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						                                                           承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第三季度报告正文

Stock Code: 200160        Short Form of the Stock:   Nanjiang-B           Public Notice No: 2013-081

                      Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.
                     Text of Third Quarter Report 2013

                                                                      承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第三季度报告正文

                                    Section I. Important Notes
Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious
statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities,
individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

All directors of the Company are attended the Meeting for quarterly report deliberation.

Principal of the Company Li Weimin, Person in Charge of Accounting Works Zhao Yongsheng and Person in
Charge of Accounting Organ (Accounting Officer) Liu Fengguo hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the
Third Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

                                                                                   承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第三季度报告正文

        Section II. Main accounting data and changes of shareholders

I. Main accounting data and index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes   √ No

                                          Current period-end              Period-end of last year              Increase/decrease (%)

Total assets(RMB)                                   435,453,564.32                      193,617,124.65                               124.9%

Net assets attributable to
shareholders of listed company                      200,265,913.11                      114,894,671.61                                74.3%

                                                                                                                      Increase/decrease in
                                                               Increase/decrease in                                     comparison with
                                                                                         Year-begin to end of
                                         Current period       comparison with same                                       year-begin to
                                                                                                 the Period
                                                              period of last year (%)                                Period-end of last year

Operating revenue (RMB)                     188,911,332.87             175,142.42%                205,730,010.91                34,802.62%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company             -650,020.79                   -101.51%              85,371,241.50                     212.52%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
                                               -456,316.27                     93.58%              -8,386,629.14                     43.51%
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from
                                               --                       --                       -176,467,796.44                -1,850.87%
operating activities(RMB)

Basic earnings per share
                                                     -0.001                  -101.67%                         0.12                   207.69%

Diluted earnings per share
                                                     -0.001                  -101.67%                         0.12                   207.69%

Weighted average ROE (%)                            -0.32%                         0%                    54.18%                       -23.9%

Items and amount of extraordinary profit (gains)/losses
√Applicable      □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                     Amount from year-begin to
                               Item                                                                                     Note
                                                                             end of the Period

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Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the
write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
aforementioned items

Total                                                                                93,757,870.64                    --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

II. Statement of the total shareholders and shares-held of top ten shareholders at end of the

                                                                                                                              In Share

Total shareholders at period-end                                                                                                18,926

                                                   Shares-held of top ten shareholders

                                                                                 Amount of             Number of share pledged/frozen
                         Nature of       Proportion of     Amount of shares
   Shareholders                                                                  non-tradable
                        shareholder     shares held (%)           held                              State of share         Amount
                                                                                 shares held

                    Domestic natural
Wang Dong                                   29.49%               208,324,800        208,324,800

SECURITIES(H Foreign corporate              13.14%                92,797,207                    0

China Everbright
Securities (HK)     Foreign corporate        4.52%                31,907,017                    0

Wanguo (H.K)        Foreign corporate        3.26%                23,039,933                    0

Chengde North       Domestic
Industrial          non-state owned          2.62%                18,517,651         18,517,651
Corporation         legal person

                    Domestic natural
Wang Zhengsong                               1.89%                13,327,891         13,327,891

                    Domestic natural
Wang Wensheng                                1.03%                 7,258,007                    0

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                    Domestic natural
Yu Sanxi                                    0.83%                5,885,000                  0

                    Domestic natural
Zou Xiaomin                                 0.78%                5,482,000                  0

                    Domestic natural
Li Tianyun                                  0.73%                5,158,000                  0

                                            Tradable shares held by top 10 shareholders

                                               Amount of tradable shares                        Type of shares
                                                          held                             Type                       Amount

                                                                 92,797,207 Domestically listed foreign shares          92,797,207

China Everbright Securities (HK) Limited                         31,907,017 Domestically listed foreign shares          31,907,017

Shanghai Wanguo (H.K) Securities                                 23,039,933 Domestically listed foreign shares          23,039,933

Wang Wensheng                                                     7,258,007 Domestically listed foreign shares              7,258,007

Yu Sanxi                                                          5,885,000 Domestically listed foreign shares              5,885,000

Zou Xiaomin                                                       5,482,000 Domestically listed foreign shares              5,482,000

Li Tianyun                                                        5,158,000 Domestically listed foreign shares              5,158,000

Liu Tingyu                                                        3,399,809 Domestically listed foreign shares              3,399,809

Peng Wei                                                          2,978,525 Domestically listed foreign shares              2,978,525

Zhao Ziying                                                       2,853,616 Domestically listed foreign shares              2,853,616

                                              The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or belongs to
   Explanation on associated relationship
                                              consistent actor regulated by “management method for acquisition of listed
        among the aforesaid shareholders
                                              company” among the above said shareholders.

