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						Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                           Semi-Annual Report 2011

                    承 德 大 路 股 份 有 限 公 司

           CHENGDE DALU CO.,
                         Semi-Annual Report 2011

                                (Full Text)

                             (January-June, 2011)

                                    August, 2011
                                China  Chengde  PRC

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                    Semi-Annual Report 2011

Section I. Important Notes and Paraphrase …………………………………………3

Section II. Company Profile…………………………………………………………...4

Section III. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shares Held by Main
Shareholders …………………………………………………………………………...7

Section IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives………8

Section V. Report of the Board ………………………………………………………..9

Section VI. Significant Events………………………………………………………..11

Section VII. Financial Report ……………………………………………………….17

Section VIII. Documents Available for Reference …………………………………55

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                         Semi-Annual Report 2011

                    Section I. Important Notes and Paraphrase
Important Notes:
The Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee of Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives confirm that
there are no material omissions or errors which would render any statement misleading and
individually and collectively accept responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and
completeness of the contents of this report.

The 22nd Meeting of the 4th Session of the Board examined and approved 2011 Semi-annual
Report and its summary of the Company. All the directors, supervisors and senior executive
attended the meetings of Board of Directors. No director, supervisor and senior executive
stated that he (she) couldn’t ensure the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the
contents of the Semi-annual Report or have objection to this report.

Mr. Yan Qizhong, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Wang Ansheng, Chief Financial Officer, and
Mr. Liu Fengguo Person in Charge of Accounting Institution confirm that the Financial
Report of 2011 Semi-annual Report is authentic and complete.

The semi-annual financial report is not audited.

Note: The report is prepared in bilingual versions using Chinese and English respectively, in
the event of any discrepancy in understanding the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese
version shall prevail.

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                        Semi-Annual Report 2011

                               Section II. Company Profile
I. Legal Name of the Company
In Chinese: 承德大路股份有限公司

II. Legal Representative: Yan Qizhong

III. Secretary of Board of Directors: Han Zhigang
Contact Address: Xiabancheng Town, Chengde County, Hebei Province
Tel: 0314 — 3115048      3115049
Fax: 0314 —3111475
E-mail: hzg18632@126.com

IV. Registered Address: Xiabancheng Town, Chengde County, Hebei Province
Office Address: Xiabancheng Town, Chengde County, Hebei Province
Post Code: 067400
Company’s Internet Web Site: http://www.dxtex.com
E-mail: dxgs-9@heinfo.net

V. Newspapers Chosen for Disclosing the Information of the Company: Securities Times
(Domestic) and Hong Kong Commercial Daily (overseas)
Internet Web Site for Publishing the Annual Report: http://www.cninfo.com.cn
The Place Where the Annual Report is Prepared and Placed: Securities Department of the
Contact Tel: (86) 314-3115048, (86) 314-3115049

VI. Stock Exchange Listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Short Form of the Stock: ST DALU B
Stock Code: 200160

VII. Other Relevant Information of the Company
Initial registered date: Nov. 3, 1999
Registered date after change: Mar. 31, 2004
Registered address: Industry and Commerce Administration Bureau of Hebei Province
(No.316, Tiyu South Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province)
Registered number for business license of the Company: 1300001001372 1/1
Registered number of taxation of the Company: 130821106576876
Custodian agent of the non-circulating shares of the Company:
China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, Ltd. Shenzhen Branch
Name of lawyer firm engaged by the Company: Beijing Jincheng & Tongda Law Firm
Office address: 11/F, Huaxia Bank, No. 22, Jian Guo Men Nei Ave., Beijing

II. Major accounting data and financial indexes (Unit: RMB)
                                                                       Increase/decrease at the
                                        At the end of       At the
                                                                       end of this report period
                                         this report    period-end of
                                                                        compared with that in
                                           period         last year
                                                                      period-end of last year (%)
Total assets(RMB)                       205,673,247.12 199,976,147.64                      2.85%
Owners’ equity    attributable     to
shareholders    of     the      listed -31,594,292.82 -27,525,241.03                     -14.78%
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                         Semi-Annual Report 2011
Share capital(Share)                     706,320,000.00 706,320,000.00                        0.00%
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholders       of     the     listed           -0.045          -0.039                   -15.38%
                                           This report     The same       Increase/decrease in this
                                              period      period of last report period year-on-year
                                          (Jan. to Jun.)      year                   (%)
Total operating income(RMB)                    21,250.00             0.00                  100.00%
Operating profit (RMB)                     -5,254,012.57 -4,767,355.11                      -10.21%
Total profit(RMB)                          -4,385,273.08 -4,819,752.88                        9.01%
Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                           -4,069,051.79 -4,314,900.49                        5.70%
of the listed company(RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the listed company after deducting -4,937,791.28 -4,262,502.72                           -15.84%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)               -0.006          -0.006                     0.00%
Diluted       earnings     per    share
                                                   -0.006          -0.006                     0.00%
Weighted average return on equity (%)            -              -                             0.00%
Weighted average return on equity
after deducting non-recurring gains              -              -                             0.00%
and losses (%)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                         -20,647,074.69         4,609.37              -448,037.02%
Net cash flow per share arising from
                                                   -0.029        0.00001              -290,100.00%
operating activities (RMB/Share)

Items of non-recurring gains and losses (Unit: RMB)
                                                                                        Note (If it is
           Non-recurring gains and losses                     Amount
Gains and loss from disposal of non-current asset                   970,161.00               -
Net amount of other non-operating income and
                                                                    -101,421.51               -
expense excluded the aforementioned items
                       Total                                        868,739.49                -

Statement of Provision for Devaluation of Assets
                                     Book                     Decrease in this period
                                  balance at
                                               Increase in                             Book balance
             Items                    the                    Switching    Transferring
                                               this period                             at period-end
                                 period-begin                  back           out
I. Total of provision for bad 44,360,872.5                                                 44,360,872.5
debts                                        9                                                        9
II. Provision for falling price
of inventory
III. Provision for devaluation
of financial asset available for
IV. Provision for devaluation
of held-to-maturity investment
V. Provision for devaluation 892,335,310.                                                  892,335,310.
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                       Semi-Annual Report 2011
of       long-term       equity           93                                                     93
VI. Provision for devaluation
of investing property
VII. provision for devaluation 35,361,563.0                                            35,361,563.0
of fixed assets                            1                                                      1
VIII.        Provision      for
devaluation of engineering
IX. Provision for devaluation 252,886,204.                                             252,886,204.
of construction in progress               04                                                     04
X. Provision for devaluation
of productive biological asset
Including:     Provision    for
devaluation       of    mature
productive biological asset
XI. Provision for devaluation
of oil asset
XII. Provision for devaluation
of intangible asset
XIII.        Provision      for
devaluation of goodwill
XIV. Other
                                1,224,943,95                                           1,224,943,95
                                        0.57                                                   0.57

Loss of assets depreciation (Unit: RMB)
                                               Amount occurred   in this   Amount occurred in last
                                                       period                     period
I. Loss of bad debts
II. Loss of inventory depreciation
III. Loss of devaluation for financial asset
available for sales
IV. Loss of devaluation of held-to-maturity
V. Loss of devaluation of long-term equity
VI. Loss of devaluation of investing
VII. Loss of devaluation of fixed assets
VIII. Loss of devaluation of engineering
IX. Loss of devaluation of construction in
X. Provision for devaluation of productive
biological asset
XI. Loss of devaluation of oil asset
XII. Loss of devaluation of intangible asset
XIII. Loss of devaluation of goodwill
XIV. Other
                     Total                                         0.00                        0.00
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                        Semi-Annual Report 2011
III. Difference in CAS and IAS
There remained no differences in net profit in this period and no differences in net assets
ended as report period calculated based on the CAS and the IAS.

Section III. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shares held by
                            Main Shareholders

I. Particulars about changes in share capital
In the report period, the Company’s total shares and share structure remained unchanged.

II. Particulars about shareholders
(I) Ended as June 30, 2011, the Company had totally 23,008 shareholders, including 5 of
sponsors’ share and 23,003 of domestically listed foreign share.
(II) Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders
of tradable share as follows:

   Total number of                                                                              23,008
             Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                         Total        Number of
                            Nature of Proportion                                      Number of share
 Name of shareholders                                 number of unlisted share
                          shareholders of share held                                 pledged or frozen
                                                       share held        held
Chen Rong                    natural        29.49% 208,324,800         208,324,800
SECURITIES(HONG                               8.43% 59,530,549                     0
                          legal person
Chengde            North non-state-o
                                              2.62% 18,517,651          18,517,651
Industrial Corporation wned legal
Xu Jiang                                      2.34% 16,556,900                     0
Chen Yan                                      2.21% 15,613,200                     0
Wang Zhengsong            natural             1.89% 13,327,891          13,327,891
Zhou Haihong                                  1.62% 11,430,000
Wang Wensheng                                 1.03% 7,258,007                      0
Peng Wei                                      0.42% 2,978,525                      0
Zhao Ziying                                   0.37% 2,600,416                      0
             Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders of tradable share
        Name of shareholders            Number of tradable share held            Type of share
GUOTAI JUNAN                                                 59,530,549 Domestically listed foreign
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                         Semi-Annual Report 2011
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)LIMIT                                                      shares
                                                                          Domestically listed foreign
Xu Jiang                                                  16,556,900
                                                                          Domestically listed foreign
Chen Yan                                                   15,613,200
                                                                          Domestically listed foreign
Zhou Haihong                                                11,430,000
                                                                          Domestically listed foreign
Wang Wensheng                                                7,258,007
                                                                          Domestically listed foreign
Peng Wei                                                     2,978,525
                                                                          Domestically listed foreign
Zhao Ziying                                                  2,600,416
Shanghai Wanguo (Hong Kong)                                               Domestically listed foreign
Securities Co., Ltd.                                                               shares
                                                                          Domestically listed foreign
Li Siquan                                                    1,649,633
                                                                          Domestically listed foreign
Qiu Hongmin                                                  1,592,600
                        Major shareholder had no related relationship with other shareholders, and it
                        didn’t belong to concerted action people ruled in Administration Method of
Explanation          on
                        Information Disclosure about Change on Shareholding of Listed Companies.
associated relationship
                        The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or
among the aforesaid
                        belongs to the consistent actor regulated by the Management Measure of
                        Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Company
                        among the other shareholders.

III. In the report period, controlling shareholder and actual controller of the Company had
In reporting period, no change took place on controlling shareholder of the Company. On Jun.
7 of 2011, the previous actual controller Mr. Chenrong resigned to board of directors due to
personal reason. Nominated by board of directors, Mr. Yan Qizhong was elected as director
and president of the Company, becoming the actual controller. The change had been disclosed
on Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily on July 1 of 2011.

Section IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

I. Alteration in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company:
No directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company hold shares of the Company.
During the report period, no alteration happened to shares (non-circulating) held by major
shareholder Chen Rong.

II. Change and new engagement or dismission on directors, supervisors and senior executive
in reporting period
1. Mr. Chenrong submitted resignation to board of directors on Jun. 7 of 2011 thus resigned
posts of director and president. Based on demands of governance and production and
operation, board of directors elected Mr. Yan Qizhong as director and president of the
Company with the same office term with the 4th session board of directors.
2. On Jun. 27 of 2011 the Company received written resignation from general manager Mr.
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                       Semi-Annual Report 2011
Hao Bin. Mr. Hao Bin resigned post of general manager due to individual reason, and won’t
take any post in the Company. Based on relevant rules of Article of Association, Mr. Hao
Bin’s resignation took effect once it reached board of directors. For ensuring normal
operation of the Company, director Mr. Chen Jie host daily work of the Company before we
elect new general manager.

                            Section V. Report of the Board

I. Discussion and analysis on overall operation of the report period
In the 1st half year of 2011, hard-working board of directors and managerial led staffs to
overcome difficulties thus construction of the initial phase (Dalu Ganyuan) of commercial
and residential items of wholly-owned subsidiary Chengde County Rongyida Real Estate
Development Company started, and opened sale in Aug. of 2011, thus laid foundation for
gradual resume of production and operation of the Company. The Company realized RMB
21250.00 of operating income, RMB -4,385,273.08 of profit, RMB -4,069,051.79 of net
profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies and RMB -0.006 of earnings per share.
II. Scope and operation of main business:
1. Main business scope: knitting, weaving series, high-end suits, children's clothing line,
packaging materials, paper and paper products, production and processing of all kinds of yarn
and synthetic yarn, marketing its own products, real estate development and sales, hotel and
catering industry.
2. In the report period, the Company did neither resume production, nor conduct any
activities of production and operation, so main business of the period was still loss.

2. Main business classified according to industry and area        Unit: RMB’0000
                                Main business classified according to industry
                                                   Increase/decr Increase/de
 Classified     Income                                ease in        crease in
                             Cost of     Gross                                   ease in gross
according to      from                             income from        cost of
                            operatio     profit                                   profit ratio
industries or operatio                               operations     operations
                               ns      ratio (%)                                 year-on-year
   products         ns                             year-on-year year-on-yea
                                                        (%)            r (%)
      Costume            -           -          -               -              -               -
   Cotton spin           -           -          -               -              -               -
Paper-making             -           -          -               -              -               -

Main business classified according to area                     Unit: RMB’0000
                                                            Increase/decrease in income from
           Area                 Income from operations
                                                               operations year-on-year (%)
            Domestic sales                   0                               -
             Overseas sales                  0                               -
3. Analysis on financial condition
(1)Analysis on assets constitution                                               Unit: RMB
    Item            2011-6-30            2010-12-31                        Reason for change
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                           Semi-Annual Report 2011
Total assets      205,673,247.12            199,976,147.64          2.85%      Due to borrowings
                      86,502,484.41          79,128,550.82          9.32%      Due to borrowings
                                                                               Due to depreciation
                  119,170,762.71            120,847,596.82          -1.39%        accrued and
                 234,717,923.80             224,632,050.60          4.49%      Due to borrowings
                 217,721,923.77             207,636,050.57          4.86%      Due to borrowings
Owners’                                                                      Due to losses of this
                 -29,044,676.68             -24,655,902.96      -17.80%
equity                                                                                year
Undistributed                                                                 Due to losses of this
              -1,265,471,286.09       -1,261,402,234.30             -0.32%
profit                                                                                year

(2)Analysis on operation achievements                Unit: RMB
                                   Amount (RMB)                  Increase
         Item                               Jan. to Jun of   / decrease
                                                                                       for change
                                              2011            ratio (%)
                              21,250.00                  0              -                      -
                                                                                      Due          to
     Operation               -5,254,012.5            -4,767,355.1
                                                                         -10.21%      accrued,
profit                                  7                       1
                                                                                      and tax
      Net    profit                                                                   Due          to
attributable    to           -4,069,051.7            -4,314,900.4                     increase of
owners of parent                        9                       9                     non-operatin
company                                                                               g income
                                                                                      Due          to
                             5,260,118.42            4,766,244.48            10.36%   accrued,
n expense
                                                                                      and tax
                                                                                      Due          to
    Financial                                                                336.60   increase of
                                 4,848.99                1,110.63
expense                                                                          %    banking
                                                                                      handling fees
4. Explanation for alteration in profit constitution, main business and                its structure,
profit-making ability of main business of the Company in the report period:
In the report period, due to the un-recover production of the Company, main business, its
structures and profitability etc. remains the same.
5. Other operational business activities bringing significant influence on profit in the report
In reporting period, the Company resumed production and operation of main business. While
the construction of commercial and residential item of its wholly-owned subsidiary namely
Chengde County Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd had been started. Construction
period will last for a year.
6. In the report period, no investment income contributed by share-investing company
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                           Semi-Annual Report 2011
affected net profit of the Company over 10%.
7. Problems and difficulties and solution in operation
In the report period, the Company was still in shortage of capital and its production hadn’t
been resumed yet. As assets was input by Rongyida Company, it would turn to better for the
Company. The Company would continue to seek for powerful strategic investors and
cooperative partners to integrate its assets and business and inject capital to the Company, to
help the Company resume its profit-making ability of main business

III. Investment in the report period
1. In the report period, the Company neither raised proceeds, nor did it use proceeds raised in
previous periods.
2. Projects invested with non-raised proceeds.
In the report period, there was no project invested with non-raised proceeds.

