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                                                                     2023 Annual Report

Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.

          2023 Annual Report


             April 30,2024

                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

                                          2023 Annual Report

                          I. Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions

The Board of Directors, The Supervisory Committee, the supervisors and senior executives of the Company
guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and
we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.
Mr.Fan Aijun, The Company leader, Mr. Tan Mingxian, Chief financial officer and the Ms.Niu Yanli, the person
in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby confirm the authenticity
and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Annual report.
Directors other than the followings presented the board meeting at which this report was examined:

                                                                   Reason foe not
Name of the director absented              Position                                         Name of consignee
                                                               presenting the meeting

            Liu Wei                   Independent Director        On business travel           Song Weiwei

Prospective statements carried in this report, such as business plans for future are not constituting any
substantial commitment to the investors. Please be cautious to the risks. This report is prepared both in English
and Chinese. When there is any conflict in understanding, the Chinese version shall prevail.
The company had concretely described the existed factors of risks of the company in the report, of which please
refer to the contents in the Report of directors concerning the possible facing risk factors in the companys
future development. The companys business plan and business goal of the year do not represent the 2023-
annual earnings forecast made by the company, hence whether those can be realized depending on many factors
such as the market circumstance and the extent of hard working of the management team, thus there is a large
extent of uncertainty, please be aware of the investment risks.
The Company will not distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for the
report period.

                                                                          2023 Annual Report

                                          Table of Contents

I.Important Notice, Table of contents and Definitions

II. Company Profile & Financial Highlights.

III. Management Discussion & Analysis

IV. Corporate Governance

V. Environmental & Social Responsibility

VI. Important Events

VII. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders

VIII. Situation of the Preferred Shares

IX. Corporate Bond

X. Financial Report

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

                                   Documents Available for Inspection

I. Annual Report carrying personal signature and seal of the Chairman of the Board.
II. Financial Statements with signatures of the legal representative, the financial officer, and accounting manager.
III.Auditing Report of Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.(TZYZ[2024]No.34454).
IV. Special explanation (No. 34454-1 [2024]TZYZ)on the capital occupation of the controlling shareholder
and other related parties of Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.
V. Auditing Report on           Internal   Control    for   Chongqing     Jianshe   Vehicle    System    Co.,    Ltd.

VI.Special statement on deposits, loans and other financial businesses involving related transactions of financial c
ompanies of Chongqing Jianshe Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. in 2023 (TZYZ [2024] No. 34454-2).

VII. Special verification opinion on the deduction of operating income of Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co.,
Ltd. ( TZYZ[2024]No.34454-3).

VIII. The original copies of all company documents and the originals of announcements publicly disclosed on
the information disclosure medium designated by the CSRC during the reporting period.

                                                                                                           2023 Annual Report


Terms to be defined                   Refers to    Definition
Company, the Company, Jianmo Stock,
                                      Refers to    Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.
Jianshe Vehicle B
                                                   Shenzhen North Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. (predecessor of the
Shenjianmo                            Refers to
Jianmo B                              Refers to    Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. (predecessor of the Company)
Military Equipment Group(Southern                 China Military Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (China Southern Industry
                                      Refers to
Group)                                            Group Co., Ltd.)
Military Finance Co.                  Refers to    Military Equipment Group Finance Co., Ltd.
Southern Motorcycle                    Refers to   Chongqing Southern Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                   Chongqing Jianshe Industry Co., Ltd. – former State-owned Jianshe
Jianshe Industry                      Refers to
                                                   Machinery Factory, Jianshe Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.
Jianshe Industry                      Refers to    Jianshe Industry Group(Yunnan) Co., Ltd.(Stock Code:002265)
Jianshe Group                         Refers to    Jianshe Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd.
Jianshe Mechanical and Electric       Refers to    Chongqing Jianshe Mechanical and Electric Co., Ltd.
HANON,KOREA HANON                     Refers to    Korea Hanon System Co., Ltd.
                                                   Chongqing Jianshe HANON Automobile Termal Management System
Jianshe HANON                         Refers to
                                                   Co., Ltd.
China Jialing                          Refers to   China Jialing Industry Co., Ltd. (Group)
Jinan Qingqi                           Refers to   Jinan Qingqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
Changan Auto                           Refers to   Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.
Changan Industrial                     Refers to   Chongqing Changan Industrial( Group) Co., Ltd.
Yunnan Xiyi                            Refers to   Yunnan Xiyi Industrial Co., Ltd.
Luoyang Northern                       Refers to   Luoyang Northern Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.
Dajiang Industrial                     Refers to   Chongqing Dajiang Industrial Co., Ltd.
Vehicle air conditioner               Refers to    Chognqing Jianshe Automobile Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.
Import & Export Co.                   Refers to    Chongqing Northern Jianshe Import & Export Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Jianshe                      Refers to    Shanghai Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Jianya                      Refers to    Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
Zhuzhou Jianya                         Refers to   Zhuzhou Jianshe YAMAHA Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
Pingshan Taikai                        Refers to   Chongqing Pingshan Taikai Carburetor Co., Ltd.
South Air International                Refers to   South Air International Co., Ltd.
Minsheng Logistics                    Refers to    Chongqing Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Wanyou                      Refers to    Wanyou Automobile Investment Co., Ltd.
                                                   In 2015,The company has made an agreement to sale the 100% stake of
                                                   Jianshe Mechanical and Electric Company-the companys subsidiary
Major asset restructuring             Refers to
                                                   funded by the liabilities and the motorcycle business related assets held
                                                   by the company to Military Equipment Group.

                                                                                                               2023 Annual Report

                                       II. Company Profile & Financial Highlights.

Ⅰ. Company Information
Stock ID                             Jianshe Vehicle B             Stock Code                     200054
Modified stock ID (if any)           Jianmo B
Stock Exchange Listed                Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company Name in Chinese              重庆建设汽车系统股份有限公司
Short form of Company Name in
Chinese (if any)
Company Name in English              Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd
Short form of Company Name in
English (if any)
Legal representative                 Fan Aijun
Registered address                   No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone, Banan District, Chongqing
Postal code of the Registered
                                     On July 19, 1995, the first registered address was: Room 1802, Electronic Technology
                                     Building, No.30 A, Shennan Middle Road, Shenzhen (office only); On September 29, 2000,
                                     the registered address was changed to: Room 416, Electronic Building, No.2072, Shennan
                                     Middle Road, Futian District, Shenzhen (office only); On July 26, 2002, the registered
Historical change of the
                                     address was changed to: Room 1107, North Building, No.3003 Shennan Middle Road, Futian
company's registered address
                                     District, Shenzhen (office only); On March 11, 2003, the registered address was changed to:
                                     No.47, Xiejiawan Main Street, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing; On April 23,2009, the
                                     registered address was changed to: No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone, Banan
                                     District, Chongqing.
Office Address                       No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone, Banan District, Chongqing
Postal code of the office address    400054
Internet Web Site                    http://www.jianshe.com.cn
E-mail                               cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn

Ⅱ.Contact person and contact manner

                                    Secretary of the Board                         Representative of Stock Affairs

Name                                Zhang Hushan                                   Li Wenling
                                    No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone,      No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone,
                                    Banan District, Chongqing                      Banan District, Chongqing
Tel.                                023-66295333                                   023-66295333
Fax.                                023-66295333                                   023-66295333
E-mail.                             cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn                          cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn

Ⅲ. Information disclosure and placed

Internet website designated by CSRC for
publishing the Annual report of the Company
Newspapers selected by the Company for
                                                 Securities Times, Hongkong Commercial daily and htp://www.cninfo.com.cn
information disclosure
The place where the Annual report is
                                                 Secretarial office of the Board
prepared and placed

Ⅳ.Changes in Registration

Unified social credit code      915000007474824231

                                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

                                 From 1995 to 2015, the Company was mainly engaged in the production and sales of motorcycles.
Changes in principal             In 2015, the company implemented the major asset restructuring, stripped the main assets and
business activities since        liabilities involved in the motorcycle business, completed the structural adjustment of the main
listing (if any)                 business. Since 2015, it has been mainly engaged in the production and sales of automotive air-
                                 conditioning compressors.
                                 (a) The company was set up by Jianshe Group and China North Industries Corp Shenzhen
                                 Company in July 1995, of which the Jianshe Group was the companys controlling shareholder that
                                 holds 71.13% stake of the company.
                                 (b) On August 31, 2005, the 71.13% stake of the company held by Jianshe Group was transferred
                                 to Military Equipment Group in an agreement, thus the Military Equipment Group. has become the
                                 companys controlling shareholder.
Changes is the controlling        On March 2, 2016, according to Agreement of Share Transfer in Zero Price signed between
shareholder in the past (is      Military Equipment Group and Jianshe Mechanical and Electric, Military Equipment Group shall
any)                             transfer its 71.13% stake of the company to Jianshe Mechanical and Electric in zero price, thus the
                                 Jianshe Mechanical and Electric will become the companys controlling shareholder.
                                 (d) On December 20, 2018, according to the Stock Rights Transfer Agreement of State-owned
                                 Listed Company signed by Jianshe Mechanical and Electric and Military Equipment Group ,
                                 Jianshe Mechanical and Electric will hold 71.13% of the company's equity, and the agreement will
                                 be transferred to Military Equipment Group , which will become the controlling shareholder of the

Ⅴ. Other Relevant Information

CPAs engaged
Name of the CPAs                        Baker Tilly China Certified Public Accountants(LLP)
Office address                          A-1 ,A-5 ,No.68 Building, No.19 Chegongzhuang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Names of the Certified Public
                                        Liu Yulei, Liu Taiping
Accountants as the signatories
The sponsor performing persistent supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Financial advisor performing persistent supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Ⅵ. Summary of Accounting data and Financial index

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company needs to retroactively restate any of its accounting data.
□Yes √No
                                                                                         Changed over
                                          2023                        2022                                            2021
                                                                                        last year(%)
Operating revenue(Yuan)                  464,078,962.46              474,114,098.08               -2.12%             680,118,967.08
Net profit attributable to
the shareholders of the                   -69,331,287.64             -39,733,094.69              -74.49%             -25,998,962.72
listed company(Yuan)
Net profit after deducting
of non-recurring gain/loss
attributable to the                       -70,465,594.16             -82,240,752.84               14.32%             -29,668,201.39
shareholders of listed
Net Cash flow generated by
business operation                          2,538,223.61              12,409,599.09              -79.55%              21,432,367.47
Basic earning per
                                                   -0.581                     -0.333             -74.47%                        -0.22
Diluted gains per
                                                   -0.581                     -0.333             -74.47%                        -0.22
Net asset earning ratio
                                                 -89.60%                     -30.52%             -60.20%                     -16.10%
                                                                                         Changed over
                                       End of 2023                End of 2022                                     End of 2021
                                                                                        last year(%)

                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report

Gross assets(Yuan)                872,186,552.37           896,911,569.17            -2.76%         1,041,336,478.97
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed           43,673,039.41           111,091,284.68           -60.69%           149,303,592.84
The lower of the companys net profit before and after the deduction of non-recurring gains and losses in the
last three fiscal years is negative, and the auditor's report of the previous year shows that the Companys going
concern ability is uncertain.
□ Yes √No
The lower of the net profit before and after the deduction of the non-recurring gains and losses is negative.
√ Yes □ No
            Items                      2023                       2022                           Remarks
                                                                                   RMB 118,660 for sales materials
                                                                                   income; RMB 542,800 for Artificial
Operating income(Yuan)                464,078,962.46             474,114,098.08   support income; RMB 9,900 for
                                                                                   Power energy Income and RMB
                                                                                   2,927,500 for other income.
                                                                                   RMB 118,660 for sales materials
                                                                                   income; RMB 542,800 for Artificial
Amount of operating income
                                          4,666,753.00              3,852,161.44   support income; RMB 9,900 for
deduction (yuan)
                                                                                   Power energy Income and RMB
                                                                                   2,927,500 for other income.
                                                                                   RMB 118,660 for sales materials
                                                                                   income; RMB 542,800 for Artificial
Operating income after
                                       459,412,209.46             470,261,936.64   support income; RMB 9,900 for
                                                                                   Power energy Income and RMB
                                                                                   2,927,500 for other income.

VII. The differences between domestic and international accounting standards

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable□√ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS
(International Accounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable□√ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign
accounting rules or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

VIII. Main Financial Index by Quarters

                                                                                                              In RMB
                             First quarter           Second quarter           Third quarter          Fourth quarter
Operating revenue                95,871,501.13          120,716,182.63          116,986,662.54          130,504,616.16

                                                                                                         2023 Annual Report

Net profit attributable
to the shareholders of           -26,718,192.49         -16,592,485.66           -11,394,368.52            -14,626,240.97
the listed company
Net profit after
deducting of non-
recurring gain/loss
                                 -27,582,654.93         -16,972,159.89           -11,894,368.52            -14,016,410.82
attributable to the
shareholders of listed
Net Cash flow
generated by business             -16,520,111.28         37,298,889.64            24,162,803.07            -42,403,360.82
Whether significant variances exist between the above financial index or the index with its sum and the
financial index of the quarterly report as well as semi-annual report index disclosed by the Company.
□ Yes √No

IX. Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                       Items                       Amount (2023)         Amount (20212      Amount (2021)         Note
Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including
the write-off part for which assets impairment          -413,963.91         40,420,431.93         1,566,473.14
provision is made)
Government subsidies recognized in current gain
and loss(excluding those closely related to the
                                                       1,104,494.20           205,826.00          1,583,305.16
Companys business and granted under the
states policies)
Switch back of provision for depreciation of
account receivable and contractual assets which         365,922.51            714,393.28           200,000.00
were singly taken depreciation test
Operating income and expenses other than the
                                                         77,853.72            167,143.72           319,460.37
aforesaid items
Other gains/losses in compliance with the
definition of non-recurring gain/loss
Total                                                  1,134,306.52         42,507,658.15         3,669,238.67     --

Details of other gains/losses items that meets the definition of non-recurring gains/losses:
□ApplicableNot applicable
There are no other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses in the Company.
Explain the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss
in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public -
-- Extraordinary Profit/loss
□ApplicableNot applicable
The Company does not have any non-recurring profit(gain)/loss listed under theQ&A Announcement No.1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary (non-recurring)
Profit(gain)/lossdefined as recurring profit(gain)/loss

                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

                           Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Industry of the Company during the reporting period

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirement of Jewelry-related industries in the “Shenzhen Stock
Exchange Self-Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies No. 3- Industry Disclosure”
     1. Overall situation of automobile industry
     In 2023, the international political, economic, and security environment continued to be turbulent, and the
challenge brought by external uncertainty and internal development model transformation became more
complex. China has been injected impetus into economic development by deepening reforms, expanding
domestic demand, actively promoting a new round of high-level opening-up, and continuously deepening
structural adjustment and internal and external balance. The government has introduced a series of policies to
stimulate consumption, including policies to stabilize the growth of the automobile industry, support the
expansion of automobile consumption, and promote the high-quality development of the automobile
aftermarket, which have effectively promoted the further improvement of the quality and efficiency of the
development of the automobile industry. According to the statistics of the China Association of Automobile
Manufacturers, the production and sales of automobiles in 2023 was 30.161 million units and 30.094 million
units respectively, an increase of 11.6% and 12% YOY respectively, which was a record high. Among them, the
production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 9.587 million units and 9.495 million units, up 35.8% and
37.9% YOY respectively, with the market share reached 31.6%. Driven by the continuous and substantial
growth of new energy vehicles, the annual production and sales of the passenger car market reached 26.124
million units and 26.063 million units, up 9.6% and 10.6% YOY respectively, yet the market share of traditional
fuel vehicles shrank further.
     2. Analysis of automobile air conditioning compressor industry
     The automotive air conditioning compressor industry is closely following the development of the
automobile industry. At present, the oversupply of the domestic automobile market is further highlighted, the
pace of traditional car companies to transform old models and launch new models is becoming faster and faster,
the development cycle of new models has been shortened from about 4 to 5 years to 1 to 3 years, the old car
modification cycle has been shortened from 6 to 24 months to 4 to 15 months, the speed and quantity of new
energy products on the market are getting faster and faster, and the window period for the electrification
transformation of vehicle enterprises has been further compressed. The rapid iteration of the vehicle industry
has triggered the incandescent competition in the supply chain, forcing auto parts companies to accelerate
product technology iteration, quality optimization, cost extreme control, and service upgrades.
     The automotive air conditioning system is mainly composed of four parts: compressor, condenser, flow
restrictor (expansion device), and evaporator. The compressor is the heart of the automotive air conditioning
system and the power source for the refrigerant to circulate in the system. The air-conditioning system of
traditional fuel vehicles is work by the air-conditioning compressor driven by the automobile engine, and the

                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

main domestic products are swash plate type, scroll type, rotary vane type and other technologies. The air-
conditioning system of new energy vehicles is work by the air-conditioning compressor driven by the drive
motor. As the scroll compressor has high efficiency, high speed bearing capacity and high-speed motor
matching, it is the most ideal electric drive air-conditioning compressor. With the rapid development of the new
energy vehicle industry, the application of scroll compressor has broad prospects.

     3. The development of the Company
     The Company's automotive air-conditioning compressor products are mainly rotary vane technology,
which the Company has been introducing, digesting, absorbing and innovating independently for more than 20
years. From the perspective of industry development trends, the rotary blade technology will face a ceiling. In
the face of industry transformation and adjustment, the Company will closely follow the development of the
industry, stabilize the scale of traditional fuel compressor products, and vigorously carry out the research and
development and market expansion of new technology products such as electric scroll products in the meantime.
     According to the "14th Five-Year Plan", the Company will focus on the main business, center on the
development of the new energy industry, and fully realize the layout and development arrangement of the new
energy electric compressor industry. From 2022 to 2023, the Company had carried out a total investment of
42,875,700 yuan in fixed assets in the new energy industry, and completed the construction of the electric
compressor dynamic and static plate production line, controller production line, assembly line and experimental
capacity building, laying the foundation for the large-scale breakthrough of electric compressor. At present, the
Company's automotive air conditioning compressor production capacity is 3.5 million units, of which the
electric compressor production capacity is 500,000 units.

II.Main Business the Company is Engaged in During the Report Period

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of automobile manufacturing-related industries in
the Guideline No.3 for Self-regulation of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange-Industry Information
     In 2023, in the face of the complex business environment and development pressure, the Company
continued to increase investment in science and technology development, carried out in-depth market expansion,
adopted multiple measures to make steady progress, achieved the production of 1.187 million units of
automotive air conditioning compressors-a YOY increase of 28.5%, completed the sales of 1.183 million units-
a YOY decrease of 1.25%, and realized the operating income of 464 million yuan-a YOY decrease of 2.08%.

     (A) Accelerate scientific and technological innovation and promote the transformation of achievements
     First, the research and development of electric compressors has achieved landmark results, the PSW formal
mass production signed for Changan CPA project, the 18CC and 27CC second-generation scroll electric
compressors have completed design optimization, and the 45CC electric compressor research and development
has entered the design freezing stage. Secondly, it continued to carry out the research on the core key

                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

technologies of electric driven, and the key technologies of the inner flow-path system of the scroll compressor,
the research on the optimization of the pump body foundation and other topics have achieved phased results,
and the research and application project of the key technology of the intelligent and efficient vehicle thermal
management system controller has passed the project performance evaluation by the Chongqing Science and
Technology Bureau. Thirdly, the Company continuously launched scientific and technological innovation
achievements, 3 topics were included in the key core technology research projects of the CSGC, 1 project won
the third prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the CSGC, and 2 product achievements were
included in the 2023 Innovation Guidance Catalogue of Chongqing, which was awarded the first batch of
Chongqing modern manufacturing inspection and testing public service platforms.

     (B) Strengthen market tackling and consolidate market scale
     First, relying on the Changan CPA platform, the electric compressor has obtained 4 mainstream projects
such as Changan C318 and Changan Kaicheng P201RE, and successfully obtained designated projects
including the JAC, Xinyuan and Kaiyi. 18 expansion achievements were obtained throughout the year,
including 2 supply qualifications, and realized the extension for customer group from the low-speed logistics
vehicle market to the new energy mainstream market. Second, 14 achievements were achieved in the fixed-
displacement compressor in respective to fixed-displacement transformed to variable displacement project, the
second supplier project,the continuation project, and the commercial vehicle expansion project, and obtained 3
designated supply qualifications and entered the Nissan platform. Third, the offline market added 7 new dealers
annually, with realized sales of 135,100 units, a YOY increase of 12%. Pingshan Taikai realized the sales of
carburetor of 246,000 sets, and realized the sales of the EFI system of 6,300 sets.

     (C) Strengthen management benchmarking and improve management efficiency
     First, the 91.7% of the 24 key tasks in the world-class value creation action work list were completed, and
two first prizes and three second prizes were awarded by CSGC and Chongqing Management Innovation
Achievements. Second, the 26 tasks of the special action to improve quality and efficiency were carried out
solidly, and saved the annual value of 20.38 million yuan, of which the procurement cost was reduced by 2.2%
YOY. Thirdly,the Company continued to promote the "quality improvement activities", the key quality
problems of electric compressors have been continuously solved, and the internal quality loss rate and zero-
kilometer failure rate of electric compressors have been controlled within the annual target. Fourth, the core
engineering capacity of electric compressors has been built, and Chang'an CPA general assembly line, the
dynamic and static plate processing line, and the controller assembly line have formed mass production capacity,
and the 27CC product process has been optimized. Fifth, we have promoted lean management, maintained the
lean evaluation of the CSGC to the B-level, and implemented the "N+3" model of production plan to further
improve the efficiency of production organization. Sixth, it strengthened the construction of the electric
compressor supply chain, sought and developed sources through multiple channels, enhanced the quality

                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report

selection, promoted the collaborative development of suppliers, and continuously strengthened the new energy
supply chain system.

        (D) Strict risk prevention and control and improvement of security capabilities
        Firstly,it improved the emergency plan for major risks, strengthened process supervision, and completed
the internal control self-assessment of all levels of enterprises. Secondly, it promoted the two-way integration of
compliance management and business work, enhanced the management of contract performance and dispute
response, and ensured that the Company's overall legal compliance risks were controllable. Thirdly, it solidly
promoted the Company's safety work plan, vigorously carried out the self-inspection and evaluation of the
standardized management of security and safety, implemented the strengthening plan of safety management for
the year and carried out the 2023 action plan for special investigation and rectification of major accidents and
hidden dangers to ensure safety control, reduce environmental pollution risk points, and prevent environmental
Vehicle manufacturing, production and operation during the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Production and operation of auto parts during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                         Output                                        Sales volume
                                                       Increase or                                       Increase or
                    This reporting     Same period      decrease     This reporting    Same period        decrease
                       period            last year   compared with      period           last year     compared with
                                                        last year                                         last year
By part category
Automotive air
conditioner        1187026            923758               28.50%    1183079          1198092                 -1.25%
According to the vehicle supporting
Automotive air
conditioner                                                          1047945          1077417                 -2.74%
According to after-sales service
Automotive air
conditioner                                                          135134           120675                  11.98%
Domestic           559220             567218                -1.41%   504933           613338                 -17.67%

Overseas           627806             356540               76.08%    678146           584754                  15.97%
Explanation of the reasons for the year-on-year change of more than 30%

□Applicable Not applicable

Parts sales mode:
        The Company is mainly engaged in the production of automotive air conditioning compressors, through
the sale of products to automobile manufacturers or to the after-sales service market to realize the product sales,

                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

There are no major changes in the Company's sales model or sales channels during the year. The detailed
partition by customer segment is into the three scenarios:
     Major customers. The cooperation method is mainly based on the production needs of customers, the
Company ships the goods to the designated or cooperative third-party logistics company, and the third-party
logistics company is responsible for warehousing and distribution services. Every month, the customer issues a
credit notice according to the actual consumption of the production plan, and the salesperson confirms the sales
according to the customer's credit notice and combined with the customer's consumption, contract unit price and
other information.
Customers who pay first and then receive goods. According to the customer's needs, after the customer pays and
the confirmation of receipt of the payment, the sales business personnel will deliver the goods according to the
unit price of the sales contract and the quantity required by the customer, and issue an invoice notice to confirm
the sales.
Aftermarket customers. The sales staff will ship the goods to the customer according to the contract and
customer needs, and after arriving at the time node agreed in the contract, the sales staff will issue an invoice
notice to confirm the sales according to the contract unit price and the shipping quantity agreed with the
The company conducts auto finance business
□ Applicable √Not applicable
The company conducts new energy vehicle related business
□Applicable√Not applicable

The production and operation information of new energy whole-vehicle and spare parts
                                                                                                          In RMB
Product Category          Capacity status          Production                Sales           Sales revenue
Electric compressor for
automotive air            350,000 units       27,223 units           11058                            9,166,507.00

III.Analysis On core Competitiveness

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of automobile manufacturing-related industries in
the Guideline No.3 for Self-regulation of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange-Industry Information
    Product pedigree construction: On the basis of introducing the world's advanced technology, the Company
actively carries out independent innovation. After years of development, the product pedigree and technical
system are becoming increasingly complete; Including rotary vane compressor, swash plate fixed-displacement
and variable-displacement and electric compressor with complete intellectual property rights, forming five
product platforms of "rotary vane iron/aluminum, piston fixed/variable-displacement and electric compressor";
The products cover 18CC to 480CC displacement.
    Innovation platform construction: The Company has built a "1+3+1" scientific and technological innovation
platform (national post-doctoral workstation+Chongqing Enterprise Technology Center, Chongqing Automobile
Thermal Management System Engineering Technology Research Center, Chongqing Automobile Air

                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

Conditioning Compressor Key Laboratory+Chongqing Jiulongpo Innovation Center), which provides a strong
platform support for the transformation and upgrading of automobile thermal management products, the
development of applied basic research and innovative research on key technologies, the cultivation of scientific
and technological talents, and technological industrialization. The Company has established a Industry-University-
Research platform with China Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University and
Chongqing Jiaotong University, mainly to study the working mechanism of compressors and noise optimization of
compressors, and to tackle key technical bottlenecks.
     R&D capacity building: The Company has the largest and most functional experimental testing center for
automotive air-conditioning compressors in Southwest China. It has imported more than 50 sets of advanced
equipment for reliability test, system test, performance test and NVH test from abroad, and has strong basic
research capabilities, product development and design capabilities, simulation and analysis capabilities and trial
production and processing capabilities. In recent years, the Company has won more than 20 science and
technology awards at or above the provincial and ministerial level, applied for more than 250 patents of various
types, including more than 50 invention patents, and obtained nearly 30 authorized invention patents.
   Manufacturing capacity building: it has the domestic first-class high-precision parts manufacturing base and
Chongqing municipal digital workshop. It possesses more than 40 parts machining production lines, more than
260 sets high-precision and high-quality processing equipment, and 9 product assembly lines. The equipment is
with a total value of more than RMB 650 million, and more than 80% of which are imported from Japan, the
United States, Germany, Switzerland, South Korea and other countries. The machining and assembly accuracy are
all micron-level, and MARPOSS online detection is widely used, so its machining accuracy and assembly
automation degree are at the leading level in China.
     Quality capacity building: The Company always adheres to the tenet of "Quality first, customer oriented",
and is committed to running quality work through all aspects of the Company, and constantly improving
product quality, service quality and quality-price ratio. The Company has always continuously improved its
management ability, actively assumed social responsibilities, Passed the certification of the IATF16949certified
by the international authoritative certification body DNV, the certifications ofISO45001 and ISO14001
management system, and the Changan Automobile QCA quality certification system, GM QSB+ quality
management standard, and Nissan GK on-site management method have been introduced.
  Talent team building: The Company has 66 scientific and technical personnel, including 940 R&D personnel
among 10,000 employees, of which 84.85% have bachelor degree or above, and 14.29% have senior
professional titles. Introduced 9 mature talents of R & D, It has a national postdoctoral workstation with 7
postdoctoral fellows.

                                                                                                2023 Annual Report

IV.Main business analysis

     During the year, the Company's main product, automotive air conditioning compressors, completed the
production of 1,187,000 units-a YOY increase of 28.50%, completed the sales of 1,183,100 units-a YOY
decrease of 1.25%, and realized the revenue of 464 million yuan, a decrease of 2.12% over the previous year.
     From the perspective of sales area: the domestic sales were 504,900 units, a YOY decrease of 17.67%,
with sales revenue of 242 million yuan-a YOY decrease of 15.32%, and the domestic sales revenue accounted
for 52.20% of the total operating income. The foreign trade sales were 678,100 units, a YOY increase of
15.97%, realized the sales revenue of 222 million yuan, an increase of 17.96% YOY, which accounted for 47.80%
of the total operating income.
     From the perspective of sales model: the vehicle supporting model achieved sales of 1,047,900 units, a
YOY decrease of 2.74%, and realized the revenue of 370 million yuan, a YOY decrease of 2.27%, which
accounted for 79.77% of the total operating income. The after-sales service market model achieved sales of
135,100 units, a YOY increase of 11.98%, and achieved the revenue of 36 million yuan, an increase of 22.65%
YOY, which accounted for 7.80% of the total operating income.
  From the perspective of customer structure: The total sales to the Company's top five customers was 337
million yuan, accounting for 72.67% of the Company's operating income.

2. Revenue and cost

(1)Component of Business Income
                                                                                                         In RMB
                                   2023                                 2022
                        Amount            Proportion         Amount            Proportion
Total operating
                      464,078,962.46              100%     474,114,098.08              100%               -2.12%
On Industry
Auto and
                      459,412,209.46            98.99%     470,261,936.64            99.19%               -2.31%
Motorcycle parts
Other                   4,666,753.00              1.01%      3,852,161.44              0.81%             21.15%
On products
Auto and
                      459,412,209.46            98.99%     470,261,936.64            99.19%               -2.31%
Motorcycle parts
Other                   4,666,753.00              1.01%      3,852,161.44              0.81%             21.15%
On Area
Domestic              242,244,364.87            52.20%     286,054,392.55            60.33%              -15.32%
Overseas              221,834,597.59            47.80%     188,059,705.53            39.67%               17.96%
Sub-sale model
Vehicle supporting
mode of vehicle
                      370,177,360.21            79.77%     378,774,852.60            79.89%               -2.27%
air conditioning
Vehicle air
conditioning           36,213,291.50              7.80%     29,526,845.35              6.23%             22.65%
compressor after-

                                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

sales service
market model
Other business and
product market           57,688,310.75               12.43%             65,812,400.13              13.88%                  -12.34%

(2)Situation of Industry, Product and District Occupying the Company’s Business Income and Operating
Profit with Profit over 10%
√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                               Increase/decrea     Increase/decrea
                                                                                                se of business        se of gross
                                                               Gross        se of revenue in
                                                                                                 cost over the      profit rate over
                      Turnover           Operation cost        profit       the same period
                                                                                               same period of      the same period
                                                              rate(%)        of the previous
                                                                                                previous year       of the previous
                                                                                                      (%)               year (%)
On Industry
Auto and
Motorcycle           459,412,209.46      427,333,668.74         6.98%                 -2.31%            -4.74%               2.37%
On products
Auto and
Motorcycle           459,412,209.46      427,333,668.74         6.98%                 -2.31%            -4.74%               2.37%
On Area
Domestic             242,328,765.74      212,916,225.64        12.14%                -15.29%           -19.56%               4.67%

Overseas             221,750,196.72      214,417,443.10         3.31%                17.91%            15.45%                2.06%
Sub-sale model
mode of vehicle      370,177,360.21      355,012,235.70         4.10%                 -2.27%            -1.33%              -0.91%
air conditioning
Vehicle air
                      57,688,310.75        41,293,632.04       28.42%                -12.34%           -32.38%             21.21%
service market
Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main
business based on latest on years scope of period-end.
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3)Whether the Company’s Physical Sales Income Exceeded Service Income

√ Yes □ No
  Classification             Items               Unit                     2023                 2022              Changes
                     Sales                Ten thousand sets                      118.31               119.81                -1.25%
Vehicle air          Production           Ten thousand sets                      118.70                92.38               28.50%
                     Stock                Ten thousand sets                       25.59                25.38                 0.82%
Explanation for a year-on –year change of over 30%
□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                                                                                                2023 Annual Report

(4)Degree of Performance of the Significant Sales Contract Signed up to this Report Period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5)Component of business cost

Industry Category
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                 2023                                   2022
                                                    Proportion in the                       Proportion in the      Increase/Dec
 Industry         Items
                                     Amount         operating costs         Amount          operating costs          rease (%)
                                                    (%)                                     (%)
Industry                           309,080,311.27               72.33%     354,704,487.88              78.75%          -12.86%
              Fuel and
Industry                            13,027,157.90                 3.05%      9,888,828.55               2.20%           31.74%
Industry      Staff salary          26,802,488.43                 6.27%     27,582,981.67               6.12%           -2.83%
Industry                            56,775,515.99               13.29%      53,725,630.15              11.93%            5.68%
              ng cost

(6)Whether Changes Occurred in Consolidation Scope in the Report Period

□ Yes √No

(7)Relevant Situation of Significant Changes or Adjustment of the Business, Product or Service in the
Company’s Report Period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

(8)Situation of Main Customers and Main Supplier

Information of Main Customers
Total sales amount to top 5 customers (Yuan)                                                                     337,265,292.37

Proportion of sales to top 5 customers in the annual sales(%)                                                           72.67%

Proportion of the sales volume to the top five customers in the
total sales to the related parties in the year
Information of the Companys top 5 customers

   No                                 Name                                Amount(RMB)                   Proportion(%)
    1         Customers1                                                       212,890,518.36                           45.87%
    2         Customers 2                                                       56,882,709.47                           12.26%
    3         Customers 3                                                       30,766,200.92                            6.63%
    4         Customers 4                                                       24,544,486.17                            5.29%
    5         Customers 5                                                       12,181,377.45                            2.62%
  Total                                  --                                    337,265,292.37                           72.67%
Other explanation :
√ Applicable □Not applicable
Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. The company's controlling shareholder, Military Equipment Group,
holds 40.70% of its shares), one of the top five customers, and its affiliated enterprises have an associated
relationship with the Company. The Company and its transactions, as routine related transactions, have been
submitted to the 2023 First provisional General Meeting of Shareholders for review and approval.

                                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

The company's directors, supervisors, senior managers, key technical personnel and shareholders holding more
than 5% (not including the Military Group) do not direct or indirect interests in the major suppliers of the above-
said suppliers.

Principal suppliers
Total purchase of top 5 Suppliers(Yuan)                                                                           168,113,743.29

Percentage of total purchase of top 5 suppliers In total annual

Proportion of purchase amount from the top 5 suppliers in the
total purchase amount from the related parties in the year
Information about the top 5 suppliers
   No                                Name                                   Amount(Yuan)                     Proportion
    1         Suppliers 1                                                           78,303,481.80                           20.22%
    2         Suppliers 2                                                           25,516,034.65                            6.59%
    3         Suppliers 3                                                           22,753,535.65                            5.88%
    4         Suppliers 4                                                           22,095,216.42                            5.71%
    5         Suppliers 5                                                           19,445,474.77                            5.02%
Total                                  --                                          168,113,743.29                           43.42%
Other explanation :
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The company's directors, supervisors, senior managers, key technical personnel and shareholders holding more
than 5% do not direct or indirect interests in the major suppliers of the above-said suppliers.


                                                                                                                            In RMB
                                     2023                         2022            Increase/Decrease(%)               Note
Sale expenses                        14,232,724.26                15,239,315.12                   -6.61%
                                     52,350,776.53                47,721,110.67                     9.70%
Financial expenses                   18,729,472.71                17,472,245.88                   7.20%
R & D expenses                       27,227,617.00                30,598,868.69                 -11.02%

4.R& D Investment

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                            Expected impact on the
 Name of main R&D
                                Project purpose              Project progress      Goal to be achieved      future development of
                                                                                                                the Company
                            Improve product
                            performance and tackle
                            with the upgrading and
                                                       Continuously carrying                                Improve the
                            development of
                                                       out technological          Improve refrigeration     competitiveness of fix-
                            automobile technology;
Technical direction of                                 upgrades, continuously     efficiency; optimize      displacement
                            consolidate the vitality
traditional compressor                                 reducing design costs,     noise; and optimize       compressors and
                            of products, deal with                                manufacturing costs.      stabilize the scale
                                                       and completing market
                            the upgrading of                                                                position of the industry
                                                       projects as planned
                            consolidate product

                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

                          competitiveness and
                          solve key technical
                                                        The 27CC products
                                                       achieve mass
                          Independently                                                                    Enhance product
                                                       production targets, the
                          controllable controller,                               Improve the product       competitiveness and
Technical direction of                                 36CC products achieve
                          achieving vertical                                     pedigree of new energy    achieve large-scale
electric compressor                                    small batch production,
                          integration of product                                 compressors               breakthroughs in new
                                                       and the 45CC products
                          technology                                                                       energy compressors
                                                       achieve design
                                                       Construction and
                                                       simulation of the
                          Upgrade the product          technical architecture                              With electric
                                                                                 Establish the technical
Technical direction of    horizontal integration,      of heat pump air                                    compressors as the
                                                                                 capability of matching
thermal management        focusing on system           conditioning system,                                core, build heat pump
system                                                                           testing of air
                          matching and heat            and establishment of                                air conditioning system
                                                                                 conditioning systems.
                          pump technology.             enterprise thermal                                  integration capabilities.
                                                       management system
                                                       enterprise standards.
                                                       The EFI system            Develop new products
                          Cultivation and                                                                  Improve the
Direction of EFI                                       achieve recognition by    such as EFI systems
                          development of EFI                                                               competitiveness of the
system                                                 market customers and      and gasoline pumps to
                          systems                                                                          Company.
                                                       achieve mass sales.       promote scale growth
Company's research and development personnel situation
                                              2023                               2022                      Increase /decrease
  Number of Research and
   Development persons                                        66                               70                           -5.71%
 Proportion of Research and
                                                           9.40%                           9.00%                             0.40%
    Development persons
Academic structure of R&D personnel
Bachelor                                                      51                               52                           -1.92%
Master                                                         5                                5                            0.00%
College                                                       10                               13                          -30.77%
Age composition of R&D personnel
Under 30 years old                                            27                               23                           17.39%
30-40 years old                                               15                               17                          -11.76%
Over 40 years old                                             24                               30                          -20.00%
The Company's R & D investment situation
                                              2023                               2022                      Increase /decrease
   Amount of Research and
  Development Investment                            27,227,617.00                  30,598,868.69                           -11.02%
 Proportion of Research and
 Development Investment of                                 5.87%                           6.45%                            -0.58%
     Operation Revenue
   Amount of Research and
  Development Investment                                     0.00                             0.00                           0.00%
    Capitalization (Yuan)
 Proportion of Capitalization
 Research and Development
                                                           0.00%                           0.00%                             0.00%
 Investment of Research and
  Development Investment
Reasons and influence of significant changes in R&D personnel composition of the Company
√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

     The change in the educational background and age structure of R&D personnel was due to the fact that in
order to optimize the multi-level talent structure allocation and strengthen the construction of the scientific and
technological team, the Company's Automotive Thermal Management System Research Institute strengthened
the introduction of professional and technical talents in 2023 and continued to recruit college graduates to
promote the technical talent reserve.
The Reason of the Prominent Change in Total Amount of Research and Development Input Occupying the
Business Income Year on Year
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Reasons for the drastic change of capitalization rate of R&D investment and its rationality explanation
□ Applicable √Not applicable

5.Cash Flow

                                                                                                           In RMB
              Items                         2023                          2022                Increase/Decrease(%)
Subtotal of cash inflow received
                                               449,078,096.98               477,842,991.85                  -6.02%
from operation activities
Subtotal of cash outflow received
                                               446,539,873.37               465,433,392.76                  -4.06%
from operation activities
Net cash flow arising from
                                                   2,538,223.61              12,409,599.09                 -79.55%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflow received
                                                    159,773.95              153,543,148.36                 -99.90%
from investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow for
                                                18,995,468.32                26,166,782.57                 -27.41%
investment activities
Net cash flow arising from
                                               -18,835,694.37               127,376,365.79                -114.79%
investment activities
Subtotal cash inflow received
                                               781,612,717.55               732,591,828.08                   6.69%
from financing activities
Subtotal cash outflow for
                                               807,190,167.73               726,114,182.90                  11.17%
financing activities
Net cash flow arising from
                                               -25,577,450.18                 6,477,645.18                -494.86%
financing activities
Net increase in cash and cash
                                               -41,878,663.83               146,256,010.86                -128.63%
Notes to the year-on-year change of the relevant data
√Applicable □ Not applicable
     The decrease in net cash flow from operating activities was due to the lower product sales and lower
revenue during the year.
     The decrease in the subtotal cash inflow from investing activities was mainly due to the significant
increase in cash inflow from investing activities due to the transfer of assets such as the 106 plant in the
previous year.
     The decrease in the subtotal cash outflow from investment activities was mainly due to the decrease in
investment in fixed assets (the technical transformation project of Pingshan Taikai motorcycle fuel pump
production line was not feasible due to changes in the external market and was not implemented in the current
The decrease in net cash flow from fund-raising activities was due to the structural adjustment of fund-raising.

                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report

     The decrease in net increase in cash and cash equivalents was mainly due to the decrease in net cash flow
from above-said operating activities, the decrease in net cash flow from investing activities and the decrease in
net cash flow from financing activities.
Reasons for the significant difference between the net cash flow generated by the Company's operating
activities during the reporting period and the net profit of this year
□ Applicable √Not applicable

V. Main business analysis

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                    Proportion in total
                               Amount                                        Explanation of cause    Sustainable (yes or no)
                                                                            The operating income
                                                                            of the Company's joint
Investment income                 11,095,359.95                  15.92%                              Yes
                                                                            venture Jianshe
Change in fair value,
                                           0.00                    0.00%                             No
profit and loss.

Impairment of assets                -490,947.61                    0.70%                             No

Non-operating income                 79,114.42                     0.11%                             No

                                       1,260.70                    0.00%                             No
Income from asset
                                    -413,963.91                    0.59%                             No
Credit impairment
                                    331,504.85                     0.48%                             No

VI. Condition of Asset and Liabilities

1.Condition of Asset Causing Significant Change
                                                                                                                    In RMB
                               End of 2023                                 End of 2022                              Notes to
                                                                                                     Proportion        the
                                           Proportion in                             Proportion in   increase/d     significa
                        Amount                the total           Amount                the total      ecrease          nt
                                             assets(%)                                 assets(%)                     change
Monetary fund           137,195,899.72            15.73%         179,954,522.99             20.06%         -4.33%
                        125,956,261.01            14.44%         113,710,214.72             12.68%         1.76%
Contract assets                                    0.00%                                                   0.00%
Inventories             130,309,955.62            14.94%         131,860,572.93             14.70%         0.24%
Real estate
                                                   0.00%                                                   0.00%
equity                  221,207,680.99            25.36%         210,112,321.04             23.43%         1.93%
Fixed assets            188,907,962.58            21.66%         202,039,143.80             22.53%         -0.87%

                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

Construction in
                         15,244,362.53                1.75%              989,429.96              0.11%          1.64%
Right to use
                                                      0.00%                                                     0.00%
                        540,993,500.00                62.03%        546,603,500.00              60.94%          1.09%
                           2,058,111.01               0.24%           3,441,205.38               0.38%          -0.14%
Overseas assets account for a relatively high proportion.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2.Asset and Liabilities Measured by Fair Value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Restricted asset rights as of the end of this Reporting Period

                                                                        Ending balance
                              Book balance                  Book value              Restricted type         Restricted situation
Monetary fund
                                                                                                         Bank     acceptance       bill
                                       9,080,029.50             9,080,029.50    Pledeg
                                                                                                         security deposit

Fixed assets                       41,102,080.06               24,295,232.36    Pledeg                   Loans Mortgage

              Total                50,182,109.56               33,375,261.86              --                          --

      Connect the table:

                                                                     Beginning balance(
                              Book balance                 Book value               Restricted type         Restricted situation
Monetary fund
                                                                                                         Bank     acceptance       bill
                                       9,959,988.94             9,959,988.94    Pledeg
                                                                                                         security deposit
Financing receivable
                                                                                                         Bank     acceptance       bill
                                       7,820,000.00             7,820,000.00    Pledeg
                                   17,779,988.94               17,779,988.94              --                          --

VII. Investment situation

1. General

√ Applicable □Not applicable
   Investments made in the Reporting           Investments made in the prior year
           Period(\Yuan)                                  (Yuan)
                         13,061,400.00                                29,867,100.00                                         -56.27%

2.Condition of Acquiring Significant Share Right Investment during the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report
3.Situation of the Significant Non-equity Investment Undergoing in the Report Period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                          Accrued Actual                                                Reasons for
                                          Industry                                                                         Realized
                      Invest   Fixed                                      Investment        Capita              Antici                  not Reaching
                                          involved     Investment                                    Project               Income up
                       ment    investm                                    Amount up to      l                   pated                   the Planned      Disclosure        Disclosure
Project name                              in           amount in this                                 schedu               to the End                       date             Index
                       meth    ents or                                    the End of        Sourc               incom                   Schedule and
                                          investmen    reporting period                               le                   of
                       od      not                                        Reporting         e                   e                       Anticipated
                                          t projects                                                                       Reporting
                                                                          Period                                                        Income
                                                                                                                                                                        See on
                                          Automoti                                                                                      construction
Construction                                                                                                                                                            www.cninfo.co
                                          ve air                                                                                        of the project
project of dynamic                                                                                                                                                      m.cn company
                      Self-               conditione                                        Self      100.00                            has been         January
and static disk                Yes                        6,981,800.00       6,981,800.00                           0.00         0.00                                   announcement
                      built               r                                                 funds         %                             completed,       17,2023
production line of                        compresso                                                                                                                     on
electric compressor                       r industry                                                                                                                    Announcement
                                                                                                                                                                        No.: 2023-001
                                                                                                                                        The                             See on
                                          Automoti                                                                                      construction                    www.cninfo.co
                                          ve air                                                                                        of the project                  m.cn company
Sporadic fixed        Self-               conditione                                        Self      100.00                                             January
                               Yes                        6,079,600.00       6,079,600.00                           0.00         0.00   has been                        announcement
assets investment     built               r                                                 funds         %                                              17,2023
                                          compresso                                                                                     completed,                      on
                                          r industry                                                                                    saving                          Announcement
                                                                                                                                        670,400 yuan                    No.: 2023-001
Total                   --           --        --        13,061,400.00      13,061,400.00       --         --       0.00         0.00         --             --                --

                                         2023 Annual Report

4.Investment of Financial Asset

(1)Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period

(2)Investment in Derivatives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period

5.Application of the raised capital

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period

VIII. Sales of major assets and equity

1.Situation of Significant Asset Sale

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period

2.Sales of major equity

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report
IX. Analysis of the Main Share Holding Companies and Share Participating Companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Situation of Main Subsidiaries and the Joint-stock Company with over 10% net profit influencing to the Company

                                                                                                                                                             In RMB
 Company      Company                                            Registered
                                   Sectors engaged in                         Total assets      Net assets        Turnover        Operating profit       Net Profit
   Name         type                                              capital
             Subsidiarie   Production and sales of automotive
Conditione                                                      16000         736,446,201.62   136,174,763.65    407,426,284.81     -63,362,878.98       -63,410,056.00
             s             air conditioners
r Co.

Pingshan     Shareholdi    Production and sales of
                                                                8355           91,871,607.66    84,291,366.13     51,413,680.94          50,465.89           67,686.15
Taikai       ng            motorcycles and parts
             Shareholdi    Production and sales of
             ng            Automobile Thermal Energy            42000         519,521,882.39   439,298,643.18    277,217,202.96      24,512,822.23       22,190,719.89
             company       Management system
Acquirement and disposal of subsidiaries in the Reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
     The wholly-owned subsidiary Automotive Air Conditioning is mainly engaged in the production and sales of fixed-displacement compressors for automotive air
conditioners. With the increase of market share of new energy vehicles, the fixed-displacement compressor market has further declined. In 2023, 1.1831 million air-
conditioning compressors were sold, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.25%, and the operating income was RMB 407.43 million, with a year-on-year decrease of

     The wholly-owned subsidiary Pingshan Taikai is mainly engaged in the production and sales of carburetor and parts for engines. In 2023, In 2023, a number of
247,800 carburetors was sold, a YOY increase of 4.26%, and 7,500 sets of EFI systems were sold. The operating income from that was 51.61 million yuan, a YOY
decrease of 15.39%.

                                                                                                                                                2023 Annual Report

    The joint venture Jianshe HANON is mainly engaged in the production and sales of variable displacement compressors.      In 2023, it sold 557,300 units of
variable displacement compressors, a YOY increase of 14.36%, and achievedthe operating income of 277.22 million yuan, a YOY increase of 8.9%.

