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						                                                                   ABSTRACT OF INTERIM REPORT FOR YEAR 2017

 Stock code: 200053                        Short form: Chiwan Base -B                          Serial number: 2017-54

I. Important Notice

This abstract of interim report is extracted from the full text of interim report for year 2017. Investors should read
the interim report from the specified media designated by CSRC to fully understand the Company’s business
achievements, financial status and future plans.

Statement of objections from Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

All Directors Have Attended the Board Meeting to Review the Interim Report for Year 2017

Non-standard Auditor’s Opinion

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Preliminary Plan for Profit Distribution to the Common Shareholders or Turning the Capital Reserve into the
Share Capital in the Report Period Reviewed and Approved by the Board Meeting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Preliminary Plan for Profit Distribution to the Preference Shareholders in the Report Period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

II. Company Information
1. Introduction
Stock Abbreviation                    Chiwan Base B           Stock Code                   200053
Stock Exchange                        Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact Person and Contact Method               Board Secretary                    Securities Representative
Name                                  Yu Zhongxia                           Li Zizheng
                                      14F/ Chiwan Petroleum Building,       14F/ Chiwan Petroleum Building,
Office Address
                                      Shekou, Shenzhen                      Shekou, Shenzhen
Telephone                             0755-26694211                         0755-26694211
Fax                                   0755-26694227                         0755-26694227
E-mail Address                        sa@chiwanbase.com                     sa@chiwanbase.com

2. Major Accounting Data
Retroactive Adjustment
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                        Reporting period (Jan to     Last Period (Jan to            Change (%)
                                             June, 2017)                June, 2016)
Operating Revenue                               356,763,898.79             331,048,288.65                      7.77%
Net Profit Attributed to Shareholders
                                                  11,067,703.47             20,104,453.49                   -44.95%
of Listed Company

                                                                         ABSTRACT OF INTERIM REPORT FOR YEAR 2017

Net Profit of Non-recurring Gain and
Loss Attributed to Shareholders of                    9,585,398.22                  19,162,343.58                         -49.98%
Listed Company
Net Cash Flows from Operating
                                                    141,157,744.09                151,110,099.80                           -6.59%
Basic  Earnings           per      Share
                                                                  0.05                         0.09                       -44.44%
Diluted  Earnings         per      Share
                                                                  0.05                         0.09                       -44.44%
Weighted Return on Equity(%)                                 0.62%                         1.14%                         -0.52%
                                               June 30, 2017               December 31, 2016                    Change (%)
Total Assets                                     7,945,275,840.90               7,549,041,526.12                            5.25%
Owner’s Equity Attributed to
                                                 1,768,340,263.40               1,756,836,179.91                            0.65%
Shareholders of Listed Company

3. Share Capital and Shareholders

                                                                                                                         Unit: Share
                                                           Total Number of Preference
Total Common Shareholders
                                                     5,519 Shareholders with Resumed Voting                                      0
in Reporting Period
                                                           Rights at Period-end (if any)
                                   Particulars about Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                                                                Impawned or
                                                             Ratio Total shares Non-tradable                    Frozen Shares
               Name                        Nature
                                                             (%)    held        shares
                                                                                                                Status     Shares
CHINA NANSHAN                                                                                               -                       0
DEVELOPMENT (GROUP)                Domestic Legal Person      51.79%       119,420,000       119,420,000
China Logistics Holding(12)                                                                                 -             unknown
                                   Foreign Legal Person       19.90%        45,890,000                  0
GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                                -             unknown
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)               Foreign Legal Person        1.76%          4,053,271                 0
CHINA MECHANTS            State-owned Legal                                                                 -             unknown
                                                               1.60%          3,684,162                 0
Shenwan Hongyuan        Securities Foreign Legal Person                                                     -             unknown
                                                               1.20%          2,755,939                 0
(H.K.) Limited
HUANG YINGBIN                      Domestic Natural Person     1.01%          2,336,898                 0-                unknown
YU ZHIXIANG                        Domestic Natural Person     0.62%          1,422,339                 0-                unknown
Haitong International Securities                                                                            -             unknown
                                   Foreign Legal Person        0.54%          1,250,005                 0
Company Limited-Account Client
GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA                                                                                      -             unknown
                       Foreign Legal Person                    0.43%           984,693                  0
LI WEI                             Domestic Natural Person     0.27%           623,000                  0-                unknown
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or United Among the top ten shareholders, the domestic legal entity
Action of the Top Ten Shareholders                 shareholder, China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation has
                                                             no affiliated relations with other shareholders and does not fall into
                                                             the scope of united action person stipulated by “Regulation of
                                                             Information Disclosure of the Change of Shareholding of listed
                                                             company”. It is unknown that whether other tradable-share
                                                             shareholders fall into the scope of united action person.
Remarks on Shareholders Involved in Securities Margin N/A

