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Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

 2010 Annual Report

                     April 2011

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                                        Important Notes

The Board of Directors of the Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement,
misleading representation or important omissions in this report and shall assume joint and several
liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.

Shinewing Certified Public Accountants audited the Financial Report of the Company
and issued the standard unqualified Auditor’s Report.

Mr. Hu Yongfeng, board chairman and General Manager, Mr.Zhang Jinliang, Deputy General

Manager , Mr. Ren Chengzheng , Manager of Financial Dept of the Company represent and warrant

the financial report in this report is true and complete.

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Section 1. Brief Introduction of the Company

Section II. Summary of Accounting Highlights and Business Highlights
Section III Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders
Section IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and staff
Section V Administrative Structure
Section VI. Particulars about Shareholders’ General Meeting
Section VII Report of the Board of Directors
Section VIII Report of the Supervisory Committee

Section IX Important Events

Section X. Financial Report
Section X1. .List of Documents Available for Inspection

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Section I Brief Introduction of the Company

 (I) Name of the Company in Chinese: 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司
Name in English:Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
Abbreviation of English name of the Company: VICTOR ONWARD
(II) Legal Representative: Hu Yongfeng
(III) Secretary to the Board of Directors : Zhang Jinliang
Contact address: Room 1308, Hualian Building, No.2008 Shennan Zhong Road ,
Fax: (755) 83668427
E-mail: zhangjl@udcgroup.com
Securities affair representative: Wu Xia
Contact address: Room 1308, Hualiang Building, No.2008 Shennan Zhong Road,
E-mail: wuxia_08@126.com
IV. Registered address: 26 Kuipeng Road, Kuiyong Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen
Business address: 26 Kuipeng Road, Kuiyong Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen
Contact address: Room 1308, Hualiang Building, No.2008 Shennan Zhong Road,
Zip Code: 518119
Website: http:// www.chinaszvo.com
 (V) Designated newspapers for information disclosure: Securities Times and Hong
Kong Commercial Daily.
Designated website for information disclosure: http://www.cninfo.com.cn
The place for preparing and placing the annual report: Office of the board secretary of
the Company

(VI) Stock exchange for listing of the stocks of the Company: Shenzhen Stock
Stock abbreviation: ST Shenzhen Victor Onward A, ST Shenzhen Victor Onward B
Stock code : 000018, 200018
VII. Other Relevant Information of the Company
1. The date and place when and where the Company made its first registration:

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The Company was first registered as Shenzhen Victor Onward Printing and Dyeing Co.,
Ltd. in Shenzhen in 1984.
The Company changed its registration and was registered as Shenzhen Victor Onward
Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen in 1991.
2. Registration No. of Legal Entity Business License: 440301501131182
3. Tax Registration No.: 440301618801483
4. The name and business address of the Certified Public Accountants engaged by the
Name: Shinewing Certified Public Accountants
Address:Room 4001A,Lianhe Plaza, Futian District, Shenzhen, China

Section II. Summary of Accounting Highlights and Business Highlights

I. Main Profit Indicators of 2010

                                Items                                                Amount
 Operating profit                                                                    2,328,181
 Total profit                                                                        2,326,231
  Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company                  4,102,924
 Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to
                  the shareholders of listed company
           Cash flow generated by business operation, net                             237,582

Difference between IFRS and PRC GAAP :
                          Net profit attributable to shareholders of       Owners’ equity attributable to
                                       listed Company                     shareholders of listed company
                          Amount in current                              Amount at the         Amount at the
                                                Amount in last period
                               period                                      priod-end            period-begin
Pursuant to overseas
                              4,220,760               12,210,638            135,858,634        135,622,260
accounting standards
Pursuant to Chinese
                              4,102,924               12,090,678            142,929,499        143,058,948
 accounting standards
Subitem and total adjusted pursuant to international accounting standards::
Total of differences
between the IAS and
                               117,836                 119,960               -7,070,865         -7,436,688
domestic accounting
Statement on
 differences between
                               117,836                 119,960               -7,070,865         -7,436,688
 the IAS and Domestic
 accounting Standard
Explanation on
                        The influence of appreciation through appraisal of workshop and 2 parking spaces in
difference between
                        Hong Kong in 1992.

Items of deducting non-recurring gains and losses and the involved amounts are as following:

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   Items of non-recurring gains and losses          Amount                     Notes(if applicable)
 Gains and losses of non-recurring                 -39,237
 Except the effective hedge business               257,537
 related to the normal operation business
 of the Company, the profit and loss in the
 changes of fair values caused by the
 holding of tradable financial assets and
 tradable financial liabilities as well as the
 investment returns in disposal of tradable
 financial assets, tradable financial
 liabilities and saleable financial assets
 Other      non-operating     income      and
 expenditure beside for the above items
 Amount of influence of minority interests
 (After tax)
 Total                                             238,500

  2. Highlights of accounting data and financial indicators in the latest three years
  Main accounting data               Unit:RMB
                                                                       Changed over last year
                              2010                     2009                                         2008
  Operating profit         9,351,110               27,517,759                   -66.02%         46,881,258
     Total profit          2,326,231               11,667,821                   -80.06%         -26,168,635
Net            profit
attributable to the
                           4,102,924               12,090,678                   -66.07%         -25,957,333
shareholders of the
listed company
Net profit after
deducting           of
gain/loss                  3,864,424               11,810,122                   -67.28%         -26,771,342
attributable to the
shareholders        of
listed company
Cash             flow
generated          by
                            237,582                 -866,440                   -127.42%          13,621,421
business operation,
                                                                       Changed over last year
                         End of 2010              End of 2009                   (%)
                                                                                                End of 2008
    Gross Assets         195,732,419              201,318,234                   -2.77%          192,923,851
equity attributable
                         142,929,499              143,058,948                   -0.09%          130,073,334
to shareholders of
the listed company
    Capital stock        169,142,356              169,142,356                    0.00%          169,142,356

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       Main Financial Indicators                                               Unit:RMB
                                                                                           Changed over last
                                                    2010                      2009                                         2008
     Basic gains per
                                                    0.02                      0.07              -71.43%                    -0.15
     Diluted gains per
                                                    0.02                      0.07              -71.43%                    -0.15
     Basic earning per share after
     deducting of non-recurring                     0.02                      0.07              -71.43%                    -0.16
     Net income on asset,
                                                    2.80%                     8.90%             -6.10%                 -16.34%
     Net income on asset,
     weighted and deducted                          2.64%                     8.69%             -6.05%                 -16.99%
     non-recurring gain/loss(%)
     Net cash flow per share
     generated by business                          0.001                 -0.005               -120.00%                    0.081
     operation (RMB/Share)
                                                                                           Changed over last
                                             End of 2010               End of 2009           year(%)
                                                                                                                    End of 2008
     Net asset per share
     attributable to
                                                    0.85                      0.85               0.00%                     0.77
     shareholders of the listed

       3. Return Ratio and Earnings per share

                                                                                                        Earnings per share
                                                           Return Ratio on Net asset,
      Profit in the report peirod                                                            Basic gains per       Diluted gains per
                                                                                                  share                    share
      Net profit attributable to              the
      shareholders       of       the      parent                      0.03                       0.02                     0.02
      Net     profit      after         deducting
      non-recuring       gains    and      losses                      0.03                       0.02                     0.02
      attributable to the shareholders

       4. Particulars about Changes in Shareholders' Equity in the Report Period

                               Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company                            Minor               Total of
    Items              Share         Capital         Surplus       Attributable                           shareholders’         owners’
                                                                                  Other                      equity               equity
                       Capital      reserves        reserves          profit
Balance at the
beginning of     169,142,356            39,297,104      26,704,791       -102,767,941      10,682,638       508,088            143,567,036
current year

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Changed in                                575,430                        4,102,924       -4,807,803         -1,819,683        -1,949,132
the current
Balance at the
end of this       169,142,356      39,872,534         26,704,791      -98,665,017          5874835          -1,311,595       141,617,904

       Section III. Particulars about Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

       I. The changes in share capital
       (1) The changes in share capital
       Unit: shares

                                     Year-beginning                Increase or decrease this time                  Year-end
                               Quantity             Proportion%    Other             Subtotal           Quantity         Proportion%
   I.     Share     with
   conditional                                0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  1.State-owned shares                        0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  2.Staee-owned legal
                                              0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  person shares
  3.Other        domestic
                                              0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  Of which:
  Domestic legal person
                                              0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  Domestic         natural
                                              0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  person shares
  4.Share     held     by
                                              0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  foreign investors
      Of which:
  Foreign legal person
                                              0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  Foreign natural person
                                              0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  II.     Shares     with
  unconditional                169,142,356                 100             0                        0   169,142,356               100
  1.Common shares in
                                99,720,453              58.96              0                        0    99,720,453             58.96
  2.Foreign      shares   in
                                69,421,903              41.04              0                        0    69,421,903             41.04
  domestic market
  3.Foregin      shares   in
                                              0              0             0                        0                0                 0
  overseas market

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4.Other                              0            0             0                   0                   0              0
III. Total of capital
                        169,142,356             100             0                   0      169,142,356              100

   II. Share issue and listing
   (1) The Company has never issued shares or derived securities within the previous three
   years as of the end of the report period.
   (2) The total number of the shares of and its structure of the Company remained
   unchanged within the previous three year by the end of the report period.
   III.Introduction to shareholders
   1. Total number of shareholders at the end of the period:
   At the end of 2009, the Company had 11,637 registered shareholders in total including
   7,005 shareholders of A shares and 4,632 shareholders of B shares.
   2.At the end of 2010,,Top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of unconditional shares
    Total number of shareholders                                                                                 11,637
    Particulars about the shareholding of the top ten shareholders

                                                                               Increase    or
         Name of the           Nature of          Share              Total                      Conditional     Pledged
                                                                               decrease    in
         shareholder          shareholder      proportion %          shares    the year           shares        or frozen

    Union Holdings Co.,
                           non-state-owned        25.51%        43,141,032          0               0              0
                             legal person
    STYLE-SUCCESS              Foreign
                                                  14.46%        24,466,029          0               0              0
    LIMITED                  shareholder
    Shenzhen Textile
    (Group)Holdings                               5.76%         9,739,594      -1,566,068           0              0
    Rich Crown             Foreign
                                                  3.62%         6,114,556           0               0              0
    Investment Co., Ltd.   shareholder
    Union Development
                           Other                  3.44%         5,821,089           0               0              0
    Group Co., Ltd.
    BOCI SECURITIES        Foreign
                                                  1.49%         2,528,567           0               0           Unknown
    MITED                  shareholder
    Shing Ying Chieh                              1.00%         1,698,982      -1,797,737           0           Unknown
    Li Min                      Other            0.98%       1,650,000              0               0           Unknown
    Liuzhou Jiali Real
                                Other            0.76%       1,280,100              0               0           Unknown
     Development Co.,
    Shanghai Hongkong Foreign
                                                 0.58%        979,986               0               0           Unknown
     Wanguo Securities shareholder
          Top 10 holders of unconditional shares
            Name of the shareholder                                                       Type of shares
    Union Holdings Co., Ltd.                      43,141,032                       RMB Common shares
    STYLE-SUCCESS LIMITED                          24,466,029            Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange
    Shenzhen Textile (Group)Holdings Ltd            9,739,594                      RMB Common shares

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 Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.              6,114,556         Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange
 Union Development Group Co., Ltd.           5,821,089                     RMB Common shares
 BOCI SECURITIES MITED                       2,528,567          Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange
 Shing Ying Chieh                            1,698,982          Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange
 Li Min                                      1,650,000                     RMB Common shares
 Liuzhou Jiali Real estate Development
                                             1,280,100                     RMB Common shares
  Co., ltd.
 Shanghai HongkongWanguo Securities            979,986             Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange
 Notes to the related relationship       The controlling shareholder of the above-mentioned largest
 between the shareholders or their       shareholder Shenzhen Union Holdings Ltd.and fourth shareholder
 concerted action                        Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.. Is Union Development Group Ltd.
3. Introduction to the largest shareholder of the Company
Name of the largest shareholder of the Company: Shenzhen Union Holdings Co., Ltd.
Legal representative: Dong Binggen
Date of establishment: September 11, 1989
Business scope: Production of and dealing in various fabrics, garments chemical fibers
and textile equipment, domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding
monopolized commodities), management of self-owned properties, processing with
imported materials and designs, internal introduction and foreign cooperation,
assembling with imported spare parts and cooperation in compensation trade.
Registered capital:RMB 1123.8877 million
Nature of enterprise: Share-holding system
Registered address: Shenzhen

4. Particulars about the actual controller of the Company
In the report period, the actual controller of the Company remains unchanged.
Name of the actual controller: Union Development Group Co., Ltd.
Legal representative: Dong Binggen
Date of establishment: August 1983
Registered capital:RMB 90.61 million
Business scope: Production and sales of chemical, textile and garment products (the
license of product site is subject to separate application), import and export business,
contracting of project construction, import and export of necessary engineering
equipment and materials, export of labor, external investment, technical consulting
services, real estate development and sales within the scope of land use right legally
obtained, property management and lease services and sales of automobiles (including
5.The property right and controlling relationship between Union Development Group
Ltd. and the Company is as follows:

                         Hangzhou        Jinjiang   Group
                       Co., Ltd.

                                          10/135                                               10
                      Union    Development            Group
                       31.32%                             99.99%


        Union Holdings Co., Ltd.           Rich Crown Investment Co.,

                       25.51%                              3.62%

              Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

6.Statement of Union Group on its shareholders, shareholder structure and actual

     Throughout the years, due to constant reform of economic management system and
quick development of socialist market economy, the Group has experienced
management mechanism 's adjustment and equity structure change for many times. In
1993 when the State Council carried out structural reform, Ministry of Textile Industry
was dissolved and China Textile Federation was established. The Group's relationship
of subordination continued. After China Textile Federation was dissolved in 1998, the
Group was put under the supervision of Central Enterprise Industrial Committee. In
2003, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State
Council was established. In April 2005, The Group became one of the enterprises under
its supervision. State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the
State Council transferred 12.09% state-owned equity of Union Group to OCT Group
Company and authorized OCT Group Company to perform the capital contributor's
responsibilities on behalf of 12.09% state-owned equity. OCT Group Company became
the largest shareholder of Union Group.

     Union Group has been engaged in textile and garment industry for long term. Due
to fierce market competition, state-owned capital has left or is leaving textile and
garment industry. The provincial management mechanism to which the Group's
shareholders are subject has also undergone great change. From 2004, some
shareholders of the Group as promoters began to assign shares of Union Group in

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succession according to the change of situation and their own conditions. Some private
enterprises became the shareholders of Union Group. By November 2005, Hangzhou
Jinjiang Group Co., Ltd. acquired 20.89% equity of Union Group and became the
largest shareholder. OCT Group became the second largest shareholder.

(1) At present, Union Group has 16 corporate shareholders. The particulars are as

                                                                               Proportion of        Remarks
                                                          Amount of capital
No.                   Name of shareholder                   contribution

  1     Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co., Ltd.                         1,892.8120        20.8896         Private

  2     OCT Group                                                 1,094.9500        12.0842    State-owned

  3     Henan Fuxin Investment Co., Ltd.                            984.2567        10.8600         Private

  4     Xian International Intrust Co., Ltd.                        926.0019        10.2196    State-owned

  5     Shandong Textile Industrial Association                     569.9196         6.2898    State-owned

  6     Hebei National assets Holding Co., Ltd.                     531.4800         5.8655    State-owned

  7     Zhejiang Zhengcai Industry Co.,Ltd.                         530.0000         5.8492         Private

  8     Heilongjiang Textile Industry Association                   500.0000         5.5181    State-owned

  9     Sichuan Shulian Co., Ltd.                                   329.0240         3.6312         Private

        Hebei     Textile     Industry      Association                                        State-owned
 10                                                                 300.0000         3.3108

 11     Jiangsu Textile (Group) Company                             288.6723         3.1859    State-owned

 12     Liaoning Textile Industry Association                       286.4400         3.1612    State-owned

 13     Shenzhen Textile (Group)Holdings Ltd                        260.0000         2.8694    State-owned

 14     Xinjiang Textile Industry Association                       236.4600         2.6096    State-owned

 15     Beijing Textile Holdings Co., Ltd.                          215.8400         2.3820    State-owned

 16     China Textile Machineay (Group)Co., Ltd.                    115.1435         1.2707    State-owned

                             Total                                   9061.00         100.00

      (2) Composition of board members of Union Group

      According to the Articles of Association of Union Group, the directors shall be

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appointed by the corporate shareholders that contribute capital of more than RMB 5
million (not including RMB 5 million) and be elected by the shareholders' meeting. The
board of directors shall be composed of 7 to 11 members. The current sixth board of
directors was elected in October 2008. It has 7 members, including 5 members coming
from corporate shareholders, 1 member jointly recommended by shareholders and 1
independent director. The particulars are as follows:

  No                 Name of shareholder                  Directors appointed      Remarks

   1       Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co., Ltd.             1 person/Dou Baibing

   2       OCT Group                                    1 person /Wang Xiaowen

   3       Shandong Textile Industrial Association        1 person/Xia Zhilin

   4       Hebei National assets Holding Co., Ltd.        1 person /Gao Jianru
   5       Tianjing Tianfang Investment Co.,Ltd.         1 person/Liu Baogen      Shareholder
   6                                                        Dong Binggen
   7                                                        Long Xingping
(3) Description of the actual controllers

       Union Group has been a standardized limited liability company since its
establishment. Despite decentralized equity and large number of shareholders, the
department in charge of industry and state asset management department has been
incontrovertible direct administrator because they were all state-owned shareholders
and engaged in the same industry before 2004. Private capital has entered since 2004
and its proportion has been unceasingly enlarged. The largest shareholder turned from
national administrative department into a state-owned enterprise, which was then
replaced by a private enterprise. The actual controller of Union Group gradually
changed. The concrete process of change is as follows:

        (1) After the establishment of Union Group and before State-owned Assets
Commission under the State Council transferred 12.09% equity held by it to OCT
Group, the relationship of subordination of Union Group was definite. State
administrative agencies (Ministry of Textile Industry, China Textile Federation,

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industrial commission of national enterprise and State-owned Assets Commission
under the State Council) exercised management rights. Relevant national departments
were responsible for the establishment of board of directors, appointment of
management, audit and supervision.

(2) From April 2005, OCT Group became the largest shareholder of Union Group.
The management methods adopted when State-owned Assets Commission under the
State Council conducted supervision were still adopted in some aspects. For examples,
Union Group regularly submitted financial data to state assets management
department and accepted the economy audit by the supervisory committee under the
State Council. The financial statements of OCT Group consolidated those of Union
Group. However, changes started in some aspects. The establishment of board of
directors and the appointment of management were carried out completely according
to the Articles of Association of Union Group. The shareholders' general meeting and
the board of directors independently exercised the powers assigned by laws and
regulations. The reelection of board of directors and the appointment of management
were no longer reported to relevant department for examination and approval.

(3) In 2005, Hangzhou Jinjiang Group held 20.89% equity of Union Group through
acquisition and became the largest shareholder of Union Group by replacing OCT
Group. Hangzhou Jinjiang Group and OCT Group respectively appointed one of 8
members of the fifth board of directors reelected in that year.

(4) In 2007, Union Group did not submit various financial data to OCT Group and
state-owned regulatory authority. The statements of OCT Group did not consolidate
those of Union Group. State assets supervision organ did not conduct regular economy
audit of Union Group either.

     (5) Though private enterprise Hangzhou Jinjiang Group is the largest shareholder,
only one of 1 member of the board of directors comes from it and it has no substantial
influence on important decisions of Union Group. Meanwhile, Hangzhou Jinjiang
Group neither participated in the daily management and operation of Union Group,
nor required submission of daily financial statements, nor consolidated financial
statements nor sent personnel to conduct economy audit

(6) From the fifth board of directors, Dong Binggen was jointly recommended by all

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shareholders to enter the board of directors and was elected as board chairman. He
does not represent any shareholder. Instead, he is responsible for all shareholders.

        Based on the above facts, Union Group holds the opinion that Union Group, as a
limited liability company with a history of 28 years, has formed a standardized mode
of operation according to law and business management during change of equity and
its corporate governance structure has been increasingly stable and mature. The
shareholders' meeting is the highest power organ of the Company. The board of
directors is responsible to the shareholders' meeting and exercises the right to make
decisions on important matters of Union Group according to the articles of association.
The management is responsible for daily operation management of Union Group. At
present, Union Group does not have administrative department or unit in charge. The
largest shareholder only holds 20.89% equity of Union Group. No shareholder has
absolute control over or absolute influence on the shareholders' meeting and board of
directors of Union Group and is daily operation. The mutual restriction between
shareholders of Group is quite apparent. Therefore, Union Group only has the largest
shareholder and does not have actual controller at present.
7. Introduction to other legal person shareholders holding over 10% of total shares
(1) Style-Success Ltd.
Legal Representative: Miss Amy Wang
Date of establishment:November 1999
Business scope: Investment

   Section IV Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives

                                         and Employees

I Basic information about directors, supervisors and senior executives and Staff
(1)Basic information
1.In formation for the change of share holding and salary of directors, supervisors and
executives and staff
                                                                              Increase/dec     The total    Incentive
                                                        Shares                    rease       amount of   stock option
                                                        held at Shares held     amount      remuneration
                                                                                                          vested during
 Name       Sex Age     Title       Term of office        the     at the                    received from
                                                       year-beg year-end                   the Company in the reporting
                                                        inning                                the report      period

                                              15/135                                                     15
             Ma    chairman/G
Hu Yongfeng     48                   2008.4-2011.4        0         0                       38
             le    eneral
             Ma    Vice Board
   Ding Yue     52                   2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          0
             le    chairman
                   Vice Board
   Shu Yibo ma 38                    2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          0
 Zhang Mei ma 35 Director            2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          0
 Feng Junbin    48 Director          2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          0
             Ma    Independent
  Jin Ligang    51                   2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          5
             le    director
             Ma    Independent
Shen Songqin    53                   2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          5
             le    director
     Wang    Ma    Independent
                37                   2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          5
  Tianguang le     director
                   Chairman of
     Dong    Ma    the
                61                   2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          0
   Binggen   le    supervisory
             ma 53 Supervisor        2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          0
Pan Weichao     59 Supervisor        2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          9
     Zhang   Ma
                48 general           2008.4-2011.4        0         0                       15
    Jinliang le
      Ren    Ma    Board              2010.12 to till
                48                                        0         0                          0
 Changzheng le     secretary              now
  Chen Xin      37 director/         2008.4-2010.6        0         0                       6.5
                   Manager of
Ren          Ma
                35 Finance           2008.4-2011.4        0         0                          9
Changzheng le

   Notes:The period of remuneration receipt by Chen Xing, a director and board secretary who has left
   his post, is from January 2010 to June 2010.

   2. Particulars about directors and supervisors holding positions at corporate shareholders

                     Name of corporate                                                                 receiving
     Name                                                Position               Term of office
                       shareholders                                                                  remuneration
                                                                                                       or subsidy
  Dongbingge     Shenzhen Union Holdings
                                               Board chairman                2007.6-till now         No
  n              Ltd.

                                                16/135                                                16
                                            Secretary   of    Party
Dong          Union Development Group       committee, chairman of
                                                                           2008.10- till now    Yes
Binggen       Co., Ltd.                     board of directors and
              Union Development Group
Ding Yue                                    Vice President                 2008.10-till now     Yes
              Co., Ltd.
              Shenzhen Union Holdings       Convener         of      the
Ding Yue                                                                   2007.6- till now     No
              Ltd.                          Supervisory Committee
Hu            Union Development Group
                                            Vice President                 2008.10-till now     No
Yongfeng      Co., Ltd.
Hu            Shenzhen Union Holdings
                                            Vice Board chairman            2007.6- till now     No
Yongfeng      Ltd.
                                            Secretary    of    Party
Huang         Union Development Group
                                            committee, secretary of        2008.10-till now     Yes
Xiaoping      Co., Ltd.
                                            discipline committee
Huang         Shenzhen Union Holdings
                                            Director                       2007.6- till now     No
Xiaoping      Ltd.
              Shenzhen Textile(Holding)
Feng Junbin                                 Deputy general manager         2007.1- till now     Yes
              Co., Ltd.
              Union Development Group
Zhang Mei                                   Manager of Finance Dept.       2008.10-till now     Yes
              Co., Ltd.
              Shenzhen Union Holdings
Zhang Mei                                   Director                       2009.5- till now     No

(II).Particulars about main work experience of present directors, supervisor and senior executives
Chairman of the Board :
 Hu Yongfeng, male, with bachelor degree, was born in July 1962, Senior Engineer,
graduated from Southeast Textile Technology Institute in 1983. He is ever took the post
of section chief of state textile headquarters general office, He now serves as Vice
President of Union Development Group Co., Ltd. and Vice chairman of the Board of
Union Holdings Co., Ltd., He served as chairman of the Board of the Company from
Oct., 2000 till now. He served as General manager of the Company since April 2008.

Ding Yue, male, was born in March 1958, with bachelor degree, Senior Economist,
 graduated from Lanzhou University in 1983. He took the turns of deputy section chief
of personnel labor department of Textile Technology Department, section chief of
personnel labor department of textile headquarters, deputy director of personnel labor
department of textile headquarters and concurrently director of talents exchange center
of Textile Headquarters and chairman of the Board of Union Holdings Co., Ltd., He
now serves as Vice President of Union Development Group Co., Ltd. and convener of the
supervisory committee of Union Holdings Co., Ltd., He served as director of the
Company from June 2002 till now. He served as Vice Chainman board of the Company
since April 18, 2008.
Shu Yibo, Female,was born in February 1972, who is studying for EMBA. ,ever took the post of
Manager of Sale of Manqi Industry Co., Ltd., Director of Manqi Investment Development Co.,
Ltd..He is now in charge of Chairman of the board , General Manager of Manqi Industry Co.,
Ltd.,Chairman of board of Manqi Investment Development Co., Ltd.She served as director of the
Company since April 18, 2008, He served as Vice Chairman of board of the Company July 29, 2008.

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Zhang Mei, female,was born in February 1975,              is a certified public accountant with
Master's degree, She once worked at Financial Division of China Garment Corporation.
she now serves as manager of Finance Dept of Union Development Group Co., Ltd, She
served as Director of the Company since April 18, 2008.

Feng Junbin, male, was born in July 1962, is a junior college graduate. He has served successively as
special enterprise controller of Dapu Financial Bureau of Guangdong Province, deputy division chief
of Fengshun Financial Bureau and director of Audit Dept, Manager of Management Dept , He now
serves as Deputy General Manager, Supervisor of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. He now
serves as Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd, He served as director of
the Company April 18, 2008.
Chen Xing, male, was born in March 1973, with doctor degree, graduated from Dongbei University
in 2000; he ever took the post of business manager of operation office of Union Development Group
Co., Ltd. and held the position of secretary of the Board of the Company from March 2002 to June
2010, He served as director of the company from April 18, 2008 to June 28, 2010. a director and
board secretary of the Company resigned from the position of director and board
secretary for personal reasons on June 28, 2010.

Independent directors:
Jin Ligang, male, was born in August 1959, graduated from Beijing Foreign Trade College in 1980.
From 1981 to 1983, he majored in international economy at Rome LUISS Private University. He
once worked at North America and Oceania Department of Third Bureau of Ministry of Foreign
Trade and Economic Cooperation, who was in charge of U.S.-related affairs. He has served as
assistant of board chairman and president and office director of West Europe China Trade Center
(Hamburg, West Germany), deputy chief and chief of America and Oceania Department of Ministry
of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, business counselor of Economic and Commercial
Department of Embassy in U.S. and business counselor of Economic and Business Office of
Consulate General in New York in succession. He now serves as board chairman of American Stone
Bridge International Company and director of Beijing Decision Making & Consultation Center. He
served as Independent directors of the company since April 2008.

