' equity          12,509,928,449.72    12,509,928,449.72                     -

Financial Statements of Parent Company
Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

                            Items                     31 December 2018       1 January 2019         Adjustment

    Current assets:

    Cash and cash equivalents                            1,078,172,917.59     1,078,172,917.59                     -

    Held-for-trading financial assets                                N/a.     1,807,016,000.42     -1,807,016,000.42

                                                       ~ 158 ~
                        Items                      31 December 2018       1 January 2019        Adjustment

Financial assets at fair value through profit or
                                                           622,892.96                  N/a.         -622,892.96

Notes receivable                                      1,256,336,386.34     1,256,336,386.34                    -

Accounts receivable                                      9,385,950.54          9,385,950.54                    -

Advances to suppliers                                   10,869,911.54         10,869,911.54                    -

Other receivables                                      110,800,665.19        110,800,665.19                    -

Including: Interests receivable                                       -                    -

Dividend receivable                                                   -                    -

Inventories                                           2,125,826,967.11     2,125,826,967.11                    -

Other current assets                                  1,764,267,968.83       164,267,968.83    -1,600,000,000.00

                 Total current assets                 6,356,283,660.10     6,562,676,767.56      206,393,107.46

Non-current assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets                    206,393,107.46                  N/a.     -206,393,107.46

Long-term equity investments                          1,148,213,665.32     1,148,213,665.32                    -

Investment properties                                   24,715,657.40         24,715,657.40                    -

Fixed assets                                          1,290,714,455.79     1,290,714,455.79                    -

Construction in progress                                86,634,753.93         86,634,753.93                    -

Intangible assets                                      189,968,142.25        189,968,142.25                    -

Long-term deferred expenses                             56,643,945.05         56,643,945.05                    -

Deferred tax assets                                     37,415,458.17         37,415,458.17                    -

Other non-current assets                                12,474,026.00         12,474,026.00                    -

               Total non-current assets               3,053,173,211.37     2,846,780,103.91     -206,393,107.46

Total assets                                          9,409,456,871.47     9,409,456,871.47                    -

Current liabilities:

Notes payable                                           28,648,913.72         28,648,913.72                    -

Trade payables                                         362,290,556.21        362,290,556.21                    -

Advances from customers                               1,123,125,892.84     1,123,125,892.84                    -

Employee benefits payable                              117,748,485.96        117,748,485.96                    -

Taxes payable                                          161,176,957.25        161,176,957.25                    -

Other payables                                         372,902,293.22        372,902,293.22                    -

                                                   ~ 159 ~
                             Items                        31 December 2018              1 January 2019            Adjustment

    Including: Interests payables                                               -                            -

           Dividend payables                                                    -                            -

    Other current liabilities                                   32,605,794.55               32,605,794.55                          -

                    Total current liabilities                2,198,498,893.75            2,198,498,893.75                          -

    Non-current liabilities:

    Deferred income                                             36,417,554.85               36,417,554.85                          -

    Deferred tax liabilities                                        4,828,737.52             4,828,737.52                          -

               Total non-current liabilities                    41,246,292.37               41,246,292.37                          -

                        Total liabilities                    2,239,745,186.12            2,239,745,186.12                          -

    Owners’ equity

    Share capital                                              503,600,000.00              503,600,000.00                          -

    Capital reserves                                         1,247,162,107.35            1,247,162,107.35                          -

    Other comprehensive income                                      4,794,830.59                             -      -4,794,830.59

    Surplus reserves                                           251,800,000.00              251,800,000.00                          -

    Retained earnings                                        5,162,354,747.41            5,167,149,578.00            4,794,830.59

                     Total owners’ equity                    7,169,711,685.35           7,169,711,685.35                          -

    Total liabilities and owners' equity                     9,409,456,871.47            9,409,456,871.47                          -

(d) Retrospective restatement of previous comparative data for the first adoption of new
financial instruments standards
(i)At 1 January 2019, the comparative statements of classification and measurement for financial
assets before and after the adoption of new financial instruments standards

Consolidated Financial Statements
    31 December 2018 (Original financial instruments standard)             1 January 2019 (New financial instruments standard)

                                  Measurement                                                Measurement
             Items                                Carrying amount           Items                                Carrying amount
                                       category                                                   category

    Cash and cash                                                    Cash and cash
                                Amortised cost    1,705,760,865.12                         Amortised cost        1,705,760,865.12
    equivalents                                                      equivalents

    Financial assets at fair Fair value                                                    Fair value
    value through profit or through profit or          622,892.96                          through profit or           622,892.96
                                                                     financial assets
    loss                        loss                                                       loss

    Notes receivable            Amortised cost    1,347,427,811.34 Notes receivable        Amortised cost        1,347,427,811.34

                                                           ~ 160 ~
    31 December 2018 (Original financial instruments standard)                   1 January 2019 (New financial instruments standard)

                                 Measurement                                                       Measurement
            Items                                   Carrying amount              Items                               Carrying amount
                                   category                                                             category

   Accounts receivable         Amortised cost         29,748,068.74                              Amortised cost         29,748,068.74

   Other receivables           Amortised cost         43,342,878.22 Other receivables            Amortised cost         43,342,878.22

                               Fair value

                               through other                                                     Fair value
   Available-for-sale                                                   Held-for-trading
                               comprehensive         206,393,107.46                              through profit or     206,393,107.46
   financial assets                                                     financial assets
                               income (equity                                                    loss


                                                                                                 Fair value
                                                                                                 through profit or   2,758,000,000.00
                                                                        financial assets
   Other current assets        Amortised cost       3,012,478,687.20                             loss

                                                                        Other          current
                                                                                                 Amortised cost        254,478,687.20

   Other non-current                                                    Other non-current
                               Amortised cost         16,544,407.51                              Amortised cost         16,544,407.51
   assets                                                               assets

Financial Statements of Parent Company
    31 December 2018 (Original financial instruments standard)              1 January 2019 (New financial instruments standard)

                                  Measurement                                                      Measurement
             Items                                   Carrying amount               Items                             Carrying amount
                                    category                                                            category

        Cash and cash                                                      Cash and cash
                                 Amortised cost      1,078,172,917.59                             Amortised cost      1,078,172,917.59
         equivalents                                                         equivalents

    Financial assets at fair       Fair value                                                           Fair value
   value through profit or      through profit or         622,892.96                               through profit          622,892.96
                                                                           financial assets
             loss                     loss                                                               or loss

   Notes receivable             Amortised cost       1,256,336,386.34 Notes receivable            Amortised cost      1,256,336,386.34

   Accounts receivable          Amortised cost           9,385,950.54                             Amortised cost          9,385,950.54

   Other receivables            Amortised cost        110,800,665.19 Other receivables            Amortised cost        110,800,665.19

                                                             ~ 161 ~
    31 December 2018 (Original financial instruments standard)              1 January 2019 (New financial instruments standard)

                                   Measurement                                                 Measurement
             Items                                  Carrying amount              Items                            Carrying amount
                                     category                                                    category

                                                                                              Fair value
                                                                                              through profit        1,600,000,000.00
                                                                        financial assets
   Other current assets       Amortised cost        1,764,267,968.83                          or loss

                                                                        Other current
                                                                                              Amortised cost         164,267,968.83

                              Fair value

                              through other                                                   Fair value
   Available-for-sale                                                   Held-for-trading
                              comprehensive            206,393,107.46                         through profit         206,393,107.46
   financial assets                                                     financial assets
                              income (equity                                                  or loss


                                                                        Other non-current
   Other non-current assets Amortised cost              12,474,026.00                         Amortised cost           12,474,026.00

(ii)At 1 January 2019, adjustments for carrying amount of original financial assets according to new
financial instruments standards

Consolidated Financial Statements
                                     Carrying amount at
                                                                                                             Carrying amount at 1
                                     31 December 2018
                                                                  Reclassificatio                              January 2019 (New
                Items                 (Original financial                                Remeasurement
                                                                        n                                    financial instruments

    Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss based on new financial instruments standards

    Financial assets at fair value
                                                622,892.96                         -                     -                           -
    through profit or loss

    Other current assets              2,758,000,000.00                             -                     -                           -

    Add: Transfer from

    available-for-sale financial                            -    206,393,107.46                          -                           -

    Held-for-trading financial
                                                            -                      -                     -       2,965,016,000.42

Financial Statements of Parent Company

                                                                ~ 162 ~
                                     Carrying amount at
                                                                                                          Carrying amount at 1
                                     31 December 2018
                                                                                                          January 2019 (New
                 Items               (Original financial       Reclassification       Remeasurement
                                                                                                          financial instruments

    Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss based on new financial instruments standards

    Financial assets at fair value
                                              622,892.96                          -                   -                           -
    through profit or loss

    Other current assets                1,600,000,000.00                          -                   -                           -

    Add: Transfer from

    available-for-sale financial                           -     206,393,107.46

    Held-for-trading financial
                                                           -                      -                   -         1,807,016,000.42

(iii)At 1 January 2019, adjustments for impairment provision of original financial assets according
to new financial instruments standards

Consolidated Financial Statements
                                     Carrying amount at
                                                                                                          Carrying amount at 1
                                     31 December 2018
                                                                                                          January 2019 (New
                 Items               (Original financial       Reclassification       Remeasurement
                                                                                                          financial instruments

    Financial assets measured at

    amortised cost

    Including: Impairment

    provision of notes                                     -                      -                   -                           -


    Impairment provision of
                                              649,289.27                          -                   -               649,289.27
    accounts receivable

    Impairment provision of
                                          42,374,086.73                           -                   -            42,374,086.73
    other receivables

Financial Statements of Parent Company

                                                               ~ 163 ~
                                      Carrying amount at
                                                                                                             Carrying amount at 1
                                      31 December 2018
                                                                                                              January 2019 (New
                   Items              (Original financial       Reclassification       Remeasurement
                                                                                                              financial instruments

      Financial assets measured at

      amortised cost

      Including: Impairment
                                                            -                      -                    -                             -
      provision of notes receivable

      Impairment provision of
                                                141,121.87                         -                    -                 141,121.87
      accounts receivable

      Impairment provision of
                                            41,631,537.21                          -                    -              41,631,537.21
      other receivables

4.1     Major Categories of Tax and Tax Rates Applicable to the Company

   Categories of tax                      Basis of tax assessment                              Tax rate

                            Output VATs are calculated and paid on taxable             13%(16%)、10%、6%
                            revenues at a tax rateof 13%(16%)or 10% or 6%,
Value added tax (VAT)
                            and VATs are paid at the net amounts after
                            deducting input VATs for the reporting period

                                                                                        For the liquor sold, the

                                                                                              ad valorem
                                                                                        consumption tax shall

                                                                                        be calculated and paid

                                                                                       as RMB 1.00 yuan per
Consumption taxes           The consumption taxes are paid on the taxable sales          kilogram or 1000ml,
                                                                                         and the ad valorem

                                                                                        consumption tax shall
                                                                                        be calculated and paid

                                                                                          as per 20% of the
                                                                                             taxable sales

Urban maintenance and       Urban maintenance and construction taxes are paid                  7%、5%
construction tax            on turnover taxes

                                                                ~ 164 ~
Educational surcharge   Educational surcharges are paid on turnover taxes   3%

Local educational       Local educational surcharges are paid on turnover   2%
surcharge               taxes

Enterprise income tax   Business taxes are calculated and paid on taxable   25%


4.2 Tax Preference

(i) According to Response Letter for the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises to be put on record in
Anhui Province for 2019 (guokehuozi [2019] No.216) issued by Department of Science and
Technology of Anhui province, Department of Finance of Anhui province, and Anhui Provincial
Taxation Bureau of State Administration of Taxation, the subsidiary Longrui Glass was identified
as a high-tech enterprise in 2019, therefore was given High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate
Number: GR201934001625) which is valid for 3 years. According to Enterprise Income Tax Law
and other relevant regulations, the company is subject to a national high-tech enterprise income tax
rate at 15% for three years from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021.

(ii) According to Response Letter for the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises to be put on record in
Anhui Province for 2019 (guokehuozi [2019] No.216) issued by Department of Science and
Technology of Anhui province, Department of Finance of Anhui province, and Anhui Provincial
Taxation Bureau of State Administration of Taxation, the subsidiary Ruisiweier was identified as a
high-tech enterprise in 2019, therefore was given High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate
Number: GR201934000355) which is valid for 3 years. According to Enterprise Income Tax Law
and other relevant regulations, the company is subject to a national high-tech enterprise income tax
rate at 15% for three years from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021.

(iii) According to Response Letter for the Second Batch of High-tech Enterprises to be put on
record in Hubei Province for 2018 (guokehuozi [2019] No.43) issued by Department of Science
and Technology of Hubei province, Department of Finance of Hubei province, and Hubei
Provincial Taxation Bureau of State Administration of Taxation, the subsidiary Yashibo was
identified as a high-tech enterprise in 2018, therefore was given High-tech Enterprise Certificate

                                                       ~ 165 ~
(Certificate Number:GR201842002339) which is valid for 3 years. According to Enterprise Income
Tax Law and other relevant regulations, the company is subject to a national high-tech enterprise
income tax rate at 15% for three years from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020.

(iv) According to Notice from Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation on the
Implementation of Inclusive Tax Reduction Policy for Small and Micro Enterprises (Caishui [2019]
No.13), from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021 the portion of the enterprise's annual taxable
income which does not exceed 1 million yuan is reduced to 25% as taxable income, and income tax
is paid at a tax rate of 20%. For the annual taxable income of more than 1 million yuan but not more
than 3 million yuan, this part is reduced to 50% as taxable income, income tax is paid at the rate of
20%. The subsidiaries Gujing waste company, Junhe Advertising and Yellow Crane Tower
Beverage meet the condition of annual taxable income not exceeding 1 million yuan while actual
tax rate in 2019 was 5%. The subsidiary Zhenrui Construction meets the condition of annual taxable
income exceeding 1 million yuan but not exceeding 3 million yuan while actual tax rate for 2019
was 10%.


5.1 Cash and Cash Equivalents

         Items                   31 December 2019                  31 December 2018

     Cash on hand                                   292,465.36                   353,429.67

     Cash in bank                            5,618,712,121.81               1,705,175,643.46

Other monetary funds                                745,330.92                   231,791.99

          Total                              5,619,749,918.09               1,705,760,865.12

Notes: (i) At 31 December 2019, the structural deposits that cannot be withdrawn in
advance amounted to RMB 2,263 million, fixed deposits that cannot be withdrawn in
advance totaled 100 million yuan, and fixed deposits used to pledge and issue bank
acceptance bills totaled RMB 312 million. Except for that, no other monetary funds
are restricted to use or in some potential risks of recovery due to the mortgage,
pledge or freezing;

 (ii)The closing balance has increased by 229.46%, which is mainly due to the increase
                                             ~ 166 ~
of collection of sales receivables as well as the decrease of closing balance of
financial products investment.

5.2 Held-for-trading financial assets

                                          Items                                      31 December 2019           31 December 2018

    Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss                                509,031,097.02                             -

    Including: bank financial products                                                   297,146,591.78                             -

    Fund investment                                                                      211,884,505.24                             -

    Total                                                                                509,031,097.02                             -

Note: The closing balance has increased RMB 509,031,097.02 yuan, mainly due to reclassify bank
financial products and fund investment to held-for-trading assets according to implemention of the
new financial instrument standard since January 1, 2019.

5.3 Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss

                                         Items                                      31 December 2019            31 December 2018

    Held-for-trading financial assets:                                                                                     622,892.96

    Including: Equity instruments investment                                                             -                 622,892.96

    Total                                                                                                -                 622,892.96

Note: The closing balance decreased RMB 622,892.96 yuan compared to the end of 2018, mainly
due to disposal of equity instruments investment in 2019.

5.4 Notes Receivable

(a) Notes receivable by category

            Items                                31 December 2019                              31 December 2018

                                                    Provision                                          Provision

                              Book Balance           for bad     Carrying amount    Book Balance        for bad       Carrying amount
                                                       debt                                              debt

    Bank acceptance bills 1,002,758,533.39                     - 1,002,758,533.39 1,347,427,811.34                - 1,347,427,811.34

                                 1,493,836.54 34,938.37              1,458,898.17                  -              -                 -
    acceptance bills

    Total                    1,004,252,369.93 34,938.37 1,004,217,431.56 1,347,427,811.34                         - 1,347,427,811.34

(b) Pledged notes receivable at 31 December 2019

                                                                ~ 167 ~
                                 Items                                               Pledged amount

    Bank acceptance bills                                                                                  349,377,134.82

    Total                                                                                                  349,377,134.82

(c) Notes receivable discounted or endorsed to third parties but not yet matured at 31
December 2019

                         Items                      Amount of derecognition                  Amount of recognition

    Bank acceptance bills                                         1,185,260,793.87                                         -

    Total                                                         1,185,260,793.87                                         -

Note: The issuing bank of the bank acceptance bill of the Company for endorsement or discount are
commercial banks with higher credit. Therefore, when the bank acceptance bills are mature, they
are likely to get paid. The interest rate risk related to the bill has been transferred to the bank, so it
can be judged that the main risks and rewards of the bill ownership have been transferred, so need
to be derecogised.

