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						             2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                           2015 Semi-annual Report


                                       August 2015

                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

         Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Definitions
The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all directors, supervisors and senior
management staff of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report is factual, accurate and complete
without any false record, misleading statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and
severally liable for that.
Except for the following director, all the other directors attended in person the board session for
reviewing this report.
                                                           Reason for not attending in
          Name                       Office title                                               Proxy
Song Botong                  Independent Director          Personal reason             Liu Quanmin
The Company’s profit distribution preplan upon the review and approval by this board meeting:
Based on the Company’s total shares of 1,011,660,000 as at 30 June 2015, a cash dividend of RMB
1.30 (tax included) and 0 bonus shares (tax included) will be distributed to all the shareholders for
every 10 shares they hold, and no capital reserves will be turned into share capital.

Zhou Jianguo, Board Chairman, Chen Maozheng, GM, Tang Xiaoping, chief of the accounting
work, and Qiao Yanjun, chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the
Financial Report enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.

This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.


2015 Semi-annual Report ............................................................................................................. 1

Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Definitions ........................................................... 2

Section II. Company Profile ......................................................................................................... 5

Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators............................................ 7

Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors ............................................................................... 9

Section V. Significant Events ...................................................................................................... 17

Section VI. Changes in Shares & Particulars about Shareholders ........................................... 25

Section VII. Preference Shares ................................................................................................... 30

Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff............................................ 31

Section IX. Financial Report ...................................................................................................... 32

Section X. Documents Available for Reference .......................................................................... 33

                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.


             Short form                                                  Definition
                                          Refers Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties
Company, the Company, the Group
                                            to (Group) Co., Ltd.
The holding company                              Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                  Section II. Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation        SSFA(SSFB)                   Stock code              000029(200029)
Stock abbreviation after
change (if any)
Stock exchange listed
                          Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese name of the
Abbr. of the Chinese
name of the Company (if 深房集团
English name of the
                          ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate&Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.
Company (if any)
Abbr. of the English name
of the Company (if any)
Legal representative of
                          Zhou Jianguo
the Company

II. Contact information

                                               Company Secretary                  Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                   Mr. Chen Ji                              Mr. Luo Yi
                                       47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South            47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South
Contact address                        Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong                Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong
                                       Province, P.R.China                      Province, P.R.China
Tel.                                   (86 755)82293000-4718                  (86 755)82293000-4715
Fax                                    (86 755)82294024                       (86 755)82294024
E-mail                                 spg@163.net                              spg@163.net

III. Other information

1. Ways to contact the Company

Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email
address of the Company during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company
did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2014 Annual Report.

2. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Did any change occur to information disclosure media and where this report is placed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC for
disclosing this report and the location where this report is placed did not change during the reporting period. The

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

said information can be found in the 2014 Annual Report.

3. Changes in the registered information

Did any change occur to the registered information during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registration date and place of the Company, its business license No., taxation registration No. and
organizational code did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2014
Annual Report.

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

  Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of any
accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
                                          Reporting period     Same period of last year       YoY +/- (%)
Operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                1,147,552,773.96           573,074,359.31                 100.25%
Net       profit   attributable     to
shareholders of the Company (RMB                186,407,824.38           34,732,376.73                 436.70%
Net       profit   attributable     to
shareholders of the Company after
                                                186,128,156.90           34,449,556.67                 440.29%
extraordinary gains and losses (RMB
Net cash flows from operating
                                                455,886,943.95          200,024,750.32                 127.92%
activities (RMB Yuan)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                              0.1843                  0.0343                 437.32%
Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                            0.1843                  0.0343                 437.32%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                 8.27%                   1.85%                    6.42%
                                         As at the end of the    As at the end of last
                                                                                                +/- (%)
                                          reporting period               year
Total assets (RMB Yuan)                      4,462,555,955.87         4,375,098,314.05                    2.00%
Net       assets   attributable     to
shareholders of the Company (RMB             2,348,046,022.96         2,161,537,401.78                    8.63%

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Net profit attributable to shareholders of   Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                              the Company                                 the Company
                                                     Same period of last
                               Reporting period                               Closing amount         Opening amount
According to Chinese
                              186,407,824.38            34,732,376.73 2,348,046,022.96                2,161,537,401.78
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards
According to international
                              186,407,824.38            34,732,376.73 2,348,046,022.96                2,161,537,401.78
accounting standards

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

√Applicable □ Inapplicable

                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Net profit attributable to shareholders of   Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                               the Company                                 the Company
                                                      Same period of last
                                Reporting period                               Closing amount         Opening amount
According to Chinese
                              186,407,824.38          34,732,376.73             2,348,046,022.96       2,161,537,401.78
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards
According to overseas
                              186,407,824.38          34,732,376.73             2,348,046,022.96       2,161,537,401.78
accounting standards

3. Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                 Amount                    Explanation
 Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets
 (including the offset part of asset impairment                        -10,037.32
 Non-operating income and expenses other than the
                                                                       392,927.29 Metro compensation
 Less: Income tax effects                                              103,222.49
 Total                                                                 279,667.48               --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases during the reporting period.

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                     Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

In the reporting period, the real estate market was weak at first and became strong afterwar
ds. The second quarter started to see clear signs of recovery such as the surging trading vo
lumes and prices at the first-tier cities. In face of this complicated situation, we adhered to
 the general guideline and work plans that we had set at the beginning of the year, closely
 following market movements, adjusting our marketing strategy in a timely manner and acc
elerating project development. As a result, all the operation and management work proceede
d smoothly, and objectives were fulfilled.

II. Main business analysis

YoY movements in major financial data:
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                          Same period of
                       Reporting period                  YoY +/-%                  Main reasons for movement
                                            last year
                       1,147,552,773.9                        The carried-over sales income from the real
Operating revenues                     573,074,359.31 100.25%
                                     6                        estate business increased.
                                                              The carried-over sales cost from the real
Operating costs        697,645,876.15 432,807,763.70 61.19%
                                                              estate business increased.
                                                              The sales agency fees and commissions
Selling expenses         17,246,176.75 14,246,226.29 21.06%
                         28,705,983.90 25,596,729.20            12.15%
                                                                       Main real estate projects were completed and
Financial expenses       24,955,931.85       9,826,406.41 153.97% accepted upon check and the relevant interest
                                                                       capitalization ceased.
Income tax expenses        63,426,291.44 15,333,005.11 313.66% Total profits increased.
                                                                       The cash received from sale of goods and
Net cash flows from
                          455,886,943.95 200,024,750.32 127.92% rendering of services increased while the cash
operating activities
                                                                       paid for goods and services decreased.
Net cash flows from
                              -972,035.99 -1,175,815.00 17.33%
investing activities
Net cash flows from                        -167,205,928.6
                         -158,399,191.80                        5.27%
financing activities                                     1
Net increase in cash                                                   The net cash flows from operating activities
                          296,509,736.30 31,721,528.78 834.73%
and cash equivalents                                                   increased.
Major changes in the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.
Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the Company such as
share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.
Review the progress of any previously disclosed business plan in the reporting period:

                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

For the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB 1,147.55 million, up
100.25% from the same period of last year; operating profits of RMB 249.45 million, up 401.82%
on the year-on-year basis; total profits of RMB 249.83 million, up 398.81% on the year-on-year
basis; and net profits attributable to shareholders of the Company of RMB 186.41 million,
representing a year-on-year increase of 436.70%. This is mainly because our real estate sales were
higher than expected and our first to fifth floors of Wenjin Warehouse were transferred in a public

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                Increase/decrea                  Increase/decrea
                                                                 se of operating                   se of gross
                                                                                 se of operating
                  Operating                        Gross profit   revenue over                   profit rate over
                                Operating cost                                     cost over the
                   revenue                          rate (%)        the same                        the same
                                                                                 same period of
                                                                  period of last                  period of last
                                                                                  last year (%)
                                                                    year (%)                        year (%)
Classified by industry:
Real estate                      373,731,699.6
                 778,325,116.00                          51.98%           190.50%           129.29%            12.82%
                  288,560,669.2 274,146,245.4
Construction                                               5.00%           24.35%            25.16%            -0.62%
                              9              3
Leasing           40,340,045.53 15,684,513.28            61.12%              8.09%          -10.78%             8.22%
                  53,788,728.05 49,335,954.47              8.28%             9.79%           11.76%            -1.61%
                  1,161,014,558. 712,898,412.8
Subtotal                                                 38.60%            98.03%            60.65%            14.28%
                             87              2
Offset internal
                  24,754,063.55 24,511,521.88              0.98%            -7.49%            8.22%           -14.38%
                  1,136,260,495. 688,386,890.9
Total                                                    39.42%           103.07%            63.47%            14.68%
                             32              4
Classified by product:
Housing units 778,325,116.00                             51.98%           190.50%           129.29%            12.82%
                  382,689,442.8 339,166,713.1
Other products                                           11.37%            20.20%            20.80%            -0.44%
                              7              8
                  1,161,014,558. 712,898,412.8
Subtotal                                                 38.60%            98.03%            60.65%            14.28%
                             87              2
Offset internal
                  24,754,063.55 24,511,521.88              0.98%            -7.49%            8.22%           -14.38%
                  1,136,260,495. 688,386,890.9
Total                                                    39.42%           103.07%            63.47%            14.68%
                             32              4
Classified by region:
Guangdong         1,121,494,711. 675,731,968.4
                                                         39.75%            91.38%            52.28%            15.47%
Province                     98              7
Other regions
                  39,256,306.71 37,166,444.35              5.32%
in China
Overseas             263,540.18                         100.00%           -12.29%                               0.00%
                  1,161,014,558. 712,898,412.8
Subtotal                                                 38.60%            98.03%            60.65%            14.28%
                             87              2
Offset internal
                  24,754,063.55 24,511,521.88              0.98%            -7.49%            8.22%           -14.38%
Total             1,136,260,495. 688,386,890.9           39.42%           103.07%            63.47%            14.68%

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                               32                4

IV. Core competitiveness analysis

As one of the earliest real estate listed companies in Shenzhen, the Company has a history over 30
years in real estate development in Shenzhen and rich experience in the main business of real estate
development. In recent years, our fundamentals have kept improving. In our main business of real
estate development, planning, construction, cost control, marketing capability and brand image have
been effectively improved. Upon years of development and accumulation in Shenzhen and Shantou,
our development control models in Shenzhen and other regions have grown more mature. Our
control capability, professionalism and brand effect continue to improve. With a sound financial
basis, controllable risks and ample cash, our sustained, healthy development is ensured.

V. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Investments in external parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not invest in any external party in the reporting period.

(2) Equity-holdings in financial enterprises

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not hold any equity in any financial enterprise in the reporting period.

(3) Investment in securities

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not invest in any securities in the reporting period.

(4) Shareholdings in other listed companies

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company in the reporting period.

2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

(1) Wealth management entrustment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company in the reporting period.

                         2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

(2) Derivative investments

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company in the reporting period.

(3) Entrustment loans

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company in the reporting period.

3. Use of raised funds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company in the reporting period.

4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

  Company      Company                      Registere              Total                  Operating Operatin
                        Industry products/s                                  Net assets                      Net profit
   name         variety                     d capital              assets                 revenues g profit
             Subsidiar                  Hotel        RMB 30 43,316,14 36,943,97 14,038,76 1,457,72 1,267,784.5
Petrel Hotel           Service
             y                          Service      million     2.61      9.47      9.43     0.41           5
Co., Ltd.
                                        Property RMB
Property     Subsidiar                                            69,333,58 16,432,78 56,560,79 54,720.6
                       Service          managem 7.25                                                               31,415.93
Management y                                                           8.03      2.42      6.27        5
                                        ent      million
Co., Ltd.
Zhentong    Subsidiar                               RMB 10 274,718,6 16,599,80 289,818,9 1,649,09 1,359,013.3
                      Service           maintenan
Engineering y                                       million    65.68      8.72     72.75     4.50           1
                                        ce       of
Co., Ltd.
                Subsidiar               on         RMB 8 7,559,788 6,808,545 105,200.0 -1,480,1 -1,496,332.
Construction              Service
                y                       supervisio million     .99       .68         0    17.19         55
Co., Ltd.
SPG                                                 RMB
                Subsidiar                                     17,159,39 12,851,47 2,219,944 565,298.
Mini-bus                  Service                   10.29                                            423,973.68
                y                                                  7.59      6.07       .62      24
Rent       Co.,                         Rent of million
Ltd.                                    mini-bus
                          Investmen     Investmen
Xin       Feng
                Subsidiar t             t,          HKD     1 337,635,6 36,586,55 30,123,90 823,759.
Real Estate                                                                                          118,648.23
                y         manageme      managem million           85.58      3.47      0.00      17
Co., Ltd.
                          nt            ent
Great Wall Subsidiar                    Developm USD 0.5 17,830,54 -76,793,1 263,540.1 -8,658.4
                          Real estate                                                                 -8,658.47
Estate Co., y                           ent of real million        0.85     93.76         8       7

                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Inc. (U.S.)                            estate
                         Investmen     Investmen
Xin       Feng
               Subsidiar t             t      and HKD  1 161,716,7 -391,742, 124,500.0 -780,26
Enterprise                                                                                     -782,751.14
               y         manageme      managem million       70.97   078.57          0    7.53
Co., Ltd.
                         nt            ent
SPG                                    Developm
               Subsidiar                           RMB 30 873,506,3 46,470,91 250,459,4 66,940,5 50,288,889.
Longgang                 Real estate   ent of real
               y                                   million    97.60      2.99     70.00    48.03         70
Development                            estate
Co., Ltd.
Huafeng Real                           Developm
               Subsidiar                           RMB 30 353,429,2 13,755,20                        -6,441,0 -4,518,498.
Estate                   Real estate   ent of real
               y                                   million    72.51      0.63                           16.16         80
Development                            estate
Co., Ltd.

5. Significant projects invested with non-raised funds

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB Ten thousand Yuan
                                                                                                      Disclosu Disclosur
              Total planed Input for this actual input as           Project
 Project name                                                                    Project earnings      re date e index
               investment     period          at the               progress
                                                                                                      (if any) (if any)
                                                                             carried     forward
SPG Chuanqi
                      254,545           8,321           241,517      100.00% sales revenue of
                                                                             RMB         1973.32
                                                                             carried     forward
SPG Shanglin
                      140,000           6,985            95,696              sales revenue of the
                                                                             north area of RMB
                                                                             976.93 million
Shantou                                                                      carried     forward
Yuejing                15,000               199          18,376      100.00% sales revenue of
Dongfang                                                                     RMB          148.89
Jingzaiwan            119,400           2,080            34,496
     Total            528,945         17,585            390,085        --                --               --         --

VI. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Sep. 2015

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin
to the end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Prediction: Synthetic and substantial ascent

Type of the predicted data: interval data

                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                                            Jan.- Sep.
                                   Jan.-Sep. 2014                                               +/-
Predicted accumulative
net profit (RMB Ten              21,000 --       23,800           5,700 Increase                268.42% --      317.54%
Basic     EPS  (RMB
                                   0.208 --         0.235         0.056 Increase                271.43% --      319.64%
                              The main reason was the sales of the real estate projects of the Company exceeded
Explanation    about    the
                              the expectation and the 1st to 5th Floor of the Wenjing warehouse had been sold

VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the
“non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the “non-standard audit report” for last

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Implementation of profit allocation during the reporting period

Profit allocation plan implemented during the reporting period, especially execution and adjustment of the cash
dividend plan and the plan for turning capital reserve into share capital:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company planed not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into share capital of
the profits distribution plan of last year.

X. Preplan for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital for the
reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Number of bonus shares (Bonus shares)
per 10 shares
Number of dividends (RMB) (taxes
included) per 10 shares
Equity base (Shares) in distribution plan                                                                  1,011,660,000
Total cash dividends (RMB) (taxes
Distributable profit (RMB)                                                                               159,248,051.44
Proportion of cash dividend among total
profit distribution (%)
                                                 Cash dividend policy:
If the develop phase of the Company was the mature period without any significant capital expenditures
arrangement, the proportion of the cash dividend of the profits distribution should reach at least 80% when
executing the profits distribution.
                         Details of profit distribution or capital reserve capitalization plan
After the review of the 26th Session of the 7th Board of Directors on 28 Aug. 2015, the preplan for the Y2015
semi-annual profits distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital was: Based on the Company’s total

                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

shares of 1,011,660,000 as at 30 June 2015, a cash dividend of RMB 1.30 (tax included) and 0 bonus shares (tax
included) will be distributed to all the shareholders for every 10 shares they hold, and no capital reserves will be
turned into share capital. The above events needed to be approved after submitted to the Annual General

XI. Researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                  Main discussion and
      Time              Place        Way of reception       Visitor type          Visitor        materials provided by
                                                                                                      the Company
                                                                                                Inquire of the situation
                                                                                                such         as         the
                                                                                                development progress
                                                                            Individual          of the projects and the
22 Jan. 2015      Office             By telephone        Individual
                                                                            investor            number         of       the
                                                                                                shareholders of the
                                                                                                Company, didn’t offer
                                                                                                written materials
                                                                                                Inquire of the appointed
                                                                                                disclosure time of the
                                                                                                annual report and the
16 Mar. 2015      Office             By telephone        Individual                             number         of       the
                                                                                                shareholders of the
                                                                                                Company, didn’t offer
                                                                                                written materials
                                                                                                Inquire of the situation
                                                                                                of the progress of the
                                                                            Individual          state-owned         assets
27 Apr. 2015      Office             By telephone        Individual
                                                                            investor            reform of state-owned
                                                                                                enterprises, didn’t offer
                                                                                                written materials
                                                                                                Inquire of the situation
                                                                                                of the progress of the
                                                                            Individual          projects development
15 May 2015       Office             By telephone        Individual
                                                                            investor            and the sales of the
                                                                                                Company, didn’t offer
                                                                                                written materials
                                                                                                Inquire of the operating
                                                                                                situation of the first half
                                                                                                year of the Company
                                                                            Individual          and the progress of the
29 Jun. 2015      Office             By telephone        Individual
                                                                            investor            state-owned         assets
                                                                                                reform of state-owned
                                                                                                enterprises, didn’t offer
                                                                                                written materials

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                  Section V. Significant Events

I. Information about corporate governance

In the reporting period, the Company strictly accorded with requirements of Company Law, Securities Law, Stock
Listing Rules and the relevant regulations of other laws and regulations, the Company continuously perfected its
corporate governance, and standardized its operation. The actual situation of corporate governance was in line
with the requirements of the relevant normative documents, which formed a operation system that decision made
by the Board of Directors, execution implemented by management team and supervised by the Board of
(I) The arrangement and opening of the Annual General Meeting of the Company and the disclosure of the
solutions of the meetings are both executed according to regulations of the Articles of Association and Rules of
Procedure of Shareholders Meeting, with the whole shareholders in equal state than could fully execute the
legitimate rights.
(II) The Directors and the Board of Directors: the decision-making right of the Board of Directors exercises
normally and the preparation and opening of the board meetings as well as the disclosure of the solutions of the
meetings are all executed according to the regulations of Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure of the
Board of Directors; special committees such as the strategies, audition, nomination, remuneration and assessment
etc., which belong to the Board of Directors, could carry out works positively as well as efficiently; the Directors
performed with integrity, loyalty, diligence and responsibility.
(III) The Supervisors and Board of Supervisors: the Board of Supervisors of the Company strictly executes the
supervision and inspection on the significant events of the Company, efficiently exercises the supervision right as
well as fully exerts the supervision function according to the regulations of the Rules of Procedure of the Board of
(IV) Managers: the managers comprehensively take in charge of the administration work of the production and the
operation of the Company, and other senior executives all both could perform with diligence and responsibility.
The manager also could efficiently execute the decision of the Board of Directors as well as ensure the efficiency
of the supervision and restriction.

II. Lawsuits

Significant lawsuit or arbitration
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                              Projected                                                     Date of
       Basic          (RMB                                                    Execution of                    Disclosure
                               liability Progress     Ruling and influence                 disclosur
    information        Ten                                                        ruling                        index
                                or not                                                         e
                     d Yuan)
Xi’an     Project                                 ①     Business Tourism The applicant                      www.cnin
Lawsuit       (For                                 Company had to pay for has received 28 Mar.                fo.com.cn
details,       see      2,100 No                                              RMB 15.20                       Text    of
                                         execution the compensation RMB                    2015
“Note                                             36,620 thousand and the million. Now                       the 2014
VII”—“Conting                                   relevant interest (from 14 Business                        Annual

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

ent                                                Sept. 1998 to the payment Tourism                          Report
Events”—“1.                                     day) to Xi’an Fresh Peak Company has
Contingent                                         Company within one no executable
liabilities due to                                 month after the judgment properties and
pending                                            entering into force. If the Xi’an Joint
lawsuits        or                                 Business           Tourism Commission
arbitrations, as                                   Company failed to pay in on Commerce
well as the                                        time, it had to pay double has       been
financial                                          debt interests to Xi’an refusing      to
influence                                          Fresh Peak Company for execute the
thereof”.)                                        the overdue period; ② ruling. It is
                                                   Xi’an Joint Commission difficult      to
                                                   on Commerce had jointly      recover  the
                                                   and severally obligation of rest.
                                                   the interests of the
                                                   compensation;        .    ③
                                                   Business           Tourism
                                                   Company shall bear RMB
                                                   227,500 of the acceptance
                                                   fee and the security fee.
Luofu         Hill
project Lawsuit                                   ① Luofu Hill Tourism
(For details, see                                                            Because the
                                                  Company has paid back
“Note                                                                       state-owned
                                                  RMB 9.6 million; ②
VII”—“Conting                                                             land resource
                                                  Luofushan Administration administratio                      www.cnin
                                                  Committee         had   to n cannot work                    fo.com.cn
Contingent                              In        undertake one third of the out       the 28 Mar.            Text    of
                         960 No
liabilities due to                      execution debts which Luofushan planning key 2015                     the 2014
                                                  Tourism was unable to points for the                        Annual
lawsuits        or                                repay; ③ Luofu Hill sealed                                 Report
arbitrations, as                                  Tourism Company shall land, the land
well as the                                       bear RMB 167,700 of the cannot        be
financial                                         case acceptance fee and auctioned.
influence                                         the security fee.
Other lawsuits
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Media’s queries

□Applicable √Inapplicable
There was no media’s common query during the reporting period.

IV. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No event involving bankruptcy reorganization occurred to the Company in the reporting period.

                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

V. Asset transactions

1. Purchase of assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no purchase of asset by the Company during the reporting period.

2. Sale of assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no sale of assets by the Company during the reporting period.

3. Business combination

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No business combination occurred to the Company during the reporting period.

VI. Implementation of equity incentive and its influence

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not make or carry out any equity incentive plan during the reporting period.

VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions concerning routine operation

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                    Pricing                             Settle
                 Type               princip               Proport        ment
Relate                      ts of                  Transa                                              Relate
                 of the               le of                ion in      method                  Index
    d                        the            Transa ction                              Date of             d   Relati
        Relatio related                the                  same        of the Market            of
transac                   related            ction amount                             disclos         transac onshi
         nship -party               related               kind of      related price          disclos
  tion                     -party            price (RMB                                 ure             tion    p
                transac              -party               transac       -party                  ure
 party                    transac                  0,000)                                              party
                  tion              transac                 tions      transac
                                      tion                               tion
        the     The
        same related                     Contra
        control party                    ctual
        of the offered           Negoti amount                                           Bank
Jianan                   Constr                         100.00 4,051.9
        Compa bid for            ated    of      373.22                No                transfe -
Group                    uction                             %        4
        ny’s   the              price RMB                                               r
        control wholly                   40,519,
        ling    subsidi                  400
        shareh ary
Total                               --      --   373.22 --               --                 --       --       --      --
Details    about    return    of
large-amount sales

                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Where the Company classifies
and estimates the total amount
of     routine       related-party
transactions for the reporting Inapplicable
period, explain the actual
implementation during the
reporting period (if any)
Explain why the transaction
price is greatly different from Inapplicable
the market price (if any)

2. Related-party transactions arising from acquisition and sale of assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No related-party transaction arising from acquisition or sale of assets occurred to the Company during the
reporting period.

3. Related-party transactions arising from joint investment in external parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No related-party transaction arising from joint investment in external parties occurred to the Company during the
reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Was there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?
□ Yes √ No
The Company was not involved in any non-operating credit or liability with any related party during the reporting

5. Other significant related-party transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No other significant related-party transaction occurred to the Company during the reporting period.

VIII. Occupation of the Company’s funds for non-operating purposes by the controlling
shareholder and its related parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The controlling shareholder or its related parties did not occupy the Company’s funds for non-operating purposes
during the reporting period.

IX. Significant contracts and fulfillment thereof

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not make any entrustment in the reporting period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in any contracting in the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in any leasing in the reporting period.

2. Guarantees provided by the Company

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
             Guarantees provided by the company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)
                   e date on                                                                            Guarant
                    relevant Amount                         Actual                                      ee for a
   Guaranteed                             occurrence                     Type of     Period of Execute
                   announce      for                      guarantee                                      related
       party                             date (date of                  guarantee guarantee d or not
                    ment of guarantee                      amount                                       party or
                   guarantee                                                                               not
                   d amount
                                                        Total actual occurred
Total external guarantee
                                                        amount      of     external
line approved during the                              0                                                         0
                                                        guarantee during the
reporting period (A1)
                                                        reporting period (A2)
Total external guarantee                                Total actual       external
line that has been approved                             guarantee balance at the
                                                      0                                                         0
at the end of the reporting                             end of the reporting
period (A3)                                             period (A4)
                              Guarantee provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
                                            Actual                                                      ee for a
                   e date of Amount                         Actual
   Guaranteed                             occurrence                     Type of     Period of Execute related
                    relevant     for                      guarantee
       party                             date (date of                  guarantee guarantee d or not party or
                   announce guarantee                      amount
                                          agreement)                                                    not (Yes
                                                                                                         or no)
Shantou SEZ,
Wellam       FTY,                                                      Joint
Building                        13,000 17 Apr. 2013            13,000 liability     3 years    No       Yes
Development                                                            guarantee
Co., Ltd.
Total      guarantee     line                           Total actual occurred
approved        for       the                           amount of guarantee for
                                                      0                                                         0
subsidiaries during the                                 the subsidiaries during the
reporting period (B1)                                   reporting period (B2)
Total guarantee line that                       13,000 Total actual guarantee                             13,000

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

has been approved for the                           balance        for       the
subsidiaries at the end of                          subsidiaries at the end of
the reporting period (B3)                           the reporting period (B4)
                          Guarantee provided by the subsidiaries for the subsidiaries
                                         Actual                                                             ee for a
                   e date of Amount                          Actual
  Guaranteed                           occurrence                           Type of      Period of Execute related
                    relevant   for                          guarantee
    party                             date (date of                        guarantee     guarantee d or not party or
                   announce guarantee                        amount
                                       agreement)                                                           not (Yes
                                                                                                             or no)
Total      guarantee     line                            Total actual occurred
approved         for      the                            amount of guarantee for
                                                       0                                                         0
subsidiaries during the                                  the subsidiaries during the
reporting period (C1)                                    reporting period (C2)
Total guarantee line that                                Total actual guarantee
has been approved for the                                balance        for       the
                                                       0                                                         0
subsidiaries at the end of                               subsidiaries at the end of
the reporting period (C3)                                the reporting period (C4)
Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned three kinds of guarantees)
Total      guarantee      line                           Total actual occurred
approved       during      the                           amount of guarantee
                                                       0                                                         0
reporting              period                            during     the     reporting
(A1+B1+C1)                                               period (A2+B2+C2)
Total guarantee line that has                            Total actual guarantee
been approved at the end of                              balance at the end of the
                                                 13,000                                                     13,000
the      reporting     period                            reporting             period
(A3+B3+C3)                                               (A4+B4+C4)
Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) to
the net assets of the Company
Of which:
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual
controller and related parties (D)
Amount of debt guarantee provided for the
guaranteed party whose asset-liability ratio is not less                                                         0
than 70% directly or indirectly (E)
Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of
net assets (F)
Total amount of the above three guarantees (D+E+F)                                                               0
                                                         The Company offered mortgage loan guarantees for the
Explanation on possible bearing joint responsibility commercial residential building purchaser. Up to 30 Jun.
of liquidation due to immature guarantee (if any)        2015, the amount of the unsettled guarantee was of RMB
Explanation on provision of guarantees for external
parties in violation of the prescribed procedure (if Naught
Explanation on particulars about the guarantees by complex ways:
The Company offered mortgage loan guarantees for the commercial residential building purchaser.
Up to 30 Jun. 2015, the amount and the term of the unsettled guarantee were as follows:
                                                                                       Unsettled amount (RMB Ten
            Item                                    Term
                                                                                             Thousand Yuan)
                             From the issuing of the loans to the completion
                            of the transaction of the mortgage registration of
Shenzhen         Properties
Shanglin Garden Project     contract of advance sales

                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen         Properties Till the completion of the mortgage registration                                          3,938.00
Shanglin Garden Project     of property ownership certificate and should summit to the bank for custody
          Total                                                                                                      29,892.00
The Company belongs to the real estate industry. As for property developer shall provide pledge
loan guarantee for property purchaser in accordance of relevant regulations of People’s Band of
China, currently the Company provides periodic joint guarantee for property purchaser. The
guarantee term is from disbursement date to the date when the Certificate of Real Estate of the
property purchaser is handled by the mortgage banker. If the home buyer mentioned above didn’t
perform the debtor’s duties within the guarantee period, then the Company has the right to take
back the properties sold. Therefore, the said guarantee will not cause actual loss to the Company.

(1) Illegal external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no particular about illegal external guarantee of the Company in the reporting period.

3. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no other significant contract of the Company in the reporting period.

4. Other significant transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no other significant transaction of the Company in the reporting period.

X. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s
shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no commitment made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares in the
reporting period or such commitment carried down into the reporting period.

XI. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm

Whether the semi-annual financial report had been audited?
√Yes □ No
Name of domestic accounting firm audited semi-annual
                                                         Ruihua Certified Public Accountants LLP
financial report
Reward of domestic accounting firm audited semi-annual
financial report (RMB ten thousand Yuan)
Whether change accounting firm of the audit of semi-annual financial report over last year?
□ Yes √ No

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

XII. Punishment and Rectification

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any punishment and rectification of the Company in the reporting period.

XIII. Reveal of the delisting risks of illegal or violation

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any delisting risk of illegal or violation of the Company in the reporting period.

XIV. Explanation about other significant matters

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
In 2014, according to the government plan, the land plot ratio of the Land Plot of H312-0061 of Donghu Dijing
Mingyuan Project had reduced from 10.1 to 5.8, and for compensation, the first directly authority under Urban
Planning Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality issued a document that to replaced the
covered area of the reduced the Land Plot of H312-0061 of Donghu Dijing Mingyuan Project to the statutory plan
of No. 0.8-22 Land Plot of [Jingtian District] statutory plan.
On 26 Aug. 2015, the Company and Shenzhen Tehao Group Co., Ltd. as the common assignee of land of Jingtian
Project ( ZDNo. B304-0011) signed Land Transfer Contract with the first directly authority under Urban Planning
Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, in line with the principal of equal value replacement,
the Company will obtain 21,085 square meter of apartment unit area as the compensation of Donghu Dijing
Mingyuan Project had reduced 25,313 square meter of covered area, the total price of the land was RMB157.1554
million of which the land of the Company was RMB 4 8.6379 million, transferred by the original land cost of
Donghu Dijing Mingyuan Project,, no need additional supplementary payment.

