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						 Stock Abbr.: Shen Wuye A                   Stock Code: 000011                           Announcement No.: 2012-9


                            THE FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT 2012

 §1 Important Notes
 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior
 executives of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd (hereinafter referred to
 as “the Company”) guarantee that this report does not contain any false information, misleading
 statement or material omission and will be jointly and severally liable for the factuality, accuracy
 and completeness of the contents of this report.
 1.2 The first quarterly financial report has not been audited by an accounting firm.
 1.3 Mr. Chen Yugang, company principal, Mr. Wang Hangjun, chief of the accounting work, and Ms.
 Shen Xueying, chief of the accounting organ / chief of accounting, hereby confirm that the
 Financial Report enclosed in the quarterly report is true and complete.
 English version for reference only. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the
 Chinese version shall prevail.

 §2 Company Profile
 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indices
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   At the end of the
                                                              At the end of last year   Increase/decrease (%)
                                   reporting period
  Total assets                       3,553,098,048.28              3,499,608,314.21                       1.53%
  Owner’s equity attributable
  to shareholders of listed          1,135,712,956.70              1,130,243,873.92                       0.48%
  Share capital (Share)                595,979,092.00                595,979,092.00                       0.00%
  Net asset per share
  attributable to shareholders                  1.9056                        1.8964                      0.49%
  of listed company
                                   Reporting period          Same period of last year   Increase/decrease (%)
  Sales turnover            (RMB
                                       122,683,018.94                 977,257,810.34                    -87.45%
  Net profit attributable to
  shareholders   of     listed           5,460,610.06                 284,605,173.95                    -98.08%
  company (RMB Yuan)
  Net cash flow arising from
                                       248,705,663.38                -386,088,186.93                   -164.42%
  operating activities (RMB

 Net cash flow per share
 arising     from  operating                      0.4173                   -0.6478                         -164.42%
 activities (RMB Yuan/share)
 Basic earnings per share
                                                  0.0092                   0.4775                              -98.07%
 (RMB Yuan/share)
 Diluted earnings per share
                                                  0.0092                   0.4775                              -98.07%
 (RMB Yuan/share)
 Weighted average return on
                                                  0.48%                   27.99%                               -27.51%
 equity (%)
 Weighted average return on
 equity     after deducting
                                                  0.44%                   27.98%                               -27.54%
 extraordinary gains and
 losses (%)

Items of extraordinary gains and losses
√Applicable          □Non-applicable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                From the year-begin to the
           Items of extraordinary gains and losses                                               Notes (if applicable)
                                                                                                 Gains              on
 Gains and losses on non-current asset disposal                                  528,285.00
                                                                                                 disposing         old
                                                                                                 vehicles for renewal
 Gains and losses on external entrustment loans                                  151,287.50
 Other non-operating incomes and expenses than the
 Income tax effects                                                              -140,346.25
                            Total                                                508,855.03                -

2.2 Statement on total number of shareholders and shares held by the top ten shareholders not
subject to trading moratorium
                                                                                  Unit: Share
   Total number of shareholders at the
                      Shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium
                                              Shares not subject to trading
         Full name of shareholders                                                             Type of share
                                            moratorium held at the period-end
 TRADE    CENTER    PROPERTY                                         2,514,781     RMB common shares
                                                                                   Domestically listed foreign
 ZENG YING                                                           1,750,000

                                                            1,060,000   RMB common shares
                                                                        Domestically listed foreign
 ZHOU YONGHONG                                                781,633
 XU GUOXING                                                   762,600   RMB common shares
                                                                        Domestically listed foreign
 ZHENG HENG                                                   702,800
 LONG KEYI                                                    679,700   RMB common shares
                                                                        Domestically listed foreign
 LIU LIAOYUAN                                                 641,900
 GUOTAI  JUNAN     SECURITIES                                           Domestically listed foreign
 (HONGKONG) LIMITED                                                     shares
                                                                        Domestically listed foreign
 WENG ZHENGWEN                                                516,700

