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						Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                 Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

Stock Code: 000019, 200019                            Notice No: 2011-39
                      SUMMARY OF SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2011
§1. Important Notes
1.1 Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee of Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby
confirm that there are no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading
information carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the
reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.
The summary of semi-annual report is abstracted from the semi-annual report 2011; and full text of
the semi-annual report is published on the Internet website http://www.cninfo.com.cn in the mean
time. The investors are suggested to read the full text of semi-annual report 2011 to understand
more details.
1.2 No director, supervisor and senior executive stated that he (she) couldn’t ensure the correctness,
accuracy and completeness of the contents of the Semi-annual Report 2011 or have objection to this
1.3 All the directors attended the meeting on discussing the Semi-annual Report.
1.4 The Semi-annual Financial Report 2011 of the Company has not been audited.
1.5 Chairman of the Board Mr. Zheng Yuxi, current General Manager Mr. Yan Zesong, previous
General Manager Mr. Peng Ying and CFO Ms. Zeng Suyan hereby confirm that the Financial
Report of the Semi-annual Report is true and complete.
1.6 This Semi-annual report has been prepared in Chinese version and English version respectively.
In the event of difference in interpretation between the two versions, the Chinese report shall
§2. Company Profile

2.1 Basic information
     Short form of stock            SHENSHENBAO-A, SHENSHENBAO-B
           Stock code               000019, 200019
Listed stock exchange               Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                          Secretary of the Board           Securities affairs representative
              Name                             Ms. Li Yiyan                       Mr. Zheng Guibo
                                    23/F, No.26 Educational Technology Building, Zizhuqidao, 4th Road
        Contact address
                                    Zhuzilin, Futian District, Shenzhen
Telephone                           0755-82027522
Fax                                 0755-82027522
E-mail                              lyy@ sbsy.com.cn                      zhenggb@ sbsy.com.cn

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                  Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

2.2 Major Financial Data and Indexes
2.2.1 Major accounting data and financial indexes
                                                                               Increase/decrease at the
                                               At the end of                   end of this report period
                                                             At the period-end
                                                this report                     compared with that in
                                                                of last year
                                                  period                        period-end of last year
Total assets(RMB)                             1,165,535,518.18        658,468,839.95                      77.01%
Owners’     equity      attributable     to
shareholders of the listed company 887,292,634.00                     325,092,060.80                     172.94%
Share capital(Share)                            250,900,154.00        181,923,088.00                      37.92%
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholders        of       the      listed                3.54                  1.79                    97.77%
                                             This        report                        Increase/decrease in this
                                                                 The same period
                                             period (Jan. to                                 report period
                                                                 of last year
                                             June)                                         year-on-year (%)
Total operating income(RMB)                     139,922,991.06         98,031,142.11                      42.73%
Operating profit (RMB)                           -8,639,594.03        -19,960,777.66                      56.72%
Total profit(RMB)                                 8,733,411.67        -17,168,300.74                     150.87%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                  4,396,354.98        -18,263,527.21                     124.07%
the listed company(RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting -12,866,651.90                     -20,565,188.38                      37.43%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                     0.0242               -0.1004                    124.07%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                   0.0242               -0.1004                    124.07%
Weighted average return on equity (%)                    1.34%                 -5.87%                      7.21%
Weighted average return on equity after
deducting non-recurring gains and                       -3.93%                 -6.61%                      2.68%
losses (%)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                 -8,272,410.63          -6,132,118.35                    -34.90%
Net cash flow per share arising from
                                                       -0.0330                -0.0337                      2.18%
operating activities (RMB/Share)
2.2.2 Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable       □Inapplicable
                                                                             Unit: RMB
                          Items of non-recurring gains and losses                                    Amount
Gains and losses from the disposal of non-current asset                                                 -21,707.57
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses, while closely related
with the normal business of the Company, excluding the fixed-amount or                                 310,048.00
fixed-proportion governmental subsidy according to the unified national standard
Gains and losses from fair value change arising from holding transactional financial
asset and transactional financial liability, and investment income from disposal of                     -42,000.00
transactional financial assets, transactional liability and financial assets available for
sale besides of hedge relevant to normal operating business
Other non-operating income and expenditure beside for the aforementioned items                      17,088,944.71
Impact on income tax                                                                                    -82,282.16
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity                                                      10,003.90
                                             Total                                                  17,263,006.88
2.2.3 Differences between CAS and IAS:

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                              Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

√Applicable          □Inapplicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                 Net profit attributable to           Owners’ equity attributable to
                              shareholders of listed company         shareholders of listed company
                            Amount in the        Amount in last      Amount in             Amount in
                            report period            period          period-end          period-begin
IAS                             4,396,354.98       -18,263,527.21       888,995,232.77      326,794,659.57
CAS                             4,396,354.98       -18,263,527.21       887,292,634.00      325,092,060.80
Sub-items and total adjusted based on IAS:
1. Adjustment on
amortization        of
                                           _                    _          1,016,958.04       1,016,958.04
differences         of
equity investment:
2. Adjustment on
cost of transferring
                                           _                    _           -381,359.27         -381,359.27
Shenzhen Pepsi’s
3. Adjustment on
other         account                      _                    _          1,067,000.00       1,067,000.00
Total amount of
differences between                        _                    _          1,702,598.77       1,702,598.77
                       In the first half of year 2011, the net profit attributable to owners of the parent
Explanations       on company calculated based on CAS and on IAS shows no differences between
differences between them. At the end of period, difference between the shareholders’ equity
CAS and IAS            attributable to parent company calculated based on CAS and on IAS were
                       showed in the above sub-items.
§3. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders
3.1 Statement of change in shares
√Applicable         □Inapplicable
(I) Issuance and listing of stock
Approved by ZJXK [2011] No. 777 document of Reply about Approving the Non-Public Issuing of
Stocks of Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd issued by CSRC, the Company issued 68,977,066
shares of RMB ordinary share (Stock A) to 8 special investors with price of 8.7 yuan per share,
totally collecting RMB 600,100,474.20. The net amount of actual raised capital was RMB
572,392,141.89 after deducting RMB 27,708,332.31 of issuing expense. Including, 4 related natural
people namely Ms. Lin Yixiang, Mr. Xia Zhenzhong, Ms. Cao Lijun and Ms. Zheng Lingna
subscribed with their gathering 48.33% equity holding from Shenbao Huacheng while another 4
investors namely Shenzhen Tianzhong Investment Co., Ltd, Ms. Li Duruo, XinJiang Xiehe Equity
Investment Partner Corporation (limited partner) and Yinfu (Tianjin) Equity Investment
Management Partner Corporation (limited partner) subscribed in cash. Approved by LXDHYZi
[2011] No. 177 document of the Capital Verification Report issued by BOD China Lixin Dahua
CPA Co., Ltd, all the raised capital of this time of non-public issuing had been paid up on Jun. 23 of
2011, which the Company had deposited them in specific account. registration and entrust
procedure over theses shares had been accomplished in China Securities Depository and Clearing
Co., Ltd. Branch in Shenzhen on Jun. 27 of 2011. On July 1 of 2011, they were registered and on
July 4 of 2011 all the newly increased shares were listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The transfer
procedure over the 48.33% equity of Shenbao Huacheng was handled on June 8, 2011.

