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						Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited              Interim Report 2018


                                     INTERIM REPORT 2018


                                               August 2018

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

           Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company
Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy
and completeness of the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and
severally liable for any misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions
Ding Lihong, the Company’s legal representative, Chen Jincai, the Company’s Chief
Financial Officer (CFO), and Zeng Zhihua, head of the Company’s financial department
(equivalent to financial manager) hereby guarantee that the Financial Statements carried in
this Report are factual, accurate and complete.
Except for the following directors, all the other directors attended in person the Board
meeting for the review of this Report and its summary.
                                                           Reason for not     Proxy entrusted to
             Name                        Office title
                                                        attending in person   attend the meeting
       Chen Honghai                       Director      For reason of work      Ding Lihong
Any plans for the future or other forward-looking statements mentioned in this Report and its
summary shall NOT be considered as absolute promises of the Company to investors.
Therefore, investors are reminded to exercise caution when making investment decisions.
Investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to “X Risks Facing the Company and
Countermeasures” under “Part IV Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis” herein.
The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.
This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there
be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions
shall prevail.

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                      Interim Report 2018

                                                  Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions ........................................................... 2

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ................................................... 5

Part III Business Summary ............................................................................................................... 8

Part IV Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis ........................................................... 11

Part V Significant Events ................................................................................................................ 19

Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information ................................................................. 30

Part VII Preferred Shares ............................................................................................................... 35

Part VIII Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management.......................................................... 36

Part IX Corporate Bonds ................................................................................................................ 38

Part X Financial Statements ........................................................................................................... 39

Part XI Documents Available for Reference ................................................................................ 158

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018


                        Term                                                        Definition

                                                 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited and its consolidated
The “Company”, “JHG” or “we”
                                                 subsidiaries, except where the context otherwise requires

CSRC                                             The China Securities Regulatory Commission

SZSE, the stock exchange                         Shenzhen Stock Exchange

                                                 Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi, expressed in tens of thousands
RMB, RMB’0,000
                                                 of Renminbi

The “Reporting Period” or “Current Period”   The period from 1 January 2018 to 30 June 2018

Shenghengchang Huifu                             Shenzhen Shenghengchang Huifu Industrial Co., Ltd.

Risheng Chuangyuan                               Shenzhen Risheng Chuangyuan Asset Management Co., Ltd.

Chinese Gold Nobility                            Shenzhen Chinese Gold Nobility Jewelry Co., Ltd.

Yunpeng Technology                               Shanghai Yunpeng Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Tianrui Trading                                  Tianrui (HK) Trading Co., Ltd.

Shenguorong Financing Guarantee                  Shenzhen Shenguorong Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.

Lianhua Huiren                                   Shenzhen Lianhua Huiren Industrial Co., Ltd.

Future Growing Business Fund                     Shenzhen Future Growing Business Fund (Limited Partnership)

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

          Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

Stock name                         JHG-B                                Stock code                    200168

Stock     exchange   for   stock
                                   Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company name in Chinese            广东舜喆(集团)股份有限公司

Abbr. (if any)                     舜喆

Company name in English (if

Abbr. (if any)                     JHG

Legal representative               Ding Lihong

II Contact Information

                                                          Board Secretary                       Securities Representative

Name                                         Xu Wei                                     Chen Feifei

                                             9Q of No. 990 of Yiben E-commerce          9Q of No. 990 of Yiben E-commerce
                                             Building, Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Building, Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Tel.                                         0755-82250045                              0755-82250045

Fax                                          0755-82251182                              0755-82251182

Email address                                xw@200168.com                              xw@200168.com

III Other Information

1. Contact Information of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the registered address, office address and their zip codes, website address and

email address of the Company in the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No change occurred to the said information in the Reporting Period, which can be found in the 2017 Annual Report.

2. Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report is Kept

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the information disclosure media and the place for keeping the Company’s

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

periodic reports in the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by the CSRC for disclosing the

Company’s periodic reports and the place for keeping such reports did not change in the Reporting Period. The said information can

be found in the 2017 Annual Report.

IV Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

□ Yes √ No

                                                       H1 2018                       H1 2017                 Change (%)

Operating revenue (RMB)                                     94,049,651.75               190,460,084.85                   -50.62%

Net   profit   attributable   to   the   listed
                                                            -5,004,199.91                 -7,997,104.78                  -37.42%
company’s shareholders (RMB)

Net   profit   attributable   to   the   listed
company’s shareholders before exceptional                  -6,591,658.84                 -3,280,270.04                 100.95%
items (RMB)

Net cash generated from/used in operating
                                                            -1,205,691.43                  3,132,874.45                 -138.49%
activities (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                -0.016                       -0.025                  -36.00%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                              -0.016                       -0.025                  -36.00%

Weighted average return on equity (%)                               -1.43%                      -2.20%                     0.77%

                                                     30 June 2018               31 December 2017             Change (%)

Total assets (RMB)                                        541,997,469.73                723,587,997.04                   -25.10%

Equity attributable to the listed company’s
                                                          347,487,457.89                352,491,657.80                    -1.42%
shareholders (RMB)

V Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
(CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting

1. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                         Interim Report 2018

2. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.

XI Exceptional Gains and Losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                  Item                               Reporting Period                     Note

Gain or loss on fair-value changes in trading financial assets and
liabilities & investment income from disposal of trading financial                           Investment income from the
assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets                      536.00 disposal of trading financial
(exclusive of effective portion of hedges that arise in the                                  assets
Company’s ordinary course of business)

Reversed portion of impairment allowance for accounts
receivable which are tested individually for impairment

Non-operating income and expense other than above                               410,992.85

Less: Income tax effects                                                        764,267.57

         Non-controlling interests effects (net of tax)                       1,002,022.54

Total                                                                         1,587,458.93                  --

Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item defined or listed in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases for the Reporting Period.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018

                                        Part III Business Summary

I Core Business Scope of the Company in Reporting Period

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?

Yes. Because the Company engages in jewelry, it is subject to the Guideline No. 11 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Information

Disclosure by Industry—for Listed Companies Engaging in Jewelry.
The Company’s core business in the Reporting Period is involved with gold jewelry, operated by its
majority-owned subsidiary, Chinese Gold Nobility. The subsidiary has been selling gold, silver, platinum,
diamond, jade and other jewelry for years.
(I) Macro-economy and industrial development
The macro-economic growth continues to decline. The growth rate of GDP in the second quarter is reduced
to 6.7%, the lowest point of this economic rebound since 2016. It is only higher than the growth rate 6.4% of
the first quarter of 2009, during the financial crisis in the past 10 years. From the three carriages, all are
decelerating. The export growth rate representing external demand is reduced from 17.6% to 12.3%; the
investment growth rate of internal demand is reduced from 7.6% to 5.2%; the consumption growth rate is
reduced from 9.8% to 9% (reduced to 8.8% in July). Both the investment and consumption growth rates are
the lowest over the years. At the same time, the tax growth rate of the first half year of 2018 is 14.4%,
wherein the VAT has a year-on-year growth of 16.6%, the enterprise income tax 12.8%, and the personal
income tax 20.3%, all of which are higher than 10% GDP nominal growth rate.
In the first half of 2018, the per capita disposable income of the country's residents was RMB14,063, actually
increased by 6.6% than the same period of last year, wherein, the per capita disposable income of urban
residents RMB19,770, actually increased by 5.8%, per capita disposable income of rural residents
RMB7,142, actually increased by 6.8%. In the first half of 2018, the per capita consumption expenditure of
the country’s residents was RMB9,609, actually increased by 6.7% than the same period of last year,
wherein, the per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents RMB12,745, actually increased by 4.7%,
per capita consumption expenditure of rural residents RMB5,806, actually increased by 10.1%.
The data of the National Bureau of Statistics indicates that the total retail sales of consumer goods had a
year-on-year growth of 8.8% and 9.3% in July and during January –July, 2018, the jewelry 8.2% and 7.5%.
The latest statistics data issued by the China Gold Association indicates that in the first half of 2018, the
national consumption amount of gold was 541.22 tons, increased by 0.31% than the same period of last year,
wherein, gold jewelry 351.84 tons, year-on-year increased by 6.37%; the gold bar 133.61 tons, year-on-year
decreased by 15.16%, the gold coin 4.10 tons, year-on-year decreased by 18.00%. Gold jewelry consumption
keeps growing mainly because the supply-side reform of gold jewelry industry shows initial results. The
traditional way of depending on low-end expansion and extensive development has turned into a high
value-added, personalized and branded boutique gold jewelry route. At the same time, using “Internet+”
innovative marketing mode and shortening intermediate links also realize gold jewelers’ rapid response to
the demand end. However, the domestic consumption amounts of gold bar and gold coin are reduced by
more than 15%. On the one hand, along with the in-depth of financial deleveraging, people are holding a
wait-and-see attitude toward all kinds of investment and financial management. Holding cash becomes the
first choice of common people; on the other hand, it is the long-term narrow fluctuation of gold prices,

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                   Interim Report 2018

especially the strong performance of the US dollar index, which has led investors to lack confidence in the
rise in gold prices.
(II) The Company’s position and competitive edges in the jewelry industry
Chinese Gold Nobility is located in China’s largest jewelry center, Shenzhen. Relying on the “Chinese Gold
Nobility” brand and guided by market needs, it satisfies consumers’ various demand through wholesale and
retail sale on online and offline channels, including its Tmall flagship shop, mobile app, social media
channels, etc. As consumers turn from gold jewelry to mosaic jewelry and diamond and value more things
like the brand, the social status indicated by jewelry and experience, the jewelry industry is seeing increasing
polarization with fiercer competition. Due to relative weakness in capital, brand, personnel, etc., as well as a
relatively low position in the industry, Chinese Gold Nobility is under great pressure in competition.

(III) Performance of the Company’s core business
During the Reporting Period, the Company mostly sold through wholesale, with no company-operated store
sales. For H1 2018, the main business generated operating revenue of RMB92.8427 million with the cost of
sales being RMB92.5850 million, meaning a gross profit margin of 0.28%.
1. Revenue by sales model (unit: RMB)
               Sales model          Operating revenue           Cost of sales    Gross profit
                     Wholesale                      92,377,534.55               92,127,278.87     0.27%
                     Retail sale                      465,156.40                   457,750.72     1.62%
                        Total                   92,842,690.95                 92,585,029.59       0.28%
2. Production and procurement
In the Reporting Period, the majority-owned subsidiary made 1,092 kilograms of jewelry, accounting for
100.00% of its output, mostly through outsourcing. And it purchased 2,110 kilograms of raw materials
mostly in spot transactions at the cost of RMB105.2680 million, accounting for 100.00% of its total

II Material Changes in Major Assets

1. Material Changes in Major Assets

                Major assets                                   Main reason for material changes

Equity assets                        No material change

Fixed assets                         No material change

Intangible assets                    No material change

Construction in progress             No material change

2. Major Assets Overseas

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                      Interim Report 2018

III Core Competitiveness Analysis

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?

Yes, because the Company engages in jewelry.

No changes occurred to the Company’s core competitiveness in the Reporting Period.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                            Interim Report 2018

          Part IV Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis

I Overview

For H1 2018, the Company recorded operating revenue of RMB94.0497 million, down 50.62% from
RMB190.4601 million a year ago; an operating profit of RMB-4.1503 million, a 43.45% increase in loss
compared to RMB-2.8933 million of H1 2017; and a net profit attributable to the Company as the parent of
RMB-5.0042 million, decreasing 37.42% in loss from RMB-7.9971 million of H1 2017. These were
primarily resulted from the considerable decreases in Chinese Gold Nobility’s operating revenue and profit
caused by the general economic environment, the increasingly fierce competition across the jewelry industry,
From the Reporting Period to the disclosure day of this report, the key work completed by the Company is as
(I) Business, the Company actively boosts business upgrading and business structure adjustment. Gold
jewelry business actively seeks for business upgrading, namely, while maintaining the existing business
model, steadily seeking for extending to the fields related to K gold material, in order to improve the
profitability and anti-risk capacity of business. Whereas the macro-economic growth is declining, the nickel
metal trading business is suspended and the adjustment of e-commerce business under cultivation is being
(II) Actively boost the solution work of the matters involved in the audit reservation in 2017.
1. The equity related to Shenzhen Shenguorong Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
“Shenguorong Financing Guarantee”):
After the Company negotiated for many times, the equity transfer intention letter was signed with the actual
controller of Shenguorong Financing Guarantee ZENG Bo, which mainly includes: (1) ZENG Bo or the
subject appointed by ZENG Bo plans to acquire 30% equity of Shenguorong Financing Guarantee held by
the Company by cash. (2) The transaction benchmark day is Dec. 31, 2017. (3) Negotiate and determine the
transaction price of the target equity based on the business situation on Shenguorong Financing Guarantee’s
closing date. (4) The transferee shall meet the relevant laws and regulations of the financing guarantee
company and shall have the conditions of good reputation and strong economic strength. (5) ZENG Bo or the
subject appointed by ZENG Bo shall sign the official equity acquisition agreement.
After the intention letter was signed, the Company continues to actively boost the equity transfer work of
Shenguorong Financing Guarantee and has conducted many times of discussion and negotiation on the
design of the trading plan, evaluation of the trading object, trading method, payment of trading fund and
other contents. Both parties have basically reached a consensus on principles. The official transfer document
may be signed after partial details are confirmed.
2. Shares related to Shenzhen Future Growing Business Fund (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to
as “Future Growing Business Fund”):
The Company makes a supplementary disclosure of the specific situation of relevant equity acquisition by
Future Growing Business Fund. The Company actively negotiates with the manager of Future Growing
Business Fund, has reached a consensus on the relevant issues of Future Growing Business Fund and has
perfected the relevant procedures. The Company is actively boosting the sales of the shares of Future
Growing Business Fund held by the Company, has communicated with the interested party for many times

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                           Interim Report 2018

and basically has reached a consensus. The relevant agreement can be signed after relevant details and
relevant conditions are met.
3. Anti-guarantee clause related to Puning Huafengqiang Trading Co., Ltd. and Puning Lailisheng Trading
Co., Ltd.
(1) The Company continues to focus on the situation of the guaranteed person and anti-guarantee
performance process, regularly collects the financial data or audit report of the latest period of the guaranteed
person, regularly analyzes the property status and debt paying ability, focuses on production and operation,
assets and liabilities, external guarantee, division and merger, change of legal representative and other
situations and sets up relevant financial archives.
(2) The Company has strengthened the collection for relevant funds and obtained certain results. Puning
Huafengqiang Trading Co., Ltd. paid the remaining anti-guarantee fund of RMB 14,850,000 to the Company
on May 16, 2018. The anti-guarantee fund of RMB 17,000,000 that shall be received by the Company from
Puning Huafengqiang Trading Co., Ltd. has been totally received. Puning Lailisheng Trading Co., Ltd. paid
the remaining anti-guarantee fund of RMB 23,250,000 on Aug. 1, 2018. The anti-guarantee fund of RMB
24,000,000 that shall be received by the Company from Puning Lailisheng Trading Co., Ltd. has been totally
4. Funds related to Puning Yanlilai Trading Co., Ltd.:
The trading between the Company and Puning Yanlilai Trading Co., Ltd. has been fulfilled. The relevant
funds have been taken back completely.
(III) Revision on perfecting relevant institutional setting and systems
The Company supplements and optimizes the existing systems based on the actual situation of daily
operation. The 7th Board of Directors’ 18th Meeting convened on Jun. 07, 2018 reviewed and approved the
proposal on revising the relevant systems of the Company. The Company adjusts the management structure
based on its own actual situation, sets up the corresponding risk control department and risk management
committee and forms the corresponding operation mechanism to make up the deficiencies of internal control.
(IV) Strengthen cost control, reduce unnecessary expenditure, compress business scale, adjust personnel
structure and overcome the difficulties together.

The Company is subject to the Guideline No. 11 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Information Disclosure by Industry—for Listed

Companies Engaging in Jewelry.

(I) Online sales
In the Reporting Period, the Company’s online sales took place on third-party sales platforms, with a
turnover of RMB105,184.60 and operating revenue of RMB89,901.37.
(II) Inventories
The Company’s various inventories as of 30 June 2018 are shown in the table below (unit: RMB):
                             Type              Raw materials           Products
                                   Balance                   7,020,602.31          151,895,962.56
                         Including: Gold jewelry             6,966,157.53          151,058,678.49
                             Diamond jewelry                           0.00             776,949.52
                              K-gold jewelry                           0.00               60,334.55
                                 Other jewelry                   54,444.78                      0.00

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                Interim Report 2018

II Analysis of Core Businesses

See “I Overview” above.
Year-on-year changes in key financial data:
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                   H1 2018            H1 2017           Change (%)         Main reason for change

Operating revenue                                                                         Affected by the general
                                                                                          economic environment,
                                      94,049,651.75    190,460,084.85           -50.62% the increasingly fierce
                                                                                          competition across the
                                                                                          jewelry industry, etc.

Cost of sales                                                                             A decline in sales of
                                      93,356,686.67    178,534,654.04           -47.71%
                                                                                          subsidiary Chinese Gold

Selling expense                        1,129,119.53      1,434,407.39           -21.28%

Administrative expense                 6,096,595.06      7,324,503.57           -16.76%

                                                                                          A decline in interest
Finance costs                             63,714.32       310,534.11            -79.48%

                                                                                          A decline in profit of
Income tax expense                       768,741.42      2,307,032.61           -66.68%
                                                                                          subsidiary Chinese Gold

Net     cash      generated
                                                                                          A rise in cash used in
from/used in operating                -1,205,691.43      3,132,874.45          -138.49%
                                                                                          operating activities

Net     cash      generated
from/used in investing                  -558,362.37   -120,001,252.72           -99.53% A decline in investments

Net increase in cash and
                                      -1,764,039.74   -116,868,768.94           -98.49% A decline in investments
cash equivalents

                                                                                          A decline in the
Accounts payable                      76,046,059.98    206,507,636.62           -63.18%
                                                                                          procurement amount

                                                                                          An adjustment to the
                                                                                          security deposit for
Other payables                        41,177,516.07     88,422,479.70           -53.43%
                                                                                          dividend payable to
                                                                                          Tianrui Trading

                                                                                          The transfer of the plant
Fixed assets                          40,543,929.42     29,961,223.62            35.32% from investment property
                                                                                          to fixed assets for it was

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                   Interim Report 2018

                                                                                                           not under lease in the
                                                                                                           Current Period

                                                                                                           The transfer of the plant
                                                                                                           from investment property
Investment property                              0.00           15,057,817.47                   -100.00% to fixed assets for it was
                                                                                                           not under lease in the
                                                                                                           Current Period

                                                                                                           A rise in such decoration
Long-term prepaid
                                          443,216.29               298,544.88                     48.46% expense of subsidiary
                                                                                                           Yunpeng Technology

                                                                                                           Caused by the production
Payroll payable                          1,337,530.57              788,844.58                     69.56% and operating activities
                                                                                                           in the Current Period

                                                                                                           An adjustment to the
                                                                                                           security deposit for
Other payables                          41,177,516.07           88,422,479.70                    -53.43%
                                                                                                           dividend payable to
                                                                                                           Tianrui Trading

Material changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such changes in the Reporting Period.

Breakdown of core businesses:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                             YoY change in                            YoY change in
                        Operating                           Gross profit                        YoY change in
                                          Cost of sales                     operating revenue                          gross profit
                         revenue                              margin                            cost of sales (%)
                                                                                   (%)                                 margin (%)

By operating division

Garments                 1,206,960.80         771,657.08           36.07%             34.96%             23.61%                   5.88%

Gold jewelry            92,842,690.95      92,585,029.59            0.28%            -44.71%             -41.02%               -6.23%

By product category

Garments                 1,206,960.80         771,657.08           36.07%             34.96%             23.61%                   5.88%

Gold jewelry            92,842,690.95      92,585,029.59            0.28%            -44.71%             -41.02%               -6.23%

By operating segment

Garment sales            1,206,960.80         771,657.08           36.07%             34.96%             23.61%                   5.88%

Gold jewelry
                        92,842,690.95      92,585,029.59            0.28%            -44.71%             -41.02%               -6.23%
sales in Shenzhen

III Analysis of Non-Core Businesses

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                             Interim Report 2018

IV Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Material Changes in Asset Composition

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                            30 June 2018                     30 June 2017            Change in
                                      As % of total                   As % of total percentag    Reason for material change
                       Amount                           Amount
                                         assets                          assets       e (%)

Monetary assets       1,192,159.64           0.22%     7,018,207.88          1.27%     -1.05%

                     23,890,210.76           4.41% 18,387,843.59             3.32%      1.09%

Inventories                                29.92% 114,555,062.41            20.67%      9.25%

Long-term equity 269,998,221.7
                                           49.82% 270,015,275.93            48.73%      1.09%
investments                       1

Fixed assets         40,543,929.42           7.48% 42,702,470.53             7.71%     -0.23%

2. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Restricted Asset Rights as at Period-End

Not applicable

V Investments Made

1. Total Investment Amount

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

   Total investment amount of Reporting         Total investment amount of same period of
                                                                                                      Change (%)
                 Period (RMB)                               last year (RMB)

                                         0.00                               121,376,785.52                             -100.00%

2. Significant Equity Investments Made in Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Significant Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                  Interim Report 2018

4. Financial Investments

(1) Securities Investments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                       ss on
                                                     fair-valu                  Purchas         Gain/los
                            Initial         Beginni                   fair-valu         Sold in
Security Security Security          Measure               e                       ed in           s in   Ending Account Funding
                                               ng                          e            Reporti
                           investm ment              changes                    Reporti         Reporti carrying
  type    code     name                     carrying                  changes             ng
                                    method               in                        ng              ng    amount ing title source
                           ent cost         amount                    charged           Period
                                                      Reporti                    Period          Period
Domesti                                     Fair                                                                              Self-ow
                                  8,292.0            6,316.0                             6,852.0                   ional
c/Foreig 603398 BBYZ                        value              -960.00 -960.00    0.00             536.00   0.00              ned
                                       0                  0                                   0                    financia
n stock                                     method                                                                            funds
                                                                                                                   l assets

                                  8,292.0            6,316.0                             6,852.0
Total                                          --              -960.00 -960.00    0.00             536.00   0.00      --         --
                                       0                  0                                   0

Disclosure         date     of
announcement on Board’s
consent      for     securities

Disclosure         date     of
announcement                on
shareholders’      meeting’s
consent      for     securities
investment (if any)

(2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VI Sale of Major Assets and Equity Investments

1. Sale of Major Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                          Interim Report 2018

2. Sale of Major Equity Investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII Major Majority- and Minority-Owned Subsidiaries

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Major majority-owned subsidiaries and those minority-owned subsidiaries with an over 10% effect on the Company’s net profit:
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                 Relationship         Core       Registered                                     Operating       Operating
    Name           with the         business                   Total assets    Net assets                                       Net profit
                                                   capital                                      revenue           profit


Chinese Gold
                                                               33,333,300.0 77,852,801.2 92,842,690.9 1,694,962.
Nobility       Subsidiary         Gold jewelry Gold jewelry                                                                     1,013,206.27
                                                                           0                7               5              57
Jewelry Co.,


                                  Investment   Investment
Rieys                                                          50,000,000.0 29,748,239.2                        -417,599.2
               Subsidiary         and import & and import &                                       5,003.08                         -3,412.84
Industrial                                                                 0                4                               1
                                  export trade export trade
Co., Ltd.

Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Information about the major majority- and minority-owned subsidiaries:
For details, see 1. Equities among Subsidiaries in IX. Equities in Other Entities in Part X herein.

VIII Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX Performance Forecast for January-September 2018

Warning of forecast negative net profit for January-September 2018 or considerable YoY change therein, as well as the reasons:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures

(I) The risk of great uncertainty in future operating earnings

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                             Interim Report 2018

During the reporting period, the Company realized net income attributable to the Company (as the parent
company) of RMB-5.0042 million with this figure before non-recurring gains and losses being RMB-6.5917
million. Due to the downturn in macroeconomic growth, the Company's various businesses are facing greater
competitive pressures in the current market capitalization mode. If there is no significant improvement in the
main business in the second half year of 2018, there will be great uncertainty in future operating earnings.
The Company is actively promoting business upgrades and adjusting the business structure.
(II) There is a risk of impairment of goodwill in the current year.
At the beginning and end values of the goodwill is RMB2.3958 million in the reporting period, and the
goodwill is formed by the 2015 premium capital increase of Chinese Gold Nobility. During the reporting
period, the revenue and profit of Chinese Gold Nobility decreased significantly due to the economic situation.
If there is no significant improvement in the business of Chinese Gold Nobility in the second half of the year,
when the Company conducts impairment test on goodwill at the end of the year, there will be a test result
that the recoverable amount of the asset group containing goodwill is less than the book value of the asset
group containing goodwill. Then there is a risk of impairment.
The Company actively promotes business upgrades of Chinese Gold Nobility, in order to improve its
business in the second half of the year.
(III) The risk of “unqualified opinions” issued in the 2017 annual audit report and internal control audit
The Asia Pacific (Group) Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership) issued an audit report on the
Company's 2017 audit report, which issued a negative opinion on the Company's 2017 internal control audit
report. The Company has major flaws in internal control. For details of the specific measures, please refer to
"the important issues in the sixth of fifth section on explanation of the Board of Directors on the relevant
situation of the "non-standard audit report" in the previous year.

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                               Interim Report 2018

                                          Part V Significant Events

I Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings Convened during Reporting Period

1. General Meetings Convened during Reporting Period

                                                   Investor                            Date of resolution      Index to disclosed
       Meeting                    Type                               Convened date
                                             participation ratio                           disclosure               resolutions

                                                                                                             Resolution on the
                                                                                                             2017Annual General
                                                                                                             Meeting (2018-030)
2017 Annual General                                                                                          published on
                       Annual                            51.56% 29 June 2018          30 June 2018
Meeting                                                                                                      Securities Times ,
                                                                                                             Hong Kong Ta Kung
                                                                                                             Pao and

2. Extraordinary General Meetings Convened at Request of Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II Interim Dividend Plan

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.

III Commitments of the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and
Acquirers, as well as the Company Itself and Other Entities Fulfilled in Reporting Period or
Ongoing at Period-End

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                       Date of
                                         Commitment       Type of                                       Period of
             Commitment                                                 Contents     commitment                        Fulfillment
                                           maker        commitment                                   commitment

Commitments made in share reform

Commitments made in acquisition
documents or shareholding alteration

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                Interim Report 2018


                                                      Will avoid or
                                                      reduce the
                                                      between it
                                                      together with
                                                      its related
                                                      enterprise and
                                                      the company
                                                      stock to the
                                                      extent. If the
                                    The               transaction
                                    Company's         with the
                                    largest           company
                                    shareholder       stock is
                                    Shenzhen          inevitable, the
                                    Shenghengcha      transaction
                                    ng      Huifu     must be
                                    Industrial Co.,   conducted in
Commitments made in time of asset
                                    Ltd.,     the     line with the     21 May 2015 Perpetual      In execution
                                    second largest    principle of
                                    shareholder       fair, just and
                                    Shenzhen          sound and
                                    Risheng           making
                                    Chuangyuan        compensation
                                    Asset             for equal
                                    Management        value, the
                                    Co., Ltd.         transaction
                                                      price must be
                                                      recognized in
                                                      line with the
                                                      price of the
                                                      market and
                                                      voting of

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                 Interim Report 2018

                                                        transaction by
                                                        meeting which
                                                        stipulated by
                                                        Article of
                                                        Association of
                                                        Rieys Group
                                                        Company Ltd.

