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						Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                             The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

                     Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

                                   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2014


                                             Oct 2014

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                      The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

                                 Chapter I. Important Statement

The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant
omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual
and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.
All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.
Mr. Li Huaguang, the Legal Representative of the Company, Mr. Teng Feng, the Financial Officer,
Mr. Liao Jian, the manager of accounting department, hereby declare: the truthfulness and
completeness of the Financial Report are guaranteed.

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                        The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

        Chapter II. Financial Highlights and Change of Shareholders

I. Main accounting data and indices

Are there any retrospective adjustment or restatement of financial information of previous year due
to change of accounting policies or correcting of accounting errors?
[] Yes [V] No
                                                                                                             Changed at end of report
                                       Ended this report
                                                                             End of prev. year              period over end of previous
Gross Assets (RMB)                     2,507,210,861.00                                    2,743,952,972.93                       -8.63%
Net asset attributable to owners of
                                           51,294,632.26                                    150,915,146.59                         -66.01%
the PLC
                                                                                                            The amount of from beginning
                                                                                     From beginning of year
                                                              Increase/decrease                              of year to the end of report
                                       This report term                                to the end of report
                                                                     (%)                                      period over the amount of
                                                                                                                same period last year
Turnover (RMB)                           387,215,817.54                    -10.63%         1,334,386,694.49                         -1.87%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company        -39,778,494.08                   -39.96%           -99,620,514.32                        -62.03%
Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company
                                          -40,096,485.58                   -43.21%           -96,997,293.81                        -56.59%
and after deducting of non-recurring
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                               --                     --                    149,001,168.26                       6,805.40%
operation (RMB)
Basic earnings per share
                                                    -0.3332                 -0.10%                  -0.8345                         -0.32%
Diluted earnings per share
                                                    -0.3332                 -0.10%                  -0.8345                         -0.32%
Net income on asset, weighted                   -39.34%                    -13.90%                  -98.53%                        -43.37%
Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts
                                                                                                                              In RMB Yuan
                                                                           Amount of the period from
                               Items                                       the beginning of year to the              Remarks
                                                                                end of report term
Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets (includes the
recovered part of asset impairment provision already provided)
Gains and losses included in the current period of government
subsidies, excluding those government grants which are closely
related to normal business and in line with national policy , or in
accordance with fixed standards or quantities
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                           -2,908,906.07
Total                                                                                     -2,623,220.51                  --

None of non-recurring gain/loss items recognized as recurring gain/loss items as defined by the
Information Disclosure Explanatory Announcement No.1 – Non-recurring gain/loss in the report

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

II. Total of shareholders and top-10 holders of current shares at end of period

1 Total of shareholders and top-10 holders at end of the report period

                                                                                                                           in shares
Total common shareholders at the end
of the report period
                                                      Top 10 common share holders
                                                                                               Amount of       Frozen or pledged
                                                                   Share       Amount of
   Name of the shareholder          Properties of shareholder                                 unconditional    Status of Amoun
                                                                proportion %    shares
                                                                                               shares held      shares        t
China Military Equipment
                                State-owned legal person             71.13%      84,906,250      84,906,250
Group Co., Ltd.
Gu Zuocheng                     Domestic natural person            1.86%         2,218,750        2,218,750
Anhui Hengsheng Economic
                                non-state-owned legal              1.47%         1,750,000        1,750,000
Development Group Co., Ltd.
Feng Yonghui                    Domestic natural person            0.42%           500,000          500,000
Liu Dan                         Domestic natural person            0.90%         1,069,301                 0
Zeng Qinghua                    Domestic natural person            0.38%           457,317                 0
Hu Zhihong                      Domestic natural person            0.31%           366,864                 0
Guo Dongjiang                   Domestic natural person            0.29%           343,435                 0
Chen Houping                    Domestic natural person            0.29%           343,315                 0
Zhang Huaian                    Domestic natural person            0.28%           330,000                 0
                                              Top 10 Holders of Unrestricted Shares
                                          Number of unrestricted                           Category of shares
       Name of the shareholder
                                                shares held                        Category of shares                  Amount
Liu Dan                                                    1,069,301 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange         1,069,301
Zeng Qinghua                                                 457,317 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange           457,317
Hu Zhihong                                                   366,864 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange           366,864
Guo Dongjiang                                                343,435 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange           343,435
Chen Houping                                                 343,315 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange           343,315
Zhang Huaian                                                 330,000 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange           330,000
Xue Fang                                                     250,000 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange           250,000
Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo
                                                             163,094 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange           163,094
He Lizhuan                                                   160,000 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange           160,000
Zhen Jun                                                     153,600 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange           153,600
                                       There isnt any associated relationship between the sponsoring shareholder and the other
Notes to relationship or “action in shareholders among the top-10 list. None of them are regarded as Acting in concert in
concert” among the top ten            accordance with The rules of information disclosure on change of shareholding. Foreign
shareholders.                          shareholders are unknown for their condition of Associated relationship and Acting in