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                              Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

(II) Amount of shares and change
On July 12 of 2011, the commercial and industrial procedure over the newly increased shares was
handled thus share capital of the Company became 250,900,154 shares. The nature of these new
shares was restricted current shares. The predicted listing and trading date of shares subscribed by 4
relevant natural people was July 4 of 2014 while the date of the shares subscribed by other specific
objects was July 4 of 2012. The particulars of shares held by the 8 specific investors were as follow:
                                      Placing         Amount of ration in total Restriction
     No.      Issuing object          shares            placing        shares after     duration
                                      (share)           (yuan)          the issuing      (month)
      1      Lin Yixiang                2,561,002       22,280,717.40      1.02%              36

      2   Xia Zhenzhong               2,134,917     18,573,777.90          0.85%              36
      3   Cao Lijun                   2,012,758     17,510,994.60          0.80%              36
      4   Zheng Lingna                  774,137      6,734,991.90          0.31%              36
      5   Li Duruo                   13,252,874    115,300,003.80          5.28%              12
     6    Tianzhong                  24,983,908    217,359,999.60          9.96%              12
          Investment Co., Ltd
          Xinjiang      Xiehe
          Equity Investment
     7                               11,595,402    100,879,997.40          4.62%              12
          Partner Corporation
          (limited partner)
          Yinfu      (Tianjin)
          Equity Investment
     8    Management                 11,662,068    101,459,991.60          4.65%              12
          Partner Corporation
          (limited partner)
              Total                  68,977,066    600,100,474.20         27.49%              --
Note: remaining of the latter 2 figures after decimal point based on      rounded-up arrear will lead
difference between the summation of arrears and collective vale. It is the same below.

Excluding the above events, in reporting period the Company had no change on total amount of
shares and structure owing to bonus shares, converted new shares, placing shares, and combination,
shares transferred from convertible bonds, capital decrease or other factors. Till July 1 of 2011, the
capital share of the Company was as follow:

      Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                             Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

                                                         (As at 1 July 2011 Unit: share)
                     Before the change          Increase/Decrease of this time (+, -)           After the change
                                                       Bon Capitaliz
                                 Proporti New shares us ation of Other                                       Propor
                     Amount                                                     Subtotal        Amount
                                    on      issued     shar public       s                                    tion
                                                        es reserve
I.     Restricted   14,553,847    8.00%     68,977,066   ---        ---   ---    68,977,066      83,530,913 33.29%
1. State-owned               ---      ---           ---  ---        ---   ---             ---            ---     ---
2. State-owned
legal person’s      6,783,729    3.73%             ---  ---        ---   ---             ---     6,783,729 2.70%
3.          Other
domestic              7,770,118   4.27%     68,977,066   ---        ---   ---     68,977,066     76,747,184 30.59%
non-state-owne        7,770,118   4.27%     48,241,378   ---        ---   ---     48,241,378     56,011,496 22.32%
d legal person’s
natural                      ---      ---   20,735,688   ---        ---   ---     20,735,688     20,735,688 8.26%
person’s shares
4.       Foreign             ---      ---           ---  ---        ---   ---             ---            ---     ---
Foreign legal                ---      ---           ---  ---        ---   ---             ---            ---     ---
person’s shares
Foreign natural              ---      ---           ---  ---        ---   ---             ---            ---     ---
person’s shares
5.         Senior
executives’                 ---      ---           ---  ---        ---   ---             ---            ---     ---
II. Unrestricted 167,369,241 92.00%                 ---  ---        ---   ---             ---  167,369,241 66.71%
1.          RMB
Ordinary           141,233,241 77.63%               ---  ---        ---   ---             ---  141,233,241 56.29%
Domestically        26,136,000 14.37%               ---  ---        ---   ---             ---    26,136,000 10.42%
listed foreign
3.      Overseas
listed foreign               ---      ---           ---  ---        ---   ---             ---            ---     ---
4. Others                    ---      ---           ---  ---        ---   ---             ---            ---     ---
III. Total shares 181,923,088 100.00% 68,977,066 ---                ---   ---     68,977,066   250,900,154 100%
       Note: the above sheet was complied based on the Share Structure Sheet of Listed Companies
       offered by China Securities Registration and Clearing LLC Branch in Shenzhen. Till July 1 of 2011,
       the 68,977,066 shares of non-public A Stock issued to the 8 specific investors had been registered.

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                        Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

3.2 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders
with unrestricted conditions

                                                                                                         Unit: Share
 Total    shareholders     till                                                                             23,845
                     Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                            tion of
                                 Nature holdin Amount of             Amount of
 Names of shareholders (full       of                                 restricted                   Shares pledged
 name)                          sharehol      g in    share held     shares held                     or frozen
                                   der        the       (share)        (share)                        (share)
                                            day of
                                            Jun. 1
 SHENZHEN AGRICULTURAL                                 19.09      47,895,097
 RODUCTS CO., LTD.                        Other                                      7,770,118             0
 SHENZHEN INVESTMENT                        ed         16.00      40,143,586
 HOLDING CO., LTD.                      sharehold                                    6,783,729             0
 Bank of China Industrial and           Other
 Commercial- Galaxy Yintai                               0.32
 Financial Dividends Securities                                                        0                   0
 Investment Fund                                                     799,900
 Zhou Cuijin                            Other            0.20        500,000           0                   0
 Li Wenwei                              Other            0.20        492,600           0                   0
 Huang Xiangdong                        Other            0.19        474,689           0                   0
 Lai Wei                                Other            0.15        375,500           0                   0
 Lu Yongming                            Other            0.14        345,461           0                   0
 Chen Chunfeng                          Other            0.14        341,880           0                   0
 Zhang Shu                              Other            0.13        335,631           0                   0
             Particulars about the shares held by the top ten unrestricted shareholders
   Full Name of shareholder      Amount of unrestricted shares               Type of shares
                                           held (share)
 SHENZHEN AGRICULTURAL                                            40,124,979                   A share
 SHENZHEN        INVESTMENT                                       33,359,857                   A share
 Bank of China Industrial and
 Commercial- Galaxy Yintai
 Financial Dividends Securities                                                                A share
 Investment Fund                                                      799,900
 Zhou Cuijin                                                          500,000                  A share
 Li Wenwei                                                            492,600                  A share
 Huang Xiangdong                                                      474,689                  B share
 Lai Wei                                                              375,500                  A share
 Lu Yongming                                                          345,461                  A share
 Chen Chunfeng                                                        341,880                  A share
 Zhang Shu                                                            335,631                  B share
                                        STATE-OWNED ASSETS SUPERVISION & ADMINISTRATION
   Explanation on associated            COMMISSION OF SHENZHEN MUNICIPALITY GOVERNMENT
    relationship or accordant           directly held 21.52% equities of Agricultural Products and indirectly held
    action among the top ten            5.22% equities of Agricultural Products, and directly held 100% equities of
   shareholders of circulation          Shenzhen Investment Holdings; except that, it is unknown whether there
              share                     exists associated relationship or belongs to accordant actionist regulated by
                                        Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies among the aforesaid
                                        listed other shareholders or not.
 Statement to agreed holding                    Name of shareholder                   Agreed holding period
 period of strategic investors
 or general legal person’s
 participation in new shares                             Naught                                   Naught

