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						The First Quarterly Report 2009




    Stock Code: 000029 Short Form of Stock: SHENSHENFANG A Notice No.: 2009-11






    The First Quarterly Report 2009


    §1. Important Notes


    1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, as well as directors, supervisors and senior


    executives of SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.


    (hereinafter referred to as the Company) warrant that this report does not contain any false or


    misleading statements or omit any material facts and all information set forth herein are true,


    accurate and complete.


    1.2 The first quarterly financial report has not been audited.


    1.3 Zhou Jianguo, person in charge of the Company, Guo Hongzhuang, person in charge of


    accounting, and Chen Jincai, person in charge of the accounting organ hereby confirm that the


    Financial Report enclosed in the Annual Report is true and complete.


    The First Quarterly Report is written in both English and Chinese. In case of any discrepancy


    between the two versions, Chinese version prevails.


    §2 Company Profile


    2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators


    Unit: RMB


    As at 31 Mar. 2009 As at 31 Dec. 2008 Increase/decrease (%)


    Total assets 2,140,417,583.01 2,265,656,678.91 -5.53%


    Owner’s equity attributable to parent


    company 1,209,188,666.11 1,208,288,874.76 0.07%


    Share capital 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 0.00%


    Net assets per share attributable to


    owners of parent company 1.195 1.194 0.08%


    Jan.-Mar. 2009 Jan.-Mar. 2008 Increase/decrease (%)


    Gross revenue 143,070,019.93 148,367,906.67 -3.57%


    Net profit attributable to owners of


    parent company 851,717.83 2,064,119.19 -58.74%


    Net cash flow arising from operating


    activities -29,201,597.35 -32,327,873.42 9.67%


    Net cash flow per share arising from


    operating activities -0.029 -0.032 9.38%


    Basic earnings per share 0.0008 0.0020 -60.00%


    Diluted earnings per share 0.0008 0.0020 -60.00%


    Return on equity 0.07% 0.18% -0.11%


    Return on equity after deducting


    extraordinary gains and losses 0.07% 0.18% -0.11%


    Items of extraordinary gains and losses Amount from the year-begin


    to the end of reporting period


    Profit or loss from change in fair value by holding tradable financial assets 59,467.00


    Non-operating income and expense -37,315.26


    Amount influenced by income tax 6,012.48The First Quarterly Report 2009




    Total 28,164.22


    Explanation on items of extraordinary gains and losses:




    2.2 Total number of shareholders as at the end of reporting period and shares held by the top ten


    shareholders not subject to trading moratorium


    Unit: Share


    Total number of shareholders as at the end of


    reporting period




    Shares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium


    Name of shareholder (full name) Number of shares not subject to trading


    moratorium Type of share




    LTD. 655,800,149 RMB common shares


    CHEN ZHENG ZHONG 3,471,272 RMB common shares


    ZHOU YU PING 2,152,100 RMB common shares


    LI GANG 905,417 RMB common shares


    CHU KOON YUK 720,000 Domestically listed foreign shares


    CHEN KANG LIANG 686,417 Domestically listed foreign shares


    HU YAN FEN 604,100 Domestically listed foreign shares


    ORE BURNS (AUSTRALIA) PTY.LIMITED 600,000 Domestically listed foreign shares


    ZHU ZHI KAI 544,100 RMB common shares


    PAN HUI ZHEN 503,220 RMB common shares


    §3 Significant Events


    3.1 Particulars about large-margin change in item of the main accounting statement and financial


    index, as well as the reason


    √Applicable □Inapplicable


    1. Sale expense is RMB 2559300, up by 51.61% year-on-year, which was mainly due to taxes and


    charges for handling certificates for Guangzhou Huangpu Project;


    2. Financial expense is RMB 3829300, a drop of 46.31% over the same period of last year, which


    was mainly because that the exchange rate change remained stable, resulting in decrease of exchange




    3. Net profit attributable to owners of parent company is RMB 851,700, down by 58.74% than that of


    last year, which caused by reduction of operating income, as well as increase sales tax and extra




