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						证券代码:000613   200613   证券简称:ST 东海 A    ST 东海 B   编号:2012-023

 Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

            Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2012

                       Disclosure date: 27 August 2012
       海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                     2012 年半年度报告摘要

                          Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2012
                                             I. Important Notes
The Board of Directors and its directors, Supervisory Committee and its supervisors, senior
executives of Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) hereby confirm that there are no false recordation, misleading statements or material
omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individually and/or jointly, for the
reality, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.
Financial report of this semi-annual repot has not been audited by CPA.
Li Yuanbin, person in charge of the Company, Chen Liurong, person in charge of accounting works
as well as person in charge of accounting institution (accounting officer) Li Zhi hereby confirm the
truthfulness and completeness of the Financial Report in the Semi-annual Report 2012.

                                  II. Basic Information of Company
(I) Company profile
                                                              Short form
Short form for A-share    ST Donghai-A                                    ST Donghai-B
                                                              for B-share
                                                              Code for
Code for A-share          000613                                          200613
Listing stock exchange    Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                      Secretary of the Board                        Rep. of security affairs
Name                                      Wang Hongjuan                                 Wang Hongjuan
Contact adds.             Dadonghai Sanya                                     Dadonghai Sanya
Tel.                      0898-88219921                                       0898-88219921
Fax.                      0898-88214998                                       0898-88214998
E-mail                    hnddh@21cn.com                                      hnddh@21cn.com
(II) Major financial data and indexes
1. Major accounting data and financial indexes
Whether retroactive adjusted on previous financial report or not
□Yes    √ No
                                                                                         Increase/decrease in this
                                        End of this report period    End of last period   period-end over that of
                                                                                               last year (%)
Total assets(RMB)                                114,291,655.26           118,036,774.80                   -3.17%
Owners’ equity attributable to
shareholders of the listed                        82,574,542.07            81,985,125.82                       0.72%
Share capital(Share)                             364,100,000.00           364,100,000.00                          0%
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholder of listed company                                 0.23                   0.23                         0%
(RMB/ Share)
Asset-liability ratio (%)                                27.75%                   30.54%                   -2.79%
                                                                                         Increase/decrease in this
                                         Reporting period (Jan.
                                                                Same period of last year       report period
                                                to June)
                                                                                             year-on-year (%)
Total business revenue(RMB)                       20,425,639.30          18,467,961.40                      10.6%

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                  2012 年半年度报告摘要

Business profit(RMB)                              628,949.74            -1,880,739.51                133.44%
Total profit(RMB)                             785,888.33           -1,635,132.91                     136.05%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company            589,416.25           -1,635,132.91                     136.05%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
                                              432,477.66           -1,880,739.51                        123%
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses(RMB)
Basic      earnings       per     share
                                                  0.0016                 -0.0045                     135.56%
Diluted      earnings      per    share
                                                  0.0016                 -0.0045                     135.56%
Weighted average ROE (%)                          0.72%                   -1.89%                        2.61%
Weighted average ROE after
deducting non-recurring gains/losses              0.53%                   -2.18%                        2.71%
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                             -284,159.33              445,270.62                     -163.82%
Net cash flow per share arising from
                                                 -0.0008                   0.0012                    -166.67%
operating activities (RMB/Share)
Explanation on previous major accounting data and financial indexes at period-end (filling the       adjustment
explanation if retroactive adjusted)

2. Items of non-recurring gains/losses
√Applicable □Non applicable
                                                                               Amount from year-begin
                     Items of non-recurring gains/losses                                                Note
                                                                                to period-end (RMB)
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                           3,920.00
Tax refund or exemption out of authorization, with absence of official
approval document or accidentally
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses(while closely
related with the normal business of the Company, excluding the fixed-amount
or fixed-proportion governmental subsidy according to the unified national
Fund occupation expenses received from non-financial enterprises that reckon
into current gains/losses
Income occurred when investment cost paid by enterprise for obtaining
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are lower than its share in fair
value of net realizable assets of invested units
Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assets
Gains and losses from entrusted investment or management assets
Various asset impairment reserve provided for force majeure, such as natural
Gains/losses from debt reorganization
Reorganization expenses, such as expenditure for allocation of employees and
integration fee
Gains and losses from excess of transaction which are conducted on a
non-fair-valued basis over its fair value
Current net gains and losses of subsidiaries occurred from combination under
the same control commencing from period-begin to combination date
Gains and losses from contingent events which has no relation with normal
business of the Company

