SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT 2011 §1. Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the directors, supervisors and senior management of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby guarantee that this report does not contain any false information, misleading statements or material omissions, and accept, individually and collectively, the responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of this report. 1.2 Except the director mentioned below, all other directors attended in person the board session for reviewing this quarterly report. Name Position Reason for not attending the session in person Proxy Liu Quanmin Independent director On a business trip Song Botong 1.3 The Financial Report in this quarterly report has not been audited by a CPA firm. 1.4 Mr. Zhou Jianguo, Person-in-charge of the Company, Mr. Chen Maozheng, Person-in-charge of the accounting work, and Mr. Chen Jincai, Person-in-charge of the accounting organ hereby confirm the factuality and completeness of the Financial Report in this quarterly report. §2 Company Profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators jUnit: (RMB) Yuan As at 30 Sept. 2011 As at 31 Dec. 2010 Increase/decrease (%) Total assets (Yuan) 3,290,134,878.37 3,379,090,178.02 -2.63% Owners’ equity attributable to 1,516,954,396.31 1,427,871,870.03 6.24% shareholders of listed company (Yuan) Share capital (share) 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 0.00% Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of listed company 1.4995 1.4114 6.24% (Yuan/share) Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Jul.-Sept. 2011 Jan.-Sept. 2011 year-on-year (%) year-on-year (%) Total operation income (Yuan) 242,120,819.58 28.29% 796,040,623.55 12.51% Net profit attributable to shareholders of 22,396,801.90 73.00% 86,697,661.76 12.51% listed company (RMB) Net cash flows generated from operating - - 84,217,559.08 133.91% activities (Yuan) Net cash flows per share generated from - - 0.0832 133.91% operating activities (Yuan/share) Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.0221 72.66% 0.0857 12.47% Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.0221 72.66% 0.0857 12.47% Weighted average return on net assets (%) 1.55% 0.59% 5.89% 0.31% Weighted average return on net assets after deducting extraordinary gains and losses 1.55% 0.59% 5.83% 0.94% (%) Items of non-recurring gains and losses √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: (RMB) Yuan Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount Notes (If applicable) Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 199,681.57 Gains and losses from changes in fair value of the held tradable financial assets and liabilities, and investment income from disposal of -14,023.62 tradable financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial 1 assets, excluding the effective hedging businesses related with the normal operation of the Company Other non-operating income and expenses besides the above items 793,837.55 Effect on income tax -10,073.99 Total 969,421.51 - 2.2 Total number of shareholders at period-end and shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares Unit: share Total number of shareholders at the period-end 87,686 Shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares Number of tradable shares Full name of shareholder Type of share held at period-end SHENZHEN INVESTMENT HOLDINGS CO., 642,884,262 RMB Ordinary Shares LTD. WANG JIA 3,327,300 RMB Ordinary Shares QIAN GUANG YUE 1,648,000 RMB Ordinary Shares JING JIAN JUN 1,205,100 RMB Ordinary Shares WANG ZHONG MING 1,095,808 Domestically listed foreign shares WU HAO YUAN 1,092,100 Domestically listed foreign shares REN HUAN 1,003,148 RMB Ordinary Shares GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) 967,050 Domestically listed foreign shares LIMITED XUE HAOYUAN 894,956 RMB Ordinary Shares GUANGDONG FUYING CONSTRUCTION 786,700 RMB Ordinary Shares CO., LTD. § 3 Significant Events 3.1 Particulars about major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators, as well as reasons for the changes √Applicable □Inapplicable A. Indicators of assets and liabilities a. Prepayments were RMB 36.90 million, up 37.24% from RMB 26.89 million at the year-begin, which was mainly because prepayments for construction went up. b. Construction in process was RMB 2.99 million, up 475.32% from RMB 0.52 million at the year-begin, which was mainly due to more elevator repair and room decoration. c. Long-term deferred expense was RMB 0.40 million, up 100.00% from RMB 0.20 million at the year-begin, which