Whether there was any repurchasing deal made between any of the top 10 shareholders and top 10
holders of unrestricted shares in the report period
[] Yes [V] No
No agreed repurchasing trade by shareholders in the report period

2 Total of shareholders and top-10 preferential shareholders at end of the report period

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                             The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

                                        Chapter III. Significant Issues

I. Particulars and causations of material change in major accounting items and indices

√ applicable □ not applicable
1. Introducing of the new accounting standard made no material influence on the
financial position and business performances of the Company. Therefore it is not
  necessary to make retrospective adjustment on the opening balances of consolida
ted financial statements.
2. State of changes in main accounting items and financial indices and correspon
ding causations
(1) Prospective liability was RMB3,226,654 at end of report period, whereas it w
as RMB0 by opening. This was caused by paying of the joint liability for account
  clearance amounted to RMB3194300, and charge fee of RMB32354. (For details plea
se go to the Arbitration Announcement dated July 12, 2014.)
(2) Non-operational expenditures of RMB3,588,618.41 was at the end of report per
iod, whereas it was RMB783,179.44 at opening. It was indicated an increase of 35
8%. It was caused by the same issue as described above.

II. Analyze of significant issues and solutions

[V] ApplicableNot applicable
The Company accepted onsite inspection of China Securities Regulatory Commission Chongqing
Office during the period from June 12 to July 4, 2014. The Commission issued the document titled
“The Official Order for Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. to Rectify Inappropriate
Operations” [2014]No.4 (referred as “the Order”) dated August 13. Upon receiving of the Order, the
Company proposed a number of measurements to improve the Companys business operation
according to the laws, regulations and requirements, and with regarding to the Companys practice.
Time table and responsible persons were assigned therein. For details please find the announcement
made by the Company on September 12.
         Summary of material issues                Date of disclosure             Index of provisional announcement

“Report of Rectification in Responding to the
                                                                        Announcement No. 2014-078 with Securities Times, Hong
Onsite Inspection of China Securities            September 12, 2014
                                                                        Kong Commercial Daily, and www.cninfo.com.cn,
Regulatory Commission Chongqing Office”

III. Commitment issues of shareholders with 5% or over of shares occurred in the report
period or carried down from previous report periods

According to “The Official Order for Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. to Rectify
Inappropriate Operations” [2014]No.4 (referred as “the Order”), the Company announced its
rectification plans on September 12, and committed to implement the following measurements
within given times:

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                            The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

1. There is RMB140 million of goods-on-way aged 1-2 years amongst the inventories of the Sales
Company, which were generated by account transferring at settlement. The Company didnt
perform adjustment duly when occurring. The Company commits there will be cleared and adjusted
within 2014 and make sure the inventory information is accurate.
2. A number of unsettled receivable accounts, other receivable accounts, and prepayment accounts
amongst the 10 affiliated sales companies and over 200 direct-operated sales shops have been
existed for a long period of time. The Company commits to clarify those unrecoverable accounts by
providing of bad debt provisions in full amounts before disclosing of the Annual Report 2014. As
for those receivable accounts with long ages, the Company will be performing accounting
treatments under the verification of legal departments.

