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						                   Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd
                     The Third Quarterly Report 2011
§1 Important Notice
1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and directors, supervisors and
senior management of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd. (hereinafter referred to
as “the Company”) hereby guarantee that this report contains no false information,
misleading statements or material omissions, and will, individually and collectively,
accept responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of this report.
1.2 The Financial Report in the third quarterly report has not been audited by a CPA
1.3 Chen Hongcheng, person in charge of the Company, Chen Peixia, person in
charge of the accounting work and person in charge of the accounting organ (chief
accountant) hereby confirmed that the Financial Report enclosed in the quarterly
report is true and complete.

§2 Company Profile
2.1 Main accounting data and financial indexes
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                 As at 30 Sept. 2011             As at 31 Dec. 2010    Increase/decrease (%)
Total assets (Yuan)                                       577,730,209.28                586,050,810.45                -1.42%
Owners’      equity     attributable to
                                                           297,748,347.99              308,161,044.95                  -3.38%
shareholders of listed company (Yuan)
Share capital (Share)                                      318,600,000.00              318,600,000.00                  0.00%
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholders of listed company (Yuan                                  0.93                         0.97                -4.12%
                                                                    Increase/decrease                        Increase/decrease
                                              Jul.-Sept. 2011                               Jan.-Sept. 2011
                                                                    year-on-year (%)                         year-on-year (%)
Total operation income (Yuan)                     28,631,955.27                -22.15%         75,393,285.38          -35.23%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                  -5,978,817.14                  -45.30%       -10,412,696.96         40.20%
listed company (Yuan)
Net cash flows generated from operating
                                                      -                      -                 39,050,683.78           -8.18%
activities (Yuan)
Net cash flows per share generated from
                                                      -                      -                            0.12         7.69%
operating activities (Yuan /share)
Basic earnings per share (Yuan /share)                      -0.02                50.00%                 -0.03         -66.66%
Diluted earnings per share (Yuan /share)                    -0.02                50.00%                 -0.03         -66.66%
Weighted average return on net assets (%)                 -1.99%                 -1.84%               -3.44%            0.83%
Weighted average return on net assets after
deducting extraordinary gains and losses                  -2.16%                  -1.50%              -6.83%           -2.82%
Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable          □Inapplicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                Items of non-recurring gains and losses                             Amount           Note(If applicable)
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                    6,947,060.17
Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assets
and tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment income from
disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities                    419,537.68
and financial assets available for sales except for effective hedging
related with normal businesses of the Company
Impairment reserves reversal of account receivables individually
taking the impairment tests
Other non-operating income and expenses besides the above items                            -624,837.06
Effect on income tax                                                                        272,064.13
Effect on minority interest                                                                 -30,283.24

                                Total                                                10,281,867.18              -
2.2 Total number of shareholders and shareholding of top ten shareholders holding
tradable shares
                                                                      Unit: share
 Total number of shareholders at the period-end                                                                       14,865
                                Shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares
                                                   Number of tradable shares held at
           Full name of shareholder                                                               Type of share
SU YOU HE                                                                     5,580,463 Domestically listed foreign shares
QIN YU YAN                                                                    1,995,033 Domestically listed foreign shares
ZHENG SU XIAN                                                                 1,721,118 Domestically listed foreign shares
XU HAI                                                                        1,493,101 Domestically listed foreign shares
LUO DONG HUI                                                                  1,441,200 Domestically listed foreign shares
NGAI KWOK PAN (WEI GUO BIN)                                                   1,145,816 Domestically listed foreign shares
CHEN JIAN SHENG                                                               1,017,797 Domestically listed foreign shares
WANG YAN FENG                                                                 1,011,753 Domestically listed foreign shares
WU CHI LI                                                                       808,800 Domestically listed foreign shares
KE ZHONG FENG                                                                   789,800 Domestically listed foreign shares