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                            Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

3.3 Particulars about changes in controlling shareholder and actual controller of the
□Applicable       √Inapplicable

§4. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Executives
4.1 Particulars about changes in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives
□Applicable          √Inapplicable

§5. Report of Board of Directors
5.1 Statement of main operations classified according to industries and products
                                                                                      Unit: RMB’0000
                            Main operations classified according to industries
                                                               Increase/dec Increase/dec Increase/decr
                         Income                                   rease in rease in cost ease in gross
     according to                     Cost of        Gross
                          from                                 income from         of
     industries or    operations operations interest rate operations operations year-on-yearprofit ratio
       products                                                year-on-year year-on-year
Manufacture of           12,151.24     9,763.47        19.65%        59.99%        62.75%        -1.36%
Manufacture of               630.56      413.72        34.39%       -22.22%       -22.51%         0.24%
Manufacture of             1,180.82    1,022.53        13.41%       -13.61%         5.51%       -15.69%
soft drinks
                             Main operations classified according to products
Tea products             12,151.24     9,763.47        19.65%        59.99%        62.75%        -1.36%
Mitsui          brand        630.56      413.72        34.39%       -22.22%       -22.51%         0.24%
Soft packing drinks        1,180.82    1,022.53        13.41%       -13.61%         5.51%       -15.69%
5.2 Particulars about main operations classified according to areas
                                                                                      Unit: RMB’0000
                                                                            Increase/decrease in income
                    Areas                       Income from operations        from operations over last
                                                                                      year (%)
South China                                                       3,703.98                       18.93%
North China                                                       1,566.79                     209.61%
East China                                                        5,219.91                       31.13%
Export                                                                43.30                     -84.51%
Other areas                                                       3,457.98                       79.88%
                    Total                                        13,991.95                       42.73%
5.3 Explanation on reasons of material changes in main operations and its structure
□Applicable          √Inapplicable

5.4 Explanation on reasons of material changes in profitability (gross profit ratio) of main
operations compared with that of last year
□Applicable      √Inapplicable
5.5 Analysis on reasons of material changes in profit structure compared with the previous
□Applicable        √Inapplicable

5.6 Application of the raised proceeds

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                        Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

5.6.1 Comparison sheet of usage of raised funds
□Applicable         √Inapplicable
5.6.2 Particulars about items invested in raised funds
□Applicable         √Inapplicable

5.7 The modification plan of Board to the business plan for the second half year
□Applicable         √Inapplicable

5.8 Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next
report period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the
corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason
□Applicable         √Inapplicable
5.9 Explanation of the Management on “Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public
Accountants in the report period by the Board of Directors
□Applicable         √Inapplicable

5.10 Explanation of the Management on changes and disposal of the issues involved in
“Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the last year by the Board of
□Applicable         √Inapplicable

§6. Significant Events
6.1 Purchases and sales of assets and assets restructure
6.1.1 Assets purchased or acquired
□Applicable        √Inapplicable
6.1.2 Assets sold
□Applicable          √Inapplicable

6.1.3 Progress of the events and their influence on the Company’s operating results and
financial status in the report period after the Report on Assets Restructure or Public Notice
on Acquisition and Sales of Assets being published
□Applicable          √Inapplicable

6.2 Guarantees
√Applicable             □Inapplicable

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                   Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

                                                                                      Unit: RMB’0000
  Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for the controlling
               Relevant                 Date of                                    Complet Guarantee
Name of the disclosure Amount happening Actual Guarante Guarante                       e         for
  Company date/No.
                 of the       of       (Date of amount of e type            e term impleme associated
 guaranteed guarantee guarantee signing guarantee                                   ntation    parties
               d amount              agreement)                                     or not (Yes or no)
     Total of external
 guarantee approved in                                 Total of         external
                                                 0.00 guaranteeactualPeriod(A2)
                                                                   in                                0.00
     Total of external                                  Total balance of actual
 guarantee approved at                           0.00 external guarantee at                          0.00
     Period-end(A3)                                        Period-end(A4)
                        Guarantee of the Company for the controlling subsidiaries
               Relevant                 Date of                                    Complet Guarantee
Name of the disclosure Amount happening Actual Guarante Guarante                       e         for
  Company date/No.
                 of the       of       (Date of amount of e type            e term impleme associated
 guaranteed guarantee guarantee signing guarantee                                   ntation    parties
               d amount              agreement)                                     or not (Yes or no)
  Shenbao                                                         Joint
 Huacheng —                2,000.00 2010-10-21      2,000.00 responsib 1 year     Not       Yes
 Food Co.,                                                        ility
  Shenzhen                                                                         Not       Yes
  Shenbao                                                         Joint
 Huacheng —                2,000.00 2011-01-26      1,532.37 responsib 1 year
 Food Co.,                                                        ility
Shenzhen                                                                           Not       Yes
Shenbao                                                       Joint
Huacheng —                 3,000.00 2011-05-26      1,500.00 responsib 1 year
Food Co.,                                                     ility
  Total of guarantee for                              Total of actual guarantee
subsidiaries approved in                     2,000.00 for subsidiaries in the                    3,902.30
     the Period (B1)                                          Period (B2)
  Total of guarantee for                              Total of actual guarantee
subsidiaries approved at                     7,000.00     for subsidiaries at                    5,032.37
     Period-end (B3)                                       Period-end (B4)
                   Total of Company’s guarantee(namely total of the large two aforementioned)
Total of guarantee in the                             Total of actual guarantee
     Period (A1+B1)                          2,000.00        in the Period                              3,902.30
Total of guarantee at                                 Total of actual guarantee
Period-end                                   7,000.00 at Period-end                                     5,032.37
         (A3+B3)                                               (A4+B4)
The proportion of the total amount of actually
guarantee in the net assets of the Company(that is                                                           5.67%
A4+ B4)
     Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual                                                             0.00
        controller and its associated parties(C)
     The debts guarantee amount provided for the
guaranteed parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed                                                        0.00
             70% directly or indirectly(D)
 Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets                                                        0.00
            of the Company exceed 50%(E)
    Total guarantee amount of the abovementioned                                                              0.00
  Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several ——
   liquidating responsibilities for undue guarantees
6.3 Current non-operating related credits and liabilities
□Applicable        √Inapplicable