IV. Prospect on the business performance of year 2014

Alert of loss or significant change in net profit from the beginning of year to the end of next report
period or comparing with the same period of last year, and statement of causations.
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

V. Securities investment

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No securities investment in the report period.
State of holding stocks of other PLCs.
[]Applicable [V]Not applicable
The Company was not holding any stock of other PLCs as of the end of report period.

VI. Investment in derivate instruments

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No derivate instrument investment in the report period.

VII. Reception of investigation, communication, or visiting in report period

[V] Applicable Not applicable
    Time/date         Place          Way   Type of visitors     Visitors      Main content involved and material provided

                                                                           Q: The Rectification Report has mentioned that the
                                                                           Company has won in the bidding competition for
                               Telephone                                   supplying contract of Changan Automobile.
August 18, 2014                communicat Individual          Investor     Whether this will influence the Companys
                               ion                                         performance?
                                                                           A: The Company has issued announcement
                                                                           No.2014-057 about this on July 12, 2014.

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

                                  Chapter IV. Financial Statements

I. Financial Statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      In RMB Yuan
                                            Items                                           Closing balance    Opening balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                                                                         310,039,174.66    388,314,602.28
     Settlement provision
     Outgoing call loan
     Financial assets accounted at fair value and fluctuation accounted into current income
     Notes receivable                                                                          52,135,880.87     81,253,424.87
     Account receivable                                                                       257,122,879.29    311,899,501.77
     Prepayment                                                                                25,285,757.00     32,738,242.83
     Insurance receivable
     Reinsurance receivable
     Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable
     Other account receivable                                                                  24,333,302.89     23,946,335.95
     Repurchasing of financial assets
     Inventories                                                                              272,740,143.43    299,191,811.74
     Categorized as asset hold for sale
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset
Total of current asset                                                                        941,657,138.14   1,137,343,919.44
Non-current assets
     Disburse of consigned loans
     Sellable financial asset
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment                                                        680,344,997.99    689,241,790.19
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                                                             728,911,607.63    765,309,375.94
     Construction in process                                                                   13,012,860.40      9,289,928.04
     Engineering goods
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                                                                         91,767,915.90    103,263,664.23
     R&D expense                                                                               38,975,639.58     27,603,929.21
     Long-term amortizable expenses                                                             8,772,346.72       7,928,011.24
     Deferred income tax asset                                                                  3,564,354.64       3,564,354.64
     Other non-current asset                                                                      204,000.00         408,000.00
Total of non-current assets                                                                 1,565,553,722.86   1,606,609,053.49
Total of assets                                                                             2,507,210,861.00   2,743,952,972.93
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                                                                         745,455,701.23    896,805,047.85
     Loan from Central Bank
     Deposit received and hold for others
     Call loan received
     Financial liabilities booked as current gain/loss at fair value
     Notes payable                                                                            752,512,714.28    742,696,400.00

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                            The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

     Account payable                                                                      555,692,542.59    536,553,953.76
     Advances received                                                                     27,094,317.88     29,177,260.79
     Selling of repurchased financial assets
     Fees and commissions receivable
     Employees’ wage payable                                                               2,808,804.42      2,619,043.15
     Tax payable                                                                          116,406,104.79    124,374,241.36
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable
     Other account payable                                                                 25,871,916.41     32,539,679.76
     Reinsurance fee payable
     Insurance contract provision
     Entrusted trading of securities
     Entrusted selling of securities
     Liabilities categorized as hold for sale
     Non-current liability due in 1 year                                                   80,500,000.00     98,000,000.00
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                                              2,306,342,101.60 2,462,765,626.67
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings                                                                 145,000,000.00    129,000,000.00
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable
     Special payable                                                                          738,000.00        738,000.00
     Expected liabilities                                                                   3,226,654.00
     Deferred income tax liability
     Other non-recurring liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                                                          148,964,654.00 129,738,000.00
Total of liability                                                                      2,455,306,755.60 2,592,503,626.67
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share capital)                                                   119,375,000.00    119,375,000.00
     Capital reserves                                                                     960,515,317.59    960,515,317.59
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves
     Surplus reserves                                                                     125,686,000.00    125,686,000.00
     Common risk provision
     Retained profit                                                                   -1,154,281,685.33 -1,054,661,171.00
     Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company                                      51,294,632.26 150,915,146.59
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                                              609,473.14       534,199.67
Total of owners equity (or shareholders equity)                                            51,904,105.40 151,449,346.26
Total of liability and shareholders equity (or owners equity)                           2,507,210,861.00 2,743,952,972.93