                                                        Excepting the
                                                        stock, it can
                                                        not in any
                                                        area, in any
                                                        form, engaged
                                                        in production
                                                        produce or
                                      ng      Huifu
                                                        operation may
                                      Industrial Co.,
                                      Ltd.,     the                      21 May 2015 Perpetual          In execution
                                                        competition to
                                      second largest
                                                        the company
                                                        stock and its
                                                        stipulated by
                                                        the law,
                                      Co., Ltd.
                                                        from CSRC.

Commitments made in time of IPO or

Commitments      concerning   stock
ownership incentive

                                      Some              Some
                                                                                       Within       6
                                      Directors,        Directors,
Other commitments made to minority
                                      Supervisors,      Supervisors,     9 July 2015   months    after Completed
                                      and Senior        and Senior
                                      Executives        Executives

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                        Interim Report 2018

                                                    would                   resumption
                                                    stocks of the
                                                    when the price
                                                    of the stock
                                                    was lower
                                                    than 4
                                                    within 6
                                                    months after
                                                    the stock

Executed in time                          Yes

Specific reasons for failing to fulfill
commitments on time and plans for N/A
next step

IV Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor

Are the interim financial statements audited?

□Yes √ No

The interim financial statements are unaudited.

V Explanations Given by Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee Regarding
Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” for Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI Explanations Given by Board of Directors Regarding Independent Auditor's “Modified
Opinion” for Last Year

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

The Asia Pacific (Group) Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership) issued a qualified audit
report on the Company's 2017 financial report. The progress of the matters covered in the
comments is as follows:
I. Matter “The Company's investment in Shenzhen Shenguorong Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. is
accounted for the equity method, and the carrying value is RMB149,998,221.71. Due to the limited
scope of the audit, we are unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence for the book
value of the long-term equity investment. It is also impossible to determine whether it is necessary
to adjust the amount of the impairment provision for the long-term equity investment.”
The Company takes the following measures:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                      Interim Report 2018

1. After many rounds of negotiations with the Company, Zeng Bo, the actual controller of Shenzhen
Shenguorong Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shenguorong Financing
Guarantee”), signed a letter of intent for equity transfer. The main contents of the letter of intent
include: (1) Zeng Bo or Zeng Bo has specified the entity to acquire a 30% stake in the Shenguorong
Financing Guarantee held by the Company in cash. (2) The transaction base date is 13 December
2017. (3) Negotiate and determine the transaction price of the underlying equity based on the
operation of Shenguorong Financing Guarantee closing date. (4) The transferee shall meet the
relevant laws and regulations of the financing guarantee company and shall have the conditions of
good reputation and strong economic strength. (5) Zeng Bo or the subject specified by Zeng Bo
signs the formal equity acquisition agreement with the Company.
After the signing of the letter of intent, the Company continued to actively promote the work of
Shenguorong Financing Guarantee equity transfer, and conducted many negotiations on the design
of the transaction plan, the valuation of the transaction target, the transaction method, and the
transaction payment. Basically, a consensus has been reached, and the formal transfer document can
be signed after some details confirmed.
2. Considering protecting the Company and the small and medium-sized investors, the actual
controller of the Company promised that if the amount of the 30% equity of the Shenguorong
Financing Guarantee is recovered in the future, and the amount recovered is less than RMB150
million. Within 1 month from the date of completion of the matter, it will be made up with cash.
Before 30 November 2018, if the Company does not sign a formal equity transfer agreement with
the counterparty, the entity specified by the actual controller will sign the corresponding equity
transfer agreement with the Company. Before 31 December 2018, the received transfer amount is
not less than RMB150 million.
II. Matter “The Company’s investment in Shenzhen Future Growing Business Fund (Limited
Partnership) is accounted by the equity method with a book value of RMB120,000,000.00. As the
equity transaction between the investment partnership and the related party of Guangdong Jadiete
Holdings Group Company Limited was made in 2017, for the reporting period, the relevant
announcement information of Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited was not seen,
and the scope of the audit is limited, we are unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit
evidence for the book value of the long-term equity investment, and are either unable to determine
whether it is necessary to adjust the amount of the impairment provision for the long-term equity
The Company takes the following measures:
1. To supplement and disclosure the specific circumstances of Shenzhen Future Industrial
Development Fund Enterprise (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as “Future Industry
Fund”) to acquire the equity of related parties of the Company.
2. The Company actively negotiated with the manager of Future Industrial Fund, reached a
consensus on the issues related to future industrial funds, and improved relevant procedures.
3. The Company is actively promoting the sale of share of the future industry fund held by the
Company. It has already communicated with the interested parties several times and basically
reached a consensus. After the relevant details and relevant conditions are reached, the relevant
agreement can be signed.
4. The actual controller of the Company, in consideration of the protection of the Company and the

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                       Interim Report 2018

small and medium-sized investors, promised that if the amount recovered by the Company from the
future industrial fund share is less than RMB120 million, the actual controller shall make up 1
month from the date when this matter occurs. Before 30 November 2018, if the Company did not
recover the investment or sign an agreement to sell the Shenzhen Future Industrial Development
Fund enterprise shares held by the Company, the entity designated by the actual controller signs the
corresponding transfer agreement with the Company. The transfer amount for this share that should
be received before 31 December 2018 is not less than RMB120 million.
III. Matter “The Company respectively provides the building property mortgage guarantees for the
loan made by Puning Huafengqiang Trade Co., Ltd. from ICBC Jieyang Rongcheng Sub-branch
and the loan made by Puning Lailisheng Trade Co., Ltd. from ICBC Jieyang Branch. In accordance
with the counter guarantee agreement between the Company and Puning Huafengqiang Trade Co.,
Ltd. and Puning Lailisheng Trade Co., Ltd., Puning Huafengqiang Trade Co., Ltd. and Puning
Lailisheng Trade Co., Ltd. shall provide counter guarantee for the Company by means of the
borrowed funds. By 31 December 2017, the companies above failed to transfer the borrowed fund
from the bank into Guangdong Jadiete according to the agreement. Due to the limited scope of the
audit, we are unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence on the impact of this
estimated liability.”
The Company takes the following measures:
1. The Company continually pays attention to the situation of the guaranteed party and the progress
of performance of the counter guarantee, regularly collects the latest financial information or audit
report of the guaranteed party, regularly analyzes its property status and solvency, concerns about its
production and operation, assets and liabilities, external guarantees and separation, consolidation,
legal representative changes, etc., and establishes relevant financial files.
2. The Company strengthened the collection of relevant funds and achieved a certain effect.
(1) Puning Huafengqiang Trade Co., Ltd. paid the remaining amount for counter guarantee,
RMB14.85 million in total, to the Company on 16 May 2018. The amount for counter guarantee,
RMB17 million the Company should collect from Puning Huafengqiang Trade Co., Ltd. has been
received in full.
(2) Puning Lailisheng Trade Co., Ltd. paid the remaining amount for counter guarantee, RMB23.25
million in total, to the Company on 1 August 2018. The amount for counter guarantee, RMB24
million the Company should collect from Puning Lailisheng Trade Co., Ltd. has been received in
IV. Matter “Among other receivables, as a related party of Guangdong Jadiete, the ending balance
of Puning Yanlilai Trading Co., Ltd. is RMB12 million. To withdraw bad debt provision according
to aging combination, Guangdong Jadiete did not disclose the related transaction in time within
report period.”
The transaction between the Company and Puning Yanlilai Trading Co., Ltd has been implemented,
and relevant payment has been all recovered.
Meanwhile, the Company also takes the following measures, further improving the construction of
internal control:
1. The Company strengthened internal audit and the construction of internal audit departments,
further improved the internal audit process, and strictly required all departments to carry out work
in accordance with the Company's system. The Audit Department carried out special verification of

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

the related transactions and relationship of counter guarantee. In order to prevent the recurrence of
transaction control not in place and the lack of control over the progress of major issues, the
Company's audit department and finance department closely monitored and tracked the use of large
amounts of funds of the Company, and effectively supervised the counterparty before, during and
after the event reporting to the board of directors in time.
2. The Company organized and studied the Compilation of Cases of Violation of Laws and
Regulations by Listed Companies, strengthened the study of relevant knowledge of securities laws
and regulations, and raised awareness of compliance with laws and regulations.
3. The Company further improved the relevant institutions through the establishment of the
Investment Management Department and the Risk Control Department, and further strengthened the
implementation and optimization of the existing system through the revision of relevant systems.
The Board of Directors will continue to follow up on unresolved issues, eliminate the impact of the
matters involved in the reservations on the Company as soon as possible, and effectively protect the
interests of investors, especially small and medium investors.

VII Insolvency and Reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VIII Legal Matters

Material lawsuits or arbitrations:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Other legal matters:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

X Credit Quality of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                          Interim Report 2018

XI Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures for

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XII Major Related-Party Transactions

1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchases or Sales of Assets or Equity Interests

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Credits and Liabilities with Related Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Other Major Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIII Occupation of the Company’s Capital by Controlling Shareholder or Its Related Parties
for Non-Operating Purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                 Interim Report 2018

XIV Major Contracts and Their Execution

1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases

(1) Entrustment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Leases

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Major Guarantees

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Guarantees

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB'0,000

                     Guarantees provided by the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)

                     Disclosure                                                                                            Guarante
                          date of                                   Actual                                                  e for a
                                    Amount for occurrence date                      Type of      Period of    Executed
 Guaranteed party      relevant                                    guarantee                                                related
                                    guarantee        (date of                      guarantee     guarantee        or not
                     announcem                                      amount                                                 party or
                           ent                                                                                                  not

Puning                                                                                         11 November
                                                                                               2014 to 11
Huafengqiang         November            1,700 22 May 2017                1,700 pledge                        Yes          No
Trade Co., Ltd.                                                                                2019

                                                                                               8 September
Puning Lailisheng 8                              8 September                                   2017 to 8
                  September              2,400                            2,400 pledge                        No           No
Trade Co., Ltd.                                  2017                                          September

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                Interim Report 2018

Total external guarantee line                                    Total actual occurred amount
approved during the Reporting                                    of external guarantee during                                 4100
Period (A1)                                                      the Reporting Period (A2)

Total external guarantee line
                                                                 Total actual external guarantee
that has been approved at the
                                                                 balance at the end of the                                   2,400
end of the Reporting Period
                                                                 Reporting Period (A4)

                                       Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries

                      Disclosure                                                                                          Guarante
                        date of                                        Actual                                              e for a
                                   Amount for occurrence date                        Type of       Period of   Executed
 Guaranteed party      relevant                                     guarantee                                              related
                                    guarantee       (date of                        guarantee      guarantee    or not
                     announcem                                         amount                                             party or
                         ent                                                                                                not

                                Guarantees provided by the subsidiaries of the Company for subsidiaries

                      Disclosure                                                                                          Guarante
                        date of                                        Actual                                              e for a
                                   Amount for occurrence date                        Type of       Period of   Executed
 Guaranteed party      relevant                                     guarantee                                              related
                                    guarantee       (date of                        guarantee      guarantee    or not
                     announcem                                         amount                                             party or
                         ent                                                                                                not

              Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned three kinds of guarantees)

                                                                 Total actual occurred amount
Total guarantee line approved
                                                                 of guarantee during the
during the Reporting Period                                                                                                   4100
                                                                 Reporting Period

Total guarantee line that has                                    Total actual guarantee balance
been approved at the end of the                                  at the end of the Reporting                                 2,400
Reporting Period    (A3+B3+C3)                                   Period    (A4+B4+C4)

Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) to the net
assets of the Company

Of which:

Explanation on possible bearing joint responsibility of
liquidation due to immature guarantee (if any)

Explanation on provision of guarantees for external parties in
violation of the prescribed procedure (if any)

Explanation on guarantee that adopts complex method

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                  Interim Report 2018

(2) Illegal Provision of Guarantees for External Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Other Major Contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XV Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

1. Material Environmental Issues

Is the Company or any of its subsidiaries is identified as a major polluter by the environmental protection authorities?
The Company and its subsidiaries are not the major polluter by the environmental protection authorities.

2. Measures Taken for Targeted Poverty Alleviation

The Company took no such measures during the Reporting Period, nor does it have any such plan for now.

XVI Other Significant Events

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVII Significant Events of Subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                               Interim Report 2018

                  Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information

I Share Changes

1. Share Changes

                                                                                                                                           Unit: share

                                     Before                 Increase/decrease in Reporting Period (+/-)                            After

                                                                                   Shares as
                                                                     Shares as
                                            Percentag   New                        converted                                               Percentag
                               Shares                                converted                    Other       Subtotal        Shares
                                              e (%)     issues                       from                                                    e (%)

                              164,025,0                                                                                      164,025,0
I. Unlisted tradable shares                   51.48%             0             0              0           0              0                   51.48%
                                     00                                                                                            00

                              164,025,0                                                                                      164,025,0
1.   Founders’ shares                        51.48%             0             0              0           0              0                   51.48%
                                     00                                                                                            00

Among which: Shares held
                                        0      0.00%             0             0              0           0              0             0      0.00%
by the state

        Shares held by        164,025,0                                                                                      164,025,0
                                              51.48%             0             0              0           0              0                   51.48%
domestic legal person                00                                                                                            00

        Shares held by
                                        0      0.00%             0             0              0           0              0             0      0.00%
overseas legal person

Other                                   0      0.00%             0             0              0           0              0             0      0.00%

2.   Raised shares by legal
                                        0      0.00%             0             0              0           0              0             0      0.00%

3.   Internal employee
                                        0      0.00%             0             0              0           0              0             0      0.00%

4.   Preferred shares or
                                        0      0.00%             0             0              0           0              0             0      0.00%

                              154,575,0                                                                                      154,575,0
II. Listed tradable shares                    48.52%             0             0              0           0              0                   48.52%
                                     00                                                                                            00

1.      RMB-denominated
                                        0      0.00%             0             0              0           0              0             0      0.00%
ordinary shares

2.   Domestically       listed 154,575,0                                                                                     154,575,0
                                              48.52%             0             0              0           0              0                   48.52%
foreign shares                       00                                                                                            00

3. Overseas listed foreign              0      0.00%             0             0              0           0              0             0      0.00%

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                                  Interim Report 2018


4. Others                               0       0.00%          0                  0              0            0              0          0       0.00%

                              318,600,0                                                                                          318,600,0
III. Total shares                            100.00%           0                  0              0            0              0               100.00%
                                       00                                                                                              00

Reasons for the share changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Approval of share changes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Transfer of share ownership

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Effects of share changes on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common shareholders of the Company and

other financial indexes over the prior year and the prior period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other contents that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulatory authorities to disclose

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II Issuance and Listing of Securities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Shareholders and Their Holdings at Period-End

                                                                                                                                             Unit: share

                                                                      Number              of            preferred
Number          of     ordinary                                       shareholders            with      resumed
                                                            11,367                                                                                   0
shareholders                                                          voting rights (if any) (see note

                                   5% or greater ordinary shareholders or top 10 ordinary shareholders

                                                                                      Number                        Shares in pledge or frozen
                                                                      Increase                   Number
    Name of            Nature of            Shareholding   Ordinar /decreas                      of listed
  shareholder         shareholder            percentage    y shares        e in                  ordinary           Status               Shares
                                                                      Reportin                       shares

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018

                                                              g Period    held       held

SHENZHEN                                                                                        Frozen            117,855,000


CHANG          Domestic
                                                   117,855,              117,855,
               non-state-owned          36.99%                0
HUIFU                                                  000                   000                In pledge         117,855,000
               legal person



SHENZHEN                                                                                        In pledge          34,020,000


CHUANGYUA Domestic                                 34,020,0              34,020,0
           non-state-owned              10.68%                0
N    ASSET legal person                                 00                    00                Frozen             34,020,000



               Foreign        legal                25,772,9 -1,290,1                25,772,9
SECURITIES(                              8.09%
               person                                   50 53                            50

SHENZHEN                                                                                        In pledge          12,150,000

                                                   12,150,0              12,150,0
HUIREN         non-state-owned           3.81%                0
                                                        00                    00                Frozen             12,150,000
               legal person



HONGYUAN       Foreign        legal                6,600,34                         6,600,34
                                         2.07%                88,700
SECURITIES     person                                     6                                 6


               Domestic natural                    4,282,26 -1,622,0                4,282,26
SU YOUHE                                 1.34%
               person                                     2 07                              2

               Foreign        legal                4,226,60                         4,226,60
EVERBRIGHT                               1.33%                865,300
               person                                     0                                 0

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                           Interim Report 2018


FAN              Domestic natural                          1,843,00                    1,843,00
                                                   0.58%              54,500
JIONGYANG        person                                           0                               0

CHEN             Domestic natural                          1,349,95                    1,349,95
                                                   0.42%              194,171
JIANXING         person                                           8                               8

                 Foreign natural                           1,145,81                    1,145,81
(NGAI KWOK                                         0.36%              0
                 person                                           6                               6

Strategic investors or the general

legal person due to the placement of

new shares become the top 10 N/A

ordinary shareholders (if any) (note


                                         Shenzhen Shenghengchang Huifu Industrial Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Risheng Chuangyuan Asset
Explanation      on        associated
                                         Management Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Lianhua Huiren Industrial Co., Ltd., which belonged to
relationship       among           the
                                         action-in-concert promulgated by Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of
above-mentioned shareholders or
                                         Information on the Change of Shareholdings in Listed Companies. The Company did not
explanation on acting-in-concert
                                         know whether there existed related relationship among other shareholders.

                               Particulars about shares held by top 10 tradable ordinary shareholders

                                          Number of listed tradable ordinary shares held at the                  Type of shares
       Name of shareholder
                                                            end of the period                                 Type               Shares

GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                          Domestically
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                                 25,772,950 listed           foreign          25,772,950
LIMITED                                                                                               stock

SHENWAN               HONGYUAN                                                                        Domestically
                                                                                      6,600,346 listed           foreign           6,600,346
SECURITIES (HK) LIMITED                                                                               stock

SU YOUHE                                                                              4,282,262 listed           foreign           4,282,262

                                                                                      4,226,600 listed           foreign           4,226,600

FAN JIONGYANG                                                                         1,843,000 listed           foreign           1,843,000

CHEN JIANXING                                                                         1,349,958 Domestically                       1,349,958

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                               Interim Report 2018

                                                                                            listed    foreign

                                                                                  1,145,816 listed    foreign           1,145,816

QU CHEN                                                                            860,000 listed     foreign             860,000

CHEN JINMING                                                                       765,500 listed     foreign             765,500

HAN LIANG                                                                          711,458 listed     foreign             711,458

Explanation            on          associated
relationship or/and persons acting in
concert     among           the    top    ten
non-restricted common shareholders
and       between       the        top    ten
non-restricted                      common
shareholders      and        the    top   ten
common         shareholders

Explanation       on        the     top   10
shareholders participating in the
margin trading business (if any) (see
note 4)

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top ten common shareholders or the top ten non-restricted common shareholders of the

Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.

□ Yea √ No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV. Change of the Controlling Shareholder or the Actual Controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the Reporting Period.
Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the Reporting Period.

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                    Interim Report 2018

                                         Part VII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preferred shares in the Reporting Period.

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                                Interim Report 2018

            Part VIII Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

I Changes in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                The number        The number
                                                     Increase in Decrease                          of the             of the         The number of
                                        Beginning       this        in this        Ending        restricted         restricted        the restricted
    Name     Office title               shareholdi Reporting Reporting shareholdi                  shares            shares          shares granted at
                                        ng (share)    Period        Period        ng (share) granted at the granted at the the period-end
                                                      (share)       (share)                     period-begin         current             (share)
                                                                                                  (share)         period (share)

            of the          Incumbent            0              0             0             0                 0                  0                     0

Hongchen                    Incumbent            0              0             0             0                 0                  0                     0
            of the

            Director        Incumbent            0              0             0             0                 0                  0                     0

            Director        Incumbent            0              0             0             0                 0                  0                     0

Pan         Independe
                            Incumbent            0              0             0             0                 0                  0                     0
Xiaochun nt director

Zhuang      Independe
                            Incumbent            0              0             0             0                 0                  0                     0
Weidong     nt director

Liu Yong                    Incumbent            0              0             0             0                 0                  0                     0
            nt director

            of the
            Supervisor Incumbent                 0              0             0             0                 0                  0                     0

            Supervisor Incumbent                 0        2,000               0        2,000                  0                  0                     0

Li Ning     Supervisor Incumbent                 0        8,700               0        8,700                  0                  0                     0

Chen        CFO and         Incumbent            0              0             0             0                 0                  0                     0

 Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                  Interim Report 2018

Jincai      vice

            of the
Xu Wei      Board and Incumbent            5,000            0           0       5,000              0              0                  0

Total              --         --           5,000      10,700            0      15,700              0              0                  0

II Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no changes in directors, supervisors, and executive officers in the Reporting Period. For details, please refer to the 2017
Annual Report.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                       Interim Report 2018

                                          Part IX Corporate Bonds

Does the Company have any corporate bonds publicly offered on the stock exchange, which were undue before the date of this

Report’s approval or were due but could not be redeemed in full?


Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                               Interim Report 2018

                                         Part X Financial Statements

I Independent Auditor’s Report

Is this interim financial report audited by an independent auditor?
□Yes √ No
This interim financial report is unaudited by such an auditor.

II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited
                                                             30 June 2018
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                    Item                                  30 June 2018                    31 December 2017

Current assets:

   Monetary assets                                                         1,192,159.64                   2,956,199.38

   Settlement reserve

   Interbank loans granted

   Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss

   Derivative financial assets

   Notes receivable

   Accounts receivable                                                    23,890,210.76                153,954,425.28

  Prepayments                                                              2,520,536.01                   2,436,902.27

  Premiums receivable

   Reinsurance receivables

   Receivable     reinsurance    contract

   Interest receivable

  Dividends receivable

   Other receivables                                                       2,055,749.16                 51,173,077.48

   Financial assets purchased under
resale agreements

   Inventories                                                           162,187,727.56                161,350,742.00

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                    Interim Report 2018

  Assets classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets                              24,258,479.69            23,930,553.25

Total current assets                               216,104,862.82           395,808,215.66

Non-current assets:

  Loans and advances to customers

  Available-for-sale financial assets

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments                     269,998,221.71           269,998,221.71

  Investment property                                                        15,057,817.47

  Fixed assets                                      40,543,929.42            29,961,223.62

  Construction in progress

  Engineering materials

  Proceeds from disposal of fixed

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Intangible assets                                  8,939,525.00              5,742,427.70

  R&D expense

  Goodwill                                           2,395,820.87              2,395,820.87

  Long-term prepaid expense                           443,216.29                298,544.88

  Deferred income tax assets                         3,571,893.62              4,325,725.13

  Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                           325,892,606.91           327,779,781.38

Total assets                                       541,997,469.73           723,587,997.04

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Borrowings from central bank

  Customer deposits and deposits from
banks and other financial institutions

  Interbank loans obtained

  Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss

  Derivative financial liabilities

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                    Interim Report 2018

  Notes payable

  Accounts payable                                  76,046,059.98           206,507,636.62

  Advances from customers                           11,209,141.53            11,433,013.53

  Financial      assets          sold    under
repurchase agreements
  Handling charges and commissions

  Payroll payable                                    1,337,530.57               788,844.58

  Taxes payable                                     23,617,067.14            23,317,798.05

  Interest payable

  Dividends payable

  Other payables                                    41,177,516.07            88,422,479.70

  Reinsurance payables

  Insurance contract reserve
  Payables     for    acting       trading   of
  Payables      for      underwriting        of
  Liabilities directly associated with
assets classified as held for sale
  Current      portion      of     non-current

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                          153,387,315.29           330,469,772.48

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

        Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payable

  Specific payables


  Deferred income

  Deferred income tax liabilities

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                         Interim Report 2018

Total liabilities                                                       153,387,315.29                            330,469,772.48

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                                         318,600,000.00                            318,600,000.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

        Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                                                       52,303,274.80                              52,303,274.80

  Less: Treasury shares

  Other comprehensive income

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                                                       86,036,260.20                              86,036,260.20

  General reserve

  Retained earnings                                                  -109,452,077.11                              -104,447,877.20

Total equity attributable to owners of
                                                                        347,487,457.89                            352,491,657.80
the Company as the parent

Non-controlling interests                                                41,122,696.55                              40,626,566.76

Total owners’ equity                                                   388,610,154.44                            393,118,224.56

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                   541,997,469.73                            723,587,997.04

Legal representative: Ding Lihong       Chief of the accounting work: Chen Jincai    Chief of the accounting organ: Zeng Zhihua

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                    Item                                 30 June 2018                              31 December 2017

Current assets:

  Monetary assets                                                          224,627.82                                 166,675.93

  Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable

  Accounts receivable


  Interest receivable

  Dividends receivable

  Other receivables                                                      20,206,834.33                              66,228,472.94

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                    Interim Report 2018


  Assets classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets

Total current assets                                20,431,462.15            66,395,148.87

Non-current assets:

  Available-for-sale financial assets

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments                     349,998,229.97           349,998,229.97

  Investment property                                                        15,057,817.47

  Fixed assets                                      38,787,104.93            28,175,564.88

  Construction in progress

  Engineering materials

  Proceeds from disposal of fixed

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Intangible assets                                  8,939,525.00              5,742,427.70

  R&D expense


  Long-term prepaid expense

  Deferred income tax assets                         2,591,594.52              2,683,594.52

  Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                           400,316,454.42           401,657,634.54

Total assets                                       420,747,916.57           468,052,783.41

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable

  Accounts payable                                      19,442.64                19,442.64

  Advances from customers                             171,253.66                171,253.66

  Payroll payable                                     925,842.49                459,301.04

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                    Interim Report 2018

  Taxes payable                                     16,239,432.61            15,857,461.62

  Interest payable

  Dividends payable

  Other payables                                    13,340,743.41            56,827,110.62

  Liabilities directly associated with
assets classified as held for sale
  Current      portion      of   non-current

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                           30,696,714.81            73,334,569.58

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

        Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payable

  Specific payables


  Deferred income

  Deferred income tax liabilities

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                   30,696,714.81            73,334,569.58

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                    318,600,000.00           318,600,000.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

        Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                                  52,129,496.58            52,129,496.58

  Less: Treasury shares

  Other comprehensive income

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                                  86,036,260.20            86,036,260.20

  Retained earnings                                -66,714,555.02            -62,047,542.95

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                               Interim Report 2018

Total owners’ equity                                        390,051,201.76             394,718,213.83

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                        420,747,916.57             468,052,783.41

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                     Item                          H1 2018                    H1 2017

1. Revenue                                                    94,049,651.75             190,460,084.85

  Including: Operating revenue                                94,049,651.75             190,460,084.85

     Interest income

     Premium income

     Handling charge and commission

2. Operating costs and expenses                               98,200,509.30             187,846,722.05

  Including: Cost of sales                                    93,356,686.67             178,534,654.04

     Interest expense

     Handling charge and commission


     Net claims paid

     Net amount provided as insurance
contract reserve

     Expenditure on policy dividends

     Reinsurance premium expense

     Taxes and surtaxes                                          496,613.91                654,183.56

     Selling expense                                           1,129,119.53               1,434,407.39

     Administrative expense                                    6,096,595.06               7,324,503.57

     Finance costs                                                63,714.32                310,534.11

     Asset impairment loss                                    -2,942,220.19                -411,560.62

Add: Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
                                                                       0.00              -5,539,925.21
for loss)

  Investment income (“-” for loss)                                 536.00                  33,294.77

     Including: Share of profit or loss of
joint ventures and associates

  Foreign exchange gain (“-” for loss)

  Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)

  Other income

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                            Interim Report 2018

3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                        -4,150,321.55             -2,893,267.64

  Add: Non-operating income                                   600,000.00                          0.33

  Less: Non-operating expense                                 189,007.15                   2,404.16

4. Profit before taxation (“-” for loss)                  -3,739,328.70             -2,895,671.47

  Less: Income tax expense                                    768,741.42               2,307,032.61

5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                          -4,508,070.12             -5,202,704.08

  5.1       Net     profit        from     continuing
operations (“-” for net loss)

  5.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)

  Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                            -5,004,199.91             -7,997,104.78
Company as the parent
  Net            profit         attributable           to
                                                              496,129.79               2,794,400.70
non-controlling interests
6. Other comprehensive income, net of
  Attributable to owners of the Company
as the parent
      6.1        Items     that     will      not     be
reclassified to profit or loss
         6.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or
assets caused by remeasurements on
defined benefit pension schemes
         6.1.2            Share          of         other
comprehensive income of investees that
will not be reclassified to profit or loss
under equity method
      6.2 Items that may subsequently be
reclassified to profit or loss
         6.2.1            Share          of         other
comprehensive income of investees that
will be reclassified to profit or loss under
equity method
         6.2.2 Gain/Loss on changes in fair
value       of    available-for-sale          financial
         6.2.3      Gain/Loss        arising        from
reclassification           of      held-to-maturity
investments to available-for-sale financial
         6.2.4 Effective gain/loss on cash
flow hedges

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                 Interim Report 2018

          6.2.5 Differences arising from
translation                  of          foreign
currency-denominated                    financial

          6.2.6 Other

   Attributable         to        non-controlling

7. Total comprehensive income                                                 -4,508,070.12                                 -5,202,704.08

   Attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                              -5,004,199.91                                 -7,997,104.78
as the parent
   Attributable         to        non-controlling
                                                                                496,129.79                                   2,794,400.70

8. Earnings per share

   8.1 Basic earnings per share                                                      -0.016                                        -0.025

   8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                                    -0.016                                        -0.025

Where business combinations under common control occurred in the Current Period, the net profit achieved by the acquirees before
the combinations was RMBXXX, with the amount for the same period of last year being RMBXXX.

