Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Audit Report and Financial Statement Year 2017 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Audit Report and Financial Statement (From January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017) CONTENTS Page I. Audit Report 1-7 II. Financial Statements Consolidated Balance Sheet and Company Balance 1-8 Sheet Consolidated Income Statement and Company Income 9-12 Statement Consolidated Cash Flow Statement and Company 13-16 Cash Flow Statement Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owner‘s 17-26 Equity and Company Statement of Changes in Owner‘s Equity Notes to Financial Statement 1-141 Audit Report XKSBZ [2018] No. ZB10958 To all shareholders of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., I. Opinions We have audited the attached financial statements of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as ―Sino Great Wall‖), including the consolidated and parent company‘s balance sheet as of December 31, 2017, the consolidated and parent company‘s income statement, the consolidated and parent company‘s cash flow statement, the consolidated and parent company‘s statement of changes in shareholder‘s equity and the notes to financial statements of Year 2017. In our opinion, the attached financial statements are in conformity with the relevant regulations of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises in all important aspects, and reflect fairly the consolidated and parent company's financial status as of December 31, 2017 and the consolidated and parent company's business achievements and cash flow of 2017 year of Sino Great Wall. II. Basis for Forming Audit Opinions We conducted our audit in accordance with Chinese CPA Standards on Auditing. The section CPA's Responsibility for Audit of Financial Statements‘ in the audit report further provides for our responsibilities under these accounting standards. According to the Code of Ethics for Chinese Certified Public Accountants, we are independent of Sino Great Wall and perform other duties in terms of professional ethics. We believe that we have obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidences and our auditing work will provide reasonable foundation for the declaration of opinions and suggestions. Audit Report Page 1 III Key Audit Matters The key audit matters are the matters that we believe are the most important for the audit of the current financial statements based on professional judgment. The handling of these matters is based on the audit of the financial statements as a whole and the formation of an audit opinion. We will not comment on these matters separately. We confirm that the following matters are key audit matters that need to be communicated in the audit report. Key Audit Matters How is this matter handled in the audit? (I) Recognition of income from construction contracts The revenue of the Company is During the audit, the audit primarily from the construction procedures we implemented contracts recognized with mainly include: 1) test the completion percentage method. In Company‘s preparation of case the results of construction estimated total revenue and contract could be reliably estimated estimated total cost and related key at balance sheet date, contract internal control; 2) recalculate the revenue and expenses is identified percentage of completion of the through percentage of completion construction contract in the of works, and completion construction contract ledger and percentage is determined on the compare it with the percentage of basis of the ratio of the actual completion confirmed by the contract cost to estimated total employer to verify its accuracy; 3) contract cost. The percentage of sample the construction contracts completion method involves major to check the construction contract judgment and estimates by the and data for cost budgeting on management, including estimate of which the management‘s estimated the percentage of completion, total revenue and estimated total estimated total contract cost, cost cost are based, and thereby Audit Report Page 2 for uncompleted works, total evaluate whether the contract revenue, and estimate of management‘s estimate is contract risks. In addition, the total reasonable and sufficiently based; contract cost and total contract 4) sample to test the project revenue may be different from the construction costs incurred in the original estimate (sometimes current year; 5) sample the significant) due to changes in construction contracts and conduct circumstances, and should be on-site inspection of image and continuously evaluated and revised progress of the project therein. during the execution of the contract. Therefore, we identify it as a key audit matter. (II) Recoverability of accounts receivable As of December 31, 2017, the The audit procedures we original book value of accounts implemented for the recoverability receivable and bad debt reserves in of accounts receivable mainly the consolidated statements of Sino include: Great Wall were RMB 1) Test the management‘s internal 6,332,915,727.57and RMB control related to the daily 626,240,483.49 respectively. The management of accounts recognition of estimated receivable and assessment of recoverable amount of accounts recoverability of the same at the receivable requires the management end of the period; of Sino Great Wall to identify the 2) Audit the considerations and projects that have been impaired objective evidence of the and objective evidences, assess management in the impairment test expected future cash flows and of account receivables, and pay determine their present value, attention to whether the which involves the management management fully identifies the applying significant accounting projects that have been impaired; estimates and judgment and a large 3) Sample the accounts amount of money. Therefore, we receivables with the separate bad identify the bad debt reserves of debt reserves, and audit the basis Audit Report Page 3 accounts receivable as a key audit and rationality of the matter. management's estimation of the expected future cash flow; 4) For the accounts receivable for which the bad debt reserves are set aside by the management based on the credit risk characteristic combination, assess whether such provision determined by the management is reasonable; 5) Implement the external certification procedures, and compare the results thereof with the amount recorded by the management; and 6) Perform audit by taking into account A/D payment collection to assess the reasonableness of the bad debt reserves set aside by the management. IV Other Information The management of Sino Great Wall (hereinafter referred to as "the management") is responsible for other information. Other information includes the information covered in Sino Great Wall Yearly Report 2017, excluding the financial statements and our audit report. Our audit opinions to the financial statements do not cover such other information, and will not give authentication conclusions in any form on such other information. Our responsibility is to read such other information together with our audit of the financial statements. In this process, we consider whether there is a material inconsistency or other material misstatement between Audit Report Page 4 such other information and the financial statements or what we have learned during the audit process. If we determine that there is a material misstatement in such other information based on the work we have performed, we should report such material misstatement. In this regard, we have nothing to report. V The Management and Governance Team’s Responsibilities for the Financial Statements The management of the Company (hereinafter referred to as ―the Management‖) shall be responsible for compiling financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises for the true and fair presentation as well as designing, executing and protecting the internal control related to the compilation of financial statements so as to make the financial statements be free from any serious misstatement caused by frauds and errors. In the preparation of the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the continued operation ability of Sino Great Wall, disclosing the matters related to continued operations (if applicable), and applying the continued operations assumption unless it is planned to liquidate, terminate operations or make other necessary realistic choice. The governance team is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of Sino Great Wall. VI CPA’s Responsibility for Auditing Financial Statements Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the entire financial statements are free from material misstatement due to frauds or errors and to present an audit report containing audit opinions. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but it does not guarantee that the audit performed in accordance with audit standards can always identify all material misstatements. Misstatement may be caused by frauds or errors, and it is generally considered that the misstatement is Audit Report Page 5 significant if it is reasonably expected that the misstatement alone or aggregated may affect the economic decision of the financial statement user based on the financial statements In the course of carrying out the audit work in accordance with the audit standards, we use professional judgment and maintain professional suspicion. At the same time, we also perform the following tasks: (1) Identify and assess risks of material misstatement of the financial statements due to fraud or errors, design and implement audit procedures to address these risks, and obtain adequate and appropriate audit evidence as a basis for expressing audit opinions. Since frauds may involve collusion, falsification, intentional omission, misrepresentation or override of internal controls, the risk of failing to identify a material misstatement due to frauds is higher than the risk of failing to identify a material misstatement due to errors. (2) Understand audit-related internal controls to design appropriate audit procedures. (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of the accounting policies selected and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates and relevant disclosure by the management; (4) Draw conclusions on the appropriateness of continued operations assumptions used by the management. Conclude on whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or condition that may cast significant doubt on Sino Great Wall‘s ability to continue as a going concern based on the audit basis acquired. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor‘s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the information available as of the date of the audit report. However, future events or circumstances may cause Sino Great Wall not to continue the operation. (5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure, and content (including disclosures) of the financial statements, and evaluate whether the financial statements fairly reflect the relevant transactions and events. Audit Report Page 6 (6) Gain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence for the financial information of the entities‘ or business activities of Sino Great Wall to express audit opinions on the financial statements. We are responsible for directing, supervising and executing audit of the Company, and assume full responsibility for the audit opinions. We communicate with the governance team on the planned audit scope, timing, and major audit findings, including communication on the internal control deficiencies that we identified during the audit. We also provide a statement to the governance team on compliance with ethical requirements related to independence, and communicate with the governance team on all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be considered to affect our independence and related preventive measures (if applicable). From the matters on which we communicate with the governance team, we determine which matters are the most important for the audit of the financial statements for the current period and thus constitute the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our audit report, and unless laws and regulations prohibit the public disclosure of these matters, or in rare cases, if it is reasonably expected that the negative consequences of communicating certain matters in the audit report will outweigh the benefits in the public interest, we determine that such matters should not be communicated in the audit report. Lixin Certified Public Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Accountants Liao Jiahe (Engagement Partner) (Special General Partnership) Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Feng Xue Shanghai, China April 23, 2018 Audit Report Page 7 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Consolidated Balance Sheet December 31, 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Assets Note V Ending balance Opening balance Current assets: Monetary Resources (I) 1,604,973,916.12 1,340,815,821.83 Settlement provisions Loans to other banks Financial assets measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of the current period Derived financial assets Notes Receivable (II) 288,201,562.88 1,074,390,642.58 Accounts receivable (III) 5,706,675,244.08 3,725,170,208.31 Advance Payment (IV) 225,208,527.88 319,206,798.63 Premiums receivable Reinsurance receivables Reinsurance contract reserve receivable Interests Receivable Dividends receivable Other accounts receivable (V) 1,674,675,360.28 651,012,132.91 Bought-for-resale financial assets Inventories (VI) 556,839,325.50 332,904,930.36 Assets held for sale Non-current Assets Coming Due within One Year (VII) 0.00 13,462,942.89 Other Current Assets (VIII) 17,126,911.05 35,450,194.47 Total current assets 10,073,700,847.79 7,492,413,671.98 Non-current assets: Loans and advances Available-for-Sale Financial Assets (IX) 10,338,500.00 Held-to-maturity investments Long-Term Accounts Receivable (X) 14,328,557.82 Long-term Equity Investments Investment Real Estate Fixed assets (XI) 174,537,150.56 128,483,747.74 Construction in Progress (XII) 4,968,590.96 Engineering materials Page 1 of Financial Statement Assets Note V Ending balance Opening balance Disposal of fixed assets Productive biological assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets (XIII) 127,524,445.00 106,203,443.55 Development expenditure Goodwill (XIV) 64,494,271.55 58,874,144.79 Long-term Deferred Expenses (XV) 10,124,913.15 7,003,035.94 Deferred income tax assets (XVI) 118,233,337.36 76,298,659.34 Other Non-current Assets (XVII) 1,069,594,572.11 116,902,258.30 Total non-current assets 1,594,144,338.51 493,765,289.66 Total assets 11,667,845,186.30 7,986,178,961.63 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 2 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Consolidated Balance Sheet (cont.) December 31, 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity Note V Ending balance Opening balance Current liabilities: Short-term Loans (XVIII) 3,477,200,420.55 1,966,058,357.59 Borrowings from central banks Receipt of deposits and deposits from other banks Loans from other banks Financial liabilities measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of the current period Derived financial liabilities Notes Payable (XXI) 906,597,988.15 706,883,375.54 Accounts payable (XX) 1,719,579,087.62 1,313,948,990.25 Items Received in Advance XXI 146,379,852.67 573,784,072.58 Fee for sold-for-buyback financial assets Handling charge and commission payable Payroll Payable XXII 21,911,542.07 18,797,546.69 Taxes Payable XXIII 357,445,477.71 313,483,669.78 Interest Payable XXIV 16,105,263.85 6,428,493.55 Dividends payable Other accounts payable XXV 520,965,421.13 222,414,975.01 Reinsurance premiums payable Insurance contract provisions Fee for agency transaction of securities Fee for agency underwriting of securities Held-for-sale liabilities Non-current liabilities coming due within one year XXVI 820,422,471.45 175,958,998.04 Other Current Liabilities XXVII 121,529,600.95 30,382,980.72 Total current liabilities 8,108,137,126.15 5,328,141,459.75 Non-current liabilities: Long-Term Loans XXVIII 843,092,471.02 786,858,878.82 Bonds Payable XXIX 345,000,000.00 Including: Preferred stock Perpetual bond Long-term accounts payable XXX 81,945,567.86 Long-term payroll payable Page 3 of Financial Statement Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity Note V Ending balance Opening balance Special accounts payable Accrued Liabilities XXXI 3,414,189.15 13,225,861.70 Differed Income Deferred income tax liabilities (XVI) 26,088,961.71 27,469,888.77 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 1,299,541,189.74 827,554,629.29 Total liabilities 9,407,678,315.89 6,155,696,089.04 Owner‘s equity Capital Stock XXXII 1,698,245,011.00 1,698,245,011.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred stock Perpetual bond Capital Reserve XXXIII -1,299,349,701.74 -1,299,349,701.74 Less: Treasury stock Other composite benefits 858,242.13 Special reserve XXXIV 164,231,078.18 65,687,868.14 Surplus Reserve XXXV 84,394,441.23 84,394,441.23 General risk reserve Undistributed Profit XXXVI 1,503,103,396.72 1,228,970,498.86 Total owner‘s equity attributed to the parent company 2,151,482,467.52 1,777,948,117.49 Minor shareholders‘ equity 108,684,402.89 52,534,755.10 Total owner’s equity 2,260,166,870.41 1,830,482,872.59 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 11,667,845,186.30 7,986,178,961.63 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 4 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Balance Sheet December 31, 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Assets Note XV Ending balance Opening balance Current assets: Monetary Resources 407,959,304.60 168,691,344.34 Financial assets measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of the current period Derived financial assets Notes Receivable Accounts receivable (I) 6,346.00 Advance Payment 3,865,500.01 1,000,000.00 Interests Receivable Dividends receivable 100,000,000.00 Other accounts receivable (II) 3,590,967,483.22 1,672,200,041.98 Inventories Assets held for sale Non-current Assets Coming Due within One Year Other Current Assets 2,175,646.45 1,404,744.25 Total current assets 4,104,967,934.28 1,843,302,476.57 Non-current assets: Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Held-to-maturity investments Long-Term Accounts Receivable Long-term Equity Investments (III) 3,311,211,536.66 3,176,451,536.66 Investment Real Estate Fixed assets 52,246.48 4,121.50 Construction in Progress Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Productive biological assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term Deferred Expenses 168,284.84 336,569.60 Page 5 of Financial Statement Assets Note XV Ending balance Opening balance Deferred income tax assets Other Non-current Assets 550,524,570.00 48,960,000.00 Total non-current assets 3,861,956,637.98 3,225,752,227.76 Total assets 7,966,924,572.26 5,069,054,704.33 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 6 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Balance Sheet (cont.) December 31, 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity Notes Ending balance Opening balance Current liabilities: Short-term Loans 2,287,870,000.00 980,000,000.00 Financial liabilities measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of the current period Derived financial liabilities Notes Payable 537,227,578.11 68,000,000.00 Accounts payable Items Received in Advance Payroll Payable 1,580,335.12 701,792.11 Taxes Payable 97,124,633.81 97,085,106.00 Interest Payable 13,002,236.21 5,150,639.24 Dividends payable Other accounts payable 379,420,427.54 13,252,762.06 Held-for-sale liabilities Non-current liabilities coming due within one year 700,000,000.00 Other Current Liabilities Total current liabilities 4,016,225,210.79 1,164,190,299.41 Non-current liabilities: Long-Term Loans 800,000,000.00 700,000,000.00 Bonds Payable 100,000,000.00 Including: Preferred stock Perpetual bond Long-term accounts payable Long-term payroll payable Special accounts payable Accrued Liabilities Differed Income Deferred income tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 900,000,000.00 700,000,000.00 Total liabilities 4,916,225,210.79 1,864,190,299.41 Owner‘s equity Page 7 of Financial Statement Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity Notes Ending balance Opening balance Capital Stock 1,698,245,011.00 1,698,245,011.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred stock Perpetual bond Capital Reserve 1,237,956,472.37 1,237,956,472.37 Less: Treasury stock Other composite benefits Special reserve Surplus Reserve 26,309,287.00 26,309,287.00 Undistributed Profit 88,188,591.10 242,353,634.55 Total owner’s equity 3,050,699,361.47 3,204,864,404.92 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 7,966,924,572.26 5,069,054,704.33 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 8 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Consolidated Profit Statement Year 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Amount incurred of Amount incurred of last Items Note V current period period I. Total business income 6,497,124,980.52 4,664,999,117.17 Including: Business income (XXXVII) 6,497,124,980.52 4,664,999,117.17 Interest income Insurance premiums earned Handling charges and commission income II. Total business costs 5,990,935,078.96 4,110,727,814.01 Including: Business costs (XXXVII) 4,886,354,499.66 3,459,377,744.66 Interest expenditure Handling charges and commissions expenses Refund of insurance premiums Net payments for insurance claims Net provision for insurance contracts Commission on insurance policies Cession charges Taxes and Surcharge (XXXVIII) 4,533,005.61 9,651,529.46 Selling Expenses (XXXIX) 32,213,247.97 30,318,688.27 Management Expenses (XL) 312,957,207.20 313,930,733.56 Financial Expenses (XLI) 432,590,607.55 127,437,227.95 Asset Impairment Loss (XLII) 322,286,510.97 170,011,890.11 Plus: Gain on change of fair value (loss represented with ―-‖) Gain on investment (loss represented with ―-‖) (XLIII) -387,601.37 2,226,350.97 Including: Gain on investments in jointly-run enterprises and joint ventures -564,833.40 Proceeds from asset disposal (loss is represented with "-") (XLIV) -150,250.00 -564,833.40 Gain or loss on foreign exchange transactions (loss filled with ―-―) Other Income (XLV) 2,211,128.89 III. Operating profit (loss represented with ―-‖) 507,863,179.08 555,932,820.72 Plus: Non-operating income (XLVI) 156,426.78 26,427,042.86 Less: Non-operating expenditure (XLVII) -3,030,152.73 21,022,106.88 IV. Total profit (total loss represented with ―-‖) 511,049,758.59 561,337,756.70 Less: Expense of income tax (XLVIII) 127,003,731.76 89,244,861.75 V. Net profit (net loss represented with ―-‖) 384,046,026.83 472,092,894.95 Page 9 of Financial Statement Amount incurred of Amount incurred of last Items Note V current period period (I) Classified by business continuity 1. Net profit from continued operations (net loss is represented with "-") 2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss is represented with "-") 384,046,026.83 472,092,894.95 (II) Classified by ownership 1. Minor stockholder‘s gain or loss 2. Net profits attributable to the Shareholders of the Parent Company 3,955,036.01 -1,568,967.72 VI. After-tax net amount of other composite benefits 380,090,990.82 473,661,862.67 After-tax net amount of other composite benefit attributed to the parent company‘s owner 858,242.13 (I) Other composite benefits unavailable to reclassify into gain or loss in future 858,242.13 1. Change as a result of re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plan 2. Shares enjoyed in the other composite benefits which cannot be reclassified into gain or loss of invested units under equity method (II) Other composite benefits which will be reclassified into gain or loss in future 1. Shares enjoyed in the other composite benefits which will be reclassified into gain or loss of invested units under equity method 858,242.13 2. Gain or loss on the change of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 3. Gain or loss on held-to-maturity investments reclassified into available-for-sale financial assets 4. Effective part of gain or loss on hedging of cash flow 5. Balance from conversion of foreign-currency financial statements 6. Others 858,242.13 After-tax net amount of other composite benefits attributed to minor shareholders VII. Total amount of composite benefits Total amount of composite benefits attributed to the parent company‘s owner 384,904,268.96 472,092,894.95 Total amount of composite benefits attributed to minor shareholders 380,949,232.95 473,661,862.67 VIII. Earnings per share: 3,955,036.01 -1,568,967.72 (I) Basic earnings per share (Yuan/ share) (II) Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/ share) 0.22 0.28 0.22 0.28 Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 10 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Profit Statement Year 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Amount incurred of Amount incurred of last Items Note XV current period period I. Operating income 240,558.55 238,048.64 Less: Operating cost 1,482.50 Taxes and Surcharge 486,860.22 192,135.56 Selling Expenses 793,644.62 Management Expenses 48,845,134.77 34,816,749.95 Financial Expenses 94,901,413.49 5,966,974.50 Asset Impairment Loss 7,489,577.66 781,524.61 Plus: Gain on change of fair value (loss represented with ―-‖) Gain on investment (loss represented with ―-‖) 100,000,000.00 396,197.49 Including: Gain on investments in jointly-run enterprises and joint ventures Proceeds from asset disposal (loss is represented with "-") Other Income 7,211.91 II. Operating profit (loss represented with ―-‖) -52,270,342.80 -41,123,138.49 Plus: Non-operating income 0.01 26,315,384.00 Less: Non-operating expenditure III. Total profit (total loss represented with ―-‖) -52,270,342.79 -14,807,754.49 Less: Expense of income tax 382.68 IV. Net profit (net loss represented with ―-‖) -52,270,342.79 -14,808,137.17 (I) Net profit from continued operations (net loss is represented with "-") -52,270,342.79 -14,808,137.17 (II) Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss is represented with "-") V. After-tax net amount of other composite benefits (I) Other composite benefits unavailable to reclassify into gain or loss in future 1. Change as a result of re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plan 2. Shares enjoyed in the other composite benefits which cannot be reclassified into gain or loss of invested units under equity method (II) Other composite benefits which will be reclassified into gain or loss in future 1. Shares enjoyed in the other composite benefits which will be reclassified into gain or loss of invested units under equity method 2. Gain or loss on the change of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 3. Gain or loss on held-to-maturity investments reclassified into available-for-sale financial assets 4. Effective part of gain or loss on hedging of cash flow Page 11 of Financial Statement Amount incurred of Amount incurred of last Items Note XV current period period 5. Balance from conversion of foreign-currency financial statements 6. Others VI. Total amount of composite benefits -52,270,342.79 -14,808,137.17 VII. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share (Yuan/ share) (II) Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/ share) The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 12 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Year 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Amount incurred of Amount incurred of last Items Note V current period period I Cash flow from operating activities Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 4,642,883,579.49 2,793,118,697.02 Net increment in customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions - Net increment of borrowings from central bank - Net increment in placements from other financial institutions - Premiums received from original insurance contracts - Net cash received from reinsurance business - Net increment in deposits from policyholders - Net increment from disposal of financial assets measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of the current period - Interest, handling charges and commission received - Net increment in placements - Net increment in repurchase business capital - Tax rebates received 11,520,458.96 6,342,293.39 Cash received relating to other operating activities 6,134,642,883.34 1,818,662,633.63 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 4,618,123,624.04 10,789,046,921.79 Cash paid for goods purchased and services received 5,007,872,564.26 2,879,469,436.78 Net increment in loans and advances to customers - Net increment in deposits with central bank and other financial institutions - Original insurance contract claims paid - Interest, handling charges and commissions paid - Policyholder Dividend Paid - Cash paid to and for employees 380,713,969.98 345,233,924.96 Various taxes paid 212,006,262.08 92,009,656.66 Cash paid relating to other operating activities 6,970,322,744.12 2,989,286,419.58 Subtotal of cash outflows for operating activities 6,305,999,437.98 12,570,915,540.43 Net amount of cash flow from operating activities -1,781,868,618.65 -1,687,875,813.94 II Cash flows from investing activities Cash received from disinvestments 2,000,000.00 119,902,961.04 Page 13 of Financial Statement Amount incurred of Amount incurred of last Items Note V current period period Cash received from obtaining of investment yield - 1,566,217.08 Net amount of cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 85,000.00 95,937.00 Net amount of cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units - - Cash received relating to other investment activities - - Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities 2,085,000.00 121,565,115.12 Cash paid for purchasing and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 48,204,408.85 15,582,049.03 Cash paid for investments 840,948,723.77 188,307,635.00 Net increment of pledged loans - - Net amount of cash paid for obtaining subsidiaries and other operating units 2,340,123.50 42,467,736.61 Cash paid relating to other investment activities 131,500,000.00 - Subtotal of cash outflows for investment activities 1,022,993,256.12 246,357,420.64 Net amount of cash flow from investment activities -124,792,305.52 -1,020,908,256.12 III Cash flow from financing activities Cash received from absorbing investments 30,240,000.00 - Including: Cash received from subsidiaries‘ absorbing the investments of minor shareholders - - Cash received from obtaining loans 4,537,777,192.35 3,352,564,898.49 Cash received from issuing bonds 344,800,000.00 - Cash received relating to other financing activities 179,327,200.00 175,355,000.00 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 5,092,144,392.35 3,527,919,898.49 Cash paid for repaying debts 1,998,607,849.12 676,386,220.35 Cash paid for distributing dividends, profits or paying interests 332,584,990.54 116,576,063.38 Including: Dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders - - Cash paid relating to other financing activities 233,071,283.83 555,780,295.84 Subtotal of cash outflows for financing activities 2,564,264,123.49 1,348,742,579.57 Net amount of cash flow from financing activities 2,527,880,268.86 2,179,177,318.92 IV Cash and cash equivalents affected by change of exchange rate -21,586,126.02 -5,549,633.86 V Net increment of cash and cash equivalents -296,482,731.93 360,959,565.60 Plus: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 943,705,322.41 582,745,756.81 VI Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 647,222,590.48 943,705,322.41 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 14 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Cash Flow Statement Year 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Amount incurred of Amount incurred of last Items Notes current period period I Cash flow from operating activities Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 265,320.00 266,133.00 Tax rebates received Cash received relating to other operating activities 4,283,071,598.59 822,670,967.58 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 4,283,336,918.59 822,937,100.58 Cash paid for goods purchased and services received Cash paid to and for employees 494,240.89 7,388,478.01 Various taxes paid 396,447.37 1,558,123.56 Cash paid relating to other operating activities 5,546,418,464.78 2,332,567,169.66 Subtotal of cash outflows for operating activities 5,547,309,153.04 2,341,513,771.23 Net amount of cash flow from operating activities -1,263,972,234.45 -1,518,576,670.65 II Cash flows from investing activities Cash received from disinvestments 107,000,000.00 Cash received from obtaining of investment yield 396,197.49 Net amount of cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Net amount of cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units Cash received relating to other investment activities Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities 107,396,197.49 Cash paid for purchasing and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 65,440.00 Cash paid for investments 696,324,570.00 155,960,000.00 Net amount of cash paid for obtaining subsidiaries and other operating units - 97,000,000.00 Cash paid relating to other investment activities - Subtotal of cash outflows for investment activities 696,390,010.00 252,960,000.00 Net amount of cash flow from investment activities -696,390,010.00 -145,563,802.51 III Cash flow from financing activities Cash received from absorbing investments Cash received from obtaining loans 3,085,070,000.00 1,810,000,000.00 Cash received from issuing bonds 99,800,000.00 - Cash received relating to other financing activities 12,500,000.00 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 3,184,870,000.00 1,822,500,000.00 Page 15 of Financial Statement Amount incurred of Amount incurred of last Items Notes current period period Cash paid for repaying debts 980,200,000.00 130,000,000.00 Cash paid for distributing dividends, profits or paying interests 282,451,200.03 74,013,433.81 Cash paid relating to other financing activities 31,000,000.00 24,800,000.00 Subtotal of cash outflows for financing activities 1,293,651,200.03 228,813,433.81 Net amount of cash flow from financing activities 1,891,218,799.97 1,593,686,566.19 IV Cash and cash equivalents affected by change of exchange rate V Net increment of cash and cash equivalents -69,143,444.48 -70,453,906.97 Plus: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 168,691,344.34 239,145,251.31 VI Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 99,547,899.86 168,691,344.34 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 16 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity Year 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Amount of current period Owner‘s equity attributed to the parent company Items Minor Other equity instruments Less: Other Genera shareholders‘ Total owner‘s equity Capital Stock Preferre Perpetu Other Capital Reserve Treasur composite Special reserve Surplus Reserve l risk Undistributed Profit equity d stock al bond s y stock benefits reserve I. Closing balance of 1,698,245,011. -1,299,349,701. 84,394,441.2 1,228,970,498. 1,830,482,872. the prior 65,687,868.14 52,534,755.10 period 00 74 3 86 59 Plus: Correction of accounting policies Correction of previous errors Business combination under the same control Others II. Beginning 1,698,245,011. -1,299,349,701. 84,394,441.2 1,228,970,498. 1,830,482,872. balance of 65,687,868.14 52,534,755.10 this year 00 74 3 86 60 III. Amount increased or decreased of current 858,242.1 period 98,543,210.04 0.00 274,132,897.86 56,149,647.79 429,683,997.82 (decrease represented 3 with ―-‖) (I)Total amount of 858,242.1 composite 380,090,990.83 3,955,036.01 384,904,268.97 benefits 3 (II)Capital input and decreased -4,063,392.31 52,194,611.78 48,131,219.47 by owners 1. Common stock input by 30,240,000.00 30,240,000.00 shareholders Page 17 of Financial Statement Amount of current period Owner‘s equity attributed to the parent company Items Minor Other equity instruments Less: Other Genera shareholders‘ Total owner‘s equity Capital Stock Preferre Perpetu Other Capital Reserve Treasur composite Special reserve Surplus Reserve l risk Undistributed Profit equity d stock al bond s y stock benefits reserve 2. Capital input by holders of other equity instruments 3. Amount of share-based payment recorded in owner‘s equity 4. Others -4,063,392.31 21,954,611.78 17,891,219.47 (III)Profit -101,894,700.6 -101,894,700.6 distribution -0.00 6 6 1. Surplus reserve withdrawn -0.00 0.00 2. General risk reserve withdrawn 3. Distribution to owners -101,894,700.6 -101,894,700.6 (or shareholders ) 6 6 4. Others (IV)Internal carry-forwar d of owner‘s equity 1. Capital reserve converted to increase capital (or capital stock) 2. Surplus reserve converted to increase capital (or capital stock) 3. Surplus reserve used to cover losses 4. Others Page 18 of Financial Statement Amount of current period Owner‘s equity attributed to the parent company Items Minor Other equity instruments Less: Other Genera shareholders‘ Total owner‘s equity Capital Stock Preferre Perpetu Other Capital Reserve Treasur composite Special reserve Surplus Reserve l risk Undistributed Profit equity d stock al bond s y stock benefits reserve (V). Special reserve 98,543,210.04 98,543,210.04 1. Withdrawn in current 98,543,210.04 98,543,210.04 period 2. Used in current period (VI). Others IV. Ending balance of 1,698,245,011. -1,299,349,701. 