was mainly due to more expense on decoration. d. Short-term borrowings were RMB 20 million, up 35.14% from RMB 14.80 million at the year-begin, which was mainly due to more short-term borrowings from banks. e. Non-current liabilities due within one year were RMB 58.66 million, up 99.35% from RMB 29.42 million at the year-begin, which was mainly because long-term bank borrowings due within one year increased. f. Payroll payable was RMB 24.33 million, down 38.16% from RMB 39.34 million at the year-begin, which was mainly because salaries for last year were paid. g. Taxes and fares payable were RMB -8.95 million, up 32.90% from RMB -13.33 million at the year-begin, which was mainly because the Company paid the business income tax for last year, pre-paid the sales tax and surtax according to the pre-collected sums from selling properties, and pre-paid the land VAT according to the pre-requisition rate. B. Indicators of gains and losses a. Operating revenue was RMB 796.04 million, up 12.51% from RMB 707.56 million for the same period of last year, which was mainly due to more earnings on selling properties and launching construction projects. b. Financial expense was RMB 4.67 million, down 89.71% from RMB 45.36 million 2 for the same period of last year, which was mainly due to the interest capitalization of borrowings for real estate projects. c. Investment income was RMB 0.09 million, down 99.60% from RMB 22.54 million for the same period of last year, which was mainly because the Company received no incomes from equity bonuses or from disposal of equity investments in the reporting period. d. Non-business income was RMB 1.18 million, up 736.22% from RMB 0.14 million for the same period of last year, which was mainly due to the non-current asset disposal gains and the default fines on receivables arising from property sale. e. Total profit was RMB 113.36 million, up 23.80% from RMB 91.57 million for the same period of last year, which was mainly due to the increased operating revenue and the decreased time cost. C. Indicators in the cash flow statement a. Net cash flows from operating activities were RMB 84.22 million, up 133.91% from RMB -248.35 million for the same period of last year, which was mainly because the cash paid to purchase goods and labor services decreased. b. Net cash flows from investing activities were RMB -4.21 million, down 140% from RMB 10.52 million for the same period of last year, which was mainly because investment retractions and investment gains decreased while the cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets went up. c. Net cash flows from financing activities were RMB -128.57 million, down 149.19% from RMB 261.37 million for the same period of last year, which was mainly because bank loans decreased in the reporting period. 3.2 Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis on solutions 3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.2 Whether the Company provided funds to the controlling shareholder or its related parties or provided guarantees to external parties in violation of the prescribed procedures □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.3 Signing and execution of significant contracts concerning routine operations □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.4 Others √Applicable □Inapplicable During the reporting period, the Company’s internal control improvement went well. On 5 Sept. 2011, the Company and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Shenzhen Office officially signed a service contract. According to the Company’s internal control improvement schedule, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Shenzhen Office started the on-site work on 20 Sept. 2011. Up to 30 Sept. 2011, the first phase of the improvement project (working out a work plan) had been completed, and the second phase (establishing internal control systems within the project scope) had started. Up to today when this report is disclosed, the CPA office has finished on-site interviews with eight of the Company’s subsidiaries targeted by the internal control improvement project. 