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    §1. Important Notice

    1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the directors, supervisors

    and senior management of SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate &

    Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby

    guarantee that this report does not contain any false information, misleading

    statements or material omissions, and accept, individually and collectively, the

    responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of this report.

    1.2 The Financial Report in this quarterly report has not been audited by a CPA firm.

    1.3 Mr. Zhou Jianguo, Person-in-charge of the Company, Mr. Chen Maozheng,

    Person-in-charge of the accounting work, and Mr. Chen Jincai, Person-in-charge of

    the accounting organ hereby confirm the factuality and completeness of the Financial

    Report in this quarterly report.

    §2 Company Profile

    2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators

    Unit: (RMB) Yuan

    As at 30 Sep. 2010 As at 31 Dec. 2009 Increase/decrease (%)

    Total assets (RMB) 3,407,259,180.86 3,361,110,324.04 1.37%

    Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of

    listed company (RMB)

    1,307,389,526.08 1,228,651,614.41 6.41%

    Share capital (share) 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 0.00%

    Net assets per share attributable to

    shareholders of listed company (RMB/share)

    1.2923 1.2145 6.41%

    Jul.-Sep. 2010


    year-on-year (%)

    Jan.-Sep. 2010


    year-on-year (%)

    Total operation income (RMB) 188,731,241.87 15.80% 707,557,933.94 55.92%

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed

    company (RMB)

    12,995,637.17 266.68% 77,136,638.45 584.47%

    Net cash flows generated from operating

    activities (RMB)

    - - -248,352,597.52

    Net cash flows per share generated from

    operating activities (RMB/share)

    - - -0.25

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnBasic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.0128 265.71% 0.0762 586.49%

    Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.0128 265.71% 0.0762 586.49%

    Weighted average return on net assets (%) 1.00% 0.71% 6.09% 5.16%

    Weighted average return on net assets after

    deducting extraordinary gains and losses (%)

    1.00% 0.72% 5.33% 4.89%

    Items of non-recurring gains and losses

    Amount from year-begin to the

    end of this report period


    Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 9,595,497.65

    Gains and losses from changes in fair value of the held tradable

    financial assets and liabilities, and investment income from disposal of

    tradable financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial

    assets, excluding the effective hedging businesses related with the

    normal operation of the Company


    Other non-business income and expenses besides the above items 31,144.09

    Effect on income tax -7,786.00

    Total 9,807,004.09 -

    2.2 Total number of shareholders at period-end and shareholding of top ten

    shareholders holding tradable shares

    Unit: share

    Total number of shareholders at the period-end 98,610

    Shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares

    Full name of shareholder

    Number of tradable

    shares held at period-end

    Type of share

    Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. 642,884,262 RMB Ordinary Shares

    CPI Financial Co., Ltd. 3,336,701 RMB Ordinary Shares

    Banque Indosuez 1,310,800 RMB Ordinary Shares

    Wang Zhongming 1,095,408 Domestically listed foreign shares

    Guan Jinfeng 1,062,220 RMB Ordinary Shares

    Xu Taiying 780,000 RMB Ordinary Shares

    Xue Haoyuan 746,356 RMB Ordinary Shares

    Zhang Rui 730,700 RMB Ordinary Shares

    CHU KOON YUK 720,000 Domestically listed foreign shares

    ICBC-GF China Securities 500 Index Securities

    Investment Fund (LOF)

    678,580 RMB Ordinary Shares

    § 3 Significant Events

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cn3.1 Particulars about major changes of main accounting statement items and financial

    indicators, as well as reasons for the changes

    √Applicable □Inapplicable

    As at 30 Sep. 2010, total assets of the Company was RMB 3,407,260,000, with an

    increase of 1.37% compared with RMB 3,361,110,000 at the year-begin, and

    liabilities totaled RMB 2,112,890,000, with a decrease of 1.52% compared with RMB