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                           2012 年半年度报告摘要
Gains and losses from change of fair values of held-for-transaction financial
assets and financial liabilities except for the effective hedge business related
to normal business of the Company, and investment income from disposal of
transactional financial assets and liabilities and financial assets available for
Reversal of impairment reserve for account receivable with separate
impairment testing
gains/ losses from external entrustment loans
Gains and losses arising from change of fair value of investment properties
whose follow-up measurement are at fair value
Affect upon current gains/losses arising from the one-off adjustment in
subject to requirement of laws and rules in relation to taxation and accounting
Income from entrusted custody operation
Other non-operating income and expenditure except the abovementioned                               153,018.59
Other item that satisfied the definition of non-recurring gains and losses
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity
Impact on income tax
Total                                                                                              156,938.59     --
3. Difference of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report based on IAS and CAS
□ Applicable √ Non applicable

4. Difference of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report based on foreign
accounting standards and CAS
□ Applicable √Non applicable

                  III. Changes in Share Capital and Particular about Shareholders

(I) Changes in share capital
√Applicable □Non applicable
                                               Increase/Decrease in the Change (+,
                            Before the Changes                                                  After the Changes
                                               Newl nu
                                      Proporti y-     s                     Subtota                           Proporti
                            Amount                       -conver Others                          Amount
                                       on (%) issued sh                        l                              on (%)
                                              shares are
I. Restricted shares        17,308,000 4.75%                       -132,000                      17,176,000     4.72%
1. State-owned shares
2. State-owned legal
                              5,922,000    1.63%                                                  5,922,000     1.63%
person’s shares
3. Other domestic                                                                   -132,00
                             11,386,000    3.13%                        -132,000                 11,254,000     3.09%
shares                                                                                    0
Including: Domestic                                                                 -132,00
                             11,254,000    3.09%                        -132,000                 11,122,000     3.05%
  legal person’s shares                                                                  0
Domestic natural
                                132,000    0.04%                                                    132,000     0.04%
person’s shares
4. Foreign shares
Including:        Foreign
legal person’s shares

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                                    2012 年半年度报告摘要
Foreign          natural
person’s shares
5. Senior executives’
II. Unrestricted shares       346,792,000 95.25%                                  132,000                346,924,000 95.28%
1. RMB Ordinary                                                                               132,00
                              258,792,000 71.08%                                  132,000                258,924,000 71.11%
shares                                                                                             0
2. Domestically listed
                                88,000,000 24.17%                                                            88,000,000 24.17%
foreign shares
3. Overseas listed
foreign shares
4. Others
                            364,100,000.0                                                              364,100,000.0
III. Total shares                                  100%                                                                  100%
                                        0                                                                          0

(II) Statement of shares held by top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders with
unrestricted conditions/circulate shareholders
Statement of shares held by top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares
Total shareholders                                                                                                        29,593
Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                    Proportio                                      Shares pledged or frozen
                                                                                Amount of the
                                   Nature of          n of    Total amount of
  Shareholders (full name)                                                        restricted
                                  shareholders       shares     shares held                      Share status      Amount
                                                                                 shares held
                                                    held (%)
Haikou      Agriculture    & Domestic                                                          pledged
Industry       &        Trade non-state-owned         16.81%         61,190,270              0                       60,000,000
(Luoniushan) Co., Ltd.        legal person
Yangpu             Tongrong Domestic                                                               pledged
Investment     Management non-state-owned            3.47%           12,640,832                0                       12,600,000
Consultation Co., Ltd.      legal person
                             Domestic    natural
He Haichao                                           3.09%           11,264,307                0-                              0
Sanya Yongli Investment
                        non-state-owned               1.9%            6,930,000                0-                              0
Co., Ltd
                        legal person
CI     CITIC        Assets
                           non-state-owned           1.27%            4,620,000                0-                              0
Management Co., Ltd.
                           legal person
                             Domestic    natural
Cao Huili                                            1.14%            4,143,939                0-                              0
                             Domestic    natural
Liang Ruizhi                                         1.13%            4,127,545                0-                              0
Sanya          Zhongxing
                         non-state-owned                  1%          3,630,000       3,630,000 -                              0
Development Co., Ltd.
                         legal person
CITRINE             CAPITAL Foreign        legal
                                                      0.9%            3,265,200                0-                              0
LIMITED                     persons
China          Merchants     State-owned legal
                                                     0.76%            2,749,501                0-                              0
Securities (HK) Co., Ltd     person
Particulars about the shares held by the top ten unrestricted shareholders
                                                   Amount of unrestricted shares               Type/amount of shares
                                                                 held                  Type                  Amount
Haikou Agriculture & Industry & Trade                                  61,190,270 A-share                              61,190,270