Legal representative: Ding Lihong             Chief of the accounting work: Chen Jincai      Chief of the accounting organ: Zeng Zhihua

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                     Item                                        H1 2018                                        H1 2017

1. Operating revenue                                                                      0.00                                637,064.14

   Less: Cost of sales                                                                    0.00                                166,356.27

        Taxes and surtaxes                                                      414,000.00                                    418,155.62

        Selling expense

        Administrative expense                                                4,495,612.33                                   5,868,665.93

        Finance costs                                                            33,208.37                                    536,679.17

        Asset impairment loss                                                  -368,000.00                                             0.00

   Add: Gain on changes in fair value
(“-” for loss)

        Investment income (“-” for loss)                                                                                      17,054.22

          Including: Share of profit or loss
of joint ventures and associates
        Asset disposal income (“-” for

        Other income

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                          Interim Report 2018

2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                      -4,574,820.70             -6,335,738.63

  Add: Non-operating income                                       0.00                          0.00

  Less: Non-operating expense                                   191.37

3. Profit before taxation (“-” for loss)                -4,575,012.07             -6,335,738.63

  Less: Income tax expense                                   92,000.00                          0.00

4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                        -4,667,012.07             -6,335,738.63

  4.1    Net    profit         from continuing
operations (“-” for net loss)

  4.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)

5. Other comprehensive income, net of
  5.1 Items that will not be reclassified
to profit or loss
      5.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or
assets caused by remeasurements on
defined benefit pension schemes
      5.1.2         Share              of        other
comprehensive income of investees that
will not be reclassified into profit or
loss under equity method
  5.2 Items that may subsequently be
reclassified to profit or loss
      5.2.1         Share              of        other
comprehensive income of investees that
will be reclassified into profit or loss
under equity method
      5.2.2 Gain/Loss on changes in fair
value of available-for-sale financial
      5.2.3    Gain/Loss              arising     from
reclassification         of         held-to-maturity
investments         to             available-for-sale
financial assets
      5.2.4 Effective gain/loss on cash
flow hedges
      5.2.5 Differences arising from
translation                   of                foreign
currency-denominated                        financial

      5.2.6 Other

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                Interim Report 2018

6. Total comprehensive income                                  -4,667,012.07              -6,335,738.63

7. Earnings per share

    7.1 Basic earnings per share                                      -0.015                     -0.020

    7.2 Diluted earnings per share                                    -0.015                     -0.020

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                        Item                        H1 2018                    H1 2017

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Proceeds from sale of commodities
                                                              242,538,551.98             279,104,141.77
and rendering of services
  Net increase in customer deposits and
deposits from banks and other financial
  Net increase in loans from central
  Net increase in loans from other
financial institutions
  Premiums          received       on   original
insurance contracts

  Net proceeds from reinsurance

  Net        increase      in     deposits    and
investments of policy holders
  Net      increase       in    proceeds     from
disposal of financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss
  Interest,        handling       charges     and
commissions received
  Net increase in interbank loans
  Net      increase       in    proceeds     from
repurchase transactions

  Tax rebates                                                       2,173.89

  Cash generated from other operating
                                                               32,140,506.72              35,298,621.21
Subtotal      of    cash        generated    from
                                                              274,681,232.59             314,402,762.98
operating activities
  Payments          for    commodities        and
                                                              239,773,853.88             280,323,737.91

  Net increase in loans and advances to

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                       Interim Report 2018

  Net increase in deposits in central
bank and in interbank loans granted
  Payments for claims on original
insurance contracts
  Interest,         handling        charges     and
commissions paid

  Policy dividends paid

  Cash paid to and for employees                        3,430,108.55              2,049,087.43

  Taxes paid                                             520,780.47               3,962,251.90

  Cash       used       in     other    operating
                                                       32,162,181.12            24,934,811.29
Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                      275,886,924.02           311,269,888.53
Net     cash        generated       from/used    in
                                                       -1,205,691.43              3,132,874.45
operating activities

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestment                               6,852.00              1,326,057.76

  Investment income                                                                 50,187.43

  Net proceeds from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other
long-lived assets
  Net      proceeds          from    disposal    of
subsidiaries or other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal       of     cash      generated     from
                                                            6,852.00              1,376,245.19
investing activities
  Payments for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                      565,214.37
long-lived assets

  Payments for investments                                                     121,377,497.91

  Net increase in pledged loans granted

  Net payments for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash       used       in      other   investing
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                                         565,214.37            121,377,497.91
Net     cash        generated       from/used    in
                                                         -558,362.37          -120,001,252.72
investing activities

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                  Interim Report 2018

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received

       Including: Capital contributions by
non-controlling interests to subsidiaries

  Increase in borrowings obtained

  Net proceeds from issuance of bonds

  Cash generated from other financing
Subtotal       of     cash      generated       from
financing activities

  Repayment of borrowings

  Payments for interest and dividends

       Including:       Dividends        paid    by
subsidiaries to non-controlling interests
  Cash       used       in     other     financing
Subtotal of cash used in financing
Net     cash        generated     from/used       in
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                        14.06                     -390.67
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                 -1,764,039.74             -116,868,768.94
Add:     Cash        and     cash      equivalents,
                                                                  2,956,199.38             123,886,976.82
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                                  1,192,159.64               7,018,207.88

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                        Item                           H1 2018                   H1 2017

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Proceeds from sale of commodities
and rendering of services

  Tax rebates

  Cash generated from other operating
                                                                 29,815,585.86              36,632,375.31
Subtotal       of     cash      generated       from
                                                                 29,815,585.86              36,632,375.31
operating activities

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                         Interim Report 2018

  Payments           for        commodities        and

  Cash paid to and for employees                           487,587.87                846,506.12

  Taxes paid                                                39,194.45                 27,707.62

  Cash       used          in     other    operating
                                                         29,230,851.65            28,198,951.18
Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                         29,757,633.97            29,073,164.92
Net     cash        generated          from/used    in
                                                            57,951.89               7,559,210.39
operating activities

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestment

  Investment income

  Net proceeds from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other
long-lived assets
  Net      proceeds             from    disposal    of
subsidiaries or other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal       of     cash        generated    from
investing activities
  Payments for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other
long-lived assets

  Payments for investments                                                       120,000,000.00

  Net payments for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash       used          in     other    investing
Subtotal of cash used in investing
Net     cash        generated          from/used    in
                                                                  0.00          -125,000,000.00
investing activities

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received

  Increase in borrowings obtained

  Net proceeds from issuance of bonds

  Cash generated from other financing

Subtotal       of     cash        generated    from

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                      Interim Report 2018

financing activities

  Repayment of borrowings

  Payments for interest and dividends

  Cash       used     in     other     financing
Sub-total of cash used in financing
Net    cash     generated       from/used      in
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                                           57,951.89                             -117,440,789.61
Add:     Cash       and     cash     equivalents,
                                                                                        166,675.93                                119,117,878.02
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                                                        224,627.82                                  1,677,088.41

7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

H1 2018
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                     H1 2018

                                             Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

                                        Other equity                                                                            Non-co
                                                                                   Other                             Retaine                 Total
         Item                            instruments                     Less:                                                  ntrollin
                           Share                             Capital               compre Specific Surplus General     d                    owners’
                                     Prefer Perpet                      Treasur                                                    g
                           capital                           reserves              hensive reserve reserves reserve earning                 equity
                                      red    ual     Other              y shares                                                interests
                                                                                   income                               s
                                     shares bonds

                           318,60                                                                                    -104,44
1. Balances as of                                            52,303,                                   86,036,                  40,626, 393,118
                           0,000.                                                                                    7,877.2
end of prior year                                             274.80                                   260.20                    566.76 ,224.56
                               00                                                                                           0

Add: Adjustments
for           changed
  Adjustments for
corrections          of
previous errors
  Adjustments for

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                 Interim Report 2018

under          common

2. Balances as of 318,60                                        -104,44
                                            52,303,   86,036,             40,626, 393,118
beginning of the 0,000.                                         7,877.2
                                             274.80   260.20              566.76 ,224.56
year                           00                                     0

3.             Increase/
decrease        in      the                                     -5,004,1 496,129 -4,508,0
period       (“-”     for                                       99.91      .79   70.12
     3.1              Total
                                                                -5,004,1 496,129 -4,508,0
                                                                  99.91      .79   70.12
     3.2        Capital
increased               and
reduced by owners
Ordinary shares
increased by
       3.2.2 Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments
payments included
in owners’ equity

       3.2.4 Other

 3.3                  Profit
Appropriation            to
surplus reserves
Appropriation            to
general reserve
Appropriation            to
owners                  (or

       3.3.4 Other

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                     Interim Report 2018

within        owners’
      3.4.1 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)         from
capital reserves
      3.4.2 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)         from
surplus reserves
      3.4.3 Surplus
reserves used to
make up losses

      3.4.4 Other

  3.5         Specific
Withdrawn for the
      3.5.2      Used
during the period

  3.6 Other

                         318,60                                                                                     -109,45
4. Balances as of                                          52,303,                                86,036,                      41,122, 388,610
                         0,000.                                                                                     2,077.1
end of the period                                           274.80                                260.20                        696.55 ,154.44
                             00                                                                                            1

H1 2017
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                   H1 2017

                                           Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent
                                      Other equity
                                                                                 Other                                         ntrollin    Total
          Item                         instruments                     Less:                                        Retaine
                         Share                             Capital               compre Specific Surplus General                  g       owners’
                                   Prefer Perpet                      Treasur                                          d
                         capital                           reserves              hensive reserve reserves reserve              interest equity
                                    red    ual     Other              y shares                                      earnings
                                                                                 income                                           s
                                   shares bonds

1. Balances as of                                          52,129,                                86,036,           -90,095, 37,940, 404,610
end of prior year                                           496.58                                260.20             403.00 417.64 ,771.42

Add: Adjustments
for           changed

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                    Interim Report 2018

     Adjustments for
corrections              of
previous errors
     Adjustments for
under          common

2. Balances as of 318,60
                                            52,129,      86,036,   -90,095, 37,940, 404,610
beginning of the 0,000.
                                             496.58      260.20     403.00 417.64 ,771.42
year                           00

3.             Increase/
decrease        in      the                 173,778                -14,352, 2,686,1 -11,492,
period       (“-”     for                        .22              474.20     49.12 546.86
     3.1              Total
                                                                   -14,352, 2,519,1 -11,833,
                                                                    474.20     85.74 288.46
     3.2        Capital
                                            173,778                          166,963 340,741
increased               and
                                                   .22                           .38      .60
reduced by owners
Ordinary shares
increased by
       3.2.2 Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments
payments included
in owners’ equity

                                            173,778                          166,963
       3.2.4 Other
                                                   .22                           .38

 3.3                  Profit
Appropriation            to

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                              Interim Report 2018

surplus reserves
Appropriation       to
general reserve
Appropriation       to
owners             (or

      3.3.4 Other

within        owners’
      3.4.1 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)         from
capital reserves
      3.4.2 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)         from
surplus reserves
      3.4.3 Surplus
reserves used to
make up losses

      3.4.4 Other

3.5           Specific
Withdrawn for the
      3.5.2      Used
during the period

3.6 Other

                         318,60                                               -104,44
4. Balances as of                           52,303,                 86,036,             40,626, 393,118
                         0,000.                                               7,877.2
end of the period                            274.80                 260.20              566.76 ,224.56
                            00                                                     0

8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent

H1 2018
                                                                                             Unit: RMB

          Item                                          H1 2018

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                     Interim Report 2018

                                          Other equity instruments                            Other
                                                                                   Less:                                    Retaine     Total
                                Share                                  Capital               comprehe Specific   Surplus
                                          Preferre Perpetu                        Treasury                                     d       owners’
                               capital                        Other   reserves                nsive    reserve   reserves
                                          d shares al bonds                        shares                                   earnings   equity

1. Balances as of 318,600,                                            52,129,49                                  86,036,26 -62,047, 394,718,2
end of prior year               000.00                                     6.58                                       0.20 542.95         13.83

Add: Adjustments
for            changed
     Adjustments for
corrections              of
previous errors
2. Balances as of
                               318,600,                               52,129,49                                  86,036,26 -62,047, 394,718,2
beginning of the
                                000.00                                     6.58                                       0.20 542.95         13.83
3.             Increase/
decrease        in      the                                                                                                 -4,667,0 -4,667,01
period       (“-”     for                                                                                                   12.07        2.07
     3.1              Total
                                                                                                                            -4,667,0 -4,667,01
                                                                                                                              12.07        2.07
     3.2         Capital
increased               and
reduced by owners
Ordinary shares
increased by
       3.2.2 Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments
payments included
in owners’ equity

       3.2.4 Other

     3.3              Profit

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

Appropriation       to
surplus reserves
Appropriation       to
owners             (or

     3.3.3 Other

within       owners’
     3.4.1 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)         from
capital    reserves
     3.4.2 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)         from
surplus reserves
     3.4.3 Surplus
reserves used to
make up losses

     3.4.4 Other

  3.5        Specific
Withdrawn for the
     3.5.2       Used
during the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as of 318,600,                                     52,129,49                                  86,036,26 -66,714, 390,051,2
end of the period        000.00                                     6.58                                       0.20 555.02         01.76

H1 2017
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                             H1 2017

                                   Other equity instruments                            Other
                                                                            Less:                                    Retaine     Total
          Item           Share                                  Capital               comprehe Specific   Surplus
                                   Preferre Perpetu                        Treasury                                     d       owners’
                         capital                       Other   reserves                nsive    reserve   reserves
                                   d shares al bonds                        shares                                   earnings    equity

1. Balances as of 318,600,                                     52,129,49                                  86,036,26 -51,833, 404,932,2

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                   Interim Report 2018

end of prior year               000.00                  6.58        0.20 550.50      06.28

Add: Adjustments
for            changed
     Adjustments for
corrections              of
previous errors
2. Balances as of
                               318,600,            52,129,49   86,036,26 -51,833, 404,932,2
beginning of the
                                000.00                  6.58        0.20 550.50      06.28
3.             Increase/
decrease        in      the                                              -10,213, -10,213,9
period       (“-”     for                                               992.45     92.45
     3.1              Total
                                                                         -10,213, -10,213,9
                                                                          992.45     92.45
     3.2         Capital
increased               and
reduced by owners
Ordinary shares
increased by
       3.2.2 Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments
payments included
in owners’ equity

       3.2.4 Other

     3.3              Profit
Appropriation             to
surplus reserves
Appropriation             to

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                               Interim Report 2018

owners             (or

     3.3.3 Other

within       owners’
     3.4.1 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)        from
capital    reserves
     3.4.2 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)        from
surplus reserves
     3.4.3 Surplus
reserves used to
make up losses

     3.4.4 Other

  3.5        Specific
Withdrawn for the
     3.5.2      Used
during the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as of 318,600,                         52,129,49               86,036,26 -62,047, 394,718,2
end of the period        000.00                         6.58                    0.20 542.95      13.83

III. Company Profile

1. The registration place, the organization method and the headquarters address of the Company

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited (original name: Guangdong Rieys Group
Company Ltd, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) was a limited liability company registered
in Guangdong Province and had been approved by the Y-H-B [1997] No. 580 document of People’s
Government of Guangdong Province on 17 November 1997, which established by five enterprises
including Puning Haicheng Industrial Co., Ltd. (this company changed its name to Shenzhen
Shenghengchang Industrial Co., Ltd. after relocating in Shenzhen; in 2007 this company was
renamed as Guangzhou Shenghengchang Investment Co., Ltd.; in 2008 this company was renamed
as Guangzhou Shenghengchang Trade and Development Co., Ltd.; on 28 January 2010 this
company was renamed as Puning Shenghengchang Trade Development Co., Ltd.; on 26 July 2013,

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                Interim Report 2018

this company was renamed as Shenzhen Shenghengchang Huifu Industrial Co., Ltd. as relocation),
an original Sino-foreign cooperated enterprise of Hongxing Weaving Garment Co., Ltd. Under
approval of Guangdong Province Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Company
registered with the registration number of the license of the business corporation of:
914452002311318335. The Share B, which was the HK common stock as well as the domestically
listed foreign share issued by the Company, had listed on the SZSE. The registration place of the
Company: Meixin Industrial Park, Junbu Town, Puning, Guangdong Province, of which the
Company as the parent was the Shenzhen Shenghengchang Huifu Industrial Co., Ltd. and the
ultimate actual controller of the Group was Chen Hongcheng.

The Company used to be the Puning Hongxing Weaving Garment Co., Ltd., which had reorganized
as a limited liability company based on the former company on 17 November 1997.

The original registration capital of the Company was of RMB80,000,000.00 with the total amount
of the share capital of 80,000,000 shares. And the face value of the shares of the Company was of
RMB1 per share. In March 1999, with the approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting, the
Company declared a Bonus Issue of 3.5 shares per 10 shares based on the total number of shares
accrued in the register as at 31 December 1998 (80 million shares), making the registered capital
increased to 108,000,000 shares. The Company issued 60,000,000 shares of foreign invested stock
domestically listed (“Stock B”) for foreign investors on 17 October 2000, and issued 9,000,000
shares of Stock B for exercise of over-allotment options during the period from 27 October 2000 to
22 November 2000 in accordance with approval of ZJFXZ (2000) No. 133 issued by China
Securities Regulatory Commission on 29 September 2000. The registered capital of the Company
increased to RMB177,000,000 after issuance of Stock B, which was divided into 177,000,000
shares of RMB1.00 each. The registered capital of the Company increased to 318,600,000 after
years of bonus distribution and transfer increase in paid-in capital, which was divided into
318,600,000 shares of RMB1.00 each.

As at 30 June 2018, the Company’s total share capital was 318,600,000 shares, including
164,025,000 non-tradable legal shares (representing 51.48% of total shares and 154,575,000
domestic listed foreign shares (stock B) (representing 48.52% of total shares).

2. Operating scope

The operating scope of the Company: executes the self-management and agent of the import and
export business of other goods and techniques except for the national organization unified joint
venture export commodities and the national approved corporation operation export commodities;
executes the processing imported materials operation, “three-processing and one compensation”,
counter trade and entrepot trade (operates according to the [98] WZMZSHZ No. 1225 document);
the production, processing and sales of the clothing, needle and textiles. Sales of the industrial
capital goods (excluding the gold, car, dangerous chemicals), department stores, furniture, arts and
crafts (excluding the gold jewelry) and the domestic commerce (except for those forbidden by the
laws, administrative regulations and the State Council; and as for the projects limited by the laws,
administrative regulations and the State Council should acquire the permission before
operating).Crops planting. Storage. Various investments. Real Estate development (three-level with
the period of validity to 31 December 2015.) Commercial residential buildings developed owning to

  Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                   Interim Report 2018

  renting out the Company. Hotel management. Engages in the technique development, design and
  sales of the gold, silver, platinum, diamond, jade, jewelry, hardstone article and so on.

  3. Information of the special enterprises with limited business allotted time


  4. Business nature and major operating activities of the Company

  The Company is the gold jewelry vendor; mainly engages in the technique development, design and
  sales of the gold jewelry.

  5. Approval of the presentation of the financial statements

  The financial statements and the notes to the financial statements were approved by the 19th
  Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors of the Company on 27 August 2018.

  There were 4 main bodies included in the consolidated financial statement scope at the period-end
  of the Reporting Period, which specifically including:

  Name of the subsidiaries              Type of the         Shareholding          Voting proportion
                                        subsidiaries       proportion (%)                (%)
Shenzhen Rieys Industrial Co.,         Limited liability        90.00                   90.00
Ltd.                                      company
Tianrui (Hong Kong) Trading            Limited liability        100.00                 100.00
Co., Ltd.                                 company
Shenzhen Chinese Gold Nobility         Limited liability        51.00                   51.00
Jewelry Co., Ltd.                         company
Shanghai    Yunpeng       Internet                              60.00                   60.00
                                      Limited company
Technology Co., Ltd

  IV. Basis for the Preparation of the Financial Statement

  1. Basis for the Preparation

  The Company and its subsidiaries are prepared based on assumption of the Company’s continuing
  operations, according to transactions and events actually occurred, and based on “Basic Accounting
  Standard for Business Enterprises” and specific accounting standards as well as the application
  guide, explanation and other relevant regulations (generally referred to as “ASBE”) issued
  by Ministry of Finance. In addition, the Company’s financial statements also comply with the
  relevant financial information in “Compilation Rules for Information Disclosures by Companies that
  Offer Securities to the Public No.15 - General Provisions for Financial Reports” (hereinafter referred
  to as “the No. 15”) issued by CSRC (revised in 2014).

  The accounting measurement of the Company based on the accrual basis. Except for certain
  financial instruments, the financial statements were all based on the historical cost for measurement.
  If there was impairment of the assets, should withdraw the impairment provision according to the

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

relevant regulations.

2. Continuing Operations

The financial statement presented based on the continuing operations. There was no any event or
situation caused major concerns on the continuing operation ability of the Company within 12
months from the period-end.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates

Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates indicators:
Not applicable

1. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Company are in compliance with in compliance with the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, which factually and completely present the
Company’s, and the relevant information of the Company’s merger and financial positions as at 30
June 2018, as well as the merger, business results and the merger and cash flows for the first half
year of 2018.

2. Fiscal Period

The Company’s fiscal year starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 of every year according to
the Gregorian calendar.

3. Operating Cycle

Normal operating cycle refers to the period from the Group purchases the assets for processing to
realize the cash or cash equivalents. The Group regards 12 months as an operating cycle and regards
which as the partition criterion of the mobility of the assets and liabilities.

4. Recording Currency

Recording currency is RMB.

5. Accounting Treatment for Business Combinations under the Common Control and Not under the
Common Control

(1) Judgment standard of the package deal

If the terms, conditions and the economic influences of each transaction in the process of the
enterprise merger realized by multiple steps met with one or various situation of the followings,
should execute the accounting treatment by considering the multiple transactions as the package

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

① these transactions are considered simultaneously, or in the case of mutual influence made;

② these transactions as a whole in order to achieve a complete business results;

③ the occurrence of a transaction depends on occurs at least one other transaction ;

④ a transaction look alone is not economical, but when considered together with other transaction
is economical.

(2) Business combination under the same control

For the business combination under the same control, the assets and liabilities that the combining
party obtains in a business combination, except for the adjustment executed owning to the
differences between the accounting policies, shall be measured on the basis of their originally
carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As for the balance between the
carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the
consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), the additional paid-in capital
(share/capital premium) shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital (share/capital premium) is
not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

The direct relevant expenses occurred for executing the enterprise merger should be recorded in the
current gains and losses when occurred.

(3) Business combination not under the same control

Business combination not under the common control refers to that parties involved in the merger
are not subject to the ultimate control of the same party or same multi-parties before & after the

For a business combination not under the same control, the combination costs shall include the fair
values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity
securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree. On the purchase date,
the merger cost occurred in the Company and the assets, liabilities and the contingent liabilities of
the acquirees should be recognized according to the fair value.

As for the expenses for audit, legal services and assessment, and other administrative expenses,
should be recorded into the profits and losses in the current period. The trading expenses for the
equity securities or debt securities issued by the acquirer as the combination consideration shall be
recorded into the amount of initial measurement of the equity securities or debt securities.

