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						Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited                                        Abstract of Semi-Annual Report 2017

Stock code: 000022/200022         Stock name: Chiwan Wharf A/Chiwan Wharf B          Announcement No. 2017-033

                                     Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited
                                       Abstract of Semi-Annual Report 2017

I Important information

This Abstract is based on the full text of the Semi-Annual Report. In order for a full understanding of the
operating results, financial condition and future development planning of the Company, investors are kindly
reminded to read the full text carefully on the media designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
Non-standard auditor’s opinion
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Preliminary plan for profit distribution to the common shareholders or turning the capital reserve into the share
capital for the reporting period, which has been reviewed and approved at the board meeting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into share capital.
Preliminary plan for profit distribution to the preference shareholders for the reporting period which has been
reviewed and approved at the board meeting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
This Abstract has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or
misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

II Company profile

1. Stock profile

Stock name                         Chiwan Wharf A, Chiwan Wharf B          Stock code 000022, 200022
Stock exchange                     Shenzhen Stock Exchange
       Contact information                    Board Secretary                     Securities Representative
Name                               Mr. Wang Yongli                         Ms. Hu Jingjing and Ms. Chen Dan
Office address                     8/F, Chiwan Petroleum Building, Shenzhen, PRC
Tel.                               +86 755 26694222                        +86 755 26694222
E-mail address                     cwh@szcwh.com                           cwh@szcwh.com

2. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company need to adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data?
□ Yes √ No
                                          Reporting period       Same period of last year      YoY +/-(%)
Operating revenues (RMB)                       929,608,498.91              904,809,652.24                   2.74%
Net     profit     attributable to
                                               276,407,832.70              266,535,506.97                   3.70%
shareholders of the Company(RMB)

Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited                                          Abstract of Semi-Annual Report 2017

Net     profit     attributable to
shareholders of the Company before
                                                275,545,048.09               264,716,384.31                   4.09%
extraordinary gains and losses
Net cash flows from operating
                                                419,531,779.91               368,657,243.80                  13.80%
activities (RMB)
Basic EPS (RMB/share)                                     0.429                         0.413                 3.87%
Diluted EPS (RMB/share)                                   0.429                         0.413                 3.87%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                  5.76%                        5.88%                 -0.12%
                                          As at the end of the
                                                                   As at the end of last year        +/-(%)
                                           reporting period
Total assets (RMB)                            6,784,421,548.53             6,620,476,709.79                   2.48%
Net     assets     attributable to
                                              4,671,374,937.86             4,709,815,552.89                  -0.82%
shareholders of the Company (RMB)

3. Shareholders and their holdings at period-end

                                                                                                             Unit: share
                                                                                  Total     number     of
                                                                                  preference shareholders
Total number of common 45,296 (34,647 A-shareholders and 10,649
                                                                                  with resumed voting                  0
shareholders at period-end B-shareholders)
                                                                                  rights at period-end (if
                                                Top 10 shareholders

                          Nature of                 Total shares
  Name of shareholder                        ng                  Restricted shares held Pledged or frozen shares
                         shareholder                   held

DEVELOPMENT                                 32.52% 209,687,067                             0             0
SHENZHEN MALAI non-state-o
                                            25.00% 161,190,933                             0             0
ENTERPRISES                                  8.58% 55,314,208                              0             0
TEMPLETON ASIAN                              7.43% 47,914,954                              0         Unknown
NORGES BANK                                  0.43%     2,802,863                           0         Unknown
EMERGING         Foreign
                                             0.41%     2,617,518                           0         Unknown
MARKETS    STOCK corporation
SECURITIES  (HK)                             0.38%     2,479,573                           0         Unknown

Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited                                        Abstract of Semi-Annual Report 2017

                  Other                     0.27%      1,772,663                        0          Unknown
CORPORATION       Foreign
                                            0.25%      1,631,396                        0          Unknown
REGISTERED        corporation
                                            0.25%      1,628,170                        0          Unknown
GROWTH FUND     corporation
                                     China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CMPort) is a
                                     shareholder of China Nanshan Development (Group) Inc., and Shenzhen
Related or acting-in-concert parties Malai Storage Co., Ltd. and Keen Field Enterprises Limited are both
among shareholders above             wholly-funded subsidiaries of CMPort. Other than that, the Company does
                                     not know whether the other non-restricted shareholders are related parties
                                     or not.
Shareholders conducting securities
margin trading (if any)

4. Change of controlling shareholder or actual controller in reporting period

Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The controlling shareholder remained the same in the reporting period.

