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						                      东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

  Dongfeng Sci-Tech Group CO., LTD.


             October 2019

                                             东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

                         Section I. Important Notes

Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Dongfeng Sci-Tech Group

Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors

and senior executives hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements,

misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall

take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and

completion of the whole contents.

All directors of the Company are attended the Meeting for quarterly report


Principal of the Company Zhao Yongsheng, Person in Charge of Accounting

Works Zhao Yongsheng and Person in Charge of Accounting Organ (Accounting

Officer) Liu Fengguo hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the Third

Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

Note: The Report is prepared in bilingual versions of Chinese and English

respectively, in the event of any discrepancy in understanding the two

aforementioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                              东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

                             Section II. Basic information of Company

I. Main accounting data and index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
□Yes   √No

                                           Current period-end              Period-end of last year               Increase/decrease

Total assets (RMB)                                  737,486,451.00                       624,370,817.40                           18.12%

Net assets attributable to
shareholders of listed company                      307,150,697.41                       351,593,999.08                           -12.64%

                                                                                                                     Increase/decrease in
                                                                Increase/decrease in
                                                                                          Year-begin to end of      comparison with year-
                                         Current period       comparison with same
                                                                                                  the Period        begin to Period-end of
                                                                 period of last year
                                                                                                                          last year

Operating revenue (RMB)                        6,433,442.99                    -59.50%              39,804,856.47                 -58.41%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company           -10,917,560.62                   -230.65%             -35,335,429.52              -1,223.23%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
                                              -8,479,317.90                     16.09%             -33,377,521.84                 -82.18%
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses (RMB)

Net cash flow arising from
                                               --                        --                         21,610,660.71                 -13.23%
operating activities (RMB)

Basic earnings per share
                                                    -0.0156                   -232.20%                    -0.0506              -1,224.44%

Diluted earnings per share
                                                    -0.0156                   -232.20%                    -0.0506              -1,224.44%

Weighted average ROE                                 -3.58%                     -5.85%                    -10.84%                 -11.70%

Items and amount of extraordinary profit (gains)/losses
√Applicable     □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                      Amount from year-begin to
                               Item                                                                                    Note
                                                                              end of the Period

Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the
write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)

                                                                                东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

Held transaction financial asset, gains/losses of changes of fair
values from transaction financial liabilities, and investment gains
from disposal of transaction financial asset, transaction financial
liabilities and financial asset available for sales, exclude the
effective hedging business relevant with normal operations of the

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
aforementioned items

Less: impact on income tax                                                                   -652,635.89

Total                                                                                      -1,957,907.68                   --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
In reporting period, the Company has no particular about items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of
extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss.

II. Statement of the total shareholders and shares-held of top ten shareholders at end of the

1. Number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and top ten
common shareholders

                                                                                                                                    In share

                                                                            Total preference shareholders
Total number of common                                                      with voting rights recovered at
shareholders at the end of report                                  17,375                                                                   0
period                                                                      end of reporting period (if

                                                           Top ten shareholders

                                                                                   Amount of non-          Number of share pledged/frozen
                         Nature of         Proportion of     Amount of shares
   Shareholders                                                                     tradable shares
                        shareholder         shares held              held                                 State of share        Amount

                     Domestic natural
Wang Dong                                          29.49%           208,324,800           208,324,800

China Everbright
Securities (HK)      Foreign corporate               7.90%           55,783,345                       0

                     Foreign corporate               6.60%           46,638,726                       0

                                                                    东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文


Chengde North      Domestic non-
Industrial         state owned legal        2.62%         18,517,651          18,517,651
Corporation        person

                   Foreign corporate        2.20%         15,524,875                   0

                   Domestic natural
Wang Zhengsong                              1.89%         13,327,891          13,327,891

                   Domestic natural
Wang Wensheng                               1.03%          7,258,007                   0

                   Domestic natural
Su Youhe                                    1.02%          7,214,602                   0

                   Domestic natural
Zhou Haihong                                0.95%          6,711,600                   0

INTERNATION Foreign corporate               0.86%          6,051,543                   0
AL (H.K.)

                                       Tradable shares held by top 10 shareholders

                                                                                                       Type of shares
             Shareholders                    Amount of tradable shares held
                                                                                                    Type           Amount

China Everbright Securities (HK)
                                                                              55,783,345 listed foreign                 55,783,345

GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                               Domestically
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                          46,638,726 listed foreign                 46,638,726
LIMITED                                                                                    shares

Haitong International Securities
                                                                              15,524,875 listed foreign                 15,524,875
Company Limited-Account Client

Wang Wensheng                                                                  7,258,007 listed foreign                  7,258,007

                                                                            东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

Su Youhe                                                                              7,214,602 listed foreign               7,214,602

Zhou Haihong                                                                          6,711,600 listed foreign               6,711,600

CORE PACIFIC-YAMAICHI                                                                           Domestically
INTERNATIONAL (H.K.)                                                                  6,051,543 listed foreign               6,051,543
LIMITED                                                                                         shares

Shen wan Hongyuan securities
                                                                                      4,995,920 listed foreign               4,995,920
(Hong Kong) Co., LTD.

Li Tianyun                                                                            3,820,000 listed foreign               3,820,000

Peng Wei                                                                              2,978,525 listed foreign               2,978,525

Explanation on associated                The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or belongs to
relationship among the aforesaid         consistent actor regulated by “management method for acquisition of listed company” among
shareholders                             the above said shareholders.

Explanation on shareholders
involving margin business about top
ten common shareholders (if

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement dealing
in reporting period
□ Yes √ No
The ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy-back
agreement dealing in reporting period.

