深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. The Semiannual Report 2013 August 2013 1 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 I. Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions The Board of Directors ,Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in this report and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof. All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Annual Report. The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and capitalizing of common reserves either. Mr.Hu Yongfeng, The Company leader, Mr. Zhang Jinliang, Chief financial officer and the Mr..Ren Changzheng, the person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby confirm the authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this semi-annual report. 2 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Table of Contents 2013 Semi-Annual Report I..Important Notice, Table of contents and Definitions II. Basic Information of the Company III. Summary of Accounting Highlights and Business Highlights IV. Report of the Board of Directors V. Important Events VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders VII. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives VIII. Financial Report IX. Documents available for inspection 3 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Definition Refers Terms to be defined Definition to Refers Company/The Company/ Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. to Refers Company Law Company Law of the People’s Republic of China to Refers Securities Law Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China to Refers “CSRC” China Securities Regulatory Commission to 4 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 II. Basic Information of the Company I. Company Information * ST Shenzhen Victor Onward A, * ST Stock abbreviation Stock code: 000018、200018 Shenzhen Victor Onward B Stock exchange for listing: Shenzhen Stock Exchange Name in Chinese 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 Chinese Abbreviation (If any) 中冠 English name (If any) Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd English abbreviation (If any) VICTOR ONWARD Legal Representative Hu Yongfeng II. Contact person and contact manner Board secretary Securities affairs Representative Name Zhang Jinliang Wu Xia Room 1308, Hualiang Building, No.2008 Room 1308, Hualiang Building, No.2008 Contact address Shennan Zhong Road, Shenzhen Shennan Zhong Road, Shenzhen Tel (755)83668425 (755)83667895 Fax (755)83668427 (755)83668427 E-mail zhangjl@udcgroup.com wux@udcgroup.com III. Others 1. Way to contact the Company Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company during the reporting period? √ Applicable □ Not applicable Registered address 26 Kuipeng Road, Kuiyong Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen Postal code of the Registered Address 518119 Office Address 26 Kuipeng Road, Kuiyong Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen Postal code of the office address 518119 Internet Web Site http://www.udcgroup.com E-mail szvo@chinaszvo.com 5 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 2. About information disclosure and where this report is placed Did any change occur to information disclosure media and where this report is placed during the reporting period? □ Applicable √ Not applicable The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC for disclosing this report and the location where this report is placed did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2012 Annual Report. 3.Change of the registered information Did any change occur to the registered information during the reporting period? □ Applicable √Not applicable The Registration date and place of the Company, its business license No., Taxation registration No. and organizational code did notchange during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2012 annual report. 4.Other relevant information Did any change occur to other relevant information during the reporting period? √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company no longer renewed the engagement of Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants (special ordinary partnership) as the auditing body for the audit and internal control of the Company for 2013. According to the provisions of the Company's Work System of Choosing and Engaging Certified Public Accountants, the Company engaged Dahua Certified Public Accountants (special ordinary partnership) as the auditing body for audit and internal control for 2013. The annual auditing fee is RMB 0.45 million (including traveling expenses). Refer to No. 2013-0640 announcement of the Company published at www.cninfo.com.cn on June 27, 2013 for details. (2013-0640) 6 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 III. Summary of Accounting Highlights and Business Highlights I. Major accounting data and /Financial indicators May the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years due to change of the accounting policy and correction of accounting errors. □ Yes √ No Reporting period Same period of last year YoY+/-(%) Operating income(RMB) 4,990,626.00 5,019,787.00 -0.58% Net profit attributable to the shareholders -4,123,606.00 -4,187,136.00 -1.52% of the listed company(RMB) Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of -1,708,492.00 -1,245,706.00 37.15% listed company(RMB) Cash flow generated by business operation, 1,949,440.00 165,989.00 1,074.44% net(RMB) Basic earning per share(RMB/Share) -0.02 -0.02 0% Diluted gains per share(RMB/Share) -0.02 -0.02 0% Net asset earning ratio(%) -3.53% -3.58% 0.05% As at the end of the As at the end of last year YoY+/-(%) reporting period Gross assets(RMB) 164,879,572.00 172,002,557.00 -4.14% Shareholders’ equity attributable to 114,119,534.00 118,852,391.00 -3.98% shareholders of the listed company(RMB) II.The differences between domestic and international accounting standards 1.Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards disclosed in the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets. Unit:RMB Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Net Assets attributable to the shareholders of listed company the listed company Amount in the Amount in the previous End of the reporting Beginning of the reporting period period period reporting period According to CAS -4,123,606.00 -4,187,136.00 114,119,534.00 118,852,391.00 Items and amount adjusted according to CAS and IAS Switch back the part of Hong 267,910.00 55,329.00 -4,729,270.00 -5,298,751.00 7 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Kong house property assessment in accordance with IAS Pursuant to overseas -3,855,696.00 -4,131,807.00 109,390,264.00 113,553,640.00 accounting standards 2. Difference in Net profit and net Assets in the Financial Report as Disclosed Respectively according to the Accounting standards Outside Mainland China and the Chinese Accounting Standards. Unit:RMB Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Net Assets attributable to the shareholders of listed company the listed company Amount in the Amount in the previous End of the reporting Beginning of the reporting period period period reporting period According to CAS -4,123,606.00 -4,187,136.00 114,119,534.00 118,852,391.00 Items and amount adjusted according to CAS and IAS Switch back the part of Hong Kong house property 267,910.00 55,329.00 -4,729,270.00 -5,298,751.00 assessment in accordance with IAS Pursuant to overseas -3,855,696.00 -4,131,807.00 109,390,264.00 113,553,640.00 accounting standards 3.Note to the Difference in the Accounting Data based on the Accounting Standards of CAS and IAS. The influence of appreciation through appraisal of workshop and 2 parking spaces in Hong Kong in 1992. III.Items and amount of deducted non-current gains and losses Unit:RMB Amount Notes Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part -15,114.00 for which assets impairment provision is made) Other non-operating income and expenditure beside for the above -2,400,000.00 items Total -2,415,114.00 -- For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and 8 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason. □ Applicable√ Not applicable 9 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 IV. Report of the Board of Directors I. General 1. Business highlights In the report period, the printing and dyeing mill of the Company in Shenzhen continued production suspense while the parent company and five subsidiaries continued the suspension of printing and dyeing business due to the production suspense of the printing and dyeing mill. The parent company, Nanhua Company and Hong Kong Company maintained daily operation through property lease. The other three subsidiaries had suspended business. The Company planned to invest in the joint venture project of Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. with partial machinery and equipment. Due to change of foundation of joint venture and prospect of the industry, the capital increase was not completed. In the report year, the income from house rent was the main part of net inflow of cash and the source of income from main operation. 2. The risks that the Company is facing and countermeasures Production suspense brought significant influence on the production and operating activities and continuous development of the Company. 2The audited net profits of the Company for two consecutive fiscal years (i.e., 2011 and 2012) were both negative. According to relevant regulations including Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange enforced special treatment ("delisting risk caution") of the stocks of the Company from April 24, 2013. According to Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the listing of the stocks of the Company will be suspended from the day of announcement of 2013 annual report if its audited net profit for 2013 is still negative. In case of failure to reverse loss according to the annual report for the latest period disclosed within statutory time limit, the stocks of the Company will face the risk of termination of listing. In order to try to have the caution of delisting risk revoked, the Company will make all efforts to enhance operating efficiency and increase return through various measures and take "reversing loss into profit" as the priority target of production and operation for the year in 2013. II. Analysis on principal Business 1.General In the report period, the textile, printing and dyeing business of the head office and controlled subsidiaries of the Company did not recover and continued to be suspended for rectification. The Company leased its idle properties and earned rental income of RMB 4.99 million. YoY Change of major financial data: Unit:RMB Reporting period Same period of last year YoY+/-(%) Main reasons for change Operating revenues 4,990,626.00 5,019,787.00 -0.58% Operating cost 2,073,313.00 2,199,834.00 -5.75% Administrative expenses 4,050,058.00 4,358,499.00 -7.08% 10 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Influence of exchange Financial expenses 273,998.00 -47,525.00 -676.53% rate Acceptance of banker's Net cash flows from 1,949,440.00 165,989.00 1,074.44% acceptance bills of prior operating activities periods Receipt of the proceeds Net cash flows from of disposal of machinery 5,024,937.00 -31,431.00 -16,087.2% investing activities and equipment in advance Net cash flows from Payment of loan -10,000,000.00 financing activities principal to Union Group Net increase in cash and -3,458,795.00 267,112.00 -1,394.89% cash equivalents Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period. □Applicable √ Not applicable No major changes occurred to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period. Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the Company such as share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc: □Applicable √ Not applicable The Company did not mention any future planning for the reporting period in its disclosed documents such as share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc. Review the progress of the previously disclosed business plan in the reporting period. As the plan of investing in Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. with part of machinery and equipment was not fulfilled, part of the Company's assets have been in idle status for long time since production suspense for rectification. At present, the investment project (Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd.) has entered litigation procedure. There will be no possibility of investment completion. To invigorate assets and recover funds, the Company planned to dispose of fixed assets (machinery and equipment) and parts. In the report period, it collected proceeds of RMB 5.05 million from such disposal. III.Breakdown of main business Increase/decrease Increase Increase/decrease Operating Gross profit of operating /decrease of of gross profit Operating costs revenues rate(%) revenues over last operating costs rate over last year year(%) over last year(%) (%) Classification of Industry Leasing Industry 4,990,626.00 2,073,313.00 58.46% -0.58% -5.75% 1.71% Classification of products Lease 4,990,626.00 2,073,313.00 58.46% -0.58% -5.75% 1.71% Classification of Area 11 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 China 4,119,034.00 1,498,006.00 63.63% -0.96% -6.44% 3.41% Hong Kong 871,592.00 575,307.00 33.99% 2.35% -3.31% 1.03% IV. Analysis on investment Status 1. External Equity investment (1)External investment External investment Investment amount (January-June Investment Amount (January-June Change rate(%) 2013)(RMB) 2012)(RMB) 0.00 0.00 0% Particulars of investees Name Principal business Proportion in the investees’ equity(%) Zhejiang Union Hangzhou Bay Real estate 25% Chuangye Co., Ltd. (2)Holding of the equity in financial enterprises 2. Analysis to main subsidiaries and shareholding companies Particulars about main subsidiaries and shareholding companies Unit:RMB Leading Total Operating Company Company Sectors Registered Net assets Tumover Net Profit products assets(RMB profit Name type engaged in capital (RMB) (RMB) (RMB) and services ) (RMB) Hong Kong Victor Textile Textile 2,400,002 112,829,365 43,308,284. Subsidiary 875,656.00 -129,466.00 -127,537.00 Onward industry trade (HKD) .00 00 Co.Ltd Textile Nanhua Textile 85,494,700 28,239,070. -18,089,476 3,206,500.0 Subsidiary Printing and -127,217.00 -139,333.00 Company industry (HKD) 00 .00 0 dyeing 12 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 V. Prediction of business performance for Jan-Sept 2013. Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation of reason. √ Applicable □Not applicable Forenotice of earning :Losses Type of data filet for the prediction Year beginning to end of next Same period of Increase or decrease% report period the previous year Estimated amount of accumulative net -200 -- 0 -615 -- -100% -- -67.48% profit(RMB’0000) Basic earnings per shares -0.01 -- 0 -0.04 -- -100% -- -75% (Yuan/share) Due to loss of real estate projects of Zhejiang Union Hangzhou Bay Ventures Co., Ltd. accounted fo Notes to forenotice of r on equity basis, the accumulative net profit for the period from January 2012 to September 2013 is earnings estimated to be loss and about RMB-2 million to RMB-0. VI. Explanation from the Board for “ Qualified Opinion” of last year’s 1.Basic information Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants issued unqualified auditor's report with paragraph of emphasized matters for the Company's financial statements for 2012 Basic information of emphasized matters: Since March 2007, Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. stopped production and dismissed most of workers. And most subsidiaries of the company had stopped production and it maintained daily operation by house leasing., but its sustainable operation ability is still uncertain. (II) Basic opinions of certified public accountants on such matter: Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants accepted entrustment, completed the audit of the financial statements of the Company for 2012 and issued unqualified auditor's report with paragraph of emphasized matters for the Company's financial statements for 2012. In accordance with No. 14 Rule for Preparation and Report of Information Disclosure by Companies Publicly Issuing Securities - Non-standard Unqualified Audit Opinions and Treatment of Matters Involved Therein, relevant notes are as follows: As noticed by Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants during audit, Since March 2007, Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. stopped production and dismissed most of workers. The company currently only had house leasing business. Except that Shenzhen East Asia Victor Onward Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. is still operating normally, other 5 subsidiaries controlled by the Company have stopped operation or are maintaining daily operation by house property lease. It plans to invest in Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. with part of machinery and equipment in 2007, The investment plan has not been implemented, the proposed investment has been idle equipment stored in the Victor Onward Company. On June 4, 2012, The Victor Onward Company has 13 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 instituted court action at Jiangsu Province Higher People's Court, and asked to terminate the contracts and agreement on investment on Nanjing project. We believe that the sustainable operation ability of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. is still uncertain, so I emphasized the situation in the audit reports and issued unqualified auditor's report with paragraph of emphasized matters. The matters involved in highlighted statement did not apparently violate Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and regulations on relevant information disclosure standardization. (III) The opinions of the board of directors, supervisory committee and management of the Company on this matter: The board of directors, Supervisory Committee and managers believed that the printing and dyeing plant of the company had stopped operation or maintained daily operation by house leasing. .It plans to invest in Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. with part of machinery and equipment, Due to the reason on the side of the other party of joint venture and change of industry prospect. Partners disagree with our views in the replenishment of the things, thus cooperation is difficult to continue. Although we sent our staff to Nanjing many times for negotiation, but failed to reach a consensus. Therefore, we decided the proceedings in the People's Court. (IV) Extent of influence of this matter on the Company: This event greatly impacted the production & operation activities and sustainable development of company, it made company had the situation of implementing other special treatment which was stipulated in Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules , the stock of our company had been implemented for other special treatment. As the audited net profits of the Company for 2011 and 2012 were negative, Shenzhen Stock Exchange will give special treatment to the stocks of the Company for the caution of delisting risk according to relevant regulations including Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The stocks of the Company will be subject to special treatment for caution of delisting risk after the disclosure of 2012 annual report. The Company stocks will be suspended from April 24, 2013, The stocks of the Company will implement special treatment for delisting risk warning after the Company was restored for trading from April 24,2013. According to Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the listing of the stocks of the Company will be suspended from the day of announcement of 2013 annual report if its audited net profit for 2013 is still negative. In case of failure to reverse loss according to the annual report for the latest period disclosed within statutory time limit, the stocks of the Company will face the risk of termination of listing. (V) The possibility of eliminating this matter and its influence: In order to try to have the caution of delisting risk revoked, the Company will make all efforts to enhance operating efficiency and increase return through various measures and take "reversing loss into profit" as the priority target of production and operation for the year in 2013. (VI) The concrete measures of eliminating this matter and its influence The Company Holding a positive and prudent attitude, the company has been looking for a new business direction and an effective way to fight to reverse loss into profit in 2013. VII. Implementation of profit distribution in reporting period Implementation or adjustment of profit distribution plan in reporting period, cash dividend plan and shares converted from capital reserve in particular 14 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 □ Applicable √ Not Applicable The Company has no profit distribution and share and shares converted from capital reserve either, which was deliberated and approved in annual shareholders’ general meeting of 2012. VIII. Profit distribution for the report period Particulars about the profit distribution and capitalizing reserves plan for the report period IX. Statement of such activities as reception, research, communication, interview in the reporting period Discussion topics and Reception time Reception place Way of reception Types of visitors Visitors received provision of materials Enquiry about the BOD office of the Company’s whether the April 24, 2013 By phone Individual Investor Company Company has any plan for reorganization BOD office of the Enquiry about the company May 6, 2013 By phone Individual Investor Company situation Inquire of the Company BOD office of the about the time of holding May 30, 2013 By phone Individual Investor Company shareholders' general meeting Inquire about the reason for BOD office of the the rise in stock price of the June 4, 2013 By phone Individual Investor Company Company during sharp decline of stock market. 