                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

 Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in share capital

                                                                                                              Unit: Share
                        Before this change        Increase/decrease (+, -)                            After the change
                                        Issuance          ation of
                               Proporti          Bonus                                                          Proporti
                        Amount          of new             public    Other               Subtotal Amount
                               on (%)            share                                                          on (%))
                                        shares            reserve
I. Shares subject to
trading                           0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0         0     0.00%
1. State-owned shares             0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0         0     0.00%
2. State-owned legal
person                            0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0         0     0.00%
3. Other domestic
                                  0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0         0     0.00%
Including: Shares held
by                                0 0.00%                      0         0         0              0         0     0.00%
domestic legal persons
Shares       held     by
                                  0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0         0     0.00%
domestic individuals
4. Shares held by
                                  0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0               0.00%
overseas shareholders
Including: Shares held
by                                0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0         0     0.00%
overseas legal persons
Shares       held     by
                                  0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0         0     0.00%
overseas individuals
II. Shares not subject 1,011,66                                                                     1,011,66
                                    100.00%          0         0         0         0              0          100.00%
to trading moratorium         0,000                                                                    0,000
1. Ordinary shares 891,660,                                                                         891,660,
                                     88.14%          0         0         0         0              0           88.14%
denominated in RMB              000                                                                      000
2. Domestically listed 120,000,                                                                     120,000,
                                     11.86%          0         0         0         0              0           11.86%
foreign shares                  000                                                                      000
3. Overseas listed
                                  0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0         0     0.00%
foreign shares
4. Other                          0 0.00%            0         0         0         0              0        0 0.00%
                          1,011,66                                                                  1,011,66
III. Total of shares                100.00%          0         0         0         0              0          100.00%
                              0,000                                                                    0,000
Reasons for changes in share
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Approval of share changes
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Transfers in share changes
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Influence of share changes towards financial indexes in the latest year and latest period       such as basic EPS and
diluted EPS, and net assets per share belonging to shareholder with ordinary share

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other contents that the Company thinks necessary or is asked by securities regulators to be disclosed
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Explanation of the changes in the sum of the shares and the structure of the shareholders and the structure of the
assets as well as the liabilities of the Company
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

II. Number of shareholders and shareholding

                                                                                                              Unit: Share
                                                          Total number of preferred
Total number of common                                    shareholders      that     had
shareholders at the end of                       56,504 restored the voting right at                              0
the reporting period                                      the end of the reporting
                                                          period (if any) (note 8)
   Shareholding of common shareholders holding more than 5% shares or the top 10 of common shareholders
                                           Number                  Number                Pledged or frozen shares
                                                       Increase                Number
                                               of                 of shares
                                                          and                 of shares
                                           sharehol                   held
                                  Holding              decrease                held not
   Name of         Nature of                ding at                 subject
                                 percentag             of shares              subject to Status of    Number of
 shareholder      shareholder               the end                    to
                                   e (%)                during                 trading    shares        shares
                                             of the                 trading
                                                       reporting              moratoriu
                                           reportin                moratori
                                                        period                    m
                                           g period                   um
               State-owned                 642,884,                           642,884,2
NT                                 63.55%             0
               corporation                       262                                  62
 TOURISM                                   21,847,2 -5,910,40                 21,847,29
               non-state-owne        2.73%
 ( GROUP )                                        94 6                                 4
               d corporation
 CO., LTD.
TANG           Domestic                    7,152,10
                                     0.71%            7,152,104               7,152,104
YIDAN          individual                           4
               Domestic                    3,974,60
 CHANGHA                             0.39%            3,974,600               3,974,600
               individual                           0
               Domestic                    3,638,40
HE QIAO                              0.36%            1,445,150               3,638,400
               individual                           0
LING           Domestic                    3,322,56
                                     0.33%            3,322,569               3,322,569
FENGYUAN individual                                 9
               Domestic                    3,145,98
LI ZIYING                            0.31%            3,145,981               3,145,981
               individual                           1
WANG           Domestic                    2,780,00
                                     0.28%            0                       2,780,000
JINBO          individual                           0
               Domestic                    2,007,10
ZHANG ZI                             0.19%            2,007,101               2,007,101
               individual                           1
ZHU            Domestic                    1,976,89
                                     0.19%            1,976,894               1,976,894
QIULIAN        individual                           4
Strategic investors or the
general legal person due to the
placement of new shares
become       the     top      10

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

shareholders (if any) (note 3)
Explanation on associated
relationship or/and persons
           Particulars about shares held by top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading moratorium
                                     Number of shares held not subject to trading           Type of share
      Name of shareholder
                                         moratorium at the end of the period        Type of share     Number
SHENZHEN INVESTMENT                                                                Renminbi
HOLDINGS CO., LTD                                                                  ordinary shares
SHENZHEN               TOURISM                                                     Renminbi
(GROUP) CO., LTD.                                                                  ordinary shares
Tang Yidan                                                               7,152,104
                                                                                   ordinary shares
Lin Changhao                                                             3,974,600
                                                                                   ordinary shares
He Qiao                                                                  3,638,400
                                                                                   ordinary shares
Lin Fengyuan                                                             3,322,569
                                                                                   ordinary shares
Li Ziying                                                                3,145,981
                                                                                   ordinary shares
Wang Jinbo                                                               2,780,000
                                                                                   ordinary shares
Zhang Zi                                                                 2,007,101
                                                                                   ordinary shares
Zhu Qiulian                                                              1,976,894
                                                                                   ordinary shares
Explanation on associated
relationship among the top ten
shareholders of tradable share
not      subject     to   trading
moratorium, as well as among
the top ten shareholders of
tradable share not subject to
trading moratorium and top ten
shareholders, or explanation on
Shareholders taking part in
                                  Shareholders No. 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 and 10 among the top 10 shareholders participated
securities margin trading (if
                                  in securities margin trading.
any) (note 4)
Did any top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading moratorium of the
Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
The top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading moratorium of the
Company had not carried out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period.

III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the reporting period.
Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the reporting period.

                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

IV. Particulars on shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period proposed or
implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Within the scope known to the Company, there was no any shareholding increase scheme during the reporting
period proposed or implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons.

                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                              Section VII. Preference Shares
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any preference share of the Company during the reporting period.

                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

    Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staff

I. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no change in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management staffs, for the specific
information please refer to the 2014 Annual Report.

II. Changes in directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no change in directors, supervisors and senior management staffs, for the specific information please
refer to the 2014 Annual Report.

                    Section IX. Financial Report

                       ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) CO., LTD.
                        Financial Statements with Auditors’ Report
                               For The Year Ended 30 Jun 2015
                           (English Translation for Reference Only)
                               Ruihua Shen Zi [2015] No. 48400018


AUDITOR’S REPORT                                                   31

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet  33
2. Consolidated Income Statement 35

3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement  36

4. Consolidated Statement of Change in Owner’s Equity .            37

5. Balance Sheet                                                    39

6. Income Statement                                                 41

7. Cash Flow Statement                                              42

8. Statement of Change in Owner’s Equity                           43

9. Notes to the Financial Statements                                45

                     通讯地址:北京市东城区永定门西滨河路 8 号院 7 号楼中海地产广场西塔 3-9 层

                     Postal Address:3-9/F,West Tower of China Overseas Property Plaza, Building 7,NO.8,Yongdingmen Xibinhe

                     Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing

                     邮政编码(Post Code):100077

                     电话(Tel):+86(10)88095588        传真(Fax):+86(10)88091199

                                          Auditor’s Report

                                                                      Ruihua Shen Zi [2015]48400018


We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of
(GROUP) CO., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter shall be referred as “the
Group”) consisting of the company’s and the consolidated balance sheet as of Jun
30, 2015, and the consolidated income statement, cash flow statement and
consolidated statement of change in owner’s equity for the year then ended, and
the notes to financial statements.
Management’s responsibility for the financial statements
It is the responsibility of the Group’s management to prepare and present fairly
the financial statements. These responsibilities include: (a) prepare the financial
statement in conformity with the requirements of Accounting Standards Business
Enterprises, the Accounting Regulations Business Enterprises and make true and
fair presentation;(b) design, perform and maintain the internal control related to
the financial statements to ensure that these financial statements are free of
material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error.
Auditors’ responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with relevant rules in the
Chinese Auditing Standards for the Certified Public Accountants. Those standards
require that we follow the Standards of China CPA’s Professional Ethics, plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.

An audit includes performing audit process to obtain evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Auditing procedures are
based on the CPAs’ judgment, including assessing the risk of material
misstatement caused by accounting fraud or errors. When assessing the risk, we
consider the internal control related to the preparation of financial statements in
order to select the proper auditing process. An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the Group, as well
as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation.
We believe that the evidence we obtained are appropriate and our audit provides
a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Audit opinion
In our opinion, the financial statements of the Group present fairly, in all material
respects, the Company’s and its subsidiaries’ financial position as of Jun 30, 2015
and the company’s results of operation and cash flows for the year then ended in
accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

Ruihua Certified Public Accountants              Certified Public Accountants
                                                        Cai Xiaodong

                                                 Certified Public Accountants
            Beijing. China                                Liu Yuxiang

                                                      Aug 28, 2015

                                        Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                            As of 30 Jun 2015
(GROUP) Co., Ltd                                                                  Currency: RMB Yuan
                    Item                       Note        Closing balance           Opening balance
Current Assets:

Monetary funds                                 6.1           972,681,985.33            678,957,249.03

Notes receivable                               6.2             63,128,052.32           119,846,192.64

Account receivables                            6.3           278,820,550.19             84,388,842.43

Prepayments                                    6.4             24,497,260.40            17,821,748.23

Dividends receivable                           6.5              1,052,192.76             1,052,192.76

Other receivables                              6.6             67,313,106.91            59,528,298.21

Inventories                                    6.7          2,454,418,668.41         2,796,551,656.42

Other current assets                           6.8              4,857,802.46            12,436,024.40

Total current assets                                        3,866,769,618.78         3,770,582,204.12
Non-current assets

Available- for- sale financial assets          6.9             17,464,240.74            17,464,240.74

Long-term equity investments                   6.10            57,600,394.06            57,730,086.79

Investment properties                          6.11           444,332,112.67           454,628,505.97

Fixed assets                                   6.12            50,781,809.09            54,321,296.22

Intangible assets                              6.13             5,925,056.85             6,201,226.83

Long-term deferred assets                      6.14               548,883.01               314,159.41

Deferred tax assets                            6.15            19,133,840.67            13,856,593.97
Other non-current assets                                                     --                        --

Total non-current assets                                     595,786,337.09            604,516,109.93

TOTAL ASSETS                                                4,462,555,955.87         4,375,098,314.05

                                   Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                          As of 30 Jun, 2015
(GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                                                Currency: RMB Yuan
                     Item                Note            Closing balance               Opening balance
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans                         6.16                 228,773,616.64                 149,846,192.64
Notes payable                            6.17                               --                 2,780,000.00
Accounts payable                         6.18                 325,818,431.65                 541,538,762.36
Deferral                                 6.19                 366,089,386.76                 144,315,921.34
Employee benefits payable                6.20                   37,599,917.55                 38,068,842.03
Taxes payable                            6.21                  116,377,414.85                 96,394,993.67
Interest payables                        6.22                   17,691,674.58                 18,716,395.18
Other payables                           6.23                 414,649,743.08                 406,871,917.76
Non-current liabilities due within one   6.24                 255,498,849.98                 453,207,700.00
Total current liabilities                                    1,762,499,035.09              1,851,740,724.98
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans                          6.25                 469,676,294.26                 478,985,579.95
Long-term payables                       6.26                   10,891,521.49                 11,267,012.97
Total non-current liabilities                                 480,567,815.75                 490,252,592.92
Total liabilities                                            2,243,066,850.84              2,341,993,317.90
Owners' equity:
Share capital                            6.27                1,011,660,000.00              1,011,660,000.00
Capital reserve                          6.28                  978,244,910.11                978,244,910.11
Less: treasury shares                                                       --                            --

Other comprehensive income               6.29                    9,611,714.96                  9,510,918.16
Surplus reserve                          6.30                   42,174,614.67                  4,974,391.15
Undistributed profit                     6.31                 306,354,783.22                 157,147,182.36
Total owners' equity attributable to                         2,348,046,022.96              2,161,537,401.78
Minority interests                                            -128,556,917.93               -128,432,405.63
Total owners’ equity                                        2,219,489,105.03              2,033,104,996.15
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                        4,462,555,955.87              4,375,098,314.05
The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124are an integral part of these
financial statements
Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
Legal representative:                           Person in charge of accounting:            Person in
charge of accounting organ:
                               Consolidated Income Statement
                                For the Period Jan-Jun, 2015
  (GROUP) CO., LTD                                                                Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                         Amount for the    Amount for the
                                Item                              Note
                                                                         current period     prior period
Ⅰ. Total operating income                                        6.32 1,147,552,773.96    573,074,359.31
Including: Operating income                                       6.32 1,147,552,773.96    573,074,359.31
Ⅱ. Total operating Costs                                                898,325,654.29    523,365,715.86
     Including: Operating costs                                   6.32   697,645,876.15    432,807,763.70
                 Business tax and surcharge                       6.33   129,612,334.64     40,888,590.26
                 Selling expenses                                 6.34    17,246,176.75     14,246,226.29
                 Administrative expense                           6.35    28,705,983.90     25,596,729.20
                 Financial expense                                6.36    24,955,931.85      9,826,406.41
                 Impairment losses of assets                      6.37       159,351.00                   --
Add: Gains from changes in fair value ("-" means loss)                                  --                --
             Investment income ("-" means loss)                   6.38       220,307.27                   --
Including: Investment income from associates and joint
                                                                  6.38      -129,692.73                   --
Ⅲ. Operating profit ("-" means loss)                                    249,447,426.94     49,708,643.45
  Add: Non-operating income                                       6.39       461,705.12        497,280.70
        Including: Gains from disposal of non-current assets      6.39                  --          396.00
  Less: Non-operating expenses                                    6.40         78,815.15       120,187.28
Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets                 6.40         10,037.32          1,289.90
Ⅳ .Total profit ("-" means loss)                                        249,830,316.91     50,085,736.87
  Less: Income tax expenses                                       6.41    63,426,291.44     15,333,005.11
Ⅴ . Net profit ("-" means loss)                                         186,404,025.47     34,752,731.76
Net attributable to owners of parent company                             186,407,824.38     34,732,376.73
  Minority interests                                                           -3,798.91         20,355.03
Ⅵ . After-tax net of other comprehensive incomes                 6.42        -19,916.59      -638,099.71
After-tax net of other comprehensive incomes owned by
                                                                             100,796.80       -436,446.64
owner of the parent company
   (I)Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be classified
                                                                                        --                --
into profit and loss in the future
   (II)Other comprehensive incomes that would be classified
                                                                             100,796.80       -436,446.64
into profit and loss in the future
       1.Loss and profit of change in fair value of
                                                                                        --                --
available-for-sale financial assets
2.Loss and profit of held-to-maturity investments reclassifying
                                                                                        --                --
into available-for-sale financial assets
       3.Translation difference in the foreign currency financial
                                                                             100,796.80       -436,446.64
   Net of tax from other comprehensive incomes owned by
                                                                            -120,713.39       -201,653.07
minority stockholders
Ⅶ . Total comprehensive income                                          186,384,108.88     34,114,632.05
   Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of
                                                                         186,508,621.18     34,295,930.09
parent company
   Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                            -124,512.30       -181,298.04
Ⅷ .Earnings per share
Basic Earnings per share                                                          0.1843            0.0343
Diluted Earnings per share                                                        0.1843            0.0343
 The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124are an integral part of these financial
 Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
 Legal representative:                  Person in charge of accounting:
 Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                  Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                    For the Period Jan-Jun, 2015
  (GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                      Currency: RMB Yuan
                        Items             Note Amount for the    Amount for the
                                               current period      prior period
Ⅰ. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services               1,218,726,341.94    1,025,937,501.10
Refund of taxes and levies                                                              --                  --
Cash received relating to other operating activities           6.43(1)      42,960,988.66       60,340,341.96
Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                1,261,687,330.60    1,086,277,843.06
Cash paid for goods and services                                          516,009,709.17      570,363,865.11
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                     65,846,388.78       60,459,958.74
Cash paid on taxes and levies                                             161,674,127.90      183,766,305.94
Cash paid relating to other operating activities               6.43(2)      62,270,160.80       71,662,962.95
Sub-total of Cash Outflows                                                805,800,386.65      886,253,092.74
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                  455,886,943.95      200,024,750.32
Ⅱ. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Cash received from return of investments                                                --                    --
Cash received investing income                                                 350,000.00                     --
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long assets"                                         1,250.00            6,196.00
Net cash flows from disposal subsidiary and other operating                                                  ---
unite                                                                                   --
Other cash received relating to investing activities                                    --                  --
Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                      351,250.00            6,196.00
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long assets                                                                  1,323,285.99        1,182,011.00
Cash paid on investments                                                                --                  --
Net cash paid on obtain subsidiary and other operating unite                            --                  --
Cash paid on other investing activities                                                 --                  --
Sub-total of Cash Outflows                                                   1,323,285.99        1,182,011.00
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                      -972,035.99        1,175,815.00
Ⅲ. Cash flow from Financing Activities
Cash received from investments                                                          --                    --
Including: Cash received from investments by minority                                   --                    --
interests of subsidiaries
Cash received from borrowing                                              304,034,573.83        15,000,000.00
Cash received from issuing bonds                                                       --                   --
Other cash received relating to Financing activities           6.43(3)      2,785,000.00                    --
Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                 306,819,573.83        15,000,000.00
Cash repayments on borrowed amounts                                       435,169,815.38      143,987,897.28
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits                      30,048,950.25       38,218,031.33
Including: Dividends or profit paid to minority interests of
subsidiaries                                                                            --                    --
Cash payments on other financing activities                                            --                   --
Sub-total of cash Outflows                                                465,218,765.63       182,205,928.61
Net cash flows from financing activities                                  158,399,191.80      -167,205,928.61
Ⅳ. Effect of foreign exchange rate on cash                                    -5,979.86            78,522.07
Ⅴ. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             296,509,736.30        31,721,528.78
Add: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                      670,119,849.03       519,284,372.44
Ⅵ. Cash equivalents at the end of the period                             966,629,585.33       551,005,901.22
  The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124 are an integral part of these financial
  Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
  Legal representative:                  Person in charge of accounting:
  Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                         CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGE IN OWNER'S EQUITY
                                                                         For the Jan-Jun 2015
        Prepared by:SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                                    Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                        Attribute to the equity of parent company
                                                       Less:           Other                             General                                           Minority         Total owners'
              Items                          Capital                                 Special    Surplus                              Undistributed
                               Share capital         Treasury comprehensive                                risk                                           interests            equity
                                             reserve                                reserve     reserve                                 profit
                                                      shares          income                            provision

I. Balance at the end of last period           1,011,660,000.00    978,244,910.11    --   9,510,918.16    --    4,974,391.15    --   157,147,182.36    -128,432,405.63     2,033,104,996.15
Add: Changes of accounting policies                           --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                 --                   --
   Prior year adjustments                                     --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                 --                   --
Corporate combination under common
control                                                       --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --
Others                                                        --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --

II. Balance at the Beginning of the Year       1,011,660,000.00    978,244,910.11    --   9,510,918.16    --    4,974,391.15    --   157,147,182.36    -128,432,405.63     2,033,104,996.15
III.Increase/Decrease movements in
this Year ("-" means loss)                                    --                --   --    100,796.80     --   37,200,223.52    --   149,207,600.86        -124,512.30      186,384,108.88

(I) Total comprehensive income                                --                --   --    100,796.80     --               --   --   186,407,824.38        -124,512.30      186,384,108.88
(II) Capital paid in and reduced by the
shareholders                                                  --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --
1.Ordinary shares invested by
shareholders                                                  --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --
    2.Capital invested by the other equity
investments holders                                           --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --
    3.Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in shareholders’ equity                           --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --
4.Others                                                      --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --
(III) Profit distribution                                     --                --   --              --   --   37,200,223.52    --   -37,200,223.52                   --                    --
(IV)Internal carry-forward of shareholders’
equity                                                        --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --
(V) Special Reserve                                           --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --
(VI) Others                                                   --                --   --              --   --               --   --                --                  --                    --

IV. Balance at the end of the period 1,011,660,000.00 978,244,910.11       --  9,611,714.96  -- 42,174,614.67         -- 306,354,783.22 -128,556,917.93                    2,219,489,105.03
        The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124 are an integral part of these financial statements
        Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
        Legal representative:                        Person in charge of accounting:               Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                    CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN OWNER'S EQUITY
                                                                  For the Period Jan-Jun, 2014
         Prepared by:SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                                      Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                         Attribute to the equity of parent company
                                                                        Less:           Other                                General                       Minority     Total owners'
                   Items                                  Capital                                       Surplus    Special              Undistributed
                                       Share capital                  Treasury comprehensive                                   risk                       interests         equity
                                                         reserve                                        reserve    reserve                  profit
                                                                       shares          income                               provision
I. Balance at the end of last period 1,011,660,000.00 978,244,858.10          --      9,354,020.21 4,974,391.15          --         -- -140,886,134.13 -128,342,500.32 1,735,004,635.01
Add: Changes of accounting policies                  --            --         --                 --             --       --         --               --              --               --
   Prior year adjustments                            --            --         --                 --             --       --         --               --              --               --
Corporate combination under common
                                                        --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
Others                                                  --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
II. Balance at the Beginning of the
                                          1,011,660,000.00   978,244,858.10   --    9,354,020.21    4,974,391.15       --          --   -140,886,134.13   -128,342,500.32   1,735,004,635.01
III. Increase/Decrease movements in
                                                        --               --   --     -436,446.64              --       --          --    34,732,376.73       -181,298.04      34,114,632.05
this Year ("-" means loss)
(I) Total comprehensive income                          --               --   --     -436,446.64              --       --          --    34,732,376.73       -181,298.04      34,114,632.05
(II) Capital paid in and reduced by the
                                                        --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
1.Ordinary shares invested by
                                                        --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
    2.Capital invested by the other
                                                        --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
equity investments holders
    3.Amounts of share-based
payments recognized in shareholders’                   --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
4.Others                                                --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
(III) Profit distribution                               --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
(IV)Internal carry-forward of
                                                        --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
shareholders’ equity
(V) Special Reserve                                     --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
(VI) Others                                             --               --   --               --             --       --          --                --                --                 --
IV. Balance at the end of the period 1,011,660,000.00 978,244,858.10      --  8,917,573.57 4,974,391.15       --       -- 106,153,757.40 128,523,798.36                     1,769,119,267.06
       The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124 are an integral part of these financial statements
       Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
       Legal representative:                        Person in charge of accounting:                     Person in charge of accounting organ:
                                        Balance Sheet
                                      As of 30 June 2015
Co., Ltd.                                                               Currency: RMB Yuan
                      Item               Note         Closing balance        Opening balance
Current assets

Monetary funds                                             702,494,087.33      332,170,340.34

Accounts receivable                       14.1             110,667,735.36       39,403,575.24

Prepayments                                                             --           69,000.00

Dividends receivable                                       140,763,284.58                      --

Other receivables                         14.2             702,135,639.18      675,944,666.16

Inventories                                             1,203,010,008.87     1,481,149,880.16
  Other current assets                                                  --        7,961,089.71

Total current assets                                    2,859,070,755.32     2,536,698,551.61
Non-current Assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets                         12,000,000.00       12,000,000.00

Long-term equity investments              14.3             316,235,349.40      316,365,042.13

Investment properties                                      388,708,873.55      398,040,383.57

Fixed assets                                                29,936,013.91       31,477,401.72

Intangible assets                                             843,866.85          1,031,266.83

Long-term deferred assets                                     389,950.65             76,395.75

Deferred tax assets                                          4,298,737.32          850,769.96
Other non-current assets                                                --                     --

Total non-current assets                                   752,412,791.68      759,841,259.96

Total Assets                                            3,611,483,547.00      3,296,539,811.57

                                          Balance Sheet (Continued)
                                               As of 30 June 2015
Co., Ltd.                                                                            Currency: RMB Yuan
  LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY                  Note        Closing balance           Opening balance
Current liabilities:

Short-term loans                                                  50,000,000.00                           --

Account payable                                                   86,287,058.66            225,934,147.53

Deferral                                                         183,119,800.60              36,334,967.00

Employee benefits payable                                         14,721,731.29              13,613,754.45

Taxes payable                                                     91,486,462.72              48,212,677.31

Interest payable                                                  17,590,199.58              18,328,034.07

Other payables                                                   369,245,312.65            390,836,659.90

   Non-current liability due within one year                     162,509,497.75            253,207,700.00
Other current liability                                                         --                        --

Total current liabilities                                        974,960,063.25            986,467,940.26
Non-current liabilities:

      Long-term loans                                            469,676,294.26            445,996,227.72

Total non-current liabilities                                    469,676,294.26            445,996,227.72

Total liabilities                                              1,444,636,357.51           1,432,464,167.98
Owners' equity:

Share capital                                                   1,011,660,000.00          1,011,660,000.00

Capital reserve                                                  978,244,910.11             978,244,910.11

Surplus reserve                                                   17,694,227.94                           --

Undistributed profit                                                                       -125,829,266.52
Total owners' equity attributable to
                                                               2,166,847,189.49           1,864,075,643.59
parent company

Total liabilities and owners' equity                            3,611,483,547.00          3,296,539,811.57
The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124are an integral part of these
financial statements
Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
Legal representative:                               Person in charge of accounting:
Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                 Income Statement
                                          For the Period Jan-Jun, 2015
Co., Ltd.                                                                              Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                   Amount for the current   Amount for the prior
                           Item                            Note
                                                                          period                  period
I. Total operating income                                  14.4         528,924,692.46          264,492,668.99

 Less: Operating cost                                      14.4         240,739,406.51          161,104,051.82

          Business tax and surcharge                                     74,580,945.46           23,639,301.67

          Selling expenses                                                 7,752,938.18            5,645,238.88

          Administrative expense                                         14,842,903.00           12,152,575.51

          Financial expense                                                4,376,058.31            8,406,916.10

          Impairment losses of assets                                        159,351.00                        --
Add: Gain from changes in fair value ("-" means loss)                                  --                      --
          Investment income ("-" means loss)               14.5         163,042,176.21                         --
          Including: Investment income from associates
                                                           14.5             -129,692.73                        --
  and joint venture
II. Operating profit ("-" means loss)                                   349,515,266.21           53,544,585.01

Add: Non-operating income                                                     43,669.98                4,000.00

         Including: gains from disposal of non-current
                                                                                       --                      --
Less: Non-operating expenses                                                  30,000.00               39,000.00

     Including: Loss from disposal of non-current
                                                                                       --                      --
III. Total profit ("-" means loss)                                      349,528,936.19           53,509,585.01

Less: Income tax expenses                                                46,757,390.29           13,549,730.97

IV.Net profit ("-" means loss)                                          302,771,545.90           39,959,854.04

V. Other comprehensive income                                                          --                      --
VI. Total comprehensive income                                          302,771,545.90           39,959,854.04

The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124 are an integral part of these
financial statements
Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
Legal representative:                               Person in charge of accounting:
Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                             Cash Flow Statement
                                         For the period Jan-Jun, 2015
Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                       Amount for the current     Amount for the prior
                             Item                                 Note
                                                                             period                     period
Ⅰ. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of                        604,452,678.51            267,401,244.93
servicesof taxes and levies
Refund                                                                                     --                       --
Cash received relating to other operating activities                            7,833,744.75            64,407,589.38
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                    612,286,423.26            331,808,834.31
Cash paid for goods and services                                              90,969,965.24            109,365,965.55
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                       13,980,926.01             16,400,793.26
          Cash paid on taxes and levies                                       80,813,643.06            130,295,350.06
Cash paid relating to other operating activities                              17,662,196.35              6,007,210.58
          Sub-total of Cash Outflows                                         203,426,730.66            262,069,319.45
        Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                             408,859,692.60             69,739,514.86
Ⅱ. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
    Cash received from return of investments                                               --                       --
    Cash received investing income                                               350,000.00                         --
       Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,                                    --                       --
  intangible assets and other long assets
Other cash received relating to investing activities                            7,270,611.12                        --
Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                       7,620,611.12                        --
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and                         11,050.00               807,797.00
  other long assets
Cash paid on investments                                                        7,500,000.00                        --
Cash paid on other investing activities                                                    --                       --
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                      7,511,050.00               807,797.00
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                         109,561.12               -807,797.00
Ⅲ. Cash flow from Financing Activities
Cash received from investments                                                            --                        --
Cash received from borrowing                                                 200,000,000.00                         --
Cash received from issuing bonds                                                          --                        --
Cash received from other financing activities                                             --                        --
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                    200,000,000.00                         --
  Cash repayments on borrowed amounts                                        217,018,135.71            133,987,897.28
  Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits                      21,627,377.85             29,332,752.00
  Cash payments on other financing activities                                             --                        --
Sub-total of cash Outflows                                                   238,645,513.56            163,320,649.28
Net cash flows from financing activities                                      -38,645,513.56          -163,320,649.28
Ⅳ. Effect of foreign exchange rate on cash                                             6.83                   109.99
Ⅴ.Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 370,323,746.99            -94,388,821.43
 Add: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                        326,170,340.34            356,953,152.47
Ⅵ. Cash equivalents at the end of the period                                696,494,087.33            262,564,331.04
The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124 are an integral part of these
financial statements
Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
Legal representative:                                  Person in charge of accounting:
Person in charge of accounting organ:
                                                                     Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
                                                                          For the period Jan-Jun, 2015
                Prepared by:SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                                               Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                           Attribute to the equity of parent company
                                                                                                            Less:             Other                                                              Total owners'
                                  Items                                                     Capital                                          Surplus        General risk      Undistributed
                                                                    Share capital                          Treasury       comprehensive                                                             equity
                                                                                            reserve                                          reserve         provision            profit
                                                                                                            shares           income
I. Balance at the End of Last Period                               1,011,660,000.00      978,244,910.11              --               --               --                --   -125,829,266.52   1,864,075,643.59
Add: Changes of accounting policies                                                 --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --
 Prior year adjustments                                                             --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --
Corporate combination under common control                                          --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --
Others                                                                              --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --
II. Balance at the Beginning of the Year                           1,011,660,000.00      978,244,910.11              --               --               --                --   -125,829,266.52   1,864,075,643.59

III. Increase/Decrease movements in this Year ("-" means loss)                      --                --             --               --   17,694,227.94                 --   285,077,317.96     302,771,545.90

(I) Total comprehensive income                                                      --                --             --               --               --                --   302,771,545.90     302,771,545.90

(II) Capital paid in and reduced by the shareholders                                --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --

1.Ordinary shares invested by shareholders                                          --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --

  2.Capital invested by the other equity investments holders                        --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --
  3.Amounts of share-based payments recognized in shareholders’                    --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --
4.Others                                                                            --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --

(III) Profit distribution                                                           --                --             --               --   17,694,227.94                 --    -17,694,227.94                    --

(IV)Internal carry-forward of shareholders’ equity                                 --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --

(V) Special Reserve                                                                 --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --

(VI) Others                                                                         --                --             --               --               --                --                --                    --

IV. Balance at the end of the period                               1,011,660,000.00      978,244,910.11              --               --   17,694,227.94                 --   159,248,051.44    2,166,847,189.49
                The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124 are an integral part of these financial statements
                Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
                Legal representative:                     Person in charge of accounting:                      Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                                       Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
                                                                            For the period Jan-Jun, 2014
                 Prepared by:SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                                             Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                                              Attribute to the equity of parent company
                                                                                                                              Other                   General                            Total owners'
                            Items                                                                   Less: Treasury                          Surplus                 Undistributed
                                                       Share capital        Capital reserve                               comprehensive                 risk                                equity
                                                                                                        shares                              reserve                     profit
                                                                                                                             income                   provision
I. Balance at the End of Last Period                    1,011,660,000.00       978,244,858.10                        --                --        --            --    -564,028,429.22     1,425,876,428.88
Add: Changes of accounting policies                                    --                   --                       --                --        --            --                  --                   --
  Prior year adjustments                                               --                   --                       --                --        --            --                  --                   --
Corporate combination under common control                             --                   --                       --                --        --            --                  --                   --
Others                                                                 --                   --                       --                --        --            --                  --                   --
II. Balance at the Beginning of the Year                1,011,660,000.00       978,244,858.10                        --                --        --            --    -564,028,429.22     1,425,876,428.88
III. Increase/Decrease movements in this Year ("-"
                                                                       --                     --                     --                --        --            --     39,959,854.04         39,959,854.04
means loss)
(I) Total comprehensive income                                         --                     --                     --                --        --            --     39,959,854.04         39,959,854.04
(II) Capital paid in and reduced by the shareholders                   --                     --                     --                --        --            --                   --                   --
1.Ordinary shares invested by shareholders                             --                     --                     --                --        --            --                   --                   --
2.Capital invested by the other equity investments
                                                                       --                     --                     --                --        --            --                   --                   --
3.Amounts of share-based payments recognized in
shareholders’ equity                                                  --                     --                     --                --        --            --                   --                   --