Change of the actual controller in the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The actual controller remained the same in the reporting period.

5. Number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of top 10 of them

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preference shareholders in the reporting period.

6. Corporate bonds

Are there any corporate bonds publicly offered and listed on the stock exchange, which were undue before the
approval date of this Report or were due but could not be redeemed in full?

Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited                                           Abstract of Semi-Annual Report 2017

III Performance discussion and analysis

1. Performance review for reporting period

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?


In the first half of 2017, the global economy continued to pick up, prices of bulk commodities were generally on
the rise and recovery of international trade accelerated, but the global economy lacked momentum in recovery and
there was still no sign of strong structural growth. China furthered its supply-side structural reform and its
innovation-driven development strategy, and was able to bring its economic growth up to 6.9%. Its foreign trade
was improving, with the total volume up 19.6% compared to the same period of last year. As a result, the
country’s port industry saw faster growth in handling. The country’s coastal ports above the designated size
registered a cargo throughput of 4.31 billion metric tons, representing a year-on-year growth of 7.3% (5.6
percentage points higher than the same period of last year), and a container throughput of 0.1 billion TEU, up
7.8% from a year earlier (5.4 percentage points higher than the same period of last year).

In the reporting period, having the big picture in mind, the Company seized market opportunities and forged
ahead, and this was rewarded by increases in its main operating indicators. To be specific, the Company achieved
a cargo throughput of 34.99 million metric tons, a year-on-year increase of 7.4%, which generated operating
revenues of RMB0.93 billion, up 2.7% from the same period of last year, and net profits attributable to the
Company (as the parent company) of RMB0.28 billion, representing a 3.7% growth from a year earlier.

1. Container handling business

In the reporting period, growth in international trade stimulated transport demand; growth in container handling
capacity slowed down but overcapacity still existed; and there were increasing large ships, with 8,000 TEU and
greater ships accounting for 47% of container ships. Freighters witnessed increasing integration and federation.
The three major shipping federations have officially begun operation in this April, with their combined container
shipping capacity taking up as much as 74% of the global capacity. As a result, the shipping industry would be
more centralized and the freight rates would generally remain stable.

In the Pearl River Delta, competition in container handling has intensified and shipping federations have
re-adjusted their shipping routes. All ports in Shenzhen combined achieved a container throughput of 11.865
million TEU, up 3.8% from the same period of last year, lower than the national average. Under such
circumstances, the Company adopted effective measures to cope with adjustments in freighters’ shipping routes in
order to ensure stability in its business. It strengthened business solicitation and tried to establish relationship with
new shipping routes to offset the decline in its cargo transit business caused by the freighters’ federations’
adjustments to their shipping routes. As a result, at the end of the reporting period, the shipping routes in
cooperation with the Company increased by 21 on a year-on-year basis, all Asian routes. Meanwhile, the
Company continued to improve its logistics service and wharf services to attract cargo sources from the hinterland,
which helped increase the handled local container volume by 6.4% from a year earlier. In the fierce local
competition, the Company realized a container throughput of 2.488 million TEU, increasing 1.8% compared to
the same period of last year, which accounted for 21% of the Shenzhen market, flat with the same period of last

2. Bulk cargo handling business

Along with the recovery of China’s economy in the reporting period, the domestic imports of both grain and
fertilizer showed signs of increase, creating market opportunities for stable growth in the Company’s bulk cargo
handling business. In the period, the Company achieved a bulk cargo throughput of 11.233 million metric tons, a
31.1% year-on-year growth.

The Company adopted a business strategy of working on both domestic and foreign trade. Due to the Company’s
efforts in expanding its domestic corn handling business and its international grain and feedstuff handling

Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited                                          Abstract of Semi-Annual Report 2017

business, its grain and feedstuff throughput was up 28% compared to the same period of last year, of which the
international throughput went up 22% while the domestic throughput increased by 1.7 times, securing its leading
position in the field of grain and feedstuff handling, as well as its position as a preferred discharge port for
international grain and feedstuff, in the Pearl River Delta. In the meantime, in order to ensure sustained growth in
the grain and feedstuff handling business, the Company vigorously tried to attract new clients from nearby
businesses, solidify quality cargo sources, improve its comprehensive port services, further cooperation with
clients and satisfy various needs of clients.

By paying close attention to changes in the fertilizer market and staying in close contact with fertilizer clients, the
Company’s fertilizer throughput increased significantly by 62.1% compared to the same period of last year, of
which the imported compound fertilizer handled by the Company accounting for over 50% of the national total,
keeping the Company in a leading position in this respect. In the meanwhile, the Company’s fertilizer handling
business registered stable growth due to its efforts in, among other things, expanding the exported urea and
imported pure sodium carbonate handling business, widening and extending channels and providing various
value-added port services.

