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                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.


    Semi-annual Report 2024

               August 2024

                          Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

           Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions

     The Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, as well as directors,
supervisors and senior executives of the Company guarantee that the contents of
the semi-annual report are authentic, accurate and complete, there is no false
record, misleading statement or major omission, and shall bear individual and
joint legal responsibilities.

     Wu Bilei, the person in charge of the Company, Ji Yizhi, the person in charge
of accounting, and Si Yuzhuo, the person in charge of the accounting organization
(chief accountant), declare that they guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and
completeness of the financial report in this semi-annual report.
     Except for the following directors, others attended the board meeting to
review the semi-annual report in person

       Names of             Positions of
                                                Reasons for not         Name of the
    Directors not          Directors not
                                              Present in Person            Trustee
  Present in Person     Present in Person
      Wang Hao                  Director             Work                 Li Sheng

    This semi-annual report involves prospective statements such as future plans,

and does not constitute a substantial commitment of the Company to investors.

Investors and relevant individuals should maintain sufficient risk awareness and

understand the differences between plans, forecasts, and commitments.

    The Company has described in detail the possible risks and countermeasures

for its future development in the section of Management Discussion and Analysis.

                         Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Investors are kindly requested to pay attention to relevant contents. China

Securities Journal, Securities Times and CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn)

are the information disclosure media selected by the Company. All information

of the Company is subject to that published in the above selected media. Investors

are kindly requested to pay attention to investment risks.

    The Company does not plan to pay cash dividends or bonus shares, or convert
reserves into share capital.

                                        Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                Table of Contents
Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions ..........................................................2

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indicators ...............................................8

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ............................................................ 12

Section IV Corporate Governance ....................................................................................... 35

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities ..................................................... 39

Section VI Important Matters ............................................................................................... 54

Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders ............................................................. 63

Section VIII Preferred Shares ............................................................................................... 77

Section IX Bonds .................................................................................................................... 78

Section X Financial Report ................................................................................................... 79

                         Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                  List of Documents for Future Reference

(I) Financial statements were signed and sealed by the person in charge of the Company,

the person in charge of accounting and the person in charge of the accounting

organization (chief accountant).

(II) Originals of all company documents and announcements publicly disclosed on the

website designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission in the reporting period.

                           Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

             Item                Refers to                     Definition

Company, the Company, FAW
                                 Refers to   FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD

Jiefang Limited                  Refers to   FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd.

FAW, FAW Group                   Refers to   CHINA FAW GROUP CO., LTD.

FAW                              Refers to   China FAW Group Corporation Limited

FAW Car                          Refers to   FAW Car Co., Ltd.

FAW Bestune                      Refers to   FAW Besturn Automotive Co., Ltd.

Finance company                  Refers to   First Automobile Finance Co., Ltd.

                                             Board of Directors of FAW JIEFANG GROUP
Board of Directors               Refers to
                                             CO., LTD.

                                             Shareholders’ Meeting of FAW JIEFANG
Shareholders’ meeting           Refers to
                                             GROUP CO., LTD.

                                             Board of Supervisors of FAW JIEFANG
Board of Supervisors             Refers to
                                             GROUP CO., LTD.

                                             Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of
Ministry of Finance              Refers to

CSRC                             Refers to   China Securities Regulatory Commission

SZSE                             Refers to   Shenzhen Stock Exchange

China Securities Depository
                                             Shenzhen Branch, China Securities Depository
and Clearing Corporation         Refers to
                                             and Clearing Corporation Limited
Limited (CSDC)

                                             Company Law of the People’s Republic of
Company Law                      Refers to

Articles of Association          Refers to   Articles of Association of FAW JIEFANG

                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                         GROUP CO., LTD.

Reporting Period             Refers to   January 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024

CNY, CNY 10 thousand, CNY
                             Refers to   CNY, CNY 10 thousand, CNY 100 million
100 million

                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

         Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indicators

I. Company Profile

  Stock abbreviation         FAW Jiefang              Stock code                000800
  Stock exchanges on
                          Shenzhen Stock Exchange
  which shares are listed
  Chinese name of the
                             FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD
  Chinese abbreviation
                             FAW Jiefang
  of the Company
  English name of the
                             FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD
  English abbreviation
                             FAW Jiefang
  of the Company
  Legal representative
                             Wu Bilei
  of the Company

II. Contact Person and Contact Information

                         Secretary of the Board of Directors       Securities Affairs Representative
  Name                 Wang Jianxun                            Yang Yuxin
                       No. 2259, Dongfeng Street,              No. 2259, Dongfeng Street,
  Address              Changchun Automobile                    Changchun Automobile Development
                       Development Zone, Jilin Province        Zone, Jilin Province
  Tel.                 0431-80918881 0431-80918882             0431-80918881 0431-80918882
  Fax                  0431-80918883                           0431-80918883
  E-mail               faw0800@fawjiefang.com.cn               faw0800@fawjiefang.com.cn

III. Other Information

1. Company Contact Information

Whether the registered address, office address and postal code, website and e-mail address of the
Company have changed in the reporting period

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

□Applicable Not applicable

The registered address, office address and postal code, website and e-mail address of the Company
have not changed in the reporting period, please refer to the Annual Report 2023 for details.

2. Information Disclosure and Preparation Location

Whether the information disclosure and preparation location have changed in the reporting period

□Applicable Not applicable

There is no change in the name and website of the stock exchange and media where the Company
discloses its semi-annual report, as well as the preparation location of the Company’s semi-annual
report during the reporting period. For details, please refer to the 2023 Annual Report.

3. Other Relevant Data

Whether other relevant data has changed in the reporting period
□Applicable Not applicable

IV. Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company needs to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years
□Yes No

                                                                                    Increase/Decrease in
                                                                                      This Reporting
                                                           Same Period of Last
                                 This reporting period                                Period over the
                                                                                    Same Period of Last
  Operating income (CNY)            35,602,292,639.46         33,014,661,914.13                   7.84%
  Net profit attributable to
  shareholders of the listed           478,251,870.50             401,336,302.35                19.16%
  company (CNY)
  Net profit attributable to
  shareholders of the listed
  company after deducting              283,875,823.95             151,966,331.79                86.80%
  non-recurring profits and
  losses (CNY)
  Net cash flows from
                                      4,240,930,055.62         6,714,159,377.47                 -36.84%
  operating activities (CNY)

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Basic earnings per Share
                                                 0.1034                    0.0872                     18.58%
  Diluted earnings per Share
                                                 0.1034                    0.0872                     18.58%
  Weighted average return
                                                 1.93%                     1.68%      Increased by 0.25%
  on equity
                                                                                     Increase/Decrease at
                                                                                        the End of This
                                   At the End of This        At the End of Last
                                                                                       Reporting Period
                                   Reporting Period                 Year
                                                                                     over the End of Last
  Total assets (CNY)                 80,031,759,450.56         65,873,387,927.31                      21.49%
  Net assets attributable to
  shareholders of the listed         24,268,153,399.20         24,486,759,369.40                      -0.89%
  company (CNY)

V. Differences in Accounting Data under Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed simultaneously
according to the international accounting standards and China accounting standards

□Applicable Not applicable
In the reporting period of the Company, there is no difference in net profits and net assets in the
financial report disclosed according to the international accounting standards and China accounting

2. Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed simultaneously
according to foreign accounting standards and China accounting standards

□Applicable Not applicable
In the reporting period of the Company, there is no difference in net profits and net assets in the
financial report disclosed according to foreign accounting standards and China accounting

VI. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit and Loss

Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                            Unit: CNY

                        Item                               Amount                    Description

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Profits or losses on disposal of non-current
                                                                             It refers to the net gain on
  assets (including the write-off part of the                   746,088.82
                                                                             disposal of non-current assets.
  provision for impairment of assets made)
  Government subsidies included in the current
  profit or loss (except those closely related to
  the Company’s normal operations, conforming
  to the State policies and regulations and              209,501,338.40
  enjoyed in line with the specified standards,
  and having a continuous impact on the profit or
  loss of the Company)
                                                                             It mainly refers to the reversal
  Reversal of impairment provision for                                       of impairment provision for
  receivables subject to separate impairment test                            receivables subject to separate
                                                                             impairment test.
                                                                             They mainly refer to the net
  Non-operating income and expenses other than
                                                          24,323,682.07 non-operating           income    and
  the above
  Less: amount affected by income tax                     44,675,062.74
  Total                                                  194,376,046.55

Specific conditions of other profit and loss items meeting the definition of non-recurring profit and

□Applicable Not applicable

There is no specific conditions of profit and loss items meeting definition of non-recurring profit
and loss for the Company.

Explanation on defining the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory
Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure by Companies Issuing Securities Publicly - Non-
recurring Profit and Loss as recurring profit and loss items

□Applicable Not applicable

The Company does not define the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure by Companies Issuing Securities Publicly - Non-
recurring Profit and Loss as recurring profit and loss items.

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

               Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Main Businesses of the Company in the Reporting Period

(I) Main businesses

     The Company is a commercial vehicle manufacturer that produces heavy, medium and light

trucks, and buses, as well as core components such as engines, transmissions and axles, and has a

complete manufacturing system covering raw materials, core components, key large assemblies and

complete vehicles. The products of the Company are mainly used in market segments such as traction,

cargo carrying, dumping, special purposes, highway passenger transport, bus passenger transport, etc.,

and the Company also provides standardized and customized commercial vehicle products.

     Relying on its five vehicle manufacturing bases, the Company has formed a capacity layout of

“coordinated advancement of the main and auxiliary functions, with flexible complementary roles.”

The Company’s total annual production capacity amounts to 418 thousand vehicles. Among them,

the annual production capacity of each manufacturing base is as follows: Changchun, 153 thousand

vehicles; Qingdao, 200 thousand vehicles; Guanghan, 40 thousand vehicles; Liuzhou, 20 thousand

vehicles and Foshan, 5 thousand vehicles. In recent years, the Company has increased investment in

technological transformation continuously, accelerated the adjustment of production capacity

structure, and implemented continuous resource optimization and intelligent upgrading for high-end

and new energy products. It has formed a number of advanced manufacturing bases with industry-

leading levels, and has obvious technical and capacity advantages in the commercial vehicle industry,

laying a solid foundation to continue to lead the market.

     The Company is committed to becoming a “China’s first and world-class” provider of green and

intelligent transportation solutions, focusing on the main production lines, insisting on innovation-

driven and reform-driven, and creating a leading trend. Main business, products, and business model

of the Company were not changed significantly in the reporting period.

(II) Information on the industry to which the Company belongs

     In the first half of 2024, the macro-economic growth resumed, with a GDP growth rate of 5%,

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

reaching the expected level, and achieving stable consumption growth, a significant decline in real

estate sales and investment, a rebound in export growth rate from the bottom, and a weakening of the

driving force of economic transformation on the commercial vehicle industry. From the view of

historical industry demand and scrapping cycle characteristics, the fluctuation cycle was basically

around 7-8 years, and the industry was in the stage of cycle recovery in 2024. In the first half of 2024,

the overall freight environment remained stable, with a slight increase in road freight turnover, and a

year-on-year increase of 4%. However, the sluggish road freight rates have not yet improved, and the

profitability of car owners and drivers have remained low. Although the phenomenon of vehicles

quantity exceeding cargo transportation needs and excess transportation capacity has been eased to

some extent, the improvement of the substantive situation was limited and remained an important

factor in suppressing the demand for medium and heavy trucks at present.

     In the first half of 2024, the demand for medium and heavy trucks was 571 thousand vehicles,

with a year-on-year increase of 4.4%. FAW Jiefang sold 123 thousand medium and heavy trucks,

with a year-on-year increase of 9.4%, accounting for 21.5%, with a year-on-year increase of 1%,

indicating that the sales growth rate of FAW Jiefang was significantly faster than that of the


     In the first half of 2024, due to the impact of low gas prices, accessible refueling, and stable

gas supply, the natural gas type medium and heavy trucks continued the high growth trend in 2023,

with an industry demand of 109 thousand vehicles, and a year-on-year increase of 104.2%. With its

leading advantage in the natural gas market, FAW Jiefang sold 35 thousand natural gas type

medium and heavy trucks in the first half of the year, still maintaining a leading position in the

natural gas market.

     Since the policy of comprehensive electrification of vehicles in the public sector has been

vigorously implemented, the proportion of electrification of vehicles used in urban public transport,

environmental sanitation, express mail service, urban logistics and distribution, airports and other

scenarios has been rapidly increased, bringing a variety of opportunities for electrification

substitution for the industry. In the first half of 2024, the demand for new energy type medium and

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

heavy truck in the industry was 29 thousand vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of 136.7%. The

quantity of new energy type medium and heavy truck sold by FAW Jiefang was 2 thousand

vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of 260%.

     (III) Operation

     In the first half of 2024, By adhering to the guidance of the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism

with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply implementing the spirit of the 20th National

Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee

of the Communist Party of China, and promoting the study and education of Party discipline in a

high-quality manner, the Company actively implemented its strategic deployment and annual

requirements, closely focused on key tasks, and promoted various work in a solid and effective

manner with anchored leading goals. As of June 30, 2024, the total assets of the Company amounted

to CNY 80.032 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 21.49%, and the net assets attributable to

shareholders of the listed company amounted to CNY 24.268 billion, with a year-on-year decrease of

0.89%. During the reporting period, the operating revenue of the Company reached CNY 35.602

billion, with a year-on-year increase of 7.84%, and the net profit attributable to the parent company

amounted to CNY 478 million, with a year-on-year increase of 19.16%. The total sale of complete

vehicles was 149.1 thousand, with a year-on-year increase of 13.4%, of which 122.9 thousand

vehicles were medium and heavy trucks, with a year-on-year increase of 9.4%; the sale of light trucks

was 26.2 thousand vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of 43.0%; the sale of new energy type was

8.5 thousand vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of 139.8%, showing a trend of leapfrog growth.

Overseas exports reached 35.5 thousand vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of 37.2%, hitting

another record high with high growth.

                                                                             Unit: CNY 100 million

                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

            Total assets                  Net assets                    Operation revenue               Net profit attributable to parent company

     2023              June 2024   2023       June 2024   Semi-annual data of Semi-annual data of   Semi-annual data of Semi-annual data of

                                                                 2023                   2024               2023                      2024

     In the first half of 2024, the Company has been awarded the “Annual Enterprise of Employee

Benefits in China” and has been successfully selected as one of the “China’s Top 100 ESG (Corporate

Social Responsibility) Pioneer Listed Companies in China” for two consecutive years, with a brand

value exceeding CNY 131.8 billion, ranking first in the industry for 13 consecutive years.

     In the first half of 2024, the Company’s key work is as follows:

     1. Effective development of leading role of the brand. By solidly promoting the “five

modernizations” of its brand, the Company has vigorously improved the brand structure of its

complete vehicle products, and accelerated the revitalization of its service brand. In addition, through

collaborative efforts in domestic and overseas communication, as well as activities such as the 30 th

anniversary celebration in South Africa, the brand story of FAW Jiefang has attracted widespread

attention from the industry and society, and has won great popular support.

     2. Effective implementation of market-leading strategy as a guiding principle. With firm

upholding of the leading advantage of platform products, J7 Pioneer Edition was successfully

unveiled and set a new benchmark for “world-class” high-end heavy trucks. With the release of the

Jiefang “LANTU” hydrogen binary star product, the pace of green transformation has been steadily

accelerated. More than 40 expanded products were launched in an orderly manner to more strongly

support market growth.

     3. Fruitful achievement of dual-wheel drive system. The Company has broken through nearly

40 key core technologies, and achieved significant breakthroughs in the “1025” special project. In

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

addition, the Company has set up a joint research center with Shell to start the driving test of Starship

truck. The Youth Research Project has been completed and put into service, and innovative

achievements continue to emerge. Deep promotion of management and personnel system reforms:

With the establishment of the Supply and Procurement Department, the deepening of the

manufacturing transformation is started. The Company has laid out its strategic businesses, set up

overseas international companies and post-market companies, and continuously expanded its value

chain and growth chain, achieving initial results in a layered and graded quality operation system.

More than 700 talents of various types have been introduced to effectively meet the demand for talents

in various fields. The key measures such as the “Year of Capability Enhancement” have been solidly

promoted and the total payroll management and salary distribution mechanism have been optimized,

enabling employees more motivated and energetic in their efforts.

     4. Impressive results of four major strategies. Focusing on solid foundation, the Company has

made great efforts to vigorously consolidate the advantages of domestic traditional vehicles. In the

dual base of medium and heavy trucks, a coordinated operation mechanism has been established for

pricing and promotion, seizing market opportunities such as NG and large single bridge, and

maintaining sales volume as the top in China. The product strategy of “strengthening advantages,

making up for shortcomings, and seizing opportunities” has been applied for light vehicles, and the

marketing strategies of “taking the initiative” and “rapid expansion” have been implemented to

achieve a dual increase in sales share. The Company has made great efforts in new energy vehicles,

comprehensively pushed forward the layout of complete vehicles and independent assemblies, and

deeply cultivated innovation in typical scenarios and modes, showing a trend of leapfrog growth

continuously. The Company has seized opportunities in terms of overseas exports, focused on the

four major strategies, and applied a combination of deepening reforms, strengthening system

foundation and enhancing capabilities, resulting in record high sales in the same period. By adhering

to the profitability target orientation and strictly controlling expenses, the Company has improved

revenue-generating ability and provided strong support for operations.

     5. Solid implementation of seven key works. The Company has implemented strategic

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

management methodology, completed the first round of strategic intent and innovation focus

discussions, and focused more on strategic direction, continuously strengthening the role of strategic

leadership. The Company has promoted problem solving in overseas market problems through quality

management, and effectively and stably maintained its quality reputation. The Company has orderly

promoted the construction of more than 30 major IT systems, eliminated nearly 20 isolated islands,

and promoted the application of employee intelligent assistants and styling-assisted design and other

advanced AI technologies, realizing a more effective digital and intelligent transformation.

Procurement resources at each base are controlled in an integrated manner to provide security for

procurement and supply, resulting in 100% assurance rate for procurement resources, and a more

resilient and secure supply chain. The lean and efficient practices have been implemented to provide

strong support for market demand. The improvement of manufacturing technology capability has

been accelerated. The new energy qualifications have been obtained for Liuzhou and Guanghan, the

production line for electric drive axles has reached the standard of production, and the production line

for fuel cell has met the production conditions. The Company has strengthened the capital operation,

maintained the top market value in A-share commercial vehicles, and made significant progress in

the refinancing project approved by the CSRC. The action in terms of safety and environmental

protection remediation and difficulties overcoming has been carried out in a comprehensive manner,

resulting in more sound risk compliance and internal control system, accelerated improvement in

confidentiality management, and gradually enhanced support capacity.

     In the second half of the year, with unswervingly upholding and strengthening of the leadership

of the Party, continuous implementation of annual work ideas and effective methods of overcoming

difficulties of the Company, maintenance of strategic focus, enhancement of crisis awareness,

development of the spirit of struggle, and realization of various goals and tasks of party building and

operation throughout the year, the Company will lay a more solid foundation for high-quality

achievements throughout the year and sprinting towards the 14th Five-Year Plan with stronger fighting

spirit, more motivation, and better results.

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

II. Analysis of Core Competitiveness

       The Company adheres to the corporate vision of “being the most proud commercial vehicle

enterprise and the most trustworthy commercial vehicle brand”, the mission of “becoming China’s

first and world-class provider of green and intelligent transportation solutions and promoting a more

prosperous society”, and the brand concept of “being trustworthy, intelligent and courageous, and

benefiting the world”; takes products and services as the main task, customers and employees as the

foundation, innovation and reform as the driving force; focuses on industry trends and customer needs,

and improves product competitiveness and service level rapidly.

     1. Product research and development: Four major fields: heavy, medium, and light trucks and

passenger vehicles, are covered. In the field of heavy trucks, eight major product platforms, i.e. J7,
J6P, J6V, J6E, Yingtu, JH6, JH5, and Han V2.0, are included. In the field of medium trucks, four

major product platforms, i.e. J6G, J6L, JK6, and Dragon V, are included. In the field of light trucks,

four major product platforms, i.e. Lingtu, Tiger 6G, J6F, Tiger V, are included. In the field of

passenger vehicles, road vehicles, new energy buses, recreational vehicles, etc., are included, and new

energy products achieve full coverage of mainstream scenarios in the market segments. The Company

has built a strong and complete independent R&D system in China from foresight technology, engine,

transmission and axle to complete vehicle, and formed an efficient and collaborative R&D team of

more than 3,000 people. With its five core capabilities, the Company has created five technical

platforms encompassing low carbonization, informatization, intelligence, electrification and high

quality, become one of the commercial vehicle enterprises mastering the core technologies of world-

class complete vehicles and three power assemblies, and passed ISO9001, IATF16949 and GB9001B

quality system certifications. It is also a national-level independent automobile product R&D and test

certification base. In recent years, by accurately grasping the demands of the market segment, the

Company has successfully built the differentiated product technology advantages in traditional

vehicle systems, such as energy-saving, light weight, high-quality, and low-cost, the leading product

technology advantages such as digital intelligent independent assembly of new energy vehicles,

complete vehicle thermal management and complete vehicle energy management, and the pioneering
product technology advantages such as smart driving of intelligent connected vehicles, Internet of

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Vehicles (IoV) big data and intelligent cockpit. Therefore, the Company always maintains an

industry-leading position in the fierce market competition.

     2. Marketing and procurement: Adhering to the customer value orientation, the Company has

taken the lead in establishing a marketing service system with complete functions. The marketing

service network of three sales companies (including Changchun Medium and Heavy-duty Vehicle,

Qingdao Medium and Heavy-duty Vehicle and Light Trucks) composed of nearly 1,000 dealers, more

than 1,800 service providers, more than 80 spare parts centers and more than 200 spare parts dealers

covers more than 230 prefecture-level cities in China, with a coverage rate of 97.5% in cities with a

capacity of more than 1,000 vehicles. With a national average service radius of 48 kilometers, it is at

the leading level in the industry and provides users with 24-hour efficient and high-quality services.

The Company is committed to integrating global high-quality resources to provide a strong guarantee

for the high reliability of Jiefang trucks. In recent years, FAW JIEFANG has successively signed

contracts with Huawei, Knorr-Bremse, ZF, Shell, Volkswagen, China Unicom, JD, PlusAI and other

top enterprises at home and abroad to become strategic partners and establish joint ventures.

     3. Production and manufacturing: The Company has the most complete manufacturing system

in China from raw materials to core components, from key assemblies to complete vehicles, and its

processing and manufacturing depth ranks the top in the industry. The Company has five complete

vehicle bases in Changchun, Qingdao, Guanghan, Liuzhou and Foshan, with an existing planned

production capacity of 418 thousand vehicles. The Company also has three assembly bases in

Changchun, Wuxi and Dalian. With its three product series, namely All-Win, Power-Win, and King-

Win, the Wuxi Diesel Engine Factory has reached the world-class manufacturing level. Based on the

business such as commercial intelligent vehicles, post-market services, connected services, new

energy business model operations and fuel cell power systems, the Company has built six new

business bases in Suzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Foshan and Wuxi.

     4. Overseas export: The Company actively responds to the “Belt and Road” initiative,

accelerates its presence in overseas markets, and creates new avenues of growth for its business. The

Company accelerates the development of its commercial vehicle overseas business comprehensively,

increasing investment layout, broadening the channels gradually and expanding overseas influence

of Jiefang brand continuously. With the export of Jiefang brand products to over 80 countries and

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

regions such as Southeast Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe, there are

more than 100 core dealers and nearly 190 service providers in more than 40 countries and regions

around the world. Export products include models such as J7, J6, JH6, and Tiger V. Additionally, the

Company leverages its system advantages based on reality, and through system collaboration, strives

to build an overseas marketing platform of “talent+ service+ automotive+ finance”.

   5. New energy products: It covers five major product lines of traction, self-dumping, cargo loading,

special purpose and passenger vehicles, including three major technology routes of pure electric, fuel

cell and hybrid. Differentiated combinations have been carried out to form a synergy to achieve full

coverage of mainstream scenarios in the market segments, and to rapidly increase the terminal market

share. The goal of product development is to meet market demand and alleviate user pain points. It

focuses on achieving the “three-low and one-high” core competitiveness, which refers to low cost,

low self-weight, low energy consumption and high reliability. Additionally, the Company strives to

differentiate its products through the attributes of long endurance, low-temperature resistance, high

intelligence, and high comfort. To achieve these goals, the Company undertakes continual iteration

and upgrading of its products and technologies. In terms of core technology, the Company has

achieved integration across three critical areas: complete vehicle architecture, vehicle control

software, and assembly interface, which greatly improves the development efficiency. The Company

harnesses technologies such as efficient energy recovery and scenario-based calibration to

significantly reduce energy consumption. Moreover, the application of assembly technology

incorporates a dual-wheel drive system that combines independent core assemblies with external

high-quality social resources, enabling complementary advantages. The independent electric drive

system achieves full coverage of heavy, medium and light trucks, and passenger vehicles. By

continuously exploring and applying new products, technologies and processes, the Company aims

to maintain a leading position in both new energy technology and new energy products in the market.

III. Analysis of Main Business

See relevant contents of “I. Main Businesses of the Company in the Reporting Period”.
Year-on-year Changes of Main Financial Data

                         Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                                  Unit: CNY

                                            Same period of
                                          previous year/at the
                  This reporting period                          increase and   Reason for Change
                                            beginning of the
                    35,602,292,639.46      33,014,661,914.13           7.84%
Operating Costs     33,252,419,902.01      30,590,523,778.02           8.70%
Sales expenses         835,467,097.82          774,822,818.33          7.83%
                       739,765,844.96          871,161,062.92        -15.08%
                       -394,776,211.91        -415,663,432.06          5.03%
Income tax
                       -154,311,861.89        -203,065,319.73         24.01%
R&D investment        1,249,527,872.33       1,248,047,703.54          0.12%
                                                                                Mainly due to the
                                                                             increase in cash
Net cash flows                                                               payments for the
from operating        4,240,930,055.62       6,714,159,377.47        -36.84% purchase of goods
activities                                                                   and acceptance of
                                                                             services in the
                                                                             current period
Net cash flows
from investment        -779,303,259.33        -961,691,276.91         18.97%
                                                                             Mainly due to the
Net cash flows
                                                                             distribution of cash
from financing         -705,678,066.97         -19,709,605.31     -3,480.38%
                                                                             dividends in the
                                                                             current period.
                                                                             Mainly due to the
                                                                             increase in cash
Net increase in
                                                                             payments for the
cash and cash         2,755,942,692.24       5,732,768,748.83        -51.93%
                                                                             purchase of goods
                                                                             and acceptance of
                                                                                services   in   the

                       Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                          current period
                                                                        Mainly due to the
                                                                        increase           in
Notes receivable     110,591,432.00         44,626,048.13       147.82%
                                                                        acceptance      bills
                                                                        held at the end of
                                                                        the current period.
                                                                          Mainly due to the
Accounts                                                                  increase in accounts
                   11,708,633,140.72     1,989,386,169.77       488.56%
receivable                                                                receivable in the
                                                                          current period.
                                                                        Mainly due to the
Accounts                                                                increase in bank
receivable          8,448,273,887.92     4,878,126,972.73        73.19% acceptance    bills
financing                                                               held at the end of
                                                                        the period.
                                                                        Mainly due to the
                                                                        decrease        in
Prepayments          410,909,476.74        689,621,097.66       -40.42%
                                                                        prepayments in the
                                                                          current period.
                                                                        Mainly due to the
                                                                        increase in the
Development                                                             capitalization
                     222,837,913.82        109,873,830.59       102.81%
expenditures                                                            amount of research
                                                                        and development in
                                                                        the current period.
                                                                          Mainly due to the
                                                                          increase in notes
Notes payable      25,947,712,941.61    11,769,864,678.11       120.46%
                                                                          payable in the
                                                                          current period.
                                                                        Mainly due to the
Contract                                                                decrease in contract
                    1,055,648,915.82     2,204,692,602.77       -52.12%
liabilities                                                             liabilities in the
                                                                        current period.
                                                                        Mainly due to the
                                                                        increase       in
compensation         560,440,000.75        402,039,885.19        39.40%

                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                       payable in the
                                                                       current period.
                                                                     Mainly due to the
Current portion
                                                                     decrease in lease
of non-current      14,750,421.22        27,171,195.40       -45.71%
                                                                     liabilities     due
                                                                     within one year
                                                                     Mainly due to the
                                                                     decrease in contract
Other current
                    60,702,098.17       214,456,037.00       -71.69% liabilities included
                                                                       in other      current
                                                                     Mainly due to the
                                                                     decrease in treasury
Treasury shares      6,246,851.73        86,131,497.27       -92.75%
                                                                     shares in the current
                                                                     Mainly due to the
Other                                                                increase in other
comprehensive       -3,197,978.68        -8,514,110.10        62.44% comprehensive
incomes                                                              income    in  the
                                                                       current period.
                                                                     Mainly due to the
                                                                     increase in VAT
Other income       353,779,659.32       195,656,370.11        80.82%
                                                                     plus tax credits in
                                                                     the current period.
                                                                     Mainly due to the
                                                                     decrease       in
Credit                                                               provision     for
                    -8,593,082.48       -35,480,726.08        75.78%
impairment loss                                                      impairment     of
                                                                       receivables in the
                                                                       current period.
                                                                     Mainly due to        the
                                                                     increase              in
Asset impairment                                                     provision            for
                   -76,666,599.19       -35,324,171.95      -117.04%
loss                                                                 impairment            of
                                                                     inventories in       the
                                                                     current period.
Income from                                                            Mainly due to the
                      746,088.82         98,132,494.11       -99.24%
assets disposal                                                        decrease in income

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                                     from disposal of
                                                                                     assets in the current
                                                                                  Mainly due to the
  Non-operating                                                                   increase in non-
                              28,106,223.95           9,542,486.79        194.54%
  income                                                                          operating income in
                                                                                  the current period.
                                                                                     Mainly due to the
  Net after-tax
                                                                                     increase in other
  amount of other
                               5,316,131.42             250,455.89      2,022.58% comprehensive
                                                                                  income     in   the
                                                                                  current period.

Significant changes in the Company’s profit composition or source during the reporting period

□Applicable Not applicable

No significant changes in the Company’s profit composition or source during the reporting period.

                                                             Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
Composition of operating income
                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                                     This reporting period                    Same Period of Last Year
                                                      Proportion in                             Proportion in
                                                                                                                  increase and
                                   Amount               Operating             Amount              Operating
                                                         Income                                    Income

  Total operating income          35,602,292,639.46          100.00%        33,014,661,914.13        100.00%             7.84%

  By industries

  Automobile industry             35,602,292,639.46          100.00%        33,014,661,914.13        100.00%             7.84%

  By products

  Commercial vehicles             33,555,960,698.74           94.25%        30,708,282,078.93            93.01%          9.27%
  Spare parts and others           2,046,331,940.72            5.75%         2,306,379,835.20            6.99%         -11.28%

  By regions

  Northeast China, North China,
  Northwest China and Southwest   21,150,886,396.57           59.41%        17,861,002,372.03            54.10%         18.42%
  East China, South China and
                                  14,451,406,242.89           40.59%        15,153,659,542.10            45.90%         -4.63%
  Central China

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Information on industries, products or regions accounting for more than 10% of the Company’s
operating income or operating profit
Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                         Unit: CNY

                                                                        Increase/    Increase/
                                                                        Decrease     Decrease
                                                                                                   ecrease of
                                                                            of           of
                                                              Gross     Operating    Operatin
                                                                                                  Profit Rate
                Operating income       Operating Costs        Profit     Income        g Cost
                                                                                                    over the
                                                              Rate       over the     over the
                                                                          Same         Same
                                                                                                   Period of
                                                                        Period of    Period of
                                                                                                   Last Year
                                                                        Last Year    Last Year
By industries
Automobil                                                                                         Reduced
                 34,781,334,502.47     32,601,996,683.55       6.27%        8.22%       8.93%
e industry                                                                                        by 0.60%
By products
Vehicle          33,555,960,698.74     31,615,239,737.89       5.78%        9.27%      10.55%
                                                                                                  by 1.09%
parts and         1,225,373,803.73        986,756,945.66      19.47%      -14.36%     -25.84%
                                                                                                  by 12.47%
By regions
China,                                                                                            Increased
                 20,663,165,213.34     18,891,170,038.09       8.58%       18.84%      16.65%
Northwest                                                                                         by 1.72%
China and
South                                                                                             Reduced
                 14,118,169,289.13     13,710,826,645.46       2.89%       -4.30%      -0.18%
China and                                                                                         by 4.00%
The main business data of the Company adjusted at the end of the latest reporting period if the
statistical caliber of the Company’s main business data is adjusted in the reporting period

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

□Applicable Not applicable

IV. Analysis of Non-main Business

□Applicable Not applicable

V. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Major changes in asset composition

                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                   At the End of This Reporting                                              Descri
                                                          End of Last Year          Increase
                              Period                                                         ption
                                        Proportio                        Proportio    e in
                       Amount           n in Total       Amount          n in Total Proporti Chang
                                         Assets                           Assets       on
                   25,609,204,954.65     32.00%      22,920,710,903.12       34.80%   -2.80%
                   11,708,633,140.72     14.63%       1,989,386,169.77       3.02%    11.61%
Contract assets         16,476,441.87      0.02%         17,582,856.82       0.03%    -0.01%
Inventories          7,580,283,903.54      9.47%      9,210,971,356.15       13.98%   -4.51%
                        46,253,781.34      0.06%         47,049,995.53       0.07%    -0.01%
equity               5,687,858,933.19      7.11%      5,469,591,970.26       8.30%    -1.19%
Fixed assets       11,470,284,660.10     14.33%      11,380,286,165.58       17.28%   -2.95%
Project under
                      750,571,700.84       0.94%        816,484,299.18       1.24%    -0.30%
                       117,251,281.65      0.15%        138,989,886.70       0.21%    -0.06%
                     1,055,648,915.82      1.32%      2,204,692,602.77       3.35%    -2.03%
                        35,523,520.47      0.04%         30,494,014.13       0.05%    -0.01%

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

2. Main overseas assets

□Applicable Not applicable

3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                         s and                      Purc    Sale
                                        losses                      hase       s
                                                Accum     for
                                         from                       amo     amo
                                                 ulated impa                      Ot
                                        chang                        unt     unt
                                                changes irme                      her
                       Beginning         es in                        in      in
       Item                                      in fair nt in                    cha      Closing balance
                        balance           fair                       the     the
                                                 value    the                     nge
                                         value                      curr    curre
                                                through curre                      s
                                        for the                      ent      nt
                                                 equity    nt
                                        curren                      peri     peri
                                            t                        od       od
  1. Investment
  in other
                     480,780,000.00                                                         480,780,000.00
  Total              480,780,000.00                                                         480,780,000.00
                                 0.00                                                                  0.00
Content of other changes
Whether the measurement attribution of the Company’s main assets within the Reporting Period
was significantly changed or not
□Yes No

4. Restrictions on asset rights as of the end of the reporting period

For details, please refer to Note 22 “Assets with restricted ownership or use right” in part VII
“Notes to Items in Consolidated Financial Statements” of Section X - Financial Report.

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

VI. Investment Analysis

1. Overall situation

Applicable □Not applicable
                                     Investment Amount in the
    Investment Amount in the
                                   Same Period of Previous Year         Variation range
     Reporting Period (CNY)

                    4,900,000.00                  725,139,697.94                      -99.32%

2. Major equity investments acquired in the reporting period

□Applicable Not applicable

3. Major non-equity investments in progress in the reporting period

□Applicable Not applicable

4. Financial assets investment

(1) Securities investment

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no securities investment in the reporting period.

(2) Derivatives investment

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no derivative investment in the reporting period.

5. Use of raised funds

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company does not use raised funds in the reporting period.

VII. Sales of Major Assets and Equity

1. Sale of major assets

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company does not sell major assets in the reporting period.

2. Sale of major equity

□Applicable Not applicable

                                                                         Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

VIII. Analysis on Principal Holding and Joint-stock Companies

Applicable □Not applicable
Major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies affecting over 10% net profit of the Company

                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY 10 thousand

  Company       Company                            Registered                                        Operating      Operating
                              Main business                        Total Assets      Net Assets                                    Net Profit
   Name           Type                              Capital                                           income         Profit
Jiefang        Subsidiari
                             and sales of       1,080,301.25        7,557,665.39     1,982,506.38   3,560,229.26      10,339.52      28,203.07
Automotive     es
                             vehicles and
Co., Ltd.
                             Handling of
                           business within
                           the Group and
Automobile     Joint-stock
                           other financial      1,000,000.00       16,873,937.20     2,208,124.61     328,189.22     131,240.44      98,619.13
Finance        companies
Co., Ltd.
                           approved by the
                           People’s Bank
                           of China
Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries in the reporting period
□Applicable Not applicable
Description of main holding and joint-stock companies
                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

IX. Structured Entities Controlled by the Company

□Applicable Not applicable

X. Risks Faced by the Company and Countermeasures

     1. Competition risk in the domestic market

     The status quo of domestic stock competition has remained unchanged, and the game among

the leading enterprises in the industry around product prices, marketing strategies, financial policies

and other end-sale factors will become more intense. Although environmental control, trade-in,

emission standards and other policy guidances can stimulate the updates, the low road freight rates,

the industry’s low level of operation and other commercial vehicle industry conditions cannot be
improved in the short term, and the competition in the industry may be intensified.

     2. Risk of exchange rate fluctuations

     Due to the ongoing competition in the domestic heavy truck market, the export of products is

an inevitable trend. In the course of development of international business, due to economic data,

monetary policies, investor confidence and various political factors, the exchange rate between

CNY and currencies commonly used for international settlements may fluctuate, which may have a

certain impact on the Company.

     (3) Market structure change risk

     With the continuous growth of industrial investment and the active recovery of private

investment, the prices of gasoline and diesel and liquefied natural gas, and the cost of new energy

batteries are changing steadily. Under the influence of policies such as slowing down the real estate

market and fostering new economic growth, the market structure will be further adjusted, and the

Company will face opportunities and challenges brought by changes in market structure. Moreover,

due to changes in market structure, the market share of new energy products will continue to

increase. However, the intensified competition in the new energy market will also bring great risks

to the operation of the Company.

     Based on the above risks, the Company has prepared the following solutions:
     1. Enhancement of environmental research and market study. The Company will conduct

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

market research and risk factor analysis on domestic and international political and economic

environments, pay close attention to national policies and industry dynamics, and adjust business

strategies in a timely manner. It will also establish a sound mechanism for obtaining environmental

and market information, strengthen publicity and promotion, and optimize cost structure, enhancing

product technology level, and responding to market changes in a timely manner.

     2. Improvement of product and service capabilities. By closely focusing on new energy and

intelligence and other rapid development fields, the Company will launch new products that meet

market demand, deeply explore user service needs, and improve the service capabilities to enhance

user experience and satisfaction. Through innovation in technologies, concepts, and services, the

Company will continue to enhance its brand image and competitive strength, solidify its market

position in a drastically changing environment, and avoid falling into a vicious cycle of low-level

price war and disorderly competition.

     3. Comprehensive development of overseas business system. It is required to promote a high

level of opening up to the outside world, carry out overall arrangement in advance, and make

adequate preparations for diversified exports. Through the increased overseas recognition of

Chinese products and leading advantages in new energy technology, based on the segmentation

characteristics of the target market and user needs, the Company carries out customized product

development to enhance the regional adaptability of products, provide cooperation with the

expansion of overseas marketing networks, and enhance overseas service level to strive for more

overseas space.

     4. Improvement for management of foreign exchange positions. By utilizing the foreign

exchange market and exchange rate prediction information, and leveraging the marking-to-market

services of professional institutions for foreign exchange risk, the Company can provides timely

insight into foreign exchange risks, capture advantageous foreign exchange prices, and seize

window periods, resulting in reduction of settlement costs, control of foreign exchange risks, and

improvement of capital returns.

XI. Implementation of the “Improvement of Both Quality and Return” Action Plan

Announcement on Whether the Company Disclosed the “Improvement of Both Quality and Return”

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Action Plan.

Yes □No

     The “Improvement of Both Quality and Return” action plan is prepared in order to implement

the guiding ideologies of “activating the capital market and boosting investors’ confidence” as

proposed at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC and of

“vigorously improving the quality and investment value of listed companies, taking more powerful

and effective measures, and focusing on market stability and confidence stability” as proposed in the

executive meeting of the State Council, safeguard the interests of all shareholders, enhance the

investors’ confidence and promote the long-term sound and sustainable development of the Company.

For details, please refer to the Announcement on the “Improvement of Both Quality and Return”

Action Plan published by the Company in the Securities Times, China Securities Journal and

CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) on March 2, 2024.

 The Company consistently prioritizes high-quality development as its core theme. It is committed

to advancing its main business and aspires to establish itself as a leading brand. The company places

a strong emphasis on product leadership, continuously innovating and driving reforms. It actively

pursues the mastery of key core technologies, constantly striving to conquer new frontiers. It is

accelerating towards its goal of becoming “China’s first and world-class” green and intelligent

transportation solution provider, as well as a century-old national automobile brand. The Company

constantly consolidates its corporate governance structure, improves its internal control system,

promotes the standardized and efficient operation of the “shareholders’ meeting, Board of Directors

and Board of Supervisors”, and gives full play to the role of various governance subjects, thus

ensuring scientific and effective decision-making. The Company strictly abides by laws, regulations

and regulatory agency provisions, continuously improves the information disclosure quality,

highlights the importance and pertinence of information disclosure, fully demonstrates the intrinsic

value of the Company, and provides investors with an objective decision-making basis. Through

listing announcements, brokerage strategy meetings, investor exchanges, Interaction Easy, telephone,

email and other channels, the Company ensures good communication with investors and builds an
efficient and transparent communication platform.

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Through strict implementation of shareholders’ dividend return planning and profit distribution

policy, in combination with the actual situation of the enterprise, the Company has developed a profit

distribution plan 2023, and distributed a cash dividend of CNY 1.50 (including tax) per 10 shares to

all shareholders on the basis of 4,623,863,714 shares, resulting in a total distribution of cash dividends

of CNY 693,579,557.10 (including tax). The remaining undistributed profits were carried forward to

the next accounting year. The Company does not convert its capital reserves into share capital. The

ex-warrants and ex-dividend date for this distribution plan is June 24, 2024.

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                            Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Information on Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Held in the Reporting Period

1. Shareholders’ meeting in the reporting period

                 Meeting       on Ratio                  Date of
    Session                                    Date                        Meeting Resolution
                  Type            of                    Disclosure
                                                                     The Proposal on the Estimated
                                                                     Amount of Daily Related
                                                                     Transactions for the Year 2024,
                                                                     the Proposal on the Estimated
                                                                     Amount of Financial Business
                 Extraordi                                           with First Automobile Finance
                 nary                                                Co., Ltd. for the Year 2024, the
  y                                         February    February
                 sharehol        85.00%                              Proposal on the Election of
  shareholder                               21, 2024    22, 2024
                 ders’                                              Deng Weigong as a Non-
  s’ meeting
                 meeting                                             Independent Director of the
  of 2024
                                                                     Company and the Proposal on
                                                                     the Election of Li Ying as a
                                                                     Supervisor of the Company
                                                                     have been deliberated and
                                                                     The 2023 Annual Work Report
                                                                     of the Board of Directors, the
                                                                     2023 Annual Work Report of
                                                                     the Board of Supervisors, the
                                                                     2023 Financial Final Accounts,
                                                                     the 2023 Annual Reportand Its
  Annual         Annual                                              Summary, the 2023 Profit
  shareholder    sharehol                   April 25,   April 26,    Distribution Plan, the Proposal
  s’ meeting    ders’                     2024        2024         on Unfulfilling Conditions for
  of 2023        meeting                                             Releasing Restricted Share for
                                                                     the Third Release Period of
                                                                     Restricted Shares Firstly
                                                                     Granted and the Second
                                                                     Release Period of Restricted
                                                                     Shares Reserved for Granting
                                                                     in Phase I Restricted Share

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                    Incentive Plan and Repurchase
                                                                    and Cancellation of Partial
                                                                    Restricted Shares, the Proposal
                                                                    on Changing the Registered
                                                                    Capital of the Company, the
                                                                    Proposal on Modifying the
                                                                    Articles of Association, and the
                                                                    Proposal on the Election of
                                                                    Wang Hao as a Non-
                                                                    Independent Director of the
                                                                    Company have been
                                                                    deliberated and adopted
                                                                    The Proposal on Extending the
                                                                    Validity Period of the
                                                                    Resolution on the Company’s
                                                                    2023 Plan for Issuing A-share
                                                                    to Specific Targets, the
                                                                    Proposal on Extending the
                                                                    Authorization Period of the
                Extraordi                                           Resolution on Requesting the
                nary                                                Shareholders’ Meeting of the
  ry                                     June 19,     June 20,
                sharehol        84.11%                              Company to Authorize the
  Shareholder                            2024         2024
                ders’                                              Board of Directors to Handle
  s’ Meeting
                meeting                                             Specific Matters Related to the
  of 2024
                                                                    Issuance of A-shares to
                                                                    Specific Objects, and the
                                                                    Proposal on the Election of
                                                                    Chen Hua as a Non-
                                                                    Independent Directors of the
                                                                    Company have been
                                                                    deliberated and adopted

2. Preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights request to convene an extraordinary
shareholders’ meeting

□Applicable Not applicable

II. Changes in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the Company

Applicable □Not applicable

      Name             Position           Type               Date                 Reason

  Deng Weigong         Director          Elected       February 21, 2024

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Zhang Guohua           Director                         March 8, 2024          Job changes
                                        from office
    Wang Hao             Director        Elected          April 25, 2024
    Chen Hua             Director        Elected          June 19, 2024
                       Chairman of
     Yan Feng            Board of                       January 17, 2024       Personal reasons
                                        from office
                       Chairman of
      Li Ying            Board of        Elected         March 28, 2024
    Ren Ruijie          Supervisor                        March 8, 2024          Job changes
                                        from office
                      Deputy General
   Tian Haifeng                        Decruitment        March 8, 2024          Job changes
                      Deputy General
   Wang Jianyu                          Appointed        March 28, 2024

III. Profit Distribution and Transfer from Capital Reserve to Share Capital in the Reporting

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company does not plan to pay cash dividends or bonus shares, or convert reserves into share
capital in the first half of the year.

