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                                     Part I Important Notice
The directors, supervisors and senior management guarantee that there are no omissions, misstatement, or
misleading information in this quarterly report. The directors, supervisors and senior management are responsible,
individually and jointly, for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the information herein.

All directors attended the board meeting.

Mr. Tian Junyan, Chairman of the Board, Mdm. Yu Zhongxia, Deputy General Manager &Financial Controller
and Mdm. Sun Yuhui, Financial Manager, all guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the financial result in this
The report is written in both Chinese and English. In case of conflict between the two versions, Chinese version
shall prevail.

        PART II Major Accounting Data and Change of Shareholders
Ⅰ. Major Accounting Data

                                                                     January to March, 2014             Change(%)
                                        January to March, 2015        Before
                                                                                     After Adjustment   After Adjustment
Operating Revenue(RMB)                            147,824,556.91    159,887,788.95    159,887,788.95               -7.54%
Net Profit Attributed to Shareholders
                                                   22,604,615.62     47,678,424.98      47,441,315.82            -52.35%
of Listed Company (RMB)
Net Profit after Deducting
                                                   21,078,656.96     45,565,871.51      45,328,762.35            -53.50%
Non-recurring Gains &Losses(RMB)
Net Cash Flows from Operating
                                                   78,023,735.31     67,329,683.35      67,446,045.71             15.68%
Basic Earnings per Share
                                                             0.10             0.21               0.21            -52.38%
Diluted Earnings per Share
                                                             N/A              N/A                N/A                 N/A
Weighted Average Return on Equity
                                                            1.33%           3.19%              2.77%               -1.44%
                                                                        December 31, 2014               Change(%)
                                           March 31, 2015             Before
                                                                                     After Adjustment   After Adjustment
Total Assets(RMB)                                5,432,710,876.28 5,389,629,871.81 5,389,629,871.81                0.80%
Owners Equity Attributed to
Shareholders of Listed                           1,712,761,095.80 1,690,486,032.37 1,690,486,032.37                1.32%
Blogis (Hongkong) Limited has acquired 100% equity of China Huitong (H.K.) Limited in October, 2014.
According to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (the “ASBEs”), the acquisition results in changes
of consolidation scope due to business combination involving enterprises under common control and restating the
financial report for the first quarter of 2014.

Items of Non-recurring Gains and Losses
√ Applicable □Inapplicable
                           Item                                      Amount                             Note
Disposal of non-current assets, including the part offset
with the provision for impairment of assets
Government grants recognized in current years profit or
                                                                                           Receipts from support fund
loss (except for the fixed or quantitative government
                                                                           2,473,300.00 for modern logistics in
grants closely related to the enterprise businesses
according to the national unified standard)
Other non-operating revenue and expenditure excluding
the above-mentioned items
Less: Influence on income tax                                                448,517.91
    Influence on minority interest (after tax)                               446,290.97
Total                                                                      1,525,958.66                  --

For the Companys non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses
and its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have
been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