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                       2012 年半年度报告摘要
(Luoniushan) Co., Ltd.
Yangpu Tongrong Investment         Management
                                                                 12,640,832 A-share                       12,640,832
Consultation Co., Ltd.
He HaiChao                                                       11,264,307 A-share                       11,264,307
Sanya Yongli Investment Co., Ltd                                  6,930,000 A-share                        6,930,000
CI CITIC Assets Management Co., Ltd.                              4,620,000 A-share                        4,620,000
Cao Huili                                                         4,143,939 A-share                        4,143,939
Liang Ruizhi                                                      4,127,545 A-share                        4,127,545
CITRINE CAPITAL LIMITED                                           3,265,200 B-share                        3,265,200
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Ltd.                         2,749,501 B-share                        2,749,501
Sanya Rural Commercial Union                                      2,310,000 A-share                        2,310,000
                                                The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship
Explanation on associated relationship
                                                or belongs to the consistent actor regulated by the Management
among the top ten shareholders or (and)
                                                Measure of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for
consistent action
                                                Listed Company among the other shareholders.
(III) Changes of controlling shareholders and actual controller
□applicable √Non-applicable

                           IV. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

(I) Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executive

                                          Amount Amount of                            Amount of
                             Shares held of shares     shares Shares held Including:     stock
                                  at     increase in decreased     at      restricted option held Reasons for
   Name           Title
                             period-begi     this      in this period-end shares held      at      changes
                              n(Share) period(Shar period       (Share)     (Share) period-end
                                              e)      (Share)                           (Share)
Li Yuanbin                              0            0             0            0        0           0-
Chen Rijin                              0            0             0            0        0           0-
               t Director
Guangzhon                               0            0             0            0        0           0-
          t Director
Feng Da’an                             0            0             0            0        0           0-
               t Director
Li Wei         Director                 0            0             0            0        0           0-
Liu Juntao Director                     0            0             0            0        0           0-
               Supervisor               0            0             0            0        0           0-
Li Zhi         Supervisor               0            0             0            0        0           0-
               Supervisor               0            0             0            0        0           0-
Chen           Deputy
                                        0            0             0            0        0           0-
Liurong        GM& CFO
Wang           Secretary                0            0             0            0        0           0-
Hongjuan       of the

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                       2012 年半年度报告摘要

汪             Board

                                    V. Report of the Board
(I)Statement of main business classified according to industries and products
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                   Main business classified according to industries
                                                                     Increase or                      Increase or
                                                                                        Increase or
                                                                     decrease of                      decrease of
                                                                                        decrease of
                                                                      operating                       gross profit
 According to          Operating                    Gross profit                      operating cost
                                   Operating cost                   revenue over                     ratio over the
  industries            revenue                      ratio (%)                         over the last
                                                                    the last same                      last same
                                                                                      same period of
                                                                    period of last                   period of last
                                                                                       last year (%)
                                                                      year (%)                          year (%)
Tourism diet
                  20,425,639.30      3,022,082.13             85.2%         10.6%           -10.94%          3.58%
                                Main business classified according to products
                                                                  Increase or                         Increase or
                                                                                        Increase or
                                                                  decrease of                         decrease of
                                                                                        decrease of
                                                                   operating                          gross profit
 According to      Operating                    Gross profit                          operating cost
                                Operating cost                   revenue over                        ratio over the
  products          revenue                       ratio (%)                            over the last
                                                                 the last same                         last same
                                                                                      same period of
                                                                period of last                       period of last
                                                                                       last year (%)
                                                                   year (%)                             year (%)
Guest room        15,662,395.50      5,168.33          99.97%             14.4%              -41.18%          0.03%
Food &
                 4,763,243.80 3,016,913.80             36.66%            -0.35%             -10.87%          7.47%
Explanation on major changes of gross profit over same period of last year

(II) Main business classified according to areas
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                            Increase/decrease in revenue from
                 Areas                           Operating revenue          operations over the same period of
                                                                                       last year (%)
Hainan Province                                               20,425,639.30                              10.6%
(III) Explanation on reasons of material changes in main operations and its structure
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(IV) Explanation on reasons of material changes in profitability (gross profit ratio) of main
operations compared with that of last year
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

(V) Analysis on reasons of material changes in profit structure compared with the previous
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

(VI) Application of the raised proceeds

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                     2012 年半年度报告摘要

1. Statement of application of the raised proceeds
□Applicable         √Non-applicable
2. Statement of changes on projects invested by raised funds
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

(VII) The modification of Board to the business plan for the second half of the year
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(VIII) Prediction of business performance from January – September 2012
Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report
period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding
period of the last year and explanation on reason
□Applicable            √Non-applicable

(IX) Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the report
period by the Board of Directors
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

(X) Explanation of the Management on changes and disposal of the issues involved in
“Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the last year by the Board of
√Applicable         □Non-applicable
During the reporting period, the Company vigorously expanded domestic and overseas tourism market by virtue
of the unique geographical benefits of the hotel, and further increased market share with more resources allocation
in marketing promotion. Meanwhile, the Company improved its repayment ability and its main financial operating
indicators through a series of operation management measure such as reducing costs and increasing financing
channels. The emphasized issues of the Company will be eliminated gradually.