2. Total of shareholders with preferred stock held and the top ten shareholdings

□Applicable          √Not applicable

                                                                                 东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

                                              Section III. Important events

        I. Particular about major changes from items of main accounting statements and financial
        indexes as well as reasons

        √ Applicable □Not applicable

                            Period-end (the   Period-begin             Changes
                 Item       Period) balance   (last period)                                                       Reasons
  l                                                              Amount            Ratio
 1      Monetary fund         71,712,087.48    36,306,825.10    35,405,262.38        97.52% Account received in advance for property
 2      Account paid in       31,725,356.14    61,099,009.67    -29,373,653.53      -48.08% Settlement of the account paid in advance for
        advance                                                                                engineering in the period

 3      Other receivables     26,279,193.00     8,588,597.44    17,690,595.56       205.98% Current account receivables increased in the
 4      Construction in      265,731,045.29 101,650,833.16     164,080,212.13       161.42% Expenditure from construction in progress in the
        progress                                                                            period
 5      Development           25,899,861.29    13,346,410.47    12,553,450.82        94.06% Expenditure from development projects
 6      Other non current     19,011,471.60 121,743,152.36     -102,731,680.76      -84.38% Settlement of the account paid in advance for
        assets                                                                              engineering in the period
 7      Account payable        3,339,405.28     6,668,789.67     -3,329,384.39      -49.92% Account for engineering are paid in the period

 8      Account received     147,143,153.93    16,269,319.99   130,873,833.94       804.42% Account received in advance for property
        in advance                                                                          increased in the period
 9      Tax payable              513,335.30      921,967.58       -408,632.28       -44.32% Taxes paid in the period
 10 Other payable             76,579,712.77 118,570,218.85      -41,990,506.08      -35.41% Current account paid in the period
 11 Long-term loans          175,210,000.00 101,710,000.00      73,500,000.00        72.26% New bank loans in the period
 12 Business income           39,804,856.47    95,699,640.45    -55,894,783.98      -58.41% Income from property sales declined on a y-o-y
 13 Business cost             32,700,355.28    87,135,797.74    -54,435,442.46      -62.47% Cost of property sales declined on a y-o-y basis
 14 Business tax and           1,682,848.47     3,324,122.85     -1,641,274.38      -49.37% Accrual tax declined for the decrease of property
        surcharge                                                                           sales in the period

 15 Sales expense             10,193,305.47        27,452.12    10,165,853.35 37031.21% Settlement of the sales agency fee in the period
 16 Management                28,592,202.66    21,114,670.20      7,477,532.46       35.41% Operating expenses increased in the period
 17 Other income                   6,451.79     2,890,000.00     -2,883,548.21      -99.78% There was a energy-saving subsidy received from
                                                                                            government last period while no such amount
                                                                                            occurred in the period
 18 Investment                   261,265.72    18,683,998.38    -18,422,732.66      -98.60% There was an income from subsidiary disposal last
        income                                                                              period while no such amount occurred in the

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19 Net cash flow         -42,117,796.39 -167,207,550.45         125,089,754.06       -74.81% The account paid for construction in progress
   arising from                                                                              decreased on a y-o-y basis

20 Net cash flow          57,100,889.00 102,850,300.00          -45,749,411.00       -44.48% Bank loans received in the period decreased on a
   arising from                                                                              y-o-y basis

   II. Progress and influence of the main events as well as solution analysis specification

   □ Applicable √ Not applicable
   Progress of shares buy-back
   √ Applicable □Not applicable
   On October 22, 2018, the company held the 4th session of the seventh board of directors which reviewed and
   approved the Proposal on the Repurchase of Company Shares by Centralized Bidding, and the second extraordinary
   shareholders meeting of 2018 held on November 7, 2018 reviewed and approved the above proposal. On November
   14, 2018, the company disclosed the Repurchase Report on the Repurchase of Company Shares by Centralized
   Bidding (Announcement No.: 2018-062). The company implemented the repurchase for the first time on December
   6, 2018, and disclosed the Announcement on the First Repurchase of the Company’s Shares (Announcement No.:
   2018-070) on December 7, 2018. For details of the above, please refer to the relevant announcements disclosed by
   the company on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and http://www.cninfo.com.cn. The progress of
   the company’s share repurchase was as follows:
   Ended as the reporting period, the company repurchased the company’s shares of 28,307,783 shares through a stock
   repurchase special security account by centralized bidding transactions, accounting for 4.01% of the company’s
   total share capital, of which the highest transaction price was HK$1.18/share, the lowest transaction price was
   HK$1.09/share, and the total amount paid was HK$32,095,614.32 (excluding transaction fees). Found more as:

   Repurchased      Amount           Ceiling price   Bottom price   Price repurchased    Ratio in total
                                                                                                           Announcement index
        date       repurchased         (HKD)           (HKD)             (HKD)           share capital

     2018.12.6     6,586,658             1.14            1.11         7,449,626.48          0.93%           Notice on the First
                                                                                                              Repurchase of
                                                                                                            Company’s Shares

    2018.12.20     12,864,055            1.14            1.09        14,529,142.54          1.82%              Notice on the
                                                                                                          Repurchase of 2% of the
                                                                                                            Company’s Shares
                                                                                                          Capital (No.:2018-075)

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 2018.12.27        4,994,970           1.18           1.12          5,697,753.10        0.71%              Notice on the
                                                                                                   Repurchase of 3% of the
                                                                                                      Company’s Shares
                                                                                                   Capital (No.:2018-076)

 2018.12.28        532,100             1.14           1.14           606,594.00         0.08%              Notice on the
                                                                                                   Repurchase of 4% of the
 2019.1.29         3,330,000           1,16           1.14          3,812,498.20        0.47%
                                                                                                      Company’s Shares
                                                                                                   Capital (No.:2019-006)

    Total       28,307,783                                         32,095,614.32        4.01%

Implementation progress of the reduction of repurchases shares by centralized bidding
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Commitments that the actual controller, shareholders, related parties, offeror and the
Company have fulfilled during the reporting period and have not yet fulfilled by the end of
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no Commitments that the actual controller, shareholders, related parties, offeror and the Company have fulfilled during the

reporting period and have not yet fulfilled by the end of reporting period.