                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

X.Structured vehicle controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Prospect for future development of the Company

     (I) Overall development trend of the industry and opportunities and challenges faced by the Company
     From the perspective of the development environment of the industry, the internal and external
environment faced by the automotive industry is still complex and severe. Firstly, the international political
disputes and military conflicts have erupted at many points, and the foreign trade market is facing more
uncertainties and large downward pressure. Secondly, the domestic macroeconomic environment still faces
challenges such as insufficient effective demand, intensified competition, and downward prices. However, the
favorable factors supporting the high-quality development of the automotive industry continue to accumulate
and increase, which will effectively improve the development environment of the automotive industry.
     From the perspective of the operation trend of the industry, the development opportunities and challenges
coexist in 2024, but the opportunities outweigh the challenges, and the favorable conditions are stronger than
the unfavorable factors. Its expected that the automobile market will continue to maintain a steady and positive
development trend in 2024 and will reach 31 million units, a slight increase of about 3% YOY. The production
and sales of new energy vehicles will be expected to be about 11.5 million units, a YOY increase of about 20%
and the production and sales of traditional fuel vehicles will decrease by 1.1 million units, a YOY decrease of
about 5.3%.
     From the perspective of the Company's development, the Company is facing a complex business
environment and development pressure. The traditional automotive air-conditioning compressor products have
been impacted by the transformation of the industry, and the sales scale has continued to shrink. The core
competitiveness of new energy electric compressors is yet not enough, and it has not formed a scale effect in the
mainstream passenger car market. However, with the official mass production of Changan Automobile CPA
project, the market for new energy electric compressors has achieved a breakthrough, laying the foundation for
the Company's transformation and development.
      (II) Company development plans
     The Company will unswervingly strengthen the construction of scientific and technological innovation
enterprise, strive to build a new energy vehicle thermal management system and a full range of compressor
product layout business structure, and vigorously implement the "three-year revitalization plan" and the three-
step development strategy. Through the products revitalization, the integration of the Company's industrial
layout optimization will be fully completed, and the new energy industry will become a new pillar backbone.
Through market revitalization, the Company's internal resource integration will be fully implemented, and the
market mechanism will achieve new results. Through management revitalization, the operation of the listed
company will be fundamentally improved, and endogenous development will emerge with new vitality.

                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

Through talent revitalization, the Company's competitive advantage will be reconstructed, and the value
creation will gather new momentum.
      (III) Company's production and operation arrangement in 2024
     The year of 2024 is the first year of the implementation of the "three-year revitalization plan", and the
Company will fully implement the business idea of "one rise, one stability and one decline", and vigorously
implement the "271" business strategy, that is to achieve two goals, to carry out resource integration at the
capital level and improve the anti-risk ability of the listed company. It will fully complete the business target in
2024 at the operation level, achieve the operating income of 584 million yuan, and complete the sales of 1.5
million units of automotive air-conditioning compressors, including 200,000 new energy electric compressors.
The Company will vigorously implement the seven special actions of capital operation of the listed company,
product tackling, market tackling, cost reduction, engineering capacity improvement, three systems reform and
in-depth joint venture cooperation, basically forming an enterprise model of new energy industry operation +
joint venture control upon the initial completion of transformation and upgrading.
     Make every effort to promote product tackling. The first is to focus on promoting the Company's "266"
scientific and technological transformation action plan, reshaping the scientific and technological innovation
system, and achieve the system efficiency evaluation results ranking in the forefront of the group company. The
second is to fully promoted the solidification, optimization and marketization of electric platform products,
accelerate the solution of outstanding problems in the current period, complete the performance optimization of
27CC and 34CC platform products, and build product technical competitiveness. The third is to solidly promote
lean research and development, optimize the organizational structure, personnel structure, and project
management, further promote the design and cost reduction work, and build product market competitiveness.
The fourth is to coordinate and promote the iterative reserve of product technology, complete the development
of COM-PTC controller integration technology, R1234yf refrigerant scroll electric compressor heat pump
adaptability technology research, and new refrigerant (R290) heat pump electric compressor forward-looking
technology research.
     Make every effort to promote the market tackling. First, for the electric compressor, we will grasp the
increment of existing projects such as Chang'an, Ruichi, and Geely, and promote the increase volume of new
projects such as Kaiyi and Xinyuan, so as to obtain increase in existed and strengthen the increment. Second,
for the fixed-displacement compressor, it will consolidate the existing projects such as Peugeot and Great Wall,
continue to stabilize the sales scale, and accelerate the increase volume in new projects such as the conversion
project, the second-supplier project, and the Peugeot project. The third is to reshape the market customer
structure, the electric compressor will take the markets or projects such as Dongfeng Nissan as the main
expansion target, and the fixed displacement compressor will take Chery, offline, overseas and other markets as
the main expansion target. The market concentration will be effectively reduced, and the customer structure will
be significantly improved.

                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

     Make every effort to improve the engineering capabilities. The first is to improve the technological
capabilities, completely solve the engineering problems such as electric compressor running-in and assembly
operation efficiency, and enable the dynamic and static disc machine processing line, the electric compressor
assembly line, and the controller line will be running stable at full production, and the manufacturing cost of a
single unit will be greatly reduced with the supply chain is stable, reliable and controllable. The second is to
improve the level of product quality, the quality cost rate will decrease by 0.5 percentage points YOY, the FTT
of assembly line of fixed displacement products will be increased to 93.6%, the FTT of the electric 27CC
production line will be increased to 85%, the FTT of the 34CC production line will be increased to 90%, and the
first-time yieldpass rate of electric products will be increased to 95%. The third is to improve the level of
equipment management, strengthen the preventive maintenance of equipment, reduce the average time to repair
failures, and improve the overall OEE level of equipment.
     Make every effort to reduce costs and control costs. The first is to adhere to the rigidity of the budget,
decompose the goals layer by layer, implement responsibilities layer by layer, and form a target performance
management system that everyone picks up the heavy burden and everyone has indicators on their heads. The
second is to increase the potential of cost tapping, carry out in-depth value-saving actions, aim at the
weaknesses of cost management, focus on key improvement areas, refine measurement standards, and control
the procurement cost of the whole product line within the annual predetermined target. The third is to strictly
control various expenses, so that "no budget no spending, there is budget but no overspending", increase the
monitoring of costs and expenses, period expenses, etc., to ensure that the "three" expenses will be matched
with the economies of scale. Fourth, we will strictly abide by the boundaries of the two gold controls, strictly
control accounts receivable, determine production by sales, determine the procurement by production, and clean
up the backlog of idle and inefficient and ineffective inventory in a timely manner.
     Make every effort to promote the reform of the three systems. The first is to deepen the reform of the
personnel system, implement the competitive employment for the last-grade position in the evaluation of cadres,
strengthen the exit of middle-level leaders, improve the evaluation system of core talents, non-administrative
and post-cadres, and build a positive dynamic adjustment mechanism. The second is to deepen the reform of the
distribution system, build a multi-level income distribution model, optimize the medium and long-term
incentives, strengthen project co-investment management, improve the scientific research team'sincome
dividends of new product achievement transformation and improve the scientific and technological personnel
remuneration cashing system, and the remuneration distribution will be more inclined to the core backbone. The
third is to deepen the reform of the employment system, assess job needs, integrate functions and
responsibilities, flatten the establishment of institutions, and establish a normalized exit mechanism in
accordance with the law.
     Focus on preventing and resolving risks and hidden dangers. First, the Company will continue to improve
the internal control system. It will further improve the Company's risk management level, strengthen risk

                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report

identification and risk control before, during and after the event. It will further consolidate the compliance
management responsibilities to ensure 100% coverage of the "three reviews" of legal compliance, and
effectively prevent the Company's legal compliance risks. The second is to strictly implement safety production
control. It will carry out a three-year difficulties-tackling action to strengthen and consolidate the overall safety
system, continue to promote the rectification of major accidents and hidden dangers, and effectively curb the
occurrence of accidents, promote the standardization of team safety standards, and earnestly implement the
responsibility and measures for safe production to teams and individuals. It will carry out a three-year special
action for ecological and environmental protection to reduce environmental pollution risk points and prevent
environmental emergencies.

     The above financial budget, business plan, and business goals do not represent the Company’s profit
forecast for the future years, and whether it can be achieved depends on various factors such as changes in
market conditions and the efforts of the business team. As there is great uncertainty, investors are advised
to pay attention to it.

                                                                                                                                                                          2023 Annual Report
XII.Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                               Types of
                      Place of      Way of                  Visitors                                                                                           Index of Basic Information on
   Reception time                               visitors                                Main contents discussed and information provided
                     reception     reception                received                                                                                            the Investigation and Survey
                                                                        Q: The Company's annual performance forecast shows that the performance is
                     The                       Individu                 declining, in the face of the current performance, does the Company's controlling      Register of visitors for investo
February 2,2023                   By phone                 Mr.Zhang
                     Company                   al                       shareholder have a plan to promote the B-share reform? A: The Company does             rs of the company
                                                                        not know the controlling shareholder's plan for the Company's B-share reform.
                                                                        Q: The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
                                                                        (SASAC) issued the "Work Plan for Improving the Quality of Listed Companies
                                                                        Controlled by Central Enterprises" to encourage and support central enterprises
                                                                        to become stronger, better and bigger.As a listed company of central enterprises,
                                                                        the Company should seize policy opportunities and promote B-share reform. A:
                     The                       Individu                                                                                                        Register of visitors for investo
March 21,2023                     By phone                 Mr.Chen      The Company will conscientiously implement the requirements of the State-
                     Company                   al                                                                                                              rs of the company
                                                                        owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the CSGC on the
                                                                        quality improvement of listed companies, unswervingly promote the "three major
                                                                        battles" of product innovation, reform and adjustment, and losses turnaround and
                                                                        profits increase, and strive to promote the high-quality development of the listed
                     The                       Individu                 Q: What is the relationship between the Company and the Construction                   Register of visitors for investo
March 22,2023                     By phone                 Mr.Chen
                     Company                   al                       company? A: Both are controlled by one party.                                          rs of the company
                                                                                                                                                               Jianche B 2022 Annual
                                                                        Q: After the Company's 4:1 share reduction, the total share capital is too small,
                                                                                                                                                               Performance Presentation
                                  Online                                and many institutional investors are reluctant to participate in the investment,
                                                                                                                                                               Investor Activity Record
                                  communic                              hoping that the Company can increase capital and expand shares. A: At present,
                     The                       Individu                                                                                                        Form, published on Shenzhen
May 12,2023                       ation on                 Individual   the Company is steadily promoting production and operation in accordance with
                     Company                   al                                                                                                              Stock Exchange Investor
                                  the online                            the 14th Five-Year Plan, if there is a capital increase and share expansion plan, it
                                                                                                                                                               Relations Interactive Platform
                                  platform                              will be announced in time, please continue to pay attention to the Company's
                                                                                                                                                               (Interactive Platform) on May
                                                                        information disclosure.
                                                                                                                                                               15, 2023
                                                                                                                                                               Jianche B 2022 Annual
                                                                                                                                                               Performance Presentation
                                  Online                                Q: In recent years, the performance has not been idea, it is recommended that the
                                                                                                                                                               Investor Activity Record
                                  communic                              Company expand new business on the basis of the current main business, and
                     The                       Individu                                                                                                        Form, published on Shenzhen
May 12,2023                       ation on                 Individual   improve the Company's development ability and profitability. A: The company is
                     Company                   al                                                                                                              Stock Exchange Investor
                                  the online                            actively expanding new businesses and accelerating transformation and
                                                                                                                                                               Relations Interactive Platform
                                  platform                              upgrading and high-quality development.
                                                                                                                                                               (Interactive Platform) on May
                                                                                                                                                               15, 2023
                                                                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                                                                  Jianche B 2022 Annual
                                                                                                                                                  Performance Presentation
                        Online                               Q: A number of B-share listed companies have achieved B-share reform, why has
                                                                                                                                                  Investor Activity Record
                        communic                             there been no progress in the Company's B-share reform? We hope that the
              The                    Individu                                                                                                     Form, published on Shenzhen
May 12,2023             ation on                Individual   Company will promote the work of converting B share to A share as soon as
              Company                al                                                                                                           Stock Exchange Investor
                        the online                           possible. A: The Company is actively exploring the work of converting B share
                                                                                                                                                  Relations Interactive Platform
                        platform                             to A share in accordance with the relevant national policies.
                                                                                                                                                  (Interactive Platform) on May
                                                                                                                                                  15, 2023
                                                                                                                                                  Jianche B 2022 Annual
                                                             Q: The Company has been losing money for many years, is it expected to turn
                                                                                                                                                  Performance Presentation
                        Online                               losses into profits this year? If achieve the expected revenue of 570 million yuan
                                                                                                                                                  Investor Activity Record
                        communic                             in the annual report, what is the expected profit? A: According to the 14th Five
              The                    Individu                                                                                                     Form, published on Shenzhen
May 12,2023             ation on                Individual   Year Plan, the Company vigorously implements the "136" strategy and develops
              Company                al                                                                                                           Stock Exchange Investor
                        the online                           in line with expectations during the transformation and upgrading process
                                                                                                                                                  Relations Interactive Platform
                        platform                             towards the new energy thermal management industry. Please refer to the
                                                                                                                                                  (Interactive Platform) on May
                                                             Company's regular reports for specific details.
                                                                                                                                                  15, 2023
                                                                                                                                                  Jianche B 2022 Annual
                                                                                                                                                  Performance Presentation
                        Online                               Q: Does Hanang Construction currently have the ability to deliver thermal
                                                                                                                                                  Investor Activity Record
                        communic                             management systems based on its recent business performance and future profit
              The                    Individu                                                                                                     Form, published on Shenzhen
May 12,2023             ation on                Individual   forecast? A: Hanang Construction completed its revenue and profit targetsby
              Company                al                                                                                                           Stock Exchange Investor
                        the online                           exceeding the budget in the first quarter of 2023, and its expected to achieve its
                                                                                                                                                  Relations Interactive Platform
                        platform                             annual profit target according to the budget or beyond the budget this year.
                                                                                                                                                  (Interactive Platform) on May
                                                                                                                                                  15, 2023
                                                             Q: Now that the Company's business situation, financial situation, and survival
                                                                                                                                                  Jianche B 2022 Annual
                                                             are all problems, how to build a world-class scientific and technological
                                                                                                                                                  Performance Presentation
                        Online                               innovation company? A: The Company is promoting the "266" scientific and
                                                                                                                                                  Investor Activity Record
                        communic                             technological innovation action, implementing the product innovation battle, and
              The                    Individu                                                                                                     Form, published on Shenzhen
May 12,2023             ation on                Individual   striving to build a world-class scientific and technological innovation enterprise
              Company                al                                                                                                           Stock Exchange Investor
                        the online                           through the construction of scientific and technological innovation ecological
                                                                                                                                                  Relations Interactive Platform
                        platform                             mechanism, the introduction of high-level talents, the promotion of digital
                                                                                                                                                  (Interactive Platform) on May
                                                             transformation of R&D, and the continuous improvement of R&D investment
                                                                                                                                                  15, 2023
                                                             Q: Last year, the Company's new energy compressor production and sales were          Jianche B 2022 Annual
                                                             very low, is it because it has not yet formed its own core competitiveness? Is the   Performance Presentation
              The                    Individu                bottleneck problem naturally existing? Is it possible for sales to reach 100,000     Investor Activity Record
May 12,2023             ation on                Individual
              Company                al                      units this year? A: The Company unswervingly transforms and upgrades to the          Form, published on Shenzhen
                        the online
                                                             new energy thermal management industry, and has built a new energy product           Stock Exchange Investor
                                                             series platform through the vigorous implementation of product innovation. The       Relations Interactive Platform

                                                                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report
                                                                     Company is fully committed to the market boost, and its expected that the sales   (Interactive Platform) on May
                                                                     of new energy electric compressors will exceed 100,000 units.                     15, 2023

                                                                                                                                                                  Jianche B
                                                                                                                                                       participated in the Collective
                   Location     Online                                                                                                                 Reception Day for investors
                   of           communic                             A total number of 38 of questions raised by investors and the Company's replies   of listed companies in
November 17,2023   collective   ation on                Individual   were disclosed on the investor relations interactive platform of the Shenzhen     Chongqing, published on the
                   reception    the online                           Stock Exchange (E-platform)                                                       Investor Relations Interactive
                   activities   platform                                                                                                               Platform of Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                                                                                       Exchange on November 20,
                                                                                                                                                       2023 (Interactive Platform)

    XIII. The implementation of the action plan of "Double improvement of quality and return".

    Whether the Company has disclosed the action plan of "Double improvement of quality and return".
    □Yes No

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

                                          IV. Corporate Governance

I.Basic state of corporate governance

     In accordance with the Guidelines for the Governance of Listed Companies and other laws and regulations,
the company has continuously improved its governance mechanism and established an effective governance
structure, with clear rights and obligations of shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior executives, which can
ensure that shareholders fully exercise their legal rights, ensure that the Board of Directors is responsible to the
company and shareholders, and ensure the transparency of major information disclosure, legal operation and
honesty and trustworthiness of the company. There is no significant difference between the actual situation of
corporate governance and the normative documents on governance of listing companies issued by China
Securities Regulatory Commission.
     In 2023, the board of directors and the board office of the Company won the "2023 Excellent Practice Case
of Board of Directors of Listed Companies" and "2023 Excellent Practice Case of Board Office of Listed
Companies" respectively in the evaluation by the China Association of Listed Companies.
Does there exist any difference in compliance with the corporate governance , the PRC Company Law and the
relevant provisions of CSRC,
□ Yes √No
There exist no difference in compliance with the corporate governance , the PRC Company Law and the
relevant provisions of CSRC.

II. Independence of the Company relative to controlling shareholder and the actual controller in ensuring
the Company’s assets, personnel, finance, organization and businesses

The Company is completely separate from the holding shareholder in aspects of business, asset, finance, and
organization. It has its independent business operation.
Business: The Company has independent and complete development, purchase, production and marketing system.
The Company is capable to perform business operation independently.
Personnel: The Company established independent functional department responsible for labor, personnel and
wage management and formed labor, personnel and wage management system.
Asset: The Companys assets are independent and complete. The assets are registered, booked, accounted, and
administrated independently.
Organization: The Company has established an organizational structure that is independent of its controlling
shareholder. The organs of the Company are able to exercise their functions independently.
 Finance: The Company has set up independent finance department, formed independent financial accounting
system, established and perfected financial control system and internal control measures, opened independent
bank accounts and paid taxes independently.

III. Competition situations of the industry

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

IV. Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings in the Reportin

1.Annual General Meeting

                                                                                                                                                                       2023 Annual Report

        Sessions                 Type            participation       Meeting Date             Disclosure date                                Disclosure index
                                                                                                                   It was reviewed and approved: 1.Proposal on 2023 Annual
The First Extraordinary   Extraordinary                                                                            Investment Plan. 2.Proposal on the financing plan for 2023.
shareholders General      shareholders                 74.45%    February 24,2023          February 25,2023        3.Proposal on the expected provision of guarantees for Subsidiaries
meeting in 2023           General meeting                                                                          in 2023.4.Proposal on expected routine related party transactions in
                                                                                                                   It was reviewed and approved: 1. The Work Report of the Board of
                                                                                                                   Directors for 2022.2. The Work Report of Supervisors committee
2022 Shareholders         Annual General                                                                           2022.3.Annual Report for 2022 and its summary. 4. Profit
                                                       76.24%    May 26,2023               May 27,2023
general meeting           Meeting                                                                                  distribution plan for 2022.5. Proposal on the general election of the
                                                                                                                   board of directors.6.Proposal on the general election of the Board of
                                                                                                                   It was reviewed and approved: . 1. Proposal on the change of
The Second                                                                                                         accounting firm. 2. Proposal on amending the Articles of Association
Extraordinary                                                                                                      3. Proposal on amending the Rules of Procedure of the General
                          shareholders                 74.57%    December 22,2023          December 23,2023
shareholders General                                                                                               Meeting of Shareholders. 4. Proposal on amending the Rules of
                          General meeting
meeting in 2023                                                                                                    Procedure of the Board of Directors.
                                                                                                                   5. Proposal on formulating the "Independent Director System".

2. Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred stockholders whose voting rights restore

□ Applicable √Not applicable

V. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

1.Basic situation

                                                                                                                               Amount      Amount
                                                                                                                    Shares         of          of       Other      Shares
                                                                                                                    held at     shares      shares     changes     held at
    Name           Sex    Age        Positions                   Starting date of tenure   Expiry date of tenure   the year-   increase    decrease    increase   the year-    Reason
                                                                                                                   begin(sh     d at the    d at the   /decreas   end(shar
                                                                                                                     are)      reportin    reportin        e          e)
                                                                                                                                   g           g

                                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                  period(s   period(s
                                                                                                   hare)      hare)
Fan Aijun     Male    52   Chairman          In office   October 27,2023    May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
Fan Aijun     Male    52   Director          In office   February 3,2021    May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
                                             Dimissi                                                                              Not
Fan Aijun     Male    52   GM                            January 18,2021    October 27,2023   0          0          0   0     0
                                             on                                                                                   applicable
Zhou                                                                                                                              Not
              Male    44   Director          In office   February 2,2024    May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
Chaodong                                                                                                                          applicable
Zhou                                                                                                                              Not
              Male    44   GM                In office   December 22,2023   May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
Chaodong                                                                                                                          applicable
Dong Qihong   Male    59   Director          In office   April 11,2019      May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
Qiao Guoan    Male    59   Director          In office   May 26,2023        May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
                                             Dimissi                                                                              Not
Qiao Guoan    Male    59   Supervisor                    April 11,2019      May 26,2023       0          0          0   0     0
                                             on                                                                                   applicable
Shi Qingong   Male    51   Director          In office   May 28,2021        May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
Gu Xiaozhou   Male    36   Director          In office   May 26,2023        May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
                           Independent                                                                                            Not
Li Jiaming    Male    58                     In office   May 22,2020        May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
                           Director                                                                                               applicable
                           Independent                                                                                            Not
Xie Fei       Male    59                     In office   May 22,2020        May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
                           Director                                                                                               applicable
                           Independent                                                                                            Not
Liu Wei       Male    59                     In office   May 22,2020        May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
                           Director                                                                                               applicable
              Femal        Independent                                                                                            Not
Song Weiwei           48                     In office   May 22,2020        May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
              e            Director                                                                                               applicable
                           Chairman of the
Lu Xianyun    Male    59   supervisory       In office   November 27,2020   May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
Zhang                                                                                                                             Not
              Male    56   Supervisor        In office   April 11,2019      May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
Lungang                                                                                                                           applicable
                           Employee                                                                                               Not
Liao Jian     Male    52                     In office   March 3,2021       May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
                           supervisor                                                                                             applicable
                           Employee                                                                                               Not
Su Qiang      Male    37                     In office   November 29,2021   May 29,2026       0          0          0   0     0
                           supervisor                                                                                             applicable

                                                                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report
                                   Secretary of the
                                   Commission for                                                                                                         Not
Xu Wanming     Male           52                      In office   August 29,2022                              0         0         0         0         0
                                   Discipline                                                                                                             applicable
Tan Mingxian   Male           50   Chief accountant   In office   March 25,2019      May 29,2026              0         0         0         0         0
Li Yongjiang   Male           42   Deputy GM          In office   December 5,2021    May 29,2026              0         0         0         0         0
Zhou                                                                                                                                                      Not
               Male           51   Deputy GM          In office   June 26,2022       May 29,2026              0         0         0         0         0
Yongqiang                                                                                                                                                 applicable
Zhang                              Secretary of the                                                                                                       Not
               Male           36                      In office   May 17,2018        May 29,2026              0         0         0         0         0
Hushan                             Board                                                                                                                  applicable
Yan                                                   Dimissi                                                                                             Not
               Male           60   Chairman                       November 13,2020   October 27,2023          0         0         0         0         0
Xuechuan                                              on                                                                                                  applicable
Yan                                                   Dimissi                                                                                             Not
               Male           60   Director                       October 11,2018    October 27,2023          0         0         0         0         0
Xuechuan                                              on                                                                                                  applicable
                                                      Dimissi                                                                                             Not
Hao Lin        Male           60   Director                       April 29,2008      May 26,2023              0         0         0         0         0
                                                      on                                                                                                  applicable

Total           --       --                   --         --                --                 --              0         0         0         0         0       --

During the reporting period, whether there is dismissal of directors and supervisors and decruitment of senior executives
√ Yes □No
During the reporting period, The company has the resignation of directors and supervisors and the dismisssal of Senior executives personnel during their term of
office. For details, please refer to the following "Changes in the company's directors, supervisors and senior management personnel"

                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

.Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
    Name             Positions          Types                     Date                       Reason

                                                                               Elected as Chairman by the Board
Fan Aijun       Chairman          Elected               October 27,2023
                                                                               of Directors

Fan Aijun       GM                Dismiss               October 27,2023        Job changes

                                                                               Appointment by the Board of
Zhou Chaodong   GM                Appointed             December 22,2023
                Director,                                                      Retire at the age and resign from the
Yan Xuechuan                      Dimission             October 27,2023
                Chairman                                                       position
                                                                               General election of directors,
Qiao Guoan      Director          Elected               May 26,2023
                                                                               elected as director
                                  Leave office at the                          The supervisor's term of office has
Qiao Gluoan     Supervisor                              May 26,2023
                                  end of your term                             expired and he/she has resigned
                                                                               General election of directors,
Gu Xiaozhou     Director          Elected               May 26,2023
                                                                               elected as director
                                  Leave office at the                          The director's term expires and
Hao Lin         Director                                May 26,2023
                                  end of your term                             he/she leaves office

II. Status of service

Working experiences of current directors, supervisors, and executives
Situation by the end of 2023:

   Fan Aijun, male, was born in July 1971, postgraduate degree of business management, engineer. He had served
as workshop technician, office secretary, deputy director of general administration, and deputy chief of staff of
Construction Group; he had served as vice general manager of Pan India Construction Co., Ltd, section chief of
overseas business section of Chongqing Jianya, deputy chief, and section chief of matching section, and section
chief of matching section of automobile division of the company; he had served as vice general manager, and
general manager of automotive air-conditioner compressor division, and he had served as vice general manager of
the company; currently, he serves as deputy party secretary of Jianshe Mechanical and Electric Company, and he
is the general manager, director and CFO of the company. Currently, he serves as Secretary of party committee
and Chairman of the Company.

     Zhou Chaodong, male, born in January 1979, holds a bachelor's degree in automobile and tractor from
Shenyang Institute of Technology, and is a senior engineer. He used to be the chief designer, minister and
deputy director of the MF platform of the technology center of Chongqing Qingshan Transmission Branch, the
executive deputy director of the technology center of Chongqing Qingshan Transmission Branch, the assistant
to the general manager of Chongqing Qingshan Transmission Branch, and the deputy general manager of
Chongqing Qingshan Industrial Co., Ltd. He is currently the director, general manager and deputy secretary of
the party committee of the Company.

    Dong Qihong, male, was born in September 1964, bachelor degree in economic management, senior engineer.
He was Former Secretary of Youth League Committee of Qingshan Machinery Factory, Deputy Director of

                                                                                               2023 Annual Report

Motorcycle Parts Branch; Deputy Minister and Minister of Personnel and Labor Department of Chongqing
Qingshan Industrial Co., Ltd., Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Secretary of Discipline Inspection
Committee, Chairman of Worker Union, Deputy General Manager, Director, Secretary of Party Committee of
Chongqing Qingshan Industrial Co., Ltd; he had served as Deputy General Manager and General Manager of
Chongqing Qingshan Transmission Branch of China South Industrial Automobile Co., Ltd; General Manager of
Chongqing Qingshan Industrial Co., Ltd .; Deputy Director and Director of Audit and Risk Department of China
South Industries Group Corporation; Chairman and Secretary of Party Committee of Baoding Tianwei Group Co.,
Ltd.; Inspector of Audit and Risk Department, Inspector of Supervision Department, Inspector of Discipline
Inspection and Supervision Department of China South Industries Group Corporation; Supervisor of South Asset
Management Company; Chairman of Changan Automobile Supervisory Committee; and he was Director of
Construction Mechatronics. Currently, he is the director of China Jialing, director of Luoyang North, director of
Jinan Qingqi and Dajing Industrial and director of the Company.

  Qiao Guoan, male, was born in May 1964, holding a bachelor's degree in systems engineering and a senior
engineer title. He used to be Chief of Technology Section, Chief of Integrated Management Section of Chief
Engineer's Office, Deputy Chief of Science and Technology Department, Minister of Science and Technology
Quality Department of 861 plant, Assistant General Manager, Deputy General Manager and Chief Engineer,
Director, General Manager, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan Yunjian Group Co., Ltd; and
Supervisor of Jianshe Mechanical and Electric . He is currently the supervisor of Yunnan Xiyi Industry Co., Ltd.
and the supervisor of Jianshe Industry and the supervisor of the Company. Currently, he serves as director of of
the Company.

    Shi Qingong, male, born in July 1972, master's degree in software engineering, Senior Accountant. He used to
be the Leading Accountant of Accounting Section, Director of Enterprise Management Section, Director of Asset
Management Department, Director of Investment and Financing Management Department and Deputy Director of
Financial Settlement Center, Director of Financial Audit Department, Assistant to General Manager, Financial
Director of Lida Optoelectronics Dongguan Xujin Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Director, Chief Accountant, General
Manager, Member and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan South China Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
He is currently the Director of Luoyang North, Jinan Qingqi and the Company.
    Gu Xiaozhou, male, born in January 1987, holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from
Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He used to be the manager of Shenzhen Zhongzhenxing
Technology Development Co., Ltd. He is currently the general manager of Shenzhen Baimai Investment Co.,
Ltd. and a director of the Company.

  Li Jiaming: male, was born in 1965, with a doctoral degree and a professor title. He was former Head of the
Teaching and Research Section of the Department of Economics II, Yuzhou University; deputy director of the
accounting department of Chongqing University School of Business Administration, deputy director of the
Disciplinary Supervision Office of Chongqing University, deputy director, director of the Audit Office of

                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

Chongqing University, General Manager of Chongqing University Science and Technology Enterprise Group,
Director of MPAcc Center of School of Economics and Management of Chongqing University, and Executive
Deputy Dean of Chongqing University of Science and Technology of Dazi City, he served concurrently as
independent director of Chongqing Yu Development Co., Ltd, Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co., Ltd. and
Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Company. Currently, he is the chairman of Chongqing University Asset
Management Co., Ltd and an independent director of the Company.

    Xie Fei: Male, born in 1964, doctor degree, professor title, visiting scholar at Australian National University,
and research student at Ritsumeikan University in Japan. He was a member of the Standing Committee of the
Youth League Committee of Chongqing University, a teacher and director of Chongqing Industrial Management
Institute, and a teacher and director of Chongqing Institute of Technology. Currently, he is Dean of the School of
Economics and Finance of Chongqing University of Technology, concurrently serves as Educational Inspector of
Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government, Executive Director of Chongqing Finance Society, Executive
Director of Chongqing Macroeconomics, Decision Consulting Expert of Chongqing Development and Reform
Commission, Leader of Applied Economics and Asset Appraisal of Chongqing University of Technology, and he
is an independent director of Chongqing Yuxin Pingrui Electronics Co., Ltd and an independent director of the

    Liu Wei: Male, born in 1964, post-doctorate and professor of new prodect development at Manchester
Universityof Technology, UK. Served as a lecturer, associate professor, assistant to the department head of the
    First Department of Mechanical Engineering of Chongqing University, professor of the School of Mechanical
Engineering of Chongqing University, deputy director of the research institute, and concurrently served as
    Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd., Chongqing Science and Technology Venture Capital Co., Ltd. Co.
, Ltd., Chongqing Angel Investment Guidance Fund Co., Ltd., Chongqing Zaisheng Technology Co., Ltd.,
 Chongqing Electromechanical Co., Ltd., Chongqing Fuling Electric Power Industry Co., Ltd., Chongqing
    Three Gorges Paint Co., Ltd., and Chongqing Zhengchuan Pharmaceutical Packaging Materials Co., Ltd. are
 independent Director, outside director of Chongqing Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. He is currently a
 professor, doctoral supervisor, deputy director of the research center, and department head of the School of
    Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, and concurrently serves as an independent
director of Kunming Yunnei Power Co., Ltd. and the company.

    Song Weiwei: female, born in 1975, master degree, professor of financial management and certified public
accountant. She served concurrently as the chairman of Chongqing University of Technology Weigan Technology
Co., Ltd. Currently, she serves as professor at the School of Accounting of Chongqing University of Technology,
concurrently serving as independent director of Chongqing Chuanyi Automation Co., Ltd, SPIC Yuanda
Environmental Protection Co., Ltd, Chongqing Three Gorges Paint Co., Ltd and the Company.

    Lu Xianyun, male, Han nationality, was born in November 1964. He has a postgraduate degree in business

                                                                                                2023 Annual Report

administration and has the title of researcher-level senior engineer. He served as Minister of Manufacturing
Department, Assistant to General Manager and Minister of Human Resources, and Deputy General Manager of
Qingshan Plant, and once served as Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the
Disciplinary Committee, Chairman of the Labor Union, and Director of Chongqing Qingshan Industrial Co., Ltd,
and he was Secretary of the Party Committee of, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection,
Chairman of the Labor Union in Chongqing Qingshan Transmission Branch. Currently, he is a supervisor of
Yunnan Xiyi and the chairman of the Company's board of supervisors.

    Zhang Lungang, male, was born in January 1967, university degree in financial management, senior
accountant title. He was Former financial chief accountant of 5003 Factory; Deputy division chief of the Financial
Department of Southwest Ordnance Bureau; Financial Manager of Chongqing Wanyou Kangnian Hotel; Division
Chief of the Financial Department, Division Chief of Financial Audit Department, Division Chief of Asset
Management Department of Southwest Ordnance Bureau; Deputy General Manager, Chief Accountant of Dajiang
Industrial Group Corporation; Deputy General Manager of Chongqing Jiangtong Machinery; Director, Chief
Accountant and Secretary of the Party Committee of Chongqing Changan Industry (Group) Co., Ltd .; Chairman
of the Supervisory Board of Chengdu Jinlin Industrial Manufacturing Co., Ltd; Supervisor and Chairman of the
Supervisory Board of Chengdu Lingchuan Special Industry Co., Ltd.; Supervisor of the Supervisory Board of
Sichuan Huaqing Machinery Co., Ltd .; and Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Construction
Mechatronics. He is currently the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Construction Mechatronics, and
Supervisor of Yunnan Xiyi Industry Co., Ltd. and the Supervisor of the Company'.

    Liao Jian, male, born in April 1971, college degree in accounting, Assistant Accountant. He used to be the
Director of Accounting Office of Finance Department of Jianshe Group, Director of Securities Office of Asset
Operation Department, Deputy Director, Deputy Director and Director of Finance Department of Jianmo B,
Deputy General Manager (concurrently) of Vehicle Air Conditioning, Director of Jianshe Electromechanical
Finance Department, Executive and Deputy General Manager of Pingshan Taikai, and Deputy Director (presiding)
of Audit Risk Department of Jianche B. He is currently the Director of Audit Risk Department and Employee
Supervisor of the Company.

    Su Qiang, male, born in November 1986, graduated from North University of China, majoring in Mechanical
and Electronic Engineering, Political Engineer. He used to be the Technician in the Casting Room of the
Company's Equipment Preservation Section, participating in post-job training in Chongqing Municipal Committee
of the Communist Youth League, Communist Youth League officer and organization officer in the Party-mass
Work Department of the Company, Marketing Planner and Engine Salesman in the Joint Venture Business
Department of the Company, and Deputy Head of the Purchase Management Division in the Production
Management Department of Zhuzhou Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd. He is currently the Deputy Secretary
of the Communist Youth League Committee, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch ,the Deputy Director of the

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

Party-mass Work Department and Employee Supervisor of the Company.

     Xu Wanming, male, born in August 1971, bachelor's degree in economics from Chongqing Institute of
Technology, title of senior engineer. He used to be deputy director of the organization department of the Party
Committee and secretary of the party branch, deputy director of the supervision department of committee for
discipline inspection and secretary of the joint party branch of discipline inspection and audit, director of human
resources department and secretary of the party branch (during which he served as deputy director of the human
resources section of the human resources department of CSGC) in Chang'an Industry and secretary of
committee for discipline inspection of Sichuan Jian'an Industry Co., Ltd. He is currently the secretary of
committee for discipline inspection of the Company.

   Mr. Tan Mingxian, male, was born in May 1973, bachelor degree in accounting, senior accountant, Chinese
Certified Tax Agent, Certified Management Accountant (CMA). He had served as Supervisor, Deputy Minister
and Minister of Finance Department of Chongqing Wangjiang Industrial Co., Ltd.; served as Chief Accountant of
Sichuan Xiguang Industrial Group Co., Ltd; severed as Deputy Minister of Finance Department of Chongqing
Changan Industrial Group Co., Ltd.; severed as Deputy Chief Accountant of Chongqing Wangjiang Industrial
Co., Ltd; he was a supervisor of supervisory board of China Jialing, Jianmo B, Jinan Qingqi, and Luoyang North;
he had served as Office Director of Southern Motorcycle Supervisory Affairs Office; severed as Chief Financial
Officer of Chongqing Southern Motorcycle Technology R&D Co., Ltd. Currently, he is the chief accountant of
Construction Electromechanical; he is a director of the Company. he served as Chief accountant of the Company.

   Li Yongjiang, male, was born in November 1981, holding bachelor degree in mechanical engineering and
automation and the senior engineer title. He used to be Deputy Section Chief of the Engine Group of Construction
Group; Chief of Workshop Room 54, Deputy Chief of Machine Shop of Manufacturing Department, Director of
Precision Management Office of Jianmo B Engine Business Department; Practice Section Chief of Chongqing
Jianya casting section; Deputy Director of the Jianmo B press welding workshop; Deputy Minister of the
production management department; Deputy Minister of the construction machinery manufacturing management
department; Deputy Division Chief of the manufacturing department of Changan Automobile Yubei Factory
(Concurrent Post). He is currently the Vice Chairman of the Company's worker union, Minister of the party and
mass work department, and Employee Supervisor. he served as Deputy General Manager of the Company.

     Zhou Yongqiang, male, born in December 1972, bachelor's degree in management engineering from
Chongqing Institute of Industrial Management, title of senior economist. He used to be the director of
investment management section and the deputy director of investment management section in China Jialing
Group, the assistant director of planning department, the deputy director and director of enterprise development
department in China Jialing; General manager of Chongqing Jiufang Foundry Co., Ltd.; Assistant to general
manager and director of development planning department, secretary of board of directors and deputy general
manager of China Jialing; Director of Jianshe Mechanical & Electrical Equipment, Chongqing Jialing Industrial

                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report

Co., Ltd. and Jinan Qingqi; Director of motorcycle reform and development section, southwest region
department of Southern Group; Director of Luoyang North and the Company. He is currently the deputy general
manager of the Company.

   Mr. Zhang Hushan, male, was born in August 1987, bachelor degree, political engineer title. He had served as
the operation administrator in the company's business planning department and secretary of the league branch of
the business cooperation group (during the period of 2011.08~2013.02, worked in the capital operation
department of China South Industries Group Corporation); served as the general affairs officer of the company
office, and he was the member of the Youth League Committee and the secretary of the league branch of the
second group; he had severed as deputy minister of the Business Planning Department and deputy minister of the
Automotive Air Conditioning Business Planning Department. Currently, he is the deputy minister of the
company's business planning department (the secretary-general office) and the deputy director of the secretary-
general office; and he is the secretary of the Board of the Company.
 Office taking in shareholder companies
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                              Does he /she
Names of the                             Titles engaged
                    Names of the                          Sharing date of office    Expiry date of office     remuneration
 persons in                                   in the
                    shareholders                                  term                      term              or allowance
   office                                 shareholders
                                                                                                                from the
Dong Qihong    Luoyang North             Director         October 10,2018                                    Yes

Dong Qihong    Jinan Qingqi              Director         December 3,2018                                    Yes

Dong Qihong    Dajiang Industrial        Director         November 29,2021                                   Yes

Shi Qingong    Luoyang North             Director         April 16,2021                                      Yes

Shi Qingong    Jinan Qingqi              Director         April 6,2021                                       Yes

Lu Xianyun     Jianshe Industry          Supervisor       November 10,2020                                   Yes

Lu Xianyun     Chongqing Wanyou          Director         December 19,2022                                   Yes

Qiao Guoan     Jianshe Industry          Supervisor       January 3,2018           January 11,2023           Yes
                                         Chairman of
               Jianshe Industry          the board of     November 6,2017          January 11,2023           Yes
Zhang          Yunnan Xiyi Industry
                                         Supervisor       November 6,2017          April 6,2023              Yes
Lungang        Co., Ltd.
               Jianshe Industry          Director         May 20,2023                                        Yes
               Chongqing Hongyu
               Precision Industry Co.,   Director         November 15,2021                                   Yes
               Anhui Military Industry
                Group Holding Co.,       Director         August 24,2023           August 23,2026            Yes

                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report

Offices taken in other organizations
√Applicable □Not applicable
 Names         Name of the parties           Positions               Job started             Job ended        remunerations
                                                                                                              from the party
           Chongqing University
           Assets Management Co.,       GM                      November 21,2021         July 24,2023        Yes
Jiaming    Ltd.
           School of Economics and
           Business Administration,     P0rofessor              July 24,2023                                 Yes
           Chongqing University
           Chongqing University of
Xie Fei    Technology School of         Professor               January 4,2016                               Yes
           Economics and Finance
                                        Associate Director
                                        of the research
           Chongqing University of
                                        center, Head of the
Liu Wei    School of Economics and                              April 2,2001                                 Yes
           Business Administration      Department of
Song       Accounting School of
                                        Professor               July 3,2000                                  Yes
Weiwei     CQUT
Gu         Shenzhen Baimai
                                        GM                      January 5,2015                               Yes
Xiaozhou   Investment Co.,ltd.
           Chongqing Tongkang
Hao Lin                                 Chairman                July 1,1999                                  Yes
           Technology Co., Ltd.
Punishments to the current and leaving board directors, supervisors and senior managers during the report
period by securities regulators in the recent three years
□ Applicable √Not applicable

III. Remuneration to directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, basis for determination and actual payment of the remuneration to directors ,
supervisors and senior executives
    The Board of Directors follows the market rules and reflects the characteristics of enterprise, and implements
an annual salary system for the members of the managers, which consists of basic annual salary and performance
annual salary. By signing employment contracts and performance contracts, stipulating responsibilities, rights and
obligations, conducting strict employment management and objective assessment, and smoothing the exit
mechanism, it will build a professional and specialized management team.
During the implementation, the Board of Directors decides the salary structure and level of managers in
accordance with the Salary Management Measures and the Performance Management Measures. The basic annual
salary is the annual basic income, which is mainly determined according to the relative value of the positions of
managers, the responsibilities and risks they undertake, work experience, ability to hold positions and other
factors. The annual salary of performance is the annual floating income, which is linked to the annual performance
assessment results, reflects the situation of managers' completion of the annual business plan and objectives, and
is determined according to the completion of the Company's main financial indexes and individual performance
assessment results.
Remuneration of directors, supervisors, and executives in the report period
                                                                                                            In RMB 10,000
                                                                                                Total         Remuneration
    Name           Sex            Age               Positions            Office status
                                                                                             remuneration       actually

                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

                                                                                received from     receives at the
                                                                               the shareholder      end of the

Fan Aijun       Male               52   Chairman                  In office               37.6    No

                Male               44   Director, GM              In office               4.38    No

Dong Qihong     Male               59   Director                  In office             23.72     Yes

Qiao Guoan      Male               59   Director                  In office             37.42     Yes

Shi Qingong     Male               51   Director                  In office             24.08     Yes

Gu Xiaozhou     Male               36   Director                  In office                  0    Yes

Li Jiaming      Male               58   Independent Director      In office               3.57    No

Xie Fei         Male               59   Independent Director      In office               3.57    No

Liu Wei         Male               59   Independent Director      In office               3.57    No

Song Weiwei     Female             48   Independent Director      In office               3.57    No

                                        Chairman of the
Lu Xianyun      Male               59                             In office             40.05     Yes
                                        supervisory committee

Zhang Lungang   Male               56   Supervisor                In office             38.66     Yes

Liao Jian       Male               52   Employee Supervisor       In office             16.22     No

Su Qiang        Male               37   Employee Supervisor       In office             17.38     No

                                        Secretary of the
Xu Wanming      Male               52   Commission for            In office             36.68     No
                                        Discipline Inspection

Tan Mingxian    Male               50   Chief accountant          In office             32.32     No

Li Yongjiang    Male               42   Deputy GM                 In office             36.32     No

                Male               51   Deputy GM                 In office             35.88     No
                                        Secretary of the Board,
Zhang Hushan    Male               36   general manager           In office               20.4    No

Yan Xuechuan    Male               60   Chairman                  Dimission             24.99     No

Hao Lin         Male               60   Director                  Dimission                  0    Yes

Total              --         --                     --                   --           440.38           --

Other note

□Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report

VI. Performance of directors' duties during the reporting period

1. Information of the board meetings during the reporting period
    Session          Convening date      Disclosure date                        Meeting resolution
                                                           It was reviewed and approved: Proposal on 2023 Annual
                                                           Investment Plan; Proposal on the 2023 Annual Financing
The 19th
                                                           Plan; Proposal on Estimated External Guarantee in 2023;
meeting of the
                  January 16,2023     January 17,2023      Proposal on Estimated Daily Related Party Transactions in
Ninth Board of
                                                           2023; Proposal on amending the "Compliance Management
                                                           Measures", Proposal on convening the first extraordinary
                                                           general meeting of shareholders in 2023.
                                                           It was reviewed and approved: 2022 Annual Report on the
                                                           Work by the Board of Directors, 2022 Annual Report on the
                                                           Work by the General Manager, Full Text and Summary of
The 20th                                                   the 2022 Annual Report, 2022 Annual Profit Distribution
meeting of the                                             Plan, 2022 Internal Control Evaluation Report, Risk
                  April 27,2023       April 29,2023
Ninth Board of                                             Assessment Report on CSGC Finance Co., Ltd., Proposal
Directors                                                  on the 2023 Annual Audit Plan, 2023 First Quarter Report
                                                           of the Company, Proposal on the General Election of the
                                                           Board of Directors, and Proposal on Convening the 2022
                                                           Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
                                                           It was reviewed and approved: roposal on the election of the
                                                           chairman of the 10th session of the board of directors,
                                                           Proposal on the appointment of the general manager,
                                                           Proposal on the election of members and chairman of the
The 1st meeting
                                                           strategy committee of the 10th board of directors, Proposal
of the tenth
                  May 26,2023         May 27,2023          on the election of members and chairman of the audit
Board of
                                                           committee of the 10th board of directors, Proposal on the
                                                           election of members and chairman of the nomination
                                                           committee of the 10th board of directors, and Proposal on
                                                           the election of members and chairman of the remuneration
                                                           and assessment committee of the 10th board of directors.
The 2nd
                                                           It was reviewed and approved: Full text and summary of the
meeting of the
                  July 27,2023        July 29,2023         2023 semi-annual report, the risk assessment report on
tenth Board of
                                                           CSGC Finance Co., Ltd.
                                                           Listened to the report: Report on Mr. Yan Xuechuan's
                                                           resignation from his positions as Chairman and Director.
                                                           Reviewed and approved: Proposal on the election of Mr.
                                                           Fan Aijun as the chairman of the 10th session of the Board
                                                           of Directors, Proposal on the election of Mr. Fan Aijun as a
                                                           member and chairman of the Strategy Committee of the
The 3rd
                                                           10th session of the Board of Directors, Proposal on the
meeting of the
                  October 27,2023     October 31,2023      dismissal of Mr. Fan Aijun as General Manager, Report for
tenth Board of
                                                           the third quarter of 2023, Proposal on change of accounting
                                                           firm, Proposal on amending the Working Rules of the Audit
                                                           Committee, Proposal on amending the Working Rules of the
                                                           Nomination Committee, Proposal on amending the
                                                           "Working Rules of the Remuneration and Appraisal
                                                           Committee" and Proposal on amending the "Measures for
                                                           the Administration of Remuneration".

                                                                                                             2023 Annual Report

                                                                     It was reviewed and approved: Proposal on Amending the
                                                                     Articles of Association of the Company; Proposal on
                                                                     Amending the Rules of Procedure for General Shareholders'
The 4th
                                                                     Meeting; Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of
meeting of the
                 November 30,2023          December 1,2023           the Board of Directors; Proposal on Formulating the
tenth Board of
                                                                     Independent Director System; Proposal on Amending the
                                                                     Management Measures for Authorization by the Board of
                                                                     Directors; Proposal on convening the second extraordinary
                                                                     general meeting of shareholders for the year 2023.
The 5th                                                              It was reviewed and approved: Proposal on Appointing Mr.
meeting of the                                                       Zhou Chaodong as the General Manager; Proposal on
                 December 22,2023          December 23,2023
tenth Board of                                                       Nominating Mr. Zhou Chaodong as a Director Candidate
Directors                                                            for the 10th Board of Directors.