3. Support services and investment management

The Company’s business of support tow truck, tugboat, customs clearance and barge services operated smoothly,
with a year-on-year profit increase. Meanwhile, the Company’s main joint ventures, including China Overseas
Harbour Affairs (Laizhou) Co., Ltd., China Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd. and China Merchants Holdings
(International) Information Technology Co., Ltd., contributed flat returns to the Company compared to the same
period of last year.

The Company’s business results are set out as follows:

                                                     Reporting period  Same period of last year
              Main business indicator                                                           YoY +/-%
                                                   (January-June 2017) ( January-June 2016)
    Total throughput (thousand tons)                      34,990                    32,585               7.4%
    Among which:
                                                           2,488                    2,444                1.8%
    Container throughput (thousand TEU)
    Bulk cargo throughput (thousand tons)                 11,233                    8,567               31.1%
    Hours charged for tow trucks (thousand                    588                    547                 7.5%
    Hours charged for tugboats (hour)                     17,152                    16,790               2.2%

During the reporting period, the Company carried out the tasks set for the year, with the focus on internal
management improvement, better service quality and efficiency increase. It completed management restructuring
of the Headquarters for more professional division of functions; strengthened budgetary management for more
effective operational control; optimized operating procedures using the internet technology to increase the
operating efficiency; encouraged innovations in process and procedure and finished multiple technical alterations;
and optimized the capital and debt structure to reduce finance costs.

In the second half of 2017, the world economy is expected to continue to recover, and China’s economy and
foreign trade are likely to see more stability and improvement. However, risks still exist, including inflation
pressure, changes in the monetary policies of main economies and trade protectionism. These uncertainties may
cause more volatility in the port industry and pose certain challenges to the Company. In container handling, the
regional competition and freighters’ adjustments to their shipping routes exert pressure on the Company’s
business growth. To deal with that, the Company will pay close attention to certain clients’ merger and acquisition
progress, be more flexible in business negotiation, try to attract new shipping routes, and be as cooperative as it
can in the Tonggu Channel widening and dredging program conducted to improve the channel conditions, so as to
maintain stability in the Company’s container handling business. In bulk cargo handling, the Company will keep
an eye on market and policy changes, maintain an aggressive business strategy, secure and increase the
Company’s market position, and accelerate the berth and warehouse alteration at the Chiwan Wharf, as well as the

Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited                                          Abstract of Semi-Annual Report 2017

building of support warehousing facilities at the Machong Wharf, so as to improve the Company’s overall
resource capability to seize more and better opportunities for business growth. As for internal management, the
Company will continue to work on lean management, innovation, resource integration, organizational
construction and risk control, and carry out various tasks according to its annual plan, trying to achieve its annual

No major changes occurred to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period.

YoY movements in financial highlights:
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                  Main reasons for
                                  Reporting period Same period of last year YoY +/-%
Operating revenues                   929,608,498.91           904,809,652.24           2.74%
Operating costs                      535,972,835.46           492,158,524.59           8.90%
Administrative expenses               72,324,731.18             81,947,868.71       -11.74%
                                                                                            Interest cost decreased
                                                                                            as the average balance
Finance costs                         10,152,388.82             14,253,614.35       -28.77%
                                                                                            of interest-bearing debts
Corporate income tax expenses         58,896,433.80             49,661,006.76        18.60%
R&D expenses                          17,130,145.36             15,986,053.06          7.16%
Net cash flows from operating
                                     419,531,779.91           368,657,243.80         13.80%
Net cash flows from investing                                                                  Higher payments for
                                         7,493,810.29           16,665,254.18       -55.03%
activities                                                                                     engineering
Net cash flows from financing
                                    -254,949,011.51           -664,817,669.11        61.65% Lower debt repayments
Net increase in cash and cash                                                                  Loans and repayments
                                     167,505,798.54           -277,266,096.67       -39.59%
equivalents                                                                                    decreased

2. Matters related to financial report

(1) Changes in accounting policies, accounting estimations and measurement methods compared to last
accounting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases.

(2) Retroactive restatements due to correction of significant accounting errors in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases.

Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited                                  Abstract of Semi-Annual Report 2017

(3) Changes in scope of consolidated financial statements compared to last accounting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases.

                                                         For and on behalf of the Board
                                                                    Liu Bin
                                                               Managing Director
                                                     Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited
                                                               Dated 25 August 2017
