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                                      PartⅠImportant Notice
The directors, supervisors and senior management guarantee that there are no omissions, misstatement, or
misleading information in this quarterly report. The directors, supervisors and senior management are responsible,
individually and jointly, for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the information herein.
All directors attended the board meeting.

Mr. Tian Junyan, Chairman of the Board, Mdm. Yu Zhongxia, Deputy General Manager &Financial Controller
and Mdm. Sun Yuhui, Financial Manager, all guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the financial result in this
The report is written in both Chinese and English. In case of conflict between the two versions, Chinese version
shall prevail.

                 PARTⅡMajor Accounting Data and Change of Shareholders
       . Major Accounting Data

Retroactive Adjustment

□         Yes    √ No
                                                 January to March, 2014 January to March, 2013         Change %) (
 Operating Revenue(RMB)                                    159,887,788.95           152,613,510.49                  4.77%
 Net Profit Attributed to Shareholders of
                                                            47,678,424.98            42,813,338.87                 11.36%
 Listed Company (RMB)
 Net profit after deducting
                                                            45,565,871.51            41,156,705.09                 10.71%
 non-recurring gains& losses(RMB)
 Net Cash Flows from Operating
                                                            67,329,683.35            88,103,110.20                -23.58%
 Basic Earnings per Share (RMB/Share)                                 0.21                    0.19                 10.53%
 Diluted Earnings per Share
                                                                      N/A                      N/A                     N/A
 Weighted Average Return on Equity
                                                                   3.19%                     3.27% -0.08 percentage points
 ) (
                                                     March 31, 2014          December 31, 2013         Change %) (
 Total Assets(RMB)                                       4,561,276,317.16          4,501,064,624.96                 1.34%
 Owner’s Equity Attributed to
 Shareholders of Listed                                  1,521,030,334.65          1,472,986,548.28                 3.26%

Items of Non-recurring Gains and Losses
√ Applicable    Inapplicable
                                            Item                                                      Amount
Disposal of non-current assets, including the part offset with the provision for
impairment of assets
Government grants recognized in current year’s profit or loss (except for the
fixed or quantitative government grants closely related to the enterprise                                      1,591,348.22
businesses according to the national unified standard)
Other non-operating revenue and expenditure excluding the above-mentioned
Less: Influence on income tax                                                                                    913,536.04
            Influence on minority interest (after tax)                                                           628,054.65
Total                                                                                                          2,112,553.47

For the Company‘s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses
and its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have
been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

       . Number of Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders

 Total Shareholders                                                                                         7,105
                                              Top Ten Shareholders
                                                                             Total                Impawned or
                                                                  Ratio                Non-trada
                Name full name
                      (         )                 Nature                  shares                Frozen Shares
                                                                 )%(                ble shares
                                                                             held                 Status Shares
 CHINA NANSHAN DEVELOPMENT                 Domestic Legal
                                                              51.79% 119,420,000 119,420,000
 (GROUP) INCORPORATION                     Person
                                           Foreign Legal
 China Logistics Holding(12) PTE.LTD.                          19.9% 45,890,000            0
 CHINA MECHANTS SECURITIES                 State-owned
                                                               1.45%   3,347,168           0
 (HONGKONG) LTD                            Legal Person
                                           Foreign Legal
 MATTHEWS CHINA DIVIDEND FUND                                  0.81%   1,861,968           0
                                                                0.5% 1,164,042             0
 LIMITED                                   Person
                                           Foreign Legal
 GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA MASTER FUND                            0.43%     984,693           0
                                           Foreign Legal
 DEUTSCHE BANK AG LONDON                                       0.36%     833,136           0
                                                               0.33%     756,136           0
 INDEX FUND                                Person
 LI SHU CHUN                                                    0.3%     681,720           0
                                           Natural Person
                                                               0.27%     621,089           0
 SECURITIES LTD                            Person
                                      Top Ten Tradable Shareholders
                                                                                           Type and Amount
                      Name full name
                            (          )                         Shares Held
                                                                                           Type        Amount
 China Logistics Holding(12) PTE.LTD.                                      45,890,000 B                45,890,000
 CHINA MECHANTS SECURITIES (HONGKONG) LTD                                    3,347,168 B                3,347,168
 MATTHEWS CHINA DIVIDEND FUND                                                1,861,968 B                1,861,968
 GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                   1,164,042 B                1,164,042
 GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA MASTER FUND                                           984,693 B                   984,693
 DEUTSCHE BANK AG LONDON                                                      833,136 B                   833,136
 VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND                                756,136 B                   756,136
 LI SHU CHUN                                                                  681,720 B                   681,720
 CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HONG KONG SECURITIES LTD                            621,089 B                   621,089
 LI MING YA                                                                   599,380 B                   599,380
                                                              Among the top ten shareholders, the domestic legal
                                                              entity shareholder, China Nanshan Development
                                                              (Group) Incorporation has no affiliated relations
                                                              with other shareholders and does not fall into the
 Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or United Action of scope of united action person stipulated by
 the Top Ten Shareholders                                     “Regulation of Information Disclosure of the
                                                              Change of Shareholding of listed company”. It is
                                                              unknown that whether other tradable-share
                                                              shareholders fall into the scope of united action

