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建 摩B:2012年半年度报告(英文版)2012-07-30  

						Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                     Stock Code: 200054                Stock ID: Jianmo B Announcement No. 2012-040

                                                  Interim Report 2012

                                                I. Important Statement

The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading
statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the Report.
Disagreement claimed by the Directors, Supervisors or the Executives

Name      Position              Reason for unable to guarantee for the thruthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the report

Directors other than the followings presented the Board Meeting at which this report was examined:
                                                                      Reason for not presenting the
 Name of the director absented                   Position                                                   Name of consignee
Hao Lin                            Director                         On business travel                Tang Wenquan
Auditors Opinions
The Interim Report was not audited by CPA.
Mr. Li Huaguang, the responsible people of the Company, Mr. Teng Feng, the Chief Financial Officer, and Mr. Liao Jian manager of
accounting department declare: the Financial Report carried in this report is authentic and completed.
             Terms                                  Defined as                                         Description
                                                    Defined as

                                                   II. Company Profile

(I) Company profiles

Code of A-stock                                  Code of B-stock                                       200054
ID of A-stock                                    ID of B-stock                                         Jianmo B
Stock Exchange                                Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal company name                            重庆建设摩托车股份有限公司
Legal abbreviation                            Jianshe Motorcycle
Legal company name in English                 CHONGQING JIANSHE MOTORCYCLE CO.,LTD.
Legal aggreviation in English                 JSMC-B
Legal representative                          Li Huaguang
Reg. Add.                                     No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone, Banan District, Chongqing
Post Code                                     400054
Office address                                No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone, Banan District, Chongqing
Post Code:                                    400054

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Website                                       cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn
Email.                                        cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn

(II) Contacts and liaisons

                                                         Secretary of the Board                   Representative of Stock Affairs
Name                                           Teng Feng                                     Liu Hongyu
                                               No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone, No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone,
                                               Banan District, Chongqing                 Banan District, Chongqing
Tel.                                           (023)66295333                                 (023)66295333
Fax.                                           (023)66295333                                 (023)66295333
Email.                                         cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn                         cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn

(III) Information disclosure and inquiring

Press medias of information disclosure           Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
Website assigned by CSRC to release the
online reports
Place for information inquiry                    Secretary office of the Board

                                               III. Financial Highlights

(I) Main accounting data and indices

If retrospective adjustment has been carried out on financial reports of previous periods
 [] Yes [V] No
Primary accounting data
                                                                                                              Increase/decrease    over
          Primary accounting data                 Report term (Jan-Jun)           Same period last year
                                                                                                             same period of last year(%)
Turnover (yuan)                                             968,858,593.63                1,371,442,562.5                       -29.35%
Business profit (RMB)                                       -33,258,411.48                   -1,086,285.25                   -2,961.62%
Gross profit (RMB)                                          -33,035,241.44                      40,478.66                    -81,711.5%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                             -33,707,653.7                   1,364,363.06                    -2,570.58%
the listed company (yuan)
Net profit attributable to the shareholders
of the listed company and after deducting                   -33,930,823.74                     237,599.15                    -14,380.7%
of non-recurring gain/loss(RMB)
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                            -41,048,514.26                  -31,868,308.65                      -28.81%
operation (RMB)
                                                  Ended this report term          Ended previous year              Changed by (%)
Gross Assets (RMB)                                         2,856,550,977.9                2,691,721,123.4                         6.12%
Owners equity attributable to the
                                                            252,758,439.86                 286,466,093.56                       -11.77%
shareholders of the listed company (yuan)
Capital shares (shares)                                        477,500,000                    477,500,000                            0%
Major accounting indicies
                                                                                                              Increase/decrease    over
          Major accounting indicies               Report term (Jan-Jun)           Same period last year
                                                                                                             same period of last year(%)
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                               -0.0706                        0.0029                     -2534.48%

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                              -0.0706                         0.0029                     -2534.48%
Basic earnings per share less non-recurring
                                                                     -0.0706                         0.0005                            0%
gain/loss (Yuan/share)
Fully diluted net
income/asset ratio                                                  -13.34%                           0.29%                       -13.63%
Weighted average net
                                                                      -12.5%                          0.29%                       -12.79%
income/asset ratio (%)
Fully diluted net income/asset ratio less
                                                                    -13.42%                         -11.84%                        -1.58%
non-recurring gain/loss (%)
Weighted average net
income/asset ratio less non-recurring                               -12.59%                           0.05%                       -12.64%
Net Cash flow per share generated by
                                                                        -0.09                          -0.07                      -28.57%
business operation (yuan/share)
                                                   Ended this report term          Ended previous year               Changed by (%)
Net asset per share attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company                                       0.53                            0.6                      -11.67%
Liability on asset ratio (%)                                         91.07%                         89.29%                          1.78%
Statement on the accounting data and financial indicies at end of report term. (Please state if retrospective adjustment was made.)

(II) Differences in accounting data under domestic and international accounting standards

1. Differences in net profit and net asset under domestic and international accounting standards

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                              In RMB Yuan
                                   Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the      Owners’ equity to shareholders of the listed
                                                    listed company                                         company
                                          Current term             Previous term              At end of term         At beginning of term
On Chinese Accounting
                                              -33,707,653.7               1,364,363.06           252,758,439.86            286,466,093.56
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standard

Under International
Accounting Standard

2. Differences in net profit and net asset under domestic and overseas accounting standards

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                              In RMB Yuan
                               Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed   Owners’ equity to shareholders of the listed
                                                       company                                             company
                                      Current term                Previous term              At end of term         At beginning of term
On Chinese Accounting
                                             -33,707,653.7                1,364,363.06         252,758,439.86                286,466,093.56
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standard


Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2012 Full Text

3. Details of items with major differences

                                                                                                Rules of international
                                                                                            accounting standard or overseas
  Items with major differences            Amount (RMB)                Cause of difference
                                                                                             accounting standard involved

4. Statement on accounting differences under domestic and overseas accounting standards

(III) Non-recurring items deducted and amounts

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                            Items                               Amount (Yuan)                   Remarks
Gain/loss of non-current assets                                        -73,623.94
Tax refunding or exemption without official certification or
exceeded authority
Gains and losses included in the current period of
government subsidies, excluding those government grants
which are closely related to normal business and in line with             122,200
national policy , or in accordance with fixed standards or
Capital adoption fee collected from non-financial
organizations and accounted into current gain/loss
Gain/loss from differences between the cost of enterprise
merger and the fair value of recognizable net asset of the
invested entities
Gain/loss from non-monetary assets
Gain/loss from commissioned investment or assets
Asset impairment provisions provided for force-majeur
Gain/loss from debt reorganization
Enterprise reorganizing expenses, such as employee
placement fee and integration fee
Gain/loss from trade departing from fair value
Current net gain/loss of subsidiaries under same control
from beginning of term till date of consolidation
Gain/loss generated by contingent liabilities without
connection with main businesses
Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset
and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of
transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable
financial assets, other than valid period value instruments
related to the Company’s common businesses
Restoring of receivable account impairment provision tested
Gain/loss from commissioned loans
Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property
measured at fair value in follow-up measurement
Influence of one-time adjustment made on current gain/loss
account according to the laws and regulations regarding tax

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

and accounting
Consigning fee received for cosigned operation
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the
Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of
non-recurring gain/loss account
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity
Influenced amount of income tax

Total                                                                      223,170.04                        --
Statement of the Company on “Other gain/loss items satisfying the definitions of non-recurring gain/loss accounts” and the
non-recurring items defined as recurring items according to the nature and characteristics of the businesses.
             Items                Amount involved (RMB)                                      Remarks
Penalty income                                       258,169.83
Loss from disposal of current
Overdue tax penalty                                    3,861.65

                      IV. Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

(I) Movement of Capital Share

1. Statement of Changes in Shares

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

2. Change of Restricted Shares

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(II) Share issuing and listing

1. Share issuing in latest three years

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

2. Change of asset and liability structure caused by change of total capital shares and structure

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

3. Current employees’ shares

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(III) Shareholders and the substaintial controller of the Company

1. Total of shareholders at the end of report term.

Number of shareholding accounts at the end of report term was 15,380.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

2. The Top Ten Shareholders

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                       Top Ten Shareholders
                                                    Share                                                    Frozen or pledged
                                    Properties of                                     Non-negotiable
    Full name of shareholder                      proportion       Total shares                         Status of
                                    shareholder                                        shares held                     Amount
                                                      %                                                  shares
   China Southern Industry Group State-owned                                                           Pledge                     0
                                                       71.13%         339,625,000        339,625,000
                        Co., Ltd.      shares                                                          Restricted                 0
                                                                                                       Pledge                     0
                    Gu Zuocheng           Others        1.86%           8,875,000          8,875,000
                                                                                                       Restricted                 0
     Anhui Hengsheng Economic Public legal                                                             Pledge                     0
                                                        1.47%           7,000,000          7,000,000
    Development Group Co., Ltd. person shares                                                          Restricted                 0
                                                                                                       Pledge                     0
                    Feng Yonghui          Others        0.42%           2,000,000          2,000,000
                                                                                                       Restricted                 0
    Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo            Foreign                                                       Pledge                     0
                                                        0.27%           1,271,001                  0
                     Securities           shares                                                       Restricted                 0
                                         Foreign                                                       Pledge                     0
                    Wang Chuxin                         0.22%           1,050,000                  0
                                          shares                                                       Restricted                 0
                                         Foreign                                                       Pledge                     0
                      Chen Hanjie                       0.12%               550,000                0
                                          shares                                                       Restricted                 0
                                         Foreign                                                       Pledge                     0
                    Huang Lianna                        0.11%               539,800                0
                                          shares                                                       Restricted                 0
                                         Foreign                                                       Pledge                     0
                        Cai Yugui                       0.11%               515,900                0
                                          shares                                                       Restricted                 0
                                         Foreign                                                       Pledge                     0
                    Peng Daqiang                         0.1%               470,849                0
                                          shares                                                       Restricted                 0
Situations of the shareholders
Top Ten Shareholders of Negotiable Shares
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                   Negotiable shares held              Categories and amounts of shares
            Name of the shareholder                 at the end of report
                                                            term                  Categories                    Amount
        Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo Securities                    1,271,001 B shares
                                    Wang Chuxin                 1,050,000 B shares                                        1,050,000
                                     Chen Hanjie                 550,000 B shares                                           550,000
                                    Huang Lianna                 539,800 B shares                                           539,800
                                       Cai Yugui                 515,900 B shares                                           515,900
                                    Peng Daqiang                 470,849 B shares                                           470,849
                                       Li Mingya                 424,400 B shares                                           424,400
                                   Zhang Shaoqin                 420,800 B shares                                           420,800
                                     Luo Hongbo                  400,000 B shares                                           400,000
                                    Zhu Gengxin                  391,811 B shares                                           391,811
Statement of relationships and (or) action-in-concert among above shareholders:
There isnt any associated relationship between the sponsoring shareholder and the other shareholders among the top-10 list. None of
them are regarded as Acting in concert in accordance with The rules of information disclosure on change of shareholding. Foreign
shareholders are unknown for their condition of Associated relationship and Acting in concert.
Strategic or common legal person become one of the top 10 shareholders due to rights issue.
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                       Interim Report 2012 Full Text

3. Profile of the controlling shareholder

(1) Changing of controlling shareholder and practical controller of the Company

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(2) Particulars about the holding shareholder and substaintial controller

Is there any new substaintial controller
 [] Yes [V] No
Name of the substaintial controller                          State-owned Asset Supervisory & Administration Committee
Category of the controller                                   State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission

(3) Chart of controlling relationships

                                              National State-owned Asset
                                              Administrative Committee


                                            China Southern Industry Co. Ltd.


                                           Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle
                                                    Co., Ltd.

(4) Controlling over the Company by the substaintial controller through trust or other asset management

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

4. Other legal person shareholders with over 10% of total shares

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(IV) Convertible bonds

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

                         V. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

                                                                    Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(I) Change of shareholding by directors, supervisors, and executives

                                                                                                        Shares      Shares                     Incl. Amount      Share                       remuneration
                                                                                        holding at                             Shares held
                                                                                                       increased   decreased                    of shares     options held       Cause of        from
    Name         Position       Gender          Age        Job started   Job ended         the                                 at the end of
                                                                                                       this term   this term                      under       at the end of       change     shareholding
                                                                                      beginning of                                 term
                                                                                                       (shares)    (shares)                     restriction   term (shares)                    or related
                                                                                      term (shares)

    Total           --               --          --            --            --                                                                                                      --            --

Motivational bonus shares granted to the directors, supervisors, and managements in the report term:
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(II) Situation of jobs

Jobs taken in shareholding parties
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable

                                                                                                                  Take remunerations
                        Name of the                                                                       Job
     Names                                                    Job taken                    Job started           from the shareholding
                        shareholder                                                                      ended

                 China Southern
                                           Director, secretary of CCP of Chongqing         Jul 01,
Li Huaguang      Industry Group Co.,
                                           Southern Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                   2009

                 China Southern            Accounting and Auditing Managerm, Chief
                                                                                           Nov 01,
Ni Erke          Industry Group Co.,       Accountant, Director assigned to Chongqing
                 Ltd.                      Nanfang Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

                 China Southern
                                           Office Manager of Chongqing Nanfang             January 1,
Tan Mingxian     Industry Group Co.,
                                           Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                            2012

                 China Southern
                                           Vice Manager of Accounting Dept. of             February 1,
Liu Li           Industry Group Co.,
                                           Chongqing Nanfang Motorcycle Co., Ltd.          2011

                 Chongqing Tongkang
Hao Lin                                    Chairman                                        Jan 1, 2001
                 Technologies Co., Ltd.

about jobs

Jobs taken in other parties
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(III) Annual Remunerations of the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

Decision making
procedures for
                              Remuneration scheme for top executives was proposed by the Remuneration and Assessment
remunerations of the
                              Committee of the Board and approved by the Board and Shareholders Meeting.
Directors, Supervisors and
Senior Executives

                              The assessment of the senior executives of the Company is divided into daily assessment, quarterly
                              assessment and annual assessment. Daily assessment is conducted in the forms of interview and talk
Basis for remunerations of
                              mainly for supervising the daily work of senior executives. Quarterly assessment is mainly for
the Directors, Supervisors
                              appraising the status of quarterly fulfillment of the duties of senior executives. Annual performance
and Senior Executives
                              assessment is conducted according to the Company's regulations on the annual performance assessment
                              of senior executives. Their annual work performance is summarized according to the result of

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                              assessment. The result of assessment will be timely feedback to senior executives so that they can
                              pertinently improve their work in the next year.

Actual payment to
directors, supervisors and Payment on monthly basis.

(IV) Alternation of Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Executives

  Name             Jobs taken                           Changed                           Date of change           Cause of change

Ni Erke       Director               Elected by the Shareholders Meeting 2011        May 25, 2012              Supplement

Zha           Chairman of
                                     Elected by the Shareholders Meeting 2011        May 25, 2012              Supplement
Changli       Supervisory

              Supervisor             Elected by the Shareholders Meeting 2011        May 25, 2012              Supplement

Liu Li        Supervisor             Elected by the Shareholders Meeting 2011        May 25, 2012              Supplement

              Representative of      Engaged at the 6th meeting of the 6th term of
Liu Hongyu                                                                           April 17, 2012            Engaged
              Stock Affairs          Board

Chen          Chairman of
                                     Resigned                                        April 17, 2012            Retiring
Fengzhen      Supervisory

Han Jinke     Supervisor             Resigned                                        April 17, 2012            Change of job

              Supervisor             Resigned                                        April 17, 2012            Change of job

(V) The Employees

Number of employees in position                                                                                                    2,641

Retired employees on the Companys expense                                                                                          3,902

                                                      Composition of professions

                     Categories of professions                                              Number of persons

Production                                                                                                                         1,372

Sales & Marketing                                                                                                                   260

Technicians                                                                                                                         486

Finance & Accounting                                                                                                                 64

Executive                                                                                                                           459

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                                                       Education background

                       Categories of education                                              Number of persons

Masters degree                                                                                                                         66

Bachelors degree                                                                                                                     701

College diploma                                                                                                                      665

High school and below                                                                                                              1,209

Particulars about the employees

                                      VI. Board of Directors’ Report

(I) Business Analysis

In the first half of 2012, the whole motorcycle industry was in a declining trend and competition became more
severe. Sales of motorcycles in the period of Jan-Jun was 562 thousand, a decrease of 18.91% YoY, including 212
thousand sold by the headquarter, a decrease of 31.3%. According to the statistics provided by the Automobile
Association, the Company was at the 6th place in the whole motorcycle industry. As impacted by the adjustment
of automobile industry, the sales of automobile conditioner compressor was 661 thousand units, a decrease of
32.77%, it was at the third place in the auto air-conditioner compressor industry.
Whether the actual performance is exceeding or lower than the forcasting or business plan released previously by 20% or over.
 [] Yes [V] No
Business performance of main subsidiaries or affiliates:

         Name of companies                Shares    Registered      Capital scale            Major products or service            Net profit
                                            held    capitalRM       RMB0000                                                       (RMB000
                                                     B0000                                                                           0)
  Chongqing Jianshe Sales Co., Ltd.      100.00%            1,200      51,341               Sales of motorcycle and parts             -1278
Chongqing Northern Jianshe Imp &         100.00%            6,038               18,577 International trading and agency of                  24
Exp Co., Ltd.                                                                          various merchandises and technologies
                                                                                       (other than those restricted by national
Chognqing Jianshe Automobile             100.00%           16,000               61,367 Production, sales, and services of                 -692
Air-conditioner Compressor Co., Ltd.                                                   automobile air-conditioners and parts
Shanghai Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. 51.00%                1,600                2,647 Manufacturing and sales of                         137
                                                                                       motorcycles, light motorcycles,
Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA                  50.00%           37,993            112,895 Manufacturing and sales of                        1,602
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   motorcycles and engine parts
Zhuzhou Jianshe YAMAHA                    50.00%           49,786               70,154 Manufacturing and sales of                      2,199
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   motorcycles and engine parts
Chongqing Pingshan Taikai                 49.00%           15,876               17,749 Manufacturing and sales of                         204

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Carburetor Co., Ltd.                                                                   carburetors, general gas engines and
Chongqing Tongsheng Jianshe               30.00%          1,000                  4,328 Production and sales of motorcycle                  3
Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                     parts

All risky factors that could influence the realizing of development strategies and business targets:

Internal trades. Under the influence of the economic downturn, on the one hand the decrease of domestic demands for motors cycles
brought a substantially decline in the company sales, and so did the downturn of domestic auto industry do to the company
automobile air conditioning compressor sales.

Foreign trades. There was still a substantially fluctuation within the company overseas sales meanwhile the export scale of the
company was still not so big according to the sales style of normal state trade and the lack of self-dependent innovation. On the other
hand, the company export business has been affected seriously in automobile air conditioning compressors and motors because of
having to give in orders due to avoiding payment risk caused by Iranian nuclear crisis.

In the first half year, the company main business scale and the income from investment declined meanwhile the financial expense
rose thus the company has not succeeded in turning loss into gain although it has a good achievement in cost saving.

The company policy for the rest half year

In the rest of the year, the company will continuously strive to succeed in turning loss into gain to reach the budget target by
strengthen the market development, pushing forward new product searching and development, and strictly controlling the financial

(1) Internal motor trades. Optimizing allocation of resources, raising marketing efficiency, insuring complement of sales targets. For
strengthening the sales target management, the company will formulate the sales targets for the agents and sales stations and will
strengthen the management. For pushing forward the adjustment in product structure, the company will promote the scale production
of its specialty products and optimize the product profit structure. The company decided to deeply carry on optimizing of marketing
channels, strengthening directly selling, promoting electronic commerce to form a diversified sales model and raise the company
competitiveness. The company will also continuously push forward sales terminal special offer vehicle to enhance special offer
vehicle network coverage to raise the companys competitiveness in price. The company will firmly improve to produce and put new
products into the market to make the new income source.

(2) Foreign motor trades. Focusing on the resources and the key markets and strengthening the efforts for foreign trades. The
company will expand its traditional markets in Nigeria and Brazil by the introduction of new products. The company will perform
targeted foreign trade product R&D to improve the product profitability and competitiveness. The company will make efforts in
marketing plan for key new products and perform exactly its business policy and technical service to ensure success in trial sales.

(3) Engines and components. Firstly the company will expand the striding type motorcycle product line and steadily push forward
Series 100 scooter engine production. Secondly the company will take Chongqing, Guangdong and Jiangshe as the centers to
improve the key customers and the key products development. Thirdly the company will strengthen the cooperation with Yamaha in
components production to ensure the income increasement of components sales.

(4) Motor product R&D. The company will accelerate the product R&D and optimize the product system to improve competitiveness.
One thing to be done is accelerate to put the projected products into the market. The second is to accelerate the fashion style motor
product R&D. The third is to bring in the lean design concept and use the DFC method to improve the design quality, cost and

(5) Joint venture cooperation. The company will push forward the joint venture cooperation business and improve OEM product

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

variety and sales. The company will also enhance components supply for the cooperators to form some new income increasement

(6) Air conditioning compressors. The first is positively maintaining the existing markets and pushing forward the global purchasing
project with PSA Peugeot Citroen, France. The second is performing big customers policy to improve the timely delivery for orders
and the company reputation. The third is strengthening the sense of service to consolidate the company the core supplier position for
Changan and Changcheng. The fourth is seizing the situation in Iran to control the risk. The fifth is taking the opportunity of the
summer sales season to improve the market share.

(7) Cost advantage. The company will strengthen to control the cost of projects and key products production. In aspect of
self-manufacturing the company will determine the staff structure according to the production output strictly and adjust the
production shift reasonably. The company will also control the auxiliary consumptions, special costs and energy costs. The company
will exactly strengthen the target cost responsibility system and performance assessment.

(8) Improving management. Taking the company movement of raising management level as an opportunity, the company will
continuously benchmarking advanced enterprises such as Yamaha to improve its management.

1. Main business and operation

(1) Statement of main businesse segments on industries and products

                                                                                                                            In RMB Yuan

                                                                                                  Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                                                                                                  of operation cost     of gross profit
  On industry or                                             Gross profit      of turnover over
                        Turnover         Operation cost                                             over the same       ratio over the
        product                                                 ratio %        the same period
                                                                                                  period of last year   same period of
                                                                               of last year (%)
                                                                                                         (%)            last year (%)

On Industries

Industry              899,950,333.01     765,044,914.66              14.99%             -33.67%             -35.16%              15.03%

On Products

Motorcycle and
                      633,626,513.96     535,339,578.16              18.36%             -33.11%             -37.04%              60.93%

Vehicle air
                      266,323,819.05       229,705,336.5             15.94%             -34.96%             -30.32%             -34.15%

Statement of main businesse segments on industries and products
Statement of significant change of gross profit over the same period of previous year
Growing of gross profit ratio of motorcycle products was caused by increasing of sales prices of main products and parts, and
decreasing of costs. Decreasing of gross profit ratio of air-conditioner products was caused by declining of sales price.

(2) Business segments on territories

                                                                                                                            In RMB Yuan

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                   Regions                          Turnover                    Change of turnover YoY (%)

North                                                          106,393,837.49                             -45.87%

East                                                            81,191,969.24                                -13.9%

Mid-south                                                       52,841,162.17                                -1.75%

South-west                                                      403,423,014.5                             -42.78%

North-east                                                      43,291,987.47                             -14.79%

North-west                                                      35,775,716.14                             -28.93%

South                                                           32,505,376.53                                -28.9%

  Overseas sales                                               144,527,269.47                                -9.74%

Statement of business segments on territories

Statement on main business composition.

(3) Major change in the primary business or its structure

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(4) Statement on major change in primary business profitability (gross profit ratio)

[] Applicable [V] Not applicable

(5) Analyze of major change in profit composition

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

2. Internal controlling system related to accounting of fair value

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

3. Holding of financial assets and liabilities in foreign currency

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(II) Company investment

1. Overall application of finance raised

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

                                                           Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

2. Situations of projects to be financed by the proceeds

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

3. Altering of projects financed by proceeds

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

4. Major projects invested by non-financing capital

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                      In RMB10 thousand

                                            Date of
                                                         Amount of the
              Projects                      primary                        Investment progress of the project     Turnover of the project

                                                                          As of end of the period, bidding
                                                                          invitation for equipment and
Technical reforming project of          April 22, 2011
                                                                 15,410 facilities and engaging of contracts
turbine compressor production
                                                                          have been finished, amounted to
                                                                          some RMB92.925 million.

                         Total                                   15,410                    --                               --

                                 Statement on major investment projects financed by non-financing capital

Along with the development of automobile industry, the market for air-conditioner compressor is expanding continuously. The
Company has decided to use the preserved land to launch the Technical Reforming Project of Turbine Compressor Production. The
project is scheduled for RMB154.10 million of investment.

