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						                                 ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016



                    April 2017

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                                     PART            Ⅰ Notice

The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management guarantee
that there are no omissions, misstatement or misleading information in this report. They are responsible,
individually and jointly, for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the information herein.

Mr. Tian Junyan, Chairman of the Board, Ms. Yu Zhongxia, Deputy General Manager &Financial Controller,
and Ms. Sun Yuhui, Financial Manager, guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the financial result in this

Except the following directors, other directors attend the Board Meeting.

      Absent Director       Post of the Absent Director          Reason                 Authorized Person
      Zhuge Wenjing                  Vice Chairman        Business Arrangement              Chen Lei
          He Liming            Independent Director       Business Arrangement             Chen Weijie

This annual report contains prospective descriptions, which does not constitute substantial commitment to
investors. Investors are requested to be aware of the risks attached to their investment decisions.

Impossible risk has been well-described in this report. Please find details of risks and countermeasures of
future development described in Section IX, Part IV.

The Company will not distribute cash dividends or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for
the report period.

This report is prepared both in Chinese and English languages, when ambiguity occurs in the two versions,
the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                                ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016


PART Ⅰ Important Notice ....................................................................................... 2

PART II Corporate Information and Accounting Data........................................... 6

PART III Business Summary ................................................................................... 10

PART IV Business Discussion and Analysis ............................................................ 13

PART V Significant Events ....................................................................................... 28

PART VI Changes in Capital Stock and Shareholders .......................................... 41

PART VII Particulars about Preferred Share ........................................................ 47

PART VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff ..................... 48

PART IX Corporate Governance............................................................................. 56

PART X Corporate Bonds ........................................................................................ 62

PART XI Financial Report (Attachment) ............................................................... 65

PART XII Documents Available for Verification.................................................... 65

                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016


       Terms to be defined   Refers to                            Definition
The Company, Chiwan Base     Refers to Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd.
Nanshan Group                Refers to China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation
Blogis Holding               Refers to Blogis Holding Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Baowan              Refers to Shanghai Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Baowan             Refers to Guangzhou Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Kunshan Baowan               Refers to Kunshan Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Baowan               Refers to Tianjin Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Langfang Baowan              Refers to Langfang Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Xindu Baowan                 Refers to Chengdu Xindu Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Longquan Baowan              Refers to Chengdu Longquan Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Baowan               Refers to Nanjing Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Bingang Baowan       Refers to Tianjin Bingang Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Nantong Baowan               Refers to Nantong Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Wuhan Baowan                 Refers to Baowan Logistic(Wuhan)Co., Ltd.
Yangluo Baowan               Refers to Baowan Logistic(Wuhan)Yangluo Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Baowan              Refers to Shenzhen Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Mingjiang           Refers to Mingjiang (Shanghai) International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Shenyang Baowan              Refers to Shenyang Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Qingwu Baowan        Refers to Tianjin Qingwu Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Feidong Baowan               Refers to   Baowan Logistic Feidong Co., Ltd.
Xi’an Baowan                Refers to   Xi’an Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Xianyang Baowan              Refers to   Xianyang Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Blogis ( Hongkong )          Refers to   Blogis ( Hongkong ) Limited
Huitong(H.K.)                Refers to   China Huitong (H.K.) Limited
Nanshan Hong Kong            Refers to   Nanshan Development (Hongkong) Limited
Wuxi Baowan                  Refers to   Wuxi Blogis Co. Ltd
Zhenjiang Baowan             Refers to   Zhenjiang Shenjidi Warehouse Co.,Ltd.
Changzhou Baowan             Refers to   Changzhou Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Jiangyin Baowan              Refers to   Jiangyin Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Jiaozhou Baowan      Refers to   Qingdao Jiaozhou Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Jiaxing Baowan               Refers to   Jiaxing Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Baowan               Refers to   Jiangsu Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Shaoxing Baowan              Refers to   Shaoxing Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Xipeng Baowan      Refers to   Chongqing Xipeng Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Ezhou Baowan                 Refers to   Wuhan Baowan Logistic Ezhou Co., Ltd.
Nantong Xitong Baowan        Refers to   Nantong Xitong Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Jiashan Baowan               Refers to   Jiashan Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Oil and Gas Base     Refers to   Chengdu Chiwan International Oil and Gas Base Co., Ltd.
Zhengzhou Baohai             Refers to   Zhengzhou Baohai International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Yuyao Baowan                 Refers to Yuyao Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd

                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Jinmu Caoye                     Refers to Beijing Jinmu Caoye Co., Ltd.
Xiaogan Baowan                  Refers to Xiaogan Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Xinjin Baowan                   Refers to Chengdu Xinjin Baowan International Co.,Ltd
Sanshui Baowan                  Refers to Foshan Sanshui Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Nanhai Baowan                   Refers to Foshan Nanhai Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Deqing Baowan                   Refers to Deqing Baowan International Co., Ltd.
Jiaxing Supply Chain/Jiabao     Refers to Blogis Supply Chain Management (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd.
Luohuang Baowan                 Refers to Chongqing Luohuang Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Baowan                   Refers to Ningbo Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Haier/Jinnan Project    Refers to Tianjin Haier Assets Management Ltd.
Dianzhong Baowan                Refers to Yunnan Dianzhong Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
Hubei Baowan                    Refers to Hubei Baowan Investment Co., Ltd.
Yuhua Baowan                    Refers to Changsha Yuhua Baowan Logistic Co. Ltd.
Wangcheng Baowan                Refers to Changsha Wangcheng Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.
CSE/Sembawang                  Refers to   Shenzhen Chiwan Sembawang Engineering Co., Ltd
CPEC                           Refers to   Shenzhen Chiwan Offshore Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd.
China Development Finance      Refers to   China Development Finance Company Limited

                                                                             ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

             PART II Corporate Information and Accounting Data

I.    Company Profile

Stock Abbreviation                   Chiwan Base B                Stock Code           200053
Stock Exchange                       Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company’s Name in Chinese           深圳赤湾石油基地股份有限公司
Company’s Short Name in Chinese 深基地 B
Company’s Name in English           Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd.
Company’s Short Name in English Chiwan Base
Legal Representative                 Tian Junyan
Registered Address                   Chiwan, Shenzhen
Post Code                            518068
Office Address                       14/F, Chiwan Petroleum Building, Shenzhen
Post Code                            518068
Website                              www.chiwanbase.com
E-mail                               sa@chiwanbase.com

II.   Contact Person and Method
                            Board Secretary                                Securities Representative
Name        Yu Zhongxia                                       Li Zizheng
Address     14/F, Chiwan Petroleum Building, Shenzhen, PRC 14/F, Chiwan Petroleum Building, Shenzhen, PRC
Telephone 0755-26694211                                       0755-26694211
Fax         0755-26694227                                     0755-26694227
Email       sa@chiwanbase.com                                 sa@chiwanbase.com

III. Information Disclosure

Designated Newspapers for Information Disclosure        Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
Website for Information Disclosure                      www.cninfo.com.cn
Place Of Regular Reports Prepared For Inquiry           14/F, Chiwan Petroleum Building, Shenzhen, PRC

                                                                                     ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

IV. Changes in Registration

Uniform Social Credit Code                          91440300618833899A
Change of Main Business since Listed                  N/A
Change of Controlling Shareholder                     N/A

V.     Other Information

Appointed Certified Public Accountants
Name of the CPAs                     Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
Office Address                       30/F, Waitan Center, No. 222 Yan’an Road East, Shanghai
Names of the Certified Public
                               Li Weihua, Jiang Qishen
Accountants as the signatories

The sponsor performing persistent supervision duties engaged by the Company in the report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The financial advisor performing persistent supervision duties engaged by the Company in the report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VI. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Retroactive adjustment
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                       Y2016              Y2015           Change (%)         Y2014

Operating Revenue (RMB)                               677,791,331.11    650,279,516.34          4.23%      712,958,603.26
Net Profit Attributed to Shareholders of Listed
Company (RMB)                                           1,918,066.81     91,644,920.49        -97.91%      218,544,184.50
Net Profit Net of Non-recurring Gain and Loss
Attributed to Listed Company (RMB)                     -1,718,620.58     83,094,036.55       -102.07%      220,496,736.41

Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities (RMB)       371,474,731.89     332,656,351.44         11.67%      414,370,760.05

Basic Earnings per Share (RMB/Share)                            0.01                0.4       -97.50%                0.95

Diluted Earnings per Share (RMB/Share)                          0.01                0.4       -97.50%                0.95

Weighted Return on Equity(%)                                 0.11%              5.31%        -5.20%             13.84%

                                                  December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015     Change (%)    December 31, 2014

Total Assets (RMB)                                  7,549,041,526.12   5,643,956,639.17        33.75%    5,389,629,871.81
Owner’s Equity Attributed to Shareholders of
                                                    1,756,836,179.91   1,754,085,176.85         0.16%    1,690,486,032.37
Listed Company (RMB)

                                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

 VII.  Accounting Difference between Chinese General Accepted Accounting Principal
 (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standard(IFRS)

 1. Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards
 disclosed in financial report of differences in net income and net assets.

 □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

 2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report prepared under overseas and Chinese
 accounting standards.

 □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

 VIII. Main Financial Index by Quarters

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                             First Quarter        Second Quarter         Third Quarter        Fourth Quarter
  Operating Revenue                          164,424,597.76          166,623,690.89       169,557,114.04        177,185,928.42
  Net Profit Attributed to
                                                9,311,019.07          10,793,434.42          4,324,601.47       -22,510,988.15
  Shareholders of Listed Company
  Net Profit Net of Non-recurring
  Gain and Loss Attributed to                   8,553,393.49          10,608,950.09          3,993,410.84       -24,874,375.00
  Listed Company
  Net Cash Flows from Operating
                                              74,546,903.86           76,563,195.94        96,853,274.98        123,511,357.11

 Any material differences between the financial indicators above or their summations and those which have been
 disclosed in quarterly or semi-annual reports?

 □ Yes √ No

 IX.       Items of Non-recurring Gains & Losses

 √ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                             Item                                Amount in 2016    Amount in 2015     Amount in 2014        Note

Disposal of non-current assets, including the part offset with
                                                                   -1,761,326.85        -303,073.93         189,620.61
the provision for impairment of assets

Government grants recognized in current year’s profit or loss
(except for the fixed or quantitative government grants
                                                                    5,238,023.20      12,491,552.18       9,686,859.21
closely related to the enterprise businesses according to the
national unified standard)

Net profit or loss of subsidiaries from the beginning of the
period up to the business combination date recognized as a
result of business combination of enterprises under common

Other non-operating revenue and expenditure excluding the
                                                                    2,868,136.38         -70,881.71       2,002,874.30
above-mentioned items

                                                                              ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Less: Influence on income tax                          1,594,903.68       2,906,602.66      2,969,838.53

    Amount affected by minority equity (after tax)      1,113,241.66       660,109.94      -2,040,882.03

Total                                                  3,636,687.39       8,550,883.94     -1,952,551.91   --

 For the Company‘s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
 Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-
 recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for
 Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as
 recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.

 □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                          ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                               PART III Business Summary

I.    Main Business of the Company

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of particular industry

1. Main Business

(1) The Company provides oil logistics support services for oil exploration, development and production in
    the eastern South China Sea.

(2) The Company provides logistics park services for warehousing, distribution, supply chain management,
    logistics finance, equipment leasing and e-commerce by controlling subsidiaries.

(3) The Company provides offshore engineering services for structure design, fabrication and maintenance by
    associated companies.

2. Characteristics of Industry Development

(1) Offshore Oil Logistics Business

After the fully operation of CNOOC Huizhou Base, it has occupied the majority share of offshore oil logistics
market operated by CNOOC. Influenced by continued downturn of oil price and fall of oil developing and
production, Chiwan Base faces great operation pressure. But meanwhile , with the acceleration of the
construction of the National Free Trade Zones, driven by the national strategy of "The Belt and Road" strategy,
and the concept of “Mass entrepreneurship and innovation ”continuous deepening, Chiwan Base is rising to a
new opportunity for development. New industrial park of “Technological and Cultural Innovation” in Chiwan
Park is in layout and planning adjustment.

Chengdu Oil Base is still facing challenging by downturn of oil price and marketing. However, it is also facing
new development opportunity benefited by state policies of new energy industry and environmental protection.

(2) Warehousing Logistics Services

In the past over ten years, warehousing logistics services developed from nothing rapidly with the overall
domestic economic growth and upgrade of consumption level, as well as the rapid development and promotion
of e-commerce. However, overall the supply of modern logistics facilities is still lagging behind the growing
demand. At present, although warehousing logistics industry still stabilized for the better development,
competition is also intensifying. Warehousing logistics industry has become the hot spot investment field for
real estate industry, E-commerce industry and other logistic industry. The representatives as Prologis,
Goodman, Alibaba and Vanke have accelerated their layout. Till now, Blogis takes the leading position in
domestic market.

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

II.   Major Changes for Main Assets

1. Major Changes for Main Assets

         Major assets                                   Explanation on Significant Changes
Equity Assets                   -
Fixed Assets                    -
                                Increase of 55% from the open date to end date, mainly due to acquisition of land
Intangible Assets
                                certificates by part of subsidiaries at preparatory period
                                Increase of 63% from the open date to end date, mainly due to project payment by
Construction in Progress
                                Wuxi, Zhenjiang, Jiaozhou and Jiaxin Baowan
                                Increase of 235% from the open date to end date, mainly due to increase of land
Other Intangible Assets

2. Major Overseas Assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Analysis of Core Competitiveness

1. Petroleum logistics and industrial park business

Chiwan Base has more than 30 years of experience in petroleum logistics services, possesses with good wharfs,
warehouses and other infrastructures. In 2015, Chiwan Base park was included in Qianhai Shekou district of
Guangdong Free Trade Experimental Zone. With the acceleration of construction of the free trade zone, the
promotion of the national "One Belt One Road" strategy, and the continuous deepening of the national "mass
innovation and multitude entrepreneurship", operation of new industrial park ushered in a new development
opportunity. Chiwan Base has started cooperation of scientific and technological innovation, cultural creativity,
new media, intelligent manufacturing and other fields. At present, new industrial layout is shaping initially, the
new-type industrial park would become the Company's new operations patterns and profit points.

2. BLOGIS business

As a domestic well-known developer and operator of logistics parks, the logistics park scale of BLOGIS ranks
among the best at home. The operation scale in the next 3-5 years will continue to achieve the rapid growth
according to the company's strategic layout, and the network advantages in the national economic hot spot
regions will continue to increase. The Company has accumulated rich experience in the site selection,
development and construction, operation and management of logistics parks etc. BLOGIS takes the lead in
logistics storage markets from place to place from the project development, price benchmarks, customer
resources, service standards, brand reputation, profitability and other aspects.

For the business model, in addition to the investment in the development and construction of standard and
professional warehousing facilities to provide warehousing services for customers, the Company also provided
the integrated comprehensive value-added logistics services including the warehousing loading and unloading,
equipment leasing, circulation processing, e-commerce warehousing and distribution management, and
supplier inventory management for settled enterprises, strived to build an advanced supply chain integrated
management platform, and attracted a large number of domestic and overseas well-known manufacturers,

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

retailers, logistics providers, third-party logistics and e-commerce enterprises by efficient, qualified and safe

For the management model, as a domestic well-known developer and operator of logistics parks, BLOGIS has
professional teams and talent teams for the development and management of modern logistics parks, and has
basically formed scientific standardized procedures in the project site selection, risk assessment, planning and
design, engineering construction, and property management and supply chain business services in operation.

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                    PART IV Business Discussion and Analysis

I.   General

1. Business Discussion

The Company achieved operating revenue of RMB 678 million, increasing by 4.23% and net profit attributed
to the listed shareholders was RMB 1.918 million, decreasing by 97.88% compared with last year respectively.
The main reasons are as follows:

     Decrease of investment income: mainly because impacted by downturn oil industry, operating profit of
     associated CSE and CPEC decreased greatly, which led to the Company's investment income decline.

     Increase of developing and constructing costs for newly-built and constructing projects: mainly due to
     increase of projects under construction and preparation resulting in increase of early start-up costs, land
     taxes and fees, depreciation and amortization and construction costs.

     Increase of financial expenses: mainly because with intensifying development of construction of newly
     Blogis projects, capital demand and liabilities rose sharply, resulting in interest expenses increased

     Adjustment for deferred income tax due to accounting confirmation affecting profit.

Offshore Oil Logistics Business

International crude oil prices still fluctuated at low price in 2016. Impacted by severe challenge for offshore
oil industry and operation of CNOOC Huizhou Base, the Company still faced great pressure in the operation
of traditional oil industry. Meanwhile, Transformation of the new industrial park business for Chiwan Park is
still in the incubation period.

Operating revenue of offshore oil logistics business was RMB 141.52 million, decreasing by 14.96% and net
profit was RMB 27.40 million, decreasing by 6.45% compared with last year respectively.

Blogis Business

Operating revenue of Blogis was RMB 518.62 million, increasing by 10.99% and net profit was RMB 84.51
million, increasing by 0.56% compared with last year respectively. Occupancy rate for overall Blogis was 94%,
increased by 2.8% . Companies for overall Blogis operated in good condition generally.

Main Operating Index of Blogis

                                                                                              Unit: RMB’0000
        Parks          Revenue Net Profit     Occupancy Rate        Revenue Growth         Net Profit Growth
                                                  (%)                 (%)                   (%)
Shanghai Baowan          9,621      4,760           100.0                  3.14                   1.08
Shanghai Mingjiang       5,686      2,621           100.0                  2.22                   4.98

Kunshan Baowan           5,805      2,534            98.2                  0.63                   -9.85
Langfang Baowan          2,889       947             96.0                 11.46                  39.81

Tianjin Baowan           5,064      1,941            87.3                 -12.37                 -13.92

                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Xindu Baowan             2,730     1,136               99.6             18.28                 56.85

Longquan Baowan          6,324     1,911               98.1             4.10                  -0.61
Guangzhou Baowan         5,393     1,983           100.0                13.09                 29.01
Shenzhen Baowan          2,306      202                83.1             35.72                 49.70
Nanjing Baowan           3,385     1,276               99.8             44.87                108.90
Nantong Baowan           1,381      304                80.9             17.04                 74.97

Wuhan Baowan             3,190      865                89.0            213.34                2882.40
Wuxi Baowan               90       -558                14.7             N/A                   N/A

Zhenjiang Baowan          15       -182                15.0             N/A                   N/A

Jinnan Baowan            260        111                90.8             N/A                   N/A


    The net profit of above-mentioned subsidiaries excludes interest expenses influence.

    Occupancy rate refers to cumulative average rate annually.

    Wuxi Baowan has put into operation since October, 2016 and Zhenjiang since December, 2016. Jinnan
    Baowan has been combined into consolidated financial statements on Oct 31, 2016.

    Shenzhen Baowan is not combined into consolidated financial statements for Blogis.

Note to the year-on-year change of the relevant data

(1) Growth of revenue and net profit of Wuhan Baowan was mainly due to uprising warehouse occupancy
    rate as Year 2016 was the first fully operation year .

(2) Growth of revenue and net profit of Nanjing Baowan was mainly because warehouses have been put into
    operation in succession with expanding area from 100,000 m2 to 106,000 m2; on the other hand, the
    administrative expenses fell by 20% due to the innovation of regional management system.

(3) Growth of Nantong Baowan revenue and net profit was because warehouse has been put into operation in
    succession with expanding area from 45,000 square meters to 57,000 square meters; on the other hand, the
    administrative expenses fell by 24% due to the innovation of regional management system.

(4) Growth of revenue and net profit of Xindu Baowan was mainly due to rental price increasing and
    management fees fell by 21% for strengthening management.

(5) Growth of revenue and net profit of Shenzhen Baowan was mainly due to increasing warehouse rental
    income, handling business and agency business revenue resulting from improved business operation; on
    the other hand the management fees fell by 14% for strengthening management.

(6) Growth of revenue and net profit of Langfang Baowan was mainly due to increasing warehouse occupancy
    rate and revenue for overflowed warehousing market from Beijing; on the other hand, the management
    fees fell by 42% for strengthening management.

(7) Growth of revenue and net profit of Guangzhou Baowan was mainly due to uprising rental price and
    management fees fell by 29% for strengthening management.

(8) Decrease of net profit of Tianjin Baowan was mainly because with intensified competition and soaring
    regional investment, warehouse occupancy rate decreased resulting in reduced revenue.

                                                                              ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Project Development for Blogis in 2016

In reporting period, the Company has successfully signed investment agreement with local governments for
Chongqin Luohuang, Chongqin Beibei, etc., covering land area of 4,600 Mu and transfer contracts of state
owned lands for Chongqing Luohuang, Xi’an, etc., covering land area of 3,600 Mu.

Market Competition Pattern for Blogis in 2017

For the warehousing industry environment, with overall economic growth and enhanced consumption level,
overall storage industry environment would be better in 2017. Although storage demand is strong, competition
is becoming more severely. With the representatives as Prologis, Goodman, Alibaba and Cainiao accelerated
their layout of logistics parks, high occupancy rate of high-end storage accompany sustainable rising rental
price is coming back to stability in recently years. It is expected to face pressure of rental price stagflation and
rental rates decline for high-end storage in some areas. But market competition would become more intensive
partly because of supply surge such as Tianjin, Chengdu Area. Meanwhile, Wuxi Baowan and Zhenjiang
Baowan, newly- operating parks in the end of 2016 for Blogis, would face challenges in marketing work in

Offshore Engineering and others
CSE: The Company holds 32% stake. CSE contributed an investment income of RMB 25.91 million to the
Company, decreased by 52.73% compared with the same period of last year.
CPEC: The Company holds 20% stake. The investment income from CPEC has declined to RMB -2.43 million
in reporting period.

China Development Finance Limited: The Company holds 20% stake. It contributed investment income of
RMB 9.02 million to the Company, with an increase of 39.84% compared with same period of last year.
Project Construction Development
(1) Tianjin Bingang Baowan: Construction of two warehouses for Phase I, expected to be completed in the
second half of 2017.

(2) Wuxi Baowan: Construction of five warehouses and one multiple-used building and its auxiliary facilities,
completed and was changed over to fixed assets, put into use in Oct, 2016.

(3) Zhenjiang Baowan: It plans to construct nine warehouses and one multiple-used building, which has partly
been changed over to fixed assets and put into use in Dec, 2016

(4) Jiaxing Baowan: Construction of one warehouses and one multiple-used building for Phase I, expected to
be completed in the first half of 2017. Construction of four warehouses for Phase II, expected to be completed
in the first half of 2018.

(5) Qingdao Jiaozhou Baowan: The construction of eight warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected
to be completed in the first year of 2017.

(6) Chengdu Oil and Gas Base: The construction of one workshop and storage yard for Phase I, expected to be
completed in the first half of 2017. The construction of three workshops, one building and one dormitory
building for Phase II, expected to be completed in the second half of 2017.

(7) E’zhou Gedian Baowan: Construction of six warehouses, expected to be completed at the end of 2017.

(8) Xi’an Xianyang Baowan: Construction of seven warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected to
be completed in the second half of 2018.

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

(9) Beijing Shunyi: Remoulding of four warehouses, expected to be completed in the first half of 2017.

(10) Shaoxing Baowan: Construction of six warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected to be
completed in the first half of 2018.

(11) Jiangyin Baowan: Construction of five warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected to be
completed in the first half of 2018.

(12) Xitong Baowan: Construction of six warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected to be completed
in the first half of 2018.

II. Main Business Analysis
1. General
    Refer to relevant contents of “1.General” in “Business Discussion and Analysis”.
2. Revenue and Cost

(1) Operating Revenue

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                           Y 2016                             Y2015
                                                                                                    Change (%)
                                   Amount           Ratio (%)         Amount           Ratio (%)
Total Operation Revenue           677,791,331.11          100%       650,279,516.34         100%           4.23%
By Industries
Warehouse and Storage             550,059,948.71        81.15%       520,194,029.77        80.00%          5.74%
Loading and Unloading
                                   29,073,126.97         4.29%        36,833,559.77        5.66%         -21.07%
Harbor Management                  16,887,119.45         2.49%        16,648,654.99        2.56%           1.43%
Office Leasing and Other
                                   56,928,282.31         8.40%        53,394,344.77        8.21%           6.62%
Main Business
Transportation                     23,942,527.61         3.53%        21,942,401.95        3.37%           9.12%
Other                                 900,326.06         0.13%         1,266,525.09        0.19%         -28.91%
By Region
South China                       218,948,614.60        32.30%       230,792,194.04        35.49%         -5.13%
East China                        254,436,388.03        37.54%       241,763,609.53        37.18%          5.24%
North China                        82,140,373.01        12.12%        83,714,820.72        12.87%         -1.88%
Southwest China                    90,367,776.47        13.33%        83,828,291.06        12.89%          7.80%
Central China                      31,898,179.00         4.71%        10,180,600.99        1.57%         213.32%

(2) Situation of Industry, Project and District Occupying the Company’s Business Income and Operation Profit
    over 10%

                                                                                   ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                     Operating       Operating         Gross Profit    Operating   Operating Cost Gross Profit Rate
                     Revenue           Cost             Rate (%)    Revenue Change Change over the Change over the
                                                                        over the Same     Same Period of Same Period of
                                                                        Period of Last    Last Year(%) Last Year(%)
By Industries
Warehouse and
                    550,059,948.71   209,112,081.97            61.98%            5.74%              3.66%           0.76%
By Regions
South China         218,948,614.60   130,400,385.89            40.44%           -5.13%              -8.19%          1.98%
East China          254,436,388.03    77,579,167.20            69.51%            5.24%              6.60%          -0.39%
North China          82,140,373.01    30,515,967.60            62.85%           -1.88%              3.22%          -1.83%
Southwest China      90,367,776.47    46,454,111.22            48.59%            7.80%              4.57%           1.58%

Under the circumstance that the statistic specifications for the Company‘s principal business data experienced
adjustment in the report period, the principal business data upon adjustment of the statistic specifications at the
end of the report period in the latest year.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Whether the Company’s physical sales income exceeded service income.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(4) Implementation of Important Orders

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(5) Operating Costs

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                      Y 2016                             Y 2015
                Industries                                                                                    Change (%)
                                            Amount             Ratio (%)       Amount             Ratio (%)
Warehouse and Storage                       209,112,081.97        69.73%      201,719,829.80         67.92%         3.66%

Loading and Unloading Services               30,820,322.74        10.28%        33,060,506.50        11.13%        -6.78%

Harbor Management                             5,847,984.04         1.95%        13,189,448.38         4.44%       -55.66%

Office Leasing and Other                     30,154,434.63        10.05%        26,260,174.35         8.84%        14.83%

Transportation                               22,781,537.54         7.60%        19,578,771.01         6.59%        16.36%

Other                                         1,191,895.26         0.40%         3,193,784.84         1.08%       -62.68%

(6) Changes in Consolidated Scope
√ Yes □ No
14 new subjects are combined into consolidated financial statement as follows:
Blogis Supply Chain Management (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd, Yunnan Dianzhong Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Yuyao
Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd., Chongqing Luohuang Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.,
Changsha Yuhua Baowan Logistic Co. Ltd., Xiaogan Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Chengdu Xinjin Baowan
International Co.,Ltd., Foshan Sanshui Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Foshan Nanhai Baowan Logistic Co.,

                                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Ltd., Deqing Baowan International Co. Ltd., Changsha Wangcheng Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Ningbo
Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd., Beijing Jinmu Caoye Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Haier Assets
Management Ltd.
(7) Important Change or Adjustment of Products or Services
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
(8) Main Clients and Suppliers
Main Clients
Total Sales Revenue of Top 5 Clients (RMB)                                                                     151,498,020.95

Ratio of Top 5 sales revenue in 2016(%)                                                                              22.35%

Information of Top 5 Clients

    No.                            Client Name                             Sales Revenue         Ratio of sales revenue in
                                                                              (RMB)                    2016(%)
1         Li & Fung Supply Chain Management (China) Co., Ltd.                    42,751,264.78                          6.31%

2         China Volkswagen                                                       36,489,363.69                          5.38%

3         SF Express                                                             31,478,633.52                          4.64%

4         Watson                                                                 23,542,483.37                          3.47%

5         COOEC Subsea                                                           17,236,275.59                          2.54%

Total                                    --                                     151,498,020.95                         22.35%

Information of other Clients

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                Y2016             Y2015           Change (%) Note
Sales Expenses                    1,077,360.05     1,794,630.86       -39.97% Mainly due to the decrease of intermediate fee

Administration                                                                  Mainly due to increase of labor cost and land
                                116,607,241.20    95,531,527.18        22.06%
Expenses                                                                        amortization

Financial Expenses              181,754,411.70   165,115,346.59        10.08% Mainly due to increase of average loan balance

4. R&D

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Consideration of the logistics market demand and business development needs, the Company established the
stepwise development policy of "give priority to supporting the core business, promote the comprehensive
upgrading of functional management, and improve the intelligent decision-making construction" for the
information system research and development projects.

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

The Company's information research and development is aimed as set up "three platforms" construction: the
"integrated management information platform" to support internal business operations and management
decision-making; the "integrated logistics service platform" to support the offline implementation of logistics
businesses, and the warehousing and distribution of online "sharing logistics"; and the "large data application
platform" based on the logistics industry.
At present, the company is focusing on the phase I construction of "integrated management information
platform", as well as the early platform business exploration; the future goal is to gradually improve and deepen
the "management information" and "business platform" construction; the long-term goal is to achieve service
intelligence" and "data value". Research and development on information system would provide strong
supports for the company to give play to the "hardware + software" comprehensive competitive advantages,
promoting the customer’s dependence to expand business profit model and boost sustained and healthy
development of overall businesses.
                                                               Y 2016               Y 2015           Change (%)
R&D Amount in Person                                                        11                  0                   -

R & D Personnel accounted for Total Person                              2.14%               0.00%                   -

Amount in Investment (RMB)                                        1,330,674.42               0.00                   -

R & D Investment Accounted for the Proportion of
                                                                        0.20%               0.00%                   -
Operating Income
R & D Investment Capitalization Amount (RMB)                      1,330,674.42               0.00                   -

R & D investment capitalization accounted for the
                                                                      100.00%               0.00%                   -
Proportion of Investment

5. Cash Flow

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                          Item                                  Y2016               Y2015            Change (%)
Subtotal of Cash Inflows from Operating Activities              768,163,534.86     730,547,455.76              5.15%

Subtotal of Cash Outflows from Operating Activities             396,688,802.97     397,891,104.32             -0.30%

Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                        371,474,731.89     332,656,351.44             11.67%

Subtotal of Cash Inflows from Investing Activities              296,346,102.37    1,554,363,738.69           -80.93%

Subtotal of Cash Outflows from Investing Activities           2,099,119,060.57    1,867,812,310.11            12.38%

Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                      -1,802,772,958.20   -313,448,571.42            475.14%

Subtotal of Cash Inflows from Financing Activities            3,773,105,100.00     516,134,281.57            631.03%

Subtotal of Cash Outflows from Financing Activities           2,138,513,746.58     589,244,785.09            262.92%

Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                      1,634,591,353.42      -73,110,503.52         -2,335.78%

Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                       203,487,170.85      -54,206,934.45          -475.39%

Note to the year-on-year change of the relevant data
1. Cash inflows from investment decreased mainly due to the decrease of available purchasing financial

                                                                                ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

2. Cash inflows from financing increased mainly due to increasing registered capitals from CNDI and newly
3. Cash outflows from financing decreased mainly due to increase of repayment due loans.
Significant Difference between Cash Flows from Operating Activities and Net Profit in Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Non-core Business Analysis

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                   Amount           Ration in Profit             Explanation                 Sustainable
                                                                                                             (yes or no)
                                                                       Investment income from
Investment Income                   33,786,630.43             46.69% associated companies and              N/A
                                                                       financing income
impairment of assets                   -98,698.65             -0.14%                                       N/A
                                                                       government grants, tax relief,
Non-operating income                 9,294,068.84             12.84% disposal of fixed assets,             N/A
                                                                       liquidated damages and fines
                                                                     disposal of fixed assets,
                                     2,950,166.24              4.08% compensation, confiscation of         N/A

IV. Analysis on Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant Changes in Assets
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                 December 31, 2016              December 31, 2015
                                 Amount      Ratio in          Amount       Ratio in
                                               Total                      Total Assets                        Note
                                              Assets                         (%)
Cash and Cash Equivalents                                                                             Increasing Blogis
                                                                                                      registered capitals
                                524,609,097.58       6.95%    321,121,926.73         5.69%      1.26%
                                                                                                      from CNDI and
                                                                                                      newly added loans
Accounts Receivable            43,862,804.61         0.58%    50,257,814.22          0.89%     -0.31%
Inventories                       961,855.72         0.01%       914,543.44          0.02%     -0.01%
Investment Real Estate      1,606,049,338.07        21.27% 1,425,593,724.71         25.26%     -3.99%
Long-term Investment on
                                602,194,915.06       7.98%    582,600,360.74        10.32%     -2.34%
Fixed Assets                    877,096,096.64      11.62%    842,722,056.06        14.93%     -3.31%
Construction-in-progress                                                                               construction payment
                                                                                                       for Bingang,
                                601,906,964.62       7.97%    368,965,477.50         6.54%       1.43%
                                                                                                       Jiaozhou, Jiaxin and
                                                                                                       Jinmu Caoye
Short-term Borrowings                                                                                  increased funds
                                850,000,000.00      11.26%    300,000,000.00         5.32%       5.94%
                                                                                                       demand caused by

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                                                                                               development speed
                                                                                               of the logistics parks
Long-term Borrowings                                                                           increased funds
                                                                                               demand caused by
                                                                                               development speed
                            1,186,288,100.45      15.71%   489,834,250.45        8.68%   7.03% of the logistics parks,
                                                                                               resulted in increasing
                                                                                               long-term borrowings
                                                                                               from bank and
                                                                                               Zhongkai Financial

2. Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Asset Rights Restrictions at the End of the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. Investment

1. General
√ Applicable □Inapplicable
     Investment in 2016 (RMB)                  Investment in 2015 (RMB)                  Changes (%)
                       1,011,241,264.21                         144,241,585.00                               601.07%

                                                                                                                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

2. Significant Equity Investment in the Report Period
   √ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Company         Main Business       Investment   Amount           Equity    Fund         Partner         Term       of Product     Progress       Estimated       Profit in the Lawsuit         Disclosure    Disclosure
                                    Mode         (RMB)            Ratio     Resource                     Investment                               Profit          Report Period                 Date            Index

                                                                                         Jiaxin Modern
                Warehouse, Loading                230,000,000.0                                                        Logistics   Preparatory
Jiaxin                               Newly Set                      90.00% Self-raised   Investment      Open-ended                                           -        -80,860.04 N/A           2016.10.15
                & Unloading Services                          0                                                        Services    Period
Dianzhong       Warehouse, Loading                200,000,000.0                                                        Logistics   Preparatory
                                     Newly Set                     100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -        -75,213.75 N/A           2016.12.23
Baowan          & Unloading Services                          0                                                        Services    Period

                Warehouse, Loading                100,000,000.0                                                        Logistics   Preparatory
Yuyao                                Newly Set                     100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -       -934,325.94 N/A           2016.01.13.
                & Unloading Services                          0                                                        Services    Period
                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics   Preparatory
Luohuang                             Newly Set    80,000,000.00    100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -        -29,033.39 N/A           2016.03.23
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services    Period

                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics   Preparatory
Yuhua                                Newly Set    14,000,000.00    100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -          -5,115.74 N/A          2016.8.16
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services    Period
                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics   Preparatory                                                                Times,
Xiaogan                              Newly Set                     100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -                      N/A        2015.12.18
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services    Period                                                                     Hong Kong
                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics   Preparatory                                                                Daily and
Xinjin                               Newly Set                     100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -                      N/A        2016.01.13
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services    Period                                                                     website of
                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics   Preparatory                                                                http://www.
Sanshui                              Newly Set                     100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -                      N/A        2016.08.04    cninfo.com.
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services    Period
                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics   Preparatory
Nanhai                               Newly Set                     100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -                      N/A        2016.08.16
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services    Period

                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics   Preparatory
Deqing                               Newly Set                     100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -                      N/A        2016.08.16
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services    Period

                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics   Preparatory
Wangcheng                            Newly Set                     100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -                      N/A        2016.08.16
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services    Period

                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics   Preparatory
Ningbo                               Newly Set                     100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                                           -                      N/A        2016.08.16
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services    Period

                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics
Jinmu Caoye                          Acquisition 270,110,000.00    100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                Construction               -      -2,031,066.23 N/A          2015.12.18
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services

                Warehouse, Loading                                                                                     Logistics
Tianjin Haier                        Acquisition 117,124,048.28    100.00% Self-raised   N/A             Open-ended                Operation                  -        250,029.96 N/A           2016.08.31
                & Unloading Services                                                                                   Services

Total                    --              --                           --         --                --         --            --           --              0.00        -2,905,585.13         --        --           --

Note: The Company holds above-mentioned companies through Blogis Holding.
                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

3. Significant Non-equity Investment in the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Financial Assets Investment

(1) Securities Investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Derivatives Investment
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

5. Application of Raised Capital
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VI. Sales of Major Assets and Equity
1. Sales of Major Assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2.   Sales of Major Equity

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VII. Analysis of Main Subsidiaries and Investment Companies

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
 Company      Type        Main Product or     Registered      Total Asset      Net Asset       Operating      Operating Net Profit
  Name                       Service           Capital                                         Revenue         Profit
                        Warehouse, loading
           Subsidiary   and unloading        160,000,000.00   266,146,597.47   205,654,962.97 96,211,868.18 63,465,387.60 47,598,079.31
Guangzho                Warehouse, loading
u        Subsidiary     and unloading        150,000,000.00   411,351,923.68   151,388,370.45 53,927,012.44 14,850,824.47 11,271,292.19
Baowan                  services
                        Warehouse, loading
           Subsidiary   and unloading        150,000,000.00   443,596,463.13   153,077,300.13 50,644,808.78 16,636,083.04 12,815,263.50
                        Warehouse, loading
           Subsidiary   and unloading        120,000,000.00   221,659,083.22   131,371,836.27 58,052,168.04 30,472,814.01 23,457,262.09
                        Warehouse, loading
         Subsidiary     and unloading        90,000,000.00    198,720,816.06    91,450,605.97 28,893,780.25   7,471,302.47 5,732,884.10
                        Warehouse, loading
           Subsidiary   and unloading        60,000,000.00    129,503,996.84    60,647,250.99 27,300,435.15 10,544,057.70 8,438,995.18
                        Warehouse, loading
         Subsidiary     and unloading        100,000,000.00   329,432,519.75   102,630,686.92 63,237,549.03 14,002,519.73 11,734,257.13
Nanjing                 Warehouse, loading
           Subsidiary                        130,000,000.00   243,311,152.71   130,158,419.29 33,853,031.51 11,685,026.34 9,157,775.68
Baowan                  and unloading

                                                                                          ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                        Warehouse, loading
          Subsidiary    and unloading          120,000,000.00    302,547,242.44    126,921,008.58 56,859,963.01 28,144,996.28 21,310,968.91
                        Warehouse, loading
           Subsidiary   and unloading          100,000,000.00    345,669,629.01     89,393,348.45 31,898,179.00      1,165,492.64 2,333,870.08
                        Warehouse, loading
           Subsidiary   and unloading          200,000,000.00    219,353,051.50    200,366,247.62 13,810,723.58      4,052,051.02 3,044,514.50
                        Manufacturing steel
           Investment   products for
CSE                                            253,386,000.00   1,591,801,150.10 1,489,793,979.84   567,812,267.19   90,420,187.04 80,981,754.16
           Company      offshore
                        engineering, etc.
           Investment   equipment
CPEC                                           22,845,500.00      17,860,577.68      3,434,111.55 17,214,499.80 -11,576,675.59 -12,129,230.21
           Company      maintenance
Zhongkai                Financial business     500,000,000.00   5,692,457,664.41   603,310,665.92 87,423,548.09 58,350,938.62 45,075,188.07

Acquisition and Disposal of Subsidiaries in the Report Period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                 Name                          Method of Acquisition and Disposal of                       Impact on Operation
Jiaxin Supply Chain                          Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Dianzhong Baowan                             Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Yuyao Baowan                                 Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Luohuang Baowan                              Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Yuhua Baowan                                 Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Xiaogan Baowan                               Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Xinjin Baowan                                Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Sanshui Baowan                               Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Nanhai Baowan                                Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Deqing Baowan                                Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Wangcheng Baowan                             Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Ningbo Baowan                                Newly Set                                       In the preparatory period
Jinmu Caoye                                  New Subsidiary by Assets Acquisition            In the preparatory period
                                             Business Combinations not under                 affected consolidated net profit of RMB
Tianjin Haier
                                             Common Controller                               622,817.61

Explanation of Main Subsidiaries and Joint-ventured Companies: Find the details in I. General of Part IV
Business Discussion and Analysis.

VIII. Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Future Prospect of the Company
1. Competition Pattern and Development Trend
(1) Offshore Oil Logistics Services

                                                                             ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

The international oil price has kept falling, which would make offshore oil and oil service companies adjust
their oil exploitation plan and reduce production. Meanwhile, with the operation of CNOOC Huizhou
production base, it will bring great impact to operation of the oil logistics services. It is estimated that some
warehouses and storage yard of Chiwan Base will be idled and operation of loading and unloading services
will still shrink in 2017. Promoted by national policies, new business of Chiwan yard is gradually stepping into
the track, but the profitability needs to be improved.

(2)Blogis Business
In 2016, logistics industry grew steadily. It was more difficult for the company to take land and the intensified
competition resulted the loss of customers. The Company will create new business including e-commerce
distribution and enhance the cooperation intention between local government and the Company.

2. Development Strategy
The Company is committed to be logistic enterprise with outstanding scale logistics parks throughout major
cities as well as various logistics services and be industrial leader in domestic petroleum logistics services and
integrated logistics services with continuous value creation for customers, shareholders, employees and society.
(1) Offshore Oil Logistics Business

The Company will seize the opportunity of “Qianhai Shekou FTA” to accelerate the transformation and
upgrading of offshore oil logistics business; continuously optimize marketing work and create new business
mode. In 2017, the Company will focus the following work: exploring upgrading program for offshore oil
logistics business and creating new business mode; making research of other outstanding park service provider.

Chengdu oil and gas base will strive to build as an international energy innovation and cooperation park.
(2) Blogis Business

Next three to five years the Company would accelerate the layout of logistics park network, covering main
cities all over the country with comprehensive and integrated logistics services system to develop into industrial
leading company with core competitiveness of large-scale logistics park network, high-level integrated
logistics services.