                                                                  ABSTRACT OF INTERIM REPORT FOR YEAR 2017

4. Changes of Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controller

Changes of Controlling Shareholder in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Changes of Actual Controller in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

5. Particulars about Top Ten Preferred Shareholders

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

6. Corporate Bonds

Whether the public issued and listed corporate bonds still traded on the stock exchange, which has not been due or
has not been fully paid for on the approval quote date of the interim report...


(1) Basic Information of the corporate bonds
                                                                                    Bond Balance
             Name                    Abbreviation           Code       Due Date                      Interest Rate
                                                                                    (RMB 0000)
2012 Corporate Bonds of
Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum 12 Chiwan Base Bonds 112140                 2019.12.17            57,000          5.78%
Supply Base Co., Ltd.
(2) Major Accounting Data and Financial Index
                                    June 30, 2017                    December 31, 2016            Change (%)
Asset-liability Ratio                                    66.84%                       65.37%               1.47%
                         Reporting period (Jan to June, 2017) Last Period (Jan to June, 2016)     Change (%)
EBITDA interest
                                                           2.31                          2.36             -2.12%
protection multiples

III. Business Discussion and Analysis

Whether the Company needs to comply with disclosure requirements of special industries


The Company achieved operating revenue of RMB 356.76 million, an increase of 7.77%, and net profit attributed
to the listed shareholders was RMB 11.07 million, a decrease of 44.95% in the first half of 2017 respectively. The
main reasons for differences are as follows:

Income growth mainly stemmed from 5 newly-built logistics parks putting into operation, as well as rising rental
price and occupancy rate by some of mature-operating logistics parks.

Decrease of net profit includes the following reasons:

      Increase of operation costs for new-built logistics parks operation: Assets depreciation and property tax
      payment from newly-operation logistics parks resulted in a sharp increase accordingly.

      Increase of developing and constructing costs for newly-built and constructing projects: amortization of
      newly-developing parks as obtaining land certificate, and an increase of initial start-up expenses as growing
      numbers of newly-developing parks

                                                              ABSTRACT OF INTERIM REPORT FOR YEAR 2017

     Increase of financial expenses: with the intensifying development of construction on newly Blogis projects,
     capital demand and debt financing rose sharply, resulting in interest expenses increased accordingly.
     Adjustment for deferred income tax: due to adjustment of accounting methods, the parent company did not
     recognize deferred income tax assets in the reporting period, which resulted in an increase of income tax
     expenses accordingly.
1. Offshore Oil Logistics Business

Under the continuing recession environment of petroleum industry, accompanying severe challenge from offshore
oil industry and operation of CNOOC Huizhou Base, offshore oil logistics business for the Company still faced
great pressure both in operation and transition of new operation mode. Meanwhile, the Company promoted
transformation and upgrading to new industrial park operations aiming as science and technology innovation,
cultural creativity industry, which is still in the incubation period

Operating revenue of offshore oil logistics business was RMB 70.87 million, an increase of 2.94%, and net profit
was RMB 23.27 million, an increase of 78.98% in the first half of 2017 respectively. Reasons for the changes
mainly stemmed from decline of operation costs caused by decreasing yard renting and equipment leasing and no
income tax accrued.

2. Blogis Business
Operating revenue of Blogis was RMB 278.28 million, increasing by 9.54% and net profit was RMB 41.69
million, decreasing by 13.35% compared with same period last year respectively. Decrease in net profit mainly
because of the costs increasing from asset depreciation and property tax payment accrued as a number of
new-built parks putting into operation in succession, and land amortization accrued as land acquisition confirmed
in reporting period.

