CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. REPORT OF THE AUDITORS DAHUASHENZI[2014]NO. 005026 (EN) CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. REPORT OF THE AUDIORS & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR 2013 CONTENTS PAGES 1、AUDITOR’S REPORT 1-2 2、THE (CONSOLIDATED) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF (CONSOLIDATED) FINANCIAL POSITION 3-4 3、STATEMENT OF (CONSOLIDATED) COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 5-6 4、STATEMENT OF (CONSOLIDATED) CHANGES IN OWNERS’ EQUITY 7-10 5 、STATEMENT OF (CONSOLIDATED) CASH FLOWS 11-12 6、NOTES TO (CONSOLIDATED) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 13-68 The auditors’ report and the accompanying financial statements are English translations of the Chinese auditors’ report and financial statements. In case the English version does not conform to the Chinese version, the Chinese version prevails. Report Of The Auditors DAHUASHENZI [2014] NO. 005026 (EN) To the Shareholders of CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. : We have audited the accompanying statement of (consolidated) financial position of CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. as at 31 December 2013, and the statement of (consolidated) comprehensive income, statement of (consolidated) cash flows, notes to (consolidated) financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013. 1.Responsibility of the management The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises” and “China Accounting Systems for Business Enterprises”, is the responsibility of the management of the company. The responsibility includes 1) designing, implementing and maintaining the internal controls over financial reporting, in order to avoid material misstatement due to fraud or error; 2) selecting and using appropriate accounting principles; and 3) making logical accounting estimate. 1 2. Responsibility of CPAs Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conduct our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards for Chinese Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we abide by professional ethics, plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance on whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit includes the consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for making risk assessment and designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. An audit includes selecting and performing appropriate audit procedures based on auditors’ judgment to gather evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes an assessment of the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as an evaluation of the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a sufficient and reasonable basis for our opinion. 3. Audit opinions In our opinion based on our examinations, the (consolidated) financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, the (consolidated) financial position of your company as at 31 December 2013 and the results of its (consolidated) operations and (consolidated) cash flows for the year ended, in conformity with the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises” and “Accounting Systems for Business Enterprises” promulgated by the State. Da Hua Certified Public Accountants Certified Public Accountants: (Special General Partnership) Certified Public Accountants: Beijing, P.R.China 23 April 2014 2 DAHUASHENZI [2014] NO. 005026 (EN) Audit Report CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL POSITION As at December 31, 2013 Monetary unit:RMB ASSETS NOTE Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012 Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents 1 89,426,891.22 81,546,046.87 Receivables 2 117,180.60 - Prepayments 3 33,836,310.22 308,292.36 Other receivables 4 4,976,108.67 28,169,019.64 Inventory 5 190,569,964.32 20,490,734.61 Other current assets 6 4,478,158.24 9,000,000.00 Total current assets 323,404,613.27 139,514,093.48 Long-term equity investments 7 6,626,905.49 - Fixed assets 8 11,296,353.61 24,742,103.60 Construction in progress 9 - 402,587.43 Biological assets 10 258,190.34 - Intangible assets 11 28,721,653.41 26,705,104.38 Goodwill 12 1,809,762.89 - Long-term deferred expenses 13 7,811,572.52 734,424.92 Deferred tax assets 14 834,223.19 1,518,810.84 Total non-current assets 57,358,661.45 54,103,031.17 Total assets 380,763,274.72 193,617,124.65 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting function: 3 DAHUASHENZI [2014] NO. 005026 (EN) Audit Report CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL POSITION (CONTINUED) As at December 31, 2013 Monetary unit:RMB LIABILITIES AND OWNER'S EQUITY NOTE Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012 Current liabilities: Notes Payable 16 26,000,000.00 - Payable 17 3,660,631.16 2,052,001.91 Receivable in advance 18 53,821,113.16 7,120,711.50 Accrued payroll 19 6,205,363.50 6,328,453.28 Tax payable 20 18,026,904.58 11,042,907.39 Other payable 21 36,044,983.70 52,178,378.96 Total current liabilities 143,758,996.10 78,722,453.04 Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowing - - Special Payable - - Total non-current liabilities - - Total liabilities 143,758,996.10 78,722,453.04 Owner's equity: Share capital 22 706,320,000.00 706,320,000.00 Capital reserves 23 456,470,250.78 456,470,250.78 Surplus reserves 24 76,791,550.17 76,791,550.17 Retained earnings 25 -1,029,880,318.18 -1,124,687,129.34 Total owner s equity attributable to parent 209,701,482.77 114,894,671.61 company Minority interest 27,302,795.85 - Total owner's equity 237,004,278.62 114,894,671.61 Total liabilities and owner's equity 380,763,274.72 193,617,124.65 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting function: 4 DAHUASHENZI [2014] NO. 005026 (EN) Audit Report CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2013 Monetary unit:RMB Items Note 2013 2012 I. Total revenues from main operations 26 363,952,258.89 79,512,004.22 Add: Operationg income 363,952,258.89 79,512,004.22 II. Total costs from main operations 364,595,768.48 86,243,667.29 Less: Cost of main operations 26 339,083,312.47 58,424,002.63 Business tax and surcharge 27 3,135,115.82 4,949,457.23 Marketing expenses 28 3,263,636.58 - Administrative expenses 28 21,000,380.87 15,939,028.09 Financial expenses 28 616,644.15 2,390,155.66 Asset impairment loss 29 -2,503,321.41 4,541,023.68 Add: Gain from change of fair value Return on investment 30 164,602.55 15,731.51 III. Profit from main operations -478,907.04 -6,715,931.56 Add: Non-operating income 31 132,325,264.45 109,415,952.53 Less: Non-operating expenses 32 615,794.39 63,261,820.36 IV. Total profit 131,230,563.02 39,438,200.61 Less: Income taxes 33 31,295,705.90 6,543,831.79 VI. Net profit 99,934,857.12 32,894,368.82 Net profit attributed to parement company 94,806,811.16 32,894,368.82 Net profit attributed to minority 5,128,045.96 - VII. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share 0.13 0.05 Diluted earning per share 0.13 0.05 VIII. Other comprehensive income - 7,104,364.09 IX. Total comprehensive income 99,934,857.12 39,998,732.91 Total comprehensive income attributed to parent company 94,806,811.16 39,998,732.91 Total comprehensive income attributed to minority 5,128,045.96 - Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting function: 5 DAHUASHENZI [2014] NO. 005026 (EN) Audit Report CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT CONSOLIDATED OF CASH FLOWS December 31, 2013 2013 2012 Items Note RMB RMB I. Cash Flows From Operating Activities Cash received from customers 415,792,262.19 56,604,102.70 Cash received from tax refund - - Cash received from other operation related activities 33 59,481,903.92 66,559,511.34 Cash Inflows 475,274,166.11 123,163,614.04 Cash payments for suppliers 590,408,836.19 33,226,555.77 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 8,150,877.53 2,357,550.98 Cash paid to taxes and rates 35,021,456.47 24,864,917.67 Cash paid for other operation related activities 33 46,246,028.58 67,101,247.94 Cash Outflows 679,827,198.77 127,550,272.36 Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities -204,553,032.66 -4,386,658.32 II. Cash Flows From Investing Activities Cash received from withdrawing investment 9,000,000.00 - Proceeds from return on investment 111,230.13 - Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 188,233,888.62 101,678,178.10 long-term assets Cash received from other investing related activities 57,429,714.65 - Cash Inflows 254,774,833.40 101,678,178.10 Purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term 11,010,284.50 1,813,769.26 assets Cash paid for investment - 9,000,000.00 Cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries - - Cash Outflows 11,010,284.50 10,813,769.26 Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities 243,764,548.90 90,864,408.84 III. Cash Flows From Financing Activities Cash received from investment 5,000,000.00 - Cash Inflows 5,000,000.00 - Cash paid for settling debts 35,300,000.00 3,090,000.00 Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying 1,030,671.89 2,414,358.33 Cash received from other financing related activities 11,445,403.16 - Cash Outflows 47,776,075.05 5,504,358.33 Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -42,776,075.05 -5,504,358.33 IV. Effects Of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes - -1.17 V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -3,564,558.81 80,973,391.02 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 81,546,046.87 572,655.85 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 77,981,488.06 81,546,046.87 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting function: 6 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY December 31, 2013 Currency:RMB Items Note Total Share capital Captal reserves Surplus reserves Retained earnings Minority interest shareholders'equity 5 RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB Balance at December 31, 2012 706,320,000.00 456,470,250.78 76,791,550.17 -1,124,687,129.34 - 114,894,671.61 Add: Change of accounting policies - - - - - - Prior period error correction - - - - - - Balance at January 1, 2013 706,320,000.00 456,470,250.78 76,791,550.17 -1,124,687,129.34 - 114,894,671.61 Increase/ Decrease in this year - - 94,806,811.16 27,302,795.85 122,109,607.01 (1) Net profit - - - 94,806,811.16 5,128,045.96 99,934,857.12 (2) Other comprehensive income - - - - - - Subtotal of (1)and (2) - - - 94,806,811.16 5,128,045.96 99,934,857.12 Owners' devoted and decreased capital - - - 22,174,749.89 22,174,749.89 Owners' devoted capital 5,000,000.00 Other - - - 17,174,749.89 17,174,749.89 Balance at December 31, 2013 706,320,000.00 456,470,250.78 76,791,550.17 -1,029,880,318.18 27,302,795.85 237,004,278.62 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting department: 7 DAHUASHENZI [2014] NO. 005026 (EN) Audit Report CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY December 31, 2013 Currency:RMB Items Note Total Share capital Captal reserves Surplus reserves Retained earnings Minority interest shareholders'equity 5 RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB Balance at December 31, 2012 706,320,000.00 456,470,250.78 76,791,550.17 -1,124,687,129.34 - 114,894,671.61 Add: Change of accounting policies - - - - - - Prior period error correction - - - - - - Balance at January 1, 2013 706,320,000.00 456,470,250.78 76,791,550.17 -1,124,687,129.34 - 114,894,671.61 Increase/ Decrease in this year - - 94,806,811.16 27,302,795.85 122,109,607.01 (1) Net profit - - - 94,806,811.16 5,128,045.96 99,934,857.12 (2) Other comprehensive income - - - - - - Subtotal of (1)and (2) - - - 94,806,811.16 5,128,045.96 99,934,857.12 Owners' devoted and decreased capital - - - 22,174,749.89 22,174,749.89 Owners' devoted capital 5,000,000.00 Other - - - 17,174,749.89 17,174,749.89 Balance at December 31, 2013 706,320,000.00 456,470,250.78 76,791,550.17 -1,029,880,318.18 27,302,795.85 237,004,278.62 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting department: 8 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEM As at December 31, 2013 Monetary unit:RMB ASSETS NOTE Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012 Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents 5,681,141.82 777,456.70 Prepayments 25,000,000.00 - Other receivables 1 316,143.39 782,244.99 Inventory 161,600,661.40 - Total current assets 192,597,946.61 1,559,701.69 Long-term equity investments 2 152,284,669.73 103,114,299.73 Fixed assets 1,314,384.81 666,168.02 Intangible assets 15,699,628.36 16,123,971.52 Deferred tax assets 750.00 - Total non-current assets 169,299,432.90 119,904,439.27 Total assets 361,897,379.51 121,464,140.96 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting function: 9 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (CONTINUED) As at December 31, 2013 Monetary unit:RMB LIABILITIES AND OWNER'S NOTE Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012 EQUITY Current liabilities: Receivable in advance 40,423,500.00 - Payable - - Accrued payroll - 189,016.48 Tax payable -58,959.68 -52,171.87 Other payable 299,169,464.74 99,848,758.92 Total current liabilities 339,534,005.06 99,985,603.53 Non-current liabilities Special Payable - - Total non-current liabilities - - Total liabilities 339,534,005.06 99,985,603.53 Owner's equity: Share capital 706,320,000.00 706,320,000.00 Capital reserves 449,365,886.69 449,365,886.69 Surplus reserves 76,791,550.17 76,791,550.17 Retained earnings -1,210,114,062.41 -1,210,998,899.43 Total owner's equity 22,363,374.45 21,478,537.43 Total liabilities and owner's equity 361,897,379.51 121,464,140.96 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting function: 10 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2013 Monetary unit:RMB Items Note 2013 2012 I. Total revenues from main operations 9,631,946.56 - Add: Operationg income 3 9,631,946.56 - II. Total costs from main operations 8,760,680.31 14,221,165.70 Less: Cost of main operations 3 28,460.39 - Business tax and surcharge 528,000.00 - Marketing expenses 240,503.11 - Administrative expenses 7,959,458.53 4,274,037.12 Financial expenses 1,258.28 132.00 Asset impairment loss 3,000.00 9,946,996.58 Add: Gain from change of fair value - - Return on investment - - III. Profit from main operations 871,266.25 -14,221,165.70 Add: Non-operating income 21,920.77 1,396,018.64 Less: Non-operating expenses 9,100.00 66,230.57 IV. Total profit 884,087.02 -12,891,377.63 Less: Income taxes -750.00 - VI. Net profit 884,837.02 -12,891,377.63 VII. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share - - Diluted earning per share - - VIII. Other comprehensive income - - IX. Total comprehensive income 884,837.02 -12,891,377.63 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting function: 11 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS December 31, 2013 2013 2012 Items Note RMB RMB I. Cash Flows From Operating Activities Cash received from customers 9,631,946.56 - Cash received from tax refund - - Cash received from other operation related activities 201,813,444.46 11,745,056.16 Cash Inflows 211,445,391.02 11,745,056.16 Cash payments for suppliers 186,629,121.79 - Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 2,472,138.09 1,097,122.03 Cash paid to taxes and rates 1,621,088.68 161,236.10 Cash paid for other operation related activities 6,302,906.34 9,036,011.24 Cash Outflows 197,025,254.90 10,294,369.37 Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 14,420,136.12 1,450,686.79 II. Cash Flows From Investing Activities Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and 40,423,500.00 - other long-term assets Cash Inflows 40,423,500.00 - Purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term 769,581.00 677,248.72 assets Cash paid for investment 49,170,370.00 - Cash Outflows 49,939,951.00 677,248.72 Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -9,516,451.00 -677,248.72 III. Cash Flows From Financing Activities Cash received from loans - - Cash Inflows - - Cash paid for settling debts - - Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying - - Cash Outflows - - Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities - - IV. Effects Of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes - -1.17 V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 4,903,685.12 773,436.90 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 777,456.70 4,019.80 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 5,681,141.82 777,456.70 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting function: 12 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY December 31, 2013 Currency:RMB Total Share capital Captal reserves Surplus reserves Retained earnings shareholders'equity RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB Balance at December 31, 2012 706,320,000.00 449,365,886.69 76,791,550.17 -1,210,998,899.43 21,478,537.43 Add: Change of accounting policies - - - - - Prior period error correction - - - - - Balance at January 1, 2013 706,320,000.00 449,365,886.69 76,791,550.17 -1,210,998,899.43 21,478,537.43 Increase/ Decrease in this year - - - 884,837.02 884,837.02 (1) Net profit - - - 884,837.02 884,837.02 (2) Other comprehensive income - - - - - Subtotal of (1)and (2) - - - 884,837.02 884,837.02 Owners' devoted and decreased capital - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Balance at December 31, 2013 706,320,000.00 449,365,886.69 76,791,550.17 -1,210,114,062.41 22,363,374.45 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting department: 13 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY December 31, 2012 Currency:RMB Total Share capital Captal reserves Surplus reserves Retained earnings shareholders'equity RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB Balance at December 31, 2011 706,320,000.00 449,365,886.69 76,791,550.17 -1,198,107,521.80 34,369,915.06 Add: Change of accounting policies - - - - - Prior period error correction - - - - - Balance at January 1, 2012 706,320,000.00 449,365,886.69 76,791,550.17 -1,198,107,521.80 34,369,915.06 Increase/ Decrease in this year - - - -12,891,377.63 -12,891,377.63 (1) Net profit - - - -12,891,377.63 -12,891,377.63 (2) Other comprehensive income - - - - - Subtotal of (1)and (2) - - - -12,891,377.63 -12,891,377.63 Owners' devoted and decreased capital - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Balance at December 31, 2012 706,320,000.00 449,365,886.69 76,791,550.17 -1,210,998,899.43 21,478,537.43 Representative of the legal entity: Person in charge of acounting department: 14 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2013 CURRENCY UNIT: RMB I. General Information 1. Background The predecessor of ChengDe NanJiang Corporation, Ltd. (“the Company”) was ChengDe DiXian Textile Corporation, Ltd (“DiXian”). According to the approval of YiGuBan(1999) No.36 issued by the People’s Government of HeBei Province, DiXian was established in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) and obtained the Corporate Business License from HeBei Administration for Industry and Commerce (“CSRC”). The initial registered capital of DiXian was RMB 100,000,000 (divided into 100,000,000 shares, one Yuan per share): ShuXian Wang contributed RMB 85,100,000, accounting for 85.1% of the total; HeBei province ChengDe County North Industrial Company contributed RMB 7,564,400, accounting for 7.56% of the total; ZhengSong Wang contributed RMB 5,444,400, accounting for 5.44% of the total; ChengDe LongFeng Cosmetic Co., Ltd. contributed RMB 945,600, accounting for 0.95% of the total; Chengde County Board Town of Red Star plastic products factory contributed RMB 945,600, accounting for 0.95% of the total. According to the issue [2000] 121 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on August 29, 2000, the company issued 100,000,000 foreign capital stocks listed in China (hereinafter referred to as the " B “) on September 19, 2000 on Shenzhen stock exchange; and excised the overallotment option to increase issuing 15,000,000 B shares from September 29 to October 29, 2000. The registered capital of the company after the issuance of B shares was RMB 215,000,000, and was divided into 215,000,000 shares with one Yuan of face value per share. According to the resolution of the shareholder’s meeting on March 