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						                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.

    The Third Quarterly Report 2019

            October 2019

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

                                                      1 Important Notice

The Board of Directors ,Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company
hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in this report
and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.

All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Quarterly Report.

Mr.Chen Lue, Person in charge of the Company, Ms.Yang Chunling, Chief financial officer and the Ms. Yang
Chunling, the person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby
confirm the authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Quarterly Report.

                                       II. Basic information about the company

I.Main financial data and financial index

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company needs to retroactively restate any of its accounting data.
□ Yes      √ No
                                         As at the end of the                                           Changed (%)over end of
                                                                        As at the end of last year
                                           reporting period                                                    prev. year

    Gross assets(Yuan)                           7,970,364,354.91                 9,603,455,934.89                        -17.01%

    Net assets attributable to the
    shareholders of the listed                 -1,297,416,656.35                      235,202,473.51                     -651.62%

                                                                                        Between beginning
                                                                                         of the year to the   Changed (%)over
                                       Reporting period       over the same period
                                                                                          end of the report     end of prev. year
                                                                of last year(%)

    Operating income(Yuan)               67,835,920.24                    -89.91%          324,203,141.91                 -85.65%

    Net profit attributable to the
    shareholders of the listed           -111,806,387.89                     -5.66%       -1,528,580,779.39            -6,098.52%

    Net profit after deducting of
    non-recurring gain/loss
                                         -108,615,433.73                    -24.65%       -1,060,332,034.83                 493.22%
    attributable to the shareholders
    of listed company(Yuan)

    Cash flow generated by business           --                       --                   -452,372,127.89              -135.14%

                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

    operation, net(Yuan)

    Basic earning per
                                                       -0.0658                     -5.73%                    -0.9001             -6,100.67%

    Diluted gains per
                                                       -0.0658                     -5.73%                    -0.9001             -6,100.67%

    Weighted average income/asset
                                                       -9.01%                      -3.49%                   -287.81%              -289.01%

Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                        In RM B

                                                                          Amount (Year-beginning to
                                 Items                                       the end of the report                       Notes

    Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part
    for which assets impairment provision is made)

    Net amount of non-operating income and expense except the
    aforesaid items

    Total                                                                             -468,248,744.56                      --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public-Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item.
□ Applicable √Not applicable
None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recognized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information
disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.

II.Total Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders at the End of the Reporting Period
1. About Total Common Shareholders, Total Preference Shareholders with the Voting Power Recovered
and the Shares Held by Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                                                                                   In shares
                                                                            Total preference
                                                                            shareholders with the voting
    Total number of common
                                                                 62,306     power recovered at the end                                     0
    shareholders at the period-end
                                                                            of the reporting period(if

                                                  Shares held by the top 10 shareholders

      Shareholder       Properties of          Share             Quantity             Amount of                  Pledging or freezing

                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

           name          shareholder         proportion %                         tradable shares
                                                                                        with           Status of the
                                                                                    Conditional            shares


                       Domestic                                                                       freeze                 583,454,556
    Chen Lue                                        34.36%        583,454,556        437,590,917
                       Natural person                                                                 Pledge                 583,454,462

    STYLE-SUCC         Foreign legal
                                                     5.47%         92,970,910                     0
    ESS LIM ITED       person

    Union              Domestic Non-
    Holdings Co.,      State-owned                   5.18%         87,935,921                     0
    Ltd.               legal person

    He Feiyan                                        3.23%         54,800,458                     0   freeze                     54,800,458
                       Natural person

    Jiutai Fund-
    Bank of
    Huitong No.2       Other                         2.40%         40,696,772                     0
    customer asset

    Rich Crown
                       Foreign legal
    Investment Co.,                                  1.37%         23,235,313                     0

    Qinghai Heyi
                       Domestic Non-
                       State-owned                   0.79%         13,357,084                     0   Pledge                     13,357,084
                       legal person

    Huang Huaian                                     0.74%         12,548,000                     0
                       Natural person

    Liu Yong                                         0.59%         10,090,452                     0
                       Natural person

    Xu Zhimin                                        0.48%           8,110,300                    0
                       Natural person

                                       Shares held by the Top 10 Shareholders of Non-restricted shares

                                            Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end of the                  Share type
           Name of the shareholder
                                                              reporting period                           Share type          Quantity

    Chin Lue                                                                         145,863,639      RM B Common            145,863,639

                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019


                                                                                                   Foreign shares
                                                                                                   placed in
    STYLE-SUCCESS LIM ITED                                                          92,970,910                             92,970,910

                                                                                                   RM B Common
    Union Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                        87,935,921                             87,935,921

                                                                                                   RM B Common
    He Feiyan                                                                       54,800,458                             54,800,458

    Jiutai Fund-Bank of
    Communications-Jiutai Huitong                                                                 RM B Common
                                                                                    40,696,772                             40,696,772
    No.2 specific customer asset                                                                   shares
    management plan

                                                                                                   Foreign shares
                                                                                                   placed in
    Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.                                                 23,235,313                             23,235,313

    Qinghai Heyi Industry                                                                          RM B Common
                                                                                    13,357,084                             13,357,084
    Development Co.,Ltd/                                                                           shares

                                                                                                   RM B Common
    Huang Huaian                                                                    12,548,000                             12,548,000

                                                                                                   RM B Common
    Liu Yong                                                                        10,090,452                             10,090,452

                                                                                                   RM B Common
    Xu Zhimin                                                                         8,110,300                             8,110,300

                                          The largest shareholder of M r. Chen Lue and the Fourth largest shareholder of M s. He
                                          Feiyan aforesaid are persons acting in concerted; The controlling shareholder of the
    Explanation on associated             above-mentioned third shareholder Shenzhen Union Holdings Co.,Ltd. And Sixth
    relationship or concerted action of   shareholder Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.. Is Union Development Group Ltd.; It is

    the above shareholders                unknown whether there is relationship between other shareholders and whether they are
                                          persons taking concerted action specified in the Regulations on Disclosure of Informat ion
                                          about Change in Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.