(III) Revising of business plan of the second half of year by the Board

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(IV) Prediction of business performance for Jan-Sept 2012

Alert of loss or significant change in net profit from the beginning of year to the end of next report period or comparing with the
same period of last year, and statement of causations.
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(V) Statement of the Board on the “non-standard auditors’ report” issued by the CPA on the
current report period

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(VI) Statement of the Board on the variation and treatment of events that involved in the
“non-standard auditors’ report” issued by the CPA on previous fiscal year

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(VII) Results of disccusion by the Board on the causation and impact of change in accounting
policies and estimations or correction of material accounting errors

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(VIII) Making and implementation of cash dividend policies

1. According to the document (证监发【2012】第 37 号) issued by the CSRC on cash dividend policies of public limited companies,
the Company held the 6th meeting of the 7th term of Board on July 26, 2012, on which the Articles of Association was revised
regarding the way and terms of cash dividend, the principles of usage of retained profit. The resolutions are subject to the approval of
the 1st provisional shareholders meeting which will be held on August 30, 2012.
2. The Board of Directors produces the profit distribution proposal of 2011 and complying with the Articles of Association.
Independent directors provide affirmative opinions on the proposal. The dividend proposal is disclosed through statutory media and
executed upon approval of the Shareholders Meeting. The Company provided onsite voting and online voting system for the
Shareholders Meeting 2011 for the convenient of shareholders.
Upon revising of the Articles of Association regarding dividend policies, the Board will use various channels, including telephone,
fax, mail, Email, and online interchange platform, to communicate with the independent directors and mid-small shareholders.
Basing upon the new enterprise accounting standard, the net profit attributable to the shareholders in 2011 was RMB-188.45 million,
with retained profit of RMB-919.90 million. Neither dividend distribution nor capitalizing of common reserves would be
implemented for year 2011. Therefore there was no situation with the Company that the retained profit was a positive figure but no
dividend was distributed.

(IX) Profit distribution or capitalizing of common reserves

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(X) Situation of positive retained profit at end of 2011 but no cash dividend was proposed

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(XI) Establishing and performing of information insider administration scheme

The Company has been following the “Regulations on Establishing of Information Insider Registration System in PLCs” issued by
CSRC. The Information Insider Registration Rules, which was produced on November 25, 2011 and adopted at the 4th meeting of
the 6th term of Board, has been executed by the Company.
All inside information including the business performance report of 2011 was recorded one after another. This has been reflecting all
of the related issues about the reporting, transmitting, preparing, and decision procedures of the information before being disclosed.
None of the users of the information has been found using them in any illegal trading, no leaking of inside information, and the
Company has not been under punishment or criticize by the supervisory authorities regarding default in information insider
registration or any under-the-table trade.
Retrospective examination and tracking of insiders who have been trading the Companys shares.
 [] Yes [V] No
Were there any punishment or supervising treatment by the supervisory authorities on the Company or insiders involving with
undertable trade

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

 [] Yes [V] No

(XII) Other issues to be disclosed

(XIII) Change in liability and credit situation, and cash arrangement for repaying of debts
(This form is only for PLCs which issued convertible bonds.)

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

                                              VII. Significant Events

(I) Company administration

1. General situation of administration
The Company has been following with the Company Law, Securities Law, and Administration Rules of PLCs, as well as those
regulations and documents, kept improving its administration practice. A number of internal regulations and criteria have been
established focusing on internal control including: the Articles of Association, Rules of Shareholders Meeting, Rules of Board
Meeting, Rules of Supervisory Meeting, General Manager Working Criteria, and Internal Control System. A mature administration
structure including the shareholders meeting, board of directors, supervisory committee and executive level was established. In
accordance with the Administration Standard of Public Limited Companies, the Company has a well established adminstration
structure and complying with the requirement of CSRC.
2. Progress of internal control
According to the document (渝证监发【2012】3 号) issued by Chongqing Bureau of CSRC, the Company produced internal control
operation plan for the first half of 2012 and approved at the 5th meeting of the 6th term of Board held on February 29, 2012. The
following works were conducted in stages among the first half of year:
1. Preparation works for internal control
A leading group was formed by primary leaders of the Company and led by Chairman Li Huaguang and General Manager Lu
Hongxian. Internal control project team was formed by related staffs assigned by each department and led by the auditing and legal
department. The team is responsible for estabilishing and executing of the internal control sytem.
The Company conducted legal training on key staffs, including firstly the secretary of Board, financial officer, internal auditing
manager, securities affair representative, and auditing staffs, who participated the Special Training Course for Internal Control of
PLCs conducted by Chongqing Bureau of CSRC.
Secondly a number of training courses were provided by Zhongjin Ruixin CPA and National Asset Commission to the management
team. The courses were covering inventory, purchasing and payment, sales and account retreiving, wage and manpower, fixed asset,
and financing.
3. Internal control construction
Following with the requirement of the Enterprise Internal Control Standards, the project team conducted evaluations on interior
environment, risk evaluation, controlling operation, information and communication, and internal supervisory operation. Various
analyzing and refining works have been done on 75 inspection points among 21 business activities.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(II) Dividend plans, reserve capitalizing plans, or share issuing plans proposed in previous
period and implemented in the current period

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

                                                                    Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(III) Material lawsuits

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                    Date of     Serial number of
                                       Joint liability                     Profile of the   Amount claimed     Progress of the        Results and   Progress of
   The claimer      The defendant                        Type of claim                                                                                            information          the
                                           party                               claim             RMB0000             lawsuit           influence    execution
                                                                                                                                                                  disclosure      announcement

Chongqing          Chongqing
Northern Jianshe Huiyao
                                                                                            337.5             On execution
Import & Export Motorcycle Co.,
Co., Ltd.          Ltd.

                   Ningbo Huiwang                                                                             Settlement
The Company        Machinery Co.,                                                           68                agreement
                   Ltd.                                                                                       engaged

Jiang Fuqiang,                                                                                                retrieved by
                   Jianshe Sales
Chongqing                                                                                                     Jiang Fuqiang,
                   Co., Ltd.
Qianhua                                                                                     50                Chongqing
                   Chongqing Feda
Machinery Co.,                                                                                                Qianhua
                   Surface Process
Ltd.                                                                                                          Machinery Co.,
                   Centerl Ltd.

Northern Jianshe                                                                                              Claim rejected
                   Motorcycle                                                               879.48
Import & Export                                                                                               by the Court
                   Nigeria Co., Ltd.
Co., Ltd.

Material lawsuit or arbitration issues occurred after the last annual report were amounted to RMB0.
Material lawsuit or arbitration issues presented in the last annual report but was not settled were amounted to RMB13.3498 million.

                                                                    Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                         Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Provisions provided for the liabilities formed by the lawsuit was RMB0.
Description of the material lawsuit or arbitration issues.

      1. No new major lawsuit or arbitration issues happened in the report term.
      2. Unsettled material lawsuit or arbitration in the report period.
      (1) On January 5, 2009, Chongqing Northern Jianshe Import & Export Co., Ltd. appealed to Chongqing Jiulongpo Peoples Court against Chongqing Huiyao
Motorcycle Co., Ltd. for returning of trade account of RMB3.3 million, and L/C credit interest of RMB75 thousand, and relative interest losses (basing on RMB3.375
million, at the bank loan interest rate at the same period since August 16, 2007 till the account was cleared). On May 20, 2009, the court opened trial on this case and judged
in favor of the Import & Export Co. The defender appealed to No.5 Middle Court but rejected for it has failed to pay the appeal fee. This case is now in execution period
      The Company sued to Chongqing Bannan District Court on July 20, 2011 claiming for dismissing of the Work Contract and Technical Contract with Ningbo Huiwang
Machinery Co., Ltd. and the trade payment of RMB680 thousand and interests (at same interest rate of the bank since July 1, 2007 up to the date of clearing), and property
preservation. The trial was opened on November 15, 2011, the above contracts were judged to be dismissed on August 5, 2011, and the payment RMB680 thousand and
related losses will be paid to the Company. Ningbo Huiwang Machinery Co., Ltd. lodged appeal to the No.5 Middle court of Chongqing. An settlement agreement has been
engaged between the parties. According to the agreement, the Company will accept and examine the goods sent by Ningbo Huiwang in one month. The balance of RMB70
thousand will be paid and the property preservation will be retrieved upon passing of examination. At present the goods have been delivered by Ningbo Huiwang.
      3. Major lawsuit and arbitrative issues closed in the report term.
      (2) Jiang Fuqiang and Chongqing Qianhua Machinery Co., Ltd. sued to the 1st middle court of Chongqing on December 17, 2009 claiming for recognition of
motorcycle cargo trestle manufactured and sold by Congqing Jianshe Sales Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Feida Surface Processing Center Ltd. to be one of the protected patents
of the claimer. They claimed to stop manufacturing and sales of the subject and RMB500 thousand of compensation, and the lawsuit fees. During the trial period, Chongqing
Feida Surface Processing Center Ltd. claimed for invalid patent to the Reviewing Committee of National Committee of Patents. Therefore the 1 st Middle Court of
Chongqing suspended the trial. Jiang Fuqiang and Chongqing Qianhua Machinery Co., Ltd. retrieved the claiming on March 2, 2012.
(2) Chongqing Northern Jianshe Import and Export Co., Ltd. sued to Chongqing No.5 Middle Court in September 2010, claiming for USD1.390472 million of trade account
and interests from Weiran Motorcycle (Nigeria) Co., Ltd. The Court has accepted the application on October 19, 2010. Serving of court notice will be through diplomatic
channel for it involves in international lawsuit. The claiming of Chongqing Northern Jianshe Import & Export Co., Ltd. was rejected by the Court on May 16, 2012.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(IV) Bankrupcy or capital reorganizing

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(V) Holding other PLC’s shares or participating of financial entities

1. Securities investment

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Statement on securities investment

2. Holding of other PLC’s shares

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Statement on holding of other PLCs shares.

3. Shareholding in non-listed financial entities

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Statement on shareholding in non-listed financial entities

4. Trading of other PLC’s shares

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Statement on trading of other PLCs shares.

(VI) Asset trade

                                      Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

1. Acquisition of assets

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Statement on acquisition of assets.

2. Disposal of assets

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Statement on disposal of assets.

3. Asset exchange

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Statement on asset exchange.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                              Interim Report 2012 Full Text

4. Merger of entities

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

5. Since releasing of capital reconstruction report or asset acquisition or disposal report, their progress and
influences on the business performance and financial positions.

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(VII) Statement on share increasing proposal raised by the holding shareholder or its
action-in-concert parties in the report period

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(VIII) Implementation and influences of share equity incentive program

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(IX) Material related transactions

                                                                        Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2012 Full Text

1. Related transactions related to daily operation

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                          Reason of major
                                                      Subjects of the       Principle of                       Amount of     Percentage in             Influence on the
                                                                                              Price of trade                                 Way of                       Market price   difference between
   Related parties     Relationship Type of trade           related     pricing the related                      trade          similar                  Companys
                                                                                               RMB0000                                       payment                      RMB0000         trade price and
                                                       transactions        transactions                        RMB0000         trades %                     profit
                                                                                                                                                                                            market price

                                     Purchasing of
Jianxing Machinery                                   Spare parts        Fair price                                   1,544          1.19%
Co., Ltd.

                                     Purchasing of
Jianshe Industry                                     Fuel & power       Fair price                                   1,037           0.8%

Tongsheng                            Purchasing of
                      Affiliates                     Spare parts        Fair price                                   1,066          0.82%
Construction                         goods

                      Joint          sales of        Finished
Jianshe Yamaha                                                          Fair price                                   5,691          5.87%
                      ventures       goods           products

                                     sales of        Finished
Changan Auto                                                            Fair price                                  12,894         13.31%
                                     goods           products

Total                                                                            --                 --                                         --             --               --                --

Details about major returning of goods

Necessity, consistancy, and reason of chosing the related
party (but not other parties in the market)

Influence of the related transaction on the independency of
the Company

Dependency of the Company on the related party, and

                                                                    Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

measurements if any

Actual performance of the related transactions in the report
period comparing with the prediction made previously

Statement on the related transaction

Operation-related related transactions

                                                                              Sales of products or labor service to the related parties    Purchasing of products or labor services from the related parties
                              Related parties
                                                                            Amount of trade RMB0000 Percentage in similar trades % Amount of trade RMB0000                  Percentage in similar trades %

Chongqing Fuda Property Management Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                        12.57                            0.01%

Chongqing Jianshe Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                              1,036.9                             0.8%

Chongqing Jianshe Industry Co., Ltd. (including labor service and moulds)                                                                                          229.22                            0.18%

Chongqing Pingshan Taikai Carburetor Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                     845.79                            0.65%

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                  5,691.13                            5.87%                           230.77                            0.18%

Chongqing Jianxing Machinery Co., Ltd.                                                                                                0%                         1,543.91                            1.19%

Chongqing Jianshe Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.                                                                                          0%                            20.43                            0.02%

Jiangmen Qingqi South China Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                                      0%                            66.48                            0.05%

Chongqing Tongsheng Jianshe Industry Co., Ltd.                                                   448.55                            0.46%                         1,065.66                            0.82%

China Changan Automobile Group Co., Ltd.                                                       12,893.7                          13.31%

Zhuzhou Jianshe YAMAHA Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                        31.98                           0.03%

Total                                                                                         19,065.36                          19.68%                          5,051.74                            3.89%

Including: Sales of good or services to the holding shareholder and its subsidiaries was amounted to RMB000 in the report period.

                                                                      Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

2. Related transactions related to asset purchasing or disposal

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

3. Material related transactions related to collaborated external investment

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

4. Debtors and credits with related parties

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Capital appropriation and progress of clearing in report period
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
The penalty plan proposed by the Board if the clearing of non-operational capital appropriation is not completed till the end of report period.
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

5. Other material related transactions

The shareholders meeting 2011 held on May 25, 2012 examined and adopted the proposal of “Excepting
Financial Services”. As of June 30, 2012, the balance of savings at Military Equipment Finance Company was
RMB60.0092 million, accounted for 0.52% of the total savings of the Military Equipment Finance Company. The
security and liquidity of the savings were in good condition. No delay of payment occurred due to shortage of

(X) Major contracts and execution

1. Trusteeship, contract, or leasing issues which contributes 10% or over of total profit of the period

(1) Trusteeship

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(2) Contracting

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(3) Leasing

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable

                                        involved                                                    Influence
                                                                           Leasing     Recognitio
                            Descripti    by the                                                      of the      Related
Name of the Name of                                  Starting    Ending    income      n basis of                           Relationsh
                            on of the   property                                                    rental on transaction
    leaser     the lessee                              date       date    RMB000          lease                                 ip
                            property    on lease                                                       the        or not
                                                                              0         income
                                        RMB000                                                      Company

Chongqing     Chongqin
Jianshe       g Jianya,     Warehou                 May 31,     May 30,                Price on                             Joint
                                            2,078                             380.87                            Yes
Motorcycle Shanghai se                              2008        2013                   agreement                            ventures
Co., Ltd.     Jianya

Statement on the leasing
This leasing is a continuous leasing business.

2. Guarantees

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                      In RMB10 thousand
                                          External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                       Amount of               Actual date of
                                    Amount of                                                                                   Related
                      guarantee and              occurring     Actual amount                   Type of                Completed
Guarantee provided to                  the                                                                    Term              party or
                          date of             (signing date of of guarantee                   guarantee                 or not
                                    guarantee                                                                                     not
                        disclosure              agreements

                                                                          Total of external guarantee
Total of external guarantee approved
                                                                        0 actually occurred in the report                                0
in the report term (A1)
                                                                          term (A2)
                                                                          Total of external guarantee
Total of external guarantee approved
                                                                        0 actually occurred as of end of                                 0
as of end of report term (A3)
                                                                          report term (A4)
                                              Guarantee provided to controlled subsidiaries
                             Amount of                   Actual date of
                                           Amount of                                                                            Related
                           guarantee and                   occurring       Actual amount        Type of               Completed
 Guarantee provided to                         the                                                            Term              party or
                               date of                  (signing date of of guarantee         guarantee                 or not
                                            guarantee                                                                             not
                             disclosure                   agreements
Chongqing Jianshe
                           Apr 20, 2012          2,800 Feb 09, 2012                   2,800                  1 year   Yes        No
Sales Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Jianshe                                                                                            Half a
                           Apr 20, 2012          2,400 May 3, 2012                    2,400                           Yes        No
Sales Co., Ltd.                                                                                              yr
Chongqing Jianshe                                                                                            Half a
                           Apr 20, 2012          3,600 May 16, 2012                   3,600                           Yes        No
Sales Co., Ltd.                                                                                              yr
Chongqing Jianshe                                                                                            Half a
                           Apr 20, 2012          5,000 June 13, 2012                  5,000                           Yes        No
Sales Co., Ltd.                                                                                              yr
Chognqing Jianshe
Automobile                                                                                                   10
                           Apr 20, 2012          5,000 October 18, 2011               5,000                         Yes          No
Air-conditioner                                                                                              months
Compressor Co., Ltd.
Chognqing Jianshe
Automobile                                                                                                   Two
                           Apr 20, 2012          3,850 August 30, 2010                3,850                           Yes        No
Air-conditioner                                                                                              years
Compressor Co., Ltd.
Chognqing Jianshe
Automobile                                                                                                   Three
                           Apr 20, 2012          4,700 Dec 28 2009                    4,700                           Yes        No
Air-conditioner                                                                                              years
Compressor Co., Ltd.
                                                                          Total of guarantee to
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries
                                                                  38,500 subsidiaries actually occurred                            34,400
approved in the report term (B1)
                                                                          in the report term (B2)
                                                                          Total of balance of guarantee
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries                                        actually provided to the
                                                                  38,500                                                           27,350
approved as of the report term (B3)                                       subsidiaries as of end of report
                                                                          term (B4)
Total of guarantee provided by the Company (i.e. total of the above two items)
Total of guarantee approved in the                                        Total of guarantee occurred in
                                                                  38,500                                                           34,400
report term (A1+B1)                                                       the report term (A2+B2)
Total of guarantee approved as of end                                     Total of guarantee occurred as
                                                                  38,500                                                           27,350
of report term (A3+B3)                                                    of the end of report term
Percentage of the total guarantee occurred (A4+B4) on net asset of
the Company
In which:
Guarantees provided to the shareholders, substantial controllers and
the related parties (C)
Guarantee provided directly or indirectly to objects with over 70% of
liability on asset ratio (D)
Amount of guarantee over 50% of the net asset (E)                                                                                  14,712
Total of the above 3 * (C+D+E)                                                                                                     27,350
Statement on the possible joint liabilities on the guarantees not due
Remarks on illegal providing of external guarantee

                                    Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

3. Entrusted capital management

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

4. Performing of material contracts

5. Other material contracts

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(XI) Statement on issuing of company bonds

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(VII) Fulfilling of comitments

1. Commitments of shareholders with over 5% of shares made in the report term or carried over from
previous terms

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

2. Statement on the situation of predicted profit on assets or projects, and actual results of the same

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(XIII) Other misc income accounts

                                                                                                       In RMB Yuan

                                 Items                                   Current term          Previous term

1. Amount of gain (loss) from sellable financial assets

Less: Income tax influence of available-for-sale financial assets

Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in
previous terms


2. Share in other misc. income of the invested company on equity basis

Less: Income tax influence of shares in other gains of investees on
equity basis

Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in
previous terms


3. Amount of gain (loss) from cash flow hedging instruments

Less: influence of income tax oon cash flow hedging instruments

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in
previous terms

Adjusted amount transferred to initial amount of the target project


4. Difference in translating of foreign currency accounts

Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business and transferred to
current gain/loss


5. Others

Less: Income tax influence by other accounted into other misc.

Net amount accounted into other misc. income and transferred into
current gain/loss in previous terms



(XIV) Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews in the report period

                                                                                                         Main content involved
        Time/date              Place                 Way                Type of visitors   Visitors
                                                                                                          and material provided

(XV) Engaging and dismissing of CPA

If the Interim Report is audited
 [] Yes [V] No

(XVI) Punishment on the Company and/or the directors, supervisors, executives, shareholders,
substaintial controller, and purchasers, and correcting of misbehaviours

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(XVII) Other material events

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(XVIII) Material change in profitability, asset, and credit situation of the guarantor of the
convertible bonds

(Only for PLCs issued convertible bonds)
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(XIX) Index for information disclosure

            Issues                    Names and pages of presses        Date of releasing             Web addresses
Production and sales express,       Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                   January 17, 2012         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
December 2011                       Commercial Daily
                                    Securities Times, Hong Kong    January 17, 2012
Performance forcast 2011                                                                    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                    Commercial Daily
Production and sales express,       Securities Times, Hong Kong    February 7, 2012
January 2012                        Commercial Daily
Resolutions of the 5th meeting      Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                   March 1, 2012            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
of the 6th term of Board            Commercial
Working plan of internal
                                                                   March 1, 2012            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Production and sales express,       Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                   March 7, 2012            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
February 2012                       Commercial
Production and sales express,       Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                   April 12, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
March 2012                          Commercial
Resolutions of the 6th meeting      Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                   April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
of the 6th term of Board            Commercial
Annual Reprot 2011 and              Securities Times, Hong Kong    April 20, 2012
Summary                             Commercial
Prediction of related transaction   Securities Times, Hong Kong    April 20, 2012
in 2012                             Commercial
Providing of guarantee to           Securities Times, Hong Kong    April 20, 2012
fully-owned subsidiary in 2012      Commercial
Announcement on accepting of                                       April 20, 2012
                                    Securities Times, Hong Kong
financial services and related                                                              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Notice for calling of the                                          April 20, 2012
                                    Securities Times, Hong Kong
shareholders annual meeting                                                                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Resolutions of the 4th meeting                                     April 20, 2012
                                    Securities Times, Hong Kong
of the 6th term of Supervisory                                                              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Announcement on resigning of        Securities Times, Hong Kong    April 20, 2012
supervisors                         Commercial
Introspective Evaluation Report                                    April 20, 2012
on Internal Control, 2011
Evaluation report on the works                                     April 20, 2012
of CPA, 2011
Risk evaluation report on
Military Equipment Finance                                         April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Emergency preplan for risk
events of Military Equipment                                       April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Finance Company
Independent directors work
                                                                   April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
report 2011 (Chen Xingshu)
Independent directors work
                                                                   April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
report 2011 (Wang Jun)
Independent directors work
                                                                   April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
report 2011 (Yu Jianfeng)
Independent directors work
                                                                   April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
report 2011 (Cheng Yuanwei)
Auditors Report 2011 (English
                                                                   April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
& Chinese)
Report of Verification on
Capital Appropriation by
                                                                   April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Controlling Shareholder and
Related Parties
Independent directors opinions
                                                                   April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
(10 issues)
                                    Securities Times, Hong Kong
The 1st Quarterly Report 2012                                      April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Special statement on financial                                     April 20, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2012 Full Text

services and savings in related
Announcement on irregular          Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                  April 25, 2012             http://www.cninfo.com.cn
fluctuation of share price         Commercial
Production and sales express,      Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                  May 5, 2012                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
April 2012                         Commercial
Promption Notice to Call the
Shareholders Annual Meeting        Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                  May 19, 2012               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
2011, and online voting            Commercial
The Resolutions of
                                   Securities Times, Hong Kong
Shareholders Annual Meeting                                       May 26, 2012               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Legal opinions on the              Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                  May 26, 2012               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
shareholders meeting 2011          Commercial
Resolutions of the 5th Meeting
                                   Securities Times, Hong Kong
of the 6th Term of Supervisory                                    May 26, 2012               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Production and sales express,      Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                  June 9, 2012               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
May 2012                           Commercial
Production and sales express,      Securities Times, Hong Kong
                                                                  July 11, 2012              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
June 2012                          Commercial
Business performance forcast,
                                   Securities Times, Hong Kong
Interim 2012                                                      July 11, 2012              http://www.cninfo.com.cn

                                              VIII. Financial Reports

(I) Auditors’ Report

If the Interim Report is audited
 [] Yes [V] No

(II) Financial Statements

Consolidated or not
[V] Yes [] No
All figures in the financial statements are in RMB Yuan except for otherwise stated.
All figures in the Notes to the Financial Statements are in RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                      Items                                       Note   Closing balance      Openning balance
Current asset:
    Monetary capital                                                                        424,021,851.27         190,637,204.06
    Settlement provision
    Outgoing call loan
    Transactional financial assets
    Notes receivable                                                                         74,955,765.27         255,630,070.43
    Account receivable                                                                       245,327,869.5         164,211,795.84
    Prepayment                                                                               133,688,078.7           84,180,707.6
    Insurance receivable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                         Interim Report 2012 Full Text