15 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 V. Important Events 1.Governance of the Company In the report period, The company has strictly abided by the “Corporate Law”, “Securities Law”, “Governance Rules of Listed Companies”, “Articles of Association” and the provisions and requirements of The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and The Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) to continuously improve the corporate governance structure, establish the modern enterprise system, standardize the company operations and seriously and well perform all the works of corporate governance. the company has set up the work plan and program on the implementation of internal control norms in order to further strengthen the construction work of the company’s internal control norms system according to the relevant specifications of “Foundational Norms on Internal Control of Enterprise” and “Supporting Instructions to Internal Control of Enterprise”. Currently, the company is carrying out the relevant specific works as per all the stage of work plans of the internal control construction. There isn’t difference between the management prac tise and the regulations of the Company Law and CSRC. In the report period, the Company further increased information transparency and properly carried out publicity work for protection of investors. It timely answered the questions of investors and communicated with medium and small investors by making use of telephone, email, especially the platform for communication with investors set up by Shenzhen Stock Exchange to let them know itself better and improve its information transparency. In the report period, relevant personnel of the Company attended the working meeting for prevention and control of insider dealings of listed companies in Shenzhen organized by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau. After the meeting, all directors, supervisors and senior executives and other working personnel who have access to insider information were trained so that the trainees fully understood the importance of cracking down on insider dealings. After self inspection, relevant personnel were not found to carry out insider dealings or to suggest others to conduct transactions by making use of insider information. No insider information was divulged. The Company did not conduct administration in a non-standardized way such as providing non-open information to the controlling shareholder or the actual controller. The Company was not investigated and prosecuted or ordered to make rectification by regulatory authority due to the implementation of insider registration system or being suspected of insider dealing. II. Major lawsuits and Arbitration affairs √ Applicable□ Not applicable Basic information Amount Whether comes Progress of Trial results and Judgment Disclosure Index of of involved to accrual lawsuits(arb influence enforcement date disclosure 16 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 lawsuits(Arbitratio (RMB’0000) liability or not itration) situation n) On June 4, 2012, The company has instituted court action against below three companies at Jiangsu Province Higher People's Court, and asked to terminate the contracts and agreements signed with Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd., Nanjing East Asia Announceme Investment & nt No. Development 2012-0614) Group Co., Ltd. Securities he case and Hong Kong Times , Hong 4,792 No hasn’t yet June 16, 2012 Yaojunxing Co., Kong been tried Ltd., who shall pay Commercial RMB47,922,902.9 Daily and 2 to the company www.cninfo. for the pecuniary com.cn loss of implicative compensation and undertake the costs of litigation. The company has received the Su-Shang-Wai-Ch u-Zi No.0002 (2012) of “Notice on Indictment Acceptance and Collegial Panel Announcement” issued by Jiangsu Province Higher People's Court on 17 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 June 14, 2012. III. Query form media □ Applicable√ Not applicable In the reporting year, the Company had no query from media IV. Assets Transactions 1. Sales of Assets Net profit contribu ted to Proporti Connect the on of ivity compan the net Relation Has all Has all y from profit Is it a s with the Gain/los the Other Transact the contribu Pricing related the ownersh s arising credit party of ion beginni ted by principl transacti other ip of the Disclos Assets Date of from /debt Disclos the price ng of the asset e for the on Is it a party assets ure sold sale sales involve ure date transacti (RMB’0 the for the asset related (applica involve index (RMB’0 d been on 000) reportin compan sold transacti ble to d been 000) transferr g year y in the on the transferr ed to the total related ed date of profit transacti sales of (%) on) the asset (RMB’0 000) V. Material related transactions 1. Other material related transactions The account receivable of related parties of Listed Company Unit:RMB Year-end balance Year-beginning balance Projects Related parties Book balance Provision for Book balance Provision for devaluation devaluation Account receivable Shenye Union(HK) 299,428.00 299,428.00 299,428.00 299,428.00 Co., Ltd. The account Payablee of related parties of Listed Company 18 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Unit :RMB Projects Related parties Year-end balance Year-beginning balance 15,104,652.00 24,748,412.00 Other payable Shenzhen Union Real estate 700,734.00 700,734.00 Group Co., Ltd. Relevant inquiry with the internet website for disclosing provisional report on material related transactions Date of disclosing provisional Description of the website for disclosing Description of provisional announcement announcement provisional announcements VI. Important contracts and implementation VII. The commitments of the Company and its shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s total shares in the report year of extending to the report year from previous year. Commitment Time of making Period of Commitment Contents Fulfillment maker commitment commitment Committed when the restricted-for-sal e shares from the shares restructuring were listed for circulation in the market: i. if they Union Holdings plan to sell the Co., shares through Ltd/Shenzhen the securities Textile Under Commitment on share reform exchange 2006.3.24 In effect (Holdings) Co., Fulfillment system in the Ltd./Union future, and the Development decrease of the Group Co., Ltd. shares they hold reaches 5% within 6 months after the first decrease, they will disclose an announcement indicating the sale through the 19 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 company within two trading days before the first decrease; ii. They shall strictly observe the “Guidelines on Transfer of Restricted-for-sa le Original Shares of Listed Companies” and the provisions of the relevant business principles of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Commitment in the acquisition report or Not the report on equity changes applicable Commitment made upon the assets Not replacement applicable Not Commitments made upon issuance applicable Other commitments made to minority Not shareholders applicable Executed timely or not? Yes VIII. Engagement/Disengagement of CPAs Whether the intrim Report was audited or not □ Yes √ No IX. Notes to other significant Events Announcement on lawsuits.of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. Announcement No.:2012-0614,Announcement Date: June 16, 2012.(www.cninfo.com.cn),Investors are advised to pay attention to investment risks.http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-06-16/61144742.PDF 20 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders (I).Changes in share capital Before the change Increase/decrease(+,-) After the Change Amount Proportion Capitalizat ion of Share Bonus Proportio common Other Subtotal Quantity allotment shares n reserve fund I. Share with conditional 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% subscription 1.State-owned shares 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 2.Staee-owned legal person 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% shares 3.Other domestic shares 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% Of which:Domestic legal 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% person shares Domestic natural person 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% shares 4.Share held by foreign 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% investors Of which:Foreign legal 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% person shares Foreign natural person 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% shares 5. .Executive shares 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% II. Shares with 169,142,3 169,142,3 100% 0 0 0 0 0 100% unconditional subscription 56 56 1.Common shares in 99,720,45 99,720,45 58.96% 0 0 0 0 0 58.96% RMB 3 3 21 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 2.Foreign shares in 69,421,90 69,421,90 41.04% 0 0 0 0 0 41.04% domestic market 3 3 3.Foregin shares in 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% overseas market 4.Other 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 169,142,3 169,142,3 III. Total of capital shares 100% 0 0 0 0 0 100% 56 56 Reasons for share changed □Applicable√Not applicable Approval of Change of Shares □Applicable√Not applicable Ownership transfer of share changes □Applicable√Not applicable Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common shareholders of Company in latest year and period □Applicable√Not applicable Other information necessary to disclose for the company or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators □Applicable√Not applicable Explanation on changes in aspect of total shares, shareholders structures as well as structure of assets and liability of the Company □Applicable√Not applicable II. Number of shares and shares held Unit:Shares Total shareholder at period-end 9,365 Shareholders with over 5% shares held Amount Number os share Number of Changes Proportion of of Amount of pledged/frozen Nuture of shares held in Shareholders shares held restricte un-restricted shareholder at period reportin State of (%) d shares shares held Amount -end g period share held Domestic Non- Union Holdings State-owned legal 25.51% 43,141,032 0 0 43,141,032 Co., Ltd. person 22 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 STYLE-SUCCES Foreign legal 14.46% 24,466,029 0 0 24,466,029 S LIMITED person Shenzhen Textile State-owned -2,275,1 (Group)Holdings 4.11% 6,958,246 0 6,958,246 Legal person 48 Ltd Rich Crown Foreign legal Investment Co., 3.62% 6,114,556 0 0 6,114,556 person Ltd. Union Domestic Non- -140,00 Development State-owned legal 3.36% 5,681,089 0 5,681,089 0 Group Co., Ltd. person Liuzhou Jiali Domestic Non- Real estate legal person 2.49% 4,220,000 0 0 4,220,000 Development State-owned legal Co., ltd. person Domestic Natural Zeng Ying 1.21% 2,039,600 0 0 2,039,600 person Liuzhou Domestic Non- Ruiheng State-owned legal 1.01% 1,703,000 -7,000 0 1,703,000 Mechatronics person Co., Ltd. Domestic Natural +1,005, Qin Yuyan 0.59% 1,005,376 0 1,005,376 person 376 Shing Ying Foreign Natural -625,00 0.54% 909,962 0 909,962 Chieh person 0 Strategy investors or general legal person becomes top 10 shareholders N/A due to rights issued (if applicable)(See Notes3) Explanation on associated The controlling shareholder of the above-mentioned largest shareholder Shenzhen Union relationship among the aforesaid Holdings Co., Ltd.and fourth shareholder Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.. Is Union shareholders Development Group Ltd. Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end of the Share type Name of the shareholder reporting period Share type Quantity RMB Common Union Holdings Co., Ltd. 43,141,032 43,141,032 shares Foreign shares STYLE-SUCCESS LIMITED 24,466,029 placed in 24,466,029 domestic 23 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 exchange Shenzhen Textile (Group)Holdings RMB Common 6,958,246 6,958,246 Ltd shares Foreign shares placed in Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd. 6,114,556 6,114,556 domestic exchange RMB Common Union Development Group Co., Ltd. 5,681,089 5,681,089 shares Liuzhou Jiali Real estate RMB Common 4,220,000 4,220,000 Development Co., ltd. shares Foreign shares placed in Zeng Ying 2,039,600 2,039,600 domestic exchange Liuzhou Ruiheng Mechatronics RMB Common 1,703,000 1,703,000 Co., Ltd. shares Foreign shares placed in Qin Yuyan 1,005,376 1,005,376 domestic exchange Foreign shares placed in Shing Ying Chieh 909,962 909,962 domestic exchange Explanation on associated relationship or consistent action among the top 10 shareholders of The controlling shareholder of the above-mentioned largest shareholder Shenzhen Union non-restricted negotiable shares and Holdings Ltd. and fourth shareholder Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.. Is Union that between the top 10 shareholders Development Group Ltd. of non-restricted negotiable shares and top 10 shareholders Notes to the shareholders involved in financing securities (if any) (See N/A Notes4) Did any shareholder of the Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the reorting period? □ Yes √ No III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period 24 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 □ Applicable √ Not Applicable Change of the actual controller in the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 25 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 VII. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives I. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives □ Applicable √ Not Applicable Shareholdings of directors, supervisors and senior management staff did not change in the reporting period. For details, see the 2012 annual report. II. Retirement and dismissal of Directors, Supervisors and senior Executives Names Titles Types Date Causes N/A 26 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 VIII. Financial Report 1. Audit report Has this semi-annual report been audited? □ Yes √ No The semi-annual financial report has not been audited. II. Financial statements Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements:RMB 1. Consolidated balance sheet Prepared by: Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. Unit:RMB Items Year-end balance Year-beginning balance Current asset: Monetary fund 48,768,467.00 52,227,262.00 Settlement provision Outgoing call loan Trading financial assets Bill receivable 0.00 1,500,000.00 Account receivable 744,712.00 744,712.00 Prepayments 15,867.00 176,443.00 Insurance receivable Reinsurance receivable Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable Interest receivable 38,414.00 Dividend receivable Other account receivable 339,073.00 260,005.00 Repurchasing of financial assets Inventories 101,536.00 101,536.00 Non-current asset due in 1 year 27 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Other current asset Total of current assets 49,969,655.00 55,048,372.00 Non-current assets: Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed Disposable financial asset 564,228.00 751,542.00 Expired investment in possess Long-term receivable Long term share equity investment 65,712,614.00 65,784,312.00 Property investment 29,488,804.00 31,041,484.00 Fixed assets 12,204,036.00 12,416,459.00 Construction in progress Engineering material Fixed asset disposal Production physical assets Gas & petrol Intangible assets 1,840,611.00 1,860,764.00 R & D petrol Goodwill 5,099,624.00 5,099,624.00 Long-germ expenses to be amortized Differed income tax asset Other non-current asset Total of non-current assets 114,909,917.00 116,954,185.00 Total of assets 164,879,572.00 172,002,557.00 Current liabilities Short-term loans Loan from Central Bank Deposit received and hold for others Call loan received Trade off financial liabilities Bill payable Account payable 3,214,947.00 3,239,571.00 Advance payment 7,827,624.00 2,778,488.00 Selling of repurchased financial assets 28 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Fees and commissions receivable Employees’ wage payable 776,279.00 766,680.00 Tax payable 1,617,381.00 1,622,074.00 Interest payable Dividend payable 1,215,946.00 1,215,946.00 Other account payable 22,676,923.00 32,227,317.00 Reinsurance fee payable Insurance contract provision Entrusted trading of securities Entrusted selling of securities Non-current liability due in 1 year Other current liability 3,922,263.00 1,547,263.00 Total of current liability 41,251,363.00 43,397,339.00 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loan 953,576.00 1,033,936.00 Bond payable Long-term payable 8,338,729.00 8,488,953.00 Special payable Expected liabilities Differed income tax liability 753,092.00 766,660.00 Other non-current liabilities 836,792.00 836,792.00 Total of non-current liabilities 10,882,189.00 11,126,341.00 Total of liability 52,133,552.00 54,523,680.00 Owners’ equity Share capital 169,142,356.00 169,142,356.00 Capital reserves 39,664,228.00 39,790,784.00 Less:Shares in stock Special reserves Surplus reserves 26,704,791.00 26,704,791.00 Common risk provision Undistributed profit -120,397,547.00 -116,273,941.00 Different of foreign currency translation -994,294.00 -511,599.00 Total of owner’s equity belong to the 114,119,534.00 118,852,391.00 parent company 29 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Minority shareholders’ equity -1,373,514.00 -1,373,514.00 Total of owners’ equity 112,746,020.00 117,478,877.00 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 164,879,572.00 172,002,557.00 Legal representative :Hu Yongfengn Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng 2. Balance sheet of Parent Company Prepared by: Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. Unit:RMB Items Year-end balance Year-beginning balance Current asset: Monetary fund 12,706,881.00 17,293,509.00 Trading financial assets Bill receivable 1,500,000.00 Account receivable Prepayments Interest receivable Dividend receivable Other account receivable 82,874,786.00 72,818,786.00 Inventories 101,536.00 101,536.00 Non-current asset due in 1 year Other current asset Total of current assets 95,683,203.00 91,713,831.00 Non-current assets: Disposable financial asset Expired investment in possess Long-term receivable Long term share equity investment 36,788,953.00 36,788,953.00 Property investment 4,892,161.00 5,060,748.00 Fixed assets 9,118,735.00 9,145,661.00 Construction in progress Engineering material 30 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Fixed asset disposal Production physical assets Gas & petrol Intangible assets 1,840,611.00 1,860,764.00 R & D petrol Goodwill Long-germ expenses to be amortized Differed income tax asset Other non-current asset Total of non-current assets 52,640,460.00 52,856,126.00 Total of assets 148,323,663.00 144,569,957.00 Current liabilities Short-term loans Trade off financial liabilities Bill payable Account payable 113,343.00 113,344.00 Advance payment 7,052,540.00 2,002,540.00 Employees’ wage payable 720,836.00 735,970.00 Tax payable 565,517.00 573,074.00 Interest payable Dividend payable Other account payable 895,076.00 884,092.00 Non-current liability due in 1 year Other current liability 3,922,263.00 1,547,263.00 Total of current liability 13,269,575.00 5,856,283.00 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loan Bond payable Long-term payable Special payable Expected liabilities Differed income tax liability 4,180,138.00 4,180,138.00 Other non-current liabilities 836,792.00 836,792.00 Total of Non-current liabilities 5,016,930.00 5,016,930.00 31 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Total of liability 18,286,505.00 10,873,213.00 Owners’ equity Share capital 169,142,356.00 169,142,356.00 Capital reserves 31,606,598.00 31,606,598.00 Less:Shares in stock Special reserves Surplus reserves 26,309,287.00 26,309,287.00 Provision of general risk Undistributed profit -97,021,083.00 -93,361,497.00 Different of foreign currency translation Total of owners’ equity 130,037,158.00 133,696,744.00 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 148,323,663.00 144,569,957.00 Legal representative :Hu Yongfengn Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng 3.Consolidated Profit Statement Prepared by: Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. Unit :RMB Items Amount in this period Amount in last period I. Income from the key business 4,990,626.00 5,019,787.00 Incl:Business income 4,990,626.00 5,019,787.00 Interest income Insurance fee earned Fee and commission received II. Total business cost 6,628,035.00 6,669,607.00 Incl:Business cost 2,073,313.00 2,199,834.00 Interest expense Fee and commission paid Insurance discharge payment Net claim amount paid 32 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Insurance policy dividend paid Insurance policy dividend paid Reinsurance expenses Business tax and surcharge 230,666.00 158,799.00 Sales expense Administrative expense 4,050,058.00 4,358,499.00 Financial expenses 273,998.00 -47,525.00 Asset impairment loss Add:Gains from change of fir value -13,510.00 (“-”for loss) Investment gain(“-”for loss) -71,083.00 428,646.00 Incl: investment gains from affiliates -71,083.00 417,624.00 Gains from currency exchange(“-”for loss) III. Operational profit(“-”for loss -1,708,492.00 -1,234,684.00 Add:Non-business income 3,929.00 29,563.00 Less:Non business expenses 2,419,043.00 2,982,015.00 Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current 19,043.00 0.00 assets IV.Total profit(“-”for loss) -4,123,606.00 -4,187,136.00 Less:Income tax expenses V. Net profit(“-”for net loss) -4,123,606.00 -4,187,136.00 Including: Net profit realized by the entity taken over before the takeover Net profit attributable to the owners of -4,123,606.00 -4,187,136.00 parent company Minority shareholders’ equity VI. Earnings per share: -- -- (I)Basic earnings per share -0.02 -0.02 (II)Diluted earnings per share -0.02 -0.02 VII. Other comprehensive income -609,251.00 -119,197.00 VIII. Total comprehensive income -4,732,857.00 -4,306,333.00 Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner of the parent -4,732,857.00 -4,306,333.00 company Total comprehensive income 33 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 attributable minority shareholders Legal representative :Hu Yongfengn Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng 4. Profit statement of the Parent Company Prepared by: Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. Unit :RMB Items Amount in this period Amount in last period I. Income from the key business 908,470.00 741,567.00 Less:Business cost 168,586.00 239,378.00 Business tax and surcharge 76,269.00 0.00 Sales expense Administrative expense 2,688,880.00 2,901,344.00 Financial expenses -770,606.00 -633,443.00 Asset impairment loss Add:Gains from change of for value 0.00 -13,510.00 (“-”for loss) Investment gain(“-”for loss) 0.00 11,022.00 Incl: investment gains from affiliates II. Operational profit(“-”for loss) -1,254,659.00 -1,768,200.00 Add:Non-business income 2,000.00 5,174.00 Less:Non- business expenses 2,406,927.00 2,982,015.00 Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current assets III.Total profit(“-”for loss) -3,659,586.00 -4,745,041.00 Less:Income tax expenses IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss) -3,659,586.00 -4,745,041.00 V. Earnings per share: -- -- (I)Basic earnings per share (II)Diluted earnings per share VI. Other comprehensive income 34 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 VII. Total comprehensive income -3,659,586.00 -4,745,041.00 Legal representative :Hu Yongfengn Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng 5. Consolidated Cash flow statement Prepared by: Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. Unit :RMB Items Amount in this period Amount in last period I.Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from sales of goods or 6,412,358.00 5,167,056.00 rending of services Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother company Net increase of loans from central bank Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies Cash received against original insurance contract Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of client deposit and investment Net increase of trade financial asset disposal Cash received as interest, processing fee and commission Net increase of inter-bank fund received Net increase of repurchasing business Tax returned Other cash received from business 598,048.00 559,535.00 operation Sub-total of cash inflow 7,010,406.00 5,726,591.00 35 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services Net increase of client trade and advance Net increase of savings n central bank and brother company Cash paid for original contract claim Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission Cash paid for policy dividend Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 1,414,058.00 1,550,781.00 Taxes paid 1,058,641.00 1,054,536.00 Other cash paid for business activities 2,588,267.00 2,955,285.00 Sub-total of cash outflow from business 5,060,966.00 5,560,602.00 activities Cash flow generated by business 1,949,440.00 165,989.00 operation, net II.Cash flow generated by investing Cash received from investment retrieving Cash received as investment gains 21,841.00 Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other 5,087,000.00 30,000.00 long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units Sub-total of cash inflow due to 5,087,000.00 51,841.00 investment activities Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 62,063.00 83,272.00 long-term assets Cash paid as investment Net increase of loan against pledge Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units Other cash paid for investment activities 36 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Sub-total of cash outflow due to 62,063.00 83,272.00 investment activities Net cash flow generated by investment 5,024,937.00 -31,431.00 III.Cash flow generated by financing Cash received as investment Incl: Cash received as investment from minor shareholders Cash received as loans Cash received from bond placing Other financing –related ash received Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities Cash to repay debts 10,000,000.00 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests Incl: Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders Other cash paid for financing activities Sub-total of cash outflow due to 10,000,000.00 financing activities Net cash flow generated by financing -10,000,000.00 IV. Influence of exchange rate -433,172.00 132,554.00 alternation on cash and cash equivalents V.Net increase of cash and cash -3,458,795.00 267,112.00 equivalents Add: balance of cash and cash 52,227,262.00 53,399,316.00 equivalents at the beginning of term VI.Balance of cash and cash equivalents 48,768,467.00 53,666,428.00 at the end of term Legal representative :Hu Yongfengn Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng 6. Cash flow statement of the Parent Company Prepared by: Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. 37 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Unit :RMB Items Amount in this period Amount in last period I.Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from sales of goods or 2,408,470.00 856,782.00 rending of services Tax returned Other cash received from business 1,009,229.00 702,760.00 operation Sub-total of cash inflow 3,417,699.00 1,559,542.00 Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 990,236.00 919,417.00 Taxes paid 466,148.00 453,953.00 Other cash paid for business activities 1,619,943.00 2,066,267.00 Sub-total of cash outflow from business 3,076,327.00 3,439,637.00 activities Cash flow generated by business 341,372.00 -1,880,095.00 operation, net II.Cash flow generated by investing Cash received from investment retrieving Cash received as investment gains 21,841.00 Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other 5,072,000.00 30,000.00 long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units Other cash receivable for investment activities Sub-total of cash inflow due to 5,072,000.00 51,841.00 investment activities Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid as investment Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units 38 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Other cash paid for investment activities Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities Net cash flow generated by investment 5,072,000.00 51,841.00 III.Cash flow generated by financing Cash received from absorbing investment Cash received as loans Cash received from bond placing Other financing –related ash received Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities Cash to repay debts 10,000,000.00 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests Other cash paid for financing activities Sub-total of cash outflow due to 10,000,000.00 financing activities Net cash flow generated by financing -10,000,000.00 IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents V.Net increase of cash and cash -4,586,628.00 -1,828,254.00 equivalents Add: balance of cash and cash 17,293,509.00 21,483,163.00 equivalents at the beginning of term VI.Balance of cash and cash equivalents 12,706,881.00 19,654,909.00 at the end of term Legal representative :Hu Yongfengn Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng 7. Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity Prepared by: Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. Amount in this period Unit:RMB 39 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Amount in this period Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company Commo Minor Total of Items Less: Speciali Attribut Share Capital Surplus n risk sharehold owners’ Shares zed able Other Capital reserves reserves provisio ers’ equity equity in stock reserve profit n 169,142 39,790,7 26,704, -116,27 -511,59 -1,373,51 117,478,87 I.Balance at the end of last year ,356.00 84.00 791.00 3,941.00 9.00 4.00 7.00 Add: Change of accounting policy Correcting of previous errors Other II.Balance at the beginning of 169,142 39,790,7 26,704, -116,27 -511,59 -1,373,51 117,478,87 current year ,356.00 84.00 791.00 3,941.00 9.00 4.00 7.00 -126,55 -4,123,6 -482,69 -4,732,857. III.Changed in the current year 6.00 06.00 5.00 00 -4,123,6 -4,123,606. (I) Net profit 06.00 00 -126,55 -482,69 -609,251.0 (II)Other misc.income 6.00 5.00 0 -126,55 -4,123,6 -482,69 -4,732,857. Total of (I) and (II) 6.00 06.00 5.00 00 (III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners 1. Capital inputted by owners 2.Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’ equity 3. Other (IV)Profit allotment 1.Providing of surplus reserves 2.Providing of common risk provisions 3.Allotment to the owners (or shareholders) 4.Other (V) Internal transferring of owners’ equity 40 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capital shares) 2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capital shares) 3.Making up losses by surplus reserves. 4. Other (VI) Special reserves 1. Provided this year 2.Used this term (VII)Other IV. Balance at the end of this 169,142 39,664,2 26,704, -120,39 -994,29 -1,373,51 112,746,02 term ,356.00 28.00 791.00 7,547.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 Amount in last year Unit:RMB Amount in last year Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company Commo Minor Total of Items Less: Speciali Attribut Share Capital Surplus n risk sharehold owners’ Shares zed able Other Capital reserves reserves provisio ers’ equity equity in stock reserve profit n 169,142 39,742,4 26,704, -116,02 -515,91 -1,373,51 117,673,58 I.Balance at the end of last year ,356.00 73.00 791.00 6,610.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 Add:Retrospective adjustment caused by merger of entities under common control Add: Change of accounting policy Correcting of previous errors Other II.Balance at the beginning of 169,142 39,742,4 26,704, -116,02 -515,91 -1,373,51 117,673,58 current year ,356.00 73.00 791.00 6,610.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 \ III.Changed in the current 48,311.0 -247,33 -194,705.0 4,315.00 year 0 1.00 0 -247,33 -247,331.0 (I) Net profit 1.00 0 (II)Other misc.income 48,311.0 4,315.00 52,626.00 41 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 0 48,311.0 -247,33 -194,705.0 Total of (I) and (II) 4,315.00 0 1.00 0 (III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners 1. Capital inputted by owners 2.Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’ equity 3. Other (IV)Profit allotment 1.Providing of surplus reserves 2.Providing of common risk provisions 3.Allotment to the owners (or shareholders) 4.Other (V) Internal transferring of owners’ equity 1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capital shares) 2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capital shares) 3.Making up losses by surplus reserves. 4. Other (VI) Special reserves 1. Provided this year 2.Used this term (VII)Other IV. Balance at the end of this 169,142 39,790,7 26,704, -116,27 -511,59 -1,373,51 117,478,87 term ,356.00 84.00 791.00 3,941.00 9.00 4.00 7.00 Legal representative :Hu Yongfengn Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng 42 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 8. Statement of change in owner’s Equity of the Parent Company Prepared by: Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. Amount in this period Unit:RMB Amount in this period Less: Common Total of Items Share Capital Specialized Surplus Attributabl Shares in risk owners’ Capital reserves reserves reserves e profit stock provision equity 169,142,35 31,606,598 26,309,287 -93,361,49 133,696,74 I.Balance at the end of last year 6.00 .00 .00 7.00 4.00 Add: Change of accounting policy Correcting of previous errors Other II.Balance at the beginning of 169,142,35 31,606,598 26,309,287 -93,361,49 133,696,74 current year 6.00 .00 .00 7.00 4.00 -3,659,586. -3,659,586. III.Changed in the current year 00 00 -3,659,586. -3,659,586. (I) Net profit 00 00 (II)Other misc.income -3,659,586. -3,659,586. Subtotal of (I) and (II) 00 00 (III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners 1. Capital inputted by owners 2.Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’ equity 3. Other (IV)Profit allotment 1.Providing of surplus reserves 2.Providing of common risk provisions 3.Allotment to the owners (or shareholders) 43 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 4.Other (V) Internal transferring of owners’ equity 1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capital shares) 2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capital shares) 3.Making up losses by surplus reserves. 4. Other (VI) Special reserves 1. Provided this year 2.Used this term (VII)Other IV. Balance at the end of this 169,142,35 31,606,598 26,309,287 -97,021,08 130,037,15 term 6.00 .00 .00 3.00 8.00 Amount in last year Unit:RMB Amount in last year Less: Common Total of Items Share Capital Specialize Surplus Attributabl Shares in risk owners’ Capital reserves d reserve reserves e profit stock provision equity 169,142,35 31,606,598 26,309,287 -90,792,58 136,265,65 I.Balance at the end of last year 6.00 .00 .00 3.00 8.00 Add: Change of accounting policy Correcting of previous errors Other II.Balance at the beginning of 169,142,35 31,606,598 26,309,287 -90,792,58 136,265,65 current year 6.00 .00 .00 3.00 8.00 -2,568,914. -2,568,914. III.Changed in the current year 00 00 -2,566,647. -2,566,647. (I) Net profit 00 00 (II)Other misc.income -2,267.00 -2,267.00 Subtotal of (I) and (II) -2,568,914. -2,568,914. 44 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 00 00 (III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners 1. Capital inputted by owners 2.Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’ equity 3. Other (IV)Profit allotment 1.Providing of surplus reserves 2.Providing of common risk provisions 3.Allotment to the owners (or shareholders) 4.Other (V) Internal transferring of owners’ equity 1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capital shares) 2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capital shares) 3.Making up losses by surplus reserves. 4. Other (VI) Special reserves 1. Provided this year 2.Used this term (VII)Other IV. Balance at the end of this 169,142,35 31,606,598 26,309,287 -93,361,49 133,696,74 term 6.00 .00 .00 7.00 4.00 Legal representative :Hu Yongfengn Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng (III)Basic Information of the Company Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), grew out 45 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 of the Xingnan Printing Factory Co., Ltd, founded in 1980, was the first wholly foreign-owned enterprise in Shenzhen. In April 1984, Xingnan Printing Factory Co., Ltd was changed into foreign joint venture, and was renamed Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. . On November 19, 1991, the Company was reorganized into a joint stock limited company and renamed Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. pursuant to the approval of Shenzhen Municipal Government. The domestically listed RMB ordinary shares ("A shares, Stock code: 000018" ) and domestically listed foreign investment shares ("B shares ,stock code: 200018") issued by the Company were listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1992. By June 30, 2013, the total share capital was 169,142,356 million shares, of which circulating A-share 99,720,453 shares, circulating B-share 69,421,903. of which Union Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Union Holdings ) holding limit-sale A-shares3,141,032 shares, accounting for 25.51% of the total equity, is the controlling shareholder of the company, Union Development Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Union Group)holding circulating A –share 5,681,089 shares, accounting for 3.36% of the total equity, Union Group holds 31.32% of equity of Union Holdings and has the right to control Union Holdings, thus Union Group is the actual controller of the Company. By June 30,2013, Victor Onward printing and dyeing (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hong Kong Victor Onward"), Hong Kong Victor Onward Digital Printing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Victor Onward Digital Printing"), Shengzhong Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shengzhong") ,Shenzhen East Asia Victor onward Holding (hereinafter referred to as “East Asia Company)and Shenzhen Nanhua Printing and Dyeing as well as its wholly-funded subsidiary Nanhua Xingye Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Nanhua Xingye") are all subsidiaries of the Company. The Group is mainly engaged in the production and processing (printing and dyeing) and sales of various high-grade fabrics of pure cotton, pure linen, polyester-mixed cotton, linen cotton and mixed fiber and finished garments. Registered address: 26 Kuipeng Road, Kuiyong Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen Legal Representative: Hu Yongfeng (IV)Principal accounting policies, accounting estimates and early errors 1.Basis for the preparation of financial statements The financial statements of the Group were prepared on basis of continuous operation and according to actual transactions and matters, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises promulgated by Ministry of Finance and relevant regulations and the accounting policies and estimation stated in Note IV - Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimate. 46 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 2. Statement on complying with corporate accounting standards The financial statements of the Group comply with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, truly reflect the integrity of the financial situation, operating results and cash flows, and other relevant information of the company. 3. Fiscal year The fiscal year of the Group starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 on the Gregorian calendar. 4. Accounting standard money The Company and its subsidiary Nanhua Company changed their base currency for bookkeeping from HKD into RMB because they received and made cash payment in RMB. 5. Accounting process method of enterprise consolidation under same and different controlling. (1)The compiling method of combined financial statement (1). Principles to determine the scope of merger: The Group will include the subsidiaries which have actual controlling right and the subjects which have special purpose into the scope of consolidated financial statements. (2)Accounting methods adopted in consolidated financial statements: The consolidated financial statements of the Group shall be compiled in accordance with Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 33 - Consolidated Financial Statements and the related provisions, the major internal transaction in the scope of consolidation and transactions shall be offset. The part of shareholders equity of the subsidiary which does not belong to the parent company, shall be individually listed as equity of minority shareholders in the consolidated financial statement. If the accounting policy and accounting period of the subsidiary and the company are not consistent, when compile consolidated financial statement, the financial statement of the subsidiary shall be adjusted according to the accounting policy and accounting period of the company. For the subsidiary obtained by corporate merger under different control, when prepare consolidated financial statements, the individual financial statement shall be adjusted on the basis of fair value of the net assets on the purchase day; for the subsidiary obtained by corporate merger under same control, it will be taken as having been existed at the year beginning, its assets, liabilities, operating results and cash flow shall be consolidated in the financial statement according to original book value since the year beginning of the consolidation period. 6. Recognition Standard of Cash & Cash Equivalents The cash stated in cash flow statement refers to cash in hand and bank deposits usable for payment at any time. Cash equivalent refers to the investments with holding period of less than 3 months and strong 47 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 liquidity that are readily convertible to known amount of cash and subject to insignificant risk of changes in value. 7. Foreign currency Convert (1)Foreign currency Transactions he foreign currency transactions the Group were accounted according to the amount of foreign currency on the first day of the current month converting to the amount of bookkeeping currency. On the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items would be converted into RMB by using the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date, the conversion differences produced shall be directly included in the current loss and gain except the exchange differences produced by foreign currency special loans borrowed for purchasing or production of the assets which meet the capitalization conditions. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured by fair value shall be converted into RMB by the spot exchange rate on the fair value date, the conversion differences produced shall be directly included in current loss and gain as fair value changes. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured by historical costs shall be converted by using the spot exchange rate on the transaction date, and its RMB amount will not be changed. (2)Foreign currency statement Convert The financial statements of the company and the subsidiaries making HK dollars as bookkeeping currency shall be converted into RMB. In the course of conversion, the assets & liabilities items shall be converted by using the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date, the items of shareholders equity except for the retained profit shall be converted according to the spot exchange rate, the items of incomes and expenses in the profit statement shall be converted by the approximate exchange rate of spot exchange rate on the transaction date. The conversion differences of foreign currency statements produced in the above conversions shall be individually listed under the item of shareholders equity. From January 1 of the report year, the Company and its subsidiary Nanhua Company changed their base currency for bookkeeping from HKD into RMB because they received and made cash payment in RMB. At the time of change, all items were translated into items stated in base currency for bookkeeping at the spot exchange rate quoted on the day of change. The amount after translation was taken as historical cost calculated in new base currency for bookkeeping. The cash flow in the cash flow statement are converted by the average exchange rate of the market rates announced in the accounting period. The influences on cash flow from the changes of exchange rate are separately listed in cash flow statement. 