3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and the actual controller Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders with an over 5% shareholding, actual controller and other stakeholders during the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting period: 3 √Applicable □Inapplicable Commitment Promisor Contents of commitment Implementation 1. The Company shall abide by the relevant laws, regulations and rules, and fulfill the legal commitments; 2. The Company hereby declares that: The promisor shall faithfully fulfill its commitments and shoulder corresponding responsibilities; Unless the transferee agrees to and is able to fulfill the commitments, the promisor shall not transfer the held shares; 3. The Company hereby declares that: Should the promisor fail Shenzhen to fulfill its commitments prescribed in the relevant Commitment made in Investment documents, it shall compensate the other shareholders for their Fulfilled the share reform Holdings Co., losses caused thereupon; 4. The shares shall not be listed or Ltd. transferred within 12 months from the date when the reform plan is implemented; When the aforesaid provision reaches its mature term, the originally non-tradable shares may be listed for trading at securities exchanges, with the proportion of the sold amount in the Company’s total shares not exceeding 5% within 12 months, as well as not exceeding 10% within 24 months. Commitment in the acquisition report or the Naught Naught Naught report on equity changes Commitment made in the significant asset Naught Naught Naught reorganization Commitment made in Naught Naught Naught the issuance In the share merger reform, Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. promised to implement a share incentive plan, where the company was to sell its held shares (not exceeding 10% of SPG’s total shares) to the SPG’s management on three years’ amortization. On 30 Sept. 2006, the State-Owned Assets Shenzhen Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Other commitments Investment Council issued the Trial Measures for Implementing Equity Unable to be (including Holdings Co., Incentive Plans by State Holding Listed Companies fulfilled supplementary ones) Ltd. (Domestic) (GZFFP【2006】No. 175). The Item 9 of the Trail Measures stipulates that the source of the subject shares for implementing the equity incentive plan of a listed company shall not be paid by a single state shareholder and that the state equity shall not be gratuitously quantized either. Therefore, the equity incentive plan was unable to be implemented. 3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the period from year-begin to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same period of last year, as well as explanation on reasons □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained 3.5.1 Investments into securities √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: (RMB) Yuan Proportion in Gains or Initial Shares held total Book value losses in Serial Short form of investment at securities Securities variety Stock code at the No. stock amount period-end investment at period-end reporting (Yuan) (share) period-end period (%) Other securities investments held at period-end 0.00 - 0.00 0.00% 0.00 Gains/ losses from securities investment sold in the - - - - 5,383.40 reporting period Total 0.00 - 0.00 100% 5,383.40 Explanation on securities investment: In order to standardize investment activities in the Company and avoid investment 4 risks, small lots of securities investments of the Company have been cleared up during the reporting period. 3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in the reporting period Main discussion and materials Time Place Way of reception Visitor provided by the Company Inquiring about the reason of the Company’s stock trading closed after reaching the upper trading 6 Jul. 2011 Company Office By phone Individual investor limit and its operating status, with no written materials being provided by the Company Inquiring about the Company’s land reserves and the progress of 9 Aug. 2011 Company Office By phone Individual investor relevant projects, with no written materials being provided by the Company Inquiring about the Company’s opinions on macro economic 28 Sept. 2011 Company Office By phone Individual investor situation and real estate market, with no written materials being provided by the Company 3.6 Investments into derivatives □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.6.1 Positions of derivatives investments held at period-end □Applicable √Inapplicable § 4 Attachments 4.1 Balance sheet Prepared by: SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd As at 30 Sept. 2011 Unit: (RMB) Yuan 30 Sept. 2011 31 Dec. 2010 Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company Current assets: Monetary fund 329,499,893.71 164,984,731.07 379,720,636.21 191,108,590.15 Settlement fund Lending to the bank and other institutions Transaction financial assets 97,726.25 97,726.25 Notes receivable Accounts receivable 17,568,778.69 5,229,867.54 17,152,478.36 