    2,145,480,000 at the year-begin. Equity (net assets) attributable to shareholders of

    parent company was RMB 1,307,390,000, with an increase of 6.41% compared with

    RMB 1,228,650,000. Particulars about large changes in items and reason were as


    Index of balance sheet: transactional financial assets was RMB 173,500, up by

    101.08% compared with RMB 86,300 at the end of last year, mainly because the

    Company won the lot for new share in transaction; accounts receivable was RMB

    27,366,200, up by 85.76% compared with RMB 14,732,400 at the end of last year,

    mainly because payment payable for constructional engineering and fund from sales

    of real estate increased; Payment in advance of RMB increased 32.72% compared

    with RMB 18,020,300 at the end of last year, mainly because payment for engineering

    in advance increased; short-term borrowing was RMB 14,800,000, down by 85.20%

    compared with RMB 100,000,000 at the end of last year, which was mainly due to

    return mature short-term borrowings from bank; Non-current liabilities due within one

    year was RMB 127,602,900, down by -44.43% compared with 229,607,200 at the end

    of last year, which was mainly due to return mature long-term borrowings from bank;

    long-term borrowing was RMB 1,070,218,200, up by 83.89% compared with RMB

    581,986,500 at the end of last year, mainly because of new long-term borrowings

    from bank; accounts payable was RMB 146,875,700, down by -79.91% compared

    with RMB 730,944,400 at the end of last year, which was mainly because the

    Company paid the second installment fund for use right of two land in Guangming

    New District; Payment received in advance was RMB 406,039,600, with an increase

    of 158.43% compared with RMB 157,116,100 at the end of last year, mainly because

    the Company received fund for sales of 10th Phase of Jinye Island Project and fund for

    constructional engineering from Shenzhen Zhentong Engineering Co., Ltd; interest

    payable was RMB 41,059,800, with an increase of 66.32% compared with RMB

    2468.77 at the end of last year, mainly because the Company withdrew interest for

    borrowings in advance.

    Index of incomes statement and cash flow statement: operating income was RMB

    707557900, with an increase of 55.92% compared with RMB 453788400 at the same

    period of last year, mainly because income from sales of real estate and engineering

    increased; operating cost was RMB 469,522,200, with an increase of 36.87%

    compared with RMB 343,034,500 at the same period of last year, which was mainly

    due to increase with operating income; business taxes and surcharges were RMB

    67,886,700, with an increase of 84.63% compared with RMB 36,768,700 at the same

    period of last year, which was due to increase with operating income; sales expense

    was RMB 8,453,800, with an increase of 68.36% compared with RMB 5,021,300 at

    the same period of last year, mainly because advertising and sales service expense

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnincreased; financial expense was RMB 453,59,300, with an increase of 181.29%

    compared with RMB 16,125,400 at the same period of last year, mainly because

    increase of borrowings caused interest expense increased; investment income was

    RMB 22,538,300, with an increase of 189.04% compared with RMB 7,797,700 at the

    same period of last year, which was mainly because income from share transferring

    and investment income from affiliated and jointed enterprises increased; net profit

    attributable to owners of parent company totaled RMB 77,136,700, with an increase

    of 584.47% compared with RMB 11,269,500 at the same period of last year, mainly

    because operating income increased, gross profit ratio rose and investment income

    increased; net cash flow from operating activities was RMB -248,352,600, with an

    increase of 56.10% compared with RMB -565,752,900 at the same period of last year,

    mainly because cash received from sales of goods and offering labor service increased;

    net cash flow from investing activities was RMB 10,515,300, with an increase of

    39.20% compared with RMB 7,554,200 at the same period of last year, mainly

    because cash received from investment income increased; net cash flow from

    financing activities was RMB 261,373,600, with a decrease of 56.67% compared with

    RMB 603,193,900 at the same period of last year, mainly because cash paid for debt


    3.2 Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis on solutions

    3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.2.2 Whether the Company provided funds to the controlling shareholder or its

    related parties or provided guarantees to external parties in violation of the prescribed


    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.2.3 Signing and execution of significant contracts concerning routine operations