     Reinsurance receivable
     Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable
     Other account receivable                           20,982,177.64          20,812,821.83
     Repurchasing of financial assets
     Inventories                                       331,879,039.56         327,646,526.59
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset
Total of current asset                                1,230,854,781.94      1,043,119,126.35
Non-current assets
     Disburse of consigned loans
     Available-for-sale financial asset
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment                 665,102,655.51         661,109,026.54
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                      786,778,994.73          815,167,792.4
     Construction in process                             2,981,816.97            637,819.15
     Engineering goods
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                                 110,056,439.74         114,167,766.09
     R&D expense                                         45,218,941.4          40,642,012.19
     Long-term amortizable expenses                      10,841,938.77         11,958,171.84
     Differed income tax asset                            3,695,408.84          3,695,408.84
     Other non-current asset                                 1,020,000             1,224,000
Total of non-current assets                           1,625,696,195.96      1,648,601,997.05
Total of assets                                        2,856,550,977.9       2,691,721,123.4
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                                  797,762,191.98          886,432,513.1
     Loan from Central Bank
     Deposit received and hold for others
     Call loan received
     Trade off financial liabilities
     Notes payable                                       585,306,600            182,052,500
     Account payable                                   444,306,292.13         493,041,465.91
     Prepayment received                                57,161,800.61          90,848,770.88
     Selling of repurchased financial assets
     Fees and commissions receivable
     Employees’ wage payable                              417,466.62           1,295,690.87
     Tax payable                                       120,341,858.64         122,045,251.33
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable
     Other account payable                              34,974,220.95           44,989,142.9
     Reinsurance fee payable
     Insurance contract provision
     Entrusted trading of securities
     Entrusted selling of securities
     Non-current liability due in 1 year                  273,400,000            115,400,000
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                            2,313,670,430.93      1,936,105,334.99
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings                                 287,000,000            466,700,000
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable
     Special payable                                          738,000                738,000
     Anticipated liabilities
     Differed income tax liability
     Other non-recurring liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                          287,738,000           467,438,000
Total of liability                                    2,601,408,430.93      2,403,543,334.99

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share capital)                                                  477,500,000            477,500,000
     Capital reserves                                                                  603,180,517.59         603,180,517.59
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves
     Surplus reserves                                                                     125,686,000            125,686,000
     Common risk provision
     Retained profit                                                                  -953,608,077.73        -919,900,424.03
     Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company                                  252,758,439.86         286,466,093.56
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                                         2,384,107.11           1,711,694.85
Total of owners equity (or shareholders equity)                                        255,142,546.97         288,177,788.41
Total of liability and shareholders equity (or owners equity)                         2,856,550,977.9        2,691,721,123.4

Legal representative: Li Huaguang    CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                    Items                                 Note      Closing balance      Openning balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                                                                  202,432,397.34          95,112,079.64
     Transactional financial assets
     Notes receivable                                                                   15,609,165.27          91,147,805.32
     Account receivable                                                                 26,366,449.14          25,519,400.79
     Prepayment                                                                         39,704,834.45          32,008,622.36
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable
     Other account receivable                                                          157,455,289.67         210,618,877.52
     Inventories                                                                        75,685,410.23           68,804,889.8
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset
Total of current asset                                                                  517,253,546.1         523,211,675.43
Non-current assets
     Available-for-sale financial asset
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment                                                 813,897,611.81         810,107,982.84
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                                                      597,987,146.68         618,928,862.75
     Construction in process                                                             2,460,467.97             530,820.15
     Engineering goods
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                                                                   88,099,250.3          91,938,540.79
     R&D expense                                                                         45,218,941.4          40,642,012.19
     Long-term amortizable expenses                                                      2,654,506.77           3,079,034.88
     Differed income tax asset
     Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                                                          1,550,317,924.93        1,565,227,253.6
Total of assets                                                                      2,067,571,471.03       2,088,438,929.03
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                                                                     538,500,000            695,720,000
     Trade off financial liabilities
     Notes payable                                                                        247,850,000
     Account payable                                                                   401,934,902.35         451,497,827.87
     Prepayment received                                                                 4,798,082.25          13,682,056.79
     Employees’ wage payable                                                              267,455.17             738,942.92
     Tax payable                                                                        118,535,257.1         128,821,934.36

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

     Interest payable
     Dividend payable
     Other account payable                                                          81,969,425.02          76,348,143.67
     Non-current liability due in 1 year                                             185,500,000              17,000,000
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                                       1,579,355,121.89       1,383,808,905.61
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings                                                              93,000,000            271,500,000
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable
     Special payable                                                                      738,000                738,000
     Anticipated liabilities
     Differed income tax liability
     Other non-recurring liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                                                       93,738,000           272,238,000
Total of liability                                                               1,673,093,121.89       1,656,046,905.61
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share capital)                                              477,500,000            477,500,000
     Capital reserves                                                              601,240,294.29         601,240,294.29
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves
     Surplus reserves                                                                 125,686,000            125,686,000
     Retained profit                                                              -809,947,945.15        -772,034,270.87
     Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owners equity (or shareholders equity)                                    394,478,349.14         432,392,023.42
Total of liability and shareholders equity (or owners equity)                    2,067,571,471.03       2,088,438,929.03

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                       Amount of the Current    Amount of the Previous
                                 Items                          Note
                                                                              Term                     Term
I. Total revenue                                                               968,858,593.63           1,371,442,562.5
      Incl. Business income                                                    968,858,593.63           1,371,442,562.5
              Interest income
              Insurance fee earned
              Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                                      1,021,906,634.08           1,396,576,936.65
      Incl. Business cost                                                      814,535,168.88           1,187,779,750.98
              Interest expense
              Fee and commission paid
              Insurance discharge payment
              Net claim amount paid
              Net insurance policy reserves provided
              Insurance policy dividend paid
              Reinsurance expenses
              Business tax and surcharge                                        11,529,258.24              18,305,481.31
              Sales expense                                                     61,805,964.91               73,664,530.5
              Administrative expense                                            70,934,694.54              77,855,241.42
              Financial expenses                                                58,650,249.34              35,548,776.33
              Asset impairment loss                                              4,451,298.17               3,423,156.11
      Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
              Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                 19,789,628.97               24,048,088.9
              Incl. Investment gains from affiliates                             20,293,033.8              24,551,493.73
              Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                       -33,258,411.48              -1,086,285.25
      Plus: non-operational income                                                 380,369.83               1,627,284.19
      Less: non-operational expenditure                                            157,199.79                 500,520.28
              Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                        73,623.94                  34,263.43
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                              -33,035,241.44                  40,478.66
      Less: Income tax expenses                                                                              -760,147.53
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                             -33,035,241.44                 800,626.19

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

     Including: Net profit realized by the entity taken over before the
     Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company                                 -33,707,653.7                       1,364,363.06
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                                               672,412.26                         -563,736.87
VI. Earnings per share:                                                                     --                              --
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                  -0.0706                            0.0029
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                               -0.0706                            0.0029
VII. Other misc. incomes
VIII. Total of misc. incomes
     Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the parent
                                                                                            -33,707,653.7                        1,364,363.06
     Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders                                   672,412.26                        -563,736.87
If there are entities merged under common control, their net profit realized before th merger were totaled to RMB.

Legal representative: Li Huaguang       CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

4. Income Statement of the Parent Co.

                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                 Items                         Note       Amount of the Current Term  Amount of the Previous Term
I. Turnover                                                                            984,607,056.86               869,013,591.47
      Less: Operation cost                                                             930,917,606.93               786,669,103.83
            Business tax and surcharge                                                   9,970,504.17                16,158,602.42
            Sales expense                                                               10,544,518.21                  14,753,048.4
            Administrative expense                                                      53,528,756.14                38,914,464.32
            Financial expenses                                                          36,996,624.26                26,163,060.43
            Asset impairment loss                                                          558,876.57                  1,100,437.19
      Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
            Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                           19,789,628.97                        24,048,088.9
            Incl. Investment gains from affiliates                                       20,293,033.8                       24,551,493.73
II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                                -38,120,200.45                        9,302,963.78
      Plus: Non business income                                                            219,216.35                        1,375,977.59
      Less: Non-business expenses                                                           12,690.18                          153,315.43
            Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                                    8,938.4
III. Total profit (“-“ for loss)                                                     -37,913,674.28                       10,525,625.94
      Less: Income tax expenses                                                                                               -165,065.58
IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                                     -37,913,674.28                      10,690,691.52
V. Earnings per share                                                                 --                               --
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                               -0.08                                  0.02
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                            -0.08                                  0.02
VI. Other misc gains
VII. Total of integrated income                                                        -37,913,674.28                       10,690,691.52

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                                                                   Amount of the Current      Amount of the Previous
                                                                                   Term                       Term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
     Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                         584,202,387.98             1,004,125,594.48
     Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother company
     Net increase of loans from central bank
     Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies
     Cash received against original insurance contract
     Net cash received from reinsurance business
     Net increase of client deposit and investment
     Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
     Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission
     Net increase of inter-bank fund received

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

      Net increase of repurchasing business
      Tax returned                                                                            6,546,244.41                11,118,487.53
      Other cash received from business operation                                             5,143,315.69                 7,650,196.61
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                           595,891,948.08             1,022,894,278.62
      Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                                  463,639,185.92               855,773,303.08
      Net increase of client trade and advance
      Net increase of savings in central bank and brother company
      Cash paid for original contract claim
      Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission
      Cash paid for policy dividend
      Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                                102,231,217.82               101,859,179.83
      Taxes paid                                                                             28,642,320.15                45,547,207.49
      Other cash paid for business activities                                                42,427,738.45                51,582,896.87
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                          636,940,462.34             1,054,762,587.27
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                              -41,048,514.26               -31,868,308.65
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving
      Cash received as investment profit                                                        16,000,000                   11,000,000
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                                  3,721.35                    14,869.04
other long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units
      Other investment-related cash received                                                  8,035,069.11                 1,258,801.19
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                        24,038,790.46                12,273,670.23
      Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                              34,134,994.9                14,932,612.53
long-term assets
      Cash paid as investment                                                                                                10,000,000
      Net increase of loan against pledge
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units
      Other cash paid for investment activities                                                                           20,855,546.38
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                        34,134,994.9                45,788,158.91
Net cash flow generated by investment                                                       -10,096,204.44               -33,514,488.68
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment
      Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders
      Cash received as loans                                                                748,024,001.92                1,030,720,000
      Cash received from bond placing
      Other financing-related cash received                                                 367,350,408.84               795,533,127.24
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                         1,115,374,410.76             1,826,253,127.24
      Cash to repay debts                                                                    864,774,861.5                 308,450,000
      Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                            54,948,383.96               184,108,283.25
      Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders
      Other cash paid for financing activities                                              160,919,769.62             1,316,018,251.24
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                      1,080,643,015.08             1,808,576,534.49
Net cash flow generated by financing                                                         34,731,395.68                17,676,592.75
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                         187,514.56                  -753,290.07
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                -16,225,808.46               -48,459,494.65
      Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                   161,078,406.88               248,884,345.21
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                                 144,852,598.42               200,424,850.56

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Co.

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                                   Amount of the Current      Amount of the Previous
                                                                                   Term                       Term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
     Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                         498,515,072.48               662,647,162.18
     Tax returned                                                                             3,518,656.47                 6,176,961.92
     Other cash received from business operation                                              1,590,221.08                 2,380,454.13
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                           503,623,950.03               671,204,578.23
     Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                                   426,118,461.86               661,091,330.53
     Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                                  78,878,864.63                79,187,793.49
     Taxes paid                                                                              15,462,766.01                20,047,186.05

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

      Other cash paid for business activities                                                10,880,852.43             19,731,587.19
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                          531,340,944.93            780,057,897.26
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                               -27,716,994.9           -108,853,319.03
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving
      Cash received as investment profit                                                        16,000,000                11,000,000
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
other long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units
      Other investment-related cash received                                                  8,005,552.48                457,995.75
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                        24,005,552.48             11,464,406.01
      Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                             32,739,135.67             11,489,095.82
long-term assets
      Cash paid as investment                                                                                             10,000,000
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units
      Other cash paid for investment activities                                                                           20,128,000
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                       32,739,135.67             41,617,095.82
Net cash flow generated by investment                                                        -8,733,583.19            -30,152,689.81
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment
      Cash received as loans                                                                568,500,000                  898,220,000
      Other financing-related cash received                                             1,236,001,035.11            1,802,966,824.12
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                       1,804,501,035.11            2,701,186,824.12
      Cash to repay debts                                                                 741,500,795.56                 308,450,000
      Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                          31,425,641.98              174,016,143.41
      Other cash paid for financing activities                                            972,904,136.98             2,089,783,422.9
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                    1,745,830,574.52            2,572,249,566.31
Net cash flow generated by financing                                                       58,670,460.59              128,937,257.81
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                           424.99                 -585,600.54
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                               22,220,307.49              -10,654,351.57
      Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                  92,026,931.24              166,262,402.29
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                               114,247,238.73              155,608,050.72

7. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                    Amount of the Current Term
                                    Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                    Capital                                                                   Minor
                                                                                 Commo                                  Total of
Items                               paid in           Less:                                                   sharehold
                                             Capital           Special Surplus n risk       Retaine                     owners’
                                    (or               Shares                                         Others   ers’
                                             reserves          reserves reserves provisio   d profit                    equity
                                    share             in stock                                                equity
I. Balance at the end of last        477,500 603,180,                    125,686             -919,90          1,711,694. 288,177,78
year                                    ,000 517.59                         ,000            0,424.03                 85        8.41
      Plus: Change of
accounting policy
           Correcting of
previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of     477,500 603,180,                     125,686             -919,90          1,711,694. 288,177,78
current year                           ,000 517.59                          ,000            0,424.03                 85        8.41
III. Amount of change in                                                                    -33,707,          672,412.2 -33,035,24
current term (“-“ for decrease)                                                              653.7                  6        1.44
                                                                                            -33,707,          672,412.2 -33,035,24
(I) Net profit
                                                                                               653.7                  6        1.44
(II) Other misc. income
                                                                                            -33,707,          672,412.2 -33,035,24
Total of (I) and (II)
                                                                                              653.7                   6       1.44
(III) Investment or decreasing
of capital by owners

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2012 Full Text

1. Capital inputted by owners
2. Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment
1. Providing of surplus reserves
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus
4. Others
  (VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of this   477,500 603,180,                      125,686           -953,60           2,384,107 255,142,54
term                                ,000 517.59                           ,000          8,077.73                  .11      6.97
Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                      Amount of Last Year
                                            Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                   Capital                                                                   Minor
                                                                                Commo                                 Total of
                 Items             paid in             Less:                                               sharehold
                                             Capital           Special Surplus n risk Retaine                        owners’
                                     (or              Shares                                      Others     ers’
                                            reserves          reserves reserves provisio d profit                      equity
                                    share            in stock                                                equity
I. Balance at the end of last      477,500 603,180,                    125,686            -731,45          2,439,932 477,348,51
year                                   ,000 517.59                         ,000          7,938.07                .61       2.13
      Plus: Retrospective
adjustment caused by merger of
entities under common control
      Plus: Change of
accounting policy
           Correcting of
previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of 477,500 603,180,                       125,686           -731,45           2,439,932 477,348,51
current year                       ,000 517.59                            ,000          7,938.07                 .61       2.13
III. Amount of change in                                                                1,364,36           -563,736.
current term (“-“ for decrease)                                                           3.06                  87
                                                                                        1,364,36           -563,736.
(I) Net profit                                                                                                       800,626.19
                                                                                            3.06                  87
(II) Other misc. income
                                                                                        1,364,36           -563,736.
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                800,626.19
                                                                                            3.06                 87
(III) Investment or decreasing
of capital by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners
2. Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment
1. Providing of surplus reserves
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus
4. Others
  (VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of this       477,500 603,180,                   125,686           -919,90           1,711,694. 288,177,78
term                                    ,000 517.59                        ,000          0,424.03                  85        8.41

8. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Co.)

Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                                                      Amount of the Current Term
                                                               Less:                            Common                  Total of
                 Items                paid in (or Capital                Special     Surplus                Retained
                                                             Shares in                             risk                owners’
                                         share    reserves              reserves     reserves                profit
                                                              stock                             provision                equity
                                      477,500,00 601,240,29                         125,686,00              -605,391,4 599,034,84
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                                0       4.29                                  0                   45.5       8.79
      Plus: Change of accounting
            Correcting of previous
II. Balance at the beginning of    477,500,00 601,240,29                           125,686,00               -772,034,2 432,392,02
current year                                0       4.29                                    0                    70.87       3.42
III. Amount of change in current                                                                            -37,913,67 -37,913,67
term (“-“ for decrease)                                                                                         4.28       4.28
                                                                                                            -37,913,67 -37,913,67
(I) Net profit
                                                                                                                  4.28       4.28
(II) Other misc. income
                                                                                                            -37,913,67 -37,913,67
Total of (I) and (II)
                                                                                                                  4.28       4.28
(III) Investment or decreasing of
capital by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners
2. Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment
1. Providing of surplus reserves
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves
(or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus

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4. Others
  (VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of this       477,500,00 601,240,29                         125,686,00               -809,947,9 394,478,34
term                                          0       4.29                                  0                    45.15       9.14
Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                        Amount of Last Year
                                       Capital                                                                          Total of
                                                              Less:                             Common
                 Items               paid in (or Capital                 Special    Surplus                 Retained
                                                            Shares in                              risk                owners’
                                        share    reserves               reserves    reserves                 profit
                                                             stock                              provision                equity
                                     477,500,00 601,240,29                         125,686,00               -616,082,1 588,344,15
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                               0       4.29                                 0                    37.02       7.27
      Plus: Change of accounting
            Correcting of previous
II. Balance at the beginning of    477,500,00 601,240,29                           125,686,00               -616,082,1 588,344,15
current year                                0       4.29                                    0                    37.02       7.27
III. Amount of change in current                                                                            10,690,691 10,690,691
term (“-“ for decrease)                                                                                          .52        .52
                                                                                                            10,690,691 10,690,691
(I) Net profit
                                                                                                                   .52        .52
(II) Other misc. income
                                                                                                            10,690,691 10,690,691
Total of (I) and (II)
                                                                                                                   .52        .52
(III) Investment or decreasing of
capital by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners
2. Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment
1. Providing of surplus reserves
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves
(or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus
4. Others
  (VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of this      477,500,00 601,240,29                          125,686,00               -605,391,4 599,034,84
term                                         0       4.29                                   0                     45.5       8.79

(III) Company Profiles

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. (the precursor is Shenzhen Northern Jianshe motorcycle Co., Ltd., hereafter referred as the

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Company)      was incorporated on July 19, 1995 by Jianshe Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (Jianshe Group) and China Northern Industry
Shenzhen Co., Ltd. The business license was numbered 5000001805583 and the registered address was Chongqing. The B-stocks of
the Company was listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on July 25, 1995.
On Dec. 30, 2002, the companys temporary general meeting of shareholders passed a resolution of changing the company
nameShenzhen Northern Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. as Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.. The business administrative
registration was completed on March 11, 2003.
Jianshe Group and the China Southern Industrial Group (Southern Group) signed an Agreement of Equity Transfer on Dec. 3, 2004
and a Supplementary Agreement of Equity Transfer on Jan. 22, 2005. According to these agreements, Jianshe Group transferred
339,625,000 of state-owned legal representative shares to Southern Company. The transfer had been approved by State-owned Assets
Supervision and Management Committee of State Council on March 9, 2005 and approved by the China Securities Regulatory
Commission to exempt Southern Groups obligations of Takeover Offer on May 2005.
In September 2005, under the approval the Foreign capital [2005] certificates No. 0628 of the People's Republic of China Department
of Commerce, the company changed from the domestic-fund corporation to the foreign-fund corporation and completed the
registration of business change in August 2007, receiving new legal representative business license Registered
No.500000400001350, and the registered address is Chongqing. The original registered capital was RMB 477.5 million Yuan.
In April 2007, according to the Guangdong Province Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court (2006) second instance judgement
No.21-4 on bankruption by Intermediate People's Court of Shenzhen city, 17.875 million shares of state-owned legal representative
shares by China Northern Industrial Shenzhen Company were transferred to Yangpu New Yufeng Investment Co., Yonghui FENG
and Zuocheng GU. Yangpu New Yufeng Investment Co. held 7 million shares, Yonghui FENG held 2 million shares and Zuocheng
GU held 8.875 million shares.
The controlling shareholder of the company is Southern Group, the largest shareholder of which is State-owned Assets Supervision
and Management Committee of State Council. The Committee hold 100% shares of Southern Group.
Business scope: motorcycle and parts (including engine), automobile parts (excluding engine), common machinery, industrial
equipment module manufacturing and processing, home appliance and material sales.

(IV) Main accounting policies, acocunting estimations and correcting of previous errors

1. Basis of financial statement

     The Company follows the 38 practical rules including Enterprise Accounting Standard – Basic Rules and Enterprise Accounting
Standard No.1 – Inventory, as well as the guidelines issued by the Department of Finance in 2006, known as the New Accounting
       The Company adopts perpetual operation as the basis of financial statements.

2. Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

     Statement of the Company: the financial statements prepared by the Company basing on Note III “basis of financial statements”
were complying with the requirements of the Enterprise Accounting Standard and reflecting the financial positions, business results,
and cash flow in all material aspects truthfully, fairly, and completely.

3. Accounting period

A fiscal year is the year from January 1 to December 31 of the solar calendar.

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4. Standard currency for bookkeeping

Renmingbi is the standard currency in book keeping.
Standard Currency for bookkeeping of overseas subsidiaries.

5. Accounting treatment of the merging entities under common control and different control

(1) Merger of entities under common control

     For merger of enterprise under common control, the Company uses equity integration method in accounting treatment. For those
assets and liabilities acquired through merger shall be accounted at original book value except for those according to different
accounting standard, no goodwill will be calculated anyway. The difference between the book value of considerations and the book
value of the net asset acquired will be adjusted to capital reserves, when the capital reserve is not enough for adjusting, the balance
shall be adjusted to retained profit. Net profit of the merged enterprise realized prior to the merger shall be accounted into
consolidated income statement.

(2) Merger of enterprises under different control

     The difference of the acquisition cost greater than the fair value of recognizable net asset of the enterprise acquired is accounted
as goodwill, and measured as the cost less accumulative impairment provisions; The difference of the acquisition cost shorter than
the fair value of recognizable net asset of the enterprise acquired is accounted into current gain/loss.
     Business results of the acquired enterprise are consolidated since the date of merger, till the controlling power is transferred out
of the Company.

6. Preparing method of consolidated financial statements

(1) Preparation of consolidated financial statements

     Basing on the accounts of the parent company and the subsidiaries included in the consolidation range, major investments,
trades, inventory purchasing or sales, and internal transactions are neutralized before consolidated one after another, and the minority
shareholders equity and gain/loss shall be calculated.

(2) Accounting process on purchasing and selling, or selling and purchasing of the shares of the same
subsidiary in successively two years

     In the report term, new subsidiaries added by merger of enterprises under common control, the revenue, expenses and profits of
the subsidiary from the beginning of current fiscal term to the end of report term are consolidated to the consolidated income
statement. New subsidiaries added by merger of enterprises under different control, the revenue, expenses and profit of the subsidiary
since the day of merger to the end of report term are consolidated into the consolidated income statement.
     When a subsidiary is disposed, the revenue, expenses and profits since the beginning of report term to the day of disposal are
included in the consolidated income statement.

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7. Recognition basis of cash and cash equivalents

Cash equivalent refers to the investment held by the Company with short term (due within 3 months from the purchase date), strong
liquidity and low risk of value fluctuation that is easy to be converted into cash of known amount.

8. Translation of businesses and accounts in foreign currency

(1) Business in foreign currency

     Business transactions involving with foreign currencies occurred in the fiscal year are booked and translated into RMB at the
central parity rate announced by Peoples Bank of China at the end of previous month.
     At the balance sheet day, foreign currency items are translated at the rate of instant date, however the exchange differences
caused by the difference between the rates at the balance sheet date and the initial recognition date or at the previous balance sheet
date, shall be accounted into current gain/loss account;       the amount in standard currency of non-monetary items accounted in
foreign currencies and on historical cost basis shall not be changed.
Exchange differences caused by foreign currency loans relating to purchasing or constructing of assets which satisfy the conditions of
capitalization, are accounted according to the principles adopted for loan expenses.

(2) Translating of financial statements in foreign currencies

9. Financial instruments

(1) Categorising of financial instruments

     The Company classifies financial assets and financial liabilities into: transactional financial assets and liabilities, investment
equity held to maturity, receivable accounts, disposable financial assets, and other financial liabilities.

(2) Recognition basis and measurement of financial instruments

When the Company becomes one of the parties of a financial instrument contract, the financial asset or liability is recognized.

(3) Recognition basis and measurement for transferred financial assets

     The financial assets are recognized for termination when almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership rights are transferred;
if almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership right are reserved, no termination will be recognized.
     If the termination conditions are satisfied when a financial asset is transferred in full, the differences between the following
items are accounted into current gain/loss: a. book value of the financial asset to be transferred; b. the sum of consideration received
for the financial asset and the accumulative change of fair value originally accounted into owners equipty (if the financial asset to be
transferred is disposable financial asset).

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(4) Temination condition for recognition of financial liabilities

(5) Recognition of fair values of financial assets and liabilities

     If there is an active market, the fair value of financial asset or liability is recognized at the price in the active market.
     If there is no such active market, the fair value of financial instruments is recognized by estimation technique.