II. 1. Number of Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders

Total shareholders in reporting period                                                                                            7,037
                                                  Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                                                                 Impawned or Frozen
                                                                       Ratio     Total shares   Non-tradable
                   Name                             Nature                                                             Shares
                                                                       (%)       held          shares
                                                                                                                   Status     Shares
CHINA NANSHAN DEVELOPMENT             Domestic Legal
                                                             51.79% 119,420,000                   119,420,000               -         0
(GROUP) INCORPORATION                 Person
                                      Foreign Legal
China Logistics Holding (12) PTE.LTD.                        19.90%      45,890,000                          0              -   Unknown
CHINA MECHANTS SECURITIES             State-owned Legal
                                                              1.46%       3,361,068                          0              -   Unknown
(HONGKONG) LTD                        Person
                                      Foreign Legal
MATTHEWS CHINA DIVIDEND FUND                                  0.81%       1,861,968                          0              -   Unknown
GUOTAI JUNAN                          Foreign Legal
                                                              0.55%       1,275,742                          0              -   Unknown
GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA                Foreign Legal
                                                              0.43%         984,693                          0              -   Unknown
MASTER FUND                           Person
                                      Foreign Legal
DEUTSCHE BANK AG LONDON                                       0.36%         833,136                          0              -   Unknown
VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL Foreign                Legal
                                                              0.33%         756,136                          0              -   Unknown
STOCK INDEX FUND                      Person
                                      Domestic Natural
LI SHU CHUN                                                   0.30%         681,720                          0              -   Unknown
                                                              0.27%         631,089                          0              -   Unknown
KONG SECURITIES LTD                   Person
                                           Top Ten Tradable Shareholders
                                Name                                        Shares Held
                                                                                                     Type               Shares
China Logistics Holding (12) PTE.LTD.                                             45,890,000           B                  45,890,000
CHINA MECHANTS SECURITIES (HONGKONG) LTD                                            3,361,068          B                   3,361,068
MATTHEWS CHINA DIVIDEND FUND                                                        1,861,968          B                   1,861,968
GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                           1,275,742          B                   1,275,742
GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA MASTER FUND                                                   984,693           B                        984,693
DEUTSCHE BANK AG LONDON                                                              833,136           B                        833,136
VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND                                        756,136           B                        756,136
LI SHU CHUN                                                                          681,720           B                        681,720
CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HONG KONG SECURITIES LTD                                    631,089           B                        631,089
LI MING YA                                                                            599,380           B                     599,380
                                                                        Among the top ten shareholders, the domestic legal entity
                                                                        shareholder, China Nanshan Development (Group)
                                                                        Incorporation has no affiliated relations with other
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or United Action of the Top    shareholders and does not fall into the scope of united action
Ten Shareholders                                                        person stipulated by “Regulation of Information Disclosure
                                                                        of the Change of Shareholding of listed company”. It is
                                                                        unknown that whether other tradable-share shareholders fall
                                                                        into the scope of united action person.

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten non-restricted common shareholders appointed repurchase
transaction during reporting period
□ Yes √ No

2. Particulars about Preferred Share
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                   Part III Significant Events
I. Explanation on the Significant Changes for Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                1st Quarter      1st Quarter of
No   Items                        of 2015/               2014/                 Causes for Difference
                                Mar 31, 2015      Dec 31, 2014
                                                                               Mainly due to receipt from bank
1    Notes Receivable           20,000,000.00      10,000,000.00     100.00%
                                                                               acceptance for Nanjing Baowan
                                                                               Mainly due to insurance fee
2    Accounts Prepayment         787,906.76           373,220.41     111.11%
                                                                               Mainly due to income from
3    Interest Receivable              -              3,573,311.30   -100.00%
                                                                               financing products
                                                                               Mainly due to delay in payment of land
4    Accounts Payable           15,183,071.35      10,358,009.24      46.58%
                                                                               rent by offshore logistics division
                                                                             Mainly due to decrease of
5    Receipts In Advance         3,089,383.24        5,067,901.21    -39.04% prepayment for warehouse and
                                                                             storage fees
     Employee Benefits                                                       Mainly due to payment bonus for
6                               20,111,155.49      31,424,490.98     -36.00%
     Payable                                                                 last year
                                                                             Mainly due to translation
     Other Comprehensive                                                     differences arising on translation of
7                                -195,661.65          652,079.14     100.00%
     Income                                                                  financial statements denominated in
                                                                             foreign currencies
     Business taxes and                                                      Mainly due to expiration of tax
8                                9,241,038.32        6,921,366.26     33.51%
     levies                                                                  preferential policy for land use
                                                                             Mainly due to increase of
9    Selling Expenses            260,386.09              3,600.00   7132.95%
                                                                             intermediary fees
                                                                             Mainly due to decrease of total
10   Income Tax Expenses         4,875,065.99      13,416,976.01     -63.66%
     Other cash receipts
                                                                               Mainly due to increase of cash
11   relating to operating      14,325,008.93        8,616,806.56     66.24%
                                                                               Mainly due to increase of tax
     Payments of various
12                              25,614,287.25      19,615,633.53      30.58%   prepayment for the fourth quarter
                                                                               last year
                                                                               Because the Company received CSEs
                                                                               dividends for 2014 in the reporting
     Cash receipts from
13                              14,329,928.96      48,000,000.00     -70.15%   period; while in last period the received
     investment income                                                         dividends from CSE is cumulative
                                                                               dividends for previous years.
     Other cash receipts
                                                                               Mainly due to decrease of
14   relating to investing      444,887,865.51   1,070,079,503.30    -58.42%
                                                                               purchasing financial product
     Cash payments to
     acquire or construct
                                                                               Mainly due to land payment last
15   fixed assets, intangible   174,500,696.11    314,666,238.39     -44.54%
     assets and other
     long-term assets
     Other cash payments
                                                                               Mainly due to decrease of
16   relating to investing      363,000,000.00    733,990,000.00     -50.54%
                                                                               purchasing financial product
     Cash receipts from                                                        Mainly due to increase of bank
17                              64,517,851.59      46,794,222.61      37.88%
     borrowings                                                                borrowing
     Cash repayments of                                                        Mainly due to increase of bank
18                               1,051,000.00         100,000.00     951.00%
     borrowings                                                                repayment