(d) The company has no notes receivable transferred to accounts receivable due to drawers’
inability of fulfillment at 31 December 2019

(e) Notes receivable by bad debt provision method

                                                                     31 December 2019

                                              Book balance                 Provision for bad debt
                                                                                         Provision ratio Carrying amount
                                         Amount         Proportion (%)    Amount

    Provision for bad debt
                                                    -                 -              -                 -                   -
    recognised individually

    Provision for bad debt
                                     1,004,252,369.93          100.00      34,938.37                0.00 1,004,217,431.56
    recognised collectively

    Including: Group 1                   1,493,836.54             0.15     34,938.37                2.34     1,458,898.17

    Group 2                          1,002,758,533.39            99.85               -                 - 1,002,758,533.39

                 Total               1,004,252,369.93          100.00      34,938.37                0.00 1,004,217,431.56

 (i)At 31 December 2019, notes receivable with provision for bad debt recognised by group 1
                                                                          31 December 2019

                         Name                                              Provision for bad
                                                  Notes receivable                                   Provision ratio (%)

                                                        ~ 168 ~
                                                                                     31 December 2019

                       Name                                                            Provision for bad
                                                          Notes receivable                                        Provision ratio (%)

    Within 1 year                                                     1,493,836.54                34,938.37

    Including:1-6months                                                993,836.54                   9,938.37                             1.00

    7-12months                                                         500,000.00                 25,000.00                              5.00

                       Total                                          1,493,836.54                34,938.37                              2.34

(ii)Notes receivable with provision for bad debt recognised by group 2

 At 31 December 2019, the Company measured provision for bad debt of bank acceptance bill
according to the lifetime expected credit loss. The Company believes that no significant credit risk
exists in the bank acceptance bills and no significant losses arises from default risk of banks or
other issuer’ failure of fulfillment.

For details of recognition criteria and explanation for provision of bad debt, please refer to Notes

(f) Changes of provision for bad debt during the reporting period

                         31          Changes of                            Changes during the reporting period                      31
                                                      1 January
       Category       December       accounting                                         Recovery or                             December
                                                        2019           Provision                               Write-off
                        2018           policy                                             reversal                                 2019


    acceptance                   -                -               -       34,938.37                    -                   -     34,938.37

            Total                -                -               -       34,938.37                    -                   -     34,938.37

(g) The company has no notes receivable write-off during the reporting period

5.5 Accounts Receivable

(a) Accounts receivable by aging

                      Aging                                    31 December 2019                            31 December 2018

    Within one year                                                             41,004,875.62                              29,725,877.02

    Including:1-6months                                                         37,333,246.24                              26,516,294.24

    7-12months                                                                     3,671,629.38                                3,209,582.78

    1-2 years                                                                        365,118.07                                 497,593.12

                                                               ~ 169 ~
                        Aging                                  31 December 2019                            31 December 2018

   2-3 years                                                                                   -                                        -

   Over 3 years                                                                      141,121.87                               173,887.87

                        Subtotal                                                   41,511,115.56                            30,397,358.01

   Less: provision for bad debt                                                      734,547.60                               649,289.27

                         Total                                                     40,776,567.96                          29,748,068.74

(b) Accounts receivable by bad debt provision method

(i) At 31 December 2019

                                                                                      31 December 2019

                                                               Book balance                Provision for bad debt
                        Category                                                                                             Carrying
                                                                          Proportion                      Provision
                                                         Amount                            Amount                             amount
                                                                              (%)                         ratio (%)

   Provision      for    bad     debt   recognised
                                                                     -                 -              -               -                 -

   Provision for bad debt recognized
                                                       41,511,115.56           100.00      734,547.60            1.77       40,776,567.96

   Including: Group1                                                 -                 -              -               -                 -

   Group2                                              41,511,115.56           100.00      734,547.60            1.77       40,776,567.96

   Total                                               41,511,115.56           100.00      734,547.60            1.77       40,776,567.96

(ii) At 31 December 2018

                                                                              31 December 2018

                                                     Book balance                       Provision for bad debt
                                                                                                    Provision ratio Carrying amount
                                             Amount            Proportion (%)         Amount

   Accounts receivable with

   individually significant
                                                           -                   -                -                   -                   -
   balance and provision for bad

   debt recognised individually

   Accounts receivable with bad

   debt provision recognised                 30,397,358.01               100.00       649,289.27                2.14        29,748,068.74

   collectively by similar credit

                                                               ~ 170 ~
                                                                 31 December 2018

                                         Book balance                    Provision for bad debt
                                                                                      Provision ratio Carrying amount
                                    Amount          Proportion (%)      Amount

    Accounts receivable with

    individually significant
                                                -                 -               -                   -                     -
    balance and provision for bad

    debt recognised individually

    risk characteristics

    Accounts receivable with

    individually insignificant
                                                -                 -               -                   -                     -
    balance but provision for bad
    debt recognised individual

                   Total            30,397,358.01           100.00      649,289.27               2.14      29,748,068.74

At 31 December 2019, accounts receivable with bad debt provision recognised by group 2

                                                                 31 December 2019
                                    Accounts receivable               Provision for bad debt          Provision ratio (%)

    Within one year                            41,004,875.62                          556,913.92                     1.36

    Including:1-6months                        37,333,246.24                          373,332.45                     1.00

    7-12months                                  3,671,629.38                          183,581.47                     5.00

    1-2 years                                       365,118.07                          36,511.81                   10.00

    2-3 years                                                -                                    -                         -

    Over 3 years                                    141,121.87                        141,121.87                   100.00

                   Total                       41,511,115.56                          734,547.60                     1.77

For details of recognition criteria and explanation for provision for bad debt by group, please refer
to Notes 3.10.

At 31 December 2018, accounts receivable with bad debt provision recognised by aging analysis

                                                                      31 December 2018
                                           Accounts receivable          Provision for bad debt        Provision ratio (%)

    Within one year                                  29,725,877.02                    425,642.08                     1.43

    Including:1-6months                              26,516,294.24                    265,162.94                     1.00

                                                    ~ 171 ~
                                                                                   31 December 2018
                                                     Accounts receivable            Provision for bad debt       Provision ratio (%)

    7-12months                                                      3,209,582.78                 160,479.14                       5.00

    1-2 years                                                        497,593.12                     49,759.32                  10.00

    2-3 years                                                                  -                             -                         -

    Over 3 years                                                     173,887.87                  173,887.87                   100.00

    Total                                                       30,397,358.01                    649,289.27                       2.14

For details of recognition criteria and explanation for provision for bad debt by group, please refer
to Notes 3.12.

(c) Changes of provision for bad debt during the reporting period

                       31          Changes of                             Changes during the reporting period                31
                                                    1 January
      Category      December       accounting                                          Recovery or                        December
                                                      2019             Provision                          Write-off
                      2018           policy                                              reversal                           2019



                               -                -               -                  -                  -               -                -
    balance but
    provision for

    bad debt



    Provision for

    bad debt        649,289.27                  -   649,289.27           175,624.33                          90,366.00 734,547.60


           Total    649,289.27                  -   649,289.27           175,624.33                          90,366.00 734,547.60

(d) Top five closing balances by entity

                                                             ~ 172 ~
                                                                                    Proportion of the
                                                                                                              Provision for bad
               Entity name                Balance at 31 December 2019              balance to the total
                                                                                 accounts receivable (%)

    No. 1                                                     3,979,721.98                           9.59             39,797.22

    No. 2                                                     3,748,388.91                           9.03             37,483.89

    No. 3                                                     3,564,484.80                           8.59             40,405.49

    No. 4                                                     2,529,753.91                           6.09             25,297.54

    No. 5                                                     2,432,000.00                           5.86             24,320.00

                     Total                                   16,254,349.60                          39.16            167,304.14

(e) The closing balance has increased by 37.07% compared with the end of 2018, mainly due to the
growth of business scale of the Company.

 5.6 Advances to Suppliers

(a) Advances to suppliers by aging

                                              31 December 2019                                  31 December 2018
                                         Amount            Proportion (%)               Amount                Proportion (%)

    Within one year                      196,781,962.46               99.66             182,122,465.92                      99.76

    1 to 2 years                            647,771.50                  0.33                 145,534.83                      0.08

    2 to 3 years                                      -                      -                            -                       -

    Over 3 years                              23,580.00                 0.01                 290,000.00                      0.16

                   Total                 197,453,313.96              100.00             182,558,000.75                     100.00

(b) Top five closing balances by entity

                                                                                                Proportion of the balance to the
                           Entity name                    Balance at 31 December 2019
                                                                                                total advances to suppliers (%)

    No. 1                                                                   155,120,800.50                                  78.56

    No. 2                                                                        3,228,301.96                                1.63

    No. 3                                                                        1,456,310.68                                0.74

    No. 4                                                                        1,437,916.44                                0.73

    No. 5                                                                         841,273.23                                 0.43

                              Total                                         162,084,602.81                                  82.09

5.7 Other Receivables

                                                          ~ 173 ~
 (a) Other receivables by category

                                 Items                  31 December 2019                31 December 2018

       Interest receivable                                           1,908,788.81                   24,923,178.08

       Dividend receivable                                                       -                              -

       Other receivables                                            23,838,168.41                   18,419,700.14

                                 Total                              25,746,957.22                   43,342,878.22

 (b) Interest receivable

 (i) Interest receivable by category

                      Items                      31 December 2019                31 December 2018

Interest on large-denomination certificates of
                                                           1,908,788.81                  24,923,178.08

Less: Provision for bad debt                                           -                               -

                      Total                                1,908,788.81                  24,923,178.08

 (c) Other Receivables

 (i) Other receivables by aging

                           Aging                  31 December 2019                     31 December 2018

       Within one year                                         21,391,891.49                        17,617,762.53

       Including:1-6months                                     16,704,667.12                        16,726,199.24

       7-12months                                               4,687,224.37                          891,563.29

       1-2 years                                                2,804,920.23                          934,319.75

       2-3 years                                                    646,513.23                        345,780.00

       Over 3 years                                            42,087,287.44                        41,895,924.59

                         Subtotal                              66,930,612.39                        60,793,786.87

       Less: provision for bad debt                            43,092,443.98                        42,374,086.73

                             Total                             23,838,168.41                        18,419,700.14

 (ii) Other receivables by nature

                             Nature                31 December 2019                    31 December 2018

       Investment in securities                                40,850,949.35                        40,850,949.35

                                                 ~ 174 ~
                        Nature                                  31 December 2019                            31 December 2018

    Deposit and guarantee                                                             5,343,741.34                         4,749,457.78

    Borrowing for business trip expenses                                               884,420.74                           426,435.85

    Rent, utilities and gasoline charges                                              8,479,446.65                         6,786,659.62

    Others                                                                        11,372,054.31                            7,980,284.27

                      Subtotal                                                    66,930,612.39                          60,793,786.87

    Less: provision for bad debt                                                  43,092,443.98                          42,374,086.73

                         Total                                                    23,838,168.41                          18,419,700.14

(iii) Other receivables by bad debt provision method

A. At 31 December 2019, provision for bad debt recognised based on three stages model

                         Stages                               Book balance              Provision for bad debt       Carrying acount

    Stage 1                                                      26,079,663.04                    2,241,494.63           23,838,168.41

    Stage 2                                                                       -                              -                     -

    Stage 3                                                      40,850,949.35                   40,850,949.35                         -

                         Total                                   66,930,612.39                   43,092,443.98           23,838,168.41

A1. At 31 December 2019, provision for bad debt at stage 1:


                                                                expected          Provision for         Carrying
               Category                    Book balance                                                                     Reason
                                                              credit losses           bad debt           amount
                                                                rate (%)

    Provision for bad debt
                                                          -                   -                   -                  -                 -
    recognised individually

    Provision for bad debt
                                           26,079,663.04               8.59           2,241,494.63     23,838,168.41     26,079,663.04
    recognised collectively

    Including: Group1                                     -                   -                   -                  -                 -

    Group2                                 26,079,663.04               8.59           2,241,494.63     23,838,168.41     26,079,663.04

                 Total                     26,079,663.04               8.59           2,241,494.63     23,838,168.41     26,079,663.04

At 31 December 2019, other receivables with bad debt provision recognised collectively by group 2

                                                               ~ 175 ~
                                                                               31 December 2019
                                           Book balance                          Provision for bad debt            Provision ratio (%)

    Within one year                                  21,391,891.49                                   401,407.90                      1.88

    Including:1-6months                              16,704,667.12                                   167,046.67                      1.00

    7-12months                                           4,687,224.37                                234,361.23                      5.00

    1-2 years                                            2,804,920.23                                280,492.02                     10.00

    2-3 years                                             646,513.23                                 323,256.62                     50.00

    Over 3 years                                         1,236,338.09                            1,236,338.09                    100.00

                   Total                             26,079,663.04                               2,241,494.63                        8.59

A2. At 31 December 2019, provision for bad debt at stage 3:
                                                            expected             Provision for          Carrying
                 Category             Book balance                                                                          Reason
                                                           credit losses           bad debt              amount
                                                             rate (%)

    Provision for bad debt
                                      40,850,949.35               100.00          40,850,949.35                      -   40,850,949.35
    recognised individually

    Provision for bad debt
                                                     -                     -                     -                   -                   -
    recognised collectively

    Including: Group1                                -                     -                     -                   -                   -

    Group2                                           -                     -                     -                   -                   -

                   Total              40,850,949.35               100.00          40,850,949.35                      -   40,850,949.35

A3.1. At 31 December 2019, other receivables with provision for bad debt recognised individually

                                                                                  31 December 2019

                Entity name                                       Provision for bad           Provision ratio
                                        Book balance                                                                      Reason
                                                                           debt                       (%)

     Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                                  The enterprise enters

                                                                                                                   the bankruptcy
                                           29,010,449.35                29,010,449.35                   100.00


      Jianqiao Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                                The enterprise enters
                                           11,840,500.00                11,840,500.00                   100.00
                                                                                                                   the bankruptcy

                                                           ~ 176 ~


                   Total                     40,850,949.35              40,850,949.35                 100.00

B.At 31 December 2018, provision for bad debt using incurred loss model:

                                                                                  31 December 2018

                                                 Book balance                         Provision for bad debt
                                                                                                       Provision       Carrying amount
                                           Amount              Proportion (%)         Amount
                                                                                                       ratio (%)

    Other receivables with
    individually significant balance
                                           40,850,949.35                67.20        40,850,949.35         100.00                        -
    and provision for bad debt
    recognised individually

    Other receivables with bad debt

    provision recognised
                                           19,942,837.52                32.80         1,523,137.38              7.64     18,419,700.14
    collectively by similar credit

    risk characteristics

    Other receivable with

    individually insignificant
    balance but recognised                                 -                  -                   -                -                     -

    provision for bad debt

                   Total                   60,793,786.87              100.00         42,374,086.73             69.70     18,419,700.14

B1. At 31 December 2018, other receivables with individually significant balance and provision for
bad debt recognised individually

                                                                             31 December 2018

             Entity name                                        Provision for bad
                                       Other receivables                               Provision ratio (%)              Reason

    Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                                 The enterprise enters

                                           29,010,449.35            29,010,449.35                     100.00            the bankruptcy
                                                                                                                liquidation procedure

    Jianqiao Securities Co., Ltd.          11,840,500.00            11,840,500.00                     100.00     The enterprise enters

                                                           ~ 177 ~
                                                                             31 December 2018

                Entity name                                    Provision for bad
                                      Other receivables                                  Provision ratio (%)              Reason

                                                                                                                          the bankruptcy
                                                                                                                   liquidation procedure

                   Total                  40,850,949.35             40,850,949.35                         100.00

B2. At 31 December 2018, other receivables with bad debt provision recognised collectively by
aging analysis:

                                                                                 31 December 2018
                                                      Accounts receivable          Provision for bad debt           Provision ratio (%)

    Within one year                                           17,617,762.53                       211,840.16                          1.20

    Including:1-6months                                       16,726,199.24                       167,261.99                          1.00

    7-12months                                                    891,563.29                        44,578.17                         5.00

    1-2 years                                                     934,319.75                        93,431.98                       10.00

    2-3 years                                                     345,780.00                      172,890.00                        50.00

    Over 3 years                                               1,044,975.24                     1,044,975.24                       100.00

                           Total                              19,942,837.52                     1,523,137.38                          7.64

(iv) Changes of provision for bad debt during the reporting period

                                     Changes of                         Changes during the reporting period
                     31 December                        1 January                                                          31 December
      Category                       accounting                                            Recovery
                            2018                           2019         Provision                            Write-off         2019
                                       policy                                             or reversal

    Provision for

    bad debt
                     40,850,949.35                - 40,850,949.35                    -                -                  - 40,850,949.35


    Provision for

    bad debt
                      1,523,137.38                -    1,523,137.38     722,167.14                    -        3,809.89     2,241,494.63

        Total        42,374,086.73                - 42,374,086.73       722,167.14                    -        3,809.89 43,092,443.98

(v) Top five closing balances by entity

                                                            ~ 178 ~
                                                                                Proportion of the

                                          Balance at 31                        balance to the total       Provision for bad
 Entity name           Nature                                     Aging
                                         December 2019                          other receivables                debt


   No. 1             Securities                                   Over 3
                                          29,010,449.35                                      43.34             29,010,449.35
                     investment                                   years

   No. 2             Securities                                   Over 3
                                          11,840,500.00                                      17.69             11,840,500.00
                     investment                                   years

   No. 3              Others                                   Within 6
                                           1,814,794.17                                        2.71                18,147.94

   No. 4              Security                                 Within 6
                                             500,000.00                                        0.75                 5,000.00
                      deposit                                     months

   No. 5              Security                               7-12months
                                             350,000.00                                        0.52                17,500.00

    Total              ——               43,515,743.52           ——                       65.01             40,891,597.29

(vi)The closing balance has decreased by 40.60% compared to the end of 2018, which was mainly
due to the interest received from one-time repayment of principal and interest on
large-denomination certificates of deposits.