    Note to the top 10 common
    stockholders involved in margin
                                          Not applicable
    financing & securities lending (If

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a
buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company
have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.

                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

2.Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred sh areholders by the end of
the report period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

   III. Significant Events

   I. Major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the reporting period, as
   well as reasons for the changes
   √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                          Same period of the
                                This period/Year-end           previous
              Items                                                                Changes %                Remarks on the change
                                      balance             year/Year-beginning

                                                                                                M ainly due to the claim for the guarantees,
M onetary fund                         163,041,406.04            658,714,886.48       -75.25% and the deducted deposit incurred by notes

                                                                                                M ainly due to the company falls into a
                                                                                                debt crisis, suspension of some projects
        Operating income               324,203,141.91           2,259,055,189.05      -85.65%
                                                                                                and frozen basic accounts leading to
                                                                                                undertaking new projects hardly.

         Operating costs               270,230,683.50           1,970,673,537.82      -86.29% M ainly due to reduced operating income.

                                                                                                M ainly due to the shrinking of business
Administrative expenses                107,742,399.54            185,124,556.07       -41.80% volume, resulting in decrease of
                                                                                                management staff.

                                                                                                M ainly due to the claim for maturity of the
Non-operating expenses                 468,320,367.78                 841,479.08 55554.43%

                                                                                                M ainly due to the deduction incurred by
  Net cash flow generated by
                                      -452,372,127.89           1,287,313,317.95     -135.14% the maturity of the guarantees and the
       operation activities

  Net cash flow generated by                                                                    M ainly due to the tightening of national
                                                                 -351,491,732.24     -100.00%
       investment activities                                                                    credit and the shortage of funds

                                                                                                M ainly due to the bank loans to pay for the
  Net cash flow generated by
                                       388,122,001.30          -1,424,770,406.23     -127.24% claim of guarantees maturity and the due
       financing activities

   II. The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving

   √ Applicable □ Not applicable

   1. On February 12, 2018, the Company convened the twenty -ninth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors, deliberating and
   adopting a Proposal on Acquisition of Shares of UPL Laos Co., Ltd., according to which, UPL (M ALAYSIA) SDN. BHD.
   (hereinafter referred to as UPL Malays ia) transfered 30% of shares of UPL Laos Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to
   as UPL Laos) to the Company by signing an Agreement of Equity Cooperation on Laos Vientiane Dongphosy
                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

Special Economic Zone Project, UPL Laos entered into a franchise agreement for 50+40 years with Laos
Government by cash contribution of USD 10 million and advance payment of USD 20 million for project
construction put together as the consideration of acquisition and took full charge of matters of development of
Dongphosy as the franchisee to Dongphosy Special Economic Zone (refer to the Company's Announcement
2018-020 and 021). On June 12, 2018, the Company agreed with UPL Malays ia on transfer of 10% of shares,
hence the Company's shareholding ratio rose to 40%. Whereas the Company is experiencing a financial difficulty
at the moment and has failed to perform duties of advance payment and construction in the equity agreement and
duties in the loan agreement, the Malays ian shareholder UPL Malays ia sent a latter in request for a return of
equity and filed an arbitration to Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre on the dispute of equity in March
2019. At present, the arbitration has entered the stage of submitting evidence by both parties. The lawyers hired by
the Company have formally submitted a defense to the Arbitration Tribunal of the Hong Kong International
Arbitration Centre.
2. On February 23, 2018, the Company received the “Mekong River Villa Project Bid-Winning Notice” issued by
OXLEYEMERALD (CAMBODIA) CO., LTD, and Sino International won the bid for the “Mekong River Villa
Project” in Cambodia, with the bid amount of USD 46.5 million (equivalent to RMB 295 million) (See the
2018-035 announcement of the Company for details). As of the end of the reporting period, most of the on-site
piling construction work has been completed, and the relevant civil work has been in progress. As of the
disclosure date of this report, both parties have agreed to terminate the contract and the project is in the process of
3. The Company convened the 37th meeting of the seventh Board of Directors on September 2, 2018, planned to
invest and found "Yinglonghuanhu Development Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as the Project Company,
whose final name is subject to the name approved in industrial and commercial registration) with Chongqing
Circum-Yinglonghuanlu Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and 7 village committees
concerned at the project location (hereinafter referred to as Party C). The registered capital of the Project
Company was RMB 125 million, wherein Party A subscribed capital by earlier input of physical assets worth
RMB 23.75 million (subject to the audited amount) in the Yinglong Project, accounting for 19% of the registered
capital; Sino Great Wall contributed RMB 100 million by currency, accounting for 80% of the registered capital;
Party C subscribed RMB 1.25 million by currency or contribution in kind, accounting for 1% of the registered
capital (refer to the Company's Announcement 2018-104 and 105). At the moment, the Project Company has been
registered and project planning and design are underway.
                                                                                        Inquiry index of the provisional reports
         General on Significant Events                   Date of disclosure
                                                                                                 disclosed in the website.