2. Attendance of directors at the board meetings and the general meeting of shareholders

                    Attendance of directors at the board meetings and the general meeting of shareholders

                 Number of                           Number of
                                                                                                  Whether to
                   board          Number of             board      Number of
                                                                                  Number of       attend the       General
                  meetings           board            meetings        board
  Name of                                                                            board          board        meetings of
                  attended         meetings          attended by    meetings
  director                                                                         meetings       meeting in     shareholders
                 during the       attended in         means of     attended by
                                                                                  absent from    person twice      attended
                 reporting           person         communicati       proxy
                                                                                                   in a row
                   period                                 on
Fan Aijun                     7                 6              1             0               0   No                          3

Dong Qihong                   7                 6              1             0               0   No                          3

Qiao Guoan                    5                 4              1             0               0   No                          2

Shi Qingong                   7                 6              1             0               0   No                          3

Gu Xiaozhou                   5                 3              1             1               0   No                          2

Li Jiaming                    7                 6              1             0               0   No                          3

Xie Fei                       7                 6              1             0               0   No                          3

Li Wei                        7                 5              1             1               0   No                          3

Song Weiwei                   7                 6              1             0               0   No                          3
                              4                 4              0             0               0   No                          2
Hao Lin                       2                 2              0             0               0   No                          0
Explanation of absent the Board Meeting for the second time in a row
Not applicable

3. Directors' objections to related matters of the Company

Whether the director raises any objection to the relevant matters of the Company
□ Yes √ No
During the reporting period, the directors did not raise any objection to the relevant matters of the Company.

4. Other descriptions of directors' performance of duties

Whether the directors' suggestions on the Company have been adopted
√ Yes □No
The director's statement on whether the relevant suggestions of the Company have been adopted or not

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

In 2023, the Company's directors learned about the its production and operation through field visits, consulting
the Company's information and listening to reporting, and paid attention to the development of the automobile
industry, important customers, key suppliers, major competitors and other related situations. In their respective
professional fields, they have put forward professional opinions and management suggestions on the Company's
product structure adjustment, new product research and development, market expansion, risk prevention and
control, and quality improvement of subsidiaries. The Company's management listened to and adopted the
suggestions of the directors and implemented them in specific work.

                                                                                                                                                                          2023 Annual Report

VII. Situation of special committees under the Board of Directors during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                                                               Details of
 Committee      Member      meeting   Convenin                                                         Put forward important opinions and       Other information of
                                                                 Meeting content                                                                                              objections (if
   name       information      s       g date                                                                     suggestions                    duty performance
                                                                                                      1. It is agreed to submit the 2022        Negotiate with the
                                                                                                      annual accounting statement prepared      accounting firm to
                                                 1. Review the 2022 annual accounting report
                                                                                                      by the Company's Finance                  determine the time
                                                 prepared by the Company's finance department
                                                                                                      Department to the accounting firm for     schedule of the annual
                                                 and put forward opinions.
                                                                                                      preliminary review. 2. It is agree that   financial report audit,
                                                 2. Review the overall audit strategy and specific
                                                                                                      the accounting firm should implement      pay attention to the
                                      January    audit plan of the 2022 financial report
                                                                                                      the audit procedures according to the     progress of the audit
                                      10,2023    submitted by Dahua Certified Public
                                                                                                      above audit strategy and specific plan.   many times during the
                                                 Accountants (LLP) and put forward opinions.
                                                                                                      3. It is agreed to submit the Proposal    audit, and urge the
                                                 3. Review the Company's expected routine
                                                                                                      on Estimated Daily Related Party          accounting firm to
                                                 related party transactions in 2023 and put
                                                                                                      Transactions of the Company in 2023       submit the audit
                                                 forward opinions.
             4:Chairman                                                                              to the Board of Directors for             report within the
             of                                                                                       consideration.                            agreed time limit.
             mommittee:                                                                               1. Agreed to submit the 2022 annual
             Song Weiwei                                                                              audit report issued by Dahua Certified
Committee                        4
             Member : Li                                                                              Public Accountants to the Board of
             Jiaming, Xie                        1. Review the Company's 2022 annual                  Directors for consideration.
             Fei, Dong                           accounting report and the first draft of the audit   2. Agreed to submit the 2022 annual
             Qihong                              report and put forward opinions.                     internal control evaluation report to
                                                 2. Review the 2022 internal control evaluation       the Board of Directors for
                                                 report and put forward opinions.                     deliberation.
                                                 3. Summarize the Company's audit work by the         3. Recognized the audit work of
                                                 accounting firm in 2022.                             Dahua Certified Public Accountants
                                                 4. Review "The Company's 2023 Audit Plan"            in 2022.
                                                 and put forward opinions.                            4. Agreed to submit the Company's
                                                 5. Evaluate on the risk assessment of CSGC           2023 annual audit plan to the board of
                                                 Finance Co., Ltd. and put forward opinions.          directors for consideration.
                                                                                                      5. Considered that the risk of the
                                                                                                      deposit and loan financial business
                                                                                                      carried out by the Company and the

                                                                                                         2023 Annual Report
                                                               CSGCFinance Company is
                                                               controllable, and its agreed to submit
                                                               it to the board of directors for

                                                               1. Agreed to submit the Company's
                                                               2023 semi-annual accounting report
                                                               to the board of directors for
          1. Review the Company's 2023 semi-annual
                                                               2.Recognized the Company's routine
          accounting report and put forward opinions.
                                                               related party transactions in the first
          2. Review the Company's routine related party
                                                               half of the year and agreed to submit
          transactions in the first half of the year and put
                                                               it to the board of directors for
          forward opinions.
July                                                           deliberation.
          3. Review the capital transactions between the
17,2023                                                        3. Considered that the Company does
          Company and related parties during the
                                                               not have non-operating capital
          reporting period and put forward opinions.
                                                               occupation except for the operating
          4. Carry out semi-annual risk assessment and
                                                               capital transactions with related
          put forward opinions on the CSGCFinance
                                                               4. Considered that the risk of the
                                                               Company's deposit and loan finance
                                                               business with the CSGCFinance
                                                               Company is controllable.
                                                               1. Agreed to submit the Company's
                                                               accounting report for the third quarter
          1. Review the Company's accounting report for
                                                               of 2023 to the board of directors for
          the third quarter of 2023 and put
October                                                        deliberation.
16,2023                                                        2.Agreedthechange to appoint Baker
          2. Review the Company's change of accounting
                                                               Tilly International Accounting Firm
          firm and put forward opinions.
                                                               (LLP) as the Company's financial
                                                               report and internal control audit

                                                                                                                                        2023 Annual Report
                                                                                             agency for the year 2023, with a term
                                                                                             of one year and a total audit fee of
                                                                                             550,000 yuan. Agreed to submit it to
                                                                                             the Company's board of directors for

                                         1. Study the Company's 2023 investment plan
                                         and put forward opinions.
                                                                                             Agreed to submit the 2023 investment
                                         2. Study the Company's 2023 financing plan
                               January                                                       plan, the 2023 financing plan, and the
                                         and put forward opinions.
                               10,2023                                                       2023 expected external guarantees to
             4:Chairman                 3. Study the Company's estimated external
                                                                                             the board of directors for deliberation.
             of the                      guarantee matters in 2023 and put forward
             Committee :                 opinions.
             Yan                                                                             1. Recommended that the Company's
Strategy     Xuechuan,                                                                       sales target for automotive air
Committee    Member :                                                                        conditioning compressor products in
             Qiao Guoan,                                                                     2023 is 1.4 million units, including
                                         1. Study and propose the Company's overall
             Shi                                                                             100,000 new energy electric
                               April     business objective for 2023.
             Gongqing,                                                                       compressors, and the operating
                               4,2023    2. Put forwardopinions on the profit distribution
             Liu WEI                                                                         income is 570 million yuan.
                                         plan for 2022.
                                                                                             2. Proposed that notto distribute or
                                                                                             implement the conversion of
                                                                                             provident fund to share capital for the
                                                                                             Considered that the director
                                                                                             candidates meet the qualifications and
                               April     Proposal on the general election of the 10th
             4:Chairman                                                                     have the ability to perform the duties,
                               19,2023   board of directors
             of the                                                                          and agreed to submit it to the board of
             Committee :                                                                     directors for deliberation.
             Li Jiaming,                                                                     Considered the candidate is qualified
Nomination                               1. Nominate the chairman of the 10th board of
             Member :      4   May                                                           and capable of performing the duties,
Committee                                directors
             Liu Wei,          11,2023                                                       and agreed to submit it to the Board
                                         2. Nominate the candidate for general manager
             Song                                                                            of Directors for consideration
             Weiwei, Fan                                                                     Considered that Fan Aijun, as a
             Aijun             October   Regarding the qualification review of candidate     candidate for chairman, meets the
                               16,2023   for the chairman                                    qualifications and has the ability to
                                                                                             perform the duties, and agreed to

                                                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report
                                                                                           submit it to the board of directors for

                                                                                           Consideredthat Zhou Chaodong, as a
                                                                                           candidate for director and general
                                December    Qualification review of Zhou Chaodong-         manager, meets the qualifications and
                                 15,2023    proposed to serve as director and general      has the ability to perform the duties,
                                            manager.                                       and agreed to submit it to the board of
                                                                                           directors for deliberation.
                                            Review the performance of duties by the
                                                                                           1. Agreed to the signing of the
                                            Company's directors and senior management in
                                                                                           Supplementary Agreement on the
                                            2021, and carry out annual performance
                                                                                           Implementation of the Tenure System
                                                                                           and Contractual Management for
                                            1. Study the "Supplementary Agreement on the
                                                                                           Managerial Members by members of
                                            Implementation of the Tenure System and
                                                                                           the Company's management team.
                                            Contractual Management of Managerial
                                                                                           2. Agreed with the 2022 annual
                                            Members" and put forward opinions.
                                February1                                                  performance evaluation results and
                                            2. Evaluate the 2022 performance of
                                 0,2023                                                    recommendations for the appointment
                                            managerial members, and put forward the
                                                                                           (or dismissal) of the Company's
                                            assessment results and recommendations for
              4:Chairman                                                                  management members.
                                            appointment (or dismissal).
              of the                                                                       3. Agreed to the evaluation indicators
                                            3. Study the assessment indicators of the
Remuneratio   Committee:                                                                   of the 2023 Annual Performance
                                            Company's general manager, chief accountant
n and         Xie Fei,                                                                     Contract for the general manager,
                            2               and deputy general manager of the "2023
Assessment    Member: Liu                                                                  chief accountant, and deputy general
                                            Annual Performance Contract", and put
Committee     Wei, Li                                                                      manager of the Company
                                            forward opinions
                                                                                           In 2022, there was a total number of
              Dong Qihong
                                                                                           19 of directors (including independent
                                                                                           directors) and senior
                                                                                           managementpersonnel (including
                                            Review the performance of duties by the        those who have resigned)received
                                April       Company's directors and senior management in   remuneration in the
                                4,2023      2022, and carry out annual performance         Company .According to the
                                            evaluation.                                    completion of the Company's main
                                                                                           financial indicators and the business
                                                                                           objective in 2022, and combined with
                                                                                           the completion of the above
                                                                                           personnel's work indicators and the
                                                                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                   assessment of their business
                                                                                                   capabilities, it's considered that the
                                                                                                   remuneration level of the Company's
                                                                                                   directors and senior management for
                                                                                                   the year is in line with the provisions
                                                                                                   of the Company's "Senior
                                                                                                   Management Evaluation and Reward
                                                                                                   and Incentive System", and agreed to
                                                                                                   the Companys total remuneration
                                                                                                   payment of 3,780,400 yuan.

VIII.The working status of the board of supervisors

The board of supervisors finds out whether the company has risks during the monitoring activities during the reporting period

Yes □No
                                                                                                                                               The search index of       date of the
   Meeting        Date of         Attending
                                                                 Name of Proposal in the meeting                         Resolution Status     the meeting resolution   information
   session       convening       supervisors
                                                                                                                                               disclosure website       published in
                                                                                                                                                                        the meeting
                             Chairman of the
                                                  Proposal 1: Proposal on Investment Plan for 2023
                             Supervisory Board                                                                       All the 5 proposals in
                                                  Proposal 2: Proposal on the 2023 Financing Plan
The 19th                     Lu Xianyun,                                                                             the meeting were
                                                  Proposal 3: Proposal on Estimated Guarantees Providing for
Meeting of the               Supervisors Zhang                                                                       deliberated and passed,   (www.cninfo.com.c
                 January                          Subsidiaries in 2023                                                                                                  January
9th Term of                  Lungang and Qiao                                                                        and the voting results    n),Announcement
                 16,2023                          Proposal 4: Proposal on Expected Routine Related Party                                                                17,2023
Supervisory                  Guoan, and                                                                              all were 5 in favor, 0    No.:2023-002
                                                  Transactions for 2023
Committee                    Employee                                                                                against, and 0
                                                  Proposal 5: Proposal on Amending the Compliance Management
                             Supervisors Liao                                                                        abstention.
                             Jian and Su Qiang.

                                                                                                                                                             2023 Annual Report
                                                Proposal 1: 2022 Annual Report on the Work by the Board of
                                                Proposal 2: 2022 Annual Report on the Work by the Board of
                           Chairman of the      Supervisors
                           Supervisory Board    Proposal 3: 2022 General Manager's Work Report                      All the 11 proposals in
The 20th                   Lu Xianyun,          Motion 4: Full text and summary of the 2022 Annual Report           the meeting were
Meeting of the             Supervisors Zhang    Proposal 5: 2022 Profit Distribution Plan                           deliberated and passed,   (www.cninfo.com.c
                 April                                                                                                                                             April
9th Term of                Lungang and Qiao     Proposal 6: 2022 Annual Internal Control Evaluation Report          and the voting results    n),Announcement
                 27,2023                                                                                                                                           29,2023
Supervisory                Guoan, and           Proposal 7: Risk Assessment Report on CSGC Finance Co., Ltd         all were 5 in favor, 0    No.:2023-014
Committee                  Employee             Proposal 8: Proposal on the 2023 Annual Audit Plan                  against, and 0
                           Supervisors Liao     Proposal 9: The Company's Q1 2023 Report                            abstention.
                           Jian and Su Qiang.   Proposal 10: Proposal on the General Election of the Board of
                                                Proposal 11: Proposal on the General Election of the Supervisory
                                                Proposal 1: Proposal on the election of the chairman of the board
                                                of directors of the 10th board of directors of the Company
                                                Proposal 2: Proposal on the appointment of the general manager
                                                by the board of directors of the Company
                           Chairman of the
                                                Proposal 3: Proposal on the election of members and chairmen of
                           Supervisory Board                                                                        All the 7 proposals in
                                                the strategy committee of the board of directors of the Company
The 1st                    Lu Xianyun,                                                                              the meeting were
                                                Proposal 4: Proposal on the election of members and chairman of
Meeting of the             Supervisors Zhang                                                                        deliberated and passed,   (www.cninfo.com.c
                 May                            the audit committee of the board of directors of the Company                                                       May
10th Term of               Lungang and Qiao                                                                         and the voting results    n),Announcement
                 26,2023                        Proposal 5: Proposal on the election of members and chairman of                                                    27,2023
Supervisory                Guoan, and                                                                               all were 4 in favor, 0    No.:2023-048
                                                the nomination committee of the board of directors of the
Committee                  Employee                                                                                 against, and 0
                           Supervisors Liao                                                                         abstention.
                                                Proposal 6: Proposal on the election of members and chairman of
                           Jian and Su Qiang.
                                                the remuneration and assessment committee of the board of
                                                directors of the Company
                                                Proposal 7: Proposal on electing Mr. Lu Xianyun as the chairman
                                                of the 10th board of supervisors of the Company
                           Chairman of the
                                                                                                                    All the 2 proposals in
                           Supervisory Board
The 2nd                                                                                                             the meeting were
                           Lu Xianyun,
Meeting of the                                                                                                      deliberated and passed,   (www.cninfo.com.c
                 July      Supervisors Zhang    Proposal 1: Full text and summary of the 2023 semiannual report                                                    July
10th Term of                                                                                                        and the voting results    n),Announcement
                 27,2023   Lungang, and         Proposal 2: Risk Assessment Report on CSGC Finance Co., Ltd                                                        29,2023
Supervisory                                                                                                         all were 4 in favor, 0    No.:2023-052
Committee                                                                                                           against, and 0
                           Supervisors Liao
                           Jian and Su Qiang.

                                                                                                                                                               2023 Annual Report
                                                 Proposal 1: Report on Mr. Yan Xuechuan's Resignation from
                                                 Chairman and Director Positions
                                                 Proposal 2: Proposal on electing Mr. Fan Aijun as the Chairman of
                                                 the 10th Board of Directors
                                                 Proposal 3: Proposal on the Election of Mr. Fan Aijun as a
                                                 Member and Chairman of the Strategy Committee of the 10th
                            Chairman of the
                                                 Board of Directors                                                   All the 10 proposals in
                            Supervisory Board
The 3rd                                          Proposal 4: Proposal on the Dismissal of Mr. Fan Aijun as General    the meeting were
                            Lu Xianyun,
Meeting of the                                   Manager by the Board of Directors                                    deliberated and passed,   (www.cninfo.com.c
                 October    Supervisors Zhang                                                                                                                        October
10th Term of                                     Proposal 5: The Third quarter report for 2023                        and the voting results    n),Announcement
                 27,2023    Lungang, and                                                                                                                             21,2023
Supervisory                                      Proposal 6: Proposal on Changing the Accounting Firm                 all were 4 in favor, 0    No.:2023-061
Committee                                        Proposal 7: Proposal on Amending the Work Rules of the Audit         against, and 0
                            Supervisors Liao
                                                 Committee                                                            abstention.
                            Jian and Su Qiang.
                                                 Proposal 8: Proposal on Amending the Working Rules of the
                                                 Nomination Committee
                                                 Proposal 9: Proposal on Revising the Work Rules of the
                                                 Remuneration and Assessment Committee
                                                 Proposal 10: Proposal on Amending the Remuneration
                                                 Management Measures
                                                 Proposal 1: Proposal on Amending the Company's Articles of
                            Chairman of the      Association
                                                                                                                      All the 5 proposals in
                            Supervisory Board    Proposal 2: Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the
The 4th                                                                                                               the meeting were
                            Lu Xianyun,          General Meeting of Shareholders
Meeting of the                                                                                                        deliberated and passed,   (www.cninfo.com.c
                 November   Supervisors Zhang    Proposal 3: Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the                                                      December
10th Term of                                                                                                          and the voting results    n),Announcement
                  30,2023   Lungang, and         Board of Directors                                                                                                  1,2023
Supervisory                                                                                                           all were 4 in favor, 0    No.:2023-071
                            Employee             Proposal 4: Proposal on Formulating the Independent Director
Committee                                                                                                             against, and 0
                            Supervisors Liao     System
                            Jian and Su Qiang.   Proposal 5: Proposal on Amending the Management Measures for
                                                 Authorization of the Board of Directors
                            Chairman of the
                                                                                                                      All the 2 proposals in
                            Supervisory Board
The 5th                                          Proposal 1: Proposal on Appointing Mr. Zhou Chaodong as the          the meeting were
                            Lu Xianyun,
Meeting of the                                   General Manager by the Board of Directors                            deliberated and passed,   (www.cninfo.com.c
                 December   Supervisors Zhang                                                                                                                        December
10th Term of                                     Proposal 2: Proposal on Nominating Mr. Zhou Chaodong as a            and the voting results    n),Announcement
                  22,2023   Lungang, and                                                                                                                             23,2023
Supervisory                                      Director Candidate for the 10th Board of Directors by the Board of   all were 4 in favor, 0    No.:2023-083
Committee                                        Directors                                                            against, and 0
                            Supervisors Liao
                            Jian and Su Qiang.

                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

Brief Opinion of the Supervisory Board on the Risks Related to the Company

The supervisory board has no objection to the supervisory matters during the reporting period.

                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

IX. Particulars about employees.

1. Staff jobs, education, job title number and proportion refer to the following pie chart:

Number of in-service staff of the parent company(person)                                                      142
Number of in-service staff of the main subsidiaries(person)                                                   571
Total number of the in-service staff(person)                                                                  713
Total number of staff receiving remuneration in the current
The number of the parent company and the main subsidiarys
retired staffs who need to bear the cost(person)
              Classified according by Professions                         Number of persons(person)
                          Production                                                                            402
                            Sales                                                                                31
                          Technical                                                                             168
                          Financial                                                                              10
                        Administrative                                                                          102
Total                                                                                                           713
              Classified according by Professions                         Number of persons(person)
Mid-school or below                                                                                             262
Colleges or above                                                                                               204
Universities or above                                                                                           232
Postgraduate or above                                                                                            15
Total                                                                                                           713

2. Remuneration policies

        The mode of piecework wage for production personnel was carried out. Sales commissions are employed
to sales personnel. Some technicians implement the agreed salary model; The rest of the staff implement the
broadband salary model.

3.Training plan

        In 2023, 196 training sessions were organized throughout the year, with a total of 3,415 person-time and a
total learning time of 31,663 hours, fully completing the Company's annual training plan. In the year, 340
person-time production operation employees completed on-the-job (job transfer) training and assessment, and
they were issued certificates of qualification for on-the-job operations. It provided an online learning platform
and offered multi-disciplinary self-learning courses for company employees. As of the end of the year, the per
capita learning hours have reached 56.
          In 2023, the directors, supervisors, and senior executives participated in a total of 61 training sessions
organized by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Shenzhen Stock Exchange,

                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

Chongqing Securities Regulatory Bureau, and Listed Company Association on the topics of the 20th National
Congress, registration system reform, improving the quality of state-owned listed companies, independent
director system, standardized operation of the board of directors, follow-up training for independent directors,
insider information prevention, and asset impairment.

4. Outsourcing situation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X. Specification of profit distribution and capitalizing of common reserves

Formulation, implementation or adjustment of the profit distribution policy, especially the cash dividend policy
during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
  According to the Notice on Further Implementing Cash Dividends of Listed Companies (JJF [2012] No.37)
issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, on July 26, 2012, the Seventh Meeting of the Sixth Board of
Directors of the Company supplemented and revised the profit distribution policy in the Articles of Association, in
which specific policies such as the form of profit distribution, the specific conditions and proportion of dividend
distribution, and the principle of using undistributed profits were defined, and submitted it to the First Provisional
General Meeting of Shareholders in 2012 held on August 30, 2012 for review and approval. The Board of
Directors of the Company prepares a profit distribution plan every year, which conforms to the provisions of the
Articles of Association of the Company, and independent directors have expressed their consent. The profit
distribution plan reviewed and approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company has been
implemented by the Board of Directors.
                                           Special description of cash dividend policy
Whether it meets the requirements of the Articles of Association or the resolution of the
general meeting of shareholders:
Whether the dividend standard and proportion are explicit and clear:                        Yes
Whether the relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms are complete:                Yes
Whether the independent directors have performed their duties and played their due role:    Yes
If a company does not distribute cash dividends, it should disclose the specific reasons
and the measures it intends to take to enhance the level of investor returns:
Whether the minority shareholders have the opportunity to fully express their opinions
and demands, and whether their legitimate rights and interests have been fully protected:
Whether the cash dividend policy is adjusted or changed, and whether the conditions and
procedures are compliant and transparent:
During the reporting period, the Company made a profit and the profit available to shareholders of the parent
company was positive, but no cash dividend distribution plan was put forward.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserve during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company will not distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for the
report period.

                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

XI. Implementation of the Company’s stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other
employee incentives

□Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other
employee incentives that have not been implemented.

XII. Construction and implementation of internal control system during the reporting period

1. Construction and implementation of internal control

     In 2023, with the goal of "strengthening internal control, preventing risks, and promoting compliance", the
Company organized the construction and supervision of the internal control system, established and improved a
risk management oriented internal control system, and laid a solid foundation for the Company's transformation,
upgrading, and high-quality development, promoting the Company's sustained and healthy development.

     1. Construction of internal control system
     (1) The Company has established a governance structure consisting of general shareholders meeting,
board of directors, supervisory board, management team, and various business institutions, clarifying the rights
and obligations of each level. We have established the Company's articles of association, rules of procedure for
various governance entities, authorization management measures, major matter reporting system, and various
business management systems, and strictly implemented them. It has been clarified that the main leaders shall
play the primary responsibility of internal control management, further strengthen the constraint and supervision
of power operation, and continuously improve the internal control mechanism and system of the enterprise.
     (2) The audit committee under the Company's board of directors is responsible for supervising and
evaluating the Company's internal control and risk management. The audit risk department inspects and
supervises the establishment and implementation of the Company's internal control system, as well as the
authenticity and completeness of the Company's financial information. The finance department is responsible
for the construction of the internal control system, the asset management department is responsible for
compliance management, and the Company's board of directors is responsible for the implementation and
effectiveness of the Company's internal control system. In 2023, the Company did not have any material
deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting, nor did it discover any material deficiencies in internal
control over non-financial reporting.
     The Company currently has 20 internal control personnel, including 4 full-time internal control personnel
(2 with intermediate professional titles and 2 with junior professional titles). According to the Company's
performance management measures and relevant regulations, the Company conducts a comprehensive
evaluation of employee performance at the end of the year. The annual evaluation of internal control personnel
is: excellent.
     (3) Construction and implementation of internal control system.

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

     In 2023, the Company's board of directors completed the general election, and the new board of directors
has been carrying out its duties normally; At the beginning of the year, the board of directors prepared and
issued the "2023 Annual Work Plan by Board of Directors ", further enhancing the standardization and
effectiveness of the Company's board of directors work and ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of the
board of directors; We have revised and improved eight corporate governance documents, including the Articles
of Association, Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, and Working Rules of Each Special Committee.
We have also revised the "Five Lists and One Table" list and the implementation methods of the "Three Major
and One Large" decision-making system, making the operating mechanism of the board of directors more
perfect and the decision-making and management execution of the board of directors more effective.
     In order to establish a sound compliance management system and effectively prevent compliance risks, in
accordance with the Central Enterprise Compliance Management Measures of the State owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission and the Compliance Management Measures of CSGC Co., Ltd.,
and in combination with the actual situation of the Company, the Measures for Compliance Management was
formulated in February 2023, which improved the Company's compliance management capability and level.
     The Company has revised the Financial Risk Management Measures and sorted out the risk points of
various business sectors from eight aspects: fund compliance risk, liquidity risk, debt risk, creditor's rightrisk,
commercial credit risk, tax risk, and overseas financial risk. The Company has determined the "Financial Risk
Prevention and Control List" and "Financial Risk Hidden Danger Data base Table" and continuously tracked
them to ensure the achievement of risk prevention and control goals.
     The Company strengthened the comprehensive sorting of various business activities and control points,
revised and improved relevant systems and processes, and ensured the effectiveness of the Company's internal
control system. In 2023, 88 management systems were revised and improved, including internal control systems
in key areas such as compliance management, financial risk, personnel performance, procurement bidding,
production management, risk management, asset disposal, and new product research and development. The
current management system of the Company has been effectively implemented.
     (4) Monitoring of major risk assessment.
     Strengthen daily monitoring of major and important risks, coordinate responsible units to formulate
response measures according to control objectives, and implement improvements. The Company conducted an
annual comprehensive risk management assessment, implemented relevant responsible units, formulated major
(important) risk prevention and measures, and formed the Company's Comprehensive Risk Management Report;
By setting monitoring thresholds for major risks and combined with actual situations, it regularly assessed
quarterly adjustments and continuously promoted the level evaluation and risk control work of the risk customer,
solidly carried out quarterly risk monitoring, and ensured that the key areas did not have risk exploded.
     (5) Information management and control situation.

                                                                                                        2023 Annual Report

      The Company has sound organizational guarantee and capital investment guarantee, and the designated
information technology professionals are responsible for the Company's information construction and security
operation and maintenance, with a relatively complete information management system. In terms of digital
transformation, the Company has made significant progress in both the construction of digital design platform
and the construction of manufacturing digital platform. The digital level of product design has been improved,
and the manufacturing MES system has been put into operation. In terms of business risk prevention and control,
according to the risk areas determined by the Company, the corresponding risk prevention and control projects
are matched, and the corresponding risk indicator data tables are automatically generated. The relevant system
functions have been officially launched and operated, and the risk information platform has been put into trial
operation, providing strong support for risk prevention and control in the Company's production and operation
      The Company strengthened daily network technology monitoring in accordance with the network
information security management requirements of CSGC and Chongqing City, and did a good job in internal
information system and external website security supervision and inspection, as well as security protection work.
The Company's information system operated safely and effectively.
      (6) The management and control of overseas enterprises.
      The Company has no overseas enterprises.

      2. Supervision and evaluation of the internal control system
      (1) The effectiveness of the Company's internal control is audited by an external auditor every year, and
the board of directors issues a self-evaluation report on the Company's internal control.
      (2) Supervision and evaluation of the internal control system.
      The Audit Risk Department of the Company took the lead in organizing the key personnel of various
departments to carry out the 2023 internal control self-evaluation from January 4, 2024 to February 22, 2024,
and submitted the 2023 Internal Control Evaluation Report to the Board of Directors.

2.Details of major internal control defects found during the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

XIII. Management and control of the Company's subsidiaries during the reporting period

                                         Integration                    Measures taken                      Subsequent
 Company name       Integration plan                    encountered in                 Solution progress
                                          progress                       for solution                    planned solution
N/A                N/A                 N/A             N/A             N/A             N/A               N/A

XIV.Internal control self-evaluation report or internal control audit report
1.Self-evaluation report on internal control
Disclosure date of appraisal
                               April 30,2024
report on internal control
Disclosure index of            Juchao Website:(http://www.cninfo.com.cn),Announcement No.:2024-015

                                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

appraisal report on internal
Proportion of total unit
assets covered by appraisal
in the total assets of the                                                                                                 100.00%
consolidated financial
statements of the company
Proportion of total unit
incomes covered by
appraisal in the total
business incomes of the
consolidated financial
statements of the company
                                                 Standards of Defects Evaluation
         Category                            Financial Report                                   Non-financial Report
                                                                               Indicator 1: General defects in companys daily
                                                                               operation. Its almost impossible that some specific
                                                                               business fails to operate normally. Other business
                                                                               activities and achievement of business goals will not
                                                                               be affected. Serious defects: Its reasonably possible
                               General defects: ① Minor financial loss; ②
                                                                               that normal operations of some business may be
                               Minor misstatement or omission of
                                                                               influenced but it will not affect the sustainable
                               statement in terms of financial statement;
                                                                               operation of our company. Significant defects: its
                               ③ Minor damage of reputation caused by
                                                                               reasonably possible that operation capacity of some
                               its negative influence in some regions.
                                                                               business may be lost and it will endanger the
                               Serious defects: ① Bring some financial
                                                                               companys sustainable operation. Indicator 2:
                               loss to company; ② Cause moderate
                                                                               Financial loss. General defects: Its almost
                               misstatement or omission of statement in
                                                                               impossible that minor financial losses may be led to
                               terms of financial statement; ③ Serious
                                                                               company. Serious defects: Its reasonably possible
                               damage of reputation caused by its
Qualitative standard                                                           that moderate financial losses may be led to
                               comparatively large-scale influence in some
                                                                               company. Significant defects: Its possible that
                               regions. Significant defects: ① Bring
                                                                               significant financial losses may be led to company.
                               significant financial loss to company; ②
                                                                               Indicator 3: Reputation of company. General
                               Significant misstatement or omission of
                                                                               defects: Its almost impossible that the negative
                               statement in terms of financial statement;
                                                                               information popular in some regions will be caused,
                               ③ The significantly negative influence has
                                                                               which may further affect companys reputation.
                               attracted large-scale attention by the public
                                                                               Serious defects: Its reasonably possible that the
                               and unrecoverable losses have been brought
                                                                               negative information popular in some regions will
                               to company.
                                                                               be caused, which may lead moderate influence to
                                                                               companys reputation. Significant defects: Its
                                                                               reasonably possible that the negative information
                                                                               popular in some regions will be caused, which may
                                                                               lead significant influence to companys reputation.

                               Indicator: The proportion of misstatement
                               in the overall assets. General defects: Its
                                                                               Indicator: The proportion of financial losses in the
                               almost impossible that the amount of
                                                                               overall assets. General defects: Its almost
                               misstatement accounting for 0.05% of the
                                                                               impossible that the amount of financial losses
                               overall assets or less will occur. Serious
                                                                               accounting for 0.05% of overall assets or less will
                               defects: Its reasonably impossible that the
                                                                               occur. Serious defects: Its reasonably possible that
Quantitative criteria          amount of misstatement accounting 0.05%
                                                                               the amount of financial losses accounting for 0.05%
                               to 1% of the overall assets will occur.
                                                                               to 1% of the overall assets will occur. Significant
                               Significant defects: Its reasonably possible
                                                                               defects: Its reasonably possible that the amount of
                               that the amount of misstatement accounting
                                                                               financial losses accounting for 1% of the overall
                               for 1% of the overall assets or more will
                                                                               assets or more will occur.

Number of major defects in
financial reporting(a)
Number of major defects in
non financial reporting (a)
Number of important
defects in financial                                                                                                              0
Number of important
defects in non financial

                                                                                                                2023 Annual Report


2. Internal Control audit report

√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                           Review opinions in the internal control audit report

We acknowledge that Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd. has been conducting effective internal control in all material
aspects complying with “Fundamental Rules of Enterprise Internal Control” .On December 31,2023.
Disclosure date of audit report
of internal control
Index of audit report of
                                                                      April 30,2024
internal control (full-text)
                                                                      Juchao Website: (http://www.cninfo.com.cn),
Internal audit reports opinion
                                                                      Announcement No.:2024-029

Type of audit report on internal control                              Unqualified auditors report

Whether there is significant defect in non-financial report           No

Has the CPAs issued a qualified auditors report of internal control .
□ Yes √No
Does the internal control audit report issued by the CPAs agree with the self-assessment report of the Board of
√Yes □No

XV. Rectification of self-examination problems in special governance actions of listed companies

   According to the Notice on Well Ensuring the Special Self-examination of Listed Company Governance
(YZJF [2020] No.367) issued by Chongqing Supervision Bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission,
the Company carried out self-examination according to the List of Special Self-examination of Listed Company
Governance issued by the government service platform of China Securities Regulatory Commission, and has
completed rectification for the existing problems. For details, please refer to the 2021 Annual Report.

                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report

                                    V. Environmental & Social Responsibility
     I. Significant environmental issues

 Whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is identified as a key polluter by the environment authorities
   √ Yes □No
Policies and industry standards related to environmental protection

 Environmental Protection Law of People's Republic of China, Water Pollution Prevention Law of People's
Republic of China, Air Pollution Prevention Law of People's Republic of China, Noise Pollution Prevention Law of
People's Republic of China, Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law of People's Republic of China and Soil Pollution
Prevention Law of People's Republic of China.

 Environmental protection administrative license
 Three synchronizations for construction projects shall be conducted as required to obtain acceptance approval, and
 pollution discharge permits shall be applied in accordance with regulations.

                                                                                                                                                                          2023 Annual Report
Industrial emission standards and the specific situation of the pollutant emission involved in the production and business activities
                                                                                          Emissi   Emission
     Company or    Main pollutant                                                                                                       Implemente                    Verified       sive
                                     Main pollutant and                                   on       port               Emission                           Total
                   and specific                                                                                                          d pollutant                  total          emissi
      subsidiary                     specific pollutant       Emission way                port     distributio      concentration                       emission
                   pollutant                                                                                                              emission                    emission(To    on
        name                         name                                                 numbe    n                  (mg/Nm3)
                   Typeame                                                                                                                standards                   ns)            condit
                                                                                          r        condition
                                                                                                                 COD:147mg/L;                        Simplified     Simplified
                                                              Indirect discharge: it is                                                                managemen      managemen
                                                                                                                 petroleun:            Grade III
                                     Main pollutants of       discharged into                                                                          t of           t of
    Chongqing                                                                                      Total         0.83mg/L;             Standard of
                   Main pollutants   wastewater:COD,         Zhongliangshan sewage                                                                    pollutant      pollutant
    Jianshe                                                                                        wastewate     ammonia                the            discharge      discharge
                   of wastewater,    ammonia nitrogen,        treatment plant after
    Vehicle                                                                               1        r             nitrogen:             Integrated     permits, no    permits, no    N/A
                   Petroleum         total phosphoru,PH;     reaching the Grade III
    System Co.,                                                                                    discharge     14.2mg/L;Total        Wastewater     total amount   total amount
                   category          particular pollutants:   standard of the
    Ltd.                                                                                           outlet        phosphorus:           Discharge      required       required
                                     Petroleum category       Integrated Wastewater
                                                                                                                 4.54mg/L;PH:         Standard
                                                              Discharge Standard
                                                                                                                                        Limit value    Simplified     Simplified
                                     Waste gas: Main                                                                                    of main        managemen      managemen
    Chongqing                                                 Direct emission: The                               Nitrogen oxide:       urban area     t of           t of
                                     pollutants: sO 2,                                            Exhaust
    Jianshe                                                   treatment meets the                                14mg/m3;              of the         pollutant      pollutant
                   Waste gas: Main   nitrogen oxides,                                              gas outlet
    Vehicle                                                   Integrated Emission         1                      Particulate matter:   Integrated     discharge      discharge      N/A
                   pollutants        particulate matter;                                           ofmelting                            Emission       permits, no    permits, no
    System Co.,                                               Standard of Air                                    5.8mg/m3;sO 2:
                                     characteristic                                                furnace                              Standard of    total amount   total amount
    Ltd.                                                      Pollutants                                         3mg/m3
                                     pollutants:N/A                                                                                     Air            required       required
                                                                                                                 COD:345mg/L                          Simplified     Simplified
                                                              Indirect discharge: it is                                                                managemen      managemen
                                                                                                                 petroleum:            Grade III
                                     Main pollutants of       discharged into                                                                          t of           t of
                                                                                                   Total         0.79mg/l ammonia       Standard of
                                     wastewater: COD,         Zhongliangshan sewage                                                                    pollutant      pollutant
                   Main pollutants                                                                 wastewate     nitrogen:             the            discharge      discharge
    Vehicle air                      ammonia nitrogen,        treatment plant after
                   of wastewater,                                                         1        r             12.3mg/LTotal          Integrated     permits, no    permits, no    N/A
    conditioner                      total phosphorus, PH     reaching the Grade III                                                    Wastewater
                   total zinc                                                                      discharge     phosphorus:                          total amount   total amount
                                     particular pollutants:   standard of the                                                           Discharge
                                                                                                   outlet        2.04mg/LPH:7.5-                      required       required
                                     total zinc               Integrated Wastewater                                                     Standard
                                                                                                                 7.6 Total zinc:
                                                              Discharge Standard

                                                                                                                                                                2023 Annual Report
                                                                                         Outlet of                                           Simplified     Simplified
                                                                                         phosphati                                           managemen      managemen
                                                                                         ng                                                  t of           t of
                                                                                         productio                                           pollutant      pollutant
                                                                                         n line 1,                                           discharge      discharge
                                                                                         outlet of                                           permits, no    permits, no
                                                                                         phosphati                                           total amount   total amount
                                                                                         ng                                                  required       required
                                                                                                                               Limit value
                                 Waste gas: Main                                                                               of main
                                                                                         n line 2,
              Waste gas: Main    pollutants: nitrogen     Direct emission: The                          Nitrogen oxide:       urban area
                                                                                         outlet of
                                                          treatment meets the                                                  of the
Vehicle air   pollutants:        oxides, particulate                                     tin plating    3mg/m3,
                                                          Integrated Emission        6                                         Integrated                                  N/A
conditioner   hydrogen           matter; characteristic                                  productio      particulate matter:
                                                          Standard of Air                                                      Emission
              chloride, xylene   pollutants: hydrogen                                    n line,        6.7mg/m3
                                                          Pollutants                                                           Standard of
                                 chloride, xylene                                                                              Air
                                                                                         line, outlet
                                                                                         of shot
                                                                                         and outlet
                                                                                         of PTFE
                                                                                         n line
                                                                                                                                             Implement      Implement
                                                                                                                                             registration   registration
                                                                                                        PH:7.6-7.9;                        for filing,    for filing,
                                                                                                        COD:86;                            fill in the    fill in the
                                 Main pollutants of       Direct discharge: it                          BOD5:16.4;                         pollutant      pollutant
Chongqing                                                                                                                      Grade I
                                 wastewater: PH,          reaches the first-class        Total          suspwnded matter:                   discharge      discharge
Pingshan                                                                                                                       standard of
                                 COD, BOD5,               standard of Integrated                                                             registration   registration
              Main pollutants                                                            waste          12;petroleum:        Integrated
Taikai                           suspended solids,        Wastewater Discharge       1                                                       form, do not   form, do not   N/A
              of wastewater                                                              water          0.06mg/L;animal       Wastewater
Carburetor                       petroleum, animal and    Standard after treatment                                                           need to        need to
                                                                                         outlet         and vegetable oil:    Discharge
Co., Ltd                         vegetable oils,          and is discharged into                                                             apply for a    apply for a
                                 ammonia nitrogen.        Huangxi River.                                0.15 mg/L;                          pollutant      pollutant
                                                                                                        ammonia                              discharge      discharge
                                                                                                        nitrogen:12.7mg/L                   permit, with   permit, with
                                                                                                                                             total amount   total amount
                                                                                                                                             not required   not required

                                                                                                                                                                2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                      Nitrogen                               Implement      Implement
                                                                                                      oxide:3L,                             registration   registration
                                                                                                      particulate                            for filing,    for filing,
                                                                                                                                             fill in the    fill in the
                                                                                                      matter:8.3 mg/m3,       Limits on
                                                                                                                                             pollutant      pollutant
Chongqing                                                                                             sulfur dioxide:3L;      Main Urban
                               Main pollutants:          Direct discharge: it           Exhaust                                              discharge      discharge
Pingshan                                                                                              The data with "L"        Area in
                                                                                                                                             registration   registration
             Waste gas: Main   nitrogen oxides, sulfur   meets the Integrated           port of die                            Comprehens
Taikai                                                                              1                 indicates that the                     form, do not   form, do not   N/A
             pollutants:       dioxide and               Atmospheric Discharge          casting                                ive
Carburetor                                                                                            concentration of the                   need to        need to
                               particulate matter.       Standard after treatment       machine                                Atmospheric
Co., Ltd                                                                                              pollutant is lower                     apply for a    apply for a
                                                                                                                                             pollutant      pollutant
                                                                                                      than the method          Standard
                                                                                                                                             discharge      discharge
                                                                                                      detection limit, and                   permit, with   permit, with
                                                                                                      the detection limit is                 total amount   total amount
                                                                                                      3 mg/m3.                               not required   not required

                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

  The treatment of the pollutants
  Wastewater: The Company and its subsidiary vehicle air-conditioning company have respectively built a
  wastewater treatment station. The wastewater station is operating steadily, equipment maintenance is carried out
  regularly, and the treatment effect is good, and the discharge of pollutants from the total discharge outlet of the
  wastewater has continued and steadily reached the standard.
  Exhaust gas: the acid mist produced by phosphating, tinning and surface treatment is absorbed by the spray tower
  to reach the standard. The exhaust gas at the outlet of the shot blasting workshop is washed and filtered with the
  particle absorption device to reach the standard. The exhaust gas of the PTFE production line is equipped with
  activated carbon adsorption + light Catalytic oxidation treatment to reach the standard. The melting furnace uses
  the clean energy-natural gas, which reaches the standard at directly discharge. The pollution control facilities are
  operating well and the operation records are complete.
  Emergency plan for emergency environmental incidents

     In order to establish a sound emergency response mechanism for environmental pollution incidents, improve
  the Companys ability to respond to sudden environmental pollution incidents involving public crises, prevent
  environmental emergencies from polluting the public environment (atmosphere and water), maintain social
  stability, protect the life, health and property safety of enterprises and the surrounding public, protect the
  environment, and to promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of society, the
  Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary vehicle air-conditioning company have prepared the "Emergency Plan
  for Emergent Environmental Incidents", which has been reviewed and approved by experts and thus its been
  Environmental self-monitoring program

       The environmental protection administrative department did not require the Company to carry out self-
  monitoring, and in 2023, it commissioned a monitoring unit with national CMA qualification to monitor the
  wastewater, organized exhaust gas, unorganized waste gas and noise discharged by the Company and its
  subsidiaries automotive air conditioning company and Pingshan Taikai company.
       According to the monitoring results shown in the Monitoring Reports(No. WT230Zi [2023] Huiyuan(Jian) )
  and (No. WT229Zi [2023] Huiyuan (Jian))issued in March 2023 and the monitoring results shown in the
  Monitoring Report (No. WT406Zi [2023] Yu Jiu (Jian)) issued in October 2023, the emissions of wastewater,
  organized exhaust gas, fugitive waste gas and noise generated by the Company and its subsidiaries-automotive
  air conditioning company and Pingshan Taikai company all complied with the relevant emission standards.

Investment in environmental governance and protection and the relevant payment of environmental protection tax

       In 2023, the taxable pollutant type of the Company and the vehicle air conditioning company was air
  pollutants, and the actual total amount of environmental protection tax paid was 10,000 yuan. Pingshan Taikai
  paid a total of 6,584.4 yuan.

 Measures taken to reduce its carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects

 Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                        2023 Annual Report

       First, vigorously develop the thermal management industry of new energy vehicles, and realize large-scale
  market sales of new energy electric compressor products. Second, vigorously develop the green low-carbon
  parts industry, adapt to the requirements of emission upgrading, and actively develop and cultivate the low-
  carbon competitiveness of new products. Third, strengthen the green design of products, implement the green
  design through the whole life cycle of products, strengthen the tracking of carbon footprint of products, select
  green low-carbon materials and green low-carbon suppliers, and adopt modular and detachable design, and
  green recycling packaging. Fourth, strengthen the low-carbon manufacturing of products, carry out low-carbon
  technological reform, integrate or simplify processes, tap potential opportunities for carbon reduction, and carry
  out upgrading of equipment in terms of information, automation, digitalization and intelligence. Fifth, adjust the
  energy consumption structure, continuously increase the proportion of electric energy use through the
  electrification transformation of equipment, promote the transformation of equipment and facilities and process
  optimization, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit output. Sixth, scientifically arrange production plans,
  carry out energy conservation monitoring and energy design, and take energy evaluation as one of KPI
  indicators for control. Seventh, the implementation of photovoltaic power generation projects and the frequency
  conversion transformation of air compressor were carried out to further improve the efficiency of energy
  conservation and carbon reduction.

Administrative penalties for environmental problems during the reporting period
                                                                                      Impact on the
                                          Reason of     Violation of     Punishme     production and
  Company or subsidiary name                                                                                rectification
                                          punishment    regulations      nt result    operation of listed
  Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co.,   Not           No violation     Not                                Not
                                                                                      Not applicable
  Ltd.                                    applicable    and punishment   applicable                         applicable
                                          Not           No violation     Not                                Not
  Vehicle air conditioner                                                             Not applicable
                                          applicable    and punishment   applicable                         applicable
  Chongqing Pingshan Taikai Carburetor    Not           No violation     Not                                Not
                                                                                      Not applicable
  Co., Ltd                                applicable    and punishment   applicable                         applicable
  Other environmental information that should be disclosed

  For environmental disclosure information, please refer to the Company's extranet http://www.jianshe.com.cn.
       Other Environmental Related Information

  See the foregoing for details.

  II. Social responsibilities

        (1) Protection of shareholders equity

       The company always insists on fair treatment to all investors, protects the legitimate rights and interests of
  shareholders, especially small and medium shareholders, and actively creates conditions to attract small and
  medium shareholders to participate in major decisions of the company. During the reporting period, the Board
  of Directors convened 3 general meetings of shareholders by providing on-site voting and online voting, and the
  shares held by shareholders participating in voting accounted for more than 74.45% of the total shares of the
        The Company strictly follows the principles of information disclosure and publishes regular reports and

                                                                                                2023 Annual Report

temporary announcements in a true, accurate, complete and timely manner. There is no selective information
disclosure and private disclosure or disclosure of undisclosed material information. Also, the Company seriously
replies or receives investors calls and visits and maintains good management of investor relations.

     (II) Protection of employee rights and interests

     The Company respects and safeguards employees' rights and interests, and is committed to promoting
employees' all-round development, realizing the common promotion of employees' personal value and
enterprise value, and striving to benefit the majority of employees from the achievements of enterprise reform
and development. First, adhere to the democratic management system. Set up employee directors and employee
supervisors to participate in the Company's decision-making and supervision, establish a democratic
management system with employee congresses as the basic form, and support employees to participate in
enterprise management. In 2023, the Company held one employee representative meeting, one model worker
symposium and 2 employee representative symposiums, and widely listened to employees' opinions and
suggestions on the Company's development, and implemented or replied to 59 items one by one. Second,
continue to make factory affairs public.
     Utilizing the collaborative office platform of Construction Co., Ltd. and OA, it timely disclosed the
information that employees should know, and publicly disclosed 157 major issues related to their immediate
interests throughout the year. Thirdly, it attached importance to the basic guarantee of employees. The
Company paid the "insurances and housing fund" for its employees on time, with a cumulative payment of
25,780,400 yuan throughout the year. It purchased 686 major disease insurances for employees and paid an
insurance premium of 20,600 yuan. The Company improved the Company's assistance and condolence system,
providing 73 visits to employees in need, sick and hospitalized employees, and employee relatives throughout
the year; Caring for female employees and children, it carried out activities such as condolences, autumn
education assistance, and reading companionship to assist by 446 person-time; The Company carried out
summer cooling activities and holiday condolences for 2052 person-time. The cumulative amount of
condolences was 851,200 yuan. Fourthly, the Company was cared about the physical health of employees. It
strengthened the occupational health management, conducted emergency rescue knowledge training and
occupational health promotions, and regularly conducted occupational hazard factor testing in the workplace. A
number of 349 personnel who may exposure to harmful substances was organized to undergo occupational
health examinations on dutyand off duty, as well as it distributed cool drinks and heatstroke prevention drugs,
with a total payment of 66,000 yuan. Fifthly, the Company attached importance to employee growth and talent
cultivation. A number of 196 training sessions were organized throughout the year, with a total of 3415 person-
time training and a total of 31,663 hours of training; It strengthened the cultivation and utilization of young
cadres, the proportion of "80s generation" full-time employees in the Company's middle-level leadership has
increased to 19.15%, continuously improving the comprehensive quality of the cadre team. In 2023, a number

                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

of 60 person-time of external training for middle-level cadres was organized, including 17 person-time
participating in class for research work-with a total of 3,900 class hours.