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                            Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

6.4 Material lawsuits and arbitrations
√Applicable           □Inapplicable
(I) The case concerning the joint-liability guarantee the Company provided for the RMB 7 million
loan that Shenzhen China Bicycle Company (Holdings) Limited (hereinafter referred to as Shen
China) had got from China Construction Bank Shenzhen Branch (hereinafter referred to as
Construction Bank) has been closed with a reconciliation. In the year 2003, the Company and
Construction Bank reached the Agreement on Interest Reduction and Cancellation, and according to
the agreement, the Company had already paid back the RMB 7 million in two times for Shen China
and fulfilled its guarantee liability (for details, please refer to Annual Report 2003 of the Company.);
through the verdict of (1999) YFJYZZi No. 26 Civil Judgment Document made by Guangdong High
People’s Court on the case concerning the joint-liability guarantee amounting to USD 0.8 million the
Company provided for issue of Letter of Credit Shen China had applied for at Bank of China
Shenzhen Branch, the Company should shoulder joint repayment liability. And ended the first half
year of 2004, the Company had repaid RMB 6,631,600 (amounting to USD 0.8 million) for Shen
China and fulfilled the guarantee responsibility (for details, please refer to Semi-Annual Report 2004
of the Company.). Latter, on Jul. 22, 2004, the guarantee payment, which the Company had paid on
its behalf, was enforced to conduct by Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court that the Company
applied to.
To safeguard the rights and interests of the Company, the Company sued Shen China to Shenzhen
Intermediate People’s Court, and requested for a verdict to order Shen China to repay RMB 7
million, which the Company had paid on its behalf, as well as to compensate relevant loss arising
from the capital occupancy in 2004. Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court judged and ordered Shen
China to repay the RMB 7 million the Company had paid on its behalf, and the interest arising during
the period of capital occupancy [(2004) SZFMECZi No.448]. Since Shen China had not fulfilled its
repayment duty according to the time and contents stipulated in the judgment document, the
Company applied to Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court on Dec.20, 2004 for compulsory
enforcement. Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court sent Shen China (2004) SZFZZi No.1382 Civil
Verdict and Mandamus, as well as (2005) SZFZZi No.208 Civil Verdict and Mandamus on Jan.14,
2005, and ruled that the property of Shen China (RMB 14,131,575.92 as the limit) should be sealed
up and frozen, and that Shen China should fulfill the duties stipulated in effective legal papers or
regulated by law within five days from the day the Mandamus arrived. Should Shen China defaulted
beyond the time limit, Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court would make compulsory enforcement
according to law (for details, please refer to notifications of the Company published on Securities
Times, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and Juchao Website dated Jul.30, 2004, Nov.20, 2004, Dec.16,
2004, Dec.29, 2004 and Jan.18, 2005.). Later, stipulated by the Higher People’s Court of Guangdong,
the aforesaid two lawsuits were conducted by Guangzhou Railway Transportation Court, and the
conductions were suspended in the report period because of discovering no property clues. As soon
as circumstances of execution suspension ended, the Company may apply to Guangzhou Railway
Transportation Court for resumption of execution. The Company would exercise relevant rights
through legitimate means.
(II) Lawsuits between the Company and Guangdong Sunrise Holdings Co., Ltd.
Lawsuits arising from joint liabilities guarantee the Company offered for Guangdong Sunrise
Holdings Co., Ltd. (the former Shenzhen Lionda Holdings Co., Ltd. hereinafter referred to as Sunrise
Company for short) referred to historic remaining guarantees before 1999 the company and Shengrun
Company were both controlled subsidiaries of Shenzhen Investment Management Company. Details
are as follow:
1. “Guarantee Contract” was entered into by the Company and Futian Sub-branch of Shenzhen ICBC
on 30 December 1998 for jointly liability of HK$3 million loans to Shengrun Company from the

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                               Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

2. “Guarantee Contract for Loans” was entered into by the Company and Nantou Sub-branch of SDB
on 30 June 1999 for jointly liability of HK$6 million loans to Shengrun Company from the
3. “Borrowing Contract” was entered into by the Shengrun Company and Nantou Shenzhen branch
of BOC on 31 December 1998 for HK$32 million borrowings; the Company provided jointly
liability for the aforesaid loans.
4. “Guarantee Contract” was entered into by the Company and Nanyuan Sub-branch of GDB on 23
June 1999 for jointly liability of 8 million yuan loans to Shengrun Company from the Company.
The possible losses arising from the above joint liability guarantee had been totally accrued in 2007.
On Apr. 14 of 2010, Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen
Zhongyuan) accepted application about restructure on Shengrun Company raised up by Shenzhen
Xingyaju Decoration Project Co., Ltd, and on May 5 of 2010 made the (2010) SZFMQCZZ No. 5-2
Civil Ruling which ruled that: since May 6 of 2010 the restructure on Shengrun Company could be
started. According to relevant requirements of application of creditors’ right, the Company applied
creditors’ right to managers of Shengrun Company as for accounts such as compensation principal
and relevant interest the above 4 guarantee cases concerned in Jun. of 2010.
In Sep. of 2010, the Company received the (2010) SZFMQCZZ No. 5-2 Civil Ruling made by
Shenzhen Zhongyuan which finally ruled that: confirmed the Creditors’ Right Sheet on Restructure
Plan of Guangdong Shengrun Group Holding Co., Ltd submitted by managers of Shengrun Company
on Aug. 13 of 2010 which confirmed 38 creditors with equivalent RMB 2,063,084,247.96. They were
all ordinary creditors’ right. The Creditors’ Right Sheet on Restructure Plan of Guangdong Shengrun
Group Holding Co., Ltd confirmed the creditors’ right on Shengrun Company was RMB
62,150,928.20. (Details could be seen from Securities Times, China Security Journal, Hong Kong
Commercial Daily and Juchao website dated on Sep. 9 of 2010).
In Oct. of 2010, creditors of Shengrun Company held meeting which passed the Draft of Restructure
Plan of Guangdong Shengrun Group Holding Co., Ltd. According to restructure plan of Shengrun
Company, it is predicted that monetary discharge proportion of ordinary creditors’ right was 2.16%
and shares discharge proportion was 27.89%, thus ordinary creditors could got 30.05% discharge
totally. Till issuing date of this report, the Company received discharge account RMB 1,381,832.66
and 2,135,071 A shares from *ST Shengrun. (Details could be seen from Securities Times, China
Security Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao website dated on Apr. 9 of 2011).
6.5 Other significant events and analysis on their influences and solutions
□Applicable              √Inapplicable