The Company shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value
of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as business reputation and shall execute the
follow-up measurement according to the cost which deducted the accumulative impairment
provision; the Company shall record which in the current gains and losses after the reexamination to
treat the balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it
obtains from the acquiree.

As for the deductible temporary differences the acquirer obtains from the acquiree which are not

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                  Interim Report 2018

recognized into deferred income tax liabilities due to their not meeting the recognition standards, if
new or further information shows that the relevant situation has existed on the acquiring date and
the economic benefits brought by the deductible temporary differences the acquirer obtains from the
acquiree on the acquiring date can be realized, they shall be recognized into deferred income tax
assets and the relevant goodwill shall be reduced. Where the goodwill is not sufficient to be offset,
the difference shall be recognized into the profits and losses in the current period. In other
circumstances than the above, where the deductible temporary differences are recognized into
deferred income tax assets on the acquiring date, they shall be recorded into the profits and losses in
the current period.

In a business combination not under same control realized by two or more transactions of exchange,
according to about the 5th Notice about the Treasury Issuing the Accounting Standards for
Enterprises (Finance accounting) [2012] No. 19 and Article 51 of Accounting Standards for
Enterprises No. 33—Consolidated Financial Statements of Criterion about the “package deal”,
whether the deals are “package deal” or not, belong to the “package deal”, see the previous
paragraphs described in this section and note IV, 12 “long term equity investment transaction” and
conduct accounting treatment, those not belong to the “package deal” distinguish between the
individual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements and conduct relevant
accounting treatment.

In the individual financial statements, the sum of the book value and new investment cost of the
Company holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date shall be considered as initial cost of the
investment. Other related comprehensive gains in relation to the equity interests that the Company
holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date, except for the corresponding share in the changes in
the net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan measured at the equity method arising from
the acquiree’s re-measurement, the others shall be transferred into current investment gains.

In the Company’s consolidated financial statements, the merger cost is the sum of the consideration
pays on the purchase date and the fair value on the purchase date of the equity of the acquirees hold
before the purchase date. As for the equity interests that the Company holds in the acquiree before
the acquiring date, they shall be re-measured according to their fair values at the acquiring date; the
positive difference between their fair values and carrying amounts shall be recorded into the
investment gains for the period including the acquiring date. Other related comprehensive gains in
relation to the equity interests that the Company holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date,
except for the corresponding share in the changes in the net liabilities or assets with a defined
benefit plan measured at the equity method arising from the acquiree’s re-measurement, the others
shall be transferred into current investment gains.

6. Preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements

The consolidation scope for financial statements is determined on the basis of control and all the
subsidiaries (including the individual main body controlled by the Company) are all included in the
consolidated financial statement.

The consolidated financial statement bases on the financial statement of the Company and the
subsidiaries and prepares according to the other relevant materials by the Company. When

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                  Interim Report 2018

preparing the consolidated financial statement, the accounting policies and the accounting period of
the Company and the subsidiaries were required to maintain unanimous while the intercompany
significant contracts and the come-and-go balance should be offset.

For the subsidiaries increased owning to the enterprise merger under the same control during the
Reporting Period, the Company includes their income, expenses and profits from the period-begin
of the merger to the end of the Reporting Period in the consolidated statement of income and
includes the cash flow in the consolidated statement of cash flow, as well as adjust the opening
balance and the comparison amount of the consolidated financial statement; as for the subsidiaries
increased owning to the enterprise merger not under the same control during the Reporting Period,
the Company includes their income, expenses and profits from the purchase date to the end of the
Reporting Period in the consolidated statement of income and includes the cash flow in the
consolidated statement of cash flow, while not to as adjust the opening balance and the comparison
amount of the consolidated financial statement; during the Reporting Period, as for the disposed
subsidiaries, the Company includes their income, expenses and profits from the period-begin of the
merger to the disposal date in the consolidated statement of income and includes the cash flow in
the consolidated statement of cash flow, and not to adjust the opening balance of the consolidated
balance sheet.

The portion of a subsidiary’s shareholders’ equity and the portion of a subsidiary’s net profits and
losses for the period not held by the Company are recognized as minority interests and minority
shareholder profits and losses respectively and presented separately under shareholders’ equity and
net profits in the consolidation financial statements. The portion of a subsidiary’s net profits and
losses for the period that belong to minority interests is presented as the item of “minority
shareholder profits and losses” under the bigger item of net profits in the consolidated financial
statements. Where the loss of a subsidiary shared by minority shareholders exceeds the portion
enjoyed by minority shareholders in the subsidiary’s opening owners’ equity, minority interests are

As for the transactions purchasing minority equities of the subsidiaries or the transitions not losing
the control right of the subsidiaries owning to disposing the equity investment on them, should be
measured as the equity transactions and adjust the book value that attributes to the equities of the
shareholders of the Company and the equities of the minority shareholders for reflecting the
changes in the relevant equities of the subsidiaries. The Company adjusts the capital surplus of the
difference between the adjusted amount of the equities of the minority shareholders and the fair
value of the paid/received consideration, if the capital surplus is insufficient to write down, the
retained income should be adjusted.

Where the Company losses control on its original subsidiaries due to disposal of some equity
investments or other reasons, the residual equity interests are re-measured according to the fair
value on the date when such control ceases. The summation of the consideration obtained from the
disposal of equity interests and the fair value of the residual equity interests, minus the portion in
the original subsidiary’s net assets measured on a continuous basis from the acquisition date that is
enjoyable by the Company according to the original shareholding percentage in the subsidiary, is
recorded in investment gains for the period when the Company’s control on the subsidiary ceases.
Other comprehensive incomes in relation to the equity investment in the original subsidiary are
Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

treated on the same accounting basis as the acquiree directly disposes the relevant assets or
liabilities (that is, except for the changes in the net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan
resulted from re-measurement of the original subsidiary, the rest shall all be transferred into current
investment gains) when such control ceases. And subsequent measurement is conducted on the
residual equity interests according to the No. 2 Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprises-Long-term Equity Investments or the No. 22 Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprises-Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments.

Where the Company losses control on its original subsidiaries due to step by step disposal of equity
investments through multiple transactions, it need to distinguish the Company losses control on its
subsidiaries due to disposal of equity investments whether belongs to a package deal. If each
transaction of disposing the equity investment of the subsidiaries until losing the control right
belongs to the package deal, should be regarded as a transaction of disposing the subsidiaries and
losing the control right for accounting treatment. Those not belong to a package deal, each of
them a deal depends on circumstances respectively conduct accounting treatment in accordance
with the applicable principles of “part disposal of subsidiaries of a long-term equity investment
under the condition of not losing control on its subsidiaries” (see details to the first two
paragraphs)and “Where the Group losses control on its original subsidiaries due to disposal of some
equity investments or other reasons” (see the details to the first paragraph).However, before losing
control, every disposal cost and corresponding net assets balance of subsidiary of disposal
investment are confirmed as other comprehensive income in consolidated financial statements,
which together transferred into the current profits and losses in the loss of control , when the
Company losing control on its subsidiary.

7. Classification of Joint Arrangements and Accounting Treatment of Joint Operations

Not applicable

8. Confirmation Standard for Cash and Cash Equivalent

In preparing the cash flow statement, the cash equivalents of the Company include the investments
with short period (it usually expires within three months from the purchase date), characteristics of
high liquidity, easy conversion to certain amount of cash and little risk of value change.

9. Transactions of Foreign Currencies and Conversion of Financial Statements in Foreign Currencies

(1) Adjustments are made to foreign currency accounts in accordance with the exchange rate
prevailing on the balance sheet date

Value of non currency item accrued at fair value by foreign currency is adjusted in accordance with
the exchange rate prevailing on fair value confirm date. Conversion differences arising from those
specific borrowings are to be capitalized as part of the cost of the construction in progress in the
period before the fixed assets being acquired and constructed has not yet reached working condition
for its intended use. Conversion differences arising from other accounts are charged to financial

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

(2) In balance sheet, assets and liabilities items are converted into RMB at the exchange rate
prevailing on the consolidated balance sheet date. Owner’s equity items (excluding undistributed
profit item) are converted into RMB at the exchange rate when the transaction occurs. In income
statement, revenue and expenses items are accrued by the proper method and the approximate rate
when the transaction occurs. Translation difference occurred for above reason is disclosed in the
consolidated balance sheet as a separate item.

10. Financial Instruments

The term “financial instruments” refers to the contracts under which the financial assets of an
enterprise are formed and the financial liability or right instruments of any other entity are formed.
Financial instruments include the financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments.

(1) Recognition and derecognition of the financial instruments

When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument, it shall recognize a financial asset or
financial liability.

Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it shall be

① Where the contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset are

② Where the said financial asset has been transferred and meets the conditions for recognizing the
termination of financial assets as follows.

Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the
recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Company (debtor)
enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial liabilities by way of
any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations regarding the new financial liability is
substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability, it shall terminate the
recognition of the existing financial liability, and shall at the same time recognize the new financial

Buying and selling the financial assets by conventional methods and executing the accounting
recognition and derecognition according to the transaction date.

(2) Category and measurement of the financial assets

The Company classifies the financial assets into the following four kinds when initially recognizing
according to the contract terms of the issued financial instruments and the economic nature reflected
by which but not by the law methods as well as combines with the aims of acquiring and holding
the financial assets and undertaking the financial liabilities: financial assets measured by fair value
with the changes be recorded in the current gains and losses, held-to-maturity investment, loans and
accounts receivable as well as the available-for-sale financial assets. The financial assets should be
measured by fair value when initially recognizing. As for the financial assets measured by fair value

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                   Interim Report 2018

with the changes be recorded in the current gains and losses, the relevant transactions expenses
should be directly recorded in the current gains and losses while the relevant transactions expenses
of the financial assets of other categories should be recorded in the initially recognized amount.

Financial assets measured by fair value with the changes be included in the current gains and losses

As for the financial assets measured by fair value with the changes are included in the current gains
and losses which include the tradable financial assets and the financial assets be appointed as the
one be measured by fair value with the changes are included in the current gains and losses when
initially recognized. For this kind of the financial assets, should be executed the follow-up
measurement by adopting the fair value, and the profits or losses form from the changes of the fair
value as well as the dividends and the interest income related to the financial assets should be
recorded in the current gains and losses.

Held-to-maturity investment

The term “held-to-maturity investment “refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date
of maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price and which the enterprise holds for a
definite purpose or the enterprise is able to hold until its maturity. The following non-derivative
financial assets shall not be classified as investments held to their maturity. As for the
held-to-maturity investment, shall make subsequent measurement on its financial liabilities on the
basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate method, while the gains or
losses of the derecognition, impairment or amortization should be recorded in the current gains and

Accounts receivable

Accounts receivable refers to the non-derivative financial assets without any quotation in the active
market but with fixed or recognizable recovery amount, which include the accounts receivable and
other accounts receivable etc. As for the accounts receivable, shall make subsequent measurement
on its financial liabilities on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest
rate method, while the gains or losses of the derecognition, impairment or amortization should be
recorded in the current gains and losses.

Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets refers to the non-derivative financial assets be appointed as
available-for-sale and the financial assets except for the above category of the financial assets. The
available-for-sale financial assets should adopt the follow-up measurement and the premium should
adopt the actual interest rate for amortization and be recognized as the interest income. Except for
the impairment losses and the exchange differences of the foreign currency financial assets which
be regarded as the current gains and losses, the changes of the fair value of the available-for-sale
financial assets should be recognized as other comprehensive income, and when the financial assets
being derecognizing, the portion of the accumulative amount of changes in the fair value originally
recorded in the other comprehensive income which corresponds to the portion whose recognition
has been disposed, shall be transferred and recorded in the current gains and losses. And the
dividends or the interest income related to the available-for-sale financial assets should be recorded

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                   Interim Report 2018

in the current gains and losses.

(3) Category and measurement of financial liabilities

The financial liabilities of the Company are classified as the follows when initially recognized:
financial liabilities measured by fair value with the changes are recorded in the current gains and
losses and other financial liabilities. As for those had not be divided as the financial liabilities
measured by fair value with the changes be recorded in the current gains and losses, the relevant
transaction expenses should be recorded in the initial recognized amount.

Financial liabilities measured by fair value with the changes be recorded in the current gains and

The financial liabilities measured by fair value with the changes be recorded in the current gains
and losses, which include the tradable financial liabilities and the financial liabilities be appointed
as measured by fair value with the changes be recorded in the current gains and losses when
initially recognized. For this kind of financial liabilities should be executed the follow-up
measurement according to the fair value, while the profits or losses form from the changes of the
fair value and the dividends and the interest expenses related to the financial liabilities should be
recorded in the current gains and losses.

Other financial liabilities

For the derivative financial liabilities, which are connected to the equity instrument for which there
is no quotation in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which
must be settled by delivering the equity instrument, they shall be executed follow-up measurement
on the basis of their costs. As for the other financial liabilities, should adopt the effective interest
method and be executed the follow-up measurement according to the amortized cost with the profits
or losses form from derecognition or amortization be recorded in the current gains and losses.

(4) Fair value of the financial instruments

As for the financial assets or financial liabilities for which there is an active market, the current
offer or current price in the active market shall be used to determine the fair values thereof.

Where there is no active market for a financial instrument, the Company concerned shall adopt
value appraisal techniques to determine its fair value. The result obtained by adopting value
appraisal techniques shall be able to reflect the transaction prices that may be adopted in fair
dealings on the value appraisal day. The value appraisal techniques mainly include the prices
adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon
their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial instruments of the
same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing model, etc.

To determine the fair value of a financial asset, the Company chooses those value appraisal
techniques which are generally acknowledged by market participants and have been proved as
reliable by past actual transaction prices of the market. To determine the fair value of a financial
asset by adopting value appraisal techniques, the Company shall adopt, if possible, all the market

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

parameters that are taken into account by market participants in pricing financial instruments and
the observable transaction price of the current market with the same financial instruments for testing
the validity of the valuation technique.

(5) Impairment of financial assets

The Company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the
financial assets and where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has been
impaired, an impairment provision shall be made. The expression “objective evidence proving that
the financial asset has been impaired” refers to the actually incurred events which, after the
financial asset is initially recognized, have an impact on the predicted future cash flow of the said
financial asset that can be reliably measured by the Company.

Financial assets measured by amortized cost

If there are objective evidences indicate that the financial assets occur impairment, the carrying
amount of the said financial asset shall be written down to the current value of the predicted future
cash flow (excluding the loss of future credits not yet occurred), and the amount as written down
shall be recorded in the current gains and losses. The current value of the predicted future cash flow
shall be determined according to the capitalization of the original actual interest rate of the said
financial asset, taking into account the value of the relevant guarantee.

An impairment test shall be made on the financial assets with significant single amounts. If any
objective evidence shows that it has been impaired, the impairment-related losses shall be
recognized and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. With regard to the
financial assets with insignificant single amounts, an independent impairment test may be carried
out, or they may be included in a combination of financial assets with similar credit risk features so
as to carry out an impairment-related test. Where, upon independent test, the financial asset
(including those financial assets with significant single amounts and those with insignificant
amounts) has not been impaired, it shall be included in a combination of financial assets with
similar risk features so as to conduct another impairment test. The financial assets which have
suffered from an impairment loss in any single amount shall not be included in any combination of
financial assets with similar risk features for any impairment test.

Where any financial asset measured on the basis of post-amortization costs is recognized as having
suffered from any impairment loss, if there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the
said financial asset has been restored, and it is objectively related to the events that occur after such
loss is recognized, the impairment-related losses as originally recognized shall be reversed and be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. However, the reversed carrying amount
shall not be any more than the post-amortization costs of the said financial asset on the day of
reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.

Available-for-sale financial assets

Where there are objective evidences indicate that the available-for-sale financial assets are impaired,
the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the owner’s equity which was
directly included shall be transferred out and recorded into the profits and losses of the current

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                               Interim Report 2018

period. The accumulative losses that are transferred out shall be the balance obtained from the
initially obtained costs of the sold financial asset after deducting the principals as taken back, the
current fair value and the impairment-related losses as was recorded into the profits and losses of
the current period.

As for the sellable debt instruments whose impairment-related losses have been recognized, if,
within the accounting period thereafter, the fair value has risen and are objectively related to the
subsequent events that occur after the originally impairment-related losses were recognized, the
originally recognized impairment-related losses shall be reversed and be recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period. The impairment-related losses incurred to a sellable equity
instrument investment shall not be reversed through profits and losses.

Financial assets measured by cost

When the equity instrument investments for which there is no quotation in the active market and
whose fair value cannot be measured reliably, or the derivative financial assets which are connected
with the said equity instrument and must be settled by delivering the said equity instrument are
impaired, should recognize the book value of the financial assets and the differences between the
current value recognized from the discounting according to the current market earnings rate of the
similar financial assets to the future cash flow as the impairment losses and record which in the
current gains and losses. And the occurred impairment losses once being recognized should not be

(7) Transformation of the financial assets

The term “"transfer of a financial asset” refers to transferring or delivering a financial asset to a
party other than the issuer of the financial asset (the transferee).

Where the Company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of
the financial asset to the transferee, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset. If it retained nearly
all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset, it shall not stop
recognizing the financial asset.

Where the Company does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of a financial asset, it shall deal with it according to the circumstances as follows,
respectively: if it gives up its control over the financial asset, it shall stop recognizing the financial
asset; if it does not give up its control over the financial asset, it shall, according to the extent of its
continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset, recognize the related financial asset and
recognize the relevant liability accordingly.

11. Receivables

(1) Accounts Receivable with Significant Single Amount for Which the Bad Debt Provision is Made

Standard of significant single amounts               Individual material receivables are the top five largest receivables

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                               Interim Report 2018

                                                                    or sum of receivables which account for 10% of ending balance of
                                                                    accounts receivable.

                                                                    As for the accounts receivable with significant single amount at
                                                                    the period-end, could execute the impairment test individually. If
                                                                    there was objective evidence to shows that it has been impaired,
Withdrawing method of provision for bad debts of      significant
                                                                    the impairment-related losses shall be recognized and shall be
single amounts
                                                                    made bed debt provision according to the difference that the
                                                                    current value of the future cash flow lowers than its book value
                                                                    of the accounts receivable.

(2) Accounts Receivable Which the Bad Debt Provision is Withdrawn by Credit Risk Characteristics

                        Name of portfolios                                              Bad debt provision method

In the groups, adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                               Withdrawal proportion for accounts           Withdrawal proportion for other accounts
                                                            receivable                                       receivable

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                   2.00%                                          2.00%

1-2 years                                                                         10.00%                                         10.00%

2-3 years                                                                         50.00%                                         50.00%

3 to 4 years                                                                      80.00%                                         80.00%

4 to 5 years                                                                      80.00%                                         80.00%

Over 5 years                                                                     100.00%                                        100.00%

In the groups, adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the groups, adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Accounts Receivable with an Insignificant Single Amount but for Which the Bad Debt Provision is
Made Individually

                                                                    As for the accounts receivable with insignificant single amount at
Reason of individually withdrawing bad debt provision
                                                                    the period-end, could execute the impairment test individually.

                                                                    The impairment-related losses shall be calculated and recognized
                                                                    and shall be made bed debt provision according to the proportion
                                                                    of the accounts receivable portfolios that are accounts receivable
Withdrawal method for bad debt provision                            that didn’t incur impairment in test (including accounts
                                                                    receivable with significant single amount and accounts
                                                                    receivable with insignificant single amount ) and the accounts
                                                                    receivable portfolios with similar credit risk characteristics to

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                    Interim Report 2018

                                                               closing balance.

12. Inventory

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of special industry?
Related industry of jewelry
The Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information Disclosure
Guidelines No. 11 - Listed Companies Engaged in Related Jewelry Business

(1) Inventory classification

The inventory of the Company classified as:

A. Real estate development products: developed products, development cost.

B. Non-real estate products: raw materials, products in production, stock merchandise, delivery
commodity, commission processing materials, etc.

(2) Method for inventory valuation

Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value.

Real estate development product costs include land cost, construction costs and other costs.
Borrowing costs meet the capitalization conditions are also included in real estate development
product costs. Non-real estate development product costs include purchase cost, process cost and
other costs.

The raw materials acquired by the Company are measured according to the actual cost and the raw
materials, outside processing materials, goods in process and self-made semi-manufactured goods
adopt weighted average valuation when issued or received (winding wheel setting and jade
accessories adopt individual pricing).

(3) Confirmation of net realizable value of inventory and Recording method of provision for
inventory devaluation

At the end of the period, after overall check of the inventory, draw or adjust provision for inventory
devaluation according to the lower of the cost of inventory and net realizable values of inventory.

In normal operation process, net realizable values of commodities inventories for direct sales
including finished goods, commodities and materials for sales are determined by the estimated
selling prices minus the estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes and fees; In normal operation
process, net realizable values of materials that need further processing are determined by the
estimated selling prices of the finished goods minus estimated cost to completion, estimated selling
expenses and relevant taxes. For the inventory held to implement sales contract or work contract, its
net realizable value is calculated on the basis of contract price. For the balance of inventory beyond
the amount of the sales contract, its net realizable value is calculated on the basis of general selling

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

Provision for inventory devaluation is provided for based on individual inventory item at end of the
period. For inventory that has large quantity and low unit price, the provision for inventory
devaluation is provided for based on categories of the inventory. For inventory related to the
products manufactured and sold in the same district, with same or similar use or purpose, and
difficult to account for separately from other items, the provision for inventory devaluation is
provided for on a consolidated basis.

When the factors that influence the decreased bookkeeping of inventory value have disappeared,
switch back from the provision for inventory devaluation amount that previously appropriated and
the amount that switched back is charged to profit or loss of current period.

(4) System of stock inventories

Perpetual inventory system is applied.

(5) Amortization for low cost and short lived articles and package materials

When consuming the low cost and short lived articles, the Company adopts the one-time
amortization method for amortization.

The turnover package materials should be recorded in the cost expenses according to the one-time
amortization method.

13. Assets Held for Sale

When a company relies mainly on selling (including the exchanges of non-monetary assets with
commercial substance) instead of continuing to use a non-current asset or disposal group to recover
its book value, the non-current asset or disposal group is classified as asset held for sale. Both of the
following conditions shall be met when non-current assets or disposal group is classified as asset
held for sale:

(1) Assets or disposal groups can be sold immediately under current conditions based on the
practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions;

(2) Sales are highly likely to occur, that is, the enterprise has already made a resolution on a sale
plan and obtained a certain purchase commitment, and the sale is expected to will be completed
within one year, and the sale shall have been approved if relevant regulations require relevant
authority or regulatory authority of the enterprise to approve it.

The recognized purchase commitment refers to the purchase agreement signed by enterprise with
other parities with legal binding, which includes important terms, such as transaction price, time,
and severe punishment. It is highly unlikely that the agreement will be significantly adjusted or

14. Long-term Equity Investment

The long-term equity investments of this part refer to the long-term equity investments that the

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                     Interim Report 2018

Group has control, joint control or significant influence over the investees. The long-term equity
investment that the Group does not have control, joint control or significant influence over the
investees, should be recognized as available-for-sale financial assets or be measured by fair value
with the changes should be included in the financial assets accounting of the current gains and

(1) Recognition of investment costs

As for long-term equity investments acquired by enterprise merger, if the merger is under the same
control, the share of the book value of the owner’s equity of the merged enterprise, on the date of
merger, is regarded as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. The difference between
the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the payment in cash, non-cash assets
transferred as well as the book value of the debts borne by the merging party shall offset against the
capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted
(If the consideration of the merging enterprise is that it issues equity securities, it shall, on the date
of merger, regard the share of the book value of the shareholder's equity of the merged enterprise on
the consolidated financial statement of the ultimate control party as the initial cost of the long-term
equity investment. The total face value of the stocks issued shall be regarded as the capital stock,
while the difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and total face value
of the shares issued shall offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to
dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The equities of the combined party which
respectively acquired through multiple transaction under the same control that ultimately form into
the combination of the enterprises under the same control, should be disposed according whether
belongs to package deal; if belongs to package deal, each transaction would be executed accounting
treatment by the Company as a transaction of acquiring the control right. If not belongs to package
deal, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the enjoyed share of the book value of the shareholder's
equity of the merged enterprise on the consolidated financial statement of the ultimate control party
as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment, and as for the difference between the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment and sum of the book value of the long-term
equity investment before the combination and the book value of the consideration of the new
payment that further required on the combination date, should adjust the capital reserve; if the
capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The equity
investment held before the combination date which adopted the equity method for accounting, or
the other comprehensive income confirmed for the available-for-sale financial assets, should not
have any accounting disposal for the moment).

For the long-term investment required from the business combination under different control, the
initial investment cost regarded as long-term equity investment on the purchasing date according to
the combination cost, the combination costs shall be the sum of the fair values of the assets paid, the
liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the Company (The equities of the
acquirees which respectively acquired through multiple transaction that ultimately form into the
combination of the enterprises under the different control, should be disposed according whether
belongs to package deal; if belongs to package deal, each transaction would be executed accounting
treatment by the Company as a transaction of acquiring the control right. If not belongs to package
deal, the sum of the book value of the original held equity investment of the acquirees and the

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                 Interim Report 2018

newly added investment cost should be regarded as the initial investment cost of the long-term
equity investment that changed to be accounted by cost method. If the original held equity is
calculated by cost method, the other relevant comprehensive income would not have any accounting
disposal for the moment. If the original held equity investment is the financial assets available for
sale, its difference between the fair value and the book value as well as the accumulative changes of
the fair value that include in the other comprehensive income, should transfer into the current gains
and losses).

The commission fees for audit, law services, assessment and consultancy services and other
relevant expenses occurred in the business combination by the combining party or the purchase
party, shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon their occurrence; the transaction
expense from the issuance of equity securities or bonds securities which are as consideration for
combination by the combining party, should be recorded as the initial amount of equity securities
and bonds securities.

Besides the long-term equity investments formed by business combination, the other long-term
equity investments shall be initially measured by cost, the cost is fixed in accordance with the ways
of gaining, such as actual cash payment paid by the Group, the fair value of equity securities issued
by the Group, the agreed value of the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or original
carrying amount of exchanged assets from non-monetary assets exchange transaction, the fair value
of the long-term equity investments, etc. The expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures
directly related with gaining the long-term equity investments shall also be recorded into investment
cost. The long-term equity investment cost for those could execute significant influences on the
investees because of appending the investment or could execute joint control but not form as control,
should be as the sum of the fair value of the original held equity investment and the newly added
investment cost recognized according to the No. 22 of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises—Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instrument.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gains or losses

Long-term equity investment measured by cost method

The long-term equity investment which the Company could execute the control on the investees,
should be measured by cost method and shall be included at its initial investment cost and append
as well as withdraw the cost of investing and adjusting the long-term equity investment.

