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						                            承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

承 德 大 路 股 份 有 限 公 司



     (January – June 2012)

             August 2012
            Chengde China

                                                                                承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文


I. Important Notice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

II. Company Profile------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

III. Summary of Accounting Highlights and Business Highlights----------------------------------4

IV. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders--------------------------------6

V. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives -------------------------------------------------------9

VI. Report of the Board of Directors --------------------------------------------------------------------13

VII. Significant Events -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20

VIII. Financial Report --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35

IX. Documents for Reference -----------------------------------------------------------------------------145

                                                                       承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                                        SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2012

                                              I. Important Note

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no
any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and
shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the
whole contents.
All directors are attending the Meeting for deliberation and approval for the semi-annual report.
Financial report of this semi-annual repot has not been audited by CPA.
Lin Lixin, person in charge of the Company, Zhao Yongsheng, person in charge of accounting
works and Liu Guofeng, person in charge of accounting institution (accounting officer) hereby
confirm the truthfulness and completeness of the Financial Report in the Semi-annual Report 2012.
                                            II. Company Profile
(I) Company information
Short form for A-share                                        Short form for B-share    200160
Code for A-share                                              Code for B-share          ST Dalu-B
Listing stock exchange      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal Chinese name of
the Company
Abbr. of legal Chinese
                            ST 大路 B
name of the Company
Legal English name of the
                            CHENGDE DALU CO.,LTD.
Abbr. of legal English
name of the Company
Legal English name of the
                            Lin Lixin
Abbr. of legal English
                            Xiabancheng Town, Chengde County, Hebei
name of the Company
Post Code of registered
Office Add.                 Xiabancheng Town, Chengde County, Hebei
Post Code of office add.    067400
Internet website            http://www.dxtex.com
E-mail                      dxgs-9@ heinfo.net
(II) Contact person and ways
                                              Secretary of the Board               Rep. of security affairs
Name                                    Lin Lixin
                                        Xiabancheng Town, Chengde
Contact adds.
                                        County, Hebei
Tel.                                    0314-3115048
Fax.                                    0314-3111475
E-mail                                  llx5048@126.com

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(III) Information disclosure and place for preparation
Newspapers Designated for
                                         Domestic: Securities Times; Overseas: Hong Kong Commercial Daily
indormation disclosure
Website desinated by CSRC for
publishing semi-annual report
place for preparation of semi-annual
                                         Security department of the Company

                      III. Major accounting data and business abstract
(I) Major accounting data and financial indexes
Whether retroactive adjusted on previous financial report or not
□Yes      √No □Non-applicable
Major accounting data
                                                                                           Increase/decrease in this
                                         Reporting period (Jan.
       Major accounting data                                    Same period of last year         report period
                                                to June)
                                                                                               year-on-year (%)
Total business revenue(RMB)                          481,640.00                21,250.00                 2,166.54%
Business profit(RMB)                              -7,711,444.59            -5,254,012.57                   -46.77%
Total profit(RMB)                                -17,630,458.39            -4,385,273.08                  -302.04%
Total business revenue(RMB)                      -15,704,981.50            -4,069,051.79                  -285.96%
Business profit(RMB)                              -7,740,409.84            -4,937,791.28                   -56.76%
Total profit(RMB)                                  2,360,386.21           -20,647,074.69                   111.43%
                                                                                           Increase/decrease in this
                                           End of this period       End of last period      period-end over that of
                                                                                              last period-end (%)
Total assets(RMB)                               222,919,812.62           219,022,670.81                      1.78%
Owners equity attributable to
shareholders of the listed                       -39,587,020.07           -23,882,038.57                   -65.76%
Share capital(Share)                            706,320,000.00           706,320,000.00
Major financial indexes
                                                                                           Increase/decrease in this
                                         Reporting period (Jan.
       Major financial indexes                                  Same period of last year         report period
                                                to June)
                                                                                               year-on-year (%)
Basic   earnings        per      share
                                                         -0.022                   -0.006                  -266.67%
Diluted  earnings        per     share
                                                         -0.022                   -0.006                  -266.67%
Basic EPS after deducting
non-recurring gains/losses                               -0.011                   -0.007                   -57.14%
Fully diluted ROE (%)
Weighted average ROE (%)
Fully diluted ROE after deducting
non-recurring gains/losses (%)
Weighted average ROE after
deducting non-recurring gains/losses

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Net cash flow per share arising from
                                                         0.003                   -0.029                   111.43%
operating activities (RMB/Share)
                                                                                          Increase/decrease in this
                                                                                           period-end over same
                                          End of this period       End of last period
                                                                                                period of last
                                                                                               period-end (%)
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholder of listed company                            -0.056                  -0.034                   -65.76%
(RMB/ Share)
Asset-liability ratio (%)                               117.8%                 110.01%                      7.04%
Explanation on accounting data and financial index at period-end (stating adjustment explanation if there has
retroactive adjustment)

(II) Difference of accounting data under CAS and IAS

1. Difference of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report based on IAS and CAS
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable
2. Difference of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report based on foreign
accounting standards and CAS
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable
3. Detail items for major differences
                                                                                           Explanation on IAS
     Items with major
                               Amount involved (RMB)       Reasons for differences      and(or) foreign accounting
                                                                                           standards involved

4. Explanation on accounting data difference under the foreign/domestic accounting
(III) Item and amount with non-recurring gains/losses deducted
√applicable □Non-applicable
                        Items                           Amount (RMB)                         Note
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current
Tax refund or exemption out of authorization, with
absence of official approval document or
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains
and losses(while closely related with the normal
business of the Company, excluding the
fixed-amount or fixed-proportion governmental
subsidy according to the unified national standard)
Fund occupation expenses received from
non-financial enterprises that reckon into current
Income occurred when investment cost paid by
enterprise for obtaining subsidiaries, associates and
joint ventures are lower than its share in fair
value of net realizable assets of invested units
Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary
Gains and losses from entrusted investment or
management assets
Various asset impairment reserve provided for force

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majeure, such as natural disaster;
Gains/losses from debt reorganization
Reorganization expenses, such as expenditure for
allocation of employees and integration fee
Gains and losses from excess of transaction which
are conducted on a non-fair-valued basis over its
fair value
Current net gains and losses of subsidiaries
occurred from combination under the same control
commencing from period-begin to combination
Gains and losses from contingent events which has
no relation with normal business of the Company
Gains and losses from change of fair values of
held-for-transaction financial assets and financial
liabilities except for the effective hedge business
related to normal business of the Company, and
investment income from disposal of transactional
financial assets and liabilities and financial assets
available for sale
Reversal of impairment reserve for account
receivable with separate impairment testing
gains/ losses from external entrustment loans
Gains and losses arising from change of fair value
of investment properties whose follow-up
measurement are at fair value
Affect upon current gains/losses arising from the
one-off adjustment in subject to requirement of
laws and rules in relation to taxation and
Income from entrusted custody operation
Other non-operating income and expenditure
except the abovementioned
Other item that satisfied the definition of
non-recurring gains and losses
Influenced amount of minority shareholders equity                      1,954,442.14
Impact on income tax

Total                                                                 -7,964,571.66                           --
Explanation on “Other item that satisfied the definition of non-recurring gains and losses” and defined non-recurring gains and losses
as recurring gain/loss according to natures and characteristic of self-operation status
                                    Amount involved
             Item                                                                              Note

             IV. Changes in Share Capital and Particular about Shareholders

(I) Changes in share capital
1. Statement of changes in shares
□applicable √Non-applicable

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2. Changes in restricted shares
□applicable √Non-applicable
(II) Security offering and listing
1. Security offering in previous three years
□applicable √Non-applicable
2. Changes of total shares and structures as well as outcome of asset-liability structures
□applicable √Non-applicable
3. Current shares held by internal staffs
□applicable √Non-applicable
(III) Shareholders and actual controller
1. Total shareholders at period-end
Shareholders at period-end amounting to 21,189
2. Shares held by top ten shareholders
√applicable □Non-applicable
                        Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders
                             Nature of                                 Amount of the Shares pledged or frozen
                                            n of    Total amount of
 Shareholders (full name) shareholder                                  non-circulated Share
                                           shares      shares held                                Amount
                                 s                                      shares held   status
                                         held (%)
Wang Dong                  nature pers 29.49%           208,324,800 208,324,800
GUOTAI        JUNAN Foreign
SECURITIES(HONGKON legal                     9.84%       69,536,410               0
G) LIMITED          person
Shanghai Wanguo       (H.K)
                            owned             3.6%       25,418,517               0
Chengde North      Industrial
                              owned          2.62%       18,517,651     18,517,651
Shanghai Wanguo       (H.K)
                            owned            1.89%       13,327,891     13,327,891
Chengde North      Industrial
                              owned          1.38%        9,778,106               0
Shanghai Wanguo       (H.K)
                            owned            1.24%        8,792,000               0
Chengde    North   Industrial Domestic       1.03%        7,258,007               0

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Corporation                       non-state
Shanghai Wanguo            (H.K)
                                 owned               0.58%          4,101,958                   0
Chengde North         Industrial
                                 owned                0.5%          3,513,264                   0
Explanation on shareholders
Particulars about the shares held by the top ten circulation shareholders
√applicable □Non-applicable
                                                  Amount of                    Type/amount of shares
               Shareholders                    circulated shares
                                              held at period-end          Type                 Amount
                GUOTAI JUNAN
                                                          69,536,410 B-share                                       69,536,410
Shanghai Wanguo (H.K) Securities                          25,418,517 B-share                                       25,418,517
Zhou Xiaomin                                               9,778,106 B-share                                         9,778,106
Yu Sanxi                                                   8,792,000 B-share                                         8,792,000
Wang Wensheng                                              7,258,007 B-share                                         7,258,007
                                                           4,101,958 B-share                                         4,101,958
Liu Tingyu                                                 3,513,264 B-share                                         3,513,264
Peng Wei                                                   2,978,525 B-share                                         2,978,525
Zhao Ziying                                                2,853,616 B-share                                         2,853,616
Li Siquan                                           1,726,133 B-share                                                1,726,133
Explanation on associated relationship among the top ten shareholders or (and) consistent action
The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or belongs to consistent actor regulated by “management
method for acquisition of listed company” among the above said shareholders.
Strategy investor or general legal person comes to top ten shareholders of the Company due to new shares
□applicable √Non-applicable
3. Controlling shareholders and actual controller
(1) Changes of controlling shareholders and actual controller
√applicable □Non-applicable
Name of new controlling
                                Wang Dong
Date of new controlling
shareholder changed
Disclosure dated for new
controlling shareholder changed
Newspaper with new controlling
                               Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
shareholder changed disclosed

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Name of new actual controller      Wang Dong
Date of new actual controller
Disclosure dated for new actual
controller changed
Newspaper with new actual
                                   Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
controller changed disclosed
(2) Introduction of controlling shareholders and actual controller
Whether has new actual controller or not
√Yes □No □Non-applicable
Name of actual controller                              Wang Dong
Type of actual controller                              Individual
Situation statement
On Apr. 6 of 2012, original shareholder Mr. Chen Rong and Mr. Wang Dong signed equity transfer term. Mr.
Chen Rong transferred his shares to Mr. Wang Dong. After then, Mr. Wang Dong became controlling and actual
shareholder of the Company. Details are as follow:
Mr. Wang Dong, born in 1973, Chinese, post graduate. He ever was in position in president of Shenzhen Nanjiang
Investment Controlling Co., Ltd and director of NANJIANG DIAMOND CO.,LIMITED. Mr. Wang Dong held
208,324,800 shares of the Company, accounting for 29.49% of total share capital, becoming the 1st largest
shareholder and actual controller of the Company. Now he is director.
(3) Block diagram of property rights and controlling relationship between the Company and actual

                                  Wang Dong


                            CHENGDE DALU CO., LTD.

(4) Actual controller controlling the Company by means of entrust or other assets
□applicable √Non-applicable

4. Other legal person’s shareholders with over ten percent shares held
□applicable √Non-applicable
(IV) Convertible bonds
□applicable √Non-applicable
                  V. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

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(I) Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executive

                                                                                       Amount of                                                                         received
                                                                                                     Amount of                                Amount of
                                                                          Shares held     shares                               Including:                             remuneration
                                                                                                        shares    Shares held                stock option
                                               Office dated Office dated       at       increase in                             restricted                Reasons for      from
   Name            Title        Sex   Age                                                           decreased in at period-end                  held at
                                                   from        ended     period-begin(      this                               shares held                 changes    shareholders
                                                                                                     this period    (Share)                   period-end
                                                                            Share)     period(Share                              (Share)                               unit or other
                                                                                                       (Share)                                  (Share)
                                                                                              )                                                                        related unit
                                                                                                                                                                          or not
Lin Lixin                   M               50 2012-04-27   2015-04-27                                                                                                 Yes
             Secretary of
             the Board

Zhao         Director, GM
                            M               35 2012-04-27   2015-04-27                                                                                                 No
Yongsheng    and CFO

Cheng Ducai Director        M               43 2012-04-27   2015-04-27                                                                                                 Yes

Cao Guohua                  M               45 2012-04-27   2015-04-27                                                                                                 No

Fan Rong                    M               49 2012-04-27   2015-04-27                                                                                                 No

             Chairman of
Xie Yu       Supervisory M                  38 2012-04-27   2015-04-27                                                                                                 Yes

Wei Lei      Supervisor     F               34 2012-04-27   2015-04-27                                                                                                 Yes

Hao          Staff
                            M               36 2012-04-27   2015-04-27   5,900        0            0             5,900        4,425                                    No
Guangxin     supervisor

Hu Wenxi     Deputy GM M                    57 2012-04-27   2015-04-27                                                                                                 No

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Shi Bainian    Deputy GM M                            40 2012-04-27    2015-04-27                                         No

               Assistant of
Wang Xiashu                   M                       55 2012-04-27    2015-04-27                                         No

    Total            --           --             --            --            --                                    --          --

Directors, supervisor and senior executives who awarded equity incentive in report period
□applicable   √Non-applicable

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(II) Post holding

Post holding in shareholders unit
□applicable √Non-applicable
Job holding in other unit
√applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                          Whether received
                                                            Position in Office term         End of office   remuneration
Name                      Name of other unit
                                                            other unit start from              term       from other unit or
Lin Lixin       Ningbo Moxi Technology Co., Ltd.                          2012-05-02                        Yes
                Beijing Xinlian Jinda Investment
Cheng Ducai                                                 GM            2005-04-15                        Yes
                Co., Ltd.
                Shenzhen Xinjinda Investment
Wei Lei                                                     Accountant 2009-01-15                           Yes
                Holding Co., Ltd.
on job
holding in
other unit
(III) Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives
Decision-Making Process Of
                                        Remuneration and appraisal commission raised up plan, being appraised after Board of
Compensation Of Directors,
                                        Directors, submitting to shareholders meeting for appraisal.
Supervisors And Senior Management
Decision Basis Of Compensation Of
                                        Formulating according to remuneration standard of industry and scale the Company is
Directors, Supervisors And Senior
                                        located in, as well as actual operation of the Company.
Actual payment of the compensation of
Directors, Supervisors And Senior       Giving out monthly according to remuneration plan
(IV) Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives
  Name             Duty                 Change        Date of change                     Reasons for change
Yan                              Position-leaving
                                                  2012-04-27            Session changes of the Board
Qizhong                          Chairman
Chen Jie                                          2012-04-27            Session changes of the Board
Wang                             Position-leaving
                                                  2012-04-27            Session changes of the Board
Ansheng                          Director, CFO
Liu Wei                          independent      2012-04-27            Session changes of the Board
Li Min                                            2012-04-27            Session changes of the Board

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Yuan                             chairman of
                                                  2012-04-27     Session changes of the Supervisory Committee
Runbin                           supervisory
Wu Yijin                                          2012-04-27     Session changes of the Supervisory Committee
Xu Xue                                            2012-04-27     Session changes of the Supervisory Committee
                                 staff supervisor
                                 secretary of the 2012-03-05     Work changes
(V) Staff of the Company
Person on-jobs                                                                                                  63
Retirement person whose charges undertake by the
                                               Professional categories
              Types of professional category                          Numbers of professional category
Production staff                                                                                                0
Salesman                                                                                                        2
Technician                                                                                                      13
Financial staff                                                                                                 6
Administration staff                                                                                            11
                                               Education background
              Type of education background                                    Numbers (people)
Doctor                                                                                                          1
Master                                                                                                          5
Undergraduate                                                                                                   11
Junior college                                                                                                  12
High school and below                                                                                           34
Explanations on staff of the Company

                                            VI. Report of the Board
(I) Management discussion and analysis
The first half year of 2012 is a key transition stage of the Company. In reporting period, main business was still
un-revived, facing with complicated environment. Board of Directors concentrated on governance structure
perfection of executives. We boosted normalized operation, positively coordinated various parties based on
normal daily operation. Historical left problems had been solved for laying a foundation for implementation of

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main business.
In the first half year, real estate industry has been in floundering stage affected by national macro adjustment to
real estate policy. Encountering serious external situation, the Company timely regulated sales strategy and
enhanced marketing promotion. Presently, main project of wholly owned subsidiary Chengde Rongyida Real
Estate Development Co., Ltd, namely the 2nd phase of sale of Dalu Qianyuan is progressing.
In reporting period, the Company realized operating income RMB 481,640 with an increase rate of 2166.54.
While total operating profit reached RMB -7,711,444.59 with a decrease rate of 46.77. Net profit attributable to
shareholders was RMB -15,704,981.50, decreasing by 285.96% over the same period of last year.
Actual operating performance is lower by 20% (including above 20%) over the profit prediction that ever was
disclosed in reporting period or operation plan or not:
□ yes √no □ not applicable
Operation and performance analysis of subsidiaries and share-taking companies
1. Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd, wholly subsidiary, founded in Feb. 20 of 2009, RMB 10
million of registered capital, operation scope: real estate development, spinning, clothes manufacture, export and
import of clothes, leasing service. Main project Dalu Qianyuan (commercial and residential) is in process,
predicted to be accomplished at end of 2012. Till Jun. 30 of 2012, this companys total capital reached RMB
188,773,626.37, RMB 46,740,960.44 for net capital, RMB 481,640.00 for operating income and RMB
-6,402,290.88 for net profit.
2. Hebei Xiabancheng Knit Clothes Co., Ltd, wholly owned subsidiary, Sino-foreign joint venture founded in July
9 of 2012 by previous Spin Headquarter and foreign merchant, RMB 4 million of registration capital. Operation
scope: production and sale of clothes, various spinning clothes for main products. In Feb. 8 of 2009, Xiabancheng
Spin Company declared bankruptcy. The accounts have been settled.
3. Chengde Dixian Fashion Company, Sino-foreign joint venture founded by the Company and Yufa Company in
May 23 of 2000, RMB 24 million of registration capital. Its 75% of shares held directly and 25% of shares held
indirectly by the Company. Operation scope of it: production and sale of yarn and compound silk which constitute
its main products. In Feb. 8 of 2009, Dixian Fashion Company declared its bankruptcy and the accounts had been
completely settled.
4. Chengde Xingye Papermaking Co., Ltd was established by the Company and Hong Kong Zhanxi International
Co., Ltd with RMB 0.1 billion of register capital, respectively 75% and 25% of shares held by the Company and
Zhanxi Group. Operation scope: production and sale of high-end coated paper and kraft board paper and series of
products. Stuck in shortage in capital, Xingye Paper had been in suspension in this year. In Dec. 8 of 2008,
Xingye Paper was required to apply bankruptcy and accounts-settlement. On May 8 of 2009, Xingye Paper
reconciled with creditors.
5. Suning Banhe, share-taking subsidiary of the Company, founded in Nov. 7 of 2004 by the Company and Japan
YAMASHITA SHOJI CO., LTD. The Company invested RMB 5.8 million, taking up 20% of the total RMB 29
million of registered capital. But this company has not put into operation yet.
6. Chengde Dahua Paper Co., Ltd (with primitive name as Rizhi Co., Ltd) was founded by the Company and
Japan Paper Shoji with JPY 11 billion of total investment. The Company and Japan Paper respectively held 45%
and 55% shares of its register capital accounting for JPY 6.364 billion. Main business lies in production and sale
of various high-end paper with a production scale of 15 tons paper per year. In 2005, the Company transferred its
45% of shares holding from Chengde Rizhi to controlled subsidiary Chengde Xingye Paper Co., Ltd. while Japan
Paper transferred its 55% of shares holding from Chengde Rizhi to Japan New Age Trade Shoji. After transfer,
Chengde Rizhi Co., Ltd changed its name to Chengde Dahua Paper Co., Ltd. Investment in Chengde Dahua will

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be accomplished by Chengde Xingye Paper Co., Ltd and Japan New Age Trade. Appliances of Dahua Paper
havent been installed yet, becoming a half-project.

All risks which may cause unfavorable effect on future development strategy and operation goal of the Company
are as follow:
1. Several years of suspension made the Company lose its previous market. Thus the Company had some
difficulties in reviving production and market, facing tough trouble.
2. Governments macro policy on real estate produced significant impact on real estate development of wholly
owned subsidiary.
3. Restructure of the Company left a lot of problems here. So the solution of those problems threw a challenge.
1. Main business and operations
(1)Statement of main business classified according to industries and products
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                Increase or         Increase or         Increase or
     Classified                                                                 decrease of         decrease of      decrease of gross
    according to        Operating                         Gross profit ratio operating revenue operating cost         profit ratio over
                                        Operating cost
    industries or        revenue                                (%)          over the last same over the last same the last same
      products                                                               period of last year period of last year period of last year
                                                                                    (%)                 (%)                  (%)
According to industries

-                                0.00              0.00                  0%                 0%                  0%                  0%

According to products

-                                0.00              0.00                  0%                 0%                  0%                  0%
Explanation on main business classified according to industries and products

Explanation on major changes of gross profit over same period of last year
(2) Main business classified according to areas
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                            Increase/decrease in revenue from
                    Areas                                Operating revenue                  operations over the same period of
                                                                                                       last year (%)
Domestic sales                                                                      0.00                                           0%
Overseas sales                                                                      0.00                                           0%
Explanation on main business according to areas

Explanation on main business institution

(3) Explanation on reasons of material changes in main operations and its structure
□Applicable                √Non-applicable
(4) Explanation on reasons of material changes in profitability (gross profit ratio) of main
operations compared with that of last year
□Applicable                √Non-applicable
(5) Analysis on reasons of material changes in profit structure compared with the previous

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□Applicable         √Non-applicable
(6) Business nature, main products or service as well as net profit for stock jointly enterprises
who take over 10% of the net profit
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(7) Problems and difficulties in operation

2. Internal control mechanism related with fair-value measurement
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

3. Foreign currency financial assets and financial liabilities held
□Applicable         √Non-applicable
(II) Investment of the Company
1. General Application of the raised proceeds
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

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2. Commitments on projects of raised funds
□Applicable     √Non-applicable

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3. Changes of projects of raised funds
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

4. Investment on major projects of non-raised funds
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
(III) The modification of Board to the business plan for the second half of the year
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

(IV) Prediction of business performance from January – September 2012
Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report
period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding
period of the last year and explanation on reason
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
(V) Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the report
period by the Board of Directors
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
(VI) Explanation of the Management on changes and disposal of the issues involved in
“Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the last year by the Board of
√Applicable           □Non-applicable
(I) Statement on audit report issued by CPA taking events-focused phase unqualified opinions
We remind users of the financial sheet of the following things:
1. As saying as annotation IV 1(1) ③, Chengde Xingye Paper Co., Ltd was founded by Dalu Co., Ltd and (Hong
Kong) Zhanxi International Group Co., Ltd, with register capital USD 250000000. Paid-up capital was USD 100
million, taking up 40% of register capital. Including, Dalu Co., Ltd invested USD 75 million (75% of equity) and
(Hong Kong) Zhanxi International Group Co., Ltd invested USD 25 million (25% of equity). On Oct. 28 of 2002,
Chinese external trade and economy corporation department (the previous Commerce Department) ruled in the
Reply to Increasing Investment in Joint Chengde Xingye Paper Co., Ltd, WJMZEH [2001] No. 969. Register
capital increased from USD 100 million to USD 250 million. The new register capital should be paid off within 3
years by both joint parties in accordance with methods issued in contract and Article of Association. Dalu and
Zhanxi International hadn't paid the new register capital yet.
According to verification from corporation registration department of Hong Kong government, (Hong Kong)
Zhanxi International Group Co., Ltd had declared dis-incorporate on May 20 of 2005. On Apr. 23 of 2009, (2009)
JXEZZ No. 44 of the Criminal Ruling Letter issued by superior peoples court of Hebei Province ruled that
Chengde Xingye Paper actually was a faked foreign joint venture founded by previous shareholder of Dalu Co.,
Ltd Wang Shuxian in name of (Hong Kong) Zhanxi International Group Co., Ltd.
2. As saying as Note V 6, Chengde Dahua Paper Co., Ltd is joint venture of Dalu Co., Ltd with initial capital USD
5 million. After equity transfer and investment increase, its register capital increased to JPY 6.364 billion. The
increasing part wasnt verified by China PAC. For Chengde Dahua Paper didnt submit 2007 annual documents
about annual industrial and commercial check, on Apr. 28 of 2009 Chengde Industrial and Commercial
Administration Bureau cancelled its operation certificate through administration penalty letter CGSCZ (2009) No.
3. As saying as Note VII 3, Li Rui sued Dalu Co., Ltd and its subsidiary Chengde Rongyida Real Estate
Development Co., Ltd for tort, calling for economic compensation RMB 15 million. This case was put into court
for hearing on Apr. 20 of 2012, unanswered yet till Apr. 22 of 2012.
4. Till Dec. 31 of 2011, owners equity attributable to parent company of Dalu Co., Ltd was RMB -23,882,038.57.
The Company didnt gain main business income and its lasting operating ability was unsure.