                                            VI. Significant Event

(I) Assets acquisition, sales of assets and assets reorganization
1. Assets purchased or acquired
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on assets purchased
2. Assets sold
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on assets sold
3. Progress of the events and their influence on the Company’s operating results and financial
status in the report period after the Report on Assets Restructure or Public Notice on
Acquisition and Sales of Assets being published
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

(II) Guarantee
□Applicable             √Non-applicable

  (III) Non-operating current related credits and liabilities
Weather there is non-operating current related credits and liabilities
□ yes √ no

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                      2012 年半年度报告摘要

(IV) Material lawsuits and arbitrations
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(V) Other significant events and analysis of their influences and solution plan
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
1. Security investment
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on security investment

2. Equity of other listed company held by the Company
□Applicable           √Non-applicable
Explanation on equity of other listed company held by the Company

3. Fund occupation and progress of paying off
□Applicable           √Non-applicable
Till end of reporting period, accountability plan proposed by the Board for completed no
non-operational fund occupation from listed company
□Applicable           √Non-applicable

4. Implementation of commitments
The following events committed by related parties such as listed companies, directors, supervisors,
senior management, shareholders holding above 5% shares of the Company as well as actual
controllers in reporting period or extending to reporting period.
√ Applicable□ Non-applicable
           Commitments                       Accepter                 Contents               Implementation
                                                             Found in VI (II) of “X
                                      Company or                                        Part of them implemented
                                                             Significant Event” in
Share Merger Reform                   shareholders with over                            and part of them still not
                                                             full text of annual report
                                      5% shares held                                    completed
Commitments in report of
                                  Non-applicable               Non-applicable          Non-applicable
acquisition or equity change
Commitments in assets replacement Non-applicable               Non-applicable          Non-applicable
Commitments made in issuing      Non-applicable                Non-applicable          Non-applicable
Other commitments for medium and
                                 Non-applicable                Non-applicable          Non-applicable
small shareholders

5. Profit distribution of Board of Directors this time or preplan of capital reserve capitalizing
□Applicable           √Non-applicable

6. Items of other consolidated income
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                            Amount occurred in
                                                                Amount occurred in the
                           Items                                                            same period of last
                                                                   report period
1. Gains(losses) from financial assets available for sales
Less: Income tax influences from financial assets available
for sales
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current

        海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                         2012 年半年度报告摘要

2. Shares in the other consolidated income of the investee
calculated based on equity method
Less: Income tax influences of shares in the other
consolidated income of the investee calculated based on
equity method
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
3. Gains(losses) from cash flow hedge instrument
Less: Income tax influences from cash flow hedge
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
Adjusted amount transferred to initial confirmed amount of
the arbitraged items
4. Differences from translating foreign currency financial
Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business transferred
to current gains/losses
5. Others
Less: Income tax influences by others reckoned into other
consolidated income
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
Total                                                                       0.00                    0.00

(VI)Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in the report period
                                                                                   Content discussed and
         Date             Place            Way                 Type   Object
                                                                                    documents provided
           -                 -               -                  -       -                    -

                                          VII. Financial Report

(I) Auditing opinion
Audited the semi-annual report or not

□ Yes √No

(II) Financial statement
Whether consolidated statement or not:
□Yes√ No
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co.,Ltd.

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                              2012 年半年度报告摘要
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                  Items                   Note   Balance at period-end        Balance at period-begin
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                                 2,547,675.25                12,374,582.48
Settlement provisions
Capital lent
Transaction finance asset
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable                                            1,534,733.83                 1,174,352.45
Accounts paid in advance                                         196,959.03                   376,368.53
Insurance receivable
Reinsurance receivables
Contract reserve of reinsurance
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Other receivables                                                954,944.11                   467,419.30
Purchase restituted finance asset
Inventories                                                      287,841.29                   624,519.07
Non-current asset due within one
Other current assets                                             810,900.00                   810,900.00
Total current assets                                           6,333,053.51                15,828,141.83
Non-current assets:
Granted loans and advances
Finance asset available for sales
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term account receivable
Long-term equity investment                                    9,043,398.28
Investment real estate
Fixed assets                                                  68,348,929.00                71,010,730.88
Construction in progress
Engineering material
Disposal of fixed asset
Productive biological asset
Oil and gas asset
Intangible assets                                             29,391,935.58                29,826,299.16
Expense      on    Research         and
Long-term      expenses    to        be
                                                               1,174,338.89                 1,371,602.93
Deferred income tax asset
Other non-current asset

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                         2012 年半年度报告摘要