IV. Implementation of the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership
Plan or Other Employee Incentive Measures

Applicable □Not applicable

1. Equity incentive

    (1) On November 20, 2023, the Company held the 7th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors

and the 6th Meeting of the 10th Board of Supervisors respectively, and deliberated and adopted the

Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares in Phase I Restricted Share

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Incentive Plan, which was deliberated and adopted at the Fourth Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

in 2023. The Company agreed to repurchase and cancel all or part of 512,807 restricted shares that

have been granted to 10 incentive targets but have not been released from the restriction for sales. On

March 28, 2024, the Company published the Announcement on Completion of Repurchase and

Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

     (2) On March 28, 2024, the Company held the 11th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and

the 10th Meeting of the 10th Board of Supervisors respectively, and deliberated and adopted the

Proposal on Unfulfilling Conditions for Releasing Restricted Share for the Third Release Period of

Restricted Shares Firstly Granted and the Second Release Period of Restricted Shares Reserved for

Granting in Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan and Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial

Restricted Shares. The Company agreed to repurchase and cancel the restricted shares of 299 objects

failing to fulfill the conditions for releasing the restriction for sales, with a total repurchase quantity

of 12,621,954 shares. On June 15, 2024, the Company published the Announcement on Completion

of Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

  For details of the above proposals, please refer to the relevant announcements published by the

Company in Securities Times, China Securities Journal and CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

2. Implementation of employee stock ownership plan

□Applicable Not applicable

3. Other employee incentives

□Applicable Not applicable

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

             Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

I. Major Environmental Protection Issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries are key pollutant discharging entities announced by
the environmental protection authority
Yes □No
Environmental protection related policies and industry standards

     The company strictly abides by the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of

China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment, the

Regulations on Environmental Protection Management of Construction Projects, the Law of the

People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, the Law of the

People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, the Law of the People’s

Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic

of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, the Law of the

People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution, the Law of the People’s

Republic of China on the Promotion of Clean Production, the Measures for the Administration of

Pollutant Discharge Permits, the Environmental Protection Tax Law of the People’s Republic of

China, the Measures for the Administration of the List of Key Units of Environmental Supervision,

the Measures for the Administration of Legal Disclosure of Environmental Information of Enterprises,

the Measures for the Administration of Hazardous Waste Transfer and other relevant laws and

regulations; and the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996), the Integrated

Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996), the Emission Standard of Industrial Enterprises

Noise at Boundary (GB12348-2008), the Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage

(GB18597-2023), the Technical Guidelines for Deriving Hazardous Waste Management Plans and

Records (HJ1259-2022), the Technical Specifications for Acceptance of Environmental Protection

Facilities for Completed Construction Projects - Automobile Manufacturing Industry (HJ407-2021),

and other national and industry standards.

                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Administrative licensing for environmental protection

       The Company strictly implemented the system of “environmental impact assessment” and

“simultaneous design, construction and operation” when implementing the projects. All key pollutant

discharging entities shall apply for pollutant discharge permits according to legal provisions, and

strictly implement the pollutant discharge permit system.
                                         Application                                          Validit
                                      (Renewal) Date of                                         y
  S/N         Name of Unit                                  Pollutant Discharge Permit No.
                                     Pollutant Discharge                                      Period
                                            Permit                                            (Year)
         Truck Factory of FAW
   1     Jiefang Automotive Co.,     December 30, 2022       91220101743028725R001R              5
         Chengdu Branch of
   2     FAW Jiefang                    July 16, 2022        91510114746407720B001V              5
         Automotive Co., Ltd.
         Sichuan Branch of FAW
   3     Jiefang Automotive Co.,        July 21, 2023       91510681MABQ7AKG4Y001V               5
         Transmission Branch
   4     Factory) of FAW             December 31, 2021       91220101571131661N001Q              5
         Jiefang Automotive Co.,
         Transmission Branch
         (New Axle Factory) of
   5                                    May 21, 2024         91220101571131661N003V              5
         FAW Jiefang
         Automotive Co., Ltd.
         Changchun Intelligent
         Bus Branch of FAW
   6                                   January 9, 2023      91220108MA170MRB74001V               5
         Jiefang Automotive Co.,
         FAW Jiefang (Qingdao)
   7                                 December 29, 2023       91370200163567343M001V              5
         Automotive Co., Ltd.
         Engine Branch of FAW
   8     Jiefang Automotive Co.,     December 27, 2022       912201017561635719001Q              5

                            Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

     Wuxi Diesel Engine
9    Works of FAW Jiefang         October 5, 2021      91320200748159222H001Q            5
     Automotive Co., Ltd.
     Wuxi Diesel Engine
     Huishan Factory of
10                                 June 19, 2023        91320206330969017N001C           5
     FAW Jiefang
     Automotive Co., Ltd.
     FAW Jiefang Dalian
11                                March 14, 2024       91210213717880308K001U            5
     Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.

                                                                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
 Industry Emission Standards and Specific Conditions of Pollutant Discharge Involved in Production and Operation Activities
            of Main    Names of                   Numb
            Polluta      Main                     er of                                            Enforced
  Name of                                                                           Discharge                                     Total
            nts and    Pollutants   Discharge     Disch     Distribution of                        pollutant      Total                     Excessive
Company or                                                                        concentration                                 Approved
            Specifi       and        Mode          arge    Discharge Outlets                       discharge    Discharge                   Discharge
 Subsidiary                                                                         /intensity                                  Discharge
                c       Specific                  Outlet                                           standard
            Polluta    Pollutants                    s
                                                           One for frame,
                                                           cab and non-metal
                                                           coating                                                                          No
Truck         Wastew                s or
                     COD                          4        respectively, and     191.31mg/L       800mg/L      58.8171 t      630.104 t     excessive
Factory of    ater                  intermitten
                                                           one for general                                                                  discharge
FAW                                 t discharge
                                                           domestic sewage
                      Non-          Continuou
Co., Ltd                                                   Frame, cab, roof                                                                 No
              Exhaust methane       s discharge
                                                71         of non-metallic       4.0066mg/m       120mg/m      5.4718 t       346.1955 t    excessive
              gas     hydrocarb     during
                                                           coating workshop                                                                 discharge
                      on            production
Chengdu       Wastew                Intermitten            Southeast of the
                     COD                        1                                27.5mg/L         500mg/L      0.135 t        21.3 t        excessive
Branch of     ater                  t discharge            Company
                      Non-          Continuou
Jiefang                                                                                                                                     No
              Exhaust methane       s discharge            Roof of coating
Automotive                                      1                                1.48mg/m         60mg/m       5.9316 t       75.91 t       excessive
              gas     hydrocarb     during                 workshop
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                   discharge
                      on            production
Sichuan       Wastew                Intermitten            Northwest corner
                     COD                        1                                45mg/L           500mg/L      0.285 t        40.8469 t     excessive
Branch of     ater                  t discharge            of the Company
                      Non-          Continuou              Roof of Painting
Jiefang                                                                                                                                     No
              Exhaust methane       s discharge            Workshop and
Automotive                                      15                               9.071mg/m        60mg/m       6.5784 t       16.5208 t     excessive
              gas     hydrocarb     during                 General Assembly
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                   discharge
                      on            production             Workshop
Transmissio   Wastew COD            Intermitten 2          One in the            19mg/L           500mg/L      0.5778 t       10 t          No
                                                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
n Branch    ater                  t discharge       northwest corner                                                              excessive
(Transforma                                         of substation one                                                             discharge
tion                                                workshop and one
Factory) of                                         in the southwest
FAW                                                 corner of
Jiefang                                             substation two
Automotive                                          workshop
Co., Ltd.                                           Four for No. 1
                      Non-        Continuou
                                                    workshop and one                                                              No
              Exhaust methane     s discharge
                                              5     for the south side   1.6mg/m        120mg/m       0.2647 t     --             excessive
              gas     hydrocarb   during
                                                    outside No. 1                                                                 discharge
                      on          production
                                                    Two for No. 1,
Transmissio                                                                                                                       No
              Wastew              Intermitten       No. 2 and No. 3
n Branch             COD                      6                          21mg/L         500mg/L       0.6582 t     --             excessive
              ater                t discharge       workshops
(Axle                                                                                                                             discharge
Factory) of
                                                    8 in No. 1
FAW                   Non-        Continuou
                                                    workshop, 7 in                                                                No
Jiefang       Exhaust methane     s discharge
                                              16    No. 2 workshop,      1.61mg/m       120mg/m       6.2124 t     --             excessive
Automotive    gas     hydrocarb   during
                                                    and 1 in No. 3                                                                discharge
Co., Ltd.             on          production
Changchun                                           South gate of                                                                 No
              Wastew              Intermitten
Intelligent          COD                      1     sewage treatment     50mg/L         500mg/L       0.5847 t     4.575 t        excessive
              ater                t discharge
Bus Branch                                          station                                                                       discharge
of FAW                Non-        Continuou         Roof of coating
Jiefang       Exhaust methane     s discharge       and welding
                                              12                         3.25mg/m       120mg/m       4.7693 t     49.5 t         excessive
Automotive    gas     hydrocarb   during            workshop of the
Co., Ltd.             on          production        Company
                                                                         COD:           COD:          COD:         COD: 88.79
                                  Continuou         Outside the
                     COD,                                                53.9mg/L       500mg/L;      6.79 t       t;             No
FAW           Wastew              s or              sewage treatment
                     ammonia                    6                        Ammonia        ammonia       Ammonia      Ammonia        excessive
Jiefang       ater                intermitten       station of the
                     nitrogen                                            nitrogen:      nitrogen:     nitrogen:    nitrogen: 5.11 discharge
(Qingdao)                         t discharge       Company
                                                                         1.71mg/L       45mg/L        0.207 t      t
                      Non-        Continuou         Roof of each                                                                  No
Co., Ltd.     Exhaust
                      methane     s discharge 87    workshop of the      1.50mg/m       30mg/m        28.15 t      164.98 t       excessive
                      hydrocarb   during            Company                                                                       discharge
                                                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
                      on          production
Branch of             Non-
FAW           Exhaust methane     Intermitten
                                              3     Workshop roof        0.67mg/m       120mg/m       0.019 t      --             excessive
Jiefang       gas     hydrocarb   t discharge
Automotive            on
Co., Ltd.
                                                    One for west gate                                                             No
              Wastew              Continuou
                     COD                      3     and two for south    23mg/L         500mg/L       8.13 t       243 t          excessive
              ater                s discharge
                                                    gate                                                                          discharge
                                                    Three for
Wuxi Diesel
                                                    workshop, five for                  NOx,
Works of            Nitrogen
                                                    the R&D              NOx,           200mg/m
FAW                 oxide,        Continuou                                                           NOx, 14.5    NOx, 27.2
                                                    Department, two      76mg/m         Non-                                      No
Jiefang     Exhaust non-          s discharge                                                         tons         tons
                                              13    for QA               Non-methane    methane                                   excessive
Automotive gas      methane       during                                                              VOCs         VOCs
                                                    Department, two      hydrocarbons   hydrocarbo                                discharge
Co., Ltd.           hydrocarb     production                                                          0.08 t       1.77 t
                                                    for processing       , 2.46mg/m     ns,
                                                    workshop and one                    60mg/m
                                                    for hazardous
                                                    waste warehouse
            Wastew                Continuou         1 for the North
Wuxi Diesel           COD                     1                          46mg/m         500mg/m       2.99 t       79.15 t        excessive
            ater                  s discharge       Gate
Engine                                                                                                                            discharge
Huishan                                                                                 NOx,
Factory of                                                               NOx,           200mg/m
                      oxide,      Continuou                                                           NOx, 14.52   NOx, 26.137
FAW                                                                      39mg/m         Non-                                      No
            Exhaust   non-        s discharge                                                         tons         tons
Jiefang                                       6     Joint workshop       Non-methane    methane                                   excessive
            gas       methane     during                                                              VOCs         VOCs
Automotive                                                               hydrocarbons   hydrocarbo                                discharge
                      hydrocarb   production                                                          0.12 t       4.546 t
Co., Ltd.                                                                , 1.07mg/m     ns,
FAW                                                                      COD:           COD:          COD:         COD:
                                  Continuou         Outside the
Jiefang              COD,                                                65mg/L         300mg/L       2.67 t       11.398 t       No
              Wastew              s or              sewage treatment
Dalian               ammonia                    1                        Ammonia        Ammonia       Ammonia      Ammonia        excessive
              ater                intermitten       station of the
Diesel               nitrogen                                            nitrogen:      nitrogen:     nitrogen:    nitrogen:      discharge
                                  t discharge       Company
Engine Co.,                                                              11.65mg/L      30mg/L        0.504 t      2.984 t
                                                         Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
Ltd.                                                                                     Nitrogen     Nitrogen
               Nitrogen                                     NOx,           NOx,
                                                                                         oxides:      oxides:
               oxide,      Continuou                        170mg/m        240mg/m
                                           Roof of the                                   1.376 t      15.143 t       No
       Exhaust non-        s discharge                      Volatile       Volatile
                                       5   Company’s                                    Volatile     Volatile       excessive
       gas     methane     during                           organic        organic
                                           workshop                                      organic      organic        discharge
               hydrocarb   production                       compounds      compounds
                                                                                         compounds    compounds
               on                                           0.35mg/m       60mg/m
                                                                                         1.516 t      7.547 t

                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Disposal of pollutants

        (I) Wastewater treatment:
        (1) The Truck Factory of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd. has three sewage treatment stations
currently, namely, frame workshop sewage treatment station, coating workshop sewage treatment
station and non-metallic coating sewage treatment station. ① The frame sewage treatment station
has a processing capacity of 300 tons/day, and it mainly processes the pre-treatment wastewater of
the frame workshop. ② The cab coating workshop sewage treatment station has a treatment capacity
of 400 tons/day, and mainly treats the wastewater and painting wastewater before they enter the
workshop. ③ The non-metallic wire sewage treatment station has a processing capacity of 240
tons/day and it mainly processes the pre-treatment and painting wastewater of the production line.
The wastewater pre treated by the three sewage stations mentioned above, together with domestic
sewage and other wastewater, is discharged into the FAW Integrated Sewage Treatment Plant. After
meeting the treatment standards, it enters the West Suburb Sewage Treatment Plant in Changchun
        (2) One sewage treatment station has been built in Chengdu Branch of FAW Jiefang Automotive
Co., Ltd. for the treatment of production and domestic wastewater of the Company, with a total
treatment capacity of 300 tons/day. The main treatment method is SBR process. All sewage stations
can operate continuously and stably, and the sewage discharged up to standard enters the urban
sewage treatment plant through the municipal pipe network for further treatment.
        (3) The Sichuan Branch of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd. has a wastewater treatment
station that is used to treat the Company’s production and domestic wastewater, has a total treatment
capacity of 50 tons/hour, and adopts the physicochemical and biochemical treatment process. The
sewage station can operate continuously and stably. The industrial wastewater discharged after
meeting the standard enters the urban sewage treatment plant through the municipal pipeline network
for further treatment.
        (4) Transmission Branch (Transmission Factory) of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd., uses
the sewage treatment station in the Shaft Gear Park to treat the production wastewater of the Company.
The total treatment capacity of the sewage treatment station is 50 tons/hour, and it operates stably.
Industrial wastewater is treated by the sewage station and discharged into the West Suburb Sewage
Treatment Plant in Changchun City for further treatment.

                                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

     (5) There is a sewage storage tank in each of the three workshops in the Transmission Branch
(Axle Factory) of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd., and the industrial wastewater of the No. 3
Workshop is transferred to the sewage treatment station in Shaft Gear Park for treatment. The other
two workshops signed a disposal contract with FAW to transfer the sewage by FAW tanks to the
comprehensive treatment workshop for complaint disposal every day.
     (6) One sewage treatment station is built in Changchun Intelligent Bus Branch of FAW Jiefang
Automotive Co., Ltd. for the treatment of production and domestic wastewater of the Company, with
a treatment capacity of 300 tons/day. The physicochemical + biochemical treatment process is
adopted, which can operate continuously and stably and discharge up to standard in real time. The
sewage discharged up to standard enters the urban sewage treatment plant through the municipal pipe
network for further treatment.
     (7) Two sewage treatment stations are built in FAW Jiefang Qingdao Automotive Co., Ltd. They
combine physicochemical process with biochemical process and are mainly used to treat the
phosphating wastewater, electrophoresis wastewater and degreasing wastewater discharged from
daily production of the coating workshop, as well as the daily domestic sewage of the Company. The
designed maximum daily treatment capacity of the station is 2,160 tons/day. The treated wastewater
meets the index requirements of the Wastewater Quality Standards for Discharge to Municipal Sewers
(GB/T31962-2015), and reaches the Reuse of Urban Recycling Water—Water Quality Standard for
Urban Miscellaneous Use (GB/T18920-2020) after being further treated by the MBR improvement
equipment, thus reducing the sewage concentration significantly, increasing the reuse amount of
recycled water, and saving water. The up-to-standard treated wastewater is discharged to Jimo North
Sewage Treatment Plant for advanced treatment through the sewage outlet.
     (8) The industrial wastewater produced by the Engine Branch of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co.,
Ltd. is transferred to the sewage treatment station of the Shaft Gear Park for treatment.
     (9) One sewage treatment station is built in Wuxi Diesel Engine Works of FAW Jiefang
Automotive Co., Ltd. for the treatment of production and domestic wastewater of the Company, with
a total treatment capacity of 3,000 tons/day and 24-hour operation. The main treatment process is
physicochemical + biochemical treatment. The sewage station can operate continuously and stably,
and realize real-time up-to-standard discharge. The up-to-standard discharged sewage enters the
urban sewage treatment plant through the municipal pipe network for further treatment.

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

     (10) One sewage treatment station is built in the Wuxi Diesel Engine Huishan Factory of FAW
Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd. for the treatment of production and domestic wastewater of the
Company, with a total treatment capacity of 1,000 tons/day and 24-hour operation. The main
treatment process is physicochemical + biochemical treatment. The sewage station can operate
continuously and stably, and realize real-time up-to-standard discharge. The up-to-standard
discharged sewage enters the urban sewage treatment plant through the municipal pipe network for
further treatment.
     (11) One sewage treatment station is built in FAW Jiefang Dalian Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. for
the treatment of production and domestic wastewater, with a total treatment capacity of 816 tons/day
and 24-hour operation. The main treatment processes are distillation pretreatment of production
wastewater and biochemical treatment of comprehensive wastewater. The sewage station can operate
continuously and stably, and realize real-time up-to-standard discharge. The up-to-standard
discharged sewage enters the urban sewage treatment plant through the municipal pipe network for
further treatment.
     (II) Waste gas treatment:
     (1) All waste gas treatment facilities in the Truck Factory of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd.
can operate continuously and stably. The dust generated by the plasma cutting machine in the
stamping workshop is collected and filtered and then discharged through a 15m exhaust pipe. The
CO2 welding machine adopts a single-machine dust removal system, and the waste gas is discharged
locally in the workshop after being treated by a single-machine dust collector. The waste gas
generated by the treatment and drying process before entering the frame workshop is discharged
through a 15m exhaust pipe after being treated by a direct combustion device. The exhaust gas of
VOCs from cab coating and non-metallic coating is discharged after reaching the standard through
hydrocyclone + zeolite runner adsorption concentration + RTO (regenerative incineration).
     (2) All waste gas treatment facilities of the Chengdu Branch of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co.,
Ltd. can operate continuously and stably. The painting waste gas of the coated body is discharged
after reaching the standard through hydrocyclone + dry filtration + zeolite runner adsorption and
concentration + RTO (regenerative incineration). All welding fumes are discharged after reaching the
standard and being treated by centralized and mobile dust removal systems.

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

     (3) All waste gas treatment facilities of the Sichuan Branch of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co.,
Ltd. can operate continuously and stably. The painting waste gas of the coated body is discharged
after reaching the standard through dry paper box + zeolite runner adsorption and concentration +
RTO (regenerative incineration). All welding fumes are discharged after reaching the standard and
being treated by centralized and mobile dust removal systems.
     (4) All waste gas treatment facilities of the Transmission Branch (Transformation Factory) of
FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd. can operate continuously and stably. The painting waste gas
generated from the coating line is discharged after reaching the standard and being treated by
activated carbon adsorption and desorption catalytic combustion devices. All welding fumes are
discharged after reaching the standard and being treated by centralized and mobile dust removal
     (5) All waste gas treatment facilities of the Transmission Branch (Axle Factory) of FAW Jiefang
Automotive Co., Ltd. can operate continuously and stably, and all welding fumes are discharged after
reaching the standard and being treated by centralized and mobile dust removal systems. The waste
gas from the painting line is treated by zeolite runner +RCO device and discharged after meeting the
     (6) All kinds of exhaust gas treatment facilities of the Transmission Branch (Axle Factory) of
FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd. can operate continuously and stably, and various types of welding
fumes are treated by centralized and mobile dust removal systems before meeting emission standards.
The waste gas from the painting process is treated by the pretreatment filtration system + zeolite
concentration runner + RTO incineration treatment system and then discharged after reaching the
     (7) All waste gas treatment facilities of FAW Jiefang (Qingdao) Automotive Co., Ltd. can
operate continuously and stably. The painting waste gas generated by Painting Workshops 1 and 2,
Non-metallic Painting Workshop and Assembly Workshops 1 and 2 is discharged after reaching the
standard and being purified by paint mist, adsorbed by zeolite concentration runner and treated by an
RTO incineration device in the three workshops. The drying waste gas generated by the general
assembly workshop is burned with low nitrogen, and discharged after reaching the standard and being
treated by the quaternary combustion device. The drying waste gas generated by the coating workshop
is burned with low nitrogen and discharged after reaching the standard and receiving TNV thermal

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

incineration. All welding fumes are discharged after reaching the standard and being treated by a
filter cartridge dust collector.
     (8) The Engine Branch of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd. has three quenching machines
generating waste gas and equipped with adsorption purification devices. After treatment, the waste
gas is discharged up to standard.
     (9) All waste gas treatment facilities of Wuxi Diesel Engine Works of FAW Jiefang Automotive
Co., Ltd. can operate continuously and stably. The painting waste gas generated from coating is
discharged after reaching the standard and receiving activated carbon adsorption and desorption +
catalysis, and the waste gas generated from test run is discharged after reaching the standard and
being treated by SCR treatment device.
     (10) All waste gas treatment facilities of Wuxi Diesel Engine Huishan Factory of FAW Jiefang
Automotive Co., Ltd. can operate continuously and stably. The painting waste gas generated from
coating is discharged after reaching the standard and receiving activated carbon adsorption and
desorption + catalysis, and the waste gas generated from test run is discharged after reaching the
standard and being treated by SCR treatment device.
     (11) All waste gas treatment facilities of FAW Jiefang Dalian Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. can
operate continuously and stably. The painting waste gas generated from coating is discharged after
reaching the standard and being treated by water curtain paint mist treatment device + activated
carbon adsorption, and the waste gas generated from test run is discharged after being treated by SCR
post-treatment + alkali liquor washing exhaust gas treatment device and reaching the standard.
     (III) Noise control:
     All noise reduction and vibration reduction measures of branches and subsidiaries of the
Company can meet the requirements of national laws and regulations, and the noise within the plant
boundary meets the requirements of national emission standards.
     (IV) Hazardous waste disposal:
     All branches and subsidiaries of the Company deliver 100% of hazardous wastes to
organizations with hazardous waste transportation and disposal qualification for compliant transfer
and disposal in strict accordance with the requirements of national laws, regulations and standards.

Emergency plan for environmental emergencies

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

     We organized relevant departments to revise and improve the comprehensive plan, special
emergency plan and on-site disposal plan of the Emergency Response Plan for Environmental
Emergencies, conducted a detailed risk assessment on each risk point, clearly defined the work
responsibilities of each department, refined the emergency disposal procedures for unexpected
environmental events, supplemented and provided all kinds of emergency response materials, and
trained relevant personnel on the contents of the plan as required.
  We organized relevant departments to formulate the emergency response drill plan and carried out
the drills on the emergency plan, special emergency plan and on-site disposal plan for key areas
such as sewage treatment stations, hazardous waste stations and waste gas treatment facilities on
schedule. The drills improved the awareness of relevant personnel for the emergency procedures,
and their emergency response ability and coordination ability for emergencies, providing the actual
practice to the environmental emergency team and effectively improving the emergency response

Investment in environmental governance and protection and payment of environmental
protection taxes

  In the first half of 2024, the Company invested over CNY 14 million in various environmental
governance and protection expenses, as well as paid environmental protection taxes.

Environmental self-monitoring plan

 All branches and subsidiaries of the Company have prepared self-monitoring plans based on the
requirements of pollutant discharge permits and regulations, and organized qualified monitoring
organizations to conduct environmental monitoring of wastewater, exhaust gas, noise, etc.
according to the plan requirements. The test report for the first half of 2024 shows that all
monitoring indicators meet the requirements of all national emission regulations and standards.

Administrative penalties due to environmental problems in the Reporting Period

                                                                        Impact on
     Name of                                                          Production and      Rectification
                      Cause for                        Results of
   Company or                         Violations                      Operation of the     Measures of
                      Penalties                        Penalties
    Subsidiary                                                            Listed          the Company

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

       None             None             None             None               None            None

Other environmental information that shall be disclosed

 All subsidiary companies of the Company have disclosed environmental information in
accordance with the requirements, and have strictly conducted clean production audits in
accordance with the requirements. As a responsible central enterprise, the Company strictly abides
by the national requirements, has been practicing the concept of scientific development, builds a
clean and green enterprise, and is committed to becoming an ecological civilization benchmarking
environment-friendly enterprise of “energy conservation, consumption reduction, emission
reduction and efficiency improvement”.

Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions in the reporting period and their effects

Applicable □Not applicable

     The Company is deeply committed to the battle of energy conservation and carbon reduction,
actively connecting with the government’s preferential energy policies. In the first half of 2024, the
green electricity trading share exceeded 23 million kWh, and the PV clean energy projects
implemented by Liuzhou Branch, FAW Jiefang (Qingdao) Automotive Co., Ltd. and other branches
and subsidiaries were connected to the grid to generate electricity, further reducing carbon emissions.
  In the first half of 2024, more than 200 energy-saving and cost-reducing projects were approved
and implemented, with total annual savings of more than CNY 56 million and 46 thousand t CO2.

Other information related to environmental protection

     In the first half of 2024, the Company revised 8 environmental protection management
documents, and refined the identification and evaluation standards for environmental factors, in order
to improve the evaluation process. In addition, the Company also strictly standardized the
“simultaneous design, construction and operation” management of construction projects, in order to
clarify the management standards and spot inspection operation requirements for environmental
protection facilities, and increase the identification of laws and regulations.
     In order to enhance the environmental responsibility awareness and work ability of managers
and operators at all levels, the Company and its subsidiaries have developed an environmental
protection training plan and refreshed 9 professional environmental protection training courses, which

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

can provide targeted training on important environmental regulations and lay a good foundation for
the development of various work.
     In the first half of 2024, the Company organized a series of activities of “Environmental
Protection Publicity Month”, and carefully prepared the Plan of Environmental Protection Publicity
Month Activities for 2024. During the activity month, the Company carried out the activities, such
as the production of promotional posters in the electronic “Environment Day” themed, participation
in the group company’s environmental protection forum to share excellent practice cases, and
initiation of the selection of environmental protection excellent cases. Becaused of the extensive
participation of employees from various organizations, the Company has achieved good publicity

II. Social Responsibility

     In the first half of 2024, FAW Jiefang deepened its social responsibility practice to help
comprehensively promote rural revitalization. It is necessary to continue to implement the pairing
and co-construction work of Party building, in order to provide paired assistance to Fengshan
County in Guangxi and Zhenlai County in Jilin, and highlight the construction of beautiful
countryside and industrial assistance. In addition, it is also necessary to continue to assist in the
revitalization and development of the assisted regions. By deepening and expanding consumption
assistance, continuing to carry out activities such as social responsibility week and central
enterprise consumption assistance, it is necessary to broaden the sales channels for agricultural and
sideline products in poverty-stricken areas, and mobilize employees and all sectors of society to
participate in consumption assistance actions, in order to jointly contribute to rural revitalization.

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                             Section VI Important Matters

I. Commitments Made by the Company’s Actual Controllers, Shareholders, Related Parties,
Purchasers and the Company to Interested Parties that will be Fulfilled in the Reporting
Period, and Commitments not Fulfilled by the End of the Reporting Period

□Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, there were no commitments made by the actual controllers,
shareholders, related parties, and purchasers of the Company that were fully fulfilled during the
reporting period or were not fully fulfilled by the end of the reporting period.

II. Non-operating Occupation of Funds by Controlling Shareholders and Other Related
Parties to the Listed Company

□Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, there was no non-operating occupation of funds by controlling
shareholders and other related parties.

III. Illegal External Guarantee

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no illegal external guarantee in the reporting period.

IV. Appointment and Dismissal of Accounting Firm

Has the semi-annual financial report been audited?
□Yes No
The semi-annual report of the Company is not audited.

V. Description of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on the “Non-standard
Audit Report” of the Accounting Firm in the Reporting Period

□Applicable Not applicable

VI. Description of the Board of Directors on the “Non-standard Audit Report” of the Last

□Applicable Not applicable

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

VII. Matters Related to Bankruptcy Reorganization

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no matter related to bankruptcy reorganization in the reporting period.

VIII. Litigation Matters

Major litigation and arbitration matters
□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no major litigation or arbitration matter in the reporting period.
Other litigation matters
Applicable □Not applicable

    Basic                                               Litigation
                                            Progress                 Implementat
  Informati      Amount     Estimated                   (Arbitrati
                                                of                      ion of        Date of
  on about      Involved    liabilities                     on)                                  Disclosur
                                           Litigation                 Litigation     Disclosur
  Litigation    (CNY 10     formed or                    Results                                  e Index
                                           (Arbitrati                (Arbitration)       e
  (Arbitrati   thousand)       not                         and
                                               on)                    Judgment
      on)                                                Impact
  Summary                                                            Case not
  of other                                              No           closed by the
                         liabilities       Case not
  litigation    9,320.29                                significan   end of the
                         of CNY            closed
  not                                                   t impact     reporting
  reaching                                                           period
  the major
                                                        No           Judgmented
  disclosure                               Case
                2,654.18 No                             significan   or fully
  standard                                 closed
                                                        t impact     executed

IX. Punishment and Rectification

□Applicable Not applicable
The company has no punishment or rectification in the reporting period.

X. Integrity of the Company and Its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

□Applicable Not applicable

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

XI. Major Related Transactions

1. Related transactions related to daily operations

Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
                                    Pricin                                                                  Settle
                                                                            Proportio                    it
                      Type            g    Price                                                            ment
                            Content                          Amount of       n to the    Approved      Exce
Related                of           Princi  of                                                              Metho        Available
                               of                               Related     Amount      Transaction     eds
Transac    Correla   Relate         ple of Relate                                                            d of       Market Value      Date of      Disclosure
                            Related                          Transaction        of         Amount       the
  tion      tion       d            Relate   d                                                              Relate       of Similar      Disclosure      Index
                            Transac                            (CNY 10       Similar      (CNY 10      App
 Party               Trans            d    Trans                                                              d         Transactions
                              tion                            thousand)     Transacti    thousand)     rove
                     action         Trans action                                                            Trans
                                                                               ons                       d
                                    action                                                                  action
          The                                                                                                                                          /disclosure
          same                                                                                                                                         /stock?sto
Group                                                                                                          Cash
          ultimat    Sales                                                                                                      CNY                    ckCode=0
Import                           Sales of Marke Marke                                                          + bill                  January 31,
          e          of                                       849,352.12      23.86%       1,475,014    No                 8.4935212                   00800&or
&                                goods    t price t price                                                      settle                  2024
          controll   goods                                                                                                     billion                 gId=gssz0
Export                                                                                                         ment
          ing                                                                                                                                          000800&s
          party                                                                                                                                        jstsBond=f
Total                                       --       --       849,352.12        --         1,475,014     --      --           --              --            --
Details of large sales returns            None
Actual performance in the reporting
period, if the total amount of daily
                                          For details about the actual performance of related transactions in the reporting period, please see Item XIV “Related
related transactions to be incurred in
                                          Parties and Related Transactions” in Section X of this report.
the current period is estimated by
Reasons for large difference between      N/A
                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
transaction price and market
reference price

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

2. Related transactions arising from the acquisition and sale of assets or equity

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no related transaction arising from the acquisition and sale of assets or equity in
the reporting period.

3. Related transactions of joint foreign investment

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no related transaction of joint foreign investment in the reporting period.

4. Related credit and debt transactions

Applicable □Not applicable
Whether there are non-operating related credit and debt transactions
□Yes No
The Company has no non-operating related credit and debt transactions in the reporting period.

5. Transaction with related finance companies

Applicable □Not applicable
Deposit Business
                                                                   Amount Incurred in Current Period
                            Daily       Deposit                    Total Deposit                        Ending
                                                      Opening                         Withdrawal
  Related                  Deposit      Interest                   Amount in the                        Balance
            Correlation                            Balance (CNY                      Amount in the
  Parties                   Limit         Rate                     Current Period                      (CNY 10
                                                    10 thousand)                     Current Period
                          (CNY 10        Range                       (CNY 10                           thousand)
                          thousand)                                                    (CNY 10
First       of the
Automobil   Company,                    0.455%-
                           3,000,000                1,404,657.52     18,260,986.65    18,797,837.24    867,806.93
e Finance   the same                    -1.8%
Co., Ltd.   ultimate
Credit Granting or Other Financial Businesses
                                                                   Total Amount         Actual Amount
   Related Parties        Correlation         Business Type          (CNY 10            Incurred (CNY
                                                                    thousand)            10 thousand)

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                      enterprise of the
  First Automobile                         Other financial
                      Company, the                                       920,000               91,495.66
  Finance Co., Ltd.                        businesses
                      same ultimate
                      controlling party

6. Transactions between finance companies controlled by the Company and related parties

□Applicable Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit granting or other financial businesses between the finance
companies controlled by the Company and related parties.

7. Other major related transactions

Applicable □Not applicable

     On January 30, 2024, the 10st Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors of the Company reviewed

and approved the Proposal on Estimated Amount of Daily Related Transactions in 2024 and the

Proposal on Estimated Amount of Financial Business with First Automobile Finance Co., Ltd. in

2024, which were reviewed and approved by the First Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of the

Company in 2024.

Relevant Inquiries on Disclosure Website of Interim Report of Major Related Transactions

                                           Disclosure Date of           Name of Temporary
  Name of Temporary Announcement              Temporary               Announcement Disclosure
                                            Announcement                     Website
  Announcement on estimated
  amount of daily related transactions    January 31, 2024
  in 2024
  Announcement on estimated
  amount of financial business with                                           CNINFO
                                          January 31, 2024
  First Automobile Finance Co., Ltd.                                 (http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
  in 2024

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

XII. Major Contracts and Their Performance

1. Trusteeship, contracting and lease

(1) Trusteeship

□Applicable Not applicable
There is no trusteeship made by the Company in the reporting period.

(2) Contracting

□Applicable Not applicable
There is no contracting made by the Company in the reporting period.

(3) Lease

Applicable □Not applicable
Description of lease
For details of the Company’s operating lease, please refer to Note 14 “Investment real estate”, Note
15 “Fixed assets”, and Note 19 “Right-of-use assets” in Notes to Items in VII “Consolidated
Financial Statements” of Section X “Financial Report”, and Note 5 “Information of related
transactions” in XIV “Related parties and related transactions”.
Projects that bring about profits and losses exceeding 10% of the total profit of the Company in the
reporting period
□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no leasing project that brings about profits and losses exceeding 10% of the total
profit of the Company in the reporting period.

2. Major guarantees

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no major guarantee in the reporting period.

3. Entrusted financial management

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no entrusted financial management in the reporting period.

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

4. Other major contracts

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no other major contracts in the reporting period.

XIII. Other Major Matters to be Explained

Applicable □Not applicable

     The 4th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 3rd Meeting of the 10th Board of

Supervisors held by the Company on June 19, 2023 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the

Company’s Eligibility to Issue A Shares to Specific Objects, the Proposal on the Company’s Plan to

Issue A Shares to Specific Objects in 2023 and other proposals, which were reviewed and approved

by the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 2023 of the Company held on July 18, 2023.

On July 18, 2023, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Matters Related to the Issuance of

A Shares to Specific Objects in 2023 Approved by China FAW Group; on August 3, 2023, the

Company disclosed the Announcement on the Application for Issuance of A Shares to Specific

Objects in 2023 Accepted by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On October 13, 2023, the Company

disclosed the Announcement on Issuance of A Shares to Specific Objects in 2023 Approved by

Listing Audit Center of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On June 25, 2024, the Company disclosed the

Announcement on Obtaining Registration Approval from the China Securities Regulatory

Commission for Applying to Issue Stocks to Specific Objects and the A-share Issuance Prospectus to

Specific Objects in 2023 (Registration Draft)

    For details of the above matters, please refer to the Company’s relevant announcements published

in Securities Times, China Securities Journal and CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

XIV. Major Events of Subsidiaries

□Applicable Not applicable

                                                                        Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                              Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders

  I. Changes in Shares

  1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                              Unit: share
                                 Before the Change               Increase/Decrease Made by the Change (+, -)          After the Change
                                                            Issue          Transfe
                                                              of             rred
                                Quantity       Percentage   New             from       Others        Subtotal       Quantity      Percentage
                                                            Share          Accum
                                                              s            ulation
I. Restricted shares             14,433,543        0.31%                             -12,959,128    -12,959,128       1,474,415       0.03%
  1. Shares held by the state
   2. Shares held by the
state-owned legal person
  3. Shares held by other
                                 14,433,543        0.31%                            -12,959,128    -12,959,128        1,474,415       0.03%
domestic enterprises
     Including: shares held
by domestic legal person
    Shares held by
                                 14,433,543        0.31%                            -12,959,128    -12,959,128        1,474,415       0.03%
domestic natural person
  4. Shares held by foreign
     Including: shares held

                                                          Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
by overseas legal person
     Shares held by
overseas natural person
II. Unrestricted shares         4,622,564,932   99.69%                   -175,633       -175,633    4,622,389,299     99.97%
  1. CNY ordinary shares        4,622,564,932   99.69%                   -175,633       -175,633    4,622,389,299     99.97%
  2. Foreign shares listed in
  3. Foreign shares listed
  4. Others
III. Total number of shares     4,636,998,475   100.00%               -13,134,761    -13,134,761    4,623,863,714    100.00%

                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Reasons for changes in shares
Applicable □Not applicable

      During the reporting period, due to the failure to achieve the performance evaluation targets set
for the third release of restricted stock incentive plan granted for the first time and the second release
of restricted stock incentive plan reserved for grant, as well as the repurchase and cancellation of
incentive recipients due to organizational arrangements, statutory retirement, and personal reasons,
the final total was 13,134,761 shares. After the aforesaid repurchase and cancellation, the total share
capital of the Company was changed to 4,623,863,714 shares.
Approval of share changes
Applicable □Not applicable
(1) On November 20, 2023, the 7th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 6th Meeting of the
10th Board of Supervisors of the Company approved the Proposal on Repurchasing and Canceling
Some Restricted Stocks in the First Phase of the Restricted Stock Incentive Plan, with a total of
512,807 restricted stocks repurchased and cancelled. On December 6, 2023, the Proposal was
deliberated and approved at the Company’s first Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting in 2023.
(2) On March 28, 2024, the 11th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 10th Meeting of the
10th Board of Supervisors of the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal on Unsuccessful
Lifting of Conditions of the Second Release Period First Granted by the Phase I Restricted Share
Incentive Plan for Releasing the Restricted Sales and of Conditions of the First Release Period
Reserved by the Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan for Releasing the Restricted Sales and
Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares, with a total number of 12,621,954 restricted
shares repurchased and canceled. On April 25, 2024, the proposal was reviewed and approved at the
Company’s 2023 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.
Transfer of share changes
Applicable □Not applicable
(1) On March 15, 2024, the Company submitted relevant registration materials to CDSC for 512,807
shares involved in equity incentive repurchase and cancellation. On March 27, 2024, CSDC issued
the Confirmation of Securities Transfer Registration to the Company, and the total share capital of
the Company was reduced to 4,636,485,668 shares.
(2) On June 11, 2024, the Company submitted relevant registration materials to CDSC for 12,621,954
shares involved in equity incentive repurchase and cancellation. On June 13, 2024, CSDC issued the
Confirmation of Securities Transfer Registration to the Company, and the total share capital of the
Company was reduced to 4,623,863,714 shares.
Implementation progress of share repurchase

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

□Applicable Not applicable
Implementation progress of reducing repurchased shares by centralized bidding
□Applicable Not applicable
Impact of changes in shares on financial indicators such as basic earnings per share and diluted
earnings per share in the latest year and the latest period, and net assets per share attributable to
shareholders with ordinary shares of the Company
Applicable □Not applicable

     In the reporting period, the share capital of the Company decreased by 13,134,761 shares,
which had little impact on the Company’s financial indicators such as basic earnings per share,
diluted earnings per share, and net assets per share attributable to shareholders with ordinary shares
of the Company.
Other information disclosed as deemed necessary by the Company or required by the securities
regulatory authority
□Applicable Not applicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: share

                                               Number of
                               Number of
              Number of                        Restricted     Number of
   Name                         Restricted
              Restricted                         Shares       Restricted
     of                          Shares                                      Reason for
             Shares at the                     Increased       Shares at                     Release Date
   Shareh                      Released in                                   Restriction
             Beginning of                        in the       the End of
    older                      the Current
              the Period                        Current       the Period
                                                                                            The lockup
                                                                                            restrictions can
                                                                                            be lifted
  Wu                                                                          Executive
                    95,992            58,853                       37,139                   annually based
  Bilei                                                                        lockup
                                                                                            on 25% of the
                                                                                            total number of
                                                                                            shares held
                                                                                            The lockup
                                                                                            restrictions can
  Li                                                                          Executive
                    80,966            49,639                       31,327                   be lifted
  Sheng                                                                        lockup
                                                                                            annually based
                                                                                            on 25% of the

                        Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                         total number of
                                                                         shares held
                                                                         After the
                                                                         expiration of
                                                                         the resignation
                                                                         lockup period,
Zhang                                                        Resignation
              95,967         20,564                   75,403             the sales
Guohua                                                          lockup
                                                                         restriction can
                                                                         be lifted in
                                                                         accordance with
                                                                         The lockup
                                                                         restrictions can
                                                                         be lifted
Ji Yizhi      80,966         49,639                   31,327             annually based
                                                                         on 25% of the
                                                                         total number of
                                                                         shares held
                                                                         The lockup
                                                                         restrictions can
                                                                         be lifted
Wang                                                          Executive
              65,544         34,217                   31,327             annually based
Jianyu                                                          lockup
                                                                         on 25% of the
                                                                         total number of
                                                                         shares held
                                                                         After the
                                                                         expiration of
                                                                         the resignation
                                                                         lockup period,
Tian                                                         Resignation
              80,966         17,349                   63,617             the sales
Haifeng                                                         lockup
                                                                         restriction can
                                                                         be lifted in
                                                                         accordance with
                                                                         The lockup
                                                                         restrictions can
                                                                         be lifted
Wang                                                          Executive
              80,966         49,639                   31,327             annually based
Jianxun                                                         lockup
                                                                         on 25% of the
                                                                         total number of
                                                                         shares held
Other                                                           Equity   The restrictions
           13,852,176    12,679,228                1,172,948
core                                                          incentive, on sales are

                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

    employ                                                                   etc.      lifted in phases
    ees of                                                                             based on the
    senior                                                                             assessment
    director                                                                           objectives and
    and                                                                                the restricted
    above                                                                              share incentive
    Total        14,433,543      12,959,128             0    1,474,415        --              --

  II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

  □Applicable Not applicable

  III. Number of Shareholders and Shareholdings of the Company

                                                                                         Unit: share
Total Number of                                        Total Number of Shareholders
Shareholders with
Ordinary Shares at                           75,824 with Preferred Share withat the                        0
                                                       Restored Voting Rights
the End of the                                         End of the Reporting Period
Reporting Period
   Shareholdings situation of ordinary shareholders holding more than 5% or top 10 ordinary shareholders
                            (excluding shares lent through securities refinancing).
                                                                     Numbe                        Pledge,
                                     Number of          Increase       r of                      Marking or
                                      Ordinary            and        Restrict     Number of       Freezing
                 e of    Share
  Name of                          Shares Held at Decrease in           ed       Unrestricted
Shareholder Share proporti the End of the                  the       Ordinar       Ordinary     Status Qu
               holder      on
                                     Reporting         Reporting         y       Shares Held      of     ant
                  s                    Period            Period      Shares                     Shares ity
China FAW owne
Group          d
                        66.19%      3,060,649,901                0          0    3,060,649,901 N/A         0
Corporation legal
Limited        perso
FAW            owne
Besturn        d
                        16.97%        784,500,000                0          0       784,500,000 N/A        0
Automotive legal
Co., Ltd.      perso
Hong Kong Overs
Securities     eas
Clearing       legal      1.31%         60,631,925     -2,183,034           0        60,631,925 N/A        0
Company        perso
Ltd.           n

                             Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Lu Min               0.78%         36,096,590             0        0       36,096,590 N/A       0
Bank of
Huatai-     Other
                     0.24%         11,117,800     4,677,800        0       11,117,800 N/A       0
PineBridge s
CSI 300
Open Index
Duanmu      natura
                     0.23%         10,538,600     6,055,700        0       10,538,600 N/A       0
Xiaoyi      l
Chao Guo             0.18%          8,293,558      -372,000        0        8,293,558 N/A       0
Li Yan               0.17%          7,660,000             0        0        7,660,000 N/A       0
n Bank
- E Fund
CSI 300              0.16%          7,240,000     4,944,700        0        7,240,000 N/A       0
Open Index

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Zhong Ou
Bank of
China -
Zhong Ou       Other
                           0.12%          5,549,500             0         0         5,549,500 N/A          0
& CITIC        s
t Plan
t Co., Ltd. -
Bank of
China -        Other
                           0.12%          5,549,500             0         0         5,549,500 N/A          0
Bosera &       s
t Plan
Strategic investors or
general legal persons
who become the top
10 shareholders with     None
ordinary shares due
to the issuance of
new shares
                         Among the above shareholders, FAW Bestune is a holding subsidiary of FAW, and is a
Description of           person acting in concert as specified in the Regulations for the Takeover of Listed
correlation or
                         Companies. The public disclosure data indicates that the Company does not know
concerted action of
                         whether there is a correlation between other shareholders of outstanding shares, nor
the above
shareholders             whether other shareholders of outstanding shares are persons acting in concert as
                         specified in the Regulations for the Takeover of Listed Companies.
Description of
involvement of the
above shareholders       None
voting rights and

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

waiving voting rights
Special description
of the existence of
repurchase special      None
accounts among the
top 10 shareholders
Shareholding situation of the top 10 ordinary shareholders with unlimited sales conditions (excluding shares
                            lent through refinancing and executive lockup shares)
                                                       Number of                   Type of Shares
                                                    Ordinary Shares
             Name of Shareholder
                                                   Held at the End of     Type of Shares        Quantity
                                                     the Reporting
                                                                          CNY ordinary
China FAW Group Corporation Limited                     3,060,649,901                         3,060,649,901
                                                                          CNY ordinary
FAW Besturn Automotive Co., Ltd.                          784,500,000                           784,500,000
                                                                          CNY ordinary
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd.                  60,631,925                           60,631,925
                                                                          CNY ordinary
Lu Min                                                      36,096,590                           36,096,590
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
                                                                          CNY ordinary
Limited-Huatai-PineBridge CSI 300 Trading                   11,117,800                           11,117,800
Open Index Securities Investment Fund                                       shares
                                                                          CNY ordinary
Duanmu Xiaoyi                                               10,538,600                           10,538,600
                                                                          CNY ordinary
Chao Guo                                                     8,293,558                              8,293,558
                                                                          CNY ordinary
Li Yan                                                       7,660,000                              7,660,000
China Construction Bank Corporation - E Fund
                                                                          CNY ordinary
CSI 300 Trading Open Index Securities                        7,240,000                              7,240,000
Investment Fund
Zhong Ou AMC - Agricultural Bank of China -
                                                                          CNY ordinary
Zhong Ou & CITIC Securities Financial Asset                  5,549,500                              5,549,500
Management Plan
Bosera Asset Management Co., Ltd. -                                       CNY ordinary
                                                             5,549,500                              5,549,500
Agricultural Bank of China - Bosera & CITIC                                 shares

                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Securities Financial Asset Management Plan
Description of
correlation or
concerted action
between the top 10      Among the above shareholders, FAW Bestune is a holding subsidiary of FAW, and is a
shareholders with       person acting in concert as specified in the Regulations for the Takeover of Listed
unrestricted ordinary
                        Companies. The public disclosure data indicates that the Company does not know
shares, and between
the top 10              whether there is a correlation between other shareholders of outstanding shares, nor
shareholders with       whether other shareholders of outstanding shares are persons acting in concert as
unrestricted ordinary   specified in the Regulations for the Takeover of Listed Companies.
shares and the top 10
shareholders with
ordinary shares
                        Lu Min, a domestic natural person, holds 36,096,590 shares of the Company through
                        the guaranteed securities account for customer credit trading of CITIC Securities.
Description of          Duanmu Xiaoyi, a domestic natural person, holds 10,538,600 shares of the Company
participation in        through the guaranteed securities account for customer credit trading of CITIC
financing bonds
                        Securities. Chao Guo, a domestic natural person, holds 8,274,400 shares of the
business of top 10
shareholders with       Company through the guaranteed securities account for customer credit trading of
ordinary shares         Minsheng Securities. Li Yan, a domestic natural person, holds 7,660,000 shares of the
                        Company through the guaranteed securities account for customer credit trading of
                        Dongguan Securities.
  Participation of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, top 10 shareholders, and top 10
  shareholders with unlimited tradable shares in lending shares through the transfer and financing
  Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: share
     Participation of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, top 10 shareholders, and top 10
  shareholders with unlimited tradable shares in lending shares through the transfer and financing business
                                         Number of shares                                 Number of shares
                 Opening ordinary       lent at the begining      Ending ordinary         lent at the ending
                account and credit        of the period of       account and credit        of the period of
  Name of      account shareholding     refinancing and not     account shareholding     refinancing and not
Shareholder                                 yet returned                                     yet returned
(Full Name)
                              Proport               Proporti                  Proporti     Total      Proporti
                 Total                   Total                    Total
                               ion to                on to                     on to      Quantit      on to
                Quantity                Quantity                 Quantity
                               Total                 Total                     Total        y          Total

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                            Share                  Share                      Share                    Share
                            Capital                Capital                    Capital                  Capital
Bank of
                6,440,000    0.14%      568,300      0.01%      11,117,800      0.24%            0         0.00%
CSI 300
Open Index
n Bank
- E Fund
CSI 300         2,295,300    0.05%      315,400      0.01%       7,240,000      0.16%     87,600           0.00%
Open Index
 Changes in the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares due
 to refinancing, lending, and repayment reasons compared to the previous period
 □Applicable Not applicable
 Do the top 10 shareholders with ordinary shares and the top 10 shareholders with unrestricted
 ordinary shares of the Company conduct agreed repurchase transactions in the reporting period
 □Yes No
 The top 10 shareholders with ordinary shares and the top 10 shareholders with unrestricted ordinary
 shares of the Company do not conduct agreed repurchase transactions in the reporting period

 IV. Changes in Shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

 Applicable □Not applicable
                    Empl    Number      Numbe     Number      Number       Number       Number        Number
Name     Position
                    oyme    of Shares    r of     of Shares   of Shares      of         Of            of

                             Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                   nt      Held at  Shares    Reduced     Held at    Restricted   Restricted   Restricte
                  Statu      the    Increas     in the    the End      Shares     Shares       d Shares
                    s     Beginning ed in     Current       of the    Granted     Granted      Granted
                            of the    the      Period      Period      at the     In The       at the
                           Period   Current    (share)     (share)   Beginning    Current      End of
                           (share)  Period                             of the     Period       the
                                    (share)                            Period     (shares)     Period
                                                                      (shares)                 (shares)
Wu       an of
                  servi    153,130              77,708     75,422      153,130      -77,708         75,422
Bilei    the
         and      In-
         General servi     129,161              65,544     63,617      129,161      -65,544         63,617
         Manage   ce
         Director servi
Zhang             rture
Guohu    Director from     153,090              77,687     75,403      153,090      -77,687         75,403
a                 offic
Bi                rture
Wenqu    Director from
an                offic
Liu               In-
Yancha   Director servi
ng                ce
Deng            In-
Weigon Director servi
g               ce
         Director servi

                            Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Han    Indepen      In-
Fangmi dent         servi
ng     director     ce
Mao      Indepen    In-
Zhihon   dent       servi
g        director   ce
Dong     Indepen    In-
Zhongl   dent       servi
ang      director   ce
        an of
Li Ying             servi
         an of
Yan      Board
Feng     of
Xu       ee
Haigen   Supervi
Wang     ee
Lijun    Supervi
Duan                In-
Yinghu              servi
i                   ce
Ren      ee
Ruijie   Supervi

                               Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Yu                 In-
Changx             servi
in                 ce
Ji Yizhi           servi      129,161                   65,544    63,617    129,161     -65,544        63,617
Wang     General
                   servi      129,161                   65,544    63,617    129,161     -65,544        63,617
Jianyu   Manage
Tian               rture
Haifen             from       129,161                   65,544    63,617    129,161     -65,544        63,617
g                  offic
        y of the
Wang    Board
                 servi        129,161                   65,544    63,617    129,161     -65,544        63,617
Jianxun of
 Total       --      --       952,025          0       483,115   468,910    952,025    -483,115    468,910

 Changes in controlling shareholders or actual controllers

 Changes in controlling shareholders in the reporting period

 □Applicable Not applicable

 There is no change in the controlling shareholders of the Company in the reporting period.