     (III) Protection of rights and interests of suppliers, customers and consumers

     First, adhere to fairness, justice and good faith in market transactions, strictly abide by all laws, regulations,
regulatory provisions and international rules, adhere to equal consultation, achieve mutual benefit and win-win,
strictly abide by contract terms, fulfill transaction promises and fulfill contractual obligations. Promote the
informatization of procurement management, deepen the use of the electronic procurement platform of
Norincogroup-eBuy, and fully realize the openness, centralization and electronization of tendering procurement.
Second, improve and upgrade the product quality, adhere to the value orientation of "Quality First", vigorously
carry forward the "Artisan Spirit" and continue to pursue quality excellence.
     In 2023, the Company has continued to promote the "quality improvement activity", continued to solve key
quality problems of electric compressors, and control the internal quality loss rate and zero-kilometer failure
rate of electric compressors within the annual target.

     (IV) Environmental protection and sustainable development

     The Company aims at green development, establishes employees' awareness of environmental protection,
actively fulfills environmental responsibility and practices the concept of low-carbon life. First, vigorously
develop the thermal management industry of new energy vehicles, and realize large-scale market sales of new
energy electric compressor products. Second, vigorously develop the green low-carbon parts industry, adapt to
the requirements of emission upgrading, and actively develop and cultivate the low-carbon competitiveness of
new products. Third, strengthen the green design of products, implement the green design through the whole
life cycle of products, strengthen the tracking of carbon footprint of products, select green low-carbon materials
and green low-carbon suppliers, and adopt modular and detachable design, and green recycling packaging.
Fourth, strengthen the low-carbon manufacturing of products, carry out low-carbon technological reform,
integrate or simplify processes, tap potential opportunities for carbon reduction, and carry out upgrading of
equipment in terms of information, automation, digitalization and intelligence. Fifth, adjust the energy
consumption structure, continuously increase the proportion of electric energy use through the electrification
transformation of equipment, promote the transformation of equipment and facilities and process optimization,
and reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit output. Sixth, scientifically arrange production plans, carry out
energy conservation monitoring and energy design, and take energy evaluation as one of KPI indicators for
control. Seventh, it continued to promote the Company's participation in the standardization construction of
environmental management in Chongqing's "Five Whole and Four Regulations".

     (V) Public relations and social welfare undertakings

                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report

     In 2023, the Company actively participated in activities such as consumption poverty alleviation of
unsalable agricultural and sideline products, consumption assistance of central enterprises, and special
consumption assistance in Yanshan County, Yunnan Province, and realized an assistance total of RMB 104,700.
     The Company actively promoted the employment to solve poverty alleviation. In conjunction with the
annual recruitment plan, the Company actively participated in activities such as national school recruitment,
participated in 3 offline double selection job fairs of the school, and cooperated with recruitment platforms such
as 51job, received more than 500 resumes throughout the year, screened and organized more than 60 interviews,
and admitted a total of 20 college students and mature talents.

III. Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization

For details, please refer to "Public Relations and Social Welfare" in "II(5). Social Responsibility" in this section.

                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

                                           VI. Important Events

I. Commitments to fulfill the situation
1.The fulfilled commitments in the reporting period and under-fulfillment commitments by the end of the
reporting period made by the company, shareholder, actual controller, acquirer, director, supervisor,
senior management personnel and other related parities.
□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no commitment that has not been fulfilled by actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirers
of the Company

2.The existence of the company's assets or projects earnings forecasts and earnings reporting period is
still in the forecast period, the company has assets or projects meet the original profit forecast made and
the reasons explained

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
II. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

III. Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

IV. Explanation of the Board of Directors on the latest "Non-standard Audit Report"

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Notes for “non-standard audit report” of CPAs firm during the Reporting Period by board of
directors and supervisory board

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Explanation of the changes in accounting polices, accounting estimates or correction of significant
accounting errors compared with the financial report of the previous year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

VII.Explain change of the consolidation scope as compared with the financial reporting of last year.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                                                                          2023 Annual Report

VIII. Engagement/Disengagement of CPAs

CPAs currently engaged
Domestic CPA                                                   Baker Tilly China Certified Public Accountants(LLP)

Reward for domestic CPA (RMB '0,000)                                                                                   40
Successive years the domestic CPA has been providing service
to the Company
Name of CPAs from the domestic CPA firm                        Liu Zonglei, Liu Taiping
Continuous life of auditing service for domestic accounting
                                                               1year, 1 year
Re-appointed accounting firms in this period

Yes □No
Whether to hire an accounting firm during the audit
□Yes No
Whether the change of accounting firm has fulfilled the examination and approval procedures
Yes □No
Detailed explanation of the change of employment and change of the accounting firm

     1. Annual audit accounting firm appointed for the year 2023: Baker Tilly China Certified Public

Accountants (LLP)

     2. Annual audit accounting firm appointed for 2022: Dahua Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

     3. Reason for changing the accounting firm: According to the Administrative Measures for the Selection

and Appointment of Accounting Firms by State-owned Enterprises and Listed Companies (No. 4[2023] Cai

Kuai, hereinafter referred to as the "Selection and Appointment Measures")issued by the China Securities

Regulatory Commissionin conjunction withthe Ministry of Finance and the State-owned Assets Supervision and

Administration Commission (SASAC), the Company, as a state-controlled listed company, shall comply with

the relevant provisions of the Selection and Appointment Measureson the selection of accounting firms for both

state-owned enterprises and listed companies. In view of that, the selection and appointment of the Company's

accounting firm in 2023 shall be coordinated and arranged by the CSGC, which performs the responsibilities of

the investor. After the public bidding of the CSGC, Baker Tilly China Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

     4. Communication between the former and successor accounting firm: The Company communicated with

Dahua Certified Public Accountants in advance on the change of accounting firm. In accordance with the

relevant provisions of the Chinese Certified Public Accountants Auditing Standard No. 1153-Communication

between the Former CPA and the SuccessorCPA, the Company agreed that Baker Tilly China Certified Public

Accountants (LLP) and Dahua Certified Public Accountants shall fully communicate, and the two parties had

completed the relevant communication and cooperation work on the change of the accounting firm, and neither

had raised any objection to the change of the accounting firm.

                                                                                                       2023 Annual Report

     5. Procedures for changing the accounting firm: The Company's audit committee, independent directors

and the board of directors have no objection to the change of the accounting firm, and on December 22, 2023,

the "Proposal on Change of the Accounting Firm" that was deliberated and passed in the Company's second

extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2023 agreed to appoint Baker Tilly International Accounting

Firm (LLP) as the Company's 2023 financial accounting report and internal control audit institution for one year

with an audit fee of RMB 550,000, of which the audit fee for financial accounting report is RMB 400,000 per

year and the audit fee for internal control is RMB 150,000 per year.

        For details, please refer to the Announcement on change of the accounting firm disclosed by the

Company on October 31, 2023 on the Cninfo website, with the announcement number 2023-065.

Description of the CPAs, financial adviser or sponsor engaged for internal control auditing
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Baker Tilly China Certified Public Accountants(LLP) is engaged the auditor of internal control system for the
current year. With payment of RMB 150,000 for its service.

IX. Situation of Facing Listing Suspension and Listing Termination after the Disclosure of the Yearly
□Applicable √ Not applicable

X. Relevant Matters of Bankruptcy Reorganization
□Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                                                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

XI. Matters of Important Lawsuit and Arbitration
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                    Decisions and      Execution of        Disclosure      Index to disclosed
                  General information                       amount           Provision         Progress
                                                                                                                       effects          decisions             date            information
The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Vehicle Air
Conditioning Company, filed a lawsuit in Chongqing
No. 5 Intermediate People's Court against Ran Ping,
Luo Fangqing, Zhang Ye, Changzhou Kangpurui                                                                                           Air
                                                                                         Filed case number
Automobile Air Conditioning Co., Ltd, Chongqing                                                                  After many           conditioning
                                                                                         No. 305Min                                                                      www.cninfo.com.cn
Yuxian Sanji Auto Parts Co., Ltd, and Chongqing                                                                  hearings and court   has been            April
                                                                 100   No                Chu05Su(2021) by                                                                (Announcement
Dongdian Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd for                                                                    sessions, in April   appealed and        28,2020
                                                                                         Suzhou Intermediate                                                             No.:2020-024)
infringement of technical secrets. After the Chongqing                                                           2023                 the court has
                                                                                         People's Court
court filed the case, it was transferred to the Suzhou                                                                                not yet opened
Intermediate People's Court due to jurisdictional issue,
The case was filed in January 2021 at the Suzhou
Intermediate People's Court.
The case of Zhao Fujun suing Tan Xixiang and                                             On March 12, the case
Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd. over a                                        was heard in court
                                                                  60   No                                        Not yet ruled        Not yet ruled
vehicle traffic accident dispute was filed in the Yicheng                                (Case No.Min Chu
People's Court of Hubei Province in January 2024                                         4971E 0684 (2023))

XII. Situation of Punishment and Rectification
□Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.
XIII. Credit Condition of the Company and its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers
□Applicable √ Not applicable
XIV. Material related transactions

1. Related transactions in connection with daily operation

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
 Related     Relationsh      Type of      Subjects    Principl    Price of      Amount of    Ratio in                                  Way of         Market         Date of           Index of
 parties         ip           trade        of the       e of       trade        trade(RMB    similar      Trading       Whether       payment         price of      disclosure       information
                                                                                                                                                         2023 Annual Report
                                       related     pricing             '0,000)     trades                                           similar                   disclosure
                                      transacti      the                                      limit         over the                 trade
                                         ons       related                                                                         available
                                                                                            approved(      approved
                                                     ons                                      RMB          limited or

                                                                                             '0,000)       not (Y/N)
                          Purchase                                                                                                                           www.cninfo
                          of raw                                                                                                                             .com.cn.An
Jianshe                   materials               Market                                                                                       January
             same                     Energy                  150        205.32     0.48%         150      Yes          Cash       150                       nouncement
Industry                  from the                Price                                                                                        17,2023
             control                                                                                                                                         No.:2023-
                          person                                                                                                                             005
Automobi                              Sale of                                                                                                                www.cninfo
le Group                              finished                                                                                                               .com.cn.An
                          Sales of    parts       Market                                                                Cash and               January
Co., Ltd.    same                                             15,000    5,688.27   12.26%      15,000      No                      15,000                    nouncement
                          goods       and         Price                                                                  Bill                  17,2023
And its      control                                                                                                                                         No.:2023-
affiliated                            ents                                                                                                                   005
             Joint                                                                                                                                           www.cninfo
             venture of                                                                                                                                      .com.cn.An
Chongqin     controllin   Sales of                Market                                                                                       January
                                      parts                   1,500      889.87     1.92%       1,500      No           Cash       1,500                     nouncement
g Jianya     g            goods                   Price                                                                                        17,2023
                                      sales                                                                                                                  No.:2023-
             er                                                                                                                                              005
                                      Spare                                                                                                                  .com.cn.An
Jianshe      Joint        Sales of                Market                                                                                       January
                                      part                    200        447.03     0.96%         200      Yes          Cash       200                       nouncement
HANON        venture      goods                   Price                                                                                        17,2023
                                      sales                                                                                                                  No.:2023-
                          products                                                                                                                           www.cninfo
             Under        and                                                                                                                                .com.cn.An
Mechanic                              Operatio    Market                                                                                       January
             same         commodit                            50            0.26    0.00%             50   No           Cash       50                        nouncement
al and       control      ies to      n cost      Price                                                                                        17,2023
Electric                  related                                                                                                                            005
Jianshe      Joint        Sales of    Operatio    Market                                                                                       January       www.cninfo
                                                              1,200         2.63    0.01%       1,200      No           Cash       1,200
HANON        venture      goods       n cost      Price                                                                                        17,2023       .com.cn.An

                                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report
              Under                                                                                                    .com.cn.An
Jianshe                    Sales of   Operatio   Market                                                  January
              same                                        200     2.9   0.01%   200   No    Cash   200                 nouncement
Industry                   goods      n cost     Price                                                   17,2023
              control                                                                                                  No.:2023-
              venture of
Chongqin      controllin   Sales of              Market                                                  January
                                      parts               0     54.28   0.12%    0    Yes   Cash   0
g Jianya      g            goods                 Price                                                   17,2023
              Under                                                                                                    .com.cn.An
Jianshe                    Sales of              Market                                                  January
              same                    Test fee            50    31.26   2.18%    50   No    Cash   50                  nouncement
Industry                   goods                 Price                                                   17,2023
              control                                                                                                  No.:2023-
Minsheng      Joint                                                                                                    www.cninfo
Logistrics    venture of                                                                                               .com.cn.An
                                      nce of
              controllin                         Market                                                  January
And its                    Services   warehou             50     40.6   2.88%    50   No    Cash   50                  nouncement
              g                                  Price                                                   17,2023
affiliated                            sing                                                                             No.:2023-
Enterprise                            services                                                                         005
              Under                                                                                                    .com.cn.An
g Institute                                      Market                                                  January
              same         Services   Services            150      0    0.00%   150   No    Cash   150                 nouncement
of            control                            Price                                                   17,2023
Co., Ltd.
              Under                   Accept                                                                           .com.cn.An
le Group                                         Market                                                  January
              same         Services   mainten             100   69.56   4.92%   100   No    Cash   100                 nouncement
Co., Ltd.     control                 ance       Price                                                   17,2023
And its
                                                                                                                                                                             2023 Annual Report
Total                                                  --            --        7,431.98        --            18,650        --            --            --             --               --

Details of any sales return of a large amount       None
                                                    1. The total amount of raw materials purchased by related persons is expected to be 1.5 million yuan, and the actual occurrence is
Give the actual situation in the report period      2,053,200 yuan, which is actually completed by 33.67% of the expected at the beginning of the year.
where a forecast had been made for the total        2. "Sales of products and commodities to related persons" is expected to be in total of181,500,000 yuan, the actual occurrence is 70.8524
amounts of routine related-party transactions by    million yuan, which is actually completed by -60.96% of the expected at the beginning of the year.
type to occur in the current period(if any)         3. "Accepting labor services provided by related persons" is expected to be in total of 3.5 million yuan, and the actual occurrence is
                                                    1,414,160 yuan, which actually completes the -59.60% of the expected at the beginning of the year.
Reason for any significant difference between the
transaction price and the market reference price    Not applicable
(if applicable)

                                                                                                                       2023 Annual Report

2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sold

□Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

3. Related-party transitions with joint investments

□Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Does there exist non-operating current associated rights of credit and liabilities
□ Yes √No
No such cases in the reporting period.

5. Transactions with related finance company, especially one that is controlled by the Company

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
          Deposit business
Related party      Relationship      Maximum         Deposit         Beginning           The amount incurred
                                   daily deposit   interest rate      balance
                                   limited(Ten       range            (Ten         Total deposit     Total amount          Ending
                                     thousand                        thousand         amount of        withdrawn in          balance
                                      yuan)                          yuan)          the current       the current           (Ten
                                                                                     period(Ten       period(Ten          thousand
                                                                                       thousand          thousand            yuan)
                                                                                        yuan)            yuan)
                Under same
Finance                                  30,000    0.455%              16,689.71       225,115.79        229,073.72          12,731.77
Loan business
Related party      Relationship                                      Beginning           The amount incurred
                                                                       (Ten                                Total            Ending
                                                                                       Total loan
                                    Loan limit                       thousand                            repayment
                                                      Loant                           amount for                             balance
                                      (Ten                           yuan)                             amount of
                                                   interest rate                      the current                             (Ten
                                    thousand                                                             this period
                                                      range                          period(Ten                            thousand
                                     yuan)                                                                 (Ten
                                                                                       thousand                              yuan)
                Under same                         3.65%-
Finance                                  45,000                             41,150      47,249.35             47,150         41,249.35
                control                            4.35%
Credit extension or other financial services
    Related party                 Relationship              Business type            Total amount(Ten             Actual amount
                                                                                      thousand yuan)          incurred(Ten thousand
Military Finance
                            Under same control       Credit                                          56,000                  47,699.35
Military Finance
                            Under same control       Other                                           56,000                            0

                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

6. Transactions between the financial company controlled by the Company and related parties

□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the financial company controlled by the
Company and related parties.

7. Other significant related-party transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

XV. Significant contracts and execution

1.Entrustments, contracting and leasing


□Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.


□Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.


□Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

2.Significant Guarantees

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                        2023 Annual Report
                                                Guarantee of the Company for the controlling subsidiaries (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)
                     Relevant                                                                                                                                                  Guarantee
                                                             Date of
                    disclosure                                                                                                         Counter-                    Complete        for
                                                           happening           Actual
Name of the         date/No. of        Amount of                                                                      Guaranty                        Guarantee   implement    associated
                                                            (Date of          mount of        Guarantee type                         guarantee(If
 Company                the            Guarantee                                                                     (If any)                         term         ation       parties
                                                             signing          guarantee                                                 any)
                    guaranteed                                                                                                                                      or not      (Yes or
                      amount                                                                                                                                                      no)
Total amount of approved external guarantee in the                                             Total actually amount of external guarantee in the
                                                                                        0                                                                                               0
                report period(A1)                                                                                report period(A2)
Total amount of approved external guarantee at the                                           Total actually amount of external guarantee at the end
                                                                                        0                                                                                               0
          end of the report period(A3)                                                                       of the report period(A4)
                                                                        Guarantee of the company for its subsidiaries
                     Relevant                                                                                                                                                  Guarantee
                                                             Date of
                    disclosure                                                                                                                                     Complete        for
                                                           happening             Actual                                                Counter-
Name of the         date/No. of         Amount of                                                                       Guaranty(If                  Guarantee   implement    associated
                                                            (Date of            mount of        Guarantee type                         guarantee
 Company                the             Guarantee                                                                          any)                        term         ation       parties
                                                             signing            guarantee                                              (If any)
                    guaranteed                                                                                                                                      or not      (Yes or
                      amount                                                                                                                                                      no)
Vehicle air
                January 22,2022               2,600   April 20,2022                   2,600   Joint liabilities                                       12 months   Yes         No
Vehicle air
                January 22,2022               1,949   April 27,2022                   1,949   Joint liabilities                                       12 months   Yes         No
Vehicle air
                January 22,2022               1,250   May 10,2022                     1,250   Joint liabilities                                       12 months   Yes         No
Vehicle air
                January 22,2022               2,000   May 17,2022                     2,000   Joint liabilities                                       12 months   Yes         No
Vehicle air
                January 22,2022               1,460   May 23,2022                     1,460   Joint liabilities                                       12 months   Yes         No
Vehicle air
                January 22,2022            2,501.35   June 14,2022                 2,501.35   Joint liabilities                                       12 months   Yes         No
Vehicle air
                January 22,2022               1,750   June 29,2022                    1,750   Joint liabilities                                       12 months   Yes         No
Vehicle air                                                                                                                                           6.73
                January 17,2023               2,600   February 27,2023                2,600   Joint liabilities                                                   Yes         No
conditioner                                                                                                                                           months
Vehicle air                                                                                                                                           6.6
                January 17,2023            2,501.35   March 3,2023                 2,501.35   Joint liabilities                                                   Yes         No
conditioner                                                                                                                                           months
Vehicle air                                                                                                                                           6.5
                January 17,2023               1,949   March 6,2023                    1,949   Joint liabilities                                                   Yes         No
conditioner                                                                                                                                           months
Vehicle air                                                                                                                                           6.43
                January 17,2023               1,300   March 8,2023                    1,300   Joint liabilities                                                   Yes         No
conditioner                                                                                                                                           months
Vehicle air
                January 17,2023               2,710   March 14,2023                   2,710   Joint liabilities                                       6.23        Yes         No
                                                                                                                               2023 Annual Report
Vehicle air                                                                                                  6.1
              January 17,2023       900    June 17,2023            900    Joint liabilities                              Yes         No
conditioner                                                                                                  months
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023       850    June 25,2023            850    Joint liabilities                  12 months   No          No
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     3,000    September 19,2023     3,000    Joint liabilities                  12 months   No          No
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     3,000    September 19,2023     3,000    Joint liabilities                  12 months   No          No
Vehicle air                                                                                                  6.1
              January 17,2023       900    December 28,2023        900    Joint liabilities                              No          No
conditioner                                                                                                  months
                                                                                              Vehicle air
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     1,250    November 27,2023      1,250    Mortgage             conditioner   3 months    No          No
                                                                                              Vehicle air
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     4,221    September 11,2023     4,221    Mortgage             conditioner   12 months   No          No
                                                                                              Vehicle air
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     2,000    October 10,2023       2,000    Mortgage             conditioner   12 months   No          No
                                                                                              Vehicle air
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     3,500    October 19,2023       3,500    Mortgage             conditioner   12 months   No          No
                                                                                              Vehicle air
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     3,900    October 23,2023       3,900    Mortgage             conditioner   12 months   No          No
                                                                                              Vehicle air
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023   3,818.35   October 25,2023     3,818.35   Mortgage             conditioner   12 months   No          No
                                                                                              Vehicle air
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     2,500    November 8,2023       2,500    Mortgage             conditioner   12 months   No          No
                                                                                              Vehicle air
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     2,500    November 14,2023      2,500    Mortgage             conditioner   12 months   No          No
                                                                                              Vehicle air
Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     2,500    November 23,2023      2,500    Mortgage             conditioner   12 months   No          No
Vehicle air                                                                                   Vehicle air
              January 17,2023     2,010    November 27,2023      2,010    Mortgage                           12 months   No          No
conditioner                                                                                    conditioner
                                                                                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved in the                                               Total of guarantee to subsidiaries actually occurred in
                                                                                      56,000                                                                                        47,909.7
report term (B1)                                                                                 the report term (B2)
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved as of the                                            Total of balance of guarantee actually provided to the
                                                                                      56,000                                                                                       35,949.35
report term (B3)                                                                                 subsidiaries as of end of report term (B4)
                                                                       Guarantee of the subsidiaries for its subsidiaries
                        Relevant                                                                                                                                                   Guarantee
                                                               Date of
                       disclosure                                                                                                                                       Complete       for
                                                             happening            Actual                                                    Counter-
 Name of the           date/No. of        Amount of                                                                     Guaranty(If                       Guarantee   implement   associated
                                                              (Date of           mount of         Guarantee type                            guarantee
  Company                  the            Guarantee                                                                        any)                             term         ation      parties
                                                               signing           guarantee                                                  (If any)
                       guaranteed                                                                                                                                        or not     (Yes or
                         amount                                                                                                                                                       no)
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved in the                                               Total of guarantee to subsidiaries actually occurred in
                                                                                             0                                                                                              0
report term (C1)                                                                                 the report term (C2)
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved as of the                                            Total of balance of guarantee actually provided to the
                                                                                             0                                                                                              0
report term (C3)                                                                                 subsidiaries as of end of report term (C4)
                                                             The Companys total guarantee(i.e.total of the first three main items)

Total guarantee quota approved in the reporting                                                  Total amount of guarantee actually incurred in the
                                                                                      56,000                                                                                        47,909.7
                                                                                                 reporting period(A2+B2+C2)

Total guarantee quota already approved at the end of                                             Total balance of the actual guarantee at the end of the
                                                                                      56,000                                                                                       35,949.35
  the reporting period(A3+B3+C3)                                                               reporting period(A4+B4+C4)
The proportion of the total amount of actually
guarantee in the net assets of the Company (that is                                                                                                                                 823.15%
Amount of guarantees provided for shareholders, the
actual controller and their related parties (D)
Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or
indirectly for entities with a liability-to-asset ratio                                                                                                                            35,949.35
over 70% (E)
Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets
of the company exceed 50%(F)
Total amount of the three kinds of guarantees above
Explanations about joint and several liability for
repayment in respect of undue guarantee(if any)
Explanation about external guarantee violating
established procedure if any)

                                                                                                       2023 Annual Report

3.Situation of Entrusting Others for Managing Spot Asset

(1)Situation of Entrusted Finance

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2)Situation of Entrusted Loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


4. Other significant contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


XVI. Explanation on other significant events

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                            Date of disclosure           Website for disclosure

Announcement on the election of the Board of Directors    April 29,2023
Announcement on the election of the Supervisory Board     April 29,2023
Announcement on Resolution of the first meeting of the
10th Board of Directors (Election of the chairman,                               http//www.cninfo.com.cn.Announcement
                                                          May 27,2023
appointment of the general manager, election of members                          No.:2023-047
and chairmen of the special committees)
Announcement on the Resolution of the third Meeting of
the 10th Supervisory Board (Election of the Chairman of   May 27,2023
the Supervisory Board)
Announcement on the Resolution of the First Meeting of
the 10th board of directors (Election of Chairman and    October 31,2023
Dismissal of General Manager)
Announcement on the Resignation of the Chairman           October 31,2023
Announcement on Change of the Accounting Firm             October 31,2023
Announcement on Revising the Work Rules of the Audit                             http//www.cninfo.com.cn.Announcement
                                                          October 31,2023
Committee                                                                        No.:2023-066
Announcement on Revising the Working Rules of the                                http//www.cninfo.com.cn.Announcement
                                                          October 31,2023
Nomination Committee                                                             No.:2023-067
Announcement on Revising the Work Rules of the                                   http//www.cninfo.com.cn.Announcement
                                                          October 31,2023
Remuneration and Assessment Committee                                            No.:2023-068
Announcement on Amending the Articles of Association                             http//www.cninfo.com.cn.Announcement
                                                          December 1,2023
of the Company                                                                   No.:2023-073
Announcement on Amending the Rules of Procedure of                               http//www.cninfo.com.cn.Announcement
                                                          December 1,2023
General Shareholders' Meeting                                                    No.:2023-075
Announcement on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the                           http//www.cninfo.com.cn.Announcement
                                                          December 1,2023
Board of Directors                                                               No.:2023-077

                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

Independent Director System                              December 1,2023
Announcement on the Resolution of the fifth Meeting of
the 10th board of directors ( Appointment of General    December 23,2023

XVII. Significant event of subsidiary of the Company

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

     Vehicle Air Conditioning Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, provides lubricating oil
service for air conditioning compressor assembly in the supporting business for customers of the main
machinery factory. In view of this, the automotive air conditioning company applied to the Chongqing
Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce to increase the "lubricating oil sales" item in its business scope,
and completed the change registration and renewed its business license on April 14, 2023.

                                                                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report

                                       VII. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders

Ⅰ.Changes in share capital

1. Changes in share capital

                                                                                                                                                                    In Shares
                                          Before the change                                   Increase/decrease(+,-)                             After the Change
                                        Amount            Proportion                                     Capitalization
                                                                        Share allotment                    of common      Other       Subtotal   Quantity          Proportion
                                                                                                          reserve fund
I. Unlisted shares                         89,375,000         74.87%                      0       0.00             0.00     0.00          0.00     89,375,000          74.87%
1. Founder's stock                         89,375,000         74.87%                      0           0               0        0             0     89,375,000          74.87%
Including: State-owned shares              84,906,250         71.13%                      0           0               0        0             0     84,906,250          71.13%
Shares held by domestic legal
                                            1,750,000           1.46%                     0         0               0             0          0      1,750,000          1.46%
Share held by foreign investors                     0          0.00%                      0         0               0             0          0              0           0.00%
Other                                       2,718,750          2.28%                      0         0               0             0          0      2,718,750           2.28%
2. Raising legal person shares                      0          0.00%                      0         0               0             0          0              0           0.00%
3. Internal staff shares                            0          0.00%                      0         0               0             0          0              0           0.00%
4. Preferred stock or other                         0          0.00%                      0         0               0             0          0              0           0.00%
II Listed shares                           30,000,000         25.13%                      0         0               0             0          0     30,000,000          25.13%
1. Common shares in RMB                             0          0.00%                      0         0               0             0          0              0           0.00%
2. Foreign shares in domestic market       30,000,000         25.13%                      0         0               0             0          0     30,000,000          25.13%
3. Foreign shares in overseas market                0          0.00%                      0         0               0             0          0              0           0.00%
4. Others                                           0          0.00%                      0         0               0             0          0              0           0.00%
III. Total of capital shares              119,375,000        100.00%                      0         0               0             0          0    119,375,000        100.00%

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

Reasons for share changed
□Applicable √Not applicable
Approval of Change of Shares
□Applicable √Not applicable
Ownership transfer of share changes
□Applicable √Not applicable
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable
to common shareholders of Company in latest year and period
□Applicable √Not applicable
Other information necessary to disclose for the company or need to disclosed under requirement from security
□ Applicable √Not applicable

2.Self-defined Chapter
      When the company was founded in 1995, North China Industrial Shenzhen Co., Ltd., one of the founders,
held 17,875,000 shares of the company, accounting for 3.74% of the company's total share capital. According to
the Civil Order of the Shenzhen Intermediate Peoples Court of Guangdong Province- [2006] Shenzhong Famin
Two Bankruptcy Zi No. 21-4) on March 6th, 2007, its ruled that the proprietary rights of the 3.74% stake
(17,875,000 legal person shares) of the company held by North China Industrial Shenzhen Co., Ltd. belongs to the
buyers Gu Zuocheng, Yangpu Xinyufeng Investment Co., Ltd. and Feng Yonghui. Thereinto, Gu Zuocheng held
8,875,000 shares; Yangpu Xinyufeng Investment Co., Ltd. held 7,000,000 shares; Feng Yonghui held 20,000
million shares.
      On September 12, 2013, the company implemented a 4:1 share-shrunk. After the share-shrunk, Gu
Zuocheng held 2,218,750 shares; Hengsheng Sun Group Co., Ltd. held 1,750,000 shares; Feng Yonghui held
Therefore, in the above “Changes in Shares” table, the number of shares thats filled in the “others” for the
sponsors shares is the total shares held by the natural persons Gu Zuocheng and Feng Yonghui, namely:

3. Change of shares with limited sales condition

□Applicable √Not applicable

Ⅱ.Issuing and listing

1.Explanation of the Situation of the Security Issue(No Preferred Shares) in the Report Period

□Applicable √Not applicable

2.Change of asset and liability structure caused by change of total capital shares and structure

□Applicable √Not applicable

3.About the existing employees’ shares

□Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                         2023 Annual Report
Ⅲ.Shareholders and actual controlling shareholder

1. Number of shareholders and shareholding

                                                                                                                                                                                    In Shares
Total                                              Total
number of
common                                             shareholders at                  The total number of p
                                                                                                                             Total preferred shareholders at the
shareholder                                        the end of the                   referred shareholders
                                                                                                                             end of the month from the date of
s at the end                               6,786   month from the           6,760   voting rights restored              0                                                                  0
                                                                                                                             disclosing the annual report(if
of the                                             date of                          at period-end(if
                                                                                                                             any)(See Notes 8)
reporting                                          disclosing the                   any)(See Notes 8)
period                                             annual report
                                Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders(Excluding shares lent through refinancing)
                                                                                                                                                                         Number of share
                                                                     Proportion                               Changes in          Amount of             Amount of
                 Shareholders                         Nature of                       Number of shares                                                                     pledged/frozen
                                                                      of shares                                reporting       restricted shares       un-restricted
                                                     shareholder                      held at period -end                                                               State of
                                                                     held(%)                                   period               held              shares held                  Amount
                                                   State-owned                                                                                                         Not
China Military Equipment Group Co., Ltd.                                  71.13%               84,906,250    0                     84,906,250.00                   0                      0
                                                   legal person                                                                                                        applicable
                                                   Domestic                                                                                                            Not
Gu Zuocheng                                                                1.89%                2,261,000    0                      2,218,750.00              42,250                      0
                                                   natural person                                                                                                      applicable
                                                   Domestic non-
Anhui Hengsheng Investment Development Co.,                                                                                                                            Not
                                                   state-owned             1.47%                1,750,000    0                      1,750,000.00                   0                       0
Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                   applicable
                                                   legal person
                                                   Domestic                                                                                                            Not
Xu Yuanhui                                                                 0.84%                  999,999    32000                                 0         999,999                       0
                                                   natural person                                                                                                      applicable
                                                   Domestic                                                                                                            Not
Liu Dan                                                                    0.74%                  879,376    -1000                                 0         879,376                       0
                                                   natural person                                                                                                      applicable
                                                   Domestic                                                                                                            Not
Chen Xinqiang                                                              0.51%                  612,400    0                                     0         612,400                       0
                                                   natural person                                                                                                      applicable
CORE PACIFIC-YAMAICHI                              Overseas Legal                                                                                                      Not
                                                                           0.51%                  605,650    0                                     0         605,650                       0
INTERNATIONAL (H.K.) LIMITED                       person                                                                                                              applicable
                                                   Domestic                                                                                                            Not
Feng Yonghui                                                               0.42%                  500,000    0                           500,000                   0                       0
                                                   natural person                                                                                                      applicable
                                                   Domestic                                                                                                            Not
Li Jianping                                                                0.37%                  439,050    16550                                 0         439,050                       0
                                                   natural person                                                                                                      applicable
                                                   Domestic                                                                                                            Not
Chen Houping                                                               0.36%                  424,000    200                                   0         424,000                       0
                                                   natural person                                                                                                      applicable

                                                                                                                                                                              2023 Annual Report
Strategic investor or general legal person becoming top-10 ordinary
                                                                       Not applicable
shareholder due to rights issue (if any)(See Note 3)
                                                                       There isnt any associated relationship between the sponsoring shareholder and the other shareholders among the top-10
                                                                       list. None of them are regarded as Acting in concert in accordance with The rules of information disclosure on change
Related or acting-in-concert parties among shareholders above
                                                                       of shareholding. Foreign shareholders are unknown for their condition of Associated relationship and Acting in
Above shareholders entrusting or entrusted with voting rights, or
                                                                       Not applicable
waiving voting rights
Top 10 shareholders including the special account for repurchase (if
                                                                       Not applicable
any) (see note 10)

                                                                            Top 10 holders of unconditional shares

                                                                                                                                           Category of shares
                                                     Amount of unconditional shares held at end of
              Name of the shareholder
                                                                                                                              Category of shares                                   Amount

Xu Yuanhui                                                                                  999,999     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        999,999

Liu Dan                                                                                     879,376     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        879,376

Chen Xinqiang                                                                               612,400     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        612,400

                                                                                            605,650     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        605,650

Li Jianping                                                                                 439,050     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        439,050

Chen Houping                                                                                424,000     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        424,000

Lv Gang                                                                                     418,099     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        418,099

Zhang Long                                                                                  414,252     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        414,252

Liu Guosheng                                                                                345,575     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        345,575

Jiang Guangsen                                                                              314,799     Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                                        314,799

                                                    There is no affiliated relationship between the top ten non-restricted tradable shareholders and the controlling shareholder China Military
Action-in-concert among top 10 non-restricted
                                                    Equipment Group Co., Ltd. nor do they belong to the consistent actors stipulated in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of
current share holders, top 10 non-restricted
                                                    Listed Companies; it is unknown to the company whether there is an affiliated relationship between the top ten non-restricted tradable
current share holders and top 10 shareholders
                                                    shareholders as well as between the top ten non-restricted tradable shareholders and the other top ten shareholders, or whether they are
                                                                                                                                                                         2023 Annual Report
                                                  included in the consistent actors stipulated in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies.

Top 10 ordinary shareholders conducting
                                                  Not applicable
securities margin trading (if any) (see note 4)

                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report

Lending of shares by the top ten shareholders participating in refinancing business
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
The top ten shareholders have changed from the previous period
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a
buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.
     □ Yes √ No
The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the
Company have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2.Controlling shareholder

Nature of Controlling Shareholders: Central State-owned Holdings
Type of Controlling Shareholders: Legal person
     Name of the              Legal          Date of
     Controlling          representative   incorporatio                             Principal business activities
                                                            n code
     shareholder             /Leader            n
                                                                         Investment, operation and management of state-
                                                                         owned assets: research and development,
                                                                         production, guarantee and service of weapons and
                                                                         equipment; Research and development,
                                                                         manufacturing, sales and comprehensive services of
China Military
                                            June            9111000071 vehicles, electrical equipment, photoelectric
Equipment Group Co.,      Xu Xianping
                                            29,1999         0924929L     information and products and their equipment,
                                                                         mechanical equipment, engineering and construction
                                                                         machinery, chemical materials (except hazardous
                                                                         chemicals), fire fighting equipment, medical and
                                                                         environmental protection equipment, metal and
                                                                         nonmetal materials and their products.
                          As of December 31, 2023, Shares held and controlled by other domestic and overseas listed
Equity of other           companies directly or indirectly: 40.70% by Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.( Stock
domestic/foreign listed   code:000625); 2. 45.40 by Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., ltd(Stock code: 600550).;
company with share        3. .41.03% by Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd(Stock code:000550);4. 37.40% by Hunan
controlling and share     Tianyan Machinery Co., Ltd(Stock code: 600698);5.49.94% by Haerbin Automobile Power Co.,
participation by
                          Ltd.( Stock code: 600178);6.42.00 by Costar Group Co., Ltd.(Stock Code 002189);7. 71.77%
controlling               by Jianshe Industry(Yunnan) Co., Ltd(Stock code:002265);8. 8. 25.44% by Chongqing Minsheng
shareholder in            Logistic Co., Ltd( Stock code:1292.HK);9.70.35% by Hubei Huangqiang High-Tech Co.,
reporting period          Ltd.(Stock;688151);10.30.03% by Anhui Great Well Miltary Industry Co., Ltd.( Stock
Change of holding shareholder
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

3.Information about the controlling shareholder of the Company

Actual controller nature:Central state owned Assets Management t
Actual controller type:Legal person
                                                           Legal               Date of                              Principal
     Name of the controlling shareholder          representative/person in    establish                             business
                                                          charge                ment                                activities
State-owned Assets Supervision and
administration Commission of the State          Director of SASAC                         Not applicable      Not applicable
Situation of domestic and abroad holding
                                                Not applicable
listed companies
Changes of the actual controller in the reporting period
□Applicable √Not applicable

                                                                                             2023 Annual Report

No Changes of the actual controller in the reporting period
Block Diagram of the ownership and control relations between the company and the actual controller

The actual controller controls the company by means of trust or managing the assets in other way

□Applicable √Not applicable

4.The cumulative number of shares pledged by the controlling shareholder or the largest shareholder of
the company and its person acting in concert accounts for 80% of the number of shares held by the

□Applicable √Not applicable

5.Particulars about other legal person shareholders with over 10% share held

□Applicable √Not applicable

6.Situation of Share Limitation Reduction of Controlling Shareholders, Actual Controllers,
Restructuring Party and Other Commitment Subjects

□Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Specific implementation of share repurchase during the reporting period

Progress in implementation of share repurchase
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Implementation progress of reducing repurchased shares by centralized bidding
□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                                                         2023 Annual Report

                               VIII. Situation of the Preferred Shares
□Applicable √Not applicable
The Company had no preferred shares in the reporting period.

                                                      2023 Annual Report

                                 IX. Corporate Bond
□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                             2023 Annual Report

Baker Tilly China [2024] No.34454-4

                                                                                             2023 Annual Report

Auditor’s Report

                                                                   Baker Tilly China [2024] No. 34454-4

To all shareholders of Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.:

Ⅰ. Opinion

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred as "the Company"), which comprise the consolidated and the parent company’s
balance sheets as at December 31, 2023, the consolidated and the parent company's income statement,
the consolidated and the parent company’s statements of cash flows,and the consolidated and the
parent company’s statements of changes in shareholder’s equity for 2023, and the relevant notes to the
financial statements.

In our opinion, the financial statements attached are prepared, in all significant respects, in accordance
with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and fairly present the Companys consolidated
and the parent companys financial positions as at December 31, 2023 and its consolidated and the parent
companys operating results and cash flows for the year then ended.

Ⅱ. Basis of opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants (“CSAs”)
in China. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities
for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report.

We are independent of the Company in accordance with Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of
the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“CICPA Code”), and we have fulfilled our other
ethical responsibilities in accordance with the CICPA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have
obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Ⅲ. Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our
audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our
audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a
separate opinion on these matters.
Auditor’s Report (Continued)

                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

                                                                      Baker Tilly China [2024] No. 34454-4

       Key Audit Matters                            How our audit addressed the matter
  Revenue recognition
  The main business of the         The audit procedures we implement for revenue recognition mainly include:
  Company is the production        1. Understand and test the effectiveness of the design and operation of
  and sales of automotive air-     internal controls related to revenue recognition;
  conditioning compressors, and    2. Understand the information technology application procedures and
  provide supporting services      process related to revenue confirmation, and test the general control and
  for automobile OEMs.             application control of the relevant information system;
  In 2023, the Company             3. Understand and analyze the business environment related to the business,
  achieved the main business       analyze the rationality of technical service income changes combine with
  income of 459.41 million         the industry environment and the actual situation of the Company;
  yuan, of which domestic sales    4. Select samples to inspect sales contracts, identify relevant clauses that
  revenue of 237.58 million        can reliably estimate the results of labor service transactions, and evaluate
  yuan and foreign sales revenue   the rationality of revenue recognition policies;
  of 221.83 million yuan. As       5. Implement substantial analysis procedure for operating income and gross
  revenue is one of the            profit margin according to monthly, type, etc., identify whether there is a
  Company's key performance        significant or abnormal fluctuations, and find out the cause of fluctuations;
  indicators, we have identified   6. For the sales revenue recognized before or after the balance sheet date,
  revenue recognition as a key     sample and inspect the supporting evidence of the sales delivery note and
  audit matter.                    customer acceptance note to evaluate whether the revenue has been
                                   recognized in an appropriate period;
  Index to Notes 3.29 Revenue      7. Combined with the confirmation letter of Accounts receivable, select a
  and 6.32 Operating Income        portion of major customers to confirm the sales of the current period by
  and Operating Costs of the       sampling;
  financial statements.            8. Check whether the information related to operating income is properly
                                   presented and disclosed.

Ⅳ. Other Information

The Management of the Company (hereinafter referred as “the Management”) shall be responsible for
other information. The other information comprises the information covered in the 2023 Annual Report of
the Company, but excludes the financial statements and our auditor's report.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information, and we do not and will not
express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In conjunction with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information identified above and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is significantly
inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to
be materially misstated.

Auditor’s Report (Continued)

                                                                          Baker Tilly China [2024] No.xxxxx

                                                                                            2023 Annual Report

Based on the work we have performed, if we determine that there is a material misstatement of the other
information, we are required to report that fact. However, we have no matters to report in this regard.

Ⅴ.Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements

The Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in
accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for such
internal control as management determinesis necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements
that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, the Management is responsible for assessing the Company’s
going-concern ability, disclosing the matters related to going concern, and using the going-concern
assumption unless the Management intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operation,or has no
realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing of the Company’s financial reporting

                                                                                            2023 Annual Report

Auditor’s Report (Continued)

                                                                     Baker Tilly China [2024] No. 34454-4

Ⅵ. Auditor’s Responsibility for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that
includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an
audit conducted in accordance with CSAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the
aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the
basis of these financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with CSAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain
professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

(1) Identify and assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to
fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence
that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material
misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve
collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

(2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstances.

(3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by management.

                                                                                          2023 Annual Report

Auditor’s Report (Continued)

                                                                   Baker Tilly China [2024] No. 34454-4

(4) Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going-concernassumption,Meanwhile,
based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or
conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we
conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention of the users of reports to
the related disclosures in the financial statements, if such disclosures are inadequate, We should
express an non-standard unqualified opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained
up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to
cease to continue as a going concern.

(5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the
financial statements fairly represent the underlying transactions and events.