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This paragraph content wont affect audit opinion which had been disclosed.
(II) Aiming at emphasized events in audit opinion, the Board of Directors issued the following statements:
The Board of Directors believed, there existed events focused on phase of unqualified opinion issued by Growe
Horwath CPA (extraordinary general partner). Those were all historically left problem which won't create actual
impact on operation of the Company. The Company concentrated hard on events stressed in audit report and is
coordinating with related department about solution plan.
As for the above lawsuits, the Company positively responded and disclosed the progress. On Jun. 29 of 2012,
coordinating with Chengde Dixian Work Team, wholly owned subsidiary Chengde Rongyida Real Estate
Development had reconciled with Li Rui.
After restructure, main business production and operation of the Company couldn't be restored thus solving
problems fundamentally. The Company rapidly promoted real estate projects and carried out main business
projects. We believed that along with gradual stepping into normal track, the above concerning events could be
solved one by one.
 (VII)Stating the discussion results issued by the Board on changes in the Company’s
accounting policies and accounting estimates or reasons for material accounting error
correction and influences thereof
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
(VIII) Determination and implementation of cash dividend policies of the Company
In accordance with related requirements of Notice to Further Implementing Cash Dividend of Listed Companies
issued by CSRC and Notice to Transfer the Notice to Further Implementing Cash Dividend of Listed Companies
Issued by CSRC, on July 29 of 2012, the 3rd extraordinary shareholders' meeting of 2012 reviewed and passed
Proposal of Revising Article of Association.
New Article of Association clearly formulated cash dividend policy, standards and ratio. Decision procedure and
mechanism about profit distribution were complete. Independent directors issued independent opinion on profit
distribution, having played complete role. Shareholders' meeting approved specific plans of cash dividend, fully
listened appeal of minority shareholders and protected their legal rights.
 (IX) Plan of profit distribution or capital reserve capitalizing
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

(X) Positive retained profit accumulated at end of 2011 without cash distribution carried out
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

(XI) Other events disclosed

1. The Company issued the Notice of Plan about Restructure and De-list of Major Assets on July 26 of 2012
(Notice No. 2012-048). We're planning restructure and de-list of major assets thus stock had been delisted on July
26 of 2012. On August 1, 8, 15 of 2012 we respectively issued Notice to Progress of Restructure and De-list of
Major Assets (Notice No. 2012-050, 2012-052, 2012-055). On August 22, the Company issued Notice to Progress
of Restructure of Major Assets and Postponing Re-listing (Notice No. 2012-0). The Company would disclose
progress timely according to actual situation.
(XII) Liabilities, credit changes and cash arrangement for debt paying in later year (Only
applies to listed company with corporate convertible bonds offered)

                                                                     承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

□Applicable          √Non-applicable

                                         VII. Significant Event

(I)Corporate governance
In reporting period, the Company strictly complied with rules of Company Law, Securities Law and Governance
Rules of Listed Companies and other related regulations of securities inspection department. Thus we perfected
corporate governance structure and normalized operation of the Company.
In reporting period, the Company revised and issued Administration System of Insiders of Internal Information. In
accordance with Basic Normalization to Internal Control and related affiliated guidance requirements as well as
Notice to Companies in Jurisdiction Conduct Normalization on Internal Control issued by CSRC Hebei
department, the Company formulated Working Plan of Normalization of Internal Control of Chengde Dalu Co.,
Ltd, combining with actual situation and future development requirements. The 22nd meeting of the 4th Board of
Directors approved and passed it.
In reporting period, preparation of shareholders meeting, Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, disclosure
of meeting decision were progressing in accordance with Article of Association, Discussing Rules of
Shareholders Meeting, Discussing Rules of Board of Directors and Discussing Rules of Board of Supervisors. All
the directors, supervisors and senior executives are diligent and honest in responsibility, conforming to
requirements of normalized documents about corporate governance issued by CSRC.
(II) Implementation of profit distribution plan, capital reserve capitalizing or shares offering
that plan out previously and carry out in this reporting period
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

                                                                                                                                                    承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

(III) Material lawsuits and arbitrations
√Applicable             □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                                                 Disclosure date     Number of
                                      Jointly       and                         Basic             Concerning
   Prosecution                                                                                                                      Results and                     of related         related
                     Respondent       severally         Type of lawsuit    information of          amounts           Progress                     Implementation
                                                                                                                                      impact                       temporary         temporary
                                      responsible party                        lawsuit           (RMB0000)
                                                                                                                                                                     reports           reports
                   Chengde     Dalu                                       Creditors      right
Wang Shuxian                                           Civil lawsuit                                  8,437.15 Judgment not yet                                  2011-04-29        2011-011
                   Co., Ltd                                               dispute
                                                                                                                                                                 2011-12-23        2011-023
Chengde     Dalu                                                          Reputation right
                   Xu Xue                              Civil lawsuit                                           0 In hearing                                      2012-03-31        2012-008
Co., Ltd                                                                  dispute
                                                                                                                                                                 2012-06-21        2012-040
                                                                                                                                  On June 29 of                  2012-04-20        2012-018
                                                                                                                                  2012, with                     2012-06-15        2012-038
                   Rongyida Real
                                                                                                                                  coordination of
                                                                                                                                  Chengde Dixian
Li Rui             Development                         Civil lawsuit      Tort dispute                2,147.42 Reconciled                         Accomplished
                                                                                                                                  Work Team,
                   Co.,        Ltd                                                                                                                               2012-07-02        2012-042
                   Chengde   Dalu
                                                                                                                                  reconciled with
                   Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                                  Li Rui.
                                                                                                                                  On June 29 of                  2012-06-15        2012-038
                                                                                                                                  2012, with
                                                                                                                                  coordination of
Rongyida Real
                                                                          Counterclaim to                                         Chengde Dixian
Estate        Li Rui                                   Civil lawsuit                                     3,000 Reconciled                         Accomplished
                                                                          tort dispute                                            Work Team,                     2012-07-02        2012-042
Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                                  reconciled with
                                                                                                                                  Li Rui.
Concerning amount to significant lawsuit and arbitration events after annual report of last year was RMB 0.
Concerning amount to significant lawsuits and arbitration events which hadnt been settled but enrolled in annual report of last year was RMB 135,845,700.
Predicted liability resulting from lawsuit and arbitration was RMB 0.

Detailed statement on significant lawsuit and arbitration
1. On Apr. 17 of 2011, Chengde Medium Peoples Court accepted creditors right dispute appealed by Wang Shuxian over Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd. The Company received Responding Notice Letter and
Civil Lawsuit from Hebei Chengde Medium Peoples Court. Prosecution asked the court to judge the respondent to pay back RMB 84,371,544.00 and litigation fee. Details could be seen from
Significant Lawsuit Report disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao website http://www.cninfo.com.cn. Till reporting period-end, this case hadnt been settled.
2. On Dec. 22 of 2012, to protect interest of the Company, the Company counterclaimed to Beijing Xicheng Area over that respondent Xu Xue intentionally fabricated information and spread fictional
information and whistle-bowling to media which severally hurt reputation of the Company. The Company received ruling letter from the court in Mar. of 2012 with (2012) XMCZ No. 1093, rejecting
lawsuit of Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd. The Company thought respondent intentionally concealed facts which had been answered thus impacted the court to make a fair justice. Thus we appealed to Beijing
1st Medium Peoples Court. In June of 2012, the Company received ruling letter from the court with (2012) YZMZZ No. 6804, which cancelled judgment of Beijing Xicheng Area Peoples Court and
called them to hear this case. Till reporting period-end, this case has been in process.
3. On Dec. 5 of 2012, Chengde Medium Peoples Court accepted lawsuit from Li Rui to wholly subsidiary Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development and Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd over tort dispute.
The Company received Responding Notice Letter and Civil Lawsuit from the court which showed prosecution asked the court to judge the respondent to pay back RMB 15000000 and litigation fee as

                                                                                                                                                   承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

well as appraisal cost. Rongyida counterclaimed it, requiring the court to reject requirements of Li Rui. We called the counterclaimed should pay deposit RMB 500,000 and penal sum in accordance with
contract, compensate economic loss RMB 18 million, immediately stop excreting equipment and assume the litigation cost. In court hearing on Apr. 20 of 2012, Li Rui increased the lawsuit requirement
to RMB 21,474,200 while Rongyida increased it to RMB 30 million. On June 29 of 2012, with coordination of Chengde Dixian Work Team, Rongyida reconciled with Li Rui. Details could be seen
from related reports disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao website http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                            承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

(IV) Related event of bankruptcy reorganization
□Applicable       √Non-applicable
(V) Equity of other listed company and stock jointly financial enterprise held by the Company

1. Security investment
□Applicable       √Non-applicable
Explanation on security investment
2. Equity of other listed company held by the Company
□Applicable       √Non-applicable
Explanation on equity of other listed company held by the Company

3. Equity of non-listed financial enterprise held by the Company
□Applicable       √Non-applicable
Explanation on equity of non-listed financial enterprise held by the Company

4. Buying and selling shares of other listed company
□Applicable       √Non-applicable
Explanation on shares dealing of other listed company

(VI) Assets transaction

                                         承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

1. Assets purchased or acquired
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on assets purchased

2. Assets sold
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on assets sold

3. Assets replacement
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on assets replacement

                                                          承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

4. Business combination
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

5. Progress of the events and their influence on the Company’s operating results and
financial status in the report period after the Report on Assets Restructure or Public Notice
on Acquisition and Sales of Assets being published
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
(VII) Explanation on shareholding increase proposed or implemented by largest shareholder
of the Company and its persons acting in concert in reporting period
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

(VIII) Implementation and its influence of equity incentive
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
(XI) Significant related transaction

                                                                                                                              承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

1. Related transaction related to daily operation
□Applicable         √Non-applicable
2. Related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

3. Significant related transaction from jointly investment outside
□Applicable           √Non-applicable
4. Current related liabilities and debts
□Applicable           √Non-applicable
Fund occupation in reporting period as well as paying-off progress
□Applicable             √Non-applicable
Till end of reporting period, accountability plan proposed by the Board for completed no non-operational fund occupation from listed company
□Applicable             √Non-applicable

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5. Other significant related transaction
(X) Significant contracts and its implementation
1. Profits earned from trusteeship, contract and lease reached over 10% (10% included)
of total profit in this period

(1) Trusteeship
□Applicable        √Non-applicable
(2) Contract
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

(3) Lease
□Applicable        √Non-applicable
2. Guarantees
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

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3. Trust financing
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

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4. Implementation of material contracts entered into during the normal operation

                                                             承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

       5. Other significant contract
       □Applicable          √Non-applicable
       (XI) Explanation on corporate bonds offering
       □Applicable          √Non-applicable
       (XII) Implementation of commitments
       1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5%
       shares of the Company in reporting period or extending to reporting period.
       □Applicable          √Non-applicable
       2. Explanation on assets or projects that reached the original profit forecast as
       well as its reasons while the reporting period still in forecast period, and there
       are profit forecast on assets or projects of the Company
       □Applicable          √Non-applicable
       (XIII) Items of other consolidated income
                                                                               Unit: RMB
                             Items                                   This period             Last period
1. Gains(losses) from financial assets available for sales
Less: Income tax influences from financial assets available
for sales
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
2. Shares in the other consolidated income of the investee
calculated based on equity method
Less: Income tax influences of shares in the other
consolidated income of the investee calculated based on
equity method
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
3. Gains(losses) from cash flow hedge instrument
Less: Income tax influences from cash flow hedge
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
Adjusted amount transferred to initial confirmed amount of
the arbitraged items
4. Differences from translating foreign currency financial
Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business transferred
to current gains/losses
5. Others
Less: Income tax influences by others reckoned into other
consolidated income
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current

                                                            承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

         (XIV)Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in
         the report period
                                                                                        Content discussed and
         Date             Place             Way               Type           Object
                                                                                         documents provided
                                      Telephone                                        Government subsidy,
2012-01-09           department of                      Individual        Investor
                                      communication                                    no files provided
                     the Company
                    Security                                                           Share reduction
2012-01-23          department of the                   Individual        Investor     information, no files
                    Company                                                            provided
                    Security                                                           Current situation of
2012-02-16           department of                      Individual        Investor     the Company, no files
                     the Company                                                       provided
                    Security                                                           Suspension event and
2012-03-30          department of the                   Individual        Investor     lawsuit progress, no
                    Company                                                            files provided
                                      Telephone                                        Equity transfer and no
2012-04-09           department of                      Individual        Investor
                                      communication                                    files provided
                     the Company
                    Security                                                           Session transition of
2012-04-12          department of the                   Individual        Investor     the Board, no files
                    Company                                                            provided
                                      Telephone                                        Resume production
2012-05-16           department of                      Individual        Investor
                                      communication                                    and no files provided
                     the Company
                    Security                                                           Current situation of
2012-06-29          department of the                   Individual        Investor     the Company, no files
                    Company                                                            provided
         (XV) Engagement and non-reappointment of CPA
         Whether the semi-annual report was audited or not
         □ Yes √ No □ Non-applicable
         Whether re-engaged the CPA or not
         □ Yes √ No □ Non-applicable
         (XVI) Punishment and rectification for listed company and its directors,
         supervisor, senior executives, shareholders of the Company, actual controller
         and purchasers
         □Applicable         √Non-applicable
         (XVII) Explanation on other significant events
         √Applicable         □Non-applicable
         1. The Company issued the Notice of Plan about Restructure and De-list of Major Assets on July

                                                          承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

       26 of 2012 (Notice No. 2012-048). We're planning restructure and de-list of major assets thus
       stock had been delisted on July 26 of 2012. On August 1, 8, 15 of 2012 we respectively issued
       Notice to Progress of Restructure and De-list of Major Assets (Notice No. 2012-050, 2012-052,
       2012-055). On August 22, the Company issued Notice to Progress of Restructure of Major Assets
       and Postponing Re-listing (Notice No. 2012-0). The Company would disclose progress timely
       according to actual situation.
         (XVIII) Major changes of profitability of turn debt guarantor, assets status and
       credit standings
       (Only applies to listed company with corporate convertible bonds offered)
       □Applicable           √Non-applicable
       (XIX) Index for information disclosure
                                 Name and page of                            Internet website and searching
          Event                                         Date of disclosed
                                  publishing press                                       route
Notice of Government         Securities Times, Hong
                                                      2012-01-06            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Grant Obtained               Kong Commercial Daily
Notice of Performance        Securities Times, Hong
                                                    2012-01-14              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Forecast for year of 2011     Kong Commercial Daily
Correction Explanation on
Miss-disclosure of holding
reduction for simple       Securities Times, Hong
                                                  2012-01-20                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
changes in equity from Li Kong Commercial Daily
Tianyun and other 4 nature
person disclosed previous
Notice of changes for        Securities Times, Hong
                                                      2012-01-20            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
shareholders                 Kong Commercial Daily
Simple Equity Changes        Securities Times, Hong
                                                    2012-01-20              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Report                        Kong Commercial Daily
System Changes and Name
                          Securities Times, Hong
changes for CPA appointed                             2012-02-25            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                          Kong Commercial Daily
by the Company
Resignation of Secretary of Securities Times, Hong
                                                   2012-03-08               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
the Board                    Kong Commercial Daily
Resolution Notice of 22nd
                             Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 4th Session of                             2012-03-29            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                             Kong Commercial Daily
the Board
Suspension for Material      Securities Times, Hong
                                                    2012-03-30              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Un-certain Event              Kong Commercial Daily
                             Securities Times, Hong
Lawsuit progress – Xu Xue                            2012-03-31            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                             Kong Commercial Daily
Progress of Material Event
                           Securities Times, Hong
and Continuous to                                 2012-03-31                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily

                                                         承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                            Securities Times, Hong
Notice of Equity Changes                             2012-04-09            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
Equity Transfer Agreement Securities Times, Hong
                                                 2012-04-10                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
and Resumption Notice      Kong Commercial Daily
Resolution Notice of 23rd
                            Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 4th Session of                            2012-04-11            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
the Board
Resolution Notice of 9th
                            Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 4th Session of                          2012-04-11              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                             Kong Commercial Daily
supervisory committee
Convening the 1st
                           Securities Times, Hong
extraordinary shareholders                           2012-04-11            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                           Kong Commercial Daily
meeting of 2012
Performance forecast for    Securities Times, Hong
                                                   2012-04-13              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
first quarter of 2012        Kong Commercial Daily
Performance Express of      Securities Times, Hong
                                                     2012-04-13            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
2011                        Kong Commercial Daily
Abnormal Changes in         Securities Times, Hong
                                                   2012-04-13              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Stock Exchange               Kong Commercial Daily
                            Securities Times, Hong
Material Lawsuits                                    2012-04-20            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
Detail Equity Changes       Securities Times, Hong
                                                   2012-04-24              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Report                       Kong Commercial Daily
Convening Annual
                            Securities Times, Hong
Shareholders General                                 2012-04-24            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
Meeting of 2011
Resolution Notice of 26th
                            Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 4th Session of                          2012-04-24              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                             Kong Commercial Daily
the Board
Resolution Notice of 20th
                            Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 4th Session of                            2012-04-24            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
supervisory committee
2 Annual report 2011 and    Securities Times, Hong
                                                   2012-04-24              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
its summary                  Kong Commercial Daily
Resolution Notice of 27th
                            Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 4th Session of                            2012-04-27            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
the Board
Resolution Notice of 13th
                            Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 4th Session of                          2012-04-27              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                             Kong Commercial Daily
supervisory committee

                                                           承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Text of firs quarterly report Securities Times, Hong
                                                       2012-04-27            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
2012                          Kong Commercial Daily
Resolution Notice of 1st
                            Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 5th Session of                          2012-04-28                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                             Kong Commercial Daily
the Board
Resolution Notice of 1st
                            Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 5th Session of                              2012-04-28            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
supervisory committee
Resolution Notice of 1st
                           Securities Times, Hong
extraordinary shareholders                        2012-04-28                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
general meeting of 2012
Completion of Equity        Securities Times, Hong
                                                       2012-05-08            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Ownership Transfer          Kong Commercial Daily
Internet Seminar for        Securities Times, Hong
                                                   2012-05-18                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Performance of 2011          Kong Commercial Daily
Resolution Notice of 2nd
                            Securities Times, Hong
Meeting of 5th Session of                              2012-05-21            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
the Board
Convening the 2nd
                           Securities Times, Hong
extraordinary shareholders                        2012-05-21                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
general meeting of 2012
Resolution Notice of
                            Securities Times, Hong
annual shareholders                                    2012-05-21            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
general meeting of 2012
”Warning Letter to
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.
and its related staff”     Securities Times, Hong
                                                   2012-05-23                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
obtained from Hebei          Kong Commercial Daily
Security Regulatory
postpone the 2nd
                           Securities Times, Hong
extraordinary shareholders                        2012-06-01                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                            Kong Commercial Daily
general meeting of 2012
Resolution Notice of 2nd
                           Securities Times, Hong
extraordinary shareholders                             2012-06-11            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                           Kong Commercial Daily
general meeting of 2012
Material Lawsuit and        Securities Times, Hong
                                                   2012-06-15                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Correction                   Kong Commercial Daily

Assets Dealing of Chengde Securities Times, Hong
                                                       2012-06-20            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Rongyida Real Estate      Kong Commercial Daily

                                                           承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Development Co.,
subsidiary of the Company
                             Securities Times, Hong
Lawsuit progress – Xu Xue                          2012-06-21                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                              Kong Commercial Daily

                                         VIII. Financial Report

       (I) Auditing Report
       Whether the report has been audited or not
       □ Yes √ No □Non applicable
       (II) Financial Statement
       Whether consolidated statement or not:
       √ Yes □ No □Non applicable
       Unless otherwise, currency for this statement refers to RMB (Yuan)
       Currency used in note of financial statement is RMB (Yuan)
       1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
       Prepared by Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
             Items                Note         Balance at period-end            Balance at period-begin
  Current assets:
  Monetary funds                                              1,571,028.20                      5,517,692.29
     Settlement provisions                                             0.00                               0.00
  Capital lent                                                         0.00                               0.00
     Transaction finance asset                                         0.00                               0.00
  Notes receivable                                                     0.00                               0.00
     Accounts receivable                                               0.00                               0.00
  Accounts paid in advance                                   20,488,196.25                     21,059,096.25
     Insurance receivable                                              0.00                               0.00
     Reinsurance receivables                                           0.00                               0.00
   Contract reserve of
                                                                       0.00                               0.00
reinsurance receivable
     Interest receivable                                               0.00                               0.00
     Dividend receivable                                               0.00                               0.00
     Other receivables                                       34,940,783.67                     33,632,142.25
     Purchase restituted
                                                                       0.00                               0.00
finance asset
     Inventories                                             56,505,152.59                     39,698,800.27

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     Non-current asset due
                                               0.00                              0.00
within one year
        Other current assets           1,093,527.39                      1,093,527.39
Total current assets                114,598,688.10                    101,001,258.45
  Non-current assets:
    Granted loans and
                                               0.00                              0.00
     Finance asset available
                                               0.00                              0.00
for sales
                                               0.00                              0.00
   Long-term account
                                               0.00                              0.00
     Long-term equity
                                       2,215,729.65                      2,215,729.65
        Investment real estate                 0.00                              0.00
        Fixed assets                 50,038,133.41                      60,092,006.51
        Construction in progress       6,721,818.00                      6,721,818.00
        Engineering material                   0.00                              0.00
        Disposal of fixed asset                0.00                              0.00
        Productive biological
        Oil and gas asset                      0.00                              0.00
        Intangible assets            23,891,528.51                      24,202,279.25
    Expense on Research and
                                               0.00                              0.00
  Goodwill                                     0.00                              0.00
    Long-term expenses to be
                                        320,976.00                         356,640.00
        Deferred income tax asset              0.00                              0.00
        Other non-current asset      25,132,938.95                      24,432,938.95
  Total non-current asset           108,321,124.52                     118,021,412.36
  Total assets                      222,919,812.62                    219,022,670.81
  Current liabilities:
        Short-term loans                422,261.91                         422,261.91
        Loan from central bank                 0.00                              0.00

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   Absorbing deposit and
                                              0.00                              0.00
interbank deposit
     Capital borrowed                         0.00                              0.00
      Transaction financial
                                              0.00                              0.00
     Notes payable                            0.00                              0.00
     Accounts payable                 1,225,343.22                        231,175.82
    Accounts received in
                                    54,821,272.50                      30,028,613.02
     Selling financial asset of
                                              0.00                              0.00
   Commission charge and
                                              0.00                              0.00
commission payable
     Wage payable                     6,176,635.66                      6,707,882.20
     Taxes payable                  68,963,013.99                      69,588,226.39
     Interest payable                         0.00                              0.00
     Dividend payable                         0.00                              0.00
     Other accounts payable        113,498,698.64                     116,572,501.13
     Reinsurance payables                     0.00                              0.00
     Insurance contract reserve               0.00                              0.00
     Security trading of agency               0.00                              0.00
     Security sales of agency                 0.00                              0.00
     Non-current liabilities due
                                              0.00                              0.00
within 1 year
     Other current liabilities                0.00                              0.00
  Total current liabilities        245,107,225.92                    223,550,660.47
  Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term loans                  6,801,600.00                      6,801,600.00
     Bonds payable                            0.00                              0.00
    Long-term account
                                              0.00                              0.00
     Special accounts payable       10,598,000.03                      10,598,000.03
     Projected liabilities                    0.00                              0.00
      Deferred income tax
                                              0.00                              0.00

     Other non-current                        0.00                              0.00

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  Total non-current liabilities                           17,399,600.03                     17,399,600.03
  Total liabilities                                      262,506,825.95                   240,950,260.50
  Owners equity (or
shareholders equity):
     Paid-up capital (or share
                                                         706,320,000.00                   706,320,000.00
     Capital public reserve                              450,765,443.10                   450,765,443.10
     Less: Inventory shares                                          0.00                              0.00
  Reasonable reserve                                                 0.00                              0.00
     Surplus public reserve                               76,791,550.17                     76,791,550.17
     Provision of general risk                                       0.00                              0.00
     Retained profit                                  -1,273,464,013.34                 -1,257,759,031.84
   Balance difference of
                                                                     0.00                              0.00
foreign currency translation
Total owners equity
                                                         -39,587,020.07                    -23,882,038.57
attributable to parent company
     Minority interests                                              6.74                    1,954,448.88
Total owners equity(or
                                                         -39,587,013.33                    -21,927,589.69
shareholders equity)
Total liabilities and owners
                                                         222,919,812.62                   219,022,670.81
equity(or shareholders equity)
        2. Balance Sheet of parent company
                                                                                Unit: RMB
              Items               Note       Balance at period-end           Balance at period-begin
Current assets:
     Monetary funds                                            4,019.80                          4,019.80
     Transaction finance asset                                       0.00                              0.00
     Notes receivable                                                0.00                              0.00
     Accounts receivable                                             0.00                              0.00
  Accounts paid in advance                                20,084,632.25                     20,084,632.25
     Interest receivable                                             0.00                              0.00
     Dividend receivable                                             0.00                              0.00
     Other receivables                                       564,846.74                        350,389.52
     Inventories                                                     0.00                              0.00
     Non-current asset due
                                                                     0.00                              0.00
within one year

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  Other current assets                         0.00                              0.00
  Total current assets               20,653,498.79                      20,439,041.57
  Non-current assets:
   Finance asset available for
                                               0.00                              0.00
                                               0.00                              0.00
     Long-term account
                                               0.00                              0.00
     Long-term equity
                                     58,925,880.26                      58,925,880.26
        Investment real estate                 0.00                              0.00
        Fixed assets                           0.00                              0.00
        Construction in progress               0.00                              0.00
        Engineering material                   0.00                              0.00
  Disposal of fixed asset                      0.00                              0.00
        Productive biological
                                               0.00                              0.00
        Oil and gas asset                      0.00                              0.00
        Intangible assets                      0.00                              0.00
    Expense on Research and
                                               0.00                              0.00
        Goodwill                               0.00                              0.00
    Long-term expenses to be
                                               0.00                              0.00
        Deferred income tax asset              0.00                              0.00
        Other non-current asset                0.00                              0.00
  Total non-current asset            58,925,880.26                      58,925,880.26
  Total assets                       79,579,379.05                      79,364,921.83
  Current liabilities:
        Short-term loans                422,261.91                         422,261.91
      Transaction financial
                                               0.00                              0.00
  Notes payable                                0.00                              0.00
        Accounts payable                218,802.27                         218,802.27

        Accounts received in                   0.00                              0.00

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  Wage payable                            38,587.58                        489,639.20
     Taxes payable                       -44,092.73                        169,855.54
     Interest payable                          0.00                              0.00
     Dividend payable                          0.00                              0.00
     Other accounts payable          103,332,356.54                   101,813,353.28
     Non-current liabilities due
                                               0.00                              0.00
within 1 year
     Other current liabilities                 0.00                              0.00
  Total current liabilities          103,967,915.57                    103,113,912.20
  Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term loans                           0.00                              0.00
     Bonds payable                             0.00                              0.00
    Long-term account
                                               0.00                              0.00
     Special accounts payable             98,000.03                         98,000.03
     Projected liabilities                     0.00                              0.00
      Deferred income tax
                                               0.00                              0.00
      Other non-current
                                               0.00                              0.00
  Total non-current liabilities           98,000.03                         98,000.03
Total liabilities                    104,065,915.60                    103,211,912.23
  Owners equity (or
shareholders equity):
     Paid-up capital (or share
                                     706,320,000.00                   706,320,000.00
     Capital public reserve          449,365,886.69                   449,365,886.69
  Less: Inventory shares                       0.00                              0.00
  Reasonable reserve                           0.00                              0.00
     Surplus public reserve           76,791,550.17                     76,791,550.17
     Retained profit               -1,256,963,973.41                -1,256,324,427.26
     Balance difference of
                                               0.00                              0.00
foreign currency translation
  Total owners equity(or
                                     -24,486,536.55                    -23,846,990.40
shareholders equity)

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  Total liabilities and owners
                                                         79,579,379.05                     79,364,921.83
equity(or shareholders equity)
         3. Consolidated Profit Statement
                                                                                    Unit: RMB
              Items               Note      Amount in this period            Amount in last period
I. Total operating income                                   481,640.00                          21,250.00
    Including: Operating
             Interest income
             Insurance gained
        Commission charge
and commission income
II. Total operating cost                                  8,193,084.59                      5,275,262.57
  Including: Operating cost                                         0.00                             0.00
             Interest expense
charge and commission
             Cash surrender
            Net amount of
expense of compensation
             Net amount of
withdrawal of insurance
contract reserve
             Bonus expense of
guarantee slip
           Operating tax and
                                                             49,187.20                          10,295.16
           Sales expenses
                                                          6,493,740.82                      5,260,118.42
           Financial expenses                             1,650,156.57                           4,848.99
            Losses of
                                                                    0.00                             0.00
devaluation of asset

     Add: Changing income of                                        0.00                             0.00