12, 2002, The Company allotted 43,000,000 bonus shares to all of the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares, and meanwhile increased 107500000 shares to all of the shareholding by transferring from capital reserve according to 5 shares free for every 10 shares. The registered capital of the company was changed to RMB 365,500,000 after it allotted bonus shares and increased by transferring. According to the resolution of the shareholder’s meeting on July 22, 2003, The Company allotted 73,100,000 bonus shares to all of the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares, and the registered capital of the company was changed to RMB 438,600,000 after such bonus shares were allotted. On March 11, 2004, approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the company was allowed to be changed to Foreign-Funded Joint Stock Companies Limited. On July, 2004, the company increased 150,000,000 B shares directionally, during which 91,300,000 shares were subscribed in HK$, and another 58,700,000 shares were subscribed in 15 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements RMB, upon check by China Securities Regulatory Commission with the issue [2004] No.101. According to the resolution of the shareholder’s meeting on June 8, 2006, The Company allotted 117,720,000 bonus shares to all of the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares, On August 4, 2008, according to the judgment ruled by Shenzhen Intermediate People's court, 112,324,800 sponsor shares held by ShuXian Wang was compensated to Rong Chen for RMB 45,491,544 Yuan, and on August 15, 2008, 96,000,000 sponsor shares held by ShuXian Wang was compensated to Rong Chen for RMB 38,880,000 Yuan according to the judgment ruled by Dalian Intermediate People's court. On November 11, 2009, according to “reply to the approval of capital increase, and change of share as well as name of Chengde DiXian Knitting Co., Ltd” with No.143 [2009] by Bureau of Commerce of Hebei Province, it agreed that the company increased 150,000,000 foreign shares listed in China in 2004 and allotted 2 bonus shares free for every 10 shares in 2006; and it agreed that 208324800 shares of DiXian stock held by ShuXian Wang. DiXian was changed to Rong Chen; as well as the name of the company changed to Chengde DaLu Co., Ltd. The total share capital was 706,320,000 shares and the registered capital of the company was RMB 706,320,000 Yuan after the company increased and allotted, which has been validated by ZhongLei CPA Co., Ltd, who provided the capital verification report with [2010] No. 10009. On 23 Aug 2011, the company renewed its Corporate Business License that was issued by HeBei Administration for Industry and Commerce. The new registration number was 130000400001225. Both registered capital and paid-in capital are RMB 706,320,000. The company type was a foreign joint stock limited company. On 6 April 2012, an equity transfer agreement was signed between corporate shareholder Rong Chen and Dong Wang. According to the agreement, Rong Chen transferred 208,324,800 shares, which occupied 29.49% of the total share capital, to Dong Wang. After the transfer of equity, Shareholders proportion of capital contribution was: Dong Wang (RMB 208,324,800, accounted for 29.49%); HeBei province ChengDe County North Industrial Company (RMB 18,517,651, accounted for 2.62%); ChengDe City LongFeng Cosmetic company (RMB 2,314,829, accounted for 0.33%); Chengde County Board Town of Red Star plastic products factory (RMB 2,314,829, accounted for 0.33%), shareholders of domestically listed foreign shares (RMB 461,520,000, accounted for 65.34%). On 19 September 2012, with the authorization of HeBei Administration for Industry and Commerce, the company name was changed from ChengDe DaLu Corporation, Ltd. to ChengDe NanJiang Corporation, Ltd. 2. Nature of Business The company major in real estate development and management; Subsidiaries engage in real estate development、international trading and ecological agriculture planting and breeding. 16 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 3. Business scope New energy、R&D of new material product、sales and technology promotion、technology service;R&D of modern agricultural production、technology promotion service, wholesale of ecological agricultural products; International trading of products and technology; project HuiJingTianDi (2013-12、2013-13) : the development and construction of common residence and supporting commercial facilities based on two land、sales and operation; property management. 4. Major products and labour service Sales of real estate、plastic raw material trading and sales of products of ecological agriculture planting and breeding. 5. Fundamental structure of the company The highest authority is board minutes and the company adopts the managerial responsibility system. According to requirements from the business, the company set up Securities Department, Administrative Department, Human Resource Department, Financial Department, Auditing Department, Sales Department, Research and Development Department. II. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates 1. Basis for preparation of financial statements The financial statements of the company have been prepared based on going concern assumption and actual transactions and events occurred. It is prepared in accordance with the requirements of “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard” and 38 Specific Standard issued by the Ministry of Finance of 15 February 2006 (revised in 2010), and application guidance, illustrations to the standards and related pronouncements. 2. Statement of Compliance The accounts of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the Chinese Accounting System for Business Enterprises and Chinese Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises. 3. Fiscal Year The Company has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, i.e. From 1 January to 31 December. 4. Bookkeeping Currency The reporting currency of the Company is Renminbi (RMB). 5. Accounting treatments for a business combination involving enterprises under and not under common control A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more separate entities into one reporting entity. Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving enterprises under common control and business combinations not involving enterprises 17 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements under common control. (1) Business combination involving entities under common control A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination, and that control is not transitory. For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the combination date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is a party being absorbed. Combination date is the date on which the absorbing party effectively obtains control of the party being absorbed. The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the enterprise being combined at the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value of shares issued) is adjusted to the capital premium (or share premium) in the capital reserve. If the balance of the capital premium (or share premium) is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings. The cost of a combination incurred by the absorbing party includes any costs directly attributable to the combination shall be recognized as an expense through profit or loss for the current period when incurred. (2) Business combination involving entities not under common control A business combination involving enterprises not under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination. For a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is the acquiree. Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree. For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the combination cost including the sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer. The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred. The transaction cost arose from issuing of equity securities or liability securities shall be initially recognized as equity securities or liability securities. The contingent consideration related to the combination shall be booked as combination cost at the fair value at the acquisition date. If, within the 12 months after acquisition, additional information can prove the existence of related information at acquisition date and the contingent consideration need to be adjusted, goodwill can be offset. Combination cost of the acquirer’s interest and identifiable net assets of the acquirer acquired through the business combination shall be measured by the fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be recognized as goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be accounted for according to the following requirements: (i) the 18 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements acquirer shall reassess the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and measurement of the cost of combination; (ii) if after that reassessment, the cost of combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall recognize the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the current period. Where the temporary difference obtained by the acquirer was not recognized due to inconformity with the conditions applied for recognition of deferred income tax, if, within the 12 months after acquisition, additional information can prove the existence of related information at acquisition date and the expected economic benefits on the acquisition date arose from deductible temporary difference by the acquiree can be achieved, relevant income tax assets can be recognized, and goodwill offset. If the goodwill is not sufficient, the difference shall be recognized as profit of the current period. Apart from above, the differences shall be taken into profit or loss of the current period if the recognition of deferred income tax assets is related to the combination. For the purpose of the separate financial statements, the cost of acquistion is measured as the sum of the carrying amount of investment in the investee immediately prior to the acquistion and the consideration for the addition investment. Cumulative other comprehensive income relevant to the investment recognised prior to the acquistion is reclassfied to profit or loss as investment income at the time of acquistion. For the purpose of the consolidated financial statements, the investment in the investee prior to the acquisition is remeasured by fair value, difference between the acquistion date fair value of the investment in the investee prior to the acquisition and its carrying amount is recognised in profit or loss as investment income at the time of acquistion. Cumulative other comprehensive income relevant to the investment recognised prior to the acquistion is reclassfied to profit or loss as investment income at the time of acquistion. 6. Consolidated financial statements The financial statements are prepared on the basis of control, and the scope of the consolidated financial statements includes the company and all of its subsidiaries. If the accounting policy or the accounting period is different between the subsidiaries and the company, it is necessary to adjust the financial statements of the subsidiaries according to the accounting policy or accounting period of the company at the preparation of the consolidated financial statements. For the subsidiaries acquired from the business combination not under the same control, it shall adjust the individual financial statements based on its fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date; for the subsidiaries acquired from the business combination under the same control, it shall be regarded as the reporting entity formed after combination and continues to exist integrally from the control by the final controlling party comes into operation, and it shall adjust the beginning amount of the consolidated balance sheet, as well as the related items of the comparative financial statements at the same time. 19 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 7. Accounting Principle & Measurement Bases The company has adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Assets are initially recorded at actual costs on acquisition and subsequently adjusted for impairment, if any. The accounting principle and measurement bases for the current fiscal year are consistent with the previous. 8. Cash & Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents included in cash-flow statement are short-term(within three months of maturity since purchase date), highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to limited risk on changes in value. 9. Foreign Currency Translation Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the reporting currency at the spot exchange rates prevailing on the day when the transactions take place. Monetary assets denominated in foreign currency at the balance sheet date are translated at the spot exchange rate, and the exchange difference arising from the different spot exchange date at the balance sheet date and at the initial recognition or the previous balance sheet date shall be recorded into finance expenses; the non-monetary items denominated in foreign currency stated at its historical cost shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the day when the transactions take place; and non-monetary item denominated in foreign currency stated at its fair value shall be translated at the spot exchange date on the day when the fair value is determined, and the difference between the amount in reporting currency after translation and the carrying amount in original reporting currency shall be recorded into current profit and loss as income from changes in fair value, and the exchange difference related to non-monetary items in foreign currency available for sale shall be recorded into capital reserves. 10. Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies Translation of items in foreign currency at the balance sheet date: the assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet, and the items of owner’s equity except “undistributed profit” shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on occurrence. The income and expense in the income statement shall be translated at the spot exchange date on the day when the transactions take place. When the consolidated financial statement is prepared, the converted difference in foreign currency statements shall be listed singly as “translation reserve” under the owner’s equity in the consolidated balance sheet. 11. Financial instruments "Financial instruments" refers to the financial assets of the business and constitute the financial liability or equity instruments of other business (1) Classification of financial instruments The financial assets and financial liabilities of the company are divided into five types at the initial recognition: Financial asset measured by fair value and which change is recorded into current 20 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements profit and loss, Held-to-maturity investment, accounts receivable, financial assets available for sale and other financial liabilities. (2) Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments The financial assets or financial liabilities are stated at their fair value at initial recognition. For the financial assets and liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, the transaction expenses thereof shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, and the related transaction expenses of other kinds of financial assets or financial liabilities is recorded into its initial recognition amount. ①The financial assets and liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period The financial assets or liabilities which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, including transactional financial assets and liabilities and the financial assets and liabilities which are measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the current profits and losses; the transactional financial assets refers to the stock, bonds, fund and the derivative instruments not as effective hedging instrument or the assumed financial liabilities to be repurchased in the near future; the financial assets and liabilities which are measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the current profits and losses is mainly designated on the basis of risk management and strategic investment. Subsequent measurement shall be carried through for these financial assets or financial liabilities at their fair value. All realized and unrealized profit and loss of these financial assets or financial liabilities shall be recorded into current profit and loss except those as effective hedging instruments. ② Held-to-maturity investment "Held-to-maturity investment" refers to a non-derivative financial asset with the maturity date being fixed, the repayment being fixed or confirmed and the company has a clear purpose or is capable to hold to maturity. Effective interest method is adapted to measure held-to-maturity investment at the post- amortization cost during the holding period. The gains and loss arising from the impairment, amortization or recognition termination of held-to-maturity investment shall be recorded into current profit and loss. The balance between the price obtained and the carrying amount of the investment shall be recorded into investment income when held-to-maturity investment is disposed. ③ Accounts receivable “Accounts receivable” is the claims of the sale of goods or rendering of service, including accounts receivable, other receivables and long-term receivables. The accounts receivable shall be recognized initially at the price stipulated in the contract or agreement to be received from the purchaser and it is measured at the post-amortization cost using the effective interest method. The balance between the price obtained and the carrying amount of the accounts receivable shall be recorded into current profit and loss at recovery and disposal. ④ Financial assets available for sale Financial assets available for sale refers to the non-derivative financial assets available for sale designated at initial recognition, and the financial assets except those three kinds of financial 21 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements assets above. Subsequent measurement shall be carried through for such kind of financial assets at their fair value, and the discount and premium shall be amortized using effective interest method and recognized as interest income. The change in the fair value of the financial assets available for sale shall be recognized as the independent part of capital reserve when the said financial assets is stopped from recognition or is impaired with the exception of the impairment loss and the exchange difference arising from the monetary financial assets in foreign currency which shall be recorded into current profit and loss, and the accumulative gains or loss recorded into capital reserve before shall be transferred into current profit and loss. The dividends or interest income related to the financial assets available for sale shall be recorded into current profit and loss. ⑤ Other financial liabilities Other financial liabilities refer to the financial liabilities which isn’t designated to be measured by fair value and which change is recorded in current profit and loss. Other liabilities are measured at the post-amortization cost or cost. The gains or loss arising from the amortization and the recognition termination of the other liabilities shall be recorded into current profit and loss. (3) Recognition and measurement for transfer of financial assets ①Where the company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; Or it does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a financial asset but gives up its control over the financial asset, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset. ②If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition; the difference between the amounts of the following two items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period: A. The book value of the transferred financial asset B. The sum of consideration received from the transfer and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities. ③If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop recognition, the entire book value of the transferred financial asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped, be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following two items shall be included into the profits and losses of the current period: A. The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped; B. The sum of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and the portion of the accumulative amount of the changes in the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities which is corresponding to the portion whose recognition has been stopped ④ If the transfer of the financial asset doesn’t satisfy the condition to stop the recognition, it shall continue to recognize the financial asset and shall recognize the consideration it receives as a financial liability. ⑤ If the company is continuously involved in the transferred financial asset, it shall recognize a financial asset according to the extent of its continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset, and recognize a financial liability at the same time. 22 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements (4) Recognition for termination of financial liabilities Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. (5) Determination method for the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities ①As for the financial assets or financial liabilities for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the active market shall be used to determine the fair values thereof. ②Where there is no active market for a financial instrument; the company shall adopt value appraisal techniques to determine its fair value. (6) Provision for impairment of financial assets (except accounts receivable) The company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial assets (except accounts receivable). Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made. ①Held-to-maturity investment The loss on impairment shall be determined according to the balance of the carrying amount and the present value of the predicted future cash flow. It is accounted for according to the measurement method for loss impairment of accounts receivable. If there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said financial asset has been restored, and it is objectively related to the events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment loss as originally recognized shall be reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. However, the reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than the post-amortization costs of the said financial asset on the day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment. ② Financial assets available for sale If there is any objective evidence proving that the fair value of the financial assets available for sale drops significantly or not contemporarily, it can recognize that such financial assets available for sale has been impaired, and shall recognize loss on impairment. Where the financial asset available for sale is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the owner’s equity which was directly included shall be transferred out at the same time when the impairment loss is recognized and recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The said accumulative loss transferred out equals the balance of the initial acquisition cost of the financial asset available for sale deducting the reversed principal, the amortized amount, current fair value and the impairment loss that has been recorded into profit and loss originally. As for the sellable debt instruments whose impairment losses have been recognized, if, within the accounting period thereafter, the fair value has risen and are objectively related to the subsequent events that occur after the originally impairment losses were recognized, the originally recognized impairment losses shall be reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The impairment losses incurred to a sellable equity instrument investment shall not be reversed through profits and losses. 12. Receivables & Provision for Bad Debts Accounts receivables comprise related-party receivables and receivables from non-related parties 23 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements (“third-party receivables”). The Company makes specific bad debts provision on an individual basis for third-party receivables. No provision for bad debts is made for related-party receivables. (1) Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision Recognition Criterion for individually significant amounts: The receivables with more than RMB 1 million shall be recognized as the significant receivables; The accruing method of the receivables with individually significant amounts: The Group should make the impairment test separately or in combination and accrue the bad debt provisions which shall be recorded into current profit or loss at the end of the period. If there is defined evidence for the receivables not to or not likely to be received, which shall be recognized as the loss of bad debt and write off the accrued bad debts provisions after going through the approval procedure of the Group. (2) Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio Accounting aging analysis method: Use the accounting aging of the receivables as the credit risk characteristics to classify the portfolio. Accrue the bad debt provision by accounting aging analysis method Proportion for Provision for bad debt Proportion for Provision for bad debt Aging (receivable) ( other receivable) % % Within 1 year 5 5 1-2 years 20 20 2-3 years 50 50 Over 3 years 100 100 (3) Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision Recognition Criterion for individually insignificant amounts: Where there are obvious evidences suggesting impairment: debtor has been log-out, bankruptcy, minus net asset, significant poor cash flow and significant nature disaster leads to discontinue production and the debtors could not pay for the debts within the foreseeable time. The accruing method of the receivables with individually insignificant amounts: The Group should make the impairment test separately or in combination and accrue the bad debt provisions which shall be recorded into current profit or loss at the end of the period. If there is defined evidence for the receivables not to or not likely to be received, which shall be recognized as the loss of bad debt and write off the accrued bad debts provisions after going through the approval procedure of the Group. 13. Inventories (1) Classification Inventory means the materials, Auxiliary Material, spare parts for repair, revolving materials, 24 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements merchandise inventory, work-in-process under production, finished goods, development cost and products to be developed etc. the development cost includes the land cost, construction cost and other cost related to real estate development under construction; the product to be developed refers to the land purchased and prepared to be developed into real estate development. (2) Cost of inventories transferred out Cost of inventories transferred out is calculated using the weighted average method. Development project is adopted specific accounting method. (3) Basis for determining the net realisable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in value of inventories Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. In addition to the purchasing cost of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods include direct labour costs and an appropriate allocation of production overheads. At the balance sheet date, inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs to completion and the estimated expenses and related taxes necessary to make the sale. The net realisable value of materials held for use in the production is measured based on the net realisable value of the finished goods in which they will be incorporated. The net realisable value of the quantity of inventory held to satisfy sales or service contracts is measured based on the contract price. If the quantities held by the Group are more than the quantities of inventories specified in sales contracts, the net realisable value of the excess portion of inventories is measured based on general selling prices. Any excess of the cost over the net realisable value of each category of inventories is recognised as a provision for diminution in the value of inventories, and is recognised in profit and loss. (4) Inventory system The Group maintains a perpetual inventory system. (5) Amortisation methods for consumables including low-value consumables and packaging materials Consumables including low-value consumables and packaging materials are amortised in full when received for use. The amounts of the amortisations are included in the cost of the related assets or recognised in profit or loss for the current period. (6) Relocation Housing: temporary houses for relocated residents, amortised averagely over 50 years (7) Expense for land development 25 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Projects of land development: their expenses shall be recognized as cost of land development. Projects of land development and real estate: their expenses are apportioned to cost of commodity houses according to acreage when cost distribution between land and real estate could be identified clearly. (8) Expense for public facilities Expenses for public facilities without compensable transfers are apportioned to cost of commodity houses according to the benefits ratio. For public facilities with compensable transfers: each individual public facility is recognised as one cost accounting unit. Expenses are allocated to each unit separately. 14. Long-term equity investments (1) Determination of Investment cost For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be carrying value of the absorbing party’s share of the shareholder’s equity of the party being absorbed at the date of combination. For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the combination cost including the sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer. The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred. The transaction cost for the equity securities or liability securities issued by the acquirer in the business combination shall be recognized as initial amount of equity security or liability. The equity investments other than the long-term equity through combination shall be initially measured by cost. The cost shall be recognized to the difference in the way of acquisition of long-term equity investment. Theses ways include the cash purchase price the Companythe Company actually paid, the fair value of equity security issued by the Companythe Company, value specified in the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or carrying value of the asset out in the transaction of non-monetary asset exchanges, and the fair value of the long-term equity investment. Expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly attributable to the acquisition of long-term equity investment are taken into investment cost. (2) Subsequent Measurement Cost method shall be adopted in a long-term equity investment where the investing enterprise does not have common control or significant influence over the investee, the investment is not quoted in an active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably. Where an investing enterprise can exercise common control or significant influence over the investee, a long-term investment shall be accounted for using the equity method. When an investing enterprise can no longer exercise joint control or common control nor significant influence over the investee, and its fair value cannot be measured reliably, a long-term investment shall be counted as financial asset ready-for trade. A long-term equity investment where cost method is adopted in the Company’s financial statements can exercise controls over the investee. 26 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 1) Cost method of accounting for long-term equity investments Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost. Except for cash dividends or profits declared but not yet paid that are included in the price or consideration actually paid upon acquisition of the long-term equity investment, investment income is recognized in the period in accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee. 2) Equity method of accounting for long-term equity investments Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the difference shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall adjusted accordingly. Under the equity method, the Company recognizes its share of the net profit or loss of the investee for the period as investment income or loss for the period. The Group recognizes it share of the investee’s net profit or loss based on the fair value of the investee’s individual separately indentible assets, etc at the acquisition date after making appropriate adjustments to confirm with the Company’s accounting policies and accounting period. Unrealized profits or losses resulting from the Company’s transactions with its associates and joint ventures are recognized as investment income or loss to the extent that those attributable to the Company’s equity interest are eliminated. However, unrealized losses resulting from the Company’s transactions with its investees on the transferred assets, in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets", are not eliminated. Changes in owners’ equity of the investee other than net profit or loss are correspondingly adjusted to the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment, and recognized as other compressive income which is included in the capital reserve. When the investee is recognized net losses, reduce the carrying value of long-term equity investments and long-term equity of net investment (in substance) in investee to zero. In addition, the Company has the obligations on additional losses, then the expected obligation as estimated liabilities and included in the current investment losses. Where the net profit from investee units, restoration confirm the amount of revenue sharing after offset the amount of unrecognized loss sharing. For long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures which had been held by the Company before its first time adoption of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Company’s interest in the investee’s net assets at the time of acquisition, the excess is amortized and is recognized in profit or loss on a straight line basis over the original remaining life. 3) Acquisition of minority interest The difference between newly increased equity investment due to acquisition of minority interests and portion of net asset cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date is adjusted as capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the excess are adjusted 27 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements against returned earnings. 4) Disposal of long-term equity investment Where the parent company disposes long-term investment in a subsidiary without a change in control, the difference in the net asset between the amount of disposed long-term investment and the amount of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to the owner’s equity. On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period. For along-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method, the amount included in the owners’ equity attributable to the percentage interest disposed is transferred to profit or loss for the period. For any retained interest, it shall be subsequently measured according to the related accounting policies in regard of long-term equity investments or financial assets as described above if its carrying amount is recognized as long-term equity investments or other related financial assets. Retroactive adjustment is made on the basis of relevant policies if the retained interests are settled from cost method to equity method. (3) Recognition of investee under common control or significant influence Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its operating activities. Common control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, and exists only when the strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control over those policies. When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise control or significant influence over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the investee held be the investing enterprise or other parties that are currently exercisable or convertible shall be considered. (4) Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision The company assesses the long-term equity investment at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of impairment. If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value of the asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. Once an impairment loss is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period. 15. Investment properties Investment properties are properties held either to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or for both. Cost model: investment properties-leasing properties adopt the identical depreciation accounting policy as fixed assets. Investment properties-leasing rights of land usage adopt the identical amortization accounting policy as intangible assets. If potential impairment of investment property exists, estimation of its net realisable value shall be made. Recognizing impairment loss where net realisable value below its book value. Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period. 28 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Investment properties are depreciated (amortized) using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated useful lives. For the investment properties being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation (amortization) charge is prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives. The estimated useful lives, residual rates and annual depreciation (amortization) rates are as follows: Annual Depreciation Rates Items Useful Lives Residual Rates (%) (%) land usage rights 50 years 0.00-10.00 1.80 House and Building 20-28 years 0.00-10.00 3.56-4.50 16. Fixed assets (1) Recognition of fixed assets Fixed assets are the tangible assets with service life of more than one year held for production of goods, rendering of service, lease or operating management. Fixed assets shall be confirmed while following conditions can all be met: ①The economic interest related to the fixed assets will most likely flow into the company; ②The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably. (2) Three classifications of fixed assets: house and building, transportation equipment and other equipment (3) Initial cost of fixed assets The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase price, related taxes, and any directly attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use. The book value of the fixed assets acquired as debt assets through the recombination of liabilities shall be accounted on basis of the fair value of the fixed assets. Under the conditions that the exchange of non-monetary assets is characterized with business essence, and the fair value of the assets received or surrendered can be accounted in a reliable way, the book value of assets received is defined on basis of the fair value of assets surrendered, except there are conclusive evidences for the stronger reliability of the fair value of assets received. For the exchange of those non-monetary assets not meeting the above premises, the book value of assets surrendered and related taxes should be accounted as cost of assets received and the profits and losses shouldn’t be concluded. (4) Depreciation of fixed assets Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated useful lives. For the fixed assets being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives. 29 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements The estimated useful lives, residual rates and annual depreciation rates are as follows: Annual Depreciation Rates Items Useful Lives Residual Rates (%) (%) House and Building 20-28 years 0.00-10.00 3.56-4.50 Machinery equipment 4-5 years 0.00-10.00 18.00-22.04 Transportation equipment 5-20 years 0.00-10.00 6.33-23.75 Other equipment 4.5-5 years 0.00-10.00 18.00-22.04 17. Construction in Progress (1) Type of construction in progress The construction in progress refers all necessary expenditure before the fixed assets under acquisition are ready for their intended use state, including the direct material of project, direct employee compensation, the equipment to be installed, civil and erection cost, project management cost and net profit and loss of trial run expenses and the borrowing cost which can be capitalized etc. (2) The standard and time point for construction in progress transferred to fixed assets For construction in progress, the Company shall make all the expenditures for this asset to reach usable condition as the account value of the fixed assets. For the fixed assets reaching usable condition but not preparing the final account for completion, the Company shall, since the date of reaching usable condition, transfer the estimated value into fixed assets according to project budget and cost or actual cost of the project and appropriate the provision for depreciation according to the Company's policy for depreciation of fixed assets; after the procedure for final account for completion has been ended, the Company shall adjust the original temporarily estimated value as per actual cost, but not adjust the original appropriated provision for depreciation. 