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						承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                       CHENGDE NANJIANG CO.,LTD.

                                   ANNUAL REPORT 2013

                                         April 2014

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

            Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company)
hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or
important omissions carried in this report, and shall take legal liability, individual
and/or joint, for the whole contents.

All directors are attended the Board Meeting for report deliberation.

The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and
capitalizing of common reserves either.

Li Weimin, Principal of the Company, Zhao Yongshen, person in charger
of accounting works and Liu Fengguo, person in charge of accounting organ
(accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of 2013
Annual Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

Note: The Report is prepared in bilingual versions of Chinese and English
respectively, in the event of any discrepancy in understanding the two
aforementioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文


Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase .................................................................. 2

Section II Company Profile ............................................................................................................... 6

Section III Accounting data and summary of finnaical indexes .................................................... 8

Section IV Report of the Board of Directors ................................................................................. 11

Section V Important Events ............................................................................................................ 26

Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders............................................... 37

Section VII Particulars about Directors, Supervisors,Senior Executives and Employees ........ 42

Section VIII Corporate Governance .............................................................................................. 59

Section IX Internal Control ............................................................................................................ 59

Section X Financial Report ........................................................................................................... 227

Section XI Documents available for reference ............................................................................ 225

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                        Items                     Refers to                               Contents

    CSRC, SRC                                     Refers to   China Securities Regulatory Commission

    SZ Stock Exchange, Exchange                   Refers to   Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    Company, The Company or Chengde
                                                  Refers to   Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.

    Nanjiang Investment                           Refers to   Chengde Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd.

    Nanjiang Real Estate                          Refers to   Chengde Nanjiang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

    Chengde Morsh                                 Refers to   Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd.

    Nanjiang Ecological Agriculture, Ecological
                                                  Refers to   Chengde Nanjiang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd.

    Company Law                                   Refers to   Company Law of the People’s Republic of China

    Securities Law                                Refers to   Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China

                                                              Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on Shenzhen Stock
    Rules Governing the Listing of Securities     Refers to

    Yuan, 10 thousand Yuan                        Refers to   RMB, RMB 10 thousand

    Runhua RW, Tianjin Runhua RW                  Refers to   Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd.

    Material Assets Restructuring, the                        The Company acquires 30 percent equity of the Runhua Rural
                                                  Refers to
    Restructuring                                             Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. in cash

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                         Major Risk Warning

Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the
Report, they do not constitute a substantial commitment for investors. Investors
should be cautious with investment risks.

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                          Section II Company profile

I. Company information

    Short form of the stock      Nanjiang-B                              Stock code             200160

    Stock exchange for listing   Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    Name of the Company (in

    Short form of the Company
                                 南江 B
    (in Chinese)

    Foreign name of the
                                 CHENGDE       NANJIANG CO.,LTD
    Company(if applicable)

    Short form of foreign name
    of the Company(if            NANJIANG-B

    Legal representative         Li Weimin

    Registrations add.           XiaBanCheng Town, Chengde County, Hebei Province, P.R.C

    Code for registrations add   067400

    Offices add.                 XiaBanCheng Town, Chengde County, Hebei Province, P.R.C

    Codes for office add.        067400

    Website                      --

    E-mail                       --

II. Person/Way to contact

                                                       Secretary of the Board              Rep. of security affairs

                                              Zhao Yongsheng (act on behalf of
                                              Secretary of the Board)

                                              XiaBanCheng Town, Chengde County,
    Contact add.
                                              Hebei Province

    Tel.                                      0314-3115048

    Fax.                                      0314-3111475

    E-mail                                    liwm@nanjianggroup.com

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

III. Information disclosure and preparation place

    Newspaper appointed for information disclosure           In China: Securities Times; overseas: Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    Website for annual report publish appointed by
                                                             Juchao website:      http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Preparation place for annual report                      Security department of the Company

IV. Registration changes of the Company
                                                                            Registration NO.
                                   Date for               Place for                                  No. of taxation
                                                                            for enterprise legal                               Organization code
                                 registration           registration                                      registration

                                                     Administration for     1300001001372
    Initial registration     1999-11-03                                                             130821106576876           106576876
                                                     Industry &             1/1

    Registration at end                              Administration for
                             2011-08-23                                     130000400001225         130821106576876           106576876
    of report period                                 Industry &

    Changes of main business since listing
                                                     No changes in Period
    (if applicable)

    Previous changes for controlling
                                                     No changes in Period
    shareholders (if applicable)

V. Other relevant information

CPA engaged by the Company

    Name of CPA                               Dahua Certified Public Accountants (Limited Liability Partnership)

    Offices add. for CPA                      No. 689, Tianhe Road (N), Guangzhou

    Signing Accountants                       Fan Rong, Han Junmin
Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period
□ Applicable         √ Not applicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period
√Applicable           □Not applicable

                                                                                   Sponsor of financial                  Terms of performing
         Financial consultant                     Office address
                                                                                       consultant                    continuous supervision

                                          Block D, Hengao Center,
                                                                                                                 From 6 May 2013 to 31
    Northeast Securities Co., Ltd.        No.28, Jingshifang Street,        Yang Hanbo, Zhang Hailu
                                                                                                                 December 2014
                                          Xicheng District, Beijing

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            Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes       √No

                                                                                            Changes over last
                                                    2013                 2012                                        2011
                                                                                                year (%)

    Operating income (RMB)                        363,952,258.89        79,512,004.22                 357.73%         515,150.00

    Net     profit     attributable        to
    shareholders       of         the   listed     94,806,811.16        32,894,368.82                 188.22%        1,818,785.62

    Net     profit     attributable        to
    shareholders       of         the   listed
    company          after          deducting      -5,614,485.87        -1,721,230.31                -226.19%      -15,395,047.49
    non-recurring            gains        and

    Net cash flow arising from
                                                 -204,553,032.66        -4,386,658.32              -4,563.07%       -5,491,422.69
    operating activities(RMB)

    Basic     earnings            per   share
                                                               0.13                 0.05                   160%             0.003

    Diluted    earnings           per   share
                                                               0.13                 0.05                   160%             0.003

    Weighted average ROE (%)                               58.42%               36.01%                 22.41%                   0%

                                                                                           Changes over end of
                                                 End of 2013          End of 2012                                 End of 2011
                                                                                              last year (%)

    Total assets (RMB)                            380,763,274.72       193,617,124.65                  96.66%     209,909,350.33

    Net     assets     attributable        to
    shareholder              of         listed    209,701,482.77       114,894,671.61                  82.52%       74,895,938.70

II. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

                                                                                                                            In RMB

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                      Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed        Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                         company                                            listed company

                                       Amount in this                                            Amount at                 Amount at
                                                                 Amount in last period
                                            period                                               period-end               period-begin

    Chinese GAAP                           94,806,811.16                 32,894,368.82            209,701,482.77           114,894,671.61

    Items and amount adjusted by IAS

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                      Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed        Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                         company                                            listed company

                                       Amount in this                                            Amount at                 Amount at
                                                                 Amount in last period
                                            period                                               period-end               period-begin

    Chinese GAAP                           94,806,811.16                 32,894,368.82            209,701,482.77           114,894,671.61

    Items and amount adjusted by foreign accounting rules

3. Reasons for the differences of accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                      Item                                2013                  2012                   2011                   Note

Gains/losses from the disposal of
non-current asset (including the write-off             131,918,787.19         49,163,850.01
that accrued for impairment of assets)

Governmental subsidy reckoned into current
gains/losses (not including the subsidy
enjoyed in quota or ration according to                    193,601.01                                17,900,000.00
national standards, which are closely
relevant to enterprise’s business)

Gains/losses from entrust investment or
assets management

Other non-operating income and expenditure
                                                           -514,148.27         -3,009,717.84
except for the aforementioned items

Less: Impact on income tax                              33,473,765.68          11,538,533.04           -228,722.30

       Impact on minority shareholders’
                                                         -2,185,592.65                                  914,889.19
equity (post-tax)

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Total                                               100,421,297.03         34,615,599.13        17,213,833.11              --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                             Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Introduction

Year of 2013 is the development year for Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd. Under the efforts in one year, the Company achieved a
breakthrough in many aspect of the business exploitation, and developed a favorable condition of multiple main business operates
side by side. Main works of the Company during reporting period as:

I.Breakthrough in main business
During the Period, the Company shows a sound situation of common advance with real estate, eco-agriculture, new energy&
international trading side by side.
1. In field of real estate
In 2013, under the background of accelation of urbanization planning from the State, the Company make use of the advantage of
self-owned land reserves, start to develop the NanjiangHuijing Tiandi project, with prime location in the County, after the first real
estate project of the Company, Qianyuan Community, completed successfully. The project is located in the heart of the Chengde
County, covers approximately 97,627 square meters and designed by Architectural Design and Reserarch Institute of Tsinghua
University, particularly, makes pointed construction design for the issues found in common community in the town, and gains a
sound social respnse and market reaction.

2. In field of eco-agriculture
The Company initiated the eco-agriculture projects by taking full advantage of local unique natural enviornment in Chengde. In 2013,
the Company further to enlarge the investment for eco-agriculture, expended production scale, at present, totaling planting area
covers 150 mu and breeding area covers 220 mu with products of mountain chickens, mountain chickens eggs, lean hogs, wild boar,
Boer goat and viours vegetables and fruits etc. included. A modern standard breeding base and cultivation sites are established.
In the reporting period, eco-agriculture of the Company pass a certification of ―Origin Pollution-Free‖ through the Hebei Province,
Chengde City and Chengde County authority as well as the Ministry of Agriculture. Furthermore, entered into a long-term strataegy
cooperation agreement with Beijing Xiangeqing Group to be the only food supplier for Beijing Xiangerqing.
3. In field of new materials
On 24 January 2013, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company—Chengde Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd., entered into a
cooperation agreement with Ningbo Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. for established Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. contributed
by two parties. And takes ―current collector functionality coat upon the application of graphene‖ project as the first project for
cooperation between the two parties, Chengde Morshi contract to build the production line of current collector functionality coat
upon the aplication of graphene with 2 million Square meters output annually at least. Currently, early preparation of the project is
going well, the Company will determine the production schedule according to the maturity of technology and market exploitation.

II. Material assets restructuring accomplished
During the reporting period, the material assets restructuring and follw-up works of Tianjin Runhua was completed, completion of
the restructuring will offer stable operation revenue for the Company and at the same time laying a foundation for the Company to
entering field of distribution for bulk stock. Tianjin Runhua achieved net profit of RMB 1.0668 million in 2013 and growth 18.01%
expected for the profit.

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III. Corporate governance structure constantly improving, management standards continuous enhanced
In reporting period, the Company continues to perfected the governance structure, in strict accordance with management regulations
for the listed companies, well-defined relevant authority of the general meeting, the Board of Directors and management, perfom
their duties in theirowned responsibiliteis, guarantee a scientific and transparency of the decision-making for operations.
At the same time, in aspect of rountine management of the Company, by means of established a reasonable performance evaluation
system, improved the self-owned working efficiency for every employees in order to enhanced the overall operation efficiency of the
Company with management cost reduced.
In aspect of H&R, introduced high-quality and younger talent for the Company via different recruiting channels, further to perfected
the overall employee structure. Meanwhile, improve business standards and position technology for employees through organized
and carried out vary technical training irregularly, satisfy needs of continuous development of the Company.

II. Main business analysis
1. Introduction
1. Main business of the Company has changed in the reporting period. Being reviewed by 17th meeting of 5th session of the
Company and approved by voting in 3rd extraordinary general meeting of 2013, new business license of the Company was issued by
Chengde Administration for Industry & Commerce dated 19 June 2013 with business scope of the Company changed as: R& D, sales
and technology promotion as well as technical service for new energy and new material products; scientific research and technical
promotion service for the modern ecological agriculture, wholesale of eco-agriculture products; import and export trade of goods and
technology (without state trading manage products involved, application regulated by relevant rules of the State should required for
the manage products with quota and licenses involved ); development, construction, sales and operation of the general residential and
supporting commercial facilities of Nanjiang Huijing Tiandi project (two lands of 2013-12 and 2013-13); property management.

2. During the reporting period, the Company achieved operation revenue of RMB 363,952,258.89, increased 357.73% over same
period of last yera, net profit attributable to owner of parent company was RMB 94,806,811.16, a 188.22% up compared to same
period of last yera. Up to end of the reporting period, total assets of the Company amounting to RMB 380,763,274.72 and net assets
was RMB 209,701,482.77.

Reasons for difference of actual operation performance has 20% lower or higher than profit forecast of the Year disclosed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Revenue


              Item                 Current Period                   Last Period                         y-o-y Changes (%)

 Operation revenue                   359,002,258.47                          78,707,333.42                                    356.12%

 Other business revenue                 4,950,000.42                              804,670.80                                  514.17%

 Total                               363,952,258.89                          79,512,004.22                                    357.73%

 Operation revenue increase RMB 284,440,254.67 over last year, a 357.73% increased, mainly due to the Runhua RW that
 included in the consolidation statement in the Period

Whether income from physical sales larger than income from labors or not
□Yes √ No

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Material orders in hands
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Material changes or adjustment for products or services of the Company in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Major sales of the Company

 Total top five clients in sales (RMB)                                                                                  71,681,239.49

 Proportion in total annual sales volume for top five
 clients (%)

Information of top five clients of the Company
√Applicable □Not applicable

     Serial                        Name                             Sales (RMB)                 Proportion in total annual sales (%)

               Wuchang Minfeng (Tianjin) Chemical
       1                                                                    38,248,888.89                                     10.51%
               Trading Co., Ltd.

       2       Noble Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                               9,048,675.33                                    2.49%

               Beijing Bolu Jinghua Technology Co.,
       3                                                                        8,654,017.09                                    2.38%

       4       Suzhou Haily Electric Co., Ltd.                                  8,371,111.17                                      2.3%

               Zhejiang Future Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
       5                                                                        7,358,547.01                                    2.02%

     Total                          --                                      71,681,239.49                                       19.7%

3. Cost

Industry classification
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                         2013                                   2012
       Industry                                                 Ratio in                               Ratio in        Y-o-y changes
     classification                          Amount          operation cost           Amount        operation cost          (%)
                                                                  (%)                                    (%)

 Agriculture                                1,583,798.68             0.47%

 Business                                 314,011,252.79            92.61%

 Real estate                               23,459,800.61             6.92%          58,327,874.54              100%           -59.78%

 Other                                           28,460.39                 0%           96,128.09           0.16%             -70.39%

 Total                                    339,083,312.47                100%        58,424,002.63              100%          480.38%

Product classification
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

 Product                    Item                         2013                                   2012                   Y-o-y changes

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 classification                                                   Ratio in                            Ratio in              (%)
                                               Amount          operation cost       Amount         operation cost
                                                                    (%)                                 (%)

                                             1,583,798.68              0.47%

                                           314,011,252.79             92.61%

 Estate sales                               23,459,800.61              6.92%      58,327,874.54               100%           -59.78%

 Other                                          28,460.39                    0%      96,128.09             0.16%             -70.39%

 Total                                     339,083,312.47                 100%    58,424,002.63               100%           480.38%

Costs changed in the Period mainly because Runhua RW was inlcuded in consolidation statement in the Year
Main suppliers of the Company

 Total purchasing amount from top five suppliers

 Ratio of total purchasing amount from top five
 suppliers in total annual purchasing amount (%)

Information of top five suppliers of the Company
√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                             Ratio in total annual purchasing amount
 Serial           Supplier                                     Purchasing amount (RMB)

 1                SABIC (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.           615,278,960.14                44.4%

 2                The Dow Chemical Company                     54,239,594.85                 3.91%

 3                Shanghai Juxi Industrial Co., Ltd.           9,315,000.00                  0.67%

 4                SABIC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd                   9,124,137.00                  0.66%

 5                Borouge Pte Ltd                              5,168,196.00                  0.37%

 Total            --                                           693,125,887.99                50.01%

4. Expenses

                Item                               2013                               2012                          Y-o-y changes

                                                                                                               Net increased of RMB
          Sales expenses                       3,263,636.58

     Administration expenses                   21,000,380.87                      15,939,028.09                        31.75%

         Financial expenses                     616,644.15                         2,390,155.66                        -74.20%

             Income tax                        31,295,705.90                       6,543,831.79                       378.25%

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 Sales expenses increase RMB 3,263,636.58 from a year ago, administration expenses was 31.75% higher than last year, mainly
 because Runhua RW was inlcuded in consolidation statement in the Year

 Closing balance of financial expenses decrease RMB 1,773,511.51 over that of period-beginning with a 74.20% down, mainly
 because interest expenses in the Period declined.

 Income tax increase RMB 24,751,874.11 from a period ago with 378.25% up, mainly because revenue from land transfer of
 Rongyida, subsidiary of the Company, makes the total profit climb up greatly in the Period.

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                                              In RMB

              Item                             2013                             2012                      Y-o-y changes (%)

 Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                 475,274,166.11                   123,163,614.04                           285.89%
 operation activity

 Subtotal of cash out-flow
                                                 679,827,198.77                   127,550,272.36                           432.99%
 from operation activity

 Net cash flow from operation
                                                -204,553,032.66                    -4,386,658.32                         -4,563.07%

 Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                 254,774,833.40                   101,678,178.10                           150.57%
 investment activity

 Subtotal of cash out-flow
                                                     11,010,284.50                 10,813,769.26                             1.82%
 from investment activity

 Net cash flow from
                                                 243,764,548.90                    90,864,408.84                           168.27%
 investment activity

 Subtotal of cash in-flow from
 financing activity

 Subtotal of cash out-flow
                                                     47,776,075.05                  5,504,358.33                           767.97%
 from financing activity

 Net cash flow from financing
                                                 -42,776,075.05                    -5,504,358.33                          -677.13%

 Net increased amount of cash
                                                     -3,564,558.81                 80,973,391.02                           -104.4%
 and cash equivalent

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable □Not applicable
Cash flow from operation activity has a y-o-y changes mainly because Runhua RW was inlcuded in consolidation statement in the
Cash flow from investment activity has a y-o-y changes mainly because land assets collected by the Government increased in the
Cash flow from financing activity has a y-o-y changes mainly because cash paid for debts increased in the Year.
Reasons of major difference between the cash flow of operation activity in report period and net profit of the Company

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□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Composition of main business

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                                      Increase/decrea                       Increase/decrea
                            Operating                             Gross profit          se of operating                       se of gross
                                               Operating cost                                             se of operating
                             revenue                                ratio (%)           revenue y-o-y                         profit ratio
                                                                                                          cost y-o-y (%)
                                                                                             (%)                              y-o-y (%)

 According to industries

                            1,112,907.68         1,583,798.68             -42.31%

     (2) Business        324,167,497.71        314,011,252.79              3.13%

     (3) Real estate      33,721,853.08         23,459,800.61             30.43%              -57.16%           -59.78%                4.54%

 According to products

                            1,112,907.68         1,583,798.68             -42.31%

                         324,167,497.71        314,011,252.79              3.13%

 Estate sales             33,721,853.08         23,459,800.61             30.43%              -57.16%           -59.78%                4.54%

 According to region

 Chengde                  34,834,760.76         25,043,599.29             28.11%              -55.74%           -57.06%                2.21%

 Tianjin                 324,167,497.71        314,011,252.79              3.13%

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main business based on
latest one year’s scope of period-end
□ Applicable       √ Not applicable

IV. Assets and liability analysis

1. Major changes of assets

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                 End of 2013                     End of 2012
                                             Ratio in                        Ratio in
                                                                                            changes           Notes of major changes
                           Amount           total assets     Amount         total assets
                                               (%)                              (%)

                         89,426,891.2                      81,546,046.8                       -18.63
 Monetary fund                                  23.49%                          42.12%
                                        2                             7                              %

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                        117,180.60          0.03%                                      0.03%

                                                                                                Lands for development of Huijing
                     190,569,964.                      20,490,734.6                             Tiandi project was purchased in the
 Inventory                                 50.05%                            10.58%    39.47%
                                 32                                 1                           Period and production for
                                                                                                eco-agriculture increased

 equity              6,626,905.49           1.74%                                      1.74%

                      11,296,353.6                     24,742,103.6
 Fix assets                                 2.97%                            12.78%    -9.81%
                                  1                                 0

 Construction in
                                                         402,587.43           0.21%    -0.21%

V. Core competence analysis

1. Team advantage. The Company owns an excellent management team, with keen marketing insight, effective decision-making and
execution ability, rich management experience, active strain capacity and innovation ability qualified. During the reporting period,
dependent on the excellent management ability, the Company size up the situation, exploit new territories, and open up a new
prospect at full speed, strive to seize the high position in the new territories.
2. Technologival advantage. In field of new energy & new materials, partner of the Company – Ningbo Morsh Technology is the
industry leader in filed of development and application of graphene, and many graphene development and application technology
have been exploited. Wholly-owned subsidayr of the Company-- Chengde Nanjiang Investmententered into the first ―current
collector functionality coat upon the application of graphene‖ project with Ningbo Morshi Technology, and running on a platform of
Chengde Liugou new energy & new material industry park, established a long-term coopration with Ningbo Morshi Technology.
Thereby, the Company will obtained a one-up technology and research ability in field of graphene.
3. Location advantage. In field of eco-agriculture, the Company owns an obvious advantages in areas and locations. The project is
locaetd in a unique natural enviornment in Yushu Gou, Chengde County, a place which is beneficial to the production of organic,
green, polution-free and high-quality agricultural products; close to the developed areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan with
well-developed transport, which is good for opening up agricultural products market and creating a brand.

VI. Investment analysis

1. Foreign equity investment

 (1) Foreign investment

                                                            Foreign investment

      Investment in the Period (RMB)                 Investment in last Period (RMB)                     +,- changes(%)

                             174,100,000.00                                  95,000,000.00                                   83.26%

                                                             Investee company

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                                                                                          Equity ratio of listed company in
                    Name                                      Main business
                                                                                                               investee company (%)

                                                R&D,     manufacture       and        sales   of
                                                grapheme,       grapheme         application
                                                materials,    power     cell     &       battery
 Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd.             materials, high-performance membrane                                                      90%
                                                material and nano materials as well as
                                                the technology promotion and technical
                                                service for the above said products.

                                                Cultivation and sales of field crop,
 Chengde Nanjiang Ecological                    edible mushrooms, fruit and vegetables
 Agriculture Co., Ltd.                          as well as Chinese Herbs; breeding and
                                                sales of livestock

 Nanjiang Asia Investment Co., Ltd.
                                                International investment and trading                                                     100%
 Nanjiang Asia Investment Co., Ltd.

 Chengde Huijing Property Service Co.,
 Ltd. Chengde Huijing property Service          Property management service                                                              100%
 Co., Ltd.

2. Main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies

Particular about main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies
                                                                                                                                         In RMB

 Company                   Industri                     Register                                           Operating     Operating
                Type                   products or                    Total assets       Net Assets                                    Net profit
     name                        es                      capital                                            revenue        profit

 Real                                 Development
              Subsidi      Real                         10,000,       281,781,44         205,329,78        34,261,477     -7,324,19    93,253,52
 Estate                               and sales of
              ary          Estate                       000                    7.62                5.00            .08         2.50           9.12
 Develop                              real estate
 ment Co.,

 Chengde                              investment
 Nanjiang                             management,
              Subsidi      Investm                      90,000,       89,855,548         89,846,047                       -142,130.     -148,130.
 Investme                             investment                                                                 0.00
              ary          ent                          000                     .86                 .66                          12            12
 nt Co.,                              consulting
 Ltd.                                 and import &

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                   and sales of
                                   field crop,
 Chengde                           edible
 Nanjiang                          mushrooms,
 Ecologica                         fruit and
              Subsidi   Agricult                    10,000,   17,806,262   8,476,764.   1,120,868.   -1,533,01    -1,348,33
 l                                 vegetables as
              ary       ure                         000              .82          15           85         7.53        0.62
 Agricultu                         well as
 re Co.,                           Chinese
 Ltd.                              Herbs;
                                   breeding and
                                   sales of

                                   and sales of
                                   power cell &
 Chengde                New
 Morsh                  energy
              Subsidi              ance             50,000,   49,787,526   49,787,526                -212,473.    -212,473.
 Technolo               and new                                                               0.00
              ary                  membrane         000              .81          .81                      19           19
 gy Co.,                material
                                   material and
 Ltd.                   s
                                   materials as
                                   well as the
                                   and technical
                                   service for
                                   the above

 Runhua                            Import trade,
 Rural        Joint                domestic
 Water        stock                agents and       30,000,   100,569,69   31,891,490   328,537,96   7,712,348   7,356,133.
 (Tianjin)    compan               distribution     000             5.11          .26         6.40         .39          26
 Internatio   y                    of the plastic
 nal Trade                         raw

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

 Co., Ltd.                            materials of
                                      (PE) and
                                      e (PP)

Notes of main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies
Chengde Nanjiang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, incorporated on 20 February
2009 with register capital of RMB 10 million. Business scope: development of real estate; manufacture of textile and clothing, import
& export business of clothing; leasing service. Main project currently was Qianyuan Community and NanjiangHuijing Tiandi

Chengde Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd, established on 9 October 2012 with register capital of RMB 90 million, is the totally
controlling subsidiary of the Company. Business scope: invested for the new energy industry & new material industry, mine
processing industry, modern agriculture projects, real estate projects and architectural engineering; investment management;
investment consulting; import and export trading is the main investment platform for Company’s foreign investment.

Chengde Nanjiang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. corporated on 24 October 2012 contributed by Chengde Nanjiang Investment Co.,
Ltd. with registered capital of RMB 10 million, mainly engaged in the planting and provcess and sales of herding, aquaculture and
featured agriculture.

Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. established contributed by Nanjiang Investment and Ningbo Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. with
register capital of RMB 50 million, of which, Nanjiang Invesment contributed RMB 45 million in cash, accounting 90% of the total
invested amount while Ningbo Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. invested RMB 5 million in cash, a 10% in total invested amount.

Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd., incorporated in August 2008 with register capital of RMB 30 million. the
company mainly engaged in the import trade, domestic agents and distribution of the plastic raw materials of polyethylene (PE) and
polypropylene (PP), it is the upper industry for enterprises manufacturing various plastics.

Particular about subsidiaries obtained or disposed in report period
√Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                       Purpose of subsidiaries
                                                                      Way of subsidiaries obtained         Impact on overall
               Name                    obtained or disposed in
                                                                          or disposed in Period      performance and productions

 Chengde Morsh Technology          Take over projects of new                                         ’Preparatory stage without
                                                                      New established
 Co., Ltd.                         energy & new materials                                            earnings obtained ’

 Nanjiang Asia Investment          Expand business of foreign                                        Preparatory stage without
                                                                      New established
 Co., Ltd.                         investment                                                        earnings obtained

                                   Take over property
 Chengde Huijing Property                                                                            Preparatory stage without
                                   management service for             New established
 Service Co., Ltd.                                                                                   earnings obtained

 Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin)      Enter the distribution field of
                                                                      Share acquisition              Have a positive impact
 International Trade Co., Ltd.     bulk stock

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

3. The significant progress of non-raised proceeds investment

                                                                                                                 In ten thousand Yuan

                                                                       Accumulation of
                                                                      actual investment
      Name of the          Total investment          amount                                    Progress of the     Earnings of the
                                                                       amount ended of
         project           amount planned        in the reporting                                     project          project
                                                                         the reporting

 Nanjiang Huijing
                                       57,000              16,160                 16,160

          Total                        57,000              16,160                 16,160                --               --

VII. Estimated performance for year of 2014 (From January to March)

Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the
warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

VIII.Special purpose vehicle under the control of company

IX. Prospect for future development of the Company

(I) Development strategy of the Company
In the year to come, the Company continues to develop field of new energy & new materials, eco-agriculture and distribution of bulk
stock, re-confirmed new pillar industry of the Company via three-years efforts, laying a fundation for the long-term stable
development of the Company.
In field of new energy & new materils, making use of the advantage of capial and technology from cooperation partners, strive to
establish an industry base, with considerable influence in northern China, of new energy & new materils in Chengde within three
In field of bulk stock distribution, after acquisistion of Tianjin Runhua RW completed, the Company improved the sales network and
sales mode for Tianjin Runhua RW through offering capital and management support, accelate propitability of the company in all
aspects and making the company to be a main busines of the Nanjiang;
In field of eco-agriculture, making use of the favorable natural conditions and region advantage in Chengde, create a pollution-free
food base which is oriented towards high-end clients in Beijing and Tianjin.

(II) Risks may encountered
1. New energy & new mateirals have a major risks in technology and market, become a pillar industry of the Company shows a
certain uncertainty.
2. Modern agriculature has a intensify competition in market with certain operation risks presented.
3. There is a fierce competition in bulk stock distribution field, and has a weak earning capacity.

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X. Explanation of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on the “Qualified
Opinion” of the report made by the CPAs


XI. Explanation on changes of accounting policy, accounting estimation and settlement
method compared with the last year’s financial report

XII. Particular about major accounting errors correction that needs retroactive re-statement
in reporting period


XIII. Compare with last year’s financial report; explain changes in consolidation statement’s

      Enterprise newly included in consolidation statement:

                                                                                                       In ten thousand Yuan
                   Name                             Reasons for changes                Closing net assets        Current net profit

Runhua RW*                                           Share acquisition                      3,189.15                   735.61

Morsh Technology                                      New established                       4,978.75                   -21.25

Huijing Property                                      New established                        49.81                     -0.19

Nanjiang Asia                                         New established                           -                         -

                Total                                                                       8,217.71                   714.17

Runhua RW is the limited liability company established by approval from the industry & commerce

bureau of Binghai New District, Tianjin, dated 28 August 2008, the Company acquired 30 percent

equity of Runhua RW in June 2013, and the gains/loss and cash flow from 25 June 2013 to 31 December

2013 were reckoned into consolidated statement.

XIV. Profit and dividend distribution

Formulation, execution or adjustment for profit distribution policy in reporting period, cash bonus policy in particular

√ Applicable   □ Note applicable

The Company actively promoted sustaining and stable profit distribution policy, with purpose of strengthen the transparency for cash

bonus, help investors easy to set the stable expected return, in line with Notice of Further Implementation of Related Matters on Cash

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

Dividend for Listed Company issued from CSRC, the Company revised and supplemented profit distribution policy that regulated in

Article of Association, standardized the specific conditions, proportions and distribution way and principles for the profit distribution,

cash dividend in particular. Relevant decision-making procedures and mechanism have been perfected. The matter has been

deliberated and passed by the 3rd extraordinary general meeting of 2012 held on 29 July 2012, found more in relevant notice released

on 30 July 2012.

On 23 April 2014, pursuit to the CSRC Releases No.3 Supervisory Guideline for Listed Companies – Cash Dividends of Listed

Companies issued by CSRC, combined with real situation of the Company, in 35th meeting of 5th session of the Board, Article of

Association was revised, which well-defined the cash bonus policy and further to focus on the shareholder returns awareness,

improve profit distribution policy and protect legal interest of the shareholders, minority shareholders in particular. The amendment

plans to be deliberated and approved by Annual General Meeting of 2013.

                                              Specific explanation on cash bonus policy

 Satisfy regulations of General Meeting or requirement
 of Article of Association (Y/N):

 Well-defined and clearly dividend standards and
 proportion (Y/N):

 Completed relevant decision-making process and
 mechanism (Y/N):

 Independent directors perform duties completely and
 play a proper role (Y/N):

 Minority shareholders have opportunity to express
 opinions and demands totally and their legal rights are     Y
 fully protected    (Y/N):

 Condition and procedures are compliance and

 transparent while the cash bonus policy adjusted or         Not applicable

 changed     (Y/N):

Profit distribution pre-plan/plan and Capitalizing of common reserve pre-plan/plan of the Company in latest three year (including

reporting period)

 In latest three years, net profit of the Company after making up the annual losses of previous years, retained profit at end of the

Period still negative, being deliberated and approved by the Board and General Meeting, the Company has no profit distributed

carried out. The Company has no plan of cash dividend distributed, bonus shares and capitalizing from common shares conducted

either for year of 2013

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

Cash dividend in latest three years

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                         Net profit attributable to    Ratio in net profit attributable
                                      Amount for cash bonus (tax           shareholders of listed         to shareholders of listed
     Year for bonus shares
                                              included)                  company in consolidation          company contained in
                                                                         statement for bonus year       consolidation statement (%)

 2013                                                        0.00                     94,806,811.16                                0%

 2012                                                        0.00                     32,894,368.82                                0%

 2011                                                        0.00                       1,818,785.62                               0%

The Company gains profits in reporting period and the retained profit of parent company is positive but no plan of cash dividend
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

XII. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview
                                                                                                            Contents discussed and
        Time                 Place                Way                    Type              Reception
                                                                                                               material provided

                                                                                                           Material assets
                      Security              Telephone
 2013-01-10                                                        Individual          Investor            restructuring, no
                      Department            communication
                                                                                                           materials required

                                                                                                           Foreign investment and
                      Security              Telephone
 2013-01-29                                                        Individual          Investor            progress of the Company,
                      Department            communication
                                                                                                           no materials required

                                                                                                           Routine operation status
                      Security              Telephone
 2013-02-24                                                        Individual          Investor            of the Company, no
                      Department            communication
                                                                                                           materials required

                                                                                                           Withdraw other risk
                      Security              Telephone
 2013-03-12                                                        Individual          Investor            warming progress, no
                      Department            communication
                                                                                                           materials required

                                                                                                           Progress of new project
                      Security              Telephone
 2013-04-16                                                        Individual          Investor            of the Company, no
                      Department            communication
                                                                                                           materials required

                                                                                                           Material assets
                      Security              Telephone
 2013-05-06                                                        Individual          Investor            restructuring, no
                      Department            communication
                                                                                                           materials required

                                                                                                           Operation performance of
                      Security              Telephone
 2013-05-28                                                        Individual          Investor            the Company, no
                      Department            communication
                                                                                                           materials required

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                                                           Resign reasons for
                                                                           directors, and senior
                  Security         Telephone
 2013-06-07                                        Individual   Investor   executives of the
                  Department       communication
                                                                           Company, no materials

                                                                           Assets of the Company
                  Security         Telephone
 2013-06-18                                        Individual   Investor   sold and no materials
                  Department       communication

                                                                           Progress of material
                  Security         Telephone
 2013-07-08                                        Individual   Investor   assets restructuring, no
                  Department       communication
                                                                           materials required

                                                                           Routine operation status
                  Security         Telephone
 2013-07-30                                        Individual   Investor   of the Company, no
                  Department       communication
                                                                           materials required

                                                                           Assets of the Company
                  Security         Telephone
 2013-09-03                                        Individual   Investor   sold and no materials
                  Department       communication

                                                                           Current condition of the
                  Security         Telephone
 2014-10-15                                        Individual   Investor   Company, no materials
                  Department       communication

                                                                           Current condition of the
                  Security         Telephone
 2014-12-25                                        Individual   Investor   Company, no materials
                  Department       communication

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                                            Section V. Important Events

I. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations of the Company

□Applicable     √Not applicable
The Company has no significant lawsuits and arbitrations in Period

II. Questioned from media
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No common media questioned for the Company in reporting period

III. Assets trading

1. Acquisition of assets

                                                                           Ratio of
     The                                                        Impact                                  The
                                                    Impact                  profit
     other                                                          on                               related
                                                         on                contribut
  party of                  Purchase                           gains/los                            relations   Date of
                 Assets                Progress    operatio                  ed to      Related                             Index of
 transacti                  price(10                            ses of                              hip(appli   disclosur
                purchase               (Note 2)    n of the                 listed      transacti                           disclosur
     on or                  thousand                                the                             cable for         e
                     d                             Compan                  compan       on or not                                  e
     final                   Yuan)                             Compan                                related    (Note5)
                                                   y (Note                 y in total
 controlle                                                     y (Note                              transacti
                                                         3)                   net
       r                                                            4)                                  on)

                                                   Plays an
                                                   active                                                                   Hong
                                                   role in                                                                  Kong
                                                   the                                                                      Commer
                                       Ownersh                                                      Counter
                                                   mainten                                                                  cial
                                       ip with                                                      party is
                                                   ance of                                                                  Daily,
                30                     assets                                                       the
 Lan                                               continuit                                                                Securiti
                percent                involved                                                     related
 Chunho                                            y of                                                         2013-01     es Times
                equity of    917.04    had                     —                       Y           nature
 ng, Zhao                                          operatio                                                     -10         and
                Runhua                 transferr                                                    person
 Qinghua                                           n                                                                        Juchao
                RW                     ed                                                           of the
                                                   revenue                                                                  Website:
                                       complet                                                      Compan
                                                   and                                                                      http://w
                                       ely                                                          y
                                                   satisfy                                                                  ww.cnin
                                                   long-ter                                                                 fo.com.c
                                                   m                                                                        n

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                                        needs of

                                                        The land
                                                        ance a
                                                        ble                                                                           《Hong
                                                        develop                                                                       Kong
                                                        ment                                                                          Commer
                                                        ability                                                                       cial
                                         ip with
 Land                                                   for the                                                                       Daily,
 Reserve                                                real                                                                          Securitie
                                         involved                                                            Not
 Center                                                 estate of                                                           2013-05   s Times
                 Land        15,380      had                            —                    N              applicab
 of                                                     the                                                                 -14       and
                                         transferr                                                           le
 Chengde                                                Compan                                                                        Juchao
 County                                                 y, meets                                                                      Website:
                                                        interest                                                                      http://w
                                                        of                                                                            ww.cnin
                                                        long-ter                                                                      fo.com.c
                                                        m                                                                             n
                                                        ment of

2. Sales of assets

                                   Net                         Ratio                                   Asse        Cred
  The                             profit                      of net                                    ts           it
 other                            contr                        profit                                  right       and
                          ing                                                            The related
 party                            ibute                        contr             Relat                   s         liabil
           As             price                Impact                                    relationshi
     of                           d to                         ibute    Pricin    ed                   conc         ity      Date
           set     Sale    (in                     on                                    p(applicabl
 trans                             the                         d by          g   trans                 erne        conc       of      Index of
           s        s      10                  Compan                                       e for
 actio                            listed                        the     princi   actio                  d          erne      discl    disclosure
           sol     date   thou                 y(Note3                                     related
  n or                            Com                          sold      pal     n or                  trans         d       osure
           d              sand                     )                                     transaction
 final                            pany                         asset             not                   ferre       shift
                          Yua                                                                 )
 contr                            from                         s for                                    d           ed
 oller                             the                         listed                                  owne        fully
                                  begin                        comp                                    rship        or

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                             of the                 any                               fully   not
                             repor                  in                                 or
                             ting                  total                              not
                             to the                profit
                             sales                 (%)
                             n 10

 Land                                                       al                                              Hong Kong
 Rese                                                       appra                                           Commercial
 rve                                                        isal                                            Daily,
 Cent    La           15,0                                  autho                                           Securities
              2013                     on                                Not                        2013-
 er of   nd           16.6         0                        rity,    N                Y       N             Times and
              .6.30                    annual                            applicable                 07-02
 Chen    s              3                                   dealin                                          Juchao
                                       profit of
 gde                                                        g                                               Website:
 Coun                                                       price                                           http://www.c
 ty                                                         is                                              ninfo.com.cn
                                                            r than

                                       Have                 on
 Land                                                                                                       Hong Kong
                                       an                   mark
 Rese                                                                                                       Commercial
                                       active               et
 rve                                                                                                        Daily,
                                       impact               price,
 Cent    La           23,8                                                                                  Securities
              2013                     on                   evalu        Not                        2013-
 er of   nd           94.9         0                                 N                Y       N             Times and
              .8.29                    annual               ated         applicable                 08-30
 Chen    s              1                                                                                   Juchao
                                       profit of            by
 gde                                                                                                        Website:
                                       the                  profe
 Coun                                                                                                       http://www.c
                                       Compan               ssion
 ty                                                                                                         ninfo.com.cn
                                       y                    al

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文


IV. Significant related transaction

1. Related transaction connected to routine operations

                                                                      Related    Proport
                                                                      transact   ion in     Related    Similar
 Related               Related    Related               Related         ion        the      transact   trading                  Index
            Related                          Pricing                                                              Date of
 transact              transact   transact              transact      amount     amount       ion      market                    of
            relation                         princip                                                              disclos
     ion                    ion        ion                  ion       (in 10      of the    settlem     price               disclos
              ship                              al                                                                  ure
 parties                type      content                price        thousan     same        ent      availabl                  ure
                                                                         d       transact    mode         e
                                                                      Yuan)      ion (%)

                                  y of the
            Counter               Eco-agr
            party is              iculture
                                                                                            Agreed                          Securiti
 Beijing    the                   provide
                                                                                            in line                         es
 Xiange     related               d
                       Sales of              Market                                         with                  2013-1    Times
 qing       legal                 agricult             --               13.31    11.96%                13.31
                        goods                price                                          the                   1-09      and
 Co.,       person                ure
                                                                                            agreem                          Juchao
 Ltd.       of the                product
                                                                                            ent                             Website
            Compa                 s to
            ny                    Beijing
                                  qing for
 Detail of sales return with major amount
                                             The aforesaid related transactions belongs to the normal business scope of the
 Necessity and sustainable of related
                                             Company, is a necessary needs for normal operation business of the Company, and
 transaction as well as reasons of related
                                             carried on basis of fair and mutual benefits without interest of the Company being
 transaction with related parties(not with
                                             damaged. Pricing principle of the transactions is in line with the market rules, no
 other marketing dealers)
                                             interest of the Company and investors being damaged.

 Influence on independence of listed         The routine related transaction of the Company follows the market principle without
 company from related transaction            impacts on independence of the listed company.

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

 Dependence security to related parties
 and relevant countermeasures (if                 Main business of the Company has no any dependence on related parties

 Report the actual implementation of the
 normal related transactions which were
                                                  The related two parties performed purchase and sales business in line with the
 projected about their total amount by
                                                  contract signed
 types during the reporting period(if

 Reasons for major differences between
 trading price and market reference               Not applicable
 price(if applicable)

2. Related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets
                                                                    ment                                    Incom
                                                         value                Marke     Transf    Cleari
                                                                    value                                   e from
                                                           of                 t fair      er        ng
                         Type     Conten    Pricin                    of                                    assets                 Index
                                                         assets               value     price      form               Disclo
                           of       t of          g                 assets                                  transfe                     of
 Relate    Relatio
                        related   related                transfe               (10       (10       for                 sure
 d party    nship                           princip                 transfe                                  r (10                 disclos
                        transac   transac
                                                          r (10               thousa    thousa    related              date
                          tion      tion         le                  r (10                                  thousa                      ure
                                                         thousa                nd         nd     transac
                                                                    thousa                                    nd
                                                           nd                 Yuan)     Yuan)      tion
                                                                      nd                                    Yuan)

                                  30%       price
                                  equity    subject
                                  of        to the
                                  Runhu     result
                                  a RW      of
 Lan                                                                                                                               Securi
                                  was       assets
 Chunh     Relate       Acquis                                                                                                     ties
                                  purcha    apprai
 ong,      d            ition                                                                                         2013-0       Times
                                  sed by    sal          893.58     914.02    914.02    917.04   Cash
 Zhao      natural      of                                                                                            1-10         and
                                  the       issued
 Qingh     person       equity                                                                                                     Juchao
                                  Compa     by
 ua                                                                                                                                Websit
                                  ny in     assets
                                  cash of   evalua
                                  RMB       tion
                                  9,170,    agenci
                                  370.      es who
                                            has the

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文


 Reason of major difference between
 the transfer price and book value or          N/A
 assessed value(if applicable)

3. Significant related transaction from jointly investment outside
                                                                                              Total assets   Net assets    Net profit
                                                                        Main     Register     of invested    of invested   of invested
      Same       Relationshi       Pricing           Enterprise   business of    capital of   enterprise(    enterprise(   enterprise(
     investors        p           principle           invested     invested      invested         10             10            10
                                                                   enterprise   enterprise     thousand      thousand      thousand
                                                                                                Yuan)          Yuan)         Yuan)

                                 Nanjiang                         e and sales
                                 Invesment                        of
                                 contributed                      grapheme,
                                 RMB        45                    grapheme
                                 million     in                   application
                                 cash,                            materials,
                                 accounting                       power cell
                                 90% of the                       & battery
 Chengde                         total                            materials,
 Nanjiang                        invested                         high-perfor
 Investment                      amount              Chengde      mance
 Co., Ltd.,                      while               Morsh        membrane      RMB 50
                 nature                                                                          4,978.75      4,978.75        -21.25
 Ningbo                          Ningbo              Technology   material      million
 Morsh                           Morsh               Co., Ltd.    and nano
 Technology                      Technology                       materials
 Co., Ltd.                       Co.,      Ltd.                   as well as
                                 invested                         the
                                 RMB          5                   technology
                                 million     in                   promotion
                                 cash,        a                   and
                                 10%         in                   technical
                                 total                            service for
                                 invested                         the above
                                 amount.                          said

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                                               the items
                                                               decided to
                                                               ban or
                                                               restrict by
                                                               and the
                                                               items needs
                                                               from other
                                                               shall be

 Progress of major
 construction in process of
                                 In early preparation
 investee enterprise (if

V. Material contract and implementation

1. Guarantee

                                                                                                                   In ten thousand Yuan

             Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for the controlling subsidiaries)
                            Related                  Actual date                                                    Comple
                                                                                                                                tee for
     Name of the           Announc                  of happening           Actual                                      te
                                       Guarante                                           Guarantee    Guarantee                related
      Company               ement                      (Date of           guarantee                                 implem
                                        e limit                                             type         term                    party
     guaranteed            disclosur                    signing             limit                                   entation
                                                                                                                                (Yes or
                             e date                  agreement)                                                      or not
                                             Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries
                            Related                  Actual date                                                    Comple
                                                                                                                                tee for
     Name of the           Announc                  of happening           Actual                                      te
                                       Guarante                                           Guarantee    Guarantee                related
      Company               ement                      (Date of           guarantee                                 implem
                                        e limit                                             type         term                    party
     guaranteed            disclosur                    signing             limit                                   entation
                                                                                                                                (Yes or
                             e date                  agreement)                                                      or not
 Runhua Rural
 Water (Tianjin)           2013-10-
                                           5,000    2013-10-24                        0   Pledge       One-year     N           N
 International Trade       24
 Co., Ltd.
 Total amount of approving                                             Total amount of actual
 guarantee for subsidiaries in                              5,000      occurred guarantee for                                         0
 report period (B1)                                                    subsidiaries in report period

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                                                   Total balance of actual
 Total amount of approved
                                                                   guarantee for subsidiaries at
 guarantee for subsidiaries at the                       5,000                                                           0
                                                                   the end of reporting period
 end of reporting period (B3)
 Total amount of guarantee of the Company( total of two abovementioned guarantee)
 Total amount of approving                                         Total amount of actual
 guarantee in report period                              5,000     occurred guarantee in report                          0
 (A1+B1)                                                           period (A2+B2)
 Total amount of approved                                          Total balance of actual
 guarantee at the end of report                          5,000     guarantee at the end of                               0
 period (A3+B3)                                                    report period (A4+B4)
 The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in
 the net assets of the Company (that is A4+ B4)(%)

 Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and
 its related parties(C)
 The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed
 parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or                                                             0
 Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the
 Company exceed 50%(E)
 Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees(C+D+E)                                                                   0
 Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating
 responsibilities for undue guarantees (if applicable)
 Explanations on external guarantee against regulated
 procedures (if applicable)
Explanation on guarantee with way of complex

VI. Implementation of commitments

1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the Company in
reporting period or extending to reporting period.
                                                                                        Commitment   Commitm     Implement
      Commitments            Promisee              Content of commitments
                                                                                           date       ent term     ation
 Commitments for
 Share Merger Reform

                                           1.    Commitments       in    aspect   of
                                           independency of listed company:
                                           For the equity changes, that is
                                           208,324,800 shares of Chengde Dalu
                                           Co., Ltd held by Chen Rong was
 Commitments in
                                           transfer, Wang Dong guarantee there                       Duration
 report of                Controlling                                                                            Implement
                                           are no influence on the independent of      2012-04-24    of the
 acquisition or equity    shareholder                                                                            ing
                                           employee, financial, institution,                         Company
                                           business and integrity of assets of
                                           Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd. After
                                           transaction, Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd
                                           still has the ability of independent
                                           operation and owes independent legal

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                                           person, and continues to owes the
                                           independency of institution, assts,
                                           employees, production and financial. 2.
                                           Commitments for horizontal
                                           competition: after 208,324,800 shares
                                           of Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd held by
                                           Chen Rong was transfer, Wang Dong
                                           guarantee there are no or potential
                                           horizontal competition between the
                                           Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd and Wang
                                           Dong and related parties of Wang

                                           The performance compensation
                                           commitment: net profit (deducting
                                           non-recurring gains and losses) for
                                           2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 for Runhua
                                           RW (Tianjin) International Trade Co.,
 Commitments in            Controlling     Ltd. Respectively can’t be less than
                                                                                      2013-04-10   2012-2015     ing
 assets reorganization     shareholder     306,300 Yuan, 904,000 Yuan,
                                           1,500,000 Yuan and 3,400,000 yean. If
                                           the actual net profit is less than the
                                           promised, the controlling shareholders
                                           shall perform the obligations of profit
                                           compensation accordingly.