8. Financial instruments (1) Classification of financial instruments: According to investment purposes and economic nature, the financial assets of the Group can be divided into the financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the current loss and gain, the expired investments held, receivables and financial assets for sale, the four categories. The financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the current loss and gain: mainly refer to the financial assets for sale in short term, which shall be listed in balance sheet in transactional financial assets. The expired investments held: refer to the non-derivative financial assets which have fixed expire date and 48 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 fixed or determined recovering amount, and the management level has the intention or ability to hold the assets. Receivables: refer to the non-derivative financial assets which have no quotation in active market but have fixed or determined recovering amount, including notes receivable, accounts receivable, interest receivable, dividends receivable and other receivables. Financial assets for sale: include the non-derivative financial assets which are recognized as for sale when they are initially confirmed, and the financial assets which are not divided into other categories. (2) Measurement of financial instruments Financial assets are conducted initial confirmation by at fair value. The relevant expenses to obtain the financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the current loss and gain shall be included in the current loss and gain, the relevant transactional expenses of other financial assets shall be the initial confirmation amount. At fair value and changes in their gains and losses included in the current period of financial assets and financial assets to be sold in accordance with the fair value of follow-up measures; receivables and investments held to maturity using the effective interest method to share more than the cost listed. The changes of fair values of financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the current loss and gain shall be included in the changing loss and gain of fair value; all the interest and cash dividends obtained during the period holding the assets shall be confirmed as investment income; upon the disposal of the assets, the differences between the fair value and initial bookkeeping amount shall be confirmed as investment loss and gain, and at the same time, the changing loss and gain of fair value shall be adjusted. The changes of fair values of financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the current loss and gain shall be included in the changing loss and gain of fair value; all the interest and cash dividends obtained during the period holding the assets shall be confirmed as investment income; upon the disposal of the assets, the differences between the fair value and initial bookkeeping amount shall be confirmed as investment loss and gain, and at the same time, the changing loss and gain of fair value shall be adjusted. Except for impairment losses and monetary financial assets in foreign currency exchange gains and losses, the financial assets measured by fair value and the changes included in the current loss and gain, on the financial sheet date, the Group will check the book value of other financial assets on the balance sheet date, if there is objective evidence showing that impairment has happened on a financial asset, provision for the impairment shall be drown. (1) Recognition basis and measurement for transferred financial assets Financial assets to meet one of the following conditions, terminates confirmed: ① the right to receive cash flows from the financial asset of the contract termination; ② the financial asset has been transferred, and the group will finance almost on all the risks and rewards of ownership of assets transferred to the party; ③ the financial asset has been transferred, although the Group has neither transferred nor retained almost on all the risks and rewards of ownership of financial assets, but gave up on the control of financial assets. Enterprise has neither transferred nor retained almost on all the risks and rewards of ownership of 49 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 financial assets, and did not give up on the control of financial assets, in accordance with their continuing involvement in transferred financial assets recognized on financial assets, and confirm the liabilities accordingly. Total transfers of financial assets to meet the termination of recognition criteria, the book value of the transferred financial assets, and received by the transfer price and the original included in other comprehensive income difference between the sum of the changes in the fair value of the cumulative amount of included in the current profits and losses. Financial assets part transfer meet terminated confirmed conditions of, will by transfer financial assets overall of book value, in terminated confirmed part and is not terminated confirmed part, in accordance with their of relative fair value for sharing, and will due to transfer and received of on price and the should sharing to terminated confirmed part of original meter into other integrated income of fair value changes Trojan amount of and, and sharing in book amount of difference meter into Dang period profit and loss. (4)The conditions to stopping the financial liabilities The financial liabilities of our Group shall be classified into the financial liabilities or other ones which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period when they are initially recognized. The financial liabilities, which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, including transactional financial liabilities and the financial liabilities designated which are measured at their fair values and variation of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period when they are initially recognized, shall be made subsequent measurement on its financial assets according to their fair values, and the profits and losses arising from the change in the fair value and the dividends and interests expenses related to the financial liability shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The subsequent measurement shall be made on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate method for other financial liabilities. When financial liabilities present obligations in whole or in part have been discharged, terminating confirmed part of the financial liabilities or obligations have been discharged. Terminating confirmed part of the difference between the book value and paying the price, included in the current profits and losses. (5)The determination method for fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities 1.If there is active market for a financial instrument, the quoted prices in the active market shall be used to determine the fair values thereof. In the active market, the quoted prices of our Group for the financial assets it holds or the financial liabilities it plans to assume shall be the present actual offer for the corresponding fair values of assets or liabilities, while the quoted prices of our Group for the financial assets it plans to acquire or the financial liabilities it has assumed shall be the available charge for the corresponding fair values of assets or liabilities. Where there is no available offer or charge for a financial asset or financial liability, but there is no any significant change to the economic environment after the latest transaction day, we shall adopt the market quoted price of the latest transaction to determine the fair value of the said financial asset or financial liability. 2.Where there is no active market for a financial instrument, we shall adopt value appraisal techniques to 50 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 determine its fair value. The value appraisal techniques mainly include the prices adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing model, etc. (6)Providing of impairment provision on financial assets (exclude receivable accounts) Except for financial assets at fair value through profit and loss, the Group assesses at the balance sheet date the carrying amount of other financial assets. If there is any objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired, the Group provides for such impairment losses. If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on financial assets carried at amortized cost, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). If in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss increases and the increase can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment is recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed by adjusting the allowance account. The amount of the reversal is recognized in the income statement. If the fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset incurred a significant or prolonged decline, the cumulative loss arising from the decline in fair value that has been recognized directly in shareholders’ equity is removed from shareholders’ equity and recognized in the income statement. If, after impairment loss has been recognized on an available-for-sale debt instrument and the fair value of the debt instrument increases in a subsequent period whereby the increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment losses are recognized, the impairment loss is reversed and recognized in the profit and loss. If, after impairment loss has been recognized on an available-for-sale equity instrument, the fair value of the equity instrument increases in a subsequent period, the impairment loss is directly recognized in shareholders’ equity. 9. Recognition standard and providing basis of bad debt provision on receivable accounts The Group will recognize the following cases as the determination standard of loss on bad debts for accounts receivable: the debt or others can't be repaid in the foreseeable period, e.g. the debtor units have been closed, revocation, bankruptcy, insolvent, severe insufficient cash flow or the occurrence of natural disasters; the repayment obligations are delayed and failed to be performed beyond 3-year by the debt entities; there are other absolute evidences proving that unable to be collected or little possibility. The Group adopted the method of counter compensation for the possible bad debt losses, which were drown provision for bad debt by the method of individual recognition at period end and were included in the current loss and gain. The receivables which were not to be recovered, after being approved by the Group, would be regarded as bad debt loss and the provision for bed debt would be written off. ( 1 ) Accounts receivable with material specific amount and specific provisioned bad debt preparation. 51 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Account receivable with special account receivable Judgment criteria or amount standard of material specific amount or exceeding RMB 1 million is viewed as material accounts amount criteria receivable. Provision Had debt preparation in accordance with the Provision method with material specific amount and provision of difference of present value of future cash flow below the specific bad debt preparation book value . (2)The accounts receivable of bad debt provisions made by Group Method for recognition of Name impairment allowances by Basis of determination of groups group The group is classified by the credit risk features basised on the Group of account age The age analysis account age of receivables The Group is classified by the credit risk features based on the Group of Related party Other relations of account receivables and transaction objects The Group is classified by the credit risk features basised on the Deposit group Other account age of receivables . Accounts on age basis in the portfolio: √applicable□ not applicable Age Rate for receivables(%) Rate for other receivables(%) Within 1 year(Included 1 year) 3% 3% 1-2 years 10% 10% 2-3 years 50% 50% Over 3 years 100% 100% Accounts on percentage basis in group: □ applicable √not applicable Accounts on other basis in group: √applicable□ not applicable Name Notes Special relationship between the related party and the Group (such as joint Related party Group ventures, associates, etc.), there is a little balance between the predicted future cash flow and the carrying amount. Including the rent deposit, purchase deposit and reserve deposit, etc., but Deposit group without great individual amount and the bad debt reserves withdrawn by combination are difficult to reflect the accounts receivable of risk features. (2) Account receivable with non-material specific amount but specific bad debt preparation Reason of specific bad debt preparation Accounts receivable with non-material specific amount and being not able to relent provision: its risk character by provisioning bad debt preparation in accordance with portfolio 52 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Bad debt preparation will be provisioned in accordance with the difference of present Provision method of bad debt preparation value of its future cash flow below its book value. 10.Inventory (1)Inventory classification The inventories of the Company include raw materials, packing articles, low-value and easily-worn articles ,Work-in-process and stock goods ,etc.. (2)Pricing method of stock delivered Stock delivered is measured according to weighted average method. (3)Confirmation basis of stock net realizable value and withdrawal method of inventory falling price reserves. The inventory at year end can be priced by depending on which is lower between cost and realizable net value if the inventory were damaged or full or partly unused or the sale price lower than cost and other reasons. The provision for devaluation of finished products and big raw materials shall be drown according to the difference which the cost of individual inventory item higher than the realizable net value; other raw materials with large quantity and low unit price shall be drown provision for devaluation according to categories. Goods in stock, products in production and other materials directly for the sale, the amount of the realizable net value shall be determined according to the estimated sale price deducting the estimated sale expenses and relevant taxes; the amount of realizable value of material inventory for production shall be determined according to the estimated sale value of finished products deducting the estimated cost which will happen before the completion and estimated sale cost and relevant taxes. The inventory holding for the implementation of sale contract or service contract, the realizable net value shall be accounted on the basis of contract price; if the quantity of inventory held by enterprise is bigger than the quantity ordered in the sale contract, the realizable net value of the excess inventory shall be accounted on the basis of general sale price. (4)Inventory system Inventory system adopts the perpetual inventory method. (5)Amortization method of consumption goods with low value and wrap page Consumption goods with low value: Consumption goods with low value adopt one time amortization method when used. Packing: Wrap page: Wrap page adopts one time amortization when used. 53 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 11.Long-term equity investment (1)Investment cost confirmation Long-term equity investments mainly include the equity investments which are held by the Group and the ones that the units being invested can be controlled or jointly controlled, or the equity investments which have not quotation in active market and the fair value can not be reliably measured. The long-term equity investments obtained through merger of companies under same control the merger were the owner's equity book value of the shares as a long-term equity investment of initial investment cost. The long-term equity investments obtained through merger of companies under different control shall make the fair value which made on the merger (purchase) to pay the control of the assets or liabilities as the merger cost. Apart from the long-term equity investments stated above, the long-term equity investment obtained by cash, the initial investment obtained by cash will be determined according to the price actually paid, initial investment costs include the direct costs, tax, and other necessary expenses to obtaining long-term investment; the initial investment will be determined according to the fair value of the equity securities issued; the long-term equity investments invested by investors, the initial investment cost shall be determined according to contract value; the long-term equity investment obtained by debt restructuring, non-monetary assets or other methods, the initial investment cost shall be determined according to the relevant accounting standards. (2)Rear measuring and profit and loss confirmation method If the subsidiary uses the cost method to account, adjustment shall be conducted according to equity method when prepare the consolidated financial statements; the joint venture and joint venture investment using the equity method; for the long-term equity investments which have no control or joint control or significant influence and no price in an active market, the method of cost shall be adopted to account; the long-term equity investments which have no control or joint control or significant influence, there are quotations in an active market and the fair value can be reliably measured, shall be accounted as financial assets for sale. When using the method of cost accounting, the long-term equity investments were priced by the initial investment costs.Additional investment to recover the cost of long-term equity investment. When using the equity method accounting, the current investment gains and losses are the share of net losses and gains to be owned or shared and achieved in the current year by the unit being invested. When determining the share to be shared by the unit being invested, on the basis of the fair value of the identifiable assets, according to the accounting policy and accounting period of the Group, offsetting the internal transaction loss and gain and the part that the equity proportion attributable to the joint enterprise and united enterprise, and confirm the net profit of the unit being invested after profit adjustment. For the long-term equity investments on joint venture enterprises and joint owned enterprises held before the first implementation date, if existing the debit difference relating to the equity investment, the debit difference of equity investment, after deducting the investment loss and gain according to the original remained period, should be confirmed as investment gains and losses. The Group shall adopt the cost method to calculate for those invested units that never have the jointed control or significant impacts due to the investment reduced, and a long-term equity investment for which there is no quoted price in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured; Also, the cost method shall be adopted to calculate for the long-term equity investment able to be implemented and controlled to the invested units due to the investment supplemented; Moreover, the equity method shall be adopted to account for performing the jointed control or significant impacts to the invested units but no control 54 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 formed due to the investment supplemented, or without control to the invested units but able to implement the long-term equity investment of jointed control or major impacts to the invested units due to disposing of the investment. The gap between the carrying amount and actual payment gained in disposal of the long-term equity investment will be recorded into the investment interest of the current period. Using the equity method for calculating the long-term equity investment which is recorded into the owner's equity due to other changes except for the net profits or losses of the invested units, the initial parts recorded into the owner's equity shall be transferred into the investment returns of the current period when disposal of the investment. (3) Confirm the basis that has common control and major infection upon invested unit. Joint control refers to the control that common control on some economic activities according to contract. The references for the determination of common control are the business activities which any operating party can not be controlled independently; the decisions relating to basic operating activities of the joint venture enterprise are to be agreed by all joint parties. Significant impact refers to having the right to participate in decision making on financial and operating policies of the units being invested but can not control or jointly control the making of these policies. The determining reference of significant impact is to own 20% (inclusive) or more but less than 50% of the voting shares directly owned by the Group or owned through subsidiaries, unless there is clear evidence that under that circumstance the production operating decision can not be participated and no major influence will formed. (4)Depreciation testing method and depreciation reserve withdrawal method. The Group conducts inspection on long-term equity investments, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with limited service life on every balance sheet date. when exist the following signs showing that the assets may have impairment, the Group will conduct impairment test. The intangible assets without certain service life, whether it has impairment signs, impairment tests shall be conducted at the end of each year. If the recoverable amount of single asset can not be tested, it shall be tested on the basis of the asset group the asset belong to or the asset combination. After the impairment test, if the book value of the asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the deficiency is recognized as the impairment loss, upon the confirmation of the above assets, they will not be transferred back in the following accounting period. The recoverable amount of the asset refer to the net amount of the fair value of the asset deducting disposal cost of assets and the present value of the expected future cash flows. The signs of impairment as follows: (1). Current market value of assets decreased significantly, the decline is significantly higher than the decline due to time passage or normal use. (2) The economic, technical or legal environment of the company and the market of the assets will have significant change in the current period or in the near future, therefore negative impact on the enterprise. (3) Market interest rates or other market return rate of investment in the current period have been increased, thus affecting the discount rate of the predicted cash flow, and resulting in the significant reduction in the amount of recoverable assets. (4) There is evidence showing that the assets were actually obsolete or damaged. (5) The assets have been or will be idle, ended the use or disposed in advance. (6)There are evidences of internal report showing that the economic performance of the assets has been lower than or less than what expected, such as the net cash flow created by assets or the operating profits (or losses) realized 55 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 are far below (or above)the expected amount. (7) Other signs showing the assets may have or have had impairment. 