Total non-current asset                    107,958,601.75            102,208,632.97
Total assets                               114,291,655.26            118,036,774.80
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans
Loan from central bank
Absorbing deposit and interbank
Capital borrowed
Transaction financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable                             2,113,382.09              3,872,102.24
Accounts received in advance                 1,219,616.45              3,646,722.01
Selling    financial    asset  of
Commission         charge     and
commission payable
Wage payable                                 4,182,853.36              3,550,106.28
Taxes payable                               -1,308,246.93               -963,476.59
Interest payable
Dividend payable
Other accounts payable                      25,509,508.22             25,946,195.04
Reinsurance payables
Insurance contract reserve
Security trading of agency
Security sales of agency
Non-current liabilities due within
one year
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                   31,717,113.19             36,051,648.98
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans
Bonds payable
Long-term account payable
Special accounts payable
Projected liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                        0.00                       0.00
Total liabilities                           31,717,113.19             36,051,648.98
Owner’s equity (or shareholders’
Paid-up capital (or share capital)         364,100,000.00            364,100,000.00
Capital public reserve                      54,142,850.01             54,142,850.01
Less: Inventory shares

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                               2012 年半年度报告摘要

Reasonable reserve
Surplus public reserve
Provision of general risk
Retained profit                                          -335,668,307.94                  -336,257,724.19
Balance difference of foreign
currency translation
Total owner’s equity attributable to
                                                           82,574,542.07                    81,985,125.82
parent company
Minority interests
Total owner’s equity(or
                                                           82,574,542.07                    81,985,125.82
shareholders’ equity)
Total liabilities and owner’s
                                                          114,291,655.26                   118,036,774.80
equity(or shareholders’ equity)
Legal representative: Li Yuanbin
Person in charge of accounting works: Chen Liurong
Person in charge of accounting institution: Li Zhi

2. Balance Sheet of parent company
                                                                           Unit: RMB
                  Items                 Note   Balance at period-end          Balance at period-begin
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                              2,547,675.25                    12,374,582.48
Transaction finance asset
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable                                         1,534,733.83                      1,174,352.45
Accounts paid in advance                                      196,959.03                       376,368.53
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
  Other receivables                                           954,944.11                       467,419.30
  Inventories                                                 287,841.29                       624,519.07
Non-current asset due within one
Other current assets                                          810,900.00                       810,900.00
Total current assets                                        6,333,053.51                    15,828,141.83
Non-current assets:
Finance asset available for sales
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term account receivable
Long-term equity investment                                 9,043,398.28
Investment real estate
Fixed assets                                               68,348,929.00                    71,010,730.88
Construction in progress
Engineering material
Disposal of fixed asset
Productive biological asset
Oil and gas asset

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                              2012 年半年度报告摘要

Intangible assets                               29,391,935.58              29,826,299.16
Expense      on     Research        and
Long-term       expenses    to       be
                                                  1,174,338.89              1,371,602.93
Deferred income tax asset
Other non-current asset
Total non-current asset                        107,958,601.75             102,208,632.97
Total assets                                   114,291,655.26             118,036,774.80
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans
Transaction financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable                                  2,113,382.09              3,872,102.24
Accounts received in advance                      1,219,616.45              3,646,722.01
Wage payable                                      4,182,853.36              3,550,106.28
Taxes payable                                    -1,308,246.93               -963,476.59
Interest payable
Dividend payable
Other accounts payable                          25,509,508.22              25,946,195.04
Non-current liabilities due within 1
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                       31,717,113.19              36,051,648.98
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans
Bonds payable
Long-term account payable
Special accounts payable
Projected liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                            0.00                        0.00
Total liabilities                               31,717,113.19              36,051,648.98
Owner’s equity (or shareholders’
Paid-up capital (or share capital)             364,100,000.00             364,100,000.00
Capital public reserve                          54,142,850.01              54,142,850.01
Less: Inventory shares
Reasonable reserve
Surplus public reserve
Retained profit                                -335,668,307.94           -336,257,724.19
Balance difference of foreign

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                  2012 年半年度报告摘要
currency translation
Total owner’s equity(or shareholders’
                                                              82,574,542.07                    81,985,125.82
Total liabilities and owner’s equity(or
                                                             114,291,655.26                   118,036,774.80
shareholders’ equity)

3. Consolidated Profit Statement
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                       Items                        Note    Amount in this period    Amount in last period
I. Total operating income                                            20,425,639.30            18,467,961.40
Including: Operating income                                          20,425,639.30             18,467,961.40
Interest income
Insurance gained
Commission charge and commission income
II. Total operating cost                                             19,800,621.64             20,348,700.91
Including: Operating cost                                             3,022,082.13              3,393,494.71
Interest expense
Commission charge and commission expense
Cash surrender value
Net amount of expense of compensation
Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract
Bonus expense of guarantee slip
Reinsurance expense
Operating tax and extras                                              1,143,835.82              1,034,205.87
Sales expenses                                                        8,445,611.25              8,432,637.28
Administration expenses                                               7,031,751.32              7,291,271.27
Financial expenses                                                     157,341.12                 197,091.78
Losses of devaluation of asset
Add: Changing income of fair value(Loss is listed
with “-”)
Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)                             3,932.08
Including: Investment income on affiliated
company and joint venture
Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)
III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                      628,949.74              -1,880,739.51
Add: Non-operating income                                               158,112.05                245,606.60
Less: Non-operating expense                                               1,173.46
Including: Disposal loss of non-current asset
IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                           785,888.33              -1,635,132.91
Less: Income tax expense                                               196,472.08
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)                          589,416.25              -1,635,132.91
Including: net profit realized before
consolidation by mergered party
Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent
                                                                       589,416.25              -1,635,132.91