 Commitments in
 initial public offering
 or re-financing

                                           In order to prevent stock price from
                                           falling after its relisting and endanger
                                           status of the Company, the board of
                                           directors and the senior management
                                           make commitment: Based on Listing
                                           Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Other commitments         Directors and   and other applicable laws and
                                                                                                   In later 12   Implement
 for medium and small      senior          regulations, we make a plan in next 12     2013-01-09
                                                                                                   months        ed
 shareholders              executives      months, increasingly hold shares of the
                                           Company in secondary market using
                                           own funds. The holding price will not
                                           exceed HK$1.3 / shares. While the
                                           total amount of increase accumulated
                                           will not be less than HK$10 million not
                                           more than HK$40 million

 Completed on              Y

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 Detail reasons for
 un-complement and
 further plan (if

2. Profit forecast of assets and items, and reporting period still in period of forecast, explanation on
reaching the former profit forecast of assets or items as well as reasons
                                                      Current          Current        Reasons of
     Assets or                                                                                         Original         Original
                                                    performance         actual          fails to
 projects with                                                                                        disclosure       disclosure
                    Starting date   Expired date    forecast (10     performance     achieved the
        profit                                                                                           date            index
                                                     thousand        (10 thousand    expected (if
     forecast                                                                                          expected        expected
                                                       Yuan)            Yuan)         applicable)

                                                                                     Not                             Website:
 assets             2012-01-01      2015-12-31                90.4        106.68                    2013-05-09
                                                                                     applicable                      http://www.c

VII. Appointment and non-reappointment (dismissal) of CPA

Accounting firm appointed

 Name of domestic accounting firm                      Dahua Certified Public Accountants (Limited Liability Partnership)

 Remuneration for domestic accounting firm (10
 thousand Yuan)

 Continuous life of auditing service for domestic
 accounting firm

 Name of domestic CPA                                  Fan Rong, Han Junmin

 Name of foreign accounting firm (if applicable)       N/A

 Remuneration for foreign accounting firm (10
 thousand Yuan) (if applicable)

 Continuous life of auditing service for foreign
 accounting firm (if applicable)

 Name of foreign CPA (if applicable)                   N/A
Whether re-appointed accounting firms in this period or not
□Yes     √No

Appointment of internal control auditing accounting firm, financial consultant or sponsor

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
During the reporting period, Northeast Securities Co., Ltd. was appointed as financal consultant of the Company for material assets
restructuring, totally consulting expenses RMB 0.8 million was paid in the Period.

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VIII. Penalty and rectification

                                                               Type of
                                                                               Conclusion (if                           Index of
      Name                Type                Reasons       investigation                        Disclosure date
                                                                                applicable)                            disclosure
                                                             and penalty

                                                                                                                    Hong Kong
                                                           Initiated an
                                        Violation of       investigation or
  Chengde Dalu                                                                                                      Securities
                     Other              securities laws    administrative     N/A                2013-05-15
     Co., Ltd.                                                                                                      Times, Juchao
                                        and regulations    penalties by

Explanation on rectification
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Particular about directors, supervisors, senior executives and shareholders with over 5% shares held suspected illegal dealings of the
stock of the Company and earnings of illegal dealings taken back by the Company that disclosed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Other material events

1. On May 8, 2013, the Company received the "Reply on Approving Major Assets Reorganization of Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd‖
(SFC license (2013) No. 624) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as: China Securities
Regulatory Commission). This letter approved asset restructuring program of the Company. The Company handled relevant
formalities as soon as possible in accordance with the approval document and authorization of the shareholders of the General
Assembly. On July 5, 2013 the Company announced implementation report and verification opinion of relevant agencies. Details
could be found from relevant reports on Juchao Advisory Network http://www.cninfo.com.cn/.

2. On May 14, 2013, the Company received a survey notice issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (No. 2013 DCTZ No.
16), which as due to that the original Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd violates relevant provisions of securities laws and regulations. So,
according to the "Securities Law", the Company was informed of an investigation. Found more in relevant notice released on Juchao
Advisory Network http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 15 May 2013.

This investigation does not involve production and operation activities. Presently all business is operating normally. During the
investigation period, the Company will actively cooperate with China Securities Regulatory Commission, and perform information
disclosure in accordance with the progress.

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            Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders
I. Changes in Share Capital
                                                                                                                              In Share
                                  Before the Change              Increase/Decrease in the Change (+, -)             After the Change
                                                         New                     zation
                                            Proporti                 Bonus                                                    Proporti
                                Amount                  shares                     of       Others     Subtotal     Amount
                                            on (%)                   shares                                                   on (%)
                                                        issued                   public
                                244,800                                                                             244,800
 I. Unlisted shares                         34.66%                                                                            34.66%
                                     ,000                                                                              ,000

                                244,800                                                                             244,800
 1. Sponsor’s shares                       34.66%                                                                            34.66%
                                     ,000                                                                              ,000

         Domestic legal           23,147,                                                                           23,147,
                                             3.28%                                                                             3.28%
 person’s shares                    309                                                                               309

         Foreign legal          221,652                                                                             221,652
                                            31.38%                                                                            31.38%
 person’s shares                    ,691                                                                              ,691

                                461,520                                                                             461,520
 II. Listed shares                          65.34%                                                                            65.34%
                                     ,000                                                                              ,000

 2. Domestically listed         461,520                                                                             461,520
                                            65.34%                                                                            65.34%
 foreign shares                      ,000                                                                              ,000

                                706,320                                                                             706,320
 III. Total shares                            100%                                                                              100%
                                     ,000                                                                              ,000

Reasons for share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Approval of share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Ownership transfer of share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in latest year and period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information necessary to disclose for the Company or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Particulars about shareholder and actual controller of the Company
1. Amount of shareholders of the Company and particulars about shares holding
                                                                                                                                In Share

 Total shareholders at end of                                     Total shareholders ended as the 5th trading day
                                                       18,594                                                                  18,796
 reporting period                                                 before annual report disclosed

                           Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders and top 10 shareholders

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

                                                    Total                                           Number of share pledged/frozen
                                                               Change      t of       Amount
                                       Proporti    lders at
     Full name of       Nature of        on of                  s in     un-liste     of listed
                                                   the end
     Shareholders      shareholder      shares                 report       d          shares       State of share      Amount
                                       held (%)      of
                                                               period    shares         held

                     Domestic                       208,32               208,32
 Wang Dong                              29.49%                                                  0
                     nature person                   4,800                 4,800

                     Overseas legal                95,423,                            95,423,5
 SECURITIES(                            13.51%                                    0
                     person                            522                                  22

 Securities          Overseas legal                37,969,                            37,969,6
                                         5.38%                                    0
 (H.K.) Co.,         person                            687                                  87

 Chengde North
                     non-state                     18,517,               18,517,
 Industrial                              2.62%                                                  0
                     owned legal                       651                   651

                     Overseas legal                16,860,                            16,860,7
 Wanguo (H.K)                            2.39%                                    0
                     person                            724                                  24

 Wang                Domestic                      13,327,               13,327,
                                         1.89%                                                  0
 Zhengsong           nature person                     891                   891

 Wang                Domestic                      7,258,0                            7,258,00
                                         1.03%                                    0
 Wensheng            nature person                        07                                    7

                     Domestic                      6,708,4                            6,708,49
 Zhou Haihong                            0.95%                                    0
                     nature person                        95                                    5

                     Domestic                      5,888,9                            5,888,90
 Yu Sanxi                                0.83%                                    0
                     nature person                        00                                    0

                     Domestic                      5,158,0                            5,158,00
 Li Tianyun                              0.73%                                    0
                     nature person                        00                                    0

 Strategy investors or general legal
 person becomes top 10
 shareholders due to rights issued
 (if applicable) (see note 3)

 Explanation on associated             The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or belongs to
 relationship among the aforesaid      consistent actor regulated by ―management method for acquisition of listed company‖

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 shareholders                          among the above said shareholders.

                                          Particular about top ten circulated shareholders

                                                                                                         Type of shares
        Shareholders’ name                 Amount of listed shares held at period-end
                                                                                                    Type             Amount

 GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                  Domestically
 SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                             95,423,522   listed foreign         95,423,522
 LIMITED                                                                                       shares

 Everbright Securities (H.K.) Co.,
                                                                                  37,969,687   listed foreign         37,969,687

 Shanghai Wanguo (H.K)
                                                                                  16,860,724   listed foreign         16,860,724

 Wang Wensheng                                                                     7,258,007   listed foreign             7,258,007

 Zhou Haihong                                                                      6,708,495   listed foreign             6,708,495

 Yu Sanxi                                                                          5,888,900   listed foreign             5,888,900

 Li Tianyun                                                                        5,158,000   listed foreign             5,158,000

 Liu Tingyu                                                                        3,399,809   listed foreign             3,399,809

 Zhao Ziying                                                                       3,016,816   listed foreign             3,016,816

 Peng Wei                                                                          2,978,525   listed foreign             2,978,525

 Expiation on associated
 relationship or consistent actors
                                       The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or belongs to
 within the top 10 un-restrict
                                       consistent actor regulated by ―management method for acquisition of listed company‖
 shareholders and between top 10
                                       among the above said shareholders.
 un-restrict shareholders and top 10

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 Explanation on shareholders
 involving margin business (if          N/A
 applicable) (see note 4)

Agree to buy-back dealings occurred in Period by shareholders

□Yes   √No

2. Controlling shareholder of the Company

Nature person

                                                                           Enjoy the residence power in the other country or area
           Controlling shareholder                      Nationality

 Wang Dong                                     P.R.C                       N

                                               Successively hold the position of Chairman and Director of Guangzhou Lezent
                                               Communications Technology Co., ltd. from September 2009 to January 2012;
                                               serves as Director of NANJIANG DIAMOND CO., LIMITED since February
                                               2012, an director of Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd. (H.K company) and executive
                                               director of Shanghai Nanjian Investment Co., Ltd.; an executive director of Beijing
 Occupation or position in latest five years
                                               Nanjiang Investment Co.,, Ltd since March 2012; an executive director of
                                               Chengdu Nanjiang Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. since April 2012; served as
                                               chairman of Ningbo Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. from May 2012 to April 2013;
                                               executive director of Chongqing Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd. since March 2013
                                               and chairman of Beijing Moxi Group Holding Group Co., Ltd. since May 2013.

 Listed companies in and out of China that
 controlled in last 10 years

Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Actual controller of the Company

Nature person

                                                                                Enjoy the residence power in the other country or
                Actual controller                         Nationality
                                                                                                   area (Y/N)

 Wang Dong                                      P.R.C                       N

                                                Successively hold the position of Chairman and Director of Guangzhou Lezent
                                                Communications Technology Co., ltd. from September 2009 to January 2012;
                                                serves as Director of NANJIANG DIAMOND CO., LIMITED since February
 Occupation or position in latest five years    2012, an director of Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd. (H.K company) and executive
                                                director of Shanghai Nanjian Investment Co., Ltd.; an executive director of
                                                Beijing Nanjiang Investment Co.,, Ltd since March 2012; an executive director of
                                                Chengdu Nanjiang Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. since April 2012; served as

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                                                   chairman of Ningbo Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. from May 2012 to April 2013;
                                                   executive director of Chongqing Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd. since March 2013
                                                   and chairman of Beijing Moxi Group Holding Group Co., Ltd. since May 2013.

 Listed companies in and out of China that
 controlled in last 10 years

Changes of actual controller in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Property right and controlling relationship between the actual controller and the Company is as follow:

                                         Wang Dong


                                CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD.

Actual controller controlling the Company by entrust or other assets management

□Applicable √Not applicable

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                   Section VII. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior

                                              Executives and Employees

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                                      Increasi   Decreasi
                                                                           Shares       ng         ng        Shares
                                                     Start                 held at    shares      shares     held at
                        Working                                End date
                                                    dated of
                Title                  Sex   Age               of office   period-b   held in    held in    period-e
     Name                status                      office
                                                     term                   egin        this       this     nd(Share
                                                                           (Share)    period      period        )
                                                                                      (Share)    (Share)

 Li         Chairma                                 2012-12
                        y in       M           51
 Weimin     n                                       -28

            Secretar    Currentl   M
 Li                                                 2013-07
            y of the    y in                   51
 Weimin                                             -05
            Board       office

 Zhao                   Currentl   M
            Director                                2012-04
 Yongshe                y in                   37
            & GM                                    -27
 ng                     office

 Zhao                   Currentl   M
 Yongshe    CFO         y in                   37
 ng                     office

                        Currentl   M
 Cheng                                              2012-04
            Director    y in                   45
 Ducai                                              -27

 Hu                     Leave      M                2013-01    2013-06
            Director                           59
 Wenxi                  office                      -25        -05

                        Currentl   M
 Wang                                               2012-07
            Director    y in                   41
 Dong                                               -31

                        Currentl   M
 Chen                                               2012-07
            Director    y in                   39
 Weihuan                                            -31

            Indepen     Currentl   M
 Guo                                                2012-07
            dent        y in                   43
 Huibin                                             -31
            director    office

 Zhang      Indepen     Currentl   M           60   2012-07

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

 Zhiyong     dent         y in                                  -31
             director     office

             Indepen      Currentl    M
 Cao                                                            2012-04
             dent         y in                             47
 Guohua                                                         -27
             director     office

             Chairma                  M
             n of
             Supervis                                           2012-04
 Xie Yu                   y in                             40
             ory                                                -27

             Supervis                                           2012-04
 Wei Lei                  y in        F                    36
             or                                                 -27

             Employe                  M
 Hao                      Currentl
               e                                                2012-04
 Guangxi                  y in                             38                              5,900              0   0       5,900
             supervis                                           -27
 n                        office

                          Currentl    M
 Wang        Deputy                                             2013-10
                          y in                             57
 Xiashu        GM                                               -11

 Wang        GM           Leave       M                         2012-04    2013-10
 Xiashu      assistant    office                                -27        -10

 Sun                      Currentl    M
             GM                                                 2013-10
 Hongwe                   y in                             50
             assistant                                          -11
 i                        office

 Hu          Deputy       Leave       M                         2012-04    2013-06
 Wenxi       GM           office                                -27        -05

                          Leave                                 2013-03    2013-06
 Guozhe      CFO                      M                    56
                          office                                -15        -05

     Total         --        --           --          --              --         --        5,900              0   0       5,900

II. Post-holding

Major working experience of directors, supervisors and senior executive at the present in latest five years
Li Weimin: male, born in 1963 and has a graduate diploma. He worked in 1st section of Ministry of Metallurgical Industry and
Zhongjian Law Practice Center; he works in China Kejian Co., Ltd. since October 2001; hold secretary of the Board for China Kejian
Co., Ltd. since April 2003 and he successively serves as Director, deputy chairman of the Company since July 2012, he is the
Chairman of the Company and secretary of the Board right now.

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Zhao Yongsheng, male, born in January 1977, he owes a university degree. He served as GM for WholeWise Sci.& Tech. Co., Ltd
and Netcom division from 1999 to 2006; and served as GM of Shenzhen XinJinDa Investment Co., Ltd. from 2006 to 2012. He
serves as director, GM and CEO of the Company since 2012.

Cheng Ducai, male, born in January 1969, party member of the CPC, an accountant, he owes a university degree. He successively
served as office of financial dept., directors and deputy directors of China Resources Recycling Corporation; he also served as CFO
of Beijing XinLianXieChuang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd, Chairman of Beijing XinLian JinDa Investment Co., Ltd, and
deputy chairman of Tibe Yalong Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd.; now he is the Director of the Company.

Wang Dong, male, born in 1973 and has a graduate diploma. He served as director and GM of China Kejian Co., ltd. from March
2005 to December 2011; successively hold the position of Chairman and Director of Guangzhou Lezent Communications
Technology Co., ltd. from September 2009 to January 2012; serves as Chairman of Nanjiang Investment Holding Co., Ltd since April
2011; the Director of NANJIANG DIAMOND CO., LIMITED since February 2012; and now is the Director of the Company.

Chen Weihuan, male, born in December 1975, an accountant with university degree. He successively served as manager of financial
dept. of WholeWise Sci.& Tech. Co., Ltd, as CFO of China Kejian Co., ltd. and deputy GM of Shenzhen Nanjiang Investment
Holding Co., ltd. Now he is the Director of the Company.

Cao Guohua, male, PhD in Management, professor and tutor of a Ph.D student for School of Economics and Business Administration,
Chongqing University. He was selected as the elite talent of new century of Ministry of Education in 2007. He successively served as
independent directors of Guizhou Lark Co., ltd. and Balance Auto Insurance Co., Ltd. Now he is the independent director of the

Guo Huibin, male, born in September 1971,an accountant, master of economics. He served as financial analyst of financial dept. of
China Railway Signal & Communication Corp. from April 1996 to March 1997; worked in management dept. of branch of Lenovo
from March 1997 to February 1999; worked as GM of Kunming Branch from March 1999 to February 2001; from March 2001 to
September 2004 he worked as deputy GM of business management dept. of Digital China Integrated System; from June 2005 to
September 2007 he served s GM for Beijing XinNuo Zhiye Technology Development Co., Ltd.; he served as GM of Beijing Fangbo
Shidai Technology Co., Ltd. from October 2007 to March 2011 and served as Chairman of Tianjin One-Selected Equity Fund
Management Co., Ltd. from March 2011 to July 2012 and now he is the independent director of the Company.

Zhang Zhiyong, male, born in November 1954 and has a graduate diploma, a chief editor (deputy senior). He dedicated to news for
almost thirty years, and he successively served as the director of People’s Broadcasting Station of Baicheng City, Jilin Province, the
director of Baicheng Daily; deputy chief editor of Shenzhen TV News and director and member of editorial board for Shenzhen
Financial Post; he serves as director, member of editorial board and deputy President of Securities Times since February 1994; also
he took post of independent director of China Kejian Co., ltd. since May 2010, now he is independent director of the Company.

Xie Yu, male, born in 1974, graduated from Chongqing University; from September 1998 to May 2000 he served as engineers for
Chongqing Branch of China Unicom; from May 2000 to January 2003 he served as Manager of WholeWise Sci.& Tech. Co., Ltd;
served as deputy GM of Beijing Times WholeWise Software Tech. Co., Ltd. from January 2003 to September 2004; from September
2004 to September 2007 he served as GM for Beijing Tibet Beidou Star Group Co., Ltd; he successively serves as GM assistant ,
director and deputy president of Sichuan Direction Photoelectricity Co., Ltd. since September 2007; now he is the chairman of
supervisory committee of the Company.

Wei Lei, female, born in 1978, the junior college educational background; from July 1997 to December 2008 she worked as

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

accountant for Xinzhi Technology Co., Ltd. and act as financial manager of Shenzhen Branch of Xinzhi Technology Co., Ltd.; she
serves as accountant of Shenzhen Xinjinda Investment Holding Co., Ltd. since January 2009, now she is the supervisor of the

Hao Guangxin, male, born in 1976, graduated from technical secondary school; he worked in former Dixian Co., ltd in 1996; and he
successively act as director of Making Factory, officer and director of comprehensive business division and office director of
Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd.; now he serves as employee supervisor of the Company.

Wang Xiashu, male, 56-year-old, graduated from university; he successively served as deputy director of Fuzhou 2 nd Printing Factory,
deputy GM of branch of Fujian Computer Company, deputy GM of Fujian Union Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., director and
deputy GM of Beijing Mingda Real Estate Development Co., Ltd, director and deputy GM of Beijing Bihu Entertainment
Development Co., Ltd, chairman and GM of Beijing Wanbo Technology Development Co., Ltd, director and deputy GM of Beijing
Millenniums Investment Co., Ltd., legal person and GM of Shandong Changle Changyuan Real Estate Co., Ltd. and deputy GM of
Fujian Yumin Investment Co., Ltd.; he served as GM assistant of the Company from April 2012 to October 2013 and serves as deputy
GM of the Company now.

Sun Hongwei, male, born in 1964, a high school background, worked in Chengde Dixian Knitting Co., Ltd. in 1986, and successively
served as chief of electrial and mechanical department of Dye Plant, GM of infrasturcture division for electromechanical device,
person in charge of the preparatory office of Xingye Paper Making, manager of Xingye Paper Making Company and manager of
engineering department of Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd.

Post-holding in shareholder’s unit

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Post-holding in other unit

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                             Start dated of    End date of
 Name                        Name of other units              Position                                          remuneration from
                                                                              office term      office term
                                                                                                                other units (Y/N)

 Cheng            Beijing XinLian JinDa Investment Co.,
                                                              GM             2005-04-15                        Y
 Ducai            Ltd

 Wei Lei          Shenzhen XinJinDa Investment Co., Ltd       Accountant     2009-01-15                        Y

                  NANJIANG DIAMOND CO.,                                                                        N
 Wang Dong                                                    Director       2012-02-23

                                                              Executive                                        N
 Wang Dong        Shanghai Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd.                     2012-02-20

                                                              Executive                                        N
 Wang Dong        Beijing Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd.                      2012-03-01

                  Chongqing Nanjiang Investment Co.,          Executive                                        N
 Wang Dong                                                                   2013-03-05
                  Ltd.                                        director

 Wang Dong        Beijing Moxi Holdings Group                 Chairman       2013-05-06                        N

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                  Chengdu Nanjiang Engineering                 Executive                                             N
 Wang Dong                                                                     2012-04-26
                  Technology Co., Ltd.                         director

                  Shenzhen Nanjiang Investment Holding
 Wang Dong                                                     Chairman        2011-04-19                            N
                  Co., Ltd.

 Chen             Shenzhen Nanjiang Investment Holding
                                                               CFO             2011-04-19                            Y
 Weihuan          Co., Ltd.

 Li Weimin        China Kejian Co., Ltd.                       Director        2003-04-10                            N

 on               The above mentioned was the post-holding conditions for director, supervisor and senior executives of the
 post-holding     Company; post-holding of independent directors found more in individual CV.
 in other unit

III. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, recognition basis and payment for directors, supervisors and senior executives
Decision-making procedures: remuneration & appraisal committee proposed remuneration plan, and being approved after
deliberation by the Board, submitted for approval to shareholders’ general meeting.
Recognition basis: based on the industry and scales of the remuneration standards, formulate remuneration combine with actual
operation status of the Company.
Payment: distribute monthly according to remuneration plan
In reporting period, the in-post directors, supervisors and senior executives (not including independent directors) received
remuneration from the Company totally approximately as RMB 566,900.

Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period
                                                                                                                     In ten thousand Yuan

                                                                                                        remuneration      Remuneratio
                                                                     Post-holding                         obtained         n actually
      Name             Title             Sex             Age                             obtained
                                                                          status                            from          obtained at
                                                                                         from the
                                                                                                        shareholder’s     period-end

                                                                     Currently in
 Li Weimin        Secretary of     M                           51                                   0                0                  0
                  the Board

 Zhao             Director&                                          Currently in
                                   M                           37                             14.21                  0           14.21
 Yongsheng        GM& CFO                                            office

                                                                     Currently in
 Wang Dong        Director         M                           41                                   0                0                  0

 Chen                                                                Currently in
                  Director         M                           39                                   0                0                  0
 Weihuan                                                             office

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 Cheng                                                                Currently in
                  Director         M                           45                                    0               0      0
 Ducai                                                                office

                  Independent                                         Currently in
 Guo Huibin                        M                           43                                    6               0      6
                  director                                            office

 Zhang            Independent                                         Currently in
                                   M                           60                                    6               0      6
 Zhiyong          director                                            office

                  Independent                                         Currently in
 Cao Guohua                        M                           47                                    6               0      6
                  director                                            office

                  Chairman of
                                                                      Currently in
 Xie Yu           supervisory      M                           40                                    0               0      0

                                                                      Currently in
 Wei Lei          Supervisor       F                           36                                    0               0      0

 Hao              Employee                                            Currently in
                                   M                           38                                  8.41              0    8.41
 Guangxin         supervisor                                          office

                                                                      Currently in
 Wang Xiashu      Deputy GM        M                           57                                  8.46              0    8.46

 Sun                                                                  Currently in
                  GM assistant     M                           50                                  7.61              0    7.61
 Hongwei                                                              office

                  CFO              M                           56     Leave office                   0               0      0

 Hu Wenxi                          M                           59     Leave office                   0               0      0
                  Deputy GM

       Total            --               --               --                   --                 56.69              0   56.69

Delegated equity incentive for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives

       Name               Title               Type             Date                                       Reasons

                    Secretary of
 Li Weimin                             Appointment       2013-07-05             Appointment secretary of the Board
                    the Board

                    CFO                Leave office      2013-03-14             Post adjustment

                    CFO                Appointment       2013-07-25             Appointment CFO

 Sun Hongwei        GM assistant       Appointment       2013-10-11             Job changes

 Hu Wenxi           Director           Appointment       2013-01-25             Appointment director

 Hu Wenxi           Director,          Leave office      2013-06-05             Individual reasons

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                    deputy GM

 Wang Guozhen
                    CFO               Appointment          2013-03-15        Appointment CFO

 Wang Guozhen       CFO               Leave office         2013-06-05        Individual reasons

 Wang Xiashu        GM assistant      Leave office         2013-10-10        Job changes

 Wang Xiashu        Deputy GM         Appointment          2013-10-11        Job changes

V. Changes of core technology team or key technicians in reporting period (not including
directors, supervisors and senior executives)

Core technology team has no changed in reporting period

VI. Particulars of workforce

(I) Employees in-post
Ended as 31 December 2013, the Company owes 129 employees in-post totally
(II) Professional constitution and education background:
Classification of         Production personnel       Sales man          Technicians               Fianncial personnel   Administrative
profession                                                                                                              personnel
People                    52                         7                  8                         7                     55
Classification      of                                                                            Junior      college
                          Doctor                     Master             Bachelor degree                                 Other
education background                                                                              diploma
Number                    1                          5                  10                        26                    87

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                            Section VIII. Corporate Governance
I. Corporate governance
In reporting period, the Company complied to laws and rules such as the Company Law, the Security Law, the Governance Rules of
Listed Companies, related regulations of CSRC and the Stock Listing Rules for Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Normalized Operation
Norms for Listed Companies as well as relevant laws and regulations, standardized the operation, continues to improved and
perfected the structure for corporate governance. Actual condition of the corporate governance almost consistent with requirement
and regulations of normative documents of relevant laws and statute
1. Shareholders and the Shareholders’ General Meeting:
The Company set up Rules of Procedure of Shareholders’ General Meeting and was able to convene and hold the Shareholders’
General Meeting strictly according to the requirement of normative opinions of the Shareholders’ General Meeting and the procedure
of the meeting was legal. The Company ensures that all shareholders share the actual information of the Company equally and
guarantee the legal rights of medium and small shareholders.
2. Relation of the controlling shareholder and the listed company:
The Company is completely independent from the controlling shareholder in terms of personnel; assets, finance, organization and
business, there are no decision-making and operation activities of the Company that being interfered directly or indirectly by
controlling shareholder over the shareholders’ general meeting, and no condition of capital and assets of the Company occupied by
controlling shareholder and its related parties either.
3. Directors and the Board of Directors:
The Company elected directors strictly according to the procedure stated in the Articles of Association and engaged independent
directors according to relevant requirements. All directors can take the responsibilities in a diligent attitude on behalf of the
maximum interests of the Company and the shareholders. The Board of Directors established Rules of procedure of the Board of
Directors, implemented patiently the regulations of the laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company, treated all
shareholders fairly and concentrated on the interest of relevant beneficial parties.
Specialized commissions were set up in the board of directors such as audit commission, remuneration and appraisal commission,
strategy commission and nomination commission. They respectively take over function of discussion and determination of significant
events according to corresponding working details.
4. Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee:
The population and constitution of the board of supervisors conform to requirements of the Articles of Association, including 1 staff
representative among the 3 members. The supervisors could carefully exert duties, take necessary check and supervision on finance,
directors, general managers and other senior managerial personnel, thus maintain lawful interests of the Company. The procedure of
assembling and holding of the board of supervisors conform to relevant rules of the Listing Rules, the Articles of Association and the
Parliamentary Procedures of the Board of Supervisor.
5. In aspect of relevant beneficial parties
The Company is able to fully respect and safeguard the legal rights and interests of the bank, other creditors, employees, customers
and other parties of related interests. The Company pays special attention to social welfare, environmental protection and
commonweal cause in the area, while protecting the Company’s sustainable development and realizing the maximum of the
shareholders’ interests.
6. In aspect of information disclosure and transparency:
The Company authorized the secretary of the Board of Directors to be responsible for information disclosure, reception of the
shareholders’ interviewing and consultation. The Company could disclose relevant information in a true, accurate, complete and
timely manner strictly according to provisions of laws, regulations and the Articles of Association so as to ensure equal chances for

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all shareholders to obtain information.

On 14 May 2013, the Company received a Notice of Inquiry (Serial: 2013 Diao Cha Tong Zi No. 16) from CSRC, decided to initiate
an investigation to the Company due to the Securiteis Laws and relevant regulations and rules have been violated by former Chengde
Dalu Co., Ltd., in line with related regulation of Securities Law of The People’s Republic of China.

The investigation not involved with operation activiteis of the Company at present, business of the Company operating normally so
far. During the investigation, the Company will actively cooperate with the CSRC for field works, and shall fulfill obligations of
information disclosure on time according to the investigation progress.

Is there any difference between the corporate government, the Company Laws and relevant regulations from CSRC
□ Yes √ No
There are no differences between the corporate government, the Company Laws and relevant regulations from CSRC
Specific activity of the corporate governance as well as formulation and implementation of registration mechanism for insiders
In the reporting period, in strict accordance with relevant requirement and regulations of ―Management System for Information
Disclosure‖ and ―Management System of Information Registration for Person with Knowledge of Inside Information‖ that
formulated, the Company earnestly does a good job in registration management for information and information submit. Name lists
of the person with knowledge of inside information have been well-recorded completely before disclosed in aspect of reporting,
submit, preparation, approval and disclosure. No violation behavior been found in directors, supervisors and senior executives and
other persons with knowledge of inside information, and no supervision measures and administrative penalty been taken for being
suspected of inside trading by supervision departments either.

II. In the report period, the Company held annual general meeting and extraordinary
shareholders’ general meeting
1. Annual General Meeting in the report period
                                               Name of meeting                                                         Index of
 Session of meeting            Date                                       Situation         Date of disclosure
                                                    motion                                                             disclosure

                                              Working Report of
                                              the Board for year
                                              of 2012, Working
                                              Report of the
                                                                                                                 Securities Times,
                                              Committee for
                                                                                                                 Hong          Kong
                                              year of 2012,
                                                                                                                 Commercial Daily
 Annual general                               Annual Financial
                        2013-04-12                                   All pass              2013-04-15            and          Juchao
 meeting of 2012                              Report of 2012,
                                              Profit Distribution
                                              Plan for year of
                                              2012, Annual
                                              Report and
                                              Summary for year
                                              of 2012,
                                              Appointment of

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                                     Institution for year
                                     of 2013,
                                     Amendment on
                                     Article of

2. Extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting in the report period

                                         Name of meeting                                               Index of
 Session of meeting         Date                                Situation   Date of disclosure
                                             motion                                                    disclosure

                                     Consented to the
                                     Material Assets
                                     Restructuring of
                                     the Company,
                                     Material Assets
                                     Constitute a
                                     Transaction, The
                                     Company Entered
                                     into ―Assets
                                     Agreement‖ with
                                     effective                                                   Securities Times,
 The first                           conditions                                                  Hong          Kong
 extraordinary                       Attached with                                               Commercial Daily
 shareholders’       2013-01-25     Interested Party,      All pass        2013-01-28           and          Juchao
 general meeting                     Purchasing                                                  Website
 2013                                Material Assets                                             http://www.cninfo.
                                     and Report of                                               com.cn
                                     Transactions and
                                     its Summary,
                                     Approval of the
                                     auditing report,
                                     assessment report
                                     and profit forecast
                                     approval report for
                                     the Material
                                     Submit to the
                                     general meeting

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                                     for authority of
                                     Material Assets
                                     Restructuring to
                                     the Board, More
                                     directors in the

                                                                                   Securities Times,
                                                                                   Hong        Kong
 The second
                                     Foreign                                       Commercial Daily
                                     Investment and                                and        Juchao
 shareholders’    2013-03-15                              All pass   2013-03-18
                                     Related                                       Website
 general meeting
                                     Transactions                                  http://www.cninfo.

                                                                                   Securities Times,
 The third                                                                         Hong        Kong
 extraordinary                       Amendment on                                  Commercial Daily
 shareholders’    2013-05-03        Article of            All pass   2013-05-06   and        Juchao
 general meeting                     Association                                   Website
 2013                                                                              http://www.cninfo.

                                                                                   Securities Times,
                                     Assets of
 The fourth                                                                        Hong        Kong
 extraordinary                                                                     Commercial Daily
                                     subsidiary sold,
 shareholders’    2013-07-19                              All pass   2013-07-20   and        Juchao
                                     Participated in the
 general meeting                                                                   Website
                                     auction of Land
 2013                                                                              http://www.cninfo.
                                     use right

                                                                                   Securities Times,
 The fifth                                                                         Hong        Kong
 extraordinary                       Proposal of Assets                            Commercial Daily
 shareholders’    2013-09-27        of the Company        All pass   2013-09-28   and        Juchao
 general meeting                     sold                                          Website
 2013                                                                              http://www.cninfo.

                                                                                   Securities Times,
                                     subsidiary applied
 The sixth                                                                         Hong        Kong
                                     for bank credit
 extraordinary                                                                     Commercial Daily
                                     lines, The
 shareholders’    2013-11-08                              All pass   2013-11-09   and        Juchao
                                     Company offering
 general meeting                                                                   Website
 2013                                                                              http://www.cninfo.
                                     guarantees to

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                                                                                                                  Securities Times,
 The seventh                                                                                                      Hong             Kong
 extraordinary                                                                                                    Commercial Daily
                                              Proposal of
 shareholders’         2013-11-29                                   All pass              2013-11-30             and            Juchao
                                              foreign investment
 general meeting                                                                                                  Website
 2013                                                                                                             http://www.cninfo.

III. Responsibility performance of independent directors in report period

1.The attending of independent directors to Board meetings and shareholders’ general meeting
                                               The attending of independent directors

                           Times of                                                                                         Absent the
                                                                 Times of
                        Board meeting                                              Times of                             Meeting for
      Independent                             Times of         attending by                           Times of
                          supposed to                                              entrusted                                the second
        director                              Presence         communicatio                           Absence
                         attend in the                                             presence                             time in a row
                         report period                                                                                        (Y/N)

 Cao Guohua                           19                   1                18                 0                 0      N

 Guo Huibin                           19                   1                18                 0                 0      N

 Zhang Zhiyong                        19                   1                18                 0                 0      N

 Times to attended the shareholders
 general meeting

Explanation of absent the Board Meeting for the second time in a row

2. Objection for relevant events from independent directors

Whether independent directors come up with objection about company’s relevant matters or not
□ Yes √ No
Independent directors has no objections for relevant events in reporting period

3. Other explanation about responsibility performance of independent directors
Whether the opinions from independent directors have been adopted or not
√Yes □ No
Explanation on advice that accepted/not accepted from independent directors
According to the requirement of Company Law, Security Laws, Rules for Stock Listing, Article of Association and Working
Mechanism for Independent Directors, independent directors of the Company pay attention to operation of the Company, performing
vary responsibility of independent directors seriously; furthermore, they proactively investigate and studied operation status, business
development and financial status of the Company, strictly supervise standard operation of the Company. Concerning the engagement
of accounting firm, external guarantee, profit distribution plan and self-evaluation report of internal control, they carry out specific

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explanation and independent opinions; and fulfill responsibility to propose scientific and reasonable opinions and recommendation
for operation and development of the Company base on their own professional knowledge, which protect all interest of the
shareholders for the Company. In the report period, independent directors have no objections on relevant issues of the Company.

IV. Responsibility performance of subordinate special committee of the Board in report
1. Responsibility performance of Auditing Committee
In the report period, auditing committee followed related regulation of Annual Report Work Regulations of Audit Committee,
seriously fulfilled their duties: examine accounting policy, financial system and financial status of eth Company for year of 2013 as
well as the improvement and implementation of internal control; auditing company’s periodic report and financial report; during the
preparation, they cooperated with auditing institution to ensure the reality, accuracy and completeness of periodic report, and
summary the annual work of auditing institution

2. Responsibility performance of Nomination Committee
In the reporting period, nomination committee in line with related regulation of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
conscientiously performed their duties, reviewed the appointment qualification and competency-based for the Board, supervisory
committee and senior executives: the person shall required relevant professional knowledge and ability of decision-making,
supervision and cooperation, and be qualified for relevant positions, the qualification meets regulations from the Company Law,
Governance Rules for Listed Companies and Article of Association.
3. Responsibility performance of Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
In reporting period, in strict accordance with ―Working Rules of Remuneration and Appraisal Committee‖, the committee earnestly
perfom their duties, mainly in charge of the formulation of assessment standards for directors and senior executives, and carried out
evaluations; formulated and reviewed the remuneration policy and plan for directors and managers and directring the Board to
improve remuneration system of the Company.
4. Responsibility performance of Strategy Committee
In the reporting period, strategy committee in line with related regulation of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, conscientiously
performed their duties, carried on research and proposed advice on the development strategy plans of the Company as well as the
major events that may impact on the Company’s development in the future; they broadly responsible for the strategic macro
manaegment of the Company, strategy formulation, planning approval and supervision implementation, and study the annual strategy
development needs of the Company, development planning, strengthen scientific of decision-making, improved the decision-making
efficiency for major investment and decision-making quality, perfected the structure of corporate governance.

V. Works from Supervisory Committee
Whether the Company has risks or not in reporting period that found in supervisory activity from supervisory committee
□ Yes √ No
Supervisory committee has no objection about supervision events in reporting period
In 2013, all supervisor of the supervisory committee in a responsible manner for general meeting and whole shareholders,
conscientiously abide by the State Laws, regulations and Article of Association, diligent and responsible, forge ahead, giver full play
to the due role of supervisory committee in the Company.
(I) Meeting of the supervisory committee and resolutions in Period
Supervisory committee held 4 meetings in the Period with contents as:
1. On 26 Feburary 2013, the 4th meeting of 5th session of supervisory committee was held on way of communication. Proposals

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below are been deliberated and approved:
(1) Deliberated and passed the ―Working Report of Superviosry Committee for year of 2012‖;
(2) Deliberated and passed the ―Financial Report of 2012‖;
(3) Deliberated and passed the ―Annual Report of 2012 and Summary‖
(4) Deliberated and passed the ―Self-appraisal Report of Internal Control for year of 2012‖
(5) Deliberated and passed the ―Retroztive Treatment on Accounting Statement of 2011 by the Board‖
The   resolution   notice   was   released     on   Hong   Kong     Commercial    Daily,   Securities   Times   and   Juchao     Website
http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 28 Feburary 2013.
2. On 23 April 2013, the 5th meeting of 5th session of supervisory committee was held on way of communication. Deliberated and
approved the ―1Q Report of 2013 and Summary‖. The resolution was submitted for a record in Shenzhen Stock Exchaneg on 23
April 2013.
3. On 27 August 2013, the 6th meeting of 5th session of supervisory committee was held on way of communication. Deliberated and
approved the ―Semi-Annual Report of 2013 and Summary‖. The resolution was submitted for a record in Shenzhen Stock Exchaneg
on 27 August 2013.
4. On 25 October 2013, the 7th meeting of 5th session of supervisory committee was held on way of communication. Deliberated and
approved the ―3Q Report of 2013 and Summary‖. The resolution was submitted for a record in Shenzhen Stock Exchaneg on 25
October 2013.
(II) Independent oponion on relevant events of the Company for year of 2013
1. Independent oponion on operate according to law regulations
In accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the State, supervisory committee supervised the convening procedures of the
Board Meeting and resolutions, execution of general meeting’s resolution by the Board, duty performance of senior executives and
management system of the Company. They considered that as for the work for year of 2013, the Board carried out standard
operations in strict accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law, Listing Rules, Article of Association as well as other
regulations and mechanism, responsible and conscientious, making operation decisions scientifically and reasonably, further to
improved the internal managemetn system and internal control mechanism, established a favorable IC mechanism; no interest of the
Company was violated and behavior against the laws, regulations, article of associations in way of duty performance from the
directors and managers been found.
2. Independent oponion on financial consition of the Company
Supervisory committee exercise carefully and dilligent examination on the finanical system and financial status of the Company, they
considered that real financial status and operation results of the Company have been reflected in the finacnal reprot of 2013.
3. Independent oponion on latest actual investment of raised fund
The Company has no fund raised in the reporting period.
4. Independent oponion on related transaction
Related transactions occurred in the Period:
(1) On 24 January 2013, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company—Chengde Nanjiang Investment Co., Ltd., entered into a
cooperation agreement with Ningbo Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. for established Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. contributed
by two parties with registered capial amounting to RMB 50 million, of which, Nanjiang Invesment contributed RMB 45 million in
cash, accounting 90% of the total invested amount while Ningbo Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. invested RMB 5 million in cash, a 10%
in total invested amount. Related director Mr. Wang Dong and Mr. Chen Weihuan avoid the voting. The foreign investment is the
strategic long-term investment for the Company, which is further to promoted the strategy target of transformation of new energy and
new mateirals, benefit to improve core competence fo the Company, accelerated sustainable development of the Company and plays
an active role in later development without interest of the sharehodles and Company been violated and assets loss.

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(2) On 8 November 2013, Chengde Nanjiang Co., Ltd., Chengde Nanjiang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. and Beijing Xiangeqing
Co., Ltd. entered into a three parties long-term strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing, that is Eco-agricultural, the wholly-owned
child company, provided agricultural products needed for Beijing Xiangeqing for a long-term, transactions in 2014 expected up to
RMB 10 million. Related director Mr. Wang Dong avoid the voting. The routine related transaction is the normal operation needs of
the Company, pricing follow by the market principle, and without interest of the sharehoders and Company been violated and assets

(3) The ―Suspension Notice for Preparation for Material Assets Reorganization‖ was released on 26 July 2012, stock of the Company
ceased for trading since 26 July 2012. During the reporting period, the material assets reorganization was completed, 30 percent
equity of Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd was purchased in cash and is constitute a related transaction. The
purchasing plan and relevant agreemetns signed were satisfied the ―Company Law of the People’s Republic of China‖, ―P.R.C
Securities Law‖, ―Administrative Measures for the Material Assets Reorganizations of Listed Companies‖ and other related laws and
regulations as well as regulations of normative documents issued by CSRC, relevant approval procedures are opreates under the
circustums of related directors withdraw from voting. The agency authority of auditing organization, appraisal institute, financial
consultant and law advisers with statutoty qualifications have been appointed by the Company in line with legal procedures, and
exercise material assets reorganization according on basis of the reprots and opinions issued by the agency authority, guarantee the
material assets reorganization carried on basis of legal, regulated, fairness, justice and open, and without interest of the sharehoders
and Company been violated and assets loss.

5. Independent oponion on acquisition of assets sold
Acquisition and sales of the assets are runs in a reasonable price, no interest of part of the shareholders been violated or assets of the
Company loss been found.
6. Self-appraisal of internal control
In line with relevant regulation of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company follow basic principle of internal control,
according to actual condition, established and improved an internal control system that covers all aspects of the Company, guarantee
business activities operates normally, protect the safety and completion of assets. In the reporting period, no situation of violation of
―Guideline of Internal Control for Listed Companies‖ and IC system of the Company been found. In conclusion, the supervisory
committee considered that the self-appraisal report of the internal control reflects a real, accurate condition of the Company in aspect
of internal control, therefore, supervisory show no objections.