4.Others                                                               --                     --                     --                --        --            --                   --                   --
(III) Profit distribution                                              --                     --                     --                --        --            --                   --                   --
(IV)Internal carry-forward of shareholders’ equity                    --                     --                     --                --        --            --                   --                   --
(V) Special Reserve                                                    --                     --                     --                --        --            --                   --                   --
(VI) Others                                                            --                     --                     --                --        --            --                  --                   --
IV. Balance at the end of the period                    1,011,660,000.00    978,244,858.10                           --                --        --            --    -524,068,575.18     1,465,836,282.92
                 The notes to the financial statements set out on pages 15 to 124 are an integral part of these financial statements
                 Financial statements on pages 3 to page 14 signed by the following persons:
                 Legal representative:                          Person in charge of accounting:                                       Person in charge of accounting organ:

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note 1 General information
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate and Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. (the
“Group” or “the Company”) was established in July 1993, as approved by the
Shenzhen Municipal Government with document SFBF (1993) 724. The Company
issued A shares on 15th September, 1993 and issued B shares on 10 January 1994.
On 31 August 1994, B shares issued were listed in New York Exchange market as
class A recommendation. The total share capital are 1,011,660,000 shares, of which,
A shares are 891,660,000 shares, and the B shares are 120, 000,000 shares. The
company business license registration number is 440301103225878, and the
registered capital is RMB 1,011,660,000.00.
On 13 October 2004,according to the document No.(2004) 223 “Decision on
establishing Shenzhen investment Holding Co., Ltd.” issued by State-Owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission of Shenzhen Municipal Government,
former major shareholder – Shenzhen Construction Investment Holding Company
with two other assets management companies merged to form the Shenzhen
Investment Holding Co., Ltd. By the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission of the state council,and quasi-exempt obligations tender
offer as approved by China Security Regulatory Committee with document
No.(2005)116, this issue of consolidated has been authorized and the registration
changing had been done on 15 February 2006. As at the end of the reporting period,
Shenzhen Investment Holding Limited holds 642,884,262 shares of the Company
(63.55% of the total share capital). The shares are all selling unrestricted shares.
Business scope: mainly engaged in real estate development and sales, property
leasing and management, retail merchandising and trade, hotel, equipment
installation and maintenance, construction, interior decoration and so on.
The main products or services provided: commodity housing, property leasing and
management, hotel service, construction and installation service, renovation service.
The parent of the Company is Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
The Financial statement published on Aug 27th, 2015, which approved by Group’s
Board of Directors.
Note 2 The Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements
The financial statements of the Group have been prepared on the basis of going
concern in conformity with the Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises –The basic standards(Issued by order No.33 of the Ministry of Finance,

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Revised by order No.76 of the Ministry of Finance), the 41 specified Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprise issued and revised by the Ministry of Finance of
People’s Republic of China on 15 February, 2006 and thereafter, the guidance for the
application of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise, the explanation for
the    Accounting         Standards        for    Business         Enterprise       and      other      relevant
regulations( thereinafter referred as “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”)
and Compilation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities
to the Public No.15—General Provisions on Financial Reports (2014 Revision)
issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).
According to the relevant accounting regulations of Chinese Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises, the Group has adopted the accrual basis of accounting.
The Group adopts the historical cost as the principle of measurement in the financial
statements except some financial instruments. Provision will be made if any assets
impair in accordance with relevant requirements.
Note 3 Statement of Compliance with Accounting Standards
3.1 Basis of Preparation
  The financial statements of the Group are recognized and measured in accordance
with the regulations of the Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
and they give a true and fair view of the financial position, business result and cash
flow of the Group as of 30 Jun, 2015. In addition, the financial statements of the
Group comply, in all material respects, with the revised disclosure requirements for
financial statements and the notes of Compilation Rules for Information Disclosure by
Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.15—General Provisions on Financial
Reports (2014 Revision) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission
3.2 Going Concern
There do not exist any significant suspicious events and conditions to the Group’s
ability to operate as going concern within 12 months since the report date.
Note 4 Important Accounting Principles and Accounting Estimates
The Group and its subsidiaries are engaged in the business of real estate
development. The Group and its subsidiaries have established several specified
accounting policies and accounting estimations for its transactions and events, such
as the revenue recognition, according to the Group’s and its subsidiaries’ actual
operating characters and relevant requirements of                             Accounting Standards for

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Business Enterprises. Please refer to note 4.22- Revenue for details. For the
significant accounting judgments and estimates made by the management, please
refer to note 4.28 - Significant accounting judgments and estimates.
4.1 Accounting period
The accounting period of the Group is classified as interim period and annual period.
Interim period refers to the reporting period shorter than a complete annual period.
The accounting period of the Group is the calendar year from January 1 to December
4.2 Operating cycle
The normal operating cycle refers to period from Group’s buying assets for
manufacturing to realizing the cash or cash equivalent .The                        Group        chooses         12
months as an operating cycle. The assets and liabilities are classified as current and
non-current according to the operating cycle standards.
4.3 Monetary Unit
Renminbi (RMB) is the currency of the primary economic environment in either Group
& its domestic subsidiaries or foreign subsidiary in HK. Therefore, the Group, the
domestic subsidiaries and foreign subsidiary in HK choose RMB as their functional
currency. While the Group’s foreign subsidiary in U.S.A. chooses USD dollar as its
functional currency on the basis of the primary economic environment it operates.
The Group adopts RMB to prepare its functional statements.
4.4 Accounting Treatment Under Common/Non-common control
A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more
separate entities into one reporting entity. Business combinations involve enterprises
under common control and non-common control.
(1) Business combination involving entities under common control
A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business
combination in which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the
same party or parties both before and after the combination, and that control is not
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the party
that, on the combination date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in the
combination is the absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the
combination is a party being absorbed. Combination date is the date on which the
absorbing party effectively obtains control of the party being absorbed.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded
by the enterprise being absorbed at the combination date. The difference between
the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of
consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value of shares issued) is
adjusted to the capital premium (or share premium) in the capital reserve. If the
balance of the capital premium (or share premium) is insufficient, any excess is
adjusted to retained earnings.
The cost of a combination incurred by the absorbing party, including any costs
directly attributable to the combination, shall be recognized as an expense through
profit or loss for the current period when incurred.
(2) Business combination involving entities under non common control
A business combination involving enterprises under non common control happens if
the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties
both before and after the business combination.
For a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the
party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another enterprise participating
in the combination is the acquirer, while the other enterprise participating in the
combination is the acquiree. Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer
effectively obtains control of the acquiree.
For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the
combination cost including the sum of fair value, on the acquisition date, of the assets
given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer.
The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal
services, valuation and consultancy services etc. and other associated administrative
expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss
when they are incurred.
The transaction cost arose from issuing of equity securities or liability securities
should be initially recognized as cost of equity securities or liability securities.
The contingent consideration related to the combination shall be booked as
combination cost at the fair value on the acquisition date. If, within the 12 months
after acquisition, new or additional information can prove the existence of related
information on acquisition date and the contingent consideration need to be adjusted
by relatively adjusting the combination goodwill.
Acquirer ‘s combination cost and the obtained identifiable net assets are measured

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

with the fair value on the acquisition date. The excess of the combination cost over
the fair value of identifiable net assets on the acquisition date is recorded as goodwill.
When the fair value of identifiable assets exceeds the combination cost , first of all,
the fair value of items of             obtained acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities or
contingent liabilities and combination cost need to be reassessed. And then, when
the combination cost is still less than the fair value of identifiable net assets on the
acquisition date after reassess, the difference should be recorded in the current
year’s profit and loss.
The deductible temporary differences obtained from the acquiree which cannot be
recognized as deferred tax assets ,on the acquisition date, because some conditions
are not met. Within 12 months after the acquisition ,if new or additional information
indicate that the relevant information exist on the acquisition date and the economic
benefits related with the deductible temporary difference can be realized, the
deferred tax assets should be recognized. The goodwill should be reduced and if the
goodwill is less than the deferred tax assets recognized, the rest part should be
recorded in the current year profit and loss.
For a business combination achieved in stages that involves multiple exchange
transactions, according to the “No.5 Inform of Printing and Distributing the
Explanation of Accounting Standards issued by the Finance of Ministry (Caikuai
[2012] No.19)”and Article 51of “Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.33- Consolidated financial statement”, relating with the judgment
standards of package deal( refer to note 4.5(2)), a judgment about whether it is
package deal or not should be made. If it is package deal, please refer to the note
4.13 - Long-term equity investment for accounting treatment; if it is not package deal,
distinguish them as individual financial statement and consolidated financial
statement for accounting treatment.
For the individual financial statements, the book value of the long-term equity
investment held before the acquisition date plus the newly added equity investment
on the acquisition date, and then sum should be recorded as the original investment
cost; the long-term equity investment involved with other comprehensive income held
before the acquisition date, the way to deal with the investment will be the same with
the way the acquiree directly dispose the related assets and liabilities (i.e., under the
equity method, beside the portion caused by the acquiree’s                           recalculated defined
benefit plan’s net assets and net liabilities, the rest are transferred into investment

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

For the consolidated financial statements, for the shares in acquiree held before the
acquisition date, the shares are recalculated according to the fair value on the
acquisition date. The difference between the fair value and book value should be
recorded in the current year investment income; For the shares in the acquiree held
before the acquisition date involving other comprehensive income. The way to deal
with the other comprehensive income should be the same with the way the acquiree
directly dispose the relevant assets and liabilities(i.e., under the equity method,
beside the portion of changes caused by the acquiree’s                     recalculated defined benefit
plan’s net assets and net liabilities, the rest are transferred into investment income ).
4.5 Preparation of consolidated financial statements
(1)The standards of determining the scope of consolidation
The scope of consolidation in the consolidated financial statements is determined on
the basis of control. Control is the power to govern the financial and operating
policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its operating activities. The
scope of consolidation includes the Group and all of the subsidiaries. Subsidiary is an
enterprise or entity under the control of the Group.
Once the changes of relevant facts and conditions result in the factors involving with
the above definition of the control, the Group will proceed to reassess.
(2)The method of preparing the consolidated financial statements
The subsidiary of the Group is included in the consolidated financial statements from
the date when the control over the net assets and business decisions of the
subsidiary is effectively obtained, and excluded from the date when the control
For a subsidiary being disposed of by the Group, the operating results and cash flows
before the date of disposal (the date when control is lost) are included in the
consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as
appropriate. For a subsidiary disposed during the period, no adjustment is made to
the opening balance of the consolidated financial statements.
For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not under common control,
the operating results and cash flows from the acquisition date (the date when the
control is obtained) are included in the consolidated income statement and
consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriate; no adjustment is made to the
opening balance and comparative figures in the consolidated financial statements.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a business
combination involving enterprises under common control, the financial statements of
the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statements. The results of
operations and its cash flow are appropriately included in the consolidated balance
sheet and the consolidated income statement, respectively, from the beginning of the
year to the date of acquisition and the comparative figures of the consolidated
financial statements are restated.
When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from
those of the Group, the Group makes necessary adjustments to the financial
statements of the subsidiary based on the Group’s accounting period or accounting
policies. For the subsidiaries acquired through combination involving enterprises
under non common control, the financial statements should be adjusted based on the
fair value of the indentified net assets on the acquisition date.
Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealized profit or loss arising from
intra-group transactions, are eliminated when preparing the consolidated financial
Minority interest and the portion in the net profit or loss not attributable to the Group
are presented separately in the consolidated balance sheet within shareholders’/
owners’ equity. Net profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders in the
subsidiaries is presented separately as minority interest in the consolidated income
statement below the net profit line item.
When the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the minority
shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the minority shareholders’ portion of the
opening balance of [shareholders’] [owners’] equity of the subsidiary, the excess is
still allocated against the minority interests.
When the Group loses control of a subsidiary due to the disposal of a portion of an
equity investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment is re-measured
at its fair value on the date when control is lost. The difference between 1) the total
amount of consideration received from the transaction that resulted in the loss of
control and the fair value of the remaining equity investment and 2) the carrying
amounts of the interest in the former subsidiary’s net assets immediately before the
loss of the control is recognized as investment income for the current period when
control is lost. The amount recognized in other comprehensive income in relation to
the former subsidiary’s equity investment is reclassified as investment income for the

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

current period when control is lost. The retained interest is subsequently measured
according to the rules stipulated in the “Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.2—Long-term equity investment” or “Chinese Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises No.22—Determination and measurement of financial
instruments” (see note 4.13-Long-term equity investment and 4.9-Financial
The Group’s losing control of subsidiaries through multistep transactions of disposing
of the long-term equity investment, need to indentify whether every transaction,
involving with disposing of the investment in subsidiary until losing the control, is
belonging to package deal. Several transactions should be accounted for as a
package deal if conditions and the economic impact of disposal of investments in
subsidiaries are in compliance with one or more of the following circumstances: ①
These transactions are considered simultaneously or                         ② these transactions as a
whole in order to reach a complete business results; another case of the occurrence
of the impact of entering into a transaction depends ③ had at least one other
transaction; ④ see a transaction alone is not economical, but, it is economical when
other transactions are taken into account. If it is not package deal, every transaction
of the non-package deals is treated according to the applicable accounting standards
of “partly disposing of the long-term equity investment without losing control ”( refer to
4.13(2) ④ for detail) and “losing the control to subsidiary due to partly disposing the
equity investment or other reasons ” (see the former paragraph for details). When
every transaction involving with disposing of equity investment in subsidiary until
losing control is a package deal, they will be treated as a single deal of disposing of
the investment in subsidiary until losing control for accounting treatment. But, before
the control are lost, the difference between each receipt of every transaction and the
related shared proportion of indentified net assets are recognized as other
comprehensive income. The other comprehensive income will be transferred into
profit and loss in the period when losing control.
4.6 Joint venture arrangement classification& mutual office account treatment
Joint venture arrangement is referred to the arrangement that are under common
control of two or more participating parties. The Group classifies the joint venture
arrangement into mutual office and joint venture, according to the rights shared and
obligation undertaken in the joint venture arrangement. Mutual office represents the
joint venture arrangement that the Group shares the assets related with arrangement

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

and undertakes the obligations related with the arrangement. Joint venture is referred
to the joint venture arrangement that the Group only have the right to the net assets
of the arrangement.
The Group measures the joint venture investment using the equity method. Please
refer to accounting policies listed on note 4.13 (2) ②-long-term equity investment
measured using the equity method.
As one party of the mutual office, the Group recognizes the separately owned assets
and separately assumed obligations, and the proportionate commonly held assets
and commonly assumed obligations per the company’s percentage of share interest;
recognize the revenue from the selling of the Group’s shared output of the mutual
office; recognize the common revenue generated from the selling of the common
output of the mutual office according to the Group’s share percentage; recognize the
expense separately incurred by the Group and the proportionate expense incurred by
the mutual office according to the Group’s share percentage.
When the Group sells invest or sell assets to the mutual office as one of the mutual
office party( the assets do not constitute a business, the same to below), or buys
assets from the mutual office, before the assets are sold to the third party, the Group
only recognizes the portion of profit and loss attributable to the other participating
parties. According to requirements of Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.8- Asset impairment, when the assets are impaired , for the assets
invested or sold to the mutual office by the Group, the Group fully recognizes the
impairment loss; for assets that the Group bought from the mutual office, the
impairment loss is recognized according to the share percentage by the Group.
4.7 Cash and cash equivalent
Cash and cash equivalents of the Group include cash on hand, ready usable deposits
and investments having short holding term (normally will be due within three months
from the day of purchase), with strong liquidity and easy to be exchanged into certain
amount of cash that can be measured reliably and have low risks of change.
4.8 Foreign exchange
(1) Translation in foreign exchange transactions
The Group’s initial recognition of the foreign currency transactions is recorded by the
functional currency translated by the spot rate (commonly refer to the middle rate of
the daily foreign currency rate publicly released by the People’s Bank of China)on the
transaction date. But the Group’s foreign currency exchange and foreign currency

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

exchange relevant transactions, is recorded by the functional currency translated by
the exchange rate actually used.
(2)Translation method for foreign currency monetary items and non-monetary items.
On the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated using the
spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. All the exchange differences thus
resulted are taken into profit or loss, except for ①those relating to foreign currency
borrowings specifically for construction and acquisition of qualifying assets, which are
capitalized in accordance with the principle of capitalization of borrowing costs; ②The
exchange difference from changes of other account balance of foreign currency
monetary items available-for-trade is recorded into profit or loss except for
amortization cost.
When preparing the consolidated financial statements involving with oversea
operation, the foreign currency difference caused by the foreign exchange rate
changes should be recorded in other comprehensive income, if it substantially
constitutes the monetary items related to net investment to the oversea operation.
When the oversea operation are disposed, the other comprehensive income should
be transferred into current year profit and loss.
Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at historical cost shall still be
translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date, and the
amount denominated in the functional currency is not changed. Non-monetary
foreign currency items measured at fair value are translated at the spot exchange
rate prevailing at the date when the fair values are determined. The exchange
difference thus resulted are recognized in profit or loss for the current period or as
other comprehensive income.
(3) The translation of financial statement in foreign currency
When the consolidated financial statements include foreign operation(s), if there is a
foreign currency monetary item constituting a net investment in a foreign operation,
exchange difference arising from changes in exchange rates are recognized as
“exchange differences arising on translation of financial statements denominated in
foreign currencies” in owner’s equity, and in profit or loss for the period upon disposal
of the foreign operation.
The Group translates the financial statements of its foreign operations into RMB by
following rules;
1) Assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

rate prevailing on the balance sheet date; All equity items except for retained
earnings are translated at the spot exchange rates at the date on which such items
2) Income and expenses in income statement are translated at the spot exchange
rates at the date of transaction.
3) The opening undistributed profit is the closing undistributed profit of last period
after translation of last year.
4) The closing balance of undistributed profit is calculates and presented in the
basis of each translated income statements and profit distribution item.
5) The difference between the assets and liabilities and shareholder’s equity shall
be booked as translation difference of translating foreign currency financial
statements, and shall be presented as other comprehensive income in the separate
component of equity in the balance sheet.
6) When losing control over Group’s oversea operation due to disposal, the
translation difference of translating foreign currency financial statements related with
the oversea operation which is separately presented under the shareholder’s equity
section as accumulated other comprehensive income, should be fully or
proportionately transferred into the current period profit and loss according to the
disposal percentage.
7)Foreign currency cash flows and cash flow of oversea subsidiaries are translated
at the spot exchange rates. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is
separately presented as an adjustment item in the cash flow statement.
8)The opening balance and actual figures of last year are displayed as the figures
translated last year.
9)When disposing the Group’s all shareholders’ equity of oversea operation or the
Group losing control over the oversea operation due to partial disposal of the oversea
equity investment or other reasons, the translation difference caused by the
translating of foreign currency financial statement related with the oversea operation ,
which is presented under the equity section on the balance sheet and is attributable
to the parent company’s shareholders, should be transferred to the current period
profit and loss.
10)When the partial disposal of the equity investment of oversea operation and other
reasons cause the share percentage of oversea operation to decrease without
making the power of control to disappear, the translation difference of translation

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

foreign currency financial statement related with the part of oversea operation
disposed should be attributable to the minority interest and do not transfer to the
current period profit and loss. When the oversea operation disposing is a jointly run
business or joint venture, the translation difference of translating foreign currency
financial statements should be transferred to the current period profit and loss
according to the percentage of oversea operation disposal.
4.9 Financial instruments
When the Group becomes one party of the financial instrument contract, a financial
asset or financial liability should be recognized. The initial measurement of the
financial asset and financial liability is based on the fair value. For financial asset and
financial liability measured at fair value and designated its changes into current
period profit and loss, the related trading expense should be recorded in the profit
and loss. For the financial asset and financial liability of other categories, the related
trading expense should be recorded as part of initial cost.
(1) The method of determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
Fair value is the price that the market participators can get when selling an assets or
need to pay when transferring an obligation incurred in an orderly transaction on the
measurement date. When there is active market for the financial instruments, the
quotation in the active market is used as the fair value. Quotation in the active market
means the price that can be easily and periodically got from the exchange market,
broker’s agency, Guild, pricing service organization etc. It represents the actually
happened trading price in the fair trading. When there is no active market for the
financial instruments, the fair value is determined by the valuation techniques. The
valuation techniques include making a reference to the used price in recent market
trading among the parties who know the situations and is willing to trade, making a
reference to the current fair value that is used by the other substantially similar
financial assets, discounting the future cash flow and option pricing model etc.
(2) Classification of financial assets
All regular way purchases or sales of financial assets are recognized and
derecognized on a trade date basis. On initial recognition, the Group’s financial
assets are classified into one of the four categories, including financial assets at fair
value though profit or loss, held-to maturity investments, loans and receivables and
available-for-sell financial assets.
      1) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss:

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Including financial assets held-for-trade and financial assets designated at fair value
through profit or loss.
Financial asset held-for-trade is the financial asset that meets one of the following
A. The financial asset is acquired for the purpose of selling it in a short term;
B. The financial asset is a part of a portfolio of identifiable financial instruments that
are collectively managed, and there is objective evidence indicating that the
enterprise recently manages this portfolio for the purpose of short-term profits;
C. The financial asset is a derivative, except for a derivative that is designated and
effective hedging instrument, or a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is
linked to and must be settled by delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a
quoted price from an active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured.
For such kind of financial assets, fair values are adopted for subsequent
Financial asset is designated on initial recognition as at fair value through profit or
loss only when it meets one of the following conditions:
A. The designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistency in the
measurement or recognition of relevant gains or losses that would otherwise arise
from measuring the financial instruments on different bases.
B. A group of financial instruments is managed and its performance is evaluated on a
fair value basis, and is reported to the enterprise’s key management personnel.
Formal documentation regarding risk management or investment strategy has
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are subsequently measured at the
fair value. Any gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value and any
dividends or interest income earned on the financial assets are recognized in the
profit or loss.
       2) Investment held-to maturity
Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or
determinable payments and fixed maturity that an entity has the positive intention and
ability to hold to maturity. Such kind of financial assets are subsequently measured at
amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from
derecognition, impairment or amortization are recognized in profit or loss for the
current period.

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounted estimated future cash flows
through the expected life of the financial asset or financial liability or, where
appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or
financial liability.
When calculating the effective interest rate, the Group shall estimate future cash flow
considering all contractual terms of the financial asset or financial liability without
considering future credit losses, and also consider all fees paid or received between
the parties to the contract giving rise to the financial asset and financial liability that
are an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs, and premiums or
discounts, etc.
3) Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed determinable
payment that are not quoted in an active market. Financial assets classified as loans
and receivables by the Group include note receivables, account receivables, interest
receivable dividends receivable and other receivables.
Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the
effective interest method. Gain or loss arising from derecognition, impairment or
amortization is recognized in profit or loss.
4) Financial assets available-for-sell
Financial assets available-for-sell include non-derivative financial assets that are
designated on initial recognition as available for trade, and financial assets that are
not classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, loans and
receivables or investment held-to-maturity.
Financial assets available-for-trade are subsequently measured at fair value, and
gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value are recognized as other
comprehensive income and included in the capital reserve, except that impairment
losses and exchange differences related to amortized cost of monetary financial
assets denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in profit or loss, until the
financial assets are derecognized, at which time the gains or losses are released and
recognized in profit or loss.
Interests obtained and dividends declared by the investee during the period in which
the financial assets available-for-trade are held, are recognized in investment gains.
The Group’s financial liabilities are, on initial recognition, classified into financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. For financial

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are
immediately recognized in profit or loss for the current period, and transaction costs
relating to other financial liabilities are included in the initial recognition amounts.
(3) Impairment of financial assets (not including account receivables)
The Group assesses, at the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of every
financial asset except for the financial assets that measured by the fair value. If there
is objective evidence indicating a financial asset may be impaired, provision for
impairment is recorded.
The Group makes an impairment test for a financial asset that is individually
significant. For a financial asset that is not individually significant, it is included in a
group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively
assessed for impairment or individually assessed for impairment. If no objective
evidence of impairment incurs for an individually assessed financial asset (whether
the financial asset is individually significant or not individually significant), it is
included in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and
collectively assessed for impairment. Assets for which an impairment loss is
individually recognized is not included in a group of financial assets with similar credit
risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment.
1) Impairment on held-to maturity investment, loans and receivables
The financial assets measured by cost or amortized cost write down their carrying
value by the estimated present value of future cash flow. The difference is recorded
as impairment loss. If there is objective evidence to indicate the recovery of value of
financial assets after impairment, and it is related with subsequent event after
recognition of loss, the impairment loss recorded originally can be reversed. The
carrying value of financial assets after impairment loss reversed shall not exceed the
amortized cost of the financial assets without provisions of impairment loss on the
reserving date.
2) Impairment loss on available-for-trade financial assets
When decision is made with all related factors on whether the fall of fair value
investment of an equity instrument available-for-trade is significant or non-transient, it
indicates impairment of such equity instrument investment, in which, Significant
means over 20% of fall in fair value and Non-transient means over 12 months of
subsequent fall.
When an available-for-trade financial asset is impaired, the cumulative loss arising

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

from declining in fair value that had been recognized in capital reserve shall be
removed and recognized in profit or loss. The amount of the cumulative loss that is
removed shall be difference between the acquisition cost with deduction of
recoverable amount less amortized cost, current fair value and any impairment loss
on that financial asset previously recognized in profit or loss.
If, after an impairment loss has been recognized, there is objective evidence that the
value of the financial asset is recovered, and it is objectively related to an event
occurring after the impairment loss was recognized, the initial impairment loss can be
reversed and the reserved impairment loss on available-for-trade equity instrument is
recorded in the profit or loss, the reserved impairment loss on available-for-trade debt
instrument is recorded in the current profit or loss.
The equity instrument where there is no quoted price in an active market, and whose
fair value cannot be reliably measured, or impairment loss on a derivative asset that
is linked to and must be settled by delivery of such an unquoted equity instrument
shall not be reversed.
(4) Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer
The Group derecognizes a financial asset when one of the following conditions is
1)    The rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired;
2)    The enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset to a
third party under a “pass-through” arrangement; or
3)    The enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset and
either (a) has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b)
has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the
asset, but has transferred control of the asset.
If the enterprise has neither retained all the risks and rewards from the financial asset
nor control over the asset, the asset is recognized according to the extent it exists as
financial asset, and correspondent liability is recognized. The extent of existence
refers the level of risk by the financial asset changes the enterprise is facing.
For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognition criteria,
(a). the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred; and (b) the sum of the
consideration received from the transfer and any cumulative gain or loss that had
been recognized in other comprehensive income, is recognized in profit or loss.
If a part of the transferred financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

amount of the transferred financial asset is allocated between the part that continues
to be recognized and the part that is derecognized, based on the relative fair value of
those parts. The difference between (a) the carrying amount allocated to the part
derecognized; and (b) the sum of the consideration received for the part
derecognized and any cumulative gain or loss allocated to the part derecognized
which has been previously recognized in other comprehensive income, is recognized
in profit or loss.
For the financial assets sold with recourse and the endorsed, the Group should make
a judgment whether the risks and rewards related with the financial assets’ ownership
have been almost all transferred. For the financial assets of which the risks and
rewards related with its ownership have been, in substantial, all transferred, it should
be derecognized. For the financial assets of which the risks and rewards have been,
in substantial, all retained, it should be not be derecognized. For the financial assets,
the related ownership of which have not been neither ,in substantial, all transferred
nor retained, the Group need to make a judgment about whether the control over the
financial assets have been kept or not and then deal with it according to the
standards mentioned in the previous paragraphs.
(5) Classification of the financial liabilities and measurement
The financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities measured at fair value
with its changes into profit and loss and other financial liabilities. The initial
measurement is made at its fair value. For the financial liabilities measured at fair
value with its changes into profit and loss, the related trading expense are recorded
into current period profit and loss; for other financial liabilities, the related trading
expenses are recorded in its initial cost.
1) Financial liabilities measured by the fair value and the changes recorded in profit
or loss
The classification by which financial liabilities held-for-trade and financial liabilities
designated at the initial recognition to be measured by the fair value follows the same
criteria as the classification by which financial assets held-for-trade and financial
assets designated at the initial recognition to be measured by the fair value and their
changes are recorded in the current profit or loss.
For the financial liabilities measured by the fair value and changes recorded in the
profit or loss, fair values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the gains or
losses on the change of fair value and the expenses on dividends or interests related

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

to these financial liabilities are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
2) Other financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities that linked with equity instruments, which do not have a
quoted price in an active market and their fair value cannot be measured reliably, is
subsequently measured by cost. Other financial liabilities are subsequently
measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses
arising from derecognition or amortization is recognized in profit or loss for the
current period.
3) Financial guarantee contracts
For financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as at fair value through
profit or loss, or loan commitments not designated as at fair value through profit or
loss but to offer at the interest rate lower than market level they are, after initial
recognition, subsequently measured at the higher of: (i) the amount determined
according to the principles of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 -
Contingencies, and (ii) the amount initially recognized less the accumulated
amortization determined according to the principles of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue.
 (6) Derecognition
The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) when the underlying present
obligation (or part of it) is discharged or cancelled or has expired. An agreement
between the Group (an existing borrower) and existing lender to replace original
financial liability with a new financial liability with substantially different terms is
accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the
recognition of a new liability.
When the financial liabilities are fully and partially derecognized, the difference
between the carrying value of the part derecognized and consideration paid
( including the non-current assets transferred out or new financial liabilities assumed )
should be recorded in the current period profit and loss.
4.10 Account receivables
The account receivable by the Group includes account receivables, and other
The Group carries out an inspection on the balance sheet date. Where there is any
objective evidence proving that the receivables have been impaired, an impairment
provision shall be made:

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

1) A serious financial difficulty occurs to the issuer or debtor;
2) The debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations, for example, fails to pay
or delays the payment of interests or the principal, etc.;
3) The debtor will probably become bankrupt or carry out other financial
4) Other objective evidences showing the impairment of the receivables.
(1)Provisions of bad debts in account receivables that is individually significant.
The Group treats account receivables over RMB 5,000,000.00 (including
5,000,000.00) as individually significant item.
For an account receivable that is individually significant, the asset is individually
assessed for impairment. If there is objective evidence indicating that the asset is
impaired. The impairment loss is recognized in the profit and loss at the excess of
carrying value over its predicted future cash flow (excluding the non-incurred future
credit loss ) discounted with original actual interest rate.
(2) Provisions of bad debts for accounts receivables that is individually insignificant.
For the accounts receivables that is individually insignificant, if there are signs
indicating the impairment, such as long-aging, having a dispute with the obligator or
obligator suffering serious financial difficulties, it should be individually tested for
4.11 Inventories
(1) Classification of inventory
Inventory was classified according to real estate development and non-development
of products. The real estate development products are the real estate developing
products, real estate developed products and real estate which are going to be
developed. The non-real estate development products include raw materials, finished
products and stocks, low-value consumable products and construction in progress.
(2) Valuation method of inventories upon delivery
Inventories are initially carried at the actual cost. Cost of inventories comprises all
costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs. The actual cost of inventories
transferred out is assigned by using weighted average method, and development
products by specific identification method.
(3) Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for
decline in value of inventories
Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

less the estimated costs of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the
sale and relevant taxes. Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear
evidence obtained, and takes into consideration the purpose of holding inventories
and effect of post balance sheet events.
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of the cost and net
realizable value. If the net realizable value is below the cost of inventories, a
provision for decline in value of inventories is made. The provision for inventories
decline in value is determined by the difference of the cost of individual item less its
realizable value.
After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances
that previously caused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so
that the net realizable value of inventories is higher than their cost, the original
provision for decline in value is reversed and the reversal is included in profit or loss
for the period.
(4) Inventory count system is based on the perpetual stock system.
(5) Amortization method for low cost and short-lived consumable items and
packaging materials.
Low cost and short-lived consumable items are amortized using immediate write-off
method; packaging materials are amortized using immediate write-off method.
(6) Cost of land constitutes land development costs for pure land development
Together with the overall development of the property, its cost is included in housing
costs generally based on the actual area.
(7)Public Facilities Fee: The cost is the actual construction cost incurred. If several
estate projects benefit from the same facility, they stay in the same category. The cost
of fee should be measured according to the allocation of sales area. If they got
benefit but in different categories, the cost was measured according to the allocation
of the area covered.
(8)Utility reserve funds:Utility reserve funds were received by the Group and
recorded in Long-term payables. The funds were used to maintain and renew
communal facilities.
(9)Quality Guarantees:Quality Guarantees was put into the account of real estate
developing according to the contract amount and also recorded in the accounts
payable at the same time. The actual payment incurs after the expiry of guarantee.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

4.12 Held-for-sale assets
The non-current assets which can be sold at its current conditions, the Group’s
disposal decision have been made, an un-revocable transferring agreement has
been made and the transfer can be finished within one year, it should be recognized
as held-for-sale non-current assets. The amortization or depreciation will be ceased
since the day it is reclassified as held-for-sale assets. And it should be measured at
the lower of carrying amount and its fair value less cost of disposal.
The held-for-sale non-current assets include the individual assets and asset group of
disposal. If the asset group met the definition regulated in the Chinese Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No.8 –Asset impairment and it has been
allocated with the goodwill gained through the enterprises combination according to
the provision of the regulation, or the asset group of disposal is a business of the
asset group, the asset group should include the goodwill resulted from the enterprise
The individual non-current assets classified as held-for-sale and assets within the
asset group of disposal, should be represented individually in the current assets
section of the balance sheet; The liabilities which belong to the disposal group of
held-for-sale and is related with transferring the possession of assets, it should be
individually represented in the current liability section of the balance sheet.
Some assets or assets group of disposal that have been classified as held-for-sale
but the conditions are not met for being recognized as held-for-sale non-current
assets thereafter. The assets should be stopped being classified as held-for-sale and
should be measured at the lower of: 1) The book value of assets and asset group of
disposal before they are classified as held-for-sale, being adjusted by the
amortization, depreciation or impairment pretending that they were not initially
classified as held-for-sale; and 2) the recoverable amount on the day when decide
not to sell.
4.13 Long-term equity investments
The long-term equity investment mentioned in this section is about the equity
investment of which the Group has control, common control or significant influences
over the investee. For the investments that the Group has no control, common control
or significant influences over the investee, they will be recorded as available-for-sale
or financial instrument assets measured at fair value with its changes into profit and
loss. Please refer to note 4.9-Financial instruments for detail.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Common control means the Group’s mutual control to the arrangement according to
the related agreement and the arrangement’s activities related decisions can be
made only after getting the mutual agreement from other parties sharing the control
power. Significant influences represent that the Group has the right to participate in
the decision of the financial and operating policies, but cannot control or control
together with other parties to make the policy related decision.
(1) Determination of investment cost
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be carrying value of the
absorbing party’s share of the shareholder’s of the party being absorbed at the date
of combination.
For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the
combination cost including the sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets
given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer.
The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal
services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative
expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss
when they are incurred.
The transaction cost for the equity securities or liability securities issued by the
acquirer in the business combination shall be recognized as initial amount of equity
security or liability.
The equity investments other than the long-term equity through combination shall be
initially measured by cost. The cost shall be recognized to the difference in the way of
acquisition of long-term equity investment. Theses ways include the cash purchase
price the Group actually paid, the fair value of equity security issued by the Group,
value specified in the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or carrying
value of the asset transferred out in the transaction of non-monetary asset
exchanges, and the fair value of the long-term equity investment. Expenses, taxes
and other necessary expenditures directly attributable to the acquisition of long-term
equity investment are taken into investment cost. For the long-term equity
investments that the Group can have significant influence or common control on the
investee, but cannot control the investee, because of the added investments, the cost
of the long-term equity investment should be the sum of original fair value of the
investment and the cost of newly added investment.