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.2.4 Others

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and the actual


    √Applicable □Inapplicable




    Contents of commitment Implementation

    Commitment made in the share reform



    Holdings Co. Ltd

    Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. made

    the following commitments concerning the

    relevant matters of the share merger reform of

    SPG: “ ① The Company shall abide by the

    relevant laws, regulations and rules, and fulfill

    the legal commitments; ② The Company

    hereby declares that: The promisor shall

    faithfully fulfill its commitments and shoulder

    The commitments

    have been fulfilled

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cncorresponding responsibilities; Unless the

    transferee agrees to and is able to fulfill the

    commitments, the promisor shall not transfer

    the held shares. ③ The Company hereby

    declares that: Should the promisor fail to

    fulfill its commitments prescribed in the

    relevant documents, it shall compensate the

    other shareholders for their losses caused


    Commitment in the acquisition report or

    the report on equity changes

    Naught Naught Naught

    Commitment made in the significant asset




    Holdings Co. Ltd

    The Shenzhen Sate-owned Assets Supervision

    and Administration Commission issued the

    Letter on Relevant Matters Concerning

    Information Disclosure of SPG to Shenzhen

    Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. in Oct. 2009,

    making a commitment that it would not

    conduct transfer of SPG share rights through

    agreements, asset reorganization or other

    matters (not including shareholding reduction

    in the secondary market) that have significant

    influence on SPG in the year and the next


    The commitment

    is currently in the

    process of


    Commitment made in the issuance Naught Naught Naught

    Other commitments (including

    supplementary ones)

    Naught Naught Naught

    3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit

    achieved during the period from year-begin to the end of the next report period

    compared with the same period of last year, as well as explanation on reasons

    √Applicable □Inapplicable

    Performance forecast Significant increase in the same direction

    From the year-begin to the end

    of the next report period

    Same period of last year Increase/decrease (%)


    accumulative net profit

    (RMB Ten thousand)

    8,200.00 -- 8,700.00 2,021.74 Increase 305.59% -- 330.32%

    Basic earnings per

    share (RMB/share)

    0.0811 -- 0.0860 0.0200 Increase 305.50% -- 330.00%

    Notes to performance


    Mainly due to the increase of the real estate and construction project incomes

    3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained

    3.5.1 Investments into securities

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cn√Applicable □Inapplicable

    Unit: RMB Yuan



    Securities variety Stock code

    Short form of






    Shares held

    at period-end


    Book value at


    Proportion in



    investment at



    Gains or losses

    in report period

    1 Stock 002137

    Sea Star


    5,150.00 975 10,773.75 6.21% 5,623.75

    2 Stock 601857

    China National


    50,100.00 3,000 30,540.00 17.60% -19,560.00

    3 Stock 601866





    13,240.00 2,000 7,360.00 4.24% -5,880.00

    4 Stock 601898

    China Coal


    16,830.00 1,000 9,920.00 5.72% -6,910.00

    5 Stock 002440


    Runtu Co., Ltd

    31,200.00 1,000 28,520.00 16.44% -2,680.00

    6 Stock 601000 Tangshan Port 16,400.00 2,000 15,060.00 8.68% -1,340.00

    7 Stock 601018 Ningbo Port 22,200.00 6,000 21,300.00 12.28% -900.00

    8 Stock 780377

    Subscription of



    50,000.00 5,000 50,000.00 28.82% 0.00

    Other securities investments held at period-end 0.00 - 0.00 0.00% 0.00

    Gains/ losses from securities investment sold in report


    - - - - 98,033.09

    Total 205,120.00 - 173,473.75 100% 66,386.84

    Explanation on securities investment:

    Stocks held by the Company were lottery of new shares, which has been sold in

    current day when benefit.