   Explanation on shareholders involving
         margin business (if applicable)

Whether has a buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period
□Yes    √No

                                                         承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第三季度报告正文

                        Section III. Important events

I. Particular about major changes from items of main accounting statements and
financial indexes as well as reasons

                 Closing        Opening
     Item       amount/thi      amount/la          +,-        +,- (%)                Reasons
                 s Period       st Period

                                                                         Transaction financial assets
Transaction                                                              increased due to the
financial       14,345,929                      14,345,92     100.00%    combination of subsidiary ,
 assets                 .68                          9.68                that is acquisition of Runhua

Account                                                                  Sales of goods are not settled
                 6,738,950.                     6,738,950     100.00%
receivable                                  -                            in the Period
                        00                            .00

                                                                         Amount paid in advance for
Account paid
                26,513,912                      26,205,62    8500.25%    the goods are not settled by
in advance                      308,292.36
                        .47                          0.11                subsidiary in the Period

                                                                         The current account paid in
Other account
                45,402,675      28,169,019      17,233,65      61.18%    the Period has not been
                        .81            .64           6.17                settled

                                                                         The land purchased     use for
                                                                         real estate development
Inventory       189,539,57      20,490,734      169,048,8     825.00%
                                                                         purpose was reckoned into
                      4.11             .61         39.50

Other current                                                            Financing products from
                                9,000,000.      -9,000,00    -100.00%
assets                      -                                            ICBC were received due
                                       00            0.00

                                                                         The long-term equity
Long-term                                                                investment increased due to
equity           6,613,603.                     6,613,603     100.00%    the   combination of
investment              40                            .40                subsidiary , that is acquisition
                                                                         of Runhua RW

                                                                         Mainly because part of the
                                                                         houses and buildings of
Fixed assets    11,296,416      24,742,103      -13,445,6      -54.34%   subsidiary are acquired by
                        .11            .60         87.49                 Government and depreciation
                                                                         was accrued in the Period

                                                  承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第三季度报告正文

Long-term                                                         Mainly due to the increase of
expenses to be   5,180,599.                4,446,174   605.40%    expenditure for major repair
amortized               44                       .52              in the Period

                                                                  The note settle by bank
                                                                  acceptance increased due to
Note payable     98,000,000                98,000,00   100.00%    the   combination of
                        .00                     0.00              subsidiary , that is acquisition
                                                                  of Runhua RW

                                                                  Mainly because the payable
Account                                                           amount for materials
                 13,012,012   2,052,001.   10,960,01   534.11%
receivable                                                        purchasing was unpaid at end
                        .75          91         0.84
                                                                  of the Period

                                                                  The account received in
                                                                  advance from subsidiary has
received in      37,128,967   7,120,711.   30,008,25   421.42%
                                                                  not been carried-forward to
advance                 .51          50         6.01

                                                                  Relevant taxes were paid by
Tax payable      4,309,970.   11,042,907   -6,732,93    -60.97%
                                                                  subsidiary in the Period
                        95           .39        6.44

                                                                  More operation revenue from
Operation        205,730,01                            34802.62
                              589,440.00   205,140,5              purchasing subsidiary of
revenue                0.91                                  %
                                              70.91               Runhua RW

                                                                  More carried-forward costs
Operation        195,036,77
                                           195,036,7   100.00%    from purchasing subsidiary of
cost                   1.02            -
                                              71.02               Runhua RW

                                                                  Mainly because the relevant
Business tax     1,357,319.                                       taxes accrued for recognized
                               50,243.20   1,307,076   2601.50%
and surcharge           37                                        revenue increased in the

Financial                     3,696,233.                          Interest paid for loans
                 313,705.12                -3,382,52    -91.51%
expense                              71                           decreased in the Period

                                                                  Income from disposal of
Non-operation    94,245,402   50,598,668                          non-current assets increased
                                           43,646,73    86.26%
revenue                 .50          .90                          due to the land collected by

                                                                  The settlement losses of
Non-operation                 10,205,879
                 487,531.86                -9,718,34    -95.22%   lawsuits lower than that of
expenditure                          .28
                                                7.42              last period

Income tax       5,359,232.   2,279,190.                          Mainly because the revenue
expenses                68           25    3,080,042              recognized increased in the

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                                                            .43                    Period and current income tax
                                                                                   expenses increased

Net profit
                                                                                   Income from disposal of
attributable to
                     85,371,241      27,316,944                                    non-current assets increased
owners’ of                                          58,054,29       212.52%
                              .50             .29                                  due to the land collected by
parent                                                     7.21

Minority                             -2,502,129                                    Less deficit from subsidiary
                     -16,373.25                      2,485,756         99.35%
interest                                      .75                                  in the Period

Net cash flow
                                                                                   The amount paid for lands use
arising from         -176,467,7      -9,045,575                      -1850.87
                                                     -167,422,                     for real estate development
operating                  96.44              .00                            %
                                                        221.44                     purpose in the Period

                                                                                   Amount received for land
Net cash flow
                                                                                   collection from the
arising from         234,990,57      63,588,299
                                                     171,402,2       269.55%       Government and net cash
investment                   7.06             .97
                                                          77.09                    increased due to the
                                                                                   purchasing of Runhua RW

Net cash flow
arising from         -38,731,54      -5,504,480                                    Loan principal and interest
                                                     -33,227,0      -603.64%
financing                    9.04             .80                                  are paid in the Period

II. Progress of significant events, their influences, and analysis and explanation
of their solutions
1. On May 8, 2013, the Company received the "Reply on Approving Major Assets Reorganization of Chengde
Nanjiang Co., Ltd” (SFC license (2013) No. 624) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter
referred to as: China Securities Regulatory Commission). This letter approved asset restructuring program of the
Company. The Company handled relevant formalities as soon as possible in accordance with the approval
document and authorization of the shareholders of the General Assembly. On July 5, 2013 the Company
announced implementation report and verification opinion of relevant agencies. Details could be found from
relevant reports on Juchao Advisory Network http://www.cninfo.com.cn/.