II. Significant Event and its Impact
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Fulfillment of Commitment by Shareholders with More than 5% Shares

            Promisee                   Content                   Beginning              Deadline           Status
                        to land use                          1997-8-1             2022-7-31             On duty
          Nanshan       to resolve payment difficulties in
                                                             2014-1-6             2017-1-5              On duty
          Group         opening the Finance Limited
Other                   to provide regular monthly financial
Commit                  reports     to    the    controlling 2007-10-25           Long term effective   On duty
ments                   shareholder
        The             About the issue of "medium-term
                                                             2012-3-7             2017-3-6              On duty
        Company         notes for 2012" Commitment
        The             About the issue of "12 base debt"
                                                             2013-1-9             2020-1-8              On duty
        Company         commitment
IV. Prediction of Business Performance for the first half year of 2015
Prediction and explanation on important changes of profit in next report period

□Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. Stock Investment
Stock investment

□Applicable √ Inapplicable

VI. Investment of Financial Derivatives

□Applicable √ Inapplicable

VII. Reception of Investors and Medias
According to relative regulations of standard operational guidelines for listed companies issued by Shenzhen
Stock Exchange and working system in management of investor relationship of the Company, the Company
carried out the principles of fairness, justice and publicity when receiving interview and investigation and
developing activities, guaranteed all investors enjoying right to learn the truth, other lawful rights and interests,
introduced practical situation of the Company and prevented the Company from leaking information and related
insider dealing. The Company has ensured the communication ways successfully for the investors and received
many enquires by telephone and irm.cninfo.com.cn. But there are no investors asking for visiting on the spot or
submitting written questionnaires.

                                   Part IV Financial Statements
1.Balance Sheet
Consolidated                                                                       Currency: RMB
                           Items                     Ending Balance          Beginning Balance
Current Assets:
Cash And Bank Balances                                      407,055,553.31           375,328,861.18
Notes Receivable                                             20,000,000.00            10,000,000.00
Accounts Receivable                                          48,331,033.05            53,234,644.64
Prepayments                                                    787,906.76                373,220.41
Interest Receivable                                                      -              3,573,311.30
Dividends Receivable
Other Receivables                                            49,009,018.71            61,287,160.23
Inventories                                                    992,312.85               1,054,046.42
Other Current Assets                                        313,000,000.00           390,000,000.00
Total Current Assets                                        839,175,824.68           894,851,244.18
Non-Current Assets:
Long-Term Equity Investments                                539,536,468.41           537,962,041.17
Investment Properties                                     1,255,399,125.94          1,267,169,209.29
Fixed Assets                                                766,247,046.02           777,313,197.48
Construction In Progress                                    362,479,027.60           300,456,627.34
Fixed Assets Disposal                                           -12,172.91
Intangible Assets                                         1,404,424,966.56          1,341,187,179.75
Deferred Tax Assets                                          18,630,295.72            17,117,751.96
Other Non-Current Assets                                    246,830,294.26           253,572,620.64
Total Non-Current Assets                                  4,593,535,051.60          4,494,778,627.63
Total Assets                                              5,432,710,876.28          5,389,629,871.81
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable                                             15,183,071.35            10,358,009.24
Receipts In Advance                                           3,089,383.24              5,067,901.21
Employee Benefits Payable                                    20,111,155.49            31,424,490.98
Taxes Payable                                                40,286,700.33            40,439,178.66
Interest Payable                                             38,463,754.08            36,404,811.44
Other Payables                                              398,685,654.42           439,034,917.38