IV. Particular about security investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no security investment in Period.

V. Trust financing

√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                 In 10 thousand Yuan

            Type                  Capital resources          Amount for entrust       Balance un-expired          Overdue amount

Bank financing product Own funds                                              2,000                     500                        0

Total                                                                         2,000                     500                        0

Details of the single major amount, or high-risk trust investment with low security, poor fluidity and non-guaranteed:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Entrust financial expected to be unable to recover the principal or impairment might be occurred
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

                                                                         东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

VI. Particulars about derivatives investment

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
The Company had no derivatives investment in Period.

VII. Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in the report period

√ Applicable □Not applicable

                Time                          Way                       Type               Basic situation index of investigation

                                                                                         Current condition of the Company, no
2019-09-05                        Telephone                 Personal
                                                                                         materials required

                                                                                         Current status of the Company and no
2019-09-12                        Telephone                 Personal
                                                                                         material provided

                                                                                         Operation of the Company, no materials
2019-09-25                        Telephone                 Personal

VIII. Guarantee outside against the regulation

□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no guarantee outside against the regulation in the reporting period.

IX. Non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no non-operational fund occupation form controlling shareholders and its related party in the period

                                                                东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

                                      Section IV. Financial Statement

I. Financial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by Dongfeng Sci-Tech Group CO., LTD.

                                                                                                            In RMB

                    Item                         2019-9-30                              2018-12-31

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                           71,712,087.48                           36,306,825.10

     Settlement provisions

     Capital lent

     Tradable financial assets

     Financial assets measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Derivative financial assets

     Note receivable

     Account receivable                                         102,171.25                                11,171.25

     Receivable financing

     Accounts paid in advance                                 31,725,356.14                           61,099,009.67

     Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivables

     Contract reserve of reinsurance

     Other account receivable                                 26,279,193.00                            8,588,597.44

         Including: Interest receivable

                    Dividend receivable

     Buying back the sale of financial

     Inventories                                             172,657,976.85                          151,585,557.50

     Contractual assets

     Assets held for sale

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       Non-current asset due within one

       Other current assets                  36,375,202.62                        37,786,874.66

Total current assets                        338,851,987.34                       295,378,035.62

Non-current assets:

       Loans and payments on behalf

       Debt investment

       Finance asset available for sales                                          16,331,037.08

       Other debt investment

       Held-to-maturity investment

       Long-term account receivable

       Long-term equity investment

       Investment in other equity

       Other non-current financial assets

       Investment real estate

       Fixed assets                          14,676,826.00                        17,302,279.65

       Construction in progress             265,731,045.29                       101,650,833.16

       Productive biological asset               57,187.50                           121,437.50

       Oil and gas asset

       Right-of-use assets

       Intangible assets                     55,146,763.41                        56,686,960.59

       Expense on Research and
                                             25,899,861.29                        13,346,410.47

       Goodwill                               1,543,786.41                         1,543,786.41

       Long-term expenses to be
                                               236,485.08                            266,884.56

       Deferred income tax asset

       Other non-current asset               19,011,471.60                       121,743,152.36

Total non-current asset                     398,634,463.66                       328,992,781.78

Total assets                                737,486,451.00                       624,370,817.40

Current liabilities:

       Short-term loans

       Loan from central bank

       Capital borrowed

                                               东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

     Tradable financial liability

     Financial liability measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Derivative financial liability

     Note payable

     Account payable                          3,339,405.28                         6,668,789.67

     Accounts received in advance           147,143,153.93                        16,269,319.99

     Contractual liability

     Selling financial asset of

     Absorbing deposit and inter-bank

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Wage payable                             1,025,354.74                           981,089.59

     Taxes payable                             513,335.30                            921,967.58

     Other account payable                   76,579,712.77                       118,570,218.85

          Including: Interest payable

                     Dividend payable

     Commission charge and
commission payable

     Reinsurance payable

     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within
one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                   228,600,962.02                       143,411,385.68

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract reserve

     Long-term loans                        175,210,000.00                       101,710,000.00

     Bonds payable

          Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

     Lease liability

                                                                          东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

     Long-term account payable

     Long-term wages payable

     Accrual liability

     Deferred income

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                         175,210,000.00                           101,710,000.00

Total liabilities                                                     403,810,962.02                           245,121,385.68

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                                                    706,320,000.00                           706,320,000.00

     Other equity instrument

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

     Capital public reserve                                           463,681,309.55                           463,681,309.55

     Less: Inventory shares                                            28,826,485.70                            19,718,613.55

     Other comprehensive income

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve                                            76,791,550.17                            76,791,550.17

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                                  -910,815,676.61                          -875,480,247.09

Total owner’ s equity attributable to
                                                                      307,150,697.41                           351,593,999.08
parent company

     Minority interests                                                26,524,791.57                            27,655,432.64

Total owner’ s equity                                                333,675,488.98                           379,249,431.72

Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                                737,486,451.00                           624,370,817.40

Legal representative: Zhao Yongsheng

Person in charge of accounting works: Zhao Yongsheng

Person in charge of accounting institution: Liu Fengguo

2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company

                                                                                                                       In RMB

                    Item                                  2019-9-30                               2018-12-31

                                              东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                         52,721,811.82                        28,933,135.09

     Tradable financial assets

     Financial assets measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Derivative financial assets

     Note receivable

     Account receivable

     Receivable financing

     Accounts paid in advance               30,884,194.38                        60,821,190.73

     Other account receivable               41,550,128.61                        80,991,042.06

       Including: Interest receivable

                    Dividend receivable

     Inventories                           171,599,520.61                       150,581,753.98