VI. Independency of the Company relative to controlling shareholders’ in aspect of businesses,
personnel, assets, organization and finance

The company is completely independent from the controlling shareholder in terms of personnel, assets, finance, organization and
business for independent responsibility and risks undertake, owes an independent business and ability of self operation.
1. In aspect of personnel: the labor, personnel and wage management of the Company is completely independent and the manager,
deputy manager and other senior executives received salaries in the Company.
2. In aspect of assets: The Company as an independent legal person has full property right of legal person and has independent
production system, accessorial production system and auxiliary equipment. Industrial property right, trademark, non-patent
technology and other intangible assets all belong to the listed company. The Company has independent purchase and sales system.
3. In aspect of finance: The Company has independent financial department, whole, independent and normatively operated business
accounting system and financial administration system and independent bank account.
4. In aspect of organization independence: The Company’s organizations are wholly independent and the offices of the Company are

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wholly separated from the controlling shareholder.
5. In aspect of business: The Company is independent from the controlling shareholder in terms of businesses and has independent
and whole business and operating ability.

VII. Horizontal Competition
No horizontal competitions exist in the Company, controlling shareholders and actual controllers

VIII. Appraisal and incentive mechanism for senior executives
Senior executives’ annual remuneration is paid monthly. They based on rules of salary management and level standard made by the
company. They made the remuneration case for senior manager based on the annual examination of their work ability, performance
and accomplishment of duty goals.

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                                         Section IX. Internal control
I. The Construction Situation of Internal Control
Based on the reality of its own, the Company had established a set of internal control system which was rather perfect, including
Articles of Association, Procedures and Rules of Shareholders’ General Meeting, Procedures and Rules of Board of Directors,
Procedures and Rules of Supervisory Committee, Work Specification for General Manager, Management System of Raised Proceeds,
Conduct Code for Controlling Shareholders, Investor Relationship Management System, Financial Management System, Information
Disclosure Management System, Internal Report System for Significant Information, Shares Held by the Directors, Supervisors and
Senior Management Officers of Listed Companies and the Changes Thereof, Administration System for Insiders of Internal
Information, the Accountability System for Major Errors Made in Annual Report Information Disclosure, Work Specification for
Independent Directors, Implementation Specification for Audit Committee, Work Rules on Annual Report for Audit Committee,
Encouragement and Restraint Mechanism Approach for Management Team,             Implementation Specification for Strategy Committee
of Board of Directors, Implementation Specification for Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of Board of Directors,
Implementation Specification for Nomination Committee of Board of Directors and Related Transaction Management System,
Management System for Derivatives Investment and other regulations and systems. The internal control system basically covered all
operational step of the Company.

In order to reinforced and improved internal control of the Company, and guarantee favorable operation of the Company as well as in
line with relevant requirement and supporting guideline of ―Notice of Approval from the State Council for Quality Improvement of
Listed Company from Security Regulatory Committee(GF[2005] No. 34‖ and ―Basic Norms of Internal Control for Enterprises‖;
according to the relate requirement of ―Notice of Standardize Relevant Works of Internal Control Completely for the Company in
Administrative Area‖ from Hebei Security Regulatory Bureau of CSRC, the Company formulated a working plan of implementation
of internal control and promoted the internal control work step by step.

The present internal control system of the company was basically completed, which could adapt demand of the Company’s
management and development, and basically reached the whole goal of internal control. The present internal control could provide
reasonable guarantee for compiling true and fair financial statement, and provide guarantee for healthy operation of each business,
and implementation of relevant laws, regulations of the state and internal bylaws of unit. Each internal control of the Company was
persistently, smoothly and strictly implemented in each step of production and operation. The Company thought the internal control
was effective.

Accompanied with changes in operational and external environments, there was bound to be some systematical shortcomings or
managerial loopholes during the corporate development, and effectiveness of the current internal control might change. The
Company would comply with relevant requirements and further optimize internal control to make sure that it would always adapt to
the developmental demands of the Company as well as the requirements of related national laws and rules.

II. Statement of the Board of Directors on Responsibility of Internal Control
Board of Directors considers that: the Company effectively implemented the internal control by continuous to established, completed
and executed vary internal control mechanism as well as perfected the mechanism; internal control mechanism is operating in a
favorable condition, no major defects be found in aspect of risk control, business control, financial management, H&R management,
information communication and disclosure management; in real implementation, no major errors being found and the operation risks
are under an effective control. Frame of internal control mechanism of the Company is getting more and more perfection and
reasonable, overall, the mechanism is effective that meets the development for enterprise’ operation.
The Company complied with Accounting Laws, Accounting Standards for Enterprises, Regulation of Internal Control and supporting

承德南江股份有限公司 2013 年度报告全文

guidelines as well as regulations and rules, formulated and implemented financial management system. The installation and division
of accounting posts was clear, separated from each other and restrained each other with post duty system; in aspect of financial report,
the Company had built a series of complete financial report system and internal control system of financial report. The production
procedure of financial report was scientific and complete. As to the data, the core was controlled, the collection was efficient, and
that analysis and handle was conducted; As for annual report audit, the Company formulated the Annual Report Working Procedure
for Audit Commission of the Board of Directors and the Annual Report Working Procedure for Independent Directors. Audit
Commission and independent directors practically fulfilled duties with full responsibility diligently. The legal representative, chief
accounting charger and charger of accounting institution were responsible for the authenticity and completeness of the Company. In
the reporting period, financial staff of the Company in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations as well as internal control
system of the financial report, carried out financial management and accounting treatment pursuant to the law, internal control of the
financial report operates efficiency and correctly without major deficits.

IV. Appraisal report of internal control
                                Details of major defects in appraisal report that found in reporting period

 No major defect has been found in the internal control during the Period

 Date of appraisal report of
 internal control disclosed             2014-04-25

 Index of appraisal report of
 internal control disclosed             Juchao Website:www.cninfo.com.cn

V. Audit report of internal control

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI.Establishment and enforcement of Accountability Mechanism for Major Errors in Annual
The company formulated ―Accountability Mechanism for Major Errors in Disclosure of Annual Report Information‖, which defined
the situation of major errors for disclosure of annual report information, the type of accountability and its kind. It helps to disclose
annual report information. No correction of major accounting errors, supplementation of major omission information and amendment
of performance prediction occurred in the report period.

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

                                         Section X. Financial Report

I、Audit Report

Audit Opinion                                       Standard unqualified audit opinion

Date of issuing audit report                        2014/4/23

Name of the audit firm                              Da Hua Certified Public Accountants(Special General Partnership)

Reference number of the audit report                Da Hua Shen Zi [2014] No. 005026

Name of Certified public accountant                 Rong Fan, JunMin Han

                                                        Body of the audit report
                                                             Audit Report
                                                                                                   Da Hua Shen Zi [2014] No.005026
To the Shareholders of CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. :
We have audited the accompanying statement of (consolidated) financial position of CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. as at 31
December 2012, and the statement of (consolidated) comprehensive income, statement of (consolidated) cash flows, notes to
(consolidated) financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012.
1.Responsibility of the management
The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with ―Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises‖ and ―China
Accounting Systems for Business Enterprises‖, is the responsibility of the management of the company. The responsibility includes 1)
designing, implementing and maintaining the internal controls over financial reporting, in order to avoid material misstatement due to
fraud or error; 2) selecting and using appropriate accounting principles; and 3) making logical accounting estimate.
2. Responsibility of CPAs
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conduct our audit in accordance with
Auditing Standards for Chinese Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we abide by professional ethics, plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance on whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit
includes the consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for making risk assessment and designing audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
Company’s internal control over financial reporting. An audit includes selecting and performing appropriate audit procedures based
on auditors’ judgment to gather evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
an assessment of the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as an evaluation of the
overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a sufficient and reasonable basis for our opinion.
3. Audit opinions
In our opinion based on our examinations, the (consolidated) financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, the
(consolidated) financial position of your company as at 31 December 2012 and the results of its (consolidated) operations and
(consolidated) cash flows for the year ended, in conformity with the ―Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises‖ and
―Accounting Systems for Business Enterprises‖ promulgated by the State.

           Da Hua Certified Public Accountants LLP                    Certified Public Accountants:Rong Fan
                           (Beijing)                                Certified Public Accountants:JunMin Han
                         Beijing, P.R.China                           23 April 2014

                                                  CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

II、Financial Statements

Unit for notes to financial statements:RMB

1、Statement of Consolidated Financial Position


                             Item                        Closing Balnace            Opening Balance

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                                89,426,891.22              81,546,046.87

     Settlement provisions

     Capital lent

     Transaction finance asset

     Notes receivable

     Accounts receivable                                              117,180.60

     Accounts paid in advance                                      33,836,310.22                 308,292.36

     Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivables

     Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable

     Interest receivable

     Dividend receivable

     Other receivables                                              4,976,108.67              28,169,019.64

     Purchase restituted finance asset

     Inventories                                                  190,569,964.32              20,490,734.61

     Non-current asset due within one year

     Other current assets                                           4,478,158.24               9,000,000.00

Total current assets                                              322,288,900.40             139,514,093.48

Non-current assets:

     Granted loans and advances

     Finance asset available for sales

     Held-to-maturity investment

     Long-term account receivable

     Long-term equity investment                                    6,626,905.49

     Investment property

     Fixed assets                                                  11,296,353.61              24,742,103.60

                                                 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Construction in progress                                                                  402,587.43

     Construction in progress

     Disposal of fixed asset

     Productive biological asset                                   258,190.34

     Oil and gas asset

     Intangible assets                                           28,721,653.41               26,705,104.38

     Expense on Research and Development

     Goodwill                                                     1,809,762.89

     Long-term expenses to be apportioned                         7,811,572.52                 734,424.92

     Deferred income tax asset                                     834,223.19                 1,518,810.84

     Other non-current asset

Total non-current asset                                          57,358,661.45               54,103,031.17

Total assets                                                    379,647,561.85              193,617,124.65

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans

     Loan from central bank

     Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit

     Capital borrowed

     Transaction financial liabilities

     Notes payable                                               26,000,000.00

     Accounts payable                                             3,660,631.16                2,052,001.91

     Accounts received in advance                                53,821,113.16                7,120,711.50

     Selling financial asset of repurchase

     Commission charge and commission payable

     Wage payable                                                 6,205,363.50                6,328,453.28

     Taxes payable                                               18,026,904.58               11,042,907.39

     Interest payable

     Dividend payable

     Other accounts payable                                      36,044,983.70               52,178,378.96

     Reinsurance payables

     Insurance contract reserve

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

                                                                   CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                                          142,643,283.23                   78,722,453.04

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans

     Bonds payable

     Long-term account payable

     Special accounts payable

     Projected liabilities

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                                                  142,643,283.23                   78,722,453.04

Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity):

     Paid-in capital (or share capital)                                            706,320,000.00                  706,320,000.00

     Capital public reserve                                                        456,470,250.78                  456,470,250.78

     Less: Inventory shares

     Reasonable reserve

     Reasonable reserve                                                             76,791,550.17                   76,791,550.17

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                                            -1,029,880,318.18                -1,124,687,129.34

     Balance difference of foreign currency translation

Total owner’s equity attributable to parent company                               209,701,482.77                  114,894,671.61

     Minority interests                                                             27,302,795.85

Total owner’s equity ( or shareholders’ equity)                                  237,004,278.62                  114,894,671.61

Total liabilities and owner’s equity( or shareholders’ equity)                   379,647,561.85                  193,617,124.65

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                                Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

2、Statement of Financial Position (Parent)


                                 Item                                       Closing Balance               Opening Balance

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                                                    5,681,141.82                    777,456.70

                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Transaction finance asset

     Notes receivable

     Accounts receivable

     Accounts paid in advance                                 25,000,000.00

     Interest receivable

     Dividend receivable

     Other receivables                                           316,143.39                782,244.99

     Inventories                                             161,600,661.40

     Non-current asset due within one year

     Other current assets

Total current assets                                         192,597,946.61               1,559,701.69

Non-current assets:

     Finance asset available for sales

     Held-to-maturity investment

     Long-term account receivable

     Long-term equity investment                             152,284,669.73             103,114,299.73

     Investment property

     Fixed assets                                              1,314,384.81                666,168.02

     Construction in progress

     Engineering material

     Disposal of fixed asset

     Productive biological asset

     Oil and gas asset

     Intangible assets                                        15,699,628.36              16,123,971.52

     Expense on Research and Development


     Long-term expenses to be apportioned

     Deferred income tax asset                                      750.00

     Other non-current asset

Total non-current asset                                      169,299,432.90             119,904,439.27

Total assets                                                 361,897,379.51             121,464,140.96

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans

     Transaction financial liabilities

                                                                   CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Notes payable

     Accounts payable

     Accounts received in advance                                                    40,423,500.00

     Wage payable                                                                                                     189,016.48

     Taxes payable                                                                      -58,959.68                     -52,171.87

     Interest payable

     Dividend payable

     Other accounts payable                                                        299,169,464.74                  99,848,758.92

     Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                                          339,534,005.06                  99,985,603.53

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans

     Bonds payable

     Long-term account payable

     Special accounts payable

     Projected liabilities

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                                                  339,534,005.06                  99,985,603.53

Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity):

     Paid-in capital (or share capital)                                            706,320,000.00                 706,320,000.00

     Capital public reserve                                                        449,365,886.69                 449,365,886.69

     Less: Inventory shares

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve                                                          76,791,550.17                 76,791,550.17

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                                             -1,210,114,062.41              -1,210,998,899.43

     Balance difference of foreign currency translation

Total owner’s equity ( or shareholders’ equity)                                    22,363,374.45                 21,478,537.43

Total liabilities and owner’s equity( or shareholders’ equity)                   361,897,379.51                 121,464,140.96

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                               Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

3、Consolidated Income Statement


                                              Item                                   This Period        Last Period

I. Total operating income                                                             363,952,258.89       79,512,004.22

     Including: Operating income                                                      363,952,258.89       79,512,004.22

              Interest income

              Insurance gained

              Commission charge and commission income

II. Total operating cost                                                              364,595,768.48       86,243,667.29

     Including: Operating cost                                                        339,083,312.47       58,424,002.63

              Interest expense

              Commission charge and commission expense

              Cash surrender value

              Net amount of expense of compensation

              Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve

              Bonus expense of guarantee slip

              Reinsurance expense

              Operating tax and extras                                                  3,135,115.82        4,949,457.23

              Sales expenses                                                            3,263,636.58

              Administration expenses                                                  21,000,380.87       15,939,028.09

              Financial expenses                                                          616,644.15        2,390,155.66

              Losses of devaluation of asset                                            -2,503,321.41       4,541,023.68

     Add: Changing income of fair value(Loss is listed with ―-‖)

              Investment income (Loss is listed with ―-‖)                               164,602.55           15,731.51

              Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint venture

              Exchange income (Loss is listed with ―-‖)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with ―-‖)                                        -478,907.04       -6,715,931.56

     Add: Non-operating income                                                        132,325,264.45     109,415,952.53

     Less: Non-operating expense                                                          615,794.39       63,261,820.36

              Including: Disposal loss of non-current asset                                                58,856,083.88

IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with‖-‖)                                           131,230,563.02       39,438,200.61

     Less: Income tax expense                                                          31,295,705.90        6,543,831.79

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with ―-‖)                                          99,934,857.12       32,894,368.82

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Including: Net profit of combined party realized before combination

     Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent company                                94,806,811.16          32,894,368.82

     Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                                              5,128,045.96

VI. Earnings per share                                                                      --                    --

     i. Basic earnings per share                                                                      0.13                  0.05

     ii. Diluted earnings per share                                                                   0.13                  0.05

VII. Other consolidated income                                                                                    7,104,364.09

VIII. Total consolidated income                                                           99,934,857.12          39,998,732.91

     Total consolidated income attributable to owners of parent company                   94,806,811.16          39,998,732.91

     Total consolidated income attributable to minority shareholders                       5,128,045.96

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                            Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

4、Income Statement (Parent)


                                               Item                                    This Period            Last period

I. Operating income                                                                        9,631,946.56                     0.00

     Less: Operating cost                                                                        28,460.39                  0.00

           Operating tax and extras                                                          528,000.00

           Sales expenses                                                                    240,503.11

           Administration expenses                                                         7,959,458.53           4,274,037.12

           Financial expenses                                                                     1,258.28               132.00

           Losses of devaluation of asset                                                         3,000.00        9,946,996.58

     Add: Changing income of fair value(Loss is listed with ―-‖)

           Investment income (Loss is listed with ―-‖)

           Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint venture

II. Operating profit (Loss is listed with ―-‖)                                             871,266.25         -14,221,165.70

     Add: Non-operating income                                                                   21,920.77        1,396,018.64

     Less: Non-operating expense                                                                  9,100.00             66,230.57

           Including: Disposal loss of non-current asset

III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with‖-‖)                                                 884,087.02         -12,891,377.63

     Less: Income tax expense                                                                      -750.00

IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with‖-‖)                                                884,837.02         -12,891,377.63

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

V. Earnings per share                                                                      --                         --

     i. Basic earnings per share

     ii. Diluted earnings per share

VI. Other consolidated income

VII. Total consolidated income                                                                  884,837.02          -12,891,377.63

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                            Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

5、Statement of Consolidated Cash Flow


                                                   Item                                             This Period      Last period

I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:

     Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor services                           415,792,262.19 56,604,102.70

     Net increase of customer deposit and interbank deposit

     Net increase of loan from central bank

     Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institution

     Cash received from original insurance contract fee

     Net cash received from reinsurance business

     Net increase of insured savings and investment

     Net increase of disposal of transaction financial asset

     Cash received from interest, commission charge and commission

     Net increase of capital borrowed

     Net increase of returned business capital

     Write-back of tax received

     Other cash received concerning operating activities                                            59,481,903.92 66,559,511.34

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities                                          475,274,166.11 123,163,614.04

     Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service                              590,408,836.19 33,226,555.77

     Net increase of customer loans and advances

     Net increase of deposits in central bank and interbank

     Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation

     Cash paid for interest, commission charge and commission

     Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip

     Cash paid to/for staff and workers                                                              8,150,877.53    2,357,550.98

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Taxes paid                                                                                    35,021,456.47 24,864,917.67

     Other cash paid concerning operating activities                                               46,246,028.58 67,101,247.94

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities                                        679,827,198.77 127,550,272.36

Net cash flows arising from operating activities                                                  -204,553,032.66   -4,386,658.32

II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:

     Cash received from recovering investment                                                        9,000,000.00

     Cash received from investment income                                                             111,230.13

     Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets              188,233,888.62 101,678,178.10

     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash received concerning investing activities                                           57,429,714.65

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                                                 254,774,833.40 101,678,178.10

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets                         11,010,284.50    1,813,769.26

     Cash paid for investment                                                                                       9,000,000.00

     Net increase of mortgaged loans

     Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash paid concerning investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                                                 11,010,284.50 10,813,769.26

Net cash flows arising from investing activities                                                  243,764,548.90 90,864,408.84

III. Cash flows arising from financing activities

     Cash received from absorbing investment                                                         5,000,000.00

     Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries      5,000,000.00

     Cash received from loans

     Cash received from issuing bonds

     Other cash received concerning financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                                    5,000,000.00

     Cash paid for settling debts                                                                  35,300,000.00    3,090,000.00

     Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying                               1,030,671.89   2,414,358.33

     Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder paid by subsidiaries

     Other cash paid concerning financing activities                                               11,445,403.16

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                                                 47,776,075.05    5,504,358.33

Net cash flows arising from financing activities                                                   -42,776,075.05   -5,504,358.33

IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation in exchange rate                                              -1.17

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                        -3,564,558.81 80,973,391.02

     Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -begin                                81,546,046.87      572,655.85

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -end                                        77,981,488.06 81,546,046.87

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                              Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

6、Statement of Cash Flow (Parent)


                                             Item                                              This Period       Last Period

I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:

     Cash received from sellingcommodities and providing labor services                          9,631,946.56

     Write-back of tax received

     Other cash received concerning operating activities                                       201,813,444.46     11,745,056.16

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities                                      211,445,391.02     11,745,056.16

     Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service                          186,629,121.79

     Cash paid to/for staff and workers                                                          2,472,138.09       1,097,122.03

     Taxes paid                                                                                  1,621,088.68        161,236.10

     Other cash paid concerning operating activities                                             6,302,906.34       9,036,011.24

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities                                     197,025,254.90     10,294,369.37

Net cash flows arising from operating activities                                                14,420,136.12       1,450,686.79

II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:

     Cash received from recovering investment

     Cash received from investment income

     Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets            40,423,500.00

     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash received concerning investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                                               40,423,500.00

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets                         769,581.00        677,248.72

     Cash paid for investment                                                                   49,170,370.00

     Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash paid concerning investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                                              49,939,951.00        677,248.72

Net cash flows arising from investing activities                                                -9,516,451.00       -677,248.72

III. Cash flows arising from financing activities

     Cash received from absorbing investment

                                                                      CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

       Cash received from loans

       Cash received from issuing bonds

       Other cash received concerning financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities

       Cash paid for settling debts

       Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying

       Other cash paid concerning financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities

Net cash flows arising from financing activities

IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation in exchange rate                                                                 -1.17

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                                     4,903,685.12             773,436.90

       Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -begin                                             777,456.70                4,019.80

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -end                                                      5,681,141.82             777,456.70

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                                      Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

7、Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (Consolidated)

This Period

                                                                                       This Period

                                                      Owners’ equity attributable to parent company

                                       equity                                                                                Minor          Total
               Item                   attributa               Less:     Reasona
                                                  Capital                         Surplus     n of     Retaine             sharehold       owners’
                                       ble to                inventor     ble                                      Other
                                                  reserves                        reserves general d profit                ers’ equity     equity
                                       parent                y shares reserve

I. Balance at the end of last         706,320 456,470,                            76,791,                                                 114,894,67
year                                   ,000.00     250.78                          550.17                                                       1.61

       Add: Change of
accounting policy

            Correcting of
previous errors

                                                      CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)


II. Balance at the beginning of    706,320 456,470,            76,791,                                 114,894,67
current year                       ,000.00   250.78            550.17                                        1.61

III. Changed in current                                                     94,806,8       27,302,79 122,109,60
term(Loss is listed with ―-‖)                                                11.16            5.85         7.01

                                                                            94,806,8       5,128,045 99,934,857
(I) Net profit
                                                                               11.16             .96          .12

(II) Other consolidated income

                                                                            94,806,8       5,128,045 99,934,857
Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                                               11.16             .96          .12

(III) Owners’ input and                                                                   22,174,74 22,174,749
withdraw of share capital                                                                       9.89          .89

1. Capital input by owners

2. Share payment accounted
into owners’ equity

                                                                                           17,174,74 22,174,749
3. Others
                                                                                                9.89          .89

(IV) Profit distribution

1. Providing of surplus reserves

2. Common risk provision

3. Dividend to owners’(or

4. Others

(V) Internal settlement of
owners’ equity

1. Capital reserves transferred
to share capital

2. Surplus reserves transferred
to share capital

3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves

4. Others

(VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in the report

                                                                  CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

2. Usage in the report period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of this    706,320 456,470,                            76,791,                                 27,302,79 237,004,27
term                               ,000.00     250.78                          550.17                                        5.85          8.62

Last year

                                                                                    Last Year

                                                  Owners’ equity attributable to parent company

                                   equity                                                                               Minor          Total
                 Item             attributa               Less:     Reasona
                                              Capital                         Surplus     n of     Retaine            sharehold       owners’
                                   ble to                inventor     ble                                     Other
                                              reserves                        reserves general d profit               ers’ equity     equity
                                   parent                y shares reserve

I. Balance at the end of last     706,320 449,365,                            76,791,                                 11,171,69 86,067,630
year                               ,000.00     886.69                          550.17                                        2.12              .82

       Add: retroactive
adjustment arising from
enterprise combination under
same control

       Add: Change of
accounting policy

            Correcting of
previous errors


II. Balance at the beginning of   706,320 449,365,                            76,791,                                 11,171,69 86,067,630
current year                       ,000.00     886.69                          550.17                                        2.12              .82

III. Changed in current                       7,104,36                                             32,894,3            -11,171,6 28,827,040
term(Loss is listed with ―-‖)                   4.09                                               68.82                 92.12               .79

                                                                                                   32,894,3                          32,894,368
(I) Net profit
                                                                                                     68.82                                     .82

                                              7,104,36                                                                               7,104,364.
(II) Other consolidated income
                                                  4.09                                                                                          09

                                              7,104,36                                             32,894,3                          39,998,732
Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                  4.09                                               68.82                                     .91

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(III) Owners’ input and                                                                            -11,171,6 -11,171,69
withdraw of share capital                                                                              92.12         2.12

1. Capital input by owners

2. Share payment accounted
into owners’ equity

                                                                                                    -11,171,6 -11,171,69
3. Others
                                                                                                       92.12         2.12

(IV) Profit distribution

1. Providing of surplus reserves

2. Common risk provision

3. Dividend to owners’(or

4. Others

(V) Internal settlement of
owners’ equity

1. Capital reserves transferred
to share capital

2. Surplus reserves transferred
to share capital

3. Making up losses by surplus

4. Others

(VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in the report

2. Usage in the report period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of this     706,320 456,470,                76,791,                                     114,894,67
term                               ,000.00   250.78                550.17                                            1.61

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                      Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

8、Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (Parent)

This period

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                                                                               This Peirod

                                                               Less:                                Provision                  Total
                 Item                capital(or   Capital                 Reasonable    Surplus                   Retained
                                                              inventory                             of general                owners’
                                       share      reserves                 reserve      reserves                   profit
                                                               shares                                  risk                    equity

                                     706,320,00 449,365,88                             76,791,550                -1,210,998, 21,478,537
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                           0.00        6.69                                   .17                    899.43            .43

     Add: Change of accounting

            Correcting of previous


II. Balance at the beginning of      706,320,00 449,365,88                             76,791,550                -1,210,998, 21,478,537
current year                               0.00        6.69                                   .17                    899.43            .43

III. Changed in current
                                                                                                                 884,837.02 884,837.02
term(Loss is listed with ―-‖)

(I) Net profit                                                                                                   884,837.02 884,837.02

(II) Other consolidated income

Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                         884,837.02 884,837.02

(III) Owners’ input and withdraw
of share capital

1. Capital input by owners

2. Share payment accounted
into owners’ equity

3. Others

(IV) Profit distribution

1. Providing of surplus reserves

2. Common risk provision

3. Dividend to owners’(or

4. Others

(V) Internal settlement of
owners’ equity

1. Capital reserves transferred
to share capital

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

2. Surplus reserves transferred
to share capital

3. Making up losses by surplus

4. Others

(VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in the report

2. Usage in the report period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of this       706,320,00 449,365,88                            76,791,550                -1,210,114, 22,363,374
term                                       0.00        6.69                                  .17                    062.41             .45

Last Period

                                                                              Last Period

                                                               Less:      Reasonabl                Provision                   Total
                 Item                capital(or   Capital                              Surplus                   Retained
                                                              inventory       e                    of general                owners’
                                       share      reserves                             reserves                   profit
                                                               shares      reserve                    risk                    equity

                                     706,320,00 449,365,88                            76,791,550                -1,198,107, 34,369,915
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                           0.00        6.69                                  .17                    521.80             .06

       Add: Change of accounting

            Correcting of previous


II. Balance at the beginning of      706,320,00 449,365,88                            76,791,550                -1,198,107, 34,369,915
current year                               0.00        6.69                                  .17                    521.80             .06

III. Changed in current                                                                                         -12,891,37 -12,891,37
term(Loss is listed with ―-‖)                                                                                       7.63        7.63

                                                                                                                -12,891,37 -12,891,37
(I) Net profit
                                                                                                                      7.63        7.63

(II) Other consolidated income

                                                                                                                -12,891,37 -12,891,37
Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                                                                                      7.63        7.63

(III) Owners’ input and withdraw

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of share capital

1. Capital input by owners

2. Share payment accounted
into owners’ equity

3. Others

(IV) Profit distribution

1. Providing of surplus reserves

2. Common risk provision

3. Dividend to owners’(or

4. Others

(V) Internal settlement of
owners’ equity

1. Capital reserves transferred
to share capital

2. Surplus reserves transferred
to share capital

3. Making up losses by surplus

4. Others

(VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in the report

2. Usage in the report period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of this     706,320,00 449,365,88                          76,791,550             -1,210,998, 21,478,537
term                                     0.00       6.69                                 .17                  899.43         .43

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                          Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

III、Company General Information

       (1)Company Background
The predecessor of ChengDe NanJiang Corporation, Ltd. (―the Company‖) was ChengDe DiXian Textile Corporation, Ltd
(―DiXian‖). According to the approval of YiGuBan(1999) No.36 issued by the People’s Government of HeBei Province, DiXian was
established in the People’s Republic of China (the ―PRC‖) and obtained the Corporate Business License from HeBei Administration
for Industry and Commerce (―CSRC‖). The initial registered capital of DiXian was RMB 100,000,000 (divided into 100,000,000

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shares, one Yuan per share): ShuXian Wang contributed RMB 85,100,000, accounting for 85.1% of the total; HeBei province
ChengDe County North Industrial Company contributed RMB 7,564,400, accounting for 7.56% of the total; ZhengSong Wang
contributed RMB 5,444,400, accounting for 5.44% of the total; ChengDe LongFeng Cosmetic Co., Ltd. contributed RMB 945,600,
accounting for 0.95% of the total; Chengde County Board Town of Red Star plastic products factory contributed RMB 945,600,
accounting for 0.95% of the total.
According to the issue [2000] 121 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on August 29, 2000, the company issued
100,000,000 foreign capital stocks listed in China (hereinafter referred to as the " B ―) on September 19, 2000 on Shenzhen stock
exchange; and excised the overallotment option to increase issuing 15,000,000 B shares from September 29 to October 29, 2000. The
registered capital of the company after the issuance of B shares was RMB 215,000,000, and was divided into 215,000,000 shares
with one Yuan of face value per share.
According to the resolution of the shareholder’s meeting on March 12, 2002, The Company allotted 43,000,000 bonus shares to all of
the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares, and meanwhile increased 107500000 shares to all of
the shareholding by transferring from capital reserve according to 5 shares free for every 10 shares. The registered capital of the
company was changed to RMB 365,500,000 after it allotted bonus shares and increased by transferring.
According to the resolution of the shareholder’s meeting on July 22, 2003, The Company allotted 73,100,000 bonus shares to all of
the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares, and the registered capital of the company was
changed to RMB 438,600,000 after such bonus shares were allotted.
On March 11, 2004, approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the company was allowed to be
changed to Foreign-Funded Joint Stock Companies Limited.
On July, 2004, the company increased 150,000,000 B shares directionally, during which 91,300,000 shares were subscribed in HK$,
and another 58,700,000 shares were subscribed in RMB, upon check by China Securities Regulatory Commission with the issue
[2004] No.101.
According to the resolution of the shareholder’s meeting on June 8, 2006, The Company allotted 117,720,000 bonus shares to all of
the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares,
On August 4, 2008, according to the judgment ruled by Shenzhen Intermediate People's court, 112,324,800 sponsor shares held by
ShuXian Wang was compensated to Rong Chen for RMB 45,491,544 Yuan, and on August 15, 2008, 96,000,000 sponsor shares held
by ShuXian Wang was compensated to Rong Chen for RMB 38,880,000 Yuan according to the judgment ruled by Dalian
Intermediate People's court.
On November 11, 2009, according to ―reply to the approval of capital increase, and change of share as well as name of Chengde
DiXian Knitting Co., Ltd‖ with No.143 [2009] by Bureau of Commerce of Hebei Province, it agreed that the company increased
150,000,000 foreign shares listed in China in 2004 and allotted 2 bonus shares free for every 10 shares in 2006; and it agreed that
208324800 shares of DiXian stock held by ShuXian Wang. DiXian was changed to Rong Chen; as well as the name of the company
changed to Chengde DaLu Co., Ltd. The total share capital was 706,320,000 shares and the registered capital of the company was
RMB 706,320,000 Yuan after the company increased and allotted, which has been validated by ZhongLei CPA Co., Ltd, who
provided the capital verification report with [2010] No. 10009.
On 23 Aug 2011, the company renewed its Corporate Business License that was issued by HeBei Administration for Industry and
Commerce. The new registration number was 130000400001225. Both registered capital and paid-in capital are RMB 706,320,000.
The company type was a foreign joint stock limited company.
On 6 April 2012, an equity transfer agreement was signed between corporate shareholder Rong Chen and Dong Wang. According to
the agreement, Rong Chen transferred 208,324,800 shares, which occupied 29.49% of the total share capital, to Dong Wang. After
the transfer of equity, Shareholders proportion of capital contribution was: Dong Wang (RMB 208,324,800, accounted for 29.49%);
HeBei province ChengDe County North Industrial Company (RMB 18,517,651, accounted for 2.62%); ChengDe City LongFeng
Cosmetic company (RMB 2,314,829, accounted for 0.33%); Chengde County Board Town of Red Star plastic products factory
(RMB 2,314,829, accounted for 0.33%), shareholders of domestically listed foreign shares (RMB 461,520,000, accounted for

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On 19 September 2012, with the authorization of HeBei Administration for Industry and Commerce, the company name was changed
from ChengDe DaLu Corporation, Ltd. to ChengDe NanJiang Corporation, Ltd.
     (2)Nauture of Business:
The company major in real estate development and management; Subsidiaries engage in real estate development、international
trading and ecological agriculture planting and breeding.
     (3)Business scope:
New energy、R&D of new material product、sales and technology promotion、technology service;R&D of modern agricultural
production、technology promotion service, wholesale of ecological agricultural products; International trading of products and
technology; project HuiJingTianDi (2013-12、2013-13) : the development and construction of common residence and supporting
commercial facilities based on two land、sales and operation; property management.
     (4) Major products and labour service
Sales of real estate、plastic raw material trading and sales of products of ecological agriculture planting and breeding.
     (5) Fundamental structure of the company
The highest authority is board minutes and the company adopts the managerial responsibility system. According to requirements
from the business, the company set up Securities Department, AdministrativeDepartment, Human Resource Department, Financial
Department, Auditing Department, Sales Department, Research and Development Department.

IV、Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates

1、Basis for preparation of financial statements

The financial statements of the company have been prepared based on going concern assumption and actual transactions and events
occurred. It is prepared in accordance with the requirements of ―Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard‖
and 38 Specific Standard issued by the Ministry of Finance of 15 February 2006 (revised in 2010), and application guidance,
illustrations to the standards and related pronouncements.

2、Statement of Compliance

The accounts of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the Chinese Accounting System for Business Enterprises and
Chinese Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises.

3、Fiscal Year

The Company has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, i.e. From 1 January to 31 December.

4、Bookkeeping Currency

The reporting currency of the Company is Renminbi (RMB).

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5、Accounting treatments for a business combination involving enterprises under and not under common

(1)Business combination involving entities under common control

A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining
enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination, and that control is not
transitory. For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the combination date, obtains
control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the
combination is a party being absorbed. Combination date is the date on which the absorbing party effectively obtains control of the
party being absorbed. The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the enterprise being
combined at the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of
consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value of shares issued) is adjusted to the capital premium (or share premium)
in the capital reserve. If the balance of the capital premium (or share premium) is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained
earnings. The cost of a combination incurred by the absorbing party includes any costs directly attributable to the combination shall
be recognized as an expense through profit or loss for the current period when incurred.

(2)Business combination involving entities not under common control

A business combination involving enterprises not under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining
enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination. For a business
combination not involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another
enterprise participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is the acquiree.
Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree. For a business combination not
involving enterprise under common control, the combination cost including the sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets
given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer. The intermediary expenses incurred by the
acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative expenses
attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred. The transaction cost arose from
issuing of equity securities or liability securities shall be initially recognized as equity securities or liability securities. The contingent
consideration related to the combination shall be booked as combination cost at the fair value at the acquisition date. If, within the 12
months after acquisition, additional information can prove the existence of related information at acquisition date and the contingent
consideration need to be adjusted, goodwill can be offset.
Combination cost of the acquirer’s interest and identifiable net assets of the acquirer acquired through the business combination shall
be measured by the fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value
of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be recognized as goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the
acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be accounted for according to the
following requirements: (i) the acquirer shall reassess the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets,
liabilities and contingent liabilities and measurement of the cost of combination; (ii) if after that reassessment, the cost of
combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall
recognize the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the current period. Where the temporary difference obtained by
the acquirer was not recognized due to inconformity with the conditions applied for recognition of deferred income tax, if, within the

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12 months after acquisition, additional information can prove the existence of related information at acquisition date and the expected
economic benefits on the acquisition date arose from deductible temporary difference by the acquiree can be achieved, relevant
income tax assets can be recognized, and goodwill offset. If the goodwill is not sufficient, the difference shall be recognized as profit
of the current period. Apart from above, the differences shall be taken into profit or loss of the current period if the recognition of
deferred income tax assets is related to the combination.
For business combination involving entities not under common control achieved through multiple transactions (acquistion in stages),
the multiple agreements are assessed to determine whether they should be viewed as a whole with reference the conditions stipulated
by the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on the No. 5 Explanation of Enterprise Accounting Standards (Cai Kuai [2012] No. 19).
Where multiple agreements of an acquisition in stages are viewed as a whole, the accounting treatment for the multiple agreements
shall be performed in accordance with the previous paragraphs and, where multiple agreements of an acquistion in stages fail the
conditions of CaiKuai[2012] No. 19, the accounting treatments shall be perfomed as follow.
For the purpose of the separate financial statements, the cost of acquistion is measured as the sum of the carrying amount of
investment in the investee immediately prior to the acquistion and the consideration for the addition investment. Cumulative other
comprehensive income relevant to the investment recognised prior to the acquistion is reclassfied to profit or loss as investment
income at the time of acquistion. For the purpose of the consolidated financial statements, the investment in the investee prior to the
acquisition is remeasured by fair value, difference between the acquistion date fair value of the investment in the investee prior to the
acquisition and its carrying amount is recognised in profit or loss as investment income at the time of acquistion. Cumulative other
comprehensive income relevant to the investment recognised prior to the acquistion is reclassfied to profit or loss as investment
income at the time of acquistion.

6、Account treatment from disposal (subsidiary) in stages to lost control

(1)Recognition of multiple transactions

Where loss of control over a subsidiary results from multiple transactions (agreements), asssessment shall be made as to whether the
multiple agreements shall be viewed as a whole as a single transaction.

(2)Accounting treatment for multiple transactions

Multiple agreements giving rise to loss of control over a subsidiary is generally viewed as a whole as a single transaction if the terms,
conditions and economic implications of the multiple agreements satisfy one or more of the following conditions: 1) the agreements
are entered into simultaneously or taking into account the implication of each other; 2) the business objective cannot be achieved
without successful completion of all the agreements; 3) the occurrence of one agreement is dependent on the result of at least another
one agreement; and/or 4) any one single agreement is not recognized as economic and the agreements as a whole is economic. Where
multiple agreements do not satisfy the conditions of being viewed as a single transaction, each agreement shall be treated and
accounted for in accordance with the provisions of disposal of long-term equity investments not resulting loss of control or loss of
control due to disposal of shares or other events.

(3)Accounting treatment for single transactions

Where multiple agreements satisfy the conditions of being viewed as a single transaction, each agreement shall be treated and
accounted for as a transaction which results in loss of control; differences between the consideration for disposals prior to loss of
control and the net assets proportionate to the shares disposed prior to loss of control are recognized as other comprehensive income
in the consolidated financial statements and transferred to profit or loss at the time of loss of control.

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7、Consolidated financial statements

(1)Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The financial statements are prepared on the basis of control, and the scope of the consolidated financial statements includes the
company and all of its subsidiaries.
If the accounting policy or the accounting period is different between the subsidiaries and the company, it is necessary to adjust the
financial statements of the subsidiaries according to the accounting policy or accounting period of the company at the preparation of
the consolidated financial statements.
For the subsidiaries acquired from the business combination not under the same control, it shall adjust the individual financial
statements based on its fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date; for the subsidiaries acquired from the business
combination under the same control, it shall be regarded as the reporting entity formed after combination and continues to exist
integrally from the control by the final controlling party comes into operation, and it shall adjust the beginning amount of the
consolidated balance sheet, as well as the related items of the comparative financial statements at the same time.

(2)Accounting treatment for the disclosure of equity of the same subsidiary that purchase and then sell
back in two consecutive fiscal year

8、Cash & Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents included in cash-flow statement are short-term(within three months of maturity since purchase date),
highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to limited risk on changes in value.

9、Foreign Currency Translation

(1)Transaction in foreign currency

Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the reporting currency at the spot exchange rates prevailing on the
day when the transactions take place.

Monetary assets denominated in foreign currency at the balance sheet date are translated at the spot exchange rate, and the exchange
difference arising from the different spot exchange date at the balance sheet date and at the initial recognition or the previous balance
sheet date shall be recorded into finance expenses; the non-monetary items denominated in foreign currency stated at its historical
cost shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the day when the transactions take place; and non-monetary item denominated in
foreign currency stated at its fair value shall be translated at the spot exchange date on the day when the fair value is determined, and
the difference between the amount in reporting currency after translation and the carrying amount in original reporting currency shall
be recorded into current profit and loss as income from changes in fair value, and the exchange difference related to non-monetary
items in foreign currency available for sale shall be recorded into capital reserves.

(2)Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

Translation of items in foreign currency at the balance sheet date: the assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be translated at

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the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet, and the items of owner’s equity except ―undistributed profit‖ shall be translated at the
spot exchange rate on occurrence. The income and expense in the income statement shall be translated at the spot exchange date on
the day when the transactions take place.
When the consolidated financial statement is prepared, the converted difference in foreign currency statements shall be listed singly
as ―translation reserve‖ under the owner’s equity in the consolidated balance sheet.

10、Financial instruments

"Financial instruments" refers to the financial assets of the business and constitute the financial liability or equity instruments of
other business

(1)Classification of financial instruments

The financial assets and financial liabilities of the company are divided into five types at the initial recognition: Financial asset
measured by fair value and which change is recorded into current profit and loss, Held-to-maturity investment, accounts receivable,
financial assets available for sale and other financial liabilities.

(2)Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments

The financial assets or financial liabilities are stated at their fair value at initial recognition. For the financial assets and liabilities
measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, the transaction
expenses thereof shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, and the related transaction expenses of
other kinds of financial assets or financial liabilities is recorded into its initial recognition amount.
①The financial assets and liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of
the current period
The financial assets or liabilities which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and
losses of the current period, including transactional financial assets and liabilities and the financial assets and liabilities which are
measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the current profits and losses; the transactional financial assets
refers to the stock, bonds, fund and the derivative instruments not as effective hedging instrument or the assumed financial liabilities
to be repurchased in the near future; the financial assets and liabilities which are measured at their fair values and of which the
variation is included in the current profits and losses is mainly designated on the basis of risk management and strategic investment.
Subsequent measurement shall be carried through for these financial assets or financial liabilities at their fair value. All realized and
unrealized profit and loss of these financial assets or financial liabilities shall be recorded into current profit and loss except those as
effective hedging instruments.
② Held-to-maturity investment
"Held-to-maturity investment" refers to a non-derivative financial asset with the maturity date being fixed, the repayment being fixed
or confirmed and the company has a clear purpose or is capable to hold to maturity.
Effective interest method is adapted to measure held-to-maturity investment at the post-amortization cost during the holding period.
The gains and loss arising from the impairment, amortization or recognition termination of held-to-maturity investment shall be
recorded into current profit and loss. The balance between the price obtained and the carrying amount of the investment shall be
recorded into investment income when held-to-maturity investment is disposed.
③ Accounts receivable
―Accounts receivable‖ is the claims of the sale of goods or rendering of service, including accounts receivable, other receivables and

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long-term receivables.
The accounts receivable shall be recognized initially at the price stipulated in the contract or agreement to be received from the
purchaser and it is measured at the post-amortization cost using the effective interest method. The balance between the price obtained
and the carrying amount of the accounts receivable shall be recorded into current profit and loss at recovery and disposal.
④ Financial assets available for sale
Financial assets available for sale refers to the non-derivative financial assets available for sale designated at initial recognition, and
the financial assets except those three kinds of financial assets above. Subsequent measurement shall be carried through for such kind
of financial assets at their fair value, and the discount and premium shall be amortized using effective interest method and recognized
as interest income. The change in the fair value of the financial assets available for sale shall be recognized as the independent part of
capital reserve when the said financial assets is stopped from recognition or is impaired with the exception of the impairment loss and
the exchange difference arising from the monetary financial assets in foreign currency which shall be recorded into current profit and
loss, and the accumulative gains or loss recorded into capital reserve before shall be transferred into current profit and loss. The
dividends or interest income related to the financial assets available for sale shall be recorded into current profit and loss.
⑤ Other financial liabilities
Other financial liabilities refer to the financial liabilities which isn’t designated to be measured by fair value and which change is
recorded in current profit and loss.
Other liabilities are measured at the post-amortization cost or cost. The gains or loss arising from the amortization and the
recognition termination of the other liabilities shall be recorded into current profit and loss.

(3)Recognition and measurement for transfer of financial assets

①Where the company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset to the
transferee; Or it does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a financial asset but gives up
its control over the financial asset, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset.
②If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition; the difference between the amounts of
the following two items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period:
A. The book value of the transferred financial asset
B. The sum of consideration received from the transfer and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally
recorded in the owner's equities.
③If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop recognition, the entire book value of the transferred financial
asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped, be
apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following two items shall
be included into the profits and losses of the current period:
A. The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped;
B. The sum of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and the portion of the accumulative amount of the
changes in the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities which is corresponding to the portion whose recognition has been
④ If the transfer of the financial asset doesn’t satisfy the condition to stop the recognition, it shall continue to recognize the financial
asset and shall recognize the consideration it receives as a financial liability.
⑤ If the company is continuously involved in the transferred financial asset, it shall recognize a financial asset according to the
extent of its continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset, and recognize a financial liability at the same time.

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(4)Recognition for termination of financial liabilities

Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the financial liability
be terminated in all or partly.