 Change of actual controller in the reporting period

 □Applicable Not applicable

 There is no change in the actual controller of the Company in the reporting period.

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                            Section VIII Preferred Shares

□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no preferred shares in the reporting period.

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                     Section IX Bonds

□Applicable Not applicable

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                     Section X Financial Report

I. Audit Report

Is the semi-annual report audited

□Yes No

The semi-annual financial report of the Company is not audited.

II. Financial Statements

The unit in the notes to the financial statement is CNY

1. Consolidated balance sheet

                                                  June 30, 2024
                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                    Item                           Ending balance              Opening balance
  Current assets:
     Monetary capital                                     25,609,204,954.65          22,920,710,903.12
     Settlement reserve fund
     Loans to banks and other
  financial institutions
     Financial assets held for trading
     Derivative financial assets
     Notes receivable                                       110,591,432.00               44,626,048.13
     Accounts receivable                                  11,708,633,140.72           1,989,386,169.77
     Accounts receivable financing                         8,448,273,887.92           4,878,126,972.73
     Prepayments                                            410,909,476.74              689,621,097.66
     Premiums receivable
     Reinsurance accounts receivable
     Reinsurance contract reserves
     Other receivables                                     1,176,699,147.26           1,309,376,221.57
       Including: interests receivable
               Dividends receivable
    Financial assets purchased under
  agreements to resell
     Inventories                                           7,580,283,903.54           9,210,971,356.15
       Including: data resources
     Contract assets                                         16,476,441.87               17,582,856.82
     Held-for-sale assets

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Current portion of non-current
                                                         229,571,360.00                222,664,624.89
  Other current assets                                   733,547,168.89               1,032,089,815.23
Total current assets                                  56,024,190,913.59              42,315,156,066.07
Non-current assets:
  Loans and advances
  Debt investment
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables                                  142,564,776.60                132,031,253.27
  Long-term equity investments                         5,687,858,933.19               5,469,591,970.26
  Other equity instruments
                                                         480,780,000.00                480,780,000.00
  Other non-current financial
  Investment properties                                   46,253,781.34                 47,049,995.53
  Fixed assets                                        11,470,284,660.10              11,380,286,165.58
  Project under construction                             750,571,700.84                816,484,299.18
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                    117,251,281.65                138,989,886.70
  Intangible assets                                    2,386,449,982.49               2,438,433,780.65
     Including: data resources
  Development expenditures                               222,837,913.82                109,873,830.59
     Including: data resources
  Long-term deferred expenses
  Deferred Income tax assets                           2,702,715,506.94               2,544,710,679.48
  Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                              24,007,568,536.97              23,558,231,861.24
Total assets                                          80,031,759,450.56              65,873,387,927.31
Current liabilities:
  Short-term loans
  Borrowing from the central bank
  Placements from banks and
other financial institutions
   Financial liabilities held for
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                       25,947,712,941.61              11,769,864,678.11
  Accounts payable                                    18,062,160,228.69              16,495,571,442.45
  Advance receipts                                           715,111.97                    641,221.46
  Contract liabilities                                 1,055,648,915.82               2,204,692,602.77
  Financial assets sold under
agreement to repurchase

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Deposits taking and interbank
  Acting trading securities
  Acting underwriting securities
  Employee compensation payable                        560,440,000.75                 402,039,885.19
  Taxes payable                                        106,373,325.65                 129,222,373.32
  Other payables                                      5,193,920,530.52               5,305,057,045.18
     Including: interests payable
             Dividends payable                             171,500.02                     171,500.02
  Handling charges and
commissions payable
  Reinsurance accounts payable
  Held-for-sale liabilities
   Current portion of non-current
                                                        14,750,421.22                  27,171,195.40
  Other current liabilities                             60,702,098.17                 214,456,037.00
Total current liabilities                            51,002,423,574.40              36,548,716,480.88
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserve
  Long-term loans
  Bonds payable
     Including: preferred shares
             Perpetual Bond
  Lease liabilities                                     35,523,520.47                  30,494,014.13
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee
                                                       679,333,932.03                 672,957,633.25
compensation payable
  Estimated liabilities                                709,985,205.49                 735,710,304.03
  Deferred income                                     2,960,308,188.38               2,983,678,367.53
  Deferred income tax liabilities                      376,031,630.59                 415,071,758.09
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                         4,761,182,476.96               4,837,912,077.03
Total liabilities                                    55,763,606,051.36              41,386,628,557.91
Owner’s equities:
   Share capital                                      4,623,863,714.00               4,636,485,668.00
   Other equity instruments
     Including: preferred shares
              Perpetual Bond
   Capital reserves                                  10,276,761,678.62              10,343,418,951.73
   Less: treasury shares                                  6,246,851.73                  86,131,497.27
   Other comprehensive incomes                           -3,197,978.68                  -8,514,110.10
   Special reserves                                     310,114,694.40                 319,314,527.85
   Surplus reserves                                   3,090,408,316.87               3,090,408,316.87
   General risk provision
   Undistributed profits                              5,976,449,825.72               6,191,777,512.32
Total equity attributable to owners
                                                     24,268,153,399.20              24,486,759,369.40
of the parent company

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

    Minority equity
  Total owners’ equity                                 24,268,153,399.20                    24,486,759,369.40
  Total liabilities and owner’s
                                                        80,031,759,450.56                    65,873,387,927.31
Legal representative: Wu Bilei Person in charge of accounting: Ji Yizhi Person in charge of the accounting
organization: Si Yuzhuo

2. Balance sheet of parent company

                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                    Item                         Ending balance                       Opening balance
  Current assets:
     Monetary capital                                        5,431,357.03                       165,157,237.21
     Financial assets held for trading
     Derivative financial assets
     Notes receivable
     Accounts receivable
     Accounts receivable financing
     Prepayments                                                  84,000.00                           84,000.00
     Other receivables                                         219,864.00                           219,864.00
       Including: interests receivable
               Dividends receivable
       Including: data resources
     Contract assets
     Held-for-sale assets
    Current portion of non-current
     Other current assets                                      412,611.48                           261,636.19
  Total current assets                                       6,147,832.51                       165,722,737.40
  Non-current assets:
     Debt investment
     Other debt investments
     Long-term receivables
     Long-term equity investments                       25,794,526,170.67                    25,594,049,970.19
    Other equity instruments
    Other non-current financial
     Investment properties
     Fixed assets

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Project under construction
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets
  Intangible assets
     Including: data resources
  Development expenditures
     Including: data resources
  Long-term deferred expenses
  Deferred Income tax assets
  Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                              25,794,526,170.67              25,594,049,970.19
Total assets                                          25,800,674,003.18              25,759,772,707.59
Current liabilities:
  Short-term loans
   Financial liabilities held for
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                                          264,628.26                     250,327.84
  Advance receipts
  Contract liabilities
  Employee compensation payable
  Taxes payable                                            4,389,523.56                   3,368,528.10
  Other payables                                        268,484,598.22                  90,343,250.16
     Including: interests payable
               Dividends payable                            171,500.02                     171,500.02
  Held-for-sale liabilities
   Current portion of non-current
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                               273,138,750.04                  93,962,106.10
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loans
  Bonds payable
     Including: preferred shares
               Perpetual Bond

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

    Lease liabilities
    Long-term payables
    Long-term employee
  compensation payable
    Estimated liabilities
    Deferred income
    Deferred income tax liabilities
    Other non-current liabilities
  Total non-current liabilities
  Total liabilities                                            273,138,750.04                      93,962,106.10
  Owner’s equities:
   Share capital                                             4,623,863,714.00                    4,636,485,668.00
   Other equity instruments
     Including: preferred shares
              Perpetual Bond
   Capital reserves                                         12,104,430,650.56                   12,171,693,342.10
   Less: treasury shares                                         6,246,851.73                       86,131,497.27
   Other comprehensive incomes                                   6,446,198.58                          863,137.93
    Special reserves
    Surplus reserves                                         1,859,690,555.97                    1,859,690,555.97
    Undistributed profits                                    6,939,350,985.76                    7,083,209,394.76
  Total owners’ equity                                     25,527,535,253.14                   25,665,810,601.49
  Total liabilities and owner’s
                                                            25,800,674,003.18                   25,759,772,707.59

3. Consolidated profit statement

                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                    Item                                  Semi-annual 2024        Semi-annual 2023
  I. Total operating income                                                 35,602,292,639.46       33,014,661,914.13
    Including: operating income                                             35,602,292,639.46       33,014,661,914.13
             Interest income
             Premium earned
             Handling charges and commission income
  II. Total operating cost                                                  35,673,829,224.05       33,178,733,500.55
    Including: operating cost                                               33,252,419,902.01       30,590,523,778.02
             Interest expense
             Handling charges and commission expense
             Surrender value
             Net payments for insurance claims
             Net allotment of reserves for insurance liabilities
             Policy dividend expenditure

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

           Reinsurance expenses
           Taxes and surcharges                                          105,369,314.20     109,841,569.80
           Sales expenses                                                835,467,097.82     774,822,818.33
           Administrative expenses                                       739,765,844.96     871,161,062.92
           R&D expenses                                                 1,135,583,276.97   1,248,047,703.54
           Financial expenses                                            -394,776,211.91   -415,663,432.06
              Including: interest expenses                                  1,431,811.40       2,201,462.83
                      Interest income                                    330,521,706.02     332,873,373.32
  Add: Other incomes                                                     353,779,659.32     195,656,370.11
        Investment income (loss to be listed with “-”)                 101,886,844.66     133,617,879.87
             Including: income from investment in associates and
                                                                         213,988,413.65     234,054,148.54
joint ventures
                      Gains on derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost
        Foreign exchange gains (loss to be listed with “-”)
        Net exposure hedging income (loss to be listed with “-”)
        Profit arising from changes in fair value (loss to be listed
with "-")
        Credit impairment loss (loss to be listed with “-”)              -8,593,082.48     -35,480,726.08
        Asset impairment loss (loss to be listed with “-”)              -76,666,599.19     -35,324,171.95
        Income from assets disposal (loss to be listed with “-”)           746,088.82      98,132,494.11
III. Operating profit (loss to be listed with “-”)                     299,616,326.54     192,530,259.64
  Add: non-operating income                                               28,106,223.95        9,542,486.79
  Less: non-operating expenses                                              3,782,541.88       3,801,763.81
IV. Total profit (loss to be listed with “-”)                          323,940,008.61     198,270,982.62
  Less: income tax expenses                                              -154,311,861.89   -203,065,319.73
V. Net profit (net loss to be listed with “-”)                         478,251,870.50     401,336,302.35
   (I) Classified by continuity of operation
      1. Net profit from continuing operations (net loss to be listed
                                                                         478,251,870.50     401,336,302.35
with “-”)
      2. Net profit from discontinuing operations (net loss to be
listed with “-”)
   (II) Classified by attribution of the ownership
      1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent
                                                                         478,251,870.50     401,336,302.35
company (net loss to be listed with “-”)
      2. Minority profit and loss (net loss to be listed with “-”)
VI. Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive income                      5,316,131.42        250,455.89
   Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive income
                                                                            5,316,131.42        250,455.89
attributable to the owners of the parent company
      (I) Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be reclassified
into profits or losses
         1. Changes arising from re-measurement of the defined

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  benefit plan
           2. Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be transferred
  to profits or losses under the equity method
           3. Changes in fair value of investment in other equity
           4. Changes in fair value of the Company’s credit risk
           5. Others
        (II) Other comprehensive incomes that will be reclassified
                                                                                 -363,765.87               250,455.89
  into profits or losses
           1. Other comprehensive incomes that can be transferred to
                                                                                   -96,836.64              254,420.76
  profits or losses under the equity method
           2. Changes in the fair value of other debt investments
           3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other
  comprehensive incomes
           4. Other debt investment credit impairment provisions
           5. Cash flow hedging reserve
           6. Translation difference in foreign currency financial
                                                                                 -266,929.23                 -3,964.87
           7. Others
     Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive income
  attributable to minority shareholders
  VII. Total comprehensive income                                             483,568,001.92           401,586,758.24
     Total comprehensive income attributable to the owners of
                                                                              483,568,001.92           401,586,758.24
  parent company
     Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
  VIII. Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic income per share                                                        0.1034                    0.0872
     (II) Diluted income per share                                                     0.1034                    0.0872
In case of business merger under common control in the current period, the net profit realized by the combined
party before the merger and that in the previous period are CNY 0.00.
Legal representative: Wu Bilei Person in charge of accounting: Ji Yizhi Person in charge of the accounting
organization: Si Yuzhuo

4. Profit statement of parent company

                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                 Item                                    Semi-annual 2024         Semi-annual 2023
  I. Operating income                                                                    0.00                         0.00
     Less: operating costs                                                     -1,270,265.34             1,004,509.14
          Taxes and surcharges                                                     41,580.57                 92,539.45
          Sales expenses
          Administrative expenses                                                 826,289.90               609,861.32
          R&D expenses
          Financial expenses                                                   -2,138,135.81               302,108.37

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

           Including: interest expenses                                    319,616.24           369,423.14
                    Interest income                                       2,458,998.74           67,334.77
  Add: Other incomes                                                         57,741.82          344,768.40
        Investment income (loss to be listed with “-”)                548,393,139.83      232,563,045.29
          Including: income from investment in associates and
                                                                        194,893,139.83      232,563,045.29
joint ventures
                  Gains on derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost (loss to be listed with “-”)
        Net exposure hedging income (loss to be listed with “-”)
        Profit arising from changes in fair value (loss to be listed
with “-”)
        Credit impairment loss (loss to be listed with “-”)
        Asset impairment loss (loss to be listed with “-”)
        Income from assets disposal (loss to be listed with “-”)
II. Operating profit (loss to be listed with “-”)                     549,721,146.99      231,903,304.55
  Add: non-operating income                                                       1.11
  Less: non-operating expenses
III. Total profit (total loss to be listed with “-”)                  549,721,148.10      231,903,304.55
  Less: income tax expenses
IV. Net profit (net loss to be listed with “-”)                       549,721,148.10      231,903,304.55
   (I) Net profit from continuing operations (net loss to be listed
                                                                        549,721,148.10      231,903,304.55
with “-”)
   (II) Net profit from discontinuing operations (net loss to be
listed with “-”)
V. Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive incomes                    5,583,060.65          254,420.76
      (I) Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be reclassified
into profits or losses
         1. Changes arising from re-measurement of the defined
benefit plan
         2. Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be transferred
to profits or losses under the equity method
         3. Changes in fair value of investment in other equity
         4. Changes in fair value of the Company’s credit risk
         5. Others
      (II) Other comprehensive incomes that will be reclassified
                                                                            -96,836.64          254,420.76
into profits or losses
         1. Other comprehensive incomes that can be transferred to
                                                                            -96,836.64          254,420.76
profits or losses under the equity method
         2. Changes in the fair value of other debt investments
         3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other
comprehensive incomes
         4. Other debt investment credit impairment provisions
         5. Cash flow hedging reserve

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

           6. Translation difference in foreign currency financial
           7. Others
  VI. Total comprehensive income                                                  555,304,208.75          232,157,725.31
  VII. Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic income per share
     (II) Diluted income per share

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                          Item                                       Semi-annual 2024              Semi-annual 2023
  I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sales of goods and provision
                                                                         26,571,299,613.10             26,509,677,303.11
  of services
    Net increase in customer bank deposits and due to
  banks and other financial institutions
    Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
     Net increase in placements from other financial
    Cash from premium of original insurance contract
    Net cash received from reinsurance business
    Net increase in deposits and investments from
     Cash received from interests, handling charges
  and commissions
     Net increase in placements from banks and other
  financial institutions
     Net increase in repurchase business capital
    Net cash received from securities brokerage
    Tax refunds received                                                     80,428,478.21                324,144,774.70
    Other cash received relating to operating activities                    766,061,762.08                641,647,622.93
  Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                     27,417,789,853.39             27,475,469,700.74
    Cash paid for goods and services                                     19,330,228,104.51             16,681,742,834.34
    Net increase in loans and advances to customers
    Net increase in deposits with central bank and
  other financial institutions
    Cash paid for original insurance contract claims
     Net increase in loans to banks and other financial
     Cash paid for interests, handling charges and
    Cash paid for policyholder dividend
    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                               2,392,662,792.06              2,351,935,403.71
    Taxes paid                                                              507,389,936.19                775,864,015.70

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

     Cash paid for other operating activities                      946,578,965.01          951,768,069.52
  Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities           23,176,859,797.77       20,761,310,323.27
  Net cash flows from operating activities                       4,240,930,055.62        6,714,159,377.47
  II. Cash flows from investment activities:
     Cash received from the return of investment
     Cash received from acquirement of investment
                                                                     6,500,530.62           11,728,790.64
     Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                    77,910,098.29            3,224,430.67
  intangible assets and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from the disposal of
  subsidiaries and other business entities
     Cash received from other investment activities                                        368,529,711.02
  Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities               84,410,628.91          383,482,932.33
     Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                   858,813,888.24          798,231,104.91
  and other long-term assets
     Cash paid to acquire investments                                4,900,000.00          546,943,104.33
    Net increase in pledged loans
     Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other
  business units
     Other cash paid relating to investment activities
  Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities             863,713,888.24        1,345,174,209.24
  Net cash flows from investment activities                       -779,303,259.33         -961,691,276.91
  III. Cash flows from financing activities:
     Cash received from absorbing investment
     Including: cash received by subsidiaries absorbing
  minority shareholders’ investments
     Cash received from borrowings
     Cash received relating to other financing activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities
    Cash paid for repayment of debts
     Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or
  interest repayment
     Including: dividends and profits paid to minority
  shareholders by subsidiaries
     Other cash paid relating to financing activities               11,981,702.80           19,709,605.31
  Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities              705,678,066.97           19,709,605.31
  Net cash flows from financing activities                        -705,678,066.97          -19,709,605.31
  IV. Effects from change of exchange rate on cash
                                                                        -6,037.08               10,253.58
  and cash equivalents
  V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                   2,755,942,692.24        5,732,768,748.83
     Add: opening balance of cash and cash
                                                                22,483,844,553.59       20,697,669,726.18
  VI. Ending Balance of cash and cash equivalents               25,239,787,245.83       26,430,438,475.01

6. Cash flow statement of parent company

                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                           Item                             Semi-annual 2024        Semi-annual 2023

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sales of goods and provision
  of services
     Tax refunds received
     Other cash received relating to operating activities       265,696,548.98            98,280,887.47
  Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities            265,696,548.98            98,280,887.47
     Cash paid for goods and services
     Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                        189,000.00               189,000.00
     Taxes paid                                                           0.00                96,728.40
     Cash paid for other operating activities                    85,037,064.99            97,575,865.50
  Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities            85,226,064.99            97,861,593.90
  Net cash flows from operating activities                      180,470,483.99               419,293.57
  II. Cash flows from investment activities:
     Cash received from the return of investment
     Cash received from acquirement of investment
                                                                353,500,000.00             4,835,877.87
     Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
  intangible assets and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from the disposal of
  subsidiaries and other business entities
     Cash received from other investment activities                                           67,334.77
  Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities           353,500,000.00             4,903,212.64
     Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets
  and other long-term assets
     Cash paid to acquire investments
     Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other
  business units
     Other cash paid relating to investment activities
  Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities
  Net cash flows from investment activities                     353,500,000.00             4,903,212.64
  III. Cash flows from financing activities:
     Cash received from absorbing investment
     Cash received from borrowings
     Cash received relating to other financing activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities
     Cash paid for repayment of debts
     Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or
  interest repayment
     Other cash paid relating to financing activities
  Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities           693,696,364.17
  Net cash flows from financing activities                     -693,696,364.17
  IV. Effects from change of exchange rate on cash
  and cash equivalents
  V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                 -159,725,880.18             5,322,506.21
     Add: opening balance of cash and cash
                                                                165,157,237.21             4,235,008.50
  VI. Ending Balance of cash and cash equivalents                 5,431,357.03             9,557,514.71

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

                                                                                                                            Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
                Amount in the current period
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                                                                                                       Semi-annual 2024

                                                                                       Equity Attributable To Owners of the Parent Company


                                           e                                                                                                                                                                    Mi
                                            r                                                                                                            Gene                                                   nor
     Item                           re                                                                                                                                                                          ity
                                           p                                                     Other                                                    ral
                                                                          Less: treasury                                                                         Undistributed      Other                       eq    Total owners’ equity
                                    fe            O
                  Share capital            e          Capital reserves                       comprehensive      Special reserves     Surplus reserves    risk                                  Subtotal         uit
                                    rr            t                          shares                                                                                 profits           s
                                            t                                                   incomes                                                  provi                                                   y
                                    e             h
                                           u                                                                                                             sion
                                    d             e
                                    S             r
                                    h             s

                 4,636,485,668.00                     10,343,418,951.73    86,131,497.27       -8,514,110.10     319,314,527.85       3,090,408,316.87           6,191,777,512.32           24,486,759,369.40           24,486,759,369.40
of the
s year


n of

                                                                                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.


Balance         4,636,485,668.00   10,343,418,951.73   86,131,497.27    -8,514,110.10   319,314,527.85   3,090,408,316.87   6,191,777,512.32   24,486,759,369.40    24,486,759,369.40
of the

ase in
of the
current           -12,621,954.00      -66,657,273.11   -79,884,645.54   5,316,131.42     -9,199,833.45                      -215,327,686.60      -218,605,970.20        -218,605,970.20
se to be

(I) Total
                                                                        5,316,131.42                                         478,251,870.50      483,568,001.92         483,568,001.92

d and
                  -12,621,954.00      -66,657,273.11   -79,884,645.54                                                                                605,418.43             605,418.43

                                                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
y shares
           -12,621,954.00   -67,262,691.54                                                                  -79,884,645.54         -79,884,645.54
d by

uted by
of other

ts of
d in

                               605,418.43    -79,884,645.54                                                  80,490,063.97         80,490,063.97

                                                                                       -693,579,557.10     -693,579,557.10        -693,579,557.10


           Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.


ution to
owners                              -693,579,557.10     -693,579,557.10        -693,579,557.10


er of

r from
to paid-


           Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
r from
s to

ry of



                                                                                                                       Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.


                                                                                                             -9,199,833.45                                                               -9,199,833.45                  -9,199,833.45

                                                                                                              6,016,604.46                                                                6,016,604.46                   6,016,604.46
in the

2. Use
in the
                                                                                                            -15,216,437.91                                                              -15,216,437.91                 -15,216,437.91


            4,623,863,714.00              10,276,761,678.62        6,246,851.73         -3,197,978.68       310,114,694.40     3,090,408,316.87           5,976,449,825.72           24,268,153,399.20             24,268,153,399.20
of the

           Amount of the previous year
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY
                                                                                                                  Semi-annual 2023

                                                                               Equity Attributable To Owners of the Parent Company                                                                       Mino
                               Other                                                    Other                                                     Gene                                                   rity    Total owners’ equity
            Share capital               Capital reserves      Less: treasury                            Special reserves     Surplus reserves            Undistributed       Other   Subtotal
                               equity                                               comprehensive                                                 ral                                                    equit

                                                                                                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
                                  instrumen                           shares        incomes                                             risk       profits         s                       y
                                      ts                                                                                                provi
                                  r   P
                                  e   e
                                  f   r
                                  e   p
                                  r   e
                                  r   t
                                  e   u
                                  d   a
                                  S   l
                                  h   B
                                  a   o
                                  r   n
                                  e   d

               4,651,965,655.00                10,451,088,236.74   267,837,184.11   -5,399,120.81   370,420,291.86   3,058,249,602.44           5,460,939,601.36       23,719,427,082.48        23,719,427,082.48
of the
s year


n of


                                                                                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
Balance     4,651,965,655.00   10,451,088,236.74   267,837,184.11   -5,399,120.81   370,420,291.86   3,058,249,602.44   5,460,939,601.36   23,719,427,082.48    23,719,427,082.48
of the

ase in
of the
current       -14,633,325.00      -70,430,027.93   -92,539,863.27     250,455.89     -1,450,331.71                       401,336,302.35      407,612,936.87         407,612,936.87
se to be

(I) Total
                                                                      250,455.89                                         401,336,302.35      401,586,758.24         401,586,758.24

d and
              -14,633,325.00      -70,430,027.93   -92,539,863.27                                                                               7,476,510.34          7,476,510.34

y shares      -14,633,325.00      -77,906,538.27                                                                                              -92,539,863.27        -92,539,863.27
d by

                                           Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

uted by
of other

ts of
paymen     7,500,283.02                                                                  7,500,283.02          7,500,283.02
d in

             -23,772.68   -92,539,863.27                                                92,516,090.59         92,516,090.59




           Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

ution to


er of

r from
to paid-

r from
s to

           Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

ry of



                                                                                                                        Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                                                            -1,450,331.71                                                                -1,450,331.71                 -1,450,331.71

                                                                                                            15,046,812.40                                                               15,046,812.40                 15,046,812.40
in the

2. Use
in the
                                                                                                           -16,497,144.11                                                               -16,497,144.11                -16,497,144.11


           4,637,332,330.00                   10,380,658,208.81     175,297,320.84     -5,148,664.92       368,969,960.15       3,058,249,602.44             5,862,275,903.71        24,127,040,019.35             24,127,040,019.35
of the

          8. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity of Parent Company

          Amount in the current period

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY

                                                                                                                            Semi-annual 2024
                                                     Other equity
                                                     instruments                                                                  Other                                                              Ot
           Item                                                                                        Less: treasury                                 l                         Undistributed
                              Share capital         Pr     Pe              Capital reserves                                  comprehensiv                   Surplus reserves                         he    Total owners’ equity
                                                                  Ot                                      shares                                   reserv                         profits
                                                    ef     rp                                                                  e incomes                                                             rs
                                                                  he                                                                                 es
                                                    err    et
                                                                                          Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
                                          ed   ua   rs
                                          Sh    l
                                          ar   B
                                          es   on
I. Ending Balance
                       4,636,485,668.00                  12,171,693,342.10   86,131,497.27     863,137.93        1,859,690,555.97   7,083,209,394.76   25,665,810,601.49
of the previous year
Add: changes in
accounting policies
Correction of prior
period errors
II. Opening Balance
                       4,636,485,668.00                  12,171,693,342.10   86,131,497.27     863,137.93        1,859,690,555.97   7,083,209,394.76   25,665,810,601.49
of the current year
Increase/decrease in
amount of the
                         -12,621,954.00                     -67,262,691.54   -79,884,645.54   5,583,060.65                          -143,858,409.00      -138,275,348.35
current period
(decrease to be
listed with “-”)
(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                                 5,583,060.65                           549,721,148.10      555,304,208.75
(II) Invested and
decreased capital of     -12,621,954.00                     -67,262,691.54   -79,884,645.54
1. Ordinary shares
                         -12,621,954.00                     -67,262,691.54                                                                                -79,884,645.54
invested by owners
2. Capital
contributed by
holders of other
equity instruments
3. Amounts of
payments recorded

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
in owner’s equity
4. Others              -79,884,645.54                                                             79,884,645.54
(III) Profit
                                                                           -693,579,557.10       -693,579,557.10
1. Appropriation to
surplus reserves
2. Distribution to
owners (or                                                                 -693,579,557.10       -693,579,557.10
3. Others
(IV) Internal
carryover of
owners’ equity
1. Transfer from
capital reserve to
paid-in capital (or
share capital)
2. Transfer from
surplus reserves to
paid-in capital (or
share capital)
3. Recovery of
losses by surplus
4. Retained earnings
carried forward
from changes in
defined benefit
5. Retained earnings
carried forward
from other
6. Others
                                                                                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
(V) Special reserves
1. Appropriation in
the current period
2. Use in the current
(VI) Others
IV. Ending Balance
                        4,623,863,714.00                    12,104,430,650.56       6,246,851.73     6,446,198.58              1,859,690,555.97    6,939,350,985.76            25,527,535,253.14
of the current period

       Amount of the previous year

                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY

                                                                                                   Semi-annual 2023
                                             Other equity
                                            Pr                                                                        Specia
                                                  rp                                                     Other                                                        Ot
        Item                                ef                                   Less: treasury                          l                          Undistributed
                          Share capital           et        Capital reserves                        comprehensiv               Surplus reserves                       he     Total owners’ equity
                                            err        Ot                           shares                            reserv                          profits
                                                  ua                                                  e incomes                                                       rs
                                            ed         he                                                               es
                                            Sh         rs
I. Ending Balance
                        4,651,965,655.00                    12,278,939,213.88    267,837,184.11       -480,794.77               1,827,531,841.54   6,793,780,964.90             25,283,899,696.44
of the previous year
     Add: changes
in accounting
n of prior period
II. Opening Balance
                        4,651,965,655.00                    12,278,939,213.88    267,837,184.11       -480,794.77               1,827,531,841.54   6,793,780,964.90             25,283,899,696.44
of the current year
III.                       -14,633,325.00                       -77,906,538.27    -92,539,863.27       254,420.76                                    231,903,304.55                232,157,725.31

                                                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
Increase/decrease in
amount of the
current period
(decrease to be
listed with “-”)
(I) Total
comprehensive                                                              254,420.76                          231,903,304.55       232,157,725.31
(II) Invested and
decreased capital of   -14,633,325.00   -77,906,538.27   -92,539,863.27                                                                       0.00
1. Ordinary shares
                       -14,633,325.00   -77,906,538.27                                                                               -92,539,863.27
invested by owners
2. Capital
contributed by
holders of other
equity instruments
3. Amounts of
payments recorded
in owner’s equity
4. Others                                                -92,539,863.27                                                              92,539,863.27
(III) Profit
1. Appropriation to
surplus reserves
2. Distribution to
owners (or
3. Others
(IV) Internal
carryover of
owners’ equity
1. Transfer from
capital reserve to
                                                                           Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
paid-in capital (or
share capital)
2. Transfer from
surplus reserves to
paid-in capital (or
share capital)
3. Recovery of
losses by surplus
4. Retained earnings
carried forward
from changes in
defined benefit
5. Retained earnings
carried forward
from other
6. Others
(V) Special reserves
1. Appropriation in
the current period
2. Use in the current
(VI) Others
IV. Ending Balance
                        4,637,332,330.00   12,201,032,675.61   175,297,320.84   -226,374.01       1,827,531,841.54   7,025,684,269.45   25,516,057,421.75
of the current period

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

III. Company Profile

1. Overview

FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD., formerly known as FAW Car Co., Ltd., is a limited liability company
registered in Changchun City, Jilin Province.

FAW Car was approved by TGS [1997] No. 55 Document of the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic
Systems in 1997 and established exclusively by CHINA FAW GROUP CO., LTD. On June 18, 1997, FAW Car
was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission to issue shares publicly and listed on the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange for circulation.

On April 9, 2012, FAW Group invested 862,983,689 shares of FAW Car into FAW as its capital contribution, and
received the Confirmation of Securities Transfer Registration issued by China Securities Depository & Clearing
Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch on the same day.

On November 28, 2019, FAW Car held the 10th Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors, and reviewed and approved
the adjustment plan for major asset restructuring. After the adjustment, FAW Car transferred all its assets and
liabilities except the equity and some reserved assets of First Automobile Finance Co., Ltd. and Sanguard
Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd. to FAW Bestune, and then replaced 100% equity of FAW Bestune Car Co., Ltd.
with the equivalent part of 100% equity of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd. (Jiefang Limited) held by FAW. At
the same time, FAW Car purchased the difference between the purchased assets and the sold assets from FAW by
issuing shares and paying cash.

On March 12, 2020, FAW Car received the Reply on Approving the Major Asset Restructuring of FAW Car Co.,
Ltd. and Issuing Shares to China FAW Co., Ltd. for Asset Purchase (ZJXK [2020] No. 352) issued by the China
Securities Regulatory Commission, and China Securities Regulatory Commission reviewed and approved the major
asset replacement, share issuance and cash payment for assets purchase and related transactions of FAW Car.

The Capital Verification Report (XYZH/2020BJA100417) issued by ShineWing Accounting Firm (special general
partnership) indicates that, as of March 19, 2020, all proposed purchased assets, i.e. 100% equity of Jiefang Limited,
to be replaced by FAW Car to FAW by issuing shares had been transferred to FAW Car. The industrial and
commercial change registration procedures of Jiefang Limited had been completed, all proposed assets, i.e. 100%
equity of FAW Bestune, had been transferred to FAW, and the industrial and commercial change registration
procedures of FAW Bestune had been completed. The registered capital of FAW Car is CNY 4,609,666,212.00
after this change.

In May 2020, the name of FAW Car was changed to “FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.” and the stock
abbreviation was changed to “FAW Jiefang”.

On January 11, 2021, the Company held the First Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 2021, and reviewed and
approved the Proposal on the Restricted Share Incentive Plan of FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD. (Draft) and
Its Abstract, the Proposal on the Regulations for the Implementation Assessment of Restricted Share Incentive Plan
of FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD., the Proposal on the Regulations for Restricted Share Incentive of FAW

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD., and the Proposal on Requesting the Shareholders’ Meeting to Authorize the Board
of Directors to Handle Matters Related to the Company’s Restricted Share Incentive Plan. On January 15, 2021, the
Company held the 12th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Adjusting
the List of the First Batch of Incentive Objects and the Number of Grants in the Phase I Restricted Share Incentive
Plan and the Proposal on Granting Restricted Shares to the Incentive Objects of the Phase I Restricted Share
Incentive Plan for the First Time. Nine directors and senior executives, including Hu Hanjie, Zhu Qixin, Zhang
Guohua, Wang Ruijian, Shang Xingwu, Ou Aimin, Kong Dejun, Wu Bilei and Wang Jianxun, and 310 other core
employees with the title of senior director and above were granted to subscribe for 40,987,657 new shares of the
Company at an issue price of CNY 7.54 per share, and the registered capital of the Company was changed to CNY
4,650,653,869.00. This change was verified by the Capital Verification Report (ZTYZ (2021) No. 110C000033)
issued by Grant Thornton Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership). On February 1, 2021, the
Company disclosed the Announcement on the Completion of the First Grant Registration of Phase I Restricted Share
Incentive Plan.

On December 9, 2021, the Company held the 20th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 19th Meeting of the
9th Board of Supervisors, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Granting Reserved Part of Restricted Shares
in the Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan to Incentive Objects and the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation
of Partial Restricted Shares in the Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan respectively. Thirty-three core technicians
and management backbones, including Wang Manhong, Zhang Yu and Qu Yi, subscribed for 3,721,601 new shares
at an issue price of CNY 6.38/share, and 260,857 shares were repurchased at a price of CNY 7.04/share from 2
employees who were no longer eligible for incentive objects. The registered capital of the Company was changed
to CNY 4,654,114,613.00. This change was verified by the Capital Verification Report (ZTYZ (2021) No.
110C000927) issued by Grant Thornton Accounting Firm (special general partnership). On January 6, 2022, the
Company disclosed the Announcement on the Completion of Registration of the Grant of Reserved Part of
Restricted Shares in the Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan. On January 17, 2022, the Company disclosed the
Announcement on the Completion of Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares.

On August 29, 2022, the Company held the 26th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 23rd Meeting of the
9th Board of Supervisors, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial
Restricted Shares in the Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan. It was agreed to repurchase 789,711 shares at a
price of CNY 6.39/share from 6 employees who are no longer qualified as incentive objects, and the registered
capital of the Company was changed to CNY 4,653,324,902.00. This change was verified according to the Capital
Verification Report (XYZH/2022CCAA2B0016) issued by ShineWing Accounting Firm (special general
partnership). On November 14, 2022, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Completion of Repurchase and
Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares.

On October 28, 2022, the Company held the 28th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 24th Meeting of the
9th Board of Supervisors, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial
Restricted Shares in the Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan, and agreed to repurchase 1,359,247 shares at a
price of CNY 6.39/share from 11 employees who are no longer qualified as incentive objects. The registered capital
of the Company was changed to CNY 4,651,965,655.00. This change was verified according to the Capital
Verification Report (XYZH/2023CCAA2B0001) issued by ShineWing Accounting Firm (special general
partnership). On January 17, 2023, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Completion of Repurchase and
Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares.

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

On December 15, 2022, the Company held the 30th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 26th Meeting of
the 9th Board of Supervisors, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Achievement of Unlocking Conditions
in the First Release Period of the Restricted Shares Firstly Granted in the Phase I Restricted Incentive Plan. The
unlocking conditions in the first release period of the restricted shares firstly granted in the phase I restricted
incentive plan had been fulfilled. The unlocking matters of the first restriction releasing period for restricted shares
firstly granted were handled in accordance with the restricted share incentive plan. There were a total of 311
incentive objects eligible for unlocking, and the number of restricted stocks unlocked this time was 13,042,347, and
these shares were listed on May 16, 2023. On February 3, 2024, the Company disclosed the Indicative
Announcement on the Listing and Circulation of Unlocked Shares in the First Release Period of the Restricted
Shares Firstly Granted in the Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan.

The Proposal on the Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares in the Phase I Restricted Share
Incentive Plan was reviewed and approved at the 30th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 26th Meeting of
the 9th Board of Supervisors on December 15, 2022. The participant at the meeting agreed to repurchase and cancel
all or some restricted shares granted to 6 incentive objects but not yet released, totaling 723,435 shares, and the
registered capital of the Company was changed to CNY 4,651,242,220. This change was verified according to the
Capital Verification Report (XYZH/2023CCAA2B0103) issued by ShineWing Accounting Firm (special general
partnership). On April 28, 2023, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Completion of Repurchase and
Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares.

On March 31, 2023, the Proposal on Unfulfilling Conditions for Releasing Restricted Sales in the Second Period of
Releasing Restricted Shares Firstly Granted and Conditions for the First Period of Releasing Restricted Shares
Reserved for Granting in Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan and Repurchase and Cancellation of Some
Restricted Shares was reviewed and approved at the 32nd Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 28th Meeting
of the 9th Board of Supervisors. The participants at the meeting agreed to repurchase and cancel all or some restricted
shares granted to 327 incentive objects but not yet released, totaling 13,909,890 shares, and the registered capital of
the Company was changed to CNY 4,637,332,330. This change was verified according to the Capital Verification
Report (XYZH/2023CCAA2B017) issued by ShineWing Accounting Firm (special general partnership). On June
30, 2023, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Completion of Repurchase and Cancellation of Some
Restricted Shares.

On April 27, 2023, the Company held the 2nd Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 2nd Meeting of the 10th
Board of Supervisors, respectively, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Releasing Restriction on Sales of
Part of Restricted Shares. The Board of Directors believed that conditions for releasing restricted sales of restricted
shares in the first restriction releasing period for incentive objects Hu Hanjie, Wu Bilei, Zhang Guohua and Wang
Jianxun had been fulfilled, and agreed to release restricted sales of restricted shares in the first restriction releasing
period for them, totaling 64,954 shares. and these shares were listed on May 16, 2023. On May 15, 2023, the
Company disclosed the Indicative Announcement on Sales Restriction Releasing and Listing and Circulation of
Part of Restricted Shares.

The Proposal on the Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares in the Phase I Restricted Share
Incentive Plan was reviewed and approved at the 5th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 4th Meeting of
the 10th Board of Supervisors on August 29, 2023. The participants at the meeting agreed to repurchase and cancel
all or some restricted shares granted to 8 incentive objects but not yet released, totaling 333,855 shares, and the

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

registered capital of the Company was changed to CNY 4,636,998,475.00. This change was verified according to
the Capital Verification Report (XYZH/2023CCAA2B0188) issued by ShineWing Accounting Firm (special
general partnership). On November 29, 2023, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Completion of
Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares.

The Proposal on the Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares in the Phase I Restricted Share
Incentive Plan was reviewed and approved at the 7th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 6th Meeting of
the 10th Board of Supervisors on November 20, 2023. The participants at the meeting agreed to repurchase and
cancel all or some restricted shares granted to some incentive objects but not yet released, totaling 512,807 shares,
and the registered capital of the Company was changed to CNY 4,636,485,668. This change was verified according
to the Capital Verification Report (XYZH/2024CCAA2B0020) issued by ShineWing Accounting Firm (special
general partnership). On March 28, 2024, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Completion of Repurchase
and Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares.