Shen Songqin, male, was born in January 1957, has doctor's degree. In 1980, he graduated from
Hangzhou University and worked there after graduation. He studied for Master's degree at Hangzhou
University from 1985 and obtained the degree of master of Arts in 1988. He studied for doctor's
degree from 1995 and obtained the degree of doctor of literature in 1998. His dissertation was
appraised "Excellent Dissertation for Doctor's Degree in China in 2000". He now is a professor,
doctor tutor and deputy dean of Chinese Language Department of Zhejiang University. In 2006, he
was appraised as Qianjiang Scholor of Zhejiang Province (specially engaged professor). In 2007, he

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was appraised as Middle-aged/Young Expert with Outstanding Contribution in Zhejiang Province".
He served as independent director of the Company since April 18, 2008.

Wang Tianguang, male, Was born in May 1973, is a certified public accountant. He graduated from
Economic Management School of Qinghua University. He once served as chief staff of Listed
Company Supervision Division of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, general manager of
Shenzhen Investment Banking Dept. of Yinhe Securities.He now serves as Deputy General Manager
of Southwest securities Co., Ltd, Investment Bank,He served as Independent direstor of the
company since April 18, 2008.
Dong Binggen, male, Was born in July 1949, an engineer, with bachelor degree,
graduated from East China Textile Technology Institute in 1977. He ever took the post
of deputy president of Zhejiang Silk Technology Institute, general manager of China
Clothes Headquarters and board chairperson of China Clothes Association, etc.; he is
now in charge of secretary of Party Committee, chairman of the board and general
manager of Shenzhen Union Development Group Co., Ltd. and chairman of the Board
of Shenzhen Union Holdings Co., Ltd., He served as Charnman and held the position of
Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company from June 2002 till now.

Huang Xiaoping, female, Was born in January 1957, an Economist, is a junior college graduate,once

served as policewoman of Public Security Bureau of Dan County, Hainan, chief staff and deputy

director of office, deputy chief and chief of Personnel & Labor Division and office director of China

Garment Industry Corporation, vice chairman of China Garment Association. She now serves as

deputy secretary of Party committee and secretary of discipline committee of Union Development

Group Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. she served as Supervisor of the company since April 18, 2008.

Pan Weichao, male, Was born in August 1951, is a junior college graduate., has worked at the
Company since April 1984. He has served successively as vice chairman of labor union, Manager of
General Affairs Dept. and chairman of labor union. He now serves as Manager of affairs Dept of the
Company, he has served as employee-representing supervisor of the Company Since April 18, 2008.

Deputy general manager:

Zhang Jinliang, male,was born in May 1962, Senior Accountant, a senior accountant with
bachelor degree, was born in May 1962. He ever took the post of senior section chief of
Shenyang Dispatch and Shenzhen Dispatch of Audit Administration, manager of
operation department of Shenzhen Property Union Holdings Co., Ltd., deputy director
and director of auditing office of Union Development Group Co., Ltd., deputy general

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manager of Shenzhen Union Holdings Co., Ltd. and general manager of Yuyao Union
Textile Co., Ltd., and he held the position of deputy general manager of the Company
since December 2004, He served as director of the company since December 27, 2010.

Secretary of the Board of Directors:

Zhang Jinliang (Refer to Deputy General Manager column for details)

Manager of Finance Dept:
Ren Changzheng, male, was born in August 1975, In 1997,he graduated from Guizhou Finance
University, once worked at Financial Division of Guizhou Yunman Aircraft Factory and Planning
and Finance Division of Union Development Group Co., Ltd. He now serves as Manager of Finance
Dept of the Company.
(III)Annual remuneration
     The total amount of annual remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior
executives in 2010 is RMB 0.925 million. Including,The allowance for each
independent director is RMB 50,000 (including tax) per year.

(IV)Particulars about leaving post, engaging and dismissing
1. Mr. Chen Xing, a director and board secretary of the Company resigned from the
position of director and board secretary for personal reasons on June 28, 2010.

2.After Resolution by the 14th meeting of the fifth board of directors, Zhang Jinliang

was elected as Secretary to the board of directors of the Company on December 27,


The resolutions of the meetings were disclosed on Securities Times ,Hong Kong
Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn respectively on June 29, 2010 and
December 28, 2010.

II.. Staffs:
By the end of the report period, the Company had 30 staff members in total, including 6
managerial employees , 3 financial employees, 21 Logistics employees. The Company
has provided social insurance to its staff according to relevant regulations of the

                           Section V Administrative Structure

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1.Administrative Status
The Company has constantly improved its corporate governance structure,established
modern enterprise system and standardized its operation strictly according to the
requirements of the Company Law, Securities Law,Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange, Guidelines for Governance of Listed Companies and relevant laws and
regulations of CSRC. In accordance with relevant regulations on special activities of
governance of listed companies and requirements of CSRC Shenzhen Securities
Administration, the Company revised the Articles of Association of the Company,
formulated a series of internal management regulations including Regulations on
Reception and Promotion, Regulations on Management of Information Disclosure,
Detailed Working Rules of General Manager, Regulations on Management of Shares of
the Company Held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives and Change of
Such Shares, Regulations on Engagement of Certified Public Accountants, Special
Regulations on Management of High-risk Investmen and Regulations on Registration of
Persons Knowing Insider Information and further defined the authority of each
department. The Company also formulated Regulations on Ascertaining
Responsibilities for Material Errors in Disclosure of Information in Annual Report ,
Regulations on Management of External Information Users ,the Management System
for Financial Accounting Related Personnel and Related Parties and the Regulations of
Shenzhen Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. on Preventing Fund Occupation by Controlling
Shareholder and Related Parties as required by CSRC.
 (1). Shareholders and shareholders' general meeting: The Company convened and held
shareholders' general meeting strictly according to the requirements of Opinions on
Standardization of Shareholders' General Meeting of Listed Companies, formulated
Rules of Procedure of Shareholders' General Meeting, ensured all shareholders,
especially medium and small shareholders, enjoy equal position and can fully exercise
their own rights.
(2). Relationship between the controlling shareholder and the Company: The acts of the
controlling shareholder of the Company were standardized. It did not exceed the
authority of the shareholders' general meeting to directly or indirectly intervene with the
decision-making and operating activities of the Company. The Company is independent
from its controlling shareholder in respect of personnel, assets, finance, organ and
business. The board of directors, the supervisory committee and internal organ of the
Company are able to operate independently.
(3). Directors and the board of directors: The Company elected directors strictly
according to the director selection and appointment procedure specified in the Articles

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of Association of the Company and will further perfect director selection and
appointment procedure and actively promote system of cumulative voting. The member
composition of the board of directors of the Company complied with the requirements
of laws and regulations. The board of directors of the Company formulated Rules of
Procedure of the Board of Directors. Directors of the Company were able to attend
board meetings and shareholders' general meetings with responsible attitude, actively
participate in relevant training, get familiar with relevant laws and regulations and
understand the rights, obligations and responsibilities of director. The Company has
established independent director system according to Guiding Opinions on the
Establishment of Independent Director System at Listed Companies issued by CSRC.
The numbers of independent directors are 3 peoples.
(4). Supervisors and the supervisory committee: The number and composition of the
Supervisory Committee of the Company complied with the requirements of laws and
regulations. The Supervisory Committee of the Company formulated the Rules of
Procedure of the Supervisory Committee. The supervisors of the Company were able to
perform their duties seriously, take the attitude of being responsible for all shareholders
and supervise the legality and regulation conformity of the Company's finance and the
duty performance of the directors, managers and other senior executives of the
(5). Performance evaluation and encouragement and regulating mechanism The
Company established the system of subsidy for independent directors and directors and
remuneration for senior executives. The Company will further improve and perfect
overall remuneration system, establish fair and transparent performance appraisal
standard and stimulation and restriction mechanism for directors, supervisors and
(6). Interested parties: The Company was able to fully respect and safeguard the legal
rights and interests of the interested parties including banks, other creditors, employees
and consumers and promote its sustained and healthy development together with
interested parties.
(7).Information disclosure and transparency: The Company designated the secretary to
the board of directors to be responsible for information disclosure, Regulations on
Management of Information Disclosure,Regulations on Management of External
Information Users and reception of shareholder and consultation. In the report period,
the Company was able to truly, accurately, completely and timely disclose relevant
information according to the provisions of laws, regulations and the Articles of
Association of the Company. The Company will continue to operate in a standardized
way strictly according to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations including the
Company Law, further perfect company administration structure and establish and
improve various regulations in light of the gap with the requirements of Standards of
Administration of Listed Companies, ensure the maximization of shareholders' interests
and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of all shareholders.

II. Particulars about duty performance of independent directors
The Company has perfected independent director system in the Articles of Association
of the Company according to Guiding Opinions on the Establishment of Independent
Director System at Listed Companies issued by CSRC. The board of directors of the
Company now has three independent directors, taking up one third of the total number
of directors. These Three independent directors have consciously performed their duties
according to the principles of good faith and diligence since they came into office. They

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expressed independent opinions on important matters of the Company including
external guarantees, related transactions, corporate governance.

     Independent Directors’ attendance of the Boarding meeting
                         Times of           Attended                          Absent form
                                                            Attended by
      Name                meeting          personally                           meeting          Notes
                                                           proxy (times)
                       should attend         (times)                             (times)

    Jin Ligang               9                  9                 0                 0
  Shen Songqin               9                  9                 0                 0
                             9                  9                 0                 0

III. The separation of the Company from its controlling shareholder in five respects
The Company is independent from its controlling shareholder in respect of personnel,
assets, finance, organization and business. The particulars are as follows:
1. Business: The Company has complete business and the ability of independent
operation. It is completely independent from its controlling shareholder in respect of
2. Personnel: The Company is independent in respect of labor, personnel and wage
management. Except that Mr. Hu Yongfeng, the board chairman and general manager
of the Company, received remuneration from the actual controller, other senior
executives received remuneration from the Company, who neither held position at nor
received remuneration from the controlling shareholder.
3. Assets: The Company has complete assets. Its property rights are definite and not
related to its controlling shareholder and other shareholders.
4. Organization: The Company established an organizational structure that is completely
independent of its controlling shareholder. The board of directors, the supervisory
committee and internal organs of the Company are able to operate independently.
5. Finance: The Company has independent finance. It set up independent finance
department and established independent financial accounting system. It has standardized
and independent financial and accounting system and financial control system applicable to
branches and subsidiaries. The Company independently pays taxes according to law. It opened
accounts with banks independently. The Company and its controlling shareholder do not use the
same bank account.
IV. Self-Appraisal of Internal Control:
According to the requirements of relevant regulations such as the Basic Standards for
Enterprise Internal Control jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and China
Securities Regulatory Commission and the Guidelines for Listed Company Internal

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Control issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile
Industrial Co., Ltd. combined its own characteristics and actual situation, conducted
internal control self-assessment 2010 and formed the internal control self-assessment
 (I). Overview of Internal Control
     1. Update on Rules Building for Internal Control
According to relevant regulations of the Company Law and the Securities Law,
company had stipulated and gradually developed management rules and internal control
systems such as the Articles of Association, Rules of Order for Annual Shareholder
Meeting, Rules of Order for Board of Directors, Rules of Order for supervisory
committee, Work Rules for Independent Directors, the Annual Report Working
System for Independent Director, the Working Instructions for Audit Committee,the
Working Instruction for Strategies Committee,the Working Instruction for Nominations
Committee,the Working Instructions for Salary and Appraisal Committee , Detailed
Working Rules of General Manager , the Management System for Financial
Accounting , Internal Audit Management System, Regulations on Registration of
Persons Knowing Insider Information and Special Regulations on Management of
High-risk Investmen other management rules and internal control rules etc. which
basically covered the main part of company’s operation and management activities and
they have stronger practicability. The establishment and implementation of these
systems improved company’s operation & management level and the ability to guard
against risks.
2. Internal Audit Department for Supervision & Inspection, Work and Staffing of Such

The Company established internal audit division in Finance Dept., which is directly

responsible to the board of directors for inspecting and supervising the status of the

Company's internal control, regularly checking the defects of the Company's internal

control, appraising the effect and efficiency of internal control, timely making

suggestions on improvement and strengthening supervision and audit of internal


3. Our Organizational Structure for Internal Control
The Company established internal control organization composed of the
shareholders'general meeting, the board of directors, the supervisory committee, the
management and functional departments, set up internal management organs, designed
work division, defined responsibilities and authority and assigned rights and
responsibilities to each responsible department according to actual situation,
characteristics of business and requirements of relevant internal control. The board of
directors of the Company is composed of 9 directors including three independent

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directors, one board chairman and two vice board chairmen. The supervisory committee
is composed of 3 supervisors including one chairman of the supervisory committee and
one employee-representing supervisor.

We exercise internal control by standardizing and effectively executing the articles of
association, and authorizing in major operation level layer by layer. The specific
measures include:
1) We have clearly stipulated the approval authorities and review procedures of the
annual shareholder meeting and the board of directors for financial guarantees, which
has effectively controlled the financial risks and credit risks of our company.
2) We have clarified the decision authorities for affiliated transactions, and demanded
stringent review and decision-making procedures to be established.
3) We have clearly stipulated the definition, procedure, authorized amount and level of
major investment, contract requirement, matters to be disclosed, etc.
4) Make analysis and judgment to major internal information, and go through relevant
procedures in case we are required to fulfill information disclosure obligation.
   The parent company assigns directors and trustees to subsidiaries according to laws,
regulations and the articles of association, to influence the production & operation
activities of subsidiaries through directors and trustees, and promote the effective
execution of duties of all levels by means of professional inspection.
4. The performance and achievements of company on internal control development in
In order to further improve standardized operation level on company’s annual
information disclosure and strengthen periodic report, the preparing & reviewing on
important matters and the management on company’s external information user during
disclosure period, Company established the Accountability System for Annual Report
Disclosure Major Errors and the Management system for external information user
according to the requirement of China Securities Regulatory Commission and relevant
laws and rules. It defined the accountability of person in charge of annual report
information disclosure and the management on external information user. At the same
time, in order to standardize the behavior of financial administrator & accounting
organization administrator and strengthen the financial supervision, company stipulated
the Management System for Financial Accounting Related Personnel based on relevant
laws & rules and it further defined the duty and authority of relevant people.

       On April 2010, Based on the requirement of Notice of carrying out special
campaign on standardizing accounting basic work fully and deeply in Shenzhen
jurisdiction area issued by Shenzhen securities regulatory bureau, company made the
work program for this special campaign and organized & carried out special campaign
on financing and accounting basic work in whole company wide, the audit committee

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conducted inspection and provided guidance to the operation status of campaign.
Through this special campaign, it further standardized financial & accounting basic
works and improved standardized operation level of company’s finance & accounting.
      On October 2010, Based on the requirement of Notice of carrying out
self-examination on the establishment & implementation of long term effective
mechanism for preventing fund occupation (Shenzhen Security Bureau [2010] No.59),
company actively carried out related self-examination works and further improved the
long term effective mechanism for preventing fund occupation by going over
company’s related regulations and rules, also conducted audit one by one on the fund
occupation & capital transactions status of majority shareholder and its related parties
since 2010. According to self-examination result, company’s long term effective
mechanism for preventing fund occupation basically meet the requirement of notice, it
was not found in company that fund was occupied by majority shareholder and its
related parties.

 (II)Key Control Activities
1. Management Update of Our Controlled Subsidiaries:

To standardize the relations with controlled subsidiaries, enhance the support, guidance
and management to controlled subsidiaries, promote controlled subsidiaries to run
according to modern enterprise rule, and further perfect corporate governance structure:
(1) Supervise various controlled subsidiaries to establish relevant operation plans and
risk management procedures.
(2) Enhance the performance appraisal of various controlled subsidiaries.
(3) Various controlled subsidiaries execute necessary internal control self-inspections
according to their operation natures.
2. Internal Control of Affiliated Transactions:
     We manage affiliated transactions in which we are involved in strict accordance to
the management rules for affiliated transactions provided in the Internal Control
Guidance for Listed Firms and the Stock Listing Rules promulgated by Shenzhen Stock

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Exchange, our Articles of Association and our Management Methods for Affiliated
Transaction. The articles of association provides that the board of directors determines
relevant affiliated transactions of our company within the power scope authorized in the
annual shareholder meeting; the board of directors determines the decision authority of
affiliated transactions and requires stringent review and decision-making procedures to
be established. Our Management Methods for Affiliated Transaction have made specific
stipulations to the affiliated individuals, affiliated relations, conditions, decision-making
procedures and disclosure of affiliated transactions. Affiliated transactions of our
company taking place in the report period are compliant to the principles of honesty,
equality, self-willingness, fairness, openness, and do not harm the interests of our
company and other shareholders. Review procedures, voting avoiding and other
requirements have been abided by according to relevant laws, administrative regulations,
departmental regulations, the stock listing rules, etc. Relevant responsible individuals
have fulfilled approval and report duties to affiliated transactions when they take place
to our company and controlled subsidiaries. in the report period, No event was found in
our company that fund occupied by controlling shareholder and its related parties for
non-operating purpose.
3. Internal Control of Financial Guarantees:
     According to the Guidance of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Internal Control of
Listed Firm, we have clearly stipulated the approval authorities, review procedures and
information disclosure requirements of the annual shareholder meeting and the board of
directors for financial guarantees, which have effectively controlled the financial risks
and credit risks of our company. In the report period, The company has no external
4. Internal Control of the Use of Raised Capitals:
     The Company formulated the Regulations on Management of IPO Proceeds of the
Company to clarify fund depositing, fund use and the examination and approval, change
and supervision of fund use. In the report period,The company not raises funds..
5. Internal Control of Major Investment:
     According to requirements of the Stock Listing Rules, Guidance on Internal
Control of Listed Firms and other statutes, we have clearly stipulated the definition, procedure,
authorized amount and level for major investment, contract requirement, disclosure matters, etc. The
articles of association have clarified the approval authorities relevant review procedures of the
annual shareholder meeting and the board of directors for major investment. Compared against the
relevant provisions of the Guidance of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Internal Control of Listed
Firms, we have exercised stringent, adequate and effective internal control to investment, and have
never violated the Guidance on Internal Control of Listed Firms, Stock Listing Rules, etc. In the
report period, The company has no significant investment matters.
6. Internal Control of Information Disclosure:
     We have set up a set of effective stringent information management rule, enhanced

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the management of information affairs, ensured the accuracy and confidentiality of
information, prevented information from being disclosed earlier than scheduled time,
promoted directors, trustees and executives to fulfill their duties loyally and diligently,
and guaranteed the truth, accuracy, promptness and fairness of disclosed information.
We have conducted reception, communications and other investor relation activities and
ensured the fairness of information disclosure according to the provisions of the
Guidance of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the Fair Information Disclosure of Listed
Firms, the Guidance of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the Investor Relation Management
of Listed Firms, etc. Individuals liable to report can promptly report relevant
information to the board of directors and the secretary of board of directors. The
secretary of board of directors shall analyze and judge major internal information, and
promptly report to the board of directors of any matter whose information needs to be
disclosed, so that the board of directors to go through relevant procedures and disclose
to external entities.

(III) Problems of Our Internal Control and Corrective Actions

(1) Defects and Problems of Our Internal Control.

     The Company’s printing & dyeing plant in Shenzhen ceased production,owadays,

our mission-critical production equipment and management team delay to move to

Nanjing, We have an increasingly hollow core business.
 (2) Specific Causes of Internal Control Problems, Current Situation, Corrective actions
and Measures.
     The Company’s printing & dyeing plant in Shenzhen ceased production, Five
subsidiaries controlled by the Company stopped the operation of relevant printing and
dyeing business due to the production suspense of printing and dyeing mill and most of
them maintained their daily operation by house property lease.The Company’s printing &
dyeing plant in Shenzhen ceased production, Due to the reason on the side of the other party of joint
venture and change of industry prospect,as of December 31, 2010, Capital Increasing of the

joint venture project had not been completed,The capital construction of Nanjing
Factory has still not satisfied the conditions for equipment installation so that the joint
venture project can not be completed after much delay. Shenzhen East Asia Textile
Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd., a subsidiary established by the Company in Shenzhen to
undertake the Company's original printing and dyeing business, stopped its operating

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activities because the joint venture factory in Nanjing failed to start operation as
schedule so that there was no business for undertaking.
 Corrective Actions and Measures: Due to the delay of the relocation of our printing &
dyeing business, our production & operation activities are seriously influenced and may
not restore to normality within 3 months. Pursuant to the provision of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange Stock Listing Rules, Article 13.3.1, Shenzhen Stock Exchange exercised
other special treatment to our stocks since August 27th, 2007. This accident has major
influence to the production & operation activities and sustainable growth of our
company. To guarantee the stable operation and sustainable growth of our company, we
will enhance the coordination of engineering project, and try to implement the
relocation plan as soon as possible.

(3) Overall Appraisal to Our Internal Control.
      With all mentioned above, Based on the requirements of ,  and The fundamental norms of enterprise’s internal control,
company established quite perfect internal control structure and conducted standardized
operation. Our annual shareholder meeting, board of directors, board of trustees and
management have clearly stated duties and operate in a disciplined manner. We follow
the principles of truth, accuracy, completeness, promptness and fairness in term of
information disclosure. The internal control system can provide institutional guarantee
to company’s normal operation & risk control. At the same time, in the later work,
company will further improve the management level of company and make it perfect,
strengthen & improve the construction of internal control system and enhance internal
control execution.
   Company has not recruited external audit institution for giving opinions on
company’s internal control self-examination report yet.
V Committee of supervisers of Our Board of Trustees to the Self-Appraisal of Our
Internal Control
Opinion of committee of supervisers:
     1. We have established and improved an internal control system covering the entire
production & operation process according to the relevant stipulations of China
Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange as well as the
specific situation of our company, to confirm every work has its rule to follow, and
form a disciplined management system. Our existing internal control rules provide
guarantee to the production & operation activities of our company.
     2. We have established and improved a corporate governance structure and internal
organizational structure compliant to the requirement of modern management, and

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formed a decision-making mechanism, execution mechanism and supervision
mechanism for the key activities of our internal control, and guaranteed the standardized
operation of various business activities.
     3. In the report period, we have never violated the Guidance of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange on Internal Control of Listed Firms and our internal control rules. With all
mentioned above, the board of trustees deems that our 2010 Annual Internal Control
Self-Appraisal Report has comprehensively and objectively reflected the actual situation
of internal control in our company, can show us areas to be improved, has proposed
corrective actions, and we agree with it.
VI.Comments of Our Independent Directors to the Self-Appraisal of Our Internal
     Independent director opinion:
     Based on the Circular of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Doing a Good Annual
Report Work for Listed Firms in 2010, as independent directors of the company, we
have carefully read through the 2010 Annual Internal Control Self-Appraisal Report
submitted by the board of directors, talked to the management and relevant departments,
referred to the management rules of the company, and now make following comments
based on our independent stance:
     1. The internal control rules of the company are compliant to relevant national
regulations and the requirements of securities regulatory authority, and fit for the actual
situation of production and operation of the company.
     2. The internal control measures of the company have played good roles in the
various processes and links of the company management.
     3. The 2010 Annual Internal Control Self-Appraisal Report has comparatively
objectively reflected the true situation of internal control, is comparatively
comprehensive in summarizing the internal control, and is comparatively clear in areas
of internal control to be improved.
     4. The 2010 Annual Internal Control Self-Appraisal Report is compliant to the
actual situation of internal control of our company.

VII Performance Appraisal & Incentive Mechanism for Executives, Establishment and
Implementation of Relevant Rewarding Rules
We appraise the performance of executives according to relevant index and criterions,
the results of performance appraisal are recorded in the archives of executives, and are

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linked to the compensations and hiring of executives.

              Section VI. Particulars about Shareholders’ General Meeting

     In the report period,the Company held 1 shareholders’ general meeting. Relevant

particulars are as follows:

(1) 2009 annual shareholders' general meeting of the Company
     1. Notice, convening and holding of shareholders' general meeting
The Company issued the notice of holding 2009 annual shareholders' general meeting
on April 7, 2010. 2009 annual shareholders' general meeting of the Company was held
in the meeting room on the 16/F of Union Building, Shennan Road Central, Shenzhen in
the morning of May 12, 2010 s scheduled. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Hu
Yongfeng, the board chairman of the Company. 5 hareholders and shareholders' agents
attended this meeting, representing 90,225,600 shares which account for 53.34% of the
total shares of the Company. 2 shareholders holding A shares (agents) attended the
meeting, representing 59,145,015 shares which account for 59.31% of total voting
shares held by the Company's shareholders holding A shares. 3 shareholders holding B
shares (agents) attended the meeting, representing 31,080,585 shares which account for
44.77% of total voting shares held by shareholders holding B shares of the Company.
Chen Dong, lawyer of Guangdong Shengdian Law Office attended and witnessed the
meeting and issued legal opinion.
2. The resolutions adopted at the shareholders' general meeting and the disclosure of
resolution announcement
     The meeting examined and voted through the following proposals:
     (1) 2009 annual work report of the board of directors of the Company.
     (2) 2009 annual work report of the supervisory committee of the Company.
     (3) 2009 annual report of the Company and its summary.
     (4) The profit distribution preplan of the Company for 2009

     (5)The proposal for renewing the engagement of Shine Wing Certified Public
Accountants as the Company's audit body for 2010;
    The announcement of the resolutions of this meeting was published on Securities
Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily on May 13,2010.