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(2) Subsequent measurement
Where an investing enterprise can exercise common control or significant influence
over the investee, a long-term investment shall be accounted for using the equity
method. Besides, the cost method shall be adopted in a long-term equity investment
when the Group can exercise control over the investee.
1)      Cost method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial
investment cost. Except for cash dividends or profits declared but not yet paid that
are included in the price or consideration actually paid upon acquisition of the
long-term equity investment, investment income is recognized in the period in
accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends or profit distributions
declared by the investee.
2) Equity method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the
investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net
assets at the time of acquisition, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment
Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the
investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of investee’s identifiable net assets at
the time of acquisition, the difference shall be charged to profit or loss for the current
period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall adjusted accordingly.
Under the equity method,the Group recognizes its share of the net profit or loss and
other comprehensive income of the investee for the period as investment income or
loss and other comprehensive income for the period and adjusts the book value of
the long-term equity investment simultaneously. The Group reduces the book value
of the long-term equity investment, according to the shared profit or cash dividends
declared by the investee. For the changes of investee’s equity beside the net profit,
other comprehensive income and profit distribution, adjust the book value of the
long-term equity investment and its capital surplus.
When determining the share percentage of investee’s net profit, it should be made
based on the fair value of investee’s identifiable assets after adjusting the investee’s
net profit on the acquisition date. When the investee’s accounting period and
accounting policies are different with the Group’s, the subsidiary’s financial
statements should be adjusted according to the Group’s and recognize the

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

investment income and other comprehensive income based on it. Unrealized profits
or losses resulting from the Group’s transactions with its associates and joint
ventures are recognized as investment income or loss to the extent that those
attributable to the Group’s equity interest are eliminated. However, unrealized losses
resulting from the Group’s transactions with its investees on the transferred assets, in
accordance with "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets",
are not eliminated. When the Group’s assets invested to joint venture and jointly run
business are a deal and the Group obtains the long-term equity investment without
getting the power of control, the initial cost of the investment is determined by fair
value of the assets invested. The difference between the initial cost and the book
value of the assets invested should be fully taken into profit and loss. When the
Group’s assets sold to joint venture and jointly run business are a deal, the
differences between the consideration received and the book value are fully taken
into the profit and loss. When the Group’s buying assets from joint venture and jointly
run business are a deal, the gain and loss would be fully recognized according to the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.20 -Enterprises combination.
When the investee is recognized net losses, reduce the carrying value of long-term
equity investments and long-term equity of net investment (in substance) in investee
to zero. In addition, the Group has the obligations on additional losses, then the
expected obligation as estimated liabilities and included in the current investment
losses. Where the net profit from investee units, restoration confirm the amount of
revenue sharing after offset the amount of unrecognized loss sharing.
For long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures which had been
held by the Group before its first time adoption of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment
exceeds the Group’s interest in the investee’s net assets at the time of acquisition,
the excess is amortized and is recognized in profit or loss on a straight line basis over
the original remaining life.
3) Acquisition of minority interest
The difference between newly increased equity investment due to acquisition of
minority interests and portion of net asset cumulatively calculated from the acquisition
date is adjusted as capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the
difference, the excess are adjusted against retained earnings.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

4) Disposal of long-term equity investment
Where the parent company disposes long-term investment in a subsidiary without a
change in control, the difference in the net asset between the amount of disposed
long-term investment and the amount of the consideration paid or received is
adjusted to the owner’s equity. If the disposal of long-term investment in a subsidiary
involves loss of control over the subsidiary, the related accounting policies in Note 4.5
(3) Accounting policies retailed on “the method of preparing consolidated financial
On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds
actually received and receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or
loss for the period.
For long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method, when the
rest of the long-term equity investment is still accounted for using the equity method
after disposal, the other comprehensive income originally recorded into the equity
should be dealt with by the same way as the investee’s directly dealing with its assets
or liabilities. The other investee equity changes caused beside the net profit, other
comprehensive income and profit distribution should be proportionately transferred
into current year profit and loss.
For long-term equity investment accounted for using the cost method, when the rest
of the long-term equity investment is still accounted for using the cost method after
disposal, other comprehensive income recognized using the equity method or                                    the
method of recognizing and measuring the financial instruments before obtaining the
control over the investee should be dealt with as the same way with investee’s direct
disposing of its assets and liabilities and be proportionately taken into profit and loss;
The other investee equity changes caused beside the net profit, other comprehensive
income and profit distribution should be proportionately transferred into current year
profit and loss.
 When the Group loses control over the investee but still can exercise the common
control or significant influences over the investee after partial disposal of the
long-term equity investment, the equity method should be used to prepare individual
financial statements. The rest equity investment is treated as accounted using the
equity method upon the acquisition and is adjusted; If no control and significant
influences cannot be exercised, the rest equity investments should be recognized

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

and measured by the accounting standards to financial instruments. The difference
between the fair value and book value is taken into current profit and loss.
For the other comprehensive income recognized under the equity method or the
financial instrument related method before obtain the control over investee, it will be
treated as the same way with investee’s directly disposing its assets or liabilities
when losing the control over investee. The equity changes under equity method
caused beside the net profit, other comprehensive income and profit distribution
should be transferred into the profit and loss when losing the control over investee.
Including, other comprehensive income and other owner’s equity should be
proportionately transferred, when the rest equity investment is accounted with equity
method; Other comprehensive income and other owner’s equity should be fully
transferred, when the rest equity investment is accounted with accounting standards
of financial instruments.
The Group loses the control and significant influences over the investee, because of
disposing of part of long-term equity investment. The difference between fair value
and book value on the day when losing the control and significant influences over the
investee should be taken into profit and loss. Other comprehensive income
recognized for the original equity investments under equity method, would be dealt
with as the same way with investee’s directly disposing of its assets and liabilities
when cease using the equity method. The equity changes caused beside the net
profit, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, should be transferred into
investment income when cease using the equity method.
For the Group’s multiple-step dealing with its long-term equity investments until losing
control, if the transactions are package deal, each transaction should be treated as a
transaction dealing with its long-term equity investments until losing control, the
difference between the consideration received and the book value of the equity
investment should be firstly recognized as other comprehensive income before losing
control over investee and then all transferred into current profit and loss.
4.14 Investment properties
Investment property is property held to earn rental or for capital appreciation or both.
It includes a land use right that is leased out, a land use right held for transfer upon
capital appreciation, and a building that is leased out. Besides, the Group has
buildings empty for operating lease. If there is a written decision from the Board (or
similar organization) with clear indication for operating lease and intension that no

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

change shall be made in the near future, the buildings shall be presented as
investment properties.
An investment property is measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures
incurred for such investment property are included in the cost of the investment
property if it is probable that economic benefits associated with an investment
property will flow to the Group and the subsequent expenditures can be measured
reliably. Other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in the period
in which they are incurred.
The Group uses the cost method for subsequent measurement of investment
property, and adopts a depreciation or amortization policy for the investment property
which consistent with that for building or land use rights.
Where self-occupied property or inventory converts into investment property, or
investment property converts into self-occupied property, the carrying amount before
the change shall be accounted as the value after conversion.
When an investment property changes into self-occupied property, it should be
converted into fixed asset or intangible asset on the date of conversion. When the
purpose of a self-occupied property changes into rental earning or capital increase,
fixed asset or intangible asset should be converted into an investment property from
the date of conversion. Where the cost model is used in the measurement of
investment property during the conversion, the carrying amount before the
conversion is accounted as the value after conversion. Where the investment
property is measured by the fair value after conversion, the fair value at the
conversion date is adopted as value after conversion.
Where an investment property is disposed or no longer in use permanently and no
economic benefits shall be obtained from the disposal, derecognized the investment
property. The income from sale, transfer or disposal of the investment property is
recorded in the profit or loss after deduction of its carrying amount and related tax.
4.15 Fixed assets
(1) The conditions of recognition
Fixed assets refers to the tangible assets that are held for the sake of producing
commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management and their
useful life is in excess of one fiscal year.
(2) Recognition and measurement of financial lease
Finance leases which transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership.

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

The depreciation policy for assets held under finance leases should be consistent
with that for owned assets. If there is no reasonable certainty that the lessee will
obtain ownership at the end of the lease – the asset should be depreciated over the
shorter of the lease term or the life of the asset
(3) The method for depreciation
Fixed assets are stated at cost and consider the impact of expected costs of
abandoning the initial measurement. From the following month of state of intended
use, depreciation method of the straight-line method is used for different categories
of fixed assets to take depreciation. The recognition of the classification, useful life
and estimated residual rate are as follows:
           Category                Expected useful life        Estimated residual value(%) Depreciation(%)
Building & construction                     30                             5                          3.17
Machines & equipments                       7                              5                          13.57
Vehicles                                    6                              5                          15.83
Electronic appliances                       5                              5                          19.00

Expected net residual value of fixed assets is the balance of the Group currently
obtained from the disposal of the asset less the estimated costs of disposal amount,
assuming the asset is out of useful life and state the expected service life in the end.
(4) Measurement and recognition of fixed assets impairment
Fixed assets should be estimated the recoverable amount if there is an indication.
The recoverable amount is according to the high one of net value of fair value minus
the disposal with the present value of the future cash flows. The estimation should be
based on individual assets, if it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount, change
into estimating the group of assets it belongs to. Once provision for impairment, it
could not be reversed in later accounting period.
(5) Others
A fixed asset is recognized only when the economic benefits associated with the
asset will probably flow to the Company and the cost of the asset can be measured
reliably. Subsequent expenditure incurred for a fixed asset that meet the recognition
criteria shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset, and the carrying amount of the
component of the fixed asset that is replaced shall be derecognized. Otherwise, such
expenditure shall be recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are
The revenue from selling or transferring, or disposing a fixed asset is booked into

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

profit and loss after deduction of carrying value and related tax.
The Group conducts a review of useful life, expected net realizable value and
depreciation methods of the fixed asset at least on an annual base. Any change is
regarded as change in accounting estimates.
4.16 Construction in progress
(1) The types of construction in progress
Construction in progress includes preparation before construction, construction
engineering in progress, installation engineering in progress, technical improvement
engineering, repair engineering etc. whose costs are determined by the actually
incurred expenditures.
(2) The standards and time of transferring the construction in progress to fixed
When the constructions in progress reach the condition of available for use, it should
be transferred to the fixed assets per the full actually incurred costs.
(3) The method of testing the impairment and the provision for impairment loss
The method of testing the impairment loss for the construction in progress and the
way to accrue the provision for the impairment loss is detailed listed on the note
4.20-“long-term assets impairment”.
4.17 Borrowing costs
(1) The standards for capitalizing the borrowing cost
Borrowing costs include interest, amortization of discounts or premiums related to
borrowings, ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings,
and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings.
The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or
production of a qualifying asset are capitalized. The amounts of other borrowing costs
incurred are recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.
(2) The period of capitalizing the borrowing costs
The period of borrowing costs capitalization is calculated from the point when
borrowing costs beginning capitalizing to the time stopping capitalizing. The period
suspending capitalizing the borrowing costs are excluded.
(3) The period suspending capitalizing the borrowing costs
Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition,
construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted by activities other than
those necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale, when the

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. Borrowing costs
incurred during these periods recognized as an expense for the current period until
the acquisition, construction or production is resumed.
(4) The method for calculating the amount of borrowing cost capitalized
Where funds are borrowed for a specific-purpose, the amount of interest to be
capitalized is the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period
less any bank interest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before being used
on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds.
Where funds are borrowed for a general-purpose, the amount of interest to be
capitalized on such borrowings is determined by applying a weighted average
interest rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of accumulated
expenditure on the asset over and above the amounts of specific-purpose
During the capitalization period, exchange differences related to a specific-purpose
borrowing denominating in foreign currency are all capitalized. Exchange differences
in connection with general-purpose borrowings are recognized in profit or loss in the
period in which they are incurred.
4.18 Intangible assets
(1) Recognition and calculation of intangible asset
The term “intangible asset” refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets without
physical shape, possessed or controlled by enterprises.
The intangible assets are initially measured by its cost. Expenses related to intangible
assets, if the economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the
enterprise and the cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably, shall be
recorded as cost of intangible assets. The expenses other than this shall be booked
in the profit or loss when they occur.
Land use rights that are purchased by the Group are accounted for as intangible
assets. Buildings, such as plants that are developed and constructed by the Group,
and relevant land use rights and buildings, are accounted for as intangible assets and
fixed assets, respectively. Payments for the land and buildings purchased are
allocated between the land use rights and the buildings; if they cannot be reasonably
allocated, all of the land use rights and buildings are accounted for as fixed assets.
When an intangible asset with a definite useful life is available for use, its original cost
less net residual value and any accumulate impairment losses is amortized over its

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

estimated useful life using the straight-line method. An intangible asset with an
indefinite useful life is not amortized.
For an intangible asset with a definite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and
amortization method at the end of the period, and makes adjustment when
necessary.. An additional review is also carried out for useful life of the intangible
assets with indefinite useful life. If there is evidence showing the foreseeable limit
period of economic benefits generated to the enterprise by the intangible assets, then
estimate its useful life and amortize according to the policy of intangible assets with
definite useful life.
(2) The estimation of the useful life of the indefinite intangible assets
                Item                        Estimated useful life                       Basement
Taxi license                           38 years                        The recorded years of taxi license
                                                                       Fixed assets, electronic and other
Software                               5 years
                                                                       equipments useful lives

(3) The basis to judgment intangible assets whose useful lives are uncertainty
The periods of which the intangible assets can bring benefits to the Group cannot be
reasonably determined, the intangible assets will be classified as indefinite intangible
(4) Methods of impairment assessment and determining the provision for impairment
losses of intangible assets
The testing method for intangible assets impairment and the calculation of the
provision for impairment is detailed listed on the note 4.20-Long-term assets
(5) The standards to distinguishing the research stage and development stage of
internally developed intangible assets
Research stage: the stage when the creative planned investigation and research
activities are carried on, in order to obtain and understand the new sciences and
technical knowledge;
Development stage: the stage of applying the research results and other knowledge
to the specified plan or design so as to produce new or substantially improved
materials , equipments and products before commercial production or use.
(6) The accounting of expenditures of internally researched and developed project
Expenditure on the research phase of an internal research is recognized in profit &
loss in the period in which it is incurred.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Expenditure during the development phase that meets all of the following conditions
at the same time is recognized as intangible asset. Expenditure during development
phase that does not meet the following conditions is recognized in profit or loss for
the period.
1) it is technical feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available
for use or sale;
2) the Group has the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
3) the Group can demonstrate the ways in which the intangible asset will generate
economic benefits including the evidence of the existence of a market for the output
of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the
usefulness of the intangible asset;
4) the availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete
the development and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; and
5) the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase
can be reliably measured.
If the expenditures cannot be distinguished between the research phase and
development phase, the Group recognizes all of them in profit or loss for the period.
4.19 Long-term deferred assets
Long-term deferred assets represent expenses incurred that should be borne and
amortized over the current and subsequent period (together of more than one year).
Long-term deferred assets are amortized by using straight line method.
4.20 Long-term assets impairment
On each balance sheet date, the Group will make judgments to determine whether
there are signs for impairment to the fixed assets ,construction in progress, definite
intangible assets, investment properties& equity investment in subsidiaries& joint
ventures& jointly run business measured using the cost method etc. non-current and
non-financial assets. If there are signs for impairment, the impairment should be
tested by estimating the recoverable amount. Goodwill, indefinite intangible assets
and intangible assets having not reached the usable condition, should be yearly
tested for impairment no matter whether there are signs for impairment.
The result of impairment test demonstrates that the recoverable amount is less than
its carrying amount, the difference will be recorded as provision for impairment and
debited as impairment loss. The recoverable amount equals to the greater of 1) fair
value less disposal expenses and 2) present value of the predicted future cash flows.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

The fair value of the assets is determined by the sale contract price of fair trade;
When there are no sale contracts but exist active market ,the fair value will be
determined with the quotation from the buyer; When there exist neither sale contracts
nor active market, the assets fair value will be determined by the best information
The disposal expenses include the legal expenses, related taxes, delivery fees and
other direct fees incurred for making the assets reach the salable condition. The
present value of the predicted future cash flows is calculated according to the
predicted future cash flows generated from the continuous use of the assets and final
disposal discounted with the applicable discounted rate. The provision for impairment
test should be recognized based on the individual asset. If it is hard to estimate the
recoverable amount to individual asset, the recoverable amount of the assets group
of which the individual assets are included should be determined. Assets group is the
smallest unit that can independently generate the cash inflow.
For the goodwill separately displayed on the financial statement, when making the
impairment test, the carry value of the goodwill should be allocated to assets group or
the group of assets group predicted to be benefit from the synergistic effect from the
enterprises combination. When the rest result shows that the recoverable of the
assets group or the group of assets group having been allocated with the relevant
goodwill is less than the carrying amount, the related impairment loss should be
recognized. The impairment losses will firstly reduce the book value of the goodwill
allocated and then reduce the book value of each asset of the assets group or the
group of assets group according to the percentage of each asset to the assets group
or the group of assets group beside the goodwill.
The impairment loss of the above assets would not be reversed back once they are
4.21 Accrued liabilities
Accrued liabilities (or Provisions) are recognized when following obligations related to
a contingency are satisfied simultaneously. They are (a) such obligation is the
present obligation of the Group, (b)it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits
will be required to settle the obligation, and (c) the amount of the obligation can be
measured reliably.
The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration
required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date, taking into account

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

factors pertaining to a contingency such as risks, uncertainties and time value of
Where all or some of the expenditure required to settle a provision is expected to be
reimbursed by a third party, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset
only when it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received, and the amount of
reimbursement recognized does not exceed the carrying amount of the provision.
(1)Onerous contracts
An onerous contract is a contract in which the unavoidable costs of meeting the
obligations under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received
under it. The exceeding part over the assets in the contract shall be recognized as a
provision when an executor contract becomes an onerous contract and the obligation
arising under the onerous contract satisfies the requirements of provisions.
(2)Restructuring Obligation
The amount of a restructuring provision shall be recognized by the total direct
expenditures arising from the restructuring when the enterprise has a detailed,
formal plan for the restructuring, and a public announcement of the plan has been
made for restructuring and above requirements for the provision mentioned above
are satisfied.
[For the restructuring obligation carried for the portion of business for sale, the
obligation related to the restructuring can only be recognized when the Group has
committed for the sales of portion of the business (signing the selling agreement with
4.22 Revenue
(1) Revenue from sales of goods
The Group has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership
of the goods; the Group retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the
degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;
the associated costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably.
According to the principles above, the Group established real estate sales revenue is
recognized, must satisfied the following four conditions at the same time:
A. Real estate is completed, and is completed checking and accepting;
B. Signed a contract of sale and make recording in land department
C. Installment, if it is deferred for receiving money with financing, the cost should be
measured in present value according to the contract price. Mortgage, has been

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

received, and have completed the first phase of the mortgage loan approval
D. Agreed in the contract of sale and transfer the property to buyers.
 (2) Revenue from rendering service
When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be
estimated reliably at the balance sheet date, revenue associated with the transaction
is recognized using the percentage of completion method, or otherwise, the revenue
is recognized to the extent of costs incurred that are expected to be recoverable. The
stage of completion of a transaction for rendering services is determined based on
[survey of work performed / services performed to the date of as a percentage of total
services to be performed / the proportion that costs incurred to date bear to the
estimated total costs of the transaction]
The outcome of a transaction involving rendering of services can be estimated
reliably when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
1) the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;
2) it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group;
3) the stage of completion of the transaction can be measured reliably;
4) the costs incurred and to be incurred for the transaction can be measured reliably.
If the outcome of a transaction involving rendering of services cannot be estimated
reliably, the revenue is recognized by the cost incurred and estimated compensation,
and the actual cost is booked into profit and loss. No revenue is recognized if the cost
incurred cannot be recovered.
For contract or agreement entered between the Group and other enterprises with
sales of goods and rendering services, if part of goods selling and the part of
rendering service can be separated and measured individually, they are settled
separately. If the part of goods selling and the part of rendering service cannot be
separated or they can be separated but cannot be measured individually, the parts in
the contract shall be treated as goods of selling.
(3) Revenue from construction contracts
Where the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, contract
revenue and costs are recognized using the percentage of completion method at the
balance sheet date. The stage of completion of a contract is determined using the
proportion that actual contract costs incurred to date bears to the estimated total
contract costs.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

The outcome of a construct contract can be measured reliably when the following
conditions are met:
1) The total revenue of the contract can be measured reliably;
2) It is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the enterprise;
3) The actual cost of the contract incurred can be determined and measured reliably;
4) The stage of completion of the contract and the costs to be incurred associated
with the completion of the contract can be measured reliably.
Where the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably, (1) if
contract costs are expected to be recoverable, contract revenue is recognized to the
extent of contract costs that are expected to be recoverable; and contract costs are
recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred; (2) if contract costs
are not expected to be recoverable, they are recognized as expenses immediately
when incurred and contract revenue is not recognized. When the uncertainties that
prevented the outcome of the construction contract from being estimated reliably no
longer exist, revenue and expenses associated with the construction contract are
recognized using the percentage of completion method.
If the estimated total contract costs exceed total contract revenue, the expected loss
is recognized immediately as an expense for the period.
4.23 Government Grants
Government grants are transfer of monetary assets and non-monetary assets from
the government to the Group at no consideration, excluding the capital invested by
the government as equity owner. Government grant can be classified as grant related
to the assets and grants related to the income.
If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured
at the amount received or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a
non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value. If the fair value cannot be reliably
determined, it is measured at a nominal amount. A government grant measured at a
nominal amount is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.
A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly
amortized to profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset. For a government
grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses
to be incurred in subsequent period, the grant is recognized as deferred income, and
recognized in profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognized.
If the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred, the

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

grant is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.
For repayment of a government grant already recognized, if there is a related
deferred income, the repayment is offset against the carrying amount of the deferred
income, and any excess is recognized in profit or loss for the period. If there is no
related deferred income, the repayment is recognized immediately in profit or loss for
the period.
4.24 Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax
rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability
is settled, according to the requirements of tax laws. The measurement of deferred
tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflects the tax consequences that would follow
from the manner in which the Group expects at the balance sheet date, to recover the
assets or settle the liabilities.
For temporary differences between the carrying amount of certain assets or liabilities
and their tax base, or between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not
recognized as assets or liabilities and their tax base that can be determined
according to tax laws, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized using the
balance sheet liability method.
For temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and the
initial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business
combination) that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or
deductible losses) at the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is
For taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and
associates, and interests in joint ventures, no deferred income tax liability related is
recognized except where the Group is able to control the timing of reversal of the
temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse
in the foreseeable future.
All deferred income tax liabilities arising from taxable temporary differences except
the ones mentioned above are recognized.
For temporary deductible differences associated with the initial recognition of an
asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business combination) that affects
neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) at the time of
transaction, no deferred tax asset is recognized.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

For taxable temporary deductible differences associated with investments in
subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint ventures, no deferred income tax
asset related is recognized if it is impossible to reversal the temporary difference in
the foreseeable future, or it is not probable to obtain taxable income which can be
used for the deduction of the temporary difference in the future.
Except mentioned above, the Group recognizes other deferred income tax assets
that can deduct temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable
profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be
For the deductible losses and tax credit that can be carried forward, deferred tax
assets for deductible temporary differences are recognized to the extent that it is
probable that taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary
differences can be utilized.
At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax
rates according to tax laws that are expected to apply in the period in which the asset
is realized or the liability is settled.
At the balance sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying amount of deferred tax
assets. If it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available in future
periods to allow the benefits of the deferred tax assets to be used, the Group reduces
the carrying amount of deferred tax assets. The amount of such reduction is reversed
when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.
4.25 Leases
(1) Operating Lease
①The Group as Lessee under Operating Lease
Lease payments under an operating lease are recognized by a lessee on a
straight-line basis over the lease term, and either included in the cost of the related
asset or charged to profit or loss for the current period. The contingent rents shall be
recorded in the profit or loss of the period in which they actually arise.
②The Group as Leaser under Operating Lease
Lease income from operating leases shall be recognized by the leaser in profit or loss
on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Initial direct cost of significance in amount
shall be capitalized when incurred. If another basis is more systematic and rational,
that basis may be used. Contingent rents are credited to profit or loss in the period in
which they actually arise.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(2)Financing Lease
①The Group as Lessee under Operating Lease
For an asset that is held under a finance lease, at the lease commencement, the
leased asset is recorded at the lower of its fair value at the lease commencement and
the present value of the minimum lease payments, and the minimum lease payment
is recorded as the carrying amount of the long-term payables; the difference between
the recorded amount of the leased asset and the recorded amount of the payable is
accounted for as unrecognized finance charge, Initial direct costs incurred by the
lessee during the process of negotiating and securing the lease agreement shall be
added to the amount recognized for the leased asset.
The net amount of minimum lease payment deducted by the unrecognized finance
shall be separated into long-term liabilities and long-term liability within one year for
Unrecognized finance charge shall be computed by the effective interest method
during the lease term. Contingent rent shall be booked into profit or loss when
actually incurred.
②The Group as Leaser under Operating Lease
For an asset that is leased out under a finance lease, the aggregate of the minimum
lease receipts at the inception of the lease and the initial direct costs is recorded as a
finance lease receivable, and unguaranteed residual value is recorded at the same
time; the difference between the aggregate of the minimum lease receipt, initial direct
costs, and unguaranteed residual value, and the aggregate of their present values, is
recognized as unearned finance income, which is amortized using the effective
interest rate method over each period during the lease term.
Finance lease receivable less unearned finance income shall be separated into
long-term liabilities and long-term liability within one year for presentation.
Unearned finance income shall be computed by the effective interest method during
the lease term. Contingent rent shall be credited into profit or loss in which actually
4.26 Employee Benefits
The benefits of employees in the Group include short-term benefits, welfare after
demission, demission welfare and other long-term welfare.
The short-term benefits include the employees’ salary, bonus, allowance and
compensation,        employee         welfare,      medical       insurance,        maternity       insurance,

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

employment injury insurance, housing fund, labor union expense and employee
education expense and non-currency welfare etc. The Group recognizes the actually
incurred short-term employee benefits as liability during the period when the
employees’ services are rendered, the expenses are recorded into the current period
profit and loss or related asset costs according to the benefit object. For the
non-currency welfare, it is recognized according to its fair value.
  Welfare after demission mainly includes the defined contribution plan and the
defined benefit plan. The defined contribution plan and the defined benefit plan
mainly include the basic endowment insurance premium, unemployment insurance
expense and pension etc..For the defined contribution plan, the sinking fund
deposited to the an independent entity for the service provided by employee in the
accounting period on the balance sheet is recognized as the debt and included in the
current profit and loss or related asset costs according to the benefit object. There is
no defined benefit plan in the Group.
  When the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the dismissal welfare provided for the
plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or layoff proposal, or recognize the cost
or expense involved with the recombination of dismissal welfare or payment of such
dismissal welfare (whichever is earlier), the employee’s remuneration incurred by
dismissal welfare is recognized as the debt and included in the current profits and
losses or related assets cost. But when then dismissal is predicted not to be paid in
the following 12 months after the report date, it would be classified as other long-term
  Employee internal retirement plan is treated as the same way with dismissal
welfare mentioned above. The Group would record the relevant salaries and social
insurances provided to the employees under the plan into the profits and losses
(dismissal welfare) during the period from the day stopping providing the services to
the legal retirement day, when the conditions for recognizing the contingency liability
are met.
  Other long-term welfare provided by the Group is referred to as the welfare beside
the short-term benefits, welfare after demission, demission welfare. It would be
recognized as the requirements of defined contribution plan, when conditions are met.
Or else, it would be recorded as defined benefit plan.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