On March 28, 2024, the Proposal on Unfulfilling Conditions for Releasing Restricted Sales in the Second Period of
Releasing Restricted Shares Firstly Granted and Conditions for the First Period of Releasing Restricted Shares
Reserved for Granting in Phase I Restricted Share Incentive Plan and Repurchase and Cancellation of Some
Restricted Shares was reviewed and approved at the 11th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 10th Meeting
of the 10th Board of Supervisors. The participants at the meeting agreed to repurchase and cancel all or some
restricted shares granted to 299 incentive objects but not yet released, totaling 12,621,954 shares, and the registered
capital of the Company was changed to CNY 4,623,863,714. This change was verified according to the Capital
Verification Report (XYZH/2024CCAA2B0173) issued by ShineWing Accounting Firm (special general
partnership). On June 15, 2024, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Completion of Repurchase and
Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares.

The Company establishes a corporate governance structure consisting of the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of
Directors and the Board of Supervisors, and has one wholly-owned subsidiary, Jiefang Limited. Jiefang Limited has
six wholly-owned subsidiaries, namely, FAW Jiefang (Qingdao) Automotive Co., Ltd., Wuxi Dahao Power Co.,
Ltd., FAW Jiefang Dalian Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., FAW Jiefang Austria R&D Co., Ltd., FAW Jiefang New Energy
Automotive Sales Co., Ltd., and FAW Jiefang Younida (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd. It also has 11 associated
companies, namely, First Automobile Finance Co., Ltd., Sanguard Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd., FAW
Changchun Baoyou Jiefang Steel Processing and Distribution Co., Ltd., FAW Changchun Ansteel Steel Processing
and Distribution Co., Ltd., Changchun Wabco Automotive Control System Co., Ltd., Suzhou Zhito Technology Co.,
Ltd., FAW Jiefang Fujie (Tianjin) Technology Industry Co., Ltd., Smartlink Intelligent Technology (Nanjing) Co.,
Ltd., Foshan Diyiyuansu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Changchun Automotive Test Center Co., Ltd. and Diyi
AESC New Energy Power Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. It has 1 joint company, namely, FAW Jiefang-CATL New
Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Business scope of the Company: R&D, production and sales of light, medium and heavy trucks, complete vehicles,
buses, bus chassis, medium truck deformation vehicles, automobile assemblies and parts, machining, diesel engines
and accessories (non-vehicle), mechanical equipment and accessories, instruments, technical services, technical
consultation, installation and maintenance of mechanical equipment, lease of mechanical equipment and facilities,
lease of houses and workshops, labor services (excluding foreign labor cooperation and domestic labor dispatch),
sales of steel, automobile trunks, hardware & electrical equipment and electronic products, testing of internal

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

combustion engine, engineering technology research and testing, advertising design, production and release, import
and export of goods and technologies (excluding publication import business and commodities and technologies
that are restricted or prohibited for import and export by the state); value-added telecommunications services; car
rentals and second-handed car sales; (the following items are operated by the branch company) Chinese food
production and sales, warehousing and logistics (excluding flammable, explosive and precursor dangerous
chemicals), automobile repair, tank manufacturing of chemical liquid tanker, automobile trunk manufacturing;
operation of medical devices, Internet freight (excluding road transport of dangerous goods); road freight transport
(excluding dangerous goods) (items subject to approval according to law can be operated only after being approved
by relevant authorities).

Registered address of the Company: No. 2259, Dongfeng Street, Changchun Automobile Development Zone, Jilin

The legal representative of the Company is Wu Bilei.

The financial statements and notes to the financial statements were approved for issue by the Board of Directors of
the Company on August 29, 2023.

2. Scope of consolidated financial statements

During the reporting period, the Company has 1 secondary subsidiary and 6 tertiary subsidiaries included in the
scope of consolidation. For details, please refer to Section X Financial Report 10, Equity in Other Entities.

IV. Basis of Preparation for Financial Statements

1. Preparation basis

The financial statements are prepared according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by
the Ministry of Finance and its application guidelines, interpretations and other relevant provisions (hereinafter
collectively referred to as “ASBE”). In addition, the Company also discloses relevant financial information
according to the Rules No. 15 for Preparing Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the
Public—General Provisions on Financial Reporting (2023 Revision) issued by China Securities Regulatory

2. Continuing operations

The financial statements are presented on continuing operations.

The financial accounting of the Company is based on the accrual basis. The financial statements are prepared on a
historical cost basis except for certain financial instruments. If the assets are impaired, the corresponding provision
for impairment shall be made as specified.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

Tips for specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

The Company determines the depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, capitalization
conditions of R&D expenses and income recognition policies according to its own production and operation
characteristics. For specific accounting policies, please see 21, 23 and 30 in V “Significant Accounting Policies
and Accounting Estimates” in Section X - Financial Report.

1. Statement of compliance with accounting standards for business enterprises

This financial statement complies with the requirements of the Enterprise Accounting Standards and truthfully and
completely reflects the consolidated and financial position of the Company as of June 30, 2024, as well as the
consolidated and operating results and cash flows of the Company for the first half of 2024.

2. Accounting period

The accounting period of the Company is a calendar year, namely, from January 1 to December 31 every year.

3. Operating cycle

The operating cycle of the Company is 12 months.

4. Recording currency

The Company and its domestic subsidiaries use CNY as their recording currency. The overseas subsidiaries of the
Company determine EUR as the recording currency according to the currency in the main economic environment
in which they operate. The Company uses CNY to prepare the financial statements.

5. Methods for determining materiality criteria and selection basis

Applicable □Not applicable
                             Item                                                Materiality Criteria
  Receivables with significant provision for bad debts         10% of the absolute value of net profit or 10% of
  by individual item                                           similar business
  Write-off of significant receivables in the current          10% of the absolute value of net profit or 10% of
  period                                                       similar business
  Significant changes in the book value of contractual         10% of the absolute value of net profit or 10% of
  assets                                                       similar business
                                                               10% of the absolute value of net profit or 10% of
  Major projects under construction
                                                               similar business
                                                               10% of the absolute value of net profit or 10% of
  Significant capitalized R&D projects
                                                               similar business

6. Accounting treatment method for business merger under common control and different control

(1) Business merger under common control

As to the business merger under common control, the assets and liabilities of the combined party obtained by the
combining party are calculated in the book value in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller
by the combined party on the combination date. The capital reserve (stock premium) is adjusted based on the
difference between the book value of the combination consideration and the book value of the net assets obtained
in the combination. The retained earnings are adjusted if the capital reserve (stock premium) is insufficient for offset.

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Business merger under common control realized step-by-step through multiple transactions

The assets and liabilities of the combined party obtained by the combining party in the combination are measured
based on the book value of the ultimate controlling party in the consolidated financial statements on the combination
date. The capital reserve (share capital premium) is adjusted based on the difference between the sum of the book
value of the pre-combination investment and the book value of the newly paid consideration on the combination
date and the book value of the net assets obtained in the combination. The retained earnings are adjusted if the
capital reserve is insufficient for offset. The long-term equity investment held before the acquisition of the combined
party’s control by the combining party and the profit or loss, other comprehensive incomes and changes in other
owners’ equities that have been recognized during the period from the date of acquisition of the original equity, or
the date of common control of the combining party and the combined entity (which is later) to the combination date
shall offset against the retained opening earnings or current profit or loss respectively during the period of
comparative statement.

(2) Business merger under different control

In case of business merger under different control, the combination cost is the fair value of assets paid, liabilities
incurred or assumed and equity securities issued on the acquisition date for acquiring the control over the acquiree.
The assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree obtained are recognized as per the fair value on the
acquisition date.

Where the combination cost is greater than the fair value of identifiable net assets obtained from the acquiree, the
difference shall be recognized as goodwill and subsequently measured by deducting the accumulated depreciation
provision by cost; Where the combination cost is less than the fair value of identifiable net assets obtained from the
acquiree, the difference shall be included in current profits and losses after review.

Business merger not under common control realized step-by-step through multiple transactions

The combination cost is the sum of the consideration paid on the acquisition date and the fair value of the acquiree’s
equity already held before the acquisition date on the acquisition date. The acquiree’s equity held before the
acquisition date shall be remeasured at the fair value of the equity on the acquisition date. The difference between
the fair value and its book value shall be included in the investment income for the current period. If the acquiree’s
equity held before the acquisition date involves other comprehensive income, changes in other owner’s equities
shall be transformed into the current profit on the acquisition date, except other comprehensive income generated
due to remeasuring the change in net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan (DBP) by the investee, and
other comprehensive income related to a non-trading equity instrument investment originally measured at fair value
with its changes included in other comprehensive income.

(3) Disposal of related handling charges for business merger

The overhead for the business merger of the combining party, including the expenses for audit, legal services,
assessment, and other administrative expenses, shall be recorded in current profits and losses when they occur. The
transaction expenses of the equity securities or liability securities issued as the consideration for the combination
shall be recorded as the initial recognition amount of the equity securities or liability securities.

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7. Criteria for control and preparation method of consolidated financial statements

[Document No.15, Article XVI (VI), Criteria for control and preparation method of consolidated financial

(1) Criteria for control

The scope of consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control. Control refers to the power of
the Company over the investee, with which the Company enjoys variable returns through participating in related
activities of the investee and is able to influence its amount of return with the power over the investee. The Company
will carry out re-assessment when changes in relevant facts and circumstances result in changes in elements involved
in the definition of control.

When determining whether to include structured entities in the consolidation scope, the Company assesses whether
to control the structured entity by comprehensively taking all facts and circumstances into consideration, including
assessing the purpose and design of the structured entity, identifying the types of variable returns, and assessing
whether it assumes part or all of the variability of the returns through its participation in related activities of the

(2) Preparation methods of consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Company based on the financial statements of the
Company and its subsidiaries and with other relevant data. The major accounting policies and accounting periods
adopted by the subsidiaries are defined as the same as those of the Company during the preparation of the
consolidated financial statements. The significant transactions and balances between companies are offset.

Where a subsidiary or business has been acquired through a business merger involving enterprises under common
control in the reporting period, the subsidiary or business is deemed to be included in the consolidated financial
statements from the date they are controlled by the ultimate controlling party. Their operating results and cash flows
are respectively included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow statement from the date
they are controlled by the ultimate controlling party.

For the subsidiaries and businesses increased in the reporting period due to business merger under different control,
their earnings, expenses and profits from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period are included in the
consolidated profit statement, and their cash flows are included in the consolidated cash flow statement.

The portion of shareholders’ equity of subsidiaries not belonging to the Company shall be listed separately under
the item “Shareholders’ Equity” in consolidated balance sheet as minority shareholders’ equity. The portion of net
profit or loss of subsidiaries in current period belonging to minority shareholders’ equity shall be listed separately
under the item “Minority Shareholders’ Profit or Loss” in the consolidated income statement. If the loss of a
subsidiary borne by minority shareholders exceeds the amount of their shares of owners’ equity in the subsidiary at
the beginning, the balance shall offset the minority equity.

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(3) Purchase of minority shareholders’ equity in subsidiaries

The capital reserve (stock premium) in the consolidated balance sheet is adjusted based on the difference between
the newly acquired long-term equity investment cost from the purchase of minority equity and the share of net assets
in the subsidiary calculated constantly from the purchase date or combination date as per the newly increased
shareholding proportion, and the difference between the disposal price obtained from the partial disposal of equity
investment in the subsidiary without losing the right of control and the share of net assets in the subsidiary calculated
continuously from the purchase date or combination date corresponding to the disposed long-term equity investment.
The retained earnings are adjusted if the capital reserve is insufficient for offset.

(4) Disposal of the loss of control over subsidiaries

If the control power on the original subsidiaries is lost due to the disposal of part of equity investment or other
reasons, the remaining equity shall be recalculated at fair value on the day when the control power is lost. The
balance from the sum of consideration obtained from the disposal of equity and the fair value of the remaining
equity minus the sum of the share of net assets book value and the goodwill of original subsidiaries calculated
continuously starting from the purchase date as per the original shareholding ratio shall be included in current
investment income at the loss of control.

Other comprehensive income in connection with equity investment of the original subsidiaries shall be subject to
accounting method on the same basis as the original subsidiary’s direct disposal of relevant assets or liabilities upon
the loss of control. Other changes in owners’ equity related to the original subsidiary that are accounted by the
equity method shall be transferred to the current profits and losses upon the loss of control.

8. Classification of Joint Venture Arrangement and Accounting Treatment Methods for Joint Operations

Joint arrangement refers to an arrangement jointly controlled by two or more participants. Joint arrangements of the
Company include joint operations and joint ventures.

(1) Joint operation

Joint operation refers to the joint arrangement in which the Company enjoys related assets and bears related

The Company recognizes the following items related to the interest share in the joint operation and carries out
accounting according to the ASBE:

A. Recognizing the assets held separately and the assets held jointly as per its shares;

B. Recognizing the liabilities borne separately and the liabilities borne jointly according to its shares;

C. Recognizing the income generated from the sale of shares enjoyed in the joint operation;

D. Recognizing the income generated from the sale of shares enjoyed in the joint operation as per its shares;

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

E. Recognizing the expenses incurred separately and the expenses arising from joint operation as per its shares.

(2) Joint ventures

Joint venture refers to a joint arrangement in which the Company only has power over the net assets of the

The Company conducts accounting for the investment of joint ventures according to provisions of the equity method
accounting for long-term equity investments.

9. Standards for recognition of cash and cash equivalents

Cash refers to the cash on hand and the deposits that are readily available for payment. Cash equivalents refer to the
short-term and highly liquid investments held by the Company that are readily convertible into known amounts of
cash and with low risk in value change.

10. Foreign currency transaction and foreign currency statement translation

(1) Foreign currency transaction

Foreign currency transactions of the Company are converted into the amount in recording currency at the exchange
rate determined by systematic and reasonable methods.

On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items are converted at the spot exchange rate on the
balance sheet date. The exchange difference arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on the
balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initial recognition or on the previous balance sheet date
is included in current profits and losses. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are still
converted at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair
value are converted at the spot exchange rate on the date when the fair value is determined. The difference between
the converted recording currency amount and the original recording currency amount is included in current profits
and losses or other comprehensive income according to the nature of the non-monetary items.

(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

At the balance sheet date, when the foreign currency financial statements of overseas subsidiaries are translated, the
assets and liabilities of the balance sheet are translated to CNY using the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet
date. Items of the shareholders’ equity, except for “undistributed profits”, are translated at the spot exchange rate at
the dates on which such items arose.

The income and expense items in the profit statement are translated at the exchange rate determined by systematic
and reasonable methods.

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

All items in the cash flow statement are translated at the exchange rate determined by systematic and reasonable
methods. As an adjustment item for influence amount of cash, exchange rate movement is independently presented
as “Influence of exchange rate movement to cash and cash equivalent” in cash flow statement.

Differences arising from the translation of financial statements are separately presented as “Other comprehensive
income” in the shareholders’ equity of the balance sheet.

During the disposal of overseas operation and upon the loss of the right of control, the conversion difference of
foreign currency statements listed under the shareholders’ equity items in the balance sheet and related to the
overseas operation is transferred to the current profits and losses of disposal in full or as per the disposal proportion
of the overseas operation.

11. Financial instruments

Financial instruments refer to contracts that form the financial assets of a party, and form financial liabilities or
equity instruments of other parties.

(1) Recognition and derecognition of the financial instruments

The Company recognizes a financial asset or financial liability when it becomes a party to the contract of the
financial instrument.

If one of the following conditions is met, the financial assets are terminated:

① The contractual right to receive the cash flow of the financial asset is terminated.

② The financial asset has been transferred and is in accordance with the following conditions for derecognition.

If the current obligations of financial liability have been discharged in total or in part, derecognize all or part of it.
The Company (the Debtor) signs an agreement with the Creditor to replace the existing financial liabilities with
new financial liabilities; the existing financial liabilities are derecognized and the new financial liabilities are
recognized when the contractual terms of the new financial liabilities and those of the existing financial liabilities
are different in essence.

Financial assets transacted in a conventional way are subject to accounting recognition and derecognition on the
transaction date.

(2) Classification and measurement of financial assets

The Company classifies financial assets into the following three categories according to the business mode of
financial assets management and the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets at the time of initial
recognition: financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets measured at fair value with their changes
included in other comprehensive income, and financial assets measured at fair value with their changes included in
the current profits or losses.

                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Financial assets are measured at fair value upon initial recognition. For financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly included in current profits and losses; for other types of financial
assets, relevant transaction costs are included in the initially recognized amount. For receivables arising from the
sale of products or the provision of services that do not include or take into account significant financing components,
the Company takes the consideration amount entitled to receive in expectation as the initially recognized amount.

Financial assets measured at amortized cost

The Company classifies the financial assets that meet the following conditions but are not designated to be measured
at fair value and with the changes included in current profits or losses as the financial assets measured at amortized

         The Company manages the financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows;
         The contract terms of the financial assets stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is only
         the payment of the principal and the interest based on the outstanding principal amount.
After initial recognition, such financial assets are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.
Any gains or losses on financial assets at amortized cost that are not part of the hedging relationship are charged to
the current profit or loss at derecognition, amortization using the effective interest method, or recognition of

Financial assets measured at fair value with their changes included in other comprehensive income

The Company classifies financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated to be financial
assets at fair value with their changes included in current profit or loss as financial assets at fair value with their
changes included in other comprehensive incomes:

         The Company manages the financial assets in order not only to collect contractual cash flows but also to
         sell the financial assets;
         The contract terms of the financial assets stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is only
         the payment of the principal and the interest based on the outstanding principal amount.
After initial recognition, such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Interests, impairment losses
or gains and exchange gains and losses calculated with the effective interest method are included in the current
profits and losses, and other gains or losses are included in other comprehensive income. When the financial assets
are derecognized, the accumulated profits or losses previously included in other comprehensive income are
transferred out and included in the current profits and losses.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Except for the above-mentioned financial assets measured at amortized cost and fair value through other
comprehensive income, the Company classifies all remaining financial assets as financial assets measured at fair
value through profit or loss. At the time of initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting

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mismatch, the Company irrevocably designates some financial assets that should be measured at amortized cost or
fair value through other comprehensive income as financial assets measured at fair value through current profits
and losses.

After initial recognition, such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the gains or losses
(including interest and dividend income) incurred are included in current profits and losses unless they are part of a
hedging relationship.

The business model of managing financial assets refers to how the Company manages financial assets to generate
cash flows. The business model determines whether the cash flow of financial assets managed by the Company
comes from collecting contractual cash flows, selling financial assets, or both. The Company determines the
business model for managing financial assets on the basis of objective facts and specific business objectives for
managing financial assets decided by key management personnel.

The Company evaluates the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets to determine whether the
contractual cash flow generated by relevant financial assets on a specific date is only the payment of principal and
interest based on the outstanding principal amount. Principal refers to the fair value of financial assets at initial
recognition; interest includes consideration for the time value of money, credit risk associated with the amount of
principal outstanding over a specific period, and other underlying borrowing risks, costs and profits. In addition, the
Company evaluates the contract terms that may cause changes in the time distribution or amount of contractual cash
flows of financial assets to determine whether they meet the requirements for the above-mentioned contractual cash
flow characteristics.

Only when the Company changes its business model for managing financial assets, can all affected related financial
assets be reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period after the change in business model; otherwise,
financial assets shall not be reclassified after initial recognition.

Financial assets are measured at fair value upon initial recognition. For financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly included in current profits and losses; for other types of financial
assets, relevant transaction costs are included in the initially recognized amount. For accounts receivable arising
from sales of products or provision of labor services that do not include or consider significant financing components,
the consideration amount that the Company is expected to be entitled to receive will be taken as the initially
recognized amount.

(3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities of the Company are classified into financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and
financial liabilities measured at amortized cost upon initial recognition. For financial liabilities not classified as
those measured at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are included in their initially recognized

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading and those
designated upon initial recognition to be measured at fair value through profit or loss. Such financial liabilities are
subsequently measured at fair value, and the gains or losses arising from changes in fair value as well as dividends
and interest expenses related to such financial liabilities are included in current profits and losses.

Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, and gains
or losses arising from derecognition or amortization are included in current profits and losses.

Distinction between financial liabilities and equity instruments

Financial liabilities refer to those that meet one of the following conditions:

① Contractual obligations to deliver cash or other financial assets to other parties.

② Contractual obligations to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with other parties under potentially
adverse conditions.

③ A non-derivative instrument contract that must or can be settled with the enterprise’s own equity instruments in
the future, and according to which the enterprise will deliver a variable number of its own equity instruments.

④ A derivative contract that must or can be settled with the enterprise’s own equity instruments in the future,
except for derivative contracts where a fixed amount of its own equity instruments is exchanged for a fixed amount
of cash or other financial assets.

An equity instrument refers to a contract that can prove the residual equity in the assets of an enterprise after all
liabilities are deducted.

If the Company cannot unconditionally avoid performing a contractual obligation by delivering cash or other
financial assets, the contractual obligation meets the definition of financial liabilities.

If a financial instrument must or can be settled with the Company’s own equity instruments, it is necessary to
consider whether the Company’s own equity instruments used for settlement of such instruments are used as
substitutes for cash or other financial assets or to enable the instrument holder to enjoy residual equity in the assets
of the issuer after deduction of all liabilities. If meets the former condition, the financial instrument should be
recognized as financial liabilities; If meets the latter condition, the financial instrument is recognized as an equity

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(4) Fair value of financial instruments

For the determination methods for the fair value of financial assets and liabilities, refer to 36 “Others” in V
“Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section X - Financial Report.

(5) Impairment of financial assets

The Company accounts for impairment and recognizes the loss provision for the following items on the basis of
expected credit losses:

         Financial assets measured at amortized cost;
         Receivables and debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income;
         Contract assets as defined in ASBE NO. 14 - Revenue;
         Lease receivables;
         Financial guarantee contracts (except for those measured at fair value through profit and loss, where the
         transfer of financial assets does not meet derecognition conditions or is continuously involved in the
         transferred financial assets).
Measurement of expected credit losses

Expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of the credit losses of financial instruments that are weighted by
the risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable according to the
contract and discounted by the Company at the original effective interest rate and all cash flows expected to be
collected, that is, the present value of all cash shortages.

The Company considers reasonable and reliable information about past events, current situation and forecast of the
future economic situation, weighs the risk of default, calculates the probability weighted amount of the present value
of the difference between the cash flow receivable from the contract and the cash flow expected to be received, and
recognizes the expected credit loss.

The Company measures the expected credit losses of financial instruments at different stages respectively. For
financial instruments for which the credit risk has not significantly increased since initial recognition, they are
classified in Stage 1. The company measures the loss provision based on expected credit losses over the next 12
months. For financial instruments in which the credit risk has significantly increased since initial recognition but no
credit impairment has occurred, they are classified in Stage 2. The company measures the loss provision based on
the expected credit losses over the entire remaining lifetime of the instrument. For financial instruments in which a
credit impairment has occurred since initial recognition, they are classified in Stage 3. The company measures the
loss provision based on the expected credit losses over the entire remaining lifetime of the instrument.

The Company assumes that the credit risk of the financial instruments with a low credit risk on the balance sheet
date has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, and measures the provision for loss based on the
expected credit loss in the next 12 months.

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The expected credit loss during the whole duration refers to the expected credit loss caused by all default events
that may occur during the whole expected duration of financial instruments. The expected credit loss in the next 12
months refers to that caused by the possible default events of the financial instruments within 12 months after the
balance sheet date (or the expected duration if the expected duration of financial instruments is less than 12 months),
which is a part of the expected credit loss in the whole duration.

During the measurement of expected credit losses, the maximum term to be considered by the Company is the
maximum contract term of the enterprise facing credit risk (including the option to renew the contract).

For financial instruments in the first and second stages and with low credit risk, the Company calculates interest
income according to the book balance before deducting impairment provision and the actual interest rate. For
financial instruments in the third stage, interest income is calculated according to their book balance minus the
amortized cost after impairment provision and the effective interest rate.

Notes receivable, accounts receivable and contract assets

For notes receivable, accounts receivable and contract assets, the Company always measures their loss provision
according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss in the whole duration no matter whether there is any
significant financing component.

If the expected credit loss of a single financial or contractual asset cannot be evaluated at a reasonable cost, the
Company divides the notes receivable, accounts receivable and contractual assets into portfolios according to the
credit risk characteristics based on the following, and calculates the expected credit loss on the basis of the portfolios:

A. Notes receivable

         Notes receivable portfolio 1: bank acceptance bills
         Notes receivable portfolio 2: commercial acceptance bills
B. Accounts receivable

         Aging portfolio
C. Contract assets

         Aging portfolio
The Company calculates the expected credit loss of the notes receivable and contract assets divided into portfolios
by referring to the historical credit loss experience, combining the current situation and the forecast of the future
economic situation, and based on the default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate for the whole duration.

For accounts receivable divided into portfolios, the Company prepares a comparison table of account receivable
aging/overdue days and expected credit loss rate for the whole duration with a reference to historical credit loss
experience and in combination with the current situation and forecast of the future economic situation, so as to
calculate the expected credit loss. The aging of accounts receivable is calculated from the date of recognition, and

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the number of days overdue from the credit expiration date.

Other receivables

The Company divides other receivables into several portfolios according to the credit risk characteristics based on
the following, and calculates the expected credit loss according to the portfolios:

        Portfolio 1 of other receivables: portfolio of margin, deposit and reserve fund
        Portfolio 2 of other receivables: aging portfolio
For other receivables divided into portfolios, the Company calculates the expected credit loss through default risk
exposure and expected credit loss rate in the next 12 months or the whole duration. The aging of other receivables
divided into portfolios by aging is calculated from the date of recognition.

Long-term receivables

The Company’s long-term receivables include the receivables from sales of goods by installments.

The Company divides the long-term receivables into several portfolios according to the credit risk characteristics
based on the following, and calculates the expected credit loss on the basis of the portfolios:

Finance lease receivables

        Long-term receivables portfolio 1: receivables from sales of goods by installments
        Long-term receivables portfolio 2: other receivables
The Company calculates the expected credit loss of the receivables from sales of goods by installments based on
the default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate for the whole duration with a reference to the historical
credit loss experience, the current situation and the forecast of the future economic situation.

The Company calculates the expected credit loss of other receivables and long-term receivables divided into
portfolios other than receivables from sales of goods by installments according to the default risk exposure and the
expected credit loss rate in the next 12 months or the whole duration.

Debt investment and other debt investments

For debt investments and other debt investments, the Company calculates expected credit losses according to the
nature of the investment, various types of counterparties and risk exposures, default risk exposures and expected
credit loss rates in the next 12 months or throughout the duration.

Assessment of significant increase in credit risk

The Company compares the risk of default of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the risk of default
on the initial recognition date so as to determine the relative change in the default risk of financial instruments in

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the expected duration and evaluate whether the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since
the initial recognition.

In determining whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company considers
reasonable and well-founded information (including forward-looking information) that can be obtained without
unnecessary additional costs or efforts. The information to be considered by the Company is as follows:

         Failure of the debtor to pay the principal and interest on the due date of the contract;
         Serious deterioration in the external or internal credit rating (if any) of the financial instrument that has
         occurred or is expected;
         Serious deterioration of the debtor’s operating results that has occurred or is expected;
         Changes in the technical, market, economic or legal environment that has occurred or is expected and
         their potential material adverse effect on the repayment ability of the debtor to the Company.
According to the nature of financial instruments, the Company evaluates whether the credit risk has increased
significantly on the basis of individual financial instruments or portfolios of financial instruments. When evaluating
on the basis of portfolios of financial instruments, the Company may classify the financial instruments based on
common credit risk characteristics, such as overdue information and credit risk rating.

If it is overdue for more than 30 days, the Company determines that the credit risk of financial instruments has
increased significantly.

Credit-impaired financial assets

The Company evaluates on the balance sheet date whether credit impairment has occurred on the financial assets
measured at amortized cost and on the creditor’s debt investment measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income. A financial asset becomes credit-impaired when one or more events that have an adverse
impact on its expected future cash flows occur. Evidence of credit impairment of financial assets includes the
following observable information:

         The issuer or the debtor is involved in serious financial difficulties;
         The debtor breaches the contract, such as default on or overdue repayment of interest or principal;
         The Company, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the debtor’s financial difficulty, grants the
         debtor concessions that would not have been made in any other circumstances.
         There is a great possibility of bankruptcy or other financial restructuring of the debtor;
         The financial difficulties of the issuer or debtor result in the disappearance of the active market of such
         financial assets.
Presentation of provision for expected credit loss

In order to reflect the changes in the credit risk of financial instruments since the initial recognition, the Company
remeasures the expected credit loss on each balance sheet date; the increased or reversed amount of the loss
provision arising therefrom shall be included in the current profits and losses as impairment losses or gains. The

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loss provision of the financial assets measured at amortized cost is used to offset their book value presented in the
balance sheet. For the debt investment measured at fair value with its changes included in other comprehensive
income, the Company recognizes its loss provision in other comprehensive income, which will not offset the book
value of the financial assets.


The Company writes down the book balance of the financial assets when it no longer reasonably expects that the
contractual cash flow of the financial asset can be recovered in whole or in part. Such write-down constitutes the
derecognition of related financial assets. This usually occurs when the Company determines that the debtor has no
assets or sources of income that can generate sufficient cash flows to repay the amount to be written down. However,
the written-down financial assets may still be affected by the execution activities according to the Company’s
procedures for recovering due amounts.

Any financial assets that have been previously written off and subsequently recovered are recognized as a reversal
of impairment loss and recorded in the current period’s income statement.

(6) Transfer of financial assets

Transfer of financial assets refers to the assignment or delivery of financial assets to the party (transferee) other than
the issuer of such financial assets.

The financial asset is derecognized if the Company has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of
ownership of a financial asset to the transferee. The financial asset is not derecognized if the Company has retained
substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a financial asset.

If the Company neither transfers nor retains almost all risks and rewards of ownership of a financial asset, it shall
deal with them as follows: if the control over the financial asset is waived, the financial asset shall be derecognized
and the assets and liabilities incurred shall be recognized; if the control over the financial asset is not waived, the
relevant financial asset shall be recognized to the extent that it continues to be involved in the transferred financial
asset, and the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly.

(7) Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented in the balance sheet with the amount after offsetting each other
when the Company has a legal right to offset the recognized financial assets and financial liabilities and the legal
right can be exercised currently, and when the Company intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the
financial assets and pay off the financial liabilities simultaneously. In other cases, financial assets and financial
liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet and are not offset against each other.

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12. Notes receivable

Refer to 11 “Financial instruments” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section
X - Financial Report.

13. Accounts receivable

Refer to 11 “Financial instruments” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section
X - Financial Report.

14. Receivables financing

Refer to 11 “Financial instruments” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section
X - Financial Report.

15. Other receivables

For determination methods and accounting methods of expected credit losses of other receivables,

Refer to 11 “Financial instruments” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section
X - Financial Report.

16. Contract assets

The Company presents the contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship
between the performance obligations and the customer’s payment. The Company presents the contract assets and
liabilities under the same contract on a net basis after offsetting each other.
A contractual asset refers to a right to receive consideration for goods or services that have been transferred to a
customer, and the right depends on factors other than the passage of time.
For the determination method and accounting method of the Company for the expected credit loss of the contract
assets, refer to 11 “Financial instruments” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of
Section X - Financial Report.

17. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

The inventories of the Company are divided into raw materials, self-made semi-finished products and goods in
process, goods in stock, revolving materials, etc.

(2) Valuation method for inventories sent out

The Company’s inventories are accounted for at the planned cost when acquired. The difference between the
planned cost and the actual cost is accounted for through the cost variance account, and the cost variance that should
be borne by the inventories sent out is carried forward on schedule to adjust the planned cost to the actual cost.

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(3) Basis and method for provision of inventory depreciation reserves

On the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. When the net
realizable value of the inventories is lower than their cost, a provision for inventory depreciation reserves is made.

Net realizable value refers to the difference of the estimated sale price of inventory less the cost to estimated be
incurred until completion, estimated sales expenses and related taxes. The net realizable value of inventories is
determined based on the unambiguous evidence obtained as well as the consideration of the purpose of holding
inventories and the impact of events after the balance sheet date.

The Company makes provision for inventory depreciation reserves on an individual inventory item basis. Provision
for inventory depreciation reserves is made by inventory category for inventories with large quantities and low unit

(4) Inventory system

The Company adopts the perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortization method of low-value consumables and packaging materials

Low-value consumables and packaging materials of the Company are amortized by one-off write-off method when

18. Long-term receivables

Refer to 11 “Financial instruments” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section
X - Financial Report.

19. Long-term equity investments

Long-term equity investments include equity investments to subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated enterprises.
The investee which may be subject to significant influence of the Company is an associated enterprise of the

(1) Recognition of initial investment cost

Long-term equity investments acquired from the business combination: For the long-term equity investment
acquired from the business combination under common control, the investment cost refers to the share of the book
value of the owner’s equity of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling
party on the combination date; for the long-term equity investment acquired from the business combination under
different control, the investment cost refers to the combination cost.

For long-term equity investments acquired by other methods: For those acquired with cash payment, the actual
purchase price shall be recognized as the initial investment cost; for those acquired through the issuance of equity
securities, the fair value of issued equity securities shall be recognized as the initial investment cost.

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(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

Investments to subsidiaries are accounted for with the cost method unless the investment meets the conditions for
held-for-sale; investments to associated enterprises and joint ventures are accounted for with the equity method.

For long-term equity investments calculated by cost method, except for the declared but not yet released cash
dividends or profits included in the actual price or consideration paid when the investment is acquired, the
distributed cash dividends or profits declared by the investee shall be recognized as investment income and included
in current profits and losses.

For the long-term equity investments accounted for with the equity method, the investment cost is not adjusted if
the initial investment cost exceeds the share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of
the investment; the book value of the long-term equity investment is adjusted and the difference is included in the
current profits and losses if the initial investment cost is less than the share of fair value of the investee’s identifiable
net assets at the time of the investment.

For accounting with the equity method, the investment income and other comprehensive income shall be recognized
respectively according to the share of the net profits and losses and other comprehensive income realized by the
investee that shall be enjoyed or shared. Meanwhile, the book value of the long-term equity investments shall be
adjusted. The part of due share shall be calculated according to the distributed profit or cash dividend declared by
the investee, and the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be reduced accordingly. For other changes
in owners’ equity of the investee except net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, the
book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and included in capital reserve (other capital reserve).
The Company recognizes its share of the investee’s net profits or losses based on the fair values of the investee’s
individual separately identifiable assets at the time of acquisition, after making appropriate adjustments thereto in
conformity with the accounting policies and accounting periods of the Company.

The sum of the fair value of the original equity and the new investment cost is taken as the initial investment cost
calculated with the equity method on the date of conversion if it is possible to exert significant influence on or
implement joint control but not constitute control over the investee due to additional investment or other reasons.
The cumulative changes in fair value originally included in other comprehensive income related to the original
equity are transferred to retained earnings when the equity method is adopted if the original equity is classified as a
non-trading equity instrument measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.

In case the Company loses joint control of or the significant influence on the investee due to the disposal of part of
the equity investment, the residual equity after the disposal is accounted for in accordance with the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments on the date of
losing the joint control or significant influence, and the difference between the fair value and the book value is
included in the current profits and losses. Other comprehensive income recognized from the original equity
investment accounted with the equity method shall be accounted for on the same basis as the direct disposal of

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relevant assets or liabilities of the investee when the equity method is terminated. Other changes in owner’s equity
related to the original equity investment shall be transferred into current profit and loss.

In case the Company loses the right of control over the investee due to the disposal of partial equity investment or
other reasons, the equity method is applied, and it is deemed that the residual equity is adjusted with the equity
method from the time of acquisition if the residual equity after disposal can exert joint control over or significant
influence on the investee; the accounting is carried out according to the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, and the difference between the fair
value and the book value on the date of losing control is included in the current profits and losses if the residual
equity after disposal cannot exert joint control over or significant influence on the investee.

If the shareholding ratio of the Company decreases due to capital increase by other investors, resulting in loss of
control but joint control over or significant influence on the investee, the Company’s share of net assets increased
due to capital increase and share expansion of the investee shall be recognized according to the new shareholding
ratio, and the difference from the original book value of long-term equity investment corresponding to the decrease
in shareholding ratio that shall be carried forward shall be included in current profits and losses. Then, adjustments
are made based on the new shareholding ratio with the equity method as if it had been used since the acquisition of
the investment.

Unrealized gains and losses from internal transactions between the Company and its associated enterprises and joint
ventures that are attributable to the Company are calculated based on the shareholding ratio, and investment profits
and losses are recognized based on the offsetting of that portion. However, the unrealized loss from internal
transactions incurred between the Company and its investee is not offset if it belongs to impairment loss from assets

(3) Basis for determining joint control and significant influence on the investee

Joint control refers to the control over certain arrangement under related agreements, and related activities of the
arrangement can only be determined with the unanimous consent of the parties sharing the control. During the
judgment of joint control, it is required to determine whether the arrangement is controlled collectively by all
participants or combinations of participants, and then determine whether decisions on activities related to the
arrangement must be made with the unanimous consent of those participants who collectively control the
arrangement. It is deemed that all participants or a group of participants collectively control the arrangement if
related activities of an arrangement can be decided only with the concerted action of all participants or a group of
participants. If there are two or more combinations of parties that can collectively control an arrangement, this
situation does not constitute joint control. For the determination of whether there is joint control, protective rights
are not taken into account.

Significant influence refers to the power of the investor to participate in making decisions on the financial and
operating policies of the investee, but cannot control or jointly control with other parties over the preparation of
these policies. The possibility of exerting significant influence on the investee is determined by considering the

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influence of the voting shares of the investee directly or indirectly held by the investor and the influence when it is
assumed that the potential voting rights executable for the current period held by the investor and other parties are
converted into the equity of the investee, including the influence of the warrants, stock options and corporate bonds
which can be converted in the current period issued by the investee.

It is generally considered that the Company has significant influence on the investee when the Company directly
holds more than 20% (inclusive) but less than 50% of the voting shares of the investee or holds indirectly through
subsidiaries, unless there is clear evidence indicating that it cannot participate in the production and operation
decisions of the investee under such circumstances, in which case it has no significant influence. It is generally not
considered that the Company has significant influence on the investee when the Company owns less than 20%
(exclusive) of the voting shares of the investee, unless there is clear evidence indicating that it can participate in the
production and operation decisions of the investee under such circumstances, in which case it has significant

(4) Impairment test method and impairment provision methods

For investments to subsidiaries, associated enterprises and joint ventures, the method of provision for asset
impairment is described in 36 “Others” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section
X - Financial Report.

20. Investment properties

Measurement mode of investment properties: cost method
Depreciation or amortization method

Investment properties refer to the properties held for earning rent or capital appreciation, or both. Investment
properties of the Company include the land use rights that have already been rented, the land use rights held for
transfer after appreciation, and the buildings that have been rented.

Investment properties of the Company are initially measured as per the price upon acquisition and depreciated or
amortized on schedule as per relevant provisions on fixed assets or intangible assets.

For the investment real estate which is subsequently measured with the cost mode, the method of drawing asset
impairment is described in 36 “Others” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section
X - Financial Report.

The disposal income from the sale, transfer, retirement or damage of investment properties shall be included in
current profits and losses after deducting its book value and relevant taxes.

21. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition conditions

Fixed assets of the Company refer to the tangible assets held for the production of goods, rendering of services,
the renting or operation and management, with a service life exceeding one accounting year.

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The fixed assets can be recognized only when the economic benefits related to such fixed assets are likely to flow
into the enterprise and the cost of such fixed assets can be measured reliably.

Fixed assets of the Company are initially measured at the actual cost upon acquisition.

Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets are included in the cost of fixed assets when the related economic
benefits are likely to flow into the Company and the costs can be reliably measured. The daily repair costs of fixed
assets that do not meet the conditions for the subsequent expenditure of fixed assets capitalization are included in
the current profits and losses or the costs of relevant assets based on the beneficiaries at the time of occurrence.
For the replaced part, its book value is derecognized.

(2) Depreciation method

                              Depreciation                                                              Annual
          Category                                 Depreciation Period        Residual Rate
                                Method                                                              Depreciation Rate
  Houses and              Straight-line
                                                         20 years                   3-5                  4.85-4.75
  Buildings               method
  Machinery               Straight-line
                                                         10 years                   0-3                 10.00-9.70
  equipment               method
  Transportation          Straight-line
                                                         4-10 years                 0-5                 25.00-9.50
  equipment               method
  Electronic              Straight-line
                                                          3 years                   0-5                33.33-31.67
  equipment               method
  Office equipment                                        5 years                   3-5                19.40-19.00
  Others                                                  5 years                   0-5                20.00-19.00
The Company uses the straight-line method for depreciation. The depreciation of fixed assets starts when they reach
the expected serviceable condition and stops when they are derecognized or classified as non-current assets held for
sale. Without taking into account the provision for impairment, the Company determines the annual depreciation
rate of various fixed assets according to the category, estimated service life and estimated residual value of fixed

Among them, for fixed assets with provision for impairment, the accumulated amount of provision for impairment
shall also be deducted to calculate and determine the depreciation rate.

(3) For the impairment test method and provision for impairment of fixed assets, please refer to 36 Others
in V Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates of Section X - Financial report.

(4) The Company reviews the service life, expected net residual value and depreciation method of fixed
assets at the end of each year.

The service life of fixed assets shall be adjusted if the expected service life is different from the original estimate,
and the estimated net residual value shall be adjusted if the estimated net residual value is different from the original

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(5) Disposal of fixed assets

If a fixed asset is disposed of or if no economic benefit will be obtained from the use or disposal, the recognition of
such fixed asset is terminated. The disposal income from the sale, transfer, retirement or damage of fixed assets
shall be included in current profits and losses after deducting its book value and relevant taxes.

22. Construction in progress

The cost of construction in progress of the Company is recognized according to the actual construction expenditures,
including various necessary construction expenditures incurred during the construction period, borrowing costs that
shall be capitalized before the construction reaches the expected condition for its intended use, and other relevant

Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when it is ready for its intended use.

For the method of provision for asset impairment of construction in progress, refer to 36 “Others” in V “Significant
Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section X - Financial Report.

23. Intangible Assets

(1) Service life and its determination basis, estimate, amortization method or review procedure

Intangible assets of the Company include land use rights, software, non-patented technologies, etc.

Intangible assets are initially measured at cost and their service life is analyzed and judged at the time of acquisition.
Where the service life is limited, the intangible asset is amortized over its expected service life, from the time it is
available, with an amortization method that reflects the expected realization of the economic benefits associated
with the asset. The straight-line method is adopted for amortization if the expected realization mode cannot be
determined reliably. Intangible assets with uncertain service life are not amortized.

The amortization method for intangible assets with limited service life is as follows:

            Category                    Service Life           Amortization Method                 Remarks
    Land use right                        50 years              Straight-line method
    Software                             2-10 years             Straight-line method
                                         5-10 years             Straight-line method

The Company reviews the service life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited service life at the
end of each year. If it is different from the previous estimate, the original estimate shall be adjusted and treated as a
change in accounting estimates.

The book value of an intangible asset is transferred into the current profits and losses in full if it is expected that the
asset cannot bring economic benefits to the enterprise in the future on the balance sheet date.

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For the method of provision for asset impairment of the intangible assets, refer to 36 “Others” in V “Significant
Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section X - Financial Report.

(2) Scope of aggregation of expenditures on research and development and related accounting treatment

The Company’s research and development expenditures are directly related to the Company’s research and
development activities, including research and development labor costs, test expenses, depreciation costs, design
fees, and trial production fees.

The Company divides the expenditures of internal research and development projects into expenditures at the
research stage and expenditures at the development stage.

The expenditures at the research stage are included in current profits and losses when incurred.

Expenditures at the development stage can be capitalized only when the following conditions are met
simultaneously, namely, it is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets so that they can be used or sold;
there is an intention to complete the intangible assets and use or sell them; the ways for intangible assets to generate
economic benefits include proving that there is a market for the products produced by using the intangible assets or
the intangible assets themselves, and proving their usefulness if they are to be used internally; there are sufficient
technical, financial and other resources to support the development of the intangible assets and the ability to use or
sell the intangible assets; the expenditure at the development stage of the intangible assets can be measured reliably.
The development expenditures failing to meet the above conditions are included in current profits and losses when
they occur.

The R&D projects of the Company enter the development stage after project approval by meeting the above
conditions and passing the technical feasibility and economic feasibility study.

The capitalized expenditures at the development stage are presented as development expenditures on the balance
sheet and are transferred into intangible assets from the date when the project realizes its intended use.

The capitalization conditions of specific research and development projects are as follows: The Company’s research
and development project ends with product planning, and the division point of the research and development stages
lies in the fact that the overall plan of the development project is prepared and adopted through deliberation and
decision-making on the product project review meeting (that is, project initiation). The expenses incurred in the
planning stage before the project initiation are directly included in the current profits and losses, and those incurred
after the project initiation are included in expenditures in the development stage.

24. Impairment of long-term assets

The asset impairment of long-term equity investment to subsidiaries, associated enterprises and joint ventures,
investment real estate subsequently measured by the cost model, fixed assets, projects under construction, right-of-

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use assets, intangible assets, etc. (except for inventories, deferred income tax assets and financial assets) is
recognized with the following methods:

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet date. If such a sign exists,
the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test. Impairment tests shall be carried
out every year on goodwill resulting from business mergers, intangible assets with uncertain service life and
intangible assets that are not available no matter whether there is any sign of impairment.

The recoverable amount is the net amount of the fair value of the assets after deducting the disposal expenses or the
present value of the expected future cash flow of the assets, whichever is higher. The Company estimates the
recoverable amount based on a single asset. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of a single asset, the
recoverable amount of the asset group shall be determined based on the asset group to which the asset belongs. An
asset group is determined based on the fact that the main cash inflows generated by the asset group are independent
of the cash inflows of other assets or asset groups.

When the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is lower than its book value, the Company writes down its
book value to the recoverable amount, and the write-down amount is included in current profits and losses, and the
corresponding impairment provision of assets is made at the same time.

For the impairment test of goodwill, the book value of goodwill resulting from business merger is amortized to
relevant asset groups with reasonable methods from the acquisition date, or amortized to relevant asset group
portfolio if it is difficult to amortize it to relevant asset groups. Relevant asset groups or portfolios of asset groups
are those that can benefit from the synergies of business merger and are not greater than the reporting segment
determined by the Company.

If there is any sign of impairment in the asset group or portfolio of asset groups related to goodwill during the
impairment test, the impairment test shall be carried out on the asset group or portfolio of asset groups not including
goodwill, and the recoverable amount shall be calculated to determine the corresponding impairment loss. Then, an
impairment test is carried out on the asset group or portfolio of asset groups including goodwill to compare its book
value and recoverable amount, and determine the impairment loss of goodwill if the recoverable amount is lower
than the book value.

Once the impairment loss of assets is determined, it will never be reversed in subsequent accounting periods.

25. Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term unamortized expenses of the Company shall be valued as per actual cost and averagely amortized as per
the expected benefit period. The amortized value of the long-term deferred expenses that cannot benefit the future
accounting period is included in the current profits and losses.