Legal representative: Li Huaguang   CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  In RMB Yuan
                                           Items                                           Closing balance Opening balance
Current asset:
    Monetary capital                                                                        170,787,344.92 228,624,992.89
    Financial assets accounted at fair value and fluctuation accounted into current income
    Notes receivable                                                                          6,619,424.00   39,803,978.66
    Account receivable                                                                        3,045,658.42    4,802,644.17
    Prepayment                                                                               15,111,769.61   18,601,531.02
    Interest receivable
    Dividend receivable
    Other account receivable                                                                230,234,235.63 208,879,559.83
    Inventories                                                                              67,067,965.78   79,555,340.09
    Categorized as asset hold for sale
    Non-current asset due in 1 year

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                         The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

     Other current asset
Total of current asset                                                                492,866,398.36    580,268,046.66
Non-current assets
     Sellable financial asset
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment                                                828,377,525.87    837,478,318.07
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                                                     590,303,131.85    616,857,994.31
     Construction in process                                                           12,660,053.49      9,289,928.04
     Engineering goods
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                                                                 79,368,884.34     90,630,390.57
     R&D expense                                                                       38,975,639.58     27,603,929.21
     Long-term amortizable expenses                                                      2,986,654.79     1,815,694.12
     Deferred income tax asset
     Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                                                          1,552,671,889.92 1,583,676,254.32
Total of assets                                                                      2,045,538,288.28 2,163,944,300.98
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                                                                 396,000,000.00    420,000,000.00
     Financial liabilities booked as current gain/loss at fair value
     Notes payable                                                                    429,182,714.28    439,186,400.00
     Account payable                                                                  524,723,629.96    504,942,097.46
     Advances received                                                                  4,850,061.66      3,162,370.27
     Employees’ wage payable                                                           1,885,138.46      1,356,068.19
     Tax payable                                                                      121,536,785.62    125,804,653.87
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable
     Other account payable                                                            201,024,231.14    239,108,166.57
     Liabilities categorized as hold for sale
     Non-current liability due in 1 year                                                 7,000,000.00    94,000,000.00
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                                           1,686,202,561.12 1,827,559,756.36
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings                                                             136,000,000.00     47,000,000.00
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable
     Special payable                                                                       738,000.00      738,000.00
     Expected liabilities                                                                3,226,654.00
     Deferred income tax liability
     Other non-recurring liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                                                       139,964,654.00    47,738,000.00
Total of liability                                                                   1,826,167,215.12 1,875,297,756.36
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share capital)                                               119,375,000.00    119,375,000.00
     Capital reserves                                                                 958,575,094.29    958,575,094.29
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves
     Surplus reserves                                                                 125,686,000.00    125,686,000.00
     Common risk provision
     Retained profit                                                                 -984,265,021.13 -914,989,549.67
     Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owners equity (or shareholders equity)                                        219,371,073.16 288,646,544.62
Total of liability and shareholders equity (or owners equity)                        2,045,538,288.28 2,163,944,300.98

Legal representative: Li Huaguang     CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                             The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