     Contractual assets

     Assets held for sale

     Non-current assets maturing within
one year

     Other current assets                   10,280,632.32                        24,163,071.63

Total current assets                       307,036,287.74                       345,490,193.49

Non-current assets:

     Debt investment

     Available-for-sale financial assets                                         16,331,037.08

     Other debt investment

     Held-to-maturity investments

     Long-term receivables

     Long-term equity investments          372,803,036.40                       272,803,036.40

     Investment in other equity

     Other non-current financial assets

     Investment real estate

     Fixed assets                            1,721,178.50                         1,551,517.36

     Construction in progress

     Productive biological assets

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     Oil and natural gas assets

     Right-of-use assets

     Intangible assets

     Research and development costs


     Long-term deferred expenses

     Deferred income tax assets

     Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                    390,855,251.98                       290,685,590.84

Total assets                                697,891,539.72                       636,175,784.33

Current liabilities:

     Short-term borrowings

     Tradable financial liability

     Financial liability measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Derivative financial liability

     Notes payable

     Account payable                          2,481,984.67                         6,263,184.67

     Accounts received in advance           144,033,726.89                        14,427,450.03

     Contractual liability

     Wage payable                              293,417.99                            257,362.42

     Taxes payable                             188,673.94                            125,482.71

     Other accounts payable                 401,898,993.14                       432,985,336.27

        Including: Interest payable

                       Dividend payable

     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within
one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                   548,896,796.63                       454,058,816.10

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans

     Bonds payable

        Including: preferred stock

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                     Perpetual capital

     Lease liability

     Long-term account payable

     Long term employee compensation

     Accrued liabilities

     Deferred income

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                           548,896,796.63                             454,058,816.10

Owners’ equity:

     Share capital                                          706,320,000.00                             706,320,000.00

     Other equity instrument

        Including: preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

     Capital public reserve                                 456,569,124.55                             456,569,124.55

     Less: Inventory shares                                  28,826,485.70                              19,718,613.55

     Other comprehensive income

     Special reserve

     Surplus reserve                                         76,791,550.17                              76,791,550.17

     Retained profit                                      -1,061,859,445.93                       -1,037,845,092.94

Total owner’s equity                                       148,994,743.09                             182,116,968.23

Total liabilities and owner’s equity                       697,891,539.72                             636,175,784.33

3. Consolidated Profit Statement (the period)

                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Item                       Current Period                           Last Period

I. Total operating income                                        6,433,442.99                           15,883,771.67

     Including: Operating income                                 6,433,442.99                           15,883,771.67

              Interest income

              Insurance gained

              Commission charge and

                                                   东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

commission income

II. Total operating cost                          14,477,827.88                       26,055,730.88

      Including: Operating cost                    4,481,627.51                       15,168,302.53

               Interest expense

               Commission charge and
commission expense

      Cash surrender value

      Net amount of expense of

      Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve

      Bonus expense of guarantee slip

               Reinsurance expense

               Tax and extras                       601,320.92                           554,873.79

               Sales expense                        214,303.47                            22,550.00

               Administrative expense              9,244,083.15                        6,627,615.47

               R&D expense                                                             3,424,945.38

               Financial expense                     -63,507.17                          257,443.71

                     Including: Interest

                                Interest income      79,976.04                            83,142.52

      Add: other income                                6,451.79

            Investment income (Loss is
                                                     62,495.28                        18,550,677.50
listed with “-”)

            Including: Investment income
on affiliated company and joint venture

                     The termination of income
recognition for financial assets measured
by amortized cost(Loss is listed with “-”)

            Exchange income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

            Net exposure hedging income
(Loss is listed with “-”)

            Income from change of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)

            Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)

                                                   东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

              Losses of devaluation of asset
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Income from assets disposal
                                                    140,861.56                           237,690.63
(Loss is listed with “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                                  -7,834,576.26                        8,616,408.92

         Add: Non-operating income

         Less: Non-operating expense              3,460,798.92                           326,460.00

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)     -11,295,375.18                        8,289,948.92

         Less: Income tax expense

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)    -11,295,375.18                        8,289,948.92

   (i) Classify by business continuity

         1.continuous operating net profit
                                                 -11,295,375.18                        8,289,948.92
(net loss listed with ‘-”)

         2.termination of net profit (net loss
listed with ‘-”)

   (ii) Classify by ownership

         1.Net profit attributable to owner’s
                                                 -10,917,560.62                        8,356,632.89
of parent company

         2.Minority shareholders’ gains and
                                                   -377,814.56                           -66,683.97

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to owners of parent

         (I) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

                1.Changes of the defined
benefit plans that re-measured

                2.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that cannot
be transfer to gain/loss

                3.Change of fair value of
investment in other equity instrument

                4.Fair value change of
enterprise's credit risk

                                                                        东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

              5. Other

         (ii) Other comprehensive income
items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

              1.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that can
transfer to gain/loss

              2.Change of fair value of
other debt investment

              3.gain/loss of fair value
changes for available-for-sale financial

              4.Amount of financial assets
re-classify to other comprehensive

              5.Gain/loss of held-to-
maturity investments that re-classify to
available-for-sale financial asset

              6.Credit impairment
provision for other debt investment

              7.Cash flow hedging reserve

              8.Translation differences
arising on translation of foreign currency
financial statements


   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to minority

VII. Total comprehensive income                                      -11,295,375.18                                8,289,948.92

     Total comprehensive income
                                                                     -10,917,560.62                                8,356,632.89
attributable to owners of parent Company

     Total comprehensive income
                                                                        -377,814.56                                  -66,683.97
attributable to minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share:

     (i) Basic earnings per share                                           -0.0156                                      0.0118

     (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                        -0.0156                                      0.0118

Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0 Yuan before combination, and
realized 0 Yuan at last period for combined party