858,242.1 164,231,078.1 84,394,441.2 1,503,103,396. 108,684,402.8 2,260,166,870. current period 00 74 3 8 3 72 9 41 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 19 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity (cont.) Year 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Amount of last period Owner‘s equity attributed to the parent company Minor Items Other equity instruments Less: Other Genera shareholders‘ Total owner‘s equity Capital Stock Preferre Perpetua Other Capital Reserve Treasur composit Special reserve Surplus Reserve l risk Undistributed Profit equity d stock l bond s y stock e benefits reserve I. Closing balance of 46,014,941.5 84,394,441.2 -1,713,075.1 1,280,543,663.5 the prior 446,906,582.00 -50,367,862.22 755,308,636.19 period 4 3 9 5 Plus: Correction of accounting policies Correction of previous errors Business combination under the same control Others II. Beginning 46,014,941.5 84,394,441.2 -1,713,075.1 1,280,543,663.5 balance of 446,906,582.00 -50,367,862.22 755,308,636.19 this year 4 3 9 5 III. Amount increased or decreased of current 1,251,338,429.0 -1,248,981,839.5 19,672,926.6 54,247,830.2 period 473,661,862.67 549,939,209.04 (decrease represented 0 2 0 9 with ―-‖) (I)Total amount of -1,327,357.6 composite 473,661,862.67 472,334,505.07 benefits 0 (II)Capital input and 1,251,338,429.0 55,575,187.8 1,309,270,206.3 decreased by 2,356,589.48 owners 0 9 7 1. Common stock input 1,251,338,429.0 1,251,338,429.0 by shareholders 0 0 2. Capital input by holders of Page 20 of Financial Statement Amount of last period Owner‘s equity attributed to the parent company Minor Items Other equity instruments Less: Other Genera shareholders‘ Total owner‘s equity Capital Stock Preferre Perpetua Other Capital Reserve Treasur composit Special reserve Surplus Reserve l risk Undistributed Profit equity d stock l bond s y stock e benefits reserve other equity instruments 3. Amount of share-based payment recorded in owner‘s equity 4. Others 55,575,187.8 2,356,589.48 57,931,777.37 9 (III)Profit distribution 1. Surplus reserve withdrawn 2. General risk reserve withdrawn 3. Distribution to owners (or shareholders ) 4. Others (IV)Internal carry-forwar -1,251,338,429.0 -1,251,338,429.0 d of owner‘s equity 0 0 1. Capital reserve converted to -1,251,338,429.0 -1,251,338,429.0 increase capital (or capital 0 0 stock) 2. Surplus reserve converted to increase capital (or capital stock) 3. Surplus reserve used to cover losses 4. Others (V)Special reserve 19,672,926.6 19,672,926.60 Page 21 of Financial Statement Amount of last period Owner‘s equity attributed to the parent company Minor Items Other equity instruments Less: Other Genera shareholders‘ Total owner‘s equity Capital Stock Preferre Perpetua Other Capital Reserve Treasur composit Special reserve Surplus Reserve l risk Undistributed Profit equity d stock l bond s y stock e benefits reserve 0 1. Withdrawn 56,095,547.0 in current 56,095,547.05 period 5 2. Used in 36,422,620.4 current period 36,422,620.45 5 (VI)Others IV. Ending balance of 1,698,245,011.0 -1,299,349,701.7 65,687,868.1 84,394,441.2 1,228,970,498.8 52,534,755.1 1,830,482,872.5 current period 0 4 4 3 6 0 9 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 22 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity Year 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Items Amount of current period Other equity instruments Less: Other Special Undistributed Capital Stock Preferred Perpetual Capital Reserve Treasury composite Surplus Reserve Total owner‘s equity Others reserve Profit stock bond stock benefits I. Closing balance of the prior period 1,698,245,011.00 1,237,956,472.37 26,309,287.00 242,353,634.55 3,204,864,404.92 Plus: Correction of accounting policies Correction of previous errors Others II. Beginning balance of this year 1,698,245,011.00 1,237,956,472.37 26,309,287.00 242,353,634.55 3,204,864,404.92 III. Amount increased or decreased of current period (decrease represented with ―-‖) -154,165,043.45 -154,165,043.45 (I)Total amount of composite benefits -52,270,342.79 -52,270,342.79 (II)Capital input and decreased by owners 1. Common stock input by shareholders 2. Capital input by holders of other equity instruments 3. Amount of share-based payment recorded in owner‘s equity 4. Others (III)Profit distribution -101,894,700.66 -101,894,700.66 1. Surplus reserve withdrawn 2. Distribution to owners (or shareholders) -101,894,700.66 -101,894,700.66 3. Others (IV)Internal carry-forward of owner‘s equity 1. Capital reserve converted to increase capital (or capital stock) 2. Surplus reserve converted to increase capital (or capital stock) Page 23 of Financial Statement Items Amount of current period Other equity instruments Less: Other Special Undistributed Capital Stock Preferred Perpetual Capital Reserve Treasury composite Surplus Reserve Total owner‘s equity Others reserve Profit stock bond stock benefits 3. Surplus reserve used to cover losses 4. Others (V)Special reserve 1. Withdrawn in current period 2. Used in current period (VI)Others IV. Ending balance of current period 1,698,245,011.00 1,237,956,472.37 26,309,287.00 88,188,591.10 3,050,699,361.47 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 24 of Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity (cont.) Year 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) Amount of last period Other equity instruments Less: Other Items Special Undistributed Capital Stock Preferred Perpetual Capital Reserve Treasury composite Surplus Reserve Total owner‘s equity Others reserve Profit stock bond stock benefits I. Closing balance of the prior period 446,906,582.00 2,489,294,901.37 26,309,287.00 257,161,771.72 3,219,672,542.09 Plus: Correction of accounting policies Correction of previous errors Others II. Beginning balance of this year 446,906,582.00 2,489,294,901.37 26,309,287.00 257,161,771.72 3,219,672,542.09 III. Amount increased or decreased of current period (decrease represented with ―-‖) 1,251,338,429.00 -1,251,338,429.00 -14,808,137.17 -14,808,137.17 (I)Total amount of composite benefits -14,808,137.17 -14,808,137.17 (II)Capital input and decreased by owners 1,251,338,429.00 1,251,338,429.00 1. Common stock input by shareholders 1,251,338,429.00 1,251,338,429.00 2. Capital input by holders of other equity instruments 3. Amount of share-based payment recorded in owner‘s equity 4. Others (III)Profit distribution 1. Surplus reserve withdrawn 2. Distribution to owners (or shareholders) 3. Others (IV)Internal carry-forward of owner‘s equity -1,251,338,429.00 -1,251,338,429.00 1. Capital reserve converted to increase capital (or capital stock) -1,251,338,429.00 -1,251,338,429.00 Page 25 of Financial Statement Amount of last period Other equity instruments Less: Other Items Special Undistributed Capital Stock Preferred Perpetual Capital Reserve Treasury composite Surplus Reserve Total owner‘s equity Others reserve Profit stock bond stock benefits 2. Surplus reserve converted to increase capital (or capital stock) 3. Surplus reserve used to cover losses 4. Others (V)Special reserve 1. Withdrawn in current period 2. Used in current period (VI)Others IV. Ending balance of current period 1,698,245,011.00 1,237,956,472.37 26,309,287.00 242,353,634.55 3,204,864,404.92 The attached notes to the financial statements are integral part of the financial statements. Enterprise Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Person-in-charge of the accounting agency: Page 26 of Financial Statement Notes to Financial Statement Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Notes to Financial Statements 2017 (All amounts expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated) I. Basic Information of the Company (I) Company Profile Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company‖ or the "Company‖) is a limited liability company restructured by Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Printing Co., Ltd. and altered its name to Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. upon the approval of the People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality on November 19, 1991. The Company’s enterprise uniform social credit code: 91440300618801483A. It was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1992. The industries involved are the architectural decoration industry and other construction industries. As of December 31, 2017, the Company has issued capital stock of RMB 169,824,500 shares in total with the registered capital of RMB 169,824,500; the registration address is located at No. 26, Kuipeng Road, Baishigang, Kuichong Subdistrict, Dapeng New District, Shenzhen City and the headquarter address is: Sino Great Wall Tower, No. 3, Jinxiu Road, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area . The operating activities of the Company include: production and operation of textile goods and the needed raw materials, accessories, mechanical equipment, clothes of various face fabrics and provision of relevant services (excluding those products managed by the current license, performing as per the license if there is one). 70% of the products are for export. A branch has set up in Shanghai. Supplemented operating activities: engaging in businesses of quota-free license management, acquisition and export of non-monopolized commodity. The actual controller of the Company is Chen Lve. The financial statements have been reported on April 23, 2018 after the approval of all directors (board of directors) of the Company. (II) Scope of consolidated financial statements As of December 31, 2017, the subsidiaries within the scope of the Company‘s consolidated financial statements were as shown below: Note to financial statement Page 1 Notes to Financial Statement Invested units Changzhi Shenzhou Laodingshan Industrial Co., Ltd. Xiangfen County Taoshan Construction Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall (Xihua) Economic Development Zone Investment Co., Ltd. Liupanshui Central People‘s Hospital Investment Co., Ltd. Sino Zhigu Industrial (Yueyang) Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Guangxia (Wuhan) Medical Development Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC Sino Great Wall Medical Investment Management Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. Fujian Sino Great Wall Mingyihui Medical Investment Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Medical Investment (Hubei) Co., Ltd. Hubei Yuanyaotong Supply Chain Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Medical Management (Inner Mongolia) Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Health Management (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall New Energy (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Bozhou Guangcheng New Energy LLC Bozhou Zhaosheng Agricultural Technology LLC Bozhou Xieying Solar Power Generation LLC Wu‘an Juhe Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd. Qian‘an Shenzhou Solar Power Generation Co., Ltd. Shanghai Lingrui International Trading Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Hongtulve Industrial Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Herabenna Interior Design Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Southwest Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Southwest Commercial and Trading Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Consultation Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Decoration and Design Co., Ltd. Suzhou Lvbang Wood Industry Technology Co., Ltd. Huichang County Zhongcheng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Zhihui Housing Property (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd. Great Wall Biaodian Energy Co., Ltd. Kunming Sino Forest Industry Development Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Development (Hengqin) Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Construction Construction Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Real Estate (Hubei) Co., Ltd. SGW America LLC Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited Far Eastern International Engineering Company, LLC Sino Great Wall (Philippines) International Corporation Sino Wai Man International Engineering Limited Note to financial statement Page 2 Notes to Financial Statement Sino Great Wall (HK) Property Co., Limited SGW HP Engineering Construction SDN.BHD SGW VENTURES SDN.BHD. SGW CONSTRUCTION (LANGKAWI) SDN.BHD. Alor Vista Development Sdn Bhd SINO GREAT WALL GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING CO., LTD (Kuwait Branch) Shenzhou Changcheng (Lao) Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Group (UK) Co., Limited Sino Great Wall International Engineering (MM) Co., Ltd. Maldives Branch of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. Inrich Me Engineering Co., Ltd. SINO GREAT WALL INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING (MACAU) CO., LIMITED Sino Great Wall International Engineering (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall International Engineering (CNMI) Co., LLC. SINO GREAT WALL (USA).INC PT.SINO GREAT WALL INVESTMENT INDONESIA PT.SINO GREAT WALL CONSTRUCTION INDONESIA For the range of this consolidated financial statement and its change information, see details in Note VI. Change of consolidation range and Note VII. Rights and interests in other subjects. II. Basis for Preparation of Financial Statements (I) Basis of Preparation The Company has prepared financial statements based on sustained operation as basis, according to the transactions and matters having occurred actually, and in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises – Basic Rules, various detailed accounting rules, Guidelines for Application of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other relevant regulations issued by the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter jointly referred to as ―Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises‖), as well as the disclosure provisions of the Preparation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.15 – General Provisions on Financial Report issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. (II) Sustained Operation Note to financial statement Page 3 Notes to Financial Statement The Company had the ability of sustained operation within 12 months since the end of the reporting period, and did not have significant matters affecting its sustained operation. III Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (I) Statement on Observing Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises The financial statements prepared by the Company meet the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and reflect the Company‘s relevant information like financial standing, operating results, cash flow, etc. in the reporting period authentically and completely. (II) Fiscal Period From Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 in the Gregorian calendar is one fiscal year. (III) Business Cycle The Company‘s business cycle is 12 months. (IV) Recording Currency The Company adopts RMB as recording currency. (V) Method for Accounting Treatment of Business Combination under and Not under the Same Control Business combination under the same control: The assets and liabilities obtained by the Company from business combination are measured as per the book value of the combined party‘s assets and liabilities (including the goodwill formed from the final controller‘s acquisition of the combined party) on the date of combination in the final controller‘s consolidated financial statements. For the balance between the book value of net assets obtained from the combination and the book value of combination consideration paid (or the total book value of shares issued), the capital stock premium in capital reserve will be adjusted; and if the capital stock premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to write down, the retained earnings will be adjusted. Business combination not under the same control: The assets paid as consideration for business combination and the liabilities incurred or undertaken by the Company on the date of purchasing will be measured as per fair value, and the balance between the fair Note to financial statement Page 4 Notes to Financial Statement value and its book value will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. The Company confirms the balance that the ―combination cost‖ is bigger than ―the fair value shares of the purchased party‘s distinguishable net assets obtained from the combination‖ as goodwill; and records after checking the balance that the ―combination cost‖ is smaller than ―the fair value shares of the purchased party‘s distinguishable net assets obtained from the combination‖ in the gain or loss of the current period. The intermediary expenses incurred for business combination, like audit, legal service, appraisal and consulting, etc., and other directly related expenses will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period when incurred; the transaction expenses of equity securities issued for business combination will be used to write down the equity. (VI) Method for Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements 1. Consolidation Scope The consolidation scope of the Company‘s consolidated financial statements is determined based on control, and all subsidiaries (including the divisible parts of the invested parties controlled by the Company) are all incorporated into the consolidated financial statements. 2. Consolidation Procedures The Company prepares consolidated financial statements based on itself and each subsidiary‘s financial statements, and according to other relevant materials. For preparing consolidated financial statements, the Company deems the whole enterprise group as an accounting subject, and reflects the enterprise group‘s overall financial standing, operating results and cash flow according to the confirmation, measuring and presentation requirements of relevant enterprise accounting standards, and according to uniform accounting policies. The accounting policies and accounting period of all the subsidiaries incorporated into the consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements are consistent with those adopted by the Company. If the accounting policies and accounting period adopted by the subsidiaries are inconsistent with those adopted by the Company, then when consolidated financial statements are prepared, necessary adjustments will be made according to the Company‘s accounting policies and accounting period. For the subsidiaries obtained through business combination not Note to financial statement Page 5 Notes to Financial Statement under the same control, their financial statements will be adjusted based on the fair value of distinguishable net assets on the date of purchasing. For subsidiaries obtained through business combination under the same control, their financial statements will be adjusted based on the book value of their assets and liabilities (including the goodwill formed from the final controller‘s acquisition of the subsidiaries) in the final controller‘s financial statements. The shares belonging to minor shareholders of subsidiaries‘ owners‘ equity, net gain or loss of current period, and composite benefits of current period will be listed independently under the owners' equity in consolidated balance sheet, the net profit and total composite benefit in consolidated profit statement respectively. The balance formed from that ―the loss of current period shared by subsidiaries‘ minor shareholders‖ exceeds ―the shares shared by the minor shareholders in the subsidiaries‘ owners‘ equity at the beginning of period‖ will be used to write down minor shareholders‘ equity. (1) Increase of subsidiaries or businesses In the reporting period, if subsidiaries or businesses are increased for business combination under the same control, the opening amount in the consolidated balance sheet will be adjusted; the income, expense, and profit of the subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of the very period of combination to the end of the reporting period will be incorporated into the consolidated profit statement; the cash flow of the subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of the very period of combination to the end of the reporting period will be incorporated into the consolidated cash flow statement, and meanwhile, relevant items in comparative statements will be adjusted, and the report subjects after combination will be deemed as having always existed from the time point when the final controller starts the control. If it‘s available to impose control on invested parties under the same control for reason of additional investment, etc., each party participating in the combination will be deemed to exist and make adjustments according to present state when the final controller starts the control. The equity investments held before obtaining the right to control the combined parties, relevant gain or loss already confirmed from ―the date when original equity is obtained and the date when the combining party and the combined party are under the same control, whichever is later‖ to the date Note to financial statement Page 6 Notes to Financial Statement of combination, other composite benefits, and the changes of other net assets will be used to write down the opening retained benefit of the period of comparative statement or the gain or loss of the current period respectively. In the reporting period, if subsidiaries or businesses are increased for business combination not under the same control, the opening amount of consolidated balance sheet will not be adjusted; the income, expense and profit of the subsidiaries or businesses from the date of purchasing to the end of reporting period will be incorporated into the profit statement respectively; and the cash flow of the subsidiaries or businesses from the date of purchasing to the end of reporting period will be incorporated into the cash flow statement. If it is available to impose control on the invested parties not under the same control for reason of additional investment, etc., then the purchased parties‘ stock equity held before the date of purchasing will be re-measured by the Company as per the fair value of the stock equity on the date of purchasing, and the balance between the fair value and its book value will be recorded in the investment yield of the current period. If the purchased parties‘ equity held before the date of purchasing involves other composite benefits under accounting with equity method, as well as changes of other owners‘ equity except for net gain or loss, other composite benefit and profit distribution, then relevant other composite benefit and changes of other owner‘s equity will be converted into the investment yield in the very period to which the date of purchasing belongs, excluding the other composite benefits arising from the changes of the net liabilities or net assets of benefit plan measured and set up over again by the invested parties. (2) Disposal of Subsidiaries or Businesses ① General Treatment Method In the reporting period, if the Company disposes some subsidiaries or businesses, then the income, expense and profit of such subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of the period to the date of disposal will be incorporated into the consolidated profit statement; the cash flow of the subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of period to the date of disposal will be incorporated into cash flow statement. If the Company loses the right to control invested parties for disposal of partial equity investments or other reasons, the remained equity investments after disposal Note to financial statement Page 7 Notes to Financial Statement will be re-measured by the Company as per their fair value on the date when the control right is lost. The balance of ―the sum of the consideration obtained from disposal of equity and the fair value of the remained stock equity‖ minus ―the sum of the net asset shares enjoyed in original subsidiaries and calculated continuously from the date of purchasing or date of combination according to original shareholding proportion and the goodwill‖ will be recorded in the investment yield of the very period when control right is lost. Other composite benefits related to original subsidiaries‘ equity investments, or the changes of other owners‘ equity except for other composite benefits and profit distribution, will be converted into the investment yield of the very period when the control right is lost, excluding the other composite benefits arising from the changes of the net liabilities or net assets of benefit plan measured and set up over again by the invested parties. In case of any declination on the shareholding proportion of the Company and herein losing the control rights over its subsidiary arising from the capital increase contributed by other investors, it shall conduct accounting treatment in the light of the aforesaid principles. ② Disposal of subsidiaries by steps If the Company disposes the equity investments in subsidiaries by steps through multiple transactions until losing the right to control the subsidiaries, and if the clauses, terms and economic influences of various transactions for disposing the equity investments in the subsidiaries meet one or several of the following circumstances, such multiple transactions will generally be subject to accounting treatment as package transaction: ⅰ. These transactions are concluded simultaneously or in condition of considering mutual influences; ⅱ. Only the entirety of these transactions could achieve a complete business result; ⅲ. The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one of the other transactions; ⅳ. A transaction is not economical independently, but economical if considered together with other transactions. If various transactions of disposing the equity investments in subsidiaries until losing the control right belong to package transaction, the Company will execute Note to financial statement Page 8 Notes to Financial Statement accounting treatment of various transactions as a transaction of disposing subsidiaries until losing control right; but the balance between the price of every disposal before losing control right and the subsidiaries‘ net asset shares enjoyed and corresponding to the investments disposed will be confirmed as other composite benefits in the consolidated financial statements, and transferred into the gain or loss of the very period when the control right is lost. If various transactions of disposing the equity investments in subsidiaries until losing the control right do not belong to package transaction, then before losing control right, the Company will execute accounting treatment according to relevant policies about partial disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries in condition of not losing control right; if control right is lost, the accounting treatment will be carried out according to general method for treatment of subsidiaries. (3) Purchasing of subsidiaries‘ minor stock equity For the balance between ―the long-term equity investments newly obtained from purchasing of minor stock equity‖ and ―the net asset shares to be enjoyed in the subsidiaries according to newly increased shareholding proportion and calculated continuously from the date of purchasing (or the date of combination)‖, the capital stock premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet will be adjusted; if the capital stock premium in the capital reserve is not sufficient to write down, the retained benefit will be adjusted. (4) Disposal of partial equity investments in subsidiary companies in condition of not losing control right For the balance between ―the disposal price obtained from disposal of partial long-term equity investments in subsidiaries in condition of not losing control right‖ and ―the net asset shares to be enjoyed in the subsidiaries, corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investments, and calculated continuously from the date of purchasing or the date of combination‖, the capital stock premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet will be adjusted; if the capital stock premium in the capital reserve is not sufficient to write down, the retained benefit will be adjusted. (VII) Standard for Determination of Cash and Cash Equivalents Note to financial statement Page 9 Notes to Financial Statement When compiling the cash flow statement, the Company's cash on hand and the deposit, which can be used to make payment at any time, should be confirmed as the cash. The investment, having four features of short duration (expired within three months from the acquisition date), strong mobility, being easy to be changed into known cash, low value change risk at the same time, should be confirmed as the cash equivalent. (VIII) Foreign Businesses and Conversion of Foreign-Currency Statements 1. Foreign-Currency Businesses Foreign-currency businesses are converted into RMB for book-keeping with the approximate exchange rate of the spot exchange rate on transaction date as the exchange rate for conversion. The balance of foreign-currency monetary items on the date of balance sheet will be converted with the spot exchange rate on the date of balance sheet, and the balance of exchange arising from hereof will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period, except for that the balance of exchange arising from special foreign-currency loan related to the purchasing and construction of assets meeting capitalization conditions is treated in line with the principle for capitalization of borrowing costs. 2. Conversion of Foreign-Currency Statements The asset and liability items in the balance sheet will be converted with the spot exchange rate on the date of balance sheet; for the owner‘s equity, except for ―undistributed profit‖, all the other items will be converted with the spot exchange rate when they are incurred. The revenue item and the expense item in the Profit Statement are converted with the approximate exchange rate of the spot exchange rate on transaction date. For disposal of foreign business operation, the balance from conversion of foreign-currency financial statements related to such foreign operation shall be transferred from owner‘s equity to the gain or loss of the very period of disposal. (IX) Financial Instruments Financial instruments include financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments. 1. Classification of Financial Instruments Note to financial statement Page 10 Notes to Financial Statement When initially confirmed, financial assets and financial liabilities are classified into: Financial assets or financial liabilities measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of current period, including tradable financial assets or financial liabilities, and financial assets or financial liabilities directly specified to measure with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of the current period; held-to-maturity investments; accounts receivable; available-for-sale financial assets; and other financial liabilities, etc. 2. Confirmation Basis and Measuring Method of Financial Instruments (1) Financial assets (financial liabilities) measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of current period When they are obtained, fair value (after deduction of cash dividends already declared but not paid yet, or bond interests with interest payment period expired but having not been acquired) will be taken as initial confirmed amount, and relevant transaction expenses will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. During the holding period, the interests or cash dividends obtained will be confirmed as investment yield, and at the end of period, the change of fair value will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. During disposal, the balance between the fair value and initial amount entered into account will be confirmed as investment yield, and meanwhile, the gain or loss on change of fair value will be adjusted. (2) Held-to-maturity investments When they are obtained, the sum of fair value (after deduction of bond interests with interest payment period expired but having not been acquired) and relevant transaction expanses will be taken as initial confirmed amount. During the holding period, interest income will be calculated and confirmed as per amortized cost and actual interest rate, and recorded in investment yield. The actual interest rate will be determined when being obtained, and maintained unchanged during the predicted survival period or applicable shorter period. During disposal, the balance between the acquisition price and the book value of such investment will be recorded in investment yield. Note to financial statement Page 11 Notes to Financial Statement (3) Accounts receivable For the creditor‘s rights receivable formed from the Company‘s sale of goods or rendering of labor services, and the other enterprises‘ creditor‘s rights held by the Company and excluding the debt instruments having an offer in active market, including accounts receivable and other accounts receivable, etc., the contract or agreement price receivable from purchasers will be taken as the initially confirmed amount; if the receivables have financing nature, they will be initially confirmed as per their present value. In case of recovery or disposal, the balance between the acquisition price and the book value of accounts receivable will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. (4) Available-for-Sale Financial Assets When they are acquired, the sum of fair value (after deduction of cash dividends already declared but not paid yet, or bond interests with interest payment period expired but having not been acquired) and relevant transaction expenses will be taken as initially confirmed amount. During the holding period, the interests or cash dividends obtained will be confirmed as investment yield. At the end of period, they will be measured as per fair value, and the change of fair value will be recorded in other composite benefit. However, the equity instrument investments which have no offer in active market and of which the fair value cannot be reliably measured, and the derived financial assets which are linked with the equity instruments and settled through delivery of the equity instruments will be measured as per cost. During disposal, the balance between the acquisition price and the book value of financial assets will be recorded in the gain or loss of investment; meanwhile, the amount of corresponding disposal part and originally recorded in the accumulative amount of change in the fair value of other composite benefit directly will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. (5) Other financial liabilities The sum of their fair value and relevant transaction expenses will be taken as initially confirmed amount. The amortized cost will be adopted for follow-up measurement. Note to financial statement Page 12 Notes to Financial Statement 3. Confirmation Basis and Measurement Method of Financial Assets Transferred If the Company transfers financial assets, and transfers nearly all risks and rewards on the ownership of such financial assets to the transfer-in party, the Company will terminate the confirmation of the financial assets; if the Company reserves nearly all risks and rewards on the ownership of the financial assets, the Company will not terminate the confirmation of such financial assets. When judging whether the transfer of financial assets meets the above-mentioned conditions for terminating the confirmation of financial assets, the Company will follow the ―Substance Over Form‖ principle. The Company distinguishes the transfer of financial assets into overall transfer and partial transfer of financial assets. If the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for termination of confirmation, the balance of the following two amounts will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period: (1) The book value of the financial assets transferred; (2) The sum of the consideration received for the transfer and the accumulative amount of change in the fair value originally recorded in the owner‘s equity directly (involving the circumstance that the financial assets transferred are available-for-sale financial assets); If partial transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for termination of confirmation, the overall book value of the financial assets transferred will be amortized between the confirmation-terminated part and non-confirmation-terminated part as per respective relative fair value, and the balance of the following two amounts will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period: (1) The book value of the confirmation-terminated part; (2) The consideration for the confirmation-terminated part and the amount of corresponding confirmation-terminated part in the accumulative amount of change in the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equity directly (involving the circumstance that the financial assets transferred are available-for-sale financial assets); If the transfer of financial assets does not meet the conditions for termination of Note to financial statement Page 13 Notes to Financial Statement confirmation, the financial assets will be confirmed continuously, and the consideration received will be confirmed as a financial liability. 