Non-Current Liabilities Due Within One Year                                   1,349,351.16             1,349,351.16
Other Current Liabilities                                                300,000,000.00              300,000,000.00
Total Current Liabilities                                                817,169,070.07              864,078,660.07
Non-Current Liabilities:
Long-Term Borrowings                                                     454,236,817.97              390,816,685.64
Bonds Payable                                                            966,048,000.00              965,677,500.00
Long-Term Payables                                                       251,417,853.31              251,417,853.31
Deferred Income                                                               1,481,250.00             1,500,000.00
Other Non-Current Liabilities                                            927,379,571.71              927,716,909.50
Total Non-Current Liabilities                                           2,600,563,492.99           2,537,128,948.45
Total Liabilities                                                       3,417,732,563.06           3,401,207,608.52
Shareholders' Equity:
Share Capital                                                            230,600,000.00              230,600,000.00
Capital Reserve                                                          234,141,186.09              234,141,186.09
Other Comprehensive Income                                                    -195,661.65               652,079.14
Special Reserve                                                               4,758,336.09             4,240,147.49
Surplus Reserve                                                          307,084,630.25              307,084,630.25
Unappropriated Profits                                                   936,372,605.02              913,767,989.40
Total Shareholders' Equity Attributable To Equity Holders
Of The Company                                                          1,712,761,095.80           1,690,486,032.37

Minority Interests                                                       302,217,217.42              297,936,230.92
Total Shareholders' Equity                                              2,014,978,313.22           1,988,422,263.29
Total Liabilities And    Shareholders' Equity                           5,432,710,876.28           5,389,629,871.81

Legal Representative: Tian Junyan      Chief Financial Officer: Yu Zhongxia    Financial Manager: Sun Yuhui

2.Balance Sheet
Parent Company                                                                    Currency: RMB
                           Items              Ending Balance             Beginning Balance
Current Assets:

Cash And Bank Balances
                                                        55,910,295.90               110,176,958.92
Notes Receivable

Accounts Receivable
                                                        24,170,359.06                34,383,433.27
                                                           516,372.95                  162,238.73
Interest Receivable
Dividends Receivable

Other Receivables
                                                      1,500,799,180.11            1,479,302,828.83
                                                           625,687.11                  618,056.60
Other Current Assets
                                                       313,000,000.00               278,000,000.00
Total Current Assets
                                                      1,895,021,895.13            1,905,885,845.12
Non-Current Assets:

Long-Term Equity Investments
                                                      1,424,842,228.12            1,409,767,800.88
Investment Properties
                                                       106,498,277.03               107,855,864.11
Fixed Assets
                                                        68,185,784.97                70,348,373.29
Construction In Progress
                                                        26,261,455.49                23,265,903.87
Fixed Assets
Intangible Assets
                                                       304,797,720.00               308,975,078.68
Deferred Tax Assets
                                                           137,885.22                  137,885.22
Other Non-Current Assets
                                                           375,207.68                  417,184.70
Total Non-Current Assets
                                                      1,931,077,681.84            1,920,768,090.75
Total Assets
                                                      3,826,099,576.97            3,826,653,935.87
Current Liabilities:

Accounts Payable
                                                        15,007,207.26                10,133,886.43
Receipts In Advance

Employee Benefits Payable
                                                        16,366,613.73                22,196,600.51
Taxes Payable
                                                        21,483,246.14                26,735,284.42
Interest Payable
                                                        38,397,879.98                36,195,924.54
Other Payables
                                                        70,867,290.11                74,542,526.68
Non-Current Liabilities Due Within One Year
                                                          1,349,351.16                1,349,351.16

Other Current Liabilities
                                                                          300,000,000.00                  300,000,000.00
Total Current Liabilities
                                                                          463,471,588.38                  471,153,573.74
Non-Current Liabilities:

Long-Term Borrowings
                                                                          182,524,302.04                  182,524,302.04
Bonds Payable
                                                                          966,048,000.00                  965,677,500.00
Long-Term Payables
Deferred Income

Other Non-Current Liabilities
                                                                          717,379,571.71                  717,716,909.50
Total Non-Current Liabilities
                                                                        1,865,951,873.75                 1,865,918,711.54
Total Liabilities
                                                                        2,329,423,462.13                 2,337,072,285.28
Shareholders' Equity:

Share Capital
                                                                          230,600,000.00                  230,600,000.00
Capital Reserve
                                                                          204,534,849.49                  204,534,849.49
Other Comprehensive Income