12. Investment real estate The investment real estates of the Group are the rental buildings. The investment real estates are accounted by the cost, the purchased investment real estates include the cost of the purchase price, related taxes and fees and other expenses which can be directly attributable to the assets; the costs of investment real estate self constructed include the necessary expenses to construct the asset to reach the predicted use state. The Group adopts the cost method to conduct follow-up measurement on investment real estates are accounted devaluations and amortized. The expected service life, net residual rate and value depreciation rates of investment real estate are as follows: Type Expected useful Estimated residual value rate Annual depreciation r life(Year) ate(%) 20-50 years 0% 2%-5% Real estate in Hongkong 20-30 years 10% 3%-4.5% Real estate in China If the investment real estate is changed to self use, since the date of change, investment real estate shall be converted into fixed assets or intangible assets. The function of self-use real estate is to earn rent or capital appreciation, then since the date of change, the fixed assets or intangible assets shall be converted into investment real estate. When the conversion happens, the book value before the conversion will be the book value after the conversion. When the real estate investment is disposed or will never be used, and economic interests can not be obtained from the disposal, the confirmation of the investment real estate shall be terminated. The amount of the income from the sale, transfer, disposal of the investment in real estate deducting the book value and related taxes and fees shall be included in the current loss and gain. Using the fair value model for subsequent measurement, should disclose the accounting policy adopted pursuant to, including the identification of investment real estate market real estate locations have active basis; Companies able to make the same or similar from the real estate market real estate market prices and other relevant information, so as to estimate the fair value of investment property basis; Indication of when to estimate the fair value of investment property key assumptions and main determining factors involved. 56 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 13. Fixed assets (1)Confirmation conditions of fixed assets Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets which have the following characteristics at the same time, namely, held for production of goods, providing services, leasing or operation and management, and the life span shall not be more than a year, and the unit value is high. Classification of fixed assets: houses and buildings, machinery and equipments, transportation equipments, office equipments and others. The fixed assets shall be measured according to the actual cost to obtain them, including, the cost of purchasing the fixed assets including the purchase price, value-added tax, import tariffs and other related taxes, and other expenses happened to reach the predicted use state; the cost of building the fixed assets, which are composed of the expenses to reach the predicted use state of the assets; the fixed assets invested by investors, the value on the contract or agreement shall be the accounting value, but if the contract or agreement value is not fair, the fair value shall be accounted; the fixed leased assets, the lower amount of the fair value of leased assets and the present value of the lowest lease payment shall be as the accounting value. Follow-up expenditures on fixed assets, including major repair expenses, expenses on updated improvement and other, To confirm compliance with the conditions of fixed assets, it shall be included in the cost fixed assets, the recognition of book value of replaced the part shall be terminated; If not meeting the conditions of confirming fixed assets, they should be included in the current period. (2)Fixed assets depreciation method In addition to the fixed assets which depreciation and impairment had already fully accounted and the lands which are separately accounted, the Group accounts depreciation on all fixed assets. The method of average number of years will be used when accounting depreciation which will be included in the costs and expenses of the relevant assets. The predicted net residual rate, classified depreciation years and depreciation rates are as follows: Type Evpected useful Estinated residual value rate Annual depreciation rate(%) life(Year) Real estate in 20-50 years 0% 2%-5% Hongkong Real estate in 5-14 years 10% 6%-18% China Machinery and equipment 5 years 10% 18% Transportation equipment 4-5 years 10% 18%-22.5% Office equipment and other 5 years 10% 18% (3)Depreciation measuring method and depreciation reserves withdrawn method of fixed assets At the end of each year, the Group shall recheck the predicted service life of fixed assets, the predicted net 57 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 residual value and depreciation method, if changes happen, then it shall be treated as accounting estimate. (4)Other At the end of each year, the Group shall recheck the predicted service life of fixed assets, the predicted net residual value and depreciation method, if changes happen, then it shall be treated as accounting estimate. When the fixed assets were disposed, or expected to be used or the disposal can not have economic interests, the confirmation of the fixed assets shall be terminated. The income from the sale, transfer or damage of the fixed assets deducting the book value and related taxes shall be included in the current loss and gain. 14. Projects under construction (1)Categories of projects under construction The price of the construction project: determine the costs according to the actual expenditure on the project. Measure the price of the self-operated projects according to the direct materials, direct wages, direct construction costs; Measure the turnkey projects according to the price should be paid on the project; measure the project of equipment installation according to the value, of the equipment, installation costs, and the expenditures on the trial operation to determine the project costs. The costs of projects under construction also include the cost of borrowing to be capitalized and exchange gain and loss. (2)Standard and timing for transferring of projects under construction to fixed assets The time for the construction project converted to the fixed assets: the fixed assets of the company reached the predicted state, according to the budget of the project, construction cost or the actual cost of the project, transfer the fixed assets according to the predicted price, account the depreciation from the next month on. Upon finishing the procedures, make relevant adjustment. 15. Borrowing cost (1)Principle of the recognition of capitalized borrowing costs The assets which meet capitalization conditions, refer to the fixed assets, investment real estates and other inventories which are constructed for a long time (usually more than one year) to achieve the intended use or sale of state to. (2)Temporarily suspension of capitalizing period If meet the capitalization conditions or non-normal breaks occurred in the course of production and the break time is more than three months, then the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended; when the acquisition or construction or production meet the conditions of capitalization and achieve the predicted use or sale state, Asset acquisition or production activities began. 58 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 (3)Calculating of borrowing expense capitalizing Borrowing costs include interest on borrowings, amortization of discount or premium, as well as the supporting costs and exchange difference due to foreign currency borrowing. The borrowing costs which can be directly attributed to capitalized condition, and taken place in the capital expenditure, borrowing costs have taken place, in order to meet the assets available for sale or purchase of the necessary state of construction or production activities, the capitalization begins; when the construction or purchase of the conditions of production in line with the capital assets reached the sale state, the capitalization should stop. And the rest borrowing costs should be recognized as expenses in the current period. Borrowing costs include interest on borrowings, amortization of discount or premium, as well as the supporting costs and exchange difference due to foreign currency borrowing. The borrowing costs which can be directly attributed to capitalized condition, and taken place in the capital expenditure, borrowing costs have taken place, in order to meet the assets available for sale or purchase of the necessary state of construction or production activities, the capitalization begins; when the construction or purchase of the conditions of production in line with the capital assets reached the sale state, the capitalization should stop. And the rest borrowing costs should be recognized as expenses in the current period. 16.Intangible assets (1)Pricing of intangible assets The intangible assets of the Group include land use rights and computer software. Including: For the intangible assets purchased, the actual purchase price was the actual cost; For the intangible assets invested by investors, The actual cost of intangible assets invested by investors, shall be determined according to the contract or agreement value, but if the contract or agreement values are not fair, the actual costs shall be determined according to the fair value. (2)Estimation of service life of intangible assets with limited service life Since the date of selling land use rights, they are amortized according to the years sold; patent technology, non-patent technology and other intangible assets are amortized in accordance with the expected number of years, the benefited years specified in the contract and the effective length according to law. The amount to be amortized will be included in the related asset costs and current loss and gain according to the benefited targets. The predicted service life of the intangible assets and amortization methods should be rechecked and adjusted at the end of each year. Recheck the intangible assets with uncertain service life in each accounting period should be rechecked, if there is evidence showing that the service life of the intangible asset is limited, then estimate its service life and amortized it within the predicted service life. (4)Provision for impairment of investment assets Provision for impairment of investment assets Refer to 11. Long-term equity investment (4) - Methods of Impairment Testing and Provision for Impairment for the details of methods of impairment testing and provision 59 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 for impairment. 17.Long-term amortization expenses The long-term expenses of the Group to be amortized refer to all the expenses already paid but should be undertaken in the current period or in the coming period with amortization period more than 1 year (not including 1 year), the expenses will be amortized averagely in the benefit period. If the long-term prepaid expenses can not benefit from subsequent accounting period, then all amortization value of the project not amortized should be transferred to the current loss and gain. 18.Predicted liabilities (1)Recognition of Predicted liabilities When the external security, commercial acceptance bill discount, pending litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance or business related matters subject to the following conditions at the same time, the Group will identify it as liabilities: the obligation is a present obligation of the Group; the enforcement of the obligation is likely to lead to the outflow of economic benefits; the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably. (2)Accounting of Predicted liabilities Predicted liabilities shall be conducted initial measurement according to the best estimates of related existing liabilities, and comprehensively consider risks, uncertainties and the time value of money and other factors relating to contingent events. Time value of money has the greatest influence, the best estimates shall be determined by future cash outflow. On the balance sheet, recheck the book value of predicted liabilities, adjust the book value to reflect the current best estimates if there are any changes. 19. Revenues (1)Recognition time for sales of goods When the Group had transferred the ownership of the risks and rewards of the commodities to the buyer, the Group does not keep the management right relating to ownership and does not implement effective control on the commodities sold out, the income amount can be reliably measured, and the related economic benefit will possibly flow into the enterprise, and when the related costs may happen or had happened can be measured reliably, the realization of the commodity sold out should be confirmed. (2)Incomes from transferring asset use right The economic interests relating to transaction can flow into the company, and the relevant incomes and costs can be reliably measured, the sales income of transferring assets use right shall be confirmed. 60 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 20. Governmental subsidy (1)Categories Government subsidies, when the Group can meet the conditions attached and can receive, shall be confirmed. If government subsidies are monetary assets, they shall be measured according to the amount received; the subsidies allocated according to rated standards, they shall be measured according to the amount receivable. If government subsidies are non-monetary assets, they shall be measured according to fair value; if the fair value can not be reliably measured, they shall be measured according to nominal amount (1 yuan). (2)Accounting treatment The government subsidies relating to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, and be averagely distributed within the service life of relevant assets, and be included in the current loss and gain. If the government subsidies relating to income are used to compensate the related expenses and losses, they shall be confirmed as deferred income and be included in the current loss and gain in the period of confirming relevant expenses. If used to compensate the relevant expenses and losses happened, they shall be included in the current loss and gain. 21. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liability (1)Confirmation of deferred income tax assets (1)Confirmation of deferred income tax assets The Group shall determine the deferred income tax assets produced by the deductible temporary differences within the amount limit of payable taxes which are likely used to deduct the temporary differences. The book value of the recognized deferred income tax assets shall be deducted when the deferred income tax assets produced by the deductible temporary differences within the amount limit of payable taxes which are likely used to deduct the temporary differences. When enough payable tax can be obtained, the deducted amount shall be transferred back. On the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be measured by the predicted application rate. (2) The confirmation of deferred income tax liability Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be confirmed according to the difference between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their book value. 22.Operational leasing and Financing leasing (1)Accounting of operational leasing Operating lease refers to the other lease apart from financing lease. As the lessee, during the lease period, the Group included the related asset cost and current losses and gains by the straight-line method during the lease period. The rent of the Group will be confirmed as income during the lease period by the straight-line method. 61 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 (2)Accounting treatment of financing leasing Financing lease essentially refers to the lease that transferred all the risks and rewards relating to asset ownership. As the lessee, on the beginning date of lease, the Group took lower one in the cash of the fair value and the lowest lease payment as the book-keeping value of the fixed assets leased in by financing, and the lowest lease payment as the accounting value of the long-term payment, and the difference between the them will be recorded as financing costs not confirmed. 23.Other principal accounting policies, estimations and preparation method of financial statements 1)Goodwill Goodwill refers to the difference of equity investment under the control of the same cost or merger of enterprises should enjoy more than the cost or a merger of the investment was the purchase of flats or net assets in order to obtain. The goodwill related to subsidiaries shall be individually listed in the consolidated financial statements, the goodwill related to joint companies and associated companies shall be included in the book value of long-term equity investments. 2)Employee’s salary During the accounting period, workers’ salary shall be recognized as liability, and be included in relevant cost and expenses according to the beneficiary target of the service provided by workers, and shall be included in the relevant cost and expenses. The compensations for the cancelation of workers’ labor relationship shall be included in the current loss and gain. Including wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, welfares, social insurance and housing accumulation fund, union fee and workers’ education fund, and other related expenses related to obtain services provided by employees. If decide to relieve the labor relationships with employee before the employment contracts become mature, or encourage workers to voluntarily accept the compensation proposal due to redundancy, while the Group has have a formal plan for termination of labor relationship or have proposed the voluntary redundancy scheme which will be implemented, and the Group is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or the layoff proposal, the anticipated debts, confirmed to be caused by the compensation due to relieve of labor relationships with workers, shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. 3)Accounting of income tax The accounting of income tax of the Group shall use the method of debt of balance sheet. The income tax expenses include current income tax and deferred income tax. The current income tax and deferred income tax relating to the transactions and events directly included in shareholders equity shall be included in shareholders equity, except the book value of deferred income tax adjustment goodwill, the rest current income tax and deferred income tax or income shall be included in the current loss and gain. 62 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Current income tax cost refers to the amount of payable income tax which shall be paid to tax department according to the current transactions and events determined according to tax provisions; deferred income tax refers to difference between deferred income tax balance sheet debt in accordance with the law shall be recognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities in the amount originally confirmed. 4)Corporate consolidation Corporate consolidation refers to two or more separate companies merge and form a transaction or event of report subject. The consolidation day or purchase day or the consolidation date of obtaining the assets or liabilities, shall be confirmed as the date of obtaining the control right of the party being merged or purchased. The corporate consolidation under same control: the assets and liabilities obtained by the consolidation party in the merger shall be measured according to the book value of merged party on the consolidation day. The difference between the book value of net assets obtained by the consolidation party and the book value of the consolidation price paid, the capital public reserve shall be adjusted; if the capital public reserve is not enough to be deducted, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The corporate consolidation under different control: the consolidation cost is the fair value of equity stocks issued and the assets and debts paid to obtain the control right of the purchased party on the purchase day. The difference between the consolidation cost and fair value of recognizable net asset, shall be confirmed as goodwill; if the consolidation cost is smaller than the fair value of recognizable net asset of the purchased party, the difference shall be included in current loss and gain upon confirmation. (V)Taxation 1.Main categories and rates of taxes Taxes Tax references Applicable tax rates Income from sales of products and VAT 17% processing Business tax Business income 5% City maintenance and construction tax Turnover tax 7% Enterprise income tax Amount of income taxable 25% Education surtax Turnover tax 3% Local surcharge for Education Turnover tax 2% Income tax rate applicable to branches and factories. The interest rate of corporate income tax of the company and subsidiaries in China mainland is 25%, according to the State Council on December 26, 2007, of the [2007] No. 39 Notice on the Implementation of Enterprise Income Tax Preferential Policies for the Transition, the enterprise income tax rate of the Company and the subsidiaries in China mainland gradually transited from 15% to 25%, the company implement the transition rate of 25% in 2013 the interest rate of the income from Hong Kong of the subsidiaries in Hong Kong is 17%. 