§3 Significant Events
3.1 Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and
financial index and its reason
√Applicable        □Inapplicable
Explanations on items with an over-30% movement:
                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
Items in the balance
                        30 Sept. 2011      31 Dec. 2010       Movement (%)                      Explanation
                                                                                 Repayment of loans to China Construction
Monetary funds               6,621,985        30,095,398               -78.00
                                                                                 Receivables from Rieys Paper were
Accounts receivable         29,882,296        60,384,108               -50.51
                                                                                 Prepayment for the construction of real
Prepayments                 99,849,740        69,492,605                43.68    estate development projects launched by
                                                                                 Hengda Real Estate
Short-term                                                                       Loans granted by China Construction
                            93,999,960       158,500,000               -40.69
borrowings                                                                       Bank were repaid.
                                                                                 A borrowing of RMB 63.70 million from
Other payables              89,010,429        34,590,357               157.33
                                                                                 a related party
Operating revenues       75,393,285.38    116,408,282.07               -35.23    Less export
Operating costs          59,292,969.88     86,610,473.31               -31.54    Less export
Operating expenses        4,968,826.02      9,780,506.27               -49.20    Less export
3.2 Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis on solutions
3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion
√Applicable          □Inapplicable
Asia (Group) Accounting Firm issued an unqualified audit report with pinpointed
matters for the 2010 Annual Financial Report of the Company. The said pinpointed
matters were stated as, “We warn the users of financial statements to pay attention to
the content of Notes to the Financial Statements X (10), which is in the year 2010, net
profit attributable to owners of the parent company stood at RMB -41,187,000 and at
RMB -42,204,000 after deducting non-recurring gains and losses. In 2010, the main
business scope of the Company was transformed from garments to both garments and
real estate development. The real estate projects have been started but not pre-sold,
there still existed uncertainty whether the real estate business would generate a profit
or not. The Company had disclosed in detail improvement measures to be taken in the
notes to the financial statements, but there still existed a significant uncertainty about
the going-concern ability of the Company. The statements above will not affect the

unqualified audit opinion that has been issued.”
The Board of Directors is of the opinion that the biggest obstacle to the Company’s
development has been removed through the asset exchange at the end of 2009, which
greatly improves its asset quality. Although the Company is still in loss in the
reporting period, a loss reduction about RMB 4.20 million has been achieved as
compared with the loss about RMB 14.61 million in the same period of last year. As is
shown, the loss is decreasing. The real estate projects in Puning currently developed
by the Company are on smooth progress with about RMB 40 million being input in
the projects accumulatively during the first half year of 2011, thus the construction of
the projects can be implemented as schedule basically. Meanwhile, the target of
national macro control on real estate indicates that the demands in real estate market
are large in cities like Puning. To sum up, the Company’s business is beginning to turn
in a positive direction and its continual operation ability is fully guaranteed.
3.2.2 Whether the Company provided funds to the controlling shareholder or its
related parties or provided guarantees to external parties in violation of the prescribed
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.2.3 Signing and execution of significant contracts concerning routine operations
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.2.4 Others
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and the actual
Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives,
shareholders with an over 5% shareholding, actual controller and other stakeholders
during the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit
achieved during the period from year-begin to the end of the next reporting period
compared with the same period of last year, as well as explanation on reasons
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Performance forecast              Deficit
                                  From year-begin to the end of
                                                                Same period of last year     Increase/decrease(%)
                                     the next reporting period
    Estimated accumulative net
                                                        -1,700.00              -4,219.00 Decrease                      -59.70%
            profit (RMB’0000)
       Basic earnings per share
                                                            -0.05                  -0.13 Decrease                      -61.53%
                              Currently, the main business scope of the Company is garments production and real estate
                              development, the reasons of the loss reduction in the net profit incurred in the period from
                              the year-begin to the end of the next reporting period are as follows: (1) Real estate
                              projects developed by the Company are still in the development phase and they could not
Notes to performance forecast be completed and settled within the year 2011, and the profits of garments production can’t
                              turn the Company to be profit; (2) Investment income was gained from the sales of
                              Shenzhen Missk Fashion Co., Ltd. during the reporting period; (3) The debts
                              reorganization with China Construction Bank hasn’t been finished, so the deducted interest
                              can’t be recorded into current gains and losses temporarily.
3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained
3.5.1 Investments into securities
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
Serial Securities variety   Stock code     Short form       Initial   Shares held at Book value at Proportion in       Gains or