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26. Contract liabilities

The Company presents the contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship
between the performance obligations and the customer’s payment. The Company presents the contract assets and
liabilities under the same contract on a net basis after offsetting each other.
Contractual liability refers to an obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which customer
consideration has been received or receivable, such as payments received by an enterprise prior to the transfer of
promised goods or services.

27. Employee compensation

(1) Accounting method of short-term compensation

Employee compensation refers to various forms of remuneration or compensation given by enterprises to obtain
services provided by employees or to terminate labor relations. Employee compensation includes short-term
compensation, post-employment benefits, dismissal benefits and other long-term employee benefits. The benefits
provided by the enterprise to employees’ spouses, children, dependents, survivors of deceased employees and other
beneficiaries also belong to employee compensation.

According to liquidity, employee compensation is listed in the “employee compensation payable” and “long-term
employee compensation payable” items of the balance sheet.

Short-term compensation
In the accounting period when employees provide services, the Company recognizes the employee wages, bonuses,
social security contributions according to regulations such as medical insurance, work injury insurance and
maternity insurance as well as housing funds as liability, and includes them in current profits and losses or relevant
asset costs.

(2) Accounting method of post-employment benefits

The post-employment benefit plan includes defined contribution plan and defined benefit plan. The defined
contribution plan refers to the post-employment benefit plan that the enterprise will no longer bear the payment
obligation after paying fixed fees to independent funds. The defined benefit plan refers to the post-employment
benefit plan other than the defined contribution plan.

Defined contribution plan

The defined contribution plan includes basic pension insurance, unemployment insurance and enterprise annuity

In the accounting period when employees provide services, the Company recognizes the amount payable to a
defined contribution plan as a liability, and includes it in the current profit or loss or relevant asset cost.

Defined benefit plan

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The defined benefit plan shows that an actuarial valuation is performed by an independent actuary on the annual
balance sheet date, and the benefit cost is determined with the expected cumulative benefit unit method. The
Company recognizes the following components of employee benefits cost arising from defined benefit plans:

① Service costs include current service costs, past service costs and settlement gains or losses. Among them, the
current service cost refers to the increase in the present value of the defined benefit plan obligations due to the
provision of services by employees in the current period; the past service cost refers to the increase or decrease in
the present value of the defined benefit plan obligations related to the employee services in the previous period due
to the modification of the defined benefit plan.

② Net interest on net liabilities or assets of defined benefit plans, including interest income of plan assets, interest
expense of defined benefit plan obligations and interest affected by asset ceiling.

③ Changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plans.

The Company includes the above items ① and ② in the current profits and losses, unless other accounting
standards require or allow the cost of employee benefits to be included in the cost of assets; item ③ is included in
other comprehensive income and will not be reversed back to profit or loss in subsequent accounting periods, and
the part originally included in other comprehensive income within the equity scope is carried forward to
undistributed profit when the original defined benefit plan terminates.

(3) Accounting method of dismissal welfare

When the Company provides dismissal welfare to employees, the liabilities of the employee compensation arising
from dismissal welfare are recognized at the earlier of the following two dates and included in the current profit or
loss: the Company cannot unilaterally provide the dismissal welfare provided due to the labor relation termination
plan or the layoff suggestions; the Company recognizes the costs or expenses related to the restructuring of
termination benefits payment.

If the early retirement plan is implemented, the economic compensation before the official retirement date belongs
to dismissal welfare. The wages proposed to be paid to the early retired employee and the social insurance premiums
to be paid are included in the current profits and losses in a lump sum from the date when the employee stops
providing services to the normal retirement date. Economic compensation after the official retirement date (such as
normal pension) belongs to post-employment benefits.

(4) Accounting method of other long-term employee benefits

Other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to the employees satisfying the conditions for
classifying as a defined contributions plan are accounted for in accordance with the above requirements relating to
defined contribution plan. The benefits that meet the requirements of the defined benefit plan are treated in
accordance with the provisions of the plan. However, the “changes caused by remeasurement of net liabilities or net

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assets of the defined benefit plan” in relevant employee compensation costs are included in current profits and losses
or relevant asset costs.

28. Provisions

The Company recognizes the obligations related to contingencies as estimated liabilities if they meet all of the
following conditions:

(1) The obligation is the current obligation of the Company;

(2) Performance of this obligation will probably cause an outflow of economic interest of the Company;

(3) The amount of such obligation can be measured reliably.

Expected liabilities are initially measured at the optimal estimate required to perform the relevant current obligation,
in comprehensive consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors pertinent to the
Contingencies. The best estimate is determined by discounting the relevant future cash outflow if the time value of
money has a significant impact. At the balance sheet date, the book value of the estimated liabilities is reviewed and
adjusted by the Company to reflect the current best estimate.

If all or part of the expenditures necessary for clearing off the recognized provisions are expected to be compensated
by a third party or any other party, the amount of compensation shall be recognized as assets separately only when
it is basically sure that the amount can be obtained. The recognized amount of compensation shall not exceed the
book value of recognized liabilities.

29. Share-based payment

(1) Types of share-based payment

The share-based payments of the Company are divided into equity-settled share-based payment and cash-settled
share-based payment.

(2) Determination methods for fair value of equity instruments

The Company recognizes the fair value of equity instruments such as granted options with an active market
according to the quotation of the active market. The Company recognizes the fair value of equity instruments such
as granted options without active market by using the option pricing model. The following factors are considered
in the selected option pricing model: A. exercise price of options; B. validity period of options; C. current price of
underlying shares; D. expected fluctuation ratio of stock price; E. expected dividends of shares; F. risk-free interest
rate within the validity period of options.

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(3) Basis for determining the optimal estimate of vested equity instruments

The Company makes the optimal estimate based on the latest follow-up information such as changes in the number
of vesting employees and corrects the expected number of vested equity instruments on each balance sheet date
within the vesting period. On the vesting date, the final estimated number of vested equity instruments shall be
consistent with the number of actual vested equity instruments.

(4) Accounting treatment related to implementation, modification and termination of share-based payment plan

Share-based payments settled by equity are measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees.
Where the equity instrument can be vested immediately upon being granted, the share-based payment is included
in relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of equity instrument on the granting date and the capital reserve shall
be increased accordingly. Where the equity instrument can not be vested until the vesting period comes to an end
or until the specified performance conditions are met, at each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the
services obtained in the current period are, based on the optimal estimate of the number of vested equity instruments,
included in relevant costs or expenses and capital reserve at the fair value specified on the granting date of equity
instruments. After the vesting date, it shall make no adjustment to the relevant costs or expenses as well as the total
amount of the owner’s equities which have been confirmed.

Share-based payments settled by cash are measured at the fair value of liabilities recognized based on shares or
other equity instruments assumed by the Company. Where the equity instrument can be vested immediately upon
being granted, the payment shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of the liabilities
assumed by the Company on the granting date, and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly. Where the share-
based payment settled by cash cannot be vested until the vesting period comes to an end or until the specified
performance conditions are met, on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services acquired in
current period are, based on the optimal estimation of the vesting right, included in costs or expenses and
corresponding liabilities at the fair value of the liabilities assumed by the Company. On each balance sheet date and
the settlement date prior to the settlement of the relevant liabilities, the fair value of the liabilities shall be re-
measured, with its changes included in the current profits and losses.

When the Company modifies the share-based payment plan, the increase in services obtained shall be recognized
based on the increase (if any) in the fair value of equity instruments; if the quantity of granted equity instruments is
increased, the fair value of the increased equity instruments shall be recognized accordingly as the increase in the
services obtained. The increase in the fair value of equity instruments refers to the difference between the fair values
of equity instruments before and after modification on the modification date. If the total fair value of share-based
payment is reduced in the modification or the terms and conditions of the share-based payment plan are modified
in other ways unfavorable to employees, the accounting treatment on acquired services shall continue as if the
change has never occurred, unless the Company has canceled part or all of the granted equity instruments.

If, during the vesting period, the granted instruments are canceled (except for those canceled because of failure to
meet the non-market conditions of the vesting conditions), the Company shall accelerate the vesting of the granted

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equity instruments, and immediately include the amount to be recognized in the remaining vesting period in the
current profit and loss, and determine the capital reserve in the meantime. In the event that the employees or other
parties can choose to meet the non-vesting conditions but fail to meet such conditions during the vesting period, the
Company shall treat it as the cancellation of granted equity instruments.

(5) Restricted shares

The Company grants restricted shares to the incentive objects in the equity incentive plan, and the incentive objects
subscribe for the shares preferentially. If the unlocking conditions stipulated in the equity incentive plan are not met
subsequently, the Company will repurchase the shares at the price agreed in advance. If the restricted shares issued
to employees have completed capital increase procedures such as registration as specified, the Company shall
determine the share capital and capital reserve (share premium) according to the share subscription money received
from employees on the granting date, and determine the treasury shares and other payables in terms of the repurchase

30. Income

Accounting policies adopted for recognition and measurement of income disclosed by business type

(1) General principles
The Company recognizes its income when it has fulfilled its performance obligations of the contract, i.e., the
customer has obtained the control rights of the relevant goods or services.
If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall, at the beginning date of the
contract, apportion the transaction price to each performance obligation according to the relative proportion of the
individual selling price of the goods or services promised by each performance obligation, and measure the
income according to the transaction price apportioned to each performance obligation.
In case one of the following conditions is met, the Company will perform the performance obligations within a
period of time. Otherwise, it will perform the performance obligations at a time point:
① The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the performance of the contract by the
Company at the same time.
② The customer can control the goods under construction during the Company’s performance;
③ The goods produced during the performance of the Company are irreplaceable, and the Company has been
entitled to receive payment for the performance accumulated so far throughout the term of the contract.

For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company shall determine the income
within that period according to the performance progress. If the performance progress cannot be reasonably
confirmed, and the costs incurred by the Company can be expected to be compensated, the incomes shall be
recognized according to the amount of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably confirmed.

For performance obligations performed at a certain time point, the Company shall confirm the income at the time
point when the customer gains control rights of the relevant goods or services. In determining whether a customer

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has obtained the control rights of the goods or services, the Company shall take the following signs into

① The Company enjoys the right to the current collection, i.e., the customer has the obligation to pay
immediately with respect to the goods;
② The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer, i.e., the customer owns the
legal ownership of the goods;
③ The Company has transferred the goods to the customer in kind, i.e., the customer has possessed the goods;
④ The Company has transferred the major risks and remuneration on the ownership of the goods to the customer,
i.e., the customer has obtained the major risks and remuneration on the ownership of the goods.
⑤ The customer has accepted such goods or services.
⑥ Other signs indicate that the customer has obtained the right to control the goods.
The right of the Company to receive the consideration due to the transfer of goods or services to the customer (and
the right depends on factors other than the passage of time) is taken as a contractual asset, and the provision for
impairment of the contractual assets are based on the expected credit losses (please refer to 11 “Financial
Instruments” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section X - Financial Report).
The Company’s unconditional (subject only to the passage of time) right to collect consideration from customers
shall be presented as receivables. The Company’s obligations to transfer goods or services to the customer due to
customer consideration received or receivable shall be defined as contract liabilities.

Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract shall be presented in net amount. If the net amount
is the debit balance, it shall be presented in the item of “contract assets” or “other non-current assets” according to
its liquidity; if the net amount is the credit balance, it shall be presented in the item of “contract liabilities” or “other
non-current liabilities” according to its liquidity.

(2) Specific methods
When the complete vehicles and their accessories and other goods are transported to the agreed delivery location
under the terms of the contract, the customer has accepted the goods and obtained the right to control over them,
and the Company recognizes the income.

Similar businesses adopt different operating models involving different revenue recognition methods and
measurement methods: None

31. Contract cost

The contract cost includes the incremental cost incurred for obtaining a contract and the contract performance cost.

Incremental costs incurred for obtaining a contract refer to the costs (such as sales commissions) that would not
have occurred if the Company had not obtained the contract. If the cost is expected to be recovered, the Company
recognizes it as a contract acquisition cost and an asset. Other expenditures incurred by the Company for obtaining
contracts other than incremental costs that are expected to be recovered are included in current profits and losses
when incurred.

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If the cost incurred for contract performance is not within the scope of other accounting standards for business
enterprises such as inventories and meets the following conditions at the same time, the Company recognizes it as
an asset for the contract performance cost:

① The cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct materials,
manufacturing costs (or similar costs), the costs clearly borne by the customer, and other costs incurred only by the

② This cost increases the Company’s resources for performing the performance obligations in the future;

③ This cost is expected to be recovered.

Assets recognized as contract acquisition costs and that recognized as contract performance costs (hereinafter
referred to as “assets related to contract costs”) are amortized on the same basis as revenue recognition of goods or
services related to the assets and are included in current profits and losses.

When the book value of the assets related to the contract cost is higher than the difference between the following
two items, the Company will make provision for the impairment of the excess and recognize it as the asset
impairment loss:

① The residual consideration expected to be obtained by the Company from the transfer of goods or services related
to the asset;

② The estimated costs to be incurred for the transfer of relevant goods or services.

32. Government subsidies

The government subsidies shall be recognized when all the attached conditions can be satisfied and the government
subsidies can be received.

The government subsidies considered as monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable. The
government subsidies considered as non-monetary assets are measured based on the fair value, or the nominal
amount of CNY 1 if the fair value cannot be acquired reliably.

Asset-related government subsidies refer to those obtained by the Company and used for acquiring or forming long-
term assets in other ways; otherwise, they are regarded as income-related government subsidies.

For the government subsidies with the grant objects not expressly stipulated in the government documents, if they
can be used to form long-term assets, the government subsidies corresponding to the asset value are deemed as the
government subsidies related to assets while the rest is deemed as the one related to income; for the government
subsidies that are difficult to differentiate, the government subsidies as a whole are deemed as income-related
government subsidies.

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Asset-related government subsidies are recognized as deferred income and included in profits or losses by stages
with a reasonable and systematic method within the service life of related assets. For the income-related government
subsidies, they shall be included in the current profit and loss or write down related costs if used to compensate for
the incurred related costs or losses; if used to compensate for the related costs or losses during future periods, they
shall be included in the deferred income, and included in the current profit and loss during the period when the
related costs or losses are recognized. Government subsidies measured at the nominal amount are directly included
in the current profit and loss. The Company adopts the same treatment for those transactions of similar government

The government subsidies related to daily activities shall be included in other incomes based on the substance of
business transactions. Government subsidies irrelevant to daily activities are included in non-business income.

If it is necessary to refund the government subsidies that have been recognized, the book value of the assets which
has been offset at the time of initial recognition is adjusted; the book balance of the deferred income concerned (if
any) is offset, and the excess is included in the current profits and losses; others are directly included in the current
profits and losses.

33. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

Income tax includes current income tax and deferred income tax. The income tax shall be included in the current
profit and loss as income tax expenses, except that the deferred income taxes related to the adjustment of goodwill
due to business merger or the transactions or matters directly included in the owner’s equity are included in the
owner’s equity.

The Company recognizes deferred income tax by the balance sheet liability method according to the temporary
difference between the book value of assets and liabilities on the balance sheet date and the tax base.

Relevant deferred tax liabilities shall be recognized for each taxable temporary difference, unless the taxable
temporary difference arises from the following transactions:

(1) The initial recognition of goodwill or the initial recognition of assets or liabilities incurred in a transaction that
is neither a business combination nor affects the accounting profit or taxable income at the time of the transaction
(except for individual transactions where the assets and liabilities initially recognized result in equal amounts of
taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences);

(2) Concerning the taxable temporary difference related to the investment of subsidiaries, joint ventures and
associated enterprises, the time of reversal of the temporary difference can be controlled and the temporary
difference is unlikely to be reversed in the foreseeable future.

The Company recognizes a deferred tax asset for the carry-forward of deductible temporary differences, deductible
losses and tax credits to subsequent periods, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be

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available against which the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized,
except for those incurred in the following transactions:

(1) The transaction is neither a business combination nor affects the accounting profit or taxable income at the time
of the transaction (except for individual transactions where the assets and liabilities initially recognized result in
equal amounts of taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences);

(2) Corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized if the deductible temporary difference associated with
investments in subsidiaries, associated enterprises and joint ventures meets all of the following conditions: The
temporary difference is likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future, and the taxable income which is used to
deduct the deductible temporary difference is likely to be obtained in the future.

The Company measures the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities at the applicable tax rate
during the expected period for recovering the assets or paying off the liabilities on the balance sheet date and reflects
the impact on income tax from assets recovery or liability settlement on the balance sheet date.

At the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the book value of a deferred income tax asset. If it is likely that
sufficient taxable profits will not be available in future periods to deduct the benefit of the deferred tax assets, the
book value of the deferred tax assets is reduced. Any such write-down shall be subsequently reversed where it
becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be available.

At the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are presented by net amount
after set-off when both of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The taxpayer within the Company has the legal rights to settle the income tax assets and income tax liabilities
in the current period by net amount;

(2) Deferred income tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are associated with the income taxes imposed by the same
taxation authority on the same taxpayer within the Company.

34. Lease

(1) Accounting treatment methods of lease with the Company as the lessee

Identification of lease

On the commencement date of the contract, the Company, as the lessee or lessor, evaluates whether the customer
in the contract is entitled to obtain almost all economic benefits arising from the use of the identified assets during
the use period, and is entitled to dominate the use of the identified assets during the use period. If one party to the
contract abalienates the right to control the use of one or more identified assets within a certain period of time in
exchange for consideration, the Company determines that the contract is a lease or includes a lease.

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The Company acting as the lessee

At the commencement of the lease term, the Company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for all
leases, except for simplified short-term leases and low-value asset leases.

For the accounting policies of the right-of-use assets, see 36 “Others” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and
Accounting Estimates” of Section X - Financial Report.

Lease liabilities shall be initially measured at the present value calculated by the interest rate implicit in the lease
according to the unpaid lease payment on the commencement date of the lease term. If the interest rate implicit in
lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowing rate shall be used as the discount rate. The lease payment
includes: fixed payment and substantial fixed payment. If there is a lease incentive, the amount related to the lease
incentive shall be deducted; variable lease payments depending on index or ratio; the exercise price of the purchase
option, provided that the lessee reasonably determines that the option will be exercised; payments for exercising the
option to terminate the lease, provided that the lease term reflects that the lessee will exercise the option to terminate
the lease; and the amount expected to be paid according to the guaranteed residual value provided by the lessee.
The interest expenses of the lease liabilities within each lease term shall be calculated subsequently according to the
fixed periodic rate, and included in the current profits and losses. Variable lease payments not included in the
measurement of lease liabilities are included in the current profits and losses when they actually occur.

Short-term lease

Short-term lease refers to a lease with a lease term of not more than 12 months on the commencement date of the
lease term, except for the lease containing the purchase option.

The Company includes the lease payment for short-term lease into relevant asset costs or current profits and losses
by the straight-line method at each period within the lease term.

For short-term lease, the Company selects the above simplified treatment method for the items meeting the short-
term lease conditions in the following asset types according to the category of leased assets.

Low-value asset lease

Low-value asset lease refers to the lease in which the value of a single new leased asset is less than CNY 40 thousand.

The Company includes the payment of low-value asset lease into relevant asset costs or current profits and losses
with the straight-line method in each period within the lease term.

For low-value asset leases, the Company selects the above simplified treatment method according to the specific
conditions of each lease.

Lease change

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If the lease changes and meets the following conditions at the same time, the Company takes the lease change as a
separate lease for the accounting treatment: ① The lease change expands the lease scope by increasing the right to
use one or more leased assets; and ② the increased consideration is equivalent to the amount by adjusting the
separate price of the expanded lease scope according to the contract.

If the lease change is not taken as a separate lease for accounting treatment, the Company will, on the effective date
of the lease change, reallocate the consideration of the changed contract, redetermine the lease term, and remeasure
the lease liabilities according to the changed lease payment and the present value calculated by the revised discount

If the lease scope is reduced or the lease term is shortened due to the lease change, the Company will correspondingly
reduce the book value of right-of-use assets, and include relevant profits or losses of partial or complete termination
of leasing in current profits and losses.

If the lease liabilities are remeasured due to the other lease changes, the Company shall adjust the book value of the
right-of-use asset accordingly.

(2) Accounting methods of lease with the Company as the lessor

When the Company is the lessor, the lease that substantially transfers all risks and rewards related to the ownership
of the assets is recognized as a finance lease, and other leases than finance leases are recognized as operating leases.

Finance lease

In financial lease, at the commencement of the lease term, the Company takes the net investment in a lease as the
entry value of the finance lease receivables, and the net investment in a lease is the sum of the unguaranteed residual
value and the present value of the lease receipts not yet received at the commencement of the lease term discounted
at the interest rate implicit in lease. The Company, as the lessor, calculates and recognizes interest income in each
lease term at a fixed periodic rate. The variable lease payment obtained by the Company as the lessor and not
included in the measurement of net lease investment is included in the current profits and losses when it actually

Derecognition and impairment of finance lease receivables are accounted for according to the ASBE No. 22 -
Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments and the ASBE No. 23 - Transfer of Financial Assets.

Operating lease

Lease income from operating leases is included in current profits or losses by the Company as per the straight-line
method over the lease term. The occurred initial direct cost related to the operating lease shall be capitalized,
amortized within the lease term according to the same base with the recognition of rental income, and included in
the current profits and losses by stages. The variable lease receipts obtained by the Company related to operating
leases and not charged to the lease receipts shall be charged to the current profit and loss when they actually occur.

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Lease change

In case of any change in an operating lease, the Company carries out accounting treatment as it is a new lease since
the effective date of the change, and the advance receipts and receivables related to the lease before the change are
deemed as the receipts of the new lease.

If the financial lease changes and meets the following conditions, the Company takes the change as a separate lease
for accounting treatment: ① The change expands the lease scope by increasing the right to use one or more leased
assets; and ② the increased consideration is equivalent to the amount by adjusting the separate price of the
expanded lease scope according to the contract.

If the change of finance lease is not taken as a separate lease for accounting treatment, the Company shall treat the
changed lease under the following circumstances respectively: ① If the change takes effect on the commencement
date of the lease and the lease will be classified as an operating lease, the Company will take it as a new lease for
accounting treatment from the effective date of the lease change, and take the net investment in the lease before the
effective date of the lease change as the book value of the leased asset. ② If the change takes effect on the
commencement date of the lease and the lease will be classified as a finance lease, the Company shall carry out
accounting treatment in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.
22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments on modifying or renegotiating the contract.

35. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Change in significant accounting policies

□Applicable Not applicable

(2) Change in significant accounting estimates

□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Adjustment of relevant items in the financial statements at the beginning of the year after the first
implementation of the new accounting standards since 2024

□Applicable Not applicable

36. Others

(1) Fair value measurement
Fair value refers to the price to be received for sale of an asset or to be paid for the transfer of liability by market
participants in the orderly transaction on the measurement date.

The Company measures related assets or liabilities at fair value, assuming that the sale of an asset or the transfer of
liability is conducted in major markets for relevant assets or liabilities in an orderly transaction. If the major market
is not provided, the transaction shall be assumed to be performed in the most favorable market for relevant assets
or liabilities. Major markets (or most favorable markets) are the markets where the Company can enter on the

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measurement date. The Company uses the assumptions used by market participants to maximize their economic
benefits when they price the asset or liability.

Fair value of financial assets or financial liabilities with the active market is determined based on quotations in the
active market by the Company. Fair value of financial instrument without an active market is determined through
valuation techniques.

When non-financial assets are measured at fair value, it is required to consider the ability of market participants to
use the asset for optimal purposes to produce economic benefits, or to sell the asset to other market participants that
can use such assets for optimal purposes to produce economic benefits.

The Company shall adopt the estimation technique that is applicable in the current conditions and is supported
sufficiently by available data and other information. The relevant observable input values shall be used in priority
during the application of estimation technique. Only when relevant observable value cannot be obtained or can be
obtained but is not feasible, the unobservable input value can be used.

For assets and liabilities measured or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements, the level to which the fair
value belongs is determined according to the lowest level input value that is of significance for the whole fair value
measurement: The input value for the first level refers to the unadjusted quotation of the same assets or liabilities in
the active market that can be obtained on the measurement date; the input value for the second level refers to the
input value that can be directly or indirectly observed for relevant assets or liabilities other than that for the first
level; and the input value for the third level refers to the input value that cannot be observed for relevant assets or

The Company reassesses the assets and liabilities successively measured at fair value recognized in financial
statements on each balance sheet date to determine the transition among fair value measurement levels.

(2) Work safety cost and maintenance & renovation cost
The Company withdraws the work safety cost month by month in an average manner by taking the method of excess
regression based on the actual operating income of the previous year according to the provisions of CZ [2022] No.
136 document. The specific standards are as follows:

For the machinery manufacturing enterprises with an operating income of not exceeding CNY 10 million, 2.35% of
work safety cost will be withdrawn; for the part of operating income between CNY 10 million and CNY 100 million,
1.25% will be withdrawn; for the part of the operating income between CNY 100 million and CNY 1 billion, 0.25%
will be withdrawn; for the part of the operating income between CNY 1 billion and CNY 5 billion, 0.1% will be
withdrawn; for the part of the operating income over CNY 5 billion, 0.05% will be withdrawn.

For transportation enterprises, the work safety cost is withdrawn month by month in an average manner according
to the following standards based on the actual operating income in the previous year: 1% for ordinary freight
business; 1.5% for passenger transportation, pipeline transportation, dangerous goods transportation and other

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special freight businesses. Work safety cost and maintenance & renovation cost are included in the cost of relevant
products or the current profit and loss when withdrawn, and are also included in the “special reserve” account.

For the withdrawn work safety cost and maintenance & renovation cost used within the specified scope, those
belong to expense expenditures are directly offset by specific reserves; those cost incurred via collection under the
item of “construction in progress” is recognized when the safety project completes and is ready for intended use. At
the same time, the Company will offset the specific reserves according to the cost that formed fixed assets and
determine the accumulated depreciation of the same amount. The fixed assets will no longer be depreciated in
subsequent periods.

(3) Repurchase of shares
Shares repurchased by the Company are managed as treasury shares before being canceled or transferred, and all
expenditures on repurchased shares are transferred to treasury share costs. Considerations in the payment for shares
repurchase and reduced owner’s equity in transaction expenses are not recognized as profits or losses during
repurchase, assignment and write-off of the Company’s shares.

The transferred treasury shares are included in the capital reserve based on the difference between the amount
actually received and the book value of the treasury shares. The surplus reserve and undistributed profits shall be
offset if the capital reserve is insufficient to offset. The canceled treasury shares are used to offset the capital reserve
based on the difference between the book balance and the face value of the canceled treasury shares by reducing the
share capital according to the face value of the shares and the number of canceled shares. The surplus reserve and
undistributed profits shall be offset if the capital reserve is insufficient to offset.

(4) Significant accounting judgment and estimate

The Company continuously evaluates the significant accounting estimates and key assumptions adopted based on
historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations for future events. Significant accounting
estimates and key assumptions that may lead to significant adjustment risk to the book value of assets and liabilities
in the next accounting year are presented as follows:

Classification of financial assets

Major judgments involved in determining the classification of financial assets include the analysis of business
models and contractual cash flow characteristics.

The Company determines the business model of managing financial assets at the level of financial asset portfolio,
considering the way of evaluating and reporting financial asset performance to key management personnel, the risks
affecting the financial asset performance and their management methods, and the way for the relevant business
management personnel to obtain the remuneration.

When evaluating whether the contractual cash flow of financial assets is consistent with the basic loan arrangement,
the Company has the following main judgments: May the principal change in the time distribution or amount in the

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

duration due to prepayment and other reasons? Does the interest include only the time value of money, credit risk,
other basic borrowing risks, and consideration for costs and profits? For example, does the amount of prepayment
only reflect the unpaid principal and interest based on the outstanding principal, as well as reasonable compensation
paid due to early termination of the contract?

Measurement of expected credit losses on accounts receivable

The Company calculates the expected credit loss of accounts receivable through default risk exposure and expected
credit loss rate of accounts receivable, and determines the expected credit loss rate based on default probability and
loss given default. In determining the expected credit loss rate, the Company uses the internal historical credit loss
experience and other data, and adjusts the historical data according to the current situation and forward-looking
information. When the forward-looking information is considered, the indicators used by the Company include risks
of economic downturn, changes in external market environment, technological environment and customer
conditions. The Company regularly monitors and reviews the assumptions related to the calculation of expected
credit losses.

Development expenditures

In determining the capitalization amounts, the management must make assumptions on the expected future cash
flow generation of assets, discount rate to be adopted and expected benefit period.

Deferred Income tax assets

The deferred tax assets shall be recognized in respect of all unused tax losses to the extent it is highly probable that
there will be sufficient taxable profits available for offsetting the losses. This requires the management to estimate
the timing and amount of future taxable profit using large amounts of judgment and to determine the recognized
amount of deferred tax assets by referring to the tax planning strategy.

Estimated liabilities

Expected liabilities are initially measured at the optimal estimate required to perform the relevant current obligation,
in comprehensive consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors pertinent to the
Contingencies. The best estimate is determined by discounting the relevant future cash outflow if the time value of
money has a significant impact. At the balance sheet date, the book value of the estimated liabilities is reviewed and
adjusted by the Company to reflect the current best estimate.

If all or part of the expenditures necessary for clearing off the recognized provisions are expected to be compensated
by a third party or any other party, the amount of compensation shall be recognized as assets separately only when
it is basically sure that the amount can be obtained. The recognized amount of compensation shall not exceed the
book value of recognized liabilities.

(5) Right-of-use assets

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

① Recognition conditions of right-of-use assets

Right-of-use assets refer to the right of the Company, as the lessee, to use the leasing assets within the lease term.

At the commencement date of the lease term, the right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost. This cost includes
the initial measurement amount of lease liabilities, lease payments made on or before the lease commencement date,
from which any lease incentives enjoyed (if any) needed to be deducted, initial direct costs incurred by the Company
as a lessee, and the estimated costs expected to be incurred by the Company as a lessee for dismantling and removing
the leased asset, restoring the leased asset’s site, or restoring the leased asset to the contractual conditions as
stipulated in the lease agreement. The Company, as the lessee, recognizes and measures the cost of demolition and
restoration in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies.
Subsequent adjustments are made for any remeasurement of the lease liabilities.

② Depreciation method of right-of-use assets

The Company uses the straight-line method for depreciation. If the Company, as the lessee, can reasonably confirm
that it obtains the ownership of the leasing assets at the expiration of the lease term, the depreciation shall be drawn
within the remaining service life of the leasing assets. In case of a failure to determine the ownership of the leased
assets reasonably at the end of the lease period, the depreciation shall be drawn within the lease term or the remaining
service life of leasing assets, whichever is shorter.

③ For the impairment test methods and impairment provision methods of right-of-use assets, please refer to 36
“Others” in V “Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” of Section X - Financial Report.
(6) Asset impairment

The asset impairment of long-term equity investment to subsidiaries, associated enterprises and joint ventures,
investment real estate subsequently measured by cost model, fixed assets, projects under construction, right-of-use
assets, intangible assets, etc. (except for inventories, deferred income tax assets and financial assets) is recognized
with the following methods:

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet date. If such a sign exists,
the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test. Impairment tests shall be carried
out every year on goodwill resulting from business mergers, intangible assets with uncertain service life and
intangible assets that are not available no matter whether there is any sign of impairment.

The recoverable amount is the net amount of the fair value of the assets after deducting the disposal expenses or the
present value of the expected future cash flow of the assets, whichever is higher. The Company estimates the
recoverable amount based on a single asset. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of a single asset, the
recoverable amount of the asset group shall be determined based on the asset group to which the asset belongs. An
asset group is determined based on the fact that the main cash inflows generated by the asset group are independent
of the cash inflows of other assets or asset groups.

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

When the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is lower than its book value, the Company writes down its
book value to the recoverable amount, and the write-down amount is included in current profits and losses, and the
corresponding impairment provision of assets is made at the same time.

For the impairment test of goodwill, the book value of goodwill resulting from business merger is amortized to
relevant asset groups with reasonable methods from the acquisition date, or amortized to relevant asset group
portfolio if it is difficult to amortize it to relevant asset groups. Relevant asset groups or portfolios of asset groups
are those that can benefit from the synergies of business merger and are not greater than the reporting segment
determined by the Company.

If there is any sign of impairment in the asset group or portfolio of asset groups related to goodwill during the
impairment test, the impairment test shall be carried out on the asset group or portfolio of asset groups not including
goodwill, and the recoverable amount shall be calculated to determine the corresponding impairment loss. Then, an
impairment test is carried out on the asset group or portfolio of asset groups including goodwill to compare its book
value and recoverable amount, and determine the impairment loss of goodwill if the recoverable amount is lower
than the book value.

Once the impairment loss of assets is determined, it will never be reversed in subsequent accounting periods.

VI. Taxes

1. Main taxes and tax rates

        Tax Category                                Tax Basis                                       Tax Rate
                           Taxable value-added tax (the tax payable is calculated
                           by multiplying taxable sales by the applicable tax rate
  VAT                                                                                          13%, 9%, 6%, 5%
                           and then deducting input tax allowed to be deducted for
                           the current period)
  Urban maintenance
                           Turnover tax actually paid                                                7%, 5%
  and construction tax
  Corporate income
                           Taxable income                                                              25%
                           Turnover tax actually paid                                                  3%
  Local educational
                           Turnover tax actually paid                                                  2%
  Land use tax             Land use area                                                  CNY 9/m2, CNY 14/m2, etc.
  Property tax             Property residual value and rental income                               1.2%, 12%

Disclosure of different corporate income tax rates for taxable entities

                       Name of Taxpayer                                            Income Tax Rate
  The Company                                                                            25%

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Jiefang Limited                                                                      15%
  Wuxi Dahao Power Co., Ltd.                                                           25%
  FAW Jiefang (Qingdao) Automotive Co., Ltd.                                           25%
  FAW Jiefang Dalian Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.                                           15%
  FAW Jiefang Austria R&D Co., Ltd.                                                    24%
  FAW Jiefang Automotive Sales Co., Ltd.                                               25%
  FAW Jiefang Uni-D (Tianjin) Technology Industry
  Co., Ltd.
2. Tax preference

(1) Income tax
Jiefang Limited, a subsidiary of the Company, is recognized as a high-tech enterprise, with a validity period of three
years and an income tax rate of 15% within the validity period according to the High-tech Enterprise Certificate
(issued on October 16, 2023, with a certificate number of GR202322000922) jointly issued by the Science and
Technology Department of Jilin Province, the Department of Finance of Jilin Province and the Jilin Provincial Tax
Service of State Taxation Administration.
FAW Jiefang Dalian Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, is recognized as a high-tech enterprise,
with a validity period of three years and an income tax rate of 15% within the validity period according to the list
of the third batch of high-tech enterprises (with a certificate number of GR202121200892) issued by Dalian on
December 15, 2021.
(2) VAT
FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd. and FAW Jiefang Dalian Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. satisfy the conditions for
advanced manufacturing enterprises and are allowed to add 5% of the current deductible input tax to offset the
amount of VAT payable from January 1, 2023 according to the Document No. 43 issued by the Ministry of Finance
and the State Taxation Administration in 2023, Announcement on VAT Additional Tax Credit Policy for Advanced
Manufacturing Enterprises.

VII. Notes to Items in Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary capital

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                    Item                            Ending balance                         Opening balance
  Bank deposit                                             16,908,983,571.44                        8,849,319,921.20
  Other monetary capital                                       22,152,057.29                           24,815,735.14
  Deposit in finance companies                              8,678,069,325.92                      14,046,575,246.78
  Total                                                    25,609,204,954.65                      22,920,710,903.12
  Including: total amount deposited
                                                                 7,721,619.78                          11,941,864.29
Other description
Details of restricted monetary capital are as follows:                                                   Unit: CNY
                    Item                            Ending balance                         Opening balance

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Security deposit for three types of
                                                            28,321,219.94              27,839,503.40
  Housing maintenance fund                                  22,152,057.29              22,103,193.44
  Court freezing                                                                          725,230.81
  Total                                                     50,473,277.23              50,667,927.65

2. Notes receivable

(1) Classified presentation of notes receivable

                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                   Item                           Ending balance             Opening balance
  Commercial acceptance notes                              110,591,432.00              44,626,048.13
  Total                                                    110,591,432.00              44,626,048.13

                                                                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
(2) Disclosure by the method of provision for bad debts

                                                                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                               Ending balance                                                           Opening balance
                                                    Provision for Bad                                                       Provision for Bad
                       Book balance                                                              Book balance
                                                          Debts                                                                   Debts
   Category                                                     Provisi                                                                   Provisi
                                                                           Book Value                                                                  Book Value
                                   Percentag                      on                                        Percentag                       on
                    Amount                         Amount                                     Amount                        Amount
                                       e                        proport                                         e                         proport
                                                                  ion                                                                       ion
  provision       110,785,000.00    100.00%        193,568.00     0.17%    110,591,432.00   44,841,286.30    100.00%       215,238.17      0.48%       44,626,048.13
  for bad
  debts by
                  110,785,000.00    100.00%        193,568.00     0.17%    110,591,432.00   44,841,286.30    100.00%       215,238.17      0.48%       44,626,048.13
  e bill
  Total           110,785,000.00    100.00%        193,568.00     0.17%    110,591,432.00   44,841,286.30    100.00%       215,238.17      0.48%       44,626,048.13
Category name of provision for bad debt reserve by combination:
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                                                                                Ending balance
                                                            Book balance                    Provision for Bad Debts                     Provision proportion
                                                                            Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
  Within 1 year                                            110,785,000.00                            193,568.00                         0.17%
  Total                                                    110,785,000.00                            193,568.00
Description of the basis for determining this portfolio:

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

If the provision for bad debts of notes receivable is withdrawn based on the general model of expected credit
Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                     Stage I              Stage II                  Stage III
                                                    Expected credit loss    Expected credit loss
  Provision for Bad Debts      Expected Credit                                                           Total
                                                      in the duration          for the entire
                                Losses for the
                                                    (credit impairment        duration (with
                               Next 12 Months
                                                       not occurred)        credit impairment)
  Balance as at January 1,
                                      215,238.17                                                           215,238.17
  Balance on January 1,
  2024 in the current
  Provision in the current
                                      -21,670.17                                                           -21,670.17
  Balance as at June 30,
                                      193,568.00                                                           193,568.00
Basis for stage division and proportion of bad debt provision
Explanation of significant changes in the book balance of accounts receivable with changes in loss provisions in
the current period:

(3) Provision for bad debts provided, recovered or reversed in the current period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                                      Change in the Current Period
      Category                                           Recovery or       Write-                    Ending balance
                         balance          Provision                                       Others
                                                          reversal          off
                         215,238.17        -21,670.17                                                    193,568.00
  acceptance bill
  Total                  215,238.17        -21,670.17                                                    193,568.00
Important provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□Applicable Not applicable

3. Accounts receivable

(1) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY

                 Aging                             Ending book balance                   Beginning Book Balance
  Within 1 year (including 1 year)                          11,601,111,284.82                       1,841,405,361.88
  Including: 0-6 months                                     11,412,392,138.61                       1,761,474,596.90
         7-12 months                                           188,719,146.21                          79,930,764.98
  1-2 years                                                      46,137,240.71                         61,551,354.54
  2-3 years                                                     127,524,339.01                       121,453,806.43

                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Over 3 years                          133,000,637.42                137,477,637.42
  3-4 years                            36,423,000.00                 44,736,900.00
  4-5 years                             4,291,899.94                    454,999.94
  Over 5 years                         92,285,737.48                 92,285,737.48
Total                              11,907,773,501.96               2,161,888,160.27

                                                                                           Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
       (2) Disclosure by the method of provision for bad debts

                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                                                   Ending balance                                                                       Opening balance
                        Book balance                 Provision for Bad Debts                                 Book balance                 Provision for Bad Debts
                                       Percentag                     Provision     Book Value                               Percentag                      Provision     Book Value
                     Amount                           Amount                                             Amount                            Amount
                                           e                         proportion                                                 e                          proportion

                      85,331,549.22       0.72%      85,331,549.22     100.00%                  0.00     89,811,549.22         4.15%       89,811,549.22    100.00%                   0.00
for bad
debts on an


provision         11,822,441,952.74      99.28%     113,808,812.02       0.96%    11,708,633,140.72    2,072,076,611.05       95.85%       82,690,441.28      3.99%     1,989,386,169.77
for bad
debts by


Total             11,907,773,501.96     100.00%     199,140,361.24       1.67%    11,708,633,140.72    2,161,888,160.27      100.00%     172,501,990.50       7.98%     1,989,386,169.77

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Category name for provision for bad debts by individual item:
                                                                                                     Unit: CNY

                               Opening balance                                   Ending balance

       Name                                                                                                 Reasons
                                          Provision for                        Provision for   Provision
                       Book balance                         Book balance                                       for
                                           Bad Debts                            Bad Debts      proportion
                                                                                                            It is
Jiangsu Xinrui New                                                                                          probable
Energy Vehicle                                                                                              that the
                        37,612,001.70     37,612,001.70     37,612,001.70      37,612,001.70      100.00%
Technology Co.,                                                                                             amounts
Ltd.                                                                                                        will not
                                                                                                            It is
Zhejiang Hanglun
                                                                                                            that the
Ligang Trading Co.,      8,581,536.83      8,581,536.83         8,581,536.83    8,581,536.83      100.00%
                                                                                                            will not
                                                                                                            It is
Putian New Energy                                                                                           probable
Automotive                                                                                                  that the
                         8,156,900.00      8,156,900.00         3,676,900.00    3,676,900.00      100.00%
(Shandong) Co.,                                                                                             amounts
Ltd.                                                                                                        will not
                                                                                                            It is
Dalian Qingfeng                                                                                             that the
                         8,043,264.87      8,043,264.87         8,043,264.87    8,043,264.87      100.00%
Bus Co., Ltd.                                                                                               amounts
                                                                                                            will not
                                                                                                            It is
Beijing Hotan                                                                                               probable
Automobile                                                                                                  that the
                         7,436,520.00      7,436,520.00         7,436,520.00    7,436,520.00      100.00%
Modification Co.,                                                                                           amounts
Ltd.                                                                                                        will not
Changchun Xiongtu                                                                                           It is
                         6,230,500.00      6,230,500.00         6,230,500.00    6,230,500.00      100.00%
New Energy Vehicle                                                                                          highly

                             Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Co., Ltd.                                                                                   probable
                                                                                            that the
                                                                                            will not
                                                                                            It is
Zhonghe Shunyang                                                                            probable
Supply Chain                                                                                that the
                      5,643,600.00   5,643,600.00   5,643,600.00   5,643,600.00   100.00%
Management (Jilin)                                                                          amounts
Co., Ltd.                                                                                   will not
                                                                                            It is
Shuozhou Jinsheng
                                                                                            that the
Automobile Trading    1,822,961.43   1,822,961.43   1,822,961.43   1,822,961.43   100.00%
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            will not
                                                                                            It is
FAW Jingye Engine                                                                           that the
                      1,820,957.23   1,820,957.23   1,820,957.23   1,820,957.23   100.00%
Co., Ltd.                                                                                   amounts
                                                                                            will not
                                                                                            It is
Xinjiang Jingyang
                                                                                            that the
Optoelectronic Co.,   1,179,590.41   1,179,590.41   1,179,590.41   1,179,590.41   100.00%
                                                                                            will not
                                                                                            It is
Yulin Jiayu Jiefang
                                                                                            that the
Automobile Sales       971,012.59     971,012.59     971,012.59     971,012.59    100.00%
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            will not
Shenyang Jinbei                                                                             It is
Vehicle                889,279.05     889,279.05     889,279.05     889,279.05    100.00%   highly
Manufacturing Co.,                                                                          probable

                                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Ltd.                                                                                                    that the
                                                                                                        will not
                                                                                                        It is
Dalian Baofeng
                                                                                                        that the
Automobile Sales           496,200.00       496,200.00        496,200.00        496,200.00    100.00%
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        will not
                                                                                                        It is
Jilin Zhuzhan
                                                                                                        that the
Automobile Trading         484,400.00       484,400.00        484,400.00        484,400.00    100.00%
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        will not
                                                                                                        It is
Liangshan Huatai                                                                                        that the
                           349,190.00       349,190.00        349,190.00        349,190.00    100.00%
Trading Co., Ltd.                                                                                       amounts
                                                                                                        will not
                                                                                                        It is
Zhejiang Baoding
                                                                                                        that the
Automobile Sales            80,035.12         80,035.12           80,035.12      80,035.12    100.00%
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        will not
                                                                                                        It is
Yancheng Zhongwei                                                                                       that the
                            13,599.99         13,599.99           13,599.99      13,599.99    100.00%
Bus Co., Ltd.                                                                                           amounts
                                                                                                        will not
Total                   89,811,549.22    89,811,549.22     85,331,549.22      85,331,549.22
Category name of provision for bad debt reserve by combination:
                                                                                                 Unit: CNY

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                          Ending balance
                                        Book balance               Provision for Bad Debts           Provision proportion
  Within 1 year                          11,601,251,660.16                      36,483,173.47                          0.31%
  1-2 years                                 46,286,880.31                        4,873,137.07                       10.53%
  2-3 years                                127,527,339.01                       36,002,428.22                       28.23%
  3-4 years                                 36,420,000.00                       25,494,000.00                       70.00%
  Over 4 years                              10,956,073.26                       10,956,073.26                     100.00%
  Total                                  11,822,441,952.74                     113,808,812.02

Description of the basis for determining this portfolio:
If the provision for bad debts of accounts receivable is withdrawn based on the general model of expected credit
Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                 Stage I                     Stage II                  Stage III
    Provision for Bad                               Expected credit loss       Expected credit loss
                           Expected Credit                                                                     Total
          Debts                                       in the duration             for the entire
                          Losses for the Next
                                                    (credit impairment           duration (with
                              12 Months
                                                       not occurred)           credit impairment)
  Balance as at
                                 5,230,492.48              77,459,948.80               89,811,549.22        172,501,990.50
  January 1, 2024
  Balance on January
  1, 2024 in the
  current period
  Provision in the
                                31,252,680.99                  -134,310.25                                   31,118,370.74
  current period
  Reversal in the
                                                                                        4,480,000.00          4,480,000.00
  Current Period
  Balance as at June
                                36,483,173.47              77,325,638.55               85,331,549.22        199,140,361.24
  30, 2024

The basis for dividing each stage and the provision ratio for bad debts: In the first and second stages, bad debts are
provisioned based on the aging, with provision ratios of 0.31% for less than 1 year, 10.53% for 1-2 years, 28.23%
for 2-3 years, 70.00% for 3-4 years, 100% for more than 4 years, and 100% for the third stage.