                                           Part Ⅲ Significant Events
       . Explanation on the Significant Changes for Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators.

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                      st                      st
                                  1 Quarter of           1 Quarter of
No.               Items                                                    Change%            Causes of Difference
                                     2014                   2013
           Cash and Cash                                                              Mainly due to expiration of bank
1                                 382,066,477.32       233,332,680.86      63.74%
           Equivalents                                                                financing products
                                                                                      Mainly due to deferred payments
2          Accounts Receivable    81,636,416.08        55,359,989.14       47.46%
                                                                                      from oil logistics service agreements.
           Accounts                                                                   Mainly due to prepayment of oil
3                                 1,008,237.88         552,431.59          82.51%
           Prepayment                                                                 logistics service equipment
                                                                                      Mainly due to interest receive of bank
4          Interest Receivable    -                    4,797,363.01        -100.00%
                                                                                      financing products
           Dividends                                                                  Mainly due to dividends received
5                                 -                    48,000,000.00       -100.00%
           Receivable                                                                 from CSE
                                                                                      Mainly due to expiration of bank
6          Other Current Assets   345,000,000.00       547,610,000.00      -37.00%
                                                                                      financing products
           Other Non-Current                                                          Mainly due to increase of project
7                                 73,506,854.81        17,273,362.26       325.55%
           Assets                                                                     prepayment
8          Selling Expenses       3,600.00             7,506.50            -52.04%    Mainly due to decrease of agent fee
                                                                                      Mainly due to increase from bank
9          Equity Earnings        19,662,522.69        12,872,388.83       52.75%     financing products and affiliated
                                                                                      company investment
           Non-operating                                                              Mainly due to increase of government
10                                3,491,657.06         2,221,569.94        57.17%
           Income                                                                     subsidy to Blogis
                                                                                      Mainly due to income increase and
           Income Tax
11                                13,494,451.78        7,738,022.62        74.39%     income tax policy adjustment of
                                                                                      Shanghai Baowan
           Cash from Sales of                                                         Mainly due to collective payment of
12                                28,157,569.66        20,508,188.92       37.30%
           Goods & Services                                                           2013 financial year
           Cash paid for Other
                                                                                      Mainly due to increase of tender
13         Operating-related      9,409,359.88         5,718,458.67        64.54%
                                                                                      deposit compensation
           Cash paid for Other
                                                                                      Mainly due to decrease of bank
14         Invest-related         733,990,000.00       1,141,302,690.00    -35.69%
                                                                                      financing products purchase
           Cash received from                                                         Mainly due to increase of bank
15                                35,794,222.61        16,458,261.00       117.48%
           Borrowings                                                                 borrowing
                                                                                      Mainly due to decrease of bank
16         Debt Redemption        100,000.00           2,200,000.00        -95.45%

       . Significant Event and its Impact
The Company is planning for a significant event. The Company’s current shares will be suspended for trading
since April 22, 2014 and will be restored as soon as related affairs were determined and disclosed.