3. Operation Plan
2017 will be the critical period of China's economic restructuring and upgrading, the new normal such as
economic growth decline and structural adjustment will also further form greater impacts on the development
of various industries. In such a large environmental background, the company's two core businesses are facing
both promising development opportunities and challenges at the same time. To achieve the planned objectives,
the company will focus on the development theme of "sustainable innovation, increase income and reduce
expenditure", and complete following work in the management:
Offshore Oil Logistics businesses: to speed up the transformation and upgrading and development of new
businesses and realize the steady growth of traditional businesses simultaneously, take the park operations as
the development positioning, focus on promoting new projects planning, new clients investment and new
projects landing;

BLOGIS logistics business: to speed up and optimize development and engineering construction of new
projects, strengthen the business development and large customer management, and maintain the sustained and
healthy development of BLOGIS logistics business.

                                                                             ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

4. Capital Requirement, Sources of Funds and the Usage Plan
On the premise of normal daily operations, the Company's demanded capital will be applied to land purchase,
development and construction of Baowan logistics parks as well as other projects through mergers, acquisition
or joint-venture, to ensure the steady development of the Company's main business. The capital demands are
planned to be resolved by way of equity fund, bank financing and returned funds from scrolling project

5. The Risk and Measures for Future Development
Under the circumstance of China's economic long-lasting healthy performance, two core businesses of the
Company would be expected to be more prosperous in future as well as the challenges and external risks ahead.

Speeding up land acquisition is main foundation to the Company's long-term development. However, under
the background of joining of other developing agents and expanding domestic demand for lands, competition
for lands will be intensified.

The expansion of business scale along with larger capital requirement could lead to higher asset-liability ratio
and debt costs. The coexistence of slowdown in China's economic growth and inflation pressures, combined
with the rising cost of elements such as domestic land, labor, construction materials, and fuel would greatly
effect on the company profitability.
There is a need for highly-quality talent and competitive salaries and welfares system to realize the strategic
targets on the path of company’s rapid growing. Combined with the development of internet and financial
industry and logistics, the transform of development cooperation of cross-border joint, competition and
business mode may likely change the profit mode of logistics industry.
The Company plans to carry out the following measures to achieve future development:

To strengthen immediate study of macro economy, policy trend and industrial development; continue to
strengthen centralized management of funds, improve efficiency of funds and reduce financial cost; At the
same time actively study and explore diverse financing way; to strengthen the research of extended business,
management and incentive mechanism construction; continue to improve leading service management
standardization system of the industry; on the basis of guarantee of project quality, to strongly promote progress
plan, optimize engineering management cost and explore new mode of project management; to further
strengthen the construction and cultivation of talents, establish a training system of capacity improvement.

X. Reception, Research and Interview in the Report Period

        Time               Method          Type of Visitors                      Disclosure Index
2016.01.21           Field Research       Individual          www.cninfo.com.cn (Investor Relations Record No. 2016-01)
2016.05.16           Field Research       Institute           www.cninfo.com.cn (Investor Relations Record No. 2016-02)
                                                              www.cninfo.com.cn (Investor Relations Record No. 2016-01)
2016.07.13           Field Research       Institute           www.cninfo.com.cn (Investor Relations Record No. 2016-03)
2016.07.29           Field Research       Institute           www.cninfo.com.cn (Investor Relations Record No. 2016-04)
2016.11.18           Field Research       Institute           www.cninfo.com.cn (Investor Relations Record No. 2016-05)
2016.11.23           Field Research       Institute           www.cninfo.com.cn (Investor Relations Record No. 2016-06)
Reception Times                                                                                                       6
Reception Institution Time                                                                                            5
Reception Individual Time                                                                                             1

                                         ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Other                                                                  0
Whether       disclosing   undisclosed

                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                                       PART V Significant Events

I.    Dividends Distribution
Implementation and Adjustment of Dividend and Cash Distribution Policy

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

According to the requirements of the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Commission and actual situation, 11th
Telecommunication Meeting of 6th Board and the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting in 2012 has
reviewed and approved the proposal on Revision of Articles of Association, which clearly defined allocation
principle and forms of profit distribution, proportion and condition of cash dividends, decision procedures and
so on.

During the course of demonstration and revision, independent directors have published independent opinions
on argumentation report for returns planning for shareholders. The Company also offered many method such
as telephone, email for small shareholders’ opinions, which ensured the legitimate rights and interests of small
or middle shareholders.

The dividends distribution policy has no changed in report period.

                                          Special Statement About the Cash Dividend Policy
In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and the resolution of general meeting        Yes
Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                                                         Yes
Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                                                       Yes
Independent directors fulfilled their responsibilities and played their due role                       Yes
Minority shareholders have the chance to fully express their opinion and desire, and their legal rights
and interests were fully protected
In adjustment or alteration of the cash dividend policy, the conditions and procedures were in
compliance with regulations and transparent.

Dividend distribution scheme for last 3 years
1. Dividends Distribution Plan for 2016: The Company has no plan to distribute cash dividend to the whole
2. Dividends Distribution Plan for 2015: The Company has no plan to distribute cash dividend to the whole
3. Dividends Distribution Plan for 2014: Based on the total shareholders of 230,600,000 dated on December
31, 2014, the Company distributed cash dividend to all shareholders at RMB 1.29 (including tax) for every 10
shares amounted to RMB 29,747,400.00 in total.

Cash dividend distributions for the last three years
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                            Net Profit Attributed Ratio of Cash Dividend
                                to Common              to Net Profit                      Ratio of Cash
             Cash Dividends Shareholders of the Attributable to Common Cash Dividend in
     Year                                                                               Dividend in Other
              Tax Included      Company in         Shareholders of the   Other Forms
                               Consolidated            Company in
                             Statement for the Consolidated Statement

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                                      Year                       (%)
Y 2016                    0.00          1,918,066.81                   0.00%                0.00                  0.00%
Y2015                     0.00         91,644,920.49                   0.00%                0.00                  0.00%
Y2014            29,747,400.00        218,544,184.50                   13.61%               0.00                  0.00%
In the report period, the Company’s profit and profit available for distribution of parent company are both
positive, but the Company does not distribute cash dividend.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
II. Pre-plan for Dividend Distribution and Turning Capital Reserve to Share Capital in
the Report Period.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company has no plan to distribute cash dividend to the whole shareholders, nor turn capital reserve to
share capital.

III. Implementation of commitments
1. The commitments of the Company, its shareholders, actual controller, directors, supervisors, senior
management and other related parties fulfilled in the report period or ongoing at period-end.
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

        Promisee            Type                       Content             Beginning     Time Limit     Status
        Nanshan      Other
                                        to land use                      1997-7-18      25 Years      On duty
        Group        Commitment
        Nanshan      Other        to resolve payment difficulties
                                                                  2014-1-06             3 Yeas        Fulfilled
        Group        Commitment   in opening the Finance Limited
                     Other        to provide regular monthly
Other      The                                                                          Long term
                     Commitment   financial reports to the 2007-10-25                             On duty
Commit Company                                                                          effective
                                  controlling shareholder
                   Commitment for About the issue of "medium-
                   Raised Funds   term     notes    for    2012" 2012-3-7               5 Years       Fulfilled
           The     Other          About the issue of "12 base
                                                                  2013-01-09            7 Years       On duty
           Company Commitment     debt" commitment

2. Whether there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and the report
period was still within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has been reached for
the report period.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Non-operation Oriented Fund Occupancy by the Controlling Shareholder and/or
Related Parties
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. Notes of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and Independent Directors
on the Unqualified Auditor’s Report Issued by CPAs.

                                                                          ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VI. Changes in Accounting Policy, Accounting Estimation and Way of Accounting in
Comparison with the Latest Annual Report
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VII. Retrospective Restatement Necessary for Correction of Significant Accounting
Errors during the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Changes in Range of the Consolidated Statements in Comparison with the Financial
Report of the Previous Year.
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

14 new subjects are combined into consolidated financial statement as follows:
Blogis Supply Chain Management (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd, Yunnan Dianzhong Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Yuyao
Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd., Chongqing Luohuang Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.,
Changsha Yuhua Baowan Logistic Co. Ltd., Xiaogan Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Chengdu Xinjin Baowan
International Co.,Ltd., Foshan Sanshui Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Foshan Nanhai Baowan Logistic Co.,
Ltd., Deqing Baowan International Co. Ltd., Changsha Wangcheng Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Ningbo
Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd., Beijing Jinmu Caoye Co., Ltd. Tianjin Haier Assets Management

IX. Engagement/ Disengagement of Certified Public Accountants

Certified Public Accountants Currently Engaged
Name                                           Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
Remuneration (RMB Million)                     1.23
Successive Years Offering Auditing Services 5
Names of the Certified Public Accountants      Li Weihua, Jiang Qishen
Has the CPAs been changed in the report period
□Yes √ No
Description of the CPAs, financial adviser or sponsor engaged for internal control auditing.

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

In the report period, the Company appointed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA as internal control auditor for
2016 with audit expense of RMB 460,000.

X. The Suspension or Termination of Listing
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XI. Bankruptcy and Recombination
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XII. Significant Lawsuits and Arbitration Affairs

                                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the report period, there are no significant lawsuit or arbitration affairs.

Other lawsuit
                                                                   forming                             Result and        Arbitration   Disclosure
              asic Information                   Amount                                 Progress
                                                                  estimated                            influence         Execution       Date
Ming Jiang Baowan’s construction
contract disputation appealed by China                4,349.66 N/A                     First Trial -                 -                 -
Building and Technology Group LTD.
Construction disputation of Chixiao
Engineering construction Ltd.,and the
                                                       143.98 N/A                      First Trial -                 -                 -
Compay appealed by Shenzhen Lingnan
Building and Engineering Ltd

XIII. Punishment and Rectification
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XIV. Honesty Condition of the Company and the Controlling Shareholders and Actual
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XV. Execution of the Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan or Other
Incentive Measures for Employees of the Company.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XVI. Significant Related Transactions
1. Related transactions Involving Daily Operation

                                                                                   Approved Whether
                                                                         Ratio of                                 Market
                      Type of                           Price  Amount              Transactio Exceeded
 Transac                                     Pricing                      Same                                     Price                             Disclos
         Relationshi Related                           (Unit:   (Unit:             n Amount     the                                    Disclosure
   tion       p
                                  Contents   Principl                    Type of                       Settlement (Unit:                               ure
                     Transactio                        RMB      RMB                  (Unit: Approved                                     Date
  Party                                         e                       Transactio                                 RMB                                Index
                         n                            Million) Million)              RMB      Amount
                                                                          n (%)                                   Million)
                          Renting                                                                                                                    Securiti
Nansha   Parent Providing Office and Market                                                                     Bank                                 es
                                                        10.19     10.19     32.88%           8.73         Yes                  10.19 2016.04.26
n Group Company Services Maintenance Price                                                                      Settlement                           Times,
                          Services                                                                                                                   Hong
                         Land and
Nansha Parent Receiving Building,            Market                                                             Bank
                                                         5.21        5.21       16.%         5.27         Yes                   5.21 2016.04.26      Daily,
n Group Company Services Receiving           Price                                                              Settlement
Total                                           --      --         15.40    --        14.00            --         --        --       --
Large Amount Return of Goods                 N/A
Where the Company classifies and             The Fifth Session of the Seventh Board of Directors approved the amount of RMB 14 million
estimates the total amount of routine        of routine related transactions with Nanshan Group for Year 2016. The actual amount of
related transactions for the report          routine related transactions for Year 2016 is RMB 15.40 million, in which the amount of
period, explain the actual                   providing services is RMB10.19 million and receiving services is RMB 5.21 million.
implementation during the report
Explain why the transaction price is Inapplicable
greatly different from the market price

                                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

2. Related Transactions of Assets Acquisition and Sales
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Important Related Transactions of Joint Investment
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                  Associated  Pricing    Investee Main Business of Registered           Total          Net           Net
 Investor Party
                  Relationship            Name         Investee       Capital ’0000 Assets ’0000 Assets ’0000 Profit ’0000
                           Increase               Investment in
                           registered             logistics industry,
               Controlled capital of    Blogis    trade industry
CNDI                                                                  250,000             583,507       376,642         13,098
               Shareholder Blogis       Holding and related
                           Holding by             investment
                           shareholding           consulting,
Progress of Projects Under

4. Connected Claims and Liabilities
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Did there exist any non-operational related rights of credit and liabilities
□ Yes √ No

5. Other Important Related Transaction

(1) Related Transaction of Borrowing from Nanshan Group

The 3rd Tele-communication Meeting of 8th Board of Directors has approved the Company and Blogis Holding
borrowing loans from from Nanshan Group under the limit of RMB 600 million respectively with benchmark
lending rate of financial institutions and borrowing term under 1 year. The estimated interest expense is RMB
26.10 million.

The 8th Tele-communication Meeting of 8th Board of Directors has approved the Company, Blogis Holding
and its subsidiaries borrowing loans under the limit of RMB 1.2 billion from Nanshan Group respectively with
time limit of 3 years. Borrowing rate is not higher than the same period of the benchmark lending rate of
financial institutions announced by People's Bank of China. The estimated interest expense is RMB 101.70

(2)Related Transaction of Renewal of Financial Services Agreement with Zhongkai Financial Company
The 10th Tele-communication Meeting of 8th Board of Directors has approved to renew Financial Services
Agreement with Zhongkai Financial Company with term of 3 years. It needs to be approved by Shareholders’
The Company has set Deposit Risk Disposal Plan and disclosed Risk Assessment Report by Zhongkai. At the
end of Dec 31, 2016, the Company has deposit 177.27 million and loans of 724.35 million at Zhongkai.

Disclosure of Important Connected Transaction
                            Announcement                                         Disclosure Date      Disclosure Website
Related Transactions of Joint Investment on Increasing Registered
                                                                                2016.01.13           www.cninfo.com.cn
Capitals of Blogis
Related Transaction of Borrowing RMB 600 million from Nanshan
                                                                                2016.08.16           www.cninfo.com.cn
Related Transaction of Borrowing RMB 1.2 billion from Nanshan
                                                                                2016.10.31           www.cninfo.com.cn

                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Related Transaction of Renewal Financial Services Agreement with
                                                                                   2016.12.23            www.cninfo.com.cn
Zhongkai Financial Company

XVII. Important Contracts and Implementation
1. Custodian, Contracting and Lease

(1) Custodian
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Entrusted Operation of Hefei Logistics Park
Approved by the sixteenth tele-communication of 6th Board of Directors, Baowan holding was entrusted to
operate Hefei logistics park until December 31, 2014. The entrusted management term will automatically
extend for 1 year if both parties agree. Until now, Hefei Logistics Park has paid management fees for Y2014
and Y2015 and it needs to pay management fee amounted to RMB 0.46 million for 2016.

(2) Contracting
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Lease
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Significant Guarantee

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB’0000
                                   Outward guarantees (excluding guarantee to the subsidiaries)
                                                    Date of                                                            Guarantee
                                                                     Actual                                   Implem
   Names of                         Guarantee Occurrence (date                                                         to Related
                   Disclosure Date                                 Amount of        Type           Period     entation
   Guarantees                         Amount     of agreement                                                            Party?
                                                                   Guarantee                                   Status
                                                  execution)                                                             (Y/N)
                                                 Guarantees to the Subsidiaries
                                                                      Actual                                           Guarantee
                                                Date of Occurrence                                            Implem
   Names of                         Guarantee                         Amount                                           to Related
                   Disclosure Date              (date of agreement                   Type           Period    entation
   Guarantees                        Amount                             of                                               Party?
                                                    execution)                                                 Status
                                                                    Guarantee                                            (Y/N)
Guangzhou      2013.07.05
                                         8,565.4 2014.04.18            8,456.95 Irrevocable       15Years    N/A      N
Nanjing Baowan 2016.01.13                6,499.6 2014.05.28            6,359.84 Irrevocable       15Years    N/A      N
Wuhan Baowan 2014.04.24                  19,340 2014.11.03             5,509.42 Irrevocable       15 Years   N/A      N
Blogis Holdings 2016.01.13               60,000 2016.03.29             20,000 Irrevocable       2 Years      N/A      N
Total guarantee quota to the                                       Total amount of guarantee
subsidiaries approved in the                                       to the subsidiaries actually
                                                            60,000                                                          20,000
reporting period                                                   incurred in the reporting
(B1)                                                             period (B2)
                                                                   Total balance of actual
Total guarantee quota to the
                                                                   guarantee to the
subsidiaries approved at the end of
                                                            94,405 subsidiaries at the end of                             40,326.21
the reporting period
                                                                   the reporting period
                                                Guarantees Between Subsidiaries
   Names of       Disclosure Date     Guarantee Date of Occurrence Actual            Type          Period     Implem Guarantee

                                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

  Guarantees                           Amount        (date of agreement        Amount                         entation to Related
                                                         execution)              of                            Status    Party?
                                                                              Guarantee                                  (Y/N)
Tianjin                                                                          General
                2016.08.29                20,000 2016.11.03                       5,860           3 Months    Yes       N
Baowan                                                                           guarantee
Total guarantee quota to the                                         Total amount of guarantee
subsidiaries approved in the                                         to the subsidiaries actually
                                                            20,000                                                             5,860
reporting period                                                     incurred in the reporting
(C1)                                                               period (C2)
                                                                     Total balance of actual
Total guarantee quota to the
                                                                     guarantee to the
subsidiaries approved at the end of
                                                            20,000 subsidiaries at the end of                                  5,860
the reporting period
                                                                     the reporting period
                                                  The Company‘s total guarantee
                                                                     Total amount of
Total guarantee quota approved in                                    guarantee actually
the reporting period                                        80,000 incurred in the reporting                                  25,860
(A1+B1+C1)                                                         period
                                                                     Total balance of the
Total guarantee quota already
                                                                     actual guarantee at the
approved at the end of the reporting
                                                           114,405 end of the reporting                                     46,186.21
Actual total guarantee (A4+ B4)/ Net Assets of the Company                                                                    26.29%
In which:
Guarantee quota for shareholders, actual controller and related parties
Guarantee quota directly and indirectly for companies with asset-
liability ratio over 70% (E)
Guarantee quota exceeding 50% of net assets (F)                                                                                      0
Total amount of D+E+F                                                                                                                0

Notes to Guarantee in Complex Method: Inapplicable

 (2) Illegal Guarantee

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Entrusted Others for Cash Management

 (1)Entrusted Financing

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB’0000
                                                                          Actual     Provisi                    Profit and
                     Connected          Beginning Ending                Revenue in on for Expected Actual loss in the
    Trust Party                 Amount                        nation of
                    Transaction            Date      Date               This Report impair revenue Revenue reporting
                                                                          Period      ment                       period
China Merchants     N
                                  2,500 2015.07.23 2016.01.20 cash             2,500           58.27      6.12 Recovered
China Merchants
                    N                3,000   2015.08.13   2016.02.05   cash               3,000        62.2     12.72 Recovered
China Merchants
                    N                5,000   2015.12.30   2016.01.06   cash               5,000        2.51         2.51 Recovered
China Merchants
                    N                4,000   2015.12.30   2016.01.13   cash               4,000        4.35         4.35 Recovered
China Merchants     N                9,000   2015.12.30   2016.03.23   cash               9,000        71.2         71.2 Recovered

                                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

China Merchants
                  N                  2,000   2016.02.17   2016.03.23   cash     2,000         5.85     5.85 Recovered
China Merchants
                  N                  2,500   2016.02.17   2016.08.10   cash     2,500        25.58    25.58 Recovered
合计                                28,000        --          --          --   28,000       229.96   128.33     --
Capital Resource                Short term idle fund
Unrecovered Principal and
Lawsuit situation               N
Board Resolution
Disclosure Date
Whether or not there is a
trust plan in the future
Note: Types of financial products are break –even financing products.

(2) Entrusted Loans
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Other Significant Contracts
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XIII. Social Responsibility
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XIX. Other Significant Events
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

1. to invest in Ningbo Yuyao Baowan logistics park (phase I)

Approved by 20th Telecommunication meeting of 7th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Donggang District Terminal in Ningbo Yuyao, covering an area of 300.5 Mu with the initial
investment of RMB 312 million. To operate and manage the project, Blogis has registered a new company
with the name of Ningbo Yuyao Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of RMB100 million.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on January 13, 2016, January 16, 2016, and May 25, 2016.
2. to invest in Chengdu Xinjin Baowan logistics park

Approved by 20th Telecommunication meeting of 7th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Chengdu Xinjin, covering an area of 208 Mu with the initial investment of RMB 489 million.
To operate and manage the project, Blogis has registered a new company with the name of Chengdu Xinjin
Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of RMB 80 million.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on January 13, 2016, January 16, 2016, and August 23, 2016.
3. to invest in Chongqing Jiangjin Baowan logistics park

Approved by 21th Telecommunication meeting of 7th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Chongqing Jiangjin, covering an area of 301 Mu with the initial investment of RMB 337
million. To operate and manage the project, Blogis intends to register a new company with the name of
Chongqing Jiangjin Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of RMB100 million.

                                                                          ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on March 23, 2016, and November 11, 2016.
4. to establish Hubei Baowan Logistics Holding Co., Ltd.

Approved by 24th Telecommunication meeting of 7th of the Board, Blogis intends to register Hubei Baowan
Holdings Ltd in Qingshan District in Hunan City with registration capital of RMB100 million. The business
license has been obtained.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on June 7, 2016, and February 21, 2017.

5. to invest in Wuhan Baowan Qingshan E-commerce logistics park
Approved by 24th Telecommunication meeting of 7th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Wuhan Qingshan, covering an area of 441 Mu with the initial investment of RMB 1,070
million. To operate and manage the project, Blogis intends to register a new company with the name of Wuhan
Qingshan Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of RMB 200 million.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on June 7, 2016.
6. Significant Assets Reorganization
1st Session of 8th Board of Directors and 3rd Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting in 2016 have approved the
proposal on Shenzhen New Nanshan Holdings (Group) issuing A share to absorb and merge Chiwan Base
with raising funds. Legal person of Chiwan Base would be terminated and cancelled and meanwhile
inherited and carried by New Nanshan Holding if such transaction successful approved. The above
mentioned transaction has gained approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, State-owned Assets Supervision
and Administration Commission and Commerce Ministry.

As the relevant policies involved in this transaction are not yet clear, Nanshan Holding and Chiwan Base need
to implement the relevant matters. In view of the above situation, the Board has made prudent studies and has
applied for the suspension of examining and verifying this administrative license project to CSRC, after the
implementation of relevant matters, the Board will apply for examining and verifying this administrative
license project timely.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on July 2, July 16, July 19, July 30, August 2, August 5, August 9, August 12,
August 26 , October 10, 2016.

7. Holding subsidiary participates in the auction of underlying assets of Guangdong One Hundred Copper Co.,
The 1st Telecommunication meeting of 8th of Board approved BLOGIS to participate in the auction of
underlying assets of Guangdong One Hundred Copper Co., Ltd. BLOGIS successfully won the land use rights
(a total area of 353,381.10 ㎡), buildings (a total area of 156,812.27 ㎡) and related facilities belonging to
Guangdong One Hundred Copper Co., Ltd. which locate at No. 10, Zone C, Central Science and Technology
Industrial Park, Leping Town, Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, with transaction price of
RMB 263,120,000.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on July 28, 2016 and August 4, 2016.
8. Registration of Foshan Sanshui Baowan International Logistics Co., Ltd.

                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

The 2nd Telecommunication meeting of 8th of Board deliberated and approved to establish Foshan Sanshui
BLOGIS International Logistics Co., Ltd. (tentatively named, the specific name is subject to the business
registration) in Sanshui District, Foshan City. Foshan Sanshui BLOGIS International Logistics Co., Ltd. has
completed the registration, with registered capital of RMB 100 million.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 4, 2016 and August 30, 2016.
9. To invest in Deqing Baowan logistics park

Approved by 3rd Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Deqing Town, Zhejiang Province, covering an area of 200 Mu with the initial investment of
RMB 224 million. To operate and manage the project, Blogis has registered a new company with the name of
Deqing Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of RMB 50 million. BLOGIS invests with self-
raised funds, accounting for 100% stake.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 16, 2016 and October 15, 2016.
10. to invest in Ningbo Fenghua Baowan logistics park project

Approved by 3rd Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Fenghua City, Ningbo, covering an area of 156 Mu with the initial investment of RMB 421
million. To operate and manage the project, Blogis has registered a new company with the name of Ningbo
Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of RMB 78 million. BLOGIS invests with self-raised funds,
accounting for 100% stake.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 16, 2016 and November 11, 2016.

11. to invest in Changsha (Hexi) Baowan logistics park (phase I) project (Wangcheng BAOWAN)

Approved by 3rd Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Wangcheng Economic and Technological Development Zone, Changsha City, covering an
area of 337 Mu with the initial investment of RMB 514 million. To operate and manage the project, Blogis has
registered a new company with the name of Wangcheng Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of
RMB 100 million. BLOGIS invests with self-raised funds, accounting for 100% stake.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 16, 2016.

12. to invest in Changsha (Yuhua) Baowan logistics park

Approved by 3rd Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Yuhuan District, Changsha City, covering an area of 137 Mu with the initial investment of
RMB 366 million. To operate and manage the project, Blogis has registered a new company with the name of
Yuhua Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of RMB 100 million. BLOGIS invests with self-
raised funds, accounting for 100% stake.
See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 16, 2016.

13. Holding subsidiary participates in the auction of underlying assets of Guangdong Silver One Hundred
Innovative Aluminum Co., Ltd. and invest

                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

The 3rd Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board approved the holding subsidiary BLOGIS to participate
in the auction of underlying assets of Guangdong Silver One Hundred Innovative Aluminum Co., Ltd. BLOGIS
successfully won the underlying assets belonging to Guangdong Silver One Hundred Innovative Aluminum
Co., Ltd. which locate at Hongling Road, North District, Science and Technology Industrial Park of Shishan
Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, with transaction price of 304,360,000 Yuan, and
registered and established Foshan Nanhai Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd., with registered capital of RMB 100
million. BLOGIS is the only investment subject of Foshan Nanhai BLOGIS Logistics Co., Ltd.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 16, 2016 and September 20, 2016.

14. newly added guarantees

Approved by 4th Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board and the fourth Extraordinary General Meeting
of Shareholders in 2016, the Company intends to offer guarantee to Blogis under the amount of RMB 600
million and to Tianjin Baowan with amount of RMB 200 million offered by Blogis respectively.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 31, 2016 and September 24, 2016.

15. to authorize management to finance within the credit limit of RMB 4.8 billion (or equivalent foreign

The 4th Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board and the fourth Extraordinary General Meeting of
Shareholders in 2016 deliberated and agreed to adjust the company’s credit financing amount to no more than
RMB 4.8 billion or equivalent foreign currency, and authorize the management to make financing
arrangements within authorization according to the Company’s operations.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 31, 2016 and September 24, 2016.
16. to purchase 100% stake of Tianjin Haier Asset Management Co., Ltd.

The 4th Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board approved Tianjin Baowan to purchase 100% stake of
Tianjin Haier Asset Management Co., Ltd. and continue to operate without further remolding.

Tianjin Haier Asset Management Co., Ltd. has completed the procedures for industrial and commercial
registration of changes, Tianjin Baowan has already held 100% stake of Tianjin Haier Asset Management Co.,

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 31, 2016 and November 15, 2016.

17. to purchase 100% stake of Shanghai Xuanpeng Logistics Co., Ltd. and proceed with the follow-up

The 4th Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board approved Tianjin Baowan to purchase 100% stake of
Shanghai Xuanpeng Logistics Co., Ltd. and proceed with the follow-up investment in the construction of
Tianjin Wuqing Baowan logistics park project. The initial investment of the project is estimated to be RMB
243 million (including the initial price of 47,083,900 Yuan for purchasing 100% stake of Shanghai Xuanpeng).
After completion of this stake purchase, Tianjin Baowan shall obtain 100% stake of Shanghai Xuanpeng’s
wholly-owned subsidiary Tianjin Xuanhong Warehousing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianjin
Xuanhong"). Tianjin Xuanhong shall invest in the construction of Tianjin Wuqing Baowan logistics park with
self-raised funds, and take charge of the follow-up operations and management of the project.

                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 31, 2016.
18.   to invest in Chongqing Beibei Baowan logistics park

Approved by 4th Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Beibei District, Chongqing City, covering an area of 349 Mu with the initial investment of
RMB 457 million. To operate and manage the project, Blogis intends to register a new company with the name
of Beibei Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of RMB 100 million. BLOGIS invests with self-
raised funds, accounting for 100% stake.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 31, 2016.
19. to increase investment for Beijing Shunyi logistics park

The 4th Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board deliberated and approved to increase investment of
RMB 21.12 million for Beijing Shunyi logistics park, and total reconstruction cost amounts to RMB 35.11
million after adjustment.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 31, 2016.
20. to jointly set up Shenzhen Baowan Wangcang Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

The 4th Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board deliberated and approved BLOGIS Holdings Limited
to jointly invest and establish Shenzhen BLOGIS Net Warehouse Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. with
Zhejiang Net Warehouse Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Huishen Equity Investment Partnership (limited

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 31, 2016.
21. Invest in Jiabao logistics park project

The 7th Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board deliberated and approved BLOGIS Holdings Limited
and its wholly-owned subsidiary China Huitong (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huitong
Hong Kong") to jointly invest in the development and construction of Jiabao logistics park project in Jiaxing
City. This project plans to use 618 mu of lands, and the initial total investment is estimate to be RMB 933
million, of which BLOGIS Holdings Limited invests RMB 559.8 million, accounting for 60% stake; Huitong
Hong Kong invests RMB 279.9 million, accounting for 30% stake; Jiaxing Logistics Park invests RMB 93.30
million, accounting for 10% stake.

Jiaxing Supply Chain Management has registered capital of RMB 230 million (including offshore RMB of 69
million Yuan), of which BLOGIS Holdings Limited invests RMB 138 million by self-raised cash, accounting
for 60% stake; Huitong Hong Kong invests offshore RMB 69 million by self-raised cash, accounting for 30%
stake; Jiaxing Logistics Park invests RMB 23 million in cash, accounting for 10% stake. This company will
take charge of the operations and management of Jiabao logistics park.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on October 15, 2016 and November 4, 2016.
22.   Invest in Kunming Baowan logistics park project

                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Approved by 10th Telecommunication meeting of 8th of the Board, Blogis intends to invest and construct
logistics park in Dianzhong New Area, Kunming City, covering an area of 214 Mu with the initial investment
of RMB 481 million. To operate and manage the project, Blogis has registered a new company with the name
of Dianzhong Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd and registration capital of RMB 200 million. BLOGIS Holdings
Limited invests with self-raised funds, accounting for 100% stake.

See details in the company’s announcement published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on August 31, 2016 and December 29, 2016.

XX. Significant Events of Subsidiaries
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Please find the details in XIX. Other Significant Events.

                                                                                              ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

              PART VI Changes in Capital Stock and Shareholders

I.    Changes in Capital Stock

1. Changes in Capital Stock
                                                                                                                            Unit: Share

                       Before Changes                       Changes in Shares(+,-)                            After Changes
                                                   New          Conversion
                                                         Bonus of Reserves
                        Shares         Ratio      Shares                   Others Subtotal                        Shares           Ratio
                                                  Issued         to Shares
               119,420,000 51.79%                                                                              119,420,000 51.79%
a. Promoters’
                    119,420,000 51.79%                                                                         119,420,000 51.79%
Ownership by
Domestic Legal 119,420,000 51.79%                                                                              119,420,000 51.79%
                    111,180,000 48.21%                                                                         111,180,000 48.21%
B shares            111,180,000 48.21%                                                                         111,180,000 48.21%
3.Total             230,600,000         100%                                                                  230,600,000          100%
Reason of Changes in Capital Stock

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Approval of Changes in Capital Stock
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Transfer of Change in Capital Stock

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Change in capital stock’s impacts on basic EPS and diluted EPS in recent year and recent issue, and net assets
per share attributed to equity shareholder and financial index etc.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other contents were necessary to the Company or the securities regulators required to be disclosed.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Changes of Non-tradable Shares

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: Share
                   Non-tradable                                                   Non-tradable
                                   Releasing Non-tradable Increasing Non-tradable                                                  Date of
      Name of      Shares at the                                                  Shares at the
                                    Shares in the Report    Shares in the Report                      Restricted Reason        Releasing Non-
     Shareholder   Beginning of                                                     End of
                                           Period                  Period                                                      tradable Shares
                     Y2016                                                          Y2016
Fan Zhaoping              8,700                   18,750                        0            0 Senior management locking shares 2016/7/11
Yu Zhongxia              48,887                         0                       0      48,887 Senior management locking shares -

                                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Zhang Xiang            48,530                      0                      0     48,530 Senior management locking shares -
Total                 106,117                 18,750                      0     97,417                  --                        --

II. Issuing and Listing

1. Issuance of Securities during the Report Period
□ Applicable √Inapplicable

2. Changes of Total Shares, Shareholders’ Structure, Asset and Liability Structure
□ Applicable √Inapplicable

3. Shares Holding by Employees
□ Applicable √Inapplicable

III. Shareholders and Actual Controller

1. Particulars about Shareholders and Shares Holding
                                                                                                                         Unit: Share
                                Total Number of                       Total Number of                 Total Number of
                                Shareholders                          Preference                      Preference Shareholders
                                One Month                             Shareholders with               with Resumed Voting
Shareholders in           5,676                                 5,610                               0                                  0
                                before Annual                         Resumed Voting                  Rights at Previous Month-
Reporting period
                                Report                                Rights at Period-end            end of this Report’s
                                Disclosure                            (if any)                        Disclosure (if any)

                                                  Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                               Shares                        Tradable   Impawned or
                                                   Ratio Total Shares                    Non-tradable
              Name                    Nature                                    Held                          Shares   Frozen Shares
                                                   (%)   Held                         Shares Held
                                                                               Change                          Held   Status Shares
DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)                                    51.79% 119,420,000 0                  119,420,000            0                  0
                                  Legal Person
China Logistics Holding(12)       Foreign Legal                                                              45,890,00
                                                       19.90% 45,890,000 0                                                    -   Unknown
PTE.LTD.                          Person                                                                             0
                                  Foreign Legal
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                    1.77%     4,079,809 1,537,768                        4,079,809        -   Unknown
SECURITIES (HONGKONG)                                   1.66%     3,836,054 221,830                          3,836,054        -   Unknown
                                  Legal Person
Shenwan Hongyuan Securities       Foreign Legal
                                                        1.20%     2,777,639 2,550,378                        2,777,639        -   Unknown
(H.K.) Limited                    Person
HUANG YINGBIN                                           1.00%     2,304,198 2,304,198                        2,304,198        -   Unknown
                                  Natural Person
YU ZHIXIANG                                             0.60%     1,373,939 1,026,839                        1,373,939        -   Unknown
                                  Natural Person
Haitong International Securities Foreign Legal
                                                        0.53%     1,230,366 1,230,366                        1,230,366        -   Unknown
Company Limited-Account Client Person
                                                        0.43%      984,693 0                                  984,693         -   Unknown
MASTER FUND            Person
LI WEI                                                  0.27%      617,705 17,705                             617,705         -   Unknown
                                  Natural Person
Strategic Investors of General Legal Person        N/A

                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Become Top Ten Shareholders Due To Share
Issued s (if any)
                                                   Among the top ten shareholders, the domestic legal entity shareholder, China
                                                   Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation has no affiliated relations with
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or United other shareholders and does not fall into the scope of united action person
Action of the Top Ten Shareholders                 stipulated by “Regulation of Information Disclosure of the Change of
                                                   Shareholding of listed company”. It is unknown that whether other tradable-
                                                   share shareholders fall into the scope of united action person.
                                                  Top Ten Tradable Shareholders
                                                                                                         Share Type
                       Name                                 Tradable Shares Held
                                                                                                  Type                Shares
China Logistics Holding(12) PTE.LTD.                                         45,890,000 B                              45,890,000
                                                                               4,079,809 B                               4,079,809
                                                                               3,836,054 B                               3,836,054
Shenwan Hongyuan Securities (H.K.) Limited                                     2,777,639 B                               2,777,639
HUANG YINGBIN                                                                  2,304,198 B                               2,304,198
YU ZHIXIANG                                                                    1,373,939 B                               1,373,939
Haitong International Securities Company Limited-
                                                                               1,230,366 B                               1,230,366
Account Client
                                                                                 984,693 B                                 984,693
LI WEI                                                                           617,705 B                                 617,705
SUN HUNG KAI INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD                                             592,412 B                                 592,412
Statement on Associated Relationship or Consistent It is unknown that whether other tradable-share shareholders fall into the
Action among the Above Shareholders                scope of united action person.
Remarks on Top Ten Shareholders Involved in
Securities Margin Trading

Whether shareholders appointed repurchase transaction during reporting period

□ Yes √ No

2. Controlling Shareholder
Characteristic of Controlling Shareholder: Uncertain

Type of Controlling Shareholder: Legal Entity
                                      Legal     Establishin Uniform Social
                                  Representative g Date      Credit Code                            Main Business

China              Nanshan                                             Land development, port service and
                                            September 91440300618832 transportation, as well as related
Development         (Group) Wang Zhixian
                                            28, 1982 976D              industry, commerce, real estate and
                                                                       tourism and bonded warehouse.
Equity in other domestic
and foreign listed
companies held by the
                            32.52% equity in Chiwan Wharf (000022) and 75.78% equity in New Nanshan
controlling shareholder by
                            Holding (002314).
means of control and
mutual shareholding in the
reporting period
Change of Controlling Shareholder in the Report Period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

3. Actual Controller
Characteristic of Actual Controller: Domestic Organization
Type of Actual Controller: Legal Entity

                                    Legal     Establishin Uniform Social
                                Representative g Date      Credit Code              Main Business

China               Nanshan                                       Land development, port service and
                                         September 691440300618
Development         (Group) Wang Zhixian                          transportation, as well as related
                                         28, 1982 832976D
Incorporation                                                     industry, commerce, real estate and
                                                                  tourism and bonded warehouse.
Controlling other domestic
and foreign listed
companies held by actual 75.78% equity in New Nanshan Holding (002314).
shareholding in the
reporting period
Change of Actual Controller in the Report Period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Chart of Actual Controller and the Company

                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                                             State-Owned Assets
                                               Supervision and
                                          Administration Commission
                                             of the State Council

    China Merchants Group            State-Owned           State-Owned              China National Offshore Oil
                                        Assets                Assets                       Corporation
            54.78%                 Supervision and        Supervision                         100%
                                    Administration              and
                                    Commission of         Administration
                                      Shenzhen            Commission of
                                      Municipal            Guangdong
     China Merchants Port            Government              Province
   Holdings Company Limited              100%                   100%

    China             Silverflow       Shenzhen               Guangdong              China           China             HK Clifford
  Merchants            Co., Ltd.      Investment              Petro-Trade          National          Ocean                Wong
  (Nanshan)                            Holdings               Developmen           Offshore         Oilfields          Investment
   Holdings                            Co., Ltd.                   t                  Oil           Services             Co.,Ltd
     Ltd                                                      Corporation         Investment         (Hong
                                                                                    Co.,Ltd          Kong)
                       0.50%                                                       7.83%            1.64%
   36.52%                               26.10%                                                                           3.92%

                                      China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation


                            Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co. Ltd.                                      Tradable
                                                                                                  48.21%        Shareholders
                                                                                                                (B Shares)

Actual Controller controlled the Company by trust or other asset management method.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

4. Other shareholders with more than 10% shares

   Shareholder’s Name          Legal Representative Establishing Date              Main Business
CHINA LOGISTICS                                                                  Industrial and
HOLDING(12) PTE.           Mark Tan                  2010.11.11          USD 100 Equity
LTD                                                                              Investment

IV. The Restricted Underweight of the Shares of Controlling Shareholder, Actual
Controller, Restructuring Parties and the Other Committed Party

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                   ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                   PART VII Particulars about Preferred Share

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

 PART VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff

I. Changes of Shares held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

                                                          Starting Date Expiry Date        Incr Decrea Other Held on
        Name        Position     Office Status Gender Age
                                                           of Tenure     of Tenure on Jan ease    se   Change Dec 31,
Tian Junyan     Chairman         In Office   Male      55 2010.05.13                     0    0     0      0        0
Zhuge Wenjing   Vice Chairman    In Office   Female    39 2016.06.28                     0    0     0      0        0
Wang Shiyun     Director/ GM     In Office   Male      50 2015.06.30                     0    0     0      0        0
Zhang Jianguo   Director         In Office   Male      52 2016.06.28                     0    0     0      0        0
Chen Lei        Director         In Office   Male      40 2016.06.28                     0    0     0      0        0
Chen Hong       Director         In Office   Male      57 2016.06.28                     0    0     0      0        0
Shu Qian        Director         In Office   Male      40 2013.05.20                     0    0     0      0        0
He Liming                        In Office   Male      63 2013.05.20                     0    0     0      0        0
Chen Weijie                      In Office   Male      66 2013.05.20                     0    0     0      0        0
Chen Shujun                      In Office   Male      49 2013.05.20                     0    0     0      0        0
Yu Xiufeng                       In Office   Male      52 2013.05.20                     0    0     0      0        0
Li Weihong                       In Office   Male      49 2016.06.28                     0    0     0      0        0
Zeng Jun        Supervisor       In Office   Male      48 2016.06.28                     0    0     0      0        0
                Supervisor       In Office   Male      53 2016.06.28                     0    0     0      0        0
Song Huibin    Supervisor        In Office   Male      51 2016.06.28                     0    0     0      0        0
Sun Yuhui                        In Office   Female    42 2013.05.20                     0    0     0      0        0
Cai Lirong                       In Office   Female    42 2016.06.28                     0    0     0      0        0
Wang Jianjiang Deputy GM         In Office   Male      59 2011.02.21                     0    0     0      0        0
               Deputy GM/
Yu Zhongxia                      In Office   Female    53 2011.11.21                65,182    0     0      0 65,182
               d Secretary
Zhang Xiang Deputy GM         In Office      Male      52 2014.04.22                64,706    0     0      0 64,706
                              Out of
Fan Zhaoping    Director      Office
                                             Male      62 2010.05.13   2016.01.07   27,450    0 27,450     0        0
                              Out of
Mingzhi Mei     Vice Chairman Office         Male      44 2011.04.20   2016.06.28        0    0     0      0
                              Out of
Kent Yang       Director      Office
                                             Male      48 2011.04.20   2016.06.28        0    0     0      0

                                 Out of
Huang Ronghui Supervisor         Office
                                             Male      60 2013.05.20   2016.06.28        0    0     0      0

Song Tao        Board Secretary ent and      Male      38 2012.03.26   2016.06.27             0            0
Total                  --           --         --     --       --          --       157,338   0 27,450     0 129,888

                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

II.Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

     Name                   Post                      Type                    Date               Reason
Fan Zhaoping     Director               Outgoing                        2016.01.06       Resignation
Mingzhi Mei      Vice Chairman          Full term                       2016.06.28       General Election
Kent Yang        Director               Full term                       2016.06.28       General Election
Zhang Jianguo Supervisor Convenor Full term                             2016.06.28       General Election
Chen Lei         Supervisor             Appointment and Removal         2016.06.28       General Election
Chen Hong        Supervisor             Appointment and Removal         2016.06.28       General Election
Huang Ronghui Supervisor                Full term                       2016.06.28       General Election
Song Tao         Board Secretary        Appointment and Removal         2016.06.27       Post Change

