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						     ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.         Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

Stock Code: 000011, 200011                   Stock Name: PRD, PRD-B           Announcement No. 2019-41

                    DEVELOPMENT (GROUP) LTD.


   ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.       Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

                                      Part I Important Notes

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of ShenZhe n Properties & Resources Development
(Group) Ltd. (together with its consolidated subsidiaries, the “Company”, except where the
context otherwise requires) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the
contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or mate rial omissions therein.
All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report
and its summary.
Liu Shengxiang, the Company’s legal representative, Cai Lili, the Company’s head of
financial affairs, and Liu Qiang, head of the Company’s financial department (equivalent to
financial manager) hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in t his Report are
factual, accurate and complete.
This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there
be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions
shall prevail.

       ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.                                  Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

                                    Part II Key Corporate Information

I Key Consolidated Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
□ Yes √ No

                                            30 September 2019              31 December 2018                      Change (%)

 Total assets (RMB)                             10,483,774,596.84                 5,820,202,137.54                              80.13%

 Equity attributable to the listed
                                                  3,261,058,125.05                3,337,949,324.64                              -2.30%
 company’s shareholders (RM B)

                                              Q3 2019             YoY change (%)             Q1-Q3 2019           YoY change (%)

 Operating revenue (RM B)                     246,562,586.92                  -34.07%       1,001,952,666.88                  -16.43%

 Net profit attributable to the listed
                                                  -689,810.21             -101.13%            103,059,587.95                  -28.52%
 company’s shareholders (RM B)

 Net profit attributable to the listed
 company’s      shareholders     before        -1,104,487.82             -101.78%            102,581,697.47                  -28.73%
 exceptional items (RM B)

 Net cash generated from/used in
                                                  --                     --                   534,270,254.31                  968.95%
 operating activities (RM B)

 Basic     earnings       per     share
                                                       -0.0012            -101.17%                    0.1729                  -28.52%
 (RM B/share)

 Diluted       earnings   per     share
                                                       -0.0012            -101.17%                    0.1729                  -28.52%
 (RM B/share)

 Weighted average return on equity
                                                       -0.02%                  -2.11%                  3.13%                    -1.79%

Exceptional gains and losses:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                              Unit: RM B

                                   Item                                        Q1-Q3 2019                          Note

 Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of                                        Scrapping       disposal       of
 impairment allowance write-offs)                                                                    miscellaneous assets

                                                                                                     Sporadic penalty and liquidated
 Non-operating income and expense other than above                                      650,217.99
                                                                                                     damages income

 Less: Income tax effects                                                               159,296.83

 Total                                                                                  477,890.48                  --

Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item defined or listed in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss

        ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.                                   Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

II Total Numbe r of Shareholde rs and Holdings of Top 10 Shareholde rs at 30 September 2019

1. Numbers of Ordinary Shareholders and Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting Rights as well as
Holdings of Top 10 Shareholders

                                                                                                                               Unit: share

                                                                        Number      of        preferred
 Number of ordinary shareholders at the                                 shareholders with resumed
                                                              41,305                                                                   0
 period-end                                                             voting    rights      at    the
                                                                        period-end (if any)

                                                        Top 10 shareholders

        Name of            Nature of           Shareholding     Total shares       Restricted             Shares in pledge or frozen
    shareholder           shareholder           percentage         held           shares held             Status            Shares

 Investment           State-owned legal
                                                    63.82%      380,378,897
 Holdings             person

 Duty-Free            Domestic
 Commodity            non-state-owned                 0.29%        1,730,300          1,730,300
 Enterprises Co.,     legal person

                      Domestic natural
 Yang Yaochu                                          0.24%        1,425,020

                      Domestic       natural
 M ai Furong                                          0.20%        1,181,500

                      Domestic       natural
 Li Jing                                              0.20%        1,176,740

                      Domestic natural
 Su Zhifen                                            0.19%        1,150,000

 Xingkaiyuan          Domestic
 Electric Power       non-state-owned                 0.18%        1,050,000
 Engineering Co.,     legal person

 Chen Yutang          Domestic natural                0.15%            865,400

    ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.                               Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)


Shantou Property
                    non-state-owned              0.14%          850,000
Hexin Co., Ltd.
                    legal person

                    Domestic natural
Zhang Shaoming                                   0.14%          811,000

                                              Top 10 unrestricted shareholders

                                                                                                     Shares by type
          Name of shareholder                     Unrestricted shares held
                                                                                                Type                  Shares

Shenzhen Investment Holdings                                                             RM B-denominate
                                                                          380,378,897                               380,378,897
Corporation                                                                               d ordinary stock