2. On May 14, 2013, the Company received a survey notice issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission
(No. 2013 DCTZ No. 16), which as due to that the original Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd violates relevant provisions of
securities laws and regulations. So, according to the "Securities Law", the Company was informed of an
This investigation does not involve production and operation activities. Presently all business is operating normally.
During the investigation period, the Company will actively cooperate with China Securities Regulatory
Commission, and perform information disclosure in accordance with the progress.

3. On 1 July 2013, the state-owned industarial lands owned by Chengde County Rongyida Real Estate

                                                                承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第三季度报告正文

Development Company Limited-the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, was reserved by Land Reserved
Center of Chengde County, totally compensation for the land and ground attachments was RMB 150.16633 million.
Found more details in relevant notice of Juchao Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

4. On 29 August 2013, the state-owned lands owned by Chengde County Rongyida Real Estate Development
Company Limited-the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and nine state-owned lands of the Company were
reserved by Land Reserved Center of Chengde County, totally compensation for the land and ground attachments
was RMB 238.9491 million. Found more details in relevant notice of Juchao Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

                 Overview                           Disclosure date                     Query index for interim notice

                                                                                 Juchao Website
Assets Sales of Wholly-owned Subsidiary 2013-07-01

                                                                                 Juchao Website
Assets Sales                                2013-08-29

III. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5%
shares of the Company in reporting period or made in previous period and
extending to reporting period
                                                                                                      Dated for
                      Commitment                                                                                  Commitmen Implementa
  Commitments                                                  Contents                              commitmen
                          party                                                                                       t term         tion

Share Merger

                                    1. Commitments in aspect of independency of listed
                                    company:    For the equity changes, that is 208,324,800
                                    shares of Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd held by Chen Rong
                                    was transfer, Wang Dong guarantee there are no
                                    influence on the independent of employee, financial,
                                    institution, business and integrity of assets of Chengde
Commitments      in                 Dalu Co., Ltd. After transaction, Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                  Duration of
report           of Controlling     still has the ability of independent operation and owes                                     Implementi
                                                                                                     2012-04-24 the
acquisition      or shareholder     independent legal person, and continues to owes the                                         ng
equity change                       independency    of     institution,     assts,     employees,
                                    production and financial. 2. Commitments for horizontal
                                    competition: after 208,324,800 shares of Chengde Dalu
                                    Co., Ltd held by Chen Rong was transfer, Wang Dong
                                    guarantee   there    are    no   or    potential    horizontal
                                    competition between the Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd and
                                    Wang Dong and related parties of Wang Dong
                                    The performance compensation commitment: net profit
Commitments in                      (deducting non-recurring gains and losses) for 2012,                                        Implementi
assets                              2013, 2014 and 2015 for Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) 2013-04-10 2012-2015                   ng
reorganization                      International Trade Co., Ltd.         Respectively can’t be                                normally
                                    less than 306,300 Yuan, 904,000 Yuan, 1,500,000 Yuan

                                                                   承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年第三季度报告正文

                                        and 3,400,000 Yuan. If the actual net profit is less than
                                        the promised, the controlling shareholders shall perform
                                        the obligations of profit compensation accordingly.
Commitment made
during the IPO or
                                        In order to prevent stock price from falling after its
                                        relisting and endanger status of the Company, the board
                                        of directors and        the senior management         make
Other                                   commitment: Based on Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock
commitments to         Directors and Exchange and other applicable laws and regulations, we
                                                                                                                   In later 12 Implementi
minority               senior           make a plan in next 12 months, increasingly hold shares 2013-01-09
                                                                                                                    months         ng
shareholders of the executives          of the Company in secondary market using own funds.
Company                                 The holding price will not exceed HK$1.3 / shares.
                                        While the total amount of increase accumulated will not
                                        be   less     than   HK$10,000,000,   not     more    than
Completed on time
or not

Detail reasons for
and further plan (if

IV. Estimation of operation performance for year of 2013

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss
probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and
explanation of reason
□Applicable            √Not applicable
V. Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in the
report period
         Date                   Place                  Way           Type           Object     Content discussed and documents provided

                       Securities department                                                  Progress of major assets restructuring, no
2013-07-08                                          Telephone    Individual    Investor
                       of the Company                                                         material provided

                       Securities department                                                  Routine operation of the Company, no
2013-07-30                                          Telephone    Individual    Investor
                       of the Company                                                         materials provided

                       Securities department                                                  Assets sales of the Company, no materials
2013-09-03                                          Telephone    Individual    Investor
                       of the Company                                                         provided
