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						                                                                                   承德南江股份有限公司 2016 年半年度报告摘要

Stock Code: 200160                             Short Form of the Stock: Nanjiang-B                    Public Notice No: 2016-066

                          CHENGDE NANJIANG CO.,LTD.
                         Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2016
1. Important Notice

The summary of semi-annual report is excerpted from the full text of the semi-annual report. For the details, investors should
carefully read the full text of the semi-annual report published on Juchao Information website (www.cninfo.com.cn) and Shenzhen
Stock Exchange Website etc., appointed by CSRC.
Company Profile
Short form for share                     Nanjiang-B                    Code for share                    200160
Listing stock exchange                   Shenzhen Stock Exchange
         Contact person and ways                    Secretary of the Board                           Rep. of securities affairs
Name                                     Li Wenying                                      Wang Haijian
Tel.                                     0314-3115049                                    0314-3115048
Fax.                                     0314-3111475                                    0314-3111475
E-mail                                   liwy@dftechgroup.com                            wanghj@dftechgroup.com

2. Main accounting data and Changes of shareholders

(1)Main accounting data

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
√Yes □No
                                                                                                                    Increase/decrease in
                                                                             Same period of last year
                                                Current period                                                        this report y-o-y

                                                                     Before adjustment      After adjustment         After adjustment

Operating revenue (RMB)                           191,414,481.74         357,820,624.60         52,376,672.16                     265.46%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                      1,801,869.94       120,145,893.42         75,402,588.38                     -97.61%
the listed company(RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                    2,072,748.29        19,286,955.73         -25,456,349.31                    108.14%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                   76,854,983.97          32,356,030.63         32,356,030.63                     137.53%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                        0.003                  0.170                    0.110                 -97.27%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                      0.003                  0.170                    0.110                 -97.27%

Weighted average ROE                                        0.51%                34.32%                   23.01%                  -22.50%

                                                                                                                    Increase/decrease in
                                                                                                                    this report-end over
                                             End of current period              End of last period
                                                                                                                         that of last

                                                                                    承德南江股份有限公司 2016 年半年度报告摘要

                                                                       Before adjustment      After adjustment        After adjustment

Total assets (RMB)                                    786,189,966.12       854,793,263.22        854,793,263.22                  -8.03%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                      357,859,693.50       352,256,123.56        352,256,123.56                    1.59%
listed company(RMB)

(2)Particulars about the shares held by the top ten common shareholders

                                                                                                                                 In share
Total common shareholders at
                                  Particulars about the shares held by the top ten common shareholders
                                                                                                                 Number of share
                      Nature of       Proportion of     Number of      Amount of holding untradeable             pledged/frozen
                     shareholder       shares held      shares held               shares
                                                                                                           State of share    Amount
Wang Dong                                   29.49%       208,324,800                        208,324,800 Frozen              208,324,800
                  nature person
                 Overseas legal
Securities                                  13.28%        93,833,093                                   0
(H.K.) Co., Ltd.
            Overseas legal
SECURITIES(                                   6.87%       48,524,062                                   0
Chengde North
Industrial                                    2.62%       18,517,651                         18,517,651
              owned legal
Wang              Domestic
                                              1.89%       13,327,891                         13,327,891
Zhengsong         nature person
Wang              Domestic
                                              1.03%        7,258,007                                   0
Wensheng          nature person
Zhou Haihong                                  0.95%        6,708,495                                   0
                  nature person
Li Tianyun                                    0.73%        5,158,000                                   0
                  nature person
Hongyuan          Overseas legal
                                              0.71%        4,995,920                                   0
(Hong Kong)       person
Co., Ltd.
Chen Yan                                      0.57%        4,023,256                                   0
                  nature person
                                 The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or belongs to consistent
Explanation on associated
relationship among the aforesaid actor regulated by “management method for acquisition of listed company” among the above
shareholders                     said shareholders.

Explanation on shareholders
involving margin business (if        N/A

(3)Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders with preferred stock

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                        承德南江股份有限公司 2016 年半年度报告摘要

The Company had no shareholder with preferred stock held

(4)Changes of controlling shareholders or actual controller

Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Changes of controlling shareholders had no change in reporting period.
Changes of actual controller in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Changes of actual controller in reporting period had no change in reporting period.

3. Discussion and analysis of management

(I) Main business in reporting period
During the Period, the situation in and out of China is complicated and grim, economic downward pressure still exist, however, the
activity factors are continuous accumulated, continues to rapid up the structural adjustment. Around the overall tone of “resolve real
estate inventory and promoted the continuous and health development of the real estate”, the policies of real estate are easing and
trend to holding. Domestic traditional real estate market segmentation are intensified, more and more prime site in core
first/second-tier cities are presented, turnover and closing cost for the residential sales are recorded the most in its history, the
inventory in cities below the second/third-tier city are still severe. Structural change of the real estate market continues to changes,
small and medium enterprises are withdraw from the market by transformation, merger and acquisition, cross-border cooperation
turns to be a normal in the development of listed enterprise.
In reporting period, main business of the Company is development of the real estate. In front of the local fierce competition in real
estate market, the Company achieved a favorable sales performance by continuously promoting and accelerating de-stocking, make
more efforts on the sales of the current inventory houses; meanwhile, the Company continues to improved the corporate governance
by carrying out self-inspection activities as protecting investor’s interest and improving information disclosure quality, laying a solid
foundation for the standard operation of the Company.
The Company keep carrying forward the strategy transition, on guarantee a steady development of the current business basis,
prepared for solving the historical issues with B-share concerned, aggressively expands and cultivate new business.
(II) Main operation of the Company
During the Period, the Company achived revenue of main business amounting to RMB 191.4145 million with 265.46% up on a y-o-y
basis, the net profit attributable to parent company amounting to RMB 1801900 with 97.61% down from a year earlier. Ended as the
reporting period, total asstes of the Company amounting to RMB 786.19 million and net assets amounting to RMB 357.8597 million.
Sales of the property (Nanjiang Huijing Tiandi) for Jan.-June 2016 are as:

                                                                          Area presale
                                                                                             Clearing the area
                                     Type of       Area available for     in first half                           Sales in first half year
       Item              Area                                                                in first half year
                                    operation          sales (㎡)         year of 2016                               of 2016 (RMB)
                                                                                               of 2016 (㎡)

Nanjiang Huijing       Chengde     Residence              141,356.81       34,934.74            45,257.61            179,229,459.06
      Tiandi                       Commerce                 24,305.52        4,484.68               ---                     ---

                 Total shares                             165,662.33       39,419.42                 45,257.61            179,229,459.06

The Company has no new land reserves and new constructed property in the Period

                                                                                   承德南江股份有限公司 2016 年半年度报告摘要

4. Matters relevant to financial report
(1) Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation method
compared with the financial report of last year’s
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
No changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation method in reporting period.
(2) Particulars about retroactive restatement on major correction for accounting errors in reporting period
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
No retroactive restatement on major correction for accounting errors in reporting period.
(3) Particulars about the change of consolidation range compared with the financial report of last year’s
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Consolidation range has no change in the reporting period.
(4) Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” of the Report from CPA by the Board and Supervisory Committee
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