§3 Significant Events
3.1 Significant changes in major accounting data, financial highlights and reasons for these changes.
√Applicable           □Non-applicable
1. Other receivables stood at RMB 12,724,140.79 at the period-end, up 280.17% over the
year-begin, which was mainly because subsidiaries paid more outstanding water and electricity
charges and other expenses for others.
2. Accounts received in advance stood at RMB 519,252,897.14 at the period-end, up 148.86% over
the year-begin, which was mainly because property payments received in advance due to the
projects on sale increased.
3. Non-current liabilities due within one year stood at RMB 7,486,584.91 at the period-end, down
96.57% over the year-begin, which was mainly because some debts were paid upon maturity.
4. Long-term borrowings stood at RMB 30,616,666.65 at the period-end, up 317.50% over the
year-begin, which was mainly because subsidiaries secured more borrowings.
5. Operating revenue for the reporting period stood at RMB 122,683,018.94, down 87.45% over the
same period of last year, which was mainly because in the same period of last year, the
PRDShengang No. 1 project reached the conditions for income carry-forward and accumulative
sales realized in the same period of last year and previous years were collectively settled in the
same period of last year, while the total area eligible for settlement in the reporting period
decreased considerably as compared with the same period of last year.
6. Operating cost for the reporting period stood at RMB 83,328,784.36, down 68.78% over the
same period of last year, which was mainly because real estate projects that were eligible for
income carry-forward decreased.
7. Business tax and surtaxes for the reporting period stood at RMB 11,142,216.09, down 96.41%
over the same period of last year, which was mainly because real estate income deceased and the
corresponding business tax and VAT also decreased.
8. Selling expense for the reporting period stood at RMB 2,811,219.62, up 33.47% over the same

period of last year, which was mainly because projects on sale increased and marketing were
enhanced according to market changes, causing more marketing expense.
9. Financial expense for the reporting period stood at RMB -556,953.89, down 132.48% over the
same period of last year, which was mainly because interest capitalization increased.
10. Investment income for the reporting period stood at RMB 1,180,576.40, up 827.86% over the
same period of last year, which was mainly because joint ventures of the Company achieved more
11. Investment gains on associates and joint ventures for the reporting period stood at RMB
1,029,288.90, up 708.96% over the same period of last year, which was mainly because the
Company’s joint venture Shenzhen ITC Tian’an Properties Co., Ltd. achieved more profits.
12. Net non-operating income for the reporting period stood at RMB 497,913.78, up 277.52% over
the same period of last year, which was mainly because subsidiaries achieved more income from
disposing old vehicles for renewal.
13. Income tax expense for the reporting period stood at RMB 997,654.48, down 98.92% over the
same period of last year, which was mainly because profit achieved by the subsidiary Shenzhen
Huangcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd. decreased considerably.
14. Operating profit, total profit and net profit for the reporting period stood at RMB 5,960,350.76,
RMB 6,458,264.54 and RMB 5,460,610.06 respectively, down 98.42%, 98.28% and 98.08%
respectively over the same period of last year, which was mainly because the real estate area
eligible for settlement decreased, causing a considerable year-on-year drop of the income carried
15. Net cash flows from operating activities from the year-begin to the period-end stood at RMB
248,705,663.38, up 164.42% over the same period of last year, which was mainly because property
sale generated more capital inflows in the reporting period and in the same period of last year, the
Company paid RMB 386 million for land in Yangzhou and taxes.
16. Net cash flows from investing activities from the year-begin to the period-end stood at RMB
-37,556.01, with the net outflows down 94.40% over the same period of last year, which was
mainly because subsidiaries renewed vehicles and disposed old ones, generating more income.
17. Net cash flows from financing activities from the year-begin to the period-end stood at RMB
-263,263,566.85, down 169.09% over the same period of last year, which was mainly because the
Company secured fewer borrowings and repaid more due borrowings.

3.2 Progress of significant events as well as their influence and solutions
3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion
□Applicable         √Inapplicable
3.2.2 The Company provides funds for the controlling shareholder or its related parties or provides
external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedure
√Applicable         □Inapplicable
A. There existed no such cases where the Company provided external guarantees for the controlling
shareholder or its related parties in violation of the prescribed procedure.
B. On 13 May 2011, the 32nd Session of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company reviewed and
passed the Proposal on Providing Entrust Loan to Shenxin Taxi Co., Ltd. For details, please refer to
the Public Notice on Resolutions of the Board Session on 16 May 2011. On 20 May 2011,
Shenzhen ITC Property Management Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary, entrusted Shenzhen

Branch of Ping An Bank to provide entrust loan of RMB 9 million for Shenxin Taxi Co., Ltd., the
subsidiary of the Company’s controlling shareholder, with the expiry date as 20 May 2013 and
annual interest rate as 6.40%. In the reporting period, the loan brought interest income of RMB
352,000. The entrustment loan belongs to credit loan, which was used in operational turnover for
Shenxin Taxi Co., Ltd.. Shenxin Taxi Co., Ltd., of which the Company holds 100% swap-in equity,
is a swap-in enterprise after the Company made commitment on share merger reform and replaced
assets. As at the end of the reporting period, relevant transfer procedures are still in progress.