(6) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities
or business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are
responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely
responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicate with those charged with governance regardingthe planned scope and timing of the
audit,significant audit findings and other matters, including any significant deficiencies in internal
control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with
professional ethics requirements related to our independence and communicate with governance about
all relationships and other matters that might reasonably be considered to affect our independence, as
well as relevant precautions, if applicable.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that
were ofmost important to the audit of the current period's Consolidated Financial Statements and
therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our audit reports unless law or regulation
precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine
that a matter should not be communicated in our audit report because the adverse consequences of
doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

                                            2023 Annual Report

                       Certified Public
 Baker Tilly China   Accountant of China:

  Beijing, China
[month] [day] 2024     Certified Public
                     Accountant of China:

                                                                             2023 Annual Report

                         Consolidated Balance Sheet

                         For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                Currency: CNY

                                                          Closing       Opening
                    Items                 Notes
                                                          Balance       Balance
Current assets:                                            ——           ——
  Currency funds                            Ⅵ-1     137,195,899.72   179,954,522.99
  Financial assets held for trading
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                          Ⅵ-2      6,041,598.66
  Accounts receivable                       Ⅵ-3     125,956,261.01   113,710,214.72
 Receivables financing                      Ⅵ-4     24,290,736.39    17,548,591.75
  Prepayments                               Ⅵ-5      2,651,180.08     4,024,366.02
  Other receivables                         Ⅵ-6      1,825,860.96     1,720,044.17
   Including: Interest receivable
                  Dividends receivable
  Inventories                               Ⅵ-7     130,309,955.62   131,860,572.93
 Contract assets
  Assets held for sale
  Non-current assets due within one
  Other current assets                      Ⅵ-8      1,981,210.62     1,468,399.16
Total current assets                                 430,252,703.06   450,286,711.74
Non-current assets:                                       ——           ——
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments              Ⅵ-9     221,207,680.99   210,112,321.04
  Other equity instrument investments
  Other non-current financial assets       Ⅵ-10
  Investment properties
  Fixed assets                             Ⅵ-11     188,907,962.58   202,039,143.80
  Construction in progress                 Ⅵ-12     15,244,362.53     989,429.96
  Bearer biological assets

                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets
  Intangible assets                              Ⅵ-13    10,724,848.59     11,801,504.95
  Development expenditures
  Long-term prepaid expenses                     Ⅵ-14      23,582.53         70,280.65
  Deferred tax assets                            Ⅵ-15     5,755,412.09      5,752,057.03
  Other non-current assets                       Ⅵ-16      70,000.00       15,860,120.00
Total non-current assets                                  441,933,849.31    446,624,857.43
Total assets                                              872,186,552.37    896,911,569.17

Legal Representative:          Chief Financial Officer:   Head of Accounting Department:

               Consolidated Balance Sheet (Continued)

                           For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                      Currency: CNY

                                                             Closing          Opening
                       Items                    Notes
                                                             Balance          Balance
Current liabilities:                                           ——              ——
  Short-term borrowings                          Ⅵ-18    540,993,500.00    546,603,500.00
  Financial liabilities held for trading
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                  Ⅵ-19      28,080,000.00     30,379,988.94
  Accounts payable                               Ⅵ-20     229,626,385.55    171,190,476.10
  Receipts in advance
  Contract liabilities                           Ⅵ-21       2,058,111.01    3,441,205.38
  Employee benefits payable                      Ⅵ-22       6,722,120.46      8,529,392.78
  Tax and surcharge payable                      Ⅵ-23       6,702,419.03     16,649,704.07
  Other payables                                 Ⅵ-24       8,535,416.39      7,566,872.62
       Including: Interest payable
                  Dividends payable
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one
  Other current liabilities                      Ⅵ-25       5,152,509.50       447,356.63
           Total current liabilities                       827,870,461.94    784,808,496.52
Non-current liabilities:                                       ——              ——

                                                                                       2023 Annual Report

  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
     Including: Preference shares
               Perpetual debts
  Lease liabilities
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits payable
  Deferred income
  Deferred tax liabilities                       Ⅵ-15         643,051.02          1,011,787.97
  Other non-current liabilities
       Total non-current liabilities                           643,051.02          1,011,787.97
               Total liabilities                           828,513,512.96       785,820,284.49
Owners' equity (or Shareholders' equity):                      ——                 ——
  Paid-in capital (or share capital)             Ⅵ-26     119,375,000.00       119,375,000.00
  Other equity instruments
     Including: Preference shares
               Perpetual debts
  Capital reserve                                Ⅵ-27     958,565,294.29       958,565,294.29
  Less: Treasury shares
  Other comprehensive income                     Ⅵ-28            9,800.00             9,800.00
  Special reserve                                Ⅵ-29        5,147,711.40         3,234,669.03
  Surplus reserve                                Ⅵ-30     125,686,000.00       125,686,000.00
                                                                           -                   -
  Unappropriated profit                          Ⅵ-31
                                                          1,165,110,766.28     1,095,779,478.64
 Total owners' equity (or shareholders'
                                                            43,673,039.41       111,091,284.68
    equity) attributable to the parent
 *Non-controlling interests
 Total owners' equity (or shareholders'
                                                            43,673,039.41       111,091,284.68
  Total liabilities and owners' equity (or
                                                           872,186,552.37       896,911,569.17
          shareholders' equity)

Legal Representative:         Chief Financial Officer:    Head of Accounting Department:

                  Consolidated Income Statement
                          For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                         Currency: CNY
                      Items                       Notes     Current Year         Prior Year
1. Total operating revenue                                  464,078,962.46       474,114,098.08

                                                                              2023 Annual Report

  Including: Operating revenue                 Ⅵ-32   464,078,962.46   474,114,098.08
2. Total operating costs                               545,501,488.38   565,181,800.23
 Including: Operating costs                    Ⅵ-32   428,374,544.72   450,395,435.30
     Taxes and surcharges                      Ⅵ-33     4,586,353.16     3,754,824.57
     Selling expenses                          Ⅵ-34    14,232,724.26    15,239,315.12
     Administrative expenses                   Ⅵ-35    52,350,776.53    47,721,110.67
     Research and development expenses         Ⅵ-36    27,227,617.00    30,598,868.69
     Financial expenses                        Ⅵ-37    18,729,472.71    17,472,245.88
     Including: Interest expense               Ⅵ-37    20,877,409.62    20,216,911.43
         Interest income                       Ⅵ-37     1,692,490.51     1,640,888.48
   Add: Other income                           Ⅵ-38     1,118,557.63     1,205,689.22
      Investment income (losses expressed
                                               Ⅵ-39    11,095,359.95     8,128,052.32
with "-")
      Including: Investment income from
                                                        11,095,359.95     8,128,052.32
associates and joint ventures
                 Gains from derecognition of
financial assets measured at amortized
      Gains on hedge of a net position
(losses expressed with "-")
      Gains from changes in fair value
(losses expressed with "-")
      Credit impairment losses (lossed
                                               Ⅵ-40      331,504.85       989,437.83
expressed with "-")
      Assets impairment losses (losses
                                               Ⅵ-41      -490,947.61
expressed with "-")
      Gains on disposal of assets (losses
                                               Ⅵ-42      -413,963.91    40,420,431.93
expressed with "-")
3. Operating profit (loss expressed with "-
                                                       -69,782,015.01   -40,324,090.85
  Add: Non-operating income                    Ⅵ-43        79,114.42      170,256.15
  Less: Non-operating expenses                 Ⅵ-44         1,260.70         3,112.43
4. Total profit (loss expressed with "-")              -69,704,161.29   -40,156,947.13
  Less: Income tax expenses                    Ⅵ-45      -372,873.65      -423,852.44
5. Net profit (net loss expressed with "-")            -69,331,287.64   -39,733,094.69
Including: net profit realized by the merged
party before the combination
A. Classified by continuing and discontinued
    Net profit from continuing operations
                                                       -69,331,287.64   -39,733,094.69
(losses expressed with "-")
    Net profit from discontinued operations
(losses expressed with "-")
B. Attributable to
    Shareholders of the parent (losses
                                                       -69,331,287.64   -39,733,094.69
expressed with "-")
   *Non-controlling interests (losses
expressed with "-")
6. Other comprehensive income, net of
income tax

                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

Attributable to shareholders of the parent
 A. Items that will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss
   1. Remeasurement of defined benefit
liability /(asset)
   2. Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under
equity method
   3. Equity instrument designated at fair
value through other comprehensive income -
Changes in fair value
   4. Own credit risk - Changes in fair value
 B. Items that may be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss
   1.Other comprehensive income that can
be reclassified to profit or loss under equity
   2. Gains or losses on changes in fair
value of available-for-other debt investments
   3. Other comprehensive income from
reclassification of financial assets
   4.Other debt investment credit impairment
   5. Cash flow hedge reserve
   6. Translation differences of financial
statements presented in foreign
   7. Others
*Attributable to non-controlling interests
7. Total comprehensive income                              -69,331,287.64     -39,733,094.69
  Attributable to shareholders of the parent               -69,331,287.64     -39,733,094.69
 *Attributable to non-controlling interests
8. Earnings per share                                          ——               ——
  Basic earnings per share                                            -0.58              -0.33
  Diluted earnings per share                                          -0.58              -0.33
Legal Representative:          Chief Financial Officer:     Head of Accounting

            Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                         For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                       Currency: CNY
                    Items                        Notes     Current Year       Prior Year
1. Cash flows from operating activities:                        —                 —
   Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                           408,545,122.71     455,186,338.69
rendering of services
   Refunds of taxes and surcharges                          22,896,090.58      10,282,411.62
   Cash received relating to other operating
                                                 Ⅵ-46      17,636,883.69      12,374,241.54
 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                                                           449,078,096.98     477,842,991.85
   Cash paid for goods and services                        311,855,716.29     320,316,578.74

                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                  102,360,452.36   107,843,217.38
  Cash paid for taxes and surcharges                         9,080,289.02    15,295,146.76
  Cash paid relating to other operating
                                                   Ⅵ-46    23,243,415.70    21,978,449.88
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating
                                                           446,539,873.37   465,433,392.76
  Net cash flows from operating activities         Ⅵ-47     2,538,223.61    12,409,599.09
2. Cash flows from investing activities:                        —              —
   Cash received from disposal of
   Cash received from investment income
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-                     159,773.95    153,543,148.36
term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash received relating to other investing
 Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
                                                              159,773.95    153,543,148.36
   Cash paid for purchase and construction
of fixed assets, intangible assets and other                18,995,468.32    26,166,782.57
long-term assets
   Cash paid for acquisition of investments
   Cash paid for obtaining subsidiaries and
other business units
   Cash paid relating to other investing
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
                                                            18,995,468.32    26,166,782.57
   Net cash flows from investing activities                -18,835,694.37   127,376,365.79
3. Cash flows from financing activities:                        —              —
   Cash received from capital contributions
      Including: Cash received from non-
controlling shareholders' capital
contributions to subsidiaries
   Cash received from borrowings                           711,597,000.00   650,903,500.00
   Cash received relating to other financing
                                                   Ⅵ-46    70,015,717.55    81,688,328.08
 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
                                                           781,612,717.55   732,591,828.08
   Cash repayments of borrowings                           717,207,000.00   597,760,000.00
   Cash payments for distribution of
                                                            20,847,409.62    20,216,911.43
dividends, profits, or for interest expenses
      Including: Subsidiaries' cash payments
for distribution of dividends or profits to non-
controlling shareholders
   Cash paid relating to other financing
                                                   Ⅵ-46    69,135,758.11   108,137,271.47
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing
                                                           807,190,167.73   726,114,182.90
         Net cash flows from financing
                                                           -25,577,450.18     6,477,645.18
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate                              -3,742.89        -7,599.20

                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and
                                               Ⅵ-47      -41,878,663.83   146,256,010.86
cash equivalents
   Add: Opening balance of cash and cash
                                                          169,994,534.05    23,738,523.19
6. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                               Ⅵ-47      128,115,870.22   169,994,534.05
Legal Representative:         Chief Financial Officer:     Head of Accounting

                                                                                                                                                          2023 Annual Report

                                   Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
                                                             For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Currency: CNY
                                                                                                Current Year
                                                               Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent
                                         Other equity                      Less:                                             △                                                 Total
      Items           Paid-in                                                          Other                                                                     control
                                         instruments                       Trea                                            Gener                                             sharehold
                      capital                                  Capital               compreh      Special      Surplus                Unappropr                    ling
                                  Prefer     Perpet                        sury                                            al risk                   Sub-total                   ers'
                      (Share                            Oth    reserve                 ensive     reserve      reserve                iated profit               interes
                                   ence       ual                          shar                                            reser                                               equity
                      capital)                          ers                           income                                                                         ts
                                  shares     debts                          es                                               ve
I. Closing                                                                                                                                      -
balance of prior      119,375,0                                958,565,2             9,800.00     3,234,6      125,686,0              1,095,779,4    111,091,2                 111,091,2
year                      00.00                                    94.29                            69.03          00.00                    78.64        84.68                     84.68
Add: changes in
accounting               —         —         —       —        —        —          —           —           —         —            —           —          —                —
of prior period          —         —         —       —        —        —          —           —           —         —            —           —          —                —
II. Opening                                                                                                                                     -
balance of            119,375,0          -          -     -    958,565,2         -   9,800.00     3,234,6      125,686,0          -   1,095,779,4    111,091,2           -     111,091,2
current year              00.00                                    94.29                            69.03          00.00                    78.64        84.68                     84.68
III. Changes in
current year                                                                                                                                    -            -                         -
(decrease                                                                                         1,913,0                             69,331,287.    67,418,24                 67,418,24
expressed with                                                                                      42.37                                      64         5.27                      5.27
   (i) Total                                                                                                                                    -            -                         -
comprehensive            —         —         —       —        —        —                       —           —         —       69,331,287.    69,331,28                 69,331,28
income                                                                                                                                         64         7.64                      7.64
Contributions by
and distributions
to owners
   1. Capital
contributions from                  —         —       —                  —          —           —           —         —            —

                                                                                       2023 Annual Report
  2. Capital
contributions from
other equity                                  —   —     —      —   —   —
  3. Share-based
recognized in             —   —   —        —   —     —      —   —   —
  4. Others               —   —   —

  (iii) Special
                          —   —   —                  1,913,0                  1,913,042.                 1,913,042.
                                                          42.37                          37                         37
Appropriation to     —   —   —   —   —   —   —   3,279,3   —   —   —   3,279,360.                 3,279,360.
special reserve                                           60.59                          59                         59
                                                              -                           -                          -
  2. Use of
                     —   —   —   —   —   —   —   1,366,3   —   —   —   1,366,318.                 1,366,318.
special reserve
                                                          18.22                          22                         22
  (iv) Profit
Appropriation to     —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                        —
surplus reserve
Statutory surplus    —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                        —

Discretionary        —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                        —
surplus reserve
                     —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                        —

#Enterprise          —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                        —
development fund
returned for         —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                        —
△ 2.
Appropriation to     —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —      —                             —
general risk
  3. Distributions   —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —      —   —
                                                                                                                                        2023 Annual Report
to shareholders

  4. Others
  (v) Internal
transfer of
Capitalization of               —       —      —                  —        —          —          —       —       —                       —
capital reserve
Capitalization of               —       —      —        —        —        —          —                   —       —                       —
surplus reserve
   3. Making up
losses from            —       —       —      —        —        —        —          —                   —                                —
surplus reserve
   4. Transfer of
changes in
defined benefit        —       —       —      —        —        —                    —          —       —                                —
plans to retained
   5. Transfer of
comprehensive          —       —       —      —        —        —                    —          —       —                                —
income to
retained earnings
  6. Others
IV. Closing                                                                                                                    -
balance of          119,375,0                           958,565,2           9,800.00    5,147,7     125,686,0        1,165,110,7   43,673,03                 43,673,03
current year            00.00                               94.29                         11.40         00.00              66.28        9.41                      9.41
Legal Representative:          Chief Financial Officer:             Head of Accounting Department:

                    Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (Continued)
                                                      For the year ended 31 December 2023
 Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Currency: CNY
                                                                                       Prior Year
                                                        Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent                                         Non-          Total

                                                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report
                                       Other equity                                                                                                control   sharehold
                                                                      Less:                                    △Gen                                 ling       ers'
                      Paid-in                                                   Other
                                                                      Trea                                       eral
                      capital     Prefer                  Capital             compreh    Special   Surplus              Unappropr                  interes     equity
                                           Perpet                     sury                                       risk                  Sub-total
                      (Share      ence              Oth   reserve               ensive   reserve   reserve              iated profit                   ts
                                             ual                      shar                                     reserv
                      capital)    share             ers                        income
                                            debts                      es                                          e
I. Closing                                                                                                                        -
                      119,375,0                           958,565,2                      1,713,8   125,686,0                           149,303,5                 149,303,5
balance of prior                                                              9,800.00                                   1,056,046,
                          00.00                               94.29                        82.50       00.00                               92.84                     92.84
year                                                                                                                         383.95
Add: changes in
of prior period
II. Opening                                                                                                                       -
                      119,375,0                           958,565,2                      1,713,8   125,686,0                           149,303,5                 149,303,5
balance of                                                                    9,800.00                                   1,056,046,
                          00.00                               94.29                        82.50       00.00                               92.84                     92.84
current year                                                                                                                 383.95
III. Changes in
current year                                                                                                                      -            -                         -
(decrease                                                                                                               39,733,094     38,212,30                 38,212,30
expressed with                                                                                                                  .69         8.16                      8.16
   (i) Total                                                                                                                      -            -                         -
comprehensive            —        —       —      —       —        —                  —        —          —     39,733,094     39,733,09                 39,733,09
income                                                                                                                          .69         4.69                      4.69
Contributions by
and distributions
to owners
   1. Capital
contributions from                 —       —      —                 —        —        —        —          —         —
   2. Capital
contributions from
other equity                                                           —        —        —        —          —         —
   3. Share-based
recognized in                      —       —      —                 —        —        —        —          —         —

                                                                                        2023 Annual Report
  4. Others                —   —   —
  (iii) Special                                          1,520,7                  1,520,786.                 1,520,786.
                           —   —   —
reserve                                                    86.53                          53                         53
                                                         2,673,8                  2,673,873.                 2,673,873.
Appropriation to      —   —   —   —   —   —   —             —   —   —
                                                           73.52                          52                         52
special reserve
                                                               -                           -                          -
  2. Use of
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —   1,153,0   —   —   —   1,153,086.                 1,153,086.
special reserve
                                                           86.99                          99                         99
  (iv) Profit
Appropriation to      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                       —
surplus reserve
Statutory surplus     —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                       —

Discretionary         —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                       —
surplus reserve
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                       —

#Enterprise           —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                       —
development fund
returned for          —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                       —
△ 2.
Appropriation to      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —      —                            —
general risk
   3. Distributions
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —      —   —
to shareholders
  4. Others
  (v) Internal
transfer of
Capitalization of          —   —   —        —   —     —      —   —   —                  —
capital reserve
  2.                       —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —   —                  —

                                                                                                                               2023 Annual Report
Capitalization of
surplus reserve
   3. Making up
losses from            —       —       —     —         —     —     —         —                  —                              —
surplus reserve
   4. Transfer of
changes in
defined benefit        —       —       —     —         —     —                —        —        —                              —
plans to retained
   5. Transfer of
comprehensive          —       —       —     —         —     —                —        —        —                              —
income to
retained earnings
  6. Others
IV. Closing                                                                                                           -
                    119,375,0                         958,565,2                   3,234,6   125,686,0                     111,091,2                 111,091,2
balance of                                                             9,800.00                              1,095,779,
                        00.00                             94.29                     69.03       00.00                         84.68                     84.68
current year                                                                                                     478.64
Legal Representative:          Chief Financial Officer:          Head of Accounting Department:

                                                                            2023 Annual Report

                                  Balance Sheet
                         For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.              Currency: CNY
                                                          Closing      Opening
                    Items                 Notes
                                                          Balance      Balance
Current assets:                                            ——          ——
  Currency funds                                    10,047,508.93    19,632,308.54
  Financial assets held for trading
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                   1,846,226.16
  Accounts receivable                     XVIII-1    4,014,658.51     3,266,890.00
  Receivables financing                             10,000,000.00
  Prepayments                                        1,690,146.39     2,796,181.98
  Other receivables                       XVIII-2     289,159.26      1,345,740.08
   Including: Interest receivable
                  Dividends receivable
  Inventories                                        3,873,607.68     3,992,120.63
  Contract assets
  Assets held for sale
  Non-current assets due within one
  Other current assets                                                 26,885.79

Total current assets                                31,761,306.93    31,060,127.02

Non-current assets:                                       ——          ——

  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments            XVIII-3   420,253,124.94   409,157,764.99
  Other equity instrument investments
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties
  Fixed assets                                      24,979,453.65    27,476,448.18
  Construction in progress
  Bearer biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets

                                                                                     2023 Annual Report

  Intangible assets
  Development expenditures
  Long-term prepaid expenses
  Deferred tax assets
  Other non-current assets                                                     135,600.00
Total non-current assets                                    445,232,578.59    436,769,813.17
Total assets                                                476,993,885.52   467,829,940.19
Legal Representative:            Chief Financial Officer:        Head of Accounting

                         Balance Sheet (Continued)
                          For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                       Currency: CNY
                       Items                      Notes     Closing Balance
Current liabilities:                                             ——              ——
  Short-term borrowings
  Financial liabilities held for trading
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                                           214,806,534.89   148,575,684.59
  Receipts in advance
  Contract liabilities                                           159,365.82     177,064.96
  Employee benefits payable                                    3,379,898.21      4,008,918.72
  Tax and surcharge payable                                    6,177,907.09    15,529,178.05
  Other payables                                             229,760,873.88   273,461,451.21
       Including: Interest payable
                  Dividends payable
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one
  Other current liabilities                                    1,866,943.72        23,018.42
            Total current liabilities                        456,151,523.61   441,775,315.95
Non-current liabilities:                                         ——              ——
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
       Including: Preference shares
                Perpetual debts
  Lease liabilities

                                                                                      2023 Annual Report

  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits payable
  Deferred income
  Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
        Total non-current liabilities
               Total liabilities                           456,151,523.61      441,775,315.95
Owners' equity (or Shareholders' equity):                       ——                ——
  Paid-in capital (or share capital)                       119,375,000.00      119,375,000.00
  Other equity instruments
     Including: Preference shares
               Perpetual debts
  Capital reserve                                          958,565,294.29      958,565,294.29
  Less: Treasury shares
  Other comprehensive income                                      9,800.00           9,800.00
  Special reserve                                              286,543.15          430,254.50
  Surplus reserve                                          125,686,000.00      125,686,000.00
  Unappropriated profit                                                        1,178,011,724.5
  Total owners' equity (or shareholders'
                                                            20,842,361.91       26,054,624.24
  Total liabilities and owners' equity (or
                                                           476,993,885.52      467,829,940.19
           shareholders' equity)
Legal Representative:         Chief Financial Officer:     Head of Accounting Department:

                               Income Statement
                        For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                        Currency: CNY
                    Items                        Notes      Current Year         Prior Year
1. Total operating revenue                                  318,886,528.02     255,751,276.44
  Including: Operating revenue                  XVIII-4     318,886,528.02     255,751,276.44
2. Total operating costs                                    335,564,149.49     286,818,016.69
 Including: Operating costs                     XVIII-4     312,846,255.11     259,112,698.56
     Taxes and surcharges                                       416,635.91         565,321.94
     Selling expenses                                           398,919.79         390,581.47
     Administrative expenses                                 22,541,349.55       28,175,164.70
     Research and development expenses                           21,032.44           12,161.64

                                                                                2023 Annual Report

     Financial expenses                                      -660,043.31   -1,437,911.62
     Including: Interest expense
         Interest income                                      37,946.67      132,857.64
   Add: Other income                                         523,708.73      990,023.53
      Investment income (losses expressed
                                                 XVIII-5   11,095,359.95    8,128,052.32
with "-")
      Including: Investment income from
                                                           11,095,359.95    8,128,052.32
associates and joint ventures
                 Gains from derecognition of
financial assets measured at amortized costs
      Gains on hedge of a net position (losses
expressed with "-")
      Gains from changes in fair value (losses
expressed with "-")
      Credit impairment losses (lossed
expressed with "-")
      Assets impairment losses (losses
expressed with "-")
      Gains on disposal of assets (losses
                                                              -10,025.19   40,420,431.93
expressed with "-")
3. Operating profit (loss expressed with "-
                                                           -5,068,577.98   18,471,767.53
   Add: Non-operating income                                      27.00      138,583.14
  Less: Non-operating expenses
4. Total profit (loss expressed with "-")                  -5,068,550.98   18,610,350.67
  Less: Income tax expenses
5. Net profit (net loss expressed with "-")                -5,068,550.98   18,610,350.67
   Net profit from continuing operations
                                                           -5,068,550.98   18,610,350.67
(losses expressed with "-")
   Net profit from discontinued operations
(losses expressed with "-")
6. Other comprehensive income, net of
income tax
Attributable to shareholders of the parent
 A. Items that will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss
   1. Remeasurement of defined benefit
liability /(asset)
   2. Other comprehensive income that cannot
be reclassified to profit or loss under equity
   3. Equity instrument designated at fair
value through other comprehensive income -
Changes in fair value
   4. Own credit risk - Changes in fair value
 B. Items that may be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss
   1.Other comprehensive income that can be
reclassified to profit or loss under equity
   2. Gains or losses on changes in fair value
of available-for-other debt investments
   3. Other comprehensive income from
reclassification of financial assets

                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

   4.Other debt investment credit impairment
   5. Cash flow hedge reserve
   6. Translation differences of financial
statements presented in foreign currencies
   7. Others
7. Total comprehensive income                              -5,068,550.98    18,610,350.67
8. Earnings per share                                         ——              ——
   Basic earnings per share
  Diluted earnings per share
Legal Representative:         Chief Financial Officer:    Head of Accounting

                            Statement of Cash Flows
                        For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                    Currency: CNY
                    Items                         Notes   Current Year      Prior Year
1. Cash flows from operating activities:                       —                  —
   Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                          162,918,445.15   144,583,207.21
rendering of services
   Refunds of taxes and surcharges
   Cash received relating to other operating
                                                            6,276,486.09        6,939,605.77
  Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                                                          169,194,931.24   151,522,812.98
   Cash paid for goods and services                       138,120,225.13   149,508,190.51
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                  30,568,200.13    34,840,152.31
  Cash paid for taxes and surcharges                        2,160,306.98        9,780,875.37
  Cash paid relating to other operating
                                                            8,084,841.09        7,407,611.52
 Sub-total of cash outflows from operating
                                                          178,933,573.33   201,536,829.71
   Net cash flows from operating activities                -9,738,642.09   -50,014,016.73
2. Cash flows from investing activities:                       —                  —
  Cash received from disposal of investments
    Cash received from investment income
    Net cash received from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-term                              153,507,597.36
    Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
    Cash received relating to other investing
   Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
    Cash paid for purchase and construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-              916,846.40         1,890,939.45
term assets
    Cash paid for acquisition of investments
  Cash paid for obtaining subsidiaries and

                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

other business units
  Cash paid relating to other investing
 Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
                                                              916,846.40        1,890,939.45
    Net cash flows from investing activities                  -916,846.40   151,616,657.91
3. Cash flows from financing activities:                        —                 —
   Cash received from capital contributions
      Including: Cash received from non-
controlling shareholders' capital contributions
to subsidiaries
   Cash received from borrowings
   Cash received relating to other financing
                                                           626,487,000.00   233,343,500.00
  Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
                                                           626,487,000.00   233,343,500.00
   Cash repayments of borrowings
   Cash payments for distribution of dividends,
profits, or for interest expenses
      Including: Subsidiaries' cash payments
for distribution of dividends or profits to non-
controlling shareholders
   Cash paid relating to other financing
                                                           625,416,311.12   317,460,000.00
 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing
                                                           625,416,311.12   317,460,000.00
   Net cash flows from financing activities                  1,070,688.88   -84,116,500.00
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes
on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and
                                                            -9,584,799.61    17,486,141.18
cash equivalents
   Add: Opening balance of cash and cash
                                                            19,632,308.54       2,146,167.36
6. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                            10,047,508.93    19,632,308.54
Legal Representative:          Chief Financial Officer:   Head of Accounting

                                                                                                                                                          2023 Annual Report

                                                        Statement of Changes in Equity
                                                              For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                                                                                                      Currency: CNY
                                                                                                Current Year
                                                                 Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent
                                        Other equity                       Less                                                                                Non-
       Items                            instruments                                                                        △                                 contr         Total
                        Paid-in                                              :         Other
                                                                                                Special                  Gener                                olling     sharehold
                        capital     Prefe    Perp              Capital     Trea      compreh               Surplus                  Unappropri    Sub-
                                                     Ot                                         reserv                   al risk                              intere     ers' equity
                        (Share      rence etual                reserve     sury        ensive              reserve                  ated profit   total
                                                     her                                           e                     reser                                  sts
                        capital)    share    debt                          shar       income
                                                      s                                                                    ve
                                      s        s                            es
I. Closing                                                                                                                                    -
balance of prior        119,375,0                              958,565,2             9,800.00    430,25   125,686,000               1,178,011,7   26,054,                26,054,624.
year                        00.00                                  94.29                           4.50            .00                    24.55    624.24                         24
Add: changes in
accounting                 —         —       —        —       —        —          —         —          —          —           —          —          —                —
of prior period            —         —       —        —       —        —          —         —          —          —           —          —          —                —
II. Opening                                                                                                                                   -
balance of              119,375,0          -        -     -    958,565,2         -   9,800.00    430,25   125,686,000           -   1,178,011,7   26,054,            -   26,054,624.
current year                00.00                                  94.29                           4.50            .00                    24.55    624.24                         24
III. Changes in
current year                                                                                          -                                       -         -                          -
(decrease                                                                                        143,71                             5,068,550.9   5,212,2                5,212,262.3
expressed with "-                                                                                  1.35                                       8     62.33                          3
   (i) Total                                                                                                                                  -         -                          -
comprehensive              —         —       —        —       —        —                     —          —          —       5,068,550.9   5,068,5                5,068,550.9
income                                                                                                                                        8     50.98                          8
   (ii) Contributions
by and
distributions to
   1. Capital
contributions from                    —       —        —                 —          —         —          —          —           —

                                                                                        2023 Annual Report
  2. Capital
contributions from
other equity                                   —   —     —      —   —   —
  3. Share-based
recognized in              —   —   —        —   —     —      —   —   —
  4. Others                —   —   —
                                                              -                          -
  (iii) Special                                                                                                -
                           —   —   —                  143,71                   143,711
reserve                                                                                               143,711.35
                                                           1.35                        .35
   1. Appropriation
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —   46,195.   —   —   —   46,195.              46,195.32
to special reserve
                                                              32                        32
                                                               -                         -
  2. Use of                                                                                                    -
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —    189,90   —   —   —   189,906
special reserve                                                                                       189,906.67
                                                            6.67                       .67
  (iv) Profit
   1. Appropriation
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                    —
to surplus reserve
Statutory surplus     —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                    —

Discretionary         —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                    —
surplus reserve
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                    —
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                    —
development fund
returned for          —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —           —                    —
△ 2.
Appropriation to
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —      —                         —
general risk
   3. Distributions
                      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —      —   —
to shareholders

                                                                                                                                           2023 Annual Report
  4. Others
  (v) Internal
transfer of
   1. Capitalization
                                   —     —       —                 —       —         —           —       —       —                      —
of capital reserve
   2. Capitalization
                                   —     —       —       —        —       —         —                    —       —                      —
of surplus reserve
   3. Making up
losses from               —       —     —       —       —        —       —         —                    —                               —
surplus reserve
   4. Transfer of
changes in
defined benefit           —       —     —       —       —        —                  —           —       —                               —
plans to retained
   5. Transfer of
comprehensive             —       —     —       —       —        —                  —           —       —                               —
income to retained
  6. Others
IV. Closing                                                                                                                    -
balance of             119,375,0                         958,565,2          9,800.00    286,54   125,686,000         1,183,080,2   20,842,              20,842,361.
current year               00.00                             94.29                        3.15            .00              75.53    361.91                       91
Legal Representative:             Chief Financial Officer:                Head of Accounting Department:

                                   Statement of Changes in Equity (Continued)
                                                        For the year ended 31 December 2023
Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Currency: CNY
                                                                                        Prior Year

       Items                                               Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent                                     Non-        Total
                        Paid-in     Other equity         Capital     Les    Other      Special       Surplus         Unappropri    Sub-        contr    shareholde
                                                                                                                △                             ollin     rs' equity
                        capital     instruments          reserve      s:   compreh     reserve       reserve         ated profit   total

                                                                                                                                                2023 Annual Report
                        (Share      Prefe   Perp                      Trea    ensive                              Gener                                g
                        capital)    rence   etual                     sury   income                               al risk                            inter
                                    share   debt                      shar                                        reser                              ests
                                      s       s                        es                                           ve
I. Closing                                                                                                                            -
                        119,375,0                         958,565,2                     612,361    125,686,000                            7,626,38           7,626,380.1
balance of prior                                                             9,800.00                                       1,196,622,0
                            00.00                             94.29                          .09            .00                               0.16                     6
year                                                                                                                              75.22
Add: changes in
of prior period
II. Opening                                                                                                                           -
                        119,375,0                         958,565,2                     612,361    125,686,000                            7,626,38           7,626,380.1
balance of                                                                   9,800.00                                       1,196,622,0
                            00.00                             94.29                          .09            .00                               0.16                     6
current year                                                                                                                      75.22
III. Changes in
current year                                                                                   -
                                                                                                                            18,610,350.   18,428,2           18,428,244.
(decrease                                                                               182,106
                                                                                                                                     67      44.08                    08
expressed with "-                                                                            .59
   (i) Total
                                                                                                                            18,610,350.   18,610,3           18,610,350.
comprehensive              —        —      —     —       —        —                 —           —           —
                                                                                                                                     67      50.67                    67
   (ii) Contributions
by and
distributions to
   1. Capital
contributions from                   —      —     —                 —      —         —           —           —          —
   2. Capital
contributions from
other equity                                                           —      —         —           —           —          —
   3. Share-based
recognized in                        —      —     —                 —      —         —           —           —          —
  4. Others                          —      —     —

                                                                                          2023 Annual Report
                                                                 -                         -
  (iii) Special
                            —   —   —                  182,106                   182,106.           -182,106.59
                                                               .59                        59
   1. Appropriation                                       118,560                   118,560.
                       —   —   —   —   —   —   —              —   —   —                       118,560.72
to special reserve                                             .72                        72
                                                                 -                         -
  2. Use of
                       —   —   —   —   —   —   —   300,667    —   —   —   300,667.           -300,667.31
special reserve
                                                               .31                        31
  (iv) Profit
   1. Appropriation
                       —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —            —                    —
to surplus reserve
Statutory surplus      —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —            —                    —

Discretionary          —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —            —                    —
surplus reserve
                       —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —            —                    —
                       —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —            —                    —
development fund
returned for           —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —            —                    —
△ 2. Appropriation
to general risk        —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —       —                         —
   3. Distributions
                       —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —       —   —
to shareholders
  4. Others
  (v) Internal
transfer of
   1. Capitalization
                            —   —   —        —   —     —       —   —   —               —
of capital reserve
   2. Capitalization
                            —   —   —   —   —   —     —            —   —               —
of surplus reserve
   3. Making up
losses from            —   —   —   —   —   —   —     —            —                    —
surplus reserve

                                                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report
   4. Transfer of
changes in defined
                        —       —     —    —      —       —                 —           —         —                             —
benefit plans to
retained earnings
   5. Transfer of
comprehensive           —       —     —    —      —       —                 —           —         —                             —
income to retained
  6. Others
IV. Closing                                                                                                              -
                     119,375,0                     958,565,2                    430,254    125,686,000                       26,054,6           26,054,624.
balance of                                                           9,800.00                                  1,178,011,7
                         00.00                         94.29                         .50            .00                         24.24                    24
current year                                                                                                         24.55
Legal Representative:           Chief Financial Officer:           Head of Accounting Department:

                                                                               2023 Annual Report

                     Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.

                           Notes to the Financial Statements

                            For the Year Ended 31 December 2023

                      (Unless otherwise specified, the currency is CNY)

     I.Basic Information of the Company

    1.The Company’s place of registration, organizational form and address of headquarters.

     Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”, “the
Company” or “Chongqing Jianche”), whose original name was Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle
Co., Ltd., was established in July 1995 by Jianshe Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. and China North
Industries Shenzhen Corp. The unified social credit code/registration No. of the Company is
915000007474824231. The Company was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in July 1995.

    On December 27, 2017, the Company announced that it had completed the relevant
industrial and commercial registration procedures for the change of its full name in Chinese,
and obtained the Notice of Approval of Change Registration from Chongqing Administration for
Industry and Commerce (YGSWZBD [2017] No.1206-1), the renewed Business License and the
approval documents of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The Company name was changed from
Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. to Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd. The
abbreviation of the Company was changed from "Jianmo B" to "Jianche B", and the Company
stock code 200054 remained unchanged.

     The former controlling shareholder, Chongqing Jianshe Mechanical & Electrical Equipment
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jianshe Mechanical & Electrical”), signed the Equity
Transfer Agreement of State-owned Listed Companies with China South Industries Group Co.,
Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "CSGC") on October 22, 2018, that is, Jianshe Mechanical &
Electrical agreed to transfer 84,906,250 shares of its state-owned legal shares to CSGC,
accounting for 71.13% of the total share capital of the Company, and the nature of the shares
is the initiator legal shares.

     The Company received the Jianchen Letter of Confirmation for Securities Transfer
Registration issued by China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Branch on
December 21, 2018, and the registration formalities for the equity transfer under this
agreement have been completed at China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.,
Shenzhen Branch. Chongqing Jianshe Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. no longer
holds the shares of the Company, and CSGC has become the controlling shareholder of the

                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

Company, holding 84,906,250 shares of the Company, accounting for 71.13%. The shares are
legal person shares of the sponsor.

    As of December 31, 2023, the total share capital cumulatively issued by the Company was
119,375,000 shares. The registered capital was 119,375,000 yuan. Its place of registration is
No.1 Jianshe Avenue, Huaxi Industrial Park, Banan District, Chongqing. The address of the
headquarters is in Banan District, Chongqing. Legal representative: Fan Aijun.

    2.The main business activities actually engaged by the Company

    As of the date of approval for the financial statements, the main business activities of the
Company and its subsidiaries include the research and development, processing, and
manufacturing of motorcycles, automotive parts and accessories.

    3.Name of controlling shareholder and actual controller

   As of the date of approval for the financial statements, the controlling shareholder of the
Company is CSGC, and the actual controller is the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission of the State Council.

     4.This financial report was approved by the seventh meeting of the tenth Board of
Directors of the Company on April 28, 2024.

    5.The operating period of the Company is from July 19, 1995 to July 18, 2045.

     II.Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

    1.Basis for the Preparation of the Financial Statements

     The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis. It is based on
transactions actually occurring, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the latest
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance and its
application guidelines, and is based on the significant accounting policies and accounting
estimates described below.

    2.Going Concern

      The Company has assessed the going-concern ability for 12 months as of the end of the
reporting period, and has no matter or situation bringing material doubt to the going-concern
ability. Therefore, the financial statements are prepared on the basis of going-concern

    The Company has taken the following measures to improve its ability to continue

                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

     (1) Vigorously advance product development. Focus on solidifying, optimizing, and
commercializing electric platform products to address current issues affecting electric products.
This includes completing the performance optimization of 27CC and 34CC models to establish
a competitive edge in product technology.

     (2) Intensify efforts in market expansion. Accelerate the increase in sales volume of
electric compressors by enhancing existing projects such as Changan CPA platform, Ruichi, and
Geely Tangjun while also driving new projects like Changan A158, Changan KaiCheng G393,
Kaiyi, and Xinyuan. Maintain consistent sales scale for constant-displacement compressors.

     (3) Concentrate on enhancing engineering capabilities. Emphasize improving product
quality by strengthening the effectiveness of the quality assurance system and implementing
robust process monitoring to reduce quality losses. Strengthen production management by
aligning with market order plans to ensure timely delivery through balanced production
organization and optimized material distribution. Additionally, focus on advancing process
technology capabilities while elevating workstation maturity levels.

     (4) Prioritize cost reduction and expense control. Adhere strictly to budget constraints by
cascading targets down through all levels of responsibility while intensifying monitoring efforts
for cost and overhead expenses to ensure alignment with scale efficiency metrics. Enforce
strict controls over receivables and payables management by linking sales with production
activities as well as procurement processes to minimize inventory occupancy. Timely clearance
of excess or inefficient inventory is essential along with reinforced control over accounts
receivable processes.

      Although the company has been incurring losses continuously, its production and
operation are normal, and there is no significant uncertainty regarding its continuing operating
ability. The board of directors of the company believes that the company will continue to
operate and has based the preparation of this year's financial statements on the assumption of
continued operations.

     III.Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates
    1.Statement on compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

     The Company's financial statements prepared on the basis of the above preparation are in
line with the requirements of the latest Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and its application guidelines, interpretations and
other relevant provisions (collectively referred to as "Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises"), truly and completely reflect the Company's financial position, operating results
and cash flow and other relevant information.

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

     In addition, this financial report has been prepared with reference to the presentation
and disclosure requirements of the "Rules for Information Disclosure and Reporting of
Companies with Publicly Issued Securities No. 15 - General Provisions for Financial Reporting"
(revised in 2023), issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

    2. Accounting Period

    The financial year of the Company is calendar year from 1st January to 31st December.

    3. Functional Currency

    The Company’s functional currency is CNY.

   4. Report Items with Changes in Measurement Attributes in the Current Period and the
Measurement Attributes Adopted in the Current Period

     The measurement attributes used by the Company include historical cost, replacement
cost, net realizable value, present value and fair value.

    5. Determination Method and Selection Basis of Criterion of Materiality

                           Item                                         Criterion of Materiality

      Important accounts receivable for single           The Company recognizes accounts receivable
      provision for bad debts                            that exceed 5% of the absolute value of the
                                                         total profit as important accounts receivable.
      Write-off of important accounts receivable         The Company recognizes accounts receivable
                                                         with a single write off amount exceeding 5% of
                                                         the absolute value of the total profit as
                                                         important accounts receivable.
      Important other receivables for single provision   The Company recognizes other receivables that
      for bad debts                                      exceed 5% of the absolute value of the total
                                                         profit as importance other receivables.
                                                         The Company recognizes prepayments that
                                                         with a single aging of more than 1 year and an
      Important prepayments with an aging of over 1
                                                         amount exceeding 0.5% of the total assets as
                                                         important prepayments with an aging of more
                                                         than 1 year.
                                                         The Company recognizes construction in
                                                         progress projects with a single amount
      Important projects of construction in progress
                                                         exceeding 0.5% of the total assets as important
                                                         construction in progress projects.

                                                                                             2023 Annual Report

                                                       The Company recognizes accounts payable that
                                                       with a single aging of more than 1 year and an
      Important accounts payable with an aging of
                                                       amount exceeding 0.5% of the total assets as
      over 1 year
                                                       important accounts payable with an aging of
                                                       more than 1 year.
                                                       The Company recognizes other payables that
                                                       with a single aging of more than 1 year and an
      Important other payables with an aging of over
                                                       amount exceeding 0.5% of the total assets as
      1 year
                                                       important other payables with an aging of
                                                       more than 1 year.

    6. Accounting Treatment Methods for Business Combinations under Common Control
and Not Under Common Control

     (1)Accounting Treatment Methods for Business Combinations under Common Control

     The Company's assets and liabilities acquired in a business combination are measured at
the Company's shares of the carrying amount of the consolidated party's ownership interest in
the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the combination date.
The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets acquired by the Company and
the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the merger (or the aggregate nominal value
of shares issued) is adjusted against capital reserve; if capital reserve is not sufficient to cover
the reduction, it is adjusted against retained earnings.

     (2)Accounting Treatment Methods for Business Combination not under Common Control

     The Company recognizes goodwill at the acquisition date for the difference between the
cost of the combination and the share of the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets
acquired in the combination; if the cost of the combination is less than the share of the fair
value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets acquired in the combination, the fair value of
each of the acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the
measurement of the cost of the combination are first reviewed, and if, after the review, the
cost of the combination is still less than the share of the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable
net assets acquired in the combination, the difference is recognized in profit or loss for the
current period.

    Business combination not under common control through multiple transactions shall be
processed in the following order:

     ①Adjust the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment. If the equity held
before the purchase date is accounted for by the equity method, it shall be re-measured
according to the fair value of the equity on the purchase date, and the difference between the

                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

fair value and the carrying value shall be included in the current investment income; The
equity held by the purchaser before the purchase date, which involves changes in other
comprehensive income and other owner's equity under the equity method should be
converted to the current income of the purchase date, except for other comprehensive income
arising from changes in the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan and changes
in the fair value of investments in other equity instruments held by the invevee.

    ②Recognize goodwill (or the amount recorded into profit or loss for the current period).
The initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment adjusted in the first step is
compared with the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the subsidiary on the
purchase date, if the former is bigger than the latter, the difference will be recognized as
goodwill; The former is less than the latter, the difference will be recorded in current profit or

     Disposal of equity through multiple transactions in stages until loss of control over

     (1)The principle of determining whether each transaction in the process of step-by-step
disposal of equity until the loss of control of the subsidiary belong to "a package deal"

    If the terms, conditions, and economic impact of various transactions related to the
disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries are in accordance with the following conditions,
generally indicates that multiple transactions should be accounted for as "a package deal":

    1) These transactions were entered into simultaneously or considering mutual influence;

    2) These transactions as a whole can achieve a complete commercial outcome;

     3) The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other

    4) A single transaction may not be economical when viewed separately, but it is
economical when considered together with other transactions.

     (2)The accounting treatment method for various transactions in the process of step -by-
step disposal of equity until the loss of control over subsidiaries belongs to "a package deal"

     If the disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries until the loss of control belongs to a
package deal, each transaction should be accounted for as a disposal of subsidiaries and loss of
control transaction; However, the difference between the disposal price and the net asset
share of the subsidiary corresponding to the disposal investment before the loss of control
should be recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements,
and transferred to the current period's profit and loss when the loss of control occurs.

                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

      In the consolidated financial statements, the remaining equity should be remeasured at
its fair value on the date of loss of control. The difference between the consideration obtained
from the disposal of equity and the fair value of the remaining equity, minus the share of net
assets that should have been continuously calculated from the date of purchase by the parent
company based on the original shareholding ratio, is recognized as investment income in the
current period of loss of control. Other comprehensive income related to equity investments in
original subsidiary should be converted into current investment income or retained earnings
when the loss of control occurs.

    (3)The accounting treatment method for various transactions in the process of step -by-
step disposal of equity until the loss of control over subsidiaries not belonging to "a package

     If the disposal of the investment in the subsidiary does not lose control, the difference
between the disposal price and the share of the subsidiary's net assets corresponding to the
disposal investment in the consolidated financial statements is included in the capital reserve
(capital premium or equity premium), and if the capital premium is insufficient to be deducted,
the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

    If the disposal of investment in a subsidiary loses control, the remaining equity should be
remeasured at its fair value on the date of loss of control in the consolidated financial
statements. The difference between the consideration obtained from the disposal of equity
and the fair value of the remaining equity, minus the share of net assets that should have been
continuously calculated from the purchase date of the original subsidiary based on the original
shareholding ratio, is recognized as investment income in the current period of loss of control.
Other comprehensive income related to equity investments in existing subsidiaries should be
converted into current investment income or retained earnings when control is lost.

     7. The Criterion of Control and Preparation Method of Consolidated Financial

     The scope of consolidation of the financial statement shall be determined on the basis of

     Control refers to the Company having the power over the invested party, enjoying variable
returns through participating in related activities of the invested party, and having the ability
to use the power over the invested party to influence its return amount. Related activities
refer to activities that have a significant impact on the returns of the invested party. The
relevant activities of the invested party should be judged based on specific circumstances,
usually including the sale and purchase of goods or services, management of financial assets,
purchase and disposal of assets, research and development activities, and financing activities.

                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

     The Company makes a judgment on whether to control the invested party based on
comprehensive consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances indicates. If facts and
circumstances indicate that there are changes to one or more of the elements in the above
definition, the Company shall reassess whether it controls an investee.

    The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of the parent
company and its subsidiaries, and are prepared by the Company in accordance with
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 33- Consolidated Financial Statements, based on
other relevant information.

     8. Types of Joint Arrangements and Accounting Treatment for Joint Operations

     (1)Identification and Classification of Joint Venture Arrangements

     A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control.
The joint arrangement has the following characteristics: ①Each participating parties is bound
by the arrangement; ②Two or more participating parties exercise joint control over the
arrangement. No party can independently control the arrangement, and any party with joint
control over the arrangement can prevent other parties or a combination of parties from
independently controlling the arrangement.

     Joint control refers to the common control over a certain arrangement in accordance with
relevant agreements, and the related activities of the arrangement must be unanimously
agreed upon by the participating parties who share control.

      Joint arrangements are divided into joint operations and joint ventures. A joint operation
is a joint arrangement whereby the Company that has joint control of the arrangement and has
rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement. A joint
venture is a joint arrangement which the Company has joint control together with other
parties only has rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

     (2)Accounting Treatment of Joint Arrangements

     The participant of the joint operation shall recognize the following items related to its
share of interests in the joint operation, and carry out accounting treatment in accordance
with the provisions of relevant accounting standards for enterprises: ①Its assets, including its
share of any assets held jointly; ②Its liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred
jointly; ③Its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;
④Its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; ⑤Its expense,
including its share of any expense incurred jointly.

     The participants shall account for their investments in the joint venture in accordance
with the provisions of Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 2- Long term Equity

                                                                                    2023 Annual Report


     9. Criteria for Determining Cash and Cash Equivalents

     Cash and cash equivalents comprise the Company’s cash on hand, demand deposits, and
short-term (which means it has a short maturity of three months or less from the date of
acquisition) highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash
and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

     10. Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation to the Presentation Currency

     (1)Reporting Foreign Currency Transactions

     On initial recognition, foreign currency transactions are translated into CNY amounts
using the spot exchange rate at the date of the transaction. At the balance sheet date,
monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated using the spot exchange rate
at the balance sheet date, and exchange differences arising from differences in exchange rates
are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for exchange differences on the
principal of and interest on special borrowings in foreign currencies related to the acquisition
of assets eligible for capitalization; non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies
measured at historical cost are still translated using the spot exchange rate at the date of the
transaction, without changing their amounts in CNY; non-monetary items measured at fair
value in foreign currencies are translated using the spot exchange rate at the date when the
fair value was determined, and the difference is recognized in profit or loss for the current
period or in other comprehensive income.

     11. Financial Instruments

     (1) Recognition and Derecognition of Financial Instruments

    The Company recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when the Company
becomes party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

     Buying and selling financial assets in a conventional manner, recognition and termination
of recognition shall be based on the accounting of the transaction date. Buying and selling
financial assets in a conventional manner refers to the collection or delivery of financial assets
within the time limit specified by regulations or common practices, in accordance with the
terms of the contract. The trading day refers to the date on which the Company promises to
buy or sell financial assets.

     If the following conditions are met, the recognition of financial assets (or a portion of
financial assets, or a group of similar financial assets) shall be terminated, that is, transferred
from their accounts and balance sheets:

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    ①The right to receive cash flows from financial assets has expired;

     ②Transferred the right to receive cash flows from financial assets, or assumed the
obligation to timely and fully pay the received cash flows to third parties under a "pass
through agreement"; And (a) substantially transferred almost all the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset, or (b) relinquished control over the financial asset even
though substantially neither transferred nor retained almost all the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset.

    (2) Classification and Measurement of Financial Assets

     The Company classifies financial assets as subsequently measured at amortized cost, fair
value through other comprehensive income or fair value through profit or loss on the basis of
both the Company’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual cash
flow characteristics of the financial asset. Subsequent measurement of financial assets
depends on their classification.

    The Company's classification of financial assets is based on the Company's business model
of managing financial assets and the cash flow characteristics of financial assets.

    ①Financial Assets Measured at Amortized Cost

     Financial assets are classified as financial assets measured at amortized cost if they
simultaneously meet the following conditions: It is held within a business model whose
objective is to hold financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows, and its
contractual cash flow characteristics are consistent with those of a basic lending arrangement,
that is, the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows
that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. the
Company applies effective interest method and subsequently measures this type of financial
assets at amortized costs, a gain or loss arising from amortization or impairment is recognized
in profit or loss.

    ②Debt Instrument Investments Measured at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive

     Financial assets are classified as financial assets measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income if they simultaneously meet the following conditions: The contractual
terms of the financial asset provide that the cash flow generated on a particular date is only
the payment of the principal amount and the interest based on the outstanding principal
amount. For such financial assets, fair value is used for subsequent measurement. The
discount or premium is amortized using the effective interest method and recognized as
interest income or expense. Except for impairment losses and exchange differences of foreign
currency monetary financial assets recognized as profit or loss for the current period, changes

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in the fair value of such financial assets are recognized as other comprehensive income until
the financial asset is derecognized, and its cumulative gains or losses are transferred to the
current period profit and loss. Interest income related to such financial assets is recognized as
profit or loss for the current period.

    ③Equity Instrument Investments Measured at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive

     The Company irrevocably chooses to designate particular investments in equity
instruments that are not held for trading as financial assets measured at fair value through
other comprehensive income. And only the dividends on such investments are recognized in
profit or loss; changes in fair values of the investments are recognized in other comprehensive
income. Upon derecognition of these financial assets, cumulative gains or losses presented in
other comprehensive income will be subsequently transferred to retained earnings.

     ④Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss

      A financial asset is measured at fair value through profit or loss unless it is measured at
amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance with
preceding paragraphs. In addition, the Company designates some financial assets as measured
at fair value through profit or loss when doing so eliminates or significantly reduces accounting
mismatches. the Company subsequently measures this type of financial assets at fair value;
changes in fair values are recognized in profit or loss.