                                                                            东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

Legal representative: Zhao Yongsheng

Person in charge of accounting works: Zhao Yongsheng

Person in charge of accounting institution: Liu Fengguo

4. Profit Statement of Parent Company (the period)

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                        Item                              Current Period                            Last Period

I. Operating income                                                        6,057,883.55                           15,522,405.66

      Less: Operating cost                                                 4,168,152.06                           14,760,821.72

            Taxes and surcharge                                             277,379.47                              437,422.88

            Sales expenses                                                  214,303.47                               22,550.00

            Administration expenses                                        5,536,028.76                            3,130,251.48

            R&D expenses

            Financial expenses                                               -39,954.70                                 578.13

                     Including: interest

                            Interest income                                  51,099.20                               18,744.82

      Add: other income                                                       6,451.79

            Investment income (Loss is
                                                                             21,849.30                            17,376,446.99
listed with “-”)

            Including: Investment income
on affiliated Company and joint venture

                     The termination of
income recognition for financial assets
measured by amortized cost (Loss is
listed with “-”)

            Net exposure hedging income
(Loss is listed with “-”)

            Changing income of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)

            Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)
            Losses of devaluation of asset
(Loss is listed with “-”)

            Income on disposal of assets
(Loss is listed with “-”)

                                                 东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

II. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                                -4,069,724.42                       14,547,228.44

         Add: Non-operating income

         Less: Non-operating expense            2,353,500.00                            26,460.00

III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”)   -6,423,224.42                       14,520,768.44

         Less: Income tax

IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                -6,423,224.42                       14,520,768.44

         (i)continuous operating net profit
                                                -6,423,224.42                       14,520,768.44
         (net loss listed with ‘-”)

         (ii) termination of net profit (net
loss listed with ‘-”)

V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

         (I) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

                 1.Changes of the defined
benefit plans that re-measured

                 2.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that cannot
be transfer to gain/loss

                 3.Change of fair value of
investment in other equity instrument

                 4.Fair value change of
enterprise's credit risk

                 5. Other

          (II) Other comprehensive income
items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

                 1.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that can
transfer to gain/loss

                 2.Change of fair value of
other debt investment

                 3.gain/loss of fair value
changes for available-for-sale financial

                                                                东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

             4.Amount of financial
assets re-classify to other
comprehensive income

             5.Gain/loss of held-to-
maturity investments that re-classify to
available-for-sale financial asset

             6.Credit impairment
provision for other debt investment

             7.Cash flow hedging

             8.Translation differences
arising on translation of foreign
currency financial statements


VI. Total comprehensive income                                 -6,423,224.42                           14,520,768.44

VII. Earnings per share:

      (i) Basic earnings per share

     (ii) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Profit Statement (form the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                             In RMB

                    Item                      Current Period                            Last Period

I. Total operating income                                      39,804,856.47                           95,699,640.45

     Including: Operating income                               39,804,856.47                           95,699,640.45

             Interest income

             Insurance gained

             Commission charge and
commission income

II. Total operating cost                                       73,185,443.66                          114,139,960.38

     Including: Operating cost                                 32,700,355.28                           87,135,797.74

             Interest expense

             Commission charge and
commission expense

     Cash surrender value

     Net amount of expense of

                                                    东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

         Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve

         Bonus expense of guarantee slip

                Reinsurance expense

                Tax and extras                     1,682,848.47                         3,324,122.85

                Sales expense                     10,193,305.47                            27,452.12

                Administrative expense            28,592,202.66                        21,114,670.20

                R&D expense                                                             3,424,945.38

                Financial expense                     16,731.78                          -887,027.91

                     Including: Interest

                                Interest income      106,322.28                           977,546.69

         Add: other income                             6,451.79                         2,890,000.00

             Investment income (Loss is
                                                     261,265.72                        18,683,998.38
listed with “-”)

             Including: Investment income
on affiliated company and joint venture

                     The termination of income
recognition for financial assets measured
by amortized cost(Loss is listed with “-”)

             Exchange income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

             Net exposure hedging income
(Loss is listed with “-”)

             Income from change of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)

             Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)
             Losses of devaluation of asset
(Loss is listed with “-”)

             Income from assets disposal
                                                     972,524.64                           219,005.95
(Loss is listed with “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                                  -32,615,284.87                        3,352,684.40

         Add: Non-operating income                       864.03                             3,121.00

         Less: Non-operating expense               3,851,649.75                           329,067.78

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)      -36,466,070.59                        3,026,737.62

         Less: Income tax expense                                                         110,309.68

                                                  东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)   -36,466,070.59                        2,916,427.94

   (i) Classify by business continuity

      1.continuous operating net profit
                                                -36,466,070.59                        2,916,427.94
(net loss listed with ‘-”)

      2.termination of net profit (net loss
listed with ‘-”)

   (ii) Classify by ownership

      1.Net profit attributable to owner’s
                                                -35,335,429.52                        3,145,874.67
of parent company

      2.Minority shareholders’ gains and
                                                 -1,130,641.07                         -229,446.73

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to owners of parent

      (I) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

               1.Changes of the defined
benefit plans that re-measured

               2.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that cannot
be transfer to gain/loss

               3.Change of fair value of
investment in other equity instrument

               4.Fair value change of
enterprise's credit risk

               5. Other

         (ii) Other comprehensive income
items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

               1.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that can
transfer to gain/loss

               2.Change of fair value of
other debt investment

               3.gain/loss of fair value
changes for available-for-sale financial

                                                                             东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文


             4.Amount of financial assets
re-classify to other comprehensive

             5.Gain/loss of held-to-
maturity investments that re-classify to
available-for-sale financial asset

             6.Credit impairment
provision for other debt investment

             7.Cash flow hedging reserve

             8.Translation differences
arising on translation of foreign currency
financial statements