18. Biological Assets The biological assets in the company are consumptive biological assets and productive biological assets. Consumptive biological assets include baby breeding and fat breeding. Productive biological assets are hens. Biological assets are recognized only when the following criterions are met simultaneously: (1) The company acquired the biological assets because of past transactions or events. (2) The potential economic benefits generated by the biological assets may flow into the company (3) The cost of biological assets can be calculated reliably The purchase and disposal of biological assets: the costs of biological assets after the transfer of purpose are same as the book value before the transfer of purpose; When biological assets are sold, destroyed or have inventory loss, the differences between the proceeds of disposal and the 30 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements book value plus relevant taxes are included in the profit and loss of the current period. The initial cost of biological assets includes purchase price, transportation cost, insurance cost, and other cost directly attributed to purchasing the assets. The initial cost of self-breeding productive biological assets (before the expected condition for use) includes breeding cost, wages and other indirect costs. Before the expected condition for use, cost of biological assets, including breeding and protection, are recorded in profits and losses of the current period. Biological assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated useful lives. For the biological assets being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives. The estimated useful lives, residual rates and annual depreciation rates are as follows: Annual Depreciation Rates Items Useful Lives Residual Rates (%) (%) Chicken and Eggs 1 years 5.00 95 At the balance sheet date, if potential impairment of biological assets exists, estimation of its net realisable value shall be made. Recognizing impairment loss where net realisable value below its book value. Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period. When biological assets are sold, destroyed or have inventory loss, the difference between the revenue from disposal and its book value plus relevant taxation are recorded into profits and losses of the current period. 19. Intangible Assets (1)Valuation method for intangible assets ① Initial measurement of intangible assets The Company accounts its intangible assets at their real acquisition cost. Where the payment of purchase price for intangible assets is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions, which is of financing intention, the cost of intangible assets shall be determined on the basis of the current value of the purchase price. The book value of the intangible assets acquired as debt assets through the recombination of liabilities shall be accounted on basis of the fair value of the intangible assets;Under the conditions that the exchange of non-monetary assets is characterized with business essence, and the fair value of the assets received or surrendered can be accounted in a reliable way, the book value of assets received is defined on basis of the fair value of assets surrendered, except there are conclusive evidences for the stronger reliability of the fair value of assets received. For the exchange of those non-monetary assets not meeting the above premises, the book value of assets surrendered and related taxes should be accounted as cost of assets received and the profits and losses shouldn’t be concluded. ② Subsequent measurement of intangible assets 31 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements For the intangible assets with limited service life, the economic benefits should be amortized with Straight-line method; and the company won’t adopt amortization upon the intangible assets with indefinite service life. At the end of report period, the Company should recheck the service life and amortization method of the intangible assets and carry through necessary adjustment. (2) Estimate of service life for the intangible assets with limited life As for the intangible assets with limited life, its service life shall be estimated at the year-end Item Amortisation periods Basis Less than the period stated at contracts or Land use rights 50 years included in other legal rights Patent, brand, software Less than the period stated at contracts or 5 years and technology included in other legal rights (3) The judgment basis of the intangible assets with indefinite life As for the intangible assets with unlimited life, its service life shall be estimated at the year-end No service life of intangible assets cannot be confirmed at the year-end. (4) Criterion for distinguishing cost in research phase and development phase. Research cost refers to cost arising from inventive activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge. Research cost is recorded to profit or loss when it is incurred. Development cost refers to cost arising from activities that result in research phase or other knowledge in a certain plan or design, to produce new or substantially improved material, equipment, and products etc. before commercial production or application. (5) Recondition criterion for capitalization of cost of R&D (Research and development) An intangible asset arising from the development phase of an internal project shall be recognised if, and only if, the company can demonstrate all of the following: (a) The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale (b) Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it (c) How the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. among other things, the entity can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset (d) The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset (e) Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development. 20. Long Term Deferred Expenses Cost and Amortization Method For limited benefit periods, long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line method within the benefit period; for unlimited benefit periods, Long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line method over five years. 32 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 21. Contingent liabilities (1) Recognition of contingent liabilities The obligation pertinent to a contingency shall be recognized as an estimated debt when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: (a) The obligation is a current obligation of the Group; (b) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Group as a result of performance of the obligation; and (c) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably. (2) Accounting treatments for contingent liabilities The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation, and the Group shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors pertinent to the contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the best estimate amounts shall be determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash. The Group shall check the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. If there is any exact evidence indicating that the book value cannot really reflect the current best estimate amounts, the Group shall adjust the book value in accordance with the current best estimate amounts. 22. Share-based payment and equity instruments (1) Classification A share-based payment is a transaction in which the entity receives or acquires goods or services either as consideration for its equity instruments or by incurring liabilities for amounts based on the price of the entity's shares or other equity instruments of the entity. The accounting requirements for the share-based payment depend on how the transaction will be settled, that is, by the issuance of equity or cash. (2) Recognition criterion for fair value of equity instruments In principle, transactions in which goods or services are received as consideration for equity instruments of the entity should be measured at the fair value of the goods or services received. Only if the fair value of the goods or services cannot be measured reliably would the fair value of the equity instruments granted be used. The fair value of equity instruments granted to be based on market prices, if available, and to take into account the terms and conditions upon which those equity instruments were granted. In the absence of market prices, fair value is estimated using a valuation technique to estimate what the price of those equity instruments would have been on the measurement date in an arm's length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties. The standard does not specify which particular model should be used. 23. Assets transfer with repurchase agreement If the company sell products or transfer assets with repurchase agreement, it is important to judge whether this activity meet the criteria of revenue recognition through the agreement. If the nature 33 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements of the agreement is a financing transactions, then revenue recognition is not allowed. If the repurchase price is higher than the selling price, then the difference are recognized as financial expense and recorded into profits and losses of the repurchasing period. 24. Capitalisation of Borrowing Cost (1) Recognition principles on capitalisation of borrowing cost: The Group should capitalizes the borrowing cost directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset and record borrowing cost into cost of related asset. The Group should recognize the other borrowing cost as the current expense and charged it as profit and loss of current period. A qualifying asset refers to fixed asset, investment property and inventory need be constructed for so long time to its intended use or sale. (2) Duration of capitalisation of borrowing cost: When expenditures and borrowing cost are being incurred, and activities that are necessary to put the asset available for use or sale are in progress, the capitalisation of borrowing costs as part of the cost of a qualifying asset should commence. (3) Measurement of borrowing cost: As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined as the difference of the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment. Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, the Group shall calculate and determine the to-be- capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined at the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing. 25. Goodwill The initial cost of goodwill represents the excess of cost of acquisition over the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree under the business combination not involving enterprise under common control. Goodwill is not amortised and is stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated impairment losses. The Group estimates the recoverable amounts of goodwill at each year-end, irrespective of whether there is any indication of impairment. Recognised impairment loss is included in profit or loss and is not reversed. 26. Payroll Payroll refers to remuneration in various forms and other relevant expenses being paid to employees for services they provided during an accounting period. Apart from termination 34 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements benefits, accrued payroll is recognized as liability and included in the cost of assets or profit and loss in the accounting period that employees provide services for. 27. Revenue Recognition Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefit arising in the course of the Group’s ordinary activities when the inflows result in increase in shareholder’s equity, other than increase relating to contributions from shareholders. Revenue is recognised in profit or loss when it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Group, the revenue and costs can be measured reliably and the following respective conditions are met simultaneously: (1) Recognition for sale of goods Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the buyer, the Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold, and it is probable that the economic benefit associated with the transaction will flow to the Company and the relevant revenue and costs can be measured reliably. (2) Recognition criterions for sale of real estate: (a) Real state is 100% completed and housing acceptance is obtained. (b) Commercial housing pre-sale permit is obtained from Ministry of Land and Resources of the People’s Republic of China and Housing Administrative Bureau. (c) Sales contract is signed (d) Sales contract is verified and recognized by the Real Estate Transaction Registration Center (e) Payment for the real state is received or proof of payment from the buyer (f) Procedure for the transfer of commercial housing is completed (3) Recognition criterions for property rental income According to the date and amount of payment stated at the contract or protocol signed between the Group and lease, property rental income is recognized when rent is received or proof of payments is obtained from the buyer (4) Recognition criterions for labour income (a) Labour income can be calculated reliably (b) Inflow of relevant economic benefits to the Group may occur (c) The progress of completion for the transaction can be identified reliably (d) The cost has been occurred and will be occurred in the future during the transaction can be calculated reliably (5) Recognition criterions for transfer of asset use right income (a) Transfer income can be calculated reliably (b) Inflow of relevant economic benefits to the Group may occur 35 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 28. Government grants (1) Classification Government subsidy means that the Company shall get monetary assets or non monetary assets from the government without consideration, but the government subsidy shall not include the capital invested by the government as an enterprise owner. It is divided into the one related to assets and the one related to income. (2) Accounting method (a) Confirmation and measurement of government subsidy The government subsidy meeting attached conditions and actually received by the Company, shall be confirmed as government subsidy. If the government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured as per the amount received or to be received; if the government subsidy is a non- monetary asset, it shall be measured as per fair value; and if the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, measured as per nominal amount. (b) Accounting for government subsidy The government subsidy related to assets shall be confirmed as deferred income, and allocated averagely during the service life of the related assets and attributed into the profit and loss of current period. But the government subsidy measured in nominal amount shall be directly attributed to profit or loss of current 29. Deferred tax assets and liabilities Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities arise from deductible and taxable temporary differences respectively, being the differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases, which include the deductible losses and tax credits carrying forward to subsequent periods. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised. Deferred tax is not recognised for the temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or tax loss). Deferred tax is not recognised for taxable temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. At the balance sheet date, the amount of deferred tax recognised is measured based on the expected manner of recovery or settlement of the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities, using tax rates that are expected to be applied in the period when the asset is recovered or the liability is settled in accordance with tax laws. The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date. The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow the benefit of the deferred tax asset to be utilised. Such reduction is reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available. 36 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 30. Income Tax The Company accounts for enterprise and local income taxes using the tax payable method. Tax expense is recognized based on the current period taxable income and tax rates. 31. Operating and finance leases A lease is classified as either a finance lease or an operating lease. A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of a leased asset to the lessee, irrespective of whether the legal title to the asset is eventually transferred. An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease. (1) Operating lease charges Rental payments under operating leases are recognised as part of the cost of another related asset or as expenses on a straight-line basis over the lease term. (2) Assets leased out under operating leases Income derived from operating leases is recognised in the income statement using the straight-line method over the lease term. If initial direct costs incurred in respect of the assets leased out are material, the costs are initially capitalised and subsequently amortised in profit or loss over the lease term on the same basis as the lease income. Otherwise, the costs are charged to profit or loss immediately. (3) Assets acquired under finance leases When the Group acquires an asset under a finance lease, the asset is measured at an amount equal to the lower of its fair values and the present value of the minimum lease payments, each determined at the inception of the lease. At the commencement of the lease term, the minimum lease payments are recorded as long-term payables. The difference between the value of the leased assets and the minimum lease payments is recognised as unrecognised finance charges. Initial direct costs that are attributable to a finance lease incurred by the Group are added to the amounts recognised for the leased asset. If there is reasonable certainty that the Group will obtain ownership of a leased asset at the end of the lease term, the leased asset is depreciated over its estimated useful life. Otherwise, the leased asset is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and its estimated useful life. Unrecognised finance charge under finance lease is amortised using an effective interest method over the lease term. At the balance sheet date, long-term payables arising from finance leases, net of the unrecognised 37 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements finance charges, are presented as long-term payables or non-current liabilities due within one year, respectively in the balance sheet. 