5,694,673.47 Prepayments 36,903,466.55 668,400.00 26,890,551.77 1,199,429.00 Premium receivable Receivable from reinsurance Reinsurance contract reserve receivables Interest receivable Dividend receivable Other receivables 47,108,778.83 300,363,425.24 47,534,939.51 277,483,418.47 Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell Inventory 2,193,803,179.28 1,498,349,666.89 2,224,938,706.49 1,413,212,628.44 Non-current assets due within 1 year 5 Other current assets Total current assets 2,624,884,097.06 1,969,596,090.74 2,696,335,038.59 1,888,796,465.78 Non-current assets: Loan and payment on other's behalf disbursed Available-for-sale financial assets Held-to-maturity investment Long-term account receivables Long-term equity investment 63,351,810.37 286,522,524.97 63,426,810.37 286,597,524.97 Investment property 513,513,282.49 449,730,797.03 530,109,494.13 464,169,328.80 Fixed assets 61,737,302.37 37,019,862.97 64,526,512.04 38,189,370.22 Construction in progress 2,991,653.28 520,000.00 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Production biological assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 6,135,481.70 450,766.70 6,213,266.67 212,066.67 Development expenses Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 396,498.99 260,118.90 202,456.50 Deferred income tax assets 17,124,752.11 923,314.27 17,756,599.72 923,314.27 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 665,250,781.31 774,907,384.84 682,755,139.43 790,091,604.93 Total assets 3,290,134,878.37 2,744,503,475.58 3,379,090,178.02 2,678,888,070.71 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowing 20,000,000.00 14,800,000.00 Borrowing from central bank Deposits received and held for others Inter-bank borrowings Transaction financial liability Notes payable Accounts payable 203,990,418.37 19,493,292.02 228,580,780.82 20,387,450.12 Advances from customers 323,320,086.85 11,677,939.60 395,332,270.89 15,424,301.60 Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase Handling charges and commissions receivable Paid for and to employees 24,327,910.00 6,782,505.12 39,338,801.36 14,865,546.49 Taxes payable -8,946,995.99 2,075,435.10 -13,333,458.44 1,444,204.58 Interest payable 16,535,277.94 16,535,277.94 16,535,277.94 16,535,277.94 Dividend payable Other payables 304,286,934.80 619,630,754.39 302,144,393.62 525,522,847.87 Accounts due to reinsurance Insurance contract reserves Entrusted trading of securities Entrusted selling of securities 6 Non-current liabilities due 58,656,207.06 58,656,207.06 29,423,411.10 29,423,411.10 within 1 year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 942,169,839.03 734,851,411.23 1,012,821,477.29 623,603,039.70 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 947,411,951.79 807,411,951.79 1,056,703,120.34 856,703,120.34 Bonds payable Long-term payables 10,600,079.45 9,779,108.83 Special payables Estimated liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 958,012,031.24 807,411,951.79 1,066,482,229.17 856,703,120.34 Total liabilities 1,900,181,870.27 1,542,263,363.02 2,079,303,706.46 1,480,306,160.04 Owners’ equity(or shareholders’ equity): Paid-in capital (or share capital) 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 Capital surplus 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10 Less: treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus reserves 4,974,391.15 4,974,391.15 General risk provision Retained earnings -490,471,347.78 -787,664,745.54 -577,169,009.54 -791,322,947.43 Foreign exchange difference 12,546,494.84 10,161,630.32 Total owners’ equity attributable 1,516,954,396.31 1,202,240,112.56 1,427,871,870.03 1,198,581,910.67 to the Company Minority interest -127,001,388.21 -128,085,398.47 Total owners’ equity 1,389,953,008.10 1,202,240,112.56 1,299,786,471.56 1,198,581,910.67 Total liabilities and owners’ 3,290,134,878.37 2,744,503,475.58 3,379,090,178.02 2,678,888,070.71 equity 4.2 Income statement for Jul.-Sept. 2011 Prepared by: SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd Jul.-Sept. 2011 Unit: (RMB) Yuan Jul.- Sept. 2011 Jul.