6.5.1 Particulars about securities investment
√Applicable         □Inapplicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                             Amount                nt
         Securities        Stock
                                        Short form investme held in Book value proportio Gains and
                                                                                          losses in
 No.       kinds           code           of the nt amount period-en    at        n of      report
                                          stock                 d
                                                    (RMB) (Share) period-end securities    period
  1    Stock(3 board)400005   Haiguoshi   272,288.09   150,000    262,500.00          1.49%      -42,000.00
  2    Stock          000030   *ST               0.00 2,135,071 17,334,869.55         98.51%            0.00
                               Shengrun A
 Other stock investment held at the end of     _         _            _                _             _
               report period
Gain/loss of the sold securities investment     _              _           _            _           _
           in the report period
                   Total                    272,288.09         -     17,597,369.55      100%      -42,000.00

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                  Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

6.5.2 Equity of other listed companies held
□Applicable          √Inapplicable

6.5.3 Occupation and its progress of paying off on non-operational funds by largest
shareholder and its affiliated enterprises
□Applicable         √Inapplicable

6.5.4 Implementation of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and actual
The following events committed by related parties such as listed companies, directors, supervisors,
senior management, shareholders holding above 5% shares of the Company as well as actual
controllers in reporting period or extending to reporting period.
√Applicable           □Inapplicable
       Commitments             Promisee                   Content of commitments                  Implem
                                           Commitments made by the original non-tradable
                                           shareholders in the process of Share Merger Reform:
                                           1. Shenzhen Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. and
                                           Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. will obey
                                           the laws, statutes and regulations, and perform the
                                           statutory commitment obligations in the process of
                                           Share Merger Reform; 2.Carrying out an effective
                                           and long-term encouragement to the management
                                           level, after the completion of share merger reform,
                                           Shenzhen Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. and
                                           Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., the original
                                           non-tradable shareholders of the Company, will sell
                                           their possessed shares in 3 year to the management
                                           team of the Company according to their share
                                           holding proportion after the share merger reform,
                                           which took up 6%-8% of the Company’s total capital
                                           shares after the implementation of pricing.
                                           The aforesaid encouragement specific measures and
                           SHENZHEN        rules for implementation for the management level
                           AGRICULTU       was studied and formulated by listed company
                           RAL             according to The Measures Governing Equity             Abided
     Commitments for       RODUCTS         Incentive Plans of Listed Companies of CSRC and          the
     Share Merger          CO., LTD. and   national relevant regulations, and were reported to    commit
     Reform                SHENZHEN        the    State-owned      Assets    Supervision    and    ments
                           INVESTMEN       Administration      Commission        of    Shenzhen
                           T HOLDING       Municipality Government for examination and
                           CO., LTD.       approval and then implementation. The circulation
                                           condition of this part of shares will be implemented
                                           following relevant provisions.
                                                Both of Agriculture Products Co. and
                                           Investment Holdings Co. have been fulfilling their
                                           statutory responsibilities for their commitments.
                                           According to Trial Provisions for Implementing
                                           Stock Option Incentive in State-owned Controlling
                                           Listed Companies (Domestic) issued jointly by
                                           State-owned Assets Supervisory & Administration
                                           Committee and the Ministry of Finance dated
                                           December 6, 2006, the Company should detail its
                                           stock option incentive plan for management
                                           executives according to relevant regulations. The
                                           non-tradable share holders will push forward the
                                           implementation of stock option incentive plan for
                                           executives within the range allowed by relevant
                                           national laws and regulations and in appropriate
                                           market situation.
     Commitments in
     report of                   ——                             ——                             ——
     acquisition or
     equity change

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                           Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

     Commitment for
     substantive asset           ——                        ——                           ——
     Issuance                    ——                        ——                           ——
     tional                      ——                        ——                           ——

6.5.5 Profit distribution of Board of Directors this time or preplan of capital reserve
□Applicable         √Inapplicable

6.5.6 Detail items of other consolidated income
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                     Items                     Amount occurred in the      Amount occurred in same
                                                  report period              period of last year
1. Gains/losses from financial assets                   _                            _
available for sales
Less: Income tax influences from financial               _                              _
assets available for sales
Net amount reckoned into other                           _                              _
consolidated income in previous period but
transferred into gains/losses in current
Subtotal                                                 _                              _
2. Shares in the other consolidated income               _                              _
of the investee calculated based on equity
Less: Income tax influences of shares in the             _                              _
other consolidated income of the investee
calculated based on equity method
Net amount reckoned into other                           _                              _
consolidated income in previous period but
transferred into gains/losses in current
Subtotal                                                 _                              _
3. Gains/losses from cash flow hedge                     _                              _
Less: Income tax influences from cash flow               _                              _
Net amount reckoned into other                           _                              _
consolidated income in previous period but
transferred into gains/losses in current
Adjusted amount transferred to initial                   _                              _
confirmed amount of the arbitraged items
Subtotal                                                 _                              _
4. Differences from translating foreign                  _                              _
currency financial statements
Less: Net amount of disposing overseas                   _                              _
business transferred to current gains/losses
Subtotal                                                 _                              _
5. Others                                                _                              _
Less: Income tax influences by others                    _                              _
reckoned into other consolidated income
Net amount reckoned into other                           _                              _
consolidated income in previous period but
transferred into gains/losses in current
Subtotal                                                 _                               _
Total                                                  0.00                            0.00

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                         Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

6.6 Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the report
                                 Reception                              Content discussed and
  Reception date Reception place                 Object received
                                    way                                 information provided
                                                                   Discussed     particulars    of
                                                                   production and operation,
                                                                   strategy plan of the Company
                                               Hangzhou Galaxy as well as prospect of
                    Conference     Field
                                                  Investment       investment by funds raised
2011-5-9            room of the investigatio
                                                 Management        about specialized additional
                     Company         n
                                              Consulting Co., Ltd. issue plan; the Company
                                                                   didn’t disclose, reveal and
                                                                   leave      out      significant
                                                                   information to receipt object.
                                                                   Discussed     particulars    of
                                                Soochow Fund
                                                                   production and operation,
                                             Management Co., Ltd.,
                                                                   strategy plan of the Company
                                               China International
                                                                   as well as prospect of
                    Conference     Field     Fund Management Co.,
                                                                   investment by funds raised
2011-5-23           room of the investigatio Ltd., Guotai Junan
                                                                   about specialized additional
                     Company         n         Securities, Guotai
                                                                   issue plan; the Company
                                              Fund, Shanghai Zexi
                                                                   didn’t disclose, reveal and
                                                                   leave      out      significant
                                             Management Co., Ltd.
                                                                   information to receipt object.
                                                                   Discussed     particulars    of
                                                                   production and operation,
                                                                   strategy plan of the Company
                                                                   as well as prospect of
                    Conference     Field       Wuhan Technology
                                                                   investment by funds raised
2011-6-2            room of the investigatio Innovation Investment
                                                                   about specialized additional
                     Company         n              Co., Ltd
                                                                   issue plan; the Company
                                                                   didn’t disclose, reveal and
                                                                   leave      out      significant
                                                                   information to receipt object.
                                                                   Discussed     particulars    of
                                                                   production and operation,
                                                                   strategy plan of the Company
                                                                   as well as prospect of
                    Conference     Field
                                               China International investment by funds raised
2011-6-3            room of the investigatio
                                               Financial Co., Ltd about specialized additional
                     Company         n
                                                                   issue plan; the Company
                                                                   didn’t disclose, reveal and
                                                                   leave      out      significant
                                                                   information to receipt object.
§7. Financial Report
7.1 Auditing opinion
    Financial Report                     √Un-audited              □Audited

