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						                       承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第一季度报告全文

 Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.
First Quarterly Report of 2013

          April 2013

                                                                        承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第一季度报告全文

                                     Section I. Important Notes

Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives should guarantee the reality, accuracy and
completion of the quarterly report, there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements or important
omissions carried in this report, and shall take legal responsibilities, individual and/or joint.

Li Weimin, Person in charge of the Company, Wang Guozhen, person in charger of accounting works and Liu
Guofeng, person in charger of accounting organ (accounting officer) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of
this Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

All Directors are attended the Board Meeting for Quarterly Report deliberation.

The first quarterly report of the Company has not been audited.

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          Section II. Main financial data and changes of shareholders

I. Main financial data

Whether has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on financial data of previous’ period in this report or not
□Yes √ No
                                                                                                             Changes of this period over
                                                   Jan. – March 2013            Jan. – March 2012
                                                                                                             same period of last year (%)

Operating income (RMB)                                      16,649,359.69                      263,950.00                     6,207.77%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                                727,530.75                  -3,047,149.14                        123.88%
the listed company(RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                              733,730.75                  -2,992,736.97                        124.52%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                               -942,953.54                   3,138,746.49                        -130.04%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                 0.001                        -0.0043                        123.26%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                               0.001                        -0.0043                        123.26%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                            0.63%                               0%                            0%

                                                                                                             Changes of this period-end
                                                       2013-3-31                     2012-12-31              over same period-end of last
                                                                                                                      year (%)
Total assets (RMB)                                         193,455,723.99                193,617,124.65                            -0.08%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                           115,622,202.36                114,894,671.61                            0.63%
listed company (RMB)

Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                        Amount from year-begin to
                                Item                                                                                 Note

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
aforementioned items

Total                                                                                       -6,200.00                  --

II. Total number of shareholders at the end of this report period and top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                               Unit: Share
Total number of shareholders
at the end of report period

                                                          Top ten shareholders

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                                                   Proportion of                       Amount of                  Number of share
                                      Nature of                       Amount of
       Shareholder’s name                          shares held                       non-tradable                 pledged/frozen
                                     shareholder                      shares held
                                                        (%)                            shares held         State of share      Amount

Wang Dong                                                29.49%        208,324,800       208,324,800
                                 natural person

                                 Overseas legal
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                     12.99%         91,729,402                   0

Shanghai H.K. Wangguo            Overseas legal
                                                           2.93%        20,663,524                   0
Securities                       person

Chengde North Industrial         non-state
                                                           2.62%        18,517,651          18,517,651
Corporation                      owned legal

Wang Zhengsong                                             1.89%        13,327,891          13,327,891
                                 natural person

China Everbright Securities (HK) Overseas legal
                                                           1.74%        12,320,410                   0
Limited                          person

Zhou Xiaomin                                               1.03%         7,291,500                   0
                                 natural person

Wang Wensheng                                              1.03%         7,258,007                   0
                                 natural person

Yu Sanxi                                                      0.9%       6,362,000                   0
                                 natural person

Li Tianyun                                                 0.49%         3,492,162                   0
                                 natural person

                                           Top ten shareholders with tradable shares held

                                                                                                                   Type of shares
               Shareholder’s name                            Amount of tradable shares held
                                                                                                                  Type         Amount

                                                                                            91,729,402 listed foreign         91,729,402

Shanghai H.K. Wangguo Securities                                                            20,663,524 listed foreign         20,663,524

China Everbright Securities (HK) Limited                                                    12,320,410 listed foreign         12,320,410

Zhou Xiaomin                                                                                 7,291,500 Domestically            7,291,500

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                                                                                                 listed foreign

Wang Wensheng                                                                          7,258,007 listed foreign       7,258,007

Yu Sanxi                                                                               6,362,000 listed foreign       6,362,000

Li Tianyun                                                                             3,492,162 listed foreign       3,492,162

Liu Tingyu                                                                             3,349,809 listed foreign       3,349,809

Peng Wei                                                                               2,978,525 listed foreign       2,978,525

Zhao Ziying                                                                            2,853,616 listed foreign       2,853,616

Explanation on associated relationship among the The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or belongs
top ten shareholders or consistent action
                                                 to consistent actor regulated by “management method for acquisition of listed
                                                company” among the above said shareholders.