Explanation of significant changes in the book balance of accounts receivable with changes in loss provisions in
the current period:

(3) Provision for bad debts provided, recovered or reversed in the current period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                        Change in the Current Period
     Category         Opening balance                                   Recovery or      Write     Other   Ending balance
                                                                         reversal        -off        s
                        172,501,990.50       31,118,370.74              4,480,000.00                        199,140,361.24

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Total                  172,501,990.50     31,118,370.74        4,480,000.00                      199,140,361.24
Important provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                                                                                      Basis of
                                                                                                  determining the
                                                                                                   proportion of
                           Amount Recovered         Reason for
     Name of Unit                                                       Recovery Method            provision for
                             or Reversed             reversal
                                                                                                    original bad
                                                                                                   debts and its
  Putian New Energy
  Automotive                                       Recovery of       Bank transfers and bank        Provision by
  (Shandong) Co.,                                  amounts due          acceptance bills           individual item
  Total                          4,480,000.00

(4) Other accounts receivable and contractual assets from the top five borrowers classified based on the
ending balance

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                                                                                         Ending balance
                                                                                       Proportion in
                                                                                                           of bad debt
                                                                                        total ending
                                                                                                          provision for
                                                     Ending       Ending balance of      balance of
                            Ending Balance of                                                               accounts
                                                   balance of    accounts receivable      accounts
      Name of Unit              Accounts                                                                 receivable and
                                                   contractual     and contractual       receivable
                               Receivable                                                                  impairment
                                                     assets            assets                and
                                                                                                          provision for
  China FAW Group
  Import & Export             7,446,827,018.24                      7,446,827,018.24           62.45%     21,870,950.49
  Co., Ltd.
  Jiefang Times New
  Energy Technology             801,428,696.29                       801,428,696.29            6.72%       2,133,786.12
  Co., Ltd.
  Customer 1                    135,543,758.77                       135,543,758.77            1.14%         650,610.04
  Customer 2                    133,348,265.55                       133,348,265.55            1.12%         640,071.67
  Customer 3                    120,546,009.26                       120,546,009.26            1.01%         578,620.85
  Total                       8,637,693,748.11                      8,637,693,748.11           72.44%     25,874,039.17

4. Contract assets

(1) Contractual assets

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                  Ending balance                                       Opening balance
     Item                          Provision for                                         Provision for
                 Book balance                          Book Value       Book balance                        Book Value
                                    Bad Debts                                             Bad Debts

                           Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

           17,304,189.41     827,747.54   16,476,441.87   18,023,563.08   440,706.26   17,582,856.82
Total      17,304,189.41     827,747.54   16,476,441.87   18,023,563.08   440,706.26   17,582,856.82

                                                                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
(2) Disclosure by the method of provision for bad debts

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
                                                Ending balance                                                         Opening balance
                                                     Provision for Bad                                                     Provision for Bad
                         Book balance                                                           Book balance
                                                           Debts                                                                 Debts
    Category                                                     Provisi                                                                 Provisi
                                                                           Book Value                                                               Book Value
                                    Percentag                      on                                      Percentag                       on
                     Amount                         Amount                                   Amount                        Amount
                                        e                        proport                                       e                         proport
                                                                   ion                                                                     ion
  for bad
                    17,304,189.41    100.00%       827,747.54     4.78%    16,476,441.87   18,023,563.08    100.00%       440,706.26      2.45%     17,582,856.82
  debts made
  by portfolio
  Total             17,304,189.41    100.00%       827,747.54     4.78%    16,476,441.87   18,023,563.08    100.00%       440,706.26      2.45%     17,582,856.82

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Category name for provision for bad debts by portfolio: Provision for bad debts by portfolio
                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                                                    Ending balance
                                      Book balance              Provision for Bad Debts       Provision proportion
  Within 1 year                             12,925,381.71                     50,672.69                          0.39%
  1-2 years                                    2,216,880.70                   44,397.79                          2.00%
  2-3 years                                    2,161,927.00                  732,677.06                       33.89%
  Total                                     17,304,189.41                    827,747.54
Description of the basis for determining this portfolio:
Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                     Stage I                  Stage II            Stage III
                                                                               Expected credit
                                                      Expected credit loss
  Provision for Bad Debts      Expected Credit                                loss for the entire        Total
                                                        in the duration
                              Losses for the Next                               duration (with
                                                      (credit impairment
                                  12 Months                                         credit
                                                         not occurred)
  Balance as at January 1,
                                         60,935.81              379,770.45                                440,706.26
  Balance on January 1,
  2024 in the current
  Provision in the current
                                        -10,263.12              397,304.40                                387,041.28
  Balance as at June 30,
                                         50,672.69              777,074.85                                827,747.54

The basis for dividing each stage and the provision ratios for bad debts: In the first and second stages, bad debts
are provisioned based on the aging, with provision ratios of 0.39% for less than 1 year, 2% for 1-2 years, and
33.89% for 2-3 years.

Description of significant changes in the book balance of contractual assets with changes in provision for loss in
the current period: None

5. Receivables financing

(1) Presentation of receivables financing by category

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                  Item                               Ending balance                        Opening balance
  Bank acceptance bill                                        8,448,273,887.92                    4,878,126,972.73
  Total                                                       8,448,273,887.92                    4,878,126,972.73

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

(2) Financing of receivables endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period and not yet
due on the balance sheet date

                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                            Derecognized Amount at the End          Amount not Derecognized at the
                                                     of the Period                       End of the Period
  Bank acceptance bill                                      12,453,690,012.18
  Total                                                     12,453,690,012.18

(3) Other notes

The Company classifies bank acceptance bills as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are
included in other comprehensive income and presents them as receivables financing according to the needs of
daily fund management.
The Company has no bank acceptance bills with the impairment provision by individual item. As of June 30,
2024, the Company believes that the bank acceptance bills held have no material credit risk and do not bring
material losses as a result of a bank default.
The bank acceptance bills for discounting have a small risk of credit and deferred payment, and the risk of the
interest rate related to the bills has been transferred to the bank, so it can be judged that the main risks and rewards
of the bill ownership have been transferred, and the recognition is ended.

6. Other receivables

                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                   Item                              Ending balance                         Opening balance
  Other receivables                                          1,176,699,147.26                        1,309,376,221.57
  Total                                                      1,176,699,147.26                        1,309,376,221.57

(1) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                  Nature                          Ending book balance                   Beginning Book Balance
  Current account                                            1,026,906,667.11                        1,191,301,022.21
  Claim payment                                                201,066,386.23                          192,151,504.78
  Margin, deposit                                               29,150,613.20                           41,422,562.20
  Reserve fund                                                  14,610,173.13                              621,409.08
  Total                                                      1,271,733,839.67                        1,425,496,498.27

2) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                  Aging                           Ending book balance                   Beginning Book Balance
  Within 1 year (including 1 year)                             480,764,061.68                          571,985,195.12
  Including: 0-6 months                                        424,374,904.73                          556,407,667.28

                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

      7-12 months                         56,389,156.95                 15,577,527.84
1-2 years                                677,734,290.71                764,590,667.17
2-3 years                                 27,453,816.42                   1,331,719.31
Over 3 years                              85,781,670.86                 87,588,916.67
  3-4 years                                4,534,974.84                   3,713,565.73
  4-5 years                                   18,990.89                    149,607.62
  Over 5 years                            81,227,705.13                 83,725,743.32
Total                                  1,271,733,839.67               1,425,496,498.27

                                                                                         Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
  3) Disclosure by the method of provision for bad debts

  Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
                                               Ending balance                                                                      Opening balance
Categor               Book balance                Provision for Bad Debts                               Book balance                 Provision for Bad Debts
   y                                                              Provision     Book Value                             Percentag                      Provision       Book Value
                  Amount          Percentage      Amount                                            Amount                            Amount
                                                                  proportion                                               e                          proportion

n for bad
                  59,879,639.41       4.71%      59,879,639.41       100.00%                        59,879,639.41         4.20%       59,879,639.41    100.00%
made by
al item


n for bad
debts         1,211,854,200.26       95.29%      35,155,053.00         2.90%   1,176,699,147.26   1,365,616,858.86       95.80%       56,240,637.29       4.12%      1,309,376,221.57
made by


Total         1,271,733,839.67       100.00%     95,034,692.41         7.47%   1,176,699,147.26   1,425,496,498.27      100.00%      116,120,276.70       8.15%      1,309,376,221.57

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Category name for provision for bad debts by individual item:
                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                             Opening balance                                   Ending balance
       Name                                                                                               Reasons
                                        Provision for                        Provision for   Provision
                      Book balance                        Book balance                                       for
                                         Bad Debts                            Bad Debts      proportion
                                                                                                          It is highly
  Changchun                                                                                               that the
                      37,820,100.00      37,820,100.00     37,820,100.00     37,820,100.00      100.00%
  Finance Bureau                                                                                          amounts
                                                                                                          will not be
                                                                                                          It is highly
  The People’s                                                                                           probable
  Government of                                                                                           that the
                      20,500,000.00      20,500,000.00     20,500,000.00     20,500,000.00      100.00%
  Dalian                                                                                                  amounts
  Municipality                                                                                            will not be
                                                                                                          It is highly
  Wuxi Large
  Cargo Port
                                                                                                          that the
  Lifting and            542,293.00         542,293.00          542,293.00      542,293.00      100.00%
                                                                                                          will not be
  Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          It is highly
  FAW Jingye
                                                                                                          that the
  Automobile             199,194.30         199,194.30          199,194.30      199,194.30      100.00%
  Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          will not be
                                                                                                          It is highly
                                                                                                          that the
  Automation             198,000.00         198,000.00          198,000.00      198,000.00      100.00%
                                                                                                          will not be
  Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          It is highly
                                                                                                          that the
  Automobile             154,539.47         154,539.47          154,539.47      154,539.47      100.00%
                                                                                                          will not be
                                                                                                          It is highly
  Nanjing Xinpu
                                                                                                          that the
  cal Equipment          135,000.00         135,000.00          135,000.00      135,000.00      100.00%
                                                                                                          will not be
  Co., Ltd.
  Hunan Changji           119,600.00        119,600.00          119,600.00      119,600.00      100.00%   It is highly

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Technology                                                                                                        probable
  Development                                                                                                       that the
  Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         amounts
                                                                                                                    will not be
                                                                                                                    It is highly
                                                                                                                    that the
  Others                   210,912.64            210,912.64           210,912.64        210,912.64      100.00%
                                                                                                                    will not be
  Total              59,879,639.41       59,879,639.41    59,879,639.41             59,879,639.41
Category name of provision for bad debt reserve by combination:
                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                                       Ending balance
                                      Book balance               Provision for Bad Debts          Provision proportion
  Aging portfolio                          1,211,854,200.26                  35,155,053.00                          2.90%
  Total                                    1,211,854,200.26                  35,155,053.00
Description of the basis for determining this portfolio:
Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses:
                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                 Stage I                   Stage II                Stage III
    Provision for Bad                               Expected credit loss     Expected credit loss
                           Expected Credit                                                                  Total
          Debts                                       in the duration           for the entire
                          Losses for the Next
                                                    (credit impairment         duration (with
                              12 Months
                                                       not occurred)         credit impairment)
  Balance as at
                                12,941,288.00              43,299,349.29           59,879,639.41         116,120,276.70
  January 1, 2024
  Balance on January
  1, 2024 in the
  current period
  Provision in the
                                 -2,549,132.62           -18,536,451.67                                  -21,085,584.29
  current period
  Balance as at June
                                10,392,155.38              24,762,897.62           59,879,639.41          95,034,692.41
  30, 2024
Basis for stage division and proportion of bad debt provision
Significant book balance changes occurred in the provision for losses in the current period
□Applicable Not applicable

4) Provision, recovery, or reversal of bad debts in the current period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                           Change in the Current Period
       Category         Opening balance                                 Recover    Charge               Ending balance
                                                    Provision                                  Others
                                                                         y or      -off or

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                    reversal      write-
  Other receivables        116,120,276.70        -21,085,584.29                                          95,034,692.41
  Total                    116,120,276.70        -21,085,584.29                                          95,034,692.41

5) Top five ending balances of other receivables classified by debtors

                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                                                                      Proportion in
                                                                                       total ending     Ending Balance
   Name of
                   Nature of Payment         Ending balance          Aging              balance of      of Provision for
                                                                                           other           Bad Debts
  Customer        Funds for land
                                              660,862,800.00        1-2 years                 51.97%           660,862.80
  1               purchase and reserve
                                                                Less than 1 year
  Customer        New energy vehicle
                                              163,210,700.00     or more than 5               12.83%         50,927,475.80
  2               sales subsidies
  Customer        Funds for land
                                               73,634,578.00      Within 1 year                 5.79%         2,245,854.63
  3               purchase and reserve
  Customer        New energy vehicle
                                               49,557,522.13        1-2 years                   3.90%        12,543,008.85
  4               sales subsidies
  Customer        Security deposit for
                                               26,061,584.00        2-3 years                   2.05%
  5               migrant workers, etc.
  Total                                       973,327,184.13                                  76.54%         66,377,202.08

7. Advance payment

(1) Presentation of advance payment by aging

                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                          Ending balance                                   Opening balance
                                 Amount               Percentage                  Amount                Percentage
  Within 1 year                 267,306,591.11                 65.05%           438,665,956.06                   63.60%
  1-2 years                      71,083,258.55                 17.30%           155,704,502.78                   22.58%
  2-3 years                      55,479,496.33                 13.50%             75,007,663.59                  10.88%
  Over 3 years                   17,040,130.75                  4.15%             20,242,975.23                    2.94%
  Total                         410,909,476.74                                  689,621,097.66
Reasons for delay in settlement of advance payment with important amounts and aging over 1 year:
                                                                                                         Reason for
                                                 Book balance        Proportion in Total Advance
              Name of Debtor                                                                                non-
                                                    (CNY)                   Payment (%)
China FAW Group Import & Export Co.,
                                                    55,798,125.30                                          settlement
                                                                                                  13.58%       period
RiseSun MGL                                         36,757,493.13                                          settlement
                                                                                                   8.95%       period
FAW Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                    11,760,095.26                                  2.86%       Undue

                                            Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

        Zhongqi Jiaojian Group Co., Ltd.                        9,100,600.00                                           settlement
                                                                                                        2.21%              period
        Total                                                 113,416,313.69                           27.60%

        (2) Top five ending balances of advance payments classified by advance payment objects

      The advance payments with top five closing balance classified by the prepaid parties in the current period is CNY
      205,484,568.55, accounting for 50.01% of the total closing balance of advance payments.

      Other description:

      8. Inventories

      Does the Company need to comply with the disclosure requirements of the real estate industry: No

      (1) Classification of inventories

                                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                      Ending balance                                               Opening balance
                                       Impairment                                                    Impairment
                                       Provision of                                                  Provision of
   Item                               Inventories or                                                Inventories or
                    Book balance                              Book Value        Book balance                               Book Value
                                         Contract                                                      Contract
                                       Performance                                                   Performance
                                          Costs                                                         Costs

                     353,998,484.32     32,812,348.28         321,186,136.04     346,085,168.15       33,387,013.66         312,698,154.49

Goods in
                     597,577,155.21     16,536,596.69         581,040,558.52     449,087,779.38       14,783,370.86         434,304,408.52

Goods in
                 4,325,914,842.85       92,622,110.99        4,233,292,731.86   6,221,152,433.69    178,277,353.30        6,042,875,080.39

                      89,949,816.14      5,607,440.20          84,342,375.94      96,527,196.36        1,940,234.71          94,586,961.65
Others           2,516,172,327.36      155,750,226.18        2,360,422,101.18   2,488,739,701.04    162,232,949.94        2,326,506,751.10
Total            7,883,612,625.88      303,328,722.34        7,580,283,903.54   9,601,592,278.62    390,620,922.47        9,210,971,356.15

      (2) Impairment provision of inventories and contract performance costs

                                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                                 Increase in the Current          Decrease in the Current
                                                         Period                          Period
             Item        Opening balance                                                                              Ending balance
                                                                                  Reverse or
                                                 Provision           Others                          Others
                            33,387,013.66          324,565.07                         899,230.45                         32,812,348.28
          Goods in          14,783,370.86       2,286,338.53                          533,112.70                         16,536,596.69

                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Goods in
                     178,277,353.30     58,840,807.68                       144,496,049.99                       92,622,110.99
                       1,940,234.71       3,667,809.29                               603.80                       5,607,440.20
  Others             162,232,949.94      11,160,037.34                       17,642,761.10                      155,750,226.18
  Total              390,620,922.47     76,279,557.91                       163,571,758.04                      303,328,722.34

9. Long-term receivables due within 1 year

                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                     Item                             Ending balance                          Opening balance
  Long-term receivables due within
                                                                 229,571,360.00                        222,664,624.89
  1 year
  Total                                                          229,571,360.00                        222,664,624.89

(1) Debt investments due within one year

□Applicable Not applicable

(2) Other debt investments due within one year

□Applicable Not applicable

10. Other current assets

                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                     Item                             Ending balance                          Opening balance
  Input VAT                                                    226,934,626.73                          398,062,687.06
  Input VAT to be certified                                    506,612,542.16                          625,978,432.77
  Prepaid income tax                                                                                      8,048,695.40
  Total                                                          733,547,168.89                       1,032,089,815.23
Other description:

11. Investment in other equity instruments

                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                                        Gains     Losses       ative    Cumulati                                   Reason for
                                                              gains                  Divid
                                       include    include               ve losses                                     being
                                                             include                   end
                                          d in       d in                included                                  designated
                                                                d in                 incom
                                         other      other                 in other                                   as being
                                                               other                    e
                                       compre     compre                comprehe                                  measured at
    Project                                                  compre                   recog
                Opening balance         hensiv     hensiv                  nsive               Ending balance       fair value
    Name                                                      hensiv                  nized
                                           e          e                  incomes                                  and changes
                                                                 e                   in the
                                       income     income                at the end                                 included in
                                                             income                  curren
                                       s in the   s in the                 of the                                     other
                                                             s at the                   t
                                       current    current                 current                                 comprehens
                                                              end of                 period
                                        period     period                  period                                 ive incomes

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  REFIRE         480,780,000.00                                                         480,780,000.00
  Total          480,780,000.00                                                         480,780,000.00
Other notes: The equity of Shanghai Refire Group Limited is an investment that the Company plans to hold for a
long time for strategic purposes, so the Company designates it as a financial asset measured at fair value and
whose changes are included in other comprehensive incomes.

12. Long-term receivables

                                                                                        Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
  (1) Long-term receivables

                                                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                           Ending balance                                                Opening balance                         Discoun
                   Item                                    Provision for                                                 Provision for                            t Rate
                                       Book balance                              Book Value         Book balance                               Book Value         Range
                                                            Bad Debts                                                     Bad Debts
     Sales of goods by
                                       385,726,758.23          13,590,621.63     372,136,136.60      365,224,533.59       10,528,655.43         354,695,878.16
     Long-term receivables due
                                      -242,420,744.80      -12,849,384.80       -229,571,360.00      -232,504,099.49      -9,839,474.60        -222,664,624.89
     within 1 year
     Total                             143,306,013.43            741,236.83      142,564,776.60      132,720,434.10         689,180.83          132,031,253.27

  (2) Disclosure by the method of provision for bad debts

                                                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                              Ending balance                                                                     Opening balance
                     Book balance               Provision for Bad Debts                                Book balance                Provision for Bad Debts
Catego                                                            Provisi                                                                          Provisi
  ry                             Percentag                          on         Book Value                          Percentag                         on          Book Value
                  Amount                          Amount                                            Amount                           Amount
                                     e                            proport                                              e                           proport
                                                                    ion                                                                              ion
on for
             385,726,758.23         100.00%     13,590,621.63      3.52%       372,136,136.60     365,224,533.59       100.00%     10,528,655.43    2.88%        354,695,878.16
Total        385,726,758.23         100.00%     13,590,621.63      3.52%       372,136,136.60     365,224,533.59       100.00%     10,528,655.43    2.88%        354,695,878.16
                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Category name of provision for bad debt reserve by combination:
                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                                      Ending balance
                                   Book balance                 Provision for Bad Debts             Provision proportion
                                        385,726,758.23                         13,590,621.63                         3.52%
  Total                                 385,726,758.23                         13,590,621.63

Description of the basis for determining this portfolio:
Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                  Stage I                  Stage II                Stage III
    Provision for Bad                              Expected Credit           Expected credit loss
                            Expected Credit                                                                  Total
          Debts                                    Losses over the              for the entire
                           Losses for the Next
                                                  Entire Duration (no          duration (with
                               12 Months
                                                  Credit Impairment)         credit impairment)
  Balance as at
                                  10,528,655.43                                                            10,528,655.43
  January 1, 2024
  Balance on January
  1, 2024 in the
  current period
  Provision in the
                                   3,061,966.20                                                              3,061,966.20
  current period
  Balance as at June
                                  13,590,621.63                                                            13,590,621.63
  30, 2024
Basis for stage division and proportion of bad debt provision

(3) Provision for bad debts provided, recovered or reversed in the current period

                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                        Change in the Current Period                        Ending balance
     Category                                                 Recovery or       Charge-off or   Other
                        balance             Provision
                                                               reversal           write-off       s
                       10,528,655.43        3,061,966.20                                                      13,590,621.63
  Total                10,528,655.43        3,061,966.20                                                      13,590,621.63
Other description:

                                                                                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
           13. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                                Openi                                      Increase/Decrease in the current period
                                                                       Reduc     Investment gains   Adjustment to    Chang                          Impair                                        of
                             Opening balance     e of                                                                           Cash dividends                             Ending balance
      Investee                                            Additional     ed          or losses          other         es in                          ment                                     impairm
                              (book value)      impair                                                                            and profits                 Others        (book Value)
                                                          Investment   Invest    recognized under   comprehensiv     other                          Provisi                                      ent
                                                 ment                                                                           declared to pay
                                                                        ment    the equity method     e income       equity                           on                                      provisio
I. Joint ventures
Jiefang Times New
Energy Technology               41,528,982.67                                      -4,168,278.12                                                                              37,360,704.55
Co., Ltd.
Subtotal                        41,528,982.67                                      -4,168,278.12                                                                              37,360,704.55
II. Associated enterprises
First Automobile
                             4,337,808,758.45                                     192,765,866.35       -96,836.64                                                          4,530,477,788.16
Finance Co., Ltd.
Automotive Test                700,656,627.27                                      16,536,148.61                                                                             717,192,775.88
Center Co., Ltd.
Automobile                     171,795,598.71                                       2,127,273.48     5,679,897.29                                                            179,602,769.48
Insurance Co., Ltd.
FAW Changchun
Ansteel Steel
Processing and                  87,942,751.83                                       1,048,764.72                                                                              88,991,516.55
Distribution Co.,
FAW Changchun
Baoyou Jiefang
Steel Processing                43,464,086.43                                       3,705,053.58                                     6,500,530.62                             40,668,609.39
and Distribution
Co., Ltd.
FAW Jiefang Fujie
                                36,982,856.24                                       2,767,497.43                                                              296,019.25      40,046,372.92

                                                                        Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
Industry Co., Ltd.
Foshan Diyiyuan
New Energy
                       33,214,745.08                    -1,206,715.23                                                          32,008,029.85
Technology Co.,
Changchun Wabco
Automotive Control     16,197,563.58                      509,482.42                                                           16,707,046.00
System Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Zhito
Technology Co.,
Diyi AESC New
Energy Power
                                        4,900,000.00       -96,679.59                                                           4,803,320.41
Technology (Wuxi)
Co., Ltd.
Subtotal             5,428,062,987.59   4,900,000.00   218,156,691.77   5,583,060.65        6,500,530.62        296,019.25   5,650,498,228.64
Total                5,469,591,970.26   4,900,000.00   213,988,413.65   5,583,060.65        6,500,530.62        296,019.25   5,687,858,933.19

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

The recoverable amount is the net amount of the fair value after deducting the disposal expenses
□Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is the present value of the expected future cash flow
□Applicable Not applicable
Reason for apparent discrepancies between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
test or external information in the previous year: None
Reason for apparent discrepancies between the information used in the Company’s impairment test of the
previous year and the actual situation in the current year: None
Other description

14. Investment properties

(1) Investment properties measured at cost

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                     Unit: CNY
                                           Houses and                                under
                Item                                          Land use right                          Total
                                            Buildings                             constructio
  I. Original book value
       1. Opening balance                   72,815,332.95         7,474,052.82                      80,289,385.77
       2. Increase in the current
                                             1,070,465.65                                            1,070,465.65
            (1) Purchase
            (2) Transfer from
  inventories/fixed                          1,070,465.65                                            1,070,465.65
  assets/construction in progress
            (3) Increase due to
  business combination
       3. Decrease in the current
            (1) Disposal
            (2) Other transfer-out
            (3) Reversal of
  intangible assets
            (4) Transferred to
  fixed assets
       4. Ending balance                    73,885,798.60         7,474,052.82                      81,359,851.42
  II. Accumulated depreciation
  and accumulated amortization
       1. Opening balance                   31,844,973.90         1,394,416.34                      33,239,390.24
       2. Increase in the current
                                             1,790,858.86             75,820.98                      1,866,679.84
            (1) Provision or
                                             1,651,949.76             75,820.98                      1,727,770.74
            (2) Transfer-in of

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  intangible assets
            (3) Transfer-in of
                                              138,909.10                                                  138,909.10
  fixed assets
       3. Decrease in the current
            (1) Disposal
            (2) Other transfer-out
           (3) Reversal of
  intangible assets
           (4) Transferred to fixed
       4. Ending balance                    33,635,832.76           1,470,237.32                     35,106,070.08
  III. Impairment provision
       1. Opening balance
       2. Increase in the current
            (1) Provision
       3. Decrease in the current
            (1) Disposal
            (2) Other transfer-out
       4. Ending balance
  IV. Book value
       1. Ending book value                 40,249,965.84           6,003,815.50                     46,253,781.34
       2. Beginning book value              40,970,359.05           6,079,636.48                     47,049,995.53
The recoverable amount is the net amount of the fair value after deducting the disposal expenses
□Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is the present value of the expected future cash flow
□Applicable Not applicable
Reason for apparent discrepancies between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
test or external information in the previous year: None
Reason for apparent discrepancies between the information used in the Company’s impairment test of the
previous year and the actual situation in the current year: None
Other description:

15. Fixed assets

                                                                                                     Unit: CNY
                     Item                          Ending balance                       Opening balance
  Fixed assets                                              11,462,225,947.74                  11,372,570,486.81
  Disposal of fixed assets                                       8,058,712.36                       7,715,678.77
  Total                                                     11,470,284,660.10                  11,380,286,165.58

                                                                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
       (1)Situation of fixed assets                                                                                                     Unit: CNY

              Item                     Houses and          Machinery         Transportation     Electronic        Office                                Total
                                        Buildings          equipment           equipment        equipment       equipment          Others
I. Original book value
      1. Opening balance              6,307,772,400.65   17,908,866,291.78   166,206,037.96    722,265,738.13   63,384,017.87   1,375,757,179.01   26,544,251,665.40
      2. Increase in the current
period                                 112,366,495.27      904,785,475.77      6,977,807.08     21,555,883.67    1,574,045.55     12,010,554.66     1,059,270,262.00
            (1) Purchase                                      1,912,599.52           -600.00     4,422,111.94      88,495.57          94,949.99         6,517,557.02
            (2) Transfer from
construction in progress               112,366,495.27      902,825,686.08      6,978,407.08     15,463,475.80    1,485,549.98     11,915,604.67     1,051,035,218.88
            (3) Increase due to
business combination
            (4) Other increases                                 47,190.17                        1,670,295.93                                           1,717,486.10
      3. Decrease in the current
period                                 205,990,581.41       80,673,898.98      1,348,369.48     13,367,435.47     969,489.60         590,704.64      302,940,479.58
            (1) Disposal or            204,897,842.70        68,118,026.91     1,348,369.48     12,881,107.10     486,509.22         590,704.64      288,322,560.05
            (2) Other decreases           1,092,738.71       12,555,872.07                         486,328.37      482,980.38                          14,617,919.53
      4. Ending balance               6,214,148,314.51   18,732,977,868.57   171,835,475.56    730,454,186.33   63,988,573.82   1,387,177,029.03   27,300,581,447.82
II. Accumulated depreciation
      1. Opening balance              2,484,933,288.21   10,793,027,418.15   125,224,299.82    567,928,108.63   44,591,287.54   1,130,691,908.67   15,146,396,311.02
      2. Increase in the current       151,013,045.56      632,877,246.88      7,558,204.18     52,483,347.31    2,880,318.11     30,356,658.39      877,168,820.43
            (1) Provision              151,013,045.56      632,872,183.02      7,558,204.18     50,011,368.54    2,763,797.81     30,356,658.39      874,575,257.50
            (2) Other increases                                  5,063.86                        2,471,978.77      116,520.30                          2,593,562.93
      3. Decrease in the current
period                                 121,015,799.77       73,342,805.62      1,306,097.59     13,314,795.23     944,910.65         569,393.44      210,493,802.30
            (1) Disposal or            120,872,229.63       65,141,974.38      1,306,097.59     12,828,466.86     467,403.23         569,393.44      201,185,565.13
          (2) Other decreases               143,570.14        8,200,831.24                         486,328.37      477,507.42                           9,308,237.17
      4. Ending balance               2,514,930,534.00   11,352,561,859.41   131,476,406.41    607,096,660.71   46,526,695.00   1,160,479,173.62   15,813,071,329.15
III. Impairment provision
      1. Opening balance                    12,344.37       22,288,724.08                                          43,047.04        2,940,752.08      25,284,867.57
      2. Increase in the current

                                                                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
           (1) Provision
      3. Decrease in the current
period                                                                                                          696.64                               696.64
           (1) Disposal or                                                                                      696.64                               696.64
      4. Ending balance                  12,344.37      22,288,724.08                                        42,350.40      2,940,752.08      25,284,170.93
IV. Book value
      1. Ending book value         3,699,205,436.14   7,358,127,285.08   40,359,069.15   123,357,525.62   17,419,528.42   223,757,103.33   11,462,225,947.74
      2. Beginning book value      3,822,826,768.07   7,093,550,149.55   40,981,738.14   154,337,629.50   18,749,683.29   242,124,518.26   11,372,570,486.81

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                            Original book     Accumulated          Impairment
          Item                                                                        Book Value         Remarks
                                value         depreciation          Provision
                            257,610,681.21     232,976,866.13       6,661,184.75      17,972,630.33
                                865,190.88        850,040.38                               15,150.50
                                   7,450.00          7,450.00
                                 77,872.15          75,536.00             267.95            2,068.20
  Others                      7,463,031.82       6,575,247.44         802,534.08          85,250.30
  Total                     266,024,226.06     240,485,139.95       7,463,986.78      18,075,099.33
(3) Fixed assets without property ownership certificates
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                               Reasons for failure to obtain the
                     Item                         Book Value
                                                                          The property ownership certificate will
  Guanghan base project                                 277,262,782.14    be applied for after the final account
                                                                          audit upon completion of the project
                                                                          It is a new plant, and the information is
  Project of exiting the city and
                                                        264,710,957.08    incomplete and currently being
  entering the industrial park
Other description
(4) Impairment testing of fixed assets
□Applicable Not applicable
(5) Disposal of fixed assets
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                     Item                         Ending balance                        Opening balance
  Houses and Buildings                                             19,398.36                              44,864.97
  Machinery equipment                                           6,205,551.58                           5,776,946.67
  Means of transport                                              126,838.43                             125,020.45
  Electronic equipment                                              6,317.27                              12,316.70
  Office equipment                                                 47,113.83                             132,249.55
  Others                                                        1,653,492.89                           1,624,280.43
  Total                                                         8,058,712.36                           7,715,678.77
Other description:
16. Construction in progress
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                     Item                         Ending balance                        Opening balance
  Project under construction                                 750,571,700.84                        816,484,299.18
  Total                                                      750,571,700.84                        816,484,299.18

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

   (1) Construction in progress
                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                               Ending balance                                      Opening balance
  Item                            Impairment                                         Impairment
             Book balance                        Book Value       Book balance                         Book Value
                                   Provision                                          Provision
New and
ted           139,946,680.69      1,945,416.12   138,001,264.57   109,030,761.94     1,945,416.12     107,085,345.82
t project
tion          612,625,933.46         55,497.19   612,570,436.27   709,454,450.55        55,497.19     709,398,953.36
t project
Total         752,572,614.15      2,000,913.31   750,571,700.84   818,485,212.49     2,000,913.31     816,484,299.18

                                                                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
     (2) Changes in important construction in progress in the current period

                                                                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                                                                                                       Proporti                                alizat
                                                                                           Other                                             Cumu     alized
                                                                                                                         on of                                  ion
                                                                                            Decr                                             lative   intere
                                                                            Amount                                    accumul                                   rate
                                                                                           eases                                             amou        st             Capit
                                                                         transferred to                                  ated                                    of
 Project                                             Increase in the                       in the                                  Project    nt of   amou                al
                Budget          Opening balance                          fixed assets in            Ending balance    investme                                 inter
 Name                                                Current Period                        Curre                                  Progress   capita     nt              sourc
                                                                           the current                                   nt in                                 est in
                                                                                             nt                                               lized   durin               e
                                                                             period                                   construct                                curre
                                                                                           Perio                                             intere    g the
                                                                                                                        ions to                                  nt
                                                                                             d                                                  st    curre
                                                                                                                       budget                                  perio
project        651,579,440.00     216,719,303.35      146,054,477.28                                 362,773,780.63    55.68%      82.76%
of FAW
ng and
ng for         227,508,500.00      13,655,092.51       67,921,039.94                                  81,576,132.45    43.82%      42.69%
in the
e Vehicle
                                                                          Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
of FAW
R&D                                                                                                                                          Other
            423,550,000.00    12,690,733.03    50,379,907.99                            63,070,641.02   14.89%   29.97%
Base                                                                                                                                         s
of          898,000,000.00   232,307,221.17   354,815,082.61   545,665,813.79           41,456,489.99   65.71%   77.83%
d heavy
the city
and         936,068,800.00    19,204,724.39                                             19,204,724.39   71.53%   93.70%
l park
y Pilot      39,000,000.00    19,024,778.76                                             19,024,778.76   48.78%   48.78%
Drivetrai    36,800,000.00    15,994,328.04     1,363,497.74                            17,357,825.78   47.17%   47.17%                      Other
                                                                       Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
n                                                                                                                                         s
ry AC
new         413,800,000.00   48,893,985.90   33,435,894.87   70,215,478.66           12,114,402.11   54.83%   54.83%
ion and      79,820,000.00   10,322,123.89    1,330,045.51                           11,652,169.40   71.27%   94.64%
Transmis                                                                                                                                  Other
             20,250,000.00    9,875,983.28    1,432,729.20                           11,308,712.48   55.85%   55.85%
sion Life                                                                                                                                 s
Transmis     19,100,000.00    9,369,998.38     939,138.05                            10,309,136.43   53.97%   53.97%
sion Test
                                                                         Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
Total     3,745,476,740.00   608,058,272.70   657,671,813.19   615,881,292.45          649,848,793.44

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

(3) Impairment testing of projects under construction

□Applicable Not applicable

17. Productive biological assets

(1) Productive biological assets measured at cost

□Applicable Not applicable

(2) Impairing testing situation of productive biological assets measured at cost model

□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Productive biological assets measured at fair value

□Applicable Not applicable

18. Oil and gas assets

□Applicable Not applicable

19. Right-of-use assets

(1) Right-of-use assets

                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                               Houses and            Machinery
           Item                                                              Land             Total
                                Buildings            equipment
  I. Original book value
       1. Opening
  balance                      173,847,035.89         54,778,761.06         17,260,643.29   245,886,440.24
       2. Increase in the           2,853,545.96                                              3,318,523.78
  current period                                           464,977.82
       (1) Leasing                  2,853,545.96           464,977.82                         3,318,523.78
       3. Decrease in
                                    8,108,767.60                                              8,108,767.60
  the current period
       (1) Lease                    2,416,818.20                                              2,416,818.20
       (2) Other                    5,691,949.40                                              5,691,949.40
       4. Ending
                               168,591,814.25         55,243,738.88         17,260,643.29   241,096,196.42
  II. Accumulated
       1. Opening
  balance                          84,424,735.38      10,955,752.21         11,516,065.95   106,896,553.54
       2. Increase in the
                                   16,663,555.45          5,516,624.25       1,497,009.26    23,677,188.96
  current period
       (1) Provision               16,663,555.45          5,516,624.25       1,497,009.26    23,677,188.96
       3. Decrease in               6,728,827.73                                              6,728,827.73

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

   the current period
        (1) Disposal
        (2) Lease
                                    2,108,786.72                                                       2,108,786.72
        (3) Other
                                    4,620,041.01                                                       4,620,041.01
        4. Ending
                                   94,359,463.10            16,472,376.46        13,013,075.21       123,844,914.77
   III. Impairment
        1. Opening
        2. Increase in the
   current period
        (1) Provision
        3. Decrease in
   the current period
        (1) Disposal
        4. Ending
   IV. Book value
        1. Ending book
                                   74,232,351.15            38,771,362.42         4,247,568.08       117,251,281.65
       2. Beginning
                                   89,422,300.51            43,823,008.85         5,744,577.34       138,989,886.70
   book value

(2) Impairment testing situation of right-of-use assets

□Applicable Not applicable
Other description:

20. Intangible Assets

(1) Details of intangible assets

                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                                   Patent      Non-patented
         Item                Land use right                                          Software               Total
                                                   rights       technology
I. Original book value
     1. Opening
                             2,594,295,359.22                   507,713,333.30      565,194,081.77      3,667,202,774.29
     2. Increase in the
                                                                 14,370,333.50       39,422,142.50         53,792,476.00
current period
(1) Purchase                                                      8,651,499.88       36,342,701.47         44,994,201.35
(2) Internal R&D                                                    980,512.13                               980,512.13
(3) Increase due to
business combination

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

(4) Other increases                                             4,738,321.49          3,079,441.03           7,817,762.52
     3. Decrease in
                                                                                    11,590,528.41           11,590,528.41
the current period
(1) Disposal                                                                          6,852,206.92           6,852,206.92
(2) Invalid and
derecognized portion
(3) Other decreases                                                                   4,738,321.49           4,738,321.49
     4. Ending
                           2,594,295,359.22                  522,083,666.80        593,025,695.86        3,709,404,721.88
II. Accumulated
     1. Opening
                             596,783,473.72                  338,000,836.46        293,984,683.46        1,228,768,993.64
     2. Increase in the
                              27,006,811.89                   16,338,264.50         58,057,907.75          101,402,984.14
current period
(1) Provision                 27,006,811.89                   15,973,233.03         58,057,907.75          101,037,952.67
(2) Other increases                                              365,031.47                                    365,031.47
     3. Decrease in
                                                                                      7,217,238.39           7,217,238.39
the current period
(1) Disposal                                                                          6,852,206.92           6,852,206.92
(2) Invalid and
derecognized portion
(3) Other decreases                                                                    365,031.47              365,031.47
     4. Ending
                             623,790,285.61                  354,339,100.96        344,825,352.82        1,322,954,739.39
III. Impairment
     1. Opening
     2. Increase in the
current period
(1) Provision
     3. Decrease in
the current period
(1) Disposal
     4. Ending
IV. Book value
     1. Ending book
                           1,970,505,073.61                  167,744,565.84        248,200,343.04        2,386,449,982.49
    2. Beginning
                           1,997,511,885.50                  169,712,496.84        271,209,398.31        2,438,433,780.65
book value
The proportion of intangible assets formed through internal R&D to the balance of intangible assets at the end of

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

current period is 0.04%.

21. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets not offset

                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                          Ending balance                                     Opening balance
           Item                  Deductible             Deferred Income            Deductible            Deferred Income
                             temporary difference          tax assets          temporary difference         tax assets
  Impairment provision            625,888,003.09             96,276,501.14           677,552,365.56         118,050,995.83
  of assets
  Unrealized profits of           173,759,629.21             43,439,907.30           173,759,629.21          43,439,907.30
  internal transactions
  Deductible losses             9,044,450,556.98         1,532,022,389.07          8,023,847,062.56       1,401,699,212.71
  Estimated liabilities           710,046,828.43           103,354,745.17            643,639,504.01         105,676,319.80
  Employee                         92,843,035.71            14,335,508.54             89,862,914.88          15,035,569.66
  compensation payable
  Accrued expenses              3,203,758,027.14           719,468,267.38         2,823,814,796.43          668,864,711.49
  Deferred income                 496,791,958.65           105,237,450.29           498,058,268.35          105,908,875.92
  Contract liabilities            588,499,925.26            77,214,139.08           477,559,638.17           73,059,220.04
  Lease liabilities                51,125,920.36            11,366,598.97            59,027,119.45           12,975,866.73
  Total                        14,987,163,884.83         2,702,715,506.94        13,467,121,298.62        2,544,710,679.48

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities not offset

                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                        Ending balance                                   Opening balance
          Item             Taxable temporary        Deferred income          Taxable temporary        Deferred income
                               difference            tax liabilities             difference            tax liabilities
  Depreciation of
  fixed assets with
  amortization period        1,754,981,427.63           319,801,950.36        1,905,769,976.37          344,383,021.84
  longer than tax
  preference period
  Accrued interest
                               285,536,653.82            44,812,164.74          386,198,421.88            58,128,494.37
  Right-of-use assets           49,982,944.28            11,417,515.49           57,431,098.06           12,560,241.88
  Total                      2,090,501,025.73           376,031,630.59        2,349,399,496.31          415,071,758.09

(3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented in net amount after offset

                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                             Ending Mutual          Ending balance of         Opening mutual       Opening balance of
                            Offset Amount of        deferred tax assets       offset amount of     deferred tax assets
                           Deferred Tax Assets       or liabilities after    deferred tax assets    or liabilities after
                             and Liabilities               offset              and liabilities            offset
  Deferred Income
                                                      2,702,715,506.94                                 2,544,710,679.48
  tax assets

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

    Deferred income
                                                      376,031,630.59                              415,071,758.09
    tax liabilities

  (4) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                      Item                          Ending balance                      Opening balance
    Deductible temporary difference                          524,871,458.61                       577,137,993.79
    Deductible losses                                        240,846,637.93                       433,079,936.50
    Total                                                    765,718,096.54                      1,010,217,930.29

  (5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax assets will be due in the following years

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
               Year                   Ending amount            Beginning balance                 Remarks
    2026                                       324,798.62                1,441,940.00
    2027                                     3,524,136.57                3,524,136.57
    2028                                     6,764,901.92              201,247,514.48
    2029                                    31,407,588.07               28,041,132.70
    2032                                   198,825,212.75              198,825,212.75
    Total                                  240,846,637.93              433,079,936.50

  Other description

  22. Assets with restricted ownership or use right

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                  Ending                                                 Beginning
  Item                                          Restr                                                     Restr
                                                         Restric                                                     Restrictio
             Book balance       Book Value      iction               Book balance       Book Value        iction
                                                          tion                                                           n
                                                 type                                                      type
                                                         y                                                           Housing
                                                         deposit                                                     maintenan
                                                         for                                                         ce fund,
                                                         three                                                       security
Monetary                                                 types                                                       deposit for
              50,473,277.23     50,473,277.23                          50,667,927.65    50,667,927.65
capital                                                  of                                                          three types
                                                         person                                                      of
                                                         nel                                                         personnel
                                                         (Main                                                       and frozen
                                                         respon                                                      funds
                                                         er, and

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                          nel of
Total         50,473,277.23      50,473,277.23                          50,667,927.65    50,667,927.65
  Other description:

  23. Notes payable

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                 Category                           Ending balance                       Opening balance
    Commercial acceptance bill                             25,947,712,941.61                       11,769,864,678.11
    Total                                                  25,947,712,941.61                       11,769,864,678.11
  The total amount of notes payable due but unpaid at the end of the current period is CNY 0.00.

  24. Accounts payable

  (1) Presentation of accounts payable

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                   Item                             Ending balance                       Opening balance
    Payment for goods                                     17,147,249,872.33                    15,746,874,454.72
    Project and equipment payment                                331,095.28                        71,355,989.71
    Expenses and others                                      914,579,261.08                       677,340,998.02
    Total                                                  18,062,160,228.69                       16,495,571,442.45

  25. Other payables

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                       Item                         Ending balance                       Opening balance
    Dividends payable                                               171,500.02                           171,500.02
    Other payables                                          5,193,749,030.50                        5,304,885,545.16
    Total                                                   5,193,920,530.52                        5,305,057,045.18

  (1) Dividends payable

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                       Item                         Ending balance                       Opening balance
    Ordinary stock dividends                                        171,500.02                           171,500.02
    Total                                                           171,500.02                           171,500.02

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Other description, including the disclosure of the reasons for not paying the important dividends payable for more
than 1 year:

(2) Other payables

1) Presentation of other payables by payment nature

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                  Item                              Ending balance                         Opening balance
  Expenses payable                                          3,533,091,016.38                        3,611,643,900.11
  Margin, deposit                                             237,654,900.20                          310,785,014.96
  Project funds payable                                     1,416,756,262.19                        1,296,325,132.82
  Repurchase obligations of
                                                                 6,246,851.73                          86,131,497.27
  restricted shares
  Total                                                     5,193,749,030.50                        5,304,885,545.16

2) Other significant payables with aging over 1 year or overdue

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                                                                  Reasons for not being repaid or
                   Item                              Ending balance
                                                                                           carried over
  Eisenmann (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                               15,722,294.45          Project not completed
  Hangzhou HIK Robot Co., Ltd.                                 14,314,364.40          Project not completed
  FAW Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                             11,480,090.27          Project not completed
  Jilin Hongze Construction
                                                               11,429,681.82           Project not completed
  Engineering Co., Ltd.
  Wuhan Li’ao Automation Co., Ltd.                             8,670,040.00           Project not completed
  Total                                                        61,616,470.94

The other payables of the top five closing balances classified by the other payable parties in the current period are
CNY 174,691,000.20, accounting for 3.36% of the total closing balance of other payables.