                       VII Report of the Board of Directors

I. The discussion and analysis of operation status

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     The Company’s printing & dyeing plant in Shenzhen ceased production, Five
subsidiaries controlled by the Company stopped the operation of relevant printing and
dyeing business due to the production suspense of printing and dyeing mill and most of
them maintained their daily operation by house property lease. .It plans to invest in
Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. with part of machinery and
equipment in 2007, Due to the reason on the side of the other party of joint venture and change of
industry prospect,as of December 31, 2010, Capital Increasing of the joint venture project

had not been completed,The capital construction of Nanjing Factory has still not
satisfied the conditions for equipment installation so that the joint venture project can
not be completed after much delay. Shenzhen East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co.,
Ltd., a subsidiary established by the Company in Shenzhen to undertake the Company's
original printing and dyeing business, stopped its operating activities because the joint
venture factory in Nanjing failed to start operation as schedule so that there was no
business for undertaking. The main source of the profit made by the Company in the
report year is the income from its investment in Zhejiang Union Hangzhou Bay
Ventures Co., Ltd.
(I) Review of the operating status of the Company in the report period
     1. Overall operating status in the report period

                                                                    Amount of
                                                                                      Proportion of
            Items                   2010                2009        change and         change (%)
 Operating Income                9,351,110            27,517,759    -18,166,649          -66.02

 Operating Profit                2,328,181            11,905,069     -9,576,888          -80.44
         Total profit            2,326,231            11,667,821     -9,341,590          -80.06
  Net profit attributable to
   shareholders of listed        4,102,924            12,090,678     -7,987,754          -66.07

     (1) Operating income decreased by RMB 18.16 million year on year mainly
because the printing and dyeing business of the Company was not recovered;
     (2) Operating profit decreased by RMB 9.57 million mainly because the key
business of the Company was not recovered, the earnings of Zhejiang Union Hangzhou
Bay Ventures Co., Ltd., an affiliated company, decreased by 47.20% year on year to

                                             32/135                                               32
RMB 45.05 million and Shenzhen East Asia Victor Onward Textile Printing and
Dyeing Co., Ltd., a controlled subsidiary, suffered loss of RMB 3.5 million;
     (3)Total profit decreased by RMB 93.4 million mainly for the reason mentioned in (2);
     (4) The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed Company increase by RMB 7.98 million
year on year mainly due to the said factors.
2. Scope of key business and its operation status
     Scope of key business :Production and sales of textile products, necessary raw
materials, auxiliary materials, various fabrics and garments and provision of relevant
      In report period, the controlled subsidiaries continued production suspense and
rectification and were mainly engaged in asset preservation and lease of idle properties
except that the main operation.
 (1).The income from main operation earned by the Company in the report period
  mainly includes the income from printing and dyeing business. In the report period,
  the total income from main operation was RMB 9.35 million, an decrease of 66.2%
  year on year. The Company realized net profit of RMB 2.32 million.
(1) Income from and cost of core business in terms of industry are as follows:

                             The Status of key business in terms of industry of business
                                                                                            Change of
                                                       Key                    Increase/dec key business
                           Income                                rease of key
On industry         or                  Cost of key business                  rease of key profit over
                          from key                                 business
production                               business   profit ratio                business     the same
                          business                                 turnover
                                                     (%)                    cost(%) period of last
Fabrics bleaching,
                                                              66.67          -94.93          -98.17      59.39
Printing & dyeing                  96              32
Lease                             839             400         52.32           -2.10          -20.79      11.25

Income from and cost of main operation in terms of areas are as follows:
                                                                       Unit: RMB’0000

                                                                                   Increase/decrease of income
                      Area                          Income from key business
Mainland China                                                                 766                       -51.58
Hong Kong and Overseas                                                         169                       -85.55

(2) The line of business or product whose income or profit accounts for over 10% of total income
from main operation or profit from main operation in the report period

                                               33/135                                            33
                         The Status of key business in terms of industry of business
                                                                                        Change of
                                                   Key                    Increase/dec key business
                       Income                                rease of key
  On industry or                    Cost of key business                  rease of key profit over
                      from key                                 business
   production                        business   profit ratio                business     the same
                      business                                 turnover
                                                 (%)                    cost(%) period of last
Fabrics bleaching,
                                                        66.67        -94.93        -98.17           59.39
Printing & dyeing               96           32
Lease                          839          400         52.32         -2.10        -20.79            11.25
 (3). The profit structure and key business structure in the report period did not change
much compared with the previous report period.
(4).Major Suppliers and Customers
      At present, the Company is mainly engaged in renting property. The tenants in
Shenzhen are its main customers.
3.Change in composition of the Company's assets and reasons therefore:
                                                           Amount of
 Items of consolidated
                             2010             2009         change and         Proportion of change (%)
     balance sheet
 Monetary fund               5178         5,610               -432             -7.70
 Account receivable            58           239               -181            -75.73
 Prepayments                    2            94                -92            -97.87
 Other receivable              17           122               -105            -86.07
 Inventories                   42            85                -43            -50.59
 Disposable financial
                               87            30            57                190.00
 Long term share
                             7719          6842           877                 12.82
 equity investment
 Property investment         3967          4444          -477                 -10.73
 Account payable              271           455          -184                 -40.44
 Minority interests d        -131            50          -181                -362.00
  (1) Monetary capital decreased by 4.32 million and 7.70% mainly because Nanhua
Company, a subsidiary, paid loan principal of RMB 3 million to Shenzhen Union
Property Group Co., Ltd., a related party;
(2) Accounts receivable, payment in advance, other receivables and advance
collections respectively decreased by RMB 1.81 million, RMB 0.92 million, RMB 1.05
million and RMB 1.84 million mainly because East Asia Victor Onward Company, a
subsidiary, settled current accounts;
(3) Inventories decreased by RMB 0.43 million and 50.59% mainly because East Asia
Victor Onward Company, a subsidiary, disposed of inventories;

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(4) Financial assets available for sale increased by RMB 0.57 million due to the rise in
trading price of the stocks of Hong Kong Exchange;
(5) Long-term equity investment increased by RMB 8.77 million and 12.82% mainly
because the real estate project of Zhejiang Union Hangzhou Bay Ventures Co., Ltd., an
affiliated company, made profit;
(6) Real estate for investment decreased by RMB 4.77 million and 10.73% mainly due
to depreciation of house properties;
(7) Minority interests decreased by RMB 1.81 million and 40.44% mainly because
Nanhua Company and Shenzhen East Asia, two subsidiaries of the Company, suffered
excess loss. According to No. 4 Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, where the loss for current period shared by minority shareholders of a
subsidiary exceeds the owner's equity enjoyed by them in this subsidiary at the
beginning of period in consolidated financial statements, the difference shall write off
minority interests. Whether the Articles of Association of the Company or an
agreement defines the obligation of minority shareholders for excess loss or not, excess
loss shall write off minority interests, i.e., minority interests will be negative when the
subsidiary suffering excess loss is included for statement consolidation. However, the
minority shareholders of Nanhua Company were declared bankrupt and suffered
compulsory liquidation in 2000. No retroaction can be conducted. Therefore, the
minority shareholders of Nanhua Company shall no longer bear losses.
4.Reasons for material change in the items of profit and loss statement of the Company
in the report period:
                                             Unit :RMB’0000
                                                         Amount of
  Items of profit and loss
                              2010            2009       change and        Proportion of change (%)
 Business income               935           2,752          -1,817                  -66.02
 Business cost                 432           2,262          -1,830                  -80.90
      Sales expense            68             226            -158                   -69.91
                               886            798             88                    11.03
   Financial expenses          65                 80          -15                   -18.75
 Asset impairment loss         401            362             39                    10.77
 Investment gain              1152           2,163          -1,011                  -46.74
 Non-business income            3                 55          -52                   -94.55
 Non business expenses          4                 79          -75                   -94.94

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(1)Business income and Business cost respectively decreased by RMB 18.17 Million
and RMB 18.30 million ( 66.02%, 80.90% )year on year mainly because the printing
and dyeing business of the Company was not recovered;
(2)Sales expenses decreased by RMB 1.58 million and 69.91% mainly due to further
deterioration of business and decrease of all expenses in the report year;
(3)Administrative expenses increased by RMB 0.88 million and 11.03%, mainly due
to different classification of administrative expenses and taxes of Nanhua Company, a
subsidiary, as compared with the previous year;
(4)Financial expenses decreased by RMB 0.15 million and 18.75% mainly due to
decrease of loans of Nanhua Company, a subsidiary;
(5)Assets impairment loss increased by RMB 0.39 million mainly due to provision for
impairment caused by liquidation of current accounts and inventories after East Asia
Victor Onward Company, a subsidiary, suspended its business for rectification;
(6)Investment income decreased by RMB 10.11 million and 46.74% mainly because
the earnings of Zhejiang Union Hangzhou Bay Ventures Co., Ltd., an affiliated
company, i.e., RMB 45.05 million, decreased by 47.20% year on year;
(7)Non-operating income increased by RMB 0.52 million mainly because Hong Kong
Victor Onward, a subsidiary of the Company, received the refund of taxes and levies in
the report year;
(8)Non-operating expenses increased by RMB 0.75 million mainly due to payment of
fine for delayed payment when applying for real estate title certificate for the old land of
Victor Onward Factory of the Company.
5. Composition of the cash flow of the Company:
                                              2010          Proportion to
                                                               the net
                                                              amount of
                   Items                Amount of cash        cash flow         Proportion of
                                            flow            from similar     change in cash and
                                                             activities %    cash equivalents %
   Subtotal of cash inflows from
   business activities                        1451             6308.70%            -335.88%
   Subtotal of cash outflows from
   business activities                        1428             6208.70%            -330.56%
   Net cash flows from operating
   activities                                     23           100.00%              -5.32%

                                         36/135                                          36
Subtotal of cash inflows from
investing activities                      35               129.63%          -8.10%
Subtotal of cash outflows from
investing activities                      8                29.63%           -1.85%
Net cash flows from investing
activities                                27               100.00%          -6.25%

Subtotal of cash inflows from
financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows of
financing activities                      308              100.00%          -71.30%
Net cash flows from financing
activities                               -308              100.00%          71.30%

Influence of the change of
exchange rate on cash                    -174              100.00%          40.28%
Change in cash and cash
equivalents                              -432              100.00%          100.00%

                                              of change     Proportion of   Proportion of
        Items             2010   2009
                                                 and         change (%)      change (%)
Cash received from
                                                                            production for
sales of goods or         932    2,292          -1,360         -59.34
rending of services                                                            Business
                                                                            production for
Tax returned              18     195             -177          -90.77
Other cash received
                                                                            production for
from business             501    1,226           -725          -59.14
operation                                                                      Business
Cash paid for                                                                   stopping
purchasing of                                                               production for
                          250    2,283          -2,033         -89.05
merchandise and                                                              rectification,
services                                                                       Business

 Cash paid to staffs or
paid for staffs
                          361    432             -71           -16.44       Staff reduce

                                 37/135                                            37
                                                                                      production for
          Taxes paid         189          241           -52            -21.58
   Other cash paid for                                                                  Current
                             626          871          -245            -28.13
   business activities                                                                  account
   Net cash retrieved
   from purchasing of
                                                                                      Factory land
   fixed assets,               8          283          -275            -97.17
   intangible assets, and                                                              use rights
   other long-term assets
                                                                                       Accepted the
                                                                                      3.66% equity of
   Cash paid as
                               0          141          -141                          Nanhua Company
   investment                                                                        held by Shenzhen
                                                                                     Nanyou (Group)

                                                                                      Loan principal
   Cash to repay debts       308           0           308
6. Status of equipment utilization of the Company:
The Company suspended production for rectification in February 2007 and plans to
relocate factory. Its equipment has been in idle status.
7.The operating status of main controlling subsidiaries and joint ventures
Five subsidiaries controlled by the Company stopped the operation of relevant printing
 and dyeing business due to the production suspense of printing and dyeing mill and
 most of them maintained their daily operation by house property lease.
(II) Forecast of the Company's future development
1. The development trend of the industry the Company is engaged in and the situation
    of market competition confronted by the Company
   The Company controlled subsidiary Nanhua Printing & Dyeing and the Company owned
Printing & Dyeing Factory are continuously suspended for rectification. most of them maintained
their daily operation by house property lease.
2. Development opportunities and challenges in the future and business plan for the new
The board of directors of company is positively studying the future development of
company to enhance company's sustainable operating ability.
3. The fund needed by the Company to realize the strategy of sustainable development,
the plan to use funds and fund source
4,Main risk factors and countermeasures
    At present, The Company has faced the situation of no main operation. While, the
funds of original shareholder of Nanjin factory is not available in time, project schedule

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was always delayed , till now, the joint venture factory in Nanjin is not ready for
equipment installation, it is unable to start production as per schedule, There is no sign
of improvement for company’s dyeing business in short term, the operation is facing

2. Investment in the report period
     (I) There were neither funds raised in the report period nor those raised in previous periods
     whose use continued in the report period.
     (II) In the report period, there were investment projects utilizing non-raised funds:No
3. Particulars about the cash bonus of the Company in previous three years
The Company did not distribute dividends in the previous three years.
4. Notes to the unqualified auditor's report with paragraph of emphasized matters issued
by Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants for the Company's financial report for 2010
(I) Basic information about the matters involved in non-standard unqualified audit
    Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants issued unqualified auditor's report with paragraph of
emphasized matters for the Company's financial statements for 2010 Basic information of
emphasized matters: Since March 2007, Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
stopped production and dismissed most of workers. And most subsidiaries of the company had
stopped production and it maintained daily operation by house leasing. Shenzhen Victor Onward
Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. had disclosed its improvement measures in Note 13 of Financial
Statement, but its sustainable operation ability is still uncertain. This paragraph does not affect audit
opinions that have been given.
(II) Basic opinions of certified public accountants on such matter:
    Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants accepted entrustment, completed the audit of the
financial statements of the Company for 2009 and issued unqualified auditor's report with paragraph
of emphasized matters for the Company's financial statements for 2010. In accordance with No. 14
Rule for Preparation and Report of Information Disclosure by Companies Publicly Issuing Securities
- Non-standard Unqualified Audit Opinions and Treatment of Matters Involved Therein, relevant
notes are as follows:
As noticed by Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants during audit, Since March 2007,
Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. stopped production and dismissed
most of workers. The company currently only had house leasing business.

Except that Shenzhen East Asia Victor Onward Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. is
still operating normally, other 5 subsidiaries controlled by the Company have stopped
operation or are maintaining daily operation by house property lease. It plans to invest
in Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. with part of machinery and
equipment in 2007, Due to the reason on the side of the other party of joint venture and
change of industry prospect. we believe that the sustainable operation ability of
Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. is still uncertain, so I emphasized
the situation in the audit reports and issued unqualified auditor's report with paragraph

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of emphasized matters. The matters involved in highlighted statement did not apparently
violate Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and regulations on relevant
information disclosure standardization.
    This special statement is issued by us according to relevant regulations of CSRC and shall not be
used for other purpose. We and the C.P.A. who performed this service shall not bear any liability for
the consequences caused by its improper use.
(III) The opinions of the board of directors, supervisory committee and management of
the Company on this matter:
The board of directors, Supervisory Committee and managers believed that the printing
and dyeing plant of the company had stopped operation or maintained daily operation
by house leasing. Due to the reason on the side of the change of industry prospect, Capital
Increasing of the joint venture project had not been completed.
 (IV) Extent of influence of this matter on the Company:
     This event greatly impacted the production & operation activities and sustainable
development of company, it made company had the situation of implementing other
special treatment which was stipulated in Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules , the
stock of our company had been implemented for other special treatment.
(V) The possibility of eliminating this matter and its influence:
Though the transfer of printing and dyeing business has been somewhat delayed,The
board of directors of company is positively studying the future development of company
to enhance company's sustainable operating ability.
(VI) The concrete measures of eliminating this matter and its influence
Company is communicating with joint venture partner and trying to minimize the losses
and settle this joint venture project issue properly.
V. Routine work of the board of directors
1. Board meetings and resolutions in the report period:
In the report period, the board of directors of the Company held 9 meetings in total.
1. In the Morning of April 7, 2010, the 9th meeting of the fifth board of directors of the
Company was held in the meeting room on the 16/F of Union Building , Shennan Road
Central, Shenzhen. The announcement of the resolutions of this meeting was published
on Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily on April 9, 2010.
2. In the Morning of April 26, 2010, the 10th meeting of the fifth board of directors of
the Company was held through voting by correspondence. The announcement of the
resolutions of this meeting was published on Securities Times and Hong Kong
Commercial Daily on April 28, 2010.
3. In the Morning of May 28, 2010, the 11th meeting of the fifth board of directors of
the Company was held through voting by correspondence. The announcement of the
resolutions of this meeting was published on Securities Times and Hong Kong

                                             40/135                                                40
Commercial Daily on May 28, 2010.
4. In the Morning of August 19, 2010, the 12th meeting of the fifth board of directors of
the Company was held through voting by correspondence. The announcement of the
resolutions of this meeting was published on Securities Times and Hong Kong
Commercial Daily on August 21, 2010.
5. In the Morning of October 25, 2010, the 13th meeting of the fifth board of directors
of the Company was held through voting by correspondence. The announcement of the
resolutions of this meeting was published on Securities Times and Hong Kong
Commercial Daily on October 26, 2010.
6. In the morning of October 25, 2010,the Special meeting of the fifth board of director
of the company was held through voting by correspondence.、The meeting examined
and adopted the Rectification Report of Shenzhen Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. on
Standardization of Basic Financial and Accounting Work and Self-inspection Report of
Shenzhen Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. on the Status of Establishment and
Implementation of Long-acting Mechanism of Prevention of Fund Occupation.
7.In the morning of November 8, 2010,the Special meeting of the fifth board of director
of the company was held through voting by correspondence. The meeting examined and
adopted the Management System for Financial Accounting Related Personnel .
8. In the morning of November 12, 2010,the Special meeting of the fifth board of
director of the company was held through voting by correspondence. The meeting
examined and adopted the Regulations of Shenzhen Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. on
Preventing Fund Occupation by Controlling Shareholder.
9.In the Morning of December 27, 2010, the 14th meeting of the fifth board of directors
of the Company was held through voting by correspondence. The announcement of the
resolutions of this meeting was published on Securities Times and Hong Kong
Commercial Daily on December 28, 2010.
 (2)Implementation by the board of directors of the resolutions of the shareholders'
general meeting
     The board of directors of the Company strictly implemented the resolutions of
shareholders' general meetings and the matters authorized by shareholders' general
meetings according to the provisions of the Company Law and the Articles of
Association of the Company.
    2009 annual shareholders' general meeting of the Company examined and adopted

                                       41/135                                          41
the proposal for the profit distribution of the Company for 2010: The Company is
neither to distribute dividends nor capitalize capital surplus for 2010.

(3)Performance introduced of the Special Committee of the Board of Directors
     The audit committee of company’s board of directors consisted of three directors
and two of them are independent directors, the convener is acted by independent
director. In the report period, According to the requirements of China Securities
Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the rules of The working
regulations for audit committee of the board of directors, audit committee performed the
following duties based on the principle of due diligence during the reporting period.
     1.April 19,2010, The meeting examined and adopted the Financial and accounting
basis of the work program of work of special events .
     2.May 28,2010,The Meeting examined and adopted Financial and accounting
activities of self-examination based on the work of the special report.
     3.October 25, 2010,The Meeting examined and adopted the specificationbased on
 the work of rectification of the financial accounting report.
     (4) Debriefing work plan of aduiting
     On December 27, 2010,Audit committee reviewed company’s financial report
auditing work plan 2010 and debriefed the ―Analysis on the business activities of
Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. in 2010‖ presented by financial
department of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd., audit committee
agreed the financial report audit work plan 2010 submitted by company.
     (5). Reviewing financial statement of company
      Audit committee gave the opinion to unaudited financial statements at the second
meeting before annual report and thought that the financial statement 2010 prepared by
company basically reflected the assets status and business performance of company.
Audit committee agreed to conduct annual finance report audit work based on it and
request company’s financial department provide positive cooperation, and coordinate
this audit work, strengthen communication and contact, promptly inform audit
committee about the issues found in auditing works and audit progress
     (6).Supervising and urging audit works of accounting firm
     The member of audit committee had conducted communication with accounting
firm many times and asked for the information of audit progress. Audit committee
carefully reviewed the initial audit report issued by annual CPA at the third meeting
before annual report. By referring to part of their working paper and verifying related
situation, audit committee thought that this initial audit report was prepared according to
new edition of accounting standard. Basically, it truly and fairly reflected company’s
financial situation on Dec. 31st, 2010 and business performance and cash flow in 2010.
There is no objection on the initial audit report issued by annual audit CPA.
     (7). Opinions about accounting firm
     Audit committee think that ShineWing accounting firm strictly followed the
regulations of audit laws and rules and started and completed company’s annual audit
2010, the audit time is sufficient, audit personnel have high professional quality, strong
practice ability and risk awareness. Their audit conclusion truly reflected the actual
situation of company. Audit committee proposed to recruit ShineWing accounting firm

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continuously as the audit institution for annual audit 2011.
(4). Profit distribution preplan for 2010
As audited by Shinewing Certified Public Accountants, the total profit of the Company
for 2010 is RMB 2,326,231 , After deduction of minority gains and losses of
RMB-1,731,989          and    income       tax    expenses      of   RMB-44,704,       net   profit   is
RMB4,102,924,the total year-end undistributed profit is - RMB -98,665,017. The Company is
neither to distribute profit nor to capitalize capital surplus for the current year.

Section VIII Report of the Supervisory Committee

I. The meetings of the supervisory committee
In the report period,the supervisory committee of the Company held 5 meetings in total.

(1) In the morning of April 7, 2010, the 8th meeting of the fifth supervisory committee of Shenzhen

Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. was held on 16/F of Union Building, Shennan Road

Central, Shenzhen. The meeting examined and adopted the following resolutions:

      1. 2009 Work Report of the Company;

      2. 2009 Auditor's Report of the Company ;

      3. Profit Distribution Preplan of the Company for 2009

      4. 2009 Annual Report and 2009 Annual Report (Summary) of the Company;
      5. Special Statement on Matters Involved in Unqualified Auditor's Report with
Highlighted Matter Paragraph for 2009;
6. Report on Self-evaluation on Internal Control of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile
Industrial Co., Ltd. in 2009;

(II)In the Morning of April 26, 2010, the 9th meeting of the fifth supervisory

committee of the company was held through voting by correspondence. The meeting

examined and adopted the following resolutions: The First Quarterly Report 2010.

(III)In the Morning of August 19, 2010, the 10th meeting of the fifth supervisory
committee of the company was held through voting by correspondence. The meeting
examined and adopted the following resolutions:The semiannual report 2010 and its

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(IV)In the Morning of October 25, 2010, the 11th meeting of the fifth supervisory
committee of the company was held through voting by correspondence.               The meeting
examined and adopted the following resolutions::The Third Quarterly Report 2010.
(V)In the Morning of October 25, 2010, the meeting of the fifth supervisory
committee of the company was held through voting by correspondence. The meeting
examined and adopted the following resolutions::Self-inspection Report of Shenzhen
Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. on the Status of Establishment and
Implementation of Long-acting Mechanism of Prevention of Fund Occupation.
II. In the report period,the supervisory committee seriously performed its duties and
expressed independent opinions in respect of the following matters:
1. The operation of the Company according to law.
In the report period, the Company operated strictly according to Company Law,
Securities law and the Articles of Association of the Company and other relevant laws
and regulations. The Company's procedure of decision was legal and its internal control
system was sound. The directors and managers of the Company all did their duties
during their work and none of their acts were found to violate the laws, regulations and
the Articles of Association or harm the Company's interests.
2. Inspection of the financial status of the Company.
The Supervisory Committee carefully checked and examined the financial data of the Company
including the financial report of the Company for 2008 audited by Shine Wing Certified Public
Accountants and held the opinion that the unqualified auditor's report of the Company for 2008 with
paragraph of emphasized matters issued by Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants was true and
gave a true view of the financial position and operating results of the Company.
3. The Company did not raise funds in the report period.
  4. Neither insider trading nor act that caused harm to the rights and interests of part of
shareholders or the loss of the Company's assets was found in respect of the transaction
price of the assets purchased or sold by the Company.
5. The related transactions between the Company and associated enterprises (companies)
were conducted in a fair manner and at market prices. The joint investment made by the
Company and related enterprises is in keeping with the interests of the Company.
Relevant voting procedure complied with relevant provisions of the Articles of
Association of the Company and Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and
related directors observed the regulations on absence during vote. The related
transactions were fair and reasonable and did not harm the interests of the Company and
middle and small shareholders.
 6. In the report year, Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants issued unqualified
auditor's report with paragraph of emphasized matters for the Company's financial
report for 2010. Company board of supervisors that: the cost in printing & dyeing
industry is continuing high in Shenzhen. the printing & dyeing business of the Company

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and Productions & operations are in serious difficulties and are hard to continue normal
operation. the Company controlled subsidiary Nanhua Printing & Dyeing and the
Company ownerd Printing & Dyeing Factory are continuously suspended for
rectification. As the transfer of the Company's printing and dyeing business is somewhat
delayed, the production and operating activities of the Company have been seriously
affected, In accordance with the provisions of 13.3.1 of Stock Listing Rules of
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange carried out special treatment of
the stocks of the Company from August 27, 2007.
    7. The current internal control system of company is relative perfect, reasonable and
effective in general, company’s Self-assessment report for internal control 2010
objectively and truly reflected the establishment, development and implementation of
company internal control system.

                             Section IX Important Events

I. The Company did not get involved in any material lawsuit or arbitration in the report
 II. The acquisition and disposal of assets and merger by absorption in which the
   Company was involved in the report period.
III. Related transactions.
(I) Related transactions related to daily operation
1.Related leased
Not applicable

(2) Fund transfer between the Company and related parties( Unit:RMB)
                                            Amount of          Amount of
             Related party
                                            period-end        period-begin
 Account receivable
 Shenye Union(Hong Kong)                         314,198               325,127
 Other receivable
 Union Group                                  22,564,462         21,566,542
 Union Property                                  699,258          3,671,008

3. Other material related transactions
   No other material related transaction.
4. Significant contracts and their performance
(I) The Company did not hold in trust or contract for or lease the assets of other

                                            45/135                                     45
companies nor did other companies nor did other companies hold in trust or contract for
the assets of the Company in the report period.
(2). Significant guarantee:
   (A) In the report period, the Company did not provided the external guarantee. There was no
significant guarantee that was provided in previous periods but continued to be valid in the report
period. The Company will strictly according to the requirements of laws and regulations of the
Company Law, the Securities Law, Stock Listing Rules and the Articles of Association of the
Company, further standardize the fund transfer between the Company and the controlling
shareholder and other related parties, lower operation risk and protect the legitimate rights and
interests of investors.
(B) The special statement and independent opinions of the independent directors on the external
guarantee of the Company.
     According Circular on Certain Issues Relating to Standardization of Fund Transfer Between
Listed Companies and Their Related Parties and Guarantees Provided by Listed Companies ("the
Circular") issued by CSRC, we, as the Company's independent directors,seriously examined the
status of the external guarantee provided by the Company with practical attitude and hereby give our
opinions on relevant issues:
According to the result of our prudent investigation,as of December 31, 2010,the Company did not
provide guarantee to its controlling shareholder, other related parties of which the Company holds
less than 50% equity, any unincorporate entity or individual against regulations nor did the
controlling shareholder and other related parties force the Company to provide guarantee to others as
of the end of the report period. In the report period,the Company specified the examination and
approval procedure of external guarantee and the credit standards for the object of guarantee
according to the gist of the Circular, added the same to the revised Articles of Association of the
Company, strictly observed the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company and strictly
controlled the risks of its external guarantee.
(3)The Company did not entrust others to manage its cash assets in the report period.
(4)Other significant contracts
The first provisional shareholders' general meeting of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile
Industrial Co., Ltd. in 2007 held on April 6, 2007 adopted the proposal for increasing
capital of Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd.
Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. ("Nanjing East Asia") is a
sino-foreign equity joint venture legally registered in Nanjing. The Company plans to
operate Nanjing East Asia as a joint venture through increasing share capital of Nanjing
East Asia. The Company is to increase capital of Nanjing East Asia with material
objects valued at RMB 30 million as registered capital (full payment of subscribed
registered capital is subject to the appraised value accepted by both parties), which

                                                  46/135                                              46
accounts for 30% of total registered capital. The original shareholders of Nanjing East
Asia are to invest RMB 70 million in Nanjing East Asia as registered capital (Full
payment of subscribed registered capital is subject to audited amount accepted by both
parties), which accounts for 70% of total registered capital. After completion of share
capital increase, Nanjing East Asia will be renamed as NAN JING VICTOR ONWARD
As the funding of investment counterpart is not available in time, it caused the delay of
project schedule and the increasing investment project has not been finished by now. It
has been delayed for three years and many factors had changed comparing with the
original factors, a lot of things had changed such as local investment environment,
financing environment and environmental requirement etc. which increased the
difficulty to the starting of joint venture investment project. It also caused a lot of loss
for the long time idle of factory machine and equipment. The expense for restarting
equipment will be increased greatly and all of them make the difficulties to the
completion of joint venture investment project. Company is keeping communication
with joint venture partner and trying to reduce the loss to the uttermost level & solve
this joint venture project issue properly.
(5) In accordance with the notice of Shenzhen Stock Exchange about Fair Information
Disclosure of Listed Companies, the Company improved internal control system and
procedure for information disclosure and formulated reception and introduction system,
information disclosure, reference and registration system. The Company and relevant
information disclosure obligors strictly abode by the principle of fair information
disclosure, neither implemented discriminatory policy nor disclosed, revealed or
divulged non-open significant information to specific objects.
 Reception    Place             Mode           Object           Discussion issue and offered
              Office of         Telephone      Individual       The Company
               board                           investor         communicated with
                                                                investors in respect of its
    2010       secretary of                                     production and operation
               the                                              status and its reorganization
                                                                and listened to the opinions
               Comapny                                          of investors.

