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建 摩B:2009年第一季度报告(英文版)2009-04-27  

						建设摩托 2009 年第1 季度报告








    The 1st Quaterly Report 2009建设摩托 2009 年第1 季度报告




    Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.


    The 1st Quarterly Report 2009


    §1 Important Declaration


    1.1 The Board of Directors and the directors, the Supervisory Committee and the supervisors, and the senior


    executives of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements


    carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and


    completeness of the Report.


    1.2 None of the directors is holding uncertain or objective attitude on the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness


    of this quarterly report.


    1.3 Director Yu Guhua, Sun Wei, and Hao Lin absented the 9th meeting of the 5th term of Board, they entrusted


    director Cai Tao, Wang Kun, and Cheng Yuanwei to vote in favor on their behalves respectively.


    1.4 The financial report carried with the 1st Quarterly Report is not audited by CPAs.


    1.5 Mr. Yu Guohua, the Chairman of Board, Mr. Tengfeng, the Financial Officer, and Mr. Cheng Fukai, the


    Accounting Manager declare: the financial statements carried in this report are secured for their truthfulness and




    §2 Company Profile


    2.1 Financial highlights


    In RMB Yuan


    Ended this report term Ended previous year Changed by (%)


    Gross Assets 2,831,923,592.24 2,723,960,062.85 3.96%


    Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company 440,998,087.84 439,421,949.68 0.36%


    Share capital 477,500,000.00 477,500,000.00


    Net asset per share attributable to the owners of the


    parent company 0.92356 0.92026 0.36%


    This report term Same period last year Changed by (%)


    Turnover 531,201,054.16 675,757,989.54 -21.39%


    Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company 503,738.16 1,227,811.16 -58.97%


    Cash flow generated by business operation, net 37,175,348.79 -15,303,131.57 342.93%


    Net Cash flow per share generated by business operation 0.07785 -0.03205 342.93%


    Basic gains per share 0.001 0.003 -66.67%


    Diluted gains per share 0.001 0.003 -66.67%


    Net earnings / asset 0.11% 0.43% -0.32%


    Net earnings / capital ratio after deducting of


    non-recurring gain/loss -1.77% -2.41% 0.64%


    Non-recurring gain and loss items


    Amount of the period


    from the beginning of


    year to the end of report




    Gain/loss of non-current assets 771,018.82


    Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above 7,533,206.51


    Total 8,304,225.33建设摩托 2009 年第1 季度报告




    Statements on non-recurring gain/loss items:


    Other non-business income includes RMB7,597,833.73 of government subsidy.


    2.2 Total of shareholders and top-10 holders of current shares


    Total shareholders at the end of the


    report period




    Top Ten Shareholders of Negotiable Shares


    Full name of shareholder Negotiable shares held at the end


    of report term


    Share categories (A, B, H or




    Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo




    1,088,700 Current B shares


    Wang Chuxin 577,000 Current B shares


    Zhang Xiuqiong 350,000 Current B shares


    Xu Shaolin 347,900 Current B shares


    Yuan Runyan 344,500 Current B shares


    Cai Zujian 300,000 Current B shares


    WANG,HUANSHENG 271,400 Current B shares


    Wei Shulan 270,095 Current B shares


    Liu Xingzhong 266,700 Current B shares


    Xie Ying 262,820 Current B shares


    §3 Significant Events


    3.1 Details and causations of major change in major accounting subjects and financial indices


    √ applicable □ not applicable


    1. Inventory: inventory in the report term has increased by 44.77% over the end of previous year, which was


    caused by increasing of inventory responding to the “Promotion plan of automobile and motorcycle to the


    countryside” of the national government.


    2. Account received in advance: increased by 51.28% over the end of previous year, which was caused by


    increasing of orders from clients.


    3. Special payables: decreased by 35.50% from the end of previous year, which was caused by partial 



    of moving losses.


    4. Management expenses: decreased by 34.38% from the same period of last year, which was caused by


    decreasing of technology transfer fee, and enhancing of cost control.


    5. Financial expenses: decreased by 81.70% from the same period of last year, which was caused by 

decreasing of


    loan interest and exchange loses.


    6. Business tax and surtax: increased by 58.89% over the same period of last year, which was caused by 



    of sales of motorcycles in the country.


    7. Investment gains: decreased by 159.03% from the same period of last year, which was caused by decrease 



    net profit of Chongqing YAMAHA Motorcycle Co., Ltd. and Zhuzhou Jianshe YAMAHA Co., Ltd.