(5)Determination method for the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

①As for the financial assets or financial liabilities for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the active market shall be
used to determine the fair values thereof.
②Where there is no active market for a financial instrument; the company shall adopt value appraisal techniques to determine its fair

(6)Provision for impairment of financial assets (except accounts receivable)

The company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial assets (except accounts
receivable). Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision shall
be made.
①Held-to-maturity investment
The loss on impairment shall be determined according to the balance of the carrying amount and the present value of the predicted
future cash flow. It is accounted for according to the measurement method for loss impairment of accounts receivable.
If there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said financial asset has been restored, and it is objectively related to
the events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment loss as originally recognized shall be reversed and be recorded into
the profits and losses of the current period. However, the reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than the post-amortization
costs of the said financial asset on the day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.
② Financial assets available for sale
If there is any objective evidence proving that the fair value of the financial assets available for sale drops significantly or not
contemporarily, it can recognize that such financial assets available for sale has been impaired, and shall recognize loss on
impairment. Where the financial asset available for sale is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair
value of the owner’s equity which was directly included shall be transferred out at the same time when the impairment loss is
recognized and recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The said accumulative loss transferred out equals the
balance of the initial acquisition cost of the financial asset available for sale deducting the reversed principal, the amortized amount,
current fair value and the impairment loss that has been recorded into profit and loss originally.
As for the sellable debt instruments whose impairment losses have been recognized, if, within the accounting period thereafter, the
fair value has risen and are objectively related to the subsequent events that occur after the originally impairment losses were
recognized, the originally recognized impairment losses shall be reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period. The impairment losses incurred to a sellable equity instrument investment shall not be reversed through profits and losses.

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(7) If the undue held-to-maturity investments classified as available-for-sale financial assets, explanation
   for intention to hold or capacity changed

11、Receivables & Provision for Bad Debts

(1)Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision

Recognition Criterion for individually
                                            receivables with more than RMB 1 million
significant amounts

                                            The Group should make the impairment test separately or in combination and accrue the
                                            bad debt provisions which shall be recorded into current profit or loss at the end of the
The accruing method of the receivables
                                            period. If there is defined evidence for the receivables not to or not likely to be received,
with individually significant amounts:
                                            which shall be recognized as the loss of bad debt and write off the accrued bad debts
                                            provisions after going through the approval procedure of the Group.

(2)Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

       Portfolio name             Method for bad debt provision                      Basis for determining the portfolio

                                                                  receivables with more than RMB 1 million, no evidence for the
                              accounting aging analysis           receivables not to or not likely to be received; receivables with not
Aging of the receivables
                              method                              more than RMB 1 million accrue bad debt through accounting aging
                                                                  analysis method.

In the portfolio, receivable that accrue bad debt through accounting aging analysis method
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                Aging                       Receivables accrue ratio (%)                    Other receivables accrue ratio (%)

Within 1 year                                                               5%                                                        5%

1-2 years                                                                  20%                                                      20%

2-3 years                                                                  50%                                                      50%

Over 3 years                                                               100%                                                    100%

In the portfolio,receivable that accrue bad debt through balance percentage method
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the portfolio,receivable that accrue bad debt through other method
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3)Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision

                                                 Where there are obvious evidences suggesting impairment: debtor has been log-out,
Reasons for accruing bad debt provision          bankruptcy, minus net asset, significant poor cash flow and significant nature disaster
individually                                     leads to discontinue production and the debtors could not pay for the debts within the
                                                 foreseeable time.

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                                                 The Group should make the impairment test separately or in combination and accrue
                                                 the bad debt provisions which shall be recorded into current profit or loss at the end
Methods for accruing bad debt                    of the period. If there is defined evidence for the receivables not to or not likely to be
                                                 received, which shall be recognized as the loss of bad debt and write off the accrued
                                                 bad debts provisions after going through the approval procedure of the Group.



Inventory means the materials, Auxiliary Material, spare parts for repair, revolving materials, merchandise inventory,
work-in-process under production, finished goods, development cost and products to be developed etc. the development cost includes
the land cost, construction cost and other cost related to real estate development under construction; the product to be developed
refers to the land purchased and prepared to be developed into real estate development.

(2)Cost of inventories transferred out

Cost of inventories transferred out is calculated using the weighted average method. Development project is adopted specific
accounting method.

(3)Basis for determining the net realisable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in value
of inventories

Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other
expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. In addition to the purchasing cost of raw
materials, work in progress and finished goods include direct labour costs and an appropriate allocation of production overheads.
At the balance sheet date, inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs to completion and the
estimated expenses and related taxes necessary to make the sale. The net realisable value of materials held for use in the production is
measured based on the net realisable value of the finished goods in which they will be incorporated. The net realisable value of the
quantity of inventory held to satisfy sales or service contracts is measured based on the contract price. If the quantities held by the
Group are more than the quantities of inventories specified in sales contracts, the net realisable value of the excess portion of
inventories is measured based on general selling prices.
Any excess of the cost over the net realisable value of each category of inventories is recognised as a provision for diminution in the
value of inventories, and is recognised in profit and loss.

(4)Inventory system

The Group maintains a perpetual inventory system.

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(5)Amortisation methods for consumables including low-value consumables and packaging materials

Consumables including low-value consumables and packaging materials are amortised in full when received for use. The amounts of
the amortisations are included in the cost of the related assets or recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

13、Long-term equity investments

(1)Determination of Investment cost

For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment shall be carrying value of the absorbing party’s share of the shareholder’s equity of the party being absorbed at the date of
combination. For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the combination cost including the sum of
fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer. The
intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other
associated administrative expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred.
The transaction cost for the equity securities or liability securities issued by the acquirer in the business combination shall be
recognized as initial amount of equity security or liability. The equity investments other than the long-term equity through
combination shall be initially measured by cost. The cost shall be recognized to the difference in the way of acquisition of long-term
equity investment. Theses ways include the cash purchase price the Companythe Company actually paid, the fair value of equity
security issued by the Companythe Company, value specified in the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or carrying
value of the asset out in the transaction of non-monetary asset exchanges, and the fair value of the long-term equity investment.
Expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly attributable to the acquisition of long-term equity investment are taken into
investment cost.

(2)Subsequent Measurement

Cost method shall be adopted in a long-term equity investment where the investing enterprise does not have common control or
significant influence over the investee, the investment is not quoted in an active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably.
Where an investing enterprise can exercise common control or significant influence over the investee, a long-term investment shall
be accounted for using the equity method. When an investing enterprise can no longer exercise joint control or common control nor
significant influence over the investee, and its fair value cannot be measured reliably, a long-term investment shall be counted as
financial asset ready-for trade. A long-term equity investment where cost method is adopted in the Company’s financial statements
can exercise controls over the investee.
1) Cost method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost. Except for cash dividends or profits
declared but not yet paid that are included in the price or consideration actually paid upon acquisition of the long-term equity
investment, investment income is recognized in the period in accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends or profit
distributions declared by the investee.
2) Equity method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the
investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost. Where the
initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of investee’s
identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the difference shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period, and the cost of
the long-term equity investment shall adjusted accordingly. Under the equity method, the Company recognizes its share of the net

                                                                CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

profit or loss of the investee for the period as investment income or loss for the period. The Group recognizes it share of the
investee’s net profit or loss based on the fair value of the investee’s individual separately indentible assets, etc at the acquisition date
after making appropriate adjustments to confirm with the Company’s accounting policies and accounting period. Unrealized profits
or losses resulting from the Company’s transactions with its associates and joint ventures are recognized as investment income or loss
to the extent that those attributable to the Company’s equity interest are eliminated. However, unrealized losses resulting from the
Company’s transactions with its investees on the transferred assets, in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 -
Impairment of Assets", are not eliminated. Changes in owners’ equity of the investee other than net profit or loss are correspondingly
adjusted to the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment, and recognized as other compressive income which is included in
the capital reserve. When the investee is recognized net losses, reduce the carrying value of long-term equity investments and
long-term equity of net investment (in substance) in investee to zero. In addition, the Company has the obligations on additional
losses, then the expected obligation as estimated liabilities and included in the current investment losses. Where the net profit from
investee units, restoration confirm the amount of revenue sharing after offset the amount of unrecognized loss sharing. For long-term
equity investments in associates and joint ventures which had been held by the Company before its first time adoption of Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Company’s
interest in the investee’s net assets at the time of acquisition, the excess is amortized and is recognized in profit or loss on a straight
line basis over the original remaining life.
3) Acquisition of minority interest
The difference between newly increased equity investment due to acquisition of minority interests and portion of net asset
cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date is adjusted as capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the
difference, the excess are adjusted against returned earnings.
4) Disposal of long-term equity investment
Where the parent company disposes long-term investment in a subsidiary without a change in control, the difference in the net asset
between the amount of disposed long-term investment and the amount of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to the owner’s
equity. On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and receivable and the
carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period. For along-term equity investment accounted for using the equity
method, the amount included in the owners’ equity attributable to the percentage interest disposed is transferred to profit or loss for
the period. For any retained interest, it shall be subsequently measured according to the related accounting policies in regard of
long-term equity investments or financial assets as described above if its carrying amount is recognized as long-term equity
investments or other related financial assets. Retroactive adjustment is made on the basis of relevant policies if the retained interests
are settled from cost method to equity method.

(3)Recognition of investee under common control or significant influence

Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its operating
activities. Common control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, and exists only when the
strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or
joint control over those policies. When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise control or significant influence
over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the investee held be the investing enterprise or other parties that are currently
exercisable or convertible shall be considered.

(4)Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision

The company assesses the long-term equity investment at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of impairment. If any

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indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value
of the asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. Once an
impairment loss is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

14、Investment properties

Investment properties are properties held either to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or for both. Cost model: investment
properties-leasing properties adopt the identical depreciation accounting policy as fixed assets. Investment properties-leasing rights
of land usage adopt the identical amortization accounting policy as intangible assets. If potential impairment of investment property
exists, estimation of its net realisable value shall be made. Recognizing impairment loss where net realisable value below its book
value. Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period.

Investment properties are depreciated (amortized) using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated
useful lives. For the investment properties being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation (amortization) charge is
prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives. The estimated useful lives,
residual rates and annual depreciation (amortization) rates are as follows:

Items                              Useful Lives              Residual Rates (%)         Annual Depreciation Rates (%)

land usage rights                             50                     0%-10%                           1.80%

House and Building                          20-28                    0%-10%                       3.56%-4.50%

15、Fixed assets

(1)Recognition of fixed assets

Fixed assets are the tangible assets with service life of more than one year held for production of goods, rendering of service, lease or
operating management. Fixed assets shall be confirmed while following conditions can all be met:
①The economic interest related to the fixed assets will most likely flow into the company;
②The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.。

(2)Recognition and measurement of finance lease

(3)Depreciation policy for different classifications of fixed assets

Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated useful lives. For the
fixed assets being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the adjusted
carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives.
The estimated useful lives, residual rates and annual depreciation rates are as follows:

               Items                        Useful Lives                Residual Rates (%)            Annual Depreciation Rates (%)

House and Building                  20.00-28.00                                               5% 3.56-4.50

Machinery equipment                 4.00-5.00                                                 5% 18.00-22.04

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Electronic equipment                4.50-5.00                                                 5% 18.00-22.04

Transportation equipment            5.00-20.00                                                5% 6.33-23.75

(4)Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision for fix assets

The company assesses the fix assets at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of impairment. If any indication exists
that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value of the asset is
less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. Once an impairment loss is
recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

(5)Other Notes

16、Construction in Progress

(1)Type of construction in progress

Construction in progress is classified by projects.

(2)The standard and time point for construction in progress transferred to fixed assets

For construction in progress, the Company shall make all the expenditures for this asset to reach usable condition as the account
value of the fixed assets. For the fixed assets reaching usable condition but not preparing the final account for completion, the
Company shall, since the date of reaching usable condition, transfer the estimated value into fixed assets according to project budget
and cost or actual cost of the project and appropriate the provision for depreciation according to the Company's policy for
depreciation of fixed assets; after the procedure for final account for completion has been ended, the Company shall adjust the
original temporarily estimated value as per actual cost, but not adjust the original appropriated provision for depreciation.

(3)Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision for construction in progress

The company assesses the construction in progress at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of impairment. If any
indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value
of the asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. Once an
impairment loss is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

17、Borrowing Cost

(1)Recognition principles on capitalisation of borrowing cost

The Group should capitalizes the borrowing cost directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying
asset and record borrowing cost into cost of related asset. The Group should recognize the other borrowing cost as the current
expense and charged it as profit and loss of current period. A qualifying asset refers to fixed asset, investment property and inventory
need be constructed for so long time to its intended use or sale.

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(2)Duration of capitalisation of borrowing cost

When expenditures and borrowing cost are being incurred, and activities that are necessary to put the asset available for use or sale
are in progress, the capitalisation of borrowing costs as part of the cost of a qualifying asset should commence.

(3)Suspension of duration of capitalisation

(4)Measurement of borrowing cost

As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, the
to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined as the difference of the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan
at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary
investment. Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization,
the Group shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the
weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the
capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined at the weighted average
interest rate of the general borrowing.

18、Biological Assets

The biological assets in the company are consumptive biological assets and productive biological assets. Consumptive biological
assets include baby breeding and fat breeding. Productive biological assets are hens.
Biological assets are recognized only when the following criterions are met simultaneously:
(1) The company acquired the biological assets because of past transactions or events.
(2) The potential economic benefits generated by the biological assets may flow into the company
(3) The cost of biological assets can be calculated reliably
The purchase and disposal of biological assets: the costs of biological assets after the transfer of purpose are same as the book value
before the transfer of purpose; When biological assets are sold, destroyed or have inventory loss, the differences between the
proceeds of disposal and the book value plus relevant taxes are included in the profit and loss of the current period.
The initial cost of biological assets includes purchase price, transportation cost, insurance cost, and other cost directly attributed to
purchasing the assets. The initial cost of self-breeding productive biological assets (before the expected condition for use) includes
breeding cost, wages and other indirect costs. Before the expected condition for use, cost of biological assets, including breeding and
protection, are recorded in profits and losses of the current period.
Biological assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated useful lives. For the
biological assets being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the
adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives. The estimated useful lives, residual rates and annual depreciation rates
are as follows:

              Items                       Useful Lives          Residual Rates (%)      Annual Depreciation Rates (%)

       Chicken and Eggs                        1                        5%                            95%

At the balance sheet date, if potential impairment of biological assets exists, estimation of its net realisable value shall be made.
Recognizing impairment loss where net realisable value below its book value. Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not

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reversed in a subsequent period. When biological assets are sold, destroyed or have inventory loss, the difference between the
revenue from disposal and its book value plus relevant taxation are recorded into profits and losses of the current period.

19、Intangible Assets

(1)Valuation method for intangible assets

① Initial measurement of intangible assets
The Company accounts its intangible assets at their real acquisition cost.
Where the payment of purchase price for intangible assets is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions, which is of financing
intention, the cost of intangible assets shall be determined on the basis of the current value of the purchase price.

The book value of the intangible assets acquired as debt assets through the recombination of liabilities shall be accounted on basis of
the fair value of the intangible assets;Under the conditions that the exchange of non-monetary assets is characterized with business
essence, and the fair value of the assets received or surrendered can be accounted in a reliable way, the book value of assets received
is defined on basis of the fair value of assets surrendered, except there are conclusive evidences for the stronger reliability of the fair
value of assets received. For the exchange of those non-monetary assets not meeting the above premises, the book value of assets
surrendered and related taxes should be accounted as cost of assets received and the profits and losses shouldn’t be concluded.
② Subsequent measurement of intangible assets
For the intangible assets with limited service life, the economic benefits should be amortized with
Straight-line method; and the company won’t adopt amortization upon the intangible assets with indefinite service life. At the end of
report period, the Company should recheck the service life and amortization method of the intangible assets and carry through
necessary adjustment.

(2)Estimate of service life for the intangible assets with limited life

As for the intangible assets with limited life, its service life shall be estimated at the year-end
The amortization policy for intangible assets remains unchanged in the current fiscal year.

              Item                 Amortisation periods                                           Basis

Patent, brand, software and                                  Less than the period stated at contracts or included in other legal rights
                                  5 year

Land use rights                   50 year                    Less than the period stated at contracts or included in other legal rights

(3)The judgment basis of the intangible assets with indefinite life

As for the intangible assets with unlimited life, its service life shall be estimated at the year-end
After examination, that no intangible assets are considered as indefinite life.

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(4)Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision for intangible assets

The company assesses the intangible assets at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of impairment. If any indication
exists that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value of the
asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. Once an impairment loss
is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

(5)Criterion for distinguishing cost in research phase and development phase

Research cost refers to cost arising from inventive activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge. Research cost is recorded to profit or
loss when it is incurred. Development cost refers to cost arising from activities that result in research phase or other knowledge in a
certain plan or design, to produce new or substantially improved material, equipment, and products etc. before commercial
production or application.

(6)Measurement for the cost of R&D (Research and development)

The cost of R&D in the research stage is recorded into current period of profit and loss when it occur.
An intangible asset arising from the development phase of an internal project shall be recognised if, and only if, the company can
demonstrate all of the following:
(a) The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale
(b) Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it
(c) How the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. among other things, the entity can demonstrate the
existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness
of the intangible asset
(d) The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible
(e) Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

20、Long Term Deferred Expenses Cost and Amortization Method

For limited benefit periods, long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line method within the benefit period; for
unlimited benefit periods, Long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line method over five years.

21、Projected liabilities

(1)Recognition of contingent liabilities

The obligation pertinent to a contingency shall be recognized as an estimated debt when the following conditions are satisfied
(a) The obligation is a current obligation of the Group;
(b) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Group as a result of performance of the obligation; and

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(c) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

(2)Measurement for projected liabilities

The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance of
the current obligation, and the Group shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors
pertinent to the contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the best estimate amounts shall be determined after
discounting the relevant future outflow of cash. The Group shall check the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet
date. If there is any exact evidence indicating that the book value cannot really reflect the current best estimate amounts, the Group
shall adjust the book value in accordance with the current best estimate amounts.

22、Share-based payment and equity instruments


A share-based payment is a transaction in which the entity receives or acquires goods or services either as consideration for its equity
instruments or by incurring liabilities for amounts based on the price of the entity's shares or other equity instruments of the entity.
The accounting requirements for the share-based payment depend on how the transaction will be settled, that is, by the issuance of
equity or cash.

(2)Recognition criterion for fair value of equity instruments

In principle, transactions in which goods or services are received as consideration for equity instruments of the entity should be
measured at the fair value of the goods or services received. Only if the fair value of the goods or services cannot be measured
reliably would the fair value of the equity instruments granted be used.

The fair value of equity instruments granted to be based on market prices, if available, and to take into account the terms and
conditions upon which those equity instruments were granted. In the absence of market prices, fair value is estimated using a
valuation technique to estimate what the price of those equity instruments would have been on the measurement date in an arm's
length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties. The standard does not specify which particular model should be used.

(3)Basis for Exercisable equity instruments

Company estimated the best estimating amount of exercisable equity instruments according to the new data for the changes in the
number of employee that acquire exercisable rights.

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(4)Acccounting treatment for exercise, amend and terminate share-based payment schedule

23、Share Repurchase


(1)Recognition for sale of goods

Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the
buyer, the Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective
control over the goods sold, and it is probable that the economic benefit associated with the transaction will flow to the Company and
the relevant revenue and costs can be measured reliably.

(2)Recognition criterions for transfer of asset use right income

it is probable that the economic benefit associated with the transaction will flow to the Company and the relevant revenue and costs
can be measured reliably.

(3)Recognition criterions for labour income

(a) Labour income can be calculated reliably
(b) Inflow of relevant economic benefits to the Group may occur
(c) The progress of completion for the transaction can be identified reliably
(d) The cost has been occurred and will be occurred in the future during the transaction can be calculated reliably

(4)When it comes to percentage completion method to confirm labor and construction contracts revenure,
   the policy for determining the stage for completion

25、Government grants


Government subsidy means that the Company shall get monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the government without
consideration, but the government subsidy shall not include the capital invested by the government as an enterprise owner. It is
divided into the one related to assets and the one related to income.

(2)Accounting method

(a) Confirmation and measurement of government subsidy
The government subsidy meeting attached conditions and actually received by the Company, shall be confirmed as government
subsidy. If the government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured as per the amount received or to be received; if the
government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured as per fair value; and if the fair value cannot be obtained reliably,
measured as per nominal amount.

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(b) Accounting for government subsidy
The government subsidy related to assets shall be confirmed as deferred income, and allocated averagely during the service life of the
related assets and attributed into the profit and loss of current period. But the government subsidy measured in nominal amount shall
be directly attributed to profit or loss of current

26、Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(1)Recognition of deferred tax assets

Deferred tax assets arise from deductible and taxable temporary differences respectively, being the differences between the carrying
amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases, which include the deductible losses and tax
credits carrying forward to subsequent periods. Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable
profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised.

(2)Recognition of deferred tax liabilities

Deferred tax liabilities arise from deductible and taxable temporary differences respectively, being the differences between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases, which include the deductible losses and
tax credits carrying forward to subsequent periods, but not incude the temporary differences created by goodwill, non-business
combination transaction and the transaction is not influence accounting profit and corporate tax.

27、Operating and finance leases

(1)Accounting treatment for operating leases

(1) Operating lease charges
Rental payments under operating leases are recognised as part of the cost of another related asset or as expenses on a straight-line
basis over the lease term.
(2) Assets leased out under operating leases
Income derived from operating leases is recognised in the income statement using the straight-line method over the lease term. If
initial direct costs incurred in respect of the assets leased out are material, the costs are initially capitalised and subsequently
amortised in profit or loss over the lease term on the same basis as the lease income. Otherwise, the costs are charged to profit or loss

(2)Accounting treatment for finance leases

When the Group acquires an asset under a finance lease, the asset is measured at an amount equal to the lower of its fair values and
the present value of the minimum lease payments, each determined at the inception of the lease. At the commencement of the lease
term, the minimum lease payments are recorded as long-term payables. The difference between the value of the leased assets and the
minimum lease payments is recognised as unrecognised finance charges. Initial direct costs that are attributable to a finance lease
incurred by the Group are added to the amounts recognised for the leased asset.
If there is reasonable certainty that the Group will obtain ownership of a leased asset at the end of the lease term, the leased asset is
depreciated over its estimated useful life. Otherwise, the leased asset is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and its

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

estimated useful life. Unrecognized finance charge under finance lease is amortised using an effective interest method over the lease
term. At the balance sheet date, long-term payables arising from finance leases, net of the unrecognised finance charges, are
presented as long-term payables or non-current liabilities due within one year, respectively in the balance sheet.

(3)Accounting treatment for sales and lease-back

28、Assets held for sale

(1)Recognition of assets held for sale

(2)Accounting treatment for assets held for sale

29、Changes of significant accounting policies, accounting estimates

Changes of significant accounting policies, accounting estimates in this period
□ Yes √ No
significant accounting policies, accounting estimates remain unchanged in this period.

(1)Changes of significant accounting policies

Changes of significant accounting policies in this period
□ Yes √ No
significant accounting policies remain unchanged in this period.

(2)Changes of significant accounting estimates

Changes of significant accounting estimates in this period
□ Yes √ No
significant accounting estimates remain unchanged in this period.

30、Prior period error correction

Any prior period error correction discovered in this period
□ Yes √ No
No prior period error correction discovered in this period

(1)Retrospective Restatement

Any prior period error correction discovered through retrospective restatement in this period
□ Yes √ No
No prior period error correction discovered through retrospective restatement in this period

                                                                  CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(2)Prospective Application

Any prior period error correction discovered through prospective application in this period
□ Yes √ No
No prior period error correction discovered through prospective application in this period

31、Other significant accounting policy、accounting estimates and financial statements preparation policy


1、Major category of taxes and tax rates

                    Tax Category                                          Tax Basis                               Tax rate

Value added tax                                     Sell goods and provide labor service          17%

Bussiness tax                                       Housing prepayment; taxable income            5%

City maintenance and construction tax               Transfer tax payable                          5%

Corporate income tax                                Taxable income                                25%

Land value-added tax                                Land VAT or pre-requisitioned                 Super rate progressive rate

Education surcharge                                 Transfer tax payable                          3%

Local education surcharge                           Transfer tax payable                          2%

                                                    Rental income or original value of real
Housing property tax                                                                              12% or 1.2%

Applicable for all subsidiaries and branches.

2、Tax relief and official approval document

According to ChengXianGuoShui[2013]No.004, corporate tax relief and exemption are granted to ChengDe NanJiang Ecological
Agriculture Co., Ltd. because of its agricultural activities.

3、Other notes

VI、Business combination and consolidated financial statements


(1)Subsidiaries acquired not through business combinations

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB ten thousand

Subsidia Subsidia Place of Busines Register                     Actual Balance Shareho Voting Join the Minorit Minorit               The
ry             ry    Registra      s       ed                   investm of other       lding   Rights Consoli      y            y   amount
                                                   s Scope
Compan Compan          tion     Charact Capital                  ent at     projects   Ratio   Ratio    dated   interest interest    the

                                                                 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

y Name     y Type               eristics                       the year    which     (%)           Financia   used to parent’s
                                                                 end       forms                      l       written    equity
                                                                            net                    Stateme      off     used to
                                                                          investm                   nts or     profit   written
                                                                          ent on                     not      and loss off loss
                                                                          subsidia                                        from
                                                                            ries                                        subsidia
                                                                                                                         in the
                                                                                                                        equity at
                                                                                                                        the year
                                                   ent of
                                                   , mining
e                     ChengD
              A                                    agricult
NanJian wholly                                     ure
                      County, Investm      9,000                9,000
           owned                                   project,                                         Yes
g                                                                           ---      100%   100%
           subsidia               ent      CNY     Real         CNY
Investm               Provinc
             ry                                    Estate,
ent Co.,                e

Ltd.*1                                             tion

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

                                                trade of

                                                on of
ChengD                                          cereals
e                                        and
                  ChengD Ecologi
NanJian       A
                     e      cal          edible
g         wholly          Agricult
                  County,   ure    1,000 fungus; 1,000                                   Yes
Ecologi owned                            Planting                   ---   100%   100%
                   HeBei Planting
cal      subsidia           and    CNY              CNY
                  Provinc Breedin        of fruit、
Agricult    ry
                     e       g           vegetabl
ure Co.,
                                         e and
Ltd. *2

                                                on and
                                                ng of
                      ChengD                    high-gra
e                        e                      de
XingYe                County,  Paper 25,000 coated          7,500
           subsidia           Producti                                                   Yes
                                            paper                   ---   100%   100%
                      HeBei      on
Paper        ry                        USD                  USD
                      Provinc               and
Co.,                                        kraft
Ltd. *3                                         liner

NanJian       A                                 Internati
g   Asia wholly HongKo                          onal
           owned                          2,000 investm                                  Yes
Investm                 ng,     Trading                     0.00    ---   100%   100%
           subsidia China                 USD   ent and
ent Co.,
              ry                                trading
       Holding ChengD Energy                    Researc                                        4,978,7
                      Researc                                                            Yes
Chengd subsidia                           5,000 h,          5,000   ---   90%    90%
                  e    h and                                                                     52.68

                                                         CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

            ry      County, Develop          develop
e                            ment     CNY                USD
                    HeBei                    ment,
Morsh                                        sales,
Technol               e                      technica
                                             ng and
Ltd.*5                                       technica
                                             me and
                                             s, power
                                             s, high

e                     e                      Property
          Holding         Property
HuiJing           County, manage       50    manage      50
         subsidia                                                                            Yes
                            ment             ment                 ---    100%     100%
property    ry             service    CNY                CNY
                  Provinc                    service
*1 On October 9 2012, ChengDe NanJiang Investment Co., Ltd. was established and invested by Chengde Rongyida Real Estate
Development Co., Ltd. The registered capital was RMB 50,000,000.00 and RongYiDa accounted for 100% of NanJiang Investment’s
equity. On December 21 2012, RongYiDa transfer 100% of NanJiang Investment’s equity to the company at the price of RMB
50,000,000.00. After the transfer, the company held 100% of NanJiang Investment’s equity. On January 6 2013, NanJiang increase
share capital of NanJiang Investment by RMB 40,000,000.00. After the increment, the registered capital of NanJiang Investment
reach RMB 90,000,000.00.

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

*2 On October 24 2012, ChengDe NanJiang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. established and invested by ChengDe NanJiang
Investment Co., Ltd. The registered capital was RMB 5,000,000.00 and NanJiang Investment held 100% of Ecological Agriculture’s
equity. On April 18 2013, NanJiang Investment increase share capital of NanJiang Ecological Agriculture by RMB 5,000,000.00.
After the increment, the registered capital of NanJiang Ecological Agriculture reach RMB 10,000,000.00.

*3 On October 26 2001, Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was established by the company together with (Hong Kong)
Zhanxi International Group Co., Ltd. the registered capital of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was 250 million U.S. dollars,
the paid-in capital was $100,000,000.00, Shareholders' contribution accounted for 40% of the registered capital, and in which the
company invested 75,000,000.00 dollar ( accounting for 75%), (Hong Kong)Zhanxi invested 25,000,000.00 dollar ( proportion
25%).On October 28, 2002, according to the regulation of ― reply to investment increase of joint ventures of Chengde XingYe Paper
Limited company‖ approved by the people's Republic of China Ministry of foreign trade and Economic Cooperation ( the former of
the Ministry of Commerce ) with the issuance of No.[2001]969, the registered capital was increased to $ 250 million from $ 10,000
million, The new registered capital had been paid by the two sides in accordance with the contract, articles of agreement within three
years from the date of the business license renewal. The registered capital of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company was not paid
fully within the prescribed period. Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company had been shut down completely suffered from
December 2006 serious loss since the original largest shareholder Wang Shuxian and senior executives involved in smuggling effect,
On December 8, 2008, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court issued the No (2008)13 Chengde Civil Award and
confirmed the bankruptcy liquidation of the application of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company. On March 11, 2009, Hebei
province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court approved the settlement request of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company
according to the Civil Award with No. (2008)13. On May 10, 2009, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court
confirmed the settlement agreement reached on May 8, 2009 between Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company and the creditors
and terminated the reconciliation procedure. On April 23, 2009, the Hebei Provincial Higher People's Court issued No.(2009) 44
Hebei ‖criminal Award‖ and confirmed that Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was a false foreign investment enterprise
which was registered in the name of the Hong Kong ZhanXi by the company's original shareholders of Wang Shuxian. In October
2012, the company received civil conciliation No.[2011]76 from ChengDe Intermediate People's court. The civil conciliation
confirmed the dispute settlement between the company and ShuXian Wang: ShuXian Wang was responsible for coordinating
minority of ChengDe XingYe Paper Co., Ltd to abandon their equity, assisting the company to complete the liquidation and
cancellation of XingYe. After the above works were done, the company agreed to transfer 20% equity of Suning Banhe Chemical
Fiber Facsimile Fabric Co., Ltd, land of industrial park (34.03 acre), factory (25596.87 square meter) and land of No.131 (44.4 acre)
to ShuXian Wang.

*4 On November 14, 2013, NanJiang Asia Investment Co., Ltd. (―NanJiang Asia‖) was invested by NanJiang, with the register
capital of USD 20 million. Paid-in share capital is USD 0.00 and the register place is Hong Kong.

*5 On January 24, 2013, Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. (―Morsh Technology‖) was invested by NanJiang and Morsh
(NingBo) Technology Co., Ltd, with the register capital of RMB 50,000,000.00: NanJiang contribute RMB 45,000,000.00,
accounting for 90% of the total share capital; Morsh (NingBo) Technology contribute RMB 5,000,000.00, accounting for 10% of the
total share capital.

*6 On November 18, 2013, Chengde HuiJing property Co., Ltd (―HuiJing Property‖) was invested by NanJiang Investment, with the
register capital of RMB 500,000.00. NanJiang Investment contributes RMB 500,000.00, accounting for 100% of share capital.

                                                                     CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(2)Subsidiaries acquired by business combination under common control

                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

Subsidia Subsidia Place of Busines Register Busines Actual                Balance Shareho Voting            Join the Minorit Minorit             The
ry        ry         Registra s            ed       s Scope investm of other lding                 Rights   Consoli y               y           amount
Compan Compan tion             Charact Capital                 ent      at projects Ratio          Ratio    dated          interest interest      the
y Name y Type                  eristics                        the year which              (%)              Financia                used to parent’s
                                                               end        forms                             l                       written     equity
                                                                          net                               Stateme                 off         used to
                                                                          investm                           nts       or            profit      written
                                                                          ent         on                    not                     and loss off loss
                                                                          subsidia                                                               from
                                                                          ries                                                                 subsidia
                                                                                                                                                in the
                                                                                                                                               equity at
                                                                                                                                               the year

Chengd                                              Develop
Rongyid              ChengD
               A                                    clothes
                        e         Real
a Real    wholly                           10,000, manufac
                     County,      Estate                         1.00
          owned                                     ture,                                                       Yes
Estate                                     000.00                               ---         100%    100%
          subsidia             Develop              import      CNY
Develop              Provinc                CNY
               ry                                   &
ment                    e

Co.,                                                of

On February 20 2009, Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd was established with registered capital of RMB
10,000,000.00 (Fei Wang contributed RMB 9,000,000.00, accounted for 90% of the total equity; LiPing Chen contributed RMB

                                                                      CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

1,000,000.00, accounted for 10% of the total equity). On July 27 2009, Fei Wang and LiPing Chen transfer 90% and 10% of
RongYiDa’s equity to former largest shareholder Rong Chen at the price of RMB 9,000,000.00 and RMB 1,000,000.00 respectively.
At the same day, Rong Chen transfer 100% of RongYiDa’s equity to the company at the price of RMB 1.00. After the transfer, the
company held 100% of RongYiDa’s equity.

(3)Subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under common control

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB ten thousand

Subsidia Subsidia Place of Busines Register Busines Actual                Balance Shareho Voting           Join the Minorit Minorit              The
ry          ry        Registra s           ed       s Scope investm of other lding                Rights   Consoli y                 y         amount
Compan Compan tion              Charact Capital                 ent     at projects Ratio         Ratio    dated          interest interest      the
y Name y Type                   eristics                        the year which             (%)             Financia                  used to parent’s
                                                                end       forms                            l                         written    equity
                                                                          net                              Stateme                   off       used to
                                                                          investm                          nts       or              profit    written
                                                                          ent         on                   not                       and loss off loss
                                                                          subsidia                                                               from
                                                                          ries                                                                 subsidia
                                                                                                                                                in the
                                                                                                                                               equity at
                                                                                                                                               the year


Water                                               onal
            Holding             Internati 3,000.0
(Tianjin                                            trading     900.00                                                     22,324,
            subsidia TianJing                                                                                  Yes
                                   onal         0   of                          ---         30%   53.43%
)                ry                                              CNY
                                trading     CNY     plastic
Internati                                           material


                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)


Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. (―RunHua‖) is a limited liability company registered through TianJing
BinHai New District Administration for Industry and Commerce (Runhua’s business license is 120192000028688). The initial
registered capital is RMB 30 million, including: Runhua Rural Water developing Co., Ltd contribute 4 million, accounting for 13.34%
of the total registered capital, BaoSheng Yang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, QianYing
Wang contribute 2 million, accounting for 6.67% of the total registered capital, PeiWen Ren contribute 2.01 million, accounting for
6.70% of the total registered capital, XiaoFan Zhang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital,
ChunHong Lan contribute 9.03 million, accounting for 30.10% of the total registered capital, QinHua Zhao contribute 7 million,
accounting for 23.33% of the total registered capital, ZhengHong Jia contribute 3 million, accounting for 10.00% of the total
registered capital, Kai Li contribute 0.96 million, accounting for 3.20% of the total registered capital.

On June 25 2013, according to the equity’s transfer agreement, ChunHong Lan and QinHua Zhao transfer 6.67% and 23.33% of
share capital respectively to NanJiang. After the transfer, Nanjiang contribute 9 million, accounting for 30% of the total share capital.
After the transfer, the capital ratio is: Runhua Rural Water developing Co., Ltd contribute 4 million, accounting for 13.34% of the
total registered capital, BaoSheng Yang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, QianYing Wang
contribute 2 million, accounting for 6.67% of the total registered capital, PeiWen Ren contribute 2.01 million, accounting for 6.70%
of the total registered capital, XiaoFan Zhang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, ChunHong
Lan contribute 7.03 million, accounting for 23.43% of the total registered capital, ZhengHong Jia contribute 3 million, accounting for
10.00% of the total registered capital, Kai Li contribute 0.96 million, accounting for 3.20% of the total registered capital, Nanjiang
contribute 9 million, accounting for 30% of the total share capital.

2、Special purposes entity or operation entity where controlling right is formed under entrusted operation
or leasing

       Not Applicable.

3、Explanation for changes in consolidation scope

Explanation for changes in consolidation scope

        New subsidiaries that are in consolidation scope during the reporting period are listed below:

Subsidiary Company Name                  Explanation for changes                Net Asset at the year       Net profit in this
                                                                                         end                     period

Runhua       Rural    Water     (Tianjin) share acquisition                                    3,189.15                   735.61
International Trade Co., Ltd.

Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. new incorporation                                           4,978.75                   -21.25

Chengde HuiJing property Co., Ltd.       new incorporation                                       49.81                     -0.19

NanJiang Asia Investment Co., Ltd        new incorporation                                         0.00                     0.00

                Total                                                                          8,217.71                   714.17

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

      On August 28, 2008, Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. (―RunHua‖) (limited liability) registered
through TianJing BinHai New District Administration for Industry and Commerce. On June, 2013, NanJiang acquired 30% of
RunHua’s share capital. Therefore, RunHua’s Income statement and cash flow between 2013-6-25 and 2013-12-31 are in
consolidation scope.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Compare to last year, four new subsidiaries are in consolidation scope, reasons are

Compare to last year, zero subsidiaries are out of in consolidation scope, reasons are

4、New subsidiaries in the consolidation scope and subsidiaries out of consolidation scope during the
reporting period.

New subsidiaries in the consolidation scope
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB ten thound

                    Company Name                                  Net asset at the year-end                Net profit in this period

RunHua Water                                                                              3,189.15                                 735.61

Morsh Technology                                                                          4,978.75                                 -21.25

HuiJing property                                                                               49.81                                   -0.19

NanJiangAsia                                                                                    0.00                                   0.00

Subsidiaries out of consolidation scope

Not applicable

5、Subsidiaries acquired by business combination under common control

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
Not applicable

6、Subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under common control

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

          Company Name                                 Goodwill                               Accounting treatment for goodwill

RunHua Water                                                        1,809,762.89

      On June 25, 2013, through business combination not under the common control, NanJiang acquired 30% of RunHua’s equity
and control the company. The consideration of the acquisition is based on the market price of identifiable assets and liabilities
(Walker (Beijing) international assets evaluation co., LTD issue [2012]No.0283 evaluation report to confirm the evaluated price). The
acquisition is based on both party’s voluntary and they both are familiar with the markets, therefore, identifiable assets and liabilities
are at the fair value. The difference between the initial cost of the parent’s long term investment and the deserved share of the parent

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

in identifiable assets and liabilities confirmed as goodwill. The acquisition confirm the relationship of parent and subsidiary between
NanJiang and RunHua. When it comes to preparing the consolidated financial statement, Runhua’s financial statements are adjust
based on the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities on the acquisition date (evaluation price plus net profit produced from
evaluation date to consolidation date).

     On January 9, 2013, NanJiang signed an acquisition agreement with original shareholder of RunHua, acquiring 30% of
RunHua’s equity with the consideration of RMB 9170.37 thousand. The consideration is based on [2012]No.0283 evaluation report
issued by Walker (Beijing) international assets evaluation co., LTD. The date of shareholders’ resolution is January 9, 2013.
Acquisition payment date is June 25, 2013, the Industrial and commercial registration date of change is June 24, 2013, and the
acquision date confirm at June 25, 2013.

Any subsidiaries acquired by Stage during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

7、Loss of subsidiaries due to disposal of equity interests without controlling rights during the reporting

Not applicable

8、Counter purchase occurred during the reporting period

Not applicable

9、Absorption consolidation occurred during the reporting period

Not applicable

10、Translation exchange rates for items in major statements of overseas operating entities

Not applicable

VII、Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1、Monetary funds


                                             Closing Balance                                      Opening Balance

           Item                   Original      Exchange           RMB               Original       Exchange            RMB
                                  Currency                       Translation        Currency           rate          Translation

Cash:                                --             --                19,146.58         --              --                 72,492.38

 RMB                                 --             --                19,146.58         --              --                 72,492.38

Bank:                                --             --            77,962,341.48         --              --             81,473,554.49

                                                                CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

 RMB                                   --              --            75,093,993.26          --                 --               81,440,569.01

 USD                                  470,460.11 6.0969               2,868,348.22           5,247.80 6.2855                       32,985.48

Other monetary funds                   --              --            11,445,403.16          --                 --

 RMB                                   --              --            11,445,403.16          --                 --

 Total                                 --              --            89,426,891.22          --                 --               81,546,046.87

(1) Restricted monetary funds during the reporting period are shown below:

                            Item                                        Closing Balance                             Opening Balance

guaranteed deposit for individual mortgages                                            1,045,403.16                       ---

deposit for notes payable                                                             10,400,000.00                       ---

                          Total                                                       11,445,403.16                       ---

Deposit for notes payable RMB 10,400,000.00 belong to RunHua, the company has already deduct this amount when they prepare
cash flow statement.
(2) Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of monetary funds increased by RMB 7,880,844.35, with the growth rate of
9.66%. The major explanations for the increase were:        New subsidiary RunHua are in the consolidated scope.



                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                 Closing Balance                                        Opening Balance

         Classification               Book value             Bad debt provision            Book value                 Bad debt provision

                                   Amount   Ratio (%)       Amount       Ratio (%)    Amount      Ratio (%)         Amount        Ratio (%)

accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by aging analyze method

aging portfolio                123,348.00          100%      6,167.40            5%

Portfolio subtotal             123,348.00          100%      6,167.40            5%

total                          123,348.00         --         6,167.40       --                        --                              --

Nots to receivables classification
Receivables are significant and accruing bad debt provision individually
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by aging analyze method
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                            Closing Balance                                             Opening Balance

         Aging                      Book value                                                   Book value
                                                             Bad debt provision                                           Bad debt provision
                             Amount              ratio(%)                                 Amount              ratio(%)

Within one year

                                                                     CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Including:                       --                     --                   --                          --                  --                  --

Subtotal (<1 year)                123,348.00              100%                     6,167.40

total                             123,348.00             --                        6,167.40                                   --

Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by balance percentage method
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                Portfolio Name                                Book value                  Accrued ratio(%)                       Bad debt provision

receivable accrued bad debt by profolio                               123,348.00                                       5%                              6,167.40

total                                                                 123,348.00                     --                                                6,167.40

Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by other method
□ Applicable √ not applicable
Receivables are insignificant and accruing bad debt provision individually
□ Applicable √ not applicable

3、Other Receivables


                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                Closing Balance                                                     Opening Balance

         Classification                Book value                Bad debt provision                 Book value                      Bad debt provision

                                  Amount       ratio(%)          Amount        ratio(%)        Amount              ratio(%)         Amount         ratio(%)

1 Individually significant
amounts of accounts
                              1,209,273.00      14.42% 1,209,273.00                           1,209,273.00            3.51%        1,209,273.00
receivable accrued bad
debt provision

Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

Portfolio                     5,318,030.55      63.42%           341,921.88                   1,504,762.66            4.37%        1,504,762.66

Portfolio subtotal            5,318,030.55      63.42%           341,921.88                   1,504,762.66            4.37%        1,504,762.66

Individually insignificant
amounts of accounts                                                                           31,752,727.3
                              1,857,951.91      22.16% 1,857,951.91                                                  92.12%        3,583,707.69
receivable accrued bad                                                                                         3
debt provision

Total                         8,385,255.46          --         3,409,146.79         --                                --           6,297,743.35          --

Explanation for three types of other receivables:
        (1) The receivables with more than RMB 1 million are recognized as the significant receivables. After the identification of the
significant receivables, the creditor’s right, which was acquired by auction in 2009 and worth RMB 1,209,273.00, was confirmed as
individually significant amounts. The creditor’s right was confirmed to be irrecoverable and it was accrued full bad debt provision.

                                                                   CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     (2)According to the business characteristic of the company, the irrecoverable risks are high for the other accounts receivable
with an aging of over 3 years. Therefore, other accounts receivable which are less than RMB 1 million and with an aging of over 3
years are considered as individually insignificant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision

Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

        Name of Debtor              Book Value               Bad debt provision        Accrued ratio(%)             Reason

Creditor’s right from auctions         1,209,273.00                   1,209,273.00                   100% Over 3 years

Total                                   1,209,273.00                   1,209,273.00            --                       --

Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by aging portfolio
√ Applicable □ not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                             Closing Balance                                        Opening Balance

                                     Book value                                             Book value
                                                       Ratio           Bad debt                           Ratio       Bad debt
                                   amount                                                 amount
                                                       (%)                                                (%)

Within 1 year


                                                 ---          --                  --                ---                               ---

<1 year subtotal                      5,085,113.76 95.62%                242,138.52      26,483,385.17    83.4%         1,324,169.26

1-2 year                                228,916.79      4.3%              97,783.36       1,250,442.16    3.94%              250,088.43

2-3 year                                  4,000.00     0.08%               2,000.00       4,018,900.00 12.66%           2,009,450.00

Total                                 5,318,030.55      --               341,921.88      31,752,727.33      --          3,583,707.69

Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by balance percentage portfolio
□ Applicable √ not applicable
Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by other portfolio
□ Applicable √ not applicable
Other accounts receivable which are individually insignificant and perform impairment test separately at the year-end
√ Applicable □ not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

     Name of Debtor               Book value                 Bad debt provision        Accrued ratio(%)             Reason

AnSheng Wang                              141,000.00                    141,000.00                    100% Expected irrecoverable

DeGang Bao                                356,838.00                    356,838.00                    100% Expected irrecoverable

QiZhong Yan                               200,000.00                    200,000.00                    100% Expected irrecoverable

ChengQuan Liu                             300,000.00                    300,000.00                    100% Expected irrecoverable

                                                                     CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

TianHong Li                                     217,424.66                     217,424.66                           100% Expected irrecoverable

HaiHong Zhou                                    642,689.25                     642,689.25                           100% Expected irrecoverable

Total                                      1,857,951.91                   1,857,951.91                   --                            --

(2)Reversal or recovery of other receivables in this fiscal year

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                               Amount of bad debt
                                   Reasons for reversal           Original Method for                                        Amount of reversal or
        Name of Debtor                                                                          before reversal or
                                         or recovery               accruing bad debt                                                recovery

BanHe Administrator               Revovery                   Aging analyses method                        2,009,450.00                     1,447,846.06

Other small debtor                Revovery                   Aging analyses method                            956,828.70                        956,828.70

Total                                           --                        --                              2,966,278.70                     --

(3)Other receivables written off during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                    Reason for written        Weather related-party
  Name of Debtor                 Nature              Time of written of Amount written off
                                                                                                              off                   transacrion

BanHe                                                                                               irrecoverable due to
                        Current account                                              561,603.94                             No
Administrator                                                                                       liquidation

         Total                      --                       --                      561,603.94                --                          --

(4)The top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

Debtors Ranking                Relationships                 Amounts due                    Aging                          Rate in total

China         International Non-Related Party                2,267,885.00                   Within 1 year                  27.05%
Futures Co., Ltd.