As for the long-term equity investment measured by cost method, the return on investment at
current period shall be recognized in accordance with the cash dividend or profit announced to
distribute by the invested entity, except the announced but not distributed cash dividend or profit
included in the actual payment or consideration upon gaining the investment.

Long-term equity investment measured by equity method

As for the long-term equity investment of the joint ventures and the associated enterprises, the
Company adopts the equity method for measurement; as for the one part of the equity investment
that indirectly held by the joint ventures through the similar main bodies such as the venture capital
Institutions, mutual fund, trust company or the unit-linked Insurance funds, should be measured by

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                     Interim Report 2018

adopting fair value with the changes be recorded in the gains and losses.

If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is more than the Company’s attributable share of
the fair value of the invested entity’s identifiable net assets for investment, the initial cost of the
long-term equity investment may not be adjusted. If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment
is less than the Company’s attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity’s identifiable net
assets for investment, the difference shall be included in the current profits and losses.

After the Company acquires the long-term equity investment, respectively recognize investment
income and other comprehensive income according to the net gains and losses as well as the portion
of other comprehensive income which should be enjoyed or be shared, and at the same time adjust
the book value of the long-term equity investment; corresponding reduce the book value of the
long-term equity investment according to profits which be declared to distribute by the investees or
the portion of the calculation of cash dividends which should be enjoyed; for the other changes
except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the owners’ equity except for
the profits distribution of the investees, should adjust the book value of the long-term equity
investment as well as include in the owners’ equities.

When executes the measurement on the long-term equity investment by the equity method, the
Company should adjust the net profits of the investees in the aspects such as the fair value,
accounting policies and accounting period of each identifiable asset of the investees when acquiring
firstly and secondly recognize the current investment gains and losses according to the net gains and
losses which should enjoyed or undertook of the investees.

For the unrealized profits or losses of internal transactions occurred among the Company and joint
ventures, the proportion attributable to the Company will be recognized based on the offset as the
investment gains and losses.

Recognition of share of losses of the invested companies under the equity method is treated in the
following steps: First, reduce the book value of the long-term equity investment. Second, when the
book value is insufficient to cover the share of losses, investment losses are recognized up to a limit
of book values of other long-term equity which form net investment in substance by reducing the
book value of long term receivables, etc. Finally, after all the above treatments, if the Company is
still responsible for any additional liabilities in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the
investment contracts or agreements, estimated liabilities are recognized and charged into current
investment loss according to the liabilities estimated. If the invested company achieve profit in
subsequent periods, the treatment is in the reversed steps described above after deduction of any
unrecognized investment losses, i.e., reduce book value of estimated liabilities recognized, restore
book values of other long-term equity which form net investment in substance, and in long-term
equity investment, and recognize investment income at the same time.

Disposal of the long-term equity investment

When disposing of a long-term equity investment, the difference between its book value and the
actual purchase price shall be included in the current profits and losses. As for the long-term equity
investment measured by adopting the equity method, when disposing the investment, should adopt

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                  Interim Report 2018

the same basis as the investees when directly disposing the relevant assets or liabilities and execute
the accounting treatment on the part which originally be recorded in the other comprehensive
income according to the corresponding proportion. As for the owners’ equities recognized owning
to the changes of the other owners’ equities except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive
income and the profits distribution of the investees, should be carried down in the current gains and
losses according to the proportion. If lost the jointly control or the significant influences on the
investees owning to the reasons such as disposing part of the equity investment, the retained
equities after the disposal should change to be recognized according to the financial instruments and
be measured by the measure criterion, with the difference between the fair value on the date losing
the jointly control or the significant influences and the book value, should be recorded in the current
gains and losses. As for the other comprehensive income recognized owning to the original equity
investment which be measured by adopting the equity method, should be executed the accounting
treatment bases on the same basis as directly disposing the relevant assets or liabilities by the
investees when terminating the measurement by adopting the equity method. And the owners’
equities recognized owning to the changes of the other owners’ equities except for the net gains and
losses, other comprehensive income and the profits distribution, should be totally transferred in the
current gains and losses when terminating the measurement by adopting the equity method.

As for those lost the control right on the investees owning to the reasons such as disposing part of
the equity investment, when preparing the individual financial statement, if the retained equities
after the disposal could execute the jointly control or significant influences on the investees, should
change to be measured by equity method and execute the adjustment of the retained equity by
regarding which as adopting the equity method for measurement the time when acquires; and if the
retained equities after the disposal could not execute the jointly control or significant influences on
the investees, should change to be recognized according to the financial instruments and be
executed the accounting treatment according to the relevant regulations of the measure criterion
with the difference between the fair value on the date lost the control and the book value, should be
recorded in the current gains and losses.

If the disposed equity is acquired by the enterprise merger owning to the reasons such as the
additional investment, when preparing the individual financial statement, as for the disposed
retained equities be measured by adopting the cost method or the equity method, the other
comprehensive income and the other owners’ equities recognized owning to the equity investment
which adopts the equity method for measurement before the purchase date should be carried
forward according to the proportion; as for the disposed retained equities change to be recognized
according to the financial instruments and be executed the accounting treatment according to the
measure criterion, the other comprehensive income and other owners’ equities should be totally
carried forward.

(3) Judgment criterion of the jointly control and significant influences

If the Company jointly control certain arrangement according to the relevant agreement with the
other participants and owns the activity decision-making with significant influences on the return of
the arrangement, which only exists through the consensus of the participants with enjoy and control
right, should regard the Company and other participants jointly control certain arrangement and the
arrangement is the joint venture arrangement.
Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                   Interim Report 2018

As for the joint venture arrangement reaches through the individual main body, when judging the
Company enjoying the right on the net assets of the individual main body according to the relevant
agreement, should regard the individual main body as the joint venture and should measure which
by adopting the equity method. If the Company not enjoys the right on the net assets of the
individual main body according to the relevant agreement after the judgment, the individual main
body should be regarded as the jointly operation and the Company should recognize the projects
related to the interest shares of the joint operation and execute the accounting treatment according
to the regulations of the relevant ASBE.

The term “significant influence” means having the power to participate in the formulation of
financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not the power to control or jointly control the
formulation of these policies together with other parties. The Company judges whether there are
significant influences on the investees through one or various situations of the following and
comprehensively considers all the facts and situations. (1) there are representatives assigned in the
Board of Directors or the similar capability mechanisms in the investees; (2) participates in the
decision-making process of the financial and operating policies of the investees; (3) there are
significant transactions with the investees; (4) sends the administrative staffs to the investees; (5)
provides the key technical materials to the investees.

(4) Impairment testing and impairment provision methods

On the balance sheet date, if there are similar situations such as the book value of the long-term
equity investment larger than the shares of the book value of the owners’ equities of the investees,
the Company should execute the impairment test of the long-term equity investment according to
the No. 8 of ASBE – Assets Impairment and as for the recoverable amount less than book value of
the long-term equity investment, should be withdrawn the impairment provision. As for the specific
methods for withdrawing the assets impairment, please refer to Notes IV. 19.

15. Investment Real Estates

Measurement mode of investment real estates

Measurement of cost method
Depreciation or amortization method

Investment real estates refer to the real estate held for gaining the rental or the capital appreciation
or for both causes mentioned above, which includes the leased land use right, held-to-transferred
land use right after appreciation and the leased buildings.

The Company adopts cost mode measurement on the current investment real estates. For investment
properties and rental assets measured at the cost model, they will be implemented the same
depreciation policy similar to fixed assets, land use right for rental will be implemented the same
amortization policy to intangible assets; for those with the indication of impairment, the recoverable
amount can only be estimated, and if recoverable amount is lower than its book value, the
corresponding impairment loss should be confirmed.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                        Interim Report 2018

16. Fixed Assets

(1) Conditions for Recognition

Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of services, for
rental to others, or for administrative purposes; they have useful lives over one fiscal year. And they
shall be recognized only when both of the following conditions are satisfied: A. It is probable that
economic benefits associated with the assets will flow to the enterprise; B. The cost of the fixed
assets can be measured reliably.

(2) Depreciation Methods

                                                                                 Expected net salvage
 Category of fixed assets             Method                      Useful life                             Annual deprecation

Buildings             and Average     method       of
                                                        35 years                5%                      2.71%
constructions             useful life

                            Average       method   of
Machinery equipment                                     10 years                5%                      9.50%
                            useful life

Transportation              Average       method   of
                                                        8 years                 5%                      11.88%
equipment                   useful life

Office   equipment    and Average         method   of
                                                        5 years                 5%                      19.00%
others                      useful life

(3) Recognition Basis, Pricing and Depreciation Method of Fixed Assets by Finance Lease

The fixed assets gained from financing leasing, if could ensure reasonable to gain the ownership of
the leasing assets when the term expired, should withdraw the depreciation during the service
period of the leasing assets; if could not ensure reasonable to gain the ownership of the leasing
assets when the term expired, should withdraw the depreciation during the shorter period between
the leasing period and the service period of the leasing assets. If the fixed assets gained from the
financing leasing method met with the capitalization condition of the remodeling expense, should
average amortized according to the shortest period among the period between the two decorations,
the rest leasing period and the service period of the fixed assets.

17. Construction in Progress

(1) Classification of construction in progress

The Construction in progress will be calculated based on the classification of proposed projects.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                 Interim Report 2018

(2) Transfer time of construction in progress to fixed assets

For the construction in progress, all expenses occurring before they are ready for the use will be the
book values as the fixed assets. In case the construction in progress has been ready for use but the
final accounts for completion have not been handled, from the date when such projects has been
ready for use, the Company will evaluate the values and determine the costs based on the project
budgets, prices or actual costs of projects, etc and the depreciation amount will also be withdrawn;
when the final accounts for completion are handled, the Company will adjust the originally
evaluated values subject to the actual costs, but will not adjust the withdrawn depreciation amount.

18. Borrowing Expenses

(1) Confirmation principle of capitalization of borrowing expenses

In case the borrowing expenses occurring in the Company may directly be attributable to the
construction and productions of assets complying with the capitalization conditions, they will be
capitalized and accrued to the relevant capital costs; other borrowing expenses will be confirmed as
the expenses based on the actual amount at the time of occurrence and accrued to the current profit
or loss.

The assets complying with the capitalization conditions mean the assets such as fixed assets,
investment real estates and inventory, etc that need a long time of construction and production
activities before they are ready for use or for sales.

The borrowing expenses begin to be capitalized under the following circumstances:

A. The asset payment have been made which include the payment such as the paid cashes,
transferred non-currency assets or borne liabilities with the interests to construct or produce the
assets complying with the capitalization conditions;

B. The borrowing expenses have occurred;

C. The necessary construction or production activities to make the assets ready for use or sales have
been launched.

In case during the construction or production period the assets complying with the capitalization
conditions are abnormally suspended and the suspension period exceeds 3 months continuously, the
capitalization of borrowing expenses will also be suspended.

The capitalization of borrowing expenses for the assets that have been constructed or produced and
are ready for use or sales will be stopped.

When parts of the purchased assets or assets whose production satisfies the capitalization conditions
are completed respectively and can be used individually, the capitalization of the borrowing
expenses of these parts will be stopped.

(2) Capitalization period of borrowing expenses

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                 Interim Report 2018

The capitalization period means the period from the moment that the borrowing expenses start to be
capitalized to the moment that the capitalization is stopped, which does not include the period that
the capitalization of borrowing expenses is suspended.

(3) Calculation method about capitalization amount of borrowing expenses

The interest expenses for special loans (after the deduction of interest income generated by the
unused loan capitals or the investment return obtained from the temporary investments) and
auxiliary expenses will be capitalized before the assets complying with the capitalization conditions
are ready for the expected use or sales.

The interest amount of general loans to be capitalized will be determined by multiplying the
weighted average amount of the asset payment by which the accumulated assets exceed the special
loans with the capitalization rate of general loans. The capitalization rate will be determined based
on the weighted average interest rate of general loans.

In case the loans have the discounts or premiums, the Company will adjust the interest amount in
each period based on the amortized discount and premium amount in each accounting period in
accordance with the actual interest rate method.

19. Biological Assets

Not applicable

20. Oil-gas Assets

Not applicable

21. Intangible Assets

(1) Pricing Method, Service Life and Impairment Test

Pricing method of the intangible assets

When acquiring, the intangible assets are generally recorded according to actual cost;

A. For those the price of intangible assets deferred paid exceed normal credit condition so
substantively has financing character, the cost of intangible assets is confirmed on the basis of
present value of purchasing price.

B. For fixed assets formed through obtaining them by the debtor paying for debt in debt restructure,
recognize its recording value as fair value of the fixed assets, and record the difference between the
carrying amounts of debt restructure and the fixed assets used for paying debt into current profit or
loss; in the circumstance of the non monetary assets exchange has commercial nature and fair value
of surrendered or received assets can be measured reliably, recording value of received assets
should be recognized as fair value of surrendered assets unless there is clear evidence to indicate
that fair value of received assets is more reliable; for non monetary assets exchange which doesn’t

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

meet the requirement of premise mentioned above, cost of received assets should be recognized as
carrying amount and related tax expenses payable of surrendered assets and should not be
recognized as profit or loss.

C. Recording value of fixed assets obtained by absorbing and consolidated by enterprise under the
common control should be recognized as carrying amount of the consolidated party; recording
value of fixed assets obtained by absorbing and consolidated by enterprise under different control
should be recognized as fair value.

Service life and amortization of the intangible assets

A. Estimation of useful life for intangible assets with finite useful life

At end of each year, the Company will recheck the useful life of intangible assets with the definite
useful life and amortization method will be rechecked.

According to the re-check, the useful life and amortization method of the intangible assets at the
end of the year are not different from those estimated before.

B. Amortization of the intangible assets:

In case their useful life is limited, the intangible assets are amortized evenly over the period in
which they produce economic profit for the Company; in case it is impossible to evaluate the useful
life when the intangible assets bring the benefits to enterprises, it will be deemed that the useful life
of such intangible assets is uncertain and amortization is not applicable and not execute the

(2) Accounting Policy for Internal Research and Development Expenditures

Not applicable

22. Long-term Assets Impairment

For the long-term non-current financial assets of the fixed assets, projects under construction and
intangible assets, the Company would judge whether decrease in value exists on the date of balance
sheet at every period-end. No matter whether there is any sign of possible assets impairment, the
business reputation formed by the merger of enterprises and intangible assets with uncertain service
lives shall be subject to impairment test every year.

If there is the sign of possible impairment of the assets, should estimate the recoverable amount:

(1) Where there is any evidence indicating a possible impairment of assets, the enterprise shall, on
the basis of single item assets, estimate the recoverable amount.

(2) Where it is difficult to do so, it shall determine the recoverable amount of the group assets on
the basis of the asset group to which the asset belongs.

(3) The recoverable amount shall be determined on the basis of the higher one of the net amount of

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                   Interim Report 2018

the fair value of the asset minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the expected future
cash flow of the asset

Where the recoverable amount of the assets is lower than its carrying value, the book value of the
assets should be written down to the recoverable amount with the written-down amount be
recognized as the impairment losses of the assets and record which in the current gains and losses as
well as at the same time withdraw the corresponding impairment provision of the assets.

After the recognition of the impairment losses of the assets, the depreciation or the amortization
expenses of the impairment assets should be corresponding adjusted in the future period to lead the
assets in the retained service life so that to systematically sharing the book value of the assets after
the adjustment (deducted the expected net salvage).

The impairment losses of the long-term non-current financial assets of the fixed assets, projects
under construction and intangible assets once being recognized should no longer be reversed in the
accounting period afterwards.

23. Long-term Expenses to be Amortized

Long-term expenses to be amortized will be averagely amortized in the benefit period, including:

(1) Prepaid rentals for operating leased fixed assets will be averagely amortized according to the
term stipulated in the lease contract.

(2) Fixed assets improvement expenses for operating leased fixed assets will be averagely
amortized according to the remaining lease period and the useful life of leased assets, whichever is

24. Payroll

(1) Accounting Treatment of Short-term Compensation

Payroll refers to all kinds of remuneration or compensation given by the Company to acquire the
service from employees or to sever labor relation. Payroll includes short-term compensation,
welfare after demission, demission welfare, and welfare of other long-term staffs.

Short-term compensation refers to the Company needs to pay all of the payroll for the employees
within 12 months after the end of the annual Reporting Period during which the employees provide
the relevant service and exclude the welfare after demission and the demission welfare. The
short-term compensation actually happened during the accounting period when the active staff
offering the service for the Company should be recognized as liabilities and is included in the
current gains and losses or relevant assets cost. During the accounting period the service workers
providing the service, the social insurance charges such as the medical treatment, industrial injury,
birth insurance and the housing fund paid for the employees by the Company as well as the labor
union expenditure and the personnel education fund withdrawn according to the regulations, should
be calculated the corresponding amount of the payroll according to the stipulated withdraw basis

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

and withdraw proportion

If the employee services and benefits is the non-monetary welfare, should be measured by fair

(2) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare After Demission

Welfare after demission refers to various forms of the compensation and benefits provided by the
Company which receive the service from the employees after the retirement or the relief of the labor
relation with the enterprise of the service workers, except for the short-term compensation and
demission welfare. Welfare plan after demission is classified into defined contribution plans and
defined benefit plans.

A. Defined contribution plans

During the accounting period the service workers providing the service for the Company, the
Company should pay the basic endowment insurance and unemployment insurance for the
employees according to the relevant regulations of the local government and the payable amount
calculated according to the cardinal number of the payment as well as the proportion stipulated by
the local, should be recognized as the liabilities and record which in the current gains and losses or
the relevant assets cost.

The Company pays the fees for the local social insurance agencies according to the certain
proportion of the total amount of the staff salaries and the corresponding expenses should be
recorded in the current gains and losses or the relevant assets cost.

B. Defined benefit plans

The Company attributes the benefits obligations from the defined benefit plans according to the
formula recognized by the expected accumulative benefit units to the period the employees
providing the service and records which in the current gains and losses or the relevant assets cost.

The deficits or surplus formed from the current value of the defined benefit plans obligations
minuses the fair value of the defined benefit plans assets should be recognized as a net liability or
net assets of the defined benefit plans. If there is surplus of the defined benefit plans, the Company
should measure the net assets of the defined benefit plans according to the lower one between the
surplus and the assets of the defined benefit plans.

All the obligations of the defined benefit plans, including the obligations paid within 12 months
after the end of the expected annual Reporting Period the service workers providing the service,
should be discounted according to the national debt matched with the obligatory term of the defined
benefit plans and the currency on the balance sheet date or the market returns of the high-quality
company bonds on the active market.

The service cost from the defined benefit plans and the net liabilities or the net amount of the
interests of the net assets from the defined benefit plans should be recorded in the current gains and
losses or the relevant assets cost; the net liabilities of the defined benefit plans be remeasured or the

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                   Interim Report 2018

changes from the net assets should be recorded in the other comprehensive income and should not
be reversed to the gains and losses in the follow-up accounting period.

When settling the defined benefit plans, should recognize the settled gains or losses according to the
difference between the current value of the defined benefit plans recognized on the settlement date
and the settlement price.

(3) Accounting Treatment of the Demission Welfare

When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the earlier one between the demission welfare
provided owning to the relieve of the labor relation plans or the reduction advices and the
recognition of the cost or expenses related to the reorganization involved with the payment of the
demission welfare, the liabilities of the employee compensation from the demission welfare should
be recognized and be recorded in the current gains and losses.

(4) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare of Other Long-term Staffs

Not applicable

25. Estimated Liabilities

(1) Recognition principles:

Only if the obligation pertinent to a contingencies such as external guarantee, unsettled lawsuits or
arbitrations, quality guarantee of the products, losses contracts, restructuring obligations, retirement
obligations of fixed assets shall be recognized as an estimated debts when the following conditions
are satisfied simultaneously:

A. That obligation is a current obligation of the Company;

B. It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Company as a result of performance
of the obligation; and

C. The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

(2) Measurement methods:

The Company shall measure the estimated debts in accordance with the best estimate of the
necessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation.

When recognizing the current best estimate, the Company should comprehensive consider the
elements such as the risks, uncertainty and currency time and value of the contingencies.

The best estimate should be respectively disposed according to the following situations:

A. If there is a sequent range (or section) for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within
this range are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined in accordance with the
middle estimate which is equaled to the average amount of the bound amount within the range.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                    Interim Report 2018

B. When there is not a sequent range (or section) for the necessary expenses, or there is a sequent
range but the possibility of various kinds of results happed would be different within the range, so if
the contingencies concern a single item, the best estimate shall be determined in the light of the
most likely outcome; and if the contingencies concern two or more items, the best estimate should
be calculated and determined in accordance with all possible outcomes and the relevant

When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated debts of an
enterprise is expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation should be separately
recognized as an asset when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will be obtained and the
amount recognized for the reimbursement should not exceed the book value of the estimated debts.

26. Share-based Payment

Not applicable

27. Other Financial Instruments Such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Capital Securities

Not applicable

28. Revenue

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of special industry?
Related industry of jewelry
The Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information Disclosure
Guidelines No. 11 - Listed Companies Engaged in Related Jewelry Business

29. Government Subsidies

(1) Judgment Basis and Accounting Treatment of Government Subsidies Related to Assets

Government grants related to assets are recognized as deferred income after offsetting the carrying
value of related assets. Government grants related to assets recognized as deferred income are
recorded into gains and losses by stage through reasonable and systematic methods during related
assets’ useful life. Government grants measured at nominal amount are directly recorded into the
current gains and losses.

If related assets were sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before useful life ended, balance of
undistributed deferred income shall be shifted to current gains and losses.

(2) Judgment Basis and Accounting Treatment of Government Subsidies Related to Income

If such grants are used to compensate for relevant costs and losses of the company during later
periods, they will be recognized as deferred income and recorded to current profit or loss or offset

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                    Interim Report 2018

the relevant costs upon recognizing related costs or losses;

If such grants are used to compensate for relevant costs and losses occurred of the company, they
will be directly through current profit or loss or offset the relevant costs.

30. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

Corporate income tax will be calculated by liability method of the balance sheet.

The company’s tax base will be determined upon the company obtains the assets or liabilities; on
the balance sheet date, take the balance sheet as the basis, and if the book value of related assets or
liabilities are different to the tax bases provided by tax laws, it will calculate and confirm the
deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities occurred in accordance with the
provisions of tax laws, which effect will be included in current income tax expense.

The company is subject to the limit of the amount of taxable income likely to be used to offset
temporary difference, thus confirms the deferred income tax asset produced by the deductible
temporary difference.

In addition to the cases specified under income guidelines that no need to confirm the deferred
income tax liabilities, the company should recognize related deferred income tax liabilities for all
taxable temporary differences.

31. Lease

(1) Accounting Treatment of Operating Lease

If the terms of the lease will be transferred to the lessee substantially together with all the risks and
rewards related to the ownership of leased assets, then the lease is a finance lease, and other lease is
operating lease.

The Company as the leaser: As for the rent expenses from operating leases, the Company
recognizes the current gains and losses by using the straight-line method over each period of the
lease term. The initial direct costs shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the current period

The Company as the lease: The Company uses depreciation policy consistent with its own fixed
assets to make provision for depreciation of leased assets.

For rent in operating leases, the Company will use the straight-line method to record it into the cost
of relevant assets or current profit or loss in each period during the lease term; and initial direct
costs occurred will be through current profit or loss.

Rent in operating leases will be recorded into the cost of relevant assets or current profit or loss in
each period during the lease term.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                        Interim Report 2018

(2) Accounting Treatments of Finance Lease

The Company as the leaser
In finance lease, at the lease beginning date, the Company takes the minimum lease receipt and the
initial direct costs as the entry value of finance lease receivable, and records the unguaranteed
residual value; and the difference between the sum of minimum lease receipt, initial direct costs and
unguaranteed residual value and its present value is recognized as unrealized finance income. For
unrealized finance income each period during the lease term, it will use the effective interest
method to confirm the current financing income.
The Company as the leasee
In finance lease, at the lease beginning date, the Company will take the lower of the fair value of the
leased assets and the present value of minimum lease payment as the entry value of leased assets,
and take the minimum lease payment as the entry value of long-term payables, and their difference
will be as unrecognized finance cost. Initial direct costs are included in the value of leased assets.
For unrecognized finance income each period during the lease term, it will use the effective interest
method to confirm the current financing cost.

32. Other Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates

Not applicable

33. Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Change of Accounting Policies

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Significant Changes in Accounting Estimates

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

34. Other


VI. Taxation

1. Main Taxes and Tax Rate

             Category of taxes                          Tax basis                       Tax rate

VAT                                    Revenue of product                          17

Consumption tax                        Revenue of sale of taxable product          5

Corporate income tax                   Income tax payable                          25

VAT                                    Revenue of sales of real estate (after 1 May 5

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                  Interim Report 2018

                                             2016, apply a simplified method)

                                             Revenue of sales of real estate (before 30
Business tax                                                                                5
                                             April 2016)

Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate

                              Name                                                              Income tax rate

2. Tax Preference

3. Other

1. The Company implements the uniform tax rebate policy of export, i.e. the export is exempt from
VAT and the input-VAT of goods is refunded with refund rate according to relevant rules before
export in accordance with the requirements of tax law.

2. Since 1 January 2008, other subsidiaries of the Company has adopted the applicable income tax
rate of 25%, except for those company established in the below-mentioned districts.

Companies established in Hong Kong SAR are entitled to a profits tax rate of 16.5%.