3. Income Statement (Consolidated) of the Report Period

Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                                                                                          Term                  Term
I. Total revenue                                                                        387,215,817.54         433,289,724.35
      Incl. Business income                                                             387,215,817.54         433,289,724.35
              Interest income
              Insurance fee earned
              Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                                                  436,458,472.89          467,547,462.54
      Incl. Business cost                                                                351,654,269.16          373,300,156.00
              Interest expense
              Fee and commission paid
              Insurance discharge payment
              Net claim amount paid
              Net insurance policy reserves provided
              Insurance policy dividend paid
              Reinsurance expenses
              Business tax and surcharge                                                    3,955,805.21           5,513,190.37
              Sales expense                                                                22,334,961.57          24,764,377.59
              Administrative expense                                                       39,929,836.40          37,611,894.58
              Financial expenses                                                           18,583,600.55          26,357,844.00
              Asset impairment loss
      Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
              Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                             9,211,119.65            6,375,988.65
              Incl. Investment gains from affiliates                                        9,211,119.65            6,375,988.65
              Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                                  -40,031,535.70          -27,881,749.54
      Plus: non-operational income                                                            556,123.69              327,315.13
      Less: non-operational expenditure                                                       238,132.19              750,613.65
              Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                                  227,865.52              217,613.65
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                                         -39,713,544.20          -28,305,048.06
      Less: Income tax expenses
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                                        -39,713,544.20          -28,305,048.06
      Including: Net profit realized by the entity taken over before the takover
      Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company                             -39,778,494.08          -28,421,844.46
      Minor shareholders’ equity                                                              64,949.88               116,796.40
VI. Earnings per share:                                                                     --                      --
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                               -0.3332                  -0.2381
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                            -0.3332                  -0.2381
VII. Other misc. incomes
Incl. Other misc. gains unable to be relocated to income account in succeeding
fiscal period
         Other misc. gains able to be relocated to income account in succeeding
fiscal period when certain conditions are satisfied
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                                              -39,713,544.20          -28,305,048.06
      Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the parent company             -39,778,494.08          -28,421,844.46
      Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders                                  64,949.88              116,796.40

Legal representative: Li Huaguang    CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                            The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

4. Income Statement (Parent Co.) of the Report Period

Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  In RMB Yuan
                                                                                  Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                                                                                         Term                  Term
I. Turnover                                                                            260,598,287.58         374,646,828.33
      Less: Operation cost                                                             254,934,902.57         322,617,697.36
            Business tax and surcharge                                                    3,125,295.83           5,072,065.37
            Sales expense                                                                 4,141,092.49           4,590,134.98
            Administrative expense                                                       29,784,021.96          28,172,937.36
            Financial expenses                                                           10,804,061.17          18,795,797.12
            Asset impairment loss
      Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
            Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                              9,211,119.65            6,375,988.65
            Incl. Investment gains from affiliates                                         9,211,119.65            6,375,988.65
II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                                  -32,979,966.79            1,774,184.79
      Plus: Non business income                                                              249,123.69              218,015.13
      Less: Non-business expenses                                                            193,235.81              533,000.00
            Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                                   193,235.81
III. Total profit (“-“ for loss)                                                       -32,924,078.91            1,459,199.92
      Less: Income tax expenses
IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                                      -32,924,078.91            1,459,199.92
V. Earnings per share                                                                      --                      --
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                              -0.2758                  0.0122
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                           -0.2758                  0.0122
VI. Other misc gains
Incl. Other misc. gains unable to be relocated to income account in succeeding
fiscal period
         Other misc. gains able to be relocated to income account in succeeding
fiscal period when certain conditions are satisfied
VII. Total of integrated income                                                          -32,924,078.91            1,459,199.92

Legal representative: Li Huaguang    CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

5. Income Statement (Consolidated) (Jan. 1 – Sept. 30, 2014)

Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  In RMB Yuan
                                                                                  Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                                                                                         Term                  Term
I. Total revenue                                                                      1,334,386,694.49       1,359,755,338.21
      Incl. Business income                                                           1,334,386,694.49       1,359,755,338.21
              Interest income
              Insurance fee earned
              Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                                                1,457,459,436.30       1,456,514,026.90
      Incl. Business cost                                                              1,182,064,004.19       1,167,414,378.16
              Interest expense
              Fee and commission paid
              Insurance discharge payment
              Net claim amount paid
              Net insurance policy reserves provided
              Insurance policy dividend paid
              Reinsurance expenses

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                               The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