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                    2012 年半年度报告摘要

Minority shareholders’ gains and losses
VI. Earnings per share                                               --                          --
i. Basic earnings per share                                                  0.0016                       -0.0045
ii. Diluted earnings per share                                               0.0016                       -0.0045
VII. Other consolidated income
VIII. Total comprehensive income                                    589,416.25               -1,635,132.91
Total consolidated income attributable to owners
                                                                    589,416.25               -1,635,132.91
of parent company
Total consolidated income attributable to minority
The merger realized net profit RMB 0.00 before consolidation during enterprises consolidation under a same
Legal representative: Li Yuanbin
Person in charge of accounting works: Chen Liurong
Person in charge of accounting institution: Li Zhi

4. Profit Statement of parent company
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                         Items                      Note    Amount in this period      Amount in last period
I. Operating income                                                  20,425,639.30              18,467,961.40
     Less: operating cost                                             3,022,082.13                    3,393,494.71
Operating tax and extras                                              1,143,835.82                    1,034,205.87
Sales expenses                                                        8,445,611.25                    8,432,637.28
Administration expenses                                               7,031,751.32                    7,291,271.27
Financial expenses                                                        157,341.12                   197,091.78
Losses of devaluation of asset
Add: Changing income of fair value(Loss is listed
with “-”)
Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)                               3,932.08
Including: Investment income on affiliated
company and joint venture
II. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                          628,949.74              -1,880,739.51
Add: Non-operating income                                                 158,112.05                   245,606.60
Less: Non-operating expense                                                 1,173.46
Including: Disposal loss of non-current asset
III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                             785,888.33              -1,635,132.91
Less: Income tax expense                                                  196,472.08
IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)                            589,416.25              -1,635,132.91
V. Earnings per share                                                --                          --
i. Basic earnings per share                                                  0.0016                       -0.0045
ii. Diluted earnings per share                                               0.0016                       -0.0045
VI. Other consolidated income
VII. Total comprehensive income                                           589,416.25              -1,635,132.91

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                             Item                           Amount in this period      Amount in last period

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                           2012 年半年度报告摘要

I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
Cash received from selling commodities and providing
                                                              18,598,896.91             16,854,699.00
labor services
      Net increase of customer deposit and interbank
      Net increase of loan from central bank
Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial
Cash received from original insurance contract fee
     Net cash received from reinsurance business
     Net increase of insured savings and investment
     Net increase of disposal of transaction financial
Cash received from interest, commission charge and
      Net increase of capital borrowed
Net increase of returned business capital
Write-back of tax received
Other cash received concerning operating activities             408,740.79                 166,332.89
  Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities   19,007,637.70             17,021,031.89
Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving
                                                               8,041,224.53              5,661,336.69
labor service
Net increase of customer loans and advances
     Net increase of deposits in central bank and
Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation
     Cash paid for interest, commission charge and
     Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip
Cash paid to/for staff and workers                             5,830,106.47              5,067,486.89
Taxes paid                                                     2,303,874.32              1,645,763.83
Other cash paid concerning operating activities                3,116,591.71              4,201,173.86
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities    19,291,797.03             16,575,761.27
Net cash flows arising from operating activities                -284,159.33                445,270.62
II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
Cash received from recovering investment
Cash received from investment income
Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and
                                                                   3,920.00                   7,390.00
other long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and
other units
Other cash received concerning investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                  3,920.00                   7,390.00
Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other
                                                                546,667.90               1,279,210.00
long-term assets
Cash paid for investment                                       9,000,000.00
Net increase of mortgaged loans

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                        2012 年半年度报告摘要

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units
Other cash paid concerning investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                          9,546,667.90              1,279,210.00
Net cash flows arising from investing activities                           -9,542,747.90              -1,271,820.00
III. Cash flows arising from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from absorbing minority
shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries
Cash received from loans
Cash received from issuing bonds
Other cash received concerning financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                   0.00                       0.00
Cash paid for settling debts
Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest
Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder
paid by subsidiaries
Other cash paid concerning financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                                  0.00                 44,000.00
Net cash flows arising from financing activities                                    0.00                 -44,000.00
IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to
fluctuation in exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                               -9,826,907.23               -870,549.38
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period
                                                                          12,374,582.48               3,104,278.19
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period
                                                                            2,547,675.25              2,233,728.81