3.2.3 Significant contracts signed and executed concerning routine operation
□Applicable           √Inapplicable
3.2.4 Other
√Applicable           □Inapplicable
A. No new significant lawsuit or arbitration occurred in the reporting period. And no new progress
occurred in other significant lawsuits and arbitrations disclosed before.
B. On 17 Feb. 2012, the Proposal on Engaging Vice GM was reviewed and approved at the 6th
Session of the 7th Board of Directors, engaging Mr. Fan Weiping, company secretary, to take a
concurrent post as vice GM of the Company. For more details, see the announcement on resolutions
made at the board session disclosed on Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao and http://cninfo.com.cn
dated 20 Feb. 2012.
C. During the reporting period, the Company continued to proactively carried forward internal
control improvement and progress made during the reporting period is detailed as follows: Firstly,
the Company carried out a preliminary rectification according to the internal control defect
rectification plan, covering the Company, Shenzhen Huacheng Real Estate Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen
International Trade Center Property Management Company. Secondly, it carried out supplementary
tests upon the rectification results. Finally, the scope, schedule and work division for the internal
control self-evaluation were determined. The Company will implement the Basic Norms for
Internal Control of Enterprises and its mating guidance, accelerate formulation and improvement of
the internal control rules, and steadily push forward the implementation of internal control

3.3 Commitments made by the Company, its shareholders and actual controller
Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders
holding over 5% of the Company’s shares, actual controller and other related parties in the reporting
period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting period
√Applicable         □Inapplicable
  Commitment                                              Contents                                         Fulfillment
                                      1. The Company’s non-tradable share holders         1. Up to the disclosure date of this report,
                   Shenzhen           Construction Holdings and Investment Management      Construction   Holdings   and   Investment
 Commitment        Investment         Company made a common commitment to abide by         Management Company have not sold the
 made in a share   Holdings Co.,      laws, regulations and rules and perform prescribed   shares of the Company.
 reform            Ltd. (Investment   commitment duties. And they also made special        2. (1) Up to the disclosure date of this
                   Holdings)          commitments as follows: Non-tradable shares held     report, Investment Holdings have not sold
                                      by   Construction    Holdings   and    Investment    the shares of the Company that are actually

Management Company would not be traded or                controlled      by     it.    (2)     To     fulfill    the
transferred within 36 months since they acquired         commitment, the Company and Investment
right of trade. After expiration of the aforesaid        Holdings jointly planned to start relevant
commitment, originally non-tradable shares sold          matters. On 17 Sept. 2010, the Company
through the listing and trading system on the            disclosed Public Notice on Fulfilling Share
Shenzhen Stock Exchange should not exceed 5              Merger         Reform          Commitments              and
percents of total shares of the Company within 12        Implementing                 Significant           Assets
months, as well as not exceed 10 percents within 24      Replacement             (Significant              Related
months. In case these companies acted against the        Transactions), which was approved at the 1st
above commitment and sold shares of the Company,         Special Shareholders’ General Meeting in
the income from sales of the shares would belong to      2010. For details, please refer to the
the Company.                                             Company’s Public Notice on Resolutions of
2. Investment Holdings made a commitment to              the    1st    Special        Shareholders’ General
abide by laws, regulations and rules and perform         Meeting in 2010 dated 14 Oct. 2010. In
prescribed commitment duties. And it also made           Nov.       2009,     Investment        Holdings         had
special commitments as follows: (1) Non-tradable         applied to the China Securities Depository
shares held by Investment Holdings would not be          and Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen
traded or transferred within 36 months since they        Branch for freezing 30 million shares of the
acquired right of trade. After expiration of the         Company that are actually controlled by its
aforesaid   commitment,      originally   non-tradable   and are registered under the name of
shares sold through the listing and trading system       Construction Holdings; By now, those
on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange should not exceed         shares have been unfrozen due to expiration
5 percents of total shares of the Company within 12      of the freezing period. (3) On 18 Mar. 2010,
months, as well as not exceed 10 percents within 24      the     Company         convened           the    Annual
months. In case these companies acted against the        Shareholders’ General Meeting for Y2009,
above commitment and sold shares of the Company,         which reviewed and approved the Proposal
the income from sales of the shares would belong to      on      Applying        Entrusted          Loan        from
the Company. (2) Within one year since the               Controlling Shareholder. The Shareholders’
non-tradable shares held by Construction Holdings        General Meeting authorized the Company
and Investment Management Company controlled             Board to deal with events including signing
by Investment Holdings acquired the right of             of agreement concerning the entrusted loan
trading, Investment Holdings will start up capital       of no less than RMB 500 million, loan
injection to the Company, that is, Investment            extension, grant of new loan for repaying
Holdings will inject legitimate capital no less than     old loan, and loan repayment basing on the
RMB 500 million including land resource in lump          Company’s actual needs and the negotiation
sum or in batches by replace or other legitimate         with Investment Holdings and relevant
way, will increase land reserves of the Company          banks. For details, please refer to the
and enhance profitability in the future. In case the     Company’s Public Notice on Resolutions of
aforesaid capital failed to start completely within      the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting
one year, Investment Holdings will compensate            for Y2009 dated 19 Mar. 2010. On 28 Dec.
20% of reorganization capital failing to start to the    2010,        with    China          Everbright         Bank
Company within 30 days when expiration of 1 year,        Shenzhen        Jingtian       Sub-branch         as    the
and continued to implement the capital injection         trustee,      Investment        Holdings         provided
which had been started. As for the capital injection     entrusted loan of RMB 10 million to the