IV. The Company didn’t make modification for the annual operation plan.
V. In 2010, Crowe Horwath Certified Public Accountants issued auditor’s report with an
un-qualified opinions and paragraph of emphasized matters since they audited the financial
report of the Company. The board of directors thought that, the concerned proceedings did
exist, and it was a historical issue which won’t take real impact on production and operation
of the Company. The Company attached great importance to the events the audit report
emphasized and currently is communicating with related department, discussing solutions. As
the completion of bankruptcy and restructuring of the Company ends, the Company will
gradually step into formal trace, and the above issues will be solved one by one.

                             Section VI. Significant Events
I. Corporation governance
In reporting period, the Company successively perfected governance structure of legal person
and internal control system based on relevant rules issued by CSRC and Shenzhen Stock
Exchange as well as requirements of promotion of governance. Key controlling activities
conformed to requirements of relevant laws, rules and supervision department, which were
not against Governance Rules of Listed Companies and relevant internal control system.
In the following working, the Company will regard governance as important basic working
for improving competitiveness and constantly complete modern corporation system of the

II. Implementation of profit distribution plan and circumstances of equity incentive
1. There was no profit distribution plan which was made in the previous period and
implemented in the report period, plan of converting the public reserve capital into share
capital or plan of issuing new shares.
In the semi-annual of 2011, the Company had neither profits distribution plan nor plan of
converting pubic reserve into share capital.
2. The Company did not implemented equity incentive mechanism.

III. Significant lawsuit and arbitration:
On Apr. 17 of 2011, Chengde Medium People’s Court accepted Ms. Wang Shuxian’s accuse
about creditor’s right of Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd. On Apr. 27, the Company received
documents such as Appear Notice and Civil Ruling Notice from Hebei Chengde Medium
People’s Court. The case hasn’t been put on trial, so the Company couldn’t judge the possible
influence for the moment. The Company will actively respond to the case, protect legal
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                 Semi-Annual Report 2011
interest of the Company and shareholders. The Company will timely disclose the above

IV. There was no condition of purchasing and selling assets in the Company in reporting

V. Related transactions of the Company in the report period
There was no significant related transaction of the Company in the report period.

VI. Significant contract and implementation
(1) In the report period, the Company had no significant transaction, entrustment, contract or
leasing proceeding of other companies, nor vice versa matters.
(2) In the report period, the Company had no significant guarantee contract.
(3) In the report period, the Company did not entrust others to manage cash assets.

VII. Special explanation and independent opinion issued by independent directors on capital
occupancy and external guarantee of related parties of the Company
Following the spirits of Concerning Some Issues on Regulating the Funds between Listed
Companies and Associated Parties and Listed Companies’ Provision of Guaranty to Other
Parties (No. 56 [2003] promulgated by CSRS on Standardizing External Guarantee of Listed
Company, as independent directors of the Company, we made careful inspection on the
capital occupancy of related parties and external guarantee executed according to the
aforementioned regulation and presented the following explanation on relevant problems,
with an attitude of earnest and responsibility:
1. The Company standardized the capital occupancy of related parties and external guarantee
behavior and thus controlled risks of capital occupancy by related parties and external
guarantee, in strict accordance to regulation of Articles of Association.
2. Till Jun 30th of 2011, no condition that related parties of the Company occupy capital of
listed companies against rules was found.
3. Till Jun. 30, 2011, the Company has never provided guarantee for shareholder, actual
controller and its related party, any non legal person unit and individual; controlling
shareholder and other related party neither forced the Company to provide guarantee for

VIII. The Company or the shareholders holding over 5% of total shares had no commitment
issues that had important influence on the operating results and financial situation of the
Company in the report period or lasting to the report period.

IX. In the report period, the present directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders,
actual controllers and purchaser of the Company had never be investigated by authorized
department, received compulsory measure from judicial department, be sent to judicial
department or be investigated into criminal responsibility; also never received investigation,
administrative punishment or criticism through public notice from China Securities
Regulatory Commission, nor had they been condemned by the stock exchange in public

X. Particulars about the Company’s Reception of Investigations and Interviews:
In accordance with the principles of just, fair and publicity, to further regulate the behaviors
of information disclosure for the listed companies and ensure justice for information
disclosure, the Company received the research and media interviews in standardized way
according to the regulations of Guideline on Fair Information Disclosure for Listed
Companies promulgated by Shenzhen Stock Exchange. In the report period, the Company
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                              Semi-Annual Report 2011
received visits and telephone communication from its investors for many times; the Company
received them and replies strictly in accordance with relevant regulations; there occurred no
such situations as selectively and privately reveal or leak non-public significant information
to specific parties; and all these assure the fairness of information disclosure of the Company.
                       Reception         Way of      Reception        Discussion issue and offered
  Reception date
                          place         reception      person                 information
                       Department                    Individual Particulars about shareholders’ meeting,
     2011-1-13                        communicati
                          of the                      investor offering notice about decision
                       Department                    Individual Performance of 2010, performance
     2011-1-26                        communicati
                          of the                      investor report was offered
                       Department                    Individual Current situation of the Company, no
     2011-2-19                        communicati
                          of the                      investor offered information
                       Department                    Individual Construction of item of the Company,
     2011-3-16                        communicati
                          of the                      investor offering no material
                       Department                    Individual Current situation of the Company, no
      2011-4-7                        communicati
                          of the                      investor offered information
                       Department                    Individual Real estate development of the
     2011-4-15                        communicati
                          of the                      investor Company, no offered information
                       Department                    Individual
     2011-4-21                        communicati               Significant lawsuit, offering no material
                          of the                      investor
                       Department                    Individual Current situation of the Company, no
     2011-4-27                        communicati
                          of the                      investor offered information
                       Department                    Individual
      2011-5-5                        communicati               Significant lawsuit, offering no material
                          of the                      investor
                       Department                    Individual Production restoring condition of the
     2011-5-10                        communicati
                          of the                      investor Company, no offered information
                       Department                    Individual Real estate development of the
     2011-5-16                        communicati
                          of the                      investor Company, no offered information
                        Security          Phone      Individual Real estate development of the
                       Department communicati investor Company, no offered information
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                         Semi-Annual Report 2011
                      of the       on
                    Department             Individual Current situation of the Company, no
     2011-6-8                  communicati
                      of the                investor offered information
                    Department             Individual Construction of item of the Company,
    2011-6-17                  communicati
                      of the                investor offering no material
                    Department             Individual Current situation of the Company, no
    2011-6-29                  communicati
                      of the                investor offered information

XI. Other significant events
1. Because the subsidiaries of the Company - Chengde Dixian Fashion Co., Ltd., Hebei
Xiabancheng Knitwear Co., Ltd. and Chengde Banhe Chemical Simulation Textile Co., Ltd.
were declared bankruptcy, the aforesaid three companies were not in the range of
consolidation statement in this period.
2. In this reporting period, the Company didn’t signed significant contract ruled in No. 6
Working Guidance for Information Disclosure of Listed Companies: Significant Contract.
3. The Company had no equity of other listed companies, share participating commercial
bank, Security Company, insurance company, trust companies, futures companies and other
financial enterprises.
4. Special statement and independent opinion of independent directors over occupation of
related parties and external guarantee
Based on Notice to 2011 Semi-Annual Report of Listed Companies, as independent director
of the Company, we carefully read relevant material offered by the Company, and carefully
reviewed and supervised capital occupation of related parties and external guarantee. We are
issuing the following opinions as for relevant events: in reporting period, the Company
strictly standardized capital contact with controlling shareholders and other related parties,
controlled external guarantee risk. There existed no illegal capital occupation of controlling
shareholder and other related parties as well as external guarantee. The illegal capital
occupation was ruled by Notice to Normalizing Capital Contact between Listed Companies
and Related Parties and External Guarantee of Listed Companies (ZJF[2003] No. 56) issued
by CSRC. And there existed no ones extending from previous periods.

XII. Index to other events
In the report period, all the notices of the Company have been published on Securities Times,
Hong Kong Commercial Daily as well as Juchao Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
Particulars are as follows:
 Notice number         Notice date                       Notice Events

                                      Notice to decisions made on 2011 the 1st
      2011-001           2011-01-11
                                      extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting

                                      Position Paper on 2011 the 1st extraordinary
                                      shareholders’ meeting
      2011-002           2011-01-24   Notice to 2010 Annual Performance

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                          Semi-Annual Report 2011

     2011-003            2011-03-30         Reference Notice

                         2011-03-30         Simplified Notice to Equity Transfer
                                      Notice to Decision Made On the 19th Meeting of
     2011-004            2011-04-27   the 4th Session of Board of Directors of Chengde
                                      Dalu Co., Ltd

                                      Notice to decision made on the 8th meeting of the
     2011-005            2011-04-27
                                      4th session of board of supervisors

     2011-006            2011-04-27   Summary of 2010 annual report

                                      Notice to Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd holding 2010
     2011-007            2011-04-27
                                      annual shareholders’ meeting

     2011-008            2011-04-27   Text of 2011 the 1st seasonal report

                                      Notice to board of directors backward and
     2011-009            2011-04-27
                                      adjusting 2009 annual accounting statement

                                      Special statement of board of directors on
                         2011-04-27   non-standardized unqualified audit opinion and
                                      concerning events
                                      Special statement of board of supervisors on
                         2011-04-27   audit opinion and concerning opinion of 2010
                                      annual report
                                      Report on work of 2010 annual independent
                                      directors (Liu Wei)
                                      Report on work of 2010 annual independent
                                      directors (Li Min)

                                      Special statement of independent directors and
                                      independent opinion

                                      Special statement on 2010 annual financial report
                         2011-04-27   issued unqualified audit report with stressed
                                      Special statement on 2010 annual correction over
                                      errors in prior period of Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd

                                       Full text of 2011 annual the 1st seasonal report
                                      (English Version)

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                         Semi-Annual Report 2011
                         2011-04-27   Full text of 2011 the 1 seasonal report

                         2011-04-27   2010 annual report (English Version)

                         2011-04-27   2010 annual report
                         2011-04-27   Self-estimation on 2010 annual internal control
                                      Special statement on 2010 annual capital
                         2011-04-27   occupation of controlling shareholder and other
                                      related parties
                         2011-04-27   2010 annual audit report
                                      Notice to openness of initial item of
     2011-010            2011-04-29   wholly-owned subsidiary Chengde County
                                      Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd

     2011-011            2011-04-29   Significant lawsuit notice

                                      Notice to website explanation meeting on 2010
     2011-012            2011-05-20
                                      annual performance

                                      Notice to decision made on 2010 annual
     2011-013            2011-05-27
                                      shareholders’ meeting

                                       Legal position letter to 2010 annual
                                      shareholders’ meeting

                                      Notice to decisions made on the 20th meeting of
     2011-014            2011-06-15
                                      the 4th session of board of directors

                                      Notice to holding 2011 the 2nd extraordinary
     2011-015            2011-06-15
                                      shareholders’ meeting

     2011-016            2011-06-28         Notice to resignation of general manager

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                                       Semi-Annual Report 2011
                        Section VII. Financial Report (Un-audited)
                                              Balance Sheet
Prepared by Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.               Jun. 30, 2011                       Unit: RMB
                                           Amount at period-end                   Amount at year-begin
                                       Consolidation Parent Company          Consolidation   Parent Company
   Current assets:
      Monetary funds                      759,615.12            33,384.90      9,723,008.25        37,197.70
      Settlement reserve fund
      Capital lend
         Transaction        finance
         Notes receivable
         Accounts receivable
   Accounts paid in advance             21,049,996.25        20,084,632.25    20,084,632.25    20,084,632.25
   Insurance receivable
   Reinsurance receivables
   Contract reserve of
   reinsurance receivable
         Interest receivable
         Dividend receivable
         Other receivables              43,240,790.54          303,956.24     30,485,301.52       278,347.22
         Purchase         restituted
   finance asset
         Inventories                    20,358,555.11                         17,742,081.41
         Non-current asset due
   within one year
         Other current assets            1,093,527.39                          1,093,527.39
   Total current assets                 86,502,484.41        20,421,973.39    79,128,550.82    20,400,177.17
   Non-current assets:
         Granted      loans      and
         Finance asset available
   for sales
         Long-term          account
         Long-term           equity
                                         2,215,729.65        58,925,880.26     2,215,729.65    58,925,880.26
         Investment property
         Fixed assets                   61,287,246.12                         62,653,329.49
         Construction in progress        6,721,818.00                          6,721,818.00
         Engineering material
         Disposal of fixed asset
         Productive      biological
         Oil and gas asset
         Intangible assets              24,513,029.99                         24,823,780.73
         Expense on Research
   and Development
   Long-term expenses to be
         Deferred income tax
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                                       Semi-Annual Report 2011
         Other non-current asset       24,432,938.95                          24,432,938.95
   Total non-current asset            119,170,762.71         58,925,880.26   120,847,596.82    58,925,880.26
   Total assets                       205,673,247.12         79,347,853.65   199,976,147.64    79,326,057.43
   Current liabilities:
   Short-term loans                      422,261.91            422,261.91        422,261.91      422,261.91
         Loan from central bank
         Absorbing deposit and
   interbank deposit
         Capital borrowed
         Transaction      financial
         Notes payable
         Accounts payable                231,075.82            218,802.27        231,075.82      218,802.27
         Accounts received in
         Selling financial asset of
         Commission charge and
   commission payable
         Wage payable                   6,355,286.60           257,800.00      6,395,486.60      277,000.00
         Taxes payable                 71,298,709.59           -79,544.47     72,070,571.83      -62,298.33
         Interest payable
         Dividend payable
         Other accounts payable       139,414,589.85        117,885,867.41   128,516,654.41   117,654,080.62
         Reinsurance payables
         Insurance         contract
         Security trading of
         Security sales of agency
         Non-current liabilities
   due within 1 year
         Other current liabilities
   Total current liabilities          217,721,923.77        118,705,187.12   207,636,050.57   118,509,846.47
   Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term loans                      6,398,000.00                           6,398,000.00
         Bonds payable
         Long-term         account
         Special          accounts
                                       10,598,000.03             98,000.03    10,598,000.03        98,000.03
         Projected liabilities
      Deferred       income     tax
         Other          non-current
   Total non-current liabilities       16,996,000.03             98,000.03    16,996,000.03        98,000.03
   Total liabilities                  234,717,923.80        118,803,187.15   224,632,050.60   118,607,846.50
   Owner’s equity (or
   shareholders’ equity):
      Paid-in capital (or share
                                      706,320,000.00        706,320,000.00   706,320,000.00   706,320,000.00
         Capital public reserve       450,765,443.10        449,365,886.69   450,765,443.10   449,365,886.69
         Less: Inventory shares
         Reasonable reserve

