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						Stock code: 200053                    Abbreviation: Chiwan Base B                           Serial number: 2016-103

I. Important Notice

1. This abstract of interim report is extracted from the full text of interim report for year 2016 which is
   published on www.cninfo.com.cn or website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange designated by CSRC
   simultaneously. Investors shall read the full text carefully for the details.

2. Company Profile

Share Abbreviation                   Chiwan Base B              Share Code                 200053
Stock Exchange                       Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact Person                                 Board Secretary                      Securities Representative
Name                                 Yu Zhongxia (on behalf )                 Li Zizheng
Telephone                            0755-26694211                            0755-26694211
Fax                                  0755-26694227                            0755-26694227
Email                                sa@chiwanbase.com                        sa@chiwanbase.com

II. Major Financial Data and Change of Shareholders

1. Major Financial Data

Retroactive Adjustment
□ Yes   √ No
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                          Reporting period (Jan to      Last Period (Jan to June,
                                                                                                        Change (%)
                                               June, 2016)                       2015)
Operating Revenue                                    331,048,288.65                 307,119,072.68              7.79%
Net Profit Attributed to
                                                      20,104,453.49                  42,629,933.48            -52.84%
Shareholders of Listed Company
Net Profit Net of Non-recurring
Gain and Loss Attributed to Listed                    19,162,343.58                  39,523,619.59            -51.52%
Net Cash Flows from Operating
                                                     151,110,099.80                 123,934,017.49              21.93%
Basic Earnings per Share
                                                                 0.09                            0.18         -50.00%
Diluted Earnings per Share
                                                                 N/A                             N/A              N/A
Weighted Return on Equity(%)                                  1.14%                         2.49%       -1.35 points
                                               June 30, 2016                 December 31, 2015          Change (%)
Total Assets                                       6,422,091,617.87                5,643,956,639.17             13.79%

Owner’s Equity Attributed to
                                                        1,774,640,491.45                   1,754,085,176.85                  1.17%
Shareholders of Listed Company

2. Particulars about Top Ten Common Shareholders

                                                                                                                        Unit: Share
Total common shareholders in reporting
                                         Particulars about Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                                                              Impawned or Frozen
                                                                           Total shares    Non-tradable            Shares
                  Name                        Nature       Ratio(%)
                                                                              held           shares
                                                                                                               Status       Shares
                                                                 51.79%     119,420,000      119,420,000                -            0
(GROUP) INCORPORATION                 Legal Person
                                      Foreign Legal
China Logistics Holding (12) PTE.LTD.                            19.90%      45,890,000                   0             - unknown
CHINA MECHANTS SECURITIES             State-owned
                                                                  1.61%       3,717,134                   0             - unknown
(HONGKONG) LTD                        Legal Person
CREDIT SUISSE (HONG KONG)             Foreign Legal
                                                                  1.15%       2,653,799                   0             - unknown
LIMITED                               Person
GUOTAI JUNAN                          Foreign Legal
                                                                  0.93%       2,133,542                   0             - unknown
GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA                Foreign Legal
                                                                  0.43%         984,693                   0             - unknown
MASTER FUND                           Person
LI WEI                                                            0.28%         636,000                   0             - unknown
                                      Natural Person
SHA SHU LI                                                        0.21%         480,611                   0             - unknown
                                      Natural Person
YU LING FENG                                                      0.20%         458,083                   0             - unknown
                                      Natural Person
PAN BO                                                            0.18%         420,300                   0             - unknown
                                      Natural Person
                                                          Among the top ten shareholders, the domestic legal entity shareholder,
                                                          China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation has no affiliated
                                                          relations with other shareholders and does not fall into the scope of
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or United Action
                                                          united action person stipulated by “Regulation of Information
of the Top Ten Shareholders
                                                          Disclosure of the Change of Shareholding of listed company”. It is
                                                          unknown that whether other tradable-share shareholders fall into the
                                                          scope of united action person.
Remarks on Shareholders Involved in Securities Margin

3. Particulars about Top Ten Preferred Shareholders

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Changes of Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controller

Changes of Controlling Shareholder in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Changes of Actual Controller in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Business Discussion and Analysis

In reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenue of RMB 330 million, increased by 7.79% and net

profit of RMB 20.10 million, decreased by 52.84% compared with the same period over last year respectively.

(1)Decrease of investment income is caused by decline of profit from associated CSE and investment income
from entrusted financing, which is mainly due to the decrease of available financing funds along with the increase
of project construction payment.

(2) Developing costs for newly projects increased by increase of newly built and in construction logistics parks.

(3) Financial expense increased sharply by rising interest expense for average balance of liabilities.

1. Changes of Major Financial Data
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                 Reporting period   Last Period (Jan to       Percentage
                                (Jan to June, 2016)    June, 2015)            Change (%)
Operating Revenue                    331,048,288.65     307,119,072.68              7.79%
Operating Cost                       143,269,502.63     140,446,455.32              2.01%
                                                                                          Mainly resulted from
                                                                                          increasing agent fee for
Selling Expenses                         917,022.63             267,618.01        242.66%
                                                                                          newly operated logistics
                                                                                          Resulted from rising
                                                                                          labor costs and
Administrative Expenses               55,345,349.17         42,341,999.23          30.71%
                                                                                          amortization of
Financial Expenses                    86,362,478.62         78,223,257.17          10.41%
Income Taxes Expenses                 12,085,315.99         13,532,146.18         -10.69%
Net Cash Flows from
                                     151,110,099.80        123,934,017.49             21.93%
Operating Activities
                                                                                          Mainly due to increasing
Net Cash Flows from                                                                       cash outflow brought by
                                    -541,664,948.09       -164,588,975.62
Investing Activities                                                                      developing newly
                                                                                          Mainly resulted from
                                                                                          receipt of internal equity
Net Cash Flows from                                                                       investment and loans
                                     717,032,189.77         35,713,148.41       1,907.75%
Financing Activities                                                                      from China Nanshan
                                                                                          Development (Group)
Net Increase in Cash and
                                     326,477,341.48          -4,907,450.47
Cash Equivalents
No major changes on profit composition or profit resources occurred in reporting period
No future development or planning extended to reporting period that published in disclosure documents as
prospectus, private placing memorandum and recapitalize statement.