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                                      Section III. Significant Events

I. Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial
index and explanations of reasons

1. Balance of monetary fund at period-end increase 25,685,870.46 yuan over that of period-begin with 31.50% up, mainly because
account of land acquisition from the government and housing payment received in this period
2. Balance of other receivables at period-end decrease 26,101,423.09 yuan over that of period-begin with 92.66% down, mainly
because the land acquisition from the government and other accounts have been collected in this period.
3. Balance of account received in advance at period-end decrease 3,383,659.34 yuan over that of period-begin with 947.52% down,
mainly because the housing payment received in advance have carried forward to income while qualify recognition condition as
4. Operation income increase 16,385,409.69 yuan over that of last period with 62.08 times increased, mainly because the housing
payment, qualify recognition condition as income, has carried forward to income.
5. Business tax increase 877,802.86 yuan over that of last period with 20.9 times increased, mainly because the recognized sales
income increased in this period
6. Business profit increase 4,614,695.26 yuan over that of last period with141.51% up, mainly because the housing payment, qualify
recognition condition as income, has carried forward to income.

II. Analysis and explanation of significant events and their influence and solutions
The “Suspension Notice of Preparation of Material Assets Reorganization” (Notice No.: 2012-048) was published dated 26 July 2012,
the Company plans to acquiring 30% equity of Tianjin Runhua Rural Water in cash, and stock of the Company suspended since 26
July 2012, this acquisition constitute a related transaction. During the suspension period, Progress of material assets reorganization
will publish once a week. On 9 January 2013, the “Material Assets Purchase and Report of Related Transactions (Draft)” and
relevant proposals were deliberated on 13th meeting of 5th session of the Board, the aforesaid proposals have approved while related
directors avoid voting procedures. The First extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of 2013 was held dated 25 January 2013,
the relevant proposal of reorganization have been deliberated and approved.

On 20 February 2013, the “Notice of Correction for Application Materials of Administrative Licensing” (“Notice of Correction “for
short) No.: 130102 was received by the Company from CSRC. The “Application of Material Assets Purchase and Related
Transactions of Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.”, submitted by the Company was examined by CSRC. Application materials needs
supplement and correct after examination. The Company has required submitting correct materials to acceptance department of
administrative licensing of CSRC within 30 working days since the date of Notice of Correction issued.
On 27 March 2013, the “First Feedback Notice of Examination on Administrative License Projects from CSRC” No.: 130103 was
received by the Company from CSRC, relevant questions needs a written explanation and statement. And the Company has required
submitting written reply opinions to acceptance department of administrative licensing of CSRC within 30 working days since the
date of Notice issued.

Relevant materials have been submitted to acceptance department of administrative licensing of CSRC, according to requirement of
“First Feedback Notice of Examination on Administrative License Projects from CSRC”
Announcement obligations will implement timely on the progress of material assets reorganization from the Company.

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III. Commitments make within the report period or persisted to the period by the Company
or shareholder with over 5 percent shares held
                         Commitment                                                    Dated for    Commitment    Implementat
     Commitments                                     Contents
                             party                                                   commitment          term          ion

Commitments made in                   Not to reducing the shares of the
                        Controlling                                                                In later 12
acquisition report or                 listed company with equity owned in 2012-04-24                              Completed
                        shareholder                                                                months
equity change report                  next 12 months

                                      1.   Commitments       in    aspect    of
                                      independency of listed company:
                                      For the equity changes, that is
                                      208,324,800 shares of Chengde Dalu
                                      Co., Ltd held by Chen Rong was
                                      transfer, Wang Dong guarantee there
                                      are no influence on the independent of
                                      employee,     financial,      institution,
                                      business and integrity of assets of
                                      Chengde     Dalu     Co.,    Ltd.   After
                                      transaction, Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd
                                      still has the ability of independent
                        Controlling                                                                Duration of the Implementin
                                      operation and owes independent legal 2012-04-24
                        shareholder                                                                Company        g
                                      person, and continues to owes the
                                      independency of institution, assts,
                                      employees, production and financial.
                                      2.   Commitments       for    horizontal
                                      competition: after 208,324,800 shares
                                      of Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd held by
                                      Chen Rong was transfer, Wang Dong
                                      guarantee there are no or potential
                                      horizontal competition between the
                                      Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd and Wang
                                      Dong and related parties of Wang