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2011
       Surplus public reserve         76,791,550.17        76,791,550.17     76,791,550.17        76,791,550.17
   Provision of general risk
                                    -1,265,471,286.0 -1,271,932,770.3 -1,261,402,234.3
        Retained profit                                                                -1,271,759,225.93
                                                   9                6                0
         Balance difference of
   foreign currency translation
   Total      owner’s     equity
   attributable    to      parent    -31,594,292.82        -39,455,333.50    -27,525,241.03       -39,281,789.07
   Minority interests                  2,549,616.14                             2,869,338.07
   Total owner’s equity            -29,044,676.68 -39,455,333.50 -24,655,902.96         -39,281,789.07
   Total liabilities and owner’s
                                    205,673,247.12      79,347,853.65 199,976,147.64      79,326,057.43
   Legal person: Yan Qizhong           Person in charge of accounting work: Wang Ansheng
   Person in charge of accounting institution: Liu Fengguo

                                            Profit Statement
Prepared by Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                         January- June 2011       Unit: RMB
                                              Amount in this period           Amount in last period
                  Items                                       Parent                          Parent
                                           Consolidation                  Consolidation
                                                             Company                        Company
   I. Total operating income                    21,250.00                           0.00             0.00
   Including: Operating income                  21,250.00                           0.00
         Interest income
         Insurance gained
            Commission charge and
   commission income
   II. Total operating cost                  5,275,262.57         171,272.92       4,767,355.11      678,084.56
   Including: Operating cost                         0.00                                  0.00            0.00
         Interest expense
     Commission charge and
   commission expense
   Cash surrender value
        Net amount of expense of
         Net amount of withdrawal of
   insurance contract reserve
         Bonus expense of guarantee
           Reinsurance expense
   Operating tax and extras                     10,295.16
         Sales expenses
         Administration expenses             5,260,118.42         171,257.42       4,766,244.48      676,964.56
         Financial expenses                      4,848.99              15.50           1,110.63        1,120.00
         Losses of devaluation of asset
     Add: Changing income of fair
   value(Loss is listed with “-”)
   Investment income (Loss is listed
   with “-”)
      Including: Investment income on
   affiliated company and joint
   Exchange income (Loss is listed
   with “-”)
   III. Operating profit        (Loss is
                                            -5,254,012.57         -171,272.92     -4,767,355.11     -678,084.56
   listed with “-”)
         Add: Non-operating income           1,021,011.00                             -4,448.77        -4,448.77

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2011
          Less: Non-operating expense             152,271.51         2,271.51      47,949.00      47,949.00
        Including: Disposal loss of
   non-current asset
   IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed
                                               -4,385,273.08      -173,544.43 -4,819,752.88     -730,482.33
   with “-”)
          Less: Income tax expense                  3,500.64
   V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                               -4,388,773.72      -173,544.43 -4,819,752.88     -730,482.33
          Net profit attributable to
                                               -4,069,051.79      -173,544.43 -4,314,900.49     -730,482.33
   owner’s of parent company
   Minority shareholders’ gains and
                                                 -319,721.93                     -504,852.39
   VI. Earnings per share
   i. Basic earnings per share                        -0.006                          -0.006
   ii. Diluted earnings per share                     -0.006                          -0.006
   VII. Other consolidated income
   VIII. Total consolidated income             -4,388,773.72      -173,544.43 -4,819,752.88     -730,482.33
   Total        consolidated      income
   attributable to owners of parent            -4,069,051.79      -173,544.43 -4,314,900.49     -730,482.33
   Total        consolidated      income
   attributable        to        minority        -319,721.93                     -504,852.39
   Legal person: Yan Qizhong              Person in charge of accounting work: Wang Ansheng
   Person in charge of accounting institution: Liu Fengguo

                                        Statement of Cash Flow
Prepared by Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                        January- June 2011            Unit: RMB
                                                    Amount in this period           Amount in last period
                    Items                                            Parent                       Parent
                                                Consolidation                   Consolidation
                                                                    Company                      Company
I. Cash flows arising from operating
     Cash received from selling commodities
and providing labor services
     Net increase of customer deposit and
interbank deposit
  Net increase of loan from central bank
  Net increase of capital borrowed from other
financial institution
  Cash received from original insurance
contract fee
        Net cash received from reinsurance
    Insured savings and net increase of
     Net increase of disposal of transaction
financial asset
  Cash received from interest, commission
charge and commission
Net increase of capital borrowed
    Net increase of returned business capital
    Write-back of tax received
 Other cash received concerning operating
                                                    2,292,951.24    337,509.50 1,210,003.50 1,209,994.13
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2011
      Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                   2,292,951.24      337,509.50 1,210,003.50 1,209,994.13
operating activities
     Cash paid for purchasing commodities
and receiving labor service
    Net increase of customer loans and
   Net increase of deposits in central bank and
    Cash paid for original insurance contract
     Cash paid for interest, commission
charge and commission
       Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip
Cash paid to/for staff and workers                      280,550.00    93,600.00   151,800.00   151,800.00
   Taxes paid                                      3,465,899.30
     Other cash paid concerning operating
                                                  17,442,211.93      247,722.30 1,053,594.13 1,053,594.13
     Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                                  22,940,025.93      341,322.30 1,205,394.13 1,205,394.13
operating activities
Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                  -20,647,074.69      -3,812.80     4,609.37     4,600.00
II. Cash flows arising from investing
      Cash received from recovering
  Cash received from investment income
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed,
intangible and other long-term assets
          Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units
Other cash received concerning investing
       Subtotal of cash inflow from investing
 Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible
and other long-term assets
Cash paid for investment
   Net increase of mortgaged loans
         Net cash received from subsidiaries
and other units
   Other cash paid concerning investing
       Subtotal of cash outflow from investing
Net cash flows arising from investing
 III. Cash flows arising from financing
  Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from absorbing
minority shareholders’ investment by
     Cash received from loans                     13,000,000.00
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                               Semi-Annual Report 2011
     Cash received from issuing bonds
Other cash received concerning financing
    Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
 Cash paid for settling debts                     2,283,616.44
   Cash paid for dividend and profit
distributing or interest paying
   Including: Dividend and profit of minority
shareholder paid by subsidiaries
 Other cash paid concerning financing
       Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
   Net cash flows arising from financing
IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents
due to fluctuation in exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents     -8,963,393.13      -3,812.80      4,609.37     4,600.00
     Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                     9,723,008.25    37,197.70     58,256.11   16,900.44
equivalents at the period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at
                                                       759,615.12    33,384.90    62,865.48    21,500.44
the period -end
Legal person: Yan Qizhong           Person in charge of accounting work: Wang Ansheng
Person in charge of accounting institution: Liu Fengguo

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                             Semi-Annual Report 2011

                                                      Consolidated Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity
Prepared by Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                     Semi-annual 2011                                                 Unit: RMB
                                 Amount in this report period                                                    Amount in last year
              Owners' equity attributable to the parent company                          Owners' equity attributable to the parent company
                         Less                                                                   Less
 Items                                        Gene               Minorit Total Paid-up                              Gene             Minorit Total
         Paid-up           : Reaso                                                                : Reaso
                                                ral               y’s owners’ capital Capital Trea nable Surplus ral Retained Oth y’s     owners’
         capital Capital Trea nable Surplus         Retained Oth
                                               risk              equity equity (Share reserves sury reserv reserves risk             equity equity
         (Share reserves sury reserv reserves        profit ers                                                           profit ers
                                              provi                                                                 provi
         capital)        Stoc    e                                              capital)        Stoc   e
                                              sion                                                                  sion
                          k                                                                      k
at the 706,320, 450,765,                76,791,        -1,261,40   2,869,3 -24,655, 706,320, 395,971,              76,791,        -1,230,42    14,429,6 -36,909,
end of 000.00 443.10                    550.17          2,234.30     38.07 902.96 000.00 144.37                    550.17          1,633.22       36.86 301.82
s     of
                                                                                            54,794,2                              -32,685,5    -12,758, 9,350,62
on of
                                                                                               98.73                                  29.13      140.50     9.10
the last
at the
        706,320, 450,765,               76,791,        -1,261,40   2,869,3 -24,655, 706,320, 450,765,              76,791,        -1,263,10    1,671,49 -27,558,
         000.00 443.10                  550.17          2,234.30     38.07 902.96 000.00 443.10                    550.17          7,162.35        6.36 672.72
ng of

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.               Semi-Annual Report 2011

e in this
                         -4,069,05    -319,7 -4,388,7          1,704,928.   1,197,84 2,902,76
                              1.79     21.93    73.72                 05        1.71     9.76
se     is
(I) Net                  -4,069,05    -319,7 -4,388,7          1,704,928.   1,197,84 2,902,76
profit                        1.79     21.93    73.72                 05        1.71     9.76

Subtota                  -4,069,05    -319,7 -4,388,7          1,704,928.   1,197,84 2,902,76
l of (I)                      1.79     21.93    73.72                 05        1.71     9.76
and (II)
ed into

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.   Semi-Annual Report 2011

paid in
wal of
wal of
tion for

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.   Semi-Annual Report 2011

ed     to
ed     to
ing loss
wal in
in the

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2011

at the
         706,320, 450,765,                  76,791,       -1,265,47     2,549,6 -29,044, 706,320, 450,765,              76,791,       -1,261,40       2,869,33 -24,655,
end of
           000.00 443.10                    550.17         1,286.09       16.14 676.68 000.00 443.10                    550.17         2,234.30           8.07 902.96
Legal person: Yan Qizhong           Person in charge of accounting work: Wang Ansheng
Person in charge of accounting institution: Liu Fengguo

                                                 Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity (Parent Company)
Prepared by Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                                Semi-annual 2011                                                  Unit: RMB
                                     Amount in this report period                                                     Amount in last year
           Paid-up             Less:                  Gener                                 Paid-up             Less:                  Gener
  Items                              Reason                                       Total                               Reason                                  Total
           capital     Capital Treas         Surplus al risk         Retained               capital     Capital Treas         Surplus al risk     Retained
                                       able                                      owners’                               able                                 owners’
           (Share     reserves ury           reserves provis          profit                (Share     reserves ury           reserves provis      profit
                                     reserve                                      equity                              reserve                                 equity
           capital)            Stock                   ion                                  capital)            Stock                   ion
            706,320,0 449,365,8                  76,791,55          -1,271,759,2 -39,281,7 706,320,0 394,571,5               76,791,55          -643,003,78 534,679,35
at the end
                00.00     86.69                       0.17                 25.93     89.07     00.00     87.96                    0.17                 6.62       1.51
of     last
g policy
correctio                                                                                              54,794,29                                -626,558,52 -571,764,2
n of the                                                                                                    8.73                                       5.13      26.40

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                            Semi-Annual Report 2011


at      the 706,320,0 449,365,8   76,791,55   -1,271,759,2 -39,281,7 706,320,0 449,365,8   76,791,55   -1,269,562,3 -37,084,87
beginnin        00.00     86.69        0.17          25.93     89.07     00.00     86.69        0.17          11.75       4.89
g of this
in     this                                                 -173,544.                                  -2,196,914.1 -2,196,914
year                                                              43                                              8        .18
e is listed
with "-")
  (I) Net                                                   -173,544.                                  -2,196,914.1 -2,196,914
profit                                                            43                                              8        .18
                                                            -173,544.                                  -2,196,914.1 -2,196,914
of (I) and                                    -173,544.43
                                                                  43                                              8        .18

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.   Semi-Annual Report 2011


d     into
paid in
3. Others
wal      of
wal      of
on      for
4. Others

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.   Semi-Annual Report 2011

1. Capital
d        to
d        to
ng loss
4. Others
le reserve
wal in the

Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.                                               Semi-Annual Report 2011

2. Usage
in      the
at the end 706,320,0 449,365,8                    76,791,55        -1,271,932,7 -39,455,3 706,320,0 449,365,8   76,791,55   -1,271,759,2 -39,281,78
of the          00.00      86.69                       0.17               70.36     33.50     00.00     86.69        0.17          25.93       9.07
Legal person: Yan Qizhong           Person in charge of accounting work: Wang Ansheng
Person in charge of accounting institution: Liu Fengguo

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                          Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                       CHENGDE DALU COMPANY LIMITED
                        NOTES OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT
                          FOR THE SEMI-ANNUAL 2011

I. Brief introduction of the Company
 1. History evolution
 The former of Chengde Dalu Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the
 Company”) is Chengde Dixian Textile Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as
 “Dixian Company”), which was established in the People’s Republic of China as a
 joint stock Company approved by People’s Government of Hebei Province (JI GU
 BAN(1999) No. 36) dated on 3 November 1999. There are five promoters of the
 Company, which are Mr. Shuxian Wang, North Industry Co., Ltd., Longfeng
 Cosmetic Co., Ltd., Red Star Plastic Product Co., Ltd. and Mr. Zhengsong Wang
 respectively. The initial registered capital of the Company is RMB 100,000,000
 representing 100,000,000 shares with a par value of RMB 1 each, in which Mr.
 Shuxian Wang holds 85,100,000 shares. On 13 November 2009, the company was
 changed into the name of Chengde Dalu company Limited upon agreement of the

 Upon the approval document No. [2000]121 issued by the China Securities
 Regulatory Commission (CSRC for short) on 29 August 2000, the Company issued
 100,000,000 domestically listed foreign shares (B share for short) with a par value of
 RMB1.00 each on 29 September 2000. In addition, the Company increased issuance
 of 15,000,000 foreign capital shares (B share) with a par value of RMB1.00 each
 between 29 September and 29 October 2000. The Company’s B shares listed in
 Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The registered capital of the Company after the issue of B
 shares was increased to RMB 215,000,000 with par value of RMB 1.00 each
 amounting to 215,000,000 shares.

 According to the resolution of general meeting of shareholders on 12 March 2002, the
 Company distributed share bonus 43,000,000 shares to all shareholders at the rate of
 two shares given per ten shares and used capital reserves to into capital as
 107,500,000 shares to all shareholders at the rate of five shares given per ten shares.
 The registered capital of the Company was increased to RMB 365,500,000 after share
 bonus distribution and turning.

 According to the resolution of general meeting of shareholders on 22 July 2003, the
 Company distributed share bonus 73,100,000 shares to all shareholders at the rate of
 two shares given per ten shares. The registered capital of the Company was increased
 to RMB 438,600,000 after share bonus distribution.

 On 11 March 2004, being approved by Ministry of Commerce of the state, the
 Company changed its nature as limited company for foreign investment.
 Upon the approval document No.[2004]101 issued by the China Securities Regulatory
 Commission in July 2004, the Company increases of its capital by issuing
 150,000,000 B shares, in which 91,300,000 shares were issued for Hong Kong dollars
 and 58,700,000 shares were issued for Renminbi Yuan (RMB).

 According to the resolution of general meeting of shareholders on 8 June 2006, the
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                          Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
 Company distributed share bonus 117,720,000 shares to all shareholders at the rate of
 two shares given per ten shares.