                   Summary                               Disclosure Date                 Announcement Index
 Stock Suspension                            April 22, 2014                      www.cninfo.com.cn

       . Fulfillment of Commitment by Shareholders with More than 5% Shares

                   Promisee                  Content                    Beginning          Deadline            Status
                  Nanshan                                                            Subsisting    contract
                              to land use                            1997-7-18                                On duty
                  Group                                                              period
                  Nanshan     to resolve payment difficulties in                     Subsisting    contract
                                                                   2012-5-11                                  On duty
                  Group       opening the Finance Limited                            period
Other                         to provide regular monthly financial
        The                                                                          Subsisting    contract
Commit                        reports     to    the    controlling 2007-10-25                                 On duty
        Company                                                                      period
ments                         shareholder
        The                   About the issue of "medium-term                        Subsisting    contract
                                                                   2012-3-7                                   On duty
        Company               notes for 2012" Commitment                             period
        The                   About the issue of "12 base debt"                      Subsisting    contract
                                                                   2012-12-17                                 On duty
        Company               commitment                                             period
 The details were published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and website of
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on February 25, 2014.

       . Prediction of Business Performance for the first half year of 2014

Prediction and explanation on important changes of profit in next report period

      □             √Inapplicable

       . Stock Investment

Stock investment

□     Applicable √Inapplicable

VI. Investment of Financial Derivatives

□     Applicable √Inapplicable

VII. Reception of Investors and Medias

           Time      Location       Method       Type of Visitors          Visitor              Topics Discussed
                                                                                         Business operation and
                                                                    Cederberg Capital UK
 January 20,                                                                             development of logistics
             Shenzhen Field Research Institution                    LLP;Yuanhao Capital
 2014                                                                                    parks. Providing Company
                                                                                         Business operation and
 February 18,                                                       Greenwoods Asset     development of logistics
              Shenzhen Field Research Institution
 2014                                                               Management           parks. Providing Company

                                        Part Ⅳ Financial Statements
       . Financial Statements
1. Balance Sheet
             Consolidated                         (Mar 31 2014)                       Currency: RMB
                        Items                      Ending Balance                  Beginning Balance
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents                                         382,066,477.32               233,332,680.86
Deposit Reservation for Balance
Lendings to Banks and Other Financial
Held for Trading Financial Assets
Notes receivable
Accounts Receivable                                                81,636,416.08                55,359,989.14
Accounts Prepayment                                                 1,008,237.88                  552,431.59
Insurance Premium Receivable
Reinsurance Accounts Receivable
Reinsurance Reserve Receivable
Accrued Interest Receivable                                                                      4,797,363.01
Dividend Receivable                                                                             48,000,000.00
Other Receivables                                                  58,799,296.24                61,658,096.81
Redemptory Monetary Capital for Sale
Inventories                                                          961,414.29                   996,356.55
Current Portion of Non-current Assets
Other Current Assets                                              345,000,000.00               547,610,000.00
Sub-total Current Assts                                           869,471,841.81               952,306,917.96
Non-current Assets
   Disbursement of Entrust Loans and Advance
Financial Assets Available for Sale
Held-to-maturity Investment
Long-term Accounts Receivable
Long-term Investment on Stocks                                    489,649,740.03               476,253,695.39
Investment Real Estate                                            903,094,502.79               904,216,455.40
Fixed Assets                                                      507,334,446.83               516,378,454.46
Construction-in-progress                                          469,985,065.67               376,118,459.02
Engineer Material
Liquidation of Fixed Assets                                            12,641.47
Capitalized Biological Assets
   Oil and Gas Assets
Intangible Assets                                            1,232,891,572.17                1,242,104,033.52
Development Expenditure
Long-term Deferred Expenses
Deferred Income Tax Assets                                         15,329,651.58                16,413,246.95
Other Non-current Assets                                           73,506,854.81                17,273,362.26