4.27 Changes in major accounting policies and accounting estimates
(1) Changes of accounting policies
 There were no changes of main accounting policies during this period.
 (2)Changes of accounting estimates
There were no changes of main accounting estimations during this period.
4.28 Material accounting judgments and accounting estimations
Because of the inherent uncertainties of the operating activities, the Group need to
make judgments, estimations and assumptions to the financial statement items
whose carrying amount cannot be accurately measured. Those judgments,
estimations and assumptions are made based on the management’s historical
experience and taking other relevant factors into account. Those judgments,
estimations and assumptions would influence the reported amount of revenue,
expense, asset and liability and disclosure of the contingency liability on the balance
sheet date. However, the actual result caused by the uncertainty of these estimations
may be different with the present estimation made by the management, which may
cause significant adjustments to the carrying amount of the influenced assets and
liabilities in the future.
The Group are making periodical review on the judgments, estimations and
assumptions mentioned above based on the premise of going concern. For the
changes of estimations that only influence the current period, the influenced amount
will be recognized in the current period. For the changes of estimations that not only
influence the current period ,but also affect the future periods, the influenced amount
will be recognized in the current period and future period.
As of the balance sheet date, the material areas that need to be judged ,estimated
and assumed are listed below:
(1) The classification of lease
The lease are classified into operating lease and finance lease, according to the
“Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No.21-Lease” .When making the
classification, the management need to make analysis and judgment about whether
all risk and reward related with the ownership of assets leased out have been
substantially transferred to the lessee or not ,or whether all risk and reward related
with the ownership of the assets leased have substantially assumed by the Group.
(2) The provision for allowance for bad debt
The Group applies the allowance method to estimate the bad debt, according to the
policy of accounts receivable. The impairment of accounts receivable is based on the
     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

evaluation of accounts receivable’s possibility of collection. The difference between
the actual result and the original estimation would influence the accounts receivable’s
carrying value and cause the balance of allowance for bad debt to increase or
reverse back during the period when the estimation is changed.
(3) Provision for inventory
According to inventory accounting policy, the ending inventory is measured by the
lower of cost and net realizable value. When the cost is greater than the net
realizable value and the obsolete and unsalable inventory, the inventory falling price
reserve shall be withdrawn. Reduce the inventory to the net realizable value is based
on the evaluation the salable of the inventory and its net realizable value. Estimates
of net realizable value are based on the most reliable evidence available at the time
the estimates are made and take into consideration the purpose for which the
inventory is held and the influences of events occurring after the balance sheet date.
The difference between the actual result and original estimation will influence the
carrying amount of the inventory and cause the provision for inventory to increase or
reverse back during the period when the estimation is changed.
(4) The fair value of financial instrument
For the financial instrument lacking active trading market, the Group will use several
valuation methods to make sure the fair value. The methods include the model to
analyze the discounted cash flow etc. The Group will evaluate the following aspects,
such as the future cash flow, credit risk, market volatility and the relativity etc. and
then choose the applicable discounted rate, when making the evaluation. There are
uncertainties for the relevant assumptions whose changes will influence the fair value
of financial instrument.
(5) Provision for non-financial and non-current assets
The Group will make judgment on the non-current assets beside the financial assets
about whether there are signs for impairment on the balance sheet date. For the
intangible assets whose life is uncertain, when there are signs for impairment, it
should be tested for impairment, beside the yearly impairment test. Other non-current
assets beside the financial statement, when there are signs indicating that the
carrying value are unrecoverable, it should be tested for impairment.
When the carrying value of the asset or asset group is greater than the recoverable
amount (i.e., the net value of fair value less the cost of disposal and present value of
the predicted future cash flow whichever is higher), it indicates impairment.
The net value of fair value less the cost of disposal, is referred to the agreed sale
     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

price of similar assets under fair trade or the observable market price, less the
incremental cost directly related with the disposal of the assets.
The Group need to make significant judgment to the output of assets (or assets
group), sale price, relevant operating cost and the discounted rate when estimating
the present value of future cash flows. The Group will make use of any relevant
material available when estimating the recoverable amount , including the prediction
of the output, sale price and relevant operating cost according to reasonable and
supportable assumptions.
The Group will test the goodwill for impairment at least once a year, which requires to
estimate the present value of the future cash flows of the assets and assets group
allocated with the goodwill. When estimating the present value to the future cash flow,
the Group need to estimate the cash flows generating from the assets and assets
group, and choose the applicable discount rate to determine the present value.
(6) Depreciation and amortization
The Group use the straight-line method to depreciate and amortize the investment
real estate, fixed assets and intangible assets within the useful life after taking into
the consideration of the residual value. By the way, the amount of depreciation and
amortization during the report period are determined. The useful life is determined
based on past experience and the predicted technical changes of similar assets. If
there are significant changes of previous estimations, the depreciation and
amortization would be adjusted in the future periods.
(7) Deferred tax asset
To the degree that there are sufficient taxable profit to make up the deductible
losses, the Group will recognize the deferred tax assets for the un-used deductible
losses. It requires the management to apply massive judgments to estimate the time
and amount the taxable profits will generate in the future period combining with the
strategic of tax planning to determine the amount of deferred tax asset.
(8) Income tax
There are some uncertainties for some trades’ ultimate tax treatment and calculation.
Some items need the determination from the tax authorities about whether they are
deductible before tax or not. If the ultimate tax determination are different with the
originally estimated amount, the difference will influence the current period income
tax and the deferred income tax when the tax determination are finally made.

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note 5 Principal Taxes Applied
Taxes and their rates
               Category                               Taxable basis                             Tax rate
Value added tax (“VAT”)              Goods sales income, taxi operating income               17% & 3%
                                       Proceeds from sales of properties, leasing
Business tax                                                                                       5%
                                       income, property management income
Business tax                           Construction, installation income                           3%
Construction tax                       Turnover tax                                                7%
Education surcharge(Local
                                       Turnover tax                                                5%
Education surcharge)
Income tax                             Income tax payable                                     25% & 16.5%
                                                                                        Progressive rates ranging
Land appreciation tax                  Sales revenue of properties
                                                                                             from 30%-60%
*The rate of domestic enterprises is 25%, and the rate of HK enterprises is 16.5%.

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note 6 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Unless specified, the items of the Opening in the followings (including the notes to the
Company financial statements) refers to the date of January 1, 2015, the Closing
refers to the Jun 30, 2015; the items of the prior period refers to the period Jan-Jun,
2014, the current period refers to the period Jan-Jun, 2015.
6.1 Monetary funds
                         Item                                  Closing balance                 Opening balance
Cash on hand                                                                79,061.23                          61,413.08
Cash in bank                                                           966,550,524.10                   670,058,435.95
Other monetary funds                                                     6,052,400.00                     8,837,400.00
Total                                                                  972,681,985.33                   678,957,249.03
Including amount deposited in the foreign countries                      9,047,880.22                     9,057,907.94

Note: (1)As of Jun.30,2015, for the funds that the Group’s ownership are restricted
they are classified in Other monetary funds ( Total: RMB 6,052,400.00 as of
Jun.30,2015) ,including RMB 52,400.00 the tender bonds margin and RMB
6,000,000.00 deposited in the Company's rent escrow account for the Company's
6.2Note receivables
(1)Note receivables by types
                 Item                              Closing balance                           Opening balance
Bank acceptance                                                              --                                       --
Trade acceptance                                                 63,128,052.32                          119,846,192.64
                 Total                                           63,128,052.32                          119,846,192.64

(2)Note receivables pledged at year end
                           Item                                             Amount pledged at year end
Bank acceptance                                                                         --
Trade acceptance                                                                  42,812,597.17
                           Total                                                  42,812,597.17

(3)Note receivables endorsed or discounted at year end and not matured yet on the
balance sheet date
                 Item                       Amt. derecognized at year end         Amt. not derecognized at year end
Bank acceptance                                           --                                       --
Trade acceptance                                          --                                  20,315,455.15
                 Total                                    --                                  20,315,455.15
Note: As of Jun.30, 2015, the trade acceptance discounted but not matured is RMB

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

63,128,052.32 (RMB 77,033,595.47 as of Dec.31, 2014), the balance of related
pledged borrowing is 63,128,052.32 (RMB 77,033,595.47 as of Dec.31, 2014)
(referring to the note 6.16).
When the trade acceptance cannot be honored when it is mature, the bank has the
power to ask the Group to repay the amount un-settled. The Group continues to
recognize the carrying amount of the trade acceptance and records the amount
received as pledged borrowing because of the transfer, due to the Group’s still
undertaking the main risk, such as credit risk relating with the trade acceptance etc..
(4)There are no situations of reclassifying the note receivables to the accounts
receivables, because of the issuer dishonoring.
6.3Accounts receivables
(1) Accounts receivable by categories
                                                                         Closing balance
                  Category                          Carrying amount                        Bad debt provision
                                                Amount              (%)                Amount              (%)
Accounts receivable of which provision for
                                              92,745,564.32              31.12                    --                --
bad debts is of individually significant
Accounts receivable of which provision for
                                             205,240,337.39              68.88        19,165,351.52               9.34
bad debts is of individually insignificant
                    Total                    297,985,901.71             100.00        19,165,351.52               6.43

                                                                        Opening balance
                  Category                          Carrying amount                        Bad debt provision
                                                Amount              (%)                Amount               (%)
Accounts receivable of which provision for
                                                          --                   --                 --                --
bad debts is of individually significant
Accounts receivable of which provision for
                                             103,554,193.95             100.00        19,165,351.52              18.51
bad debts is of individually insignificant
                    Total                    103,554,193.95             100.00        19,165,351.52              18.51

(2) Accounts receivable by aging balance
                                                      Closing balance                       Opening balance
                                                 Amount                 (%)             Amount              (%)
Within 1 year                                  269,431,944.37             90.42       75,192,337.53              72.61
1-2 years                                        2,862,381.28                 0.96     3,040,957.54               2.94
2-3 years                                          389,884.23                 0.13      253,116.00                0.24
Over 3 years                                    25,301,691.83                 8.49    25,067,782.88              24.21
                    Total                      297,985,901.71            100.00      103,554,193.95             100.00

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(3) Bad debt provision
① Bad debt provision of accounts receivable which is of individually significant
                                                               Closing Balance
 Accounts receivable
                              Carrying      Amount of Proportion
       (Name)                                                                    Reasons for the provision
                               amount       bad debt of provision
                                                                       The corporations good financial conditions when
Corporation No.1            85,645,564.32           --            --
                                                                        individually evaluated.
Individual No.1              7,100,000.00           --            -- House mortgage with lower collection risk
         合    计           92,745,564.32           --           --

② Bad debt provision of accounts receivable which is of individually insignificant
                                                         Amount of bad         Proportion of
  Content of accounts receivable    Carrying amount                                               Reasons for the provision
                                                               debt              provision
Receivables of import and export                                                                  A separate provision is
                                        11,574,556.00     11,574,556.00               100.00
agency business                                                                                   established according to
House pay to be collected           178,970,440.42           6,968,694.02               3.89 the recoverability of each
Engineering construction funds                                                                    receivable with long aging
                                        14,695,340.97         622,101.50                4.23
and others                                                                                        and little retrievability.

                  Total             205,240,337.39        19,165,351.52                 9.34

(4)There were no any account receivables which had been provided fully or at large
proportion but had been fully collected or reversed back in this accounting period.
(5) There were no any significant account receivables which had been written off in
this accounting period.
(6)No amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of the voting rights of the
Company is included in the above balance of accounts receivable.
(7) Top 5 entities with the largest balances of accounts receivable
                                                                                                   Proportion of the amount
        Name of entity         Relationship with the Group       Amount              Age
                                                                                                      to the total AR (%)
Corporation No.1(Note)              Un-related party          85,645,564.32 Within 1 year                    28.74
Individual No.1                     Un-related party           7,100,000.00 Within 1 year                     2.38
Individual No.2                     Un-related party           3,910,000.00 Within 1 year                     1.31
Individual No.3                     Un-related party           3,860,000.00 Within 1 year                     1.30
Individual No.4                     Un-related party           2,960,000.00 Within 1 year                     0.99
              Total                                          103,475,564.32                                  34.72

   Note:The Company has signed the factoring contracts with the bank during its

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

everyday operating activities to transfer its accounts receivable to the bank (Accounts
receivable factoring). According to the contract, the company still assume the main
credit risk and the risk of delaying to pay may caused by the debtors and still retain
the almost all the risk and reward relating with the ownership after the accounts
receivable have been transferred, which do not meet the conditions of derecognizing
the financial assets. So, the company continues to recognize the related assets and
liabilities according to the book value of the transferred accounts receivable. As of
Jun 30, 2015, the balance of accounts receivable book value that have been
transferred but still not paid off by the debtors is RMB 85,645,564.32(RNB 0.00 as of
Dec 31, 2014).
(8) Details for receivables due from related parties, please refer to Note 9.6.
(9) There were no any accounts receivable that have been derecognized.
(10) There were no any accounts receivable which had been securitized.
(1)     Aging analysis
                                      Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                               Amount                      (%)                    Amount                   (%)
Within 1 year                   24,496,510.76                   100.00            17,816,263.48                  99.96
1-2 years                                    --                     --                 2,735.00                   0.02
2-3 years                                    --                     --                        --                    --
Over 3 years                            749.64                      --                 2,749.75                   0.02
        Total                   24,497,260.40                   100.00            17,821,748.23               100.00
(2) Top 5 entities with the largest balances of prepayments
Name of entities Relationship with the Group         Amount        Timing             Reasons for unsettlement
                                                                    Within 1 The un-settled prepayment of engineering
Project 1               Un-related party           6,176,354.99
                                                                         year materials and materials un-warehousing
                                                                    Within 1 The un-settled prepayment of engineering
Project 2               Un-related party           4,476,528.82
                                                                         year materials and materials un-warehousing
                                                                    Within 1 The un-settled prepayment of engineering
Project 3               Un-related party           2,198,251.48
                                                                         year materials and materials un-warehousing
                                                                    Within 1 The un-settled prepayment of engineering
Project 4               Un-related party           1,285,584.28
                                                                         year materials and materials un-warehousing
                                                                    Within 1 The un-settled prepayment of engineering
Project 5               Un-related party           1,156,775.40
                                                                         year materials and materials un-warehousing
       Total                                      15,293,494.97

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(4) No prepayments to shareholders holding at least 5% of the Group’s shares with
voting right during the current period.
6.5 Dividends receivables
(1) Details of dividends receivable
    Item(Or name of investee)                       Closing balance                          Opening balance
Yunnan KunPeng Flight service Co., Ltd                            1,052,192.76                                1,052,192.76
                   Total                                          1,052,192.76                                1,052,192.76

(2) Dividends receivable aging over 1year
                                                                           Reasons for
                                               Closing                                      Whether the amount is impaired
       Item(Or name of investee)                              Aging         uncollected
                                               balance                                         and the base of judgment
Yunnan KunPeng Flight service Co., Ltd 1,052,192.76           2-3 years      Delay to pay
                   Total                     1,052,192.76
6.6 Other receivables
(1) Other receivables by categories
                                                                             Closing balance
Category                                                 Carrying amount                        Bad debt provision
                                                    Amount                 (%)               Amount             (%)
Other receivables of which provision for
                                                171,563,880.09               69.69        148,758,640.84             86.71
bad debts is of individually significant
Other receivables of which provision for
                                                 74,610,377.15               30.31         30,102,509.49             40.35
bad debts is of individually insignificant
                    Total                       246,174,257.24              100.00        178,861,150.33             72.66

                                                                            Opening balance
                 Category                                Carrying amount                       Bad debt provision
                                                    Amount                 (%)              Amount               (%)
Other receivables of which provision for
                                                 162,317,209.49             68.13         148,762,358.18             91.65
bad debts is of individually significant
Other receivables of which provision for
                                                  75,916,605.39             31.87          29,943,158.49             39.44
bad debts is of individually insignificant
                    Total                        238,233,814.88            100.00         178,705,516.67             75.01

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(2) Other receivables by aging
                                                            Closing balance                           Opening balance
                                                      Amount                  (%)                Amount               (%)
Within 1 year                                        20,528,715.30                  8.34       13,021,175.42                5.47
1-2 years                                             1,989,288.15                  0.81        4,521,021.36                1.90
2-3 years                                             4,038,189.79                  1.64        4,927,273.39                2.07
Over 3 years                                       219,618,064.00               89.21       215,764,344.71                 90.56
                      Total                        246,174,257.24              100.00       238,233,814.88                100.00

(3) Bad debt provision
(a) Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually significant
      Content of accounts                             Amount of bad Proportion
                                  Carrying amount                                              Reasons for the provision
            receivable                                      debt      of provision
Other receivables due from                                                             A separate provision is established
subsidiaries that are not                                                              according to the recoverability of
                                     128,364,720.80 128,361,773.43             99.99
included in the consolidated                                                           each receivables with long aging and
financial statements                                                                   little retrievability
Others                               43,199,159.29 20,396,867.41              47.22
              Total                 171,563,880.09 148,758,640.84             86.71

(b) Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually insignificant
                                                             Proportion of      Amount of
     Content of other receivables         Carrying amount                                          Reasons for the provision
                                                               provision            bad debt
Other       receivables   due     from                                                           A separate provision is
subsidiaries that are not included                                                               established according to the
                                            1,324,136.04      1,275,667.04             96.34
in    the    consolidated     financial                                                          recoverability of each
statements                                                                                       receivables with long aging
Others                                     73,286,241.11     28,826,842.45             39.33 and little retrievability
                 Total                     74,610,377.15     30,102,509.49             40.35

(4)There were no any account receivables which had been provided fully or at large
proportion but had been fully collected or reversed back during the current period.
(5)There were no any other material receivables written off during the current period.
(6)There were no any other receivables due from shareholders holding 5% or more of
the Group’s shares with voting right during the current period.

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(7)Details of the other receivables displayed by nature
          Nature of the other receivables                          Closing balance                  Beginning balance
Ligation compensation                                                          9,600,000.00                 9,600,000.00
The other receivable from subsidiaries not
                                                                            129,688,856.84                129,692,578.94
Current accounts                                                             82,334,903.67                 78,221,377.57
Deposit                                                                      15,686,459.44                 11,092,508.60
Other                                                                          8,864,037.29                 9,627,349.77
                          Total                                             246,174,257.24                238,233,814.88

(8)Top 5 entities with the largest balances of other receivables
                                  Relationship                                    Proportion of the
                                                                                                         Provision for bad
        Name of entity              with the         Amount           Age          amount to the
                                                                                                         debt at year end
                                     Group                                           total OR (%)
Canada Great                                                         Above 3
                                   Subsidiary      89,035,748.07                              36.17       89,035,748.07
Wall( Vancouver) Co.,Ltd *                                             years
                                                                     Above 3
Paklid Limited *                   Subsidiary      18,442,501.44                               7.49       18,439,554.07
                                                                     Above 3
Bekaton property Limited *         Subsidiary      12,559,290.58                               5.10       12,559,290.58
Guangdong province
                                                                     Above 3
Huizhou Luofu Hill Mineral        Joint venture    10,465,168.81                               4.25       10,465,168.81
Water Co.,Ltd
Luofu Hill Travelling             Un- related                        Above 3
                                                    9,600,000.00                               3.90        4,800,000.00
Corporation                          party                             years
            Total                                 140,102,708.90                              56.91      135,299,761.53

Note: The above subsidiaries were not included in the Group’s consolidated financial
statements. Refer to Note 8.1 for details.
(9) For details of receivables due from related parties, please refer to Note 9.6.
(10) There were no any other receivables that have been derecognized.
(10) There were no any other receivables which had been securitized during the
current period.

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

 6.7 Inventory
 (1) Categories of inventory
                                                                             Closing balance
                                                 Carrying amount       Provision for inventories    Net carrying amount
 Real estate development projects
Real estate developing products                    285,410,019.09                              --       285,410,019.09
Real estate developed products                   1,803,419,086.55                 17,569,186.32        1,785,849,900.23
Real estate which are going to be developed        341,690,984.20                              --       341,690,984.20
 Non real estate development projects
Raw materials
Finished products                                      541,123.41                              --            541,123.41
Low-value consumable products                          672,960.32                   278,891.91               394,068.41
Construction in progress                            40,532,573.07                              --         40,532,573.07
                      Total                      2,472,266,746.64                 17,848,078.23        2,454,418,668.41

                                                                             Opening balance
                                                 Carrying amount       Provision for inventories    Net carrying amount
 Real estate development projects
Real estate developing products                    206,672,758.28                              --       206,672,758.28
Real estate developed products                   2,236,980,404.61                25,114,387.88         2,211,866,016.73
Real estate which are going to be developed        324,164,580.02                              --       324,164,580.02
 Non real estate development projects
Raw materials                                          522,104.77                              --            522,104.77
Finished products                                      643,946.37                   278,891.91               365,054.46
Construction in progress                            52,961,142.16                              --         52,961,142.16
                      Total                      2,821,944,936.21                25,393,279.79         2,796,551,656.42

  (2) Developing real estate products
                                      Starting    Finished Estimated total                                  Opening
                                                                                    Closing balance
                                       time         time        investment                                  balance
 DongHuDiJing Building                                                               140,342,987.61     136,423,233.30
 Shengfang Shanglin Garden-           Year         Year
                                                                                    120,950,485.49      46,371,960.75
 Nanshan                              2015         2017

 ShanTou Fresh Peak Building                                                         24,116,545.99      23,877,564.23
              Total                                                                285,410,019.09       206,672,758.28

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

 (3) Developed real estate products
        Name of project                     Opening balance              Additions            Reductions              Closing balance
Jinye Island Multi-tier villa    1997         38,933,768.09                          --                     --         38,933,768.09
Jinye Island villa No.6           2007         2,961,996.22                          --                     --          2,961,996.22
Jinye Island villa No.9           2009                    --                         --                     --                     --
Jinye Island villa No.10          2010        32,478,194.38                  8,966.54         5,393,092.05             27,094,068.87
Jinye Island villa No.11          2008        13,177,368.28                                      52,343.97             13,125,024.31
HuangPuXinChun No.1               1994           121,283.88                          --                     --            121,283.88
HuangPuXinChun No.2               2007           228,961.81                          --          40,984.32                187,977.49
HuaFeng Building                  2000         1,631,743.64                          --                     --          1,631,743.64
XingHu Garden Multi-tier          2003           156,848.69                          --                     --            156,848.69
BeiJing       Fresh       Peak
                                                 671,820.67                          --                     --            671,820.67
Wenjin      warehouse      1-5
                                              13,507,895.61                          --      13,507,895.61                         --
Real Estate building                           11,025,444.77                         --                     --         11,025,444.77
Wenjing Garden                                 3,818,939.87                          --                     --          3,818,939.87
Shenfang Chuanqishan             2013       1,310,962,978.80                         --     267,389,664.81 1,043,573,313.99
Shantou Yuejing Dongfang 2014                117,347,660.94                          --      12,744,470.27            104,603,190.67
Shenfang Shanglin Garden 2014                689,955,498.96                          --     134,441,833.57            555,513,665.39
             Total                          2,236,980,404.61                 8,966.54       433,570,284.60 1,803,419,086.55

(4)Real estate which are going to be developed
                                 Opening balance          Additions                  Reductions                  Closing balance
Shantou Jingzaiwan                 324,164,580.02        17,526,404.18                               --               341,690,984.20
           Total                   324,164,580.02        17,526,404.18                               --               341,690,984.20

(5) Movement of Provision of inventories
               Item                   Opening balance    Increase                                                      Closing balance
                                                                            Reversals           Write-off
Shengfang Shanglin Garden                25,114,387.88              --                --        7,545,201.56           17,569,186.32
Finished products                           278,891.91              --                --                         --       278,891.91
               Total                     25,393,279.79              --                --        7,545,201.56           17,848,078.23

(6) Capitalized borrowing cost at year end is RMB 75,762,958.50.

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

6.8 Other current assets
                Item                               Contents                      Closing balance     Opening balance
Value added tax                 Input tax to be deducted                            4,827,690.15            4,382,360.04
Business tax                    Tax paid for advances from customers                            --                    --
City construction surcharge     Tax paid for advances from customers                            --            32,221.30
Education surcharge             Tax paid for advances from customers                            --                    --
Local education surcharge       Tax paid for advances from customers                            --                    --
Embankment Protection Fee Tax paid for advances from customers                         30,112.31              60,353.35
Increment tax on land value Tax paid for advances from customers                                --          7,961,089.71
               Total                                                                4,857,802.46           12,436,024.40

6.9 Available-for-sale financial assets
(1) Details of available-for-sale financial assets
                                         Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                            Book balance        Impairment    Book value        Book balance Impairment      Book value
                              17,464,240.74              -- 17,464,240.74 17,464,240.74               -- 17,464,240.74
equity instrument
Including:Measured by
                                           --            --                --              --         --                  --
fair value
      Measured by cost        17,464,240.74              -- 17,464,240.74 17,464,240.74               -- 17,464,240.74
Others                                     --            --                --              --         --                  --
             Total            17,464,240.74              -- 17,464,240.74 17,464,240.74               -- 17,464,240.74

                                      SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(2)Available-for-sale financial assets measured by cost at year end
                                                                  Book balance                                                     Provision for impairment                       Proportion
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Curr. year
                Investee                                                                                                                                                            rate in
                                              Opening bal.    Increase.       Decrease         Closing bal.        Opening bal.      increase    decrease         Closing bal.                    cash div.
Shantou Small &Medium Enterprises
                                              12,000,000.00             --           --        12,000,000.00                  --            --              --              --         10.00      350,000.00
Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd
Yunnan KunPeng Flight service Co.,Ltd          5,464,240.74             --           --         5,464,240.74                  --            --              --              --         25.00                  --
                 Total                        17,464,240.74             --           --        17,464,240.74                  --            --              --              --                    350,000.00

Note: The Group’s shareholding proportion to Yunnan Kunpeng Flight service Co., Ltd is 25%. Because the Group have no participating
right to its finance and operating policies, the Group cannot exercise the significant influences on the investee.
6.10Long-term equity investments
(1) Long-term equity investments by types
                                                                                                                            Change amount of this year
                Invested company                                             Additional         Negative           Profit and loss on investments                Other comprehensive           Other equity
                                                                             investment        investment          confirmed with equity method                   income adjustment              change
I.Joint ventures
Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill Mineral
                                                         9,969,206.09                     --                  --                                       --                                 --                       --
Water Co.,Ltd
Fengkai Xinhua Hotel                                     9,455,465.38                     --                  --                                       --                                 --                       --
Jiangmen Xinjiang Real Estate Co., Ltd                   9,037,070.89                     --                  --                                       --                                 --                       --
Xi’an Fresh Peak Property Trading Co., Ltd            32,840,729.61                      --                  --                                       --                                 --                       --
Dongyi Real Estate Co., Ltd                            30,376,084.89                      --                  --                                       --                                 --                       --
                       Subtotal                        91,678,556.86                      --                  --                                       --                                 --                       --

                                      SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                                                                     Change amount of this year
                Invested company                                        Additional           Negative        Profit and loss on investments     Other comprehensive          Other equity
                                                                       investment            investment      confirmed with equity method        income adjustment             change
II.Affiliated enterprises
Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                        1,372,207.20                     --              --                        -129,692.73                           --                  --
Shenzhen Runhua Automobile trading Co.,Ltd             1,445,425.56                     --              --                                 --                           --                  --
                       Subtotal                        2,817,632.76                     --              --                                 --                           --                  --
III.Other equity investments                         206,636,006.42                     --              --                                 --                           --                  --
                       Subtotal                      206,636,006.42                     --              --                                 --                           --                  --
                        Total                        301,132,196.04                     --              --                        -129,692.73                           --                  --

                                                                       Change amount of this year
                                                                                                                                  Ending        Provision for impairment balance
                Invested company                       Cash dividend or profit               Provision for
                                                                                                                   Other         balance                  at year end
                                                                declared                      impairment
I.Joint ventures
Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill Mineral
                                                                                   --                        --            --    9,969,206.09                        9,969,206.09
Water Co.,Ltd
Fengkai Xinhua Hotel                                                               --                        --            --    9,455,465.38                        9,455,465.38
Jiangmen Xinjiang Real Estate Co., Ltd                                             --                        --            --    9,037,070.89                           912,537.16
Xi’an Fresh Peak Property Trading Co., Ltd                                        --                        --            --   32,840,729.61                       20,673,831.77
Dongyi Real Estate Co., Ltd                                                        --                        --            --   30,376,084.89                       21,225,715.87
Subtotal                                                                           --                        --            --   91,678,556.86                       62,236,756.27
II.Affiliated enterprises                                                          --                        --            --
Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                                                    --                        --            --    1,242,514.47                        1,076,954.64

                                     SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                       Change amount of this year
                                                                                                                                Ending        Provision for impairment balance
              Invested company                         Cash dividend or profit           Provision for
                                                                                                                Other          balance                  at year end
                                                                declared                  impairment
Shenzhen Runhua Automobile trading Co.,Ltd                                         --                    --             --     1,445,425.56                        1,445,425.56
                    Subtotal                                                       --                    --             --     2,687,940.03                           2,522,380.2
III.Other equity investments                                                       --                    --             --   206,636,006.42                      178,642,972.78
                    Subtotal                                                       --                    --             --   206,636,006.42                      178,642,972.78
                      Total                                                        --                    --             --   301,002,503.31                      243,402,109.25

  Note: The details of other equity investments are listed on note 8.1-Equity in subsidiaries.