Special Reserve
                                                                            4,599,876.09                     4,103,762.23
Surplus Reserve
                                                                          307,084,630.25                  307,084,630.25
Unappropriated Profits
                                                                          749,856,759.01                  743,258,408.62
Total Shareholders' Equity
                                                                        1,496,676,114.84                 1,489,581,650.59
Total Liabilities And    Shareholders' Equity
                                                                        3,826,099,576.97                 3,826,653,935.87

Legal Representative: Tian Junyan          Chief Financial Officer: Yu Zhongxia   Financial Manager: Sun Yuhui

3.Income Statements
Consolidated                                                                                Currency: RMB
                                                                                     Same Period Last
                            Items                           Current Period
I.     Total operating income                                      147,824,556.91             159,887,788.95
Including:Operating income                                         147,824,556.91             159,887,788.95
Less: Total operating costs                                        135,622,593.88             116,250,625.82
                Including:Operating costs                           68,137,919.07              59,877,024.00
                Business taxes and levies                            9,241,038.32               6,921,366.26
                Selling expenses                                       260,386.09                   3,600.00
                General and administrative expenses                 21,167,031.86              18,935,574.83
                Financial expenses                                  36,816,218.54              30,513,060.73
               Impairment losses of assets                                       -                           -
Add:      Investment income                                         17,386,035.41              19,737,602.93
Including: Income from investments inassociates and
joint ventures                                                      15,904,356.20              13,396,044.64

II.    Operating profit                                             29,587,998.44              63,374,766.06
Add:      Non-operating income                                       2,506,166.09               3,491,657.06
Less:     Non-operating expenses                                        85,398.55                -162,487.10
Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets                    4,137.29                       566.24
III.    Gross profit                                                32,008,765.98              67,028,910.22
Less: Income tax expenses                                            4,875,065.99              13,416,976.01
IV.     Net profit                                                  27,133,699.99              53,611,934.21
Net profit attributable to owners of the Company                    22,604,615.62              47,441,315.82
Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders                 4,529,084.37               6,170,618.39
V.     Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income              -1,095,838.66                           -
Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income
attributable to owners of the Company                                 -847,740.79                            -
Including: Translation differences arising on translation
of financial statements denominated in foreign                        -847,740.79
Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income
attributable to minority shareholders                                 -248,097.87

VI. Total comprehensive income:                                     26,037,861.33              53,611,934.21
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of
the Company                                                         21,756,874.83              47,441,315.82

Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
shareholders                                                               4,280,986.50                6,170,618.39
VII.   Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share                                                      0.10                        0.21
(II) Diluted earnings per share                                                    N/A                         N/A

Legal Representative: Tian Junyan   Chief Financial Officer: Yu Zhongxia     Financial Manager: Sun Yuhui

4.Income Statements
Parent company                                                                                       Currency: RMB
                               Items                            Current Period            Same Period Last Year
I.     Operating income                                                  41,244,801.46                 70,762,889.28
Less: Operating costs                                                    27,526,838.14                 30,760,233.29
               Business taxes and levies                                  1,414,233.85                  1,555,328.97
               General and administrative expenses                       10,401,190.06                  9,465,321.33
               Financial expenses                                        15,738,088.12                 19,019,369.79
               Impairment loss of assets                                              -                               -
Add: Investment income                                                   17,330,364.17                 19,662,522.69
Including: Income from investments in associates and
joint ventures                                                           15,904,356.20                 13,396,044.64

II.    Operating profit                                                   3,494,815.46                 29,625,158.59
Add:      Non-operating income                                                 1,533.00                      809,480.51
Less:     Non-operating expenses                                                      -                        2,566.24
Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets                                 -                         566.24
III.    Gross profit                                                      3,496,348.46                 30,432,072.86
Less:     Income tax expenses                                             -3,102,001.93                 4,259,007.06
IV.     Net profit                                                        6,598,350.39                 26,173,065.80
V.     Other comprehensive income
VI.     Total comprehensive income                                        6,598,350.39                 26,173,065.80
VII.     Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share                                                       N/A                             N/A
(II) Diluted earnings per share                                                    N/A                             N/A

Legal Representative: Tian Junyan      Chief Financial Officer: Yu Zhongxia   Financial Manager: Sun Yuhui