Project Development for Blogis in the first half of 2017

In reporting period, the Company has successfully signed investment agreement with local governments including
but not limited to Zhangzhou, Hefei Xinzhan, etc., covering land area of 1,037 Mu and transfer contracts of state
owned lands including but not limited to Wangcheng, Zhejiang Deqing, etc., covering land area of 373 Mu.

Market Competition Pattern for Blogis in 2017

According to the report from China federation of logistics and purchasing, Prosperity index for China Logistics
Industry was 55.8% in June of 2017, reflecting that the logistics industry is in the period of economic expansion.
Meanwhile, China Warehousing index in June of 2017 was reported as 52.7%, which in the expansion zone for 16
consecutive months and rebounded last month. From the economic data in the first half of 2017, with the overall
economic growth and enhanced consumption level, overall storage industry environment would be better in 2017,
and good trend will continue for the overall stability of the logistics industry.

Although storage demand is strong, competition is becoming more severely. With the international tycoon
Prologis, as well as newly-entrant representative Cainiao accelerated their layout of logistics parks, high
occupancy rate of high-end storage accompany sustainable rising rental price is coming back to stability in
recently years. It is expected to face pressure of rental price stagflation and rental rates decline for high-end
storage in some areas in next 1-3 years. And market competition would become more partly intensive because of
supply surge such as Tianjin, Chengdu Area, Suzhou Area, etc.

3. Offshore Engineering and others
CSE: The Company holds 32% stake. CSE contributed an investment income of RMB 9.78 million to the
Company, decreased by 10.52% compared with the same period of last year.
CPEC: The Company holds 20% stake. The investment income from CPEC was RMB -0.36 million in reporting

                                                              ABSTRACT OF INTERIM REPORT FOR YEAR 2017

China Development Finance Limited: The Company holds 20% stake. It contributed investment income of RMB
7.6 million to the Company, with an increase of 90% compared with same period of last year with business
4. Project Construction Development
(1) Jiaxing Baowan: Construction of Phase I has completed and put into use in April, 2017. Construction of four
warehouses for Phase II, expected to be completed at the end of 2017.

(2) Beijing Baowan: Remoulding of four warehouses has completed and put into use in May, 2017.

(3) Tianjin Bingang Baowan: Construction of two warehouses for Phase I, expected to be completed in December,

(4) Qingdao Jiaozhou Baowan: The construction of eight warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected to
be completed in October, 2017.

(5) Chengdu Oil and Gas Base: The construction of Phase I has completed in the first half of 2017. The
construction of three workshops, one building and one dormitory building for Phase II, expected to be completed
in March, 2018.

(6) Xi’an Xianyang Baowan: Construction of seven warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected to be
completed in January, 2018.

(7) Hefei Feidong Baowan: Construction of three warehouses and one multiple-used building for Phase I,
expected to be completed at the end of 2017.

(8) E’zhou Gedian Baowan: Construction of six warehouses, expected to be completed in October, 2017.

(9) Jiangyin Baowan: Construction of five warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected to be completed
in June, 2018.

(10) Shaoxing Baowan: Construction of six warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected to be completed
in June, 2018.

(11) Xitong Baowan: Construction of six warehouses and one multiple-used building, expected to be completed in
June, 2018.

(12) Jiashan Baowan: Construction of eight warehouses and one multiple-used building is at preparatory period.

(13) Xipeng Baowan: Construction of night warehouses and one multiple-used building is at preparatory period.

(14) Luohuang Baowan: Construction of six warehouses and one multiple-used building is at preparatory period.

2. Related Issues of Financial Report
(1) Adjustment of Accounting Policy, Accounting Estimation and Accounting Method Compared with the
financial statements during the previous accounting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Necessary Retrospective Restatement for Significant Correction of Accounting Errors during the
Report Period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Adjustment Illustration of Consolidated Statement Scope Compared with the financial statements
during the previous accounting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                         ABSTRACT OF INTERIM REPORT FOR YEAR 2017

Three new entities combined into consolidated financial statement as follows:
Huazhong Baowan Logistics Investment Co., Ltd., Wuhan Qingshan Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd, Zhangzhou
Baowan Logistics Co., Ltd;
Chanzhou Baowan Logistics Co. Ltd. was cancelled.

                                                                  Board of Directors

                                                         Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd.

                                                                    August 30, 2017