 No.                                        of stock    investment       period-end       period-end          total     losses in
                                                          amount           (share)                          securities     the
                                                          (Yuan)                                          investment at reporting
                                                                                                           period-end     period
                                         *ST China
  1    Stock              000607         Union            20,239.00              3,700       17,353.00        100.00%       -2,886.00
  Other securities investments held at period-end                 0.00       -                     0.00            0.00%         0.00
 Gains/ losses from securities investment sold in the
                                                              -              -                 -               -           422,423.68
                  reporting period
                        Total                             20,239.00          -               17,353.00             100% 419,537.68
Explanations for particulars about securities investment: With purpose of promoting
the use efficiency of idle capital, securities investment of the Company is in
accordance with management authorities, all procedure, and internal control rules as
well as decision approval of conducting securities investment. While securities
investment of the Company is of a small amount, low profitability that has a little
impact on business performance of the reporting period.
3.5.2 Reception of research, interviews and visits in the reporting period
                                                                                          Main discussion and materials provided
       Time               Place                Way of reception            Visitor
                                                                                                     by the Company
                                                                                         Inquiring about the progress of the
                                                                                         Company’s real estate development and
27 Jul. 2011       Office of the Board Communication by telephone Investor
                                                                                         the status on debt repayment for China
                                                                                         Construction Bank
                                                                                         Inquiring about the Company’s basic
25 Aug. 2011       Office of the Board Communication by telephone Investor               situation and the progress of its real
                                                                                         estate development
                                                                                         Inquiring about the Company’s overall
30 Aug. 2011       Office of the Board Communication by telephone Investor               operation situation and the progress of its
                                                                                         real estate development
                                                                                         Inquiring about the progress of the
                                                                                         Company’s real estate development and
8 Sept. 2011       Office of the Board Communication by telephone Investor
                                                                                         the status of debt for China Construction
                                                                                         Inquiring about the progress of the
                                                                                         Company’s real estate development
19 Sept. 2011      Office of the Board Communication by telephone Investor
                                                                                         projects and the situation of the
                                                                                         subsequent projects
3.6 Investments into derivatives
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.6.1 Positions of derivatives investments held at the period-end
□Applicable √Inapplicable

§ 4 Appendix
4.1 Balance sheet
Prepared by Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd                     30 Sept. 2011          Unit: RMB (Yuan)
                                             Balance as at 30 Sept. 2011                            Balance as at 31 Dec. 2010
                                        Consolidation           The Company                    Consolidation          The Company
Current assets:
  Monetary funds                              6,621,984.57               1,282,203.21               30,095,398.06               28,150,078.47
  Settlement funds
  Outgoing call loans
  Transaction financial asset                     17,353.00                 17,353.00
  Notes receivable
  Account receivable                         29,882,296.11                                          60,384,107.71
  Prepayment                                 99,849,740.14                 968,244.00               69,492,604.59                 338,244.00
  Insurance premium receivables

  Reinsurance               accounts
  Reinsurance contract reserve
  Interest receivable
  Dividend receivable
  Other accounts receivable              22,463,216.63   137,899,881.40    27,781,691.68       106,997,618.63
  Financial assets purchased
under agreements to resell
  Inventories                           239,488,367.57                    205,006,377.50
  Non-current assets due within 1
                                                                            5,000,000.00         5,000,000.00
  Other current assets
Total current assets                    398,322,958.02   140,167,681.61   397,760,179.54       140,485,941.10
Non-current assets:
  Loan and payment on other’s
behalf disbursed
  Available-for-sale        financial
  Held to maturity investments
  Long-term account receivable
  Long-term equity investment                            243,312,508.68                        243,312,509.68
  Investment property
  Fixed asset                           105,465,570.24    99,602,812.16   110,872,936.68       103,288,925.43
  Project in process
  Engineering material                       54,526.00        54,526.00        54,526.00            54,526.00
  Fixed asset disposal
  Production biological asset
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                      65,313,522.27    65,313,522.27    66,441,172.05        66,441,172.05
  Development expense
  Long-term deferred expense
  Deferred tax assets                     7,753,552.75     2,311,644.02    10,056,556.18         5,048,816.11
  Other non-current assets                  820,080.00                        865,440.00
Total non-current assets                179,407,251.26   410,595,013.13   188,290,630.91       418,145,949.27
Total assets                            577,730,209.28   550,762,694.74   586,050,810.45       558,631,890.37
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                  93,999,960.00    78,999,960.00   158,500,000.00       143,500,000.00
  Borrowing from central Bank
  Deposits received and held for
  Call loan received
  Transaction financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Account payable                         5,743,109.31        19,442.64     5,208,298.06            19,442.64
  Account received in advance               125,104.24                         39,821.24
  Financial assets sold under
agreements to repurchase
  Handling charges and
commission payable
  Payroll payable                         1,100,933.69       174,894.93     1,316,693.31           163,554.90
  Taxes payable                           3,673,138.01       635,239.69     6,660,913.34         1,460,207.15
  Interest payable                       81,801,155.36    73,929,683.66    67,636,166.85        61,952,339.22
  Dividend payable
  Other payables                         89,010,429.35   191,637,839.61    34,590,357.22       122,403,842.79
  Account due to reinsurance
  Insurance contract reserve
  Entrusted trading of securities
  Entrusted selling of securities
  Non-current liabilities due
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities                                                    99,671.66
Total current liabilities               275,453,829.96   345,397,060.53   274,051,921.68       329,499,386.70

Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term borrowings
   Bonds payable
   Long-term payables
   Specific payables
   Estimated liabilities
   Deferred taxes liabilities
   Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Total liabilities                          275,453,829.96            345,397,060.53       274,051,921.68            329,499,386.70
Owner’s equity (or shareholders’
   Paid-in capital (or share capital)      318,600,000.00            318,600,000.00       318,600,000.00            318,600,000.00
   Capital reserve                          52,129,496.58             52,129,496.58        52,129,496.58             52,129,496.58
   Less:treasury stock
   Specific reserves
   Surplus reserves                         86,036,260.20             86,036,260.20        86,036,260.20             86,036,260.20
   General risk provision
   Retained earnings                      -159,017,408.79            -251,400,122.57     -148,604,711.83            -227,633,253.11
   Foreign exchange difference
Total equity attributable to owners
                                           297,748,347.99            205,365,634.21       308,161,044.95            229,132,503.67
of the Company
Minority interest                            4,528,031.33                                   3,837,843.82
Total owner’s equity                      302,276,379.32            205,365,634.21       311,998,888.77            229,132,503.67
Total liabilities and owner’s
                                           577,730,209.28            550,762,694.74       586,050,810.45            558,631,890.37

4.2 Income statement for Jul.-Sept. 2011
Prepared by Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd                    Jul.-Sept. 2011        Unit: RMB (Yuan)
                                                  Jul.- Sept. 2011                               Jul.- Sept. 2010
                                        Consolidation          The Company             Consolidation            The Company

I. Total sales                              28,631,955.27                417,000.00        36,779,725.03                417,000.00

  Including: Sales                          28,631,955.27                417,000.00        36,779,725.03                417,000.00

  Interests income

  Premium income
  Handling     charges           and
commission income
II. Total cost of sales                     34,214,917.08               9,113,638.60       39,280,127.71              8,671,557.76

Including: Cost of sales                    21,616,352.97                400,263.99        28,907,253.37                400,263.99

  Interests expenses
  Handling     charges           and
commission income
  Insurance discharge payment

  Claim expenses-net
   Provision for insurance contract
  Insurance policy dividend paid

  Reinsurance expense

  Business taxes and surcharges                                                                30,231.42

  Distribution expenses                        606,491.12                                   3,242,078.96                     96.00

  Administrative expenses                    4,304,286.97               2,290,430.39        6,186,898.92              3,832,223.80

  Financial costs                          7,788,524.55              6,422,944.22         6,190,251.26               4,438,973.97

  Impairment loss                           -100,738.53                                  -5,276,586.22
  Add: gain/(loss) from change in
                                              89,761.52                 58,977.00
fair value (“-” means loss)
Investment income (“-” means
                                             313,876.62                 50,722.60
      Including:   income     from
investment on affiliated enterprise
and jointly enterprise
    Foreign exchange difference
(“-” means loss)
III. Operating profit (“-” means
                                          -5,179,323.67             -8,586,939.00        -2,500,402.68               -8,254,557.76
 Add: non-business income                      7,310.23                                              0.80

 Less: non-business expense                  -52,474.08                   100.00            189,644.72                 115,610.52
    Including: loss from
non-current asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)        -5,119,539.36            -8,587,039.00        -2,690,046.60               -8,370,168.28

Less: tax expense                            849,066.46                 14,744.25           793,996.87                         0.00

V. Net profit (“-” means loss)          -5,968,605.82             -8,601,783.25        -3,484,043.47               -8,370,168.28
 Attributable to equity holders of
                                          -5,978,817.14             -8,601,783.25        -3,266,996.73               -8,370,168.28
the Company
Minority interests                            10,211.32                      0.00          -217,046.74                         0.00