    3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in report period

    Time Place

    Way of



    Main discussion and materials provided by the


    15 Jul. 2010





    Donghai Securities and

    Guodu Securities

    A general visit, with no written materials

    being provided by the Company

    28 Jul. 2010



    By phone Individual investor

    Inquiring reasons for the Company’s stock

    price fluctuations, with no written materials

    being provided by the Company

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cn13 Aug. 2010



    By phone Individual investor

    Inquiring the time for disclosure of the

    Company’s semi-annual report, with no

    written materials being provided by the


    30 Aug. 2010



    By phone Individual investor

    Inquiring about the Company’s semi-annual

    report, with no written materials being

    provided by the Company

    8 Sept. 2010



    By phone Individual investor

    Inquiring about the Company’s project

    development and the sales situation, with no

    written materials being provided by the


    19 Sept. 2010



    By phone Individual investor

    Inquiring about the Company’s project

    development plans, with no written materials

    being provided by the Company

    29 Sept. 2010



    By phone Individual investor

    Inquiring the Company’s operations and its

    opinion on the government’s macro-control

    measures, with no written materials being

    provided by the Company

    3.6 Investments into derivatives

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.6.1 Positions of derivatives investments held at period-end

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    § 4 Attachments

    4.1 Balance sheet

    Prepared by: SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd

    As at 30 Sept. 2010 Unit: (RMB) Yuan

    Closing balance Opening balance


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Current assets:

    Monetary fund 409,288,416.91 73,513,808.35 386,102,533.51 73,508,120.37

    Settlement fund

    Lending to the bank and

    other institutions

    Transaction financial assets 173,473.75 173,473.75 86,269.75 86,269.75

    Notes receivable

    Accounts paid in advance 27,366,181.63 16,235,838.23 14,732,395.84 6,109,646.72

    Prepayments 23,916,105.79 662,400.00 18,020,338.85

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnPremium receivable

    Receivable from reinsurance

    Reinsurance contract reserve


    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable

    Other receivables 40,843,809.48 279,287,956.75 49,298,258.09 469,851,675.39

    Financial assets purchased

    under agreements to resell

    Inventory 2,173,985,693.15 1,396,794,665.21 2,088,298,946.63 1,414,914,758.68

    Non-current assets due

    within 1 year

    Other current assets

    Total current assets 2,675,573,680.71 1,766,668,142.29 2,556,538,742.67 1,964,470,470.91

    Non-current assets:

    Loans advances

    Available-for-sale financial


    Held-to-maturity investment

    Long-term account


    Long-term equity investment 108,659,053.80 299,358,529.15 111,305,288.02 302,004,763.37

    Investment property 536,499,293.58 468,944,832.81 604,153,453.42 534,718,105.50

    Fixed assets 63,842,959.56 37,710,338.46 66,283,427.82 39,439,456.90

    Construction in progress 150,000.00

    Engineering materials

    Disposal of fixed assets

    Production biological assets

    Oil-air assets

    Intangible assets 6,058,995.00 6,232,380.00

    Development expenses


    Long-term deferred expenses 243,067.80 364,901.70

    Deferred income tax assets 16,232,130.41 95,455.46 16,232,130.41 95,455.46

    Other non-current assets

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnTotal non-current assets 731,685,500.15 806,109,155.88 804,571,581.37 876,257,781.23

    Total assets 3,407,259,180.86 2,572,777,298.17 3,361,110,324.04 2,840,728,252.14

    Current liabilities:

    Short-term borrowing 14,800,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00

    Borrowing from central bank

    Deposits received and held

    for others

    Inter-bank borrowings

    Transaction financial liability

    Notes payable

    Accounts payable 146,875,671.15 20,722,187.73 730,944,352.56 621,374,407.44

    Advances from customers 406,039,630.00 7,530,925.60 157,116,052.15 10,696,023.60

    Financial assets sold under

    agreements to repurchase

    Handling charges and

    commissions receivable

    Paid for and to employees 16,919,147.23 5,024,719.83 24,499,493.75 9,066,342.19

    Taxes payable -12,371,432.34 3,068,546.58 -8,782,763.56 2,915,204.83

    Interest payable 41,059,804.98 41,059,804.98 24,687,711.65 24,687,711.65

    Dividend payable

    Other payables 292,165,142.08 380,108,483.29 297,237,215.73 383,176,088.95

    Accounts due to reinsurance

    Insurance contract reserves

    Receiving from vicariously

    traded securities

    Receiving from vicariously

    sold securities

    Non-current liabilities due

    within 1 year

    127,602,898.26 127,602,898.26 229,607,155.48 206,407,155.48

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities 1,033,090,861.36 585,117,566.27 1,555,309,217.76 1,358,322,934.14