VII. Notes on Major Items in Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company

1. Monetary Funds

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Cash on hand                                                                    91,659.42                                       45,033.57

Bank deposits                                                                 617,310.41                                     2,468,303.12

Other monetary funds                                                          483,189.81                                      442,862.69

Total                                                                       1,192,159.64                                     2,956,199.38

Other notes:

There was no any account pledged, frozen or with potential recovery risks of the Company at the

2. Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Trading financial assets                                                                                                         6,316.00

        Equity tool investment                                                                                                   6,316.00

Total                                                                                                                            6,316.00

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018

Other notes:

3. Derivative Financial Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Notes Receivable

 (1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                    Item                                      Ending balance                          Beginning balance

(2) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                  Item                                              Pledged amount at the period-end

(3) Notes Receivable which had Endorsed by the Company or had Discounted and had not Due on the
Balance Sheet Date at the Period-end

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                Amount of recognition termination at the    Amount of not terminated recognition at
                                                                period-end                              the period-end

(4) Notes Transferred to Accounts Receivable Because Drawer of the Notes Fails to Executed the Contract
or Agreement

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                  Item                                   Transferred accounts receivable amount at the period-end

Other notes:

5. Accounts Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                             Ending balance                                      Beginning balance

                           Carrying amount      Bad debt provision             Carrying amount     Bad debt provision
                                                       Withdra Carrying                                                   Carrying
                                    Proportio                                 Proportio        Withdrawal
                        Amount                  Amount    wal    value Amount           Amount                              value
                                         n                                       n             proportion

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                   Interim Report 2018


Accounts receivable
with         significant
single     amount    for 9,935,92                9,935,92                          9,864,7             9,864,799
                                       28.02%                100.00%        0.00              5.87%                   100.00%                0.00
which       bad     debt        8.89                  8.89                           99.03                   .03
provision separately

Accounts receivable
withdrawal        of bad
                            25,108,8             1,218,59              23,890,21 157,818               3,863,947                    153,954,42
debt provision of by                   70.81%                 4.85%                          93.88%                      2.45%
                              07.83                   7.07                  0.76 ,372.40                     .12                             5.28
credit              risks

Accounts receivable
with       insignificant
single     amount    for 414,548.                414,548.                          414,548             414,548.5
                                        1.17%                100.00%        0.00              0.25%                   100.00%                0.00
which       bad     debt          51                   51                              .51                     1
provision separately

                            35,459,2             11,569,0              23,890,21 168,097               14,143,29                    153,954,42
Total                                  100.00%               32.63%                          100.00%                     8.41%
                              85.23                74.47                    0.76 ,719.94                    4.66                             5.28

Accounts receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately at end of period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

   Accounts receivable                                                      Ending balance
   (classified by units)         Account receivable          Bad debt provision        Withdrawal proportion          Withdrawal reason

                                                                                                                   Long-term       credit,    the
                                           5,711,624.26                5,711,624.26                    100.00% Company             believe     it
International(USA) INC

                                                                                                                   Long-term       credit,    the
Hong Kong Jinhua Trade
                                           4,224,304.63                4,224,304.63                    100.00% Company             believe     it

Total                                      9,935,928.89                9,935,928.89              --                            --

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                               Ending balance
                                           Account receivable                 Bad debt provision               Withdrawal proportion

Sub-item within 1 year

Subtotal within 1 year                                 24,342,493.21                          495,852.32                                 2.04%

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                         Interim Report 2018

1 to 2 years                                               39,012.61                    3,095.17                          7.93%

2 to 3 years                                               14,442.76                    7,221.38                         50.00%

Over 3 years                                              712,859.25                  712,428.20                         99.94%

Total                                               25,108,807.83                   1,218,597.07                          4.85%

Notes of confirming the basis of the groups:
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

(2) Accounts Receivable Withdraw, Reversed or Collected during the Reporting Period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB-2,574,220.19; the amount of the reversed
or collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMBXXX.
Significant amount of reversed or recovered bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

               Name of the entity                               Amount                                  Method

(3) The Actual Write-off Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                  Item                                                      Amount

Of which the significant write-off accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                             Whether produced
        Name                   Nature              Amount                 Reason            Procedure            by related

Notes of accounts receivable write-off:

(4) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable Collected According to the Arrears Party

                  Name                         Amount                    Bad debt provision             Proportion %
Shanghai Zhaoke Trading Co.,                        24,214,993.65                      484,299.87                      68.29
Victoria International(USA) INC                       5,711,624.26                   5,711,624.26                      16.11
Hong Kong Jinhua Trade Limited                        4,224,304.63                   4,224,304.63                      11.91
Hong Kong Heyi Co., Ltd                                   452,499.70                   452,499.70                        1.28
Guangzhou Chen Shunqin                                    335,904.80                   335,904.80                        0.95
Total                                              34,939,327.04                   11,208,633.26                       98.53

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

(5) Account Receivable which Terminate the Recognition Owning to the Transfer of the Financial Assets

Not applicable

(6) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed by the Transfer and the Continues Involvement of
Accounts Receivable

Not applicable
Other notes:
Not applicable

6. Prepayment

(1) List by Aging Analysis

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                             Ending balance                                      Beginning balance
                                    Amount                    Proportion                 Amount                     Proportion

Within 1 year                           2,520,536.01                    100.00%              2,436,902.27                    100.00%

Total                                   2,520,536.01              --                         2,436,902.27               --

Notes of the reasons of the prepayment ages over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time:

(2) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Prepayment Collected According to the Prepayment Target

   Name of the entity                     Ending amount                Proportion (%)                    Time                 Reason
Shenzhen           Minglong       Trade            1,575,035.30                     62.49               Y2017       The contract is not
 Co.,Ltd                                                                                                                         fulfilled
Shenzhen        Zhaokang    Investment                 313,656.70                   12.44               Y2017       The contract is not
Co., Ltd                                                                                                                         fulfilled
Shanghai Jiancheng Trading Co.,                        216,323.59                    8.58               Y2017       The contract is not
Ltd                                                                                                                              fulfilled
Alipay     (China)             Internet                120,000.00                    4.76               Y2017       The contract is not
 Technology Co., Ltd                                                                                                             fulfilled
Mcs Outfitters (Shanghai) Limited                      114,644.64                    4.55               Y2017       The contract is not
Total                                              2,339,660.23                     92.82                       -                          -
Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                          Interim Report 2018

7. Interest Receivable

(1) Category of Interest Receivable

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                       Item                                       Ending balance                                  Beginning balance

(2) Significant Overdue Interest

                                                                                                                          Impairment or not and its
     Borrowing unit                  Ending balance                      Time                       Reason
                                                                                                                               judgment basis

Other notes:

8. Dividend Receivable

(1) Dividend Receivable

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

              Item (or investee unit)                             Ending balance                                  Beginning balance

(2) Significant Dividend Receivable with Aging over 1 Year

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                          Impairment or not and its
  Item (or investee unit)            Ending balance                    Aging                        Reason
                                                                                                                               judgment basis

Other notes:

9. Other Accounts Receivable

(1) Other Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                               Ending balance                                                Beginning balance

                              Carrying amount       Bad debt provision                 Carrying amount         Bad debt provision

        Category                                               Withdra
                                                                           Carrying                                                      Carrying
                                        Proportio                wal                             Proportio                Withdrawal
                            Amount                  Amount                  value      Amount                 Amount                      value
                                           n                   proportio                            n                      proportion

Other            accounts
receivable           with 2,331,60                  2,331,60                           40,333,                2,331,608                 38,002,013.
                                         22.10%                100.00%          0.00              67.18%                        5.78%
significant        single        8.20                   8.20                            622.03                      .20                           83
amount     for     which

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                        Interim Report 2018

bad debt provision
separately accrued

Other             accounts
receivable withdrawn
                             6,366,80                4,684,17             1,682,626 17,620,                 4,870,739                   12,749,579.
bad debt provision                       60.34%                  73.57%                            29.35%                    27.64%
                                 6.33                    9.74                     .59 318.99                      .74                           25
according to credit
risks characteristics

Other             accounts
receivable           with
insignificant       single 1,853,28                  1,480,16             373,122.5 2,083,0                 1,661,600
                                         17.56%                  79.87%                            3.47%                     79.77% 421,484.40
amount      for     which        3.38                    0.81                       7   85.21                     .81
bad debt provision
separately accrued

                             10,551,6                8,495,94             2,055,749 60,037,                 8,863,948                   51,173,077.
Total                                   100.00%                  80.52%                         100.00%                      14.76%
                               97.91                     8.75                     .16 026.23                      .75                           48

Other accounts receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately at end of period:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                  Ending balance
        Other accounts
                                    Other accounts
     receivable (unit)                                           Bad debt provision         Withdrawal proportion          Withdrawal reason

                                                                                                                        Long-term credit, the
Refund of tax for export
                                            2,331,608.20                     2,331,608.20                   100.00% Company believe it

Total                                       2,331,608.20                     2,331,608.20             --                           --

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                     Ending balance
                                          Other accounts receivable                Bad debt provision               Withdrawal proportion

Sub-item within 1 year

Subtotal within 1 year                                     1,825,491.30                            253,380.08                              13.88%

1 to 2 years                                                     90,941.50                           9,094.15                              10.00%

2 to 3 years                                                    137,060.11                          68,530.07                              50.00%

Over 3 years                                               4,313,313.42                         4,353,175.44                              100.92%

Total                                                      6,366,806.33                         4,684,179.74                               73.57%

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                             Interim Report 2018

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Collected during the Reporting Period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB-368,000.00; the amount of the reversed
or collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMBXXX.
Of which the significant amount of the reversed or collected part during the Reporting Period:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

             Name of the entity                     Reversed or collected amount                             Method

(3) The Actual Write-off Other Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                  Item                                                           Amount

Of which the significant write-off other accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                 Whether produced
        Name                  Nature               Amount                Reason                  Procedure            by related

Notes of other accounts receivable write-off:

(4) Other Account Receivable Classified by Account Nature

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                    Nature                            Ending carrying amount                       Beginning carrying amount

Petty cash                                                                    22,169.00                                     99,183.33

The cash pledge and guarantee                                               130,538.75                                    261,372.20

Payment on behalf                                                             50,610.63                                  2,280,091.58

Intercourse funds                                                          8,016,640.85                                17,062,626.61

Bonus                                                                              0.00                                38,002,013.83

Tax                                                                        2,331,738.68                                  2,331,738.68

Total                                                                    10,551,697.91                                 60,037,026.23

(5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Other Accounts Receivable Collected According to the Arrears

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                 Interim Report 2018

                                                                                                                        Ending balance of
 Name of the entity              Nature             Ending balance                Aging           Proportion%
                                                                                                                        bad debt provision

Refund of tax for
export                    Tax                             2,331,608.20 Over 5 years                         22.10%            2,331,608.20

Yu Liqun                  Intercourse funds               1,082,920.16 Within 1 year                        10.26%              150,654.10

Suning Banhe
Chemical Fiber
                          Intercourse funds                   800,000.00 Over 5 years                        7.58%              800,000.00
Fabric Simulation
Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Panyu
Tanzhou Zhenyu
                          Intercourse funds                   800,000.00 Over 5 years                        7.58%              800,000.00
Textile Printing and
Dyeing Co., Ltd

Yuanfeng Trade
                          Intercourse funds                   700,000.00 Over 5 years                        6.63%              700,000.00
Development Co.,

Total                              --                     5,714,528.36             --                       54.16%            4,782,262.30

(6) Accounts Receivable Involved with Government Subsidies

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                 Estimated time, amount
      Name of the units             Projects name                Ending balance             Ending aging
                                                                                                                          and basis

(7) Other Account Receivable which Terminate the Recognition Owning to the Transfer of the Financial

(8) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed by the Transfer and the Continues Involvement of
Other Accounts Receivable

Other notes:

10. Inventory

(1) Category of Inventory

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                          Ending balance                                              Beginning balance
                    Carrying amount           Falling price      Carrying value     Carrying amount     Falling price      Carrying value

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                 Interim Report 2018

                                          reserves                                                      reserves

Raw materials             7,020,602.31                           7,020,602.31     7,535,249.08                              7,535,249.08

Inventory goods      155,167,125.25                        155,167,125.25       152,530,909.16                           152,530,909.16

                                                                                  1,284,583.76                              1,284,583.76

Total                162,187,727.56                        162,187,727.56       161,350,742.00                           161,350,742.00

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information
Disclosure Guidelines No. 4 - Listed companies engaged in seed industry and planting business

(2) Falling Price Reserves of Inventory

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                     Increase                                Decrease
        Item                                                                     Reserve or                             Ending balance
                          balance        Withdrawal               Other                                  Other

Not applicable

(3) Notes to Inventories with Capitalized Borrowing Expense in Ending Balance

Not applicable

(4) Complete but Unsettled Assets Generated from Construction Contract at the Period-end

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                               Item                                                              Amount

Other notes:
Not applicable

11. Assets Classified as Held-for-sale

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                    Estimated disposal
           Item              Ending carrying value              Fair value                                       Estimated disposal time

Other notes:

12. Current Portion of Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                   Item                                   Ending balance                                 Beginning balance

Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                Interim Report 2018

13. Other Current Assets

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                      Item                                    Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Input tax to be verified                                                       24,258,479.69                                    23,930,553.25

Total                                                                          24,258,479.69                                    23,930,553.25

Other notes:

Ministry of Finance issued Regulations of VAT Accounting Treatment (CK [2016] No. 22) on 3
December 2016, which specifically required that debit balance at the period-end of classification
item, such as “VAT payable”, “unpaid VAT”, “input tax to be deducted”, and “input tax to be
verified” in the course of “tax payable” should be listed in the item of “other current assets” or
“other non-current assets” of balance sheet according to the situations. Credit balance at the
period-end of course, like “tax payable—tax to be written-off” should be listed in the item of “other
current liabilities” or “other non-current liabilities” of balance sheet according to the situations.

14. Available-for-sale Financial Assets

(1) List of Available-for-sale Financial Assets

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
              Item                Carrying        Bad debt                            Carrying           Bad debt
                                                                  Carrying value                                           Carrying value
                                   amount         provision                            amount            provision

(2) Available-for-sale Financial Assets Measured by Fair Value at the Period-end

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

        Category of the
                              Available-for-sale equity   Available-for-sale debt
    available-for-sale                                                                                                       Total
                                    instruments                  instruments
        financial assets

(3) Available-for-sale Financial Assets Measured by Cost at the Period-end

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                              Carrying amount                                  Depreciation reserve                  Shareholdi       Cash
                                                                                                                        ng           bonus of
 Investee Period-beg                                             Period-beg                                          proportion        the
                             Increase   Decrease Period-end                    Increase   Decrease Period-end
                 inning                                            inning                                              in the      Reporting
                                                                                                                      investee       Period

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

(4) Changes in Depreciation of Available-for-sale Financial Assets during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

     Category of the
                            Available-for-sale equity     Available-for-sale debt
    available-for-sale                                                                                                  Total
                                    instruments                instruments
     financial assets

(5) Notes to the Available-for-sale Equity Instrument with Serious Fall or Non-transient Fall in Ending Fair
Value but without Provisions for Impairment

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

     Item of
                                                             Falling scope of                          Withdrawn       Reason for not
available-for-sale                                                                  Duration of
                     Investment cost Ending fair value fair value against                             impairment       withdrawing the
      equity                                                                     falling (month)
                                                                 the cost                                amount          impairment

Other notes

15. Held-to-maturity Investment

(1) List of Held-to-maturity Investment

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                         Ending balance                                            Beginning balance
      Item                                Depreciation                                                Depreciation
                     Carrying amount                          Carrying value    Carrying amount                        Carrying value
                                            reserves                                                    reserves

(2) Significant Held-to-maturity Investment at the End of the Period

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

          Item                       Par value                 Coupon rate             Actual interest rate            Due date

(3) Re-classified Held-to-maturity Investment in the Current Period

Other notes

16. Long-term Receivables

(1) List of Long-term Receivables

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                     Ending balance                                    Beginning balance                  Interval of
                         Carrying       Bad debt        Carrying value      Carrying       Bad debt      Carrying value discount rate

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                 Interim Report 2018

                           amount         provision                          amount            provision

(2) Long-term Receivables Derecognized Due to the Transfer of Financial Assets

(3) Amount of Assets and Liabilities Generated from the Transfer and Continuous Involvement of
Long-term Receivables

Other notes

17. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                  Gains and Adjustme
                                                                                      Cash      Withdraw                         balance
                          Additiona                losses       nt of
              Beginnin                Reduced                           Changes bonus or          al of               Ending        of
Investees                     l                   recognize    other
              g balance               investmen                          of other    profits    depreciati   Other   balance depreciati
                          investmen                d under comprehe
                                          t                              equity     announce       on                              on
                              t                   the equity   nsive
                                                                                    d to issue reserves                          reserves
                                                   method      income

I. Joint ventures

II. Associated enterprises

ong           149,998,2                                                                                              149,998,2
Financing         21.71                                                                                                 21.71
Co., Ltd.

Business 120,000,0                                                                                                   120,000,0
Fund              00.00                                                                                                 00.00

              269,998,2                                                                                              269,998,2
                  21.71                                                                                                 21.71

              269,998,2                                                                                              269,998,2
                  21.71                                                                                                 21.71

Other notes

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                         Interim Report 2018

18. Investment Property

(1) Investment Property Adopting the Cost Measurement Mode

√ Applicable □ not applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

             Item                Houses and buildings    Land use right       Construction in progress           Total

I. Original carrying value

1. Beginning balance                     12,054,800.79         3,403,805.28                                       15,458,606.07

2. Increased amount of
the period

(1) Outsourcing

(2)     Transfer         from
assets\construction         in

(3)                 Enterprise
combination increase

3. Decreased amount of
                                         12,054,800.79         3,403,805.28                                       15,458,606.07
the period

(1) Disposal

(2) Other transfer                       12,054,800.79         3,403,805.28                                       15,458,606.07

4. Ending balance

II.           Accumulative
depreciation              and

1. Beginning balance                        332,712.54            68,076.06                                          400,788.60

2. Increased amount of
the period

(1)     Withdrawal         or

3. Decreased amount of
                                            332,712.54            68,076.06                                          400,788.60
the period

(1) Disposal

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                               Interim Report 2018

(2) Other transfer                  332,712.54              68,076.06                      400,788.60

4. Ending balance

III. Depreciation reserves

1. Beginning balance

2. Increased amount of
the period

(1) Withdrawal

3. Decreased amount of
the period

(1) Disposal

(2) Other transfer

4. Ending balance

IV. Carrying value

1. Ending carrying value

2.   Beginning       carrying
                                  11,722,088.25          3,335,729.22                   15,057,817.47

(2) Investment Property Adopting Fair Value Measurement Mode

□ Applicable √ not applicable

(3) Investment Property Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                      Item                         Carrying value              Reason

Other notes

Part of properties for lease in former plant area has been recovered by the Company since 1 January
2018. From the recovery date on, houses and land accounted under investment property has been
transferred to fixed assets and intangible assets to account.

19. Fixed Assets

(1) List of Fixed Assets

                                                                                             Unit: RMB

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                     Interim Report 2018

                                                                          Electronic equipment and
             Item            Houses and buildings    Transportation                                          Total

I. Original carrying value

1. Beginning balance                 63,369,239.17         3,638,278.11              1,824,047.93             68,831,565.21

2. Increased amount of
                                                             210,034.19                                          210,034.19
the period

(1) Purchase                                                 210,034.19                                          210,034.19

(2) Transfer from
construction in progress

(3) Enterprise
combination increase

Other transfer                       12,054,800.79                                                            12,054,800.79

3. Decreased amount of
the period

(1) Disposal or Scrap

4. Ending balance                    75,424,039.96         3,848,312.30              1,824,047.93             81,096,400.19

II. Accumulative

1. Beginning balance                 36,007,872.49         2,233,248.34                629,220.76             38,870,341.59

2. Increased amount of
                                      1,331,245.44           183,316.30                167,567.44               1,682,129.18
the period

(1) Withdrawal                          998,532.90           183,316.30                167,567.44               1,349,416.64

Other transfer                          332,712.54                                                               332,712.54

3. Decreased amount of
the period

(1) Disposal or Scrap

4. Ending balance                    37,339,117.93         2,416,564.64                796,788.20             40,552,470.77

III. Depreciation reserves

1. Beginning balance

2. Increased amount of
the period

(1) Withdrawal

3. Decreased amount of

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                  Interim Report 2018

the period

(1) Disposal or Scrap

4. Ending balance

IV. Carrying value

1. Ending carrying value                 38,084,922.03                   1,431,747.66            1,027,259.73              40,543,929.42

2. Beginning carrying
                                         27,361,366.68                   1,405,029.77            1,194,827.17              29,961,223.62

(2) List of Temporarily Idle Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                            Original carrying     Accumulative               Impairment
        Item                                                                                     Carrying value              Note
                                 value             depreciation                provision

Houses and
                                75,424,039.96            37,339,117.93                              38,084,922.03 -

(3) Fixed Assets Leased in by Financing Lease

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

             Item              Original carrying value                                  Impairment provision          Carrying value

(4) Fixed Assets Leased out by Operation Lease

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                  Item                                                       Ending carrying value

(5) Fixed Assets Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                     Item                                      Carrying value                                   Reason

Other notes

①Depreciation of the Reporting Period was RMB1,349,416.64.
②Original price of fixed assets transferred from construction in progress in the Reporting Period
was RMB0.00.
③In Current Period, the particulars of fixed assets used as guaranties: on 30 June 2018, houses and
buildings with a carrying value of RMB19,270,301.23 (original value: RMB40,281,405.99) are
used to provide the pledge guarantee for Jieyang Rongcheng Branch of ICBC and Jieyang Branch
of ICBC. Please refer to Note XI-2-(1) for details.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                     Interim Report 2018

20. Construction in Progress

(1) List of Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                      Ending balance                                                  Beginning balance
       Item                               Depreciation                                                   Depreciation
                    Carrying amount                             Carrying value     Carrying amount                              Carrying value
                                            reserves                                                         reserves

(2) Changes in Significant Construction in Progress during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                 on of              Accumul                  Capitaliz
                                                                             accumul                  ated                   ation rate
                                          Transferr                                                                 of
                    Beginnin                            Other                    ated               amount                      of
                               Increase     ed in                  Ending                  Job                   capitaliz                 Capital
  Item     Budget          g                           decrease              investme                  of                    interests
                               d amount     fixed                  balance               schedule                   ed                    resources
                     balance                          d amount                   nt in              interest                  for the
                                           assets                                                                interests
                                                                             construct              capitaliz                Reportin
                                                                                                                  for the
                                                                              ions to                ation                   g Period
                                                                                                                 g Period

(3) List of the Withdrawal of the Impairment Provision for Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Amount withdrawn                                  Reason for withdrawal

Other notes:

21. Engineering Materials

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                    Item                                     Ending balance                                     Beginning balance

Other notes:

22. Proceeds from Disposal of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                    Item                                     Ending balance                                     Beginning balance

Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                  Interim Report 2018

23. Productive Living Assets

(1) Productive Living Assets Adopting Cost Measurement Mode

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Productive Living Assets Adopting Fair Value Measurement Mode

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

24. Oil and Gas Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

25. Intangible Assets

(1) List of Intangible Assets

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

         Item             Land use right         Patent right   Non-patent right   Computer software        Total

I. Original carrying

1. Beginning balance          10,459,394.72                                                373,115.00      10,832,509.72

2. Increased amount
                                  3,403,805.28                                                               3,403,805.28
of the period

(1) Purchase

(2) Internal R&D

(3) Business
combination increase

(4) Other transfer                3,403,805.28                                                               3,403,805.28

3. Decreased amount
of the period

(1) Disposal

4. Ending balance             13,863,200.00                                                373,115.00      14,236,315.00

II. Accumulated

1. Beginning balance              4,716,967.02                                             373,115.00        5,090,082.02

2. Increased amount
                                   206,707.98                                                                 206,707.98
of the period

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                 Interim Report 2018

(1) Withdrawal                138,631.92                                                                      138,631.92

(2) Other transfer             68,076.06                                                                       68,076.06

3. Decreased amount
of the period

(1) Disposal

4. Ending balance            4,923,675.00                                                 373,115.00        5,296,790.00

III. Depreciation

1. Beginning balance

2. Increased amount
of the period

(1) Withdrawal

3. Decreased amount
of the period

(1) Disposal

4. Ending balance

IV. Carrying value

1. Ending carrying
                             8,939,525.00                                                                   8,939,525.00

2. Beginning
                             5,742,427.70                                                                   5,742,427.70
carrying value

The proportion of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company at the Period-end to the ending balance of
intangible assets was XXX.

(2) Land Use Right with Certificate of Title Uncompleted

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                     Item                            Carrying value                              Reason

Other notes:

①The amount of amortization of the Reporting Period was RMB138,631.92.
②The particulars of intangible assets used as guaranties: on 30 June 2018, a carrying value of RMB
8,939,525.00 (original value: RMB13,863,200.00) is used to provide a mortgage guarantee for
Jieyang Branch of ICBC. Please refer to Note XI-2-(1) for details.
(2) There Was No Land Use Right with Certificate of Title Uncompleted during the Reporting

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                        Interim Report 2018

26. R&D Expense

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                 Beginning                                                                                            Ending
     Item                                     Increase                                   Decrease
                     balance                                                                                          balance

Other notes

27. Goodwill

(1) Original Carrying Value of Goodwill

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

   Name of the
 invested units or       Beginning
                                                   Increase                             Decrease                Ending balance
events generating         balance

NOBILITY                  2,395,820.87                                                                              2,395,820.87

       Total              2,395,820.87                                                                              2,395,820.87

(2) Impairment Provision for Goodwill

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

   Name of the
 invested units or       Beginning
                                                   Increase                             Decrease                Ending balance
events generating         balance

Notes of the testing process of goodwill impairment, parameters and the recognition method of goodwill impairment losses:

After test, the recoverable goodwill was not less than RMB2,395,820.87, thus, the impairment
provision for goodwill would not been withdrawn in Reporting Period.

Other notes:

28. Long-term Prepaid Expense

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                     Amortization        Other decreased
        Item              Beginning balance   Increased amount                                                 Ending balance
                                                                 amount of the period        amount

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                   Interim Report 2018

Decoration expense              298,544.88              355,180.18               210,508.77                                       443,216.29

Total                           298,544.88              355,180.18               210,508.77                                       443,216.29

Other notes:

29. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred Income Tax Assets that Had not Been Set-off

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                               Ending balance                                          Beginning balance
            Item            Deductible temporary         Deferred income tax           Deductible temporary         Deferred income tax
                                  difference                      assets                     difference                      assets

Provision for impairment
                                      14,287,574.48                  3,571,893.62                17,300,924.52                  4,325,231.13
of assets

Trading financial assets                                                                                1,976.00                         494.00

Total                                 14,287,574.48                  3,571,893.62                17,302,900.52                  4,325,725.13

(2) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Had Not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                               Ending balance                                          Beginning balance
            Item            Deductible temporary         Deferred income tax           Deductible temporary         Deferred income tax
                                  difference                    liabilities                  difference                    liabilities

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Off-set

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                           Mutual set-off amount of        Ending balance of          Mutual set-off amount of      Beginning balance of
                             deferred income tax          deferred income tax           deferred income tax          deferred income tax
                            assets and liabilities at   assets or liabilities after    assets and liabilities at   assets or liabilities after
                                the period-end                   off-set                  the period-begin                  off-set

Deferred income tax
                                                                     3,571,893.62                                               4,325,725.13

(4) List of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                    Item                                    Ending balance                                   Beginning balance

Deductible losses                                                             40,742,265.03

Total                                                                         40,742,265.03

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                         Interim Report 2018

(5) Deductible Losses of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets Will Be Due in the Following Years

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

               Years                      Ending amount                    Beginning amount                   Notes


Y2018                                             19,429,361.72                     19,429,361.72

Y2019                                             14,209,131.72                     14,209,131.72

Y2020                                              2,439,938.30                      2,439,938.30


Y2022                                              4,663,833.29                      5,418,164.79

Total                                             40,742,265.03                     41,496,596.53               --

Other notes:

30. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                       Item                               Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Other notes:

31. Short-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Short-term Borrowings

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                       Item                               Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Notes of short-term borrowings category

(2) List of the Short-term Borrowings Overdue but Not Returned

The amount of the overdue unpaid short-term borrowings at the period-end was of RMBXXX, of which the significant overdue
unpaid short-term borrowings are as follows:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

        Borrower               Ending balance              Interest rate             Overdue time          Overdue charge rate

Other notes:

32. Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                       Item                               Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                      Interim Report 2018

33. Derivative Financial Liabilities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

34. Notes Payable

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                 Category                               Ending balance                           Beginning balance

The total amount of the due but not paid notes payable at the end of the period was of RMBXXX.