5.8 Inventories

(a) Inventories by category

                                                  31 December 2019                                        31 December 2018

            Items                 Book            Provision for          Carrying       Book              Provision for       Carrying
                                balance           impairment              amount       balance            impairment          amount

     Raw materials
                           177,976,56                                163,204,5       144,856,                                 131,048,3
     and package                              14,772,001.80                                           13,808,554.40
                           6.48                                      64.68           930.02                                   75.62

                           2,291,945,                                2,291,945,      1,957,45                                 1,957,452,
     goods and work in                        -                                                       -
                           127.85                                    127.85          2,112.24                                 112.24

                           562,948,59                                559,902,2       322,031,                                 318,806,1
     Finished goods                           3,046,322.32                                            3,225,665.20
                           1.57                                      69.25           842.20                                   77.00

                                                               ~ 179 ~
                          3,032,870,                          3,015,051,       2,424,34                              2,407,306,
           Total                           17,818,324.12                                      17,034,219.60
                          285.90                              961.78           0,884.46                              664.86

(b) Provision for impairment

                                                   Increase during the            Decrease during the

                              31 December           reporting period                reporting period                31 December
                                   2018                                          Reversal or                            2019
                                                  Provision       Others                            Others

    Raw materials and
                             13,808,554.40        979,662.15               -        16,214.75                -     14,772,001.80
    package materials

    Finished goods            3,225,665.20         99,318.29                      278,661.17                        3,046,322.32

           Total             17,034,219.60      1,078,980.44                      294,875.92                       17,818,324.12

5.9 Non-current Assets Maturing within One Year

                          Items                                31 December 2019                     31 December 2018

    Non-current Assets Maturing within
                                                                                          -                       300,000,000.00
    One Year
                           Total                                                          -                       300,000,000.00

Note: The balance of non-current assets muturing within one year at the end of 2018 was
large-denomination certificates of deposits, which was recovered during the reporting period.

5.10 Other Current Assets

                           Items                               31 December 2019                     31 December 2018

     Financial products                                                                   -                      2,758,000,000.00

     Pledge-style repo of treasury bonds                                                  -                       179,900,000.00

     Deductible tax                                                        114,439,167.07                          74,578,687.20

                           Total                                           114,439,167.07                        3,012,478,687.20

Note: The closing balance of other current assets has decreased by 96.20%, which was mainly due
to the decrease of financial products at the end of 2019 and the reclassification of financial products
originally classified as other current assets changing into held-for-trading financial assets as the
Company ’s implementation of the new financial instruments standard, as well as the recovery of
pledge-style repo of treasury bonds.
                                                       ~ 180 ~
5.11 Available-for-sale Financial Assets

(a) General information of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                           31 December 2019                                   31 December 2018

                                              Book           Provision for       Carrying          Book        Provision for              Carrying
                                             balance         impairment          amount           balance        impairment               amount

     Available-for-sale equity                                                                   206,393,10                         206,393,107.4
                                                       -                     -              -                                   -
     instruments                                                                                       7.46                                          6

     Including: measured by fair                                                                 206,393,10                         206,393,107.4
                                                       -                     -              -                                   -
     value                                                                                             7.46                                          6

                   Total                                                                         206,393,10                         206,393,107.4
                                                       -                     -              -                                   -
                                                                                                       7.46                                          6

(b)Note: The closing balance of available-for-sale financial assets at the end of 2019 has decreased
206,393,100.00 yuan, which was caused by the reclassification of the fund investments to
held-to-trade financial assets as the Company's implementation of the new financial instruments

5.12 Long-term Equity Investments

                                                             Changes during the reporting period

                     31          Increase         Decrease           Gains /(losses)            Adjustments of
                                                                                                                        Changes in
   Investees       Decemb        during the       during the         on investments                 other
                   er 2018       reporting        reporting          under the equity           comprehensive
                                   period            period              method                    income


 Beijing Guge
 Trading Co.,                                 -                 -        -221,717.76                              -                   -

                   4,900,0                    -                 -        -221,717.76                              -                   -


    Investees                     Changes during the reporting period                           31 December           Provision for

                                                                    ~ 181 ~
                                                                                               2019       impairment at
                            Declaration of
                                                                                                          31 December
                            cash dividends         Provision for
                                                                           Others                             2019
                           or distribution of       impairment



   Beijing Guge
                                             -                     -                 -     4,678,282.24                 -
 Trading Co., Ltd.

       Total                                 -                     -                 -     4,678,282.24                 -

5.13 Investment Properties

(a) Investment properties accounted for using cost model

                  Items                          Building and plants         Land use rights                Total

Initial cost:

Balance at 31 December 2018                              8,680,555.75               2,644,592.00            11,325,147.75

  Increase during the reporting
                                                                       -                         -                          -

Decrease during the reporting
                                                                       -                         -                          -

  Balance at 31 December 2019                            8,680,555.75               2,644,592.00            11,325,147.75

Accumulated depreciation and


Balance at 31 December 2018                              5,654,245.92                643,673.30              6,297,919.22

Increase during the reporting period                       261,115.95                    56,026.56             317,142.51

       (i) Provision                                       261,115.95                    56,026.56             317,142.51

Decrease        during    the   reporting
                                                                       -                         -                          -

Balance at 31 December 2019                              5,915,361.87                699,699.86              6,615,061.73

Provision for impairment

Balance at 31 December 2018                                            -                         -                          -

                                                                   ~ 182 ~
 Increase during the reporting
                                                             -                               -                        -

Decrease during the reporting
                                                             -                               -                        -

Balance at 31 December 2019                                  -                               -                        -

Carrying amount:

Balance at 31 December 2019                      2,765,193.88                1,944,892.14                4,710,086.02

Balance at 31 December 2018                      3,026,309.83                2,000,918.70                5,027,228.53

5.14 Fixed Assets

(a) Fixed assets by category

                     Items                              31 December 2019                     31 December 2018

Fixed assets                                                     1,722,572,998.79                  1,763,988,530.56

Disposal of fixed assets                                                        -                                 -

                     Total                                       1,722,572,998.79                  1,763,988,530.56

(b) Fixed assets

(i) General information of fixed assets

                      Buildings and        Machinery
        Items                                                Vehicles        equipment and              Total
                      constructions        equipments

 Initial cost:

 Balance at 31       2,006,674,799.7                        58,064,314.2
                                          920,022,112.79                      157,194,996.51       3,141,956,223.20
 December 2018                        0                                  0

 Increase during
 the reporting         42,058,074.12      106,980,384.01    5,654,034.83       20,652,185.83         175,344,678.79

 (i) Acquisition           1,841,669.47    32,454,864.01    5,654,034.83       13,339,053.16          53,289,621.47

                       40,216,404.65       74,525,520.00                 -      7,313,132.67         122,055,057.32
 construction in

                                                           ~ 183 ~
                  Buildings and         Machinery
     Items                                                Vehicles       equipment and            Total
                  constructions        equipments

Decrease during
the reporting      14,189,856.21       24,825,609.75     2,750,837.04      6,943,112.13        48,709,415.13

(i) Disposal       14,189,856.21       24,825,609.75     2,750,837.04      6,943,112.13        48,709,415.13

Balance at 31     2,034,543,017.6     1,002,176,887.0    60,967,511.9
                                                                         170,904,070.21      3,268,591,486.86
December 2019                     1                 5                9


Balance at 31                                            49,030,197.4
                  737,756,223.41      495,710,974.90                      90,459,858.92      1,372,957,254.65
December 2018                                                        2

Increase during
the reporting      84,535,134.09       98,379,650.23     5,266,789.72     17,666,813.49       205,848,387.53

(i) Provision      84,535,134.09       98,379,650.23     5,266,789.72     17,666,813.49       205,848,387.53

Decrease during
the reporting      11,371,223.49       18,828,305.80     2,663,966.19      4,882,028.40        37,745,523.88

(i) Disposal       11,371,223.49       18,828,305.80     2,663,966.19      4,882,028.40        37,745,523.88

Balance at 31                                            51,633,020.9
                  810,920,134.01      575,262,319.33                     103,244,644.01      1,541,060,118.30
December 2019                                                        5

Provision for

Balance at 31
                    3,396,292.79        1,020,057.51        7,047.07        587,040.62          5,010,437.99
December 2018

Increase during
the reporting                     -       138,765.07                 -                   -        138,765.07

(i) Provision                     -       138,765.07                 -                   -        138,765.07

Decrease during
the reporting          84,514.35          105,635.43                 -          683.51            190,833.29

(i) Disposal           84,514.35          105,635.43                 -          683.51            190,833.29

Balance at 31
                    3,311,778.44        1,053,187.15        7,047.07        586,357.11          4,958,369.77
December 2019

                                                        ~ 184 ~
                         Buildings and          Machinery
      Items                                                       Vehicles          equipment and              Total
                          constructions         equipments


 Balance at 31          1,220,311,105.1
                                               425,861,380.57    9,327,443.97        67,073,069.09       1,722,572,998.79
 December 2019                             6

 Balance at 31          1,265,522,283.5
                                               423,291,080.38    9,027,069.71        66,148,096.97       1,763,988,530.56
 December 2018                             0

(ii) Idle fixed assets

                                                 Accumulated       Provision for         Carrying
       Item                 Initial cost                                                                        Note
                                                 depreciation         impairment          amount

  Buildings       and
                          10,108,234.09           6,709,981.59     3,311,778.44           86,474.06             ——

                            6,461,779.99          5,376,301.54     1,053,187.15           32,291.30             ——

  Vehicles                       58,119.66           49,329.00           7,047.07           1,743.59            ——

     equipment                  896,981.09          283,728.04        586,357.11          26,895.94             ——
     and others

        Total             17,525,114.83         12,419,340.17      4,958,369.77          147,404.89             ——

(iii) Fixed assets without certificate of title

                  Items                             Carrying amount                                 Reason

     Buildings and constructions                     739,313,343.70                              Under processing

(iv) There are no fixed assets with limited on use such as mortgage at the end of the reporting

5.15 Construction in Progress

(a) Construction in progress by category

                        Items                                31 December 2019                     31 December 2018

Construction in progress                                               183,984,816.07                        93,320,557.56

                                                                ~ 185 ~
Construction materials                                                             -                                  -

                          Total                                       183,984,816.07                    93,320,557.56

Note: Construction in progress listed above is the net result of construction in progress after
deducting construction materials.

(b) Construction in progress

(i) General information of construction in progress

                                       31 December 2019                                31 December 2018

                                             Provision                                      Provision
          Items                                 for        Carrying                            for         Carrying
                          Book balance                                      Book balance
                                             impairmen      amount                          impairmen       amount
                                                 t                                              t

 technological             74,782,393.43              -   74,782,393.43     17,307,839.93            -

 Furnace project                                                                                           780,479.4
                           43,893,912.18              -   43,893,912.18       780,479.49             -
 (No.5)                                                                                                              9

 Suizhou          new
 plant     phase      I    40,023,041.23              -   40,023,041.23      2,597,498.75            -

 Machine                                                                                                   5,596,060.
                           10,393,296.42              -   10,393,296.42      5,596,060.05            -
 installment                                                                                                      05

 Liquid       filling
 line     renovation        5,934,194.72              -    5,934,194.72                 -            -                -

 Gujing       digital
 marketing                  2,150,943.39              -    2,150,943.39                 -            -                -

 project            of                                                                                     1,263,728.
                              387,770.85              -     387,770.85       1,263,728.57            -
 potential safety                                                                                                 57

 Gujing           plant
 half-open        wine                   -            -                 -   30,391,615.08            -

                                                             ~ 186 ~
                                      31 December 2019                                                  31 December 2018

                                               Provision                                                      Provision
       Items                                         for                Carrying                                 for             Carrying
                          Book balance                                                    Book balance
                                               impairmen                 amount                               impairmen           amount
                                                      t                                                           t

Gujing           party
building cultural                        -                     -                     -      1,435,187.95                 -

and                                                                                                                              28,768,11
                                         -                     -                     -    28,768,115.33                  -
denitrification                                                                                                                       5.33

Other individual                                                                                                                 5,180,032.
                           6,419,263.85                        -       6,419,263.85         5,180,032.41                 -
project                                                                                                                                 41

        Total            183,984,816.07                        -     183,984,816.07       93,320,557.56                  -

(ii) Changes in significant projects of construction in progress

                         Budget                                                                               Decrease
                                                                   Increase during         Amount
                           (ten      31 December                                                              during the           31 December
      Projects                                                      the reporting        transferred to
                         thousand             2018                                                            reporting                2019
                                                                       period             fixed asset
                          yuan)                                                                                 period

technological            27,430.00   17,307,839.93                  71,314,035.28        13,839,481.78                       -     74,782,393.43

                          7,134.35           780,479.49             43,113,432.69                         -                  -     43,893,912.18
project (No.5)

Suizhou         new
plant phase I            26,000.00    2,597,498.75                  37,455,254.45                         -     29,711.97          40,023,041.23

                         10,834.65    5,596,060.05                  16,935,672.58        12,138,436.21                       -     10,393,296.42

Liquid     filling
line renovation           4,000.00                         -         5,934,194.72                         -                  -       5,934,194.72

                                                                          ~ 187 ~
 Gujing digital
 marketing                4,190.15                   -     31,169,697.46                      -    29,018,754.07      2,150,943.39

 project         of
                         18,010.76      1,263,728.57          519,468.76        1,395,426.48                   -        387,770.85
 potential safety

 Gujing        plant
 half-open wine          11,194.15     30,391,615.08        9,655,471.24      40,047,086.32                    -                 -

 Gujing       party
                          1,160.00      1,435,187.95        2,152,781.88        3,587,969.83                   -                 -

                          7,176.00     28,768,115.33       10,246,755.41      39,014,870.74                    -                 -

 SAP-ERP                  4,450.00                         31,669,064.53                      -    31,669,064.53                 -

 individual               7,628.67      5,180,032.41       24,100,638.06      12,031,785.96        10,829,620.66      6,419,263.85

       Total           129,208.73      93,320,557.56      284,266,467.06     122,055,057.32        71,547,151.23   183,984,816.07


                                                                        Including:          Interest
                       Proportion of                                     interest         capitalisatio
                       project input      Rate of                       capitalised          n rate
   Projects                                                 of                                             Source of funds
                        to budgets       progress                       during the        during the
                           (%)                                          reporting          reporting
                                                                          period          period (%)

automatization                                                                                              Enterprise’s
                               35.59         73.00                  -                 -                -
technological                                                                                                  own fund

                                                                    ~ 188 ~
                                                                 Including:          Interest
                      Proportion of                               interest         capitalisatio
                      project input   Rate of                    capitalised          n rate
      Projects                                       of                                             Source of funds
                       to budgets     progress                   during the        during the
                          (%)                                    reporting          reporting
                                                                   period          period (%)


Furnace                                                                                              Enterprise’s
                              60.43       60.43              -                 -                -
project(No.5)                                                                                           own fund

Suizhou       new
plant phase I                 15.40       15.40              -                 -                -
                                                                                                        own fund

Machine                                                                                              Enterprise’s
                              29.25       80.00              -                 -                -
installment                                                                                             own fund

Liquid     filling
line renovation               14.84       14.84              -                 -                -
                                                                                                        own fund

Gujing digital
marketing                     74.39       74.39              -                 -                -
                                                                                                        own fund

project          of                                                                                  Enterprise’s
                              82.99       98.00              -                 -                -
potential safety                                                                                        own fund

Gujing      plant
half-open wine                74.64     100.00               -                 -                -
                                                                                                        own fund

Gujing      party
building                                                                                             Enterprise’s
                              81.87     100.00               -                 -                -
cultural                                                                                                own fund

and                                                                                                  Enterprise’s
                              54.68     100.00               -                 -                -
denitrification                                                                                         own fund

                                                             ~ 189 ~
                                                                  Including:                  Interest
                  Proportion of                                        interest             capitalisatio
                  project input        Rate of                    capitalised                  n rate
   Projects                                           of                                                      Source of funds
                    to budgets         progress                       during the            during the
                         (%)                                          reporting              reporting
                                                                       period               period (%)

SAP-ERP                     71.17        100.00               -                    -                     -
                                                                                                                      own fund

individual                  97.77          97.77              -                    -                     -
                                                                                                                      own fund

     Total               ——           ——        ——                ——                   ——             ——

(iii) The carrying amount of construction in progress at the end of 2019 has increased by 97.15%
compared to the end of 2018, which was mainly due to the increasing investment in Brewing
automatization technological improvement project, Furnace project (No.5) and Suizhou new plant
phase I project.

5.16 Intangible Assets

(a) General information of intangible assets

                                                     Land use                                     Patents and
                               Items                                      Software                                          Total
                                                       rights                                     Trademark

                    Initial cost:

                                                   683,451,302.5         32,106,185.                                    930,563,554.4
              Balance at 31 December 2018                                                        215,006,066.19
                                                                  6                    73                                           8

              Increase during the reporting                              73,024,431.
                                                                  -                                               -     73,024,431.49
                period                                                                 49

               (i) Acquisition                                    -                                               -      2,452,536.47

               (ii) Transfer from construction                           70,571,895.
                                                                                                                  -     70,571,895.02
                  in progress                                                          02

              Decrease during the reporting                       -       45,299.14                               -         45,299.14

                                                              ~ 190 ~
                                           Land use                       Patents and
                      Items                                Software                             Total
                                            rights                        Trademark


           (i) Disposal                               -    45,299.14                    -      45,299.14

                                         683,451,302.5    105,085,31                        1,003,542,686
         Balance at 31 December 2019                                      215,006,066.19
                                                      6         8.08                                    .83

         Accumulated amortisation:

                                         129,394,359.2    12,944,725.                       188,479,945.3
         Balance at 31 December 2018                                       46,140,860.88
                                                      7           23                                     8

         Increase during the reporting                    14,943,160.
                                         14,383,598.77                         48,077.76    29,374,836.96
           period                                                 43

           (i) Provision                 14,383,598.77                         48,077.76    29,374,836.96

         Decrease during the reporting
                                                      -    30,028.27                    -      30,028.27

           (i) Disposal                               -    30,028.27                    -      30,028.27

                                         143,777,958.0    27,857,857.                       217,824,754.0
         Balance at 31 December 2019                                       46,188,938.64
                                                      4           39                                     7

         Provision for impairment:

         Balance at 31 December 2018                  -               -                 -                 -

         Increase during the reporting
                                                      -               -                 -                 -

         Decrease during the reporting
                                                      -               -                 -                 -

         Balance at 31 December 2019                  -               -                 -                 -

         Carrying amount:                                             -                                   -

                                         539,673,344.5    77,227,460.                       785,717,932.7
         Balance at 31 December 2019                                      168,817,127.55
                                                      2           69                                     6

                                         554,056,943.2    19,161,460.                       742,083,609.1
         Balance at 31 December 2018                                      168,865,205.31
                                                      9           50                                     0

(b) No Intangible Assets used for mortgage or guarantee at 31 December 2019

                                                ~ 191 ~
(c) No Land use rights without certificate of title at 31 December 2019

5.17 Goodwill

(a) Initial recognition

                                                                Increase during the                  Decrease during the
                                               31                 reporting period                    reporting period
           Investees or matters that                                                                                                   31 December
            goodwill arising from                                                                                                          2019
                                              2018              Business
                                                                                    Others           Disposal       Others

          Yellow Crane Tower Wine           478,283,49                                                                                 478,283,495.
                                                                            -                -                  -            -
                     Co., Ltd.                    5.29                                                                                             29

                    Total                   478,283,49                                                                                 478,283,495.
                                                                            -                -                  -            -
                                                  5.29                                                                                             29

(b) Provision for impairment

                                                             Increase during the reporting             Decrease during the
                                               31                       period                           reporting period                      31
          Investees or matters that
                                            December                                                                                        December
           goodwill arising from
                                              2018                                                                      Other                 2019
                                                                Provision            Others             Disposal

          Yellow Crane Tower Wine
                                                         -                      -                -                  -             -                    -
                     Co., Ltd.