   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to minority

VII. Total comprehensive income                                            -36,466,070.59                           2,916,427.94

     Total comprehensive income
                                                                           -35,335,429.52                           3,145,874.67
attributable to owners of parent Company

     Total comprehensive income
                                                                            -1,130,641.07                            -229,446.73
attributable to minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share:

     (i) Basic earnings per share                                                -0.0506                                 0.0045

     (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                             -0.0506                                 0.0045

Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0 Yuan before combination, and
realized 0 Yuan at last period for combined party

Legal representative: Zhao Yongsheng

Person in charge of accounting works: Zhao Yongsheng

Person in charge of accounting institution: Liu Fengguo

6. Profit Statement of Parent Company (form the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                  Item                                    Current Period                             Last Period

I. Operating income                                                        36,518,917.89                           92,504,180.72

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         Less: Operating cost                   29,511,791.58                        83,615,674.53

              Taxes and surcharge                  853,787.06                         2,768,191.78

              Sales expenses                    10,187,020.92                            22,550.00

              Administration expenses           17,266,091.93                         8,595,068.60

              R&D expenses

              Financial expenses                    -70,898.17                           -1,205.78

                     Including: interest

                             Interest income        61,330.86                            18,744.82

         Add: other income                           6,451.79                         2,890,000.00

              Investment income (Loss is
                                                   170,567.24                        53,664,604.56
listed with “-”)

              Including: Investment income
on affiliated Company and joint venture

                     The termination of
income recognition for financial assets
measured by amortized cost (Loss is
listed with “-”)

              Net exposure hedging income
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Changing income of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)

              Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)
              Losses of devaluation of asset
                                                  -357,903.38                         1,221,802.00
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Income on disposal of assets
(Loss is listed with “-”)

II. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                                -21,409,759.78                       55,280,308.15

         Add: Non-operating income

         Less: Non-operating expense             2,604,593.21                            28,761.69

III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”)   -24,014,352.99                       55,251,546.46

         Less: Income tax

IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                -24,014,352.99                       55,251,546.46

         (i)continuous operating net profit
                                                -24,014,352.99                       55,251,546.46
         (net loss listed with ‘-”)

                                           东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

     (ii) termination of net profit (net
loss listed with ‘-”)

V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

     (I) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

              1.Changes of the defined
benefit plans that re-measured

              2.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that cannot
be transfer to gain/loss

              3.Change of fair value of
investment in other equity instrument

              4.Fair value change of
enterprise's credit risk

              5. Other

         (II) Other comprehensive income
items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

              1.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that can
transfer to gain/loss

              2.Change of fair value of
other debt investment

              3.gain/loss of fair value
changes for available-for-sale financial

              4.Amount of financial
assets re-classify to other
comprehensive income

              5.Gain/loss of held-to-
maturity investments that re-classify to
available-for-sale financial asset

              6.Credit impairment
provision for other debt investment

              7.Cash flow hedging

              8.Translation differences

                                                                东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

arising on translation of foreign
currency financial statements


VI. Total comprehensive income                            -24,014,352.99                              55,251,546.46

VII. Earnings per share:

        (i) Basic earnings per share

       (ii) Diluted earnings per share

7. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (form the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                            In RMB

                    Item                     Current Period                             Last Period

I. Cash flows arising from operating

       Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                           155,632,690.61                              54,496,355.81

       Net increase of customer deposit
and inter-bank deposit

        Net increase of loan from central

       Net increase of capital borrowed
from other financial institution

       Cash received from original
insurance contract fee

       Net cash received from reinsurance

       Net increase of insured savings
and investment

       Cash received from interest,
commission charge and commission

       Net increase of capital borrowed

       Net increase of returned business

       Net cash received by agents in sale
and purchase of securities

       Write-back of tax received                                                                      8,086,715.65

       Other cash received concerning                         51,835,052.26                           50,127,468.85

                                                东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                             207,467,742.87                       112,710,540.31
operating activities

       Cash paid for purchasing
commodities and receiving labor               31,435,560.24                        10,956,984.72

       Net increase of customer loans and

       Net increase of deposits in central
bank and inter-bank

       Cash paid for original insurance
contract compensation

       Net increase of capital lent

       Cash paid for interest, commission
charge and commission

         Cash paid for bonus of guarantee

       Cash paid to/for staff and workers     17,339,892.70                        15,828,825.66

       Taxes paid                             10,389,167.04                        30,170,623.93

       Other cash paid concerning
                                             126,692,462.18                        30,848,766.52
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                             185,857,082.16                        87,805,200.83
operating activities

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                              21,610,660.71                        24,905,339.48

II. Cash flows arising from investing

       Cash received from recovering
                                              89,000,000.00                        16,841,429.97

       Cash received from investment
                                                192,161.03                         17,423,950.06

       Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term           623,640.00                         29,254,000.00

       Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units

       Other cash received concerning
investing activities

                                             东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing
                                           89,815,801.03                        63,519,380.03

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                           72,933,597.42                       237,339,854.85
intangible and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment              59,000,000.00

     Net increase of mortgaged loans

     Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other units obtained

     Other cash paid concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing
                                          131,933,597.42                       230,726,930.48

Net cash flows arising from investing
                                          -42,117,796.39                      -167,207,550.45

III. Cash flows arising from financing

     Cash received from absorbing

      Including: Cash received from
absorbing minority shareholders’
investment by subsidiaries

     Cash received from loans              77,500,000.00                        99,910,000.00

     Other cash received concerning
                                            1,296,100.00                         3,544,100.00
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                           78,796,100.00                       103,454,100.00

     Cash paid for settling debts           4,000,000.00

     Cash paid for dividend and profit
distributing or interest paying

     Including: Dividend and profit of
minority shareholder paid by

     Other cash paid concerning
                                            9,107,872.15                           603,800.00
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                           21,695,211.00                           603,800.00