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fair value(Loss is listed with
                                                     0.00                                0.00
income (Loss is listed with “-”)
Investment income on
                                                     0.00                                0.00
affiliated company and joint
              Exchange income
(Loss is listed with “-”)
III. Operating profit (Loss is
                                            -7,711,444.59                      -5,254,012.57
listed with “-”)
    Add: Non-operating
                                                     0.00                      1,021,011.00
    Less: Non-operating
                                             9,919,013.80                        152,271.51
Disposal loss of non-current                 8,762,601.63                                0.00
IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed
                                           -17,630,458.39                      -4,385,273.08
with “-”)
  Less: Income tax expense                      28,965.25                          3,500.64
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed
                                           -17,659,423.64                      -4,388,773.72
with “-”)
      Including: net profit
realized before consolidation                        0.00                                0.00
by mergered party
    Net profit attributable to
                                           -15,704,981.50                      -4,069,051.79
owners of parent company
     Minority shareholders
                                            -1,954,442.14                       -319,721.93
gains and losses
VI. Earnings per share               --                                   --
     i. Basic earnings per share                   -0.022                               -0.006
     ii. Diluted earnings per
                                                   -0.022                               -0.006
VII. Other consolidated
                                                     0.00                                0.00
VIII. Total comprehensive
                                           -17,659,423.64                      -4,388,773.72

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      Total consolidated income
attributable to owners of parent                             -15,704,981.50                      -4,069,051.79
      Total consolidated income
attributable to minority                                      -1,954,442.14                       -319,721.93
       The merger realized net profit RMB 0.00 before consolidation during enterprises consolidation
       under a same control.
       4. Profit Statement of parent company
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
              Items                  Note     Amount in this period               Amount in last period
I. Operating income
  Less: operating cost                                                 0.00                                0.00
  Operating tax and extras
  Sales expenses
  Administration expenses                                       639,530.65                         171,257.42
  Financial expenses                                                  15.50                               15.50
  Losses of devaluation of
                                                                       0.00                                0.00
     Add: Changing income of
fair value(Loss is listed with                                         0.00                                0.00
   Investment income (Loss is
                                                                       0.00                                0.00
listed with “-”)
   Including: Investment
income on affiliated company                                           0.00                                0.00
and joint venture
II. Operating profit (Loss is
                                                                -639,546.15                       -171,272.92
listed with “-”)
  Add: Non-operating income                                            0.00                                0.00
Less: Non-operating expense                                            0.00                          2,271.51
  Including: Disposal loss of
non-current asset
III. Total Profit (Loss is listed
                                                                -639,546.15                       -173,544.43
with “-”)
     Less: Income tax expense
IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed
                                                                -639,546.15                       -173,544.43
with “-”)
V. Earnings per share                                  --                                   --

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     i. Basic earnings per share                              -0.0009                              -0.0002
     ii. Diluted earnings per
                                                              -0.0009                              -0.0002
VI. Other consolidated income                                    0.00                                 0.00
VII. Total comprehensive
                                                          -639,546.15                       -173,544.43
       5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
               Items                  Amount in this period               Amount in last period
I. Cash flows arising from
operating activities:
     Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                      25,081,497.08
    Net increase of customer
deposit and interbank deposit
     Net increase of loan from
central bank
      Net increase of capital
borrowed from other financial
     Cash received from original
insurance contract fee
     Net cash received from
reinsurance business
     Net increase of insured
savings and investment
     Net increase of disposal of
transaction financial asset
   Cash received from interest,
commission charge and
     Net increase of capital
     Net increase of returned
business capital
     Write-back of tax received
    Other cash received
                                                      2,131,881.19                         2,292,951.24
concerning operating activities

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Subtotal of cash inflow arising
                                     27,213,378.27                         2,292,951.24
from operating activities

     Cash paid for purchasing
commodities and receiving labor      14,998,621.22                         1,751,364.70
     Net increase of customer
loans and advances
     Net increase of deposits in
central bank and interbank
     Cash paid for original
insurance contract compensation
   Cash paid for interest,
commission charge and
    Cash paid for bonus of
guarantee slip
    Cash paid to/for staff and
                                      1,270,834.36                           280,550.00
     Taxes paid                       3,245,986.75                         3,465,899.30
    Other cash paid concerning
                                      5,337,549.73                        17,442,211.93
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflow arising
                                     24,852,992.06                        22,940,025.93
from operating activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                      2,360,386.21                       -20,647,074.69
operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from
investing activities:
     Cash received from
recovering investment
   Cash received from investment
     Net cash received from
disposal of fixed, intangible and                                            967,298.00
other long-term assets
      Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other            0.00                                 0.00

  Other cash received concerning              0.00                                 0.00

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investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                            0.00                           967,298.00
investing activities
     Cash paid for purchasing
fixed, intangible and other          102,569.50
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment
     Net increase of mortgaged
     Net cash received from
                                            0.00                                 0.00
subsidiaries and other units
     Other cash paid concerning
                                     700,000.00                                  0.00
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                     802,569.50                                  0.00
investing activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                    -802,569.50                            967,298.00
investing activities
III. Cash flows arising from
financing activities
  Cash received from absorbing
     Including: Cash received
from absorbing minority
shareholders investment by
  Cash received from loans                                              13,000,000.00
    Cash received from issuing
    Other cash received
                                            0.00                                 0.00
concerning financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                            0.00                        13,000,000.00
financing activities
  Cash paid for settling debts                                           2,283,616.44
     Cash paid for dividend and
profit distributing or interest     2,414,480.80
   Including: Dividend and profit
of minority shareholder paid by

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     Other cash paid concerning
                                                             3,090,000.00                                 0.00
financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                             5,504,480.80                         2,283,616.44
financing activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                                            -5,504,480.80                        10,716,383.56
financing activities
IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in
exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                            -3,946,664.09                        -8,963,393.13
     Add: Balance of cash and
cash equivalents at the period                               5,517,692.29                         9,723,008.25
VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                             1,571,028.20                           759,615.12
equivalents at the period -end
       6. Cash Flow Statement of parent company
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                      Item                          Amount in this period        Amount in last period
I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
  Cash received from selling commodities and
providing labor services
     Write-back of tax received
     Other cash received concerning operating
                                                               283,269.76                           337,509.50
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating
                                                               283,269.76                           337,509.50
     Cash paid for purchasing commodities and
receiving labor service
     Cash paid to/for staff and workers                         17,900.00                            93,600.00
     Taxes paid                                                     50.00
  Other cash paid concerning operating
                                                               265,319.76                           247,722.30
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating
                                                               283,269.76                           341,322.30
Net cash flows arising from operating activities                      0.00                           -3,812.80
II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
     Cash received from recovering investment

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  Cash received from investment income
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed,
intangible and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units
     Other cash received concerning investing
                                                            0.00                                 0.00
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities           0.00                                 0.00
     Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible
and other long-term assets
     Cash paid for investment
  Net cash received from subsidiaries and other
     Other cash paid concerning investing
                                                            0.00                                 0.00
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing
                                                            0.00                                 0.00
Net cash flows arising from investing activities            0.00                                 0.00
III. Cash flows arising from financing activities
     Cash received from absorbing investment
  Cash received from loans
     Cash received from issuing bonds
     Other cash received concerning financing
                                                            0.00                                 0.00
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities           0.00                                 0.00
  Cash paid for settling debts
      Cash paid for dividend and profit
distributing or interest paying
  Other cash paid concerning financing
                                                            0.00                                 0.00
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                            0.00                                 0.00
Net cash flows arising from financing activities            0.00                                 0.00
IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due
to fluctuation in exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                0.00                            -3,812.80
  Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at         4,019.80                             37,197.70

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the period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                               4,019.80                                         33,384.90
period -end
           7. Consolidated Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity
           Amount in this period
                                                                           Amount in this period

                                               Owners' equity attributable to the parent company

                                  Paid-up                                            General                                      Total
                 Items                                                                                              Minoritys
                                                        Less:    Reasona
                                  capital    Capital                       Surplus    risk     Retaine                           owners
                                                       Treasur     ble                                    Others     equity
                                  (Share reserves                          reserves provisio d profit                             equity
                                                       y Stock reserve
                                  capital)                                             n

I. Balance at the end of last     706,320 450,765,                         76,791,                                  1,954,448 -21,927,58
year                              ,000.00     443.10                        550.17                                        .88         9.69

  Add: Changes of accounting

            Error correction of
the last period


II. Balance at the beginning of   706,320 450,765,                         76,791,                                  1,954,448 -21,927,58
this year                         ,000.00     443.10                        550.17                                        .88         9.69

III. Increase/ Decrease in this
year (Decrease is listed

                                                                                               -15,704,             -1,954,44 -17,659,42
(i) Net profit
                                                                                                981.50                   2.14         3.64

(ii) Other consolidated income

                                                                                               -15,704,             -1,954,44 -17,659,42
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)
                                                                                                981.50                   2.14         3.64

(III) Owners' devoted and
                                      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00      0.00        0.00         0.00
decreased capital

1. Owners' devoted capital

2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in shares

3. Others

(IV)Profit distribution               0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00      0.00        0.00         0.00

1.Withdrawal of surplus

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2.Withdrawal of general risk

3.Distribution for owners

4. Others

(V) Carrying forward internal
                                       0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00      0.00        0.00        0.00
owners' equity

1.Capital reserves conversed to
capital (share capital)

2.Surplus reserves conversed
to capital (share capital)

3.Remedying loss with
surplus reserve

4. Others

 (VI) Reasonable reserve                                                                                                              0.00

1.Withdrawal in this period

2.Usage in this period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of the      706,320 450,765,                         76,791,                                              -39,587,01
                                                                                                64,013.3                  6.74
report period                       ,000.00    443.10                        550.17                                                   3.33

          Amount in last period
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                            Amount in last period
                                                Owners' equity attributable to the parent company

                                   Paid-up                                            General                                      Total
                Items                                    Less:    Reasona                                            Minoritys
                                   capital    Capital                       Surplus    risk     Retaine                           owners
                                                        Treasur     ble                                    Others     equity
                                   (Share reserves                          reserves provisio d profit                            equity
                                                        y Stock reserve
                                   capital)                                             n

I. Balance at the end of last      706,320, 450,765,                        76,791,                                  2,869,338 -24,655,90
year                                000.00     443.10                        550.17                                        .07        2.96

       Add: retroactive
adjustment arising from
enterprise consolidation under
the same control

       Add: Changes of
accounting policy

            Error correction of

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the last period


II. Balance at the beginning of 706,320, 450,765,                 76,791,                             2,869,338 -24,655,90
this year                         000.00   443.10                  550.17                                   .07        2.96

III. Increase/ Decrease in this
                                                                                    3,643,20          -914,889. 2,728,313.
year (Decrease is listed
                                                                                        2.46                19          27

                                                                                    3,643,20          -914,889. 2,728,313.
(i) Net profit
                                                                                        2.46                19          27

(ii) Other consolidated income

                                                                                    3,643,20          -914,889. 2,728,313.
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)
                                                                                        2.46                19          27

(III) Owners' devoted and
                                    0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00      0.00    0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00        0.00
decreased capital

1. Owners' devoted capital

2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in shares

3. Others

(IV)Profit distribution             0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00      0.00    0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00        0.00

1.Withdrawal of surplus

2.Withdrawal of general risk

3.Distribution for owners

4. Others

(V) Carrying forward internal
                                    0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00      0.00    0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00        0.00
owners' equity

1.Capital reserves conversed
to capital (share capital)

2.Surplus reserves conversed
to capital (share capital)

3.Remedying loss with
surplus reserve


 (VI) Reasonable reserve

1.Withdrawal in this period

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2.Usage in this period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of the        706,320, 450,765,                         76,791,                                  1,954,448 -21,927,58
report period                         000.00       443.10                       550.17                                        .88           9.69
         8. Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity of Parent Company
         Amount in this period
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                               Amount in this period

                                                                    Less:                                General                        Total
                  Item                  capital       Capital                  Reasonable    Surplus                    Retained
                                                                   Treasury                                  risk                      owners
                                        (Share        reserves                  reserve      reserves                    profit
                                                                    Stock                                reserve                        equity

                                      706,320,00 449,365,88                                 76,791,550                 -1,256,324, -23,846,99
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                             0.00           6.69                                   .17                     427.26           0.40

     Add: Changes of accounting

         Error correction of the
last period


II. Balance at the beginning of       706,320,00 449,365,88                                 76,791,550                 -1,256,324, -23,846,99
this year                                    0.00           6.69                                   .17                     427.26           0.40

III. Increase/ Decrease in this
year (Decrease is listed with'"-")

                                                                                                                       -639,546.1 -639,546.1
(i) Net profit
                                                                                                                                   5             5

(ii) Other consolidated income

                                                                                                                       -639,546.1 -639,546.1
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)
                                                                                                                                   5             5

(III) Owners' devoted and
                                             0.00           0.00        0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00         0.00           0.00
decreased capital

1. Owners' devoted capital

2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in shares

3. Others

(IV) Profit distribution                     0.00           0.00        0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00         0.00           0.00

1.Withdrawal of surplus reserves

2. Withdrawal of general risk

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3. Distribution for owners

4. Others

(V) Carrying forward internal
                                             0.00        0.00       0.00         0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00           0.00
owners' equity

1. Capital reserves conversed to
capital (share capital)

2. Surplus reserves conversed to
capital (share capital)

3. Remedying loss with       surplus

4. Others

 (VI) Reasonable reserve                                                                                                             0.00

1. Withdrawal in this period

2. Usage in this period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of the          706,320,00 449,365,88                            76,791,550              -1,256,963, -24,486,53
report period                                0.00        6.69                                  .17                  973.41           6.55

           Amount in last year
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                            Amount in last year
                                                                 Less:                               General                      Total
                 Item                    capital    Capital                Reasonabl     Surplus                 Retained
                                                                Treasury                              risk                   owners
                                         (Share     reserves                e reserve    reserves                 profit
                                                                 Stock                               reserve                  equity

                                       706,320,00 449,365,88                            76,791,550              -1,271,759, -39,281,78
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                             0.00        6.69                                  .17                  225.93           9.07

     Add: Changes of accounting

            Error correction of the
last period


II. Balance at the beginning of        706,320,00 449,365,88                            76,791,550              -1,271,759, -39,281,78
this year                                    0.00        6.69                                  .17                  225.93           9.07

III. Increase/ Decrease in this
year (Decrease is listed with'"-")

(i) Net profit                                                                                                  15,434,798 15,434,798

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                                                                                                               .67         .67

(ii) Other consolidated income

                                                                                                        15,434,798 15,434,798
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)
                                                                                                               .67         .67

(III) Owners' devoted and
                                             0.00       0.00   0.00         0.00         0.00    0.00         0.00        0.00
decreased capital

1. Owners' devoted capital

2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in shares

3. Others

(IV) Profit distribution                     0.00       0.00   0.00         0.00         0.00    0.00         0.00        0.00

1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves

2. Withdrawal of general risk

3. Distribution for owners

4. Others

(V) Carrying forward internal
                                             0.00       0.00   0.00         0.00         0.00    0.00         0.00        0.00
owners' equity

1. Capital reserves conversed to
capital (share capital)

2. Surplus reserves conversed to
capital (share capital)

3. Remedying loss with       surplus

4. Others

 (VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in this period

2. Usage in this period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of the          706,320,00 449,365,88                       76,791,550           -1,256,324, -23,846,99
report period                                0.00       6.69                              .17               427.26        0.40

           (III) Basic information

           1. Background
           Chengde DaLu Co., Ltd.( Hereinafter referred to as " the Company" or the "Company") was formerly known as

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Chengde DiXian Knitting Co., Ltd( Hereinafter referred to as "DIXIAN stock), and was reorganized on November
3, 1999 by sponsorship, approved by the people's Government of Hebei Province with the issue of Ji shares do
[1999]36, The sponsors were Mr. Wang Shuxian, Hebei province Chengde County North Industrial Company,
Chengde City Longfeng cosmetics company and Chengde County Board Town of Red Star plastic products factory
and Mr. Wang Zhengsong. The registered capital was RMB100, 000,000 at establishment, and it was divided into
100,000,000 shares with one Yuan of face value per share, during which 85,100,000 shares were held by Mr. Wang
Shuxian. On November 13, 2009, the company changed its name to Chengde DaLu Co., Ltd upon resolution of the
board of directors.
According to the issue [2000] 121 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as "
CSRC “) on August 29, 2000, the company issued 100,000,000 foreign capital stocks listed in China (hereinafter
referred to as the " B “) on September 19, 2000 on Shenzhen stock exchange; and excised the overallotment option
to increase issuing 15,000,000 B shares from September 29to October 29, 2000. The registered capital of the
company after the issuance of B shares was RMB 215,000,000, and was divided into 215,000,000 shares with one
Yuan of face value per share.
According to the resolution of the shareholders meeting on March 12, 2002, The Company allotted 43,000,000
bonus shares to all of the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares, and
meanwhile increased 107500000 shares to all of the shareholding by transferring from capital reserve according to
5 shares free for every 10 shares. The registered capital of the company was changed to RMB 365,500,000 after it
allotted bonus shares and increased by transferring.
According to the resolution of the shareholders meeting on July 22, 2003, The Company allotted 73,100,000
bonus shares to all of the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares, and the
registered capital of the company was changed to RMB 438,600,000 after such bonus shares were allotted.
On March 11, 2004, approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the company was
allowed to be changed to Foreign-Funded Joint Stock Companies Limited.
On July, 2004, the company increased 150,000,000 B shares directionally, during which 91,300,000 shares were
subscribed in HK$, and another 58,700,000 shares were subscribed in RMB, upon check by China Securities
Regulatory Commission with the issue [2004] No.101.
According to the resolution of the shareholders meeting on June 8, 2006, The Company allotted 117,720,000
bonus shares to all of the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares,
On August 4, 2008, according to the judgment ruled by Shenzhen Intermediate People's court, 112,324,800
sponsor shares held by Wang Shuxian was compensated to ChenRong for RMB 45,491,544 Yuan, and on August
15, 2008, 96,000,000 sponsor shares held by Wang Shuxian was compensated to Chenrong for RMB 38,880,000
Yuan according to the judgment ruled by Dalian Intermediate People's court.
On November 11, 2009, according to “reply to the approval of capital increase, and change of share as well as
name of Chengde DiXian Knitting Co., Ltd” with No.143 [2009] by Bureau of Commerce of Hebei Province, it
agreed that the company increased 150,000,000 foreign shares listed in China in 2004 and allotted 2 bonus shares
free for every 10 shares in 2006; and it agreed that 208324800 shares of Dixian stock held by Wang Shuxian
Dixian was changed to Chen Rong ; as well as the name of the company changed to Chengde DaLu Co., Ltd
The total share capital was 706,320,000 shares and the registered capital of the company was RMB 706,320,000
Yuan after the company increased and allotted, which has been validated by ZhongLei CPA Co., Ltd, who
provided the capital verification report with [2010] No. 10009.
On April 6, 2012, Mr. Chen Rong, as the largest shareholder of company, signed a share transfer agreement with
Mr. Wang Dong, and transferred all of the 208,324,800 shares held by himself (accounting for 29.49% of total

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capital stock of the company) to Mr. Wang Dong. The procedure for equity transfer has been finished.
2. Business scope
Production and processing of series of knitting, woven series, high-grade suits, children series, packing materials,
paper and paper products as well as all kinds of paper and synthetic silk, sales of self-made products. The company
and its subsidiaries imports knitted fabrics, woven fabrics of various raw materials for the production and the
production equipment and accessories for self-use.
The company subsidiary, Chengde County Rong Tatsu Real Estate Development Company Limited, is engaged in
real estate development.

(IV) Major accounting policies, accounting estimates and correction of prior period

1. Basis of preparation of the financial statements

The company shall, on the basis of continuous operation, recognize and measure the actually occurred transactions
and events according to “the accounting standards for enterprises-basic standards” issued by the Ministry of
Finance on February 2006 and thirty-eight concrete accounting standards and its application guidance and its
interpretation as well as the provision of other accounting standards, and then prepare the financial statements.

2. A declaration on the compliance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises

The financial statements of the company has been prepared in accordance with the regulations of enterprise
accounting standards, and present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the company, and the its
operation results and cash flows.

3. Accounting fiscal year

The fiscal year begins on the Gregorian calendar January 1st, and ends on December 31st. and this reporting

period began on January 1st, and ended on June 30th 2012.

4. Reporting Currency

The reporting currency of the company is Renminbi (“RMB”).

The reporting currency of the oversea subsidiaries

5. Accounting for business combinations under the same control and not under the same

(1) Business combinations under the same control

Equity method is adopted by the company for the business combination under the same control, and the assets and
liabilities of the combined party in a business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amount

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in the combined party on the combining date, except the necessary adjustment due to different accounting policy.
As for the balance between the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares
issued) and the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party, the additional paid-in capital
shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be

The cost for the business combination of the company as the combining party shall, including the expenses for
audit, legal services and assessment, be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period. The bonds issued
for a business combination or the handling fees and commissions for assuming other liabilities shall be recorded
into the amount of initial measurement of the bonds or other debts. The handling fees and commissions for the
issuance of equity securities for the business combination shall be credited against the surplus of equity securities;
if the surplus is not sufficient, the retained earnings shall be offset.

(2) Business control not under the same control

The purchase method is adopted by the company for the business combination not under the same control. The
combination costs shall be the fair values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or
assumed and the equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree. The cost for
the business combination of the company as the acquirer shall, including the expenses for audit, legal services and
assessment as well as other related management expenses be recorded into the profits and losses at the current
period. The transaction cost for the issuance of equity securities or debt securities for the consideration shall be
recorded into the initial recognition amount of the equity securities or debt securities.

The combination costs determined at the acquisition date shall be the initial investment cost of the long-term
equity investment acquired from acquisition of common stock not under the same control, and the identifiable
assets and liabilities acquired from the statutory merger not under the same control shall be stated at their fair value
on the acquisition date. The positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable
net assets it obtains from the acquiree shall be stated as business reputation; and the negative difference of the
combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets is obtains from the acquire shall be recorded into
combined current profit and loss after check.

6. Preparation method for consolidated financial statements

(1) Preparation method for consolidated financial statements

The financial statements are prepared on the basis of control, and the scope of the consolidated financial
statements includes the company and all of its subsidiaries.
The consolidated financial statements of the company are prepared according to “Accounting Standards for
Enterprises No.33–Consolidated Financial Statements” and related regulations, and all of the significant internal
transactions and business contacts in the consolidated scope shall be offset at the combination. The shareholders
equity of the subsidiaries not belonging to the parent company shall be listed singly as the ministry interest under
the shareholders equity in the consolidated financial statements.

If the accounting policy or the accounting period is different between the subsidiaries and the company, it is
necessary to adjust the financial statements of the subsidiaries according to the accounting policy or accounting

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period of the company at the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

For the subsidiaries acquired from the business combination not under the same control, it shall adjust the
individual financial statements based on its fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date; for the
subsidiaries acquired from the business combination under the same control, it shall be regarded as the reporting
entity formed after combination and continues to exist integratedly from the control by the final controlling party
comes into operation, and it shall adjust the beginning amount of the consolidated balance sheet, as well as the
related items of the comparative financial statements at the same time.

(2) Accounting for the equity of the same subsidiaries to be disclosed that is purchased and
then sold, or sold and then purchased during two accounting periods continuously

7. Recognition for cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents included in cash-flow statement are short-term(within three months of maturity since

purchase date), highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to

limited risk on changes in value.

8. Foreign currency transaction and translation of foreign currency statements

(1) Foreign currency transaction

Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the reporting currency at the spot exchange rates

prevailing on the day when the transactions take place.

Monetary assets denominated in foreign currency at the balance sheet date are translated at the spot exchange rate,

and the exchange difference arising from the different spot exchange date at the balance sheet date and at the initial

recognition or the previous balance sheet date shall be recorded into finance expenses; the non-monetary items

denominated in foreign currency stated at its historical cost shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the day

when the transactions take place; and non-monetary item denominated in foreign currency stated at its fair value

shall be translated at the spot exchange date on the day when the fair value is determined, and the difference

between the amount in reporting currency after translation and the carrying amount in original reporting currency

shall be recorded into current profit and loss as income from changes in fair value, and the exchange difference

related to non-monetary items in foreign currency available for sale shall be recorded into capital reserves.

(2) Translation of foreign currency statements

Translation of items in foreign currency at the balance sheet date: the assets and liabilities in the balance sheet
shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet, and the items of owners equity except
“undistributed profit” shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on occurrence. The income and expense in the
income statement shall be translated at the spot exchange date on the day when the transactions take place.

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When the consolidated financial statement is prepared, the converted difference in foreign currency statements
shall be listed singly as “translation reserve” under the owners equity in the consolidated balance sheet.

9. Financial instruments

"Financial instruments" refers to the financial assets of the business and constitute the financial liability or equity
instruments of other business

(1) Classification of financial instruments

The financial assets and financial liabilities of the company are divided into five types at the initial recognition:
Financial asset measured by fair value and which change is recorded into current profit and loss, Held-to-maturity
investment, accounts receivable, financial assets available for sale and other financial liabilities.

(2) Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments

The financial assets or financial liabilities are stated at their fair value at initial recognition. For the financial assets
and liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the
current period, the transaction expenses thereof shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period, and the related transaction expenses of other kinds of financial assets or financial liabilities is recorded into
its initial recognition amount.
①The financial assets and liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period
The financial assets or liabilities which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into
the profits and losses of the current period, including transactional financial assets and liabilities and the financial
assets and liabilities which are measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the current
profits and losses; the transactional financial assets refers to the stock, bonds, fund and the derivative instruments
not as effective hedging instrument or the assumed financial liabilities to be repurchased in the near future; the
financial assets and liabilities which are measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the
current profits and losses is mainly designated on the basis of risk management and strategic investment.
Subsequent measurement shall be carried through for these financial assets or financial liabilities at their fair value.
All realized and unrealized profit and loss of these financial assets or financial liabilities shall be recorded into
current profit and loss except those as effective hedging instruments.
② Held-to-maturity investment
"Held-to-maturity investment" refers to a non-derivative financial asset with the maturity date being fixed, the
repayment being fixed or confirmed and the company has a clear purpose or is capable to hold to maturity.
Effective interest method is adapted to measure held-to-maturity investment at the post-amortization cost during
the holding period. The gains and loss arising from the impairment, amortization or recognition termination of
held-to-maturity investment shall be recorded into current profit and loss. The balance between the price obtained
and the carrying amount of the investment shall be recorded into investment income when held-to-maturity
investment is disposed.
③ Accounts receivable
“Accounts receivable” is the claims of the sale of goods or rendering of service, including accounts receivable,
other receivables and long-term receivables.

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The accounts receivable shall be recognized initially at the price stipulated in the contract or agreement to be
received from the purchaser and it is measured at the post-amortization cost using the effective interest method.
The balance between the price obtained and the carrying amount of the accounts receivable shall be recorded into
current profit and loss at recovery and disposal.
④ Financial assets available for sale
Financial assets available for sale refers to the non-derivative financial assets available for sale designated at initial
recognition, and the financial assets except those three kinds of financial assets above. Subsequent measurement
shall be carried through for such kind of financial assets at their fair value, and the discount and premium shall be
amortized using effective interest method and recognized as interest income. The change in the fair value of the
financial assets available for sale shall be recognized as the independent part of capital reserve when the said
financial assets is stopped from recognition or is impaired with the exception of the impairment loss and the
exchange difference arising from the monetary financial assets in foreign currency which shall be recorded into
current profit and loss, and the accumulative gains or loss recorded into capital reserve before shall be transferred
into current profit and loss. The dividends or interest income related to the financial assets available for sale shall
be recorded into current profit and loss.
⑤ Other financial liabilities
Other financial liabilities refer to the financial liabilities which isnt designated to be measured by fair value and
which change is recorded in current profit and loss.
Other liabilities are measured at the post-amortization cost or cost. The gains or loss arising from the amortization
and the recognition termination of the other liabilities shall be recorded into current profit and loss.