35. Accounts Payable

(1) List of Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Payment for goods                                                      76,046,059.98                           206,439,280.91

Rent                                                                                                                 68,355.71

Total                                                                  76,046,059.98                           206,507,636.62

(2) Significant Accounts Payable Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                                Ending balance                     Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

Other notes:

36. Advances from Customers

(1) List of Advances from Customers

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Payment for goods                                                      11,209,141.53                            11,433,013.53

Total                                                                  11,209,141.53                            11,433,013.53

(2) Significant Advances from Customers Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                                Ending balance                     Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                           Interim Report 2018

(3) Settled but Uncompleted Projects Formed by Construction Contracts at the Period-end

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                Item                                           Amount

Other notes:

37. Payroll Payable

(1) List of Payroll Payable

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

            Item                Beginning balance      Increase          Decrease              Ending balance

I. Short-term salary                     780,689.58       2,203,626.56      1,656,746.81              1,327,569.33

II. Post-employment
benefit-defined                             8,155.00        117,801.54        115,995.30                  9,961.24
contribution plans

Total                                    788,844.58       2,321,428.10      1,772,742.11              1,337,530.57

(2) List of Short-term Salary

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

            Item                Beginning balance      Increase          Decrease              Ending balance

1.      Salary,       bonus,
                                         776,758.58       1,980,342.54      1,435,451.01              1,321,650.11
allowance, subsidy

2. Employee welfare                                         125,365.70        125,365.70

3. Social insurance                         3,931.00         56,794.32         55,516.10                  5,209.22

Of which: 1. Medical
                                            3,303.00         51,076.62         49,873.82                  4,505.80
insurance premiums

Work-related           injury
                                             293.00           2,401.24          2,383.36                   310.88

Maternity insurance                          335.00           3,316.46          3,258.92                   392.54

4. Housing fund                                              41,124.00         40,414.00                   710.00

Total                                    780,689.58       2,203,626.56      1,656,746.81              1,327,569.33

(3) List of Defined Contribution Plans

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

            Item                Beginning balance      Increase          Decrease              Ending balance

1. Basic pension benefits                   7,946.00        113,578.78        111,874.78                  9,650.00

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018

2. Unemployment
                                               209.00                  4,222.76                  4,120.52                     311.24

Total                                        8,155.00               117,801.54                 115,995.30                    9,961.24

Other notes:

38. Taxes Payable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance

VAT                                                                          566,139.95                                   678,297.88

Corporate income tax                                                      18,061,917.66                                18,070,536.48

Business tax                                                                 781,313.74                                   781,313.74

Property tax                                                                1,625,139.92                                 1,625,139.92

Land use tax                                                                 442,980.00                                   442,980.00

Other                                                                       2,139,575.87                                 1,719,530.03

Total                                                                     23,617,067.14                                23,317,798.05

Other notes:

39. Interest Payable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance

List of the significant overdue unpaid interest:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                  Borrower                                Overdue amount                               Overdue reasons

Other notes:

40. Dividends Payable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Other notes, including significant dividends payable unpaid for over one year, the unpaid reason shall be disclosed:

41. Other Payables

(1) Other Payables Listed by Nature of Account

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                Interim Report 2018

Intercourse funds                                                         39,122,861.74                                  49,006,606.49

Bonus margin                                                                          0.00                               38,002,013.82

Payment on behalf                                                              283,357.35                                     106,938.08

Rental bond                                                                    580,000.00                                     380,000.00

Other                                                                         1,191,296.98                                    926,921.31

Total                                                                     41,177,516.07                                  88,422,479.70

(2) Significant Other Payables Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                     Item                                  Ending balance                            Unpaid/Un-carry-over reason

Other notes

42. Liabilities Directly Associated with Assets Classified As Held-for-sale

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                     Item                                  Ending balance                                 Beginning balance

Other notes:
Not applicable

43. Current Portion of Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                     Item                                  Ending balance                                 Beginning balance

Other notes:
Not applicable

44. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                     Item                                  Ending balance                                 Beginning balance

Increase/decrease of the short-term bonds payable:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                               ion of     Repayme
                                                                      The          al of
  Bonds                   Issuing              Issuing   Beginnin                            premium nt in the                  Ending
              Par value             Duration                         current     interest
  name                      date               amount    g balance                              and       Reporting             balance
                                                                      issue       by par
                                                                                             depreciati    Period

Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                 Interim Report 2018

Not applicable

45. Long-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Long-term Borrowings

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                     Item                                     Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Notes to the category of long-term borrowings:
Not applicable
Other notes, including the interval of interest rate:
Not applicable

46. Bonds Payable

(1) List of Bonds Payable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                     Item                                     Ending balance                                Beginning balance

(2) Increase/Decrease of Bonds Payable (Excluding Other Financial Instrument Classified as Financial
Liabilities such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Bonds)

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

(3) Notes to the Conditions and Time of the Shares Transfer of the Convertible Corporate Bonds

(4) Notes to Other Financial Instrument Classified as Financial Liabilities

Basic situation of other financial instrument such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds outstanding at the period-end
Changes in financial instrument such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds outstanding at the period-end
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

 Outstanding          Period-beginning                    Increase                       Decrease                     Period-end
   financial                      Carrying                        Carrying                     Carrying                         Carrying
                   Amount                         Amount                          Amount                        Amount
  instrument                        value                            value                          value                        value

Notes to basis for the classification of other financial instrument as financial liabilities
Other notes

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

47. Long-term Payables

(1) Long-term Payables Listed by Nature of Account

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                    Item                                    Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Other notes:

48. Long-term Payroll Payable

(1) List of Long-term Payroll Payable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                    Item                                    Ending balance                             Beginning balance

(2) Changes in Defined Benefit Pension Schemes

Obligation present value of defined benefit pension schemes:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Reporting Period                         Same period of last year

Plan assets:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Reporting Period                         Same period of last year

Net liabilities (net assets) of defined benefit pension schemes:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Reporting Period                         Same period of last year

Notes of influence of content of defined benefit pension schemes and its relevant risks to the future cash flow, time and uncertainty of
the Company:
Notes to the significant actuarial assumptions and result of sensitivity analysis of defined benefit pension schemes:
Other notes:

49. Specific Payables

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                        Reason for
         Item           Beginning balance           Increase              Decrease           Ending balance

Other notes:

50. Provisions

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                     Interim Report 2018

                Item                          Ending balance                   Beginning balance                  Reason for formation

Other notes, including notes to related significant assumptions and evaluation of significant provisions:

51. Deferred Income

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                              Reason for
         Item             Beginning balance            Increase                Decrease             Ending balance

Items related to government subsidies:
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                   Amount           Amount
                                                 recorded into recorded into        Amount
                                   Amount of                                                                                       Related to
                  Beginning                      non-operatin other income offset cost in             Other         Ending
     Item                            newly                                                                                      assets/related
                   balance                       g income in         in the       the Reporting      changes        balance
                                    subsidy                                                                                         income
                                                 the Reporting     Reporting         Period
                                                    Period           Period

Other notes:

52. Other Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                       Item                                      Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Other notes:

53. Share Capital

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                     Increase/decrease (+/-)
                                      New shares                          Bonus issue                                         Ending balance
                        balance                        Bonus shares                               Other          Subtotal
                                        issued                            from profit

The sum of
                  318,600,000.00                                                                                              318,600,000.00

Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                      Interim Report 2018

54. Other Equity Instrument

(1) The Basic Information of Other Financial Instruments such as Preferred Stock and Perpetual Bond
Outstanding at the End of the Period

(2) Changes in Financial Instruments such as Preferred Stock and Perpetual Bond Outstanding at the End
of the Period

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

 Outstanding         Period-beginning                   Increase                          Decrease                        Period-end
   financial                    Carrying                       Carrying                          Carrying                            Carrying
                  Amount                        Amount                           Amount                               Amount
 instruments                      value                            value                             value                             value

The current changes in other equity instrument and the corresponding reasons and the basis of the relevant accounting treatment:
Other notes:

55. Capital Reserves

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

           Item               Beginning balance                Increase                       Decrease                    Ending balance

Capital premium
                                        52,129,496.58                                                                             52,129,496.58
(premium on stock)

Other capital reserves                     173,778.22                                                                                 173,778.22

Total                                   52,303,274.80                                                                             52,303,274.80

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:

56. Treasury Shares

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

           Item               Beginning balance                Increase                       Decrease                    Ending balance

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:

57. Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                      Reporting Period

                                                                      Less: recorded                   Attributable Attributable
                                                                           in other                      to owners          to
                                          Beginning       before                            Less:                                       Ending
                  Item                                                comprehensive                          of the     non-control
                                           balance      taxation in                       Income tax                                    balance
                                                                           income in                     Company           ling
                                                        the Current                        expense
                                                                       prior period                          as the      interests
                                                                      and transferred                    parent after    after tax

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018

                                                                      in profit or                   tax
                                                                      loss in the

Other notes, including the adjustment of the effective gain/loss on cash flow hedges to the initial recognized amount:

58. Specific Reserve

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

            Item               Beginning balance              Increase                   Decrease               Ending balance

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:

59. Surplus Reserves

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

            Item               Beginning balance              Increase                   Decrease               Ending balance

Statutory          surplus
                                      49,036,260.20                                                                      49,036,260.20

Discretionary      surplus
                                      37,000,000.00                                                                      37,000,000.00

Total                                 86,036,260.20                                                                      86,036,260.20

Notes, including changes and reason of change:

60. Retained Earnings

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                        Item                                    Reporting Period                     Same period of last year

Beginning balance of retained earnings          before
                                                                             -104,447,877.20                             -90,095,403.00

Beginning balance of retained earnings           after
                                                                             -104,447,877.20                             -90,095,403.00

Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                               -5,004,199.91                             -14,352,474.20
Company as the parent

     Dividend of ordinary shares payable                                     -109,452,077.11                         -104,447,877.20

List of adjustment of beginning retained earnings:

(1) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.

(2) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in accounting policies.

(3) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                        Interim Report 2018

(4) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.

(5) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected totally by other adjustments.

61. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                          Reporting Period                                Same Period of last year
                             Operating revenue           Cost of sales          Operating revenue            Cost of sales

Main operations                     94,049,651.75             93,356,686.67            189,823,020.71            178,368,297.77

Other operations                                                                          637,064.14                 166,356.27

Total                               94,049,651.75             93,356,686.67            190,460,084.85            178,534,654.04

62. Taxes and Surtaxes

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                   Item                                Reporting Period                       Same Period of last year

Consumption tax                                                               268.68                                     4,062.05

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                     15,163.41                                  58,068.04

Education Surcharge                                                        10,831.00                                  42,204.68

Property tax                                                               55,745.82                                 294,029.30

Land use tax                                                               90,045.00                                 120,060.00

Vehicle and vessel use tax                                                    605.00

Stamp duty                                                                323,955.00                                 135,759.49

Total                                                                     496,613.91                                 654,183.56

Other notes:

According to relevant provisions in “Provisions Concerning the Accounting Treatments on
Value -Added Tax” (Caikuai No. [2016] 22) published by Ministry of Finance, item “Business Tax
and Surcharges” in the income statement is adjusted to “Taxes and Surtaxes”. Property tax, land use
tax, vehicle and vessel use tax, stamp duty and relevant taxes, which were recorded into
administrative expense before, are now adjusted into the item “Taxes and Surtaxes” since 1 May

63. Selling Expense

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                   Item                                Reporting Period                       Same Period of last year

Salary                                                                    449,769.85                                 669,390.73

Rent                                                                      225,225.21                                 270,270.29

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                             Interim Report 2018

Software charge                                                         31,162.92                          216,912.77

Service charge                                                         286,282.84

Social security premiums                                                33,122.20                           44,068.52

Office expenses                                                         24,066.51                           28,406.15

Depreciation                                                            12,936.11                           16,854.16

Business travel charges                                                 20,404.46                           10,830.60

Business entertainment fees                                                 49.50                           14,088.40

Testing fees                                                                 0.00                               1,810.00

Other                                                                   46,099.93                          161,775.77

Total                                                                 1,129,119.53                       1,434,407.39

Other notes:

64. Administrative Expense

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                   Item                            Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Salary                                                                1,365,644.18                       1,262,796.56

Depreciation                                                          1,336,480.53                       1,126,680.42

Rental                                                                 343,057.27                          578,986.10

Audit fee                                                              405,000.00                          411,527.23

Expense on securities affairs                                          312,000.00                          110,800.00

Automobile expenses                                                    101,306.53                          335,203.77

Business travel charges                                                164,975.51                          240,386.63

Water & electricity fees                                               119,384.11                          140,232.92

Expense on financial consultant                                        800,000.00                          325,000.00

Membership fees for the Board of
                                                                       197,500.00                          197,500.00
Directors and Supervisory Committee

Office expenses                                                         87,482.30                          222,043.08

Entertainment expenses                                                  68,099.86                          243,390.31

Welfare fees                                                           122,010.60                          130,867.38

Social security premiums                                               150,289.59                          134,483.43

Expense on evaluation                                                        0.00                          350,000.00

Amortization of intangible assets                                      138,631.92                          138,631.92

Other                                                                  384,732.66                        1,375,973.82

Total                                                                 6,096,595.06                       7,324,503.57

Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                               Interim Report 2018

65. Finance Costs

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                    Item                           Reporting Period                    Same Period of last year

Interest expense                                                      30,666.37                              605,207.50

Less: Interest income                                                    4,716.00                             88,059.03

Foreign exchange profit or loss                                       30,810.86                             -224,258.95

Handling charge and other                                                6,953.09                             17,644.59

Total                                                                 63,714.32                              310,534.11

Other notes:

66. Asset Impairment Loss

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                    Item                           Reporting Period                    Same Period of last year

I. Bad debt loss                                                  -2,942,220.19                             -411,560.62

Total                                                             -2,942,220.19                             -411,560.62

Other notes:

67. Gain on Changes in Fair Value

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                   Sources                         Reporting Period                    Same period of last year

Financial assets at fair value through profit
                                                                             0.00                         -5,539,925.21
or loss

Total                                                                        0.00                         -5,539,925.21

Other note:

68. Investment Income

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                      Item                            Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Long-term equity investment income
accounted by equity method

Investment income from disposal of long-term
                                                                              536.00                          16,240.55
equity investment

Total                                                                         536.00                          33,294.77

Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

69. Asset Disposal Income

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                  Sources                                   Reporting Period                         Same period of last year

70. Other Income

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                  Sources                                   Reporting Period                         Same period of last year

71. Non-operating Income

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Amount recorded in the current
               Item                        Reporting Period               Same Period of last year
                                                                                                          non-recurring profit or loss

Other                                                  600,000.00                                0.33                        600,000.00

Total                                                  600,000.00                                0.33

Government subsidies recorded into current profit or loss
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                              influence the     Specific                                    Related to
                Distribution    Distribution                                                 Reporting     Same period
     Item                                        Nature        profits or      subsidy or                                  assets/related
                      entity      reason                                                       Period       of last year
                                                              losses of the       not                                         income
                                                               year or not

Other notes:

“Other” was mainly compensation income for default.

72. Non-operating Expense

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Amount recorded in the current
               Item                        Reporting Period               Same Period of last year
                                                                                                          non-recurring profit or loss

Penalty and fine for delaying
                                                       189,007.15                           -2,404.16                        189,007.15

Total                                                  189,007.15                            2,404.16

Other notes:

“Other” was mainly expense on compensation for default.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                       Interim Report 2018

73. Income Tax Expense

(1) List of Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                                Reporting Period                      Same Period of last year

Current income tax expense                                                  14,909.91                             2,269,232.61

Deferred income tax expense                                                753,831.51                                37,800.00

Total                                                                      768,741.42                             2,307,032.61

(2) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                              Item                                                      Reporting Period

Profit before taxation                                                                                           -3,739,328.70

Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable tax

Influence of deductable loss of unrecognized deferred income tax
assets in prior period

Influence of deductable temporary difference or deductable
losses of unrecognized deferred income tax in the Reporting                                                       4,664,333.29

Income tax expense                                                                                                  768,741.42

Other notes

It is unnecessary for Tianrui (HK) Trading Co., Ltd. to pay the corporate income tax since it is an
overseas company. Therefore, other event refers to the adjustment of current income tax expense by
Tianrui (HK) Trading Co., Ltd.

74. Other Comprehensive Income

Refer to Note for details.

75. Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash Generated from Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                                Reporting Period                      Same Period of last year

Other intercourse funds received                                      31,982,807.35                              30,187,830.43

Accounts generated from operating                                          157,699.37                             5,110,790.78

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                             Interim Report 2018


Total                                                            32,140,506.72                          35,298,621.21


(2) Cash Used in Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                   Item                            Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Other intercourse funds paid                                     27,851,000.00                          19,500,000.00

Commission paid such as audit fee                                     2,205,000.00                         356,000.00

Expense used in operating activities                                  2,106,181.12                       5,078,811.29

Total                                                            32,162,181.12                          24,934,811.29


(3) Cash Generated from Other Investing Activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                   Item                            Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Not applicable

(4) Cash Used in Other Investing Activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                   Item                            Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Not applicable

(5) Cash Generated from Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                   Item                            Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Not applicable

(6) Cash Used in Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                   Item                            Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year


Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                             Interim Report 2018

Not applicable

76. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

             Supplemental information               Reporting Period                 Same period of last year

1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash
                                                           --                                   --
flows generated from operating activities

Net profit                                                        -4,508,070.12                         -5,202,704.08

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                           -2,942,220.19

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets,
                                                                   1,349,416.64                          1,309,890.85
and productive living assets

Amortization of intangible assets                                      138,631.92                          138,631.92

Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                             210,508.77

Losses on changes in fair value (gains:

Investment loss (gains: negative)                                         -536.00                          -33,294.77

Decrease in deferred income tax assets
                                                                       753,831.51                           37,800.00
(gains: negative)

Decrease in inventories (gains: negative)                              -836,985.56                     -39,615,980.25

Decrease in accounts receivable generated
                                                                227,104,771.45                          65,800,489.84
from operating activities (gains: negative)

Increase in accounts payable used in
                                                                -222,475,025.79                        -25,183,016.54
operating activities (decrease: negative)

Other                                                                       -14.06                         341,132.27

Net cash generated from/used in operating
                                                                  -1,205,691.43                          3,132,874.45

2.   Significant    investing   and     financing
activities without involvement of cash                     --                                   --
receipts and payments

3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash
                                                           --                                   --

Ending balance of cash                                             1,192,159.64                          7,018,207.88

Less: beginning balance of cash                                    2,956,199.38                        123,886,976.82

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         -1,764,039.74                       -116,868,768.94

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018

(2) Net Cash Paid For Acquisition of Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB


Of which:                                                                                           --

Of which:                                                                                           --

Of which:                                                                                           --

Other notes:

(3) Net Cash Receive from Disposal of the Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB


Of which:                                                                                           --

Of which:                                                                                           --

Of which:                                                                                           --

Other notes:

(4) Cash and Cash Equivalent

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                     Item                                   Ending balance                            Beginning balance

I. Cash                                                                    1,192,159.64                                2,956,199.38

Including: Cash on hand                                                       91,659.42                                   525,024.48

          Bank deposit on demand                                             617,310.41                                6,491,008.82

          Other monetary assets on demand                                    483,189.81                                      2,174.58

III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                           1,192,159.64                                2,956,199.38

Other notes:

77. Notes to Items of the Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Notes to the name of “Other” of ending balance of the same period of last year adjusted and the amount adjusted:

78. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right to Use

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                     Item                               Ending carrying value                       Reason for restriction

Fixed assets                                                              19,270,301.23 External guaranty

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                         Interim Report 2018

Intangible assets                                                       8,939,525.00 External guaranty

Total                                                                  28,209,826.23                       --

Other notes:

79. Foreign Currency Monetary Items

(1) Foreign Currency Monetary Items

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                  Ending foreign currency                                        Ending balance converted to
               Item                                                     Exchange rate
                                         balance                                                                RMB

Monetary assets                             --                                --

Including: USD                                          64.28 6.6166                                                       425.32


           HKD                                        851.75 0.8431                                                        718.11

Accounts receivable                         --                                --

Including: USD                                     901,781.63 6.6166                                                  5,966,728.33



Long-term borrowings                        --                                --

Including: USD



Other receivables

Including: USD                                      20,000.00 6.6166                                                   132,332.00


           HKD                                      55,780.00 0.8431                                                    47,028.12

Other notes:

(2) Notes to Overseas Entities Including: for Significant Oversea Entities, Main Operating Place, Recording
Currency and Selection Basis Shall Be Disclosed; if there Are Changes in Recording Currency, Relevant
Reasons Shall Be Disclosed.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

80. Arbitrage

Qualitative and quantitative information of relevant arbitrage instruments, hedged risk in line with the type of arbitrage to disclose:

81. Other

VIII. Changes of Consolidation Scope

1. Business Combination Not under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination Not under the Same Control during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                                             Income of    Net profits of
                  Time and
                                  Cost of                                                   Recognition acquiree from acquiree from
   Name of        place of                    Proportion of Way to gain
                                gaining the                                 Purchase date     basis of      the purchase the purchase
   acquiree      gaining the                      equity       the equity
                                  equity                                                    purchase date     date to        date to
                                                                                                            period-end     period-end

Other notes:
Not applicable

(2) Combination Cost and Goodwill

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                         Combination cost

Note to determination method of the fair value of the combination cost, consideration and changes:
Not applicable
The main formation reason for the large goodwill:
Not applicable
Other notes:
Not applicable

(3) The Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of Acquiree on Purchase Date

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                      Fair value on purchase date                Carrying value on purchase date

The determination method of the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities
Not applicable
Contingent liability of acquiree undertaken in the business combination
Not applicable
Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                           Interim Report 2018

Not applicable

(4) Gains or losses from Re-measurement of Equity Held before the Purchase Date at Fair Value

Whether there is a transaction that through multiple transaction step by step to realize business combination and gaining the control
during the Reporting Period
□ Yes √ No

(5) Notes to Reasonable Consideration or Fair Value of Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of the Acquiree
that Cannot Be Determined on the Acquisition Date or during the Period-end of the Merger

Not applicable

(6) Other Notes

Not applicable

2. Business Combination under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination under the Same Control during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                          Income from     Net profits
                                                                               the         from the     Income of the Net profits of
                                                                          period-begin period-begin       acquiree     the acquiree
  Combined       Proportion of              Combination       basis of
                                 Basis                                      ning to the   ning to the    during the     during the
     party        the equity                     date      combination
                                                                          combination combination         period of     period of
                                                                            date of the   date of the    comparison    comparison
                                                                             acquiree      acquiree

Other notes:

(2) Combination Cost

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                         Combination cost

Note to contingent consideration and other changes:
Other notes:

(3) The Carrying Value of Assets and Liabilities of the Combined Party on the Combination Date

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                         Combination date                       Period-end of the last period

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                Interim Report 2018

Contingent liabilities of the combined party undertaken in the business combination
Other notes:

3. Counter Purchase

Basic information of trading, the basis of transactions constitute counter purchase, the retain assets , liabilities of the listed companies
whether constituted a business and its basis, the determination of the combination costs, the amount and calculation of adjusted rights
and interests in accordance with the equity transaction process:

4. The Disposal of Subsidiary

Whether there is a single disposal of the investment to the subsidiary and lost control?
□ Yes √ No
Whether there are several disposals of the investment to the subsidiary and lost controls?
□ Yes √ No

5. Changes in Combination Scope for Other Reasons

Note to changes in combination scope for other reasons (such as newly establishment or liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and relevant

6. Other

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiary

(1) Subsidiaries

                       Main operating                            Nature of            Holding percentage (%)
       Name                             Registration place                                                               Way of gaining
                           place                                 business            Directly           Indirectly

Shenzhen Rieys
Industrial Co.,       Shenzhen          Shenzhen             Trading                       90.00%                      Set-up

                      Hong Kong         Hong Kong            Trading                     100.00%                       Merger

Chinese        Gold                                          Sales of gold
                      Shenzhen          Shenzhen                                           51.00%                      Merger
Nobility Jewelry                                             jewelry
Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                 Interim Report 2018

                                                             Technical service,
Shanghai                                                      development,
Yunpeng Network                                               consulting,
                     Shanghai           Shanghai                                          60.00%                        Set-up
Technology Co.,                                               transfer of
Ltd.                                                          network
                                                              technology etc.

                                                             service, R&D,
                                                             technical service,
Wuxi Yunpeng
                                                             consulting and
                     Wuxi               Wuxi                 transfer of                                        60.00% Set-up
Management Co.,
                                                             technology, ICT,
                                                             and computer
                                                             software &

Notes: holding proportion in subsidiary different from voting proportion:
Basis of holding half or less voting rights but still been controlled investee and holding more than half of the voting rights not been
controlled investee:
Basis for control over significant structured entities included into the combination scope:
Basis of determining whether the Company is the agent or the principal:
Other notes:

(2) Significant Non-wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                              Shareholding proportion        The profit or loss       Declaring dividends               Balance of
           Name                 of non-controlling           attributable to the          distributed to         non-controlling interests
                                     interests            non-controlling interests non-controlling interests       at the period-end

Shenzhen Rieys
                                                 10.00%                       10.00                   -341.29
Industrial Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Chinese Gold
Nobility   Jewelry     Co.,                      49.00%                       49.00                496,471.07

Holding proportion in subsidiary different from voting proportion:
Other notes:

(3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Non-wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                                   Interim Report 2018

                                         Ending balance                                                            Beginning balance

                         Non-curr                               Non-curr                            Non-curr                                Non-curr
    Name     Current                     Total       Current                  Total       Current                   Total     Current                     Total
                            ent                                    ent                                  ent                                   ent
               assets                   assets    liabilities               liabilities   assets                    assets    liabilities               liabilities
                           assets                               liability                            assets                                 liability

n Rieys
             29,051,7 1,721,13 30,772,8 1,024,64                             1,024,64 37,993,6 37,993,6 39,852,5 10,100,8                                10,100,8
                 47.52        4.57        82.09         2.85                     2.85       75.26       75.26         34.33       82.25                     82.25
l Co.,

             182,570, 108,781. 182,678, 104,826,                             104,826, 315,002, 784,465. 315,787, 238,947,                                238,947,
               093.91             02     874.93       073.66                   073.66      707.66             20    172.86      577.86                    577.86
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                           Reporting Period                                                     Same period of last year

                                                                            Cash flows                                                              Cash flows
                                                           Total                                                                    Total
     Name          Operating                                                  from           Operating                                                  from
                                        Net profit     comprehensi                                             Net profit       comprehensi
                    revenue                                                 operating         revenue                                               operating
                                                        ve income                                                                ve income
                                                                            activities                                                              activities

Rieys                                                                                       89,128,220.1                                         -12,980,220.1
                         5,003.08         -3,412.84        -3,412.84        -110,146.16                       -8,833,285.83 -8,833,285.83
Industrial                                                                                               2                                                        9
Co., Ltd.