4. Conditions for Terminating the Confirmation of Financial Liabilities If the current obligation of financial liabilities is rescinded completely or partially, the confirmation of such financial liabilities or part of them will be terminated; if the Company signs an agreement with creditors to replace the existing financial liabilities by means of undertaking new financial liabilities, and the contract clauses for new financial liabilities are substantially different from the contract clauses for existing financial liabilities, the confirmation of the existing financial liabilities will be terminated, and new financial liabilities will be confirmed at the same time. If all or partial contract clauses for existing financial liabilities are amended substantially, the confirmation of the existing financial liabilities or part of them will be terminated, and meanwhile, the financial liabilities after amendment of clauses will be confirmed as a new financial liability. If the confirmation of financial liabilities is terminated completely or partially, the balance between the book value of the financial liabilities of which the confirmation is terminated and the consideration paid (including non-cash assets transferred out or the new financial liabilities undertaken) will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. If the Company buys back partial financial liabilities, then on the date of buyback, the Company will distribute the overall book value of the financial assets according to the relative fair value of the part confirmed continuously and the confirmation-terminated part. The balance between the book value distributed to the confirmation and the consideration paid (including non-cash assets transferred out or the new financial liabilities undertaken) will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. 5. Method for Determining the Fair Value of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities For financial instruments having an active market, their fair value will be determined as per the offer in the active market. For financial instruments not Note to financial statement Page 14 Notes to Financial Statement having an active market, their value will be determined by estimation technique. In case of estimation, the Company will adopt estimation techniques which are applicable under present circumstances and supported by sufficient available data and other information, select input values consistent with the asset or liability characteristics considered by market participants in the transactions of relevant assets or liabilities, and preferentially use relevant observable input values. Non-observable input values will be used only under the circumstance that relevant observable input values cannot be obtained or such values obtained are not practicable. 6. Method for Testing and Accounting Treatment of Depreciation of Financial Assets (Excluding Accounts Receivable) Except for the financial assets measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of the current period, the Company checks the book value of financial assets on the date of balance sheet. If some objective evidence proves that some financial asset depreciates, the Company will withdraw depreciation reserve for this financial asset. (1) Depreciation reserve of available-for-sale financial assets: If the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets drops severely at the end of period, or such trend of drop is predicted to be non-temporary after comprehensively considering various relevant factors, the Company will confirm that the available-for-sale financial assets depreciate, will transfer out the accumulative losses arising from the drop of fair value originally recorded in the owner‘s equity directly, and confirm the impairment loss. For available-for-sale debt instruments with impairment loss confirmed, if in a later fiscal period, the fair value rises and the rise is objectively related to the matters occurring after confirmation of original impairment loss, then the originally confirmed impairment loss will be transferred back and recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. The impairment loss on available-for-sale equity instrument investments will not be transferred back through gain or loss. (2) Impairment reserve for held-to-maturity investments The measurement of impairment loss for held-to-maturity investments will be Note to financial statement Page 15 Notes to Financial Statement treated according to the method for measurement of impairment loss of accounts receivable. (X) Bad Debt Reserves for Accounts Receivable 1. Accounts Receivable with Significant Single Amount and Having Bad Debt Reserve Withdrawn Independently: Judgment basis or amount standard of significant single amount: The Company recognizes accounts receivable for a single project with the balance more than RMB 10 million (inclusive) and other accounts receivable from a single relevant unit with the balance more than RMB 2 million (inclusive) as accounts receivable with significant single amount. Method for withdrawal of bad debt reserve with significant single amount and withdrawn independently: On the date of balance sheet, the Company will carry out impairment test independently for accounts receivable with significant single amount. If such accounts receivable are proved impairing through the test, the Company will determine the impairment loss and withdraw bad debt reserve according to the balance that the present value of its future cash flow is lower than its book value. The accounts receivable not impairing as proved in single test, will, together with the accounts receivable with insignificant single amount, be divided into many portfolios according to similar credit risk characteristics. Then according to certain proportion of the balance on the date of balance sheet of the portfolios of these accounts receivable, the Company will calculate and determine impairment loss and withdraw bad debt reserve. 2. Accounts Receivable with Bad Debt Reserve Withdrawn as per the Portfolios Classified Based on Credit Risk Characteristics: (1) Recognition basis for credit risk portfolio The Company classifies the accounts receivable without significant single amount and those with significant single amount that are not impaired according to separate test into groups in accordance with the similarity and relevance of credit risk characteristics. Bad debt reserves shall be withdrawn in a certain rate of the balance of these accounts Note to financial statement Page 16 Notes to Financial Statement receivable portfolios. Based on the actual loss ratio of the previous year's same or similar portfolio of accounts receivable, combined with the current situation, the rate for withdrawing the bad debt reserves for each portfolio of the current period shall be confirmed, according to which the bad debt reserves to be withdrawn for the current period are calculated. (2) Method for withdrawing bad debt reserves according to the credit risk feature portfolio Method for withdrawing bad debt reserves according to the credit risk feature portfolio Account aging portfolio Account age analysis method Combination of affiliated parties within the range of consolidation No calculation of bad debt reserves Those with bad debt reserve withdrawn by means of account analysis in the portfolios: Withdrawal rate of accounts Withdrawal rate of other Account age receivable (%) receivables (%) Within 1 year 5 5 1-2 years 10 10 2-3 years 30 30 3-4 years 50 50 4-5 years 80 80 More than 5 years 100 100 3. Accounts Receivable with Insignificant Single Amount but Having Bad Debt Reserve Withdrawn Separately: Reasons for independent withdrawal of bad debt reserve On the date of balance sheet, for the other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount and having obvious sign of impairment, the Company will determine impairment loss and withdraw bad debt reserve according to the balance that the present value of their future cash flow is lower than their book value. Method for withdrawal of bad debt reserve On the date of balance sheet, the Company will execute impairment test of the accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but having bad debt reserve withdrawn separately. If such accounts receivable are proved impairing during the test, the Company will determine impairment loss and withdraw bad debt reserve according to the balance that the present value of their future cash flow is lower Note to financial statement Page 17 Notes to Financial Statement than their book value; (XI) Inventories 1. Classification of Inventories The stock is divided into: raw materials, engineering construction, merchandise inventory, work-in-process, low value consumables, etc. 2. Method for Pricing of Inventories Delivered During the delivery of inventory, it is priced in terms of the method of weighted mean. 3. Basis for Determining the Net Realizable Value of Different Types of Inventories For commodity stocks directly for sale, such as finished products, merchandise inventory, and materials for sale, etc., their net realizable value is confirmed during normal production and operation as per the amount after deduction of estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes from the estimated sales price of such inventories; for material stocks needing processing, their net realizable value will be determined during normal production and operation as per the amount after deduction of costs estimated to incur until completion of work, estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes from the estimated sales price of finished products; for the inventories held for executing sales contract or labor service contract, their net realizable value will be calculated on the basis of contract price. If the quantity of inventories held is more than the quantity ordered under sales contract, the net realizable value of the excessive inventory will be calculated based on general sales price. At the end of period, inventory depreciation reserve is withdrawn as per single inventory item; however, for plentiful inventories of relatively low unit price, inventory depreciation reserve will be withdrawn by the type of inventory; for inventories related to the product series produced and sold in a same region, having the same or similar final use or objective, and difficult to measure by separating from other items, inventory depreciation reserve will be withdrawn in a consolidated way. Except for that some conclusive evidence proves abnormality of market price on Note to financial statement Page 18 Notes to Financial Statement the date of balance sheet, the net realizable value of inventory items will be determined based on the market price on the date of balance sheet. The net realizable value of inventory items at the end of this period will be determined based on the market price on the date of balance sheet. 4. Inventory Taking System Perpetual inventory taking system is adopted. 5. Method for Amortization of Low-Value Easily-Consumed Articles and Packing (1) One-off writing-off method is adopted for low-value easily-consumed articles; (2) One-off writing-off method is adopted for packing. (XII) Assets held for sale The Company classifies the non-current assets or disposal group meeting the following conditions as assets held for sale: (1) Based on the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, they can be sold immediately under current conditions; (2) The sale is very likely to happen, that is, the Company has already made a resolution on a sales plan and obtained an assuring purchase commitment and it is expected that the sale will be completed within one year. Where regulations require the approval of relevant power organ or regulatory department of the Company before they can be sold, the approval has been obtained. (XIII) Long-term Equity Investments 1. Standards for Judgment of Common Control and Significant Influences Common control indicates the jointly-owned control on some arrangement as per relevant provisions, and relevant activities of such arrangement must be unanimously agreed by the participants sharing the control right before being decided. If the Company and other joint ventures impose common control on invested units and have the right to the invested units‘ net assets, the invested units will be the Company‘s joint ventures. Significant influences indicate having the right to participate in making decisions Note to financial statement Page 19 Notes to Financial Statement on an enterprise‘s financial affairs and business operation, but could not control or jointly control together with other parties the making of these policies. If the Company could impose significant influences on invested units, the invested units will be the Company‘s jointly 2. Determination of Initial Investment Cost (1) Long-term Equity Investments Formed from Business Combination Business combination under the same control: If the Company pays combination consideration by paying cash, transferring non-cash assets or undertaking debts and issuing equity securities, the Company will take the book value shares of the combined party‘s owners‘ equity obtained on the date of combination in the final controller‘s consolidated financial statements as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments. If the Company could impose control on invested units under the same control for reason of additional investment, etc., the Company will confirm on the date of combination the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments as per the book value shares of the combined party‘s net assets to be enjoyed in the final controller‘s consolidated financial statements after combination. For the balance between ―the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments on the date of combination‖ and ―the sum of the book value of long-term equity investments before combination and the book value of newly paid consideration for further obtaining shares on the date of combination‖, the Company will adjust the capital stock premium; and if the capital stock premium is not enough to write down, the Company will write down the retained benefits. Business combination not under the same control: The Company takes the combination cost determined on the date of purchasing as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments. If the Company could impose control on invested units not under the same control for reason of additional investment, etc., the Company will take the sum of the book value of originally held equity investments and the newly increased investment cost as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments which are subject to accounting with cost method instead. (2) Long-term Equity Investments Obtained by Other Means For long-term equity investments obtained by means of payment in cash, the Note to financial statement Page 20 Notes to Financial Statement purchasing price actually paid will be taken as initial investment cost. For long-term equity investments obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of the equity securities issued will be taken as initial investment cost. In the precondition that non-monetary asset exchange has business nature, and the fair value of exchanged-in or exchanged-out assets could be measured reliably, the fair value of exchanged-out assets and relevant expenses payable will be determined as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investments obtained from non-monetary assets exchange, unless some conclusive evidence proves that the fair value of exchanged-in assets is more reliable; for non-monetary assets exchange not meeting the above-mentioned precondition, the book value of exchanged-out assets and relevant taxes payable shall be taken as the initial investment cost of exchanged-in long-term equity investments. For long-term equity investments obtained through debt reorganization, their initial investment cost will be determined based on fair value. 3. Follow-up Measurement and Gain or Loss Confirmation Method (1) Long-term Equity Investments Subject to Accounting with Cost Method The Company adopts cost method for accounting of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries. Except for the cash dividends or profits included in the price or consideration actually paid when investments are obtained, and already announced but not paid, the Company confirms the investment yield of the very period according to the cash dividends or profits enjoyed by the Company and declared to grant by invested units. (2) Long-term Equity Investments Subject to Accounting with Equity Method The Company adopts equity method for accounting of long-term equity investments in jointly-run enterprises and joint ventures. For the balance that the initial investment cost is bigger than the fair value shares of invested units‘ distinguished net assets which shall be enjoyed by the Company, the Company will not adjust the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments; for the balance that the initial investment cost is smaller than the fair value shares of invested units‘ distinguished net assets which shall be enjoyed by the Company, the Company will adjust the book value of long-term equity investments and record it in owner‘s equity. When confirming the shares of invested units‘ net gain or loss to be enjoyed, the Note to financial statement Page 21 Notes to Financial Statement Company will adjust and confirm the invested units‘ net profit based on the fair value of the invested units‘ distinguishable net assets when investments are obtained, and according to the Company‘s accounting policies and fiscal period. If the invested units prepare consolidated financial statements during the holding of investments, the accounting will be conducted based on the amount attributing to the invested units in the net profit in the consolidated financial statements, other composite benefits, and changes of other owner‘s equity. For the gain or loss on the non-realized internal transactions between the Company and jointly-run enterprises/ joint ventures, the part attributing to the Company will be calculated as per the proportion to be enjoyed, will be written down, and on this basis, the investment yield will be confirmed. The gain or loss on non-realized internal transactions done with invested units will be fully confirmed if belonging to asset impairment loss. During the period of holding investment, as for the invested entity preparing consolidated financial statements, carry out accounting based on the invested entity‘s attributable amount of the net profit, other comprehensive income and other changes in equity in the consolidated financial statements. The unrealized gains or losses on internal transaction occurring among the company, associates and joint ventures will confirm the investment income on the basis of offsetting the company‘s attributable part calculated according to the entitlement proportion. The unrealized losses on internal transaction occurring in the invested entity belonging to assets impairment loss will be confirmed in full amount. If the assets of investment or asset-sale transactions occurring among the company, associates and joint ventures constitute the business, the accounting treatment shall be carried out according to the related policies disclosed in ―III. (V) Method for Accounting Treatment of Business Combination under and Not under the Same Control‖ and ―III. (VI) Method for Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements‖. When the Company determines to share the losses of the invested entity, it will be treated in the order as follows: firstly, the book value of long-term equity investments will be offset. Secondly, if the book value of the long-term equity investment is not sufficient to be offset, the recognition of losses of the investment will be continued to the extent of the book value of other long-term rights and Note to financial statement Page 22 Notes to Financial Statement interests which substantially form the net investment made to the invested entity, and the book value of long-term accounts receivable will be offset. Finally, after the above-mentioned treatment, if the Company still undertakes extra obligations according to the provisions of investment contract or agreement, the Company will confirm accrued liabilities with obligations predicted to undertake, and record them in the investment loss of the current period. (3) Disposal of Long-Term Equity Investments For disposal of long-term equity investments, the balance between their book value and actual acquisition price will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. For long-term equity investments with equity method adopted for accounting, when such investments are disposed, the part originally recorded in other composite benefits will be subject to accounting treatment according to corresponding proportion and on the same basis adopted by invested units to directly dispose relevant assets or liabilities. The owner‘s equity confirmed for change of other owner‘s equity except for net gain or loss, other composite benefit and profit distribution of invested units will be carried forward into the gain or loss of the current period, excluding the other composite benefits arising from the change of net liabilities or net assets of invested units‘ new measurement and setting of benefit plan. If the Company loses common control or significant influences on invested units for reason of disposal of partial equity investments, etc., the remained equity after disposal will be subject to accounting according to the standards for the confirmation and measurement of financial instruments, and the balance between the fair value and book value of such remained equity investments on the date when the Company losing common control or significant influences will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. Other composite benefits confirmed for accounting with equity method of original equity investments will be subject to accounting treatment with the same basis adopted by invested units to directly dispose relevant assets or liabilities when the accounting with equity method is terminated. The owner‘s equity confirmed for change of other owner‘s equity except for invested parties‘ net gain or loss, other composite benefit and profit distribution will be totally transferred in the gain or loss of the current period Note to financial statement Page 23 Notes to Financial Statement when the accounting with equity method is terminated. In case the control right on the invested unit is deprived due to disposal of part of equity investment, increase of investment by other investment parties on subsidiaries causing decrease of holding proportion of the company, when preparing certain financial statement, the residual equity shall be checked by equity method if having common control or major effect on invested unit, and adjusted as the residual equity is checked by the equity method from being obtained; If the remaining equity cannot exert joint control or significant influence on the invested unit, it shall take accounting treatment according to the relevant provisions of financial tools and measurement rules, and the difference between the fair value and book value on the date of losing control shall be included in the current profits and losses. If the equity disposed is obtained from business combination for reason of additional investment, and when individual financial statements are prepared, cost method or equity method is adopted for accounting of the remained equity after disposal, the other composite benefits and other owner‘s equity confirmed for accounting with equity method of the equity investments held before the date of purchasing will be carried forward by proportion; if the remained equity after disposal is subject to accounting treatment according to the standards for confirmation and measurement of financial instruments, the other composite benefits and other owner‘s equity will be carried forward completely. (XIV) Investment Real Estate Investment real estate indicate the real estate held for earning rent or capital increment, or for both, including the land use right already leased, the land use right held and prepared to transfer after increment, the buildings already leased (including the buildings used for leasing after completion of self-construction or development activities, and buildings in construction or development and to be used for leasing in future). The Company adopts cost mode to measure the existing investment real estates. For investment real estate measured with cost mode – the buildings used for leasing, the Company will adopt the depreciation policy which is the same for fixed assets, and for the land use right for leasing, the Company will adopt the amortization policy which is the same for intangible assets. Note to financial statement Page 24 Notes to Financial Statement (XV) Fixed assets 1. Fixed asset recognition conditions Fixed assets indicate the tangible assets held for producing goods, rendering labor services, leasing or operation management, and having a service life of more than one fiscal year. No fixed asset may be recognized unless it simultaneously meets the conditions as follows: (1) The economic benefits pertinent to the fixed asset are likely to flow into the enterprise; (2) The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably. 2. Depreciation method The depreciation of fixed assets is made by employing the straight-line method, and the depreciation rate is determined in accordance with the category of fixed assets, estimated service life and estimated net salvage value rate. If the fixed assets have different service life or offer economic benefits to the enterprise in different ways, different rate or method of depreciation shall be adopted for separate depreciation. For a fixed asset leased in the form of finance lease, if it is reasonable to be certain that the ownership of the leased asset can be obtained when the lease term expires, the depreciation of the leased asset will be made over its useful life; if it is not reasonable to be certain that the ownership of the leased asset can be obtained at the expiry of the lease term, the depreciation of the leased asset will be made over the shorter one of the lease term or its useful life. The depreciation method, depreciation life, salvage value rate and annual depreciation rate of various fixed assets are as follows: Depreciation Salvage Annual depreciation Type Depreciation method life (Year) rate (%) rate (%) Houses and buildings Straight-line method 20 5.00 4.75 Mechanical equipment Straight-line method 10 5.00 9.50 Transportation equipment Straight-line method 7 5.00 13.57 Electronic equipment and other Straight-line method 3-5 5.00 19.00-31.67 equipment 3. Recognition basis and valuation method for fixed assets under financing lease Where the leasing agreement signed between company and the lessor specifies Note to financial statement Page 25 Notes to Financial Statement either of the conditions as follows, the lease will be recognized as a finance lease: (1) The ownership of the leasing asset belongs to this company at the expiration of the lease; (2) Company has the option to buy the asset at a price to be far lower than the fair value of the asset at the date when the option becomes exercisable; (3) The lease term covers the major part of the use life of the leased asset; (4) The present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date does not have too large differences with the fair value of the asset. On the starting date of the Company‘s leasing, the fair value of leased assets and the present value of the minimum rent payment, whichever is lower, will be taken as the entry value of leased-in assets, and the minimum rent payment will be taken as the entry value of long-term accounts payable, and the balance will be taken as non-confirmed financing cost. (XVI) Construction in Progress For construction in progress, the necessary expenditure incurred for making the constructed assets reach the predetermined usable state will be taken as the entry value of the fixed assets. If the constructed fixed assets have reached the predetermined usable state, but the completion settlement has not been handled, then since the date when such assets reach the predetermined usable state, the Company will transfer such assets into fixed assets as per estimated value and based on engineering budget, construction cost, or actual cost of engineering, etc., and will withdraw fixed asset depreciation according to the Company‘s policy for fixed asset depreciation; after handling of completion settlement, the Company will adjust original temporarily estimated value as per actual cost, but will not adjust originally withdrawn depreciation amount. (XVII) Borrowing Costs 1. Principle for Confirmation of Borrowing Cost Capitalization Borrowing costs include loan interest, discount or premium amortized, auxiliary expense, and exchange balance arising from foreign-currency loan, etc. The Company‘s borrowing costs, if available to directly attribute to the construction or production of assets meeting capitalization conditions, will be capitalized and recorded in the cost of relevant assets; and other borrowing costs Note to financial statement Page 26 Notes to Financial Statement will be confirmed as expenses and recorded in the gain or loss of current period as per their amount incurred when they are incurred. Assets meeting capitalization conditions indicate the fixed assets which need to experience quite a long term of construction or production activities before reaching the predetermined usable or salable state, as well as investment real estates and inventories, etc. Borrowing costs will be capitalized if simultaneously meeting the following conditions: (1) Asset expenditure has occurred, including the payment in cash for purchasing and construction or production of assets meeting capitalization conditions, transfer of non-cash assets, or undertaking of interest-bearing debts; (2) Borrowing costs have occurred; (3) The purchasing and construction or production activities necessary for making assets reach predetermined usable or salable state have started. 2. Period for capitalization of borrowing costs Capitalization period indicates the period of from the time point when capitalization of borrowing costs starts to the time point when capitalization stops, excluding the period when the capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended. If the assets purchased and constructed or produced and meeting capitalization conditions reach the predetermined usable or salable state, the capitalization of borrowing costs will stop. If some items of the assets purchased and constructed or produced and meeting capitalization conditions are completed separately and could be used independently, the capitalization of borrowing costs for such assets will stop. If each part of the assets purchased and constructed or produced is completed respectively, but cannot be used or sold until the whole assets are completed, the capitalization of borrowing costs may be stopped when the assets are totally completed. 3. Period for suspension of capitalization If the assets meeting capitalization conditions are broken abnormally during purchasing and construction or production process, and the suspension lasts for Note to financial statement Page 27 Notes to Financial Statement more than 3 months successively, the capitalization of borrowing costs will be suspended; if such suspension is a necessary procedure for making the assets purchased and constructed or produced and meeting capitalization conditions reach the predetermined usable state or salable state, the capitalization of borrowing costs will continue. The borrowing costs occurring during suspension period will be confirmed as gain or loss in the current period, and the capitalization of borrowing costs will continue after the construction and purchasing or production activities of such assets restart. 4. Method for calculation of borrowing costs capitalization rate and capitalized amount For the special loan obtained for purchasing and construction or production of assets meeting capitalization conditions, the capitalized amount of borrowing costs will be determined as per the amount after ―the borrowing costs actually incurred in the very period of special loan‖ minus ―the interest income obtained from bank deposit or the investment yield obtained from temporary investment of the non-used loan fund‖. For general loans occupied for purchasing and construction or production of assets meeting capitalization conditions, the borrowing costs amount to be capitalized of general loans shall be calculated and determined as per the ―weighted mean of asset expenditure that accumulative asset expenditure exceeds the special loan‖ multiplied by the capitalization rate of general loan. The capitalization rate is generally calculated and determined as per the weighted mean interest rate of general loan. (XVIII) Intangible assets 1. Pricing Method of Intangible Assets (1) The Company initially measures the intangible assets as per the cost when they are acquired. The cost of purchased intangible assets includes purchasing price, relevant taxes, and other expenditures directly for making the assets reach the predetermined use. If the price for purchasing intangible assets is delayed in payment by exceeding normal credit conditions, and the intangible assets have financing nature Note to financial statement Page 28 Notes to Financial Statement substantially, the cost of intangible assets will be determined based on the present value of purchasing price. As for the intangible assets obtained from debt reorganization and used by debtors for repaying debts, their entry value will be determined based on the fair value of such intangible assets, and the balance between the book value of reorganized debts and the fair value of the intangible assets used for repaying debts will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. In the precondition that non-monetary asset exchange has the essence of commerce, and the fair value of exchanged-in or exchanged-out assets could be measured reliably, the entry value of the intangible assets obtained from non-monetary asset exchange will be determined based on the fair value of exchanged-out assets, unless conclusive evidence proves that the fair value of exchanged-in assets is more reliable; for the non-monetary asset exchange not meeting the above-mentioned precondition, the book value of exchanged-out assets and relevant taxes payable will be taken as the cost of exchanged-in intangible assets, and the gain or loss won‘t be confirmed. (2) Follow-up Measurement The Company analyzes and judges the service life of intangible assets when obtaining them. Intangible assets with limited service life are amortized with straight-line method within the period when they bring about economic benefits for the enterprise; if it‘s impossible to predict the period when the intangible assets could bring about economic benefits to the enterprise, the intangible assets will be deemed to have uncertain service life, and won‘t be amortized. 2. Estimate on the service life of intangible assets with limited service life: Items Predicted service life Basis Land use right 50 years Land use right certificate Software 5 years Refer to the same industry At the end of every year, the Company checks the service life and amortization method of the intangible assets with limited service life. As checked, the service life and amortization method of intangible assets at the end of this year were not different from previous estimates. Note to financial statement Page 29 Notes to Financial Statement 3. Concrete Standard for Division of Research Stage and Development Stage The Company‘s expenditure for internal research and development projects is divided into the expenditure at research stage and expenditure at development stage. Research stage: The stage of unique and planned investigation and research activities conducted for obtaining and understanding new scientific or technological knowledge. Development stage: The stage of applying research findings or other knowledge to some plan or design, in order to produce new or substantially improved materials, devices and products, etc. before commercial production or use. 4. Concrete Conditions for Capitalization of Expenditure at Development Stage The expenditure at development stage of internal research and development projects will be confirmed as intangible assets when simultaneously meeting the following conditions: (1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets and make them available for use or sale; (2) The Company has the intent to complete, use or sell the intangible assets; (3) The way by which intangible assets produce economic benefit could prove the usability of such intangible assets, including proving that the products produced with such intangible assets have markets, or such intangible assets have markets, and intangible assets would be used internally; (4) The Company has sufficient technical, financial resources and other resources to support the completion of the development of such intangible assets, and the Company has the ability to use or sell such intangible assets. (5) The expenditure attributing to the development stage of such intangible assets could be measured reliably. (XIX) Long-term Asset Impairment If there is any sign of impairment in long-term equity investments, investment real estates measured by the cost model, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite service life and other long-term assets at the balance sheet date, an impairment test Note to financial statement Page 30 Notes to Financial Statement will be made. If the result of impairment test proves that the recoverable amount of assets is lower than their book value, the depreciation reserve will be withdrawn as per their balance and recorded in the impairment loss. The recoverable amount indicates the net amount after the fair value of assets minus the disposal expenses, and the present value of predicted future cash flow of the assets, whichever is higher. Asset depreciation reserve is calculated and confirmed based on single assets. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of single assets, the recoverable amount of asset portfolio will be determined as per the asset portfolio to which the assets belong. Asset portfolio indicates the minimum asset group which could independently produce cash inflows. Goodwill will be subject to impairment test at least at the end of every year. The Company carries out impairment test of goodwill, and amortizes the book value of the goodwill formed from business combination to relevant asset group by reasonable means since the date of purchasing; if it is difficult to amortize the book value to relevant asset group, the Company will amortize it to relevant asset group, the Company will amortize it to relevant asset group portfolio. When the book value of goodwill is amortized to relevant asset group or asset group portfolio, the Company will execute amortization as per the proportion of the fair value of each asset group or asset group portfolio to the total fair value of relevant asset group or asset group portfolio. If it is difficult to measure the fair value reliably, the Company will execute amortization as per the proportion of the book value of each asset group or asset group portfolio to the total book value of relevant asset group or asset group portfolio. When impairment test is carried out for relevant asset groups or asset group portfolios including goodwill, if the asset groups or asset group portfolios relevant to goodwill have the sign of impairment, the Company will carry out impairment test of the asset group or asset group portfolio excluding goodwill, calculate recoverable amount, compare it with relevant book value, and confirm corresponding impairment loss. And then conduct impairment test on asset groups or asset group combination with goodwill, compare book values of relevant asset groups or asset group combination (including the book value of amortized goodwill) with recoverable amounts, if the recoverable amounts of relevant asset groups or asset group combination are lower than their book values, the impairment loss of goodwill will be recognized. Once any loss of asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be turned back in the future accounting period. Note to financial statement Page 31 Notes to Financial Statement (XX) Long-term Deferred Expenses Long-term deferred expenses indicate various expenses having been incurred, to be shared in present period and later periods, and having an amortization period of more than one year. 1. Amortization Method Long-term deferred expenses will be averagely amortized within the benefit period; 2. Amortization Life It shall be determined as agreed in contracts or during the expected benefit period. (XXI) Employee Compensation 1. Accounting Method of Short-Term Remuneration During the fiscal period when employees provide services for the Company, the Company confirms the short-term remuneration incurred actually as liabilities, and records them in the gain or loss of the current period or the cost of relevant assets. For the social insurance premiums and housing fund paid by the Company for employees, the trade union outlay and employee education outlay withdrawn as per regulations, the Company calculates and determines corresponding amount of employees‘ remuneration as per the withdrawal basis and withdrawal proportion regulated during the fiscal period when employees provide services for the Company. If employees‘ welfare expense is non-monetary welfare and could be measured reliably, they will be measured as per fair value. 2. Accounting Method of Post-Demission Welfare Defined contribution plans As for the basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance paid by the Company for employees according to relevant provisions of local government, the amount payable will be calculated as per the base amount and proportion of payment regulated by local place and recorded in the gain or loss of the current period or the cost of relevant assets during the fiscal period when the employees provide services for the Company. Note to financial statement Page 32 Notes to Financial Statement 3. Accounting Method of Dismissal Welfare If being unavailable to unilaterally revoke the dismissal welfare provided for rescission of labor relationship plan or staff cut-down suggestions, or when confirming the costs or expenses related to reorganization involving the payment of dismiss welfare (whichever is earlier), the Company will confirm the employee compensation liabilities arising from dismiss welfare, and record them in the gain or loss of the current period. (XXII) Accrued Liabilities 1. Standard for Confirmation of Accrued Liabilities If the obligations related to the contingencies like lawsuits, debt guarantees, loss contracts, reorganization matters, etc. simultaneously meet the following conditions, the Company will confirm such obligations as accrued liabilities: (1) The obligations are current obligation undertaken by the Company; (2) The implementation of such obligations will probably induce that economic benefits flow out of the Company; (3) The amount of such obligations could be measured reliably. 2. Measures for Measurement of Various Accrued Liabilities The Company initially measures the accrued liabilities as per the optimum estimated amount of expenditures necessary for implementation of relevant current obligations. When determining the optimum estimated amount, the Company comprehensively considers the risks related to contingencies, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors. If the time value of money has significant influences, the optimum estimated amount will be determined after discounting with relevant future cash outflow. The optimum estimated amount is treated by the following circumstances respectively: If the expenditure needed has a continuous scope (or range), and the possibility for various results to occur is the same within this scope, then the optimum estimated amount will be determined as per the middle value of this scope, namely the Note to financial statement Page 33 Notes to Financial Statement average of the upper-limit and lower-limit amounts. If the expenditure needed does not have a continuous scope (or range), or there is a continuous scope, but the possibility for various results to occur within this scope is not the same, for example, contingencies involve single item, the optimum estimated amount will be determined as per the amount which will occur most possibly; if contingencies involve multiple items, the optimum estimated amount will be calculated and determined as per various possible results and relevant probability. If the Company‘s expenditure needed for discharging accrued liabilities is predicted to compensate by third parties fully or partially, then the compensation amount will be confirmed independently as assets when being ascertained basically available to receive, and the compensation amount confirmed won‘t be more than the book value of the accrued liabilities. (XXIII) Share-Based Payment The share-based payment of the Company refers to the transaction through granting equity instruments or undertaking equity-instrument-based liabilities to obtain the services provided by employees [or other parties]. The Company‘s share-based payment is divided into the share-based payment settled with equity and the share-based payment settled in cash. 1. Share-based payment settled with equity and equity instruments The share-based payment settled with equity, if used to exchange for employees‘ services, will be measured with the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees. If the Company makes share-based payment with restricted shares, then the shares subscribed with investment by employees shall not be circulated in the market or transferred before meeting unlocking conditions and being unlocked; if the unlocking conditions regulated in the final Stock Incentive Plan are not satisfied, the Company will buy back shares at the predetermined price. When obtaining the money paid by employees for subscribing restricted shares, the Company will confirm capital stock and capital reserve (capital stock premium) as per the stock subscription money obtained, and meanwhile, will confirm a liability and inventory stock as per the full amount of buyback obligation. On every date of balance sheet within the waiting period, the Company will make the optimum Note to financial statement Page 34 Notes to Financial Statement estimate on the quantity of exercised equity instruments according to follow-up information such as the latest acquired change in the number of right-exercising employees, whether meeting regulated performance conditions, etc., on this basis, and according to the fair value on the date of granted, the Company will record the services obtained in the very period in relevant cost or expense, and increase capital reserve correspondingly. After exercising date, the Company will not adjust the total amount of relevant confirmed cost or expense and owner‘s equity. However, it‘s available to exercise rights immediately after granted, it will be recorded in relevant cost or expense as per fair value on the date of granted, and capital reserve will be increased correspondingly. For the share-based payment not exercised finally, the Company will not confirm cost or expense, unless the exercise conditions are market conditions or non-excisable conditions. Here, no matter whether market conditions or non-excisable conditions are satisfied, if only non-market conditions among excisable conditions are satisfied, it will be deemed as excisable. If the clauses of share-based payment settled with equity are amended, the services obtained will be confirmed at least according to the clauses before amendment. In addition, any amendment increasing the fair value of equity instruments granted, or alterations beneficial for employees on the date of amendment will be confirmed as increase of services obtained. If share-based payment settled with equity is cancelled, the Company will treat it as accelerated exercise on the date of cancellation, and confirm the non-confirmed amount immediately. If employees or other parties could choose to meet non-exercisable conditions, but do not meet such conditions within waiting period, the Company will treat this as cancelation of share-based payment settled with equity. However, if new equity instruments are granted, and the new equity instruments granted are recognized to replace the cancelled equity instruments on the granted date of the new equity instruments, the granted alternative equity instruments will be treated by the means same as those for amending the terms and conditions for treatment of original equity instruments. (XXIV) Income 1. General principles for recognition of revenue from sales of goods: (1) The significant risk and the rewards of the goods ownership has been Note to financial statement Page 35 Notes to Financial Statement transferred to the Buyer by the Company. (2) The Company neither reserves the continuous management right which is generally associated with ownership nor caries out effective control of sold commodities. (3) Related income amount can be measured in a reliable way; (4) The relevant economic benefits may flow into the Company; (5) Relevant costs occurred or to be occurred can be measured in a reliable way. 2. Specific principles (1) Service revenue The service revenue provided by the Company mainly refers to the revenue of engineering design. In case that the results from provision of labor transactions can be estimated reliably, the revenue shall be recognized as per the important milestones specified by the design contract. Namely, the revenue is recognized as per the percentage of the workload of important milestones of the completed design in the total design workload and the expected recoverable contract amount. If the result of providing service transaction cannot be estimated in a reliable way, the service revenue shall be determined according to the service costs which has generated and expected to be compensated. The existing service costs are calculated as the period charges. When it is not probable that the costs incurred will be recovered, revenue is not recognized. Provided that sales of commodity and provision of labor can be distinguished and separately measured in the contract or agreement signed by the Company with other enterprises, sales of commodity and provision of labor shall be separately disposed. Provided that sales of commodity and provision of labor cannot be distinguished, or can be distinguished but cannot be separately measured, the entire contract shall be disposed as sales of commodity. (2) Income from construction contracts Under the circumstance that the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated in a reliable way, the contract revenue and the contract costs shall be recognized in light of the percentage-of- completion method on the date of the balance sheet. The percentage of completion is determined in the proportion of the accumulated actual contract costs among the estimated total contract costs. Note to financial statement Page 36 Notes to Financial Statement If the outcome of a contraction contract cannot be estimated in a reliable way, but the contract costs can be recovered, the contract revenue shall be recognized in accordance with the recoverable actual contract costs and the contract costs shall be recognized as contract expenses in the current period they are incurred; if the contract costs cannot be recovered, they shall be recognized as contract expenses immediately when they are incurred and no contract revenue shall be recognized. If uncertainties, due to which the outcome of a construction contract cannot be measured in a reliable way, have passed out of existence, the revenues and expenses pertinent to the construction contract shall be determined in the percentage-of-completion method. If the estimated total contract costs exceed the total contract revenue, the estimated loss is recognized as the expenses for the period. The cost and the gross profit (loss) accumulatively incurred and recognized of a construction-in-progress contract and the settled price are presented in the balance sheet with a net amount after offset. The part of the sum of the cost and the gross profit (loss) accumulatively incurred from a construction-in-progress contract exceeding over the settled contract price is presented as inventory; and the part of the settled contract price exceeding over the cost and the gross profit (loss) accumulatively incurred from a construction-in-progress is presented as advance payment. (3) Recognized income of hospital business The income of hospital mainly comes from the outpatient and inpatient departments, and the income recognition is done at the time of patient‘s settlement. For the outpatient income, as the patients turning to the outpatient treatment do not need the inpatient treatment generally, the treatment duration is short, the settlement is made with the hospital at the end of the treatment and treatment and medicine expense is paid. Financially, such outpatient income shall be recognized at the day of receipt. For the inpatient income, as the patient needs to be treated in the hospital for a certain period and a part of the medical expense shall be prepaid when be admitted to hospital, the inpatient income shall not be recognized at this moment. When discharging from the hospital, the patient will settle the medical expense for the hospitalization and the hospital will issue the invoice to the patient. In such case, Note to financial statement Page 37 Notes to Financial Statement the income from the inpatient is recognized financially. (XXV) Governmental subsidy 1. Type A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by this company from the government. Government subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent to assets and government subsidies pertinent to income. The assets-related government subsidy refers to government subsidies that are obtained by the Company used for purchase or construction, or forming the long-term assets by other ways. Government subsidies pertinent to income refer to the governmental subsidies except governmental subsidies pertinent to assets. 2. Recognition time In case the governmental subsidies are monetary assets, it shall be calculated according to the received amount or the receivable amount. If a governmental subsidy is a nonmonetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value or at its nominal amount in case that the fair value cannot be reliably obtained. The governmental subsidies calculated according to nominal amount shall be directly included in the current profits and losses. 3. Accounting Governmental subsidy related to assets will be used to write down the book value of relevant assets or be confirmed as deferred income. If being confirmed as deferred income, the governmental subsidy will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period within the service life of relevant assets with reasonable and systematic methods (if being related to the Company‘s daily activities, the governmental subsidy will be recorded in other benefits; if not, they will be recorded in non-operating income). The governmental subsidy related to income, if being used to compensate the Company‘s relevant cost expenses or losses in later period, will be confirmed as deferred income, and be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period (if being Note to financial statement Page 38 Notes to Financial Statement related to the Company‘s daily activities, the governmental subsidy will be recorded in other benefits; if not, they will be recorded in non-operating income) or be used to write down relevant cost expenses or losses during the period of confirmation on relevant cost expenses or losses; if being used to compensate the Company‘s relevant cost expenses or losses already incurred, the governmental subsidy will be directly recorded in the gain or loss of the current period (if being related to the Company‘s daily activities, the governmental subsidy will be recorded in other benefits; if not, they will be recorded in non-operating income) or be used to write down relevant cost expenses or losses. (XXV) Deferred Income Tax Assets and Deferred Income Tax Liabilities For deductible temporary difference, deferred income tax assets will be confirmed within the limit of the taxable income which will probably be obtained in future period and be used to offset deductible temporary difference. As for deductible losses and taxes rebate which could be carried forward to later years, corresponding deferred income tax assets will be confirmed within the limit of the future taxable income which will probably be obtained to offset deductible losses and taxes. For taxable temporary difference, deferred income tax liabilities will be confirmed except for under special circumstances. The special circumstances under which deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities are not confirmed include: the initial confirmation of goodwill; other transactions or matters (except for business combination) of which the occurrence won‘t affect accounting profit or taxable income (or deductible loss). If the Company has statutory right to settle with net amount, and has the intention to settle or obtain assets with net amount, and the discharge of debts is conducted simultaneously, the income tax assets of the current period and the income tax liabilities of the current period will be presented with the net amount after offsetting. If the Company has the statutory right to settle the income tax assets of the current period and the income tax liabilities of the current period with net amount, and the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to the income tax levied by a same tax administration department from a same tax payment subject, or are related to different tax payment subjects, but in every important period when deferred income tax assets and liabilities are transferred back in future, if the tax payment subjects involved Note to financial statement Page 39 Notes to Financial Statement intend to settle the income tax assets and liabilities of the very period with net amount or to obtain assets and discharge liabilities simultaneously, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities will be presented with the net amount after offsetting. (XXVII) Leasing 1. Accounting treatment for operating lease (1) The rent paid by the Company for rented assets will be amortized with straight-line method within the whole lease term including the rent-free period, and recorded in the expense of the current period. The initial direct expenses paid by the Company and related to leasing transaction will be recorded in the expense of the current period. If the asset lessor undertakes the lease-related expenses which shall be assumed by the Company, the Company shall deduct such expenses from the total rent, amortize the remained rent within the lease term, and record it in the expense of the very period. (2) The rent collected by the Company for leasing out assets will be amortized with straight-line method within the whole lease term including the rent-free period, and confirmed as lease-related income. The initial direct expenses paid by the Company and related to leasing transaction will be recorded in the expense of the very period; if the amount is relatively big, the amount will be capitalized, and will be recorded in the income of the very period by installments within the whole lease term on the basis same as that for confirmation of lease-related income. If the Company undertakes lease-related expenses which shall be undertaken by the lessee, the Company will deduct such expenses from the total amount of rent income, and distributed the remained rent expense within the lease term. 2. Accounting treatment for finance lease (1) Assets rented through finance lease: On the date when the renting starts, the Company takes the fair value of rented assets and the present value of minimum rent payment, whichever is lower, as the entry value of rented assets, takes the minimum rent payment as the entry value of long-term accounts payable, and takes the balance as non-confirmed financing expense. The Company adopts actual interest rate method to amortize the non-confirmed financing expenses within the Note to financial statement Page 40 Notes to Financial Statement asset lease term, and records them in financial expenses. The Company records the initial direct expenses incurred in the value of rented assets. (2) Assets leased out through finance lease: On the date when leasing starts, the Company the balance between ―the sum of finance lease account receivable and non-guaranteed balance‖ and their present value as non-realized financing income, and confirms it as lease income within each future period when rents are received. The Company records the initial direct expenses related to leasing transaction in the initial measured amount of finance lease account receivable, and reduces the income amount confirmed within the lease term. (XXVIII) Discontinuing operation The discontinuation of operation is a separately identifiable constituent part that meets one of the following conditions and that has been disposed of or classified by the Company as the held for sale: (1) This constituent part represents a separate major business or a major business area; (2) This constituent part is a part of an associated plan for disposal of a separate major business or business area; (3) This constituent part is for a subsidiary acquired only for re-sell. (XXIX) Changes of Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates 1. Changes of Important Accounting Policies The Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.42 - Non-current Assets or Disposal Groups Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.16 - Government Subsidies and the Circular of the Ministry of Finance on Revising and Issuing the Format of Financial Statements of General Enterprises shall apply. In 2017, the Ministry of Finance promulgated the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 42 - Non-current Assets or Disposal Groups Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, which took effect as of May 28, 2017. The non-current assets, disposal groups and termination operations held for sale existing on that date shall be treated with the prospective application method. In 2017, the Ministry of Finance revised the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.16 - Government Subsidies, which comes into effect on June 12, 2017. The Note to financial statement Page 41 Notes to Financial Statement Company applies the prospective application method for the government subsidies that exist on January 1, 2017. For the government subsidies added from January 1, 2017 to the implementation date, adjustments were made according to the revised standards. In 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Revising the Format of General Financial Statements of Business Enterprises‖, which revised the format of general financial statements of business enterprises and shall be applicable to the financial statements 2017 and thereafter. The main impact of the implementation of the above three regulations by the Company is as follows: Examination Contents of and reasons for change of accounting Name and amount of the affected and approval policies statement item procedures The recognized net profit from (1) The "net profits from continued operations" and continued operations was RMB 0.00 "net profits from discontinued operations" are listed in in this year, and the recognized net the income statement; The comparison data are profit from terminating operations adjusted accordingly. was RMB 0.00 in this year. (2) Part of governmental subsidy related to assets wrote down the book value of relevant assets. The Fixed assets: Less RMB 0.00 comparison data are not adjusted. (3) Part of governmental subsidy related to income Management expense: Less RMB wrote down relevant costs and expenses. The 0.00 comparison data are not adjusted. (4) The government subsidies related to the Company's daily operation are included in other profit Other income: RMB 2,211,128.89 and are no longer included in non-operating income. The comparison data are not adjusted. The non-operating expense of 2017 (5) The "proceeds from assets disposal" was added to was less by RMB 150,250.00 and the Profit Statement, and some profits and losses from reclassified to the proceeds from assets disposal that were previously listed as the assets disposal. "non-operating expenses" was reclassified to the The non-operating expense of 2016 "proceeds from assets disposal". The comparison data was less by RMB 564,833.40 and are adjusted accordingly. reclassified to the proceeds from assets disposal. 2. Changes of Important Accounting Estimates The important accounting estimates of the current reporting period remain unchanged. IV Taxes (I) Main Types of Taxes and Tax Rate Type of taxes Tax base Tax rate (%) Note to financial statement Page 42 Notes to Financial Statement After calculating the ducting the output tax on the basis of the taxable income and deducting the deduction-permitted input tax of Value-added tax current period as per stipulations of tax laws, the value-added tax shall be paid for the balance. Sales tax Paid according to taxable business income (The business tax has 3.5 been replaced with value-added tax since May 1, 2016) Urban maintenance and Paid according to actually paid business tax, value-added tax and 1.5.7 construction tax consumption tax Educational surtax Paid as per the turnover tax paid actually. 3 Local educational surtax Paid as per the turnover tax paid actually. 2 Enterprise income tax Calculated and paid as per taxable income 15.25 Note 1: according to provisions in the Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on the Tax Policies for Implementing across the Country the Pilot Program of Levying Value-Added Tax in Lieu of Business Tax on the Transportation Industry and Some Modern Service Industries (CS (2012) No.71) on July 31, 2012, the design business of Sino Great Wall Decoration and Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the ―Sino Great Wall Design‖) under the subsidiary company of the Company was changed to taxable item of value-added tax from the that of the business tax with the value-added tax rate of 3% since September 1, 2012 and Sino Great Wall Design was deemed as the small-scale taxpayer. The income tax rates applicable to the Company and its subsidiaries are as follows: Rate of Name of tax payment subjects income tax Changzhi Shenzhou Laodingshan Industrial Co., Ltd. 25% Xiangfen County Taoshan Construction Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall (Xihua) Economic Development Zone Investment Co., Ltd. 25% Liupanshui Central People‘s Hospital Investment Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Zhigu Industrial (Yueyang) Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Guangxia (Wuhan) Medical Development Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. 25% Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC 25% Sino Great Wall Medical Investment Management Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. 15% Fujian Sino Great Wall Mingyihui Medical Investment Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Medical Investment (Hubei) Co., Ltd. 25% Hubei Yuanyaotong Supply Chain Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Medical Management (Inner Mongolia) Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Health Management (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall New Energy (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 25% Note to financial statement Page 43 Notes to Financial Statement Bozhou Guangcheng New Energy LLC 25% Bozhou Zhaosheng Agricultural Technology LLC 25% Bozhou Xieying Solar Power Generation LLC 25% Wu‘an Juhe Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd. 25% Qian‘an Shenzhou Solar Power Generation Co., Ltd. 25% Shanghai Lingrui International Trading Co., Ltd. 25% Shenzhen Hongtulve Industrial Co., Ltd. 25% Guangzhou Herabenna Interior Design Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Southwest Science and Technology Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Southwest Commercial and Trading Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Consultation Co., Ltd. 25% Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Decoration and Design Co., Ltd. 25% Suzhou Lvbang Wood Industry Technology Co., Ltd. 25% Huichang County Zhongcheng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Zhihui Housing Property (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd. 25% Great Wall Biaodian Energy Co., Ltd. 25% Kunming Sino Forest Industry Development Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Development (Hengqin) Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Construction Construction Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Real Estate (Hubei) Co., Ltd. 25% SGW America LLC 21% Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited 17% Far Eastern International Engineering Company, LLC 20% Sino Great Wall (Philippines) International Corporation 30% Sino Wai Man International Engineering Limited 12% Sino Great Wall (HK) Property Co., Limited 17% SGW HP Engineering Construction SDN.BHD 24% SGW VENTURES SDN.BHD. 24% SGW CONSTRUCTION (LANGKAWI) SDN.BHD. 24% Alor Vista Development Sdn Bhd 24% SINO GREAT WALL GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING CO., LTD (Kuwait Branch) 15% Shenzhou Changcheng (Lao) Co., Ltd. 25% Sino Great Wall Group (UK) Co., Limited 19% Sino Great Wall International Engineering (MM) Co., Ltd. 25% Maldives Branch of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. 0% Inrich Me Engineering Co., Ltd. 17% SINO GREAT WALL INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING (MACAU) CO., LIMITED 12% Sino Great Wall International Engineering (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 20% Sino Great Wall International Engineering (CNMI) Co., LLC. 21% SINO GREAT WALL (USA).INC 21% PT.SINO GREAT WALL INVESTMENT INDONESIA 25% Note to financial statement Page 44 Notes to Financial Statement PT.SINO GREAT WALL CONSTRUCTION INDONESIA 25% (II) Tax Preferences (1) As verified by Beijing Municipal Office, SAT in 2013 as per Tax Category Verification Notice, the taxable income of Sino Great Wall Design shall be 10% of the total income. (2) According to provisions in Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Several Issues Concerning the Administration of Collection of Income Tax of Enterprises Operating Business across Different Regions and Paying Taxes on a Consolidated Basis (GSF (2008) No.28) on March 10, 2008, the head office (parent company) of the operation units and the place of business, being established within territory of China and running business across China without the legal personality (i.e. running production and operation activity across regions) shall be deemed as the enterprise for consolidated taxation. If the parent company adopt the consolidated taxation method and the head office and the branches intend to prepay the enterprise income tax by stages, 50% of such taxes shall be amortized to the branches and prepaid, while the other 50% shall be prepaid by the head office. The amortization ratio of each branch shall be 0.35:0.35:0.30 among the operating income, the staff salary and the total assets of each; the final settlement of annual corporate income tax shall be made to the tax authority by the parent company and shall never amortized to the branches. (3) Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited (hereinafter referred to as ―Sino Hong Kong‖) and Inrich Me Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Inrich Me‖) under the subsidiary company of the Company are enterprises established in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which shall pay the enterprise profit tax at the rate of 16.5%. SINO GREAT WALL INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING (MACAU) CO., LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as ―SINO MACAU‖) is an enterprise established in the Macao Special Administrative Region, which shall pay the net profit tax and observe the progressive tax rate. (4) Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the ―Sino International‖), the wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Company, was granted the Certificate of High & New Technological Enterprise on November 24, 2015 which was jointly approved and issued by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Note to financial statement Page 45 Notes to Financial Statement Commission, Beijing Finance Bureau, Beijing Municipal Office, SAT and Beijing Local Taxation Bureau. Sino International was identified as the high and new technological enterprise (Certificate No.: GR201511003125; Issue date: November 24, 2015; Term of Validity: Three Years), i.e. Sino International shall pay the enterprise income tax at the rate of 15% in 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively. (5) According to Notice of Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation on Pilot for Comprehensive Implementation of Business Tax Replaced by Value-added Tax (CS (2016) No.36), Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC, the wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Company was entitled to the preferential policies of being exempted from VAT since May 1, 2016. V Notes to Items in Financial Statements (I) Monetary Resources Items Ending balance Opening balance Cash on hand 4,614,087.16 2,974,883.16 Bank deposit 642,608,503.33 940,730,439.25 Other monetary resources 957,751,325.63 397,110,499.42 Total 1,604,973,916.13 1,340,815,821.83 Including: the total amount of overseas funds 221,610,258.90 197,496,287.50 Thereinto, the details of monetary capitals with restrictive use due to mortgage, pledge or freezing etc. and restrictive monetary capitals depositing in overseas and repatriation are as follows: Items Ending balance Opening balance Bank acceptance guarantee deposit 349,043,551.56 140,689,860.21 Guarantee bond 555,665,432.94 Performance bond 255,913,019.19 Fixed time deposits or call deposits used for guarantee 50,000,000.00 Overseas funds with limited remittance 22,098.66 Bond for wages of migrant workers 3,020,242.47 507,620.02 Total 957,751,325.63 397,110,499.42 Note to financial statement Page 46 Notes to Financial Statement (II) Notes Receivable 1. Classified Presentation of Notes Receivable Items Ending balance Opening balance Bank acceptance 15,544,160.00 21,300,446.44 Trade acceptance 272,657,402.88 1,053,090,196.14 Total 288,201,562.88 1,074,390,642.58 2. Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period None 3. Notes Receivable Already Endorsed or Discounted by the Company at the End of Period, but Not Coming Due Yet on the Date of Balance Sheet Confirmation-terminated amount at the Non-confirmation-terminated amount at Items end of period the end of period Bank acceptance 24,223,962.36 Trade acceptance 75,257,402.88 Total 24,223,962.36 75,257,402.88 4. Bills turned into account receivables due to the default of the drawer of the Company at the end of term Items End-of-period arrears among the receivables Trade acceptance 162,632,328.22 Total 162,632,328.22 5. Other description: None Note to financial statement Page 47 Notes to Financial Statement (III) Accounts receivable 1. Classified Disclosure of Accounts Receivable Ending balance Opening balance Book balance Bad debt reserve Book balance Bad debt reserve Type Withdrawal Book value Withdrawal Book value Proportion Proportion Amount Amount proportion Amount Amount proportion (%) (%) (%) (%) Accounts Receivable with Significant Single Amount and Having Bad Debt Reserve Withdrawn Independently Accounts receivable with bad debt reserve 6,332,915,727.5 626,240,483.4 5,706,675,244.0 withdrawn as per the 100.00 9.89 4,148,182,356.26 99.91 423,012,147.95 10.20 3,725,170,208.31 portfolio of credit 7 9 8 risk characteristics Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount, but 3,844,309.34 0.09 3,844,309.34 100.00 having bad debt reserve withdrawn separately 6,332,915,727.5 626,240,483.4 5,706,675,244.0 Total 100.00 4,152,026,665.60 100.00 426,856,457.29 3,725,170,208.31 7 9 8 Note to financial statement Page 48 Notes to Financial Statement Accounts receivable with bad debt reserve withdrawn by means of account age analysis in the portfolios: Ending balance Account age Accounts receivable Bad debt reserve Withdrawal proportion (%) Within 1 year 4,305,576,910.12 215,278,845.52 5.00 1-2 years 1,383,620,160.85 138,362,016.08 10.00 2-3 years 410,525,095.44 123,126,264.90 30.00 3-4 years 138,875,850.66 69,437,925.33 50.00 4-5 years 71,411,394.20 57,129,115.36 80.00 More than 5 years 22,906,316.30 22,906,316.30 100.00 Total 6,332,915,727.57 626,240,483.49 2. Situations of bad debt reserves withheld, reversed or recycled in this term. The amount of bad debt reserve withdrawn in the current period was RMB 199,539,145.39; and the amount of bad debt reserve recovered or transferred back in the current period was RMB 0. 3. Accounts Receivable Actually Cancelled after Verification in the Current Period None 4. Top 5 Owning Parties Classified by Ending Balance of Accounts Receivable Ending balance Unit name Accounts Proportion to total Bad debt receivable accounts receivable (%) reserve China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd. 900,646,409.09 14.22% 75,403,763.89 POWERCHINA Construction Group Ltd. 578,903,295.87 9.14 31,594,101.70 OxleyGem (Cambodia) Co., Ltd 438,481,134.91 6.92 21,924,056.75 Cambodia Petrochemical Co., Ltd. 365,835,734.60 5.78 18,291,786.73 Sanya Sente Real Estate Development Co., 324,428,947.91 5.12 16,221,447.40 Ltd. Total 2,608,295,522.38 41.18 163,435,156.47 5. Accounts receivable of which the recognition is terminated due to the transfer of financial assets Derecognition-r Amount Way of transfer of financial Name of debtors elated gains or derecognized assets losses Sanya Hongshulin Tourism, Culture Credit assignment (without 4,132,384.11 and Real Estate Development Co., right of recourse) 547,127.66 Note to financial statement Page 49 Notes to Financial Statement Ltd. Hangzhou Wankun Property Co., Credit assignment (without 3,181,378.08 Ltd. right of recourse) 421,214.46 Zhejiang Golden Shining Real Estate Credit assignment (without 3,648,356.96 Group Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 483,042.46 Jiaxing Yongxin Construction Co., Credit assignment (without 2,327,855.00 Ltd. right of recourse) 308,208.00 Dalian Chengbao Hotel Credit assignment (without 6,355,712.70 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 841,496.36 Sanya Jiapeng Science and Credit assignment (without 2,492,090.00 Technology Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 329,952.72 Qinhuangdao Evergrande City of Credit assignment (without 3,236,312.07 China Evergrande Group right of recourse) 428,487.72 Taiyuan Hesheng Dijing Credit assignment (without 12,388,341.71 Construction Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 1,640,216.44 Taiyuan Hesheng Dijing Credit assignment (without 581,484.18 Construction Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 76,988.51 Shanxi Causeway Bay International Credit assignment (without 3,582,922.00 Shopping Mall Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 474,378.87 China Tobacco Hebei Industrial Co., Credit assignment (without 4,744,694.34 Ltd. right of recourse) 628,197.53 Fujian New Donghu Science and Credit assignment (without Technology Park Development 16,466,632.00 right of recourse) 2,180,182.08 Company Qian‘an Yangang Steel Real Estate Credit assignment (without 7,861,704.46 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 1,040,889.67 Qinhuangdao Runqin Real Estate Credit assignment (without 6,506,774.00 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 861,496.88 Credit assignment (without Zhuhai Zhongye Property Co., Ltd. 3,629,555.64 right of recourse) 480,553.17 Xuzhou Central International Square Credit assignment (without 2,399,364.90 Property Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 317,675.91 Sanya Sunny Bay Development Co., Credit assignment (without 3,700,000.00 Ltd. right of recourse) 489,880.00 Credit assignment (without Fujian Zhonggeng Property Co., Ltd. 7,441,268.98 right of recourse) 985,224.01 Fujian Qinhe Real Estate Credit assignment (without 1,263,793.14 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 167,326.21 Fujian Qinhe Real Estate Credit assignment (without 3,204,534.20 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 424,280.33 Tianjin Jinnan Xincheng Real Estate Credit assignment (without 10,444,594.02 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 1,382,864.25 Credit assignment (without Yunnan Bangke Hotel Co., Ltd. 2,170,907.03 right of recourse) 287,428.09 Chongqing Bayuezhuang Industrial Credit assignment (without 4,658,756.46 Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 616,819.36 Credit assignment (without Wuxi Maoye Property Co., Ltd. 2,620,352.27 right of recourse) 346,934.64 Lijiang Jinlin Property Investment Credit assignment (without 7,061,525.07 Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 934,945.92 Zhejiang Donglin Real Estate Credit assignment (without 1,100,670.00 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 145,728.71 Note to financial statement Page 50 Notes to Financial Statement Zhejiang Donglin Real Estate Credit assignment (without 1,779,241.19 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 235,571.53 Shanxi Zhengxin Mechanical Credit assignment (without 9,880,000.00 Technology Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 1,308,112.00 Zhejiang Deli Real Estate Credit assignment (without 800,000.00 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 105,920.00 Zhejiang Deli Real Estate Credit assignment (without 7,300,000.00 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 966,520.00 Hangzhou Liangzhu Cultural Village Credit assignment (without 6,963,718.43 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 921,996.32 Fuyang Wanke Real Estate Credit assignment (without 2,621,603.89 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 347,100.36 Ningbo Wangang Real Estate Credit assignment (without 89,296.00 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 11,822.79 Ningbo Wangang Real Estate Credit assignment (without 2,805,749.20 Development Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 371,481.19 Beijing Zhongminjian Hospital Credit assignment (without 31,973,141.30 Management Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 4,233,243.91 Yongkang City Jingxiang Industrial Credit assignment (without 4,938,083.45 Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 653,802.25 Shandong Anbang Real Estate Co., Credit assignment (without 3,869,517.52 Ltd. right of recourse) 512,324.12 Hunan Xinlieying Science and Credit assignment (without 1,784,370.00 Education Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 236,250.59 Hunan Xinlieying Science and Credit assignment (without 30,003,795.00 Education Co., Ltd. right of recourse) 3,972,502.46 Total 232,010,479.30 30,718,187.48 6. Amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring accounts receivable and continuous involvement None 7. Other descriptions: accounts receivable with large single item amount and account age of more than three years Account Ending Bad debt Causes for failure of Unit name age balance reserve payment collection Libo Zhangjiang Buluo Hotel Co., 3-4 34,520,564.47 17,260,282.24 Funds in collection Ltd. years 3-4 Qingdao Dinglin Property Co., Ltd. 19,376,335.66 9,688,167.83 Funds in collection years Government Office Administration 3-4 16,073,718.79 8,036,859.40 Funds in collection of Hebei Province years Total 69,970,618.92 34,985,309.47 Note to financial statement Page 51 Notes to Financial Statement (IV) Advance Payment 1. Presentation of Advance Payments by Account Age Ending balance Opening balance Account age Book balance Proportion (%) Book balance Proportion (%) Within 1 year 212,854,246.00 94.51 311,193,306.31 97.49 1-2 years 11,257,454.64 5.00 5,789,414.72 1.81 2-3 years 903,997.25 0.40 1,269,897.25 0.40 More than 3 years 192,829.99 0.09 954,180.35 0.30 Total 225,208,527.88 100.00 319,206,798.63 100.00 2. Top 5 Advance Payment Objects Classified by the Ending Balance of Advance Payments Proportion to the total ending Advance payment object Ending balance balance of advance payments (%) Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. 45,717,600.00 20.30 Zhongcheng Jianye Construction Co., Ltd. 33,040,865.35 14.67 FirstUnitedGeneralTradingandContractingCompanyW.L.L 25,217,059.32 11.20 Nanjing China Construction Chemical Equipment Manufacturing 9,028,707.25 4.01 Co., Ltd. China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd. 8,585,270.20 3.81 Total 121,589,502.12 53.99 Note to financial statement Page 52 Notes to Financial Statement (V) Other accounts receivable 1. Classified Disclosure of Other Accounts Receivable: Ending balance Opening balance Book balance Bad debt reserve Book balance Bad debt reserve Type Withdraw Withdraw Proportio al Book value Proporti al Book value Amount Amount Amount Amount n (%) proportio on (%) proportion n (%) (%) Other accounts receivables that are individually significant and for which individual bad debt reserves are withdrawn Other accounts receivable with bad debt reserve withdrawn as per the 1,820,332,846. portfolio of credit risk 100.00 145,657,486.56 8.07 1,674,675,360.28 709,527,391.05 99.93 58,515,258.14 8.25 651,012,132.91 84 characteristics Other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount and 500,000.00 0.07 500,000.00 100.00 having bad debt reserve withdrawn separately 1,820,332,846. Total 100.00 145,657,486.59 1,674,675,360.28 710,027,391.05 100.00 59,015,258.14 651,012,132.91 84 Note to financial statement Page 53 Notes to Financial Statement Other accounts receivable with bad debt reserve withdrawn by means of account age analysis in the portfolios: Ending balance Account age Other accounts receivable Bad debt reserve Withdrawal proportion (%) Within 1 year 72,551,395.35 5.00 1,451,069,833.10 1-2 years 25,753,555.99 10.00 257,540,559.93 2-3 years 16,643,617.20 30.00 55,478,724.03 3-4 years 24,657,112.27 50.00 49,314,224.53 4-5 years 3,510,797.92 80.00 4,388,497.40 More than 5 2,541,007.84 100.00 years 2,541,007.84 Total 145,657,486.57 1,820,332,846.84 2. Situations of bad debt reserves withheld, reversed or recycled in this term. The amount of bad debt reserves withdrawn in current period is RMB 89,420,207.12 and the amount of bad-debt reserves recovered or reversed in current period is RMB 0.00. 3. Status of actual verified other receivables in current period None 4. Classification of Other Accounts Receivable by Nature Nature of accounts Ending book balance Book balance at the beginning of year Tender bond, performance bond and deposit 366,310,322.14 564,988,488.94 Pretty cash and intercourse funds of individuals 59,867,918.12 45,065,829.65 Intercourse funds of the organization 282,984,039.72 1,191,088,012.16 Others 865,111.07 19,190,516.09 Total 710,027,391.05 1,820,332,846.84 5. Top 5 Owing Parties Classified by the Ending Balance of Other Accounts Receivable Proportion to total Bad debt ending reserve Unit name Nature of accounts Ending balance Account age balance of Ending other balance accounts receivable Note to financial statement Page 54 Notes to Financial Statement (%) POWERCHINA Intercourse funds of Within 1 14,349,319. 286,986,392.78 15.89 Construction Group Ltd. the organization year 64 Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron Intercourse funds of Within 1 10,000,000. 200,000,000.00 11.08 & Steel Co., Ltd. the organization year 00 Chengdu Xianglong Real House payment and Within 1 5,772,600.0 Estate Development Co., 115,452,000.00 6.39 performance bond year 0 Ltd. Longyan City Hengda Intercourse funds of Within 1 4,000,000.0 80,000,000.00 4.43 Engineering Co., Ltd. the organization year 0 Qingyuan Hefeng New Intercourse funds of 7,500,000.0 Energy Technology Co., 75,000,000.00 1-2 years 4.15 the organization 0 Ltd. 41,621,919. Total 757,438,392.78 41.94 64 6. Accounts Receivable Involving Governmental Subsidy None 7. Other accounts receivable of which the recognition is terminated due to transfer of financial assets None 8. Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of other receivables and continuous involvement None 9. Other description: None (VI) Inventories 1. Classification of Inventories Ending balance Opening balance Items Depreciation Depreciation Book balance Book value Book balance Book value reserve reserve Raw 1,810,694.49 1,810,694.49 12,078,945.75 12,078,945.75 materials Merchandise 9,328,819.66 9,328,819.66 43,492,877.62 1,404,765.68 42,088,111.94 inventory Engineering 516,478,683.84 5,051,867.60 511,426,816.24 282,911,079.94 5,051,867.60 277,859,212.34 construction Materials in transit Products in 668,934.23 668,934.23 Note to financial statement Page 55 Notes to Financial Statement Ending balance Opening balance Items Depreciation Depreciation Book balance Book value Book balance Book value reserve reserve process Low-value 209,726.10 209,726.10 consumables Development product 34,272,995.11 34,272,995.11 Total 339,361,563.64 6,456,633.28 332,904,930.36 561,891,193.10 5,051,867.60 556,839,325.50 2. Depreciation Reserve of Inventories Amount increased of Amount decreased of current Opening current period period Ending Items balance Transferred-back or balance Withdrawn Others Others written-off Merchandise 1,404,765.68 1,404,765.68 inventory Engineering 5,051,867.60 5,051,867.60 construction Total 6,456,633.28 1,404,765.68 5,051,867.60 3. Description about Capitalized Amount of Borrowing Costs Contained in Ending Balance of Inventories None 4. The completed unsettlement assets formed by the construction contract Items Amount Cumulative costs incurred 19,958,097,052.45 Cumulative confirmed gross profit 5,029,672,289.20 Less: expected losses Already settled amount 24,471,290,657.81 The completed unsettlement assets formed by the 511,426,816.24 construction contract 5. Other description: None Note to financial statement Page 56 Notes to Financial Statement (VII) Non-current Assets Coming Due within One Year Items Ending balance Opening balance Long-term deferred expenses coming due within 1 year 13,462,942.89 Total 13,462,942.89 (VIII) Other Current Assets Items Ending balance Opening balance Input VAT 35,248,102.26 15,347,777.42 Expense of prepaid income tax 202,092.21 1,779,133.63 Total 35,450,194.47 17,126,911.05 (IX) Available-for-Sale Financial Assets 1. Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Ending balance Opening balance Items Depreciation Book Depreciation Book Book balance Book value reserve balance reserve value Available-for-sale debt instruments: Available-for-sale equity instruments 10,338,500.00 10,338,500.00 Including: Measured according to fair value Measured at Costs Total 10,338,500.00 10,338,500.00 Note to financial statement Page 57 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Measured by Cost at the End of Period Book balance Depreciation reserve Proportion of shares At the Amount At the Amount Amount Cash dividends Invested units Amount increased of Ending held in invested units beginning decreased of Ending amount beginning of increased of decreased of of current period current period amount (%) of the year current period the year current period current period Zhanjiang Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. 10,338,500.00 10,338,500.00 19% Total 10,338,500.00 10,338,500.00 The Company entered into the agreement with Industrial Investment and Trade Co., Ltd. and Zhanjiang Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. on the capital and share increase of Zhanjiang Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. on the first ten-day period of August 2017. Pursuant to this agreement, the Company shall increase the capital of RMB 38,089,100 to Zhanjiang Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Invested Party‖), holding 70% of the equity in this Company, and shall own the nomination of three directors in the Board of Directors, one of whom may be appointed as the chairman. The alteration procedures for industrial and commercial registration of capital and share increase of Zhanjiang Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. shall be completed on August 21st, 2017. As part of the original agreed arrangement, the Company reached the agreement with Industrial Investment and Trade Co., Ltd. on transferring 51% of the equity of the Invested Party held by the Company to this Company at the price of RMB 27,750,600 on the first ten-day period of November 2017. The industrial and commercial registration procedures for such equity transfer shall be completed on November 17, 2017. So far, the Company has held 19% of the equity of the Invested Party. Note to financial statement Page 58 Notes to Financial Statement 3. Changed situations of impairment of financial assets available for sale in this term: none 4. Other description: None Note to financial statement Page 59 Notes to Financial Statement (X) Long-Term Accounts Receivable 1. Long-Term Accounts Receivable Ending balance Opening balance Items Range of discount rate Book balance Bad debt reserve Book value Book balance Bad debt reserve Book value Long-Term Accounts Receivable 14,328,557.82 14,328,557.82 Total 14,328,557.82 14,328,557.82 2. Other notes: Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited, the subsidiary company of the Company, concluded and signed the cooperation agreement with Hong Kong Yick Hing Construction Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hong Kong Yick Hing‖) on October 10, 2017 on the jointly founding of SGW. Yick Hing Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited (hereinafter referred to as "SGW. Yick Hing Construction‖), with Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited contributing HKD 6 million and holding 60% shares and Hong Kong Yick Hing contributing HKD 4 million and holding 40% shares. The business of SGW. Yick Hing Construction shall be managed by the Board of Directors. There are three seats in the Board of Directors, with two for Sino Great Wall and one for Hong Kong Yick Hing. However, only the director appointed by Yick Hing can serve as the chairman of the Board of Directors meeting, in case of whose absence from the Board of Directors meeting, an alternate shall take this place. In the event of the same votes, the chairman of the Board of Directors meeting has the right to vote the casting vote; the resolution of the Board of Directors shall be issued via the majority vote but the director of Hong Kong Yick Hing possesses the veto right and has the right to agree that the revenue shall be calculated as the long-term receivables based on constant rate of return. Note to financial statement Page 60 Notes to Financial Statement (XI) Fixed assets 1. Fixed Assets Electronic equipment and Items Houses and buildings Mechanical equipment Transportation equipment Total other equipment 1. Original book value (1) Opening balance 67,969,481.04 81,254,453.35 36,163,316.47 14,705,677.33 200,092,928.19 (2) Amount increased of current period 35,888,246.46 22,331,349.16 6,023,686.53 325,272.30 64,568,554.45 — Purchase 35,888,246.46 22,331,349.16 6,023,686.53 177,388.73 64,420,670.88 — Transfer-in of construction in progress — Increase of business combination 147,883.57 147,883.57 --Others (3) Amount decreased of current period 4,573,948.00 608,983.63 183,505.00 5,366,436.63 — Disposal or retirement 4,573,948.00 608,983.63 183,505.00 5,366,436.63 — Others (4) Ending balance 103,857,727.50 99,011,854.51 41,578,019.37 14,847,444.63 259,295,046.01 2. Accumulative depreciation (1) Opening balance 15,127,800.94 30,513,047.92 16,465,368.36 9,502,963.24 71,609,180.46 (2) Amount increased of current period 4,597,621.60 6,452,671.43 4,622,743.27 2,288,588.79 17,961,625.09 — Withdrawn 4,597,621.60 6,452,671.43 4,622,743.27 2,249,981.32 17,923,017.62 — Others 38,607.47 38,607.47 (3) Amount decreased of current period 4,344,350.00 285,055.10 183,505.00 4,812,910.10 — Disposal or retirement 4,344,350.00 285,055.10 4,629,405.10 — Others 183,505.00 183,505.00 Note to financial statement Page 61 Notes to Financial Statement Electronic equipment and Items Houses and buildings Mechanical equipment Transportation equipment Total other equipment (4) Ending balance 19,725,422.54 32,621,369.35 20,803,056.53 11,608,047.03 84,757,895.45 3. Depreciation reserve (1) Opening balance (2) Amount increased of current period — Withdrawn — Others (3) Amount decreased of current period — Disposal or retirement — Others (4) Ending balance 4. Book value (1) Ending book value 84,132,304.96 66,390,485.16 20,774,962.84 3,239,397.60 174,537,150.56 (2) Opening book value 52,841,680.10 50,741,405.43 19,697,948.11 5,202,714.09 128,483,747.74 Note to financial statement Page 62 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Temporarily idle fixed assets None 3. Fixed asset rented through financing lease Accumulative Depreciation Items Original book value Book value depreciation reserve House 11,152,810.36 10,543,488.71 609,321.65 buildings Mechanical 33,365,334.00 14397622.72 18,967,711.28 equipment Total 44,518,144.36 24,941,111.43 - 19,577,032.93 4. Fixed assets with the certificate of title not transacted Items Book value Reason(s) for the failure to transact the certificate of title International 32,054,393.00 Being processed engineering Suzhou plants 8,982,474.09 Being processed (XII) Construction in Progress 1. Construction in Progress Ending balance Opening balance Items Depreciation Book Depreciation Book balance Book value Book value reserve balance reserve Equipment and constructions in 4,968,590.96 4,968,590.96 progress Total 4,968,590.96 4,968,590.96 Note to financial statement Page 63 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Change of Important Projects of Construction in Progress in Current Period Amount Other Including: Proportion of Accumulative Amount transferred amount Amount of Current interest Name of Budget Opening Ending accumulative Project amount of Capital increased of into fixed decreased in interest capitalization items amount balance balance project input to progress interest source current period assets in current capitalization in rate (%) the budget (%) capitalization current period period the current period Facilities Self-raised under 1,224,800.00 1,224,800.00 funds installation Liangdu Central 2,630,910.96 2,630,910.96 Self-raised Hospital funds Project Zhigu Self-raised 1,112,880.00 1,112,880.00 Project funds Total 4,968,590.96 4,968,590.96 Note to financial statement Page 64 Notes to Financial Statement 3. Impairment provision of project under construction withdrawn in the period None 4. Other description None (XIII) Intangible assets 1. Intangible Assets Items Land use right Software Total 1. Original book value (1) Opening balance 108,621,002.59 4,416,616.07 113,037,618.66 (2) Amount increased of current period 23,839,368.35 134,853.85 23,974,222.20 — Purchase 23,839,368.35 134,853.85 23,974,222.20 — Internal research and development — Increase of business combination (3) Amount decreased of current period — Disposal (4) Ending balance 132,460,370.94 4,551,469.92 137,011,840.86 2. Accumulative amortization (1) Opening balance 5,054,613.34 1,779,561.77 6,834,175.11 (2) Amount increased of current period 1,827,654.51 825,566.24 2,653,220.75 — Withdrawn 1,827,654.51 825,566.24 2,653,220.75 — Increase of business combination (3) Amount decreased of current period — Disposal (4) Ending balance 6,882,267.85 2,605,128.01 9,487,395.86 3. Depreciation reserve (1) Opening balance (2) Amount increased of current period — Withdrawn (3) Amount decreased of current period — Disposal (4) Ending balance 4. Book value (1) Ending book value 125,578,103.09 1,946,341.91 127,524,445.00 (2) Opening book value 103,566,389.25 2,637,054.30 106,203,443.55 Intangible assets generated via internal R&D of the Company of ending intangible assets Note to financial statement Page 65 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Conditions of land use right with incomplete certificates of title: none Note to financial statement Page 66 Notes to Financial Statement (XIV) Goodwill 1. Original Book Value of Goodwill Amount Amount decreased increased of of current Opening current period Ending Name of invested units or the matters forming goodwill period balance balance Formed by business Disposal combination Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. 6,724,316.91 6,724,316.91 Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC 27,257,314.49 27,257,314.49 Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Co., Ltd. 17,948,978.53 17,948,978.53 Sino Great Wall Construction Construction Co., Ltd. 6,943,534.86 6,943,534.86 Alor Vista Development Sdn Bhd 5,609,206.72 5609206.72 SAFAT GULF GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING 5,547,635.00 5,547,635.00 COMPANY Far Eastern International Engineering Company, LLC 10920.0423 10920.0423 Total 58,874,144.79 11,167,761.76 70,041,906.55 Note: 1. The natural person Pan Huan entered into the Equity Transfer Agreement with Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Company on November 25, 2015, agreeing that the natural person Pan Huan shall transfer 70% of the equity held by Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. to the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. Upon the completion of such equity transfer, the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. shall own 70% of the equity of Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. The price for acquiring such 70% of the equity of Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. by the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. was RMB 4 million. The total amount of the combined cost on the acquisition date, i.e. November 25, 2017 as taken by the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., was RMB 4 million. The fair value for the net identifiable assets on the acquisition date of the 70% of the equity of Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. acquired by the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. was RMB -2,724,316.91, which was less than the balance of the combined cost, RMB 6,724,316.91, so it shall be recorded in the goodwill. Note to financial statement Page 67 Notes to Financial Statement 2. On May 1, 2016, Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC and its management shareholders concluded the Equity Transfer and Asset Acquisition Contract with the Company in connection with the former‘s transferring 100% of the equity held in Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC by them to the Company. After the equity transfer was completed, the Company shall hold 100% equity in Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC. The price for acquiring 100% equity in Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC was RMB 97 million. The total amount of the combined cost on the acquisition date, i.e. June 21, 2016 as taken by the Company, was RMB 97 million. The fair value for the net identifiable assets on the acquisition date of the 100% of the equity of Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC acquired by the Company was RMB 69,742,685.51, which was less than the balance of the combined cost, RMB 27,257,314.49, so it shall be recorded in the goodwill. 3. On July 27, 2016, the natural persons Ye Jiajun and Zhang Shizhong entered into the Equity Transfer Agreement with Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Company, agreeing that they shall transfer 100% of the equity held in Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd. to the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. Upon the completion of such equity transfer, the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. shall own 100% of the equity of Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd. The price for acquiring such 100% of the equity of Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd. by the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. was RMB 18 million. The total amount of the combined cost on the acquisition date, i.e. August 9, 2016 as taken by the Company, was RMB 18 million. The fair value for the net identifiable assets on the acquisition date of the 100% of the equity of Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd. acquired by the Company was RMB 51,021.47, which was less than the balance of the combined cost, RMB 17,948,978.53, so it shall be recorded in the goodwill. After the acquisition was completed, Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd. shall change its name to Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Co., Ltd. 4. On November 9, 2016, Sichuan Haoyao Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. and its parent company Chengdu Ruihe Hongsheng Technology Co., Ltd. entered Note to financial statement Page 68 Notes to Financial Statement into the Capital and Share Increase Agreement with Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Company, agreeing that they shall transfer 60% of the equity held in Sichuan Haoyao Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. to the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. Upon the completion of such equity transfer, the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. shall own 60% of the equity of Sichuan Haoyao Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. The price for acquiring such 60% of the equity of Sichuan Haoyao Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. by the Company‘s wholly-owned subsidiary company Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. was RMB 90 million. The total amount of the combined cost on the acquisition date, i.e. November 11, 2016 as taken by the Company, was RMB 90 million. The fair value for the net identifiable assets on the acquisition date of the 60% of the equity of Sichuan Haoyao Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. acquired by the Company was RMB 83,056,465.14, which was less than the balance of the combined cost, RMB 6,943,534.86, so it shall be recorded in the goodwill. 5. In September 2017, the subsidiary company of the Company Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Sino Hong Kong‖) acquired 51% equity of the company Alor Vista in consideration of MYR 15,877,600 and on September 28, 2017, Sino Hong Kong formally became the controlling shareholder of Alor Vista after completing the change procedures for the above equity in Malaysia. The balance between the payment price and the net identifiable assets on the acquisition date shall be confirmed as the goodwill. 6. In January 2017, the Company signed an agreement with SAFAT GULF GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING COMPANY at the acquisition price of RMB 5,547,635.00 and the balance between the acquisition price and the net identifiable assets on the acquisition date shall be confirmed as the goodwill. 7. In January 2017, the Company concluded the Equity Transfer Agreement with Mo Ruobin on acquiring 95% equity of Yuandong International Engineering Co., Ltd. at the price of RUB 95,000; the acquisition price and the amount of the fair value for the net identifiable assets on the acquisition date shall be recorded in the goodwill. Note to financial statement Page 69 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Depreciation Reserve of Goodwill Amount increased of Amount decreased of Name of invested units or the matters forming Opening current period current period Ending goodwill balance balance Withdrawn Disposal SAFAT GULF GENERAL TRADING & 5,547,635.00 5,547,635.00 CONTRACTING COMPANY Total 5,547,635.00 5,547,635.00 At the end of period, the Company recognized all assets of every abovementioned unit as one asset group portfolio, and in combination with the analysis on the estimated recoverable amount of the asset group portfolios and present value of predicted future cash flow of assets of the above-mentioned units except for SAFAT GULF GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING COMPANY at the end of period, the Company did not discover the impairment sign of goodwill, so the Company did not need to withdraw depreciation reserve. Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. executed the Equity Transfer Agreement in December 2017 and completed the change of equity registration in January 2018. Since the equity transfer price was higher than the investment cost of the Company, there is no sign of impairment. There was no normal business of SAFAT GULF GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING COMPANY, so there is doubt about the profitability and the depreciation reserve will be accrued in full. (XV) Long-term Deferred Expenses Amount Amount Other Opening Items increased of amortized of amount Ending balance balance current period current period decreased Leasehold improvement 12,028,199.87 56,698.69 5,054,985.41 7,029,913.15 Overseas fees for letter 8,437,778.96 6,825,000.00 12,167,778.96 3,095,000.00 of guarantee Subtotal 20,465,978.83 6,825,000.00 17,222,764.37 10,124,913.15 Minus: long-term deferred expenses 13,462,942.89 coming due within 1 year Total 7,003,035.94 6,825,000.00 17,222,764.37 10,124,913.15 Note to financial statement Page 70 Notes to Financial Statement (XVI) Deferred Income Tax Assets and Deferred Income Tax Liabilities 1. Non-offset Deferred Income Tax Assets Ending balance Opening balance Items Deductible Deferred Deductible temporary Deferred income tax assets temporary income tax difference difference assets Asset 484,110,666.8 74,623,400.2 depreciation 766,127,594.16 118,233,337.36 1 3 reserve Deductible 2,265,150.21 566,287.55 losses Depreciation Reserve of 6,456,633.28 1,108,971.56 Inventories 492,832,450.3 76,298,659.3 Total 766,127,594.16 118,233,337.36 0 4 2. Non-offset Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Ending balance Opening balance Items Taxable Deferred Taxable temporary Deferred income temporary income tax difference tax liabilities difference liabilities Profits from changes in fair value of financial assets measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of the current period Appraised increment of assets for business combination not 109,879,555.06 27,469,888.77 105,725,885.86 26,088,961.71 under the same control Total 109,879,555.06 27,469,888.77 105,725,885.86 26,088,961.71 3. Details of Unconfirmed Deferred Income Tax Assets Items Ending balance Opening balance Deductible temporary difference 1,761,048.62 20,178,730.17 Deductible losses 29,368,743.01 79,207,601.38 Total 31,129,791.63 99,386,331.55 (XVII) Other Non-current Assets Items Ending balance Opening balance PPP Project investment 610,524,570.00 48,960,000.00 Advance payment for purchasing long-term assets 283,729,420.79 67,942,258.30 Funds for other projects 175,340,581.32 Note to financial statement Page 71 Notes to Financial Statement Items Ending balance Opening balance 116,902,258.3 Total 1,069,594,572.11 0 Other description: 1. Description of PPP Project Amount Amount Amount Subscribed Opening increased decreased at the end Registered investment balance Shareholding of current of current of period Items capital (ten amount (ten (ten thousand proportion year (ten period (ten (ten thousand thousand Yuan) thousand thousand thousand Yuan) Yuan) Yuan) Yuan) Yuan) Luyi Shuguang Medical Industrial 9,600.00 4,896.00 51% 4,896.00 4,896.00 Investment Construction Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall (Fugou) Jialu River Comprehensive 3,986.16 3,587.54 90% 200 200.00 Control Investment Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall (Fugou) High-speed 13,050.65 7,830.39 60% 7,830.39 7,830.39 Railways District Investment Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall (Fugou) National Fitness Center 4,191.00 3,771.90 90% 3,772.56 3,772.56 Investment Co., Ltd. Huichang County Sino Great Wall Medical 9,559.00 8,507.51 89% 8,507.51 8,507.51 Industrial Construction Service Co., Ltd. Anyang Sino Great Wall Medical - 90% 25,346.00 25,346.00 Management Service Co., Ltd. Yanjin County Sino Great Wall 4,000.00 2,780.00 69.50% 0.00 Construction Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Shaanxi Fuyan Industrial Park 5,000.00 4,500.00 90% 4,500.00 4,500.00 Investment Co., Ltd. Weifang Sino Great Wall Health 10,000.00 10,000.00 100% 0.00 Development Co., Ltd. Gongxian County 15,000.00 13,500.00 90% 6,000.00 6,000.00 Sino Medical Note to financial statement Page 72 Notes to Financial Statement Investment Co., Ltd. Wuchuan Sino Great Wall TCM Hospital 6,000.00 4,800.00 80% 0.00 Investment Co., Ltd. Total 4,896.00 56,156.46 0.00 61,052.46 The PPP Project Company invested by the Company shall be operated in accordance with the established way. The rights, obligations, and related activities under which the Project Company be controlled are established through explicit contract terms or arrangements at the beginning of the establishment. In addition, there are representatives sent by the government among the members of the Board of Directors of the Project Company and the variable returns of the Project Company are generally fixed. The Project Company is not within the control scope of the Company, so the PPP Project Company is not included in the scope of the consolidation. 