Sub-total Non-current Assets                 3,691,804,475.35   3,548,757,707.00
Total Assets                                 4,561,276,317.16   4,501,064,624.96
Current Liabilities
Short-term Loans
Borrowing from the Central Bank
Accept Money Deposits and Call Loans from
Other Financial Institutions
Transactional Monetary Liabilities)
Notes Payable
Accounts Payable                               12,134,263.46      10,629,691.02
Down payment Received                            5,857,967.84      6,130,153.26
Financial Assets Sold for Repurchase
Commission Payable
Payroll Payable                                20,943,021.50      29,173,650.77
Tax Payable                                    57,213,219.58      47,821,808.03
Accrued Interest Payable                       26,433,300.21      28,339,479.77
Dividend Payable
Other Payables                                205,597,167.85     235,814,254.97
Dividend Payable for Reinsurance
Reserves for Insurance Contract
Acting Trading Securities
Acting Underwriting Securities
Current Portion of Non-current Liabilities    310,949,351.16     311,049,351.16
Other Non-current Liabilities
Sub-total Current Liabilities                 639,128,291.60     668,958,388.98
Non-current Liabilities
Long-term Loans                               221,237,870.57     185,443,647.96
Bonds Payable                                 964,566,000.00     964,195,500.00
Long-term Accounts Payable                    212,011,691.49     212,011,691.49
Special Accounts Payable
Accrued liabilities
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities
Other Non-current Liabilities                 718,728,922.87     719,066,260.66
Sub-total Non-current Liabilities            2,116,544,484.93   2,080,717,100.11
Total Liabilities                            2,755,672,776.53   2,749,675,489.09
Owner's Equity( Shareholders’ Equity)
Paid-in Capital (Capital Stock)               230,600,000.00     230,600,000.00
Capital Reserves                              234,141,186.09     234,141,186.09
Less : Treasury Stock
Special Reserves                                 2,988,092.20      2,622,730.81
Surplus Reserves                              284,684,747.72     284,684,747.72
General Risk Reserve
Retained Earnings                             768,616,308.64     720,937,883.66
Translation Reserve

Total Chiwan Base Shareholders’ Equity                                  1,521,030,334.65                          1,472,986,548.28
Non-controlling interests                                                 284,573,205.98                            278,402,587.59
Total Shareholders’ Equity                                              1,805,603,540.63                          1,751,389,135.87
Total Liabilities and Equities                                           4,561,276,317.16                          4,501,064,624.96
Legal Representative:                     Chief financial officer   :                      Financial   manager

    2.Balance Sheet
    Parent Company                           (Mar 31 2014)                              Currency: RMB
                  Items                          Ending Balance                 Beginning Balance
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents                                     210,263,797.92               59,429,719.52
Held for Trading Financial Assets
Notes receivable
Accounts Receivable                                             68,569,253.42               40,118,181.46
Accounts Prepayment                                                452,053.68                  163,921.32
Accrued Interest Receivable                                              0.00                4,797,363.01
Dividend Receivable                                                      0.00               48,000,000.00
Other Receivables                                            1,188,072,320.24            1,085,568,875.34
Inventories                                                        718,286.89                  747,075.29
Current Portion of Non-current Assets
Other Current Assets                                           345,000,000.00              547,610,000.00
Sub-total Current Assts                                      1,813,075,712.15            1,786,435,135.94
Non-current Assets
Financial Assets Available for Sale
Held-to-maturity Investment
Long-term Accounts Receivable
Long-term Investment on Stocks                               1,361,455,499.74            1,348,059,455.10
Investment Real Estate                                         113,097,716.06              106,792,020.08
Fixed Assets                                                    72,945,349.23               74,973,379.32
Construction-in-progress                                         1,227,031.75                7,174,594.15
Engineer Material
Liquidation of Fixed Assets                                           607.47
Capitalized Biological Assets
 Oil and Gas Assets
Intangible Assets                                             321,594,278.57              325,806,871.10
Development Expenditure
Long-term Deferred Expenses
Deferred Income Tax Assets                                         151,389.97                  151,389.97
Other Non-current Assets                                           543,115.76                  585,092.78
Sub-total Non-current Assets                                 1,871,014,988.55            1,863,542,802.50
Total Assets                                                 3,684,090,700.70            3,649,977,938.44
Current Liabilities
Short-term Loans
Transactional Monetary Liabilities
Notes Payable
Accounts Payable                                               12,008,388.05                9,934,722.92
Down payment Received
Payroll Payable                                                15,417,988.34               19,641,409.26
Tax Payable                                                    31,820,162.92               28,393,537.23
Accrued Interest Payable                                       26,435,380.01               28,301,589.75
Dividend Payable
Other Payables                                                 62,586,924.00               65,217,657.24
Current Portion of Non-current Liabilities                    310,949,351.16              311,049,351.16
Other Non-current Liabilities
Sub-total Current Liabilities                                 459,218,194.48              462,538,267.56
Non-current Liabilities
Long-term Loans                                               175,912,319.21              165,048,306.62
Bonds Payable                                                 964,566,000.00              964,195,500.00
Long-term Accounts Payable
Special Accounts Payable
Accrued liabilities
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities
Other Non-current Liabilities                                  718,728,922.87              719,066,260.66
Sub-total Non-current Liabilities                            1,859,207,242.08            1,848,310,067.28
Total Liabilities                                            2,318,425,436.56            2,310,848,334.84
Owner's Equity( Shareholders’ Equity)
Paid-in Capital (Capital Stock)                               230,600,000.00              230,600,000.00
Capital Reserves                                              204,534,849.49              204,534,849.49