    3.2 Progress of the significant events and its effects, as well as explanation on solutions analysis


    □Applicable √Inapplicable


    3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and the actual controller


    □Applicable √Inapplicable


    3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the


    period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the


    same period of last year according to prediction, as well as the reasons


    □Applicable √InapplicableThe First Quarterly Report 2009




    3.5 Other significant events


    3.5.1 Stock investment


    √Applicable □Inapplicable


    Unit: RMB Yuan


    No. Stock


    variety Stock code Short form of






    investment Shares held Book value at




    Proportion of






    investment at






    Profits and losses


    in reporting




    1 Tradable


    A share 601939






    N BANK


    58,050.00 9,000.00 38,700.00 18.27% -19,350.00


    2 Tradable


    A share 601857 PETROCHINA 50,100.00 3,000.00 34,230.00 16.16% -15,870.00


    3 Tradable


    A share 601328








    31,600.00 4,000.00 25,720.00 12.14% -5,880.00


    4 Tradable


    A share 601088 CHINA


    SHENHUA 36,990.00 1,000.00 20,700.00 9.77% -16,290.00


    5 Tradable


    A share 002165 HONGBAOLI 6,045.00 750.00 15,855.00 7.49% 9,810.00


    6 Tradable


    A share 601169 BANK OF


    BEIJING 12,500.00 1,000.00 11,890.00 5.61% -610.00


    7 Tradable


    A share 601168 WESTERN


    MINING 13,480.00 1,000.00 11,770.00 5.56% -1,710.00


    8 Tradable


    A share 002128








    4,900.00 650.00 9,925.50 4.69% 5,025.50


    9 Tradable


    A share 601998 CITIC BANK 11,600.00 2,000.00 9,560.00 4.51% -2,040.00


    10 Tradable


    A share 601898






    16,830.00 1,000.00 8,680.00 4.10% -8,150.00


    Other stock investment at term end 24,010.00 - 24,765.00 11.69% 755.00


    Profit and loss from selling stock investment - - - - 6,625.24


    Total 266,105.00 - 211,795.50 100% -47,684.26


    Explanation on securities investment




    3.5.2 Statement on reception of investigations, communications and visits


    Date Reception site Way Reception object Topic discussed and information




    12 Jan. 2009 Office Communication by








    Inquiring the projects of the Company


    without written materials


    10 Feb. 2009 Office Communication by








    Inquiring the extraordinary


    shareholders’ general meeting of the


    Company without written materials


    10 Mar.2009 Office Communication by








    Inquiring the disclosure date of the


    Company’s annual report and financial


    status without written materialsThe First Quarterly Report 2009




    20 Mar.2009 Office Communication by








    Inquiring the releasing from trading


    moratorium of the firs principal


    shareholder of the Company without


    written materials


    3.5.3 Other significant events


    □Applicable √Inapplicable


    §4 Appendix


    4.1 Balance Sheet


    Prepared by SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd 31 Mar. 2009


    Unit: RMB Yuan


    Amount at the period-end Amount at the period-begin




    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company


    Current assets


    Cash and cash equivalents 231,010,861.28 100,426,543.24 328,413,393.57 188,891,010.32


    Settlement fund


    Outgoing call loan


    Trading financial assets 211,795.50 211,795.50 189,488.50 189,488.50


    Notes receivable


    Accounts receivable 13,915,763.33 7,368,906.53 14,937,238.37 7,598,911.50


    Prepayment 22,557,440.49 525,169.88 24,332,129.12 478,423.65


    Insurance receivables


    Reinsurance Receivable


    Provision of reinsurance


    contract reserve receivable


    Interests receivable


    Other receivables 49,688,949.37 640,781,242.49 44,004,157.29 607,212,015.51


    Financial assets purchased


    under agreement to resell


    Inventories 923,567,416.02 174,561,959.31 945,592,254.25 181,274,439.65


    Non-current assets due within




    Other current assets


    Total current assets 1,240,952,225.99 923,875,616.95 1,357,468,661.10 985,644,289.13


    Non-current assets:


    Loan and payment on other's


    behalf disbursed


    Available-for-sale financial




    Investment held to maturity


    Long-term receivables


    Long-term equity investment 92,830,359.32 302,909,360.35 92,830,359.32 302,909,360.35


    Investment property 711,818,076.50 634,896,435.50 719,025,078.32 641,638,730.03


    Fixed assets 69,475,641.78 41,146,371.20 70,894,484.45 41,729,025.52


    Construction in progress


    Engineering materials


    Disposal of fixed assets


    Production biological assets


    Oil-gas assetsThe First Quarterly Report 2009




    Intangible assets 6,102,665.00 6,430,760.00


    R&D expenses




    Long-term deferred expenses 758,625.60 527,346.90


    Deferred tax assets 18,479,988.82 4,235,725.42 18,479,988.82 4,235,725.42


    Other non-current assets


    Total non-current assets 899,465,357.02 983,187,892.47 908,188,017.81 990,512,841.32


    Total assets 2,140,417,583.01 1,907,063,509.42 2,265,656,678.91 1,976,157,130.45


    Current liabilities:


    Short-term loans 59,200,000.00 59,200,000.00


    Loans from central bank


    Deposits received and hold for




    Call loan received


    Held-for-trading financial




    Notes payable


    Accounts payable 189,192,656.41 26,826,053.90 230,446,779.80 32,708,884.80


    Advance from customers 119,144,759.32 7,005,891.92 130,134,521.89 5,211,019.92


    Financial assets sold under


    agreements to repurchase


    Fees and commissions payable


    Payroll payable 21,895,858.44 10,282,165.69 25,202,232.34 10,720,641.23


    Taxes payable -2,673,515.91 4,660,432.92 2,251,929.90 4,250,387.71


    Interests payable 7,888,053.54 7,888,053.54 7,888,053.54 7,888,053.54


    Other payables 259,985,856.86 357,664,372.68 262,914,117.22 355,621,239.01


    Amount due to reinsurance


    Insurance contract provision


    Entrusted trading of securities


    Entrusted selling of securities


    Non-current liabilities due


    within 1-year 10,461,764.71 10,461,764.71 10,461,764.71 10,461,764.71


    Other current liabilities


    Total current liabilities: 605,895,433.37 424,788,735.36 728,499,399.40 486,061,990.92


    Non-current liabilities:


    Long-term loans 326,696,210.73 240,796,210.73 330,343,020.83 243,543,020.83


    Bonds payable


    Long-term payables 7,612,577.91 7,490,170.24


    Specific payables


    Provision for liabilities 2,196,714.08 2,196,714.08 2,196,714.08 2,196,714.08


    Deferred taxes liabilities


    Other non-current liabilities


    Total non-current liabilities: 336,505,502.72 242,992,924.81 340,029,905.15 245,739,734.91


    Total liabilities 942,400,936.09 667,781,660.17 1,068,529,304.55 731,801,725.83


    Shareholders' Equity:


    Share capital 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00


    Capital surplus 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10The First Quarterly Report 2009




    Less:Treasury Stock


    Surplus reserve 118,910,686.94 113,936,295.79 118,910,686.94 113,936,295.79


    General risk provision


    Retained earnings -914,659,740.44 -864,559,304.64 -915,511,458.27 -859,485,749.27


    Foreign exchange difference 15,032,861.51 14,984,787.99


    Total shareholders' equity


    attributable to holding company 1,209,188,666.11 1,239,281,849.25 1,208,288,874.76 1,244,355,404.62


    Minority interest -11,172,019.19 -11,161,500.40


    Total shareholder's equity 1,198,016,646.92 1,239,281,849.25 1,197,127,374.36 1,244,355,404.62


    Total liabilities & shareholder's


    equity 2,140,417,583.01 1,907,063,509.42 2,265,656,678.91 1,976,157,130.45


    4.2 Income Statement as of report period


    Prepared by SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd 31 Mar. 2009


    Unit: RMB Yuan


    This report period Same period of last year




    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company


    I. Total revenue 143,070,019.93 26,905,916.22 148,367,906.67 15,726,044.03


    Including: revenue 143,070,019.93 26,905,916.22 148,367,906.67 15,726,044.03


    Interests income


    Insurance fee income


    Fee and commission income


    II. Total cost of sales 139,460,138.12 32,024,463.07 141,367,004.52 35,176,676.97


    Including: Cost of sales 104,728,020.92 16,371,003.71 107,262,384.03 11,055,543.73


    Interests expenses


    Service charge and


    commission income


    Insurance discharge payment


    Claim expenses-net


    Provision for insurance


    contract reserve-net


    Insurance policy dividend




    Reinsurance expense


    Business taxes and


    surcharges 12,550,939.93 4,800,169.49 9,672,645.57 3,019,745.01


    Distribution expenses 2,559,295.38 417,576.30 1,688,027.20 481,964.95


    Administrative expenses 15,792,585.23 7,836,581.77 15,611,141.31 7,064,208.02


    Financial costs 3,829,296.66 2,599,131.80 7,132,806.41 13,555,215.26


    Impairment loss


    Plus: gain/loss on change in fair


    value (“-”for loss) 59,467.00 59,467.00 -235,090.00 -235,090.00


    gain/loss on investment(“-”for


    loss) 6,625.24 6,625.24


    Including: income from


    investment on associates and jointly




    Gain or loss on foreign


    exchange difference (“-”for loss)


    III. Operating profit(“-”for loss) 3,675,974.05 -5,052,454.61 6,765,812.15 -19,685,722.94The First 

Quarterly Report 2009




    Plus: non-operating income 692.40 2,993.06


    Less: non-operating expense 38,007.66 39.04 82,636.22


    Including: loss from disposal


    of non-current asset


    IV. Total profit(“-”for loss) 3,638,658.79 -5,052,493.65 6,686,168.99 -19,685,722.94


    Less: income tax expense 2,797,459.75 21,061.72 4,639,404.32


    V. Net profit(“-”for loss) 841,199.04 -5,073,555.37 2,046,764.67 -19,685,722.94


    Including: Attributable to equity


    holders of the parent company 851,717.83 2,064,119.19 -19,685,722.94


    Minority interest -10,518.79 -17,354.520


    VI. Earnings per share


    (I) basic earnings per share 0.0008 0.0020


    (II) diluted earnings per share 0.0008 0.0020


    4.3 Cash Flow Statement from Jan. to Mar. 2009

    Prepared by SHENZHEN Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd Jan.-Mar. 2009