32. Other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income is the difference between net income as in the income statement (profit or loss account) and comprehensive income, and represents the certain gains and losses of the enterprise not recognized in the profit or loss account. 33. Profit Distribution Cash dividends distribution is recognized as a liability in the period in which the dividends are approved by the Board of Directors. In accordance with the “Law of the PRC on Foreign-funded enterprise” and the Company’s Articles of Association, appropriations from net profit should be made to the Reserve Fund, the Staff and Workers’ Bonus and Welfare Fund, after offsetting accumulated losses from prior years, and before profit distributions to the investors. The percentages to be appropriated to the Reserve Fund should not be lower than 10% of the profits after tax. Further appropriation is optional when the accumulated fund Reserve Fund is 50% or more of registered capital. The percentages to be appropriated to the Reserve Fund and the Staff and Workers’ Bonus and Welfare Fund are determined by the Board of Directors of the Company. 34. Changes of significant accounting policies, accounting estimates (1) Changes of significant accounting policies Not Applicable. (2) Changes of significant accounting estimates Not Applicable. 35. Prior period error correction (1) Retrospective Restatement Not Applicable. (2) Prospective Application Not Applicable. III. Taxation Tax category Tax basis Tax rate Business tax Housing prepayment; taxable income 5% Land value-added tax Land VAT or pre-requisitioned Super rate progressive rate City maintenance and construction tax Transfer tax payable 5% Education surcharge Transfer tax payable 3% Local education surcharge Transfer tax payable 2% Rental income or original value of real Housing property tax 12% or 1.2% estate Corporate income tax Taxable income; 25% of the taxable 25% 38 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Tax category Tax basis Tax rate income According to ChengXianGuoShui[2013]No.004, corporate tax relief and exemption are granted to ChengDe NanJiang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. because of its agricultural activities. IV. Business combination and consolidated financial statements Currency Unit: RMB 1. Major Subsidiaries 39 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements (1) Subsidiaries acquired by business combination under common control Join the Balance of other Consol Subsidiary Subsidiary Business Actual projects which Voting idated Place of Registered Shareholdin Company Company Characterist Business Scope investment at forms net Rights Financi Registration Capital g Ratio (%) Name Type ics the year end investment on Ratio al subsidiaries Statem ents or not Chengde Real Estate ChengDe Rongyida A wholly Real Estate Development;textile, County, 10,000,000.00 1.00 owned clothes manufacture, import Yes Real Estate Developme --- 100% 100% HeBei subsidiary CNY & export of clothes, leasing CNY Developmen Province nt service t Co., Ltd. On February 20 2009, Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd was established with registered capital of RMB 10,000,000.00 (Fei Wang contributed RMB 9,000,000.00, accounted for 90% of the total equity; LiPing Chen contributed RMB 1,000,000.00, accounted for 10% of the total equity). On July 27 2009, Fei Wang and LiPing Chen transfer 90% and 10% of RongYiDa’s equity to former largest shareholder Rong Chen at the price of RMB 9,000,000.00 and RMB 1,000,000.00 respectively. At the same day, Rong Chen transfer 100% of RongYiDa’s equity to the company at the price of RMB 1.00. After the transfer, the company held 100% of RongYiDa’s equity. (2) Subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under common control 40 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Join the Balance of other Consolidat Subsidiary projects which Subsidiary Place of Business Registered Actual investment Shareholding Voting Rights ed Company Business Scope forms net Company Name Registration Characteristics Capital at the year end Ratio (%) Ratio Financial Type investment on Statements subsidiaries or not Runhua Rural International Water (Tianjin) Holding International 3,000.00 900.00 TianJing trading of plastic Yes subsidiary --- 30% 53.43% International trading CNY material CNY Trade Co., Ltd. Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. (“RunHua”) is a limited liability company registered through TianJing BinHai New District Administration for Industry and Commerce (Runhua’s business license is 120192000028688). The initial registered capital is RMB 30 million, including: Runhua Rural Water developing Co., Ltd contribute 4 million, accounting for 13.34% of the total registered capital, BaoSheng Yang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, QianYing Wang contribute 2 million, accounting for 6.67% of the total registered capital, PeiWen Ren contribute 2.01 million, accounting for 6.70% of the total registered capital, XiaoFan Zhang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, ChunHong Lan contribute 9.03 million, accounting for 30.10% of the total registered capital, QinHua Zhao contribute 7 million, accounting for 23.33% of the total registered capital, ZhengHong Jia contribute 3 million, accounting for 10.00% of the total registered capital, Kai Li contribute 0.96 million, accounting for 3.20% of the total registered capital. On June 25 2013, according to the equity’s transfer agreement, ChunHong Lan and QinHua Zhao transfer 6.67% and 23.33% of share capital respectively to NanJiang. After the transfer, Nanjiang contribute 9 million, accounting for 30% of the total share capital. After the transfer, the capital ratio is: Runhua Rural Water developing Co., Ltd contribute 4 million, accounting for 13.34% of the total registered capital, BaoSheng Yang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, QianYing Wang contribute 2 million, accounting for 6.67% of the total registered capital, PeiWen Ren contribute 2.01 million, accounting for 6.70% of the total registered capital, XiaoFan Zhang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, ChunHong Lan contribute 7.03 million, accounting for 23.43% of the total registered capital, ZhengHong Jia contribute 3 million, accounting for 10.00% of the total registered capital, Kai Li contribute 0.96 41 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements million, accounting for 3.20% of the total registered capital, Nanjiang contribute 9 million, accounting for 30% of the total share capital (3) Subsidiaries acquired not through business combinations Unit: ten thousand Balance of other Join the Subsidiar projects Consolidat Place of Actual Sharehol Voting Subsidiary y Business Registered which forms ed Registrati Business Scope investment at ding Rights Company Name Company Characteristics Capital net Financial on the year end Ratio (%) Ratio Type investment Statements on or not subsidiaries Investment of new energy, new material, ChengDe mining industry, modern agriculture project, ChengDe NanJiang A wholly County, 9,000 Real Estate, construction project; investment 9,000 owned Yes Investment Co., Investment management, investment consultancy, trade of --- 100% 100% subsidiary HeBei CNY CNY import and export Ltd.*1 Province ChengDe NanJiang ChengDe A wholly Ecological Production of coarse cereals and edible fungus; Ecological County, Agriculture 1,000 1,000 owned Planting of fruit、 vegetable and Chinese Yes Planting and --- 100% 100% Agriculture Co., subsidiary HeBei Breeding CNY medical herbs CNY Ltd. *2 Province ChengDe ChengDe XingYe Holding County, 25,000 Production and marketing of high-grade coated 7,500 Paper Production Yes subsidiary paper and kraft liner board paper series --- 100% 100% HeBei Paper Co., Ltd. *3 USD USD Province 42 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements NanJiang Asia A wholly HongKon 2,000 owned g, Trading International investment and trading Yes Investment Co., 0.00 --- 100% 100% subsidiary USD China Ltd.*4 Chengde Research, development, sales, technical ChengDe marketing and technical services of grapheme Morsh Holding County, Energy Research 5,000 5,000 and and its application materials, power batteries Yes subsidiary --- 90% 90% HeBei Development and battery materials, high performance Technology CNY USD Province membrane materials, nano-materials Co., Ltd.*5 ChengDe Chengde HuiJing Holding County, Property 50 50 management Property management service Yes property Co., subsidiary --- 100% 100% HeBei service CNY CNY Ltd.*6 Province 43 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements *1 On October 9 2012, ChengDe NanJiang Investment Co., Ltd. was established and invested by Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. The registered capital was RMB 50,000,000.00 and RongYiDa accounted for 100% of NanJiang Investment’s equity. On December 21 2012, RongYiDa transfer 100% of NanJiang Investment’s equity to the company at the price of RMB 50,000,000.00. After the transfer, the company held 100% of NanJiang Investment’s equity. On January 6 2013, NanJiang increase share capital of NanJiang Investment by RMB 40,000,000.00. After the increment, the registered capital of NanJiang Investment reach RMB 90,000,000.00. *2 On October 24 2012, ChengDe NanJiang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. established and invested by ChengDe NanJiang Investment Co., Ltd. The registered capital was RMB 5,000,000.00 and NanJiang Investment held 100% of Ecological Agriculture’s equity. On April 18 2013, NanJiang Investment increase share capital of NanJiang Ecological Agriculture by RMB 5,000,000.00. After the increment, the registered capital of NanJiang Ecological Agriculture reach RMB 10,000,000.00. *3 On October 26 2001, Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was established by the company together with (Hong Kong) Zhanxi International Group Co., Ltd. the registered capital of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was 250 million U.S. dollars,the paid-in capital was $100,000,000.00, Shareholders' contribution accounted for 40% of the registered capital, and in which the company invested 75,000,000.00 dollar ( accounting for 75%), (Hong Kong)Zhanxi invested 25,000,000.00 dollar ( proportion 25%).On October 28, 2002, according to the regulation of “ reply to investment increase of joint ventures of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company” approved by the people's Republic of China Ministry of foreign trade and Economic Cooperation ( the former of the Ministry of Commerce ) with the issuance of No.[2001]969, the registered capital was increased to $ 250 million from $ 10,000 million, The new registered capital had been paid by the two sides in accordance with the contract, articles of agreement within three years from the date of the business license renewal. The registered capital of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company was not paid fully within the prescribed period. Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company had been shut down completely suffered from December 2006 serious loss since the original largest shareholder Wang Shuxian and senior executives involved in smuggling effect, On December 8, 2008, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court issued the No (2008)13 Chengde Civil Award and confirmed the bankruptcy liquidation of the application of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company. On March 11, 2009, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court approved the settlement request of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company according to the Civil Award with No. (2008)13. On May 10, 2009, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court confirmed the settlement agreement reached on May 8, 2009 between Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company and the creditors and terminated the reconciliation procedure. On April 23, 2009, the Hebei Provincial Higher People's Court issued No.(2009) 44 Hebei ”criminal Award” and confirmed that Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was a false foreign investment enterprise which was registered in the name of the Hong Kong ZhanXi by the company's original shareholders of Wang Shuxian. In October 2012, the company received civil conciliation No.[2011]76 from ChengDe Intermediate People's court. The 44 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements civil conciliation confirmed the dispute settlement between the company and ShuXian Wang: ShuXian Wang was responsible for coordinating minority of ChengDe XingYe Paper Co., Ltd to abandon their equity, assisting the company to complete the liquidation and cancellation of XingYe. After the above works were done, the company agreed to transfer 20% equity of Suning Banhe Chemical Fiber Facsimile Fabric Co., Ltd, land of industrial park (34.03 acre), factory (25596.87 square meter) and land of No.131 (44.4 acre) to ShuXian Wang. *4 On November 14, 2013, NanJiang Asia Investment Co., Ltd. (“NanJiang Asia”) was invested by NanJiang, with the register capital of USD 20 million. Paid-in share capital is USD 0.00 and the register place is Hong Kong. *5 On January 24, 2013, Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. (“Morsh Technology”) was invested by NanJiang and Morsh (NingBo) Technology Co., Ltd, with the register capital of RMB 50,000,000.00: NanJiang contribute RMB 45,000,000.00, accounting for 90% of the total share capital; Morsh (NingBo) Technology contribute RMB 5,000,000.00, accounting for 10% of the total share capital. *6 On November 18, 2013, Chengde HuiJing property Co., Ltd (“HuiJing Property”) was invested by NanJiang Investment, with the register capital of RMB 500,000.00. NanJiang Investment contributes RMB 500,000.00, accounting for 100% of share capital. 2. Special purposes entity or operation entity where controlling right is formed under entrusted operation or leasing Not Applicable. 3. Subsidiaries are in the consolidation scope where the Company only owns 50% or below 50% of their equity and explanation for why they are in the consolidation scope On June 25, 2013, NanJiang acquired RMB 9,000,000.00 of RunHua’s equity, accounting for 30% of its total share capital and become the largest shareholder. RunHua reach a consensus to restructuring its board: five members of board of directors and three of them assigned by NanJiang. ChunHong Lan, who contribute 7.03 million, accounting for 23.43% of the total registered capital, agree to delegate her voting right (except dividend right and transfer right) to NanJiang, making NanJiang owning 53.43% voting right at the board. According to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.33 - Consolidated financial statement rule No.8: if one of the following conditions are met, Subsidiaries are in the consolidation scope where the Company only owns 50% or below 50% of their equity (except there is evidence proving that subsidiaries are not under control). (1) There is a delegation agreement with other investors in the invested entity increasing voting right to more than half. (2) According to Company Article or other agreement, can substantially influence financial and operational strategies of the entity. (3) Having rights to appoint and dismiss members on the board. 45 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements (4) Having voting right more than 50% on the board. After the acquisition, (1) five members on the board of RunHua, three assigned by NanJiang (2) NanJiang will also assign the production and operational manager to RunHua (3) There is a delegation agreement between NanJiang and ChunHong Lan, making NanJiang owning 53.43% voting right at the board It is obvious that NanJiang meet the requirement of (1)There is a delegation agreement with other investors in the invested entity, increasing voting right to more than half. (3)Having rights to appoint and dismiss members on the board. Therefore, RunHua are in the consolidation scope. 4. Subsidiaries are not under control where the Company held above 50% of their equity and explanation for why they are not under control Not Applicable. 5. Explanation for changes in consolidation scope New subsidiaries that are in consolidation scope during the reporting period are listed below: Net profit from Net assets as the year-begin Subsidiary Company Name Explanation for changes at the to the disposal disposal date date Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International share acquisition 3,189.15 735.61 Trade Co., Ltd. Chengde Morsh new incorporation 4,978.75 -21.25 Technology Co., Ltd. Chengde HuiJing property new incorporation 49.81 -0.19 Co., Ltd. NanJiang Asia Investment new incorporation 0.00 0.00 Co., Ltd Total 8,217.71 714.17 On August 28, 2008, Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. (“RunHua”) (limited liability) registered through TianJing BinHai New District Administration for Industry and Commerce. On June, 2013, NanJiang acquired 30% of RunHua’s share capital. Therefore, RunHua’s Income statement and cash flow between 2013-6-25 and 2013-12-31 are in consolidation scope. 6. Business combination under the common control during the reporting period Not Applicable. 7. Business combination not under the common control during the reporting period Subsidiary Company Name Goodwill Accounting treatment of goodwill 46 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Subsidiary Company Name Goodwill Accounting treatment of goodwill Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International 1,809,762.89 * Trade Co., Ltd. On June 25, 2013, through business combination not under the common control, NanJiang acquired 30% of RunHua’s equity and control the company. The consideration of the acquisition is based on the market price of identifiable assets and liabilities (Walker (Beijing) international assets evaluation co., LTD issue [2012]No.0283 evaluation report to confirm the evaluated price). The acquisition is based on both party’s voluntary and they both are familiar with the markets, therefore, identifiable assets and liabilities are at the fair value. The difference between the initial cost of the parent’s long term investment and the deserved share of the parent in identifiable assets and liabilities confirmed as goodwill. The acquisition confirm the relationship of parent and subsidiary between NanJiang and RunHua. When it comes to preparing the consolidated financial statement, Runhua’s financial statements are adjust based on the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities on the acquisition date (evaluation price plus net profit produced from evaluation date to consolidation date). On January 9, 2013, NanJiang signed an acquisition agreement with original shareholder of RunHua, acquiring 30% of RunHua’s equity with the consideration of RMB 9170.37 thousand. The consideration is based on [2012]No.0283 evaluation report issued by Walker (Beijing) international assets evaluation co., LTD. The date of shareholders’ resolution is January 9, 2013. Acquisition payment date is June 25, 2013, the Industrial and commercial registration date of change is June 24, 2013, and the acquision date confirm at June 25, 2013. 8. Loss of subsidiaries due to disposal of equity interests without controlling rights during the reporting period Not Applicable. 9. Counter purchase occurred during the reporting period Not Applicable. 10. Absorption consolidation occurred during the reporting period Not Applicable. 11. Minority interests of major subsidiaries Item Closing BalanceOpening Balance Minority interests Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. 2,232.40 --- Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. 497.88 --- Total 2,730.28 --- (1) Amount in minority interest available to offset minority gains and losses Not Applicable. 47 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements (2) Balance between the owners’ equity in parent offsetting the current losses attributable to minority shareholders of subsidiaries Not Applicable. 