    8. Net cash flow from business operation: increased by 342.93% over the same period of last year, which was


    caused by increasing of account received in advance.建设摩托 2009 年第1 季度报告




    3.2 Progress of significant events, their influence, countermeasures, and analysis


    □applicable √ not applicable


    3.3 Fulfilling of commitment issues made by the Company, shareholder, or substantial controller


    □applicable √ not applicable


    3.4 Estimated accumulative profit from the year beginning to the end of the next report period may be of 



    or in comparison with the same period of the previous year, give the warning of great change and the notice 

to the




    □applicable √ not applicable


    3.5 Other major events need to be explained


    3.5.1 Investment in securities


    □applicable √ not applicable


    3.5.2 Holding of shares in other listed companies


    √ applicable □ not applicable




    Code Stock ID Initial








    Book value at the


    end of term


    Gain/loss of the


    report term


    Change of owners’


    equity in the report term


    000536 Min


    Mindong 806,400.00 0.23% 2,424,800.00 1,072,400 1,072,400


    Total 806,400.00 - 2,424,800.00 1,072,400 1,072,400


    3.5.3 Reception of investigation, communication and visiting


    No such investigation, communication or visiting happened in the report term.建设摩托 2009 年第1 季度报告




    §4 Attachments


    4.1 Balance Sheet


    Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. March 31, 2009 in RMB yuan


    Balance at the Items Consolidated P eanrde notf ctoemrmp any BCaolnansoclei daat ttehde begPianrneinntg c oomf ypeaanry


    Current asset:


    Monetary capital 662,573,643.80 463,888,193.40 655,689,499.52 290,589,929.93


    Settlement provision


    Outgoing call loan


    Transactional financial assets


    Notes receivable 89,678,048.14 770,000.00 85,162,740.70 1,937,070.00


    Account receivable 148,950,552.88 6,265,339.64 133,289,191.60 11,403,417.88


    Prepayment 196,274,191.94 153,516,415.61 153,406,071.47 120,207,407.20


    Insurance receivable


    Reinsurance receivable


    Provisions of Reinsurance contracts




    Interest receivable


    Dividend receivable


    Other account receivable 131,631,491.68 179,417,817.13 187,024,743.83 320,808,578.26


    Repurchasing of financial assets


    Inventories 285,048,159.79 93,771,608.38 196,891,648.70 57,876,449.31


    Non-current asset due in 1 year


    Other current asset


    Total of current asset 1,514,156,088.23 897,629,374.16 1,411,463,895.82 802,822,852.58


    Non-current assets


    Loans and payment on other’s behalf




    Disposable financial asset 2,424,800.00 1,352,400.00


    Expired investment in possess


    Long-term receivable


    Long-term share equity investment 584,673,492.69 734,398,221.15 585,145,993.61 734,870,722.07


    Investment real estate


    Fixed assets 545,215,802.61 343,239,915.34 556,672,006.13 350,762,991.73


    Construction in process 31,039,655.59 31,026,144.63 23,933,192.72 23,917,603.72


    Engineering goods


    Fixed asset disposal


    Production physical assets


    Gas & petrol


    Intangible assets 93,732,654.95 69,167,835.19 94,070,298.02 69,369,460.33


    R&D expense 35,331,395.57 35,331,395.57 32,859,696.78 32,859,696.78




    Long-term amortizable expenses 16,747,740.31 4,064,226.07 9,860,617.48 4,580,578.92


    Differed income tax asset 6,153,962.29 6,153,962.29 6,153,962.29 6,153,962.29


    Other non-current asset 2,448,000.00 2,448,000.00


    Total of non-current assets 1,317,767,504.01 1,223,381,700.24 1,312,496,167.03 1,222,515,015.84


    Total of assets 2,831,923,592.24 2,121,011,074.40 2,723,960,062.85 2,025,337,868.42建设摩托 2009 年第1 季度