(6) Providing of impairment provision on financial assets (exclude receivable accounts)

     At the balance sheet day, the Company investigates the book value of financial assets other than transactional financial assets,
when impairment is proved by objective evidences, impairment provisions shall be provided. When impairment happened to a
financial asset accounted at amortized costs, the book value of this financial asset shall be reduced to the current value of predicted
future cash flow, the reduced amount shall be recognized as asset impairment loss and accounted into current gain/loss account.
     When objective evidence showing that the value of a fiancial asset accounted at amortized cost has been restored after
recognition of impairment, and substaintially related to the issues occurred after recognition of the impairment (for instance the credit
grade of the debtor has increased), the impairment loss recognized originally shall be restored and accounted into current gain/loss
account. However, the book value shall not be exceeding the amortized costs of the financial asset at the restoring date provide the
impairment provision has never been provided.

(7) If investment held to mature is recategorized to sellable financial assets, please state th intention or
evidence of change in capability

10. Recognition standard and providing basis of bad debt provision on receivable accounts

     If there are any objective evidence showing that impairment has occurred to a receivable account (including receivable account
and other receivables), the difference between the book value and the present value of expected future cash flows is recognized as
bad debt provision.
     For individual account receivable with minor amount, and those with major amount but suggested no impairment when separate
test was performed (include account receivable and other capital receivable), the Company conduct the proportion of all the
compositions bad debt plans according to the actual loss rate of the similar account receivable composition with same account age
together with the current conditions. The rates are:

                                          Account age                                                 Provision rate
               within 1 yr                                                                               5%
               1-2 yrs                                                                                  10%
               2-3 yrs                                                                                  20%
               Over 3 yrs                                                                               50%

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

     Bad debt provsions shall be provided on individual recognition basis when solid evidence showing that there is defference
between the possibilities of recovering.
The book value of receivable accounts are reduced by provision account (bad debt provisions). If an impaired credit is evaluated as
unrecoverable, termination recognition shall be performed.

(1) Bad debt provision on receivable accounts with major amount individually

Basis of recognition or standard amount of       According to the business scale and business natures, the Company set the standard
individual account with large amount             at RMB5 million as receivable accounts with major amount

                                                 For receivable accounts with major amounts, if no impairment occurred after test,
Basis of bad debt provision
                                                 bad debt provisions shall be provided according to the percentage of ages

(2) Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided as groups

        Name of the portfolio         Basis of bad debt provision                     Basis of recognition for groups

Account receivable without major
amount but greater risk after                                       Receivable accounts due for over three years and with obvious
                                     Age analysis method
combined into group of similar                                      evidence showing that it is are to retreive

Accounts on age basis in the portfolio:
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable

                Age                           Rate for receivables (%)                      Rate for other receivables (%)

Within 1 yr, (included)                                                    5%                                                     5%

1-2 yrs                                                                  10%                                                     10%

2-3 yrs                                                                  20%                                                     20%

Over 3 yrs                                                               50%                                                     50%

3-4 yrs

4-5 yrs

over 5 yrs

Accounts on percentage basis in the portfolio:
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Accounts on other basis in the portfolio:
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(3) Receivable accounts with minor amount but bad debt provisions are provided individually

Reason for providing bad debt individually:

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Obvious evidence showing that the account is not retreivable.
Basis of bad debt provision:
Age analysis method

11. Inventories

(1) Inventory classification

Inventories are categorized as raw materials, products in process, and finishd products, etc.

(2) Pricing of inventory to be delivered

 [] First-in-first-out [v] weighted average [] individual recognition Others
     Delivery of inventory is on weighted average / first-in-first-out basis. Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and
realizable value at the balance sheet day.

(3) Recognition of realizable net value of inventory and providing of inventory impairment provision

     Recognition basis of net realizable value of inventories: the net realizable net of finished goods is the estimated selling price
less the estimated costs to sell and the relevant tax; when the net realizable value of held-for-production materials is higher than the
costs, they are measured at the costs;when the price of the materials decrease, which indicates the net realizable value of the finished
goods is lower than the costs,the net realizable value is the estimated selling price less the estimated costs incurred until the
completion of production, and the estimated costs to sell and the relevant tax;   the net realizable value of held-for-sale materials is
the market price.

(4) Inventory system

[v] Perpetual inventory [] Fixed date inventory Others
     The company adopt perpetual method for inventory counting.

(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and packaging materials

Low price consumable
Basis of amortizing: one-off

Packaging materials
Basis of amortizing: one-off

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

12. Long-term equity investment

(1) Recognition of initial investment costs

     The initial costs of long-term equity investment formed in enterprise merger will be decided at the following basis: For
long-term equity investment formed in merger of enterprises under same controlling, the initial investment cost of the long-term
equity investment will be the share of booked owners equity of the enterprise been merged. The expenses directly related to the
merger will be counted as gain/loss of the current term instantly. For long-term equity investment formed in merger of enterprises
under different controlling, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment will be upon the capital paid to acquire the
ownership, liabilities undertaken, and the fair value of equity securities placed. The expenses directly related to the merger will be
counted as initial investment cost directly.
     For long-term investment obtained in term of cash payment, its initial investment cost will be the actual price paid. Initial
investment cost includes expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly related to obtaining of the long-term investment,
however the cash dividend announced but not collected included in the actual price shall be booked particularly as one of the
     Long-term equity investment obtained through issuing of equity stocks, the initial investment cost shall be accounted at the fair
value of the equity stocks issued.
     Long-term equity investments input by investors are initialized at the value stipulated by the investment contract or agreement,
except for those contracted values are not fairly acceptable.
     Long-term equity investment obtained through exchange of non-monetary assets, if this trade is commercial and the fair values
of the assets been traded are able to be reliably measured, then the fair value of outgoing asset will be used as the initial investment
cost. The difference between the fair value and book value of the outgoing asset is accounted into current gain/loss account. If the
non-monetary asset trade is not satisfying both of the above conditions, then the book value of the outgoing asset and taxes will be
adopted as the initial investment cost.
     Long-term equity investments acquired through debt reorganizing, the initial investment costs are recognized at the fair value of
the equity acquired. The differences between the investment cost and the book value of the credit are accounted into current gain/loss

(2) Successive measurement and recognition of gain/loss

     The Company adoptes cost basis for accounting of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and other equity investments. At
preparing of the consolidated financial statements, the long-term equity investment in subsidiaries are adjuted on equity basis.
     Equity basis is also adopted in accounting of long-term equity investment in joint ventures and associated enterprises.
     At balance sheet day, if there is indication showing impairment occurred on the long-term equity investment in subsidiaries,
long-term equity investment in joint-ventures, and long-term equity investment in associated enterprises, the recoverable amount
shall be evaluated, when the recoverable amount is lower than the book value, the impairment loss shall be recognized and accounted
into current gain/loss, and long-term equity investment impairment provision shall be provided thereof. When impairment occurred
to other equity investment, the differences between the current value of future cash flow determined with reference to the income rate
of similar financial assets in the market shall be recognized as impairment losses and accounted into current gain/loss, and
long-term equity investment impairment provision shall be provided thereof. None of the above long-term equity investment
impairment privision shall be written back in subsequent terms.
     Long-term equity investments accounted on cost basis are priced at initial investment costs. Supplementary or retrieved
investments are adjusted to the cost of long-term equity investment. Cash dividend or profit distribution announced by the investee
are recognized as investment gains of the current term. Recognition of investment gains is limited to the allocated amount of the

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

accumulated net profit after the investment has been made. The exceeding part of profit or cash dividend over the above amount is
treated as retrieving of initial investment cost.
     Long-term equity investment accounted on equity basis, investment gain/loss is recognized at the share of net gain/loss realized
by the investee and adjusted to the book value of the long-term equity investment. Profit distribution or cash dividend announced or
delivered by the investee shall be deducted from the book value of long-term equity investment. Other change of owners equity by
the investee other than net gain/loss shall be adjusted to the book value of the long-term equity investment and accounted into
owners equity.
     At disposal of long-term equity investment, the difference between the book value and actual consideration shall be accounted
into current gain/loss account. For long-term equity investment on equity baisis, the changes in owners equity other than gain/loss
accounted into owners equity, it will be transferred over to current gain/loss from the part originally accounted into owners equity
when disposed.

(3) Basis to recognize common control and material influence on invested entities

(4) Impairment test and providing of impairment provisions

13. Investment property

     The investment properties of the company are classified as land-use right for lease, buildings for lease and land-use right held
for transfer when value added.
     The investment properties are measured initially at the costs, and the subsequent measurement is by cost method.
     The Company adopts depreciation or amortizing methods on investment properties which are the same with fixed assets and
intangible assets.
     When evidence showing that the investment properties are impaired at the balance sheet day, investment property impairment
provisions shall be provided with the method described in 15. Asset impairment hereafter.

14. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition of fixed assets

     a. The economic benefits related to the fixed asset probably flow to the company.
     b. The costs of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.

(2) Recognition and pricing of fixed asset leased by financing

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(3) Depreciation of different fixed assets

     The depreciation method is by straight-line method, and depreciation ratio is decided in accordance with the original value and
useful life after deducting of predicted scrap value (3% of original value).   Depreciation ratio on useful life are:

            Categories                 Depreciation age (year)       Salvage Value Rate (%)            Annual depreciation rate (%)

Houses & buildings                  30-35 yrs                      3%                              2.77-3.23

Equipment & machinery               7-14 yrs                       3%                              6.93-13.86

Electronic equipment                5-8 yrs                        3%                              12.13-19.40

Transportation equipment            5-8 yrs                        3%                              12.13-19.40

Other equipment

Fixed asset leased by financing                   --                             --                                     --

Incl. House & Buildings

Equipment & machinery

Electronic equipment

Transportation equipment

Other equipment

(4) Impairment test and providing of impairment provisions on fixed assets

     On the balance sheet day, the company should check whether or not there has the indication that the fixed assets might be
impaired. If the indication exists, it will be taken the impairment test to recognize its recoverable amount and should be made
provision at the low of the book value and the recoverable cost.
      When one of the following becomes true, fixed asset impairment provision shall be provided at the book value in full:
      a. Fixed asset has been idle for a long time, and is not expected to be put into use again, and no value recovering through
      b. Fixed asset becomes unusable due to technical upgrading;
      c. The fixed asset is still usable, but could produce large amount of defective products;
      d. Damaged and not usable or disposable.
     e. Othe fixed assets practically unable to bring financial benefits to the Company.
     Once fixed asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be written back in subsequent fiscal periods.

(5) Other remarks

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15. Construction-in-process

(1) Categories of construction-in-process

     Construction-in-process refers to necessary expenses occurred before the constructed or purchased fixed asset            reaches its
usable status, including direct materials, direct wages, equipment to be installed, construction & installation fee, project management
fee, net gain/loss of project trial operation and loan expenses allowed to be capitalized, etc.

(2) Standard and timing for transferring of construction-in-process to fixed assets

     Construction-in-process is transferred to fixed assets as soon as it becomes usable.

(3) Impairment test and providing of impairment provisions on construction-in-process

     At the balance sheet day, if evidence showing that impairment occurred to the construction-in-process, impairment provisions
shall be provided according to 15. Asset Impairment hereafter.

16. Borrowing expenses

(1) Principle of the recognition of capitalized borrowing costs

     Borrowing expenses for purchasing or construction of assets that are satisfying the conditions of capitalization shall be
capitalized, other borrowing expenses are accounted into current gain/loss account. Assets satisfying the conditions of capitalization
are those fixed assets, investment assets or inventories which need a long period of time to purchase, construct, or manufacturing
before becoming usable.

(2) Capitalizing period of borrowing expenses

     Capitalizing commenced only when all of the following conditions are satisfied.
     - asset expenditure has already occurred;
     - Loan expenses has already occurred;
     - Construction or production activities that are essential to make the asset usable or sellable have started.
     Capitalizing of borrowing expenses is suspended as soon as the asset has reached the expected usable or sellable situation. The
subsequent borrowing expenses shall be accounted into current gain/loss account.
     If the asset satisfying the capitalizing conditions was abnormally suspended in the process of purchasing or construction for over
three months, capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be suspended, borrowing expenses occurred in the suspension period shall be
accounted into current gain/loss account.

(3) Temporarily suspension of capitalizing period

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(4) Calculating of borrowing expense capitalizing

      Amount of capitalized interests in the capitalizing period are determined as the followings:
      - For special borrowings, the amount is decided at the actual interest occurred in the current term less provisional interest
income or investment gains.
- For common borrowings, the amount is decided by the weighted average of accumulated asset expenditure over special borrowings
multiply the capitalization ratio of common borrowings. Capitalization ratio is decided by the weighted average of common
borrowing interests.

17. Biological assets

18. Petrolum assets

19.    Intangible assets

(1) Pricing of intangible assets

      (1) Initial recognition
      Intangible assets are land using rights, patents, and non-patent technologies, which are measured at cost basis.
      (2) Subsequent measurement
       Intangible assets are categorized to limited useful life and unlimited useful life according to their estimated beneficial period,
whereas those cant be estimated are categorized as intangible assets without definite useful life.
      For intangible assets with limited useful life, its amortizable amount shall be amortized rationally through its useful life, if the
realizing way is not able to be reliably predicted, straight amortizing shall be applied.
      The Company reviews, at least once at end of each year, the useful life and amortizing method of the intangible assets with
limited useful life, and shall adjust when necessary.
      Intangible assets without definite useful life are not amortized, but reviewing shall be performed on the useful life, and
impairment test as well.
      On the balance sheet day, when there is sign of impairment on the intangible asset, intangible asset impairment provision shall
be provided according to 15. Asset Impairment hereafter.

(2) Estimation of service life of intangible assets with limited service life

      The company consider the following factors when estimating the life of intangible assets with finite life:
      - the life cycle of the products produced by the assets, and the available information of the similar assets life;
      - the current stage of technology, art and so on, and the evaluation of future development trend;
      - the market demand of products or services provided by the assets;
      - current or potential competitors are expected to take action;
      - expected maintenance expenses for maintaining the ability of the assets to bring economic benefits, and the companys ability

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

of expected to pay the expenses;
    - relevant laws and regulations or similar restrictions for the controlling period of the assets, such as licensed using period and
the leasing period;
    - relevance that is related to service life of other assets held by the company.

             Items                   Expected useful life                                       Basis

(3) Intangible assets without certain useful life

(4) Providing of intangible asset impairment provisions

(5) Dividing of research stage and development stage of internal R&D projects

    The expenditure on internal R&D are recorded in gain or loss at the occurrence time.
    The expenditure incurred on development are recognized as intangible assets when satisfying the following conditions
    - the technical availability of finishing the intangible asset that can be used or sold;
    - equipped with the intention of use and sale after the completion of the intangible asset;
    - The mode of creating the economic benefits from the intangible asset includes can demonstrate there is the market for the
products of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself. If the intangible asset is used internally, the usability can be
    - there has the supporting by sufficient technique, financial resources and other resources to complete the development of the
intangible asset and the company have the competence of using or selling this intangible asset;
    - The expenditure on the development stage of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.

(6) Accounting of internal R&D expenses

20. Amortization of long-term expenses

21. Asset transferring with repurchasing terms

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

22. Anticipated liabilities

(1) Recognition of expectible liabilities

     When the liability related to contingent issues is satisfying all of the following conditions, they are recognized as predicted
     - this liability is a current liability assumed by the Company;
     - executing of this liability may cause outflow of financial interests;
     - the amount of the liability may be measured reliably.

(2) Accounting of expectible liabilities

     At recognizing of liability amount, if there is a limited range of expenditure to settle the liability, it can be decided at the average
of upper and lower limit; and the following method shall be adopted if there isnt any limited range of expenditure:
     - When the intangible item is involving with a single subject, it is decided at the most possible amount;
     - When the intangible item is involving with multiple items, it is calculated according to the possible amount and its probability.

23. Share payment and equity instruments

(1) Category of share payment

(2) Recognition of fair value of equity instruments

(3) Recognition basis of best estimation of exercisable equity instruments

(4) Accounting treatment of share payment plan to be implemented, revised, and terminated

24. Repurchasing of the Company’s shares

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

25. Revenue

(1) Recognition time for sales of goods

     Sales income is recognized when: Major risks and rewards attached to the goods have been transferred to the purchaser; The
Company holds neither successive management power which is normally attached to ownership, nor effective control, over the goods
which have been sold out; Amount of income may be reliably measured; when the costs, occurred or will occur, may be measured

(2) Recognition of income from giving of using rights on assets

     The interest income are measured by the time of others using the assets and the effective interest. The use costs are measured by
agreed charging time and method in the contract or agreement.

(3) Deciding of completion percentage when percentage basis is adopted to recognize income from service
providing or construction contracts

26. Government allowance

(1) Categories

(2) Accounting treatment

     Government subsidies are recognized at their fair value whenever they are definite to be obtained and all supplementary
conditions are satisfied. If the income-related government subsidy is only applicable to makeup future expenses or losses, it is
recognized as differed income and accounted into current gain/loss of the period when the expense or loss is recognized.
Asset-related government subsidies are recognized as differed income, and amortized straightly to the useful life of the related assets,
and accounted into current gain/loss account.

27. Deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax assets

(2) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax liabilities

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

28. Operational leasing and financial leasing

(1) Accounting of operational leasing

(2) Accounting treatment of financed leasing

29. Sellable assets in possession

(1) Recognition of sellable assets in possession

(2) Accounting treatment of sellable assets in possession

30. Securitilization of asset

31. Hedging instruments

32. Change of main accounting policies and estimations

Is there any material change of accounting policies occurred in the year.
 [] Yes [V] No

(1) Change of accounting policies

Is there any change in accounting policies in the report period
 [] Yes [V] No

(2) Change of accounting estimations

Is there any change in accounting estimations in the report period
 [] Yes [V] No

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

33. Correction of accounting errors in previous period

Is there any accounting error with previous period found in the report period
 [] Yes [V] No

(1) Retrospective restatement

Is there any retrospective restatement on the accounting error with previous periods done in the report term
 [] Yes [V] No

(2) Future adoption method

Is there any future adoption method applyable to accounting errors with previous periods found in the report period.
 [] Yes [V] No

34. Other principal accounting policies, estimations and preparation method of financial statements

(V) Taxation

1. Main categories and rates of taxes

               Tax items                                                Tax basis                                  Tax rate

VAT                                            Income from sales of products, processing and repairing services 17%

Consumption tax                                Income from sales of consuming products                          3%

Business tax                                   Income from leasing and taxable services                         5%

City maintenance and construction tax          VAT, business tax, consumption tax already paid                  7%

Enterprise income tax                          Amount of income taxable                                         15%       25%

       Education surtax                        VAT, business tax, consumption tax already paid                  3%

Income tax rate applyable to branches and factories.
      Corporate income tax of other subsidiaries is paid at the rate of 25%.

2. Preferential tax and approving documents

The Company and the subsidiary Chongqing Jianshe Automobile Air-conditioner Co., Ltd. are enjoying temperorily 15% of
corporation tax according to the documents 财税[2011]58号 and 2012年第12号 of the National Tax Bureau and Custom General.
Note: In case of the Company is enjoying tax reduction or exemption, please provide in details the laws and regulations, approval
authorities, document numbers, amount of reduction or exemption, and effective term. For tax overdue, please provide approval
documents of authorities. For other special preference tax policies, please state the effective term, accumulated income, and those
obtained but not exercised.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

3. Other statements

(VI) Consolidating of entities and consolidated financial statements

Overall statement on consolidating of entities and consolidated financial statements.
     (1) Principles of consolidated accounts
     All of the subsidiaries of the Company are included in the consolidated accounts.
     (2) Preparing of consolidated accounts
     Basing on the accounts of the parent company and the subsidiaries included in the consolidation range, major investments,
trades, inventory purchasing or sales, and internal transactions are neutralized before consolidated one after another, and the minority
shareholders equity and gain/loss shall be calculated.
     (2) Presenting of minor shareholders equity and gain/loss
     The share of current net gain/loss attributable to the minority shareholders shall be presented under Minority Shareholders
Gain/loss of the Net Profit in the consolidated income statement.
     The share of owners equity in the subsidiary attributable to the minority shareholders, is demonstrated as Minority
Shareholders Equity under the owners equity item in the consolidated balance sheet.
     (4) Treatment of exceeding losses
     When the current loss of minority shareholders of a subsidiary is greater than the share of the minority shareholders in the
owners equity, if the minority shareholders are obligated by the Articles of Association or investment agreement for this, and the
minority shareholders are capable to make it up, the minority shareholders equity shall be deducted at the amount of exceeded loss.
Or otherwise it will be deducted from the owners equity of the parent company. Profits realized by the subsidiaries in subsequent
periods are attributable to the owners equity of the parent company prior to making up of the minority shareholders losses
undertaken by the owners equity of the parent company.
     (5) Treatment of subsidiaries added or eliminated in the current term
     In the report term, new subsidiaries added by merger of enterprises under common control, the revenue, expenses and profits of
the subsidiary from the beginning of current fiscal term to the end of report term are consolidated to the consolidated income
statement. New subsidiaries added by merger of enterprises under different control, the revenue, expenses and profit of the subsidiary
since the day of merger to the end of report term are consolidated into the consolidated income statement.
     When a subsidiary is disposed, the revenue, expenses and profits since the beginning of report term to the day of disposal are
included in the consolidated income statement.

1. Particulars of the subsidiaries

                                                                   Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(1) Subsidiaries obtained through incorporation or investment

                                                                                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                Balance of the owners
                                                                                                                                                                Amount for       equity of parent co.
                                                                                                   Balance of
                                                                                                                                                                 deducting      after deducting of the
                                                                                                   other items
                                                                                                                                                                   minor          exceeding part of
                                                                                       Actual       actually     Share                             Minor
  Full name of    Ownership of                 Business    Registered    Business                                         Voting    Consolid                    shareholders minority shareholders
                                   Reg. Add.                                        investment     formed net    propor                        shareholders’
 the subsidiary   the subsidiary               property      capital       Scope                                          power %     ated                      equity in the   share of loss over the
                                                                                    at year end   investment in tion %                             equity
                                                                                                                                                                   minor          share of minority
                                                                                                                                                                shareholders     shareholders in the
                                                                                                                                                                   equity         owners equity at
                                                                                                                                                                                  beginning of year

Other statements on Subsidiaries obtained through incorporation or investment

                                                          Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(2) Subsidiaries procured through merger of entities under common control

                                                                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                                                                                                          Balance of the
                                                                                                                                                                          owners equity
                                                                                                                                                                            of parent co.
                                                                                                                                                                          after deducting
                                                                                                                                                           Amount for           of the
                                                                                             Balance of
                                                                                                                                                            deducting     exceeding part
                                                                                            other items
                                                                                                                                               Minor          minor          of minority
 Full name Ownership                                                             Actual       actually
                                     Business     Registered     Business                                   Share      Voting                             shareholders     shareholders
   of the     of the   Reg. Add.                                              investment at formed net                        Consolidated shareholders’
                                     property      capital        Scope                                  proportion % power %                             equity in the     share of loss
 subsidiary subsidiary                                                          year end    investment                                         equity
                                                                                                                                                              minor        over the share
                                                                                               in the
                                                                                                                                                          shareholders       of minority
                                                                                                                                                              equity      shareholders in
                                                                                                                                                                             the owners
                                                                                                                                                                               equity at
                                                                                                                                                                            beginning of
                                                            trading and
                                                            agency of
Chongqing                                                   various
Northern                                                    merchandises
                                  Sales of
Jianshe     Ltd.                                            and
                        Chongqing motorcycles 60,377,527.88               60,377,527.88                       100%      100% Yes                        0
Import & liability                                          technologies
                                  and parts
Export Co.,                                                 (other than
Ltd. (1)                                                    those
                                                            restricted by
Other statements on subsidiaries procured through merger of entities under common control

                                                            Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(3) Subsidiaries procured through merger of entities under different control

                                                                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                                                                                                                       Balance of the
                                                                                                                                                                       owners equity
                                                                                                                                                                         of parent co.
                                                                                                                                                                       after deducting
                                                                                                                                                          Amount for         of the
                                                                                          Balance of
                                                                                                                                                           deducting   exceeding part
                                                                                         other items
                                                                                                                                              Minor          minor        of minority
 Full name Ownership                                                            Actual     actually
                           Reg.       Business     Registered                                              Share      Voting                             shareholders shareholders
   of the     of the                                          Business Scope investment formed net                           Consolidated shareholders’
                           Add.       property      capital                                             proportion % power %                             equity in the   share of loss
 subsidiary subsidiary                                                       at year end investment                                           equity
                                                                                                                                                             minor      over the share
                                                                                            in the
                                                                                                                                                         shareholders     of minority
                                                                                                                                                            equity     shareholders in
                                                                                                                                                                         the owners
                                                                                                                                                                           equity at
                                                                                                                                                                         beginning of
                                                            Motorcycle with
                                                            two wheels,
                                                            motorcycle with
                                                            two wheels and
                                                            installation kits
Shanghai                                                    manufacturing
Jianshe    Ltd.                   Manufacturing             and sale, moped
                         Shanghai                16,000,000                        8,160,000                    51%      51% Yes             2,361,748.9
Motorcycle liability              of motorcycles            manufacturing
Co., Ltd.                                                   and sale,
                                                            bicycle and its
                                                            and sale (license
                                                            when required)
Other statements on subsidiaries procured through merger of entities under different control

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

2. Entities with special purposes or entities on which the Company has cotrolling power thorugh entrusted
operation or leasing

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other statement on entities with special purposes or entities on which the Company has cotrolling power thorugh entrusted operation
or leasing

3. Change of consolidation range

Change of consolidation range:

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

4. Entities included or excluded in the consolidation range in the report period

Subsidiaries, entities with special purpose, or entities on which the Company has cotrolling power thorugh entrusted operation or
leasing added to the consolidation range in the report period.
                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                         Name                                      Net asset at end of term             Net profit of the current term

Subsidiaries, entities with special purpose, or entities on which the Company has cotrolling power thorugh entrusted operation or
leasing excluded from the consolidation range in the report period.
                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                                      Net profit from beginning of year
                         Name                                     Net asset at day of disposal
                                                                                                            to the date of disposal

Other statements on entities included to or excluded from the consolidation range in the report period

5. Merger of entities under common control in the report term

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                                                        Cash flow for
                          Recognition basis of                            Income from the        Net profit of the
                                                    Substaintial                                                     business activities
   Entities taken over       entities under                             beginning of period period until the date
                                                     controller                                                       of the period until
                            common control                             to the date of merger        of merger
                                                                                                                     the date of merger

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Other statements on merger of entities under common control.