                    Total                                -                      -                -                  -             -                    -

(c) Information related to the CGUs or CGU groups that goodwill lies in
                                             Book value (unit: RMB10,000)                                                        Whether
                  Main                                                                                                           changes
matters                                        Book           Unconfirmed
               components                                                                              Determination             during
that                              Book        value of          goodwill
                of CGU or                                                                                  method                     the
goodwill                         value of     goodwill       attributable to          Total
                  CGUs                                                                                                       reporting
arising                           CGU           to be        non-controlling
from                                          allocated         interests

                                                                ~ 192 ~
                                                                                       unit where
                Operating                                                              goodwill lies in
 Yellow         asset       of                                                         has an active
 Crane          Yellow                                                                 market which
 Tower          Crane            74,474.31   47,828.35      45,952.73    168,255.39    could generate      no
 Wine           Tower                                                                  independent
 Co., Ltd.      Wine     Co.,                                                          cash flow,
                Ltd                                                                    therefore taking
                                                                                       it as an

Note:       The book value of the CGU excludes surplus assets and non-operating assets and liabilities of Yellow Crane Tower Wine
Co., Ltd.

(d) Process of impairment testing, parameters and determination method of impairment loss
of goodwill

Recoverable amount of cash-generating units: determined according to present value of expected
future cash flow. The future cash flow is estimated based on the five-year financial budget of the
CGU metioned above approved by the management, and the perpetual cash flow after five years is
determined according to the cash flow in the fifth year. The discount rate for calculating the present
value is the appropriate discount rate reflecting the time value of the current market currency and
the specific risk of CGU. Other key assumptions used in the cash flow forecast of the asset group
include expected operating revenue, operating cost, growth rate and related expenses. The
assumptions above are based on the Company's operating performance, growth rate, industry level
and the management's expectation of market development in the previous year.

According to the goodwill impairment test of the Company as well as evaluation report
(zhongshuizhiyuanpingbaozi [2020] No. 020171) issued by Zhongshuizhiyuan Asset Appraisal Co.,
Ltd., at the end of the period the Company did not find the recoverable amount of the
cash-generating unit containing goodwill was lower than its book value, therefore we suppose no
provision for impairment is required.

(e) Impact on the impairment test of goodwill
The goodwill CGU of the company has performance commitment at the time of acquisition. For
details please refer to 12. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES 12.1 Significant Commitments
(a)Performance commitment in this note. The performance commitment of the company has been
completed, which has no impact on goodwill impairment test.

5.18 Long-term Deferred Expenses
                                                          ~ 193 ~
                                                    Increase during          Decrease during the reporting

             Items           31 December 2018        the reporting                        period                   31 December 2019
                                                        period               Amortisation      Other decrease

    Experience center            36,671,977.31                        -       10,419,843.26           13,334.59        26,238,799.46

    Pottery                       6,244,584.78                        -        4,407,942.21                              1,836,642.57

    Sewage treatment
                                  3,050,000.00         1,640,000.00              922,622.95                              3,767,377.05

    Yellow           Crane
    Tower        chateau         16,531,666.46           568,336.72            3,804,430.38         1,798,624.18       11,496,948.62
    and museum

    Gujing           party
    building     cultural         5,909,090.91                        -        1,181,818.18                              4,727,272.73

    Yantai wine
                                                -      1,330,324.15               36,953.44                              1,293,370.71
    museum project

    Other      individual
    project           with
                                 15,154,154.00        12,329,049.20            6,603,126.28              381.24        20,879,695.68

             Total               83,561,473.46        15,867,710.07           27,376,736.70         1,812,340.01       70,240,106.82

5.19 Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities

(a) Deferred tax assets before offsetting

                                                     31 December 2019                                   31 December 2018

                     Items                 Deductible                                          Deductible
                                           temporary             Deferred tax assets           temporary           Deferred tax assets
                                           differences                                         differences

     Provision for asset
                                            22,776,693.89                  5,688,693.81       65,051,818.84          16,221,329.97

     Provision for credit
                                            43,861,929.95                 10,955,709.29                        -                      -

     Unrealized intragroup profit           32,086,076.52                  8,021,519.13            16,788,054.95         4,181,824.54

     Deferred income                        72,778,437.92                 17,941,534.40            76,636,500.55       18,877,272.61

     Deductible losses                                      -                         -              111,851.71              5,592.58

     Changes in fair value of                               -                         -              117,161.92             29,290.48

                                                             ~ 194 ~
     held-for-trading          financial

     Carry-over         of       payroll
     payables deductible during               32,995,460.19          8,248,865.05        35,071,030.14           8,767,757.53
     the next period

     Accrued      expenses             and
                                             158,552,891.33        39,638,222.83        153,988,413.40          38,497,103.35

                  Total                      363,051,489.80        90,494,544.51        347,764,831.51          86,580,171.06

(b) Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting

                                                     31 December 2019                            31 December 2018

                  Items                      Deductible                                 Deductible
                                                                  Deferred tax                                    Deferred tax
                                             temporary                                  temporary
                                                                   liabilities                                  liabilities
                                             differences                                differences

     Change in fair value of

     available-for-sale financial                          -                        -       6,393,107.46         1,598,276.87

     Difference    in        accelerated
                                              73,614,107.09         18,403,526.77        12,921,842.60           3,230,460.65
     depreciation of fixed assets

     Assets appreciation arising
     from business combination               384,290,207.88         96,072,551.97       391,743,110.36          97,935,777.59
     not under common control

     Changes in fair value of

     held-for-trading financial               17,585,151.48          4,396,287.87                       -                    -

                  Total                      475,489,466.45        118,872,366.61       411,058,060.42         102,764,515.11

 (c) Unrecognized deferred tax assets

                               Items                             31 December 2019                     31 December 2018

     Deductible temporary differences                                                   -                           16,214.75

     Deductible losses                                                      8,072,655.25                         5,089,008.12

                               Total                                        8,072,655.25                         5,105,222.87

(e) Deductible losses not recognised as deferred tax assets will expire in the following periods:

                                                               ~ 195 ~
                          Year                       31 December 2019           31 December 2018

    2020                                                         1,981,272.15             2,059,849.97
    2021                                                         1,463,251.49             1,444,700.17
    2022                                                          827,103.78               827,103.78
    2023                                                          757,354.20               757,354.20
    2024                                                         3,043,673.63                         -
                          Total                                  8,072,655.25             5,089,008.12

5.20 Other Non-current Assets

                            Items                     31 December 2019           31 December 2018

     Prepayments for equipment and constructions                 4,148,686.00             16,544,407.51

                            Total                                4,148,686.00             16,544,407.51

Note: The closing balance of other non-current assets in 2019 has decreased by 74.92% compared
to the end of 2018, which was mainly due to the treansfer of prepaid equipment and constructions to
corresponding asset accounts after the acceptance inspection.

5.21 Notes Payable

(a) Notes payable by nature

                     Category                       31 December 2019            31 December 2018

    Bank acceptance bills                                     654,965,064.82           320,554,500.00
    Commercial acceptance bills                                48,714,582.04            28,648,913.72
                       Total                                  703,679,646.86           349,203,413.72

(b) At the end of the reporting period, there is no notes payable matured but not yet paid.

(c) The balance of notes payable in 2019 has increased by 101.51% compared with that at the end
of 2018, which was mainly due to using bank acceptance bills to settle at the end of reporting

5.22 Accounts Payable

(a) Accounts payable by nature

                            Items                     31 December 2019          31 December 2018

     Payments for goods                                       399,583,249.41             277,765,943.47

                                                   ~ 196 ~
    Payments for constructions and equipment                          88,412,144.22                           111,498,555.89

    Others                                                            75,498,801.77                               95,688,099.23

                          Total                                      563,494,195.40                         484,952,598.59

(b) Significant accounts payable with aging of over one year

                          Items                             31 December 2019                              Reason

    No. 1                                                              2,252,093.02                    Final payment

    No. 2                                                                   577,691.84                 Final payment

    No. 3                                                                   393,392.70                 Final payment

    No. 4                                                                   348,350.03                 Final payment

    No. 5                                                                   244,906.28                 Final payment

                          Total                                        3,816,433.87                        ——

5.23 Advances from Customers

(a) Details of advances from customers

                          Items                             31 December 2019                         31 December 2018

                  Advances for goods                                 529,863,011.73                          1,149,143,310.48

                          Total                                      529,863,011.73                          1,149,143,310.48

(b)There is no significant advances from customers with aging of over one year.

5.24 Employee Benefits Payable

(a) Details of employee benefits payable

                                                              Increase during       Decrease during
                                           31 December                                                        31 December
                    Items                                       the reporting            the reporting
                                                2018                                                                2019
                                                                   period                   period

    Short-term employee benefits          456,935,872.9
                                                              1,926,834,740.45     1,930,095,957.70           453,674,655.69

    Post-employment benefits-defined
                                               363,603.49      112,584,207.37        112,432,933.66                 514,877.20
     contribution plans

                                                       ~ 197 ~
    Termination benefits                                    -                           -                      -                    -

                       Total                                          2,039,418,947.82      2,042,528,891.36          454,189,532.89

(b) Short-term employee benefits

                                                                                             Decrease during
                                               31 December                 during the                                 31 December
                    Items                                                                      the reporting
                                                   2018                    reporting                                     2019

    Salaries, bonuses, allowances and                                   1,675,987,714.
                                               371,643,470.87                                1,690,243,514.54         357,387,670.42
     subsidies                                                                         09

    Employee benefits                             6,468,163.00           70,605,639.08          77,028,732.81              45,069.27

    Social insurance                               233,210.91            49,447,706.55          49,073,537.85            607,379.61

          Health insurance                         226,816.90            43,886,066.29          43,522,306.44            590,576.75

          Injury insurance                            1,487.67            2,055,399.22           2,051,156.46               5,730.43

          Birth insurance                             4,906.34            3,506,241.04           3,500,074.95              11,072.43

    Housing accumulation fund                     2,867,327.46           61,840,914.02          60,242,387.03           4,465,854.45

    Labour union funds and employee
                                                 75,723,700.70           19,770,918.19          21,888,450.60          73,606,168.29
     education funds

    Enterprise annuity                                            -      49,181,848.52          31,619,334.87          17,562,513.65

                       Total                                            1,926,834,740.
                                               456,935,872.94                                1,930,095,957.70         453,674,655.69

(c) Defined contribution plans

                                                                Increase during the Decrease during the
                 Items                  31 December 2018                                                           31 December 2019
                                                                 reporting period           reporting period

   1. Basic endowment insurance                347,894.88             107,941,383.98          107,779,937.88              509,340.98

   2. Unemployment insurance                    15,708.61               4,642,823.39             4,652,995.78               5,536.22

                 Total                         363,603.49             112,584,207.37          112,432,933.66              514,877.20

5.25 Taxes Payable

                                                       ~ 198 ~
                          Items                31 December 2019           31 December 2018

     Value added tax (VAT)                                16,929,480.44            162,028,367.23

     Consumption tax                                     347,582,441.49             99,133,181.43

     Enterprise income tax                                94,038,327.53             75,107,410.70

     Individual income tax                                 1,173,190.21              1,307,281.11

     Urban maintenance and construction tax                9,328,392.65             13,142,342.60

     Stamp duty                                            1,058,588.17               549,270.06

     Educational surcharge                                 7,991,963.70             12,301,477.16

     Others                                                4,800,725.40              9,424,293.89

                          Total                          482,903,109.59            372,993,624.18

5.26 Other Payables

(a) Other payables by category

                          Items                31 December 2019           31 December 2018

     Interest payable                                                 -                         -

     Dividend payable                                                 -                         -

     Other payables*                                   1,315,878,229.01          1,192,020,147.82

                           Total                       1,315,878,229.01          1,192,020,147.82

*: Other payables represent other payables except interest payable and dividend payable.

(b) Other payables

(i) Other payables by nature

                          Items                31 December 2019           31 December 2018

     Security deposit and guarantee                    1,206,935,123.77          1,064,059,562.95
     Warranty                                             42,966,560.82             14,693,150.14
     Personal housing fund paid by company                 4,465,854.45              2,867,327.46
     Unsettled discount                                               -             30,212,626.88
     Borrowing of business trip expenses                    296,993.67                145,447.82

                                              ~ 199 ~
     Others                                                                     61,213,696.30                                80,042,032.57

                           Total                                             1,315,878,229.01                            1,192,020,147.82

(ii) Significant other payables with aging of over one year

Other payables balance with aging of over one year totaled RMB 481,317,422.48 yuan, which are
mainly security deposit and warrenty not yet matured.

5.27 Other Current Liabilities

                           Items                                    31 December 2019                            31 December 2018

     Accrued expenses                                                          197,484,121.41                             295,164,745.44

                           Total                                               197,484,121.41                             295,164,745.44

5.28 Deferred Income

(a) General information of deferred income

                                                                              Decrease during
                                                      Increase during the
                 Items             31 December 2018                             the reporting          31 December 2019          Reason
                                                        reporting period


    Government grants                76,636,500.55            975,800.00           4,833,862.63              72,778,437.92 received from


                 Total               76,636,500.55            975,800.00           4,833,862.63              72,778,437.92

(b) Items related to government grants

                                                                          Recognised in
                                                                          other income                                        Related to
                                       31 December       during the                            Other       31 December
   Items                                                                   during the                                     assets/Related to
                                           2018          reporting                         changes            2019
                                                                            reporting                                        profit or loss

   Wine       production    system
                                           255,208.43                 -       62,499.96                -     192,708.47 Related to asset
   technical transformation

   Instrument subsidy                      992,250.00    843,000.00          284,812.50                - 1,550,437.50 Related to asset

   Intelligent     solid   brewing
                                           151,041.57                 -       31,250.04                -     119,791.53 Related to asset
   technology innovation project

                                                            ~ 200 ~
Anhui province development
of direct funds of service              1,087,805.00            -    292,682.88    -   795,122.12 Related to asset

Anhui province subsidy of
innovative                 province
                                        2,678,665.00            -    730,545.00    - 1,948,120.00 Related to asset
construction       capacity      for
independent innovation

Energy efficiency renovation
project for coal industrial               12,750.00             -     12,750.00    -             - Related to asset
boiler and glass furnace

Bozhou       logistics        center
                                          60,000.00             -     60,000.00    -             - Related to asset

Equipment subsidy                       1,252,062.37    19,000.00    203,034.21    - 1,068,028.16 Related to asset

Finance subsidy for technical
                                         415,930.90             -    415,930.90    -             - Related to asset

Enterprise development funds              52,500.00             -     30,000.00    -    22,500.00 Related to asset

Internet traceability system
                                        2,970,000.00            -   1,113,750.00   - 1,856,250.00 Related to asset

Subsidy for suizhou new
                                       35,338,000.00            -              -   - 35,338,000.00 Related to asset
factory infrastructure

Motor          and            boiler
energy-saving            technical       412,500.20             -    137,499.96    -   275,000.24 Related to asset
transformation project

Automation of check and
storage, on-line monitoring of           359,375.00             -     93,750.00    -   265,625.00 Related to asset
product quality

Funds for research projects of
                                         886,200.00    113,800.00              -   - 1,000,000.00 Related to asset
koji-making Technology

Gujing Zhangji wine cellar
optimization                    and      882,708.39             -     47,499.96    -   835,208.43 Related to asset
reconstruction project

Subsidy      for    food      safety
                                         827,586.25             -    137,931.00    -   689,655.25 Related to asset
improvement project

                                                         ~ 201 ~
   Subsidy for key technical
   cooperation project on the
                                              600,000.00                    -                       -         -   600,000.00 Related to asset
   authenticity of important food

   Comprehensive subsidy fund
   for air pollution prevention              2,608,083.33                   -        263,000.04               - 2,345,083.29 Related to asset
   and control

   Funds for strategic emerging
   industry          agglomeration           1,020,800.00                   -        222,720.00               -   798,080.00 Related to asset
   development base

   Refund of Land payment                   23,113,034.11                   -        550,206.18               - 22,562,827.93 Related to asset

   Specific      funds        for    side
   management            of         power     660,000.00                    -        144,000.00               -   516,000.00 Related to asset

   Total                                    76,636,500.55      975,800.00         4,833,862.63                - 72,778,437.92         ——

5.29 Share Capital

                                                          Changes during the reporting period (+,-)

                     31 December                                          Capitalisat
                                              New            Bonus                                                           31 December 2019
                              2018                                          ion of          Others           Subtotal
                                             issues          issues

    Number of
     total                                            -               -               -                  -               -      503,600,000.00

5.30 Capital Reserves

                                                                            Increase during             Decrease during
                   Items                       31 December 2018                 the reporting            the reporting       31 December 2019

                                                                                   period                    period

    Capital premium (share
                                                 1,262,552,456.05                               -                        -      1,262,552,456.05

    Other capital reserves                            32,853,136.20                             -                        -        32,853,136.20

                    Total                        1,295,405,592.25                               -                        -      1,295,405,592.25

                                                                   ~ 202 ~
           5.31 Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                             Changes during the reporting period

                                                                                     Less: Items

                                                                                    recognized in
                               31       Changes of         1                                                Less:                                                  31
                                                                     Amount             other                            Attributable to       Attributable to
        Items           December        accounting       January                                           Income                                                December
                                                                     before         comprehensive                        owners of the         non-controlling
                           2018           policy          2019                                               tax                                                   2019
                                                                        tax         income being                           Company                interest
                                                                                    reclassified to

                                                                                   current profit or


income will not be                  -                -           -            -                       -              -                     -                 -            -
reclassified into
profit or loss


income will be
                       4,794,830.59 -4,794,830.59                -            -                       -              -                     -                 -            -
reclassified into
profit or loss under

equity method

Gains /(losses)

arising from

changes in fair
                       4,794,830.59 -4,794,830.59                -            -                       -              -                     -                 -            -
value of

financial assets

        Total          4,794,830.59 -4,794,830.59                -            -                       -              -                     -                 -            -

           5.32 Surplus Reserves

                                                                                                          Increase       Decrease
                                                            Changes of
                                                                                                          during the     during the
                       Items        31 December 2018        accounting            1 January 2019                                      31 December 2019
                                                                                                          reporting      reporting
                                                                                                           period         period

                                                                              ~ 203 ~
                                                                                 Increase         Decrease
                                            Changes of
                                                                                during the       during the
         Items          31 December 2018    accounting        1 January 2019                                       31 December 2019
                                                                                reporting         reporting
                                                                                  period           period


    surplus              256,902,260.27                  - 256,902,260.27                    -                -     256,902,260.27

         Total           256,902,260.27                  - 256,902,260.27                    -                -     256,902,260.27

Note: Pursuant to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and Articles of Association,
the Company appropriates 10% of net profit to the statutory surplus reserves. If the cumulative
amount of the statutory surplus reserve is more than 50% of the registered capital of the company, it
can be not appropriated any more.