Net cash flows arising from financing
                                           57,100,889.00                       102,850,300.00

                                                              东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in                             103,546.27                               282,819.76
exchange rate

V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                            36,697,299.59                           -39,169,091.21

     Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                            33,512,916.99                            68,107,388.69
equivalents at the period -begin

VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                            70,210,216.58                            28,938,297.48
equivalents at the period -end

8. Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company (form the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                           In RMB

                  Item                     Current Period                             Last Period

I. Cash flows arising from operating

     Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                         150,599,469.79                               50,214,679.01

     Write-back of tax received                                                                          86,715.65

     Other cash received concerning
                                                        147,174,136.03                               99,020,177.14
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                        297,773,605.82                              149,321,571.80
operating activities

     Cash paid for purchasing
commodities and receiving labor                             18,492,880.07                            11,184,779.90

     Cash paid to/for staff and workers                      6,709,835.72                             4,348,395.85

     Taxes paid                                              8,910,695.54                             8,462,050.45

     Other cash paid concerning
                                                        149,988,059.87                              162,791,532.38
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                                        184,101,471.20                              186,786,758.58
operating activities

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                        113,672,134.62                              -37,465,186.78

II. Cash flows arising from investing

     Cash received from recovering
                                                            75,300,000.00                             5,311,429.97

                                             东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

     Cash received from investment
                                             170,567.24                         30,304,604.56

     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term

     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash received concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing
                                           75,470,567.24                        35,616,034.53

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                            4,950,215.77                             8,720.00
intangible and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment             151,300,000.00

     Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other units obtained

     Other cash paid concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing
                                          156,250,215.77                             8,720.00

Net cash flows arising from investing
                                          -80,779,648.53                        35,607,314.53

III. Cash flows arising from financing

     Cash received from absorbing

     Cash received from loans

     Other cash received concerning
                                            1,296,100.00                         3,544,100.00
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                            1,296,100.00                         3,544,100.00

     Cash paid for settling debts

     Cash paid for dividend and profit
distributing or interest paying

     Other cash paid concerning
                                            9,107,872.15                           603,800.00
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                            9,107,872.15                           603,800.00

                                                                   东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                                 -7,811,772.15                         2,940,300.00

IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in
exchange rate

V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                 25,080,713.94                         1,082,427.75

      Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                 26,139,226.98                         5,394,019.29
equivalents at the period -begin

VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                 51,219,940.92                         6,476,447.04
equivalents at the period -end

II. Financial statement adjustment

1. Relevant items of the financial statement at beginning of the year when implementing the new financial
instrument standards, new revenue standards or new leasing standards since 2019

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                            In RMB

              Item                      2018-12-31                  2019-01-01                 Adjustment

Current assets:

      Monetary funds                          36,306,825.10                36,306,825.10

      Settlement provisions

      Capital lent

      Tradable financial assets

      Financial assets
measured by fair value and
with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

      Derivative financial

      Note receivable

      Account receivable                             11,171.25                   11,171.25

      Receivable financing

      Accounts paid in
                                              61,099,009.67                61,099,009.67

      Insurance receivable

                                                东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

     Reinsurance receivables

     Contract reserve of
reinsurance receivable

     Other account
                                 8,588,597.44           8,588,597.44

         Including: Interest


     Buying back the sale of
financial assets

     Inventories               151,585,557.50         151,585,557.50

     Contractual assets

     Assets held for sale

     Non-current asset due
within one year

     Other current assets       37,786,874.66          37,786,874.66

Total current assets           295,378,035.62         295,378,035.62

Non-current assets:

     Loans and payments on

     Debt investment

     Finance asset available
                                16,331,037.08                                     -16,331,037.08
for sales

     Other debt investment


     Long-term account

     Long-term equity

     Investment in other
                                                       16,331,037.08               16,331,037.08
equity instrument

     Other non-current
financial assets

     Investment real estate

     Fixed assets               17,302,279.65          17,302,279.65

                                                      东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

        Construction in progress     101,650,833.16         101,650,833.16

        Productive biological
                                        121,437.50              121,437.50

        Oil and gas asset

        Right-of-use assets

        Intangible assets             56,686,960.59          56,686,960.59

        Expense on Research
                                      13,346,410.47          13,346,410.47
and Development

        Goodwill                       1,543,786.41           1,543,786.41

        Long-term expenses to
                                        266,884.56              266,884.56
be apportioned

        Deferred income tax

        Other non-current asset      121,743,152.36         121,743,152.36

Total non-current asset              328,992,781.78         328,992,781.78

Total assets                         624,370,817.40         624,370,817.40

Current liabilities:

        Short-term loans

        Loan from central bank

        Capital borrowed

        Tradable financial

        Financial liability
measured by fair value and
with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

        Derivative financial

        Note payable

        Account payable                6,668,789.67           6,668,789.67

        Accounts received in
                                      16,269,319.99          16,269,319.99

        Contractual liability

        Selling financial asset of

        Absorbing deposit and
inter-bank deposit

                                                     东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

    Security         trading   of
     Security sales of agency

     Wage payable                      981,089.59              981,089.59

     Taxes payable                     921,967.58              921,967.58

     Other account payable          118,570,218.85         118,570,218.85

        Including: Interest


     Commission charge and
commission payable

     Reinsurance payable

     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities
due within one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities           143,411,385.68         143,411,385.68

Non-current liabilities:
     Insurance           contract
     Long-term loans                101,710,000.00         101,710,000.00

     Bonds payable

        Including: Preferred

capital securities

     Lease liability

     Long-term account

     Long-term wages

     Accrual liability

     Deferred income

     Deferred income tax

     Other non-current

                                                         东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

Total non-current liabilities          101,710,000.00          101,710,000.00

Total liabilities                      245,121,385.68          245,121,385.68

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                     706,320,000.00          706,320,000.00