    Non-current liabilities

    Long-term borrowings 1,070,218,158.75 770,218,158.75 581,986,531.34 281,986,531.34

    Bonds payable

    Long-term payables 9,583,606.76 8,185,932.62

    Special payables

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnEstimated liabilities

    Deferred tax liabilities

    Other non-current liabilities

    Total non-current liabilities 1,079,801,765.51 770,218,158.75 590,172,463.96 281,986,531.34

    Total liabilities 2,112,892,626.87 1,355,335,725.02 2,145,481,681.72 1,640,309,465.48

    Owners’ equity(or shareholders’


    Paid-in capital (or share


    1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00

    Capital surplus 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10

    Less: treasury stock

    Specific reserves

    Surplus reserves 4,974,391.15 4,974,391.15

    General risk provision

    Retained earnings -704,221,140.41 -772,463,284.95 -781,357,778.86 -789,486,071.44

    Foreign exchange difference 16,731,417.24 15,130,144.02

    Total owners’ equity

    attributable to holding company

    1,307,389,526.08 1,217,441,573.15 1,228,651,614.41 1,200,418,786.66

    Minority interest -13,022,972.09 -13,022,972.09

    Total owners’ equity 1,294,366,553.99 1,217,441,573.15 1,215,628,642.32 1,200,418,786.66

    Total liabilities and owners’


    3,407,259,180.86 2,572,777,298.17 3,361,110,324.04 2,840,728,252.14

    4.2 Income Statement as of this report period

    Prepared by: SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd

    Jul.-Sept. 2010 Unit: (RMB) Yuan

    Amount of current period Amount of last period


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Total operating revenue 188,731,241.87 61,081,444.24 162,976,794.33 25,134,528.39

    Including: Sales income 188,731,241.87 61,081,444.24 162,976,794.33 25,134,528.39

    Interest income

    Premium income

    Handling charges and

    commissions income

    II. Total operating cost 175,354,012.11 51,362,184.33 157,549,746.90 31,988,200.30

    Including: Operating cost 131,036,208.52 23,311,539.09 124,533,653.90 17,476,721.60

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnInterest cost

    Service charges and

    commission expenses

    Payments on surrenders

    Claim expenses-net

    Provision for insurance

    contract reserve-net

    Policyholder dividends

    Reinsurance expenses

    Business taxes and surcharges 12,274,668.51 7,045,135.09 11,983,042.32 3,524,990.34

    Selling expenses 3,260,686.82 17,828.60 1,132,805.14 353,263.06

    Administrative expenses 15,004,833.40 5,751,782.46 13,556,886.52 6,206,981.10

    Financial expenses 13,777,614.86 15,235,899.09 6,343,359.02 4,426,244.20

    Impairment loss 0.00 0.00

    Add: gain/loss from changes in

    fair value (“-” for loss)

    -2,190.25 -2,190.25 -37,320.90 -37,320.90

    Gain/loss from investment

    (“-” for loss)