(VI) In the report period, Commitment made by the Company or shareholders holding
over 5% of shares of the Company.
1.Significant commitments
    The external investment contract and the related financial expenses signed haven’t
 been executed or fully performed

                                         47/135                                            47
     As of December 31, 2010, Group has signed a contract but there are still
 outstanding major agreement total foreign investment RMB 30 million .Specific
 conditions are as follows:
Name                       Investment    Payabl     Non-payabl    Investme            Notes
                             amount         e       e amount of   nt Period
                                         amoun      investment
                                          t of
Investment            in                                                       Not because of
machinery            and                                                       the            other
equipment             in                                                       production sites
                            30 million         -      30 million Uncertain
Nanjing East asia                                                              can      not     be
Textiles Co., ltd.                                                             completed
2.The Signed or is ready to carry out the contract of large contracts
 As of December 31, 2010,The Group still has signed the agreement but did not pay
 large amounts of letting contracts total RMB 1.71 million. Specific conditions are as
Name                 Investment     Payable    Non-paya      Investment               Notes
                       amount      amount of      ble          Period
                                  investment   amount of
The lelocation                                                                Not because of the
of production                                                                 other    production
equipment as          1,710,000    855,000         855,000   Uncertain        sites can not be
a whole works                                                                 completed

2.In addition to these commitments ,as of December 31, 2010,The Group has no other
significant commitments.
(II)Unfreezing of restricted shares held after share holding structure reform in the
report period
The restricted A shares held by relevant shareholders holding non-negotiable shares in
A share market after the share holding structure reformhares were all unfrozen in 2009.
The promise made by Union Holdings Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder(43,141,032
shares) of the Company, in the share holding structure reform of the Company: If it sells

                                           48/135                                               48
the unfrozen negotiable shares of the Company held by it through the trading system of
Shenzhen Stock Exchange six months after unfreezing of shares and sells 5% or more
than 5% of total shares within six months from the first sale, it shall strictly meet the
requirements of relevant laws, regulations and rules and timely notify the Company to
make announcement about share sales. The content of disclosure: The quantity of shares
to be sold, the planned time of sale, the range of selling price and reason for selling and
other information required by Shenzhen Stock Exchange. this commitment is under

(VII)Engagement and ismission of Certified public Accountants
      In the report period, The Company still engaged Shine Wing Certified Public
Accountants to do the auditing work .The annual auditing fees totaled RMB 0.30
million, Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants has providing auditing service for 5
years for the Company in succession.
(VIII) Punishment to the Company , its Directors, Supervisors and senior Managment
 and rectification in the reporting period.
      In the report period, none of the Company, its Directors,Supervisors, senior
 Management , Shareholders or actual controllers was subject to investigation by
 cometent authorities, enforcement measures by judicial and regulatory authorities,
 transfer to judicial departments or prosecution for criminal liability, inspection or
 administrative punishment by CSRC, non-admission to securities market, or
 punishment by other administrative departments or public condemnation by the
 Zhenzhen Exchange as a result of being identified as an inappropriate candidate.

(IX) Future issues of balance sheet
      This Group had no other significant matters after the balance sheet date.
(X) Other material events
 As shown in the auditor's report, the net profit of the Company for 2009 is RMB
11,667,821 and the net profit for the shareholders of the Company is RMB 12,090,678.
According to relevant provisions of Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
the circumstance for giving caution of delisting risk of A shares and B shares of the
Company has disappeared. After approval by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the caution of
delisting risk of the stocks of the Company was cancelled from May 31, 2010. However,
the key business of the Company has not recovered. The circumstance for other special
treatment specified in Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange still exists.

                                         49/135                                             49
Other special treatment continued for the trading of the stocks of the Company.

                          Section X Financial Report

                                      Auditor’s report


To All shareholders of Shenzhen Victor onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.:
We audited accompanying consolidated financial statements and financial statements of
the parent company of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.(hereinafter
referred to as "the Company"), including balance sheet as at December 31, 2010, profit
statement, cash flow statement and statement of changes in shareholders' equity for the
year then ended and the notes to financial statements.

I. Management’s responsibility for the financial statements

     Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these
consolidated financial statements in accordance with international Financial Reporting
Standards. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining
internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting polices; and making accounting
estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
II. Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements
based on our audit and to report our opinion solely to you, as a body, and for no other
purpose. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on
Auditing, Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the consolidated financial
statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts
and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend
on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material
misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, In
making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the
Group’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in
order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for
the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control.

                                        50/135                                          50
An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and
the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating
the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our audit opinion.
III. Opinion
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the
financial position of the Group as of 31 December 2010, and of its profit and cash flows
for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standard.

IV. Matters emphasized
We remind the users of financial statements to pay attention to the fact that the Company stopped
production and dismissed most of workers since March 2007. And most subsidiaries of
the company had stopped production and it maintained daily operation by house leasing.
Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. had disclosed its improvement
measures in Note 13 of Financial Statement, but its sustainable operation ability is still
uncertain. This paragraph does not affect audit opinions that have been given.

Shine Wing Certified public Accountants           C.P.A:

                                                  Zhang WeiJian


                                                  Xia Wei

             Beijing China                        April 27, 2011

               Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                            51/135                                                  51
                                   Balance Sheet
                                   December 31, 2010

                                  December 31, 2010                      December 31, 2009
                                                   Parent                              Parent
                            Consolidated                           Consolidated
         Assets                                   company                             company
  Monetary fund                 51,786,613            23,577,186       56,105,626        24,960,502
   Trading      financial                                77,235                                   85,725
assets                              77,235                                171,221
      Bill receivable
   Account receivable              586,576                              2,398,250             488,528
        Prepayments                 23,225                                942,126
   Interest receivable               6,646                                  5,480
Other account                                         75,638,428                         81,416,712
receivable                         175,951                              1,227,246
Inventories                        429,613              429,612           856,553             444,557
Non-current asset due
in 1 year
   Other current asset
Total of current assets         53,085,859            99,722,461       61,706,502       107,396,024
Non-current assets:
 Disposable financial
asset                              874,427                                309,399
  Expired investment
in possess
   Long-term account
   Long-term equity
investment                      77,199,476            38,613,199       68,427,751        41,317,197
   Investment property          39,679,004             6,019,483       44,445,185            6,595,088
 Fixed assets                   17,492,132            14,313,935       18,772,745        14,867,709
   Construction in
Disposal of fixed
   Intangible assets             2,049,023             2,049,023        2,117,958            2,117,958
Expense on research
and development
    Goodwill                     5,352,498                              5,538,694
   Long-term expenses
to be apportioned
 Deferred income tax
      Other non-current
non-current assets             142,646,560            60,995,640      139,611,732        64,897,952

                                             52/135                                          52
       Total assets       195,732,419            160,718,101        201,318,234          172,293,976
Legal representative:   Financial controller          The person in charge of the financial
Hu Yongfeng                  Zhang Jinliang               Ren Changzheng

                                        53/135                                                53
                      Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                  Balance Sheet(Cont’d)
                                      December 31, 2010

                                      December 31, 2010                        December 31, 2009
       Liabilities and
    shareholders’ equity                                                                   Parent
                               Consolidated        Parent company       Consolidated
Current liabilities
   Short-term loan
   Trade off financial
   Bill payable
   Account payable                  3,353,297                115,281         4,101,084             1,793,753
   Prepayment                       2,718,175               1,939,819        4,555,433             3,448,961
   Employees’ wage
payable                               620,363                 579,911          559,967               559,967
   Tax payable                      2,914,867               1,723,217        2,519,063             1,192,456
   Dividend payable                 1,276,241                                1,320,637
   Other account payable           29,974,945                651,133        30,926,067              652,984
  Non-current liability due
in 1 year
  Other current liability           1,228,163               1,185,618        1,139,376             1,139,376
Total of current liability         42,086,051               6,194,979       45,121,627             8,787,497
Non-current liabilities:
    Long-term loan                  1,350,126                                1,534,300
  Long-term payable                 8,907,695                                9,217,564
  Differed income
   Expected liabilities
  Differed income tax
liability                             892,357               4,211,921         968,868              4,294,606
   Other non-current
liabilities                           878,286                878,286          908,839               908,839
Total of non-current
liabilities                        12,028,464               5,090,207       12,629,571          5,203,445
Total of liability                 54,114,515              11,285,186       57,751,198         13,990,942
Owners’ equity
  Share capital                   169,142,356             169,142,356      169,142,356        169,142,356
  Capital reserves                 39,872,534              31,606,598       39,297,104         31,606,598
 Less:Shares in stock
  Surplus reserves                 26,704,791              26,309,287       26,704,791         26,309,287
  Common risk provision
  Undistributed profit             -98,665,017            -80,137,758     -102,767,941        -76,527,638
  Different of foreign
                                    5,874,835               2,512,432
currency translation                                                        10,682,638             7,772,431

                                                 54/135                                            54
Total of owner’s equity
belong to the parent
company                          142,929,499            149,432,915        143,058,948          158,303,034
  Minor       shareholders’
equity                                                                         508,088
Total of owners’ equity         141,617,904            149,432,915        143,567,036          158,303,034
Total of liabilities and
  owners’ equity                195,732,419            160,718,101        201,318,234          172,293,976

   Legal representative:       Financial controller          The person in charge of the financial
Hu Yongfeng                     Zhang Jinliang                Ren Changzheng

                                               55/135                                                55
                             Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                              Profit statement

                                                         Year 2010                               Year 2009
                                             Consolidated        The Company          Consolidated           The Company
I. Total operating income                            9,351,110           1,315,850           27,517,759           12,161,743

Including:Operating income                          9,351,110           1,315,850           27,517,759           12,161,743

II. Total operating cost                            18,546,449           5,081,502           37,293,220           19,095,176

Including:operating cost                            4,323,089             -45,739           22,624,986           11,514,289
  Business tax and surcharge                                                                         540
 Sales expense                                         687,772                                2,267,860
    Administrative expense                           8,868,792           5,218,289            7,977,421            5,049,672
Financial expenses                                     652,427           -2,773,710             802,606           -1,075,506
 Asset impairment loss                               4,014,369           2,682,662            3,619,807            3,606,721
     Add:Gains from change of fair
value (―-‖for loss)
    Investment gain(―-‖for loss)                11,523,520             257,537           21,631,618             290,960
  Incl: investment gains from affiliates            11,264,659                               21,337,265

III. Operational profit(―-‖for loss)             2,328,181           -3,508,115          11,905,069           -6,642,473

 Add:Non-business income                               38,382                 189              552,940              24,248

 Less:Non business expenses                            40,332              39,434              790,188             709,264
         Incl:Loss from disposal of                    39,237               5,983               13,693                5,983
non-current assets
IV.Total profit(―-‖for loss)                       2,326,231           -3,547,360          11,667,821           -7,327,489

    Less:Income tax expenses                          -44,704              62,760              -45,510             781,547

  V. Net profit(―-‖for net loss)                 2,370,935           -3,610,120          11,713,331           -8,109,036
 Net profit attributable to the owners of
                                                     4,102,924                               12,090,678
parent company
    Minority shareholders’ gain & loss             -1,731,989                                 -377,347

VI. Earnings per share:
(I)Basic earnings per share                             0.02                                     0.07
 (II)Diluted earnings per share                           0.02                                     0.07

VII. Other comprehensive income                     -4,320,067           -5,259,999            -451,485             -257,221

VIII. Total comprehensive income                    -1,949,132           -8,870,119          11,261,846           -8,366,257
Total comprehensive income attributable
                                                      -129,449                               11,638,212
to the owner of the parent company
     Total     comprehensive       income
                                                    -1,819,683                                 -376,366
attributable minority shareholders
         Legal representative:         Financial controller          The person in charge of the financial

                                                     56/135                                                  56
Hu Yongfeng                           Zhang Jinliang              Ren Changzheng

                Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                              Cash flow statement

                                         Year 2010

                                            Report period               Same period of the previous year
                                    Consolidate         Parent                               Parent
              Items                     d              company                              company
I.Cash flows from operating
Cash received from sales of
                                        9,321,851           1,916,761         22,924,742       12,978,391
goods or rending of services
       Net increase of trade
                                                                                 269,610         269,610
financial asset disposal
      Tax returned                        185,563            104,485           1,950,227         797,227
 Other cash received from
                                        5,010,985           3,803,329         12,255,169        3,155,976
business operation
     Sub-total of cash inflow          14,518,399           5,824,575         37,399,748       17,201,204
    Cash paid for purchasing of
                                        2,508,670           1,035,551         22,837,806       13,184,921
merchandise and services
   Cash paid to staffs or paid
                                        3,612,910           2,237,620          4,317,377        2,346,409
for staffs
      Taxes paid                        1,898,137            850,110           2,405,719         827,766
  Other cash paid for business
                                        6,261,100           2,466,390          8,705,286        2,493,330
    Sub-total of cash outflow
                                       14,280,817           6,589,671         38,266,188       18,852,426
from business activities
      Cash flow generated by
                                          237,582           -765,096            -866,440       -1,651,222
business operation, net
II.Cash flow generated by
      Cash received from
investment retrieving
  Cash received as investment
                                          260,948            257,537               3,044
  Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets,
                                            9,669              9,669              65,749          56,583
intangible assets, and other
long-term assets
  Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries or other
operational units
   Other investment-related

                                             57/135                                                57
cash received
 Sub-total of cash inflow due
                                            352,003           267,206               68,793            56,583
to investment activities
Cash paid for construction of
     fixed assets, intangible
                                             83,200            55,788            2,830,657        2,744,201
     assets and other long-term
Cash paid as investment                                                          1,407,076        1,407,076
   Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other
operational units
 Other cash paid for
investment activities
   Sub-total of cash outflow
                                             83,200            55,788            4,237,733        4,151,277
due to investment activities
   Net cash flow generated by
                                            268,803           211,418           -4,168,940       -4,094,694

Legal representative:             Financial controller        The person in charge of the financial
Hu Yongfeng                            Zhang Jinliang             Ren Changzheng

                  Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                      Cash flow statement(Cont’d)

                                           Year 2010

                                                                        Same period of the previous
                                            Report period
                                                          Parent                          Parent
                                   Consolidated                     Consolidated
                Items                                    company                         company
 III.Cash flow generated by
       Cash received as
    Incl: Cash received as
 investment from minor
       Cash received as loans
       Cash received from
    bond placing
    Other financing –related
    ash received
    Sub-total of cash inflow
 from financing activities
       Cash to repay debts                3,084,542                           137,332

                                                58/135                                                58
           Cash paid as dividend,
         profit, or interests
               Incl: Dividend and
         profit paid by subsidiaries to
         minor shareholders
         Other cash paid for
         financing activities
           Sub-total of cash outflow
                                                    3,084,542                     0           137,332                 0
         due to financing activities
         Net cash flow generated by
                                                    -3,084,542                    0           -137,332                0
         IV.Influence of exchange
         rate alternation on cash and               -1,740,856          -829,638               -90,090           -43,600
         cash equivalents
         V.Net increase of cash and
                                                    -4,319,013         -1,383,316           -5,262,802        -5,789,516
         cash equivalents
           Add: balance of cash and
         cash equivalents at the                 56,105,626           24,960,502            61,368,428        30,750,018
         beginning of term
         VI. Balance of cash and cash
         equivalents at the end of               51,786,613           23,577,186            56,105,626        24,960,502

        Legal representative:             Financial controller                  The person in charge of the financial
        Hu Yongfeng                            Zhang Jinliang                       Ren Changzheng

                      Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
                      Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity
                                        Year 2010
                                                          Amount of the Current term
                                  Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                      Less:                                                          Minor       Total of
                     Share Capital Shares Specialized Surplus                  Attributable       shareholders’ owners’
                                                                        risk                Other
                     Capital reserves in        reserve reserves                  profit             equity       equity
I.Balance at the      16914235
                                 39297104       0                0   26704791           0   (102767941)   10682638          508088   143567036
end of last year             6
  Add: Change of
accounting policy
Correcting of
previous errors
Other                                                                                                                                       0
II.Balance at the
beginning of                     39297104       0                0   26704791           0   (102767941)   10682638          508088   143567036
current year
III.Changed in the
                             0     575430       0                0         0            0       4102924 (4807803)       (1819683)    (1949132)
current year
(I) Net profit                                                                                4102924                 (1731989)     2370935
(II)Other                        575430                                                                 (4807803)        (87694)   (4320067)

                                                          59/135                                                           59
Total of (I) and
                              0      575430     0           0          0            0      4102924 (4807803)        (1819683)   (1949132)
   (III) Investment
or decreasing of
                              0          0      0           0          0            0            0         0               0           0
capital by
  1. Capital
inputted by                                                                                                                            0
2.Amount of
shares paid and
accounted as                                                                                                                           0
  3. Other                                                                                                                             0
(IV)Profit                  0          0      0           0          0            0            0         0               0           0
  1.Providing of
                                                                       0                                                               0
surplus reserves
2.Common risk                                                                                                                         0
   3. Allotment to
the owners (or                                                                                                                         0
  4. Other                                                                                                                             0
   (V) Internal
transferring of               0          0      0           0          0            0            0         0               0           0
owners’ equity
Capitalizing of
capital reserves
       (or to capital
1.Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
  (or to capital
3.Making up
losses by surplus                                                                                                                      0
4. Other                                                                                                                               0
(VI) Special
                              0          0      0           0          0            0            0         0               0           0
1. Provided this
2.Used this term                                                                                                                      0
IV. Balance at the      16914235
                                   39872534     0           0    26704791           0   (98665017)   5874835        (1311595)   141617904
end of this term               6

       Legal representative:              Financial controller              The person in charge of the financial
       Hu Yongfeng                             Zhang Jinliang                   Ren Changzheng

                             Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                                        60/135                                                       60
                            Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity(Cont’d)
                                                 Year 2010
                                                                   Amount of the previous term
                                             Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                                                                  Com                                 Minor
                                                                                                                              Total of
Items                                                 Less: Speciali              mon                               sharehold
                             Share          Capital                     Surplus         Attributable                          owners’
                                                     Shares     zed                risk                 Other          ers’
                             Capital       reserves                    reserves            profit                              equity
                                                    in stock reserve              prov                                equity
I.Balance at the end of      169142356      39194631        0            0 26309287   0   (115810517)   11237577       884454 130957788
last year
  Add: Change of                                                                                                                        0
accounting policy
   Correcting of previous                                                                                                               0
Other                                                                                                                                   0
II.Balance at the
beginning of current         169142356      39194631        0            0 26309287   0   (115810517)   11237577       884454 130957788
III.Changed in the                     0      102473        0            0   395504   0     13042576    (554939)      (376366)    12609248
current year
(I) Net profit                                                                            12090678                  (377347)    11713331
(II)Other misc.income                       102473                                                    (554939)            981   (451485)
  Total of (I) and (II)                0      102473        0            0        0   0     12090678    (554939)      (376366)    11261846
(III) Investment or
decreasing of capital by               0           0        0            0        0   0      1347402            0            0    1347402
  1. Capital inputted by
2.Amount of shares paid
and accounted as                                                                                                                        0
       owners’ equity
  3. Other                                                                                   1347402                              1347402
   (IV)Profit allotment              0           0        0            0   395504   0      (395504)           0            0          0
1.Providing of surplus                                                       395504          (395504)                                   0
2.Common risk                                                                                                                          0
3. Allotment to the                                                                                                                     0
owners (or shareholders)
  4. Other                                                                                                                              0
  (V) Internal
transferring of owners’               0           0        0            0        0   0            0            0            0          0
Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital                                                                                                                 0
1.Capitalizing of surplus
reserves                                                                                                                                0
  (or to capital shares)
3.Making up losses by                                                                                                                  0
surplus reserves.
4. Other                                                                                                                                0

                                                                61/135                                                 61
(VI) Special reserves                0            0         0            0         0    0                 0            0           0         0
1. Provided this year                                                                                                                        0
2.Used this term                                                                                                                            0
IV. Balance at the end of   169142356    39297104           0            0 26704791     0       (102767941)     10682638     508088 143567036
this term

          Legal representative:               Financial controller               The person in charge of the financial
          Hu Yongfeng                                 Zhang Jinliang                 Ren Changzheng

                          Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd
                      Parent Company Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity
                                           Year 2010
                                                                  Amount of the Current term
                                                       Less:                                              Different
                                                                                  Common                             Total of
              Items            Share           Capital Shares Specialized Surplus           Attributable of foreign
                                                                                     risk                            owners’
                               Capital        reserves   in     reserve reserves                profit     currency
                                                                                  provision                           equity
                                                       stock                                             translation
    I.Balance at the end of       169142356     31606598         0           0     26309287           0       (76527638)    7772431    158303034
    last year
    Add: Change of                                                                                                                            0
    accounting policy
    Correcting of previous                                                                                                                    0
    Other                                                                                                                                     0
    II.Balance at the
    beginning of current          169142356     31606598         0           0     26309287           0       (76527638)    7772431    158303034
    III.Changed in the                   0              0        0           0              0         0        (3610120)   (5259999)   (8870119)
    current year
    (I) Net profit                                                                                           (3610120)               (3610120)
    (II)Other                                                                                                            (5259999)   (5259999)
      Total of (I) and (II)              0              0        0           0              0         0        (3610120)   (5259999)   (8870119)
       (III) Investment or
    decreasing of capital by             0              0        0           0              0         0               0           0           0
      1. Capital inputted by                                                                                                                  0
    2.Amount of shares
    paid and accounted as                                                                                                                     0
          owners’ equity
      3. Other                                                                                                                                0
       (IV)Profit                      0              0        0           0              0         0               0           0           0
         1.Providing of                                                                                                                       0
    surplus reserves
    2.Common risk                                                                                                                            0

                                                                62/135                                                       62
  3. Allotment to the
owners (or                                                                                                                           0
  4. Other                                                                                                                           0
  (V) Internal
transferring of owners’               0            0         0       0            0         0            0             0            0
Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital                                                                                                              0
1.Capitalizing of
surplus reserves                                                                                                                     0
  (or to capital shares)
3.Making up losses by                                                                                                               0
surplus reserves.
4. Other                                                                                                                             0
(VI) Special reserves                  0            0         0       0            0         0            0             0            0
1. Provided this year                                                                                                                0
2.Used this term                                                                                                                    0
IV. Balance at the end          169142356     31606598        0       0     26309287         0    (80137758)      2512432   149432915
of this term

        Legal representative:               Financial controller          The person in charge of the financial
        Hu Yongfeng                              Zhang Jinliang               Ren Changzheng

                    Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd
                Parent Company Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity
                                     Year 2010
                                                              Amount of the previous term
                                                      Less:                                                        Different
                                                                              Common                                          Total of
                                     Share Capital Shares Specialized Surplus           Attributable              of foreign
                                                                                 risk                                         owners’
                                     Capital reserves in    reserve reserves                profit                  currency
                                                                              provision                                        equity
                                                      stock                                                       translation
I.Balance at the end of last         169142356    31606598                     26309287              (68418602)       8029652 166669291
Add: Change of accounting
   Correcting of previous
II.Balance at the beginning of       169142356    31606598                     26309287              (68418602)       8029652 166669291
current year
III.Changed in the current                                                                            (8109036)      (257221)   (8366257)
   (I) Net profit                                                                                   (8109036)                 (8109036)
   (II)Other misc.income                                                                                           (257221)    (257221)
  Total of (I) and (II)                                                                               (8109036)      (257221)   (8366257)
   (III) Investment or

                                                             63/135                                                63
decreasing of capital by
  1. Capital inputted by owners
2.Amount of shares paid and
accounted as
       owners’ equity
  3. Other
   (IV)Profit allotment
1.Providing of surplus
2.Common risk provision
  3. Allotment to the owners
(or shareholders)
  4. Other
   (V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)
(1)Capitalizing of surplus
  (or to capital shares)
3.Making up losses by
surplus reserves.
4. Other
(VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2.Used this term
IV. Balance at the end of this
                                  169142356   31606598                 26309287             (76527638)     7772431 158303034

      Legal representative:           Financial controller        The person in charge of the financial
      Hu Yongfeng                             Zhang Jinliang          Ren Changzheng

      1.Basic Information of the Company

      Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the
      Company"), grew out of the Xingnan Printing Factory Co., Ltd, founded in 1980, was
      the first wholly foreign-owned enterprise in Shenzhen. In April 1984, Xingnan Printing
      Factory Co., Ltd was changed into foreign joint venture, and was renamed Shenzhen
      Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. . On November 19, 1991, the Company was
      reorganized into a joint stock limited company and renamed Shenzhen Victor Onward
      Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. pursuant to the approval of Shenzhen Municipal
      The domestically listed RMB ordinary shares ("A shares, Stock code: 000018" ) and
      domestically listed foreign investment shares ("B shares ,stock code: 200018") issued
      by the Company were listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1992.

                                                         64/135                                           64
By December 31, 2010, the total share capital was 169,142,356 million shares, of which
circulating A-share 99,720,453 shares, circulating B-share 69,421,903. of which Union
Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Union Holdings ) holding limit-sale
A-shares3,141,032 shares, accounting for 25.51% of the total equity, is the controlling
shareholder of the company, Union Development Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to Union Group)holding circulating A –share 5,821,089 shares, accounting for 3.44% of
the total equity, Union Group holds 31.32% of equity of Hualian Holdings and has the
right to control Union Holdings, thus Union Group is the actual controller of the

By December 31, 2010, Victor Onward printing and dyeing (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as "Hong Kong Victor Onward"), Hong Kong Victor Onward
Digital Printing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Victor Onward Digital Printing"),
Shengzhong Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shengzhong") ,Shenzhen
East Asia Victor onward Holding (hereinafter referred to as ―East Asia Company)and
Shenzhen Nanhua Printing and Dyeing as well as its wholly-funded subsidiary Nanhua
Xingye Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Nanhua Xingye") are all subsidiaries of
the Company. The Company and its subsidiaries are collectively referred to as "the

The Group is mainly engaged in the production and processing (printing and dyeing) and sales of
various high-grade fabrics of pure cotton, pure linen, polyester-mixed cotton, linen cotton and mixed
fiber and finished garments.     Registered address: 26 Kuipeng Road, Kuiyong Town,
Longgang District, Shenzhen         Legal Representative: Hu Yongfeng
II. Basis for the preparation of financial statements
The financial statements was prepared on the basis of the Group's continuous operation.

III.Complying with the statements in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements of the Group comply with the requirements of Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises, truly reflect the integrity of the financial situation,
operating results and cash flows, and other relevant information of the company.