2. In prepaid funds for purchasing long-term assets: the funds for fixed assets, equipment or land are RMB 283,729,420.79; 3. Funds for other items are as follows: SN Unit name Amount 1 ACURA Kliniken Group Baden-Baden GmbH 105,075,792.00 2 Cenang Resort Sdn Bhd (Tropicana Project in Malaysia) 60,264,789.32 3 Sino Great Wall Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. 10,000,000.00 Total 175,340,581.32 (1) On June 29, 2017, the Acquisition Contract for Acura Kliniken Baden-Baden GmbH was made and entered into by and between Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited, wholly-owned subsidiary company of Sino International, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary company of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as ―Sino Hong Kong‖) and bankruptcy trustee of Acura Baden-Baden Kliniken (hereinafter referred to as ―Acura Kliniken‖), and Sino Hong Kong acquired 100% equity of Acura Kliniken with the considerations of EUR 14,100,000 (equivalent to approximately RMB 110 million). On December 29, 2017, Acura Kliniken completed the registration for transfer with official German business registration department, and Sino Hong Kong formally became the controlling shareholder of Acura Kliniken. The bankrupt procedure of Acura Kliniken was formally completed upon the decision made by Germany's Baden-Baden court on March 15, 2018 and notarization on March 16, and became a common corporation limited, Note to financial statement Page 73 Notes to Financial Statement and the Company completed its acquisition of Acura Kliniken. The Company plans to include Acura Kliniken in the consolidated statements of the Company in March 2018. (2) On July 25, 2017, the Equity Subscription and Shareholders Agreement was made and entered into by and among parties in Malaysia, i.e. ABD RAZAK BIN MOHD OMAR (hereinafter referred to as ―RAZAK‖); MOHD ZAPI BIN ABDULLAH (hereinafter referred to as ―ZAPI‖); HAMAL BIN A RAHMAN (hereinafter referred to as ―HAMAL‖); ISMAIL BIN SALEH (hereinafter referred to as ―ISMAIL‖); SHAZALLY BIN SULAIMAN (hereinafter referred to as ―SHAZALLY‖) and the Company. Parties in Malaysia, i.e. RAZAK, ZAPI, HAMAL, ISMAIL and SHAZALLY, agreed to issue and allocate shares to Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited, and Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited agreed to subscribe 67 new common shares of CENANG RESORT SDN. BHD. with the amount of MYR 776,119.00, accounting for 40% of enlarged issued shares and paid-in capital of CENANG RESORT SDN. BHD. (―subscribed shares‖) with the total subscribed value of MYR 52,000,000.00. The Company paid the subscribed amount by two installments. On August 8, Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited paid CENANG RESORT SDN. BHD. (USD 3.03 million, equivalent to approximately MYR 13 million, and due to the difference in exchange rate, on September 4, USD 14,800 was paid additionally) MYR 13,000,000.00 as deposit and partial payment for subscription (―initial subscribed fund‖). From October 10 to October 13, Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited paid CENANG RESORT SDN. BHD. (USD 2 million, USD 1 million, USD 2 million and USD 1 million, totally USD 6 million) and USD 3,519,000 on January 9, 2018. The balance amounting to MYR 39 million (―remained subscribed amount‖) was paid. So far, the equity subscription was completed. After the subscription, Sino Great Wall accounts for 40% of the issued capital stock and the paid-in capital of CENANG RESORT SDN. BHD. The Company completed change of directors on January 10, 2018. The proportions of shares of other five shareholders, who are persons acting in concert, are 12%, and the Company does not have controlling power, so this company is not included in consolidated statements. (3) On August 22, 2017, the Supplementary Agreement of Equity Transfer Agreement was made and entered into by and among Sino Great Wall Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Infrastructure Company‖), wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Company, and natural persons, namely Xie Guihua, Xie Rongrong and Xie Rubin, and natural persons, namely Xie Guihua, Xie Rongrong and Note to financial statement Page 74 Notes to Financial Statement Xie Rubin, transferred 80% equity of Longyan City Hengda Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Longyan Hengda‖) owned by them to Infrastructure Company. After the equity transfer, Infrastructure Company holds 80% equity of Longyan Hengda, Xie Guihua holds 8% equity of Longyan Hengda, and Xie Rongrong and Xie Rubin respectively holds 6% equity of Longyan Hengda. The equity transfer price was RMB 16 million. The date of commercial alteration registration of the equity transfer was April 18, 2018, and the Company plans to include Sino Hengda in the consolidated statements of the Company in May 2018. (4) Cangnan Haixi Hospital Co., Ltd. On December 4, 2017, the Equity Transfer Agreement of Cangnan Haixi Hospital Co., Ltd. was made and entered into by and among Sino Great Wall Medical Investment Management Co., Ltd. (Acquiring Company 1), Sino Global (Beijing) Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. (Acquiring Company 2) and Yideli Group Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Health Management Co., Ltd. (Acquired Companies); the registered capital of Cangnan Haixi Hospital Co., Ltd. was RMB 100 million and the paid-in capital was RMB 28 million; after the change of equity, the original shareholders acting in concert hold 43%, Acquiring Company 1 holds 40%, Acquiring Company 2 holds 17%; the registered capital is still RMB 100 million and as of the report date, the Company has totally paid RMB 3 million as investment funds. (XVIII) Short-term Loans 1. Classification of Short-Term Loans Items Ending balance Opening balance Guaranteed loan 1,189,330,420.55 1,621,515,110.00 Trade acceptance for which endorsement and discounting have been conducted while still being unmatured at the balance sheet 344,543,247.59 date Mortgaged loan 2,137,870,000.00 Pledged loan 150,000,000.00 Total 3,477,200,420.55 1,966,058,357.59 2. Overdue but unpaid short-term loans None (XIX) Notes Payable Type Ending balance Opening balance Note to financial statement Page 75 Notes to Financial Statement Type Ending balance Opening balance Bank acceptance 623,407,978.15 397,450,000.00 Trade acceptance 283,190,010.00 309,433,375.54 Total 906,597,988.15 706,883,375.54 The total amount of notes payable having come due but not repaid yet in the current period was RMB 0.00. (XX) Accounts payable 1. Presentation of Accounts Payable: Items Ending balance Opening balance Project construction cost 1,704,130,649.60 1,295,611,654.20 Payment for purchasing long-term assets 7,923,625.18 Payment for medicine 15,448,438.02 10,413,710.87 Total 1,719,579,087.62 1,313,948,990.25 2. Significant Accounts Receivable with Account Age of More than 1 Year: None (XXI) Items Received in Advance 1. Presentation of Items Received in Advance Items Ending balance Opening balance Project construction cost 145,513,588.44 572,743,695.28 Advance payment for medical treatment 866,264.23 1,040,377.30 Total 146,379,852.67 573,784,072.58 (XXII) Payroll Payable 1. Presentation of Payroll Payable Amount Opening Amount decreased Items increased of Ending balance balance of current period current period Short-term 17,637,749.42 359,773,740.57 356,683,592.81 20,727,897.18 remuneration Post-demission welfare- 1,159,797.27 22,007,066.01 21,983,218.39 1,183,644.89 defined Note to financial statement Page 76 Notes to Financial Statement contribution plans Total 18,797,546.69 381,780,806.58 378,666,811.20 21,911,542.07 2. Presentation of Short-Term Remuneration Amount increased Amount decreased of Items Opening balance Ending balance of current period current period (1) 16,916,964.73 320,205,852.11 317,047,571.84 20,075,245.00 Sal ary, bonus, allowanc e and subsidy (2) 0.00 17,411,768.25 17,411,768.25 0.00 Em ployees‘ welfare expense (3) 620,944.70 13,625,683.29 13,647,540.27 599,087.72 Soc ial insurance premium Including 516,068.74 12,051,641.09 12,063,678.42 504,031.41 : Medical insurance premium Industrial 26,369.92 581,662.52 585,364.14 22,668.30 injury insurance premium Maternit 78,506.04 992,379.68 998,497.71 72,388.01 y insurance premium (4) Ho 99,839.99 8,259,881.03 8,306,156.56 53,564.46 using fund (5) Lab - 270,555.89 270,555.89 - or union outlay and employee s‘ education outlay (6)short -term - - - - paid leave (7)short- term - - - - profit-s haring Note to financial statement Page 77 Notes to Financial Statement plan - - - - Total 17,637,749.42 359,773,740.57 356,683,592.81 20,727,897.18 3. Presentation of Drawing Plans Set Up Amount increased Amount decreased of Items Opening balance Ending balance of current period current period Basic 1,130,824.85 21,182,742.86 21,159,221.71 1,154,346.00 pensi on insura nce Unem 28,972.42 824,323.15 823,996.68 29,298.89 ploy ment insura nce premi um Corp orati - - - - on pensi on pay ment Total 1,159,797.27 22,007,066.01 21,983,218.39 1,183,644.89 (XXIII) Taxes Payable Tax Item Ending balance Opening balance Value-added tax 12,062,605.90 32,678,325.28 Sales tax 83,297,969.10 78,101,559.07 Enterprise income tax 207,849,865.19 239,018,994.88 Personal income tax 1,515,889.41 374,031.94 Urban maintenance and construction tax 4,725,964.11 3,928,587.22 Educational surtax 3,694,729.45 2,983,381.35 Stamp tax and other taxes 336,646.62 360,597.97 Total 313,483,669.78 357,445,477.71 (XXIV) Interest Payable Note to financial statement Page 78 Notes to Financial Statement Items Ending balance Opening balance Interests payable on short-term loans 5,285,634.63 4,710,255.00 Long-term loan interest payable 10,819,629.22 1,718,238.55 Total 16,105,263.85 6,428,493.55 (XXV) Other accounts payable 1. Presentation of Other Accounts Payable by the Nature of Accounts Items Ending balance Opening balance Tender bond, performance bond and deposit 26,582,761.45 48,363,917.10 Personal intercourse funds and withheld items 45,650,286.49 14,453,897.51 Loans of shareholders - Intercourse funds of the organization 136,613,997.74 450,793,562.35 Others 1,067,929.33 2,854,044.18 Payment for subscription of non-public offerings 12,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 Total 222,414,975.01 520,965,421.14 2. Other important accounts payable with payment days over a year None (XXV) Non-current liabilities coming due within one year Items Ending balance Opening balance Long-term loans coming due within one year 820,422,471.45 175,958,998.04 Total 820,422,471.45 175,958,998.04 Other description: (XXVII) Other Current Liabilities Items Ending balance Opening balance Output taxes to transfer 121,529,600.95 30,382,980.72 Total 121,529,600.95 30,382,980.72 Note to financial statement Page 79 Notes to Financial Statement (XXVIII) Long-Term Loans 1. Classification of Long-Term Loans Items Ending balance Opening balance Pledged loan 500,000,000.00 Mortgaged loan 3,175,860.22 16,839,164.49 Guaranteed loan 283,683,018.60 826,253,306.53 Total 786,858,878.82 843,092,471.02 (XXIX) Bonds Payable 1. Details of bonds payable Items Ending balance Opening balance 1 Qianhai Wutong Private Bond No. 2016070 100,000,000.00 2 First period bond financing plan of Sino Great Wall 245,000,000.00 International Engineering Co., Ltd. in 2017 Total 345,000,000.00 Note to financial statement Page 80 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Increase or Decrease of Bonds Payable (Excluding Other Financial Instruments Classified as Financial Liabilities, like Preferred Stocks and Perpetual Bonds, etc.) Amount Interests Amortization of Date of Bond Opening Issue of current repaid of … Ending Bond name Par value Issued amount withdrawn as premium or issue period balance period current … balance per par value discount period 1. Qianhai Wutong 100,000,000.0 Private Bond No. 0 2017/1/6 2019/1/6 99,800,000.00 99,800,000.00 6,200,000.00 0 0 2016070 2. First period bond financing plan of Sino 245,000,000.0 245,000,000.0 Great Wall 245,000,000.00 0 2017/10/31 2020/10/31 0 2,440,334.25 0 0 International Engineering Co., Ltd. in 2017 345,000,000.0 344,800,000.0 Total 344,800,000.00 8,640,334.25 0 0 Note to financial statement Page 81 Notes to Financial Statement (XXX) Long-term accounts payable Items Ending balance Opening balance Accrued financial lease outlay 81,945,567.86 Total 81,945,567.86 (XXXI) Accrued Liabilities Items Ending balance Opening balance Reason for formation Company‘s accrual for pending Pending actions 3,414,189.15 13,225,861.70 actions Total 3,414,189.15 13,225,861.70 (XXXII) Capital Stock Changes during current period: plus (+)minus(-) Shares Items Opening balance New Shares Ending balance converted shares presented Others Subtotal from public issued for free reserve Total 1,698,245,011.0 1,698,245,011.0 amount 0 0 of shares Note to financial statement Page 82 Notes to Financial Statement (XXXIII) Capital Reserve Amount increased of Amount decreased of Items Opening balance Ending balance current period current period Capital premium (capital stock premium) -857,285,524.28 -857,285,524.28 Other capital reserve -442,064,177.46 -442,064,177.46 Total -1,299,349,701.74 -1,299,349,701.74 Note: the increase in negative capital reserve in the current period is mainly due to the adjustment of the capital reserve after the acquisition of minority equity in subsidiary company. Note to financial statement Page 83 Notes to Financial Statement (XXXIV) Special reserve Amount Amount increased of Items Opening balance decreased of Ending balance current period current period Work safety 65,687,868.14 101,731,018.39 3,187,808.35 164,231,078.18 expense Total 65,687,868.14 101,731,018.39 3,187,808.35 164,231,078.18 (XXXV) Surplus Reserve Amount Amount Items Opening balance increased of decreased of Ending balance current period current period Statutory surplus 84,394,441.23 84,394,441.23 reserve Total 84,394,441.23 84,394,441.23 (XXXVI) Undistributed Profit Amount of current Items Amount of last period period Undistributed profit at the end of last period before 755,308,636.19 adjustment 1,228,970,498.86 Total of undistributed profit at the beginning of the year of adjustment (increase adjusted +, decrease adjusted -) Undistributed profit at the beginning of the year 755,308,636.19 1,228,970,498.86 Plus: Net profit attributed to the parent company‘s owners in 473,661,862.67 the current period 380,090,990.82 Less: Statutory surplus reserve withdrawn Common stock dividends payable -101,894,700.66 Others -4,063,392.31 Ending undistributed profit 1,228,970,498.86 1,503,103,396.70 (XXXVII) Operating Income and Operating Cost Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Items Income Cost Income Cost Main 4,662,402,374.1 3,459,377,744.6 6,496,576,893.36 businesses 4,886,041,528.62 7 6 Note to financial statement Page 84 Notes to Financial Statement Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Items Income Cost Income Cost Other 548,087.16 2,596,743.00 businesses 312,971.04 4,664,999,117.1 3,459,377,744.6 Total 6,497,124,980.52 4,886,354,499.66 7 6 (XXXVIII) Taxes and Surcharge Items Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Sales tax -141,646.64 8,128,747.41 Urban maintenance and construction tax 1,884,723.85 597,022.91 Educational surtax 1,399,860.90 478,975.13 Other taxes 1,390,067.50 446,784.01 Total 4,533,005.61 9,651,529.46 (XXXIX) Selling Expenses Items Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Employee Compensation 8,019,452.92 6,623,108.93 Travel expenses 723,327.21 934,104.49 Business entertainment 379,837.66 469,366.01 expense Advertising and promotion 16,293.68 2,675.00 expenses Construction maintenance 16,040,272.66 17,911,593.82 fees Others 7,034,063.84 4,377,840.02 Total 32,213,247.97 30,318,688.27 (XL) Management Expenses Items Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Employee Compensation 146,060,526.13 127,039,183.19 Administrative expenses 15,110,557.60 9,544,489.51 Rental 19,054,037.35 19,084,430.19 Travel expenses 13,611,200.61 12,096,343.79 Business entertainment expense 8,668,113.32 9,828,496.48 Depreciation fees of fixed assets 11,262,728.55 6,848,917.76 Vehicle expenses 3,538,337.07 2,871,639.42 Long-term deferred expense amortization 4,360,113.43 4,308,529.48 Consulting fee 59,415,179.05 79,559,745.78 Note to financial statement Page 85 Notes to Financial Statement Items Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Conference 718,194.44 156,486.46 Others 28,448,104.70 42,592,471.50 Total 310,247,868.40 313,930,733.56 (XLI) Financial Expenses Type Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Interest expenditure 130,325,289.46 294,207,584.82 Less: Interest income 3,936,374.12 14,448,977.61 Exchange gain or loss -75,709,807.87 124,220,566.01 Discount interest 19,445,217.45 Handling charges and others 57,312,903.03 28,611,434.33 Total 127,437,227.95 432,590,607.55 (XLII) Asset Impairment Loss Items Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Bad debt loss 164,907,841.91 316,739,050.51 Inventory depreciation loss 5,104,048.20 Goodwill loss 5,547,635.00 Total 170,011,890.11 322,286,510.97 Assets held for sale are subject to a confirmed impairment loss of RMB 0.00 of held-for-sale assets for the current period, and a reversed impairment loss of RMB 0.00 for the current period. (XLIII) Investment Yield Amount Amount incurred Items incurred of of current period last period Gain on long-term equity investments subject to accounting with equity method Investment yield obtained from disposal of long-term equity investments -1,742,270.77 Note to financial statement Page 86 Notes to Financial Statement Amount Amount incurred Items incurred of of current period last period Investment incomes from financial assets which are measured as per fair value and the variation of which is included in current profits and losses statement in the holding period Investment incomes from the disposal of financial assets measured by fair 13,448.02 value and with the variation recorded into current profits and losses Investment incomes from held-to-maturity investment in the holding period Investment yield during the holding of available-for-sale financial assets Investment income from disposal of financial assets available for sale Gains from surplus entities remeasured by fair value after the loss of the control right Others 2,212,902.95 Total -1,742,270.77 2,226,350.97 (XLIV) Proceeds from asset disposal Amount incurred of Amount incurred of Amount recorded in the non-recurring gain Items current period last period or loss of current period Disposal of -150,250.00 -150,250.00 fixed assets Total -150,250.00 -150,250.00 (XLV) Other Income Amount incurred of Amount incurred Subsidy items Related to assets/Related to income current period of last period Commerce Commission 1,960,934.00 Related to income bounty Subsidy for post 250,194.89 Related to income stabilization Total 2,211,128.89 (XLVI) Non-Operating Income Amount incurred of Amount incurred of Amount recorded in the non-recurring Items current period last period gain or loss of current period Governmental 108,121.33 subsidy Others 156,426.78 26,318,921.53 156,426.78 Total 156,426.78 26,427,042.86 156,426.78 Governmental subsidies included in non-operating incomes Note to financial statement Page 87 Notes to Financial Statement Related to Amount incurred of Amount incurred of Subsidy items assets/Related to current period last period income Reward the headquarters enterprises 72,365.00 Related to income investing in Tongzhou District Job subsidy 35,756.33 Related to income Total 108,121.33 (XLVII) Non-Operating Expenditure Amount recorded in the Amount incurred of Amount incurred of Items non-recurring gain or loss of current current period last period period Loss from disposal of 564,833.40 non-current assets Donation outlay 240,000.00 240,000.00 Others -3,270,152.73 21,022,106.88 -3,270,152.73 Total -3,030,152.73 21,586,940.28 -3,030,152.73 (XLVIII) Expense of income tax 1. Table of Income Tax Amount incurred of current Amount incurred of last Items period period Expense of income tax in the current 115,052,974.76 period 172,349,309.87 Deferred income tax expenses -25,808,113.01 -45,345,578.12 Total 127,003,731.75 89,244,861.75 2. Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Expense of Income Tax Amount incurred of Items current period Total profit 511,049,758.58 Expense of income tax calculated with statutory [or applicable] tax rate 127,762,439.65 Influences of different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries -67,362,980.24 Influences of adjustment of previous income tax Note to financial statement Page 88 Notes to Financial Statement Amount incurred of Items current period Influences of non-taxable income Influences of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses 8,067,220.48 Influences of deductible losses of previous non-confirmed deferred income tax assets used Influences of deductible temporary difference or deductible loss of non-confirmed deferred income tax assets in the current period 60,054,467.66 Expense of income tax 127,003,731.76 (XLIX) Items of Cash Flow Statement 1. Cash Received Relating to Other Operating Activities Amount incurred of current Items Amount incurred of last period period Interest income 6,963,410.83 3,936,374.12 Bond, deposit and other intercourse funds 6,125,468,343.62 1,814,618,138.18 Governmental subsidy 2,211,128.89 108,121.33 Total 6,134,642,883.34 1,818,662,633.63 2. Cash Paid Relating to Other Operating Activities Items Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Handling charges 25,037,998.96 15,515,853.49 Warranties and deposit expenses 545,286,663.39 117,417,474.74 Selling Expenses 71,903,447.59 23,695,579.34 Management Expenses 305,349,194.66 175,125,500.48 Current account 6,022,745,439.52 2,657,532,011.53 Total 6,970,322,744.12 2,989,286,419.58 3. Cash Paid Relating to Other Investment Activities Amount incurred of Amount incurred of last Items current period period Bond paid for land auction 131,500,000.00 Total 131,500,000.00 4. Cash Received Relating to Other Financing Activities Note to financial statement Page 89 Notes to Financial Statement Amount incurred of current Items Amount incurred of last period period Received personal or company 166,727,200.00 162,855,000.00 financing fund Non-public warranties 12,600,000.00 12,500,000.00 Total 179,327,200.00 179,327,200.00 5. Cash Paid Relating to Other Financing Activities Amount incurred of current Items Amount incurred of last period period Paid personal or company financing 178,321,283.83 530,980,295.84 fund Paid trust deposit 48,600,000.00 2,000,000.00 Paid financing fees 6,150,000.00 22,800,000.00 Total 233,071,283.83 555,780,295.84 (L) Supplementary Data of Cash Flow Statement 1. Supplementary Data of Cash Flow Statement Supplementary Data Amount of current period Amount of last period 1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of operating activities Net profit 384,046,026.83 472,092,894.95 Plus: Asset depreciation reserve 322,286,510.97 170,011,890.11 Depreciation of fixed assets 13,148,714.99 8,868,947.59 Intangible asset amortization 78,994.75 1,109,731.85 Long-term deferred expense amortization 16,221,447.22 18,584,438.70 Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and 564,833.40 other long-term assets (income represented with ―-‖) Loss from fixed asset retirement (Income is represented 150,250.00 with ―-‖) Loss from changes in fair value (income is represented with ―-―) Financial expenses (income represented with ―-‖) 14,162,456.72 136,256,259.56 Investment loss (income represented with ―-‖) -3,096,940.17 2,226,350.97 Decrease of deferred income tax assets (increase 1,646,331.60 represented with ―-‖) -41,934,678.02 Increase of deferred income tax liabilities (decrease -27,454,444.61 represented with ―-‖) -1,380,927.06 Decrease of inventories (increase represented with ―-‖) -222,529,694.72 -148,243,275.45 Decrease of operating items receivable (increase -2,878,862,492.67 represented with ―-‖) -2,467,941,286.77 Note to financial statement Page 90 Notes to Financial Statement Supplementary Data Amount of current period Amount of last period Increase of operating items payable (decrease represented 555,322,720.06 with ―-‖) 204,920,506.62 Others Net amount of cash flow from operating activities -1,781,868,618.65 -1,687,875,813.94 2. Major investment and financing activities not involving cash revenue and expenditure Conversion of debt into capital Convertible corporate bonds due within one year Fixed assets acquired under finance leases 3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents Ending balance of cash 943,705,322.41 647,222,590.48 Less: Opening balance of cash 582,745,756.81 943,705,322.41 Plus: Balance of cash equivalents at the end of the year Less: balance of cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Net increment of cash and cash equivalents 360,959,565.60 -296,482,731.93 2. Net Amount of Cash Paid for Acquisition of Subsidiaries in Current Period Amount 25,313,232.7 Cash or cash equivalents for business combination of current period and paid in current period 2 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the date of purchasing 22,973,109.2 3 Plus: Cash or cash equivalents for business combination of previous period and paid in current period Net amount of cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries 2,340,123.50 3. Net Amount of Cash Received from Disposal of Subsidiaries in Current Period None 4. Composition of Cash and Cash Equivalents Items Ending balance Opening balance I. Cash 943,705,322.41 647,222,590.48 Including: Cash on hand 2,974,883.16 4,614,087.17 Note to financial statement Page 91 Notes to Financial Statement Items Ending balance Opening balance Bank deposit available for payment anytime 940,730,439.25 642,608,503.33 Other monetary capital available for payment II. Cash equivalent Including: bond investments to be mature within three (3) months III Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 943,705,322.41 647,222,590.48 Including: Cash and cash equivalents the use of which by the parent company or any member of the group is limited (LI) Assets with Ownership or Use Right Restricted Items Ending book value Reason for restriction Monetary Resources Guarantee deposit 957,751,325.63 Accounts receivable Pledge 862,436,053.18 Total 1,820,187,378.81 (XXXXXII) Foreign-Currency Monetary Items 1. Foreign-Currency Monetary Items Ending balance in Exchange rate Ending balance in RMB Items foreign currency for conversion after conversion Monetary Resources Wherein: USD 22,202,038.06 6.5342 145,072,557.09 HKD 25,385,021.07 0.8359 21,219,339.11 THB 4,008,097.88 0.1995 799,775.85 QAR 646,404.20 1.7752 1,147,477.34 KWD 315,870.16 21.6271 6,831,355.54 BUK 14,152,354.13 0.0048 68,072.83 IDR 2,955,569.10 0.0005 1,424.58 KHR 2,814,000,000.00 0.0016 4,502,400.00 LKR 13,887,108.86 0.0426 591,532.90 UAE Dirham (AED) 54,806.22 1.7790 97,499.17 Russian Ruble (RUB) 5,189,976.74 0.1132 587,420.40 PHP 10,832,769.80 0.1302 1,410,534.96 Note to financial statement Page 92 Notes to Financial Statement Ending balance in Exchange rate Ending balance in RMB Items foreign currency for conversion after conversion MYR 3,256,061.00 1.6071 5,232,815.63 MOP 109,601.42 0.8006 87,746.90 Other accounts payable 868.79 0.4227 367.24 Including: AED PHP 28,480.00 0.56212 16,009.18 HKD 38,447.15 3.0165 115,975.83 KWD 49,108,163.32 0.83591 41,050,004.80 MYR 400,084.01 21.62711 8,652,662.56 LKR 1,028,013.33 0.62224 639,671.01 USD 255,741,160.60 0.042596 10,893,506.46 Other accounts receivable 3,515,185.88 6.5342 22,968,927.57 Including: PHP AED 116,997.00 3.0165 352,921.45 KWD 81,600.14 0.56212 45,869.07 QAR 240,764,214.32 0.056848791 13,687,154.42 LAK 165,274,765.76 1.794617 296,604,881.74 MYR 88,456,500.00 0.000785 69,470.25 LKR 993,634.08 0.62224 618,278.87 RUB 11,391,067.30 0.042596 485,211.94 USD 1,948,581.20 8.814 17,174,794.70 EUR 13,909,944.01 6.5342 90,890,356.15 Accounts payable 18,000,000.00 7.8023 140,441,400.00 Including: BHD KWD 36.00 17.32842 623.82 LKR 11,272,681.63 21.62711 243,795,572.46 MYR 368,300,617.95 0.042596 15,688,069.74 USD 24,113,547.02 0.62224 15,004,413.50 BUK 68,722,689.46 6.5342 449,047,797.47 THB 1,121,875.00 0.004776 5,358.59 Accounts receivable 353,636.00 0.200048 70,744.18 Note to financial statement Page 93 Notes to Financial Statement Ending balance in Exchange rate Ending balance in RMB Items foreign currency for conversion after conversion Including: KWD QAR 53,003,628.62 21.62711 1,146,315,526.86 LKR 326,181,915.40 0.57397 187,218,633.98 MYR 1,161,001,564.95 0.042596 49,453,822.85 USD 75,610,033.35 0.62224 47,047,587.15 THB 150,679,689.73 6.5342 984,571,228.63 Advance Payment 95,183.08 0.200048 19,041.19 Including: KWD MYR 3,305,362.27 21.62711 71,485,447.14 USD 1,641,357.42 0.62224 1,021,318.24 LKR 35,700,885.00 6.5342 233,276,722.77 Items Received in Advance 8,300,455.56 0.042596 353,564.78 Wherein: USD Monetary Resources 1,551,293.67 6.5342 10,136,463.10 Note to financial statement Page 94 Notes to Financial Statement VI Change of Combination Scope (I) Business Combination not Under the Same Control 1. Business combination not under the same control in current term: The purchased The purchased party‘s net Time Proportion Way to Basis for party‘s income profit from the point of Cost of equity of equity acquire the Date of determining Name of purchased parties from the date of date of equity acquisition acquired stock purchasing the date of purchasing to the purchasing to acquisition (%) equity purchasing end of period the end of period Obtainment Huichang County Zhongcheng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. 2017.3.14 10,000.00 100.00 Purchasing 2017.3.14 196,113,738.58 35,837,282.15 of the control right Obtainment Far Eastern International Engineering Company, LLC 2017.1.1 RUB95,000.00 95.00 Purchasing 2017.1.1 27,861,516.09 5,808,267.69 of the control right SINO GREAT WALL GENERAL TRADING & Obtainment CONTRACTING CO., LTD (Kuwait Branch) 2017.1.1 RMB5,547,635.00 100.00 Purchasing 2017.1.1 of the - -1,796,820.82 control right Obtainment Alor Vista Development Sdn Bhd 2017.9.28 MYR15,877,600 51.00 Purchasing 2017.9.28 of the -866,218.22 control right Note to financial statement Page 95 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Combination Cost and Goodwill Huichang County Far Eastern SINO GREAT WA Alor Vista Development Zhongcheng International LL GENERAL TR Sdn Bhd Construction Engineering ADING & CONTR Engineering Co., Company, ACTING CO., LTD Ltd. LLC (Kuwait Branch) Combination cost — Cash 10,000.00 5,547,635.00 25,292,312. 10,920.04 68 — Fair value of non-cash assets — Fair value of issued or undertaken debts — Fair value of issued equity securities — Fair value of contingent consideration — - Purchase-date fair value of entities held before the purchase date — Others Total combination cost 25,292,312. 10,000.00 10,920.04 5,547,635.00 68 Less: Fair value shares of distinguishable net assets - 19,683,105. 