6. Merger of entities under different control in the report term

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

         Entities taken over                      Amount of goodwill                           Accounting of goodwill

Other statement on merger of entities under different control.

7. Subsidiaries reduced for disposal of shares and lose of control power

               Name of the subsidiaries                             Date of disposal                 Recognition of gain/loss

Other statement on subsidiaries reduced for disposal of shares and lose of control power

8. Reverse acquisition occurred in the report period

                                                                                                      Goodwill recognized in merger
                                    Basis for recognition of reverse
         The undertaker                                                 Recognition of merger cost     or accounting basis of current

Other statements on reverse acquisition.

9. Takeover occurred in the report period

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                 Type of takeover                             Main assets taken over                 Main liabilities taken over

         Takeover under common control                      Items               Amount               Items              Amount

         Takeover under different control                   Items               Amount               Items              Amount

Other statements on takeover.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

10. Exchange rate of main accounts of overseas businesses

(VII) Notes to key items in the consolidated financial statements

1. Monetary fund

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                End of term                                           Beginning of term
           Items              Amount of foreign     Exchan                           Amount of          Exchange
                                                               Amount RMB                                             Amount RMB
                                   currency         ge rate                        foreign currency        rate

Cash:                                 --               --            122,830.28           --                --                124,504.75

RMB                                   --               --            120,468.08           --                --                122,160.82

USD                                        373.48 6.3249                 2,362.2                372         6.3009              2,343.93

Bank account:                         --               --        144,729,768.14           --                --            160,953,902.13

RMB                                   --               --        141,356,167.03           --                --            148,347,161.93

USD                                    462,336.22 5.4671           2,527,646.15       1,866,287.28          6.3009         11,759,289.53

EUR                                    103,970.03 8.1365             845,954.96         103,822.44          8.1625            847,450.67

Other monetary capital                --               --        279,169,252.85           --                --             29,558,797.18

RMB                                   --               --        279,169,252.85           --                --             29,542,736.56

USD                                                                                        1,967.61         8.1625             16,060.62

Total                                 --               --        424,021,851.27           --                --            190,637,204.06

Accounts under pledge, restriction, or saved abroad, which are attached with potential risks, shall be stated individually.

2. Transactional financial assets

(1) Transactional financial assets

                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                            Items                                 Fair value at end of term            Fair value at beginning of term
Transactional bond investment
Transactional equity instruments
Financial assets assigned to be accounted into current
gain/loss account at fair value
Deductive financial assets
Hedge instrument

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(2) Transactional financial assets with restriction to liquefy

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                   Restriction for sale or other material restriction on
                     Items                                                                                   Amount at end of term

(3) Statements on hedge instruments and related tradings

3. Notes receivable

(1) Categories of notes receivable

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                      Categories                                       End of term                         Beginning of term

Bank acceptance                                                                74,955,765.27                           255,630,070.43

Commercial acceptance

Total                                                                          74,955,765.27                           255,630,070.43

(2) Notes receivable under pledge

                                                                                                                                In RMB

          Issuer                   Date of issue             Expired on                    Amount                       Note

 Total                                  --                        --                                                     --


(3) Notes transferred to account receivable for the issuer is not able to execute the liability, and notes
endorsed to other parties but are not mature yet at the end of period

                                                                                                                                In RMB

          Issuer                   Date of issue             Expired on                    Amount                       Note

Total                                   --                        --                                                     --


Notes endorsed to other parties but not due

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                                                                                                                            In RMB

            Issuer               Date of issue            Expired on                  Amount                        Note

Greatwall Automobile
                           April 19, 2012          October 19, 2012
Co., Ltd.

Greatwall Automobile
                           May 21, 2012            November 21, 2012
Co., Ltd.

Greatwall Automobile
                           May 21, 2012            November 21, 2012
Co., Ltd.

Hebei Changan
                           May 13, 2012            August 13, 2012
Automobile Co., Ltd.

Greatwall Automobile
                           June 18, 2012           December 18, 2012
Co., Ltd.

Total                                 --                       --                             18,470,000             --


Statements on commercial accepted notes already discounted or under pledge.

4. Dividend receivable

                                                                                                                            In RMB

            Items              Beginning of term      Increased this term        Decreased this term             End of term

Dividend receivable with
                                                                    16,000,000                16,000,000
age within 1 year

In which:

Dividend receivable with
age over 1 year

In which:                              --                      --                        --                           --

Total                                                               16,000,000                16,000,000


5. Interest receivable

(1) Interest receivable

                                                                                                                            In RMB

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

           Items               Beginning of term          Increased this term     Decreased this term            End of term


(2) Overdue interests

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                Loan provided by                              Days overdue                        Amount of interests overdue

                     Total                                          --

(3) Statement on interest receivable

6. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable presented on categories

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                            End of term                                             Beginning of term

   Categories                Book balance             Bad debt provision               Book balance               Bad debt provision

                       Amount        Proportion %    Amount        Proportion %    Amount        Proportion %    Amount      Proportion %

Receivables with
major individual
amount and bad
debt provision

Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups

accounts with
greater risks       260,178,647.09          0.97% 14,850,777.59          5.71% 175,125,570.34         95.37% 10,913,774.5          6.23%
after combined
in group

Sub-total of
                    260,178,647.09          0.97% 14,850,777.59          5.71% 175,125,570.34         95.37% 10,913,774.5          6.23%

receivable with       8,500,782.79    0.031639% 8,500,782.79              100%    8,500,782.79          4.63% 8,500,782.79          100%
minor individual

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

amount but bad
debt provision is

Total               268,679,429.88      --        23,351,560.38         --      183,626,353.13        --         19,414,557.29      --

Remarks on categories of receivable accounts:

     According to the business scale and business natures, the Company set the standard at RMB5 million as
receivable accounts with major amount
     For receivable accounts with major amounts, if no impairment occurred after test, bad debt provisions shall
be provided according to the percentage of ages
     Account receivable without major amount, but with greater risk after combined with accounts with similar
risks, is recognized when there is obvious sign of hard to retrieve and aged over three years.

Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided on age analyze basis in the portfolio
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                             End of term                                         Beginning of term

                               Book balance                                              Book balance
                                             Proportion    Bad debt provision                         Proportion Bad debt provision
                            Amount                                                    Amount
                                                 %                                                          %

within 1 yr

In which:                     --                 --                --                    --                 --              --

Subtotal of within
                           248,184,560.32       92.37%            12,255,995.33     162,718,945.19         92.92%         8,135,947.26
1 year

1-2 years                    8,249,903.03        3.07%              824,990.31         2,033,814.27          1.16%          203,381.43

2-3 years                    1,458,031.79        0.54%              291,606.36         8,708,328.26          4.97%         1,742,204.5

Over 3 yrs                  10,786,934.74        4.01%             9,978,968.39      10,165,265.41           0.95%         9,333,024.1

3-4 years

4-5 years

over 5 yrs

Total                      268,679,429.88        --               23,351,560.38     183,626,353.13          --            10,913,774.5

Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage analyze basis in a portfolio
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end of period

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2012 Full Text

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

    Description of the
                                   Book balance                Bad debt provision              Rate                 Reason to provide
   receivable accounts

Domestic trade                                                                                                   Overdue for a long term,
                                        3,411,189.09                    3,411,189.09                    100%
receivable                                                                                                       hard to retrieve

                                                                                                                 Overdue for a long term,
Overseas trade receivable                   5,089,593.7                  5,089,593.7                    100%
                                                                                                                 hard to retrieve

             Total                      8,500,782.79                    8,500,782.79                    100%                 --

(2) Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                                         Bad debt provision
Description of the receivable Reason to write back             Basis of original bad                              Amount written back or
                                                                                       provided before writing
             accounts                 or retrieve                 debt provision                                          retrieved
                                                                                         back or retrieving

              Total                         --                          --                                                   --

Receivable accounts with large amount, or minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end of period

    Description of the
                                   Book balance                Amount of bad debt        Providing rate (%)               Reason
   receivable accounts

             Total                                                                               --                          --

Remarks on receivable accounts with minor single amount but with greater risks after combining with accounts with similar risks:

(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

    Name of the           Property of the                                                      Reason of writing        Occurred under
                                                 Date of written off      Amount written off
     companies           receivable account                                                            off            related relationship

        Total                    --                       --                                           --                         --

Statement on writing off of receivable accounts.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(4) Particulars about the receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s

[ ] Applicable [] Not applicable

(5) Top 5 debtors in the receivable accounts

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                  Relation with the                                                           Portion in total
 Name of the companies                                           Amount                   Ages
                                     Company                                                                    receivables

Chongqing Changan          Grand subsidiary of the
                                                                   29,791,523.23 Within 1 year                              11.09%
Automobile Co., Ltd.       controlling shareholder

Greatwall Automobile
                                                                   28,711,885.33 Within 1 year                              10.69%
Co., Ltd.

China Northern Vehicle
                                                                   26,514,522.38 Within 1 year                                9.87%
Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Jianshe
                           Joint venture of the
YAMAHA Motorcycle                                                  16,359,781.26 Within 1 year                                6.09%
Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Changan
                           Grand subsidiary of the
SUZUKI Automobile                                                   9,597,366.03 Within 1 year                                3.57%
                           controlling shareholder
Co., Ltd.

            Total                        --                       110,975,078.23            --                              41.31%

(6) Account due from related parties

                                                                                                                              In RMB

   Name of the companies             Relation with the Company                 Amount                Portion in total receivables

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA
                                  Joint ventures                                     16,359,781.26                            6.09%
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Changan
                                  Under same control                                 29,791,523.23                          11.09%
Automobile Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Changan
SUZUKI Automobile Co.,            Under same control                                  9,597,366.03                            3.57%

Hebei Changan                     Under same control                                       560,710                            0.21%

Nanjing Changan                   Under same control                                    434,467.92                            0.16%

Changhe SUZUKI                    Under same control                                  1,065,736.15                               0.4%

China Jialin Industry Co., Ltd.
                                  Under same control                                        46,445                            0.02%
(Group) Sales Co.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Jinan Qingqi                  Under same control                                      787,400.41                                 0.29%

               Total                           --                                     58,643,430                                 21.83%

(7) Recognition of receivable accounts terminated

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                    Items                           Amount terminated                         Gain/loss related to termination


(8) For securitization on receivable accounts, please provide the amount of asset and liability formed by
continuous involving

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

Items                                                                                At end of term


Subtotal of asset


Subtotal of liabilities

7. Other account receivable.

(1) Other receivable account on categories

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                              End of term                                         Beginning of term

                               Book balance           Bad debt provision            Book balance               Bad debt provision
                                          Proport                  Proportio                   Proportion                    Proportio
                             Amount                   Amount                    Amount                         Amount
                                           ion %                     n%                            %                             n%

Other receivables with
major individual amount
                               3,013,664 10.92%        3,013,664      100%       3,013,664          11.2%        3,013,664        100%
and bad debt provision
provided individually

Other receivables provided bad debt provision in groups

Account receivable
without major amount        22,951,700.09 83.15% 1,969,522.45         3.81%                        76.03%     1,455,227.37        7.11%
but greater risk after

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

combined into group of
similar risks

Sub-total of group          22,951,700.09 83.15% 1,969,522.45             3.81%                   76.03%        1,455,227.37      7.11%

Other account receivable
with minor individual
                             1,635,970.21 5.93% 1,635,970.21               100% 3,438,304.32      12.77%        1,635,970.21     47.58%
amount but bad debt
provision is provided

Total                        27,601,334.3       --      6,619,156.66       --                      --           6,104,861.58      --

Statement on categories of other receivable accounts:

Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period.
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on age analyze basis
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                               At end of term                                    At beginning of term

                                     Book balance                                         Book balance
                                                     Proporti Bad debt provision                        Proporti   Bad debt provision
                                   Amount                                               Amount
                                                      on %                                               on %

within 1 yr

In which:

Subtotal of within 1 year      14,486,640.27         52.49%      1,107,578.03           15,341,247.02 74.96%               747,108.71

1-2 years                             5,886,162.88 21.33%               588,616.29       4,347,905.24 21.25%               434,790.53

2-3 years                              383,177.61       1.39%            76,635.52         383,177.61    1.87%                 76,635.52

Over 3 yrs                            6,845,353.54 24.80%              4,846,326.82      6,845,353.54    1.92%            4,846,326.82

3-4 years

4-5 years

over 5 yrs

Total                          27,601,334.30                     6,619,156.66           26,917,683.41      --             6,104,861.58

Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on other basis
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other receivable accounts with minor amount but were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

   Description of other
                                   Book balance              Bad debt provision              Rate                  Reason to provide

Not expected to be
                                        1,635,970.21                  1,635,970.21                        100%

           Total                        1,635,970.21                  1,635,970.21                        100%             --

(2) Other receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                       Bad debt provision
     Description of other        Reason to write back        Basis of original bad                               Amount written back or
                                                                                     provided before writing
         receivables                  or retrieve               debt provision                                         retrieved
                                                                                       back or retrieving

              Total                       --                          --                                                   --

Receivable accounts with large amount, or minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are tested and provided individually at
end of period

    Description of the
                                   Book balance              Amount of bad debt        Providing rate (%)               Reason
   receivable accounts

           Total                                                                               --                          --

Statement on other account receivable with minor amount but with greater risks when combined with other receivable accounts with
similar natures.

(3) Other receivable accounts actually written off in the report period

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

     Name of the                                                                           Reason of writing     Occurred under related
                         Property of account   Date of written off Amount written off
     companies                                                                                      off                relationship

        Total                    --                     --                                          --                      --

Statements on writing off of other receivable accounts.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(4) Particulars about the other receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the
Company’s shares in the report period

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(5) Natures or contents of other receivable accounts with large amount

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                     Nature or content of the
    Name of the companies                      Amount                                                Portion in total other receivables (%)

Petty cash                                           11,191,105.5 Deparment borrowing                                                25.1%

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA
                                                     4,061,100.67                                                                    9.11%
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

                Total                               15,252,206.17               --                                                  34.21%


(6) Top 5 debtors of other receivable accounts

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                              Relation with the                                                                     Portion in total other
 Name of the companies                                           Amount                    Ages
                                     Company                                                                          receivables (%)

Petty cash                Emplyee                                   11,191,105.5 within 1 yr                                         25.1%

Chongqing Jianshe
YAMAHA Motorcycle         Joint ventures                            4,061,100.67 within 1 yr                                         9.11%
Co., Ltd.

Tax refund receivable     None related                              3,966,406.32 within 1 yr                                           8.9%

Shanghai Jianshe
                          None related                                 3,013,664 Over 3 yrs                                          6.76%
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Ningbo Jianshe
                          None related                              1,021,664.04 Over 3 yrs                                          2.29%
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

             Total                      --                        23,253,940.53                 --                                  52.15%

(7) Other accounts receivable from related parties

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                                                          Portion in total other receivables
   Name of the companies             Relation with the Company                 Amount

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA
                               Joint ventures                                          4,061,100.67                                  9.11%
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

               Total                        --                             4,061,100.67                              9.11%

(8) Termination of other receivable accounts

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                    Items                         Amount terminated              Gain/loss related to termination


(9) For securitization on other receivable accounts, please provide the amount of asset and liability formed
by continuous involving

                                                                                                                     In RMB

Items                                                                      At end of term


Subtotal of asset


Subtotal of liabilities

8. Prepayment

(1) Prepayment presented by ages:

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                    End of term                                     Beginning of term
                                Amount                     Ratio (%)              Amount                     Ratio (%)

within 1 yr                               106,619,913.93       79.75%                       56,866,929.14           67.55%

1-2 years                                   6,116,031.87        4.57%                       24,430,708.59           29.02%

2-3 years                                  18,314,676.72            1.7%                       460,885.35            0.55%

Over 3 yrs                                  2,637,456.18        1.97%                        2,422,184.52            2.88%

Total                                      133,688,078.7       --                            84,180,707.6           --

Statement on ages of prepayments:

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Prepayment overdue for over one year was caused by delay of final settlment with suppliers.

(2) Top 5 receivers of prepayments

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                Relation with the
 Name of the companies                                     Amount                      Date                Reason of unsettled

Hong Kong Jiarun
Industrial Co., Ltd.

Pangang Group
International Trade Co.,                                        19,426,171
Ltd. Chongqing Branch

(Japan) ORIENT

(German) EMAG Salach
Maschinenfabrik GMBH

Chongqing Custom                                               9,956,885.12

Total                                  --                     76,025,427.95             --                          --

Statements on main receivers of prepayments:

(3) Prepayment received by shareholding parties holding 5% or above of the Company’s shares in the
report period

 [ ] Applicable [] Not applicable

(4) Statements on prepayments

9. Inventories

(1) Categories of inventory

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                             End of term                                       Beginning of term
        Items                                 Impairment                                          Impairment
                           Book balance                    Book value         Book balance                         Book value
                                               provision                                           provision

Raw materials                 56,027,317.1                   56,027,317.1       66,917,845.9                         66,917,845.9

Product in process           11,513,289.65                  11,513,289.65      10,132,546.58                        10,132,546.58

Products in stock          264,338,432.81                  264,338,432.81     250,596,134.11                       250,596,134.11

Material in

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2012 Full Text


biological asset

Total                       331,879,039.56                  331,879,039.56    327,646,526.59                       327,646,526.59

(2) Inventory impairment provision

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                          Openning balance of                                Decreased this term             Closing balance of
        Categories                              Provided this term
                               book value                             Written back        Transferred            book value

Raw materials

Product in process

Products in stock

Material in circulation

Consumable biological


(3) Inventory impairment provisions

                                                                                                   Percentage of amount written
                                   Basis of providing impairment
              Items                                                  Reason of written back          back in the balance of the
                                                                                                   inventory at end of report term

Raw materials

Products in stock

Product in process

Material in circulation

Consumable biological asset

Statement on inventories:

10. Other current assets

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                      Items                                  End of term                           Beginning of term

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2012 Full Text


Statement on other current assets

11. Disposable financial asset

(1) Sellable financial assets

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                             Items                                  Fair value at end of term         Fair value at beginning of term

Available-for-sale bonds

Available-for-sale equity instruments



For investment held to mature relocated into sellable financial, the amount was RMB, and the percentage in original investment held
to mature.
Statement on sellable financial assets

(2) Long-term liability investment in the sellable financial assets

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                              Openning      Interest of the      interest      Closing
 Bond items Type of bond        Face value    Initial costs   Expired on
                                                                                  balance       period         received or     balance

Total                --              --                            --

Statement on   long-term liability investment in the sellable financial assets:

12. Investment held to mature

(1) Investment held to mature

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                    Items                            Closing balance of book value               Openning balance of book value

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text


Statement on investment held to mature:

(2) Investment held to mature disposed in the report period before mature

                                                                                                                                                   In RMB

Items                                                          Amount                     Percentage in the total investment before disposed %

                    Total                                                                                               --

Statement on investment held to mature disposed in the report period before mature:

13. Long-term receivables

                                                                                                                                                   In RMB

              Categories                                           End of term                                   Beginning of term

Financed rent

  Incl: un-realized financial gains

Sales of goods in stallments

Providing of services in stallments



14. Investment in affiliates and joint ventures

                                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                 Shares    power                              Total     Total of   Net
                                                         Busines                                      Total     Total
                                                Legal                 Register held by     of the                              net      turnove profit of
    Name of the             Owners      Reg.                   s                                     asset at liability
                                               represe                   ed       the     Compa                              asset at     r at     the
     Companies              hip type    Add.             propert                                     end of    at end
                                               ntative                 capital Compa       ny in                             end of current current
                                                               y                                      term    of term
                                                                                 ny %       the                               term       term      term
                                                                                          entity %

I. Joint ventures

                            Ltd.       Chongqi Teng      cturing      158,758                        177,490 17,344, 160,146 64,629, 2,042,3
Pingshan Taikai                                                                    49%       49%
                            liability ng       Feng      and              ,676                       ,982.91 310.34 ,672.57 942.47                  07.19
Carburetor Co., Ltd.
                                                         sales of

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2012 Full Text


Chongqing Jianshe                         Lu       and                                  1,128,9                     1,139,3
                       Ltd.     Chongqi                         379,924                           524,408 604,543             16,021,
YAMAHA                                    Hongxi sales of                 50%    50% 51,356.                        06,509.
                       liability ng                             ,998.46                           ,244.55 ,111.52             518.92
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                      an       motorcy                                   07                          1
                                                   cles and

Zhuzhou Jianshe                           Lu       and
                       Ltd.     Zhuzho                          497,857                701,541 160,683 540,839 465,041 21,986,
YAMAHA                                    Hongxi sales of                 50%    50%
                       liability u                                 ,360                 ,640.09 ,522.69 ,279.66 ,476.33 766.44
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                      an       motorcy
                                                   cles and

II. Affiliates

Chongqing                                 Chen     on and
                       Ltd.     Chongqi                         10,000,                 43,275, 37,664, 5,610,5 48,835, 31,765.
Tongsheng Jianshe                         Guozho sales of                 30%    30%
                       liability ng                                000                  046.52 542.56       03.96 812.19           7
Industry Co., Ltd.                        ng       motorcy
                                                   cle parts

Chongqing Fuda                                     transpor
Property               Ltd.     Chongqi            tation       2,000,0                 4,237,9 4,555,1 -317,24 5,773,3 -585,09
                                          Qianho                          20%    20%
Management Co.,        liability ng                and              00                    33.36     74.27    0.91    03.36      8.84
Ltd.                                               wareho

Statements on material diversity in accounting policies, estimations adopted by the Company and the affiliates:

15. Long-term equity investment

                                                                  Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(1) Details of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                                                                        Voting       Statement on                       Impairment
                                                                                                        Percentage of                                                                   Cash dividend
                             Calculating                    Openning                      Closing                       power in differences between     Impairment       provision
   Company invested in                      Initial costs                  Changed by                    share in the                                                                   of the current
                                basis                        balance                      balance                         the     the shareholding and    provision     provided this
                                                                                                           firm %                                                                           term
                                                                                                                        firm %       voting rights                          term

Chongqing Jingjian
                             On cost
Automobile Air-conditioner                      3,200,000      3,200,000                   3,200,000           6.74%      6.74%                            3,200,000
Co., Ltd.

Ningbo Jianshe Motorcycle On cost
                                                8,160,000   1,140,915.04                 1,140,915.04            51%        51%                          1,140,915.04
Co., Ltd.                    basis

Chongqing Southern
                             On equity
Motorcycle Technologies                       20,000,000     20,000,000                   20,000,000          16.67%     16.67%
Development Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Jianshe
Warehouse and
                             On equity
Transportation Co., Ltd.                          400,000      53,571.58                   53,571.58             20%        20%
(Fuyeda Property
Management Co., Ltd.)

Chongqing Tongsheng          On equity
                                                3,000,000   3,194,329.56      9,529.71   3,203,859.27            30%        30%
Jianshe Industry Co., Ltd.   basis

Chongqing Pingshan           On equity
                                            67,316,539.87 78,069,948.72     979,956.58   79,049,905.3            49%        49%
Taikai Carburetor Co., Ltd. basis

Chongqing Jianshe            On equity
                                           154,699,622.03 287,825,602.71 8,010,759.46 295,836,362.17             50%        50%
YAMAHA Motorcycle Co., basis

                                                            Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                         Interim Report 2012 Full Text


Zhuzhou Jianshe YAMAHA On equity
                                    215,710,320.08 271,965,573.97 -5,006,616.78 266,958,957.19             50%    50%                                         16,000,000
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.   basis

Total                          --   472,486,481.98 665,449,941.58 3,993,628.97 669,443,570.55         --         --     --   4,340,915.04                     16,000,000

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(2) Constrains on the ability to transfer capital to invested entities

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

Constrains on the ability to transfer capital                                                    Accumulated investment loss not
                                                        Causation of constrain
         to long-term invested entities                                                                     recognized

Statements on long-term equity investment:

16. Investment property

(1) Investment property on cost basis

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(2) Investment property on fair value basis

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
State the investment properties which have changed of measurement basis and those which are not licensed yet. State the reason and
expected completion date.