    Current liabilities


    Short-term loans 688,800,000.00 403,900,000.00 590,831,360.15 333,000,000.00


    Loan from Central Bank


    Deposit received and hold for others


    Call loan received


    Trade off financial liabilities


    Notes payable 939,825,890.00 603,870,000.00 928,630,000.00 502,000,000.00


    Account payable 455,717,394.97 340,369,541.79 488,399,907.16 250,225,686.02


    Prepayment received 108,635,279.92 2,232,246.15 71,809,539.53 1,221,094.67


    Selling of repurchased financial assets


    Fees and commissions receivable


    Employees’ wage payable 1,969,356.73 1,681,708.00 2,674,838.65 2,373,690.25


    Tax payable 126,313,401.47 127,249,229.54 123,266,751.67 127,666,251.10


    Interest payable


    Dividend payable


    Other account payable 36,634,685.84 83,546,706.59 29,516,676.27 210,757,121.50


    Reinsurance fee payable


    Insurance contract provision


    Entrusted trading of securities


    Entrusted selling of securities


    Non-current liability due in 1 year


    Other current liability


    Total of current liability 2,357,896,008.93 1,562,849,432.07 2,235,129,073.43 1,427,243,843.54


    Non-current liabilities


    Long-term borrowings


    Bond payable


    Long-term payable


    Special payable 29,660,820.33 35,793,185.25 45,982,500.00 45,982,500.00


    Expected liabilities


    Differed income tax liability


    Other non-recurring liabilities


    Total of non-current liabilities 29,660,820.33 35,793,185.25 45,982,500.00 45,982,500.00


    Total of liability 2,387,556,829.26 1,598,642,617.32 2,281,111,573.43 1,473,226,343.54


    Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)


    Capital paid in (or share capital) 477,500,000.00 477,500,000.00 477,500,000.00 477,500,000.00


    Capital reserves 591,252,917.59 588,240,294.29 590,180,517.59 588,240,294.29


    Less: Shares in stock


    Surplus reserves 125,686,000.00 125,686,000.00 125,686,000.00 125,686,000.00


    Common risk provision


    Retained profit -753,440,829.75 -669,057,837.21 -753,944,567.91 -639,314,769.41


    Different of foreign currency




    Total of owner’s equity belong to the


    parent company 440,998,087.84 522,368,457.08 439,421,949.68 552,111,524.88


    Minor shareholders’ equity 3,368,675.14 3,426,539.74


    Total of owners’ equity 444,366,762.98 522,368,457.08 442,848,489.42 552,111,524.88


    Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 2,831,923,592.24 2,121,011,074.40 2,723,960,062.85 

2,025,337,868.42建设摩托 2009 年第1 季度报告




    4.2 Income Statement


    Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Jan-Mar 2009 RMB Yuan


    Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term


    Items Consolidated Parent


    company Consolidated Parent




    I. Total revenue 531,201,054.16 532,989,146.92 675,757,989.54 499,731,871.59


    Incl. Business income 531,201,054.16 532,989,146.92 675,757,989.54 499,731,871.59


    Interest income


    Insurance fee earned


    Fee and commission received


    II. Total business cost 538,584,549.36 570,690,905.86 682,984,692.81 518,762,009.33


    Incl. Business cost 475,697,743.96 545,068,081.12 592,164,933.14 468,604,521.42


    Interest expense


    Fee and commission paid


    Insurance discharge payment


    Net claim amount paid


    Net insurance policy reserves provided


    Insurance policy dividend paid


    Reinsurance expenses


    Business tax and surcharge 9,184,890.14 8,942,266.37 5,780,712.44 4,984,927.52


    Sales expense 34,382,122.36 4,494,613.08 42,964,278.75 26,783,791.61


    Administrative expense 16,113,592.23 8,904,969.60 24,557,260.78 15,775,436.38


    Financial expenses 3,206,200.67 3,280,975.69 17,517,507.70 2,613,332.40


    Asset impairment loss


    Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for




    Investment gain (“-“ for loss) -472,500.92 -472,500.92 800,478.22 800,478.22


    Incl. Investment gains from affiliates -472,500.92 -472,500.92 800,478.22 800,478.22


    Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for




    III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) -7,855,996.12 -38,174,259.86 -6,426,225.05 -18,229,659.52


    Plus: Non business income 8,743,808.06 8,712,508.06 8,552,105.17 8,425,375.17


    Less: Non-business expenses 439,582.73 281,316.00 491,435.96 463,974.03


    Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current


    assets 236,200.00 236,200.00 463,218.03 463,974.03


    IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 448,229.21 -29,743,067.80 1,634,444.16 -10,268,258.38


    Less: Income tax expenses 2,355.65 59,801.42


    V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 445,873.56 -29,743,067.80 1,574,642.74 -10,268,258.38