                                      Performance        compensation:      the
                                      audited net profit (based on the net
                                      profit with non-recurring gains/losses
                                      deduced) of Runhua Rural Water
                                      (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd.
Commitments made in     Controlling                                                2013-1-9                       Implementin
                                      for year of 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015                        2012 to 2015
assets reorganization   shareholder                                                2013-4-10                      g
                                      should not lower the followed amount
                                      respectively, that is 0.3063 million
                                      yuan, 0.904 million yuan, 1.5 million
                                      yuan and 3.4 million yuan. If the
                                      actual net profit of Runhua RW

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                                             (Tianjin) for year of 2012, 2013, 2014
                                             and 2015 lower than committed
                                             amount,    controlling    shareholder
                                             should perform profit compensation
                                             obligation by agreement

Commitments made in
initial public offering or

Other commitments for
small and medium
shareholders of the

Perform the
commitment promptly          Yes
or not

Make commitment in
respect of the horizontal
competition and related
transaction or not

Solution term promised Duration of the Company

Solution way                 Implementing

Performance of
                             Implementing regularly

IV. Predict of the business performance from January to June 2013
Warnings and reasons of the predict that the cumulative net profit from the begin of the year to the end of next report period may be
loss or have great changes comparing with the same period of last year
□Applicable      √Not applicable

V. Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the report
                                                                                                            Contents discussed and
         Date                  Place             Method         Type of reception      Reception object
                                                                                                              materials supplied
                                                                                                          Material                 assets
                      Securities                                                                          reorganization      of     the
2013-01-10            Department of the                        Individual             Investors
                                            communication                                                 Company,     no      material

                                                                                                          Progress   of     investment
2013-01-29            Department of the                        Individual             Investors           outside and no material

                                                                                                          Daily   operation    of    the
2013-02-24            Department of the                        Individual             Investors           Company,     no      material

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                                                                                 Progress   of   withdrawal
2013-03-12   Department of the                   Individual     Investors        other risk warnings, no
                                                                                 material required

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                                       Section IV. Finacnial Statement

I. Finacnial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd .
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                      Items                    Balance at period-end                     Balance at period-begin

Current assets:

       Monetary funds                                           107,231,917.33                              81,546,046.87

       Settlement provisions

       Capital lent

       Transaction finance asset

       Notes receivable

       Accounts receivable

       Accounts paid in advance                                        294,518.25                              308,292.36

       Insurance receivable

       Reinsurance receivables

       Contract reserve of reinsurance

       Interest receivable

       Dividend receivable

       Other receivables                                          2,067,596.55                              28,169,019.64

       Purchase restituted finance asset

       Inventories                                               19,705,901.51                              20,490,734.61

       Non-current asset due within one
                                                                  9,000,000.00                               9,000,000.00

       Other current assets

Total current assets                                            138,299,933.64                             139,514,093.48

Non-current assets:

       Granted loans and advances

       Finance asset available for sales

       Held-to-maturity investment

       Long-term account receivable

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     Long-term equity investment

     Investment property

     Fixed assets                                25,031,366.58                         24,742,103.60

     Construction in progress                      663,775.23                            402,587.43

     Engineering material

     Disposal of fixed asset

     Productive biological asset

     Oil and gas asset

     Intangible assets                           27,243,142.85                         26,705,104.38

     Expense        on    Research        and


     Long-term         expenses      to    be
                                                   698,694.85                            734,424.92

     Deferred income tax asset                    1,518,810.84                          1,518,810.84

     Other non-current asset

Total non-current asset                          55,155,790.35                         54,103,031.17

Total assets                                    193,455,723.99                        193,617,124.65

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans

     Loan from central bank

     Absorbing deposit and interbank

     Capital borrowed

     Transaction financial liabilities

     Notes payable

     Accounts payable                              952,001.91                           2,052,001.91

     Accounts received in advance                 3,737,052.16                          7,120,711.50

     Selling     financial        asset    of
     Commission           charge          and
commission payable

     Wage payable                                 6,328,981.08                          6,328,453.28

     Taxes payable                                9,185,683.69                         11,042,907.39

     Interest payable

     Dividend payable

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       Other accounts payable                        52,631,334.23                         52,178,378.96

       Reinsurance payables

       Insurance contract reserve

       Security trading of agency

       Security sales of agency

       Non-current liabilities due within 1

       Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                            72,835,053.07                         78,722,453.04