Less : Treasury Stock
Special Reserves                                     2,896,536.73                 2,533,941.99
Surplus Reserves                                   284,684,747.72               284,684,747.72
General Risk Reserve
Retained Earnings                                  642,949,130.20               616,776,064.40
Translation Reserve
Total Shareholders’ Equity                      1,365,665,264.14           1,339,129,603.60
Total Liabilities and Equities                   3,684,090,700.70           3,649,977,938.44

    Legal Representative:        Chief financial officer   :       Financial    manager :

3.Income Statements
Consolidated                               (From Jan 01 2014 to Mar 31 2014)                      Currency RMB:
                                Items                                            Current Period                Same Period Last Year
1. Gross Revenue                                                                        159,887,788.95                    152,613,510.49
Incl. Operation Revenue                                                                 159,887,788.95                    152,613,510.49
     Interest Revenue
     Earned Premium
     Commission Revenue
2. Total operating cost                                                                 115,860,960.65                    111,223,395.76
Incl. Operating cost                                                                     59,877,024.00                     53,858,668.76
     Interest Expenses
     Commission Expenses
     Surrender Value
     Net Payments for Insurance Claims
     Net Provision for Insurance Contracts
     Expenditures Dividend Policy
     Amortized Reinsurance Expenditures
     Business Tax and Surcharge                                                           6,921,366.26                      7,737,876.11
     Selling Expenses                                                                         3,600.00                          7,506.50
     Administrative Expenses                                                             18,775,888.01                     16,603,382.04
     Financial Expenses                                                                  30,283,082.38                     33,015,962.35
     Assets Impairment Loss
Plus: Fair Value change Income(“-” for net loss)
       Investment income(“-” for net loss)                                             19,662,522.69                     12,872,388.83
      Incl: Investment income from Associate and Joint
                                                                                         13,396,044.64                      9,809,703.78
       Exchange Earnings(“-” for net loss)
3. Operating Profits(“-” for net loss)                                                 63,689,350.99                     54,262,503.56

Plus: Non-operating income                                                                3,491,657.06                      2,221,569.94

Less: non-operating expenses                                                               -162,487.10                          7,424.00
       Incl: Loss of Liquidation of non-current Assets                                         566.24                               0.00
4. Total profit(“-” for net loss)                                                      67,343,495.15                     56,476,649.50
Less: Income taxes expenses                                                              13,494,451.78                      7,738,022.62
5. Net profit(“-” for net loss)                                                        53,849,043.37                     48,738,626.88
  Incl: Net profit recognised before the merger
Net Profit attributable to controlling interests                                         47,678,424.98                     42,813,338.87
Net Profit attributable to non-controlling interests                                      6,170,618.39                      5,925,288.01
6. Earnings per share
1) basic earnings per share                                                                        0.21                             0.19
2)diluted earnings per share                                                           Not applicable                     Not applicable
7. Other comprehensive income
8. Total comprehensive income                                                            53,849,043.37                     48,738,626.88
   Total comprehensive income attributable to the owners of
                                                                                         47,678,424.98                     42,813,338.87
parent company
   Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling
                                                                                          6,170,618.39                      5,925,288.01

Legal Representative:                             Chief financial officer   :                    Financial    manager