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                         Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

7.2 Financial statement
7.2.1 Balance Sheet
Prepared by Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                June 30, 2011           Unit: RMB
                                           Amount at period-end                       Amount at year-begin
                                         Merger        Parent Company               Merger        Parent Company
Current assets:
      Monetary funds                    587,792,262.16    564,324,133.25            60,540,179.32       43,617,846.34
      Settlement provisions
      Capital lent
      Transaction        finance
                                         17,597,369.55        17,334,869.55            304,500.00
      Notes receivable
      Accounts receivable                45,930,990.59           13,451.24          60,924,949.75            26,834.82
      Accounts       paid      in
                                          5,213,825.94                               6,545,149.29
      Insurance receivable
      Reinsurance receivables
      Contract reserve of
reinsurance receivable
      Interest receivable
      Dividend receivable
      Other receivables                  19,140,659.59    264,954,419.54            56,556,386.04      293,645,635.65
      Purchase         restituted
finance asset
      Inventories                        56,557,726.07          951,531.42          53,165,409.41          824,287.66
      Non-current asset due
within one year
      Other current assets
Total current assets                    732,232,833.90    847,578,405.00           238,036,573.81      338,114,604.47
Non-current assets:
      Granted      loans      and
      Finance asset available
for sales
      Long-term          account
      Long-term           equity
                                         63,911,629.91    287,856,754.07            65,976,879.14      224,821,521.50
      Investment property                                     25,086,337.67                             25,501,779.89
      Fixed assets                      150,928,519.89         3,034,406.52        154,620,846.11        2,949,630.80
      Construction in progress           11,167,666.37         5,723,542.10          7,513,353.21        4,657,647.12
      Engineering material
      Disposal of fixed asset
      Productive      biological
                                           270,016.00           270,016.00             242,021.00          242,021.00
      Oil and gas asset
      Intangible assets                 202,399,937.74        67,525,146.73        187,367,943.21       68,437,527.61
      Expense on Research
and Development
      Long-term expenses to
                                          2,029,681.04          924,520.57           2,115,990.14         1,063,758.19
be apportioned
      Deferred income tax
                                          2,595,233.33         1,235,914.32          2,595,233.33         1,235,914.32
      Other non-current asset
Total non-current asset               433,302,684.28       391,656,637.98          420,432,266.14      328,909,800.43
Total assets                        1,165,535,518.18     1,239,235,042.98          658,468,839.95      667,024,404.90
Current liabilities:

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                         Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

      Short-term loans                   85,000,000.00        30,000,000.00         62,400,000.00       19,000,000.00
      Loan from central bank
      Absorbing deposit and
interbank deposit
      Capital borrowed
      Transaction       financial
      Notes payable
      Accounts payable                   21,188,555.41          326,088.46          38,992,403.72          172,066.01
      Accounts received in
                                          1,531,203.73                               2,150,632.12
      Selling financial asset of
      Commission charge and
commission payable
      Wage payable                        1,723,341.49          496,007.96           3,298,879.27         2,280,240.37
      Taxes payable                       2,015,764.66           72,912.61           4,651,110.52            79,815.08
      Interest payable
      Dividend payable                    2,909,182.74      2,909,182.74             2,909,182.74        2,909,182.74
      Other accounts payable             78,331,778.72    116,490,739.07            77,081,960.91      120,151,055.55
      Reinsurance payables
      Insurance          contract
      Security trading of
      Security sales of agency
      Non-current liabilities
                                         57,500,000.00        57,500,000.00         66,500,000.00       66,500,000.00
due within 1 year
      Other current liabilities           1,993,137.43                                 493,137.43
Total current liabilities               252,192,964.18    207,794,930.84           258,477,306.71      211,092,359.75
Non-current liabilities:
      Long-term loans                    26,000,000.00        26,000,000.00         27,000,000.00       27,000,000.00
      Bonds payable
Long-term account payable
Special accounts payable
      Projected liabilities
   Deferred       income      tax
      Other          non-current
                                             49,920.00           49,920.00              49,920.00            49,920.00
Total non-current liabilities            26,049,920.00     26,049,920.00            27,049,920.00       27,049,920.00
Total liabilities                       278,242,884.18    233,844,850.84           285,527,226.71      238,142,279.75
Owner’s         equity       (or
shareholders’ equity):
      Paid-in capital (or share
                                        250,900,154.00    250,900,154.00           181,923,088.00      181,923,088.00
      Capital public reserve            568,700,222.51    583,510,721.44            79,873,070.29       80,095,645.55
      Less: Inventory shares
      Reasonable reserve
      Surplus public reserve             32,464,033.34        32,464,033.34         32,464,033.34       32,464,033.34
      Provision of general risk
      Retained profit                    35,228,224.15    138,515,283.36            30,831,869.17      134,399,358.26
      Balance difference of
foreign currency translation
Total       owner’s       equity
attributable       to      parent       887,292,634.00   1,005,390,192.14          325,092,060.80      428,882,125.15
Minority interests                                                                  47,849,552.44
Total owner’s equity                   887,292,634.00   1,005,390,192.14          372,941,613.24      428,882,125.15
Total liabilities and owner’s
                                    1,165,535,518.18     1,239,235,042.98          658,468,839.95      667,024,404.90

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                          Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