(3) Recognition and measurement for transfer of financial assets

①Where the company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial
asset to the transferee; or it does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of
a financial asset but gives up its control over the financial asset, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset.
②If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition; the difference between
the amounts of the following two items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period:
A. The book value of the transferred financial asset
B. The sum of consideration received from the transfer and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair
value originally recorded in the owner's equities.
③If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop recognition, the entire book value of the
transferred financial asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose
recognition has not been stopped, be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and the
difference between the amounts of the following two items shall be included into the profits and losses of the
current period:
A. The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped;
B. The sum of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and the portion of the
accumulative amount of the changes in the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities which is
corresponding to the portion whose recognition has been stopped
④ If the transfer of the financial asset doesnt satisfy the condition to stop the recognition, it shall continue to
recognize the financial asset and shall recognize the consideration it receives as a financial liability.
⑤ If the company is continuously involved in the transferred financial asset, it shall recognize a financial asset
according to the extent of its continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset, and recognize a financial

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liability at the same time.

(4) Recognition for termination of financial liabilities

Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the
financial liability be terminated in all or partly.

(5) Determination method for the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

①As for the financial assets or financial liabilities for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the
active market shall be used to determine the fair values thereof.
②Where there is no active market for a financial instrument; the company shall adopt value appraisal techniques
to determine its fair value.

(6) Provision for impairment of financial assets(except accounts receivable)

The company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial assets
(except accounts receivable). Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has been
impaired, an impairment provision shall be made.
①Held-to-maturity investment
The loss on impairment shall be determined according to the balance of the carrying amount and the present value
of the predicted future cash flow. It is accounted for according to the measurement method for loss impairment of
accounts receivable.
If there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said financial asset has been restored, and it is
objectively related to the events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment loss as originally
recognized shall be reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. However, the
reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than the post-amortization costs of the said financial asset on the
day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.
② Financial assets available for sale
If there is any objective evidence proving that the fair value of the financial assets available for sale drops
significantly or not contemporarily, it can recognize that such financial assets available for sale has been impaired,
and shall recognize loss on impairment. Where the financial asset available for sale is impaired, the accumulative
losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the owners equity which was directly included shall be
transferred out at the same time when the impairment loss is recognized and recorded into the profits and losses of
the current period. The said accumulative loss transferred out equals the balance of the initial acquisition cost of
the financial asset available for sale deducting the reversed principal, the amortized amount, current fair value and
the impairment loss that has been recorded into profit and loss originally.
As for the sellable debt instruments whose impairment        losses have been recognized, if, within the accounting
period thereafter, the fair value has risen and are objectively related to the subsequent events that occur after the
originally impairment losses were recognized, the originally recognized impairment losses shall be reversed and be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The impairment losses incurred to a sellable equity
instrument investment shall not be reversed through profits and losses.

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(7) The outstanding held-to-maturity investment is to be re-classifies as the financial asset
available for sale, and the basis of explanation to the intention and capability of holding
investment are being changed

10. Recognition of provision for bad debts of account receivable

The company conducts an impairment test on the financial assets with significant single amounts. If any objective
evidence shows that it has been impaired, the impairment losses shall be recognized and the provision for bad
debts shall be made.

Except the accounts receivable which the impairment loss have been made singly and those receivables inside the
consolidated scope, the company regards aging as credit risk feature grouping, and based on actual loss ratio of
receivables in different groups divided as per account age in previous ears and in consideration of current status,
the Company shall decide the ratio for appropriation of provisions for doubtful accounts in different account age
segments in current year, and thus calculate the appropriated provisions for doubtful accounts.

(1) Bad debt provision for accounts receivable with significant single amounts

                                          The Company deems the receivables with single amount over RMB
Judgment basis or amount standard for
                                          1,000,000 (RMB 1,000,000) as significant single amount according to
significant single amount
                                          the operation scale and business character.

Receivables with significant single       The company conducts an impairment test on the accounts receivable
amount and with appropriation of          with significant single amounts. If any objective evidence shows that it
provisions for doubtful accounts on       has been impaired, the impairment losses shall be recognized and the
single amount                             provision for bad debts shall be made.

(2) Accounts receivable with appropriation of provisions for bad debt as per grouping

                                            Standard for bad debt
           Name of grouping              provision against group of                     Basis of group determination
                                            accounts receivables

Amounts of bad debt provision for
accounts receivable which single                                      The accounts receivable which obvious evidence exists
amount is not significant, but the      Aging analysis method         showing that it is unrecoverable, and with over three years of
portfolio risk is significant after                                   aging.
grouped by credit risk feature

Bad debt provision is made in group using aging analysis method:
√A □NA

                                      Provision proportion for accounts            Provision proportion for other
                                               receivable (%)                             receivables (%)

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Within one year (including one
                                                                        5%                                     5%

One to two years                                                        20%                                   20%

Two to three years                                                      50%                                   50%

Over three years                                                    100%                                     100%

Three to four years

Four to five years

Over five years

Bad debt provision is made using Percentage of total account receivable outstanding
□ A √NA
Bad debt provision is made using other methods:
□A √ NA

(3) Receivables with non-significant amount but with appropriation of provision for bad
debts on single amount

Reason for appropriation of provision for bad debts on single amount:
For receivables which have non-significant amount but clearly different individual credit risk feature and have
been depreciated with objective evidences, the provision for doubtful accounts appropriated as per aging analysis
method cannot reflect actual conditions.

Provision for bad debt:
The company shall conduct impairment test singly, and recognize impairment loss according to the present value
of future cash flow lower than its carrying amount, and then make corresponding provision for bad debt on the
basis of provision for bad debt which has been made by aging.

11. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventory

Inventory means the materials, Auxiliary Material, spare parts for repair, revolving materials, merchandise
inventory, work-in-process under production, finished goods, development cost and products to be developed etc.
the development cost includes the land cost, construction cost and other cost related to real estate development
under construction; the product to be developed refers to the land purchased and prepared to be developed into real
estate development.

(2) Valuation method for issuing of inventories

□First-in first-out method (FIFO) √Weighed average method □Specific identification method □other

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The Company shall valuate the issuing of inventories as per weighed average method once at the end of month.
The actual cost of the developed products include land-transferring fees, and expenditure of basic supporting
facilities, expenditure of construction installment project, and borrowing expense related before the completion of
developed project and other related expenses during the process of development. The actual cost shall be
confirmed using specific identification method when the developed product is issued.

(3) Determination standard for the net realizable value of inventory and provision for
depreciation of inventory

During regular production and operation process, for the inventories directly used for sale such as merchandise
inventory and the materials for sale etc, the net realizable value shall be decided as per its estimated selling price
reduced by estimated selling expenses and related tax.
For the materials inventory needed to be built or processed,, during regular production and operating process, the
net realizable value shall be decided according to the estimated price of the finished goods built or processed less
the cost to be generated, and the estimated selling expenses and related tax until completion of the project,

For the inventories held for implementing sales agreement or service contract, the Company shall make the
contract price as valuation basis of the net realizable value; if the amount of inventories held are bigger than the
order amount in the sales contract, the Company shall make general sales price as the valuation basis for the net
realizable value of the exceeding part of the inventories. For the inventories without sales agreement(excluding
materials for sale), the company shall make the general sales price (namely marketing price) as the valuation basis
for its net realizable value; For material used for sale, the Company shall make market price as the valuation basis
for its net realizable value.

The company shall check over the inventories at the balance sheet date, and the provision for depreciation of
inventories shall be made or adjusted according to the lower of inventories cost and its net realizable value. The
provision for depreciation of inventories shall be appropriated as per individual inventories, and for the inventories
with big amount and lower price, appropriated as per classified groups of inventories. For the inventories related to
the series of products manufactured and sold in the same area, and of which the final use or purpose is identical or
similar there to, and if it is difficult to measure them by separating them from other items, the provision for
depreciation of inventories shall be made on a combination basis.If the influencing factors for writing down
inventory value before the date of balance sheet have disappeared, the Company shall restore the amount written
down, and return the amount in the appropriated provision for depreciation of inventories, which shall be attributed
to the net profit or loss of current period.

(4) Inventory system

√Perpetual inventory system □Periodic inventory system □Other
 The company adopts perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortization method for low value consumables and packing materials

Low value consumables

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Amortization method: one-off amortization method
The low-value consumables shall be amortized using one-off amortization method upon incurring.

Packing materials
Amortization method: one-off amortization method
The packing materials shall be amortized using one-off amortization method.

12. Long-term equity investment

(1) Recognition of initial investment cost

①Long-term equipment due to business merger under the same control
The initial investment cost for long-term equity investment due to business merger under the same control shall be
stated at the net attributable carrying value of the merged party after being adjusted according to the accounting
policies of the company and obtained at the date of merger.
②Long-term equipment due to business merger not under the same control
The initial investment cost for long-term equity investment due to business merger not under the same control shall
be stated at the combined cost at the purchasing date.
If the business merger which is not under the same control is realized via several transactions in process, the initial
investment cost shall be stated at the sum of the carrying value of held equity investment of the purchased party
before the purchasing date and the newly-increased investment cost at the purchasing date.
③long-term equity invest obtained by other means
The initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the
purchase cost which is actually paid.
For the long-term equity investment acquired by issuing equity securities, the fair value of equity securities
(excluding the declared but not distributed cash dividends and profits obtained from the investee) shall be made as
the investment cost.
For the long-term equity investment made by the investors, the value specified in the investment contract or
agreement shall be made as the investment cost, except that the value specified in the contract or agreement is
Where a non-monetary assets transaction that the transaction is commercial in nature; and the fair value of the
assets received or surrendered can be measured reliably, the fair value of the assets surrender shall be regarded as
the initial investment cost for the long-term equity investment received in exchange for non-monetary assets.,
unless there is any exact evidence showing that the fair value of the assets received is more reliable. Where any
non-monetary assets transaction does not meet the above conditions, the carrying value and relevant payable taxes
of the assets surrendered shall be the initial investment cost of the assets received. The initial cost of a long-term
equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be stated according to the fair value.

(2) Subsequent measurement and confirmation method for profit and loss

Where the company has joint control or significant influence over the investee, and the investment is not quoted in
an active market and its fair value cant be reliably measured, a long-term equity investment is accounted for using
the cost method. Where the company has joint control or significant influence over the investee, a long-term equity
investment is accounted for using the equity method

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When a long-term equity investment is accounted for using Cost method:
1. If the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment is larger than the fair value of identifiable net assets
of the investee entitled to from the investment, the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments shall not
be adjusted; If the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment is smaller than the fair value of
identifiable net assets of the invested entity gained from the investment, the difference between them shall be
recognized in the consolidated income statement and cost of long-term equity investments adjusted.

After the company obtains a long-term equity investment, it shall, in accordance with the attributable share of the
net profits or losses of the investee, recognize the investment profits or losses and adjust the book value of the
long-term equity investment. The company shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the
investee when it obtains the investment and offset the shareholding proportion of the unrealized profit and loss
from internal transactions between the Company, affiliated enterprises and joint ventures which is attributable to
the company through calculation according to the accounting policy and accounting period of the company(it shall
recognize entirely if the unrealized internal transaction loss belongs to assets impairment loss), recognize the
attributable share of the net profits and losses of the investee after it adjusts the net profits of the investee.
2. The company shall recognize the net losses of the investee until the book value of the long-term equity
investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially form the net investment made to the
investee are reduced to zero, unless it has the obligation to undertake extra losses stipulated in the contract or
agreement. If the investee realizes any net profits later, the company shall, after the amount of its attributable share
of profits offsets against its attributable share of the unrecognized losses, resume recognizing its attributable share
of profits.
④The carrying value of long-term equity investment shall be written down against the proportion of profit or cash
dividend to be entitled which has been declared to be distributed by the investee.
⑤As for other changes of owners equity except the net profit and loss of the investee, the company shall adjust
the carrying value of the long-term equity investment against the attributable share calculated in accordance with
shareholding proportion, and increase or decrease capital reserves at the same time.
The company continues using the equity method to account for remaining investment if the investee is sill the
affiliated enterprise or joint ventures after the shareholding proportion decreases, and the profit or loss recognized
in other integrated income (capital reserves) previously shall be carried forward to current profit and loss
according to the proportion of investment disposed.

The company continues using the equity method to account for the investment according to new shareholding
proportion if the investee is sill the affiliated enterprise or joint ventures after the shareholding proportion increases.
The difference between the newly-increased investment cost and the fair value of net identifiable assets of the
investee which is calculated according to newly-increased shareholding proportion shall be disposed in accordance
with above principle; the company shall adjust the carrying amount of long-term equity investment and capital
reserves against the balance between the original carrying amount of such long-term equity investment on the
acquisition of new investment and the fair value of net attributable identifiable assets of the investee which is
calculated according to the shareholding proportion after investment increase less the proportion after the
shareholding proportion is newly-increased.

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(3) Recognition basis for joint control or significant influence over the investee

1. Confirmation of joint control
Joint control means that none of the parties can control the production and operating activities of the joint venture
independently and the decision-making for basic operating activities of the joint venture needs unanimous
agreement of all the Parties.

2. Confirmation of significant influence
Significant influence means having the power to participate in the formulation of financial and operating policies
of an enterprise, but not the power to control or jointly control the formulation of these policies together with other
parties. When the company holds more than 20% (including 20%) but less than 20% voting shares of the investee
directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, the significant influence on the investee shall be confirmed unless there
exists obvious evidence showing the company cant participate in the formulation of production and operating
policies of the investee under such circumstance and no significant influence forms accordingly; when the
company holds less than 20% (excluding 20%) voting shares of the investee, it shall not confirm that it has
significant influence on the investee generally, unless there exits obvious evidence showing the company can
participate in the formulation of production and operation under such circumstance, and can form significant

(4) Testing method for impairment of long-term equity investment and the way for
appropriation of provision for impairment

1. The Company, at the date of balance sheet, makes estimate of long-term equity investment on subsidiaries, joint
venture and affiliated enterprises, and recognizes the impairment loss against its reclaimable amount lower than its
carrying value. The reclaimable amount shall be determined according to the higher of the fair value of assets
deducting the disposal expenses and its present value of future cash flow. As for the long-term equity investment
that the company has no joint control or significant influence, and no price is quoted in an active market and its
fair value cant be measured reliably, the impairment loss shall be recognized against the difference between its
carrying value and the present value of the future cash flow discounted according the prevailing market return ratio
for similar financial assets when it is impaired. The impairment loss shall be recorded into current profit and loss,
and provision for impairment of long-term equity investment shall be made at the same time.
The provision for impairment of long-term equity investment shall not be returned once being confirmed.

2. Provision for goodwill impairment
The company carries through impairment test at the end of every year against the goodwill arising from business
merger, and the provision for impairment shall be made according to the test results. The provision for goodwill
impairment shall not be returned once being confirmed.

13. Investment real estate

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        14. Fixed assets

        (1) Recognition of fixed assets

        Fixed assets are the tangible assets with service life of more than one year held for production of goods, rendering
        of service, lease or operating management. Fixed assets shall be confirmed while following conditions can all be
        ①The economic interest related to the fixed assets will most likely flow into the company;
        ②The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.

        (2) Recognition and valuation of fixed assets under finance lease

        (3) Depreciation method for various fixed assets

        Depreciation of fixed assets is provided using the straight line method. The Company shall, since fixed assets
        reach the specified usable condition, appropriate depreciation, and terminate to appropriate depreciation when the
        fixed asset is stopped to be confirmed or divided into non-current assets held for sale(the fixed assets that have
        been fully depreciated but are still in use and the land that is separately measured and included shall be excluded),
        without considering the provision for impairment, the economic life and residual value of the fixed asset shall be
        estimated according to the type of fixed assets, the annual depreciation rate for each type of fixed asset of the
        company are as follows:

               Type                Depreciation period (year)          Residual rate(%)              Annual depreciation rate(%)

House and building                 25.00                           5                           3.8

Machinery equipment                7-15                            5                           6.33-13.57

Electronic equipment               5-10                            5                           9.5-19

Transportation equipment           5-10                            5                           9.5-19

Other equipments

Fixed assets under finance lease                --                             --                                --

Including: house and building

Machinery equipment

Electronic equipment

Transportation equipment

Other equipments

        (4) Testing method for depreciation of fixed assets and the way for appropriation of
        provision for depreciation

        At the date of balance sheet, when the assets have an evidence of depreciation, the Company shall estimate its
        reclaimable amount; if the reclaimable amount of the assets is lower than its book value, the Company shall write

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down the book value of the assets to its reclaimable amount, the reduced amount shall be recorded into current
profit and loss. The reclaimable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of net amount of its fair
value less disposal expenses and the present value of the expected future cash flow of the assets. The company
estimates its reclaimable amount based on single-item asset in principal, Where it is difficult to do so, it shall
determine the reclaimable amount of the group assets on the basis of the asset group to which the asset belongs.
Once being confirmed, not be returned in the accounting period afterwards.

(5) Other explanation

15. Construction in progress

(1) Type of construction in progress

The construction in progress refers all necessary expenditure before the fixed assets under acquisition are ready for
their intended use state, including the direct material of project, direct employee compensation, the equipment to
be installed, civil and erection cost, project management cost and net profit and loss of trial run expenses and the
borrowing cost which can be capitalized etc.

(2) The standard and time point for construction in progress transferred to fixed assets

For construction in progress, the Company shall make all the expenditures for this asset to reach usable condition
as the account value of the fixed assets. For the fixed assets reaching usable condition but not preparing the final
account for completion, the Company shall, since the date of reaching usable condition, transfer the estimated
value into fixed assets according to project budget and cost or actual cost of the project and appropriate the
provision for depreciation according to the Company's policy for depreciation of fixed assets; after the procedure
for final account for completion has been ended, the Company shall adjust the original temporarily estimated value
as per actual cost, but not adjust the original appropriated provision for depreciation.

(3) Testing method for depreciation of construction in progress and the way for
appropriation of provision for depreciation

At the date of balance sheet, when the construction in progress have an evidence of depreciation, the Company
shall carry through impairment test singly, and estimate its reclaimable amount; if the reclaimable amount is lower
than its book value, the Company shall write down the book value of the assets to its reclaimable amount, the
reduced amount shall be recorded into current profit and loss and provision for depreciation shall be made at the
same time. The reclaimable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of net amount of its fair value
less disposal expenses and the present value of the expected future cash flow of the assets. Once being confirmed,
not be returned in the accounting period afterwards.

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16. Borrowing cost

(1) Confirmation principle for capitalization of borrowing cost

The assets eligible for capitalization shall refer to the fixed assets, investment real estate, inventories and other
assets, of which the acquisition and construction or production may take quite a long time to get ready for its
intended use or for sale. The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or
premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings etc.

Where the borrowing costs incurred to the company can be directly attributable to the acquisition and construction
or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recorded into the costs of relevant
assets. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount incurred, and
shall be recorded into the current profits and losses.
The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements:
①The asset disbursements have already incurred, which shall include the cash, transferred non-cash assets or
interest bearing debts paid for the acquisition and construction or production activities for preparing assets eligible
for capitalization;
②The borrowing costs has already incurred; and
③The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its
intended use or sale have already started.

(2) The capitalization period of borrowing cost

The borrowing cost incurred in connection with the assets qualified for capitalization under acquisition and
construction, shall be recorded into the cost of the assets before it is ready for the intended use or sale, and those
incurred after a qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or
sale shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally and the
interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended.
Where part of a qualified asset under acquisition and construction is completed separately and can be used singly,
the capitulation of the borrowing costs incurred in connection with such part of assets shall be ceased.

(3) Termination period of capitalization

(4) Calculation procedure for the capitalized amount of borrowing cost

The company calculates the capitalized amount of borrowing costs quarterly.
The to-be-capitalized amount of interests of the specially borrowed loans (minus the income of the
interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment)
and the ancillary expense incurred to the specifically borrowed loans incurred before a qualified asset
under acquisition, construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale, shall be capitalized
at the incurred amount when they are incurred.

The Company shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general

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borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative
asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing
used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest
rate of the general borrowing.

Where there is any discount or premium, the amount of discounts or premiums that shall be amortized
during each accounting period shall be determined by the real interest rate method, and an adjustment
shall be made to the amount of interests in each period. During the period of capitalization, the
exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings shall be capitalized, and shall be recorded into the
cost of assets eligible for capitalization.

17. Biological assets

18. Oil & gas assets

19. Intangible assets

(1)Valuation method for intangible assets

(1) Initial measurement of intangible assets
The Company accounts its intangible assets at their real acquisition cost.
Where the payment of purchase price for intangible assets is delayed beyond the normal credit
conditions, which is of financing intention, the cost of intangible assets shall be determined on the basis
of the current value of the purchase price.

The book value of the intangible assets acquired as debt assets through the recombination of liabilities
shall be accounted on basis of the fair value of the intangible assets;Under the conditions that the
exchange of non-monetary assets is characterized with business essence, and the fair value of the assets
received or surrendered can be accounted in a reliable way, the book value of assets received is defined
on basis of the fair value of assets surrendered, except there are conclusive evidences for the stronger
reliability of the fair value of assets received. For the exchange of those non-monetary assets not
meeting the above premises, the book value of assets surrendered and related taxes should be
accounted as cost of assets received and the profits and losses shouldnt be concluded.

(2) Subsequent measurement of intangible assets
①Service life of intangible assets
The Company analyzes the service life of the acquired intangible assets. For the intangible assets with limited
service life, the company shall estimate the years of its service life, or the amount of the output or any other similar
measurement unit, which constitutes its service life; If it is unable to forecast the period when the intangible asset
can bring economic benefits to the enterprise, it shall be regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain service life.

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②Amortization of intangible assets
For the intangible assets with limited service life, the economic benefits should be amortized with
Straight-line method; and the company wont adopt amortization upon the intangible assets with indefinite service

At the end of report period, the Company should recheck the service life and amortization method of the intangible
assets and carry through necessary adjustment.

③In case no economic benefit is expected to be brought by some intangible assets to the company at the end of
period, the carrying value of the intangible assets shall be transferred into current profit and loss.
④depreciation of intangible assets

(2) Estimate of service life for the intangible assets with limited life

As for the intangible assets with limited life, its service life shall be estimated taking such factors as follows into
-The usual life period of the products made with such assets and the information related to the service life of
similar assets available;
- The ongoing circs on the aspect such as technology and technics and estimation of the development trend in the
- The market demand of the products or rending of service with such assets;
- Ongoing or potential action of the competitor expected to take;
- The expected maintenance expenditure to maintain the ability that economic benefit can be brought by the assets,
and the ability of the expected expenses to be paid out;
- The legal regulations related to the control period of the assets or similar limitation, such as franchise period and
lease period etc;
-The relevance with the service life of other assets held by the company

              item                    estimated service life                                        basis

(3) The judgment basis of the intangible assets with indefinite life.

(4) Provision for depreciation of intangible assets

 For the intangible assets with definite service life, the Company practices the impairment testing at end of period
when there is obvious indications of impairment, and estimates its reclaimable amount, When the reclaimable
amount of intangible assets is less than their book value, the book value of intangible assets should be written
down to its reclaimable amount, and the amount of write-down is recognized as an intangible asset impairment
losses, included in current profits and losses, and the corresponding provision for depreciation should be accrued at
the same time. For the intangible assets with uncertain service life, impairment testing should be realized at the end
of each period.

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(5) Criteria for the division of research stage and development stage during internal R&D

(6) Accounting for the expenses during the development stage of internal R&D projects

20. Amortization method for long-term prepaid expenses

Long-term prepaid expenses are expenses that should be allocated into the period in which they are incurred and in
subsequent periods, and be amortized more than one year. Long-term prepaid expenses shall be amortized
averagely during the benefiting period.

If the projects of long-term prepaid expenses are not benefited during the future accounting period, the amortized
value of the projects that have not been amortized shall be transferred to the current profit and loss.

21. Asset transfer with condition of repurchase

22. Accrued liabilities

The company recognizes as accrued liabilities those matters involving the Company in litigation, products quality
guarantees, loss of contracts and reconstruction, which are likely to cause the outflow of economic benefit of the
company, and whose amount can be reliably measured.

(1) Criteria of contingent liabilities

The obligations related to contingent items are defined as accrued liabilities when satisfying the following
This obligation means a present obligation for the Company;
The fulfillment of this obligation is likely to lead to outflow of economic benefits of the Company;
The amount of this obligation can be reliably measured.

(2) Measurement of accrued liabilities

On defining the accrued liabilities, if there is a scope of required expenditure to pay off the liabilities, the best
estimated amount should be defined by the average amount of upper and lower limits of the range; if it doesnt
exist a scope, the best estimated amount should be defined by:
The most possibly occurred amount when the contingent items are related to individual project, and by
The combination of different possible results and their probabilities when the contingent items are related to
multiple items.

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23. Share - based payment and equity instrument

(1) Category of share-based payment

(2) Recognition method for fair value of equity instrument

(3) Methods for determining best estimate of quantity of executable equity instruments

(4) Accounting for the implementation, modification and termination of share-based
payment plan

24. Repurchased shares of the company

25. Revenue

(1) Judgment standard for revenue from sales of goods

  The Company has already transferred main risk and reward for the property in the goods to the purchaser; it has
neither kept the right of continuous management related to the property in that goods, nor exercised control to the
sold goods; the amount of income can be calculated reliably. The confirmation for revenue shall be recognized.

(2) Income from acquisition of assets use right

The amount of interest income shall be calculated and confirmed according to the time and actual interest rate of
the Company's monetary fund used by other entities. The amount of use right income shall be calculated and
confirmed according to the chargeable time and way specified in a contract or agreement.

(3) The standard and method to recognize the percentage of completion of contract when
income from rendering of service and construction contract income is determined according
to percentage-of-completion method

If the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated in a reliable way, the contract revenue and contract costs
shall be recognized in light of the percentage-of- completion method on the date of the balance sheet. If the

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outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated in a reliable way, and the contract costs can be recovered,
the contract revenue shall be acknowledged in accordance with contract costs that can be recovered and the
contract costs shall be acknowledged as contract expenses in the current period they are incurred; and If the
contract costs cannot be recovered, these costs shall be acknowledged as contract expenses immediately when
incurred and no contract revenue shall be acknowledged. If the total expected contract costs exceed the total
expected contract revenue, the expected loss shall be recognized as the current expenses.

The company determines the schedule of the project on the basis of the proportion of accumulative actual contract
costs incurred against the expected total contract costs.

The current contract revenues in the current period shall, on the balance sheet date, be recognized in accordance
with the balance of the total contract revenues times the schedule of completion then deducting the accumulated
revenue recognized in previous accounting periods. As for the disbursement which the interest is calculated
according to the stipulated interest rate in construction contract, such as expense for land requisition, survey and
design expenses, Housing construction and installation construction cost, Residential infrastructure construction
cost, it shall calculate the capital occupancy expense singly, which shall be regarded as “financial expenses-interest
income” to write down the total revenue of contract; meanwhile, the current contract expenses in the current period
shall be recognized in accordance with the balance of the expected total contract costs times the schedule of
completion then deducting the accumulated expenses recognized in previous accounting periods.

26. Government subsidy

(1) Classification

Government subsidy means that the Company shall get monetary assets or non monetary assets from the
government without consideration, but the government subsidy shall not include the capital invested by the
government as an enterprise owner. It is divided into the one related to assets and the one related to income.

(2) Accounting method

(1) Confirmation and measurement of government subsidy
The government subsidy meeting attached conditions and actually received by the Company, shall be confirmed as
government subsidy.

If the government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured as per the amount received or to be received; if
the government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured as per fair value; and if the fair value cannot
be obtained reliably, measured as per nominal amount.

(2) Accounting for government subsidy
The government subsidy related to assets shall be confirmed as deferred income, and allocated averagely during
the service life of the related assets and attributed into the profit and loss of current period.