    The company held the sixth meeting of
    the eighth Board of Directors on April
    12, 2019, deliberated and passed the
    Proposal on Adjusting the Company's
    Organizational Structure and agreed to                                              Please     refer    to     Cninfo.com for
    adjust the operating organization and                                               “Announcement of Resolutions of the
                                               April 12,2019
    business structure of the company's                                                 6th M eeting of the Eighth Board of
    headquarters. The company will                                                      Directors"(Announcement No.2019-028)
    implement a division system by sections
    and set up four operating organizations,
    including the domestic traditional
    construction business sector (division),

                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

    infrastructure business sector (division),
    overseas business sector (division),
    smart housing and medical care business
    sector (division). After this adjustment,
    the organizational structure of the
    company's headquarters is as follows:
    eight functional departments and offices,
    including the comprehensive office, the
    finance department and the human
    resources department, as well as the
    above-mentioned four operating
    institutions .

    In M ay 2019, M r. Chen Lue, the actual                                                    Please    refer     to    Cninfo.com for
    controller and controlling shareholder of                                                  "Announcement on the Change of Letter
    the     Company,          introduced          the                                          of Intent for Cooperation by signed
    reorganization     investor          Chongqing                                             Control Rights      between the actual
                                                        M ay 28,2019
    Southern New City Industrial Investment                                                    controller of the Company and the
    Group Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to                                                    Chongqing Southern New City Industrial
    as “Southern New City Group”), and                                                       Investment            Group          Co.,
    after preliminary negotiation, Southern                                                    Ltd.(Announcement No.2019-064)
    New     City     Group,     which       is    the
    reorganization party (or namely the
    “reorganization investor”) , participated
    in and promoted the Sino Great Wall’s
    reorganization      process           with      a
    preliminary intention reached and the
    “Letter of Intent        for     Cooperation”
    signed. Yet Southern New City Group,
    after prudent decision-making, plans to
                                                                                               Please    refer     to    Cninfo.com for
    not be a reorganization party (or namely
                                                                                               “Announcement on the termination of
    the    “reorganization         investor”)   to
                                                                                               cooperation between the controlling
    participate in the reorganization process
                                                        September 21,2019                      shareholder and actual controller and the
    of the Sino Great Wall and stops
                                                                                               Chongqing Southern New City Industrial
    fulfilling the relevant cooperation plan in
                                                                                               Investment        Group    Co.,    Ltd."
    the   signed     Letter    of       Intent    for
                                                                                               (Announcement No.2019-114)
    In September 2019, the company receive
    d the reply letter from the controlling sha
    reholder and actual controller M r. Chen
    Lue, “Chongqing Southern New City Ind
    ustrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. on th
    e initial conclusion of Sino Great Wall C
    o., Ltd.”,Yet Southern New City Group,
    after prudent decision-making, plans to

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 not be a reorganization party (or namely
 the    “reorganization     investor”)    to
 participate in the reorganization process
 of the Sino Great Wall and stops
 fulfilling the relevant cooperation plan in
 the    signed   Letter     of     Intent   for

 On July 24, 2019, the company received                                                  Please      refer     to      Cninfo.com for
 the    application   for        reorganization                                          "Reminder      Announcement           on     the
 submitted by the creditor Bihui Road             July 25,2019                           Creditor's Application for the Company
 and Bridge served by the court. Bihui                                                   Reorganization"(Announcement
 Road and Bridge applied to the court for                                                No.2019-092)
 reorganization of the company on the
 grounds that the company was unable to
 repay the debts due and obviously lacked
 solvency. As of the disclosure date of
 this                                   report,
 The court is reviewing the creditor’s app
 lication for reorganization of the compan
                                                                                         Please      refer     to      Cninfo.com for
 y and has held a hearing. After the hearin
                                                                                         “Reminder     Announcement           on     the
 g, the court has written to the Shenzhen         September 5,2019
                                                                                         Reorganization       Progress    and       Risk”
 M unicipal People’s Government. Accord
                                                                                         (Announcement No.2019-109)
 ing to the requirements of Article 3 of th
 e Supreme Court's M inutes on the
 Trial of the Work of Bankruptcy and Re
 organization of Listed Companies, listed
 companies need to fill in the necessary d
 ocuments for bankruptcy and reorganizat

 On September 19, 2019, M r. Chen Lue,                                                    Please      refer    to      Cninfo.com for
 the controlling shareholder and actual                                                  "Announcement on the Signing of the
 controller of the Company, signed an                                                    "Investment Cooperation Agreement"
                                                  September 21,2019
 Investment Cooperation Agreement with                                                   between the actual controller of the
 Henan Yufa Group Co., Ltd, and both                                                     Company                 and                 Yufa
 parties agreed that Yufa Group shall be                                                 Group"(Announcement No.2019-116)
 the reorganization party (or namely the
 “reorganization investor”) to participate
 in and promote the reorganization                                                        Please      refer    to      Cninfo.com for
 process of the Sino Great Wall. After the                                               “Announcement         on       the        Intent
 reorganization completion, Yufa Group            September 21,2019                      Reorganization Investor’s Shareholding
 will become the controlling shareholder                                                 Increase Plan”
 of the listed company. On the same day,                                                  (Announcement No.2019-115)
 the company received the notice from
 Yufa Group, stating Yufa Group intends

                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 to increase its shareholding in the
 Company and describing it plans to use
 its self-owned funds to increase its
 shareholding by no less than 100 million
 shares of the Company through the
 Shenzhen Stock Exchange by means of
 centralized bidding within six months
 from the date of this announcement (i.e.
 September 21, 2019), with the set price
 ranges from 0.8 yuan - 1.2 yuan / share.

Progress in the implementation of share repurchase
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress in the implementation of the reduction of the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer,
directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the reporting period and commitments
unfinished in implementation at the end of the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

IV. Investment in securities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No securities investment in period.

V. Entrusted Financial Management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No securities investment in period.

