Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2016 Stock code: 200054 Stock Abbreviation: Jianmo B Announcement No.: 2016-061 Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2016 1 Important notes The summary is abstract from full-text of summary of the semi-annual report, for more details information , investors should found in the full-text of annual report that published on website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other website appointed by CSRC. Company Profile Stock abbreviation Jianmo B Stock code 200054 Stock exchange for listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange Contact person and contact Board secretary Securities affairs Representative manner Name Lv Hongxian(Interim) Liu Hongyu Tel 023-66295333 023-66295333 Fax 023-66295333 023-66295333 E-mail II.Financial data and change of shareholders. (1)Financial data Does the company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the accounting policy or correction of any accounting error? □ Yes√ No Reporting period Same period of last year YoY+/-(%) Operating income(RMB) 468,177,291.88 719,655,702.47 -34.94% Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company 8,502,845.42 -70,888,688.67 -111.99% (RMB) Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable 8,361,806.82 -71,762,547.09 -111.65% to the shareholders of listed company (RMB) Cash flow generated by business 61,939,737.79 32,461,743.06 90.81% operation, net(RMB) Basic earning per share(RMB/Share) 0.0712 -0.5938 -111.99% Diluted gains per 0.0712 -0.5938 -111.99% share(RMB/Share)(RMB/Share) Weighted average ROE(%) 3.32% -391.15% 394.48% 1 Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2016 As at the end of the As at the end of last YoY+/-(%) reporting period year Gross assets (RMB) 1,566,022,192.97 1,550,615,831.44 0.99% Net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed Company 264,618,930.93 256,116,085.51 3.32% (RMB) (2)Statement of shares held by top 10 shareholders In shares Total Number of common shareholders at the end of the 8,395 reporting period Shareholdings of the top 10 common shareholders Share Frozen or pledged Properties of Total Conditional Name of the shareholder proportion shareholder shares shares Status of shares Amount % Chongqing Jianshe State-owned legal Mechanical and Electric Co., 71.13% 84,906,250 84,906,250 person Ltd. Gu Zuocheng Domestic natural person 1.86% 2,218,750 2,218,750 Domestic Anhui Hengsheng Economic non-state-owned legal 1.47% 1,750,000 1,750,000 Development Group Co., Ltd. person Feng Yonghui Domestic natural person 0.42% 500,000 500,000 Liu Dan Domestic natural person 0.92% 1,098,301 0 Chen Xinqiang Domestic natural person 0.51% 612,400 0 Xu Yuanhui Domestic natural person 0.51% 608,089 0 Xie Qingjun Domestic natural person 0.51% 606,650 0 GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) Overseas legal person 0.46% 547,497 0 LIMITED Zhang Meilan Domestic natural person 0.43% 513,560 0 There isn’t any associated relationship between the sponsoring shareholder and the other shareholders among the top-10 list. None of them are Explanation on associated relationship among the regarded as ‘Acting in concert’ in accordance with ‘The rules of aforesaid shareholders information disclosure on change of shareholding.’ Foreign shareholders are unknown for their condition of ‘Associated relationship’ and ‘Acting in concert’. (3)The top 10 preference share holders □ Applicable √ Not applicable The controlling no preference shareholders of the Company in the report period. (4)Changing of controlling shareholder and practical controller of the Company. Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period √ Applicable □Not applicable Name of the new controlling shareholder Chongqing Jianshe Mechanical and Electric Co., Ltd. 2 Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2016 Change date March 2,2016 Web index,Announcement No.:2016-011 Date of disclosure March 8,2016 Change of substantial controller □ Applicable √ Not applicable No change of substantial controller in the report period. III. Discussion and analysis by the management After the first half of 2016, the company implemented a major reorganization of assets to complete the main industry structural adjustment to vehicle air conditioning compressor products industry. In the first half, according to the company vehicle air-conditioning compressor industry, high standard, large-scale and efficiency of the development goals. The company actively involved in project development of new large customers, large customers to maintain and consolidate resources; and the development of multi-species carried out an electric compressor market expansion in three directions pure electric, low-speed electric bus and electric; continue to increase new customers and to develop new models and optimize the market structure. With technical reformation of rotating air-conditioner compressor production (0.5 million productivity expanding) gradually put into operation (expected to achieve full production in 2016), the company level of automation, on-line monitoring capabilities, automatic error proofing capability and capacity has been further enhanced to provide strong support for the product on the scale. January to June, vehicle air-conditioning compressor products company realized a total production of 1.1172 million units, up 16.92 percent; total sales of 1.0811 million units, up 8.38%, 54.06% in early completion of the sales plan. IV. Matters related to financial reporting (1)Explain change of the accounting policies, accounting estimates and measurement methods as compared with the financial reporting of last year. □ Applicable √ Not applicable The accounting policies, accounting estimates or measurement methods did not change in the reporting period. (2)Explain retrospective restatement due to correction of significant accounting errors in the reporting period. □ Applicable √ Not applicable No correction of significant accounting errors in the reporting period. (3) Explain change of the consolidation scope as compared with the financial reporting of last year. □ Applicable √ Not applicable No change of consolidation range in the report period. (4)Explanation of the Board of Directors and the Supervisor Committee concerning the “Non-standard audit report ” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3