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans

       Bonds payable

       Long-term account payable

       Special accounts payable

       Projected liabilities

  Deferred income tax liabilities

       Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                    72,835,053.07                         78,722,453.04

Owner’s      equity     (or     shareholders’

       Paid-in capital (or share capital)           706,320,000.00                        706,320,000.00

       Capital public reserve                       456,470,250.78                        456,470,250.78

       Less: Inventory shares

       Reasonable reserve

       Surplus public reserve                        76,791,550.17                         76,791,550.17

       Provision of general risk

       Retained profit                            -1,123,959,598.59                    -1,124,687,129.34

       Balance      difference     of   foreign
currency translation
Total owner’s equity attributable to
                                                    115,622,202.36                        114,894,671.61
parent company

Minority interests                                    4,998,468.56

Total owner’s equity (or shareholders’
                                                    120,620,670.92                        114,894,671.61

Total liabilities and owner’s equity(or
                                                    193,455,723.99                        193,617,124.65
shareholders’ equity)

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Legal representative: Li Weimin
Person in charger of accounting works: Wang Guozhen
Person in charger of accounting organ: Liu Fengguo

2. Balance sheet of parent company
Prepared by Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                      Items                      Balance at period-end                     Balance at period-begin

Current assets:

       Monetary funds                                               3,555,363.68                                 777,456.70

       Transaction finance asset

       Notes receivable

       Accounts receivable

       Accounts paid in advance

       Interest receivable

       Dividend receivable

       Other receivables                                                 654,710.63                              782,244.99


       Non-current asset due within one

       Other current assets

Total current assets                                                4,210,074.31                               1,559,701.69

Non-current assets:

       Finance asset available for sales

       Held-to-maturity securities

       Long-term account receivable

       Long-term equity investment                                143,114,299.73                             103,114,299.73

       Investment property

       Fixed assets                                                      659,105.03                              666,168.02

       Construction in progress                                           33,422.00

       Engineering material

       Disposal of fixed asset

       Productive biological asset

       Oil and gas asset

       Intangible assets                                           16,017,885.73                              16,123,971.52

       Expense        on      Research   and

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       Long-term        expenses     to     be

       Deferred income tax asset

       Other non-current asset

Total non-current asset                          159,824,712.49                        119,904,439.27

Total assets                                     164,034,786.80                        121,464,140.96

Current liabilities:

       Short-term loans

       Transaction financial liabilities

       Notes payable

       Accounts payable

       Accounts received in advance

       Wage payable                                 195,390.00                            189,016.48

       Taxes payable                                 -67,907.45                            -52,171.87

       Interest payable

       Dividend payable

       Other accounts payable                    143,876,925.98                         99,848,758.92

       Non-current liabilities due within 1

       Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                        144,004,408.53                         99,985,603.53

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans

       Bonds payable

       Long-term account payable

       Special accounts payable

       Projected liabilities

       Deferred income tax liabilities

       Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                144,004,408.53                         99,985,603.53

Owner’s       equity     (or   shareholders’

       Paid-in capital (or share capital)        706,320,000.00                        706,320,000.00

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     Capital public reserve                                       449,365,886.69                             449,365,886.69

     Less: Inventory shares

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve                                        76,791,550.17                              76,791,550.17

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                           -1,212,447,058.59                          -1,210,998,899.43

     Balance     difference    of   foreign
currency translation
Total owner’s equity(or shareholders’
                                                                   20,030,378.27                              21,478,537.43
Total liabilities and owner’s equity(or
                                                                  164,034,786.80                             121,464,140.96
shareholders’ equity)
Legal representative: Li Weimin
Person in charger of accounting works: Wang Guozhen
Person in charger of accounting organ: Liu Fengguo

3. Consolidated Profit Statement
Prepared by Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                   Items                         Amount at this period                      Amount at last period

I. Total operating income                                          16,649,359.69                                    263,950.00

Including: Operating income                                        16,649,359.69                                    263,950.00

     Interest income

     Insurance gained

     Commission            charge       and
commission income

II. Total operating cost                                           15,295,675.66                               3,524,961.23

Including: Operating cost                                          10,898,309.88                                          0.00