VI. Investment in derivatives

□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no derivative investment during the report period.

VII. The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report
period for future reference

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Period has no research, communication and written inquiry from the investors in the report period.

                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

VIII. External guarantee get out of line

□ Applicable √Not applicable
The Company has no external guarantee get out of the line in the Period

IX. Controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company

□ Applicable √Not applicable

There are no controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company
in Period

                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

                                          IV. Financial Statement

I. Financial statement

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by:Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                                                           In RM B

                     Items                 September 30,2019                         December 31,2018

 Current asset:

              M onetary fund                            163,041,406.04                             658,714,886.48

           Settlement provision

 Outgoing call loan

 Transactional financial assets

     Financial assets measured at fair
 value with variations accounted into
 current income account

     Derivative financial assets

     Notes receivable                                    32,675,879.70                                1,518,790.00

       Account receivable                              3,220,336,673.55                           4,202,594,258.24

       Financing of receivables

               Prepayments                              405,001,356.83                             220,261,619.13

           Insurance receivable

         Reinsurance receivable

  Provisions of Reinsurance contracts

       Other account receivable                        1,563,100,659.37                           2,186,223,361.40

       Including:Interest receivable

               Dividend receivable

       Repurchasing of financial assets

       Inventories                                     1,024,174,957.10                            717,531,578.23

       Contract assets

       Assets held for sales                            105,075,792.00                             105,075,792.00

 Non-current asset due within 1 year

                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

        Other current asset                        3,975,630.09                               5,795,797.44

           Total of current assets             6,517,382,354.68                           8,097,716,082.92

           Non-current assets:

 Loans and payment on other’s behalf

 Debt investment
    Available for sale of financial
        Other investment on bonds

      Expired investment in possess

      Long-term receivable                       16,708,613.19                               16,708,613.19

      Long term share equity investment         106,837,810.83                             106,837,810.83

 Other equity instruments investment

 Other non-current financial assets

      Property investment

        Fixed assets                            136,058,418.88                             158,746,947.91

 Construction in progress                        36,805,894.03                               36,697,284.04

        Production physical assets

        Oil & gas assets

        Use right assets

        Intangible assets                        90,281,588.93                               99,921,251.67

      Development expenses

        Goodwill                                 27,268,234.53                               27,268,234.53
    Long-germ          expenses      to   be
                                                   1,972,106.61                               6,727,688.90
      Deferred income tax asset                 117,317,681.38                             117,983,727.91

      Other non-current asset                   919,731,651.85                             924,509,792.99

 Total of non-current assets                   1,452,982,000.23                           1,505,739,851.97

 Total of assets                               7,970,364,354.91                           9,603,455,934.89

 Current liabilities

      Short-term loans                         3,306,944,094.49                           2,862,584,629.01

     Loan from Central Bank

      Borrowing funds

        Transactional financial liabilities

 Financial liabilities measured at fair
 value with variations accounted into

                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 current income account

           Derivative financial liabilities

           Notes payable                       396,643,774.40                            1,034,087,499.72

         Account payable                       795,538,450.44                             892,155,630.43

           Advance receipts                    552,109,041.13                             478,101,743.92

         Contract Liabilities

     Selling of repurchased financial

         Deposit taking and interbank

     Entrusted trading of securities

 Entrusted selling of securities

     Employees’ wage payable                   71,791,324.92                               86,414,858.86

     Tax payable                               376,111,541.28                             393,957,887.52

         Other account payable                2,343,796,096.90                           2,212,412,970.43

         Including:Interest payable           629,925,428.55

                 Dividend payable                 8,392,335.45

         Fees and commissions payable

         Reinsurance fee payable

         Liabilities held for sales

      Non-current liability due within 1
                                               975,719,981.55                             975,719,981.55

 Other current liability

 Total of current liability                   8,818,654,305.11                           8,935,435,201.44

 Non-current liabilities:

         Reserve fund for insurance

      Long-term loan                           120,000,000.00                             120,000,000.00

     Bond payable                              272,468,101.18                             254,801,342.47

      Including:preferred stock

      Sustainable debt

           Lease liability

                 Long-term payable                 270,267.55                                  322,990.35

      Long-term remuneration payable to

                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

     Expected liabilities                                              2,958,723.15                                2,958,723.15

        Deferred income

      Deferred income tax liability                                   23,079,827.03                               24,369,456.18

 Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities                                       418,776,918.91                             402,452,512.15

 Total of liability                                                9,237,431,224.02                            9,337,887,713.59

 Owners’ equity

      Share capital                                                1,698,245,011.00                            1,698,245,011.00

      Other equity instruments

      Including:preferred stock

      Sustainable debt

     Capital reserves                                              -1,298,846,540.07                          -1,298,846,540.07

      Less:Shares in stock

 Other comprehensive income                                                -56,089.18                                -50,380.95

        Special reserve                                               16,993,440.19                               21,026,082.43

      Surplus reserves                                                84,394,441.23                               84,394,441.23

 Common risk provision

 Retained profit                                                   -1,798,146,919.52                            -269,566,140.13

 Total of owner’s equity belong to the
                                                                   -1,297,416,656.35                            235,202,473.51
 parent company

 M inority shareholders’ equity                                      30,349,787.24                               30,365,747.79

 Total of owners’ equity                                          -1,267,066,869.11                            265,568,221.30

 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                          7,970,364,354.91                            9,603,455,934.89

Legal Representative: Chen Lue        Person in charge of accounting:Yang Chunling     Accounting Dept Leader:Yang Chunling

2.Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                                                        In RM B

                      Items                            September 30,2019                          December 31,2018