BeiDa            FangZheng Non-Related Party                 682,636.00                     Within 1 year                  8.14%
Material Industry Group

MinFeng            (TianJin) Related Party                   670,000.00                     Within 1 year                  7.99%
Material            Industry
Chemical Trading Co.,

HaiHong Zhou                   Non-Related Party             642,689.25                     Within 1 year                  7.66%

TianJin Custom                 Non-Related Party             601,277.95                     Within 1 year                  7.17%

           Total                           --                             4,864,488.20                   --                                        58.01%

                                                          CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)


(1)The aging analysis

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                   Closing Balance                                          Opening Balance
                                Amount                        Ratio(%)               Amount                     Ratio(%)

Within 1 year                                 28,533,344.69       84.33%                             308,292.36             100%

1-2 years                                       101,600.00             0.3%

2-3 years                                      5,201,365.53       15.37%

Total                                         33,836,310.22       --                                 308,292.36        --

(2)The top five prepayment accounts

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

    Debtors Ranking            Relationship                   Amount                 Aging              Reason for unsettle

 ChengDe ChangCheng
                            Non-Related Party                   25,000,000.00    Within 1 year          Project prepayment
   Construction Group

   JinShang (TianJin)
                            Non-Related Party                    5,201,365.53       2-3 year          Residence prepayment
  Investment Co., Ltd.

 ShaBo basis (Shanghai)
                            Non-Related Party                    2,425,514.01    Within 1 year           Purchase Goods
    trading Co., Ltd

   MinFeng (TianJin)
    Material industry         Related Party                      1,945,944.00    Within 1 year           Purchase Goods
chemical industry Co.Ltd

    HaiChao Zheng           Non-Related Party                     790,000.00     Within 1 year           Purchase Goods

            Total                   --                          35,362,823.54          --                         --

(3)Notes to prepayment

    Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of prepayment increasd by RMB 33,528,017.86, with the increase rate of
10875.00%. The major explanations for the increase were: Project prepaymentfor ChengDe ChangCheng Construction Group.

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)



                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                            Closing Balance                                               Opening Balance
                              Book Value         Impairment     Net book value          Book Value          Impairment      Net book value

Raw material                     836,393.84                            836,393.84

Finished goods                 15,270,790.02                       15,270,790.02          200,929.00                             200,929.00

Circulation material               18,498.40                            18,498.40

                                2,113,905.42                          2,113,905.42        198,300.00                             198,300.00
biological   assets

Development cost              163,568,661.40                     163,568,661.40          9,926,226.12                          9,926,226.12

Product development             7,642,776.18                          7,642,776.18      10,165,279.49                        10,165,279.49

Cost of production              1,118,939.06                          1,118,939.06

Total                         190,569,964.32                     190,569,964.32         20,490,734.61                        20,490,734.61

6、Other current assets

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                       Item                                    Closing Balance                                Opening Balance

Deductible input VAT                                                            3,362,445.37                                                ---

Land VAT (prepayment)                                                            1,115,712.87                                               ---

The ICBC financial product                                                                  ---                                9,000,000.00

Total                                                                           4,478,158.24                                   9,000,000.00

7、Long-term equity investments

(1)Detail for long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                         Closing            Closing           Closing          Operating
                       Stake ratio    Voting right                                                                            Net profit in
 Invested Company                                      Balance of       Balance of total balance of net income in this
                          (%)              (%)                                                                                this period
                                                        total asset         liability             asset          period

1、Joint venture


MinFeng (TianJin)
                               49%               49% 63,887,620.90 54,823,336.31            9,064,284.59 199,603,972.64           64,284.59
Material Industry

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Chemical Trading
Co., Ltd.

RunHua (TianJin)
Water Saving Tech            31.75%          31.75% 14,178,652.88     7,294,815.73     6,883,837.15 11,086,807.85       549,913.45
Co., Ltd.

(2)Limited ability to transfer capital to invested company

Not applicable
Notes to long-term equity investments
(1) On October 14 2011, RunHua (TianJin) Water Saving Tech Co., Ltd. was established and obtained the business liscence, with the
registered capital of RMB 6300 thousand, including RunHua developing Co., Ltd. Contribute RMB 3000 thousand, accounting for
47.619% of the total share capital, subsidiary RunHua contribute RMB 2000 thousand, accounting for 31.746% of the total share
capital,    LangFang ChunYuan irrigating prject Co., Ltd contribute RMB 1000 thousand, accounting for 15.873% of total share
capital, HePing Zhang contribute RMB 300 thousand, accounting for 4.7619% of total share capital.

(2) On December 21 2012, MinFeng (TianJin) Material Industry Chemical Trading Co., Ltd. was established, with the registered
capital of RMB 9000 thousand, including MinFeng (ShanXi) Material Industry Chemical Trading Co., Ltd contribute 459 thousand,
accounting for 51% of the total share capital, subsidiary RunHua contribute RMB 4410 thousand, accounting for 49% of the total
share capital.

8、Fixed assets


                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                              Decrease in this
               Items                Opening Balance         Increase in this period                               Closing Balance

1 Total original book vale:            27,920,093.42                          4,487,895.72        18,551,360.24      13,856,628.90

Including : buildings and
                                       26,592,797.32                                              18,497,360.24       8,095,437.08

Machinery equipment                        10,500.00                          1,198,315.43                            1,208,815.43

Transportation vehicles                 1,233,161.91                          2,603,156.23                            3,836,318.14

Other equipment                            83,634.19                            686,424.06            54,000.00         716,058.25

                                                       New in this                            Decrease in this
                 --                 Opening Balance                   Accrue in this period                       Closing Balance
                                                         period                                   period

2      Total          accumulated
                                        3,177,989.82                          1,862,953.93         2,480,668.46       2,560,275.29

Including:       buildings   and
                                        3,031,578.44                            659,076.42         2,460,148.46       1,230,506.40

Machinery equipment                                                              52,877.32                               52,877.32

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Transportation vehicles                 133,127.47                                940,020.60                               1,073,148.07

Other equipment                          13,283.91                                210,979.59            20,520.00           203,743.50

                --                Opening Balance                                   --                              Closing Balance
3 Total net book value of
                                     24,742,103.60                                  --                                    11,296,353.61
fixed assets
Including: buildings and
                                     23,561,218.88                                  --                                     6,864,930.68
Machinery equipment                      10,500.00                                  --                                     1,155,938.11

Transportation vehicles               1,100,034.44                                  --                                     2,763,170.07

Other equipment                          70,350.28                                  --                                      512,314.75


4 Total book value of fixed
                                     24,742,103.60                                  --                                    11,296,353.61

Including:   buildings      and
                                     23,561,218.88                                  --                                     6,864,930.68

Machinery equipment                      10,500.00                                  --                                     1,155,938.11

Transportation vehicles               1,100,034.44                                  --                                     2,763,170.07

Other equipment                          70,350.28                                  --                                      512,314.75

The total accumulated depreciation for the current accounting period is RMB 1,862,953.93.
The original book value of fixed assets charged from construction in progress is RMB 402,587.43.

(2)Fixed assets rent out thorugh operating lease

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                            Classification                                                     Closing Balance

House and Buildings                                                                                                        1,236,210.15

(3)Fixed assets without certificates of ownership at the year-end

                                                     Reason for without certificates of    Estimated time for acquiring the cerificates
                                                                ownership                                 of ownership

                                             All the assets pledged to lift, transfer
House and Buildings                                                                                       Unpredictable
                                             procedures have not yet completed

Explanation for fixed assets
Fixed assets had been transferred to Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd in 2009 during the bankruptcy
reorganization. But due to release of pledge is still under progress so that the property transfer cannot be done. Information has been
issued by Hebei Chengde intermediate people's court to Chengde housing construction Bureau to ask for the assistance of execute
property certificate ChengXian Fang ZI No.000196 and 000108 to complete the property transfer.

Our company has rented out those temporarily idle houses (certificates for property right: ChengDe No.000196), venues and received

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

the rental fee of RMB 81,200.00. Due to no calculation on the square meter of the rental areas, it is hard to get the rental cost,
considering the amount is relatively small, our company decided not to transfer those part of amount from fix assets to investment

9、Construction in Progress


                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                              Closing Balance                                       Opening Balance
                                 Book value      Impairment      Net book value      Book value       Impairment      Net book value

Factory                                                                                 26,925.00                           26,925.00

Machinery Equiment                                                                     338,927.43                          338,927.43

Well and other accessories                                                              15,535.00                           15,535.00

Wages                                                                                   21,200.00                           21,200.00

Total                                                                                  402,587.43                          402,587.43

10、Productive Biological Assets

(1)Measurement at cost

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

            Item              Opening Balance       Increase in this period       Decrease in this period         Closing balance

1、Farm production


Egg and Chick                                                    392,756.47                       248,745.76               144,010.71

Hens                                                             167,092.15                        52,912.52               114,179.63


4、aquatic products

Total                                                            559,848.62                       301,658.28               258,190.34

11、Intangible assets


                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

Items                         Opening Balance           Increase in this period    Decrease in this period     Closing Balance

1 Total of original value               28,976,579.45               2,878,877.77                                        31,855,457.22

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(1) Land use right                         28,976,579.45               2,650,877.77                                         31,627,457.22

(2) Software                                                              228,000.00                                           228,000.00

2       Total     accumulated
                                            2,271,475.07                  862,328.74                                         3,133,803.81

(1) Land use right                          2,271,475.07                  719,328.74                                         2,990,803.81

(2) Software                                                              143,000.00                                           143,000.00

3 Total net book value                     26,705,104.38               2,016,549.03                                         28,721,653.41

(1) Land use right                         26,705,104.38               1,931,549.03                                         28,636,653.41

(2) Software                                                               85,000.00                                            85,000.00

4 Total of intangible asset
                                           26,705,104.38               2,016,549.03                                         28,721,653.41
book value

(1) Land use right                         26,705,104.38               1,931,549.03                                         28,636,653.41

(2) Software                                                               85,000.00                                            85,000.00

Amortization in this period is RMB 862,328.74


                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                             Increase in this    Decease in this                              Impair at
                 Item                 Opening balance                                                  Closing balance
                                                                 period                perido                                 year-end

Acquire subsidiary                                   0.00        1,809,762.89                              1,809,762.89

Total                                                            1,809,762.89                              1,809,762.89

Notes to goodwill impairment testing method
On June 25, 2013, through business combination not under the common control, NanJiang acquired 30% of RunHua’s equity and
control the company. The consideration of the acquisition is based on the market price of identifiable assets and liabilities (Walker
(Beijing) international assets evaluation co., LTD issue [2012]No.0283 evaluation report to confirm the evaluated price). The
acquisition is based on both party’s voluntary and they both are familiar with the markets, therefore, identifiable assets and liabilities
are at the fair value. The difference between the initial cost of the parent’s long term investment and the deserved share of the parent in
identifiable assets and liabilities confirmed as goodwill in the consolidated financial statements.
On December 31, 2013, net asset of RunHua is increased, so there is no evidence of impairment.

13、Long Term Deferred Expenses

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                          Increase in this   Amortization in                                             Reasons for other
        Item            Opening balance                                          Other decrease       Closing balance
                                              period           in this period                                                decrease

Decoration fee               734,424.92      7,741,676.63          664,529.03                            7,811,572.52

Total                        734,424.92      7,741,676.63          664,529.03                            7,811,572.52           --

                                                                  CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

14、Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(1)Deferred tax assets and liabilities disclosure (not offset)

Deferred tax assets and liabilities which have been confirmed
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                           Item                                        Closing Balance                           Opening Balance

Deferred tax assets:

Assets impairment                                                                        834,223.19                               1,518,810.84

Total                                                                                    834,223.19                               1,518,810.84

Deferred tax liabilities:

Deferred tax assets which have not been confirmed
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                        Items                                          Closing balance                           Opening balance

1 Deductible temporary differences                                                        72,254.02                                 222,499.99

2 Deductible loss                                                                  137,486,697.69                              440,162,868.08

                        Total                                                      137,558,951.71                              440,385,368.07

Deferred tax assets (generated by deductible loss) were expired in periods shown blow:
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
        Items(year)                  Closing balance                   Opening balance                              Notes
            2013                                            ---              302,676,170.39

            2014                             114,543,457.05                  114,543,457.05

            2015                                            ---                            ---

            2016                                            ---                            ---

            2017                               22,943,240.64                  22,943,240.64

            2018                                            ---                            ---

            Total                            137,486,697.69                  440,162,868.08

Detail for taxable difference and deductible differences
Not applicable

(2)Deferred tax assets and liabilities disclosure (offset)

Disclosure after deferred tax assets and liabilities offset to each other
                                                                                                                                 Uunit: RMB

                                               Deferred tax assets deductible temporary Deferred tax assets deductible temporary
                    Item                       and liabilities after       differences after     and liabilities after      differences after
                                               offset at year end         offset at year end     offset at year begin    offset at year begin

Deferred tax assets                                      834,223.19                                      1,518,810.84

                                                                CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Detail for offset between deferred tax assets and liabilities
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
Not applicable

15、Impairment of assets

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                          Increase in this           Decrease in this perido
               Item                    Opening Balance                                                               Closing Balance
                                                                period             Reverse          Written off

Bad debt provision                         6,297,743.35           240,542.63                          3,122,971.79       3,415,314.19

Total                                      6,297,743.35           240,542.63                          3,122,971.79       3,415,314.19

16、Notes paybale

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                      Classification                             Closing Balance                          Opening Balance

banker's acceptance bill                                                       26,000,000.00

Total                                                                          26,000,000.00

The amount will be mature at the next fiscal year.
Notes to notes payable
Compared to opening balance, closing balance of notes payable are increased by 26,000,000.00, the major reason for the increase is
new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope.


(1)Aging of payable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                          Item                                   Closing balance                          Opening Balance

Within 1 year                                                                   3,361,499.82                             2,039,628.36

1-2 years                                                                          286,757.79                                  100.00

2-3 years                                                                             100.00

Over 3 years                                                                        12,273.55                               12,273.55

Total                                                                           3,660,631.16                             2,052,001.91

(2)At the year-end of the reporting period, there are no payable due from any shareholders held over 5%

Not applicable

                                                           CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(3)Aging of accounts payable over one year

              Company name                    Amount        Reason for unsettle                  Remark
ChengDe LiCheng Construction and          281,157.79       Project final payment                    ---
installation project Co., Ltd.

18、Receivable in advance

(1)Aging of receivable in advance

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                           Item                                 Closing Balance                         Opening Balance

Within 1 year                                                               53,821,113.16                            7,120,711.50

1-2 years

2-3 years

Over 3years

Total                                                                       53,821,113.16                            7,120,711.50

(2)At the year-end of the reporting period, there are no receivable in advance due from any shareholders
held over 5%.

Not applicable


                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

          Item               Opening Blance       Increase in this period     Decrease in this period         Closing Balance

1 Wage, bonus,
allowance and                        180,374.00              6,726,463.38                   6,829,887.38                  76,950.00

2、Employee welfare                                            221,000.53                    221,000.53

3、Social insurance
                                      49,592.68                780,159.38                    799,065.16                   30,686.90

Including            :
a.Essential      medical              15,840.00                181,055.40                    176,471.20                   20,424.20
insurance charges

medical       insurance

                                                         CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

endowment                           32,933.00                508,158.70                    532,044.20                    9,047.50

d.         Supplement

                                       819.68                 49,582.18                        49,802.06                  599.80

f.Industrial      injury
                                                              26,180.09                        25,964.59                  215.50

g.             Maternity
                                                              15,183.01                        14,783.11                  399.90

4、Housing fund                                              269,115.16                    269,115.16

5、Other                          6,098,486.60                31,049.30                        31,809.30          6,097,726.60

6、Trade union and
education fee

Total                             6,328,453.28             8,027,787.75                   8,150,877.53            6,205,363.50

Amount of unpaid wages RMB
Amount of Trade union and education fee, amount of non-monetary welfare, amount of welfare from terminating a labor contract
Planned time for wages payment.

20、Tax payable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                           Item                                  Closing Balance                       Opening Balance

VAT                                                                             132,688.59                          -50,248.40

Business tax                                                                       67,762.28                        355,481.28

Corporate income tax                                                         12,078,983.62                        6,197,695.00

Individual taxable income                                                          35,510.93                             1,048.30

Urban construction tax                                                             19,182.58                       -112,371.20

Land VAT                                                                                 ---                      -1,178,375.52

Land use tax                                                                   2,753,192.71                       2,993,193.92

Education surcharge                                                                 7,871.26                        -67,073.88

Stamp tax                                                                          34,936.86                         21,257.53

Local education surcharge                                                           5,247.55                          -5,949.81

Housing property tax                                                           2,888,250.17                       2,888,250.17

River defense fare                                                                  3,278.03

                                                        CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Total                                                                            18,026,904.58                        11,042,907.39

21、Other payable

(1)Aging of other payable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                         Item                                  Closing Balance                             Opening Balance

Within 1 year                                                                 35,447,066.13                            4,320,266.25

1-2 years                                                                          119,168.49                         17,199,106.20

2-3 years                                                                           47,779.91                          2,932,027.94

Over 3 years                                                                       430,969.17                         27,726,978.57

Total                                                                         36,044,983.70                           52,178,378.96

(2)At the year-end of the reporting period, there are no other payable due from any shareholders held
over 5%.

Not applicable

(3)At the year-end of the reporting period, the other accounts payable in significant amount

                         Name                            Amount                       Nature or content

DaHua Certified Public Accounts                                 500,000.00           immature borrowing

ChengDe YongWang Construction project Co.,                      100,000.00           immature borrowing

ChengDe LiCheng Construction and installation                   200,000.00           immature borrowing
project Co., Ltd.

MinFeng (TianJin) Material industry chemical               31,000,000.00              Internal borrowing
industry Co.Ltd

ZhuoZhong (ShanXi) Trading CO., Ltd.                           1,319,199.72        Agent future investment

22、Share capital


                       Opening                      Increase (+)/decrease (-) in this period                            Closing
                       Balance       New share   Bonus share     Capital reserve        Other          subtotal         balance

Total share         706,320,000.00                                                                                   706,320,000.00

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

23、Capital reserves

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                Item                  Opening Balance         Increase in this period     Decrease in this period   Closing Balance

1 Capital premium (share
                                            390,597,031.55                                                                390,597,031.55
capital premium)

2.Other capital reserve*                     65,873,219.23                                                                 65,873,219.23

Total                                       456,470,250.78                                                                456,470,250.78

24、Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                Item                  Opening Balance         Increase in this period     Decrease in this period   Closing Balance

Statutory surplus reserves                   76,791,550.17                                                                 76,791,550.17

Total                                        76,791,550.17                                                                 76,791,550.17

25、Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                            Withdrawal or allocation
                              Items                                             Amount

Adjustment of opening balance of undistributed profits                                  -1,124,687,129.34                 --

opening balance of undistributed profits after adjustment                               -1,124,687,129.34                 --

Add: net profits belong to the parent in this period                                       94,806,811.16                  --

Closing Balance                                                                         -1,029,880,318.18                 --

26、Operating income and operating cost

(1)Operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                       Item                                  This period                                    Last perido

Principal business income                                                359,002,258.47                                    78,707,333.42

Other business income                                                      4,950,000.42                                        804,670.80

Business cost                                                            339,083,312.47                                    58,424,002.63

                                                       CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(2)Principal business income and cost (by industry)

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                 This period                                Last Period
                                      Income                      Cost             Income                 Cost

Agriculture                             1,112,907.68                1,583,798.68

Commerce                              324,167,497.71              314,011,252.79

Real Estate industry                   33,721,853.08               23,459,800.61   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

Total                                 359,002,258.47              339,054,852.08   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

(3)Principal business income and cost (by products)

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                 This period                                Last Period
                                      Income                      Cost             Income                 Cost

Agriculture product                     1,112,907.68                1,583,798.68

Chemical Material                     324,167,497.71              314,011,252.79

Real Estate                            33,721,853.08               23,459,800.61   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

Total                                 359,002,258.47              339,054,852.08   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

(4)Principal business income and cost (by district)

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                 This period                                Last Period
                                      Income                      Cost             Income                 Cost

ChengDe District                       34,834,760.76               25,043,599.29   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

TianJin                               324,167,497.71              314,011,252.79

Total                                 359,002,258.47              339,054,852.08   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

(5)The operating income of the top five customers of the Company

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

       Customer name or ranking       Principal business income                       Rate in total

MinFeng        (TianJin)   Material
                                                       38,248,888.89                                             10.51%
industry chemical industry Co.Ltd

NuoMao trading (ShangHai) Co.,
                                                        9,048,675.33                                             2.49%

BoLv (BeiJing) Tech Co., Ltd.                           8,654,017.09                                             2.38%

                                                          CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

HaiLi      (SuZhou)         electrical
                                                           8,371,111.17                                                     2.3%
equipment Co., Ltd.

QianChengShiHua (ZheJiang) Co.,
                                                           7,358,547.01                                                    2.02%

Total                                                     71,681,239.49                                                    19.7%

Notes to operating income
Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of operating income increased by RMB 284,440,254.67, with the growth rate
of 357.73%. The major explanations for the increase were: new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope increase income by
RMB 324,167,497.71 and income from QianYuan is reduced in this period.

27、Business tax and surcharges

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                 Item                       This period                 Last period                      Tax rate

Business tax                                     2,202,625.14                4,062,139.11 5%

Urban maintenance and construction
                                                   128,301.80                 203,106.96 5%

Education surcharge                                 71,528.75                 121,864.18 3%

Local education surcharge                           33,002.90                  81,242.78 2%

Land VAT                                           677,398.08                 481,104.20 Super rate progressive rate

Housing property tax                                14,784.67                              12%

Others                                                7,474.48                             ---

Total                                            3,135,115.82               4,949,457.23                    --

28、Marketing expense

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                                  This period                                Last Period

Printing expense                                                             5,211.00

Repair expense                                                               5,743.00

Warehouse expense                                                           29,628.91

Wages                                                                       49,747.11

Advertise expense                                                           85,850.00

Harbor expense                                                             136,407.10

Manufacturing expense for unfolded plank                                   196,800.00

Contract fee                                                               583,744.05

                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Transportation expense                        2,159,063.23

Others                                           11,442.18

Total                                         3,263,636.58

29、Administrative expense

                                                                                Unit: RMB

                      Item     This period                       Last Period

Wages                                         4,903,021.63                      1,802,580.12

Intermediary fees                             2,976,882.80                      2,383,227.64

Others                                        2,520,836.27                       917,319.58

Land use tax                                  2,516,106.83                      3,492,305.64

Business entertainment                        1,929,370.81                       780,240.29

Accumulated amortization                      1,874,911.87                      3,908,762.70

Travel expense                                 986,898.70                        542,265.86

Welfare                                        764,976.35                        239,031.96

Office expense                                 735,452.79                        394,117.40

Insurance                                      638,962.59                        196,539.38

Stamp tax                                      294,649.56                         71,080.15

Transportation                                 242,707.83                        125,927.20

Low-valued consumption goods                   235,481.00                         54,481.50

Housing provident fund                         186,872.76                         47,636.48

Long-term deferred expenses                     79,296.00                         71,992.00

Initial expenditure                             78,580.00                         33,010.00

Housing property tax                            29,424.08                        870,046.19

Union fees                                        5,949.00                          8,464.00

Total                                        21,000,380.87                     15,939,028.09

30、Financial expense

                                                                                Unit: RMB

                      Items    This Period                       Last Period

Interest expense                              1,030,671.89                      2,403,071.69

Less: interest income                          -662,129.17                       -101,723.22

Exchange gain or loss                           47,786.16                               1.17

Other                                          200,315.27                         88,806.02

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Total                                                                        616,644.15                                 2,390,155.66

31、Return on investment

(1)Detail for return on investment

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                         Items                                     This Period                           Last Period

Long-term equity (return on investment based on
equity accounting)

Other                                                                            111,230.13                               15,731.51

Total                                                                            164,602.55                               15,731.51

32、Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                             Items                                     This Period                        Last Period

Provision for bad debt                                                           -2,503,321.41                          4,541,023.68

Total                                                                            -2,503,321.41                          4,541,023.68

33、Non-operating income

(1)Details for non-operating income

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Amount in non-recurring
                     Items                           This Period                   Last Period
                                                                                                            profit and loss

Disposal of non-current assets                           131,918,787.19                108,799,222.07             131,918,787.19

Profit from disposal of fixed assets                      26,318,307.45                    779,288.18              26,318,307.45

Profit from disposal of intangible assets                105,600,479.74                108,019,933.89             105,600,479.74

Government grant                                             195,101.01                                                  195,101.01

Other                                                         211,376.25                   616,730.46                    211,376.25

Total                                                    132,325,264.45                109,415,952.53             132,325,264.45

Notes to non-operating income
Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of non-operating income increased by RMB 22,909,311.92, with the growth
rate of 20.94%. The major reasons were:
a) The transfer of land (Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong(2013) Zi No.019) from the company to the government, which created net profits
of RMB 126,173,267.96.
b) Equipment auction create net profit of RMB 5,745,519.23.
c) the total non-current assets disposal net profit is RMB 131,918,787.19.

                                                        CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(2)Government grant recorded in the current profit and loss

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                 Relevant to             Whether non-recurring
        Project name                This period         Last period
                                                                               assets/earnings              profit and loss

Scientific              test
                                           100,000.00                                earnings                    Yes
demonstration expense

Technology: three item
                                            50,000.00                                earnings                    Yes

Developing area (refund
                                             9,859.00                                earnings                    Yes
of duty) subsidy

VAT revenue relief                          33,742.01                                earnings                    Yes

Others                                       1,500.00                                earnings                    Yes

Total                                      195,101.01                                   --                        --

34、Non-operating expense

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Amount in non-recurring
                        Items                           This Period              Last Period
                                                                                                            profit and loss

Disposal of non-current assets                                                          58,856,083.88

Including: Disposal of fixed assets                                                     58,856,083.88

Donations contributed                                             2,000.00                                                2,000.00

Compensation and Tax penalty                                    76,473.85                                                76,473.85

Inventory loss                                                  33,480.00                                                33,480.00

Other                                                          503,840.54                4,405,736.48                  503,840.54

Total                                                          615,794.39               63,261,820.36                  615,794.39

35、Income tax expense

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                Items                                  This period                         Last period

Current income tax calculated based on tax law and relevant
                                                                               30,539,586.74                       7,561,259.04

Deferred income tax adjustment                                                       756,119.16                   -1,017,427.25

                                Total                                          31,295,705.90                       6,543,831.79

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

36、Calculation of Earnings per share (EPS) and diluted earnings per share

Basic earngings per share is calculated by dividing net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent by the weighted average
number of issued shares. The start date of ordinary shares issued in the period for the purpose of calculation of basic earnings per
share is the date on which subscription becomes receivable per contract of issuance.
Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the results of adjustment of net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent for
the interest expense for the dilutive convertible instruments, the expected gain or expense at the time of conversion and their related
income tax implication by the sum of the weighted average number of issued shares for calculation of baisc earnings per shares and
the weighted average number of potential shares from convertible instruments.
For the purpose of calculation of the weighted average number of potential shares from convertible instruments, the conversion date
for dilutive conventible instruments issued in prior period and dilutive convertible instruments issued in the period is the the 1st date
of the period and the issue date respectively.

(1) Calculation results
                                                                    This period                         Last period
           Profits during the reporting period
                                                            Basic EPS        Diluted EPS                         Basic EPS

Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                 0.13             0.13           0.05                  0.05

Recurring profit or loss attributable to ordinary              -0.01              -0.01          0.05                  0.05


(2) The calculation of EPS

                      项目                                序号                     本期数                     上期数

Net profit attributed to ordinary shareholder in 1                                   94,806,811.16               32,894,368.82
  current reporting period

Non-operating profit and loss attributed to         2                               100,421,297.03               34,615,599.13
  ordinary shareholder in current reporting

Net proft after deducting non-operating profit 3=1-2                                  -5,614,485.87               -1,721,230.31
and loss attributed to ordinary shareholder in
current reporting period

Opening balance of share capital                    4                               706,320,000.00              706,320,000.00

Share capital increased due to new issued           5                                 ---                        ---
share or convertible bond

                                                    6                                 ---                        ---
Share capital increased due to new issued
                                                    6                                 ---                        ---
share or convertible bond
                                                    6                                 ---                        ---

Number of months from the next month of             7                                 ---                        ---

 increased share capital to the end of the          7                                 ---                        ---
 current reporting period                           7                                 ---                        ---

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Share capital reduced due to repurchase in the 8                             ---                ---
current reporting period

Number of months from the next month of         9                            ---                ---
decreased share capital to the end of the
current reporting period

Number of split shares in the current reporting 10                           ---                ---

Number of months in the current reporting       11                           12                 12

Weighted average of issued ordinary share       12=4+5+6×7                706,320,000.00      706,320,000.00
(Ⅱ)                                          ÷11-8×9÷11-10

Weighted average of issued ordinary share are 13                           706,320,000.00      706,320,000.00
adjust due to common control(Ⅰ)

Basic EPS(Ⅰ)                                 14=1÷13                              0.13               0.05

Basic EPS(Ⅱ)                                 15=3÷12                              -0.01              0.05

Interest of iluted potential ordinary share that 16                          ---                ---
confirmed as expense and other factors

Income tax rate                                 17                           ---                ---

Converting fee                                  18                           ---                ---

increased Weighted average of issued ordinary 19                             ---                ---
share due to stock warrant and share option

                                                20=[1+(16-18)×                       0.13               0.05
Diluted EPS(Ⅰ)
                                                21=[3+(16-18)                         -0.01              0.05
Diluted EPS(Ⅱ)

37、Other comprehensive earnings

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                              Item                                      This period               Last period

5.Other                                                                                                   7,104,364.09

                            Subtotal                                                                      7,104,364.09

                              Total                                                                       7,104,364.09

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

38、Notes to statement of cash flow

(1)Other cash receive from operating activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                    Item                                                    Amount

Interest income                                                                                                662,129.17

Current accounts received                                                                                 58,186,692.98

Subsidy income                                                                                                 195,101.01

Other                                                                                                          437,980.76

                                    Total                                                                 59,481,903.92

(2)Other cash paid to operating activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                    Item                                                    Amount

Expenditure                                                                                               16,469,710.73

Donation expense                                                                                                 2,000.00

Current accounts paid                                                                                     28,541,969.74

other                                                                                                      1,232,348.11

                                    Total                                                                 46,246,028.58

)Other cash paid to investing activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                    Item                                                    Amount

Restricted monetary funds during the reporting period                                                     11,445,403.16

                                    Total                                                                 11,445,403.16

39、Supplemental information for statement of cash flow

(1)Supplemental information for statement of cash flow

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                  Supplemental information                            This Period                Last Period

1.Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided
                                                                          --                         --
by operating activities:

                                                                CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Net profit                                                                         99,934,857.12              32,894,368.82

Add: impairment provision for assets                                               -2,503,321.41                4,541,023.68

Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation
                                                                                    2,164,612.21                2,713,205.49
of fuel and gas, depreciation of productive biological assets

Amortization for intangible assets                                                     862,328.74               1,201,305.51

Amortization for long-term prepayment                                                  664,529.03                  79,496.69

Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                              ---            -108,799,222.07
long-term assets

Finance cost                                                                        1,030,671.89                2,313,423.11

Loss in investment                                                                     164,602.55                        ---

Decrease of deferred tax assets                                                        756,119.16              -1,080,358.92

Decrease of inventories                                                        -159,047,494.46                19,208,065.66

Decrease of operating receivable account items                                 -132,862,220.52                -12,694,833.50

Increase of operating payable account items                                       -15,717,716.97              55,252,598.72

Net cash flow from operating activities                                        -204,553,032.66                 -4,386,658.32

2 Significant investing and financing activities for non-cash
                                                                             --                         --

3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents                     --                         --

Closing balance for cash                                                           77,981,488.06              81,546,046.87

Less: opening balance for cash                                                     81,546,046.87                  572,655.85

Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents                              -3,564,558.81              80,973,391.02

(2)Details for acquiring or disposing subsidiary

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                             Item                                        This Period                Last Period

1.Details for acquiring:                                                   --                         --

(1).Consideration for acquiring subsidiaries                                        9,170,370.00

(2). cash and cash equivalent payment for acquiring the

Deduct: cash and cash equivalent held by subsidiaries                              66,600,084.65

(4).Net assets of subsidiaries.                                                    24,535,357.00

   Current Assets                                                                 136,306,683.22

   Non-current Assets                                                               7,050,969.77

   Current liabilities                                                            112,608,254.83

2. Details for disposing subsidiary:                                       --                         --

                                                                  CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(3).Net cash received for acquiring the subsidiaries                                   57,429,714.65

(3)Details for cash and cash equivalent

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                              Item                                           Closing Balance                   Opening Balance

1 Cash                                                                                 77,981,488.06                       81,546,046.87

Including:     Cash in hand                                                                19,146.58                          72,492.38

               Cash at bank                                                            77,962,341.48                       81,473,554.49

3 Closing balance for cash and cash equivalents                                        77,981,488.06                       81,546,046.87

VIII、Related parties and related transactions

1、Related parties which control the company

The company has no parent company. The related parties with controlling relationship of the Company refer to Mr. Rong Chen, who
held 29.49% equity of the Company.

2、Subsidiaries of the company

Subsidiaries Nature of         Type of      Place of                        Business   Registered Shareholdin Voting right Organizatio
   Name        subsidiary     subsidiary registration                        nature      Capital     g (%)      (%)       nal code

Rongyida       A wholly                                                 Real Estate 10,000,000.
                               Limited    Province       YongSheng
Real Estate owned                                                       developmen         00             100          100 68434235-0
                              Liability   ChengDe        Zhao
Developme subsidiary                                                    t                 RMB
nt Co., Ltd.

Rural Water
(Tianjin)      Holding         Limited                   XiangKun       Internationa
                                          TianJin city                                     00              30        53.43 67941456-7
Internationa subsidiary       Liability                  Shi            l trading
l Trade Co.,

               A wholly
Asia                           Limited                                  Internationa 20,000,000.
               owned                      HongKong ---                                                    100          100           ---
                              Liability                                 l investment    00 USD
Investment subsidiary

Co., Ltd.
               Holding         Limited    HeBei          YongSheng Grapheme            50,000,000.         90             90 06335124-6

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

              subsidiary    Liability   Province       Zhao           producer           00
                                        ChengDe                       and seller        RMB
Co., Ltd.

Chengde                                 HeBei
              A wholly                                                Property
HuiJing                      Limited    Province       YongSheng                     500,000.00
              owned                                                   managemen                           100         100 08269716-2
                            Liability   ChengDe        Zhao                             RMB
property      subsidiary                                              t
Co., Ltd.
ChengDe                                 HeBei
              A wholly
XingYe                       Limited    Province       ShuXian        Paper          250,000,000
              owned                                                                                       100         100 60125211-5
Paper Co.,                  Liability   ChengDe        Wang           production      .00 USD
Ltd.                                    city

ChengDe                                                               Ecological
NanJiang      A wholly                                                Agriculture 10,000,000.
                             Limited    Province       YongSheng
Ecological    owned                                                   Planting           00               100         100 05549562-9
                            Liability   ChengDe        Zhao
Agriculture subsidiary                                                and               RMB
Co., Ltd.                                                             Breeding

ChengDe                                 HeBei
              A wholly                                                               90,000,000.
NanJiang                     Limited    Province       YongSheng
              owned                                                   investment         00               100         100 05545532-8
Investment                  Liability   ChengDe        Zhao
              subsidiary                                                                RMB
Co., Ltd.                               city

3、Associates and joint venture

  Invested                  Register                    Business          Register   Stake ratio Voting right Relationshi Organizatio
                 Type                   representati
 company                      place                       nature          capital       (%)         (%)           p        nal code

一、Joint venture


(TianJin)                                              Internationa
Material                                               l trading,
                                        GuoMin                        9,000,000.0
Industry      Commercial TianJin                       technology                             49%       49% Yes          05874083-7
                                        Zhao                          0
Chemical                                               developing
Trading                                                and transfer
Co., Ltd.

(TianJin)                                              technology
                                        XiangKun                      6,300,000.0
Water         Industry     TianJin                     developing                        31.75%      31.75% Yes          58327621-9
                                         Shi                          0
Saving Tech                                            and transfer
Co., Ltd.

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

4、Other related parties of the company

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

      Person who                                       Amount of                                               Whether guarantee is
                      Person who is guaranteed                         Date of begin          Date of end
      guarantee                                        guarantee                                                       ended

RunHua Water         Runhua Rural Water
developing Co.,      (Tianjin)                        20,000,000.00 2013/10/24           2014/10/24                     No
Ltd                  International Trade Co., Ltd.

                     Runhua Rural Water
ChunHong Lan         (Tianjin)                        22,000,000.00 2013/10/24/          2014/10/24                     No
                     International Trade Co., Ltd.

Notes to guarantee
(1) On October 17, 2013, Bank of ZhongXin offer credit to the company with RMB 20000 thousand (Contract No. 2013 BS0956),
time of guarantee: 2013/10/24-2014/10/24, RunHua Water developing Co., Ltd provide guarantee to the company (expect for
borrowing, notes, letter of guarantee and letter of credit)
(2) On October 21, 2013, Bank of ZhongXin offer credit to the company with RMB 22000 thousand (Contract No. 2013 BS0956-1),
time of guarantee: 2013/10/24-2014/10/24, second largest shareholder ChunHong Lan provide guarantee to the company (expect for
borrowing, notes, letter of guarantee and letter of credit)

5、Related receivables and payables

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                   Name                           Related party              Closing Balance                Opening Balance

                                         MinFeng (TianJin) Material
Other receivable                         industry chemical industry                       670,000.00

                                         MinFeng (TianJin) Material
Prepayment                               industry chemical industry                     1,945,944.00

                                         MinFeng (TianJin) Material
Other payable                            industry chemical industry                    31,000,000.00

IX、Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1、Significant Events after the Balance Sheet Date

CSRC decided to investigate the company due to prior error correction made in the year 2012. These prior error corrections should be
disclosed before 2012, but the former shareholder and directors are not. On April 6, 2012, there is a share transfer agreement between

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

original shareholder and Dong Wang. Original shareholder transfer share capital of RMB 208,324,800 to Dong Wang, accounting for
29.49% of the total share capital. The company then reformed the board and the new board made the prior error corrections. Due to
the new board had made the corrections and the original shareholders and directors already left the company, it is highly probable
that the investigation will not have influence on the company.

2、Profit distribution after the balance sheet date

Not applcable

3、Other Events after the Balance Sheet Date

On March 18 2014, according to ChengDeXianJiYao[2014]No.10, ChengDeXian government retrieve 26.0464 mu of land included in
the land certificate - ChengDeGuoYong[2013]No.19 from subsidiary RongYiDa. The governmenttransfers the land to
WenTiGuangDianJu for the purpose of constructing a center of literature, art and sports in that area. On December 31 2013, the book
value of the land is RMB 821,343.02.
On April 09 2014, Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. acquire ChengXian Tu GuaGaoZi[2014] No.03 land certificate through the
land certificate selling activity held by ChengDeXian Land and Resources Bureau. The acquired land locate at LiuGou town, BeiShui
spring, PingTai village, 35953.42 square meters, industry land, the final deal price is RMB 6480 thousand.

X、Notes to material events of parent company financial statement

1、Other receivable

(1)Disclosure of other receivables by category

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                Closing Balance                                    Opening Balance

                                       Book value                  Bad debt               Book value                Bad debt
                                                    Ratio                      Ratio                   Ratio                   Ratio
                                    Amount                       Amount                 Amount                   Amount
                                                    (%)                        (%)                     (%)                     (%)

Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

                                                    82.06                                              84.59
                                       320,143.39                   4,000.00 5.41%        384,175.74                1,000.00 1.41%
                                                       %                                                     %

                                                    82.06                                              84.59
Portfolio subtotal                     320,143.39                   4,000.00 5.41%        384,175.74                1,000.00 1.41%
                                                       %                                                     %

3 Individually insignificant
amounts of accounts                                 17.94                      94.59                   54.97                   98.59
                                        70,000.00                  70,000.00              469,069.25               70,000.00
receivable accrued bad debt                            %                          %                          %                       %

Total                                  390,143.39 --               74,000.00 --           853,244.99 --            71,000.00 --

Explanation for types of other receivables:

                                                                    CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ not applicable
Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by aging portfolio
√ Applicable□ not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                        Closing Balance                                                 Opening Balance

                              Book value                                                    Book value
                                                Ratio             Bad debt                                    Ratio              Bad debt
                           Amount                                                         Amount
                                                    (%)                                                           (%)

Within 1 year

include:            --                        --           --                     --                        --          --

Within 1 year                     300,143.39 93.75%                                           384,175.74          100%                   1,000.00

Subtotal <1 year                  300,143.39 93.75%                                           384,175.74          100%                   1,000.00

1-2 years                          20,000.00        6.25%               4,000.00

Total                             320,143.39         --                 4,000.00              384,175.74          --                     1,000.00

Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by balance percentage portfolio
□ applicable √ not applicable
Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by other portfolio
□ applicable √ not applicable
Individually insignificant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision
√ applicable □ not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

            Items                    Book value                  Bad debt provision       Accrued ratio(%)                    Reasons

QiZhong Yan                                    70,000.00                      70,000.00                      100% Expected irrecoverable

Total                                          70,000.00                      70,000.00            --                               --

(2)By the end of the current reporting period, there are no other accounts receivable due from any
shareholders held over 5%

Not applicable

(3)At the year-end of the reporting period, the other accounts receivable in significant amount

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

            Debtor                  Relationship                      Amount                    Aging                         Ratio in total

            No.1                    related party                            179,190.08        1-3year                                    45.93%

            No.2                  Non-related party                           70,000.00      Within 1 year                                17.94%

            No.3                  Non-related party                           60,000.00      Within 1 year                                15.38%

                                                                 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

            No.4                     related party                         47,887.00            1-3 year                     12.27%

            No.5                   Non-related party                       20,000.00            1-3 year                      5.13%

            Total                         --                              377,077.08               --                        96.65%

2、Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        when Impairme
             Accounti    Initial                                                                                           Cash
 Invested                             Opening Increase/d Closing                                        stake      nt
                                                                            Stake     Voting Impairme                    Dividend
                ng      investmen                                                                     ratio not accrued
Company                               Balance ecrease(-) Balance          ratio (%) right (%)   nt                        in this
                                                                                                      equal to   in this
              method      t cost                                                                                          period
                                                                                                       voting    peirod
RongYiD                 53,114,29 53,114,29                   53,114,29
            Cost                                                             100%       100%
a                            9.73          9.73                    9.73

                        90,000,00 50,000,00 40,000,00 90,000,00
Investme Cost                                                                100%       100%
                             0.00          0.00        0.00        0.00

XingYe                  626,567,3 626,567,3                   626,567,3                         626,567,3
            Cost                                                             100%       100%
Paper                       28.03        28.03                   28.03                              28.03

RunHua                  9,170,370                 9,170,370 9,170,370
            Cost                                                              30%      53.43%
Water                          .00                      .00         .00

Investme Cost                                                                100%       100%

                        778,851,9 729,681,6 49,170,37 778,851,9                                 626,567,3
Total           --                                                           --         --
                            97.76        27.76         0.00      97.76                              28.03

3、Operating income and operating cost

(1)Classification of operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                Item                                     This period                                        Last Period

Other business income                                                      9,631,946.56

Total                                                                      9,631,946.56

Business cost                                                                 28,460.39                                        0.00

4、Supplemental information for statement of cash flow

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

                        Supplemental information                             This period               Last Period

1.Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by
                                                                                 --                            --
operating activities:

Net profit                                                                              884,837.02              -12,891,377.63

Add: impairment provision for assets                                                       3,000.00                 9,946,996.58

Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation of fuel and
                                                                                        121,364.21                    11,080.70
gas, depreciation of productive biological assets

Amortization for intangible assets                                                      424,343.16                   407,618.99

Decrease of deferred tax assets                                                             -750.00

Decrease of inventories                                                          -161,600,661.40

Decrease of operating receivable account items                                          463,101.60                  -717,750.67

Increase of operating payable account items                                       174,124,901.53                    4,694,117.65

Net cash flow from operating activities                                               14,420,136.12                 1,450,686.79

2 Significant investing and financing activities for non-cash items              --                            --

3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents                         --                            --

Closing balance for cash                                                               5,681,141.82                  777,456.70

Less: opening balance for cash                                                          777,456.70                     4,019.80

Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents                                  4,903,685.12                  773,436.90

XI、Supplemental information

1、Current non-operating profit and loss

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                 Item                                      Amount                     Explanation

1 Losses/gains on disposal of non-current assets                              131,918,787.19

2. Government subsidies included in the current profits and
losses (government subsidies which are closely related to
the Company’s business and received at national statutory
standard and amount are excluded)

3. Gains or loss from delegation investment                                        111,230.13

4. Other non- recurring loss and profits other than the above                     -514,148.27

5. less: ffect of income tax on non-recurring losses and gains                  33,473,765.68

6. Effect of minority interest on non-recurring losses or gains                 -2,185,592.65

Total                                                                         100,421,297.03              --

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

2、Return on equity and earnings per share


                                                           Weighted average of                   Earning per share
              Profit in the reporting period
                                                           Return on equity(%) Basic earnings per share Basic earnings per share

Net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary
                                                                        58.42%                         0.13                   0.13
shares of the Company

Net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary
shares of the Company after deducting non-recurring                     -4.82%                         -0.01                 -0.01
gains and losses

3、Note to accounting items with significant changes in the current report period

     1.Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of prepayment increasd by RMB 33,528,017.86, with the increase rate of
10875.00%. The major explanations for the increase were: new subsidiary RunHua are in the consolidated scope.
     2、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of other receivables decreased by RMB 23,192,910.97, with the
decrease rate of 82.33%. The major explanations for the decrease were: the receivables account - ChengDe Land Reserve Center and
BanHe Administrator are recovered
     3、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of inventories increased by RMB 170,079,229.71, with the increase
rate of 830.03%. The major explanations for the increase were: new land were purchased for the new project HuiJingTianDi and
ecological agriculture Co., Ltd. expand the scale of production.
     4、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of fixed assets reduced RMB 13,445,749.99, withthe redcution rate of
  54.34%, major reasons are transferring land, house and building to the government
     5、Compared to opening balance, closing balance of notes payable are increased by 26,000,000.00, the major reason for the
increase is new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope.
     6 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of receivable in advance increased by RMB 46,700,401.66, with the
increase rate of 655.84%. The major explanations for the increase were revenue from land received in advance: sell
ChengXianGuoYong [2013]No.31 obtain revenue of RMB 9,800,700.00; sell ChengXianGuoYong [2013]No.33 obtain revenue of
RMB 30,622,800.00.
     7、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of operating income increased by RMB 284,440,254.67, with the
growth rate of 357.73%. The major explanations for the increase were: new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope increase
income by RMB 324,167,497.71 and income from QianYuan is reduced in this period.
     8、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of marketing expense increased by RMB 3,263,636.58,the major
     reasons are new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope and the increase of revenue.
     9、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of administrative expense increased by RMB 5,061,352.78, with the
growth rate of 31.75%, the major reason is new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope.
     10、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of financial expense decreased by RMB 1,773,511.51, with the
reduction rate of 74.20%. Major reasons were: reduction of borrowing interest expense.
     11、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of non-operating expense decrease by RMB 62,646,025.97, with the
reduction rate of 99.03%. The major reasons were: loss from disposal of fixed assets and other loss.
     12、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of income tax expense increase by RMB 24,751,874.11, with the
increase rate of 378.625%. The major reasons were: revenue produced by transferring land to the government.
     13、Compared to last year, net cash flow from operating activities decrease by 4563%, major reason is new subsidiary RunHua

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

in the consolidation scope.
     14、Compared to last year, net cash flow from investing activities increase by 168.27%, major reason is transferring land, house
and building to the government.
     15、Compared to last year, net cash flow from financing activities reduced by 677.13%, major reason is return the debt.