IV. Accounting policies, accounting estimation and the method of preparing consolidated
financial statements
V. Accounting policies, accounting estimation and the method of preparing consolidated
financial statements
(1)Fiscal year
The fiscal year of the Group starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 on the
Gregorian calendar.
(2)Standard currency for book keeping
Except for Shenzhen East Asia Company and Veaopel taking RMB as the standard

                                             65/135                                               65
         currency for bookkeeping, the Company and other subsidiaries of the Group all take
         HKD as the standard currency for bookkeeping.
         (3) Basis for bookkeeping and costing principle
         The Group's basis for bookkeeping is accrual system. Except that the financial assets for
         transaction, the financial liabilities for transaction, and financial assets available for sale
         are accounted by fair value, generally, account by historical cost.
        (4) Cash and cash equivalents
         The cash stated in cash flow statement refers to cash in hand and bank deposits usable
         for payment at any time. Cash equivalent refers to the investments with holding period
         of less than 3 months and strong liquidity that are readily convertible to known amount
         of cash and subject to insignificant risk of changes in value.
        (5)Foreign currency Convert
      (1)Foreign currency Transactions
(2)Foreign currency statement Convert
The financial statements of the company and the subsidiaries making HK dollars as bookkeeping currency
shall be converted into RMB. In the course of conversion, the assets & liabilities items shall be converted by
using the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date, the items of shareholders equity except for the
retained profit shall be converted according to the spot exchange rate, the items of incomes and expenses in
the profit statement shall be converted by the approximate exchange rate of spot exchange rate on
the transaction date. The conversion differences of foreign currency statements produced in the
above conversions shall be individually listed under the item of shareholders equity.
The cash flow in the cash flow statement are converted by the average exchange rate of the
market rates announced in the accounting period. The influences on cash flow from the changes
of exchange rate are separately listed in cash flow statement.
6. Financial assets and Financial Liabilities
(1). Classification of financial assets:
According to investment purposes and economic nature, the financial assets of the Group can
be divided into the financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the
current loss and gain, the expired investments held, receivables and financial assets for sale, the
four categories.
1). The financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the current loss and gain: mainly
refer to the financial assets for sale in short term, which shall be listed in balance sheet in transactional
financial assets.

2). The expired investments held: refer to the non-derivative financial assets which have fixed expire date and
fixed or determined recovering amount.

                                                      66/135                                                66
3). Receivables: refer to the non-derivative financial assets which have no quotation in active market but
have fixed or determined recovering amount, including notes receivable, accounts receivable, interest
receivable, dividends receivable and other receivables.
4). Financial assets for sale: include the non-derivative financial assets which are recognized as for sale when
they are initially confirmed, and the financial assets which are not divided into other categories.
Financial assets are conducted initial confirmation by at fair value. The relevant expenses to
obtain the financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the current loss
and gain shall be included in the current loss and gain, the relevant transactional expenses of
other financial assets shall be the initial confirmation amount. When the contract right of a
financial asset is ended or the risk and reward of ownership of the financial asset are transferred
to the corresponding party, the confirmation of financial assets shall be ended.
At fair value and changes in their gains and losses included in the current period of financial
assets and financial assets to be sold in accordance with the fair value of follow-up measures;
receivables and investments held to maturity using the effective interest method to share more
than the cost listed.
The changes of fair values of financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included
in the current loss and gain shall be included in the changing loss and gain of fair value; all the
interest and cash dividends obtained during the period holding the assets shall be confirmed as
investment income; upon the disposal of the assets, the differences between the fair value and
initial bookkeeping amount shall be confirmed as investment loss and gain, and at the same
time, the changing loss and gain of fair value shall be adjusted.
The changes of fair values of financial assets for sale shall be included in equity of shareholders;
during the holding period, the interest accounted by actual interest rate shall be included in the
investment income; the cash dividends of equity tool investment for sale shall be included in
investment income upon the invested unit’s declaration of distributing dividends; upon the
disposal, the differences between the price and book value deducting the fair value originally
included in shareholders equity shall be included in investment loss and gain.
Except for the financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the current
loss and gain, on the financial sheet date, the Group will check the book value of other financial
assets on the balance sheet date, if there is objective evidence showing that impairment has
happened on a financial asset, provision for the impairment shall be drown. If dramatic or
non-temporary decline has happened on the financial assets for sale, the accumulative loss
originally included in shareholders equity shall be included in the impairment loss. The equity
tool investments which the impairment loss has been confirmed and are related to the events of

                                                       67/135                                                67
conformation of impairment loss shall be included in the equity of shareholders. The
impairment loss of equity tool investments which have no quotation in the active market and
the fair value can not be reliably measured, will not be transferred back.
(1) Financial Liabilities
The financial liabilities of our Group shall be classified into the financial liabilities or other ones which are
measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period when they are initially recognized.

The financial liabilities, which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into
the profits and losses of the current period, including transactional financial liabilities and the financial
liabilities designated which are measured at their fair values and variation of which is recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period when they are initially recognized, shall be made subsequent
measurement on its financial assets according to their fair values, and the profits and losses arising from the
change in the fair value and the dividends and interests expenses related to the financial liability shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
The subsequent measurement shall be made on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual
interest rate method for other financial liabilities.
(1) The determination method for fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
If there is active market for a financial instrument, the quoted prices in the active market shall be used to
determine the fair values thereof. In the active market, the quoted prices of our Group for the financial assets
it holds or the financial liabilities it plans to assume shall be the present actual offer for the corresponding fair
values of assets or liabilities, while the quoted prices of our Group for the financial assets it plans to acquire
or the financial liabilities it has assumed shall be the available charge for the corresponding fair values of
assets or liabilities. Where there is no available offer or charge for a financial asset or financial liability, but
there is no any significant change to the economic environment after the latest transaction day, we shall adopt
the market quoted price of the latest transaction to determine the fair value of the said financial asset or
financial liability.
Where there is no active market for a financial instrument, we shall adopt value appraisal techniques to
determine its fair value. The value appraisal techniques mainly include the prices adopted by the parties, who
are familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value
obtained by referring to other financial instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization
method and the option pricing model, etc.
7.Account receivable and provisions for bad debts
The Group will recognize the following cases as the determination standard of loss on bad debts for accounts
receivable: the debt or others can't be repaid in the foreseeable period, e.g. the debtor units have been closed,
revocation, bankruptcy, insolvent, severe insufficient cash flow or the occurrence of natural disasters; the
repayment obligations are delayed and failed to be performed beyond 3-year by the debt entities; there are
other absolute evidences proving that unable to be collected or little possibility.

                                                         68/135                                                   68
The Group adopted the method of counter compensation for the possible bad debt losses, which
were drown provision for bad debt by the method of individual recognition at period end and
were included in the current loss and gain. The receivables which were not to be recovered,
after being approved by the Group, would be regarded as bad debt loss and the provision for
bed debt would be written off.
(1)Accounts receivable with material specific amount and specific provisioned bad bebt preparation.

       Judgment criteria or amount standard of Account receivable with special account receivable
       material specific amount or amount exceeding RMB 1 million is viewed as material
       criterial                                   accounts receivable.

       Provision method with material specific Provision Had debt preparation in accordance with
       amount and provision of specific bad         the difference of present value of future cash flow
       debt preparation                             below the book value .

       (2)The accounts receivable of bad debt provisions made by Group

       Determine the basis of Group
       Group of account age                     The Group is classified by the credit risk features
                                                basised on the account age of receivables
       Group of affiliated party                The Group is classified by the credit risk features
                                                based on the relations of account receivables and
                                                transaction objects.
       Deposit Group                            The Group is classified by the credit risk features
                                                basised on the account age of receivables .
       The withdrawing method of bad debt reserves carried by Group.

       Group of account age                     The provisions for bad debts withdrawn by the analysis
                                                method of account age

       Group of affiliated party                Generally without the provisions for bad debts.
       Group of account age                     Generally without the provisions for bad debts.

            1)Provision proportion of bad debt preparation of accounts receivable adopting aging
             analysis method:

                                      Age                                            Proportion
             Within 1 year                                                               3%
             1-2 years                                                                  10%
             2-3 years                                                                  50%
             Over 3 years                                                               100%

                                                 69/135                                                  69
    2)The accounts receivable of bad debt provisions withdrawn by adopting other methods:

                                            Special relationship between the related party
                                            and the Group (such as joint ventures,
Related party Group                         associates, etc.), there is a little balance
                                            between the predicted future cash flow and the
                                            carrying amount.

                                            Including the rent deposit, purchase deposit and
                                            reserve deposit, etc., but without great
Deposit Group                               individual amount and the bad debt reserves
                                            withdrawn by combination are difficult to
                                            reflect the accounts receivable of risk features.

   (3)Account receivable with non-material specific amount but specific bad debt preparation

                                            Accounts receivable with non-material specific
Reason of specific bad debt preparation     amount and being not able to relent its risk character
provison                                    by provisioning bad debt preparation in accordance
                                            with portfoio
                                            Bad debt preparation will be provisioned inaccordance
Provision method of bad debt preparation     with the difference of present value of its future cash
                                             flow below its book value.
8. Inventories
(1)The inventories of the Company include raw materials, work-in-process, finished
products, low-value and easily-worn articles and packing articles and are stated at the
lower of cost and net realizable value.

Perpetual inventory system was implemented for inventory, the inventory would be
priced according to actual cost; upon receiving or sending inventory, weighted average
method would be used. The low value consumable products would be amortized by
method of one-time writing off.

The inventory at year end can be priced by depending on which is lower between cost
and realizable net value if the inventory were damaged or full or partly unused or the
sale price lower than cost and other reasons. The provision for devaluation of finished
products and big raw materials shall be drown according to the difference which the
cost of individual inventory item higher than the realizable net value; other raw
materials with large quantity and low unit price shall be drown provision for devaluation
according to categories.

Goods in stock, products in production and other materials directly for the sale, the
amount of the realizable net value shall be determined according to the estimated sale

                                           70/135                                                70
price deducting the estimated sale expenses and relevant taxes; the amount of realizable
value of material inventory for production shall be determined according to the
estimated sale value of finished products deducting the estimated cost which will
happen before the completion and estimated sale cost and relevant taxes. The inventory
holding for the implementation of sale contract or service contract, the realizable net
value shall be accounted on the basis of contract price; if the quantity of inventory held
by enterprise is bigger than the quantity ordered in the sale contract, the realizable net
value of the excess inventory shall be accounted on the basis of general sale price.
9.Long-term equity investment
Long-term equity investments mainly include the equity investments which are held by
the Group and the ones that the units being invested can be controlled or jointly
controlled, or the equity investments which have not quotation in active market and the
fair value can not be reliably measured.
Joint control refers to the control that common control on some economic activities
according to contract. The references for the determination of common control are the
business activities which any operating party can not be controlled independently; the
decisions relating to basic operating activities of the joint venture enterprise are to be
agreed by all joint parties.
Significant impact refers to having the right to participate in decision making on
financial and operating policies of the units being invested but can not control or jointly
control the making of these policies. The determining reference of significant impact is
to own 20% (inclusive) or more but less than 50% of the voting shares directly owned
by the Group or owned through subsidiaries, unless there is clear evidence that under
that circumstance the production operating decision can not be participated and no
major influence will formed.

The long-term equity investments obtained through merger of companies under same
control the merger were the owner's equity book value of the shares as a long-term
equity investment of initial investment cost. The long-term equity investments obtained
through merger of companies under different control shall make the fair value which
made on the merger (purchase) to pay the control of the assets or liabilities as the
merger cost.
Apart from the long-term equity investments stated above, the long-term equity
investment obtained by cash, the initial investment obtained by cash will be determined
according to the price actually paid, initial investment costs include the direct costs, tax,
and other necessary expenses to obtaining long-term investment; the initial investment
will be determined according to the fair value of the equity securities issued; the
long-term equity investments invested by investors, the initial investment cost shall be
determined according to contract value; the long-term equity investment obtained by
debt restructuring, non-monetary assets or other methods, the initial investment cost
shall be determined according to the relevant accounting standards.

                                         71/135                                           71
If the subsidiary uses the cost method to account, adjustment shall be conducted
according to equity method when prepare the consolidated financial statements; the
joint venture and joint venture investment using the equity method; for the long-term
equity investments which have no control or joint control or significant influence and no
price in an active market, the method of cost shall be adopted to account; the long-term
equity investments which have no control or joint control or significant influence, there
are quotations in an active market and the fair value can be reliably measured, shall be
accounted as financial assets for sale.

When using the method of cost accounting, the long-term equity investments were
priced by the initial investment costs.Additional investment to recover the cost of
long-term equity investment. When using the equity method accounting, the current
investment gains and losses are the share of net losses and gains to be owned or shared
and achieved in the current year by the unit being invested. When determining the share
to be shared by the unit being invested, on the basis of the fair value of the identifiable
assets, according to the accouting policy and accounting period of the Group, offsetting
the internal transaction loss and gain and the part that the equity proportion attributable
to the joint enterprise and united enterprise, and confirm the net profit of the unit being
invested after profit adjustment.

For the long-term equity investments on joint venture enterprises and joint owned
enterprises held before the first implementation date, if existing the debit difference
relating to the equity investment, the debit difference of equity investment, after
deducting the investment loss and gain according to the original remained period,
should be confirmed as investment gains and losses.
The Group shall adopt the cost method to calculate for those invested units that never
have the jointed control or significant impacts due to the investment reduced, and a
long-term equity investment for which there is no quoted price in the active market and
whose fair value cannot be reliably measured; Also, the cost method shall be adopted to
calculate for the long-term equity investment able to be implemented and controlled to
the invested units due to the investment supplemented; Moreover, the equity method
shall be adopted to account for performing the jointed control or significant impacts to
the invested units but no control formed due to the investment supplemented, or without
control to the invested units but able to implement the long-term equity investment of
jointed control or major impacts to the invested units due to disposing of the investment.
The gap between the carrying amount and actual payment gained in disposal of the
long-term equity investment will be recorded into the investment interest of the current
period. Using the equity method for calculating the long-term equity investment which
is recorded into the owner's equity due to other changes except for the net profits or
losses of the invested units, the initial parts recorded into the owner's equity shall be
transferred into the investment returns of the current period when disposal of the

                                        72/135                                          72
10. Investment real estate
The investment real estates of the Group are the rental buildings.

The investment real estates are accounted by the cost, the purchased investment real
estates include the cost of the purchase price, related taxes and fees and other expenses
which can be directly attributable to the assets; the costs of investment real estate self
constructed include the necessary expenses to construct the asset to reach the predicted
use state.
The Group adopts the cost method to conduct follow-up measurement on investment
real estates are accounted devaluations and amortized. The expected service life, net
residual rate and value depreciation rates of investment real estate are as follows:

Type                         Evpected useful        Estinated         Annual depreciation rate(%)
                                 life(Year)     residual value
Real estate in                 20-50 years
 Hongkong                                                        0%                          2%-5%
Real estate in                 20-30 years
China                                                           10%                        3%-4.5%
     If the investment real estate is changed to self use, since the date of change,
investment real estate shall be converted into fixed assets or intangible assets. The
function of self-use real estate is to earn rent or capital appreciation, then since the date
of change, the fixed assets or intangible assets shall be converted into investment real
estate. When the conversion happens, the book value before the conversion will be the
book value after the conversion.

When the real estate investment is disposed or will never be used, and economic
interests can not be obtained from the disposal, the confirmation of the investment real
estate shall be terminated. The amount of the income from the sale, transfer, disposal of
the investment in real estate deducting the book value and related taxes and fees shall be
included in the current loss and gain.
11. Fixed assets
     Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets which have the following characteristics at
the same time, namely, held for production of goods, providing services, leasing or
operation and management, and the life span shall not be more than a year, and the unit
value is high.

Classification of fixed assets: houses and buildings, machinery and equipments,
transportation equipments, office equipments and others.

                                                73/135                                            73
The fixed assets shall be measured according to the actual cost to obtain them, including,
the cost of purchasing the fixed assets including the purchase price, value-added tax,
import tariffs and other related taxes, and other expenses happened to reach the
predicted use state; the cost of building the fixed assets, which are composed of the
expenses to reach the predicted use state of the assets; the fixed assets invested by
investors, the value on the contract or agreement shall be the accounting value, but if the
contract or agreement value is not fair, the fair value shall be accounted; the fixed leased
assets, the lower amount of the fair value of leased assets and the present value of the
lowest lease payment shall be as the accounting value.
      Follow-up expenditures on fixed assets, including major repair expenses, expenses on updated
improvement and other, To confirm compliance with the conditions of fixed assets, it shall be
included in the cost fixed assets, the recognition of book value of replaced the part shall be
terminated;  If not meeting the conditions of confirming fixed assets, they should be
included in the current period.
     In addition to the fixed assets which depreciation and impairment had already fully
accounted and the lands which are separately accounted, the Group accounts
depreciation on all fixed assets. The method of average number of years will be used
when accounting depreciation which will be included in the costs and expenses of the
relevant assets. The predicted net residual rate, classified depreciation years and
depreciation rates are as follows:
              Type                      Evpected useful    Estinated residual     Annual depreciatio
       No                                   life(Year)       value rate              n rate(%)
              Real estate in Hong    20-50 years
  1           Kong                                                           0%               2%-5%
              Real estate in         20-30 years
  2           China                                                         10%            3%-4.5%
              Machinery         and 5-14 years
  3           equipment                                                     10%             6%-18%
              Transportation         4-5 years
  4           Equipment                                                     10%          18%-22.5%
              Office equipment and 5 years
  5           other                                                         10%                 18%
      At the end of each year, the Group shall recheck the predicted service life of fixed
assets, the predicted net residual value and depreciation method, if changes happen, then
it shall be treated as accounting estimate.

 When the fixed assets were disposed, or expected to be used or the disposal can not
have economic interests, the confirmation of the fixed assets shall be terminated. The

                                            74/135                                               74
income from the sale, transfer or damage of the fixed assets deducting the book value
and related taxes shall be included in the current loss and gain.
12. Construction in progress
The price of the construction project: determine the costs according to the actual
expenditure on the project. Measure the price of the self-operated projects according to
the direct materials, direct wages, direct construction costs; Measure the turnkey
projects according to the price should be paid on the project; measure the project of
equipment installation according to the value, of the equipment, installation costs, and
the expenditures on the trial operation to determine the project costs. The costs of
projects under construction also include the cost of borrowing to be capitalized and
exchange gain and loss.

The time for the construction project converted to the fixed assets: the fixed assets of the company
reached the predicted state, according to the budget of the project, construction cost or the actual cost
of the project, transfer the fixed assets according to the predicted price, account the depreciation
from the next month on. Upon finishing the procedures, make relevant adjustment.

13.Borrowing costs

  Borrowing costs include interest on borrowings, amortization of discount or premium,
as well as the supporting costs and exchange difference due to foreign currency
borrowing. The borrowing costs which can be directly attributed to capitalized condition,
and taken place in the capital expenditure, borrowing costs have taken place, in order to
meet the assets available for sale or purchase of the necessary state of construction or
production activities, the capitalization begins; when the construction or purchase of the
conditions of production in line with the capital assets reached the sale state, the
capitalization should stop. And the rest borrowing costs should be recognized as
expenses in the current period.
The expenses on interests for the specialized loan happened in current period deducting
the interest income from the bank or the investment income from temporary investment
should be capitalized; the general assets of the borrower in accordance with the
cumulative excess of expenditure over the assets of the specialized part of the borrower
multiplied by the weighted average expenditure occupied by the weighted average
borrowings to determine the amount of capitalization, until the restart of construction or
purchase of assets. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in the light of the
general borrowing and weighted average interest rate.

     The assets which meet capitalization conditions, refer to the fixed assets,
investment real estates and other inventories which are constructed for a long time
(usually more than one year) to achieve the intended use or sale of state to.

If meet the capitalization conditions or non-normal breaks occurred in the course of
production and the break time is more than three months, then the capitalization of

                                              75/135                                                  75
borrowing costs shall be suspended; when the acquisition or construction or production
meet the conditions of capitalization and achieve the predicted use or sale state, the

14. Intangible assets
     The intangible assets of the Group include land use rights and computer software.
Including: For the intangible assets purchased, the actual purchase price was the actual
cost; For the intangible assets invested by investors, The actual cost of intangible assets
invested by investors, shall be determined according to the contract or agreement value,
but if the contract or agreement values are not fair, the actual costs shall be determined
according to the fair value.
     Since the date of selling land use rights, they are amortized according to the years
sold; patent technology, non-patent technology and other intangible assets are amortized
in accordance with the expected number of years, the benefited years specified in the
contract and the effective length according to law. The amount to be amortized will be
included in the related asset costs and current loss and gain according to the benefited
      The predicted service life of the intangible assets and amortization methods should
be rechecked and adjusted at the end of each year. Recheck the intangible assets with
uncertain service life in each accounting period should be rechecked, if there is evidence
showing that the service life of the intangible asset is limited, then estimate its service
life and amortized it within the predicted service life.

15. Impairment in non-financial assets

The Group conducts inspection on long-term equity investments, fixed assets,
construction in progress, intangible assets with limited service life on every balance
sheet date. when exist the following signs showing that the assets may have impairment,
the Group will conduct impairment test. The intangible assets without certain service
life, whether it has impairment signs, impairment tests shall be conducted at the end of
each year. If the recoverable amount of single asset can not be tested, it shall be tested
on the basis of the asset group the asset belong to or the asset combination.

After the impairment test, if the book value of the asset exceeds its recoverable amount,
the deficiency is recognized as the impairment loss, upon the confirmation of the above
assets, they will not be transferred back in the following accounting period. The
recoverable amount of the asset refer to the net amount of the fair value of the asset
deducting disposal cost of assets and the present value of the expected future cash
     The signs of impairment as follows:
(1). Current market value of assets decreased significantly, the decline is significantly
higher than the decline due to time passage or normal use.
(2) The economic, technical or legal environment of the company and the market of the
assets will have significant change in the current period or in the near future, therefore
negative impact on the enterprise.

                                         76/135                                         76
(3) Market interest rates or other market return rate of investment in the current period
have been increased, thus affecting the discount rate of the predicted cash flow, and
resulting in the significant reduction in the amount of recoverable assets.
(4) There is evidence showing that the assets were actually obsolete or damaged.
(5) The assets have been or will be idle, ended the use or disposed in advance.
(6)There are evidences of internal report showing that the economic performance of the
assets has been lower than or less than what expected, such as the net cash flow created
by assets or the operating profits (or losses) realized are far below (or above)the
expected amount.
(7) Other signs showing the assets may have or have had impairment.
Goodwill refers to the difference of equity investment under the control of the same cost
or merger of enterprises should enjoy more than the cost or a merger of the investment
was the purchase of flats or net assets in order to obtain.
The goodwill related to subsidiaries shall be individually listed in the consolidated
financial statements, the goodwill related to joint companies and associated companies
shall be included in the book value of long-term equity investments.

17.Long-term amortized expenses
The long-term expenses of the Group to be amortized refer to all the expenses already
paid but should be undertaken in the current period or in the coming period with
amortization period more than 1 year (not including 1 year), the expenses will be
amortized averagely in the benefit period. If the long-term prepaid expenses can not
benefit from subsequent accounting period, then all amortization value of the project not
amortized should be transferred to the current loss and gain.

18. Employee’s salary
     During the accounting period, workers’ salary shall be recognized as liability, and
be included in relevant cost and expenses according to the beneficiary target of the
service provided by workers, and shall be included in the relevant cost and expenses.
The compensations for the cancelation of workers’ labor relationship shall be included
in the current loss and gain.

Including wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, welfares, social insurance and
housing accumulation fund, union fee and workers’ education fund, and other related
expenses related to obtain services provided by employees.

If decide to relieve the labor relationships with employee before the employment
contracts become mature, or encourage workers to voluntarily accept the compensation
proposal due to redundancy, while the Group has have a formal plan for termination of
labor relationship or have proposed the voluntary redundancy scheme which will be

                                       77/135                                         77
implemented, and the Group is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the
cancellation of labor relationship or the layoff proposal, the anticipated debts, confirmed
to be caused by the compensation due to relieve of labor relationships with workers,
shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

19. Predicted liabilities
      When the external security, commercial acceptance bill discount, pending
litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance or business related matters subject to
the following conditions at the same time, the Group will identify it as liabilities: the
obligation is a present obligation of the Group; the enforcement of the obligation is
likely to lead to the outflow of economic benefits; the amount of the obligation can be
measured reliably.

     Predicted liabilities shall be conducted initial measurement according to the best estimates of
related existing liabilities, and comprehensively consider risks, uncertainties and the time value of
money and other factors relating to contingent events. Time value of money has the greatest
influence, the best estimates shall be determined by future cash outflow. On the balance sheet,
recheck the book value of predicted liabilities, adjust the book value to reflect the current best
estimates if there are any changes.

     20. Principle for confirmation of income

The Group's revenues mainly include: incomes from sales of goods and transferring
assets use right. The principle of income confirmation is as follows:

   When the Group had transferred the ownership of the risks and rewards of the
commodities to the buyer, the Group does not keep the management right relating to
ownership and does not implement effective control on the commodities sold out, the
income amount can be reliably measured, and the related economic benefit will possibly
flow into the enterprise, and when the related costs may happen or had happened can be
measured reliably, the realization of the commodity sold out should be confirmed.
The economic interests relating to transaction can flow into the company, and the
relevant incomes and costs can be reliably measured, the sales income of transferring
assets use right shall be confirmed.
21. Government subsidies
     Government subsidies, when the Group can meet the conditions attached and can
receive, shall be confirmed. If government subsidies are monetary assets, they shall be
measured according to the amount received; the subsidies allocated according to rated
standards, they shall be measured according to the amount receivable. If government
subsidies are non-monetary assets, they shall be measured according to fair value; if the
fair value can not be reliably measured, they shall be measured according to nominal

                                             78/135                                               78
amount (1 yuan).

The government subsidies relating to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, and
be averagely distributed within the service life of relevant assets, and be included in
the current loss and gain. If the government subsidies relating to income are used to
compensate the related expenses and losses, they shall be confirmed as deferred income
and be included in the current loss and gain in the period of confirming relevant
expenses. If used to compensate the relevant expenses and losses happened, they shall
be included in the current loss and gain.
22. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be confirmed
according to the difference between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their book
value (temporary differences). The loss and tax which can be offset in the future years
shall be recognized as temporary differences to determine the corresponding deferred
income tax assets. On the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred
income tax liabilities shall be measured by the predicted application rate.

The Group shall determine the deferred income tax assets produced by the deductible
temporary differences within the amount limit of payable taxes which are likely used to
deduct the temporary differences. The book value of the recognized deferred income tax
assets shall be deducted when the deferred income tax assets produced by the deductible
temporary differences within the amount limit of payable taxes which are likely used to
deduct the temporary differences. When enough payable tax can be obtained, the
deducted amount shall be transferred back.
23. Lease
        At the beginning date of lease, the Group divided leasing into financing lease
and operating lease.
     Financing lease essentially refers to the lease that transferred all the risks and rewards relating
to asset ownership. As the lessee, on the beginning date of lease, the Group took lower one in the
cash of the fair value and the lowest lease payment as the book-keeping value of the fixed assets
leased in by financing, and the lowest lease payment as the accounting value of the long-term
payment, and the difference between the them will be recorded as financing costs not confirmed.

   Operating lease refers to the other lease apart from financing lease. As the lessee,
during the lease period, the Group included the related asset cost and current losses and
gains by the straight-line method during the lease period. The rent of the Group will be
confirmed as income during the lease period by the straight-line method.
24.Accounting of income tax
     The accounting of income tax of the Group shall use the method of debt of balance
sheet. The income tax expenses include current income tax and deferred income tax.
The current income tax and deferred income tax relating to the transactions and events
directly included in shareholders equity shall be included in shareholders equity, except
the book value of deferred income tax adjustment goodwill, the rest current income tax
and deferred income tax or income shall be included in the current loss and gain.

                                              79/135                                                 79
Current income tax cost refers to the amount of payable income tax which shall be paid
to tax department according to the current transactions and events determined according
to tax provisions; deferred income tax refers to difference between deferred income tax
balance sheet debt in accordance with the law shall be recognized deferred income tax
assets and deferred income tax liabilities in the amount originally confirmed.
25. Corporate consolidation
    Corporate consolidation refers to two or more separate companies merge and form a transaction
or event of report subject. The consolidation day or purchase day or the consolidation date of
obtaining the assets or liabilities, shall be confirmed as the date of obtaining the control right of the
party being merged or purchased.

