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						    海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                   2017 年年度报告摘要

Stock Code: 000613, 200613           Short Form of the Stock: *ST Donghai-A, *ST Donghai-B
No: 2018-009

       Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre                 (Holdings)     Co., Ltd.

Summary of Annual Report 2017

                         Disclosure Date: 1 February 2018

        海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                              2017 年年度报告摘要

        Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd.
                 Summary of Annual Report 2017
I. Important Notice

The summary is abstract from full-text of annual report, for more details of operating results, financial condition and future
development plan of the Company; investors should found in the full-text of annual report that published on media appointed by
Objection statement of directors, supervisors and senior executives
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
.Prompt of non-standard audit opinion
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
Profit distribution pre-plan of common stock or capitalizing of common reserves pre-plan deliberated by the Board in the reporting
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from capital reserve.
Profit distribution pre-plan of preferred stock deliberated and approved by the Board in the reporting period
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

II. Basic information of the company

1. Company profile

 Short form of the stock                *ST Donghai-A ,
                                                                      Stock code                   000613, 200613
                                        *ST Donghai-B
 Stock exchange for listing             Shenzhen Stock Exchange
          Person/Way to contact                   Secretary of the Board                       Rep. of security affairs
 Name                                   Wang Hongjuan
 Office add.                            Dadonghai Sanya
 Fax.                                   0898-88214998
 Tel.                                   0898-88219921
 E-mail                                 hnddhhn@21cn.com

2. Main business or product introduction in the reporting period

The Company's main business is hotel accommodation and catering services. Procurement of goods is mainly the
goods and materials necessary for hotel and catering operations by taking the principle of low price and fine
quality, some goods are purchased by directly signing purchase contracts with suppliers, and some good are
purchased by procurement agents. The operation are mainly including the network billing and overseas travel
agency team, and supplemented by the individual travelers of non-internet marketing and business and the tourists
from travel agencies. The hotel is located at the central zone of Dadonghai scenic spot in Sanya City, Hainan
Province, and it has become a member of the nationwide famous hotels because of the convenient transportation,
beautiful environment, long history, and rich culture. However, in recent years, the local high-, middle- and
low-grade hotels or guesthouses numerously emerge, resulting in the supply much larger than the market demand,

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                                            2017 年年度报告摘要
the industry competition is rather fierce, and the pressure of decline in business remains.

3. Main accounting data and financial indexes

(1) Main accounting data and financial indexes for recently three years

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data
□Yes √ No
                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                              2017                          2016               Changes over last year           2015
 Operating income                            27,906,564.23                 21,708,883.51                       28.55%         15,885,922.90
 Net    profit   attributable to
 shareholders    of the listed                2,858,998.66                 -2,661,052.49                      207.44%         -7,477,866.40
 Net    profit    attributable   to
 shareholders of the listed
                                                   779,389.74              -4,072,689.97                      119.14%         -9,474,005.29
 company       after      deducting
 non-recurring gains and losses
 Net cash flow arising from
                                              5,127,288.47                  2,766,372.02                       85.34%         -1,745,526.28
 operating activities
 Basic earnings per share
                                                      0.0079                       -0.0073                    208.22%               -0.0205
 Diluted earnings per share
                                                      0.0079                       -0.0073                    208.22%               -0.0205
 Weighted average ROE                                  3.78%                       -3.52%                     207.39%               -9.27%
                                                                                                Changes over end of
                                          End of 2017                  End of 2016                                           End of 2015
                                                                                                     last year
 Total assets                                87,466,661.80                105,444,153.63                      -17.05%        104,887,596.60
 Net assets attributable to
                                             77,135,414.10                 74,276,415.44                        3.85%         76,937,467.93
 shareholder of listed company

(2) Quarterly main financial index

                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                   First quarter      Second quarter        Third quarter
 Operating income                                                   9,383,454.29         5,712,819.13        5,239,573.04      7,570,717.77
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
                                                                    2,410,257.23         -691,003.43         -1,478,166.83     2,617,911.69
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
                                                                    2,410,257.23         -691,003.43         -1,478,166.83      538,302.77
 company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses
 Net cash flow arising from operating activities                    2,609,325.33             621,747.77       -917,735.98      2,813,951.35
Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial index or its total number and the relevant financial
index disclosed in the company’s quarterly report and semi-annual report
□Yes √ No

4. Shares and shareholders

(1) Particulars about common stock shareholders, preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and
top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                                       In Share
 Total common        21,624   Total common stock            21,6      Total preference              0     Total preference                 0