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

                                         Section X. Financial Report

I、Audit Report

Audit Opinion                                       Standard unqualified audit opinion

Date of issuing audit report                        2014/4/23

Name of the audit firm                              Da Hua Certified Public Accountants(Special General Partnership)

Reference number of the audit report                Da Hua Shen Zi [2014] No. 005026

Name of Certified public accountant                 Rong Fan, JunMin Han

                                                        Body of the audit report
                                                             Audit Report
                                                                                                   Da Hua Shen Zi [2014] No.005026
To the Shareholders of CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. :
We have audited the accompanying statement of (consolidated) financial position of CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD. as at 31
December 2012, and the statement of (consolidated) comprehensive income, statement of (consolidated) cash flows, notes to
(consolidated) financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012.
1.Responsibility of the management
The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with ―Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises‖ and ―China
Accounting Systems for Business Enterprises‖, is the responsibility of the management of the company. The responsibility includes 1)
designing, implementing and maintaining the internal controls over financial reporting, in order to avoid material misstatement due to
fraud or error; 2) selecting and using appropriate accounting principles; and 3) making logical accounting estimate.
2. Responsibility of CPAs
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conduct our audit in accordance with
Auditing Standards for Chinese Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we abide by professional ethics, plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance on whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit
includes the consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for making risk assessment and designing audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
Company’s internal control over financial reporting. An audit includes selecting and performing appropriate audit procedures based
on auditors’ judgment to gather evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
an assessment of the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as an evaluation of the
overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a sufficient and reasonable basis for our opinion.
3. Audit opinions
In our opinion based on our examinations, the (consolidated) financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, the
(consolidated) financial position of your company as at 31 December 2012 and the results of its (consolidated) operations and
(consolidated) cash flows for the year ended, in conformity with the ―Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises‖ and
―Accounting Systems for Business Enterprises‖ promulgated by the State.

           Da Hua Certified Public Accountants LLP                    Certified Public Accountants:Rong Fan
                           (Beijing)                                Certified Public Accountants:JunMin Han
                         Beijing, P.R.China                           23 April 2014

                                                  CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

II、Financial Statements

Unit for notes to financial statements:RMB

1、Statement of Consolidated Financial Position


                             Item                        Closing Balnace            Opening Balance

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                                89,426,891.22              81,546,046.87

     Settlement provisions

     Capital lent

     Transaction finance asset

     Notes receivable

     Accounts receivable                                              117,180.60

     Accounts paid in advance                                      33,836,310.22                 308,292.36

     Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivables

     Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable

     Interest receivable

     Dividend receivable

     Other receivables                                              4,976,108.67              28,169,019.64

     Purchase restituted finance asset

     Inventories                                                  190,569,964.32              20,490,734.61

     Non-current asset due within one year

     Other current assets                                           4,478,158.24               9,000,000.00

Total current assets                                              322,288,900.40             139,514,093.48

Non-current assets:

     Granted loans and advances

     Finance asset available for sales

     Held-to-maturity investment

     Long-term account receivable

     Long-term equity investment                                    6,626,905.49

     Investment property

     Fixed assets                                                  11,296,353.61              24,742,103.60

                                                 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Construction in progress                                                                  402,587.43

     Construction in progress

     Disposal of fixed asset

     Productive biological asset                                   258,190.34

     Oil and gas asset

     Intangible assets                                           28,721,653.41               26,705,104.38

     Expense on Research and Development

     Goodwill                                                     1,809,762.89

     Long-term expenses to be apportioned                         7,811,572.52                 734,424.92

     Deferred income tax asset                                     834,223.19                 1,518,810.84

     Other non-current asset

Total non-current asset                                          57,358,661.45               54,103,031.17

Total assets                                                    379,647,561.85              193,617,124.65

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans

     Loan from central bank

     Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit

     Capital borrowed

     Transaction financial liabilities

     Notes payable                                               26,000,000.00

     Accounts payable                                             3,660,631.16                2,052,001.91

     Accounts received in advance                                53,821,113.16                7,120,711.50

     Selling financial asset of repurchase

     Commission charge and commission payable

     Wage payable                                                 6,205,363.50                6,328,453.28

     Taxes payable                                               18,026,904.58               11,042,907.39

     Interest payable

     Dividend payable

     Other accounts payable                                      36,044,983.70               52,178,378.96

     Reinsurance payables

     Insurance contract reserve

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

                                                                   CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                                          142,643,283.23                   78,722,453.04

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans

     Bonds payable

     Long-term account payable

     Special accounts payable

     Projected liabilities

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                                                  142,643,283.23                   78,722,453.04

Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity):

     Paid-in capital (or share capital)                                            706,320,000.00                  706,320,000.00

     Capital public reserve                                                        456,470,250.78                  456,470,250.78

     Less: Inventory shares

     Reasonable reserve

     Reasonable reserve                                                             76,791,550.17                   76,791,550.17

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                                            -1,029,880,318.18                -1,124,687,129.34

     Balance difference of foreign currency translation

Total owner’s equity attributable to parent company                               209,701,482.77                  114,894,671.61

     Minority interests                                                             27,302,795.85

Total owner’s equity ( or shareholders’ equity)                                  237,004,278.62                  114,894,671.61

Total liabilities and owner’s equity( or shareholders’ equity)                   379,647,561.85                  193,617,124.65

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                                Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

2、Statement of Financial Position (Parent)


                                 Item                                       Closing Balance               Opening Balance

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                                                    5,681,141.82                    777,456.70

                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Transaction finance asset

     Notes receivable

     Accounts receivable

     Accounts paid in advance                                 25,000,000.00

     Interest receivable

     Dividend receivable

     Other receivables                                           316,143.39                782,244.99

     Inventories                                             161,600,661.40

     Non-current asset due within one year

     Other current assets

Total current assets                                         192,597,946.61               1,559,701.69

Non-current assets:

     Finance asset available for sales

     Held-to-maturity investment

     Long-term account receivable

     Long-term equity investment                             152,284,669.73             103,114,299.73

     Investment property

     Fixed assets                                              1,314,384.81                666,168.02

     Construction in progress

     Engineering material

     Disposal of fixed asset

     Productive biological asset

     Oil and gas asset

     Intangible assets                                        15,699,628.36              16,123,971.52

     Expense on Research and Development


     Long-term expenses to be apportioned

     Deferred income tax asset                                      750.00

     Other non-current asset

Total non-current asset                                      169,299,432.90             119,904,439.27

Total assets                                                 361,897,379.51             121,464,140.96

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans

     Transaction financial liabilities

                                                                   CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Notes payable

     Accounts payable

     Accounts received in advance                                                    40,423,500.00

     Wage payable                                                                                                     189,016.48

     Taxes payable                                                                      -58,959.68                     -52,171.87

     Interest payable

     Dividend payable

     Other accounts payable                                                        299,169,464.74                  99,848,758.92

     Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                                          339,534,005.06                  99,985,603.53

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans

     Bonds payable

     Long-term account payable

     Special accounts payable

     Projected liabilities

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                                                  339,534,005.06                  99,985,603.53

Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity):

     Paid-in capital (or share capital)                                            706,320,000.00                 706,320,000.00

     Capital public reserve                                                        449,365,886.69                 449,365,886.69

     Less: Inventory shares

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve                                                          76,791,550.17                 76,791,550.17

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                                             -1,210,114,062.41              -1,210,998,899.43

     Balance difference of foreign currency translation

Total owner’s equity ( or shareholders’ equity)                                    22,363,374.45                 21,478,537.43

Total liabilities and owner’s equity( or shareholders’ equity)                   361,897,379.51                 121,464,140.96

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                               Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

3、Consolidated Income Statement


                                              Item                                   This Period        Last Period

I. Total operating income                                                             363,952,258.89       79,512,004.22

     Including: Operating income                                                      363,952,258.89       79,512,004.22

              Interest income

              Insurance gained

              Commission charge and commission income

II. Total operating cost                                                              364,595,768.48       86,243,667.29

     Including: Operating cost                                                        339,083,312.47       58,424,002.63

              Interest expense

              Commission charge and commission expense

              Cash surrender value

              Net amount of expense of compensation

              Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve

              Bonus expense of guarantee slip

              Reinsurance expense

              Operating tax and extras                                                  3,135,115.82        4,949,457.23

              Sales expenses                                                            3,263,636.58

              Administration expenses                                                  21,000,380.87       15,939,028.09

              Financial expenses                                                          616,644.15        2,390,155.66

              Losses of devaluation of asset                                            -2,503,321.41       4,541,023.68

     Add: Changing income of fair value(Loss is listed with ―-‖)

              Investment income (Loss is listed with ―-‖)                               164,602.55           15,731.51

              Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint venture

              Exchange income (Loss is listed with ―-‖)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with ―-‖)                                        -478,907.04       -6,715,931.56

     Add: Non-operating income                                                        132,325,264.45     109,415,952.53

     Less: Non-operating expense                                                          615,794.39       63,261,820.36

              Including: Disposal loss of non-current asset                                                58,856,083.88

IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with‖-‖)                                           131,230,563.02       39,438,200.61

     Less: Income tax expense                                                          31,295,705.90        6,543,831.79

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with ―-‖)                                          99,934,857.12       32,894,368.82

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Including: Net profit of combined party realized before combination

     Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent company                                94,806,811.16          32,894,368.82

     Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                                              5,128,045.96

VI. Earnings per share                                                                      --                    --

     i. Basic earnings per share                                                                      0.13                  0.05

     ii. Diluted earnings per share                                                                   0.13                  0.05

VII. Other consolidated income                                                                                    7,104,364.09

VIII. Total consolidated income                                                           99,934,857.12          39,998,732.91

     Total consolidated income attributable to owners of parent company                   94,806,811.16          39,998,732.91

     Total consolidated income attributable to minority shareholders                       5,128,045.96

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                            Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

4、Income Statement (Parent)


                                               Item                                    This Period            Last period

I. Operating income                                                                        9,631,946.56                     0.00

     Less: Operating cost                                                                        28,460.39                  0.00

           Operating tax and extras                                                          528,000.00

           Sales expenses                                                                    240,503.11

           Administration expenses                                                         7,959,458.53           4,274,037.12

           Financial expenses                                                                     1,258.28               132.00

           Losses of devaluation of asset                                                         3,000.00        9,946,996.58

     Add: Changing income of fair value(Loss is listed with ―-‖)

           Investment income (Loss is listed with ―-‖)

           Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint venture

II. Operating profit (Loss is listed with ―-‖)                                             871,266.25         -14,221,165.70

     Add: Non-operating income                                                                   21,920.77        1,396,018.64

     Less: Non-operating expense                                                                  9,100.00             66,230.57

           Including: Disposal loss of non-current asset

III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with‖-‖)                                                 884,087.02         -12,891,377.63

     Less: Income tax expense                                                                      -750.00

IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with‖-‖)                                                884,837.02         -12,891,377.63

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

V. Earnings per share                                                                      --                         --

     i. Basic earnings per share

     ii. Diluted earnings per share

VI. Other consolidated income

VII. Total consolidated income                                                                  884,837.02          -12,891,377.63

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                            Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

5、Statement of Consolidated Cash Flow


                                                   Item                                             This Period      Last period

I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:

     Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor services                           415,792,262.19 56,604,102.70

     Net increase of customer deposit and interbank deposit

     Net increase of loan from central bank

     Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institution

     Cash received from original insurance contract fee

     Net cash received from reinsurance business

     Net increase of insured savings and investment

     Net increase of disposal of transaction financial asset

     Cash received from interest, commission charge and commission

     Net increase of capital borrowed

     Net increase of returned business capital

     Write-back of tax received

     Other cash received concerning operating activities                                            59,481,903.92 66,559,511.34

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities                                          475,274,166.11 123,163,614.04

     Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service                              590,408,836.19 33,226,555.77

     Net increase of customer loans and advances

     Net increase of deposits in central bank and interbank

     Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation

     Cash paid for interest, commission charge and commission

     Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip

     Cash paid to/for staff and workers                                                              8,150,877.53    2,357,550.98

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     Taxes paid                                                                                    35,021,456.47 24,864,917.67

     Other cash paid concerning operating activities                                               46,246,028.58 67,101,247.94

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities                                        679,827,198.77 127,550,272.36

Net cash flows arising from operating activities                                                  -204,553,032.66   -4,386,658.32

II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:

     Cash received from recovering investment                                                        9,000,000.00

     Cash received from investment income                                                             111,230.13

     Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets              188,233,888.62 101,678,178.10

     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash received concerning investing activities                                           57,429,714.65

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                                                 254,774,833.40 101,678,178.10

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets                         11,010,284.50    1,813,769.26

     Cash paid for investment                                                                                       9,000,000.00

     Net increase of mortgaged loans

     Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash paid concerning investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                                                 11,010,284.50 10,813,769.26

Net cash flows arising from investing activities                                                  243,764,548.90 90,864,408.84

III. Cash flows arising from financing activities

     Cash received from absorbing investment                                                         5,000,000.00

     Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries      5,000,000.00

     Cash received from loans

     Cash received from issuing bonds

     Other cash received concerning financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                                    5,000,000.00

     Cash paid for settling debts                                                                  35,300,000.00    3,090,000.00

     Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying                               1,030,671.89   2,414,358.33

     Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder paid by subsidiaries

     Other cash paid concerning financing activities                                               11,445,403.16

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                                                 47,776,075.05    5,504,358.33

Net cash flows arising from financing activities                                                   -42,776,075.05   -5,504,358.33

IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation in exchange rate                                              -1.17

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                        -3,564,558.81 80,973,391.02

     Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -begin                                81,546,046.87      572,655.85

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -end                                        77,981,488.06 81,546,046.87

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                              Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

6、Statement of Cash Flow (Parent)


                                             Item                                              This Period       Last Period

I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:

     Cash received from sellingcommodities and providing labor services                          9,631,946.56

     Write-back of tax received

     Other cash received concerning operating activities                                       201,813,444.46     11,745,056.16

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities                                      211,445,391.02     11,745,056.16

     Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service                          186,629,121.79

     Cash paid to/for staff and workers                                                          2,472,138.09       1,097,122.03

     Taxes paid                                                                                  1,621,088.68        161,236.10

     Other cash paid concerning operating activities                                             6,302,906.34       9,036,011.24

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities                                     197,025,254.90     10,294,369.37

Net cash flows arising from operating activities                                                14,420,136.12       1,450,686.79

II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:

     Cash received from recovering investment

     Cash received from investment income

     Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets            40,423,500.00

     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash received concerning investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                                               40,423,500.00

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets                         769,581.00        677,248.72

     Cash paid for investment                                                                   49,170,370.00

     Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash paid concerning investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                                              49,939,951.00        677,248.72

Net cash flows arising from investing activities                                                -9,516,451.00       -677,248.72

III. Cash flows arising from financing activities

     Cash received from absorbing investment

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       Cash received from loans

       Cash received from issuing bonds

       Other cash received concerning financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities

       Cash paid for settling debts

       Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying

       Other cash paid concerning financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities

Net cash flows arising from financing activities

IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation in exchange rate                                                                 -1.17

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                                     4,903,685.12             773,436.90

       Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -begin                                             777,456.70                4,019.80

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -end                                                      5,681,141.82             777,456.70

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                                      Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

7、Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (Consolidated)

This Period

                                                                                       This Period

                                                      Owners’ equity attributable to parent company

                                       equity                                                                                Minor          Total
               Item                   attributa               Less:     Reasona
                                                  Capital                         Surplus     n of     Retaine             sharehold       owners’
                                       ble to                inventor     ble                                      Other
                                                  reserves                        reserves general d profit                ers’ equity     equity
                                       parent                y shares reserve

I. Balance at the end of last         706,320 456,470,                            76,791,                                                 114,894,67
year                                   ,000.00     250.78                          550.17                                                       1.61

       Add: Change of
accounting policy

            Correcting of
previous errors

                                                      CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)


II. Balance at the beginning of    706,320 456,470,            76,791,                                 114,894,67
current year                       ,000.00   250.78            550.17                                        1.61

III. Changed in current                                                     94,806,8       27,302,79 122,109,60
term(Loss is listed with ―-‖)                                                11.16            5.85         7.01

                                                                            94,806,8       5,128,045 99,934,857
(I) Net profit
                                                                               11.16             .96          .12

(II) Other consolidated income

                                                                            94,806,8       5,128,045 99,934,857
Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                                               11.16             .96          .12

(III) Owners’ input and                                                                   22,174,74 22,174,749
withdraw of share capital                                                                       9.89          .89

1. Capital input by owners

2. Share payment accounted
into owners’ equity

                                                                                           17,174,74 22,174,749
3. Others
                                                                                                9.89          .89

(IV) Profit distribution

1. Providing of surplus reserves

2. Common risk provision

3. Dividend to owners’(or

4. Others

(V) Internal settlement of
owners’ equity

1. Capital reserves transferred
to share capital

2. Surplus reserves transferred
to share capital

3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves

4. Others

(VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in the report

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2. Usage in the report period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of this    706,320 456,470,                            76,791,                                 27,302,79 237,004,27
term                               ,000.00     250.78                          550.17                                        5.85          8.62

Last year

                                                                                    Last Year

                                                  Owners’ equity attributable to parent company

                                   equity                                                                               Minor          Total
                 Item             attributa               Less:     Reasona
                                              Capital                         Surplus     n of     Retaine            sharehold       owners’
                                   ble to                inventor     ble                                     Other
                                              reserves                        reserves general d profit               ers’ equity     equity
                                   parent                y shares reserve

I. Balance at the end of last     706,320 449,365,                            76,791,                                 11,171,69 86,067,630
year                               ,000.00     886.69                          550.17                                        2.12              .82

       Add: retroactive
adjustment arising from
enterprise combination under
same control

       Add: Change of
accounting policy

            Correcting of
previous errors


II. Balance at the beginning of   706,320 449,365,                            76,791,                                 11,171,69 86,067,630
current year                       ,000.00     886.69                          550.17                                        2.12              .82

III. Changed in current                       7,104,36                                             32,894,3            -11,171,6 28,827,040
term(Loss is listed with ―-‖)                   4.09                                               68.82                 92.12               .79

                                                                                                   32,894,3                          32,894,368
(I) Net profit
                                                                                                     68.82                                     .82

                                              7,104,36                                                                               7,104,364.
(II) Other consolidated income
                                                  4.09                                                                                          09

                                              7,104,36                                             32,894,3                          39,998,732
Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                  4.09                                               68.82                                     .91

                                                          CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(III) Owners’ input and                                                                             -11,171,6 -11,171,69
withdraw of share capital                                                                               92.12         2.12

1. Capital input by owners

2. Share payment accounted
into owners’ equity

                                                                                                     -11,171,6 -11,171,69
3. Others
                                                                                                        92.12         2.12

(IV) Profit distribution

1. Providing of surplus reserves

2. Common risk provision

3. Dividend to owners’(or

4. Others

(V) Internal settlement of
owners’ equity

1. Capital reserves transferred
to share capital

2. Surplus reserves transferred
to share capital

3. Making up losses by surplus

4. Others

(VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in the report

2. Usage in the report period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of this     706,320 456,470,                76,791,                                      114,894,67
term                               ,000.00   250.78                550.17                                             1.61

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                       Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

8、Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (Parent)

This period

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                                                                               This Peirod

                                                               Less:                                Provision                  Total
                 Item                capital(or   Capital                 Reasonable    Surplus                   Retained
                                                              inventory                             of general                owners’
                                       share      reserves                 reserve      reserves                   profit
                                                               shares                                  risk                    equity

                                     706,320,00 449,365,88                             76,791,550                -1,210,998, 21,478,537
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                           0.00        6.69                                   .17                    899.43            .43

     Add: Change of accounting

            Correcting of previous


II. Balance at the beginning of      706,320,00 449,365,88                             76,791,550                -1,210,998, 21,478,537
current year                               0.00        6.69                                   .17                    899.43            .43

III. Changed in current
                                                                                                                 884,837.02 884,837.02
term(Loss is listed with ―-‖)

(I) Net profit                                                                                                   884,837.02 884,837.02

(II) Other consolidated income

Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                         884,837.02 884,837.02

(III) Owners’ input and withdraw
of share capital

1. Capital input by owners

2. Share payment accounted
into owners’ equity

3. Others

(IV) Profit distribution

1. Providing of surplus reserves

2. Common risk provision

3. Dividend to owners’(or

4. Others

(V) Internal settlement of
owners’ equity

1. Capital reserves transferred
to share capital

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

2. Surplus reserves transferred
to share capital

3. Making up losses by surplus

4. Others

(VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in the report

2. Usage in the report period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of this       706,320,00 449,365,88                            76,791,550                -1,210,114, 22,363,374
term                                       0.00        6.69                                  .17                    062.41             .45

Last Period

                                                                              Last Period

                                                               Less:      Reasonabl                Provision                   Total
                 Item                capital(or   Capital                              Surplus                   Retained
                                                              inventory       e                    of general                owners’
                                       share      reserves                             reserves                   profit
                                                               shares      reserve                    risk                    equity

                                     706,320,00 449,365,88                            76,791,550                -1,198,107, 34,369,915
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                           0.00        6.69                                  .17                    521.80             .06

       Add: Change of accounting

            Correcting of previous


II. Balance at the beginning of      706,320,00 449,365,88                            76,791,550                -1,198,107, 34,369,915
current year                               0.00        6.69                                  .17                    521.80             .06

III. Changed in current                                                                                         -12,891,37 -12,891,37
term(Loss is listed with ―-‖)                                                                                       7.63        7.63

                                                                                                                -12,891,37 -12,891,37
(I) Net profit
                                                                                                                      7.63        7.63

(II) Other consolidated income

                                                                                                                -12,891,37 -12,891,37
Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                                                                                      7.63        7.63

(III) Owners’ input and withdraw

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of share capital

1. Capital input by owners

2. Share payment accounted
into owners’ equity

3. Others

(IV) Profit distribution

1. Providing of surplus reserves

2. Common risk provision

3. Dividend to owners’(or

4. Others

(V) Internal settlement of
owners’ equity

1. Capital reserves transferred
to share capital

2. Surplus reserves transferred
to share capital

3. Making up losses by surplus

4. Others

(VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in the report

2. Usage in the report period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of this     706,320,00 449,365,88                          76,791,550             -1,210,998, 21,478,537
term                                     0.00       6.69                                 .17                  899.43         .43

Legal Representative: WeiMin Li                                          Person in charge of Accounting Works:YongSheng Zhao
Person in charge of Accounting Institution:FengGuo Liu

III、Company General Information

       (1)Company Background
The predecessor of ChengDe NanJiang Corporation, Ltd. (―the Company‖) was ChengDe DiXian Textile Corporation, Ltd
(―DiXian‖). According to the approval of YiGuBan(1999) No.36 issued by the People’s Government of HeBei Province, DiXian was
established in the People’s Republic of China (the ―PRC‖) and obtained the Corporate Business License from HeBei Administration
for Industry and Commerce (―CSRC‖). The initial registered capital of DiXian was RMB 100,000,000 (divided into 100,000,000

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

shares, one Yuan per share): ShuXian Wang contributed RMB 85,100,000, accounting for 85.1% of the total; HeBei province
ChengDe County North Industrial Company contributed RMB 7,564,400, accounting for 7.56% of the total; ZhengSong Wang
contributed RMB 5,444,400, accounting for 5.44% of the total; ChengDe LongFeng Cosmetic Co., Ltd. contributed RMB 945,600,
accounting for 0.95% of the total; Chengde County Board Town of Red Star plastic products factory contributed RMB 945,600,
accounting for 0.95% of the total.
According to the issue [2000] 121 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on August 29, 2000, the company issued
100,000,000 foreign capital stocks listed in China (hereinafter referred to as the " B ―) on September 19, 2000 on Shenzhen stock
exchange; and excised the overallotment option to increase issuing 15,000,000 B shares from September 29 to October 29, 2000. The
registered capital of the company after the issuance of B shares was RMB 215,000,000, and was divided into 215,000,000 shares
with one Yuan of face value per share.
According to the resolution of the shareholder’s meeting on March 12, 2002, The Company allotted 43,000,000 bonus shares to all of
the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares, and meanwhile increased 107500000 shares to all of
the shareholding by transferring from capital reserve according to 5 shares free for every 10 shares. The registered capital of the
company was changed to RMB 365,500,000 after it allotted bonus shares and increased by transferring.
According to the resolution of the shareholder’s meeting on July 22, 2003, The Company allotted 73,100,000 bonus shares to all of
the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares, and the registered capital of the company was
changed to RMB 438,600,000 after such bonus shares were allotted.
On March 11, 2004, approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the company was allowed to be
changed to Foreign-Funded Joint Stock Companies Limited.
On July, 2004, the company increased 150,000,000 B shares directionally, during which 91,300,000 shares were subscribed in HK$,
and another 58,700,000 shares were subscribed in RMB, upon check by China Securities Regulatory Commission with the issue
[2004] No.101.
According to the resolution of the shareholder’s meeting on June 8, 2006, The Company allotted 117,720,000 bonus shares to all of
the shareholders according to the proportion of 2 free shares for every 10 shares,
On August 4, 2008, according to the judgment ruled by Shenzhen Intermediate People's court, 112,324,800 sponsor shares held by
ShuXian Wang was compensated to Rong Chen for RMB 45,491,544 Yuan, and on August 15, 2008, 96,000,000 sponsor shares held
by ShuXian Wang was compensated to Rong Chen for RMB 38,880,000 Yuan according to the judgment ruled by Dalian
Intermediate People's court.
On November 11, 2009, according to ―reply to the approval of capital increase, and change of share as well as name of Chengde
DiXian Knitting Co., Ltd‖ with No.143 [2009] by Bureau of Commerce of Hebei Province, it agreed that the company increased
150,000,000 foreign shares listed in China in 2004 and allotted 2 bonus shares free for every 10 shares in 2006; and it agreed that
208324800 shares of DiXian stock held by ShuXian Wang. DiXian was changed to Rong Chen; as well as the name of the company
changed to Chengde DaLu Co., Ltd. The total share capital was 706,320,000 shares and the registered capital of the company was
RMB 706,320,000 Yuan after the company increased and allotted, which has been validated by ZhongLei CPA Co., Ltd, who
provided the capital verification report with [2010] No. 10009.
On 23 Aug 2011, the company renewed its Corporate Business License that was issued by HeBei Administration for Industry and
Commerce. The new registration number was 130000400001225. Both registered capital and paid-in capital are RMB 706,320,000.
The company type was a foreign joint stock limited company.
On 6 April 2012, an equity transfer agreement was signed between corporate shareholder Rong Chen and Dong Wang. According to
the agreement, Rong Chen transferred 208,324,800 shares, which occupied 29.49% of the total share capital, to Dong Wang. After
the transfer of equity, Shareholders proportion of capital contribution was: Dong Wang (RMB 208,324,800, accounted for 29.49%);
HeBei province ChengDe County North Industrial Company (RMB 18,517,651, accounted for 2.62%); ChengDe City LongFeng
Cosmetic company (RMB 2,314,829, accounted for 0.33%); Chengde County Board Town of Red Star plastic products factory
(RMB 2,314,829, accounted for 0.33%), shareholders of domestically listed foreign shares (RMB 461,520,000, accounted for

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

On 19 September 2012, with the authorization of HeBei Administration for Industry and Commerce, the company name was changed
from ChengDe DaLu Corporation, Ltd. to ChengDe NanJiang Corporation, Ltd.
     (2)Nauture of Business:
The company major in real estate development and management; Subsidiaries engage in real estate development、international
trading and ecological agriculture planting and breeding.
     (3)Business scope:
New energy、R&D of new material product、sales and technology promotion、technology service;R&D of modern agricultural
production、technology promotion service, wholesale of ecological agricultural products; International trading of products and
technology; project HuiJingTianDi (2013-12、2013-13) : the development and construction of common residence and supporting
commercial facilities based on two land、sales and operation; property management.
     (4) Major products and labour service
Sales of real estate、plastic raw material trading and sales of products of ecological agriculture planting and breeding.
     (5) Fundamental structure of the company
The highest authority is board minutes and the company adopts the managerial responsibility system. According to requirements
from the business, the company set up Securities Department, AdministrativeDepartment, Human Resource Department, Financial
Department, Auditing Department, Sales Department, Research and Development Department.

IV、Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates

1、Basis for preparation of financial statements

The financial statements of the company have been prepared based on going concern assumption and actual transactions and events
occurred. It is prepared in accordance with the requirements of ―Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard‖
and 38 Specific Standard issued by the Ministry of Finance of 15 February 2006 (revised in 2010), and application guidance,
illustrations to the standards and related pronouncements.

2、Statement of Compliance

The accounts of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the Chinese Accounting System for Business Enterprises and
Chinese Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises.

3、Fiscal Year

The Company has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, i.e. From 1 January to 31 December.

4、Bookkeeping Currency

The reporting currency of the Company is Renminbi (RMB).

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5、Accounting treatments for a business combination involving enterprises under and not under common

(1)Business combination involving entities under common control

A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining
enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination, and that control is not
transitory. For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the combination date, obtains
control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the
combination is a party being absorbed. Combination date is the date on which the absorbing party effectively obtains control of the
party being absorbed. The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the enterprise being
combined at the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of
consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value of shares issued) is adjusted to the capital premium (or share premium)
in the capital reserve. If the balance of the capital premium (or share premium) is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained
earnings. The cost of a combination incurred by the absorbing party includes any costs directly attributable to the combination shall
be recognized as an expense through profit or loss for the current period when incurred.

(2)Business combination involving entities not under common control

A business combination involving enterprises not under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining
enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination. For a business
combination not involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another
enterprise participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is the acquiree.
Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree. For a business combination not
involving enterprise under common control, the combination cost including the sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets
given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer. The intermediary expenses incurred by the
acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative expenses
attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred. The transaction cost arose from
issuing of equity securities or liability securities shall be initially recognized as equity securities or liability securities. The contingent
consideration related to the combination shall be booked as combination cost at the fair value at the acquisition date. If, within the 12
months after acquisition, additional information can prove the existence of related information at acquisition date and the contingent
consideration need to be adjusted, goodwill can be offset.
Combination cost of the acquirer’s interest and identifiable net assets of the acquirer acquired through the business combination shall
be measured by the fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value
of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be recognized as goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the
acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be accounted for according to the
following requirements: (i) the acquirer shall reassess the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets,
liabilities and contingent liabilities and measurement of the cost of combination; (ii) if after that reassessment, the cost of
combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall
recognize the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the current period. Where the temporary difference obtained by
the acquirer was not recognized due to inconformity with the conditions applied for recognition of deferred income tax, if, within the

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

12 months after acquisition, additional information can prove the existence of related information at acquisition date and the expected
economic benefits on the acquisition date arose from deductible temporary difference by the acquiree can be achieved, relevant
income tax assets can be recognized, and goodwill offset. If the goodwill is not sufficient, the difference shall be recognized as profit
of the current period. Apart from above, the differences shall be taken into profit or loss of the current period if the recognition of
deferred income tax assets is related to the combination.
For business combination involving entities not under common control achieved through multiple transactions (acquistion in stages),
the multiple agreements are assessed to determine whether they should be viewed as a whole with reference the conditions stipulated
by the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on the No. 5 Explanation of Enterprise Accounting Standards (Cai Kuai [2012] No. 19).
Where multiple agreements of an acquisition in stages are viewed as a whole, the accounting treatment for the multiple agreements
shall be performed in accordance with the previous paragraphs and, where multiple agreements of an acquistion in stages fail the
conditions of CaiKuai[2012] No. 19, the accounting treatments shall be perfomed as follow.
For the purpose of the separate financial statements, the cost of acquistion is measured as the sum of the carrying amount of
investment in the investee immediately prior to the acquistion and the consideration for the addition investment. Cumulative other
comprehensive income relevant to the investment recognised prior to the acquistion is reclassfied to profit or loss as investment
income at the time of acquistion. For the purpose of the consolidated financial statements, the investment in the investee prior to the
acquisition is remeasured by fair value, difference between the acquistion date fair value of the investment in the investee prior to the
acquisition and its carrying amount is recognised in profit or loss as investment income at the time of acquistion. Cumulative other
comprehensive income relevant to the investment recognised prior to the acquistion is reclassfied to profit or loss as investment
income at the time of acquistion.

6、Account treatment from disposal (subsidiary) in stages to lost control

(1)Recognition of multiple transactions

Where loss of control over a subsidiary results from multiple transactions (agreements), asssessment shall be made as to whether the
multiple agreements shall be viewed as a whole as a single transaction.

(2)Accounting treatment for multiple transactions

Multiple agreements giving rise to loss of control over a subsidiary is generally viewed as a whole as a single transaction if the terms,
conditions and economic implications of the multiple agreements satisfy one or more of the following conditions: 1) the agreements
are entered into simultaneously or taking into account the implication of each other; 2) the business objective cannot be achieved
without successful completion of all the agreements; 3) the occurrence of one agreement is dependent on the result of at least another
one agreement; and/or 4) any one single agreement is not recognized as economic and the agreements as a whole is economic. Where
multiple agreements do not satisfy the conditions of being viewed as a single transaction, each agreement shall be treated and
accounted for in accordance with the provisions of disposal of long-term equity investments not resulting loss of control or loss of
control due to disposal of shares or other events.

(3)Accounting treatment for single transactions

Where multiple agreements satisfy the conditions of being viewed as a single transaction, each agreement shall be treated and
accounted for as a transaction which results in loss of control; differences between the consideration for disposals prior to loss of
control and the net assets proportionate to the shares disposed prior to loss of control are recognized as other comprehensive income
in the consolidated financial statements and transferred to profit or loss at the time of loss of control.

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

7、Consolidated financial statements

(1)Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The financial statements are prepared on the basis of control, and the scope of the consolidated financial statements includes the
company and all of its subsidiaries.
If the accounting policy or the accounting period is different between the subsidiaries and the company, it is necessary to adjust the
financial statements of the subsidiaries according to the accounting policy or accounting period of the company at the preparation of
the consolidated financial statements.
For the subsidiaries acquired from the business combination not under the same control, it shall adjust the individual financial
statements based on its fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date; for the subsidiaries acquired from the business
combination under the same control, it shall be regarded as the reporting entity formed after combination and continues to exist
integrally from the control by the final controlling party comes into operation, and it shall adjust the beginning amount of the
consolidated balance sheet, as well as the related items of the comparative financial statements at the same time.

(2)Accounting treatment for the disclosure of equity of the same subsidiary that purchase and then sell
back in two consecutive fiscal year

8、Cash & Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents included in cash-flow statement are short-term(within three months of maturity since purchase date),
highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to limited risk on changes in value.

9、Foreign Currency Translation

(1)Transaction in foreign currency

Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the reporting currency at the spot exchange rates prevailing on the
day when the transactions take place.

Monetary assets denominated in foreign currency at the balance sheet date are translated at the spot exchange rate, and the exchange
difference arising from the different spot exchange date at the balance sheet date and at the initial recognition or the previous balance
sheet date shall be recorded into finance expenses; the non-monetary items denominated in foreign currency stated at its historical
cost shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the day when the transactions take place; and non-monetary item denominated in
foreign currency stated at its fair value shall be translated at the spot exchange date on the day when the fair value is determined, and
the difference between the amount in reporting currency after translation and the carrying amount in original reporting currency shall
be recorded into current profit and loss as income from changes in fair value, and the exchange difference related to non-monetary
items in foreign currency available for sale shall be recorded into capital reserves.

(2)Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

Translation of items in foreign currency at the balance sheet date: the assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be translated at

                                                                 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet, and the items of owner’s equity except ―undistributed profit‖ shall be translated at the
spot exchange rate on occurrence. The income and expense in the income statement shall be translated at the spot exchange date on
the day when the transactions take place.
When the consolidated financial statement is prepared, the converted difference in foreign currency statements shall be listed singly
as ―translation reserve‖ under the owner’s equity in the consolidated balance sheet.

10、Financial instruments

"Financial instruments" refers to the financial assets of the business and constitute the financial liability or equity instruments of
other business

(1)Classification of financial instruments

The financial assets and financial liabilities of the company are divided into five types at the initial recognition: Financial asset
measured by fair value and which change is recorded into current profit and loss, Held-to-maturity investment, accounts receivable,
financial assets available for sale and other financial liabilities.

(2)Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments

The financial assets or financial liabilities are stated at their fair value at initial recognition. For the financial assets and liabilities
measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, the transaction
expenses thereof shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, and the related transaction expenses of
other kinds of financial assets or financial liabilities is recorded into its initial recognition amount.
①The financial assets and liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of
the current period
The financial assets or liabilities which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and
losses of the current period, including transactional financial assets and liabilities and the financial assets and liabilities which are
measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the current profits and losses; the transactional financial assets
refers to the stock, bonds, fund and the derivative instruments not as effective hedging instrument or the assumed financial liabilities
to be repurchased in the near future; the financial assets and liabilities which are measured at their fair values and of which the
variation is included in the current profits and losses is mainly designated on the basis of risk management and strategic investment.
Subsequent measurement shall be carried through for these financial assets or financial liabilities at their fair value. All realized and
unrealized profit and loss of these financial assets or financial liabilities shall be recorded into current profit and loss except those as
effective hedging instruments.
② Held-to-maturity investment
"Held-to-maturity investment" refers to a non-derivative financial asset with the maturity date being fixed, the repayment being fixed
or confirmed and the company has a clear purpose or is capable to hold to maturity.
Effective interest method is adapted to measure held-to-maturity investment at the post-amortization cost during the holding period.
The gains and loss arising from the impairment, amortization or recognition termination of held-to-maturity investment shall be
recorded into current profit and loss. The balance between the price obtained and the carrying amount of the investment shall be
recorded into investment income when held-to-maturity investment is disposed.
③ Accounts receivable
―Accounts receivable‖ is the claims of the sale of goods or rendering of service, including accounts receivable, other receivables and

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long-term receivables.
The accounts receivable shall be recognized initially at the price stipulated in the contract or agreement to be received from the
purchaser and it is measured at the post-amortization cost using the effective interest method. The balance between the price obtained
and the carrying amount of the accounts receivable shall be recorded into current profit and loss at recovery and disposal.
④ Financial assets available for sale
Financial assets available for sale refers to the non-derivative financial assets available for sale designated at initial recognition, and
the financial assets except those three kinds of financial assets above. Subsequent measurement shall be carried through for such kind
of financial assets at their fair value, and the discount and premium shall be amortized using effective interest method and recognized
as interest income. The change in the fair value of the financial assets available for sale shall be recognized as the independent part of
capital reserve when the said financial assets is stopped from recognition or is impaired with the exception of the impairment loss and
the exchange difference arising from the monetary financial assets in foreign currency which shall be recorded into current profit and
loss, and the accumulative gains or loss recorded into capital reserve before shall be transferred into current profit and loss. The
dividends or interest income related to the financial assets available for sale shall be recorded into current profit and loss.
⑤ Other financial liabilities
Other financial liabilities refer to the financial liabilities which isn’t designated to be measured by fair value and which change is
recorded in current profit and loss.
Other liabilities are measured at the post-amortization cost or cost. The gains or loss arising from the amortization and the
recognition termination of the other liabilities shall be recorded into current profit and loss.

(3)Recognition and measurement for transfer of financial assets

①Where the company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset to the
transferee; Or it does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a financial asset but gives up
its control over the financial asset, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset.
②If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition; the difference between the amounts of
the following two items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period:
A. The book value of the transferred financial asset
B. The sum of consideration received from the transfer and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally
recorded in the owner's equities.
③If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop recognition, the entire book value of the transferred financial
asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped, be
apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following two items shall
be included into the profits and losses of the current period:
A. The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped;
B. The sum of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and the portion of the accumulative amount of the
changes in the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities which is corresponding to the portion whose recognition has been
④ If the transfer of the financial asset doesn’t satisfy the condition to stop the recognition, it shall continue to recognize the financial
asset and shall recognize the consideration it receives as a financial liability.
⑤ If the company is continuously involved in the transferred financial asset, it shall recognize a financial asset according to the
extent of its continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset, and recognize a financial liability at the same time.

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(4)Recognition for termination of financial liabilities

Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the financial liability
be terminated in all or partly.

(5)Determination method for the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

①As for the financial assets or financial liabilities for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the active market shall be
used to determine the fair values thereof.
②Where there is no active market for a financial instrument; the company shall adopt value appraisal techniques to determine its fair

(6)Provision for impairment of financial assets (except accounts receivable)

The company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial assets (except accounts
receivable). Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision shall
be made.
①Held-to-maturity investment
The loss on impairment shall be determined according to the balance of the carrying amount and the present value of the predicted
future cash flow. It is accounted for according to the measurement method for loss impairment of accounts receivable.
If there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said financial asset has been restored, and it is objectively related to
the events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment loss as originally recognized shall be reversed and be recorded into
the profits and losses of the current period. However, the reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than the post-amortization
costs of the said financial asset on the day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.
② Financial assets available for sale
If there is any objective evidence proving that the fair value of the financial assets available for sale drops significantly or not
contemporarily, it can recognize that such financial assets available for sale has been impaired, and shall recognize loss on
impairment. Where the financial asset available for sale is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair
value of the owner’s equity which was directly included shall be transferred out at the same time when the impairment loss is
recognized and recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The said accumulative loss transferred out equals the
balance of the initial acquisition cost of the financial asset available for sale deducting the reversed principal, the amortized amount,
current fair value and the impairment loss that has been recorded into profit and loss originally.
As for the sellable debt instruments whose impairment losses have been recognized, if, within the accounting period thereafter, the
fair value has risen and are objectively related to the subsequent events that occur after the originally impairment losses were
recognized, the originally recognized impairment losses shall be reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period. The impairment losses incurred to a sellable equity instrument investment shall not be reversed through profits and losses.

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(7) If the undue held-to-maturity investments classified as available-for-sale financial assets, explanation
   for intention to hold or capacity changed

11、Receivables & Provision for Bad Debts

(1)Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision

Recognition Criterion for individually
                                            receivables with more than RMB 1 million
significant amounts

                                            The Group should make the impairment test separately or in combination and accrue the
                                            bad debt provisions which shall be recorded into current profit or loss at the end of the
The accruing method of the receivables
                                            period. If there is defined evidence for the receivables not to or not likely to be received,
with individually significant amounts:
                                            which shall be recognized as the loss of bad debt and write off the accrued bad debts
                                            provisions after going through the approval procedure of the Group.

(2)Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

       Portfolio name             Method for bad debt provision                      Basis for determining the portfolio

                                                                  receivables with more than RMB 1 million, no evidence for the
                              accounting aging analysis           receivables not to or not likely to be received; receivables with not
Aging of the receivables
                              method                              more than RMB 1 million accrue bad debt through accounting aging
                                                                  analysis method.

In the portfolio, receivable that accrue bad debt through accounting aging analysis method
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                Aging                       Receivables accrue ratio (%)                    Other receivables accrue ratio (%)

Within 1 year                                                               5%                                                        5%

1-2 years                                                                  20%                                                      20%

2-3 years                                                                  50%                                                      50%

Over 3 years                                                               100%                                                    100%

In the portfolio,receivable that accrue bad debt through balance percentage method
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the portfolio,receivable that accrue bad debt through other method
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3)Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision

                                                 Where there are obvious evidences suggesting impairment: debtor has been log-out,
Reasons for accruing bad debt provision          bankruptcy, minus net asset, significant poor cash flow and significant nature disaster
individually                                     leads to discontinue production and the debtors could not pay for the debts within the
                                                 foreseeable time.

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                                                 The Group should make the impairment test separately or in combination and accrue
                                                 the bad debt provisions which shall be recorded into current profit or loss at the end
Methods for accruing bad debt                    of the period. If there is defined evidence for the receivables not to or not likely to be
                                                 received, which shall be recognized as the loss of bad debt and write off the accrued
                                                 bad debts provisions after going through the approval procedure of the Group.