     All affected related financial assets will be reclassified only when the Company changes its
business model for managing financial assets.

     For financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction
costs are directly recognized in profit or loss, while transaction costs for other categories of
financial assets are recognized in their initial recognition amount.

     (3) Classification and Measurement of Financial Liabilities

     At initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified as financial liabilities at amortized
cost or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.

      Financial liabilities that meet one of the following conditions can be designated as
financial liabilities measured at profit or loss at initial measurement: ①This designation can
eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatch; ②Manage and evaluate financial
liability portfolios or financial asset and financial liability portfolios based on fair value, in
accordance with the Company's risk management or investment strategy outlined in formal
written documents, and report to key management within the Company on this basis; ③This
financial liability contains embedded derivative that require separate splitting.

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      The Company determines the classification of financial liabilities at the time of initial
recognition. For financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, related transaction costs
are directly recorded in profit or loss; for other financial liabilities, related transaction costs are
recorded in the amount initially recognized.

     The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on its classification:

     ①Financial Liabilities at Amortized Cost

    For this type of financial liabilities, the effective interest rate method is adopted and
subsequent measurement is carried out at amortized cost.

     ②Financial Liabilities at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss

      Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss comprise financial liabilities held for
trading (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as
at fair value through profit or loss at initial recognition.

     (4) Offset of Financial Assets

     If the following conditions are met simultaneously, financial assets and financial liabilities
shall be presented in the balance sheet at the net amount after offsetting each other: there is
a legal right to offset the recognized amount, and such legal right is currently enforceable; Plan
to settle on a net basis, or simultaneously realize the financial asset and settle the financial

     (5) Impairment of Financial Assets

     Based on the expected credit losses, the Company recognizes an impairment loss on a
financial asset measured at amortized cost, a debt instrument investment at fair value through
other comprehensive income, or a financial guarantee contract. Credit loss is the difference
between all contractual cash flows that are due to the Company in accordance with the
contract and all the cash flows that the Company expects to receive (i.e. all cash shortfalls),
discounted at the original effective interest rate..

     The Company considers all reasonable and evidence-based information, including
forward-looking information, to estimate, individually or in combination, the expected credit
losses of financial assets measured at amortized cost and financial assets (debt instruments)
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.

     ①General Model of Expected Credit Losses

     If the credit risk on that financial asset has increased significantly since initial recognition,
the Company shall measure the impairment loss for the financial asset at an amount equal to
the lifetime expected credit losses; if the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial

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recognition, the Company shall measure the impairment loss for the financial asset at an
amount equal to the 12-month expected credit losses.The increase or reversal of the loss
provision resulting from this shall be recognized as impairment loss or gain in the current
period. The specific assessment of credit risk by the Company is detailed in Note 11, Risks
Related to Financial Instruments.

     Usually, if the overdue period exceeds 30 days, the Company considers that the credit risk
of the financial instrument has significantly increased, unless there is conclusive evidence that
the credit risk of the financial instrument has not significantly increased since initial

     Specifically, the Company divides the process of credit impairment for financial
instruments that have not suffered credit impairment at the time of purchase or origin into
three stages, and different accounting treatments are used for the impairment of financial
instruments at different stages:

     First stage: Credit risk has not significantly increased since initial recognition

     For financial instruments at this stage, the Company should measure the provision for
losses based on the expected credit losses for the next 12 months, and calculate intere st
income based on their book balance (i.e. no impairment provisions deducted) and actual
interest rate (if the instrument is a financial asset, the same below).

    Second stage: Credit risk has significantly increased since initial recognition but credit
impairment has not yet occurred

     For financial instruments at this stage, the Company shall measure the provision for losses
based on the expected credit losses of the instrument over its entire existence period, and
calculate interest income based on its book balance and actual interest rate.

     Third Stage: Credit impairment occurs after initial recognition

      For financial instruments in this stage, the Company should measure the provision for
losses based on the expected credit losses of the instrument over its entire lifespan, but the
calculation of interest income is different from that of financial assets in the first two stages.
For financial assets that have suffered credit impairment, the Company should calculate
interest income based on their amortized cost (book balance minus provision for impairment,
i.e. book value) and actual interest rate.

     For financial assets that have experienced credit impairment at the time of purchase or
generation, the Company should only recognize changes in expected credit losses over the
entire existence period after initial recognition as loss provisions, and calculate interest income
based on their amortized cost and the actual interest rate adjusted by credit.

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     ②The Company chooses not to compare the credit risk of financial instruments with
lower credit risk on the balance sheet date, but directly assumes the credit risk of the
instrument has not significantly increased since initial recognition.

     If the Company determines that the default risk of a financial instrument is low, the
borrower has a strong ability to fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations in the short term,
and even if there are adverse changes in the economic situation and operating environment
over a long period of time, it may not necessarily reduce the borrower's ability to fulfill its
contractual cash flow obligations, then the financial instrument can be considered to have
lower credit risk.

    ③Accounts Receivable and Lease Receivables

     The Company adopts a simplified model of expected credit loss for accounts receivable
that do not contain significant financing components (including those that do not consider
financing components in contracts which do not exceed one year) according to the Accounting
Standards for Enterprises No. 14- Revenue, and always measures its loss provision based on
the amount of expected credit loss throughout the entire existence period.

    The Company has made an accounting policy choice to adopt a simplified model of
expected credit loss for accounts receivable containing significant financing components and
lease receivables regulated by Enterprise Accounting Standard No. 21- Leases, which measures
loss provisions at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss for the entire existence

     ④The Combination Categories, Determination Basis, Calculation Method, and Judgment
Criteria for Bad Debt Provision

     For those with objective evidence indicating impairment, and notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other receivables, receivable financing, and long-term receivables applicable to
individual evaluation, separate impairment tests shall be conducted to confirm expected credit
losses and make individual impairment provisions. When the Company's accounts receivable
meet the following conditions, the Company conducts a single evaluation to confirm the
expected credit loss: ①The debtor is unable to pay off debts within a foreseeable period of
time due to factors such as loss of contact, revocation, bankruptcy, insolvency, severe cash
flow shortage, and serious natural disasters resulting in production stoppage; (2) Other
conclusive evidence indicates that it is indeed impossible or unlikely to be recovered. For notes
receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, and receivable financing that do not have
objective evidence of impairment, or when a single financial asset cannot assess expected
credit losses at reasonable cost, the Company divides notes receivable, accounts receivable,
other receivables, receivable financing, and long-term receivables into several combinations
based on credit risk characteristics, and calculates expected credit losses on the basis of the

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combination. The determination basis for different combinations is as follows:

                Item                                     Determine Basis of the Combination
       Portfolio 1               Bank acceptance bills
       Portfolio 2               Commercial acceptance bills
       Portfolio 3               Aging portfolio
       Portfolio 4               Related parties within the scope of consolidation
     The different combinations are determined on the following basis:

      Portfolio 1: Bank acceptance bills, refer to historical credit loss experience, combined with
current conditions and expectations for future economic conditions, have extremely low credit
risk and no provision for bad debts is made.

     Portfolio 2: Commercial acceptance bills, refer to historical credit loss experience,
combined with current conditions and expectations for future economic conditions, prepare
the comparison table of the aging of accounts receivable and the expected credit loss rate for
the entire existence period, and calculate the expected credit loss.

     Portfolio 3: With reference to the historical credit loss experience, combined with current
conditions and expectations of future economic conditions, prepare a comparison table of the
aging of accounts and the expected credit loss rate for the entire existence period, and
calculate the expected credit loss.

    Portfolio 4: With reference to the historical credit loss experience, combined with current
conditions and expectations for future economic conditions, no provision for bad debts will be
made for related party transactions within the scope of consolidation.

     Comparison table between the Aging of credit risk portfolio of notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other receivables, contract assets and the expected credit loss rate for the whole
survival period:

                         Aging                                      Expected credit loss rate (%)
1 - 6 months (including 6 months)
Within 6 months -1 year (including 1 year)                                                                    5
1 - 2 years (including 2 year)                                                                               10
2 - 3 years (including 3 year)                                                                               30
3 - 4 years (including 4 year)                                                                               50
4 - 5 years (including 5 year)                                                                               80
Over 5 years                                                                                               100

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     (6) Transfers of Financial Assets

      If the Company has transferred almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of financial
assets to the transferee, the recognition of the financial asset shall be terminated; If almost all
risks and rewards related to ownership of financial assets are retained, the recognition of the
financial asset will not be terminated.

     If the Company neither transfers nor retains almost all the risks and rewards related to
the ownership of financial assets, it shall be dealt with in the following cases: if the Company
give up control of the financial asset, it shall terminate the recognition of the financial asset
and recognize the assets and liabilities generated by the financial asset; if th e Company does
not give up control of the financial asset, the relevant financial asset shall be recognized
according to the extent to which it continues to be involved in the transferred financial asset,
and the relevant liability shall be recognized accordingly..

     For those the Company continue to be involved by providing financial guarantees for the
transferred financial assets, the assets formed by further involvement shall be recognized
based on the lower of the book value of the financial assets and the amount of financial
guarantees. The financial guarantee amount refers to the highest amount of consideration
received that will be required to be repaid.

     12. Notes receivable

    The determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit los s of
notes receivable

     The Company has elected to use the simplified model of expected credit losses for notes
receivable that do not have a significant financing component as defined in Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue (including situations where the financing
component of contracts not exceeding one year is not considered under this standard), i.e. the
provision for losses is always measured at the amount of expected credit losses throughout
their lives and the resulting increase or reversal of the provision for losses is recorded as an
impairment loss or gain in profit or loss for the current period.

     For notes receivable with significant financing components, the Company has elected to
use a simplified model of expected credit losses, whereby the provision for losses is always
measured at the amount of expected credit losses over the entire life of the receivables.
Please refer to Note Ⅲ-11 “Financial Instruments” for details.

     13. Accounts Receivable

    The determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of
accounts receivable

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     The Company has elected to use the simplified model of expected credit losses for
receivables that do not have a significant financing component as defined in Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue (including situations where the financing
component of contracts not exceeding one year is not considered under this standard), i.e. the
provision for losses is always measured at the amount of expected credit losses throughout
their lives and the resulting increase or reversal of the provision for losses is recorded as an
impairment loss or gain in profit or loss for the current period.

    For receivables with significant financing components, the Company has elected to use a
simplified model of expected credit losses, whereby the provision for losses is always
measured at the amount of expected credit losses over the entire life of the receivables.
Please refer to Note Ⅲ-11 “Financial Instruments” for details.

     14. Receivables financing

     The determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of
receivables financing

     The Company has elected to use the simplified model of expected credit losses for
receivable financing that do not have a significant financing component as defined in
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue (including situations where
the financing component of contracts not exceeding one year is not considered under this
standard), i.e. the provision for losses is always measured at the amount of expected credit
losses throughout their lives and the resulting increase or reversal of the provision for losses is
recorded as an impairment loss or gain in profit or loss for the current period.

     For receivable financing with significant financing components, the Company has elected
to use a simplified model of expected credit losses, whereby the provision for losses is always
measured at the amount of expected credit losses over the entire life of the receivables.
Please refer to Note Ⅲ-11 “Financial Instruments” for details.

     15. Other receivables

     For other receivables, the Company has elected to use a general model of expected credit
losses. Please refer to Note Ⅲ-11 “Financial Instruments” for details.

     16. Inventories

     (1) Classification of Inventories

     Inventories refers to finished goods or commodities held by the Company for sale in its
daily activities, products in the process of production, materials and supplies consumed in the

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process of production or provision of services. It mainly include raw materials, revolving
materials, goods in process, stock commodities, goods dispatched, etc.

    (2) Cost Measurement for Inventories

     Inventory is initially measured at cost upon acquisition, including purchase costs,
processing costs and other costs. Inventory is valued using the weighted average method at
the end of each month when it is dispatched.

    (3) Inventory Counting

    Inventory counting is performed using the perpetual inventory system.

    (4) Amortization of Low-Cost Consumables and Packaging Materials

    ①Low-cost Consumables

    Amortization based on the lump sum amortization method.

    ②Packaging Materials

    Amortization based on the expected number of uses.

    (5)Measurement of Net Realizable Value and Write-Down

     After a comprehensive inspection of the inventory at the end of the period, the provision
for inventory impairment shall be withdrawn or adjusted based on the lower of the cost and
net realizable value of the inventory.. The net realizable value of inventories used directly for
sale is determined in the normal course of production and operation at the estimated selling
price of the inventory less estimated selling expenses and related taxes; the net realizable
value of inventories subject to processing is determined in the normal course of production
and operation at the estimated selling price of the finished goods produced less the estimated
costs to be incurred to completion, estimated selling expenses and related taxes. The net
realizable value of inventory held for the execution of sales contracts or labor contracts shall
be calculated based on the contract price. If the quantity of inventory held exceeds the
quantity ordered in the sales contract, the net realizable value of the excess inventory shall be
calculated based on the general sales price.At the balance sheet date, the net realizable value
of part of the same inventory for which there is a contractual price agreement and other parts
for which there is no contractual price is determined separately and compared with it s
corresponding cost to determine the amount of provision for decline in value or reversal of
inventory, respectively.

    Provision for inventory impairment shall be made at the end of the period based on
individual inventory items; But for inventory with a large quantity and low unit price, provision
for inventory impairment shall be made according to the category of inventory; Inventory

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related to product series produced and sold in the same region, with the same or similar end
use or purpose, and difficult to measure separately from other items, shall be consolidated
and provisioned for inventory impairment.

     If the factors affecting the previous write-down of inventory value have disappeared, the
amount of write-down shall be restored and reversed within the original provision for
inventory impairment, and the reversed amount shall be recognized in the current period
profit and loss.

     17. Contract assets

     (1)Determining and criteria for Recognizing contract assets

     The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on
the relationship between the fulfillment of performance obligations and payments from
customers. Consideration (other than receivables) that the Company is entitled to receive for
goods transferred or services rendered to customers is presented as a contract asset.

     (2)Determining and accounting for expected credit losses on contract assets

     The Company has elected to use the simplified model of expected credit losses for
contract asset that do not have a significant financing component as defined in Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue (including situations where the financing
component of contracts not exceeding one year is not considered under this standard), i.e. the
provision for losses is always measured at the amount of expected credit losses throughout
their lives and the resulting increase or reversal of the provision for losses is recorded as an
impairment loss or gain in profit or loss for the current period.

     For contract asset with significant financing components, the Company has elected to use
a simplified model of expected credit losses. Please refer to Note Ⅲ-11 “Financial Instruments”
for details.

     18. Non-current Assets Held for Sale or Disposal Groups

     (1)Determining and accounting for non-current asset held for sale or disposal groups

     The Company classifies as held for sale those parts of the business (or non-current assets)
that meet the following conditions: (1) they are ready for immediate sale in their present
condition, in accordance with the practice for the sale of such assets or disposal groups in
similar transactions; (2) it is highly probable that the sale will take place, a resolution has been
reached on a plan of sale and firm purchase commitments(a definite purchase commitment is
a legally binding purchase agreement between enterprise and other parties, which contains
important terms such as transaction price, time and sufficiently severe penalties for breach of
contract, making it highly unlikely that the agreement will be significantly adjusted or revoked)

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have been obtained, and the sale is expected to be completed within one year. Approval has
been obtained from the relevant authority or regulatory authority in accordance with the
relevant regulations.

     The Company adjusts the estimated net residual value of assets held for sale to reflect
their fair value less costs to sell (but not exceeding the original carrying amount of the holding
for sale). The difference between the original carrying amount and the adjusted estimated net
residual value is charged to current profit or loss as an asset impairment loss, together with a
provision for impairment of assets held for sale. For the amount of asset impairment loss
recognized by the disposal group held for sale, the carrying amount of the goodwill in the
disposal group shall be offset first, and then the carrying amount shall be offset proportionally
according to the proportion of the carrying amount of the non-current assets in the disposal
group that are subject to the provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
No. 42 - Non-current Assets Held for Sale, Disposal Group and Termination of Operation.

     If the net increase in the fair value less costs to sell of non-current assets held for sale at a
subsequent balance sheet date, the amount previously written down should be restored and
reversed within the amount of impairment loss on assets recognized after classification as held
for sale, with the amount reversed charged to current profit or loss. Impairment losses
recognized before classification as held for sale are not reversed. If the net amount of the fair
value of the disposal group held for sale on the subsequent balance sheet date after deducting
the sale expenses increases, the amount previously written down shall be restored, and the
amount of asset impairment losses recognized by the non-current assets recognized in the
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 42 - Non-current Assets Held for Sale,
Disposal Group and Discontinued Operations shall be reversed after being classified into the
category of held for sale, and the amount reversed shall be included in the profit or loss for the
current period. The carrying amount of goodwill that has been deducted and the impairment
loss of non-current assets that are subject to the measurement requirements of Accounting
Standard for Business Enterprises No. 42 - Non-current Assets Held for Sale, Disposal Group
and Discontinued Operations shall not be reversed before they are classified as held -for-sale.
The subsequent reversal amount of asset impairment losses recognized by the disposal group
held for sale shall be increased proportionally according to the proportion of the book value of
the non-current assets in the disposal group that are subject to the measurement provisions of
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 42 - Non-current Assets Held for Sale,
Disposal Group and Termination of Operations, except for goodwill. If an enterprise loses
control over a subsidiary as a result of, for example, the sale of its investment in the subsidiary,
regardless of whether the enterprise retains part of its equity investment after the sale, it
should classify the investment in the subsidiary as a whole as held for sale in the parent
company's individual financial statements and all assets and liabilities of the subsidiary as held

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for sale in the consolidated financial statements when the investment in the subsidiary to be
sold meets the conditions for classification as held for sale.

    (2) Recognition criteria and reporting methods for discontinued operation

     Discontinued operation refers to distinguishable component that meets one of the
following conditions, and has been disposed of or classified as held for sale: ①the component
represents an independent main business or a separate main operating area; ②This
component is part of a related plan to dispose of a independent main business or a separate
main operating area; ③This component is a subsidiary acquired specifically for resale.

    The definition of discontinued operation includes the following three meanings:

     ①Discontinued operation should be a separate component that can be distinguished by
the enterprise. The operations and cash flows of this component can be clearly distinguished
from other parts of the enterprise when operating and preparing financial statements.

     ②Discontinued operation should have a certain scale. Discontinued operations should
represent an independent main business or a separate main operating area, or be part of a
related plan to dispose of an independent main business or a separate main operating area.

    ③Discontinued operation shall meet certain time requirements. The components that
meet the definition of discontinued operation should belong to one of the following two
situations, the component has been disposed of before the balance sheet date, including sale
and end of use (such as closure or scrapping, etc.); The component has been classified as held
for sale before the balance sheet date.

    19. Long-term Equity Investments

    (1)Cost of Investments

    ①For business combinations formed under the same control, if the consolidating party
pays Cash, transfers non-Cash assets, assumes debt or issues equity securities as consideration
for the combination, its initial investment cost at the date of combination is based on the
acquisition of the share of the ownership interest of the consolidated party in the book value
of the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party. The difference
between the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment and the carrying amount
of the consideration paid for the combination or the aggregate nominal value of the shares
issued is adjusted against capital reserve (capital premium or equity premium); if capital
reserve is not sufficient to cover the reduction, retained earnings are adjusted.

    For business combinations formed under the same control is achieved step by step, the
initial investment cost of the investment shall be the share of the owner's equity of the
merged party on the merger date calculated based on the shareholding ratio. The difference

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between the initial investment cost and the book value of the original long-term equity
investment plus the book value of the consideration for acquiring further shares on th e merger
date shall be adjusted for the capital reserve (capital premium or equity premium). If the
capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be offset.

     ②For business combinations that are not formed under common control, the fair value
of the consideration paid for the combination is used as the initial cost of its investment at the
date of purchase.

     ③Except for those formed by business combinations: if acquired by paying Cash, the
initial cost of investment is based on the actual purchase price paid; if acquired by issuing
equity securities, the initial cost of investment is based on the fair value of the equity
securities issued; if invested by investors, the initial cost of investment is based on the value
agreed in the investment contract or agreement (except where the value agreed in the
contract or agreement is not fair).

     (2) Subsequent Measurement and Recognition of Profit or Loss

     Long-term equity investments over which the investee is able to exercise control are
accounted for using the cost method; long-term equity investments over which there is joint
control or significant influence are accounted for using the equity method.

     When adopting the cost method, long-term equity investments is valued at the initial
investment cost. Except for the actual payment made at the time of investment or the cash
dividends or profits declared but not yet distributed included in the consideration, the cash
dividends or profits declared to be distributed by the invested entity are recognized as current
investment income, and the impairment of long-term investments is considered in accordance
with relevant asset impairment policies..

     When adopting the equity method, if the initial investment cost of long-term equity
investments is greater than the share of fair value of identifiable net assets of the invested
entity at the time of investment, it shall be classified as the initial investment cost of long -term
equity investments; If the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments is less than
the share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the invested entity at the time of
investment, the difference shall be recorded into the current profit and loss, and the cost of
long-term equity investments shall be adjusted accordingly.

     When adopting the equity method, after obtaining the long-term equity investments, the
investment profit and loss shall be recognized and the book value of the long-term equity
investments shall be adjusted according to the share of the net profit and loss realized by the
invested entity that should be enjoyed or shared. When recognizing the share of net profit and
loss of the invested entity, it shall be based on the fair value of identifiable assets of the

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invested entity at the time of acquisition of investment, and according to the accounting policy
and accounting period of the Company, offset the part of internal trading profit and loss
between the associated enterprise and the joint venture, which is attributable to the invested
enterprise according to the shareholding ratio (however, if the loss of internal trading belongs
to the asset impairment loss If, it shall be fully recognized), and the net profit of the invested
entity shall be recognized after adjustment. Calculate the portion to be distributed based on
the profits or cash dividends declared by the invested entity, and correspondingly reduce the
book value of long-term equity investments. The Company recognizes the net loss of the
invested entity,with the book value of the long-term equity investments and other long-term
equity that essentially constitute the net investment in the invested entity reduced to zero,
unless the Company is obligated to bear additional losses. For other changes of owners' equity
other than net profit and loss of the invested entity, the book value of long-term equity
investments shall be adjusted and recorded into owners' equity.

    (3) Determination of the Basis of Common Control, Significant Influence over the Investee

     Control refers to having the power over the invested party, owning variable returns
through participating in related activities of the invested party, and having the ability to use
the power over the invested party to influence the amount of returns; Significant impact refers
to the investor has the power to participate in decision-making over the financial and
operating policies of the investee but does not control, or jointly control with other parties,
the formulation of those policies.

    (4) Disposal of Long-term Equity Investments

    ①Partial disposal of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries without losing control

     When partially disposing of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries without losing
control, the difference between the disposal price and the corresponding book value of the
disposed investment should be recognized as current investment income.

    ②Loss of control over the subsidiary due to partial disposal of equity investment or
other reasons

     If partial disposal of equity investment or other reasons result in loss of control over a
subsidiary, the book value of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the sold equity
should be carried forward. The difference between the sale price and the book value of the
disposed long-term equity investments shall be recognized as investment income (loss);
Meanwhile, the remaining equity shall be recognized as long-term equity investments or other
related financial assets at its book value. If the remaining equity after disposal can exercise
common control or significant influence on the subsidiary, accounting treatment should be
carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions on the conversion from cost method to

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equity method.

    (5) Impairment Testing Methodology and Provision for Impairment

     Where there is objective evidence of impairment of investments in subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures at the balance sheet date, a provision for impairment is made for
the difference between the carrying amount and the recoverable amount.

    20. Investment Properties

     (1) Investment properties comprise land use rights leased, land use rights held and
intended for transfer upon appreciation and buildings leased.

     (2) Investment properties are initially measured at cost, subsequently measured using the
cost model, and depreciated or amortized using the same methods as those used for fixed
assets and intangible assets. If, at the balance sheet date, there is an indication that an
investment property is impaired, a corresponding provision for impairment is made for the
difference between the carrying amount and the recoverable amount.

    21. Fixed Assets

    (1) Recognition Requirements, Valuation and Depreciation Methods for Fixed Assets

     Fixed assets are tangible assets held for use in the production of goods, provision of
services, rental or management of operations and have a useful life of more than one
accounting year.

     Fixed assets are recorded at actual cost at the time of acquisition and depreciated using
the average of annual method from the month following the month in which they reach their
intended serviceable condition.

    (2) Depreciation Methods for Various Types of Fixed Assets

                              Depreciation        Appreciable life   Residual value    Annual depreciation
                                 method              (in years)         rate (%)            rate (%)

     Buildings and
                           Straight-line method              25-35                 3              2.77-3.88

     Machinery equipment   Straight-line method               7-15                 3             6.47-13.86

                           Straight-line method               8-10                 3             9.70-12.13

     Other equipment       Straight-line method               5-10                 3             9.10-19.40

    (3) Impairment Test and Measurement of Impairment

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     Where there is an indication that a fixed asset is impaired at the balance sheet date, a
corresponding provision for impairment is made for the difference between the carrying
amount and the recoverable amount.

    22. Construction in Progress

     (1)Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets at the actual cost of the
construction when it reaches its intended usable state. If the project has reached its intended
usable state but has not yet been completed, it is first transferred to fixed assets at its
estimated value and then adjusted to its original provisional value at its actual cost after
completion of the final account, but without adjusting the depreciation originally charged.

     (2)If, at the balance sheet date, there is an indication that construction in progress is
impaired, a provision for impairment is made for the difference between the carrying amount
and the recoverable amount.

    23. Intangible Assets

    Intangible assets, including land use rights, patent rights and software, are initially
measured at cost.

     (1)Useful life and its determination basis, estimated situation, amortization method or
review procedure

     Intangible assets with finite useful lives are amortized systematically and reasonably over
their useful lives in accordance with the expected realization of the economic benefits
associated with the intangible asset, or, if the expected realization cannot be reliably
determined, using the straight-line method. The specific useful lives are as follows.

                    Projects                                Amortization Period ( Years)

                 Land use rights                                                                30-50

                  Patent rights                                                                     5

                    Software                                                                        5

     Intangible assets with uncertain useful life are unamortized and the Company reviews the
useful life of intangible assets in each accounting period. If it is still uncertain after re
examination at the end of the period, impairment testing shall continue in each accounting

    Intangible assets with a definite useful life and for which there is an indication of
impairment at the balance sheet date are provided for at the difference between the carrying
amount and the recoverable amount; intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and

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intangible assets that have not yet reached a usable condition are tested annually for
impairment, regardless of whether there is an indication of impairment.

    (3) The scope of R&D expenditure collection and related accounting treatment methods

    ①Scope of R&D expenditure collection

    1)Labor costs

     Labor costs include wages and salaries, basic endowment insurance, basic medical
insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, maternity insurance and
housing provident fund of the Company's R&D personnel,, as well as the labor costs of external
R&D personnel. If R&D personnel serve multiple R&D projects simultaneously, the
confirmation of labor costs is based on the working hours records of R&D personnel provided
by the Company's management department, and is allocated proportionally between different
R&D projects. For personnel directly engaged in R&D activities and external R&D personnel
engaged in non R&D activities simultaneously, the Company allocates the actual labor costs
incurred by R&D personnel in different positions between R&D expenses and production and
operation expenses based on reasonable methods such as the proportion of actual working

    2)Material costs

     Material costs refer to the actual expenses incurred by the Company for the
implementation of R&D activities. Including: 1)Direct consumption of materials, fuel, and
power costs; 2) The development and manufacturing costs of molds and process equipment
used for intermediate testing and trial production of product, purchase fees for samples,
prototypes, and general testing methods that do not constitute fixed assets,, and the
inspection costs of trial production products; 3) Expenses for operation and maintenance,
adjustment, inspection, testing and repair of instruments and equipment used in R&D

    3)Depreciation expenses

     Depreciation expenses refer to the depreciation expenses of instruments, equipment, and
buildings used for research and development activities. For instruments, equipment, and
buildings used for research and development activities, as well as for non research and
development activities, necessary records shall be kept of the usage. The actual depreciation
expenses shall be allocated between research and development expenses and production and
operation expenses in a reasonable way based on factors such as actual working hours and
usage area.

    4)Amortization expenses of intangible assets

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     The amortization expense of intangible assets refers to the amortization expense of
software, intellectual property, and non patented technology used for R&D activities.

     5) Design costs

     Design costs refer to the expenses incurred in conceptualizing, developing and
manufacturing of new products and processes, designing of processes, technical specifications,
regulations, and operational characteristics, including related expenses incurred in creative
design activities to obtain innovative, creative, and breakthrough products.

     6) Outsourced R&D costs

     Outsourced R&D expenses refer to the expenses incurred by the Company to entrust
domestic and foreign institutions or individuals carry out R&D activities (the results of research
and development activities are owned by the Company and closely related to the main
business of the Company).

     7) Other expenses

     Other expenses refer to other expenses directly related to R&D activities, including
technical book fees, translation fees, expert consultation fees, insurance fee for shigh-tech
research and development, the cost of searching, demonstrating, evaluating, appraising, and
accepting research and development achievements, Intellectual property application fees,
registration fees, agency fees, conference fees, travel expenses, communication fees, etc.

     ②Accounting treatment of R&D expenditure

     Expenditure on the research phase of internal research and development projects is
charged to current profit or loss as incurred. Expenditure on the development phase of an
internal research and development project is recognized as an intangible asset if both of the
following conditions are met: (1) it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so
that it can be used or sold; (2) there is an intention to complete the intangible asset and use it
or sell it; (3) the intangible asset generates economic benefits in a manner that includes the
ability to demonstrate that a market exists for the product produced using the intangible asset
or that the intangible asset exists for itself and the usefulness of the intangible asset can be
demonstrated if it is to be used internally; (4) there are sufficient technical, financial and other
resources to support the completion of the development of the intangible asset and the ability
to use or sell the intangible asset; and (5) the expenditure attributable to the development
phase of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.

    The Company's specific criteria for classifying research phase expenditure and
development phase expenditure for internal research and development projects are:

     Research stage: the stage of original planned investigation and research activities aimed

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at acquiring and understanding new scientific or technological knowledge, etc.

     Development stage: the stage in which research results or other knowledge are applied to
a plan or design to produce new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, and
other activities before commercial production or use.

    24.Impairment of Long-term Assets

     The Company should assess whether there are any signs of possible impairment of assets
on the balance sheet date.

     The goodwill and intangible assets with uncertain useful lives formed by business mergers
shall be tested for impairment every year, regardless of whether there are signs of impairment.

    The presence of the following signs indicates that assets may be impaired:

    (1)The market value of the assets has declined significantly, with a significant increase
compared to the expected decline over time or normal use; (2)The economic, technological or
legal environment in which the enterprise operates and the market in which the assets are
located change significantly in the current period or will change in the near future, thus
adversely affecting the enterprise; (3)The market interest rate or the return on investment in
other markets has increased in the current period, thus affecting the discount rate at which
the enterprise calculates the present value of the expected future cash flow of assets, resulting
in a significant decrease in the recoverable amount of assets; (4)The evidence to suggest that
the assets have become outdated or the physical entities have been damaged; (5)The assets
have been or will be idle, discontinued or planned to be disposed of in advance; (6)The
evidence in the internal report of the Company shows that the economic performance of the
asset has been or will be lower than expected, such as the net cash flow created by the asset
or the realized operating profit (or loss) is far lower (or higher) than the expected amount;
(7)Other signs indicating that the asset may have been impaired.

    If there are signs of impairment of an asset, the recoverable amount shall be estimated.

     The recoverable amount should be determined based on the higher of the net amount
after deducting disposal expenses from the fair value of the asset and the present value of the
expected future cash flows of the asset.

     Disposal costs include legal expenses related to asset disposal, relevant taxes, handling
fees, and direct expenses incurred to make the assets available for sale.

    The present value of the estimated future cash flow of an asset shall be determined
according to the estimated future cash flow generated during the continuous use of the asset
and the final disposal of the asset, and discounted after selecting an appropriate discount rate.
The present value of the estimated future cash flow of an asset shall take into account the

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estimated future cash flow, useful life and discount rate of the asset.

     If the measurement result of the estimated unrecoverable amount of an asset shows that
the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its book value, the book value of the asset
shall be written down to the recoverable amount, and the written down amount shall be
recognized as an asset impairment loss and recorded into the current profit and loss, and the
corresponding asset impairment provision shall be made at the same time.

     25. Long-term Prepaid Expenses

     Long-term amortization is recorded in the accounts as incurred and is amortized evenly
over the period of benefit or over a specified period. If an item of long-term amortization does
not benefit subsequent accounting periods, the entire amortized value of the item is
transferred to current profit or loss.

     26. Contract liabilities

     The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on
the relationship between the fulfillment of performance obligations and payments from
customers. the Company's obligations to transfer goods or provide services to customers for
consideration received or receivable from customers are presented as contract liabilities.

     27. Employee Benefits

     Employee benefits refer to multiform remuneration or compensation offered of the
Company in order to get services provided by its employees or sever the labor relation.
Employee compensation mainly includes short-term employee compensation, post-
employment benefits, dismissal benefits and other long-term employee benefits. The benefits
provided by the Company to employee spouses, children, dependents, deceased employee
families and other beneficiaries also belong to employee benefits.

     1. Short term compensation

     During the accounting period which employees provide services, our company recognizes
the actual short-term compensation as a liability and includes it in the current profit and loss
or the cost of related assets. Among them, non-monetary benefits are measured at fair value.

     2. Dismissal benefits

     When the Company terminates the labor relationship with employees before the
expiration of the labor contract, or proposes compensation to encourage employees to
voluntarily accept layoffs. When the Company is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan to
terminate the employment relationship or propose layoffs, and when recognizing the costs and
expenses related to restructuring involving the payment of termination benefits, the earlier of

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the two, the liability arising from compensation for terminating the employment relationship
with the employee shall be recognized and included in the current period's profit and loss.

    3. Defined Contribution Plan

    The Company's employees have participated in the social basic pension insurance
organized and implemented by the local labor and social security department. The Company
pays the pension insurance premiums to the local social basic pension insurance agency on a
monthly basis based on the local prescribed social basic pension insurance payment base and
proportion. After retirement, the local labor and social security department is responsible for
paying the basic social pension to retired employees. During the accounting period in which
employees provide services, the Company shall recognize the amount payable according to the
above social security regulations as a liability and include it in the current profit and loss or
related asset costs.

    28. Estimated liabilities

      (1)The Company recognizes a contingent obligation arising from external guarantees,
litigation matters, product quality guarantees, loss-making contracts, etc. as a present
obligation to the Company, when it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will result
from the performance of the obligation and the amount of the obligation can be measured
reliably, as a projected liability.

    (2)The Company initially measures the projected liability based on the best estimate of
the expenditure required to settle the related present obligation and reviews the carrying
amount of the projected liability at the balance sheet date.

    29. Revenue

    (1)Recognition of Revenue

    The Company's revenue mainly includes sales revenue of automotive air conditioning
products , etc.

      The company has fulfilled its performance obligation under the contract, that is, it
recognizes revenue when the customer obtains control of the relevant commodities. Acqu iring
control over relevant goods refers to being able to lead the use of the goods and obtain almost
all economic benefits from them.

     (2) Based on the relevant provisions of the revenue standard, the Company determines
that the nature of the relevant performance obligations belongs to "performance obligations
performed within a certain period of time" or "performance obligations performed at a certain
point in time", and recognizes revenue according to the following principles

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     If our company meets one of the following conditions, it is considered to fulfill its
performance obligations within a certain period of time:

     ①The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the Company's
performance at the same time as the Company fulfills its obligations.

     ②Customers are able to control the assets under construction during the Company's
performance process.

     ③The assets produced by the Company during the performance process have
irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to receive payments for the accumulated
performance completed to date throughout the entire contract period.

     For performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company
recognizes revenue based on the progress of performance during that period, except for cases
that the progress of performance cannot be reasonably determined. The Company considers
the nature of the goods and adopts the output method or the input method to determine the
appropriate performance schedule.

      For performance obligations that are not fulfilled within a certain period of time but are
fulfilled at a certain point in time, the Company recognizes revenue at the point when the
customer obtains control of the relevant goods.

   When determining whether the customer has obtained control over the product, the
Company considers the following indications:

     ①The Company has the right to receive current payments for the product, which means
that the customer has a current payment obligation for the product.

      ②The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the product to the customer, that
is, the customer already has legal ownership of the product.

    ③The Company has transferred the product to the customer, that is, the customer has
physical possession of the product.

     ④The Company has transferred the main risks and rewards of ownership of the product
to the customer, that is, the customer has acquired the main risks and rewards of ownership of
the product.

    ⑤The customer has accepted the product.

    ⑥Other signs indicating that the customer has obtained control over the product.

    Specific policies for revenue recognition of the Company:

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    The recognition of revenue from sales of automotive air conditioners is divided by client
group into three categories:

      Large customers. The cooperation method is mainly based on the client's production
demand, the Company will ship the goods to the designated or cooperative third -party
logistics company, and the third-party logistics company is responsible for storage and
distribution services. Each month, the client issues a pending notice according to the actual
consumption of the production plan, and the sales clerk issues an invoicing notice according to
the client's pending notice and in combination with the client's consumption, contract unit
price and other information, and the finance department issues an invoice to confirm the sales

     Client obtaining the goods after payment. According to the client's demand and relevant
invoicing information, after the client pays and confirms the payment, the sales personnel will
ship and issue invoicing notice according to the unit price of the sales contract and the
quantity demanded by the client, and the Finance Department will issue an invoice to confirm
the sales revenue.

    Post-sales client. The sales operation personnel will ship the goods to the clients in
accordance with the contract and the client's demand, and after reaching the time point
agreed in the contract, issue the invoicing notice in accordance with the contract unit price
and the shipping quantity agreed with the clients, and the Finance Department will issue the
invoice to confirm the sales revenue.

    (3)Measurement of Revenue

     The Company shall measure revenue based on the transaction price allocated to each
individual performance obligation. When determining the transaction price, the Company
considers the impact of variable consideration, significant financing components present in the
contract, non cash consideration, and consideration payable to customers.

    (1) Variable Consideration

     The Company determines the best estimate of the variable consideration based on the
expected value or the most likely amount, provided that the transaction price including the
variable consideration shall not exceed the amount of accumulated recognized revenue that is
highly unlikely to be materially reversed at the time the relevant uncertainty is resolved. The
Company shall also consider the possibility and proportion of revenue reversal when
evaluating whether it is highly likely that the accumulated recognized revenue will not be
significantly reversed.

    (2) Significant Financing Components

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     If there are significant financing components in the contract, the Company shall
determine the transaction price based on the assumed amount payable in cash when the
customer obtains control of the goods. The difference between the transaction price and the
contract consideration shall be amortized using the effective interest rate method during the
contract period.

    (3) Non-cash Consideration

    If a customer pays non-cash consideration, the Company determines the transaction price
based on the fair value of the non-cash consideration. If the fair value of non-cash
consideration cannot be reasonably estimated, the Company indirectly determines the
transaction price with reference to the separate selling price of the commodities it undertakes
to transfer to the customer.

    (4) Consideration Payable to Customers

     At the point at which the relevant revenue is recognized and at the point at which the
customer consideration is paid (or promised to be paid), the current revenue shall be written
down, except where the customer consideration is payable to obtain other clearly
distinguishable goods from the customer.

     The consideration payable by the Company to customers is to obtain other clearly
distinguishable goods from customers, and the purchased goods should be confirmed in a
manner consistent with other purchases made by the Company. If the consideration payable
by the Company to the customer exceeds the fair value of the identifiable goods obtained from
the customer, the excess amount shall be offset against the transaction price. If the fair value
of identifiable goods obtained from customers cannot be reasonably estimated, the enterprise
shall offset the full amount of consideration payable to customers against the transaction price.

    30. Contract Cost

    Contract costs are divided into contract performance costs and contract acquisition costs.

     Costs incurred by an enterprise of the Company to perform a contract are recognized as
an asset as contract performance costs when the following conditions are simultaneously met:

     (1)This cost is directly related to a current or anticipated contract that has been awarded
and includes direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing overhead (or similar costs), costs
explicitly attributable to the customer, and other costs incurred solely as a result of that

     (2)The cost increases the resources available to the enterprise to meet its performance
obligations in the future;

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    (3)The cost is expected to be recovered.

     Incremental costs incurred by the Company to acquire a contract that are expected to be
recovered are recognized as an asset as the cost of acquiring the contract; however, the
amortization of the asset over a period of not more than one year may be recognized in profit
or loss as incurred.

    Assets related to contract costs are amortized using the same basis as revenue
recognition for the goods or services to which the assets relate.

    If the carrying amount of an asset related to contract costs is more than the difference
between the following two items, the Company makes a provision for impairment and
recognizes an asset impairment loss for the excess:

     (1)The residual consideration expected to be realized from the transfer of the goods or
services associated with the asset;

    (2)The estimated costs to be incurred for the transfer of the related goods or service s.

     If there is a subsequent reversal of the provision for impairment of the above assets, the
carrying amount of the asset after the reversal does not exceed the carrying amount of the
asset at the date of the reversal, assuming that no provision for impairment was made.

    31. Government Grants

    (1)Government grants involve grants related to assets and grants related to income.

     (2)Monetary government grants shall be measured at the amount received or expected to
be received. Non-monetary government grants shall be measured at fair value, and otherwise
measured at nominal amount if the fair value cannot be reliably obtained.

    (3)The total amount method is adopted for government grants:

    ①Government grants related to assets are recognized as deferred income and are
recognized in profit or loss over the useful life of the relevant assets in a reasonable and
systematic manner. If the relevant assets are sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before
the end of their useful life, the undistributed deferred income balance shall be transferred to
the profit or loss of the asset disposal period.

     ②Government grants related to income, used to compensate for related expenses or
losses in future periods, are recognized as deferred income and are recognized in the current
profit and loss during the period of recognition of related expenses;

    (4) The net amount method is adopted for government grants:

    ①Government grants related to assets, offsetting the book value of related assets;

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     ②Government grants related to income, used to compensate for related expenses or
losses in future periods, are recognized as deferred income, and related costs are offset during
the period of recognizing related expenses; Used to compensate for related expenses or losses
that have already occurred, directly offsetting related costs.

    (5)If the government grants comprise both grants related to assets and grants related to
income, the Company shall treat them separately, and if they cannot be distinguished from
each other, they shall be accounted for as government grants related to income as a whole.

    (6)Government grants related to the daily operation of the Company shall be recognized
in other income or by deducting related costs based on the nature of such economic business.
Government grants unrelated to daily operation shall be recognized in non-operating revenue
or expenses.

    (7)The policy-based preferential loan interest discounts obtained by the Company shall be
handled according two different treatments based on whether the government allocates
interest subsidy funds to the lending bank or directly allocates interest subsidy funds to the

     ①If the finance department allocates discount interest funds to the lending bank, and
the lending bank provides loans to the Company at preferential policy interest rates, the
Company chooses to conduct accounting treatment according to the following methods:

     1)The actual amount of the loan received shall be taken as the recorded value of the
loan, and the relevant loan costs shall be calculated according to the loan principal and the
policy-based preferential interest rate.

     2) The fair value of the loan is taken as the recorded value of the loan and the borrowing
cost is calculated according to the effective interest rate, and the difference between the
amount actually received and the fair value of the loan is recognized as deferred income.
Deferred income shall be amortized according the effective interest rate method during the life
of the loan to offset related borrowing costs.

     (2) If the finance department directly allocates the discount interest funds to the
Company, the Company will offset the relevant borrowing costs with the corresponding
interest subsidy.

    32. Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities

      (1)Deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities are recognized on the
basis of the difference between the carrying amount of the asset or liability and its tax basis
(or, if the tax basis of an item not recognized as an asset or liability can be determined in
accordance with the provisions of the Tax Law, the difference between that tax basis and its

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carrying amount), calculated at the tax rate applicable to the period when the asset is
expected to be recovered or the liability settled.

    (2)Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable
income will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilized.
Deferred income tax assets not recognized in prior accounting periods are recognized to the
extent that it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be available against which
deductible temporary differences can be utilized in future periods at the balance sheet date.

    (3)At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed and
the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is written down if it is more likely than not that
sufficient taxable income will not be available in future periods to allow for the benefit of the
deferred tax assets. To the extent that it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be
available, the written down amount is reversed.

    (4)The Company's current income tax and deferred income tax are recognized in profit or
loss as income tax expense or benefit, except for income tax arising from: (a) business
combinations; and (b) transactions or events recognized directly in owners' equity.

    1. Major Taxes and Tax Rates

                       Tax                              Basis of tax assessment                     Tax rate

              Value added tax (VAT)                Taxable income                                          13%, 9%, 6%

      Urban maintenance and construction tax       Turnover tax payable                                              7%

                Educational surtax                 Turnover tax payable                                              3%

             Local educational surtax              Turnover tax payable                                              2%

              Enterprise income tax                Taxable income                                              25%, 15%

    Notes to the income tax rates for different taxpayers:

                        Name of taxpayer                                          Income tax rate

      Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd.                                                               25%

      Chongqing Jianshe Automobile A/C Co., Ltd.                                                               15%

      Chongqing Pingshan TK Carburetor Co., Ltd.                                                               15%

    2. Important Tax Preferential Policies and their basis

     (1)Chongqing Jianshe Automobile A/C Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, was
certified as a high-tech enterprise on November 28, 2022 and obtained a high-tech
enterprise qualification certificate with certificate No.GR202251102508, which is valid for
three years and is subject to a reduced income tax rate of 15% for the calculation of
enterprise income tax from 2022 to 2024.

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     (2)According to the Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of
Customs and the State Taxation Administration on Issues concerning Tax Policies for In -depth
Implementation of Western Development Strategies (CS [2011] No.58), from January 1, 2011
to December 31, 2020, the enterprise income tax on enterprises established in western areas
and engaging in industries encouraged by the State is levied at a reduced tax rate of 15%;
According to the Announcement on Continuing the Western Development Enterprise Income
Tax Policy (Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration and
the National Development and Reform ommission [2020] No.23), from January 1, 2021 to
December 31, 2030, the enterprise income tax on encouraged enterprises in western areas
shall be levied at 15%. The enterprise income tax of the Company’s subsidiary Chongqing
Pingshan TK Carburetor Co., Ltd. was 15% in 2022.

     (3)The Company’s export tax refund applies to the policy for tax exemption, offset and
refund at tax refund rate of 13%.

     V.Changes in Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates, and Correction of

    1. Changes in Accounting Policies
     Since January 1, 2023, the Company has implemented the relevant provisions of
"Accounting treatment for deferred income tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a
single transaction is not applicable to initial recognition exemption" in Interpretation of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 16 (CK [2022] No.31) issued by the Ministry
of Finance on December 13, 2022. For individual transactions that occur between the
beginning of the earliest period in which this interpretation is first implemented and the date
of implementation of this interpretation, adjustments shall be made in accordance w ith the
provisions of this interpretation; For the taxable temporary differences and deductible
temporary differences arising from the lease liabilities and right of use assets recognized at the
beginning of the earliest period in which this interpretation is first applied in the financial
statements, as well as expected liabilities and corresponding assets related to abandonment
obligations recognized, the cumulative impact shall be adjusted to the initial retained earnings
and other related financial statement items in the earliest period in accordance with this
interpretation and the provisions of Enterprise Accounting Standard No.18 Income Tax. The
change in accounting policy has no impact on the Company.

    2. Changes of Accounting Estimates


    3. Correction of Material Prior Period Errors


     VI.Significant Items in Consolidated Financial Statements

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    Note: The beginning of the period refers to January 1, 2023, the end of the period refers
to December 31, 2023, the previous period refers to 2022, and the current period refers to

      1. Currency Funds
      (1)List by category

                  Items                  Balance as at December 31, 2023            Balance as at January 1, 2023

Cash on hand

Bank deposits                                                      798,135.29                              3,097,932.48

Other cash balances                                               9,080,029.50                             9,959,988.94

Deposits with financial company                                 127,317,734.93                           166,896,601.57

                   Total                                        137,195,899.72                           179,954,522.99

    (2)At the end of the period, there were 9,080,029.50 yuan of restricted funds, such as
mortgage, pledge and freezing.

      2. Notes Receivable

      (1) Classification of Notes Receivable

                                                Balance as at                            Balance as at
                                             December 31, 2023                          January 1, 2023

Bank acceptance bills                                       6,041,598.66

                  Total                                     6,041,598.66

      (2)There are no pledged notes receivable at the end of the period.