     Interest expense

     Commission            charge       and
commission expense

     Cash surrender value

     Net     amount     of    expense    of

          Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve

     Bonus expense of guarantee slip

     Reinsurance expense

     Operating tax and extras                                            919,797.36                                  41,994.50

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         Sales expenses

         Administration expenses                      3,048,854.84                         3,239,103.74

         Financial expenses                            428,713.58                           243,862.99

         Losses of devaluation of asset

         Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
         Investment income (Loss is listed
with “-”)
         Including: Investment income on
affiliated company and joint venture
         Exchange income (Loss is listed
with “-”)
III. Operating profit         (Loss is listed
                                                      1,353,684.03                        -3,261,011.23
with “-”)

         Add: Non-operating income

         Less: Non-operating expense                     6,200.00                            54,412.17

         Including:   Disposal     loss    of
non-current asset
IV. Total Profit       (Loss is listed with
                                                      1,347,484.03                        -3,315,423.40

         Less: Income tax                              621,484.72                            26,137.50

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)          725,999.31                         -3,341,560.90

Including: Net profit achieved by the
merged party before the merger

         Net profit attributable to owner’s
                                                       727,530.75                         -3,047,149.14
equity of parent company
     Minority shareholders’ gains and
                                                         -1,531.44                          -294,411.76

VI. Earnings per share                          --                   --

i. Basic earnings per share                                 0.001                              -0.0043

ii. Diluted earnings per share                              0.001                              -0.0043

VII. Other consolidated income

VIII. Total consolidated income                        725,999.31                         -3,341,560.90

Total consolidated income attributable
                                                       727,530.75                         -3,047,149.14
to owners of parent company

         Total consolidated income
                                                         -1,531.44                          -294,411.76
attributable to minority shareholders
Legal representative: Li Weimin
Person in charger of accounting works: Wang Guozhen
Person in charger of accounting organ: Liu Fengguo

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4. Profit statement of parent company
Prepared by Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                      Items                          Amount at this period                     Amount at last period

I. Operating income                                                          20,183.93                                       0.00

Less: Operating income                                                       16,666.64                                       0.00

         Operating tax and extras

         Sales expenses

         Administration expenses                                        1,453,133.25                                   145,389.17

         Financial expenses                                                  -1,656.80                                     15.50

         Losses of devaluation of asset

         Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
         Investment income (Loss is listed
with “-”)
         Including: Investment income on
affiliated company and joint venture
II. Operating profit          (Loss is listed
                                                                       -1,447,959.16                               -145,404.67
with “-”)

         Add: Non-operating income

         Less: Non-operating expense                                           200.00

         Including:    Disposal     loss   of
non-current asset
III. Total Profit      (Loss is listed with
                                                                       -1,448,159.16                               -145,404.67

         Less: Income tax

IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                                       -1,448,159.16                               -145,404.67

V. Earnings per share                           --                                       --

i. Basic earnings per share                                                     -0.002                                         0

ii. Diluted earnings per share                                                  -0.002                                         0

VI. Other consolidated income

VII. Total consolidated income                                         -1,448,159.16                               -145,404.67
Legal representative: Li Weimin
Person in charger of accounting works: Wang Guozhen
Person in charger of accounting organ: Liu Fengguo

5. Consolidated cash flow statement
Prepared by Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.

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                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                   Items                           Amount at this period                   Amount at last period

I. Cash flows arising from operating
       Cash    received         from    selling
commodities       and     providing       labor                      12,284,871.42                           12,734,987.08
       Net increase of customer deposit
and interbank deposit
       Net increase of loan from central
       Net increase of capital borrowed
from other financial institution
       Cash    received        from    original
insurance contract fee
       Net cash received from reinsurance
       Insured savings and net increase of
       Net    increase    of     disposal    of
transaction financial asset
       Cash    received        from    interest,
 commission charge and commission

       Net increase of capital borrowed

       Net increase of returned business

       Write-back of tax received

       Other cash received concerning
                                                                      7,214,942.16                                 15,514.80
operating activities
        Subtotal of cash inflow arising
                                                                     19,499,813.58                           12,750,501.88
from operating activities
       Cash     paid      for      purchasing
commodities       and     receiving       labor                      12,376,509.74                            5,551,500.00
       Net increase of customer loans and

       Net increase of deposits in central
bank and interbank

       Cash paid for original insurance
contract compensation

       Cash paid for interest, commission
charge and commission

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       Cash paid for bonus of guarantee