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

6.11 Investment properties
   Investment properties measured at cost.
                     Item                    House& building Land-use right Construction in progress      Total
I.Original carrying value
1.Opening balance                            757,560,363.04 94,368,659.33                         -- 851,929,022.37
2.Increase in the year                                     --             --                      --                 --
(1)Outsourcing                                           --             --                      --                 --
(2)Carried over from inventory                           --             --                      --                 --
(3)Others                                                --             --                      --                 --
3.Decrease in the year                                     --   135,640.30                        --     135,640.30
4.Closing balance                            757,560,363.04 94,233,019.03                         -- 851,793,382.07
II.Accumulative depreciation& amortization

1.Opening balance                            305,719,209.78               --                      -- 305,719,209.78
2.Increase in the year                       10,272,079.32                --                      -- 10,272,079.32

(1)Withdrawing or amortization             10,272,079.32                --                      -- 10,272,079.32
(2)Carried over from assets                              --             --                      --

3.Decrease in the year                                     --             --                      --
4. Closing balance                           315,991,289.10               --                      -- 315,991,289.10

III. Provision for impairment
1.Opening balance                             14,128,544.62 77,452,762.00                         -- 91,581,306.62
2.Increase in the year                                     --             --                      --                 --
3.Decrease in the year                                     --   111,326.32                        --     111,326.32
4.Closing balance                             14,128,544.62 77,341,435.68                         -- 91,469,980.30
IV. Book value

1.Closing book value                         427,440,529.32 16,891,583.35                         -- 444,332,112.67
2.Opening book value                         437,712,608.64 16,915,897.33                         -- 454,628,505.97

Note: (a) Current period depreciation and amortization is RMB10,272,079.32;
(b)The decrease of original carrying value and provision for impairment of land-use
right is caused by the fluctuation of foreign exchange rate when translating the
foreign currency financial statements;
(c)Among the investment properties, there were house &building with carrying value
RMB 368,381,573.15 that were used as mortgage of long-term loans(including the

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

long-term loans that will mature within one year), referring to note 6.45 for details.
6.12 Fixed assets
                                                Houses&          Transportation
                     Item                                                          equipment and          Total
                                                Buildings         equipment

I.Original carrying value

1.Opening balance                            106,068,689.59       15,927,469.18      14,232,832.72 136,228,991.49

2. Increase in the year                                     --      312,649.00          317,985.82        630,634.82

(1)Purchasing                                             --       312,649.00         317,985.82        630,634.82

(2)Transferred from the construction in

3. Decrease in the year                         1,828,000.00         315,293.00         225,746.40       2,369,039.40

(1)Disposal or discard as useless             1,828,000.00         315,293.00         225,746.40       2,369,039.40

(2)Decrease of cooperation combination                    --                --                   --                --

(3)Transferred to investment property                     --                --                   --                --

4. Closing balance                           104,240,689.58       15,927,469.18      14,319,527.15 134,487,685.91

II.Accumulated depreciation

1.Opening balance                             59,822,761.65       11,908,897.93      10,176,035.69      81,907,695.27

2. Increase in the year                         2,308,924.14         664,284.03         707,670.18       3,680,878.35

Including:withdrawing                          2,308,924.14         664,284.03         707,670.18       3,680,878.35

3. Decrease in the year                         1,668,237.72                  --        214,459.08       1,882,696.80

(1)Disposal or discard as useless             1,668,237.72                  --        214,459.08       1,882,696.80

(2)Decrease of corporate combination                      --                --                   --                --

(3)Transferred to investment property                     --                --                   --                --

4. Closing balance                            60,463,448.07       12,573,181.96      10,669,246.79      83,705,876.82

III. Provision for Impairment

1.Opening balance                                           --                --                   --                --

2. Increase in the year                                     --                --                   --                --

Including:Withdrawing                                      --                --                   --                --

3. Decrease in the year                                     --                --                   --                --

4. Closing balance                                          --                --                   --                --

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                Houses&        Transportation
                      Item                                                         equipment and            Total
                                                Buildings          equipment

IV. Book value

1. Ending book value                          43,777,241.51        3,354,287.22          3,650,280.36   50,781,809.09

2. Beginning book value                       46,245,927.94     4,018,571.25             4,056,797.03   54,321,296.22

Note: (1)The depreciation for the current year is RMB 3,680,878.35. There were no
constructions in progress transferred to fixed assets during the period.
(2)Details of fixed assets whose ownership are restricted
As of 30 Jun 2015, amounting to RMB 22,810,665.09 (original cost is RMB
49,696,185.15) of houses& buildings (book value RMB 23,597,554.47 with original
cost RMB 49,696,185.15 as of Dec.31,2014) were used as mortgage for the
long-term loans (including long-term loans that would mature within one year). Refer
to Note 6.45).
6.13 Intangible assets
                     Item                        Software                Taxi license                   Total
I.Carrying value
1. Opening balance                                 2,241,800.00                 6,368,000.00              8,609,800.00
2.Increase in the year                                        --                            --                       --
(1)Purchased                                                --                            --                       --
(2)Internally developed                                     --                            --                       --
(3)Increase of corporate combination                        --                            --                       --
3. Decrease in the year                                       --                            --                       --
(1)Disposal                                                 --                            --                       --
(2)Decrease of corporate combination                        --                            --                       --
4. Closing balance                                 2,241,800.00                 6,368,000.00              8,609,800.00
II.Accumulated amortization
1.Opening balance                                  1,180,653.17                 1,227,920.00              2,408,573.17
2. Increase in the year                            192,379.98                   83,790.00                276,169.98
Including:withdrawing                               192,379.98                   83,790.00                276,169.98
3. Decrease in the year                                       --                            --                       --
(1)Disposal                                                 --                            --                       --

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                       Item                             Software                  Taxi license                       Total
(2)Decrease of corporate combination                                   --                          --                             --
4. Closing balance                                            1,373,033.15              1,311,710.00                   2,684,743.15
III. Provision for impairment                                            --                          --                             --
1. Opening balance                                                       --                          --                             --
2. Increase in the year                                                  --                          --                             --
  Including: withdrawing                                                 --                          --                             --
3. Decrease in the year                                                  --                          --                             --
4. Closing balance                                                       --                          --                             --
IV. Book value
1. Ending book value                                           868,766.85               5,056,290.00                   5,925,056.85
2. Beginning book value                                       1,061,146.83              5,140,080.00                   6,201,226.83

6.14 Long-term deferred assets
                              Opening                                             Other          Closing           Reason for other
         Item                                Increase           Amortization
                              balance                                           reductions       balance              reductions
Renovation costs              237,242.59    379,800.00            109,576.44              --     507,466.15
Others                         76,916.82            --             35,499.96              --        41,416.86
Total                         314,159.41    379,800.00            145,076.40              --     548,883.01

6.15 Deferred tax assets
(1) Recognized deferred tax assets
                                                   Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                Item                                             Deductible or taxable Deferred tax            Deductible or taxable
                                    Deferred tax assets
                                                                temporary differences      assets              temporary differences
Provision for impairment
                                            4,392,296.58                17,569,186.32     6,278,596.97              25,114,387.88
losses of assets
Dismission welfare                                       --                        --                     --                       --
Deductible loss                             5,831,284.22                23,325,136.88     3,908,766.86              15,635,067.44
Sales agency fees                                        --                        --                     --                       --
Expected profit for advances
                                            7,768,078.99                31,072,315.97     2,324,965.32               9,299,861.26
from customers
  Eliminated unrealized profit
  when consolidating financial              1,142,180.88                 4,568,723.54     1,344,264.82               5,377,059.31
                Total                      19,133,840.67                76,535,362.70 13,856,593.97                 55,426,375.89

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(2) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets
                       Item                               Closing balance                  Opening balance
Deductible operating losses                                        1,720,972.29                      1,718,556.24
Bad debt provision                                                49,444,405.95                     49,444,405.95
Provision for decline in value of inventories                          69,722.98                         69,722.98

Provision for impairment of long-term investments                 60,850,527.31                     60,850,527.31
Provision for impairment of investment properties                 22,895,326.66                     22,895,326.66

                       Total                                     134,980,955.19                    134,978,539.14

(3) Unrecognized deductible losses of deferred tax assets will be expire at the end of
following years
                       Year                               Closing balance                  Opening balance
2015                                                               2,662,914.18                      2,662,914.18
2016                                                               1,008,640.93                      1,008,640.93
2017                                                                 121,995.97                        136,226.52
2018                                                               2,942,308.35                      2,942,317.62
2019                                                                 148,029.72                        124,125.69
                       Total                                       6,883,889.15                      6,874,224.94

6.16 Short-term loans
                       Item                               Closing balance                  Opening balance
Entrusted loan                                                                 --                                --
Credit Loan                                                       30,000,000.00                     30,000,000.00
Mortgage Loan                                                     50,000,000.00                                  --
Pledged Loan                                                     148,773,616.64                    119,846,192.64
                       合计                                      228,773,616.64                    149,846,192.64

   Note: Refer to note 6.2/Notes receivable and note 6.3/Accounts receivable for the
6.17 Notes payable
                       Item                             Closing balance                  Opening balance
Trade acceptance                                                                --                                   --
Bank acceptance                                                                 --                     2,780,000.00
                      Total                                                     --                     2,780,000.00

Note: There were no notes payable that were mature but not paid at the end of the

6.18 Accounts payable

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(1) Details of accounts payable
                   Item                              Closing balance                      Opening balance
Within 1 year                                                    221,497,414.72                     298,794,068.00
Over 1 year                                                      104,321,016.93                     242,744,694.36
                   Total                                         325,818,431.65                     541,538,762.36

(2)There were no any accounts payable to shareholders holding 5% or more of the
Group’s shares with voting right or to related parties in the reporting period.
(3)Significant accounts payable aged more than one year is for the unsettled project
at the end of the period.
6.19 Advances from customers
 (1) Details of advances from customers
                   Item                               Closing balance                      Opening balance
Within one year                                                  340,886,706.76                      116,587,933.19

Over one year                                                      25,202,680.00                      27,727,988.15

                   Total                                         366,089,386.76                      144,315,921.34

(2) There were no any advances from customers to shareholders holding 5% or
more of the Group’s shares with voting right or to related parties in the reporting
(3)Significant advances from customers aged more than one year is the import and
export agency business payment and advanced payment from housing buyers, as
such receipts have not been transferred into income at the end of the period.
(4) Details of advances from customers
                Item                     Closing balance         Opening balance      Estimated time of completion
Jinye Island villa No.6                         6,500,000.00          6,500,000.00              Completed
Jinye Island villa No.10                       20,074,459.00         27,191,578.00              Completed
Jinye Island villa No.11                        1,112,624.00            632,624.00              Completed
Shenfang Chuanqishan                          183,026,365.60         36,241,532.00              Completed
Shenfang Shanlin Garden                        85,812,745.00         20,315,434.00              Completed
Yuejing dongfang                               13,427,399.00          8,637,269.00              Completed
                Total                         309,953,592.60         99,518,437.00

6.20 Employee benefits payable
(1) Details of employee benefits payable
                    Item                       Opening balance        Increase       Decrease       Closing balance
I.Short-term remuneration                          36,791,196.66 66,289,105.21 66,765,134.01          36,315,167.86

II.Post-employment          benefit-defined         1,277,645.37     5,063,298.46    5,056,194.14       1,284,749.69

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                   Item                        Opening balance               Increase              Decrease         Closing balance
benefit plans
III. Severance welfares                                            --                   --                    --                     --
IV. Other benefits due within 1 year                               --                   --                    --                     --
                   Total                           38,068,842.03 71,352,403.67 71,821,328.15                             37,599,917.55

(2) Details of short-term remuneration
                        Item                      Opening balance              Increase              Decrease           Closing balance

I.Salary, bonus, allowance and subsidies             34,905,319.98            57,203,106.37 57,557,133.67 34,551,292.68

II. Employee welfare                                                    --     2,132,787.29          2,132,787.29

III. Social insurance premium                         1,094,679.31             3,121,953.19          3,121,953.19         1,094,679.31

  Including: Medical insurance premium                1,093,804.76             2,683,377.39          2,683,377.39         1,093,804.76

                Industries insurance premium                  672.12            201,204.67            201,204.67                672.12

                Maternity insurance premium                   202.43            237,371.13            237,371.13                202.43

IV. Housing fund                                             4,140.10          2,775,097.00          2,775,097.00             4,140.10

V. Union expenses and employee education
                                                           787,057.27          1,056,161.36          1,178,162.86           665,055.77
VI. Short-term paid absence                                             --                    --                   --                --
VII. Short-term profit share plan                                       --                    --                   --                --
                        Total                        36,791,196.66            66,289,105.21 66,765,134.01 36,315,167.86

(3) The details of defined contribution plans
              Item                     Opening balance            Increase                Decrease                 Closing balance
I. Basic endowment insurance
                                           1,250,798.81           3,168,168.37               3,168,168.37                 1,250,798.81
II. Unemployment insurance
                                                 114.92             152,783.11                152,783.11                        114.92
III. Company annuity payment                   26,731.64          1,742,346.98               1,735,242.66                    33,835.96

                Total                      1,277,645.37           5,063,298.46               5,056,194.14                 1,284,749.69

Note: The Group participates in the basic endowment insurance and unemployment
plan sponsored by the government according to the regulations. Beside the monthly
payment mentioned above, the Group undertakes no further payment obligation. The
related expenses are recognized in profit and loss or the cost of relevant asset in the
current period when incurred.

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

6. 21 Taxes payable
                          Item                                  Closing balance               Opening balance
Corporate income tax                                                   70,165,400.67                  71,199,952.35
Individual income tax                                                      726,942.20                    732,767.28
Property tax                                                            1,763,706.34                   1,763,706.34
Land appreciation tax                                                  30,283,801.38                   7,142,066.16
Business tax                                                           11,945,466.30                  13,509,112.94
Construction tax                                                           727,463.08                    856,235.33
Education surcharge                                                        418,740.66                    475,089.21
Local Education surcharge                                                  268,671.60                    298,969.54
Others                                                                      77,222.62                    417,094.52
                          Total                                      116,377,414.85                   96,394,993.67

6.22 Interest payable
                          Item                                  Closing balance               Opening balance
Interest of long-term loans with interest payable by
                                                                        1,156,396.64                   2,181,117.24
installments and principle payable on maturity
Interest payable on short-term loans                                               --                              --
Others                                                                 16,535,277.94                  16,535,277.94
                          Total                                        17,691,674.58                  18,716,395.18

Note: The balance of “Other” refers to the interest payable to Shenzhen Investment
Holdings Co.,Ltd., being accrued for the loans. Please refer refer to note 9.6 (2).
6.23 Other payables
(1)Details of other payables
                      Item                               Closing balance                    Opening balance
Land appreciation tax accrued                                     134,623,396.17                     128,273,955.95
Payable to related parties                                         87,730,550.08                      88,340,761.01
 Deposit                                                           46,334,935.87                      48,535,401.89

Others                                                            145,960,860.96                     141,721,798.91
                      Total                                       414,649,743.08                     406,871,917.76

(2) Other payables to shareholders holding 5% or more of the Group’s shares with
    voting right or to related parties in the reporting period. Please refer to Note 9.6
    Related party accounts receivable and payable.

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(3) Description of significant other payables aged more than one year
                Name of entity                     Amount             Reason for overdue     If paid after reporting date
Tax accrued- land appreciation tax             117,730,650.44            Unexpired                       No
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,Ltd.          53,848,819.24             Unsettled                      No
                     Total                     171,579,469.68

(4) Description for significant balances of other payables
The Group made provision for LAT, according to Guo Shui Fa [2006] No. 187 "LAT
liquidation management issues of real estate development enterprises made by the
State Administration of Taxation ". As at Jun 30, 2015, the closing balance is RMB
6.24 Non-current liabilities due within one year
(1)Details of non-current liabilities due within one year
                       Item                                 Closing balance                       Opening balance
Long-term loans due within one year (Note 6.25)                       255,498,849.98                    453,207,700.00
                       Total                                          255,498,849.98                    453,207,700.00

(2) Long-term loan due within one year
1) Details of Long-term loan due within one year
                       Item                                 Closing balance                       Opening balance
Loan with mortgage                                                    255,498,849.98                    453,207,700.00
                       Total                                          255,498,849.98                    453,207,700.00

2)Top 5 long-term loans due within one year
                        Inception date
       Lender                             Maturity date    Currency        Closing balance           Opening balance
                              of loans

China Construction           2012.8.28     2015.8.27        RMB                50,000,000.00            100,000,000.00

                             2012.11.21    2015.8.27        RMB                10,000,000.00            100,000,000.00
Bank(Shenzhen                2013.12.27    2016.6.27        RMB                48,000,000.00             48,000,000.00
                             2014.11.27    2016.6.27        RMB                24,000,000.00             24,000,000.00
Shenzhen Rural
                             2013.8.29     2016.6.21        RMB                13,200,000.00             13,200,000.00
Commercial Bank
                             2012.6.14     2015.6.14        RMB                              --          40,909,090.94
Huashang Bank
                              2015.5.7      2016.6.7        RMB                40,000,000.00                           --
(Shenzhen Branch)

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                        Inception date
       Lender                              Maturity date     Currency      Closing balance           Opening balance
                           of loans
Bank(Shantou              2013.4.22         2016.4.15          RMB              32,989,352.23                          --
Huangshan Branch)
          Total                                                               218,189,352.23           326,109,090.94

Note: (a)Amounts repaid after the balance sheet date are RMB 72,389.0 thousand.
(b)The rates of above borrowing depend on the benchmark interest rate of the
People's Bank of China for the same period plus a certain proportion floating of the
benchmark interest rate.
6.25 Long-term loans
(1) Long-term loans categories
                          Item                                    Closing balance               Opening balance
Loan with mortgage                                                      725,175,144.24                 932,193,279.95
Less: long-term loans due within one year (Note 6.24)                   255,498,849.98                 453,207,700.00
                          Total                                         469,676,294.26                 478,985,579.95

Note: The categories and amounts of mortgaged assets of mortgaged loans are
shown in note 6.45.
(3)Top 5 significant long-term loans
           Lender             The inception of loans Maturity date Currency Closing balance Opening balance

Huashang Bank (Shenzhen
                                       2015.5.7             2025.5.7      RMB       160,000,000.00                 --

Shenzhen Rural                        2014.11.27           2019.11.27     RMB        75,375,000.00       94,000,000.00

Commercial Bank                       2013.8.29            2018.8.29      RMB        72,600,000.00       79,200,000.00

Zheshang Bank(Shenzhen
                                      2013.8.23            2018.8.16      RMB        83,000,000.00       93,000,000.00

Bank of Shanghai
                                      2013.12.27           2016.12.27     RMB        30,000,000.00       54,000,000.00
(Shenzhen Branch)

Beijing Bank(Shenzhen
                                      2014.12.9            2017.12.9      RMB        35,000,000.00       40,000,000.00

            Total                                                                   455,975,000.00     360,200,000.00

Note: The rates of above loans depend on the benchmark interest rate of the
People's Bank of China for the same period adding a certain floating proportion of the
benchmark interest rate.
       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

6.26 Long-term payables
Details of long-term payables
                         Item                                             Closing balance                             Opening balance
 Maintenance fund                                                                      10,891,521.49                                   11,267,012.97
                         Total                                                         10,891,521.49                                   11,267,012.97

6.27 Share capital
                                                        Changes for the period(+ 、-)
     Item         Opening balance Newly issued Bonus Capitalization of                                                          Closing balance
                                                                                                 Other        Subtotal
                                       shares               issued surplus reserve

 Total shares 1,011,660,000.00                         --        --                         --        --             --        1,011,660,000.00

6.28 Capital surplus
                             Item                                         Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance
Capital premium                                                           557,433,036.93                     --           --      557,433,036.93
Including: Capital contributed by investors                               557,433,036.93                     --           --      557,433,036.93
Other capital reserve                                                         420,811,873.18                 --           --           420,811,873.18
Including: Transfer from capital reserve under the previous
                                                                          420,811,821.17                     --           --      420,811,821.17
accounting system

                            Total                                         978,244,910.11                     --           --      978,244,910.11

6.29 Other comprehensive income
                                                                 Amount incurred this year
                                                              years                         Attributable          Attributable
                        Opening        before                                   Less:                                                      Closing
      Item                                                   ‘ OCI                              to parent         to minority
                        balance        income                                  income                                                      balance
                                                            transferred                          company          shareholders
                                       tax this                                  tax
                                                             to P&L in                           after tax          after tax
I. Other
income that
could not be                      --              --                     --            --                    --                   --                 --
classified into
profit and loss in
the future

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                             Amount incurred this year
                                                           years                        Attributable      Attributable
                         Opening        before                              Less:                                               Closing
       Item                                            ‘ OCI                            to parent         to minority
                          balance      income                              income                                              balance
                                                     transferred                         company         shareholders
                                        tax this                             tax
                                                      to P&L in                              after tax       after tax
income that
would be                9,510,918.16 -19,916.59                     --             --   100,796.80        -120,713.39        9,611,714.96
classified into
profit and loss in
the future
difference of
foreign currency
                        9,510,918.16 -19,916.59                     --             --   100,796.80        -120,713.39        9,611,714.96
       Total            9,510,918.16 -19,916.59                     --             --   100,796.80        -120,713.39        9,611,714.96
6.30 Surplus reserve
                Item                 Opening balance                Increase                      Decrease               Closing balance
Statutory surplus reserve                 4,974,391.15             37,200,223.52                                  --      42,174,614.67
                Total                     4,974,391.15             37,200,223.52                                  --      42,174,614.67

6.31 Undistributed profit
                                                                     Amount for the              Amount for the           Proportion of
                                                                     current period                prior period           appropriation
Before adjustment: Undistributed profits at the end of prior
                                                                    157,147,182.36               -140,886,134.13
Adjustment: adjust the beginning undistributed profits
                                                                                        --                        --
(Increase +, decrease -)
After adjustment: Undistributed profits at beginning of year 157,147,182.36                      -140,886,134.13
Plus: net profit attributable to the shareholders of the
                                                                    186,407,824.38                 34,732,376.73
parent company in the period
Less: Appropriation to the statutory surplus reserve                     37,200,223.52                            --

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                  Amount for the          Amount for the        Proportion of
                                                                  current period           prior period         appropriation
Appropriation to discretionary surplus reserve                                 --                         --
Common stock dividends declared                                                --                         --
Conversion of ordinary shares’ dividends into share capital                   --                         --
Undistributed profit at the end of the period                   306,354,783.22           -106,153,757.40
6.32 Operating income and costs
(1) Operating income and operating costs
                           Item                         Amount for the current period            Amount for the prior period
Principal operating income                                             1,136,260,495.32                        559,536,246.95
Other operating income                                                    11,292,278.64                         13,538,112.36
Total of operating income                                              1,147,552,773.96                        573,074,359.31
Principal operating costs                                               688,386,890.94                         421,104,716.98
Other operating costs                                                      9,258,985.21                         11,703,046.72
Total of operating costs                                                697,645,876.15                         432,807,763.70

(2)Principal operating activities (classified by industries)
                                          Amount for the current period                      Amount for the prior period
Name of industry
                                     Operating income          Operating costs           Operating income      Operating costs
Real estate                             778,325,116.00          373,731,699.64            267,924,034.00       162,993,544.27
Construction                            288,560,669.29          274,146,245.43            232,061,391.98       219,036,296.31
Leasing                                  40,340,045.53            15,684,513.28            37,319,392.86        17,579,397.00
Property management                      53,788,728.05            49,335,954.47            48,990,911.75        44,145,924.56
Subtotal                             1,161,014,558.87           712,898,412.82            586,295,730.59       443,755,162.14
Less: offset the internal amount         24,754,063.55            24,511,521.88            26,759,483.64        22,650,445.16
                Total                1,136,260,495.32           688,386,890.94            559,536,246.95       421,104,716.98
 (3) Principal operating activities (classified by geographical areas)
                                                 Amount for the current period                Amount for the prior period
      Name of geographical area
                                            Operating income Operating costs Operating income Operating costs
           GuangDong Province              1,121,494,711.98        675,731,968.47          585,995,267.08       443,755,162.14
Others                                          39,256,306.71       37,166,444.35                         --                    --
Overseas:                                         263,540.18                       --         300,463.51                        --
Subtotal                                   1,161,014,558.87       712,898,412.82          586,295,730.59       443,755,162.14
     Less: offset the internal amount           24,754,063.55       24,511,521.88          26,759,483.64        22,650,445.16
                   Total                   1,136,260,495.32       688,386,890.94          559,536,246.95       421,104,716.98

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(4) Operating income from the Company’s top 5 customers
                                                          Amount for the current period
                               Total operating income       Proportion to total operating income of the Company (%)
Corporation unit No.1                     10,723,075.42                              0.93
Individual No.1                           10,147,591.00                              0.88
Corporation unit No.2                      8,765,196.00                              0.76
Corporation unit No.3                      7,970,000.00                              0.69
Corporation unit No.4                      7,776,000.00                              0.68
           Total                          45,381,862.42                              3.95

                                                           Amount for the prior period
                               Total operating income       Proportion to total operating income of the Company (%)
Corporation unit No.1                      11,049,404.56                             1.92
Corporation unit No.2                       9,492,962.54                             1.66
Corporation unit No.3                       8,600,000.00                             1.50
Corporation unit No.4                       5,688,349.69                             0.10
Corporation unit No.5                       5,803,799.00                             0.10
           Total                           40,634,515.79                             5.28

6.33 Business taxes and surcharges
                    Item                      Amount for the current period                 Amount for the prior period
Business tax                                                     52,611,770.88                          26,486,953.63
City construction and maintenance tax                             3,676,074.73                           1,844,728.33
Education surcharges                                              1,633,057.08                             786,161.23
Property tax                                                      3,147,535.56                           3,147,535.56
Land appreciation tax                                            67,402,567.36                           7,888,879.25
Local education surcharges                                        1,007,544.94                            524,107.48
Embankment Protection Fee                                           133,784.09                             210,224.78
                    Total                                       129,612,334.64                          40,888,590.26

Note: Details of business taxes and surcharges please refer to Note 5 Taxation.
6.34 Selling expenses
                    Item                     Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period
Employee benefits                                               2,185,633.42                             1,409,837.69
Advertising expenses                                              859,282.31                             6,573,434.00
Entertainment expenses                                            431,393.00                               243,073.00

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                     Item                       Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period
Sales agency fees and commissions                               12,045,046.88                            2,186,632.33
Others                                                            1,724,821.14                           3,833,249.27
                     Total                                      17,246,176.75                           14,246,226.29

6.35 Administrative expenses
                     Item                       Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period
Employee benefits                                               16,438,072.85                           14,606,929.51
Taxes                                                             1,867,538.36                           1,080,363.33
Depreciation                                                      1,779,493.54                           1,923,998.68
Entertainment expenses                                            1,503,771.42                           1,603,284.50
Intermediary fee                                                  1,408,255.95                             395,583.12
Travel expense                                                    1,073,181.57                             277,541.82
Administrative expenses                                            624,088.54                              517,476.07
Repair charge                                                      353,534.20                              375,352.00
Water and electricity charges                                      569,519.97                              562,917.26
Other amortization                                                 339,187.58                              364,037.08
Others                                                            2,749,339.92                           3,889,245.83
                     Total                                      28,705,983.90                           25,596,729.20

6.36 Financial expenses
                     Item                       Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period
Interest expenses                                               29,574,363.82                           39,714,444.44
Less: Interest income                                             3,409,072.24                           5,356,386.45
Less: capitalized interest expenses                               1,519,728.41                          24,659,313.11
Exchange differences                                                  6,742.52                            -105,580.28
Less: Capitalized exchange differences                                          --                         233,241.81
Others                                                             303,626.16                            9,826,406.41
                     Total                                      24,955,931.85                           39,714,444.44

6.37 Impairment losses of assets
                     Item                       Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period
Bad debt loss                                                       159,351.00                                      --

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

6.38 Investment income
(1) Details of investment income
                                                                             Amount for the current        Amount for the prior
                                                                                     period                       period
Investment income from long-term investments under cost method                            350,000.00                              --
Investment income from long-term investments under equity method                      -129,692.73                                 --
Investment income on disposal of long-term investments                                              --                            --
Investment income from holding trading financial assets                                             --                            --
                                 Total                                                    220,307.27                              --

 (2) Income from long-term investments under equity method
                                         Amount for the current
          Name of investee                                              Amount for the prior period      Reasons for changes
Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                     -129,692.73                                    -- Investee’s operating loss
                Total                               -129,692.73                                    --

6.39 Non-operating income
                                                   Amount for the         Amount for the Amount included in non-recurring
                                                   current period           prior period          profit or loss for the period
Total gains on disposal of non-current assets                      --            396.00                                           --
Including: Gains on disposal of fixed assets                       --                     --                                      --
Gains on penalty                                      396,437.33                          --                          396,437.33
Others                                                   65,267.79            496,884.70                               65,267.79
                        Total                         461,705.12              497,280.70                              461,705.12

6.40 Non-operating expenses
                                                  Amount for the         Amount for the        Amount included in non-recurring
                                                  current period           prior period           profit or loss for the period
Total losses on disposal of non-current assets        10,037.32                  1,289.90                              10,037.32
Including: Losses on disposal of fixed assets         10,037.32                  1,289.90                              10,037.32
Donations to third parties                            44,000.00                           --                           44,000.00
Penalty expense                                               --                 1,320.95                                         --
Compensation expense                                       50.00               53,000.00                                    50.00
Others                                                24,727.83                64,576.43                               24,727.83
                        Total                         78,815.15              120,187.28                                78,815.15

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

6.41 Income tax expenses
(1) Details of income tax expenses
                        Item                      Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period
Current tax expense calculated according to
                                                                    68,703,538.14                       15,333,005.11
tax laws and relevant requirements
Adjustments to deferred tax                                         -5,277,246.70                                       --
                        Total                                       63,426,291.44                       15,333,005.11

(1) The process of calculating the income tax based on accounting profit
                                               Item                                                   Incurred in the
                                                                                                       current year
Consolidated profit this year                                                                           249,830,316.91
Income tax calculated at legal or applicable tax rate                                                    62,457,579.23
Impact of various tax rates applicable to subsidiaries                                                                   --
Adjustment of impact on the income tax in the previous period                                                253,308.80
Impact of non-taxable income                                                                                             --
Impact of non-deductible cost, expense and loss                                                              291,249.12
Impact of deductible losses deferred income tax assets unconfirmed in the previous use period                424,154.29
 Impact of the deductible temporary differences or deductible loss of unconfirmed deferred tax
 assets of this year.
Changes of the deferred tax assets/liability caused by the adjustment of tax rate                                        --
Income taxes                                                                                             63,426,291.44

6.42 Other comprehensive income
   Note: Please refer to note 6.29.
6.43 Notes to items in the cash flow statements
(1) Other cash receipts relating to operating activities
                           Item                          Amount for the current period    Amount for the prior period
Interest income                                                          3,702,703.58                    11,115,905.09
Cash pledge and security deposits                                      13,400,587.78                       7,059,143.48
Security deposit for mortgage                                                       --                                  --
Property license fee and survey fee                                      1,624,784.25                      2,136,966.14
Others                                                                 24,232,913.05                     40,028,327.25
Total                                                                  42,960,988.66                    60,340,341.96

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(2) Other cash payments relating to operating activities
                         Item                             Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period
Cash paid to general and administrative expenses                              9,992,904.33                       6,111,923.53
Cash paid to operating expenses                                           16,924,176.59                          3,424,691.38
Cash pledge and security deposits                                         15,151,522.32                          7,975,771.32
Property license fee and survey fee                                           1,156,112.97                      3,103,926.86
Others                                                                    19,045,444.59                       51,046,649.86
Total                                                                     62,270,160.80                       71,662,962.95

(3)Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
                         Item                             Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period
Certificate of deposit pledged                                                          --                                     --
The guarantee deposit                                                         2,785,000.00                                     --
Others                                                                                  --                                     --
                         Total                                                2,785,000.00                                     --

6.44 Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                                                                        Amount for the        Amount for the
                                                                                         current period         prior period
I.Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating     activities:
Net profit                                                                              186,404,025.47          34,752,731.76
Add:Provision for asset impairment                                                            159,351.00                       --
Depreciation of fixed assets, bio-assets, and natural gas                                    13,952,957.67      14,267,847.55
Amortization of intangible assets                                                              276,169.98          276,169.98
Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                                     145,076.40          107,096.30
Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                                  9,932.32                     --
assets(deduct: gains)
Losses on scrapping of fixed assets (deduct: gains)                                                105.00                      --
Loss of fair value variation (deduct: gains)                                                             --                    --
Financial expenses (deduct: gains)                                                           28,205,431.12    15,055,131.33
Losses from investments (deduct: gains)                                                        -220,307.27                     --
Decrease in deferred tax assets (deduct: increase))                                         -5,277,246.70                     --
Increase in deferred tax liabilities (deduct: decrease)                                                  --                    --
Decrease in inventories (deduct: increase)                                              342,132,988.01        -141,746,190.96
Decrease in operating receivables (deduct: increase)                                    -152,329,521.97        -14,789,214.12

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                                     Amount for the           Amount for the
                                                                                      current period           prior period
Increase in operating payables (deduct: decrease)                                      42,427,982.92          292,101,178.48
Others                                                                                             --                         --
Net cash flows from operating activities                                             455,886,943.95          200,024,750.32
II.Investing and financing activities that do not affect cash receipt and payment
Liabilities converted capital                                                                      --                         --
Reclassify convertible bonds to be expired within one year as current liability                    --                         --
Fixed assets subject to finance leases                                                             --                         --
III. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents:                                                    --                         --
Cash at the end of the period                                                        966,629,585.33           551,005,901.22
Less: cash at the beginning of the period                                            670,119,849.03           519,284,372.44
Add: cash equivalents at the end of the period                                                     --                         --
Less: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                              --                         --
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                            296,509,736.30            31,721,528.78

(2)Information of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                      Amount for the          Amount for the
                                                                                      current period           prior period
I.Cash                                                                                 966,629,585.33 670,119,849.03
    Including: Cash on hand                                                                79,061.23                61,413.08
                 Bank deposits                                                        966,550,524.10          670,058,435.95
                 Other monetary funds                                                                  --                      --
                 Deposits with the central bank                                                        --                      --
                 Deposits made with other banks                                                        --                      --
                 Placements with banks                                                                 --                      --
II.Cash equivalents                                                                                     --                     --
    Including: Investments in debt securities due within three months                                  --                     --
III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                     966,629,585.33 670,119,849.03

6.45 Ownership or use-right restricted assets
                                                                                                             The reasons for
               Categories of assets                                Item              Closing balance
Subtotal of pledged or mortgaged assets:
Inventories (Real estate developed product )        Jinye Island Multi-tier villa     38,933,768.09 mortgaged
Inventories (Real estate developed product )        Real Estate Building 5-6 floor     7,492,175.18 mortgaged

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                                                     The reasons for
               Categories of assets                           Item             Closing balance
Investment property                             Shenfang Square                241,164,083.88 mortgaged
Investment property                             Petrel Building                 69,398,943.73 mortgaged
Investment property                             GuoShang North 2 floor          57,818,545.54 mortgaged
Fixed assets                                    Shenfang Square 46-48 floor     22,810,665.09 mortgaged
  Subtotal of assets whose ownership or
  use-right are restricted by other reasons:
Monetary fund                                   Other monetary fund              6,000,000.00 Refer to note 6.1
Monetary fund                                   Other monetary fund                 52,400.00 Refer to note 6.1
                      Total                                                    443,670,581.51

6.46 The items of foreign currency
 (1) Details of items of foreign currency
                                       Balance of foreign currency at                               Balance of RMB
                  Item                                                    Exchange rate
                                                 year end                                             converted
Monetary fund
Including:USD                                            155,478.73                 6.1136                950,534.75
               HKD                                     10,217,018.61                0.78861              8,057,243.05
Other accounts receivable
Including:USD                                                       --                   --                           --
               HKD                                     20,184,867.00                0.78861             15,917,987.96
Other accounts payable
Including:USD                                         15,465,863.08                 6.1136             94,552,100.53
               HKD                                     15,918,034.59                0.78861             12,553,121.26

(2)Oversea operating entities
The Group’s significant oversea operating entities are American Great Wall Co., Ltd
and Fresh Peak Investment Co., Ltd. American Great Wall Co., Ltd chooses the USD
as the its functional currency, for its main operating activities are in the USA; Fresh
Peak Investment Co., Ltd. chooses the RMB as its functional currency, for it is a
investment company and its main operating activities are in the mainland of China.
Note 7 The changes of the scope of consolidation
There were no changes for the Group’s consolidation scope this year.
Note 8 Equities in other entities.