6. Cash Flow Statement of parent company
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                          Item                                   Amount in this period     Amount in last period
I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
Cash received from selling commodities and providing
                                                                          18,598,896.91              16,854,699.00
labor services
Write-back of tax received
Other cash received concerning operating activities                          408,740.79                 166,332.89
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities                 19,007,637.70              17,021,031.89
Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving
                                                                            8,041,224.53              5,661,336.69
labor service
Cash paid to/for staff and workers                                          5,830,106.47              5,067,486.89
Taxes paid                                                                  2,303,874.32              1,645,763.83
Other cash paid concerning operating activities                             3,116,591.71              4,201,173.86
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities                19,291,797.03              16,575,761.27
Net cash flows arising from operating activities                             -284,159.33                445,270.62
II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
Cash received from recovering investment
Cash received from investment income

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                                   2012 年半年度报告摘要
Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and
                                                                                          3,920.00                         7,390.00
other long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and
other units
Other cash received concerning investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                                         3,920.00                         7,390.00
Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other
                                                                                       546,667.90                     1,279,210.00
long-term assets
Cash paid for investment                                                             9,000,000.00
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units
Other cash paid concerning investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                                   9,546,667.90                     1,279,210.00
Net cash flows arising from investing activities                                    -9,542,747.90                    -1,271,820.00
III. Cash flows arising from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Cash received from loans
     Cash received from issuing bonds
Other cash received concerning financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                              0.00                             0.00
Cash paid for settling debts
Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest
Other cash paid concerning financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                                             0.00                       44,000.00
Net cash flows arising from financing activities                                               0.00                      -44,000.00
IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to
fluctuation in exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                        -9,826,907.23                      -870,549.38
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period
                                                                                    12,374,582.48                     3,104,278.19
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period
                                                                                     2,547,675.25                     2,233,728.81

7. Consolidated Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity
Amount in this period
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                      Amount in this period
                                             Owners' equity attributable to the parent company                     Min
                                                                          Paid                                      ’s
                                                                           -up                                     equit Total owners’
                                                                  Less:                 Less:                 pi
             Items                                                        capit   Capi                               y       equity
                                                                  Treas                 Treas                 ta
                                 Paid-up capital     Capital                al     tal        Paid-up capital      Less     Paid-up
                                                                   ury                   ury                   l
                                 (Share capital)    reserves              (Sha    reser       (Share capital)         : capital (Share
                                                                  Stoc                  Stoc                  re
                                                                            re     ves                             Trea     capital)
                                                                    k                     k                   se
                                                                          capit                                    sury
                                                                           al)                                     Stoc
I. Balance at the end of last year 364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                              -336,257,724.19             81,985,125.82
Add: Changes of accounting

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                                      2012 年半年度报告摘要

Error correction of the last period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                   364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                                   -336,257,724.19                81,985,125.82
this year
III. Increase/ Decrease in this
                                                                                                      589,416.25                   589,416.25
year (Decrease is listed with'"-")
(i) Net profit                                                                                        589,416.25                   589,416.25
(ii) Other consolidated income
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)                                                                               589,416.25                   589,416.25
(III) Owners' devoted and
                                                    0              0       0      0     0     0                0 0           0              0
decreased capital
1. Owners' devoted capital
2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in shares
3. Others
(IV)Profit distribution                             0              0       0      0     0     0                0 0           0              0
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2. Withdrawal of general risk
3. Distribution for owners
4. Others
(V) Carrying forward internal
                                                    0              0       0      0     0     0                0 0           0              0
owners' equity
1. Capital reserves conversed to
capital (share capital)
2. Surplus reserves conversed to
capital (share capital)
3. Remedying loss with surplus
4. Others
(VI) Reasonable reserve
1.    Withdrawal in this period
2.    Usage in this period
(VII) Other
IV. Balance at the end of the
                                      364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                                -335,668,307.94                82,574,542.07
report period

Amount in last period
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                           Amount in last period
                                                  Owners' equity attributable to the parent company                       Min
                                                                               Paid                                  C     ’s
                                                                                -up                                 ap    equit Total owners’
                                                                       Less:               Less:
                                                                               capit Capit                          ita     y       equity
              Items                                                    Trea                Treas
                                      Paid-up capital    Capital                 al   al         Paid-up capital     l    Less     Paid-up
                                                                       sury                 ury
                                      (Share capital)   reserves               (Sha reser        (Share capital)    re       : capital (Share
                                                                       Stoc                Stoc
                                                                                 re ves                             se    Trea     capital)
                                                                        k                    k
                                                                               capit                                rv    sury
                                                                                al)                                 es    Stoc
I. Balance at the end of last year 364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                                   -330,976,495.69               87,266,354.32
Add: retroactive adjustment
arising from enterprise
consolidation under the same
Add: Changes of accounting