III. Posts

Main Work Experience for Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management in Current Office
Chairman: Mr. Tian Junyan, master degree in management of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
He was once the associate professor of School of Management of Huazhong University of Science and
Technology. Since 1996, he had successively served the posts of manager of research &development
department and the Executive Senior Vice President of Nanshan Group. At present Mr. Tian is General
Manager of Nanshan Group. He has been the Company’s Director since 2010 May and Chairman of Board of
Directors since 2013 May.
Vice Chairman: Ms Zhuge Wenjing, bachelor of Renmin University of China and MBA of Northwestern
University and Hong Kong University Science & Technology, had successively worked in Morgan Stanley
Asset Management Co, Deloitte Touche and SDIC commercial real estate Co., Ltd. At present, she is co-
president of Global Logistic Properties and served as Vice Chairman of the Company since 2016 June.
Director/GM: Dr. Wang Shiyun, doctor degree in finance of University Cambridge. Mr. Wang has served the
posts as employee of ICBC, teacher and Ph. D supervisor in University of Manchester, University of Sheffield,
and University of Southampton. Since 2004 to May 2015, Mr. Wang has served the posts as CEE and Deputy
GM of Nanshan Group. At present, he is GM of the Company since April and Director of the Company since
June 2015.
Director: Mr. Zhang Jianguo, Bachelor of Shanxi University of Accounting. He served in Chiwan Wharf
Holdings Limited as Financial Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President. At present, he is the
Deputy General Manager& CFO of Nanshan Group. He was served as the convener of the Board of Supervisors
of the Company dated from May 2013 to June 2016. At present, he is served as Director of the Company since
2016 June.
Director: Mr. Chen Lei, bachelor degree in international finance of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and MBA
of University of Southern California. He is CPA and CTA of China. He was the auditor of Ernst & Young in
1998 and finance manager of Shanghai New International Expo Center in 2001. At present, he is Chief
Investment Officer& Senior Vice President of Global Logistic Properties. He was served as supervisor of the
Company dated from April 2011 to June 2016. At present, he is served as Director of the Company since 2016
Director: Mr. Chen Hong, senior engineer, graduated from East China Institute of Water Conservancy. Since
2001, he successively served as deputy general manager of Shenzhen Haiqin Engineering Co., Ltd., deputy
chief engineer of China Nanshan Development (Group) Co., Ltd. At present he is Chief Engineer of China
Nanshan Development (Group) Co., Ltd. He was served as supervisor of the Company dated from June 2012
to June 2016. At present, he is served as Director of the Company since 2016 June.
Director/Deputy GM: Mr. Shu Qian, graduated from Hunan Institute of Finance (merged Hunan University in
2000) majored in accounting, and obtained a master degree with maritime economics and logistics from
Rotterdam University in 2004. Since 2000, Mr. Shu has successively worked in financial department in

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd., operating department in Shenzhen Chiwan
Wharf Holdings Limited., as assistant general manager and general manager of Research and Development
Department of Nanshan Group. He has served as a director of the Company since May 2013 and deputy GM
of the Company since 2015 April.
Independent Director: Mr. He Liming, master's degree, senior economist. He successively served the post of
former Deputy Director of the Materials Department, the Personnel Division of the Ministry of Domestic Trade,
general manager of China Nonferrous Metal Materials Corporation, Vice President and Secretary General,
Executive Vice President of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing. At present, he is president of
the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing/party secretary, president of China Society of Logistics, the
president of China International Trade Promotion logistics industry branch, the vice chairman of the Asia
Pacific Logistics Alliance. In May 2013, he has served as an independent director of the Company.
Independent Director: Mr. Chen Weijie, a professor-level senior economist. He successively served the post
of the manager of Finance Department of the Eastern Oil Company CNOOC Nanhai, Finance Department
Manager of CNOOC Shenzhen Branch, presiden of CACT Operators Group, Deputy General Manager and
Deputy Party Secretary of CNOOC Shenzhen Branch, General Manager of China National Offshore Oil
Corporation, the Ministry of Planning. Currently; deputy director of the Professional Committee of China's
economy Petroleum Institute; CNOOC/Shanghai Jiaotong University Engineering Research Center member
technical committee of new energy; Vice Chairman of Tianjin Intercity Railway Co. In May 2013, he has
served as an independent director of the Company.
Independent Director: Mr. Chen Shujun, Master Degree of Business Administration in Finance of Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Master Degree of Accounting of City University of Hong Kong International,
Bachelor of Laws degree from Tsinghua University (Adult Education). Senior Accountant, CPA China,
Chinese Certified Tax Agents, judicial experts, national legal professional qualifications; twelfth session of the
Conference of Guangdong Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee of the legislative consultants,
member of the eighth Accounting Association, etc. Former Guangzhou CPA auditor, manager; in 1998 served
as Managing Partner of Shenzhen Guangshen Certified Accountant, legal representative of Forensic
Accounting Guangdong Guangzhou-Shenzhen; also served in Funde Insurance Holding, Funde Property &
Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. and Nuode Investment Co., Ltd.as independent director; served in Chongqing
Cybernaut Equity Investment Fund Management and Shenzhen Cybernaut Central European Fund Investment
Limited as director. In May 2013, he has served as an independent director of the Company.
Independent Director: Dr. Yu Xiufeng, senior partner of Beijing DeHeng (Shenzhen) Law Office, with doctor
degree of Jilin University Law School and Economics postdoctoral of Jilin University Business School, and
once studied in Faculty of Law of Waseda University. Mr. Yu is Shenzhen Fifth People's Congress legislative
consultant, the fourth, fifth and sixth deputies of Shenzhen city for NPC, the fourth, fifth and sixth members
of the NPC Law Committee, the decision-making advisory committee of Shenzhen, Shenzhen Municipal
People's Government (Legislative Affairs) legal Expert Advisory Committee, arbitrator for China International
Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and Shenzhen Arbitration Commission, executive director for
Shenzhen City Law Sixth Council, and part-time tutor for Peking University Law School and Northeast
University of Finance etc. He is also the Independent Director for Shenzhen Jinjia Color Printing. In May 2013,
he has served as an independent director of the Company.
Supervisor Convernor: Dr. Li Hongwei, has doctor degree in system engineering of South China University of
Technology. He successively held the posts of manager, board secretary, director and deputy GM of Chengdu
Galaxy Power Co., Ltd. since 1989. He was the board secretary and deputy GM of Shenzhen Seg Dasheng Co.,
Ltd. since 2001. He was deputy GM and GM of Business Management Department of China Nanshan
Development (Group) Incorporation in 2006. Now he is COO of Nanshan Group. He has served as supervisor
of the Company since April 2011 and supervisor convenor since 2016 June.
Supervisor: Mr. Zeng Jun, Bachelor of Anhui University, Master of business law and business law in
University of London, holding qualification of Chinese lawyers, notaries, industrial and commercial
registration agents, state-owned enterprises, project bidding lawyers and securities lawyers, worked in Lei
Yanping Law Firm Junhe Law Firm and etc. During the period, he has worked in many firms in London and
Hongkong appointed by Chinese Ministry of Justice. He is General Counsel& Senior Vice Chairman of Global
Logistic Properties. At present, he served as supervisor of the Company since 2016 June.
Supervisor: Mr. Shang Yuexiang, University degree, successively worked in Jiangxi University of Science and
Technology, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Assistant Manager of Enterprise Management in Nanshan Group,

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Operation Manager in Shenzhen Chiwan wharf Limited, Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Chixiao
Combination House Co. Ltd., Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Chiwan Port Container Co. Ltd., General
Manager of Southern China Building Materials (Shenzhen) Limited, Director& General Manager of Yahgee
Building (Group) Ltd., and General Manager of Hefei Baowan International Logistics Center Co. Ltd. At
present, he is manager of Enterprise Management Department of Nanshan Group and served as supervisor of
the Company since 2016 June.
Supervisor: Mr. Song Huibin, accounting degree of Xi'an Institute of Highway Transportation, Senior
Accountant and Certified Tax Accountant, successively worked in Xi'an Institute of Highway Transportation,
as Financial Manager of Shenzhen Asia Bicycle Factory Co., Ltd., Deputy Finance Controller of Nanshan
Cuihengcun Catering Services Limited, and Deputy Finance Manager of Nansh Group. At present, he is
Auditing Manager of Nanshan Group and served as supervisor of the Company since 2016 June.
Employee Supervisor: Ms Sun Yuhui, bachelor degree in Economics, Lanzhou University, accountants of
Chinese Certified Tax Agents. Since August 2003, she worked as supervisor of financial department in
Nanshan Group. Since July 2010, she has served in Shenzhen Nanshan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd as
deputy manager/manager of Finance Department. At present, she is the financial manager of the Company.
And she served as employee supervisor of the Company since 2013 May.
Employee Supervisor: Ms Cao Lirong, MBA of Hong Kong Baptist University, She joined the Company since
March 2002 and worked as senior officer of administration department and vice manager of administration and
HR for offshore oil sector. At present, she is the manager of administration and HR for offshore oil sector. And
she served as employee supervisor of the Company since 2016 June.
Deputy GM/Chief Engineer: Dr. Wang Jianjiang, has doctor degree of Hydraulic Structure Engineering of
Wuhan Water Resources and Electric University. He worked in Xinjiang Shihezi University (the original
Shihezi Agricultural College) from Mar 1985 to Aug 1992. He studied in Wuhan Water Resources and Electric
University from Sept 1992 to June 1995 and got doctor degree of Hydraulic Structure Engineering. Since 1996,
he worked in planning department, office of general engineer and department of planning and construction
management of China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation as engineer, assistant manager and
department manager successively. He is Deputy GM & Chief Engineer of the Company since February 2011.
Deputy GM & CFO& Board Secretary: Mdm. Yu Zhongxia, has bachelor of Shan’xi Finance and Economics
College with the qualification of Accountant and senior international financial manager. Mdm. Yu has taught
at Xi’an Road Management College. She joined the Company in 1992 and held the posts of Financial Manager
Assistant, Financial Manager of CSE, System/Audit Manager Assistant, Deputy Financial Manager, Financial
Manager, Assistant GM, Deputy CFO and CFO. She is Deputy GM & CFO of the Company. At present, she
also served as Board Secretary since April 2071.
Deputy GM: Mr. Zhang Xiang, master degree, graduated from Wuhan Marine Traffic Engineering College.
He successively served as the post of supervisor, assistant manager, deputy manager of operation department
of the Company. From October 2005 to May 2015, he served as deputy GM and GM of Guangzhou Baowan.
Since February 2011, he was GM of Offshore Oil Logistics Service Division of the Company and Shenzhen
Baowan. He was once the supervisor of the Board of Supervisors of the Company. Currently, he is Deputy
GM of the Company since April 2014.
Posts in Shareholder’s Company
√ Applicable   □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                    Whether receiving
                                                                           Starting    Expiration
      Name                Company Name                   Position                        Date       remuneration from
                                                                            Date                       shareholder
                   CHINA NANSHAN
Tian Junyan        DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)            General Manager        2011.01.04                       Yes
                   CHINA NANSHAN
Zhang Jianguo      DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)            Financial Controller 2013.01.01                         Yes
                   CHINA NANSHAN
                                                  Deputy General
Zhang Jianguo      DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)                                   2015.02.13                       Yes
                   INCORPORATION                  Manager

                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                   CHINA NANSHAN
Chen Hong          DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)                Chief Engineer          2007.09.12                             Yes
                   CHINA NANSHAN
                                                      Chief Operating
Li Hongwei         DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)                                        2014.02.21                             Yes
                   INCORPORATION                      Officer
                                                      Manager of
                   CHINA NANSHAN
Shang Yuexiang     DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)                                        2014.07.18                             Yes
                   INCORPORATION                      Management
                   CHINA NANSHAN
                                                      Manager of Auditing
Song Huibin        DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)                                    2012.03.27                                 Yes
                   INCORPORATION                      Department
                   CHINA NANSHAN
Song Huibin        DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)                                        2015.06.19                             Yes
                   INCORPORATION                      Supervisor

Other Posts

√ Applicable   □ Inapplicable

                                                                                             Starting    Expiry    receiving
     Name                           Company Name                             Position        Date of     Date of remuneration
                                                                                             Tenure      Tenure from other
Tian Junyan     Shenzhen New Nanshan Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.           Chairman          2011.4.21             No
Tian Junyan     HOMWON Capital Management Co., Ltd                       Chairman          2013.7.5                  No
Tian Junyan     China Development Finance Company Limited                Chairman          2013.7.24                 No
Zhuge Wenjing Global Logistic Properties                                 Co-president      2016.06.06                Yes
Wang Shiyun     Blogis Holding Co., Ltd.                                 Chairman          2015.6.30                 No
Wang Shiyun     China Development Finance Company Limited                Director          2015.10.29                No
Zhang Jianguo   Chiwan Wharf Holdings Co., Ltd.                          Director          2013.01.31                No
Zhang Jianguo   Blogis Holding Co., Ltd.                                 Vice Chairman     2013.08.08                No
Zhang Jianguo   Shenzhen Chiwan Oriental Logistics Ltd                   Supervisor        2015.06.03                No
Zhang Jianguo   China Development Finance Company Limited                Vice Chairman     2015.08.03                No
Zhang Jianguo   Shenzhen New Nanshan Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.           Vice Chairman     2015.08.27                No
                Shenzhen Chiwan Oriental Supply Chain Management         Chairman
Zhang Jianguo                                                                              2016.05.30                No
Zhang Jianguo   Hefei Baowan International Logistics Centre Co., Ltd.    Chairman          2017.01.10                No
Chen Lei        Global Logistic Properties                                               2015.10.29                  Yes
                                                                         Officer& Senior
                                                                         Vice President
Shu Qian        Blogis Holding Co., Ltd.                                                   2015.06.30                No
Shu Qian        Shenzhen Chiwan Oriental Logistics Ltd                   Director        2015.06.03                  No
                                                                         President and
He Liming       China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing                             2010.11.02     2021.09.26   Yes
                                                                         Party Secretary
He Liming       China Society of Logistics                               President       2006.11.11     2020.11.12   No
He Liming       China International Trade Promotion Logistics Industry   President         2010.11.02   2020.11.03   No
He Liming       Asia Pacific Logistics Alliance                          Vice Chairman     2015.01.01   2019.01.01   No
                International Alliance Director of Purchasing and Supply
He Liming                                                                Director          2017.01.01   2020.01.01   No

                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Chen Shujun     Shenzhen Guangshen Certified Accountant                                          1998.1.1                  Yes
Chen Shujun     Forensic Accounting Guangdong Guangzhou-Shenzhen                                2002.12.1                  No
Chen Shujun     Funde Insurance Holding                                                        2015.07.01                  Yes
Chen Shujun     Funde Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd.                                  2015.06.04                  Yes
                Nuode Investment Co., Ltd.                                  Independent
Chen Shujun                                                                                    2017.04.06                  Yes
                Chongqing Cybernaut            Equity   Investment   Fund
Chen Shujun                                                                 Director           2016.02.26                  No
                Shenzhen Cybernaut Central European Fund Investment
Chen Shujun                                                                 Director           2017.03.01                  No
Yu Xiufeng      Beijing DeHeng (Shenzhen) Law Office                        Senior Partner     2002.08.01                  Yes
Yu Xiufeng      Hybio Pharmaceutical                                                           2010.06.17     2016.04.26   Yes
Yu Xiufeng      Shenzhen Jinjia Color Printing                                                 2014.03.13                  Yes
Li Hongwei      Chixiao Enterprise Co., Ltd.                                Director           2011.01.24                  No
Li Hongwei      Blogis Holding Co., Ltd.                                    Director           2011.07.20                  No
Li Hongwei      China Development Finance Company Limited                   Supervisor         2012.12.12                  No
Li Hongwei      Shenzhen Chiwan Oriental Logistics Ltd                      Director           2013.05.13                  No
Li Hongwei      Hefei Baowan International Logistics Centre Co., Ltd.       Vice Chairman      2015.08.06     2017.02.28   No
Li Hongwei      Shenzhen New Nanshan Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.              Director           2015.09.22                  No
Zeng Jun        Global Logistic Properties                                                     2011.04.01                  Yes
                                                                            Senior Vice
Shang Yuexiang Chixiao Enterprise Co., Ltd.                                 Director           2015.12.09                  No
Shang Yuexiang Shenzhen New Nanshan Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.               Supervisor         2015.12.22                  No
Song Huibin     Blogis Holding Co., Ltd.                                    Supervisor         2016.03.11                  No
Song Huibin     Chixiao Enterprise Co., Ltd.                                Supervisor         2015.12.09                  No
Song Huibin     China Development Finance Company Limited                   Supervisor         2012.12.12                  No

Penalty of the Current Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Left during the Report Period over the
Past 3 Years
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

   Name         Position      Reason Punishment Type Conclusion                   Disclosure Date           Disclosure Index
Mr.Fan                                               Informed                                           Announcement
              Director      term     Other                                             2015.12.29
Zhaoping                                             Criticism                                          No.2015-72

Particulars about Alleged illegal Proceeds
                                                                                             Alleged Illegal Proceeds
               Name                        Alleged illegal proceeds back time
Former Director Mr. Fan Zhaoping                        2015.12.31                                                    40,655.38

IV. The Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

Decision-making procedures, basis for determination and actual payment of the remuneration to directors,

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

supervisors and senior management

1. Independent directors’ allowance is approved by General Shareholders’ Meeting. The remuneration of senior
management is approved by Board of Directors. Independent Directors’ allowance is RMB 100,000 per year
2. Senior management is appointed by the Board of Directors. Remuneration standard for senior management
is decided by their abilities, performance, etc.

3. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management will be paid monthly and the rest bonus will be decided by
their abilities, performance, etc. (Mr. He Liming, Independent Director, has not received independent director

Remuneration to directors, supervisors and senior management in the report period
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB ‘0000
                                                                                      Remuneration     Whether Gained
                                                                    Office              from the      Remuneration from
Name             Position                     Gender        Age                      Company before   Related Party of the
                                                                                           Tax             Company
Tian Junyan      Chairman                      Male           55    In Office                    0           Yes
Zhuge Wenjing Vice Chairman                   Female          39    In Office                    0           Yes
Wang Shiyun      Director/ GM                  Male           50    In Office               147.51            No
Zhang Jianguo Director                         Male           52    In Office                    0           Yes
Chen Lei         Director                      Male           40    In Office                    0           Yes
Chen Hong        Director                      Male           57    In Office                    0           Yes
Shu Qian         Director                      Male           40    In Office                93.51            No
He Liming        Independent Director          Male           63    In Office                    0            No
Chen Weijie      Independent Director          Male           66    In Office                   10            No
Chen Shujun      Independent Director          Male           49    In Office                   10            No
Yu Xiufeng       Independent Director          Male           52    In Office                   10            No
Li Weihong       Supervisor Convenor           Male           49    In Office                    0           Yes
Zeng Jun         Supervisor                    Male           48    In Office                    0           Yes
                 Supervisor                    Male           53    In Office                    0           Yes
Song Huibin      Supervisor                    Male           51    In Office                    0           Yes
Sun Yuhui        Employee Supervisor          Female          42    In Office                 61.8            No
Cai Lirong       Employee Supervisor          Female          42    In Office                 7.32            No
Wang Jianjiang Deputy GM                       Male           59    In Office               141.32            No
               Deputy GM/ Financial
Yu Zhongxia    Controller/Board               Female          53    In Office               126.99            No
Zhang Xiang Deputy GM                          Male           52    In Office               103.61            No
Fan Zhaoping     Director                      Male           62 Out of Office                   0           Yes
Mingzhi Mei      Vice Chairman                 Male           44 Out of Office                   0           Yes
Kent Yang        Director                      Male           48 Out of Office                   0           Yes
Huang Ronghui Supervisor                       Male           60 Out of Office               18.71            No
Song Tao         Board Secretary               Male           38                             37.82            No
                                                                 and Removal
Total                       --                   --          --                 --          768.59             --

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

Incentive equity to directors, supervisors or/and senior management in the report period.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. About Staff
1. Number of Employees, Professional Structure and Education
Number of Employees of Parent Company                                                                               282
Number of Employees of Main Subsidiaries                                                                            232
Total Number of Employees                                                                                           514
Number of Taking Remuneration from the Company                                                                      514
Number of Retiree to Whom the Company needed to
Pay Salary
                                               Professional Structure
                  Professional Structure                                            Number
Manufacturing Employee                                                                                              208
Sales Employee                                                                                                       80
Technical Employee                                                                                                   46
Financial Employee                                                                                                   55
Administrative Employee                                                                                             125
Total                                                                                                               514
                        Education                                                   Number
Master or above                                                                                                      50
Bachelor                                                                                                            195
Junior College                                                                                                       95
Junior College below                                                                                                174
Total                                                                                                               514

2. Remuneration Policy for Staff
In the report period, staff’s salary was paid monthly according to the Company’s related regulation. At the end
the year, bonus was paid by the Company’s profitability and staff’s performance.
3. Training Program
To open up E-learning for core team, promote studies concerned about business, and safety management
training course for new employees.
4. Labor Outsourcing
√ Applicable    □ Inapplicable
Hours of Labor Outsourcing                                                                                    879,300
Total Remuneration of Hours of Labor Outsourcing

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                            PART IX Corporate Governance
Ⅰ. Corporate Governance

1. General

During the report period, the Company had continuously observed Company Law, Securities Law, and
Guidelines of Corporate Governance for Listed Company and relevant regulations to improve and enhance its
corporate governance.

(1) Shareholders and shareholders’ general meeting: the Company ensures that all the shareholders, especially
minority shareholders, are equal and could enjoy their full rights. The Company called and held shareholders’
general meeting strictly in compliance with the Rules for Shareholders’ General Meeting.

(2) Relationship between the controlling shareholder and the Company: controlling shareholder of the
Company acted in line with rules during the reporting period, did not intervened the decisions, productions or
operations of the Company directly or indirectly in exceeding the authority of the shareholders’ general meeting,
and did not appropriate any funds of the Company.

(3) Directors and the Board of Directors: the Company elected directors in strict accordance with the Articles
of Association. Number and composition of members of the Board were in compliance with relevant laws and
regulations; all Directors attend Board meetings and shareholders’ general meeting in a serious and responsible
manner and participated enthusiastically relevant training so as to know better about laws and regulations as
well as the rights, obligations and liabilities of Directors.

(4) Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee: number and composition of the members of the Supervisory
Committee were in compliance with the requirements of laws and regulations. The supervisors diligently and
seriously performed their duties and obligations, took responsible attitudes to all shareholders and supervised
the financial affair as well as the performance by the Company’s Directors, managers and other senior
executives of their duties in compliance with the laws and regulations.

(5) Stakeholders: the Company fully respected and safeguarded the legal rights and interests of the banks and
other creditors, staff, consumers and other stakeholders so as to develop the Company in a consistent and
healthy way.

(6) Information disclosure and transparency: the Company authorized the Company Secretary to take charge
of information disclosure, and the Chairman as well as related Directors to meet with shareholders. The
Company disclosed relevant information in a true, accurate, complete and timely way in strict accordance with
the requirements of laws, regulations and the Articles of Association, formulated the Management Rules on
Information Disclosure, the Management System on Inside Information and Insiders and the Rules on the
Management of Investors Relations, and designated Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn as its newspaper and website for information disclosure, so as to ensure all
shareholders have equal opportunity to obtain the information.

(7) Non-normative Corporate Governance

According to the requirements of Ministry of Finance and Accounting Standards for Enterprises, the Company
provided financial reports monthly to its controlling shareholders, Nanshan Group, for compiling consolidated
financial statements. In accordance with requirements of the Supplementary Notice on Strengthened
Supervision of Non-Standard Behaviors in Corporate Governance Including Providing Undisclosed
Information to Controlling Shareholders and Effective Controller, the Board of Directors reviewed and

                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

approved the Resolution on Regular Submission of Financial Statements to the Controlling Shareholders on
the Second Tele-communication Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors. Nanshan Group and the Company
signed the commitment letter respectively, and the Company provided the insiders’ list to CSRC Shenzhen
Bureau for record as well.

2 . Preparation and Implementation of the Registration Management System for Insiders
On October 28, 2009, the Seventh Session of the Fifth Board of Directors reviewed and approved the
registration system of undisclosed information insiders. (Please find the details on www.cninfo.com.cn on
October 30, 2009)        In the report period, the Company implemented the registration system strictly and
registered the insiders timely.
In the report period, directors, supervisors and the senior management of the Company did not buy or sell
shares against regulations.
Does there exist any difference in compliance with the corporate governance, the PRC Company Law and the
relevant provisions of CSRC.
□ Yes √ No

There exist no difference in compliance with the corporate governance, the PRC Company Law and the
relevant provisions of CSRC.

II. Particulars about the Company’s separation from the controlling shareholder in respect
of business, personnel, assets, organization and financial affairs
The Company is absolutely independent in business, personnel, assets, finance and organization from its
controlling shareholder. Details are set out as follows.
Separation in business: The Company has its own assets, personnel, qualifications and ability to carry out
operating activities and is able to operate independently in the market.
Separation in personnel: The Company has basically separated its staff from its controlling shareholder. No
senior management staff of the Company holds positions at controlling shareholder of the Company.
Separation in assets: The Company possesses its own self-governed assets and domicile. Separation in
organization: The Company has established and improved the corporate governance structure according to law
and has an independent and complete organizational structure.

Separation in finance: The Company has set up its own financial department as well as normative accounting
system and the financial management system on its subsidiaries. The Company has its own bank accounts and
does not share the same bank account with its controlling shareholder. The Company has been paying tax in
accordance with the laws and regulations on its own behalf.

III. Horizontal Competition
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

IV. Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings in the Report
1. Particular about Shareholders’ Meeting in the Report Period
                                                Proportion of Convening           Disclosure     Disclosure Index
            Sessions                Type          Investors’   Date                 Date
First Extraordinary Shareholders’                                                               Announcement No.
                                    Shareholders’           71.72% 2016.01.29   2016.01.30
Meeting in 2016                                                                                  2016-15
                                    General Meeting
Second Extraordinary Shareholders’                                                              Announcement
                                    Shareholders’           45.21% 2016.06.03   2016.06.04
Meeting in 2016                                                                                  No.2016-46
                                    General Meeting
Annual General Meeting for Year                                                                  Announcement
                                    Shareholders’           72.89% 2016.06.28   2016.06.29
2015                                                                                             No.2016-59
                                    General Meeting
Third Extraordinary Shareholders’                                                               Announcement
                                    Shareholders’           74.75% 2016.08.04   2016.08.05
Meeting in 2016                                                                                  No.2016-84
                                    General Meeting
Fourth Extraordinary Shareholders’                                                              Announcement
                                    Shareholders’           72.18% 2016.09.23   2016.09.24
Meeting in 2016                                                                                  No.2016-118
                                    General Meeting
Fifth Extraordinary Shareholders’                                                               Announcement
                                    Shareholders’           71.69% 2016.12.20   2016.12.21
Meeting in 2016                                                                                  No.2016-137
                                    General Meeting

2. Special Shareholders’ General Meeting Applied by the Preferred Stockholder with Restitution of
Voting Right
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. Performance of Independent Directors
1. Attendance of Board Meeting and Shareholders’ Meeting
                                             Attendance of Board Meeting
                                  Attendance in Attendance by Attendance by                in person for
      Name       required to be                                             Absence rate
                                     person       facsimile       proxy                  two consecutive
    He Liming                  18              1            16            1            0 N/A
   Chen Weijie                 18              2            16            0            0 N/A
  Chen Shujun                  18              2            16            0            0 N/A
   Yu Xiufeng                  18              1            16            1            0 N/A
Number of Shareholders’ Meeting
2. Objection of Independent Directors on Some Relevant Issues
Objection of independent directors on some relevant issues
□ Yes    √ No

Independent directors proposed no objection against the relevant matters in the report period.

3. Other Note to the Performance of Independent Directors
During the report period, the independent directors of the Company was in strictly accordance with relevant
laws, regulations and the "Articles of Association", fully concerned the company operation and performs their
duties independently, which affected the company's systems to improve decision-making and other aspects of

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

daily operations. They made many valuable professional advices on the matters requiring the independent
directors of the Company during the report period to comment on the issue of independence, impartiality advice
for improving corporate oversight mechanisms to safeguard the legitimate interests of the company and all its
shareholders to play its due role.

VI. Performance of Special Committees under the Board of Directors in the Report Period
1. Performance of Audit Committee
(1) Reviewing the financial report and presenting written opinion
According to relevant regulations, the Audit Committee reviewed the financial report and presented written
opinion. The Company strictly implemented Articles of Association and other regulations and ensured the
objectivity and authenticity of financial report.

After the auditor submitted the draft of audit report, the committee reviewed the finance report and presented
written opinion. The compiling basis, principles and method of financial report followed the relative
regulations and fairly reflected the financial status and operation results of the Company for Year 2015.
(2) Maintaining regular communication with auditors and following progress of auditing closely

In the audit period, the committee maintained regular communication with financial department, followed the
progress of auditing closely and held a meeting discussed with the auditors about auditing plan, scope, focus
points and the incurred problems and resolutions.

(3) Summarizing the auditor’s work
The committee summarized the work of auditor and thought that they completed the annual audit work in plan.
(4) Opinions on hiring an accounting firm

Recommend the Company to hire Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited for 2016 annual audit and internal control

2. Performance of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
(1)During the report period, the committee reviewed Tian Junyan, Zhang Jianguo, Chen Hong, Wang Shiyun,
Shu Qian, Kent Yang, Chen Lei, Zhuge Wenjing’s resume on their education background, work experience
and physical condition and agreed to submit proposal on appointment of the above mentioned candidates as
Directors for shareholders’ meeting’s approval.

(2) During the report period, the committee reviewed salary of senior managers, and published the opinion on
senior manager compensation for year 2015.

3. Strategy and Development committee
During the period, the committee has deliberated and agreed to submit 3 years developing plan (2016-2018)
to the Board of Director for approval.

VII. Work of the Board of Supervisors

Did the Board of Supervisors find any risk existing in performing the supervision activities in the report
□ Yes √No

The Board of Supervisors has no objection against any matters under supervision in the report period.

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

VIII. Examination and Incentive Mechanism for Senior Management

In the report period, the salaries of senior management were decided by their work performance, job description,
personal ability, the Company’s profit, etc.

IX. Internal Control
1. Particulars about Significant Defects Found in the Internal Control during Report
□ Yes √ No
2. Internal Control Evaluation Report
Disclosure date of full internal control evaluation report                       2017-04-20
Disclosure index of full internal control evaluation report                      www.cninfo.com.cn
The ratio of the total assets of units included in the scope of evaluation
accounting for the total assets on the company's consolidated financial                                        61.32%
The ratio of the operating income of units included in the scope of evaluation
accounting for the operating income on the company's consolidated financial                                    97.88%
                                           Defects Evaluation Standards
            Category                        Financial Reports                       Non-financial Reports

                                                                          Non-financial reporting deficiencies are
                                                                          identified in accordance with the impact
                                                                          on the effectiveness of business processes
                                                                          and the possibility of occurrence.

                                                                          If the possibility of deficiency occurrence
                                                                          is small, it will reduce the work efficiency
                                 Deficiencies         with      following or effects, or increase the uncertainty of
                                 characteristics are identified as major effects, or make it deviate from the
                                 deficiencies: senior management of the expected target and become a general
                                 company makes fraud; internal deficiency; if the possibility of deficiency
                                 supervisory body has not performed occurrence is rather high, it will
Qualitative criteria             basic functions; financial reports have significantly reduce the work efficiency
                                 serious misstatements or omissions; or effects, or significantly increase the
                                 internal control environment related to uncertainty of effects, or make it
                                 financial reports is invalid.            significantly deviate from the expected
                                                                          target and become a significant
                                                                          deficiency; if the possibility of deficiency
                                                                          occurrence is very high, it will seriously
                                                                          reduce the work efficiency or effects, or
                                                                          seriously increase the uncertainty of
                                                                          effects, or make it seriously deviate from
                                                                          the expected target and become a major

                                 Affirm according to the amount Affirm according to the absolute amount
Quantitative standard            potentially causing financial losses or of direct economic losses caused to the
                                 accounting misstatements: (1) It is a company: (1) It is a general deficiency if

                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                                 general deficiency if the amount is less the amount is less than 0.8 million yuan
                                 than 0.8 million yuan or less than 0.5% or less than 0.5% of annual operating
                                 of annual operating profit; (2) It is a profit; (2) It is a significant deficiency if
                                 significant deficiency if the amount is the amount is greater than 0.8 million
                                 greater than 0.8 million yuan and less yuan and less than or equal to 1.5 million
                                 than or equal to 1.5 million yuan or yuan or 0.5% - 1% of annual operating
                                 0.5% - 1% of annual operating profit; profit; (3) It is a major deficiency if the
                                 (3) It is a major deficiency if the amount amount is greater than 1.5 million yuan or
                                 is greater than 1.5 million yuan or greater than 1% of annual operating
                                 greater than 1% of annual operating profit;
                                 Affirm according to the losses caused
                                 by fraud to the company: (1) It is a
                                 general deficiency if there is no loss; (2)
                                 It is a significant deficiency if the loss is
                                 less than or equal to 0.5 million yuan; 3)
                                 It is a major deficiency if the amount is
                                 greater than 0.5 million yuan.
Amount of significant defects
in financial reports
Amount of significant defects
in non-financial reports
Amount of important defects in
financial reports
Amount of important defects in
non-financial reports

X. Audit Report on Internal Control
√ Applicable   □ Inapplicable
                        Audit opinion paragraphs in the Audit Report on Internal Control
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP believed that Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply
Base Co., Ltd. has maintained effective internal control on financial report in all significant respects according to
the Basic Rules for Enterprise Internal Control and relevant regulations on 31 Dec. 2016.
Disclosure of Audit Report on Internal Control                Disclosed
Disclosure date of the Audit Report on Internal Control       April 20, 2017
Disclosure index of the Audit Report on Internal
Type of Audit Report on Internal Control                      Standard Unqualified auditor's report
Whether there is significant defect in non-financial report   No

Whether the CPAs firm issues an Audit Report on Internal Control with non-standard opinion or not?
□ Yes √ No
Whether the Audit Report on Internal Control from the CPAs firm is in consistent with the Self-appraisal
Report from the Board or not?
√ Yes □ No

                                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

                                         PART X Corporate Bonds

There was the public issued corporate bonds that listed on the stock exchange which neither to expire on the
approval quote date of the annual report nor to pay in full amount when expired.


1. Basic Information of the corporate bonds
                          Abbreviatio                                                                       Interest      Ways of Debt
         Name                               Code            Issue Date           Due Date          Balance
                              n                                                                               Rate          Service
                                                                                                 (RMB 0000)
                                                                                                                       To pay interest
2012 corporate bonds of
                                                                                                                       once a year and
Shenzhen Chiwan         12 Chiwan
                                  112140                2012.12.17         2019.12.17                 57,000     5.78% to pay for the
Petroleum Supply Base Base Bonds
                                                                                                                       principal at one
Co., Ltd.
Exchange Place for the Listing or
                                         Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Transfer of the Corporate Bonds
Eligibility Management of Investors Inapplicable
Situation of the Interest Payment of
                                         On Dec 17, 2016, the Company has paid bonds interests in cash incurred from Dec 17, 2015
the Corporate Bonds during the
                                         to Dec 16, 2016.
Report Period
Execution of relevant regulations if
the corporate bonds were affiliated
with the special regulations such as
the options of the issuers or the
investors as well as exchangeable
regulations. (if applicable)

2. List of the Bonds Trustees and the Credit Rating Organization
Bonds Trustees:
                                                   Room 1608, China Life Insurance
        Huarong Securities Co.,        Office                                      Contact Yuan          Contact
Name                                               Building, Chaoyang District,                                          010-85556464
        Ltd.                           Address                                     Person Dong           Number
Credit Rating Organization Tracked and Rated the Corporate Bonds during the Report Period:
                                                                                      8F, An Ji Building, No. 760 South Xizang Road,
Name                  China Chengxin Securities Rating Co., Ltd. Office Address
                                                                                      Huangpu District, Shanghai
Explanation on
Change of Bonds
Trustees and the      Inapplicable
Credit Rating

3. List of the Usage of the Raised Funds of the Corporate Bonds
Usage and Execution Process of the Bonds Raised
                                                             The Company used the raised funds strictly followed the regulation.
Funds of the Company
Closing Balance (RMB10,000’)                                                                                                           0
Operation of the Special Account of the Raised Funds         The Company did not create special account for the bonds.
The usage of the raised funds whether met with the
committed usage, usage plans and other agreements on Yes
the specification.

4. List of the Rating of the Corporate Bonds Information

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

CCXR maintained the credit rating of “12 Chiwan Base Bonds” of AA+ as well as the credit rating of the main
body of the Company of AA with the stable rating outlook at report period.

5. Credit Supplement Mechanism, Repayment Plans and Other Repayment Guarantee Measures of the
Corporate Bonds
At the report period, there were no changes of credit supplement mechanism, repayment plans or other
repayment guarantee measures of the Corporate Bonds.

The Company’s controlling shareholder, Nanshan Group, provided guarantee for the Corporate Bonds. By the
end of 2016, Nanshan Group’s net assets were RMB 8.99 billion; assets-liabilities ratio was 61.27%; return on
equity was 11.52%; current ratio was 138.20%; and quick ratio was 57.63%. The above-mentioned data was
unaudited. The amount of external guarantee of Nanshan Group was RMB 2.04 billion, accounted by 22.69%
of its net assets.

6. List of the Holder Conference of the Bonds during the Report Period
For being absorbed and merged by New Nanshan Holding, the Company has convened bonds’ holder
conference on Jul 21, 2016.

7. List of the Duties Performance of the Bonds Trustee during the Report Period
At the report period, bonds trustee performed their duties according to related regulation, including supervising
the usage of raised funds, continuously paying attention to the Company’s creditability, etc.

The Company has disclosed Entrusted Management Report of 2012 Corporate Bonds for Year 2015 published
on Jun 8, 2016, which is made and published by Huarong Securities Co., Ltd.

8. Major Accounting Data and Financial Index of the recent 2 years of the Company
                                                                                               Unit: RMB’0000
            Item                        Y2016                         Y2015                     Changes (%)
EBITDA                                              42,642                       45,803                        -6.90%
Current Ratio                                      24.99%                        42.00%                       -17.01%
Asset-liability Ratio                              65.37%                        63.30%                        2.07%
Quick Ratio                                        24.95%                        42.00%                       -17.05%
Total Debt Ratio of
                                                     8.64%                       13.00%                        -4.36%
Times Interest Earned                                  1.35                         1.79                      -24.58%
Times Interest Earned of
                                                       4.64                         3.59                      29.25%
Times Interest Earned of
                                                       2.24                         2.65                      -15.47%
Loan Repayment Rate                               100.00%                       100.00%                        0.00%
Interest Coverage                                 100.00%                       100.00%                        0.00%

Note to the year-on-year change of the relevant data

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Mainly due to liabilities increased by RMB 1.36 billion.

9. List of the Interest Payment of Other Bonds and Bonds Financing Instruments during the Report

                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 2016

The Company have paid interest of RMB 400 million’s medium-term notes at the reporting period. Since this
medium-term notes have been expired on March 7, 2017, the Company has paid principal and interests of the
medium-term notes timely.

10. List of the Acquired Bank Credit Lines, Usage and Repayment of the Bank Loans
During the report period, the Company has acquired newly added bank credit lines of RMB 1,500 million,
made use of credit limit of RMB 1,526 million and paid back loans of RMB 1,010 million.

11. List of the Execution of the Agreement or the Commitment Related to the Corporate Bonds Raising
Specification during the Report Period
The raised funds of RMB 570 million had used up in 2013.

12. Significant Events Occurred during the Report Period
The Company has disclosed particular about accumulated newly loans which is over 20% of the Company’s
net assets at the end of last year, according to regulators’ requirements. Please find details on www.cninfo.com
dated on Sep 7, 2016 and Jan 7, 2017.

13. Whether There Was Guarantor of the Corporate Bonds
√ Yes   □No

Whether the Guarantor of the Corporate Bonds was Business Entity or Other Organizations

√ Yes   □No

Whether Disclose Guarantor’s Financial Report.

√ Yes   □No

                           PART XI Financial Report (Attachment)

Opinion Type of Audit Report                   Standard and Unqualified
Signature Date of Audit Report                 April 18, 2017
Name of Audit Organization                     Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
No. of Audit Report                            De Shi Bao(Shen) Zi (17) No. P01971
Name of Certificated Accountants               Li Weihua, Jiang Qishen

                      PART XII Documents Available for Verification

1. Financial Report carrying the signature of Chairman, and other relative persons in charge.
2. Original copy of Auditor’s Statements sealed by CPA and signed by registered accountants.
3. Original copies of all the documents disclosed on the newspapers specified by the China Securities Regulatory

                                                                           Board of Directors
                                                                    Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd.
                                                                              April 20, 2017


Financial Statements and Auditor's Report
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Contents                                                                      Pages

Auditor's report                                                              1-2

The Company's and consolidated balance sheets                                 3-4

The Company and consolidated income statements                                5-6

The Company and consolidated cash flow statements                             7-8

The Company and consolidated statements of changes in shareholders' equity    9 - 10

Notes to the financial statements                                            11 - 101
                                        AUDITOR'S REPORT

                                                                  De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (17) No. P01971


We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base
Co., Ltd. (the "Company"), which comprise the Company's and consolidated balance sheets as at 31
December 2016, and the Company's and consolidated income statements, the Company's and
consolidated statements of changes in shareholders' equity and the Company's and consolidated cash
flow statements for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements.

1. Management's responsibility for the financial statements

Management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial
statements. This responsibility includes: (1) preparing the financial statements in accordance with
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to achieve fair presentation of the financial statements;
(2) designing, implementing and maintaining internal control which is necessary to enable that the
financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

2. Auditor's responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an audit opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We
conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing. Those Standards on require that
we comply with the Code of Ethics for Chinese Certified Public Accountants and plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material

An audit involves performing audit procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment,
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due
to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider the internal control relevant to the
preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness
of the internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies
used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the
overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our audit opinion.

3. Opinion

In our opinion, the financial statements of the Company present fairly, in all material respects, the
Company's and consolidated financial position as of 31 December 2016, and the Company's and
consolidated results of operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified                                       Chinese Certified Public Accountant
Public Accountants LLP

         Shanghai, China                                                                 Li, Weihua

                                                                         Chinese Certified Public Accountant

                                                                                        Jiang Qishen

                                                                                       18 April 2017

The auditor's report and the accompanying financial statements are English translations of the Chinese auditor's report
and financial statements prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. These financial
statements are not intended to present the financial position and results of operations and cash flows in accordance with
accounting principles and practices generally accepted in other countries and jurisdictions. Where the English version
does not conform to the Chinese version, the Chinese version prevails.