      (3)Notes Receivable that has been Endorsed or Discounted but Not Yet Mature at Year

                                  Amount derecognized                            Amount not derecognized
                                      at year end                                      at year end

Bank acceptance bills                                                                                      4,907,818.10

          Total                                                                                            4,907,818.10

      (4)Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of Notes Receivable

                                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report

                              Balance as at December 31, 2023                              Balance as at January 1, 2023

                                                                                                          Allowance for
                                              Allowance for                        Gross carrying
                    Gross carrying amount                                                                      doubtful
                                            doubtful accounts                          amount

    Classificatio                                                  Carryin
                                                     Expecte                                                        Expecte      Carrying
            n                                                         g
                                                     d credit                                                       d credit      amount
                               Proportio    Amoun                 amount        Amoun     Proportio      Amou
                    Amount                             loss                                                           loss
                                   n (%)       t                                   t        n (%)         nt
                                                       rate                                                          rate

                                                      (%)                                                         (%)


    Assessed        6,041,5                                       6,041,5
    for             98.66                                         98.66



                    6,041,5                                       6,041,5
    acceptance                 100.00
                    98.66                                         98.66

                    6,041,5                                       6,041,5
    Total                              --                 --                                        --                    --
                    98.66                                         98.66

            3. Accounts Receivable

            (1)Disclosed Using Aging Analysis Method

                                                                Balance as at                                     Balance as at
                                                          December 31, 2023                                      January 1, 2023

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                125,834,322.38                                 113,252,407.20

                                                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

Including:1 - 6 months (inclusive)                                                    124,323,905.20                                      112,999,606.01

Within 6 months -1 year                                                                 1,510,417.18                                           252,801.19

Subtotal within 1 year                                                                125,834,322.38                                      113,252,407.20

1-2 years (including 2 year)                                                             189,236.29                                            404,993.90

2-3 years (including 3 year)                                                                9,768.26                                           299,630.17

3-4 years (including 4 year)                                                               35,989.00                                        1,412,714.62

4-5 years (including 5 year)                                                            1,267,753.05                                       10,530,065.63

Over 5 years                                                                           32,862,078.01                                       22,394,794.03

                             Total                                                    160,199,146.99                                      148,294,605.55

         (2) Classified and Disclosed Accounts receivable According to the Method of Provision for
    Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

                                                                          Balance as at December 31, 2023

              Classification                    Gross carrying amount                       Allowance for doubtful accounts
                                                                                                                                           Carrying amount
                                             Amount             Proportion (%)               Amount              Proportion (%)

Accounts receivable that are individually
                                             27,688,627.26                17.28              27,688,627.26                    100.00
assessed for impairment

Accounts receivable that are collectively
                                            132,510,519.73                82.72               6,554,258.72                         4.95    125,956,261.01
assessed for impairment


   Aging portfolio                          132,510,519.73                82.72               6,554,258.72                         4.95    125,956,261.01

                     Total                  160,199,146.99                       --          34,242,885.98                    --           125,956,261.01


                                                                            Balance as at January 1, 2023

                                                 Gross carrying amount                      Allowance for doubtful accounts
                                                                                                                  Proportion              Carrying amount
                                             Amount            Proportion (%)               Amount

Accounts receivable that are individually
                                             28,054,549.77               18.92               28,054,549.77             100.00
assessed for impairment

Accounts receivable that are collectively
                                            120,240,055.78               81.08                6,529,841.06                  5.43            113,710,214.72
assessed for impairment

                                                                                                                              2023 Annual Report


  Aging portfolio                              120,240,055.78            81.08                 6,529,841.06              5.43          113,710,214.72

                    Total                      148,294,605.55            --                 34,584,390.83                --            113,710,214.72

             Accounts receivable that are Individually Assessed for Impairment

                                                                               Balance as at December 31, 2023

                    Debtor                                                Allowance for           Expected Credit                 Reason for
                                              Gross carrying amount
                                                                        doubtful accounts         Loss Rate (%)                   recognition

Chongqing Hyosow Autopart Co., Ltd.                   12,723,992.31            12,723,992.31                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable

Chongqing Bisu Yunbo Power
                                                       5,217,475.35             5,217,475.35                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable
Technology Co., Ltd.

Hafei Motor Co.,Ltd.                                   3,999,944.43             3,999,944.43                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable

Hangzhou Fuyang Instrument General
                                                       2,681,594.66             2,681,594.66                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable
Factory Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Kaite Engine Technology
                                                       1,481,654.59             1,481,654.59                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable
Co., Ltd.

Hubei Meiyang Automobile Industry Co.,
                                                       1,225,666.00             1,225,666.00                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable

Celis Automobile (Hubei) Co., LTD.
                                                         102,720.66              102,720.66                   100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable
Chongqing Branch

GAC GONOW Automobile Co., Ltd.
                                                          75,821.20                75,821.20                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable
Luqiao Company

GAC GONOW Automobile Co., Ltd.                            67,998.51                67,998.51                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable

BAIC Heibao (Weihai) Automobile Co.,
                                                          51,021.77                51,021.77                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable

Dongying Ji 'ao Automobile Co., Ltd.                      48,579.85                48,579.85                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable

Sichuan Yema Automobile Co., Ltd.                         12,157.93                12,157.93                  100.00    Expected to be irrecoverable

                     Total                            27,688,627.26            27,688,627.26                  100.00                     —

             Accounts receivable that are Collectively Assessed for Impairment

             Portfolio: Aging portfolio

                                         Balance as at December 31, 2023                                  Balance as at January 1, 2023

                                                        Allowance for                                                  Allowance for
         Aging                                                                Proportion                                                      Proportion
                                     Amount               doubtful                                 Amount                doubtful
                                                                                 (%)                                                              (%)
                                                          accounts                                                       accounts

                                                                                                                               2023 Annual Report

1 - 6 months (inclusive)             124,323,905.20                                              112,999,606.01

Within 6 months -1 year                1,510,417.18               75,520.85            5.00           252,801.19              12,640.05                  5.00

1-2 years (including 2 year)             189,236.29               18,923.63           10.00           404,993.90              40,499.40                10.00

2-3 years (including 3 year)                9,768.26               2,930.48           30.00           104,647.32              31,394.20                30.00

3-4 years (including 4 year)              23,783.26               11,891.63           50.00              61,962.82            30,981.41                50.00

4-5 years (including 5 year)              42,087.05               33,669.64           80.00               8,592.69             6,874.15                80.00

Over 5 years                           6,411,322.49         6,411,322.49            100.00         6,407,451.85         6,407,451.85                100.00

            Total                    132,510,519.73         6,554,258.72              --         120,240,055.78         6,529,841.06                --

                (3) Provision for bad debts

                                                                                     Change in 2023
                               Balance as at January                                                                                  Balance as at
        Classification                                                            Recovery or                          Other
                                     1, 2023                Provision                                 Charge-off                   December 31, 2023
                                                                                   reversal                           changes

  Accounts receivable

  that are individually
                                      28,054,549.77                                 365,922.51                                            27,688,627.26
  assessed for


  Accounts receivable

  that are collectively
                                       6,529,841.06               24,417.66                                                                6,554,258.72
  assessed for


               Total                  34,584,390.83               24,417.66         365,922.51                                            34,242,885.98

                (4) There were no accounts receivable actually written off in 2023.

            (5)Top Five of Accounts Receivable and Contract Assets According to Closing Balances,
        presented by debtor

                                                                        Ending                               Proportion of total
                                                                                    Closing balance of
                                            Closing balance of       balance of                                    Accounts            Allowance for
               Debtor name                                                         accounts receivable
                                            accounts receivable       contract                                receivable and         doubtful accounts
                                                                                   and contract assets
                                                                        assets                              contract assets(%)

  Stellantis N.V.                                  59,587,562.74                           59,587,562.74                  37.20

                                                                                                                              2023 Annual Report

Chongqing Hyosow Autopart Co.,
                                              12,723,992.31                            12,723,992.31                        7.94        12,723,992.31

Great Wall Motor Co., LTD.
                                               9,766,212.63                             9,766,212.63                        6.10
Chongqing Procurement branch

Chengdu Henggao Mechanical
                                               7,771,678.24                             7,771,678.24                        4.85
Electronics Co., Ltd.

Hebei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.             5,761,875.20                             5,761,875.20                        3.60

                    Total                     95,611,321.12                            95,611,321.12                           -        12,723,992.31

              4. Receivables Financing

              (1)Classification of Receivables Financing

                                                                 Balance as at                                     Balance as at
                                                              December 31, 2023                                   January 1, 2023

                  Bank acceptance bills                                     24,290,736.39                                          17,548,591.75

                                Total                                       24,290,736.39                                          17,548,591.75

              (2)There were no pledged receivables financing at the end of the period.

            (3)Receivables Financing that has been Endorsed or Discounted but Not Yet Mature at
       Year End

                                                               Amount derecognized                          Amount not derecognized
                                                                    at year end                                     at year end

       Bank acceptance bills                                                      78,563,756.36

                                    Total                                         78,563,756.36

            (4) Classified and Disclosed Receivables Financing According to the Method of Provision
       for Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

                                                                             Balance as at December 31, 2023

                   Classification                   Gross carrying amount                   Allowance for doubtful accounts             Carrying

                                                  Amount            Proportion (%)         Amount            Proportion (%)             amount

  Accounts receivable that are individually

  assessed for impairment

  Accounts receivable that are collectively

  assessed for impairment

       Including: Bank acceptance bills          24,290,736.39              100.00                                                    24,290,736.39

                            Total                24,290,736.39               --                                        --             24,290,736.39

                                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report


                                                                                  Balance as at January 1, 2023

                 Classification                        Gross carrying amount                     Allowance for doubtful accounts
                                                                                                                                        Carrying amount
                                                   Amount                Proportion (%)             Amount        Proportion (%)

Accounts receivable that are individually

assessed for impairment

Accounts receivable that are collectively

assessed for impairment

     Including: Bank acceptance bills              17,548,591.75                   100.00                                                 17,548,591.75

                        Total                      17,548,591.75                  --                                        --            17,548,591.75

             5. Prepayments

            (1)Aging Analysis

                                                              Balance as at                                            Balance as at

                    Aging                                   December 31, 2023                                         January 1, 2023

                                                    Amount                     Proportion (%)                Amount                   Proportion (%)

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                        2,041,096.43                        76.99              3,577,455.19                       88.89

1-2 years (including 2 years)                               406,928.95                      15.35                  90,007.50                        2.24

2-3 years (including 3 years)                                75,600.00                       2.85                127,554.40                         3.17

Over 3 years                                                127,554.70                       4.81                229,348.93                         5.70

                    Total                               2,651,180.08                       100.00              4,024,366.02                      100.00

            (2)Top Five Prepayments Classified by Debtors at Year End

                                                                                                                          Proportion of total
                                     Debtor name                                       Gross carrying amount
                                                                                                                           prepayments (%)

   Asahi Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                                                            351,200.00                                 13.25

   Suzhou RUICHANG ELECTROMECHANICAL Engineering Co. LTD                                         335,400.00                                 12.65

   Shenyang Huatai Mould Co., Ltd                                                                328,480.00                                 12.39

   Chongqing Jiantao Aluminum Co., Ltd.                                                          294,700.00                                 11.12

   Ningbo Dongda AUTO PARTS Co. LTD                                                              274,581.35                                 10.36

                                                                                                           2023 Annual Report

                                           Total                                 1,584,361.35                        --

               6. Other Receivables

          (1)Classification of Other Receivables

                                                     Balance as at                              Balance as at
                                                   December 31, 2023                            January 1, 2023

           Other receivables                                    1,825,860.96                                    1,720,044.17

                               Total                            1,825,860.96                                    1,720,044.17

        (2)Other Receivables

               ①Other Receivables Disclosed Using Aging Analysis Method

                                                            Balance as at                                 Balance as at
                                                         December 31, 2023                               January 1, 2023

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                              1,645,860.96                                 1,730,044.17

Including:1 - 6 months (inclusive)                                            1,645,860.96                                 1,530,044.17

     Within 6 months -1 year                                                                                                   200,000.00

Subtotal within 1 year                                                        1,645,860.96                                 1,730,044.17

1-2 years (including 2 year)                                                   200,000.00

2-3 years (including 3 year)                                                                                               1,223,146.45

3-4 years (including 4 year)                                                  1,223,146.45                                     255,723.62

4-5 years (including 5 year)                                                   255,723.62

Over 5 years                                                                  4,774,182.33                                 4,774,182.33

                         Total                                                8,098,913.36                                 7,983,096.57

               ②Classification of Other Receivables by the Mature of Payment
                                                            Balance as at                           Balance as at
                         Nature of Payment               December 31, 2023                         January 1, 2023
          Reserves, security deposits, advance
          payment for social insurance premiums                             321,567.27                            284,542.01
          for employees, etc.
          Current accounts                                             7,777,346.09                             7,698,554.56

                                   Total                               8,098,913.36                             7,983,096.57

                                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

        ③Classified and Disclosed Other Receivables According to the Method of Provision for
   Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

                                                                  Balance as at December 31, 2023

                                     Gross carrying amount                Allowance for doubtful accounts
          Classification                                                                                                    Carrying
                                                     Proportion                                   Proportion
                                    Amount                                  Amount                                          amount
                                                        (%)                                             (%)

Other receivables that are
                                     2,531,179.2                             2,531,179.2
individually assessed for                                    31.25                                            100.00
                                               4                                          4

Other receivables that are
collectively assessed for                                    68.75                                             67.21
                                    5,567,734.12                                          6                                 1,825,860.96


    Aging portfolio                                          68.75                                             67.21
                                    5,567,734.12                                          6                                 1,825,860.96

                                     8,098,913.3                             6,273,052.4
                  Total                                      --                                               --            1,825,860.96
                                               6                                          0


                                                                  Balance as at January 1, 2023

                                       Gross carrying amount            Allowance for doubtful accounts
                 Classification                                                                                        Carrying
                                                     Proportion                               Proportion
                                      Amount                               Amount                                      amount
                                                         (%)                                      (%)

       Other receivables that are
                                       2,531,179                            2,531,179
       individually assessed for                             31.71                                  100.00
                                               .24                                  .24

       Other receivables that are
                                       5,451,917                            3,731,873                                   1,720,044.
       collectively assessed for                             68.29                                      68.45
                                               .33                                  .16                                           17

                                                                                                         2023 Annual Report


                                       5,451,917                       3,731,873                               1,720,044.
            Aging portfolio                             68.29                                  68.45
                                             .33                              .16                                        17

                                       7,983,096                       6,263,052                               1,720,044.
                          Total                          --                                    --
                                             .57                              .40                                        17

            Other receivables that are Individually Assessed for Impairment at Year End

                                                              Balance as at December 31, 2023

                  Debtor                                  Allowance for       Expected Credit
                                     Carrying amount                                                 Reason for recognition
                                                        doubtful accounts       Loss Rate(%)

Chongqing Jianshe Lijue Industrial                                                                  Expected        to        be
                                         1,478,870.07          1,478,870.07            100.00
Co., Ltd.                                                                                           irrecoverable

                                                                                                    Expected        to        be
Temporary supplier                         390,655.08           390,655.08             100.00

                                                                                                    Expected        to        be
Ningbo Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd         329,628.73           329,628.73             100.00

Chongqing Yiqun Industry and                                                                        Expected        to        be
                                            91,900.00            91,900.00             100.00
Trade Co., Ltd.                                                                                     irrecoverable

Wage security deposit for migrant

workers in Chongqing Huachuang                                                                      Expected        to        be
                                            88,000.00            88,000.00             100.00
Science and Technology Complex                                                                      irrecoverable


                                                                                                    Expected        to        be
Chongqing Customs                           78,825.36            78,825.36             100.00

Yangzhou Qionghua Coating                                                                           Expected        to        be
                                            56,500.00            56,500.00             100.00
Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                                     irrecoverable

Chongqing Jinxiang Lifting
                                                                                                    Expected        to        be
Equipment                                   16,800.00            16,800.00             100.00
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

                  Total                  2,531,179.24          2,531,179.24            100.00                       —

                                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

   Provision for bad debts made by Aging Portfolio
                                                  Balance as at                                             Balance as at

                                              December 31, 2023                                         January 1, 2023

              Aging                                                     Proportion
                                                   Provision for                                            Provision for     Proportion of
                                 Book value                                  of          Book value
                                                     bad debts                                               bad debts        provision(%)

Within 1 year (including 1
year)                            1,645,860.96
Including: 1-6 months
(inclusive)                      1,645,860.96
       Within 6 months -1                                                                                       10,000.0
                                                                                          200,000.00                                   5.00
year                                                                                                                     0

Subtotal within 1 year                                                                   1,730,044.17                                  5.00
                                 1,645,860.96                                                                            0
1-2 years (including 2 year)                                                     10.00
                                   200,000.00                     0
2-3 years (including 3 year)

3-4 years (including 4 year)

4-5 years (including 5 year)
Over 5 years                                        3,721,873.16             100.00      3,721,873.16       3,721,873.16             100.00
              Total                                3,741,873.16                   —     5,451,917.33       3,731,873.16             —

   ④Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of Other Receivables According to the General Model of
   Expected Credit Losses

                                       Stage I                        Stage II                  Stage III

                                                            Expected credit loss          Expected credit loss
        Allowance for doubtful     Expected credit
                                                              over the duration             over the duration                Total
               accounts          losses over the next
                                                                  (without credit          (credit impairment
                                     12 months
                                                                   impairment)                  incurred)

   Balance as at                                                                                                             6,263,052.4
                                        3,731,873.16                                              2,531,179.24
   January 1, 2023                                                                                                                    0

   Opening Balance is in the
   Current Year

   --Transfer into Stage II

                                                                                                                       2023 Annual Report

      --Transfer into Stage III

      --Reverse into Stage II

      --Reverse into Stage I

                                                   10,000.00                                                                   10,000.00

      Current-period Reversals

      Current-period Charge-off

      Current-period Write-off

      Other Changes

      Balance as at                                                                                                          6,273,052.4
                                            3,741,873.16                                                2,531,179.24
      December 31, 2023                                                                                                                0

           ⑤Provision for bad debts

                                                                                  Change in 2023
                                   Balance as at                                                                               Balance as at
        Classification                                                     Recovery or                                         December 31,
                                  January 1, 2023        Provision                         Charge-off      Other changes           2023

Accounts receivable that are

individually assessed for            2,531,179.24                                                                                 2,531,179.24

Accounts receivable that are
collectively assessed for            3,731,873.16                                                                                 3,741,873.16

             Total                   6,263,052.40                                                                                 6,273,052.40

             ⑥There were no other receivables actually written off in 2023.

             ⑦Top Five Debtors According to Closing Balances

                                                                          Proportion of

                                                    Gross carrying         total other      Nature of                         Allowance for
                 Debtor name                                                                                    Aging
                                                       amount             receivables      receivables                      doubtful accounts


                                                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report

                                                                                                                            Over 5
  Shenzhen Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                       3,013,664.00              37.21     Current accounts                                3,013,664.00

                                                                                                                            Over 5
  Chongqing Jianshe Lijue Industrial Co., Ltd.                1,478,870.07              18.26     Current accounts                                1,478,870.07

                                                                                                                            Over 5
  Ningbo Jianshe Chongqing Office                               692,035.31                8.54    Current accounts                                 692,035.31

                                                                                                                            Over 5
  Ningbo Construction Motorcycle Co. LTD                        329,628.73                4.07    Current accounts                                 329,628.73

  Dongmu (Tianjin) Powder Metallurgy Co., Ltd                   200,000.00                2.47    Current accounts       1-2 years                  20,000.00
                        Total                                 5,714,198.11              --                   --                   --              5,534,198.11

          ⑧There were no other receivables reported in the current period due to centralized
       management of funds.

                7. Inventories

                (1)Classification of Inventories

                                          Balance as at December 31, 2023                                         Balance as at January 1, 2023

                                                   Write-down of                                                         Write-down of
        Items              Gross carrying        inventories/ Write-                             Gross carrying        inventories/ Write-
                                                                        Carrying amount                                                         Carrying amount
                                 amount          down of contract                                   amount              down of contract

                                                 performance cost                                                      performance cost

Raw materials                   29,186,743.44                                 29,186,743.44       23,279,997.14                                    23,279,997.14

Goods in process                10,784,112.39            42,930.77            10,741,181.62         9,357,445.63               42,930.77            9,314,514.86

Stock commodities               89,862,349.48          2,661,811.73           87,200,537.75       98,610,353.14             2,170,864.12           96,439,489.02
Revolving materials              4,475,512.86          1,294,020.05            3,181,492.81         4,120,591.96            1,294,020.05            2,826,571.91

        Total               134,308,718.17             3,998,762.55          130,309,955.62      135,368,387.87             3,507,814.94          131,860,572.93

           (2)Provision for inventory depreciation and provision for contract performance cost

                                                                 Increase in 2023                     Decrease in 2023
                                                                                                                                             Balance as at
                                   Balance as at
                Items                                                                             Release or                                 December 31,
                                  January 1, 2023
                                                            Provision             Other                                   Other                  2023

    Goods in process                       42,930.77                                                                                              42,930.77

    Stock Merchandis                   2,170,864.12            490,947.61                                                                      2,661,811.73

    Revolving materials                1,294,020.05                                                                                            1,294,020.05

                Total                  3,507,814.94            490,947.61                                                                      3,998,762.55

                                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

                 8. Other Current Assets

                                                                        Balance as at                                        Balance as at
                                                                     December 31, 2023                                      January 1, 2023

  Input tax to be deducted                                                                1,981,210.62                                          1,468,399.16

                         Total                                                            1,981,210.62                                          1,468,399.16
                 9. Long-term Equity Investments

                 (1)Long-term Equity Investments

                                                                                           Increase/decrease in Year 2023

                                  Balance as at                                              Investment gain or loss
           Investee                                      Increase in       Decrease in                                           Adjustment in other
                                 January 1, 2023                                            recognized under equity
                                                        investments        investments                                         comprehensive income

  I. Joint ventures

  Chongqing Hanon

  Jianshe Thermal                   210,112,321.04                                                         11,095,359.95

  Systems Co., Ltd.

           Subtotal                 210,112,321.04                                                         11,095,359.95

                 Total              210,112,321.04                                                         11,095,359.95


                                                         Increase/decrease in Year 2023                                Balance as at
                                                                                                                                             Closing balance of
       Investee              Other changes        Cash dividends declared and                                              December 31,
                                                                                    Impairment loss        Others                             impairment loss
                               in equity             profits to be distributed                                                2023

   I. Joint ventures

Chongqing Hanon
Jianshe Thermal
Systems Co., Ltd.



                 10. Other Non-current Financial Assets

                                                                                           Balance as at                              Balance as at
                                                                                         December 31, 2023                           January 1, 2023

                                                                                                                            2023 Annual Report

 Financial assets measured at fair value through the current profit or loss

 Including: investment in Ningbo Jianshe Investment Company                                            1,140,915.04                        1,140,915.04
 Provision for impairment                                                                              1,140,915.04                        1,140,915.04


                11. Fixed Assets

                (1)Classification of Fixed Assets

                                                               Balance as at                                           Balance as at
                                                            December 31, 2023                                          January 1, 2023

            Fixed assets                                                        188,907,962.58                                             202,039,143.80

                Total                                                           188,907,962.58                                             202,039,143.80

                (2)Fixed Assets

                ①Situation of Fixed Assets

                                  Buildings and                 Machinery             Transportation
                                                                                                             Other equipment               Total
                                  constructions                 equipment                 facilities
I. Total gross carrying

1. Balance as at January              103,844,073.8
                                                                  625,135,240.34           5,898,095.03           20,453,739.44          755,331,148.61
1, 2023                                              0

2.Increase in current
                                            541,128.23              11,737,940.80            100,000.00               486,684.68          12,865,753.71

(1)Pruchase                                 541,128.23              11,473,781.50            100,000.00               486,684.68          12,601,594.41

(2)Transfer-in of
                                                                       264,159.30                                                           264,159.30
construction in progress

3.Decrease in current
                                                                    11,785,329.59                59,104.62            414,271.28          12,258,705.49

(1)Disposal or scrapping                                            11,785,329.59                59,104.62            414,271.28          12,258,705.49

4. Balance as at                      104,385,202.0
                                                                  625,087,851.55           5,938,990.41           20,526,152.84          755,938,196.83
December 31, 2023                                    3

                                                                                       2023 Annual Report


1. Balance as at January
                              57,311,359.61   462,125,881.00   5,148,029.86   18,661,172.23       543,246,442.70
1, 2023

2.Increase     in   current
                               3,110,179.02    21,593,525.21     98,949.30      475,457.90         25,278,111.43

(1)Provision                   3,110,179.02    21,593,525.21     98,949.30      475,457.90         25,278,111.43

3.Decrease     in   current
                                               10,965,760.78     57,331.50      355,467.33         11,378,559.61

(1)Disposal or scrapping                       10,965,760.78     57,331.50      355,467.33         11,378,559.61

4. Balance as at
                              60,421,538.63   472,753,645.43   5,189,647.66   18,781,162.80       557,145,994.52
December 31, 2023

III. Total impairment loss

1.Balance as at
                                               10,045,562.11                                       10,045,562.11
January 1, 2023

2.Increase     in   current

3.Decrease     in   current
                                                 161,322.38                                           161,322.38

(1)Disposal or scrapping                         161,322.38                                           161,322.38

4.Balance as at
                                                9,884,239.73                                        9,884,239.73
December 31, 2023

IV. Total carrying amount

1. Book value as at
                              43,963,663.40   142,449,966.39    749,342.75     1,744,990.04       188,907,962.58
December 31, 2023

2. Book value as at
                              46,532,714.19   152,963,797.23    750,065.17     1,792,567.21       202,039,143.80
January 1, 2023

                                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

           ②There is no temporarily idle fixed assets in 2023.

           ③There are no fixed assets leased through operating lease in 2023.

           ④There are no fixed assets without a certificate of title in 2023.

           12. Construction in Progress

           (1)Classification of Fixed Assets

                            Items                                Balance as at December 31, 2023                  Balance as at January 1, 2023

Construction in Progress                                                                 15,244,362.53                                      989,429.96

                            Total                                                        15,244,362.53                                      989,429.96

           (2)Construction in Progress

           ①Situation of Fixed Assets

                                                 Balance as at December 31, 2023                            Balance as at January 1, 2023

                  Items               Gross carrying      Provision for       Carrying                            Provision for         Carrying
                                            amount        impairment          amount                               impairment           amount

      Production line                        14,996,87                             14,996,8            524,783                             524,78
      project                                     4.03                               74.03                  .95                              3.95

      Mold to be                             247,488.5                             247,488.            395,619                             395,61
      fixed                                          0                                   50                 .46                              9.46
                                                                                                       69,026.                             69,026
      test-bed                                                                                               55                               .55

                                             15,244,36                             15,244,3            989,429                             989,42
                                                  2.53                               62.53                  .96                              9.96

           ②Changes of Significant Construction in Progress in Current Year


                             Budget (ten        Balance as at       Increase in          transferred to       Other decrease            Balance as at
   Project name
                           thousand yuan)      January 1, 2023      current year         fixed assets in       in current year       December 31, 2023

                                                                                          current year

                                                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

  Production line                                                          14,472,090.
                                   2,552.56             524,783.95                                                                               14,996,874.03
  project                                                                             08

          Total                    2,552.56             524,783.95                                                                               14,996,874.03


                                                                                        Including: Capitalized     Interest capitalization
 Proportion of accumulated         Percentage of           Cumulative amount of
                                                                                           interests in current     rate for current year        Sources of funds
investments to the budget (%)        completion             capitalized interests
                                                                                                   year                      (%)

                       58.75%                 58.75%                                                                                                   Self-raised

                             --                    --                                                                                       --                   --

               13. Intangible Assets

               (1)Situation of Intangible Assets

                    Items                          Land use right                   Patent right                  Software                        Total

I. Total gross carrying amount

1. Balance as at January 1, 2023                          21,224,143.33                 2,691,549.96                 3,933,749.40                 27,849,442.69

2.Increase in current year                                                                                            780,530.97                     780,530.97

(1)Pruchase                                                                                                           780,530.97                     780,530.97

3.Decrease in current year


4. Balance as at December 31, 2023                        21,224,143.33                 2,691,549.96                 4,714,280.37                 28,629,973.66

II. Accumulated amortization

1. Balance as at January 1, 2023                          12,863,535.82                 1,108,285.29                 2,076,116.63                 16,047,937.74

2.Increase in current year                                   701,418.88                    474,979.47                 680,788.98                   1,857,187.33

①Provision                                                  701,418.88                    474,979.47                 680,788.98                   1,857,187.33

3.Decrease in current year


4. Balance as at December 31, 2023                        13,564,954.70                 1,583,264.76                 2,756,905.61                 17,905,125.07

III. Total impairment loss

1. Balance as at January 1, 2023

2.Increase in current year


3.Decrease in current year


4. Balance as at December 31, 2023

                                                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report

IV. Total carrying amount

1. Book value as at December 31, 2023                      7,659,188.63                    1,108,285.20                  1,957,374.76                10,724,848.59

2. Book value as at January 1, 2023                        8,360,607.51                    1,583,264.67                  1,857,632.77                11,801,504.95

              (2)There is no land use right without a certificate of title in this period

               14. Long-term Prepaid Expenses

                                                                                                                                                   Balance as at
                                                 Balance as at              Increase in              Amortization in            Other
                       Items                                                                                                                       December 31,
                                                January 1, 2023             current year              current year            decrease
 SlidDworks2018 three-year service charges             70,280.65                                            46,698.12                                   23,582.53

                       Total                           70,280.65                                            46,698.12                                   23,582.53
               15. Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities

              (1)Deferred Tax Assets before Offset

                                                 Balance as at December 31, 2023                                       Balance as at January 1, 2023
                                        Deductible temporary difference        Deferred tax assets         Deductible temporary difference     Deferred tax assets

Impairment loss for assets                                 4,852,465.88                727,869.89                             4,522,840.65              678,426.10

Impairment loss for credit                                33,516,948.02              5,027,542.20                            33,873,448.97            5,073,630.93

               Total                                      38,369,413.90              5,755,412.09                            38,396,289.62            5,752,057.03

              (2)Deferred Tax Liabilities before Offset

                                                                   Balance as at December 31, 2023                          Balance as at January 1, 2023
                                Items                                Taxable              Deferred tax                       Taxable            Deferred tax
                                                                temporary difference       liabilities                 temporary difference       liabilities
 Asset evaluation increment from business
                                                                            1,879,988.85              469,997.22               3,281,012.83            820,253.21
 combination not under common control
 One-time before-tax deduction of the
                                                                            1,153,692.01              173,053.80               1,276,898.41            191,534.76
 depreciation of fixed assets
                                Total                                       3,033,680.86              643,051.02               4,557,911.24          1,011,787.97

              (3)Details of Unrecognized Deferred Tax Assets

                                                                          Balance as at                                            Balance as at
                                                                    December 31, 2023                                             January 1, 2023

Deductible temporary differences                                                            16,029,526.76                                             16,043,773.40

Deductible losses                                                                          421,361,571.01                                           321,263,266.35

                        Total                                                              437,391,097.77                                           337,307,039.75

                                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

               ④Deductible Losses Unrecognized for Deferred Tax Assets that will Expire in Following

                                              Balance as at                         Balance as at
                   Year                                                                                                      Notes
                                            December 31, 2023                      January 1, 2023

2024                                                  98,193,562.96                       104,612,349.02

2025                                                  63,729,976.97                        63,729,976.97

2026                                                  62,309,195.92                        62,309,195.92

2027                                                  90,611,744.44                        90,611,744.44

2028                                                106,517,090.72

                Total                               421,361,571.01                        321,263,266.35
         16. Other Non-current Assets

                                    Balance as at December 31, 2023                     Balance as at January 1, 2023
          Items            Gross carrying       Provision for         Carrying       Gross carrying         Provision for
                              amount              impairment          amount             amount              impairment

Payment in advance
for purchase of long-          70,000.00                               70,000.00        15,860,120.00                            15,860,120.00

term assets
           Total               70,000.00                               70,000.00        15,860,120.00                            15,860,120.00

            17.Assets with Restricted Ownership or Use Rights

                                                                  Balance as at December 31, 2023
                 Items                                                                                                      Restricted
                                  Gross carrying amount          Carrying amount          Type of restriction

                                                                                                                              Margin for bank
 Monetary Capital                            9,080,029.50                9,080,029.50                   Pledge
                                                                                                                              acceptance bills

 Fixed assets                               41,102,080.06               24,295,232.36                Mortgage               Mortgage of loan

 Intangible assets                          12,031,346.49                7,274,522.82                Mortgage               Mortgage of loan

                 Total                      62,213,456.05               40,649,784.68                       --                                  --


                                                                      Balance as at January 1, 2023
                 Items                                                 Carrying                                             Restricted
                                  Gross carrying amount                                   Type of restriction
                                                                       amount                                               situations

                                                                                                                              Margin for bank
 Monetary Capital                            9,959,988.94                9,959,988.94                   Pledge
                                                                                                                              acceptance bills

                                                                                                                              2023 Annual Report

                                                                            Balance as at January 1, 2023
                Items                                                       Carrying                                               Restricted
                                          Gross carrying amount                                    Type of restriction
                                                                             amount                                                situations

                                                                                                                                          Pledge of bank
 Financing receivable                              7,820,000.00                   7,820,000.00                 Pledge
                                                                                                                                         acceptance bills

                Total                            17,779,988.94               17,779,988.94                          --                                 --

             18. Short-term Borrowings


                                                                  Balance as at                                          Balance as at
                                                             December 31, 2023                                       January 1, 2023

Credit borrowings                                                                 190,500,000.00                                            411,500,000.00

Guaranteed borrowings                                                              68,500,000.00                                            135,103,500.00

Mortgage borrowings                                                               281,993,500.00

                     Total                                                        540,993,500.00                                            546,603,500.00
      (2)There is no overdue short-term loan at the end of this period

             19. Notes Payable

                        Items                              Balance as at December 31, 2023                       Balance as at January 1, 2023

Bank acceptance bills                                                                   28,080,000.00                                       30,379,988.94

                        Total                                                           28,080,000.00                                       30,379,988.94

             20. Accounts Payable

             (1)Presentation of accounts payable

                        Aging                              Balance as at December 31, 2023                        Balance as at January 1, 2023

         Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                               224,163,444.91                                      167,925,916.80

           1-2 years (including 2 year)                                                   4,171,236.57                                        1,002,926.50

           2-3 years (including 3 year)                                                     431,930.74                                          936,903.59

                    Over 3 years                                                            859,773.33                                        1,324,729.21

                        Total                                                           229,626,385.55                                      171,190,476.10

          (2)At the end of this period, there is no significant accounts payable with an account age
      of more than 1 year or overdue.

             21. Contract Liabilities

             (1)Situation of Contract liability

                                                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

                           Items                               Balance as at December 31, 2023                         Balance as at January 1, 2023

                   Goods payment                                                             2,058,111.01                                       3,441,205.38

                           Total                                                             2,058,111.01                                       3,441,205.38

         (2)There is no important contract liability with an account age of more than 1 year at the
     end of this period

            22. Employee Benefits Payable

            (1)Presentation of Employee Benefits Payable

                                                       Balance as at              Increase in                  Decrease in                Balance as at
                                                      January 1, 2023            current year                  current year             December 31, 2023

   I. Short-term employee benefits                           5,443,402.41              89,228,674.05              89,498,868.08                    5,173,208.38

II. Post-employment benefits – defined
                                                             3,085,990.37              10,183,994.63              11,721,072.92                    1,548,912.08
           contribution plan

                   Total                                     8,529,392.78              99,412,668.68             101,219,941.00                    6,722,120.46

            (2)Presentation of Short-term Employee Benefits

                                                     Balance as at January       Increase in             Decrease in          Balance as at December
                                                            1, 2023              current year           current year                 31, 2023

     I. Salaries, bonuses, allowances and
                                                              2,264,517.88       65,664,857.86           65,958,817.98                   1,970,557.76

     II. Welfare                                                                   5,056,349.07             5,056,349.07

     III. Social Insurance                                    1,233,775.80         8,901,180.53             9,036,211.38                 1,098,744.95

     Including: 1. Health insurance and
                                                              1,164,912.31         8,207,106.28             8,332,128.35                 1,039,890.24
     maternity insurance

      2. Work injury insurance                                   68,863.49             694,074.25              704,083.03                   58,854.71

     IV. Housing funds                                          477,137.46         7,571,515.00             7,667,565.00                   381,087.46

     V. Labor union funds and employee
                                                              1,467,971.27         2,034,771.59             1,779,924.65                 1,722,818.21
     education funds

                            Total                             5,443,402.41       89,228,674.05           89,498,868.08                   5,173,208.38

            (3)Presentation of Defined Contribution Plan

                                     Balance as at                Increase in                   Decrease in                     Balance as at
                                    January 1, 2023               current year                  current year                  December 31, 2023

     I. Basic Pensions                    2,738,319.74                  9,867,792.72                11,368,717.33                        1,237,395.13

     II.Unemployment                                                     316,201.91                    352,355.59                          311,516.95

                                                                                                                       2023 Annual Report

            Total                            3,085,990.37       10,183,994.63                  11,721,072.92                     1,548,912.08

         23. Tax and Surcharge Payable

                                                                                     Balance as at                       Balance as at
                                                                                    January 1, 2023                    December 31, 2023

                                     VAT                                                            241,971.57                          896,389.23

                            Individual income tax                                                   601,837.09                          969,485.81

               Urban maintenance and construction tax                                             1,339,222.53                       3,182,393.81

                             House property tax                                                   2,322,993.87                       3,727,900.64

                                Land use tax                                                                                         1,808,215.20

                             Educational surtax                                                     956,587.53                       2,035,831.03

                                   Others                                                         1,239,806.44                       4,029,488.35

                                     Total                                                        6,702,419.03                      16,649,704.07

           24. Other Payables

           (1)List of items

                                                              Balance as at                                      Balance as at
                                                            December 31, 2023                                    January 1, 2023

             Other Payables                                                     8,535,416.39                                         7,566,872.62

                    Total                                                       8,535,416.39                                         7,566,872.62

           (3)Others Payables

           ①Other Payables Presented by Nature

                                                                              Balance as at                             Balance as at
                                                                         December 31, 2023                             January 1, 2023

Deposit and security deposit                                                                   692,620.27                                863,901.85

Employee-related expenses                                                                     3,519,234.93                              3,806,031.38

Others                                                                                        4,323,561.19                              2,896,939.39

                             Total                                                            8,535,416.39                              7,566,872.62

           ②There is no significant other payables aged over one year at the end of the period.

           25. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                        Balance as at                                  Balance as at
                                                                     December 31, 2023                                January 1, 2023

Taxes to be reversed                                                                          244,691.40                                 447,356.63

                                                                                                                               2023 Annual Report

   Bill of exchange not terminated at the
   end of the period
                                Total                                                            5,152,509.50                                447,356.63

                   26. Share capital

                                                                                Changes in 2023 (+,-)

                                Balance as at January                                  Conversion of                               Balance as at
            Item                                          New shares       Share
                                        1, 2023                                       capital reserves    Others   Sub-total    December 31, 2023
                                                             issued       donation
                                                                                     into share capital

I. Restricted shares                    119,375,000.00                                                                               119,375,000.00
1.State shareholding

2.Shareholding by state-

owned legal persons                      84,906,000.00                                                                               84,906,000.00

3.Other domestic

holdings                                  4,469,000.00                                                                                 4,469,000.00
Among them:

  domestic legal person

shares                                    1,750,000.00                                                                                 1,750,000.00
  Shares held by

domestic natural persons                  2,719,000.00                                                                                 2,719,000.00
4.Overseas shareholdings

II. Unrestricted tradable

shares                                   30,000,000.00                                                                                30,000,000.00
1. Domestically listed

foreign shares                           30,000,000.00                                                                                30,000,000.00

         Total shares                   119,375,000.00                                                                               119,375,000.00
                   27. Capital Reserve

                                                  Balance as at              Increase in        Decrease in               Balance as at
                                                  January 1, 2023           current year        current year            December 31, 2023

           I. Capital (or share)
                                                         702,032,741.07                                                            702,032,741.07

           II. Other capital reserve                     256,532,553.22                                                            256,532,553.22

                        Total                            958,565,294.29                                                            958,565,294.29

                 28. Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

                                                                               Year 2023

                                                       Less: amount     Less: financial assets

                                                  previously included     included in other                    Amount        Amount
                                    Amount               in other         comprehensive           Less:        after tax     after tax Balance as
                      as at                                                                                                                at
      Item                           before         comprehensive         income in prior        income      attributable attributable December
                    January 1,
                                  income tax in        income and          period and re-         tax           to the    to minority 31, 2023
                                      2023               currently      measured at retained expenses           parent      shareholder

                                                  transferred to the       earnings in the                    company            s

                                                       profit or loss      current period
I. Other
income that
                     9,800.00                                                                                                                9,800.00
cannot be
reclassified into
profit or loss
1. Other
income that
cannot be
                     9,800.00                                                                                                                9,800.00
transferred to
profit or loss
under the equity
       Total         9,800.00                                                                                                                9,800.00

                29. Special Reserve

                                              Balance as at January          Increase in                Decrease in                  Balance as at
                                                       1, 2023              current year                current year             December 31, 2023

        Work safety expenses                             3,234,669.03             3,279,360.59               1,366,318.22                     5,147,711.40

                      Total                              3,234,669.03             3,279,360.59               1,366,318.22                     5,147,711.40

                30.Surplus Reserve

                                                    Balance as at            Increase in                  Decrease in                Balance as at
                                                   January 1, 2023           current year                 current year          December 31, 2023

             Statutory surplus reserve              56,724,000.00                                                                         56,724,000.00

             Discretionary surplus reserve          68,962,000.00                                                                         68,962,000.00

                          Total                    125,686,000.00                                                                        125,686,000.00

                31.Unappropriated Profit

                                                Item                                                    Year 2023                        Year 2022

     Undistributed profits at the end of prior period before adjustment                                 -1,095,779,478.64             -1,056,046,383.95

     Total adjustment to undistributed profits

     at the beginning of the period ("+" for increase and "-" for decrease)

                                                                                                                             2023 Annual Report

                                         Item                                                    Year 2023                          Year 2022

Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period after adjustment                            -1,095,779,478.64              -1,056,046,383.95

Plus: net profit attributable to owners of the parent                                                 -69,331,287.64
company in the current period

Less: withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves

Withdrawal of discretionary surplus reserves

Withdrawal of general risk reserves

Common stock dividends payable

Common stock dividends transferred to share capital

                   Undistributed profits at the end of the period                                -1,165,110,766.28              -1,095,779,478.64

               32. Operating Revenue and Operating Costs

               (1) Operating Revenue and Operating Cost

                                                            Year 2023                                                  Year 2022
                                                Revenue                         Costs                     Revenue                         Costs

Principal operating activities                   459,412,209.46                 427,333,668.74              470,261,936.64                448,590,807.18

Other operating activities                         4,666,753.00                   1,040,875.98                3,852,161.44                  1,804,628.12

                 Total                           464,078,962.46                 428,374,544.72              474,114,098.08                450,395,435.30

               (2)Statement of operating income deduction

                                                                                           Specific                                      Specific
                                 Items                              Year 2023                                   Year 2022
                                                                                         deductions                                    deductions

     Amount of operating income                                   464,078,962.46                              474,114,098.08

     Total amount of operating income deductible
                                                                     4,666,753.00                                3,852,161.44

     Proportion of total amount of deductible items in
                                                                                1.01                                         0.81
     operating income (%)

     Ⅰ.Business income unrelated to the principal operating activities

                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report

                                                                                                            Revenue from

                                                                        Revenue from                        the sale of

                                                                        the sale of                         materials1,27

                                                                        materials1,186                      2.40 thousand

                                                                        .60 thousand                        yuan; The

  (1)Other business income beyond normal                                yuan; The                           income from

  operations. Revenue generated from renting out                        income from                         labor support

  fixed assets, intangible assets, packaging                            labor support                       was 1,236.40

  materials, selling materials, exchanging non-                         was 542.80                          thousand

  monetary assets with materials, operating             4,666,753.00    thousand             3,852,161.44   yuan; Power

  entrusted management businesses, and other                            yuan; Power                         energy

  activities, as well as the income included in the                     energy                              revenue

  main business income, but outside the normal                          revenue                             474.70

  operation of the listed company..                                     9.90 thousand                       thousand

                                                                        yuan; other                         yuan; other

                                                                        income was                          income was

                                                                        2,927.50                            868.70

                                                                        thousand yuan                       thousand


  Subtotal of business income unrelated to the
                                                        4,666,753.00                         3,852,161.44
  principal operating activities

  Amount after deduction of operating income          459,412,209.46                       470,261,936.64

           (3)Segment of operating revenue and operating cost

                                                                           prime operating revenue
           Classifications of Contracts
                                                             Revenue                                  Costs

Type of goods

Automobile and motorcycle parts                                        459,412,209.46                         427,333,668.74

Other business                                                           4,666,753.00                           1,040,875.98

                      Total                                            464,078,962.46                         428,374,544.72

Classified by operating region

Domestic                                                               242,244,364.87                         211,894,581.71

Export                                                                 221,834,597.59                         216,479,963.01

                      Total                                            464,078,962.46                         428,374,544.72

                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

                33. Taxes and surcharges

                                          Item                     Year 2023           Year 2022

  Urban maintenance and construction tax                            1,194,760.13                 533,840.42
  Educational surcharge                                               853,400.08                 381,314.61
  House property tax                                                  880,522.45                 860,544.46
  Land use right                                                    1,076,365.20                1,076,365.20
  Stamp duty                                                          564,783.99                 323,275.85
  Others                                                               16,521.31                 579,484.03
                                        Total                       4,586,353.16                3,754,824.57

                34. Selling Expenses

                              Items              Year 2023                          Year 2022

Employee compensation                                         6,699,763.41                       6,827,653.20

Depreciation expenses                                            15,117.42                          31,742.65

Office expenses                                                 92,170.79                           66,973.88

Advertising expenses                                           154,123.76

Expenses for business trips                                    691,030.73                         566,078.58

Handling charges                                                58,210.81                         199,885.56

Sales and service fees                                         187,379.63                         157,067.52

Repair charge                                                 4,740,415.47                       5,629,736.77

Warehousing and custodian fees                                 652,299.74                        1,000,193.68

Other fees                                                     942,212.50                         759,983.28

                         Total                               14,232,724.26                      15,239,315.12

                35. Administrative Expenses

                              Items              Year 2023                          Year 2022

Employee compensation                                    33,768,905.69                          26,516,905.13

Depreciation and amortization                                5,417,274.22                         5,117,551.67

Repair charge                                                1,444,260.68                        4,416,563.67

Office expenses                                                851,449.26                          714,345.12

Agency fee                                                     759,313.26                          912,850.26

Expenses for business trips                                    515,148.22                          300,230.25

Membership fees of board of directors                          472,617.11                          392,640.06

Entertainment expenses                                         444,889.18                          400,888.58

                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report

Insurance premiums and others                                              8,676,918.91                                8,949,135.93

                            Total                                        52,350,776.53                                47,721,110.67

               36. Research and Development Expenses

                               Items                          Year 2023                                  Year 2022

Employee compensation                                                    18,837,891.18                                23,830,773.15

Materials expenses                                                         1,955,125.85                                  760,693.67

Expenses for business trips                                                 422,363.03                                   241,075.43

Depreciation expenses                                                      2,445,953.39                                2,143,128.61

Amortization of intangible assets                                           346,580.58                                   268,527.48

Others                                                                     3,219,702.97                                3,354,670.35

                           Total                                         27,227,617.00                                30,598,868.69

               37. Financial Expenses

                            Items                         Year 2023                                   Year 2022

  Interest expenses                                                   20,877,409.62                                  20,216,911.43

  Less: Interest income                                                1,692,490.51                                  1,640,888.48

  Gains or losses on foreign exchange                                     20,246.31                                    139,891.22

  Cash discount                                                         -636,522.10                                  -1,314,322.50

  Bank charges and others                                                160,829.39                                     70,654.21

                          Total                                       18,729,472.71                                 17,472,245.88
               38. Other Income

                          Items                         Year 2023                                     Year 2022

 Government grants                                                    1,104,494.20                                     205,826.00

 Reduction or exemption of value-added tax,
                                                                        14,063.43                                      999,863.22
 residual insurance fund, etc.