 On 4 August 2008, the Intermediate People's Court of Shenzhen determined that
 promoter share of 112,324,800 shares held by Shuxian Wang should be compensate
 for Chen Rong in the price of RMB 45,491,544. And in the same year, Intermediate
 People's Court of Dalian determined that promoter share of 96,000,000 shares held by
 Shuxian Wang should be compensate for Rong Chen in the price of RMB 38,880,000
 on August 15.
 On November 11, 2009, Hebei provincial department of commerce issued ‘the reply
 of the approval on the capital increase, the change of shareholders and the Company’s
 name of Chengde Di Xian knitting Co., Ltd.’ with JZSWZZ (2009) No. 143, which
 approved the Company to reissue 150,000,000 foreign shares listed within the P.R.C
 in the year of 2004, and distribute share’s dividends by 2 shares per 10 shares in the
 year of 2006, and change the shareholder of 208,324,800 shares from Wang Shuxian
 to Chen Rong, and change the Company’s name as Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.

 After increase of the shares and distribution, the Company's equity amounted to
 706.32 million shares and the registered capital is RMB 706.32 million which was
 verified by Zhong Lei accounting firm as Zhong Lei Yan Zi (2010) No.10009 issued
 on June 24, 2010.

 On June 28, 2010, the Company renewed the Legal Representative’s Operating
 License issued by Hebei Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau as No.
 130000400001225; residence as Chengde County, Hebei Province town; Chen
 becomes the legal representative; registered capital as well as paid-in capital of
 706.32 million Yuan; the type of company is limited liability company(Sino-foreign
 joint venture and listed).

 2.Significant event
 In October 2008, Chengde Xingcheng Building Project Co., Ltd, the creditor of the
 Company, submitted its restructuring plan to Chengde Intermediate People's Court
 (“Court”) of Hebei province, the court accepted the application on 10 December 2008
 and approved on 10 November 2008. On 30 December 2008, the Court approved the
 company’s Restructuring Program and terminated restructuring procedures. On 27
 April 2009 Chengde Intermediate People’s Court of Hebei Province confirmed the
 restructuring planning had been finished

 3.Scope of operation
 The company mainly engaged in producing, processing and selling knitwear series,
 woven fabric series, superior quality suits, children's garments series, packaging
 materials, paper and paper products, all kinds of yarn paper and synthetic fiber. The
 company and its subsidiaries import raw materials of knitwear, woven fabric, and
 other raw materials and ancillary materials needed for production, as well as
 equipments and spare parts used for production.
 Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd, subsidiary of the Company,
 mainly engaged in the development of real estate.

II. Major accounting policy, accounting estimation and previously errors of the Company
1. Preparation basis for financial statement
 On the basis of sustainable operation, the Company recognized, measured and
 prepared the financial statement by actually transaction and events that in accordance
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                           Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
 with Accounting Standard for Enterprises.

2. Statement on Implementation of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
 The financial statement prepared by the Company was stratified the requirement of
 Accounting Standard for Enterprises and presented real and completed information of
 financial status, performance results, changes of shareholders’ equity and cash flow of
 the Company.

3. Accounting period
 The company adopts Gregorian calendar, namely each 1 January to 31 December
 should be one fiscal year. This period refer to January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011.

4. Standard Accounting Currency
 Renminbi (RMB) is the currency for book keeping of the Company.

5. Preparation for consolidated financial statement
 Consolidation scope of the Company was based on the controlling, all subsidiary
 were consolidated into the consolidation financial statement of the Company.
 The accounting policy and accounting period that adopted by subsidiaries, that in
 consolidation scope, should be in accordance with the Company. If there has
 difference between the subsidiary and the Company in aspect of accounting policy
 and period, necessary adjustment should be carry out while consolidated the financial
 Consolidation financial statement was base on the financial statement of the Company
 and subsidiaries respectively. The Company prepared the financial statement by other
 relevant information and adjusted the long-term equity investment for subsidiaries.
 The influences on consolidated balance sheet, consolidated profit statement,
 consolidated cash flow statement and consolidated changes on owners’ equity from
 internal transaction between the Company and its subsidiaries/subsidiaries should be
 off-set while consolidated the financial statement.
 Balance between the current deficit shared by minority shareholders of the subsidiary
 and quotation shared by minority shareholders in owners’ equity of period-begin,
 write off the equity of minority shareholders’.

6. Confirmation Standard for Cash and Cash Equivalent
 While preparing cash flow statement of the Company, investment that qualified the
   followed conditions at same time should be recognized as cash equivalent:
   short-term (undue within three months since purchased day); highly liquidation;
   easily convert to known amount of cash and minor risk of value fluctuation.
 Equity investment was not recognized as cash equivalent.

 7. Foreign Currency Transactions and Foreign Currency Statement Translation
 (1) Confirmation of the exchange rate for foreign transaction and its accounting
 The foreign currency transaction should used the spot rate on the day in which the
 transaction took place when initially recognized by book keeping currency
 conversion; Foreign currency investment that received by investors should be
 converted by spot rate of transaction day. On balance sheet day, treatment should be
 took by followed situations:
 ①Item of foreign currency monetary: Converted by spot rate of the balance sheet
 date. Exchange differences between the spot rate on balance sheet dated and initially

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                            Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
 confirmation or previously spot rate of the balance sheet dated, should reckoned into
 financial expenses.
 ②Item of non-monetary foreign currency measured by historic cost: calculated by
 spot rate of the dated transaction occurred, changed no book keeping currency on
 balance sheet date.
 ③Item of non-monetary foreign currency measured by fair value: calculated by spot
 rate of the dated fair value confirmed. The amount difference between the converted
 book keeping currency and original book keeping currency should reckoned into
 current gains/losses for treatment of changes in fair value. If the exchange difference
 was formed by item of non-monetary foreign currency available for sale, then
 reckoned into capital reserve.
 (2) Converted method of the foreign currency at balance sheet date and accounting
 treatment of statement conversion for foreign currency
 Item of asset and liability that contained in balance sheet should be converted by spot
 rate of the balance sheet date. Among owners’ equity, except item of “Retained
 profit”, others should converted by spot rate while occurred. The income and cost
 items in the profit statement should be converted by spot rate of the date transaction
 (3) As for conversion differences of foreign currency statement, should be listed
 independently as “conversion differences of foreign currency statement” contained in
 “Owners’ equity” of Consolidated balance sheet while prepared the consolidated
 financial statement.

8. Financial Instruments
 (1) Classification, reorganization basis and measurement of financial instruments
      ①Classification: Financial instrument is the contract which forming an
 enterprise's financial assets and other units' financial liability or equity instrument,
 including: financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instrument.
 The Company's financial assets and financial liabilities comprise financial assets or
 liabilities measured with fair value and their changes calculated into the current gains
 and losses, held-to-maturity investment, account receivables and financial assets
 available for sale.
      ②Reorganization basis and measurement
 A.      Financial assets or liabilities measured with fair value and their changes
 calculated into the current gains and losses
 Reorganization basis: this kind of financial assets or liabilities comprise transaction
 financial assets or liability, directly designated financial assets or liabilities measured
 with fair value and their changes calculated into the current profits and losses.
 Transactional financial assets or liability mainly refers to stocks, bonds, funds held
 for sale recently and derivatives instrument not as effective hedging instruments or
 financial liabilities beared by repurchased recently; Directly designated financial
 assets or liabilities measured with fair value and their changes calculated into the
 current gains and losses, mainly refers to designation based on risk management and
 strategic investment needs.
 Measurement: Financial assets or liabilities measured with fair value and their
 changes calculated into the current gains and losses when acquiring recognize fair
 value as the initial amount (deducting declared but unpaid cash dividends or to pay
 interest on the bonds but not yet received). During the holding period, interest or cash
 dividends will be recognized as investment income, fair value's changes are directly
 calculated into the current gains and losses at the balance sheet date. When such
 financial assets will be disposed in the future, the difference between fair value and
 initial amount will be recognized as investment income, at the same time adjusting
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                           Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
 changes in fair value.

 B. Held-to-maturity investment
 Reorganization basis: Fixed rate bonds, floating rate corporate bonds and other
 non-derivative financial assets the Company has the positive intention and ability to
 hold to maturity which has fixed dates, fixed and determinable payments.
 Measurement: Fair value and the relevant transaction expenses are recognized as the
 initial amount when acquiring (deducting interest on the bonds but not yet received).
 The Company adopts amortized costs for subsequent measurement and calculates
 interest income recorded in investment income according to actual interest rate (If
 there is no big difference between the actual interest rate and coupon rate, according
 to coupon rate). Actual interest rate is determined when Obtaining, it will keep
 unchanged in the expected duration or a shorter period. When disposing or
 recovering, the difference of acquiring amount and book value will be recognized as
 investment income.
 C. Accounts receivables
 Reorganization basis: Accounts receivables formed by companies selling goods or
 providing services recognize the initial amount according to the buyer's contract or
 Measurement: The Company adopts amortized costs for subsequent measurement
 according to actual interest rate method. The difference of acquiring amount and book
 value of accounts receivables will be recognized as current gains and losses while
 recovered or disposed the account receivables.
 D. Financial assets available for sale
 Reorganization basis: The financial assets not classified as financial assets measured
 with fair value and their changes calculated into the current gains and losses,
 held-to-maturity investment, account receivable and financial assets.
 Measurement: Fair value and the relevant transaction expenses are recognized as the
 initial amount when acquiring (deducting declared but unpaid cash dividends or to
 pay interest on the bonds but not yet received). During the holding period, interest
 or cash dividends will be recognized as investment income, fair value's changes are
 directly calculated into capital reserve (other capital reserves) at the balance sheet
 date. When such financial assets will be disposed in the future, the difference between
 book value and acquiring amount will be recognized as investment income,
 meanwhile, accumulated amounts from fair value change with corresponding
 disposing part will be transferred out to investment income.
 (2) Reorganization basis and measurement of switching financial assets
 Recognition of the financial assets should be terminated when the Company converts
 out nearly all related risks and rewards, or the company neither converts nor keeps all
 related risks and rewards but loses control. If barely all risk and rewards of the
 ownership of financial assets have been transferred to the party of turn-in while
 switching the financial assets, financial assets should terminated recognizing; if
 barely all risk and rewards of the ownership of financial assets were contained by
 then not to terminate the recognizing.
 As for abovementioned termination conditions qualified, judgment should base on the
 principle of material superior to form. Switching financial assets classified to wholly
 assets transfer and partial assets transfer. For financial assets that totally conversed,
 if it meets the requirements of termination recognition, then the difference of the two
 items below should be calculated into current gains and losses:
 (1) Book value of the conversed financial assets;
 (2) Sum of the consideration value received and accumulated amount (for financial
 assets switch as the financial assets available for sale) of fair value changes that
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                           Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
 reckoned into owners’ equity directly originally.
 For financial assets that partially conversed, if it meets the requirements of
 termination recognition, then book value of the conversed financial assets should be
 allocated between the terminated recognition parts and the rest in light with fair value
 of their own respectively, and the difference of the two amounts below should be
 calculated into current gains and losses.
 (1) Book value of the parts that terminated recognition;
 (2) Sum of the consideration value of the parts that terminated received and
 accumulated amount (for financial assets switch as the financial assets available for
 sale) of fair value changes on the parts that terminated, reckoned into owners’ equity
 directly originally.
 As for switch financial assts met no qualification of termination, recognized financial
 assets continuously and recognized the consideration as financial liability.
 (3) Termination condition for financial liability
 When all or partial current obligations of the financial liability terminated, the
 company should terminate confirming all or partial of the financial liability.
 (4) Reorganization of fair value for financial assets and financial liability
 ①If it exists the active market about financial assets and liabilities, then using the
 quotation in active market to determine the fair value;
 ②If it does not have active market, the company uses value estimation to confirm the
 fair value.

9. Account receivable
(1) Account receivable of single major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision singly:
Recognized basis or
amount standard for Over one million yuan (including one million yuan)
single major amount
                       Impairment test was conducting on account receivable with
Accrual method for single major amount by the Company. If there has objective
single major amount evidence of impairment occurred, recognized impairment
and withdrawal bad losses based on difference between the current value of future
debt provision singly cash flow and its book value, and accrual bad debt provision

(2) Account receivable with bad debt provision withdrawal by combination:
Except for those account receivable that withdrawal bad debt provision independently
and within the consolidated scope, account age was recognized as the characteristic of
portfolio credit risk by the Company. On the basis of actual loss rate of account
receivable listed in the category by age, determined proportion of bad bet provision
withdrawal by current situation, and accrual bad debt provision.

Detail withdrawal proportion for bad debt provision by varies age;
                                     Withdrawal proportion Withdrawal proportion
              Age                    for account receivable        for other account
                                              (%)                   receivable (%)
Within one year (one year                          1.00-5.00                   1.00-5.00
1-2 years                                             20.00                       20.00
2-3 years                                             50.00                       20.00
Over 3 years                                          100.00                      100.00

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                          Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011

(3) Account receivable of single minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision singly
                   As for those account receivables that have objective evidence of
Reasons       for impairment and with minor single amount but with obviously
withdrawal         characteristic in portfolio credit, bad debt provision withdrawal by
                   age analysis e reflected no actual situation.
                   Impairment testing was conducted by the Company, recognized
Withdrawal         impairment losses by the differences between current value of
 method for bad future cash flow and its book value, and supplemented accrual
 debt provision    relevant bad debt provision base on the bad debt provision that
                   withdrawal by age.

10. Inventory
(1) Classification of inventory
 Inventories mainly include raw material, auxiliary materials, repair parts, low cost
 consumables, packing material, goods in stock, and goods in process, finished goods,
 development cost, and products to be developed and so on. Development costs
 include land cost, construction cost and other cost, which cost in the construction of
 real estate development projects. Products to be developed are land to be purchased
 and prepared for real estate development projects.

(2) The measurement of sending inventories
 Weighted average accounting method is used when issued in the end of each month.

(3) Recognized basis for net realizable value of inventory and withdrawal method for inventory
devalue provision
 Provision for inventories should be accrued and adjusted according to the lower of cost
 and net realizable value after checking thoroughly at balance sheet date.
 The net realizable value of the finished goods, merchandise and hold for sell materials
 which will be sold directly is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of
 business less the estimated selling expenses and the taxes necessary to make the sale.
 The net realizable value of the processing material is the estimated selling price in the
 ordinary course of business less the estimated costs before finished and the estimated
 selling expenses and the taxes necessary to make the sale.
 As for inventories holding for selling contract and service contract, its net realizable
 value should be measured according the contract price. If the holding quantity is over
 the contract needed, the surplus should be measured based on selling price instead of
 contract; If no selling contract (not including the materials for sale), the net realizable
 value of inventories should be measured based on ordinary selling price (that is market
 sales price); materials for sales, usually, measured based on market price.
 On balance sheet date, withdrawal inventory devalue provision on single inventory
 items; as for those inventory with major quantity and lower unit price, withdrawal
 inventory devalue provision by category; as for those inventory that related with the
 serials products produced and sales in same areas and owes same or similar ultimate
 usage means or purpose, hard to measured by separated with other items, then
 consolidated for inventory devalue provision withdrawal.
 If the influence resulted in provision for impairment disappeared, the write-down
 amount should be reversed and profit recognized accordingly.

 The inventory system
 Perpetual inventory system is applied to inventories.
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                           Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011

(4) Amortization method for low-value easily consumption products and package materials
 Low-value easily consumption products are recorded using immediately write-off
 method when issued.
 Package materials are recorded using immediately write-off method when issued.