5.Cash Flow Statements
Consolidated                                                                                Currency: RMB
                                                                                      Same Period Last
                             Items                            Current Period
I.     Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services          159,179,891.36           142,895,615.04
Tax Refunds                                                                                      653,064.01
Other cash receipts relating to operating activities                  14,325,008.93             8,616,806.56
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                  173,504,900.29           152,165,485.61
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received               27,008,442.07            28,157,569.66
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                           32,722,930.92            27,444,258.85
Payments of various taxes                                             25,614,287.25            19,615,633.53
Other cash payments relating to operating activities                  10,135,504.74             9,501,977.86
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                  95,481,164.98            84,719,439.90
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                              78,023,735.31            67,446,045.71
II.    Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Cash receipts from investment income                                  14,329,928.96            48,000,000.00
Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets                                         10,100.00                        -

Other cash receipts relating to investing activities                 444,887,865.51         1,070,079,503.30
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                  459,227,894.47         1,118,079,503.30
Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term assets                         174,500,696.11           314,666,238.39

Other cash payments relating to investing activities                 363,000,000.00           733,990,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                 537,500,696.11         1,048,656,238.39
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                             -78,272,801.64            69,423,264.91
III.    Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Cash receipts from borrowings                                         64,517,851.59            46,794,222.61
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                   64,517,851.59            46,794,222.61
Cash repayments of borrowings                                          1,051,000.00              100,000.00
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or
settlement of interest expenses                                       30,296,793.30            31,401,143.57

Other cash payments relating to financing activities                   1,201,200.00             1,201,200.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                  32,548,993.30            32,702,343.57
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                              31,968,858.29            14,091,879.04

IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash
and Cash Equivalents                                                          6,900.17               -438,318.71

V.    Net Increase(Decrease)in Cash and Cash Equivalents                31,726,692.13             150,522,870.95
Add:    Opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                   375,328,861.18             299,910,369.63
VI.    Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                    407,055,553.31             450,433,240.58

Legal Representative: Tian Junyan    Chief Financial Officer: Yu Zhongxia   Financial Manager: Sun Yuhui

6.Cash Flow Statements
Parent company                                                                                Currency: RMB
                            Items                           Current Period          Same Period Last Year
I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of
services                                                            53,272,167.52               46,932,289.01
Tax Refunds                                                                     -                  653,064.01
Other cash receipts relating to operating activities                 3,378,121.68                  805,224.81
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                 56,650,289.20               48,390,577.83
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received              9,074,775.80               16,375,260.09
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                         18,639,656.62               15,549,275.61
Payments of various taxes                                            5,929,924.01                 6,004,974.89
Other cash payments relating to operating activities                 6,689,778.39                 6,097,824.03
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                40,334,134.82               44,027,334.62
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                            16,316,154.38                 4,363,243.21
II.    Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Cash receipts from investment income                                14,329,928.96               48,000,000.00
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities               364,668,336.74             1,137,663,841.06
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                378,998,265.70             1,185,663,841.06
Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term assets                         5,330,185.47                  987,372.49

Cash Paid for Investment                                            13,500,000.00                            -
Other cash payments relating to investing activities               401,226,716.58             1,014,912,490.45
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities               420,056,902.05             1,015,899,862.94
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                           -41,058,636.35              169,763,978.12
III.   Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Cash receipts from borrowings                                                                   10,864,012.59
Other cash receipts relating to financing activities                 1,485,914.67                  611,041.82
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                  1,485,914.67               11,475,054.41
Cash repayments of borrowings                                                                      100,000.00
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or
settlement of interest expenses                                     26,809,606.74               30,768,561.50

Other cash payments relating to financing activities                 4,200,488.98                 3,899,635.84
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                31,010,095.72               34,768,197.34
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                           -29,524,181.05               -23,293,142.93

IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash
and Cash Equivalents
V.Net Increase(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents                -54,266,663.02               150,834,078.40
Add:    Opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                  110,176,958.92                59,429,719.52
VI.    Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                    55,910,295.90               210,263,797.92

Legal Representative: Tian Junyan   Chief Financial Officer: Yu Zhongxia   Financial Manager: Sun Yuhui

Ⅱ. Audit Report

Audit Opinion
The first quarterly report is unaudited.

                                                    Board of Directors
                                           Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd.
                                                      April 30, 2015