              Business tax and surcharge                                                    15,157,829.25           14,622,785.30
              Sales expense                                                                 71,039,985.95           81,265,489.20
              Administrative expense                                                       121,404,667.44          114,372,876.98
              Financial expenses                                                            68,861,052.34           78,753,734.25
              Asset impairment loss                                                         -1,068,102.87               84,763.01
      Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
              Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                             26,369,207.80           35,338,885.10
              Incl. Investment gains from affiliates                                        26,573,207.80           35,842,289.93
              Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                                   -96,703,534.01           -61,419,803.59
      Plus: non-operational income                                                             965,397.90             1,241,918.26
      Less: non-operational expenditure                                                      3,588,618.41               783,179.44
              Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                                   338,348.89               217,613.65
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                                          -99,326,754.52           -60,961,064.77
      Less: Income tax expenses                                                                218,486.34                75,293.70
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                                         -99,545,240.86           -61,036,358.47
      Including: Net profit realized by the entity taken over before the takover
      Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company                              -99,620,514.32           -61,484,427.39
      Minor shareholders’ equity                                                               75,273.46                448,068.92
VI. Earnings per share:                                                                      --                       --
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                -0.8345                   -0.5151
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                             -0.8345                   -0.5151
VII. Other misc. incomes
Incl. Other misc. gains unable to be relocated to income account in succeeding
fiscal period
         Other misc. gains able to be relocated to income account in succeeding
fiscal period when certain conditions are satisfied
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                                               -99,545,240.86           -61,036,358.47
      Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the parent company              -99,620,514.32           -61,484,427.39
      Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders                                   75,273.46               448,068.92

Legal representative: Li Huaguang    CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

6. Income Statement (Parent Co.) (Jan. 1 – Sept. 30, 2014)

Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     In RMB Yuan
                                    Items                              Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term
I. Turnover                                                                       1,088,769,334.21            1,290,057,657.79
      Less: Operation cost                                                        1,030,129,904.46            1,177,363,663.01
            Business tax and surcharge                                               12,126,612.72               13,411,978.51
            Sales expense                                                            11,800,479.37               12,880,748.45
            Administrative expense                                                   91,653,638.66               85,240,119.90
            Financial expenses                                                       35,675,006.94               53,453,805.27
            Asset impairment loss                                                         1,543.84                  -45,535.88
      Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
            Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                       26,369,207.80                  35,338,885.10
            Incl. Investment gains from affiliates                                  26,573,207.80                  35,842,289.93
II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                            -66,248,643.98                 -16,908,236.37
      Plus: Non business income                                                        409,345.02                     486,360.98
      Less: Non-business expenses                                                    3,436,172.50                     533,000.00
            Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                             197,219.65
III. Total profit (“-“ for loss)                                                 -69,275,471.46                 -16,954,875.39
      Less: Income tax expenses
IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                                 -69,275,471.46                 -16,954,875.39
V. Earnings per share                                                              --                            --
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                         -0.5803                        -0.1420
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                      -0.5803                        -0.1420
VI. Other misc gains
Incl. Other misc. gains unable to be relocated to income account in

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

succeeding fiscal period
       Other misc. gains able to be relocated to income account in
succeeding fiscal period when certain conditions are satisfied
VII. Total of integrated income                                                      -69,275,471.46                 -16,954,875.39

Legal representative: Li Huaguang    CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