 The corporate consolidation under same control: the assets and liabilities obtained
by the consolidation party in the merger shall be measured according to the book
value of merged party on the consolidation day. The difference between the book
value of net assets obtained by the consolidation party and the book value of the
consolidation price paid, the capital public reserve shall be adjusted; if the capital
public reserve is not enough to be deducted, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
 The corporate consolidation under different control: the consolidation cost is the fair
value of equity stocks issued and the assets and debts paid to obtain the control right of
the purchased party on the purchase day. The difference between the consolidation cost
and fair value of recognizable net asset, shall be confirmed as goodwill; if the
consolidation cost is smaller than the fair value of recognizable net asset of the
purchased party, the difference shall be included in current loss and gain upon
26.Methods for compilation of consolidated financial statements
(1). Principles to determine the scope of merger:
      The Group will include the subsidiaries which have actual controlling right and the
subjects which have special purpose into the scope of consolidated financial statements.
     (1) Accounting methods adopted in consolidated financial statements:
The consolidated financial statements of the Group shall be compiled in accordance
with Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 33 - Consolidated Financial Statements and
the related provisions, the major internal transaction in the scope of consolidation and
transactions shall be offset. The part of shareholders equity of the subsidiary which does
not belong to the parent company, shall be individually listed as equity of minority
shareholders in the consolidated financial statement. If the accounting policy and
accounting period of the subsidiary and the company are not consistent, when compile
consolidated financial statement, the financial statement of the subsidiary shall be
adjusted according to the accounting policy and accounting period of the company.

     For the subsidiary obtained by corporate merger under different control, when prepare
consolidated financial statements, the individual financial statement shall be adjusted on the basis of
fair value of the net assets on the purchase day; for the subsidiary obtained by corporate merger
under same control, it will be taken as having been existed at the year beginning, its assets, liabilities,

                                               80/135                                                  80
operating results and cash flow shall be consolidated in the financial statement according to original
book value since the year beginning of the consolidation period.
V. Changes in accounting policies and estimates

1.Changes in accounting policies and estimates
According to the provisions of ―Accounting Standards Interpretation for Enterprises No.
4‖ (Finance [2010] 15) that ―in the consolidated financial statements, if the current
losses burdened by the minority shareholders of subsidiary company exceed the portion
shared in the owner’s equity by the minority shareholders at the beginning of the
subsidiary, the balance shall reduce the equity of minority shareholders. Which will be
traced to adjust except the impracticable if the minority shareholders haven’t disposed
as per above provision before the interpretation is released.‖ in 2010, the Group changes
the excess deficit of minority shareholder of the subsidiary burdened by parent company
into that burdened by the minority shareholder of the subsidiary. But the subsidiary
company – South China Company whose minority shareholders has declared bankrupt
in 2000 and have compulsory liquidation which can’t be taken back, so the minority
shareholders of South China Company no longer bear the losses.
2. Changes and impact of the accounting estimation
The Group has no changes in accounting estimation this year.

3..Correction of accounting errors from previous term
There is no correction of the accourting error from previous term in the report period.


1. Corporate income tax

The interest rate of corporate income tax of the company and subsidiaries in China
mainland is 25%, according to the State Council on December 26, 2007, of the [2007]
No. 39 Notice on the Implementation of Enterprise Income Tax Preferential Policies for
the Transition, the enterprise income tax rate of the Company and the subsidiaries in
China mainland gradually transited from 15% to 25%, the company implement the
transition rate of 22% in 2010. the interest rate of the income from Hong Kong of the
subsidiaries in Hong Kong is 16.5%.


     The sales interest rate of processing income and sale income of printing products
of subsidiaries in China mainland and the company is 17%, export products will be
adopted the method of "free, credit and rebate", the tax rebate rate is 16% (2010). The
purchase of raw materials such as VAT input tax paid by the amount of output tax can
be offset, the tax rate is 17%. Of which: the input tax of VAT for export products can
pply for payment of rebate. VAT taxable amount is the balance of the current output tax
offseting the current input tax.

                                             81/135                                                81
    The subsidiaries of the Company in Hong Kong do not need to pay VAT.

3. Business tax

The housing rental income of the company and Nanhua Printing & Dyeing Company
shall be applied to business tax, applicable rate 5%. The subsidiaries of the Company in
Hong Kong do not need to pay business tax.

4. City construction tax and education additional expenses

City construction tax of the Company is based on the value-added tax, business tax,
applicable interest rate 1% in January -November, the company does not need to pay
education additional expenses.. According to the relevant provisions of ―Provisional
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on City Maintenance and Construction
Tax‖ and ―State Council, Circular on Unification of the Systems of Urban Maintenance
and Construction Tax and Education Supplementary Tax for Domestic Enterprises and
Individuals and For Foreign-invested Enterprises and Foreigners‖ (Guofa [2010] No.
35), the City Maintenance and Construction Tax is as per 7% actual amount of value
added tax, consumption tax and business tax paid by taxpayers in Shenzhen since
December 1, 2010. Also, the Education Supplementary Tax will be begin to be paid
since December 2010. applicable interest rate 3%.
The subsidiaries of the company in Hong Kong do not need to pay City construction tax
and education additional expenses, subsidiaries in mainland China, the applicable City
construction tax rate is 1% and 7%, applicable education additional tax rate of 3%.

5. Property tax
70% of the original value of property of the subsidiaries of the Company in China
mainland shall be the tax basis, applicable tax rate 1.2% ,Rental property to real estate
tax based on rental income,applicable tax rate 12%, subsidiaries in Hong Kong do not
pay property taxes.

                                            82/135                                    82
          VII.Corporation Consolidation and Consolidation Financial statement
                                                                                                                          Proportion%                              Whether
                    Registration                Registered                                                                                       Vote         right the
Name                               Quality                    Business scope                          Investment amount                                                         Notes
                    plance                      capital                                                                    Direct       Indirect Proportion% merger of
Hong         Kong                                             Purchase of raw materials, marketing
                                                  2,400,002                                               2,400,002
Victor     Onward HongKong         Trade                      of printed and dyed woven fabrics,                            100%                    100%                  Yes    1
                                                 (HKD)      investment and holding business             (HKD)

Shenzhong                                        1,000,000 Sales of Corduroy,           dyed cloth        1,000,000
                    Hongkong         Trade                 and printed cloth                                                             100%       100%                  Yes    2
Company                                           (HKD)                                                 (HKD)
Nanhua                                          85,494,700    Production and sales of printed cloth   HKD 16,874,255
                    Shenzhen       Production                 and dyed cloth                                               54.82%       14.62%     69.44%                 Yes    3
                                                  (HKD)                                             +RMB 4,240,100
Xinye                                              10,000                                                  10,000
                    Hongkong         Trade                    Sales of printed cloth and dyed cloth                                      100%       100%                  Yes    4
                                                  (HKD)                                                 (HKD)
                                                              Textilet,Printing and dyeing
Shenzhen     East                                3,000,000 industry        and         Raw               1,530,000
Asia Co.
                    Shenzhen         Trade                    materials          ,Machinery                                 51%                         51%               Yes    5
                                                    (RMB)                                                  (RMB)
                                                              equipment and other fabrics

                                                                                      83/135                                                                                      83
 1.The Company invested HKD 2,400,002 in 1984 to establish Hong Kong Victor Onward
 Company in Hong Kong.
 2. Shengzhong Company was established in November 9 1993, registered capital 1 million Hong Kong dollars,
 Hong Kong Victor Onward holding 100% equity.
 3. Nanhuan Company was established in July 21, 1988, registered capital 85.49 million Hong Kong dollars, by
 December 31, 2010 the shareholding structure as follows:

          Name of investor                              Proportion%     Year-end amount    Proportion
Shenye Union (Hongkong)Co.,
Ltd.                                  26,127,180.32            30.56%      26,127,180.32      30.56%
The Company *                         46,868,194.54            54.82%      46,868,194.54      54.82%
Hong      Kong     Victor   Onward
Company                               12,499,325.14            14.62%      12,499,325.14      14.62%
                 Total                85,494,700.00        100.00%         85,494,700.00     100.00%
 4. Xingye Company invested HKD10,000 to establish Industry Company in Hong Kong in
 December 1996. Nanhua Company Holding’s 100% of the equity.

 5. Shenzhen East Asia Company was established in February 28, 2007, registered capital 3 million yuan, the
 company invested 1.53 million yuan, holding 51% equity, Nanjing East Asia Textile Co., Ltd. invested 1.47
 million yuan, holding 49% equity.

 (2)The changes of consolidated scope

         No changes of consolidated scope happened during the current period.
 (3) Foreign currency translation
       Except that Shenzhen East Asia Company Company has RMB as basic accounting currency, the
 company and other subsidiaries have Hong Kong dollars as basic accounting currency. The
 financial statements are reflected after conversion of RMB and the foreign currency conversion
 methods were described in Note IV, 5, of which the spot exchange rate of HK dollar to RMB was
 0.8819 at year beginning, and the spot exchange rate at year end was 0.8509 the approximate
 exchange rate of the spot exchange rate uses the current average exchange rate 0.8657.

 VIII. Notes to the main items of consolidated financial statements and the Company's financial
   The following financial statements disclosed below, except where indicated otherwise, "year
 beginning" means January 1, 2010, "year end" means December 31, 2010, "this year" means
 from January 1, 2010 to December 31, "last year" means from January 1, 2009 to December 31,
 the currency unit RMB.
        1. Monetary Capital

                                Year-end balance                           Year-beginning balance
       Items         Original       Exchange         RMB            Original      Exchange          RMB
                     currency         rate         equivalent       currency        rate      equivalent
    Stock cash                                          91,999                                      182,181
       RMB              81,570        1.0000            81,570         173,224       1.0000         173,224
      HKD               12,256        0.8509            10,429           10,173      0.8805           8,957
    deposit                                        46,026,397                                  45,493,122
       RMB         20,478,001         1.0000       20,478,001       19,948,646       1.0000    19,948,646
       HKD         28,692,137         0.8509       24,414,139       29,004,367       0.8805    25,538,345
      USD              171,268        6.6227         1,134,257             898       6.8282           6,131
    capital                                          5,668,217                                 10,430,323
       RMB           5,668,217        1.0000         5,668,217      10,395,615       1.0000    10,395,615
       HKD                      -                               -        39,419      0.8805          34,708
       Total           —             —           51,786,613         —             —        56,105,626

     Funds in other currencies (RMB) mainly kept in the securities of the Group companies for the
purchase of new shares issued by drawing lots of money does not exist at the end of restrictions on the use
of monetary funds.
    2.Financial assets for transection

    (1) Financial assets for transection

     Item                                             Year-end balance            Year-beginning balance
     Equity     tool     investment          for                      77,235                        171,221
     Total                                                            77,235                        171,221

Transactional equity tools are the shares which are to be cashed at any time purchased by the
subsidiary of the company Hong Kong Victor Onward Company, priced by fair value, its cash has no
major restrictions.

3.Account receivable

(1)Categories of account receivable

                                               Year-end balance                                        Year-beginning balance
             Type                   Book Balance               Provision for bad debts        Book Balance           Provision for bad debts
                                 Amount   Proportion%          Amount     Proportion%     Amount      Proportion%    Amount      Proportion%
             amount          5,334,174             36.47   4,747,598              89.00   4,014,942          26.41   3,998,082          99.58

             that    were
             had      debt
                             -             -               -               -
                                                                                          6,280,260          41.32   3,956,455          63.00
             that    were    9,293,828             63.53   9,293,828             100.00   4,905,430          32.27   4,847,845          98.83


                                  Year-end balance                                   Year-beginning balance
Type                Book Balance            Provision for bad debts        Book Balance           Provision for bad debts
                Amount      Proportion%     Amount      Proportion%    Amount      Proportion%    Amount      Proportion%
but     have
bad     debt
Total          14,628,002   100            14,041,426      86.86      15,200,632   100           12,802,382   84.22

    1) Account receivable with significant specific amount that were provisioned had debt preparation

                                                                           Provision            Reason of
     Name                    Book balance           Bad debts
                                                                         proportion%            provision
     Victor   Onward                                                                        Aging long
     Textile (HK)Co.,            1,606,281                852,616                53.08
      Enterprise                 1,514,739                 22,350                 1.48                      -
      Development Co.,
     Carnival     Index
     International Ltd
                                 1,153,023            1,153,023                 100.00 Aging long
     TAI           YANG                                                                     Aging long
     ENTERPRISE                  1,060,131            1,060,131                 100.00

     Shenzhong                                                                              The company ins
     Enterprise                             -         1,659,478                    N/A      olvent, to be c
     Total                        5,334,174               4,747,598               89.00                     —
    *Shengzhong Company, a subsidiary of the Company, was planned to be deregistered. The
Company made full provision for bad debts in respect of the accounts of RMB 1,659,478
receivable from this company. On consolidation, these accounts receivable were eliminated, but
corresponding provision for bad debts was not eliminated.

    2) As of December 31, 2010, account receivable that were not significant but have been
        provisioned bad debt preparation separately

                                                                                Provision          Reason of
     Name                             Book balance           Bad debts
                                                                               proportion%         provision
     VEGA GARMENT CO.,LTD                       770,071         770,071                100.00     Aging long
     Fly Dragon International                   601,975         601,975                100.00     Aging long
     Grateful Textiles Co.,Ltd                  594,760         594,760                100.00     Aging long
     World Fabrica (Int'l) Ltd                  488,190         488,190                100.00     Aging long
     Shenzhen Fangzhou Textile                                                                    Aging long
                                                468,486         468,486                100.00
     Co., Ltd.
     Ezhou Xiangya Garments                                                                       Aging long
                                                368,929         368,929                100.00
     Co., Ltd.
     Tak Shing Buying Office Led                350,039         350,039                100.00     Aging long
     Starline Textile CO.Ltd.                   348,708         348,708                100.00     Aging long
     U.D.C. (H.K.) Co.,Ltd                      314,198         314,198                100.00     Aging long
     Panther Fabric Ltd.                        309,721         309,721                100.00     Aging long
     Other (Total 110)                      4,678,751          4,678,751               100.00     Aging long

                                                                                           Provision            Reason of
          Name                                 Book balance          Bad debts
                                                                                          proportion%            provision
          Total                                       9,293,828       9,293,828                   100.00

    (2)Of the account receivables at the end of period, there were none owed by corporate shareholders of the
    Company holding over 5% (including 5%) of its total shares with voting rights.

    (3)The front 5 units’ information of account receivable

                      Unit name                   Relation with          Amount                               Percentage of
                                                                                             Age                account
                                                  the company
          Victor    Onward           Textile     Non-Related
                                                 parties                 1,606,281        1-2 years                   10.98
          (HK)Co., Ltd.
          Shenzhen            Jinrongyuan        Non-Related
                                                                                          Within 1
           Enterprise   Development Co.,         parties                 1,514,739            year
          Carnival   Index International         Non-Related             1,153,023            3                        7.88
          Ltd                                    parties                                  years
                                                 Non-Related                              Over 3 y
          TAIYANGENTERPRISECO.,LTD.              parties
                                                                         1,060,131            ears
                                                 Non-Related                               Over 3
          VEGA GARMENT CO.,LTD                   parties
                                                                             770,071        years

          Total                                                             6,104,245                                 41.73

    (4)About the account receivable from the related parties
                                                       Relation with this
          Name                                                                    Amount                  Proportion(%)
                                                        The related parties
                                                        controlled the same
          Shenye Union(HK)Co., Ltd.                     Actual controller       314,198                              2.15

   (5)Accounts receivable include the following foreign currency balances

          Foreign                    Year-end balance                                Year-beginning balance
          currency        Original       Exchange             RMB              Original       Exchange             RMB
            Name          currency             rate         equivalent        currency             rate         equivalent
          HKD           11,038,875        0.8509            9,392,979 10,399,223                0.8805          9,156,516
          USD               405,753       6.6227            2,687,180            587,260        6.8282          4,009,929
             Total                                        12,080,159                                           13,166,445

4. Prepayments

        (1) Aging

                                               Year-end balance                           Year-beginning balance
                                        amount                 Proportion               amount                Proportion

                                                            (%)                                     (%)
          Within 1 year                      22,832                98.31                942,126         100
          1-2 years                             393                1.69
          Total                              23,225               100.00                942,126         100

         (2) Prepayments main unit

                                  Relation with
           Company Name                                  Amount                Age                 Causes
                                  the Company
          Insurance       Non-Related                                      Within 1         Payments for goods
          premium         parties                                            year               not paid
          Vehicle license Non-Related                                      Within 1         Payments for goods
           fees           parties                                            year               not paid
          Business        Non-Related                                                       Payments for goods
          Register fees   parties                                          1-2 years            not paid
                          Non-Related                                      Within 1         Payments for goods
          Other           parties                                            years              not paid
          Total                                               23,225

      (3) Of the Prepayment at the end of period, there were none owed by corporate shareholders of
      the Company holding over 5% (including 5%) of its total shares with voting rights.
          (4)Prepayments                   Year-end balance                          Year-beginning balance
            include   the
          Currency of          Original     Exchange        RMB             Original     Exchange       RMB
               Name            currency       rate        equivalent        currency       rate       equivalent
          HKD                    27,295        0.8509            23,225     24,307         0.8805           21,402
          Total                                                  23,225                                     21,402

5. Interest receivable

                Items         Year-beginning     Increase in       Decrease in         Exchange        Year-end
                                 balance         the current        the current          rate           balance
                                                   period             period         Differences
         Interest        on                            22,935            21,584             -185              6,646
         Fixed deposits               5,480
         Total                        5,480            22,935            21,584             -185              6,646

         The interests receivable was the ones for the subsidiary of the company Hong Kong Victor Onward
     Bank’s deposits, with principal about 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

6.   Other receivables

          (1) Categories of other receivable

                                                        Year-end balance                                      Year-beginning balance
                   Type                   Book Balance            Provision for bad debts            Book Balance            Provision for bad debts
                                      Amount       Proportion%    Amount       Proportion%       Amount     Proportion%      Amount     Proportion%
                   amount     that   3,376,237           73.57   3,376,237          100.00      3,382,210           69.52   3,382,210         100.00
                   bed        debt
                   accounts that
                   provisioned                 -             -             -                -   1,168,889           24.02     256,083          21.91
                   bad        debt

                                  Year-end balance                                      Year-beginning balance
Type                  Book Balance            Provision for bad debts          Book Balance          Provision for bad debts
                  Amount     Proportion%      Amount       Proportion%      Amount    Proportion%    Amount       Proportion%
with      agin
                   175,951            3.83             -                -
that were not
but       have
                 1,036,996           22.60   1,036,996          100.00      314,440           6.46            -                -
had       debt
Totla            4,589,184       100.00 4,413,233                96.17 4,865,539          100.00 3,638,293             74.78

        1) Other ts receivable with significant specific amount that were provisioned had debt preparation

                                                                                Provision          Reason of
       Name                         Book balance          Bad debts
                                                                            proportion%            provision
       Nanjing East Asia               1,321,309             1,321,309          100.00            Aging long
       CCB.Guangdong                                                                              Aging long
       Shunde Branch                   1,079,962             1,079,962          100.00
       Changzhou Dongfeng                                                                         Aging long
       Textile Printing & dyeing         974,966               974,966          100.00
       Equipment Co., Ltd.
       Total                           3,376,237             3,376,237               -

        2) Group-Deposit Group

Name                            Book balance        Bad debts                                 Reason of provision
RECOVERABLECLIENT                    28,327                      -                       -
Huachuang Room 1802                  24,649                      -                       -
CRE18050(DD18JUN96)                  7,964                     -                       -
Customs    bond         of                                                                   Deposit, No provision
 Shenzhen                &             7,989                     -                       -            for bad debts
 Hongkongcar car
Rent deposit                         37,440                      -                       -
Other                                69,582                      -                       -
Total                               175,951                                 -

   3) As of December 31, 2010, account receivable that were not significant but have
          been provisioned bad debt preparation separately

                                                Book                         Provision            Reason of
       Name                                                  Bad debts
                                               balance                     proportion%            provision
       HongKong Victor Onward                   728,362        728,362               100.00        Aging long
       Shanghai Huayinke Industry                                                    100.00
       Co., Ltd.                                179,994        179,994                            Aging long
       Shenzhen          Environmental                                               100.00
       Management               System           34,999         34,999                            Aging long
       Certification Center
       Shenzhen             Huaxinfeng                                               100.00
       Industrial Co., Ltd.                      33,103         33,103                            Aging long
       Shenzhen Design Institute of                                                  100.00
       Ministry of Machinery Industry            29,999         29,999                            Aging long
       Shanghai Branch
       State                   Revenue                                               100.00
       Bureau.Shenzhen          Refund           12,107         12,107                            Aging long

                                                    Book                             Provision          Reason of
      Name                                                       Bad debts
                                                balance                             proportion%         provision
      Other (Total 13)                               18,432             18,432             100.00        Aging long
      Total                                    1,036,996         1,036,996                          -               -

(2)Of the Other account receivable at the end of period, there were none owed by corporate
shareholders of the Company holding over 5% (including 5%) of its total shares with voting

(3)The front 5 units’ information of Other account receivable

                               Relation with                        Account         Proportion(%)
     Name                                            Amount                                               Content
                               the company                              Age
     Nanjing East Asia         Non-Related                         Over 3
                                                    1,321,309                                28.79             货款
     C                           parties                                 years
     CCB.Guangdong             Non-Related                              Over 3
                                                    1,079,962                                23.53             货款
      Shunde Branch              parties                                years
     Textile Printing          Non-Related                              Over 3
                                                      974,966                                21.25             货款
     &           dyeing          parties                                years
     Equipment Co.,
                               Non-Related                              Over 3
     HongKong       Victor                            728,362                                15.87             货款
                                 parties                                years
     Huayinke                  Non-Related                              Over 3
                                                      179,993                                 3.92             货款
     Industry        Co.,        parties                                years
     Total                                          4,284,592                                93.36

(4)Other receivable include the following foreign currency balances

      Foreign                           Year-end balance                            Year-beginning balance
         Currency of         Original     Exchange           RMB              Original    Exchange         RMB
            Name             currency        rate          equivalent       currency         rate        equivalent
      HKD                1,219,263         0.8509          1,037,471 1,202,955              0.8805      1,059,202
            Totla                                          1,037,471                                    1,059,202


(1)Inventory types

                                   Year-end balance                                Year-beginning balance
                        Book         Provision for         Book value           Book         Provision       Book
                      balance         bad debts                                balance        for bad        value
      materials      2,131,413        1,701,800               429,613         2,205,557     1,761,000      444,557
      goods            644,622           644,622                       -       602,685        190,689      411,996
      Total          2,776,035        2,346,422               429,613 2,808,242 1,951,689                  856,553

The Company has been out of production, the closing inventories shall be written down after deducting the full
amount provisions except the preservation materials.

(2)Provision for impairment of inventories

                                                           Decrease in the current
                                      Increase in                                         Exchange
                  Year-beginning                                     period                                Year-end
    Items                              the current                                           rate
                      balance                              Transferred     Reselling                        balance
                                         period                                            changes
    materials          1,761,000                     -                -             -         -59,200      1,701,800
    goods                190,689          460,344                     -             -           -6,411       644,622
    Total              1,951,689          460,344                     -             -          -65,611     2,346,422

  8.Financial assets for sale

   (1) Financial assets for sale

                   Items                  Year-beginning balance (Fair                   Year-end balance (Fair
                                                           value )                              value )
      Equity tools for sale.                                           874,427                              309,399
      Total                                                     874,427                            309,399
The equity tools for sale are the shares held by the subsidiary of the company Hong Kong Victor Onward ,
because they are not to be cashed in a short term, so they are classified in this item, the change of fair value in
the current period RMB 575,430 has been included in the public capital reserve.

   9.Long-term equity investment
(1)Long-term equity investment
      Items                                              Year-end balance                Year-beginning balance
      The cost of long-term equity
      investment accounting                                                                                          -
      The equity method long-term                                 77,199,476                             68,427,751

Items                                 Year-end balance      Year-beginning balance
equity investment
Total     of     long-term   equity
investment                                     77,199,476                68,427,751
Less     :     Long-term    equity
investments for impairment
Net     value    long-term   equity
investment                                     77,199,476                68,427,751

(2)The equity method long-term equity investment

                                         Holdings       Vote
                                                                   Investment                                      Exchange rate Year-end         dividend
               Name                      Proportion   proportion                                       change
                                                                    Cost            Amount of                         change      balance          at this
                                          (%)        (%)
                                                                                   year-beginning                                                   year
              1.Zhejiang         Union
              Hangzhou            Bay       25%          25%          58,588,403         68,427,751   11,264,659    -2,492,934   77,199,476
              Chuangye Co., Ltd.                                                                                                              -
              2.           Shenzhen                                                                                               -
              Lianchang Printing &         37.5%        37.5%          1,403,456
              dyeing Co., Ltd.                                                      -                  -             -                        -
                      Total                                           59,991,859          68,427,751 11,264,659     -2,492,934   77,199,476          -

    Zhejiang Union Hangzhou bay chuangye Co., Ltd. (hereinafter named―Hangzhoubay‖) current change including current profit confirmed by equity method is

      Shenzhen Lianchang Printing & Dyeing Co. Ltd. was in loss for many years, its net assets were negative, the operation of the company has stopped, the balance
of long-term equity investment has been adjusted to zero.