    Net profit attributable to the owners of


    parent company 503,738.16 -29,743,067.80 1,227,811.16 -10,268,258.38


    Minor shareholders’ equity -57,864.60 346,831.58


    VI. Earnings per share:


    (I) Basic earnings per share 0.001 -0.06 0.003 -0.022


    (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.001 0.003 -0.022建设摩托 2009 年第1 季度报告




    4.3 Cash Flow Statement


    Prepared by: Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Jan-Mar 2009 RMB Yuan


    Items CAonmsooluindta toefd t he CPaurrerennt tc Toemrpma ny CAomnsooulindt aotef dth e PParerevniot ucso 



    I. Net cash flow from business operation


    Cash received from sales of products and providing of


    services 500,482,171.92 436,699,188.02 589,738,387.82 395,215,225.55


    Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for


    brother company


    Net increase of loans from central bank


    Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial




    Cash received against original insurance contract


    Net cash received from reinsurance business


    Net increase of client deposit and investment


    Net increase of trade financial asset disposal


    Cash received as interest, processing fee, and




    Net increase of inter-bank fund received


    Net increase of repurchasing business


    Tax returned 11,589,824.48 8,397,281.93 1,822,089.36


    Other cash received from business operation 6,015,441.21 2,899,590.23 9,759,744.41 2,204,206.65


    Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 518,087,437.61 447,996,060.18 601,320,221.59 



    Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 408,606,367.59 333,004,678.45 544,310,848.74 



    Net increase of client trade and advance


    Net increase of savings in central bank and brother




    Cash paid for original contract claim


    Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission


    Cash paid for policy dividend


    Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 40,088,180.99 30,478,189.02 36,760,517.59 26,221,408.19


    Taxes paid 12,990,121.52 10,636,071.44 12,276,882.94 9,081,793.40


    Other cash paid for business activities 19,227,418.72 3,778,365.91 23,275,103.89 6,046,230.47


    Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 480,912,088.82 377,897,304.82 616,623,353.16 



    Cash flow generated by business operation, net 37,175,348.79 70,098,755.36 -15,303,131.57 -4,809,461.30


    II. Cash flow generated by investing


    Cash received from investment retrieving


    Cash received as investment gains


    Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,


    intangible assets, and other long-term assets 637,980.68 636,980.68 670,642.46 670,642.46


    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other


    operational units


    Other investment-related cash received 503,647.95 503,647.95 -1,238,361.68 -1,238,361.68


    Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 1,141,628.63 1,140,628.63 -567,719.22 -567,719.22


    Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible


    assets and other long-term assets 15,472,718.03 14,622,817.82 13,042,339.43 9,599,258.23


    Cash paid as investment


    Net increase of loan against pledge


    Net cash received from subsidiaries and other


    operational units


    Other cash paid for investment activities


    Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities 15,472,718.03 14,622,817.82 13,042,339.43 



    Net cash flow generated by investment -14,331,089.40 -13,482,189.19 -13,610,058.65 -10,166,977.45


    III. Cash flow generated by financing


    Cash received as investment


    Incl. Cash received as investment from minor




    Cash received as loans 287,900,000.00 192,000,000.00 265,930,000.00 169,930,000.00


    Cash received from bond placing


    Other financing-related cash received 1,180,433,251.36 1,848,444,497.15 396,462,815.53 919,526,255.02


    Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 1,468,333,251.36 2,040,444,497.15 662,392,815.53 



    Cash to repay debts 182,000,000.00 121,100,000.00 197,621,016.02 129,100,000.00


    Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 16,179,908.56 9,422,030.23 14,640,795.85 5,036,435.79建设摩托 

2009 年第1 季度报告




    Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor




    Other cash paid for financing activities 1,232,930,601.11 1,894,395,642.13 471,100,817.58 887,470,235.45


    Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities 1,431,110,509.67 2,024,917,672.36 683,362,629.45 



    Net cash flow generated by financing 37,222,741.69 15,526,824.79 -20,969,813.92 67,849,583.78


    IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash


    equivalents -916,926.40 24,513.53 -1,283,312.61 -747,704.38


    V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 59,150,074.68 72,167,904.49 -51,166,316.75 52,125,440.65


    Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the


    beginning of term 99,257,459.02 38,850,288.91 227,280,817.63 89,772,780.09


    VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term 158,407,533.70 111,018,193.40 176,114,500.88 



    4.4 Auditors’ Report


    Auditor’s opinion: not audited.


    Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.


    Mr. Yu Guohua, Chairman of Board


    April 23, 2009