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                                    2017 年年度报告摘要
 stock                        shareholders at end of        24    shareholders with               shareholders with voting
 shareholders in              last month before                   voting rights                   rights recovered at end of
 reporting                    annual report disclosed             recovered at end of             last month before annual
 period-end                                                       reporting period                report disclosed

                                                        Top ten shareholders

                                                                 Proporti                                          Number of shares
                                                                                                  Amount of
                                               Nature of           on of          Amount of                          pledged/frozen
         Full name of Shareholders                                                                restricted
                                              shareholder         shares          shares held                        State of   Amo
                                                                                                 shares held
                                                                   held                                               share     unt

                                           Domestic non
 Luoniushan Co., Ltd.                      state-owned            17.55%            63,885,980                 0

                                           Domestic nature
 Pan Guoping                                                          8.48%         30,879,791                 0

 HGNH International Asset
 Management Co., Ltd – customer                                      2.29%          8,327,502                 0

 First Shanghai Securities Limited                                    2.28%          8,297,473                 0

                                           Domestic non
Hainan Ya’an Residence Property
                                           state-owned                2.25%          8,205,800                 0
Service Co., Ltd.

                                           Domestic nature
 Jiang Shuntou                                                        1.80%          6,570,600                 0

                                           Domestic nature
 Hu Jianguo                                                           1.71%          6,227,640                 0

                                           Domestic non
 Wan Hua Tianzhi Investment and
                                           state-owned                1.45%          5,277,400                 0
 Development Co., Ltd.

 China Investment Securities (HK) Co.,     Foreign
                                                                      1.30%          4,722,300                 0
 Ld. – customer deposit                   corporate

                                           Domestic nature
 Zhang Fengxiu                                                        1.07%          3,901,372                 0

                                                                 Among the above shareholders, Hainan Ya’an Residence Property
                                                                 Service Co., Ltd. is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Luoniushan
                                                                 Co., Ltd. The Company is unknown whether there exists
 Explanation on associated relationship among the aforesaid
                                                                 associated relationship or belongs to the consistent actor regulated
                                                                 by the Management Measure of Information Disclosure on
                                                                 Change of Shareholding for Listed Company among the other

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                         2017 年年度报告摘要
 Explanation on shareholders involving margin business         N/A

(2) Total preferred stock shareholders of the Company and shares held by top ten shareholders with
preferred stock held

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no shareholders with preferred stock held in the reporting.

(3) Property right and controlling relationships between the actual controllers of the Company and the
Company is as follows:

5. Corporate bonds

Whether or not the Company public offering corporation bonds in stock exchange, which undue or without payment in full at
maturity on the approval date for annual report disclosed

     海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                         2017 年年度报告摘要
III. Discussion and analysis of operation

1. Introduction of operation in the reporting period

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry

During the reporting period, the company realized main business income of 27,906,600 Yuan, increased by
6,197,700 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an increase of 28.55%; investment income of 805,800
Yuan, decreased by 585,100 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an decrease of 42.70%; operating
profit of 1,585,200 Yuan, increased by 4,267,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an increase of
159.11%; net non-operating income of 1,273,800 Yuan, increased by 1,253,100 Yuan compared with the same
period last year, an increase of 6053.62%; net profit of 2,859,000 Yuan, increased by 5,520,100 Yuan compared
with the same period last year, an increase of 207.44%.

During the reporting period, the Company focus on market-oriented and use marketing strategy in a flexible way
to exploited the sales channel, meanwhile, strengthening enterprise culture construction as well as the employee
team-building, making efforts to improve product’s quality, strictly controlling the cost management, perfect the
Company’s internal control system in order to reduce the risks and consumptions for more income earns and less
expenditure costs, we completed the operation targets that formulated at beginning of the year basically. Main
works are as:

1. Market-oriented, use marketing strategy in a flexible way to exploit the sales channel
During the reporting period, the Company actively expanded the network market, the Russian market and the
southwest, north, east and southern China markets in addition to further consolidating its existing customer bases
oriented by markets with flexible utilization of marketing strategies. Besides, increasing cooperation was made
by the Company with domestic and foreign well-known travel agencies, sales network platforms and direct-sale
travel agencies in the first and second tier cities. The Company also conducted implementation of sales
incentives and sales mechanism involving every staff, to increase the market share in terms of sales. During the
reporting period, the revenue of the Company from overseas sales, network sales, meeting teams and individual
visitors from travel agencies     increased significantly over the same period of last year. The revenue from its
major operating business was RMB27.9066 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 28.55% as compared
to the revenue of RMB6.1977 million of previous year.

