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						                                              Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Annual Report 2016

  Stock code: 200054                 Stock Abbreviation: Jianmo B           Announcement No.: 2017-013

                                    Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

                                     Summary of the Annual Report 2016

1。 Important notes
The summary is abstract from full-text of summary of the semi-annual report, for more details information ,
investors should found in the full-text of annual report that published on website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and
other website appointed by CSRC.
Company Profile
Objection statement of directors, supervisors and senior executives
                 Name                                  Position                               Content and reason

      Other directors attending the Meeting for annual report deliberation except for the followed:
 The name of director who did                                                                    The name of director who was
                                          Positions                        Reason
not attend the meeting in person                                                                         authorized

Non-standard auditor’s opinion
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Plans for profit distribution on ordinary shares or conversion of capital reserves into share capital proposed to the
  Board during the reporting period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company will not distribute ash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for the
report period.
Plans for profit distribution on preference shares for the reporting period approved by the Board
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
II. Basic information about the company
1. Company profile
Stock abbreviation                    Jianmo B                      Stock code                   200054
       Stock exchange for listing     Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact person and contact manner                     Board secretary                     Securities affairs Representative
Name                                  Xue Gangyi                                    Liu Hongyu
                                      No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone,     No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone,
Office address
                                      Ba’nan District , Chongqing                  Ba’nan District , Chongqing
Fax                                   023-66295333                                  023-66295333
Tel                                   023-66295333                                  023-66295333
E-mail                                cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn                         cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn

2. Brief introduction to the main business or products in the reporting period

       At the end of 2015, the company completed the major asset restructuring of stripping motorcycle business,

                                             Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Annual Report 2016

thus realized a major adjustment of industrial structure, so the company has become the auto parts manufacturing
enterprise and mainly engaged in automotive air-conditioning compressor production and sales. The products
include rotary vane iron type and aluminum type compressor, piston swashplate fixed displacement compressor,
piston swashplate variable displacement compressor and electric compressor, covering 32cc to 480cc
displacement. The main products won the "China famous brand", "High quality products of French science and
technology quality supervision and evaluation committee ", “China enters WTO Recommended Products” and so
on. The strategic customers of the products are the manufacturing enterprises with vehicle production and sales in
the top list, and the strategic customers include Chang’an Automobile, Peugeot, Dongfeng Nissan, Chang’an
Suzuki and Great Wall Automobile, and the sales ranks in top three in the industry.

3.Major accounting data and financial indicators
(1)Major accounting data and financial indicators for the last three years
Retrospective adjustment to or restatement of the accounting data for prior years by the Company due to change
of accounting policies and correction of accounting errors
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                     Changed over last year
                                           2016                     2015                                           2014
Operating Gross income(RMB)            873,286,486.75          1,341,331,910.93                  -34.89%     1,763,619,804.97
Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company         12,267,006.14           240,735,112.20                  -94.90%      -133,593,949.98
Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable
                                           12,908,428.98          -255,602,553.80                -105.06%       -153,898,341.02
to the shareholders of listed
Cash flow generated by business
                                         108,619,119.02             82,306,010.61                  31.97%         94,598,651.91
operation, net(RMB)
Basic earning per
                                                       0.103                 2.017                 -94.89%                -1.119
Diluted gains per
                                                       0.103                 2.017                 -94.89%                -1.119
Net asset earning ratio(%)                       4.68%                   175.35%               -170.67%             -158.82%
                                                                   End of            Changed over last year
                                       End of 2016                                                             End of 2014
                                                                    2015                   (%)
Gross assets(RMB)                    1,559,334,881.03          1,550,615,831.44                    0.56%     2,389,211,010.43
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed company       268,383,091.65            256,116,085.51                    4.79%        17,321,196.61

(2)Main Financial Index by Quarters
                                                                                                        In RMB

                                       First quarter           Second quarter           Third quarter         Fourth quarter
Operating income                         208,588,488.00           259,588,803.88           222,817,415.03        182,291,779.84
Net profit attributable to the
                                           4,399,465.72             4,103,379.70             4,314,063.61           -549,902.89
shareholders of the listed company
Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable
                                           4,348,808.65             4,012,998.17             5,164,583.47           -617,961.31
to the shareholders of listed
Net Cash flow generated by
                                          24,195,604.08            37,744,133.71            34,576,909.96         12,102,471.27
business operation