(3)The investment in the Enterprise
                                                              Total                         Total
                Holdings     Vote        Total assets                      Net asset                     Net profit
                                                            Liabilities                   Business
Name          Proportion   proportion    at the end                       total at the                     at this
                                                            at the end                   income tat
                (%)       (%)           year                           end year                        year
                                                               year                       this year
Bay                  25%          25%   1,245,881,632     911,455,849     334,425,783    398,235,214    45,058,637


         10.Property investment

       The investment in real estate companies use the cost model measures
                                                              Decrease     Exchange
                                                Increase in       in                                   Year-end
                               Amount of       current period  current        rate
           Items             year-beginning                    period       changed
 Original Value                104,963,930              282,227             -     -3,528,600          101,717,557
   House, Building             104,963,930              282,227             -     -3,528,600          101,717,557
                                 60,518,745         3,554,283               -     -2,034,475           62,038,553

                                                    3,554,283               -     -2,034,475           62,038,553
   House, Building               60,518,745
                                                   -3,272,056               -     -1,494,125           39,679,004
 Book Net value                  44,445,185
                                                   -3,272,056               -     -1,494,125           39,679,004
   House, Building               44,445,185
                                            -                               -                                        -
 Impairment Provision                                           -                            -
                                            -                               -                                        -
   House, Building                                              -                            -
                                                   -3,272,056               -     -1,494,125           39,679,004
 Book value                      44,445,185
                                                   -3,272,056               -     -1,494,125           39,679,004
   House, Building               44,445,185

      11.Fixed assets

      (1)Breakdown of Fixed assets

                                            Increase in        Decrease       Exchange
                          Amount of           current         in current         rate
                                              period            period                           balance
       Items            year-beginning                                         changed
Original Value.           175,761,050           26,943          772,975       -5,896,980       169,118,038
House and building         52,395,040                     -     282,227       -1,761,377        50,351,436
    Machine and
                          107,859,002                     -            -      -3,625,925       104,233,077
                            5,076,849                     -            -        -161,727         4,915,122
Office    equipment
                           10,430,159           26,943          490,748         -347,951         9,618,403
and other
                          121,008,010         288,271           413,296       -4,061,940       116,821,045
House and building         28,385,708         106,302                  -        -954,250        27,537,760
    Machine and
                           81,466,110                     -            -      -2,738,668        78,727,442
                            4,231,260         149,952                  -        -137,614         4,243,598
Office    equipment
                            6,924,932           32,017          413,296         -231,408         6,312,245
and other
                           35,980,295           62,902           28,777       -1,209,559        34,804,861
House and building         16,797,603                     -            -        -564,689        16,232,914
    Machine and
                           16,243,493                     -            -        -546,062        15,697,431
                                 2,053          48,385                 -                 -69        50,369
Office    equipment
                            2,937,146           14,517           28,777          -98,739         2,824,147
and other
Book value                 18,772,745        -324,230           330,902         -625,481        17,492,132
House and building          7,211,729        -106,302           282,227         -242,437         6,580,763
    Machine and
                           10,149,399                     -            -        -341,195         9,808,204
                               843,536       -198,337                  -         -24,045           621,154
Office    equipment
                               568,081        -19,591            48,675          -17,804           482,011
and other

 (2)Details of temporary idle fixed assets are as follows:

         Items            Original               Accumulated               Impairment
                          value                   depreciation               provision     Book Net value
 House and building           46,750,666          26,421,837           16,232,914               4,095,915
    Machine and
     Equipment               103,907,781          78,570,651           14,946,352              10,390,778

     Equipment                          3,127,179           2,814,427                    -          312,752
     Office equipment and
     other                              7,917,664           5,079,866       2,628,473               209,325
               Total                161,703,290            112,886,781     33,807,739            15,008,770

     * The original value of the temporarily idle machinery and equipments to be invested in
     Nanjing Textile Printing & dyeing Co., Ltd. was RMB 79,993,926, Accumulated amortisation
     was RMB58,151,735, Impairment Provision was 13,842,798 , Book value was RMB

12.Intangible assets

                                                            Decrease in   Exchange
                                           Increase in                                       Year-end
                        Amount of         current period
                                                             current        rate
                                                              period                          balance
     Items             year-beginning                                     changed
Original Value           14,087,145             54,835                -    -472,455          13,669,525
 Land use right          13,362,084             54,835                -    -448,080          12,968,839

  software                   725,061                   -              -     -24,375             700,686
                         11,722,468             53,686                -    -394,077          11,382,077
 Land use right          11,244,126             53,686                -    -377,997          10,919,815
  software                   478,342                   -              -     -16,080             462,262

Book Net value             2,364,677             1,149                -     -78,378           2,287,448
 Land use right            2,117,958             1,149                -     -70,084           2,049,023

  software                   246,719                   -              -      -8,294             238,425
                             246,719                   -              -      -8,294             238,425
 Land use right                     -                  -              -              -                  -
  software                   246,719                   -              -      -8,294             238,425
Book value                 2,117,958                   -              -     -70,084           2,049,023
 Land use right            2,117,958                   -              -     -70,084           2,049,023

  software                          -                                                -                  -
                                                       -              -
   The real estate title certificate issued by Shenzhen Land Resource and House Property
Administration for part of the land for the factory building and office building of the Company
located at 26 Kuipeng Road, Baishigang, Kuiyong Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen was
obtained on January 18, 2010. The valid term is from March 5, 1999 to March 4, 2049.

    Increase in accumulated amortization, Amortization RMB53,686 in this year.

               13. Goodwill

                                                   Increase   Decrease           Exchange
                                Year-beginning        in         in                            Year-end      Impairment
               Items                                current    current             rate
                                      balance       period                                      balance      in year end
                                                               period            changed
               For        the
               formed from
               holding shares
               of   Nanhua
               Company,               5,538,694           -                -      -186,196     5,352,498
                    Total             5,538,694           -                -     -186,196      5,352,498

        Nanhua Printing and Dyeing Company has also been discontinued, whose daily operations
        maintained rely on the rental housing. Although South China Company has a negative net asset,
        the company has a vast piece of land and property in Shenzhen city. And the historical cost of
        assets recorded into account basis will changed, which will be appreciated in value greatly once
        assessed, we believe that there is no value-reduced of the investment, so the goodwill is not

        14.Impairment of assets schedule

                                                               se in
                            Amount of
                                                Accrual        the             Exchange rate       Amount of
               Items        year-beginn
                                                amount        current             change            year-end
       Provision for bad
                            16,440,675          2,469,152              -           -455,168          18,454,659
       Impairment            1,951,689            460,344              -            -65,611               2,346,422
        Impairment of 35,980,295                   62,902     28,777             -1,209,559          34,804,861
        fixed assets

       Impairment      of       246,719                   -            -             -8,294                 238,425
       Intangible assets
                Total        54,619,378          2,992,398    28,777              -1,738,632              55,844,367

        Provision for impairment of fixed assets was transferred out because Digital Printing Company, a
        subsidiary of the Company, was deregistered and all its fixed assets were disposed in the report

        15.Account payable

    (1)Account payable

        Items                                    Year-end balance               Year-beginning balance
        Total                                                 3,353,297                        4,101,084
        Including:over 1 year                                   332,468                       1,666,895
        Accounts payable with age over one year included a number of accounts, without single
significant amount of accounts payable.

    (2)Of the account payable at the end of period, there were none owed by corporate
    shareholders of the Company holding over 5% (including 5%) of its total shares with voting

    (3)Accounts payable include the following foreign currency balances.
        Name of                   Year-end balance                         Year-beginning balance
                       Original      Exchange           RMB          Original   Exchange        RMB
        Currency       currency        rate           equivalent     currency     rate        equivalent
        HKD              324,942        0.8509           276,493 381,108          0.8805         335,565
        Total                                            276,493                                 335,565

   16.Advanced account

    (1)Advanced account

                    Items                        Year-end balance               Year-beginning balance
                    Total                                     2,718,175                        4,555,433
        Including:over 1 year                                2,718,175                        2,008,639
     Advanced account more than 1 year was mainly the sale fund for the wasted materials from
the relocation of the company, and due to delays in the overall relocation plan, the money paid in
advance was temporarily suspended.

     (2) Of the prepayments at the end of period, there were none owed by corporate
shareholders of the Company holding over 5% (including 5%) of its total shares with voting

        (3)Advanced Accounts include the following foreign currency balances.
        Name of                  Year-end balance                          Year-beginning balance
          n          Original      Exchange           RMB           Original     Exchange        RMB
        Currency     currency        rate           equivalent      currency        rate       equivalent

     HKD           2,339,945            0.8509         1,991,059 2,082,474                0.8805        1,833,618
     USD             101,903            6.6227           674,873         101,072          6.8282          690,140
       Total                                           2,665,932                                        2,523,758

    17.Wage payables to employees

                                        Year-begin                        Decrease in     Exchange
                                                         Increase in                                      Year-end
                 Items                     ning         current period
                                                                           current           rate
                                                                            period                        balance
                                         balance                                           changed
    Wage (Including reward ,
    allowance and subsidy)                475,806         2,001,280       1,959,859         -15,996        501,231
    Welfarism For employees                        -                 -                -             -                -
    Social insurance premiums                      -         333,611        333,611                 -                -
    Including :
    Medical insurance premiums                     -          57,808         57,808                 -                -
    Basic      old-age      insurance
    premiums                                       -         261,844        261,844                 -                -
     Unemployment insurance
    expenses                                       -             5,891         5,891                -                -
    Industrial injury insurance
    premiums                                       -             2,561         2,561                -                -
     Childbirth       insurance
    premiums                                       -             5,507         5,507                -                -
    Housing accumulation fund                      -                 -                -             -                -
    Trade union outlays and
    employee education outlays             84,161             34,607         -3,193          -2,829        119,132
    Other                                          -                 -                -             -                -
                 Total                     559,967         2,369,498       2,290,277         -18,825       620,363

At the period end, the company had no wages payable that belong to arrears.,The compensation balance
payable of employee at the end of year will be expected to be paid in May 2011.

       18.Fees and taxes payables

                           Items                           Year-end balance               Year-beginning balance
     VAT                                                                  821,067                        230,032
     Business tax                                                         237,054                        315,712
     Enterprise income tax                                               1,273,207                      1,435,616
     Tax    on      city     maintenance     and
     construction                                                            1,224                          1,557
     Property tax                                                          283,975                       293,854
     Individual income tax                                                       98                           464
     Stamp tax                                                            233,699                        241,828

                      Items                          Year-end balance         Year-beginning balance
     Educational surcharge                                              200                          -
     Total                                                     2,914,867                  2,519,063

     19.Dividend payable

                  Items                   Year-end        Year-beginning
                                          balance            balance           Reasons of arrears
     State      Development        &
     Investment Co., Ltd*2                                       264,127
     CITIC Group *2                         255,248              264,127
     Shenzhen     Nanyou      (Group)
     Company*2                                                   132,064
                                                                                      Capital tense*1
     Shenye Union(Hongkong)Co.,
     Ltd.                                                        132,064
     Changzhou Dongfeng Printing
     and dyeing plant *2                                         528,255
                   Total                   1,276,241            1,320,637

*1 The above payable dividends were the payable dividends of Nanhua Company, a subsidiary of the company,
the change in balance mainly due to the change of exchange rate. Because Nanhuan Company’s capital was
more tension and the shareholders did not ask for the fund, the payable dividends have not been paid. The
payable dividends reduced at the end of the period mainly due to the change of exchange rate.
*2 The above four companies are the former shareholders of Nanhuan Company, the subsidiary of the

20.Other accounts payable

    (1)Other accounts payable

                  Items                     Year-end balance               Year-beginning balance
     Total                                             29,974,945                       30,926,067
     Including:Over 1 year                            29,626,008                       24,607,655
     Other payables which are longer than one year mainly were the loans borrowed by Nanhuan Company
the subsidiary of the company from related companies, which have not been paid because of capital tension.
  (2) Of the Other payables at the end of period, there were none owed by corporate shareholders of
the Company holding over 5% (including 5%) of its total shares with voting rights.

           (3)Other payable payable by large in year end year

     Items                                  Amount              Age              Nature or content
     Gao Minping                               153,995      1-2 years                 Deposit
     Room 760 Cargo Floor(#HKS
                                               255,270      Within 1 year             Deposit

          Items                                      Amount                       Age              Nature or content
          State      Development           &
                                                         2,999,894         Over 3 years                     Loans
          Investment Co., Ltd
          Union Group                               22,564,462 Over 3 years                                 Loans
          Jinrongyuan Company-Deposit                    1,019,964         2-3 years                      Deposit
          Total                                     26,993,585

         (4)Other payable Accounts include the following foreign currency balances.

          Name     of                  Year-end balance                                 Year-beginning balance
            Foreign       Original      Exchange            RMB                Original       Exchange          RMB
                          currency         rate           equivalent           currency          rate         equivalent
          HKD             923,050         0.8509             785,423           914,342           0.8805         805,078
          Total                                             785,423                                             805,078

          21.Other current liabilities

          Items                                                Year-end balance                 Year-beginning balance
          Sewage charges                                                          62,598                            62,601
          Audit fees                                                           1,076,785                        987,963
          Land use fees                                                           87,997                            88,002
          Securities management Fees                                                    783                              810
          Total                                                                1,228,163                      1,139,376

       22.Long-term borrowing

          (1)Classification of long-term borrowing

          Type                                       Year-end balance                         Year-beginning balance
          Impawn borrowing                                             1,350,126                              1,534,300
                        Total                                          1,350,126                              1,534,300
                 The borrowing was the installment payment for the housing in Hong Kong bought by the
                 subsidiary of the company Xingye Company, the mortgage article was the house purchased. The
                 installment payment was HKD 2,366,000 , which paid in 240 month, As of December 31,
                 2010,Principal amount of HKD 1,586,703.88 (RMB1,350,126)

23.Long-term payable

         Unit                   Time      Year-beginning        Interest         Interest        Year-end      Borrowing
                                               balance        rate(%)                           balance      condition
         Assess        the Non-time          9,217,564                     -               - 8,907,695               -
         value          of
              Total                          9,217,564                     -               - 8,907,695               -

     * The company was authorized by People's Bank of China when it was reorganized into joint-stock
company, the revaluation of the assets of the revaluation gain attributable to the restructuring of the Company
before the shareholder. The asset was re-assessed on January 31, 1992, which generated about 14,754,000
HKD revaluation gain, recorded on account as long-term payable subject, part of them have been used to offset
the bad debts prior to listing (about 4,285,000 HKD ). The shareholders before the reorganization have agreed
not to require the company to pay such amounts with cash, to offset each other when purchase stocks of the
company in the future, the decrease of long-term payables mainly due to the change of exchange rate.

24.Deferred income tax liabilities

     (1)The confirmed Deferred income tax liabilities

                Items                         Year-end balance              Year-beginning balance
The income tax of taxable temporary
difference.                                                   892,357                         968,868
                Total                                         892,357                         968,868

     (2)The temporary difference

  Item of the taxable temporary               Year-end balance              Year-beginning balance
Assets assessment appreciation                              5,408,224                       5,871,927
Total                                                       5,408,224                       5,871,927
Tax rate                                                        16.5%                            16.5%
Confirmation     of       the   Deferred
income tax liabilities.                                       892,357                         968,868
     * When the company was reorganized into joint-stock company, the company was approved by the
People's Bank of China, the added value of the assets of the subsidiary of the company Hong Kong Victor
Onward Company, according to Hong Kong Standards, can not be adjusted, and was not to be deducted when
accounting the income tax, resulting in the differences in net value of fixed assets and accounting basis.

25.Other non-current liabilities

        Items                                          Year-end balance           Year-beginning balance
        ERP Information construction                                 239,532                      247,865
        Technology subsidies                                         638,754                      660,974
        Total                                                        878,286                      908,839
     (1)The above funds were the special subsidies received from Shenzhen Department of
Finance in 2004 for the digital jet printing projects and for the construction of enterprise

   information. The deal must be accepted by the Financial Bureau before accounting, so it was
   suspended. The reduction was due to the change in exchange rates.

26.Share capital

      Name/Type                  Year-beginning balance              Change                Year-end balance
                                Amount          Proportion%       Amount               Amount           Proportion%
   Restricted shares
   Common shares in
   RMB                          99,720,453                58.96               -        99,720,453              58.96
   Foreign shares in
   domestic market              69,421,903                41.04               -        69,421,903              41.04
   Total      restricted
   shares                      169,142,356               100.00               -       169,142,356             100.00
   Total     of   capital
   shares                      169,142,356               100.00               -       169,142,356             100.00

27.Capital common reserve

                       Items              Year-beginning        Increase in            Decrease in          Year-end
                                                              current period          current period
                                               balance                                                      balance
           Share               capital       29,718,829                           -                        29,718,829
           Premium                                                                                  -
           Other Capital common                                       575,430                              10,153,705
           reserve                             9,578,275                                            -
           Total                             39,297,104              575,430                        -      39,872,534
           Current increment in capital surplus came from current fair value gain of finance assets available for

   28.Surplus common reserve

                       Items              Year-beginning        Increase in            Decrease in          Year-end
                                                              current period          current period
                                               balance                                                      balance
           Statutory           Surplus
                                             26,704,791                                                    26,704,791
           common reserve
                       Total                 26,704,791                                                    26,704,791

 29.Retained profit

                                  Items                                   Amount                Proportion(%)
           Balance at the end of last period                            -102,767,941
           Add: The beginning of the undistributed
           profits adjustments

                                  Items                               Amount          Proportion(%)
                Including:Change of accounting policy
                       Correcting previous errors
           Change of consolidated scope
                       Other adjustments
           Balance at the beginning of current year                  -102,767,941
           Add : The      net     profit   due       to     the        4,102,924
           shareholders of the parent company in the
           Less : Withdrawing statutory surplus public
                Withdrawing discretionary surplus reserve
                Withdrawing Ordinary risk allowance
           Common stocks dividends payable
           Stock dividend transferred in stock capital
           Balance at the end of current year                        -98,665,017

30.Minority shareholders equity

               Name of Subsidiary               Proportion%                                 Year-beginning
                                                                         Year-end amount
           Nanhua Company*                            30.56
           Shenzhen   East          Asia                                       -1,311,595         508,088
           Company                                    49.00
           Total                                                               -1,311,595         508,088
      Nanhua Company and Shenzhen East Asia, two subsidiaries of the Company, suffered excess
      loss. According to No. 4 Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, where
      the loss for current period shared by minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the owner's
      equity enjoyed by them in this subsidiary at the beginning of period in consolidated financial
      statements, the difference shall write off minority interests. Whether the Articles of Association
      of the Company or an agreement defines the obligation of minority shareholders for excess loss
      or not, excess loss shall write off minority interests, i.e., minority interests will be negative when
      the subsidiary suffering excess loss is included for statement consolidation. However, the
      minority shareholders of Nanhua Company were declared bankrupt and suffered compulsory
      liquidation in 2000. No retroaction can be conducted. Therefore, the minority shareholders of
      Nanhua Company shall no longer bear losses.

31. Business income,Business cost
      Items                                                    Amount of current           Amount of Previous
                                                                      period                      period
      Key business income                                                      961,014                  18,950,518
      Other business income                                                8,390,096                     8,567,241
      Total                                                                9,351,110                    27,517,759
      Key business cost                                                        317,033                  17,570,851
      Other business cost                                                  4,006,056                     5,054,135
      Total                                                                4,323,089                    22,624,986

     (1)Key buiness—Product

                                              Amount of current period            Amount of Previous period
      Name                                Business                                 Business
                                                               Business cost                       Business cost
                                              income                                income
      Cloth bleaching, printing and                              317,033
      dyeing                                                                       18,950,518           17,570,851
      Rent                                    8,390,096           4,006,056         8,567,241            5,054,135
                   Total                       9,351,110          4,323,089        27,517,759           22,624,986
    The total sale incomes of the top five customers was RMB7,510,296.65 , representing
80.31% of the main business income in this year.

The operating income and operating cost in this year, reduced RMB 18,166,649 and RMB 18,578,870 over the
previous year, respectively 66.02% and 82.12%, mainly due to the Nanhuan Company continues to halt the
operation of business, so the business further declined. the parent company has no longer distributed the import
and export business in 2010, and the revenues and costs have fallen sharply.

     a)        Revenue from main business status of top tive clients

      Name of customer                           Business Revenues          Proportion to revenue from main
      Shenzhen     Finance          sources          4,882,548.00                                           52.21
      Development Co., Ltd.
      SCS EXPRESS                                           952,270.00                                      10.18
      Nanjing Qingtian Xinxin Clothing                      672,478.63                                       7.19
      CVA holdings                                          566,687.22                                       6.06
      Shenzhen Nanshan      Saint   Laurent                 436,312.80                                       4.67
      Wedding Photography
      Total                                          7,510,296.65                                            80.31
32.Business tax and supertax
      Items                            Amount of               Amount of          Calculation and payment
                                     current period          Previous period                 criteria
      Education surcharge                               -                540                                  3%

    Items                       Amount of             Amount of          Calculation and payment
                               current period       Previous period               criteria
    Total                                       -              540

33.Sale expenses

    Items                                                Amount of current            Amount of
                                                               period             Previous period
    Office fees                                                         37,934                 76,156
    Travel fees                                                         26,682                161,348
    Telephone and fax fees                                              18,743                 43,192
    Welfare                                                             11,882                 62,570
    Miscellaneous                                                          750                 35,069
    Wage                                                               372,116                838,989
    Society fees                                                         2,510                 89,146
    Transportion fees                                                    5,000                 25,900
    Other                                                                5,027                100,064
    Car costs                                                            8,777                 64,170
    Staff insurance                                                      6,860                 81,474
    Dormitory fees                                                       5,000                 29,000
    Sample fees                                                              -                 51,676
    Business insurance                                                       -                 18,297
    Transportation costs                                                15,752                 88,988
    Depreciation                                                        69,300                 69,300
    Rental fee                                                          20,929                401,398
    Pay commission                                                      80,510                 31,123
    Total                                                              687,772               2,267,860

34.Management expenses

    Items                                                Amount of current            Amount of
                                                               period              Previous period
    Telephone fees                                                      69,300                 61,204
    Taxes paid                                                        1,510,239               817,311
    Insurance premium                                                  336,928                347,144
    Travel fees                                                        114,479                 98,643
    Vehicle fuel                                                       250,008                245,378
    Property management fees                                            52,307                 57,902
    Board fees                                                         260,786                410,694
    Welfare                                                            145,142                121,577
    Union funds                                                         35,209                 35,094

     Items                                         Amount of current         Amount of
                                                        period             Previous period
     Wage                                                  2,416,195             2,455,433
     Society fees                                            477,292               549,425
     Tolls                                                    11,349                12,679
     Lawyer fees                                              87,322                56,419
     Social insurance                                        252,371               171,257
     Audit fees                                              393,303               303,448
     Water and electricity fees                              919,151               740,678
     Parking fees                                             16,814                20,491
     Amortization of intangible assets                        54,620                18,507
     Repair fees                                             108,996                99,010
     Transportion fees                                            1,346               1,909
     Depreciation                                            223,396               273,643
     Securities management expenses                          439,111               150,708
     Rental fee                                              226,397               228,661
     Dormitory fees                                              46,779              97,938
     Office fees                                             185,312               207,296
     Staff training fees                                               -              7,191
     Other                                                   234,640               387,781
     Total                                                  8,868,792             7,977,421

35.Financial expenses

     Items                                         Amount of current         Amount of
                                                        period             Previous period
     Interest expenses                                       808,011              1,255,262
     Less:Interest income                                   243,326               509,684
     Add:Exchange rate loss                                     74,237              31,294
     Add:Other expenses                                         13,505              25,734
                             Total                           652,427               802,606

36.Asset impairment losses

     Items                                         Amount of current         Amount of
                                                        period             Previous period
     Bad debt losses                                        3,491,123               116,902
     Inventory devaluation losses                            460,344                         -
     Fixed asset impairment losses                               62,902           3,502,905

      Items                                                           Amount of current              Amount of
                                                                               period             Previous period
                                  Total                                            4,014,369              3,619,807

  37.Changes income in fair value /loss

      Items                                                                    Amount of             Amount of
                                                                              current period      Previous period
      Trading financial assets-                                                                                48,912
      Total                                                                                                    48,912

  38.Investment income
(1)Investment income generated by the sources listed
      Items                                                           Amount of current              Amount of
                                                                               period            Previous period
      Disposal trading financial assets to achieve return                         11,264,659             21,337,265
      Income from transfer of equity investment                                      258,861                   294,353
      Total                                                                       11,523,520             21,631,618
There were no major restrictions in the investment income at the period end.
 (2)Equity method
     Items                          Amount of        Amount of                              reason
                                  current period         Previous
     Total                           11,264,659          21,337,265
     Including: Hangzhou             11,264,659          21,337,265     Affiliated company Hangzhou Bay
     Bay Company
                                                                        has less profit of RMB 40,290,422
                                                                        than last year

    39.Non-operating income

     (1)Non-operating income

      Items                                 Amount of          Amount of          Amount of non-current gains &
                                                current            Previous                loss in this year
                                                period              period
      Net income disposition fixed                                   107,013
      Including           :      Income                             107,013
         disposition fixed assets
      Other                                        38,382            445,927                                   38,382

         Items                             Amount of        Amount of          Amount of non-current gains &
                                             current         Previous                    loss in this year
                                             period              period
                       Totla                    38,382            552,940                                     38,382

   * The accounts payable are paid less which is consulted by the other subsidiary company of Shenzhen East
   Asia and the creditors, the balance that deducted the court trial costs will be recorded the non-operating

40.Non-operating expense

        Items                               Amount of        Amount of          Amount of non-current gains & loss in

                                           current period        Previous                     this year


        Loss disposition Non-current             39,237             13,693                                     39,237
                                                 39,237             13,693                                     39,237
        Including: loss on disposal of
        fixed assets
        Other                                     1,095           776,495                                       1,095
        Total                              40,332                  790,188                                     40,332

   * The penalty of custom and the fines of personal income tax delayed to repay by the other subsidiary
   company of Shenzhen East Asia South China Company.

        41.Income tax expenses

         (1)Income tax expenses

         Items                                                       Amount of current              Amount of
                                                                             period               Previous period
         The current income tax expense
         Deferred income tax expense                                        -44,704                  -45,510
                                   Total                                    -44,704                  -45,510

    42.Calculation process for Basic gains per share and Diluted gains per shares

                                                                                      Amount of           Amount of
         Items                      No                                            current period          Previous
         Net profit attributable
         to shareholder of the      1                                                                 12,090,678
         Parent Company
         Non-recurring              2                                                   238,500              280,556

                                                   Amount of       Amount of
Items                           No                current period    Previous
attributable        to    the
shareholders of the
Parent Company
Attributable to the
shareholders of the
Parent Company, Net
                                3=1-2               3,864,424      11,810,122
profit after deducting
of      non-recurring
Total of shares at
                                                  169,142,356 169,142,356
year-beginning                  4
Public reserve was
transferred as capital
and share increase              5                              -               -
from            dividend
The issuance of new
shares or increase the
number of shares and            6                              -               -
other       debt-equity
ncrease in the shares
(Ⅱ)from       the       next
month to the end                7                              -               -
month          of         the
reporting period
Shares decreased in
the reporting period            8                              -               -
due to repurchase.
Decrease        in        the
shares from the next
month to the end                9                              -               -
month          of         the
reporting period

                                                                           Amount of            Amount of
     Items                          No                                    current period          Previous
     Share            number
     decrease                for 10                                                        -                  -
     shares deduction
     Number of months of
                                    11                                                     -                  -
     the reporting period
     The            weighted
     average number of              12=4+5+6×7÷11
                                                                          169,142,356 169,142,356
     ordinary              shares        -8×9÷11-10
     issued out.
     Basic gains per share                                                          0.02                 0.07
     (Ⅰ)                         13=1÷12
     Diluted      gains      per                                                    0.02                 0.07
     share(Ⅱ)                    14=3÷12
     The        interest       of
     ordinary              shares
                                    15                                                     -                  -
     which was confirmed
     as costs
     Conversion costs               16                                                     -                  -
     Income tax rate                17                                               22%                    20%
     Warrants, shares with
                                    18                                                     -                  -
     equity right increase
     Diluted      gains      per                                                    0.02                 0.07
     Diluted      gains      per
                                    19=[3+(15-16)×(1-17)]÷(12+18)                 0.02                 0.07

43.Other comprehensive income

     Items                                                                 Amount of             Amount of

                                                                          current period       Previous period

     1.Loss amount producted by sellable financial assets                 575,430               102,473
     Less:Income tax infection producted by sellablefinancial assets
      Net amount transferred into profit and loss at current priod that
       reckoned into other comprehersive income at former period
     Subtotal                                                              575,430               102,473
     2.The enjoyed share in other comprehensive incomeofother                                       -

 Items                                                                 Amount of         Amount of

                                                                      current period   Previous period

   invested unit according to equity method
 Less:Income tax infection producted from theenjoyed shre in                                -
  other comprehensive income of other invested unit according
  to equity method
 Net amount transferred into profit and loss at current period that                          -
    reckoned into other comprehersive income at former priod
 Subtotal                                                                                    -
 3.Benefit (Or loss) amount producted from cash flow                                        -
 Less:Income tax infection produced from cash flowhedging                                   -
 Net amount transferred into profit and loss at current period that                          -
   reckoned into other comprehensive income at former period
 Transferred to the adjustment of initial confirmation amount of                             -
 items at hedged period
 Subtotal                                                                                    -
 4.Translating difference in foreign currency financial reports      -4,895,497        -553,958
 Less:Net amount that transferred into profitandloss at current
 period in disposed overseas business
 Subtotal                                                             -4,895,497        -553,958
 5.Other                                                                                    -
 Less : Taxation infection arising from reckoning other                                     -
 comprehensive income
 Net amount transferred into profit and loss at current period that                          -
 reckoned into other comprehensive income at former period.
 Subtotal                                                                                    -
 Total                                                                -4,320,067        -451,485

44.Cash flow statement

(1)Other cash received relating to financing activities

a.Other cash received relating to financing activities
                                  Items                               Amount of current period
 Rental income                                                                           1,144,777
 Between units and individuals                                                           1,105,957
 Interest income                                                                         1,212,088
 Deposit and Water and electricity fees                                                  1,390,704

                                  Items                             Amount of current period
 Profits tax paid in advance will have prepaid tax returned                               157,459
 Other                                                                                   5,010,985

   b.Other cash paid relating to operating activities

                                  Items                             Amount of current period
 Rental fee                                                                               384,984
 Society fees                                                                             425,242
 Between units                                                                            982,700
 Transportion fees                                                                        146,239
 Audit fees                                                                               409,662
 Office fees                                                                              608,440
 Insurance premium                                                                          37,467
 Travel fees                                                                              290,533
 Telephone fees                                                                             54,784
 Securities management expenses                                                           439,111
 Water and electricity fees                                                            1,878,640
 Parking fees                                                                               50,960
 Tariffs on trial charge                                                                     7,116
 Lawyer fees                                                                                52,137
 Property management fees                                                                 235,936
 Repair fees                                                                              102,680
 Deposit                                                                                    29,661
 Board fees                                                                                  8,393
 Other                                                                                    116,415
 Total                                                                                   6,261,100

 b)       Supplement information of Consolidated Flow Statement

Items                                                                 Amount of         Amount of

                                                                     current period   Previous period

1. Adjusting net profit to net cash flow in operating activities:
  Net profit                                                          2,370,935        11,713,331
  Add: Provision for impairment of assets                            4,014,369        -1,466,672
  Fixed assets depreciation                                           3,842,554          4,000,658
         Amortization of intangible assets                                 53,686
 Amortization of long-term expenses to be amortize

    Items                                                                Amount of         Amount of

                                                                        current period   Previous period

    The losses on the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and         39,237
    other long-term assets
            Loss on retirement of fixed assets
            Loss on changes of Fair value                                                      -48,912
            Financial expenses                                            1,740,856             90,090
      Investment losses                                                 -11,523,520      -21,337,265
      Decrease of deferred income tax asset
        Increase of deferred income tax liability                           -76,511            -47,082
             Decrease in inventory                                          426,940         7,747,240
      Decrease in operating receivable                                   2,228,442          1,544,650
      Increase in operating payables                                    -2,527,146        -3,155,798
              Other                                                        -352,260
    Net cash flows from operating activities                                237,582          -866,440
    2.Investing and financing activities that do not involve cash
    receipts and payments
        Conversion of debt into capital
     Convertible bonds to be expired within one year
      Fixed assets under financial lease
    3.Net increase in cash and cash equivalents
      Cash at the end of the period                                     51,786,613        56,105,626
            Less:Cash at the beginning of the period                   56,105,626        61,368,428
            Add: Cash equivalents at the end of the period
     Less:Cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           -4,319,013        -5,262,802
The financial cost due to change in exchange rate and the impact on cash and cash equivalents
RMB 1,740,856, the financial cost of interest payments was the loan interest of the related
parties, reflected in business activities.