17. Fixed assets

(1) Particulars of fixed assets

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                Openning balance                                                                     Closing balance of
             Items                                           Increased this term               Decreased this term
                                  of book value                                                                          book value

I. Total of original book
                                     1,495,818,938                           4,238,370.25                 879,694     1,499,177,614.25

Incl. House & Buildings              422,850,334.4                                                                        422,850,334.4

  Equipment & machinery            999,041,979.81                            2,580,047.89                                1,001,622,027.7

  Transportation facilities          16,984,144.08                                 68,355.54              545,370         16,507,129.62

Others                               56,942,479.71                           1,589,966.82                 334,324         58,198,122.53

                                Openning balance     Increased this    Provided current                              Balance at end of
               --                                                                              Decreased this term
                                  of book value          term                term                                        current term

II. Total of accumulative
                                     680,651,145.6                          32,543,135.75              795,661.83        712,398,619.52

Incl. House & Buildings              38,810,175.99                           7,941,996.89                                 46,752,172.88

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2012 Full Text

  Equipment & machinery          614,497,944.19                         17,876,238.53                           632,374,182.72

  Transportation facilities       10,468,737.78                           1,825,750.32           471,367.23         11,823,120.87

Others                            16,874,287.64                       4,899,150.01          324,294.60              21,449,143.05

                               Openning balance                                                               Balance at end of
                 --                                                          --
                                of book value                                                                   current term

III. Total of net book value
                                  815,167,792.4                              --                                 786,778,994.73
of fixed assets

Incl. House & Buildings          384,040,158.41                              --                                 376,098,161.52

  Equipment & machinery          384,544,035.62                              --                                 369,247,844.98

  Transportation facilities          6,515,406.3                             --                                      4,684,008.75

Others                            40,068,192.07                              --                                     36,748,979.48

IV. Total of impairment

Incl. House & Buildings                                                      --

  Equipment & machinery                                                      --

  Transportation facilities                                                  --

Others                                                                       --

V. Total of fixed asset book
                                  815,167,792.4                              --                                 786,778,994.73

Incl. House & Buildings          384,040,158.41                              --                                 376,098,161.52

  Equipment & machinery          384,544,035.62                              --                                 369,247,844.98

  Transportation facilities          6,515,406.3                             --                                      4,684,008.75

Others                            40,068,192.07                              --                                     36,748,979.48

Depreciation of the period was RMB32,543,135.75; transferring of construction-in-process to fixed assets was RMB.

(2) Fixed assets temporarily in idle status

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                Accumulated          Impairment
         Items         Original book value                                               Net book value              Note
                                                  depreciation:       provision

Houses & buildings

Equipment &


Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(3) Fixed assets leased by finance

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(4) Fixed assets leased out on fiance

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                               Categories                                                     Closing book value

Houses & buildings                                                                                                         20,777,264.08

Equipment & machinery

Transportation facilities

(5) Fixed assets held for sale at end of period

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                        Predicted disposal
            Items                      Book value                 fair value                                     Predicted disposal date

(6) Fixed asset not licensed yet

                    Items                                  Reason for not granted                       Expected date of grant

Statements on fixed assets”

18. Construction-in-process


                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                             End of term                                   Beginning of term
                 Items                         Book          Impairment                        Book           Impairment           Book
                                                                               Book value
                                              balance         provision                       balance           provision          value
Upgrading and reconstruction of
                                            2,442,996.82                       2,442,996.82     106,999                            106,999
Parking lot                                   399,820.15                         399,820.15   399,820.15                         399,820.15
Chemical-physical Lab                           139,000                            139,000      131,000                            131,000
Total                                       2,981,816.97                       2,981,816.97   637,819.15                         637,819.15

                                                                 Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(2) Material change in construction-in-progress

                                                                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                                                                                    Including:    Capitalizing
                                                             Transferred                                              Accumulate
                               Beginning of Increased this                   Other     Investment on                                 interest        ratio of
   Projects        Budget                                    into fixed                                    Progress   of interest                                   Fund recourse End of term
                                   term            term                    decreases     budget (%)                                 capitalized   interest of the
                                                               assets                                                 capitalized
                                                                                                                                     this term        period

Total                                                                                        --               --                                        --               --

Statements on change of construction-in-process:

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(3) Impairment provisions of construction-in-process

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

        Items              Beginning of term    Increased this term     Decreased this term       End of term      Reason to provide

Total                                                                                                                        --

(4) Progress of material construction-in-process

                    Items                                       Progress                                        Note

(5) Statement on construction-in-process

19. Project material

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                   Items                       Beginning of term      Increased this term Decreased this term          End of term


Statement on project material:

20. Liquidation of fixed assets

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                  Items                        Openning book value           Closing book value             Reason of liquidation

Total                                                                                                                  --

Progress of fixed assets turn to be liquidated for over one year:

21. Production biological assets

(1) On costs

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(2) On fair value

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

22. Petrolum assets

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                             Openning balance of                                                  Closing balance of book
            Items                                  Increased this term   Decreased this term
                             book value                                                           value

I. Total of original book

1. Rights on proved mine

2. Rights on unproved mine

3. Wells and facilities

II. Total of accumulative

1. Rights on proved mine

2. Wells and facilities

III. Total of accumulative
impairment provision on
petrolum assets

1. Rights on proved mine

2. Rights on unproved mine

3. Wells and facilities

IV. Total of book value of
petrolum assets

1. Rights on proved mine

2. Rights on unproved mine

3. Wells and facilities

Statements on petrolum assets:

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

23.     Intangible assets

(1) Profiles of intangible assets

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                               Openning balance of                                                         Closing balance of book
             Items                                    Increased this term       Decreased this term
                                   book value                                                                      value

I. Total of original book
                                    137,714,590.27                12,442.53                            0            137,727,032.8

Land using right                    104,684,967.83                12,442.53                                        104,697,410.36

Non-patent technologies              33,029,622.44                                                                  33,029,622.44

II. Total of accumulative
                                     23,546,824.18            4,123,768.88                             0            27,670,593.06

Land using right                     13,775,418.09              954,142.02                                          14,729,560.11

Non-patent technologies                9,771,406.09           3,169,626.86                                          12,941,032.95

III. Total of book net value
                                    114,167,766.09                12,442.53               4,123,768.88             110,056,439.74
of intangible assets

Land using right                     90,909,549.74                12,442.53                 954,142.02              89,967,850.25

Non-patent technologies              23,258,216.35                                        3,169,626.86              20,088,589.49

IV. Total of impairment
                                                 0                          0                          0                         0

Land using right

Non-patent technologies

Total of book value of
                                    114,167,766.09                12,442.53               4,123,768.88             110,056,439.74
intangible assets

Land using right                     90,909,549.74                12,442.53                 954,142.02              89,967,850.25

Non-patent technologies              23,258,216.35                                        3,169,626.86              20,088,589.49

Amortized this period is RMB.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(2) R&D expenses

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                                 Decreased this term
                          Beginning of       Increased this
        Items                                                  Accounted into current income Recognized as intangible End of term
                             term                 term
                                                                         account                      asset
MQA002-R                      185,445.84          22,350.45                                                             207,796.29
Jianshe/ODM-11              1,426,282.54                                                                              1,426,282.54
Junxinzi0804-1              2,668,458.12                                                                              2,668,458.12
Minxinzi 0702               4,322,872.41                                                                              4,322,872.41
Minxinzi 0712               2,829,051.34                                                                              2,829,051.34
Minxinzi 0713-1             1,100,592.67                                                                              1,100,592.67
Xinzi0602                     177,311.04                                                                                177,311.04
Xinzi0713                   2,441,442.87          46,812.68                                                           2,488,255.55
Xinzi0801                   2,693,522.72         173,149.08                                                            2,866,671.8
Xinzi0802                   2,047,606.04                                                                              2,047,606.04
Xinzi0803                   2,408,684.88           149,892                                                            2,558,576.88
Xinzi0804                   1,739,759.45       1,327,498.44                                                           3,067,257.89
Xinzi0810                        3,857.3                                                                                   3,857.3
Xinzi0812                   5,535,135.95                                                                              5,535,135.95
Xinzi0815                     660,229.92                                                                                660,229.92
Xinzi0817                     662,644.45                                                                                662,644.45
Xinzi0910                       2,967.08          -2,967.08                                                                      0
Xinzi10【CDG01】            1,212,220.59          276,420.1                                                           1,488,640.69
Xinzi10【CDG02】              661,092.38         235,836.37                                                             896,928.75
Xinzi10【CDL01】              213,672.74                                                                                213,672.74
Xinzi10【CFQ03】              269,595.89                                                                                269,595.89
Xinzi10【CFZ01】              418,890.69       1,975,552.81                                                            2,394,443.5
Xinzi1001【CQB01】             258,194.5                                                                                 258,194.5
Xinzi1001【CQD01】             118,339.5                                                                                 118,339.5
Xinzi1001【CQE01】            255,930.24                                                                                255,930.24
Xinzi1001【CQE02】            204,091.13                                                                                204,091.13
Xinzi10-1【CSE01】          1,935,770.57                                                                              1,935,770.57
Xinzi11【MT2501】             535,504.45         268,046.21                                                             803,550.66
                                128,522.19          1,204.07                                                               129,726.26
Xinzi0813                         196.08                                                                                      196.08
Xinzi0801-1                   195,412.13                                                                                  195,412.13
Minxinzi0711                1,782,264.45                                                                                1,782,264.45
Minxinzi0704-1                  457,282                                                                                     457,282
Minxinzi0703-1              1,089,168.04                                                                                1,089,168.04
Others                                           103,134.08                                                               103,134.08
Total                     40,642,012.19        4,576,929.21                                0                          0 45,218,941.4
Development expenses of the period accounted for 20.39% of the total R&D expenses.
Intangible asset formed by internal R&D of the period accounted for 18.25% of the total book value of intangible assets.
Statement on R&D projects, including single account over RMB1 million basing on evaluation results. Please provide the evaluation
body and basis of evaluation.

(3) Uncertificated intangible assets

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

24. Goodwill

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

Name of the companies or                                                         Decreased this
                                     Openning balance Increased this term                         Closing balance     provision at
goodwill item                                                                         term
                                                                                                                       end of term


Statement of basis for impairment testing and provision of goodwill.

25. Long-term expenses to be amortized

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                       At beginning of   Increased this    Amortized this                                           Reason of other
        Items                                                                    Other decrease   At end of term
                            term             term                term                                                 decreasing

Module expenses           3,079,034.88     1,178,846.25         1,187,277.49         416,096.87      2,654,506.77

83 machine
technical initial         8,879,136.96                           691,704.96                             8,187,432

Total                    11,958,171.84     1,178,846.25         1,878,982.45         416,096.87    10,841,938.77            --

Statement on long-term amortizable expenses:

26. Deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are not presented as net amount after neutralization

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities already recognized
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                         Items                                     End of term                          Beginning of term

Differed income tax assets:

Asset impairment provision                                                       3,695,408.84                          3,695,408.84

Openning expenses

Neutralizable losses

Subtotal                                                                         3,695,408.84                          3,695,408.84

Differed income tax liabilities:

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Evaluation of transactional financial instruments
and derivate financial instruments

Fluctuation of fair value of disposable financial
assets accounted into capital reserves


Details of un-recognized deferred income tax assets
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                       Items                                      End of term                         Beginning of term

Deductible provisional differences                                           15,001,435.47                           12,201,297.9

Neutralizable losses                                                        698,715,427.07                         698,715,427.07

Total                                                                       713,716,862.54                         710,916,724.97

Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years
                                                                                                                             In RMB

            Year                      End of term              Beginning of term                          Note


2012                                         29,135,673.18              29,135,673.18

2013                                        211,366,725.94             211,366,725.94

2014                                        144,543,012.31            144,543,012.31

2015                                         75,337,093.67              75,337,093.67

2016                                        238,332,921.97            238,332,921.97

Total                                       698,715,427.07            698,715,427.07                       --

Details of taxable differences and deductible differences
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                            Amount of temporary differences
                                                                  At end of term                      At beginning of term

Differences in taxable items


Neutralizable different items

Asset impairment provision                                                      17,659,036.01                       17,659,036.01

Sub-total                                                                       17,659,036.01                       17,659,036.01

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are presented as net amount after neutralization

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Statement on deferred income tax assets and liabilities:

27. Detail of asset impairment provision

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                                            Decreased this term
                                                Openning balance of        Increased this                         Closing balance of
                      Items                                                                 Written
                                                    book value                  term                Transferred      book value
I. Bad debt provision                                      25,519,418.87    4,451,298.17                                29,970,717.04
II. Inventory impairment provision
III. Disposable financial asset impairment
IV. Investment equity hold till expiring
impairment provision
V. Long-term equity investment impairment
                                                            4,340,915.04                                                 4,340,915.04
VI. Property investment impairment
VII. Fixed asset impairment provision
VIII. Project material impairment provision
IX. Construction in process impairment
X. Production biological material asset
impairment provision
      Incl. Mature production biological
material asset impairment provision
XI. Gas & oil asset impairment provision
XII. Intangible asset impairment provision                            0                 0                                              0
XIII. Goodwill impairment provision
XIV. Other
Total                                                      29,860,333.91    4,451,298.17          0          0          34,311,632.08
Statement on details of asset impairment:

28. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                       Items                                      End of term                          Beginning of term

Balance of difference of debit of Shanghai
Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. under original                                        1,020,000                               1,224,000
accounting policies

Total                                                                              1,020,000                               1,224,000

Statement on other non-recurring assets

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2012 Full Text

29. Short-term loans

(1) Categories of short-term loans

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                       Items                                       End of term                               Beginning of term

Loan by pledge                                                                 14,262,191.98                                 43,712,513.1

Mortgage loan                                                                     34,000,000                                      74,000,000

Guarantee loan                                                                   171,500,000                                     215,720,000

Credit loan                                                                      578,000,000                                     553,000,000

Total                                                                        797,762,191.98                                 886,432,513.1

Statement on categories of short-term loans.

(2) Short-term loans expired but not repaid

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

  Loan provided by      Amount of loan       Interest rate       Usage of loan           Reason of overdue       Scheduled repaying date

Total                                               --                 --                       --                          --

Repaid in post-balance-sheet period.
Statement on short-term loans, including due but extended. Please provide the extending conditions and extended expiration date.

30. Transactional financial liabilities

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                       Items                                 Fair value at end of term               Fair value at beginning of term

Transactional bonds issued

Financial liabilities accounted on fair value and
the fluctuations accounted into current gain/loss

Deductive financial liability

Other financial liabilities


Statement on transactional financial liabilities

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

31. Notes payable

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                   Categories                                End of term                   Beginning of term

Commercial acceptance

Bank acceptance                                                            585,306,600                     182,052,500

Total                                                                      585,306,600                     182,052,500

Amount will mature in next period is RMB
Statement on notes payable:

32. Account payable


                                                                                                                 In RMB

                      Items                                  End of term                   Beginning of term

Trade payable                                                          444,306,292.13                   493,041,465.91

Total                                                                  444,306,292.13                   493,041,465.91

(2) Account payable to shareholders holding 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report period

 [ ] Applicable [] Not applicable
Statement on payable accounts due for over one year.

33. Accounts received in advance


                                                                                                                 In RMB

                        Items                                   End of term                Beginning of term

Trade collected in advance                                                 57,161,800.61                  90,848,770.88

Total                                                                      57,161,800.61                  90,848,770.88

(2) Prepayment collected from shareholders holding 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report

 [ ] Applicable [] Not applicable
Statement on large amount prepayment received and due for over one year.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2012 Full Text

34. Wage payable

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                        Openning balance of                                                                Closing balance of book
          Items                                   Increased this term        Decreased this term
                            book value                                                                             value

I. Wage, bonus,
                                  1,006,698.8             49,945,944.47                   50,647,944.61                304,698.66

II. Employees
                                    55,200.88              7,331,733.39                     7,356,913.25                30,021.02

III. Social security               213,135.95              16,409,882.2                   16,565,228.45                    57,789.7

Medical insurance                    28,980.8              5,274,577.24                     5,276,325.95                27,232.09

Basic pension                       71,706.78              9,543,581.34                      9,607,528.2                   7,759.92

Annual fee                          98,692.62                495,658.03                      585,658.03                    8,692.62

                                     7,089.91                664,304.13                      664,196.59                    7,197.45

Labor injury
                                     3,872.09                331,260.11                      331,081.83                    4,050.37

Breeding insurance                   2,793.75                100,501.35                      100,437.85                    2,857.25

IV. Housing fund                    20,655.24              5,455,503.71                     5,451,201.71                24,957.24

V. Dismissing
                                                             746,491.48                      746,491.48

VI. Others                                    0              1,277,623.4                     1,277,623.4                         0

Others                                                       1,277,623.4                     1,277,623.4

Total                            1,295,690.87             81,167,178.65                     82,045,402.9               417,466.62

Illegal delay of payment to employees among the remunerations payable.
工会经费和职工教育经费金额 55,200.88,非货币性福利金额,因解除劳动关系给予补偿 746,491.48。
Arrangement of distributing the wages payable:

35. Tax payable

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                         Items                                      End of term                       Beginning of term

VAT                                                                               -5,508,145.1                       -6,251,755.49

Consumption tax                                                             136,636,810.73                         138,744,669.34

Business tax                                                                  1,362,412.64                           1,372,470.21

Enterprise income tax                                                        -12,292,552.33                        -12,292,552.33

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Personal income tax

City maintenance and construction tax                                              96,609.95                         396,464.68

Education surtax                                                                  124,177.76                              -1,028

Other taxes                                                                       -77,455.01                           76,982.92

Total                                                                         120,341,858.64                      122,045,251.33

Statement on tax payable. Please provide the calculating processes when taxable income is balanced between branch companies or
factories as approved by the Tax Bureau.

36. Tax disbursable

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                         Items                                      End of term                      Beginning of term

Long-term loan interest with instalments

Interest of company bond

Short-term borrowing interests payable


Statement on interest payable:

37. Dividend payable

                                                                                                                         In RMB

        Name of the companies               End of term              Beginning of term         Reason of overdue for one year

Total                                                                                                        --

Statement on dividend payable

38. Other account payable.


                                                                                                                         In RMB

                      Items                                     End of term                         Beginning of term

Deposit                                                                         7,916,005.3                        11,124,570.02

Stipulated fee                                                                22,695,176.62                        20,136,516.64

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Others                                                                       4,363,039.03                         13,728,056.24

Total                                                                       34,974,220.95                          44,989,142.9

(2) Other account payable due to shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report

 [ ] Applicable [] Not applicable

(3) Statement on large amount other payable accounts due for over one year

(4) Statement on large amount other payable accounts

39. Anticipated liabilities

                                                                                                                           In RMB

           Items                 Beginning of term   Increased this term      Decreased this term            End of term

   Providing of external

     Unsettled lawsuit

     Quality warranty

 Reconstruction liabilities

     Dismissing policy

    Loss contract to be



Statement on anticipated liabilities:

40. Non-current liabilities due in one year


                                                                                                                           In RMB

                       Items                               End of term                          Beginning of term

Long-term loans due in 1 year                                            273,400,000                                115,400,000

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Bond payable due in 1 year

Long-term payable due in 1 year

Total                                                                     273,400,000                                   115,400,000

(2) Long-term loans due in 1 year

Long-term loans due in 1 year
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                       Items                                End of term                             Beginning of term

Loan by pledge

Mortgage loan

Guarantee loan                                                            273,400,000                                   115,400,000

Credit loan

Total                                                                     273,400,000                                   115,400,000

Among the long-term loans due in 1 year, the loans overdue but extended is amounted to RMB.
Top 5 long-term loans due in 1 year
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                End of term               Beginning of term
     Loan        Commence       Terminate                  Interest       Amount of     Amount of      Amount of        Amount of
 provided by        date           date                     rate %         foreign       original        foreign         original
                                                                          currency      currency        currency        currency

                Jun 3, 2011    Jun 2, 2013    CNY                6.4%                   48,500,000                       50,000,000
Co., Ltd.

                Feb 23, 2010 Feb 23, 2013 CNY                  5.08%                    48,000,000                       50,000,000
Co., Ltd.

Air-condition Dec 28 2009 Dec 28, 2012 CNY                       5.4%                   47,000,000                       50,000,000
Co., Ltd.

Chognqing       August 30,
                               Jul 11, 2012   CNY                5.4%                   38,500,000                       40,000,000
Jianshe         2010

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Co., Ltd.

Jianshe         March 10,
                                Mar 10, 2013 CNY                             6.1%                           34,000,000                     40,000,000
Motorcycle      2011
Co., Ltd.

Total                  --               --              --              --                 --              216,000,000         --         230,000,000

Overdue loans among the long-term borrowings due in one year:
                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                Annual interest                                   Reason for             Scheduled
Loan provided by       Total Amount          Date of mature                               Usage of loan
                                                                    rate %                                          overdue            repaying date

Total                                              --                   --                        --                     --                 --

Amoung repaid in post-balance-sheet day.
Statement on long-term loans due in 1 year:

(3) Bonds payable due in 1 year

                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                              Interest                                        Interest
                               Date of                        Issuing        payable at                      Interest paid payable at       Closing
     Bond       Face value                    Bond term                                      occurred
                                issue                         amount         beginning                        this period     end of        balance
                                                                                            this period
                                                                             of period                                        period

Statement on bond payable due in one year:

(4) Long-term payable account due in 1 year

                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

     Loans from              Term            Initial amount     Interest rate %          Interest payable       Closing balance          Condition

Statement on long-term payable due in one year:

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

41. Other current liability

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                       Items                         Closing balance of book value            Openning balance of book value


Statement on other current liabilities

42. Long-term loans

(1) Categories of long-term loans

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                       Items                                 End of term                             Beginning of term

Loan by pledge                                                             194,000,000                               195,200,000

Mortgage loan

Guarantee loan                                                              93,000,000                               271,500,000

Credit loan

Total                                                                      287,000,000                               466,700,000

Statement on categories of long-term loans:

(2) Top 5 long-term loans

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                End of term                Beginning of term
     Loan        Commence        Terminate                  Interest    Amount of        Amount of     Amount of     Amount of
 provided by        date            date                    rate %         foreign        original       foreign         original
                                                                           currency      currency       currency         currency

                February 1,
Air-condition                  Feb 1, 2014    CNY                5.9%                    68,200,000                      70,000,000
Co., Ltd.

                Jun 3, 2011    Jun 2, 2013    CNY                6.4%                    48,500,000                      50,000,000

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                           Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Co., Ltd.

Air-condition Aug 18, 2010 Aug 17, 2013 CNY                        4.86%                             48,500,000                    50,000,000
Co., Ltd.

Air-condition Dec 28, 2010 Dec 27, 2013 CNY                       5.265%                             48,500,000                    50,000,000
Co., Ltd.

               Feb 23, 2010 Feb 23, 2013 CNY                       5.08%                             48,000,000                    50,000,000
Co., Ltd.

Total                --               --           --             --                --              261,700,000         --        270,000,000

Statement on long-term loans. For long-term loans overdue but extended for another period, please provide the conditions, principal,
interest rate, and repayment arrangement.

43. Bond payable

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                        Interest                                       Interest
                             Date of                    Issuing        payable at                     Interest paid payable at      Closing
     Bond     Face value                   Bond term                                 occurred
                              issue                     amount         beginning                       this period     end of       balance
                                                                                    this period
                                                                       of period                                       period

Statement on bonds payable, including the condition and time of converting of the convertible bonds.

44. Long term payables

(1) Top 5 long-term payables

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2012 Full Text

        Parties               Term        Initial amount      Interest rate %      Interest payable    Closing balance       Condition

(2) Details of finance leasing payments in long-term payables

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                             End of term                                    Beginning of term
                                              Foreign Currency                  RMB             Foreign Currency             RMB


Amount of guarantees provided individual 3rd-parties was RMB.
Statement on long-term payables:

45. Special payables

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                      Beginning of       Increased this      Decreased this
                  Items                                                                        End of term                Remarks
                                          term               term                term

Others                                       738,000                                                    738,000

                  Total                      738,000                                                    738,000             --

Statement on special payable accounts:

46. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                          Items                            Closing balance of book value               Openning balance of book value


Statement on other non-current liabilities, including asset-related and income-related government subsidy and closing balances:

47. Capital Share

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                            Changed in the report period (+,-)
                      Beginning of
                                     Issuing of new                        Transferred                                       End of term
                          term                         Bonus shares                           Others          Sub-total
                                         shares                           from reserves

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Total of capital
                      477,500,000                                                                                        477,500,000

Statement of change in capital shares. Name of CPA and number of verification report shall be provided if capital increasing or
decreasing occurred in the report period; as for shareholding limited companies incorporated for less than three years, only net asset
is required for the years prior to incorporation; for shareholding limited companies reformed from limited companies shall provide
the capital verification at incorporation.