4.Income Statements
Parent company                             (From Jan 01 2014 to Mar 31 2014)                         Currency RMB
                              Items                                        Current Period                Same Period Last Year
1. Operating income                                                               70,762,889.28                           69,580,558.23
Less: Operating costs                                                             30,760,233.29                           26,260,120.49
      Selling Expenses                                                                1,555,328.97                         1,542,324.40
      Business taxes and levies
      Administrative expenses                                                         9,465,321.33                         9,225,230.57
      Financial expenses                                                          19,019,369.79                           21,521,442.42
      Impairment loss of assets
Add: Investment income                                                            19,662,522.69                           12,872,388.83
     Incl: Income from investments in associates and joint
                                                                                  13,396,044.64                            9,809,703.78
2. Operating profit                                                               29,625,158.59                           23,903,829.18
Add: Non-operating income                                                              809,480.51                          2,162,144.87
Less: Non-operating expenses                                                             2,566.24                              2,080.00
      Incl: Losses from disposal of non-current assets                                     566.24
3. Total profit                                                                   30,432,072.86                           26,063,894.05
Less: Income tax expenses                                                             4,259,007.06                         4,063,547.57
4. Net profit                                                                     26,173,065.80                           22,000,346.48
5. Earnings per share:                                                           --                                  --
1) Basic earnings per share                                                     Not applicable                        Not applicable
2) Diluted earnings per share                                                   Not applicable                        Not applicable
6. Other comprehensive income
7. Total comprehensive income                                                     26,173,065.80                           22,000,346.48

Legal Representative:                       Chief financial officer   :                    Financial    manager:

5.Cash Flow Statements
Consolidated                                (From Jan 01 2014 to Mar 31 2014)            Currency RMB
                                           Items                                    Current Period Same Period Last Year
1. Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash from Sales of Goods & Services                                                 142,895,615.04         146,760,032.28
Net Increase in Customer Bank Deposits and due to Banks and Other Financial
Net Increase in Borrowings from Central Bank
Net Increase in Placements from Other Financial Institutions
Cash from Insurance Premium of Original Insurance Contracts
Net cash received from reinsurance business
Net increase in deposits from policyholders
Net increase from disposal of tradable financial assets
Cash from Interest   、   Handling Charges and commission Income
Net Increase in Placements from Banks and Other Financial Institutions
Net Increase in Repurchase Business Capital
Tax Refunds                                                                             653,064.01
 Cash from Other Operating-related Activities                                         8,405,089.22           11,118,118.76
Sub-total of Cash Inflows from Operating Activities                                 151,953,768.27         157,878,151.04
Cash Paid for Purchasing of Goods &Services                                          28,157,569.66          20,508,188.92
Net Increase in Loans and Advances to Customers
Net Increase in Deposits with Central Bank and Other Financial Institutions
Cash paid for Claims of Original Insurance Contracts
Cash Paid for Interest    、   Handling Charges and commission Income
Cash paid for policy dividends
Cash paid for staffs                                                                 27,441,521.85          24,738,086.24
Taxes and dues                                                                       19,615,633.53          18,810,307.01
Cash Paid for Other Operating-related Activities                                      9,409,359.88            5,718,458.67
      Sub-total of Cash Outflows from Operating Activities                           84,624,084.92          69,775,040.84
      Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                       67,329,683.35          88,103,110.20
2. Cash Flows from Investing Activities
     Cash from Disinvestment
    Cash from Investment Income                                                      48,000,000.00
     Net Cash from Disposal of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and Other                                        10,880.00
Long-term Assets
     Net Cash Received from Disposal of Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
Cash Received from Other Investing-related Activities                               947,663,841.06         755,259,825.19
Sub-total of Cash Inflows from Investing Activities                                 995,663,841.06         755,270,705.19
Cash Paid for Construction of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and Other Long-term   183,361,606.99         156,843,937.51
Cash Paid for Investment
Net Increase in Pledge Loans
Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
Cash Paid for Other Investing-related Activities                                    733,990,000.00        1,141,302,690.00
      Sub-total of Cash Outflows from Investing Activities                          917,351,606.99        1,298,146,627.51
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                             78,312,234.07         -542,875,922.32
3.Cash Flows from Financing Activities
   Cash Received from Absorbing Investment
incl : Cash from absorbing minority investment
Cash received from Borrowings                                                        35,794,222.61          16,458,261.00
Cash Received from Bonds Issuance
Cash from Other Financing-related Activities