                                                   Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Annual Report 2016

Whether significant variances exist between the above financial index or the index with its sum and the financial
index of the quarterly report as well as semi-annual report index disclosed by the Company.
□ Yes √No
4.Share capital and shareholders
(1)Number of holders of ordinary shares and preference shares with restored voting right and Top 10
                                                                                                                               In shares
Total number                  Total                                                                Total
of common                                                          The total number
                              shareholders at                                                      preferred sharehold
shareholders at                                                     of preferred shar
                              the end of the                                                       ers at the end of the
the end of the          8,350                                8,371 eholders voting ri            0                                       0
                              month from the                                                       month from the date
                                                                   ghts restored at p
reporting                     date of disclosing                                                   of disclosing the
period                        the annual report                                                    annual report
                                                 Shareholdings of Top 10 shareholders
                                                Number of                                                       Number or share
  Shareholders      Nature of    Proportion of  shares held                                                     pledged/frozen
                   shareholder shares held(%) at period Amount of restricted shares held
                                                   -end                                                   State of share   Amount
Mechanical and                               71.13% 84,906,250                              84,906,250
                legal person
Electric Co.,
Gu Zuocheng     natural                       1.89%     2,261,000                            2,218,750
Economic                                      1.47%     1,750,000                            1,750,000
                ned legal
Group Co., Ltd.
Liu Dan         natural                       0.88%     1,054,001                                     0
SECURITIES(                                   0.60%       716,920                                     0
              legal person
Yu Lingfeng   natural                         0.52%       623,621                                     0
Chen Xinqiang natural                         0.51%       612,400                                     0
Xu Yuanhui    natural                         0.51%       610,789                                     0
Zhang Meilan natural                          0.43%       513,560                                     0
Feng Yonghui natural                          0.42%       500,000                              500,000
                                  There isn’t any associated relationship between the sponsoring shareholder and the other
Explanation on associated
                                  shareholders among the top-10 list. None of them are regarded as ‘Acting in concert’ in accordance
relationship among the
                                  with ‘The rules of information disclosure on change of shareholding.’ Foreign shareholders are
aforesaid shareholders
                                  unknown for their condition of ‘Associated relationship’ and ‘Acting in concert’.

(2)Total preference shareholders and the shares held by the Top 10 Preference shareholders
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                            Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Annual Report 2016

(3)Block diagram of the ownership and control relations between the Company and the actual controller

5. Corporation bonds

Whether the company has corporate bonds that have been publicly issued and listed on the stock exchange, and
 not yet due or due butnot folly cashed on the approval date of annual report

1.Basic information of corporate bonds

      Bond name       Bond short name       Bond code            Due day        Bond balance ‘0000      Interest rate

2. Bond trustee and the credit rating agency information

3.The key accounting data and financial indicators of the latest two years to the end of the reporting period

                                                                                                            In RMB’0000
            Items                         2016                          2015              At the same time rate of change

III. Discussion and Analysis of the Management
1. Business Operation summary in the reporting period
Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry
       The year of 2016 is a year for the company’s independent operation that features the main business of
automotive air conditioning compressor. The total production of vehicle air conditioning compressor in the year
was 2.369 million units, a year-on-year growth of 31.3%; the total sales was 2.157 million units, a year-on-year
growth of 16.1%; and the sales ranks in top three in the industry. The main work carried out in the year was as
      Implementation of the reorganization of assets: the implementation of the spirit of the resolution of the board
of directors, the successful implementation of the reorganization of assets, completed the restructuring of the
organization after the reorganization, staffing, business process reconstruction, asset and liability transfer, internal