     Other equity instrument

         Including: Preferred

capital securities

     Capital public reserve            463,681,309.55          463,681,309.55

     Less: Inventory shares             19,718,613.55           19,718,613.55

     Other comprehensive

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve             76,791,550.17           76,791,550.17

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                   -875,480,247.09         -875,480,247.09

Total owner’ s equity
attributable to parent                 351,593,999.08          351,593,999.08

     Minority interests                 27,655,432.64           27,655,432.64

Total owner’ s equity                 379,249,431.72          379,249,431.72

Total liabilities and owner’ s
                                       624,370,817.40          624,370,817.40

Balance Sheet of Parent Company
                                                                                                  In RMB

              Item                2018-12-31              2019-01-01                 Adjustment

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                     28,933,135.09           28,933,135.09

     Tradable financial assets

     Financial assets
measured by fair value and
with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Derivative financial

                                                 东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

     Note receivable

     Account receivable

     Receivable financing

     Accounts paid in
                                 60,821,190.73          60,821,190.73

     Other account
                                 80,991,042.06          80,991,042.06

         Including: Interest


     Inventories                150,581,753.98         150,581,753.98

     Contractual assets

     Assets held for sale

     Non-current assets
maturing within one year

     Other current assets        24,163,071.63          24,163,071.63

Total current assets            345,490,193.49         345,490,193.49

Non-current assets:

     Debt investment

                                 16,331,037.08                                     -16,331,037.08
financial assets

     Other debt investment


     Long-term receivables

     Long-term equity
                                272,803,036.40         272,803,036.40

     Investment in other
                                                        16,331,037.08               16,331,037.08
equity instrument

     Other non-current
financial assets

     Investment real estate

     Fixed assets                 1,551,517.36           1,551,517.36

     Construction in progress

     Productive biological

                                                   东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

     Oil and natural gas

     Right-of-use assets

     Intangible assets

     Research and
development costs


     Long-term deferred

     Deferred income tax

     Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets          290,685,590.84         290,685,590.84

Total assets                      636,175,784.33         636,175,784.33

Current liabilities:

     Short-term borrowings

     Tradable financial

     Financial liability
measured by fair value and
with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Derivative financial

     Notes payable

     Account payable                6,263,184.67           6,263,184.67

     Accounts received in
                                   14,427,450.03          14,427,450.03

     Contractual liability

     Wage payable                    257,362.42              257,362.42

     Taxes payable                   125,482.71              125,482.71

     Other accounts payable       432,985,336.27         432,985,336.27

         Including: Interest


     Liability held for sale

                                                  东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

     Non-current liabilities
due within one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities        454,058,816.10         454,058,816.10

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans

     Bonds payable

         Including: preferred

capital securities

     Lease liability

     Long-term account

     Long term employee
compensation payable

     Accrued liabilities

     Deferred income

     Deferred income tax

     Other non-current

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                454,058,816.10         454,058,816.10

Owners’ equity:

     Share capital               706,320,000.00         706,320,000.00

     Other equity instrument

         Including: preferred

capital securities

     Capital public reserve      456,569,124.55         456,569,124.55

     Less: Inventory shares       19,718,613.55          19,718,613.55

     Other comprehensive

     Special reserve

                                                                                东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

       Surplus reserve                               76,791,550.17                       76,791,550.17

       Retained profit                           -1,037,845,092.94                   -1,037,845,092.94

Total owner’s equity                               182,116,968.23                      182,116,968.23

Total liabilities and owner’s
                                                   636,175,784.33                       636,175,784.33


2. Explanation on comparative data in the early stage of retroactive adjustment while implemented the new
financial instrument standards or new leasing standards since 2019

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1) The Company prepared the 2019 annual financial statement in accordance with the Ministry of Finance's Notice on Amending the
2019 Annual Financial Statement Form of General Enterprises (CK [2019] No. 6) and the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, this accounting policy change adopted the retrospective adjustment method. Report items and amounts of the 2018 Annual
Financial Statement that were significantly affected are as follows:

         Items and amounts of the original statement                        Items and amounts of new statements
Notes Receivable and                                11,171.25 Notes Receivable
Accounts Receivable
                                                                Accounts Receivable                               11,171.25
Notes payable and accounts                       6,668,789.67 Notes payable
payable                                                         Accounts payable                            6,668,789.67
2) The revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of Financial Assets, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
No. 24 - Hedge Accounting and Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37 – Financial Instruments Presentation (hereinafter
referred to as new financial instrument standards)are implemented by the Company since 1 st January 2019. According to the relevant
convergence rules for new and old standards, the information of the comparable period will not be adjusted. The difference between
the implementation of the new standard and the original standard on the first implementation date is retrospectively adjusted to the
retained earnings or other comprehensive income at the beginning of the reporting period.

① Impact on financial statement of the Company on 1st Jan. 2019 when implemented the new financial instrument
              Item                                                     Balance sheet
                                 2018-12-31                   Impact   of    New    Financial 2019-1-1
                                                              Instrument             Standard
Financial assets available for                16,331,037.08                    -16,331,037.08
Investment in other equity                                                      16,331,037.08              16,331,037.08

② Contrast of the classification and measurement of the financial assets and liability under new financial instrument
standards with those under former financial instrument standards on 1st Jan. 2019:
          Item              Former Financial Instrument Guidelines               New Financial Instrument Guidelines

                                                                           东沣科技集团股份有限公司 2019 年第三季度报告全文

                                  Measurement         Book Value             Measurement         Book Value
                                   Category                                  Category
Financial assets             Measured at cost         16,331,037.08
available for sale
Investment    in     other                                            Measured at cost            16,331,037.08
equity instruments

III. Audit report

Whether the 3rd quarterly report has been audited or not
□Yes √ No
The 3rd quarterly report of the Company has not been audited.