                      failing to start, Investment Holdings will not         Company’s    subsidiary   Shenzhen   ITC
                      implement. Note: Startup of capital injection means    Vehicles Industry Co., Ltd.; From the
                      capital injection program has been reviewed and        period-end to the disclosure date of this
                      approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting of      report,   Investment   Holdings   provided
                      the Company. Investment Holdings was willing to        entrusted loan of RMB 490 million to the
                      entrust China Securities Depository and Clearing       Company. (4) The implementation of the
                      Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch to freeze 30       said commitment depends on the net profit
                      million shares of the Company, which was under         as of year 2012.
                      name    of   Shenzhen     Construction   Investment
                      Holdings Co. and actually controlled by Shenzhen
                      Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., as guarantee for the
                      above commitment. (3) Within 24 months since
                      non-tradable shares held by Construction Holdings
                      and Investment Management Company controlled
                      by Investment Holdings acquired right to trade,
                      Investment Holdings commit that they will support
                      balance no less than RMB 500 million with method
                      of entrust loan in line with relevant provisions of
                      laws and administrative statutes to release nervous
                      capital of the Company. The aforesaid balance
                      means accumulative incurred amount within 24
                      months since the date when non-tradable shares
                      held by Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.,
                      Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings and
                      Shenzhen     Investment   Management     Co.,   Ltd.
                      acquired right to trade, and each entrust loan for
                      support will not be less than 12 months; the above
                      cash support of RMB 500 million excluded entrust
                      loan offered before the date when non-tradable
                      shares held by Shenzhen Construction Investment
                      Holdings and Shenzhen Investment Management
                      Co., Ltd. controlled by Shenzhen Investment
                      Holdings Co., Ltd., acquired right to trade. (4) In
                      case that net profit of the Company in any year of
                      2010, 2011 and 2012 was less than 2009,
                      Investment Holdings will make up balance of net
                      profit between the year and 2009 with cash.
made in an
                N/A   N/A                                                    N/A
report or an
equity change
Commitment      N/A   N/A                                                    N/A

 made in
 significant asset
 made in              N/A                   N/A                                                                N/A
 (including           N/A                   N/A                                                                N/A

3.4 Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the
period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the
same period of the last year according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons
√Applicable        □Inapplicable
 Business performance
                                     Significant decrease at the same direction
                                      From the year-begin to the
                                                                             Same period of last
                                       end of the next reporting                                                      Increase/decrease (%)
 Estimated accumulative net                         -                                                                                  -
                                       1,000.00            6,000.00                       29,969.00        Decrease         79.98%             96.66%
 profit (RMB Ten thousand)                          -                                                                                  -
 Basic EPS (RMB                                     -                                                                                  -
                                         0.0168               0.1007                          0.5029       Decrease         79.98%             96.66%
 Yuan/share)                                        -                                                                                  -
                                     Reason for sharp change in business performance: In the same period of last year, the
                                     PRDShengang No. 1 project reached the conditions for income carry-forward and accumulative
                                     sales realized in the same period of last year and previous years were collectively settled in the same
 Explanation on performance          period of last year, while the total area eligible for settlement in the reporting period decreased
 forecast                            considerably as compared with the same period of last year.
                                     The above forecast is the initial estimate reckoned by the Company in accordance with current sales
                                     situation of PRDShengangNo.1 Project. For actual profitability of the Company in the 1 st half year
                                     of 2012, data in Semi-annual Report 2012 shall prevail.

3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained
3.5.1 Securities investment
□Applicable           √Inapplicable
3.5.2 Reception of researches, interviews and visits in the reporting period
                                                     Way of               Type of                                      Main discussion and materials
      Time                  Place                                                                  Visitor
                                                    reception                visitor                                     provided by the Company
                     Office of the
                                                                                              Individual              When will the construction of
 15 Feb. 2012        Company’s Board          By phone                Individual
                                                                                              shareholder             the Qianhai project start?
                     of Directors
 16 Feb. 2012        Office of the             By phone                Individual             Individual              Progress on equity transfer of

               Company’s Board                               shareholder     Shenxin Company
               of Directors
               Office of the
                                                              Individual      Did the Company have any
 2 Mar. 2012   Company’s Board   By phone      Individual
                                                              shareholder     project outside Shenzhen?
               of Directors

3.6 Derivatives investment
□Applicable           √Inapplicable
3.6.1 Positions of derivatives investment held at the end of the reporting period
□Applicable           √Inapplicable