Yang Yaochu                                                                  1,425,020      listed foreign             1,425,020

M ai Furong                                                                  1,181,500      listed foreign             1,181,500

Li Jing                                                                      1,176,740      listed foreign             1,176,740

                                                                                         RM B-denominate
Su Zhifen                                                                    1,150,000                                 1,150,000
                                                                                          d ordinary stock

Wuhan Xingkaiyuan Electric Power                                                         RM B-denominate
                                                                             1,050,000                                 1,050,000
Engineering Co., Ltd                                                                      d ordinary stock

                                                                                         RM B-denominate
Chen Yutang                                                                   865,400                                    865,400
                                                                                          d ordinary stock

                                                                                         RM B-denominate
Shantou Property Hexin Co., Ltd.                                              850,000                                    850,000
                                                                                          d ordinary stock

                                                                                         RM B-denominate
Zhang Shaoming                                                                811,000                                    811,000
                                                                                          d ordinary stock

                                                                                         RM B-denominate
Li Baorong                                                                    800,000                                    800,000
                                                                                          d ordinary stock

Wang Hui                                                                      800,000       listed foreign               800,000

                                        The first largest shareholder, Shenzhen Investment Holding Corporation, is the actual
Related or acting-in-concert parties
                                        controlling shareholder of the Company. And the Company does not know whether
among the shareholders above
                                        there are related parties or acting-in-concert parties among the other 9 shareholders.

Top 10 ordinary shareholders involved   N/A

     ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.                           Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

 in securities margin trading (if any)

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders of the
Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.

□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Number of Preferred Shareholders and Shareholdings of Top 10 of Them

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

     ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.                   Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

                                     Part III Significant Events

I Changes in Key Consolidated Financial State ment Line Items and Explanation of why

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Net accounts receivable stood at RMB105,664,491.50 as at 30 September 2019, rising 64.51% compared to 31
December 2018, primarily driven by the increase in property management fees receivable.
2. Net other receivables stood at RMB1,411,300,201.44 as at 30 September 2019, rising 5677.29% compared to
31 December 2018, primarily driven by the combination scope increase of Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate
Development Co., Ltd.
3. Inventories stood at RMB4,091,290,659.03 as at 30 September 2019, rising 246.20% compared to 31 December
2018, primarily driven by the combination scope increase of Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co.,
4. Other current assets stood at RMB60,518,612.48 as at 30 September 2019, rising 262.51% compared to 31
December 2018, primarily driven by the increase in prepaid VAT for property projects.
5. Net fixed assets stood at RMB49,959,816.20 as at 30 September 2019, rising 53.19% compared to 31
December 2018, primarily driven by purchase of office building by the subsidiary.
6. Other non-current assets stood at RMB29,220,732.54 as at 30 September 2019, declining 73.19% compared to
31 December 2018, primarily driven by the offset of payments for M&A of shares in Shenzhen Rongyao Real
Estate Development Co., Ltd. by advance stock payment of RMB0.1 billion.
7. Accounts payable stood at RMB270,740,042.51 as at 30 September 2019, declining 32.05% compared to 31
December 2018, primarily driven by payment for projects.
8. Other payables stood at RMB575,189,783.56 as at 30 September 2019, rising 411.27% compared to 31
December 2018, primarily driven by payment of RMB406 million for stock transfer newly added.
9. Long-term borrowings stood at RMB2,194,000,000.00 as at 30 September 2019, rising 219300.00% compared
to 31 December 2018, primarily driven by the combination scope increase of Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate
Development Co., Ltd.
10. Other comprehensive income stood at RMB-2,943,241.63 as at 30 September 2019, rising 64.78% compared
to 31 December 2018, primarily driven by the decrease in the differences arising from translation of foreign
currency-denominated financial statements caused by changes in foreign exchange rates.
11. Taxes and surtaxes stood at RMB134,703,867.42 during Q1~Q3 2019, rising 114.01% compared to Q1~Q3
2018, primarily driven by that main property projects carried over in the Reporting Period applied to higher land
VAT rates.
12. Selling expense stood at RMB43,482,379.03 during Q1~Q3 2019, rising 193.64% compared to Q1~Q3 2018,
primarily driven by increase of charges for sales agency and services.
13. Administrative expense stood at RMB85,821,358.91 during Q1~Q3 2019, rising 26.70% compared to Q1~Q3
2018, primarily driven by increase in remuneration for employees and in office expenditure.
14. Finance costs stood at RMB99,933.139.03 during Q1~Q3 2019, rising -359.86% compared to Q1~Q3 2018 of
RMB-38,456,220.90, primarily driven by increase in interest payment.
15. Asset impairment loss (“-“ for losses) stood at RMB-2,656.062.96 during Q1~Q3 2019, declining 155.37%

     ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.                       Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

compared to Q1~Q3 2018 of RMB4,797,271.69, primarily driven by withdrawal of bad debt provision and
changes of inventory falling price reserves.
16. Investment income stood at RMB2,207,762.84 during Q1~Q3 2019, rising 57.92% compared to Q1~Q3 2018,
primarily driven by changes caused by revenues realized by joint ventures of the Company.
17. Non-operating expense stood at RMB1,806,397.12 during Q1~Q3 2019, declining 36.66% compared to
Q1~Q3 2018, primarily driven by decrease in payment for cleaning tenants as surrender compensation.
18. Income tax expense stood at RMB60,811,172.26 during Q1~Q3 2019, rising 35.32% compared to Q1~Q3
2018, primarily driven by increase in profits realized by companies except for Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate
Development Co., Ltd.
19. Net profit (attributable to the Company as the parent) stood at RMB103,059,587.95 during Q1~Q3 2019,
declining 28.52% compared to Q1~Q3 2018, primarily driven by increase in interest expense of finance costs.
20. Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests stood at RMB-56,907,075.90 during Q1~Q3 2019 and that
for Q1~Q3 2018 was RMB0.00, primarily driven by addition of “net profit attributable to non-controlling
interests” of Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
21. Other comprehensive income, net of tax, stood at RMB-1,157,059.94 during Q1~Q3 2019, declining 37.41%
compared to Q1~Q3 2018, primarily driven by changes in differences arising from translation of foreign
currency-denominated financial statements caused by changes in foreign exchange rates.
22. Net cash generated from/used in operating activities stood at 534,270,254.31 during Q1~Q3 2019 and the net
cash generated from operating activities rose 968.95% compared to Q1~Q3 2018, primarily driven by increase in
recoup funds of housing sales accounts during Q1~Q3 2019.
23. Net cash generated from/used in investing activities during Q1~Q3 2019 stood at RMB-37,689,200.09,
declining 149.48% compared to Q1~Q3 2018, primarily driven by receipt of share transfer payments from two
motor companies during Q1 2018 and increase in payment for purchase of fixed assets during Q1~Q3 2019.
24. Net cash generated from/used in financing activities during Q1~Q3 2019 stood at RMB-359,218,136.65, rising
102.05% compared to Q1~Q3 2018, primarily driven by increase in interest paid for loans during Q1~Q3 2019.

II Progress, Influence and Solutions Associated with Significant Events

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

In order to respond to the call of Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,
further promote the concentration of resource of good quality to the advantage enterprises, particularly the listed
companies, and strengthen the development potential of listed companies, optimize and solidify the industrial
structure of listed companies, enlarge and strengthen the dominant industry in listed companies, the Company
intends to take over 100% of equity in Shenzhen Holding Property Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to
as “TK Property”) held by Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “SZIH”) in cash.
The acquisition was approved by the 8th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on 6 September 2019 and the 2nd
Extraordinary General Meeting of 2019 on 23 September 2019 with independent and professional opinions from
independent directors. The relevant disclosure is as follows:
    Announcement of significant event               Disclosure date                      Disclosure website

 The acquisition of 100% of equity in                                        No. 2018-39 Announcement on Signing
 Shenzhen         Holding         Property         13 December 2018          the Letter of Intent for Equity Transfer
 M anagement Co., Ltd. and the connected                                     with     Controlling   Shareholders   on

     ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.                                       Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

 transaction                                                                                 www.cninfo.com.cn

                                                                                             No.      2019-28         Announcement              on
                                                              7 September 2019               Resolution of the Board of Directors on

                                                                                             No. 2019-30 Announcement on the
                                                                                             Acquisition of 100% of Equity in
                                                                                             Shenzhen           Holding                Property
                                                              7 September 2019
                                                                                             Management         Co.,     Ltd.         and   the
                                                                                             Connected            Transaction                   on

                                                                                             No.      2019-31         Announcement              on
                                                              7 September 2019               Resolution of the Supervisory Committee
                                                                                             on www.cninfo.com.cn

                                                                                             No. 2019-33 Announcement on the
                                                                                             Acquisition of 100% of Equity in
                                                                                             Shenzhen           Holding                Property
                                                              21 September 2019
                                                                                             Management         Co.,     Ltd.         and   the
                                                                                             Connected            Transaction                   on