12. Translation exchange rates for items in major statements of overseas operating entities Not Applicable. V. Notes to the financial statements 1. Cash at bank and in hand Closing Balance Opening Balance Items Currency Original Exchange RMB Original Exchange RMB Currency rate Translation Currency rate Translation Cash RMB 19,146.58 1.000 19,146.58 72,492.38 1.000 72,492.38 Sub-total 19,146.58 19,146.58 72,492.38 72,492.38 Bank RMB 75,093,993.26 1.000 75,093,993.26 81,440,569.01 1.000 81,440,569.01 JPY --- --- --- --- EUR --- --- --- --- HKD --- --- --- --- USD 470,460.11 6.0969 2,868,348.22 5,247.80 6.2855 32,985.48 Sub-total --- 77,962,341.48 --- 81,473,554.49 Other cash and cash equivalents RMB 11,445,403.16 1.000 11,445,403.16 --- 1.000 --- Sub-total 11,445,403.16 11,445,403.16 --- --- Total --- 89,426,891.22 --- 81,546,046.87 (1) restricted cash at bank and in hand during the reporting period are shown below: Item Closing Balance Opening Balance guaranteed deposit for individual mortgages 1,045,403.16 --- deposit for notes payable 10,400,000.00 --- Total 11,445,403.16 --- Deposit for notes payable RMB 10,400,000.00 belong to RunHua, the opening balance in consolidation date is RMB 0.00. (2) Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of cash at bank and in hand increased by RMB 7,880,844.35, with the growth rate of 9.66%. The major explanations for the increase were: New subsidiary RunHua are in the consolidated scope. 48 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 2. Receivables (1) Classification Closing Balance Opening Balance Categories Bad debt Bad debt Amount Rate Amount Rate provision provision 1 Individually significant amounts of accounts --- --- --- --- --- --- receivable accrued bad debt provision 3 Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision 123,348.00 100.00% 6,167.40 --- --- --- by portfolio Total 123,348.00 100.00% 6,167.40 --- --- --- (a) accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by aging analyze method Closing Balance Opening Balance Aging Rate in total Bad debt Rate in total Bad debt Amount (%) provision Amount (%) provision 123,348.00 100.00% 6,167.40 --- --- --- Within 1 year --- --- --- --- --- --- 1-2 years --- --- --- --- --- --- 2-3 years --- --- --- --- --- --- Over 3 years Total 123,348.00 100.00% 6,167.40 --- --- --- (b) accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by balance percentage method Name of Portfolio Book Value Accrue ratio (%) Bad Debt provision Accruing bad debt through portfolio 123,348.00 5.00% 6,167.40 Total 123,348.00 --- 6,167.40 (2) No account receivables are written off in the current reporting period (3) By the end of the current reporting period, there are no accounts receivable due from any shareholders held over 5% 3. Prepayment (1) The aging analysis Closing Balance Opening Balance Aging Amount Rate in Total (%) Amount Rate in Total (%) With in 1 year 28,533,344.69 84.33% 308,292.36 100.00% 49 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 1-2 years 101,600.00 0.30% --- --- 2-3 years 5,201,365.53 15.37% --- --- Over 3 years --- --- --- --- Total 33,836,310.22 100.00% 308,292.36 100.00% (2) During the reporting period, the company have prepayment with an aging above 1 year Company Name Relationship Amount Aging Reason for unsettlement ChengDe residence guarantee Co., Ltd. Non-Related Party 101,600.00 1-2year Residence purchaser’s loan unsettle JinSang (TianJin) Investment Co., Ltd. Non-Related Party 5,201,365.53 2-3year Residence under construction Total --- 5,302,965.53 --- --- (3) During the reporting period, there are no prepayments due from any shareholders held over 5% (4) The top five prepayment accounts Debtors Ranking Relationship Amount Aging Nature JinShang (TianJin) Investment Co., Ltd. Non-Related Party 5,201,365.53 2-3 year Project prepayment ShaBo basis (Shanghai) trading Co., Ltd Non-Related Party 2,425,514.01 Within 1 year Purchase Goods MinFeng (TianJin) Material industry Non-Related Party 1,945,944.00 Within 1 year chemical industry Co.Ltd Purchase Goods HaiChao Zheng Non-Related Party 790,000.00 Within 1 year Purchase Goods HaiYi (Shanghai) trading Co., Ltd Non-Related Party 335,362.50 Within 1 year Project prepayment Total 10,698,186.04 --- --- (5) Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of prepayment increasd by RMB 33,528,017.86, with the increase rate of 10875.00%. The major explanations for the increase were: new subsidiary RunHua are in the consolidated scope. 4. Other receivables (1) Disclosure of other receivables by category Closing Balance Opening Balance Categories Bad debt Bad debt Amount Rate Amount Rate provision provision 1 Individually significant amounts of accounts 1,209,273.00 14.42% 1,209,273.00 1,209,273.00 3.51% 1,209,273.00 receivable accrued bad debt provision 2 Individually insignificant amounts of accounts 1,857,951.91 22.16% 1,857,951.91 31,752,727.33 92.12% 3,583,707.69 receivable accrued bad debt provision 3 Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision 5,318,030.55 63.42% 341,921.88 1,504,762.66 4.37% 1,504,762.66 by portfolio Total 8,385,255.46 100.00% 3,409,146.79 34,466,762.99 100.00% 6,297,743.35 50 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Explanation for three types of other receivables: (a) The receivables with more than RMB 1 million are recognized as the significant receivables. After the identification of the significant receivables, the creditor’s right, which was acquired by auction in 2009 and worth RMB 1,209,273.00, was confirmed as individually significant amounts. The creditor’s right was confirmed to be irrecoverable and it was accrued full bad debt provision. (b) According to the business characteristic of the company, the irrecoverable risks are high for the other accounts receivable with an aging of over 3 years. Therefore, other accounts receivable which are less than RMB 1 million and with an aging of over 3 years are considered as individually insignificant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision (2) accrued bad debt provision (a) Other accounts receivable which are individually significant and perform impairment test separately at the year-end Accounts Receivable Book Amount Bad debt provision Rate Reasons for Accrual Creditor’s right from auctions 1,209,273.00 1,209,273.00 100% More than 3 years Total 1,209,273.00 1,209,273.00 (b) Other accounts receivable which are individually insignificant and perform impairment test separately at the year-end Accounts Receivable Book Amount Bad debt provision Aging Accrued Rate Reasons for Accrual Expected AnSheng Wang 141,000.00 141,000.00 1-2 year 100 irrecoverable Expected DeGang Bao 356,838.00 356,838.00 1-3 year 100 irrecoverable Expected QiZhong Yan 200,000.00 200,000.00 1-2 year 100 irrecoverable Expected ChengQuan Liu 300,000.00 300,000.00 1-2 year 100 irrecoverable Expected TianHong Li 217,424.66 217,424.66 2-3 year 100 irrecoverable Expected HaiHong Zhou 642,689.25 642,689.25 Whin one year 100 irrecoverable Total 1,857,951.91 1,857,951.91 --- --- --- (c) Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio 51 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Closing Balance Opening Balance Aging Rate in total Bad debt Rate in total Bad debt Amount (%) provision Amount (%) provision Within 1 year 5,085,113.76 95.62% 242,138.52 26,483,385.17 83.40% 1,324,169.26 1-2 years 228,916.79 4.30% 97,783.36 1,250,442.16 3.94% 250,088.43 2-3 years 4,000.00 0.08% 2,000.00 4,018,900.00 12.66% 2,009,450.00 Over 3 years --- --- --- --- --- --- Total 5,318,030.55 100.00% 341,921.88 31,752,727.33 100.00% 3,583,707.69 (3) By the end of the current reporting period, there are no other accounts receivable due from any shareholders held over 5% (4) The top five other accounts receivable Debtors Ranking Relationships Amounts due Aging Nature Delegation China International Futures Co., Ltd. Non-Related Party 2,267,885.00 Within 1 year investment BeiDa FangZheng Material Industry Group Non-Related Party 682,636.00 Within 1 year Delegation expense MinFeng (TianJin) Material Industry Related Party Chemical Trading Co., Ltd. 670,000.00 Within 1 year Interest Indivdual taxable HaiHong Zhou Non-Related Party 642,689.25 Within 1 year income Tax relating to TianJin Custom Non-Related Party 601,277.95 Within 1 year import On Dec 21 2012, Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. delegate ZhuoZhong (ShanXi) Trading CO., Ltd. to make futures investment, profit and loss are sufferred by ZhuoZhong (ShanXi) Trading CO., Ltd. (5) Reversal or recovery of other receivables in this fiscal year Amount of bad debt Reasons for reversal Original Method for Amount of reversal or Name of Debtor before reversal or or recovery accruing bad debt recovery recovery BanHe Administrator Revovery Aging analyses method 2,009,450.00 1,447,846.06 Other small debtor Revovery Aging analyses method 956,828.70 956,828.70 Total --- --- 2,966,278.70 2,404,674.76 (6) Other receivables written off during the reporting period 52 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Name of Debtor Nature Amount written off Book value Bad debt Accrued Reason for written off irrecoverable due to BanHe Administrator Current account 561,603.94 4,018,900.00 2,009,450.00 liquidation Total --- 561,603.94 4,018,900.00 2,009,450.00 (7) Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of other receivables decreased by RMB 23,192,910.97, with the decrease rate of 82.33%. The major explanations for the decrease were: the receivables account - ChengDe Land Reserve Center and BanHe Administrator are recovered 5. Inventories (1) Inventories Classification Closing Balance Opening Balance Items Book Balance Provision Net Book Balance Book Balance Provision Net Book Balance Raw 836,393.84 --- 836,393.84 --- --- --- Material Circulation 18,498.40 --- 18,498.40 --- --- --- materials Finished 15,270,790.02 --- 15,270,790.02 200,929.00 --- 200,929.00 goods Development 163,568,661.40 --- 163,568,661.40 9,926,226.12 --- 9,926,226.12 costs Product 7,642,776.18 --- 7,642,776.18 10,165,279.49 --- 10,165,279.49 development Consumptive biological 2,113,905.42 --- 2,113,905.42 198,300.00 --- 198,300.00 assets Cost of 1,118,939.06 --- 1,118,939.06 --- --- --- production Total 190,569,964.32 --- 190,569,964.32 20,490,734.61 --- 20,490,734.61 The company did not have any guaranteed inventories during the reporting period. The company did not have any secured inventories during the reporting period. (a) Development Cost Estimation of Time for Estimation of total Closing Item time for Opening Balance commencement investment amount Balance completion HuiJingTianDi 2013 December 2014 5.7 hundred million 161,600,661.40 --- Products intended to --- --- --- 1,968,000.00 9,926,226.12 develop 53 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Total 163,568,661.40 9,926,226.12 (b) Product development Time for Opening Increase during the current Decrease during the Closing Item completion Balance accounting period current accounting period Balance Qian December Yuan 10,165,279.49 20,937,297.30 23,459,800.61 7,642,776.18 2012 Area Total 10,165,279.49 20,937,297.30 23,459,800.61 7,642,776.18 (c) Consumptive biological assets Item Opening Balance Closing Balance Chick 254,001.43 18,000.00 Hybrid boar 1,078,535.97 180,300.00 Dual boar 637,621.37 --- Boer goat 143,746.65 --- Total 2,113,905.42 198,300.00 (2) Provision for inventory Decrease during the current Opening Increase during the accounting period Category Closing Balance Balance current accounting period Reversal Written off Raw Material --- --- --- --- --- Circulation --- --- --- --- --- materials Finished goods --- --- --- --- --- Development costs --- --- --- --- --- Product --- --- --- --- --- development Consumptive --- --- --- --- --- biological Cost of production --- --- --- --- --- Total --- --- --- --- --- (3) No capitalized borrowing cost included in inventory during the current accounting period. (4) Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of inventories increased by RMB 170,079,229.71, with the increase rate of 830.03%. The major explanations for the increase were: new land were purchased for the new project HuiJingTianDi and ecological agriculture Co., Ltd. expand the scale of production. 54 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 6. Other Current Assets Items Closing Balance Opening Balance Deductible input VAT 3,362,445.37 --- Land VAT (prepayment) 1,115,712.87 --- The ICBC financial product --- 9,000,000.00 Total 4,478,158.24 9,000,000.00 7. Long-term equity investments Increase,decrease in Accounting Investment Opening Closing Invested Company this period(decrease method at cost Balance Balance -) RunHua (TianJin) Equity 2,000,000.0 2,185,406.0 Water Saving Tech 2,010,830.52 174,575.52 method 0 4 Co., Ltd. MinFeng (TianJin) Material Industry Equity 4,410,000.0 4,441,499.4 4,410,000.00 31,499.45 Chemical Trading method 0 5 Co., Ltd. 6,410,000.0 6,626,905.4 Total --- 6,420,830.52 206,074.97 0 9 Voting Cash Stake Increase in this Invested Company right Provision Dividend in ratio(%) period ratio(%) this period RunHua (TianJin) Water Saving Tech 31.746 31.746 --- --- --- Co., Ltd. MinFeng (TianJin) Material Industry 49.00 49.00 --- --- --- Chemical Trading Co., Ltd. Total --- --- --- --- --- (1) On October 14 2011, RunHua (TianJin) Water Saving Tech Co., Ltd. was established and obtained the business liscence, with the registered capital of RMB 6300 thousand, including RunHua developing Co., Ltd. Contribute RMB 3000 thousand, accounting for 47.619% of the total share capital, subsidiary RunHua contribute RMB 2000 thousand, accounting for 31.746% of the total share capital, LangFang ChunYuan irrigating prject Co., Ltd contribute RMB 1000 thousand, accounting for 15.873% of total share capital, HePing Zhang contribute RMB 300 thousand, accounting for 4.7619% of total share capital. (2) On December 21 2012, MinFeng (TianJin) Material Industry Chemical Trading Co., Ltd. was established, with the registered capital of RMB 9000 thousand, including MinFeng (ShanXi) 55 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Material Industry Chemical Trading Co., Ltd contribute 459 thousand, accounting for 51% of the total share capital, subsidiary RunHua contribute RMB 4410 thousand, accounting for 49% of the total share capital. 8. Fixed assets and depreciation (1) Fixed assets Opening Decrease in this Closing Items Increase in this period Balance period Balance 1 Total original book 27,920,093.42 4,487,895.72 18,551,360.24 13,856,628.90 vale: Including:buildings 26,592,797.32 --- 18,497,360.24 8,095,437.08 and constructions Machinery 10,500.00 1,198,315.43 --- 1,208,815.43 equipment Transportation 1,233,161.91 2,603,156.23 --- 3,836,318.14 vehicles Other equipment 83,634.19 686,424.06 54,000.00 716,058.25 New in this Accrue in this — — — period period 2 Total accumulated 3,177,989.82 1,862,953.93 1,862,953.93 2,480,668.46 3,177,989.82 depreciation Including: buildings 3,031,578.44 659,076.42 659,076.42 2,460,148.46 3,031,578.44 and constructions Machinery --- 52,877.32 52,877.32 --- --- equipment Transportation 133,127.47 940,020.60 940,020.60 --- 133,127.47 vehicles Other equipment 13,283.91 210,979.59 210,979.59 20,520.00 13,283.91 3 Total net book 24,742,103.60 — — 11,296,353.61 value of fixed assets Including: buildings 23,561,218.88 — — 6,864,930.68 and constructions Machinery 10,500.00 — — 1,155,938.11 equipment Transportation 1,100,034.44 — — 2,763,170.07 vehicles Other equipment 70,350.28 — — 512,314.75 4 Total impairment --- --- — — provision Including: buildings --- --- — — and constructions Machinery --- --- — — equipment Transportation --- --- — — vehicles Other equipment --- — — --- 5 Total book value of 24,742,103.60 — — 11,296,353.61 fixed assets Including: buildings 23,561,218.88 — — 6,864,930.68 and constructions Machinery 10,500.00 — — 1,155,938.11 equipment Transportation 1,100,034.44 — — 2,763,170.07 vehicles Other equipment 70,350.28 — — 512,314.75 The total accumulated depreciation for the current accounting period is RMB 1,862,953.93. 56 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements The original book value of fixed assets charged from construction in progress is RMB 402,587.43. The book value of secured or guaranteed fixed assets is RMB 0. (2) No temporary idle fixed assets at the year-end (3) No fixed assets with application of certificate for property right still in process (4) Fixed assets rent out thorugh operating lease Item Book Value House and Buildings 1,236,210.15 Total 1,236,210.15 (5) No held-for-sale fixed assets in this period. (6)Fixed assets without certificates of ownership at the year-end Estimated time for Reason for without certificates of Item Book Value acquiring the cerificates ownership of ownership All the assets pledged to lift, transfer House and Buildings 6,864,930.68 Unpredictable procedures have not yet completed Total 6,864,930.68 --- --- (7) Explanation for fixed assets Fixed assets had been transferred to Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd in 2009 during the bankruptcy reorganization. But due to release of pledge is still under progress so that the property transfer cannot be done. Information has been issued by Hebei Chengde intermediate people's court to Chengde housing construction Bureau to ask for the assistance of execute property certificate ChengXian Fang ZI No.000196 and 000108 to complete the property transfer. Our company has rented out those temporarily idle houses (certificates for property right: ChengDe No.000196), venues and received the rental fee of RMB 81,200.00. Due to no calculation on the square meter of the rental areas, it is hard to get the rental cost, considering the amount is relatively small, our company decided not to transfer those part of amount from fix assets to investment property. 9. Construction in Progress Closing Balance Opening Balance Item Book Net Book Book Net Book Provision Provision Value Value Value Value Factory --- --- --- 26,925.00 --- 26,925.00 Machinery Equiment --- --- --- 338,927.43 --- 338,927.43 Well and other --- --- --- 15,535.00 --- 15,535.00 accessories 57 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Closing Balance Opening Balance Item Book Net Book Book Net Book Provision Provision Value Value Value Value Wages --- --- --- 21,200.00 --- 21,200.00 Total --- --- --- 402,587.43 --- 402,587.43 10. Productive Biological Assets Increase in this Decrease in this Item Opening Balance Closing Balance period period Livestock --- --- --- --- Egg and Chick --- 392,756.47 248,745.76 144,010.71 Hens --- 167,092.15 52,912.52 114,179.63 Total --- 559,848.62 301,658.28 258,190.34 11. Intangible assets Increase in this Decrease in this Items Opening Balance Closing Balance period period 1 Total of original value 28,976,579.45 2,878,877.77 --- 31,855,457.22 (1) Land use right 28,976,579.45 2,650,877.77 --- 31,627,457.22 (2) Software --- 228,000.00 --- 228,000.00 2 Total accumulated 2,271,475.07 862,328.74 --- 3,133,803.81 amortization (1) Land use right 2,271,475.07 719,328.74 --- 2,990,803.81 (2) Software --- 143,000.00 --- 143,000.00 3 Total net book value 26,705,104.38 2,878,877.77 862,328.74 28,721,653.41 (1) Land use right 26,705,104.38 2,650,877.77 719,328.74 28,636,653.41 (2) Software --- 228,000.00 143,000.00 85,000.00 4 Total impairment --- --- --- --- (1) Land use right --- --- --- --- (2) Software --- --- --- --- 4 Total of intangible asset book 26,705,104.38 2,878,877.77 862,328.74 28,721,653.41 value (1) Land use right 26,705,104.38 2,650,877.77 719,328.74 28,636,653.41 58 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Increase in this Decrease in this Items Opening Balance Closing Balance period period (2) Software --- 228,000.00 143,000.00 85,000.00 Amortization in this period is RMB 862,328.74 No secured intangible assets at the year-end. (1) The company has rented out those temporarily idle land (Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong(2005) Zi No.63) and received the rental fee of RMB 300,000.00. Due to no calculation on the square meter of the rental areas, it is hard to get the rental cost, considering the amount is relatively small, our company decided not to transfer those part of amount from fix assets to investment property. (2) Lands Cheng Xian Guo Yong(2005) Zi No.63) were acquired by RongYiDa by auction from former ChengDe DiXian Textile Corporation. The procedures for transferring ownership (from DiXian to RongYiDa) of these lands were unsettled. 