5.33 Retained Earnings

                                Items                                            2019                                2018

     Balance at the end of last period before adjustments                      5,541,281,341.47                     4,349,649,698.42

     Adjustments for the opening balance (increase /(decrease))                   4,794,830.59                                      -

     Balance at the beginning of the reporting period after
                                                                               5,546,076,172.06                     4,349,649,698.42

     Add: net profit attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                               2,097,527,739.86                     1,695,231,643.05
     company for the reporting period

     Payment of ordinary share dividends                                        755,400,000.00                       503,600,000.00

     Balance at the end of the reporting period                                6,888,203,911.92                     5,541,281,341.47

5.34 Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                  2019                                                 2018
                                    Revenue                 Costs of sales              Revenue                    Costs of sales

     Principal activities        10,359,521,016.94          2,389,208,627.75    8,643,055,572.55                  1,902,024,741.16

     Other activities                57,440,567.29             36,838,297.14        43,084,764.34                   30,040,096.49

                Total            10,416,961,584.23          2,426,046,924.89    8,686,140,336.89                  1,932,064,837.65

5.35 Taxes and Surcharges

                                                            ~ 204 ~
                      Items                     2019                    2018

    Consumption tax                               1,310,755,555.59        1,018,772,391.98

    Urban maintenance and construction tax
                                                   239,699,123.64              215,702,291.57
     and educational surcharge

    Property tax                                       11,812,243.00            16,405,271.90

    Land use tax                                        9,702,285.09            11,230,378.26

    Stamp duty                                         9,282,035.09              6,914,493.16

    Others                                             11,654,311.63             9,882,693.22

                      Total                       1,592,905,554.04        1,278,907,520.09

5.36 Selling and Distribution Expenses

                      Items                     2019                    2018

    Employment benefits                                539,175,110.66          443,674,013.14

    Travel fees                                        133,377,266.84          105,558,192.51

    Advertisement fees                                 876,445,646.88          643,845,577.77

    Transportation charges                              52,250,930.23           50,301,343.18

    Comprehensive promotion costs                      969,501,572.71          981,647,916.98

    Service fees                                       516,683,260.54          374,712,968.67

    Others                                              97,460,433.24           82,795,293.01

                       Total                      3,184,894,221.10        2,682,535,305.26

5.37 General and Administrative Expenses

                      Items                     2019                    2018

   Employment benefits                                 418,480,165.12          381,810,225.86

   Office fees                                          45,087,603.23           36,115,375.96

   Maintenance expenses                                 44,265,385.52           75,819,068.26

   Depreciation                                         65,103,145.01           59,437,594.57

   Amortization of intangible assets                    29,074,836.91           19,959,184.85

                                             ~ 205 ~
                         Items                  2019                       2018

   Pollution discharge                                  18,771,523.15              14,533,149.92

   Travel expenses                                       7,637,602.20               2,868,419.04

   Water and electricity charges                       11,057,588.66               10,176,771.91

   Others                                               45,802,696.65              44,277,256.28

                         Total                         685,280,546.45             644,997,046.65

5.38 Research and Development Expenses

                         Items                  2019                       2018

   Labour cost                                          20,441,413.41              10,076,055.90

   Direct input costs                                    3,975,855.83               2,932,841.66

   Depreciation                                          3,474,875.34               2,652,902.88

   Others                                               14,480,872.75               8,304,965.60

                         Total                          42,373,017.33              23,966,766.04

Note:Research and development expenses in 2019 has increased by 76.80% compared with that in
2018, mainly due to the increase of research and development input of the Company.

5.39 Finance Costs

                         Items                  2019                        2018

     Interest expenses                                  33,652,843.25              15,408,022.76

     Less: Interest income                             133,813,626.35              68,964,800.42

     Net interest expenses                         -100,160,783.10                 -53,556,777.66

     Net foreign exchange losses                         1,594,072.93                 674,321.43

     Bank charges and others                              940,906.66                1,309,826.50

                         Total                         -97,625,803.51              -51,572,629.73

Note: Finance cost in 2019 has decreased by 89.30% compared with that in 2018, mainly due to the
increase of interest income.

5.40 Other Income

                                          ~ 206 ~
                  Items                           2019                     2018                Related to assets /income

    1. Government grant

    recognised in other imcome

    Including: Government grant

    related to deferred income                      4,833,862.63            7,025,202.67 Related to assets
    (related to assets)

            Government grant

    directly recognised in current
                                                   93,410,607.69           28,676,471.78 Related to income
    profit or loss (related to


                  Total                            98,244,470.32           35,701,674.45

Note: Other income in 2019 has increased by 175.18% compared with that in 2018. The main
reason is that the tax return received in this period is higher than that in the previous period, and the
return fund about stable postition received from Bozhou Social Insurance Administration Bureau in
this period.

5.41 Investment Income

                          Items                                    2019                                      2018

     Investment income from long-term
                                                                             -221,717.76                                        -
     equity investments under equity method

     Gains on disposal of financial assets at
                                                                                       -                             1,238,951.28
     fair value through profit or loss

     Investment income from

     held-to-maturity investments during                                               -                            96,034,262.28
     holding period

     Investment income from
     available-for-sale financial assets during                                        -                            22,103,586.91
     holding period

     Gains on disposal of available-for-sale
                                                                                       -                            17,575,818.71
     financial assets

    Investment income from held-for-trading
                                                                          126,649,168.04                                        -
    financial assets during holding period

     Others                                                                            -                            11,262,849.44

                          Total                                           126,427,450.28                        148,215,468.62

                                                          ~ 207 ~
5.42 Gains on Changes in Fair Values

     Sources of gains on changes in fair value      2019                       2018

     Held-for-trading financial assets

          Including: Changes in fair value of
            designated as held-for-trading                 17,585,151.48                -161,541.19
            financial assets

                       Total                               17,585,151.48                -161,541.19

Note: The gains on changes in fair values in 2019 increased significantly compared with that in
2018, mainly due to the increase in fair value of held-for-trading financial assets in 2019.

5.43 Impairment Loss of Credit

                       Items                        2019                       2018

    Bad debt of notes receivable                             -34,938.37         —

    Bad debt of accounts receivable                         -175,624.33         —

    Bad debt of other receivables                           -722,167.14         —

                       Total                                -932,729.84         —

Note: Impairment loss of credit in 2019 increased by RMB 932,729.84 yuan compared with that in
2018, which was mainly bacause bad debt loss originally classified in impairement loss of assets
reclassified to impairment loss of credit according to Notice on revising and printing the financial
statement format of general enterprises in 2019 (Caikuai [2019] No. 6) issued by Ministry of

5.44 Impairment Loss of Assets

                       Items                        2019                       2018

     Bad debt of receivables                                           -                -164,473.83

     Impairment of inventories                             -1,078,980.44              -12,377,889.37

     Impairment of fixed assets                              -138,765.07                -184,505.54

                       Total                               -1,217,745.51              -12,726,868.74

                                                 ~ 208 ~
Note: Impairment loss of assets decreased by 11,509,123.23 yuan compared with that in 2018,
mainly because of the decrease of impairment of inventories in 2019.

5.45 Gains/ (losses) from Disposal of Assets

                       Items                                  2019                              2018

     Gains/(losses) from disposal of fixed

     assets, construction in progress,
     productive biological assets and                                252,518.68                          526,066.38
     intangible assets not classified as held
     for sale

     Including: Fixed assets                                         252,518.68                          526,066.38

                        Total                                        252,518.68                          526,066.38

5.46 Non-operating Income

(a) Details of non-operating income

                                                                                            Recognized in current
                   Items                        2019                     2018               extraordinary gains and


     Gains from damage or
                                                   277,478.76                   75,031.16                277,478.76
     scrapping of non-current asset

     Government grants irrelevant to
                                                       48,707.00             340,000.00                   48,707.00
     daily operation activities

     Income     from penalties and
                                                 26,507,159.08            18,476,297.19                26,507,159.08

     Sales of wastes                              3,575,405.84            15,074,253.13                 3,575,405.84

     Accounts payable no need to
                                                 19,614,848.78               248,222.02                19,614,848.78
     pay back

     Others                                       7,782,396.91             1,076,176.94                 7,782,396.91

                   Total                         57,805,996.37            35,289,980.44                57,805,996.37

(b) Government grants irrelevant to daily operation activities

                                                       ~ 209 ~
                                                                                           Related to assets
              Grant program              2019                          2018

     Other incentives
                                                48,707.00                140,000.00     Related to income

     Taxpayer bonus in
                                                        -                100,000.00               ——
     Xianning high-tech district

     Yaohai district shengli
                                                        -                100,000.00               ——
     street awards

                  Total                         48,707.00                340,000.00               ——

(c)The non-operating income has increased by 63.80% compared with that in 2018, mainly because
of the increase in accounts payable not required to be paid as confirmed by property inspection.

5.47 Non-operating Expenses

                                                                                         Recognised in current
                  Items                  2019                          2018             extraordinary gains and


     Loss from damage or scrapping
                                             6,966,429.07               10,661,117.09               6,966,429.07
     of non-current assets

     Others                                  1,444,027.58                2,499,058.39               1,444,027.58

                  Total                      8,410,456.65               13,160,175.48               8,410,456.65

Note: Non-operating expenses decreased 36.09% compared with that in 2018, mainly because of
the decrease of loss from damage or scrapping of non-current assets.

5.48 Income Tax Expenses

(a) Details of income tax expenses

                       Items                            2019                                2018

     Current tax expenses                                      702,843,706.67                     623,207,719.69

     Deferred tax expenses                                      12,193,478.05                       4,804,714.84

                       Total                                   715,037,184.72                     628,012,434.53

(b) Reconciliation of accounting profit and income tax expenses

                                     Items                                                 2019

                                                ~ 210 ~
                                                Items                                     2019

       Profit before tax                                                                  2,872,841,779.06

       Income tax expense at the statutory /applicable tax rate                            718,210,444.77

       Effect of different tax rate of subsidiaries                                          -9,655,744.33

       Adjustments of impact from prior period income tax                                   -21,122,989.53

       Effect of income that is exempt from taxation                                         -1,008,198.34

       Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses or losses                                   28,518,918.92

       Effect of previously unrecognized deductible losses recognised as deferred tax

       Effect of deductible temporary differences and deductible losses not recognised
       as deferred tax assets

       R&D expenses plus deduction                                                           -6,282,863.06
       Tax rate adjustment to the beginning balance of deferred income tax

       Income tax credits                                                                        -600,000.00

       Total                                                                               715,037,184.72

5.49 Other Comprehensive Income

For details of the other comprehensive income and related tax effect, transfer to profit or loss and
adjustment of other comprehensive income, please refer to Note 5.31 Other Comprehensive Income

5.50 Notes to the Statement of Cash Flow

(a) Other cash received relating to operating activities

                        Items                                     2019                     2018

     Security deposit, guarantee and warrenty                            171,148,971.50          159,476,594.48

     Government grants                                                    84,936,396.19           50,692,038.13

     Interest income                                                     156,828,015.62           68,964,800.42

     Release of restricted monetary funds                                870,200,000.00          460,000,000.00

     Others                                                               40,619,933.12           34,874,949.28

                        Total                                        1,323,733,316.43            774,008,382.31

(b) Other cash payments relating to operating activities
                                                         ~ 211 ~
                        Items                                   2019                      2018

     Cash paid in sales and distribution
     expenses and general and administrative                       2,255,773,662.59        1,837,245,742.21

     Security deposit, guarantee and warrenty                             594,283.56                         -

     Time deposits or deposits pledged for the
                                                                       312,000,000.00              200,000.00
     issuance of notes payable

     Structured time deposits that cannot be
                                                                   2,363,000,000.00          870,000,000.00
     withdrawn in advance

     Others                                                             27,764,520.81             7,774,646.93

                        Total                                      4,959,132,466.96        2,715,220,389.14

(c) Other cash payments relating to financing activities

                        Items                                   2019                      2018

     Cancellation of registration of subsidiary                                     -               16,553.34

                        Total                                                       -               16,553.34

5.51 Supplementary Information to the Statement of Cash Flows

(a) Supplementary information to the statement of cash flows

                   Supplementary information                              2019              2018

     (i) Adjustments of net profit to cash flows from

     operating activities:

     Net profit                                                        2,157,804,594.34    1,740,913,660.88

     Add: Provisions for impairment of assets                              2,150,475.35          12,726,868.74

     Depreciation of fixed assets, Investment Properties,
                                                                         206,165,530.04      194,327,557.29
     oil and gas asset and productive biological assets

     Amortisation of intangible assets                                    29,374,836.96          19,959,184.85

     Amortisation of long-term deferred expenses                          27,376,736.70          21,492,764.36

     Losses /(gains) on disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                            -252,518.68            -526,066.38
     assets and other long-term assets

                                                            ~ 212 ~
      Losses /(gains) on scrapping of fixed assets                               6,688,950.31                      10,586,085.93

      Losses /(gains) on changes in fair value                                -17,585,151.48                          161,541.19

      Finance costs /(income)                                                  35,246,916.18                       15,408,022.76

      Investment losses /(income)                                           -126,427,450.28                      -148,215,468.62

      Decreases /(increases) in deferred tax assets                             -3,914,373.45                       5,577,306.68

      Increases /(decreases) in deferred tax liabilities                       16,107,851.50                         -772,591.84

      Decreases /(increases) in inventories                                 -608,824,277.36                      -328,785,250.90

      Decreases /(increases) in operating receivables                        258,842,362.46                      -876,884,454.15

      Increases /(decreases) in operating payables                             14,492,580.86                   1,192,137,327.83

      Others*                                                             -1,804,800,000.00                      -417,225,202.67

            Net cash flows from operating activities                         192,447,063.45                    1,440,881,285.95

      (ii)Significant investing and financing activities not

      involving cash receipts and payments:

      Conversion of debt into capital                                                           -                                 -

      Convertible corporate bonds maturing within one year                                      -                                 -

      Fixed assets acquired under finance leases                                                -                                 -

      (iii)Net increases in cash and cash equivalents:

      Cash at the end of the reporting period                                  2,944,749,918.09                  835,560,865.12

      Less: Cash at the beginning of the reporting period                        835,560,865.12                1,024,088,626.40

      Add: Cash equivalents at the end of the reporting
                                                                                                -                                 -

      Less: Cash equivalents at the beginning of the
                                                                                                -                                 -
      reporting period

      Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                2,109,189,052.97                  -188,527,761.28

 * “Others” refer to impact of restricted funds on net cash flow generated from operating activities of the reporting period.

