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						                                             Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2017

Stock code: 200054 Stock   Abbreviation: Jianmo B   Announcement No.: 2017-068

                  Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

                            The Third Quarterly Report 2017

                                               Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2017

                                              1 Important notes

The Board of Directors,the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors, and executives of the
Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the
Quarterly Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the Quarterly Report.
    All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.
Mr. Lv Hongxian, The Company Leader, Mr. Xue Gangyi , Chief financial officer and the Ms.Niu Yanli, the
person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby confirm the
authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in the report.

                                                              Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2017

                                            II. Basic Information of the Company

I.Main accounting data and financial Index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed
and accounting error correction or not.
□ Yes   √ No
                                              As at the end of the                                           Changed (%)over end of
                                                                             As at the end of last year
                                                  reporting period                                                    prev. year

Gross assets(RMB)                                  1,297,120,004.57                   1,559,334,881.03                           -16.82%

Net assets attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company                        282,986,291.66                   268,383,091.65                           5.44%

                                                                   Increase/decrease over Between beginning of
                                                                                                                     Changed (%)over
                                            Reporting period the same period of last the year to the end of
                                                                                                                       end of prev. year
                                                                        year(%)             the report period

Operating income(RMB)                       213,507,572.24                      -4.18%           763,581,830.08                  10.50%

Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company                3,184,880.64                   -26.17%            14,603,200.00                  13.94%

Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable to
                                                  2,624,001.74                   -49.19%            13,765,931.45                   1.77%
the shareholders of listed company

Cash flow generated by business
                                                     --                     --                      82,969,825.20                  -14.04%
operation, net(RMB)

Basic earning per share(RMB/Share)                        0.0267                 -26.04%                    0.1223                 13.87%

Diluted gains per
                                                          0.0267                 -26.04%                    0.1223                 13.87%

Weighted average income/asset ratio
                                                           1.16%                  -0.49%                    5.30%                   0.41%

Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                            Amount (Year-beginning to
                                          Items                                                                                 Notes
                                                                                            the end of the report period.)

                                                           Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2017

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part for which assets
impairment provision is made)

Govemment subsidy recognized in current gain and loss(excluding those closely
related to the Company’s business and granted under the state’s policies)

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                                433,076.93

Total                                                                                                          837,268.55           --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public-Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item.
□ Applicable √Not applicable
None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recognized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information
disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.
II.Total Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders at the End of the Reporting Period
1. About Total Common Shareholders, Total Preference Shareholders with the Voting Power Recovered
and the Shares Held by Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                                                                                   In shares
                                                                         Total preference shareholders
Total number of common                                                   with the voting power
                                                                 8,321                                                                        0
shareholders at the period-end                                           recovered at the end of the
                                                                         reporting period(if any)

                                                 Shares held by the top 10 shareholders

                                                                                                 Amount of           Pledging or freezing
                                                                                               tradable shares
                                           Properties of         Share
          Shareholder name                                                       Quantity            with          Status of the
                                            shareholder      proportion %                                                          Quantity
                                                                                                 Conditional          shares

Chongqing Jianshe Mechanical and        State-owned legal
                                                                    71.13%        84,906,250        84,906,250 Freeze              6,100,000
Electric Co., Ltd                       person

                                        Domestic natural
Gu Zuocheng                                                          1.86%         2,218,750         2,218,750

Anhui Hengsheng Economic
                                        non-state-owned              1.47%         1,750,000         1,750,000
Development Group Co., Ltd.
                                        legal person

                                        Domestic natural
Liu Dan                                                              0.86%         1,032,201                   0

                                        Domestic natural
Yu Lingfeng                                                          0.52%           623,621                   0

Chen Xinqiang                           Domestic natural             0.51%           612,400                   0

                                                          Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2017


                                       Domestic natural
Xu Yuanhui                                                           0.51%          610,789                  0

                                       Domestic natural
Zhang Meilan                                                         0.43%          513,560                  0

                                       Overseas legal
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                 0.43%          511,525                  0

                                       Domestic natural
Feng Yonghui                                                         0.42%          500,000          500,000

                                Shares held by the Top 10 Shareholders of Non-restricted shares

                                                           Number of the non-restricted                          Share type
                Shareholders’ Names
                                                                    shares held                     Share type                Quantity
                                                                                              Foreign shares placed
Liu Dan                                                                           1,032,201                                      1,032,201
                                                                                              in domestic exchange

                                                                                              Foreign shares placed
Yu Lingfeng                                                                         623,621                                       623,621
                                                                                              in domestic exchange