AT 31 DECEMBER 2016
                                                  Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
               ITEM         Notes   Closing balance     Opening balance              ITEM               Notes   Closing balance       Opening balance
 Current Assets:                                                           Current Liabilities:
 Cash and bank balances     (V)1     524,609,097.58      321,121,926.73    Short-term borrowings        (V)17    850,000,000.00         300,000,000.00
 Accounts receivable        (V)2      43,862,804.61       50,257,814.22    Notes payable                (V)18     16,200,019.20                         -
 Prepayments                (V)3         748,064.45          435,877.51    Accounts payable             (V)19     11,500,505.03          13,502,745.52
 Interest receivable        (V)4         423,404.92         1,138,739.73   Receipts in advance          (V)20       9,185,065.04          4,294,109.24
                                                                           Employee benefits
 Other receivables          (V)5      63,863,606.97       58,666,231.60                                 (V)21     21,162,917.90          26,233,258.02
 Inventories                (V)6         961,855.72          914,543.44    Taxes payable                (V)22     30,107,734.45          20,937,276.95
 Other current assets       (V)7      14,424,379.64      235,000,000.00    Interest payable             (V)23     23,856,299.00          28,404,479.52
 Total Current Assets                648,893,213.89      667,535,133.23    Other payables               (V)24    437,522,424.61         480,066,219.49
                                                                           Non-current liabilities
 Non-current Assets:                                                                                    (V)25    633,057,978.40         707,396,728.40
                                                                           due within one year
 Long-term equity
                            (V)8     602,194,915.06      582,600,360.74    Other current liabilities    (V)26    564,000,000.00           6,000,000.00
                                                                           Total Current
 Investment properties      (V)9    1,606,049,338.07    1,425,593,724.71                                        2,596,592,943.63      1,586,834,817.14
 Fixed assets               (V)10    877,096,096.64      842,722,056.06    Non-current Liabilities:
 Construction in progress   (V)11    601,906,964.62      368,965,477.50    Long-term borrowings         (V)27   1,186,288,100.45        489,834,250.45
 Intangible assets          (V)12   2,245,211,656.35    1,450,042,826.68   Bonds payable                (V)28    568,641,500.00         967,159,500.00
 Development expenditure    (V)13       1,330,674.42                   -   Long-term payables           (V)29                     -     251,417,853.31
 Goodwill                   (V)14     11,133,118.55                    -   Deferred income              (V)30     49,599,079.39          51,251,151.07
                                                                           Other non-current
 Deferred tax assets        (V)15     24,317,786.92       28,877,355.41                                 (V)31    511,018,207.18         226,367,558.34
 Other non-current assets   (V)16    930,907,761.60      277,619,704.84    Deferred tax liabilities     (V)15     22,812,085.88                         -
                                                                           Total Non-current
 Total Non-current Assets           6,900,148,312.23    4,976,421,505.94                                        2,338,358,972.90      1,986,030,313.17
                                                                           TOTAL LIABILITIES                    4,934,951,916.53      3,572,865,130.31
                                                                           Share capital                (V)32    230,600,000.00         230,600,000.00
                                                                           Capital reserve              (V)33    234,141,186.09         234,141,186.09
                                                                           Other comprehensive
                                                                                                        (V)34        652,079.14             652,079.14
                                                                           Special reserve              (V)35       6,774,707.73          5,941,771.48
                                                                           Surplus reserve              (V)36    318,603,562.42         317,245,288.81
                                                                           Unappropriated profits       (V)37    966,064,644.53         965,504,851.33
                                                                           Total shareholders' equity
                                                                           attributable to equity               1,756,836,179.91      1,754,085,176.85
                                                                           holders of the Company
                                                                           Minority interests                    857,253,429.68         317,006,332.01
                                                                           SHAREHOLDERS'                        2,614,089,609.59      2,071,091,508.86
                                                                           TOTAL LIABILITIES
 TOTAL ASSETS                       7,549,041,526.12    5,643,956,639.17                                        7,549,041,526.12      5,643,956,639.17

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.

The financial statements on pages 3 to 101 were signed by the following:

            Tian Junyan                                    Yu Zhongxia                                            Sun Yuhui
        Legal Representative                           Chief Financial Officer                          Head of Accounting Department

AT 31 DECEMBER 2016

                                                           Balance Sheet of the Company
                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
          ITEM              Notes    Closing balance         Opening balance               ITEM                  Notes      Closing balance    Opening balance
 Current Assets:                                                                 Current Liabilities:
 Cash and bank balances     (XIV)1    14,320,382.62              28,808,779.96   Short-term borrowings                        800,000,000.00     300,000,000.00
 Accounts receivable        (XIV)2      22,179,847.58            22,290,192.64   Accounts payable                              10,800,195.25       13,115,420.11
                                                                                 Employee benefits
 Prepayments                               199,347.18              174,357.15                                                   8,499,705.90       17,261,742.30
 Interest receivable                                   -          1,031,342.47   Taxes payable                                  1,325,799.55        2,508,111.41
 Other receivables          (XIV)3    458,310,323.30          1,519,389,018.64   Interest payable                              22,814,519.98       28,118,306.33
 Inventories                               666,721.31              665,307.48    Other payables                                85,907,775.53       67,373,561.98
                                                                                 Non-current liabilities due
 Other current assets                                  -       235,000,000.00                                                 401,349,351.16     701,349,351.16
                                                                                 within one year
 Total Current Assets                 495,676,621.99          1,807,358,998.34   Other current liabilities     (XIV)10(2)     220,000,000.00                     -
 Non-current Assets:                                                             Total Current Liabilities                  1,550,697,347.37    1,129,726,493.29
 Long-term equity
                            (XIV)4   3,235,207,239.36         1,486,226,120.45   Non-current Liabilities:
 Investment properties                 115,535,029.89          121,605,608.97    Long-term borrowings           (XIV)5        378,824,302.04     181,224,302.04
 Fixed assets                           53,000,328.21            62,672,792.29   Bonds payable                   (V)28        568,641,500.00     967,159,500.00
 Construction in                                                                 Other non-current
                                         2,626,533.00             2,600,283.00                                                255,018,207.18       16,367,558.34
 progress                                                                        liabilities
                                                                                 Total Non-current
 Intangible assets                    276,936,159.10           292,794,849.40                                               1,202,484,009.22   1,164,751,360.38
 Deferred tax assets                                   -          9,635,782.89   TOTAL LIABILITIES                          2,753,181,356.59    2,294,477,853.67
 Other non-current                                                               SHAREHOLDERS'
                                         3,100,849.21              255,366.60
 assets                                                                          EQUITY:
 Total non-current assets            3,686,406,138.77         1,975,790,803.60   Share capital                   (V)32        230,600,000.00     230,600,000.00
                                                                                 Capital reserve                              204,534,849.49     204,534,849.49
                                                                                 Special reserve                                6,468,869.88        5,775,987.68
                                                                                 Surplus reserve                 (V)36        318,603,562.42     317,245,288.81
                                                                                 Unappropriated profits                       668,694,122.38     730,515,822.29
                                                                                 SHAREHOLDERS'                              1,428,901,404.17    1,488,671,948.27
                                                                                 TOTAL LIABILITIES
 TOTAL ASSETS                        4,182,082,760.76         3,783,149,801.94                                              4,182,082,760.76    3,783,149,801.94

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.


                                             Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                Amount for the     Amount for the
                                   ITEM                                 Notes   current period      prior period
 I.     Operating income                                                (V)38    677,791,331.11     650,279,516.34
        Less: Operating costs                                           (V)38    299,908,256.18     297,002,514.88
              Business taxes and levies                                 (V)39     46,306,467.44      36,184,168.56
              Selling expenses                                          (V)40      1,077,360.05       1,794,630.86
              General and administrative expenses                       (V)41    116,607,241.20      95,531,527.18
              Financial expenses                                        (V)42    181,754,411.70     165,115,346.59
              Impairment losses of assets                               (V)43       (98,698.65)         975,282.77
         Add: Investment income                                         (V)44     33,786,630.43      75,110,506.18
                 Including: Income from investments in associates
                                                                                  32,503,352.87      58,968,248.53
                   and joint ventures
 II.    Operating profit                                                          66,022,923.62     128,786,551.68
        Add: Non-operating income                                       (V)45      9,294,068.84      13,638,110.34
               Including: Income from disposal of non-current assets                 277,164.06           83,782.26
        Less: Non-operating expenses                                    (V)46      2,950,166.24       1,520,513.80
               Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets               2,038,490.91         386,856.19
 III.   Gross profit                                                              72,366,826.22     140,904,148.22
        Less: Income tax expenses                                       (V)47     51,321,853.41      30,231,553.32
 IV. Net profit                                                                   21,044,972.81     110,672,594.90
        Net profit attributable to owners of the Company                           1,918,066.81      91,644,920.49
        Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders                      19,126,906.00      19,027,674.41
 V.     Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income                (V)48                  -                  -
        Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income attributable
                                                                                               -                  -
        to owners of the Company
        (I) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified                           -                  -
        subsequently to profit or loss
        (II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified                              -                  -
        subsequently to profit or loss
        1.Translation differences arising on translation of financial
                                                                                               -                  -
        statements denominated in foreign currencies
        Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income attributable
                                                                                               -                  -
        to minority shareholders
 VI. Total comprehensive income:                                                  21,044,972.81     110,672,594.90
        Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
                                                                                   1,918,066.81      91,644,920.49
        Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                                  19,126,906.00      19,027,674.41
 VII. Earnings per share:
        (I) Basic earnings per share                                    (V)49              0.01               0.40
        (II) Diluted earnings per share                                           Not applicable     Not applicable

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.


                                          Income Statement of the Company
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                Amount for the    Amount for the
                                ITEM                                    Notes   current period     prior period
 I.     Operating income                                               (XIV)6    141,522,223.95    166,417,996.03
        Less: Operating costs                                          (XIV)6     91,527,752.30    110,684,405.54
              Business taxes and levies                                            3,055,108.82      6,113,907.38
              General and administrative expenses                                 31,404,714.28     42,630,233.63
              Financial expenses                                                102,366,098.62      67,316,429.52
              Impairment loss of assets                                              (7,800.16)       (121,978.29)
        Add: Investment income                                         (XIV)7     35,605,507.92     75,925,377.89
             Including: Income from investments in associates and
                                                                                  32,503,352.87     58,968,248.53
             joint ventures
 II.    Operating profit                                                        (51,218,141.99)     15,720,376.14
        Add: Non-operating income                                                  2,518,993.03      4,118,579.72
               Including: Income from disposal of non-current assets                103,965.11          61,791.60
        Less: Non-operating expenses                                               2,086,487.37        153,636.63
               Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets               1,964,398.48        129,101.96
 III.   Gross profit                                                            (50,785,636.33)     19,685,319.23
        Less: Income tax expenses                                                  9,677,789.97     (7,480,153.00)
 IV.    Net profit                                                              (60,463,426.30)     27,165,472.23
 V.     Other comprehensive income post tax                                                   -                  -
 VI. Total comprehensive income                                                 (60,463,426.30)     27,165,472.23

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.


                                               Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Amount for the       Amount for the prior
                                    ITEM                                        Notes     current period            period
 I.    Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
       Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services                           732,949,763.60         685,146,794.96
       Cash receipts from tax refunds                                                            989,803.75               21,649.57
       Other cash receipts relating to operating activities                    (V)50(1)       34,223,967.51          45,379,011.23
       Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                   768,163,534.86         730,547,455.76
       Cash payments for goods purchased and services received                               138,716,936.68         132,064,953.07
       Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                                            91,597,818.86          88,779,428.87
       Payments of various taxes                                                             122,395,080.48         138,290,674.66
       Other cash payments relating to operating activities                    (V)50(2)       43,978,966.95          38,756,047.72
       Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                                  396,688,802.97         397,891,104.32
       Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                (V)51(1)      371,474,731.89         332,656,351.44
 II.   Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
       Cash receipts from investment income                                                   12,908,798.55          14,329,928.96
       Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
       and other long-term assets                                                              1,122,683.82             116,708.22

       Other cash receipts relating to investing activities                    (V)50(3)      282,314,620.00       1,539,917,101.51
       Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                   296,346,102.37       1,554,363,738.69
       Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                               (V)51(2)      359,679,066.42                       -
       and other long-term assets
       Cash payments to acquire investments                                                1,644,377,369.35         542,802,310.11
       Other cash payments relating to investing activities                    (V)50(4)       95,062,624.80       1,325,010,000.00
       Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                                2,099,119,060.57       1,867,812,310.11
       Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                           (1,802,772,958.20)       (313,448,571.42)
 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
       Cash receipts from capital contributions                                              521,080,000.00                       -
       Including: cash receipts from capital contributions from minority of
                  subsidiaries                                                               521,080,000.00                       -

       Cash receipts from borrowings                                                       1,788,025,100.00         510,134,281.57
       Other cash receipts relating to financing activities                    (V)50(5)    1,464,000,000.00            6,000,000.00
       Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                 3,773,105,100.00         516,134,281.57
       Cash repayments of borrowings                                                         525,910,000.00         104,902,000.00
       Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement
       of interest expenses                                                                  113,956,681.09         119,072,437.79

       Including: cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or
                  settlement of interest expenses to minority shareholders                                 -                      -
                  by subsidiaries
       Other cash payments relating to financing activities                    (V)50(6)   1,498,647,065.49          365,270,347.30
       Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                               2,138,513,746.58          589,244,785.09
       Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                           1,634,591,353.42          (73,110,503.52)
 IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash
     Equivalents                                                                                194,043.74             (304,210.95)

 V.    Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                 203,487,170.85          (54,206,934.45)
       Add: Opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                       (V)51(2)     321,121,926.73          375,328,861.18
 VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                              (V)51(2)     524,609,097.58          321,121,926.73

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.


                                             Cash Flow Statement of the Company
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                         Amount for the     Amount for the prior
                                     ITEM                                        Note    current period          period
 I.    Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
       Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services                         148,109,282.81        184,501,086.75
       Receipts of tax refunds                                                                 985,094.24                      -
       Other cash receipts relating to operating activities                                  8,679,989.87          9,585,481.04
       Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                 157,774,366.92        194,086,567.79
       Cash payments for goods purchased and services received                              49,811,501.39         54,382,467.45
       Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                                          47,685,381.61         50,215,506.96
       Payments of various taxes                                                             9,849,362.14         40,200,770.50
       Other cash payments relating to operating activities                                 18,267,325.71         19,821,733.69
       Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                                125,613,570.85        164,620,478.60
       Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                 (XIV)8      32,160,796.07         29,466,089.19
 II.   Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
       Cash receipts from investment income                                                 12,908,798.55         14,329,928.96
       Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
       other long-term assets                                                                  879,118.33             32,530.00

       Other cash receipts relating to investing activities                                487,044,620.00      1,535,950,412.74
       Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                 500,832,536.88      1,550,312,871.70
       Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets
       and other long-term assets                                                            4,947,096.30         10,683,480.40

       Cash payments to acquire investments                                                307,676,564.58         31,820,000.00
       Other cash payments relating to investing activities                                139,006,625.77      1,448,542,578.23
       Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                                451,630,286.65      1,491,046,058.63
       Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                             49,202,250.23         59,266,813.07
 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
       Cash receipts from borrowings                                                     1,210,000,000.00        400,000,000.00
       Other cash receipts relating to financing activities                                888,755,895.81          7,955,511.01
       Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                               2,098,755,895.81        407,955,511.01
       Cash repayments of borrowings                                                       512,400,000.00        101,300,000.00
       Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement
       of interest expenses                                                                 88,578,646.86        103,713,804.74

       Other cash payments relating to financing activities                              1,593,720,721.28        372,410,740.60
       Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                              2,194,699,368.14        577,424,545.34
       Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                           (95,943,472.33)      (169,469,034.33)
 IV.   Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash
                                                                                                92,028.69           (632,046.89)
 V. Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                 (14,488,397.34)        (81,368,178.96)
       Add: Opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                        (XIV)8      28,808,779.96        110,176,958.92
 VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                               (XIV)8      14,320,382.62         28,808,779.96

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.


                                                                                                                        Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                             Amount for the current period                                                                                                                                                            Amount for the same period of last year
                                                                                              Attributable to shareholders of the Company                                                                                                                                                   Attributable to shareholders of the Company

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Total                                                                                                                                                                                  Total
                                                                                           Other comprehensive                                                                                                             shareholders'                                                 Other comprehensive                                                        Unappropriated                                shareholders'
                        ITEM                     Share capital       Capital reserve              income              Special reserve          Surplus reserve       Unappropriated profits       Minority interests          equity           Share capital       Capital reserve              income               Special reserve         Surplus reserve           profits           Minority interests          equity

 I. Closing balance of the preceding year         230,600,000.00       234,141,186.09               652,079.14             5,941,771.48           317,245,288.81             965,504,851.33          317,006,332.01        2,071,091,508.86    230,600,000.00        234,141,186.09                652,079.14            4,240,147.49            307,084,630.25       913,767,989.40        297,936,230.92        1,988,422,263.29

 Add: Changes in accounting policies                             -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 Corrections of prior period errors                              -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 Business combination involving entities under                   -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -
 common control

 II. Opening balance of the current year          230,600,000.00       234,141,186.09               652,079.14             5,941,771.48           317,245,288.81             965,504,851.33          317,006,332.01        2,071,091,508.86    230,600,000.00        234,141,186.09                652,079.14            4,240,147.49            307,084,630.25       913,767,989.40        297,936,230.92        1,988,422,263.29

 III. Changes for the year                                       -                     -                      -              832,936.25              1,358,273.61                559,793.20          540,247,097.67         542,998,100.73                     -                     -                         -         1,701,623.99             10,160,658.56        51,736,861.93         19,070,101.09          82,669,245.57

 (I) Comprehensive income                                        -                     -                      -                         -                        -             1,918,066.81           19,126,906.00          21,044,972.81                     -                     -                         -                       -                        -      91,644,920.49         19,027,674.41         110,672,594.90

 (II) Owners' contributions and reduction in
                                                                 -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -      521,080,000.00         521,080,000.00                     -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 1. Capital contribution from owners                             -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -      521,080,000.00         521,080,000.00                     -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 2. Capital contribute from other equity
                                                                 -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -
 instrument holders

 3. Share-based payment recognized in owners'
                                                                 -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 4. Effect of business combination involving                     -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -
 entities under common control

 (III) Profit distribution                                       -                     -                      -                         -            1,358,273.61             (1,358,273.61)                           -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -          10,160,658.56      (39,908,058.56)                          -    (29,747,400.00)

 1. Transfer to surplus reserve                                  -                     -                      -                         -            1,358,273.61             (1,358,273.61)                           -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -          10,160,658.56      (10,160,658.56)                          -                   -

 2. General Risk Provision                                       -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 3. Distributions to shareholders                                -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -    (29,747,400.00)                          -    (29,747,400.00)

 4. Others                                                       -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 (IV) Transfers within owners' equity                            -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 1. Capitalization of capital reserve                            -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 2. Capitalization of surplus reserve                            -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 3. Loss offset by surplus reserve                               -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 4. Others                                                       -                     -                      -                         -                        -                            -                        -                   -                   -                     -                         -                       -                        -                    -                        -                   -

 (VI) Special reserve                                            -                     -                      -              832,936.25                          -                            -            40,191.67            873,127.92                     -                     -                         -         1,701,623.99                           -                    -            42,426.68          1,744,050.67

 1. Transfer to special reserve in the period                    -                     -                      -            1,505,428.41                          -                            -            49,598.61          1,555,027.02                     -                     -                         -         2,539,292.54                           -                    -            56,404.62          2,595,697.16

 2. Amount utilized in the period                                -                     -                      -             (672,492.16)                         -                            -           (9,406.94)           (681,899.10)                    -                     -                         -         (837,668.55)                           -                    -          (13,977.94)           (851,646.49)

 IV. Closing balance of the current year          230,600,000.00       234,141,186.09               652,079.14             6,774,707.73           318,603,562.42             966,064,644.53          857,253,429.68        2,614,089,609.59    230,600,000.00        234,141,186.09                652,079.14            5,941,771.48            317,245,288.81       965,504,851.33        317,006,332.01        2,071,091,508.86

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.


                                                                                   Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Amount for the current period                                                                                                Amount for the same period of last year
                                                                     Attributable to shareholders of the Company                                         Total                                       Attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                                                                                                     shareholders'                                                                                                               Total shareholders'
                                                                                                                               Unappropriated                                                                                                                  Unappropriated
                  ITEM                   Share capital       Capital reserve       Special reserve       Surplus reserve                                equity           Share capital       Capital reserve       Special reserve       Surplus reserve                               equity
                                                                                                                                  profits                                                                                                                         profits
 I. Closing balance of the preceding
                                         230,600,000.00       204,534,849.49          5,775,987.68        317,245,288.81        730,515,822.29      1,488,671,948.27     230,600,000.00      204,534,849.49           4,103,762.23        307,084,630.25       743,258,408.62      1,489,581,650.59
 Add: Changes in accounting policies                     -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 Corrections of prior period errors                      -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 Others                                                  -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 II. Opening balance of the current      230,600,000.00       204,534,849.49          5,775,987.68        317,245,288.81        730,515,822.29      1,488,671,948.27     230,600,000.00      204,534,849.49           4,103,762.23        307,084,630.25       743,258,408.62      1,489,581,650.59
 III. Changes for the year                               -                     -        692,882.20          1,358,273.61        (61,821,699.91)      (59,770,544.10)                     -                     -      1,672,225.45         10,160,658.56       (12,742,586.33)          (909,702.32)
 (I) Comprehensive income                                -                     -                     -                     -    (60,463,426.30)      (60,463,426.30)                     -                     -                     -                     -    27,165,472.23         27,165,472.23
 (II) Owners' contributions and                          -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 reduction in capital
 1. Capital contribution from owners                     -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 2. Capital contribute from other                        -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 equity instrument holders
 3. Share-based payment recognized                       -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 in owners' equity
 4. Others                                               -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 (III) Profit distribution                               -                     -                     -      1,358,273.61         (1,358,273.61)                      -                   -                     -                     -     10,160,658.56       (39,908,058.56)      (29,747,400.00)
 1. Transfer to surplus reserve                          -                     -                     -      1,358,273.61         (1,358,273.61)                      -                   -                     -                     -     10,160,658.56       (10,160,658.56)                         -
 2. General Risk Provision                               -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 3. Distributions to shareholders                        -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -   (29,747,400.00)      (29,747,400.00)
 4. Others                                               -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 (IV) Transfers within owners' equity                    -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 1. Capitalization of capital reserve                    -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 2. Capitalization of surplus reserve                    -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 3. Loss offset by surplus reserve                       -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 4. Others                                               -                     -                     -                     -                    -                    -                   -                     -                     -                     -                 -                         -
 (V) Special reserve                                     -                     -        692,882.20                         -                    -        692,882.20                      -                     -      1,672,225.45                         -                 -         1,672,225.45
 1. Transfer to special reserve in the                   -                     -      1,283,632.59                         -                    -      1,283,632.59                      -                     -      2,423,047.32                         -                 -         2,423,047.32
 2. Amount utilized in the period                        -                     -      (590,750.39)                         -                    -       (590,750.39)                     -                     -      (750,821.87)                         -                 -          (750,821.87)
 IV. Closing balance of the current      230,600,000.00       204,534,849.49          6,468,869.88        318,603,562.42        668,694,122.38      1,428,901,404.17     230,600,000.00      204,534,849.49           5,775,987.68        317,245,288.81       730,515,822.29      1,488,671,948.27

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.


     Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd. (the "Company") was registered and
     established on 4 January 1984 in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

     Pursuant to the approval of Shen Fu Ban Han (1995) No. 112 issued by the General Office of
     Shenzhen Municipal People's Government and Shen Zheng Ban Fu (1995) No. 33 issued by
     Shenzhen Securities Administration Office, the Company publicly issued domestic listed foreign
     shares (B-Share) on 21 June 1995. Pursuant to the Listing Notice of Shen Zheng Shi Zi (1995)
     No. 14, issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company's shares were listed and traded on
     Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 28 July 1995.

     The Headquarter of the Company locates in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. The main business
     of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") include: terminal and port operation services;
     lease of stack area, storage and office building; provision of labor service, cargo handling and
     transportation, equipment lease, supply of water, power and oil, and agency services for offshore
     crude oil logistics; operating bonded warehouse and stack area, and commercial car park

     The Company's financial statements and the Group's consolidated financial statements are
     approved by the Board of directors on 18 April 2017.

     The scope of consolidated financial statements in the current period involves 50 subsidiaries. See
     Note (VII) "Equity in other entities" for details. Changes of scope are new subsidiaries set up in
     the current period. See Note (VI) "Changes of consolidation scope" for details.


   Basis of preparation

     The Group has adopted the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (the "ASBEs") issued
     by the Ministry of Finance (the "MoF"), including standards newly issued and amended in 2014.
     In addition, the Group has disclosed relevant financial information in accordance with
     Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Offering Securities to the Public
     No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reporting (Revised in 2014).

   Going concern

     As at 31 December 2016, the Group had total current liabilities in excess of total current assets of
     RMB1,947,699,729.74. As the Company's parent company China Nanshan Development (Group)
     ("Nanshan Group"), has agreed not to request repayment of outstanding balances owing to it and,
     when other outstanding debts owed by the Group fall due in the foreseeable future, to provide all
     necessary financial support to the Company in the foreseeable future so as to maintain the Group's
     ability to continue as a going concern, the financial statements have been prepared on a going
     concern basis.


        Basis of accounting and principle of measurement

        The Group has adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Except for certain financial instruments
        which are measured at fair value, the Group adopts the historical cost as the principle of
        measurement in the financial statements. Where assets are impaired, provisions for asset
        impairment are made in accordance with the relevant requirements.

        Under the historical cost measurement, asset should be measured at the value of cash or cash
        equivalents or fair value paid to acquire the asset, whereas liability should be measured at the
        value of cash or assets received due to shoulder present obligation, or at the contract amount of
        shouldering present obligation, or at the value of cash or cash equivalents expected to pay for the
        liability in routine activities.

        Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an
        orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date, regardless of whether
        that price is directly observable or estimated using valuation technique. Fair value measurement
        and/or disclosure in the financial statements are determined according to the above basis.

        Pursuant to the observation of input value and the significance of the input value on the whole,
        measurements of fair value are divided into the below three levels:

        Level 1 input value is the unadjusted price of equivalent assets or liability which can be acquired
                 in an active market on the measurement date.
        Level 2 input value is assets or liability except for those in Level 1, which are observable for the
                 asset or liability, either directly or indirectly
        Level 3 input value is assets or liability which cannot be observed.


        1. Statement of compliance with the ASBE

        The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the ASBEs, and
        present truly and completely, the Company's and consolidated financial position as of 31
        December 2016, and the Company's and consolidated results of operations and cash flows for the
        year then ended.

        2. Accounting period

        The Group has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, i.e. from 1 January to 31


     3、Business Cycle

     Buginese cycle is referred to the period from which an enterprise buys assets to manufacture to the date it achieves cash or cash

     4. Functional currency

     Renminbi ("RMB") is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company
     and its subsidiaries in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") operate. Therefore, the
     Company and its subsidiaries choose RMB as their functional currency. The Group adopts RMB
     to prepare its financial statements.

     5. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common
     control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control

     Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving enterprises under
     common control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control.

     5.1 Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

     A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in
     which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both
     before and after the combination, and that control is not transitory.

     Assets and liabilities obtained shall be measured at their respective carrying amounts as recorded
     by the combining entities at the date of the combination. The difference between the carrying
     amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the
     combination is adjusted to the share premium in capital reserve. If the share premium is not
     sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

     Costs that are directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss in the period in
     which they are incurred.

     5.2 Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill

     A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business
     combination in which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same
     party or parties before and after the combination.

     The cost of combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the acquisition date, of the assets
     given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for
     control of the acquiree. The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing,
     legal services, valuation and consultancy services, etc. and other associated administrative
     expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are


     5. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common
     control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control - continued

     5.2 Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill - continued

     The acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities, acquired by the acquirer in
     a business combination, that meet the recognition criteria shall be measured at fair value at the
     acquisition date.

     Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree's
     identifiable net assets, the difference is treated as an asset and recognized as goodwill, which is
     measured at cost on initial recognition. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer's
     interest in the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets, the acquirer firstly reassesses the
     measurement of the fair values of the acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent
     liabilities and measurement of the cost of combination. If after that reassessment, the cost of
     combination is still less than the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable
     net assets, the acquirer recognizes the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the
     current period.

     Goodwill arising on a business combination is measured at cost less accumulated impairment
     losses, and is presented separately in the consolidated financial statements.

     6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements

     The scope of consolidation in the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of
     control. Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as
     to obtain benefits from its operating activities.

     Consolidation of a subsidiary begins when the Group obtains control over the subsidiaries and
     ceases when the Group loses control of the subsidiary.

     For a subsidiary disposed of by the Group, the operating results and cash flows before the date of
     disposal (the date when control is lost) are included in the consolidated income statement and
     consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriate.

     For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under
     common control, the operating results and cash flows from the acquisition date (the date when
     control is obtained) are included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement
     of cash flows, as appropriate, and no adjustment is made to the opening balances and comparative
     figures in the consolidated financial statements.

     No matter when the business combination occurs in the reporting period, subsidiaries acquired
     through a business combination involving enterprises under common control are included in the
     Group's scope of consolidation as if they had been included in the scope of consolidation from the
     date when they first came under the common control of the ultimate controlling party. Their
     operating results and cash flows from the beginning of the earliest reporting period are included in
     the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriate.

     The significant accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the subsidiaries are determined
     based on the uniform accounting policies and accounting periods set out by the Company.


     6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued

     All significant intra-group balances and transactions are eliminated on consolidation.

     The portion of subsidiaries' equity that is not attributable to the Company is treated as minority
     interests and presented as "minority interests" in the consolidated balance sheet within
     shareholders' equity. The portion of net profits or losses of subsidiaries for the period attributable
     to minority interests is presented as "minority interests" in the consolidated income statement
     below the "net profit" line item.

     When the amount of loss for the period attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary
     exceeds the minority shareholders' portion of the opening balance of owners' equity of the
     subsidiary, the excess amount are still allocated against minority interests.

     Acquisition of minority interests or disposal of interest in a subsidiary that does not result in the
     loss of control over the subsidiary is accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amounts
     of the Company's interests and minority interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their
     relative interests in the subsidiary. The difference between the amount by which the minority
     interests are adjusted and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to capital
     reserve under owners' equity. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the
     excess are adjusted against retained earnings.

     7. Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

     Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash
     equivalents are the Group's short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to
     known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

     8. Translation of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

     8.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies

     A foreign currency transaction is recorded, on initial recognition, by applying [the spot exchange
     rate on the date of the transaction.

     At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated into RMB using the spot
     exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from the differences
     between the spot exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date and those on initial
     recognition or at the previous balance sheet date are recognized in profit or loss for the period,
     except that (1) exchange differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing denominated in
     foreign currency that qualify for capitalization are capitalized as part of the cost of the qualifying
     asset during the capitalization period; (2) exchange differences related to hedging instruments for
     the purpose of hedging against foreign currency risks are accounted for using hedge accounting;
     (3) exchange differences arising from available-for-sale non-monetary items (such as shares)
     denominated in foreign currencies and changes in the carrying amounts (other than the amortized
     cost) of available-for-sale monetary items are recognized as other comprehensive income.


     8. Translation of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies -

     8.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies - continued

     Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are translated to the amounts in
     functional currency at the spot exchange rates on the dates of the transactions and the amounts in
     functional currency remain unchanged. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair
     value are re-translated at the spot exchange rate on the date the fair value is determined.
     Difference between the re-translated functional currency amount and the original functional
     currency amount is treated as changes in fair value (including changes of exchange rate) and is
     recognized in profit and loss or as other comprehensive income.

     8.2 Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

     For the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements, financial statements of a
     foreign operation are translated from the foreign currency into RMB using the following method:
     assets and liabilities on the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at the
     balance sheet date; shareholders' equity items except for retained earnings are translated at the
     spot exchange rates at the dates on which such items arose; all items in the income statement as
     well as items reflecting the distribution of profits are translated at the spot exchange rates on the
     dates of the transactions; the opening balance of retained earnings is the translated closing balance
     of the previous year's retained earnings; the closing balance of retained earnings is calculated and
     presented on the basis of each translated income statement and profit distribution item. The
     difference between the translated assets and the aggregate of liabilities and shareholders' equity
     items is separately presented as the exchange differences arising on translation of financial
     statements denominated in foreign currencies under the shareholders' equity in the balance sheet.

     Cash flows arising from a transaction in foreign currency and the cash flows of a foreign
     subsidiary are translated at an exchange rate which approximates the spot exchange rate on the
     date of the cash flows. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents is
     regarded as a reconciling item and presented separately in the cash flow statement as "effect of
     exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents".

     The opening balances and the comparative figures of previous year are presented at the translated
     amounts in the previous year's financial statements.

     On disposal of the Group's entire interest in a foreign operation, or upon a loss of control over a
     foreign operation due to disposal of certain interest in it or other reasons, the Group transfers the
     accumulated exchange differences arising on translation of financial statements of this foreign
     operation attributable to the owners' equity of the Company and presented under shareholders'
     equity, to profit or loss in the period in which the disposal occurs.


     8. Translation of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies -

     8.2 Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies - continued

     In case of a disposal or other reason that does not result in the Group losing control over a foreign
     operation, the proportionate share of accumulated exchange differences arising on translation of
     financial statements are re-attributed to minority interests and are not recognized in profit and
     loss. For partial disposals of equity interests in foreign operations which are associates or joint
     ventures, the proportionate share of the accumulated exchange differences arising on translation
     of financial statements of foreign operations is reclassified to profit or loss.

     9. Financial instruments

     Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized when the Group becomes a party to the
     contractual provisions of the instrument. Financial assets and financial liabilities are initially
     measured at fair value. For financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or
     loss, transaction costs are immediately recognized in profit or loss. For other financial assets and
     financial liabilities, transaction costs are included in their initial recognized amounts.

     9.1 Effective interest method

     The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial asset or a
     financial liability (or a group of financial assets or financial liabilities) and of allocating the
     interest income or interest expense over the relevant period, using the effective interest rate. The
     effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash flows through the
     expected life of the financial asset or financial liability or, where appropriate, a shorter period to
     the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability.

     When calculating the effective interest rate, the Group estimates future cash flows considering all
     contractual terms of the financial asset or financial liability (without considering future credit
     losses), and also considers all fees paid or received between the parties to the contract giving rise
     to the financial asset and financial liability that are an integral part of the effective interest rate,
     transaction costs, and premiums or discounts, etc.

     9.2 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets

     On initial recognition, the Group's financial assets are classified into one of the four categories,
     including financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments, loans
     and receivables, and available-for-sale financial assets. All regular way purchases or sales of
     financial assets are recognized and derecognized on a trade date basis.


     9. Financial instruments - continued

     9.2 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets - continued

     9.2.1. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss ("FVTPL")

     Financial assets at FVTPL include financial assets held for trading and those designated as at fair
     value through profit or loss.

     A financial asset is classified as held for trading if one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i)
     It has been acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the near term; or (ii) On initial
     recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the Group manages
     together and there is objective evidence that the Group has a recent actual pattern of short-term
     profit-taking; or (iii) It is a derivative that is not designated and effective as a hedging instrument,
     or a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of
     an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price in an active market) whose fair value
     cannot be reliably measured.

     A financial asset may be designated as at FVTPL upon initial recognition only when one of the
     following conditions is satisfied: (i) Such designation eliminates or significantly reduces a
     measurement or recognition inconsistency that would otherwise result from measuring assets or
     recognizing the gains or losses on them on different bases; or (ii) The financial asset forms part of
     a group of financial assets or a group of financial assets and financial liabilities, which is managed
     and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with the Group's documented
     risk management or investment strategy, and information about the grouping is reported to key
     management personnel on that basis; (iii) Hybrid instruments associated with embedded
     derivatives and financial assets measured at fair value and of which changes are recorded into the
     profits and losses as specified in Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22 - Financial
     Recognition and Measurement of Instruments.

     Financial assets at FVTPL are subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or losses arising
     from changes in the fair value and any dividend or interest income earned on the financial assets
     are recognized in profit or loss.

     9.2.2 Held-to-maturity investments

     Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable
     payments and fixed maturity dates that the Group's management has the positive intention and
     ability to hold to maturity.

     Held-to-maturity investments are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective
     interest method. Gain or loss arising from DE recognition, impairment or amortization is
     recognized in profit or loss.


     9. Financial instruments - continued

     9.2 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets - continued

     9.2.3. Loans and receivables

     Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments
     that are not quoted in an active market. Financial assets classified as loans and receivables by the
     Group include accounts receivable, interest receivable and other receivables.

     Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest
     method. Gain or loss arising from DE recognition, impairment or amortization is recognized in
     profit or loss.

     9.2.4. Available-for-sale financial assets

     Available-for-sale financial assets include non-derivative financial assets that are designated on
     initial recognition as available for sale, and financial assets that are not classified as financial
     assets at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables or held-to-maturity investments.

     Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and gains or losses
     arising from changes in the fair value are recognized as other comprehensive income, except that
     impairment losses and exchange differences related to amortized cost of monetary financial assets
     denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in profit or loss, until the financial assets are
     derecognized, at which time the gains or losses are released and recognized in profit or loss.

     Interests obtained and the dividends declared by the investee during the period in which the
     available-for-sale financial assets are held, are recognized in investment gains.

     Investments in equity instruments that do not have a quoted market price in an active market and
     whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and derivative financial assets which are linked to
     and must be settled by delivery of such unquoted equity instruments, are measured at cost.

     9.3 Impairment of financial assets

     The Group assesses at each balance sheet date the carrying amounts of financial assets other than
     those at fair value through profit or loss. If there is objective evidence that a financial asset is
     impaired, the Group determines the amount of any impairment loss. Objective evidence that a
     financial asset is impaired is evidence that, arising from one or more events that occurred after the
     initial recognition of the asset, the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset, which can be
     reliably measured, have been affected.


     9. Financial instruments - continued

     9.3 Impairment of financial assets - continued

     Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired includes the following observable events:

     (1) Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or obligor;
     (2) A breach of contract by the borrower, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments;
     (3) The Group, for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial difficulty,
         granting a concession to the borrower;
     (4) It becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganizations;
     (5) The disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties of the issuer;
     (6) Upon an overall assessment of a group of financial assets, observable data indicates that there
         is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows from the group of financial assets
         since the initial recognition of those assets, although the decrease cannot yet be identified
         with the individual financial assets in the group. Such observable data includes:
               - Adverse changes in the payment status of borrower in the group of assets;
               - Economic conditions in the country or region of the borrower which may lead to a
         failure to pay the group of assets;
     (7) Significant adverse changes in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in
         which the issuer operates, indicating that the cost of the investment in the equity instrument
         may not be recovered by the investor;
     (8) A significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an investment in an equity instrument
         below its cost;
     (9) Other objective evidence indicating there is an impairment of a financial asset.

     - Impairment of financial assets measured at amortized cost

     If financial assets carried at amortized cost are impaired, the carrying amounts of the financial
     assets are reduced to the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit
     losses that have not been incurred) discounted at the financial asset's original effective interest
     rate. The amount of reduction is recognized as an impairment loss in profit or loss. If, subsequent
     to the recognition of an impairment loss on financial assets carried at amortized cost, there is
     objective evidence of a recovery in value of the financial assets which can be related objectively
     to an event occurring after the impairment is recognized, the previously recognized impairment
     loss is reversed. However, the reversal is made to the extent that the carrying amount of the
     financial asset at the date the impairment is reversed does not exceed what the amortized cost
     would have been had the impairment not been recognized.

     For a financial asset that is individually significant, the Group assesses the asset individually for
     impairment. For a financial asset that is not individually significant, the Group assesses the asset
     individually for impairment or includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit
     risk characteristics and collectively assesses them for impairment. If the Group determines that no
     objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial asset (whether
     significant or not), it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk
     characteristics and collectively reassesses them for impairment. Assets for which an impairment
     loss is individually recognized are not included in a collective assessment of impairment.


     9. Financial instruments - continued

     9.3 Impairment of financial assets - continued

     - Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets

     When an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the cumulative loss arising from decline in
     fair value previously recognized directly in capital reserve is reclassified from the capital reserve
     to profit or loss. The amount of the cumulative loss that is reclassified from capital reserve to
     profit or loss is the difference between the acquisition cost (net of any principal repayment and
     amortization) and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset
     previously recognized in profit or loss.

     If, subsequent to the recognition of an impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets, there
     is objective evidence of a recovery in value of the financial assets which can be related
     objectively to an event occurring after the impairment is recognized, the previously recognized
     impairment loss is reversed. The amount of reversal of impairment loss on available-for-sale
     equity instruments is recognized as other comprehensive income, while the amount of reversal of
     impairment loss on available-for-sale debt instruments is recognized in profit or loss.

     - Impairment of financial assets measured at cost

     If an impairment loss has been incurred on an investment in unquoted equity instrument (without
     a quoted price in an active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, or on a
     derivative financial asset that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of such an unquoted
     equity instrument, the carrying amount of the financial asset is reduced to the present value of
     estimated future cash flows discounted at the current market rate of return for a similar financial
     asset. The amount of reduction is recognized as an impairment loss in profit or loss. The
     impairment loss on such financial asset is not reversed once it is recognized.

     9.4 Transfer of financial assets

     The Group derecognizes a financial asset if one of the following conditions is satisfied: (1) the
     contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; or (2) the financial asset has
     been transferred and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset is
     transferred to the transferee; or (3) although the financial asset has been transferred, the Group
     neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial
     asset but has not retained control of the financial asset.

     If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a
     financial asset, and it retains control of the financial asset, it recognizes the financial asset to the
     extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognizes an associated
     liability. The extent of the Group's continuing involvement in the transferred asset is the extent to
     which it is exposed to changes in the value of the transferred asset.


     9. Financial instruments - continued

     9.4 Transfer of financial assets - continued

     For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the DE recognition criteria, the
     difference between (1) the carrying amounts of the financial asset transferred; and (2) the sum of
     the consideration received from the transfer and any cumulative gain or loss that has been
     recognized in other comprehensive income is recognized in profit or loss.

     If a part of the transferred financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying amount of the
     transferred financial asset is allocated between the part that continues to be recognized and the part that
     is derecognized, based on the respective fair values of those parts. The difference between (1) the
     carrying amount allocated to the part derecognized; and (2) the sum of the consideration received for the
     part derecognized and any cumulative gain or loss allocated to the part derecognized which has been
     previously recognized in other comprehensive income, is recognized in profit or loss.