Inventory means the materials, Auxiliary Material, spare parts for repair, revolving materials, merchandise inventory,
work-in-process under production, finished goods, development cost and products to be developed etc. the development cost includes
the land cost, construction cost and other cost related to real estate development under construction; the product to be developed
refers to the land purchased and prepared to be developed into real estate development.

(2)Cost of inventories transferred out

Cost of inventories transferred out is calculated using the weighted average method. Development project is adopted specific
accounting method.

(3)Basis for determining the net realisable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in value
of inventories

Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other
expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. In addition to the purchasing cost of raw
materials, work in progress and finished goods include direct labour costs and an appropriate allocation of production overheads.
At the balance sheet date, inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs to completion and the
estimated expenses and related taxes necessary to make the sale. The net realisable value of materials held for use in the production is
measured based on the net realisable value of the finished goods in which they will be incorporated. The net realisable value of the
quantity of inventory held to satisfy sales or service contracts is measured based on the contract price. If the quantities held by the
Group are more than the quantities of inventories specified in sales contracts, the net realisable value of the excess portion of
inventories is measured based on general selling prices.
Any excess of the cost over the net realisable value of each category of inventories is recognised as a provision for diminution in the
value of inventories, and is recognised in profit and loss.

(4)Inventory system

The Group maintains a perpetual inventory system.

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(5)Amortisation methods for consumables including low-value consumables and packaging materials

Consumables including low-value consumables and packaging materials are amortised in full when received for use. The amounts of
the amortisations are included in the cost of the related assets or recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

13、Long-term equity investments

(1)Determination of Investment cost

For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment shall be carrying value of the absorbing party’s share of the shareholder’s equity of the party being absorbed at the date of
combination. For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the combination cost including the sum of
fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer. The
intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other
associated administrative expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred.
The transaction cost for the equity securities or liability securities issued by the acquirer in the business combination shall be
recognized as initial amount of equity security or liability. The equity investments other than the long-term equity through
combination shall be initially measured by cost. The cost shall be recognized to the difference in the way of acquisition of long-term
equity investment. Theses ways include the cash purchase price the Companythe Company actually paid, the fair value of equity
security issued by the Companythe Company, value specified in the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or carrying
value of the asset out in the transaction of non-monetary asset exchanges, and the fair value of the long-term equity investment.
Expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly attributable to the acquisition of long-term equity investment are taken into
investment cost.

(2)Subsequent Measurement

Cost method shall be adopted in a long-term equity investment where the investing enterprise does not have common control or
significant influence over the investee, the investment is not quoted in an active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably.
Where an investing enterprise can exercise common control or significant influence over the investee, a long-term investment shall
be accounted for using the equity method. When an investing enterprise can no longer exercise joint control or common control nor
significant influence over the investee, and its fair value cannot be measured reliably, a long-term investment shall be counted as
financial asset ready-for trade. A long-term equity investment where cost method is adopted in the Company’s financial statements
can exercise controls over the investee.
1) Cost method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost. Except for cash dividends or profits
declared but not yet paid that are included in the price or consideration actually paid upon acquisition of the long-term equity
investment, investment income is recognized in the period in accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends or profit
distributions declared by the investee.
2) Equity method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the
investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost. Where the
initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of investee’s
identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the difference shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period, and the cost of
the long-term equity investment shall adjusted accordingly. Under the equity method, the Company recognizes its share of the net

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profit or loss of the investee for the period as investment income or loss for the period. The Group recognizes it share of the
investee’s net profit or loss based on the fair value of the investee’s individual separately indentible assets, etc at the acquisition date
after making appropriate adjustments to confirm with the Company’s accounting policies and accounting period. Unrealized profits
or losses resulting from the Company’s transactions with its associates and joint ventures are recognized as investment income or loss
to the extent that those attributable to the Company’s equity interest are eliminated. However, unrealized losses resulting from the
Company’s transactions with its investees on the transferred assets, in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 -
Impairment of Assets", are not eliminated. Changes in owners’ equity of the investee other than net profit or loss are correspondingly
adjusted to the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment, and recognized as other compressive income which is included in
the capital reserve. When the investee is recognized net losses, reduce the carrying value of long-term equity investments and
long-term equity of net investment (in substance) in investee to zero. In addition, the Company has the obligations on additional
losses, then the expected obligation as estimated liabilities and included in the current investment losses. Where the net profit from
investee units, restoration confirm the amount of revenue sharing after offset the amount of unrecognized loss sharing. For long-term
equity investments in associates and joint ventures which had been held by the Company before its first time adoption of Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Company’s
interest in the investee’s net assets at the time of acquisition, the excess is amortized and is recognized in profit or loss on a straight
line basis over the original remaining life.
3) Acquisition of minority interest
The difference between newly increased equity investment due to acquisition of minority interests and portion of net asset
cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date is adjusted as capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the
difference, the excess are adjusted against returned earnings.
4) Disposal of long-term equity investment
Where the parent company disposes long-term investment in a subsidiary without a change in control, the difference in the net asset
between the amount of disposed long-term investment and the amount of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to the owner’s
equity. On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and receivable and the
carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period. For along-term equity investment accounted for using the equity
method, the amount included in the owners’ equity attributable to the percentage interest disposed is transferred to profit or loss for
the period. For any retained interest, it shall be subsequently measured according to the related accounting policies in regard of
long-term equity investments or financial assets as described above if its carrying amount is recognized as long-term equity
investments or other related financial assets. Retroactive adjustment is made on the basis of relevant policies if the retained interests
are settled from cost method to equity method.

(3)Recognition of investee under common control or significant influence

Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its operating
activities. Common control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, and exists only when the
strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or
joint control over those policies. When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise control or significant influence
over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the investee held be the investing enterprise or other parties that are currently
exercisable or convertible shall be considered.

(4)Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision

The company assesses the long-term equity investment at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of impairment. If any

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indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value
of the asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. Once an
impairment loss is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

14、Investment properties

Investment properties are properties held either to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or for both. Cost model: investment
properties-leasing properties adopt the identical depreciation accounting policy as fixed assets. Investment properties-leasing rights
of land usage adopt the identical amortization accounting policy as intangible assets. If potential impairment of investment property
exists, estimation of its net realisable value shall be made. Recognizing impairment loss where net realisable value below its book
value. Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period.

Investment properties are depreciated (amortized) using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated
useful lives. For the investment properties being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation (amortization) charge is
prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives. The estimated useful lives,
residual rates and annual depreciation (amortization) rates are as follows:

Items                              Useful Lives              Residual Rates (%)         Annual Depreciation Rates (%)

land usage rights                             50                     0%-10%                           1.80%

House and Building                          20-28                    0%-10%                       3.56%-4.50%

15、Fixed assets

(1)Recognition of fixed assets

Fixed assets are the tangible assets with service life of more than one year held for production of goods, rendering of service, lease or
operating management. Fixed assets shall be confirmed while following conditions can all be met:
①The economic interest related to the fixed assets will most likely flow into the company;
②The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.。

(2)Recognition and measurement of finance lease

(3)Depreciation policy for different classifications of fixed assets

Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated useful lives. For the
fixed assets being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the adjusted
carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives.
The estimated useful lives, residual rates and annual depreciation rates are as follows:

               Items                        Useful Lives                Residual Rates (%)            Annual Depreciation Rates (%)

House and Building                  20.00-28.00                                               5% 3.56-4.50

Machinery equipment                 4.00-5.00                                                 5% 18.00-22.04

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Electronic equipment                4.50-5.00                                                 5% 18.00-22.04

Transportation equipment            5.00-20.00                                                5% 6.33-23.75

(4)Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision for fix assets

The company assesses the fix assets at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of impairment. If any indication exists
that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value of the asset is
less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. Once an impairment loss is
recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

(5)Other Notes

16、Construction in Progress

(1)Type of construction in progress

Construction in progress is classified by projects.

(2)The standard and time point for construction in progress transferred to fixed assets

For construction in progress, the Company shall make all the expenditures for this asset to reach usable condition as the account
value of the fixed assets. For the fixed assets reaching usable condition but not preparing the final account for completion, the
Company shall, since the date of reaching usable condition, transfer the estimated value into fixed assets according to project budget
and cost or actual cost of the project and appropriate the provision for depreciation according to the Company's policy for
depreciation of fixed assets; after the procedure for final account for completion has been ended, the Company shall adjust the
original temporarily estimated value as per actual cost, but not adjust the original appropriated provision for depreciation.

(3)Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision for construction in progress

The company assesses the construction in progress at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of impairment. If any
indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value
of the asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. Once an
impairment loss is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

17、Borrowing Cost

(1)Recognition principles on capitalisation of borrowing cost

The Group should capitalizes the borrowing cost directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying
asset and record borrowing cost into cost of related asset. The Group should recognize the other borrowing cost as the current
expense and charged it as profit and loss of current period. A qualifying asset refers to fixed asset, investment property and inventory
need be constructed for so long time to its intended use or sale.

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(2)Duration of capitalisation of borrowing cost

When expenditures and borrowing cost are being incurred, and activities that are necessary to put the asset available for use or sale
are in progress, the capitalisation of borrowing costs as part of the cost of a qualifying asset should commence.

(3)Suspension of duration of capitalisation

(4)Measurement of borrowing cost

As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, the
to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined as the difference of the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan
at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary
investment. Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization,
the Group shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the
weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the
capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined at the weighted average
interest rate of the general borrowing.

18、Biological Assets

The biological assets in the company are consumptive biological assets and productive biological assets. Consumptive biological
assets include baby breeding and fat breeding. Productive biological assets are hens.
Biological assets are recognized only when the following criterions are met simultaneously:
(1) The company acquired the biological assets because of past transactions or events.
(2) The potential economic benefits generated by the biological assets may flow into the company
(3) The cost of biological assets can be calculated reliably
The purchase and disposal of biological assets: the costs of biological assets after the transfer of purpose are same as the book value
before the transfer of purpose; When biological assets are sold, destroyed or have inventory loss, the differences between the
proceeds of disposal and the book value plus relevant taxes are included in the profit and loss of the current period.
The initial cost of biological assets includes purchase price, transportation cost, insurance cost, and other cost directly attributed to
purchasing the assets. The initial cost of self-breeding productive biological assets (before the expected condition for use) includes
breeding cost, wages and other indirect costs. Before the expected condition for use, cost of biological assets, including breeding and
protection, are recorded in profits and losses of the current period.
Biological assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated useful lives. For the
biological assets being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the
adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives. The estimated useful lives, residual rates and annual depreciation rates
are as follows:

              Items                       Useful Lives          Residual Rates (%)      Annual Depreciation Rates (%)

       Chicken and Eggs                        1                        5%                            95%

At the balance sheet date, if potential impairment of biological assets exists, estimation of its net realisable value shall be made.
Recognizing impairment loss where net realisable value below its book value. Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not

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reversed in a subsequent period. When biological assets are sold, destroyed or have inventory loss, the difference between the
revenue from disposal and its book value plus relevant taxation are recorded into profits and losses of the current period.

19、Intangible Assets

(1)Valuation method for intangible assets

① Initial measurement of intangible assets
The Company accounts its intangible assets at their real acquisition cost.
Where the payment of purchase price for intangible assets is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions, which is of financing
intention, the cost of intangible assets shall be determined on the basis of the current value of the purchase price.

The book value of the intangible assets acquired as debt assets through the recombination of liabilities shall be accounted on basis of
the fair value of the intangible assets;Under the conditions that the exchange of non-monetary assets is characterized with business
essence, and the fair value of the assets received or surrendered can be accounted in a reliable way, the book value of assets received
is defined on basis of the fair value of assets surrendered, except there are conclusive evidences for the stronger reliability of the fair
value of assets received. For the exchange of those non-monetary assets not meeting the above premises, the book value of assets
surrendered and related taxes should be accounted as cost of assets received and the profits and losses shouldn’t be concluded.
② Subsequent measurement of intangible assets
For the intangible assets with limited service life, the economic benefits should be amortized with
Straight-line method; and the company won’t adopt amortization upon the intangible assets with indefinite service life. At the end of
report period, the Company should recheck the service life and amortization method of the intangible assets and carry through
necessary adjustment.

(2)Estimate of service life for the intangible assets with limited life

As for the intangible assets with limited life, its service life shall be estimated at the year-end
The amortization policy for intangible assets remains unchanged in the current fiscal year.

              Item                 Amortisation periods                                           Basis

Patent, brand, software and                                  Less than the period stated at contracts or included in other legal rights
                                  5 year

Land use rights                   50 year                    Less than the period stated at contracts or included in other legal rights

(3)The judgment basis of the intangible assets with indefinite life

As for the intangible assets with unlimited life, its service life shall be estimated at the year-end
After examination, that no intangible assets are considered as indefinite life.

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(4)Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision for intangible assets

The company assesses the intangible assets at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of impairment. If any indication
exists that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value of the
asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. Once an impairment loss
is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

(5)Criterion for distinguishing cost in research phase and development phase

Research cost refers to cost arising from inventive activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge. Research cost is recorded to profit or
loss when it is incurred. Development cost refers to cost arising from activities that result in research phase or other knowledge in a
certain plan or design, to produce new or substantially improved material, equipment, and products etc. before commercial
production or application.

(6)Measurement for the cost of R&D (Research and development)

The cost of R&D in the research stage is recorded into current period of profit and loss when it occur.
An intangible asset arising from the development phase of an internal project shall be recognised if, and only if, the company can
demonstrate all of the following:
(a) The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale
(b) Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it
(c) How the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. among other things, the entity can demonstrate the
existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness
of the intangible asset
(d) The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible
(e) Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

20、Long Term Deferred Expenses Cost and Amortization Method

For limited benefit periods, long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line method within the benefit period; for
unlimited benefit periods, Long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line method over five years.

21、Projected liabilities

(1)Recognition of contingent liabilities

The obligation pertinent to a contingency shall be recognized as an estimated debt when the following conditions are satisfied
(a) The obligation is a current obligation of the Group;
(b) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Group as a result of performance of the obligation; and

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(c) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

(2)Measurement for projected liabilities

The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance of
the current obligation, and the Group shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors
pertinent to the contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the best estimate amounts shall be determined after
discounting the relevant future outflow of cash. The Group shall check the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet
date. If there is any exact evidence indicating that the book value cannot really reflect the current best estimate amounts, the Group
shall adjust the book value in accordance with the current best estimate amounts.

22、Share-based payment and equity instruments


A share-based payment is a transaction in which the entity receives or acquires goods or services either as consideration for its equity
instruments or by incurring liabilities for amounts based on the price of the entity's shares or other equity instruments of the entity.
The accounting requirements for the share-based payment depend on how the transaction will be settled, that is, by the issuance of
equity or cash.

(2)Recognition criterion for fair value of equity instruments

In principle, transactions in which goods or services are received as consideration for equity instruments of the entity should be
measured at the fair value of the goods or services received. Only if the fair value of the goods or services cannot be measured
reliably would the fair value of the equity instruments granted be used.

The fair value of equity instruments granted to be based on market prices, if available, and to take into account the terms and
conditions upon which those equity instruments were granted. In the absence of market prices, fair value is estimated using a
valuation technique to estimate what the price of those equity instruments would have been on the measurement date in an arm's
length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties. The standard does not specify which particular model should be used.

(3)Basis for Exercisable equity instruments

Company estimated the best estimating amount of exercisable equity instruments according to the new data for the changes in the
number of employee that acquire exercisable rights.

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(4)Acccounting treatment for exercise, amend and terminate share-based payment schedule

23、Share Repurchase


(1)Recognition for sale of goods

Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the
buyer, the Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective
control over the goods sold, and it is probable that the economic benefit associated with the transaction will flow to the Company and
the relevant revenue and costs can be measured reliably.

(2)Recognition criterions for transfer of asset use right income

it is probable that the economic benefit associated with the transaction will flow to the Company and the relevant revenue and costs
can be measured reliably.

(3)Recognition criterions for labour income

(a) Labour income can be calculated reliably
(b) Inflow of relevant economic benefits to the Group may occur
(c) The progress of completion for the transaction can be identified reliably
(d) The cost has been occurred and will be occurred in the future during the transaction can be calculated reliably

(4)When it comes to percentage completion method to confirm labor and construction contracts revenure,
   the policy for determining the stage for completion

25、Government grants


Government subsidy means that the Company shall get monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the government without
consideration, but the government subsidy shall not include the capital invested by the government as an enterprise owner. It is
divided into the one related to assets and the one related to income.

(2)Accounting method

(a) Confirmation and measurement of government subsidy
The government subsidy meeting attached conditions and actually received by the Company, shall be confirmed as government
subsidy. If the government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured as per the amount received or to be received; if the
government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured as per fair value; and if the fair value cannot be obtained reliably,
measured as per nominal amount.

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(b) Accounting for government subsidy
The government subsidy related to assets shall be confirmed as deferred income, and allocated averagely during the service life of the
related assets and attributed into the profit and loss of current period. But the government subsidy measured in nominal amount shall
be directly attributed to profit or loss of current

26、Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(1)Recognition of deferred tax assets

Deferred tax assets arise from deductible and taxable temporary differences respectively, being the differences between the carrying
amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases, which include the deductible losses and tax
credits carrying forward to subsequent periods. Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable
profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised.

(2)Recognition of deferred tax liabilities

Deferred tax liabilities arise from deductible and taxable temporary differences respectively, being the differences between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases, which include the deductible losses and
tax credits carrying forward to subsequent periods, but not incude the temporary differences created by goodwill, non-business
combination transaction and the transaction is not influence accounting profit and corporate tax.

27、Operating and finance leases

(1)Accounting treatment for operating leases

(1) Operating lease charges
Rental payments under operating leases are recognised as part of the cost of another related asset or as expenses on a straight-line
basis over the lease term.
(2) Assets leased out under operating leases
Income derived from operating leases is recognised in the income statement using the straight-line method over the lease term. If
initial direct costs incurred in respect of the assets leased out are material, the costs are initially capitalised and subsequently
amortised in profit or loss over the lease term on the same basis as the lease income. Otherwise, the costs are charged to profit or loss

(2)Accounting treatment for finance leases

When the Group acquires an asset under a finance lease, the asset is measured at an amount equal to the lower of its fair values and
the present value of the minimum lease payments, each determined at the inception of the lease. At the commencement of the lease
term, the minimum lease payments are recorded as long-term payables. The difference between the value of the leased assets and the
minimum lease payments is recognised as unrecognised finance charges. Initial direct costs that are attributable to a finance lease
incurred by the Group are added to the amounts recognised for the leased asset.
If there is reasonable certainty that the Group will obtain ownership of a leased asset at the end of the lease term, the leased asset is
depreciated over its estimated useful life. Otherwise, the leased asset is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and its

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

estimated useful life. Unrecognized finance charge under finance lease is amortised using an effective interest method over the lease
term. At the balance sheet date, long-term payables arising from finance leases, net of the unrecognised finance charges, are
presented as long-term payables or non-current liabilities due within one year, respectively in the balance sheet.

(3)Accounting treatment for sales and lease-back

28、Assets held for sale

(1)Recognition of assets held for sale

(2)Accounting treatment for assets held for sale

29、Changes of significant accounting policies, accounting estimates

Changes of significant accounting policies, accounting estimates in this period
□ Yes √ No
significant accounting policies, accounting estimates remain unchanged in this period.

(1)Changes of significant accounting policies

Changes of significant accounting policies in this period
□ Yes √ No
significant accounting policies remain unchanged in this period.

(2)Changes of significant accounting estimates

Changes of significant accounting estimates in this period
□ Yes √ No
significant accounting estimates remain unchanged in this period.

30、Prior period error correction

Any prior period error correction discovered in this period
□ Yes √ No
No prior period error correction discovered in this period

(1)Retrospective Restatement

Any prior period error correction discovered through retrospective restatement in this period
□ Yes √ No
No prior period error correction discovered through retrospective restatement in this period

                                                                  CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(2)Prospective Application

Any prior period error correction discovered through prospective application in this period
□ Yes √ No
No prior period error correction discovered through prospective application in this period

31、Other significant accounting policy、accounting estimates and financial statements preparation policy


1、Major category of taxes and tax rates

                    Tax Category                                          Tax Basis                               Tax rate

Value added tax                                     Sell goods and provide labor service          17%

Bussiness tax                                       Housing prepayment; taxable income            5%

City maintenance and construction tax               Transfer tax payable                          5%

Corporate income tax                                Taxable income                                25%

Land value-added tax                                Land VAT or pre-requisitioned                 Super rate progressive rate

Education surcharge                                 Transfer tax payable                          3%

Local education surcharge                           Transfer tax payable                          2%

                                                    Rental income or original value of real
Housing property tax                                                                              12% or 1.2%

Applicable for all subsidiaries and branches.

2、Tax relief and official approval document

According to ChengXianGuoShui[2013]No.004, corporate tax relief and exemption are granted to ChengDe NanJiang Ecological
Agriculture Co., Ltd. because of its agricultural activities.

3、Other notes

VI、Business combination and consolidated financial statements


(1)Subsidiaries acquired not through business combinations

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB ten thousand

Subsidia Subsidia Place of Busines Register                     Actual Balance Shareho Voting Join the Minorit Minorit               The
ry             ry    Registra      s       ed                   investm of other       lding   Rights Consoli      y            y   amount
                                                   s Scope
Compan Compan          tion     Charact Capital                  ent at     projects   Ratio   Ratio    dated   interest interest    the

                                                                 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

y Name     y Type               eristics                       the year    which     (%)           Financia   used to parent’s
                                                                 end       forms                      l       written    equity
                                                                            net                    Stateme      off     used to
                                                                          investm                   nts or     profit   written
                                                                          ent on                     not      and loss off loss
                                                                          subsidia                                        from
                                                                            ries                                        subsidia
                                                                                                                         in the
                                                                                                                        equity at
                                                                                                                        the year
                                                   ent of
                                                   , mining
e                     ChengD
              A                                    agricult
NanJian wholly                                     ure
                      County, Investm      9,000                9,000
           owned                                   project,                                         Yes
g                                                                           ---      100%   100%
           subsidia               ent      CNY     Real         CNY
Investm               Provinc
             ry                                    Estate,
ent Co.,                e

Ltd.*1                                             tion

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

                                                trade of

                                                on of
ChengD                                          cereals
e                                        and
                  ChengD Ecologi
NanJian       A
                     e      cal          edible
g         wholly          Agricult
                  County,   ure    1,000 fungus; 1,000                                   Yes
Ecologi owned                            Planting                   ---   100%   100%
                   HeBei Planting
cal      subsidia           and    CNY              CNY
                  Provinc Breedin        of fruit、
Agricult    ry
                     e       g           vegetabl
ure Co.,
                                         e and
Ltd. *2

                                                on and
                                                ng of
                      ChengD                    high-gra
e                        e                      de
XingYe                County,  Paper 25,000 coated          7,500
           subsidia           Producti                                                   Yes
                                            paper                   ---   100%   100%
                      HeBei      on
Paper        ry                        USD                  USD
                      Provinc               and
Co.,                                        kraft
Ltd. *3                                         liner

NanJian       A                                 Internati
g   Asia wholly HongKo                          onal
           owned                          2,000 investm                                  Yes
Investm                 ng,     Trading                     0.00    ---   100%   100%
           subsidia China                 USD   ent and
ent Co.,
              ry                                trading
       Holding ChengD Energy                    Researc                                        4,978,7
                      Researc                                                            Yes
Chengd subsidia                           5,000 h,          5,000   ---   90%    90%
                  e    h and                                                                     52.68

                                                         CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

            ry      County, Develop          develop
e                            ment     CNY                USD
                    HeBei                    ment,
Morsh                                        sales,
Technol               e                      technica
                                             ng and
Ltd.*5                                       technica
                                             me and
                                             s, power
                                             s, high

e                     e                      Property
          Holding         Property
HuiJing           County, manage       50    manage      50
         subsidia                                                                            Yes
                            ment             ment                 ---    100%     100%
property    ry             service    CNY                CNY
                  Provinc                    service
*1 On October 9 2012, ChengDe NanJiang Investment Co., Ltd. was established and invested by Chengde Rongyida Real Estate
Development Co., Ltd. The registered capital was RMB 50,000,000.00 and RongYiDa accounted for 100% of NanJiang Investment’s
equity. On December 21 2012, RongYiDa transfer 100% of NanJiang Investment’s equity to the company at the price of RMB
50,000,000.00. After the transfer, the company held 100% of NanJiang Investment’s equity. On January 6 2013, NanJiang increase
share capital of NanJiang Investment by RMB 40,000,000.00. After the increment, the registered capital of NanJiang Investment
reach RMB 90,000,000.00.

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

*2 On October 24 2012, ChengDe NanJiang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. established and invested by ChengDe NanJiang
Investment Co., Ltd. The registered capital was RMB 5,000,000.00 and NanJiang Investment held 100% of Ecological Agriculture’s
equity. On April 18 2013, NanJiang Investment increase share capital of NanJiang Ecological Agriculture by RMB 5,000,000.00.
After the increment, the registered capital of NanJiang Ecological Agriculture reach RMB 10,000,000.00.

*3 On October 26 2001, Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was established by the company together with (Hong Kong)
Zhanxi International Group Co., Ltd. the registered capital of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was 250 million U.S. dollars,
the paid-in capital was $100,000,000.00, Shareholders' contribution accounted for 40% of the registered capital, and in which the
company invested 75,000,000.00 dollar ( accounting for 75%), (Hong Kong)Zhanxi invested 25,000,000.00 dollar ( proportion
25%).On October 28, 2002, according to the regulation of ― reply to investment increase of joint ventures of Chengde XingYe Paper
Limited company‖ approved by the people's Republic of China Ministry of foreign trade and Economic Cooperation ( the former of
the Ministry of Commerce ) with the issuance of No.[2001]969, the registered capital was increased to $ 250 million from $ 10,000
million, The new registered capital had been paid by the two sides in accordance with the contract, articles of agreement within three
years from the date of the business license renewal. The registered capital of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company was not paid
fully within the prescribed period. Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company had been shut down completely suffered from
December 2006 serious loss since the original largest shareholder Wang Shuxian and senior executives involved in smuggling effect,
On December 8, 2008, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court issued the No (2008)13 Chengde Civil Award and
confirmed the bankruptcy liquidation of the application of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company. On March 11, 2009, Hebei
province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court approved the settlement request of Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company
according to the Civil Award with No. (2008)13. On May 10, 2009, Hebei province Chengde City Intermediate People's Court
confirmed the settlement agreement reached on May 8, 2009 between Chengde XingYe Paper Limited Company and the creditors
and terminated the reconciliation procedure. On April 23, 2009, the Hebei Provincial Higher People's Court issued No.(2009) 44
Hebei ‖criminal Award‖ and confirmed that Chengde XingYe Paper Limited company was a false foreign investment enterprise
which was registered in the name of the Hong Kong ZhanXi by the company's original shareholders of Wang Shuxian. In October
2012, the company received civil conciliation No.[2011]76 from ChengDe Intermediate People's court. The civil conciliation
confirmed the dispute settlement between the company and ShuXian Wang: ShuXian Wang was responsible for coordinating
minority of ChengDe XingYe Paper Co., Ltd to abandon their equity, assisting the company to complete the liquidation and
cancellation of XingYe. After the above works were done, the company agreed to transfer 20% equity of Suning Banhe Chemical
Fiber Facsimile Fabric Co., Ltd, land of industrial park (34.03 acre), factory (25596.87 square meter) and land of No.131 (44.4 acre)
to ShuXian Wang.

*4 On November 14, 2013, NanJiang Asia Investment Co., Ltd. (―NanJiang Asia‖) was invested by NanJiang, with the register
capital of USD 20 million. Paid-in share capital is USD 0.00 and the register place is Hong Kong.

*5 On January 24, 2013, Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. (―Morsh Technology‖) was invested by NanJiang and Morsh
(NingBo) Technology Co., Ltd, with the register capital of RMB 50,000,000.00: NanJiang contribute RMB 45,000,000.00,
accounting for 90% of the total share capital; Morsh (NingBo) Technology contribute RMB 5,000,000.00, accounting for 10% of the
total share capital.

*6 On November 18, 2013, Chengde HuiJing property Co., Ltd (―HuiJing Property‖) was invested by NanJiang Investment, with the
register capital of RMB 500,000.00. NanJiang Investment contributes RMB 500,000.00, accounting for 100% of share capital.

                                                                     CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(2)Subsidiaries acquired by business combination under common control

                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

Subsidia Subsidia Place of Busines Register Busines Actual                Balance Shareho Voting            Join the Minorit Minorit             The
ry        ry         Registra s            ed       s Scope investm of other lding                 Rights   Consoli y               y           amount
Compan Compan tion             Charact Capital                 ent      at projects Ratio          Ratio    dated          interest interest      the
y Name y Type                  eristics                        the year which              (%)              Financia                used to parent’s
                                                               end        forms                             l                       written     equity
                                                                          net                               Stateme                 off         used to
                                                                          investm                           nts       or            profit      written
                                                                          ent         on                    not                     and loss off loss
                                                                          subsidia                                                               from
                                                                          ries                                                                 subsidia
                                                                                                                                                in the
                                                                                                                                               equity at
                                                                                                                                               the year

Chengd                                              Develop
Rongyid              ChengD
               A                                    clothes
                        e         Real
a Real    wholly                           10,000, manufac
                     County,      Estate                         1.00
          owned                                     ture,                                                       Yes
Estate                                     000.00                               ---         100%    100%
          subsidia             Develop              import      CNY
Develop              Provinc                CNY
               ry                                   &
ment                    e

Co.,                                                of

On February 20 2009, Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd was established with registered capital of RMB
10,000,000.00 (Fei Wang contributed RMB 9,000,000.00, accounted for 90% of the total equity; LiPing Chen contributed RMB

                                                                      CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

1,000,000.00, accounted for 10% of the total equity). On July 27 2009, Fei Wang and LiPing Chen transfer 90% and 10% of
RongYiDa’s equity to former largest shareholder Rong Chen at the price of RMB 9,000,000.00 and RMB 1,000,000.00 respectively.
At the same day, Rong Chen transfer 100% of RongYiDa’s equity to the company at the price of RMB 1.00. After the transfer, the
company held 100% of RongYiDa’s equity.

(3)Subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under common control

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB ten thousand

Subsidia Subsidia Place of Busines Register Busines Actual                Balance Shareho Voting           Join the Minorit Minorit              The
ry          ry        Registra s           ed       s Scope investm of other lding                Rights   Consoli y                 y         amount
Compan Compan tion              Charact Capital                 ent     at projects Ratio         Ratio    dated          interest interest      the
y Name y Type                   eristics                        the year which             (%)             Financia                  used to parent’s
                                                                end       forms                            l                         written    equity
                                                                          net                              Stateme                   off       used to
                                                                          investm                          nts       or              profit    written
                                                                          ent         on                   not                       and loss off loss
                                                                          subsidia                                                               from
                                                                          ries                                                                 subsidia
                                                                                                                                                in the
                                                                                                                                               equity at
                                                                                                                                               the year


Water                                               onal
            Holding             Internati 3,000.0
(Tianjin                                            trading     900.00                                                     22,324,
            subsidia TianJing                                                                                  Yes
                                   onal         0   of                          ---         30%   53.43%
)                ry                                              CNY
                                trading     CNY     plastic
Internati                                           material


                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)


Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. (―RunHua‖) is a limited liability company registered through TianJing
BinHai New District Administration for Industry and Commerce (Runhua’s business license is 120192000028688). The initial
registered capital is RMB 30 million, including: Runhua Rural Water developing Co., Ltd contribute 4 million, accounting for 13.34%
of the total registered capital, BaoSheng Yang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, QianYing
Wang contribute 2 million, accounting for 6.67% of the total registered capital, PeiWen Ren contribute 2.01 million, accounting for
6.70% of the total registered capital, XiaoFan Zhang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital,
ChunHong Lan contribute 9.03 million, accounting for 30.10% of the total registered capital, QinHua Zhao contribute 7 million,
accounting for 23.33% of the total registered capital, ZhengHong Jia contribute 3 million, accounting for 10.00% of the total
registered capital, Kai Li contribute 0.96 million, accounting for 3.20% of the total registered capital.

On June 25 2013, according to the equity’s transfer agreement, ChunHong Lan and QinHua Zhao transfer 6.67% and 23.33% of
share capital respectively to NanJiang. After the transfer, Nanjiang contribute 9 million, accounting for 30% of the total share capital.
After the transfer, the capital ratio is: Runhua Rural Water developing Co., Ltd contribute 4 million, accounting for 13.34% of the
total registered capital, BaoSheng Yang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, QianYing Wang
contribute 2 million, accounting for 6.67% of the total registered capital, PeiWen Ren contribute 2.01 million, accounting for 6.70%
of the total registered capital, XiaoFan Zhang contribute 1 million, accounting for 3.33% of the total registered capital, ChunHong
Lan contribute 7.03 million, accounting for 23.43% of the total registered capital, ZhengHong Jia contribute 3 million, accounting for
10.00% of the total registered capital, Kai Li contribute 0.96 million, accounting for 3.20% of the total registered capital, Nanjiang
contribute 9 million, accounting for 30% of the total share capital.

2、Special purposes entity or operation entity where controlling right is formed under entrusted operation
or leasing

       Not Applicable.

3、Explanation for changes in consolidation scope

Explanation for changes in consolidation scope

        New subsidiaries that are in consolidation scope during the reporting period are listed below:

Subsidiary Company Name                  Explanation for changes                Net Asset at the year       Net profit in this
                                                                                         end                     period

Runhua       Rural    Water     (Tianjin) share acquisition                                    3,189.15                   735.61
International Trade Co., Ltd.

Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. new incorporation                                           4,978.75                   -21.25

Chengde HuiJing property Co., Ltd.       new incorporation                                       49.81                     -0.19

NanJiang Asia Investment Co., Ltd        new incorporation                                         0.00                     0.00

                 Total                                                                         8,217.71                   714.17

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

      On August 28, 2008, Runhua Rural Water (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. (―RunHua‖) (limited liability) registered
through TianJing BinHai New District Administration for Industry and Commerce. On June, 2013, NanJiang acquired 30% of
RunHua’s share capital. Therefore, RunHua’s Income statement and cash flow between 2013-6-25 and 2013-12-31 are in
consolidation scope.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Compare to last year, four new subsidiaries are in consolidation scope, reasons are

Compare to last year, zero subsidiaries are out of in consolidation scope, reasons are

4、New subsidiaries in the consolidation scope and subsidiaries out of consolidation scope during the
reporting period.

New subsidiaries in the consolidation scope
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB ten thound

                    Company Name                                  Net asset at the year-end                Net profit in this period

RunHua Water                                                                              3,189.15                                 735.61

Morsh Technology                                                                          4,978.75                                 -21.25

HuiJing property                                                                               49.81                                   -0.19

NanJiangAsia                                                                                    0.00                                   0.00

Subsidiaries out of consolidation scope

Not applicable

5、Subsidiaries acquired by business combination under common control

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
Not applicable

6、Subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under common control

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

          Company Name                                 Goodwill                               Accounting treatment for goodwill

RunHua Water                                                        1,809,762.89

      On June 25, 2013, through business combination not under the common control, NanJiang acquired 30% of RunHua’s equity
and control the company. The consideration of the acquisition is based on the market price of identifiable assets and liabilities
(Walker (Beijing) international assets evaluation co., LTD issue [2012]No.0283 evaluation report to confirm the evaluated price). The
acquisition is based on both party’s voluntary and they both are familiar with the markets, therefore, identifiable assets and liabilities
are at the fair value. The difference between the initial cost of the parent’s long term investment and the deserved share of the parent

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

in identifiable assets and liabilities confirmed as goodwill. The acquisition confirm the relationship of parent and subsidiary between
NanJiang and RunHua. When it comes to preparing the consolidated financial statement, Runhua’s financial statements are adjust
based on the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities on the acquisition date (evaluation price plus net profit produced from
evaluation date to consolidation date).

     On January 9, 2013, NanJiang signed an acquisition agreement with original shareholder of RunHua, acquiring 30% of
RunHua’s equity with the consideration of RMB 9170.37 thousand. The consideration is based on [2012]No.0283 evaluation report
issued by Walker (Beijing) international assets evaluation co., LTD. The date of shareholders’ resolution is January 9, 2013.
Acquisition payment date is June 25, 2013, the Industrial and commercial registration date of change is June 24, 2013, and the
acquision date confirm at June 25, 2013.

Any subsidiaries acquired by Stage during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

7、Loss of subsidiaries due to disposal of equity interests without controlling rights during the reporting

Not applicable

8、Counter purchase occurred during the reporting period

Not applicable

9、Absorption consolidation occurred during the reporting period

Not applicable

10、Translation exchange rates for items in major statements of overseas operating entities

Not applicable

VII、Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1、Monetary funds


                                             Closing Balance                                      Opening Balance

           Item                   Original      Exchange           RMB               Original       Exchange            RMB
                                  Currency                       Translation        Currency           rate          Translation

Cash:                                --             --                19,146.58         --              --                 72,492.38

 RMB                                 --             --                19,146.58         --              --                 72,492.38

Bank:                                --             --            77,962,341.48         --              --             81,473,554.49

                                                                CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

 RMB                                   --              --            75,093,993.26          --                 --               81,440,569.01

 USD                                  470,460.11 6.0969               2,868,348.22           5,247.80 6.2855                       32,985.48

Other monetary funds                   --              --            11,445,403.16          --                 --

 RMB                                   --              --            11,445,403.16          --                 --

 Total                                 --              --            89,426,891.22          --                 --               81,546,046.87

(2) Restricted monetary funds during the reporting period are shown below:

                            Item                                        Closing Balance                             Opening Balance

guaranteed deposit for individual mortgages                                            1,045,403.16                       ---

deposit for notes payable                                                             10,400,000.00                       ---

                          Total                                                       11,445,403.16                       ---

Deposit for notes payable RMB 10,400,000.00 belong to RunHua, the company has already deduct this amount when they prepare
cash flow statement.
(2) Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of monetary funds increased by RMB 7,880,844.35, with the growth rate of
9.66%. The major explanations for the increase were:        New subsidiary RunHua are in the consolidated scope.



                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                 Closing Balance                                        Opening Balance

         Classification               Book value             Bad debt provision            Book value                 Bad debt provision

                                   Amount   Ratio (%)       Amount       Ratio (%)    Amount      Ratio (%)         Amount        Ratio (%)

accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by aging analyze method

aging portfolio                123,348.00          100%      6,167.40            5%

Portfolio subtotal             123,348.00          100%      6,167.40            5%

total                          123,348.00         --         6,167.40       --                        --                              --

Nots to receivables classification
Receivables are significant and accruing bad debt provision individually
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by aging analyze method
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                            Closing Balance                                             Opening Balance

         Aging                      Book value                                                   Book value
                                                             Bad debt provision                                           Bad debt provision
                             Amount              ratio(%)                                 Amount              ratio(%)

Within one year

                                                                     CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Including:                       --                     --                   --                          --                  --                  --

Subtotal (<1 year)                123,348.00              100%                     6,167.40

total                             123,348.00             --                        6,167.40                                   --

Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by balance percentage method
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                Portfolio Name                                Book value                  Accrued ratio(%)                       Bad debt provision

receivable accrued bad debt by profolio                               123,348.00                                       5%                              6,167.40

total                                                                 123,348.00                     --                                                6,167.40

Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by other method
□ Applicable √ not applicable
Receivables are insignificant and accruing bad debt provision individually
□ Applicable √ not applicable

3、Other Receivables


                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                Closing Balance                                                     Opening Balance

         Classification                Book value                Bad debt provision                 Book value                      Bad debt provision

                                  Amount       ratio(%)          Amount        ratio(%)        Amount              ratio(%)         Amount         ratio(%)

1 Individually significant
amounts of accounts
                              1,209,273.00      14.42% 1,209,273.00                           1,209,273.00            3.51%        1,209,273.00
receivable accrued bad
debt provision

Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

Portfolio                     5,318,030.55      63.42%           341,921.88                   1,504,762.66            4.37%        1,504,762.66

Portfolio subtotal            5,318,030.55      63.42%           341,921.88                   1,504,762.66            4.37%        1,504,762.66

Individually insignificant
amounts of accounts                                                                           31,752,727.3
                              1,857,951.91      22.16% 1,857,951.91                                                  92.12%        3,583,707.69
receivable accrued bad                                                                                         3
debt provision

Total                         8,385,255.46          --         3,409,146.79         --                                --           6,297,743.35          --

Explanation for three types of other receivables:
        (1) The receivables with more than RMB 1 million are recognized as the significant receivables. After the identification of the
significant receivables, the creditor’s right, which was acquired by auction in 2009 and worth RMB 1,209,273.00, was confirmed as
individually significant amounts. The creditor’s right was confirmed to be irrecoverable and it was accrued full bad debt provision.

                                                                   CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

     (2)According to the business characteristic of the company, the irrecoverable risks are high for the other accounts receivable
with an aging of over 3 years. Therefore, other accounts receivable which are less than RMB 1 million and with an aging of over 3
years are considered as individually insignificant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision

Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

        Name of Debtor              Book Value               Bad debt provision        Accrued ratio(%)             Reason

Creditor’s right from auctions         1,209,273.00                   1,209,273.00                   100% Over 3 years

Total                                   1,209,273.00                   1,209,273.00            --                       --

Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by aging portfolio
√ Applicable □ not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                             Closing Balance                                        Opening Balance

                                     Book value                                             Book value
                                                       Ratio           Bad debt                           Ratio       Bad debt
                                   amount                                                 amount
                                                       (%)                                                (%)

Within 1 year


                                                 ---          --                  --                ---                               ---

<1 year subtotal                      5,085,113.76 95.62%                242,138.52      26,483,385.17    83.4%         1,324,169.26

1-2 year                                228,916.79      4.3%              97,783.36       1,250,442.16    3.94%              250,088.43

2-3 year                                  4,000.00     0.08%               2,000.00       4,018,900.00 12.66%           2,009,450.00

Total                                 5,318,030.55      --               341,921.88      31,752,727.33      --          3,583,707.69

Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by balance percentage portfolio
□ Applicable √ not applicable
Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by other portfolio
□ Applicable √ not applicable
Other accounts receivable which are individually insignificant and perform impairment test separately at the year-end
√ Applicable □ not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

     Name of Debtor               Book value                 Bad debt provision        Accrued ratio(%)             Reason

AnSheng Wang                              141,000.00                    141,000.00                    100% Expected irrecoverable

DeGang Bao                                356,838.00                    356,838.00                    100% Expected irrecoverable

QiZhong Yan                               200,000.00                    200,000.00                    100% Expected irrecoverable

ChengQuan Liu                             300,000.00                    300,000.00                    100% Expected irrecoverable

                                                                     CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

TianHong Li                                     217,424.66                     217,424.66                           100% Expected irrecoverable

HaiHong Zhou                                    642,689.25                     642,689.25                           100% Expected irrecoverable

Total                                      1,857,951.91                   1,857,951.91                   --                            --

(2)Reversal or recovery of other receivables in this fiscal year

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                               Amount of bad debt
                                   Reasons for reversal           Original Method for                                        Amount of reversal or
        Name of Debtor                                                                          before reversal or
                                         or recovery               accruing bad debt                                                recovery

BanHe Administrator               Revovery                   Aging analyses method                        2,009,450.00                     1,447,846.06

Other small debtor                Revovery                   Aging analyses method                            956,828.70                        956,828.70

Total                                           --                        --                              2,966,278.70                     --

(3)Other receivables written off during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                    Reason for written        Weather related-party
  Name of Debtor                 Nature              Time of written of Amount written off
                                                                                                              off                   transacrion

BanHe                                                                                               irrecoverable due to
                        Current account                                              561,603.94                             No
Administrator                                                                                       liquidation

         Total                      --                       --                      561,603.94                --                          --

(4)The top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

Debtors Ranking                Relationships                 Amounts due                    Aging                          Rate in total

China         International Non-Related Party                2,267,885.00                   Within 1 year                  27.05%
Futures Co., Ltd.

BeiDa            FangZheng Non-Related Party                 682,636.00                     Within 1 year                  8.14%
Material Industry Group

MinFeng            (TianJin) Related Party                   670,000.00                     Within 1 year                  7.99%
Material            Industry
Chemical Trading Co.,

HaiHong Zhou                   Non-Related Party             642,689.25                     Within 1 year                  7.66%

TianJin Custom                 Non-Related Party             601,277.95                     Within 1 year                  7.17%

           Total                           --                             4,864,488.20                   --                                        58.01%

                                                          CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)


(1)The aging analysis

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                   Closing Balance                                          Opening Balance
                                Amount                        Ratio(%)               Amount                     Ratio(%)

Within 1 year                                 28,533,344.69       84.33%                             308,292.36             100%

1-2 years                                       101,600.00             0.3%

2-3 years                                      5,201,365.53       15.37%

Total                                         33,836,310.22       --                                 308,292.36        --

(2)The top five prepayment accounts

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

    Debtors Ranking            Relationship                   Amount                 Aging              Reason for unsettle

 ChengDe ChangCheng
                            Non-Related Party                   25,000,000.00    Within 1 year          Project prepayment
   Construction Group

   JinShang (TianJin)
                            Non-Related Party                    5,201,365.53       2-3 year          Residence prepayment
  Investment Co., Ltd.

 ShaBo basis (Shanghai)
                            Non-Related Party                    2,425,514.01    Within 1 year           Purchase Goods
    trading Co., Ltd

   MinFeng (TianJin)
    Material industry         Related Party                      1,945,944.00    Within 1 year           Purchase Goods
chemical industry Co.Ltd

    HaiChao Zheng           Non-Related Party                     790,000.00     Within 1 year           Purchase Goods

            Total                   --                          35,362,823.54          --                         --

(3)Notes to prepayment

    Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of prepayment increasd by RMB 33,528,017.86, with the increase rate of
10875.00%. The major explanations for the increase were: Project prepaymentfor ChengDe ChangCheng Construction Group.