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

8.1 Equities in the subsidiaries
       (1) The formation of the Group
                                    Main operating      Reg.        Business                            Method of
        Name of the subsidiary                                                   proportion(%)
                                         area          place         nature                              acquiring
                                                                                  Direct Indirect
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co. Ltd.        Shenzhen       Shenzhen Services            68.10    31.90 establishment or
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen City Property
                                      Shenzhen       Shenzhen Services            95.00     5.00 establishment or
Management Ltd.
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering
                                      Shenzhen       Shenzhen Services            73.00    27.00 establishment or
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen City We Gen
                                      Shenzhen       Shenzhen Services            75.00    25.00 establishment or
Construction Management Ltd.
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen City Car Rental Ltd.         Shenzhen       Shenzhen       Services      55.00   45.00 establishment or
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen Shenfang Car Park Ltd.       Shenzhen       Shenzhen       Services      70.00   30.00 establishment or
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen City Shenfang
                                      Shenzhen       Shenzhen      Investment     90.00   10.00 establishment or
Investment Ltd.
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen City Shenfang Free                                        Commecial
                                      Shenzhen       Shenzhen                     95.00    5.00 establishment or
Trade Trading Ltd.                                                    trade
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen City SPG Long Gang
                                      Shenzhen       Shenzhen      Real estate    95.00    5.00 establishment or
Development Ltd.
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone                                                                      Acquiring through
Real Estate (Group) Guangzhou        Guangzhou       Guangzhou     Real estate      100     --      establishment or
Property and Estate Co., Ltd.                                                                       investment
       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                  Main operating     Reg.        Business                              Method of
     Name of the subsidiary                                                     proportion(%)
                                       area          place         nature                               acquiring
                                                                                 Direct Indirect
Beijing fresh peak property                                                                        Acquiring through
development management limited        Beijing       Beijing      Real estate     75.00     25.00 establishment or
company                                                                                            investment
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Beijing SPG Property
                                      Beijing       Beijing       Services       10.00     90.00 establishment or
Management Limited
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Shenzhen ShenWu Elebator
                                    Shenzhen       Shenzhen       Services             -- 100.00 establishment or
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Shenzhen Lain Hua Industry and
                                    Shenzhen       Shenzhen       Services       95.00     5.00 establishment or
Trading Co. Ltd.
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
                                                               Investment and
Fresh Peak Holding Ltd.             HongKong       HongKong                     100.00       --    establishment or
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Wellam Ltd.                         HongKong       HongKong                            -- 100.00 establishment or
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Shantou SEZ Wellam Fty Bldg.,
                                     ShanTou       ShanTou       Real estate           -- 100.00 establishment or
Dev. Co.
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Shantou Huafeng Estate Dev.Co.       ShanTou       ShanTou       Real estate    100.00       --    establishment or
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Great Wall Estate Co., Inc             USA           USA         Real estate    70.00        --    establishment or
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
                                                               Investment and
Fresh Peak Holdings Ltd.            HongKong       HongKong                     100.00       --    establishment or
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Fresh Peak Investment Ltd.          HongKong       HongKong Investment            --       55.00
                                                                                                   establishment or
       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                    Main operating     Reg.         Business                             Method of
     Name of the subsidiary                                                      proportion(%)
                                        area           place         nature                              acquiring
                                                                                  Direct Indirect
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
                                                                Investment and
Openice Ltd.                          HongKong       HongKong                    20.00    80.00 establishment or
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Barenie Co. Ltd.                      HongKong       HongKong      Investment    80.00       --     establishment or
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Keyear Development Ltd.               HongKong       HongKong Investment           --    100.00 establishment or
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Guangzhou Huangpu Xizun real
                                     GuangZhou       GuangZhou     Real estate     --    100.00 establishment or
estate limited company
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Fresh Peak Real Estate Dev.
                                       WuHan          WuHan        Real estate     --    100.00 establishment or
Construction (Wuhan) Co. Ltd.*
                                                                                                    Subsidiary acquired
Shantou Special Economic Zone
                                                                                                    through emerge
Real Estate (Group) Songshan          Shantou        Shantou       Real estate     --     100.00
                                                                                                    under non-common
Property and Estate Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen Shenfang Department                                       Commecial
                                      Shenzhen       Shenzhen                    95.00 5.00         establishment or
Store Co. Ltd.* ①                                                    trade
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd *②       Shenzhen       Shenzhen      Consultant    70.00 --           establishment or
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen City SPG Bao An
                                      Shenzhen       Shenzhen      Real estate   95.00 5.00         establishment or
Development Ltd.* ③
                                                                                                    Acquiring through
Shenzhen Real Estate                                                Integrated
                                      shenzhen       shenzhen                    100.00 --          establishment or
Consolidated Service Co., Ltd *④                                   Services
        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                   Main operating     Reg.        Business                             Method of
       Name of the subsidiary                                                   proportion(%)
                                        area          place         nature                              acquiring
                                                                                 Direct Indirect
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial
                                     Shenzhen       Shenzhen      Investment    100.00 --          establishment or
Development Co., Ltd.* ⑤
Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate                                                                          Acquiring through
Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.*      Shenzhen       Shenzhen       Services     100.00 --          establishment or
⑥                                                                                                 investment
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Bekaton Property Limited *⑦          Australia     Australia     Real estate   60.00 --           establishment or
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Canada Great Wall ( Vancouver)
                                      Canada         Canada       Real estate     --    60.00 establishment or
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Paklid Limited *⑦                   HongKong       HongKong                    100.00 --          establishment or
Shenzhen City Shenfang                                                                             Acquiring through
Construction and Decoration          Shenzhen       Shenzhen                    100.00 --          establishment or
Materials Ltd *⑧                                                                                  investment
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan                                         Integrated
                                     Shenzhen       Shenzhen                    68.00 --           establishment or
Enterprise Ltd. *⑨                                                Services
                                                                                                   Acquiring through
Shenzhen Xing Dongfang Store                                      Commecial
                                     Shenzhen       Shenzhen                    100.00 --          establishment or
Ltd.* ⑩                                                             trade
Guangdong Province Fengkai                                                                         Acquiring through
                                   Guangdongfen Guangdong
Lain Feng Cement Manufacturing                                   Manufacture      --    90.00 establishment or
                                        gkai         fengkai
Co., Ltd *                                                                                         investment

*① Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd
The shareholders meeting held on 29 October 2007 passed the resolution to
terminate business, liquidation and formed a group to carry out the liquidation
procedures. The liquidation group issued a notice of liquidation on 7 December 2007.
According to the principle of “Enterprise Accounting Standards No.33- the
     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Consolidation Financial Statement”, the Store will not be included in the Company’s
consolidated financial statement. The book value of the investment account of the
Company is zero.
*② Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd
The shareholders meeting held on 12 May 2008 passed the resolution to terminate
business, liquidation and formed a group to carry out the liquidation procedures. The
liquidation group issued a notice of liquidation on 5 December 2008. According to the
principle of “Enterprise Accounting Standards No.33- the Consolidation Financial
Statement”, the corporation will not be included in the Company’s consolidated
financial statement. The book value of the investment account of the Company is
*③ Shenzhen City SPG Bao An Development Ltd.
The shareholders meeting held on 18 September 2009 passed the resolution to
terminate business, liquidation and formed a group to carry out the liquidation
procedures. According to the principle of “Enterprise Accounting Standards No.33-
the Consolidation Financial Statement”, the Store will not be included in the
Company’s consolidated financial statements.
 Shenzhen City SPG Bao An Development Ltd.
The shareholders meeting held on 18 September 2009 passed the resolution to
terminate business, liquidation and formed a group to carry out the liquidation
procedures. According to the principle of “Enterprise Accounting Standards No.33-
the Consolidation Financial Statement”, the Store will not be included in the
Company’s consolidated financial statements.
*④ Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.
The operating period of this corporation is from 26 January 1983 to 28 August 1999.
And this Company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had
been terminated its licenses by law on 8 February 2002 because of failing to take part
in annual inspection.
*⑤ Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 3 October 1993 to 3 October 1998.
And this Company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had
been terminated its licenses by law on 8 February 2002 because of failing to take part
in annual inspection.
*⑥ Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 7 March 1983 to 10 April 1995. And

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

this company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had been
terminated its licenses by law in 2004 because of failing to take part in annual
*⑦ Bekaton Property Limited ,Canada Great Wall ( Vancouver)and Paklid Limited
These 3 subsidiaries were set up overseas in early times. The board of directors
passed a resolution to terminate the corporations’ business on Dec.13, 2000.
*⑧ Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration Materials Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 1 January 1984 to 6 July 2004. And
this company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had been
terminated its licenses by law on February 8, 2002 because of failing to take part in
annual inspection.
*⑨Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 16 October 1984 to 16 October 2004.
And this company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had
been terminated its licenses by law in 1999 because of failing to take part in annual
*⑩ Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 7 June 1983 to 7 June 1998. And this
company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had been
terminated its licenses by law at 10 January 2001 because of failing to take part in
annual inspection.
* Guangdong Province Fengkai Lian Feng Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd
The total assets (including tangible and intangible assets) of the corporation were
auctioned for debt repayment at 22 January 2006. The Company's investment in the
company's book value is zero.
Except for *①, *②, *③, the above subsidiaries which are not included the company’s
consolidated financial statement had ceased operations for many years. And the
entities of the corporations didn’t exist. And the Company has no control over its
subsidiaries’ businesses. According to the principle of “Enterprise Accounting
Standards No.33- the Consolidation Financial Statement”, the corporation will not be
included in the Company’s consolidated financial statement. The book value of the
investment account of the Company is zero. The following are the details.

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                        Accounting      Investment
                 Investee                                                  Opening balance Changes Closing balance
                                          Method     cost
Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial
                                       Cost Method       4,500,000.00        4,500,000.00          --    4,500,000.00
Development Co., Ltd

Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan
                                       Cost Method      12,940,900.00       12,940,900.00          --   12,940,900.00
Enterprise Ltd
Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated
                                       Cost Method       5,958,305.26        5,958,305.26          --    5,958,305.26
Service Co., Ltd

Paklid Limited                         Cost Method          201,100.00         201,100.00          --         201,100.00
Bekaton Property Limited               Cost Method          906,630.00         906,630.00          --         906,630.00
Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate
                                       Cost Method       8,180,003.63        8,180,003.63          --    8,180,003.63
Consolidated Service Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Xing Dongfang Store Ltd       Cost Method      18,500,000.00       18,500,000.00          --   18,500,000.00
Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction
                                       Cost Method       2,680,000.00        2,680,000.00          --    2,680,000.00
and Decoration Materials Ltd
Shenzhen Shenfang Department
                                       Cost Method      10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00          --   10,000,000.00
Store Co. Ltd
Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd            Cost Method      14,000,000.00        7,613,507.96          --    7,613,507.96
Shenzhen City SPG Bao An
                                       Cost Method      20,000,000.00       20,379,525.68          --   20,379,525.68
Development Ltd
Shantou Huafeng Building               Cost Method      68,731,560.43       58,547,652.25          --   58,547,652.25
Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain
                                       Cost Method 121,265,000.00           56,228,381.64          --   56,228,381.64
Feng Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd
                   Total                              287,863,499.32 206,636,006.42                -- 206,636,006.42

                                                                         Increased current
                                                     Provision for                             Current year
                       Investee                                          year provision for                     Remarks
                                                      impairment                              cash dividends
Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co.,
                                                      4,500,000.00                       --              --
Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd             12,940,900.00                       --              --
Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd    5,958,305.26                       --              --
Paklid Limited                                          201,100.00                       --              --
Bekaton Property Limited                                906,630.00                       --              --
Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service
                                                      8,180,003.63                       --              --
Co., Ltd
       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                              Increased current
                                                           Provision for                                Current year
                      Investee                                                year provision for                              Remarks
                                                           impairment                                  cash dividends
Shenzhen Xing Dongfang Store Ltd                          18,500,000.00                          --                     --
Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and
                                                           2,680,000.00                          --                     --
Decoration Materials Ltd
Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd                10,000,000.00                          --                     --
Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd                                             --                       --                     --
Shenzhen City SPG Bao An Development Ltd                                --                       --                     --
Sahntou Huafeng Building                                  58,547,652.25                          --                     --
Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain Feng Cement
                                                          56,228,381.64                          --                     --
Manufacturing Co., Ltd
                       Total                             178,642,972.78                          --                     --

 (2)Significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries
                                  Minority      Current year profit and loss Current year dividends                  Minority interest
    Name of subsidiary         interest share     attributable to minority       distributed to minority             equity balance at
                               proportion (%)      interest shareholders          interest shareholders the end of the year
Great Wall Estate Co., Inc             30.00                     -123,310.93                                  --       -21,969,777.05
Fresh Peak Investment Ltd.             45.00                         -831.95                                  --      -104,561,086.35
Barenie Co. Ltd.                       20.00                         -369.42                                  --         -2,026,054.53

 (3) The main financial information of significant non-wholly owned subsidiary
                                                                   Closing balance
 Name fo subsidiary                          Non-current                           Current            Non-current
                         Current assets                       Total Assets                                              Total liabilities
                                                assets                             liabilities         liabilities
Great Wall Estate
                               938,957.50 16,891,583.35 17,830,540.85 94,623,734.61                                  -- 94,623,734.61
Co., Inc
Fresh Peak
                         220,030,019.54 24,793,206.35 244,823,225.89 254,673,315.62                                  -- 254,673,315.62
Investment Ltd.
Barenie Co. Ltd.                  918.73 30,373,713.87 30,374,632.60 32,738,560.14                                   -- 32,738,560.14

                                                                   Opening balance
 Name of subsidiary                          Non-current                            Current           Non-current
                         Current assets                        Total Assets                                             Total liabilities
                                                assets                             liabilities         liabilities
Great Wall Estate
                               948,985.22 16,915,897.33 17,864,882.55 94,759,937.32                                  -- 94,759,937.32
Co., Inc
Fresh Peak
                         220,030,019.94 24,793,206.35 244,823,226.29 254,671,467.24                                  -- 254,671,467.24
Investment Ltd.
Barenie Co. Ltd.                  919.27 30,373,713.87 30,374,633.14 32,736,713.60                                   -- 32,736,713.60
       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                               Incurred in current year                                     Incurred in previous year
                                                               Cash flow                                                   Cash flow
    Name of                                    Total of                                                    Total of
                   Operating                                     from        Operating                                        from
   subsidiary                  Net profit comprehen                                         Net profit comprehensive
                    income                                     operating      income                                       operating
                                            sive income                                                    income
                                                               activities                                                   activities
Great Wall
                   263,540.18 -8,658.47 110,519.48 -8,713.87 300,463.51 67,850.10                          -623,495.21 67,727.52
Estate Co., Inc
Fresh Peak
                             -- -1,848.78                 --            --             --        -147.89              --             --
Investment Ltd.
Barenie Co. Ltd.             -- -1,847.08                 --            --             --        -173.81              --             --

8.2 Equities in joint ventures or associated enterprises
(1)Insignificant joint ventures or associated enterprises
                    Item                         Closing balance/Incurred this year Opening balance/Incurred last year
Joint ventures*①:
Total investment book value                                                  29,441,800.59                            29,441,800.59
 Totals of the following items calculated per
 respective shareholding proportion
—Net profit                                                                                --                                       --
—Other comprehensive income                                                                --                                       --
—Total comprehensive income                                                                --                                       --

Associated enterprises*②:
Total investment book value                                                    165,559.83                                  295,252.56
Totals of the following items calculated per
respective shareholding proportion
—Net profit                                                                   -129,692.73                                           --
—Other comprehensive income                                                                --                                       --
—Total comprehensive income                                                                --                                       --

*① All of the Group’s joint ventures are insignificant. For details of the joint ventures,
please refer to 6.10, including:
1) Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill Mineral Water Co.,Ltd
The operting period of the company was form June 5, 1991 to June 4, 2001. And the
company had ceased operations because of operating loss for many years. And the
Company had been terminated its licenses by law at July 6, 2001 because it failed to
     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

pass the annual inspection. Besides, the corporation stopped preparing the financial
statement. As of the end of the year, the book value of the investment account of the
Company is zero. According to the joint venture agreement, the Company didn’t have
the obligation to bear the additional loss.
2)Fengkai Xinghua Hotel
The FengKai XingHua Hotel was announced bankruptcy by the Guangdong Province
Zhaoqing City second-middle intermediate Peoples’ court with the document (2002)
ZHFJPZ No.2. And the corporation had finished the bankruptcy procedure. As of the
end of the year, the book value of the investment account of the Company is zero.
According to the joint venture agreement, the Company didn’t have the obligation to
bear the additional loss.
3)Jiangmen Xinjian Real Estate Co. Ltd., Xi’an Fresh Peak Building Co. Ltd, DongYi
Property Co., Ltd
The above corporations were the joint ventures set up with the local partners for the
properties developing projects. Consider the projects had been stopped, and the joint
ventures had closed operating activities for many years with no preparation of
financial statements. Already the corresponding provision for the investment of these
joint ventures was accrued. Refer to Note 6.10 for details.
*② All associated enterprises of the Group are insignificant. For details of associated
enterprises, please refer to note 6.10, including:
1) Shenzhen Runhua Automobile Trading Co., Ltd
The operating period of this corporation was form Feb 24, 1992 to Feb 24, 1997, and
it had ceased operations because of operating loss for many years. Besides, it had
been terminated its licenses by law because it failed to pass the annual inspection
and no financial statement was prepared afterwards. As the end of the year, the book
value of the investment account of the company is zero. According to the associate
agreement, the company didn’t have the obligation to bear the additional loss.
2) Shenzhen Dongfang New World Store Co., Ltd
The operating period of this corporation was from June 7, 1993 to June 7, 1998, and
the company had ceased operations because of operating loss for many years. And
the company had been terminated its licenses by law at Jan 10, 2001 because it
failed to pass the annual inspection. Besides, the company stopped making the
financial statement. At Dec 31, 2010, the book value of the investment account of the
company is zero. According to the associate agreement, the company didn’t have the
obligation to bear the additional loss.

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(2)The excess losses of the joint ventures or associated enterprises incurred.
                                                          Accumulated                                         Accumulated
                                                                                Unrecognized losses
     Name of the joint ventures or associated          unrecognized losses                                unrecognized losses
                                                                                 this year (or shared
                   enterprises                         as of the end of last                              as of the end of this
                                                                                net profit this period)
                                                                 year                                            period
Shenzhen Fresh Peak property consultant Co., Ltd                   701,817.53              -338,093.64             363,723.89

Note 9 Related party relationships and transactions
9.1 Parent of the Company
                         Related party Type of the               Place of                Legal
  Name of the parent                                                                                      Business Nature
                         relationship       entity             incorporation         representative
                                                                                                      Investment, Real estate
Shenzhen Investment      Parent of the State-owned Guangdong province
                                                                                     Fan Mingchun            development,
Shareholding Co.   Ltd      Group        Enterprises            Shenzhen

                                         Proportion of the         Proportion of the
                                                                                          Ultimate controlling
                         Registered Company’s ownership Company’s voting                                        Organization
  Name of the parent                                                                          party of the
                           capital      interest held by the      power held by the                                  code
                                            parent (%)                  parent (%)
                           RMB                                                            State-owned assets
Shenzhen Investment
                           10.926                      63.55                    63.55        management           76756642-1
Shareholding Co.   Ltd
                           billion                                                               commitee

9.2 Subsidiaries of the Company
Please refer to Note 8.1.
9.3 Associates and joint ventures of the entity
Please refer to Note 8.2 –Equities in joint venture or associated enterprises
9.4 Other related parties of the Company
                                        Relationship between other related parties and the
    Name of other related party                                                                           Organization code
Shenzhen Jian'an Group Co., Ltd.                The same controlling shareholders                            19219737X

9.5 Related party transactions
(1)Contracting with related parties

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

List of contracting item
                                                                                             Basis of        Contracting
  Name of main                                  Type of        Reception    Expiration
                                                                                             pricing of        income
 contract issuing     Name of contractor      assets under      date of      date of
                                                                                            contracting recognized in the
        party                                  contracting contracting contracting
                                                                                              income        current period
Shenzhen Jian'an Shenzhen Zhen Tung
                                             Construction      2012-6-1                    Negotiations      3,732,153.00
Group Co., Ltd.     Engineering Ltd

(2)Guarantees with related parties
                                                                     Inception         Expiration     Whether execution of
 Guarantor            Guaranteed party                                date of           date of        guarantee has been
                                                                     guarantee         guarantee           completed
 The Group Shantou Hualin Estate Dev. Co. 130,000,000.00             2013.4.17         2016.4.16              No

The Company provided the maximum amount of guarantee for all the main contracts
by its subsidiary, Shantou Hualin Estate Dev. Co and Bank of Communications
(Shantou Guoxin Branch) from 17 April 2013 to 16 April 2016. The maximum amount
of debt guaranteed by the Company is RMB 130,000,000.00. As of Jul.22, 2015,
Shantou Hualin Estate Dev. Co have repaid all the loan received from Bank of
Communications (Shantou Guoxin Branch). The company’s responsibility as
guarantor has been finished.
 (3) Compensation for key management personal
                         Item                             Amount for the current period        Amount for the prior period
Total                                                            2.44 [million]                        2.34 [million]

9.6 Amounts due from / to related parties
(1)     Amounts due from related party
                                                          Closing balance                           Opening balance
                      Item                          Carrying          Bad debt              Carrying           Bad debt
                                                    amount            provision              amount            provision
Accounts receivable
Shenzhen Fresh Peak property consultant
                                                  1,086,709.89                    --      1,087,214.22                     --
Total                                             1,086,709.89                    --      1,087,214.22                     --
Other receivables
Guangdong Province Huizhou Luofu Hill
                                                 10,465,168.81      10,465,168.81        10,465,168.81      10,465,168.81
Mineral Water Co., Ltd

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                         Closing balance                    Opening balance
                      Item                          Carrying         Bad debt           Carrying          Bad debt
                                                    amount           provision           amount           provision
Shenzhen Runhua Automobile Trading Co.,
                                                  3,072,764.42     3,072,764.42        3,072,764.42      3,072,764.42
Canada GreatWall(Vancouver)Co. ,Ltd            89,035,748.07    89,035,748.07       89,035,748.07     89,035,748.07
Bekaton Property Limited                         12,559,290.58    12,559,290.58       12,559,290.58     12,559,290.58
Paklid Limited                                   18,442,501.44    18,439,554.07       18,446,223.54     18,443,271.41
Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co.
                                                    237,648.82       189,179.82         237,648.82         189,179.82
Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service
                                                  1,086,487.22     1,086,487.22        1,086,487.22        927,136.22
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and
                                                  8,327,180.71     8,327,180.71        8,327,180.71      8,327,180.71
Decoration Materials Ltd.
Shenzhen RongHua JiDian Co.,Ltd                     475,223.46                   --     475,223.46                    --
Xi’an Fresh Peak property management&
                                                  8,419,205.19                   --    8,419,205.19                   --
Trading Co.,Ltd
                     Total                     152,121,218.72     143,175,373.7 152,124,940.82 143,019,740.04

(2) Amounts due to related party
                             Item                                   Closing balance                Opening balance
Other payables:
Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.                      598,012.16                   598,012.16
Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd                          1,534,854.91                 1,534,854.91
Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.                                     135,853.52                   135,853.52
Shenzhen Dongfang New world store Co., Ltd                                    902,974.64                   902,974.64
Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd.                                            1,394,704.21                 1,394,704.21
Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain Feng Cement
                                                                            1,867,348.00                 1,867,348.00
Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Cyber Port Co., Ltd                                                7,972,749.26                 7,964,749.26
Shenzhen Shenfang Group BaoAn Developing Co.,Ltd                           20,093,445.07                20,093,445.07
Shenzhen Investment Holding Co.,Ltd                                        53,848,819.24                53,848,819.24
                             Total                                         88,348,761.01                88,340,761.01
Interest payable:
Shenzhen Investment Holding Co.,Ltd                                        16,535,277.94                16,535,277.94
                             Total                                         16,535,277.94                16,535,277.94

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note 10 Contingencies
10.1 Contingencies arising from pending litigations or arbitrations and their
financial effects
① Xi’an project Lawsuit
Xi’an Fresh Peak Holding limited company (hereinafter referred to as “Fresh Peak
Company”) was sino-foreign joint venture set up in Xi’an city. The shareholder of the
Fresh Peak Company – Hongkong Fresh Peak Co., Ltd was the wholly owned
subsidiary of the company. And the Hongkong Fresh Peak Co., Ltd contributed 84%
of the Fresh Peak Company’s share- capital in cash. And Xi’an trade building which
was the enterprise under the Xi’an Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade
contributed 16% of the Fresh Peak Company’s share- capital with the land-use right.
The core business was property development. And the project was Xi’an Trade
Building. The project was started on 1995-11-28. But the project had been stopped in
1996 because of the two parties differences on the operating policy of the project.
In 1997, the Xi’an government withdrew the Xi'an Fresh Peak investment project
compulsively and assigned the project to Xi’an Business Tourism Co., Ltd (hereinafter
referred to as “Business Tourism Company”). But the two parties had insulted a
lawsuit on compensation. The ShanXi Province High Peoples Court made a
judgement “(2000) SJ-CZ No.25”. The judgement was as follows: 1. Business
Tourism Company had to pay for the compensation Rmb 36,620 thousand to Xi’an
Fresh Peak Company after the judgment entering into force. If the Business Tourism
Company failed to pay in time, it had to pay double debt interests to Xi’an Fresh Peak
Company. 2. Xi’an Joint Commission on Commerce had jointly and severally
obligation of the interests of the compensation.
Untill 31 December 2011, the amount of RMB 15,201,000.00 had been called back.
Because of Fresh Peak Company’s application, ShanXi Province High Peoples Court
resumed the execution on September 5, 2011. Now the case is proceeding and there
was no any new substantive progress in the reporting period.
As at 30 Jun 2015, the book value of the investment of Xi’an Fresh Peak Company
was RMB 12,166,897.84. The provision for investment was RMB 20,673,831.77. And
the amount of debt was RMB 8,419,205.19.
②Luofu Hill project Lawsuit
The company cooperated with Luofu Hill Tourism Company (hereinafter referred to as
“Tourism Company”) on Luofu Hill Tourism project in early years. The company
instituted legal proceedings against Tourism Company because the Tourism

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Company failed to carry out the agreement. The judgement which issued by
GuangDong Province High Peoples Court on 2007-12-21 was as follows:
1)Tourism Company had to pay for Rmb 9,600 thousand to the company in 10 days
after the judgment entering into force.
2)Tourism Company should paid the interests for the occupation of Rmb 9,600
thousands with The People's Bank of China similar loans rate in 10 days after the
judgment entering into force. Of which, the interests for the occupation of Rmb 4,400
thousand were caluated from 1986-5-1 to the day the Tourism company paid off the
debt. The interests for the occupation of Rmb 4100 thousand were caluated from
1988-2-1 to the day the Tourism Company paid off the debt. The interests for the
occupation of Rmb 1,100 thousand were caluated from 1989-6-15 to the day the
Tourism Company paid off the debt. The interest of Rmb 8,580 thousand that the
Tourism Company had paid for to the company can be deducted from the interest
3)Luofushan Administration Committee had to undertake one third of the debts which
Luofushan Tourism was unable to repay;
4)Interest of debts would be double if the Tourism Company and Luofushan
Administration Committee failed to fulfill their obligations within the designated period
of this judgment;
5)Tourism company undertaked all the litigation fees (RMB 167,710.00). The
expense of first instance and the second instance had to pay to the company during
the duration of payment.
There was no any new substantive progress after the judgment announced. The
Company applied the GuangDong Province High People’s Court to supervise
implementation on December 17, 2009. The GuangDong Province High people’s
Court issued a document “(2009) YGYZDZ No. 67 to Huizhou intermediate people’s
court and asked the Huizhou intermediate people’s court to close this case in 3
months after receiving the document. Until 17 Mar 2010, Huizhou intermediate
people’s court had finished the evaluation of the land use right of the executor. On
13th October 2010, the land-use right was auctioned by the national resource
department at the price of RMB 51,200 thousand.
According to the relevant provisions of the Huizhou local authorities, auction of land
should be approved by local department of land and be implemented in real estate
trading center set up under Land Branch. Huizhou Intermediate Court has issued an
official letter to inform Boluo Land Bureau of its decision, and notify the relevant

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

assistance. Boluo Land Bureau replied the Huizhou Intermediate Court that the land
for       auction          would          be         surveyed         and         mapped (different               from
land evaluation), new planning point                       would          be           made           by         them
as the conditions of auction. Boluo Land Bureau have surveyed and mapped Luofu
Hill Tourism site that was sealed. The cadastral map and land red line chart were
submitted to Huizhou Municipal Intermediate People's Court in June 2011. Detailed
regulation is deemed as the basis for the development of planning points, while the
preparation of detailed regulation relies on Luofushan Administration Committee.
Because the planning points were not made, the land failed to be auctioned.
As at 30 Jun 2015, the book value of the Company’s creditor rights on Tourism
Company was RMB 9,600,000.00. The provision for bad debt was RMB
10.2 Contingent liabilities arising from providing debt guarantees to other
entities and their financial effects
① The company provided debt guarantees for its related parties, please refer to note
②The Company provided loan guarantees for purchaser of real estate. Up to Jun
30,2015, the amount and duration of the unsettled guarantee is as follows:
           Items                                      Duration                          Unsettled amount (ten thousand)
                                 From loans provided to registration of mortgage of
Shenfang Shanglin Garden                                                                                      25,954.00
                                 pre-sale contract
Shenfang Shanglin Garden         From real estate license granted and mortgaged                                3,938.00
            Total                                                                                             29,892.00

Note 11 Commitments
11.1 Significant commitments
                         Item                           Amount for the current period      Amount for the prior period
Capital commitments that have been entered into but
have not been recognized in the financial statements
- Significant outsourcing contracts                                               --                    11,293,531.55

                         Total                                                    --                    11,293,531.55

11.2 Fulfillment progress of previous commitments
The amount of significant outsourcing contracts is RMB 145,074,919.34, which was
paid during the report period and has been entered into the prior period but has not
been recognized in the financial statements.