     9.5 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities

     Debt and equity instruments issued by the Group are classified into financial liabilities or equity
     on the basis of the substance of the contractual arrangements and definitions of financial liability
     and equity instrument.

     On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities at fair value
     through profit or loss and other financial liabilities.

     9.5.1 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     Financial liabilities at FVTPL consist of financial liabilities held for trading and those designated
     as at FVTPL on initial recognition.

     A financial liability is classified as held for trading if one of the following conditions is satisfied:
     (1) It has been acquired principally for the purpose of repurchasing in the near term; or (2) On
     initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the Group
     manages together and there is objective evidence that the Group has a recent actual pattern of
     short-term profit-taking; or (3) It is a derivative, except for a derivative that is a designated and
     effective hedging instrument, or a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is linked to and
     must be settled by delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price in an active
     market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured.


     9. Financial instruments - continued

     9.5 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities - continued

     9.5.1 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - continued

     A financial liability may be designated as at FVTPL upon initial recognition only when one of the
     following conditions is satisfied: (1) Such designation eliminates or significantly reduces a
     measurement or recognition inconsistency that would otherwise result from measuring liabilities
     or recognizing the gains or losses on them on different bases; or (2) The financial liability forms
     part of a group of financial liabilities or a group of financial assets and financial liabilities, which
     is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with the Group's
     documented risk management or investment strategy, and information about the grouping is
     reported to key management personnel on that basis; (3) Hybrid instruments associated with
     embedded derivatives and financial liabilities measured at fair value and of which changes are
     recorded into the profits and losses as specified in Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
     No.22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments.

     Financial liabilities at FVTPL are subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or losses arising
     from changes in the fair value or any dividend or interest expenses related to the financial
     liabilities are recognized in profit or loss.

     9.5.2 Other financial liabilities

     For a derivative liability that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of an unquoted equity
     instrument (without a quoted price in an active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably
     measured, it is subsequently measured at cost. Other financial liabilities (excluding liabilities with
     financial guarantee contracts) are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective
     interest method, with gains or losses arising from derecognition or amortization recognized in
     profit or loss.

     9.5.3. Financial guarantee contracts

     A financial guarantee contract is a contract by which the guarantor and the lender agree that the
     guarantor would settle the debts or bear obligations in accordance with terms of the contract in
     case the borrower fails to settle the debts. Financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as
     financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are initially measured at their fair values less
     the directly attributable transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, they are measured at
     the higher of: (i) the amount determined in accordance with Accounting Standard for Business
     Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies; and (ii) the amount initially recognized less cumulative
     amortization recognized in accordance with the principles set out in Accounting Standard for
     Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue.


     9. Financial instruments - continued

     9.6 Derecognition of financial liabilities

     The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) only when the underlying present
     obligation (or part of it) is discharged. An agreement between the Group (an existing borrower)
     and an existing lender to replace the original financial liability with a new financial liability with
     substantially different terms is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial
     liability and the recognition of a new financial liability.

     When the Group derecognizes a financial liability or a part of it, it recognizes the difference
     between the carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial liability)
     derecognized and the consideration paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or new
     financial liabilities assumed) in profit or loss.

     9.7 Derivatives and embedded derivatives

     Derivatives are initially measured at fair value at the date when the derivative contracts are
     entered into and are subsequently re-measured at fair value. The resulting gain or loss is
     recognized in profit or loss unless the derivative is designated and highly effective as a hedging
     instrument, in which case the timing of the recognition in profit or loss depends on the nature of
     the hedge relationship.

     An embedded derivative is separated from the hybrid instrument, where the hybrid instrument is
     not designated as a financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss, and
     treated as a standalone derivative if 1) the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded
     derivative are not closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host contract; and
     2) a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the
     definition of a derivative. If the Group is unable to measure the embedded derivative separately
     either at acquisition or at a subsequent balance sheet date, it designates the entire hybrid
     instrument as a financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss.

     9.8 Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

     Where the Group has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financial
     assets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial
     asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shall
     be offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above
     circumstances, financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance
     sheet and shall not be offset.


     9. Financial instruments - continued

     9.9 Equity instruments

     An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Group
     after deducting all of its liabilities. The consideration received from issuing equity instruments
     and net of transaction costs, are added to shareholders' equity.

     All types of distributions (excluding stock dividends) made by the Group to holders of equity
     instruments, are deducted from shareholders' equity. The Group does not recognize any changes
     in the fair value of equity instruments.

     10. Receivables

     10.1 Receivables for which bad debt provision is collectively assessed on a portfolio basis

      Basis or monetary criteria for          A receivable that exceeds RMB 1 million (including RMB 1
      determining an individually             million) is deemed as an individually significant receivable by the
      significant receivable                  Group.
                                              For receivables that are individually significant, the Group
                                              assesses the receivables individually for impairment. For a
      Method of determining provision         financial asset that is not impaired individually, the Group
      for receivables that are individually   includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit
      significant and for which bad debt      risk characteristics and collectively assesses them for impairment.
      provision is individually assessed      Receivables for which an impairment loss is individually
                                              recognized are not included in a collective assessment of

     10.2 Receivables for which bad debt provision is collectively assessed on a portfolio basis:

      Basis for determining a portfolio
      Portfolio 1                             Receivables from government, petty cash advanced to employees,
                                              security deposit, and receivables from related parties of the
                                              Company and its subsidiaries. Bad debt provision is not
                                              recognized for such receivables since the possibility of incurring
                                              bad debt losses is remote.
      Portfolio 2                             Portfolio 2 mainly includes receivables arising from operating
                                              activities other than Portfolio 1.
      Bad debt provision method for a portfolio
      Portfolio 1                             No bad debt provision
      Portfolio 2                             Based on percentage of accounts balances


     10. Receivables - continued

     10.2 Receivables for which bad debt provision is collectively assessed on a portfolio basis: -

     10.2.1 Portfolios where percentage of accounts receivable method is used for bad debt provision:

                                                                Provision as a proportion
                                                                 of accounts receivable   Provision as a proportion
                        Name of portfolio                                 (%)             of other receivables (%)
      Portfolio 2                                                         1.00                      1.00

     10.3 Receivables that are not individually significant but for which bad debt provision is
     individually assessed:

      Reasons for making individual bad debt provision   Significant difference between the carrying amount of accounts
                                                         receivable and the present value of estimated future cash flows
      Bad debt provision methods                         Standalone impairment test is carried out and impairment losses are
                                                         recognized based on the difference between the carrying amount and the
                                                         present value of estimated future cash flows.

     11. Inventories

     11.1 Categories of inventories

     The Group's inventories mainly include raw materials and maintenance accessories etc.
     Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase,
     costs of conversion and other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present
     location and condition.

     11.2 Valuation method of inventories upon delivery

     The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the weighted average method.

     11.3 Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in
     value of inventories

     At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. If
     the net realizable value is below the cost of inventories, a provision for decline in value of
     inventories is made. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of
     business less the estimated costs of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale
     and relevant taxes. Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear evidence obtained, and
     takes into consideration the purposes of holding inventories and effect of post balance sheet


     11. Inventories - continued

     11.3 Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in
     value of inventories - continued

     Provision for decline in value of inventories is made based on the excess of cost of inventory over
     its net realizable value on an item-by-item basis.

     After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances that
     previously caused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the net
     realizable value of inventories is higher than their cost, the original provision for decline in value
     is reversed and the reversal is included in profit or loss for the period.

     11.4 Inventory count system

     The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.

     12. Long-term equity investments

     12.1 Basis for determining joint control and significant influence over investee

     Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain
     benefits from its activities. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an
     economic activity, and exists only when the strategic financial and operating policy decisions
     relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant
     influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee
     but is not control or joint control over those policies. When determining whether an investing
     enterprise is able to exercise control or significant influence over an investee, the effect of
     potential voting rights of the investee (for example, warrants and convertible debts) held by the
     investing enterprises or other parties that are currently exercisable or convertible shall be

     12.2 Determination of investment cost

     For a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises
     under common control, the investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the attributable
     share of the carrying amount of the shareholders' equity of the acquiree at the date of
     combination. For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination not
     involving enterprises under common control, the investment cost of the long-term equity
     investment is the cost of acquisition. For a long-term equity investment acquired through business
     combination not involving enterprises under common control and achieved in stages, the
     investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the aggregate of the carrying amount of the
     equity interest held in the acquiree prior to the acquisition date and the cost of the additional
     investment at the acquisition date. The long-term equity investment acquired otherwise than
     through a business combination is initially measured at its cost.


     12. Long-term equity investments - continued

     12.2 Determination of investment cost - continued

     Other long-term equity investments acquired through methods other than business combination,
     shall be recorded at cost initially. According to CAS No.22 – Financial Instrument Recognition
     and Measurement, if the investor can exert significant influence on the investee or implement co-
     control but not solely-control, the cost of long-term investment shall be the fair value plus the
     newly invested cost.

     12.3 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

     12.3.1. Long-term equity investment accounted for using the cost method

     For long-term equity investments over which the Group does not have joint control or significant
     influence and without quoted prices in an active market and that fair values cannot be reliably
     measured, the Group accounts for such long-term equity investments using the cost method.
     Besides, long-term equity investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method in
     the Company's separate financial statements. A subsidiary is an investee that is controlled by the

     Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost.
     Except for cash dividends or profits already declared but not yet paid that are included in the price
     or consideration actually paid upon acquisition of the long-term equity investment, investment
     income is recognized in the period in accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends or
     profit distributions declared by the investee.

     12.3.2. Long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method

     The Group accounts for investment in associates and joint ventures using the equity method. An
     associate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence and a joint venture is an
     entity over which the Group exercises joint control along with other investors.

     Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment
     exceeds the Group's share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of
     acquisition, no adjustment is made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost
     is less than the Group's share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of
     acquisition, the difference is recognized in profit or loss for the period, and the cost of the long-
     term equity investment is adjusted accordingly.

     Under the equity method, the Group recognizes its share of the net profit or loss of the investee
     for the period as investment income or loss for the period. The Group recognizes its share of the
     investee's net profit or loss based on the fair value of the investee's individually identifiable assets,
     etc. at the acquisition date after making appropriate adjustments to conform with the Group's
     accounting policies and accounting period. Unrealized profits or losses resulting from the Group's
     transactions with its associates and joint ventures are recognized as investment income or loss to
     the extent that those attributable to the Group's equity interest are eliminated.


     12. Long-term equity investments - continued

     12.3 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss - continued

     12.3.2. Long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method - continued

     However, unrealized losses resulting from the Group's transactions with its associates and joint
     ventures which represent impairment losses on the transferred assets are not eliminated. Changes
     in owners' equity of the investee other than net profit or loss are correspondingly adjusted to the
     carrying amount of the long-term equity investment, and recognized as other comprehensive
     income which is included in the capital reserve.

     The Group discontinues recognizing its share of net losses of the investee after the carrying
     amount of the long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance
     form part of its net investment in the investee is reduced to zero. If the Group has incurred
     obligations to assume additional losses of the investee, a provision is recognized according to the
     expected obligation, and recorded as investment loss for the period. Where net profits are
     subsequently made by the investee, the Group resumes recognizing its share of those profits only
     after its share of the profits exceeds the share of losses previously not recognized.

     12.4 Disposal of long-term equity investments

     On disposal of a long term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually
     received and receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period. For
     a long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method, the amount included in the
     shareholders' equity attributable to the percentage interest disposed is transferred to profit or loss
     for the period. For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, if the
     remaining interest after disposal is still accounted for using the equity method, other
     comprehensive income previously recognised for using the equity method is accounted for on the
     same basis as would have been required if the investee had directly disposed of related assets or
     liabilities, and transferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis; owners' equity
     recognised due to changes in other owners' equity of the investee (other than net profit or loss,
     other comprehensive income and profit distribution) is transferred to profit or loss for the period
     on a pro rata basis. For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, if the
     remaining interest after disposal is still accounted for using the cost method, other comprehensive
     income previously recognised for using the equity method or in accordance with the standards for
     the recognition and measurement of financial instruments before obtaining the control over the
     investee, is accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the investee had
     directly disposed of related assets or liabilities, and transferred to profit or loss for the period on a
     pro rata basis; changes in other owners' equity in the investee's net assets recognised under the
     equity method (other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution)
     is transferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis.


     13. Investment properties

     Investment property is property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both. It includes
     a land use right that is leased out; a land use right held for transfer upon capital appreciation; and
     a building that is leased out.

     An investment property is measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred for such
     investment property are included in the cost of the investment property if it is probable that
     economic benefits associated with an investment property will flow to the Group and the
     subsequent expenditures can be measured reliably. Other subsequent expenditures are recognized
     in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

     The Group uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property, and adopts a
     depreciation or amortization policy for the investment property which is consistent with that for
     buildings or land use rights.

     When an investment property is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the Group recognizes the
     amount of any proceeds on disposal net of the carrying amount and related taxes in profit or loss
     for the period.

     14. Fixed assets

     14.1 Recognition criteria for fixed assets

     Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or
     services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes, and have useful lives of more than
     one accounting year. A fixed asset is recognized only when it is probable that economic benefits
     associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
     Fixed assets are initially measured at cost and the effect of any expected costs of abandoning the
     asset at the end of its use is considered.

     Subsequent expenditures incurred for the fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset and
     if it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the
     subsequent expenditures can be measured reliably. Meanwhile the carrying amount of the
     replaced part is derecognized. Other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in
     the period in which they are incurred.

     14.2 Depreciation of each category of fixed assets

     A fixed asset is depreciated over its useful life using the straight-line method since the month
     subsequent to the one in which it is ready for intended use. The useful life, estimated net residual
     value rate and annual depreciation rate of each category of fixed assets are as follows:


     14. Fixed assets - continued

     14.2 Depreciation of each category of fixed assets - continued

                                                       Depreciation      Residual value     depreciation
      Category                                         period (years)       rate (%)          rate (%)
      Buildings                                            5 - 50             5, 10             1.8-19
      Port facilities                                         50                  5                 1.9
      Machinery and equipment                              3 - 20             5, 10            4.5-31.7
      Transportation vehicles                              3 - 14             5, 10            6.4-31.7
      Fixed asset decorations                               2-5                   -              20-50
      Office and other equipment                            3-5               5, 10            18-31.7

     Estimated net residual value of a fixed asset is the estimated amount that the Group would
     currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the
     asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

     14.3 Other explanations

     The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the
     depreciation method applied at least once at each financial year-end, and accounts for any change
     as a change in an accounting estimate.

     If a fixed asset is upon disposal or no future economic benefits are expected to be generated from
     its use or disposal, the fixed asset is derecognized. When a fixed asset is sold, transferred, retired
     or damaged, the amount of any proceeds on disposal of the asset net of the carrying amount and
     related taxes is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

     15. Construction in progress

     Construction in progress is measured at its actual costs. The actual costs include various
     construction expenditures during the construction period, borrowing costs capitalized before it is
     ready for intended use and other relevant costs. Construction in progress is not depreciated.
     Construction in progress is transferred to a fixed asset when it is ready for its intended use.

     Once the impairment loss of construction in progress is recognized, it is not be reversed in any
     subsequent period.

     16. Borrowing costs
     Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying
     asset are capitalized when expenditures for such asset and borrowing costs are incurred and
     activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to
     prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced. Capitalization of borrowing costs
     ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired, constructed or produced becomes ready for its
     intended use or sale. If construction or production of assets qualifying capitalization is interrupted
     abnormally for a continuous 3-month-or-above period, the capitalization of borrowing costs
     should be ceased until the assets resume construction or production. Other borrowing costs are
     recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.


     16. Borrowing costs - continued

     Where funds are borrowed under a specific-purpose borrowing, the amount of interest to be capitalized
     is the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned from
     depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the
     temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are borrowed under general-purpose borrowings, the
     Group determines the amount of interest to be capitalized on such borrowings by applying a
     capitalization rate to the weighted average of the excess of cumulative expenditures on the asset over the
     amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The capitalization rate is the weighted average of the interest
     rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings.

     During capitalization period, any exchange differences of special loans in foreign currency should
     be capitalized, whereas exchange differences of general loans should be recorded in current
     profits and losses.

     17. Intangible assets

     17.1Intangible assets

     Intangible assets include land use rights, trademarks and software.

     An intangible asset is measured initially at cost. When an intangible asset with a finite useful life
     is available for use, its original cost less net residual value and any accumulated impairment
     losses is amortized over its estimated useful life using the straight-line method. An intangible
     asset with an indefinite useful life is not amortized. The amortization method, years of useful life
     and net residual value are as follows:

                                                                                            Net residual value
                        Category               Amortization method    Useful life (year)           (%)
      Land use rights                          Straight-line method          50                     -
      Trademarks                               Straight-line method          10                     -
      Software                                 Straight-line method         3-10                    -

     For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortization
     method at the end of the period, and makes adjustments when necessary.

     17.2Research and development expenditure

     Expenditure during the research phase is recognized as an expense in the period in which it is

     Expenditure during the development phase that meets all of the following conditions at the same
     time is recognised as intangible asset. Expenditure during development phase that does not meet
     the following conditions is recognised in profit or loss for the period.


     17. Intangible assets - continued

     17.2Research and development expenditure - continued

     (1) it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or
     (2) the Group has the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
     (3) the Group can demonstrate the ways in which the intangible asset will generate economic
         benefits, including the evidence of the existence of a market for the output of the intangible
         asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the
         intangible asset;
     (4) the availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the
         development and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; and
     (5) the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be
         reliably measured.

      If the expenditures cannot be distinguished between the research phase and development phase,
      the Group recognises all of them in profit or loss for the period.

     18. Long-term assets impairment

     The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that the long-term
     equity investment, investment property measured at cost method, fixed assets, construction in
     progress and intangible assets with a finite useful life may be impaired. If there is any indication
     that such assets may be impaired, recoverable amounts are estimated for such assets. Intangible
     assets with indefinite useful life and intangible assets not yet available for use are tested for
     impairment annually, irrespective of whether there is any indication that the assets may be

     If it is not practical to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable
     amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs will be estimated. The recoverable amount
     of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs of disposal and the present value of the future
     cash flows expected to be derived from the asset.

     If the recoverable amount of an asset or an asset group is less than its carrying amount, the deficit
     is accounted for as an impairment loss and is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

     Goodwill should be tested for impairment at least at the end of each year. For the purpose of
     impairment testing, goodwill is considered together with the related assets group(s), i.e., goodwill
     is reasonably allocated to the related assets group(s) or each of assets group(s) expected to benefit
     from the synergies of the combination. An impairment loss is recognized if the recoverable
     amount of the assets group or sets of assets groups (including goodwill) is less than its carrying
     amount. The impairment loss is firstly allocated to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill
     allocated to such assets group or sets of assets groups, and then to the other assets of the group
     pro-rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset (other than goodwill) in the group.

     Once the impairment loss of such assets is recognized, it is not be reversed in any subsequent


     19. Employee benefits

     19.1 Accounting method for short-term employee benefits

     Actually occurred short-term employee benefits are recognized as liabilities, with a corresponding
     charge to the profit or loss for the period or in the costs of relevant assets in the accounting period
     in which employees provide services to the Group. Staff welfare expenses incurred by the
     Group are recognized in profit or loss for the period or the costs of relevant assets based on the
     actually occurred amounts when it actually occurred. Non-monetary staff welfare expenses are
     measured at fair value.

     Payment made by the Group of social security contributions for employees such as premiums or
     contributions on medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance, etc. and
     payments of housing funds, as well as union running costs and employee education costs provided
     in accordance with relevant requirements, are calculated according to prescribed bases and
     percentages in determining the amount of employee benefits and recognized as relevant liabilities,
     with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the period or the costs of relevant assets in the
     accounting period in which employees provide services.

     19.2 Accounting method for post-employment benefits

     Post-employment benefits are all defined contribution. The contribution payable to the defined
     contribution plan is recognized as liabilities, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for
     the period or in the costs of relevant assets in the accounting period in which employees provide
     services to the Group.

     19.3 Accounting method for termination benefits

     When the Group provides termination benefits to employees, employee benefit liabilities are
     recognized for termination benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the
     period at the earlier of: (1) when the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination
     benefits because of the termination plan or a curtailment proposal; and (2) when the Group
     recognizes costs or expenses related to restructuring that involves the payment of termination

     20. Provisions

     A provision shall be recognized when the Group has a present obligation relating to a contingency
     and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to
     settle the obligation and a realizable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

     At the balance sheet date, a provision is measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required
     to settle the present obligation after taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding a
     contingency and the time value of money. Where the effect of the time value of money is material,
     the best estimate shall be the present value as discounted from the expenditures expected to be
     required to settle the obligation.


     20. Provisions - continued

     If all or partial expenses needed for liquidation of a provisionon is expected to be compensated by
     a third party and the compensation is sure to be received, the compensation should be recorded as
     assets separately with amount not exceeding the net book value of provision.

     21. Production safety fee

     The Group calculates and includes the production safety fee in the current profit or loss and the
     special reserve based on the Administrative Rules on Provision and Use of Enterprise Production
     Safety Fee (Cai Qi [2012] No. 16) jointly issued by the MoF and State Administration of Work
     Safety on 14 February 2012.

     If the production safety fee set aside is used as expense, it should be written-off against special
     reserve directly. If the production safety fee set aside is used for fixed assets for safety purpose, it
     should be included in construction in progress and recognized as fixed assets once the
     construction of fixed asset for safety purpose reaches the ready-to-use status; at the same time,
     special reserve should be written-off against the cost of forming fixed assets with the same
     amount of accumulated depreciation being recognized. Depreciation will not be calculated on
     such fixed assets for safety purpose in the future period.

     22. Revenue

     22.1 Revenue from rendering of services

     Revenue from rendering of services is recognized when (1) the amount of revenue can be
     measured reliably; (2) it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the
     enterprise; (3) the stage of completion of the transaction can be determined reliably; and (4) the
     associated costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably. Revenue from rendering of
     services is recognized using the percentage of completion method at the balance sheet date. The
     stage of completion of a transaction for rendering for services is determined based on services
     performed to date as a percentage of total services to be performed.

     When the outcome of the transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be estimated
     reliably, revenue is recognized only to the extent of the costs incurred that will be recoverable,
     and the costs incurred are recognized as expenses for the period. When it is not probable that the
     costs incurred will be recovered, revenue is not recognized.

     22.2 Revenue from rendering of asset usage right

     The revenue is recognized on accrual basis according to related contracts or agreements reached.

     22.3 Interest income

     The interest income shall be calculated based on the tenure of the Group's monetary funds used by
     others and the actual interest rates used.


     23. Government grants

     Government grants are transfer of monetary assets and non-monetary assets from the government
     to the Group at no consideration.

     A government grant is recognized only when the Group can comply with the conditions attaching
     to the grant and the Group will receive the grant. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer
     of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount received or receivable.

     23.1 Basis of judgment and accounting methods for assets-related government grant

     The Groups' government grant includes special grants for logistics park construction. As the grant
     relates to the final formation of assets, this grant is classified as assets-related government grant.

     A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized to
     profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset.

     23.2 Basis of judgment and accounting methods for income-related government grant

     The Group's government grant includes governmental supporting funds and subsidies for modern
     logistics industry. The grant should is classified as income-related government grant.

     For a government grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or
     losses to be incurred in subsequent periods, it is recognized as deferred income, and recognized in
     profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognized. If the grant is a
     compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred, it is recognized immediately in
     profit or loss for the period.

     24. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

     The income tax expenses include current income tax and deferred income tax.

     24.1 Current income tax

     At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periods
     are measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of
     tax laws.

     24.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

     For temporary differences between the carrying amounts of certain assets or liabilities and their
     tax base, or between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not recognized as assets or
     liabilities and their tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, deferred tax assets and
     liabilities are recognized using the balance sheet liability method.


     24. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued

     24.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued

     Deferred tax is generally recognized for all temporary differences. Deferred tax assets for
     deductible temporary differences are recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable
     profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized.
     However, for temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and the
     initial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business combination)
     that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) at the time of
     transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is recognized.

     For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets are
     recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against
     which the deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized.

     Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences associated with
     investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint ventures, except where the Group
     is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the
     temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets arising from
     deductible temporary differences associated with such investments and interests are only
     recognized to the extent that it is probable that there will be taxable profits against which to utilize
     the benefits of the temporary differences and they are expected to reverse in the foreseeable
     future. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates,
     according to tax laws, that are expected to apply in the period in which the asset is realized or the
     liability is settled.

     Current and deferred tax expenses or income are recognized in profit or loss for the period, except
     when they arise from transactions or events that are directly recognized in other comprehensive
     income or in shareholders' equity, in which case they are recognized in other comprehensive
     income or in shareholders' equity; and when they arise from business combinations, in which case
     they adjust the carrying amount of goodwill.

     At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed and reduced if it
     is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available in the future to allow the
     benefit of deferred tax assets to be utilized. Such reduction in amount is reversed when it becomes
     probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.

     24.3 Offsetting income tax

     When the Group has a legal right to settle on a net basis and intends either to settle on a net basis
     or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, current tax assets and current tax
     liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.


     24. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued

     24.3 Offsetting income tax - continued

     When the Group has a legal right to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis, and
     deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation
     authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend either to settle
     current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or to realize the assets and liabilities
     simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or
     liabilities are expected to be reversed, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset and
     presented on a net basis.

     25. Operating leases and finance leases

     Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the
     risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases.

     25.1 Accounting treatment on operating leases

     25.1.1 The Group as lessee under operating leases

     Operating lease payments are recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant
     lease, and are either included in the cost of related asset or charged to profit or loss for the period.
     Initial direct costs incurred are charged to profit or loss for the period. Contingent rents are
     charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are actually incurred.

     25.1.2 The Group as lessor under operating leases

     Rental income from operating leases is recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the
     term of the relevant lease. Initial direct costs with more than an insignificant amount are
     capitalized when incurred, and are recognized in profit or loss on the same basis as rental income
     over the lease term. Other initial direct costs with an insignificant amount are charged to profit or
     loss in the period in which they are incurred. Contingent rents are charged to profit or loss in the
     period in which they actually arise.

     26. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

     No changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates occur this period.


       1. Major categories of taxes and tax rates

                       Category of tax                       Basis of tax computation                          Tax rate
                                                    Revenues from water and electricity supply
                                                    and maintenance service provided by            13%, 17%
                                                    general taxpayers
                                                    Revenues from taxable services provided by
        Value-added tax ("VAT")                                                                    3%
                                                    small-scale taxpayers
                                                    Revenues from stack (storage), loading and
                                                    unloading, delivery and port management        6%, 11%
                                                    services provided by general taxpayers
                                                    Taxable revenue from rendering of services,
        Business tax                                                                               3% or 5%(note)
                                                    disposal of intangible assets or properties
        City maintenance and construction tax       Actual payment for VAT and business taxes      5% or 7%
        Education surcharge                         Actual payment for VAT and business taxes      3%
        Enterprise income tax                       Taxable income                                 25%
        Urban land use tax                          Actual occupation of land area                 RMB1.50 - 10.00/square meter
                                                    70% to 90% of the original cost of the         1.2% of properties' residual
        Property tax
                                                    property or rental income                      value

       Note: Pursuant to Annoucement on Further Promote Pilots of Business Tax Reformed to Valued-
       added Tax [Cai Shui (No.36)] issued by MoF and State Taxation Bureau, from 1 May 2016, the
       Group is applicable to VAT using 6% when providing VAT related service and using 11% when
       selling intangible assets or properties.

       Entities using different enterprise income tax rate:

                                         Name of entity                                           Enterprise income tax rate
        Blogis (Hong Kong) Limited ("Baowan Hong Kong")                                                      16.5%
        China Huitong (H.K.) Limited ("China Huitong")                                                       16.5%

       2. Tax incentives

       Pursuant to Urban Land Use Tax Policy on the Logistics Enterprises with Commodity
       Warehousing Facilities (Cai Shui [2015] No. 98) issued by the MoF and State Administration of
       Taxation ("SAT"), from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016, the Group as a logistics enterprise,
       of which land being used for commodity warehousing facilities (including owner-occupied and
       rental) should be levied on urban land use tax based on 50% of applicable tax rate of different
       land grades.

       Pursuant to Announcement on Implementing Preferential on Enterprise Income Tax of
       Encouraged Industries in the Western Region (2015 No. 14 announcement of SAT), and approved
       by Chengdu Longquan State Administration of Taxation (Long Guo Shui Fa [2015] No.30),
       Chengdu Longquan International Logistics Co., Ltd. ("Longquan Baowan"), subsidiary of the
       Company which locates in Chengdu, Sichuang Province, is allowed to enjoy enterprise income
       tax preferential policies tailored to enterprises which fits criteria of China West Development
       Program. From 2014 to 2020, Longquan Baowan enjoys enterprise income tax preferential rate of

(IV)   TAXES - continued

       2. Tax incentives - continued

       Pursuant to the second article of Announcement on Implementing Taxation Policies and Issues of
       Western Development Region (Cai Shui [2011]No.58), and approved by National Development
       and Reform Commission ([2016] No.195), Chengdu Xindu International Logistics Co., Ltd.
       ("Xindu Baowan"), subsidiary of the Company which locates in Chengdu, Sichuang Province, is
       allowed to enjoy enterprise income tax preferential policies tailored to enterprises which fits
       criteria of China West Development Program. In 2016, Xindu Baowan enjoys enterprise income
       tax preferential rate of 15%.


       1. Cash and bank balances
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                 Closing balance     Opening balance
        RMB                                                               6,843.18            7,360.75
        Singapore Dollar                                                  4,590.72            5,933.93
        Hong Kong Dollar                                                  3,086.03            2,819.04
        Euro                                                              2,776.58            2,698.00
        United States Dollar                                                395.41            1,135.75
        Sub-total                                                        17,691.92           19,947.47
        Bank balances:
        RMB                                                         521,490,973.19      317,429,556.55
        Hong Kong Dollar                                              2,679,089.64        3,242,298.15
        United States Dollar                                            421,342.83          430,124.56
        Sub-total                                                   524,591,405.66      321,101,979.26
        Total                                                       524,609,097.58      321,121,926.73
        Including: Money deposited overseas(note )                   14,257,152.25        3,272,564.62

       Note: Bank balances deposited overseas are deposits of subsidiary China Huitong and Baowan
             Hong Kong. The remittance of funds is not restricted.


        2. Accounts receivable

      (1) Disclosure of accounts receivable by categories
                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                              Closing balance                                                                     Opening balance
                                    Carrying amount               Bad debt provision                                  Carrying amount                   Bad debt provision
                                                 Proportio                      Proportion        Net book                       Proportion                         Proportion
              Category            Amount           n (%)        Amount             (%)             value          Amount            (%)              Amount            (%)           Net book value
         receivable that are
                                                                                                                             -                -               -                  -                    -
         significant and
         provided for bad
         debt individually
         Accounts receivable for which bad debt provision has been assessed by portfolios

         Portfolio 1              292,868.33           0.66               -                 -     292,868.33       389,154.95             0.76                -                  -       389,154.95

         Portfolio 2            44,010,036.65         99.34     440,100.37             1.00     43,569,936.28    50,372,383.10           98.92       503,723.83              1.00     49,868,659.27
         Subtotal of
                                44,302,904.98       100.00      440,100.37                      43,862,804.61    50,761,538.05           99.68       503,723.83                       50,257,814.22
         receivable that are
         not individually
         significant but for
                                             -            -               -                 -                -     164,138.40             0.32       164,138.40         100.00                        -
         which bad debt
         provision has been
         Total                  44,302,904.98       100.00      440,100.37                      43,862,804.61    50,925,676.45          100.00       667,862.23                       50,257,814.22

     Accounts receivable portfolios for which bad debt provision has been assessed using the percentage
of accounts receivable method:
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                           Closing balance
                                                                                                                                                                  Proportion of provision
                               Name of portfolio                                       Carrying amount                     Bad debt provision                              (%)
          Portfolio 2                                                                           44,010,036.65                            440,100.37                                          1.00

      Basis for determining the above portfolio: See Note(III)10.2.

          (2) Provision being recorded and reversed in the current period

     Provision being recorded is RMB 126,513.67 and being reversed is RMB 190,137.16 in the current
period, and being written-off is RMB 164,138.37 in the current period.

      (3) Provision being written-off in the current period
                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                   Name of entity                                                                                   Written-off
        Amount due from Shenzhen Lanjing Offshore Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                               164,138.37


        2. Accounts receivable - continued

      (4) Top five entities with the largest balances of accounts receivable
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                    Proportion of the
                                                                     amount to total
                                                                   accounts receivable
                  Name of entity              Amount                      (%)                  Bad debt Closing balance
         Customer 1                             7,227,001.39                      16.31                        72,270.01
         Customer 2                               3,542,155.24                      8.00                          35,421.55
         Customer 3                               1,790,032.38                      4.04                          17,900.32
         Customer 4                               1,599,554.55                      3.61                          15,995.55
         Customer 5                               1,344,983.87                      3.04                          13,449.84
         Total                                   15,503,727.43                     35.00                         155,037.27

        3. Prepayments

        (1) Aging analysis of prepayments is as follows:
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                       Closing balance                         Opening balance
                             Aging                   Amount            (%)              Amount           Proportion (%)
         Within 1 year                               716,387.12          95.77          360,732.37                  82.76
         1 - 2 years                                    3,323.66          0.44             40,838.81                 9.37
         2 - 3 years                                    5,849.17          0.78                      -                     -
         More than 3 years                            22,504.50           3.01             34,306.33                 7.87
         Total                                       748,064.45         100.00          435,877.51                 100.00

        There is no significant amount of prepayment aging over one year which is not settled in time.

      4. Interests receivable

        (1) Interests receivable by categories
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Item                             Closing balance              Opening balance
         Fixed deposits                                                          423,404.92                  107,397.26
         Financing product                                                                 -               1,031,342.47
         Total                                                                   423,404.92                1,138,739.73

        (2) There is no significant interest overdue for the Group.


        5. Other receivables

        (1) Disclosure of other receivables by categories
                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                              Closing balance                                                                    Opening balance
                                    Carrying amount                Bad debt provision                                Carrying amount                   Bad debt provision
                                                                                                 Net book
                                                 Proportio                      Proportion                                                                                           Net book value
                                                                                                  value                         Proportion                         Proportion
              Category            Amount           n (%)         Amount            (%)                           Amount            (%)              Amount            (%)
         Other receivables
         that are
                                             -            -                -               -                -               -                -               -                  -                     -
         significant and
         provided for bad
         debt individually
         Other receivables for which bad debt provision has been assessed by portfolios
         Portfolio 1            60,311,350.30         94.38                -               -   60,311,350.30    51,641,225.90           87.92                -                  -     51,641,225.90
         Portfolio 2             3,588,138.06          5.62      35,881.39              1.00    3,552,256.67     7,095,962.25           12.08        70,956.55              1.00       7,025,005.70
         Subtotal of
                                63,899,488.36       100.00       35,881.39                     63,863,606.97    58,737,188.15          100.00        70,956.55                        58,666,231.60
         Total                  63,899,488.36       100.00       35,881.39                     63,863,606.97    58,737,188.15          100.00        70,956.55                        58,666,231.60

        Other receivables portfolios for which bad debt provision has been assessed using the percentage
        of accounts receivable method:
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                            Closing balance
                                                                                                                                                                 Proportion of provision
                             Name of portfolio                                          Other receivables                 Bad debt provision                              (%)
          Portfolio 2                                                                           3,588,138.06                             35,881.39                                           1.00

      Basis for determining the above portfolio: See Note(III)10.2.

        (2) Provision being recorded and reversed in the current period

        Provision being recorded is RMB 10,302.66, being reversed is RMB 45,377.82 in the current

        (3) Disclosure of other receivables by nature:
                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                      Nature                                                        Closing balance                              Opening balance
         Deposits                                                                                                           30,899,167.86                                   18,887,803.08
         Amount due from operating activities                                                                               16,231,215.52                                   38,346,342.40
         Amount due from related parties                                                                                    15,360,336.60                                            93,521.48
         Petty cash                                                                                                          1,141,493.08                                     1,282,427.95
         Others                                                                                                                267,275.30                                           127,093.24
         Total                                                                                                              63,899,488.36                                   58,737,188.15


      5. Other receivables - continued

      (4) Top five entities with the largest balances of other receivables
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                              Proportion of
                                                                                                              the amount to
                                                                                                                 the total
                                                                                                                   other              Bad debt
                                                                                                               receivables             closing
         Name of entity           Nature                  Amount                         Aging                      (%)               balance
       Minority              Amount due from                                                                                                     -
                                                       15,333,000.00               Within 1 year                     24.00
       shareholders          related party

       Customer 1            Amount due from           12,045,000.00            More than 3 years                    18.85                       -
                             Amount due from                                                                                                     -
       Customer 2            government                  4,505,000.00               1 to 2 year                        7.05
                             Amount due from                                                                                                     -
       Customer 3            government                  3,549,852.00               1 to 2 year                        5.56
                             Amount due from                                                                                                     -
       Customer 4            government                  2,041,600.00               1 to 3 year                        3.20
       Total                                           37,474,452.00                                                 58.66                       -

      6. Inventories
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                     Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                                      Provision for                                         Provision for
                                   Gross carrying   decline in value of   Net carrying     Gross carrying decline in value of        Net carrying
                                      amount           inventories          amount            amount         inventories               amount
       Raw materials                   606,805.98                    -       606,805.98        579,126.32                   -          579,126.32
       Maintenance accessories         355,049.74                    -       355,049.74          335,417.12                     -      335,417.12
       Total                           961,855.72                    -       961,855.72          914,543.44                     -      914,543.44

      7. Other current assets
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                             Closing balance                   Opening balance
       Prepaid taxes and deductible VAT input taxes                                        14,424,379.64                                -
       Bank financing products (note)                                                                  -                   235,000,000.00
       Total                                                                               14,424,379.64                   235,000,000.00

      Note: Other current assets are bank financing products purchased by the Group. The expected
            annualized rates of return are between 3.05% and 4.70% and the maturities are between 78
            and 161 days.


      8. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                Changes in the current period
                                                                                                                 Adjustment on                      Announcing
                                                                                               Investment income     other                              cash                                                              Closing
                                                           Increase in       Decrease in         recognized by   comprehensive Other equity         dividends or                                                        balance on
                 Investee             Opening balance      investment        investment          equity method      income       changes               profits         Provision       Others       Closing balance      provision
       1. Associates
       Shenzhen Chiwan Sembawang
                                          467,789,861.57                 -                 -        25,914,161.33                -              -   12,908,798.55                  -            -      480,795,224.35                -
       Engineering Co. Ltd. ("CSE")
       China Development Finance
                                          111,647,095.57                 -                 -         9,015,037.61                -              -                  -               -            -      120,662,133.18                -
       Co., Ltd. ("CDFC")
       Shenzhen Chiwan Offshore
       Petroleum Engineering Co.,           3,163,403.60                 -                 -        (2,425,846.07)               -              -                  -               -            -          737,557.53                -
       Ltd ("CPEC")
       Total                              582,600,360.74                 -                 -        32,503,352.87                -              -   12,908,798.55                  -            -      602,194,915.06                -

      There is no restrictions to the ability of transferring funds to the Company from the investee entities which are held by the Company as long-term
      equity investment as at 31 December 2016.


      9. Investment properties
      (1) Investment properties measured at cost
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                Item                                                  Buildings
      I.   Total original carrying amount
           1. Opening carrying amount                                                                 1,783,444,445.35
           2. Increase in the current period                                                            389,664,863.01
           (1) Transfer from Construction in Progress                                                   120,753,638.04
           (2) Increase due to business combination (note 1)                                            137,861,738.85
           (3) Adjustment due to completion settlement                                                    3,237,660.50
           (4) Others(note 2)                                                                           127,811,825.62
           3. Decrease in the current period                                                            131,236,481.65
           (1) Disposal                                                                                   3,424,656.03
           (2) Transfer to construction in progress for renovation project                              127,811,825.62
           4. Closing carrying amount                                                                 2,041,872,826.71
      II. Total accumulated provision for depreciation losses of investment properties
           1. Opening carrying amount                                                                   357,850,720.64
           2. Increase in the current period                                                             81,947,382.06
           (1) Amount accrued or amortized                                                               56,749,984.41
           (2) Increase due to business combination (note 1)                                             24,034,838.85
           (3) Others(note 2)                                                                             1,162,558.80
           3. Decrease in the current period                                                              3,974,614.06
           (1) Disposal                                                                                   1,484,942.76
           (2) Transfer to construction in progress for renovation project                                2,489,671.30
           3. Closing carrying amount                                                                   435,823,488.64
      III. Total accumulated provision for impairment losses of investment properties
           1. Opening carrying amount                                                                                 -
           2. Increase in the current period                                                                          -
           3. Decrease in the current period                                                                          -
           4. Closing carrying amount                                                                                 -
      IV. Total net book value of investment properties
           1. Closing net book value                                                                  1,606,049,338.07
           2. Opening net book value                                                                  1,425,593,724.71

      Note 1: See note (VI) 1(3) for details.
      Note 2: See note (VI) 2(2) for details.
           (2) Investment properties that have not obtained certificates
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
            Item                Net book value                    Reasons for not obtained certificates
       Buildings                       432,970,850.45 Settlement procedures are still in progress

       Buildings                       125,336,794.44   Properties are built on leased land. See note (V) 12 for details
       Total                           558,307,644.89


      10. Fixed assets

      (1) Details of fixed assets are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                     Office and
                                                                                         Machinery and       Transportation       Fixed assets         other
                           Item                  Buildings       Port facilities          equipment             vehicles          decorations        equipment             Total

       I.   Total original carrying amount

            1. Opening carrying amount          852,293,678.23     46,462,519.33          172,058,947.61       22,576,425.61       13,767,664.19      92,563,788.78    1,199,723,023.75

            2. Increase in the current period    82,071,531.56                     -        5,347,554.48          521,756.26                     -     9,902,795.65      97,843,637.95

            (1) Purchase                           625,278.62                      -           53,641.03          521,756.26                     -     1,407,050.62       2,607,726.53
            (2) Transfer from Construction in
                                                 71,983,558.80                     -        5,293,913.45                      -                  -     1,525,435.05      78,802,907.30
            (3) Increase due to business
                                                  9,462,694.14                     -                     -                    -                  -     6,776,317.98      16,239,012.12
            combination (note 1)
            (4) Others (note 2)                              -                     -                     -                    -                  -      193,992.00          193,992.00

            3. Decrease in the current period        11,600.00                     -        7,943,813.03        1,496,967.98                     -      633,882.21       10,086,263.22

            (1) Disposal                             11,600.00                     -        7,943,813.03        1,496,967.98                     -      633,882.21       10,086,263.22

            4. Closing carrying amount          934,353,609.79     46,462,519.33          169,462,689.06       21,601,213.89       13,767,664.19     101,832,702.22    1,287,480,398.48

       II   .Total accumulated depreciation

            1. Opening carrying amount          148,644,293.69     35,133,444.71           88,440,273.26       14,067,681.20       13,767,664.19      56,947,610.64     357,000,967.69

            2. Increase in the current period    38,453,786.02        945,667.54           12,804,545.60        2,728,601.07                     -     7,592,699.74      62,525,299.97

            (1) Amount accrued                   37,178,403.57        945,667.54           12,804,545.60        2,728,601.07                     -     6,008,977.91      59,666,195.69
            (2) Increase due to business
                                                  1,275,382.45                     -                     -                    -                  -     1,555,729.67       2,831,112.12
            combination (note 1)
            (3) Others (note 2)                              -                     -                     -                    -                  -        27,992.16          27,992.16

            3. Decrease in the current period        11,020.00                     -       7,064,828.36        1,463,449.97                      -      602,667.49        9,141,965.82

            (1) Disposal                             11,020.00                     -       7,064,828.36        1,463,449.97                      -      602,667.49        9,141,965.82

            4. Closing carrying amount          187,087,059.71     36,079,112.25          94,179,990.50       15,332,832.30        13,767,664.19      63,937,642.89     410,384,301.84

       III. Total accumulated provision for
            impairment losses

            1. Opening carrying amount                       -                     -                     -                    -                  -                -                   -

            2. Increase in the current period

            3. Decrease in the current period

            4. Closing carrying amount

       IV. Total net book value of investment

            1. Closing net book value           747,266,550.08     10,383,407.08          75,282,698.56        6,268,381.59                      -    37,895,059.33     877,096,096.64

            2. Opening net book value           703,649,384.54     11,329,074.62           83,618,674.35        8,508,744.41                     -    35,616,178.14     842,722,056.06

      Note 1: See note (VI) 1(3) for details.