(b) The components of cash and cash equivalents

                            Items                                 31 December 2019                     31 December 2018

                                                               ~ 213 ~
     (i) Cash                                                             2,944,749,918.09                        835,560,865.12

     Including: Cash on hand                                                    292,465.36                           353,429.67

                  Cash in bank available for
                                                                          2,943,712,121.81                        835,175,643.46
     immediate use

                Other monetary funds available for
                                                                                745,330.92                             31,791.99
     immediate use

     (ii) Cash equivalents

     Including: Bond investments maturing within
     three months

     (iii) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of
                                                                          2,944,749,918.09                        835,560,865.12
     the reporting period

     Including: Restricted cash and cash

     equivalents of the parent company and the
     subsidiaries of the group

5.52 Restricted Assets

                       Items                     Carrying amount at 31 December                          Reason

                                                                                        Structured deposit and fixed deposit
    Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                        which cannot be withdrawn in advance
                                                                                        as well as time deposits pledged for
                                                                                        issuance of bank acceptance bills

    Notes receivable                                                                    Pledged for issuance of bank acceptance

                        Total                                      3,024,377,134.82                       ——

5.53 Government Grants

(a) Government grants related to assets

                                                     Items     Recognised in current profit or loss or    Presented items that
          Items                  Amount
                                                presented in     directly as deduct of related cost       recognised in current

                                                             ~ 214 ~
                                    the statement                              profit or loss or

                                    of financial    2019         2018        directly as deduct of
                                      position                                   related cost


transformation of
brewing               192,708.47                     62,499.96              Other income

Equipment                               Deferred
                     1,550,437.50                   284,812.50              Other income
subsidy                                  income

Intelligent solid

brewing                                 Deferred
                      119,791.53                     31,250.04              Other income
technology                               income
innovation project

Guiding funds for

the development
of service            795,122.12                    292,682.88              Other income
industry in Anhui


Subsidy for the

construction of

independent                             Deferred
                     1,948,120.00                   730,545.00              Other income
innovation                               income

capacity of Anhui

Energy saving

project of                              Deferred
                                -                    12,750.00              Other income
coal-fired                               income
industrial boiler

and glass furnace

Project fund of
Bozhou                          -                    60,000.00              Other income
logistics center
Equipment                               Deferred
                     1,068,028.16                   203,034.21   162,166.54 Other income
subsidy                                  income

                                              ~ 215 ~
                                        Items        Recognised in current profit or loss or    Presented items that

                                     presented in      directly as deduct of related cost      recognised in current

         Items       Amount          the statement                                                profit or loss or
                                     of financial          2019                 2018            directly as deduct of

                                       position                                                     related cost

Financial subsidy
for technological                -                          415,930.90                         Other income

Special funds for
enterprise              22,500.00                            30,000.00                         Other income

Internet of things
traceability          1,856,250.00                        1,113,750.00                         Other income
system project

Electric motor

and boiler energy
saving technology      275,000.24                           137,499.96                         Other income


Whole process

online monitoring
of hook and store      265,625.00                            93,750.00                         Other income
automation and

product quality

Gujing Zhangji

liquor warehouse
optimization and       835,208.43                            47,499.96                         Other income

Subsidy for food

safety                                   Deferred
                       689,655.25                           137,931.00                         Other income
improvement                               income


subsidy fund                             Deferred
                      2,345,083.29                          263,000.04        2,098,202.98 Other income
for        air                            income

                                                ~ 216 ~
                                            Items           Recognised in current profit or loss or    Presented items that

                                         presented in         directly as deduct of related cost      recognised in current

           Items         Amount          the statement                                                   profit or loss or
                                         of financial             2019                 2018            directly as deduct of

                                           position                                                        related cost

   prevention and
   Funds       for
   industry                 798,080.00                             222,720.00                      - Other income
   Refund     for                            Deferred
                         22,562,827.93                             550,206.18                         Other income
   land payment                               income

   Suizhou new
   plant construction    35,338,000.00                                        -                    - Other income

   Funds       for
   projects     of        1,000,000.00                                        -                    - Other income
   Subsidy      for
   key technical
   project on the           600,000.00                                        -                    - Other income
   authenticity of
   important food
   Specific funds
   for         side                          Deferred
                            516,000.00                             144,000.00            60,000.00 Other income
   management of                              income
   power demand
   Total                 72,778,437.92                  -        4,833,862.63        2,320,369.52

(b) Government grants related to income

                                    Items presented         Recognised in current profit or loss or    Presented items that
           Items        Amount
                                    in the statement          directly as deduct of related cost      recognised in current

                                                    ~ 217 ~
                                    of financial                                    profit or loss or

                                     position         2019            2018        directly as deduct of
                                                                                      related cost

Tax refund          34,825,848.70   Other income    34,825,848.70   18,279,633.65 Other income

Energy saving

environmental         500,000.00    Other income      500,000.00                Other income
industry fund

Bonus       of
science    and        800,000.00    Other income      800,000.00                Other income

payment for

separation of         500,000.00    Other income      500,000.00                Other income
development and


2019 strong

industrial cities
special fund for      750,000.00    Other income      750,000.00                Other income
private economy

funds        and    39,641,870.00   Other income    39,641,870.00               Other income

work of Bozhou
market                450,000.00    Other income      450,000.00                Other income

administration in

                                                ~ 218 ~
                                                      Recognised in current profit or loss or    Presented items that
                                   Items presented
                                                        directly as deduct of related cost      recognised in current
                                   in the statement
       Items        Amount                                                                         profit or loss or
                                     of financial
                                                            2019                 2018            directly as deduct of
                                                                                                     related cost


Subsidy for robot
                     300,000.00      Other income            300,000.00                         Other income

Subsidy from

Social Security     3,750,000.00     Other income          3,750,000.00                         Other income


Project funds

from Bozhou
economic and        1,100,000.00     Other income          1,100,000.00                         Other income

2018 patent
                     400,000.00      Other income            400,000.00                         Other income
project award

Special funds
for industrial                       Other income                              2,100,000.00 Other income
Projects funds
                                     Other income                              1,800,000.00 Other income
provinces in

                                     Other income                              1,109,249.00 Other income

                    1,200,000.00     Other income          1,200,000.00                         Other income

                                                 ~ 219 ~
                                                                 Recognised in current profit or loss or           Presented items that
                                             Items presented
                                                                   directly as deduct of related cost              recognised in current
                                             in the statement
          Items              Amount                                                                                  profit or loss or
                                               of financial
                                                                       2019                      2018              directly as deduct of
                                                                                                                       related cost

    Subsidy from

    Bozhou Market
                              559,000.00 Other income                      559,000.00                          Other income

    Others                   8,633,888.99 Other income                8,633,888.99            5,387,589.13 Other income

    Other not related                       Non-operating                                                      Non-operating
                               48,707.00                                    48,707.00            340,000.00
    to daily operation                      income                                                             income

          Total             93,459,314.69         ——               93,459,314.69          29,016,471.78                  ——

6.1 Other Reasons of Changes in the Scope of Consolidation
The subsidiary Yellow Crane Tower Beverage Co., Ltd. was established during 2019, whose
registered capital is 5,000,000.00 yuan. The address is Industrial park, Development District of
Xian'an District, Xianning City. The subsidiary Yellow Crane Tower Wine Co., Ltd holds 100% of
its equity.


7.1 Interests in Subsidiaries

(a) Composition of corporate group

                                                                                        Percentage of equity
        Name of                             Registered           Nature of         interests by the Company
                           place of                                                                                   Ways of acquisition
       subsidiary                            Address             business                        (%)
                                                                                        Direct          Indirect


     Gujing Sales
                                                                Commercial                                               Investment
     Co., Ltd.           Anhui Bozhou   Anhui Bozhou                                      100.00
                                                                   trade                                                establishment

     Gujing Sales)

                                                           ~ 220 ~

Longrui Glass

Co., Ltd                                                                      Investment
                  Anhui Bozhou   Anhui Bozhou    Manufacture      100.00
(hereafter                                                                   establishment




Gujing Waste

Co., Ltd.         Anhui Bozhou   Anhui Bozhou    Waste recycle    100.00





Culture &                                        Advertisement                Investment
                  Anhui Hefei    Anhui Hefei                      100.00
Media Co.,                                         marketing                 establishment

Ltd. (hereafter



Ruisiweier                                         Technical                  Investment
                  Anhui Bozhou   Anhui Bozhou                     100.00
Technology                                         research                  establishment

Co., Ltd.

colorful taste    Anhui Bozhou   Anhui Bozhou    Manufacture      100.00
wine co., Ltd.


Gujing Jinhao                                                                  Business
hotel               Shanghai       Shanghai                       100.00   combination under
management                                                                  common control


Bozhou                                                                         Business
                  Anhui Bozhou   Anhui Bozhou   Hotel operating   100.00
Gujing hotel                                                               combination under

                                                ~ 221 ~
Co., Ltd                                                                         common control


                                                   Sewage                          Investment
environmental   Anhui Bozhou    Anhui Bozhou                    100.00
                                                  treatment                       establishment

Co., Ltd.

Anhui Gujing

                                                  Electronic                       Investment
Electronic       Anhui Hefei     Anhui Hefei                    100.00
                                                  commerce                        establishment

Co., Ltd


Construction    Anhui Bozhou    Anhui Bozhou     Construction   100.00

Co., Ltd


RunanxinkeT                                                                        Investment
                Anhui Bozhou    Anhui Bozhou     Food testing   100.00
esting Tech.                                                                      establishment

Co., Ltd.

Yellow Crane
                                                                                 combination not
Tower Wine      Hubei Wuhan     Hubei Wuhan      Manufacture     51.00
                                                                                 under common
Co., Ltd

Yellow Crane                                                                        Business

 Tower Wine        Hubei           Hubei                                         combination not
                                                 Manufacture             51.00
 (Xianning)       Xianning        Xianning                                       under common

 Co., Ltd                                                                            control

Yellow Crane                                                                        Business
                Hubei Suizhou   Hubei Suizhou    Manufacture             51.00
Tower Wine                                                                       combination not

                                                ~ 222 ~
    (Suizhou)                                                                 under common

    Co., Ltd                                                                      control

    Tianlong Jindi
                                                       Commercial             combination not
    Technology       Hubei Wuhan     Hubei Wuhan                      51.00
                                                          trade               under common
    Co., Ltd

                        Hubei           Hubei          Commercial             combination not
    Junhe Sales                                                       51.00
                       Xianning        Xianning           trade               under common
    Co., Ltd

    Hubei Junhe
                                                      Advertisement           combination not
    Advertising      Hubei Wuhan     Hubei Wuhan                      51.00
                                                        marketing             under common
    Co., Ltd

    Hubei Yellow

    Crane Tower                                                                 Investment
                     Hubei Wuhan     Hubei Wuhan      Manufacture     51.00
    Beverage Co.,                                                              establishment



    Yashibo                                            Technology               Investment
                     Hubei Wuhan     Hubei Wuhan                      51.00
    Technology                                        development              establishment

    Co., Ltd.

    Wuhan Junya                                        Commercial               Investment
                     Hubei Wuhan     Hubei Wuhan                      51.00
    Sales Co., Ltd                                        trade                establishment


    Junhe                                              Commercial               Investment
                     Hubei Suizhou   Hubei Suizhou                    51.00
    Commercial                                            trade                establishment

    Co., Ltd.

(b) Significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                     ~ 223 ~
                               Proportion of
                                                         Profit or loss        Dividends declared
                                                       attributable to non-      to distribute to                       Non-controlling
                           interest held by
     Name of subsidiary                                    controlling           non-controlling                interests at the end of thehe
                                                       interests during the    interests during the                      reporting period
                                                        reporting period         reporting period
                               interests (%)

    Yellow Crane

    Tower Wine Co.,                       49.00             60,276,854.48                            -                     488,042,947.30


(c) Main financial information of significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                                    31 December 2019
       Name of
                                          Non-current                                  Current           Non-current
      subsidiary      Current assets                           Total assets                                                 Total liabilities
                                            assets                                 liabilities            liabilities

   Yellow Crane

   Tower Wine        755,439,438.85 742,229,246.05 1,497,668,684.90 369,369,757.38 132,292,912.62 501,662,670.00

   Co., Ltd

                                                                    31 December 2018
       Name of
                                          Non-current                                  Current           Non-current
      subsidiary      Current assets                           Total assets                                                 Total liabilities
                                              assets                               liabilities            liabilities

   Yellow Crane

   Tower Wine        587,458,925.80 731,191,284.72 1,318,650,210.52 311,342,786.19 134,315,398.16 445,658,184.35
   Co., Ltd


          Name of subsidiary                                                                                       Net cash flows from
                                              Revenue              Net profit/(loss)       comprehensive
                                                                                                                    operating activities

   Yellow Crane Tower Wine
                                           1,153,666,330.72          123,013,988.73          123,013,988.73                  78,635,264.01
   Co., Ltd

          Name of subsidiary                                                       2018

                                                             ~ 224 ~
                                                                                           Net cash flows from
                                    Revenue          Net profit/(loss)   comprehensive
                                                                                           operating activities

    Yellow Crane Tower Wine
                                    866,368,765.24      93,215,106.83      93,215,106.83        172,572,976.32
    Co., Ltd

7.2 No Interests in Joint Arrangements or Associates


Risks related to the financial instruments of the Company arise from the recognition of various
financial assets and financial liabilities during its operation, including credit risk, liquidity risk and
market risk.

Management of the Company is responsible for determining risk management objectives and
policies related to financial instruments. Operational management is responsible for the daily risk
management through functional departments. Internal audit department is responsible for the daily
supervision of implementation of the risk management policies and procedures, and report their
findings to the audit committee in a timely manner.

Overall risk management objective of the Company is to establish risk management policies to
minimize the risks without unduly affecting the competitiveness and resilience of the Company.

8.1 Credit Risk

Credit risk is the risk of one party of the financial instrument face to a financial loss because the
other party of the financial instrument fails to fulfill its obligation. The credit risk of the Company is
related to cash and equivalent, notes receivable, accounts receivables, other receivables and
long-term receivables. Credit risk of these financial assets is derived from the counterparty’s breach
of contract. The maximum risk exposure is equal to the carrying amount of these financial

Cash and cash equivalent of the Company has lower credit risk, as they are mainly deposited in
such financial institutions as commercial bank, of which the Company thinks with higher reputation
and financial position.

For notes receivable, other receivables and long-term receivables, the Company establishes related
policies to control their credit risk exposure. The Company assesses credit capability of its
customers and determines their credit terms based on their financial position, possibility of the
guarantee from third party, credit record and other factors. The Company monitors its customers’
credit record periodically, and for those customers with poor credit record, the Company will take
measures such as written call, shortening or cancelling their credit terms so as to ensure the overall
credit risk of the Company is controllable.
                                               ~ 225 ~
8.2 Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is the risk of shortage of funds when fulfilling the obligation of settlement by
delivering cash or other financial assets. The Company is responsible for the capital management of
all of its subsidiaries, including short-term investment of cash surplus and dealing with forecasted
cash demand by raising loans. The Company’s policy is to monitor the demand for short-term and
long-term floating capital and whether the requirement of loan contracts is satisfied so as to ensure
to maintain adequate cash and cash equivalents.

8.3 Market Risk

(a) Foreign currency risk
Foreign exchange risk refers to the risk of loss due to exchange rate fluctuations generally. The core
business of the Company is on the mainland of China and trading with RMB. Foreign exchange risk
risk is minimal.

(b)Interest rate risk

The operating fund of the Company is sufficient, and there is no loan in recent years so that the risk
of interest is very small for the Company.

(c) Other price risk

The Held-for-trading financial assets of the Company is measured by fair value. So, the Company
bears the risk of the change of security market. To decrease the risk, the management decided that
the Company held a combination of several equities and securities.


The inputs used in the fair value measurement in its entirety are to be classified in the level of the
hierarchy in which the lowest level input that is significant to the measurement is classified.

Level 1: Inputs consist of unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or

Level 2: Inputs for the assets or liabilities (other than those included in Level 1) that are either
directly or indirectly observable.

Level 3: Inputs are unobservable inputs for the assets or liabilities

9.1 Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value at 31 December 2019

                                                           Fair value at 31 December 2019
                                         Level 1        Level 2       Level 3               Total

                                              ~ 226 ~
    Recurring fair value measurements

    (a) Held-for-trading financial assets

      (i) Financial assets at fair value through
                                                           -      509,031,097.02             -             509,031,097.02
       profit or loss

        Debt instruments                                   -                    -            -                             -

       Bank financial products                             -      297,146,591.78             -             297,146,591.78

       Fund investment                                     -      211,884,505.24             -             211,884,505.24

    Total assets measured at fair value on a
                                                           -      509,031,097.02             -             509,031,097.02
    recurring basis

The fair value of financial instruments traded in an active market is based on quoted market prices
at the reporting date. The fair value of financial instruments not traded in an active market is
determined by using valuation techniques. Specific valuation techniques used to value the above
financial instruments include discounted cash flow and market approach to comparable company
model. Inputs in the valuation technique include risk-free interest rates, benchmark interest rates,
exchange rates, credit spreads, liquidity premiums, discount for lack of liquidity.

9.2 Valuation Technique(s), Qualitative and Quantitative Information about the Significant
Inputs Used for Fair Value Measurement in Level 2 on a Recurring or Nonrecurring Basis

The items of fair value measurement in Level 2 of the Company are mainly about bank financial
products and fund investments. For bank financial products, the Company shall calculate its rate of
return based on the observable market rate of return on the financial products, in order to determine
the gains or losses arising from the changes in fair value , and then finally recognize the value of
held-for-trading financial assets. For fund investment, the Company shall determine the gains or
losses arising from changes in fair value and the value of held-for-trading financial assets according
to the valuation table of securities investment fund provided by asset management company.


Recognition of related parties: The Company has control or joint control of, or exercise significant
influence over another party; or the Company is controlled or jointly controlled, or significant
influenced by another party.

10.1 General Information of the Parent Company

                                    Registered      Nature of      Registered       Percentage of equity   Voting rights
       Name of the parent
                                      address      the business      capital          interests in the        in the

                                                       ~ 227 ~
                                                                                           Company (%)           Company (%)



     AnhuiGujing Group Co.,                        materials,      1,000,000,000.
                                Anhui Bozhou                                                            53.89             53.89
                                                   manufactur      00

                                                   e     plastic


 (b) Ultimate controlling party of the Company

The ultimate controller is the government of Bozhou, Anhui province.

10.2 General Information of Subsidiaries

Details of the subsidiaries please refer to Notes 7 INTERESTS IN OTHER ENTITIES.

10.3 Joint Ventures and Associates of the Company

(a) General information of significant joint ventures and associates

Details of significant joint ventures and associates please refer to Notes 7 INTERESTS IN OTHER

10.4 Other Related Parties of the Company

                              Name                                               Relationship with the Company

                                                                        An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Ruifuxiang Food Co., Ltd.

                                                                        An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Ruijing catering management Co., Ltd.

                                                                        An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.

                                                                        An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Shanghai Ruiyao Hotel Management Co., Ltd.

                                                                        An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Shanghai Beihai Hotel Co., Ltd

                                                                        An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.

     Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling

                                                        ~ 228 ~

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Gujing Real Estate Group Co., Ltd.