 Current asset:

 M onetary fund                                                       46,771,666.61                               46,778,625.47

 Transactional financial assets

      Financial assets measured at fair
 value with variations accounted into
 current income account

                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

     Derivative financial assets

       Notes receivable

       Account receivable

 Financing of receivables


     Other account receivable             2,819,879,744.91                           2,986,852,664.14

       Including:Interest receivable

            Dividend receivable


       Contract assets

       Assets held for sales

 Non-current asset due within 1 year

       Other current asset                                                               2,604,075.38

 Total of current assets                  2,866,651,411.52                           3,036,235,364.99

 Non-current assets:

 Debt investment

 Available for sale of financial assets

       Other investment on bonds

     Expired investment in possess

     Long-term receivable

     Long term share equity investment    3,323,211,536.66                           3,323,211,536.66

 Other equity instruments investment

 Other non-current financial assets

     Property investment

     Fixed assets                               25,500.78                                   36,371.12

          Construction in progress

       Production physical assets

       Oil & gas assets

       Use right assets

       Intangible assets

     Development expenses


 Long-germ expenses to be amortized                                                      1,074,666.67

     Deferred income tax asset

                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

      Other non-current asset                   728,328,020.00                             728,328,020.00

 Total of non-current assets                   4,051,565,057.44                           4,052,650,594.45

 Total of assets                               6,918,216,468.96                           7,088,885,959.44

 Current liabilities

         Short-term loans                      2,192,097,807.25                           2,189,866,602.21

         Transactional financial liabilities

 Financial liabilities measured at fair
 value with variations accounted into
 current income account

           Derivative financial liabilities

         Notes payable                           28,900,000.00                               29,000,000.00

         Account payable                         66,000,000.00                               66,000,000.00

      Advance receipts

         Contract Liabilities

     Employees’ wage payable                    22,073,918.80                               15,016,143.39

     Tax payable                                 94,931,620.72                               97,149,029.10

           Other account payable               1,598,861,751.05                           1,347,473,661.05

         Including:Interest payable            520,831,917.97

                 Dividend payable                  8,392,335.45

         Liabilities held for sales

 Non-current liability due within 1
                                                866,250,000.00                             866,250,000.00

 Other current liability

 Total of current liability                    4,869,115,097.82                           4,610,755,435.75

 Non-current liabilities:

      Long-term loan

     Bond payable

      Including:preferred stock

      Sustainable debt

           Lease liability

         Long-term payable

 Long-term remuneration payable to

     Expected liabilities

         Deferred income

                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

      Deferred income tax liability

 Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities

 Total of liability                                       4,869,115,097.82                            4,610,755,435.75

 Owners’ equity

      Share capital                                       1,698,245,011.00                            1,698,245,011.00

      Other equity instruments

      Including:preferred stock

      Sustainable debt

      Capital reserves                                    1,237,956,472.37                            1,237,956,472.37

      Less:Shares in stock

 Other comprehensive income

        Special reserve

      Surplus reserves                                       26,309,287.00                               26,309,287.00

        Retained profit                                    -913,409,399.23                             -484,380,246.68

 Total of owners’ equity                                 2,049,101,371.14                            2,478,130,523.69

 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                 6,918,216,468.96                            7,088,885,959.44

3.Consolidated Income statement of the Report period

                                                                                                                 In RM B

                      Items                  Amount in this period                     Amount in last period

                  I.Turnover                                 67,835,920.24                             672,083,613.81

          Incl:Operating income                             67,835,920.24                             672,083,613.81

               Interest income

          Eamed insurance premium

        Fee and commission received

           II. Total Operating costs                        232,413,362.88                             940,383,423.60

            Incl:Operating costs                            42,584,647.26                             658,461,435.36

               Interest payment

          Fee and commission paid

        Insurance discharge payment

           Net claim amount paid

     Appropriation of deposit for duty,net

       Insurance policy dividend paid

                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

              Reinsurance expenses

        Business tax and surcharge             174,711.44                                 745,870.79

                 Sales expense                2,282,607.80                               1,941,491.70

          Administrative expense            20,578,733.98                              57,216,694.51

               R & D expense

               Financial expenses          166,792,662.40                             222,017,931.24

       Including:Interest expense         166,603,633.82                             215,522,929.15

       Interest income                          93,916.44                                3,343,599.29

       Add:Other income

 Investment gain(“-”for loss)

 Including: investment gains from

     Financial assets measured at
 amortized cost cease to be recognized
 as income

          Gains from currency exchange      73,554,770.66                             113,926,608.10

       Net exposure hedging income

          Changing income of fair value

          Credit impairment loss

       Impairment loss of assets            -18,094,077.27                              -2,054,715.86

     Assets disposal income

 III. Operating profit(“-”for loss)    -109,116,749.25                           -156,427,917.55

     Add :Non-operating income                                                        25,845,524.88

     Less: Non-operating expense              3,190,954.16                                205,178.47

 IV Total profit(“-”for loss)            -112,307,703.41                           -130,787,571.14

     Less:Income tax expenses                -501,315.52                              -11,090,989.76

 V Net profit                              -111,806,387.89                           -119,696,581.38

     (I) Classification by business

 1.Net continuing operating profit         -111,806,387.89                           -119,696,581.38

 2.Termination of operating net profit

     (II) Classification by ownership

 1.Net profit attributable to the owners
                                           -111,806,387.89                           -118,516,821.76
 of parent company

 2.M inority shareholders’ equity                                                      -1,179,759.62

                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 VI. Net after-tax of other
 comprehensive income

 Net of profit of other comprehensive in
 come attributable to owners of the pare
 nt company.