      Note 2: See note (VI) 2(2) for details.

                (2) Fixed assets that have not obtained certificates
                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
               Item                             Net book value                                      Reasons for not obtained certificates
       Buildings                                     21,653,973.41                     Settlement procedures are still in progress
       Buildings                                      7,462,350.74                     Properties are built on leased land. See note (V) 12 for details
       Total                                         29,116,324.15


      11.Construction in progress

      (1) Details of construction in progress are as follows:
                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                 Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                                                  Provision for        Net carrying                         Provision for      Net carrying
                      Item                    Carrying amount   impairment losses        amount         Carrying amount   impairment losses      amount
      Qingdao Jiaozhou Baowan
      International Logistic Co., Ltd
                                               172,495,930.90                      -   172,495,930.90     15,489,739.01                   -     15,489,739.01
      ("Jiaozhou Baowan) logistic park
      Zhenjiang Warehouse Logistics Co.,
      Ltd ("Zhenjiang Warehouse ") logistic    151,999,058.12                      -   151,999,058.12    172,404,355.90                   -    172,404,355.90
      park construction
      Beijing Jinmucaoye Co.,Ltd
      (("Beijing Jinmucaoye") logistic park    145,962,022.82                      -   145,962,022.82                 -                   -                   -
      Tianjin Bingang Baowan International
      Logistics Co., Ltd. ("Bingang Baowan      59,149,313.16                      -    59,149,313.16     31,398,962.29                   -     31,398,962.29
      ") logistic park construction
      Jiaxing Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd
      ("Jiaxing Baowan) logistic park           44,562,016.70                      -    44,562,016.70         99,562.42                   -         99,562.42
      Chengdu Chiwan International Oil-
      Gas Base Co., Ltd.("Chengdu Oil-Gas        6,499,857.37                      -     6,499,857.37        266,908.50                   -       266,908.50
      Base") construction
      Xianyang Baowan International
      Logistic Co., Ltd ("Xianyang               2,215,162.70                      -     2,215,162.70         49,000.00                   -         49,000.00
      Baowan) logistic park construction
      Xi'an Baowan International Logistic
      Co., Ltd ("Xi'an Baowan) logistic            823,660.36                      -      823,660.36         190,000.00                   -       190,000.00
      park construction
      Shenyang Baowan International
      Logistic Co., Ltd ("Shenyang                 646,090.10                      -      646,090.10         646,090.10                   -       646,090.10
      Baowan) logistic park construction
      Wuhan Baowan Logistic Ezhou Co.,
      Ltd ("Ezhou Baowan") logistic park           518,070.48                      -      518,070.48                  -                   -                   -
      Feidong Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd
      ("Feidong Baowan) logistic park              292,789.91                      -      292,789.91           7,000.00                   -          7,000.00
      Shaoxing Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd
      ("Shaoxing Baowan) logistic park             411,154.06                      -       411,154.06                 -                   -                   -
      Yangluo Baowan logistic park
                                                   173,223.62                      -      173,223.62         109,011.20                   -        109,011.20
      Wuxi Baowan Warehouse Logistics
      Co., Ltd ("Nantong Baowan ")                 157,642.00                      -      157,642.00     129,840,610.77                   -    129,840,610.77
      logistic park construction
      Qingwu Baowan logistic park
                                                   120,000.00                      -      120,000.00         120,000.00                   -       120,000.00
      Jiangyin Baowan logistic park
                                                    70,843.00                      -        70,843.00         70,843.00                   -         70,843.00
      Chongqing Xipeng Baowan
      International Logistic Co., Ltd
                                                    21,962.67                      -        21,962.67                 -                   -                   -
      ("Xipeng Baowan) logistic park
      Nantong Xitong Baowan Logistic
      Co., Ltd ("Xitong Baowan) logistic            10,000.00                      -        10,000.00                 -                   -                   -
      park construction
      Other miscellaneous constructions         15,778,166.65                      -    15,778,166.65     18,273,394.31                   -     18,273,394.31
      Total                                    601,906,964.62                      -   601,906,964.62    368,965,477.50                   -    368,965,477.50


      11.Construction in progress - continued

      (2) Changes in construction in progress
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                               Amount injected                                                                      Interest
                                                                                                                          Transferred to                        as a proportion                        Amount of              Including:         capitalization
                                                                                   Increase in the       Transferred to    investment                              of budget      Construction        accumulated         capitalized interest    rate for the
                    Item name             Budget amount      Opening balance       current period         fixed assets      properties         Closing balance   amount (%)       progress (%)     capitalized interest     for the period        period (%)             Source of funds
      Jiaozhou Baowan logistic park
                                           274,000,000.00      15,489,739.01       157,006,191.89                     -                    -   172,495,930.90           62.95             62.95          398,008.24              398,008.24                3.97   Self-financing and borrowings
      Zhenjiang Warehouse logistic park
                                           362,220,000.00     172,404,355.90        12,042,005.03                     -    32,447,302.81       151,999,058.12           50.92             50.92                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Beijing Jinmucaoye logistic park
                                            35,110,000.00                      -   145,962,022.82                     -                    -   145,962,022.82           58.79             58.79          706,562.50              706,562.50                4.75   Self-financing and borrowings
      construction (note)
      Bingang Baowan logistic park
                                           343,600,000.00      31,398,962.29        27,750,350.87                     -                    -    59,149,313.16           17.21             17.21        5,651,786.59            5,037,575.44                5.16   Self-financing and borrowings
      Jiaxing Baowan logistic park
                                           193,690,000.00          99,562.42        44,462,454.28                     -                    -    44,562,016.70           23.01             23.01                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Chengdu Oil-Gas Base construction    820,000,000.00         266,908.50         6,232,948.87                     -                    -     6,499,857.37             0.79             0.79                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Xianyang Baowan logistic park
                                           549,780,000.00          49,000.00         2,166,162.70                     -                    -     2,215,162.70             0.40             0.40                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Xi'an Baowan logistic park
                                           448,120,000.00         190,000.00           633,660.36                     -                    -      823,660.36              0.18             0.18                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Shenyang Baowan logistic park
                                           433,240,000.00         646,090.10                         -                -                    -      646,090.10              0.15             0.15                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Ezhou Baowan logistic park
                                           525,000,000.00                      -       518,070.48                     -                    -      518,070.48              0.10             0.10                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Shaoxing Baowan logistic park
                                           356,000,000.00                      -       411,154.06                     -                    -       411,154.06             0.12             0.12                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Feidong Baowan logistic park
                                           228,530,000.00            7,000.00          285,789.91                     -                    -      292,789.91              0.13             0.13                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Yangluo Baowan logistic park
                                           163,980,000.00         109,011.20            64,212.42                     -                    -      173,223.62              0.11             0.11                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Wuxi Baowan logistic park
                                           361,530,000.00     129,840,610.77        26,514,859.21        75,406,603.36     80,791,224.62          157,642.00            43.25            100.00                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Qingwu Baowan logistic park
                                           279,060,000.00         120,000.00                         -                -                    -      120,000.00              0.04             0.04                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Jiangyin Baowan logistic park
                                           267,280,000.00          70,843.00                         -                -                    -        70,843.00             0.03             0.03                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Xipeng Baowan logistic park
                                           375,000,000.00                      -        21,962.67                     -                    -        21,962.67             0.01             0.01                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Xitong Baowan logistic park
                                           213,000,000.00                      -        10,000.00                     -                    -        10,000.00             0.00             0.00                      -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Other miscellaneous constructions     Not applicable     18,273,394.31         8,416,186.89         3,396,303.94      7,515,110.61        15,778,166.65   Not applicable    Not applicable                     -                       -                -          Self-financing
      Total                                                   368,965,477.50       432,498,032.46        78,802,907.30    120,753,638.04       601,906,964.62                                          6,756,357.33            6,142,146.18

      Note:Amount increased in the current period included RMB 125,322,154.32 which transfer from investment properties.


      12. Intangible assets

      (1) Details of intangible assets
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                   Item                          Land use rights        Trademarks       Software            Total
       I.    Total original carrying amount
             1. Opening carrying amount                          1,879,423,447.43         312,832.83     2,192,585.94   1,881,928,866.20
             2. Increase in the current period                    853,591,674.73          126,213.59      905,823.50     854,623,711.82
             (1) Purchase                                         643,971,199.29          126,213.59      905,823.50     645,003,236.38
             (2) Increase due to business combination (note 1)     70,615,463.21                     -              -     70,615,463.21
             (3) Others (note 2)                                  139,005,012.23                     -              -    139,005,012.23
             3. Decrease in the current period                                     -                 -              -                  -
             (1) Disposal                                                          -                 -              -                  -
             4. Closing carrying amount                          2,733,015,122.16         439,046.42     3,098,409.44   2,736,552,578.02
       II.   Total accumulated amortization
             1. Opening carrying amount                           430,202,824.61          215,716.29     1,467,498.62    431,886,039.52
             2. Increase in the current period                     59,194,740.56           29,193.80      230,947.79      59,454,882.15
             (1) Amortization accrued                              53,308,855.71           29,193.80      230,947.79      53,568,997.30
             (2) Increase due to business combination (note 1)       4,350,263.21                    -              -       4,350,263.21
             (3) Others (note2)                                      1,535,621.64                    -              -       1,535,621.64
             3. Decrease in the current period                                     -                 -              -                  -
             4. Closing carrying amount                           489,397,565.17          244,910.09     1,698,446.41    491,340,921.67
       III. Total Provision for impairment losses
             1. Opening carrying amount                                            -                 -              -                  -
             2. Increase in the current period                                     -                 -              -                  -
             3. Decrease in the current period                                     -                 -              -                  -
             4. Closing carrying amount                                            -                 -              -                  -
       IV. Total net book value
             1. Closing net book value                           2,243,617,556.99         194,136.33     1,399,963.03   2,245,211,656.35
             2. Opening net book value                           1,449,220,622.82          97,116.54      725,087.32    1,450,042,826.68

       Note 1: See note (VI) 1(3) for details.

      Note 2: See note (VI) 2(2) for details.

              (2) Intangible assets that have not obtained certificates
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                          Reasons for not obtained
                                         Item                                  Net book value                   certificates
       Land use rights                                                                 267,443,239.10             Note 1
       Land use rights                                                                   8,064,653.04             Note 2
       Total                                                                           275,507,892.14


      12. Intangible assets - continued

      Note 1: Land use right and dock use right are assets leased from Nanshan Group, the controlling
              shareholder of the Company. In 1984, Nanshan Group contributed the land use right and
              dock use right for 25 years as the investment capital to the Company. The term of the use
              rights expired on 15 July 2009. On 18 July 2006, the Company and Nanshan Group
              entered into Agreement on Land Use, which specifies that the Company can continue to
              lease the land and dock by means of operating lease after the expiration. The lease term is
              25 years that starts from 15 July 2009 and ends on 14 July 2034. The Company has paid
              off all the rentals in a lump sum. As at 31 December 2016, Nanshan Group has not
              obtained the use right certificate of the above mentioned land and dock.

      Note 2: Use right of the eastern land is an asset leased from Nanshan Group, the controlling
              shareholder of the Company, by means of operating lease in 1997. The lease term is 25
              years from 1 August 1997 to 31 July 2022. The Company has paid off all the rentals in a
              lump sum. Given that Nanshan Group has not obtained the use right certificate of the
              mentioned land, in addition to the guarantee of the Company's legal use right on the land,
              Nanshan Group entered into an Agreement on Immunity from Liabilities Caused by the
              Land Use with the Company on 18 July 1997, agreeing to compensate the Company for
              any losses, expenditures and liabilities associated with the leased land. As at 31
              December 2016, Nanshan Group has not obtained use right certificate of the above
              mentioned land and dock.

      13. Development expenditure
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                 Increase in the current
                                                  Opening            Research and
                          Item                    balance       development expenditure    Closing balance
       Warehouse management system                          -                 920,050.29         920,050.29
       SAP module customization                             -                 410,624.13         410,624.13
       Total                                                -               1,330,674.42       1,330,674.42

      14. Goodwill

      (1) Carrying amount of goodwill
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                 Increase in the current
                                                  Opening       Generated from business
                          Item                    balance            combination           Closing balance
       Tianjin Haier Asset Management Co., Ltd.
                                                            -             11,133,118.55       11,133,118.55
       ("Tianjin Haier")

      The Group has evaluate the recoverable amount of goodwill at the end of 2016, and asserted that
      there was no sign of impairment on the carrying amount of goodwill.


      15. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

      (1) Deferred tax assets that are not offset
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                           Closing balance                                Opening balance
                                                  Deductible                                     Deductible
                                                  temporary                                      temporary
                        Item                      differences       Deferred tax assets          differences       Deferred tax assets
       Deductible losses                           97,090,341.05         24,272,585.27           114,871,400.43         28,717,850.10
       Provision for impairment losses of
                                                      233,708.00              45,201.65              644,599.76              152,002.98
       Intangible assets amortization                           -                      -               30,009.32               7,502.33
       Total                                     126,506,026.89           24,317,786.92          115,546,009.51           28,877,355.41

           According to the profit forecast, the Group believes it is probable that sufficient taxable profits
      will be available in future periods to offset the deductible temporary differences and deductible
      losses. Therefore, the related deferred tax assets are recognized.

      (2) Deferred tax liabilities that are not offset
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                          Closing balance                                Opening balance
                                               Taxable temporary                              Taxable temporary
                       Item                       differences     Deferred tax liabilities       differences    Deferred tax liabilities
       Increase in assets valuation due to
       business combinations not involving
                                                   91,248,343.52          22,812,085.88                         -                       -
       enterprises under common control

                   (3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities that are presented at the net amount after offset

                                                           Closing balance                                 Opening balance
                                                                       Net amount of                                  Net amount of
                                                                     deferred tax assets                            deferred tax assets
                                                The amount of        or liabilities after       The amount of        or liabilities after
                       Item                         offset                 offset                   offset                 offset
       Deferred tax assets                                      -         24,317,786.92                         -         28,877,355.41
       Deferred tax liabilities                                 -         22,812,085.88                         -                       -

      (4) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                        Item                                    Closing balance                 Opening balance
       Deductible losses                                                             217,901,282.72                  41,579,367.77
       Deductible temporary differences                                                      290,161.32                      94,219.02
       Total                                                                         218,191,444.04                     41,673,586.79

      Deductible temporary differences and deductible losses for which deferred tax assets are not
      recognised due to uncertainty whether sufficient taxable profits will be available in the future shall
      be presented.


      15. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities - continued

      (5) Deductible losses, for which no deferred tax assets are recognised, will expire in the following
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                 Year               Closing balance       Opening balance                           Remarks
       Deductible losses with                                                    Due to accumulated losses from Baowan Hong
       unlimited expire term
                                          92,822,732.48      41,579,367.77       Kong and China Huitong
       2019                                 831,022.59                      -    Due to the Company is in the process of
                                                                                 significant assets reorganization, the Company
       2020                               38,627,080.46                     -    cannot be assert whether sufficient taxable
                                                                                 income can be achieved to offset deductible
       2021                               85,620,447.19                     -    losses.
       Total                             217,901,282.72      41,579,367.77

      16. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                Closing balance                   Opening balance
       Prepayments for assets (note 1)                                    567,480,000.00                     23,000,000.00
       Prepayments for land use rights (note 2)                                 311,733,581.18                251,808,516.48
       Refundable deposits for land use rights (note 3)                          38,954,624.80                                -
       Prepayments for software installation (note 4)                             6,690,456.61                                -
       Others                                                                     6,049,099.01                  2,811,188.36
       Total                                                                    930,907,761.60                277,619,704.84

      Note 1: Closing balance represents assets prepayments by Baowan Logistics Holdings
              Co., Ltd. ("Baowan Holdings"), subsidiary of the Company.

      Note 2: Closing balance represents Prepayments for land use rights by Yangluo Baowan,
              Xianyang Baowan, Xipeng Baowan, Changsha Yuhua Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd
              ("Yuhua Baowan"), Blogis Supply Chain Management (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd.
              ("Jiaxing Supply Chain"), Chongqing Luohuang Baowan International Logistic
              Co., Ltd.("Luohuang Baowan"), subsidiaries of the Company.

      Note 3: Closing balance represents refundable deposits for land use rights paid by Jiangyin
              Baowan, Jiaxing Baowan, Jiaxing Supply Chain,Yuyao Baowan Logistics Co.,
              Ltd. ("Yuyao Baowan"), Jiashan Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd ("Jiashan Baowan"),
              subsidiaries of the Company.

      Note 4: Closing balance represents prepayments for software installation by Kunshan
              Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd ("Kunshan Baowan") , subsidiary of the


      17. Short-term borrowings
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                Item                            Closing balance        Opening balance
       Unsecured and non-guaranteed loans(note 1)                   800,000,000.00         300,000,000.00
       Guaranteed loans(note 2)                                      50,000,000.00                      -
       Total                                                        850,000,000.00         300,000,000.00

      Note 1: The annual interest rates on the above borrowings are fixed rates, ranging from 4.1000%
              to 4.1325%.

      Note 2: The annual interest rates on the above borrowings is 4.1325%. See Note (X) 5(3) for

      18. Notes payable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                     Item                       Closing balance        Opening balance
       Commercial acceptance                                         16,200,019.20                       -

      At the end of the year, the Group has no overdue notes payable that are not paid.

      19. Accounts payable

      (1) Details of accounts payable are as follows:
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                     Item                       Closing balance        Opening balance
       Rents payable                                                   7,274,685.37           9,251,160.55
       Repair charges                                                  1,899,243.70             442,426.82
       Service charges                                                   727,374.70             248,775.96
       Others                                                          1,599,201.26           3,560,382.19
       Total                                                         11,500,505.03          13,502,745.52

      (2) There is no significant accounts payable aging more than a year in the closing balance.

      20. Receipts in advance

      (1) Details of receipts in advance are as follows:
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                     Item                       Closing balance        Opening balance
       Storage service fees collected in advance                       8,998,939.24           4,129,236.00
       Others                                                            186,125.80             164,873.24
       Total                                                           9,185,065.04           4,294,109.24

      (2) There are no significant receipts in advance aging more than a year in the closing balance.


       21. Employee benefits payable
       (1) Details of employee benefits payable are as follows
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                          Increase in the       Decrease in the
                            Item                        Opening balance   current period        current period        Closing balance
        I. Short-term compensation                        26,216,644.78     76,608,382.30        81,677,853.50          21,147,173.58
        II. Post-employment benefits- defined
                                                              16,613.24     9,268,833.34           9,269,702.26             15,744.32
        contribution plans
        III. Termination benefits                                     -       650,263.10            650,263.10                      -
        IV. Other welfare due within one year                         -                     -                     -                 -
        Total                                             26,233,258.02    86,527,478.74         91,597,818.86          21,162,917.90

       (2) Short-term Compensation
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                          Increase in the       Decrease in the
                              Item                      Opening balance   current period        current period        Closing balance
        I. Wages or salaries, bonuses, allowances and
                                                          24,311,964.44    65,032,547.46         68,716,344.31          20,628,167.59
        II. Staff welfare                                     24,066.00     3,783,559.44           3,807,625.44                     -
        III. Social security contributions                     7,942.92     3,505,687.28           3,505,933.06              7,697.14
        Including: Medical insurance                           6,214.34     2,621,952.39           2,622,208.90              5,957.83
                     Work-related injury insurance             1,373.74       223,295.55            223,342.53               1,326.76
                     Birth insurance                             392.26       235,985.82            235,965.53                 412.55
                     Others                                     (37.42)       424,453.52            424,416.10                      -
        IV. Housing funds                                         87.00     3,568,386.84           3,567,806.84                667.00
        V. Expenditure for trade union and employee
                                                           1,872,584.42       504,167.79           1,866,110.36           510,641.85
        VI. Others                                                    -       214,033.49            214,033.49                      -
        Total                                             26,216,644.78    76,608,382.30         81,677,853.50          21,147,173.58
 (3) Post-employment benefits- defined contribution plans
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                          Increase in the       Decrease in the
                              Item                      Opening balance   current period        current period        Closing balance
        I. Basic endowment insurance                          15,455.00     6,780,550.96           6,781,022.28             14,983.68
        II. Unemployment insurance                             1,158.24       197,928.73            198,326.33                 760.64
        III. Enterprise annuity payment                               -     2,290,353.65           2,290,353.65                     -
        Total                                                 16,613.24     9,268,833.34           9,269,702.26             15,744.32
       Note: The Group participates in the social security contributions and the unemployment insurance
             plan established by government institutions as required. According to such plans, the
             Company and its subsidiaries contributes amounts according to local supervision agency's
             requirement respectively to such plans. The Group does not undertake further payment
             obligations other than the above monthly contributions. Corresponding expenses are
             charged to profit or loss for the period or costs of the related assets when incurred.

                During the year, the Group shall contribute RMB 6,780,550.96 and RMB 197,928.73
                respectively to the social security contributions and the unemployment insurance plan
                (2015: RMB 6,410,998.02 and RMB 289,509.21). As at 31 December 2016, the Group still
                have outstanding contributions of RMB 14,983.68 and RMB 760.64 (31 December 2015:
                RMB 15,455.00 and RMB 1,158.24) to be paid to the social security contributions and the
                unemployment insurance plan. The related outstanding contributions have been made after
                the reporting period.

      22. Taxes payable
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                               Item                   Closing balance        Opening balance
       Enterprise income tax                                13,910,953.26           9,806,765.58
       Property Tax                                          6,020,749.61           4,309,172.88
       Urban land use tax                                    5,146,891.43           3,190,660.26
       Value added tax                                       3,614,107.55           2,589,977.27
       Stamp duty                                              634,147.22                      -
       City construction and maintenance tax                   235,320.44             182,018.30
       Individual income tax                                   226,153.20             196,762.89
       Educational surcharges                                  172,408.79             137,261.93
       Business tax                                              2,127.28             140,936.22
       Others                                                  144,875.67             383,721.62
       Total                                                30,107,734.45          20,937,276.95

      23. Interest payable
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                               Item                   Closing balance        Opening balance
       Medium term note interest                            19,594,520.54          19,594,520.52
       Bank interest                                          1,612,582.78             839,075.67
       Corporate bond interest                                1,189,716.64           1,189,716.67
       CDFC borrowings interest                                 888,845.72              22,958.33
       Nanshan Group borrowings interest                        570,633.32           6,758,208.33
       Total                                                23,856,299.00          28,404,479.52

      24. Other payables

      (1) Details of other payables are as follows:
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                               Item                   Closing balance        Opening balance
       Construction costs                                  322,429,515.38         370,546,685.54
       Deposits                                              68,669,191.97         60,198,658.09
       Others                                                46,423,717.26         49,320,875.86
       Total                                               437,522,424.61         480,066,219.49


      24. Other payables - continued

      (2) Significant other payables aged more than a year
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                         Item                      Closing balance            Reason for not repay or carry over
       Supplier 1                                    14,888,974.65    Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Nanshan Development (H.K.) Co.,
                                                     11,921,567.32    Interests payable not reaching maturity
       Ltd("Nanshan Hong Kong")
       Supplier 2                                    10,133,058.12    Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Supplier 3                                      9,183,673.07   Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Shenzhen Chixiao Project Engineering
                                                       8,718,573.62   Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Co., Ltd. ("Chixiao Project Company")
       Customer 6                                      6,354,280.00   Storage deposit not reaching payment terms
       Supplier 4                                      4,197,354.91   Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Supplier 5                                      3,995,610.92   Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Supplier 6                                      3,945,579.02   Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Supplier 7                                      2,916,569.50   Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Customer 7                                      2,757,869.00   Storage deposit not reaching payment terms
       Supplier 8                                      2,734,107.20   Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Customer 8                                      2,450,921.40   Storage deposit not reaching payment terms
       Supplier 9                                      1,612,000.25   Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Supplier 10                                     1,553,168.56   Construction balance not reaching payment terms
       Customer 9                                      1,335,491.60   Storage deposit not reaching payment terms
       Customer 10                                     1,283,010.00   Storage deposit not reaching payment terms
       Customer 2                                      1,101,168.00   Storage deposit not reaching payment terms
       Total                                         91,082,977.14

      25. Non-current liabilities due within one year

      (1) Details of non-current liabilities due within one year are as follows:
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                  Closing balance           Opening balance
       Other non-current liabilities due within one year (note 1)               211,349,351.16            701,349,351.16
       Bonds payable due within one year (note 2)                               400,000,000.00                         -
       Long-term borrowings due within one year                                  21,708,627.24              6,047,377.24
       Total                                                                    633,057,978.40            707,396,728.40

      Note 1: See note (V) 31 for details.

      Note 2: See note (V) 28 for details.


      25. Non-current liabilities due within one year - continued

      (1) Changes in the current period of bonds payable within one year
                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                    Maturity                                      Issue in   Accrued interest   Premium or     Repay for the
          Item        Par value       Issue date     term      Issued amount    Opening balance      the      for the period     discount         period         Closing balance
                                                                                                  current                       amortization
      Medium term
                    400,000,000.00   07/03/2012     5 year     400,000,000.00    400,000,000.00          -     24,000,000.02              -    24,000,000.00      400,000,000.00

      Note: See note (V) 28 for details.

      (2) Long-term borrowings due within one year
                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                                   Closing balance                           Opening balance
       Guaranteed loans                                                                                      16,450,000.00                                                -
       Unsecured and non-guaranteed loans                                                                     5,258,627.24                                     6,047,377.24
       Total                                                                                                 21,708,627.24                                     6,047,377.24

      26.Other current liabilities
                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                             Item                                                       Closing balance                           Opening balance
       Loans borrowed from Nanshan Group                                                                      564,000,000.00                                                       -
       Loans borrowed from Nanshan Hong Kong                                                                                          -                        6,000,000.00
       Total                                                                                                  564,000,000.00                                   6,000,000.00

      Closing balance is short-term loan borrowed from Nanshan Group. The annual interest rates on
      the above borrowings are fixed rates, ranging from 4.1325% to 4.3500%.

      27. Long-term borrowings

      Categories of long-term borrowings
                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                             Item                                                      Closing balance                           Opening balance
       Unsecured and non-guaranteed loans(note 1)                                                             766,424,117.92                               48,379,017.92
       Guaranteed loans (note 2)                                                                              441,572,609.77                             447,502,609.77
       Sub-total                                                                                             1,207,996,727.69                            495,881,627.69
       Less: long-term borrowings within one year                                                               21,708,627.24                                  6,047,377.24
       Total                                                                                                 1,186,288,100.45                            489,834,250.45

      The annual interest rates on the above borrowings range from 4.5125% to 4.9000% (31 December
      2015: 4.5125% to 4.9000%).

      Note 1: Closing balance included RMB 724,355,100.00 which were long-term borrowings of
             Wuhan Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd ("Wuhan Baowan "), Tianjin Baowan International
             Logistic Co., Ltd ("Tianjin Baowan "), Xindu Baowan, Longquan Baowan, Beijing
             Jinmucaoye, Tianjin Haier and Kunshan Baowan, subsidiaries of the Company, borrowed
             from CDFC. See note (X) 5(4) for details.
      Note 2: See note (X) 5(3) for details.


      28. Bonds payable

      (2)     Details of bonds payable
                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                               Item                                                        Closing balance                      Opening balance
      Medium term note (note 1)                                                                                 400,000,000.00                         400,000,000.00
      Corporate bond (note 2)                                                                                   568,641,500.00                         567,159,500.00
      Total                                                                                                     968,641,500.00                         967,159,500.00
      Less: bonds payable within one year                                                                       400,000,000.00                                      -
      Bonds payable over one year                                                                               568,641,500.00                         967,159,500.00

      (3) Changes in the current period of bonds payable
                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                Premium or
                                                                                                             Issue in the    Accrued interest    discount
            Item         Par value       Issue date     Maturity term   Issued amount    Opening balance    current period    for the period    amortization    Closing balance

      Corporate bond   570,000,000.00   17/12/2012        7 years       570,000,000.00   567,159,500.00     32,945,999.97       1,482,000.00    32,946,000.00   568,641,500.00

      Note 1:          The Company issued the five-year medium term note, which starts from 9 March 2012
                       and ends on 9 March 2017, at the par value of RMB400, 000,000.00 with fixed annual
                       interest rate of 6% on 7 March 2012. The interests are paid yearly, and the principal will
                       be repaid in a lump sum upon maturity. Nanshan Group has provided a full-amount
                       irrevocable guarantee with joint-liability for the medium term note.

      Note 2:          Pursuant to Approval for Publicly Issuing Corporate Bond of Shenzhen Chiwan
                       Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd. (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2012] No. 1142) issued by China
                       Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company issued the seven-year corporate bond
                       at the par value of RMB570,000,000.00 on 17 December 2012. In the first five interest-
                       bearing years, the annual interest rate is fixed at 5.78%. The interests will be paid
                       yearly, and the principal will be repaid in a lump sum upon maturity. As specified in the
                       prospectus of the corporate bond, the Company has the right to decide whether to raise
                       the interest rate of the corporate bond for the remaining two years by 1 to 100 basis
                       points at the end of the fifth year. After the Company publicly announces the decision
                       on changing interest rate, the bond holders are entitled to sell all or partial of the bonds
                       held by them to the Company at par value. Nanshan Group has provided a full-amount
                       irrevocable guarantee with joint-liability for the corporate bond.

      29. Long-term payable
                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                               Entity                                                       Closing balance                     Opening balance
       Nanshan Group                                                                                                                    -             251,417,853.31

      Long-term payable is the fund borrowed by the Group from the Company's parent company
      Nanshan Group. Pursuant to the agreement of long-term borrowings with Nanshan Group, the
      borrowings should be used for the construction and subsequent operation of the logistics parks of
      the Company's subsidiaries. The interests will be charged on the actual amounts borrowed at the
      interest rate based on market rates of the same period. At the end of 31 December 2016,
      borrowings were repaid in full amount.


      30.Deferred income
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                          Opening        Increase in the   Decrease in the        Closing
           Item           balance        current period    current period         balance             Cause of formation
                                                                                               Received special subsidy only
                        51,251,151.07                  -       1,652,071.68    49,599,079.39   for purchasing or constructing
                                                                                                        fixed assets

      Items concerning government subsidy:
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                        Amount recognized
                                                      Increase in        in non-operating                         Related to
                                     Opening          the current          income in the        Closing            assets or
          Liabilities items          balance            period            current period        balance            revenue
       Wuhan Baowan logistic
       park construction                                                                                          Related to
                                  49,826,151.07                     -          1,577,071.68    48,249,079.39
       (note 1)
       Guangzhou Baowan
                                                                                                                  Related to
       lot A construction           1,425,000.00                    -            75,000.00      1,350,000.00
       (note 2)
       Total                      51,251,151.07                     -          1,652,071.68    49,599,079.39

      Note 1 : Represents special subsidy received in the prior period by Wuhan Baowan, subsidiary of
               the Company, pursuant to the Official Confirmation Letter issued by Ministry of
               Transport of Wuhan (Jiao Gui Hua Han [2014] 1080), which was intended for
               construction of warehouse and facilities.

      Note 2 : Represents special fund for developing modern logistics industry received by
               Guangzhou Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd ("Guangzhou Baowan") pursuant to Notice on
               Developing Strategic Leading Industries of Guangzhou in 2014.

      31. Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                        Item                                      Closing balance         Opening balance
       Medium and long-term borrowings(note)                                        706,000,000.00          910,000,000.00
       Rental received in advance                                                     16,367,558.34             17,716,909.50
       Total                                                                         722,367,558.34            927,716,909.50
       Less: Non-current liabilities due within one year                             211,349,351.16            701,349,351.16
       Non-current liabilities due after one year                                    511,018,207.18            226,367,558.34


      31. Other non-current liabilities - continued

      Note: Medium and long-term borrowings included: a) the Company and Baowan Holdings,
            subsidiary of the Company, borrowed RMB 240,000,000.00 and RMB 250,000,000.00
            from Nanshan Group respectively, of which borrowing terms dates from 11 November
            2016 to 31 October 2019 and from 8 November 2016 to 8 November 2019 respectively,
            using floating interest rate hooked to the corresponding terms of benchmark interest rate of
            the People's Bank of China and adjusting the floating rate yearly; b) China Huitong,
            subsidiary of the Company, borrowed RMB 110,000,000.00 and RMB 100,000,000.00
            from Nanshan Hong Kong, , of which borrowing terms dates from 12 December 2014 to 12
            December 2017 and from 18 December 2014 to 18 December 2017 respectively, using
            floating interest rate hooked to the corresponding terms of benchmark interest rate of the
            People's Bank of China and adjusting the floating rate quarterly; and c) China Huitong,
            subsidiary of the Company, borrowed RMB 6,000,000.00 of one-year loan from Nanshan
            Hong Kong, dating from 28 December 2015 to 28 December 2016. The due date of this
            borrowing is extended to 28 December 2019, with 4.75% annual interests rate.

      32. Share capital
                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                               Changes for the period
                                                       New issue                       of surplus
                   Item            Opening balance     of shares       Bonus issue      reserve          Others       Sub-total     Closing balance
       I. Restricted tradable
       1. State-owned shares                     -                 -             -                -               -           -                       -
       2. State-owned legal
                                    119,420,000.00                 -             -                -               -           -      119,420,000.00
       person shares
       3. Other domestic-owned
                                                 -                 -             -                -               -           -                       -
       4. Other foreign-owned                                      -             -                -               -           -
                                                 -                                                                                                    -
       Total restricted tradable
                                    119,420,000.00                 -             -                -               -           -      119,420,000.00
       II. Tradable shares
       1. Ordinary shares                                          -             -                -               -           -
                                                 -                                                                                                    -
       denominated in RMB
       2. Foreign-owned shares
                                    111,180,000.00                 -             -                -               -           -      111,180,000.00
       listed domestically
       3. Foreign-owned shares
                                                 -                 -             -                -               -           -                       -
       listed overseas
       4. Others                                 -                 -             -                -               -           -                       -
       Total tradable shares        111,180,000.00                 -             -                -               -           -      111,180,000.00
       III. Total shares            230,600,000.00                 -             -                -               -           -      230,600,000.00
       I. Restricted tradable
       1. State-owned shares                     -                 -             -                -               -           -                       -
       2. State-owned legal                                        -             -                -               -
                                    119,420,000.00                                                                            -      119,420,000.00
       person shares
       3. Other domestic-owned                                     -             -                -               -           -
                                                 -                                                                                                    -
       4. Other foreign-owned                                      -             -                -               -           -
                                                 -                                                                                                    -
       Total restricted tradable                                   -             -                -               -
                                    119,420,000.00                                                                            -      119,420,000.00
       II. Tradable shares
       1. Ordinary shares                                          -             -                -               -
                                                 -                                                                            -                       -
       denominated in RMB
       2. Foreign-owned shares                                     -             -                -               -
                                    111,180,000.00                                                                            -      111,180,000.00
       listed domestically
       3. Foreign-owned shares                                     -             -                -               -           -
                                                 -                                                                                                    -
       listed overseas
       4. Others                                 -                 -             -                -               -           -                       -
       Total tradable shares        111,180,000.00                 -             -                -               -           -      111,180,000.00
       III. Total shares            230,600,000.00                 -             -                -               -           -      230,600,000.00

      Note: The par value per share of the above shares is RMB1.00.
      33. Capital reserve
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                            Increase in the           Decrease in the
                           Item                 Opening balance                 period                    period             Closing balance
      Capital premium                            124,868,225.67                               -                          -     124,868,225.67
      Other capital reserve                          109,272,960.42                           -                          -        109,272,960.42
      Total                                          234,141,186.09                           -                          -        234,141,186.09


      34.Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                         Amount for the current period
                                                                                  included in
                                                                                income in the                     Post-tax net
                                                                                 prior periods                      amount           Post-tax net
                                                             Before-tax              that is                      belonging to         amount
                                                             amount for         transferred to                       parent          belonging to
                                             Opening         the current         profit or loss     Less:         company             minority         Closing
                      Item                   balance           period           for the period    income tax        owners           shareholders       balance
       I. Net amount included in other
       comprehensive income that
                                                       -                   -                  -              -                   -                  -             -
       cannot be transferred to profit or
       loss in the future
       Including:Changes in net
       liability and net asset arising                 -                   -                  -              -                   -                  -             -
       from recalculation of defined
       benefit plan
       Share of other comprehensive
       income of the investee that
       cannot be transferred to profit                 -                   -                  -              -                   -                  -             -
       or loss accounted for using the
       equity method
       II. Net amount included in other
       comprehensive income that can
                                             652,079.14                    -                  -              -                   -                  -   652,079.14
       be transferred to profit or loss in
       the future
       Including:Share of other
       comprehensive income of the
       investee that can be transferred                -                   -                  -              -                   -                  -             -
       to profit or loss accounted for
       using the equity method
       Gains (losses) arising from
       available-for-sale financial                    -                   -                  -              -                   -                  -             -
       held-to-maturity investment that
       is reclassified as financial assets             -                   -                  -              -                   -                  -             -
       available for sale
       Effective gains(losses) arising
       from cash flow hedging                          -                   -                  -              -                   -                  -             -
       Translation differences of
       financial statements
                                             652,079.14                    -                  -              -                   -                  -   652,079.14
       denominated in foreign
       Total                                 652,079.14                    -                  -              -                   -                  -   652,079.14

      35. Special reserve
                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Increase in the             Decrease in the
                             Item                      Opening balance                   period                      period               Closing balance
      Production safety fee                               5,941,771.48                  1,505,428.41                  672,492.16             6,774,707.73
      36. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Increase in the             Decrease in the
                             Item                      Opening balance                   period                      period               Closing balance
      Statutory surplus reserve                         218,585,153.26                                   -                           -     218,585,153.26
      Discretionary surplus reserve                         98,660,135.55                1,358,273.61                                -      100,018,409.16
      Total                                                317,245,288.81                1,358,273.61                                -      318,603,562.42


      37. Unappropriated profits
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                 Item                                           Closing balance       Opening balance
      Before adjustment: Unappropriated profits at the end of prior year                          965,504,851.33       913,767,989.40
      Adjustment: Total unappropriated profits at the beginning of the year                                       -                    -
      After adjustment: Unappropriated profits at the beginning of the year                       965,504,851.33        913,767,989.40
      Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company for the period                             1,918,066.81      91,644,920.49
      Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve                                                            -       2,716,547.22
              Appropriation to discretionary surplus reserve (note 1)                                  1,358,273.61       7,444,111.34
              Declaration of dividends on ordinary shares                                                         -      29,747,400.00
      Unappropriated profits at the end of the year                                               966,064,644.53        965,504,851.33

      Note 1: According to the resolution of 2015 shareholders' meeting on 22 April 2016, the Company
              appropriated the discretionary surplus reserve based on 5% of the Company's net profit in
              2015, the total amount of which is RMB 1,358,273.61.

      Note 2: As at 31 December 2016, the balance of the Group's unappropriated profits includes
              appropriation to surplus reserve by subsidiaries amounting to RMB 127,694,536.35 (31
              December 2015: RMB 99,378,754.84).

      38. Operating income and operating costs
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                              Amount recognized in the current period        Amount recognized in the prior period
                     Item                 Operating income            Operating cost        Operating income          Operating cost
      Principal operating activities             676,891,005.05         298,716,360.92         649,012,991.25           293,808,730.04
      Other operating activities                     900,326.06            1,191,895.26          1,266,525.09             3,193,784.84
      Total                                      677,791,331.11         299,908,256.18         650,279,516.34           297,002,514.88

      39. Business taxes and levies
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Amount incurred                 Amount incurred
                                       Item                                    in the current period            in the prior period
      Property tax                                                                        26,403,928.30                22,306,776.50
      Urban land use tax                                                                  13,650,090.75                  8,191,167.12
      City construction and maintenance tax                                                2,096,633.44                  2,100,050.43
      Education surcharges                                                                 1,512,311.90                  1,676,708.28
      Stamp duty                                                                           1,006,470.25                                -
      Business tax                                                                          572,309.40                   1,674,684.65
      Vehicle and vessel usage tax                                                          109,360.41                                 -
      Others                                                                                955,362.99                     234,781.58
      Total                                                                               46,306,467.44                36,184,168.56


      40. Selling expenses
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                        Amount incurred             Amount incurred
                                    Item                              in the current period        in the prior period
       Agency brokerage                                                       1,077,360.05                 1,794,630.86

      41. Administrative expenses
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                       Amount incurred              Amount incurred
                                    Item                              in the current period         in the prior period
       Payroll                                                               61,135,597.73               51,258,086.99
       Asset amortization                                                    20,109,092.36               10,074,850.77
       Asset depreciation                                                     5,426,688.59                 4,147,388.80
       Travelling expense                                                     4,173,394.61                 3,361,419.34
       Business entertainment                                                 3,206,023.55                 2,836,145.47
       Taxes                                                                  3,049,944.37                 7,064,503.93
       Vehicle expense                                                        2,412,269.71                 2,288,519.31
       Others                                                                17,094,230.28               14,500,612.57
       Total                                                                116,607,241.20               95,531,527.18

      42. Financial expenses
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                      Amount incurred in           Amount incurred in
                                    Item                               the current period           the prior period
       Interest expenses                                                    190,214,200.33              172,521,259.62
       Less: Capitalized interest expenses                                    6,142,146.18                 4,799,074.19
       Less: Interest income                                                  5,052,488.85                 5,895,451.65
       Exchange differences                                                   (499,813.18)                   401,204.04
       Less: Capitalized exchange differences                                                 -                           -
       Others                                                                 3,234,659.58                 2,887,408.77
       Total                                                                181,754,411.70              165,115,346.59
      43. Impairment losses on assets
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                      Amount incurred in           Amount incurred in
                                    Item                               the current period           the prior period
       Bad debt losses                                                          (98,698.65)                 975,282.77
      44. Investment income
      Details of investment income
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                     Amount recognized in         Amount recognized in
                                  Item                                the current period            the prior period
       Income from long-term equity investments under equity(note)          32,503,352.87                58,968,248.53
       Income from bank financing products                                    1,283,277.56               16,142,257.65
       Total                                                                 33,786,630.43               75,110,506.18


      44. Investment income - continued

      Note: See note (V) 8 for details.