Chinese Gold
                  92,842,690.9                                                              471,002,217.
Nobility                               1,013,206.27 1,013,206.27             -86,327.48                       6,943,906.77 6,943,906.77                 67,927.52
                                  5                                                                     43
Jewelry Co.,

Other notes:

(4) Significant Restrictions on Using the Assets and Liquidating the Liabilities of the Company

(5) Financial Support or Other Supports Provided to Structural Entities Incorporated into the Scope of
Consolidated Financial Statements

Other notes:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                             Interim Report 2018

2. The Transaction of the Company with Its Owner’s Equity Share Changed but Still Controlling the

(1) Note to the Owner’s Equity Share Changed in Subsidiary

(2) The Transaction’s Influence on the Equity of Non-controlling Interests and the Owner's Equity
Attributable to the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

Other notes

3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

(1) Significant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                    Holding percentage (%)             Accounting
                                                                                                                     treatment of the
                     Main operating                           Nature of                                               investment to
      Name                             Registration place
                             place                             business           Directly           Indirectly      joint venture or

Notes to holding proportion of joint venture or associated enterprise different from voting proportion:
Basis of holding less than 20% of the voting rights but has a significant impact or holding 20% or more voting rights but does not
have a significant impact:

(2) Main Financial Information of Significant Joint Ventures

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                          Beginning balance/The same period of last
                                                  Ending balance/Reporting Period

Other notes

(3) Main Financial Information of Significant Associated Enterprise

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                          Beginning balance/The same period of last
                                                  Ending balance/Reporting Period

Other notes

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

(4) Summary Financial Information of Insignificant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                             Beginning balance/The same period of last
                                                   Ending balance/Reporting Period

Joint venture:                                                     --                                           --

The total of following items according to the
                                                                   --                                           --
shareholding proportions

Associated enterprise:                                             --                                           --

The total of following items according to the
                                                                   --                                           --
shareholding proportions

Other notes

(5) Note to the Significant Restrictions on the Ability of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises to
Transfer Funds to the Company

(6) The Excess Loss of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                     The cumulative recognized      The derecognized losses (or the
                                                                                                        The accumulative unrecognized
              Name                        losses in previous        share of net profit) in Reporting
                                                                                                          losses in Reporting Period
                                    accumulatively derecognized                    Period

Other notes

(7) The Unrecognized Commitment Related to Investment to Joint Ventures

(8) Contingent Liabilities Related to Investment to Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

4. Significant Common Operation

                                                                                                     Proportion /share portion
        Name             Main operating place Registration place        Nature of business
                                                                                                  Directly             Indirectly

Notes to holding proportion or share portion in common operation different from voting proportion:
For common operation as a single entity, basis of being classified as common operation:
Other notes

5. Equity in the Structured Entity Excluded in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements

Notes to the structured entity excluded in the scope of consolidated financial statements:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                 Interim Report 2018

6. Other

X. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments

XI. The Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                             Ending fair value
           Item                Fair value measurement Fair value measurement          Fair value measurement
                                   items at level 1         items at level 2              items at level 3

I. Consistent fair value
                                          --                         --                            --                       --

II. Inconsistent fair value
                                          --                         --                            --                       --

2. Market Price Recognition Basis for Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level

3. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters for
Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 2

4. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters for
Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3

5. Sensitiveness Analysis on Unobservable Parameters and Adjustment Information between Beginning and
Ending Carrying Value of Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3

6. Explain the Reason for Conversion and the Governing Policy when the Conversion Happens if
Conversion Happens among Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Different Levels

7. Changes in the Valuation Technique in the Current Period and the Reason for Such Changes

8. Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities Not Measured at Fair Value

9. Other

XII. Connected Party and Connected Transaction

1. Information Related to the Company as the Parent of the Company

        Name               Registration place   Nature of business        Registered capital     Proportion of share Proportion of voting

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

                                                                                                held by the       rights owned by the
                                                                                             Company as the        Company as the
                                                                                            parent against the     parent against the
                                                                                              Company (%)           Company (%)

                        Room 1611-A, E
                        Building, West Sea
                        Pearl Garden,
                        Taoyuan Road,         Trading               9800                                36.99%                 36.99%
Huifu Industrial Co.,
                        Taoyuan Street,
                        Nanshan District,

Notes to information on the Company as the parent of the Company:

There was no change in the registered capital of the Company as the parent during the Reporting

The final controller of the Company was Chen Hongcheng.
Other notes:

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Refer to Note VIII. 1-Equity in Subsidiaries for details.

3. Information on the Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises of the Company

Refer to Note for details of significant joint ventures or associated enterprises of the Company.
Information on other joint venture or associated enterprise occurring connected transactions with the Company in Reporting Period,
or forming balance due to connected transactions made in previous period:

                               Name                                                  Relationship with the Company

Other notes:

4. Information on Other Connected Parties

                               Name                                                  Relationship with the Company

                                                                    The shareholder holding 10.68% shares of the Company and the
Shenzhen Risheng Chuangyuan Asset Management Co., Ltd.
                                                                    affiliated enterprise controlled by Chen Hongcheng

                                                                    The shareholder holding 3.81% shares of the Company and the
Shenzhen Lianhua Huiren Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                                    affiliated enterprise controlled by Chen Hongcheng’s relatives

Chen Xuewen                                                         Direct relative of Chen Hongcheng

                                                                    Board Chairman of the Company and relative of Chen
Ding Lihong

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                  Interim Report 2018

                                                                       Key management personnel of the Company and shareholder of
Yu Liqun

                                                                       Actually controlled by the key management personnel of the
Wuxi Hengye Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Chinese Gold Nobility Jewelry Co., Ltd.                       Shareholder of subsidiary

Other notes

5. List of Connected Transactions

(1) Information on Acquisition of Goods and Reception of Labor Service

Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                    The approval trade      Whether exceed trade         Same period of last
  Connected party              Content         Reporting Period
                                                                           credit                 credit or not                 year

Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

        Connected party                         Content                        Reporting Period              Same period of last year

Wuxi Hengye Technology Co.,
                                      Operation service                                   432,737.28                              441,967.71


(2) Information on Connected Trusteeship/Contract

Lists of related trusteeship/contract:
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

   Name of the         Name of the                                                                                               Income
entruster/contract       entrustee/             Type              Start date           Due date          Pricing basis      recognized in this
        ee              contractor                                                                                          Reporting Period

Lists of entrust/contractee:
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

   Name of the         Name of the                                                                                               Charge
entruster/contract       entrustee/             Type              Start date           Due date          Pricing basis      recognized in this
        ee              contractor                                                                                          Reporting Period


(3) Information on Connected Lease

The Company was lessor:

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                 The lease income confirmed in The lease income confirmed in
          Name of lessee           Category of leased assets
                                                                        the Reporting Period           the same period of last year

The Company was lessee:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                 The lease fee confirmed in the       The lease fee confirmed in the
          Name of lessor           Category of leased assets
                                                                         Reporting Period                same period of last year


(4) Information on Connected Guarantee

The Company was guarantor:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                            Execution accomplished
        Secured party        Guarantee amount              Start date                    End date
                                                                                                                     or not

The Company was secured party
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                            Execution accomplished
         Guarantor:          Guarantee amount              Start date                    End date
                                                                                                                     or not


(5) Information on Inter-bank Lending of Capital of Connected Parties

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

    Connected party               Amount                   Start date                    End date                     Note



(6) Information on Assets Transfer and Debt Restructuring by Connected Party

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

         Connected party                   Content                       Reporting period                Same period of last year

(7) Information on Remuneration for Key Management Personnel

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                      Item                             Reporting period                             Same period of last year

Remuneration for key management
                                                                            360,000.00                                    337,000.00

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018

(8) Other Connected Transactions

6. Accounts Receivable and Payable of Connected Party

(1) Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                             Ending balance                            Beginning balance
         Item            Connected party
                                                Carrying amount      Bad debt provision     Carrying amount     Bad debt provision

                       Wuxi Hengye
Accounts receivable                                     76,783.68                                  380,036.66
                       Technology Co., Ltd.

Other receivables      Yu Liqun                       1,082,920.16                                 150,654.10

(2) Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                Item                       Connected party              Ending carrying amount          Beginning carrying amount

Other payables

                                  Ding Lihong                                             193,771.70                        68,455.00

                                  Yu Liqun                                                 82,652.04                        82,652.04

                                  Chen Xuewen                                             387,699.54                       251,608.91

                                  Wuxi Hengye Technology Co.,
                                                                                          100,000.00                       100,000.00

                                  Shenzhen Risheng Chuangyuan
                                                                                           20,960.00                   3,630,960.00
                                  Asset Management Co., Ltd.

                                  Shenzhen Chinese Gold
                                  Nobility Jewelry Co., Ltd.                        17,699,000.00                     17,500,000.00
                                  Jewelry Co., Ltd.

7. Commitments of Connected Party

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

8. Other

XIII. Stock Payment

1. The Overall Situation of Stock Payment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                         Interim Report 2018

2. The Stock Payment Settled in Equity

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. The Stock Payment Settled in Cash

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Modification and Termination of the Stock Payment


5. Other

Not applicable

XIV. Commitments and Contingency

1. Significant Commitments

Significant commitments on the balance sheet date

As of 30 June 2018, there was no significant commitment for the Company to disclose.

2. Contingency

(1) Significant Contingency on Balance Sheet Date

A. Contingent Liabilities Generated from Providing Debt Guarantee for Other Entities and their Financial Impacts
①The Company provided the mortgage guarantee for the loan contract of maximum amount (RCZH2014GDZNo.3632, duration: 11
Nov. 2014-11 Nov. 2019) signed by Puning Huafengqiang Trading Co., Ltd. with Jieyang Rongcheng Branch of ICBC pledged by
the real estate (with evaluation of RMB36.32 million). On 17 November 2016, Puning Huafengqiang Trading Co., Ltd. signed with
Jieyang Rongcheng Branch of ICBC the renewal loan contract of RMB15 million with the duration of six months. When the said
loan expired, RMB17 million was renewed on 22 May 2017 with a loan contract of 12 months. Puning Huafengqiang Trading Co.,
Ltd. provided a counter guarantee with this borrowing for the Company. As of 20 May 2018, Puning Huafengqiang Trading Co., Ltd.
has paid off the aforesaid borrowing of RMB17 million.
②The Company provided the mortgage guarantee for the loan contract of maximum amount (0201900134-2017XQ[D]ZNo.0042;
duration: 8 Sep. 2017-8 Sep. 2022) signed by Puning Lailisheng Trading Co., Ltd. with Jieyang Branch of ICBC pledged by the real
estate (with evaluation of RMB47,704,862). On 8 September 2017, Puning Lailisheng Trading Co., Ltd. signed the small-business
loan contract of RMB24 million with Jieyang Branch of ICBC with the duration of 12 months. Puning Lailisheng Trading Co., Ltd.
provided a counter guarantee with this borrowing for the Company.
As of 30 June 2018, the guarantees provided by the Company for loans by non-connected parties were listed as follows:

           Secured party                   Event           Amount (RMB’0,000)            Duration                 Note

Puning Lailisheng Trading Co., Pledge         for    bank 2,400.00                8 Sep. 2017 to 8 Sep.

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                             Interim Report 2018

Ltd.                               borrowings                                       2018

Total                              -                       2,400.00                 -                            -

B. As of 30 June 2018, there was no contingency such as pending action or guarantee etc. for the Company to disclose.
As of 30 June 2018, there was no other contingency for the Company to disclose other than the above-mentioned contingencies.

(2) In Despite of no Significant Contingency to Disclose, the Company Shall Also Make Relevant

There was no significant contingency for the Company to disclose.

3. Other

XV. Events after Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant Non-adjusted Events

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                       Influence number to the
                                                                                                       Reason of inability to estimate
              Item                           Content                financial position and operating
                                                                                                             influence number

2. Profit Distribution

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

3. Sales Return

4. Notes to Other Events after Balance Sheet Date

As of 27 August 2018 (Approval date of the Interim Report by the Board), there was no other event
after balance sheet date for the Company to disclose.

XVI. Other Significant Events

1. The Accounting Errors Correction in Previous Period

(1) Retrospective Restatement

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                    Name of the influenced report
             Content                   Processing program                                                  accumulative impact
                                                                    items during comparison period

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                 Interim Report 2018

(2) Prospective Application

                                                                                     Reason for adopting prospective
                  Content                          Processing program

2. Debt Restructuring

Not applicable

3. Assets Replacement

(1) Non-monetary Assets Exchange

Not applicable

(2) Other Assets Replacement

Not applicable

4. Pension Plan

Not applicable

5. Discontinued Operations

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                              Profit from
                                                     Profit before      Income tax
      Item            Income         Expense                                             Net profit          attributable to
                                                       taxation          expense
                                                                                                             owners of the
                                                                                                         Company as the

Other notes
Not applicable

6. Segment Information

(1) Determination Basis and Accounting Policies of Reportable Segment

Not applicable

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                   Interim Report 2018

(2) The Financial Information of Reportable Segment

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

              Item                                                         Offset among segment                         Total

(3) If there Was no Reportable Segment, or the Total Amount of Assets and Liabilities of Each Reportable
Segment Could not Be Reported, Relevant Reasons Shall Be Clearly Stated

Not applicable

(4) Other Notes

Not applicable

7. Other Significant Transactions and Events with Influence on Investors’ Decision-making

Not applicable

8. Other

In accordance with the Note XI-2-(1), the Company provided a mortgage guarantee for the borrowing by Puning Lailisheng Trading
Co., Ltd. from Jieyang Branch of ICBC pledge by real estate. In line with the counter guarantee agreement signed by the Company
with Puning Lailisheng Trading Co., Ltd., the latter shall provide a counter guarantee for the Company with the borrowing. As of 30
June 2018, RMB750,000.00 of counter guarantee has been received from Puning Lailisheng Trading Co., Ltd.
As of 0 June 2018, there was no other significant event for the Company to disclose.

XVII. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

1. Accounts Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                          Ending balance                                           Beginning balance

                        Carrying amount        Bad debt provision                Carrying amount        Bad debt provision

      Category                                            Withdra
                                                                      Carrying                                                  Carrying
                                   Proportio                wal                            Proportio               Withdrawal
                       Amount                  Amount                  value     Amount                Amount                     value
                                      n                   proportio                           n                    proportion

Accounts receivable
with significant        4,608,27               4,608,27                          4,608,2               4,608,276
                                   100.00%                100.00%         0.00             100.00%                   100.00%             0.00
single amount for           6.88                   6.88                           76.88                      .88
which bad debt

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                  Interim Report 2018

provision separately

                           4,608,27               4,608,27                        4,608,2             4,608,276
Total                                   100.00%              100.00%                        100.00%                  100.00%
                                 6.88                 6.88                         76.88                    .88

Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the period-end:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

 Accounts receivable(by                                                    Ending balance
          unit)                  Accounts receivable        Bad debt provision       Withdrawal proportion          Withdrawal reason

                                                                                                                  Long-term       credit,   the
Capital airport                               21,713.00                  21,713.00                    100.00% Company             believe    it

                                                                                                                  Long-term       credit,   the
Ningbo     Industrial     and
                                              26,354.45                  26,354.45                    100.00% Company             believe    it
Commercial Bureau

                                                                                                                  Long-term       credit,   the
Chen Shunqin                                 335,904.80                 335,904.80                    100.00% Company             believe    it

                                                                                                                  Long-term       credit,   the
Hong      Kong          Jinhua
                                            4,224,304.63               4,224,304.63                   100.00% Company             believe    it
Trading Company

Total                                       4,608,276.88               4,608,276.88             --                            --

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMBXXX; the amount of the reversed or
collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMBXXX.
Of which the bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount in the Reporting Period:
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

              Name of the entity                                   Amount                                  Way of recovery

(3) Accounts Receivable with Actual Verification during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                    Item                                                         Amount verified

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                      Interim Report 2018

Of which the verification of significant accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                     Verification         Whether generated
                                                                               Reason for
          Name                    Nature             Amount verified                                  procedures           from connected
                                                                                                      performed              transactions


(4) Top 5 Accounts Receivable in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

             Name                              Ending balance                 Bad debt provision with Proportion to tot
                                                                                              drawn al accounts recei
                                                                                                             vable (%)
Capital airport                                                   21,713.00                               21,713.00                         0.47

Ningbo         Industrial     and                                 26,354.45                               26,354.45                         0.57
Commercial Bureau

Chen Shunqin                                                     335,904.80                            335,904.80                           7.29

Hong Kong Jinhua Trading                                      4,224,304.63                           4,224,304.63                        91.67

Total                                                         4,608,276.88                           4,608,276.88                       100.00

(5) Accounts Receivable Derecognized due to the Transfer of Financial Assets

(6) The Amount of Assets and Liabilities Generated from the Transfer and the Continued Involvement of
Accounts Receivable

Other notes:

2. Other Receivables

(1) Other Receivables Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                Ending balance                                         Beginning balance

                            Carrying amount        Bad debt provision                Carrying amount       Bad debt provision

         Category                                             Withdra
                                                                          Carrying                                                  Carrying
                                       Proportio                 wal                          Proportio               Withdrawal
                            Amount                 Amount                  value     Amount                Amount                    value
                                           n                  proportio                          n                    proportion

Other receivables           22,636,6               2,931,60               19,705,07 68,645,               2,931,608                65,714,027.
                                        87.36%                 12.95%                          94.95%                      4.27%
with significant              87.23                    8.20                    9.03 635.74                      .20                          54

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                     Interim Report 2018

single amount for
which bad debt
provision separately

Other receivables
withdrawn bad debt
                          1,795,49             1,293,73                501,755.3 2,176,1                 1,661,739
provision according                    6.93%                 72.05%                            3.01%                     76.36% 514,445.40
                              4.94                    9.64                    0      85.04                     .64
to credit risks

Other receivables
with insignificant
single amount for         1,478,22             1,478,22                             1,478,2              1,478,227
                                       5.71%                 100.00%        0.00               2.04%                    100.00%
which bad debt                7.36                    7.36                           27.36                     .36
provision separately

                          25,910,4             5,703,57                20,206,83 72,300,                 6,071,575                    66,228,472.
Total                                100.00%                 22.01%                           100.00%                      8.40%
                             09.53                    5.20                  4.33 048.14                        .20                             94

Other receivables with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the period-end
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                             Ending balance
  Other receivables (unit)
                                  Other receivables          Bad debt provision         Withdrawal proportion           Withdrawal reason

                                                                                                                     Included in consolidated
Tianrui (HK) Trading Co.,                                                                                            connected party and did
Ltd.                                                                                                                 not withdraw bad debt

                                                                                                                     Long-term       credit,   the
Refund of tax for export
                                         2,331,608.20                  2,331,608.20                      100.00% Company             believe    it

                                                                                                                     Long-term       credit,   the
Shenzhen Zhao Tong
                                           600,000.00                    600,000.00                      100.00% Company             believe    it
Investment Co., Ltd.

Total                                   22,636,687.23                  2,931,608.20                 --                           --

In the groups, other receivables adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                   Ending balance
                                           Other receivables                  Bad debt provision                Withdrawal proportion

Subentry within 1 year

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                            Interim Report 2018

Subtotal of within 1 year                               369,328.88                         6,800.38                          2.00%

1 to 2 years                                             11,257.92                         1,125.79                         10.00%

2 to 3 years                                             40,201.83                        20,100.92                         50.00%

Over 3 years                                           1,374,706.31                   1,265,712.55                          92.07%

Total                                                  1,795,494.94                   1,293,739.64                          72.05%

Notes to the determination basis for the Group:
In the groups, other receivables adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the groups, other receivables adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB-368,000.00; the amount of the reversed
or collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMB0.00.
Of which the bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount during the Reporting Period:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                Name of entity                         Amount reversed or recovered                   Way of recovery

(3) Other Receivables with Actual Verification during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                   Item                                                      Amount verified

Of which the verification of significant other accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                             Verification       Whether generated
                                                                        Reason for
      Name of entity              Nature          Amount verified                             procedures         from connected
                                                                                              performed            transactions


(4) Other Receivables Classified by Account Nature

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                       Nature                            Ending carrying amount                  Beginning carrying amount

Fund of connected party                                                    19,705,079.03                             65,714,027.54

Intercourse funds                                                           3,835,312.59                               4,236,451.07

Tax                                                                         2,331,608.20                               2,331,608.20

Payment on behalf                                                              33,240.71                                 12,792.33

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                 Interim Report 2018

Guarantee deposit and cash deposit                                                  3,000.00                                       3,000.00

Petty cash                                                                          2,169.00                                       2,169.00

Total                                                                         25,910,409.53                                  72,300,048.14

(5) Top 5 Other Receivables in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                               Proportion to total
                                                                                                                        Ending balance of
  Name of the entity           Nature              Ending balance         Aging                ending balance of
                                                                                                                        bad debt provision
                                                                                               other receivables

Tianrui (HK) Trading Intercourse fund of
                                                      19,705,079.03 Over 5 years                           76.05%
Co., Ltd.                connected party

Refund of tax for
                         Tax                           2,331,608.20 Over 5 years                             9.00%            2,331,608.20
export receivable

Guangdong Yuanfeng
                         Intercourse fund                700,000.00 Over 5 years                             2.70%              700,000.00
Trade Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhao Tong
                         Intercourse fund                600,000.00 Over 5 years                             2.32%              600,000.00
Investment Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Nanxiang
Construction             Intercourse fund                500,000.00 Over 5 years                             1.93%              500,000.00
Engineering Company

Total                             --                  23,836,687.23            --                          92.00%             4,131,608.20

(6) Accounts Receivable Related to Government Subsidies

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                               Project of government                                                                 Estimated recovering
    Name of the entity                                       Ending balance              Ending aging
                                       subsidies                                                                   time, amount and basis

(7) Other Receivables Derecognized due to the Transfer of Financial Assets

(8) Amount of Assets and Liabilities Generated from the Transfer and Continuous Involvement of Other

Other notes:

3. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

        Item                               Ending balance                                           Beginning balance

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                                      Interim Report 2018

                                                  Depreciation                                               Depreciation
                       Carrying amount                             Carrying value      Carrying amount                         Carrying value
                                                    reserve                                                     reserve

Investment to
                           80,000,008.26                             80,000,008.26       80,000,008.26                           80,000,008.26

Investment to
joint ventures and
                          269,998,221.71                            269,998,221.71      269,998,221.71                         269,998,221.71

Total                     349,998,229.97                            349,998,229.97      349,998,229.97                         349,998,229.97

(1) Investment to the Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                             Depreciation    Ending balance of
        Investee                                    Increase          Decrease         Ending balance          reserve          depreciation
                                                                                                              withdrawn           reserve

Shenzhen Rieys
                           45,000,000.00                                                 45,000,000.00
Industrial Co., Ltd.

Tianrui (HK)
                                       8.26                                                        8.26
Trading Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Chinese
Gold Nobility              30,000,000.00                                                 30,000,000.00
Jewelry Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Yunpeng
                            5,000,000.00                                                  5,000,000.00
Technology Co.,

Total                      80,000,008.26                                                 80,000,008.26

(2) Investment to Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                     Gains and Adjustme
                                                                                          Cash     Withdraw                           balance
                          Additiona                    losses      nt of
              Beginnin                 Reduced                             Changes bonus or          al of                  Ending       of
 Investee                     l                      recognize    other
              g balance                investmen                            of other     profits   impairme      Other      balance depreciati
                          investmen                   d under comprehe
                                              t                             equity      announce        nt                              on
                              t                      the equity   nsive
                                                                                        d to issue provision                          reserve
                                                      method      income

I. Joint ventures

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                               Interim Report 2018

II. Associated enterprises

ong          149,998,2                                                                            149,998,2
Financing       21.71                                                                                 21.71
Co., Ltd.

Business 120,000,0                                                                                120,000,0
Fund            00.00                                                                                 00.00

             269,998,2                                                                            269,998,2
                21.71                                                                                 21.71

             269,998,2                                                                            269,998,2
                21.71                                                                                 21.71

(3)Other Notes

4. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                         Reporting Period                        Same period of last year
                             Operating revenue        Cost of sales     Operating revenue           Cost of sales

Other operations                                                                1,280,401.28                400,788.60

Total                                                                           1,280,401.28                400,788.60

Other notes:

5. Investment Income

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                     Item                            Reporting Period                Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income
accounted by equity method

Total                                                                                                         17,054.22

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                              Interim Report 2018

6. Other

XVIII. Supplementary Materials

1. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                       Item                                     Amount                                        Note

Gain/Loss on changes in fair value arising
from holding of trading financial assets and
liabilities and investment income from
                                                                                          Investment income from disposal of
disposal of trading financial assets, financial
                                                                                  536.00 trading financial assets
liabilities and available-for-sale financial
assets other than effective hedge business
related to the Company’s normal operating

Reverse of bad debt provision of accounts

receivable        individually      conducting                             2,942,220.19

impairment test

Other non-operating income and expense
other than the above

Less: Income tax effects                                                     764,267.57

Non-controlling interests effects (after tax)                              1,002,022.54

                     Total                                                 1,587,458.93                         --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an non-recurring profit or loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-recurring Profit or
Loss, or classifies any extraordinary profit or loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent profit or loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share

                                                                                                  EPS (Yuan/share)
    Profit as of Reporting Period               Weighted average ROE (%)
                                                                                        EPS-basic                    EPS-diluted

Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                                         -1.29%                      -0.016                        -0.016
shareholders of the Company

Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                                         -1.74%                     -0.0191                    -0.0191
shareholders of the Company after

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                   Interim Report 2018

deduction of non-recurring profit or

3. Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

(1) Differences of Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under International
and Chinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Differences of Net profit and Net assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under Overseas and
Chinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Explain Reasons for the Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas
Accounting Standards; for any Adjustment Made to the Difference Existing in the Data Audited by the
Foreign Auditing Agent, Such Foreign Auditing Agent’s Name Shall Be Clearly Stated

Not applicable

4. Other

Not applicable

Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited                                                           Interim Report 2018

                          Part XI Documents Available for Reference

I. The financial statements with the signatures and stamps of the legal representative, the CFO and the accounting head; and
II. The originals of the company announcements and documents disclosed on the CSRC-designated newspapers during the Reporting
(The Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.)