       Cash paid to/for staff and workers          1,056,563.32                           504,000.00

       Taxes paid                                  3,826,314.53                          1,899,073.50

       Other     cash     paid      concerning
                                                   3,183,379.53                          1,657,181.89
operating activities
       Subtotal of cash outflow arising
                                                  20,442,767.12                          9,611,755.39
from operating activities
       Net     cash    flows     arising   from
                                                    -942,953.54                          3,138,746.49
operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from investing
       Cash received from recovering
       Cash received from investment
       Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term             22,070,021.00
       Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units
       Other cash received concerning
investing activities
       Subtotal of cash inflow from
investing activities
       Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
intangible and other long-term assets

       Cash paid for investment

       Net increase of mortgaged loans

       Net      cash      received         from
subsidiaries and other units
       Other     cash     paid      concerning
investing activities
       Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                    441,197.00                            700,000.00
investing activities
       Net     cash    flows     arising   from
                                                  21,628,824.00                          -700,000.00
investing activities

III. Cash flows arising from financing

       Cash received from absorbing

       Including: Cash received from

                                                                               承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第一季度报告全文

absorbing       minority          shareholders’
investment by subsidiaries

      Cash received from loans

      Cash received from issuing bonds

      Other cash received concerning
financing activities
      Subtotal of cash inflow from
financing activities

      Cash paid for settling debts

      Cash paid for dividend and profit
distributing or interest paying
      Including: Dividend and profit of
minority       shareholder           paid       by
      Other     cash       paid      concerning
financing activities
      Subtotal of cash outflow from
financing activities
      Net     cash    flows       arising    from
                                                                         5,000,000.00                           -5,504,480.80
financing activities
IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation
in exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                        25,685,870.46                           -3,065,734.31
      Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                        81,546,046.87                            5,517,692.29
equivalents at the period -begin
VI.    Balance       of    cash      and      cash
                                                                       107,231,917.33                            2,451,957.98
equivalents at the period -end
Legal representative: Li Weimin
Person in charger of accounting works: Wang Guozhen
Person in charger of accounting organ: Liu Fengguo

6. Cash flow statement of parent company
Prepared by Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                      Items                           Amount at this period                   Amount at last period

I. Cash flows arising from operating
      Cash      received      from          selling
commodities          and   providing         labor

      Write-back of tax received

                                                           承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第一季度报告全文

     Other cash received concerning
                                                    44,052,420.74                           167,206.16
operating activities
         Subtotal of cash inflow arising
                                                    44,052,420.74                           167,206.16
from operating activities
     Cash       paid       for       purchasing
commodities          and    receiving       labor

     Cash paid to/for staff and workers                165,212.42

     Taxes paid                                              3.60                                50.00

     Other      cash       paid      concerning
                                                     1,098,698.74                           167,156.16
operating activities
     Subtotal of cash outflow arising
                                                     1,263,914.76                           167,206.16
from operating activities
     Net      cash    flows       arising   from
                                                    42,788,505.98                                 0.00
operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from investing
     Cash received from recovering
     Cash received from investment
     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term
     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units
     Other cash received concerning
investing activities
     Subtotal of cash inflow from
investing activities
     Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
intangible and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment                       40,000,000.00

     Net       cash        received         from
subsidiaries and other units
     Other      cash       paid      concerning
investing activities
     Subtotal of cash outflow from
investing activities

Net cash flows arising from investing

III. Cash flows arising from financing

                                                                  承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第一季度报告全文

      Cash received from absorbing

      Cash received from loans

      Cash received from issuing bonds

      Other cash received concerning
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing

      Cash paid for settling debts

      Cash paid for dividend and profit
distributing or interest paying
      Other     cash      paid      concerning
financing activities
      Subtotal of cash outflow from
financing activities
      Net     cash   flows       arising   from
financing activities
IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation
in exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                             2,777,906.98                                0.00
      Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                              777,456.70                             4,019.80
equivalents at the period -begin
VI.    Balance       of   cash      and    cash
                                                             3,555,363.68                            4,019.80
equivalents at the period -end
Legal representative: Li Weimin
Person in charger of accounting works: Wang Guozhen
Person in charger of accounting organ: Liu Fengguo
II. Audit report
Whether the first quarterly report had been audited or not
 □ Yes √ No