11. Long-term equity investment
 1. Recognition of investment cost
 (1) Long-term equity investment acquired by enterprise consolidation under same
 Equity combination method was adopted for recognized the consolidation cost while
 enterprise consolidated under same control.
 If the consideration of the merging enterprise is that it makes payment in cash,
 transfers non-cash assets or bear its debts, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the
 share of the book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial
 cost of the long-term equity investment.
 (2) Long-term equity investment acquired by enterprise consolidation under different
 Purchased method was adopted for recognized the consolidation cost while enterprise
 consolidated under different control. And recognized consolidated cost as initial
 investment cost for long-term equity investment. The costs for business combination
 include the fair values on the acquisition date of cash or non-cash assets, issued or
 assumed debts, issued equity securities, as well as the summation directly related
 expenses incurred during business combination, but exclude agent’s expenses of
 audit, legal service and valuation consulting, etc. and other related management
 expenses incurred as acquirer for business combination.
 2. Follow-up measurement and recognition for gains/losses
 (1) Follow-up measurement
 The Company shall be accounted by the cost method, and shall make an adjustment
 by the equity method when it works out consolidated financial statements.
 (2) Recognition for gains/losses
 On basis of cost method, except for the amount actually paid while acquired
 investment or cash bonus or profit announced without paid that contained in
 consideration, the Company recognized investment income by the cash bonus or
 profit that shared in invested units announced with paid.
 3. Method of impairment test and accrual method for impairment provision
 Except for goodwill that formed by enterprise consolidation, other long-term equity
 investment with impairment evidence been found, if the recovable amount lower its
 book value, then the difference will recognized as impairment losses.
 Once the impairment loss of the long-term equity investment is recognized, it cannot
 be transferred back.

13. Fixed assets
(1) Recognition conditions of fixed assets
 Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets for production of products, provision of labor,
 lease or operation, and with a service life in excess of one financial year. Fixed assets
 should recognized while qualified the followed conditions:
 1)Fixed assets’ related financial benefits shall flow into the enterprise; ;
 2) The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.
 As for repair charges of fixed assets, reckoned into cost of fixed assts while qualified
 recognition condition; as for those failure qualification of recognition conditions,
 reckoned into current cost and expenses while occurred.
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                           Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
(2) Depreciation method for all fixed assets
Depreciation of fixed asset should withdrawal by category of average service life method. In
according to the category of fixed assets, predicted the service life and net scrap value rate for
determined the depreciation rate for fixed assets. Withdrawal depreciation in later month while
acquired the fixed assets (excluding the fixed assts that fully withdrawal but used continuously and
lands accounted in book independently). Details of depreciation terms and yearly depreciation rate:
                               Depreciation       Scrap value rate
        Categories                                                     depreciation rate
                                term(Year)               (%)
 Houses and buildings              25.00                 5.00                3.80
 Papermaking equipment             20.00                 10.00                4.50
 Other        machinery         7.00-15.00                                 6.33-13.57
 Transport equipment            5.00-10.00               5.00              9.50-19.00
 Office equipments              5.00-10.00               5.00              9.50-19.00

(3) Impairment test methods for fixed assets and accrual methods for its impairment provision
 On balance sheet date, the Company makes a judgment on whether there is any sign
 of possible assets impairment and an estimate of the recoverable amount of assets to
 estimate the recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is less than the fair value,
 the net amount of the fair value of an asset minus the recoverable amount shall be
 recorded into the current profits and losses and confirm the impairment loss
 simultaneously. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one
 of the net amount of the fair value of the assets minus the disposal expenses and the
 current value of the expected future cash flow of the assets. Where there is any
 evidence indicating a possible impairment of assets, the enterprise shall, on the basis
 of single item assets, estimate the recoverable amount. Where it is difficult to do so, it
 shall determine the recoverable amount of the group assets on the basis of the asset
 group to which the asset belongs. Impairment losses can not be reversed in
 subsequent periods once been withdrawal.

13. Construction in progress
 (1) Calculation method for construction in progress
 Construction in progress was measured by actual cost and calculated by categories of
 (2) Time to transfer to fixed asset
 All expenditures that actually occurred should be transfer in fixed assts for calculation
 while the construction in progress reached its predicted service condition. As for those
 construction in progress with predicted service condition approached without
 acceptance settlement handle, transfer in fixed assets by estimated value in according
 to project budget, project cost or actual cost of the projects etc., Withdrawal
 depreciation for fixed assets by depreciation policy of the Company. After project
 acceptance for settlement, adjusted original estimated value by actual cost but
 adjusted no original withdrawal depreciation amount.
 (3) Depreciation provision of construction in progress
 On balance sheet date, the Company makes a judgment on whether there is any sign
 of possible assets impairment and an estimate of the recoverable amount of assets to
 estimate the recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is less than the fair value,
 the net amount of the fair value of an asset minus the recoverable amount shall be
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                            Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
 recorded into the current profits and losses and confirm the impairment loss
 simultaneously. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one
 of the net amount of the fair value of the assets minus the disposal expenses and the
 current value of the expected future cash flow of the assets. Impairment losses can not
 be reversed in subsequent periods once accrual.

14. Borrowing costs
 (1) Recognition principles on the capitalization of borrowing costs
 Assets up to the capitalization conditions are assets such as the capital assets,
 investment property and inventory assets as can reach the planned availability or
 marketability only after the long-term construction or production.
 The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts
 or premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign
 currency borrowings. Where the borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be
 directly attributable to the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible
 for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recorded into the costs of relevant assets.
 Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual
 amount incurred, and shall be recorded into the current gains and losses.
 As the borrowing expenses are up to all of the following conditions, the capitalization
 1) There is the actual assets expenditure, which includes the expenditure in the form
 of cash payment, transfer of non-cash assets or interested debt assumption for the
 construction or production of the assets up to the capitalization conditions;
 2) There are the actual borrowing expenses;
 3) There has been the starting of the construction or production activities necessary
 for the planned availability or marketability of the assets.
 Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is
 interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the
 capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended. When the qualified asset
 under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale,
 the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased.
 (2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs
 For the ancillary expense incurred to a specifically borrowed loan, those incurred
 before a qualified asset under acquisition, construction or production is ready for the
 intended use or sale shall be capitalized at the incurred amount when they are
 incurred, and shall be recorded into the costs of the asset eligible for capitalization;
 those incurred after a qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production
 is ready for the intended use or sale shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of
 the incurred amount when they are incurred, and shall be recorded into the gains and
 losses of the current period. Where the acquisition and construction or production of a
 qualified asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more
 than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended. When
 partial of the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready
 for the intended use or sale independently, the capitalization of the borrowing costs
 shall be ceased.
 (3) Confirmation methods for the capitalization of borrowing costs
 The Company calculates the amount of the capitalized borrowing costs every season.
 Capitalized are the interest expenses of the specific borrowings (deducting the interest
 income from the borrowing un-utilized but deposited in the bank or the investment
 return from the temporary investment) and its auxiliary expenses, before the planned
 availability or marketability of the assets constructed and produced up to the
 capitalization conditions.
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                            Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
 Interest amount of ordinary borrowings that should capitalized was recognized by the
 result of weighted average amount of assets expenditure (part of the accumulated
 assets expenditure exceeded specific borrowings) multiple by capitalization rate of
 ordinary borrowings that occupied.     Capitalization rate will calculated by average
 rate of the ordinary borrowings.

15. Intangible assets
 (1) Initial measurement of intangible assets
 The intangible assets are initially measured at actual cost by the Company.
 If price of intangible assets beyond the normal conditions of payment credit,
 essentially it is financing. The cost of the intangible assets is the present value of the
 purchase price.
 (2) Subsequent measurement of intangible assets
 1) Service life of intangible assets
 The Company analysis its service life when intangible assets obtained, if the service
 life has a limit, the Company estimates the service life or the measurement like the
 production which consist of the service life of the assets. If the service life is
 unexpected, the Company defines it as indefinite useful life intangible assets.
 2) Amortization of intangible assets
 For intangible assets with a limited service life, we amortize in the straight-line
 method within the expected service life since the month it acquired. For those
 uncertain service life intangible assets, we will perform the impairment test in the end
 of the term.
 The Company reviews the life service time and method of amortization in the end of
 the year, and adjusts when needed.
 3) Impairment of intangible assets
 If there is strong evidence show any sign of possible assets impairment, we perform
 impairment test on balance sheet date and estimate the recoverable amount. If
 recoverable amount is less than book value, the carrying value of intangible assets
 will be reduced to recoverable amount .The reduced amount will be calculated in the
 current profits and losses, meanwhile, accrual the provision for impairment of
 corresponding intangible assets. For intangible assets of uncertain service life, we will
 perform the impairment test every year whether it shows any sign of assets

16. Long-term expenses to be amortized
 Long-term expenses to be amortized refers to the vary expenses that have been
 occurred but should be beared in this period and subsequent period with over one
 year. Long-term expenses to be amortized will average amortized within the benefit

17. Projected liability
 Recognized projected liability while amount of obligation should measured liable,
 formed by pending action, guarantee for product’s quality, deficit contract and dispose
 obligation of assets of oil & gas, its economy benefit probably out-flow.
 Initially measured projected liability in accordance with the favorable estimated
 amount that expenses for relevant reality obligations. Meanwhile, take consideration
 of the risks of contingency, uncertainty and time value of the currency. For those
 major influences of time value of currency, confirmed the favorable estimate amount
 by converted relevant cash out-flows.

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                           Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
18. Revenue
 (1) revenue should recognized for qualified the followed conditions at one time for
 revenue of goods selling
 Main risk and rewards of the ownership of the goods have been transfer to purchaser;
 neither sustainable management rights retained that related with the ownership nor
 effective control on good that sales out; relevant economy benefits probably flow into
 the Company; relevant revenue and cost should be measure reliable.
 (2) recognized the revenue of labor provided externally
 On balance sheet date, if the performance of labor provided transaction can estimated
 reliable, then recognized revenue by method of percentage-of-completion.
 Completion progress confirmed by followed actual conditions:
 ① The measurement of the work completed;
 ② The proportion of the labor services provided against the total labor services to be
 ③ The proportion of the costs incurred against the estimated total costs.
 The Company shall ascertain the total revenue from the providing of labor services in
 accordance with the received or to-be-received price of the party that receives the
 labor services as stipulated in the contract or agreement, unless the received or
 to-be-received price as stipulated in the contract or agreement is unfair. The Company
 shall, on the date of the balance sheet, ascertain the current revenue from providing
 labor services in accordance with the amount of multiplying the total amount of
 revenues from providing labor services by the schedule of completion then deducting
 the accumulative revenues from the providing of labor services that have been
 recognized in the previous accounting periods.
 (3) Use right of assets transfer
 Confirmed revenue amount of use right of assets transfer by followed conditions
 when the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the Company and the
 amount of revenues can be measured in reliable way:
 ① The amount of interest revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance
 with the length of time for which the enterprise's cash is used by others and the actual
 interest rate;
 ② The amount of royalty revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance
 with the period and method of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or

 19. Deferred income tax assets/ deferred income tax liabilities
 Calculation of the income tax should adopt the Liability Law of balance sheet.
 Taxation basis should recognized while acquired the assets and liability by the
 Company; On balance sheet date, based on balance sheet statement, if there shows
 difference between the book value of relevant assets /liabilities and taxation basis
 regulated by tax law, calculated deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax
 liability and reckoned its influences amount into current income tax expenses.
 Recognized deferred income tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences
 with limit of taxable income tax that deducted by deductible temporary differences,
 which was probably required by the Company.
 Except for those conditions without deferred income tax liability recognized regulated
 in income tax rules, all taxable temporary difference should be recognized as relevant
 deferred income tax liability by the Company.

20. Changes of Main Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates
 No changes of main accounting policies and accounting estimation in this period.

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                             Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
     III. Taxes
1. Taxes and tax rates
        Tax category           Tax calculation evidence                   Tax rate %
                                     Taxable VAT;
                                  original value of the                       17
                                transferred fixed assets                 Half of 4%

 Business tax                    Taxable business tax                            5
 City           maintenance      Taxable turn-over tax
  construction tax
                               Taxable amount; 15% of
 Enterprise income tax                                                           25
                                 the taxable income

2. Other explanation
 Enterprise income tax of Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.,
 subsidiary of the Company, was collected by appraisal with 15% of the taxable
 income for collection.

IV. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements
1. Subsidiaries
(1) Subsidiaries obtained by means of establishment or investment, etc.
                                      Busine        Registere         Business        investment
   Full name         Type stration
                                   ss nature       d capital          scope            amount at
                            Chengd                              Manufacture and
Chengde Xingye              e City,   Productio                 selling high-class
                     ng                            US$ 250                             US$ 75
Papermaking                  Hebei    n of paper                coated board and
                  subsidiar                        million                             million
Co., Ltd.                   Provinc    industry                 serials of Kraft
                               e                                paperboard
Gold Axe                    British                             Investment and
Investment                   Virgin    Export       US$ 1       liaison of export       US$ 1
Group Limited               Islands                             business
Hebei             Wholly-o
                            e City,   Manufact                  Manufacture and
Xiabancheng         wned                            US$ 4
                             Hebei     ure of                   export of various US$ 4 million
Knitwear     Co., subsidiar                         million
                            Provinc   clothing                  knitwear
Ltd.                  y
                  Wholly-o                                      Manufacture and
                            e City,   Manufact
Chengde Dixian wned                                US$ 24       selling high-class     US$ 24
                             Hebei     ure of
Fashion Co., Ltd. subsidiar                        million      chemical fabric        million
                            Provinc   clothing
                      y                                         fashion and cloth
                  Controlli                                     processing and
Chengde Huaxin              e City, Recycle
                     ng                            RMB one      selling of various    RMB 0.9
Waste      Paper             Hebei of discard
                  subsidiar                         million     wasted paper and       million
Recycle Co., ltd.           Provinc  paper
                      y                                         paper-made

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                     Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                      Balance of                                                       Amount for
                                                   Prop        Cons
                    other items        Prop                                         offsetting the gain
                                               ortion of   olidated      Minor
                      actually     ortion of                                         and loss of minor
    Full name                                   voting       report shareholders’
                  forming the net shares                                            shareholders in the
                                                power      statemen      equity
                   investment in held (%)                                          minor shareholders’
                                                  (%)       t or not
                  the subsidiaries                                                         equity
Chengde Xingye
Papermaking                          75.00      75.00        Yes    2,549,609.40
Co., Ltd.
Gold Axe
Investment                          100.00     100.00        Yes
Group Limited
                                    100.00                   Not
Knitwear     Co.,
Chengde Dixian
                                    100.00                   Not
Fashion Co., Ltd.
Chengde Huaxin
Waste       Paper                    90.00      90.00        Yes             6.74
Recycle Co., ltd.
Explanation on subsidiaries:
①Hebei Xiabancheng Knitwear Co., Ltd. went bankrupt according to the Cheng Min Po Zi
(2008)No.12-1 court ruling issued by Chengde intermediate people's court in Hebei province dated
2nd August 2009;
②Chengde Dixian Fashion Co., Ltd. went bankrupt according to the Cheng Min Po Zi (2008) No.
11-1court ruling issued by Chengde intermediate people's court in Hebei province dated 8th
February 2009;
③Chengde Xingye Papermaking Co., Ltd., a joint venture that invested by the Company and
Zhanxi International (Hong Kong) Holding Co., Ltd. (“Hong Kong Zhanxi”). The registered capital
is US$ 250 million, and the paid-in capital is US$ 100 million by the end of the report period. 40%
of the paid-in capital came from shareholders’ contribution, in which US$ 75 million (75% of the
equity) from the Company and US$ 25 million (25% of the equity) from Hong Kong Zhanxi.
According to the article of “Approval about the capital increase of Chengde Dexing Paper Industrial
Co., Ltd” WaiJingZi Er Han [2001] No.969 issued by the People's Republic of China on foreign
trade and economic cooperation on 28th Oct. 2002, it stipulated that the registered capital raised
from US$ 0.1 billion to US$ 0.25 billion and the new registered capital should be paid within 3
years since the change of the business license which agreed in the agreement & the company
articles. Chengde Xingye Papermaking Co., Ltd. failed to pay the above registered capital within
the stipulated time.
Affected by the smuggling case of the major shareholder WANG SHU XIAN and senior executives,
Chengde Xingye Paper Industrial Co., Ltd had been stopped operating since Dec. 2006, so that the
company suffered very hard operational losses. The Chengde intermediate people's court in Hebei
province acknowledged the receipt of the bankruptcy request from the said company on 11th Mar
2009 via the court ruling of(2008)Cheng Min Po Zi No.13 and the mediation request was approved
by the Court via (2008)Min Po Zi No. 13-2 on 11th Mar. 2009. On 10th May 2009, the Chengde
intermediate people's court in Hebei province ended the mediation program by acknowledging the
agreement between the creditors and Chende paper manufacturing co, Ltd which was signed on 8th
May 2009 via (2008)Min Po Zi No. 13-3. According to the ruling of Hebei senior People's Court
(2009) Ji Xing Er Zhong Zi 44 of 23 April 2009, Chengde Xingye Papermaking Co., Ltd was
adjudicated a deceptive foreign- invested enterprise which was established by the original
shareholder of the Company Wangsuxian in the name of Century Win International Holding Co.,