But the government subsidy measured in nominal amount shall be directly attributed to profit or loss of current

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The government subsidy related to income and used as compensation for related expenses or loss of the Company
during future period shall be confirmed as deferred income, and attributed into the profit and loss of current period
during the period for confirmation of related cost, and the subsidy used as compensation for the related cost or loss
of the Company which has already occurred, shall be directly attributed into the profit and loss of current period.

27. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Confirmation of deferred income tax assets

The Company shall, based on the temporary difference between the book value and taxation base of assets and
liability at the date of balance sheet, use debt method of balance sheet to calculate the deferred income tax.
Deferred Income taxes are included into profit or loss for the current period, except for the adjusted goodwill due
to business merger and those related to transactions or events directly recognized in owners equity, which are
recognized directly in owners equity.

For the deductible temporary difference, deductible loss and tax credits which can be transferred to subsequent
years, the Company shall confirm resulted deferred income tax assets within the limit of the future taxable income
amount which is very likely obtained to offset the deductible temporary difference, deductible loss and tax credits,
except for the following

(1)Deductible temporary differences arise from a transaction which is neither a business combination nor affects
accounting profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss) at the time of the transaction;
(2)For deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures, if it is probable that the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future and it is probable that
taxable profits will be available in the future, against which the temporary difference can be utilized, the company
recognizes the corresponding deferred tax asset.

(2) Confirmation of deferred income tax liabilities

The liabilities for deferred income tax shall be confirmed according to various temporary difference of tax payable;
except for temporary difference of tax payable which is generated in following transactions:
(1)Initial confirmation of goodwill

(2)Initial confirmation of assets or liabilities generated from the transactions with following features: Such
transaction is not a business merger, and the occurring of the transaction influences neither taxable income amount
nor deductible loss.

(3)For the temporary difference of tax payable related to investment in subsidiaries, joint ventures and affiliated
enterprises, the time for return of such temporary difference can be controlled and such temporary difference will
most likely not returned in foreseeable future.

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At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are
expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, according to the requirements of
tax laws, and reflect the tax effect of the expected realization of asset and settlement of liability.

At the date of balance sheet, the Company shall recheck the book value of deferred income tax assets. If in future
period, the Company will most likely not obtain adequate taxable amount of income to offset the benefit of the
deferred income tax assets, the Company shall write down the book value of the deferred income tax assets, and
the written-down amount shall be recorded into current income tax expenses. As for the deferred income tax asset
which has been recorded into owners equity at original recognition, its written-down amount also shall be
recorded into owners equity. If it can most likely obtain adequate taxable amount of income, the amount wrote
down shall be returned.

28. Operating lease and financing lease

(1) Accounting for operating lease

The lease fee paid for the assets leased by the company shall be amortized using the straight line method within the
whole lease period without deducting rent-free period, and recorded into current expenses. The initial direct
expense related to lease transaction paid by the company shall be recorded into current expenses.

If the lessor assumes some expense of the leaseholder, the Company shall make amortization in the leasing period
as per the balance of rent expense reduced by above expense, and record it into current expenses.

The lease fee obtained by the company for leasing asset as a lessor shall be amortized using the straight line
method, and recorded as lease income. The initial direct expense related to lease transaction shall be recorded into
current expenses; the expense with big amount shall be capitalized, and shall be attributed to net profit or loss of
current period in total leasing period according to the basis same as that for confirmation of rent income.

If the company assumes some expense related to lease and attributable to the lease, the Company shall make
amortization in the leasing period as per the balance of total rent income educed by above expense.

(2) accounting for financing lease

29. Assets held for sale

(1) Recognition of assets held for sale

(2) Accounting for assets held for sale

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        30. Asset Securitization

        31. Hedge accounting

        32. Changes in major accounting policies and accounting estimate
        Was the major accounting policies and accounting estimate changed during the reporting period?
        □ Yes √ No □ N/A
        (1)Changes in accounting policies
        Was the major accounting policies changed during the reporting period?
        □ Yes √ No □ N/A
        (2) Changes in accounting estimate
        Was the major accounting estimate changed during the reporting period?
        □ Yes √ No □ N/A

        33. Early correction of accounting error
        Was the accounting error found during the reporting period?
        □ Yes √ No □ N/A
        (1)Retrospective restatement method
        Was the preliminary accounting error discovered by using the retrospective restatement method during the
        reporting period?
        □ Yes √ No □ N/A
        (2) Prospective application method
        Was the preliminary accounting error found by using the prospective application method during the reporting
        □ Yes √ No □ N/A

        34. Other major accounting policies, accounting estimate and financial statement
        preparation method

        1. Main categories of taxes and tax rates

Tax category                                   Tax basis                                Tax rate

VAT                                            VAT payable                              17%

Consumption tax

Business tax                                   Taxable turnover                         5%

City maintenance and construction tax          Transfer tax payable                     5%

                                               Taxable income; 15% of the taxable
Corporate Income Tax                                                                    25%

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The income tax rate applicable for each branch and subsidiary plant.
The enterprises income tax of the subsidiary Chengde County RongYida Real Estate Development Company
Limited should be calculated at 15% of the taxable income
2. Tax incentives and approval
3. Other statements

(VI) Enterprise merger and consolidation of financial statements
General instructions of enterprise merger and consolidation of financial statements:
(1)The principle of consolidated accounting statements
All subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements.

(2) Preparation method of Consolidated Financial Statements
Based on the principle of the financial statements of the parent company and the subsidiaries included in the scope
of consolidation, the insider trading between the parent company and the subsidiaries such as important investment,
contacts, inventory, buying& selling and the unrealized profits offset itemized merger are combined, at the same
time, it should be Calculated the minority shareholders and minority shareholders profit and loss.
(3) presentation of Minority interest and profit or loss
The net profit or loss in current period of Subsidiary company attributable to the minority shareholders' interests,
which should be listed as “Minority interest " under the item of net profit in the consolidated income statement.
The shareholders equity of the Subsidiary attributable to the minority interest, which should be listed as
“shareholders equity” in the consolidated balance sheet.
(4) Excess losses treatment
When the current losses of minority shareholders of subsidiaries exceed the shareholders equity attributable to
minority shareholder at the beginning of period, if it is stipulated that the minority shareholder is responsible to
assume in the articles of association or agreement, as well as the minority shareholder has the ability to
compensate, it should write down minority interest against such extra loss. Otherwise it will write down the
owners equity of parent company. The profit of the subsidiaries in future period should attribute to the owners
equity holders of parent company before offsetting the minority shareholders loss assumed by owners equity of
the parent company.
(5) Treatment of consolidated financial statement when the subsidiaries increase or decrease in current
During the reporting period, if the increase of a subsidiary due to business merger under the same control, all of the
income, expense, profits of the subsidiary from the beginning of the period when the merger takes place to the end
of the reporting period should be included in the consolidated profit statement. If the increase of a subsidiary due
to business merger not under the same control, the income, expense, profits of the subsidiary from the purchase
date to the end of the reporting period should be included in the consolidated profit statement. During the reporting
period, when the subsidiary is disposed, the income, expenses, profits of the subsidiary from the beginning period
to disposal date should be included in the consolidated income statement.

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    Subsidiary company

    The subsidiary acquired through establishment or investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit :RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Loss for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            period more
                                                                                                                                                                                                            than      offset
                                                                                                                                                                                                            against      the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            share         of
                                                                                                                                                                                                            shareholders in
                                                                                                                                                                                           Used to offset   from         the
                                                                                                                                                                                           the amount of    parent
                                                                                                                    Balance      of
                                                                                                                                                               Consolidated                minority         company
Subsidiary                                                                                          The       final other project Shareholding                               The rights of
              Subsidiary   Place        of business        Registered                                                                            Voting rights financial                   shareholder's    equity
company                                                                   Currency   Business scope actual          which forms ratio                                        minority
              company type registration    characteristics capital                                                                               ratio (%)     statements or               net income of    minority
name                                                                                                investment      net investment (%)                                       shareholders
                                                                                                                                                               not                         the rights of    shareholders
                                                                                                                    on subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                           minority         exceed       the
                                                                                                                                                                                           shareholders     minority
                                                                                                                                                                                                            enjoyed      the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            balance in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            share         of
                                                                                                                                                                                                            owner's equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                            in           the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            subsidiary in

                                                                                     Production and
                                                                                     marketing of
                          Chengde City,                                              high-grade
XingYe Paper A subsidiary               Paper              250,000,000.0
                          Hebei                                          USD         coated paper 75,000,000.00                  75%             75%           Yes
Limited      of holdings                production         0
                          province                                                   and kraft liner
                                                                                     board    paper
Hebei                                                                                production and
Xiabancheng A        wholly Chengde City,                                            export of all
Knitting     owned          Hebei                          4,000,000.00   USD        kinds        of 4,000,000.00                100%                          No
Garment Co., subsidiary     province                                                 knitted
Ltd.                                                                                 Clothing
                                                                                     Production and
             A       wholly Hebei                                                    marketing of
DiXian                                   Clothing
             owned          province                       24,000,000.00 USD         high            24,000,000.00               100%                          No
Fashion Co.,                             production
             subsidiary     Chengde City                                             simulation of
                                                                                     chemical fiber

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                                                                               clothing and
Chengde                                                                        Processing and
Huaxing Waste    A subsidiary                                                  sales recovery
paper            of         the              Recycling of                      of      various
                                province                  1,000,000.00   CNY                   900,000.00              90%          90%          Yes          6.74
recycling        subsidiary of               waste paper                       waste     paper
                                Chengde City
Limited          holdings                                                      and       paper
company                                                                        products
Gold       Axe   A       wholly                                                Investment
                                The      British
Investment       owned                           Export   1.00           USD   and      export 1.00                    100%         100%         Yes
                                Virgin Islands
Group Limited    subsidiary                                                    business
    The other descriptions on the subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment:
    The other descriptions about Subsidiary:
    ①On February 8, 2009, Hebei Xiabancheng Knitting Garment Co., Ltd. was declared to bankrupt by Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court with the issuance of civil award
    of No. (2008)12-1.

    ②On February 8, 2009,Chengde DiXian Fashion Co., Ltd. was declared to bankrupt by Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court with the issuance of civil award of No.

    ③Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company is established by the company together with (Hongkong)Zhanxi International Group Co., Ltd. the registered capital of Chengde XingYe Paper
    Limited company was 250 million U.S. dollars,the paid-in capital was $100000000, Shareholders' contribution accounts for 40% of the registered capital, and in which the company invests
    75000000 dollar ( accounting for 75%), (Hong Kong)Zhanxi invests 25000000 dollar ( proportion 25%).On October 28, 2002, according to the regulation of “ reply to investment increase of
    joint ventures of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company” approved by the people's Republic of China Ministry of foreign trade and Economic Cooperation ( the former of the Ministry of
    Commerce ) with the issuance of No.[2001]969, the registered capital was increased to $ 250 million from $ 10,000 million, The new registered capital has been paid by the two sides in
    accordance with the contract, articles of agreement within three years from the date of the business license renewal. The registered capital of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company isnt paid
    fully within the prescribed period.

    Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company had been shut down completely suffered from December 2006 serious loss since the original largest shareholder Wang Shuxian and senior executives
    involved in smuggling effect, On December 8, 2008, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court issued the No (2008)13 Chengde Civil Award and confirmed the bankruptcy
    liquidation of the application of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company. On March 11, 2009, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court approved the settlement request of
    Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company according to the Civil Award with No. (2008)13. On May 10, 2009, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court confirmed the
    settlement agreement reached on May 8, 2009between Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company and the creditors and terminated the reconciliation procedure. On April 23, 2009, the Hebei
    Provincial Higher People's Court issued No.(2009) 44 Hebei ”criminal Award” and confirmed that Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was a false foreign investment enterprise which was
    registered in the name of the Hong Kong ZhanXi by the company's original shareholders of Wang Shuxian. Because Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company didnt submit the materials for
    2009 annual industrial and commercial enterprises inspection, its business license was already revoked by Chengde Administration for Industry and Commerce according to administrative
    punishment decision of No. (2011)185 on January 21, 2011.

    ④Because Chengde Huaxing Waste paper recycling Limited company didnt submit the materials for 2007 industrial and commercial enterprises inspection, its business license was already
    revoked by Chengde Administration for Industry and Commerce according to No.(2009)73 administrative punishment decision on April 28, 2009, and it did not handle the liquidation
    procedures by the end of December 31, 2011.

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(2)Subsidiaries acquired by business combination under common control

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                  between the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   equity in
                                                                                                                                                                                                 offsetting the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 current losses
                                                                                                            Balance of                                                             Amount in attributable to
                                                                                                           other items                                                               minority       minority
                                                                                                              which                                    Consolidated                  interest     shareholders
Full name of    Type of     Registered   Business   Registered                Business       investment                     Holding        Voting                     Minority
                                                                 Currency                                    actually                                   statement                  available to of subsidiaries
 subsidiary    subsidiary     place       nature     capital                   scope          amount at                   proportion%   proportion%                   interests
                                                                                                          constitutes net                                Yes/No                       offset     over the share
                                                                                                          investment in                                                           minority gains of beginning
                                                                                                           subsidiaries                                                             and losses      owners
                                                                                                                                                                                                 equity in such
                                                                                                                                                                                                     by the

Other explanation for subsidiaries acquired by business combination under the common control:

(3)Subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under the common control

In 2009, Mr. Chen Rong, the original large shareholder, transferred 100% equity interest in Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. to the Company with
consideration of RMB1.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                   between the
                                                                                                            Balance of
                                                                                                                                                                                   Amount in          owners
                                                                                                                                                                                    minority         equity in
                                                                                                           other items
                                                                                               Actual                                                                                interest          parent
                                                                                                              which                                    Consolidated
Full name of    Type of     Registered   Business   Registered                               investment                     Holding        Voting                     Minority     available to   offsetting the
                                                                 Currency   Business scope                   actually                                   statement
 subsidiary    subsidiary     place       nature     capital                                  amount at                   proportion%   proportion%                   interests       offset      current losses
                                                                                                          constitutes net                                Yes/No
                                                                                             period-end                                                                             minority      attributable to
                                                                                                          investment in
                                                                                                                                                                                    gains and        minority
                                                                                                                                                                                      losses       shareholders
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                                                                                                                                               over the share
                                                                                                                                                of beginning
                                                                                                                                               equity in such
                                                                                                                                                   by the

                                                                    Real Estate
Rongyida                                                            textile, clothes
            Wholly-owned Chengde,   Real Estate                     manufacture,
Real Estate                                     10,000,000.00 CNY                      1.00         100%   100% Yes
            subsidiary   Hebei      Development                     import &
                                                                    export of
Co., Ltd.
                                                                    clothes, leasing

Other explanation for subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under the common control:

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2. Special purposes entity or operation entity where controlling right is formed under entrusted operation or
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

Other explanation for special purposes entity or operation entity where controlling right is formed under entrusted
operation or leasing:

3. Explanation for changes in consolidation scope
Explanation for changes in consolidation scope:

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

4. Entities newly included in consolidate scope during the reporting period and entities ceasing to be included in
consolidate scope during the reporting period

Subsidiaries, special purposes entities, operation entity where controlling right is formed under entrusted operation or
leasing newly included in consolidation scope during the period

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                      Name                              Net assets as at period-end          Net profit for the period

Subsidiaries, special purposes entities, operation entity where controlling right is formed under entrusted operation or
leasing ceasing to be included in consolidation scope during the period
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Net profit from the year-begin
                      Name                           Net assets as at the disposal date
                                                                                               to the disposal date

Other explanation on entities newly included in consolidation scope and entities ceasing to be included in consolidation

5. Business combination under the common control during the reporting period
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                            Basis for                                                                     Consolidated
                        determination of                                        Consolidated net            operating
                                           Actual controller income for the
     Party to be            business                                            profit from this         activities cash
                                              under the      period from the
    consolidated          combination                                              period to             flow from this
                                           common control period-begin to
                            under the                                          consolidation date           period to
                                                            consolidation date
                        common control                                                                 consolidation date

Other explanation for business combination under the common control:

6. Business combination not under the common control during the reporting period
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
    Party to be consolidated               Amount of goodwill                   Calculation method for goodwill

Other explanation for business combination not under the common control:

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7. Loss of subsidiaries due to disposal of equity interests without controlling rights during the reporting period

                                                                                             Recognition method for gains and
                     Subsidiary                                   Disposal date

Other explanation for loss of subsidiaries due to disposal of equity interests without controlling rights:

8. Counter purchase occurred during the reporting period
                                                                                                       Calculation method for
                                                                                                       goodwill recognized in
                                  Basis for determination of         Determination method for        consolidation or recorded in
                                      counter purchase                  consolidated costs             current gains and losses

Other explanation for counter purchase:

9. Absorption consolidation occurred during the reporting period
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
        Types of absorption consolidation                 Major assets consolidated            Major liabilities consolidated
 Absorption consolidation under common
                                                           Item             Amount                  Item            Amount

      Absorption consolidation not under
                                                           Item             Amount                  Item            Amount
               common control

Other explanation for absorption consolidation:

10. Translation exchange rates for items in major statements of overseas operating entities

(VII) Notes to major items in consolidated financial statements
1. Monetary capital

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                          Amount at period-end                             Amount at period-beginning
            Item                                   Exchan                          Original         Exchange
                           Original currency               RMB conversion                                    RMB conversion
                                                   ge rate                         currency           rate
Cash:                               --               --             42,185.38         --               --             103,766.34
RMB                                 --               --             42,185.38         --               --             103,766.34

Bank deposits:                      --               --           1,458,163.53        --               --             468,956.88
RMB                                 --               --           1,421,094.78        --               --             431,984.61
USD                                      5,258.26 6.3249            33,257.97         5,258.26        6.3009           33,131.77
EUR                                       105.82    7.871              832.91              105.82     8.1625              863.76
HKD                                      2,862.32 0.8152              2,333.36        2,862.32        0.8107            2,320.48
JPY                                      8,092.00 0.0796               644.51         8,092.00        0.0811              656.26
Other monetary capital:             --               --             70,679.29         --               --           4,944,969.07
RMB                                 --               --             70,679.29         --               --           4,944,969.07

Total                               --               --           1,571,028.20        --               --           5,517,692.29

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Separate explanation is required for accounts with restricted application purposes, deposited overseas and of potential
recovery risks arising from pledge, mortgage or frozen:

2. Transactional financial assets
(1) Transactional financial assets
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                         Item                           Fair value as at period-end        Fair value as at period-begin
Transactional debt investments
Transactional equity instrument investments
Financial assets designated at fair value through
profit and losses
Derivative financial assets
Hedge instruments
Total                                                                              0.00                                0.00

(2) realization of restricted transactional financial assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                               Other significant restrictions on restriction
                    Item                                                                         Amount as at period-end
                                                   conditions for sale or realization

(3)Explanation for hedge instruments and related hedge transactions

3. Notes receivables

(1)Classification of notes receivables

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                       Types                           Amount at period-end                Amount at period-begin

Total                                                                           0.00                                   0.00

(2)Notes receivables pledged at period-end

Issuer                  Issue date              Expiring date            Amount                       Notes

 Total                               --                    --                                  0.00           --

(3)Transfer of notes to notes receivable due to the issuer’s impossibility to perform its obligations, and
un-matured notes endorsed to others by the Company as at the period-end

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                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
        Issuer                 Issue date                Expiring date                Amount                    Notes

Total                              --                          --                                  0.00           --

Un-matured notes endorsed to others by the Company

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
        Issuer                 Issue date                Expiring date                Amount                    Notes

Total                              --                          --                                  0.00           --

Explanation for commercial acceptance notes discounted or pledged:

4. Dividend receivables
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                               Amount at
         Items                                      Increase in this period Decrease in this period Amount at period-end
Dividend receivables
                                             0.00                        0.00                      0.00                    0.00
aging within 1 year

Dividend receivables
                                             0.00                        0.00                      0.00                    0.00
aging over 1 year
Including:                         --                          --                        --                       --

Total                                        0.00                        0.00                      0.00                    0.00

5. Interests receivables
(1) Interests receivables
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                              Amount at                                         Decrease in this
        Items                                      Increase in this period                             Amount at period-end
                             period-begin                                           period

         Total                              0.00                     0.00                      0.00                        0.00

 (2)Overdue interests

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
             Loan provider                          Times overdue (days)                           Overdue interests

                 Total                                         --                                                          0.00

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(3)Explanation for interests receivables

6. Account receivables

(1)account receivables disclosed by categories

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                         Amount at period-end                                   Amount at period-begin
                                 Book balance            Bad debt reserve            Book balance                    Bad debt reserve
                                         Proportion        Proportion        Proportion                                          Proportion(
                           Amount                   Amount            Amount                                     Amount
                                            (%)               (%)               (%)                                                  %)
Account receivable
with single significant
amount and withdrawal             0.00            0%        0.00             0%       0.00              0%                0.00                0%
bad debt provision
Account receivable provided for bad debt provision by group

Subtotal of group                 0.00            0%        0.00             0%       0.00              0%                0.00                0%
Account receivable
with single minor
amount but withdrawal             0.00            0%        0.00             0%       0.00              0%                0.00                0%
bad debt provision
Total                             0.00       --             0.00        --            0.00        --                      0.00          --
Explanation for category of account receivables:

Account receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Provision                   Reason for
  Contents of account receivables            Book balance         Bad debt provision
                                                                                                proportion                  provision

                Total                                      0.00                     0.00               --
Account receivable provided for bad debt reserve under aging analysis method in the groups:
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                    Amount at period-end                                        Amount at period-begin
                            Book balance                                                   Book balance
                                           Proportion     bad debt reserve                                  Proportion bad debt reserve
                          Amount                                                      Amount
                                              (%)                                                              (%)
within 1 year
Including:                  --                 --                  --                      --                   --                 --

Subtotal of
                                    0.00            0%                       0.00                0.00                0%                      0.00
within 1 year
1-2 years
2-3 years

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Over 3 years
3-4 years
4-5 years
Over 5 years
Total                            0.00      --                          0.00                  0.00      --                      0.00

Account receivables provided for bad debt reserve under balance percentage method in the groups:
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
            Name of group                       Book balance            Provision proportion                Bad debt reserve

                    Total                                       0.00               --                                          0.00

Account receivables provided for bad debt reserve under other method in the groups:
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
            Name of group                            Book balance                                   Bad debt reserve

                    Total                                                      0.00                                            0.00

Account receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision separately as at period-end
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
 Contents of account
                            Book balance            Bad debt provision        Provision proportion          Reason for provision

         Total                             0.00                        0.00                          0%              --

(2)Reversal or recovery of account receivables during the reporting period

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                          Basis for                Accumulated
   Contents of account      Reason for reversal       determination of         provision of bad debt Amounts reversed or
      receivables              of recovery            original bad debt       reserve before reversal   recovered
                                                           reserve                  or reovery

            Total                   --                         --                                   0.00             --

Provision for bad debt reserve for account receivable with single significant or minor amount but tested for impairment
separately as at period-end:
 Contents of account                                                          Provision proportion
                            Book balance             Bad debt amount                                              Reasons
    receivables                                                                       (%)

         Total                             0.00                        0.00             --                           --
Explanation for account receivable with single minor amount while the risks of the group categorized with similar risk
characteristics are relative significant:

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(3)Account receivables actually written-off during the reporting period

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                    Whether arising
                       Nature of account                           Amount written            Reason for
   Name of unit                          Time of write-off                                                           from related
                          receivables                                  off                    write-off

       total                  --                     --                           0.00             --                       --
Explanation for write-off of account receivables:

(4)Account receivables due from the shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company during
the reporting period

√Applicable     □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                Amount at period-end                            Amount at period-begin
         Name of unit
                                           Book balance      Dad debt provision          Book balance             Dad debt provision

               Total                                  0.00                0.00                            0.00                    0.00

(5)Top 5 account receivable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  Proportion in total
                          Relationship with the
Name of the company                                          Amount                      Terms                   account receivables

         Total                        --                                0.00               --                                      0%

(6)Account receivables due from related parties

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                    Relationship with the                                               Proportion in total account
  Name of the company                                                     Amount
                                          Company                                                            receivables (%)

           Total                               --                                            0.00                                  0%

(7)Account receivables derecognized

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                  Item                           De-recognition amount              Gains or losses related to derecognition

                 Total                                                    0.00                                                    0.00

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(8)As for securities with account receivables as target subject, list the assets and liabilities arising from further

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
Item                                                                              Period-end

Assets subtotal                                                                                                           0.00

Liabilities subtotal                                                                                                      0.00

7. Other receivables

(1)Disclosure of other receivables by category

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                     Amount at period-end                             Amount at period-begin
                             Book balance           Bad debt reserve            Book balance             Bad debt reserve
                                        Proporti                 Proporti                 Proportion                  Proporti
                           Amount                   Amount                   Amount                     Amount
                                         on(%)                    on(%)                      (%)                       on(%)
Other receivable with
single significant
                         74,832,730.        44,196,901.        74,832,730.                             44,196,901.2
amount and                           94.35%             59.06%                              95.93%                  59.06%
                                  76                 26                 76                                        6
withdrawal bad debt
provision separately
Other receivable provided for bad debt provision by group
Group by book aging      4,480,543.7                                        3,171,902.3
                                          5.65% 175,589.56         3.92%                      4.07%     175,589.56      5.54%
analysis                           3                                                  1
                         4,480,543.7                                        3,171,902.3
Subtotal of group                         5.65% 175,589.56         3.92%                      4.07%     175,589.56      5.54%
                                   3                                                  1
Other receivable with
single minor amount
while withdrawal bad             0.00                    0.00                     0.00                         0.00
debt provision
                         79,313,274.               44,372,490.              78,004,633.                44,372,490.8
Total                                      --                       --                        --                         --
                                  49                        82                       07                           2
Explanation for types of other receivables:
The definition for account receivables with significant single amount determined by the Company based on its
operation scale and business nature is RMB1 million. As for account receivables with significant single amount, if no
impairment is found after impairment test in respect of separate item, the Company will provide for bad debt reserve by
aging percentage method.

As for account receivables without significant single amount while risk of group which is categorized by risk
characteristics is relatively significant, reference for determination of such group is existence of obvious characteristics
showing difficulty to recover such account receivables aging over 3 years.