 (3) Cash and cash equivalents
     Items                                                                Amount of       Amount of
                                                                            current        Previous
                                                                             period         period
                                                                         51,786,613      56,105,626
     I. Cash
                                                                               91,999        182,181
     Of which: Cash in stock
     Bank savings could be used at any time                                              45,493,122

    Items                                                                       Amount of          Amount of
                                                                                     current        Previous
                                                                                     period          period
            Other monetary capital could be used at any time                                       10,430,323
                                                                                               -               -
            Usable money in Central Bank
                                                                                               -               -
            Money saved in associated financial bodies
                                                                                               -               -
            Money from associated financial bodies
                                                                                               -               -
    II. Cash equivalents
                                                                                               -               -
    Of which: bond investment which will due in three months
                                                                                51,786,613         56,105,626
    III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period end
    Of which::Parent company or subsidiary of the Group                                       -               -
    using restricted cash and cash equivalents

IX. Related party relationship and related transactions
    (I)       Related party relationship
    1. The related parties with controlling relationship
     (1)The related parties with controlling relationship
          Parent                        Registered                                               Organizati
                          Type                                     Nature             representa on Code
      company                              address

                                     11/F,Union             Production
    Union           Issue company    Bulding,             and sale ofclothing Dong
    Holdings                         Shennan    Zhong and textiles, and real Binggen
                                     Road,Shenzhen        estate developin

                                                          Import     &      export
                    Limited                               business ―processing
    Union                           Bulding,Shennan                                   Dong
                    liability                             with materials‖ and                      190337957
    Group                           Zhong         Road,                               Binggen
                    Company                               processing         with
                                                          imported materials

      (2)The registered capital of the related parties with controlling relationship and the change thereof.

            Parent company           Balance in year   Increase of this        Decrease of       Balance in year
                                       beginning              period      -    this period -          end
      Union Group                        90,606,000                                                  90,606,000
      Union                           1,123,887,712                       -                  -    1,123,887,712
         (3)The related parties without controlling relationship

                                               Shares amount                        Holding proportion%
                                        Amount in           Amount              Amount in            Amount
      Parent company                     year end             in year            year end             in year
                                                            beginning                               beginning

      Union Group*                        5,821,089           5,821,089                 3.44%                3.44%
      Union                         43,141,032      43,141,032           25.51%           25.51%
 * Union Group holds 31.32% of equity capital of Union Holdings, it controls Union Holdings, and Union
Holdings is a controlling shareholder of the company, thus Union Group is the actual controller of the
 The subsidiaries of the Company as described in Note VII
3.Joint venture and affiliated company.

Joint venture and affiliated company ,see Notes VIII,9
4. Other Related party

      Type                                          Name                      transactions

     The       related     parties                                                                       -
                                                                              Current balance
     controlled the same Actual
     controller                      Shenye Union(HK)Co., Ltd.
      The      related     parties                                                                  192199105
                                                                              Current balance
      controlled     the     same Shenzhen          Union      Property
      Actual controller              Group Co., Ltd.
     (2) Lease assets to the related parties

In the report year, the Company leased Room 1307 and 1308 of Union Building owned by Union
Group. The term of tenancy is from January 1, 2009 to May 31, 2009. The monthly rent is RMB
6800. The rent was determined according to market price. * The original lease contract agreement still
continues down to the expiration of the contract , without signing a new lease contract.

 (3) Balance current related parties

                        Related parties                          Year-end balance       Year-beginning balance
    Account receivable
    Shenye Union(HK)Co., Ltd.                                             314,198                         325,127
    Other payable
    Union Group                                                          22,564,462                       21,566,542
    Shenzhen Union Property Group Co., Ltd.                                 699,258                        3,671,008

X.Subsequent events

   As of December 31, 2010,The company has no forrned form other Importance events.
XI.Commitment events

1. The external investment contracts and the related financial expenditures which have signed or
not yet completely fulfilled.
By December 31, 2010,The Group still has the major external investments RMB 30 million
which have signed but still not paid, as follows:

Name of investment         Contractual       Prepaid         Unpaid         Expected     Remarks
projects                   investment       investme       investment      investment
                             amount             nt           amount          period
Invest Nanjing East                                                                      Can        not       be
Asia Textile Co., Ltd                                                      Unsurenes     relocated because
                            30 million              -       30 million
with machinery and                                                              s        the               fields
equipments                                                                               uncompleted
4) The big contract which has been signed or is ready to be carried out

     By December 31, 2010, The Group still has big contract which has been signed but not paid, a total of
1.71 million yuan, as follows:
Name       of      Contractual        Prepaid         Unpaid             Expected       Remarks
investment         investment       investment      investment          investment
projects             amount           amount          amount              period
Elocation    of                                                                         Can         not       be
production                                                                              relocated     because
                        1,710,000         855,000       855,000       Unsureness
equipments as                                                                           the                fields
a whole                                                                                 uncompleted
4. Except for the events described above, By December 31, 2010,the Group has no other significant
commitment events.
XII . Events after balance sheet date
       The Group had no other significant matters after the balance sheet date.

XIII. Other Significant Events
(1)    Business in leasing assets (The lessor under operating leases)
                                                               Year-end balance             Year-beginning
                             Type                                                              balance
Cost                                                                    101,717,557              104,963,930
       House, Building                                                  101,717,557              104,963,930
Accumulated amortisation                                                 62,038,553               60,518,745
       House, Building                                                   62,038,553               60,518,745
Impairment provision                                                                  -                       -
       House, Building                                                                -                       -
The book value                                                           39,679,004               44,445,185
      House, Building                                                    39,679,004               44,445,185

2.Items related to measurement of fair value.
                     Item                 Amount at                                        Provision      Amount
                                                       Gains and        Accumulative
                                             the                                              for        at the end
                                          beginning   losses from       change of fair    impairment     of period
                                          of period                                         made in
                                                       change of            value
                                                      fair value in     accounted for       period
                                                           current      as rights and
                                                           period         interests
        Financial assets
        1.       Financial      assets                 5                                                   77,235
        calculated according to            171,221
        fair value whose change is
        accounted for as profits or
        losses for current period
        Trading financial assets                                            575,430                      874,427

        Subtotal      of      financial     480,620                          575,430                      951,662

       3.Foreign financial assets and foreign financial liability

                  Item                Amount at                                     Provision    Amount
                                                   Gains and      Accumulative
                                         the                                           for      at the end
                                      beginning   losses from     change of fair   impairment   of period
                                      of period                                      made in
                                                   change of          value
                                                  fair value in   accounted for      period
                                                       current    as rights and
                                                       period       interests
     Financial assets
     1.       Financial     assets                 5
     calculated according to           171,221
     fair value whose change is
     accounted for as profits or
     losses for current period
     Trading financial assets                                         575,430                   874,427

     Subtotal      of     financial     480,620                        575,430                   874,427

    4.Other Significant Events
    Since March 2007, Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. stopped production
and dismissed most of workers. The company currently only had some house leasing business.

5 subsidiaries controlled by the company had stopped the operation and were depending on
house lease to maintain. In 2007 the company intended to invest part of machineries and
equipments to Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd. But due to the reasons of
the joint venture party and the prospect change in the industry, the investment plan was delayed.

    The company mainly made efforts to promote the transfer of printing and dyeing mill project, the
 company will strengthen construction direction coordination work,in order to carry out the transfer
 project as soon as possible.

                XIV. Notes of main items of parent company’s financial statements
     1. Account receivable

(1) Categories of account receivable

                                                    Year-end balance                                        Year-beginning balance
             Type                       Book Balance           Provision for bad debts             Book Balance           Provision for bad debts
                                  Amount       Proportion%     Amount       Proportion%      Amount       Proportion%     Amount       Proportion%
             receivable with
             specific amount
                                   3,872,632           31.60    3,872,632             100     3,998,082           30.54    3,998,082         100.00
             that          were
             provisioned had
             debt preparation
             Aging group                                   -                             -    4,252,089           32.49    3,763,561          88.51
                                           -                            -
             receivable that
             were           not
             significant    but
                                   8,384,444           68.40    8,384,444             100     4,839,106           36.97    4,839,106         100.00
             have          been
             provisioned bad
             debt preparation

             Total                12,257,076            100    12,257,076             100    13,089,277            100    12,600,749          96.27

                     1)       Account receivable with significant specific amount that were provisioned had
                               debt preparation separately

Name                           Book balance         Bad debts                                      Reason of provision
Carnival Index International
                                   1,153,023            1,153,023                    100.00      Aging long
                                   1,060,131            1,060,131                    100.00      Aging long
Shenzhong       Enterprise                                                                        The company insolven
                                    1,659,478            1,659,478                      100.00
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                              t, to be canceled
Total                               3,872,632            3,872,632                      100.00                -

                     2)       As of December 31, 2010, account receivable that were not significant but have been
                               provisioned bad debt preparation separately

                                                 Book                               Provision            Reason of
        Name                                                    Bad debts
                                                balance                           proportion%            provision
        Fly Dragon International                   601,975            601,975             100.00        Aging long
        Grateful Textiles Co.,Ltd                  594,760            594,760                100.00     Aging long
        World Fabrica (Int'l) Ltd                  488,190            488,190                100.00     Aging long
        Shenzhen Fangzhou Textile                                                                       Aging long
                                                   468,486            468,486                100.00
        Co., Ltd.
        Ezhou Xiangya Garments                                                                          Aging long
                                                   368,929            368,929                100.00
        Co., Ltd.
        Tak Shing Buying Office Led                350,039            350,039                100.00     Aging long
        Starline Textile CO.Ltd.                   348,708            348,708                100.00     Aging long
        U.D.C. (H.K.) Co.,Ltd                      314,198            314,198                100.00     Aging long
        Panther Fabric Ltd.                        309,721            309,721                100.00     Aging long
        Changshu Jiangsu Garments                                                                       Aging long
                                                   283,529            283,529                100.00
        Import & Export Co., Ltd.
        Other (Total 109)                        4,255,909           4,255,909               100.00     Aging long
        Other                                    8,384,444           8,384,444   100.00
 (2) Of the prepayments at the end of period, there were none owed by corporate shareholders of the Company
 holding over 5% (including 5%) of its total shares with voting rights.

   (3)The front 5 units’ information of account receivable

                     Unit name                  Relation with          Amount       Fixed year        Percentage of

                                                the company                                        account receivable

        Shenzhong              Enterprise                                               Over 3
                                                Subsidiary            1,659,478          years
        Carnival    Index International         Non-Related                             Over 3
        Ltd                                       parties
                                                                      1,153,023          years
                                                Non-Related                             Over 3
        TAIYANGENTERPRISECO.,LTD.                 parties
                                                                      1,060,131          years

                 Unit name                Relation with           Amount         Fixed year       Percentage of

                                          the company                                           account receivable
                                          Non-Related                             Over 3
                                                                   601,975         years
    Fly Dragon International
                                          Non-Related                             Over 3
                                                                   594,760         years
    Grateful Textiles Co.,Ltd
    Total                                                          5,069,367                                41.36

(4)About the account receivable from the related parties
    Name                                        with this            Amount                    Proportion(%)
    Shenzhong Enterprise Co.,Ltd.               Subsidiary                 1,659,478                        13.54
    Shenzhen East Asia Victor Onward
    Textile Printing & dyeing                   Subsidiary                   64,021                          0.52
                                                The related
                                                  the same
    Shenye Union(HK)Co., Ltd.                  controller                 314,198                          2.56
    Total                                                                  2,037,697                        16.62

    (5)Balance of foreign currency in account receivable

                                  Year-end balance                           Year-beginning balance
                       Original      Exchange        Amount in        Original       Exchange        Amount in
                       currency         rate           RMB           currency           rate            RMB
    HKD                11,038,875      0.8509         9,392,979      12,929,509         0.8805        11,384,433
    Total                                             9,392,979                                       11,384,433

      2. Other receivables

(1)Categories of other receivable

                                                                    Year-end balance                                      Year-beginning balance
              Type                                   Book Balance             Provision for bad debts             Book Balance         Provision for bad debts
                                                Amount          Proportion%   Amount          Proportion%    Amount      Proportion%   Amount      Proportion%
              Other receivable with
              significant           specific
              amount         that     were     78,976,883             98.09   3,376,237       4.27          83,970,412   98.72         3,382,210   4.03

              provisioned      bed debt
              preparation separately
              Other     accounts        that
              were provisioned bad
              debt     preparation        in                -             -               -             -   1,071,219    1.26          256,083     23.91

              accordance with agin
              Deposit Group                         37,782             0.05               -             -

              Other    receivable       that
              were not significant but
              have been provisioned              1,497,823             1.86   1,497,823       100.00        13,374       0.02          -             -

              had     debt    preparation
              Totla                            80,512,488               100   4,874,060       6.05          85,055,005   100           3,638,293   4.28

 1) Other ts receivable with significant specific amount that were provisioned had debt preparation

                                                                  Provision           Reason of
Name                       Book balance        Bad debts
                                                               proportion%            provision
HongKong        Victor
                                  62,601,105               -                  -
Shenzhen      East
Asia Victor Onward                12,999,541               -                  -
Textile   Printing   &
Nanjing East Asia                  1,321,309       1,321,309            100.00    Aging long
                                   1,079,962       1,079,962            100.00    Aging long
Shunde Branch
Dongfeng Textile                    974,966         974,966             100.00
Printing & dyeing
                                                                                  Aging long
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Total                             78,976,883       3,376,237             4.27 —

 2) Group –Deposit Group

                                      Book                               Provision        Reason of
Name                                                  Bad debts
                                     balance                           proportion%         provision
Dang Zewen                                 5,000                  -                  -
Jiang Guangbin                             2,000                  -                  -    Deposit, N
Huanggang Endorsement
                                           1,481                  -                  -    o provision
of deposit
Shenzhen          Port                                                                     for bad d
Administration Service                     1,361                  -                  -
Centre                                                                                    ebts
Other                                     27,940                  -                  -
Total                                   37,782                    -                  -

 3) As of December 31, 2010, Other receivable that were not significant but have been
                     provisioned bad debt preparation separately

Name                       Book balance        Amount          Proportion %              Reason
HongKong        Victor
                                    728,362         728,362              100.00   Aging long
Shenzhen      East
Asia Victor Onward                  513,480
Textile   Printing   &
                                                    513,480              100.00   Aging long
Shanghai                                                                          Aging long
Huayinke      Trade                 179,994         179,994              100.00
Industry Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen                                                                          Aging long
                                     34,999          34,999              100.00

        Name                     Book balance           Amount              Proportion %                 Reason
        Shenzhen Design                                                                            Aging long
        Institute      of
        Ministry       of
                                          29,999                 29,999                   100.00
        Industry Shanghai
        Other                             10,989                 10,989                   100.00   Aging long
        Total                           1,497,823           1,497,823             100                      -

    (2) As of Decrember 31,2010,In the balance of accounts payable, there were no payables to
     shareholders holding 5.00% (including 5.00%) or more of the voting right of the Company;
     (3) The front 5 units’ information of Other account receivable

             Unit name              Relation         Amount
                                    with the                                                               Content
                                                                    Over 3
     HongKong Victor Onward                                                       77.75
                                    Subsidiary                            years                                 Business
     Shenzhen        Nanhua                                         1-2 yea
     Printing & dyeing Co.,                                                       16.15
     Ltd.                           Subsidiary                            rs                                    Business
                                  Non-Related                       Over 3                               Payment for
     Nanjing East Asia                                              years    1.64
                                       parties                                                                    goods
     CCB.Guangdong                Non-Related                       Over 3                               Payment for
                                                                    years  1.34
     Shunde Branch                                  1,079,962
                                       parties                                                                    goods
     Changzhou Dongfeng           Non-Related                       Over 3                               Payment for
     Textile Printing & dyeing                                      years  1.21
     Equipment Co., Ltd.               parties                                                                    goods
     Total                                          78,976,884

(4) Account receivable from Related affiliated parties
Name                                Relation with the company                       Amount                 Proportion(%)
HongKong Victor Onward                      Subsidiary                                 62,601,105                      77.75
Shenzhen East Asia Victor
Onward Textile Printing &                      Subsidiary                                      513,480                     0.64
dyeing Company
Shenzhen Nanhua Printing
                                               Subsidiary                                   12,999,542                 16.15
& dyeing Company
Total                                                                                       76,114,127                 94.54

    (5)Other receivable include the following foreign currency balances

        Foreign                  Year-end balance                                 Year-beginning balance

           Currency           Original      Exchange                RMB             Original         Exchange            RMB
           of Name            currency           rate         equivalent            currency             rate         equivalent
           HKD               79,822,967          0.8509 67,921,362                  75,915,125          0.8805          66,843,268
             Total                                            67,921,362                                                66,843,268

  3. Long-term equity investment

  (1) Long-term equity investment
           Items                                                    Year-end balance                  Year-beginning balance
           The cost of long-term equity
           investment accounting                                                39,928,226.                             41,317,197
           Total       of      long-term         equity
           investment                                                           39,928,226                              41,317,197
           Less       :      Long-term          equity
           investments for impairment                                             1,315,027
           Net       value     long-term         equity
           investment                                                           38,613,199                              41,317,197

  (2)The cost method and equity method long-term equity investment

                                          Vote            Initial     Year-beginning                   Exchange       Year-end
    Name             Proportion %                                                       change                                        of the
                                 proportion % amount                      balance                     rate change      balance
The         cost

Victor Onward                  100               100      2,411,282       23,040,722                      -774,565
Printing         &

dyeing                        54.82          54.82      23,082,831        16,915,702                      -568,660
East Asia                       51                51      1,470,000        1,360,773                        -45,746
     Total                                              26,964,113        41,317,197                    -1,388,971

  (3)Provision for impairment on long-term equity investment

           Name of invested
                                           Year-beginning              Increasein the      Decrease in the             Year-end
                                                 balance               current period          current period          balance
           Shenzhen East Asia                                              1,315,027                                      1,315,027

4. Business income,Business cost
     Items                                                 Amount of current           Amount of Previous
                                                                  period                       period
     Key business income                                                   70,200                 11,281,450
     Other business income                                            1,245,650                     880,293
     Total                                                            1,315,850                   12,161,743
     Key business cost                                                 -519,626                   11,074,256
     Other business cost                                                473,887                     440,033
     Total                                                                 -45,739                11,514,289

      (1) Key business-product

                                         Amount of current period             Amount of Previous period
     Name of product
                                         Revenue             Cost              Revenue             Cost
     Cloth bleaching, printing and
                                             70,200           -519,626         11,281,450         11,074,256
              House lease                 1,245,650              473,887             880,293            440,033
                  Total                   1,315,850              -45,739       12,161,743         11,514,289

      (2) Top five customers

     Name                                    Revenue                Percentage of total business income
     Shenzhen Nanshan Saint Laurent
      Wedding Photography
                                                      436,313                                            33.16
     Lin Daozheng                                       93,496                                             7.11
     Shenzhen Xiesheng Transport Co.,
                                                        77,913                                             5.92
     Shenzhen Taihe Mechanical &
                                                        51,942                                             3.95
       electrical equipment Co., ltd.
     Chen Shen                                          25,971                                             1.97

     Total                                             685,635                                            52.11

      5.Investment revenue

      (1) Investment revenue Source

     Items                                                   Amount of current                 Amount of
                                                                     period                Previous period
     Disposal trading financial assets to achieve return                   257,537                      290,960
     Total                                                                   257,537                    290,960

    The was no severs constrict on the collection of the investment earings.

6.Cash flow statement Supplementary Information of the parent company

     Items                                                                               Amount of       Amount of
                                                                                        current period    Previous

     I. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating activities

                                                                                         -3,610,120      -8,109,036
     Net profit

                                                                                          2,682,662      3,606,721
     Add : Impairment loss provision of assets

          Depreciation      of       fixed   assets,   oil   and   gas   assets   and
                                                                                             366,046       372,642
     consumablebiological assets

          Amortization of intanglble assets                                                   54,620                 -
                                                                                                     -               -
          Amortization of long-term deferred expenses

                                                                                              39,237       -23,818
          Loss on disposal of non-current assets

                                                                                                     -               -
          Loss from fixed assets discard

                                                                                                     -               -
          Loss of fair value fluctuation on assets

                                                                                             829,638         43,600
          Financial cost

                                                                                          -257,537        -290,960
          Loss on investment

                                                                                                     -               -
          Decrease of deferred income tax assets

                                                                                              -82,685       775,250
          Increase of deferred income tax assets
      Decrease of inventories                                                                  14,945     2,181,128
      Decrease of operating receivable                                                      4,374,718     1,045,527
           Increase of operating receivables                                               -3,669,313     -1,830,423
         Other                                                                             -1,507,307       578,147
        Net cash flows arising from operating activities                                     -765,096     -1,651,222

     II. Significant investment and financing activities that withoutcash flows

     Liability transfer to capital

     Convertible corporate bond due within 1 year

     Finance leased fixed assets
     III. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                          23,577,186     24,960,502
     Ending balance of cash

                                                                                          24,960,502     30,750,018
     Less: Beginning balance of cash

        Items                                                                     Amount of       Amount of
                                                                                current period     Previous
          Add: Ending balance of cash

            Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents

        Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                  -1,383,316      -5,789,516

                                             XV.      Supplementary Information

        1. Non–operating gain and loss statement of this year
Items                                                        Amount of        Amount of          Notes
                                                            current period    Previous
                                                                    -39,237       93,320
Gain/loss form disposal of non-current assets
Tax rebate or derate approved by goingbeyond
 the authority . Tax rebate or derate without
 official approval document. Incidental tax
 rebate or derate.
Govemment Grants accrued into current profit
& loss
List into ― the fund occupation expensecharged
 on non-financial enterprise‖, subordinate to the
 accounting items ― Gurrent profit & loss‖
Earning arising from identifiable fairvalue of net
 assets of investees, which should be enjoyed
 when costs (which are obtained by the
 enterprise) invested in subsidiary companies,
 pool companies and joint ventures, is less than
 the obtained investment
Non-currency asset exchange profit & loss
Profit & loss arising from entrusting thethird
 party to invest or manage assets
Provision for asset impairment withdrawndue to
 force majeure (e.g.natural disaster)
Profit & loss arising from debt recombination
Expenses for enterprise recombination

Items                                                     Amount of        Amount of    Notes
                                                         current period    Previous
Profit & loss that exceed the fair value,arising
 from transaction with unfair transaction price
Net       profit   &        loss   during      term
  beginningtomerger date of the subsidiaries
  arising form business merger under same
Profit & loss arising from the probableevents
 irrelevant to normal operating business of the
                                                                 257,537      343,265
Except the effective hedge business related to
the normal operation business of the Company,
the profit and loss in the changes of fair values
caused by the holding of tradable financial
assets and tradable financial liabilities as well as
the investment returns in disposal of tradable
financial assets, tradable financial liabilities and
saleable financial assets
Single impairment test for impairment of
receivables transferred back to preparation
Profit & loss obtained from loan for outwards
Profit & loss arising from change of fairvalue of
 investment-based real estate where subsequent
 Measurement is conducted by using the fair
 value mode
Impact on the current profit & loss causedby
 one-off adjustment conducted on the current
 profit & loss according to requirements
 stipulated by taxation /accounting laws and
Entrusting earning arising from the entrusted

Items                                                                   Amount of        Amount of           Notes
                                                                    current period        Previous
                                                                              38,860         -330,568
Except the above items, other non-operating
eqarning and expenditure
Other      profit      &    loss       items      confirming
  tothedefinition of nonrecurring profit & loss
                                                                             257,160          278,960
Amount of influence of income tax
                                                                             -18,660            -1,596
Amount of influence of minority interests
Total                                                                        238,500          280,556

     2.Return on net assets and earnings per share
                                                                                             Earnings per share(RMB)

        Profit of the report period            Return on net assets .    Weighted(%) Basic earnings per   Diluted gains per

                                                                                              share              share
        Net   profit    attributable    to

          shareholder      of      parent                       0.03                          0.02                0.02


        Net profit attributable to the

         parent                 company
                                                                0.03                          0.02                0.02
         shareholders after deducting

         of non-recurring gain/loss.

XVI. The approval of financial reports

        The report of the financial statements was approved by all directors of the board of directors
of the Company on April 27,2011.