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                    Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
④Chengde Industrial and Commercial Bureau withdrawn the license of Chengde Huaxin waste
paper collection Co., Ltd on 28 April 2009 according to the ChengGongShang (2009) No.73
Document, which due to not submitting the annual inspection material of 2007. Till end of 30 June
2011, liquidation procedures have not been completed.
(2) Subsidiaries obtained by the consolidation of enterprises not under the same control
                        Type      Regi                                                     Actual capital
    Full name of                           Nature      red
                        of     stered                                  Business scope       invested at
   subsidiary                          of business capital(RM
                    subsidiary place                                                        Period-end
                          Chengd                                    development;
Rongyida        Wholly-o
                          e City, Property                          production       of
Property          wned
                           Hebei Developm                 1,000     textile        and         1.00
Development     subsidiar
                          Provinc   ent                             clothing, import &
Co.,    Ltd. in    y
                             e                                      export of clothing;
Chengde County
                                                                    lease service
                      Other item                                                     Amount for
                        surplus         Prop                                      offsetting the gain
                                                  Prop    olidated    Minor
  Full name of          actually    ortion of                                      and loss of minor
                                              ortion of     report shareholders’
   subsidiary       composing the sharehol                                        shareholders in the
                                              vote (%)    statemen    equity
                    net investment ding (%)                                       minor shareholders’
                                                           t or not
                    in subsidiaries                                                      equity
                                     100.00   100.00        Yes
Co.,    Ltd. in
Chengde County
2. Consolidation scope of the Company has no changes in this report period.

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(The Beginning balance is the balance on the date of 1st Jan. 2011, the closing balance is the balance
on the date of 30 Jun. 2011; the current period is from Jan. to Jun. of the year of 2011, the preceding
period is from Jan. to Jun. the year of 2010)

1. Monetary funds
                       Amount at the end of period                       Amount at the beginning of period
  Items         Amount                                               Amount
             in foreign      Conversion          Amount           in foreign       Conversion        Amount
             currencies        rate           in RMB              currencies         rate          in RMB
 Cash:                                          146,057.01                                             61,415.17

 RMB                                            146,057.01                                             61,415.17
                                                613,558.11                                          9,661,593.08
 RMB                                            575,144.36                                          9,622,371.45
 USD              5,314.53           6.4716      34,393.51          5,314.53               6.6227      35,196.54
 EUR               105.82            9.3612          990.60           105.82               8.8065           931.90
 HKD              2,862.32           0.8316        2,380.31         2,862.32              0.85093       2,435.63
 JPY              8,092.00         0.080243          649.33         8,092.00              0.08126           657.56
   Total                                        759,615.12                                          9,723,008.25
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                              Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011

2. Other accounts receivable
(1) Exposure of other accounts receivable by category:
                                                                  Amount at the end of period

               Category                             Book balance                       Provision for bad debts
                                            Amount                Proportion          Amount                  Proportion
                                                                     (%)                                         (%)
OR with individual significant
amount and individual accrual             44,196,901.26                 50.45%     44,196,901.26                 100.00%
for bad debt provision
OR with accrual for bad debt
                                          43,404,761.87                 49.55%        163,971.33                    0.38%
provision in combination
OR      with    no     individual
significant amount but requires                          -                     -                  -                        -
accrual for bad debt provision
              Total                       87,601,663.13                        -   44,360,872.59                           -

Table continued
                                                      Amount at the begin of period
                                               Book balance              Provision for bad debts
                                             Amount      Proportion      Amount         Proportion
                                                            (%)                             (%)
OR with individual significant
amount and individual accrual               71,950,477.96                 96.13      44,210,063.38                   61.45
for bad debt provision
OR with accrual for bad debt
                                             2,895,696.15                  3.87        150,809.21                     5.21
provision in combination
OR      with    no     individual
significant amount but requires                               -                -                          -                    -
accrual for bad debt provision
              Total                         74,846,174.11                      -     44,360,872.59                             -

In the combination, OR with accrual for bad debt provision using aging analysis method:
                                  Closing balance                                    Beginning balance
                           Book balance                                        Book balance
Duration of the
  accounts                                            Bad debt                              Rate in            Bad debt
                                        Rate in       provision                                                provision
                        Amount                                              Amount           total
                                       total (%)
Less than one
                       43,370,714.72       99.92      156,244.57           2,861,649.00        98.82           143,082.45
1-2 years                 30,989.40         0.07        6,197.88               30,989.40        1.07              6,197.88
2-3 years                   3,057.75        0.01        1,528.88                3,057.75        0.11              1,528.88
Over 3 years                       -           -                    -                  -              -                    -
3-4 years                          -           -                    -                  -              -                    -
4-5 years                          -           -                    -                  -              -                    -
Over 5 years                       -           -                    -                  -              -                    -
Total                  43,404,761.87      100.00      163,971.33           2,895,696.15       100.00           150,809.21
(2) there are no other account receivable held in shareholders with 5 %( including5%) voting rights
in the period.
(3) Top 5 units with an amount of other account receivable:
                                      Relationship                                                        Proportion
                Name                                         Amount                Period             among the total
                                 with the company
                                                                                                      other accounts
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                                        Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                                                                                                               receivable (%)

                                                                   44,196,901.26          Over 3 years                     50.45
 1                                        company
                                                                                             Within 1
 2                                     Un-related party            27,490,334.30                                           31.38
                                                                                             Within 1
 3                                     Un-related party            12,600,000.00                                           14.38
                                                                                             Within 1
 4                                     Un-related party             2,859,600.00                                            3.26
 5                                   Affiliated company                15,361.00           1-2 years                        0.02
                 Total                                             87,162,196.56                                           99.50

(4) Account receivable of related parties
                                                                                                            Proportion among the
                         Name                                                                             total other accounts
                                                with the company
                                                                                       Amount                receivable (%)
 Chengde Dahua Paper Co., Ltd                  Affiliated company                   44,196,901.26                            50.45
 Suning Banhe            Chemical      Fiber              Affiliated
                                                                                       15,361.00                              0.02
 Facsimile Fabric                                       company

     Total                                                    --                    44,212,262.26                            50.47

3. Prepaid accounts
(1) Prepaid accounts listed on aging basis
                                            Closing balance                                         Beginning balance
                                    Amount                Rate in total (%)                Amount               Rate in total (%)

 Less than one year                    965,364.00                         4.59                            -                         -
 1-2 years                                          -                           -                         -                         -
 2-3 years                                          -                           -                         -                         -

 Over 3 years                       20,084,632.25                        95.41             20,084,632.25                    100.00

        Total                       21,049,996.25                       100.00             20,084,632.25                    100.00

(2) Top five of prepayments
     Name of the                Relationship with                                                                Reason of not
                                                              Amount                       Duration
      company                    the Company                                                                       clearing
                                                                                                              Accounts        for
                                                                                                              purchasing    land
             1              non-affiliated party              20,084,632.25              Over 3 years
                                                                                                              (license had not
                                                                                                              been handled)
             2              non-affiliated party                    505,700.00           Within 1 year        Prepaid project fees

             3              non-affiliated party                    356,364.00           Within 1 year        Prepaid project fees

             4              non-affiliated party                    103,300.00           Within 1 year        Prepaid project fees

        Total                                                 21,049,996.25

(3) There is no such amount belongs to shareholders who hold 5% or more than 5% voting rights.

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                                   Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
4. Inventory
                                Amount at the end of period                         Amount at the beginning of period
                     Book               Depreciation          Book                Book            Depreciation            Book
                  balance               reserve             value              balance            reserve               value
                9,390,562.26                           - 9,390,562.26 6,774,088.56                                 - 6,774,088.56
developed      10,967,992.85                           - 10,967,992.85 10,967,992.85                               - 10,967,992.85

     Total     20,358,555.11                           - 20,358,555.11 17,742,081.41                               - 17,742,081.41

5. Other current assts
                        Items                               Amount at period-end                    Amount at period-begin

                 Credit purchased                                        1,093,527.39                               1,093,527.39

                        Total                                            1,093,527.39                               1,093,527.39

Notes to other current assets:
Other current asset is the auction right of credit purchased by Rongyida Co., Ltd. when Ronyida did not become the
subsidiary the Company.

6. Investment to affiliated companies
                                  Proportio                                                                     operatin      Ne
                      Proporti                                                  Total
                               n of voting                 Total assts at                        Total net assts g       t profit
 Invested company on of share                                             liabilities at
                               rights held                period-end                           at period-end income at this
                  holding (%)                                              period-end
                                   (%)                                                                             at    period
Suning        Banhe
Chemical        Fiber
                                20.00         20.00                        -               -                   -         -         -
Facsimile Fabric Co.,
Chengde      Dahua
Paper Industry Co.,             45.00         45.00      266,969,909.27 624,579.62             266,345,329.65            -         -

Note to the investment to the associates:
 The Company accrual provision for long-term investment to Suning Banhe Fiber
 Textile Co., Ltd. wholly in year 2006 for Suning Banhe Fiber Textile has stopped
 operation for several years due to the key involved in the crime. The Company did not
 obtain the 2011 financial statements of Suning Banhe Fiber Co., Ltd.
 Chengde Dahua Paper Industry Co., Ltd. (“Dahua Paper”) was invested by the
 Company and Japan paper industry Co., Ltd. (“Japan Paper”) with original registered
 capital of USD 500million. After equity transferring and capital increasing, Dahua
 Paper has registered capital of JPY 6,364.00million,including JPY 2,864.00million
 from Chengde Xingye paper producing Co., Ltd. and JPY 3,500.00million from Japan
 new century Co., Ltd. However, the above new capital is unverified and the
 procedure on changes of shareholder hasn’t been finished. Chengde Industrial and
 Commercial Bureau withdrew the license of Dahua Paper Industry Co., Ltd on 28
 April 2009 according to the ChengGongShang (2009) No.75 Document, which due to
 not submitting the annual inspection material of 2007.
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                                Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011

7. Long-term equity investment
                                 Calculat                                                         e of
                                                                             Balance at                       Balance at
     Invested company              ion          Investment cost                                 increa
                                                                            period-begin                      period-end
                                 method                                                         se/dec

 Suning Banhe                    Cost              46,980,000.00             46,980,000.00                    46,980,000.00

 Da Hua Paper Industry           Equity           206,215,729.65            206,215,729.65                   206,215,729.65
 Hebei Province Xiaban             Cost
                                                  441,303,759.82            441,303,759.82                   441,303,759.82
   City Fabric                    method
 Chengde Dixian Fashion            Cost
                                                  200,051,551.11            200,051,551.11                   200,051,551.11
 Company                          method
            Total                                                           894,551,040.58                   894,551,040.58

Table continued
                                                                 explanation of                               Accru         h
                             Proporti       Proportion          non-coincidence                                 al        bon
                              on of          of voting       between the proportion        Provision of       provisi      us
    Invested company
                              share         right held          of share held and          depreciation       on n in      in
                             held (%)           (%)           proportion of voting                             this       this
                                                                      held                                    period      peri
 Suning Banhe Fiber               20.00          20.00                                      46,980,000.00
 Chengde Dahua Paper
                                  45.00          45.00                                     204,000,000.00
 Industry Co., Ltd.
 Hebei Province Xiaban                                       Bankrupt but within
                                 100.00                                                    441,303,759.82
 City Fabric                                                 liquidation
 Chengde        Dixian                                       Bankrupt but within
                                  75.00                                                    200,051,551.11
 Fashion Company                                             liquidation
           Total                                                                           892,335,310.93

8. Fixed assts
Particular about fixed assts
                                                Book                                                              Book
                                           balance at                  Accruing             Decrease         balance at
                   Items                  period-begin            in this period       in this period        period-end
 I. Total original book value:            122,328,400.59                           -                 -      122,328,400.59
 Including: House and buildings           111,296,195.05                           -                 -      111,296,195.05

 Machinery equipment                                                               -                 -                      -
 Transportation instrument                  10,823,271.25                          -                 -       10,823,271.25
 Office equipment                             208,934.29                           -                 -         208,934.29
 II.     Total        accumulated
                                            24,313,508.09           1,366,083.37                     -       25,679,591.46
 Including: House and buildings             15,623,357.96           1,352,172.31                     -       16,975,530.27
 Machinery equipment                                     -                         -                 -                      -

 Transportation instrument                   8,627,001.72               10,270.58                    -        8,637,272.30
 Office equipment                              63,148.41                 3,640.48                    -           66,788.89
 III. Total net book value of
                                            98,014,892.50                                            -       96,648,809.13
 fixed assets                                                                      -

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                               Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
 Including: House and buildings         95,672,837.09                           -                    -     94,320,664.78
 Machinery equipment                                   -                        -                    -                          -

 Transportation instrument                2,196,269.53                          -                    -      2,185,998.95
 Office equipment                          145,785.88                           -                    -           142,145.40
 IV. Total      of     depreciation
                                        35,361,563.01                           -                    -     35,361,563.01
 Including: House and buildings         33,129,463.59                           -                    -     33,129,463.59

 Machinery equipment                                   -                        -                    -                          -
 Transportation instrument                2,117,353.38                          -                    -      2,117,353.38
 Office equipment                          114,746.04                           -                    -           114,746.04
 V. Total book value of fixed
                                        62,653,329.49                                                -     61,287,246.12
 assts                                                                          -
 Including: House and buildings         62,543,373.50                           -                    -     61,191,201.19
 Machinery equipment                                   -                        -                    -                          -

 Transportation instrument                  78,916.15                           -                    -               68,645.57
 Office equipment                           31,039.84                           -                    -               27,399.36

The depreciation accrued is RMB 1,366,083.37 for the current period

9. Projects under construction
(1) Particular about projects under construction
                                  Amount at period-end                                     Amount at period-begin
                                      Depreciation         Net value of                          Depreciation            Net value of
                     Book balance                                            Book balance
                                       provision              book                                provision                 book
                     242,855,959.62   238,027,341.62       4,828,618.00 242,855,959.62 238,027,341.62 4,828,618.00
Thermal power
                      16,752,062.42    14,858,862.42       1,893,200.00       16,752,062.42       14,858,862.42 1,893,200.00

     Total           259,608,022.04   252,886,204.04       6,721,818.00 259,608,022.04 252,886,204.04 6,721,818.00

(2) Change on items of projects in construction
No change on projects in construction occurred in this year.
(3) Provision of project under construction
                                                                             Increased in          Decreased in
                                                                                                                         Amount at period-end
                  Items                  Amount at period-end              this period           this period
Paper-making projects                            238,027,341.62                             -                        -              238,027,341.62
Thermal power
                                                     14,858,862.42                          -                        -               14,858,862.42

              Total                              252,886,204.04                             -                        -              252,886,204.04

10. Intangible assts
                                                Book balance at                Increased             Decreased                 Book balance
                                               period-begin               in this period        in this period              at period-end

 I. Total original book value                    31,075,075.63                         -                         -            31,075,075.63

 Land-use right                                  31,075,075.63                         -                         -            31,075,075.63

 II.total accumulated amortized                      6,251,294.90            310,750.74                          -             6,562,045.64

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                            Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                                               Book balance at              Increased             Decreased          Book balance
                                              period-begin             in this period        in this period       at period-end

 Land-use right                                   6,251,294.90            310,750.74                          -      6,562,045.64
 III. Total net book value of intangible
                                                 24,823,780.73                      -           310,750.74          24,513,029.99

 Land-use right                                  24,823,780.73                      -           310,750.74          24,513,029.99

 IV. Total depreciation provision                            -                      -                         -                  -

 Land-use right                                              -                      -                         -                  -
 V. Total book value of intangible
                                                 24,823,780.73                      -                         -     24,513,029.99

 Land-use right                                  24,823,780.73                      -                         -     24,513,029.99

The amortization for the current period is RMB 310,750.74.