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Other receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
  Contents of other
                             Book balance               Bad debt             Provision proportion              Reason
                                                                                                  Stopped operation for
Chengde Dahua Paper
                                 44,196,901.26            44,196,901.26                       100% years, thus it was
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   difficult to recover
Come-and-go accounts
                                 30,635,829.50                       0.00                          0%
among management
         Total                   74,832,730.76            44,196,901.26                 --                       --
Other receivable provided for bad debt reserve under aging analysis method in the groups:
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                         period-end                                           period-begin
                               Book balance                                       Book balance
        Aging                                   Proport bad debt reserve                          Proport   bad debt reserve
                              Amount              ion                           Amount              ion
                                                  (%)                                               (%)
within 1 year
                                 4,444,809.78 99.2%          156,808.41         3,136,168.36                      156,808.41
Subtotal of within 1                                                                               98.87
                                 4,444,809.78 99.2%          156,808.41         3,136,168.36                      156,808.41
year                                                                                                  %
1-2 years                            2,049.00 0.05%                 409.80             2,049.00 0.06%                   409.80
2-3 years                          30,627.20 0.68%            15,313.60               30,627.20 0.97%                 15,313.60
Over 3 years                         3,057.75 0.07%             3,057.75               3,057.75     0.1%               3,057.75
3-4 years
4-5 years
Over 5 years
Total                            4,480,543.73     --         175,589.56         3,171,902.31        --            175,589.56
Other receivables provided for bad debt reserve under balance percentage method in the groups:
√ Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
             Name of group                  Book balance              Provision proportion               Bad debt reserve

                 Total                                       0.00                --                                         0.00

Other receivables provided for bad debt reserve under other method in the groups:
√ Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                 Name of group                               Book balance                           Bad debt reserve

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                       Total                                                           0.00                                 0.00
Other receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision separately as at period-end
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
   Contents of other
                               Book balance           Bad debt provision        Provision proportion      Reason for provision

         Total                                0.00                       0.00                                      --

(2)Reversal or recovery of other receivables during the reporting period

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                              Basis for              Accumulated
    Contents of other          Reason for reversal        determination of       provision of bad debt Amounts reversed or
      receivables                 of recovery             original bad debt     reserve before reversal   recovered
                                                               reserve                or recovery

           Total                       --                        --                                0.00            --

Provision for bad debt reserve for other receivable with single significant or minor amount but tested for impairment
separately as at period-end:
 Contents of account                                                            Provision proportion
                               Book balance               Bad debt amount                                       Reasons
    receivables                                                                         (%)

         Total                                0.00                       0.00            --                        --
Explanation for other receivable with single minor amount while the risks of the group categorized with similar risk
characteristics are relative significant:

(3)Other receivables actually written-off during the reporting period

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                       Nature of other                             Amount written       Reason for        Whether arising from
   Name of unit                             Time of write-off
                        receivables                                    off               write-off        related transactions

       Total                   --                    --                         0.00          --                   --
Explanation for write-off of other receivables:

(4)Other receivables due from the shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company during the
reporting period

√ Applicable    □Non-applicable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                               Amount at period-end                           Amount at period-begin
          Name of unit                                          Provision of bad                              Provision of bad
                                         Book balance                                  Book balance
                                                                      debt                                          debt

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                 Total                                   0.00                   0.00                     0.00                   0.00

(5)Nature or content of other receivables with significant amount

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                    Nature or content of            Proportion in total other
    Name of the company                  Amount
                                                                         account                        receivables (%)
1                                                  44,196,901.26 Current account                                          55.72%
2                                                  27,490,334.30 Current account                                          34.66%
3                                                   2,859,600.00 Current account                                            3.61%
4                                                   2,540,000.00 Current account                                                3.2%
           Total                                   77,086,835.56             --                                           97.19%

(6)Top 5 other receivable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                             Proportion in total
                          Relationship with the
Name of the company                                         Amount                        Terms             account receivables
1                         Associated company                    44,196,901.26 Over 3 years                                55.72%
2                         Non-related party                     27,490,334.30 Within 3 years                              34.66%
3                         Non-related party                      2,859,600.00 2- 3 years                                    3.61%
4                         Non-related party                      2,540,000.00 Within 1 year                                     3.2%
5                         Non-related party                        285,895.20 Within 1 year                                 0.36%
         Total                      --                          77,372,730.76                --                           97.55%

(7)Other receivables due from related parties

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                  Relationship with the                                               Proportion in total other
    Name of the company                                                     Amount
                                        Company                                                           receivables (%)
Chengde Dahua Paper Co.,
                         Associated company                                        44,196,901.26                          55.72%
Suning Banhe Chemical
Fiber Emulation Textile
Co., Ltd.                     Associated company                                        15,361.00                           0.02%

           Total                              --                                   44,212,262.26                          55.74%

(8)Other receivables derecognized

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                  Item                         De-recognition amount                   Gains or losses related to de-recognition

                  Total                                                     0.00                                                0.00

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(9)As for securities with other receivables as target subject, list the assets and liabilities arising from further

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
Item                                                                        Period-end

Assets subtotal                                                                                                    0.00

Liabilities subtotal                                                                                               0.00

8. Payment in advance

(1)Analysis of payments in advance by aging

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                             Amount at period-end                               Amount at period-begin
    Aging                                                proportion                                       proportion
                             Amount                                              Amount
                                                           (%)                                            (%)
within 1 year                              403,564.00        1.97%                          974,464.00        4.63%
1-2 years
2-3 years
Over 3 years                          20,084,632.25         98.03%                        20,084,632.25      95.37%
Total                                 20,488,196.25          --                           21,059,096.25       --
Explanation for aging analysis of payments in advance:

(2)Top 5 of payments in advance

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                        Relationship with the                                                      Reason for
Name of the company                                     Amount                 Time
                              Company                                                             unsettlement
                                                                                              Payment for land
The Finance Bureau of                                                                         acquisition (owners
                      Non-related party                  20,084,632.25
Xiabancheng                                                                                   title has not been
Dalu Qianyuan
                       Non-related party                    167,985.59                        Engineering account
construction team
Chengde Xingcheng
                      Non-related party                     112,951.90                        Engineering account
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Residential property
                       Non-related party                     67,000.00                        Deposit
guarantee company

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Chengde Yongwang
                      Non-related party                             42,654.87                          Engineering account
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Total                                --                         20,475,224.61            --                        --
Explanation for major units paid in advance:

(3)Shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company in payments in advance during the
reporting period

√ Applicable    □Non-applicable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                Amount at period-end                          Amount at period-begin
        Name of company                                          Provision of bad                            Provision of bad
                                           Book balance                                Book balance
                                                                       debt                                        debt

Total                                                    0.00                   0.00                0.00                    0.00

(4)Explanation for payment in advance

9. Inventory

(1) Classification of inventory

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                    Amount at period-end                                 Amount at period-begin
        Item                               devaluation                                          devaluation
                       Book balance                         Book value        Book balance                        Book value
                                            provision                                            provision
Raw materials                       0.00           0.00                0.00             0.00               0.00             0.00
Products in
                                    0.00           0.00                0.00             0.00               0.00             0.00
Goods in stock                      0.00           0.00                0.00             0.00               0.00             0.00
Turnover materials                  0.00           0.00                0.00             0.00               0.00             0.00
                                    0.00           0.00                0.00             0.00               0.00             0.00
biological assets
Development costs       45,537,159.74                       45,537,159.74 28,730,807.42                           28,730,807.42
development             10,967,992.85                       10,967,992.85 10,967,992.85                           10,967,992.85
Total                   56,505,152.59              0.00 56,505,152.59 39,698,800.27                        0.00 39,698,800.27

(2) Inventory devaluation provision

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
   Categories of        Book balance at        Provision for the          Decrease for the period             Book balance at

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        inventory             period-begin             period              Reversal          Written-off          period-end
Raw materials                             0.00                                                                                 0.00
Products in progress                      0.00                                                                                 0.00
Goods in stock                            0.00                                                                                 0.00
Turnover materials                        0.00                                                                                 0.00
                                          0.00                                                                                 0.00
biological assets

Total                                     0.00                   0.00               0.00               0.00                    0.00

(3) Particulars about inventory devaluation provision

                                                                                                      The proportion of reversal
                                     Reference for provision of          Reason for reversal of
                                                                                                         for the period to the
              Item                     inventory devaluation             inventory devaluation
                                                                                                        period-end balance of
                                             provision                  provision for the period
Raw materials
Goods in stock
Products in progress
Turnover materials
Consumption biological

Explanation for inventory:

10. Other current assets
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                      Item                                 Amount at period-end                    Amount at period-begin
Debt credit acquired                                                       1,093,527.39                              1,093,527.39
                      Total                                                1,093,527.39                              1,093,527.39
Explanation for other current assets:

11. Financial assets available-for-sale
(1) Financial assets available-for-sale
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                              Item                                Fair value at period-end           Fair value at period-begin
Bonds available-for-sale
Equity instrument available-for-sale
Total                                                                                      0.00                                0.00
Investment held-to-maturity was reclassified into financial assets available-for-sale in the period, with reclassification
amount of RMB0.00, accounting for 0% of total investment held-to-maturity before reclassification.

Explanation for financial assets available-for-sale

(2)Long-term debt investments in financial assets available-for-sale
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
 Debt item          Type of      Carrying        Initial        Maturity     Balance at Interests for Accumulate Balance at

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                  bond        value      investment       date      period-begi the period     d accrued     period-end
                                            cost                         n                         and

Total              --             --            0.00       --               0.00        0.00          0.00          0.00
Explanation for long-term debt investments in financial assets available-for-sale:

12. Held-to-maturity investment
(1) Held-to-maturity investment
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                  Item                         Book balance at period-end            Book balance at period-begin

                  total                                                     0.00                                    0.00
Explanation for held-to-maturity investment:

(2) Held-to-maturity investment disposed and un-matured in the reporting period
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                        Proportion to the amount of investment before
Item                                            Amount
                                                                                         disposal (%)

              total                                           0.00                          --
Explanation for held-to-maturity investment disposed and un-matured in the reporting period:

13. Long term account receivables
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
              Type                          Amount at period-end                      Amount at period-begin
Financing lease
   Including: unrealized financing
Sales of goods with collection in
Provision of labor service with
collection in instalment
total                                                                   0.00                                        0.00

14. Investment in joint venture and associated company
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                      ion of
                                                      Shareh          voting                    Total Total
                                                                              Total Total
                                                      olding           right                     net operati Net
        Type of Registe Legal Busine Registe                                  assets liabiliti
Investe                                       currenc held by        held by                    assets   on    profit
        enterpri red represe     ss     red                                     at     es at
   e                                             y      the             the                       at   income for the
           se    place ntative nature capital                                period- period-
                                                      Compa          Compa                     period- for the period
                                                                               end     end
                                                      ny (%)           ny in                     end period

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I. Joint venture

II. Associate company
de       Compa
                   Chdeng         Paper 6,364,0                            266,96         266,34
Dahua    ny with          Shi                                                     624,57
                   de,            product 00,000. JPY        45%      45% 9,909.2        5,329.6
Paper    limited          Bainian                                                   9.62
                   Hebei          ion         00                                7              5
Co.,     liability
cal      Compa
                         Wang Clothes
Fiber ny with Suning,                     29,000,
                         Zhengs product           USD         20%     20%
Emulat limited Hebei                       000.00
                         ong      s
ion      liability
Explanation for material difference between material accounting policy and accounting estimation of joint ventures and
associated company and the Company:

Chengde Dahua Paper Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Dahua Paper”)was established by the Company and Japan
Papering Corporation(hereinafter referred to as “Japan Papering”), with original registered capital of USD5 million.
Upon equity transfer and capital increase, the registered capital of Dahua Paper was JPY6.364 billion, including
subscription contribution of JPY2.864 billion from Chengde Cingye Papering Co., Ltd. and JPY3.5 billion from Japan
New Century Trade Corporation. The capital increase of Dahua Papering has not been verified yet, and such equity
transfer has not completed registration procedures. Due to not submitting annual review materials for industry and
commercial registration in 2007, Dahua Paper was revoked with business license by Chengde Industry and Commercial
Administration Bureau on 28 April 2009 by issuance of administrative punishment document CGSCZi No.75(2009).

Suning Banhe Chemical Fiber Emulation Textile Co., Ltd. has stopped operation for years due to disposal of key
  production equipments attributable to involvement in legal cases. The Company made impairment provision in full
  for its long term equity investment in 2006. The Company didnt obtain financial statement of Suning Banhe
  Chemical Fiber Emulation Textile Co., Ltd. for this reporting period.

15. Long term equity investment

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(1)Particulars about long term equity investment

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                on for
                                                                   Proport                         Impairm
                                                      Sharehol      ion of                            ent     Cash
         Calculat Initial Balance at                  ding held     voting                         provisio divide
                                      Chan Balance at                         between Impairmen
Investee   ion investment period-begi                     in        rights                             n     nd for
                                       ge period-end                         sharehold t provision
         method    cost        n                      investee        in                            provide the
                                                                               ing and
                                                         (%)       investe                         d for the period
                                                                    e (%)                            period
                                                                              rights in
          Cost   46,980,000 46,980,000        46,980,000                               46,980,000
Fiber                                                        20%      20%
          method         .00        .00               .00                                      .00
n Textile
Co., Ltd.
Dahua     Cost   206,215,72 206,215,72        206,215,72                               204,000,00
                                                             45%      45%
Paper     method       9.65       9.65              9.65                                     0.00
Co., Ltd.
eng       Cost 441,303,75 441,303,75          441,303,75                               441,303,75
                                                            100%             pending
Textile method       9.82       9.82                9.82                                     9.82
                                                                             for final
Co., Ltd.
Dixian Cost    200,051,55 200,051,55          200,051,55                               200,051,55
                                                            100%             pending
Textile method       1.11       1.11                1.11                                     1.11
                                                                             for final
Co., Ltd.
                  894,551,04 894,551,04      894,551,04                                892,335,31
total       --                          0.00                --       --         --                     0.00   0.00
                        0.58       0.58            0.58                                      0.93

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(2)Restriction on transferring capital to investment enterprise

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

Long term equity investment subject
                                                                                       Accumulated unrecognized investment
to restriction on transferring capital to             Reason for restriction
                                                                                               loss for the period
investment enterprise

Explanation for long term equity investment:

16. Investment property
(1) Investment property measured by cost
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                         Book balance at                                       Decrease for the      Book balance at
        Item                                       Increase for the period
                          period-begin                                             period              period-end
I. Total original
                                            0.00                     0.00                    0.00                      0.00
book value
1. Buildings and
2.Land use right
II. Total
                                            0.00                     0.00                    0.00                      0.00
depreciation and
1. Buildings and
2.Land use right
III. Total net book
  value of
                                            0.00                     0.00                    0.00                      0.00
1. Buildings and
2.Land use right
IV. Total
                                            0.00                     0.00                    0.00                      0.00
provision of
1. Buildings and
2.Land use right
V. Total book
 value of
                                            0.00                     0.00                    0.00                      0.00
1. Buildings and

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2.Land use right
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                     The current period
Depreciation and amortization for the period
Impairment provision for investment property for the period

(2)Investment property measured by fair value

√ Applicable      □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                    Increase for the period          Decrease for the period
                                    Fair value          Transferred
                                                                     Gains and                                Fair value
                                        at                 from                                   Transferred
                 Item                                               losses from                                   at
                                   period-begi Purchase   self-use                    Disposal    to self-use period-end
                                         n                           change of
                                                        property or                                property
                                                                     fair value
1. Total costs                           0.00       0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00           0.00       0.00
(1) Buildings and
(2)Land use right
2. Total change of fair value            0.00       0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00           0.00       0.00
(1) Buildings and
(2)Land use right
3. Total book value of
                                         0.00       0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00           0.00       0.00
investment property
(1) Buildings and
(2)Land use right
Explain investment property which changed measurement method and which didnt obtain owners title, and explain the
reason for such failure to obtain owners title and estimated time to obtain:

17. Fixed assets
(1)Fixed assets
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                              Book balance at                                        Decrease for the   Book balance at
            Item                                    Increase for the period
                               period-begin                                              period           period-end
I. Total original book
                                122,712,609.00                          102,569.50      25,219,414.50      97,595,764.00
Including: Buildings and
                                111,296,195.05                                          25,219,414.50      86,076,780.55
  Machine equipments
                                 11,133,781.66                          102,569.50                         11,236,351.16

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  Electrical equipments            282,632.29                                                                  282,632.29
                              Book balance at Increase for the Provision for the     Decrease for the     Book balance at
                               period-begin       period            period               period             period-end
II. Total accumulated
                                27,259,039.48              0.00      1,393,840.97        5,553,576.93       23,099,303.52
Including: Buildings and
                                18,513,213.45                        1,367,892.59        5,553,576.93       14,327,529.11
  Machine equipments
                                 8,675,216.17                           20,627.40                            8,695,843.57
  Electrical equipments              70,609.86                           5,320.98                               75,930.84
                              Book balance at                                                             Book balance at
              --                                                         --
                               period-begin                                                                 period-end
III. Total net book value
                                95,453,569.52                            --                                 74,496,460.48
  of fixed assets
Including: Buildings and
                                92,782,981.60                            --                                 71,749,251.44
  Machine equipments                                                     --
                                 2,458,565.49                            --                                  2,540,507.59
  Electrical equipments            212,022.43                            --                                    206,701.45
IV. Total impairment
                                35,361,563.01                            --                                 24,458,327.07
Including: Buildings and
                                33,129,463.59                            --                                 22,226,227.65
  Machine equipments                                                     --
                                 2,117,353.38                            --                                  2,117,353.38
  Electrical equipments            114,746.04                            --                                    114,746.04
V. Total book value of
                                60,092,006.51                            --                                 50,038,133.41
 fixed assets
Including: Buildings and
                                59,653,518.01                            --                                 49,523,023.79
  Machine equipments                                                     --
                                   341,212.11                            --                                    423,154.21
  Electrical equipments              97,276.39                           --                                     91,955.41
Depreciation for the period was RMB 1,393,840.97; original value of construction in progress transferred into fixed
assets was RMB0.00.

(2)Idle fixed assets provisionally
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                         Original book      Accumulated           Impairment
       Item                                                                         Net book value            Notes
                             value          depreciation           provision
Buildings and                                                                                           Mainly included
                            79,541,707.92        13,696,953.11    22,226,227.65       43,618,527.16
constructions                                                                                            idle plants
  Transportation            10,802,089.94         8,622,977.27      2,117,353.38          61,759.29

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                              170,613.50            55,867.46           114,746.04               0.00

(3)Fixed assets leased in by financing leasing

√ Applicable    □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
               Item                  Original book value         Accumulated depreciation            Net book value
Buildings and constructions                                                                                           0.00
  Machine equipments                                                                                                  0.00
  Transportation vehicles                                                                                             0.00

(4)Fixed assets leased out by operating leasing

□ Applicable    √ Non-applicable

(5)Fixed assets held for sale at period-end

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Estimated disposal
           Item                    Book value              Fair value       Estimated disposal fee

(6)Fixed assets without completion of owner’s title

                                                Reason for failure to complete
                      Item                                                              Estimated time to complete
                                                 procedure for owners title

Explanation for fixed assets:

18. Construction in progress


                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                           Amount at period-end                       Amount at period-begin
           Item                                 Impairment                                  Impairment
                                Book balance                    Book value Book balance                     Book value
                                                 provision                                   provision
                                242,855,959. 238,027,341.              242,855,959. 238,027,341.
Papering project                                          4,828,618.00                                       4,828,618.00
                                          62           62                        62           62
                                16,752,062.4 14,858,862.4              16,752,062.4 14,858,862.4
Thermal plant                                             1,893,200.00                                       1,893,200.00
                                           2            2                         2            2
                                259,608,022. 252,886,204.              259,608,022. 252,886,204.
total                                                     6,721,818.00                                       6,721,818.00
                                          04           04                        04           04

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(2)Change of significant construction in progress

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                Project                      Includin Capitaliz
                                                 input                           g:       e
                    Increas Transferre                           Accumula                                 Amount
         Amount at                      Other taking                         capitaliz interest Capital
Ite Budg              e for   d into                     progres      te                                     at
         period-beg                    decreas proportio                         e     rate for resource
m    et                the    fixed                         s    capitalized                             period-en
             in                           e       n of                       interests   the        s
                     period assets                                interests                                  d
                                                budget                        for the period
                                                  (%)                         period     (%)

        0.00        0.00      0.00        0.00    0.00       --           --             0.00       0.00       --          --             0.00
Explanation for change of construction in progress:

(3)Impairment provision of construction in progress

                           Amounts at        Increased in this        Decreased in this          Amounts at
        Item                                                                                                          Reason for provision
                           period-begin           period                   period                period-end
Paper-making                                                                                                          Suspension for many
                            238,027,341.62                                                        238,027,341.62
 project                                                                                                              years
Thermal power                                                                                                         Suspension for many
                             14,858,862.42                                                         14,858,862.42
 stations                                                                                                             years
Total                       252,886,204.04                   0.00                       0.00      252,886,204.04                --

(4)Progress of material construction in progress

                   Item                                      Progress                                             Remark

(5)Explanation of construction in process

19. Construction materials

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                             Amounts at             Increased in this      Decreased in this
                  Item                                                                                              Amounts at period-end
                                             period-begin                period                 period

Total                                                     0.00                    0.00                     0.00                          0.00
Explanation on construction materials:

20. Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                             Book value at
                 Item                                                   Book value at period-end        Reasons for turn to disposal

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Total                                                               0.00                         0.00                   --
Explain the progress of disposal of fixed assets for which thetransferring intodisposal of fixed assets has been over one year:

21. Productive biological assets

(1) Measured by cost

√Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                 Book balance at                                                                     Book balance at
           Item                                           Increased in this period   Decreased in this period
                                  period-begin                                                                         period-end
I. Plantation

II. Animal husbandry

III. Forestry

IV. Aquaculture

Total                                             0.00                        0.00                        0.00                         0.00

(2)Measured by fair value

√Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                  Book value at                                                                       Book value at
           Item                                           Increased in this period   Decreased in this period
                                  period-begin                                                                         period-end
I. Plantation

II. Animal husbandry

III. Forestry

IV. Aquaculture

Total                                             0.00                        0.00                        0.00                         0.00
Explanation onproductive biological assets

22. Oil and gas asset

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                               Book balance at                                                                    Book balance at
            Item                                          Increased in this period Decreased in this period
                               period-begin                                                                       period-end
I. Total original book value                       0.00                       0.00                         0.00                        0.00
1. Equity of mine
2. Equity of mine

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3. Well and relevant
II. Total consumption
                                                 0.00                       0.00                         0.00                     0.00
1. Equity of mine
2. Well and relevant
III. Total impairment of oil
                                                 0.00                       0.00                         0.00                     0.00
and gas assets accumulative
1. Equity of mine
2. Equity of mine
3. Well and relevant
IV. Total book value of oil
                                                 0.00                       0.00                         0.00                     0.00
and gas assets
1. Equity of mine
2. Equity of mine
3. Well and relevant
Explanation on oil and gas assets:

23. Intangible assets

(1)Particular aboutintangible assets

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                               Book balance at                                                                  Book balance at
           Item                                         Increased in this period   Decreased in this period
                                period-begin                                                                      period-end
I. Total of original value           31,075,075.63                          0.00                        0.00         31,075,075.63
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                      8,718,530.30                                                                    8,718,530.30
(2000) Zi No. 169
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                       912,279.36                                                                       912,279.36
(2000) Zi No. 410
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                      8,702,035.52                                                                    8,702,035.52
(2001) Zi No. 133
Cheng De Xian TuGuo
                                      2,782,907.20                                                                    2,782,907.20
Yong (2000) Zi No. 152
Cheng De Xian TuGuo
                                      9,959,323.25                                                                    9,959,323.25
Yong (2000) Zi No. 151
II. Total accumulated
                                      6,872,796.38                   310,750.74                         0.00          7,183,547.12
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                      1,928,255.35                    87,185.28                                       2,015,440.63
(2000) Zi No. 169
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                       201,766.64                      9,122.82                                         210,889.46
(2000) Zi No. 410
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                      1,924,607.28                    87,020.34                                        2,011,627.62
(2001) Zi No. 133

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Cheng De Xian TuGuo
                                           615,488.63                  27,829.08                                         643,317.71
Yong (2000) Zi No. 152
Cheng De Xian TuGuo
                                      2,202,678.48                     99,593.22                                       2,302,271.70
Yong (2000) Zi No. 151
III. Total net book value
                                     24,202,279.25                          0.00                           0.00       23,891,528.51
ofintangible assets
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                      6,790,274.95                                                                     6,703,089.67
(2000) Zi No. 169
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                           710,512.72                                                                    701,389.90
(2000) Zi No. 410
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                      6,777,428.24                                                                     6,690,407.90
(2001) Zi No. 133
Cheng De Xian
TuGuoYong (2000) Zi No.               2,167,418.57                                                                     2,139,589.49
Cheng De Xian TuGuo
                                      7,756,644.77                                                                     7,657,051.55
Yong (2000) Zi No. 151
IV. Total impairment
                                                 0.00                       0.00                           0.00                   0.00
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
(2000) Zi No. 169
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
(2000) Zi No. 410
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
(2001) Zi No. 133
Cheng De Xian TuGuo
Yong (2000) Zi No. 152
Cheng De Xian TuGuo
Yong (2000) Zi No. 151
Total of intangible asset
                                     24,202,279.25                          0.00                           0.00       23,891,528.51
book value
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                      6,790,274.95                                                                     6,703,089.67
(2000) Zi No. 169
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                           710,512.72                                                                    701,389.90
(2000) Zi No. 410
Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong
                                      6,777,428.24                                                                     6,690,407.90
(2001) Zi No. 133
Cheng De Xian TuGuo
                                      2,167,418.57                                                                     2,139,589.49
Yong (2000) Zi No. 152
Cheng De Xian TuGuo
                                      7,756,644.77                                                                     7,657,051.55
Yong (2000) Zi No. 151
The amount amortized in this period isRMB28,749.96.

(2)Expenditure of project development of the Company

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                Decreased in this period
                            Amounts at           Increased in this                                                   Amounts at
        Item                                                           Included into current    Recognized as
                            period-begin              period                                                         period-end
                                                                           profit or loss      intangible assets

Total                                  0.00                     0.00                   0.00                   0.00                0.00
The proportion of development expenditure of total expenditure in R&D projects in reporting period.
The proportion of intangible assets formed by internal R&D of total book value of intangible assets at period-end.
Explanation on project development of the Company, development projects, including single price over RMB 1 million in this period

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andthe assessment price has been kept in book, should disclose thename of assessment institution andmethod of assessment:

(3)Intangible assets without property certificate obtained

24. Goodwill

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
The nameofinvested unitor the            Balance at           Increased in this    Decreased in this     Balance at
                                                                                                                               provision at
matters forminggoodwill                 period-begin               period               period           period-end

Total                                                0.00                   0.00                 0.00                 0.00              0.00
Explain the impairment testing method andwithdrawal method for impairment provision of goodwill:

25. Long-term deferred expense

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                        Amounts at      Increased amount                           Other decreased      Amounts at       Reason for other
        Item                                                    amount in this
                        period-begin      in this period                               amount           period-end          decrease
renovation                 356,640.00                                 35,664.00                            320,976.00
Total                      356,640.00                  0.00           35,664.00                 0.00       320,976.00              --
Explanation on long-term deferred expense:

26. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income taxliabilities

(1)Net amount of deferred income tax assets and deferred income taxliabilities before deduction

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

(2)Net amount of deferred income tax assets and deferred income taxliabilities after deduction

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable
Explanation on deferred income tax assets and deferred income taxliabilities:

27. Breakdown ofasset impairment provision

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                   Book balance at          Increased in this           Decreased in this period             Book balance at
                                    period-begin                 period              Reversal           Written-off            period-end
I. Bad debt provision                   44,372,490.82                                                                         44,372,490.82
II. Inventory devalue
                                                 0.00                     0.00                  0.00                  0.00              0.00
III. Impairment provision for
financial assets available for

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IV. Impairment provision for
investment held to maturity
V. Impairment provision for
                                   892,335,310.93                  0.00                                          892,335,310.93
long-term equity investment
VI. Impairment
provisionforinvestmentreal                   0.00                  0.00                                                    0.00
VII. Impairment
                                    35,361,563.01                                                10,903,235.94    24,458,327.07
provisionfor fixed asset
VIII. Impairment provision
for construction materials
IX. Impairment provision
                                   252,886,204.04                  0.00                                          252,886,204.04
X. Impairment provision
forproductive biological
Including: Impairment
provision for
matureproductive biological
XI. Impairment provision for
                                             0.00                  0.00                                                    0.00
oil and gas assets
XII. Impairment provision for
                                             0.00                  0.00                                                    0.00
intangible assets
XIII. Goodwillimpairment
XIV. Other
Total                            1,224,955,568.80                  0.00                 0.00     10,903,235.94
Explanation on breakdown of asset impairment provision:

28. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                      Item                                Amounts at period-end                 Amounts at period-begin
House and buildings                                                         779,288.19                               779,288.19
Landuse right                                                             24,353,650.76                           23,653,650.76
Total                                                                     25,132,938.95                           24,432,938.95
Explanation onother non-current assets:

29. Short-term loans

(1)Classification of short-term loans

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                      Item                                Amounts at period-end                 Amounts at period-begin
Pledged loans
Secured loans
Credit loans                                                                422,261.91                               422,261.91

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Total                                                                          422,261.91                                422,261.91
Explanation onclassification of short-term loans:
The Company’s creditloanswerevariousloansborrowed fromFinance BureauofChengde County, which wereoutstanding
and overduefor many years.Theprincipalamountoforiginal loansare RMB21,113,095.50, the Company’s repayable amount
is RMB422,261.91, which wascalculated pursuant tothefinalized settlement percentage of 2% based onbankruptcy and
restructuringin 2009.