 (I)Other comprehensive income
 items that will not be reclassified into
 gains/losses in the subsequent
 accounting period

 1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
 ans of changes in net debt or net assets

 2.Other comprehensive income under t
 he equity method investee can not be re
 classified into profit or loss.

 3. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other equity instruments

 4. Changes in the fair value of the
 company’s credit risks


 Other comprehensive income that will
 be reclassified into profit or loss.

 1.Other comprehensive income under t
 he equity method investee can be reclas
 sified into profit or loss.

 2. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other debt obligations

 3.Gains and losses from changes in fair
 value available for sale financial assets

 4. Other comprehensive income arising
 from the reclassification of financial

 5.Held-to-maturity investments reclassi
 fied to gains and losses of available for
 sale financial assets

 6. Allowance for credit impairments in

                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 investments in other debt obligations

 7. Reserve for cash flow hedges

 Translation differences in currency fina
 ncial statements


 Net of profit of other comprehensive in
 come attributable to M inority
 shareholders’ equity

 VII. Total comprehensive income                                 -111,806,387.89                            -119,696,581.38

 Total comprehensive income
 attributable to the owner of the parent                         -111,806,387.89                            -118,516,821.76

     Total comprehensive income
 attributable minority shareholders

 VIII. Earnings per share

 (I)Basic earnings per share                                              -0.0658                                   -0.0698

     (II)Diluted earnings per share                                         -0.0658                                   -0.0698

The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved ne
t profit of RMB 0.00, last period the combined party realized RMB0.00.

Legal Representative: Chen Lue              Person in charge of accounting :Yang Chunling                 Accounting Dept
Leader:Yang Chunling

4.Income statement of the Parent Company of the Report period

                                                                                                                       In RM B

                    Items                         Amount in this period                      Amount in last period

                 I. Revenue                                                    0.00                                  54,418.18

            Less:Operating costs                                               0.00                                       0.00

         Business tax and surcharge

               Sales expense

          Administrative expense                                    5,053,118.51                                2,387,007.15

             R & D expense

        Financial expenses                                        134,843,482.60                             117,586,989.99

           Including:Interest expenses                           134,935,793.31                             121,102,703.51

                         Interest income                                  92,311.71                             3,518,795.43

      Add:Other income

                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

     Investment gain(“-”for loss)

 Including: investment gains from

     Financial assets measured at
 amortized cost cease to be recognized
 as income

          Net exposure hedging income

          Changing income of fair value

          Credit impairment loss

       Impairment loss of assets                692,237.82                                1,355,806.96

     Assets disposal income

 II. Operating profit(“-”for loss)      -139,204,363.29                            -118,563,772.00

       Add :Non-operating income

     Less:Non -operating expenses

 III. Total profit(“-”for loss)           -139,204,363.29                            -118,563,772.00

       Less:Income tax expenses

 IV Net profit                              -139,204,363.29                            -118,563,772.00

 1.Net continuing operating profit          -139,204,363.29                            -118,563,772.00

 2.Termination of operating net profit

 V. Net after-tax of other
 comprehensive income

 (I)Other comprehensive income
 items that will not be reclassified into
 gains/losses in the subsequent
 accounting period

 1.Re-measurement of defined benefit
 plans of changes in net debt or net ass

 2.Other comprehensive income under
 the equity method investee can not b
 e reclassified into profit or loss.

 3. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other equity

 4. Changes in the fair value of the
 company’s credit risks


                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 Other comprehensive income that wil
 l be reclassified into profit or loss.

 1.Other comprehensive income under
 the equity method investee can be re
 classified into profit or loss.

 2. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other debt obligations

 Gains and losses from changes in fair
 value available for sale financial asset

      4. Other comprehensive income
 arising from the reclassification of
 financial assets

 5.Held-to-maturity investments reclas
 sified to gains and losses of available
 for sale financial assets

      6. Allowance for credit
 impairments in investments in other
 debt obligations

      7. Reserve for cash flow hedges

 Translation differences in currency fi
 nancial statements


 VI. Total comprehensive income                           -139,204,363.29                             -118,563,772.00

 VII. Earnings per share

 (I)Basic earnings per share

     (II)Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Income statement between the beginning of the year and end of the report period

                                                                        In RM B

                     Items                  Amount in this period           Amount in last period

 I. Turnover                                               324,203,141.91                           2,259,055,189.05

 Including:Operating income                               324,203,141.91                           2,259,055,189.05

                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

        Interest income

          Insurance fee earned

 Commission charge and commission

          II. Total operating costs         888,449,280.45                           2,577,519,225.65

              Incl:Operating costs         270,230,683.50                           1,970,673,537.82

                Interest expense

         Fee and commission paid

       Insurance discharge payment

          Net claim amount paid

      Insurance policy dividend paid

      Insurance policy dividend paid

              Reinsurance expenses

        Business tax and surcharge            1,869,602.31                                2,852,388.84

                 Sales expense               16,759,750.56                              18,463,113.78

          Administrative expense            107,742,399.54                             185,124,556.07

               R & D expense

               Financial expenses           491,846,844.54                             400,405,629.14

       Including:Interest expense          493,188,561.08                             390,129,337.03

       Interest income                        2,912,915.60                                9,833,816.40

       Add:Other income

 Investment gain(“-”for loss)             6,596,880.93                                5,171,892.51

 Including: investment gains from

     Financial assets measured at
 amortized cost cease to be recognized
 as income

          Gains from currency exchange       79,248,852.53                             146,374,380.81

       Net exposure hedging income

          Changing income of fair value

          Credit impairment loss

       Impairment loss of assets           -581,498,544.92                               -6,238,590.52