48. Shares in stock

Statement on shares in stock

49. Special reserves

Statement on special reserves

50. Capital reserves

                                                                                                                               In RMB

Items                               Beginning of term         Increased this term       Decreased this term     End of term

Capital premium (share capital
                                             344,407,741.07                                                           344,407,741.07

Other capital reserves                       258,772,776.52                                                           258,772,776.52

Total                                        603,180,517.59                                                           603,180,517.59

Statement on capital reserves:

51. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                               In RMB

              Items                 Beginning of term         Increased this term       Decreased this term     End of term

Statutory surplus reserves                     125,686,000                                                               125,686,000

Optional surplus reserves

Preserved fund

Enterprise development fund


Total                                          125,686,000                                                               125,686,000

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Statement on surplus reserves. Please state the related resolutions of the Board on capitalizing of reserves, making up losses, and

52. Providing of common risk provisions

Statement on common risk provisions

53. Retained profit

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                  At end of term                                   At beginning of term

                                                                     Percentage of                                     Percentage of
                                            Amount                    drawing or                 Amount                   drawing or
                                                                       allocation                                         allocation

Adjustment on retained
                                                                           --                                                 --
profit of previous year

Total of retained profit at
beginning of year adjusted
                                                                           --                                                 --
(+ for increase, - for

Retained profit adjusted at
                                                  -919,900,424.03          --                        -731,457,938.07          --
beginning of year

Plus: Net profit attributable
to owners of the parent                              -33,707,653.7         --                        -188,442,485.96          --

Less: Statutory surplus

Optional surplus reserves

Common risk provisions

Common share dividend

Common share dividend
transferred to capital share

Retained profit at the end of
                                                  -953,608,077.73          --                        -919,900,424.03          --

Details about adjustment of retained profit at beginning of year:
1) Retrospective adjustment due to adopting of the Enterprise Accounting Standard and related regulations, included the retained

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

profit by RMB0.
2) Variation of accounting policies, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
3) Correction of material accounting errors, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
4) Change of consolidation range caused by merger of entities under common control, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
5) Other adjustment influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
Statement on retained profit: for companies issued their securities for the first time, if the accumulated profit before the issuing is
shared by the new and existing shareholders as approved by the shareholders meeting, shall be described particularly; if the
accumulated profit before the issuing is shared only by existing shareholders as approved by the shareholders meeting, the Company
shall provide the details of dividend payable to the existing shareholders as audited by CPA.

54. Operational revenue and costs

(1) Operation incomes and costs

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                     Items                                Occurred current term                       Occurred in previous term

Major business turnover                                                    899,950,333.01                               1,356,709,772.34

Other business income                                                        68,908,260.62                                 14,732,790.16

Operation cost                                                             814,535,168.88                               1,187,779,750.98

(2) Business segments (on industries)

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                   Occurred current term                            Occurred in previous term
           Name of industry
                                            Turnover               Operation cost               Turnover              Operation cost

Industry                                     899,950,333.01             765,044,914.66         1,356,709,772.34         1,179,902,468.73

Total                                        899,950,333.01             765,044,914.66         1,356,709,772.34         1,179,902,468.73

(3) Business segments (on products)

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                   Occurred current term                            Occurred in previous term
        Products or services
                                            Turnover               Operation cost               Turnover              Operation cost

Motorcycle and parts                         633,626,513.96             535,339,578.16           947,257,757.99           850,258,184.82

Vehicle air conditioner                      266,323,819.05              229,705,336.5           409,452,014.35           329,644,283.91

Total                                        899,950,333.01             765,044,914.66         1,356,709,772.34         1,179,902,468.73

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(4) Business segments (on regions)

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                               Occurred current term                          Occurred in previous term
        Name of districts
                                      Turnover                 Operation cost              Turnover            Operation cost

North                                     106,393,837.49             93,217,660.68         196,566,591.63         157,783,743.12

East                                       81,191,969.24             71,254,472.91          94,301,949.69           84,236,035.54

Mid-south                                  52,841,162.17             46,325,295.45          53,781,557.43           49,664,848.15

South-west                                 403,423,014.5            324,683,670.25         705,058,225.77         611,777,939.07

North-east                                 43,291,987.47             37,652,801.57          50,808,996.82           47,162,652.46

North-west                                 35,775,716.14             31,052,009.45          50,341,462.78           47,088,048.72

South                                      32,505,376.53             27,692,076.43          45,719,211.85           42,392,161.43

  Overseas sales                          144,527,269.47            133,166,927.92         160,131,776.37         139,797,040.24

Total                                     899,950,333.01            765,044,914.66       1,356,709,772.34       1,179,902,468.73

(5) Revenue from top five customers

                                                                                                                           In RMB

            Name of clients               Major business turnover               Percentage in total turnover of the Company %

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA
                                                            56,911,295.71                                                  6.32%
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Changan SUZUKI
                                                            59,194,518.39                                                  6.58%
Automobile Co., Ltd.

Greatwall Automobile Co., Ltd.                               46,487,519.3                                                  5.17%

Chongqing Changan Automobile
                                                            44,258,731.29                                                  4.92%
Co., Ltd.

Jiangxi Changhe SUZUKI
                                                            17,427,064.03                                                  1.94%
Automobile Co., Ltd.

Total                                                      224,279,128.72                                                 24.92%

Statement on revenue.

55. Income from contract projects

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Statement on contract projects:

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2012 Full Text

56. Business tax and surcharge

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                        Occurred in previous
                 Items                    Occurred current term                                           Rate

Consumption tax                                          8,985,422.43           14,668,068.89

Business tax                                              231,664.29               223,445.82

City maintenance and construction
                                                         1,319,859.64            2,271,168.17

Education surtax                                          992,311.88             1,142,798.43

Resource tax

Total                                                11,529,258.24              18,305,481.31              --

Statement on operation tax and surcharges:

57. Income from fair value fluctuation

                                                                                                                         In RMB

   Source of income from fluctuation of fair value               Occurred current term          Occurred in previous term

Transactional financial assets

Incl. Gains from fluctuation of fair value of derivate
financial instruments

Trade off financial liabilities

Investment property measured at fair value



Statement on fluctuation of fair value:

58. Investment income

(1) Details of investment gains

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                         Items                                   Occurred current term          Occurred in previous term

Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Long-term equity investment gains on equity basis                           19,789,628.97                     24,048,088.9

Investment gains from disposal of long-term equity

Investment gains in the period of holding
transactional financial assets

Gains from investment held to mature in the period
of holding

Investment gains in period of holding disposable
financial assets

Investment gains from disposal of transactional
financial assets

Investment gains from investment held to mature

Gains from sellable financial assets and similar


Total                                                                       19,789,628.97                     24,048,088.9

(2) Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                     Occurred in previous
            Company invested in             Occurred current term                             Causation of change

Total                                                                                                 --

(3) Long-term equity investment gains on equity basis

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                     Occurred in previous
            Company invested in             Occurred current term                             Causation of change

Chongqing Tongsheng Jianshe Industry
                                                          9,529.71             355,921.84
Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Pingshan Taikai
                                                        979,956.58           2,406,795.84
Carburetor Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA
                                                      8,010,759.46           7,008,121.73
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Zhuzhou Jianshe YAMAHA
                                                     10,993,383.22          14,481,249.49
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                     -204,000                 -204,000

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Total                                                 19,789,628.97            24,048,088.9                      --

Statement on investment gains, please state whether or not there are material constrains on retrieving of investment gains.

59. Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                           Items                                  Occurred current term              Occurred in previous term

I. Bad debt loss                                                                 4,451,298.17                           3,423,156.11

II. Inventory impairment loss

III. Disposable financial asset impairment

IV. Impairment loss from investment held till expiration

V. Impairment loss from long-term stock investment

VI. Property investment impairment loss

VII. Fixed asset impairment loss

VIII. Engineering goods impairment loss

IX. Construction-in-process impairment loss

X. Production goods impairment loss

XI. Gas and fuel asset impairment loss

XII. Intangible asset impairment loss

XIII. Goodwill impairment loss

XIV. Other

Total                                                                            4,451,298.17                           3,423,156.11

60. Non-business income


                                                                                                                               In RMB

Items                                                             Occurred current term              Occurred in previous term

Total of gains from disposal of non-current assets                                                                            6,410.26

Incl. Gains from disposal of fixed assets                                                                                     6,410.26

        Gains from disposal of intangible assets

Gains from debt reorganization

Gains from exchange of non-monetary assets

Donation received

Government subsidy                                                                    122,200                             1,315,524.6

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Others                                                                              258,169.83                         305,349.33

Total                                                                               380,369.83                       1,627,284.19

(2) Details of government subsidies

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                Items                      Occurred current term    Occurred in previous term             Remarks

Social security fund, Chongqing
                                                          108,600                1,315,524.6
Bureau of Finance

Fund for international marketing                           11,200

Industrial support fund                                     2,400

Total                                                     122,200                1,315,524.6                  --

Statement on non-operational income

61. Non-operational expenditures

                                                                                                                           In RMB

Items                                                                    Occurred current term        Occurred in previous term

Total of loss from disposal of non-current assets                                         73,623.94                     34,263.43

Incl. Loss from disposal of fixed assets

         Loss from disposal of intangible assets

Losses from debt restructuring

Loss from exchange of non-monetary assets

Donations                                                                                                                 150,000

Others                                                                                    83,575.85                    316,256.85

Total                                                                                    157,199.79                    500,520.28

Statement on non-operational expenditures:

62. Income tax expenses

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                              Items                                      Occurred current term        Occurred in previous term

Income tax calculated according to the law and regulations of
current term

Adjustment of differed income tax                                                                                     -760,147.53

Total                                                                                                                 -760,147.53

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                Interim Report 2012 Full Text

63. Calculation of basic earning per share and diluted earning per share

64. Other miscellaneous income

                                                                                                            In RMB

                               Items                           Occurred current term   Occurred in previous term

1. Amount of gain (loss) from sellable financial assets

  Less: Income tax influence of available-for-sale financial

Net amount written into other gains and transferred into
gain/loss in previous terms


2. Share in other misc. income of the invested company on
equity basis

   Less: Income tax influence of shares in other gains of
investees on equity basis

Net amount written into other gains and transferred into
gain/loss in previous terms


3. Amount of gain (loss) from cash flow hedging instruments

   Less: Income tax influence of cash flow hedge instruments

Net amount written into other gains and transferred into
gain/loss in previous terms

Adjustment converted to initially recognized amount of
hedging subject


4. Difference in translating of foreign currency accounts

   Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business and
transferred to current gain/loss


5. Others

   Less: Income tax influence by other accounted into other
misc. incomes

Net amount accounted into other misc. income and transferred
into current gain/loss in previous terms


Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text


Statement on other misc income

65. Notes to the cash flow statement

(1) Other cash inflow related to operation

                                                                                               In RMB

                                     Items                               Amount

Interest income                                                                            272,878.92

Others                                                                                   4,870,436.77

                                     Total                                               5,143,315.69

Statement on other cash inflow related to operation

(2) Other cash paid related to operation

                                                                                               In RMB

                                     Items                               Amount

Operation fees such as freight, warehousing fees                                        15,763,943.28

Administrative expenses such as office expenses and traveling expenses                    5,630,812.5

Others                                                                                  21,032,982.67

                                     Total                                              42,427,738.45

Statement on other cash paid related to operation

(3) Other cash received related to investment

                                                                                               In RMB

                                     Items                               Amount

Others                                                                                   8,035,069.11

                                     Total                                               8,035,069.11

Statement on other cash received related to investment

(4) Other cash paid related to investment

                                                                                               In RMB

                                     Items                               Amount

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2012 Full Text


Statement on other cash paid related to investment

(5) Other cash received related to financing

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                    Items                                                      Amount

Financial note discount received                                                                               116,824,807.47

Increase of note deposit                                                                                       250,526,026.36

                                    Total                                                                      367,350,408.84

Statement on other cash received related to financing

(6) Other cash paid related to financing

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                    Items                                                      Amount

Payment of due financing notes                                                                                   104,352,500

Others                                                                                                          56,567,269.62

                                    Total                                                                      160,919,769.62

Statement on other cash paid related to financing

66. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                    Supplementary Info.                     Amount of the Current Term        Amount of the Previous Term

1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business operation               --                                --

Net profit                                                                   -33,035,241.44                       800,626.19

Plus: Asset impairment provision                                              4,451,298.17                       3,423,156.11

Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation,
                                                                             28,976,264.33                      27,106,557.49
production goods depreciation

Amortizing of intangible assets                                               4,829,658.15                        2,792,186.2

Amortizing of long-term expenses                                              1,878,982.45                       3,633,319.24

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                     3,721.35                        27,853.17
other long-term assets (“-“ for gains)

Loss from fixed asset discard (“-“ for gains)

Loss from fair value fluctuation (“-“ for gains)

Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                                            58,650,249.34                    35,556,761.37

Investment losses (“-“ for gains)                                            -19,789,628.97                    -24,048,088.9

Decrease of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for increase)                                                         -760,147.53

Increase of deferred income tax liability (“-“ for decrease)

Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                                      -4,232,512.97                    22,078,055.04

Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for increase)                   38,885,299.13                   -22,232,125.11

Increase of operational payable items (“-“ for decrease)                     -121,666,603.8                   -80,246,461.92


Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                 -41,048,514.26                   -31,868,308.65

2. Major investment and financing operation not involving
                                                                          --                               --
with cash

Liabilities converted to capital

Convertible bond expire in 1 year

Fixed assets leased through financing

3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                                --                               --

Balance of cash at period end                                                  144,852,598.42                   200,424,850.56

Less: Initial balance of cash                                                  200,424,850.56                   248,884,345.21

Plus: Balance of cash equivalents at the period end

Less: Initial balance of cash equivalents

Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                                    -16,225,808.46                   -48,459,494.65

(2) Information about acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries or businesses

                                                                                                                       In RMB

                     Supplementary Info.                         Occurred current term          Occurred in previous term

I. Acquisition of subsidiaries and businesses                             --                               --

1. Price to acquire subsidiaries and other businesses

2. Cash and cash equivalents paid to acquire subsidiaries or

     Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by the
subsidiaries and other businesses

3. Net cash paid for acquiring of subsidiaries and other

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text


4. Net asset of subsidiaries acquired

     Current Assets

     Non-current assets

     Current Liabilities

     Non-current liabilities

II. Disposal of subsidiaries and businesses                         --                             --

1. Price to dispose subsidiaries and other businesses

2. Cash and cash equivalents received from disposal of
subsidiaries or businesses

     Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by the
subsidiaries and other businesses

3. Net cash received for disposal of subsidiaries and other

4. Net asset of subsidiaries disposed

     Current Assets

     Non-current assets

     Current Liabilities

     Non-current liabilities

(3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                               In RMB

                               Items                            End of term                Beginning of term

I. Cash                                                                  144,852,598.42                 200,424,850.56

Incl: Cash in stock                                                         122,830.28                     124,504.75

     Bank savings could be used at any time                              144,729,768.14                 160,953,902.13

     Other monetary capital could be used at any time

     Usable money in Central Bank

     Money saved in associated financial bodies

     Money from associated financial bodies

II. Cash equivalents

Incl. Bond investment due in 3 months

III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at end of term                 144,852,598.42                 161,078,406.88

Statement on supplementary information of cash flow statement

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2012 Full Text

67. Notes to statement of change in owners’ equity

Please state the names and adjusted amount of the items of previous year, and retrospective adjustment on merger of entities under
common control.

(VIII) Accounting treatment of capital securitilizing

1. Please state the main trade arrangement, accounting treatment, and bankrupcy isolating terms of capital

2. Entities on which the Company has no control power but undertake the risks

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                        Total asset at end Total liability at   Net asset at end     Turnover of the         Net profit of the
        Name                                                                                                                              Note
                             of term          end of term           of term                  period            current term

(IX) Related parties and transactions

1. Parent companies of the Company

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                                Share of        Voting
 Name of                                                Legal                                   the parent     power of
               Relationsh Ownership                                Business Registered                                      holder of Organizati
 the parent                               Reg. Add. representat                                 co. in the    the parent
                   ip           type                               property        capital                                       the       on code
    co.                                                   ive                                   Company       company
                                                                                                      %           %

Southern       Controllin                                                                                                  National
                            sole                                  Special
Industry       g                                                                                                           asset
                            state-owne Beijing        Xu Bin      machinery    1,264,521          71.13%         71.13%
Group          shareholde                                                                                                  commissio
                            d                                     production
(Southern r                                                                                                                n

Particulars about the parent company of the Company

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2012 Full Text

 Full name    Ownership                                     Legal                                           Share
                             Ownership                                  Business         Registered                      Voting     Organizatio
   of the        of the                    Reg. Add. represen                                             proportion
                                 type                                      property        capital                      power %       n code
 subsidiary    subsidiary                                   tative                                            %

                                                                     trading and
                                                                     agency of
Jianshe       Controlled                                Wen                              60,377,527.
                             Ltd. liability Chongqing                and                                       100%          100%
Import &      subsidiaries                              Hong                                         88
Export Co.,
                                                                     (other than
                                                                     those restricted
                                                                     by national

                                                                     with two
                                                                     with two
                                                                     wheels and
                                                                     installation kits
Shanghai                                                             manufacturing
Jianshe       Controlled                                Che          and sale,
                             Ltd. liability Shanghai                                     16,000,000               51%         51%
Motorcycle subsidiaries                                 Lianfu       moped
Co., Ltd.                                                            manufacturing
                                                                     and sale,
                                                                     bicycle and its
                                                                     and sale
                                                                     (license when

                                                                     Sales of
                                                                     and parts,
                                                        Li           vehicle
Jianshe       Controlled
                             Ltd. liability Chongqing Huaguan air-conditioner            12,000,000            100%          100%
Sales Co.,    subsidiaries
                                                        g            and parts,
                                                                     ical products,
                                                                     metal materials,

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                                                                 repairing of

Chognqing                                                        Production,
Jianshe                                                          sales, and
Automobile Controlled                                            services of
                              Ltd. liability Chongqing Hongxia                       160,000,000   100%       100%
Air-conditio subsidiaries                                        automobile
ner Co.,                                                         air-conditioners
Ltd.                                                             and parts

                                                                 Sales of
Jianshe        Controlled
                              Ltd. liability Nanning             motorcycle and        1,500,000   52%         52%
Motorcycle subsidiaries
Co., Ltd.

Chengdu                                                          Wholesale and
Jianshe        Controlled                                        retail of Jianshe
                              Ltd. liability Chengdu                                    500,000    100%       100%
Sales Co.,     subsidiaries                                      motorcycle and
Ltd.                                                             parts

                                                                 Wholesale and
               Controlled                                        retailing of
Motorcycle                    Ltd. liability Huhehaote                                  500,000    100%       100%
               subsidiaries                                      motorcycles
Sales Co.,
                                                                 and parts

                                                                 Sales of
               Controlled                                Wen     vehicles,
Motorcycle                    Ltd. liability Chongqing                                  500,000    100%       100%
               subsidiaries                              Hong    motorcycles,
Sales Co.,
                                                                 and parts

               Controlled                                        and sales of
Motorcycle                    Ltd. liability Ningbo                                   16,000,000   51%         51%
               subsidiaries                                      motorcycles
                                                                 and parts
ng Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

3. Joint ventures and affiliates

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                               Legal                                    Shares held                    Total asset        Total          Total net          Total of       Net profit of
 Name of the     Ownershi                                  Business      Registered                    power of the                                                                                        Relationshi Organizatio
                              Reg. Add.   representati                                    by the                        at end of      liability at     asset at end turnover at           the current
  Companies        p type                                     property     capital                     Company in                                                                                              p         n code
                                                ve                                      Company %                         term         end of term        of term         current term         term
                                                                                                       the entity %

I. Joint
                        --       --             --               --          --             --              --             --               --              --                 --               --             --          --

Pingshan                                                 Manufacturi
                 Ltd.                                                                                                  177,490,982 17,344,310. 160,146,672 64,629,942. 2,042,307.1
Taikai                       Chongqing Teng Feng         ng and sales 158,758,676                49%             49%
                 liability                                                                                                       .91              34             .57                 47                9
Carburetor                                               of carburetor
Co., Ltd.

Chongqing                                                Manufacturi
Jianshe                                                  ng and sales
                 Ltd.                     Lu                             379,924,998                                   1,128,951,3 524,408,244 604,543,111 1,139,306,5 16,021,518.
YAMAHA                       Chongqing                   of                                      50%             50%
                 liability                Hongxian                                .46                                        56.07                .55            .52                09.1              92
Motorcycle                                               motorcycles
Co., Ltd.                                                and parts

Zhuzhou                                                  Manufacturi
Jianshe                                                  ng and sales
                 Ltd.                     Lu                                                                           701,541,640 160,683,522 540,858,117 465,041,476 21,986,766.
YAMAHA                       Zhuzhou                     of              497,857,360             50%             50%
                 liability                Hongxian                                                                               .09              .69                .4              .33              44
Motorcycle                                               motorcycles
Co., Ltd.                                                and parts

II. Affiliates          --       --             --               --          --             --              --             --               --              --                 --               --             --          --

                                                                   Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                Ltd.                    Chen       and sales of                                         43,275,046. 37,664,542. 5,610,503.9 48,835,812.
Jianshe                     Chongqing                              10,000,000         30%         30%                                                            31,765.7
                liability               Guozhong   motorcycle                                                   52          56             6            19
Industry Co.,

Fuda Property Ltd.                      Lei                                                             4,237,933.3 4,555,174.2                 5,773,303.3
                            Chongqing              n and            2,000,000         20%         20%                             -317,240.91                 -585,098.84
Management      liability               Qianhong                                                                 6           7                           6
Co., Ltd.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

4. Other related parties

            Name of the related parties                                                Relation with the Company       Organization code

                                                      (Jianshe Industry)              Subsidiary of the controlling
Chongqing Jianshe Industry Co., Ltd.

                                                                                      Subsidiary of the controlling
South-western Military Industry Co.

                                                      (“Jianxing Machinery”)        Subsidiary of the controlling
Chongqing Jianshe Machinery Co., Ltd.

                                                      (Military Finance Co.)          Subsidiary of the controlling
Military Equipment Group Finance Co., Ltd.

                                                      (Changan Auto)                  Grand subsidiary of the
Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      controlling shareholder

                                                      (Jianshe Industry & Trade)      Grand subsidiary of the
Chongqing Jianshe Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      controlling shareholder

                                                      (“Jianxing Machinery”)        Affiliate of the subsidiary of
Chongqing Jianxing Machinery Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      the controlling shareholder

                                                      (“Bailu Industry”)            Grand subsidiary of the
Chongqing Bailu Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      controlling shareholder

Statement on other related parties

5. Related Transactions

(1) Purchasing of goods and services

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                             Occurred current term          Occurred in previous term
                                                     Pricing and                               Portion in                        Portion in
                        Subjects of the related
   Related parties                                 decision making                              similar                           similar
                             transactions                                     Amount                            Amount
                                                       process                                 transactio                        transactio
                                                                                                ns (%)                            ns (%)

Jianshe Industry        Purchasing of goods       Fair market price            10,368,989.92                      1,076,923.08

Jianxing Machinery Purchasing of goods            Fair market price              15,439,139                     14,039,615.01

Chongqing Yamaha        Purchasing of goods       Fair market price                2,307,700                           223,060

China Jialin Industry
Co., Ltd. (Group)       Purchasing of goods       Fair market price                                             38,593,162.46
Sales Co.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Jiangmen Qingqi
South China             Purchasing of goods       Fair market price       664,791.45
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Jinan Qinqi Sales
                        Purchasing of goods       Fair market price                                      7,811,240.17
Co., Ltd.

Pingshan Taikai         Purchasing of goods       Fair market price     8,457,887.09                    2,281,159.05

Jianshe Industry &
                        Purchasing of goods       Fair market price       204,273.76                      248,065.37

Chongqing Qiantai
Industry & Trade        Purchasing of goods       Fair market price     6,504,596.92                   41,825,518.11
Co., Ltd.

                        Purchasing of goods       Fair market price    10,656,641.96                   15,485,885.78

Fuyeda Co.              Accept labor              Fair market price       125,739.77                    1,463,482.33

Jianshe Industry        Accept labor              Fair market price     2,292,214.57                   11,163,214.13

Sales of goods and services
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                      Occurred current term         Occurred in previous term
                                                     Pricing and                       Portion in                       Portion in
                        Subjects of the related
   Related parties                                 decision making                      similar                          similar
                              transactions                             Amount                          Amount
                                                       process                         transactio                       transactio
                                                                                        ns (%)                           ns (%)

Chongqing Southern
Motorcycle Co., Ltd. sales of goods               Fair market price                                    90,276,735.57
Sales Company

China Jialin Industry
Co., Ltd. (Group)       sales of goods            Fair market price                                    18,660,083.94
Sales Co.

Jinan Qinqi Sales
                        sales of goods            Fair market price                                      7,811,240.17
Co., Ltd.