    98,280.43 98,280.43 105,396.59 105,396.59

    Including: investment

    gain from associates and joint


    Gain/loss from foreign

    exchange difference (“-” for


    III. Operation profit (“-” for


    13,473,319.94 9,815,350.09 5,495,123.12 -6,785,596.22

    Add: non-operating incomes 18,246.37 85,842.71 71,597.38

    Less: non-operating expenses 50,644.27 24,178.76 19,000.20

    Including: loss from disposal

    of non-current assets


    IV. Total profit (“-” for total


    13,440,922.04 9,815,350.09 5,556,787.07 -6,732,999.04

    Less: income tax expenses 445,284.87 2,015,810.32

    V. Net profit (“-” for total loss) 12,995,637.17 9,815,350.09 3,540,976.75 -6,732,999.04

    Attributable to owners of

    parent company

    12,995,637.17 9,815,350.09 3,544,156.91 -6,732,999.04

    Minority interest -3,180.16

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnVI. Earnings per share

    (1) Basic EPS 0.0128 0.0035

    (2) Diluted EPS 0.0128 0.0035

    VII. Other composite income 1,578,632.76 0.00 0.00 0.00

    VIII. Total composite income 14,574,269.93 9,815,350.09 3,540,976.75 -6,732,999.04

    Attributable to owners of

    parent company

    14,574,269.93 9,815,350.09 3,544,156.91 -6,732,999.04

    Attributable to minority



    4.3 Income statement as of the period from year-begin to the end of report period

    Prepared by: SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd

    Jan.-Sept. 2010 Unit: (RMB) Yuan

    Amount of current period Amount of last period


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Total operating revenue 707,557,933.94 217,122,116.69 453,788,395.82 81,089,507.31

    Including: Sales income 707,557,933.94 217,122,116.69 453,788,395.82 81,089,507.31

    Interest income

    Premium income

    Handling charges and

    commissions income

    II. Total operating cost 638,488,579.52 210,014,948.60 444,165,289.78 94,251,808.24

    Including: Operating cost 469,522,178.86 95,799,802.08 343,034,458.71 49,056,721.96

    Interest cost

    Service charges and

    commission expenses

    Payments on surrenders

    Claim expenses-net

    Provision for insurance contract


    Policyholder dividends

    Reinsurance expenses

    Business taxes and surcharges 67,886,702.53 42,835,653.97 36,768,652.67 12,755,582.07

    Selling expenses 8,453,754.26 670,339.21 5,021,276.68 1,271,160.14

    Administrative expenses 47,266,606.44 22,856,606.52 43,215,455.63 19,211,313.77

    Financial expenses 45,359,337.43 47,852,546.82 16,125,446.09 11,957,030.30

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnImpairment loss

    Add: gain/loss from changes in

    fair value (“-” for loss)

    -26,976.00 -26,976.00 96,515.50 96,515.50

    Gain/loss from investment

    (“-” for loss)

    22,538,341.32 9,851,732.00 7,797,741.73 113,929.17

    Including: investment gain

    from associates and joint ventures

    12,586,609.32 7,683,812.56

    Gain/loss from foreign

    exchange difference (“-” for


    III. Operation profit (“-” for


    91,580,719.74 16,931,924.09 17,517,363.27 -12,951,856.26

    Add: non-operating incomes 141,546.09 90,862.40 116,767.80 71,597.38

    Less: non-operating expenses 151,512.00 110,029.80 20,319.04

    Including: loss from disposal

    of non-current assets

    41,110.00 48,532.00

    IV. Total profit (“-” for total


    91,570,753.83 17,022,786.49 17,524,101.27 -12,900,577.92

    Less: income tax expenses 14,434,115.38 6,283,445.88 21,061.72

    V. Net profit (“-” for total loss) 77,136,638.45 17,022,786.49 11,240,655.39 -12,921,639.64

    Attributable to owners of parent


    77,136,638.45 17,022,786.49 11,269,480.88 -12,921,639.64

    Minority interest -28,825.49

    VI. Earnings per share

    (1) Basic EPS 0.0762 0.0111

    (2) Diluted EPS 0.0762 0.0111

    VII. Other composite income 1,601,273.22 0.00 0.00

    VIII. Total composite income 78,737,911.67 17,022,786.49 11,240,655.39 -12,921,639.64

    Attributable to owners of parent


    78,737,911.67 17,022,786.49 11,269,480.88 -12,921,639.64

    Attributable to minority



    4.4 Cash flow statement as of the period from year-begin to the end of report


    Prepared by: SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd

    Jan.-Sept. 2010 Unit: (RMB) Yuan

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnThis period Last period


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Cash flow arising in operating activities