2. Main Business Composition

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                       Change of
                                                                                       Change of      Change of
                                                                                     Operating Cost Gross Profit
                    Operating                         Gross Profit    Revenue over
                                    Operating Cost                                   over the Same Rate over the
                    Revenue                            Rate (%)         the Same
                                                                                     Period of Last Same Period of
                                                                      Period of Last
                                                                                      Year(%) Last Year(%)
By Industries
Warehouse and      272,125,816.56    101,419,318.86          62.73%          10.02%            6.83%             1.11%

Loading and
Unloading          15,980,239.56     17,277,315.12        -8.12%         -15.43%           9.21%         -24.40%
                      6,713,077.34    2,844,590.28       57.63%            8.61%         -59.22%          70.48%
Office Leasing
                   36,174,864.71     21,728,278.37       39.94%            4.34%          -4.34%           5.45%
By Regions
South China       105,948,471.71     61,648,343.20       41.81%           -3.49%         -14.16%           7.23%
East China        122,406,525.60     38,074,257.89       68.90%            3.30%           6.94%          -1.06%
North China        42,380,843.48     13,356,234.64       68.49%            2.44%          -4.88%           2.43%
                   44,997,418.34     22,970,443.81       48.95%          20.17%           21.01%          -0.35%
Central China      15,260,739.04      7,220,223.09       52.69%                                                 -

3. Business Performance and Analysis of Main Subsidiaries and Associated Companies

3.1 Offshore Oil Logistics Business

In reporting period, international oil companies adjusted their exploration plan under the circumstance of the
continued downturn of oil price, which caused demand shrink for offshore oil logistics business. Meanwhile, since
CNOOC Huizhou Base put into operation, its subsidiaries moved from Chiwan Base to Huizhou Base, which
formed serious challenges for the Company. In reporting period, offshore oil logistics business achieved operating
revenue of RMB 68.84 million, decreasing by 12.89% and net profit of RMB 13.00 million, increasing by 17.38%
compared with the same period over last year respectively.

3.2 Blogis Business

In reporting period, Blogis Holding achieved operating revenue of RMB 254.04 million, increased by 15.73% and
net profit of RMB 48.11 million, increased by 10.67% compared with the same period over last year respectively.
Blogis companies have operated in good condition generally.
The storage price of operating Blogis companies has kept a slightly growth. To improve customers’ stickiness and
loyalty, Blogis has taken measures such as promoting establishment of standard operating system, strengthening
core customers’ management, optimizing the quality and efficiency of service, which would make fine preparation
for expanding extended business.
With operation of Nanjing Baowan and Wuhan Baowan, those newly operated logistics parks made significant
contribution to the Company in the first half year.
Blogis Development for the First Half of 2016

In reporting period, the Company has successfully signed transfer contracts of state owned lands for Jiaxing,
Shaoxing, Xitong, etc, covering land area of 1,430 Mu. And Yuyao, Wuhan Qingshan and Chongqing Luohuang
projects have signed investment agreements with local governments covering land area of 1,173 Mu.

3.3 Associated Companies

Shenzhen Chiwan Sembawang Engineering Co., Ltd (CSE): The Company holds 32% equity of CSE. CSE has
contributed an investment income of RMB 10.93 million to the Company, decreased by 62% compared with the
same period of last year.
Shenzhen Chiwan Offshore Petroleum Equipment Repair & Manufacture Co., Ltd. (CPEC): The Company holds
20% equity of CPEC. The investment income from CPEC has declined to RMB -1.17 million in reporting period.

China Development Finance Company Limited: The Company holds 20% equity. It contributed investment
income of RMB4.00 million to the Company and an increase of 43% compared with same period of last year.

4. Project in Construction Progress

Tianjin Bingang Baowan: The project plans to construct two warehouses and is expected to be finished in the first
half of 2017.

Wuxi Baowan: The construction of five warehouses and one multiple-used building has completed in March,

Zhenjiang Baowan: The construction of main body of nine warehouses and one multiple-used building has

Jiaxing Baowan: The construction of two warehouses and one multiple-used building is expected to complete at
the beginning of 2017.

Qingdao Jiaozhou Baowan: The construction of eight warehouses and one multiple-used building is expected to
complete in the first half year of 2017.

Chengdu Oil and Gas Base: The construction of one workshop and storage yard is expected to complete at the end
of 2016.

IV. Related Issues about Financial Report

1. Changes in Accounting Policy, Accounting Estimation and Way of Accounting in Comparison with the
Latest Annual Report


2. Retrospective Restatement Necessary for Correction of Significant Accounting Errors during the
Reporting Period


3. Changes in Range of the Consolidated Statements in Comparison with the Financial Report of the
Previous Year

Newly-obtained Beijing Jinmu Caoye Co., Ltd. has been brought into the consolidated statements in reporting

4. Notes of the Board of Directions and Supervisory Committee on the Unqualified Auditor’s Report Issued
by the CPAs in Reporting Period


                                                                          Board of Directors
                                                              Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd.
                                                                          August 31, 2016