11. Details of depreciation provision of assets
                          Book                                   Decrease this period
                                           Increase                                                   Book balance at
         Items       balance at
                                       this period                                                      period-end
                    period-begin                          Switch-back                   Charge-off
 I. Bad debit
                     44,360,872.59                -                        -                      -     44,360,872.59
 for                892,335,310.93                -                        -                      -    892,335,310.93
 provision           35,361,563.01                -                        -                      -     35,361,563.01
 for    fixed
                    252,886,204.04                -                        -                      -    252,886,204.04
 in progress

 Total            1,224,943,950.57                -                        -                      -   1,224,943,950.57

12. Other non-current assets
                  Items                        Amount at period-end                             Amount at period-begin

         House and buildings                                        779,288.19                                           779,288.19

     Land-use right                                              23,653,650.76                                       23,653,650.76

     Total                                                       24,432,938.95                                       24,432,938.95

13. Short-term loans
(1) Classification of short-term loans
                          Items                                  Amount at period-end                  Amount at period-begin

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                           Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                    Credit loans                                                    422,261.91                      422,261.91

                         Total                                                      422,261.91                      422,261.91

(2) Notes to short-term loans:
The Company borrowed several loan from Chengde County Treasure Bureau which was
exceeded the time limit for many years. The original principal is the amount of 21,113,095.50,
the loan now need to be refunded is the amount of 422,261.91 according to the confirmed
ratio of proportion of liquidity of 2%

14. Accounts payable
(1) Particular about accounts payable
                         Item                           Amount at period-end           Amount at period-begin

 Within 1 year

 Over 1 year                                                           231,075.82                   231,075.82
                         Total                                         231,075.82                   231,075.82

(2) There is no such amount in period-end belongs to shareholders or related parties who hold 5%
or more than 5% voting rights.

15. Employee salaries payable
                                                    Amount in                                                    Amount in
                         Items                                           Increases           Decreases
                                                   period-begin                                                  period-end
 I. Wages,       bonuses,       allowances   and
                                                       298,000.00                      -          40,200.00         257,800.00
 II. Social insurances                                6,097,486.60                     -                  -        6,097,486.60
                     Total                            6,395,486.60                     -          40,200.00        6,355,286.60

16. Taxes payable
                                 Items                        Amount in period-end                 Amount in period-begin

     Value added tax                                                                -108,454.22                        -52,298.55

     Business tax                                                               2,593,200.25                        4,133,293.90

     Enterprise income tax                                                     55,498,566.41                       56,842,147.94
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                                        -                       225,914.67
Housing property tax                                                            2,373,740.13                        1,913,935.91

     Land-use tax                                                              10,929,481.11                        8,753,776.49
   Others                                                                            12,175.91                        253,801.47
                             Total                                             71,298,709.59                       72,070,571.83

17. Other payables
(1) Particular about other payables
                                                                                              Amount in
                         Item                         Amount in period-end

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                             Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
 Within 1 year                                                        42,917,668.29                    30,019,732.85

 Over 1 year                                                          96,496,921.56                    98,496,921.56

                      Total                                          139,414,589.85                128,516,654.41

(2) Principle amount of other receivables with age over one year
               Name of the company                            Closing balance           Reason for not being paid

 Trustee in Bankruptcy of Fashion Company                             26,410,000.00     Not due

 Trustee in Bankruptcy of Banhe Fiber                                 19,750,000.00     Not due

 Li Yan                                                               14,090,000.00     Loan not due

 Shanghai mineral energy electric                                     12,000,000.00     Loan not due

 Trustee in Bankruptcy of Xiaban City Fiber                              8,760,000.00   Not due

 Zhang Xiao Ming                                                         6,500,000.00   Loan not due

 Chen Li Ping                                                            5,000,000.00   Loan not due

 Tan Liang                                                               1,000,000.00   Loan not due

(3) Other account payable with major amounts
                 Name of company                              Closing balance                Nature or Content

 Chengde county Bureau social insurance                               17,897,697.28     Incomings and outgoings

 Qian Zhenlin                                                         13,000,000.00     Incomings and outgoings

 Chengde county treasury payment center                                  6,000,000.00   Incomings and outgoings

18. Long term loan
                        Item                                       Closing balance                        Beginning balance
Credit loan                                                                       6,398,000.00                         6,398,000.00
                        Total                                                     6,398,000.00                         6,398,000.00

19. Special account payable
                                 Amount in         Increase         Decrease      Amount
              Item                                                                                       Notes
                              period-begin     this period      this period  in period-end
Project     of   paper
producing      , water
saving and resource             7,500,000.00              -                  -   7,500,000.00 JCJ[2005] No. 280
Resource      utilization
demonstration project
                                3,000,000.00              -                  -   3,000,000.00 CCJ[2004] No. 134
of      waste      paper
recycling       industry
Financial Bureau      of
                                  98,000.03               -                  -     98,000.03
Chengde County

              Total           10,598,000.03               -                  - 10,598,000.03

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                               Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
20. Share capital
                                                 Change of increase/decrease(+,-)
                 Amount at                                             Shares                                       Amount at
                period-begin                          Bonus          from                                           period-end
                                    issued                                          Other           Subtotal
                                                    shares          public
               706,320,000.00               -              -                 -              -              -   706,320,000.00

21. Capital reserve
                                                      Amount at                  Increase this           Decrease this                   Amount at
                                                    period-begin                       period                  period                    period-end
Share premium                                    391,996,587.96                                 -                       -            391,996,587.96

Other capital surplus                             58,768,855.14                                 -                       -             58,768,855.14

     Total                                       450,765,443.10                                 -                       -            450,765,443.10

22. Surplus reserve
                                                    Amount at               Increase this                 Decrease this              Amount at
                                                period-begin                 period                        period                  period-end
                                                  76,791,550.17                                  -                      -             76,791,550.17
Mandatory surplus reserve fund
                                                  76,791,550.17                                  -                      -             76,791,550.17

23. Retained profit
                                                                                                                    Proportion of withdrawal or
                                    Item                                                    Amount
Retained profit at year-begin                                                            -1,261,402,234.30

Add: net profit attributable to owners of parent company                                         -4,069,051.79

Less: withdrawal of legal surplus capital reserve                                                               -

     withdrawal of any surplus capital reserve                                                                  -

Retained profit at period-end                                                            -1,265,471,286.09

24. Operating Revenue
(1) Operating revenue
                            Item                                          Current period                                Preceding period

 Main business income                                                                                      -                                         -

 Other business income                                                                          21,250.00                                            -

 operating cost                                                                                            -                                         -

                            Total                                                               21,250.00                                            -

25. Business tax and surcharges
                   Item                           Current period                     Preceding period                   Project payment standard

Business tax                                                    8,261.25                                        -      5% of the taxable turnover

Urban maintenance and construction                              1,016.95                                        -           5% of the business tax
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                          Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011

Education surtax                                             610.18                               -     3% of the business tax

Local Education surtax                                       406.78                               -     2% of the business tax

                   Total                                  10,295.16                               -

26. Administrative expenses
                     Item                              Current period                                 Last period
Staff wages and salaries                                                   251,850.00                                     172,800.00

Tax                                                                       2,697,487.30                                2,697,174.00

Depreciation expense                                                      1,676,593.78                                1,012,267.18

Service fee for agent                                                         4,000.00                                    520,000.00

Amortization of intangible assets                                          310,750.74                                     310,750.74

Business entertainment                                                       24,165.47                                                -

      Others                                                               295,271.13                                      53,252.56

      Total                                                               5,260,118.42                                4,766,244.48

27. Financial expense
                   Category                            Current period                                 Last period

      Interest expense                                                        5,716.37                                          0.00

      Less: interest income                                                   1,706.01                                          9.37

      Others                                                                    838.63                                      1,120.00

      Total                                                                   4,848.99                                      1,110.63

28. Non-operating income and expenses
(1) Non-operating income
                              Item                              Current period                          Last period
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets             970,161.00                                     -
      Others                                                            50,850.00                        -4,448.77
      Total                                                     1,021,011.00                             -4,448.77

(2) Non-operating expenses
                            Item                               Current period                           Last period
losses on disposal of non-current    assets                                              -                                        -

      Others                                                                  152,271.51                                  47,949.00

      Total                                                                   152,271.51                                  47,949.00

29. Income tax
                           Item                            Current period                    Preceding period

Tax calculated for the current period                                       3,500.64                                  -

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                         Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
Deferred taxes                                                                   -                           -

                      Total                                              3,500.64                            -

30. Calculation     about basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per shares
(1) Basic earnings per share =P0÷S
S= S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0– Sj×Mj÷M0-Sk
Among which: P0: Net profit attributable to common shareholder of the Company or net profit attributable to
common shareholder of the Company after deducting non-recurring gains/losses; S: Weighted average number of
common shares that issued; S0: total shares of period-begin; S1: Amount of shares increase from public reserve or
dividend distribution; Si: Amount of shares increase from newly issued shares or liabilities etc.; Sj: Amount of
shares decrease from repurchase in period; Sk: Amount of decrease shares in period; M0: Amount of month in
period; Mi: Number of months from the next month to the end of the reporting period for increase of shares; Mj:
Number of months from the next month to the end of the reporting period for decrease of shares.
(2) Diluted earnings per share =P1/(S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0–Sj×Mj÷M0–Sk+The weighted average amount of
ordinary shares increased due to warrant, share option, convertible bonds)
Among which: P1: Net profit attributable to common shareholder of the Company or net profit attributable to
common shareholder of the Company after deducting non-recurring gains/losses. Take the influence of diluted
potential shares into consideration and adjusted by relevant regulation of “Accounting Rules for Enterprise”;
Concerning the calculation of diluted EPS, effects from all diluted potential shares on net profit attributable to
common shareholder of the Company/ net profit attributable to common shareholder of the Company after
deducting non-recurring gains/losses and weighted average numbers should take into consideration. Reckoned the
diluted EPS in order by dilute level until the diluted EPS reached its minimum number.
(3) Calculating method
 code                                Item                             Current period       Last period
          Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
  P0                                                                     -4,069,051.79       -4,314,900.49
          Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
  P0      Company after deduction of the non-recurring losses            -4,937,791.28       -4,262,502.72
          and gains
  S0      Total shares at period-begin                                 706,320,000.00      706,320,000.00
          Amount of shares increase from public reserve or
  S1                                                                                   -                 -
          dividend distribution
          Amount of shares increase from newly issued shares
   Si                                                                                                    -
          or liabilities etc.
          Number of months from the next month to the end of
  Mi                                                                                   -                 -
          the reporting period for increase of shares
   Sj     Amount of shares decrease from repurchase in period                          -                 -
          Number of months from the next month to the end of
  Mj                                                                                   -                 -
          the reporting period for decrease of shares
  Sk      Amount of decrease shares in period                                          -                 -

  M0      Amount of month in period                                                    6                 6
          The weighted average amount of ordinary shares
   S                                                                   706,320,000.00      706,320,000.00
          Basic earnings per share                                              - 0.006            - 0.006
          Basic earnings per share after deduction of the
                                                                                - 0.007            - 0.006
          non-recurring losses and gains
          Net profit attributable to common shareholders after
  P1      considering the influence of diluted potential common                        -                 -
          The weighted average amount of influence of diluted
  S1                                                                                   -                 -
          potential common stock

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                                    Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
              Diluted earnings per share                                                - 0.006                   - 0.006
              Diluted earnings per share after deduction of the
                                                                                        - 0.007                   - 0.006
              non-recurring losses and gains

31. Notes to items of cash flows statement
(1) Other cash received from operating activities
                                       Items                                                            Amount

Received contact accounts                                                                                                     1,296,858.24

Income from lease and scraps                                                                                                    988,548.00
Interest income                                                                                                                   7,545.00
                                    total                                                                                     2,292,951.24

(2) Other cash paid to operating-related activities
                                 Items                                                    Amount

Payment for contact accounts                                                                               17,118,775.33
Expenses                                                                                                      323,436.60
                               Total                                                                       17,442,211.93

32. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement
(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement:
                            Supplemental information                                      Current period              Last period
     1. Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
 operating activities:

          Net profit                                                                              -4,388,773.72         -4,819,752.88

          Add: Impairment provision for assets                                                                -                        -
      Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation of fuel and
                                                                                                  1,366,083.37              1,012,267.18
 gas, depreciation of production materials

          Amortization for intangible assets                                                        310,750.74               310,750.74

          Amortization for long-term prepayment                                                               -                        -
      Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and others long-term
                                                                                                   - 967,298.00                        -
 assets(Income is listed with “-“)

          Loss upon rejection of fixed assets(Income is listed with “-“)                                    -                        -

          Loss on variance of fair value (Income is listed with “-“)                                        -                        -

          Finance cost (Income is listed with “-“)                                                          -                        -

          Loss in investment(Income is listed with “-“)                                                     -                        -

          Decrease of deferred tax assets(Increase is listed with “-“)                                      -                        -

          Liability increase of deferred tax(Decrease is listed with “-“)                                   -                        -

          Decrease of inventories(Increase is listed with “-“)                              - 2,616,473.70                           -
          Decrease of operating receivable account items(Increase is listed with
                                                                                             - 13,720,853.02                  29,788.86

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                            Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                            Supplemental information                                     Current period             Last period
          Increase of operating payable account items (Decrease is listed with
                                                                                                 - 630,510.36           3,471,555.47

          Others                                                                                            -                      -

          Net cash flow from operating activities                                           - 20,647,074.69                4,609.37