VI. Earnings per share

    (I) Basic earnings per share                      -0.02                 -0.03                    -0.01                   -0.03

    (II) Diluted earnings per share                   -0.02                 -0.03                    -0.01                   -0.03

Ⅶ. Other composite income                            0.00                   0.00                    0.00                      0.00

Ⅷ. Total composite income                -5,968,605.82             -8,601,783.25        -3,484,043.47               -8,370,168.28
   Attributable to owners of the
                                          -5,978,817.14             -8,601,783.25        -3,266,996.73               -8,370,168.28
   Attributable to minority
                                              10,211.32                      0.00          -217,046.74                         0.00
Where there were business combinations under the same control in this reporting
period, the combined parties achieved net profit of RMB 0.00 before the

4.3 Income statement for Jan.-Sept. 2011
Prepared by Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd                      Jan.-Sept. 2011    Unit: RMB (Yuan)
                                                 Jan.-Sept. 2011                                Jan.-Sept. 2010
                                      Consolidation           The Company            Consolidation               The Company
I. Total sales                            75,393,285.38              1,277,000.00       116,408,282.07               9,240,130.70

Including: Sales                          75,393,285.38              1,277,000.00       116,408,282.07               9,240,130.70

  Interests income

  Premium income
  Handling     charges          and
commission income
II. Total cost of sales                   90,500,339.85             21,771,759.37       125,518,717.52              35,231,775.71

Including: Cost of sales                  59,292,969.88              1,200,791.97        86,610,473.31               9,461,885.25

  Interests expenses
  Handling charges and
commission income
  Insurance discharge payment

  Claim expenses-net
   Provision for insurance contract
  Insurance policy dividend paid

  Reinsurance expense

  Business taxes and surcharges           51,215.21                         88,281.17

  Distribution expenses                4,968,826.02        80,000.00     9,780,506.27            86,207.28

  Administrative expenses             16,267,416.34     7,582,797.99    19,717,157.18        10,805,661.69

  Financial costs                     17,204,957.22    13,186,661.70    19,415,451.62        15,465,119.06

  Impairment loss                      -7,285,044.82     -278,492.29    -10,093,152.03         -587,097.57
  Add: gain/(loss) on change in
                                           -2,886.00        -2,886.00
fair value (“-” means loss)
   Gain/(loss) on investment (“-”
                                       8,482,728.17       120,369.72             0.00
means loss)
    Including:      income    from
investment on associate and
jointly-run ventures
   Gain or loss on foreign
exchange difference (“-” means
III. Operating profit (“-” means
                                       -6,627,212.30   -20,377,275.65    -9,110,435.45       -25,991,645.01
 Add: non-business income                 79,979.69        20,195.45        58,913.19            16,218.01

 Less: non-business expense            1,818,061.07       672,617.17     1,000,944.65           897,005.92
Including: loss from disposal of
non-current assets
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)    -8,365,293.68   -21,029,697.37   -10,052,466.91       -26,872,432.92

 Less: tax expense                     2,593,366.67     2,737,172.09     5,154,292.44           146,774.39

V. Net profit   (“-” means loss)    -10,958,660.35   -23,766,869.46   -15,206,759.35       -27,019,207.31
   Attributable to equity holders
                                      -10,412,696.96   -23,766,869.46   -14,606,499.51       -27,019,207.31
of the Company
  Minority interests                    -545,963.39             0.00      -600,259.84                 0.00

VI. Earnings per share

   (I) Basic earnings per share                -0.03            -0.07            -0.05                -0.08

   (II) Diluted earnings per share             -0.03            -0.07            -0.05                -0.08

Ⅶ. Other composite income                     0.00             0.00             0.00                 0.00

Ⅷ. Total composite income            -10,958,660.35   -23,766,869.46   -15,206,759.35       -27,019,207.31
   Attributable to owners of the
                                      -10,412,696.96   -23,766,869.46   -14,606,499.51       -27,019,207.31
   Attributable to minority
                                        -545,963.39             0.00      -600,259.84                 0.00
Where there were business combinations under the same control from the year-begin
to the period-end, the combined parties achieved net profit of RMB 0.00 before the