                                               Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Annual Report 2016

control system reconstruction work, in January 2017 the company received independent financial adviser Issued
by the reorganization of the completion of the report, marking the successful completion of the reorganization of
the work.
       The aspect of adjustment of market structure: firstly, strengthened the management and development of
large customers. To the year, the company realized the sales to GEELY. The company has become the supplier to
the top three brands (Chang’an, Great Wall, Geely) of Chinese independent automobile brand; through increasing
the proportion of high-quality customers, the sales to top ten strategic customers reached 93%, thus the company
preliminarily shaped a reasonable echelon customer structure. Secondly, the company actively explored the new
energy market. It has set up the new energy division and initially started the professional operation (including
large displacement compressor).
       The aspect of R & D capability enhancement: firstly, it has set up the technology center of Chongqing
municipal level, and established the rotary vane technology platform and the piston technology platform and
formed the three series products of iron, aluminum and electric-driven. Secondly, the experimental capability was
further enhanced. The construction project for test ability was fully completed and the semi anechoic chamber was
put into use, which has obtained low temperature capability recognition by CNAS (China National Accreditation
Committee for Conformity Assessment). Thirdly, the project development capabilities for customers and the basic
research level were further enhanced.
          The aspect of manufacturing capacity: firstly, the capacity-expansion work for 0.5 million units was
completed, thus formed the annual production capacity of 2.3 million units; secondly, the company promoted the
just-in-time system, so the production efficiency has been continuously improved; thirdly, the company
continuously optimized the quality management system, introduced STA (supplier technical support system) in
the front end of industrial chain and established professional after-sales department for the customers, thus
realized the whole process management of quality.

2. Material change in principal activities during the reporting period
□ Yes √No

3. Products accounting for over 10% of revenue or profit from principal activities of the Company
√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                             Increase          Increase
                                                                                                             Increase /decrease
                                                         Gross profit      /decrease of      /decrease of
      Name         Operating income    Operating cost                                                          of Gross profit
                                                           ratio%        operating income   operating cost
                                                                              (%)            (%)
                        8,335,299.07      3,498,285.24          -5.58%           -98.41%           101.36%              4.28%
 and part
Vehicle air
                      845,417,715.99    12,516,222.14           17.78%            12.58%           149.18%             -3.12%
4. Seasonal or cyclical operations requiring special attention
□ Yes √No

5. Material difference of revenue, operating costs or net profit attributable to holders of ordinary shares of
the Company for the reporting period from the last reporting period
√ Applicable □Not applicable
      The end of 2015, the company completed the divestiture of the motorcycle business major asset
restructuring, to achieve a major industrial restructuring, mainly engaged in automotive air conditioning
compressor production and sales. For this period the relevant indicators than the previous period there is a big

6. Suspension in trading or delisting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
7. Events relating to the financial report

                                                 Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of the Annual Report 2016

 (1) Reason for changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods as compared
to the financial report for the prior year
√ Applicable □Not applicable
1. Changes in significant accounting policy
Implementation of VAT Accounting Treatment
On December 3, 2016, Ministry of Finance issued the "VAT Accounting Treatment" (No. 22-[2016] Accounting),
which is applicable to the relevant transactions occurred from May 1, 2016. The main impact of the company’s
implementation of the provision is as follows:
      The contents and reasons of accounting policy changes   Approval procedure Affected item name and amount in
                                                                                              the report
  (1) The “Business taxes and surcharges” in the profit National        uniform Taxes and surcharges
  statement is adjusted to be “Taxes and surcharges” item. accounting    system
  2) The property tax, land use tax, vehicle and vessel National          uniform Adjustment of increasing RMB
  usage tax and tamp tax incurred from the business accounting             system 2,217,753.53 in taxes and
  activities since May 1, 2016 are reclassified into “Taxes changes              surcharges, while reducing RMB
  and surcharges” item from the previous “management                            2,217,753.53 for the year’s
  fees" item, but such taxes occurred before May 1, 2016                          management fees.
  will not be adjusted. And The comparative data will not
  be adjusted.
2. Changes in significant accounting estimates
There are no changes in significant accounting estimates for the company in the current year.

(2) Reason for retrospective restatement to correct major accounting errors during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(3) Reason for changes in scope of the consolidated financial statements as compared to the financial report
for the prior year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