26. Advance receipts

(1) Presentation of advance receipts

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                  Item                              Ending balance                         Opening balance
  Rental fee                                                     715,111.97                             641,221.46
  Total                                                          715,111.97                             641,221.46

27. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                   Item                             Ending balance                         Opening balance
  Payment for goods                                          537,992,732.13                       1,863,445,370.73
  Others                                                     578,358,281.86                         555,703,269.04
  Contract liabilities included in
                                                               -60,702,098.17                        -214,456,037.00
  other current liabilities
  Total                                                     1,055,648,915.82                        2,204,692,602.77

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

28. Employee compensation payable

(1) Presentation of employee compensation payable

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                                  Increase in the      Decrease in the
          Item              Opening balance                                                    Ending balance
                                                  Current Period       Current Period
  I. Short-term
                               296,724,446.00     2,037,364,590.82      1,837,942,253.12             496,146,783.70
  II. Post-
                                16,284,549.40       319,124,786.63           328,212,281.77            7,197,054.26
  contribution plan
  III. Dismissal
                                38,420,889.80        11,011,318.43            21,286,177.44           28,146,030.79
  IV. Other benefits
                                50,609,999.99                                 21,659,867.99           28,950,132.00
  due within one year
  Total                        402,039,885.19     2,367,500,695.88      2,209,100,580.32             560,440,000.75

(2) Presentation of short-term compensation

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                                           Increase in the         Decrease in the
                   Item                Opening balance                                                    Ending balance
                                                           Current Period          Current Period
  1. Wages, bonuses, allowances
                                                            1,470,590,674.49        1,286,614,267.92       183,976,406.57
  and subsidies
  2. Employee welfare expenses                                 97,868,160.35          97,868,160.35
  3. Social insurance premiums            3,927,312.53       178,184,058.90          180,911,647.03           1,199,724.40
       Including: medical
                                          3,927,312.53       167,121,573.85          169,849,161.98           1,199,724.40
  insurance premiums
              Work-related injury
                                                                9,437,602.77            9,437,602.77
  insurance premiums
                 Maternity insurance
                                                                1,624,882.28            1,624,882.28
  4. Housing provident fund                                  234,197,241.76          234,197,241.76
  5. Labor union funds and
                                        292,797,133.47         56,524,455.32          38,350,936.06        310,970,652.73
  employee education funds
  Total                                 296,724,446.00      2,037,364,590.82        1,837,942,253.12       496,146,783.70

(3) Presentation of defined contribution plan

                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                                  Increase in the      Decrease in the
          Item              Opening balance                                                    Ending balance
                                                  Current Period       Current Period
  1. Basic endowment
                                13,909,612.19       214,562,327.32           228,471,939.51

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  2. Unemployment
                                 2,374,937.21         6,976,071.75           9,351,008.96
  insurance premiums
  3. Payment of
                                                     97,586,387.56          90,389,333.30       7,197,054.26
  enterprise annuity
  Total                         16,284,549.40       319,124,786.63      328,212,281.77          7,197,054.26
Other description

29. Taxes payable

                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                     Item                         Ending balance                     Opening balance
  VAT                                                       42,773,492.98                      33,868,153.98
  Corporate income tax                                      24,512,846.83                      12,652,169.68
  Individual income tax                                      6,698,386.44                      44,332,949.39
  Urban maintenance and
                                                             1,451,357.79                       1,563,765.87
  construction tax
  Property tax                                              8,153,574.92                       12,070,417.66
  Land use tax                                              4,260,011.07                        4,302,440.45
  Education surcharges                                      3,508,165.78                        3,588,461.26
  Other taxes                                              15,015,489.84                       16,844,015.03
  Total                                                   106,373,325.65                      129,222,373.32
Other description

30. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                     Item                         Ending balance                     Opening balance
  Lease liabilities due within one
                                                            14,750,421.22                      27,171,195.40
  Total                                                     14,750,421.22                      27,171,195.40
Other description:

31. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                 Item                             Ending balance                     Opening balance
  Taxes to be written off                                   60,702,098.17                     214,456,037.00
  Total                                                     60,702,098.17                     214,456,037.00
Other description:

32. Lease liabilities

                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                     Item                         Ending balance                     Opening balance
  Lease payment                                             52,833,724.20                      61,122,271.61
  Unrecognized financing charges                            -2,559,782.51                      -3,457,062.08
  Lease liabilities due within one                         -14,750,421.22                     -27,171,195.40

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Total                                                         35,523,520.47                         30,494,014.13
Other notes: The interest of lease liabilities accrued is CNY 1.0792 million from January to June in 2024.

33. Long-term employee compensation payable

(1) Long-term employee compensation payable

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                     Item                            Ending balance                       Opening balance
  I. Post-employment welfare - net
                                                               645,190,132.01                       667,280,000.00
  liabilities of defined benefit plan
  II. Dismissal welfare                                         91,239,962.81                         94,708,523.04
  Long-term employee compensation
                                                                -57,096,162.79                      -89,030,889.79
  payable due within one year
  Total                                                        679,333,932.03                       672,957,633.25

34. Estimated liabilities

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
             Item                       Ending balance             Opening balance                 Reason
  Pending litigation                          8,594,661.90                 7,321,618.04    Product quality disputes
                                                                                             Expenses for return,
  Product quality assurance                 684,163,548.30               711,161,690.70
                                                                                           replacement and repair
  Others                                     17,226,995.29                17,226,995.29     Labor social security
  Total                                     709,985,205.49               735,710,304.03
Other description, including important assumptions and estimation descriptions related to important estimated

35. Deferred income

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                             Increase in the     Decrease in the
      Item            Opening balance                                                Ending balance          Reason
                                             Current Period      Current Period
                       2,983,678,367.53       111,030,641.83      134,400,820.98     2,960,308,188.38
  Total                2,983,678,367.53       111,030,641.83      134,400,820.98     2,960,308,188.38
Other description:

36. Share capital

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                         Increase/Decrease (+/-)

                                   Issue              Share
                                             Bonu    Transfe
             Opening balance         of                                                                 Ending balance
                                               s       rred
                                   New                              Others            Subtotal
                                             share    from
                                               s     Accum

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

   share      4,636,485,668.00                                      -12,621,954.00       -12,621,954.00        4,623,863,714.00
Other description:

37. Capital reserves

                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                               Increase in the      Decrease in the
             Item                   Opening balance                                                         Ending balance
                                                               Current Period       Current Period
   Capital premium (stock
                                      9,341,522,399.02                                 67,262,691.54          9,274,259,707.48
   Other capital reserves             1,001,896,552.71             605,418.43                                 1,002,501,971.14
   Total                             10,343,418,951.73             605,418.43          67,262,691.54         10,276,761,678.62
Other description, including increase/decrease in the current period and reasons for change:
(1) The capital reserve (share premium) decreased by CNY 67,262,691.54 in the current period due to the repurchase
and cancellation of equity incentive shares of the Company.

(2) The capital reserve (other capital reserves) increased by CNY 605,418.43 in the current period due to the
recognition of share-based payment expenses during the vesting period of the Company’s equity incentive plan.

38. Treasury shares

                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                    Increase in the              Decrease in the
           Item             Opening balance                                                            Ending balance
                                                    Current Period               Current Period
   Treasury shares               86,131,497.27                                      79,884,645.54           6,246,851.73
   Total                         86,131,497.27                                      79,884,645.54           6,246,851.73
Other description, including increase/decrease in the current period and reasons for change:

39. Other comprehensive incomes

                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                   Amount Incurred in Current Period
                                              Less:         Less:
                                            Current       Current
                                 Amoun     Profits or    Retained
                                     t      Losses       Earnings
                                 incurre   Transferr     Transferr
                                                                         Less:          After-tax      amount
                  Opening            d      ed from       ed from
  Item                                                                  income           amount        attributa   Ending balance
                  balance         before     Other         Other
                                                                          tax        attributable to    ble to
                                 income    Compreh       Compreh
                                                                        expense           parent       minorit
                                  tax in     ensive        ensive
                                                                           s            company            y
                                    the     Income        Income
                                 current   Recorded      Recorded
                                  period     in the        in the
                                           Previous      Previous
                                             Period        Period
I. Other       -8,735,366.35                                                           5,679,897.29                 -3,055,469.06

                              Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

cannot be
d into
profits or
: changes
from re-
              -9,210,000.00                                                              -9,210,000.00
ment of
cannot be
                474,633.65                                        5,679,897.29            6,154,530.94
d into
profit or
under the
II. Other
that will
                221,256.25                                         -363,765.87             -142,509.62
d into
profits or
: other
that can
be              375,337.28                                          -96,836.64             278,500.64
d into
profits or
under the

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

in foreign
                    -154,081.03                                                    -266,929.23                    -421,010.26
comprehe        -8,514,110.10                                                     5,316,131.42                  -3,197,978.68
Other description, including the adjustment of the effective part of cash flow hedging profit or loss transferred to
the initially recognized amount of the hedged item:

40. Special reserves

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                                    Increase in the         Decrease in the
             Item            Opening balance                                                       Ending balance
                                                    Current Period          Current Period
   Work safety cost               319,314,527.85         6,016,604.46          15,216,437.91          310,114,694.40
   Total                          319,314,527.85         6,016,604.46          15,216,437.91          310,114,694.40
Other description, including increase/decrease in the current period and reasons for change:

41. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                                    Increase in the         Decrease in the
             Item            Opening balance                                                       Ending balance
                                                    Current Period          Current Period
   Statutory surplus
                              2,792,881,825.16                                                      2,792,881,825.16
                                  297,526,491.71                                                      297,526,491.71
   surplus reserves
   Total                      3,090,408,316.87                                                      3,090,408,316.87
Description of surplus reserve, including increase/decrease and reasons for change in the current period:

42. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                     Item                           Current period                         Previous period
   Undistributed profits at the end of
   the previous period before                               6,191,777,512.32                        5,460,939,601.36
   Undistributed profits at the
   beginning of the current period                          6,191,777,512.32                        5,460,939,601.36
   after adjustment
   Add: net profit attributable to
   owners of parent company in the                            478,251,870.50                          401,336,302.35
   current period

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Less: ordinary stock dividends
  Undistributed profits at the end of
                                                            5,976,449,825.72                         5,862,275,903.71
  the period
Details of adjustment to undistributed profits at the beginning of period:
1) The retroactive adjustment of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its relevant new
regulations impacts the opening undistributed profit by CNY 0.00.
2) The undistributed profit at the beginning of the period affected by changes in accounting policies is CNY 0.00.
3) The undistributed profit at the beginning of the period affected by correction of significant accounting errors is
CNY 0.00.
4) The change in combination scope caused by the same control impacts the opening undistributed profit by CNY
5) Other adjustments affect the opening undistributed profit by CNY 0.00 in total.

43. Operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                       Amount Incurred in Current Period                Amount Incurred in the Previous Period
                           Income                 Cost                       Income                     Cost
                    34,781,334,502.47        32,601,996,683.55          32,139,093,286.21           29,929,907,291.11
                      820,958,136.99            650,423,218.46               875,568,627.92            660,616,486.91
  Total             35,602,292,639.46        33,252,419,902.01          33,014,661,914.13           30,590,523,778.02
Other description
Information related to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations: The income
corresponding to the performance obligations that have been signed but not yet fulfilled or completed at the end of
the reporting period is CNY 578,358,281.86, of which CNY 289,179,140.93 is expected to be recognized in 2024
and CNY 289,179,140.93 is expected to be recognized in 2025.
Information related to variable consideration in the Contract:
Other description

44. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                                                                                      Amount Incurred in the Previous
                    Item                  Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Urban maintenance and
                                                                   8,735,866.96                         19,546,313.81
  construction tax
  Education surcharges                                             6,239,901.02                         14,049,726.20
  Property tax                                                    36,577,269.48                         27,465,239.54
  Land use tax                                                    21,263,435.84                         17,742,508.40
  Vehicle and vessel use tax                                          55,080.14                             51,933.49
  Stamp duty                                                      32,322,074.63                         30,606,438.19

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Environmental protection tax                               320,082.33                         427,254.80
  Others                                                    -144,396.20                         -47,844.63
  Total                                                  105,369,314.20                     109,841,569.80
Other description:

45. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                           Amount Incurred in the Previous
                     Item              Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Employee compensation                                  435,912,218.49                     554,575,877.44
  Repair cost of fixed assets                             74,393,472.71                      86,296,341.73
  Depreciation cost                                       70,160,216.19                      62,859,036.45
  Amortization of intangible assets                       42,960,831.97                      45,228,775.75
  Labor outsourcing fee                                   19,200,519.52                      20,600,631.57
  Information system service fee                          15,385,298.95                      18,919,334.81
  Sewage charge                                            7,020,968.97                       9,479,418.73
  Kinetic energy and workshop
                                                          16,359,943.57                      15,614,154.67
  heating cost
  Publicity fee                                              733,152.88                       2,792,288.47
  Test and inspection fee                                  8,512,181.61                       5,943,937.13
  Others                                                  49,127,040.10                      48,851,266.17
  Total                                                  739,765,844.96                     871,161,062.92
Other description

46. Sales expenses

                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                           Amount Incurred in the Previous
                     Item              Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Product quality assurance fee                          354,345,170.32                     372,020,904.40
  Employee compensation                                  261,388,918.42                     230,992,397.31
  Storage fee                                             54,530,428.75                      49,482,396.12
  Promotion fee                                            2,072,688.58                        5,652,694.61
  Packing cost                                            63,410,413.70                      36,501,913.05
  Business publicity fee                                   7,335,461.53                        5,491,042.24
  Travel expense                                          42,282,800.13                      32,468,745.00
  Sales service fee                                        7,063,389.32                        7,172,990.92
  Rental fee                                              25,362,533.68                      23,305,950.67
  Insurance premium                                          376,867.84                        2,116,210.71
  Others                                                  17,298,425.55                        9,617,573.30
  Total                                                  835,467,097.82                     774,822,818.33
Other description:

47. R&D expenses

                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                           Amount Incurred in the Previous
                     Item              Amount Incurred in Current Period

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Material procurement and
                                                          58,713,565.00                      83,066,490.71
  Fuel and power                                          30,352,085.23                      37,703,182.12
  Employee compensation                                  762,070,442.14                     781,461,814.17
  Depreciation and amortization                          127,558,615.73                     123,318,628.06
  Technological development                               21,371,901.93                      55,353,771.51
  Test and inspection fee                                 54,071,350.93                      80,965,496.03
  Road testing expense                                    48,592,572.48                      44,968,204.89
  Others                                                  32,852,743.53                      41,210,116.05
  Total                                                1,135,583,276.97                   1,248,047,703.54
Other description

48. Financial expenses

                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                           Amount Incurred in the Previous
                    Item               Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Interest income                                       -330,521,706.02                    -332,873,373.32
  Net actuarial interest                                     395,666.67                         463,219.03
  Handling charge of financial
                                                             213,654.95                          62,645.64
  Interest expense                                         1,431,811.40                       2,201,462.83
  Exchange gain or loss                                      178,734.27                        -134,786.41
  Others                                                 -66,474,373.18                     -85,382,599.83
  Total                                                 -394,776,211.91                    -415,663,432.06
Other description

49. Other income

                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                           Amount Incurred in the Previous
        Sources of other income        Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Government subsidies                                   209,501,338.40                     193,604,585.44
  Service charges of individual
                                                           2,035,928.98                       2,051,784.67
  income tax withholding
  Additional tax credit of VAT                           142,242,391.94
  Total                                                  353,779,659.32                     195,656,370.11

50. Investment income

                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                           Amount Incurred in the Previous
                    Item               Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Income from long-term equity
  investments accounted for using                        213,988,413.65                     234,054,148.54
  the equity method
  Others                                                -112,101,568.99                    -100,436,268.67
  Total                                                  101,886,844.66                     133,617,879.87
Other description

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

51. Credit impairment loss

                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
                                                                              Amount Incurred in the Previous
                     Item                Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Bad debt losses of notes receivable                             21,670.17                         -69,181.55
  Bad debt losses of accounts
                                                           -26,638,370.74                       -32,194,937.26
  Bad debt losses of other
                                                            21,085,584.29                         -288,813.51
  Bad debt losses of long-term
                                                             -3,061,966.20                       -2,927,793.76
  Total                                                      -8,593,082.48                      -35,480,726.08
Other description

52. Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
                                                                              Amount Incurred in the Previous
                     Item                Amount Incurred in Current Period
  I. Inventory falling price loss and
  contract performance cost                                -76,279,557.91                       -35,182,158.70
  impairment loss
  II. Impairment loss of contract
                                                               -387,041.28                        -142,013.25
  Total                                                    -76,666,599.19                       -35,324,171.95
Other description:

53. Income from assets disposal

                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
     Sources of income from assets                                            Amount Incurred in the Previous
                                         Amount Incurred in Current Period
                disposal                                                                 Period
  Gains from disposal of fixed assets                          746,088.82                       98,132,494.11

54. Non-operating income

                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
                                                                                             Amount included
                                          Amount Incurred in        Amount Incurred in the    in current non-
                                           Current Period             Previous Period        recurring profits
                                                                                                 and losses
  Unpayable amount recognized                     11,378,406.14                 581,828.00      11,378,406.14
  Income from compensation,
                                                   6,971,354.67               7,871,739.74       6,971,354.67
  liquidated damages and penalties
  Gains from damage and
                                                      46,052.83                 695,112.91          46,052.83
  retirement of non-current assets
  Others                                           9,710,410.31                 393,806.14       9,710,410.31
  Total                                           28,106,223.95               9,542,486.79      28,106,223.95

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Other description:

55. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                                                 Amount included
                                          Amount Incurred in           Amount Incurred in the     in current non-
                                           Current Period                Previous Period         recurring profits
                                                                                                     and losses
  Donation                                           2,978,920.00                 2,000,000.00        2,978,920.00
  Losses from damage and
                                                          989,080.93              1,297,109.63          989,080.93
  retirement of non-current assets
  Expenditure of liquidated
                                                      -210,191.05                  435,083.63          -210,191.05
  damages and penalties
  Others                                                   24,732.00                69,570.55            24,732.00
  Total                                              3,782,541.88                 3,801,763.81        3,782,541.88
Other description:

56. Income tax expenses

(1) Statement of income tax expenses

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                                  Amount Incurred in the Previous
                     Item                 Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Current income tax expenses                                     42,733,093.07                      42,401,718.66
  Deferred income tax expense                                   -197,044,954.96                    -245,467,038.39
  Total                                                         -154,311,861.89                    -203,065,319.73

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profits and income tax expenses

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                               Item                                        Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Total profits                                                                                     323,940,008.61
  Income tax expense calculated at statutory/applicable tax
  Effect of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries                                             -12,357,345.92
  Effect of adjustment to income tax of previous periods                                            -25,280,791.16
  Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                   550,302.01
  Effects of deductible temporary differences or deductible
  losses of deferred income tax assets unrecognized in the                                              841,613.84
  current period
  Profit or loss of joint ventures and associated enterprises
  calculated by equity method
  Tax effect of R&D expenses plus deduction (to be listed
  with “-”)

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Tax effect of unrecognized deductible losses and deductible
  temporary difference
  Income tax expenses                                                                              -154,311,861.89
Other description

57. Other comprehensive incomes

For details, please refer to 39 “Other comprehensive income” in VII “Notes to Items in Consolidated Financial
Statements” of Section X - Financial Report.

58. Items of cash flow statement

(1) Cash related to operating activities

Other cash received related to operating activities
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                                 Amount Incurred in the Previous
                    Item                   Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Bank interest                                                397,148,937.72
  Collection and payment                                         8,170,165.98                         9,286,574.17
  Government subsidies received                                184,296,132.42                        89,195,336.75
  Deposits received                                              9,510,303.41
  Rental fee received                                              963,013.62                         2,874,590.58
  Fines and indemnities received                                 3,043,576.01                         4,419,145.87
  Recovery of reserve funds                                        468,225.38                           538,760.42
  Refund of handling fees                                          884,632.38                           803,868.95
  Other current accounts                                       161,576,775.16                       534,529,346.19
  Total                                                        766,061,762.08                       641,647,622.93
Description of other cash received related to operating activities:
Other cash paid related to operating activities
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                                 Amount Incurred in the Previous
                    Item                   Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Out-of-pocket expenses                                       491,987,715.82                       494,020,512.30
  Current account                                              451,612,329.19                       455,747,557.22
  Donations                                                      2,978,920.00                         2,000,000.00
  Total                                                        946,578,965.01                       951,768,069.52
Description of other cash payments related to operating activities:

(2) Cash related to investing activities

Other cash received related to investing activities
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                                 Amount Incurred in the Previous
                    Item                   Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Interest received                                                                                 368,529,711.02

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Total                                                                                               368,529,711.02
Description of other cash received related to investing activities:

(3) Cash related to financing activities

Other cash paid related to financing activities
                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                                                                    Amount Incurred in the Previous
                   Item                    Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Amount paid to repay lease
                                                                  11,981,702.80                        19,709,605.31
  Total                                                           11,981,702.80                        19,709,605.31
Description of other cash payments related to financing activities:
Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
□Applicable Not applicable

59 Supplementary information to cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information to cash flow statement

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                                                      Amount in the current     Amount of the Previous
                   Supplementary information
                                                                            period                     Period
  1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from
  operating activities:
     Net Profit                                                               478,251,870.50           401,336,302.35
     Add: impairment provision of assets                                       85,259,681.67             70,804,898.03
         Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and
                                                                              888,228,121.73           806,546,681.57
  gas assets and productive biological assets
           Depreciation of right-of-use asset                                     796,214.19              5,115,821.82
           Amortization of intangible assets                                   50,898,373.61             52,772,614.33
           Amortization of long-term deferred expenses
          Losses from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
  assets and other long-term assets (incomes to be listed                         -746,088.82           -98,132,494.11
  with “-”)
          Loss from retirement of fixed assets (incomes to
                                                                                  989,080.93              1,297,109.63
  be listed with “-”)
          Loss from changes in fair value (incomes to be
  listed with “-”)
           Financial expenses (incomes to be listed with “-”)              -317,865,186.72           -330,682,164.07
           Investment losses (incomes to be listed with “-”)               -101,886,844.66           -133,617,879.87
           Decrease of deferred income tax assets (increase
                                                                             -158,004,827.46           -248,346,478.93
  to be listed with “-”)
         Increases of deferred income tax liabilities
                                                                              -39,040,127.50              1,005,800.22
  (decrease to be listed with “-”)
           Decrease in inventories (increase to be listed with
                                                                            1,630,687,452.61         -1,448,702,170.39

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

          Decrease in operating receivables (increase to be
                                                                        -14,800,044,542.39        -9,607,002,028.80
  listed with “-”)
          Increase in operating items payable (decrease to
                                                                        16,555,976,890.53         17,346,803,689.10
  be listed with “-”)
            Others                                                          -32,570,012.60          -105,040,323.41
            Net cash flows from operating activities                     4,240,930,055.62          6,714,159,377.47
  2. Significant investment and financing activities not
  involving cash deposit and withdrawal:
    Conversion of debt into capital
    Convertible corporate bonds within one year
    Fixed assets acquired under financial lease
  3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
    Ending balance of cash                                              25,239,787,245.83         26,430,438,475.01
    Less: opening balance of cash                                       22,483,844,553.59         20,697,669,726.18
    Add: ending balance of cash equivalents
    Less: opening balance of cash equivalents
    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                            2,755,942,692.24          5,732,768,748.83

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                      Item                             Ending balance                     Opening balance
  I. Cash                                                    25,239,787,245.83                   22,483,844,553.59
  II. Cash equivalents
  VI. Balance of ending cash and
                                                             25,239,787,245.83                   22,483,844,553.59
  cash equivalents

60 Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                                    Foreign Currency
                                                                                               Ending Balance
               Item              Balance at the End of the          Exchange rate
                                                                                             Converted into CNY
  Monetary capital
  Including: USD
            EUR                               1,007,820.69                       7.6617               7,721,619.78
  Accounts receivable
  Including: USD
  Long-term loans
  Including: USD

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Other description:

(2) Description of overseas operating entities, including the disclosure of main overseas business place,
recording currency and selection basis, or changes in the recording currency (if any) for important overseas
operating entities.

□Applicable Not applicable

61. Lease

(1) The Company acting as the lessee

Applicable □Not applicable
Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
□Applicable Not applicable
Lease expenses for simplified short-term leases or low-value asset leases
Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                Amount incurred in the current
                                                                                                  period (CNY)
 Short-term lease expense                                                                         20,698,594.18
 Low-value asset lease expense
 Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
 Total                                                                                            20,698,594.18
Circumstances involving sale and leaseback transactions

(2) The Company acting as the lessor

Operating lease with the Company acting as the lessor
□Applicable Not applicable
Financing lease with the Company acting as the lessor
□Applicable Not applicable
Yearly undiscounted lease receipts for the next five years
□Applicable Not applicable
Reconciliation Statement for Undiscounted Lease Receipts and Net Lease Investments

(3) Profits and losses of financing lease sales recognized as a manufacturer or distributor

□Applicable Not applicable

VIII. R&D Expenditures

                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                                                                 Amount Incurred in the Previous
                     Item                Amount Incurred in Current Period

                                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Including: Expensed R&D
                                                             1,135,583,276.97                         1,248,047,703.54
        Capitalized R&D

1. R&D projects eligible for capitalization

                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                            Increase in the Current        Decrease in the Current
                                                    Period                        Period
       Item        Opening balance                                                          red to      Ending balance
                                              Internal                     Recognized
                                            development         Others     as intangible
                                            expenditures                       assets
  9130102303                                    404,305.77                                                    404,305.77
  9130012317                                    980,512.13                  980,512.13
  A2205                5,393,345.15           9,826,144.18                                                15,219,489.33
  A2207                9,870,532.31          11,292,856.19                                                21,163,388.50
  A2208               12,756,268.49           8,556,661.39                                                21,312,929.88
  A2209               26,396,041.18           1,849,888.88                                                28,245,930.06
  A2305               12,547,492.73          16,144,515.66                                                28,692,008.39
  A2306               16,094,984.19          10,183,762.22                                                26,278,746.41
  A2307                2,723,108.10          13,618,283.59                                                16,341,391.69
  A2308               12,945,847.92          16,023,783.19                                                28,969,631.11
  T2208                8,944,559.08          10,512,100.27                                                19,456,659.35
  T2209                2,201,651.44           3,180,522.13                                                 5,382,173.57
  T2303                                         752,935.81                                                   752,935.81
  XC2411020                                   1,553,097.79                                                 1,553,097.79
  XC2411030                                   1,339,911.45                                                 1,339,911.45
  XC2411089                                     760,229.42                                                   760,229.42
  XC2411098                                   5,889,217.40                                                 5,889,217.40
  XC2411107                                   1,075,867.89                                                 1,075,867.89
  Total              109,873,830.59         113,944,595.36                  980,512.13                   222,837,913.82
Significant capitalized R&D projects
                                                                                                         Specific basis
                                                                   generation        Time point of
                                                 Expected                                                      for
       Item           R&D progress                                 method of         capitalization
                                              completion time                                            capitalization
                                                                   economic             starting
                  The review of sample                                                                  Being adopted
                  boxes has completed                                                                   by
                  and the current stage                            Production                           consideration
  9130102303                                  April 30, 2025                        June 24, 2024
                  is the stage of product                             and sales                         and decision-
                  freezing for                                                                          making at the
                  production                                                                            project review

                             Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

             preparation start                                                       meeting
                                                                                     Being adopted
             The trial production of
             sample machines has
             completed and the                         Production   January 24,
9130012317                             June 30, 2024                                 and decision-
             current stage is the                      and sales    2024
                                                                                     making at the
             stage of design and
                                                                                     project review
                                                                                     Being adopted
             Production                                Production   January 31,
A2205                                  June 30, 2026                                 and decision-
             preparation start                         and sales    2023
                                                                                     making at the
                                                                                     project review
                                                                                     Being adopted
             Production                                Production   January 31,
A2207                                  June 30, 2026                                 and decision-
             preparation start                         and sales    2023
                                                                                     making at the
                                                                                     project review
                                                                                     Being adopted
             Production                                Production   January 31,
A2208                                  June 30, 2026                                 and decision-
             preparation start                         and sales    2023
                                                                                     making at the
                                                                                     project review
                                                                                     Being adopted
                                                       Production   January 31,
A2209        Trial production stage    May 31, 2024                                  and decision-
                                                       and sales    2023
                                                                                     making at the
                                                                                     project review
                                                                                     Being adopted
             Engineering design        February 28,    Production
A2305                                                               March 31, 2023   and decision-
             and verification stage    2026            and sales
                                                                                     making at the
                                                                                     project review

                            Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                                                    Being adopted
            Engineering design       December 31,     Production
A2306                                                              March 31, 2023   and decision-
            and verification stage   2024             and sales
                                                                                    making at the
                                                                                    project review
                                                                                    Being adopted
            Engineering design       February 28,     Production
A2307                                                              March 31, 2023   and decision-
            and verification stage   2026             and sales
                                                                                    making at the
                                                                                    project review
                                                                                    Being adopted
            Engineering design                        Production   January 31,
A2308                                March 31, 2026                                 and decision-
            and verification stage                    and sales    2023
                                                                                    making at the
                                                                                    project review
                                                                                    Being adopted
            Engineering design                        Production   January 31,
T2208                                March 31, 2026                                 and decision-
            and verification stage                    and sales    2023
                                                                                    making at the
                                                                                    project review
                                                                                    Being adopted
                                     December 31,     Production   January 31,
T2209       Trial production stage                                                  and decision-
                                     2024             and sales    2023
                                                                                    making at the
                                                                                    project review
            The production                                                          Being adopted
            preparation start has                                                   by
            completed, and the                                                      consideration
                                     December 31,     Production
T2303       current stage is the                                   June 24, 2024    and decision-
                                     2024             and sales
            stage of product                                                        making at the
            freezing and trial                                                      project review
            production                                                              meeting
XC2411020   The design scheme        December 31,     Production   February 1,      Being adopted

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                   freezing has               2024                and sales      2024               by
                   completed, and the                                                               consideration
                   current stage is the                                                             and decision-
                   stage of design and                                                              making at the
                   verification                                                                     project review
                                                                                                    Being adopted
                   The design scheme
                   freezing has
                   completed, and the         December 31,       Production      February 1,
  XC2411030                                                                                         and decision-
                   current stage is the       2024                and sales      2024
                                                                                                    making at the
                   stage of design and
                                                                                                    project review
                                                                                                    Being adopted
                   The design scheme
                   freezing has
                   completed, and the         September 30,      Production
  XC2411089                                                                      March 1, 2024      and decision-
                   current stage is the       2024                and sales
                                                                                                    making at the
                   stage of design and
                                                                                                    project review
                                                                                                    Being adopted
                   The project approval                                                             by
                   has completed, and                                                               consideration
                                              November 30,       Production      January 24,
  XC2411098        the current stage is the                                                         and decision-
                                              2024                and sales      2024
                   stage for trial                                                                  making at the
                   production                                                                       project review
                   The trial production of
                                                                                                    Being adopted
                   sample machines has
                   completed, and the
                   current stage is the       December 31,       Production
  XC2411107                                                                      March 1, 2024      and decision-
                   stage of development       2024                and sales
                                                                                                    making at the
                   for machinery
                                                                                                    project review
                   combined with sample
                   machines A and B

IX. Changes in Consolidation Scope

(1) Business merger under different control

(1) Profits or losses arising from remeasurement of equity held before the purchase date at fair value

Whether there are transactions that achieve the business merger through multiple transactions and obtain control
during the reporting period

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

□Yes No

2. Others: None

X. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the enterprise group

                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                                      Princip                                Share proportion
                                                         al                   Nature of                               Way of
   Name of subsidiary          Registered Capital                  red                                    Indir
                                                      busines                 business        Direct                acquisition
                                                                 address                                   ect
                                                      s place
                                                      Chang      Chang                                            merger under
Jiefang Limited                 10,803,012,510.01                           manufacturin     100.00%
                                                      chun       chun                                             common
FAW Jiefang (Qingdao)                                 Qingda     Qingda                                           merger under
                                   802,000,000.00                           manufacturin     100.00%
Automotive Co., Ltd.                                  o          o                                                common
                                                                            g and sales
                                                                            Automotive                            Business
FAW Jiefang Dalian                                                          engine                                merger under
                                 1,400,000,000.00     Dalian     Dalian                      100.00%
Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.                                                     manufacturin                          common
                                                                            g                                     control
                                                                            ng of                                 Business
Wuxi Dahao Power Co.,                                                       automotive                            merger under
                                     38,094,059.61    Wuxi       Wuxi                        100.00%
Ltd.                                                                        components                            common
                                                                            and                                   control
FAW Jiefang Austria                                                                                               merger under
                                     15,765,000.00    Austria    Austria    research and     100.00%
R&D Co., Ltd.                                                                                                     common
FAW Jiefang Automotive                                Chang      Chang
                                   200,000,000.00                           Vehicle sales    100.00%              nt by
Sales Co., Ltd.                                       chun       chun
FAW Jiefang Uni-D                                                                                                 Establishme
                                                                            services and
(Tianjin) Technology                 90,000,000.00    Tianjin    Tianjin                     100.00%              nt by
Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                                investment
Description of the fact that the shareholding proportion in subsidiaries is different from the proportion of voting
rights: none
Basis for holding half or less of the voting rights but still controlling the investee, and for holding more than half
of the voting rights but not controlling the investee: none

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Basis for control of important structured entities included in the consolidation scope: none
Basis for determining whether the Company is an agent or a principal: none
Other description:

2. Equities in joint ventures or associated enterprise

(1) Important joint ventures or associated enterprises

                                                                                     Share proportion   Accounting
                                               Princip                                                  Method for
    Name of Joint Ventures or Associated          al                    Nature of                       Investment
                                                            red                                 Indir
                 Enterprises                   busines                  business      Direct             in Joint
                                                          address                                ect
                                               s place                                                  Ventures or
                                               Changc     Chang     Financial                             Equity
  First Automobile Finance Co., Ltd.                                                   21.84%
                                                 hun       chun     services                             method
  Sanguard Automobile Insurance Co.,           Changc     Chang     Financial                             Equity
  Ltd.                                           hun       chun     insurance                            method
  FAW Changchun Ansteel Steel                  Changc     Chang                                           Equity
                                                                    manufacturin       40.00%
  Processing and Distribution Co., Ltd.          hun       chun                                          method
  FAW Changchun Baoyou Jiefang Steel           Changc     Chang                                           Equity
                                                                    manufacturin       21.81%
  Processing and Distribution Co., Ltd.          hun       chun                                          method
                                                                    g of
  Changchun Wabco Automotive Control           Changc     Chang     automotive                            Equity
  System Co., Ltd.                               hun       chun     components                           method
                                                                    Research and
  Suzhou Zhito Technology Co., Ltd.            Suzhou     Suzhou    experimental       25.68%
                                                                    Software and
  FAW Jiefang Fujie (Tianjin) Technology                            information                           Equity
                                               Tianjin    Tianjin                      10.00%
  Industry Co., Ltd.                                                technology                           method
                                                                    Software and
                                                Nanjin    Nanjin    information                           Equity
  SmartLink                                                                            35.00%
                                                  g          g      technology                           method

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Foshan Diyiyuan New Energy                                            g and                                    Equity
                                                 Foshan     Foshan                        45.00%
  Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  technical                                method
  Changchun Automotive Test Center Co.,          Changc      Chang      Technical                                Equity
  Ltd.                                             hun        chun      services                                 method
  Jiefang Times New Energy Technology            Shijiaz    Shijiaz                                              Equity
                                                                        services and      50.00%
  Co., Ltd.                                       huang      huang                                               method
                                                                        other services
  Diyi AESC New Energy Power                                            technology                               Equity
                                                  Wuxi       Wuxi                         49.00%
  Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.                                           research and                             method

Explanation of the fact that the shareholding proportion in joint ventures or associated enterprises is different from
the proportion of voting rights: there is no difference between the shareholding proportion and the proportion of
voting rights.

Basis for holding less than 20% of voting rights but with significant influence, or holding 20% or more of voting
rights but without significant influence: The Company holds 17.50% of the shares of Sanguard Automobile
Insurance Co., Ltd., but it sends one director to the latter according to the Articles of Association of the latter, so
the Company can exert significant influence on Sanguard Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd. The Company holds
10.00% of the shares of Jiefang Fujie (Tianjin) Technology Industry Co., Ltd., but it sends three directors to the
latter according to the Articles of Association of the latter, so the Company can exert significant influence on
Jiefang Fujie (Tianjin) Technology Industry Co., Ltd. The Company holds 14.63% of the shares of Changchun
Automotive Test Center Co., Ltd., but it sends one director to the latter according to the Articles of Association of
the latter, so the Company can exert significant influence on Changchun Automotive Test Center Co., Ltd.

(2) Main financial information of important joint ventures

                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                              Ending Balance/Amount Incurred              Opening Balance/Amount
                                                     in Current Period                   Incurred in Previous Period
                                                Jiefang Times New Energy                 Jiefang Times New Energy
                                                   Technology Co., Ltd.                     Technology Co., Ltd.
  Current assets                                                226,424,018.04                          107,060,648.01
  Including: Cash and cash equivalents                                61,208,846.42                       23,493,644.57
  Non-current assets                                              202,724,472.32                         180,155,847.21
  Total assets                                                    429,148,490.36                         287,216,495.22
  Current liabilities                                             139,732,848.41                          40,887,314.87
  Non-current liabilities                                         214,694,232.87                         163,271,215.01
  Total liabilities                                               354,427,081.28                         204,158,529.88

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Minority equity
  Equity attributable to shareholders of
                                                           74,721,409.08              83,057,965.34
  the parent company
  Shares of net assets calculated as per
                                                           37,360,704.55              41,528,982.67
  the shareholding proportion
  --Unrealized profits from internal
  Book value of equity investment to
                                                           37,360,704.55              41,528,982.67
  joint ventures
  The fair value of equity investment in
  joint ventures with a public offer
  Operating income                                        217,004,793.22              23,610,012.53
  Financial expenses                                        4,666,304.22                -786,426.54
  Income tax expenses                                                                       283.87
  Net Profit                                                -8,336,556.25             -6,942,034.66
  Net profit from discontinued
  Other comprehensive incomes
  Total comprehensive income                                -8,336,556.25             -6,942,034.66
  Dividends received from joint
  ventures in the current year
Other description

(3) Main financial information on important associated enterprises

                                                                                                                        Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                                                                                      Ending Balance/Amount Incurred in Current Period
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Diyi AESC
                                                               FAW Changchun        Changchun        FAW Changchun                                                                     Foshan
                                                                                                                                             FAW Jiefang Fujie                                                                New Energy
                                             Sanguard           Ansteel Steel          Wabco         Baoyou Jiefang        Suzhou Zhito                                             Diyiyuan New       Changchun
                    First Automobile                                                                                                              (Tianjin)                                                                     Power
                                            Automobile         Processing and       Automotive       Steel Processing     Technology Co.,                           SmartLink          Energy        Automotive Test
                    Finance Co., Ltd.                                                                                                            Technology                                                                   Technology
                                         Insurance Co., Ltd.   Distribution Co.,   Control System    and Distribution          Ltd.                                                  Technology      Center Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                              Industry Co., Ltd.                                                              (Wuxi) Co.,
                                                                     Ltd.             Co., Ltd.         Co., Ltd.                                                                     Co., Ltd.
Current assets       82,826,458,285.51    1,735,189,182.46      236,934,530.42      41,976,542.95     314,811,659.63        388,730,442.01       840,177,519.67    129,573,143.85   77,950,576.34    1,971,968,649.47         11,914,216.94

                     85,912,913,739.17      680,384,942.50       59,013,028.84      22,535,665.99      50,342,316.54         79,350,893.35       789,129,965.77    198,944,967.72      602,067.31    1,785,145,939.47         53,529,536.46

Total assets        168,739,372,024.68    2,415,574,124.96      295,947,559.26      64,512,208.94     365,153,976.17        468,081,335.36     1,629,307,485.44    328,518,111.57   78,552,643.65    3,757,114,588.94         65,443,753.40

                    146,422,969,364.73      405,603,134.71       73,746,945.12      22,747,940.94     174,660,490.17        105,149,543.23       959,088,478.01    326,180,678.01    9,408,260.47      107,789,515.82           635,077.58

                        235,156,602.55      975,510,294.37                                              3,991,562.83        956,704,669.63       267,471,267.83     61,168,800.88             0.00     124,016,501.99         55,053,185.81

Total liabilities   146,658,125,967.28     1,381,113,429.08      73,746,945.12      22,747,940.94     178,652,053.00      1,061,854,212.86     1,226,559,745.84    387,349,478.89    9,408,260.47      231,806,017.81         55,688,263.39
Net Assets           22,081,246,057.40    1,034,460,695.88      222,200,614.14      41,764,268.00     186,501,923.17       -593,772,877.50       402,747,739.60    -58,831,367.32   69,144,383.18    3,525,308,571.13          9,755,490.01
                      1,316,124,588.85                                                                                                               223,155.56     -3,150,336.43                      448,173,439.46

attributable to
shareholders         20,765,121,468.55    1,034,460,695.88      222,200,614.14      41,764,268.00     186,501,923.17       -593,772,877.50       402,524,584.04    -55,681,030.89   69,144,383.18    3,077,135,131.67          9,755,490.01
of the parent

Shares of net
calculated as
                      4,534,957,172.88      181,030,621.78       88,880,245.66      16,705,707.20      40,668,609.39       -152,480,874.94        40,252,458.40    -19,488,360.81   31,114,972.43      450,184,869.76          4,780,190.10
per the

Adjustments              -4,479,384.72        -1,427,852.30          111,270.89           1,338.80                          152,480,874.94          -206,085.48     19,488,360.81      893,057.42      267,007,906.12            23,130.31


profits from
                                                                                                       Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

--Others            -4,479,384.72    -1,427,852.30       111,270.89        1,338.80                       152,480,874.94       -52,457.48    19,488,360.81     893,057.42    267,007,906.12      23,130.31

Book value of
investment in    4,530,477,788.16   179,602,769.48    88,991,516.55   16,707,046.00    40,668,609.39                        40,046,372.92                    32,008,029.85   717,192,775.88    4,803,320.41

Fair value of
investment in
with public

                 3,281,892,190.25   386,083,038.36   296,638,967.53   40,259,066.14   789,746,319.57       85,033,872.89   965,490,898.85   193,932,427.03                   318,704,117.24

Net Profit        986,191,282.57     17,220,710.15     2,621,911.81    1,270,359.13    16,990,982.18      -81,676,062.89    23,985,548.31   -27,586,993.78   -2,681,589.41   113,197,008.93    -244,509.99

Net profit

comprehensive        -443,405.41     35,550,850.22

comprehensive     985,747,877.16     52,771,560.37     2,621,911.81    1,270,359.13    16,990,982.18      -81,676,062.89    23,985,548.31   -27,586,993.78   -2,681,589.41   113,197,008.93    -244,509.99

received from
enterprises in
the current

                                                                                                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
                                                                                                      Opening Balance/Amount Incurred in Previous Period
                                                                  FAW Changchun
                                                                                      Changchun Wabco          FAW Changchun                                                                       Foshan Diyiyuan
                                                Sanguard           Ansteel Steel                                                       Suzhou Zhito         FAW Jiefang Fujie                                           Changchun
                       First Automobile                                                 Automotive           Baoyou Jiefang Steel                                                                    New Energy
                                               Automobile         Processing and                                                     Technology Co.,       (Tianjin) Technology     SmartLink                         Automotive Test
                       Finance Co., Ltd.                                               Control System           Processing and                                                                     Technology Co.,
                                            Insurance Co., Ltd.   Distribution Co.,                                                        Ltd.             Industry Co., Ltd.                                        Center Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          Co., Ltd.         Distribution Co., Ltd.                                                                      Ltd.
Current assets          60,775,261,687.53     1,702,254,232.36       269,973,515.28      34,757,850.89            357,052,308.05       435,005,995.30         2,019,060,250.13    175,926,690.46      74,360,794.55    1,905,889,144.98

Non-current assets     113,266,395,863.62      876,220,650.46         61,635,140.40      24,179,782.51             49,442,981.99         86,241,055.85          845,687,497.81    183,160,633.97       1,980,391.85    1,778,261,365.48

Total assets           174,041,657,551.15     2,578,474,882.82       331,608,655.68      58,937,633.40            406,495,290.04       521,247,051.15         2,864,747,747.94    359,087,324.43      76,341,186.40    3,684,150,510.46

Current liabilities    152,572,057,589.80      409,136,482.45        111,751,776.05      18,443,724.53            205,065,072.99       127,443,900.05         2,188,704,666.79    286,751,551.15       2,530,641.78     148,517,574.12

                          373,433,560.68      1,187,649,264.86                                                       2,108,533.06      905,831,430.48           301,718,046.26     90,779,279.56                        123,521,374.14

Total liabilities      152,945,491,150.48     1,596,785,747.31       111,751,776.05      18,443,724.53            207,173,606.05      1,033,275,330.53        2,490,422,713.05    377,530,830.71       2,530,641.78     272,038,948.26
Net Assets              21,096,166,400.67      981,689,135.51        219,856,879.63      40,493,908.87            199,321,683.99       -512,028,279.38          374,325,034.89    -18,443,506.28      73,810,544.62    3,412,111,562.20
Minority equity          1,212,589,189.69                                                                                                                                          -1,056,387.18                        448,669,357.62

Equity attributable
to shareholders of      19,883,577,210.98      981,689,135.51        219,856,879.63      40,493,908.87            199,321,683.99       -512,028,279.38          374,325,034.89    -17,387,119.10      73,810,544.62    2,963,442,204.58
the parent company

Shares of net assets
calculated as per
                         4,342,434,077.83      171,795,598.71         87,942,751.83      16,197,563.58             43,464,086.43       -131,488,862.14           37,432,503.49     -6,085,491.68      33,214,745.08     433,551,594.53
the shareholding

Adjustments                 -4,625,319.38                                                                                              131,488,862.14              -449,647.25      6,085,491.68                        267,105,032.74


--Unrealized profits
from internal                                                                                                                                                      -449,647.25

--Others                    -4,625,319.38                                                                                              131,488,862.14                               6,085,491.68                        267,105,032.74

Book value of
equity investment
                         4,337,808,758.45      171,795,598.71         87,942,751.83      16,197,563.58             43,464,086.43                                 36,982,856.24                        33,214,745.08     700,656,627.27
in associated

Fair value of equity
investment in
                                                                                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
enterprises with
public offer

Operating income        3,209,535,678.73    436,757,499.61   290,397,008.90   29,994,307.74   688,788,120.17   35,847,499.57    1,389,765,322.96   159,572,163.42                   240,465,225.12

Net Profit              1,165,863,071.10     22,325,313.14     4,167,069.20     -916,143.61    14,884,160.46   -94,145,183.33     18,284,853.78    -36,269,129.74   -233,646.64         70,700,030.55

Net profit from

comprehensive                1,185,724.65    15,630,049.55

comprehensive           1,167,048,795.75     37,955,362.69     4,167,069.20     -916,143.61    14,884,160.46   -94,145,183.33     18,284,853.78    -36,269,129.74   -233,646.64         70,700,030.55

Dividends received
from associated
                                              4,835,877.87                                      6,892,912.77
enterprises in the
current year

         Other description

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

(4) Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associated enterprises

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                             Unrecognized Losses in             Accumulated
                                  Unrecognized Losses
    Name of Joint Ventures                                    the Current Period (or      Unrecognized Losses at
                                  Accumulated in Prior
   or Associated Enterprises                                 Net Profit Shared in the      the End of the Current
                                                                 Current Period)                   Period
  Suzhou Zhito Technology
                                          131,488,862.14                52,509,372.59               183,998,234.73
  Co., Ltd.
  SmartLink                                 6,085,491.68                10,344,079.45                16,429,571.13
Other description

XI. Government subsidies

1. Government subsidies recognized at the receivable amount at the end of the reporting period

□Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for failing to receive the expected amount of government subsidies at the expected time point
□Applicable Not applicable

2. Liability items with government subsidies

□Applicable Not applicable

3. Government subsidies included in the current profit or loss

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                                 Amount Incurred in the Previous
              Account item               Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Government subsidies                                       209,501,338.40                         193,604,585.44
Other description: none

XII. Risks Related to Financial Instruments

1. Various risks arising from financial instruments

The main financial instruments of the Company include monetary capital, notes receivable, accounts receivable,
receivables financing, other receivables, non-current assets due within one year, other current assets, long-term
receivables, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, non-current liabilities due within one year, and lease
liabilities. Details of each financial instrument have been disclosed in relevant notes. The risks related to these
financial instruments and the risk management policies adopted by the Company to reduce these risks are described
below. The management of the Company manages and monitors these risk exposures to ensure that the above risks
are controlled within a limited range.