          2. Significant investing and financing activities for non cash items:

          Liabilities capitalized                                                                           -                      -

          Convertible bonds payable mature in one year                                                      -                      -

          Financing leased fixed assets                                                                     -                      -

          3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents:

          Ending balance for cash                                                                 759,615.12              62,865.48

          Less: beginning balance for cash                                                       9,723,008.25             58,256.11

          Add: ending balance for cash equivalents                                                          -                      -

          Less: beginning balance for cash equivalents                                                      -                      -

          Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                          - 8,963,393.13                4,609.37

(2) Constitution of cash and cash equivalent
                                      Item                                 Current period             Last period

          I. Cash                                                                 759,615.12            9,723,008.25

          Including: Inventory cash                                               146,057.01               61,415.17

               Bank deposit payable at any time                                   613,558.11            9,661,593.08

               Other monetary fund payable at any time                                       -                      -

          II. cash equivalent                                                                -                      -

  Including: Bond investment due within 3 months                                             -                      -

  III. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at period-end                          759,615.12            9,723,008.25

VI. Related parties and related transaction
1. Parent company of the Company
The Company has no directly controlling parent company. The related parties with controlling
relationship of the Company refer to Mr. Chen Rong who held 29.49% equity of the Company.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
                                Nature of
                                                  Type of           Register             Legal               Business
              Name               the
                                              subsidiaries         place          representative            nature
 Rongyida    Real          Wholly               Limited      Chengde     city                          Real    Estate
                                                                                  Rong     Chen
 Estate                    owned                liability    Hebei province                            development

 Chengde Xingye                                              Chengde                                   Paper
                           Holding                           country Hebei        Shuxian Wang
 Paper Industry                                 liability                                              producing

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                                   Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                              Nature of
                                                  Type of                 Register                Legal           Business
           Name                the
                                              subsidiaries               place             representative        nature
 Gold Axe                Wholly                  Limited          British      Virgin
 Investment Group                                                                                            Export
                         owned                   liability        Island

                         Wholly                                   Chengde
 Hebei Xiaban City                               Limited                                                     Clothing
                                                                  country Hebei           Shuxian
 Textile                 owned                   liability                                                   producing

                         Wholly                                   Chengde
 Chengde     Dixian                              Limited                                                     Clothes
                                                                  country Hebei           Shuxian
 fashion                 owned                   liability                                                   producing
 Chengde Huaxin                                                   Chengde                                    Waste paper
 waste      paper        Holding                                  country Hebei           Sulian Xu
                                                 liability                                                   recycling
 collection                                                       province

Table continued
                                      Register               Proportion                                      Organization
         Name                                                                    of voting right
                                    capital            of share held (%)                                      code
                                                                                    held (%)
 Chengde    Rongyida
 Real          Estate                                                                                       68434235-0
 Chengde Xingye
                             US$250,000,000.00                 75.00                    75.00               60125211-5
 Paper Industry
 Gold Axe
 Investment Group                   US$ 1                      100.00                100.00
 Hebei Xiaban       City
                              US$ 4,000,000.00                 100.00                                       60126026-2
 Chengde          Dixian
                             US$ 24,000,000.00                 100.00                                       60126040-6
 Chengde       Huaxin
                             RMB 1,000,000.00                  90.00                    90.00               74544580-5
 waste paper collection

3. Particular about joint venture and affiliated company
                                                        Legal                                          ion of
                            Type of         Register                     Company           Register            Proportion of
 Invested company                                    representati                                      share
                           companies         place                        nature            capital           voting held (%)
                                                         ves                                            held
   Suning Banhe             Limited
                                            Suning       Wang     Clothes        US$
Simulation Textile C.,     Liability                                                       20.00                            20.00
                                            Hebei      Zhengsong manufacture 29,000,000.00
        Ltd.               Company
Chengde Dahua paper                                                       Paper     JPY6,364,000,
                           Liability        Chengde Shi Bainian                                   45.00                     45.00
  Industry Co., ltd.                                                    manufacture    000.00

Table Continued
                                                                                      Total                Relate
                                                  Total                                           Net
                           Total asset at                        Total net asst at operating                  d Organizatio
 Company invested                             liabilities at                                   profit this
                            period-end                             period-end      income this             relatio n code
                                               period-end                                        period
                                                                                      peiod                 nship
Suning Banhe Fiber                                                                                            ted
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    Comp
Chengde         Dahua                                                                                        Affilia 76033882-1
                           266,969,909.27        624,579.62        266,345,329.65
Paper Co., Ltd.                                                                                               ted
Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                          Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011

4. Account of receivable and payable fro related parties
(1) Receivables from related parties
                                                                                  Amount at             Amount at
             Item                             Related party
                                                                                period-end          period-begin
Other            account
                           Chengde Dahua Paper Co., Ltd.                         44,196,901.26        44,196,901.26
Other            account
                           Suning Banhe Fiber Co., Ltd.                             15,361.00             15,361.00
        Total                                                                    44,212,262.26        44,212,262.26

(2) Payables of listed companies from related parties
         Item                      Related parties            Closing balance                 Opening balance
Other payables                       Rong Chen                                      -                    481,980.00

VII. Contingency
As of December 31, 2011,the company has no other major contingency which need to be disclosed.

VIII. Commitments
 Chengde Xingye Papermaking Co., Ltd. has the registered capital of USD 250,000,000.00,
 within which USD 187500000.00 (75%) committed by the Company. According to the article
 of “Approval about the capital increase of Chengde Dexing Paper Industrial Co., Ltd” with
 WaiJingZi Er Han [2001] No.969 issued by the ministry of foreign trade and economic
 cooperation of the People's Republic of China on 28th Oct 2002, the Company should pay the
 increased capital within 3 years since the change of the business license which agreed in the
 agreement & the company articles. As of the date of the report , the paid-in capital is the
 amount of RMB 622,500,000.00(US$75,000,000.00),which accounts for 40% of the
 registered capital。
 Except the matter stated above,there is no other major commitment need to be disclosed.

IX. Item after date of balance sheet
There exist no items after date of balance sheet for disclosure.

X. Other significant event s
Since the bankrupt reorganization in April 2009, except for the subsidiary Chengde Rongyida Real
Estate Development Co., Ltd, other company which undertakes the business of textile and fashion
has not yet started the business. Currently the focus of the company is real estate development and
the first project for Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd is real estate development
for Neighborhood of DaLuQianYuan. The acreage which was used for this project was 30.7443
units. Till Jun. 30 of 2011, the construction had been started.

XI. Notes to Parent Company’s financial statement
 1. Other account receivable
(1) Other account receivable classified according to categories:
                category                                            Amount at period-end

                                                     Book balance                       Bad debt provision

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                                Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                                                                    Proportion                                      Proportion
                                                Amount                                      Amount
                                                                       %)                                              %)
OR with individual significant
amount and individual accrual for                              -                 -                              -                -
bad debt provision
OR with accrual for bad debt
                                                   324,947.57               100.00                20,991.33               0.065
provision in combination
OR with no individual significant
amount but requires                                            -                 -                              -                -
accrual for bad debt provision
                   Total                           324,947.57               100.00                20,991.33               0.065

Table Continued
                                                                        Amount at period-begin
                                                        Book balance                            Bad debt provision
                                                                    Proportion                                      Proportion
                                                Amount                                      Amount
                                                                       %)                                              %)
OR with individual significant
amount and individual accrual for                              -                 -                              -                -
bad debt provision

OR with accrual for bad debt
                                                   299,338.55               100.00                20,991.33                7.01
provision in combination
OR with no individual significant
amount but requires                                            -                 -                              -                -
accrual for bad debt provision
                   Total                           299,338.55               100.00                20,991.33                7.01

In the combination, OR with accrual for bad debt provision using aging analysis method:
                                      Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                               Book balance                                          Book balance
 Duration of the
   accounts                 Amount                          Bad debt           Amount             Rate in           Bad debt
                                             Rate in        provision                                               provision
                                            total (%)
Less than one year           290,900.42        89.52        13,264.57           265,291.40          88.63             13,264.57
1-2 years                     30,989.40          9.54        6,197.88             30,989.40         10.35              6,197.88
2-3 years                      3,057.75          0.94        1,528.88                3,057.75         1.02             1,528.88
Over 3 years                           -            -                   -                   -               -                    -
3-4 years                              -            -                   -                   -               -                    -
4-5 years                              -            -                   -                   -               -                    -
Over 5 years                           -            -                   -                   -               -                    -
Total                        324,947.57          100        20,991.33           299,338.55            100            20,991.33
(2) There are no other account receivables held in the shareholders with 5 %( Including 5%) voting
rights held in the report period.

2. Long-term equity investment
                           Calculat                                                       Chan
                                       Initial investment           Balance at
        Invested             ion                                                           ge       Balance at period-end
                                               cost                period-begin
                           method                                                         (=,-)
 Chengde Rongyida
 real        estate         Cost
                                           53,114,299.73                53,114,299.73                           53,114,299.73
 development Co.,          method

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                              Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                        Calculat                                                        Chan
                                      Initial investment           Balance at
      Invested            ion                                                            ge        Balance at period-end
                                              cost                period-begin
                        method                                                          (=,-)
 Chengde      Xingye      Cost
                                           622,500,000.00          622,500,000.00                        622,500,000.00
 paper Co., Ltd          method
 Gold Axe
 Investment Group                            8,300,000.00               8,300,000.00                       8,300,000.00
 Hebei     Province
 Xiaban City Fabric                        431,604,203.41          431,604,203.41                        431,604,203.41
 Co., Ltd.
 Chengde       Dixian     Cost
                                           149,408,230.11          149,408,230.11                        149,408,230.11
 fashion Co., Ltd        method
 Suning Banhe Fiber      Equity
                                            46,980,000.00           46,980,000.00                         46,980,000.00
 Co., Ltd.               method
        Total                                                    1,311,906,733.25                      1,311,906,733.25

Table Continued
                                                            explanation on
                                                            un-coincidence                                           Ca
                              Proportio     Proportion         between                                                sh
        Invested              n of share     of voting       proportion of             Provision                     div
                              held (%)       held (%)       share held and                                           ide
                                                             proportion of                                           nd
                                                              voting held
 Chengde Rongyida real
 estate development Co.,         100.00         100.00
 Chengde Xingye paper
                                   75.00         75.00                                 616,688,419.47
 Co., Ltd
 Gold Axe Investment
                                 100.00         100.00                                   8,300,000.00
 Group Limited
 Hebei Province Xiaban
                                 100.00                       Bankrupt                 431,604,203.41
 City Fabric Co., Ltd.
 Chengde Dixian fashion
                                   75.00                      Bankrupt                 149,408,230.11
 Co., Ltd
 Suning Banhe       Fiber
                                   20.00         20.00                                  46,980,000.00
 Co., Ltd.
          Total                                                                    1,252,980,852.99

3. Supplementary information of cash flow statement
                            Supplemental information                                        Current period             Last period
     1. Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
 operating activities:

     Net profit                                                                                     -173,544.43            -730,482.33

     Add: Impairment provision for assets                                                                      -                     -
     Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation of fuel and gas,
                                                                                                               -                     -
 depreciation of production materials

     Amortization for intangible assets                                                                        -                     -

     Amortization for long-term prepayment                                                                     -                     -
      Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and others long-term
                                                                                                               -                     -
 assets(Income is listed with “-“)

     Loss upon rejection of fixed assets(Income is listed with “-“)                                          -                     -

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                                                 Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011
                          Supplemental information                                            Current period             Last period

     Loss on variance of fair value (Income is listed with “-“)                                               -                      -

     Finance cost (Income is listed with “-“)                                                                 -                      -

     Loss in investment(Income is listed with “-“)                                                            -                      -

     Decrease of deferred tax assets(Increase is listed with “-“)                                             -                      -

     Liability increase of deferred tax(Decrease is listed with “-“)                                          -                      -

     Decrease of inventories(Increase is listed with “-“)                                                     -                      -

     Decrease of operating receivable account items(Increase is listed with “-“)                  -25,609.02                29,788.86

     Increase of operating payable account items (Decrease is listed with “-“)                   195,340.65                705,293.47

     Others                                                                                                     -                      -

     Net cash flow from operating activities                                                         -3,812.80                 4,600.00

     2. Significant investing and financing activities for non cash items:

     Liabilities capitalized                                                                                    -                      -

     Convertible bonds payable mature in one year                                                               -                      -

     Financing leased fixed assets                                                                              -                      -

     3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents:

     Ending balance for cash                                                                         33,384.90                21,500.44

     Less: beginning balance for cash                                                                37,197.70                16,900.44

     Add: ending balance for cash equivalents                                                                   -                      -

     Less: beginning balance for cash equivalents                                                               -                      -

     Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                       -3,812.80                 4,600.00

XII. Supplementary information
1. Details of current non-recurring gains and losses
                                           Items                                                    Amount

    Disposal gains and losses of non-current assets                                                          970,161.00
    Other non-operating         income      and    expense      excluding       the                      -101,421.51
    abovementioned items
                                         Total                                                               868,739.49

2. Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                           Weighted                     earnings per share
                                                        average of
               Profit in report period                                               Basic
                                                     Return on equity                                    Diluted
                                                                               earnings per
                                                         (%)                                    earnings per share
      Net profit attributable      to    common
                                                                         -            -0.006                        -0.006
 shareholders of the Company
      Net profit attributable to common
 shareholders of the Company after deducting                             -            -0.007                        -0.007
 non-recurring gains and losses

Chengde Dalu Company Limited                              Financial Report of Semi-Annual 2011

3. The explanation of abnormal circumstance and reasons of items in major accounting report
 (1) Monetary capital: the one of Jun. of 2011 decreased by RMB - 8,963,393.13 over
 period-begin with 92.19 percents, mainly due to subsidiary Chengde County Rongyida Real
 Estate Development Co., Ltd paid projects fees for development items.
 (2) Prepaid accounts: the one of Jun. of 2011 increased by RMB 965,364.00 over period-begin
 with 4.81 percents, mainly due to subsidiary Chengde County Rongyida Real Estate
 Development Co., Ltd paid part of projects fees for development items.
 (3) Other receivables: the one of Jun. of 2011 increased by RMB 12,755,489.02 over
 period-begin, mainly due to subsidiary Chengde County Rongyida Real Estate Development
 Co., Ltd paid deposit for development items.
 (4) Inventory: the one of Jun. of 2011 increased by RMB 2,616,473.70 over period-begin with
 14.75 percents, mainly due to subsidiary Chengde County Rongyida Real Estate Development
 Co., Ltd paid projects fees for development items.
 (5) Other payables: the one of Jun. of 2011 increased by RMB 10,897,935.44 with 8.48
 percents, mainly due to the Company newly increased part of loan.

XIII .Approval for issuance of financial statements
These financial statements have been approved by all directors (the board of directors) of the
Company to be issued on August 28, 2011.

                        Section VIII. Documents available for reference
I. Text of Semi-annual Report 2011 carrying the genuine signatures of legal representative;

II. Text of financial report carrying the autograph and seals of legal representative, principal
in charge of the accounting affairs and principal in charge of the accounting institute;

III. Original texts of all documents and announcement disclosed publicly in the Securities Times
and Hong Kong Commercial Daily in the report period;

IV. Article of Association

The abovementioned documents will provide under the requirement from China Securities
Regulatory Commission and Stock Exchange if necessary.

                                                                       Board of Directors of
                                                                  Chengde Dalu Company Limited
                                                                          28 August 2011