    Unit: RMB Yuan


    This report period Same period of last year




    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company


    1. Cash flows from operating




    Cash received from sales of


    goods or rending of services 127,327,673.68 28,659,931.94 110,922,332.23 23,351,575.66


    Net increase of deposits


    received and held for others


    Net increase of loans from


    central bank


    Net increase of inter-bank


    loans from other financial assets


    Cash received against


    original insurance contract


    Net Cash received from




    Net increase of client deposit


    and investment


    Cash received from disposal


    of held-for-trading financial assets


    Cash received as Interests,


    fees and commissions received


    Net increase of inter-bank


    fund received


    Cash received under


    repurchasing, net


    Tax returned


    Other cash received from


    operating activities 14,790,428.57 2,507,757.08 23,853,494.09 16,253,356.75


    Sub-total of cash inflow from


    operating activities 142,118,102.25 31,167,689.02 134,775,826.32 39,604,932.41


    Cash paid for goods and


    services 98,745,362.69 7,131,562.05 90,181,421.08 7,618,367.59


    Net increase of loans and


    advancesThe First Quarterly Report 2009




    Net increase of deposit in


    central bank, banks and other


    financial institutions


    Cash paid for original


    contract claim


    Cash paid for interests, fees


    and commission


    Cash paid for policy




    Cash paid to and for


    employees 20,183,232.23 6,947,225.78 21,459,026.79 8,698,423.46


    Cash paid for all types of


    taxes 17,019,000.75 4,275,406.85 17,870,970.48 7,194,423.09


    Other cash paid relating to


    operating activities 35,372,103.93 34,952,794.94 37,592,281.39 22,158,962.16


    Sub-total of cash outflows 171,319,699.60 53,306,989.62 167,103,699.74 45,670,176.30


    Net cash outflow in


    operating activities -29,201,597.35 -22,139,300.60 -32,327,873.42 -6,065,243.89


    2. Cash Flows from Investing




    Cash received from return of


    investments 37,160.00 37,160.00 31,850,000.00


    Cash received from


    investment income 6,625.24 6,625.24 723,822.66


    Net cash received from


    disposal of fixed assets, intangible


    assets and other long-term assets




    Net cash received from


    disposal of subsidiaries and other


    operating units


    Other cash received relating


    to investing activities 2,179.07


    Sub-total of cash inflows of


    investing activities 45,964.31 43,785.24 18,487.00


    Cash paid for acquisition of


    fixed assets, intangible assets and


    other long-term assets


    107,447.00 37,150.00 75,797.00 7,379.00


    Cash paid for acquisition of




    Net increase of pledge loans


    Net cash paid for acquisition


    of subsidiaries and other operating




    Other cash paid relating to


    investing activities 44,070.00 44,070.00


    Sub-total of cash outflows of


    investing activities 107,447.00 37,150.00 119,867.00 51,449.00


    Net cash inflow from


    investing activities -61,482.69 6,635.24 -101,380.00 -51,449.00


    3. Cash Flows from Financing




    Cash received from




    Including: Cash received


    from minority shareholders of


    subsidiariesThe First Quarterly Report 2009




    Cash received from


    borrowings 70,150,000.00 70,000,000.00


    Cash received from bonds




    Cash received relating to


    financing activities


    Sub-total of cash inflows of


    financing activities 70,150,000.00 70,000,000.00


    Cash paid for repayments of


    borrowings 62,846,810.10 61,946,810.10 49,586,224.78 49,586,224.78


    Cash paid for dividends,


    profit distribution or interest 5,276,956.46 4,384,966.46 4,934,243.14 6,028,919.01


    Including: dividends or


    profits paid to minority


    shareholders by subsidiaries


    Other cash paid relating to


    financing activities 21,981.14 21,981.14


    Sub-total of cash outflows of


    financing activities 68,123,766.56 66,331,776.56 54,520,467.92 55,615,143.79


    Net cash inflow from


    financing activities -68,123,766.56 -66,331,776.56 15,629,532.08 14,384,856.21


    4. Effect of foreign exchange rate


    changes -15,685.69 -25.16 -982,405.88 -74,476.04


    5. Net decrease in cash and cash


    equivalents -97,402,532.29 -88,464,467.08 -17,782,127.22 8,193,687.28


    Add : Cash and cash


    equivalents at the beginning of the




    328,413,393.57 188,891,010.32 451,915,145.77 219,453,189.28


    6. Cash and cash equivalents at


    the end of the year 231,010,861.28 100,426,543.24 434,133,018.55 227,646,876.56


    4.5 Auditor’s report


    Auditor’s opinion: un-audited


    Board of Directors of


    Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd


    21 Apr. 2009