     Assets disposal income

 III. Operating profit(“-”for loss)   -1,059,898,950.00                           -173,156,353.80

     Add :Non-operating income                  71,623.22                             205,066,020.08

                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

     Less: Non-operating expenses             468,320,367.78                                 841,479.08

 IV Total profit(“-”for loss)             -1,528,147,694.56                             31,068,187.20

     Less:Income tax expenses                    449,045.38                                7,699,247.03

 V Net profit                               -1,528,596,739.94                             23,368,940.17

     (I) Classification by business

 1.Net continuing operating profit          -1,528,596,739.94                             23,368,940.17

 2.Termination of operating net profit

     (II) Classification by ownership

 1.Net profit attributable to the owners
                                            -1,528,580,779.39                             25,482,633.97
 of parent company

 2.M inority shareholders’ equity                -15,960.55                               -2,113,693.80

 VI. Net after-tax of other
                                                    -5,708.23                                -263,008.36
 comprehensive income

 Net of profit of other comprehensive in
                                                    -5,708.23                                -263,008.36
 come attributable to owners of the pare
 nt company.

 (I)Other comprehensive income
 items that will not be reclassified into
 gains/losses in the subsequent
 accounting period

 1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
 ans of changes in net debt or net assets

 2.Other comprehensive income under t
 he equity method investee can not be re
 classified into profit or loss.

 3. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other equity instruments

 4. Changes in the fair value of the
 company’s credit risks


 Other comprehensive income that will               -5,708.23                                -263,008.36
 be reclassified into profit or loss.

 1.Other comprehensive income under t
 he equity method investee can be reclas

                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 sified into profit or loss.

 2. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other debt obligations

 3.Gains and losses from changes in fair
 value available for sale financial assets

 4. Other comprehensive income arising
 from the reclassification of financial

 5.Held-to-maturity investments reclassi
 fied to gains and losses of available for
 sale financial assets

 6. Allowance for credit impairments in
 investments in other debt obligations

 7. Reserve for cash flow hedges

 Translation differences in currency fina                                  -5,708.23                                -263,008.36
 ncial statements


 Net of profit of other comprehensive in
 come attributable to M inority
 shareholders’ equity

 VII. Total comprehensive income                                   -1,528,602,448.17                             23,105,931.81

 Total comprehensive income
 attributable to the owner of the parent                           -1,528,586,487.62                             25,219,625.61

     Total comprehensive income
                                                                          -15,960.55                              -2,113,693.80
 attributable minority shareholders

 VIII. Earnings per share

 (I)Basic earnings per share                                               -0.9001                                     0.0150

     (II)Diluted earnings per share                                          -0.9001                                     0.0150

The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved ne
t profit of RMB 0.00, last period the combined party realized RMB0.00.

Legal Representative: Chen Lue        Person in charge of accounting:Yang Chunling    Accounting Dept Leader:Yang Chunling

6.Income Statement of the Parent Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                       In RM B

                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

                   Items                    Amount in this period               Amount in last period

                 I .Revenue                                              0.00                               171,780.25

          Less:Operating costs                                          0.00                                      0.00

       Business tax and surcharge

               Sales expense                                        49,276.69                               994,445.50

         Administrative expense                              24,139,989.17                               20,291,125.45

              R & D expense

       Financial expenses                                   390,589,593.60                              198,992,446.79

          Including:Interest expenses                      390,779,924.04                              200,617,859.56

                       Interest income                          117,288.92                                 3,944,055.45

     Add:Other income

     Investment gain(“-”for loss)

 Including: investment gains from

     Financial assets measured at
 amortized cost cease to be recognized
 as income

          Net exposure hedging income

          Changing income of fair value

          Credit impairment loss

       Impairment loss of assets                            -14,250,293.09                                -7,082,692.91

     Assets disposal income

 II. Operating profit(“-”for loss)                     -429,029,152.55                              -227,188,930.40

       Add :Non-operating income                                                                       100,000,000.00

     Less:Non -operating expenses

 III. Total profit(“-”for loss)                          -429,029,152.55                              -127,188,930.40

       Less:Income tax expenses

 IV Net profit                                             -429,029,152.55                              -127,188,930.40

 1.Net continuing operating profit                         -429,029,152.55                              -127,188,930.40

 2.Termination of operating net profit

 V. Net after-tax of other
 comprehensive income

 (I)Other comprehensive income
 items that will not be reclassified into
 gains/losses in the subsequent
 accounting period

                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 1.Re-measurement of defined benefit
 plans of changes in net debt or net ass

 2.Other comprehensive income under
 the equity method investee can not b
 e reclassified into profit or loss.

 3. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other equity

 4. Changes in the fair value of the
 company’s credit risks


 Other comprehensive income that wil
 l be reclassified into profit or loss.

 1.Other comprehensive income under
 the equity method investee can be re
 classified into profit or loss.