- Sept. 2010 Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company I. Total operating revenue 242,120,819.58 13,207,661.04 188,731,241.87 61,081,444.24 Including: Sales income 242,120,819.58 13,207,661.04 188,731,241.87 61,081,444.24 Interest income Premium income Handling charges and commissions income II. Total operating cost 211,653,234.88 14,094,182.62 175,354,012.11 51,362,184.33 Including: Operating cost 159,563,211.24 6,411,718.51 131,036,208.52 23,311,539.09 Interest cost Service charges and commission expenses Payments on surrenders Claim expenses-net Provision for insurance contract 7 reserve-net Insurance policy dividend paid Reinsurance expense Business taxes and surcharges 35,790,611.07 2,578,112.02 12,274,668.51 7,045,135.09 Selling expenses 2,552,854.55 99,776.46 3,260,686.82 17,828.60 Administrative expenses 14,791,327.12 6,512,902.70 15,004,833.40 5,751,782.46 Financial expenses -1,044,769.10 -1,508,327.07 13,777,614.86 15,235,899.09 Impairment loss 0.00 0.00 Add: gain/loss from changes in -5,485.30 -5,485.30 -2,190.25 -2,190.25 fair value (“-” for loss) Gain/loss from investment 30,596.18 5,383.40 98,280.43 98,280.43 (“-” for loss) Including: investment gain from associates and joint ventures Gain/loss from foreign exchange difference (“-” for loss) III. Operation profit (“-” for 30,492,695.58 -886,623.48 13,473,319.94 9,815,350.09 loss) Add: non-operating incomes 45,620.60 0.00 18,246.37 Less: non-operating expenses 6,508.90 2,000.00 50,644.27 Including: loss from disposal 26,700.50 of non-current assets IV. Total profit (“-” for total 30,531,807.28 -888,623.48 13,440,922.04 9,815,350.09 loss) Less: income tax expenses 8,085,616.39 445,284.87 V. Net profit (“-” for total loss) 22,446,190.89 -888,623.48 12,995,637.17 9,815,350.09 Attributable to owners of listed 22,396,801.90 -888,623.48 12,946,183.28 9,815,350.09 company Minority interest 49,388.99 49,453.89 VI. Earnings per share (1) Basic EPS 0.0221 0.0128 (2) Diluted EPS 0.0221 0.0128 VII. Other composite income 1,494,654.45 1,578,632.76 0.00 VIII. Total composite income 23,940,845.34 -888,623.48 14,574,269.93 9,815,350.09 Attributable to owners of listed 23,421,386.10 -888,623.48 14,524,816.04 9,815,350.09 company Attributable to minority 519,459.24 49,453.89 shareholders Where there were business combinations under the same control in the reporting period, the combined parties achieved net profits of RMB 0.00 before the combinations. 4.3 Income statement for Jan.-Sept. 2011 Prepared by: SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd Jan.-Sept. 2011 Unit: (RMB) Yuan Jan.- Sept. 2011 Jan.- Sept. 2010 Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company I. Total operating revenue 796,040,623.55 69,381,098.13 707,557,933.94 217,122,116.69 8 Including: Sales income 796,040,623.55 69,381,098.13 707,557,933.94 217,122,116.69 Interest income Premium income Handling charges and commissions income II. Total operating cost 683,782,534.04 66,673,679.52 638,488,579.52 210,014,948.60 Including: Operating cost 541,262,724.67 31,881,465.03 469,522,178.86 95,799,802.08 Interest cost Service charges and commission expenses Payments on surrenders Claim expenses-net Provision for insurance contract reserve-net Insurance policy dividend paid Reinsurance expense Business taxes and surcharges 85,109,084.35 11,878,802.00 67,886,702.53 42,835,653.97 Selling expenses 6,776,433.17 299,784.94 8,453,754.26 670,339.21 Administrative expenses 45,968,506.87 19,972,067.63 47,266,606.44 22,856,606.52 Financial expenses 4,665,784.98 2,641,559.92 45,359,337.43 47,852,546.82 Impairment loss Add: gain/loss from changes in 19,993.75 19,993.75 -26,976.00 -26,976.00 fair value (“-” for loss) Gain/loss from investment 91,195.41 -34,017.37 22,538,341.32 9,851,732.00 (“-” for loss) Including: investment gain 12,586,609.32 from associates and joint ventures Gain/loss from foreign exchange difference (“-” for loss) III. Operating profit (“-” for 112,369,278.67 2,693,394.99 91,580,719.74 16,931,924.09 loss) Add: non-operating incomes 1,183,641.61 995,716.90 141,546.09 90,862.40 Less: non-operating expenses 190,122.49 30,910.00 151,512.00 Including: loss from disposal 38,244.79 41,110.00 of non-current assets IV. Total profit (“-” for total 113,362,797.79 3,658,201.89 91,570,753.83 17,022,786.49 loss) Less: income tax expenses 26,634,173.30 14,434,115.38 V. Net profit (“-” for total loss) 86,728,624.49 3,658,201.89 77,136,638.45 17,022,786.49 Attributable to owners of parent 86,697,661.76 3,658,201.89 77,056,073.56 17,022,786.49 company Minority interest 30,962.73 80,564.89 VI. Earnings per share (1) Basic EPS 0.0857 0.0762 (2) Diluted EPS 0.0857 0.0762 VII. Other composite income 3,437,912.05 1,601,273.22 VIII. Total composite income 90,166,536.54 3,658,201.89 78,737,911.67 17,022,786.49 Attributable to owners of parent 89,082,526.28 3,658,201.89 78,657,346.78 17,022,786.49 company 9 Attributable to minority 1,084,010.26 80,564.89 shareholders Where there were business combinations under the same control from the year-begin to the period-end, the combined parties achieved net profits of RMB 0.00 before the combinations. 