10,000.00 obtained 96 Amount that goodwill/ combination cost is smaller than the fair value shares of 5,609,206.7 - 10,920.04 5,547,635.00 distinguishable net assets 2 obtained Note to financial statement Page 96 Notes to Financial Statement 3. Distinguishable Assets and Liabilities of Purchased Parties on the Date of Purchasing Huichang County Zhongcheng Far Eastern International SINO GREAT WALL GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING CO., Alor Vista Development Sdn Construction Engineering Co., Engineering Company, LLC LTD (Kuwait Branch) Bhd Ltd. Fair value Book value Fair value on Book value on Fair value on Book value on the date on the date Fair value on the date of Book value on the date of the date of the date of the date of on the date of of of purchasing purchasing purchasing purchasing purchasing purchasing purchasing purchasing 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,439,674.5 2,439,674.5 Assets: 56,932,291.01 56,932,291.01 5 5 Monetary 10,000.00 10,000.00 261,775.85 261,775.85 0 0 22,701,333.38 22,701,333.38 Resources Accounts 1,091,352.7 1,091,352.7 0 0 298,756.33 298,756.33 receivable 5 5 1,086,545.9 1,086,545.9 Inventories 0 0 32,965,323.27 32,965,323.27 5 5 Fixed assets 0 0 Intangible 0 0 966,878.04 966,878.04 assets 2,439,674.5 2,439,674.5 Liabilities: 18,337,965.58 18,337,965.58 5 5 Loan 0 0 16,623,744.74 16,623,744.74 Accounts 2,439,674.5 2,439,674.5 0 0 1,714,220.84 1,714,220.84 payable 5 5 Deferred income tax 0 0 liabilities Net assets 10,000.00 10,000.00 0 0 0 0 38,594,325.42 38,594,325.42 Less: Minor 10,000.00 10,000.00 shareholders‘ - - 18,911,219.46 18,911,219.46 equity Note to financial statement Page 97 Notes to Financial Statement Net assets 10,000.00 10,000.00 0 0 0 0 19,683,105.96 19,683,105.96 obtained 4. Gain or Loss on Re-measurement as per Fair Value of Equity Held before the Date of Purchasing None 5. Relevant descriptions for failure to determine consolidated consideration and identified assets after being purchased and fair value of liability at the purchasing date or at the end of current consolidation period. None 6. Other description None Note to financial statement Page 98 Notes to Financial Statement (II) Business combination under the same control None (III) Counter purchase None Note to financial statement Page 99 Notes to Financial Statement (IV) Disposal of Subsidiaries None (V) Changes of Combination Scope for Other Reasons Newly established companies in 2017 are as follows: Shareholding proportion (%) Acquisition Establishment Invested units Main business place Registered place Business nature method date Direct Indirect Sino Zhigu Industrial (Yueyang) Co., Ltd. Yueyang Yueyang Building construction 78.3 New establishment 2017/9/29 Urban infrastructure construction and development, construction engineering Changzhi Shenzhou Laodingshan Industrial Co., Ltd. Changzhi Changzhi 100 New establishment 2017/5/16 design, R&D, construction equipment leasing, construction consulting Xiangfen County Taoshan Construction Co., Ltd. Xiangfen Xiangfen 100 New establishment 2017/5/11 Infrastructure investment, road and Sino Great Wall (Xihua) Economic Development Zone Investment bridge construction, water conservancy Xihua Xihua 100 New establishment 2017/8/25 Co., Ltd. construction, general airport construction Hospital management service, pension Liupanshui Central People‘s Hospital Investment Co., Ltd. Liupanshui Liupanshui rehabilitation service, investment, 75 New establishment 2017/4/6 trade, aged articles wholesale and retail Medical technology development, Sino Great Wall Guangxia (Wuhan) Medical Development Co., pharmaceutical sales, medical device Wuhan Wuhan 60 New establishment 2017/10/17 Ltd. wholesale, medical and pension investment Investment in medical and pension Fujian Sino Great Wall Mingyihui Medical Investment Co., Ltd. Fuzhou Fuzhou industry; hospital management; 87.5 New establishment 2017/1/4 medical device sales Investment in medical industry projects; self-operation and agency of Sino Great Wall Medical Investment (Hubei) Co., Ltd. Wuhan Wuhan 100 New establishment 2017/1/3 the import and export business of various goods and technology Pharmaceutical wholesale, Hubei Yuanyaotong Supply Chain Co., Ltd. Wuhan Wuhan self-operation and agency of the import 51 New establishment 2017/9/29 and export of goods and technology Sino Great Wall Medical Management (Inner Mongolia) Co., Ltd. Hohhot Hohhot Pharmaceutical development, 62 New establishment 2017/4/20 pharmaceutical sales, medical device Note to financial statement Page 100 Notes to Financial Statement sales Health consulting, fitness, pension Sino Great Wall Health Management (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Jingjiang Jingjiang 51 New establishment 2017/12/25 service and medical device sales Computer technology service, software Sino Great Wall Southwest Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Chengdu Chengdu and hardware R&D sales, equipment 100 New establishment 2017/9/12 installation Sino Great Wall Southwest Commercial and Trading Co., Ltd. Chengdu Chengdu Wholesale and sales 100 New establishment 2017/9/12 Construction engineering design, Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Consultation Co., Ltd. Chengdu Chengdu 100 New establishment 2017/9/12 consulting, survey Real estate development, interior Sino Great Wall Zhihui Housing Property (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd. Zhanjiang Zhanjiang decoration works for buildings and 100 New establishment 2017/6/16 houses Great Wall Biaodian Energy Co., Ltd. Beijing Beijing Energy trade, R&D, import and export 51 New establishment 2017/3/13 Development, construction, operation Kunming Sino Forest Industry Development Co., Ltd. Kunming Kunming 51 New establishment 2017/9/29 and management of industrial parks Sino Great Wall Development (Hengqin) Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Hengqin Design and construction 85 New establishment 2016/12/8 Sino Great Wall Real Estate (Hubei) Co., Ltd. Wuhan Wuhan Real estate development 80 New establishment 2016/6/14 SGW America LLC America America Construction, design 99 1 New establishment 2017/9/17 Various construction, design, trade, Sino Wai Man International Engineering Limited Macao Macao 60 New establishment 2017/9/28 investment, consulting Real estate development and management, land investment, property Sino Great Wall (HK) Property Co., Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong 100 New establishment 2017/9/25 management, investment and business consulting, trade Purchased, or otherwise obtained, SGW VENTURES SDN.BHD. Malaysia Malaysia attributes, stocks, bonds, reinvested 100 New establishment 2017/4/7 earnings, etc. Building construction, engineering SGW CONSTRUCTION (LANGKAWI) SDN.BHD. Malaysia Malaysia design, installation project, mechanical 100 New establishment 2017/4/19 and electrical installation, etc. 100 Shenzhou Changcheng (Lao) Co., Ltd. Laos Laos Building, construction New establishment 2017/6/6 87 Sino Oman Refinery and Petrochemicals LLC Oman Oman Oil production, import and export New establishment 2017/12/26 Note to financial statement Page 101 Notes to Financial Statement (VI) Others Note to financial statement Page 102 Notes to Financial Statement VII Equity in Other Subjects (I) Equity in Subsidiaries 1. Composition of the Enterprise Group Shareholding Main proportion (%) Registered Acquisitio Name of subsidiaries business Business nature place Indir n method place Direct ect Sino Great Wall under International Engineering Beijing Beijing Decoration industry 100.00 non-comm Co., Ltd. on control Sino Great Wall Investment Establish Infrastructure Investment Beijing Beijing management, import 100.00 ment Co., Ltd. and export Sino Great Wall Medical Establish Investment Management Beijing Beijing Medical investment 100.00 ment Co., Ltd. under Wuhan Commercial Sanitary & medical Wuhan Wuhan 100.00 non-comm Workers Hospital LLC service on control Medical technology development, Sino Great Wall Guangxia pharmaceutical Establish (Wuhan) Medical Wuhan Wuhan sales, medical device 60.00 ment Development Co., Ltd. wholesale, medical and pension investment Urban infrastructure construction and development, Changzhi Shenzhou construction Establish Laodingshan Industrial Changzhi Changzhi engineering design, 100.00 ment Co., Ltd. R&D, construction equipment leasing, construction consulting Xiangfen County Taoshan Urban infrastructure Establish Xiangfen Xiangfen 100.00 Construction Co., Ltd. construction, trade ment Infrastructure investment, road and Sino Great Wall (Xihua) bridge construction, Establish Economic Development Xihua Xihua 100.00 water conservancy ment Zone Investment Co., Ltd. construction, general airport construction Hospital management service, Liupanshui Central pension Establish People‘s Hospital Liupanshui Liupanshui rehabilitation 75.00 ment Investment Co., Ltd. service, investment, trade, aged articles wholesale and retail Sino Zhigu Industrial Building Establish Yueyang Yueyang 78.3 (Yueyang) Co., Ltd. construction ment Sino Great Wall Group Construction, Establish Hong Kong Hong Kong 100.00 Co., Limited design, trade, ment Note to financial statement Page 103 Notes to Financial Statement Shareholding Main proportion (%) Registered Acquisitio Name of subsidiaries business Business nature place Indir n method place Direct ect investment consulting Sino Great Wall Design and Establish Decoration and Design Beijing Beijing 100.00 consulting ment Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Design and Establish International Engineering Macao Macao 96.00 4.00 construction ment (Macao) Co., Ltd. Suzhou Lvbang Wood Establish Industry Technology Co., Suzhou Suzhou Production and sales 100.00 ment Ltd. Shenzhen Yatian under Design and Decoration Design Shenzhen Shenzhen 70.00 non-comm construction Engineering Co., Ltd. on control Guangzhou Herabenna Establish Guangzhou Guangzhou Design 100.00 Interior Design Co., Ltd. ment Investment, R&D Shenzhen Hongtulve Establish Shenzhen Shenzhen and sales, trade, 100.00 Industrial Co., Ltd. ment import and export Mechanical and electrical Inrich Me Engineering engineering, Establish Hong Kong Hong Kong 100.00 Co., Ltd. scientific research, ment trade, investment consulting Sino Great Wall Real Real estate Establish Wuhan Wuhan 80.00 Estate (Hubei) Co., Ltd. development ment Sino Great Wall New Renewable energy Establish Beijing Beijing 100.00 Energy (Beijing) Co., Ltd. technology ment Shanghai Lingrui Establish International Trading Co., Shanghai Shanghai Trade 100.00 ment Ltd. Sino Great Wall under Building Construction Construction Chengdu Chengdu 60.00 non-comm construction Co., Ltd. on control Sino Great Wall under Building Southwest Engineering Chengdu Chengdu 100.00 non-comm construction Co., Ltd. on control Investment and Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Asset Management; Establish Investment Fund Beijing Beijing 100.00 economic and trade ment Management Co., Ltd. consulting Huichang County Medical industry under Zhongcheng Construction Huichang Huichang construction, import 100.00 non-comm Engineering Co., Ltd. and export on control Great Wall Biaodian Energy trade, R&D, Establish Beijing Beijing 51.00 Energy Co., Ltd. import and export ment Sino Great Wall Zhihui Real estate Establish Housing Property Zhanjiang Zhanjiang development, 100.00 ment (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd. interior decoration works for buildings Note to financial statement Page 104 Notes to Financial Statement Shareholding Main proportion (%) Registered Acquisitio Name of subsidiaries business Business nature place Indir n method place Direct ect and houses SINO GREAT WALL INTERNETIONAL Design and Establish Saipan Saipan 100.00 ENGINEERING(CNMI) construction ment CO.,LLC SINO GREAT WALL GE under Building NERAL TRADING & C Kuwait Kuwait 49.00 non-comm construction ONTRACTING CO.LTD on control Sino Great Wall International Design and Establish Burma Burma 80.00 Engineering( MM ) Co., construction ment Ltd PT.SINO GREAT WALL Building Establish CONSTRUCTION Indonesia Indonesia 67.00 construction ment INDONESIA Shenzhou Changcheng Building, Establish Laos Laos 100.00 (Lao) Co., Ltd construction ment Engaged in domestic and international construction contracting, interior and exterior decoration of buildings, accepting bids to obtain bidding civil engineering projects Sino Great Wall of government International Establish Thailand Thailand agencies (cities, 49.00 Engineering(Thailand) ment organs, etc.), Co., Ltd. individuals and legal entities; engaged in leasing, sales, export, purchase of various construction materials and construction equipment, and real estate development, etc. Sino Great Wall Design and Establish International Engineering Maldives Maldives 100.00 construction ment Co., Ltd PT.SINO GREAT WALL Establish Real estate or INVESTMENT Indonesia Indonesia 99.90 ment leasing INDONESIA Establish SGW America LLC America America Construction, design 99.00 1.00 ment Sino Great Wall Group Design and Establish England England 98.00 (UK) Co., Limited construction ment Kunming Sino Forest Development, Establish Industry Development Kunming Kunming construction, 51.00 ment Co., Ltd. operation and Note to financial statement Page 105 Notes to Financial Statement Shareholding Main proportion (%) Registered Acquisitio Name of subsidiaries business Business nature place Indir n method place Direct ect management of industrial parks SINO GREAT Legal business Establish America America 100.00 WALL(USA).INC practices ment Sino Great Wall Establish Design and Development (Hengqin) Zhuhai Hengqin 85.00 ment construction Co., Ltd. Investment in Fujian Sino Great Wall medical and pension Establish Mingyihui Medical Fuzhou Fuzhou industry; hospital 87.50 ment Investment Co., Ltd. management; medical device sales Investment in medical industry projects; Sino Great Wall Medical self-operation and Establish Investment (Hubei) Co., Wuhan Wuhan 100.00 agency of the import ment Ltd. and export business of various goods and technology Pharmaceutical Sino Great Wall Medical development, Establish Management (Inner Hohhot Hohhot pharmaceutical 62.00 ment Mongolia) Co., Ltd. sales, medical device sales Health consulting, Sino Great Wall Health fitness, pension Establish Management (Jiangsu) Jingjiang Jingjiang 51.00 service and medical ment Co., Ltd. device sales Pharmaceutical wholesale, Hubei Yuanyaotong self-operation and Establish Wuhan Wuhan 51.00 Supply Chain Co., Ltd. agency of the import ment and export of goods and technology Bozhou Guangcheng New Solar power Establish Bozhou Bozhou 100.00 Energy LLC generation ment Bozhou Zhaosheng Establish Agricultural Technology Bozhou Bozhou Agriculture 100.00 ment LLC Bozhou Xieying Solar Solar power Establish Bozhou Bozhou 100.00 Power Generation LLC generation ment Wu‘an Juhe Photovoltaic Establish Wu‘an Wu‘an Solar photovoltaic 100.00 Power Co., Ltd. ment Qian‘an Shenzhou Solar Solar photovoltaic Establish Power Generation Co., Qian‘an Qian‘an 100.00 power station ment Ltd. Computer Establish Sino Great Wall technology service, ment Southwest Science and Chengdu Chengdu software and 100.00 Technology Co., Ltd. hardware R&D sales, equipment Note to financial statement Page 106 Notes to Financial Statement Shareholding Main proportion (%) Registered Acquisitio Name of subsidiaries business Business nature place Indir n method place Direct ect installation Sino Great Wall Establish Southwest Commercial Chengdu Chengdu Wholesale and sales 100.00 ment and Trading Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Construction Establish Southwest Engineering Chengdu Chengdu engineering design, 100.00 ment Consultation Co., Ltd. consulting, survey Gongxian County Sino Gong Gong Establish Medical Investment Co., Medical investment 50.00 County County ment Ltd. Building Far eastern international under construction, engineering company, Russia Russia 95.00 non-comm commerce and trade, LLC on control transport, leasing Sino Great Building Establish the the Wall(Philippines) construction, import 100.00 ment Philippines Philippines International Corporation and export trade Real estate Establish development and ment management, land Sino Great Wall (HK) investment, property Hong Kong Hong Kong 100.00 Property Co., Limited management, investment and business consulting, trade Building Establish construction, ment engineering design, SGW HP Engineering Malaysia Malaysia installation project, 100.00 Construction SDN.BHD mechanical and electrical installation, etc. Purchased, or Establish otherwise obtained, ment SGW VENTURES Malaysia Malaysia attributes, stocks, 100.00 SDN.BHD. bonds, reinvested earnings, etc. Building construction, SGW CONSTRUCTION engineering design, Establish (LANGKAWI) Malaysia Malaysia installation project, 100.00 ment SDN.BHD. mechanical and electrical installation, etc. Real estate Combinatio development and Alor Vista Development n not under Malaysia Malaysia management, land 51 Sdn Bhd common investment, building control and construction, etc. Sino Oman Refinery Oil production, import Oman Oman and export 87 Establishment and Petrochemicals Note to financial statement Page 107 Notes to Financial Statement Shareholding Main proportion (%) Registered Acquisitio Name of subsidiaries business Business nature place Indir n method place Direct ect LLC Combinatio SINO GREAT WALL GENE n not under RAL TRADING & CONTR Kuwait Kuwait Building construction 100 common ACTING CO.LTD control Important Non-sole Subsidiaries Proportion of Dividends declared Gain or loss attributed Ending balance of Name of shares held to distribute to minor to minor shareholders in minor shareholders‘ subsidiaries by minor shareholders in current period equity shareholders current period Sino Great Wall Construction 60% 4,411,448.72 60,022,959.21 Construction Co., Ltd. Note to financial statement Page 108 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Main Financial Information of Important Non-sole Subsidiaries Ending balance Opening balance Name of subsidiaries Non-current Current Non-curren Total Non-curren Current Non-curren Total Current assets Total assets Current assets Total assets assets liabilities t liabilities liabilities t assets liabilities t liabilities liabilities Sino Great Wall Constructio 524,593,077.5 65,345,534.1 589,938,611.6 439,881,213.6 439,881,213.6 393,681,062.9 3,756,227.5 397,437,290.4 258,408,514.2 258,408,514.2 0 - n 0 7 7 4 4 1 6 7 4 4 Constructio n Co., Ltd. Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Name of subsidiaries Total amount of Cash flow from Operating Total amount of Cash flow from Operating income Net profit Net profit composite benefits operating activities income composite benefits operating activities Sino Great Wall Construction 674,529,952.42 11,028,621.80 11,028,621.80 -9,740,360.89 421,055,207.64 1,986,128.01 1,986,128.01 -59,821,309.86 Construction Co., Ltd. Note to financial statement Page 109 Notes to Financial Statement VIII Risks Related to Financial Instruments The Company faces various financial risks in business operation, including credit risk, market risk and fluidity risk. The Company‘s Board of Directors comprehensively takes charge of determining risk management objectives and policies, and undertakes ultimate responsibility for the risk management objectives and policies. However, the Board of Directors has authorized the Company‘s management level to design and implement the procedures which could guarantee the effective implementation of the risk management objectives and policies. The Board of Directors reviews the effectiveness of the implemented procedures and the rationality of the risk management targets and policies via monthly reports submitted by the Management. The Company‘s internal auditor will audit the policies and procedures of risk management and report the findings to the audit committee. The overall objective of the Company‘s risk management is to make risk management policies which could lower risks to the greatest extent in condition of not excessively affecting the Company‘s competitiveness and ability to meet emergencies. (I) Credit Risk Credit risk indicates the risk that one party to financial instruments does not implement its obligations, so the other party suffers from financial losses. The Company mainly faces the customer credit risk caused by sales on account. Before signing a new contract, the Company will appraise a new customer‘s credit risk, including external credit rating and bank credibility letter (if available) under some circumstances. The company has set a credit limit to each customer, which is the maximum amount that does not require additional approval. The company ensures its whole credit risk is within a controllable range by means of the quarterly monitoring over credit rating of existing customers and the monthly review of aging of accounts receivable. When monitoring customers‘ credit risk, the Company divides customers into different groups according to their credit characteristics. Customers rated to be ―high-risk‖ level will appear in the shortlist of restricted customers, and only in the precondition of obtaining extra approval, will they enjoy the sales on account in future, or they must pay corresponding accounts in advance. Note to financial statement Page 110 Notes to Financial Statement (II) Market Risk Market risk of financial instruments indicate the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments fluctuates due to change of market price, including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risk. (1) Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk indicates the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments fluctuates due to change of market interest rate. The interest rate risk faced by the Company is mainly sourced from bank loan. By establishing good bank-enterprise relationship, the Company reasonably designs the credit line, credit variety and credit period, guarantees sufficient credit line obtained from banks, meeting the Company‘s various short-term financing demands. Meanwhile, by shortening the period of single loans, and specially stipulating the clauses of advanced repayment, the Company reasonably lowers the risk of interest rate fluctuation. On December 31, 2017, if the loan interest rate calculated by the floating interest rate rises or reduces by 100 benchmark points when other variables are kept unchanged, the net profit of the Company will decrease or increase by RMB [ ] million (December 31, 2016: RMB 2.12 million) (2) Exchange rate risk The exchange rate risk refers to the risks of fluctuant fair value of financial instruments or future cash flow due to the change of foreign currency exchange rate. Our company will try to match the foreign currency income and foreign currency expense to reduce the exchange rate risks. Besides, the company may sign a long-term foreign exchange contracts or currency exchange contracts to achieve the purpose of avoiding exchange rate risk. The exchange rate risk that the Company is faced with mainly comes from financial assets and financial liabilities priced with US dollars. The amount that foreign currency financial assets and foreign currency financial liabilities converting into RMB are listed as follows: Note to financial statement Page 111 Notes to Financial Statement Ending balance Ending balance Items Other foreign Other foreign USD Total USD Total currencies currencies Monetary 42,577,762.4 187,650,319. 145,072,557.09 1,069,830,885.89 18,299,991.93 1,088,130,877.82 Resources 5 54 Accounts 984,571,228.63 1,430,054,612.03 2,414,625,840.66 761,770,797.71 1,301,117,521.35 2,062,888,319.06 receivable Advance 233,276,722.77 72,860,330.16 306,137,052.93 17,950,907.64 78,735,339.22 96,686,246.86 Payment Other accounts 90,890,356.15 469,479,982. 560,370,338. 90,517,446.65 58,320,891.22 148,838,337.87 receivable 44 59 Subtotal of 1,453,810,864.6 2,014,972,68 3,468,783,55 1,940,070,037.89 1,456,473,743.72 3,396,543,781.61 Assets 4 7.08 1.72 Accounts 449,047,797.47 274,564,782.29 723,612,579.76 297,374,515.61 318,399,295.82 615,773,811.43 payable Items Received 10,136,463.10 0.00 10,136,463.10 10,572,092.06 21,321,289.59 31,893,381.65 in Advance Other accounts 22,968,927.57 61,367,829.84 84,336,757.41 70,299,852.89 10,091,141.13 80,390,994.02 payable Liability subtotal 482,153,188.14 335,932,612.13 818,085,800.27 378,246,460.56 349,811,726.54 728,058,187.10 1,679,040,07 2,650,697,75 Net 971,657,676.50 1,561,823,577.33 1,106,662,017.18 2,668,485,594.51 4.95 1.45 As of December 31, 2017, if the rate of RMB against USD rises or reduces by 1% with all other variables unchanged, the net profit of the Company will increase or decrease RMB 9,716,600 (December 31, 2016: RMB 15,618,200). (III) Liquidity risk Fluidity risk indicates the risk of capital shortage which occurs during the enterprise‘s implementing the obligation of accounts settlement by delivering cash or other financial assets. The Company‘s policy is to ensure sufficient cash for repaying debts coming due. Fluidity risk is under the centralized control of the Company‘s financial department. By monitoring the balance of cash and the securities which could be realized anytime, and through rolling prediction on the cash flow in the upcoming 12 months, the financial department ensures the Company to have sufficient funds to repay debts under all reasonably predicted circumstances. See the related subjects in the Note 5 for the disclosure of all financial liabilities of the Company at non-discounting contractual cash flows are listed as per due date IX Related party and related transaction (I) Information about Parent Company of the Company Voting right proportion of the Name of Parent Amount of Shareholding proportion of the parent company to the company Company holdings parent company to the company (%) (%) Note to financial statement Page 112 Notes to Financial Statement Voting right proportion of the Name of Parent Amount of Shareholding proportion of the parent company to the company Company holdings parent company to the company (%) (%) Chen Lve 582,944,556 34.33 34.33 (II) Information about Subsidiaries of the Company Please refer to Note VII. Equities in other subjects for the detailed information of the company‘s subsidiaries. (III) Other Affiliated Parties Name of other affiliated parties Relationship between other affiliated parties and our company He Sen Brother-in-law of the shareholder and actual controller of the Company He Feiyan Spouse of the shareholder and actual controller of the Company Li Erlong, etc. Director, supervisor and senior executive of the Company Qinghai Heyi Commerce Co., Ltd. Enterprise controlled by the director Wang Lei of the Company Qinghai Heyi Mining Industry Co., Enterprise controlled by the director Wang Lei of the Company Ltd. Kunwu Jiuding Investment More than 5% of the shareholders of the Company and the companies Management Co. Ltd and the affiliated under common control parties The wholly-owned subsidiary company of which the company director Beijing Baolilai Technology Co., Ltd. of the Company acts as the director of its parent company (IV) Affiliated Transactions 1. Affiliated Transactions of Purchasing and Selling Goods, Rendering and Accepting Labor Services Form of Information on Purchasing of Goods/ Accepting of Labor Services (ten thousand Yuan) Contents of affiliated Amount incurred of Amount incurred of Affiliated parties transactions current period last period Qinghai Heyi Commerce Co., Ltd. Payment for materials 319.00 1,959.00 Table of selling commodities/ supplying labor (unit: ten thousand Yuan) Amount Amount Contents of incurred incurred Affiliated parties affiliated of current of last transactions period period Leasehold Kunwu Jiuding Investment Management Co. Ltd. improvement 122.76 795.13 Beijing Baolilai Technology Co., Ltd. (renamed as: Beijing Leasehold 16.00 38.2 Note to financial statement Page 113 Notes to Financial Statement Shenzhou High-speed Railway Asset Management Co., improvement Ltd.) Leasehold Shanghai Heyi Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. improvement 421.69 2. Related entrusted management/contract and commission management/outsource situation None 3. Related-party lease None 4. Affiliated Guarantees The Company acting as the secured party Guarantee Guaranteed Starting date Expiry date Guaranteed Party Corresponding Bank completed amount of guarantee of guarantee or not Shanghai Pudong Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Development Bank 27,000.00 2017.3.13 2018.3.13 No Shenzhen Branch Baoshang Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 20,000.00 2017.1.13 2018.1.12 No Industrial Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Houhai Branch 80,000.00 2017.4.17 2018.4.17 No Xiamen International Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Bank 5,000.00 2017.5.17 2017.5.16 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.6.23 2018.6.22 No Chang'an International Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Trust 40,000.00 2017.7.10 2018.7.9 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.8.24 2018.8.23 No China Bohai Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 10,000.00 2017.6.28 2018.6.27 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Industrial Trust 10,000.00 2017.8.9 2018.8.8 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.8.22 2018.8.21 No Bank of Jiujiang Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 13,000.00 2017.8.23 2018.8.22 No China Minsheng Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 20,000.00 2017.8.30 2018.8.30 No Shenzhen Rural Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Commercial Bank 1,000.00 2017.11.17 2018.11.17 No China Zheshang Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Baoan 20,000.00 2017.10.26 2018.5.27 No Subbranch Bank of Hangzhou Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 10,000.00 2016.10.27 2017.10.27 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Hunan Trust 2016.4.19 2018.4.19 No Note to financial statement Page 114 Notes to Financial Statement 20,000.00 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. CITIC Trust 40,000.00 2016.6.28 2018.6.27 No Bohai Trust (Shanghai Pudong Development Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Bank Shenzhen 30,000.00 2017.5.10 2020.5.10 No Branch) Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.8.3 2019.2.3 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.8.10 2019.2.10 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.8.16 2019.2.16 No Wanxiang Trust Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 20,000.00 2017.8.3 2019.8.3 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.8.10 2019.8.10 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.8.16 2019.8.16 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2019.9.18 No 2017.9.18 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.9.25 2019.9.25 No Zhongjiang Trust Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 30,000.00 2017.9.29 2019.9.29 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.10.13 2019.10.13 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 2017.10.18 2019.10.18 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. China Everbright Pledge for accounts Bank Shenzhen 25,000.00 2017.1.11 2018.1.10 No receivable Branch China Everbright Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Bank Co., Ltd. 10,000.00 2016/1/13 2017/1/12 Yes Shenzhen Branch Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 12,000.00 2016/1/13 2017/1/12 Yes Branch Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 25,714.00 2016/8/25 2017/8/25 Yes Branch Baoshang Bank Co., Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 20,000.00 2016/1/21 2017/1/20 Yes China Zheshang Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 20,000.00 2016/6/21 2017/6/20 Yes Branch China Bohai Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 10,000.00 2016/4/29 2017/4/28 Yes Branch China Guangfa Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 10,000.00 2016/8/22 2017/8/22 Yes Branch Industrial International Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Trust 10,000.00 2016.9.30 2018.9.29 No Bank of China Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Futian 2016.11.12 2017.11.12 Yes 50,000.00 Subbranch Sino Great Wall Bank of Shanghai Beijing Branch 70,000.00 2017.11.16 2018.11.5 No International Engineering Note to financial statement Page 115 Notes to Financial Statement Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Shanghai Pudong International Engineering Development Bank 13,000.00 2016.10.28 2017.9.28 No Co., Ltd. Fulicheng Subbranch Sino Great Wall Haikou United Rural International Engineering Commercial Bank 7,000.00 2017.2.28 2018.2.27 Yes Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Bank of Ningbo International Engineering Beijing Branch 20,000.00 2017.4.11 2018.3.31 No Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Bank of Dalian International Engineering Beijing Branch 18,000.00 2017.1.3 2018.1.2 No Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Harbin Bank Tianjin International Engineering Branch 12,000.00 2017.6.7 2018.5.22 No Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall China Bohai Bank International Engineering Shenzhen Branch 40,000.00 2017.7.25 2018.7.24 No Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall China CITIC Bank International Engineering Cuiwei Subbranch 22,000.00 2017.6.30 2018.6.30 No Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Huaneng Guicheng International Engineering Trust Co., Ltd. 20,000.00 2017.10.18 2018.10.17 No Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall China Railway Trust International Engineering Co., Ltd. 10,000.00 2017.11.22 2018.11.21 No Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Shanghai Huarui Bank International Engineering (Ping An Financial 8,400.00 2017.3.31 2019.9.30 No Co., Ltd. Leasing) Sino Great Wall Bank of Nanjing International Engineering Beijing Branch 0801 15,000.00 2016/3/21 2017/3/21 No Co., Ltd. China Minsheng Bank Sino Great Wall Beijing International Engineering Jianguomenwai 15,000.00 2016/7/19 2017/7/19 No Co., Ltd. Subbranch China Resources Bank Sino Great Wall Shenzhen International Engineering Huaruncheng 10,000.00 2017.11.30 2018.11.30 No Co., Ltd. Subbranch Sino Great Wall Kincheng Bank of International Engineering Tianjin Co., Ltd. 5,000.00 2016/8/8 2017/8/8 Yes Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Guangdong Nanyue International Engineering Bank Shenzhen 5,000.00 2015/11/19 2016/11/19 Yes Co., Ltd. Branch Sino Great Wall Shanghai Huarui Bank International Engineering (Ping An Financial 8,400.00 2016/12/19 2017/12/19 Yes Co., Ltd. Leasing) Sino Great Wall Bank of Shanghai International Engineering Beijing Branch 14,000.00 2016/7/12 2017/7/12 Yes Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Luzhou City 2017.9.30 2018.9.29 No Note to financial statement Page 116 Notes to Financial Statement Construction Construction Commercial Bank 5,000.00 Co., Ltd. Great Wall Guoxing Wuhan Commercial Worker Hospital Financial Leasing Co., 10,889.81 2017.1.18 2020.1.17 No Ltd. Chongqing Haier Chen Lve Microfinance Co., Ltd. 6,000.00 2017.5.22 2017.8.22 Yes Chongqing Haier Chen Lve Microfinance Co., Ltd. 6,000.00 2017.9.21 2017.12.21 Yes Bank of Beijing Chen Lve Shuangxiu Subbranch 1,000.00 2016.12.15 2017.6.14 Yes The Company acting as the secured party Guaran tee Corresponding Debit Guarantee Starting date Expiry date Guarantor comple Bank d amount of guarantee of guarantee ted or not Chen Lve, He Feiyan, Sino Bank of Shanghai Great Wall Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch 70,000.00 2017.11.16 2018.11.5 No Shanghai Pudong Chen Lve, Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Development Bank 13,000.00 2016.10.28 2017.9.28 No Fulicheng Subbranch Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., Haikou United Rural Chen Lve Commercial Bank 7,000.00 2017.2.28 2018.2.27 Yes Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., Bank of Ningbo Beijing Chen Lve Branch 20,000.00 2017.4.11 2018.3.31 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., Bank of Dalian Beijing Chen Lve, He Feiyan Branch 18,000.00 2017.1.3 2018.1.2 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., Harbin Bank Tianjin Chen Lve Branch 12,000.00 2017.6.7 2018.5.22 No China Bohai Bank Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 40,000.00 2017.7.25 2018.7.24 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., China CITIC Bank Chen Lve Cuiwei Subbranch 22,000.00 2017.6.30 2018.6.30 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., Huaneng Guicheng Trust Chen Lve Co., Ltd. 20,000.00 2017.10.18 2018.10.17 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., China Railway Trust Co., Chen Lve Ltd. 10,000.00 2017.11.22 2018.11.21 No Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Shanghai Huarui Bank 8,400.00 2017.3.31 2019.9.30 No Chen Lve, Sino Great Wall Bank of Nanjing Beijing Co., Ltd. Branch 0801 15,000.00 2016/3/21 2017/3/21 No China Minsheng Bank Chen Lve, Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., He Feiyan Beijing Jianguomenwai 15,000.00 2016/7/19 2017/7/19 No Subbranch China Resources Bank Chen Lve, Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Huaruncheng 10,000.00 2017.11.30 2018.11.30 No Subbranch Kincheng Bank of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Tianjin Co., Ltd. 5,000.00 2016/8/8 2017/8/8 Yes Note to financial statement Page 117 Notes to Financial Statement Chen Lve, He Feiyan, Sino Guangdong Nanyue Great Wall Co., Ltd. Bank Shenzhen Branch 5,000.00 2015/11/19 2016/11/19 Yes Bank of Beijing Lvgang Qinghai Heyi Mining CO., Ltd., Chen Lve International Center 50,000.00 2016.3.10 2017.3.9 Yes Subbranch 3640 Ping'an International Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Financial Leasing Co., 8,400.00 2016/12/19 2017/12/19 Yes Ltd. Joint Adventure Guarantee Haikou United Rural Group Co., Ltd. Commercial Bank 2,800.00 2016/1/8 2017/1/7 Yes Chen Lve, Sino Great Wall Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd., He Feiyan Beijing Branch 14,000.00 2016/7/12 2017/7/12 Yes Ping An Bank Shenzhen Chen Lve, He Feiyan Times Finance Center 30,000.00 2016.12.21 2017.12.20 No Subbranch 3008 Beijing Zhongguancun The Export-Import Bank Sci-tech Financing Guaranty of China Beijing Branch 23,000.00 2016/2/22 2018/3/22 No Co., Ltd. 0941 Ping'an International Chen Lve Financial Leasing 0171 550.00 2015.2.11 2018.2.11 No Ping'an International Chen Lve Financial Leasing 0172 550.00 2015.2.11 2018.2.11 No Ping'an International Chen Lve Financial Leasing 0173 550.00 2015.7.30 2018.7.30 No Ping'an International Chen Lve Financial Leasing 0174 550.00 2015.8.3 2018.8.3 No Ping'an International Chen Lve Financial Leasing Co., 1,200.00 2016/1/13 2018/1/13 No Ltd. Ping'an International Chen Lve Financial Leasing Co., 1,200.00 2016/3/29 2018/3/29 No Ltd. Ping'an International Chen Lve Financial Leasing Co., 1,200.00 2016/3/29 2018/3/29 No Ltd. Beijing Zhongguancun Bank of Beijing Sci-tech Financing Guaranty Shuangxiu Subbranch 24,500.00 2017.10.31 2020.10.30 No Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Shanghai Pudong International Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen Lve, He Development Bank 27,000.00 2017.3.13 2018.3.13 No Shenzhen Branch Feiyan Sino Great Wall Baoshang Bank International Engineering Shenzhen Branch 20,000.00 2017.1.13 2018.1.12 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall Industrial Bank Houhai International Engineering Branch 80,000.00 2017.4.17 2018.4.17 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Chen Lve Bridge Trust 30,000.00 2017.8.21 2018.8.21 No Sino Great Wall Xiamen International International Engineering Bank 5,000.00 2017.5.17 2017.5.16 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall Chang'an International 2017.6.23 2018.6.22 No Note to financial statement Page 118 Notes to Financial Statement International Engineering Trust 40,000.00 Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.7.10 2018.7.9 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.8.24 2018.8.23 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall China Bohai Bank International Engineering Shenzhen Branch 10,000.00 2017.6.28 2018.6.27 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering Industrial Trust 10,000.00 2017.8.9 2018.8.8 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve, He Feiyan Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.8.22 2018.8.22 No Co., Ltd. Bank of Jiujiang Sino Great Wall 13,000.00 International Engineering 2017.8.23 2018.8.22 No Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall China Minsheng Bank International Engineering Shenzhen Branch 20,000.00 2017.8.30 2018.8.30 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall Shenzhen Rural International Engineering Commercial Bank 5,000.00 2017.11.17 2018.11.17 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall China Zheshang Bank International Engineering Shenzhen Baoan 20,000.00 2017.10.26 2018.5.27 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Subbranch Sino Great Wall Bank of Hangzhou International Engineering Shenzhen Branch 10,000.00 2016.10.27 2017.10.27 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen Lve, He Hunan Trust 20,000.00 2016.4.19 2018.4.19 No Feiyan Sino Great Wall International Engineering CITIC Trust 40,000.00 2016.6.28 2018.6.27 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall Bohai Trust (Shanghai International Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen Lve, He Pudong Development 30,000.00 2017.5.10 2020.5.10 No Bank Shenzhen Branch) Feiyan Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.8.3 2019.2.3 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering Wanxiang Trust 20,000.00 2017.8.10 2019.2.10 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.8.16 2019.2.16 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Note to financial statement Page 119 Notes to Financial Statement Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.8.3 2019.8.3 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.8.10 2019.8.10 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.8.16 2019.8.16 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2019.9.18 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve 2017.9.18 Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.9.25 2019.9.25 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering Zhongjiang Trust 30,000.00 2017.9.29 2019.9.29 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.10.13 2019.10.13 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall International Engineering 2017.10.18 2019.10.18 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall China Everbright Bank International Engineering Shenzhen Branch 2,500.00 2017.1.11 2018.1.10 No Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Sino Great Wall China Everbright Bank International Engineering Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 10,000.00 2016/1/13 2017/1/12 Yes Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Branch Sino Great Wall Shanghai Pudong International Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen Lve, He Development Bank Co., 12,000.00 2016/1/13 2017/1/12 Yes Ltd. Shenzhen Branch Feiyan Sino Great Wall Shanghai Pudong International Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen Lve, He Development Bank Co., 25,714.00 2016/8/25 2017/8/25 Yes Ltd. Shenzhen Branch Feiyan Sino Great Wall Baoshang Bank Co., Ltd. International Engineering Shenzhen Branch 20,000.00 2016/1/21 2017/1/20 Yes Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Guangdong Huaxing Chen Lve Bank Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 5,000.00 2016/7/29 2017/1/28 Yes Branch Sino Great Wall China Zheshang Bank International Engineering Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 20,000.00 2016/6/21 2017/6/20 Yes Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Branch Sino Great Wall International Engineering China Bohai Bank Co., Co., Ltd., Zhongcheng Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 10,000.00 2016/4/29 2017/4/28 Yes Jianye Construction Co., Ltd., Chen Lve Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. Chen Lve Shenzhen Branch 10,000.00 2016/3/21 2017/3/21 Yes Sino Great Wall China Guangfa Bank 2016/8/22 2017/8/22 Yes International Engineering Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 10,000.00 Note to financial statement Page 120 Notes to Financial Statement Co., Ltd., Chen Lve, He Branch Feiyan Industrial and Chen Lve, He Feiyan Commercial Bank of 2017.4.7 2018.4.7 Yes 60,000.00 China Chen Lve Bank of Ningbo 10,000.00 2017/4/28 2018/4/28 Yes Sino Great Wall International Engineering Industrial International Co., Ltd., Chen Lve, He Trust 10,000.00 2016.9.30 2018.9.29 Yes Feiyan Shenzhen Small & Medium Guangdong Huaxing Enterprises Credit Financing 2017.1.6 2019.1.5 No Bank Shenzhen Branch 10,000.00 Guarantee Group Co., Ltd. Luzhou City Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. 