Sub-total of Cash Inflows from Financing Activities                          35,794,222.61           16,458,261.00
Debt Redemption                                                                100,000.00              2,200,000.00
Cash Paid for Dividends or Interests                                         31,401,143.57           35,985,432.59
incl : Dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minorities
Cash Paid for Other Financing-related Activities                              1,201,200.00
Sub-total of Cash Outflows from Financing Activities                         32,702,343.57           38,185,432.59
  Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                    3,091,879.04           -21,727,171.59
4. Influence from Fluctuations in Exchange for Cash and Cash Equivalents
5. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                148,733,796.46          -476,499,983.71
Plus: Beginning Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                        233,332,680.86          893,354,140.32
6. Ending Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                              382,066,477.32          416,854,156.61

Legal Representative:                        Chief financial officer   :    Financial   manager

     6.Cash Flow Statements
     Parent company                                 (From Jan 01 2014 to Mar 31 2014)                Currency RMB
                              Items                                          Current Period                  Same Period Last Year
1. Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash from Sales of Goods & Services                                                    345,232,322.35                      308,213,737.01
Tax Refunds
 Cash from Other Operating-related Activities                                           42,528,320.46                       15,347,733.16
Sub-total of Cash Inflows from Operating Activities                                    387,760,642.81                      323,561,470.17
Cash Paid for Purchasing of Goods &Services                                             68,188,823.12                       70,886,553.22
Cash paid for staffs                                                                    46,185,517.92                       38,165,319.66
Taxes and dues                                                                          38,655,940.19                       40,531,265.68
Cash Paid for Other Operating-related Activities                                        36,940,512.73                       22,617,559.38
       Sub-total of Cash Outflows from Operating Activities                            189,970,793.96                      172,200,697.94
       Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                        197,789,848.85                      151,360,772.23
2. Cash Flows from Investing Activities
     Cash from Disinvestment
     Cash from Investment Income                                                        53,781,013.32                       38,380,837.73
       Net Cash from Disposal of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets
                                                                                            10,880.00                           20,000.00
and Other Long-term Assets
       Net Cash Received from Disposal of Subsidiaries and
Other Business Units
Cash Received from Other Investing-related Activities                               4,897,238,903.79                     2,942,344,761.60
Sub-total of Cash Inflows from Investing Activities                                 4,951,030,797.11                     2,980,745,599.33
Cash Paid for Construction of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets
                                                                                        15,852,799.13                       15,041,108.95
and Other Long-term Assets
Cash Paid for Investment                                                                                                   100,000,000.00
Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of Subsidiaries and Other Business
Cash Paid for Other Investing-related Activities                                    5,408,507,289.50                     2,987,234,846.96
       Sub-total of Cash Outflows from Investing Activities                         5,424,360,088.63                     3,102,275,955.91
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                              -473,329,291.52                     -121,530,356.58
3.Cash Flows from Financing Activities
    Cash Received from Absorbing Investment
Cash received from Borrowings                                                           48,284,455.06                      773,763,851.56
Cash Received from Bonds Issuance                                                                                          970,000,000.00
Cash from Other Financing-related Activities                                             8,250,591.23                          568,599.54
Sub-total of Cash Inflows from Financing Activities                                     56,535,046.29                    1,744,332,451.10
Debt Redemption                                                                        406,600,000.00                    1,060,420,000.00
Cash Paid for Dividends or Interests                                                   116,164,257.09                       99,334,118.08
Cash Paid for Other Financing-related Activities                                        52,348,815.94                       84,859,680.95
Sub-total of Cash Outflows from Financing Activities                                   575,113,073.03                    1,244,613,799.03
   Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                           -518,578,026.74                      499,718,652.07
4. Influence from Fluctuations in Exchange for Cash and Cash
                                                                                           -64,990.87                         -162,789.79
5. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                          -794,182,460.28                      529,386,277.93
Plus: Beginning Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                                   853,607,179.80                      324,220,901.87
6. Ending Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                                          59,424,719.52                      853,607,179.80

     Legal Representative:                     Chief financial officer   :                 Financial   manager:

       . Audit Report

Audit Opinion
The first quarterly report is unaudited.

                                                    Board of Directors
                                           Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd.
                                                      April 30, 2014