(2)Short-term loans un-paid by expired

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Reasons for un-paid by
        Loan unit           Loan amount     Loan rates     Use of loan funds                            Anticipated payment date

Total                               0.00            --             --                       --                      --
An amount has been paid after balance sheet date.
Explanation on short-term loans,including those expired short-term loans which have been extended, explain the extension condition
and new expiration date:

30. Transactional financialliabilities

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                       Item                              Fair value at period-end                Fair value at period-begin
Transactional bonds issued
Financial liability designated through fair value
and variation of fair value recon into current
profit or loss
Derivative financial liability
Other financial liability
Total                                                                                0.00                                       0.00
Explanation on transactional financialliabilities:

31. Note payable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                       Type                              Amounts at period-end                   Amounts at period-begin
Commercial promissory notes
Bank promissory notes
Total                                                                                0.00                                       0.00
Amount expired in next accounting period: RMB.
Explanation on note payable:

32. Account payables


                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                       Item                              Amounts at period-end                   Amounts at period-begin
Within 1 year                                                                  994,267.40                                     100.00
Over 1 year                                                                    231,075.82                                231,075.82

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Total                                                                          1,225,343.22                             231,175.82

(2)Accounts received in advance to shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company during
this period

√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Unit name                           Amounts at period-end                    Amounts at period-begin

Total                                                                                  0.00                                      0.00
Explanation on major account payable with age over one year:

33. Account received in advance


                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                           Item                               Amounts at period-end                  Amounts at period-begin
Within 1 year                                                                  54,821,272.50                         30,028,613.02
Total                                                                          54,821,272.50                         30,028,613.02

(2) Accounts received in advance to shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company
during this period

√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                        Unit name                             Amounts at period-end                  Amounts at period-begin

Total                                                                                    0.00                                    0.00
Explanation on major account received in advance withage over one year:

34. Remuneration due to employees

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                             Book balance at                                                                   Book balance at
         Item                                      Increased in this period      Decreased in this period
                              period-begin                                                                       period-end
I. Wage, bonus,
allowance and                        377,800.00                  635,576.90                      995,576.90              17,800.00
II. Employees
III. Social security                 231,185.60                   39,811.72                      209,648.26              61,349.06
Social insurance of
                                     231,185.60                   39,811.72                      209,648.26              61,349.06
IV. Housing
provident fund
V. Compensation for
VI. Other                           6,098,896.60                        0.00                       1,410.00           6,097,486.60

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Others for
                                   6,098,896.60                                                  1,410.00            6,097,486.60
Total                              6,707,882.20               675,388.62                    1,206,635.16             6,176,635.66
The amount within remuneration due to employees of the nature of arrears.
Outlay for labor union and staff educational charge amounting as RMB; non-monetary welfare amounting as RMB and compensation
for dismiss of labor relationship amounting toRMB.
Remuneration due to employees is expected to pay and the amount for payment:

35. Tax payable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                           Item                                   Amounts at period-end              Amounts at period-begin
VAT                                                                                -29,992.98                          151,107.41
Consumption tax
Business tax                                                                     -1,038,688.96                        -206,904.56
Enterprise income tax                                                           53,748,673.54                       54,549,500.97
Personal income tax                                                                 -11,109.75                          21,704.90
land VAT                                                                          -787,977.19                         -513,431.23
House title tax                                                                  3,513,019.74                        2,982,346.66
Land use tax                                                                    13,812,727.95                       12,492,077.71
Other                                                                             -243,638.36                          111,824.53
Total                                                                           68,963,013.99                       69,588,226.39
Explanation on tax payable: if the local taxation bureau agrees mutual adjustment between vary branches andplants, explain taxation

36. Interest payable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                           Item                                   Amounts at period-end              Amounts at period-begin
Interest of long-term loans of installment and interest
Corporate bond interest
Interest payable for short-term loans

Total                                                                                     0.00                                 0.00
Explanation on interest payable:

37. Dividend payable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                 Reasons for un-payment over one
               Unit name                  Amounts at period-end      Amounts at period-begin

Total                                                       0.00                          0.00                 --
Explanation on dividend payable:

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38. Other payable


                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                       Item                                  Amounts at period-end                    Amounts at period-begin
Within 1 year                                                                    17,756,264.92                       17,743,067.41
1 - 2 years                                                                      12,199,349.31                       15,286,349.31
2 - 3 years                                                                      81,858,728.62                       81,858,728.62
Over 3 years                                                                      1,684,355.79                        1,684,355.79
Total                                                                        113,498,698.64                         116,572,501.13

(2) Other payable due to shareholders units holding 5% or more voting shares of the Company during this

√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                     Unit name                               Amounts at period-end                    Amounts at period-begin

Total                                                                                     0.00                                  0.00

(3)Explanation on other account payable with the age over one year

                     Unit name                           Balance at period-end         Reasons for unpayment
Trustee in ChengdeDixian Fashion Co.,                               26,410,000.00                Not expired
Trustee    inChengdeBanhe    Chemical                               19,750,000.00                Not expired
Simulation Textile Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Mineral Energy ElectricCo.,                                12,000,000.00         Loans not expired
Trustee      inHebeiXiaban                    City                    8,760,000.00               Not expired
KnittingGarmentCo., Ltd.
Zhang Xiao Ming                                                       6,500,000.00        Loans not expired
Chengde county treasury payment center                                6,000,000.00         Current account
Li Yan                                                                6,349,083.21        Loans not expired
Chen Li Ping                                                          5,000,000.00        Loans not expired
                      Total                                         90,769,083.21

(4) Explanation on unit of major connected amount for other account payable

39. Anticipated liability

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
              Item            Amounts at period-begin Increased in this period Decreased in this period     Amounts at period-end
      Guarantee provided

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        Pending lawsuit
 Products quality security
Reorganization obligation
        Dismiss welfare
  Deficit contract to be
             Total                                 0.00                     0.00                          0.00                        0.00
Explanation on anticipated liability:

40. Non-current liability due within one year


                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                          Item                            Amounts at period-end                      Amounts at period-begin
Long-term loans due within one year                                                     0.00                                          0.00
Bond payable due within one year                                                        0.00                                          0.00
Long-term account payable due within one year                                           0.00                                          0.00
Total                                                                                   0.00                                          0.00

(2) Long-term loans due within one year

Long-term loans due within one year
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                          Item                            Amounts at period-end                      Amounts at period-begin
Pledged loans
Secured loans
Guaranteed loans
Credit loans

Total                                                                                   0.00                                          0.00
In long-term loans due within one year, amount of undue but with expansion time amounted to RMB.
Top five long-term loans due within one year
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                              Amounts at period-end              Amounts at period-begin
                 Starting date Termination
Date of loans                                 Currency        Rate(%)         Foreign           Local            Foreign        Local
                   for loans date for loans
                                                                              currency         currency          currency      currency

Total                   --           --             --           --                --                0.00           --                0.00
Overdue loans in long-term loans due within one year:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Reason for               Expected
  Unit of loans        Amount of loans    Undue date      Annual rate (%)     Use of loan fund
                                                                                                      overdue               payment date

Total                             0.00        --                 --                     --                  --                   --
TotalingRMB has been paid after balance sheet date.

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Explanation on long-term loans due within one year:

(3)Bond payable due within one year

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                               Interest Interest paid Interest
  Name of       Nominal       Date of       Term of    Amount of payable at                                      Balance at
                                                                             payable in    in this    payable at
   bond          value         issue         bond        issue   period-begi                                     period-end
                                                                             this period   period    period-end

Explanation onbond payable due within one year:

(4) Long-term account payable due within one year

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   Balance at      Condition for
  Unit of loans           Term            Initial amount        Rate(%)       Interest payable
                                                                                                   period-end         loans

Explanation onlong-term account payable due within one year:

41. Other current liability

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Item                                Book balance at period-end            Book balance at period-begin

Total                                                                                   0.00                                    0.00
Explanation on other current liability:

42. Long-term loan

(1) Category of long-term loans

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Item                                  Amounts at period-end                 Amounts at period-begin
Pledged loans
Secured loans
Guaranteed loans
Credit loans                                                                  6,801,600.00                            6,801,600.00

Total                                                                         6,801,600.00                            6,801,600.00
Explanation oncategory of long-term loans:
On 28 December 2005, the Finance Bureau ofChengde County released a treasury bond fund of RMB5
million toChengdeXingye Papermaking Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company,forpaper producing,
water saving and comprehensive utilization of resourcespursuant to JiCaiJian [2005] No. 258.
As it is hard to pay the principal and interests asa result of thatcompanys operating difficulties,
the interests of such loan were RMB1,801,600.00, with principal and interests in aggregate were
RMB6,801,600.00 as at this period-end.

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(2) Top five long-term loans

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Amounts at period-end         Amounts at period-begin
                 Starting date Termination
Unit of loans                                   Currency           Rate (%)       Foreign          Local        Foreign          Local
                   for loans date for loans
                                                                                  currency        currency      currency        currency
                                              CNY                                                6,801,600.00                 6,801,600.00
Total                  --           --               --                 --           --          6,801,600.00         --      6,801,600.00
Explanation on long-term loans: if there were long-term loans from undue with expansion obtained, explain the expansion condition,
principle, interest andanticipated payment arrange:

43. Bond payable

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Interest Interest paid Interest
 Name of         Nominal      Date of      Term of         Amount of payable at                                      Balance at
                                                                                 payable in    in this    payable at
  bond            value        issue        bond             issue   period-begi                                     period-end
                                                                                 this period   period    period-end

Bond payable including convertible corporate bonds condition and time for shares transfer:

44. Long-term account payable

(1) Top five long-term account payable

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         Balance at         Condition for
        Unit                Term         Initial amount            Rate (%)        Interest payable
                                                                                                         period-end            loans

(2) Breakdown of finance lease payable in long-term payable

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                          Amounts at period-end                         Amounts at period-begin
                                              Foreign currency                 RMB                Foreign currency            RMB

Total                                                            0.00                     0.00                  0.00                   0.00
Amount of guarantee from independent third party for thefinance lease of the Company was RMB.
Explanation on long-term payable:

45. Specific account payable

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                    Amounts at            Increased in this   Decreased in       Amounts at
                Item                                                                                                       Remarks
                                    period-begin               period          this period       period-end

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Paper producing, water
saving and
comprehensive                          7,500,000.00                                             7,500,000.00 JiCaiJian[2005] No. 280
utilization of
Demonstration project for
comprehensiveutilization of
                                       3,000,000.00                                             3,000,000.00 JiCaiJian[2004] No.134
resource for waste paper
recycling industry chain
Finance Bureau of
                                         98,000.03                                                98,000.03
               Total                  10,598,000.03               0.00             0.00        10,598,000.03              --
Explanation on specific account payable:

46. Other non-current liability

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                         Item                              Book balance at period-end               Book balance at period-begin

Total                                                                                   0.00                                          0.00
Other non-current liability, including various government subsidies related with assets and income as well as its balance at

47. Share capital

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                           Increased (decreased) in this year
                   Amounts at                                          Shares                                             Amounts at
                   period-begin      New shares                                                                           period-end
                                                      Bonus shares converted from         Other           Sub-total
                                                                   provident fund
Total number
                       706,320,000                                                                                    0        706,320,000
of shares
Explanation on share capital changes, if there were capital increase/decrease in this reporting period, the CPAs name and verification
documents should bedisclosed; for the companieswith limited liabilities withoperation less than 3 years, the net assetsshould be
explained before establishment; for those companieswith limited liabilitiestransformedintojoint stock companies, explain the
verification condition while established:

48. Treasury shares

Explanation on treasury shares:

49. Specific reserve

Explanation onspecific reserve:

50. Capitalreserves

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

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                                                                                         Decreased in this          Amounts at
Item                              Amounts at period-begin Increased in this period
                                                                                         period                     period-end
Capital premium (Share capital
                                              391,996,587.96                                                            391,996,587.96
Other capital reserve                          58,768,855.14                                                              58,768,855.14

Total                                         450,765,443.10                      0.00                       0.00       450,765,443.10
Explanation of capitalreserves:

51. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                         Decreased in this          Amounts at
               Item               Amounts at period-begin Increased in this period
                                                                                         period                     period-end
Statutory surplus reserves                     76,791,550.17                                                              76,791,550.17
Free surplus reserve
Service fund
Enterprise development fund
Total                                          76,791,550.17                      0.00                       0.00         76,791,550.17
Explanation on surplus reserve, if share capital converted from surplus reserve, remedy deficit and dividend distributed, explain
relevant resolutions:

52. General risk provision

Explanation on general risk provision:

53. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                              Withdrawal or allocation
                        Item                                            Amount
Unallocated profits at the end of last year
                                                                                         -1,257,759,031.84                --
before adjustment
Adjust the total unallocated profits at the
beginning of the year (Increase +, Decrease -)
Unallocated profits at the beginning of the
                                                                                         -1,257,759,031.84                --
year after adjustment
Plus: net profits belonging to owners of patent
                                                                                            -15,704,974.76                --
company for this period
Less: withdraw legal surplus reserves
Withdraw free surplus reserves
Withdraw general risk reserves
Dividends of ordinary shares payable
Dividends of ordinary shares transferred into
share capital

Unallocated profits at the end of the period                                             -1,273,464,013.34                --
Breakdown of adjusting the unallocated profits at the beginning of the year:

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1). The retroactive adjustments to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its relevant new regulations affect the
unallocated profits at the beginning of the year amounting to RMB0.00.
2). The changes in accounting policies affect the unallocated profits at the beginning of the year amounting toRMB0.00.
3). The major accounting error correction affects the unallocated profits at the beginning of the year amounting to RMB0.00.
4). Merge scope changes caused by the same control affect the unallocated profits at the beginning of the year amounting
5). Other adjustments affect the unallocated profits at the beginning of the year amounting to RMB0.00.
The unallocated profitsindicate that, for the company with initial public offering of securities should clearly state if the accumulated
profits are decided to be shared by old shareholders by general meeting before issuing; while the company should clearly disclose the
audited profits in the dividends payable belong to old shareholders.

54. Operating income and operating cost

(1)Operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Item                           Amount generated in this period              Amount generated inlast period
Principal business income                                                            0.00                                         0.00
Other business income                                                         481,640.00                                    21,250.00
Operating cost                                                                       0.00                                         0.00

(2)Principal business (by industries)

√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                            Amount generated in this period                   Amount generated inlast period
        Name ofindustries
                                      Operating income           Operating cost          Operating income          Operating cost
-                                                     0.00                        0.00
Total                                                 0.00                        0.00                   0.00                     0.00

(3)Principal business (by products)

√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                            Amount generated in this period                   Amount generated inlast period
        Name ofproducts
                                      Operating income           Operating cost          Operating income          Operating cost
-                                                     0.00                        0.00
Total                                                 0.00                        0.00                   0.00                     0.00

(4)Principal business (by districts)

√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                            Amount generated in this period                   Amount generated inlast period
        Name of districts
                                      Operating income           Operating cost          Operating income          Operating cost
Domestic sales                                        0.00
Foreign sales                                         0.00
Total                                                 0.00                        0.00                   0.00                     0.00

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(5)The operating income of the top five customers of the Company

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                The percentage in all operating income of the
        Name of customers                  Principal business income

Total                                                                  0.00                                                          0%
Explanation on operating income:
Other business income of the Company represents the income from leasing of certain vacant plants
and grounds.

55. Contract item income

√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                    Accumulated costs       profit recgnised
Fixed costcontract         Contract item            Amount                                                             Amounts settled
                                                                        incurred               (with loss
                                                                                          represented by “-”)

                       Sub-total                             0.00                 0.00                     0.00                     0.00
                                                                                          Accumulated gross
                                                                    Accumulated costs       profit recgnised
Cost-plus contract         Contract item            Amount                                                             Amounts settled
                                                                        incurred               (with loss
                                                                                          represented by “-”)

                       Sub-total                             0.00                 0.00                     0.00                     0.00
Explanation on contract item:

56. Business tax and surcharges

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                       Amount generated in this Amount generated inlast
                Item                                                                           Calculating and payment standards
                                               period                  period
Consumption tax
Business tax                                           44,162.70                 8,261.25 5%
City maintenance and construction
                                                        2,512.25                 1,016.95 5%
Education surcharge                                     2,512.25                 1,016.96 2%,3%
Resources tax

Total                                                  49,187.20                10,295.16                         --
Explanation onbusiness tax and surcharges:

57. Income of fair value changes

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
  Sources generating income of fair value changes       Amount generated in this period          Amount generated inlast period
Trading financial assets

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Including: Income of fair value changes generated
by derivative financial instruments
Trading financial assets liabilities
Investment real estate measured by fair value
Others                                                                              0.00                                    0.00

Total                                                                               0.00                                    0.00
Explanation onincome of fair value changes:

58. Investment income

(1)Breakdown of investment income

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                         Item                          Amount generated in this period       Amount generated inlast period
Income of long-term equity investment calculated
                                                                                    0.00                                    0.00
based on cost
Income of long-term equity investment calculated
                                                                                    0.00                                    0.00
based on equity
Investment income obtained from disposal of
long-term equity investment
Investment income obtained during holding trading
financial assets
Investment income obtained during held-to-maturity
investment gaining investment income
Investment income obtained during holding
available-for-sale financial assets
Investment income obtained on disposing of trading
financial assets
Investment income obtained from held-to-maturity
Investment income obtained from available-for-sale
financial assets
Total                                                                               0.00                                    0.00

(2)Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on cost

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                         Amount generated in this   Amount generated       Reasons forincrease/decrease in this
             Invested united
                                                 period               inlast period         period compared with last period

Total                                                        0.00                   0.00                    --

(3)Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on equity

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                         Amount generated in this   Amount generated       Reasons forincrease/decrease in this
             Invested united
                                                 period               inlast period         period compared with last period

Total                                                        0.00                   0.00                    --

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Explanation on investment income: it should be introduced if there is significant restrictions to repatriation of investment income; it
also should be introduced if there is no this kind of significant restrictions:

59. Impairment loss of asset

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                             Item                               Amount generated in this period    Amount generated inlast period
1.     Bad debt loss
2.     Inventory falling price loss
3.     Impairment loss of available-for-sale financial assets
4.     Impairment loss of held-to-maturity investment
5.     Impairment loss of long-term equity investment
6.     Impairment loss of investment real estate
7.     Impairment loss of fixed assets
8.     Impairment loss of project goods and material
9.     Impairment loss of construction in process
10. Impairment loss of productive living beings
11. Impairment loss of oil gas
12. Impairment loss of intangible assets
13. Impairment loss of goodwill
14. Others
Total                                                                                       0.00                                   0.00

60. Non-operating income


                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
Item                                                            Amount generated in this period    Amount generated inlast period
Total gains on disposal ofnon-current assets                                                                                970,161.00
Including: gain ondisposal of fixed assets                                                                                  970,161.00
Gain on disposal of intangible assets
Gain ondebt restructuring
Gain onexchange of non-monetary assets
Accepting donations
Government grants                                                                           0.00                                  0.00
Others                                                                                                                       50,850.00
Total                                                                                       0.00                           1,021,011.00

(2) Breakdown of government grants

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                         Amount generated in this      Amount generated inlast
                  Item                                                                                       Description
                                                 period                       period

Total                                                           0.00                       0.00                   --
Explanation onnon-operating income:

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61. Non-operating expenditure

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
Item                                                           Amount generated in this period Amount generated inlast period
Total loss on disposal ofnon-current assets                                       8,762,601.63                           0.00
Including: loss on disposal of fixed assets                                       8,762,601.63
   Loss on disposal of intangible assets
Loss on debt restructuring
Loss on exchange of non-monetary assets
Donations contributed
Others                                                                            1,156,412.17                    152,271.51
Total                                                                             9,919,013.80                    152,271.51
Explanation onnon-operating expenditure:

62. Income tax expense

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                              Item                             Amount generated in this period Amount generated inlast period
Current income tax calculated based on tax law and relevant
                                                                                     28,965.25                       3,500.64
Deferred income tax adjustment

Total                                                                                28,965.25                       3,500.64

63. Calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

                                     Item                              Current period              Last period
         Net profit attributable to ordinary              P1                 -15,704,981.50             -4,069,051.79
         shareholders of the Company during
         the reporting period
         Non-recurring gains and losses                   F                   -7,964,564.92                868,739.49
         attributable to ordinary shareholders of
         the Company during the reporting
         Net profit attributable to ordinary          P2=P1-F                 -7,740,409.84             -4,937,791.28
         shareholders of the Company after
         deduction of non-recurring gains and
         losses during the reporting period
         Effect of dilution events on the net             P3
         profit   attributable   to  ordinary
         shareholders of the Company
         Effect of dilution events on the net             P4
         profit   attributable  to    ordinary
         shareholders of the Company after
         deduction of non-recurring gains and
         Total number of share at the beginning           S0                 706,320,000.00           706,320,000.00
         of the year

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Number of increased shares due to             S1
conversion of reserve into share capital
or distribution of stock dividends
during the reporting period
Number of increased shares due to             Si
issuance of new shares or bond
conversion during the reporting period
Number of months from the next month          Mi
of share increase to the end of the
reporting period
Number of decreased shares due to             Sj
repurchase during the reporting period
Number of months from the next month          Mj
of share decrease to the end of the
reporting period
Number of decreased shares during the         Sk
reporting period
Number of months during the reporting         M0                  6                       6
Weighted average       ordinary   shares S=S0+S1+Si   706,320,000.00         706,320,000.00
outstanding                              *Mi/M0-Sj*
Plus: weighted average ordinary shares        X1
increased by assumption of conversion
of diluted potential ordinary shares into
ordinary shares in issue
Weighted average ordinary shares for X2=S+X1
diluted earnings per share
  Including: weighted ordinary shares
  increased    by    conversion    of
  convertible bonds
  Weighted ordinary shares increased
  by exercise of call warrants/stock
  Weighted ordinary shares increased
  by performance of repurchase
Basic earnings per share attributable to    Y1=P1/S               -                   -0.006
ordinary shareholders of the Company                          0.022
Basic earnings per share attributable to Y2=P2/S                  -                   -0.007
ordinary shareholders of the Company                          0.011
after deduction of non-recurring gains
and losses
Diluted earnings per share attributable Y3=(P1+                 -                   -0.006
to ordinary shareholders of the P3)/X2                       0.022
Diluted earnings per share attributable Y4=(P2+                 -                   -0.007
to ordinary shareholders of the P4)/X2                       0.011
Company       after    deduction     of
non-recurring gains and losses

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64. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                              Item                                 Current period                   Last period
Gains (losses) from available-for-sale financial assets
  Less: effect of income tax from available-for-sale financial
Net amount recorded into other comprehensive income in the
last period and transferred into gains and losses in the current
                            Subtotal                                                0.00                              0.00
2. Share of other comprehensive income of investees based on
the equity method
  Less: effect of income tax from the share of other
comprehensive income of investees based on the equity method
Net amount recorded into other comprehensive income in the
last period and transferred into gains and losses in the current
                            Subtotal                                                0.00                              0.00
3. Gains (losses) from cash flow hedging instruments
   Less: effect of income tax from cash flow hedging
Net amount recorded into other comprehensive income in the
last period and transferred into gains and losses in the current
Adjustment of the amount on initial recognition of the item
transferred as the hedged item
                            Subtotal                                                0.00                              0.00
4. Difference of translation of financial statements in foreign
   Less: net amount transferred into gains and losses from
disposal of overseas operations in the current period
5. Others
  Less: effect of income tax from others recorded into other
comprehensive income
Net amount recorded into other comprehensive income in the
last period and transferred into gains and losses in the current
                            Subtotal                                                0.00                              0.00
                              Total                                                 0.00                              0.00
Explanation on other comprehensive income:

65. Notes to cash flows statement

(1) Other cash received from operating activities

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                                Amount
Current accounts received                                                                                   1,829,870.20
Income from lease and sales of scraps                                                                         295,312.69
Others                                                                                                            6,698.30
                                      Total                                                                 2,131,881.19

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Explanation on other cash received from operating activities

(2) Other cash paid to operating activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                               Amount
Current accounts paid                                                                                   2,737,000.00
Others                                                                                                  2,600,549.73
                                     Total                                                              5,337,549.73
Explanation on other cash paid to operating activities

(3) Other cash received from investing activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                               Amount

                                     Total                                                                        0.00
Explanation on other cash received from investing activities

(4) Other cash paid to investing activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                               Amount
Other non-current assets purchased                                                                          700,000.00
                                     Total                                                                  700,000.00
Explanation on other cash paid to investing activities

(5) Other cash received from financing activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                               Amount

                                     Total                                                                        0.00
Explanation on other cash received from financing activities

(6) Other cash paid to financing activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                               Amount
Repayment of borrowings of non-related parties                                                          3,090,000.00
                                     Total                                                              3,090,000.00
Explanation on other cash paid to financing activities:

66. Supplemental information for cash flow statement

(1) Supplemental information for cash flow statement

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                  Supplemental information                     Current period                 Last period

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1. Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash
                                                                       --                               --
provided by operating activities::
Net profit                                                                  -17,659,423.64                    -4,388,773.72
Add: Impairment provision for assets                                                 0.00                                0.00
Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation
                                                                             1,393,840.97                     1,366,083.37
of fuel and gas, depreciation of production materials
Amortization for intangible assets                                             310,750.74                         310,750.74
Amortization for long-term prepayment                                           35,664.00
Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                             8,762,601.63                         -967,298.00
others long-term assets(Income is listed with “-”)
Loss upon rejection of fixed assets(Income is listed with
Loss on variance of fair value (Income is listed with “-”)
Finance cost (Income is listed with “-”)
Loss in investment(Income is listed with “-”)
Decrease of deferred tax assets(Increase is listed with “-”)
Liability increase of deferred tax(Decrease is listed with
Decrease of inventories(Increase is listed with “-”)                      -16,806,352.32                    -2,616,473.70
Decrease of operating receivable account items(Increase is
                                                                              -737,741.42                    -13,720,853.02
listed with “-”)
Increase of operating payable account items (Decrease is
                                                                            27,061,046.25                         -630,510.36
listed with “-”)
Net cash flow from operating activities                                      2,360,386.21                    -20,647,074.69
2. Significant investing and financing activities for non
                                                                       --                               --
cash items:
Liabilities capitalized
Convertible bonds payable mature in one year
Financing leased fixed assets
3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents:              --                               --
Ending balance for cash                                                      1,571,028.20                         759,615.12
Less: beginning balance for cash                                             5,517,692.29                     9,723,008.25
Add: ending balance for cash equivalents
3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents:
Ending balance for cash                                                      -3,946,664.09                    -8,963,393.13

(2) Other information in relation to acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units during the reporting

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                 Supplementary information                       Current period                     Last period
I. Relevant information of acquisition of subsidiaries and
                                                                       --                               --
other operating units:
1. Price of acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating
2. Cash and cash equivalents paid for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other operating units
  Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries and
other operating units:
3. Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other                           0.00                                0.00

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operating units
4. Net assets of subsidiaries                                                               0.00                                 0.00
     Current assets
     Non-current assets
     Current liabilities
     Non-current liabilities
II. Relevant information of disposal of subsidiaries and
                                                                              --                                   --
other operating units:
1. Price of disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units
2. Cash and cash equivalents received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other operating units
     Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries
and other operating units
3. Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other
                                                                                            0.00                                 0.00
operating units
4. Net assets of subsidiaries                                                               0.00                                 0.00
     Current assets
     Non-current assets
     Current liabilities
     Non-current liabilities

(3) Constitution of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                Item                                      Period-end                       Period-beginning
I. Cash                                                                             1,571,028.20                         5,517,692.29
Including: Inventory cash                                                              42,185.38                          103,766.34
     Bank deposit payable at any time                                               1,458,163.53                          468,956.88
     Other monetary fund payable at any time                                           70,679.29                         4,944,969.07
     Deposits in central bank available for payment
     Deposits in other banks and financial institutions
     Borrowings to other banks and financial institutions
II. Cash equivalents
Including: Bond investment due within 3 months
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at period-end                              1,571,028.20                         5,517,692.29
Explanation on supplementary information of cash flows statement

67. Notes to items of statement of changes of owners’ equity

Explanation on the names of “other” items adjusted for the balances at the end of last year and the adjustment amounts and
retrospective adjustments from business combination under common control:

(VIII) Accounting of the asset securitization business

1. Explanation on the major transaction arrangements of the asset securitization business and its accounting and its
bankruptcy segregation clause

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    2. Special purpose entities in which the Company has no control right but actually burdens its risks

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Operating income
                           Total assets at   Total liabilities at   Net assets at                    Net profit at the
           Name                                                                      at the current                        Remark
                            period-end          period-end          period-end                       current period

    (IX) Related parties and related transactions

    1. Parent company of the Company
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Sharehold             Percentag
                                                                                        ing                  e of
                                                                                    percentag               voting
     Name of                       Place of     Legal                                   e of               right of            Organizat
             Relations Type of                           Business Registere                                         controller
      parent                      registratio representa                    Currency parent                 parent               ional
               hip     enterprise                         nature d capital                                            of the
     company                           n         tive                                company              company                code
                                                                                       in the               in the
                                                                                    Company               Company
                                                                                        (%)                  (%)

    Parent company of the Company
    The Company has no parent company. The related parties with controlling relationship of the Company refer to Mr. Chen Rong who
    held 29.49% equity of the Company.