                                                                                             No.      2019-34         Announcement              on
                                                                                             Resolution of the 2              Extraordinary
                                                              24 September 2019
                                                                                             General      Meeting        of       2019          on

Progress of any share repurchases:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress of any reduction of the repurchased shares through centralized bidding:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Commitments that the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Pa rties,
Acquirers, the Company Itself or Other Parties, Failed to Fulfill on Time during the
Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV Securities Investments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RM B

 Variet    Symb      Name         Initial   Acco     Begin     Gain/l    Accu     Purch    Sold      Gain/l   Endin          Acco       Capita
                                                                                                     oss in
  y of      ol of      of         invest    unting   ning       oss of   mulati   ased     in the                 g          unting         l
 securi    securi    securit      ment      measu    carryi     chang     ve      in the   Repor      ting    carryi          title     source

       ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.                                      Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

     ty         ty          y        cost       remen     ng       es in    chang    Repor   ting     Perio     ng
                                                    t    value      fair    es in    ting    Perio             value
                                                model              value     fair    Perio    d
                                                                   in the   value     d
                                                                   Repor    record
                                                                   ting       ed
                                                                   Perio     into
                                                                     d      equiti

 Dome                                                                                                                    non-c
                                                                                                                                  ned in
 stic/o                              2,991,     Fair     2,991,                                                2,991,    urren
            40001       Gintia                                                                                                    debt
 versea                              975.0      metho    975.0      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00   975.0     t
            6           nA                                                                                                        restru
 s                                          3   d              3                                                     3   finan
 stock                                                                                                                   cial

                                                                                                                         Other    Obtai
                                                                                                                         non-c    ned in
 stic/o                                         Fair
            42001       Gintia       573,8               629,4                                        1,054.   630,4     urrent   debt
 versea                                         metho               0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00
            6           nB           81.03               06.08                                           64    60.72     financ   restru
 s                                              d
                                                                                                                         ial      cturin
                                                                                                                         assets   g

                                     3,565,              3,621,                                                3,622,
 Total                               856.0          --   381.1      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00             435.7         --       --
                                            6                  1                                                     5

 Disclosure          date       of
 announcement                   on
 Board’s       consent      for
 securities investment

 Disclosure          date       of
 announcement                   on
 shareholders’      meeting’s
 consent    for       securities
 investment (if any)

V Wealth Manage ment Entrustment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VI Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

     ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.                      Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VII Communications with the Investment Community such as Researches, Inquiries and
Inte rvie ws during the Reporting Period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                         Type of communication         Index to main information
             Date                 Way of communication
                                                                  party                       communicated

                                                                                 Inquired of the disclosure of the
         2 July 2019                     In writing             Individual
                                                                                 interim report of the Company

                                                                                 Inquired of business development of
         6 July 2019                     In writing             Individual
                                                                                 the Company

                                                                                 Inquired of the property information of
         8 July 2019                     In writing             Individual
                                                                                 golden collar project

                                                                                 Inquired     of     the     semi-annual
         8 July 2019                     In writing             Individual
                                                                                 performance of the Company

                                                                                 Inquired of business development of
         9 July 2019                     By phone               Individual
                                                                                 the Company

                                                                                 Inquired of the market value of golden
         9 July 2019                     In writing             Individual
                                                                                 collar project

                                                                                 Inquired of the information of golden
        11 July 2019                     In writing             Individual
                                                                                 collar project

                                                                                 Inquired of the sales of commercial
        11 July 2019                     In writing             Individual

                                                                                 Inquired    of    the   information    of
        13 July 2019                     In writing             Individual
                                                                                 Fuchang Phase II

                                                                                 Inquired of the progress of project
        15 July 2019                     By phone               Individual
                                                                                 construction and financial condition

                                                                                 Inquired of the sales of commercial
        17 July 2019                     In writing             Individual

                                                                                 Inquired of the release of restriction on
        19 July 2019                     In writing             Individual
                                                                                 restricted shares of the Company

                                                                                 Inquired of the number of the
       23 August 2019                    In writing             Individual
                                                                                 shareholders of the Company

                                                                                 Inquired of situations of shareholders
     11 September 2019                   In writing             Individual
                                                                                 of the Company

                                                                                 Inquired of situations of shareholders
     19 September 2019                   In writing             Individual
                                                                                 of the Company

     ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.   Third Quarter Report 2019 (Summary)

VIII Irregularities in Provision of Guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IX Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or Its Related
Parties for Non-Operating Purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