      There are no significant restrictions on remittance of investment income stated above.

      45. Non-operating income

      (1) Details of non-operating income are as follows:
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                 Amount included
                                                             Amount              Amount          in non-recurring
                                                        recognized in the   recognized in the    profit or loss for
                            Item                          current period       prior period         the period
       Government grants                                     5,238,023.20       12,491,552.18         5,238,023.20
       Remission on urban land use tax (note)                1,985,662.50                    -        1,985,662.50
       Penalty gains                                          805,902.64            45,170.87           805,902.64
       Total gains on disposal of non-current assets          277,164.06            83,782.26           277,164.06
       Including: Gains on disposal of fixed assets           277,164.06            83,782.26           277,164.06
       Accounts payable write-off                                       -         880,397.20                      -
       Others                                                 987,316.44          137,207.83            987,316.44
       Total                                                 9,294,068.84      13,638,110.34          9,294,068.84

      Note: Represents remission on urban land use tax of 2016 1st and 2nd quarters which granted to
            Jiaozhou Baowan, subsidiary of the Company, in accordance with Remission on Urban
            Land Use Tax and Property Tax for Enterprises with Difficulties issued by Qingdao
            Municipal Local Taxation Bureau.

      (2) Details of government grants:
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                       Amount recognized         Amount
                                                         in the current     recognized in the       Related to
                            Item                             period            prior period       assets/income
       Bank loan subsidies (note 1)                          2,014,701.50         1,878,500.00   Related to income
       Special construction funds for logistics park
                                                             1,652,071.68         648,848.93     Related to income
       (Note 2)
       Financial support fund                                 694,664.00         9,750,547.11    Related to income
       Encouragement fund for service industry                718,500.00                     -   Related to income
       Others                                                 158,086.02          213,656.14     Related to income
       Total                                                 5,238,023.20      12,491,552.18

      Note 1: Amount recognized in the current period mainly are bank loan subsidies for key logistics
              enterprise granted to the Company, in accordance with Management Provisions on
              Special Funds for Shenzhen Modern Logistics Development (Shen Cai Gui (2013) No.

      Note 2: See note (V) 30 for details

      46. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         Amount included
                                                                                                         in non-recurring
                                                          Amount incurred in       Amount incurred in    profit or loss for
                             Item                          the current period       the prior period        the period
       Total losses on disposal of non-current assets            2,038,490.91              386,856.19         2,038,490.91
       Including: Losses on disposal of fixed assets                1,437,828.91          386,856.19          1,437,828.91
       Losses on disposal of Investment properties                   600,662.00                      -          600,662.00
       Compensation losses                                           612,356.58          1,063,858.34           612,356.58
       Penalty losses                                                 55,124.99             35,112.73            55,124.99
       Others                                                        244,193.76             34,686.54           244,193.76
       Total                                                        2,950,166.24         1,520,513.80         2,950,166.24

      47. Income tax expense
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                            Amount incurred in the Amount incurred in the
                                      Item                                     current period          prior period
      Current tax expense                                                          46,762,284.92          41,991,156.77
      Deferred tax expense                                                           4,559,568.49         (11,759,603.45)
      Total                                                                         51,321,853.41          30,231,553.32

      Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit is as follows:
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                            Amount for the current   Amount for the prior
                                                                                  period                  period
      Accounting profit                                                           72,366,826.22          140,904,148.22
      Income tax expenses calculated at 25% (prior year: 25%)                       18,091,706.56          35,226,037.06
      Effect of deductible temporary differences and deductible losses
                                                                                    44,129,464.31            7,039,660.21
      from unrecognized deferred tax assets in the current period
      Effect of expenses that are not deductible for tax purposes                      275,512.05             710,675.69
      Effect of adjusting income tax for previous years                              (115,544.87)            3,072,869.66
      Effect of using previously unrecognised deductible losses                      (487,716.69 )                      -
      Effect of subsidiaries using different tax rates                             (2,445,729.72)          (1,282,386.20)
      Effect of non-taxable income                                                 (8,125,838.23)         (14,742,062.13)
      Others                                                                                     -            206,759.03
      Income tax expense                                                            51,321,853.41          30,231,553.32

      48. Other comprehensive income

      See Note (V) 34 for detail.


      49. Calculation process of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

      For the purpose of calculating basic earnings per share, net profit for the current period
      attributable to ordinary shareholders is as follows:
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Amount for the current   Amount for the prior
                                                                                       period                  period
      Net profit for the current period attributable to ordinary shareholders            1,918,066.81           91,644,920.49
      Including:   Net profit from continuing operations                                  1,918,066.81           91,644,920.49
                   Net profit from discontinued operations                                            -                          -

      For the purpose of calculating basic earnings per share, the denominator is the weighted average
      number of outstanding ordinary shares, and its calculation process is as follows:
                                                                                            Unit: Share
                                                                                 Number for the current   Number for the prior
                                                                                       period                  period
      Number of ordinary shares outstanding at the beginning of year                    230,600,000.00          230,600,000.00
      Add: Weighted average number of ordinary shares issued during the period                        -                          -
      Less: Weighted average number of ordinary shares repurchased during the
                                                                                                      -                          -
      Number of ordinary shares outstanding at the end of the year                      230,600,000.00          230,600,000.00

      Earnings per share
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Amount for the current Amount for the prior
                                                                                       period                period
      Calculated based on net profit attributable to shareholders of the
      Basic earnings per share                                                                     0.10                     0.40
      Diluted earnings per share                                                         Not applicable          Not applicable
      Calculated based on net profit from continuing operations
      attributable to shareholders of the Company:
      Basic earnings per share                                                                     0.10                     0.40
      Diluted earnings per share                                                         Not applicable          Not applicable

      50. Notes to items in the cash flow statement
      (1) Other cash receipts relating to operating activities
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Amount for the current   Amount for the prior
                                           Item                                        period                  period
      Receipts of storage service deposits                                              16,326,103.95           21,559,126.76
      Government grants                                                                  3,585,951.52           11,842,703.25
      Interest income                                                                    4,729,575.61            5,895,451.65
      Receipts of employee housing allowance                                             3,102,385.57                            -
      Receipts of insurance compensation                                                 2,094,176.52                            -
      Receipts of supplies purchasing and decoration fees                                  900,326.06            1,266,525.09
      Others                                                                             3,485,448.28            4,815,204.48
      Total                                                                             34,223,967.51           45,379,011.23


      50. Notes to items in the cash flow statement - continued

      (2) Other cash payments relating to operating activities
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                  Amount for the current   Amount for the prior
                                       Item                             period                  period
      Payments for administrative expense and selling expense           27,963,278.20           20,468,978.58
      Payments for storage service deposits                              11,135,068.21            7,876,656.43
      Payment for supplies procurement and decoration fees                1,191,895.26            3,193,784.84
      Payment for bank commissions                                        1,897,591.57            1,732,156.04
      Payment for accrued expenses                                          549,551.69            2,964,294.17
      Others                                                              1,241,582.02            2,520,177.66
      Total                                                             43,978,966.95           38,756,047.72

      (3) Other cash receipts relating to investing activities
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                 Amount for the current Amount for the prior
                                    Item                               period                period
      Receipts of matured financing products                         280,000,000.00       1,471,000,000.00
      Investment income from bank financing products                      2,314,620.00           18,517,101.51
      Receipts of government subsidy related to assets                                 -         50,400,000.00
      Total                                                            282,314,620.00        1,539,917,101.51

      (4) Other cash payments relating to investing activities
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                 Amount for the current Amount for the prior
                                    Item                               period                period
      Purchase of financing products                                   45,000,000.00      1,316,000,000.00
      Deposits for land rights                                           34,729,624.80            9,010,000.00
      Others                                                             15,333,000.00                            -
      Total                                                              95,062,624.80       1,325,010,000.00

      (5) Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                 Amount for the current Amount for the prior
                                       Item                            period                period
      Receipts of loans from Nanshan Group                          1,464,000,000.00                        -
      Receipts of loans from Nanshan Development (Hong Kong)
                                                                                       -          6,000,000.00
      Limited ("Nanshan Hong Kong"),
      Total                                                          1,464,000,000.00             6,000,000.00


      50. Notes to items in the cash flow statement - continued

      (6) Other cash payments relating to financing activities
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Amount for the       Amount for the
                                          Item                                     current period       prior period
       Payments for loan principal to Nanshan Group                               1,361,417,853.31      300,000,000.00
       Payments for loan interests to Nanshan Group                                 71,436,996.07        64,067,500.00
       Payments for loan principal and interests to Nanshan Hong Kong(note)         64,455,148.10                          -
       Payments for commission of medium term note                                    1,201,200.00        1,201,200.00
       Payments for commission of corporate bond                                       134,220.71                          -
       Others                                                                             1,647.30             1,647.30
       Total                                                                      1,498,647,065.49      365,270,347.30
      Note:     Tianjin Baowan, subsidiary of the Company has acquired Tianjin Haier during the year.
                Pursuant to the share acquisition agreement, Tianjin Haier would repay Tianjin Haier's
                borrowings from its former shareholder.

      51. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

      (1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                            Supplementary information                             Current period        Prior period
       1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:
          Net profit                                                                21,044,972.81      110,672,594.90
          Add: Provision for impairment losses of assets                              (98,698.65)          975,282.77
                  Depreciation of fixed assets                                      59,666,195.69       56,704,470.29
                  Depreciation of investment properties                             56,749,984.41       51,126,829.28
                  Amortization of intangible assets                                 53,568,997.30       41,573,931.82
                  Losses (gains) on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                     1,761,326.85          303,073.93
                  and other long-term assets
                  Financial expenses                                              184,072,054.15       167,722,185.43
                  Losses (gains) arising from investments                         (33,786,630.43)      (75,110,506.18)
                  Decrease (increase) in deferred tax assets                         4,559,568.49      (11,759,603.45)
                  Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities                   22,812,085.88                      -
                  Decrease (increase) in inventories                                  (47,312.28)          139,502.98
                  Decrease (increase) in receivables from operating activities       7,802,662.84      (27,795,284.40)
                  Increase (decrease) in payables from operating activities        (6,630,475.17)       18,103,874.07
                  Net cash flows from operating activities                        371,474,731.89       332,656,351.44
       2. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
          Closing balance of cash                                                 524,609,097.58       321,121,926.73
          Less: Opening balance of cash                                           321,121,926.73       375,328,861.18
          Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents                                                 -                   -
          Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents                                                -                   -
          Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                    203,487,170.85       (54,206,934.45)


      51. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement - continued

      (2) Net cash outflow on acquisition of subsidiaries and business units
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                         Item                                          Current period        Prior period
      Cash and cash equivalents paid to acquire subsidiaries and business units
                                                                                       375,567,215.93                       -
      during the year
      Including: Beijing Jinmucaoye(note 1)                                             270,117,215.93                      -
                 Tianjin Haier(note 2)                                                 105,450,000.00                       -
      Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries and business units
                                                                                         15,888,149.51                      -
      on acquisition date
      Including: Beijing Jinmucaoye(note 1)                                              15,650,290.72                      -
      Tianjin Haier(note 2)                                                                 237,858.79                      -
      Net cash outflow on acquisition of subsidiaries and business units               359,679,066.42                       -

      Note 1: See Note (VI) 2 (2) for details.

      Note 2: See Note (VI) 1 for details.

      (3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                         Item                                        Closing balance        Opening balance
       I. Cash                                                                        524,609,097.58         321,121,926.73
          Including:Cash on hand                                                             17,691.92            19,947.47
                     Bank deposits                                                      524,591,405.66       321,101,979.26
       II. Cash equivalents                                                                             -                   -
           Including:Investments in debt securities due within three months                             -                   -
       III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                524,609,097.58       321,121,926.73

      52.Foreign currency monetary items
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                   Closing balance                           Closing balance
                                                                      in foreign                               translate in
                                 Item                                  currency           Exchange rate           RMB
       Cash and bank balance                                                                                    3,111,281.21
       Including: Hong Kong Dollar                                    2,998,519.47                0.8945       2,682,175.67
                  United State Dollar                                      60,795.48              6.9370         421,738.24
                  Singapore Dollar                                            956.50              4.7995           4,590.72
                  Euro                                                        380.00              7.3068           2,776.58


       1. Business combination not involving enterprises under common control

       (1)       Business combination not involving enterprises under common control during the year

                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                Revenue              Net profits
                                                                                                                                between               between
                                                                                                                             acquisition date      acquisition date
                                           Acquired                                                                                and                   and
                           Costs of          share       Acquisition                           Basis of determining           31December            31December
             Acquiree     acquisition     percentage      method           Acquisition date      acquisition date                 2016                  2016
                                                                                               Control on the acquiree
        Tianjin Haier    117,124,048.28       100%     Share acquisition   31 October 2016    has been transferred to           2,601,783.98            622,817.61

       Note:                        the acquirer has paid for the majority of acqusition price, and the acquirer
                   On 31 October 2016,
                   has the capability and plan to pay for the rest; the acquirer has controlled the acquiree's
                   financial and operating policies, enjoying gains and sharing risks from the acquiree.

       (2)       Costs of business combination
                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
       Costs of business combination                                                                                             Tianjin Haier
       - Cash                                                                                                                              117,124,048.28
       Total                                                                                                                               117,124,048.28
       Less: share of fair value of identifiable net assets acquired                                                                       105,990,929.73
       Goodwill                                                                                                                                 11,133,118.55

       (3)       Identifiable assets and liabilities of acquiree on acquisition date
                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                 Tianjin Haier
                                                                                               Fair value on                       Net book value on
                                                                                              acquisition date                      acquisition date
        Cash and bank balances                                                                           237,858.79                               237,858.79
        Accounts receivable                                                                           5,176,474.21                               5,176,474.21
        Investment properties                                                                     113,826,900.00                                80,654,114.42
        Fixed assets                                                                                13,407,900.00                                9,500,410.71
        Intangible assets                                                                           66,265,200.00                               40,631,786.79
        Long-term prepaid expenses                                                                                       -                       3,195,418.46
        Accounts payable                                                                              3,055,394.93                               3,055,394.93
        Taxes payable                                                                                 1,489,067.43                               1,489,067.43
        Other payables                                                                              65,405,024.43                               65,405,024.43
        Deferred income                                                                                                  -                      32,377,396.30
        Deferred tax liabilities                                                                    22,973,916.48                                                -
        Net assets                                                                                105,990,929.73                                37,069,180.29
        Less: Minority interests                                                                                         -                                      -
        Net assets acquired                                                                       105,990,929.73                                37,069,180.29


       2. Other changes

       (1) Newly set-up subsidiaries during the year
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                    Name of subsidiaries                            Year-end net assets
       Jiaxing Supply Chain                                                                 229,919,139.96
       Yunnan Dianzhong Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd ("Dianzhong Baowan")                       199,924,786.25
       Yuyao Baowan                                                                          99,065,674.06
       Luohuang Baowan                                                                       79,970,966.61
       Yuhua Baowan                                                                          13,994,884.26
       Xiaogan Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd ("Xiaogan Baowan")                                                 -
       Chengdu Xinjin Baowan International Co.,Ltd ("Xinjin Baowan")                                       -
       Foshan Sanshui Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd ("Sanshui Baowan")                                          -
       Foshan Nanhai Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd ("Nanhai Baowan")                                            -
       Deqing Baowan International Co.,Ltd ("Deqing Baowan")                                               -
       Changsha Wangcheng Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd ("Wangcheng Baowan")                                    -
       Ningbo Baowan International Logistic Co.,Ltd ("Ningbo Baowan")                                      -

       The above subsidiaries are set up in the current period. As at 31 December 2016, these
       subsidiaries are still under construction and not put into operation.

       (2) Subsidiary newly included in consolidation scope through asset acquisition
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                    Name of subsidiaries                             Year-end net assets
       Beijing Jinmucaoye                                                                    92,316,900.71

       Baowan Holdings, subsidiary of the Company, acquired 100% share of Beijing Jinmucaoye at the
       price of RMB 270,117,215.93 during the year. This acquisition is asset acqusition, not business

      1. Equity in subsidiaries
      (1) Group Composition
                                                                                                                             Proportion of
                                                                                                                           holding equity (%)
                      Name of subsidiary                   Business premise         Registered place     Business nature   Direct   Indirect     Acquired method
     Baowan Holdings                                    Guangdong Shenzhen      Guangdong Shenzhen         Investment       77.36          - Set-up
     Shanghai Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.   Shanghai                Shanghai                Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Guangzhou Baowan                                   Guangdong Guangzhou Guangdong Guangzhou         Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Kunshan Baowan                                     Jiangsu Kunshan         Jiangsu Kunshan         Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Tianjin Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.    Tianjin                 Tianjin                 Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Langfang Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.                                                   Logistic service                        Set-up
                                                        Hebei Langfang          Hebei Langfang                                  -    100.00
     ("Langfang Baowan")
     Longquan Baowan                                    Sichuang Chengdu        Sichuang Chengdu        Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Xindu Baowan                                       Sichuang Chengdu        Sichuang Chengdu        Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Nanjing Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.                                                    Logistic service                        Set-up
                                                        Jiangsu Nanjing         Jiangsu Nanjing                                 -    100.00
     ("Nanjing Baowan")
     Bingang Baowan                                     Tianjin                 Tianjin                 Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Nantong Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.    Jiangsu Nantong         Jiangsu Nantong         Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Wuhan Baowan                                       Hubei Wuhan             Hubei Wuhan             Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Qingwu Baowan                                      Tianjin                 Tianjin                 Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Shenyang Baowan.                                   Liaoning Shenyang       Liaoning Shenyang       Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Yangluo Baowan                                     Hubei Wuhan             Hubei Wuhan             Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Feidong Baowan                                     Anhui Hefei             Anhui Hefei             Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Xi'an Baowan                                       Shanxi Xi'an            Shanxi Xi'an            Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Xianyang Baowan                                    Shanxi Xianyang         Shanxi Xianyang         Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
                                                        Hong Kong Special       Hong Kong Special                                               Set-up
     Baowan Hong Kong                                                                                   Investment              -    100.00
                                                        Administrative Region   Administrative Region
     Jiaozhou Baowan.                                   Shandong Qingdao        Shandong Qingdao        Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Changzhou Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.                Jiangsu Changzhou       Jiangsu Changzhou       Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Jiaxing Baowan                                     Zhejiang Jiaxing        Zhejiang Jiaxing        Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Jiangyin Baowan                                    Jiangsu Jiangyin        Jiangsu Jiangyin        Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
                                                                                                        Logistic service                     Business
     Shenzhen Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd.
                                                        Guangdong Shenzhen      Guangdong Shenzhen                         100.00          - involving
     ("Shenzhen Baowan")
                                                                                                                                             enterprises under
                                                                                                                                             common control
                                                                                                        Logistic service                    Business
     Mingjiang (Shanghai) International Logistic Co.,
                                                        Shanghai                Shanghai                                        -    100.00 involving
     Ltd. ("Mingjiang International ")
                                                                                                                                            enterprises under
                                                                                                                                            common control
                                                        Hong Kong Special       Hong Kong Special
     China Huitong                                                                                      Investment              -    100.00 involving
                                                        Administrative Region   Administrative Region
                                                                                                                                            enterprises under
                                                                                                                                            common control
                                                                                                        Logistic service                    Business
     Wuxi Baowan                                        Jiangsu Wuxi            Jiangsu Wuxi                                    -    100.00 involving
                                                                                                                                            enterprises under
                                                                                                                                            common control
                                                                                                        Logistic service                    Business
     Zhenjiang Warehouse                                Jiangsu Zhenjiang       Jiangsu Zhenjiang                               -    100.00 involving
                                                                                                                                            enterprises under
                                                                                                                                            common control
     Chengdu Oil-Gas Base                               Sichuan Chengdu         Sichuan Chengdu         Logistic service   100.00          - Set-up
     Shaoxing Baowan                                    Zhejiang Shaoxing       Zhejiang Shaoxing       Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Jiangsu Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.                  Jiangsu Nanjing         Jiangsu Nanjing         Logistic service        -    100.00 Set-up
     Xipeng Baowan                                      Chongqing               Chongqing               Logistic service        -    100.00     Set-up
     Zhengzhou Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd.                Zhengzhou Henan         Zhengzhou Henan         Logistic service        -     80.00     Set-up
     Ezhou Baowan                                       Ezhou Hubei             Ezhou Hubei             Logistic service        -    100.00     Set-up
     Xitong Baowan                                      Jiangsu Nantong         Jiangsu Nantong         Logistic service        -    100.00     Set-up
     Jiashan Baowan                                     Zhejiang Jiashan        Zhejiang Jiashan        Logistic service        -    100.00     Set-up
     Beijing Jinmucaoye                                 Beijing                 Beijing                 Logistic service             100.00     Asset acquisition
     Yuyao Baowan                                       Zhejiang Yuyao          Zhejiang Yuyao          Logistic service             100.00     Set-up
     Xiaogan Baowan                                     Hubei Xiaogan           Hubei Xiaogan           Logistic service             100.00     Set-up
     Xinjin Baowan                                      Sichuan Chengdu         Sichuan ChengDu         Logistic service             100.00     Set-up
     Sanshui Baowan                                     Guangdong Foshan        Guangdong Foshan        Logistic service             100.00     Set-up


     1. Equity in subsidiaries - continued

     (2) Group Composition - continued

                                                                                                                                         Proportion of
                                                                                                                                       holding equity (%)
                          Name of subsidiary                    Business premise           Registered place        Business nature      Direct      Indirect    Acquired method
      Nanhai Baowan                                          Guangdong Foshan        Guangdong Foshan              Logistic service           -      100.00 Set-up
      Yuhua Baowan                                           Hunan Changsha          Hunan Changsha               Logistic service            -      100.00 Set-up
      Deqing Baowan                                          Zhejiang Deqing         Zhejiang Deqing              Logistic service            -      100.00 Set-up
      Wangcheng Baowan                                       Hunan Changsha          Hunan Changsha               Logistic service            -      100.00 Set-up
      Luohuang Baowan                                        Chongqing               Chongqing                    Logistic service            -      100.00 Set-up
                                                                                                                                                            combination not
      Tianjin Haier                                          Tianjin                 Tianjin                      Logistic service            -      100.00 involving
                                                                                                                                                            enterprises under
                                                                                                                                                            common control
      Jiaxing Supply Chain                                   Zhejiang Jiaxing        Zhejiang Jiaxing             Logistic service            -       90.00 Set-up
      Ningbo Baowan                                          Zhejiang Ningbo         Zhejiang Ningbo              Logistic service            -      100.00 Set-up
      Dianzhong Baowan                                       Yunnan Kunming          Yunnan Kunming               Logistic service            -      100.00 Set-up

     2. Equity in joint ventures or associates

   (1) Significant associates

                                                                                                                                   Proportion of
                                                                                                                                 shareholding (%)
                    Name                  Business premise             Registered place            Business nature               Direct           Indirect        method
      CSE                             Guangdong Shenzhen         Guangdong Shenzhen            Oceanic oil engineering                32.00              -     Equity method
      CDFC                            Guangdong Shenzhen         Guangdong Shenzhen            Capital management                     20.00              -     Equity method
                                                                                               Oil chemical equipment
      CPEC                            Guangdong Shenzhen         Guangdong Shenzhen                                                   20.00              -     Equity method

   (2) Financial information of Significant associates
                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                          Closing balance/ Amount incurred in the current period                 Opening balance/ Amount incurred in the prior year
                                           CSE                   CDFC                     CPEC                    CSE                      CDFC                     CPEC
      Current asset                    475,445,258.66         5,683,218,806.86         14,761,345.19           482,873,475.04          3,307,742,630.92            29,711,372.51
      Non-current asset               1,116,355,891.44            9,238,857.55            3,099,232.49        1,112,312,706.71            920,635,240.41            8,154,950.23
      Total asset                     1,591,801,150.10        5,692,457,664.41         17,860,577.68          1,595,186,181.75         4,228,377,871.33           37,866,322.74
      Current liability                102,007,170.26         5,089,049,191.91         14,426,466.13           186,373,956.07          3,670,142,393.48           22,302,980.98
      Non-current liability                          -                 97,806.58                     -                       -                           -                      -
      Total liability                  102,007,170.26         5,089,146,998.49         14,426,466.13           186,373,956.07          3,670,142,393.48           22,302,980.98
      Net assets share calculated
      according to proportion of       480,795,224.35           120,662,133.18             737,557.53          467,789,861.57             111,647,095.57            3,163,403.60
      Net book value of the
      equity investment in             480,795,224.35           120,662,133.18             737,557.53          467,789,861.57             111,647,095.57            3,163,403.60
      Income                           567,812,267.19            87,570,708.82         17,214,499.80           568,666,851.49              53,276,669.73          65,789,872.06
      Net profit                         80,981,754.16           45,075,188.07       (12,129,230.21)           171,275,757.70              32,225,306.31         (11,425,276.06)
      Other comprehensive
                                                     -                          -                    -                       -                           -                      -
      Total comprehensive
                                         80,981,754.16           45,075,188.07       (12,129,230.21)           171,275,757.70              32,225,306.31         (11,425,276.06)
      Dividend received from
      associates in the current          12,908,798.55                          -                    -          14,329,928.96                            -                      -


     The Group's major financial instruments include bank deposits, accounts receivable, interests
     receivable, other receivables, short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable, non-current
     liabilities due within one year, interests payable, other payables, other current liabilities, long-term
     borrowings, bonds payable and other non-current liabilities. Details of these financial instruments
     are disclosed in their correspondent notes. The risks associated with these financial instruments
     and the policies on how to mitigate these risks are set out below. Management manages and
     monitors these exposures to ensure the risks are monitored at a certain level.

     The Group adopts sensitivity analysis technique to analyze possible effects from reasonableness
     and possible change of risk variable to current profits and losses or shareholders' equity. Given
     that any risk variable seldom changing in isolation, the correlation between variables will have a
     significant effect on the final amount affected by the change of one risk variable. Thus the
     following content is under the assumption that the change of each variable is conducted

     1. Risk management objectives and policies

     The Group's risk management objectives are to achieve a proper balance between risks and yield,
     minimize the adverse impacts of risks on the Group's operation performance, and maximize the
     benefits of the shareholders and other stakeholders. Based on these risk management objectives,
     the Group's basic risk management strategy is to identify and analyze the Group's exposure to
     various risks, establish an appropriate maximum tolerance to risk, and implement risk
     management, and monitors regularly and effectively these exposures to ensure the risks are
     monitored at a certain level.

     1.1 Market risk

     1.1.1 Currency risk

     Currency risk is the risk that losses will occur because of changes in foreign exchange rates. The
     Group's exposure to the currency risk is primarily associated with RMB. As at 31 December 2016,
     the balance of the Group's assets and liabilities are both denominated in RMB except that the
     assets and liabilities set out below are denominated in foreign currencies.
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                           Items                           Ending balance             Opening balance
      Cash and cash equivalents                                    3,111,281.21                3,685,009.43

     The Group closely monitors the effects of changes in the foreign exchange rates on the Group's
     currency risk exposures.

     Foreign currency sensitive analysis

     Given that the Company holds a relatively small amount of assets and liabilities in foreign
     currency, the management considers that, where all other variables are held constant, the
     reasonably possible changes in exchange rates will not have a material pre-tax effect on the profit
     or loss for the period and shareholders' equity.


                  1.      Risk management objectives and policies - continued

     1.1 Market risk - continued

     1.1.2 Interest rate risk - risk of changes in cash flows

     The Group's cash flow interest rate risk of financial instruments relates primarily to variable-rate
     borrowings (see Note (V) 25, Note (V) 27and Note (V) 31 for details). It is the Group's policy to
     keep its borrowings at variable rate of interests so as to eliminate the fair value interest rate risk.

     Analysis on interest rate risk

     The sensitivity analysis on interest rate risk is based on the following assumptions:

            Changes in the market interest rate may influence the interest income or expense of the
            variable rate financial instruments;
            For fixed rate financial instruments measured at fair value, changes in the market interest rate
            only influence their interest income or expense;
            For derivative financial instruments designated as hedging instruments, changes in the
            market interest rate influence their fair values, and all the hedges of interest rate risk are
            expected to be highly effective;
            Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments and other financial assets and
            liabilities are calculated at the market interest rate as at the balance sheet date, using the
            method of discounted cash flow analysis.

     On the basis of the above assumptions, where all other variables are held constant, the reasonably
     possible changes in the interest rate may have the following pre-tax effect on the profit or loss for
     the period and shareholders' equity:
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                               Current year                                        Prior year
                                 Change in                                 Effect on                                          Effect on
                 Item           interest rate   Effect on profit      shareholders' equity      Effect on profit         shareholders' equity
        External borrowings    1% increase       (19,079,967.28)              (19,079,967.28)    (16,512,521.04)                (16,512,521.04)
        External borrowings    1% decrease         19,079,967.28               19,079,967.28      16,512,521.04                  16,512,521.04

     1.2 Credit risk

     As at 31 December 2016, the Group's maximum exposure to credit risk which will cause a
     financial loss to the Group due to failure to discharge an obligation by the counterparties and
     financial guarantees issued by the Group is arising from:

     (1)      The carrying amount of the respective recognized financial assets as stated in the
              consolidated balance sheet. For financial instruments measured at fair value, the carrying
              amount reflects the exposure to risks but not the maximum exposure to risks. The maximum
              exposure to risks would vary according to the future changes in fair value
     (2)      The amount of financial guarantees contract disclosed in Note (XIV) 9 (3) "Guarantees with
              related parties".


              1.   Risk management objectives and policies - continued

     1.2 Credit risk - continued

     In order to minimize the credit risk, the Group has delegated the finance department to be
     responsible for determination of credit limits, credit approvals and other monitoring procedures to
     ensure that follow-up action is taken to recover overdue debts. In addition, the Group reviews the
     recoverable amount of each individual trade debt at each balance sheet date to ensure that
     adequate impairment losses are made for irrecoverable amounts. In this regard, the management
     of the Group considers that the Group's credit risk is significantly reduced.

     The credit risk on liquid funds is limited because they are deposited with banks with high credit

     1.3 Liquidity risk

     In the management of the liquidity risk, the Group monitors and maintains a level of cash and
     cash equivalents deemed adequate by the management to finance the Group's operations and
     mitigate the effects of fluctuations in cash flows. The management monitors the utilization of
     bank borrowings and ensures compliance with loan covenants.

     As at 31 December 2016, the Group's current liabilities exceeds current assets by RMB
     1,947,699,729.74. The Group relies on bank borrowings as a significant source of liquidity. As at
     31 December 2016, and the Group still possessed RMB 1,834,296,592.27 unused bank credit line
     (As at 31 December 2015: RMB 1,708,721,692.27). The Group's management is confident that
     short-term borrowings will be rolled over or replaced by a new financing channel when due. In
     addition, Nanshan Group, has agreed when other outstanding debts owed by the Group fall due in
     the foreseeable future to provide all necessary financial support to the Company in the foreseeable
     future so as to maintain the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. Hence, the Group's
     Management believes the Group does not exist significant liquidity risk.


                  1.    Risk management objectives and policies - continued

       1.3 Liquidity risk - continued

       The following is the maturity analysis for financial assets and financial liabilities held by the
       Group which is based on undiscounted remaining contractual obligations:
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                          Item                               Within 1 year              1 year to 5 years             Over 5 years
        Non-derivative financial assets
        Cash and bank balances                                 524,609,097.58                                -                         -
        Accounts receivable                                     43,862,804.61                                -                         -
        Interest receivable                                        423,404.92                                -                         -
        Other receivables                                       63,863,606.97                                -                         -
        Non-derivative financial liabilities
        Short-term borrowings                                  872,953,967.36                                -                         -
        Notes payable                                           16,200,019.20                                -                         -
        Accounts payable                                        11,500,505.03                                -                         -
        Interests payable                                       23,856,299.00                                -                         -
        Other payables                                         437,522,424.61                                -                         -
        Other noncurrent liabilities due within
                                                               646,951,556.13                                -                         -
        one year
        Other current liabilities                              574,041,129.17                           -                            -
        Long-term borrowings                                    57,991,726.66              529,652,774.75             1,092,192,389.76
        Bonds payable                                           32,946,000.00              635,068,350.00                            -
        Other non-current liabilities                           21,221,000.00              535,421,508.33                            -


       1. Financial assets and financial liabilities that are not measured at fair value

       The management considers that the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities
       measured at amortized cost the financial statements are approximate to their fair values.


       1. Parent of the Company
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                 Shareholding     power
                        Registered                                                            Registered          percentage    percentage
        Entity name      location                       Business nature                     capital (RMB)            (%)           (%)
                                        Port and shipping, offshore oil service, real
        Nanshan        Guangdong
                                        estate development and new construction             900,000,000.00              51.79        51.79
        Group           Shenzhen

       The ultimate control party of the Company is Nanshan Group.


      2. Subsidiaries of the Company

      Details of the subsidiaries of the Company are set out in note (VII) 1.

      3. Associates and joint ventures of the Company

      Details of the associates and joint ventures of the Company are set out in note (VII) 2.

      4. Other related parties of the Company

                                                                                                                      Relationship between other
                                                                                                                        related parties and the
                                             Name of other related parties                                                    Company
       Shenzhen Nanshan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. ("Nanshan Real Estate Company")                            Controlled by the same party
       Chixiao Project Company                                                                                       Controlled by the same party
       Chixiao Construction Company                                                                                  Controlled by the same party
       Chixiao Business Co., Ltd. ("Chixiao Business Company")                                                       Controlled by the same party
       Shenzhen New Nanshan Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd.                                                               Controlled by the same party
       (Originally "Yahgee Modular House Co Ltd " "New Nanshan Holdings")
       Shenzhen Chiwan Oriental Logistics Co., Ltd. ("Shenzhen Oriental Logistics Company")                          Controlled by the same party
       Shenzhen Chiwan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. ("Chiwan Real Estate Company")                              Controlled by the same party
       Hefei Baowan International Logistics Center Co., Ltd.("Hefei Baowan")                                         Controlled by the same party
       Nanshan Hong Kong                                                                                             Controlled by the same party
       Hubei Ezhou Nanshan Lingang New Tow Development Co.,Ltd("Ezhou Nanshan Company")                              Controlled by the same party
       Shanghai Chiwan Oriental Logistics Co., Ltd. ("Shanghai Oriental Logistics Company")                          Controlled by the same party
       Jiaxing Modern Logistic Park Investment Development Co.,Ltd ("Jiaxing Investment                              Minority interest of Jiaxing
       Company”)                                                                                                    Supply Chain
       Directors, general manager, vice-general managers, etc. of the Company                                        Key management personnel

      5. Related party transactions

      (1) Provision and receipt of services

      Receipt of service
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                      Pricing and decision-making
                       Details of related party        procedures of related party
       Related party         transaction                       transactions          Amount for the current period      Amount for the prior period
      Nanshan Group Power supply service             By reference to market price                    3,021,282.30                     2,876,386.96
      CDFC            Letter of guarantee service    By reference to market price                       54,748.73                                 -
      Chixiao Project
                      Construction service           By reference to market price                                -                    2,688,395.00
      Total                                                                                          3,076,031.03                     5,564,781.96


      5. Related party transactions - continued

      (1) Provision and receipt of services - continued

      Provision of service
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                      Pricing and decision-making
                          Details of related party     procedures of related party
        Related party           transaction                    transactions          Amount for the current period   Amount for the prior period
                        Loading and unloading
      CSE                                            By reference to market price                    4,197,178.22                   1,781,531.46
      CSE               Stack (storage) service      By reference to market price                    3,704,755.60                   2,724,336.00
      Oriental Logistics Stack (storage) service     By reference to market price                     466,981.16                               -
                         Trusteeship management
      Hefei Baowan                                   By reference to market price                     440,383.68                     397,690.39
      CPEC              Stack (storage) service      By reference to market price                     288,950.68                     815,718.96
      Oriental Logistics
                         Maintenance service         By reference to market price                     190,388.19                               -
                        Loading and unloading
      CPEC                                           By reference to market price                      48,514.35                       42,405.23
      Nanshan Group     Stack (storage) service      By reference to market price                        9,600.00                       9,600.00
      Nanshan Group     Maintenance service          By reference to market price                        7,675.00                      41,957.95
      CDFC              Maintenance service          By reference to market price                        1,285.00                       5,750.00
      Total                                                                                          9,355,711.88                   5,818,989.99

      (2) Leases with related parties

      Leases where the Group is the lessor:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Lease income recognized         Lease income recognized
                    Name of lessee                       Type of leased assets          in the current year              in the prior year
      Nanshan Group                                         Office building                        6,606,800.81                    6,258,106.46
      CDFC                                                  Office building                        1,219,676.21                    1,165,280.76
      Chiwan Real Estate Company                            Office building                          989,714.20                      740,143.72
      CSE                                                   Office building                          785,836.56                      785,836.56
      Chixiao Enterprise                                    Office building                          463,171.17                       39,042.15
      CPEC                                                  Office building                          392,206.50                      455,129.28
      Shanghai Oriental Logistics Company                   Office building                          148,770.82                      131,040.00
      Nanshan Real Estate Company                           Office building                            87,765.12                      85,240.80
      Total                                                                                       10,693,941.39                    9,659,819.73

      Leases where the Group is the lessee:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Lease payment recognized Lease payment recognized
                    Name of lessor                       Type of leased assets          in the current year        in the prior year
      Nanshan Group                                           Site (note 1)                       27,241,673.80                  28,088,931.65
      Nanshan Group                                           Site (note 2)                         2,186,505.60                   2,053,780.27
      New Nanshan Holdings                                      Building                                         -                     4,920.00
      Total                                                                                       29,428,179.40                  30,147,631.92


      5. Related party transactions - continued

      Note 1: The leased assets include two pieces of lands which the Company has leased from
              Nanshan Group: one is to the east of Chiwan 1st Road, with the lease term from 1
              September 2006 to 31 August 2026; the other is the Chiwan east coast venue (phase I),
              with the lease term from 1 January 2012 to 14 July 2034.

      Note 2: The leased land is located to the southeast of the intersection of Chiwan 2nd Road and
              6th Road, which Shenzhen Baowan has leased from Nanshan Group, the Company's
              parent company.

      (3) Guarantees with related parties

                   The Group as the guaranteed party:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                      Whether execution
                                                   Guaranteed                     Inception date Expiration date of    of guarantee has
              Guarantor        Guaranteed items      party      Guaranteed amount of guarantee      guarantee          been completed
      Nanshan Group(note 1)   Corporate bond      The Company       570,000,000.00 17/12/2012        17/12/2019              No
      Nanshan Group(note 1)   Medium term note    The Company       400,000,000.00 09/03/2012        09/03/2017              No
      Nanshan Group(note 2)                       The Company       200,000,000.00 31/03/2012        30/03/2029              No
      Nanshan Group(note 3)                       The Company       120,000,000.00   29/11/2012      28/11/2029              No
                              Long-term           Wuhan                                                                      No
      Nanshan Group(note 4)                                          56,600,000.00 17/12/2014        16/12/2029
                              borrowings          Baowan
                              Long-term                                                                                      No
      Nanshan Group(note 5)                       The Company        45,280,000.00 28/06/2016        28/06/2017
                              Long-term           Guangzhou                                                                  No
      Nanshan Group(note 6)
                              borrowings          Baowan
                                                                    24,749,915.56 22/04/2014         21/04/2029

                              Long-term           Nanjing                                                                    No
      Nanshan Group(note 7)                                          18,612,543.06 29/05/2014        28/05/2029
                              borrowings          Baowan
      Total                                                       1,435,242,458.62

      Note 1: Guarantee provided by Nanshan Group for corporate bond and medium term note. See
              note (V) 28 for details.

      Note 2: Pursuant to the long-term borrowings contract, the loan withdrawal is expired, and the
              Company can no longer use the residual facility. Nanshan Group only provides guarantee
              for the closing balance of the loan within the guaranteed term. As at 31 December 2016,
              the closing balance of the aforesaid guaranteed loan is RMB126,019,651.68.

      Note 3: Pursuant to the long-term borrowings contract, the loan withdrawal is expired, and the
              Company can no longer use the residual facility. Nanshan Group only provides guarantee
              for the closing balance of the loan within the guaranteed term. As at 31 December 2016,
              the closing balance of the aforesaid guaranteed loan is RMB 52,804,650.36.


      5. Related party transactions - continued

      (3) Guarantees with related parties - continued

      Note 4: Pursuant to the long-term borrowings contract, Wuhan Baowan can apply for loans within
              the scope of guaranteed amount and guaranteed term. Nanshan Group and the Company
              has provide guarantee for the borrowings by 22.64% and 77.36% of the amount
              respectively. As at 31 December 2016, the closing balance of the aforesaid guaranteed
              loan is RMB 71,218,013.48, which Nanshan Group and the Company guarantee RMB
              16,123,758.25 and RMB 55,094,255.23 by 22.64% and 77.36% respectively.

      Note 5: Pursuant to the short-term borrowings contract, the Company has provided a maximum of
              RMB 200,000,000.00 irrevocable guarantee with joint-liability for Baowan Holdings,
              whereas Nanshan Group has provided a counter-guarantee against the Company by
              22.64% of RMB 200,000,000.00. As at 31 December 2016, the closing balance of the
              aforesaid guaranteed loan is RMB 50,000,000.00. See Note (V)17 for details.

      Note 6: Pursuant to the long-term borrowings contract, Guangzhou Baowan can apply for loans
              within the scope of guaranteed amount and guaranteed term. Nanshan Group and the
              Company has provide guarantee for the borrowings by 22.64% and 77.36% of the amount
              respectively. As at 31 December 2016, the closing balance of the aforesaid guaranteed
              loan is RMB 109,319,415.02, which Nanshan Group and the Company guarantee RMB
              24,749,915.56 and RMB 84,569,499.46 by 22.64% and 77.36% respectively.