7.2.2 Profit Statement
Prepared by Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                    January-June, 2011         Unit: RMB
                                            Amount in this period                       Amount in last period
             Items                       Merger               Parent                 Merger               Parent
                                                            Company                                     Company
I. Total operating income               139,922,991.06         1,434,424.23          98,031,142.11         1,347,753.85
Including: Operating income             139,922,991.06         1,434,424.23          98,031,142.11         1,347,753.85
       Interest income
       Insurance gained
       Commission charge and
commission income
II. Total operating cost                148,255,335.86         14,106,456.23        106,079,351.47       10,062,371.67
Including: Operating cost               112,209,097.15             91,320.28         75,106,437.05           79,866.50
       Interest expense
       Commission charge and
commission expense
       Cash surrender value
       Net amount of expense
of compensation
       Net       amount         of
withdrawal of insurance
contract reserve
       Bonus       expense      of
guarantee slip
       Reinsurance expense
       Operating tax and extras             896,845.51             66,000.00            431,774.87            62,610.08
       Sales expenses                     8,969,300.98            515,239.93          6,310,429.41           180,580.50
       Administration                    21,699,521.40         11,040,603.19         19,691,446.28         6,860,925.37
       Financial expenses                 4,550,650.77          2,392,752.83          4,543,914.84         2,878,389.22
       Losses of devaluation of            -70,079.950                540.00             -4,650.98
       Add: Changing income
of fair value(Loss is listed               -42,000.000                                  139,500.00
with “-”)
       Investment         income          -265,249.230         -265,249.230         -12,052,068.30       -14,014,997.93
(Loss is listed with “-”)
       Including: Investment
income         on       affiliated        -265,249.230         -265,249.230         -12,550,001.25       -12,550,001.25
company and joint venture
       Exchange income (Loss
is listed with “-”)
III. Operating profit (Loss              -8,639,594.03     -12,937,281.230          -19,960,777.66       -22,729,615.75
is listed with “-”)
       Add:        Non-operating         17,433,557.36         17,088,533.21          2,814,041.99         1,216,901.37
       Less:       Non-operating             60,551.66            35,326.88              21,565.07
       Including: Disposal loss              60,551.66            35,326.88              15,050.02
of non-current asset
IV. Total Profit (Loss is                 8,733,411.67          4,115,925.10        -17,168,300.74       -21,512,714.38
listed with “-”)
       Less:      Income       tax        1,674,051.00                                   53,230.14
V. Net profit (Net loss is                7,059,360.67          4,115,925.10        -17,221,530.88       -21,512,714.38
listed with “-”)
       Net profit attributable to         4,396,354.98          4,115,925.10        -18,263,527.21       -21,512,714.38
owner’s of parent company
     Minority shareholders’              2,663,005.69                                1,041,996.33
gains and losses
VI. Earnings per share
i. Basic earnings per share                     0.0242                                     -0.1004
ii. Diluted earnings per share                  0.0242                                     -0.1004
VII. Other consolidated
VIII. Total consolidated                  7,059,360.67          4,115,925.10       -17,221,530.880       -21,512,714.38
Total consolidated income
attributable to owners of                 4,396,354.98          4,115,925.10       -18,263,527.210       -21,512,714.38
parent company
Total consolidated income
attributable       to   minority          2,663,005.69                                1,041,996.33                  0.00

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                         Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

7.2.3 Cash Flow Statement
Prepared by Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                   January-June, 2011              Unit: RMB
             Items                         Amount in this period                      Amount in last period
                                         Merger        Parent Company               Merger        Parent Company
I. Cash flows arising from
operating activities:
      Cash received from
selling commodities and                 177,726,719.69         1,413,364.27        114,460,696.41          161,000.50
providing labor services
      Net       increase       of
customer        deposit      and
interbank deposit
      Net increase of loan
from central bank
      Net increase of capital
borrowed         from      other
financial institution
      Cash received from
original insurance contract
      Net cash received from
reinsurance business
      Net increase of insured
savings and investment
      Net increase of disposal
of transaction financial asset
     Cash     received     from
interest, commission charge
and commission
      Net increase of capital
      Net increase of returned
business capital
      Write-back       of     tax            49,009.53                                 188,371.62
      Other cash received
concerning             operating          6,445,884.77         4,239,039.14          9,876,986.68       26,947,390.32
       Subtotal of cash inflow
arising     from       operating        184,221,613.99         5,652,403.41        124,526,054.71       27,108,390.82
      Cash         paid       for
purchasing commodities and              139,613,835.64          271,848.55          83,962,650.35          156,022.10
receiving labor service
      Net       increase       of
customer loans and advances
      Net increase of deposits
in central bank and interbank
      Cash paid for original
insurance               contract
      Cash paid for interest,
commission charge and
      Cash paid for bonus of
guarantee slip
      Cash paid to/for staff             17,020,987.85         5,784,877.12         18,724,555.47         9,074,261.51
and workers
      Taxes paid                         12,934,545.26          919,246.61           6,157,716.15          477,632.30
      Other       cash      paid
concerning             operating         22,924,655.87        20,208,017.33         21,813,251.09       44,966,320.96
      Subtotal of cash outflow
arising     from       operating        192,494,024.62        27,183,989.61        130,658,173.06       54,674,236.87
      Net cash flows arising             -8,272,410.63    -21,531,586.20            -6,132,118.35       -27,565,846.05
from operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from
investing activities:
      Cash received from                 24,800,000.00        24,800,000.00
recovering investment
      Cash received from
investment income

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                         Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

      Net cash received from
disposal of fixed, intangible            13,051,728.00        13,000,000.00          2,718,835.00         1,680,835.00
and other long-term assets
      Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and
other units
      Other cash received
concerning            investing
      Subtotal of cash inflow            37,851,728.00        37,800,000.00          2,718,835.00         1,680,835.00
from investing activities
      Cash       paid       for
purchasing fixed, intangible             17,789,197.69         1,143,684.68         75,269,397.26       55,930,652.51
and other long-term assets
      Cash       paid       for                                                      1,200,000.00
      Net      increase      of         -20,000,000.00    -20,000,000.00
mortgaged loans
      Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other units
      Other      cash      paid
concerning            investing
      Subtotal of cash outflow           -2,210,802.31    -18,856,315.32            76,469,397.26       55,930,652.51
from investing activities
      Net cash flows arising             40,062,530.31        56,656,315.32        -73,750,562.26       -54,249,817.51
from investing activities
III. Cash flows arising from
financing activities
      Cash received from                512,499,992.40    512,499,992.40
absorbing investment
      Including:          Cash
received from absorbing
minority         shareholders’
investment by subsidiaries
Cash received from loans                 65,000,000.00        30,000,000.00        134,000,000.00       92,000,000.00
      Cash received from
  issuing bonds
      Other cash received
concerning           financing                                                      55,756,182.00       55,756,182.00
      Subtotal of cash inflow           577,499,992.40    542,499,992.40           189,756,182.00      147,756,182.00
from financing activities
      Cash paid for settling             52,400,000.00        29,000,000.00        137,500,000.00      100,500,000.00
      Cash paid for dividend
and profit distributing or                5,530,183.59         3,818,933.23          5,650,201.01         4,718,700.90
interest paying
      Including: Dividend and
profit       of        minority
shareholder       paid       by
      Other      cash      paid
concerning           financing            4,099,501.38         4,099,501.38
      Subtotal of cash outflow           62,029,684.97        36,918,434.61        143,150,201.01      105,218,700.90
from financing activities
Net cash flows arising from             515,470,307.43    505,581,557.79            46,605,980.99       42,537,481.10
financing activities
IV. Influence on cash and
cash equivalents due to                      -8,344.27
fluctuation in exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and             547,252,082.84    540,706,286.91           -33,276,699.62       -39,278,182.46
cash equivalents
      Add: Balance of cash
and cash equivalents at the              40,540,179.32        23,617,846.34         90,613,421.70       76,004,694.03
period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash            587,792,262.16    564,324,133.25            57,336,722.08        36,726,511.57
equivalents at the period -end