    2. Subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                               Place of      Legal                                            Percentage
                        Nature of Type of                             Business Registered              ng                Organizati
        Name                                  registratio representat                     Currency             of voting
                        subsidiary subsidiary                          nature   capital            percentage            onal code
                                                   n          ive                                              right (%)
Chengde    Rongyida                               Chengde Zhao
                     Controlled       Limited                          Estate    10,000,000                                        68434235-
Real          Estate                              city Hebei Yongsheng                      CNY                  100%       100%
                     subsidiary       liability                        developme        .00                                        0
development                                       province
Chengde Xingye         Controlled     Limited     country     Wang        Paper     250,000,00                                     60125211-
                                                                                               USD                 75%       75%
Paper Industry         subsidiary     liability   Hebei       Shuxian     producing       0.00                                     5
Gold Axe                                          British
                       Controlled     Limited
Investment Group                                  Virgin                  Export            1.00 USD             100%       100%
                       subsidiary     liability
Limited                                           Island
Hebei Xiaban       City Controlled    Limited     country     Wang        Clothing    4,000,000.                                   60126026-
                                                                                                 USD             100%
Textile                 subsidiary    liability   Hebei       Shuxian     producing          00                                    2
Chengde        Dixian Controlled      Limited     country     Wang        Clothes   24,000,000                                     60126040-
                                                                                               USD               100%
fashion               subsidiary      liability   Hebei       Shuxian     producing        .00                                     6
                                                  Chengde               Waste
Chengde        Huaxin Controlled      Limited     country                             1,000,000.                                   74544580-
                                                              Xu Sulian paper                    CNY               90%       90%
waste paper collection subsidiary     liability   Hebei                                      00                                    5
                                                  province              recycling

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3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company

                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                             e of                                                Total   Net
                                                                                            voting                     Total                   operatin profit
          Type of Place of         Legal                                                   right of                 liabilities    Total net       g      for
                                             Business   Registered   Currenc percentage             Total assets at                                            Relationshi Organization
Investee enterpris registratio representativ                                                  the                       at         assets at   income the
                                              nature     capital        y      of the                period-end                                                     p        al code
             e          n            e                                                   Company                    period-en     period-end    for the curren
                                                                                               in                       d                      current     t
                                                                                          investee                                              period period
I. Joint
              --         --        --          --           --          --         --          --           --           --           --          --      --       --           --

Associate     --         --        --          --           --          --         --          --           --           --           --          --      --       --           --
 Banhe                                    Clothes
          Limited     Suning     Wang
Simulatio                                manufactur     29,000,000.00 USD               20%     20%
          liability   Hebei    Zhengsong
n Textile                                    e
 C., Ltd.
 Dahua                                      Paper
          Limited     Chengde                        6,364,000,000.                                   266,969,909.2 624,579.6 266,345,329.6
 Paper                        Shi Bainian manufactur                JPY                 45%     45%                                                                       76033882-1
          liability    Hebei                                    00                                                7         2             5
Industry                                      e
Co., ltd.

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4. Other related parties of the Company

        Name of other related party               Relationship with the Company                          Organizational code

Explanation on other related parties of the Company

5. Related party transactions

(1) Purchase f commodities and receipt of labors

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                             Current period                          Last period
                                                 Pricing method                             Percentag                                e in the
                                                       and                                    e in the                              amounts
    Related party        Related transaction    decision-making                             transactio                                of the
                                                  procedure of             Amount                                 Amount
                                                                                             ns in the                             transactio
                                               related transaction                          same type                               ns in the
                                                                                                (%)                                same type

Sales of commodities and provision of labors
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                             Current period                          Last period
                                                 Pricing method                             Percentag                                e in the
                                                       and                                    e in the                              amounts
    Related party        Related transaction    decision-making                             transactio                                of the
                                                  procedure of             Amount                                 Amount
                                                                                             ns in the                             transactio
                                               related transaction                          same type                               ns in the
                                                                                                (%)                                same type

(2) Related custody/contracting

Consignment/contracting of the Company
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                     Starting       Terminating    Basis of       nt             Effect of
            Name of                                Type of
Name of                    Consigned/c Amount                        date of        date of        pricing of     gains/contra   consignmen
            consignee                  involved in consigned/c
consignor/c                ontracted                                 consignmen     consignmen     consignmen     cting gains    t/contractin
            and                        consigned/c ontracted
ontractor                  assets                                    t/contractin   t/contractin   t              recognized     g on the
            contractee                 ontracted   assets
                                                                     g              g              gains/contra   during the     Company
                                                                                                   cting gains    reporting

Entrusted management/contracting of the Company
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                   Type of     Starting Terminating Basis of Entrustment Effect of
  Name of       Name of Entrusted/c Amount
 entruster/co entrustee/co ontracted involved in entrusted/co   date of     date of     pricing of fee/contract entrustment
   ntractor     ntractee    assets   entrusted/co ntracted entrustment/ entrustment/ entrustment      ing fee   /contracting
                                       ntracted     assets    contracting contracting fee/contracti recognized gains on the

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                                           assets                                                 ng fee        during the   Company

Explanation on related entrusted management/contracting

(3) Related lease

Lease of the Company
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Lease gains
                                                      Amount                                                        Effect of
                                Type of                                                      Basis of recognized
  Name of      Name of                     Leased   involved in Starting Terminating                               lease gains
                                 leased                                                     pricing of during the
   lessor       lessee                     assets      leased  date of lease date of lease                           on the
                                 assets                                                    lease gains reporting
                                                       assets                                                       Company

Lease by the Company
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Lease gains
                                                      Amount                                                        Effect of
                                Type of                                                      Basis of recognized
  Name of      Name of                     Leased   involved in Starting Terminating                               lease gains
                                 leased                                                     pricing of during the
   lessor       lessee                     assets      leased  date of lease date of lease                           on the
                                 assets                                                    lease gains reporting
                                                       assets                                                       Company

Explanation on related lease

(4) Related guarantee

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                     Starting date of        Maturity date of      Guarantee completed
       Guarantor               Guarantee     Guarantee amount
                                                                        guarantee              guarantee           or not

Explanation on related guarantee

(5) Borrowing of related party funds

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
       Related party             Borrowed amount          Starting date                 Maturity date                Explanation


(6) Transfer of related party assets and debt reorganization

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                              Current period                       Last period
                      Type of
   Related party       related Related transaction Pricing method                           Percentag                        Percentag
                    transaction                           and              Amount            e in the       Amount            e in the
                                                   decision-making                          amounts                          amounts

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                                                         procedure of                      of the                        of the
                                                             related                     transactio                    transactio
                                                          transaction                     ns in the                     ns in the
                                                                                         same type                     same type
                                                                                            (%)                           (%)

(7) Other related transactions

6. Amounts receivable from and payable to related parties

Amounts receivable from related parties
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
             Item                    Related party               Amount at period-end               Amount at period-beginning
                           Chengde Dahua Paper
Other receivables                                                            44,196,901.26                         44,196,901.26
                           Co., Ltd.
                           Suning Banhe Fiber Co.,
Other receivables                                                                15,361.00                             15,361.00
Amounts payable to related parties
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                 Amount at
                    Item                             Related party           Amount at period-end

(X) Share payment

1. Overall share payment

Total amount of various equity instruments
granted by the Company in the period
Total amount of various equity instruments
exercised by the Company in the period
Total amount of various equity instruments
lapsed of the Company in the period
Range of exercise price and remaining contract
term of stock warrants outstanding of the
Company at the end of the period
Range of exercise price and remaining contract
term of other equity instruments of the
Company at the end of the period
Explanation of share payment

2. Equity-settled share payment

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
Determination of fair value of equity instruments on the grant
Determination of best estimates of number of exercisable equity
Reason for material difference between estimates in the current
period and in the last period

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Accumulated amount of equity-settled share payment in capital
Total expenses recognized from equity-settled share payment
Explanation on equity-settled share payment

3. Cash-settled share payment

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
Determination of fair value of liabilities undertaken by the
Company and based on shares or other equity instruments
Accumulated liabilities from cash-settled share payment in
Total expenses recognized from cash-settled share payment
Explanation on cash-settled share payment

4. Share-paid services

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
Total amount of staff services exchanged with share payment
Total amount of other services exchanged with share payment

5. Alteration and termination of share payment


1. Contingent liability arising from pending litigation or arbitration and its financial effects

      1. Claims against the Company by Shuxian Wang in relation to dispute of creditors right

       On 26 April 2011, the Company received a notice of appearance from Chengde Intermediate Peoples Court of Hubei Province,
the former major shareholder Shuxian Wang brought a lawsuit against the Company in relation to dispute of creditors right and
instituted legal proceedings to Chengde Intermediate Peoples Court of Hubei Province. Shuxian Wang alleged that his 208,324,800
shares of the Company was auctioned by the court to repay bank loan of RMB84,371,544.00 for the Company. He appealed to
dispose equity upon the completion of bankrupt reorganization and settlement and repay debts with relevant
      As of 30 June 2012, the case is still pending and there is no substantial progress.

      2. Claim against Xue Xu by the Company in relation to infringement on reputation right

      On Dec. 22 of 2012, to protect interest of the Company, the Company counterclaimed to Beijing Xicheng Area over that
respondent Xu Xue intentionally fabricated information and spread fictional information and whistle-bowling to media which
severally hurt reputation of the Company. The Company received ruling letter from the court in Mar. of 2012 with (2012) XMCZ No.
1093, rejecting lawsuit of Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd. The Company thought respondent intentionally concealed facts which had been
answered thus impacted the court to make a fair justice. Thus we appealed to Beijing 1st Medium Peoples Court. In June of 2012, the
Company received ruling letter from the court with (2012) YZMZZ No. 6804, which cancelled judgment of Beijing Xicheng Area
Peoples Court and called them to hear this case. Till reporting period-end, this case has been in process.

2、Contingent liability arising from guarantees for debt of other units and its financial effects

Other contingent liability and its financial effects:

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(XII) Commitments

1. Significant commitments

          Capital commitment contracted but not recognized in               Closing balance            Opening balance
                         financial statements
               Commitment on investment                                    USD 112.50 million         USD 112.50 million

Chengde Xingye Papermaking Co., Ltd. has the registered capital of USD 250,000,000.00, within which USD 187500000.00 (75%)
committed by the Company. According to the article of “Approval about the capital increase of Chengde Dexing Paper Industrial Co.,
Ltd” with WaiJingZi Er Han [2001] No.969 issued by the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation of the People's
Republic of China on 28th Oct 2002, the Company should pay the increased capital within 3 years since the change of the business
license which agreed in the agreement & the company articles. As of the date of the report , the paid-in capital is the amount of RMB
622,500,000.00(US$75,000,000.00),which accounts for 40% of the registered capital。
     Except the matter stated above,there is no other major commitment need to be disclosed.

2. Fulfillment of early commitments

(XIII) Item after date of balance sheet

1. Explanation of significant items after date of balance sheet

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                  Impact on financial position and
              Item                              Content                                            Reasons for inestimable impact
                                                                         operating results

2. Explanation on profit distribution after     date of balance sheet

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
Profit or dividend proposed to be distributed
Distributable profit or dividend approved and reviewed

3. Explanation on other items after    date of balance sheet

(XIV)Explanation of other significant events

1. Exchange of non-monetary assets

2. Debt restructuring

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3. Business combination

4. Lease

5. Financial instruments issued at the period-end and convertible to shares

6. Primary coverage of annuity plan and significant changes

7. Other significant events required to be disclosed

(XV) Notes to major items of parent company’s financial statements

1. Accounts receivable

(1)Accounts receivable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                            Amount at period-end                              Amount at period-begin
                                 Book balance           Bad debt provision            Book balance             Bad debt provision
                                                                          Proporti                 Proporti                   Proporti
                             Amount           rtion Amount                         Amount                   Amount
                                                                          on (%)                   on (%)                     on (%)
Single item with
significant accounts
                                       0.00                        0.00                     0.00                       0.00
receivable provided as
single bad debt
Accounts receivable provided as bad debt by category

Subtotal                               0.00     0%                 0.00                     0.00          0%           0.00
Single item without
significant accounts
                                       0.00                        0.00                     0.00                       0.00
receivable yet provided as
single bad debt
Total                                  0.00     --                 0.00     --              0.00     --                0.00      --

Notes to category of accounts receivable:

Single item with significant accounts receivable provided as single bad debt at the period-end:
□ Applicable □ inapplicable
In the combination, accounts receivable with accrual for bad debt provision using aging analysis method:
□ Applicable □ inapplicable
In the combination, accounts receivable with accrual for bad debt provision using percentage of total receivable outstanding method:
□ Applicable □ Inapplicable
In the combination, accounts receivable with accrual for bad debt provision using other methods:
□ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Single item without significant accounts receivable yet provided as single bad debt at the period-end:

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□   Applicable    □ Inapplicable

(2) Switching back and recovery of Accounts receivable during the report period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Accumulative amount
                                  Reasons for switching Basis for recognition of   provided as bad debt   Amount switched back
                                    back or recovery      bad debt provision     before switching-back or     or received

             Total                               --                      --                                                    --
Provision of bad debts for accounts receivable with single major amount or single minor amount but conducting impairment test
                                                                                         Withdrawal proportion
           Item                        Book balance              Amount of bad debt                                          Reason

           Total                                                                                  --                           --
Notes to accounts receivable with single minor amount and high risk after combined on the basis of the characteristic of portfolio
credit risk:

(3) Actual write-off of accounts receivable during the report period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                           Caused due to
                          Nature of accounts
         Name                                         Write-off date           Amount                  Reason          related transaction or

         Total                       --                     --                            0.00           --                         --
Notes to write-off of accounts receivable:

(4) Accounts receivable from shareholders holding over 5% (5% inclusive) of the Company’s shares with voting rights
during the reporting period

□   Applicable    √   Inapplicable

(5) Nature and item of accounts receivable with major amount

(6) Top 5 units with an amount of other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                          Proportion of the
                                       Relationship with
           Name                                                      Amount                      Age                  total other accounts
                                       the company
                                                                                                                         receivable (%)

           Total                            --                                   0.00            --                                       0%

(7) Accounts receivable of related parties

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
             Name                            Relationship with the                    Amount                  Proportion of the total other

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                                                 company                                                               accounts receivable (%)

               Total                                 --                                                    0.00                                   0%


Conversed accounts receivable met no qualification of discontinuing recognition is RMB []

(9) Brief explanation on transaction arrangement when accounts receivable is underlying assets of securitization

2. Other accounts receivable

(1)Other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                         Opening balance                                           Closing balance
                                                                                                                                Provision for bad
                                         Book balance              Provision for bad debts             Book balance
                                                           Propo                       Propo                          Propo                    Propo
                                        Amount             rtion      Amount           rtion          Amount          rtion     Amount         rtion
                                                            (%)                         (%)                            (%)                      (%)
Single item with significant
other receivables provided as                      0.00                         0.00                           0.00                     0.00
single bad debt
Other receivables provided as bad debt by category

Subtotal                                  586,130.07 100%                  21,283.33 3.63%             371,672.85 100%            21,283.33 5.73%
Single item without
significant other receivables
                                                   0.00                         0.00                           0.00                     0.00
yet provided as single bad
Total                                     586,130.07         --            21,283.33    --             371,672.85      --         21,283.33      --

Notes to category of other accounts receivable:

Single item with significant other receivables provided as single bad debt at the period-end:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the combination, OR with accrual for bad debt provision using aging analysis method:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                         Opening balance                                                    Closing balance
                            Book balance                                                        Book balance
        Age                                                   Provision for bad                                                 Provision for bad
                                                 Proporti           debts                                          Proporti           debts
                          Amount                                                               Amount
                                                 on (%)                                                            on (%)
Within 1 year
Including:                      --                  --                --                         --                   --               --

Subtotal                         287,153.72 48.99%                         2,502.18                    72,696.50       20%                   2,502.18
1-2 years                        265,291.40 45.26%                          409.80                    265,291.40       71%                     409.80
2-3 years                            30,627.20    5.23%                15,313.60                       30,627.20           8%               15,313.60
Over 3 years                          3,057.75    0.52%                    3,057.75                     3,057.75           1%                3,057.75

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3-4 years
4-5 years
Over 5 years
Total                           586,130.07      --                    21,283.33               371,672.85    --                 21,283.33

In the combination, OR with accrual for bad debt provision using percentage of total receivable outstanding method:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the combination, OR with accrual for bad debt provision using other method:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
OR with no individual significant amount but requires accrual for bad debt provision at the period-end:
□ Applicable √Inapplicable

(2)Switching back and recovery of other accounts receivable during the report period

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                               Accumulative amount of
                                Reasons for switching Basis for recognition of     bad debt before    Amount switched back
                                  back or recovery            bad debt           switching-back or        or received

              Total                       --                            --                                                --
Single item with or without significant other receivables provided as single bad debt yet conducting impairment test singly at the
                                                                                        Withdrawal proportion
            Item                 Book balance                   Amount of bad debt                                     Reason

            Total                                                                                 --                      --
Notes to other accounts receivable with single minor amount and high risk after combined on the basis of the characteristic of
portfolio credit risk:

(3)Actual write-off of other accounts receivable during the report period

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                         Nature of accounts                                                                      Caused due to related
        Name                                         Write-off date           Amount               Reason
                             receivable                                                                           transaction or not

         Total                   --                        --                          0.00            --                 --
Notes to write-off of other accounts receivable:

(4)Other accounts receivable from shareholders holding over 5% (5% inclusive) of the Company’s shares with voting
rights during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(5)Nature and item of other accounts receivable with major amount

(6)Top 5 units with an amount of other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

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                                                                                                                  Proportion of the
                                Relationship with
          Name                                                 Amount                     Age                 total other accounts
                                the company
                                                                                                                 receivable (%)

          Total                       --                                  0.00              --                                    0%

(7) Other accounts receivable of related parties

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                       Relationship with the                                          Proportion of the total other
            Name                                                               Amount
                                          company                                                       accounts receivable (%)
Suning Banhe Chemical Fiber
                            Affiliated company                                           15,361.00                            2.62%
Facsimile Fabric Co., Ltd
             Total                            --                                         15,361.00                            2.62%


Conversed accounts receivable met no qualification of discontinuing recognition was RMB []

(9) Brief explanation on transaction arrangement when other accounts receivable is the underlying assets of securitization

3. Long-term      equity investment

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                on of
                                                                   Proportio between
                              Balance Change Balance                                    Provision Accrual      Cash
                                                         Proportio   n of        the
 Invested Calculatio Investme    at      of        at                                      of      provision bonus in
                                                         n of share voting proportio
 company n method nt cost period-be increase/d period-en                                depreciati n in this   this
                                                         held (%) right held n of share
                                gin   ecrease      d                                       on       period    period
                                                                     (%)      held and
                                                                                 n of
                      53,114,29 53,114,29             53,114,29
Estate   Cost                                                           100%      100%
                           9.73      9.73                  9.73
ent Co.,
                      622,500,0 622,500,0             622,500,0                                      616,688,4
Paper     Cost                                                          75%        75%
                          00.00     00.00                 00.00                                          19.47
Co., Ltd.
                      8,300,000 8,300,000             8,300,000                                      8,300,000
Investme Cost                                                           100%      100%
                            .00       .00                   .00                                            .00
nt Group
Hebei      Cost                                                         100%             Bankrupt 431,604,2
                      431,604,2 431,604,2             431,604,2

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City                        03.41     03.41                  03.41                                         03.41
Co., Ltd.
Dixian                   149,408,2 149,408,2              149,408,2                                     149,408,2
        Cost                                                             75%                 Bankrupt
Fashion                      30.11     30.11                  30.11                                         30.11
                         46,980,00 46,980,00              46,980,00                                     46,980,00
Fiber     Equity                                                         20%           20%
                              0.00      0.00                   0.00                                          0.00
Co., Ltd
                         1,311,906 1,311,906              1,311,906                                     1,252,980
Total            --                                0.00                 --         --           --                        0.00       0.00
                           ,733.25 ,733.25                  ,733.25                                       ,852.99
Notes to Long-term equity investment

4. Operating revenue and operating cost

(1) Operating revenue and operating cost

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                 Item                      Incurred during the current period                  Incurred during the prior period
Main business income
Other business income
operating cost                                                                  0.00                                                 0.00
                 Total                                                          0.00                                                 0.00

(2) Main business (by industry)

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Main business (by product)

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(4) Main business (by region)

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(5) Operating revenue of the top five clients of the Company

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                          Proportion of
                                                                                                                         total revenue of
                                    Name                                                Total operating revenue
                                                                                                                          the Company

Total                                                                                                             0.00                0%
Notes to operatingrevenue

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5. Investment income

(1) Details of investment income

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                              Item                               Incurred during the current period Incurred during the prior period
Investment income from long-term equity investment
                                                                                                  0.00                             0.00
recognized and measured by cost method
Investment income from long-term equity investment
                                                                                                  0.00                             0.00
recognized and measured by equity method
Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
Investment income from transaction financial assets held
Investment income from held-to-maturity investment
Investment income from financial assets held available for
Investment income from disposal of transaction financial
Investment from investment held to maturity
Investment income from financial assets available for sal
Total                                                                                             0.00                             0.00

(2) Investment income from long-term equity recognized and measured by cost method

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                Incurred during the      Incurred during the
             Invested company                                                                       Reason for increase/decrease
                                                  current period            prior period

Total                                                             0.00                     0.00                  --

(2) Investment income from long-term equity recognized and measured by equity method

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                Incurred during the      Incurred during the
             Invested company                                                                       Reason for increase/decrease
                                                  current period            prior period

Total                                                             0.00                     0.00                  --
Notes to investment income:

6. Supplemental        Information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                         Incurred during the current      Incurred during the prior
                    Supplemental information
                                                                                   period                          period
1. Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
                                                                                      --                              --
operating activities:
Net profit                                                                                  -639,546.15                    -173,544.43
Add: provision for assets impairment                                                               0.00                            0.00
Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation of fuel and
gas, depreciation of production materials

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Amortization for intangible assets
Amortization for long-term deferred expenses
Loss arising from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets (Income is listed with “-”)
Loss arising from retirement of fixed assets (Income is listed with
Loss arising from changes of fair value (Income is listed with “-”)
Finance cost (Income is listed with “-”)
Loss on investment      (Income is listed with “-”)
Decrease in deferred tax assets (Increase is listed with “-”)
Increase in deferred tax liabilities (Decrease is listed with “-”)
Decrease of inventories (Increase is listed with “-”)
Decrease in operating receivables (Increase is listed with “-”)                             -214,457.22                      -25,609.02
Increase in operating payables (Decrease is listed with “-”)                                854,003.37                       195,340.65
Net cash flow from operating activities                                                              0.00                       -3,812.80
2. Significant investing and financing activities that do not involve
                                                                                       --                                 --
cash receipts and payments
Conversion of debt into capital
Convertible bonds due within 1 year
Financing leased fixed assets
3.Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents:                                 --                                 --
Closing balance of cash                                                                          4,019.80                       33,384.90
Less: Opening balance of cash                                                                    4,019.80                       37,197.70
Add: closing balance of cash equivalents
Less: opening balance of cash equivalents
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                            0.00                       -3,812.80

7. Assets and liabilities recorded with estimated value under counterpurchase

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                               Items                                        Estimated value                  Original book value


(XVI) Supplementary information

1.   Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Earnings per share
                                                              Weighted average of
                 Profit in report period                                                Basic earnings per          Diluted earnings
                                                          Return on equity(%)
                                                                                            share                     per share
Net profit attributable to shareholders holding
                                                                                                       -0.022                      -0.022
ordinary shares of the Company
Net profit attributable to shareholders holding                                                        -0.011                      -0.011
ordinary shares of the Company after deducting

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non-recurring gains and losses

2. The   explanation of abnormal circumstance and reasons of items in major accounting report

   (1) Monetary capital: closing balance decreased by RMB3,946,664.09 as compared to the opening balance mainly due to
subsidiary Chengde County Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd paid projects payment for development of Dalu Qianyuan
   (2)Inventory: closing balance increased by RMB16, 806,352.32 as compared to the opening balance mainly because the above
project was on the construction and has not completed as of the period-end;
   (3) Advance receipt: closing balance increased by RMB24, 792,659.48 as compared to the opening balance mainly due to presale
of the above project of subsidiary;
   (4) Finance cost: incurred amount during the current period increased by RMB1, 645,307.58 as compared to that of the prior
period, mainly due to withdrawal of interest on borrowings in this period;
   (5) Non-operating income: incurred amount during the current period decreased by RMB1, 021,011.00 as compared to that of the
prior period, mainly due to income arising from disposal of non-current assets in the previous period;
   (6) Non-operating expenditure: incurred amount during the current period increased by RMB9, 766,742.29 as compared to that of
the prior period, mainly due to loss from disposal of non-current assets in this period.

                   IX Content of Document Available for Reference

                                           Content of document available for reference
1. Semi-annual accounting statements for 2012 carrying signatures and seals of legal person, person in charge of accounting work
   and person in charge of accounting institution;
2. All originals of document and announcement of the Company publicly disclosed in the newspaper designated by CSRC during
the report period
                                                                                            Chairman of the Board: Lixin Lin
                                                                           Reporting date approved by Board: 23 August 2012