      Note 7: Pursuant to the long-term borrowings contract, Nanjing Baowan can apply for loans
              within the scope of guaranteed amount and guaranteed term. Nanshan Group and the
              Company has provide guarantee for the borrowings by 22.64% and 77.36% of the amount
              respectively. As at 31 December 2016, the closing balance of the aforesaid guaranteed
              loan is RMB 82,210,879.23, which Nanshan Group and the Company guarantee RMB
              18,612,543.06 and RMB 63,598,336.17 by 22.64% and 77.36% respectively.

      Closing balances of the above note 2, note 3, note 4, note 6 and note 7 added up to RMB
      441,572,609.77. See note (V) 27 for details.


      5. Related party transactions - continued

      (4) Borrowings/loans with related parties
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                     Amount for the
                  Related party      current period       Inception date    Maturity date      Remarks
      Borrowed from:
      Nanshan Group                     294,000,000.00      25/01/2016        25/01/2017        Note 1
      Nanshan Group                     250,000,000.00      08/11/2016        08/11/2019        Note 2
      Nanshan Group                     240,000,000.00      11/11/2016        31/10/2019        Note 2
      Nanshan Group                     220,000,000.00      16/08/2016        16/08/2017        Note 1
      Nanshan Group                     210,000,000.00      28/12/2016        28/12/2017        Note 3
      Nanshan Group                     200,000,000.00      18/08/2016        18/08/2017        Note 1
      CDFC                              207,900,000.00      27/05/2016        27/05/2026        Note 4
      CDFC                              100,000,000.00      31/03/2016        30/03/2019        Note 5
      CDFC                              100,000,000.00      29/12/2016        29/12/2019        Note 5
      CDFC                               95,000,000.00      07/11/2016        07/11/2026        Note 4
      CDFC                               70,000,000.00      04/08/2016        04/08/2026        Note 4
      CDFC                               64,455,100.00      08/12/2016        08/12/2019        Note 5
      CDFC                               54,000,000.00      17/10/2016        17/10/2026        Note 4
      Nanshan Group                      50,000,000.00      15/08/2016        15/08/2017        Note 1
      CDFC                               35,000,000.00      01/08/2016        01/08/2019        Note 6
      Total                           2,190,355,100.00
      Lent to:
      CDFC                                (500,000.00)      04/08/2016        04/08/2026        Note 4
      CDFC                                (500,000.00)      17/10/2016        17/10/2026        Note 4
      CDFC                               (1,000,000.00)     27/05/2016        27/05/2026        Note 4
      CDFC                            (100,000,000.00)      30/12/2015        29/12/2016        Note 7
      Nanshan Group                   (200,000,000.00)      18/08/2016        18/08/2017        Note 1
      Nanshan Group                   (210,000,000.00)      16/08/2016        16/08/2017        Note 1
      Nanshan Group                   (251,417,853.31)        Note 8            Note 8
      Nanshan Group                   (700,000,000.00)      11/11/2011        11/11/2016        Note 9
      Total                          (1,463,417,853.31)

      Note 1: The loan is used for the business turnover of the Company. The annual interest rate is

      Note 2: The loan is used for the business turnover of the Group. The interest rate is floated
              quarterly, which is 4.2750% during the year.
      Note 3: The loan is used for the business turnover of the Group. The annual interest rate is
      Note 4: The loan is used for repaid other loans. The interest rate is floated quarterly, which is
              4.9000% during the year.
      Note 5: The loan is used for the business turnover of the Company. The interest rate is floated
              quarterly, which is 4.7500% during the year.


      5. Related party transactions - continued

      (4) Borrowings/loans with related parties - continued

      Note 6: The loan is used for logistic park construction. The interest rate is floated quarterly,
              which is 4.7500% during the year.

      Note 7: The loan was used for the business turnover of the Company, of which annual interest
              rate was 4.1325% and was fully repaid during the year.

      Note 8: The loan was not fixed with repayment terms and interest rate was refer to market rate.

      Note 9: The loan was used for the business turnover of the Company, of which annual interest
              rate was 6.8150% and was fully repaid during the year.

      (5) Interest incomes and expenses with related parties

      Interest/investment income gained from deposits/purchase of bank financing products

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                              Type of related party   Pricing principle of related   Amount for the current   Amount for the prior
              Related party       transaction              party transaction               period                  period
                                                       Negotiated interest rate
      CDFC (note)                Interest income                                               1,775,494.79              104,145.68
                                                       (referred to market rate)

      Note: Interest incomes from CDFC is due to current deposits placed in CDFC by the Group.

      Interest expense for borrowings
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Amount for             Amount for
                              Type of related party   Pricing principle of related
              Related party       transaction              party transaction           the current period       the prior period
                                                       Negotiated interest rate
      Nanshan Group             Interest expense
                                                       (referred to market rate)
                                                                                            62,825,137.53             71,161,521.03

                                                       Negotiated interest rate
      Nanshan Hong Kong         Interest expense
                                                       (referred to market rate)
                                                                                            10,238,175.00             11,378,791.67

                                                       Negotiated interest rate
      CDFC                      Interest expense
                                                       (referred to market rate)
                                                                                            17,556,739.68                 22,958.33

      Ezhou Nanshan                                    Negotiated interest rate
      Company (note)
                                Interest expense
                                                       (referred to market rate)
                                                                                             1,694,202.43                            -

      Total                                                                                 92,314,254.64             82,563,271.03

      Note: Represents interest expense generated from prepayment for land use right by Ezhou
            Nanshan Company on behalf of Ezhou Baowan, subsidiary of the Company. Ezhou
            Baowan has fully repaid Ezhou Nanshan Company during the year.
      (6) Compensation for key management personnel
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                               Amount incurred in the Amount incurred in the
                                     Item                                         current period          prior period
      Compensation for key management personnel                                         7,385,803.81                5,795,754.00


      6. Amounts due from / to related parties

      (1) Amounts due from related parties
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                              Closing balance                           Opening balance
                                                                                            Bad debt                                 Bad debt
               Item                       Related party             Carrying amount        provision          Carrying amount        provision
                                  Hefei Baowan                          466,806.70                     -          397,690.39                           -
                                  CPEC                                  318,036.50             3,180.37           314,290.30               3,142.90
                                  CSE                                   268,743.22             2,687.43         1,179,367.56              11,793.68
       Accounts receivable        Oriental Logistics Company            246,973.65                     -                     -                         -
                                  Chiwan Real Estate Company              82,595.70              825.96           243,315.68               2,433.16
                                  Nanshan Group                           76,616.55              766.17                      -                         -
                                  Total                               1,459,772.32             7,459.93         2,134,663.93              17,369.74
                                  Jiaxing Investment Company         15,333,000.00                     -                     -                         -
                                  CSE                                     27,336.60              273.37            11,571.48                 115.71
       Other receivable           Hefei Baowan                                      -                  -           79,200.00                           -
                                  Nanshan Group                            2,750.00               27.50              2,750.00                 27.50
                                  Total                              15,363,086.60               300.87            93,521.48                 143.21

      (2) Amounts due to related parties
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                           Item                                     Related party                  Closing balance               Opening balance
      Short-term Borrowing                          CDFC                                                              -             100,000,000.00
      Accounts payable                              Nanshan Group                                          7,286,492.59               4,340,013.89
                                                    Chixiao Project Company                                  93,258.66                             -
                                                    CSE                                                      16,554.40                   16,554.40
                                                    Chixiao Construction Company                               9,740.00                 102,998.66
                                                    Total                                                  7,406,045.65               4,459,566.95
      Interest payable                              CDFC                                                    888,845.72                   22,958.33
                                                    Nanshan Group                                           570,633.32                6,758,208.33
                                                    Total                                                  1,459,479.04               6,781,166.66
      Other payables                                Nanshan Hong Kong                                   21,655,761.67                11,921,567.32
                                                    Nanshan Group                                       13,598,928.74                16,228,098.95
                                                    Chixiao Project Company                                8,718,573.62              15,004,897.43
                                                    Chixiao Construction Company                           4,840,413.70               2,156,683.47
                                                    CSE                                                     255,726.00                  255,726.00
                                                    CPEC                                                    204,224.04                  204,224.04
                                                    Oriental Logistics Company                              179,375.00                   26,165.00
                                                    Chiwan Real Estate Company                               62,059.90                             -
                                                    Chixiao Business Company                                 35,790.30                             -
                                                    Total                                               49,550,852.97                45,797,362.21
      Non-current liabilities due within one year   Nanshan Hong Kong                                  210,000,000.00                              -
                                                    CSE                                                     785,836.56                  785,836.56
                                                    Nanshan Group                                                     -             700,000,000.00
                                                    Total                                              210,785,836.56               700,785,836.56
      Other current liabilities                     Nanshan Group                                      564,000,000.00                              -
                                                    Nanshan Hong Kong                                                 -               6,000,000.00
                                                    Total                                              564,000,000.00                 6,000,000.00
      Long-term Borrowing                           CDFC                                               724,355,100.00                              -


       6. Amounts due from / to related parties - continued

       (2) Amounts due to related parties - continued
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                            Item                            Related party        Closing balance         Opening balance
       Long-term payables                   Nanshan Group                                          -        251,417,853.31
       Other non-current liabilities        Nanshan Group                          490,000,000.00                          -
                                            Nanshan Hong Kong                         6,000,000.00          210,000,000.00
                                            CSE                                       3,879,199.02            4,665,035.58
                                            Total                                  499,879,199.02           214,665,035.58

       7. Amounts deposited in related parties

       Cash and bank balances deposited in related parties
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                      Item                              Related party           Closing balance          Opening balance
        Cash and bank balances                             CDFC                   177,270,206.74              5,685,248.40


       1. Significant commitments

       (1) Capital commitments
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                            Closing balance            Opening balance
        Capital commitments that have been entered into but have not
        been recognized in the financial statements:
         - Commitment for acquisition and construction of long-term           297,349,050.63               97,735,552.60

       (2) Operating lease commitments

       At the balance sheet date, the Group had the following commitments in respect of non-cancellable
       operating leases:
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                            Closing balance            Opening balance
        Minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating
        1st year subsequent to the balance sheet date                           33,118,298.13              32,009,734.28
        2nd year subsequent to the balance sheet date                           39,388,509.13              37,502,362.78
        3rd year subsequent to the balance sheet date                           38,814,361.08              38,491,811.94
        Subsequent periods                                                    449,937,149.06              478,357,846.90
        Total                                                                 561,258,317.40              586,361,755.90

       2. Contingency

       There is no significant contingency needed to be disclosed for the Group.


     1. Significant acquisition

          On 23 January 2017, the Company's Board of Directors approved the Motion on Acquiring
     100% share of Jiangsu Jinwanxin Business Co.,Ltd, which agreed to have Kunshan Baowan,
     subsidiary of the Company, to acquire 100% share of Jiangsu Jinwanxin Business Co.,Ltd with
     maximum consideration of RMB 119,360,000.00. This transaction was not significant assets
     reorganization specified in Management Method of Listed Company Significant Assets
     Reorganization, nor was transaction between related parties.

     2. Set up new subsidiaries

     (1)      Baowan Holdings, subsidiary of the Company, set up a 100% share subsidiary in Wuhan,
              Hubei province. The newly set-up subsidiary, Hubei Baowan Logistic Investment Co.,Ltd,
              has obtained business license on 16 February 2017, and plans to invest in e-commerce
              project in Qinshan District of Wuhan, with land coverage of 441 Mu and initial investment
              of RMB 1,070,000,000.00.

     (2)      On 23 January 2017, the Company's Board of Directors approved to have Baowan Holdings,
              subsidiary of the Company, to invest and build logistic park project in Zhangzhou, Fujian
              Province, with land coverage of 196 Mu and initial investment of RMB 434,000,000.00.


     1. Borrowing costs
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                     Amount of borrowing
                                  Item                               costs during the year   Capitalization rate
      Construction in progress                                                6,142,146.18                   5.01%
      Sub-total of borrowing costs capitalized during the year               6,142,146.18
      Borrowing costs recognized in profit or loss during the year         184,072,054.15
      Total                                                                190,214,200.33

   2. Segment reporting

   (1) Determining basis of reporting segment and accounting policy

     Based on the Group's internal organization structure, management requirements and internal
     operating system, the operations of the Group are classified into four operating segments. The
     reporting segments are determined based on the specific circumstances of the Group. On the basis
     of operating segments, the Group identifies four reporting segments. The Group's management
     periodically evaluates the operating results of these reporting segments to make decisions about
     resources to be allocated to the segments and assess their performance. Major products and
     services delivered or provided by each of the reporting segments are: stack (storage), loading and
     unloading, port management, office leasing and others.

     Segment information is disclosed in accordance with the accounting policies and measurement criteria
     adopted by each segment when reporting to management. The measurement criteria are consistent
     with the accounting and measurement criteria in the preparation of the financial statements.

     2. Segment reporting - continued

     (2) Reporting segment information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                   Stack (storage)                         Loading and unloading                    Port management                       Office leasing and others                   Unallocated items                    Inter-segment eliminations                         Total

                                         Current year            Prior year          Current year          Prior year       Current year         Prior year          Current year            Prior year       Current year          Prior year         Current year           Prior year       Current year           Prior year
      Operating income:

      External revenue                    550,059,948.71         520,194,029.77        29,073,126.97        36,833,559.77     16,887,119.45      16,648,654.99         81,771,135.98          76,603,271.81                                        -                                       -   677,791,331.11         650,279,516.34

      Inter-segment revenue                               -                      -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -                                        -                                       -                  -                    -

      Total segment operating
                                          550,059,948.71         520,194,029.77        29,073,126.97        36,833,559.77     16,887,119.45      16,648,654.99         81,771,135.98          76,603,271.81                                        -                                       -   677,791,331.11         650,279,516.34

     Reconciling items:

     Total operating income in the financial statements                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        677,791,331.11         650,279,516.34

      Operating costs                     209,112,081.97         201,719,829.80        30,820,322.74        33,060,506.50      5,847,984.04      13,189,448.38         54,127,867.43          49,032,730.20                                        -                                       -   299,908,256.18         297,002,514.88

      Segment operating profit
                                          340,947,866.74         318,474,199.97       (1,747,195.77)         3,773,053.27     11,039,135.41           3,459,206.61     27,643,268.55          27,570,541.61                                        -                                       -   377,883,074.93         353,277,001.46

      Reconciling items:

     Business taxes and levies             37,579,903.93             28,945,688.71      1,986,265.90         2,049,567.46      1,153,722.11            926,398.15       5,586,575.50           4,262,514.24                                        -                                       -    46,306,467.44          36,184,168.56

     Selling expenses                       1,077,360.05              1,794,630.86                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -                                        -                                       -     1,077,360.05           1,794,630.86

     General and administrative            72,813,127.12             58,032,564.09      3,848,499.23         4,109,131.97      2,235,399.94           1,857,314.93     10,824,296.76           8,545,819.50     26,885,918.15        22,986,696.69                                         -   116,607,241.20          95,531,527.18

     Financial expenses                                   -                      -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -    181,754,411.70       165,115,346.59                                         -   181,754,411.70         165,115,346.59

     Impairment loss of assets                            -                      -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -        (98,698.65)            975,282.77                                       -      (98,698.65)            975,282.77

     Investment income                                    -                      -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -     33,786,630.43        75,110,506.18                                         -    33,786,630.43          75,110,506.18

     Operating profit                     229,477,475.64         229,701,316.31       (7,581,960.90)       (2,385,646.16)      7,650,013.36            675,493.53      11,232,396.29          14,762,207.87   (174,755,000.77)    (113,966,819.87)                                         -    66,022,923.62         128,786,551.68

     Non-operating income                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        9,294,068.84          13,638,110.34

     Non-operating expenses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2,950,166.24           1,520,513.80

     Total profit                         229,477,475.64         229,701,316.31       (7,581,960.90)       (2,385,646.16)      7,650,013.36            675,493.53      11,232,396.29          14,762,207.87   (174,755,000.77)    (113,966,819.87)                                         -    72,366,826.22         140,904,148.22


     2. Segment reporting - continued

     (2) Reporting segment information - continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                               Stack (storage)                         Loading and unloading                    Port management                       Office leasing and others                    Unallocated items                       Inter-segment eliminations                         Total

                                     Current year            Prior year          Current year          Prior year       Current year         Prior year          Current year            Prior year       Current year           Prior year            Current year           Prior year       Current year             Prior year

     Total segment assets            8,417,395,609.73     6,112,058,474.17       444,896,982.40        432,778,652.28   258,418,315.05      195,614,611.07       1,251,318,156.53       900,055,844.21    7,582,487,347.46     4,309,057,943.37     (10,405,474,885.05)   (6,305,608,885.93)   7,549,041,526.12       5,643,956,639.17

     Reconciling items:

     Total assets in the financial
                                     8,417,395,609.73     6,112,058,474.17       444,896,982.40        432,778,652.28   258,418,315.05      195,614,611.07       1,251,318,156.53       900,055,844.21    7,582,487,347.46     4,309,057,943.37     (10,405,474,885.05)   (6,305,608,885.93)   7,549,041,526.12       5,643,956,639.17

     Total segment liabilities       3,145,193,547.44     3,683,349,074.33       166,237,537.50        260,808,180.25     96,559,037.34     117,884,490.09        467,560,035.69        542,406,437.14    4,508,785,899.45     1,791,445,607.21      (3,449,384,140.89)   (2,823,028,658.71)   4,934,951,916.53       3,572,865,130.31

     Reconciling items:

     Total liabilities in the
                                     3,145,193,547.44     3,683,349,074.33       166,237,537.50        260,808,180.25     96,559,037.34     117,884,490.09        467,560,035.69        542,406,437.14    4,508,785,899.45     1,791,445,607.21      (3,449,384,140.89)   (2,823,028,658.71)   4,934,951,916.53       3,572,865,130.31
     financial statements

     Supplementary information:

     Depreciation                     117,246,462.77             86,260,134.07      6,196,999.63         6,107,851.34      3,599,525.88           2,760,729.90     17,429,693.75          12,702,584.26                  -                      -                     -                    -    144,472,682.03         107,831,299.57

     Amortization                      48,250,468.73             33,257,254.13      2,550,252.94         2,354,857.97      1,481,313.87           1,064,388.51      7,172,846.61           4,897,431.21                  -                      -                     -                    -     59,454,882.15          41,573,931.82

     Interest income                                -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -       5,052,488.85         5,895,451.65                       -                    -       5,052,488.85           5,895,451.65

     Interest expense                               -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -    184,072,054.15        167,722,185.43                       -                    -    184,072,054.15         167,722,185.43

     Impairment losses
     recognized in the current                      -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -        (98,698.65)             975,282.77                     -                    -        (98,698.65)            975,282.77

     Investment income from
     long-term equity investment                    -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -     32,503,352.87         58,968,248.53                       -                    -     32,503,352.87          58,968,248.53
     under equity method

     Long-term equity
     investments under equity                       -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -    602,194,915.06        582,600,360.74                       -                    -    602,194,915.06         582,600,360.74

     Non-current assets other
     than long-term equity                          -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -   6,297,953,397.17     4,393,821,145.20                       -                    -   6,297,953,397.17       4,393,821,145.20

     Capital expenditure                            -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -   1,446,513,885.08       551,067,384.83                       -                    -   1,446,513,885.08        551,067,384.83

     Including.: Expenditure
     arising from construction in                   -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -    307,175,878.14        392,050,771.00                       -                    -    307,175,878.14         392,050,771.00

     Expenditure arising from
                                                    -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -     19,040,730.65          8,461,997.66                       -                    -     19,040,730.65            8,461,997.66
     purchase of fixed assets

     Expenditure arising from
     purchase of Investment                                                                                                                                                                                265,673,564.47              125,037.42                                               265,673,564.47             125,037.42

     Expenditure arising from
                                                    -                        -                  -                   -                  -                     -                  -                     -    854,623,711.82        150,429,578.75                       -                    -    854,623,711.82         150,429,578.75
     purchase of intangible assets


     2. Segment reporting - continued

     (3) External revenue by geographical area of source and non-current assets by geographical location

     All external revenues of the Group were derived from PRC and all non-current assets of the
     Group were located in the PRC.

     (4) Degree of reliance on major customers

     There is no transaction from single customer accounting for over 10% of the total income of the

      1. Cash and bank balances
                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                   Item                                                           Closing balance                                Opening balance
       RMB                                                                                                                           1,430.33                                        2,067.93
       Singapore Dollar                                                                                                              4,590.72                                        5,933.93
       Hong Kong Dollar                                                                                                              3,086.03                                        2,819.04
       Euro                                                                                                                          2,776.58                                        2,698.00
       United States Dollar                                                                                                            395.41                                        1,135.75
       Sub-total                                                                                                                  12,279.07                                         14,654.65
       Bank balances:
       RMB                                                                                                                    12,667,131.04                                 27,237,604.20
       Hong Kong Dollar                                                                                                        1,371,585.77                                  1,268,546.63
       United States Dollar                                                                                                     269,386.74                                      287,974.48
       Sub-total                                                                                                              14,308,103.55                                 28,794,125.31
       Total                                                                                                                  14,320,382.62                                 28,808,779.96

     2. Accounts receivable
     (1) Disclosure of accounts receivable by categories:
                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                          Closing balance                                                                        Opening balance
                                 Carrying amount               Bad debt provision                                  Carrying amount                     Bad debt provision
                                              Proportio                     Proportion         Net book                         Proportion                         Proportion
           Category            Amount           n (%)        Amount            (%)              value          Amount              (%)              Amount            (%)            Net book value
      receivable that are
                                          -           -                -                 -                -               -                  -               -                  -                     -
      significant and
      provided for bad
      debt individually
      Accounts receivable for which bad debt provision has been assessed by portfolios
      Portfolio 1                         -           -                -                 -                -               -                  -               -                  -                     -
      Portfolio 2           22,403,886.44        100.00      224,038.86             1.00     22,179,847.58    22,515,346.10           99.28         225,153.46              1.00      22,290,192.64
      Subtotal of
                            22,403,886.44        100.00      224,038.86                      22,179,847.58    22,515,346.10           99.28         225,153.46                        22,290,192.64
      receivable that are
      not individually
      significant but for
                                          -           -                -                 -                -     164,138.40             0.72         164,138.40         100.00                         -
      which bad debt
      provision has been
      Total                 22,403,886.44        100.00      224,038.86                      22,179,847.58    22,679,484.50          100.00         389,291.86                        22,290,192.64


       2. Accounts receivable - continued

       (1) Disclosure of accounts receivable by categories - continued:

     Accounts receivable portfolios for which bad debt provision has been assessed using the percentage
of accounts receivable method:
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                         Closing balance
                                                                                                 Proportion of provision
                      Name of portfolio            Carrying amount       Bad debt provision               (%)
        Portfolio 2                                     22,403,886.44             224,038.86                       1.00

    Basis for determining the above portfolio: See Note(III)10.2.

       (2) Provision being recorded and reversed in the current period

       Provision being recorded is zero and being reversed is RMB 1,114.63 in the current period. And
       being written-off is RMB 164,138.37 in the current period

    (3) Provision being written-off in the current period
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                  Name of entity                                              Written-off
       Shenzhen Lanjing Offshore Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         164,138.37

       (4) Top five entities with the largest balances of accounts receivable
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                         Proportion of the
                                                                        amount to the total
                                                                        accounts receivable       Bad debt provision
                       Name of entity                   Amount                 (%)                 Closing Balance
        Customer 1                                       7,227,001.39                  32.26                72,270.01
        Customer 5                                       1,344,983.87                   6.00                13,449.84
        Customer 11                                      1,324,067.02                   5.91                13,240.67
        Customer 12                                      1,171,896.02                   5.23                11,718.96
        Customer 13                                      1,136,957.94                   5.07                11,369.58
        Total                                           12,204,906.24                  54.47              122,049.06


     3. Other receivables

     (1) Disclosure of other receivables by categories
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                      Closing balance                                                                               Opening balance
                                       Carrying amount                      Bad debt provision                                        Carrying amount                     Bad debt provision
                                                     Proportion                         Proportion                                                Proportion                          Proportion
              Category             Amount               (%)              Amount            (%)            Net book value          Amount             (%)              Amount             (%)           Net book value
      Other receivables
      that are individually
      significant and                          -                  -               -                  -                     -                  -              -                  -                  -                    -
      provided for bad
      debt individually
      Other receivables for which bad debt provision has been assessed by portfolios
      Portfolio 1              457,636,342.31             99.85                   -               -       457,636,342.31       1,518,053,170.11          99.91                  -                  -   1,518,053,170.11
      Portfolio 2                   680,788.88              0.15         6,807.89             1.00            673,980.99          1,349,341.95            0.09          13,493.42              1.00       1,335,848.53
      Subtotal of
                               458,317,131.19            100.00          6,807.89                         458,310,323.30       1,519,402,512.06         100.00          13,493.42                      1,519,389,018.64
      Other receivables
      that are not
      significant but for
                                               -               -                  -               -                        -                  -                -                -                  -                    -
      which bad debt
      provision has been
      Total                    458,317,131.19            100.00          6,807.89                         458,310,323.30       1,519,402,512.06         100.00          13,493.42                      1,519,389,018.64

     Other receivables portfolios for which bad debt provision has been assessed using the percentage
     of accounts receivable method:
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                            Closing balance
                                                                                                                                                                                    Proportion of provision
                              Name of portfolio                                               Other receivables                           Bad debt provision                                 (%)
       Portfolio 2                                                                                            680,788.88                                    6,807.89                                           1.00

   Basis for determining the above portfolio: See Note(III)10.2.

     (2) Provision being recorded and reversed in the current period

     Provision being recorded is zero and being reversed is RMB 6,685.53 in the current period.

     (3) Top five entities with the largest balances of other receivables
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                   Proportion of the
                                                                                                                                                                     amount to the                 Bad debt
                Name of entity                             Nature                                        Amount                          Aging
                                                                                                                                                                       total other              closing Balance
                                                                                                                                                                    receivables (%)
                                                Amount due from
       Mingjiang international                                                                   130,843,804.90                   Within 1 year                                 28.55                                   -
                                                 related parties
                                                   Amount due from
       Tianjin Baowan                                                                            104,045,923.86                   Within 1 year                                 22.70                                   -
                                                    related parties
       Langfang Baowan                             Amount due from                                91,453,113.76                   Within 1 year                                 19.95                                   -
                                                    related parties
                                                   Amount due from
       Guangzhou Baowan                                                                           73,806,105.00                   Within 1 year                                 16.10                                   -
                                                    related parties
       Longquan Baowan                             Amount due from                                56,124,406.58                   Within 1 year                                 12.25                                   -
                                                    related parties
       Total                                                                                     456,273,354.10                                                                 99.55                                   -


     4. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                               Changes in the current period
                                                                                                  Adjustment on                    Announcing
                                                                                Investment income     other                            cash                                                             Closing
                                                  Increase in       Decrease in   recognized by   comprehensive Other equity       dividends or                                                       balance on
                 Investee    Opening balance      investment        investment    equity method      income       changes             profits         Provision       Others       Closing balance     provision
     1. Subsidiaries
     Baowan Holdings           830,531,987.58 1,701,920,000.00               -                  -               -              -                  -               -            -   2,532,451,987.58                -
     Shenzhen Baowan             41,273,772.13                  -            -                  -               -              -                  -               -            -      41,273,772.13                -
     Chengdu oil gas base        31,820,000.00    27,466,564.59              -                  -               -              -                  -               -            -      59,286,564.59                -
     Subtotal                  903,625,759.71 1,729,386,564.59               -                  -               -              -                  -               -            -   2,633,012,324.30                -

     2. Associates
     CSE                       467,789,861.57                   -            -      25,914,161.33               -              - 12,908,798.55                    -                  480,795,224.35
     CDFC                       111,647,095.57                  -            -       9,015,037.61               -              -                  -               -                  120,662,133.18
     CPEC                         3,163,403.60                  -            -     (2,425,846.07)               -              -                  -               -                      737,557.53
     Subtotal                  582,600,360.74                   -            -      32,503,352.87               -              - 12,908,798.55                    -                  602,194,915.06
     Total                    1,486,226,120.45 1,729,386,564.59              -      32,503,352.87               -              - 12,908,798.55                    -                3,235,207,239.36

     There is no restrictions on the ability of transferring funds to the Company from the investee entities which are held by the Company as long-term
     equity investment as at 31 December 2016.


     5. Long-term borrowings

     Categories of long-term borrowings
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                         Closing balance         Opening balance
     Credit loans(note 1)                                                              200,000,000.00                            -
     Guaranteed loans (note 2)                                                         178,824,302.04           181,224,302.04
     Total                                                                             378,824,302.04           181,224,302.04

     Note 1: Represents long-term loans borrowed from CDFC, with annual interest rate of 4.7500%.
             See note (XIV) 9(4) for details.

     Note 2: The annual interest rate of the guaranteed loans is 4.9000% (31 December 2015:
             4.9000%). Nanshan Group has provided a full-amount irrevocable guarantee with joint-
             liability for the said loans. See note (X) 5(3) for details.

     6. Operating income and operating costs
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                          Amount recognized in the current period        Amount recognized in the prior period
                     Item                 Operating income       Operating costs        Operating income       Operating costs
      Principal operating activities          141,419,025.81        90,338,986.01          165,619,871.51        107,497,621.13
      Other operating activities                 103,198.14          1,188,766.29              798,124.52          3,186,784.41
      Total                                   141,522,223.95        91,527,752.30          166,417,996.03        110,684,405.54

     7. Investment income

     Details of investment income
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                              Amount recognized            Amount recognized
                                       Item                                   in the current period        in the prior period
      Income from long-term equity investments under equity method                   32,503,352.87               58,968,248.53
      Income from bank financing products                                               1,283,277.56            15,739,426.42
      Income from long-term equity investments under cost method                        1,818,877.49             1,217,702.94
      Total                                                                            35,605,507.92            75,925,377.89


     8. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

     Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                               Supplementary information                                  Current period                    Prior period
      1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating activities:

             Net profit                                                                      (60,463,426.30)                   27,165,472.23
             Add:    Provision for impairment losses of assets                                       (7,800.16)                 (121,978.29)
                     Depreciation of fixed assets                                               9,368,412.18                   10,291,248.18
                     Amortization of intangible assets                                         16,890,727.39                   16,786,846.12
                     Depreciation of investment properties                                      5,727,365.81                    5,920,143.84
                     Losses (gains) on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets              1,860,433.37                       67,310.36
                     and other long-term assets
                     Financial expenses                                                        99,957,815.39                   64,085,023.82
                     Losses (gains) arising from investments                                 (35,605,507.92)                 (75,925,377.89)
                     Decrease (increase) in deferred tax assets                                 9,635,782.89                   (9,497,897.67)
                     Decrease (increase) in inventories                                              (1,413.83)                   (47,250.88)
                     Decrease (increase) in receivables from operating activities               (969,080.36)                   12,697,490.83
                     Increase (decrease) in payables from operating activities               (14,232,512.39)                 (21,954,941.46)
                     Net cash flow from operating activities                                   32,160,796.07                   29,466,089.19
      2. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
             Closing balance of cash (note)                                                    14,320,382.62                   28,808,779.96
             Less:   Opening balance of cash                                                   28,808,779.96                  110,176,958.92
             Add:    Closing balance of cash equivalents                                                      -                              -
             Less:   Opening balance of cash equivalents                                                      -                              -
             Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                            (14,488,397.34)                 (81,368,178.96)

     9. Related party transactions

     (1) Provision and receipt of services

     Receipt of service
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                      Pricing and decision-making
                                      Details of related party         procedures of related party     Amount for the         Amount for the
              Related party                 transaction                        transactions            current period          prior period
     Nanshan Group                 Power supply service               By reference to market price          2,686,320.90           2,558,805.26
     Chixiao Project Company Construction service                     By reference to market price                      -          2,688,395.00
     Total                                                                                                  2,686,320.90           5,247,200.26


     9. Related party transactions - continued

     (1) Provision and receipt of services - continued

     Provision of service
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                              Pricing and decision-making
                                    Details of related party   procedures of related party     Amount for the      Amount for the
             Related party                transaction                  transactions            current period       prior period
     CSE                        Loading and unloading service By reference to market price         4,197,178.22       1,781,531.46
     CSE                        Stack (storage)                By reference to market price        3,704,755.60       2,724,336.00
     CPEC                       Stack (storage)                By reference to market price          288,950.68         815,718.96
     CPEC                       Loading and unloading service By reference to market price             48,514.35         42,405.23
     Nanshan Group              Stack (storage)                By reference to market price             9,600.00          9,600.00

     Nanshan Group              Maintenance service            By reference to market price             7,675.00         41,957.95
     CDFC                       Maintenance service            By reference to market price             1,285.00          5,750.00
     Total                                                                                         8,257,958.85       5,421,299.60

     (2) Leases with related parties

     Leases where the Company is the lessor:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Lease income          Lease income
                                                                                   recognized in the   recognized in the prior
                       Name of lessee                   Type of leased assets         current year              year
     Nanshan Group                                        Office building                 6,606,800.81           6,258,106.46
     CDFC                                                  Office building                1,219,676.21               1,165,280.76
     Chiwan Real Estate                                    Office building                    989,714.20               740,143.72
     CSE                                                   Office building                    785,836.56               785,836.56
     Chixiao Enterprise                                    Office building                    463,171.17                39,042.15
     CPEC                                                  Office building                    392,206.50               455,129.28
     Nanshan Real Estate Company                           Office building                     87,765.12                85,240.80
     Total                                                                               10,545,170.57               9,528,779.73

     Leases where the Company is the lessee:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Lease payment              Lease payment
                                                                                   recognized in the       recognized in the prior
                       Name of lessor                   Type of leased assets         current year                  year
     Nanshan Group                                              Site                     27,241,673.80              28,088,931.65


     9. Related party transactions - continued

                 (3) Guarantees with related parties

     The Company as the guarantor:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                           Inception date of       Expiration date   Whether execution of guarantee
         Guaranteed party         Guaranteed amount            guarantee            of guarantee          has been completed
     Baowan Holdings (note)            200,000,000.00         28/06/2016            28/06/2017                    No
     Wuhan Baowan (note)               193,400,000.00         17/12/2014              16/12/2029                     No
     Guangzhou Baowan (note)            85,654,000.00         22/04/2014              21/04/2029                     No
     Nanjing Baowan (note)              64,996,000.00         29/05/2014              28/05/2029                     No
     Total                             544,050,000.00

     Note: See Note X (5)3 for details of closing balances of guaranteed bank loans.

     The Company as the guaranteed party:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                           Inception date of       Expiration date   Whether execution of guarantee
              Guarantor          Guaranteed amount             guarantee            of guarantee          has been completed
     Nanshan Group                     570,000,000.00         17/12/2012            17/12/2019                    No
     Nanshan Group                     400,000,000.00         09/03/2012              09/03/2017                     No
     Baowan Holdings                   300,000,000.00         08/03/2016              07/03/2018                     No
     Nanshan Group                     200,000,000.00         31/03/2012              30/03/2029                     No
     Nanshan Group                     120,000,000.00         29/11/2012              28/11/2029                     No
     Nanshan Group                      45,280,000.00         28/06/2016              28/06/2017                     No
     Total                           1,635,280,000.00

     (4) Borrowings/loans with related parties
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                 Related party           Amount for the current period         Inception date        Maturity date          Remarks
      Borrowed from:
      Nanshan Group                                     240,000,000.00          11/11/2016            31/10/2019             Note 1
      Nanshan Group                                     220,000,000.00          16/08/2016            16/08/2017             Note 2
      Nanshan Group                                     210,000,000.00          28/12/2016            28/12/2017             Note 3
      Nanshan Group                                     200,000,000.00          18/08/2016            18/08/2017             Note 2
      CDFC                                              100,000,000.00          31/03/2016            30/03/2019             Note 4
      CDFC                                              100,000,000.00          29/12/2016            29/12/2019             Note 4
      Total                                           1,070,000,000.00          11/11/2016            31/10/2019
      Lent to:
      CDFC                                            (100,000,000.00)          30/12/2015            29/12/2016             Note 5
      Nanshan Group                                   (200,000,000.00)          18/08/2016            18/08/2017             Note 2
      Nanshan Group                                   (210,000,000.00)          16/08/2016            16/08/2017             Note 2
      Nanshan Group                                   (700,000,000.00)          11/11/2011            11/11/2016             Note 6
      Total                                         (1,210,000,000.00)


     9. Related party transactions - continued

     (4) Borrowings/loans with related parties- continued

     Note 1: The loan is intended for the business turnover of the Group. The annual interest rate is
             4.2750% and floated annually.

     Note 2: The loan is intended for the business turnover of the Company. The annual interest rate
             is 4.3500%.

     Note 3: The loan is intended for the business turnover of the Group. The annual interest rate is

     Note 4: The loan is intended for the business turnover of the Company. The annual interest rate
             is 4.7500% and floated quarterly..

     Note 5: The loan was intended for the business turnover of the Company. The annual interest
             rate was 4.1325%. The loan was fully paid off.

     Note 6: The loan was intended for the construction of the Company. The annual interest rate was
             6.8150%. The loan was fully paid off.

     (5) Interest incomes and expenses with related parties

     Interest income gained from deposits
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                               Type of related Pricing principle of related party      Amount for the current       Amount for the prior
         Related party        party transaction           transaction                        period                      period
                                                    Negotiated interest rate
     Subsidiaries            Interest income                                                    31,285,152.02               65,871,262.71
                                                 (by reference to market rate)
                                                    Negotiated interest rate
     CDFC.(note)             Interest income                                                       173,521.59                   103,787.60
                                                  (by reference to market rate)
     Total                                                                                      31,458,673.61               65,975,050.31

     Note: The Company has placed current deposits of which generated interest income in the current

     Interest expense for borrowings
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                               Type of related    Pricing principle of related party    Amount for the current
             Related party    party transaction              transaction                      period              Amount for the prior period
                                                       Negotiated interest rate
     Nanshan Group           Interest expense                                                     41,780,531.89               55,725,833.34
                                                    (by reference to market rate)
                                                      Negotiated interest rate
     CDFC                    Interest expense                                                      7,836,708.36                   22,958.33
                                                    (by reference to market rate)
     Total                                                                                        49,617,240.25               55,748,791.67


     10. Amounts due from/to related parties

     (1) Amounts due from related parties
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                   Closing balance                       Opening balance
                                                                                Bad debt                             Bad debt
                Item                Related party        Carrying amount        provision       Carrying amount      provision
      Accounts receivable   CPEC                              318,036.50            3,180.37         314,290.30          3,142.90
                            CSE                               268,743.22            2,687.43        1,179,367.56           11,793.68
                            Chiwan Real Estate Company         82,595.70              825.96         243,315.68             2,433.16
                            Nanshan Group                      76,616.55              766.17                   -                   -
                            Total                             745,991.97            7,459.93        1,736,973.54           17,369.74
      Other receivable      Mingjiang international       130,843,804.90                    -                  -                   -
                            Tianjin Baowan                104,045,923.86                    -                  -                   -
                            Langfang Baowan                91,453,113.76                    -                  -                   -
                            Guangzhou Baowan               73,806,105.00                    -                  -                   -
                            Longquan Baowan                56,124,406.58                    -                  -                   -
                            Chengdu oil gas                 1,110,383.33                    -        734,356.07                    -
                            CSE                                27,336.60              273.37          11,571.48              115.71
                            Baowan Holdings                   116,098.68                    -   1,516,264,841.65                   -
                            Hefei Baowan                                -                   -         79,200.00                    -
                            Total                         457,527,172.71              273.37    1,517,089,969.20             115.71


     10. Amounts due from/to related parties - continued

     (2) Amounts due to related parties
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                        Item                           Related party      Closing balance        Opening balance
     Short-term borrowing                          CDFC                                   -        100,000,000.00
     Accounts payable                              Nanshan Group               7,286,492.59           4,340,013.89
                                                   Chixiao Project                93,258.66                      -
                                                   CSE                            16,554.40              16,554.40
                                                   Chixiao Construction
                                                                                   9,740.00             102,998.66
                                                   Total                       7,406,045.65           4,459,566.95
     Interest payable                              Nanshan Group                 570,633.32           6,758,208.33
                                                   CDFC                          184,722.24              22,958.33
                                                   Total                         755,355.56           6,781,166.66
     Other payables                                Shenzhen Baowan            42,854,649.84          41,621,271.53
                                                   Baowan Holdings            18,001,969.21                      -
                                                   Chixiao Construction
                                                                               4,393,677.66             502,000.00
                                                   Nanshan Group                 435,595.22             623,281.06
                                                   CSE                           255,726.00             255,726.00
                                                   CPEC                          204,224.04             204,224.04
                                                   Chiwan Real Estate
                                                                                  62,059.90                          -
                                                   Chixiao Business
                                                                                  35,790.30                          -
                                                   Chixiao Project                       -            5,793,423.81
                                                   Total                     66,243,692.17           48,999,926.44
     Non-current liabilities due within one year   CSE                          785,836.56              785,836.56
                                                   Nanshan Group                         -          700,000,000.00
                                                   Total                        785,836.56          700,785,836.56
     Other current liabilities                     Nanshan Group            220,000,000.00                       -
     Other non-current liabilities                 Nanshan Group            240,000,000.00                       -
                                                   CSE                        3,879,199.02            4,665,035.58
                                                   Total                    243,879,199.02            4,665,035.58

     11. Amounts deposited in related parties

     Cash and bank balances deposited in related parties
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                      Item                           Related party            Closing balance      Opening balance

      Cash and bank balances                             CDFC                     4,850,227.72         3,108,387.56



1. Breakdown of non-recurring profit or loss
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                 Item                                               Amount
 Profit or loss on disposal of non-current assets                                                                      (1,761,326.85)
 Government grants recognized in profit or loss for the current period(other than grants which are
 closely related to the Company's business and are either in fixed amounts or determined under                           5,238,023.20
 quantitative methods in accordance with the national standard)
 Other non-operating income or expenses other than the above                                                             2,868,136.38
 Tax effects                                                                                                           (1,594,903.68)
 Effects attributable to minority interests (after tax)                                                                (1,113,241.66)
 Total                                                                                                                   3,636,687.39

Note: To improve the usage of spare cash, Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd. (the
      "Company") and its subsidiaries use spare cash to purchase bank financing products (see
      Note(V)42) every year, and classify the investment income gained form bank financing products as
      recurring profit and loss.

2. Return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share ("EPS")

The ROE and EPS have been prepared by the Company in accordance with Information Disclosure and
Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No. 9 - Calculation and
Disclosure of Return on Equity and Earnings per Share (Revised 2010) issued by China Securities
Regulatory Commission.
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                             Weighted average return on
              Profit for the reporting period                      net assets (%)              Basic EPS              Diluted EPS
 Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
                                                                                  0.11                     0.01        No application
 Net profit after deduction of non-recurring profits or
 losses attributable to ordinary shareholders of the                            (0.10)                (0.007)          No application

The supplementary information was signed by the following responsible persons on 18 April 2017:

             Tian Junyan                                       Yu Zhongxia                                    Sun Yuhui
         Legal Representative                               Person in Charge of                            Chief Accountant
                                                           the Accounting Body