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note 12 Events after Balance Sheet Date
The company's board of directors approved the year 2015 semi-annual                                           profit
distribution proposal by voting on Aug.28,2015, deciding to make use of the half year
net profit of 2015 to make up the accumulated losses RMB 125,829,266.52 of
previous years , to extract 10% of the remaining net profit as the statutory surplus
reserve of 17,694,227.94 and to distribute the cash dividends to the shareholders at
RMB 1.3 (including tax) per 10 stocks based on the total common stocks of
1,011,660,000.00, totaling about RMB 131,515,800.00 cash dividends and not
converting the capital surplus to capital. The proposal still need to be submitted to the
company's general meeting of stockholders for voting.
Note 13 Other material facts
As of 30 Jun,2015, there were no other material facts that need to be disclosed by the
Note 14 Notes to Items in the Financial Statements of the Company
14.1 Accounts receivable
(1) Accounts receivable by categories
                                                                       Closing balance
                  Category                          Carrying amount                      Bad debt provision
                                                Amount              (%)              Amount               (%)
Accounts receivable of which provision for
                                               7,100,000.00               6.04                  --                --
bad debts is of individually significant
Accounts receivable of which provision for
                                             110,536,429.38            93.96        6,968,694.02                6.30
bad debts is of individually insignificant
                    Total                    117,636,429.38           100.00        6,968,694.02                5.92

                                                                       Opening balance
                  Category                          Carrying amount                      Bad debt provision
                                                Amount              (%)              Amount               (%)
Accounts receivable of which provision for
                                                          --                --                  --                --
bad debts is of individually significant
Accounts receivable of which provision for
                                              46,372,269.26           100.00        6,968,694.02              15.03
bad debts is of individually insignificant
                    Total                     46,372,269.26           100.00        6,968,694.02              15.03

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(2) Accounts receivable by aging balance
                                                        Closing balance                             Opening balance
                                                    Amount                (%)                  Amount                   (%)
Within 1 year                                  106,825,675.41                90.81           35,580,792.53                   76.72
1-2 years                                                       --                   --                    --                   --
2-3 years                                            253,116.00                 0.22            253,116.00                    0.55
Over 3 years                                     10,557,637.97                  8.97         10,538,360.73                   22.73
                       Total                   117,636,429.38               100.00           46,372,269.26                  100.00

(3) Bad debt provision
Bad debt provision of accounts receivable which is of individually significant
                                                    Amount of bad Proportion of
Content of accounts receivable Carrying amount                                                Reasons for the provision
                                                        debt          provision
House pay to be collected       108,733,556.42      6,968,694.02            6.41          A separate provision is established
                                                                                           according to the recoverability of
Rental to be collected            1,802,872.96                   --             --        each receivable with long aging and
                                                                                                   little retrievability.
               Total            110,536,429.38      6,968,694.02            6.30

(4) There were no any account receivables that had been fully or at a great
proportion rate provided for bad debt but had been fully collected or reversed back in
the current period.
(5) There were no any significant accounts receivables written off in the current
(6) No amount due from shareholders holding 5% or more of the Company’s shares
with voting power in the reporting period.
 (7) Top 5 entities with the largest balances of accounts receivable
                               Relationship with the                                              Proportion of the amount to
       Name of entity                                        Amount                  Age
                                      Group                                                              the total AR (%)
Individual No.1                  Un-related party            7,100,000.00       Within 1year                     6.04
Individual No.2                  Un-related party            3,910,000.00       Within 1year                     3.32
Individual No.3                  Un-related party            3,860,000.00       Within 1year                     3.28
Individual No.4                  Un-related party            2,960,000.00       Within 1year                     2.52
Individual No.5                  Un-related party            2,630,000.00       Within 1year                     2.24
            Total                                         20,460,000.00                                         17.39

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

 (8) Receivables due from related parties
                    Name of entity                   Relationship with the Group         Amount       (%)of receivables
Shenzhen Fresh Peak property consultant Co.,Ltd                  Associate            1,086,709.89            0.92
            Shenzhen Petrol Hotel Co., Ltd                   Related party            1,768,000.00            1.50
                         Total                                                        2,854,709.89            2.42

(9)There were no any account receivables which had been derecognized.
(10) There were no any accounting receivable which had been securitized.
14.2 Other receivables
(1) Other receivables by categories
                                                                              Closing balance
                   Category                           Carrying amount                           Bad debt provision
                                                   Amount                (%)              Amount                  (%)
Other receivables of which provision for bad
                                               1,489,737,613.80        98.37           799,518,692.30          53.67
debts is of individually significant
Other receivables of which provision for bad
                                                 24,704,634.62          1.63            12,787,916.94          51.76
debts is of individually insignificant
                     Total                     1,514,442,248.42        100.00          812,306,609.24          53.64

                                                                             Opening balance
                  Category                            Carrying amount                           Bad debt provision
                                                  Amount                (%)               Amount                (%)
Other receivables of which provision for
                                             1,463,080,604.66         98.32            799,518,692.30          54.65
bad debts is of individually significant
Other receivables of which provision for
                                               25,011,319.74           1.68             12,628,565.94          50.49
bad debts is of individually insignificant
                    Total                    1,488,091,924.40         100.00           812,147,258.24          54.58

 (2) Other receivables by aging balance
                                                     Closing balance                            Opening balance
                                                  Amount                (%)               Amount                  (%)
Within 1 year                                  110,928,248.93          7.32             86,119,834.17           5.79
1-2 years                                      332,226,196.68         21.94            322,059,351.67          21.64
2-3 years                                       19,339,552.07          1.28             67,471,437.25           4.53
Over 3 years                                 1,051,948,250.74         69.46          1,012,441,301.31          68.04
                    Total                    1,514,442,248.42         100.00         1,488,091,924.40         100.00

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

 (3) Bad debt provision
(a) Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually significant
                                                                                Proportion of
 Content of accounts receivable      Carrying amount     Amount of bad debt                       Reasons for the provision
Other receivables between
                                                                                                  A separate provision is
subsidiaries that are included in    1,343,213,732.85        658,127,505.34               49.00
                                                                                                  established according to
consolidated statement
                                                                                                  the recoverability of each
Other receivables between
                                                                                                  receivables with long
subsidiaries that are not included     120,994,319.55        120,994,319.55              100.00
                                                                                                  aging and little
in consolidated statement
Others                                  25,529,561.40           20,396,867.41             79.90
                Total                1,489,737,613.80        799,518,692.30               53.67

 (b) Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually insignificant
                                                            Proportion of      Amount of bad
   Content of other receivables       Carrying amount                                             Reasons for the provision
                                                             provision             debt
Other receivables between
subsidiaries that are included in         8,680,129.39                   --         --            A separate provision is
consolidated statement                                                                            established according to
Other receivables between                                                                         the recoverability of each
subsidiaries that are not included        1,324,136.04       1,275,667.04         96.34           receivable with long aging
in consolidated statement                                                                         and little retrievability
Others                                   14,700,369.19      11,512,249.90         78.31
                 Total                   24,704,634.62     12,787,916.94          51.76

(4)There are no provision for bad debt that have been collected or reversed back .
(5)There were no any other significant receivables written off in the current period.
(6)There were no any other receivables due from shareholders owning at least 5% of
the Company’s shares with voting power in the reporting period.
(7)Details of other accounts receivable classified by nature.
                          Nature                                    Closing balance                    Opening balance
Litigation compensation                                                         9,600,000.00                       9,600,000.00
Other receivables between subsidiaries that are included
                                                                            1,351,893,862.24                1,325,577,299.94
in consolidated statement
Other receivables between subsidiaries that are
                                                                              129,688,856.84                  129,692,578.94
excluded in consolidated statement

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                         Nature                                  Closing balance                   Opening balance
Current accounts                                                            20,411,297.67                20,407,575.57
Deposit                                                                     1,597,504.24                  1,261,755.80
Others                                                                      1,250,727.43                  1,552,714.15
                          Total                                        1,514,442,248.42                1,488,091,924.40

(7) Top 5 entities with the largest balances of other receivables
                                  Relationship                                           rate to the    Closing balance
        Name of Entity              with the         Amount             Age            total balance    of provision for
                                    Group                                                 of other         bad debt
                                                      423,758.43    Within 1 year
Fresh Peak Enterprise Co.,                          1,367,585.43      1-2 years
                                  Subsidiary                                               34.73        508,377,320.74
Ltd                                                 2,427,841.50      2-3 years
                                                  521,719,480.29    Over 3years
Shantou Huafeng Estate                             31,300,510.98    Within 1 year
                                  Subsidiary                                               19.74                       --
Development Co., Ltd                              267,670,000.00       1-2year
                                                   11,523,231.90    Within 1 year
Shenzhen ShenFang Group
                                                   60,000,000.00      1-2 years
LongGang Development Co.,         Subsidiary                                               18.17                       --
                                                   15,000,000.00      2-3 years
                                                  188,677,004.72    Over 3 years
American Great Wall Co., Ltd      Subsidiary      101,379,954.81    Over 3 years            6.69        101,379,954.81
Canada Great                                                         Over         3
                                  Subsidiary       89,035,748.07                            5.88         89,035,748.07
Wall( Vancouver ) Co., Ltd                                          years
            Total                                1,290,525,116.13                          85.21        698,793,023.62

(8) Receivables due from related parties
                                                                Relationship                              (%)in
                         Name of entity                                                 Amount
                                                               with the Group                            receivables
Fresh Peak Enterprise Co., Ltd.                                     Subsidiary      525,938,665.65                34.73
Shenzhen ShenFang Group LongGang Development Co.,Ltd                Subsidiary      275,200,236.62                18.17
American Great Wall Co.,Ltd                                         Subsidiary      101,379,954.81                   6.69
Canada Great Wall(Vancouver) Co.,Ltd                                Subsidiary        89,035,748.07                  5.88
Shenzhen City Shenfang Free Trade Trading Ltd.                      Subsidiary        32,392,459.91                  2.14
Shenzhen Lian Hua Industry and Trading Co. Ltd.                     Subsidiary        16,200,762.46                  1.07

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                     Relationship                               (%)in
                         Name of entity                                                     Amount
                                                                   with the Group                             receivables
Bekaton Property Limited                                                Subsidiary        12,559,290.58                   0.83
Paklid Limited                                                          Subsidiary         11,072,100.19                  0.73
Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill Mineral Water Co.,Ltd           Joint venture       10,465,168.81                   0.69
Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration
Materials Ltd.                                                                             8,327,180.71                   0.55
Shenzhen City Shenfang Investment Ltd.                                  Subsidiary         3,621,236.22                   0.24
Shenzhen Runhua Automobile trading Co.,Ltd                                  Associate      3,072,764.42                   0.20
Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.                     Subsidiary         1,086,487.22                   0.07
Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                                             Associate        475,223.46                   0.03
Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd                              Subsidiary           237,648.82                   0.02
Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd                                      Subsidiary         6,732,072.64                   0.44
Shantou Huafeng estate dev.co.                                          Subsidiary       298,970,510.98                19.74
Shantou Hualin estate dev.co.                                           Subsidiary         1,508,246.55                   0.10
Shantou Songshan estate dev.co                                          Subsidiary         3,550,646.62                   0.23
Shenzhen Fresh Peak property consultant Co., Ltd                        Subsidiary        86,399,069.78                   5.71
                              Total                                                     1,488,225,474.52               98.27

(9)There were no any other receivables which had been derecognized in this
reporting year.
(10) There were no any other receivables which had been securitized in this reporting
14.3 Long-term equity investments
(1) Long-term equity investments by types
                                      Closing balance                                            Opening balance
     Item                               Provision for                                             Provision for
                    Book balance                           Book value         Book balance                          Book value
                                          impairment                                               impairment
Investment in
                     437,984,380.71       121,914,591.14   316,069,789.57       437,984,380.71    121,914,591.14    316,069,789.57
Investment in
associates and        22,112,611.50        21,947,051.67      165,559.83         22,242,304.23     21,947,051.67          295,252.56
joint ventures
     Total           460,096,992.21       143,861,642.81    316,235,349.4       460,226,684.94    143,861,642.81    316,365,042.13

                                    SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                               Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
(2)Investment in subsidiaries
                                                                                                 Curr.                          Curr. year        Closing balance of
                                                                                   Curr. year
                     Name of investee                         Opening balance                     year     Closing balance     impairment            impairment
                                                                                                decrease                        provision             provision
Shenzhen City Property Management Ltd.                             12,821,791.52          --         --        12,821,791.52                 --                   --
Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co. Ltd.                                     20,605,047.50          --         --        20,605,047.50                 --                   --
Shenzhen City Shenfang Investment Ltd.                              9,000,000.00          --         --         9,000,000.00                 --                   --
Fresh Peak Enterprise Ltd.                                            556,500.00          --         --           556,500.00                 --                   --
Fresh Peak Zhiye Co., Ltd.                                         22,717,697.73          --         --        22,717,697.73                 --                   --
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate (Group)
                                                                   20,000,000.00          --         --        20,000,000.00                 --                   --
Guangzhou Property and Estate Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd                                 11,332,321.45          --         --        11,332,321.45                 --                   --
American Great Wall Co., Ltd                                        1,435,802.00          --         --         1,435,802.00                 --                   --
Shenzhen City Shenfang Free Trade Trading Ltd.                      4,750,000.00          --         --         4,750,000.00                 --                   --
Shenzhen City Hua Zhan Construction Management Ltd.                 6,000,000.00          --         --         6,000,000.00                 --                   --
Shenzhen City Car Rental Ltd.                                       6,495,225.00          --         --         6,495,225.00                 --                   --
QiLu Co.,Ltd                                                          212,280.00          --         --           212,280.00                 --                   --
Beijing Shenfang Property Management Co., Ltd.                        500,000.00          --         --           500,000.00                 --                   --
Shenzhen Lain Hua Industry and Trading Co., Ltd.                   13,458,217.05          --         --        13,458,217.05                 --                   --
Shenzhen City SPG Long Gang Development Ltd.                       30,850,000.00          --         --        30,850,000.00                 --                   --
Beijing Fresh Peak Property Development Management
                                                                   64,183,888.90          --         --        64,183,888.90                 --                   --
Limited Company
Shenzhen Shenfang Car Park Ltd.                                    29,750,000.00          --         --        29,750,000.00                 --                   --

                                   SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                              Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                                                                                                Curr.                          Curr. year        Closing balance of
                                                                                  Curr. year
                    Name of investee                         Opening balance                     year     Closing balance     impairment            impairment
                                                                                               decrease                        provision             provision
Shantou City Huafeng Real Estate Devepment Co., Ltd               30,000,000.00          --         --        30,000,000.00                 --                   --
Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd                 4,500,000.00          --         --         4,500,000.00                 --         4,500,000.00
Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.                         12,940,900.00          --         --        12,940,900.00                 --        12,940,900.00
Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.                5,958,305.26          --         --         5,958,305.26                 --         5,958,305.26
Paklid Limited                                                       201,100.00          --         --           201,100.00                 --          201,100.00
Bekaton Property Limited                                             906,630.00          --         --           906,630.00                 --          906,630.00
Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.           8,180,003.63          --         --         8,180,003.63                 --         8,180,003.63
Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd.                                  18,500,000.00          --         --        18,500,000.00                 --        18,500,000.00
Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration
                                                                   2,680,000.00          --         --         2,680,000.00                 --         2,680,000.00
Materials Ltd.
Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.                        9,500,000.00          --         --         9,500,000.00                 --         9,500,000.00
Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd                                       12,401,018.42          --         --        12,401,018.42                 --                   --
ShenZhen ShenFang BaoAn Development Co., Ltd                      19,000,000.00          --         --        19,000,000.00                 --                   --
Shantou Fresh Peak Building                                       58,547,652.25          --         --        58,547,652.25                 --        58,547,652.25
                           Total                                 437,984,380.71          --         --       437,984,380.71                 --       121,914,591.14

           Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

      (3)Investment in associates and joint ventures
                                                                                      Changes in this period

                                                                                                             Adjustments of
                                       Opening                                               Investment                          Changes
         Name of investee                                  Add           Reduce                                  other
                                       balance                                              income under                          of other
                                                    investment         investment                            comprehensive
                                                                                            equity method                          equity

I.Joint ventures
Guangdong Huizhou Luofu Hill
                                     9,969,206.09                 --                  --                --                --               --
Mineral Water Co., Ltd
Fengkai Xinghua Hotel                9,455,465.38                 --                  --                --                --               --
                Subtotal            19,424,671.47                 --                  --                --                --               --
Shenzhen Runhua Automobile
                                     1,445,425.56                 --                  --                --                --               --
Trading Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Ronghua Jidian Co.,
                                     1,372,207.20                 --                  --      -129,692.73                 --               --
                Subtotal             2,817,632.76                 --                  --      -129,692.73                 --               --

                   Total            22,242,304.23                 --                  --      -129,692.73                 --               --

                                                    Changes in this period                                               Closing balance
         Name of investee            Cash dividend or            Provision for                       Closing balance      of impairment
                                      profit declared            impairment                                                    provision
I.Joint ventures
Guangdong Huizhou Luofu Hill
                                                      --                         --             --      9,969,206.09           9,969,206.09
Mineral Water Co., Ltd
Fengkai Xinghua Hotel                                 --                         --             --      9,455,465.38           9,455,465.38
                Subtotal                              --                         --             --     19,424,671.47       19,424,671.47
Shenzhen Runhua Automobile
                                                      --                         --             --      1,445,425.56           1,445,425.56
Trading Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Ronghua Jidian Co., Ltd                      --                         --             --      1,242,514.47           1,076,954.64
                Subtotal                              --                         --             --      2,687,940.03            2,522,380.2

                   Total                              --                         --             --     22,112,611.50       21,947,051.67

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

14.4 Operating income and costs
(1) Operating income and operating costs
                        Item                            Amount for the current period        Amount for the prior period
Principal operating income                                               528,924,692.46                  264,492,668.99
Other operating income                                                               --                                 --
Total of operating income                                                528,924,692.46                  264,492,668.99
Principal operating costs                                                240,739,406.51                  161,104,051.82
Other operating costs                                                                --                                 --
Total of operating costs                                                 240,739,406.51                  161,104,051.82

(2)Principal operating activities (classified by industries)
                                    Amount for the current period                   Amount for the prior period
Name of industry
                               Operating income        Operating costs       Operating income         Operating costs
Real estate                       497,741,746.00        228,984,079.50           235,836,988.00           150,056,099.18

Leasing                            31,182,946.46         11,755,327.01           28,655,680.99            11,047,952.64
          Total                   528,924,692.46        240,739,406.51           264,492,668.99           161,104,051.82

(3) Principal operating activities (classified by geographical areas)
Name of geographical               Amount for the current period                   Amount for the prior period
area                           Operating income       Operating costs       Operating income          Operating costs
Shenzhen                         528,924,692.46        240,739,406.51           264,492,668.99            161,104,051.82

           Total                 528,924,692.46        240,739,406.51           264,492,668.99            161,104,051.82

(4) Operating income from the Company’s top 5 customers
                                                           Amount for the current period
   Name of customers
                                   Operating income          Proportion to total operating income of the Company (%)
Individual No.1                            10,147,591.00                                  1.92
Individual No.2                             7,649,799.00                                  1.45
Individual No.3                             7,126,376.00                                  1.35
Individual No.4                             6,962,415.00                                  1.32
Individual No.5                             6,646,532.00                                  1.26
           Total                           38,532,713.00                                  7.29

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)


                                                           Amount for the prior period
   Name of customers
                                 Operating income          Proportion to total operating income of the Company (%)
Individual No.1                           5,491,490.00                                 2.08
Individual No.2                           5,710,754.00                                 2.16
Individual No.3                           5,434,703.00                                 2.05
Individual No.4                           5,803,799.00                                 2.19
Individual No.5                           6,084,462.00                                 2.30
          Total                          28,525,208.00                              10.78

14.5 Investment income
(1) Details of investment income
                                                                         Amount for the current          Amount for the
                                                                                  period                  prior period
Investment income from long-term equity investment                              163,042,176.21                           --
Including:Investment income from investee’s dividend distributed               162,821,868.94                           --
Investment income from long-term investments under equity method                    -129,692.73                          --
Investment income from long-term investments under cost method                      350,000.00                           --
                                 Total                                          163,042,176.21                           --

(2) Investment income from investee’s dividend distributed
                                                     Amount for the         Amount for the prior           Reasons for
                  Name of investee
                                                     current period               period                    changes
Fresh Peak Zhiye Co.,Ltd                                 10,401,320.27                              --
Shenzhen City SPG Long Gang Development Ltd.          140,763,284.58                                --
Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd                        2,089,355.74                              --
Shenzhen City Car Rental Ltd.                             2,449,516.66                              --
Shenzhen City Shenfang Investment Ltd.                    7,118,391.69                              --
                       Total                          162,821,868.94                                --

 (3) Income from long-term investments under equity method
                                              Amount for the current Amount for the prior
              Name of investee                                                                     Reasons for changes
                                                      period                  period
Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                          -129,692.73                          --
                     Total                               -129,692.73                          --

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

14.6 Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                                                                      Amount for the    Amount for the
                                                                                      current period     prior period
(1) Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating        activities:
Net profit                                                                            302,771,545.90     39,959,854.04
Add: Provision for impairment loss of assets                                              159,351.00                     --
      Depreciation of fixed assets, bio-assets, and natural gas                         10,724,185.55    11,010,082.33
               Amortization of intangible assets                                          187,399.98        187,399.98
               Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                  66,245.10        28,265.10
               Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                                   --                   --
      long-term assets(deduct: gains)
               Losses on scrapping of fixed assets      (deduct: gains)                            --                   --
               Loss of fair value variation (deduct: gains)                                        --                   --
               Financial expenses (deduct: gains)                                     13,618,932.24     27,773,875.87
               Losses from investments (deduct: gains)                               -163,042,176.21                    --
               Decrease in deferred tax assets (deduct: increase)                      -3,447,967.36                    --
               Increase in deferred tax liabilities (deduct: decrease)                             --                   --
               Decrease in inventories (deduct: increase)                             278,139,871.29    147,289,098.10
               Decrease in operating receivables (deduct: increase)                    -67,986,899.78    39,766,405.91
               Increase in operating payables (deduct: decrease)                        37,669,204.89 -196,275,466.47
               Others                                                                              --                    --
Net cash flows from operating activities                                             408,859,692.60     69,739,514.86
(2) Investing and financing activities that do not affect cash receipt and payment
   Liabilities converted capital                                                                   --                   --
      Reclassify convertible bonds to be expired within one year as current
                                                                                                   --                   --
   Fixed assets subject to finance leases                                                          --                   --
     (3) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents:
   Cash at the end of the period                                                      696,494,087.33    262,564,331.04
Less: cash at the beginning of the period                                             326,170,340.34    356,953,152.47
Add: cash equivalents at the end of the period                                                     --                   --
Less: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                              --                   --
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                            370,323,746.99     -94,388,821.43

                                            SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                       Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note15. Comparative data
     The company’s current period financial statements (Jan-Jun, 2015) have been audited by Ruihua Certified Public Accountant(Special
General Partner)Shenzhen Branch. Its comparative financial statements (Period: Jan-Jun, 2014) are unaudited.
Note16. Supplementary Materials
15.1 Breakdown non-recurring profit or loss
                                                               Items                                                                     Amount for the current period   Amount for the prior period
Profit or loss on disposal of non-current assets                                                                                                          -10,037.32                        -893.90
Tax refunds or reductions with ultra vires approval or without official approval documents                                                                         --                             --
Government grants recognized in profit or loss (other than grants which are closely related to the Company’s business and are
                                                                                                                                                                   --                             --
either in fixed amounts or determined under quantitative methods in accordance with the national standard)
Income earned from lending funds to non-financial institutions and recognized in profit or loss                                                                    --                             --
The excess of attributable fair value of identifiable net assets over the consideration paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries,
                                                                                                                                                                   --                             --
associates and joint ventures
Profit or loss on exchange of non-monetary assets                                                                                                                  --                             --
Profit or loss on entrusted investments or assets management                                                                                                       --                             --
Impairment losses on assets due to force majeure events, e.g, natural disasters                                                                                    --                             --
Profit or loss on debt restructuring                                                                                                                               --                             --
Entity restructuring expenses, e.g., expenditure for layoff of employees, integration expenses, etc.                                                               --                             --
Profit or loss attributable to the evidently unfair portion of transaction price, being transacted price in excess of fair transaction
                                                                                                                                                                   --                             --
price, of a transaction
Net profit or loss of subsidiaries from the beginning of the period up to the business combination date recognized as a result of                                  --                             --

                                           SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                      Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                 Items                                                                   Amount for the current period   Amount for the prior period
business combination of enterprises under common control
Profit or loss arising from contingencies other than those related to normal operating business                                                                    --                             --
Profit or loss on changes in the fair value of held-for-trade financial assets, and held-for-trade financial liabilities and financial
                                                                                                                                                                   --                             --
assets available-for-sale, other than those used in the effective hedging activities relating to normal operating business
Reversal of provision for account receivables that are tested for impairment losses individually                                                                   --                             --
Profit or loss on entrusted loans                                                                                                                                  --                             --
Profit or loss on changes in the fair value of investment properties that are subsequently measured using the fair value model                                     --                             --
Effects on profit or loss of one-off adjustment to profit or loss for the period according to the period requirements of tax laws and
                                                                                                                                                                   --                             --
accounting laws and regulations
Custodian fees earned from entrusted operation                                                                                                                     --                             --
Other non-operating income or expenses other than the above                                                                                                392,927.29                     377,987.32
Other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss                                                                                     --                             --
Subtotal                                                                                                                                                   382,889.97                     377,987.32
Tax effects                                                                                                                                               103,222.49                      94,273.36
Effects attributable to minority interests (after tax)                                                                                                             --                             --
                                                                 Total                                                                                    279,667.48                    282,820.06

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note:”+” means income or gain and “-” means loss or expense
The Group defines items as non-recurring profit or loss items according to
“Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public
Offering of Securities No.1---Non-recurring Profit or Loss”(CSRC No.[2008]43)
15.2 Return rate of net assets and earning per share
                                                    Weighted return          Earning per share (yuan / stock)
         Profit the in the reporting year
                                                    rate of net assets       Basic EPS              Diluted EPS
 Net profit attributable to common stockholders                8.27%                   0.1843                0.1843
Less: Net profit attributable to common
                                                               8.25%                   0.1840                0.1840
stockholders after deducting non-recurring losses

15.3Differences between amounts prepared under foreign accounting
standards and China Accounting Standards (CAS)
Differences in the net profit and net assets between those disclosed in the financial
statements in compliance with International / Hongkong Finance Reporting
Standards and CAS
                            Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                             companies t                               of listed companies
                           Amount for the current     Amount for the prior    Amount for the    Amount for the prior
                                    period                    period           current period          period
In accordance with CASs           186,407,824.38            34,732,376.73 2,348,046,022.96        2,161,537,401.78
In accordance with IFRS           186,407,824.38            34,732,376.73 2,348,046,022.96        2,161,537,401.78

15.4 List of abnormal situations and reasons for the variances of main
consolidated financial statement items
(1) Balance sheet items
The closing balance of note receivables as of 30 Jun, 2015 was RMB
972,681,985.33, which increased by 43.26% comparing with the opening balance.
It’s mainly due to the increase of current period sales.
The closing balance of the notes receivable as of 30 Jun, 2015 was RMB
63,128,052.32 which decreased by 47.33% comparing with its opening balance,
mainly due to some of the notes receivable have matured in current period.
The closing balance of accounts receivable as of 30 Jun,2015 was RMB
297,985,901.71, which increased by 230.40% comparing with the opening balance.
It’s mainly caused by the increase of accounts receivable due from mortgage house
The closing balance of payment in advance as of 30 Jun,2015 was RMB

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

24,497,260.40, which increased by 37.46%. It is mainly caused by the advance
payment for materials had not met the conditions to be transferred into inventory.
Other current assets have a balance of RMB 4,857,802.46 as of 30 Jun, 2015,
which decreased by 60.94% comparing with the opening balance, because of the
accrual of current period land appreciation tax.
The ending balance of deferred tax assets was RMB 19,133,840.67 as of 30 Jun,
2015, which increased by 38.08% compared with the opening balance. It is mainly
due to the accrual of deferred tax assets caused by the increase of deductible
temporary differences of advances from customer for buying house.
The short-term loan balance as of 30 Jun, 2015 was RMB 228,773,616.64, which
increased by 52.67% comparing with the opening balance. It’s mainly caused by
the increase of finance in the current period.
Notes payable balance as of 30 Jun, 2015 was zero, which decreased by 100.00%
mainly due to the maturity of notes payable.
Accounts payable balance as of 30 Jun, 2015 was RMB 325,818,431.65, which
decreased by 39.83% compared with the beginning balance. The main reason is
the increase of payment for construction project.
The balance of advance from customer as of 30 Jun, 2015 was RMB
366,089,386.76 which increased by 153.67% compared with the opening balance
due to the increase of the advanced payment received from customer for buying
The balance of non-current liabilities that will mature within one year as of 30 Jun,
2015 was RMB 255,498,849.98 which decreased by 43.62%. It is mainly caused by
the repayment of some loans.
(4)Income statement and statement of cash flow items
The revenue incurred RMB 1,147,552,773.96 during the period Jan-Jun, 2015,
which increased by 100.25% comparing with the comparative prior period. It is
mainly caused by the increased sales from house.
The operating cost incurred RMB 697,645,876.15 during the period Jan-Jun, 2015,
which increased by 61.19%, mainly caused by the increased sales from house.
The business tax and its surcharges incurred in Jan-Jun, 2015 was 129,612,334.64,
which increased by 216.99% comparing with prior period mainly due to the increase
of the sales which caused the relevant business tax to increase simultaneously.
The financial expense incurred in the period Jan-Jun, 2015 is RMB 24,955,931.85
which increased by 153.97% compared with the prior period. The reason is that
the main real estate projects have completed and interest capitalization has been
    Notes to the Financial Statements for the period Jan-Jun, 2015 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Income tax expense incurred in period Jan-Jun, 2015 was RMB 63,426,291.44,
which increased by 313.66% comparing with the balance of last period, for the
current period total profit is great than period comparative year’s.
The current period cash inflow from operating activities is RMB 453,049,543.95
which increased by 126.50% comparing with last period’s, because the cash
receipts from selling goods and providing service increase and cash outflows from
buying goods and acceptance of service decrease.
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents was RMB 293,672,336.30 during Jan
–Jun, 2015, which increased by 825.78% comparing with prior year’s .The reason
for such increase is that the cash from operating activities have a net increase.

      2015 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

             Section X. Documents Available for Reference

1. The accounting statements with personal signatures and seals of Legal Representative,
Chief Accountant and the person in charge of the accounting agency.
2. The original of the Auditor’s Report with the seals of the CPA firm, as well as the
signatures and seals of the registered accountants.
3. The originals of all the documents and public notices disclosed on China Securities
Journal and Ta Kung Pao by the Company during the reporting period.