Orient Ruijing Enterprise Investment Development Co.,    An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling

Ltd.                                                     shareholder

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Hengxin Pawn Co., Ltd.

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Bozhou Ruineng Thermal Power Co., Ltd.

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel Co., Ltd.

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Bozhou Furuixiang high protein feed Co. Ltd.

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Ruijing restaurant management Co., Ltd.

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Ruixin pawn Co. Ltd.

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Zhongxin finance lease Co. Ltd.

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Huixin finance invest group Co., Ltd

                                                            An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Hefei Longxin Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd

                                                           An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Bozhou Anxin Micro Finance Co., Ltd.

Dazhongyuan Wine valley culture tourism development        An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling

Co., Ltd.                                                                       shareholder

                                                           An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Xinyuan Municipal Garden Engineering Co., Ltd

                                                           An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui gujing hotel management Co., Ltd.

                                                 ~ 229 ~
                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Youxin Financing guarantee Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Aoxin Real estate development Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Lixin Electronic commerce Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Xinxin Property management Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Bozhou Gujing Junlai Hotel Management Co., Ltd

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Gujing Property Management Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Gujing Real estate development Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Gujing international tourism Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Jinzhai Gujing Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Gujing Health Industry Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism Management Co., Ltd.

                                                                 An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
     Anhui Shenglong Commercial Co., Ltd.

10.5 Related Party Transactions

(a) Purchases or sales of goods, rendering or receiving of services

Purchases of goods, receiving of services:

               Related parties                   Nature of the            2019                          2018

                                                        ~ 230 ~

                                Labor and
Anhui Gujing international
                                accommodation          2,742,924.44   1,208,159.67
tourism Co., Ltd.
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.    Labor service                     -     62,068.97

                                Purchase of
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                               3,900.00              -
                                Purchase of
Anhui Gujing Health Industry
                                materials and            19,433.63     195,685.75
Co., Ltd.
                                labor service
                                Catering and
Anhui gujing hotel
                                accommodation           606,319.42     854,430.39
management Co., Ltd.
                                Purchase of
Anhui gujing hotel
                                materials and           138,836.65               -
management Co., Ltd.
                                labor service
                                Catering and
Anhui Haochidian Catering
                                accommodation            52,807.43     558,175.10
Co., Ltd.
                                Purchase of
Anhui Haochidian Catering
                                materials and         12,906,491.94              -
Co., Ltd.
                                labor service
Anhui Huixin finance invest
                                Labor service            57,200.80     212,248.30
group Co. Ltd.
Anhui Ruifuxiang Food Co.,      Purchase of
                                                         24,227.98               -
Ltd.                            materials
Anhui Ruijing catering
                                Catering service         51,171.00      51,631.00
management Co., Ltd.
                                Purchase of
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel
                                materials and          4,872,511.46     43,413.71
(Group) Co., Ltd.
                                labor service
Anhui Xinyuan Municipal
                                Labor service            31,849.06    1,173,301.27
Garden Engineering Co., Ltd
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.          Catering and           5,761,744.42   5,007,403.41

                                            ~ 231 ~
                                   Catering and
     Bozhou Gujing Huishenglou
                                   accommodation          6,058,768.50        3,233,671.00
     Catering Co., Ltd.
     Dazhongyuan Wine valley       Purchase of
     culture tourism development   materials and                89,950.55

     Co., Ltd.                     labor service
                                   Purchase of
     Anhui Lvyuan ecological
                                   materials and          1,226,503.81
     agriculture Co.,Ltd
                                   labor service
     Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel    Purchase of
                                                            520,630.53                     -
     Co., Ltd.                     materials
                                   Catering and
     Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel
                                   accommodation                15,915.26      403,358.10
     Co., Ltd.

                     Total                  ——         35,181,186.88       13,003,546.67

Sales of goods and rendering of services:

                                      Nature of the
                 Related parties                         2019               2018

     Anhui Aoxin Real estate
                                   Sales of liquor                      -          13,424.13
     development Co., Ltd.
     Anhui Gujing Real Estate
                                   Labor service                        -      397,665.85
     Group Co., Ltd.
     Anhui Gujing Real Estate
                                   Sales of liquor                      -      347,880.88
     Group Co., Ltd.
                                   Catering and
     Anhui Gujing international
                                   accommodation                  206.00           51,744.46
     tourism Co., Ltd.
     Anhui Gujing international    Sales of small
                                                                  702.45                   -
     tourism Co., Ltd.             materials
                                   Catering and
     Anhui Gujing international
                                   accommodation                 1,009.71                  -
     tourism Co., Ltd.
                                               ~ 232 ~
                                    Catering and
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.        accommodation           246,231.14     384,753.34

Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.        Labor service                     -     16,587.36

                                    Sales of small
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                                217,725.29     283,450.69
                                    Catering and
Anhui Gujing Health Industry
                                    accommodation            37,207.00        9,966.00
Co., Ltd.
Anhui Gujing Health Industry
                                    Labor service           844,992.46     226,290.57
Co., Ltd.
Anhui Gujing Health Industry
                                    Sales of liquor       10,075,939.40   6,396,104.00
Co., Ltd.
Anhui Gujing Health Industry        Sales of small
                                                             10,036.51      39,450.74
Co., Ltd.                           materials

Anhui          gujing       hotel
                                    Sales of liquor          93,532.67     135,940.30
management Co., Ltd.
Anhui       Haochidian   Catering
                                    Labor service                     -     33,962.26
Co., Ltd.
Anhui       Haochidian   Catering
                                    Sales of liquor          23,362.83      36,433.69
Co., Ltd.
Anhui Hengxin Pawn Co., Ltd.        Sales of liquor            5,352.21       8,380.14

Anhui Huixin finance invest         Sales of liquor
                                                            470,513.04    1,552,580.62
group Co. Ltd.
Anhui Jinzhai Gujing Real           Sales of liquor
                                                                      -    143,796.76
Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism            Sales of
                                                            305,723.42      71,030.79
Management Co., Ltd.                hydropower
                                    Catering and
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism
                                    accommodation                     -       5,595.00
Management Co., Ltd.
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism
                                    Labor service                     -       7,547.17
Management Co., Ltd.

                                                ~ 233 ~
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism           Sales of small
                                                           11,685.59      64,006.61
Management Co., Ltd.               materials
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism
                                   Sales of liquor           6,837.04              -
Management Co., Ltd.
Anhui        Lixin    Electronic
                                   Sales of liquor        335,889.03     117,628.42
commerce Co., Ltd.
Anhui Ruifuxiang Food Co.,
                                   Sales of liquor                  -    588,449.78
                                   Catering and
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel
                                   accommodation           49,989.56      93,389.27
(Group) Co., Ltd.
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel
                                   Sales of liquor       5,370,339.55   8,239,198.27
(Group) Co., Ltd.
                                   Sales of
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel
                                   packaging                        -        832.76
(Group) Co., Ltd.
Anhui Ruixin pawn Co. Ltd.         Sales of liquor           6,453.98     14,452.08

                                   Catering and
Anhui Shenglong Commercial
                                   accommodation           17,223.00      16,270.00
Co., Ltd.
Anhui Shenglong Commercial
                                   Sales of liquor       1,045,891.85    470,660.35
Co., Ltd.
                                   Catering and
Anhui       Xinyuan   Municipal
                                   accommodation                    -        400.00
Garden Engineering Co., Ltd
Anhui       Xinyuan   Municipal    Sales of small
                                                             1,551.27     30,008.04
Garden Engineering Co., Ltd        materials
Anhui        Xinxin    Property    Sales of liquor
                                                                    -     39,795.45
management Co., Ltd.
Anhui        youxin    financing   Sales of liquor
                                                             5,925.58       7,672.40
guarantee Co,.Ltd
Anhui Zhongxin finance lease       Sales of liquor
                                                           11,559.56      13,259.55
Co. Ltd.
Bozhou Anxin Micro Finance         Sales of liquor           9,927.68     13,270.29

                                               ~ 234 ~
Co., Ltd.
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.              Labor service                    -    113,206.84

Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.              Sales of liquor         17,379.31      61,271.22

Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co.,Ltd         Sales of liquor                  -     16,408.09

Bozhou Gujing Huishenglou
                                    Sales of liquor         41,023.88      43,547.75
Catering Co., Ltd.
Bozhou      Gujing       Property   Sales of liquor
                                                                     -     60,892.13
management Co., Ltd.
                                    Catering and
Bozhou Gujing Real Estate
                                    accommodation                    -       1,360.00
Group Co., Ltd.
Bozhou Gujing Real Estate
                                    Sales of liquor                  -     19,694.42
Group Co., Ltd.
Bozhou      Ruifuxiang      High    Sales of liquor
                                                            11,405.17      32,141.00
Protein Feed Co., Ltd.
Bozhou      Ruineng      Thermal
                                    Sales of liquor        312,907.44     258,281.65
Power Co., Ltd.
Bozhou      Ruineng      Thermal
                                    Labor service           24,866.94     269,024.61
Power Co., Ltd.
Dazhongyuan       Wine     valley
                                    Sales of small
culture tourism development                                          -     29,526.70
Co., Ltd.
Dazhongyuan       Wine     valley   Catering and
culture tourism development         accommodation             5,155.00     22,241.00

Co., Ltd.                           service
Dazhongyuan       Wine     valley
culture tourism development         Labor service           17,459.86     167,030.67

Co., Ltd.
Dazhongyuan       Wine     valley
culture tourism development         Sales of liquor       2,016,097.62   1,959,896.18

Co., Ltd.
Dazhongyuan       Wine     valley
culture tourism development         Utility fees            68,741.74      64,024.27

Co., Ltd.

                                                ~ 235 ~
                                             Catering and
    Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel
                                             accommodation                  13,139.65          57,216.80
    Co., Ltd.
    Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel               Sales of liquor
                                                                                    -          15,517.24
    Co., Ltd.
    Hefei       Longxin         Financial    Sales of liquor
    Management Consulting Co.,                                                      -           2,684.82

    Shanghai Beihai Hotel Co., Ltd           Sales of liquor                16,566.37                  -

    Anhui       Lvyuan         ecological
                                             Labor service                  10,058.85                  -
    agriculture Co.,Ltd
    Anhui       Lvyuan         ecological    Sales of small
                                                                            14,258.21                  -
    agriculture Co.,Ltd                      materials
                                             Catering and
    Anhui       Gujing       International
                                             accommodation                  11,940.00                  -
    development Co,.Ltd
    Anhui       Gujing       International
                                             Sales of liquor               531,906.52                  -
    development Co,.Ltd

                   Total                             ——            22,318,714.38       23,065,843.41

(b) Leases

The Company as lessor:

                The lessee                   Type of assets         2019                2018

    Anhui gujing hotel management        Buildings            and
                                                                      1,088,012.40         493,611.91
    Co., Ltd.                            constructions

                  Total                          ——                 1,088,012.40         493,611.91

The Company as lessee:

                The lessor                   Type of assets         2019                2018

                                         Buildings            and
    Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                                      1,799,774.91        2,190,476.20

    Total                                        ——                 1,799,774.91        2,190,476.20

                                                         ~ 236 ~
 (c) Key management personnel compensation

                     Items                                           2019                                       2018

    Key management personnel
                                                                              12,856,300.00                            9,473,400.00

10.6 Receivables and Payables with Related Parties

(a) Receivables

                                                                   31 December 2019                        31 December 2018

          Items                 Related parties                                   Bad debt                              Bad debt
                                                           Book balance                             Book balance
                                                                                  provision                             provision

                             Anhui Gujing Real
    Other receivables        Estate Group Co.,                            -                     -          25,342.50          253.43

                             Bozhou          Ruineng
    Other receivables        Thermal Power Co.,                           -                     -          14,521.45          145.21

(b) Payables

             Items                           Related parties                   31 December 2019                31 December 2018

                                    Anhui Ruijing Business Travel
     Accounts payable                                                                         147,120.00                            -
                                    (Group) Co., Ltd.

    Advances from                   Anhui Ruijing Business Travel
                                                                                              913,047.40               4,085,856.31
    customers                       (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                    Dazhongyuan          Wine    valley
    Advances from
                                    culture tourism development                               490,292.90               1,881,236.80
                                    Co., Ltd.

    Advances from                   Anhui Gujing Health Industry
                                                                                         6,625,624.40                  4,036,729.60
    customers                       Co., Ltd.

    Advances from                   Bozhou       Ruineng        Thermal
                                                                                                2,883.84                 43,200.00
    customers                       Power Co., Ltd.

    Advances from                   Anhui       Gujing    International                  1,038,479.00                               -

                                                                ~ 237 ~
     customers                development Co., Ltd.

     Advances from            Anhui Shenglong Commercial
                                                                              144,580.50                          -
     customers                Co., Ltd.

                              Anhui          Gujing        Hotel
     Other payables                                                              50,000.00                50,000.00
                              Development Co., Ltd.

                              Anhui Ruijing Business Travel
     Other payables                                                              85,000.00                35,000.00
                              (Group) Co., Ltd.

                              Dazhongyuan          Wine   valley

     Other payables           culture tourism development                        50,000.00                        -
                              Co., Ltd.

                              Anhui       Gujing    International
     Other payables                                                              16,200.00                        -
                              development Co., Ltd.

                              Anhui Shenglong Commercial
     Other payables                                                               4,300.00                        -
                              Co., Ltd.


11.1 Significant Commitments

(a) Performance commitment

According to the equity transfer agreement regarding the acquisition of Yellow Crane Tower Wine
Co., Ltd. (herinafter, Yellow Crane Tower Wine) between Wuhan Tianlong Investment Group Co.,
Ltd., the natural person YAN, Hongye and the Company, the Company promised that the operating
revenues of Yellow Crane Tower Wine would be no less than the following data (tax inclusive):

                                                                                               Unit: RMB 10,000 yuan

                   Year                     2017              2018        2019                2020         2021

     Promised operating revenue
                                           80,500.00        100,625.00   130,812.50          170,056.25   204,067.50
     (Tax inclusive)

Meanwhile, within five years after the delivery date (excluding the year in which the target stock is
delivered), the net profit margin on sales of Yellow Crane Tower Wine (the actual net profit /
operating revenues of Yellow Crane Tower Wine in current year) shall be no less than 11% for each
year. If the audited net profit margin on sales of Yellow Crane Tower Wine is less than 11% per
annum, the Company shall compensate for the difference in accordance with the agreement. If the
net profit margin on sales of Yellow Crane Tower Wine is less than 11% for consecutive two years,
the transferor will have the right to repurchase all of the shares of Yellow Crane Tower held by the

                                                          ~ 238 ~
Company, and the repurchase price is RMB 816 million.

The achievement of performance commitment in the separate financial statements of Yellow Crane
Tower Wine for the year 2019 is as follows:

                                                                 Unit: RMB 10,000 yuan

                    Items                Actual number   Commitment number   Difference   Completion rate

    Operating revenues (including tax)      131,006.46         130,812.50       193.96          100.15%

    Net profit                               12,860.37           12,298.61      561.76          104.57%

    The net profit margin on sales             11.15%              11.00%       0.15%           101.36%

11.2 Contingencies

As at 31st December 2019, The Company has no contingencies need to be disclosed.


12.1 Profit Distribution

On April 24, 2020, the Company held the 10th meeting of eighth session Board of Directors which
approved profit distribution plan for the year of 2019. The Company plans to use the total share of
503,600,000.00 of the Company at 31/12/2019 as a base, to distribute RMB 15.00 (before tax) for
every 10 shares, and as a result to distribute RMB 755,400,000.00 to all shareholders. The profit
distribution plan is pending the approval of the General Meeting of shareholders of the Company.

12.2 As at April 24, 2020, except for the above mentioned matter, the Company has no other
events after the reporting period need to be disclosed


13.1 Segment Information

(a) Basis of identification and accounting policies of reportable segments

The Company did not determine the operating segment in accordance with the internal
organizational structure, management requirements, and internal reporting system, so there was no
need to disclose segment information report based on the operating segments.


14.1 Accounts Receivable

(a) Accounts receivable by aging

                                                 ~ 239 ~
                          Aging                          31 December 2019                           31 December 2018

   Within one year                                                      218,558,555.07                                  9,385,950.54

   Including:1-6months                                                  218,558,555.07                                  9,385,950.54

   7-12months                                                                         -                                               -

   1-2 years                                                                          -                                               -

   2-3 years                                                                          -                                               -

   Over 3 years                                                             141,121.87                                   141,121.87

                          Subtotal                                      218,699,676.94                                  9,527,072.41

   Less: provision for bad debt                                             141,121.87                                   141,121.87

                           Total                                        218,558,555.07                                  9,385,950.54

(b) Accounts receivable by bad debt provision method

                                                                       31 December 2019

                                           Book balance                       Provision for bad debt
                                                                                              Provision ratio Carrying amount
                                      Amount          Proportion (%)         Amount

   Provision for bad debt
                                                  -                     -              -                        -                     -
   recognised individually

   Provision for bad debt
                                     218,699,676.94            100.00       141,121.87                   0.06         218,558,555.07
   recognized collectively

   Including: Group1                 218,558,555.07             99.94                  -                        -     218,558,555.07

   Group2                               141,121.87                 0.06     141,121.87                100.00                          -

                  Total              218,699,676.94            100.00       141,121.87                   0.06         218,558,555.07

                                                                       31 December 2018

                                          Book balance                      Provision for bad debt
                                                      Proportion                               Provision            Carrying amount
                                      Amount                                Amount
                                                         (%)                                    ratio (%)

   Accounts receivable with

   individually significant
                                                 -                 -                      -                 -                         -
   balance and provision for bad
   debt recognised individually

                                                      ~ 240 ~
                                                                    31 December 2018

                                       Book balance                     Provision for bad debt
                                                   Proportion                           Provision           Carrying amount
                                    Amount                              Amount
                                                      (%)                               ratio (%)

   Accounts receivable with

   individually significant
                                               -                -                   -                   -                     -
   balance and provision for bad

   debt recognised individually

   Accounts receivable with bad

   debt provision recognised
                                    9,527,072.41       100.00            141,121.87              1.48           9,385,950.54
   collectively by similar credit
   risk characteristics

   Accounts receivable with

   individually insignificant
                                               -                -                   -                   -                     -
   balance but provision for bad

   debt recognised

                 Total              9,527,072.41       100.00            141,121.87              1.48           9,385,950.54

At 31 December 2019, accounts receivable with bad debt provision recognised collectively by
group 1

                                                                       31 December 2019

                  Aging                                                                                          Provision
                                    Accounts receivable                 Provision for bad debt
                                                                                                               ratio (%)

    Related parties within the
                                             218,558,555.07                                         -                         -
    scope of consolidation

                  Total                      218,558,555.07                                         -                         -

At 31 December 2019, accounts receivable with bad debt provision recognised collectively by
group 2

                                                                       31 December 2019

                  Aging                                                                                          Provision
                                    Accounts receivable                 Provision for bad debt
                                                                                                               ratio (%)

    Within one year

    1-2 years                                               -                                       -                         -
    2-3 years                                               -                                       -                         -

                                                   ~ 241 ~
     Over 3 years                                              141,121.87                        141,121.87                  100.00

                   Total                                       141,121.87                        141,121.87                  100.00

Note: for details of recognition criteria and explanation for provision for bad debt by group, please
refer to Notes 3.10.