5,000.00 2017.9.30 2018.9.29 No Commercial Bank Great Wall Guoxing Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Financial Leasing Co., 10,889.81 2017.1.18 2020.1.17 No Ltd. Chongqing Haier Chen Lve 2017.5.22 2017.8.22 Yes Microfinance Co., Ltd. 6,000.00 Bank of Beijing Chen Lve 2016.12.15 2017.6.14 Yes Shuangxiu Subbranch 1,000.00 Bank of Beijing Chen Lve 2016.12.15 2017.6.14 Yes Shuangxiu Subbranch 1,000.00 Sichuan Jinyu Financing Bank of Chengdu Guarantee Co., Ltd., Ye 2016/2/17 2017/2/16 No Fuqin Subbranch 800.00 Meifu, Yang Qiuhua 5. Fund lending/borrowing for related parties None 6. Assets Transfer and Debts Reorganization of Affiliated Parties (1) Sale of subsidiaries On February 10, 2017, the Equity Transfer Agreement was made and entered into by and between Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Company, and Shenzhen Sino Dalue Investment Co., Ltd., and Sino International transferred 100% equity of Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. held by it to Sino Dalue. The legal representative and actual controller of Shenzhen Sino Dalue Investment Co., Ltd. shall be the chairman of the company, Mr. Chen Lve, so this equity transfer shall constitute a related party transaction. Note to financial statement Page 121 Notes to Financial Statement On July 27, 2017, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Sino Dalue Investment Co., Ltd. and Sino Long-term Investment (Beijing) Co., Ltd. executed the supplementary equity transfer agreement. The International Engineering Co., Ltd. transferred 100% equities of Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. under its control. The transfer price was RMB 1 million and the paid-in capital was RMB 1 million. The transfer of the above equity has completed the change of equity in January 2018. (2) Selling assets On March 17, 2018, the Company executed the Supplemental Agreement of the Economic Compensation Agreement on Subsequent Events of Major Assets Reconstruction of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Supplemental Agreement‖) with Union Developing Group of China and Mr. Chen Lve. In the Supplemental Agreement, the content ―In the event the Agreement shall be terminated or cancelled by any reason whatsoever, the effectiveness of the termination of the Commitment Letter under the Framework Agreement shall remain the same‖ in Article 5.4 was deleted. Other contents are consistent with the original announcement. The period of use of this land lot has expired on April 17, 2017 and cannot be extended upon the reply from the government authority. Meanwhile, this land lot has been included in the planning scope of Urban Update Unit of Union Developing Group of China Zone A, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City. In accordance with the policy related to the urban update and the approval requirements of government special program of Shenzhen City, this land lot will be transferred without compensation to the government as the land intended for education during the urban update. The Commitment Letter objectively cannot be performed in practice. To protect interests of the listed company and other shareholders and properly solve subsequent events of the land lot involved in this reorganization, the Framework Agreement on Subsequent Events of Major Assets Reorganization of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Framework Agreement) was executed by and among the Company, Union Developing Group of China and Mr. Chen Lve on February 22, 2018. As agreed in the Framework Agreement, Union Developing Group of China or its appointed third party shall pay the economic compensation of about RMB 100 million to the Company and the specific amount shall be subject to the assessment result of Pengxin Asset Evaluation Company. On March 9, 2018, Pengxin Asset Evaluation Company issued the Asset Evaluation Report (PXZPBZ (2018) No.S012). According to the Asset Evaluation Report, InfoChamp Systems shall be entitled to the rights and interests of RMB 99.953 million as for the land lot and Note to financial statement Page 122 Notes to Financial Statement its ground structures. After friendly negotiation by and among parties, on March 12, 2018, the Company, Union Developing Group of China and Mr. Chen Lve executed the Economic Compensation Agreement on Subsequent Events of Major Assets Reconstruction of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the ―Compensation Agreement‖) as for economic compensation affairs of the land lot. As agreed in the Compensation Agreement, Union Developing Group of China shall pay the compensation amount totaling RMB 100 million to the Company; Union Developing Group of China agreed to pay the compensation amount of RMB 100 million in full at one time to the Company‘s stipulated amount by itself or via a third party within 15 working days upon execution and effectiveness of the agreement. Upon completion of this economic compensation, the rights and interests, future benefits, risks and others of the subject asset shall be granted to and undertaken by Union Developing Group of China or its specified third party and shall be no longer related to the Company, Mr. Chen Lve or the Company‘s affiliated party. The Company, Mr. Chen Lve or the Company‘s affiliated party shall not claim any related rights and interests against Union Developing Group of China and any party related to the land lot for any reason or via any way or propose any recourse in any form. As Union Developing Group of China, China Union Holdings Ltd. and Fuguan Investment Co., Ltd., the latter two of which are owned by Union Developing Group of China, are the persons acting in concert, they hold more than 5% of the Company‘s shares in total; Mr. Dong Binggen, the President of the Company‘s Board of Supervisors shall act as the Chairman of Union Developing Group of China; Mr. Hu Yongfeng, the Company‘s Director, shall act as the Vice President of Union Developing Group of China; and this transaction shall constitute the related transaction. 7. Salary of key management personnel Amount incurred of current Items Amount incurred of last period period Salary of key management personnel 2,960,600.00 1,696,900.00 (V) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable of Affiliated Parties 1. Items Receivable Ending balance Opening balance Name of Affiliated parties Book Bad debt Book Bad debt items balance reserve balance reserve Accounts receivable Note to financial statement Page 123 Notes to Financial Statement Kunwu Jiuding Investment Management Co. Ltd and the 1,227,613.49 61,380.67 1,609,996.92 80,499.85 affiliated parties Beijing Baolilai Technology Co., 160,000.00 16,000.00 160,000.00 8,000.00 Ltd. 2. Items Payable Ending book Book balance at the beginning of Name of items Affiliated parties balance year Accounts payable Qinghai Heyi Commerce Co., Ltd. 3,190,000.00 Shanghai Heyi Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. 2,469,164.81 -1,000,000.00 Other accounts payable Qinghai Heyi Commerce Co., Ltd. 2,999,209.78 He Sen 4,405,644.43 (VI) Commitments of related parties None X Share-Based Payment None XI Governmental subsidy Government subsidies related to income Amount transferred to the profit or loss Item transferred to for the period or offset against relevant the profit or loss cost losses for the period or Type Amount Amount offset against Amount incurred of relevant cost incurred of last current period losses period 250,194. Job subsidy 89 250,194.89 250,194.89 Awards for steady growth in 159,381. foreign trade from Beijing 00 159,381.00 159,381.00 Commerce Commission Beijing special fund for 1,801,55 development of foreign economy 3.00 1,801,553.00 1,801,553.00 and trade XII Commitments and Contingencies (I) Important Commitments 1. Important commitments existing on the date of balance sheet Note to financial statement Page 124 Notes to Financial Statement The Company has no significant commitments which require separate disclosure. (1) Unsettled Letter of Guarantee In order to ensure the successful completion of the Project, the Company obtained a performance Letter of Guarantee issued by a commercial bank at the request of the Owner. As of December 31, 2017, the outstanding amount under the Letter of Guarantee was: SN Currency Amount (ten thousand Yuan) 1 HKD 10,800.00 2 RMB 90,880.95 3 USD 5,915.93 4 Total amount 107,596.88 (2) The Company has no other significant commitments which require separate disclosure. (II) Contingencies For details of external guarantee, see Note IX, Affiliated Party and Related Guarantees (IV), related transaction conditions 5 and information on related-party guarantee. XIII Matters after the Date of Balance Sheet (I) Important non-adjusting events 1. Major foreign financing (1) The Company held the 31st meeting of the Company‘s 7th Board of Directors on March 22, 2018, in which the Proposal on Short-term Financing Bonds to Be Issued by the Company was approved. The Company was intended to apply for the issuance of short-term financing bond with the total amount of not greater than RMB 600 million (inclusive) to the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors; the short-term financing bond intended to be registered and issued has been reviewed and approved by the 31 st meeting of the Company‘s 7th Board of Directors, which shall be implemented only with approval of the Company‘s 2nd extraordinary general meeting of 2018 and the approval for application and registration of the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors. (2) On July 21, 2017, the Company received the Reply for approval on private stock issuance by Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the ―CSRC‖, ZJXK (2017) No.1145), which approved that the private stocks issued by the Company shall not be greater than 86,455,330 new shares [since the implementation of the profit distribution scheme of 2016, the issuance number of the Note to financial statement Page 125 Notes to Financial Statement private stock was changed from 86,455,330 shares (inclusive) to not greater than 86,956,520 shares (inclusive)]. The replay was valid for 6 months since the approval issue date (July 5, 2017). After obtaining the above approval, the Company has been involved in the promotion of issuance. However, due to the change of the capital market environment, the Company failed to complete the private stock issuance within 6 months since the issuance approval date of China Securities Regulatory Commission (i.e. January 4, 2018). Thus, the approval for the Company‘s private stock issuance approval by China Securities Regulatory Commission was null and void upon its expiration. (3) Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the ―Company‖) held the 28 th meeting of the Company‘s 7th Board of Directors on January 19, 2018, in which the Proposal on the Debt Financing Plan to Be Issued by the Company and the Proposal on the Receivables Debt Financing Plan to Be Issued by the Company were reviewed and approved. To meet the demand of the Company‘s production and operation working capital and widen the financing channel, the Company is intended to list the bond financing plan (hereinafter referred to as the ―Bond Financing Plan‖) in Beijing Financial Asset Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the ―Beijing Financial Asset Exchange‖) as per provisions in the Business Guide for Bond Financing Plan of Beijing Financial Asset Exchange and other related laws, regulations and specifications. The affairs of the bond financing plan were reviewed and approved by the 28th meeting of the Company’s 7th Board of Directors. The plan shall be implemented only after review and approval by the Company’s 1st extraordinary general meeting in 2018 and the registration by the Beijing Financial Asset Exchange. (4) On January 19, 2018, Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the ―Company‖) held the 28th meeting of the Company‘s Board of Directors, in which the Proposal on Providing Guarantee to Credit Granting and Other Financial Business of Fully-owned Subsidiary Companies and Holding Subsidiary Companies was reviewed and approved. The Company agreed to provide guarantee to the comprehensive credit granting and other financial business of applying no more than RMB 10 billion to the financing institutions and other institutions by its fully-owned and holding subsidiary companies. (II) Condition of profit distribution As approved by the 32nd meeting of the Company‘s 7th Board of Directors, 1,698,245,011 shares of the existing share capital shall be used as the capital base, and the bonus dividend RMB 0.40 (tax included) shall be distributed per 10 shares. No bonus shares Note to financial statement Page 126 Notes to Financial Statement shall be transferred and no capital reserve shall be used for increasing the share capital. (III) Sales return None (IV) Assets and disposal group categorized as held-for-sale 1. Held-for-sale assets None 2. Disposal group categorized as held-for-sale: None (V) Description for other events after the balance sheet date: 1. Sale of subsidiary company (1) Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. On December 7, 2017, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the ―International Engineering‖, the subsidiary company of the Company) the Shenzhen Bojie Investment Holding Co., Ltd., Wan Duanlin and Sino Global (Beijing) Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. signed the agreement on transfer of 100% equities of Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. The equity change affairs concerning the above equity transfer affairs have been completed in January 2018. (2) Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. On July 27, 2017, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the ―International Engineering‖, the Company‘s subsidiary company), Shenzhen Sino Dalue Investment Co., Ltd. and Sino Long-term Investment (Beijing) Co., Ltd. executed the supplementary equity transfer agreement. The International Engineering transferred 100% equities of Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. under its control. The transfer price was RMB 1 million and the paid-in capital was RMB 1 million. The transfer of the above equity has completed the change of equity in January 2018. 2. Acquisition of equity (1) On December 12, 2017, Sino Great Wall Medical Investment Management Co., Ltd. (the subsidiary company of the Company) and relevant shareholders of Wuhan Huaye Medicine Co., Ltd. executed the Equity Transfer Agreement. The asset completion and equity change procedure shall be finished in 2018. Upon completion of change, the Note to financial statement Page 127 Notes to Financial Statement Company obtained 51% controlling interests of Wuhan Huaye Medicine Co., Ltd.. (2) On February 12, 2018, the Company, the UPL (Laos) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the ―UPL Laos‖, the ―Target Company‖ or ―Party B‖) and the UPL (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. (hereinafter referred to as ―Party C‖) executed the Equity Cooperation Agreement on the Project of Dongphosy Special Economic Zone, Vientiane, Laos as for the 30% equities purchased from UPL Laos by the Company. The purchase price of the equity was RMB 30 million (including the case of RMB 10 million and the construction loaning of RMB 20 million). 3. Establishment of new subsidiary company (1) In January 2018, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. contributed 51% and Shenzhen Shenzhouhong International Soft Decoration and Art Co., Ltd. contributed 49% to jointly establish the Sino Great Wall Engineering Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. with the registered capital of RMB 2 million; (2) In January 2017, Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. contributed 62.23% and Lingbao Stated-owned Assets Operation Co., Ltd. contributed 37.77% to jointly establish the Lingbao City Sino Great Wall Medical Management Co., Ltd. with the registered capital of RMB 148.48 million; (3) In February 2018, Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. contributed 75% and Beijing Zhongtou Huayi Investment Co., Ltd. contributed 25% to jointly establish Sino Great Wall Medical and Well-being Industrial (Hunan) Investment Co., Ltd. with the registered capital of RMB 100 million; (4) In February 2018, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. contributed 100% to establish Sino Great Wall Hebei Xiongan Engineering Co., Ltd. with the registered capital of RMB 100 million; (5) In March 2018, Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. contributed 80% and the Wuchuan City People‘s Hospital contributed 20% to jointly establish Wuchuan City Sino Great Wall People‘s Hospital with the registered capital of RMB 217 million; (6) In March 2018, Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. contributed 90% and Renhuai City Maotai-flavor Liquor Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (Guizhou Province) contributed 10% to jointly establish Renhuai City Sino Great Wall Wine Culture Expo Park Development Co., Ltd. with the registered capital of RMB 245.09 million; 4. Cancellation of subsidiary company In January 2018, the Company handled the industrial and commercial cancellation Note to financial statement Page 128 Notes to Financial Statement formalities for Bozhou Xieying Solar Power Generation LLC, Bozhou Zhaosheng Agricultural Technology LLC and Qian‘an Shenzhou Solar Power Generation Co., Ltd., the three of which were under the control of the Company. XIV Other Important Matters (I) Correction of early accounting error 1. Retrospective restatement The company does not have correction of accounting error with retrospective restatement in the current reporting period. 2. Prospective application The company does not have correction of accounting error with prospective application it in the current reporting period. (II) Debt restructuring None (III) Replacement of assets 1. Exchange of non-monetary assets None 2. Replacement of other assets None (IV) Pension plan None (V) Discontinuing operation None (VI) Segment Information 1. Determination Basis and Accounting Policies of Report Segment Accounting Policies of Report Segment: There is no related business among the domestic construction and decoration section, the overseas construction and decoration section and the medical section, thus there is no price transfer among the various divisions. The medical section business is implemented by the company and the independent Note to financial statement Page 129 Notes to Financial Statement subsidiary company. The account sets of the overseas construction and decoration section business are set up according to the construction areas of the projects under construction for accounting. There are 8 major account sets respectively for Qatar, Kuwait, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Burma, Maldives and Saipan for accounting. There is no situation in which the costs indirectly attributing to the various divisions need to be shared. The business data of the overseas construction and decoration section is also composed of the financial data of the above 8 major project account sets. 2. Financial Information of Report Segment Note to financial statement Page 130 Notes to Financial Statement Domestic construction and decoration Overseas construction and decoration Medical section Set off Total section section Items Amount of current Amount of last Amount of Amount of last Amount of Amount of last Amount of Amount of last Amount of current Amount of last period period current period period current period period current period period period period I. Operating 3,165,213,312.5 132,427,255.4 4,664,999,117.1 4,055,226,176.75 1,418,192,694.17 2,747,112,360.43 81,593,110.43 -437,640,812.14 6,497,124,980.52 income 7 8 7 Including: Income 3,165,213,312.5 132,427,255.4 4,664,999,117.1 from external 4,055,226,176.75 1,418,192,694.17 2,747,112,360.43 81,593,110.43 7 8 7 transaction Income from transaction between -437,640,812.14 6,497,124,980.52 - segments 2,216,759,318.3 3,459,377,744.6 II. Operating cost 3,376,128,111.31 1,184,945,928.21 1,850,501,055.12 97,366,145.37 57,672,498.15 -437,640,812.14 4,886,354,499.66 0 6 Including: Cost of 2,216,759,318.3 3,401,705,246.5 3,376,128,111.31 1,184,945,928.21 1,850,501,055.12 97,366,145.37 external transaction 0 1 Cost of transaction -437,640,812.14 4,886,354,499.66 - between segments III Asset 233,324,136.18 74,286,638.56 92,834,249.44 95,207,208.36 805,778.49 518,043.19 -3,896,559.25 323,067,604.86 170,011,890.11 Impairment Loss IV Depreciation costs and 8,485,049.12 3,004,474.27 2,669,193.11 30,488.71 5,433,722.50 19,316.10 2,076,834.60 -3,794,638.67 18,664,799.34 6,848,917.76 amortization charges V Total profit -3,420,438.20 -304,963,110.16 616,507,925.74 864,476,659.76 396,068.89 3,583,802.03 49,753,168.05 1,759,594.94 663,236,724.48 561,337,756.68 VI Expense of 92,409.54 -10,207,854.94 10,327,779.55 99,038,519.27 1,899,263.79 1,703,401.20 -397,576.47 1,289,203.78 11,921,876.40 89,244,861.75 income tax VII Net profit -3,512,847.74 -294,755,255.22 606,950,602.75 765,438,140.48 -1,503,194.90 1,880,400.83 49,380,281.33 470,391.16 651,314,841.45 472,092,894.93 10,947,559,949.2 3,044,412,477.4 220,153,409.3 7,986,178,961.6 VIII Total assets 16,528,958,963.06 4,411,681,112.49 121,748,481.08 93,583,646.64 6,127,541,946.13 21,254,377,131.56 4 5 8 3 IX Total 1,752,059,212.3 220,153,409.3 6,155,696,089.0 16,505,938,299.90 7,089,471,639.73 4,414,287,247.85 136,402,672.37 -5,396,411,791.68 2,822,237,435.41 15,743,967,165.45 liabilities 4 8 4 (VII) Others Note to financial statement Page 131 Notes to Financial Statement Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. concluded and signed the Contract on SOHO Property Cooperation of Ruian Chengzhonghui with Chengdu Xianglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. on December 16, 2016, agreeing that Chengdu Xianglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. shall entrust Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. to sell (exclusive sales) the property of the office building located at 7-28 Floors, Building 1 (SOHO), Ruian Chengzhonghui which was developed by Chengdu Xianglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., in which, Chengdu Xianglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. may obtain the cooperative profit of RMB 230,090,400.00 and Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. obtained the actual selling price and the premium of the cooperative profit and paid relevant taxes while Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. paid 10% of the cooperative profit, namely RMB 23,090,400.00, as the performance bond. On July 12, 2017, Chengdu Xianglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. issued the Notification of Termination of Contract to Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. But because of failure of the negotiation, Chengdu Xianglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. initiated a civil action to the Intermediate People's Court of Chengdu Municipality, Sichuan Province in connection with the Cooperation Contract in question on August 30, 2017, asking for a judgment to terminate the above-mentioned contract without returning the performance bond. Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. initiated a civil action to the Higher People's Court of Sichuan Province to ask for an order to continue the performance of the Contract and request Chengdu Xianglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. to compensate Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. for RMB 10,000,000.00 to cover the loss caused by Xianglong‘s breach of contract. However, since the case-filing date for the case that Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. should be the plaintiff was later than that for the case that Chengdu Xianglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. should be the plaintiff, the Higher People's Court of Sichuan Province decided to transfer this case to the Intermediate People's Court of Chengdu Municipality, Sichuan Province to handle it. This case now is still appealing at the first trial. The company has adopted property preservation measures. Note to financial statement Page 132 Notes to Financial Statement XV Notes to Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Parent Company (I) Accounts receivable 1. Classified Disclosure of Accounts Receivable Ending balance Opening balance Book balance Bad debt reserve Book balance Bad debt reserve Type Book Book Proportion Withdrawal value Proportion Withdrawal value Amount Amount Amount Amount (%) proportion (%) (%) proportion (%) Accounts Receivable with Significant Single Amount and Having Bad Debt Reserve Withdrawn Independently Accounts receivable with bad debt reserve 6,670.0 withdrawn as per the portfolio of credit risk 100.00 334.00 5.01 6,336.00 0 characteristics Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount, but having bad debt reserve withdrawn separately 6,670.0 Total 100.00 334.00 5.01 6,336.00 0 Note to financial statement Page 133 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Receivables withdrawn, recovered or reversed in this period The amount of bad debt reserve withdrawn in the current period was RMB 0.00; and the amount of bad debt reserve recovered or transferred back in the current period was RMB 334.00. Note to financial statement Page 134 Notes to Financial Statement (II) Other accounts receivable 1. Classified Disclosure of Other Accounts Receivable: Ending balance Opening balance Book balance Bad debt reserve Book balance Bad debt reserve Type Withdrawal Book value Withdrawal Book value Proportion Proportion Amount Amount proportion Amount Amount proportion (%) (%) (%) (%) Other accounts receivables that are individually significant and for which individual bad debt reserves are withdrawn Other accounts receivable with bad debt reserve withdrawn 8,215,209.1 3,590,967,483.2 782,721.3 as per the portfolio of 3,599,182,692.34 100 2 0.23 1,672,982,763.29 100.00 1 0.05 1,672,200,041.98 2 credit risk characteristics Other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount and having bad debt reserve withdrawn separately 8,215,209.1 3,590,967,483.2 782,721.3 Total 3,599,182,692.34 100.00 2 0.23 1,672,982,763.29 100.00 1 1,672,200,041.98 2 Note to financial statement Page 135 Notes to Financial Statement Other accounts receivable with bad debt reserve withdrawn by means of account age analysis in the portfolios: Ending balance Account age Other accounts receivable Bad debt reserve Withdrawal proportion (%) Within 1 year 135,463,984.45 6,773,199.22 5.00 1-2 years 14,420,098.95 1,442,009.90 10.00 2-3 years More than 3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years More than 5 years Total 149,884,083.40 8,215,209.12 3,628,861,127.88 Description about the basis for determining the portfolio: 2. Bad Debt Reserves Withdrawn, Recovered or Transferred Back in the Current Period The amount of bad debt reserves withdrawn in current period is RMB 7,432,487.81 and the amount of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in current period is RMB 0. 3. Classification of Other Accounts Receivable by Nature Nature of accounts Ending book balance Book balance at the beginning of year Intercourse funds of the 3,506,887,491.95 1,657,328,337.13 organization Pretty Cash 142,590.46 1,272,085.13 Guarantee, deposit 92,152,609.93 14,382,341.03 Others Total 3,599,182,692.34 1,672,982,763.29 4. Top 5 Owing Parties Classified by the Ending Balance of Other Accounts Receivable: Proportion in Nature of Account Bad debt reserve Unit name Ending balance total receivables accounts age Ending balance (%) Sino Great Wall International Related 3,327,283,868.37 Within Engineering Co., Ltd. party dealing one year 92.45 Wuhan Commercial Workers Guarantee 1-2 Hospital LLC deposit 107,800,000.00 3 years Management Committee of Guarantee Within Fuping Hi-Tech Industrial deposit 52,000,000.00 one year 1.44 2,600,000.00 Development Zone Yanjin County Sino Great Wall Related Within Construction Co., Ltd. party dealing 40,000,000.00 one year 1.11 2,000,000.00 Sino Great Wall Infrastructure Related Within Investment Co., Ltd. party dealing 11,359,740.57 one year 0.32 3,538,443,608.9 Total 98.32 4,600,000.00 4 Note to financial statement Page 136 Notes to Financial Statement 5. Accounts Receivable Involving Governmental Subsidy None 6. Other accounts receivable of which the recognition is terminated due to transfer of financial assets None 7. Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of other receivables and continuous involvement: None 8. Other description: None (III) Long-term Equity Investments Ending balance Opening balance Items Depreci Deprecia Book balance ation Book value Book balance tion Book value reserve reserve Investments 3,311,211,536.66 3,311,211,536.66 in 3,176,451,536.66 3,176,451,536.66 Subsidiaries Investments in jointly-run enterprises and joint ventures Total 3,311,211,536.66 3,311,211,536.66 3,176,451,536.66 3,176,451,536.66 1. Investments in Subsidiaries Amount Depreciation Ending Amount increased decreased reserve balance of Invested units Opening balance Ending balance of current period of current withdrawn of depreciation period current period reserve Sino Great Wall 3,079,451,536.6 3,079,451,536.6 International 6 6 Engineering Co., Ltd. Wuhan Commercial 97,000,000.00 97,000,000.00 Workers Hospital LLC Changzhi Shenzhou 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 Laodingshan Note to financial statement Page 137 Notes to Financial Statement Amount Depreciation Ending Amount increased decreased reserve balance of Invested units Opening balance Ending balance of current period of current withdrawn of depreciation period current period reserve Industrial Co., Ltd. Xiangfen County Taoshan 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 Construction Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Medical Investment 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Management Co., Ltd. Sino Zhigu Industrial 109,760,000.00 109,760,000.00 (Yueyang) Co., Ltd. 3,176,451,536.6 3,311,211,536.6 Total 134,760,000.00 6 6 Note to financial statement Page 138 Notes to Financial Statement 2. Investments in jointly-run enterprises and joint ventures None Note to financial statement Page 139 Notes to Financial Statement (IV) Operating Income and Operating Cost Amount incurred of current period Amount incurred of last period Items Income Cost Income Cost Main businesses Other businesses 240,558.55 1,482.50 238,048.64 Total 240,558.55 1,482.50 238,048.64 Other descriptions: None (V) Investment Yield Amount incurred of Amount incurred of Items current period last period Gain on long-term equity investments subject to accounting 100,000,000.00 with cost method Investment incomes obtained from the disposal of the 396,197.49 disposal group that constitutes the business Total 100,000,000.00 396,197.49 XVI Supplementary Data (I) Schedule of Non-recurring Gain or Loss of the Current Period Items Amount Description Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (including the written-off part -150,250.00 with asset depreciation reserve withdrawn) Tax returns and exemption with approval exceeding one's authority or without formal approval document Governmental subsidy recorded in the gain or loss of the current period (excluding the governmental subsidy closely related to enterprise‘s businesses, 2,211,128.89 and enjoyed according to national uniform standard quota or fixed quantity) Fund possession cost from non-financial business included in current profits and losses statement Entitled income generated from fair value of net identifiable assets of invested company when the investment cost obtained by the enterprise from subsidiaries, affiliated enterprises and joint ventures is less than the obtained investment. Profit or loss from exchange of non-monetary assets Profit or loss of entrusting others to invest or managing assets Provision for asset impairment withdrawn due to force majeure factors, such as suffering from natural disaster Profit or loss from debt restructuring Note to financial statement Page 140 Notes to Financial Statement Items Amount Description Enterprise restructuring charge, such as expenditure on staffing, integration cost. Profit or loss of part exceeding fair value generated from transaction with unreasonable transaction price Subsidiaries‘ net gain or loss arising from business combination under the same control, and from the beginning of period to the very period of the date of combination Profit or loss generated from contingencies unrelated to normal business of company Profit or loss of fair value change generated from financial assets for trading and transaction financial liabilities, and investment income obtained from disposing financial assets held for trading, transaction financial liabilities and financial assets available for sale, except for effective hedging business related to normal business of company Reversal of provision for receivable impairment with independent impairment test Profit or loss obtained from entrust loans Profit or loss generated from fair value change of investment real estate whose subsequent measurement is conducted with fair value model Influences on current profit and loss of one-time adjustment to current profit and loss statement pursuant to the laws and regulations on tax and accounting Trustee fee income obtained from entrusted operation Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the above-mentioned items 2,798,978.14 Other gain or loss items meeting the definition of non-recurring gain or loss Amount influencing the income tax -704,594.91 Amount affected of minor shareholders‘ equity (after-tax) Total 4,155,262.12 (II) Net Rate of Return on Assets and Earnings per Share: Weighted average net Earnings per share (Yuan) Profit in the reporting period rate of return on assets Basic earnings per Diluted earnings (%) share per share Net profit attributed to the Company‘s common stock holders 19.35 0.22 0.22 Net profit attributed to the Company‘s common stock holders after deduction of 19.26 0.22 0.22 non-recurring gain or loss Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (Official seal) April 23 , 2018 Note to financial statement Page 141