7. Cash Flow Statement (Consolidated)(Jan. 1 – Sept. 30, 2014)

Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      In RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Amount of the Current    Amount of the Previous
                                                                                          Term                     Term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
      Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                       839,798,333.93           926,433,634.09
      Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother company
      Net increase of loans from central bank
      Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies
      Cash received against original insurance contract
      Net cash received from reinsurance business
      Net increase of client deposit and investment
      Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
      Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission
      Net increase of inter-bank fund received
      Net increase of repurchasing business
      Tax returned                                                                          15,990,944.94            19,901,102.52
      Other cash received from business operation                                            6,430,859.86             9,174,873.68
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                          862,220,138.73           955,509,610.29
      Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                                 479,754,239.92           718,663,935.22
      Net increase of client trade and advance
      Net increase of savings in central bank and brother company
      Cash paid for original contract claim
      Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission
      Cash paid for policy dividend
      Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                               139,813,321.76           161,646,339.86
      Taxes paid                                                                            45,690,416.14            23,266,414.08
      Other cash paid for business activities                                               47,960,992.65            54,155,027.71
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                         713,218,970.47           957,731,716.87
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                             149,001,168.26            -2,222,106.58
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving
      Cash received as investment profit                                                    35,470,000.00             30,470,000.00
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                               210,030.00                  9,110.00
other long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units
      Other investment-related cash received                                                         0.00                  3,036.29
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                       35,680,030.00             30,482,146.29
      Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                             5,455,022.85             14,314,805.09
long-term assets
      Cash paid as investment
      Net increase of loan against pledge
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units
      Other cash paid for investment activities
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                       5,455,022.85             14,314,805.09
Net cash flow generated by investment                                                       30,225,007.15             16,167,341.20
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment
      Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders
      Cash received as loans                                                             1,044,816,336.53          1,056,901,780.34
      Cash received from bond placing
      Other financing-related cash received                                              1,160,875,547.79          1,212,330,458.59

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                                                The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                        2,205,691,884.32          2,269,232,238.93
     Cash to repay debts                                                                 1,067,023,580.26          1,123,259,633.25
     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                            59,134,496.96             81,501,536.65
     Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders
     Other cash paid for financing activities                                            1,358,823,446.10          1,007,269,726.19
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                     2,484,981,523.32          2,212,030,896.09
Net cash flow generated by financing                                                      -279,289,639.00             57,201,342.84
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                        375,109.88             -1,482,163.76
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                               -99,688,353.71             69,664,413.70
     Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                   170,222,347.76             81,609,913.40
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                                 70,533,994.05            151,274,327.10

Legal representative: Li Huaguang    CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

8. Cash Flow Statement (Parent Co.)(Jan. 1 – Sept. 30, 2014)

Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      In RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Amount of the Current    Amount of the Previous
                                                                                          Term                     Term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
      Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                       560,571,708.44           713,496,519.06
      Tax returned                                                                           6,508,747.09             9,496,537.55
      Other cash received from business operation                                            1,307,021.87             1,590,501.23
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                          568,387,477.40           724,583,557.84
      Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                                 458,500,005.97           612,387,142.26
      Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                               108,753,856.29           125,621,645.49
      Taxes paid                                                                            15,227,875.74            15,477,446.37
      Other cash paid for business activities                                               13,842,092.81            15,243,977.72
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                         596,323,830.81           768,730,211.84
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                             -27,936,353.41           -44,146,654.00
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving
      Cash received as investment profit                                                    35,470,000.00             30,470,000.00
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                               200,600.00                  7,260.00
other long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units
      Other investment-related cash received                                                         0.00                  3,036.29
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                       35,670,600.00             30,480,296.29
      Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                             4,372,886.05             12,830,199.09
long-term assets
      Cash paid as investment
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units
      Other cash paid for investment activities
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                       4,372,886.05             12,830,199.09
Net cash flow generated by investment                                                       31,297,713.95             17,650,097.20
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment
      Cash received as loans                                                               748,000,000.00           829,000,000.00
      Cash received from bond placing
      Other financing-related cash received                                              2,073,960,011.01          1,794,427,193.72
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                        2,821,960,011.01          2,623,427,193.72
      Cash to repay debts                                                                  770,200,000.00            860,000,000.00
      Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                           36,351,587.47             48,663,983.56
      Other cash paid for financing activities                                           2,116,845,316.50          1,509,684,517.48
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                     2,923,396,903.97          2,418,348,501.04
Net cash flow generated by financing                                                      -101,436,892.96            205,078,692.68
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                              0.00                    424.99
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                               -98,075,532.42            178,582,560.87
      Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                  148,232,292.69             51,835,684.99
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                                 50,156,760.27            230,418,245.86

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.                                               The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2014

Legal representative: Li Huaguang     CFO: Teng Feng Accounting Manager: Liao Jian

II. Auditors’ Report

If the 3rd quarterly report been audited
[] Yes [V] No
The 3rd quarterly report has not been audited.