 At 31 December 2018, accounts receivable with bad debt provision recognised collectively by
group 1

                                                                                31 December 2018

                   Aging                                                                                                 Provision
                                               Accounts receivable              Provision for bad debt
                                                                                                                     ratio (%)

     Related parties within the
                                                            9,385,950.54                                   -                         -
     scope of consolidation

                   Total                                    9,385,950.54                                   -                         -

At 31 31 December 2018, accounts receivable with bad debt provision recognised collectively by
group 2

                                                                                31 December 2018

                   Aging                                                                                                 Provision
                                               Accounts receivable              Provision for bad debt
                                                                                                                     ratio (%)

     Within one year

     1-2 years                                                          -                                  -                         -
     2-3 years                                                          -                                  -                         -
     Over 3 years                                              141,121.87                        141,121.87                  100.00

                   Total                                       141,121.87                        141,121.87                  100.00

Note: for details of recognition criteria and explanation for provision for bad debt by group, please
refer to Notes 3.12.

(c) Changes of provision for bad debt during the reporting period

                       31         Changes of                            Changes during the reporting period                 31
                                                   1 January
     Category       December      accounting                                        Recovery or                          December
                                                     2019           Provision                            Write-off
                      2018          policy                                            reversal                             2019


    for bad debt              -                -               -                -                  -                 -               -

                                                               ~ 242 ~
                          31        Changes of                                Changes during the reporting period                   31
                                                       1 January
        Category      December      accounting                                             Recovery or                        December
                                                         2019             Provision                             Write-off
                         2018         policy                                                    reversal                           2019



       for bad debt
                      141,121.87                 -     141,121.87                      -                   -                - 141,121.87

          Total       141,121.87                 -     141,121.87                      -                   -                - 141,121.87

 (d) At 31 December 2019, top five closing balances by entity
                                                     Balance at 31 December Proportion of the balance to the           Provision for bad
                      Entity name
                                                                2019                total accounts receivable (%)            debt

       No. 1                                                 216,474,060.56                                    98.98                       -

       No. 2                                                       1,354,558.76                                 0.62                       -

       No. 3                                                        587,904.33                                  0.27                       -

       No. 4                                                        141,121.87                                  0.06          141,121.87

       No. 5                                                           96,544.61                                0.04                       -

                         Total                               218,654,190.13                                    99.97          141,121.87

 14.2 Other Receivables

 (a) Other receivables by category

                       Items                                     31 December 2019                      31 December 2018

Interest receivable                                                                301,888.89                                  -

Dividend receivable                                                                         -                                  -

Other receivables                                                           124,917,324.95                       110,800,665.19

                       Total                                                125,219,213.84                       110,800,665.19

 (b) Other receivables

 (i) Other receivables by aging

                                 Aging                                       31 December 2019                    31 December 2018

                                                                   ~ 243 ~
                             Aging                 31 December 2019                      31 December 2018

    Within one year                                             64,773,476.22                    110,277,405.24

    Including:1-6months                                         50,595,906.92                     37,174,657.11

    7-12months                                                  14,177,569.30                     73,102,748.13

    1-2 years                                                   59,983,186.13                       614,189.72

    2-3 years                                                      525,794.00                                 -

    Over 3 years                                                41,540,607.44                     41,540,607.44

                            Subtotal                           166,823,063.79                    152,432,202.40

    Less: provision for bad debt                                41,905,738.84                     41,631,537.21

                                 Total                         124,917,324.95                    110,800,665.19

(ii) Other receivables by nature

                       Nature               31 December 2019                        31 December 2018

    Related parties within the scope of
                                                         120,200,301.28                          108,389,173.96

    Security investment                                   40,850,949.35                           40,850,949.35

    Security deposit and guarantee                            1,850,139.09                          909,657.06

    Rent, water, electricity and gas                           853,843.90                           639,732.73

    Others                                                    3,067,830.17                         1,642,689.30

                        Total                            166,823,063.79                          152,432,202.40

(iii) Other receivables by bad debt provision method

A. At 31 December 2019, provision for bad debt recognised based on three stages model

                        Stages            Book balance          Provision for bad debt         Book value

    Stage 1                                 125,972,114.44               1,054,789.49            124,917,324.95

    Stage 2                                               -                              -                    -

    Stage 3                                  40,850,949.35              40,850,949.35                         -

                          合计              166,823,063.79              41,905,738.84            124,917,324.95

A1. At 31 December 2019, provision for bad debt in stage 1

                                           ~ 244 ~

                                                                          expected             Provision for
                          Category                    Book balance                                                     Carrying amount
                                                                         credit losses           bad debt
                                                                           rate (%)

    Provision for bad debt recognised individually                   -                -                        -                      -

    Provision for bad debt recognized collectively    125,972,114.44              0.84           1,054,789.49           124,917,324.95

    Including: Group1                                 120,200,301.28                  -                        -        120,200,301.28

    Group2                                              5,771,813.16            18.27            1,054,789.49             4,717,023.67

                           Total                      125,972,114.44              0.84           1,054,789.49           124,917,324.95

At 31 December 2019, other receivables with bad debt provision recognised collectively by group 2

                                                                         31 December 2019
                                              Book balance               Provision for bad debt                Provision ratio (%)

     Within one year                                 4,312,272.07                               77,825.50                         1.80

     Including:1-6months                             3,444,702.77                               34,447.03                         1.00

     7-12months                                       867,569.30                                43,378.47                         5.00

     1-2 years                                        244,089.00                                24,408.90                        10.00

     2-3 years                                        525,794.00                               262,897.00                        50.00

     Over 3 years                                     689,658.09                               689,658.09                       100.00

                  Total                              5,771,813.16                             1,054,789.49                       18.27

A2. At 31 December 2019, provision for bad debt at stage 3:

                                                                           expected              Provision for             Carrying
                        Category                     Book balance
                                                                         credit losses             bad debt                 amount

                                                                           rate (%)

    Provision for bad debt recognised individually     40,850,949.35            100.00           40,850,949.35                        -

    Provision for bad debt recognized collectively                   -                    -                        -                  -

    Including: Group1                                                -                    -                        -                  -

    Group2                                                           -                    -                        -                  -

                           Total                       40,850,949.35            100.00           40,850,949.35                        -

                                                      ~ 245 ~
At 31 December 2019, other receivables with provision for bad debt recognised individually

                                                                              31 December 2019

              Entity name                                  Provision for bad         Provision ratio
                                       Book balance                                                                  Reason
                                                                  debt                     (%)

                                                                                                             Enterprise enters the
     Hengxin securities Co., Ltd.       29,010,449.35          29,010,449.35                      100.00

                                                                                                             Enterprise enters the
     Jiaoqiao securities Co., Ltd.      11,840,500.00          11,840,500.00                      100.00

                   Total                40,850,949.35          40,850,949.35                           -                         -

B. At 31 December 2018, provision for bad debt using incurred loss model:

                                                                         31 December 2018

                                              Book balance                        Provision for bad debt
                                                                                                   Provision       Carrying amount
                                        Amount            Proportion (%)          Amount
                                                                                                   ratio (%)

    Other receivables with

    individually significant balance
                                        40,850,949.35              26.80         40,850,949.35         100.00                        -
    and provision for bad debt

    recognised individually

    Other receivables with bad debt
    provision recognised
                                       111,581,253.05              73.20            780,587.86              0.70    110,800,665.19
    collectively by similar credit
    risk characteristics

    Other receivable with
    individually insignificant

    balance but recognised                            -                   -                   -                -
    provision for bad debt


                   Total               152,432,202.40             100.00         41,631,537.21             27.31    110,800,665.19

                                                      ~ 246 ~
B1. At 31 December 2018, other receivables with individually significant balance and recognised
provision for bad debt individually

                                                                            31 December 2018

               Entity name                                      Provision for bad         Provision ratio
                                       Other receivables                                                                Reason
                                                                      debt                      (%)

                                                                                                                Enterprise enters the
    Hengxin securities Co., Ltd.            29,010,449.35            29,010,449.35                 100.00
                                                                                                                bankruptcy liquidation

                                                                                                                Enterprise enters the
    Jiaoqiao securities Co., Ltd.           11,840,500.00            11,840,500.00                 100.00
                                                                                                                bankruptcy liquidation

                    Total                   40,850,949.35            40,850,949.35                          -                            -

B2. At 31 December 2018, other receivables with bad debt provision recognised collectively by
aging analysis

                                                                               31 December 2018

                    Aging                                                                                              Provision ratio
                                             Other receivables                  Provision for bad debt

     Within one year                                     1,888,231.28                                 29,510.79                       1.56

     Including:1-6months                                 1,622,519.22                                 16,225.19                       1.00

     7-12months                                            265,712.06                                 13,285.60                       5.00

     1-2 years                                             614,189.72                                 61,418.98                     10.00

     2-3 years                                                        -                                          -                       -

     Over 3 years                                          689,658.09                              689,658.09                      100.00

                    Total                                3,192,079.09                              780,587.86                       24.45

(iv) Changes of provision for bad debt during the reporting period

                                      Changes of                          Changes during the reporting period
                      31 December                      1 January                                                          31 December
      Category                        accounting                                          Recovery
                            2018                         2019             Provision                       Write-off            2019
                                        policy                                            or reversal

    Provision for
                      40,850,949.35                - 40,850,949.35                    -               -                 - 40,850,949.35
    bad debt

                                                           ~ 247 ~
                                       Changes of                             Changes during the reporting period
                     31 December                          1 January                                                            31 December
      Category                         accounting                                         Recovery
                         2018                               2019          Provision                           Write-off            2019
                                         policy                                           or reversal


    Provision for

    bad debt
                       780,587.86                   -      780,587.86       274,201.63                 -                   -    1,054,789.49


        Total        41,631,537.21                  - 41,631,537.21         274,201.63                                         41,905,738.84

(v) Top five closing balances by entity

                                                                                          Proportion of the
                                                  Balance at 31                          balance to the total         Provision for bad
       Entity name              Nature                                   Aging
                                                December 2019                             other receivables                     debt

                          Related      party
                                                                        Within 1
     No. 1                within the scope         87,260,433.13                                            52.31                            -
                          of consolidation

                                                                      Over 3 years
     No. 2                                         29,010,449.35                                            17.39              29,010,449.35

                          Related      party
                                                                        Within 1
     No. 3                within the scope         16,080,553.93                                             9.64                            -
                          of consolidation

                                                                      Over 3 years
     No. 4                                         11,840,500.00                                             7.10              11,840,500.00

                          Related      party
                                                                        Within 1
     No. 5                within the scope         11,445,506.42                                             6.86                            -
                          of consolidation

             Total              ——              155,637,442.83         ——                               93.30              40,850,949.35

14.3 Long-term Equity Investments

                                          31 December 2019                                                 31 December 2018

         Items                             Provision for           Carrying                                Provision for          Carrying
                        Book balance                                                Book balance
                                             impairment            amount                                  impairment             amount

                                                             ~ 248 ~
                        1,148,213,665.                        1,148,213,665       1,148,213,665                           1,148,213,665
    Subsidiaries                                      -                                                           -
                                   32                                   .32                  .32                                      .32

                        1,148,213,665.                        1,148,213,665       1,148,213,665                           1,148,213,665
           Total                                      -                                                           -
                                   32                                   .32                  .32                                      .32

(a) Investments in subsidiaries

                                            Increase             Decrease                           Provision for              for

                            31 December     during the           during the       31 December        impairment            impairment
                                2018        reporting            reporting            2019           during the               at 31

                                             period               period                           reporting period         December

     Bozhou Gujing
                            68,949,286.89                 -                   -   68,949,286.89                       -                 -
     Sales Co., Ltd.

     Anhui Longrui
                            85,267,453.06                 -                   -   85,267,453.06                       -                 -
     Glass Co., Ltd

     Shanghai Gujing

     Jinhao Hotel
                            49,906,854.63                 -                   -   49,906,854.63                       -                 -
     Management Co.,


     Bozhou Gujing
                               648,646.80                 -                   -      648,646.80                       -                 -
     Hotel Co., Ltd.

     Anhui Ruisiweier

     Technology Co.,        40,000,000.00                 -                   -   40,000,000.00                       -                 -


     Anhui Baiweilu
                            30,000,000.00                 -                   -   30,000,000.00                       -                 -
     Liquor Co., Ltd.

     Anhui Yuanqing

                            16,000,000.00                 -                   -   16,000,000.00                       -                 -
     Protection Co.,


     Anhui Gujing
                             5,000,000.00                 -                   -    5,000,000.00                       -                 -

                                                          ~ 249 ~

    Commerce Co.,


    Anhui Zhenrui

                           10,000,000.00              -                -   10,000,000.00               -               -
    Engineering Co.,


    Yellow Crane
                           816,000,000.0                                   816,000,000.0
    Tower Wine Co.,                                   -                -                               -               -
                                      0                                               0

    Anhui Jinyunnan

    Cultural Media         15,000,000.00              -                -   15,000,000.00               -               -

    Co., Ltd.

    Bozhou Gujing

    Waste Recycling         1,441,423.94              -                -    1,441,423.94               -               -

    Co., Ltd.



    Testing                10,000,000.00              -                -   10,000,000.00               -               -

    Technology Co.,


                           1,148,213,665                                   1,148,213,665
            Total                                     -                -                               -               -
                                     .32                                             .32

14.4 Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                               2019                                           2018
                                  Revenue             Costs of sales              Revenue            Costs of sales

    Principal activities        5,485,034,001.70      2,217,395,489.41         4,170,643,216.51      1,706,721,317.44

    Other activities               79,861,568.03          51,860,608.37           84,659,046.87            65,731,271.22

              Total             5,564,895,569.73      2,269,256,097.78         4,255,302,263.38      1,772,452,588.66

14.5 Investment Income

                                                      ~ 250 ~
                           Items                                      2019                             2018

    Investment income from long-term equity
                                                                        770,000,042.30                   838,858,228.79
    investments under cost method

    Gains on disposal of financial assets at fair
                                                                                        -                     1,238,951.28
    value through profit or loss

    Investment income from held-to-maturity
                                                                                        -                 75,591,043.12
    investments during the holding period

    Investment income from available-for-sale
                                                                                        -                 20,344,605.22
    financial assets during the holding period

    Gains on disposal of available-for-sale financial
                                                                                        -                 17,430,694.36

    Investment income from held-for-trading
                                                                         76,168,001.78                                   -
    financial assets during the holding period

                           Total                                        846,168,044.08                   953,463,522.77


15.1 Extraordinary Gains or Losses

                                   Items                                      2019              2018

    Gains /(losses) on disposal of non-current assets                        -7,615,741.56   -10,060,019.55

    Government grants recognised in current profit or loss
    (except government grants that is closely related to operations
                                                                             98,293,177.32   36,041,674.45
    and determined based on a fixed scale according to the
    national unified standard)

    Gains /(losses) arising from changes in fair value of
    held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets,

    held-for-trading financial liabilities and derivative financial
    liabilities during the holding period and investment income
                                                                         144,234,319.52      18,653,228.80
    arising from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets,
    derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial

    liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other debt
    investment except effective hedging transactions related to

                                                            ~ 251 ~
    the Company's principal activities

    Other non-operating income/expenses except for items
                                                                                57,215,092.96      32,375,890.89
    mentioned above

    Other extraordinary gains/(losses) defined                                              -                   -

    Total extraordinary gains/(losses)                                        292,126,848.24       77,010,774.59

    Less: tax effect                                                            71,418,613.38      18,150,068.72

    Less: net extraordinary gains/(losses) attributable to
                                                                                14,277,652.37       1,833,517.16
    non-controlling interest

    Net extraordinary gains/(losses) attributable to ordinary
                                                                              206,430,582.49       57,027,188.71

15.2 Return on Net Assets and Earnings Per Share (‘EPS’)

                                                             Weighted average                             EPS
             Profit for the reporting period                 return on net assets
                                                                                           Basic                Diluted

    Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                        25.55                  4.17                   4.17

    Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders
                                                                            23.03                  3.76                   3.76
    after extraordinary gains and losses

                                                             ~ 252 ~
               Part XIII Documents Available for Reference

(I) The financial statements carrying the signatures and stamps of the Company’s

legal representative, Chief Accountant and head of the accounting department;

(II) The original copy of the Independent Auditor's Report stamped by the CPA firm

as well as signed and stamped by the engagement certified public accountants;

(III) The originals of all the Company’s announcements and documents disclosed on

media designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission during the

Reporting Period; and

(IV) The annual report disclosed in other securities markets.

                               Chairman of the Board:

                                                           (Liang Jinhui)

                                   Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited

                                                24 April 2020

                                      ~ 253 ~