4.4 Cash flow statement for Jan.-Sept. 2011 Prepared by: SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd Jan.-Sept. 2011 Unit: (RMB) Yuan Jan.- Sept. 2011 Jan.-Sept. 2010 Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company I. Cash flow from operating activities Cash received from sales of 800,275,647.46 78,831,144.03 880,715,940.54 195,182,777.95 goods and rendering of services Net increase in deposit from customers and due from other institutions Net increase in borrowings received from central bank Net increase in loans from other financial units Cash received from premium of original insurance contract Net cash received from reinsurance Net increase in deposit from customers and investments Net increase in disposal of transaction financial assets Cash received from interests, handling charges and commissions Net increase in inter-bank borrowed funds Net increase in cash received under repurchasing Refunds on tax Other cash received from 54,674,542.89 123,249,787.25 106,513,588.23 373,609,186.81 operating activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 854,950,190.35 202,080,931.28 987,229,528.77 568,791,964.76 operating activities Cash paid for purchase of 488,929,051.18 65,684,509.66 986,625,409.46 603,774,638.23 goods and acceptation of service Net increase in loans and advances Net increase of deposits in central bank, banks and other financial institutions Cash paid for premium of original insurance contract Cash paid for interest, handling charges and commissions Cash paid for policy dividends 10 Cash paid to and for employees 90,372,640.81 28,498,782.65 67,214,608.81 24,530,630.50 Cash paid for various taxes and 89,254,865.36 17,367,581.97 78,459,202.03 37,386,809.63 fares Other cash paid relating to 102,176,073.92 54,723,251.39 103,282,905.99 196,988,879.82 operating activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 770,732,631.27 166,274,125.67 1,235,582,126.29 862,680,958.18 operating activities Net cash flows from operating 84,217,559.08 35,806,805.61 -248,352,597.52 -293,888,993.42 activities II. Cash flow from investing activities Cash received from investment 2,553,452.35 2,553,452.35 retractions Cash received from investment 175,000.00 75,000.00 10,151,732.00 10,051,732.00 income Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 46,960.00 41,110.00 and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units Other cash received relating to investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows of 221,960.00 75,000.00 12,746,294.35 12,605,184.35 investing activities Cash paid for acquiring fixed assets, intangible assets and other 4,427,565.95 766,849.77 2,071,731.60 773,674.60 long-term assets Cash paid for acquiring 159,240.00 159,240.00 investments Net increase of pledge loans Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating units Other cash paid to relating investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows of 4,427,565.95 766,849.77 2,230,971.60 932,914.60 investing activities Net cash flow from -4,205,605.95 -691,849.77 10,515,322.75 11,672,269.75 investing activities III. Cash flows of financing activities Cash received from absorbing investments Including: Cash received from minority shareholders of subsidiaries Cash received from borrowings 20,000,000.00 664,800,000.00 650,000,000.00 Cash received from bonds issuing Other cash received relating to financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows of 20,000,000.00 664,800,000.00 650,000,000.00 financing activities Cash paid for settling debts 95,320,066.50 20,520,066.50 363,333,530.69 340,133,530.69 Cash paid for distribution of 51,246,252.40 38,717,621.21 40,092,880.32 27,498,914.32 11 dividends or profits or reimbursing interest Including: dividends or profits paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries Other cash paid relating to 2,000,511.20 2,000,511.20 financing activities Sub-total of cash outflows of 148,566,830.10 61,238,198.91 403,426,411.01 367,632,445.01 financing activities Net cash outflows from -128,566,830.10 -61,238,198.91 261,373,588.99 282,367,554.99 financing activities IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash -1,665,865.53 -616.01 -350,430.82 -145,143.34 equivalents V. Net increase of cash and cash -50,220,742.50 -26,123,859.08 23,185,883.40 5,687.98 equivalents Add: cash and cash equivalents 379,720,636.21 191,108,590.15 386,102,533.51 73,508,120.37 at the beginning of this period VI. Cash and cash equivalents at 329,499,893.71 164,984,731.07 409,288,416.91 73,513,808.35 period-end 4.5 Auditor’s report Audit opinion: Unaudited 12