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)



                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                            Closing Balance                                               Opening Balance
                              Book Value         Impairment     Net book value          Book Value          Impairment      Net book value

Raw material                     836,393.84                            836,393.84

Finished goods                 15,270,790.02                       15,270,790.02          200,929.00                             200,929.00

Circulation material               18,498.40                            18,498.40

                                2,113,905.42                          2,113,905.42        198,300.00                             198,300.00
biological   assets

Development cost              163,568,661.40                     163,568,661.40          9,926,226.12                          9,926,226.12

Product development             7,642,776.18                          7,642,776.18      10,165,279.49                        10,165,279.49

Cost of production              1,118,939.06                          1,118,939.06

Total                         190,569,964.32                     190,569,964.32         20,490,734.61                        20,490,734.61

6、Other current assets

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                       Item                                    Closing Balance                                Opening Balance

Deductible input VAT                                                            3,362,445.37                                                ---

Land VAT (prepayment)                                                            1,115,712.87                                               ---

The ICBC financial product                                                                  ---                                9,000,000.00

Total                                                                           4,478,158.24                                   9,000,000.00

7、Long-term equity investments

(1)Detail for long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                         Closing            Closing           Closing          Operating
                       Stake ratio    Voting right                                                                            Net profit in
 Invested Company                                      Balance of       Balance of total balance of net income in this
                          (%)              (%)                                                                                this period
                                                        total asset         liability             asset          period

1、Joint venture


MinFeng (TianJin)
                               49%               49% 63,887,620.90 54,823,336.31            9,064,284.59 199,603,972.64           64,284.59
Material Industry

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Chemical Trading
Co., Ltd.

RunHua (TianJin)
Water Saving Tech            31.75%          31.75% 14,178,652.88     7,294,815.73     6,883,837.15 11,086,807.85       549,913.45
Co., Ltd.

(2)Limited ability to transfer capital to invested company

Not applicable
Notes to long-term equity investments
(1) On October 14 2011, RunHua (TianJin) Water Saving Tech Co., Ltd. was established and obtained the business liscence, with the
registered capital of RMB 6300 thousand, including RunHua developing Co., Ltd. Contribute RMB 3000 thousand, accounting for
47.619% of the total share capital, subsidiary RunHua contribute RMB 2000 thousand, accounting for 31.746% of the total share
capital,    LangFang ChunYuan irrigating prject Co., Ltd contribute RMB 1000 thousand, accounting for 15.873% of total share
capital, HePing Zhang contribute RMB 300 thousand, accounting for 4.7619% of total share capital.

(2) On December 21 2012, MinFeng (TianJin) Material Industry Chemical Trading Co., Ltd. was established, with the registered
capital of RMB 9000 thousand, including MinFeng (ShanXi) Material Industry Chemical Trading Co., Ltd contribute 459 thousand,
accounting for 51% of the total share capital, subsidiary RunHua contribute RMB 4410 thousand, accounting for 49% of the total
share capital.

8、Fixed assets


                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                              Decrease in this
               Items                Opening Balance         Increase in this period                               Closing Balance

1 Total original book vale:            27,920,093.42                          4,487,895.72        18,551,360.24      13,856,628.90

Including : buildings and
                                       26,592,797.32                                              18,497,360.24       8,095,437.08

Machinery equipment                        10,500.00                          1,198,315.43                            1,208,815.43

Transportation vehicles                 1,233,161.91                          2,603,156.23                            3,836,318.14

Other equipment                            83,634.19                            686,424.06            54,000.00         716,058.25

                                                       New in this                            Decrease in this
                 --                 Opening Balance                   Accrue in this period                       Closing Balance
                                                         period                                   period

2      Total          accumulated
                                        3,177,989.82                          1,862,953.93         2,480,668.46       2,560,275.29

Including:       buildings   and
                                        3,031,578.44                            659,076.42         2,460,148.46       1,230,506.40

Machinery equipment                                                              52,877.32                               52,877.32

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Transportation vehicles                 133,127.47                                940,020.60                               1,073,148.07

Other equipment                          13,283.91                                210,979.59            20,520.00           203,743.50

                --                Opening Balance                                   --                              Closing Balance
3 Total net book value of
                                     24,742,103.60                                  --                                    11,296,353.61
fixed assets
Including: buildings and
                                     23,561,218.88                                  --                                     6,864,930.68
Machinery equipment                      10,500.00                                  --                                     1,155,938.11

Transportation vehicles               1,100,034.44                                  --                                     2,763,170.07

Other equipment                          70,350.28                                  --                                      512,314.75


4 Total book value of fixed
                                     24,742,103.60                                  --                                    11,296,353.61

Including:   buildings      and
                                     23,561,218.88                                  --                                     6,864,930.68

Machinery equipment                      10,500.00                                  --                                     1,155,938.11

Transportation vehicles               1,100,034.44                                  --                                     2,763,170.07

Other equipment                          70,350.28                                  --                                      512,314.75

The total accumulated depreciation for the current accounting period is RMB 1,862,953.93.
The original book value of fixed assets charged from construction in progress is RMB 402,587.43.

(2)Fixed assets rent out thorugh operating lease

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                            Classification                                                     Closing Balance

House and Buildings                                                                                                        1,236,210.15

(3)Fixed assets without certificates of ownership at the year-end

                                                     Reason for without certificates of    Estimated time for acquiring the cerificates
                                                                ownership                                 of ownership

                                             All the assets pledged to lift, transfer
House and Buildings                                                                                       Unpredictable
                                             procedures have not yet completed

Explanation for fixed assets
Fixed assets had been transferred to Chengde Rongyida Real Estate Development Co., Ltd in 2009 during the bankruptcy
reorganization. But due to release of pledge is still under progress so that the property transfer cannot be done. Information has been
issued by Hebei Chengde intermediate people's court to Chengde housing construction Bureau to ask for the assistance of execute
property certificate ChengXian Fang ZI No.000196 and 000108 to complete the property transfer.

Our company has rented out those temporarily idle houses (certificates for property right: ChengDe No.000196), venues and received

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

the rental fee of RMB 81,200.00. Due to no calculation on the square meter of the rental areas, it is hard to get the rental cost,
considering the amount is relatively small, our company decided not to transfer those part of amount from fix assets to investment

9、Construction in Progress


                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                              Closing Balance                                       Opening Balance
                                 Book value      Impairment      Net book value      Book value       Impairment      Net book value

Factory                                                                                 26,925.00                           26,925.00

Machinery Equiment                                                                     338,927.43                          338,927.43

Well and other accessories                                                              15,535.00                           15,535.00

Wages                                                                                   21,200.00                           21,200.00

Total                                                                                  402,587.43                          402,587.43

10、Productive Biological Assets

(1)Measurement at cost

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

            Item              Opening Balance       Increase in this period       Decrease in this period         Closing balance

1、Farm production


Egg and Chick                                                    392,756.47                       248,745.76               144,010.71

Hens                                                             167,092.15                        52,912.52               114,179.63


4、aquatic products

Total                                                            559,848.62                       301,658.28               258,190.34

11、Intangible assets


                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

Items                         Opening Balance           Increase in this period    Decrease in this period     Closing Balance

1 Total of original value               28,976,579.45               2,878,877.77                                        31,855,457.22

                                                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(1) Land use right                         28,976,579.45               2,650,877.77                                         31,627,457.22

(2) Software                                                              228,000.00                                           228,000.00

2       Total     accumulated
                                            2,271,475.07                  862,328.74                                         3,133,803.81

(1) Land use right                          2,271,475.07                  719,328.74                                         2,990,803.81

(2) Software                                                              143,000.00                                           143,000.00

3 Total net book value                     26,705,104.38               2,016,549.03                                         28,721,653.41

(1) Land use right                         26,705,104.38               1,931,549.03                                         28,636,653.41

(2) Software                                                               85,000.00                                            85,000.00

4 Total of intangible asset
                                           26,705,104.38               2,016,549.03                                         28,721,653.41
book value

(1) Land use right                         26,705,104.38               1,931,549.03                                         28,636,653.41

(2) Software                                                               85,000.00                                            85,000.00

Amortization in this period is RMB 862,328.74


                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                             Increase in this    Decease in this                              Impair at
                 Item                 Opening balance                                                  Closing balance
                                                                 period                perido                                 year-end

Acquire subsidiary                                   0.00        1,809,762.89                              1,809,762.89

Total                                                            1,809,762.89                              1,809,762.89

Notes to goodwill impairment testing method
On June 25, 2013, through business combination not under the common control, NanJiang acquired 30% of RunHua’s equity and
control the company. The consideration of the acquisition is based on the market price of identifiable assets and liabilities (Walker
(Beijing) international assets evaluation co., LTD issue [2012]No.0283 evaluation report to confirm the evaluated price). The
acquisition is based on both party’s voluntary and they both are familiar with the markets, therefore, identifiable assets and liabilities
are at the fair value. The difference between the initial cost of the parent’s long term investment and the deserved share of the parent in
identifiable assets and liabilities confirmed as goodwill in the consolidated financial statements.
On December 31, 2013, net asset of RunHua is increased, so there is no evidence of impairment.

13、Long Term Deferred Expenses

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                          Increase in this   Amortization in                                             Reasons for other
        Item            Opening balance                                          Other decrease       Closing balance
                                              period           in this period                                                decrease

Decoration fee               734,424.92      7,741,676.63          664,529.03                            7,811,572.52

Total                        734,424.92      7,741,676.63          664,529.03                            7,811,572.52           --

                                                                  CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

14、Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(1)Deferred tax assets and liabilities disclosure (not offset)

Deferred tax assets and liabilities which have been confirmed
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                           Item                                        Closing Balance                           Opening Balance

Deferred tax assets:

Assets impairment                                                                        834,223.19                               1,518,810.84

Total                                                                                    834,223.19                               1,518,810.84

Deferred tax liabilities:

Deferred tax assets which have not been confirmed
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                        Items                                          Closing balance                           Opening balance

1 Deductible temporary differences                                                        72,254.02                                 222,499.99

2 Deductible loss                                                                  137,486,697.69                              440,162,868.08

                        Total                                                      137,558,951.71                              440,385,368.07

Deferred tax assets (generated by deductible loss) were expired in periods shown blow:
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
        Items(year)                  Closing balance                   Opening balance                              Notes
            2013                                            ---              302,676,170.39

            2014                             114,543,457.05                  114,543,457.05

            2015                                            ---                            ---

            2016                                            ---                            ---

            2017                               22,943,240.64                  22,943,240.64

            2018                                            ---                            ---

            Total                            137,486,697.69                  440,162,868.08

Detail for taxable difference and deductible differences
Not applicable

(2)Deferred tax assets and liabilities disclosure (offset)

Disclosure after deferred tax assets and liabilities offset to each other
                                                                                                                                 Uunit: RMB

                                               Deferred tax assets deductible temporary Deferred tax assets deductible temporary
                    Item                       and liabilities after       differences after     and liabilities after      differences after
                                               offset at year end         offset at year end     offset at year begin    offset at year begin

Deferred tax assets                                      834,223.19                                      1,518,810.84

                                                                CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Detail for offset between deferred tax assets and liabilities
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
Not applicable

15、Impairment of assets

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                          Increase in this           Decrease in this perido
               Item                    Opening Balance                                                               Closing Balance
                                                                period             Reverse          Written off

Bad debt provision                         6,297,743.35           240,542.63                          3,122,971.79       3,415,314.19

Total                                      6,297,743.35           240,542.63                          3,122,971.79       3,415,314.19

16、Notes paybale

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                      Classification                             Closing Balance                          Opening Balance

banker's acceptance bill                                                       26,000,000.00

Total                                                                          26,000,000.00

The amount will be mature at the next fiscal year.
Notes to notes payable
Compared to opening balance, closing balance of notes payable are increased by 26,000,000.00, the major reason for the increase is
new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope.


(1)Aging of payable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                          Item                                   Closing balance                          Opening Balance

Within 1 year                                                                   3,361,499.82                             2,039,628.36

1-2 years                                                                          286,757.79                                  100.00

2-3 years                                                                             100.00

Over 3 years                                                                        12,273.55                               12,273.55

Total                                                                           3,660,631.16                             2,052,001.91

(2)At the year-end of the reporting period, there are no payable due from any shareholders held over 5%

Not applicable

                                                           CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(3)Aging of accounts payable over one year

              Company name                    Amount        Reason for unsettle                  Remark
ChengDe LiCheng Construction and          281,157.79       Project final payment                    ---
installation project Co., Ltd.

18、Receivable in advance

(1)Aging of receivable in advance

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                           Item                                 Closing Balance                         Opening Balance

Within 1 year                                                               53,821,113.16                            7,120,711.50

1-2 years

2-3 years

Over 3years

Total                                                                       53,821,113.16                            7,120,711.50

(2)At the year-end of the reporting period, there are no receivable in advance due from any shareholders
held over 5%.

Not applicable


                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

          Item               Opening Blance       Increase in this period     Decrease in this period         Closing Balance

1 Wage, bonus,
allowance and                        180,374.00              6,726,463.38                   6,829,887.38                  76,950.00

2、Employee welfare                                            221,000.53                    221,000.53

3、Social insurance
                                      49,592.68                780,159.38                    799,065.16                   30,686.90

Including            :
a.Essential      medical              15,840.00                181,055.40                    176,471.20                   20,424.20
insurance charges

medical       insurance

                                                         CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

endowment                           32,933.00                508,158.70                    532,044.20                    9,047.50

d.         Supplement

                                       819.68                 49,582.18                        49,802.06                  599.80

f.Industrial      injury
                                                              26,180.09                        25,964.59                  215.50

g.             Maternity
                                                              15,183.01                        14,783.11                  399.90

4、Housing fund                                              269,115.16                    269,115.16

5、Other                          6,098,486.60                31,049.30                        31,809.30          6,097,726.60

6、Trade union and
education fee

Total                             6,328,453.28             8,027,787.75                   8,150,877.53            6,205,363.50

Amount of unpaid wages RMB
Amount of Trade union and education fee, amount of non-monetary welfare, amount of welfare from terminating a labor contract
Planned time for wages payment.

20、Tax payable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                           Item                                  Closing Balance                       Opening Balance

VAT                                                                             132,688.59                          -50,248.40

Business tax                                                                       67,762.28                        355,481.28

Corporate income tax                                                         12,078,983.62                        6,197,695.00

Individual taxable income                                                          35,510.93                             1,048.30

Urban construction tax                                                             19,182.58                       -112,371.20

Land VAT                                                                                 ---                      -1,178,375.52

Land use tax                                                                   2,753,192.71                       2,993,193.92

Education surcharge                                                                 7,871.26                        -67,073.88

Stamp tax                                                                          34,936.86                         21,257.53

Local education surcharge                                                           5,247.55                          -5,949.81

Housing property tax                                                           2,888,250.17                       2,888,250.17

River defense fare                                                                  3,278.03

                                                        CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Total                                                                            18,026,904.58                        11,042,907.39

21、Other payable

(1)Aging of other payable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                         Item                                  Closing Balance                             Opening Balance

Within 1 year                                                                 35,447,066.13                            4,320,266.25

1-2 years                                                                          119,168.49                         17,199,106.20

2-3 years                                                                           47,779.91                          2,932,027.94

Over 3 years                                                                       430,969.17                         27,726,978.57

Total                                                                         36,044,983.70                           52,178,378.96

(2)At the year-end of the reporting period, there are no other payable due from any shareholders held
over 5%.

Not applicable

(3)At the year-end of the reporting period, the other accounts payable in significant amount

                         Name                            Amount                       Nature or content

DaHua Certified Public Accounts                                 500,000.00           immature borrowing

ChengDe YongWang Construction project Co.,                      100,000.00           immature borrowing

ChengDe LiCheng Construction and installation                   200,000.00           immature borrowing
project Co., Ltd.

MinFeng (TianJin) Material industry chemical               31,000,000.00              Internal borrowing
industry Co.Ltd

ZhuoZhong (ShanXi) Trading CO., Ltd.                           1,319,199.72        Agent future investment

22、Share capital


                       Opening                      Increase (+)/decrease (-) in this period                            Closing
                       Balance       New share   Bonus share     Capital reserve        Other          subtotal         balance

Total share         706,320,000.00                                                                                   706,320,000.00

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

23、Capital reserves

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                Item                  Opening Balance         Increase in this period     Decrease in this period   Closing Balance

1 Capital premium (share
                                            390,597,031.55                                                                390,597,031.55
capital premium)

2.Other capital reserve*                     65,873,219.23                                                                 65,873,219.23

Total                                       456,470,250.78                                                                456,470,250.78

24、Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                Item                  Opening Balance         Increase in this period     Decrease in this period   Closing Balance

Statutory surplus reserves                   76,791,550.17                                                                 76,791,550.17

Total                                        76,791,550.17                                                                 76,791,550.17

25、Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                            Withdrawal or allocation
                              Items                                             Amount

Adjustment of opening balance of undistributed profits                                  -1,124,687,129.34                 --

opening balance of undistributed profits after adjustment                               -1,124,687,129.34                 --

Add: net profits belong to the parent in this period                                       94,806,811.16                  --

Closing Balance                                                                         -1,029,880,318.18                 --

26、Operating income and operating cost

(1)Operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                       Item                                  This period                                    Last perido

Principal business income                                                359,002,258.47                                    78,707,333.42

Other business income                                                      4,950,000.42                                        804,670.80

Business cost                                                            339,083,312.47                                    58,424,002.63

                                                       CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(2)Principal business income and cost (by industry)

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                 This period                                Last Period
                                      Income                      Cost             Income                 Cost

Agriculture                             1,112,907.68                1,583,798.68

Commerce                              324,167,497.71              314,011,252.79

Real Estate industry                   33,721,853.08               23,459,800.61   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

Total                                 359,002,258.47              339,054,852.08   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

(3)Principal business income and cost (by products)

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                 This period                                Last Period
                                      Income                      Cost             Income                 Cost

Agriculture product                     1,112,907.68                1,583,798.68

Chemical Material                     324,167,497.71              314,011,252.79

Real Estate                            33,721,853.08               23,459,800.61   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

Total                                 359,002,258.47              339,054,852.08   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

(4)Principal business income and cost (by district)

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                 This period                                Last Period
                                      Income                      Cost             Income                 Cost

ChengDe District                       34,834,760.76               25,043,599.29   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

TianJin                               324,167,497.71              314,011,252.79

Total                                 359,002,258.47              339,054,852.08   78,707,333.42          58,327,874.54

(5)The operating income of the top five customers of the Company

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

       Customer name or ranking       Principal business income                       Rate in total

MinFeng        (TianJin)   Material
                                                       38,248,888.89                                             10.51%
industry chemical industry Co.Ltd

NuoMao trading (ShangHai) Co.,
                                                        9,048,675.33                                             2.49%

BoLv (BeiJing) Tech Co., Ltd.                           8,654,017.09                                             2.38%

                                                          CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

HaiLi      (SuZhou)         electrical
                                                           8,371,111.17                                                     2.3%
equipment Co., Ltd.

QianChengShiHua (ZheJiang) Co.,
                                                           7,358,547.01                                                    2.02%

Total                                                     71,681,239.49                                                    19.7%

Notes to operating income
Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of operating income increased by RMB 284,440,254.67, with the growth rate
of 357.73%. The major explanations for the increase were: new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope increase income by
RMB 324,167,497.71 and income from QianYuan is reduced in this period.

27、Business tax and surcharges

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                 Item                       This period                 Last period                      Tax rate

Business tax                                     2,202,625.14                4,062,139.11 5%

Urban maintenance and construction
                                                   128,301.80                 203,106.96 5%

Education surcharge                                 71,528.75                 121,864.18 3%

Local education surcharge                           33,002.90                  81,242.78 2%

Land VAT                                           677,398.08                 481,104.20 Super rate progressive rate

Housing property tax                                14,784.67                              12%

Others                                                7,474.48                             ---

Total                                            3,135,115.82               4,949,457.23                    --

28、Marketing expense

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                                  This period                                Last Period

Printing expense                                                             5,211.00

Repair expense                                                               5,743.00

Warehouse expense                                                           29,628.91

Wages                                                                       49,747.11

Advertise expense                                                           85,850.00

Harbor expense                                                             136,407.10

Manufacturing expense for unfolded plank                                   196,800.00

Contract fee                                                               583,744.05

                               CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Transportation expense                        2,159,063.23

Others                                           11,442.18

Total                                         3,263,636.58

29、Administrative expense

                                                                                Unit: RMB

                      Item     This period                       Last Period

Wages                                         4,903,021.63                      1,802,580.12

Intermediary fees                             2,976,882.80                      2,383,227.64

Others                                        2,520,836.27                       917,319.58

Land use tax                                  2,516,106.83                      3,492,305.64

Business entertainment                        1,929,370.81                       780,240.29

Accumulated amortization                      1,874,911.87                      3,908,762.70

Travel expense                                 986,898.70                        542,265.86

Welfare                                        764,976.35                        239,031.96

Office expense                                 735,452.79                        394,117.40

Insurance                                      638,962.59                        196,539.38

Stamp tax                                      294,649.56                         71,080.15

Transportation                                 242,707.83                        125,927.20

Low-valued consumption goods                   235,481.00                         54,481.50

Housing provident fund                         186,872.76                         47,636.48

Long-term deferred expenses                     79,296.00                         71,992.00

Initial expenditure                             78,580.00                         33,010.00

Housing property tax                            29,424.08                        870,046.19

Union fees                                        5,949.00                          8,464.00

Total                                        21,000,380.87                     15,939,028.09

30、Financial expense

                                                                                Unit: RMB

                      Items    This Period                       Last Period

Interest expense                              1,030,671.89                      2,403,071.69

Less: interest income                          -662,129.17                       -101,723.22

Exchange gain or loss                           47,786.16                               1.17

Other                                          200,315.27                         88,806.02

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Total                                                                        616,644.15                                 2,390,155.66

31、Return on investment

(1)Detail for return on investment

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                         Items                                     This Period                           Last Period

Long-term equity (return on investment based on
equity accounting)

Other                                                                            111,230.13                               15,731.51

Total                                                                            164,602.55                               15,731.51

32、Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                             Items                                     This Period                        Last Period

Provision for bad debt                                                           -2,503,321.41                          4,541,023.68

Total                                                                            -2,503,321.41                          4,541,023.68

33、Non-operating income

(1)Details for non-operating income

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Amount in non-recurring
                     Items                           This Period                   Last Period
                                                                                                            profit and loss

Disposal of non-current assets                           131,918,787.19                108,799,222.07             131,918,787.19

Profit from disposal of fixed assets                      26,318,307.45                    779,288.18              26,318,307.45

Profit from disposal of intangible assets                105,600,479.74                108,019,933.89             105,600,479.74

Government grant                                             195,101.01                                                  195,101.01

Other                                                         211,376.25                   616,730.46                    211,376.25

Total                                                    132,325,264.45                109,415,952.53             132,325,264.45

Notes to non-operating income
Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of non-operating income increased by RMB 22,909,311.92, with the growth
rate of 20.94%. The major reasons were:
a) The transfer of land (Cheng Xian TuGuo Yong(2013) Zi No.019) from the company to the government, which created net profits
of RMB 126,173,267.96.
b) Equipment auction create net profit of RMB 5,745,519.23.
c) the total non-current assets disposal net profit is RMB 131,918,787.19.

                                                        CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(2)Government grant recorded in the current profit and loss

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                 Relevant to             Whether non-recurring
        Project name                This period         Last period
                                                                               assets/earnings              profit and loss

Scientific              test
                                           100,000.00                                earnings                    Yes
demonstration expense

Technology: three item
                                            50,000.00                                earnings                    Yes

Developing area (refund
                                             9,859.00                                earnings                    Yes
of duty) subsidy

VAT revenue relief                          33,742.01                                earnings                    Yes

Others                                       1,500.00                                earnings                    Yes

Total                                      195,101.01                                   --                        --

34、Non-operating expense

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Amount in non-recurring
                        Items                           This Period              Last Period
                                                                                                            profit and loss

Disposal of non-current assets                                                          58,856,083.88

Including: Disposal of fixed assets                                                     58,856,083.88

Donations contributed                                             2,000.00                                                2,000.00

Compensation and Tax penalty                                    76,473.85                                                76,473.85

Inventory loss                                                  33,480.00                                                33,480.00

Other                                                          503,840.54                4,405,736.48                  503,840.54

Total                                                          615,794.39               63,261,820.36                  615,794.39

35、Income tax expense

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                Items                                  This period                         Last period

Current income tax calculated based on tax law and relevant
                                                                               30,539,586.74                       7,561,259.04

Deferred income tax adjustment                                                       756,119.16                   -1,017,427.25

                                Total                                          31,295,705.90                       6,543,831.79

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

36、Calculation of Earnings per share (EPS) and diluted earnings per share

Basic earngings per share is calculated by dividing net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent by the weighted average
number of issued shares. The start date of ordinary shares issued in the period for the purpose of calculation of basic earnings per
share is the date on which subscription becomes receivable per contract of issuance.
Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the results of adjustment of net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent for
the interest expense for the dilutive convertible instruments, the expected gain or expense at the time of conversion and their related
income tax implication by the sum of the weighted average number of issued shares for calculation of baisc earnings per shares and
the weighted average number of potential shares from convertible instruments.
For the purpose of calculation of the weighted average number of potential shares from convertible instruments, the conversion date
for dilutive conventible instruments issued in prior period and dilutive convertible instruments issued in the period is the the 1st date
of the period and the issue date respectively.

(1) Calculation results
                                                                    This period                         Last period
           Profits during the reporting period
                                                            Basic EPS        Diluted EPS                         Basic EPS

Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                 0.13             0.13           0.05                  0.05

Recurring profit or loss attributable to ordinary              -0.01              -0.01          0.05                  0.05


(2) The calculation of EPS

                      项目                                序号                     本期数                     上期数

Net profit attributed to ordinary shareholder in 1                                   94,806,811.16               32,894,368.82
  current reporting period

Non-operating profit and loss attributed to         2                               100,421,297.03               34,615,599.13
  ordinary shareholder in current reporting

Net proft after deducting non-operating profit 3=1-2                                  -5,614,485.87               -1,721,230.31
and loss attributed to ordinary shareholder in
current reporting period

Opening balance of share capital                    4                               706,320,000.00              706,320,000.00

Share capital increased due to new issued           5                                 ---                        ---
share or convertible bond

                                                    6                                 ---                        ---
Share capital increased due to new issued
                                                    6                                 ---                        ---
share or convertible bond
                                                    6                                 ---                        ---

Number of months from the next month of             7                                 ---                        ---

 increased share capital to the end of the          7                                 ---                        ---
 current reporting period                           7                                 ---                        ---

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Share capital reduced due to repurchase in the 8                             ---                ---
current reporting period

Number of months from the next month of         9                            ---                ---
decreased share capital to the end of the
current reporting period

Number of split shares in the current reporting 10                           ---                ---

Number of months in the current reporting       11                           12                 12

Weighted average of issued ordinary share       12=4+5+6×7                706,320,000.00      706,320,000.00
(Ⅱ)                                          ÷11-8×9÷11-10

Weighted average of issued ordinary share are 13                           706,320,000.00      706,320,000.00
adjust due to common control(Ⅰ)

Basic EPS(Ⅰ)                                 14=1÷13                              0.13               0.05

Basic EPS(Ⅱ)                                 15=3÷12                              -0.01              0.05

Interest of iluted potential ordinary share that 16                          ---                ---
confirmed as expense and other factors

Income tax rate                                 17                           ---                ---

Converting fee                                  18                           ---                ---

increased Weighted average of issued ordinary 19                             ---                ---
share due to stock warrant and share option

                                                20=[1+(16-18)×                       0.13               0.05
Diluted EPS(Ⅰ)
                                                21=[3+(16-18)                         -0.01              0.05
Diluted EPS(Ⅱ)

37、Other comprehensive earnings

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                              Item                                      This period               Last period

5.Other                                                                                                   7,104,364.09

                            Subtotal                                                                      7,104,364.09

                              Total                                                                       7,104,364.09

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

38、Notes to statement of cash flow

(1)Other cash receive from operating activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                    Item                                                    Amount

Interest income                                                                                                662,129.17

Current accounts received                                                                                 58,186,692.98

Subsidy income                                                                                                 195,101.01

Other                                                                                                          437,980.76

                                    Total                                                                 59,481,903.92

(2)Other cash paid to operating activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                    Item                                                    Amount

Expenditure                                                                                               16,469,710.73

Donation expense                                                                                                 2,000.00

Current accounts paid                                                                                     28,541,969.74

other                                                                                                      1,232,348.11

                                    Total                                                                 46,246,028.58

)Other cash paid to investing activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                    Item                                                    Amount

Restricted monetary funds during the reporting period                                                     11,445,403.16

                                    Total                                                                 11,445,403.16

39、Supplemental information for statement of cash flow

(1)Supplemental information for statement of cash flow

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                  Supplemental information                            This Period                Last Period

1.Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided
                                                                          --                         --
by operating activities:

                                                                CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Net profit                                                                         99,934,857.12              32,894,368.82

Add: impairment provision for assets                                               -2,503,321.41                4,541,023.68

Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation
                                                                                    2,164,612.21                2,713,205.49
of fuel and gas, depreciation of productive biological assets

Amortization for intangible assets                                                     862,328.74               1,201,305.51

Amortization for long-term prepayment                                                  664,529.03                  79,496.69

Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                              ---            -108,799,222.07
long-term assets

Finance cost                                                                        1,030,671.89                2,313,423.11

Loss in investment                                                                     164,602.55                        ---

Decrease of deferred tax assets                                                        756,119.16              -1,080,358.92

Decrease of inventories                                                        -159,047,494.46                19,208,065.66

Decrease of operating receivable account items                                 -132,862,220.52                -12,694,833.50

Increase of operating payable account items                                       -15,717,716.97              55,252,598.72

Net cash flow from operating activities                                        -204,553,032.66                 -4,386,658.32

2 Significant investing and financing activities for non-cash
                                                                             --                         --

3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents                     --                         --

Closing balance for cash                                                           77,981,488.06              81,546,046.87

Less: opening balance for cash                                                     81,546,046.87                  572,655.85

Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents                              -3,564,558.81              80,973,391.02

(2)Details for acquiring or disposing subsidiary

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                             Item                                        This Period                Last Period

1.Details for acquiring:                                                   --                         --

(1).Consideration for acquiring subsidiaries                                        9,170,370.00

(2). cash and cash equivalent payment for acquiring the

Deduct: cash and cash equivalent held by subsidiaries                              66,600,084.65

(4).Net assets of subsidiaries.                                                    24,535,357.00

   Current Assets                                                                 136,306,683.22

   Non-current Assets                                                               7,050,969.77

   Current liabilities                                                            112,608,254.83

2. Details for disposing subsidiary:                                       --                         --

                                                                  CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

(3).Net cash received for acquiring the subsidiaries                                   57,429,714.65

(3)Details for cash and cash equivalent

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                              Item                                           Closing Balance                   Opening Balance

1 Cash                                                                                 77,981,488.06                       81,546,046.87

Including:     Cash in hand                                                                19,146.58                          72,492.38

               Cash at bank                                                            77,962,341.48                       81,473,554.49

3 Closing balance for cash and cash equivalents                                        77,981,488.06                       81,546,046.87

VIII、Related parties and related transactions

1、Related parties which control the company

The company has no parent company. The related parties with controlling relationship of the Company refer to Mr. Rong Chen, who
held 29.49% equity of the Company.

2、Subsidiaries of the company

Subsidiaries Nature of         Type of      Place of                        Business   Registered Shareholdin Voting right Organizatio
   Name        subsidiary     subsidiary registration                        nature      Capital     g (%)      (%)       nal code

Rongyida       A wholly                                                 Real Estate 10,000,000.
                               Limited    Province       YongSheng
Real Estate owned                                                       developmen         00             100          100 68434235-0
                              Liability   ChengDe        Zhao
Developme subsidiary                                                    t                 RMB
nt Co., Ltd.

Rural Water
(Tianjin)      Holding         Limited                   XiangKun       Internationa
                                          TianJin city                                     00              30        53.43 67941456-7
Internationa subsidiary       Liability                  Shi            l trading
l Trade Co.,

               A wholly
Asia                           Limited                                  Internationa 20,000,000.
               owned                      HongKong ---                                                    100          100           ---
                              Liability                                 l investment    00 USD
Investment subsidiary

Co., Ltd.
               Holding         Limited    HeBei          YongSheng Grapheme            50,000,000.         90             90 06335124-6

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

              subsidiary    Liability   Province       Zhao           producer           00
                                        ChengDe                       and seller        RMB
Co., Ltd.

Chengde                                 HeBei
              A wholly                                                Property
HuiJing                      Limited    Province       YongSheng                     500,000.00
              owned                                                   managemen                           100         100 08269716-2
                            Liability   ChengDe        Zhao                             RMB
property      subsidiary                                              t
Co., Ltd.
ChengDe                                 HeBei
              A wholly
XingYe                       Limited    Province       ShuXian        Paper          250,000,000
              owned                                                                                       100         100 60125211-5
Paper Co.,                  Liability   ChengDe        Wang           production      .00 USD
Ltd.                                    city

ChengDe                                                               Ecological
NanJiang      A wholly                                                Agriculture 10,000,000.
                             Limited    Province       YongSheng
Ecological    owned                                                   Planting           00               100         100 05549562-9
                            Liability   ChengDe        Zhao
Agriculture subsidiary                                                and               RMB
Co., Ltd.                                                             Breeding

ChengDe                                 HeBei
              A wholly                                                               90,000,000.
NanJiang                     Limited    Province       YongSheng
              owned                                                   investment         00               100         100 05545532-8
Investment                  Liability   ChengDe        Zhao
              subsidiary                                                                RMB
Co., Ltd.                               city

3、Associates and joint venture

  Invested                  Register                    Business          Register   Stake ratio Voting right Relationshi Organizatio
                 Type                   representati
 company                      place                       nature          capital       (%)         (%)           p        nal code

一、Joint venture


(TianJin)                                              Internationa
Material                                               l trading,
                                        GuoMin                        9,000,000.0
Industry      Commercial TianJin                       technology                             49%       49% Yes          05874083-7
                                        Zhao                          0
Chemical                                               developing
Trading                                                and transfer
Co., Ltd.

(TianJin)                                              technology
                                        XiangKun                      6,300,000.0
Water         Industry     TianJin                     developing                        31.75%      31.75% Yes          58327621-9
                                         Shi                          0
Saving Tech                                            and transfer
Co., Ltd.

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

4、Other related parties of the company

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

      Person who                                       Amount of                                               Whether guarantee is
                      Person who is guaranteed                         Date of begin          Date of end
      guarantee                                        guarantee                                                       ended

RunHua Water         Runhua Rural Water
developing Co.,      (Tianjin)                        20,000,000.00 2013/10/24           2014/10/24                     No
Ltd                  International Trade Co., Ltd.

                     Runhua Rural Water
ChunHong Lan         (Tianjin)                        22,000,000.00 2013/10/24/          2014/10/24                     No
                     International Trade Co., Ltd.

Notes to guarantee
(1) On October 17, 2013, Bank of ZhongXin offer credit to the company with RMB 20000 thousand (Contract No. 2013 BS0956),
time of guarantee: 2013/10/24-2014/10/24, RunHua Water developing Co., Ltd provide guarantee to the company (expect for
borrowing, notes, letter of guarantee and letter of credit)
(2) On October 21, 2013, Bank of ZhongXin offer credit to the company with RMB 22000 thousand (Contract No. 2013 BS0956-1),
time of guarantee: 2013/10/24-2014/10/24, second largest shareholder ChunHong Lan provide guarantee to the company (expect for
borrowing, notes, letter of guarantee and letter of credit)

5、Related receivables and payables

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                   Name                           Related party              Closing Balance                 Opening Balance

                                         MinFeng (TianJin) Material
Other receivable                         industry chemical industry                       670,000.00

                                         MinFeng (TianJin) Material
Prepayment                               industry chemical industry                     1,945,944.00

                                         MinFeng (TianJin) Material
Other payable                            industry chemical industry                    31,000,000.00

IX、Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1、Significant Events after the Balance Sheet Date

CSRC decided to investigate the company due to prior error correction made in the year 2012. These prior error corrections should be
disclosed before 2012, but the former shareholder and directors are not. On April 6, 2012, there is a share transfer agreement between

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

original shareholder and Dong Wang. Original shareholder transfer share capital of RMB 208,324,800 to Dong Wang, accounting for
29.49% of the total share capital. The company then reformed the board and the new board made the prior error corrections. Due to
the new board had made the corrections and the original shareholders and directors already left the company, it is highly probable
that the investigation will not have influence on the company.

2、Profit distribution after the balance sheet date

Not applcable

3、Other Events after the Balance Sheet Date

On March 18 2014, according to ChengDeXianJiYao[2014]No.10, ChengDeXian government retrieve 26.0464 mu of land included in
the land certificate - ChengDeGuoYong[2013]No.19 from subsidiary RongYiDa. The governmenttransfers the land to
WenTiGuangDianJu for the purpose of constructing a center of literature, art and sports in that area. On December 31 2013, the book
value of the land is RMB 821,343.02.
On April 09 2014, Chengde Morsh Technology Co., Ltd. acquire ChengXian Tu GuaGaoZi[2014] No.03 land certificate through the
land certificate selling activity held by ChengDeXian Land and Resources Bureau. The acquired land locate at LiuGou town, BeiShui
spring, PingTai village, 35953.42 square meters, industry land, the final deal price is RMB 6480 thousand.

X、Notes to material events of parent company financial statement

1、Other receivable

(1)Disclosure of other receivables by category

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                Closing Balance                                    Opening Balance

                                       Book value                  Bad debt               Book value                Bad debt
                                                    Ratio                      Ratio                   Ratio                   Ratio
                                    Amount                       Amount                 Amount                   Amount
                                                    (%)                        (%)                     (%)                     (%)

Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

                                                    82.06                                              84.59
                                       320,143.39                   4,000.00 5.41%        384,175.74                1,000.00 1.41%
                                                       %                                                     %

                                                    82.06                                              84.59
Portfolio subtotal                     320,143.39                   4,000.00 5.41%        384,175.74                1,000.00 1.41%
                                                       %                                                     %

3 Individually insignificant
amounts of accounts                                 17.94                      94.59                   54.97                   98.59
                                        70,000.00                  70,000.00              469,069.25               70,000.00
receivable accrued bad debt                            %                          %                          %                       %

Total                                  390,143.39 --               74,000.00 --           853,244.99 --            71,000.00 --

Explanation for types of other receivables:

                                                                    CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ not applicable
Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by aging portfolio
√ Applicable□ not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                        Closing Balance                                                 Opening Balance

                              Book value                                                    Book value
                                                Ratio             Bad debt                                    Ratio              Bad debt
                           Amount                                                         Amount
                                                    (%)                                                           (%)

Within 1 year

include:            --                        --           --                     --                        --          --

Within 1 year                     300,143.39 93.75%                                           384,175.74          100%                   1,000.00

Subtotal <1 year                  300,143.39 93.75%                                           384,175.74          100%                   1,000.00

1-2 years                          20,000.00        6.25%               4,000.00

Total                             320,143.39         --                 4,000.00              384,175.74          --                     1,000.00

Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by balance percentage portfolio
□ applicable √ not applicable
Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by other portfolio
□ applicable √ not applicable
Individually insignificant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision
√ applicable □ not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

            Items                    Book value                  Bad debt provision       Accrued ratio(%)                    Reasons

QiZhong Yan                                    70,000.00                      70,000.00                      100% Expected irrecoverable

Total                                          70,000.00                      70,000.00            --                               --

(2)By the end of the current reporting period, there are no other accounts receivable due from any
shareholders held over 5%

Not applicable

(3)At the year-end of the reporting period, the other accounts receivable in significant amount

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

            Debtor                  Relationship                      Amount                    Aging                         Ratio in total

            No.1                    related party                            179,190.08        1-3year                                    45.93%

            No.2                  Non-related party                           70,000.00      Within 1 year                                17.94%

            No.3                  Non-related party                           60,000.00      Within 1 year                                15.38%

                                                                 CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

            No.4                     related party                         47,887.00            1-3 year                     12.27%

            No.5                   Non-related party                       20,000.00            1-3 year                      5.13%

            Total                         --                              377,077.08               --                        96.65%

2、Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        when Impairme
             Accounti    Initial                                                                                           Cash
 Invested                             Opening Increase/d Closing                                        stake      nt
                                                                            Stake     Voting Impairme                    Dividend
                ng      investmen                                                                     ratio not accrued
Company                               Balance ecrease(-) Balance          ratio (%) right (%)   nt                        in this
                                                                                                      equal to   in this
              method      t cost                                                                                          period
                                                                                                       voting    peirod
RongYiD                 53,114,29 53,114,29                   53,114,29
            Cost                                                             100%       100%
a                            9.73          9.73                    9.73

                        90,000,00 50,000,00 40,000,00 90,000,00
Investme Cost                                                                100%       100%
                             0.00          0.00        0.00        0.00

XingYe                  626,567,3 626,567,3                   626,567,3                         626,567,3
            Cost                                                             100%       100%
Paper                       28.03        28.03                   28.03                              28.03

RunHua                  9,170,370                 9,170,370 9,170,370
            Cost                                                              30%      53.43%
Water                          .00                      .00         .00

Investme Cost                                                                100%       100%

                        778,851,9 729,681,6 49,170,37 778,851,9                                 626,567,3
Total           --                                                           --         --
                            97.76        27.76         0.00      97.76                              28.03

3、Operating income and operating cost

(1)Classification of operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                Item                                     This period                                        Last Period

Other business income                                                      9,631,946.56

Total                                                                      9,631,946.56

Business cost                                                                 28,460.39                                        0.00

4、Supplemental information for statement of cash flow

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                              CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

                        Supplemental information                             This period               Last Period

1.Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by
                                                                                 --                            --
operating activities:

Net profit                                                                              884,837.02              -12,891,377.63

Add: impairment provision for assets                                                       3,000.00                 9,946,996.58

Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption & depreciation of fuel and
                                                                                        121,364.21                    11,080.70
gas, depreciation of productive biological assets

Amortization for intangible assets                                                      424,343.16                   407,618.99

Decrease of deferred tax assets                                                             -750.00

Decrease of inventories                                                          -161,600,661.40

Decrease of operating receivable account items                                          463,101.60                  -717,750.67

Increase of operating payable account items                                       174,124,901.53                    4,694,117.65

Net cash flow from operating activities                                               14,420,136.12                 1,450,686.79

2 Significant investing and financing activities for non-cash items              --                            --

3. Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents                         --                            --

Closing balance for cash                                                               5,681,141.82                  777,456.70

Less: opening balance for cash                                                          777,456.70                     4,019.80

Net increase (decrease) for cash and cash equivalents                                  4,903,685.12                  773,436.90

XI、Supplemental information

1、Current non-operating profit and loss

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                 Item                                      Amount                     Explanation

1 Losses/gains on disposal of non-current assets                              131,918,787.19

2. Government subsidies included in the current profits and
losses (government subsidies which are closely related to
the Company’s business and received at national statutory
standard and amount are excluded)

3. Gains or loss from delegation investment                                        111,230.13

4. Other non- recurring loss and profits other than the above                     -514,148.27

5. less: ffect of income tax on non-recurring losses and gains                  33,473,765.68

6. Effect of minority interest on non-recurring losses or gains                 -2,185,592.65

Total                                                                         100,421,297.03              --

                                                             CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

2、Return on equity and earnings per share


                                                           Weighted average of                   Earning per share
              Profit in the reporting period
                                                           Return on equity(%) Basic earnings per share Basic earnings per share

Net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary
                                                                        58.42%                         0.13                   0.13
shares of the Company

Net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary
shares of the Company after deducting non-recurring                     -4.82%                         -0.01                 -0.01
gains and losses

3、Note to accounting items with significant changes in the current report period

     1.Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of prepayment increasd by RMB 33,528,017.86, with the increase rate of
10875.00%. The major explanations for the increase were: new subsidiary RunHua are in the consolidated scope.
     2、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of other receivables decreased by RMB 23,192,910.97, with the
decrease rate of 82.33%. The major explanations for the decrease were: the receivables account - ChengDe Land Reserve Center and
BanHe Administrator are recovered
     3、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of inventories increased by RMB 170,079,229.71, with the increase
rate of 830.03%. The major explanations for the increase were: new land were purchased for the new project HuiJingTianDi and
ecological agriculture Co., Ltd. expand the scale of production.
     4、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of fixed assets reduced RMB 13,445,749.99, withthe redcution rate of
  54.34%, major reasons are transferring land, house and building to the government
     5、Compared to opening balance, closing balance of notes payable are increased by 26,000,000.00, the major reason for the
increase is new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope.
     6 Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of receivable in advance increased by RMB 46,700,401.66, with the
increase rate of 655.84%. The major explanations for the increase were revenue from land received in advance: sell
ChengXianGuoYong [2013]No.31 obtain revenue of RMB 9,800,700.00; sell ChengXianGuoYong [2013]No.33 obtain revenue of
RMB 30,622,800.00.
     7、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of operating income increased by RMB 284,440,254.67, with the
growth rate of 357.73%. The major explanations for the increase were: new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope increase
income by RMB 324,167,497.71 and income from QianYuan is reduced in this period.
     8、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of marketing expense increased by RMB 3,263,636.58,the major
     reasons are new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope and the increase of revenue.
     9、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of administrative expense increased by RMB 5,061,352.78, with the
growth rate of 31.75%, the major reason is new subsidiary RunHua in the consolidation scope.
     10、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of financial expense decreased by RMB 1,773,511.51, with the
reduction rate of 74.20%. Major reasons were: reduction of borrowing interest expense.
     11、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of non-operating expense decrease by RMB 62,646,025.97, with the
reduction rate of 99.03%. The major reasons were: loss from disposal of fixed assets and other loss.
     12、Compared to the opening balance, the closing balance of income tax expense increase by RMB 24,751,874.11, with the
increase rate of 378.625%. The major reasons were: revenue produced by transferring land to the government.
     13、Compared to last year, net cash flow from operating activities decrease by 4563%, major reason is new subsidiary RunHua

                                                            CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

in the consolidation scope.
     14、Compared to last year, net cash flow from investing activities increase by 168.27%, major reason is transferring land, house
and building to the government.
     15、Compared to last year, net cash flow from financing activities reduced by 677.13%, major reason is return the debt.

                                                          CHENGDE NANJIANG CO., LTD 2013 Annual Report (Full Text)

                      Section XI Documents available for Reference

1、Financial statements carrying the personal signatures and seals of Chairman of the Board, Chief Accountant and Person in Charge
of Accounting Department;
2、Originals of all documents and notices publicly disclosed on newspapers designated by CSRC in the report
period in 2013;