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                                        Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

7.2.4 Consolidated Statement on Changes of Owners’ Equity
Prepared by Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                                Semi-Annual of 2011                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                              Amount in this report period                                                                                                       Amount in last year
                                   Owners' equity attributable to the parent company                                                                                Owners' equity attributable to the parent company
                                                       Reas                Gener
                     Paid-up                   Less:                                                                                             Paid-up                                                                                                               Total
    Items                                              onabl                  al                          Minority’s      Total owners’                                      Less: Reason                     General                             Minority’s
                     capital        Capital   Treas             Surplus            Retained                                                      capital         Capital                         Surplus                    Retained                                 owners’
                                                         e                   risk               Others     equity             equity                                          Treasury able                       risk                     Others    equity
                     (Share        reserves     ury             reserves             profit                                                      (Share         reserves                         reserves                    profit                                   equity
                                                       reser                provi                                                                                              Stock reserve                   provision
                     capital)                 Stock                                                                                              capital)
                                                        ve                  sion
  I. Balance at
the end of last    181,923,088.00 79,873,070.29             32,464,033.34       30,831,869.17            47,849,552.44     372,941,613.24      181,923,088.00 80,564,909.22                    32,464,033.34               25,144,224.38            45,244,179.29 365,340,434.23
Add: Changes
of accounting
 correction of
the last period
 II. Balance at
the beginning      181,923,088.00 79,873,070.29             32,464,033.34       30,831,869.17            47,849,552.44     372,941,613.24      181,923,088.00 80,564,909.22                    32,464,033.34               25,144,224.38            45,244,179.29 365,340,434.23
   of this year
 III. Increase/
   Decrease in
     this year
                   68,977,066.00 488,827,152.22                                  4,396,354.98            -47,849,552.44    514,351,020.76                      -691,838.93                                                 5,687,644.79             2,605,373.15   7,601,179.01
  (Decrease is
 (I) Net profit                                                                  4,396,354.98             2,663,005.69      7,059,360.67                                                                                   5,687,644.79             3,297,744.70   8,985,389.49
    (II) Other
 consolidated                                                                                                                                                  -210,249.15                                                                                         -210,249.15
   Subtotal of
                                                                                 4,396,354.98             2,663,005.69      7,059,360.67                       -210,249.15                                                 5,687,644.79             3,297,744.70   8,775,140.34
    (I)and (II)
   (III) Owners'
  devoted and
                   68,977,066.00 488,827,152.22                                                          (50,512,558.13)   507,291,660.09                      -481,589.78                                                                           -692,371.55   -1,173,961.33
    1. Owners'
     devoted       68,977,066.00 503,415,075.89                                                                            572,392,141.89
    2. Amount
  into owners'                                                                                                                             -
equity paid in
     3. Others                   -14,587,923.67                                                          (50,512,558.13)   (65,100,481.80)                     -481,589.78                                                                           -692,371.55   -1,173,961.33

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                           Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

   (IV) Profit
1. Withdrawal
    of surplus
2. Withdrawal
    of general
   for owners
     4. Others
 (V) Carrying
    1. Capital
 conversed to
 capital (share
    2. Surplus
 conversed to
 capital (share
3. Remedying
     loss with
     4. Others
1. Withdrawal
  in the report
   2. Usage in
    the report
   (VII) Other
IV. Balance at
the end of this 250,900,154.00 568,700,222.51   32,464,033.34   35,228,224.15           887,292,634.00   181,923,088.00 79,873,070.29   32,464,033.34   30,831,869.17   47,849,552.44 372,941,613.24

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                                  Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

7.2.5 Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity of Parent Company
Prepared by Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                                        Semi-Annual of 2011                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                         Amount in this report period                                                                                         Amount in last year

                                                 Less:                                Provision                                                                    Less:                                Provision
   Items         Paid-up capital    Capital                                               of                     Total owners’                                                                             of                   Total owners’
                 (Share capital)   reserves     Treasury Reasonable
                                                                        reserves       general Retained profit      equity
                                                                                                                                  Paid-up capital
                                                                                                                                  (Share capital)
                                                                                                                                                     reserves     Treasury Reasonable
                                                                                                                                                                                          reserves       general Retained profit    equity
                                                 Stock                                   risk                                                                      Stock                                   risk
I. Balance at
  the end of 181,923,088.00 80,095,645.55                             32,464,033.34            134,399,358.26 428,882,125.15 181,923,088.00 80,305,894.70                               32,464,033.34            137,778,205.32 432,471,221.36
   last year
Changes of
correction of
   the last
 II. Balance
     at the
beginning of 181,923,088.00 80,095,645.55                             32,464,033.34            134,399,358.26 428,882,125.15 181,923,088.00 80,305,894.70                               32,464,033.34            137,778,205.32 432,471,221.36
  this year
III. Increase/
 Decrease in
   this year
(Decrease is 68,977,066.00 503,415,075.89                                                       4,115,925.10     576,508,066.99                     -210,249.15                                                   -3,378,847.06   -3,589,096.21
(I) Net profit                                                                                  4,115,925.10      4,115,925.10                                                                                    -3,378,847.06   -3,378,847.06
consolidated                                                                                                                                        -210,249.15                                                                   -210,249.15
Subtotal of                                                                                     4,115,925.10      4,115,925.10                      -210,249.15                                                   -3,378,847.06   -3,589,096.21
(I)and (II)
devoted and 68,977,066.00 503,415,075.89                                                                         572,392,141.89
 1. Owners'
  devoted        68,977,066.00 503,415,075.89                                                                    572,392,141.89
 2. Amount
into owners'
 equity paid
  in shares
  3. Others
(IV) Profit

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                                Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

1. Providing
 of surplus
2. Providing
of common
3. Dividend
  4. Others
 1. Capital
conversed to
 2. Surplus
conversed to
 loss with
 4. Others
in the report
2. Usage in
 the report
(VII) Other
IV. Balance
at the end of 250,900,154.00 583,510,721.44   32,464,033.34   138,515,283.36 1,005,390,192.14 181,923,088.00 80,095,645.55   32,464,033.34   134,399,358.26 428,882,125.15
  this term

Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.                            Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2011

7.3 Notes to financial statement
7.3.1 If there have been any changes to the accounting policy and accounting estimates, or
modification of accounting errors, give the relevant contents, reasons and the influenced numbers.
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
7.3.2 If there have been any material changes to the consolidation scope of the financial statement,
give the reasons and the influenced numbers.
□Applicable        √Inapplicable
7.3.3 If Non-standard Unqualified Opinion is supplied, list the related notes to the matters involved.
□Applicable          √Inapplicable

                                                             Chairman of the Board: Zheng Yuxi
                                                           Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                                        August 19, 2011