 2. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other debt obligations

 Gains and losses from changes in fair
 value available for sale financial asset

      4. Other comprehensive income
 arising from the reclassification of
 financial assets

 5.Held-to-maturity investments reclas
 sified to gains and losses of available
 for sale financial assets

      6. Allowance for credit
 impairments in investments in other
 debt obligations

      7. Reserve for cash flow hedges

 Translation differences in currency fi
 nancial statements


 VI. Total comprehensive income             -429,029,152.55                            -127,188,930.40

                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 VII. Earnings per share

 (I)Basic earnings per share

     (II)Diluted earnings per share

7. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                                             In RM B

                      Items               Amount in this period            Amount in last period

 I.Cash flows from operating activities

 Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                          724,692,153.00                            2,813,614,672.80
             rending of services

 Net increase of customer deposits and
 capital kept for brother company

 Net increase of loans from central

 Net increase of inter-bank loans from
 other financial bodies

 Cash received against original
 insurance contract

 Net cash received from reinsurance

 Net increase of client deposit and

 Cash received from interest,
 commission charge and commission

 Net increase of inter-bank fund

 Net increase of repurchasing business

      Net cash received by agent in
 securities trading

       Tax returned                                           968,575.59                                3,488,505.37

 Other cash received from business
                                                          290,537,320.27                            3,926,123,995.63

       Sub-total of cash inflow                         1,016,198,048.86                            6,743,227,173.80

 Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                          565,136,375.16                            2,518,844,052.72
     merchandise and services

 Net increase of client trade and

                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 Net increase of savings in central
 bank and brother company

      Cash paid for original contract

      Net increase for Outgoing call loan

     Cash paid for interest, processing
 fee and commission

     Cash paid for policy dividend

 Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs      122,235,393.26                             179,518,278.57

     Taxes paid                               25,104,962.97                               77,150,857.45

 Other cash paid for business activities     756,093,445.36                            2,680,400,667.11

 Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                            1,468,570,176.75                           5,455,913,855.85
      business activities

 Net cash generated from /used in
                                            -452,372,127.89                            1,287,313,317.95
 operating activities

 II. Cash flow generated by investing

 Cash received from investment

 Cash received as investment gains

 Net cash retrieved from disposal of
 fixed assets, intangible assets, and                                                        432,865.55
 other long-term assets

 Net cash received from disposal of
 subsidiaries or other operational units

 Other investment-related cash

 Sub-total of cash inflow due to
 investment activities

 Cash paid for construction of fixed
        assets, intangible assets and                                                     12,179,377.50
        other long-term assets

 Cash paid as investment                                                                376,429,730.78

 Net increase of loan against pledge

 Net cash received from subsidiaries
 and other operational units

 Other cash paid for investment

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to                                                       352,986,996.24

                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 investment activities

 Net cash flow generated by

 III.Cash flow generated by financing

 Cash received as investment                                                                              490,000.00

 Including: Cash received as
 investment from minor shareholders

 Cash received as loans                                   379,941,841.39                            1,255,509,245.00

 Other financing –related cash

 Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                          418,122,001.30                            1,255,999,245.00
 financing activities

 Cash to repay debts                                       30,000,000.00                            2,425,799,391.05

 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or

 Including: Dividend and profit paid
 by subsidiaries to minor shareholders

 Other cash paid for financing

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                           30,000,000.00                            2,680,769,651.23
 financing activities

 Net cash flow generated by financing                     388,122,001.30                           -1,424,770,406.23

 IV Influence of exchange rate
 alternation on cash and cash                                -360,853.92                               -4,433,209.17

 V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                          -64,610,980.51                             -493,382,029.69

 Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                          125,767,796.88                             647,222,590.49
 equivalents at the beginning of term

 VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                           61,156,816.37                             153,840,560.80
 equivalents at the end of term

8. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                                               In RM B

                  Items                   Amount in this period                      Amount in last period

 I.Cash flows from operating activities

 Cash received from sales of goods or                                                                        54,418.18

                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

 rending of services

     Tax returned

 Other cash received from business
                                             8,121,681.33                            3,768,971,880.81

 Sub-total of cash inflow                    8,121,681.33                            3,769,026,298.99

 Cash paid for purchasing of
 merchandise and services

 Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                                  1,087,705.66

 Taxes paid                                                                              1,012,663.31

 Other cash paid for business activities    31,803,494.76                            2,421,993,707.71

 Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                            31,803,494.76                            2,424,094,076.68
      business activities

 Net cash generated from /used in
                                           -23,681,813.43                            1,344,932,222.31
 operating activities

 II.Cash flow generated by investing

 Cash received from investment

 Cash received as investment gains

 Net cash retrieved from disposal of
 fixed assets, intangible assets, and
 other long-term assets

 Net cash received from disposal of
 subsidiaries or other operational units

 Other investment-related cash

     Sub-total of cash inflow due to
 investment activities

 Cash paid for construction of fixed
        assets, intangible assets

 and other long-term assets

        Cash paid as investment                                                       163,000,000.00

 Net cash received from subsidiaries
 and other operational units

 Other cash paid for investment

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to
 investment activities

 Net cash flow generated by                                                           -163,000,000.00

                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019


 III. Cash flow generated by financing

      Cash received as investment

        Cash received as loans                                                                    840,650,000.00

 Other financing –related ash received

     Sub-total of cash inflow from
 financing activities

      Cash to repay debts                                                                        1,909,087,876.07

 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or

 Other cash paid for financing

     Sub-total of cash outflow due to
 financing activities

 Net cash flow generated by financing                                                           -1,238,632,546.69

 IV Influence of exchange rate
 alternation on cash and cash

 V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                       -23,681,813.43                              -56,700,324.38

 Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                        23,708,889.90                               99,547,899.86
 equivalents at the beginning of term

 VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                            27,076.47                               42,847,575.48
 equivalents at the end of term

II Adjustments to the Financial Statements

1. Adjustment of the relevant items of the financial statements at the current year beginning according to
the new standards for financial instruments, the new standards for revenues and the new standards for
lease implemented commencing from year 2019

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

2. Note to the retroactive adjustment of the previous comparative data according to the new standards for
financial instruments and the new standards for lease implemented commencing from year 2019

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2019

III. Auditor’ report

Is the Third Quarterly Report be audited?
□ Yes   √No

The Third Quarterly report is not audited.