63 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 3.Other The subsidiaries of the company in Hong Kong do not need to pay the domestic tax. (VI) Enterprise consolidation and combined financial statements 1. Subsidiary (1)Subsidiary obtained through establishment or investment Unit:RMB After wrote down current period loss of minority sharehol ders Amount over Other used to equity projects write beginni balance Actual Proporti Whether Interest down ng share Full essential Holding Registra Register capital on of consolid of lost of name of Subsidia Busines Busines ly from proporti tion ed amounts voting ation of minority included minority subsidia ry type s s scope net on place capital of rights(% report sharehol in sharehol ry investm (%) the end ) form der minority ders in ent to sharehol the subsidia der subsidia ry interest ry from the parent compan y’s share ,B alance of Owner's equity Hong 2,400,0 Purchas Limited Kong Hong 02 e of raw Compan Trade 0.00 100% 100% Yes 0.00 0.00 0.00 Victor Kong (HKD material y Onward ) s, 64 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Co.Ltd marketi ng of printed and dyed woven fabrics, investm ent and holding business Sales of Corduro Shenzho 1,000,0 Limited y, dyed ng Hong 00 Compan Trade cloth 0.00 100% 100% Yes 0.00 0.00 0.00 Compan Kong (HKD y and y ) printed cloth Producti on and 85,494, sales of Nanhua Limited Shenzhe Product 700 printed Compan Compan 0.00 69.44% 69.44% Yes 0.00 0.00 0.00 n ion (HKD cloth y y ) and dyed cloth Sales of printed Xinye Limited 10,000 Hong cloth Compan Compan Trade (HKD 0.00 100% 100% Yes 0.00 0.00 0.00 Kong and y y ) dyed cloth Textilet, Printing and dyeing Shenzh Limited industry en East Shenzhe 3,000,0 1,530,0 -1,373,5 Compan Trade and 0.00 51% 51% Yes 0.00 0.00 Asia n 00 00.00 14.00 y Raw Co material s ,Machi nery equipme 65 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 nt and other fabrics Other statements on Subsidiaries obtained through incorporation or investment: 1.The Company invested HKD 2,400,002 in 1984 to establish Hongkong Victor Onward Company In Hongkong. 2.Shenghong Company Was established in November 9, 1993, registered capital 1 million HKD, Hongkong Victor Onward Holding 100% equity. 3.Nanhua Company was established in July 21 1988, registered capital 85.49 million HKD, By June 30, 2013 the shareholding structure as follows: Name of investor Year-beginning amount Proportion % Year-end amount Proportion% Shenye Union (Hongkong) Co.,Ltd. 26,127,180.32 30.56% 26,127,180.32 30.56% The Company 46,868,194.54 54.82% 46,868,194.54 54.82% Hong Kong Victor Onward Company 12,499,325.14 14.62% 12,499,325.14 14.62% Total 85,494,700.00 100.00% 85,494,700.00 100.00% 4.Xingye Company invested HKD 10,000 to establish industry Company in Hongkong in December 1996. Nanhua Company holding’s 100% of the equity. 5.Shenzhen East Asia Company was established in February 28, 2007, registered capital 3 million yuan, the company invested 1.53 million yuan , holding 51% equity , Nanjiang East ASIA Textile Co., Ltd. Invested 1.47 million yuan , holding 49% equity. 2. Foreign currency translation The spot exchange rate of HKD to RMB WAS 0.81090 at year beginning , and the spot exchange rate at year endwas0.79655 the approximate exchange rate of the sot exchange rate uses the current average exchange rate 0.80373. (VII). Notes to the major items of consolidated financial statement (I)Monetary Capital Unit:RMB Year-end balance Year-beginning balance Items Exchange Exchange Foreign currency RMB Foreign currency RMB rate rate 66 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Cash -- -- 107,169.00 -- -- 66,684.00 RMB -- -- 102,239.00 -- -- 62,790.00 HKD 6,189.00 0.79655 4,930.00 4,802.00 0.8109 3,894.00 Bank deposit -- -- 47,992,355.00 -- -- 51,492,804.00 RMB -- -- 21,352,709.00 -- -- 25,739,776.00 HKD 32,112,956.00 0.79655 25,579,575.00 30,435,747.00 0.8109 24,680,347.00 USD 171,569.00 6.1787 1,060,071.00 170,660.00 6.29% 1,072,681.00 Other monetary capital -- -- 668,943.00 -- -- 667,774.00 RMB -- -- 668,943.00 -- -- 667,774.00 Total -- -- 48,768,467.00 -- -- 52,227,262.00 Notes of Monetary fund has not these conditions such as usage limitation for mortgage, pledge or frozen fund, stored overseas, with potential recovery risk. 2.Bill receivable (1)Classification bill receivable Unit:RMB Classification Year-end balance Year-beginning balance Bank acceptance 0.00 1,500,000.00 Total 0.00 1,500,000.00 3. Interest receivable (1)Interest receivable Unit :RMB Items Beginning of term Increased this term Decreased this term End of term Fixed deposit interest 38,414.00 0.00 38,414.00 0.00 Total 38,414.00 38,414.00 4. Account receivable 1.Classification account receivables. Unit :RMB Classification Amount in year-end Amount in year- begin 67 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Book Balance Bad debt provision Book Balance Bad debt provision Amount Proportion( Amount Proportion( Amount Proportion( Amount Proportion(% %) %) %) ) Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually receivables 3,715,397.0 2,970,685.0 3,715,397 29.48% 79.96% 29.48% 2,970,685.00 79.96% with major individual 0 0 .00 amount and bad debt provision provided individually Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups Account receivable with minor individual amount 8,888,114.0 8,888,114.0 8,888,114 70.52% 100% 70.52% 8,888,114.00 100% but bad debt provision is 0 0 .00 provided 12,603,511. 11,858,799. 12,603,51 11,858,799.0 Total -- -- -- -- 00 00 1.00 0 Category explanation of accounts receivable: Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided √ Applicable □ not applicable Unit:RMB Description Book balance Bad debt provision Rate(%) Reason to provide Hong Kong Victor Onward Co., Ltd. 1,606,281.00 861,569.00 53.64% Aging long Carnival Index International Ltd 1,098,820.00 1,098,820.00 100% Aging long TAI YANG ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD 1,010,296.00 1,010,296.00 100% Aging long Total 3,715,397.00 2,970,685.00 -- -- Account receivable on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group □Applicable √Not applicable Receivable account in Group on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis: □Applicable √Not applicable Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the Group: □Applicable √Not applicable Receivable accounts with minor amount but were provided had debt provisions individually at end of period. √Applicable □Not applicable Unit:RMB 68 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Description Of account Book balance Amount of bad debt rate Reason receivables VEGA GARMENT 768,189.00 768,189.00 100% Aging long CO.,Ltd. Fly Dragon International 573,677.00 573,677.00 100% Aging long Grateful Textiles Co.,Ltd. 566,801.00 566,801.00 100% Aging long World Fabrica (Int'l) Ltd. 465,241.00 465,241.00 100% Aging long Shenzhen Fangzhou 446,352.00 446,352.00 100% Aging long Textiles Co., Ltd. Ezhou Xiangya Clothing 351,500.00 351,500.00 100% Aging long Co., Ltd. Tak Shing Buying Office 333,584.00 333,584.00 100% Aging long Ltd. Starline Textile Co.,Ltd. 332,316.00 332,316.00 100% Aging long Shenye Union (HK) 299,428.00 299,428.00 100% Aging long Co.., Ltd. Panther Fabric Ltd. 295,161.00 295,161.00 100% Aging long Changshu Zhongjiang Clothing Import & 270,134.00 270,134.00 100% Aging long Export Co., Ltd. Victor Onward 245,621.00 245,621.00 100% Aging long Textile(HK)Co., Ltd. Nissho Iwai HK Co., Ltd. 215,282.00 215,282.00 100% Aging long Unimix Ltd. 192,939.00 192,939.00 100% Aging long Tai Hing Linings Co., 191,342.00 191,342.00 100% Aging long Ltd Human Changpuan 185,981.00 185,981.00 100% Aging long Garment Ningbo Youngor Fukurmura Uniforms 172,910.00 172,910.00 100% Aging long Co., Ltd. Win favour evelopment 146,636.00 146,636.00 100% Aging long ltd. Speedy Textiles Co., 146,538.00 146,538.00 100% Aging long Lin Feng Textile Co., 135,719.00 135,719.00 100% Aging long Lin Feng Textile Co., 135,719.00 135,719.00 100% Aging long Jicheng Cotton Co., Ltd. 131,987.00 131,987.00 100% Aging long 69 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Millionaire(HK)Weaving 124,280.00 124,280.00 100% Aging long Ltd. Leader Day Ltd. 121,960.00 121,960.00 100% Aging long Tex Mate Fabrics (HK) 110,051.00 110,051.00 100% Aging long New Design Textiles Ltd. 109,205.00 109,205.00 100% Aging long Deep Success Industrial 102,631.00 102,631.00 100% Aging long Ltd. Wynvaye Industrial Co,. 101,055.00 101,055.00 100% Aging long ACTSUNLTD. 89,635.00 89,635.00 100% Aging long Quanzhou Ldeal Bird 80,518.00 80,518.00 100% Aging long Garment Co., Ltd. Tamurakoma Co Ltd. 77,847.00 77,847.00 100% Aging long International Textiles 65,477.00 65,477.00 100% Aging long Co,. Shenzhen Hongtian 59,395.00 59,395.00 100% Aging long Cloth Trade Co., Ltd. Ho Cheong Textiles Ltd. 54,620.00 54,620.00 100% Aging long Origin Textiles Co Ltd. 54,169.00 54,169.00 100% Aging long Wing Fook Piecegoods 50,401.00 50,401.00 100% Aging long Co.,Ltd. Wing Shum Piecesgoods 49,917.00 49,917.00 100% Aging long Co., Ltd. Gold Eagle Textiles 47,600.00 47,600.00 100% Aging long Limited Tangshan Lifeng 45,761.00 45,761.00 100% Aging long Clothing Co., Ltd. Charman Trading Co 43,863.00 43,863.00 100% Aging long Other 896,672.00 896,672.00 100% Aging long Total 8,888,114.00 8,888,114.00 -- -- (2)The front 5 units’ information of account receivable Unit :RMB Relation with the Portion in total Name Amount Ages Company receivables (%) Victor Onward Non-Related parties 1,606,281.00 Over 3 years 12.74% Textile(HK)Co., Ltd. 70 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Carnival Index Non-Related parties 1,098,820.00 Over 3 years 8.72% International Ltd TAI YANG Non-Related parties 1,010,296.00 Over 3 years 8.02% ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD. VEGA GARMENT Non-Related parties 770,071.00 Over 3 years 6.11% CO.,LTD Fly Dragon International Non-Related parties 573,677.00 Over 3 years 4.55% Total -- 5,059,145.00 -- 40.14% (3)Account receivable from Related parties Unit:RMB Portion in total receivables Name Relation with the company Amount account(%) The related parties controlled Shenye Union(HK)Co., Ltd. 299,428.00 2.38% the same Actual controller Total -- 299,428.00 2.38% 5. Other receivable 1.Type analyses: Unit:RMB Amount in year-end Amount in year-begin Book Balance Bad debt provision Book Balance Bad debt provision Type Amount Proportio Amount Proportio Amount Proportion( Amount Proportio n(%) n(%) %) n(%) Other receivables with major individual amount 3,368,370.00 71.4% 3,368,370.00 100% 3,368,370.00 72.62% 3,368,370.00 100% and had debt provision provided individually Other receivables provided bad debt provision in groups Account age group 339,073.00 7.19% 0.00 0% 260,005.00 5.6% 0.00 0% Subtotal of group 339,073.00 7.19% 0.00 0% 260,005.00 5.6% 0.00 0% Other account receivablewith minor individual amount but 1,010,019.00 21.41% 1,010,019.00 100% 1,010,019.00 21.78% 1,010,019.00 100% bad debt provision is provided Total 4,717,462.00 -- 4,378,389.00 -- 4,638,394.00 -- 4,378,389.00 -- 71 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Category explanation of other accounts receivable: Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided had debt provisions individually at end of period. √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit:RMB Decription Book balance Amount of bad debts Rate(%) Reason Nanjing East Asia 1,313,370.00 1,313,370.00 100% Aging long CCB.Guangdong 1,080,000.00 1,080,000.00 100% Aging long Shunde Branch Changzhou Dongfeng Textile Printing & dyeing 975,000.00 975,000.00 100% Aging long Equipment Co., Ltd. Total 3,368,370.00 3,368,370.00 -- -- Other receivable accounts in Group on which bad debt provisions were provided on age analyze basis: □Applicable √Not applicable Other receivable account in Group on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis: □Applicable √Not applicable Other Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio: □Applicable √Not applicable Other receivable accounts with minor amount but were provided had debt provisions individually at end of period. √Applicable □Not applicable Unit:RMB Content Book balance Bad debt Provision Rate(%) Reason HongKong Victor 694,122.00 694,122.00 100% Aging long Onward Shanghai Huayinke 180,000.00 180,000.00 100% Aging long Trade Industry Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Environmental Management System 35,000.00 35,000.00 100% Aging long Certification Center Shenzhen Design Institute of Ministry of 30,000.00 30,000.00 100% Aging long Machinery Industry Shanghai Branch Other 70,897.00 70,897.00 100% Aging long Total 1,010,019.00 1,010,019.00 -- -- 72 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 (2)The front 5 units’ information of other account receivable Unit:RMB Relation with the Portion in total other Name Amount Ages company receivables(%) Nanjing East Asia Non-Related parties 1,313,370.00 Over 3 years 27.84% CCB.Guangdong Shunde Non-Related parties 1,080,000.00 Over 3 years 22.89% Branch Changzhou Dongfeng Textile Printing & dyeing Non-Related parties 975,000.00 Over 3 years 20.67% Equipment Co., Ltd. HongKong Victor Non-Related parties 694,122.00 Over 3 years 14.71% Onward Shanghai Huayinke Non-Related parties 180,000.00 Over 3 years 3.82% Trade Industry Co., Ltd. Total -- 4,242,492.00 -- 89.93% 6.Prepayments (1)Prepayments age : Unit:RMB End of term Beginning of term Age Proportion Proportion Amount Amount (%) (%) Within 1 year 15,867.00 100% 175,734.00 99.6% 1-2 years 442.00 0.25% 2-3 years 267.00 0.15% Total 15,867.00 -- 176,443.00 -- Notes to age of payment in advance:: (2) The front 5 units’ information of Prepayments Unit:RMB Relation with the Unit name Amount Time Reason of not clearing company Insurance Non-Related parties 9,418.00 Not settlement 73 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Repair fee Non-Related parties 4,012.00 Not settlement Vehicle license fees Non-Related parties 1,418.00 Not settlement Other Non-Related parties 1,019.00 Not settlement Total -- 15,867.00 -- -- Notes (3)Statements on prepayments Name Amount at period-end Amount at period-beginning Former Converting RMB Former Converting rate RMB currency rate currency HKD 19,919 0.79655 15,867 217,589 0.8109 176,443 Total 15,867 176,443 7.Inventory (1)Inventory types Unit:RMB Year-end balance Year-beginning balance Items Book balance Provision for Book value Book balance Provision for bad Book value bad debts debts Raw materials 2,030,715.00 1,929,179.00 101,536.00 2,030,715.00 1,929,179.00 101,536.00 Stock goods 635,960.00 635,960.00 0.00 635,960.00 635,960.00 0.00 Total 2,666,675.00 2,565,139.00 101,536.00 2,666,675.00 2,565,139.00 101,536.00 (2)Inventory Impairment provision Unit:RMB Book balance at year Amount accounted in Amount Decreased in current period Book balance at period Type end Transferred back Reselling beginning current period Raw materials 1,929,179.00 1,929,179.00 Stock goods 635,960.00 635,960.00 Total 2,565,139.00 2,565,139.00 74 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 (3) Condition of inventory value decline Items Base of stock value decline Reason of issuing back to stock Proportion of issuing back value decline plan of this period amount to the stock balance at this period Statement on inventories: The Company has been out of production, the closing inventories shall be written down after deducting the full a mount provisions except the preservation materials . 8. Disposable financial asset (1)Sellable financial assets Unit:RMB Items Fair value at end of term Fair value at beginning of term Available-for-sale equity instruments 564,228.00 751,542.00 Total 564,228.00 751,542.00 The amount of investment held to mature recategorized to sellable financial assets was RMB 0 , Account for 0% of total investment held to mature. Statement on sellable financial assets: The equity tools for sale are the shares held by the subsidiary of the company Hong Kong Victor Onward because they are not to be cashed in a short term. 9. Investment to joint venture and Affiliated Enterprises Unit:RMB Company vote right Company Total business percentage in Ending total Ending total Ending net Current Name shareholding revenues at this the invested assets liabilities assets net profit percentage (%) period unittion of units (%) I. Joint venture 75 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 II. Affiliated enterprise Zhejiang Union Hangzhou 1,503,943,957. 1,201,964,045. Bay 25% 25% 301,979,912.00 22,742,368.00 -284,333.00 00 00 Chuangye Co., Ltd. Statements on material diversity in accounting policies, estimations adopted by the Company and the affiliates: 10. Long term share equity investment. 76 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 (1)Details of long-term equity investment Unit:RMB Explainati on of diffirence between Sharehold Voting sharehold Accounti Initial ing right ing Original Ending Current Cash Name ng investmen change proportio proportio proportio Devalue balance Balance devalue bonus method t cost n in the n in the n and investee investee voting right proportio n in investee Zhejiang Union Hangzho Equity 58,588,40 65,784,31 65,712,61 71,698.00 25% 25% N/A 0.00 0.00 0.00 u Bay method 3.00 2.00 4.00 Chuangye Co., Ltd. 58,588,40 65,784,31 65,712,61 Total -- 71,698.00 -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 11.Investment real estate (1)Measured by the cost of investment in real estate Unit:RMB Items Book amount at year Increase at this period Decrease at this period Book balance in year -end beginning 96,920,525.00 222,397.00 611,470.00 96,531,452.00 1. Total original price 96,920,525.00 222,397.00 611,470.00 96,531,452.00 1.House, Building II.Total accumulated 65,879,041.00 1,163,607.00 67,042,648.00 depreciation 77 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 accumulated amortization 65,879,041.00 1,163,607.00 67,042,648.00 1.House, Building III. Total book value 31,041,484.00 -941,210.00 611,470.00 29,488,804.00 of investment real estate 31,041,484.00 29,488,804.00 1.House, Building IV. Total of accumulated provision 0.00 for devaluation of investment real estate 1.House, Building 0.00 V. Total book value of 31,041,484.00 -941,210.00 611,470.00 29,488,804.00 investment real estate 1.House, Building 31,041,484.00 29,488,804.00 Unit:RMB This period Current amount of deprectiation and amortization 1,163,607.00 Investment real estate in this period the amount of impairment 0.00 12. Fixed assets (1)Fixed assets Unit:RMB Items Book amount at Increase at this period Decrease at this Book balance in year beginning period year -end 1.Total of Original price of 161,276,810.00 7,644.00 866,087.00 160,418,367.00 fixed assets Including :House and 47,973,327.00 47,973,327.00 building Machine equipment 99,308,680.00 99,308,680.00 Transporation Equipment 4,870,110.00 542,659.00 4,327,451.00 78 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Electricity equipment and 9,124,693.00 7,644.00 323,428.00 8,808,909.00 other Book balance at Current term Current term Decrease at this Book balance in -- year beginning new extra provision period year -end II. Total of Accumulated 111,245,417.00 121,945.00 767,965.00 110,599,397.00 depreciation Including :House and 26,436,963.00 55,614.00 26,492,577.00 building Machine equipment 75,000,283.00 75,000,283.00 Transporation Equipment 3,864,419.00 57,407.00 488,635.00 3,433,191.00 Electricity equipment and 5,943,752.00 8,924.00 279,330.00 5,673,346.00 other Book balance in Balance in -- -- year-begin year-end III. Total book value of 50,031,393.00 -- 49,818,970.00 Fixed assets Including :House and 21,536,364.00 -- 21,480,750.00 building Machine equipment 24,308,397.00 -- 24,308,397.00 Transporation Equipment 1,005,691.00 -- 894,260.00 Electricity equipment and 3,180,941.00 -- 3,135,563.00 other IV. Total of Devalued 37,614,934.00 -- 37,614,934.00 Provision Including :House and 15,466,004.00 -- 15,466,004.00 building Machine equipment 19,407,245.00 -- 19,407,245.00 Transporation Equipment 50,276.00 -- 50,276.00 Electricity equipment and 2,691,409.00 -- 2,691,409.00 other V. Total book value of 12,416,459.00 -- 12,204,036.00 Fixed assets Including :House and 6,070,360.00 -- 6,014,746.00 building Machine equipment 4,901,152.00 -- 4,901,152.00 Transporation Equipment 955,415.00 -- 843,984.00 Electricity equipment and 489,532.00 -- 444,154.00 79 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 other Current depreciation is RMB121,945.00 . The issue of fixed assets transferred from construction in progress original price is RMB 0. (2)Fixed assets temporarily in idle status Unit:RMB Accumulated Impairment Items Original book value Net book value Notes depreciation provision House and building 44,541,973.00 25,173,561.00 15,466,005.00 3,902,407.00 Machine 98,998,752.00 74,858,652.00 19,471,657.00 4,668,443.00 equipment Transporation 2,979,438.00 2,681,462.00 297,976.00 Equipment Electricity 7,543,601.00 4,839,872.00 2,504,293.00 199,436.00 equipment and other Total 154,063,764.00 107,553,547.00 37,441,955.00 9,068,262.00 13. Intangible assets (1) Intangible assets Unit :RMB Items Book Balance in Book Balance in Increase at this period Decrease at this period year-begin year-end 13,023,720.00 13,023,720.00 1. Total original price 12,356,137.00 12,356,137.00 Land Use right Software 667,583.00 667,583.00 II. Total amount of 10,935,796.00 20,153.00 10,955,949.00 accumulated 10,495,373.00 20,153.00 10,515,526.00 Land Use right Software 440,423.00 440,423.00 III. Book value of 2,087,924.00 -20,153.00 2,067,771.00 intangible assets 1,860,764.00 1,860,764.00 Land Use right Software 227,160.00 227,160.00 80 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 IV.Total value of 227,160.00 227,160.00 provision for impairment Land Use right Software 227,160.00 227,160.00 V. Total Book value of 1,860,764.00 -20,153.00 1,840,611.00 intangible assets 1,860,764.00 -20,153.00 1,840,611.00 Land Use right Software The amortization amount is RMB 20,153.00. 14.Goodwill Unit:RMB Name of the investee or the Balance in Increase at this Decrease at this Balanve in Ending devalue matter of forning Goodwill year-begin period period year-end provision For the goodwill formed from holding shares of Nanhua 5,099,624.00 0.00 0.00 5,099,624.00 0.00 Company, Total 5,099,624.00 0.00 0.00 5,099,624.00 0.00 Statement of basis for impairment testing and provision of goodwill: Nanhua Company has suspended production and maintained daily operation by renting houses. Although the net assets of Nanhua Company are negative, Nanhua Company has large area of land and house properties in the urban area of Shenzhen, whose fair value is much higher than its book value. In the opinion of the Company, the impairment of the goodwill formed by this investment has not occurred. 15. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liability 1. Confirmed the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liability Unit:RMB Recognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities Items Year-end balance Year-beginning balance Deferred income tax assets: Deferred income tax liability: Assessed tax-free periods of time caused by 753,092.00 766,660.00 differences in income 81 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Subtotal 753,092.00 766,660.00 Unit:RMB Items At end of term At beginning of term Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years Unit:RMB Year At end of term At beginning of term Notes Details of taxable differences and deductible differences Unit:RMB Amount of temporary differences Items At end of term At beginning of term Differences in taxable items Deductible difference project (2)Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are presented as net amount after neutralization Statement on deferred income tax assets and liabilities: Unit:RMB Temporarily Temporarily Deferred Income Tax Deferred Income Tax Deductable or Deductable or Assets or Liabilities Assets or Liabilities Items Taxable Difference at Taxable Difference at at the End of Report at the Beginning of the End of Report the Beginning of Period Report Period Period Report Period Deferred income tax liability: 753,092.00 766,660.00 Details of taxable differences and deductible differences Unit:RMB Items Offsetting Amounts of This Period Details of taxable differences and deductible differences 16. Provision for depreciation of assets Unit :RMB Items Book balance at the Increase in this Decreased in this period Balance in 82 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 beginning of term period Switch year-end Switch back cancellation I.Provision for bad debts 16,237,188.00 16,237,188.00 2 Inventory impairment 2,565,139.00 2,565,139.00 provision 5. Long-term equity investment impairment 0.00 0.00 provision 7.Fixed asset impairment 0.00 provision 12. Intangible asset 37,614,934.00 37,614,934.00 impairment provision 13. Goodwill impairment 227,160.00 227,160.00 provision Total 0.00 合计 56,644,421.00 56,644,421.00 Notes 17. Account payable (1)Account payable Unit :RMB Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin Over 1 year 3,214,947.00 3,239,571.00 Total 3,214,947.00 3,239,571.00 (2)There was account payable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the company Unit :RMB Name Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin Total 0.00 0.00 (3)The description of large-sum accounts payable with the age over 1 year: Accounts payable with age over one year included a number of accounts, without single significant amount of accounts payable. 18. Advance account 1. Advance account Unit:RMB 83 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin Within 1 year 5,050,000.00 Over 1 year 2,777,624.00 2,778,488.00 Total 7,827,624.00 2,778,488.00 19. Payable Employee wage Unit:RMB Items Balance in year-begin Increase in this period Payable in this period Balance in year-end 1.Wages, bonuses, allowances and 618,755.00 1,325,422.00 1,325,422.00 618,755.00 subsidies 2.Employee welfare 26,500.00 26,500.00 3. Social insurance 138,532.00 138,532.00 premiums Medical insurance 35,067.00 35,067.00 Basic old-age insurance 93,036.00 93,036.00 premiums Unemployment 3,955.00 3,955.00 insurance Work injury 3,216.00 3,216.00 insurance Maternity 3,258.00 3,258.00 insurance IV. Public reserves 37,102.00 37,102.00 for housing VI. Other 147,925.00 9,599.00 157,524.00 Total 766,680.00 1,537,155.00 1,527,556.00 776,279.00 The amounts of arrears of staff salary and welfare payable are RMB 0 00. The amounts of trade union funds and staff education expenses are RMB35,692.00, the amounts of non-monetary benefits are RMB 0.00, and the compensations for the lifting of labor relations is RMB 0.00 The expected release time and amount of staff salary and welfare payable are arranged in the beginning of next year. 20. Tax Payable Unit:RMB Items At end of term At beginning of term VAT -139,455.00 -139,455.00 84 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Business Tax 142,648.00 147,341.00 Enterprise Income tax 1,204,210.00 1,204,210.00 House property Tax 187,320.00 187,320.00 Stamp Tax 222,658.00 222,658.00 Education subjoin Local education surcharges Total 1,617,381.00 1,622,074.00 Statement on tax payable: Please provide the calculating processes then taxable income is balanced between branch companies or factories as approved by the tax bureau. 21.Dividend payable Unit:RMB Name At end of term At beginning of term Reason of overdue for one year State Development & Investment 243,189.00 243,189.00 Capital tense Co., Ltd*2 CITIC Group*2 243,189.00 243,189.00 Capital tense Shenzhen Nanyou (Group) 121,595.00 121,595.00 Capital tense Company*2 Shenye Union(Hongkong)Co., Ltd. 121,595.00 121,595.00 Capital tense HongKong Victor Onward 486,378.00 486,378.00 Capital tense Total 1,215,946.00 1,215,946.00 -- Notes *1 The above payable dividends were the payable dividends of Nanhua Company, a subsidiary of the company, the change in balance mainly due to the change of exchange rate. Because Nanhuan Company’s capital was more tension and the shareholders did not ask for the fund, the payable dividends have not been paid. The payable dividends reduced at the end of the period mainly due to the change of exchange rate. *2 The above three companies are the former shareholders of Nanhuan Company, the subsidiary of the company. 22. Other payable (1)Other payable Unit:RMB Name Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin Within 1 year 1,239,791.00 1,490,185.00 Over 1 year 21,437,132.00 30,737,132.00 85 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Total 22,676,923.00 32,227,317.00 (2)Statement on large amount other payable accounts due for over one year Other payables which are longer than one year mainly were the loans borrowed by Nanhuan Company the subsidiary of the company from related companies, which have not been paid because of capital tension. (3)Statement on large amount other payable accounts Items Amount Age Content Room 760 Cargo Floor ( #HKS 151,345 1-2 years Property deposit PINNERS-760) State Development & Investment Co., Ltd 3,000,000 Over 3 years Current account and interest Jinrongyuan Company 1,100,000 Over 2-3 years Workshop deposit Shenzhen Union Real estate Group Co.,Ltd 700,734 Over 3 years Current account Union Development Group 15,104,652 Over 1-3 years Loan and interest Total 20,056,731 23.Other current liabilities Unit:RMB Items Year-end balance Year-Beginning balance Audit fees 3,770,917.00 1,395,917.00 Securities Management 746.00 746.00 Sewage charges 62,600.00 62,600.00 Land use fees 88,000.00 88,000.00 Total 3,922,263.00 1,547,263.00 Statement of other current liabilities: 24. Long-term borrowing (1)Long-term loans classifications Unit:RMB Items Year-end balance Year-Beginning balance borrowing by pledge 953,576.00 1,033,936.00 Total 953,576.00 1,033,936.00 Statement on long-term borrowings. 86 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 The borrowing was the installment payment for the bousing in Hongkong bought by thesubsidiary of the Company Xingye Company , the mortgage article was the house purchased. The installment payment was HKD 2, 366,000, Which paid in 240 month, as of June 30, 2013, Principal amount of HKD 1, 197,132(RMB 953,576). 25.Long-term payable (1)Top 5 long-term payable Unit:RMB Name Term Initial amount Interest rate(%) Interest payable End balance Condition Assess the value Unlimited 8,488,953.00 8,338,729.00 of assets duration (2)Details of finance leasing payments in long-term payable Unit :RMB End of term Beginning of term Name Foreign currency RMB Foreign currency RMB Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Guarantee provided by the 3rd party for the leasing finance is amounted to RMB0. Statement on long-term payables: When the Company was reorganized into a joint stock company, it obtained the special approval of People's Bank of China for vesting the appraisal increment from the revaluation of the assets of Hong Kong Victor Onward in the original shareholders of the Company before reorganization. Such assets were appraised on January 31, 1992. increment of around HKD 14,754,000 was generated from the assets appraisal and entered the long-term account payable. Part of it has been used to set off the bad debts of around HKD 4,285,000 incurred before listing. The original shareholders of the Company before the reorganization agreed not to require reimbursement of such increment in cash. It will be used to set off the price at which they will subscribe for shares of the Company in the future. The increase of long-term accounts payable in the report year was caused by change in exchange rate. 26.Other Non-current liabilities Unit:RMB Items Year-end balance Year-beginning balance ERP Information construction 228,216.00 228,216.00 Technology subsidies 608,576.00 608,576.00 Total 836,792.00 836,792.00 87 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Statement on other non-current liabilities, including asset-related and income-related government subsidy and closing balances: The above funds were the special subsidies received from Shenzhen Department of Finance in 2004 for the digital jet printing projects and for the construction of enterprise information. The deal must be accepted by the Financial Bureau before accounting, so it was suspended. The reduction was due to the change in exchange rates. 27. .Stock capital Unit:RMB Increase/decrease this time (+ , - ) Balance Balance Issuing of new Transferred year-end Year-beginning Bonus shares Other Subtotal share from reserves Total of capital 169,142,356.00 169,142,356.00 shares Statement of change in capital shares. Name of CPA and number of verification report shall be provided if capital increasing or decreasing occurred in the report period; as for shareholding limited companies incorporated for less than three years, only net assetis is required for the years prior to incorporation; for shareholding limited companies reformed from limited companies shall provide the capital verification at incorporation. 28. Capital reserves Unit:RMB Items Year-beginning balance Increase in the current Decrease in the current Year-end balance period period Share premium 29,718,829.00 29,718,829.00 Other 10,071,955.00 126,556.00 9,945,399.00 Total 39,790,784.00 126,556.00 39,664,228.00 Statement on capital reserves: 29. Surplus reserve Unit :RMB Items Year-beginning balance Increase in the current Decrease in the current Year-end balance period period Statutory surplus reserve 26,704,791.00 26,704,791.00 88 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Total 26,704,791.00 26,704,791.00 Statement on surplus reserves. Please state the related resolutions of the Board on capitalizing of reserves, making up losses, and dividends: 30. Retained profits Unit:RMB Extraction or distribution of Items Amount the proportion After adjustments: Retained profits at the period -116,273,941.00 -- beginning Add:Net profit belonging to the owner of the -4,123,606.00 -- parent company Retained profits at the period end -120,397,547.00 -- As regards the details of adjusted the beginning undistributed profits (1)As the retroactive adjustment on Enterprise Accounting Standards and its related new regulations, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00. (2) As the change of the accounting policy, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00. (3) As the correction of significant accounting error, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 . (4) As the change of consolidation scope caused by the same control, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00. (5) Other adjustment of the total affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 . Statement on retained profit: for companies issued their securities for the first time, if the accumulated profit before the issuing is shared by the new and existing shareholders as approved by the shareholders’ meeting, shall be described particularly; if the accumulated profit before the issuing is shared only by existing shareholders as approved by the shareholders’ meeting, the Company shall provide the details of dividend payable to the existing shareholders as audited by CPA. 31. Business income, Business cost (1)Operating income and operating cost Unit :RMB Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period 89 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Income from Business income 4,990,626.00 5,019,787.00 Business cost 2,073,313.00 2,199,834.00 (2)Main business(Industry) Unit:RMB Amount of current period Amount of previous period Name Business income Business cost Business income Business cost Rent 4,990,626.00 2,073,313.00 5,019,787.00 2,199,834.00 Total 4,990,626.00 2,073,313.00 5,019,787.00 2,199,834.00 (3)Main business(Production) Unit:RMB Amount of current period Amount of previous period Name Business income Business cost Business income Business cost Rent 4,990,626.00 2,073,313.00 5,019,787.00 2,199,834.00 Total 4,990,626.00 2,073,313.00 5,019,787.00 2,199,834.00 (4)Main Business(Area) Unit:RMB Amount of current period Amount of previous period Name Business income Business cost Business income Business cost China 4,119,034.00 1,498,006.00 4,162,475.00 1,630,336.00 Hong Kong 871,592.00 575,307.00 857,312.00 569,498.00 Total 4,990,626.00 2,073,313.00 5,019,787.00 2,199,834.00 (5)Total income and the ratio of operating income from top five clients Unit:RMB Name Business Income Proportion(%) Shenzhen Jinrongyuan 2,890,500.00 57.92% SCSExpress International Limited 458,126.00 9.18% 90 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Shenzhen Hebainian Investment 300,000.00 6.01% Development Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Nanshan Saint Laurent 264,600.00 5.3% Wedding Photography Jishunda Motor vehicle driver 72,000.00 1.44% training Center Total 3,985,226.00 79.85% Notes 32. Business tax and subjoin Unit :RMB Items Same period of the Standard Report period previous year Business tax 205,952.00 141,785.00 5% Urban construction tax 14,417.00 9,925.00 7% Education surcharge 6,178.00 4,254.00 3% Local Education surcharge 4,119.00 2,835.00 2% Total 230,666.00 158,799.00 -- Notes 33. Investment income (1)Investment income Unit:RMB Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period Incomes from disposal of long-term equity -71,083.00 417,624.00 investment Investment income from financial assets sales 11,022.00 Total -71,083.00 428,646.00 (2)long-term equity investment incomes confirmed by equity method include: Unit:RMB Amount of current period Amount of previous Name Reason to increase or decrease period 91 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Hangzhou Bay Company -71,083.00 417,624.00 Total -71,083.00 417,624.00 -- Statement on investment gains, please state whether or not there are material constrains on retrieving of investment gains. 34. Non-operating income (1)Non-operating income Unit:RMB The amount of Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period non-operating gains & lossed Total income from liquidation of 3,929.00 5,174.00 3,929.00 non-current assets Including:Income from liquidation of fixed 3,929.00 5,174.00 3,929.00 asset Other 24,389.00 Total 3,929.00 29,563.00 3,929.00 35. Non-Operation expense Unit:RMB The amount of Amount of current period Amount of previous Items non-operating gains & lossed period Total Disposal of loss of non-current assets 19,043.00 0.00 19,043.00 Including: Disposal of net loss of fixed assets 19,043.00 19,043.00 Legal cost 2,400,000.00 2,981,415.00 2,400,000.00 Fine expenses 600.00 Total 2,419,043.00 2,982,015.00 2,419,043.00 Notes 36. Calculation of Basic earnings per share and Diluted earnings per share Items No Current term Same period of last term Net profit attributable to shareholders 1 -4,123,606 -4,187,136 of parent company Non-recurring gain/loss attributable 2 -2,415,114 -2,941,430 of the parent company 92 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Net profit attributable to common 3=1-2 share holders of the Company after -1,708,492 -1,245,706 deducting of non-recurring gain/loss Total shares at the beginning of the 4 169,142,356 169,142,356 year Additional share capital transferred 5 from public reserve or additional shares from shares dividend distribution(Ⅰ) Additional shares from issuing new 6 shares or debt-converted shares(Ⅱ) Accumulative months of the 7 additional share commencing from the next moth till the end of the year Decreased shares due to repurchase 8 The number of months since the next 9 month of share decreasing to the end of report term Amount of shares reduced 10 Number of months in the report term 11 Weighted average of common shares 12=4+5+6×7÷11 169,142,356 169,142,356 issued outside -8×9÷11-10 Basic earning pershare(Ⅰ) 13=1÷12 -0.02 -0.02 Basic earning pershare(Ⅱ) 14=3÷12 -0.01 -0.01 Diluting potential common share 15 interests recognized as expenses Transformation fees 16 Income tax rate 17 25% 25% Amount of shares increased by 18 transforming or exercising of company bond, subscription certificate, or share option Diluted earning per share(Ⅰ) 19=[1+(15-16)×(1-17)]÷(12+18) -0.02 -0.02 Diluted earning per share(Ⅱ) 19=[3+(15-16)×(1-17)]÷(12+18) -0.01 -0.01 37. Other comprehensive income Unit:RMB 93 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period 1.Loss amount produced by sellable financial assets -126,556.00 -80,951.00 Subtotal -126,556.00 -80,951.00 4. Translating difference in foreign currency financial reports -482,695.00 -38,246.00 Subtotal -482,695.00 -38,246.00 Total -609,251.00 -119,197.00 Notes 38. Supplement Information for cash flow statement (1)Supplement Information for cash flow statement Unit :RMB Supplement Information Amount of current period Amount of previous period -- -- I. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating activities Net profit -4,123,606.00 -4,187,136.00 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and 121,945.00 1,423,030.00 consumable biological assets Amortization of intangible assets 20,153.00 20,152.00 Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 15,114.00 -5,174.00 long-term deferred assets Loss of fair value fluctuation on assets -13,510.00 Financial cost 273,998.00 -47,525.00 Loss on investment 71,083.00 -428,646.00 Decease of operating receivables 1,619,922.00 350,288.00 Increased of operating Payable 3,950,831.00 3,100,318.00 Other -45,808.00 Net cash flows arising from operating activities 1,949,440.00 165,989.00 II. Significant investment and financing activities that -- -- without cash flows: III. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -- -- Ending balance of cash 48,768,467.00 53,666,428.00 94 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Less: Beginning balance of cash 52,227,262.00 53,399,316.00 Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -3,458,795.00 267,112.00 (2)Composition of cash and cash equivalents Unit :RMB Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period 48,768,467.00 52,227,262.00 I. Cash 107,169.00 66,684.00 Of which: Cash in stock Bank savings could be used at any time 47,992,355.00 51,492,804.00 Other monetary capital could be used at any time 668,943.00 667,774.00 III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period end 48,768,467.00 52,227,262.00 Notes (VIII) Related parties and related-party transactions 1. Parent company information of the enterprise The parent The The parent company ultimate Legal company Organizati Related Registered Registrate of the controlling Name Type representat Nature of the on Code parties address d capital Company's party of ive Company’ shareholdi the s vote ratio ng ratio Company Production 11/F,Union and sale Controllin Bulding, Issue ofclothing Union g Shennan Dong 1,123,887, Union 19247150 company and textiles, 25.51% 25.51% Holdings Shareholde Zhong Binggen 712 Group 0 r and real Road,Shen estate zhen Developin Union Import & Limited Union Actual Bulding,She Dong export Union 19033795 liability 90,606,000 3.36% 3.36% Group controller nnan Zhong Bingen business Group 7 Company Road, “processing 95 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Shenzhen with materials” and processing with imported materials Notes Union Group holds 31.32% of equity capital of Union Holdings, it controls Union Holdings, and Union Holdings is a controlling shareholder of the company, thus Union Group is the actual controller of the company The registered capital of the parent company and its changes Parent Company Amount at year Amount at year end beginning Increase in the Decrease in the current period current period Union Group 90,606,000 90,606,000 Union Holding 1,123,887,712 1,123,887,712 Shares or equity held by the parent company and changes Parent Company Held share amount Held share proportion(%) Union Group Amount at year Amount at year Proportion at year Proportion at year beginning % end beginning end % Union Holding 5,681,089 5,821,089 3.36 3.44 43,141,032 43,141,032 25.51 25.51 2.Particulars of the subsidiaries Unit :RMB The The subsidiaries Legal subsidiaries Organizatio Related Registered Registrated of the Name Type representati Nature of the n Code parties address capital Company's ve Company’s shareholdin vote ratio g ratio HongKong Controlled Limited 2,400,002 Victor subsidiarie Liability Hongkong Trade 100% 100% (HKD) Onward s Company Nanhua Controlled Limited Shenzhen Hu Product 85,494,700 69.44% 69.44% 618836600 96 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Company subsidiaries Liability Yongfeng (HKD) Company Shenzhen Limited Controlled East Asia Liability Shenzhen Sun Zhiping Trade 3,000,000 51% 51% 799228355 subsidiaries Company Company 3. Information of Joint venture and Affiliated company Unit:RMB Registrated Legal Held Share Voting Registrated capital Related Orgabuzatui Name Type representati Nature proportion( proportion( address (RMB’00 parties b code ve %) %) 00) I.Joint enterprise II. Affiliated enterprise Real estate Exploiters, Basis Zhejiang constructio Limited Union Dong n 247,476,832 Affiliated Liability Hanghou 25% 25% 757230553 Hangzhou Binggen Manageme .6 enterprise Company Bay nt and Property Manageme nt 4. Other Related parties information of the enterprise Other Related parties name Relation of other Related parties with the Organization code company The related parties controlled the same Shenye Union(HK)Co., Ltd. Actual controller The related parties controlled the same Shenzhen Union Property Group Co., Ltd. 192199105 Actual controller Notes 97 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 5. Related transactions. (1)Related leasing The Company is the lender Unit:RMB Rental Name of the Name of the Category of asset Starting date Stop date Pricing basis recognized in the owner tenant for rent period The Company is the undertaker Unit:RMB Rental Name of the Name of the Category of asset Starting date Stop date Pricing basis recognized in the owner tenant for rent period November 1, Union Group The Company House October 31, 2014 Lease Contract 41,760.00 2012 Notes In the report year, the Company leased Room 1307 and 1308 of Union Building owned by Union Group. In November 2012, The term of tenancy is from November 1, 2012 to October 31, 2014. The monthly rent is RMB 6960. The rent was determined according to market price. 