2. People-oriented, strengthen the enterprise with high-quality, strive to improve product quality and enhance the
competitive-ness of enterprises

In reporting period, in line with the Human-Oriented employment ideality, we continuously enriched the culture
life for employees, create a harmonious working environment and strengthen the construction of enterprise culture
and staff-building. At the same time, create new management mechanism, motivate and mobilized the enthusiasm,
initiative and creativity of the staff. Based on the management ideal of “strengthen the enterprise with
high-quality”, we constantly strengthen the hotel management and carried out skill training in pre-job for their

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                           2017 年年度报告摘要
basic information and the after-job for business ability improvement. Enhance the service standards and
consciousness, as well as the sense of responsibility and quality, effectively improved the service quality and
management standards, and improving the quality of the hotel and comprehensive competitiveness.

3. Strictly curb the costs and budget management, improve internal control mechanism, reducing risks and
consumptions, increase revenue and reduce expenditures, safety in production to maximize the interest of the
During the reporting period, the Company continued to focus on financial management, improve the procurement
management system, strengthen management of procurement cost control and budget management, adopt
diversified means to obtain procurement price inquiry, such as network price inquiry, the hotel industry price
inquiry and other measures, obtain cost inquiry from over three suppliers to select the best one, control operating
costs in a scientific manner, strictly control various expense and expenditures, frequent inspection and repair to
prevent waste of resources, which enabled the Company to effectively improve the reasonableness of procurement
cost and cost effectiveness. Besides, human resources cost was effectively brought down due to optimized organ
establishment and personnel distribution. At the same time, the Company continued to improve the internal control
system, strengthen regulation and implementation of internal control system, strengthen the effective
implementation of internal control work, reduce risks and consumption, increase revenue and control expenditures,
emphasize production safety and improve operational efficiency, to ensure the operation safety and thus maximize
the interests of the Company as a whole.

In 2018, the Company continue to consolidate and expand sales channels, improve the hotel’s quality and service
standards, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness, to laying out a solid foundation for sustained, stable
and healthy development of the Company.

2. Whether the main business had major change in the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

3. About the industries, products, or regions accounting for over 10% of the company’s operating income
or operating profit

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                      Increase/decrea   Increase/decrea
                       Operating                       Gross profit                                         se of gross
      Name                            Operating cost                  se of operating   se of operating
                        revenue                           ratio                                             profit ratio
                                                                       revenue y-o-y       cost y-o-y
 Room revenue        21,103,123.09      7,535,564.46         58.50%          24.77%           104.77%            18.46%
 entertainment         3,588,469.77        96,720.11         46.86%          62.83%           122.44%             -3.60%
 Room revenue          3,214,971.37     2,575,164.32         85.24%          24.08%            38.59%              8.98%

4. Whether the characteristics of management seasonal or cyclical need special attention

□ Yes √ No

      海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司                                                                   2017 年年度报告摘要
5. In the reporting period, note of major changes in operating income, operating cost, total net profit
attributable to common stock shareholders of listed company or composing the previous reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

6. Particular about suspended and delisting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

7. Relevant items involving financial report

(1) Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation method
compared with the financial report of last year

√Applicable □Not applicable

1. Change of accounting policy
According to the Notice from the Ministry of Finance on Issuing and Amending the "Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 16 -
Government Subsidy” (CK[2017]15), any enterprise applying Enterprise Accounting Standards is required to implement the notice
since 12 June 2017, and future applicable method shall be adopted with respect to the government subsidies existed on 1 January
2017. Any enterprise applying Enterprise Accounting Standards is required to implement the "Enterprise Accounting Standards No.
42 - Non-current Assets Held for Sale, Disposal Group and Discontinuing Operation” issued in 2017 since 28 May 2017, and future
applicable method shall be adopted with respect to the non-current assets held for sale, disposal group and discontinuing operation
existed as of the date of implementation. On 25 December 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued the Notice on Amending the
General Formatting of Enterprise Financial Statement (CK[2017]30) to make amendment to the general formatting of financial
statements, which was applicable to the financial statements prepared for 2017 and other future accounting periods.

The above changes in accounting policies have no effect on the amount reported in the financial statements of the

2. Change of accounting estimates
Major accounting estimates have no changes in the reporting period.

 (2) Major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the period.

(3) Compare with last year’s financial report; explain changes in consolidation statement’s scope

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No changes in consolidation statement’s scope for the Company in the period.

                                                                                Board of Directors of
                                               HAINAN DADONGHAI TOURISM CENTER (HOLDINGS) CO., LTD.
                                                                  30 January 2018