    Cash received from sales of goods and

    rendering of services

    880,715,940.54 195,182,777.95 446,290,801.67 80,082,392.42

    Net increase in deposit from customers

    and due from other institutions

    Net increase in borrowings received from

    central bank

    Net increase in loans from other financial


    Cash received from premium of original

    insurance contract

    Net cash received from reinsurance

    Net increase in deposit from customers

    and investments

    Net increase in disposal of transaction

    financial assets

    Cash received from interests, handling

    charges and commissions

    Net increase in inter-bank borrowed funds

    Net increase in cash received under


    Refunds on tax

    Other cash received from operating


    106,513,588.23 373,609,186.81 64,759,641.88 150,688,813.42

    Sub-total of cash inflow from operating


    987,229,528.77 568,791,964.76 511,050,443.55 230,771,205.84

    Cash paid for purchase of goods and

    acceptation of service

    986,625,409.46 603,774,638.23 857,994,695.15 612,564,250.28

    Net increase in loans and advances

    Net increase of deposits in central bank,

    banks and other financial institutions

    Cash paid for premium of original

    insurance contract

    Cash paid for interest, handling charges

    and commissions

    Cash paid for policy dividends

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnCash paid for and to employees 67,214,608.81 24,530,630.50 53,348,347.33 13,949,022.96

    Various taxes 78,459,202.03 37,386,809.63 56,937,589.03 15,205,421.44

    Other cash paid for relating operating


    103,282,905.99 196,988,879.82 108,522,748.78 104,641,656.41

    Sub-total cash outflows in operating








    Net cash flow arising in operating


    -248,352,597.52 -293,888,993.42 -565,752,936.74 -515,589,145.25

    II. Cash flow in investing activities

    Cash received from return of investments 2,553,452.35 2,553,452.35 212,325.00 212,325.00

    Cash received from investment income 10,151,732.00 10,051,732.00 7,797,741.73 113,929.17

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed

    assets, intangible assets and other long-term



    Net cash received from disposal of

    subsidiaries and other operating units

    Other cash received relating to investing


    Sub-total of cash inflows of investing


    12,746,294.35 12,605,184.35 8,010,066.73 326,254.17

    Cash paid for acquiring fixed assets,

    intangible assets and other long-term assets

    2,071,731.60 773,674.60 455,882.43 138,902.54

    Cash paid for acquiring investments 159,240.00 159,240.00

    Net increase of pledge loans

    Net cash paid for acquisition of

    subsidiaries and other operating units

    Other cash paid to relating investing


    Sub-total of cash outflows of investing


    2,230,971.60 932,914.60 455,882.43 138,902.54

    Net cash flow from investing


    10,515,322.75 11,672,269.75 7,554,184.30 187,351.63

    III. Cash flows of financing activities

    Cash received from absorbing


    Including: Cash received from minority

    shareholders of subsidiaries

    Cash received from borrowings 664,800,000.00 650,000,000.00 750,000,000.00 450,000,000.00

    PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cnCash received from bonds issuing

    Other cash received relating to financing


    Sub-total of cash inflows of financing


    664,800,000.00 650,000,000.00 750,000,000.00 450,000,000.00

    Cash paid for settling debts 363,333,530.69 340,133,530.69 131,271,864.99 68,571,864.99

    Cash paid for distribution of dividends or

    profits or reimbursing interest

    40,092,880.32 27,498,914.32 15,534,261.04 12,192,471.04

    Including: dividends or profits paid to

    minority shareholders by subsidiaries

    Other cash paid relating to financing


    Sub-total of cash outflows of financing


    403,426,411.01 367,632,445.01 146,806,126.03 80,764,336.03

    Net cash flows of financing activities 261,373,588.99 282,367,554.99 603,193,873.97 369,235,663.97

    IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes -350,430.82 -145,143.34 157,279.09 -305.46

    V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 23,185,883.40 5,687.98 45,152,400.62 -146,166,435.11

    Add: cash and cash equivalents at the

    beginning of this period

    386,102,533.51 73,508,120.37 328,413,393.57 188,891,010.32

    VI. Cash and cash equivalents at period-end 409,288,416.91 73,513,808.35 373,565,794.19 42,724,575.21

    4.5 Auditor’s report

    Audit opinion: Unaudited

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