6. Payables and receivables of the related party Listed company related party fund Unit:RMB Amount at year end Amount at year beginning Name Related party Balance of Book Bad debt Provision Balance of Book Bad debt Provision Shenye Union(HK) Account receivable 299,428.00 299,428.00 299,428.00 299,428.00 Co., Ltd. The listed company Payables of the related party Unit :RMB Amount at year end Amount at year beginning Name Related party Other payable Union Development Group 15,104,652.00 24,748,412.00 98 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Shenzhen Union Property Other payable 700,734.00 700,734.00 Group Co., Ltd. (IX) Subsequent events 1. Liabilities formed from pending lawsuit and mediation and its financial impact On June 4, 2012, The company has instituted court action against below three companies at Jiangsu Province Higher People's Court, and asked to terminate the contracts and agreements signed with Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd., Nanjing East Asia Investment & Development Group Limited and Hong Kong Yiuchun Limited, who shall pay RMB47,922,902.92 to the company for the pecuniary loss of implicative compensation and undertake the costs of litigation. As of June 30, 2013, Jiangsu Higher People's Court did not give a judgement. Currently it is unable to determine the financial impact。 (X). Commitment events. 1.Importance commitment events The external investment contracts and the related financial expenditures which have signed or not yet completely fulfilled. By June 30, 2013,The Group still has the major external investments RMB 30 million which have signed but still not paid, as follows: Name of investment projects Contractual Prepaid Unpaid investment Expected Remarks investment investment amount investment amount amount period Invest Nanjing East Asia 300 million - 30million Terminatio In lawsuit Textile Co., Ltd with n machinery and equipments 2.The big contract which has been signed or is ready to be carried out By June 30,2013, The Group still has big contract which has been signed but not paid, a total of RMB 1.71 million, as follows: Name of Contractual Prepaid Unpaid Expected investment Remarks investment projects investment amount investment investment period amount amount Elocation of 855,000 855,000 Termination Termination due to the production impact of litigation equipments as a whole Except for the events described above, As of June 30, 2013, the Group has no other significant commitment events. 99 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 2. Information guaranteed at the former period. Failed to fulfill. (XI). Post-balance-sheet events 1. Statement on material post-balance-sheet events The group has no statement on material post-balance-sheet events. (XII). Other Important events 1. Leasing Type Year-end balance Year-beginning balance Cost 96,531,452.00 96,920,525 House, Building 96,531,452.00 96,920,525 Accumulated amortization 67,042,648.00 65,879,041 House, Building 67,042,648.00 65,879,041 Impairment provision House, Building Book value 29,488,804.00 31,041,484 House, Building 29,488,804.00 31,041,484 2.Items related to measurement of fair value Unit:RMB Gains and losses Accumulative Provision for Amount at the from change of fair change of fair value Aamount at the end Items impairment made in beginning of period value in current accounted for as of period current period period rights and interests Financial assets 3.Trading financial assets 751,542.00 -187,314.00 564,228.00 Total 751,542.00 -187,314.00 564,228.00 Financial liability 0.00 0.00 3.Foreign financial assets and foreign financial liability Unit:RMB 100 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Gains and losses Accumulative Provision for Amount at the from change of fair change of fair value Amount at the end Items impairment made in beginning of period value in current eccounted for as of period current period period right and interests Finanical assets 4.Trading financial assets 751,542.00 -187,314.00 564,228.00 Subtotal of financial 751,542.00 -187,314.00 564,228.00 assets Financial liability 0.00 0.00 4.Other Except that Shenzhen East Asia Victor Onward Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. is still operating normally, other 5 subsidiaries controlled by the Company have stopped operation or are maintaining daily operation by house property lease. It plans to invest in Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. with part of machinery and equipment in 2007, Due to the reason on the side of the other party of joint venture and change of industry prospect. This investment plan is being discontinued at present. Up to the present, the project has been delayed for 6 years. The difficulties for joint venture projects have constantly increased. To solve the problem of idling of equipment, invigorate relevant assets and facilitate the Company's subsequent development,On June 4, 2012, The company has instituted court action against below three companies at Jiangsu Province Higher People's Court, and asked to terminate the contracts and agreements signed with Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd., Nanjing East Asia Investment & Development Group Co., Ltd. and Hong Kong Yaojunxing Co., Ltd., who shall pay RMB47,922,902.92 to the company for the pecuniary loss of implicative compensation and undertake the costs of litigation. As of June 30,2013, Jiangsu Higher People's Court did not give a judgement. (XIII)..Notes s of main items in financial reports of parent company 1.Account receivable (1)Account receivable Unit:RMB Year-end balance Year-beginning balance Book Balance Provision for bad debts Book Balance Provision for bad debts Type Propo rtion Proporti Proporti Proporti Amount % Amount on% Amount on% Amount on% Account receivable with 3,504,328.00 30.52 3,504,328.00 100% 3,504,328.00 30.52% 3,504,328.00 100% 101 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 significant specific % amount that were provisioned had debt preparation separately Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups Account receivable with minor individual amount 69.48 7,976,100.00 7,976,100.00 100% 7,976,100.00 69.48% 7,976,100.00 100% but bad debt provision is % provided Total 11,480,428.00 -- 11,480,428.00 -- 11,480,428.00 -- 11,480,428.00 -- Remarks on categories of receivable accounts: Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided √Applicable □ Not applicable Unit:RMB Description of receivable accounts Book balance Bad debt provision Proportion Reason Carnival Index International Ltd 1,098,820.00 1,098,820.00 100% Aging long TAI YANG ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD. 1,010,296.00 1,010,296.00 100% Aging long The company insol Shengzhong Company 1,395,212.00 1,395,212.00 100% vent, to be cance led Total 3,504,328.00 3,504,328.00 -- -- Using age methods to provision for bad debts of account receivable in group: □Applicable √not Applicable Using percentage balance method of provision for bad debts of account receivable in group: □Applicable √not Applicable Using other methods to provision for bad debts of account receivable in group: □Applicable √not Applicable Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end of period √Applicable □not Applicable Unit: RMB Name Book balance Bad debts Provision proportion% Reason of provision Fly Dragon International 573,677.00 573,677.00 100% Aging long Grateful Textiles Co.,Ltd 566,801.00 566,801.00 100% Aging long World Fabrica (Int'l) Ltd 465,241.00 465,241.00 100% Aging long Shenzhen Fangzhou Aging long 446,352.00 446,352.00 100% Textile Co., Ltd. 102 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Ezhou Xiangya Aging long 351,500.00 351,500.00 100% Garments Co., Ltd. Tak Shing Buying Office Aging long 333,584.00 333,584.00 100% Led Starline Textile CO.Ltd. 332,316.00 332,316.00 100% Aging long Shenye Union(HK) Aging long 299,428.00 299,428.00 100% Co.,Ltd. Panther Fabric Ltd. 295,161.00 295,161.00 100% Aging long Changshu Zhongjiang Aging long Garments Import & 270,134.00 270,134.00 100% Export Co., Ltd. Victor Onward Aging long 245,621.00 245,621.00 100% Textile(HK)Co., Ltd. Nissho Iwai HK Corp Aging long 215,282.00 215,282.00 100% Ltd. Unimix Ltd. 192,939.00 192,939.00 100% Aging long Tai Hing Linings Co Ltd 191,342.00 191,342.00 100% Aging long Human Changpuan Aging long 185,981.00 185,981.00 100% Garment Ningbo Youngor Aging long Fukurmura Uniforms 172,910.00 172,910.00 100% Co., Ltd. Win favour evelopment Aging long 146,636.00 146,636.00 100% ltd Speedy Textiles Co 146,538.00 146,538.00 100% Aging long Other 2,544,657.00 2,544,657.00 100% Aging long Total 7,976,100.00 7,976,100.00 -- -- (2)The front 5 units’ information of the account receivable Unit :RMB Relation with the Portion in total other Name Amount Ages Company receivables (%) Carnival Index Non-related parties 1,098,820.00 Over 3 years 9.57% International Ltd TAI YANG Non-related parties 1,010,296.00 Over 3 years 8.8% ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD. Shengzhong Company Subsidiary 1,395,212.00 Over 3 years 12.15% 103 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Fly Dragon International Non-related parties 573,677.00 Over 3 years 5% Grateful Textiles Co.,Ltd Non-related parties 566,801.00 Over 3 years 4.94% Total -- 4,644,806.00 -- 40.46% (3)Account receivable from Related parties Unit:RMB Unit name Relation with the company Amount Percentage of account receivable Shengzhong Company Subsidiary 1,395,212.00 12.15% Shenzhen East Asia Subsidiary 51,871.00 0.45% The related parties controlled Shenye Union(HK)Co., Ltd. 299,428.00 2.61% the same Actual controller Total -- 1,746,511.00 15.21% 2. Other receivable (1)Other receivable Unit:RMB Year-end balance Year-beginning Provision for bad Book balance Provision for bad debts Book balance debts Classification Propo Propo Propo Propo Amount rtion( Amount rtion( Amount rtion( Amount rtion( %) %) %) %) Other Receivables with major individual amount and 98.74 98.64 86,596,952.00 3,881,950.00 4.48% 76,596,952.00 3,881,950.00 5.07% bad debt provision provided % % individually Other Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups Deposit group 159,784.00 0.18% 103,784.00 0.13% Subtotal of group 159,784.00 0.18% 103,784.00 0.13% Other Account receivable with minor individual 950,112.00 1.08% 950,112.00 100% 950,112.00 1.22% 950,112.00 100% amount but bad debt provision is provided Total 87,706,848.00 -- 4,832,062.00 -- 77,650,848.00 -- 4,832,062.00 -- Statement on Other receivable: 104 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Other Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided √Applicable □not Applicable Unit:RMB Description of other Book balance Bad debt provision Proportion Reason receivable accounts Victor Onward 59,715,002.00 Textile(HK)Co., Ltd. Nanhua Company 23,000,000.00 Nanjing East Asia 1,313,410.00 1,313,410.00 100% Aging long CCB.Guangdong Shunde Aging long 1,080,000.00 1,080,000.00 100% branch Changzhou Aging long Dongfeng Textile 975,000.00 975,000.00 100% Printing & dyeing Equipment Co., Ltd. The company insolv Shenzhen East Asia 513,540.00 513,540.00 100% ent, to be canceled Total 86,596,952.00 3,881,950.00 -- -- Using age methods to provision for bad debts of other account receivable in group: □Applicable √not Applicable Using percentage balance method of provision for bad debts of account receivable in group: □Applicable √not Applicable Using other methods to provision for bad debts of account receivable in group: □Applicable √not Applicable Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end of period √Applicable □not Applicable Unit:RMB Name Book balance Bad debts Provision proportion% Reason of provision Victor Onward 694,122.00 694,122.00 100% Aging long Textile(HK)Co., Ltd. Shanghai Huayinke Trade Industry Co., Ltd. 180,000.00 180,000.00 100% Aging long Shenzhen Environmental 35,000.00 35,000.00 100% Aging long Management System 105 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Certification Center Shenzhen Design Institute of Ministry of 30,000.00 30,000.00 100% Aging long Machinery Industry Shanghai Branch Other 10,990.00 10,990.00 100% Aging long Total 950,112.00 950,112.00 -- -- (2)The front 5 units’ information of Other account receivable Unit:RMB Relation with the Portion in total other Name Amount Ages Company receivables (%) Victor Onward Subsidiary 59,715,002.00 Over 3 years 68.08% Textile(HK)Co., Ltd. Nanhua Company Subsidiary 23,000,000.00 Over 3 years 26.22% Nanjing East Asia Non-Related parties 1,313,410.00 Over 3 years 1.5% CCB.Guangdong Shunde Non-Related parties 1,080,000.00 Over 3 years 1.23% Branch Changzhou Dongfeng Textile Printing & dyeing Non-Related parties 975,000.00 Over 3 years 1.11% Equipment Co., Ltd. Total -- 86,083,412.00 -- 98.14% (3)The accounts receivable from the Related parties Unit:RMB Name Relation with the Company Amount Proportion(%) Victor Onward Subsidiary 59,715,002.00 68.08% Textile(HK)Co., Ltd. Nanhua Company Subsidiary 23,000,000.00 26.22% Shenzhen East Asia Subsidiary 513,540.00 0.59% Total -- 83,228,542.00 94.89% 3. Long –term stocks equity investment Unit :RMB Sharehold Voting Explanati Accounti Initial ing right on of Original Ending Current Cash Name ng investmen change proportio proportio diffidence Devalue balance Balance devalue bonus method t cost n in the n in the between investee investee sharehold 106 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 ing proportio n and voting right proportio n in investee Victor Onward Cost 2,411,282 21,214,21 21,214,21 Textile(H 100% 100% 0.00 0.00 0.00 method .00 2.00 2.00 K)Co., Ltd. Nanhua Cost 23,082,83 15,574,74 15,574,74 54.82% 54.82% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Company method 1.00 1.00 1.00 Shenzhen Cost 1,530,000 1,252,900 1,252,900 1,252,900 51% 51% 0.00 0.00 East Asia method .00 .00 .00 .00 27,024,11 38,041,85 38,041,85 1,252,900 Total -- 0.00 -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 .00 Notes 4. Business income and Business cost (1)Business income Unit:RMB Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period Income from Business income 908,470.00 741,567.00 Total 908,470.00 741,567.00 Business cost 168,586.00 239,378.00 (2)Main business(Industry) Unit:RMB Amount of current period Amount of previous period Name Business income Business cost Business income Business cost Rent 908,470.00 168,586.00 741,567.00 239,378.00 Total 908,470.00 168,586.00 741,567.00 239,378.00 107 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 (3)Main business(Production) Unit:RMB Amount of current period Amount of previous period Name Business income Business cost Business income Business cost Rent 908,470.00 168,586.00 741,567.00 239,378.00 Total 908,470.00 168,586.00 741,567.00 239,378.00 (4)Total income and the ratio of operating income from top five clients Unit:RMB Name Business Income Proportion(%) Shenzhen Nanshan Saint Laurent Wedding Photography 252,000.00 33.98% Jishunda Automobile drier training Company 72,000.00 9.71% Chen Shen 45,000.00 6.07% Shenzhen Taihe Machine Equipment Co., Ltd. 31,200.00 4.21% Diweini 19,200.00 2.59% Total 419,400.00 56.56% Notes 5. Investment income (1)Income from investment Unit:RMB Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period Hold the investment income during from available-for-sale 11,022.00 financial assets Total 0.00 11,022.00 6. Supplement information of Consolidated Flow Statement Unit:RMB Items Amount of current Amount of previous period period 1. Adjusting net profit to net cash flow in operating activities: -- -- Net profit -3,659,586.00 -4,745,041.00 108 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and consumable 26,927.00 168,586.00 biological assets Amortization of intangible assets 20,153.00 20,152.00 The losses on the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 4,927.00 -5,174.00 long-term assets Loss of fair value fluctuation on assets 13,510.00 -770,606.00 -633,443.00 Financial cost -11,022.00 Loss on investment Decrease of operating receivable -293,735.00 231,272.00 Increase of operating receivables 5,013,292.00 2,458,441.00 Other 622,625.00 Net cash flows arising from operating activities 341,372.00 -1,880,095.00 II. Significant investment and financing activities that without cash -- -- flows III. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -- -- Ending balance of cash 12,706,881.00 19,654,909.00 Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents 17,293,509.00 21,483,163.00 Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -4,586,628.00 -1,828,254.00 (XIV). Supplement information 1. Particulars about current non-recurring gains and loss Unit:RMB Items Amount Notes Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part -15,114.00 for which assets impairment provision is made) Other non-operating income and expenditure beside for the above -2,400,000.00 items Total -2,415,114.00 -- For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason. □ Applicable√ Not applicable 109 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 2.The differences between domestic and international accounting standards 1.Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards disclosed in the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets. Unit:RMB Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Net Assets attributable to the shareholders of listed company the listed company Amount in the Amount in the previous End of the reporting Beginning of the reporting period period period reporting period According to CAS -4,123,606.00 -4,187,136.00 114,119,534.00 118,852,391.00 Items and amount adjusted according to IAS Switch back the part of Hong Kong house property 267,910.00 55,329.00 -4,729,270.00 -5,298,751.00 assessment in accordance with IAS Pursuant to overseas -3,855,696.00 -4,131,807.00 109,390,264.00 113,553,640.00 accounting standards 2. Difference in Net profit and net Assets in the Financial Report as Disclosed Respectively according to the Accounting standards Outside Mainland China and the Chinese Accounting Standards. Unit:RMB Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Net Assets attributable to the shareholders of listed company the listed company Amount in the Amount in the previous End of the reporting Beginning of the reporting period period period reporting period According to CAS -4,123,606.00 -4,187,136.00 114,119,534.00 118,852,391.00 Items and amount adjusted according to IAS Switch back the part of Hong Kong house property 267,910.00 55,329.00 -4,729,270.00 -5,298,751.00 assessment in accordance with IAS Pursuant to overseas -3,855,696.00 -4,131,807.00 109,390,264.00 113,553,640.00 accounting standards 110 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 3.Note to the Difference in the Accounting Data based on the Accounting Standards of CAS and IAS. The influence of appreciation through appraisal of workshop and 2 parking spaces in Hong Kong in 1992. 3 Return on net assets and earnings per share Unit :RMB Earnings per share(RMB) Return on net assets . Profit of the report period Weighted(%) Basic earnings per share Diluted gains per share Net profit attributable to the Common stock -3.53% -0.02 -0.02 shareholders of Company. Net profit attributable to the Common stock shareholders of Company after deducting of -1.46% -0.01 -0.01 non-recurring gain/loss. 4. The explanation of abnormal circumstance and reasons of items in major accounting statement. Items Amount at the Amount in Chaged Remark period end year-begin (%) Bills receivable 1,500,000 -100.00% The payment for goods settled by means of bills in the previous year was recovered in current period Payment in advance 15,867 176,443 -91.01% Increase due to uncompleted prepayment of decoration expenses by Victor Onward Hong Kong, a subsidiary of the Company, in the report year. Interests receivable 38,414 -100.00% Inter-period interest was received in current period Other receivable 339,073 260,005 30.41% Increase of deposit accounts receiveable Financial assets 564,228 751,542 -24.92% Influence of change in market price Advance collections 7,827,624 2,778,488 181.72% Increase of proceeds from disposal of waste fixed assets Other payables 22,676,923 32,227,317 -29.63% Payment of loan principal of RMB 10 million to Union Group Other current liabilities 3,922,263 1,547,263 153.50% Provision for professional service fee of RMB 2.40 million Items Amount at the Amount in Chaged Remark period end year-begin (%) 111 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 Business tax and surtax 230,666 158,799 45.26% Actual influence of taxes and levies on house rent income Financial expreases 273,998 -47,525 -676.53% Exchange rate influence Income from change in fair -13,510 -100.00% There were tradable financial assets in value previous period. There were no such assets in current period. Investment income -71,083 428,646 -116.58% Influenced by the change in gains and losses of affiliated companies Non-operating income 3,929 29,563 -86.71% Influence of other factors 112 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文 IX. Documents available for inspection 1.The Semi-Annual report 2013 2. Financial statement of the Company with signature and seal from the person in charge of the Company, person in charge of the accounting works and person in charge of accounting; 3.Originals text of all documents of the Company as well as manuscript of the announcement that disclosed on website appointed by CSRC. 4. The articles of Association. English translation for reference Only Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. The Board of Directors of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. August 20, 2013 113