                                                                                              Foreign shares placed
Chen Xinqiang                                                                       612,400                                       612,400
                                                                                              in domestic exchange

                                                                                              Foreign shares placed
Xu Yuanhui                                                                          610,789                                       610,789
                                                                                              in domestic exchange

                                                                                              Foreign shares placed
Zhang Meilan                                                                        513,560                                       513,560
                                                                                              in domestic exchange

GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                             Foreign shares placed
                                                                                    511,525                                       511,525
LIMITED                                                                                       in domestic exchange

                                                                                              Foreign shares placed
Chen Houping                                                                        422,961                                       422,961
                                                                                              in domestic exchange

CORE PACIFIC-YAMAICHI INTERNATIONAL                                                           Foreign shares placed
                                                                                    373,299                                       373,299
(H.K.) LIMITED                                                                                in domestic exchange

                                                                                              Foreign shares placed
Liu Guosheng                                                                        313,000                                       313,000
                                                                                              in domestic exchange

                                                                                              Foreign shares placed
Lin Fan                                                                             254,000                                       254,000
                                                                                              in domestic exchange

                                                        There isn’t any associated relationship between the sponsoring shareholder
                                                        and the other shareholders among the top-10 list. None of them are regarded
Explanation on associated relationship among the
                                                        as ‘Acting in concert’ in accordance with ‘The rules of information
aforesaid shareholders
                                                        disclosure on change of shareholding.’ Foreign shareholders are unknown
                                                        for their condition of ‘Associated relationship’ and ‘Acting in concert’.

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a

                                                  Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2017

buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company
have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2.Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by the end of
the report period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                                      Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2017

III. Significant Issues
I. Major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the reporting period, as
well as reasons for the changes
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the net profit excluding non-recurring gains and losses attributable to shareholders of
the listed company decreased by -49.19% over the same period last year, which is mainly due to the sales volume
of the same period last year is greater than the sales volume of the current period.

II. The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
For details, please see the following guide of the temporary announcements
                                                                         Description of the website for disclosing provisional
Overview of material matters                       Date of disclosing

The 6.1 million shares of the company held by
the company's controlling shareholder-                                  For details, please see Announcement about the
Construction Electromechanical was judicially   September 15,2017       Shareholder's Shares being Frozen,Announcement
froze by Chongqing Ba'nan District People's                             No.2017-055 , http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                        For details, please refer to the Announcement on the
                                                                        Pre-disclosure of the Equity Transfer of Shanghai
The company planned to transfer its 51% stake
                                                December 6,2016         Construction Motorcycle Co., Ltd on the Shanghai
of Shanghai Construction.
                                                                        Union Property Exchange, Announcement
                                                                        No.2016-080 , http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

III. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer,
directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the reporting period and commitments
unfinished in implementation at the end of the reporting period

□ Applicable √Not applicable
There are no commitments that the company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer, directors, supervisors,
senior executives or other related parties have fulfilled during the reporting period and have not yet fulfilled by the
end of reporting period.

IV.Prediction of Business performance for 2017

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss
 probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and
 explanation of reason.

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

                                                         Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2017

V. Investment in securities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

No Securities investment in period
VI. Investment in derivatives
□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no derivative investment during the report period.

VII. The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report
period for future reference

√Applicable □Not applicable
                            Way of
    Reception time                       Types of visitors                                  Basic index

                                                             Q: What is the company's industry or product planning for the next 3-5
                                                             years? A: The company will continue to promote the leading
                        Telephone                            development of automotive air conditioning industry, introduce the new
July 18,2017            communicatio Individual              technologies, establish the automobile heat management system industry
                        n                                    chain, optimize and enhance the rotary vane compressor and snatch the
                                                             market share of new energy automotive air conditioning. For details,
                                                             please refer to the relevant contents of the Company's annual report.

                                                             Q: When will the transfer of equity of Shanghai Construction be
September 11,2017       Other           Individual           completed? A: It's carried out according to the plan, please pay attention
                                                             to the company's related information disclosure.

VIII. Outward Guarantee against the Regulations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no guarantee outside against the regulation in the reporting period.

IX. Controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company

□ Applicable √Not applicable

There are no controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company
in Period

X.Implementation of the social Responsibility of taking targeted measures to alleviate poverty in light of
local Conditions.
     In The report third quarter, the company neither carried out the work of taking targeted measures to alleviate
poverty in light of local conditions nor has such a plan.