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

(1) Risk management objectives and policies

The Company carries out risk management to achieve an appropriate balance between risks and benefits, minimize
the negative impact of risks on the Company’s business performance, and maximize the interests of shareholders
and other equity investors. The Company, based on the risk management objectives, adopts the basic risk
management strategy of determining and analyzing various risks faced by the Company, establishing an appropriate
baseline for risk tolerance and carrying out risk management, and supervising various risks in a timely and reliable
manner to control the risks within a limited range.

Main risks caused by financial instruments of the Company include credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk
(including exchange rate risk and interest rate risk).

     Credit risk

Credit risk refers to the risk of financial loss to the Company caused by the counterparty’s failure to perform its
contractual obligations.

The Company manages credit risks by portfolio classification. Credit risk mainly arises from bank deposits, notes
receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, long-term receivables, etc.

The Company’s deposits are mainly deposited in state-owned banks and other large and medium-sized listed banks
and First Automobile Finance Co., Ltd., and the Company does not expect significant credit risks in its bank deposits.

The Company makes relevant policies to control the credit risk exposure for notes receivable, accounts receivable,
other receivables and long-term receivables. The Company evaluates the credit qualification of customers and sets
the credit period based on their financial conditions, credit records and other factors such as current market situations.
The Company monitors the credit records of customers regularly, and take measures such as written reminders,
shortening of credit period or cancellation of credit period for customers with poor credit records, so as to ensure
that the overall credit risk is within a controllable range.

The debtors of the Company’s accounts receivable are customers distributed in different industries and regions. The
Company carries out continuous credit assessment on the financial condition of accounts receivable and purchases
credit guarantee insurance when appropriate.

The maximum credit risk exposure borne by the Company is the book value of each financial asset in the balance
sheet. The Company does not provide any other guarantee that may expose the Company to credit risk.

The accounts receivable of the top five customers account for 72.44% of the total accounts receivable of the
Company. Other receivables of the top five companies with debts account for 76.54% of the total other receivables
of the Company.

     Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk refers to the risk of capital shortage when the Company performs its obligations of settlement by
delivering cash or other financial assets.

                                    Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

The Company maintains and monitors cash and cash equivalents deemed adequate by the management during
liquidity risk management to meet the Company’s operating needs and reduce the impact of fluctuations in cash
flows. The management of the Company monitors the use of bank loans and ensures compliance with the loan
agreements. Meanwhile, the Company obtains commitments from major financial institutions to provide sufficient
reserve funds to meet short-term and long-term funding needs.

The sources of the Company’s working capital include funds generated from operating activities, bank loans and
other loans. As of June 30, 2024, the unused bank loan amount of the Company is CNY 10.291 billion.

     Market risk

Market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk of fluctuation in fair value or future cash flow of financial
instruments due to the changes in market price, including interest rate risk, exchange rate risk and other price risks.

Interest rate risk

The risk of changes in cash flow of financial instruments caused by changes in interest rates of the Company is
mainly related to bank loans with floating interest rates. It is the policy of the Company to maintain floating interest
rates on these loans.

Sensitivity analysis on interest rate risk:

The sensitivity analysis on interest rate risk is based on the assumption that changes in market interest rates affect
interest income or expenses on variable rate financial instruments.

The Company had no interest-bearing debts such as bank loans as of June 30, 2024.

Exchange rate risk

Exchange rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuation in fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments due to
change in foreign exchange rate. Exchange rate risk may come from financial instruments denominated in a foreign
currency other than the recording currency.

The foreign exchange risk borne by the Company is mainly related to euros. Main business activities of the
Company are settled in CNY, except that the subsidiary established in Austria holds assets settled in EUR. The
balance of Company’s assets and liabilities were all in CNY as of June 30, 2024, except a small amount of monetary
capitals including the balance in EUR. Therefore, the Company does not believe that the exchange rate risk faced
is significant.

(2) Capital management

The Company prepares capital management policy to ensure continuous operation of the Company, thus providing
returns to shareholders, benefiting other stakeholders, and maintaining the best capital structure to reduce capital

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may adjust the financing method, adjust the amount
of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares and other equity instruments, or
sell assets to reduce debt.

The Company monitors the capital structure based on the asset-liability ratio (i.e. total liabilities divided by total
assets). As of June 30, 2024, the Company’s asset-liability ratio is 69.68%.

2. Financial assets

(1) Classification of transfer methods

□Applicable Not applicable

(2) Financial assets derecognized due to transfer

□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Financial assets with continuous involvement in asset transfer

□Applicable Not applicable
Other description

XIII. Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                                                Ending fair value
           Item               Level 1 fair value   Level 2 fair value      Level 3 fair value
                                measurement          measurement             measurement
  I. Ongoing fair
                                      --                   --                       --                    --
  value measurement
  (Ⅰ) Other equity
  instrument                                                                    480,780,000.00        480,780,000.00
  Total assets
                                                                                480,780,000.00        480,780,000.00
  measured at fair
  Ⅱ. Non-continuous
  fair value                          --                   --                       --                    --

2. Basis for determination of market prices for continuous and non-continuous level I measurement items at
fair value

Level I: Quotations for the same assets or liabilities in active markets (unadjusted).

                                     Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

3. Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information about key parameters of items subject
to continuous and non-continuous level II fair value measurement

Level II: Observable input values other than market quotations for assets or liabilities in the first level are used
directly (i.e. price) or indirectly (i.e. derived from price).

4. Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information about key parameters of items subject
to continuous and non-continuous level III fair value measurement

Level III: Any input value (non-observable input value) not based on observable market data is used for assets or

5. Others

The Company’s financial assets and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost mainly include monetary
capital, notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables,

XIV. Related Parties and Related Party Transactions

1. Parent company of the Company

                                                                                    Shareholding        Proportion of
                                                                                    Proportion of      Voting Rights of
   Name of Parent         Registered            Nature of          Registered
                                                                                     the Parent           the Parent
     Company               address              business            Capital
                                                                                   Company in the      Company in the
                                                                                      Company             Company
                                            Production and
                                            sales of
   FAW                    Changchun                                 7,800,000.00            66.19%              66.19%
                                            automobiles and
Description of the parent company of the Company: The ultimate controlling party of the Company is FAW
Other description: The registered capital of the parent company has not changed during the reporting period.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

For details of subsidiaries of the Company, see Section 10 of the Notes to the Financial Report, Ⅴ Interests in
other entities, 1.

3. Information on joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company

For details of the significant joint ventures or associated enterprises of the Company, see Section 10 of the Notes
to the Financial Report, X Interests in other entities, 2.
Other joint ventures or associated enterprises that have related party transactions with the Company in the current
period or in the previous period, resulting in balance, are as follows:
       Name of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises                     Relationship with the Company
                                                                 Associated enterprise of the Company, the same
   First Automobile Finance Co., Ltd.
                                                                 ultimate controlling party
   Sanguard Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd.                       Associated enterprise of the Company, the same

                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                                                         ultimate controlling party
                                                         Associated enterprise of the Company, the same
  Changchun Automotive Test Center Co., Ltd.
                                                         ultimate controlling party
  FAW Changchun Ansteel Steel Processing and
                                                         Associated enterprise of the Company
  Distribution Co., Ltd.
  Changchun Wabco Automotive Control System Co.,
                                                         Associated enterprise of the Company
  Suzhou Zhito Technology Co., Ltd.                      Associated enterprise of the Company
  FAW Changchun Baoyou Jiefang Steel Processing and
                                                         Associated enterprise of the Company
  Distribution Co., Ltd.
  FAW Jiefang Fujie (Tianjin) Technology Industry Co.,
                                                         Associated enterprise of the Company
  SmartLink                                              Associated enterprise of the Company
  Foshan Diyiyuan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.        Associated enterprise of the Company
  Jiefang Times New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.          Joint enterprise of the Company
  Diyi AESC New Energy Power Technology (Wuxi)
                                                         Associated enterprise of the Company
  Co., Ltd.
Other description: none

4. Information on other related parties

                                                          Relationship between Other Related Parties and the
             Names Of Other Related Parties
  China FAW Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.              The same ultimate controlling party
  Changchun FAW Automobile Culture Communication
                                                         The same ultimate controlling party
  Co., Ltd.
  FAW Changchun Automobile Trading Service Co.,
                                                         The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Asset Management Co., Ltd.                         The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Foundry Co., Ltd.                                  The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Zhixing Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.             The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Logistics Co., Ltd.                                The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Logistics (Changchun Lushun) Storage and
                                                         The same ultimate controlling party
  Transportation Co., Ltd.
  FAW Logistics (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.                      The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Logistics (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.                      The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                       The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Harbin Light Automobile Co., Ltd.                  The same ultimate controlling party
  Changchun Faw Service Trade Co., Ltd.                  The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Forging (Jilin) Co., Ltd.                          The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW (Dalian) International Logistics Co., Ltd.         The same ultimate controlling party
  Sanguard Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd.                The same ultimate controlling party
  Wuxi Sawane Spring Co., Ltd.                           The same ultimate controlling party
  Qiming Information Technology Co., Ltd.                The same ultimate controlling party
  Hainan Tropical Automobile Test Co., Ltd.              The same ultimate controlling party
  FAW Changchun Comprehensive Utilization Co., Ltd.      Other related parties
  FAW Changchun Yanfeng Visteon Electronics Co.,
                                                         Other related parties
  FAW Changchun Communication Technology Co.,            Other related parties

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Changchun FAW United Casting Company                      Other related parties
  Changchun FAWAY Automobile Components Co.,
                                                            Other related parties
  Changchun FAWSN Group Co., Ltd.                           Other related parties
  Changchun Yidong Clutch Co., Ltd.                         Other related parties
  Changchun Automotive Economic and Technological
  Development Zone Environmental Sanitation and             Other related parties
  Cleaning Co., Ltd.
  FAW Jingye Engine Co., Ltd.                               Other related parties
  FAW Jilin Automobile Co., Ltd.                            Other related parties
  FAW Hongta Yunnan Automobile Manufacturing Co.,
                                                            Other related parties
  Cinda FAW Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd.                  Other related parties
  Wuxi CRRC New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd.                 Other related parties
  Shandong Pengxiang Automobile Co., Ltd.                   Other related parties
  United Fuel Cell System R&D (Beijing) Co., Ltd.           Other related parties
  Jilin Checheng Garden Hotel Co., Ltd.                     Other related parties
  The Ninth Institute of Project Planning & Research of
                                                            Other related parties
  China Machinery Industry (FIPPR)
  Hongqi Intelligent Mobility Technology (Beijing) Co.,
                                                            Other related parties
  Grammer Vehicle Parts (Harbin) Co., Ltd.                  Other related parties
  Fawer Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                                Other related parties
Other description:

5. Related transactions

(1) Related transactions of purchasing or selling goods and providing or receiving labor services

Statement of goods purchase/reception of labor services
                                                                                                    Unit: CNY

                                                                                         Is the
                            Content of                                                              Amount Incurred
                                             Amount Incurred          Approved         Transactio
   Related Parties            Related                                                                in the Previous
                                             in Current Period   Transaction Amount    n Amount
                            Transaction                                                                   Period
                          Goods purchase
China FAW Group
                          and reception of     168,278,364.51         360,000,000.00      No          155,846,981.56
Corporation Limited
                          labor services
FAW Harbin Light          Goods purchase
Automobile Co.,           and reception of      34,043,954.78         138,020,000.00      No           32,547,680.87
Ltd.                      labor services
                          Goods purchase
FAW Logistics Co.,
                          and reception of     132,075,955.87         495,900,000.00      No          195,120,017.33
                          labor services
                          Goods purchase
FAW Logistics
                          and reception of     190,769,196.12         426,220,000.00      No          119,111,915.14
(Qingdao) Co., Ltd.
                          labor services

                                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                       Goods purchase
FAW Foundry Co.,
                       and reception of   384,030,084.81     931,140,000.00   No         413,071,742.20
                       labor services
                       Goods purchase
FAW Forging (Jilin)
                       and reception of   132,632,358.53     557,310,000.00   No         191,850,549.63
Co., Ltd.
                       labor services
China FAW Group        Goods purchase
Import & Export        and reception of   114,352,745.51     375,350,000.00   No          62,900,925.02
Co., Ltd.              labor services
Qiming Information     Goods purchase
Technology Co.,        and reception of    37,009,622.81     194,010,000.00   No          72,665,910.12
Ltd.                   labor services
Changchun              Goods purchase
Automotive Test        and reception of     6,343,840.40     119,170,000.00   No          22,796,281.44
Center Co., Ltd.       labor services
The Ninth Institute
of Project Planning    Goods purchase
& Research of China    and reception of   159,432,158.11     235,580,000.00   No          35,812,164.45
Machinery Industry     labor services
FAW Changchun
Ansteel Steel          Goods purchase
Processing and         and reception of   198,996,257.45     516,630,000.00   No         156,577,508.70
Distribution Co.,      labor services
FAW Changchun
Baoyou Jiefang         Goods purchase
Steel Processing and   and reception of   227,909,641.46     502,720,000.00   No         101,309,325.27
Distribution Co.,      labor services
                       Goods purchase
SmartLink              and reception of   115,585,042.51     302,560,000.00   No          89,982,268.22
                       labor services
                       Goods purchase
Changchun Yidong
                       and reception of   107,551,528.62     250,180,000.00   No         103,546,734.02
Clutch Co., Ltd.
                       labor services
                       Goods purchase
Fawer Auto Parts
                       and reception of   768,424,274.21   1,972,380,000.00   No         751,551,871.30
Co., Ltd.
                       labor services
                       Goods purchase
Changchun FAWSN
                       and reception of   286,249,843.64     604,920,000.00   No         280,903,728.09
Group Co., Ltd.
                       labor services
Changchun FAWAY
                       Goods purchase
                       and reception of   212,166,163.52     585,000,000.00   No         181,104,399.46
Components Co.,
                       labor services
FAW Jilin              Goods purchase
Automobile Co.,        and reception of    24,828,172.39     251,930,000.00   No           2,367,964.59
Ltd.                   labor services

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                         Goods purchase
                         and reception of     167,405,214.29          723,730,000.00         No           321,749,405.78
Automobile Co.,
                         labor services
Grammer Vehicle          Goods purchase
Parts (Harbin) Co.,      and reception of     128,212,162.85          284,590,000.00         No            45,950,885.93
Ltd.                     labor services
China FAW Group          Goods purchase
Co., Ltd. and other      and reception of     139,488,038.44          489,900,000.00         No           194,637,679.90
related parties          labor services
Statement of goods sales/rendering of services
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY

                                                 Content of Related       Amount Incurred in       Amount Incurred in
              Related Parties
                                                    Transaction            Current Period          the Previous Period
China FAW Group Import & Export Co.,         Selling goods and
                                                                              8,493,521,248.00         6,728,264,167.89
Ltd.                                         providing services
FAW Jiefang Fujie (Tianjin) Technology       Selling goods and
                                                                               568,251,081.37          1,213,457,947.93
Industry Co., Ltd.                           providing services
                                             Selling goods and
SmartLink                                                                         4,181,200.56            66,851,895.14
                                             providing services
Jiefang Times New Energy Technology          Selling goods and
Co., Ltd.                                    providing services
FAW Changchun Comprehensive                  Selling goods and
                                                                                 75,447,154.97           100,636,434.81
Utilization Co., Ltd.                        providing services
China FAW Group Co., Ltd. and other          Selling goods and
                                                                                 76,963,064.64            67,374,869.64
related parties                              providing services
Description of related transactions of purchasing or selling goods and providing or receiving labor services:

(2) Related lease

The Company, as the lessor:
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                            Lease Income             Lease Income
                  Name of Lessee                 Type of Leased Assets     Recognized in the       Recognized in the
                                                                            Current Period          Previous Period
  Changchun Automotive Test Center Co.,
                                                 Houses and Buildings                                     1,288,392.99
  FAW                                            Houses and Buildings               774,875.72            1,017,306.92
  Fawer Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                     Houses and Buildings               197,702.76              197,702.76
  FAW Changchun Communication
                                                 Land                                22,018.35
  Technology Co., Ltd.
  Shandong Pengxiang Automobile Co.,             Houses, buildings and
                                                                                    386,020.18              377,350.46
  Ltd.                                           land
  FAW Changchun Baoyou Steel Processing          Plant                            1,059,049.54

                             Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

and Distribution Co., Ltd.
Foshan Diyiyuan New Energy Technology
                                        Building                    48,441.12
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
The Company, as the lessee:
                                                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                                          expenses for     Variable lease
                                           simplified      payments not
                                                                                                                  Interest Expense on Lease      Increased right-
                                           short-term     included in the                Rent Paid
                                                                                                                      Liabilities Incurred         of-use assets
                                         leases or low-   measurement of
                                           value asset    lease liabilities
                        Type of Leased   Amo
   Name of lessor                                Amou               Amou                                                                                  Amou
                            Assets        unt             Amou                                                                                   Amou
                                                    nt                 nt                                                                                    nt
                                         Incur              nt                                                                                     nt
                                                 Incurr             Incurr                                        Amount                                  Incurr
                                          red             Incurr                Amount            Amount                          Amount         Incurr
                                                  ed in              ed in                                       Incurred in                               ed in
                                           in              ed in               Incurred in     Incurred in the                 Incurred in the    ed in
                                                   the                the                                          Current                                  the
                                         Curr             Curren              Current Period   Previous Period                 Previous Period   Curren
                                                 Previo             Previo                                         Period                                 Previo
                                          ent                t                                                                                      t
                                                    us                 us                                                                                    us
                                         Perio            Period                                                                                 Period
                                                 Period             Period                                                                                Period
  FAW Group            House and land                                                            2,132,938.00
                       Houses and
  FAW                                                                           3,839,917.11                     112,555.99         22,096.94
                       Houses and
  Automotive Test                                                                                2,335,846.88                       55,363.78
  Center Co., Ltd.
Description of related leases

                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

(3) Remuneration of key management personnel

                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                                                                                     Amount Incurred in the Previous
                    Item                   Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Remuneration of key management
                                                                  5,382,500.00                          4,467,250.06
Note 1: Due to the adjustment of statistical caliber, the change occurred in the same period last year.

(4) Other related transactions

Interest income and interest expense
                                                              Amount incurred in
                                      Content of Related                                  Amount incurred in the
       Related Parties                                         the current period
                                        Transaction                                       previous period (CNY)
First Automobile Finance Co.,
                                    Interest income                     61,055,123.68                   59,863,417.16
Deposits and interests in finance companies
                                                                        Ending balance        Ending balance of the
  Project name          Related Parties       Transaction content
                                                                           (CNY)              previous year (CNY)
                                           Deposits and interests of
                      First Automobile        finance company
 Monetary capital                                                         8,678,069,325.92        14,046,575,246.78
                      Finance Co., Ltd.       included in bank
Equity investment
                                             Amount incurred in the current Amount incurred in the previous
                                                    period (CNY)                    period (CNY)
Changchun Automotive Test Center Co.,

6. Receivables and payables of related parties

(1) Receivables

                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                                                      Ending balance                            Opening balance
                    Related Parties                                 Provision for                            Provision for
   Name                                      Book balance                                Book balance
                                                                     Bad Debts                                Bad Debts
                  FAW                              443,661.84             2,129.58          2,150,000.00          10,320.00
                  FAW Harbin Light
                  Automobile Co.,                3,310,192.84             4,601.41       260,081,914.30         261,998.72
                  China FAW Group
                  Import & Export            7,446,827,018.24       21,870,950.49        565,045,453.53       1,438,890.29
                  Co., Ltd.
                  FAW Asset
                  Management Co.,                  874,946.68          456,782.67             454,999.94        454,999.94
Accounts          FAW Hongta                    43,106,461.34       11,709,465.17          54,814,238.73     11,781,810.57

                                Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

receivable    Yunnan Automobile
              Manufacturing Co.,
              Suzhou Zhito
              Technology Co.,                25,032.67        120.16
              SmartLink                   1,243,517.38       2,755.27     5,106,986.20       5,106.99
              Jiefang Times New
              Energy Technology         801,428,696.29   2,133,786.12   193,088,998.31     743,368.60
              Co., Ltd.
Accounts      Changchun Yidong
                                          1,168,165.53       5,607.19        15,885.93             76.25
receivable    Clutch Co., Ltd.
Accounts      Fawer Auto Parts
                                             66,687.97        320.10
receivable    Co., Ltd.
Accounts      Changchun FAWSN
                                             19,816.32         95.12
receivable    Group Co., Ltd.
              United Fuel Cell
              System R&D                   177,876.10         853.81        210,717.10        1,011.44
              (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
              Changchun FAWAY
Accounts      Automobile
                                              8,670.94         41.62          8,670.94             41.62
receivable    Components Co.,
Accounts      FAW Jingye Engine
                                          1,820,957.23   1,820,957.23     1,820,957.23    1,820,957.23
receivable    Co., Ltd.
              FAW Changchun
              Yanfeng Visteon                 2,722.49
              Electronics Co., Ltd.
Accounts      Pengxiang
                                             92,917.44                       13,086.18             62.81
receivable    Automobile Co.,
              Grammer Vehicle
              Parts (Harbin) Co.,          124,587.00                       116,052.30         557.05
              FAW Changchun
              Comprehensive                                                  24,427.35         117.25
              Utilization Co., Ltd.
              Qiming Information
              Technology Co.,                                               131,897.06         633.11
              FAW                            59,722.27
Other         FAW Logistics Co.,
                                           323,318.34         323.32         55,370.79       1,688.81
receivables   Ltd.
Other         FAW Foundry Co.,
receivables   Ltd.
Other         China FAW Group              363,892.85        2,547.25

                                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

receivables    Import & Export
               Co., Ltd.
               FAW Asset
               Management Co.,                 386,818.51                    3,124,921.61            93,785.11
               SmartLink                     9,567,968.06   291,823.02       7,597,737.61          231,731.00
Other          FAW Forging (Jilin)
                                                                                23,548.67              718.23
receivables    Co., Ltd.
               FAW Mold
               Manufacturing Co.,                                               19,983.53              609.50
               FAW Logistics
               Lushun) Storage and                                                  1,219.65               37.20
               Transportation Co.,
               FAW Mold
               Manufacturing Co.,           24,958,345.36                   12,268,345.36
               China FAW Group
               Import & Export              97,893,842.46                  291,602,226.68
               Co., Ltd.
               Qiming Information
               Technology Co.,               1,300,611.20                    2,083,957.10
               Automotive Test              29,773,068.93                   26,426,263.51
               Center Co., Ltd.
               The Ninth Institute
               of Project Planning
               & Research of China             867,810.00                      600,000.00
               Machinery Industry
               SmartLink                     1,682,000.00                    5,473,400.00
               FAW Jilin
               Automobile Co.,               3,757,511.16                   12,256,098.84
Prepayment     FAW Foundry Co.,
s              Ltd.

(2) Payables

                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                                                         Beginning Book
  Project Name                    Related Parties             Ending book balance
                  FAW                                                6,188,299.81              29,476,172.06

                          Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

           FAW Harbin Light Automobile Co., Ltd.             19,833,783.87       65,513,752.89
           Sanguard Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd.             837,164.00         2,822,789.08
           FAW Logistics Co., Ltd.                           62,541,066.13       80,290,107.51
Accounts   FAW Logistics (Changchun Lushun) Storage
                                                             12,733,958.63        8,629,745.71
payable    and Transportation Co., Ltd.
           FAW Logistics (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.                   971,125.36
           FAW Logistics (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.                122,291,453.83      104,662,732.36
           FAW (Dalian) International Logistics Co., Ltd.     1,146,147.03        6,942,812.41
           FAW Foundry Co., Ltd.                             62,978,613.78       44,286,964.68
           FAW Forging (Jilin) Co., Ltd.                     14,995,105.72       76,891,932.23
           FAW Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                    198,377.90         1,133,423.20
           China FAW Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.           386,921.09         2,678,724.16
           Qiming Information Technology Co., Ltd.           25,145,671.35       32,857,375.09
           FAW Asset Management Co., Ltd.                      452,360.34          226,180.17
           FAW Zhixing Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.            56,300.00           16,200.00
Accounts   FAW Changchun Automobile Trading Service
                                                               252,245.05         2,609,565.02
payable    Co., Ltd.
           Wuxi Sawane Spring Co., Ltd.                       2,321,062.19         377,207.77
           Changchun Automotive Test Center Co., Ltd.          238,700.00         6,851,687.59
Accounts   FAW Hongta Yunnan Automobile
payable    Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Accounts   FAW Changchun Baoyou Jiefang Steel
                                                               117,302.64          117,304.27
payable    Processing and Distribution Co., Ltd.
Accounts   Changchun Wabco Automotive Control System
                                                              9,955,310.52        5,414,883.93
payable    Co., Ltd.
           Suzhou Zhito Technology Co., Ltd.                  1,517,123.38           10,237.07
           SmartLink                                          9,481,061.27       18,624,052.12
           Changchun FAW United Casting Company               2,826,258.25           39,972.52
           Changchun Yidong Clutch Co., Ltd.                 80,559,751.91       52,247,878.28
Accounts   Fawer Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                       410,219,192.48      321,637,528.00

                         Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

           Changchun FAWSN Group Co., Ltd.                 87,142,731.86        33,612,267.32
Accounts   FAW Changchun Communication Technology
                                                              894,647.22            61,517.85
payable    Co., Ltd.
Accounts   Changchun FAWAY Automobile Components
                                                          149,954,475.86       142,502,192.54
payable    Co., Ltd.
           Changchun Automotive Economic and
Accounts   Technological Development Zone
                                                              212,699.82          451,864.50
payable    Environmental Sanitation and Cleaning Co.,
           Wuxi CRRC New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd.          757,023.75
Accounts   FAW Changchun Comprehensive Utilization
                                                              177,817.38         2,361,868.60
payable    Co., Ltd.
Accounts   FAW Changchun Yanfeng Visteon Electronics
                                                               52,137.94            51,837.99
payable    Co., Ltd.
           Shandong Pengxiang Automobile Co., Ltd.         86,134,801.21        95,007,782.33
Accounts   Hongqi Intelligent Mobility Technology
                                                              279,949.22          326,523.80
payable    (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
           Grammer Vehicle Parts (Harbin) Co., Ltd.        53,590,737.22        10,120,909.07
           Hainan Tropical Automobile Test Co., Ltd.                             1,625,476.03
Accounts   Changchun FAW International Tendering Co.,
payable    Ltd.
           FAW Logistics (Foshan) Co., Ltd.                                          4,293.00
           FAW Group                                                             2,212,607.00
Accounts   Dalian Qiming Haitong Information
payable    Technology Co., Ltd.
Accounts   FAW Changchun Tianqi Process Equipment
payable    Engineering Co., Ltd.
Accounts   China Unicom Intelligent Network Technology
payable    Co., Ltd.
Accounts   FAW Changchun Industrial Shuixing Rubber
payable    and Plastic Products Co., Ltd.
           FAW Group                                        1,557,231.25
           FAW                                              4,185,509.65        95,802,940.17
           Sanguard Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd.             78,000.00            77,800.00
           FAW Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                38,494,533.47        17,227,387.87
           China FAW Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.       14,308,220.88         3,485,617.92

                            Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

              Qiming Information Technology Co., Ltd.         14,242,385.77        21,046,660.22
              Changchun Automotive Test Center Co., Ltd.         778,615.62        26,847,716.00
Other         The Ninth Institute of Project Planning &
                                                               15,330,311.40       94,265,971.56
payables      Research of China Machinery Industry (FIPPR)
Other         FAW Changchun Baoyou Jiefang Steel
payables      Processing and Distribution Co., Ltd.
              SmartLink                                           79,133.00         1,876,477.00
              Changchun Yidong Clutch Co., Ltd.                  455,297.19
              Fawer Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                      18,670,798.96        10,095,378.21
Other         FAW Changchun Communication Technology
                                                                2,221,042.13        3,062,361.99
payables      Co., Ltd.
              Shandong Pengxiang Automobile Co., Ltd.            800,000.00         1,040,000.00
Other         FAW Hongta Yunnan Automobile
payables      Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
              FAW Harbin Light Automobile Co., Ltd.                                 8,241,822.24
              Changchun Faw Service Trade Co., Ltd.                                  320,000.00
              Suzhou Zhito Technology Co., Ltd.                                        10,000.00
              FAW Asset Management Co., Ltd.                                            3,925.62
              China FAW Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.         9,195,426.75        4,057,439.29
              FAW Asset Management Co., Ltd.                      20,698.19
              Changchun Faw Service Trade Co., Ltd.             5,193,035.42       28,117,018.95
              Suzhou Zhito Technology Co., Ltd.                  176,990.83          334,400.00
Contract      FAW Jiefang Fujie (Tianjin) Technology
liabilities   Industry Co., Ltd.
Contract      Jiefang Times New Energy Technology Co.,
liabilities   Ltd.
Contract      FAW Changchun Comprehensive Utilization
                                                                1,124,205.71        2,463,687.98
liabilities   Co., Ltd.
Contract      FAW Jiefang Fujie (Tianjin) Technology
liabilities   Industry Co., Ltd.
              Shandong Pengxiang Automobile Co., Ltd.                                492,721.62
Contract      FAW Changchun Automobile Trading Service
liabilities   Co., Ltd.
Contract      FAW New Energy Vehicle Sales (Shenzhen)                                   8,060.00

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  liabilities       Co., Ltd.
  received in       FAW                                                             387,437.84
                    FAW Changchun Automobile Trading Service
  received in                                                                          26,830.00
                    Co., Ltd.
  received in       Fawer Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                                      107,748.00                107,748.00
                    FAW Changchun Communication Technology
  received in                                                                           6,422.03
                    Co., Ltd.
  received in       Shandong Pengxiang Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                   210,381.00

XV. Share-based Payment

1. General conditions of share-based payments

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                            Unit: CNY

                Shares granted
                                  exercised in        Shares unlocked in the current       Shares invalidated in the current
                in the current
   Grantee                         the current                    period                                period
   category                          period
                Quant     Amo    Quan     Amo
                                                       Quantity            Amount            Quantity            Amount
                 ity      unt     tity     unt
  Manager                                           13,107,301.00      50,594,181.86        15,479,987.00     97,950,033.45
     Total                                          13,107,301.00      50,594,181.86        15,479,987.00     97,950,033.45

Stock options or other equity instruments outstanding at the end of the current period
□Applicable Not applicable
Other description

2. Equity-settled share-based payment

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                                             Restricted shares are determined according to the
  Measures for determining the fair value of equity
  instruments on the grant date                              closing price on the grant date, and stock options are
                                                             determined according to the B-S option pricing model.
  Important parameters of fair value of equity
  instruments on the grant date                              Quoted prices in active markets

  Basis for determining the number of exercisable            The Company determines the number according to the

                                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  equity instruments                                         Proposal on the Restricted Share Incentive Plan of
                                                             FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD. (Draft) and Its
                                                             Summary, the Proposal on the Regulations for the
                                                             Implementation Assessment of Restricted Share
                                                             Incentive Plan of FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.,
                                                             the Proposal on the Regulations for Restricted Share
                                                             Incentive of FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD., and
                                                             the Proposal on Requesting the Shareholders’ Meeting
                                                             to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle Matters
                                                             Related to the Company’s Restricted Share Incentive
  Reasons for significant differences between current
  estimates and previous estimates
  Aggregate amount of equity-settled share-based
  payment charged to the capital reserve
  Total expenses recognized by equity-settled share-
  based payment in the current period
Other description

3. Cash-settled share-based payment

□Applicable Not applicable

4. Share-based payment expenses in the current period

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                       Unit: CNY

                                        Equity-settled share-based payment      Cash-settled share-based payment
            Grantee category
                                                        expenses                            expenses
  Manager                                                          605,418.43
                    Total                                          605,418.43
Other description

5. Modification and termination of share-based payment: None

XVI. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Important commitments

Important commitments existing on the balance sheet date
The Company has no other commitments that should be disclosed as of June 30, 2024.

                                  Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

2. Contingencies

(1) Important contingencies existing on the balance sheet date

Contingent liabilities arising from pending litigation and arbitration and their financial impact

                                                                                 Court of       Subject amount        Case
  Plaintiff                  Defendant                     Cause of Action
                                                                                Acceptance          (yuan)          Progress
              Changchun Yongchun Automobile
Pacific                                                                       Lvyuan
              Shipping Co., Ltd., Zhang Tianbao, FAW
Insurance                                                                     District
              Jiefang Automobile Co., Ltd., FAW         Traffic accident                                              First
Co., Ltd.                                                                     People’s Court       2,566,400.00
              Jiefang Automobile Co., Ltd. Smart        liability case                                              instance
Changchun                                                                     of Changchun
              Logistics Branch, Sanguard Automobile
Center                                                                        City
              Insurance Co., Ltd. Jilin Branch
Sun           Zaozhuang Jujin Vehicle Co., Ltd., FAW Product liability                                                First
                                                                              People’s Court       1,580,000.00
Zhongwu       Group                                     cases                                                       instance
                                                                              of Zaozhuang
              Wei Chengtie, Nanning Hongfa Logistics                          District
He Zihua,                                               Traffic accident                                              First
              Co., Ltd., FAW Group, Guangxi Jiefang                           People’s Court        901,417.50
Deng Liwen                                              liability case                                              instance
              Automobile Trading Co., Ltd.                                    of Nanning
Lefeng        Shenzhen SF Zhida Network Technology Product liability                                                 Second
                                                                              Intermediate           643,091.56
Logistics     Co., Ltd., FAW Group                      cases                                                       instance
                                                                              People’s Court
Co., Ltd.
                                                                              Yuhui District
              Bengbu Huaxin Automobile Sales and        Product liability     People’s Court                         First
Smooth                                                                                               551,325.93
              Service Co., Ltd., FAW Group              cases                 of Bengbu                             instance
Co., Ltd.
                                                                              Xin’an County
              Luoyang Kayou Automobile Sales and        Product liability     People’s                            First
Automobile                                                                                           452,960.30
              Service Co., Ltd., FAW Group              cases                 Court, Henan                         instance
Co., Ltd.
Founder       FAW Jiefang (Qingdao) Automotive Co., Infringement              Beijing                              First
Electronics Ltd.                                        disputes              Internet Court                       instance

                                        Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

                    Zhang Tianbao, Changchun Yongchun
                    Automobile Shipping Co., Ltd., FAW                          Kangping
     Dong Yan,
                    Logistics Co., Ltd., Sanguard                               County
     Shang Jia,                                             Traffic accident                                      First
                    Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd. Jilin                        People’s Court      391,171.05
     Shang Hui,                                             liability case                                        instance
                    Branch, FAW Jiefang Automobile Co.,                         of Shenyang
     Liu Guoying
                    Ltd. Smart Logistics Branch, FAW                            City
                    Jiefang Automobile Co., Ltd.
     Jiefang                                                                    Changchun
                                                            Product liability                                     Second
     Automobile FAW Group                                                       Intermediate         308,244.66
                                                            cases                                                 instance
     Sales and                                                                  People’s Court
     Service Co.,
                    Zhang Tianbao, Changchun Yongchun
                    Automobile Shipping Co., Ltd., FAW                          Kangping
                    Logistics Co., Ltd., Sanguard                               County
                                                            Traffic accident                                      First
     Liu Zhenyu Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd. Jilin                            People’s Court      268,262.96
                                                            liability case                                        instance
                    Branch, FAW Jiefang Automobile Co.,                         of Shenyang
                    Ltd. Smart Logistics Branch, FAW                            City
                    Jiefang Automobile Co., Ltd.

      As of June 30, 2024, the Company has no contingencies other than those mentioned above that should be

      (2) Explanation is also required when the Company has no important contingencies to be disclosed

    The Company has no important contingencies to be disclosed.

    XVII. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

    1. Notes on other events after the balance sheet date

    The Company had no events after the balance sheet date to be disclosed as of August 29, 2024.

    XVIII. Other Significant Matters

    1. Annuity plan

    The Company decided to participate in the enterprise annuity plan implemented by FAW Group from January 1,
    2010, and 5 other companies implemented self-defined enterprise annuity plans according to the Labor Law of the
    People’s Republic of China, the Trust Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Trial Measures for Enterprise
    Annuity (Order No. 20 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security) and other laws and regulations, and in
    combination with actual situation of the Company.

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

Main contents of annuity plan are as follows:

(1) “Enterprise annuity” mentioned in this plan refers to the enterprise supplementary endowment insurance system
voluntarily established by the enterprise and its employees according to national policies and regulations on the
basis of purchasing the basic endowment insurance and fulfilling the payment obligation according to law, and is
an integral part of the enterprise employee compensation and welfare system.

(2) Organization, management and supervision: Enterprise representatives and employee representatives establish
the FAW Enterprise Annuity Council (hereinafter referred to as the Annuity Council) through collective negotiation.
The Annuity Council is composed of enterprise and employee representatives, of which not less than one third are
employee representatives. The Annuity Council, as the trustee of this plan, is responsible for the operation and
management of FAW Group’s enterprise annuity fund.

(3) Fund raising and payment methods: The expenses required for enterprise annuity are jointly paid by the
enterprise and employees.

(4) Account management: The enterprise annuity fund implements a full accumulation system and is managed by
personal accounts. At the same time, enterprise accounts are established to collect unvested rights and interests.

(5) Fund management: The enterprise annuity fund consists of the following items: ① Enterprise’s payment; ②
Employees’ payment; ③ Investment and operation income. The enterprise annuity fund is entrusted to the Annuity
Council for management. The enterprise and employee representatives entrust the Company to sign the enterprise
annuity fund entrusted management contract with the Annuity Council through collective negotiation, and entrust
the Annuity Council for management and market-oriented operation of the enterprise annuity fund collected by this

(6) Benefit planning and distribution: The employee’s payment and its investment income belong to the employee;
the part of enterprise’s payment distributed to the individual account and its investment income belong to the
employee as specified, and the part not belonging to the individual is transferred to the enterprise account.

(7) Payment method of enterprise annuity: ① For the retired employee and the employee completing the retirement
procedures, the balance of the annuity personal account can be received at one time (or monthly, in several times or
at one time based the balance of the individual account, the individual income tax burden, etc.); ② For the dead,
the balance of the individual account of the enterprise annuity can be collected by the legal successor at one time;
③ For the overseas residents, the balance of the personal account of the enterprise annuity may be paid to them at
one time according to their requirements.

XIX. Notes to Major Items of Parent Company’s Financial Statements

1 Other receivables

                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                  Item                              Ending balance                        Opening balance

                                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Other receivables                                          219,864.00                   219,864.00
  Total                                                      219,864.00                   219,864.00

(1) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                Nature                        Ending book balance         Beginning Book Balance
  Current account                                            459,006.26                   459,006.26
  Total                                                      459,006.26                   459,006.26

2) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                Aging                         Ending book balance         Beginning Book Balance
  2-3 years                                                  459,006.26                   459,006.26
  Total                                                      459,006.26                   459,006.26

                                                                                         Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
3) Disclosure by the method of provision for bad debts

                                                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                     Ending balance                                                             Opening balance
                                Book balance               Provision for Bad Debts                       Book balance             Provision for Bad Debts
          Category                                                                       Book                                                                  Book
                                                                        Provision        Value                                                 Provision       Value
                           Amount       Percentage         Amount                                      Amount      Percentage     Amount
                                                                        proportion                                                             proportion
  Provision for bad
  debts made by           459,006.26      100.00%     239,142.26           52.10%    219,864.00   459,006.26         100.00%     239,142.26        52.10%   219,864.00
  Total                   459,006.26      100.00%     239,142.26           52.10%    219,864.00   459,006.26         100.00%     239,142.26        52.10%   219,864.00

Category name of provision for bad debt reserve by combination:
                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                                                           Ending balance
                                                                          Book balance                          Provision for Bad Debts           Provision proportion
  Provision for bad debts made by portfolio                                               459,006.26                              239,142.26                     52.10%
  Total                                                                                   459,006.26                              239,142.26
Description of the basis for determining this portfolio:

                                      Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses:
                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                                          Stage I             Stage II                 Stage III
                                                        Expected credit loss      Expected credit loss
        Provision for Bad Debts    Expected Credit                                                                Total
                                                          in the duration            for the entire
                                    Losses for the
                                                        (credit impairment          duration (with
                                   Next 12 Months
                                                           not occurred)          credit impairment)
     Balance as at January 1,
                                                                 239,142.26                                         239,142.26
     Balance on January 1,
     2024 in the current period
     Balance as at June 30,
                                                                 239,142.26                                         239,142.26
  Basis for stage division and proportion of bad debt provision
  Significant book balance changes occurred in the provision for losses in the current period
  □Applicable Not applicable

  4) Top five ending balances of other receivables classified by debtors

                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                                                                                        Proportion in
                                                                                                             Ending Balance
                              Nature of                                                  total ending
        Name of Unit                           Ending balance            Aging                               of Provision for
                              Payment                                                  balance of other
                                                                                                                Bad Debts
     Customer 1          Current account            459,006.26      2-3 years                   100.00%           239,142.26
     Total                                          459,006.26                                  100.00%           239,142.26

  2. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                                  Ending balance                                                Opening balance
   Item                                                                                              irme
                  Book balance                        Book Value                 Book balance          nt           Book Value
t in
                 21,084,445,613.03                  21,084,445,613.03            21,084,445,613.03                21,084,445,613.03
t in
                  4,710,080,557.64                   4,710,080,557.64             4,509,604,357.16                 4,509,604,357.16
and joint
Total            25,794,526,170.67                  25,794,526,170.67            25,594,049,970.19                25,594,049,970.19

                                 Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                      Opening       Increase/Decrease in the                           Ending
                                      balance            current period                                balance
                Opening balance          of      Additi   Redu    Impair          Ending balance          of
                 (book value)        impairme     onal     ced     ment     Oth    (book Value)       impairme
                                         nt      Invest   Inves   Provisi   ers                           nt
                                     provision    ment    tment     on                                provision
  Automoti       21,084,445,613.03                                                21,084,445,613.03
  ve Co.,
  Total          21,084,445,613.03                                                21,084,445,613.03

                                                                                       Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.
  (2) Investment in associated enterprises and joint ventures

                                                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                                                                           Increase/Decrease in the current period
                                       Openin                                                                           Cash                                          Ending
                                          g                                                                             divide                                        balanc
                                       balance                                                                            nds
                                                 Addition              Investment gains or   Adjustment to     Chan              Impai                                 e of
                Opening balance           of                Reduced                                                       and                  Ending balance
 Investor                                           al                  losses recognized        other         ges in            rment   Oth                          impair
                 (book value)          impair               Investme                                                    profit                  (book Value)
                                                 Investme                under the equity    comprehensive     other             Provi   ers                           ment
                                        ment                   nt                                                          s
                                                    nt                       method             income         equity             sion                                provisi
                                       provisi                                                                          declar                                          on
                                         on                                                                              ed to
I. Joint ventures
II. Associated enterprises
                    4,337,808,758.45                                      192,765,866.35         -96,836.64                                    4,530,477,788.16
e Finance
Co., Ltd.
e                    171,795,598.71                                          2,127,273.48      5,679,897.29                                      179,602,769.48
Co., Ltd.
Subtotal            4,509,604,357.16                                      194,893,139.83       5,583,060.65                                    4,710,080,557.64
Total               4,509,604,357.16                                      194,893,139.83       5,583,060.65                                    4,710,080,557.64

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

The recoverable amount is the net amount of the fair value after deducting the disposal expenses
□Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is the present value of the expected future cash flow
□Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for apparent discrepancies between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
tests or external information in the previous year
Reasons for apparent discrepancies between the information used in the Company’s impairment tests in the
previous year and the actual situation in the current year

3. Investment income

                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                                Amount Incurred in the Previous
                  Item                    Amount Incurred in Current Period
  Long-term equity investment
  income calculated with cost                                353,500,000.00
  Income from long-term equity
  investments accounted for using                            194,893,139.83                        232,563,045.29
  the equity method
  Total                                                      548,393,139.83                        232,563,045.29

XX. Supplementary Information

1. Breakdown of non-recurring profit or loss of current period

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                         Item                                Amount                        Description
  Profits or losses on disposal of non-current                                 It refers to the net gain on disposal
  assets                                                                       of non-current assets.
  Government subsidies included in the current
  profit or loss (except those closely related to the
  Company’s normal operations, conforming to
  the State policies and regulations and enjoyed             209,501,338.40
  in line with the specified standards, and having
  a continuous impact on the profit or loss of the
                                                                               It mainly refers to the reversal of
  Reversal of impairment provision for                                         impairment provision for
  receivables subject to separate impairment test                              receivables subject to separate
                                                                               impairment test.
  Non-operating income and expenses other than                 24,323,682.07   They mainly refer to the net non-

                                   Full Text of 2024 Semi-annual Report FAW JIEFANG GROUP CO., LTD.

  the above                                                                        operating income and expenses
  Less: amount affected by income tax                            44,675,062.74
  Total                                                        194,376,046.55                         --

Specific conditions of other profit and loss items meeting the definition of non-recurring profit and loss:
□Applicable Not applicable
There is no specific conditions of profit and loss items meeting definition of non-recurring profit and loss for the
Explanation on defining the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on
Information Disclosure by Companies Issuing Securities Publicly - Non-recurring Profit and Loss as recurring
profit and loss items
□Applicable Not applicable

2. Return on net assets and earnings per share

                                                                                 Earnings per Share
    Profit for the Reporting     Weighted average return
                                       on equity              Basic earnings per share        Diluted earnings per
                                                                   (CNY/share)                share (CNY/share)
  Net profit attributable to
  ordinary shareholders of                          1.93%                         0.1034                       0.1034
  the Company
  Net profit attributable to
  ordinary shareholders of
  the Company after                                 1.19%                         0.0614                       0.0614
  deduction of non-
  recurring profit and loss

3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

(1) Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed simultaneously according to the
international accounting standards and China accounting standards

□Applicable Not applicable

(2) Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed simultaneously according to
foreign accounting standards and China accounting standards

□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Explanation of the reasons for accounting data differences under domestic and foreign accounting
standards shall be given, and where data audited by an overseas audit authority has been adjusted based on
the differences, the name of the overseas institution shall be indicated.