12. Goodwill Opening Increase in this Decrease in Item Reason Closing Balance balance period this perido Consolidated Acquire subsidiary --- 1,809,762.89 --- 1,809,762.89 goodwill Total --- 1,809,762.89 --- 1,809,762.89 On June 25, 2013, through business combination not under the common control, NanJiang acquired 30% of RunHua’s equity and control the company. The consideration of the acquisition is based on the market price of identifiable assets and liabilities (Walker (Beijing) international assets evaluation co., LTD issue [2012]No.0283 evaluation report to confirm the evaluated price). The acquisition is based on both party’s voluntary and they both are familiar with the markets, therefore, identifiable assets and liabilities are at the fair value. The difference between the initial cost of the parent’s long term investment and the deserved share of the parent in identifiable assets and liabilities confirmed as goodwill in the consolidated financial statements. On December 31, 2013, net asset of RunHua is increased, so there is no evidence of impairment. 13. Long Term Deferred Expenses Items Opening Balance Increase in this period Decrease in this period Closing Balance Decoration fee 734,424.92 7,741,676.63 664,529.03 7,811,572.52 Total 734,424.92 7,741,676.63 664,529.03 7,811,572.52 14. Deferred tax assets (1) Deferred tax assets which have been confirmed Item Closing Balance Opening Balance 59 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements deductible temporary deductible temporary Deferred tax Deferred tax differences differences Bad debt provision 3,336,892.77 834,223.19 6,075,243.36 1,518,810.84 Total 3,336,892.77 834,223.19 6,075,243.36 1,518,810.84 (2) Deferred tax assets which have not been confirmed Items Closing balance Opening balance 1 Deductible temporary differences 72,254.02 222,499.99 2 Deductible loss 137,486,697.69 440,162,868.08 Total 137,558,951.71 440,385,368.07 As whether could acquire sufficient taxable income was uncertain in the future, the above deferred tax assets (generated by deductible loss and temporary differences) of the company and its subsidiaries, such as XingYe, were not confirmed. (3) Deferred tax assets (generated by deductible loss) were expired in periods shown blow: Items(year) Closing balance Opening balance Notes 2013 --- 302,676,170.39 2014 114,543,457.05 114,543,457.05 2015 --- --- 2016 --- --- 2017 22,943,240.64 22,943,240.64 2018 --- --- Total 137,486,697.69 440,162,868.08 15. Impairment of assets Increase in Decrease in this period Items Opening Balance Closing Balance this period Reversal Written off Bad debt provision 6,297,743.35 240,542.63 --- 3,122,971.79 3,415,314.19 Provision for long-term --- --- --- --- --- equity Impairment provision for --- --- --- --- --- fixed assets Total 6,297,743.35 240,542.63 --- 3,122,971.79 3,415,314.19 16. Notes Payable Classification Closing Balance Opening Balance banker's acceptance bill 26,000,000.00 --- 60 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Classification Closing Balance Opening Balance Total 26,000,000.00 --- Compared to opening balance, closing balance of notes payable are increased by 26,000,000.00, the major reason for the increase is new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope. 17. Payable Closing Balance Opening Balnace Aging Amount Rate in total Amount Rate in total Within 1 year 3,361,499.82 91.83% 2,039,628.36 99.40% 1-2 years 286,757.79 7.83% 100.00 0.00% 2-3 years 100.00 0.00% --- --- Over 3 years 12,273.55 0.34% 12,273.55 0.60% Total 3,660,631.16 100.00% 2,052,001.91 100.00% (1) At the year-end of the reporting period, there are no payable due from any shareholders held over 5%. (2) At the year-end of the reporting period, there is no amount due from related party. (3) Aging of accounts payable over one year Reason for Company Name Amount Remark unsettle ChengDe LiCheng Construction Project final 281,157.79 --- and installation project Co., Ltd. payment 18. Receivable in advance Aging Closing Balance Opening Balance Within 1 year 53,821,113.16 7,120,711.50 1-2 years --- --- 2-3 years --- --- Over 3years --- --- Total 53,821,113.16 7,120,711.50 (1) At the year-end of the reporting period, there are no receivable in advance due from any shareholders held over 5%. (2) At the year-end of the reporting period, there is no related-party receivable in advance (3) Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of receivable in advance increased by RMB 46,700,401.66, with the increase rate of 655.84%. The major explanations for the increase were revenue from land received in advance: sell ChengXianGuoYong [2013]No.31 obtain revenue of RMB 9,800,700.00; sell ChengXianGuoYong [2013]No.33 obtain revenue of RMB 30,622,800.00. 19. Payroll 61 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Increase in this Decrease in this Item Opening Blance Closing Balance period period 1 Wage, bonus, allowance and subsidy 180,374.00 6,726,463.38 6,829,887.38 76,950.00 2、Employee welfare --- 221,000.53 221,000.53 --- Including:non-monetary welfare --- --- --- --- 3、Social insurance charges 49,592.68 780,159.38 799,065.16 30,686.90 Including:a.Essential medical insurance 15,840.00 181,055.40 176,471.20 20,424.20 charges b.Supplement medical insurance charges --- --- --- --- c.Essential endowment insurance 32,933.00 508,158.70 532,044.20 9,047.50 d. Supplement endowment insurance --- --- --- --- e.Unemployment insurance 819.68 49,582.18 49,802.06 599.80 f.Industrial injury insurance --- 26,180.09 25,964.59 215.50 g. Maternity insurance --- 15,183.01 14,783.11 399.90 4、Housing fund --- 269,115.16 269,115.16 --- 5、Trade union and education fee 1,000.00 31,049.30 31,809.30 240.00 6、Termination welfare --- --- --- --- Including:(1)welfare from terminating a --- --- --- --- labor contract (2)Predicting termination cost --- --- --- --- 7、Other 6,097,486.60 --- --- 6,097,486.60 Including:share payment by cash --- --- --- --- Totoal 6,328,453.28 8,027,787.75 8,150,877.53 6,205,363.50 Other is accrued by the subsidiary: ChengDe XingYe Paper Co., Ltd. for settling down employees. 20. Tax payable Items Closing Balance Opening Balance VAT 132,688.59 -50,248.40 Business tax 67,762.28 355,481.28 Urban construction tax 19,182.58 -112,371.20 Land VAT --- -1,178,375.52 Corporate income tax 12,078,983.62 6,197,695.00 Land use tax 2,753,192.71 2,993,193.92 Individual taxable income 35,510.93 1,048.30 Education surcharge 7,871.26 -67,073.88 Stamp tax 34,936.86 21,257.53 Local education surcharge 5,247.55 -5,949.81 Housing property tax 2,888,250.17 2,888,250.17 River defense fare 3,278.03 --- Total 18,026,904.58 11,042,907.39 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of tax payable increase by RMB 6,983,997.19, with the increase rate of 63.24%. The major reason is corporate income tax 62 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements increasing significantly in this period. 21. Other payable Closing Balance Opening Balance Aging Amount Rate in Total Amount Rate in Total Within 1 year 35,447,066.13 98.34% 4,320,266.25 8.28% 1-2 years 119,168.49 0.33% 17,199,106.20 32.96% 2-3 years 47,779.91 0.13% 2,932,027.94 5.62% Over 3 years 430,969.17 1.20% 27,726,978.57 53.14% Total 36,044,983.70 100.00% 52,178,378.96 100.00% (1) At the year-end of the reporting period, there are no other payable due from any shareholders held over 5%. (2) At the year-end of the reporting period, the other accounts payable are significant and with an aging of over 1 years Name Amount Nature or content QiZHan Cai 633.20 immature borrowing ChengDe XinNong Costume Co., Ltd. 62,525.90 immature borrowing Security (ShenZhen) newspaper Co., Ltd. 430,000.00 immature borrowing (3) At the year-end of the reporting period, the other accounts payable in significant amount Name Amount Nature or content DaHua Certified Public Accounts 500,000.00 immature borrowing ChengDe YongWang Construction 100,000.00 immature borrowing project Co., Ltd. ChengDe LiCheng Construction and 200,000.00 immature borrowing installation project Co., Ltd. MinFeng (TianJin) Material industry 31,000,000.00 Internal borrowing chemical industry Co.Ltd ZhuoZhong (ShanXi) Trading CO., Ltd. 1,319,199.72 Agent future investment 63 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 22. Share capital Increase (+) and decrease (-) in this period Items Opening Balance Reserves transfer to Closing Balance Issue new shares Share bonus Other Sub-total shares 1 limited shares (1)shares held by government --- --- --- --- --- --- --- (2)shares held by State-own --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Legal-person (3)shares held by other domestic --- --- --- --- --- --- --- capital Including: shares held by Legal 23,147,309.00 --- --- --- --- --- 23,147,309.00 person Shares held by 221,652,691.00 --- --- --- --- --- 221,652,691.00 natural person (4)shares held by foreign capital --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Including: shares held by foreign --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Legal person shares held by foreign --- --- --- --- --- --- --- nature person (5) Other --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Sub-total for limited shares 244,800,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 244,800,000.00 2.Unlimited shares --- (1) Ordinary shares in RMB --- --- --- --- --- --- --- (2) Domestic listed foreign shares 461,520,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 461,520,000.00 (3) Foreign listed foreign shares --- --- --- --- --- --- --- (4) Other --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Sub-total for unlimited shares 461,520,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 461,520,000.00 Total 706,320,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 706,320,000.00 64 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 23. Capital reserves Opening Increase in this Decrease in Items Closing Balance Balance period this period 1 Capital premium (share capital premium) --- --- --- --- (1) Capital from investors 390,597,031.55 --- --- 390,597,031.55 (2) Effect of business combination under the common control --- --- --- --- Sub-total 390,597,031.55 --- --- 390,597,031.55 2.Other capital reserve* 65,873,219.23 --- --- 65,873,219.23 Total 456,470,250.78 --- --- 456,470,250.78 24. Surplus reserves Items Opening Balance Increase in this period Decrease in this period Closing Balance Statutory surplus reserves 76,791,550.17 --- --- 76,791,550.17 Total 76,791,550.17 --- --- 76,791,550.17 25. Undistributed profits Withdrawal or Items Closing Balance Opening Balance allocation proportion Closing Balance (2011) -1,124,687,129.34 -1,157,581,498.16 --- Add: Change of accounting policy --- --- --- Prior period error correction --- --- --- Opening Balance (2012) -1,124,687,129.34 -1,157,581,498.16 --- Add: net profits belong to the parent in this --- 94,806,811.16 32,894,368.82 period Less: Statutory surplus reserves --- 10% Discretionary surplus reserve --- --- --- Dividends of ordinary shares payable --- --- --- Dividends of ordinary shares transferred --- --- --- into share capital Add: Other transfer --- --- --- Less: surplus reserves for recovery of loss --- --- --- Closing Balance -1,029,880,318.18 -1,124,687,129.34 --- 26. Operating income and operating cost (1) Classification of operating income and operating cost This period Last Period Items Income Cost Income Cost 65 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Business income 363,952,258.89 79,512,004.22 363,952,258.89 79,512,004.22 Principal business income 359,002,258.47 78,707,333.42 359,002,258.47 78,707,333.42 Other business income 4,950,000.42 804,670.80 4,950,000.42 804,670.80 Business cost 339,083,312.47 58,424,002.63 339,083,312.47 58,424,002.63 Principal business cost 339,054,852.08 58,327,874.54 339,054,852.08 58,327,874.54 Other business cost 28,460.39 96,128.09 28,460.39 96,128.09 (2) Principal business income and cost (by industry) This period Last Period Industry Income Cost Income Cost Agriculture 1,112,907.68 1,583,798.68 --- --- Commerce 324,167,497.71 314,011,252.79 --- --- Real Estate industry 33,721,853.08 23,459,800.61 78,707,333.42 58,327,874.54 Tourism and restaurant --- --- --- --- (3) Principal business income and cost (by products) This period Last Period Product Income Cost Income Cost Agriculture product 1,112,907.68 1,583,798.68 --- --- Chemical Material 324,167,497.71 314,011,252.79 --- --- Real Estate 33,721,853.08 23,459,800.61 78,707,333.42 58,327,874.54 Including: QianYuan 33,721,853.08 23,459,800.61 78,707,333.42 58,327,874.54 Total 359,002,258.47 339,054,852.08 78,707,333.42 58,327,874.54 (4) Principal business income and cost (by district) This period Last Period District Income Cost Income Cost ChengDe District 34,834,760.76 25,043,599.29 78,707,333.42 58,327,874.54 TianJin 305,957,864.92 294,429,536.61 --- --- ShangHai 18,209,632.79 19,581,716.18 --- --- Total 359,002,258.47 339,054,852.08 78,707,333.42 58,327,874.54 (5) The operating income of the top five customers of the Company Customer name or ranking Principal business income Rate in total MinFeng (TianJin) Material industry chemical 38,248,888.89 10.51 industry Co.Ltd 66 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Customer name or ranking Principal business income Rate in total NuoMao trading (ShangHai) Co., Ltd. 9,048,675.33 2.49 BoLv (BeiJing) Tech Co., Ltd. 8,654,017.09 2.38 HaiLi (SuZhou) electrical equipment Co., Ltd. 8,371,111.17 2.30 QianChengShiHua (ZheJiang) Co., Ltd. 7,358,547.01 2.02 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of operating income increased by RMB 284,440,254.67, with the growth rate of 357.73%. The major explanations for the increase were: new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope increase income by RMB 324,167,497.71 and income from QianYuan is reduced in this period. 27. Business tax and surcharges Items Tax rate This Period Last Period Business tax 5% 2,202,625.14 4,062,139.11 Urban maintenance and 5% 128,301.80 203,106.96 construction tax Education surcharge 3% 71,528.75 121,864.18 Local education surcharge 2% 33,002.90 81,242.78 Land VAT Super rate progressive rate 677,398.08 481,104.20 Housing property tax 12% 14,784.67 --- Others --- 7,474.48 --- Total 3,135,115.82 4,949,457.23 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of business tax and surcharges reduced by RMB 1,814,341.41, with the reduction rate of 36.66%. The major explanations for the decrease were: decrease of sales volume. 28. Marketing, Administrative and financial expenses (1) Marketing expense Item This Period Last Period Printing expense 5,211.00 --- Repair expense 5,743.00 --- Warehouse expense 29,628.91 --- Wages 49,747.11 --- Advertise expense 85,850.00 --- Harbor expense 136,407.10 --- Manufacturing expense for unfolded plank 196,800.00 --- 67 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Item This Period Last Period Contract fee 583,744.05 --- Transportation expense 2,159,063.23 --- Others 11,442.18 --- Total 3,263,636.58 --- Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of marketing expense increased by RMB 3,263,636.58,the major reasons are new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope and the increase of revenue. (2)Administrative expense Items This Period Last Period Wages 4,903,021.63 1,802,580.12 Intermediary fees 2,976,882.80 2,383,227.64 Others 2,520,836.27 917,319.58 Land use tax 2,516,106.83 3,492,305.64 Business entertainment 1,929,370.81 780,240.29 Accumulated amortization 1,874,911.87 3,908,762.70 Travel expense 986,898.70 542,265.86 Welfare 764,976.35 239,031.96 Office expense 735,452.79 394,117.40 Insurance 638,962.59 196,539.38 Stamp tax 294,649.56 71,080.15 Transportation 242,707.83 125,927.20 Low-valued consumption goods 235,481.00 54,481.50 Housing provident fund 186,872.76 47,636.48 Long-term deferred expenses 79,296.00 71,992.00 Initial expenditure 78,580.00 33,010.00 Housing property tax 29,424.08 870,046.19 Union fees 5,949.00 8,464.00 Total 21,000,380.87 15,939,028.09 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of administrative expense increased by RMB 5,061,352.78, with the growth rate of 31.75%, the major reason is new subsidiary RunHua 68 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements in the consolidation scope. (3) Financial expense Items This Period Last Period Interest expense 1,030,671.89 2,403,071.69 Less: interest income 662,129.17 101,723.22 Exchange gain or loss 47,786.16 1.17 Bank charges 200,315.27 88,806.02 Total 616,644.15 2,390,155.66 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of financial expense decreased by RMB 1,773,511.51, with the reduction rate of 74.20%. Major reasons were: reduction of borrowing interest expense. 29. Asset impairment loss Items This Period Last Period Provision for bad debt -2,503,321.41 4,541,023.68 Total -2,503,321.41 4,541,023.68 30. Return on investment Items This Period Last Period 1.Financial assets (return on investment) 111,230.13 15,731.51 Bank financial products in this period (return on investment) 111,230.13 15,731.51 2.Long-term equity (return on investment) --- --- Long-term equity (return on investment based on cost 53,372.42 --- accounting) Total 164,602.55 15,731.51 31. Non-operating income Items This Period Last Period Amount in non-recurring profit and loss Disposal of non-current assets 131,918,787.19 108,799,222.07 131,918,787.19 Profit from disposal of fixed assets 26,318,307.45 779,288.18 26,318,307.45 Profit from disposal of intangible assets 105,600,479.74 108,019,933.89 105,600,479.74 Government grant 195,101.01 --- 195,101.01 Receive of donation --- --- Other 211,376.25 616,730.46 211,376.25 Total 132,325,264.45 109,415,952.53 132,325,264.45 (1) Government grant Relevant to Project name This period Last period assets/earnings 69 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Relevant to Project name This period Last period assets/earnings Scientific test demonstration expense 100,000.00 --- 100,000.00 Technology: three item expense 50,000.00 --- 50,000.00 Developing area (refund of duty) subsidy 9,859.00 --- 9,859.00 VAT revenue relief 33,742.01 --- 33,742.01 Others 1,500.00 --- 1,500.00 Total 195,101.01 --- 195,101.01 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of non-operating income increased by RMB 22,909,311.92, with the growth rate of 20.94%. The major reasons were: a) The transfer of land (Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong(2013) Zi No.019) from the company to the government, which created net profits of RMB 126,173,267.96. b) Equipment auction create net profit of RMB 5,745,519.23. c) the total non-current assets disposal net profit is RMB 131,918,787.19. 32. Non-operating expense Relevant to Items This period Last period assets/earnings Disposal of non-current assets --- 58,856,083.88 --- Including: Disposal of fixed assets --- 58,856,083.88 --- Disposal of intangible assets --- --- --- Loss on debt restructuring --- --- --- Loss on exchange of non-monetary assets --- --- --- Donations contributed 2,000.00 --- 2,000.00 Including: Public welfare donations --- --- --- contributed Compensation and Tax penalty 76,473.85 --- 76,473.85 Inventory loss 33,480.00 --- 33,480.00 Other 503,840.54 4,405,736.48 503,840.54 Total 615,794.39 63,261,820.36 615,794.39 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of non-operating expense decrease by RMB 62,646,025.97, with the reduction rate of 99.03%. The major reasons were: loss from disposal of fixed assets and other loss. 33. Income tax expense Items This period Last period Current income tax calculated based on tax law and relevant rules 30,539,586.74 7,561,259.04 70 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Items This period Last period Deferred income tax adjustment 756,119.16 -1,017,427.25 Total 31,295,705.90 6,543,831.79 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of income tax expense increase by RMB 24,751,874.11, with the increase rate of 378.625%. The major reasons were: revenue produced by transferring land to the government. 34. Calculation of Earnings per share (EPS) and diluted earnings per share Basic earngings per share is calculated by dividing net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent by the weighted average number of issued shares. The start date of ordinary shares issued in the period for the purpose of calculation of basic earnings per share is the date on which subscription becomes receivable per contract of issuance. Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the results of adjustment of net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent for the interest expense for the dilutive convertible instruments, the expected gain or expense at the time of conversion and their related income tax implication by the sum of the weighted average number of issued shares for calculation of baisc earnings per shares and the weighted average number of potential shares from convertible instruments. For the purpose of calculation of the weighted average number of potential shares from convertible instruments, the conversion date for dilutive conventible instruments issued in prior period and dilutive convertible instruments issued in the period is the the 1st date of the period and the issue date respectively. (1) Calculation results This period Last period Profits during the reporting period Diluted Basic EPS Basic EPS Diluted EPS EPS Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.05 Recurring profit or loss attributable to ordinary -0.01 -0.01 0.05 0.05 shareholders (2) The calculation of EPS Item No. This period Last Period Net profit attributed to ordinary 1 94,806,811.16 32,894,368.82 shareholder in current reporting period Non-operating profit and loss attributed to ordinary shareholder in current 2 100,421,297.03 34,615,599.13 reporting period Net proft after deducting non-operating 3=1-2 -5,614,485.87 -1,721,230.31 profit and loss attributed to ordinary 71 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Item No. This period Last Period shareholder in current reporting period Opening balance of share capital 4 706,320,000.00 706,320,000.00 Share capital increased due to new issued 5 --- --- share or convertible bond 6 --- --- Share capital increased due to new issued 6 --- --- share or convertible bond 6 --- --- Number of months from the next month of 7 --- --- increased share capital to the end of the 7 --- --- current reporting period 7 --- --- Share capital reduced due to repurchase in 8 --- --- the current reporting period Number of months from the next month of decreased share capital to the end of the 9 --- --- current reporting period Number of split shares in the current 10 --- --- reporting period Number of months in the current reporting 11 12 12 period Weighted average of issued ordinary 12=4+5+6×7 706,320,000.00 706,320,000.00 share(Ⅱ) ÷11-8×9÷11-10 Weighted average of issued ordinary share 13 706,320,000.00 706,320,000.00 are adjust due to common control(Ⅰ) 14=1÷13 0.13 0.05 Basic EPS(Ⅰ) 15=3÷12 -0.01 0.05 Basic EPS(Ⅱ) Interest of iluted potential ordinary share that confirmed as expense and other 16 --- --- factors Income tax rate 17 --- --- Converting fee 18 --- --- increased Weighted average of issued ordinary share due to stock warrant and 19 --- --- share option 20=[1+(16-18)× (100%- 0.13 0.05 Diluted EPS(Ⅰ) 17)]÷(13+19) 21=[3+(16-18) ×(100%- -0.01 0.05 Diluted EPS(Ⅱ) 17)]÷(12+19) 72 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements 35. Notes for statement of cash flow (1) Other cash receive from operating activities Items This Period Last Period Interest income 662,129.17 101,723.22 Current accounts received 58,186,692.98 66,131,098.75 Subsidy income 195,101.01 --- Other 437,980.76 326,689.37 Total 59,481,903.92 66,559,511.34 (2) Other cash paid to operating activities Items This Period Last Period Expenditure 16,469,710.73 13,951,977.39 Donation expense 2,000.00 --- Current accounts paid 28,541,969.74 52,220,305.21 other 1,232,348.11 928,965.34 Total 46,246,028.58 67,101,247.94 (3) Restricted cash at bank and in hand Items This Period Last Period Restricted cash at bank and in hand 11,445,403.16 --- Total 11,445,403.16 --- (4) Supplemental information for statement of cash flow Supplemental information This Period Last Period 1.Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by operating activities: Net profit 99,934,857.12 32,894,368.82 Add: impairment provision for assets -2,503,321.41 4,541,023.68 Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation of fuel and gas, depreciation of productive biological assets 2,164,612.21 2,713,205.49 Amortization for intangible assets 862,328.74 1,201,305.51 Amortization for long-term prepayment 664,529.03 79,496.69 Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets --- -108,799,222.07 Loss upon rejection of fixed assets --- --- Loss on variance of fair value --- --- Finance cost 1,030,671.89 2,313,423.11 Loss in investment 164,602.55 --- Decrease of deferred tax assets 756,119.16 -1,080,358.92 73 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Supplemental information This Period Last Period Increase of deferred tax liability --- --- Decrease of inventories -159,047,494.46 19,208,065.66 Decrease of operating receivable account items -132,862,220.52 -12,694,833.50 Increase of operating payable account items -15,717,716.97 55,252,598.72 Other --- --- Net cash flow from operating activities -204,553,032.66 -4,386,658.32 2 Significant investing and financing activities for non-cash items Liabilities capitalized --- --- Convertible bonds payable mature in one year --- --- Financing leased fixed assets --- --- 3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents Closing balance for cash 77,981,488.06 81,546,046.87 Less: opening balance for cash 81,546,046.87 572,655.85 Add: closing balance for cash equivalent --- --- less:opening balance for cash equivalent --- --- Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents -3,564,558.81 80,973,391.02 (5) Details for acquiring or disposing subsidiary Item This Period Last Period 1.Details for acquiring or disposing subsidiary: --- --- (1).Consideration for acquiring subsidiaries 9,170,370.00 --- (2). cash and cash equivalent payment for acquiring the 9,170,370.00 --- subsidiaries Deduct: cash and cash equivalent held by subsidiaries 66,600,084.65 --- (3).Net cash payment for acquiring the subsidiaries -57,429,714.65 --- (4).Net assets of subsidiaries. 24,535,357.00 --- Current Assets 136,306,683.22 --- Non-current Assets 7,050,969.77 --- Current liabilities 112,608,254.82 --- Non-current liabilities 0.00 --- (5) Details for cash and cash equivalent Items This period Last period 1 Cash 77,981,488.06 81,546,046.87 Including: Cash in hand 19,146.58 72,492.38 Cash at bank 77,962,341.48 81,473,554.49 74 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Items This period Last period Other cash and cash equivalents --- --- 2 Cash equivalent --- --- Including: Bond matured within three months --- --- 3 Closing balance for cash and cash equivalents 77,981,488.06 81,546,046.87 VI. Related parties and related transactions 1. Related parties (1) Related parties which control the company The company has no parent company. The related parties with controlling relationship of the Company refer to Mr. Rong Chen, who held 29.49% equity of the Company. (2) Subsidiaries of the company Votin Place of Shareh g Organiz Subsidiaries Nature of Type of Legal Business Registered registratio olding right ational Name subsidiary subsidiary representative nature Capital n (%) (% code ) Chengde HeBei Rongyida Real A wholly Limited Province YongSheng Real Estate 10,000,000.00 6843423 Estate owned 100 100 Liability ChengDe Zhao development RMB 5-0 Development subsidiary city Co., Ltd. Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) Holding Limited TianJin International 30,000,000.00 6794145 XiangKun Shi 30 53.43 International subsidiary Liability city trading RMB 6-7 Trade Co., Ltd. NanJiang Asia A wholly Limited International 20,000,000.00 owned HongKong --- 100 100 --- Investment Co., Liability investment USD subsidiary Ltd. Chengde HeBei Grapheme Holding Limited Province YongSheng 50,000,000.00 0633512 Morsh producer 90 90 subsidiary Liability ChengDe Zhao RMB 4-6 Technology and seller city Co., Ltd. HeBei Chengde A wholly Limited Province YongSheng Property 500,000.00 0826971 owned 100 100 HuiJing Liability ChengDe Zhao management RMB 6-2 subsidiary property Co., city 75 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Votin Place of Shareh g Organiz Subsidiaries Nature of Type of Legal Business Registered registratio olding right ational Name subsidiary subsidiary representative nature Capital n (%) (% code ) Ltd. HeBei ChengDe A wholly Limited Province ShuXian Paper 250,000,000.00 6012521 XingYe Paper owned 100 100 Liability ChengDe Wang production USD 1-5 Co., Ltd. subsidiary city ChengDe HeBei Ecological NanJiang A wholly Limited Province YongSheng Agriculture 10,000,000.00 0554956 Ecological owned 100 100 Liability ChengDe Zhao Planting and RMB 2-9 Agriculture Co., subsidiary city Breeding Ltd. ChengDe HeBei A wholly NanJiang Limited Province YongSheng 90,000,000.00 0554553 owned investment 100 100 Investment Co., Liability ChengDe Zhao RMB 2-8 subsidiary Ltd. city (3) Other related parties of the company Name of other related parties Relationship Organizational Code MinFeng (TianJin) Material industry chemical industry Co.Ltd Joint venture 05874083-7 2. Related transactions (1) The related transactions between parent and subsidiaries that are in consolidation scope, among subsidiaries that are in consolidation scope, have been offset in the consolidated financial statement. (2) Purchase of commodities and receipt of labors Not Applicable. (3) Sales of commodities and receipt of labors Not Applicable. (4) Related custody Not Applicable. (5) Related contracting Not Applicable. (6) Related lease 76 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Not Applicable. (7) Related Guarantee Not Applicable. (8) Borrowing of related party funds Not Applicable. (9) Transfer of related party assets and debt reorganization Not Applicable. (10) Other related transactions Name Position 2013 2012 LiXin Lin Chairman of the Board (has been transferred) Wage has not been paid Wage has not been paid Director, General Manager, Financial Director, YongSheng Zhao 14.21 1.8 secretary (on behalf) Dong Wang Director Wage has not been paid Wage has not been paid WeiHuan Chen Director Wage has not been paid Wage has not been paid DuCai Cheng Director Wage has not been paid Wage has not been paid HuiBin Guo Outside Director 6.00 3 ZhiYong Zhang Outside Director 6.00 3 GuoHua Cao Outside Director 6.00 4.5 Yu Xie Chairman of the board of Supervisory Wage has not been paid Wage has not been paid Lei Wei Supervisor Wage has not been paid Wage has not been paid GuangXin Hao Employee Supervisor 8.41 3.86 XiaShu Wang Vice General Manager 8.46 4.37 HongWei Xun Assistant of General Manager 7.61 3.54 Total 56.69 24.07 (11) Related receivables and payables Name Related party Closing Balance Opening Balance Other receivable MinFeng (TianJin) Material industry 670,000.00 chemical industry Co.Ltd 77 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Total 670,000.00 Other payable MinFeng (TianJin) Material industry 31,000,000.00 --- chemical industry Co.Ltd Total 31,000,000.00 --- VII. Contingency Not Applicable. VIII. Other significant events CSRC decided to investigate the company due to prior error correction made in the year 2012. These prior error corrections should be disclosed before 2012, but the former shareholder and directors are not. On April 6, 2012, there is a share transfer agreement between original shareholder and Dong Wang. Original shareholder transfer share capital of RMB 208,324,800 to Dong Wang, accounting for 29.49% of the total share capital. The company then reformed the board and the new board made the prior error corrections. Due to the new board had made the corrections and the original shareholders and directors already left the company, it is highly probable that the investigation will not have influence on the company. IX. Commitment Not Applicable. X. Events after the Balance Sheet Date (1) On March 18 2014, according to ChengDeXianJiYao[2014]No.10, ChengDeXian government retrieve 26.0464 mu of land included in the land certificate - ChengDeGuoYong[2013]No.19 from subsidiary RongYiDa. The government transfer the land to WenTiGuangDianJu for the purpose of constructing a center of literature, art and sports in that area. On December 31 2013, the book value of the land is RMB 821,343.02. (2) On April 09 2014, Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. acquire ChengXian Tu GuaGaoZi[2014] No.03 land certificate through the land certificate selling activity held by ChengDeXian Land and Resources Bureau. The acquired land locate at LiuGou town, BeiShui spring, PingTai village, 35953.42 square meters, industry land, the final deal price is RMB 6480 thousand. XI. Notes to material events of parent company financial statement 1. Other receivable (1) Disclosure of other receivables by category Closing Balance Opening Balance Categories Bad debt Bad Debt Amount Ratio provision Amount Ratio provision 1 Individually significant --- --- --- --- --- --- amounts of accounts 78 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements receivable accrued bad debt provision 2 Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by 320,143.39 82.06 4,000.00 783,244.99 91.80 1,000.00 portfolio 3 Individually insignificant amounts of accounts 70,000.00 17.94 70,000.00 70,000.00 8.20 70,000.00 receivable accrued bad debt provision Total 390,143.39 100.00 74,000.00 853,244.99 100.00 71,000.00 Explanation for types of other receivables: (1) Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio Closing Balance Opening Balance Aging Ratio in Bad debt Ratio in Bad debt Amount Amount total provision total provision Within 1 year 300,143.39 93.75 --- 384,175.74 100.00 1,000.00 1-2 years 20,000.00 6.25 4,000.00 --- --- --- Total 320,143.39 100.00 4,000.00 384,175.74 100.00 1,000.00 (2) Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt through individual impairment testing Bad debt Name Book Value Accure ratio (%) Reaons accured Expected QiZhong Yan 70,000.00 70,000.00 100% irrecoverable Total 70,000.00 70,000.00 100% (3) No other receivables are written off in the current accounting period. (4) By the end of the current reporting period, there are no other accounts receivable due from any shareholders held over 5% (5) At the year-end of the reporting period, the other accounts receivable in significant amount Amount Ratio Debtor Relationship Nature Aging due from in total YongSheng Zhao related party Petty cash 179,190.08 1-3year 45.93% Within 1 QiZhong Yan Non-related party Borrowing 70,000.00 17.94% year ChengDe ShiYou Co., Within 1 Non-related party Borrowing 60,000.00 15.38% Ltd. year 79 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements GuangXin Hao related party Petty cash 47,887.00 1-3 year 12.27% DaGeEr (ZhengZhou) Non-related party Deposit for purchase vehicle 20,000.00 1-3 year 5.13% Co., Ltd. (6) No other receivables are from related party. (7) No other receivables not meet the recognition criterion (8) No other receivables are prepared to be convert to security assets (9) No other receivables relating to government grant 2. Long-term equity investments Accounting Initial Opening Increase/decreas Invested Company Closing Balance method investment cost Balance e(-) RongYiDa Cost 53,114,299.73 53,114,299.73 --- 53,114,299.73 NanJiang Investment Cost 90,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 90,000,000.00 XingYe Paper Cost 626,567,328.03 626,567,328.03 --- 626,567,328.03 RunHua Water Cost 9,170,370.00 --- 9,170,370.00 9,170,370.00 Asia Investmen Cost --- --- --- --- Total 778,851,997.76 729,681,627.76 49,170,370.00 778,851,997.76 Continue Stake ratio Impairment accrued Cash Dividend Invested Company Voting right (%) Impairment (%) in this peirod in this period RongYiDa 100.00 100.00 --- --- --- NanJiang Investment 100.00 100.00 --- --- --- XingYe Paper 100.00 100.00 --- --- --- RunHua Water 30.00 53.43 --- --- --- Asia Investmen 100.00 100.00 --- --- --- Total --- --- --- --- --- 3. Operating income and operating cost (1) Classification of operating income and operating cost Item This period Last Period Business income 9,631,946.56 --- Other business income 9,631,946.56 --- Business cost 28,460.39 --- Other business cost 28,460.39 --- (2) Principal business income and cost (by industry) This period Last Period Items 80 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Income Cost Income Cost Commerce 9,631,946.56 28,460.39 --- --- Total 9,631,946.56 28,460.39 --- --- (3) Principal business income and cost (by products) This period Last Period Items Income Cost Income Cost electric income 31,946.56 28,460.39 --- --- Service income 9,600,000.00 --- --- --- Total 9,631,946.56 28,460.39 --- --- (4) Principal business income and cost (by district) This period Last Period District Income Cost Income Cost ChengDe District 9,631,946.56 28,460.39 --- --- Total 9,631,946.56 28,460.39 --- --- (5) The operating income of the top five customers of the Company Customer name or ranking Principal business income Rate in total (%) RongYiDa 9,600,000.00 99.67 Chengde housing construction Bureau 31,946.56 3.33 Total 9,631,946.56 100.00 4. Supplemental information for statement of cash flow Supplemental information This period Last Period 1.Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by operating activities: Net profit 884,837.02 (12,891,377.63) Add: impairment provision for assets 3,000.00 9,946,996.58 Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation of fuel 121,364.21 11,080.70 and gas, depreciation of productive biological assets Amortization for intangible assets 424,343.16 407,618.99 Amortization for long-term prepayment --- --- Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other --- --- long-term assets Loss upon rejection of fixed assets --- --- Loss on variance of fair value --- --- Finance cost --- 1.17 81 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Supplemental information This period Last Period Loss in investment --- --- Decrease of deferred tax assets (750.00) --- Increase of deferred tax liability --- --- Decrease of inventories (161,600,661.40) --- Decrease of operating receivable account items 463,101.60 (717,750.67) Increase of operating payable account items 174,124,901.53 4,694,117.65 Other Net cash flow from operating activities 14,420,136.12 1,450,686.79 2 Significant investing and financing activities for non-cash items --- --- Liabilities capitalized --- --- Convertible bonds payable mature in one year --- --- Financing leased fixed assets --- --- 3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents --- --- Closing balance for cash 5,681,141.82 777,456.70 Less: opening balance for cash 777,456.70 4,019.80 Add: closing balance for cash equivalent --- --- less:opening balance for cash equivalent --- --- Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents 4,903,685.12 773,436.90 XII. Supplemental information 1. Non-recurring gains and losses Items 2013 2012 1 Losses/gains on disposal of non-current assets 131,918,787.19 49,163,850.01 2. Government subsidies included in the current profits and losses (government subsidies which are closely related to 193,601.01 --- the Company’s business and received at national statutory standard and amount are excluded) 3. Gains or loss from delegation investment 111,230.13 --- 4. Other non- recurring loss and profits other than the above -514,148.27 (3,009,717.84) 5. Effect of minority interest on non-recurring losses or gains 2,185,592.65 --- 6. Effect of income tax on non-recurring losses and gains (33,473,765.68) (11,538,533.04) 82 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. Year 2013 Notes to Financial Statements Items 2013 2012 Total 100,421,297.03 34,615,599.13 Notes: All non-recurring items are disclosed before taxation. 2. Return on equity and earnings per share Earning per share Weighted average of Profit in the reporting period Return on equity(%) Basic earnings Diluted earnings per share per share Net profit attributable to shareholders holding 58.42% 0.13 0.13 ordinary shares of the Company Net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares of the Company after -4.82% -0.01 -0.01 deducting non-recurring gains and losses XIII. Approval for issuance of financial statements These financial statements have been approved by all directors on April 23, 2014. Chengde NanJiang Co., Ltd. April 23, 2014 83