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                               2012 年半年度报告摘要
Error correction of the last period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                   364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                            -330,976,495.69             87,266,354.32
this year
III. Increase/ Decrease in this
                                                                                             -5,281,228.50              -5,281,228.50
year (Decrease is listed with'"-")
(i) Net profit                                                                               -5,281,228.50              -5,281,228.50
(ii) Other consolidated income
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)                                                                      -5,281,228.50              -5,281,228.50
(III) Owners' devoted and
                                                  0             0     0    0     0     0                0 0        0                0
decreased capital
1. Owners' devoted capital
2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in shares
3. Others
(IV)Profit distribution                           0             0     0    0     0     0                0 0        0                0
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2. Withdrawal of general risk
3. Distribution for owners
4. Others
(V) Carrying forward internal
                                                  0             0     0    0     0     0                0 0        0                0
owners' equity
1. Capital reserves conversed to
capital (share capital)
2. Surplus reserves conversed to
capital (share capital)
3. Remedying loss with surplus
4. Others
(VI) Reasonable reserve
1.Withdrawal in this period
2.Usage in this period
(VII) Other
IV. Balance at the end of the
                                      364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                         -336,257,724.19             81,985,125.82
report period

8. Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity of Parent Company
Amount in this period
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                           Amount in this period
                                                                         Less: Rea         Gen
                                                                         Trea sona          eral
                   Item                     Paid-up capital    Capital               us                                Total owners’
                                                                         sury ble           risk Retained profit
                                            (Share capital)   reserves             reser                                  equity
                                                                         Stoc rese         reser
                                                                          k rve              ve
I. Balance at the end of last year          364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                         -336,257,724.19        81,985,125.82
Add: Changes of accounting policy
Error correction of the last period
II. Balance at the beginning of this year 364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                           -336,257,724.19        81,985,125.82
III. Increase/ Decrease in this year
                                                                                                      589,416.25           589,416.25
(Decrease is listed with'"-")
(i) Net profit                                                                                        589,416.25           589,416.25

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                               2012 年半年度报告摘要

(ii) Other consolidated income
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)                                                                              589,416.25        589,416.25
(III) Owners' devoted and decreased
1. Owners' devoted capital
2. Amount calculated into owners' equity
paid in shares
3. Others
(IV) Profit distribution
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2.    Withdrawal of general risk reserve
3. Distribution for owners (shareholders)
4. Others
(V) Carrying forward internal owners'
1. Capital reserves conversed to capital
(share capital)
2. Surplus reserves conversed to capital
(share capital)
3. Remedying loss with           surplus
4. Others
(VI) Reasonable reserve
1.    Withdrawal in this period
2.    Usage in this period
(VII) Other
IV. Balance at the end of the report
                                            364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                         -335,668,307.94    82,574,542.07

Amount in last year
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                            Amount in last year
                                                                              Rea         Gene
                                                                           :       Surpl
                                                                              sona          ral
                   Item                     Paid-up capital   Capital    Trea        us                            Total owners’
                                                                               ble         risk Retained profit
                                            (Share capital)  reserves    sury      reser                              equity
                                                                              rese        reser
                                                                         Stoc       ves
                                                                               rve          ve
I. Balance at the end of last year          364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                        -330,976,495.69     87,266,354.32
Add: Changes of accounting policy
Error correction of the last period
II. Balance at the beginning of this year 364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                           -330,976,495.69    87,266,354.32
III. Increase/ Decrease in this year
                                                                                                   -5,281,228.50    -5,281,228.50
(Decrease is listed with'"-")
(i) Net profit                                                                                     -5,281,228.50    -5,281,228.50
(ii) Other consolidated income
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)                                                                            -5,281,228.50    -5,281,228.50
(III) Owners' devoted and decreased
                                                         0              0    0    0     0    0                0                     0
1. Owners' devoted capital
2. Amount calculated into owners' equity
paid in shares
3. Others

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                         2012 年半年度报告摘要

(IV) Profit distribution                                0             0    0   0   0   0                0               0
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
3.    Withdrawal of general risk reserve
3. Distribution for owners (shareholders)
4. Others
(V) Carrying forward internal owners'
                                                        0             0    0   0   0   0                0               0
1. Capital reserves conversed to capital
(share capital)
2. Surplus reserves conversed to capital
(share capital)
3. Remedying loss with           surplus
4. Others
(VI) Reasonable reserve
1. Withdrawal in this period
2. Usage in this period
(VII) Other
IV. Balance at the end of the report
                                            364,100,000.00 54,142,850.01                   -336,257,724.19   81,985,125.82
(III) Notes to financial statement

1. Changes of main accounting policy and accounting estimation as well as accounting errors
modification and figures
(1) Changes of accounting policy
Is there any change on accounting policy in reporting period?

□ Yes √ No

(2) Changes of accounting estimation
Is there any change on main accounting estimation in reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
(3) Accounting errors modification
Is there has previous accounting errors modified in reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

2. Reasons of consolidation range changed in aspect of consolidation statement

3. If Non-standard Unqualified Opinion is supplied, list the related notes to the matters

                                                         Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      27 August 2012