                       Total                                          1,118,557.63                                    1,205,689.22

         Government grants included in other income

                                       Items                    Year 2023                 Year 2022

  Subsidy for technological innovation and industrial
                                                                                            80,000.00             Income-related
  application projects
  major new product research and development costs                                          24,100.00             Income-related

  Research and development investment subsidy                                               50,400.00             Income-related

                                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report

                                      Items                               Year 2023                      Year 2022

  Subsidy for employment and talent center in Banan
                                                                                   64,187.20                 51,326.00           Income-related

  Key talent allowances and reward subsidies                                      170,000.00                                     Income-related

  Employment and Talent Center Unemployment Transfer
                                                                                  345,307.00                                     Income-related
  Benefits in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

  Rewards for scientific and technological innovation                              25,000.00                                     Income-related

  Key special funds for industrial and information
                                                                                  500,000.00                                     Income-related
  technology in the city

                                  Total                                        1,104,494.20                 205,826.00           Income-related

                39. Investment Income

                                 Sources for investment income                                   Year 2023                         Year 2022

 Income from long-term equity investments using equity method                                        11,095,359.95                     8,128,052.32

                                                Total                                                11,095,359.95                     8,128,052.32
                40. Credit Impairment Losses

                                          Items                                         Year 2023                                Year 2022

Impairment loss for accounts receivable                                                            341,504.85                              999,437.83

Impairment loss for other receivables                                                               -10,000.00                             -10,000.00

                                      Total                                                        331,504.85                              989,437.83

                41. Assets Impairment Losses

                                          Items                                         Year 2023                               Year 2022

Impairment loss for inventories and costs to fulfill a contrac t                                  -490,947.61

                                       Total                                                      -490,947.61
                42. Gains on Disposal of Assets

                                           Items                                        Year 2023                               Year 2022

 Gains or losses from disposal of non-current assets                                               -413,963.91                       40,420,431.93

                                        Total                                                      -413,963.91                       40,420,431.93

                43. Non-operating Income

                                                                                                                     Amount recognized in non-
                                Items                              Year 2023               Year 2022
                                                                                                                     recurring profit or loss

Others                                                                79,114.42                170,256.15                                  79,114.42

                              Total                                   79,114.42                170,256.15                                  79,114.42

                44. Non-operating Expenses

                                                                                                                              2023 Annual Report

                                                                                                                              Amount recognized in non-
                                Items                                           Year 2023                    Year 2022
                                                                                                                                recurring profit or loss

Losses on retirement of non-current assets                                                                          469.69

Including: loss on disposal of fixed assets                                                                         469.69

Administrative penalty and overdue payment                                             1,260.70                   2,642.74                         1,260.70

                              Total                                                    1,260.70                   3,112.43                         1,260.70
                 45. Income Tax Expenses

                 (1)Income Tax Expenses

                              Items                                                  Year 2023                                    Year 2022

Income tax expenses in current period                                                                   -781.64                                -220,882.55

Deferred income taxes expenses                                                                      -372,092.01                                -202,969.89

                            Total                                                                   -372,873.65                                -423,852.44

                 (2)Reconciliation of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expenses

                                                        Items                                                                     Year 2023

Total profit                                                                                                                                -69,704,161.29

Income tax expenses calculated at the statutory / applicable tax rate                                                                       -17,426,040.32

Effects of different applicable tax rates on subsidiaries                                                                                     6,323,458.63

Effects of adjustments of income taxes in previous periods                                                                                          -781.64

Effects of non-taxable income                                                                                                                 -2,773,839.99

Effects of non-deductible costs, expenses, and losses                                                                                            62,317.37

Effects of utilizing deductible losses that are not previously recogni zed as deferred tax assets                                               -60,800.28

Effects of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses that are not recognized as deferred tax
assets in current year

Others                                                                                                                                        -4,086,245.79

                                              Income tax expense                                                                               -372,873.65

           46. Other Comprehensive Income Items and Their Impact on Income Tax and transfer to
         Profit and Loss

             Please refer to "VI. Notes to Main Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements (28)
         Other Comprehensive Income" for details.

               47.Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows

                 (1)cash paid relating to operating activities

                 ①Cash received from other operating activities
                                         Item                                             Year 2023                          Year 2022

                                                                                                                        2023 Annual Report

                                     Item                                          Year 2023                           Year 2022

         Interest income                                                                1,187,339.83                        1,640,888.48

         Government grants                                                              1,104,494.20                         205,826.00

         Margin and deposit etc.                                                       15,345,049.66                       10,527,527.06

                                   Total                                               17,636,883.69                       12,374,241.54

            ②Cash paid for other operating activities
                                     Item                                          Year 2023                           Year 2022

         Expenses from cash payment in the period                                     14,327,273.01                       10,673,279.12

         Margin and deposit etc.                                                        8,916,142.69                      11,305,170.76

                                   Total                                              23,243,415.70                       21,978,449.88
            (2)Cash received relating to financing activities

            ①Cash received from other financing activities

                                     Item                                          Year 2023                           Year 2022

         Bills, deposits and other related funds received                              70,015,717.55                      81,688,328.08

                                   Total                                               70,015,717.55                      81,688,328.08
            ②Cash paid for other financing activities
                                     Item                                          Year 2023                           Year 2022

         Bills, deposits and other related funds paid                                 69,135,758.11                      108,137,271.47

         Total                                                                        69,135,758.11                      108,137,271.47
            ③Changes in liabilities arising from fund-raising activities

                                                    Increase in Year 2023                      Decrease in Year 2023
                                                                                                                              Balance as at
               Balance as at
 Item                                                                                                         Changes         December 31,
              January 1, 2023               Changes            Changes in Non-            Changes
                                                                                                              in Non-             2023
                                             in cash                cash                   in cash

borro            546,603,500.00            711,597,000.00          20,847,409.62         738,054,409.62                        540,993,500.00

                 546,603,500.00            711,597,000.00          20,847,409.62         738,054,409.62                        540,993,500.00

             48.Supplementary Information to the Statement of Cash Flows

            (1)Supplementary information to the statement of cash flows
                                             Item                                                Year 2023                  Year 2022
   1. Net profit adjusted to cash flows from operating activities

   Net profit                                                                                   -69,331,287.64              -39,733,094.69

                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

                                     Item                                        Year 2023            Year 2022

Plus: provision for asset impairment                                                490,947.61

Losses from credit impairment                                                      -331,504.85           -989,437.83
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and productive
biological assets                                                                25,278,111.43        26,220,968.81
Depreciation of right-of-use assets

Amortization of intangible assets                                                 1,857,187.33          1,779,134.09

Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                          46,698.12             46,698.12
Losses from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long -
term assets ("-" for gains)                                                         413,963.91        -40,420,431.93
Losses from write-off of fixed assets ("-" for gains)
Losses from changes in fair value ("-" for gains)

Financial expenses ("-" for gains)                                               20,877,409.62        20,216,911.43

Investment loss ("-" for income)                                                 -11,095,359.95        -8,128,052.32

Decreases in deferred income tax assets ("-" for increases)                           -3,355.06          308,560.96

Increases in deferred income tax liabilities ("-" for decreases)                    -368,736.95          -511,530.85

Decreases in inventories ("-" for increases)                                      1,059,669.70        74,859,032.86

Decreases in operating receivables ("-" for increases)                           -23,943,727.05       48,007,274.99

Increases in operating payables ("-" for decreases)                              57,588,207.39        -69,246,434.55


Net cash flows from operating activities                                           2,538,223.61       12,409,599.09
2. Significant investing and financing activities not involving cash
receipts and payments
Conversion of debt into capital
Convertible corporate bonds maturing within one year
Fixed assets under financing lease
3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents

Ending balance of cash                                                          128,115,870.22       169,994,534.05

Less: beginning balance of cash                                                 169,994,534.05        23,738,523.19
Plus: ending balance of cash equivalents
Less: beginning balance of cash equivalents

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                        -41,878,663.83      146,256,010.86

      (2)Breakdown of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                               Balance as at       Balance as at
                                                                           December 31, 2023      January 1, 2023

I. Cash                                                                         128,115,870.22      169,994,534.05
Including: cash on hand

Unrestricted bank deposit                                                       128,115,870.22      169,994,534.05

Other unrestricted monetary funds
II. Cash equivalents

Including: bond investments maturing within three months

III. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                                128,115,870.22      169,994,534.05
Including: cash and cash equivalents restricted for use by the parent
company or subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

           49.Foreign Currency Monetary Items

           (1)Foreign Currency Monetary Items
                                         Closing balance in foreign                                 Closing balance in
                  Items                                                      Exchange rate
                                                  currency                                           CNY (translated)

Monetary funds                                        1,734,427.00                      0.0502                     87,068.24
Including: Japanese Yen                               1,734,427.00                      0.0502                     87,068.24

                 Ⅶ.Research and Development Expenses

                 1.Listed by the nature of the expenses

                          Item                                  Year 2023                        Year 2022

     Employee compensation                                                  18,837,891.18              23,830,773.15

     Materials expenses                                                      1,955,125.85                    760,693.67

     Travel expenses                                                          422,363.03                     241,075.43
     Depreciation expenses                                                   2,445,953.39               2,143,128.61
     Amortization of intangible assets                                        346,580.58                     268,527.48
     Others                                                                  3,219,702.97               3,354,670.35
                          Total                                             27,227,617.00              30,598,868.69
     Including: Expensed R&D expenses                                       27,227,617.00              30,598,868.69
         Capitalized R&D expenses

                          Total                                             27,227,617.00              30,598,868.69

               2.There are no R&D project development expenditures that meet the capitalization
          criteria in this period.

              Ⅷ.Changes in the Consolidation Scope

          There was no change in the consolidation scope of the Company during the reporting

              Ⅸ.Rights and Interests in Other Entities

                                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

             1.Equity in the subsidiaries

             (1)Structure of the Company
                                                 Registered    Registered        Business          ratio (%)               Acquisition
    Name of subsidiaries         place of
                                                   capital       place            nature                                    method
                                 business                                                       Direct     Indirect
                                                                             Production and
Chongqing Jianshe                                                            sales of                                 Establishment by
                               Chongqing      16 million yuan Chongqing                     100.00
Automobile A/C Co., Ltd.                                                     automobile air                           investment
                                                                             Production and
Chongqing Pingshan TK                         83.55 million                  sales of                                 Combination not
                               Chongqing                      Chongqing                     100.00
Carburetor Co., Ltd.                          yuan                           motorcycle                               under common control

             2.Equity in joint venture arrangements or associates

             (1)Significant joint ventures or associates
                                                                                                Shareholding ratio (%)
                                 Principal                                                                                     Method for
   Name of joint venture                         Registered               Business
                                 place of                                                                                      accounting
       or associate                                place                   nature                 Direct        Indirect
                                 business                                                                                      treatment
                                                              Assembly of variable
Chongqing Hanon Jianshe                                       displacement compressor
                               Chongqing        Chongqing                                       50.00                        Equity method
Thermal Systems Co., Ltd.                                     and production of core
             (2)Major financial information on significant joint ventures
                                                                                       Balance as at             Balance as at
                                                                                     December 31, 2023          January 1, 2023
                                      Item                                              / Year 2023               / Year 2022
                                                                                               Chongqing Hanon Jianshe
                                                                                               Thermal Systems Co., Ltd.

  Current assets                                                                            188,049,638.38                 166,787,138.08

  Including: cash and cash equivalents                                                      124,294,005.60                  55,135,317.36

  Non-current assets                                                                        330,384,903.10                 355,276,389.82

  Total assets                                                                              518,434,541.48                 522,063,527.90

  Current liabilities                                                                        69,842,985.52                  95,641,912.16

  Non-current liabilities                                                                     9,292,912.78                   9,313,692.45

  Total liabilities                                                                          79,135,898.30                 104,955,604.61
  Minority equity

  Equity attributable to the shareholders of parent company                                 439,298,643.18                 417,107,923.29

  Share of net assets calculated at the shareholding ratio                                  219,649,321.59                 208,553,961.65
  Adjusted items
  - Goodwill
  - Unrealized profits of internal transactions

  - Others                                                                                    1,558,359.40                   1,558,359.39

  Book value of the equity investment in joint ventures                                     221,207,680.99                 210,112,321.04
  Fair value of equity investment with public offer

                                                                                                              2023 Annual Report

                                                                                     Balance as at             Balance as at
                                                                                   December 31, 2023          January 1, 2023
                                         Item                                         / Year 2023               / Year 2022
                                                                                             Chongqing Hanon Jianshe
                                                                                             Thermal Systems Co., Ltd.

    Operating revenue                                                                    277,217,202.96                254,562,100.17

    Financial expenses                                                                      1,244,259.32                 4,586,867.43

    Income tax expenses                                                                     3,945,140.60                 1,799,442.01

    Net profit                                                                            22,190,719.89                 16,256,104.64
    Net profit of discontinued operation
    Other comprehensive income

    Total comprehensive income                                                            22,190,719.89                 16,256,104.64
    Dividends received from joint ventures in current period

       Ⅹ.Government Grants

           1.At the end of the reporting period, there were no government subsidies recognized
       based on the amount receivable.

             2.Government subsidies recorded in current profits and losses

                                  Item                                      Year 2023                         Year 2022

       Other income                                                                1,104,494.20                        205,826.00

                                Total                                              1,104,494.20                        205,826.00

                 XI.Risks Associated with Financial Instruments

            The Company's main financial instruments including bank loans, monetary funds, etc. The
       primary purpose of these financial instruments is to finance the Company's operations. The
       Company has a variety of other financial assets and liabilities arising directly from its
       operations, such as accounts receivable, other receivables, accounts payable, other payables,

             The main risks arising from the Company's financial instruments are credit risk, liquidity
       risk and market risk.

             1.Risks of Financial Instruments
             (1)Book value of various financial assets on the balance sheet date

             ①December 31, 2023
                                      Financial assets   Financial Assets Measured Financial Assets Measured at Fair
                 Item              measured at amortized    at Fair Value Through        Value Through Other                 Total
                                           cost                 Profit or Loss          Comprehensive Income
Currency funds                                  137,195,899.72                                                             137,195,899.72

                                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

                                        Financial assets   Financial Assets Measured Financial Assets Measured at Fair
                 Item                measured at amortized    at Fair Value Through        Value Through Other                   Total
                                             cost                 Profit or Loss          Comprehensive Income
Notes receivable                                6,041,598.66                                                                     6,041,598.66

Accounts receivable                          125,956,261.01                                                                    125,956,261.01

Receivables financing                                                                                      24,290,736.39        24,290,736.39

Other receivables                               1,825,860.96                                                                     1,825,860.96

Other non-current financial assets                                                      -                                                   -

                 ②December 31, 2022
                                        Financial Assets   Financial Assets Measured Financial Assets Measured at Fair
                 Item                Measured at Amortized    at Fair Value Through        Value Through Other                   Total
                                             Cost                 Profit or Loss          Comprehensive Income

Currency funds                               179,954,522.99                                                                    179,954,522.99

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable                          113,710,214.72                                                                    113,710,214.72

Receivables financing                                                                                       17,548,591.75       17,548,591.75

Other receivables                               1,720,044.17                                                                     1,720,044.17

Other non-current financial assets

                 (2) Book value of various financial liabilities on the balance sheet date

                 ①December 31, 2023

                                               Financial Liabilities Measured at Fair             Other
                      Item                                                                                                      Total
                                                   Value Through Profit or Loss             Financial Liabilities

Short-term borrowings                                                                                  540,993,500.00          540,993,500.00

Notes payable                                                                                           28,080,000.00            28,080,000.00

Accounts payable                                                                                       229,626,385.55          229,626,385.55

Other payables                                                                                            8,535,416.39            8,535,416.39

                 ②December 31, 2022

                                               Financial Liabilities Measured at Fair             Other
                        Item                                                                                                   Total
                                                   Value Through Profit or Loss             Financial Liabilities

Short-term borrowings                                                                                 546,603,500.00          546,603,500.00

Notes payable                                                                                           30,379,988.94           30,379,988.94

Accounts payable                                                                                      171,190,476.10          171,190,476.10

Other payables                                                                                           7,566,872.62            7,566,872.62

                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

    1. Credit Risks

     The company only conducts transactions with recognized and reputable third parties.
According to the Company's policy, credit review is required for all customers who require
credit transactions. In addition, the Company continuously monitors the balance of accounts
receivable to ensure that do not face significant bad debt risks.

     The other financial assets of the Company including monetary funds, other receivables,
etc. The credit risk of these financial assets arises from counterparty defaults, and the
maximum risk exposure is equal to the carrying amount of these instruments.

     As the Company only deals with recognized and reputable third parties, no collateral is
required. Credit risk is centrally managed according to customers. The Company does not hold
any collateral or other credit enhancement for the balance of accounts receivable.

    Criteria for Judging Significant Increase in Credit Risk

     The Company assesses on each balance sheet date whether the credit risk of relevant
financial instruments has significantly increased since initial recognition.

     When determining whether credit risk has significantly increased since initial recognition,
the Company considers obtaining reasonable and evidence-based information without
unnecessary additional costs or efforts, including qualitative and quantitative analysis based
on the historical data, external credit risk ratings, and forward-looking information. Based on a
single financial instrument or a combination of financial instruments with similar credit risk
characteristics, the Company compares the risk of default of financial instruments on the
balance sheet date with the risk of default on the initial recognition date to determine th e
changes in default risk during the expected lifespan of financial instruments.

   When one or more of the following quantitative and qualitative criteria are triggered, the
Company believes that the credit risk of financial instruments has significantly inc reased:
     The quantitative criterion mainly refers to the probability of default for the remaining
duration at the reporting date has increased by more than a certain proportion compared to
the initial recognition

     Qualitative criteria include significant adverse changes in the business or financial
situation of the main debtor, list of early warning customers, etc

    Definition of an asset with a credit impairment

     To determine whether credit impairment has occurred, the definition criteria adopted by
the Company are consistent with the internal credit risk management objectives for relevant
financial instruments, while considering quantitative and qualitative indicators. When
evaluating whether a debtor has experienced credit impairment, the Company mainly
considers the following factors:

     The issuer or debtor has encountered significant financial difficulties;

     The debtor has violated the contract, such as default or overdue payment of interest or

                                                                                   2023 Annual Report


     Creditors, due to economic or contractual considerations related to the debtor's
financial difficulties, give concessions that the debtor will not make in any other circumstances;

     The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or undergo other financial restructuring;

     Financial difficulties of the issuer or debtor result in the disappearance of the active
market for the financial asset;

     Purchase or generate a financial asset at a significant discount that reflects the fact of
credit loss;

    The credit impairment of financial assets may be caused by the combined effect of
multiple events, and may not necessarily be a separately identifiable event.

     Parameters for measuring expected credit losses

      Depending on whether there is a significant increase in credit risk and whether credit
impairment has occurred, the Company measures the impairment provisions for different
assets at the expected credit losses of 12 months or the entire life. The key parameters of
expected credit loss measurement include default probability, default loss rate and default
risk exposure. The Company considers quantitative analysis and forward-looking information
of historical statistical data (such as counterparty ratings, guarantee method and collateral
types, repayment method, etc.) to establish default probability, default loss rate and default
risk exposure models.

     The relevant definitions are as follows:

     The probability of default refers to the likelihood that the debtor will be unable to fulfill
its repayment obligations in the next 12 months or throughout the remaining period of
existence. The default probability of the Company is adjusted based on the historical transfer
rate model of accounts receivable, incorporating forward-looking information to reflect the
default probability of debtors in the current macroeconomic environment ;

     The default loss rate refers to the expected degree of loss arising from default exposure.
The default loss rate varies depending on the type of counterparty, the method and priority of
recovery, and the type of collateral. The default loss rate is the percentage of risk exposure
loss at the time of default, calculated based on the next 12 months or the entire duration;

     Default risk exposure refers to the amount payable to the Company when a default
occurs in the next 12 months or throughout the remaining existence period.

     Forward looking information

     The assessment of significantly increased credit risk and the calculation of expected credit
losses both involve forward-looking information. Through historical data analysis, the
Company identifies key economic indicators that affect the credit risk and expected credit
losses of each business type.

                                                                                     2023 Annual Report

     2. Liquidity risk

      The Company adopts a revolving liquidity planning tool to manage the risk of capital
shortage. This instrument takes into account both the maturity date of its financial
instruments and the expected cash flows generated by the Company's operations. The finance
department ensures that the company has sufficient funds to repay its debts under all
reasonable forecasts by monitoring cash balances, readily realizable financial assets, and
rolling forecasts of cash flows over the next 12 months.

     Maturity analysis of financial liabilities based on undiscounted contract cash flows:

                                                       December 31, 2023
                          Within 1 year         1-3 years          Over 3 years          Total

Short-term borrowings         540,993,500.00                                            540,993,500.00

Notes payable                  28,080,000.00                                             28,080,000.00

Accounts payable              229,626,385.55                                            229,626,385.55

Other payables                   8,535,416.39                                             8,535,416.39


                                                       December 31, 2022
                            Within 1 year         1-3 years           Over 3 years         Total

Short-term borrowings         546,603,500.00                                            546,603,500.00

Notes payable                  30,379,988.94                                             30,379,988.94

Accounts payable              171,190,476.10                                            171,190,476.10

Other payables                   7,566,872.62                                             7,566,872.62

     3. Market risk

      Market risk refers to the risk that the fair value of a financial instrument or future cash
flow will fluctuate due to changes in market prices. Market risk mainly includes interest rate
risk, foreign exchange risk, and other price risks, such as equity instrument investment price

      XII.Capital Management
     The primary objectives of the Company's capital management are to ensure the
Company's ability to continue operating and maintain a healthy capital ratios to support
business development and maximise shareholder value.

     The Company manages its capital structure and adjusts it in response to changes in

                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report

economic conditions and the risk characteristics of the underlying assets. In order to maintain
or adjust its capital structure, the Company may adjust the profit distribution to shareholders,
return capital to shareholders or issue new shares. The Company is not subject to external
mandatory capital requirements. There have been no changes in capital management goals,
policies or procedures for 2023 and 2022.

        XIII.Disclosure of Fair Value
       1.The fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value at the end of the period

                                                             Fair value at the end of the period

                                        The first level of   The second level       The third level
                                           fair value           of fair value        of fair value            Total

                                         measurement          measurement           measurement

Ⅰ.Continuous fair value measurement

1.Receivables financing                                                           24,290,736.39          24,290,736.39

Total assets continuously measured
                                                                                  24,290,736.39          24,290,736.39
at fair value

    2.Continuous and non continuous third level fair value measurement items, using
valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of important parameters
    The receivables financing of financial assets measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income is the bank acceptance bill due within one year. Due to the short
maturity of the bill, its fair value is approximately the par value of the bill.

        XIV.Related parties and related transactions

       1. Criteria for identifying related parties
     If one party controls, jointly controls or exerts significant influence on the other party,
and two or more parties are jointly controlled, jointly controlled or significantly influenced by
the same party, they constitute related parties.

       2. Basic Information of the Parent

                                                                                                                 2023 Annual Report

                                                                                               Proportion of         Proportion of voting
    Name of the parent                             Business nature    Registered capital    shares held by the        rights held by the
                                                                                                parent (%)               parent (%)

  China South Industries                         State-owned assets
                                 Beijing                              35.30 billion yuan                  71.13                       71.13
    Group Corporation                                investment
        The ultimate controlling party of the Company is the State-owned Assets Supervision and
     Administration Commission of the State Council.

           3. Subsidiaries of the Company

           See Note Ⅸ-1 “Equity in the subsidiaries”.

           4. Joint Ventures and Associates of the Company

           See Note Ⅸ-2 “Equity in joint venture arrangements or associates”.

           5.Other related parties

                             Other related party                                           Relationship with the Company

Chongqing Jianshe Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.                                            Controlled by the same party
Chongqing Jianshe Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.                                                             Controlled by the same party
China South Industries Group Finance Co., Ltd.                                                           Controlled by the same party
Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                   Controlled by the same party
Beijing Changan Automobile Company under
Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                   Controlled by the same party
Chongqing Lingyao Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                           Joint venture of subsidiaries of CSGC
Hebei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                       Controlled by the same party
Nanjing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                     Controlled by the same party
Baoding Changan Bus Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                                              Controlled by the same party
Hefei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                       Controlled by the same party
Chongqing Changan Automobile Customer Service Co., Ltd.                                                  Controlled by the same party
Chongqing North Jianshe IMP. & EXP. Trade Co., Ltd.                                                      Controlled by the same party
Hafei Motor Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Controlled by the same party
South Air International Conditioning Co., Ltd.                                                           Controlled by the same party
Southwest Ordnance Chongqing Environmental

Protection Research Institute Co., Ltd.                                                                  Controlled by the same party
China Ordnance Equipment Group Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd.                                            Controlled by the same party
Chongqing Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                    Joint venture of subsidiaries of CSGC

                                                                                                             2023 Annual Report

                                Other related party                                       Relationship with the Company

Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co., Ltd.                                                       Joint venture of subsidiaries of CSGC
Chongqing Jianshe Lijue Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                      Associates of subsidiaries of CSGC
Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co., Ltd.                                                               Controlled by the same party
Baoding Changan Bus Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                                             Controlled by the same party
Hefei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                      Controlled by the same party
Hebei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                      Controlled by the same party
Nanjing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                    Controlled by the same party
Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                  Controlled by the same party
Luoyang North Enterprises Group Co., Ltd.                                                               Controlled by the same party
Norendar International Co., Ltd.                                                                        Controlled by the same party
Zhuzhou Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                       Associates of subsidiaries of CSGC

            6.Related party transactions

            (1)Related transactions on purchase of goods and receiving of services

            ①Table of goods purchased/ services received
                                                                    Contents of related
                          Related-party                                                          Year 2023              Year 2022

                                                            Inspection of parts and
                                                                                                   312,629.70             441,640.30
Chongqing Jianshe Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.                accessories

Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co., Ltd.                   Warehousing services                   405,957.33             448,659.50

Southwest Ordnance Chongqing Environmental Protection       Inspection of parts and
Research Institute Co., Ltd.                                accessories

Chongqing Jianshe Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.                Materials                            2,053,179.68             837,856.39

Baoding Changan Bus Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                 Maintenance                                 876.89            139,252.59

Hefei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                          Maintenance                             69,527.90              90,432.89

Hebei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                          Maintenance                            104,728.23

Nanjing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                        Maintenance                             33,594.70              33,762.40

Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                      Maintenance                            486,895.09             578,496.61

                               Total                                                             3,467,389.52           4,082,368.06

            ②List of goods sold/services provided

                                                           Contents of related
                       Related-party                                                        Year 2023                 Year 2022

                                                      Auto and parts and
                                                                                            26,479,514.47             43,720,572.99
Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                accessories

                                                                                                              2023 Annual Report

                                                           Contents of related
                      Related-party                                                           Year 2023                 Year 2022

                                                      Auto and parts and
                                                                                                 60,388.32               4,636,556.72
Chongqing Lingyao Automobile Co., Ltd.                accessories

                                                      Auto and parts and
                                                                                              12,785,893.50             11,134,628.84
Hefei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                    accessories

                                                      Auto and parts and
                                                                                                501,883.16               2,161,621.42
Nanjing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                  accessories

                                                      Auto and parts and
                                                                                               4,998,827.48                150,622.08
Baoding Changan Bus Manufacturing Co., Ltd.           accessories

                                                      Auto and parts and
                                                                                              12,036,323.46                121,469.92
Hebei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                    accessories

Chongqing Changan Automobile Customer Service         Auto and parts and
Co., Ltd.                                             accessories
Chongqing Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd.         Motorcycle parts                         3,964,246.09             12,974,854.46

Chongqing Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd.         Labor Services                            542,823.63

Chongqing Jianshe Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.          Materials                                  29,005.80                  21,617.53

Chongqing Jianshe Mechanical & Electrical
                                                                                                   2,631.90                 88,671.74
Equipment Co., Ltd.                                   Materials

Chongqing Hanon Jianshe Thermal Systems Co., Ltd.     Materials                                  26,289.93                  15,848.42

                                                      Auto parts and
                                                                                               4,470,298.88              1,780,532.11
Chongqing Hanon Jianshe Thermal Systems Co., Ltd.     accessories

Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co., Ltd. and its     Auto parts and
affiliates                                            accessories

                          Total                                                               65,918,005.70             76,806,996.23

             (2)Remuneration of key senior officers

                                  Item                                           Year 2023                          Year 2022

 Remuneration of key senior officers                                                  4,403,872.63                      3,780,412.68

             (3)Other related-party transactions

             ①Related-party deposits
                                                                                                                    Balance as at
                                                     Balance as at         Increase               Decrease
               Name of related parties
                                                                            in 2023                in 2023
                                                                                                                    December 31,
                                                    January 1, 2023
 China South Industries                                166,896,601.5       2,214,792,896.         2,254,371,763.        127,317,734.
 Group Finance Co., Ltd
                                                           7                             63                    27                     93

                                                                                                          2023 Annual Report

            Remark: the interest of related-party deposits received in 2023 totaled RMB 943,414.26.

            7.Unsettled items of accounts receivable, accounts payable to related parties

                                                                      Balance as at                     Balance as at
  Item name                     Related party                      December 31, 2023                   January 1, 2023
                                                                                 Provision for                       Provision for
                                                                Book balance                      Book balance
                                                                                  bad debts                            bad debts

Accounts                                                                                            7,072,474.5
receivable       Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                          3

Accounts                                                                            3,999,944.      3,999,944.4         3,999,944.
receivable       Hafei Motor Co., Ltd.                                                       43                  3                 43

Accounts                                                                                            2,846,630.1
receivable       Hefei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                              8

Accounts         Chongqing Hanon Jianshe Thermal Systems                                            2,290,479.2
receivable       Co., Ltd.                                                                                       2

Accounts         Chongqing Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co.,
                                                                  2,124,935.30                       769,838.66
receivable       Ltd.

                                                                  5,761,875.20                       189,172.54          22,436.51
receivable       Hebei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.

                                                                    211,294.25                       132,101.39
receivable       Nanjing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.

receivable       Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co., Ltd.


financing        Hebei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.               1,070,000.00
financing        Hefei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.

Receivables                                                                                         12,320,000.
financing        Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                      00

Notes            Chongqing Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co.,
                                                                    247,000.00                       267,000.00
receivable       Ltd.

Other                                                                               1,478,870.      1,478,870.0         1,478,870.
receivables      Chongqing Jianshe Lijue Industrial Co., Ltd.                                07                  7                 07

Other            Chongqing Jianshe Industry (Group) Co.,                                            1,294,150.6

receivables      Ltd.                                                                                            6


                                                                                                2023 Annual Report

                                                                           Balance as at         Balance as at
     Item name                            Related party
                                                                         December 31, 2023      January 1, 2023
                       China Ordnance Equipment Group Commercial
Accounts payable       Factoring Co., Ltd.                                      13,430,000.00        18,250,000.00
                       Chongqing Hanon Jianshe Thermal Systems Co.,
Accounts payable       Ltd.                                                       996,427.96            526,575.70

Accounts payable       Chongqing Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                      23,210.00

Accounts payable       Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co., Ltd.                                          20,895.96

Notes payable          China South Industries Group Finance Co., Ltd             3,790,000.00        14,000,000.00

Other payables         Chongqing Jianshe Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.              1,105,662.69           341,525.92

Other payables         Luoyang North Enterprises Group Co., Ltd.                  142,730.00            142,730.00
                       Southwest Ordnance Chongqing Environmental
Other payables         Protection Research Institute Co., Ltd.                                          100,000.00

Other payables         Chongqing Jianshe Lijue Industrial Co., Ltd.                                       57,200.00

Other payables         Norendar International Co., Ltd.                            25,000.00              25,000.00
                       Chongqing Hanon Jianshe Thermal Systems Co.,
Other payables         Ltd.                                                                               20,470.00

Contract liabilities   Chongqing Lingyao Automobile Co., Ltd.                        7,588.38           223,940.62
                       Chongqing Hanon Jianshe Thermal Systems Co.,
Contract liabilities   Ltd.                                                                               14,617.55
                       Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd., Changan
Contract liabilities   Automobile (Beijing) Company                                                        2,799.75
                       Chongqing North Jianshe IMP. & EXP. Trade Co.,
Contract liabilities   Ltd.                                                           698.20                 698.20

Contract liabilities   Zhuzhou Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                           553.11

             XV.Commitments and contingencies
        1.Significant commitments

        The Company has no significant commitments to be disclosed.

        2.Significant contingencies

        The Company has no significant contingencies required to be disclosed.

         XVI.Post balance sheet events
     As at the reporting date of financial report, the Company has no major post balance sheet
 events required to be disclosed

         XVII.Other significant events
        1.Segment information

     The Company has a single business, mainly the manufacture and sale of automotive air
 conditioners and their parts and carburetors, and the repair of automotive air conditioners and

                                                                                                                         2023 Annual Report

        their parts. The management manages this business as a whole and evaluates the operating
        results, therefore, no segment information is presented in the financial statements.

                  XVIII.Notes to Major Items in Financial Statements of the Parent

                  1. Accounts Receivable

                  (1)Accounts Receivable Disclosed Using Aging Analysis Method

                                                                                 Balance as at December 31,                 Balance as at
                                                                                           2023                            January 1, 2023

  Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                4,014,658.51                       3,266,890.00

  Including:1 - 6 months (inclusive)                                                              4,014,658.51

  Within 6 months -1 year                                                                                                            3,266,890.00

  Subtotal within 1 year                                                                          4,014,658.51                       3,266,890.00

  1-2 years (including 2 year)

  2-3 years (including 3 year)

  3-4 years (including 4 year)

  4-5 years (including 5 year)

  Over 5 years                                                                                    1,291,496.94                       1,291,496.94

                                        Total                                                     5,306,155.45                       4,558,386.94

             (2) Classified and Disclosed Accounts receivable According to the Method of Provision for
        Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

                                                                             Balance as at December 31, 2023

                                                Gross carrying amount                  Allowance for doubtful accounts
                  Classification                                                                                                      Carrying
                                                                Proportion                                    Proportion
                                                Amount                                  Amount                                        amount
                                                                    (%)                                          (%)

Accounts receivable that are individually

assessed for impairment

Accounts receivable that are collectively
                                                5,306,155.45            100.00           1,291,496.94                   24.34          4,014,658.51
assessed for impairment


    Aging portfolio                             5,306,155.45            100.00           1,291,496.94                   24.34          4,014,658.51

                      Total                     5,306,155.45            100.00           1,291,496.94                   24.34          4,014,658.51


                       Classification                                                 Balance as at January 1, 2023

                                                                                                                         2023 Annual Report

                                                              Gross carrying amount               Allowance for doubtful accounts
                                                            Amount                             Amount               Proportion (%)         amount

Accounts receivable that are individually assessed

for impairment

Accounts receivable that are collectively assessed
                                                            4,558,386.94        100.00         1,291,496.94                    28.33       3,266,890.00
for impairment


    Aging portfolio                                         4,558,386.94        100.00         1,291,496.94                    28.33       3,266,890.00

                         Total                              4,558,386.94        100.00         1,291,496.94                    28.33       3,266,890.00

                  Accounts receivable that are Collectively Assessed for Impairment:

                  Portfolio: Aging portfolio

                                                                                          Balance as at December 31, 2023

                                 Aging                                                                  Allowance for                  Proportion
                                                                                                     doubtful accounts                    (%)

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                               4,014,658.51

Including:1 - 6 months (inclusive)                                             4,014,658.51

   Within 6 months -1 year

Subtotal within 1 year                                                         4,014,658.51

1-2 years (including 2 year)

2-3 years (including 3 year)

3-4 years (including 4 year)

4-5 years (including 5 year)

Over 5 years                                                                   1,291,496.94                     1,291,496.94                     100.00

                                 Total                                         5,306,155.45                     1,291,496.94                        24.34

                  (3)Provision for bad debts

                                                                                 Change in 2023
                                          Balance as at                                                                        Balance as at
            Classification                                                  Recovery or                         Other
                                         January 1, 2023      Provision                       Charge-off                   December 31, 2023
                                                                             reversal                          changes

  Accounts receivable that are

  individually assessed for


  Accounts receivable that are

  collectively assessed for                  1,291,496.94                                                                              1,291,496.94


  Including: Aging portfolio                 1,291,496.94                                                                              1,291,496.94

                                                                                                                        2023 Annual Report

                                                                             Change in 2023
                                 Balance as at                                                                                Balance as at
 Classification                                                       Recovery or                           Other
                               January 1, 2023         Provision                         Charge-off                       December 31, 2023
                                                                        reversal                           changes

     Total                              1,291,496.94                                                                                  1,291,496.94

     (4)There were no accounts receivable actually written off in 2023.

     (5)Top Five Debtors According to Closing Balances

                                                                                                  Proportion of
                                                                                                                           Allowance for
                            Debtor name                             Gross carrying amount         total Accounts
                                                                                                                         doubtful accounts
                                                                                                  receivable (%)

   Chongqing Hanon Jianshe Thermal Systems Co., Ltd.                           3,281,571.27                61.84

      Chongqing Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                732,703.66              13.81

             Wuhan Longchang Company Wujiao                                        473,539.96
                                                                                                             8.92                  473,539.96
                       Marketing Department

    Changzheng Machinery Factory of China Aerospace                                395,296.04
                                                                                                             7.45                  395,296.04
             Science and Technology Corporation

    Chongqing Chihai Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd                              145,999.35                2.75                  145,999.35

                                Total                                          5,029,110.28                94.78                  1,144,335.35

     2. Other Receivables

     (1)Classification of Other Receivables

                                                            Balance as at                                          Balance as at
                                                         December 31, 2023                                     January 1, 2023

      Other receivables                                                       289,159.26                                               1,345,740.08

              Total                                                           289,159.26                                               1,345,740.08
(2)Other Receivables

     ①Other Receivables Disclosed Using Aging Analysis Method

                                                                       Balance as at                              Balance as at
                                                                    December 31, 2023                         January 1, 2023

             Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                        289,159.26                               1,345,740.08

             Including:1 - 6 months (inclusive)                                      289,159.26                               1,345,740.08

                   Within 6 months -1 year

                    Subtotal within 1 year                                           289,159.26                               1,345,740.08

                  1-2 years (including 2 year)

                                                                                                                                  2023 Annual Report

                        2-3 years (including 3 year)                                                                                       1,223,146.45

                        3-4 years (including 4 year)                                          1,223,146.45                                  255,723.62

                        4-5 years (including 5 year)                                            255,723.62

                                  Over 5 years                                                4,203,627.25                                 4,203,627.25

                                        Total                                                 5,971,656.58                                 7,028,237.40

               ②Classification of Other Receivables by the Mature of Payment

                                                                            Balance as at                                 Balance as at
                      Nature of Payment
                                                                        December 31, 2023                                January 1, 2023
    Reserves, security deposits, advance
    payment for social insurance premiums for                                                  181,567.27                                        51,589.42
    employees, etc.
    Current accounts                                                                         5,790,089.31                                     6,976,647.98

                                Total                                                        5,971,656.58                                     7,028,237.40

            ③Classified and Disclosed Other Receivables According to the Method of Provision for
       Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

                                                                                       Balance as at December 31, 2023

                                                        Gross carrying amount                   Allowance for doubtful accounts
               Classification                                                                                                                     Carrying
                                                       Amount         Proportion (%)           Amount                                              amount

Other receivables that are individually
                                                       1,960,624.16             32.83           1,960,624.16                      100.00
assessed for impairment

Other receivables that are collectively
                                                       4,011,032.42             67.17           3,721,873.16                       92.79             289,159.26
assessed for impairment


    Aging portfolio                                    4,011,032.42             67.17           3,721,873.16                       92.79             289,159.26

                      Total                            5,971,656.58                --           5,682,497.32                          --             289,159.26


                                                                                                                                2023 Annual Report

                                                                                    Balance as at January 1, 2023

                                               Gross carrying amount                       Allowance for doubtful accounts
                 Classification                                                                                                             Carrying
                                                                  Proportion                                       Proportion
                                             Amount                                        Amount                                           amount
                                                                     (%)                                              (%)

  Other receivables that are individually
                                             1,960,624.16                  27.90            1,960,624.16                    100.00
  assessed for impairment

  Other receivables that are collectively
                                             5,067,613.24                  72.10            3,721,873.16                     73.44          1,345,740.08
  assessed for impairment


       Aging portfolio                       5,067,613.24                  72.10            3,721,873.16                     73.44          1,345,740.08

                         Total               7,028,237.40                      --           5,682,497.32                          --        1,345,740.08

               Other receivables that are Individually Assessed for Impairment at Year End

                                                                                      Balance as at December 31, 2023
                    Debtor                                           Allowance for doubtful          Expected Credit                   Reason for
                                            Carrying amount
                                                                               accounts               Loss Rate(%)                     recognition

Chongqing Jinxiang Lifting Equipment                                                                                                        Expected to be
                                                      16,800.00                        16,800.00                 100.00
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                       irrecoverable

Yangzhou Qionghua Coating Engineering                                                                                                       Expected to be
                                                      56,500.00                        56,500.00                 100.00
Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                           irrecoverable

                                                                                                                                            Expected to be
Chongqing Customs                                     78,825.36                        78,825.36                 100.00

Chongqing Jianshe Lijue Industrial Co.,                                                                                                     Expected to be
                                                  1,478,870.07                      1,478,870.07                 100.00
Ltd.                                                                                                                                          irrecoverable

                                                                                                                                            Expected to be
Ningbo Jianshe Motorcycle Co. Ltd.                  329,628.73                        329,628.73                 100.00

                     Total                        1,960,624.16                      1,960,624.16                 100.00                      —

               Accounts receivable that are Collectively Assessed for Impairment:

               Portfolio: Aging portfolio

                                                                                            Balance as at December 31, 2023

                                  Aging                                                                    Allowance for                 Proportion
                                                                                                      doubtful accounts                      (%)

  1 - 6 months (inclusive)                                                          289,159.26

  Within 6 months -1 year

                                                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report

 1-2 years (including 2 year)

 2-3 years (including 3 year)

 3-4 years (including 4 year)

 4-5 years (including 5 year)

 Over 5 years                                                                        3,721,873.16                      3,721,873.16                      100.00

                                Total                                                4,011,032.42                      3,721,873.16                 --

               ④Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of Other Receivables According to the General

                                                Stage I                         Stage II                            Stage III

          Allowance for                                               Expected credit loss over the         Expected credit loss over
                                        Expected credit losses                                                                                    Total
        doubtful accounts                                                duration (without credit              the duration (credit
                                        over the next 12 months
                                                                              impairment)                     impairment incurred)

Opening Balance                                   3,721,873.16                                                            1,960,624.16            5,682,497.32

Opening Balance is in the

Current Year

--Transfer into Stage II

--Transfer into Stage III

--Reverse into Stage II

--Reverse into Stage I

Current-period Recognition

Current-period Reversals

Current-period Charge-off

Current-period Write-off

Other Changes

Closing Balance                                   3,721,873.16                                                            1,960,624.16            5,682,497.32

               ⑤Provision for bad debts

                                        Balance as at                                      Change in 2023                                    Balance as at
          Classification                  January 1,                               Recovery or                                               December 31,
                                                                  Provision                           Charge-off       Other changes
                                             2023                                    reversal                                                     2023
Accounts receivable that are

individually assessed for                   1,960,624.16                                                                                         1,960,624.16


Accounts receivable that are

collectively assessed for                   3,721,873.16                                                                                        3,721,873.16


                                                                                                                                    2023 Annual Report

                                        Balance as at                                   Change in 2023                                       Balance as at
            Classification               January 1,                             Recovery or                                                December 31,
                                                                 Provision                            Charge-off        Other changes
                                               2023                                reversal                                                      2023
                Total                      5,682,497.32                                                                                         5,682,497.32

                ⑥There were no other receivables actually written off in 2023.

                ⑦Top Five Debtors According to Closing Balances

                                                                                Proportion of total
                                                          Gross carrying                                   Nature of                      Allowance for doubtful
                   Debtor name                                                    other receivables                             Aging
                                                             amount                                       receivables                           accounts

                                                                                                         Current           Over 5
Shenzhen Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                            3,013,664.00                 50.47                                                3,013,664.00
                                                                                                         accounts          years

Chongqing Jianshe Lijue Industrial Co., Ltd.                     1,478,870.07                 24.76                        3-4 years               1,478,870.07

                                                                                                            Current        Over 5
Ningbo Jianshe Chongqing Office                                    692,035.31                 11.59                                                  692,035.31
                                                                                                           accounts        years

                                                                                                            Current        Over 5
Ningbo Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                329,628.73                  5.52                                                  329,628.73
                                                                                                           accounts        years

                                                                                                            Current        Over 5
Chongqing Customs                                                   78,825.36                  1.32                                                   78,825.36
                                                                                                           accounts        years

                        Total                                    5,593,023.47                 93.66                --               --             5,593,023.47

                3. Long-term Equity Investments

                                                                 Balance as at                                                   Balance as at
                                                              December 31, 2023                                                 January 1, 2023
                                                                      Provision                                                  Provision
                                                Gross carrying                          Carrying          Gross carrying                         Carrying
                                                                         for                                                        for
                                                   amount                               amount               amount                              amount
                                                                     impairment                                                 impairment
                                                                                        199,045,443           199,045,443                         199,045,443
Investment in subsidiaries                        199,045,443.95
                                                                                                   .95                    .95                                .95

Investments in associates and joint                                                                           210,112,321                         210,112,321
ventures                                          221,207,680.99
                                                                                    221,207,680.99                        .04                                .04

                                                                                        420,253,124           409,157,764                         409,157,764
                   Total                          420,253,124.94
                                                                                                   .94                    .99                                .99

                (1) Investments in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

                                                                                                           Balance of provision
                                      Balance as at      Increase in Decrease   Balance as at        for
           Investee                                                                                        for impairment as at
                                     January 1, 2023        2023      in 2023 December 31, 2023 impairment
                                                                                                            December 31, 2023
                                                                                                  in 2023
Chongqing Jianshe Automobile
                                        160,000,000.00                                   160,000,000.00
A/C Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Pingshan TK
                                         39,045,443.95                                    39,045,443.95
Carburetor Co., Ltd.
             Total                      199,045,443.95                                   199,045,443.95

                      (2) Investments in associates and joint ventures
                                                                                                  Increase or decrease in 2023
                                                           Balance as at
                                                          January 1, 2023              Additional investment        Reduced investment

  I. Joint venture
  Chongqing Hanon Jianshe Thermal Systems Co.,
  Ltd.                                                            210,112,321.04
                       Subtotal                                   210,112,321.04
                         Total                                    210,112,321.04


                                                           Increase/decrease in 2023

                     Other changes                     Cash dividends or profits           Provision for
                       in equities                     declared to be distributed          impairment




                      Increase/decrease in 2022
                                                                           Balance as at                    Balance of provision for
              Provision for                                              December 31, 2023            impairment as at December 31, 2023




              4. Operating Revenue and Operating Costs

             (1)Operating revenue and operating costs

                                                                                                                              2023 Annual Report

                                                               Year 2023                                                   Year 2022
                                              Revenue                      Costs                           Revenue                        Costs

    Principal operating activities             318,399,972.24              312,801,655.04                   255,276,559.90                259,099,923.72

     Other operating activities                    486,555.78                      44,600.07                    474,716.54                        12,774.84

                Total                          318,886,528.02              312,846,255.11                   255,751,276.44                259,112,698.56
           (2)Segment of operating revenue and operating cost

                                                                                           prime operating revenue
               Classifications of Contracts
                                                                           Revenue                                             Costs

  Type of goods

  Automobile and motorcycle parts                                                     318,399,972.24                                     312,801,655.04

  Classified by operating region

  Domestic                                                                            318,886,528.02                                     312,846,255.11

                            Total                                                     318,886,528.02                                     312,846,255.11

           5. Investment Income

                         Sources for investment income                                         Year 2023                               Year 2022

Income from long-term equity investments using equity method                                          11,095,359.95                            8,128,052.32

                                     Total                                                            11,095,359.95                            8,128,052.32

                XIX.Supplementary Information

               1.Breakdown of non-recurring profit or loss in 2023

                           Details of non-recurring profit and lossItem                                Amount                           Remark

  Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets, Including the write-off portion
  of the provision for asset impairment                                                                      -413,963.91
  Government grants included in current profits or losses, except for government
  grants closely related to the enterprise business, in accordance with the
  provisions of national policies, enjoyed in accordance with the determined                                1,104,494.20
  standards and having a continuous impact on the profit or loss of the Company
  Except for effective hedging business related to the normal operation of the
  Company, the fair value gains and losses arising from the holding of financial
  assets and financial liabilities by non-financial enterprises, as well as the gains
  and losses arising from the disposal of financial assets and financial liabilities
  Expenses for using funds charged from non-financial enterprises and included in
  the current profit or loss
  Profit or loss from entrusting others to invest in or manage assets
  Profit or loss from outward entrusted loans
  Provisions for impairment of various assets due to any force majeure, such as the
  natural disaster

  Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables under single impairment test                           365,922.51
  Gains from the difference between the investment costs of acquisition of
  subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures and share in the net fair value of the
  identifiable assets of the investee when investing

                                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report

                      Details of non-recurring profit and lossItem                             Amount                    Remark

Net profit or loss of the subsidiary from the business combination under
common control for the period from the beginning of the period to the
combination date
Profit or loss from exchange of non-monetary assets
Profits or losses from debt restructuring
The one-time expenses incurred by the enterprise due to the discontinuation of
related business activities, such as expenses for resettling employees, etc
One-time impact on current profit and loss due to adjustment of laws and
regulations such as taxation and accounting
The one-time confirmation of share based payment fees due to cancellation or
modification of equity incentive plans
For cash settled share based payments, the gains and losses arising from changes
in fair value of employee compensation payable after the vesting date
Profit or loss from changes in fair value of investment property subsequently
measured by adopting the fair value model
Profit or loss from the part generating in the transaction where the transaction
price is not fair and exceeding the fair value

Profit or loss from contingencies irrelevant to the Company's normal business
Revenue from trustee fee from the entrusted management
Non-operating revenue and expenses other than the above-mentioned items                             77,853.72
Other items of profit or loss subject to the definition of non-recurring profit or

Less: affected amount of income tax

Affected minority equity (after tax)
                                       Total                                                     1,134,306.52

          2.Rate of return on net assets and earnings per share
                                                                                                           Earnings per share
                                                                  Weighted average Net
                Profit in the reporting period                                                Basic earnings per      Diluted earnings
                                                                   return on assets (%)
                                                                                                     share                per share
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders
of the Company                                                                       -89.60                -0.58                    -0.58
Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
Company after deducting the non-recurring profit or loss                             -91.06                -0.59                    -0.59