4.4 Cash flow statement for Jan.-Sept. 2011
Prepared by Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd                       Jan.-Sept. 2011    Unit: RMB (Yuan)
                                                 Jan.- Sept. 2011                                Jan.-Sept. 2010
                                       Consolidation          The Company             Consolidation            The Company
1. Cash flows from operating
     Cash received from sales of
                                          105,292,182.82                 26,000.00       114,070,486.25            19,829,227.73
goods or rending of services
     Net increase of deposits
received and held for others
     Net increase of loans from
central bank
     Net increase of call loans
from other financial institutions
     Cash      received      against
original insurance contract
     Net cash received from
     Net increase of client deposit
and investment
     Net increase of disposal of
held-for-trading financial assets
     Cash received as interest,
handling         charges        and
     Net increase of call loans
    Net increase of cash received
under repurchasing
     Tax and fare refunds                   6,586,428.37                                   8,746,650.76
     Other cash received from
                                           90,067,664.71             78,409,396.28        67,437,537.25            59,872,464.64
operating activities
      Sub-total of cash inflow
                                          201,946,275.90             78,435,396.28       190,254,674.26            79,701,692.37
from operating activities
     Cash paid for goods and
                                          123,091,462.09                                  88,826,246.11             4,063,354.38
     Net increase of loans and
advances from customers
     Net increase of deposits in
central bank, banks and other
financial institutions
     Cash paid for original
contract claims
     Cash paid for interest, fees
and commissions
     Cash paid for policy
     Cash paid to and for
                                           11,526,570.72               851,193.74         18,692,973.48             1,957,857.86
     Cash paid for various taxes
                                            2,837,268.51               875,650.87          6,393,708.65             3,232,602.91
and fares
     Other cash paid relating to
                                           25,440,290.80             42,375,668.65        33,812,736.68            39,082,021.40
operating activities
     Sub-total of cash outflows
                                          162,895,592.12             44,102,513.26       147,725,664.92            48,335,836.55
from operating activities
     Net cash flows from
                                           39,050,683.78             34,332,883.02        42,529,009.34            31,365,855.82
operating activities
II. Cash Flows from Investing
     Cash        received   from
                                           16,708,535.70             10,767,498.51         2,000,000.00             2,000,000.00
investment retractions

     Cash        received      from
investment income
     Net cash received from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible      175,000.00        52,000.00       389,600.00
assets and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other              1.00             1.00
operating units
     Other cash received relating
to investing activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows of
                                       16,883,536.70    10,819,499.51     2,389,600.00          2,000,000.00
investing activities
     Cash paid for acquisition of
fixed assets, intangible assets and     2,210,675.00       636,350.00     4,683,398.60          3,818,240.63
other long-term assets
     Cash paid for acquisition of
                                       11,306,351.02     5,667,367.79
     Net increase of pledge loans
      Net cash paid for acquisition
of subsidiaries and other operating
      Other cash paid relating to
investing activities
      Sub-total of cash outflows of
                                       13,691,093.97     6,303,717.79     4,683,398.60          3,818,240.63
investing activities
       Net cash flows from
                                        3,192,442.73     4,515,781.72     -2,293,798.60         -1,818,240.63
investing activities
III. Cash Flows from Financing
      Cash       received       from
      Including: cash received by
subsidiaries      from      minority
      Cash       received       from
      Cash received from bonds
      Other cash received relating
to financing activities
      Sub-total of cash inflows of
financing activities
      Cash paid for repayment of
                                       64,500,040.00    64,500,040.00    33,283,227.30         27,465,595.39
      Cash paid for dividends,
                                        1,216,500.00     1,216,500.00     1,004,468.57            152,501.00
profit distribution or interest
      Including:     dividends or
profits     paid     to     minority
shareholders by subsidiaries
      Other cash paid relating to
financing activities
       Sub-total of cash outflows
                                       65,716,540.00    65,716,540.00    34,287,695.87         27,618,096.39
of financing activities
        Net cash flows from
                                       -65,716,540.00   -65,716,540.00   -34,287,695.87        -27,618,096.39
financing activities
IV. Effect of foreign exchange
rate on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net decrease in cash and cash
                                       -23,473,413.49   -26,867,875.26    5,947,514.87          1,929,518.80
      Add : Opening amount of
                                       30,095,398.06    28,150,078.47     2,168,571.06            647,412.49
cash and cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and
                                        6,621,984.57     1,282,203.21     8,116,085.93          2,576,931.29
cash equivalents

4.5 Auditor’s report
Audit opinion: Un-audited