Zhuzhou Jianshe
YAMAHA                  sales of goods            Fair market price       319,832.99
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Jianshe Yamaha          sales of goods            Fair market price    56,911,295.71                   158,878,884.6

Changan Auto            sales of goods            Fair market price    128,937,000.5                    59,992,047.7

                        sales of goods            Fair market price     4,485,465.75                    5,565,903.15

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(2) Related trusteeship or contracting

Related trusteeship or contracting in which the Company is the undertaker
                                                                                                                                                In RMB

                           Asset         Amount of Nature of                                                          Gains from Influence of
Name of the Name of the situation of the asset to the asset to                           Terminating Pricing          the deal in       the gains on
                                                                           Start date
employer     undertaker    the           be             be                               date          basis          report            the
                           undertaker    undertaken undertaken                                                        period            Company

Related trusteeship or outsourcing in which the Company is the employer
                                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                 Asset                                                                                                  Influence of
                                         Amount of                                                                    Amount of
Name of the Name of the situation of                     Nature of                                       Pricing                        the payment
                                         the asset to                       Start date    End date                      payment
 employer     undertaker          the                   the entrust                                       basis                               on the
                                         be entrusted                                                                 recognized
                             employer                                                                                                    Company

Statement on the trusteeship and contracting:

(3) Related leasing

The Company is the lender
                                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                                                         Rental         Influence of
                            Category of Description Amount of
Name of the Name of the                                                      Starting                    Pricing      recognized         the rental
                             asset for        of the    asset to be                      Ending date
   owner        tenant                                                         date                       basis          in the               on the
                                 rent     property           leased
                                                                                                                         period          Company

Jianshe      Chongqing                                  20,777,264. May 31,              May 31,       Price on       1,956,898.2
Motorcycle Yamaha                                                     08 2008            2013          agreement                    9
Co., Ltd.

Jianshe      Shanghai                                   20,777,264.                                    Price on       1,851,843.6
                           Warehouse                                       Aug 1, 2008 Jul 31, 2012
Motorcycle Jianya                                                     08                               agreement                    6
Co., Ltd.

The Company is the undertaker
                                                                                                                                                In RMB

                            Category of Description Amount of                                                            Rental         Influence of
Name of the Name of the                                                      Starting                    Pricing
                             asset for        of the    asset to be                      Ending date                  recognized         the rental
   owner        tenant                                                         date                       basis
                                 rent     property           leased                                                      in the               on the

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                                                                                                                  period     Company

Statement on related leasing

(4) Related guarantees

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

    The provider          The beneficiary       Amount guaranteed             Start date           Due date          Completed or not

Statement on related guarantees

(5) Capital borrowing with related parties

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

     Related parties            Amount of demolition             Start date                 Expired on                 Remarks

Borrow in

Lend out

(6) Asset transferring and debt reconstruction with related parties

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                Occurred current term       Occurred in previous term
                                                           Pricing and                         Portion in                     Portion in
                       Type of      Subjects of the
 Related parties                                         decision making                        similar                        similar
                        trade     related transactions                           Amount                        Amount
                                                             process                           transactio                     transactio
                                                                                                ns (%)                           ns (%)

(7) Other related transactions

6. Receivable and payables due with related parties

Account receivable due from related parties
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

        Projects               Related parties                 Amount at end of term                     Initial ammount

Notes receivable          Changan Auto                                           21,990,000                                13,330,000

Notes receivable          Hebei Changan                                           2,453,570                                 2,453,570

Notes receivable          Nanjing Changan                                              346,430                                846,430

Notes receivable          Changhe SUZUKI                                          7,818,940                                 1,718,940

Account receivable        Jianshe Yamaha                                      16,359,781.26                            23,262,463.62

Account receivable        Changan Auto                                        29,791,523.23                             6,179,437.62

Account receivable        Hebei Changan                                                560,710                              259,217.4

Account receivable        Nanjing Changan                                        434,467.92                             1,256,522.19

Account receivable        Changan SUZUKI                                       9,597,366.03                             1,532,172.37

Account receivable        Changhe SUZUKI                                       1,065,736.15                             1,751,591.07

Account receivable        Jialin Industry                                               46,445

Account receivable        Jinan Qingqi                                           787,400.41                                787,400.41

Other account receivable Jianshe Machinery                                       613,809.14

Other account receivable Qiantai Industry                                               293.13

Other account receivable Chongqing Yamaha                                      4,061,100.67                             3,069,077.45

Account payable to related parties
                                                                                                                                In RMB

               Projects                           Related parties          Amount at end of term              Initial ammount

Account payable                          Qiantai Industry                                 5,442,436.15

Account payable                          Chongqing Yamaha                                 4,964,302.27                  2,254,293.27

Account payable                          Jianxing Machinery                                9,599,207.8                  9,526,802.89

Account payable                          Pingshan Taikai                                  7,020,239.94                  6,541,323.92

                                         Chongqing Fuda Property
Account payable                                                                              62,968.18
                                         Management Co., Ltd.

                                         Chongqing Jianshe Industry
Account payable                                                                              60,342.76
                                         & Trade Co., Ltd.

Account payable                          Tongsheng Construction                           4,632,829.23                     4,854,081.3

Other account payable                    Fuyeda                                             139,724.51                     400,924.96

(X) Share payment

1. Overall situation of share payment

Total of equity instruments issued by the
Company in the report period

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                               Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Total of equity instruments excercised in the

Total of equity instruments invalidated in the

Price range of share options issued to outside
and remained term of the contract at end of

Price range of other equity instruments issued to
outside and remained term of the contract at end
of period

Statement on share payment

2. Share payment settled in term of equity

                                                                                           In RMB

Recognition of fair value of equity instrument at date of grant

Recognition of best estimation on exercisable equity instruments

Cause of material difference between estimation basis of current
period and previous period

Accumulated amount of share payment on equity basis in capital

Total of expenses recognized for share payment on equity basis

Statement on share payment on equity basis

3. Share payment settled by cash

                                                                                           In RMB

Recognition of fair value of liabilities calculated upon shares or
other equity instruments which are undertaken by the Company

Accumulative liabilities generated by share payment settled by cash
in the liabilities

Total expenses recognized on share payment settled by cash

Statement on share payment settled by cash.

4. Service paid by shares

                                                                                           In RMB

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Total of employees services paid by shares

Total of other services paid by shares

5. Revising and termination of share payment

(X) Contingent Issues

1. Contingent liabilities formed by material lawsuit or arbitration, and their influences on the financial

2. Contingent liability formed by providing of guarantee to other parties and its influence on the financial

Other contingent liabilities and their influences:

(XII) Commitment Issues

1. Major commitment issues

2. Fulfilling of commitments made in previous periods

(XIII) Post-balance-sheet events

1. Statement on material post-balance-sheet events

                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                          Influence on the financial
                                                                                       Reason for not able to estimate
              Items                            Contents     position and business
                                                                                                the influence

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                            Interim Report 2012 Full Text

2. Statement on profit distribution in post balance sheet period

                                                                                        In RMB

Proposed profit or dividend

Approved and announced profit or dividend

3. Statement on other issues in post balance sheet period

(XIV) Statement on other material events

1. Non-monetary asset exchange

2. Debt reconstruction

3. Enterprise merger

4. Rental

5. Financial instruments convertible to shares issued to outside

6. Main contents of annual rewarding plan and material changes

7. Other material events to be disclosed

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                           Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(XV) Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent Company

1. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                  End of term                                            Beginning of term

                                   Book balance              Bad debt provision             Book balance                 Bad debt provision
                                                                             Proporti                    Proporti                       Proporti
                             Amount           rtion        Amount                       Amount                      Amount
                                                                             on %                        on %                           on %

Receivables with major
individual amount and bad
debt provision provided

Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups

Account receivable
without major amount but
greater risk after            27,778,053.98                   1,411,604.84    5.08% 26,886,424.14          94.4%         1,367,023.35    5.08%
combined into group of
similar risks

Sub-total of group            27,778,053.98                   1,411,604.84    5.08% 26,886,424.14          94.4%         1,367,023.35    5.08%

Account receivable with
minor individual amount
                                1,594,979.7 5.43%              1,594,979.7     100%        1,594,979.7      5.6%          1,594,979.7     100%
but bad debt provision is

Total                         29,373,033.68       --          3,006,584.54      --       28,481,403.84      --           2,962,003.05      --

Remarks on categories of receivable accounts:

Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided on age analyze basis in the portfolio
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                      End of term                                                  Beginning of term

                            Book balance                                                    Book balance
                                           Proporti Bad debt provision                                           Proporti Bad debt provision
                          Amount                                                          Amount
                                              on %                                                                on %

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2012 Full Text

within 1 yr

In which:                  --                   --          --                       --                    --                  --

Subtotal of
                            27,633,611.1 94.08%          1,381,680.56                 26,741,981.26 93.89%                1,337,099.06
within 1 year

1-2 years                          8,617.88    0.03%             861.79                     8,617.88     0.03%                      861.79

2-3 years                          129,500     0.44%             25,900                      129,500     0.45%                      25,900

Over 3 yrs                      1,601,304.7    5.45%      1,598,142.2                     1,601,304.7    5.62%                 1,598,142.2

3-4 years

4-5 years

over 5 yrs

Total                      29,373,033.68        --       3,006,584.55                 28,481,403.84        --             2,962,003.05

Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage analyze basis in a portfolio
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end of period
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

    Description of the
                                   Book balance        Bad debt provision                  Rate                   Reason to provide
   receivable accounts

Domestic trade                                                                                              Due for over three years,
                                         1,594,979.7               1,594,979.7                      100%
receivable                                                                                                  hard to retrieve

             Total                       1,594,979.7               1,594,979.7                      100%                  --

(2) Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                   Bad debt provision
Description of the receivable Reason to write back     Basis of original bad                                    Amount written back or
                                                                                 provided before writing
             accounts                 or retrieve          debt provision                                             retrieved
                                                                                   back or retrieving

              Total                       --                      --                                                      --

Receivable accounts with large amount, or minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end of period

    Description of the
                                   Book balance         Amount of bad debt          Providing rate (%)                 Reason
   receivable accounts

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2012 Full Text

            Total                                                                               --                        --

Remarks on receivable accounts with minor single amount but with greater risks after combining with accounts with similar risks:

(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

       Name of the        Property of the                                                     Reason of writing      Occurred under
                                                Date of written off     Amount written off
       companies         receivable account                                                          off           related relationship

          Total                  --                     --                                           --                        --

Statement on writing off of receivable accounts.

(4) Particulars about the receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s

 [ ] Applicable [] Not applicable

(5) Nature or description of other receivable accounts with large amount

(6) Top 5 receivable accounts

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                Relation with the                                                                  Portion in total
 Name of the companies                                          Amount                       Ages
                                      Company                                                                        receivables

Chongqing Jianshe
YAMAHA Motorcycle          Joint ventures                             16,359,781.26 Within 1 year                                   55.7%
Co., Ltd.

                                                                       7,804,055.94 Within 1 year                                   26.57%

Chongqing Qiantang
                                                                        2,414,528.1 Within 1 year                                   8.22%
Trade Co., Ltd.

Jinan Qinqi Sales Co.,
                                                                        787,400.41 Within 1 year                                    2.68%

YAMAHA Motor Trade
                                                                        573,310.76 Within 1 year                                    1.95%
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

          Total                         --                          27,939,076.47               --                                 95.12%

(7) Account receivable from related parties

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

   Name of the companies          Relation with the Company                        Amount                   Portion in total receivables

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA
                                Joint ventures                                         16,359,781.26                                55.7%
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Jinan Qinqi Sales Co., Ltd.                                                                 787,400.41                              2.68%

               Total                             --


Amount of receivable transferred but not satisfying the conditions of termination recognition is RMB.

(9) If securitilizing performed on target asset with purpose of receivable account, please brief the related

2. Other account receivable.

(1) Other receivable accounts

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                      End of term                                        Beginning of term

                               Book balance                   Bad debt provision       Book balance                 Bad debt provision
Categories                                            Propo                    Propo                       Propo                    Propo
                               Amount                 rtion   Amount           rtion   Amount              rtion    Amount          rtion
                                                      %                        %                           %                        %

Other receivables with major
individual amount and bad                             97.16                                                 94.37
                                  158,036,475.83                  3,819,153.07 2.42%    203,176,515.97                   3,013,664 1.48%
debt provision provided                                   %                                                     %

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Other receivables provided bad debt provision in groups

Account receivable without
major amount but greater
                                      3,408,386.22 2.1%           170,419.31   5%          9,232,265.94 4.29%       461,613.3     5%
risk after combined into
group of similar risks

Sub-total of group                    3,408,386.22 2.1%           170,419.31   5%          9,232,265.94 4.29%       461,613.3     5%

Other account receivable
with minor individual                                                                                                           41.68
                                      1,204,370.74 0.74%     1,204,370.74 100%             2,889,743.65 1.34%   1,204,370.74
amount but bad debt                                                                                                                    %
provision is provided

Total                               162,649,232.79    --     5,193,943.12      --     215,298,525.56     --     4,679,648.04      --

Statement on categories of other receivable accounts:

Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period.
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on age analyze basis
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                        End of term                                             Beginning of term

                            Book balance                                             Book balance
                                            Proporti Bad debt provision                              Proporti   Bad debt provision
                           Amount                                                   Amount
                                             on %                                                      on %

within 1 yr

In which:                    --                --            --                       --                --              --

Subtotal of
                           158,431,198.05    97.4%           975,908.38             211,080,490.82 98.04%                    461,613.3
within 1 year

1-2 years

2-3 years

Over 3 yrs                   4,218,034.74     2.6%         4,218,034.74               4,218,034.74     1.96%           4,218,034.74

3-4 years

4-5 years

over 5 yrs

                           162,649,232.79                  5,193,943.12
Total                                                                               215,298,525.56      --             4,679,648.04

Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on other basis
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other account receivable with minor amount but bad debt provision provided individually:
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

   Description of other
                                   Book balance              Bad debt provision              Rate                    Reason to provide

                                                                                                                  Not expected to be
                                        2,889,743.65                  1,204,370.74                       41.68%

           Total                        2,889,743.65                  1,204,370.74                       41.68%                 --

(2) Other receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                                       Bad debt provision
     Description of other        Reason to write back        Basis of original bad                                 Amount written back or
                                                                                     provided before writing
         receivables                  or retrieve               debt provision                                            retrieved
                                                                                       back or retrieving

             Total                        --                          --                                                        --

Receivable accounts with large amount, or minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are tested and provided individually at
end of period

   Description of the
                                 Book balance                Amount of bad debt        Providing rate (%)                  Reason
   receivable accounts

          Total                                                                                --                               --

Statement on other account receivable with minor amount but with greater risks when combined with other receivable accounts with
similar natures.

(3) Other receivable accounts actually written off in the report period

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

     Name of the                                                                           Reason of writing        Occurred under related
                         Property of account   Date of written off Amount written off
     companies                                                                                      off                  relationship

        Total                    --                     --                                          --                          --

Statements on writing off of other receivable accounts.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

(4) Particulars about the other receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the
Company’s shares in the report period

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(5) Natures or contents of other receivable accounts with large amount

(6) Top 5 debtors of other receivable accounts

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                Relation with the                                                            Portion in total other
 Name of the companies                                          Amount                   Ages
                                    Company                                                                     receivables (%)

Chongqing Jianshe Sales
                            Fully-owned subsidiary                 70,598,307.5 Within 1 year                                 43.52%
Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Northern
Jianshe Import & Export Fully-owned subsidiary                     28,081,126.2 Within 1 year                                 17.31%
Co., Ltd.

                            Employees of the
Petty cash                                                         5,964,900.85 Within 1 year                                  3.68%

Chongqing Jianshe
YAMAHA Motorcycle           Joint ventures                         4,061,100.67 Within 1 year                                   2.5%
Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Jianshe
                            Controlled subsidiaries                1,685,372.91 Within 1 year                                  1.04%
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

             Total                      --                       110,390,808.13            --                                 68.05%

(7) Other accounts receivable from related parties

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                                                    Portion in total other receivables
   Name of the companies            Relation with the Company                 Amount

Chongqing Jianshe Sales Co.,
                                 Fully-owned subsidiary                              70,598,307.5                             43.52%

Chongqing Northern Jianshe
                                 Fully-owned subsidiary                              28,081,126.2                             17.31%
Import & Export Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA
                                 Joint ventures                                      4,061,100.67                               2.5%
Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Jianshe Motorcycle
                                 Controlled subsidiaries                             1,685,372.91                              1.04%
Co., Ltd.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2012 Full Text

             Total                                     --                                     104,425,907.28                          64.38%


Amount of other receivables transferred but not satisfying the conditions of termination recognition is RMB.

(9) If securitilizing performed on target asset with purpose of other receivable account, please brief the
related arrangements

3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                                                    difference           Impairme     Cash
                                                                               Percentag   Voting
Company                                                                                             s between Impairme      nt       dividend
            Calculatin    Initial       Openning Changed         Closing e of share power in
 invested                                                                                              the       nt      provision    of the
             g basis       costs        balance         by       balance        in the      the
       in                                                                                           sharehold provision provided     current
                                                                                firm %     firm %
                                                                                                     ing and             this term    term

le          Equity       20,000,00 20,000,00                     20,000,00
                                                                                 16.67%    16.67%
Technolo basis                      0             0                        0
ment Co.,

Tongshen Equity                         3,194,329                3,203,859
                         3,000,000                    9,529.71                      30%       30%
g Jianshe basis                               .56                      .27
Co., Ltd.

ng          Equity       67,316,53 78,069,94 979,956.5 79,049,90
                                                                                    49%       49%
Pingshan basis                9.87           8.72            8         5.3

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

r Co.,

g Jianshe
             Equity       154,699,6 287,825,6 8,010,759 295,836,3
A                                                                       50%      50%
             basis           22.03      02.71       .46      62.17
le Co.,

             Equity       215,710,3 271,965,5 -5,006,61 266,958,9                                         16,000,00
A                                                                       50%      50%
             basis           20.08      73.97      6.78      57.19                                                0
le Co.,

g Jianshe                 12,000,00 12,000,00             12,000,00
             Cost basis                                                100%     100%
Sales Co.,                       0         0                     0

                          57,443,52 57,443,52             57,443,52
Jianshe      Cost basis                                               95.14%   95.14%
                               7.88      7.88                  7.88
Import &
Co., Ltd.

Motorcyc Cost basis 8,160,000 9,384,000 -204,000 9,180,000              51%      51%
le Co.,

g Jianshe
Motorcyc Cost basis        225,000    225,000              225,000      45%      45%
le Sales
Co., Ltd.

g Jianshe                 70,000,00 70,000,00             70,000,00
             Cost basis                                               43.75%   43.75%
Automobi                         0         0                     0

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Co., Ltd.

                                       1,140,915              1,140,915
Motorcyc Cost basis 8,160,000                                                 51%          51%
                                             .04                    .04
le Co.,

                         616,715,0 811,248,8 3,789,628 815,038,5                                                               16,000,00
Total             --                                                         --        --         --
                               09.86      97.88         .97      26.85                                                                0

Statement on long-term equity investment

4. Operational revenue and costs

(1) Operation incomes and costs

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                 Items                              Occurred current term                          Occurred in previous term

Major business turnover                                                   527,984,440.32                                815,969,015.88

Other business income                                                     456,622,616.54                                  53,044,575.59

Operation cost                                                            930,917,606.93                                786,669,103.83


(2) Business segments (on industries)

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                   Occurred current term                           Occurred in previous term
         Name of industry
                                            Turnover                Operation cost               Turnover            Operation cost

Industry                                     527,984,440.32               483,374,796.68          815,969,015.88        753,719,876.25

Total                                        527,984,440.32               483,374,796.68          815,969,015.88        753,719,876.25

(3) Business segments (on products)

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                   Occurred current term                           Occurred in previous term
        Products or services
                                            Turnover                Operation cost               Turnover            Operation cost

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Motorcycle and parts                   527,984,440.32          483,374,796.68      815,969,015.88            753,719,876.25

Total                                  527,984,440.32          483,374,796.68      815,969,015.88            753,719,876.25

(4) Business segments (on regions)

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                            Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term
        Name of districts
                                      Turnover             Operation cost         Turnover                Operation cost

Southwest                              527,984,440.32          447,542,810.25      815,969,015.88            753,719,876.25

Total                                  527,984,440.32          447,542,810.25      815,969,015.88            753,719,876.25

(5) Revenue from top five customers

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                                             Percentage in
                              Name of clients                                   Total turnover              total turnover of
                                                                                                            the Company %

Chongqing Jianshe Sales Co., Ltd.                                                        211,534,428.54              45.19%

Chongqing Jianshe Automobile Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.                                   167,023,202.15              35.68%

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                             61,291,295.71              13.10%

Foshan Nanhai Zhongmo Technologies Co., Ltd.                                              16,731,880.33               3.57%

Chongqing Mingxin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                       11,468,670.43               2.45%

Total                                                                                    468,049,477.16              88.65%

Statement on revenue.

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

5. Investment income

(1) Details of investment gains

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                            Items                                         Occurred current term          Occurred in previous term

Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis

Long-term equity investment gains on equity basis                                        19,789,628.97                   24,048,088.9

Investment gains from disposal of long-term equity

Investment gains in the period of holding transactional
financial assets

Gains from investment held to mature in the period of

Investment gains in period of holding disposable financial

Investment gains from disposal of transactional financial

Investment gains from investment held to mature

Gains from sellable financial assets and similar


Total                                                                                    19,789,628.97                   24,048,088.9

(2) Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                          Occurred in previous
             Company invested in               Occurred current term                                     Causation of change

Total                                                                                                            --

(3) Long-term equity investment gains on equity basis

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                          Occurred in previous
             Company invested in               Occurred current term                                     Causation of change

Chongqing Tongsheng Jianshe Industry Co.,
                                                               9,529.71            355,921.84

Chongqing Pingshan Taikai Carburetor                         979,956.58           2,406,795.84

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Jianshe YAMAHA Motorcycle
                                                             8,010,759.46         7,008,121.73
Co., Ltd.

Zhuzhou Jianshe YAMAHA Motorcycle Co.,
                                                          10,993,383.22          14,481,249.49

Shanghai Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                            -204,000             -204,000

Total                                                     19,789,628.97           24,048,088.9                      --

Statement on investment gains:

6. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                          Supplementary Info.                               Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term

1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business operation                               --                               --

Net profit                                                                               -37,913,674.28                       10,690,691.52

Plus: Asset impairment provision                                                               558,876.57                      1,100,437.19

Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation, production
                                                                                             19,335,247.48                    17,904,575.72
goods depreciation

Amortizing of intangible assets                                                               4,636,217.01                     2,520,150.34

Amortizing of long-term expenses                                                              1,187,277.49                     2,941,614.28

Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
long-term assets (“-“ for gains)

Loss from fixed asset discard (“-“ for gains)

Loss from fair value fluctuation (“-“ for gains)

Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                                                         36,996,624.26                    26,163,060.43

Investment losses (“-“ for gains)                                                      -19,789,628.97                       -24,048,088.9

Decrease of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for increase)                                                                      -165,065.58

Increase of deferred income tax liability (“-“ for decrease)

Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                                                   -6,880,520.43                    -2,261,942.34

Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for increase)                            -50,250,429.03                   -60,358,713.27

Increase of operational payable items (“-“ for decrease)                                     24,403,015                 -83,333,628.16


Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                               -27,716,994.9               -108,853,319.03

2. Major investment and financing operation not involving with cash                     --                               --

Liabilities converted to capital

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2012 Full Text

Convertible bond expire in 1 year

Fixed assets leased through financing

3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                                           --                                 --

Balance of cash at period end                                                        105,369,938.91                     155,608,050.72

Less: Initial balance of cash                                                             83,149,628.22                 166,262,402.29

Plus: Balance of cash equivalents at the period end

Less: Initial balance of cash equivalents

Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                                               22,220,307.49                  -10,654,351.57

7. Reverse purchasing of assets and liabilities booked at evaluated value

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

  Description of the asset or liabilities booked at evaluated
                                                                        Appraised value                     Original book value



(XVI) Supplementary Information

1. Net income on asset ratio and earning per share

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                   Earnings per share
                                                      Weighted average net
              Profit of the report period                                                                      Diluted earnings per
                                                      income/asset ratio (%)     Basic earnings per share

Net profit attributable to common shareholders
                                                                        -12.5%                        -0.07                        -0.07
of the Company

Net profit attributable to the common owners of
the PLC after deducting of non-recurring                               -12.59%                        -0.07                        -0.07

2. Irregular situation and causes of items in the financial statements

Chongqiang Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2012 Full Text

                                       IX. Documents for Reference

                                                  Index of documents for reference

(I) Interim Report carried with personal signature and seal of the Chairman of the Board;
(II) Financial report with the signature and seal of the legal representative, CFO, and accounting manager of the Company.
(III) All of the documents have disclosed by Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily.
(IV) The Articles of Association of the Compay

                                                                                                Li Huaguang - Chairman of the Board
                                                                            Date of submitting approved by the Board: July 26, 2012
Revising record

                                                 Date of correction or supplementary        Contents of correction or supplementary
                  Version No.
                                                             disclosure                                   disclosure
