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						                 Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
       The First Quarterly Report 2014

                 April 2014

                                                Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

                                          I. Important Notes

The Board of Directors ,Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company
hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in this
Quarterly report and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the
contents hereof.

All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Quarterly Report.

Mr.Li Zhaoting, Person in charge of the Company, Mr. Li Quannian, Chief financial officer and the Mr..Li
Zhiyong, the person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby
confirm the authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Quarterly report.

                                                        Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

                   II.Main financial data and changes of shareholders

I .Main financial data and indices

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not.
□ Yes   √ No

                                                                                                                   Changes of this period
                                                             This period              Same period of last year      over same period of
                                                                                                                      last year(%)

Operating income(RMB)                                          577,399,306.04               191,297,126.26                     201.83%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the
                                                                 207,652,354.20                 61,882,386.28                    235.56%
listed company(RMB)

Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss
attributable to the shareholders of listed company               205,657,309.70                 48,999,246.25                    319.72%

Cash flow generated by business operation, net
                                                                 -698,231,680.50              -168,678,601.14                   -313.94%

Basic earning per share(RMB/Share)                                             0.23                         0.16                    43.75%

Diluted gains per share(RMB/Share)(RMB/Share)                                  0.23                         0.16                    43.75%

Weighted average return on equity(%)                                     3.51%                      14.63%                     -11.12%

                                                                                                                      Changes of this
                                                                                                                   period-end over same
                                                          End of this period             End of last period
                                                                                                                     period-end of last

Gross assets(RMB)                                           10,021,779,562.86             9,032,978,401.14                        10.95%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the
                                                                6,021,326,069.24            5,813,673,715.04                         3.57%
listed company(RMB)

Items and amount of non-current gains and losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                        Amount (Year-beginning
                                         Items                                           to the end of the report            Notes

Governmental Subsidy accounted as current gain/loss, except for those subsidies at
with amount or quantity fixed by the national government and closely related to the                    441,300.00
Companys business operation.

Custody fee income when entrusted with operation                                                     1,500,000.00

                                                        Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of non-recurring gain/loss account                     54,630.00

Less :Influenced amount of income tax                                                                     690.00

Influenced amount of minor shareholders equity(After tax )                                              195.50

Total                                                                                              1,995,044.50          --

For the Companys non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for
Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated
in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring
Gains and losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
□ Applicable√ Not applicabl

                                                          Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

II.Total number of shareholders at the end of report period and Particular about shares held by top ten

                                                                                                                                In Shares

Total number of shareholders at the end 17,649(Including 11,255 shareholders holding A shares and 6,394 shareholders holding B
of report period                           shares)

                                       Particular about shares held by top ten shareholders

                                                                                              Amount of         Pledging or freezing
                                                                   Share                    tradable shares
                                                 Properties of
             Shareholder name                                    proportion   Quantity           with         Status of the
                                                 shareholder                                                                  Quantity
                                                                     %                        Conditional        shares

                                               Domestic Non
Dongxu Group                                   -State-owned          14.4%    130,031,000     130,031,000 Pledge
                                               legal person

Huarong Secrities-ICBC-Huarong Fixed
Growth No. 1 Limited-amount Specific           Other               13.71%     123,839,000     123,839,000
Asset Management Program

Shijiazhuang Baoshi Electronic Group Co.,
                                               Non-State-owne      12.27%     110,785,500                     Pledge          40,000,000
                                               d legal person

Yinmin Fund Company-Minsheng-
Yinmin Fund Non-Public Issuing Assets          Other                  6.5%     58,700,000      58,700,000
Management Plan

Minsheng Jiayin Fund Company-
 Minsheng-Pingan Trust-Pingan Wealth Other                         5.83%     52,634,000      52,634,000
 Huitai No.11 Collective fund trust plan

Huitianfu Fund Company-Agricultural
 Bank of China-SDIC Trust Golden Eagle Other                        4.57%     41,279,000      41,279,000
 No.108 Collective Fund trust plan

Dacheng Fund Company-Agricultural
Bank of China-SDIC Tust Golden Eagle          Other                 4.57%     41,279,000      41,279,000
No.109 Collective Fund trust plan

Guangfa Fund Company-Agricultural
Bank of China-SDIC Tust Golden Eagle          Other                 4.57%     41,279,000      41,279,000
No.109 Collective Fund trust plan

International Finance -ICBC-Zhongjin
Increase No.1 Collective   Assets              Other                 3.43%     30,959,000      30,959,000
Management plan

National Social Security Fund Portfollio       Other                 0.84%      7,599,619

                                                         Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014


                                       Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                                                        Quantity of                         Share type
                                                                     unrestricted shares
                    Name of the shareholder
                                                                   held at the end of the           Share type           Quantity
                                                                      reporting period

Shijiazhuang Baoshi Electronic Group Co., Ltd.                               110,785,500 RMB Common shares               110,785,500

National Social Security Fund Portfollio 108                                   7,599,619 RMB Common shares                 7,599,619

The special repurchase account openedat Huaan Securities Co.,
                                                                               7,400,000 RMB Common shares                 7,400,000

                                                                                            Foreign shares placed in
Taifook Securities Company Limited-Account Client                              6,620,310                                   6,620,310
                                                                                            domestic exchange

                                                                                            Foreign shares placed in
China Merchants Securities(HK) Co., Ltd.                                       5,622,948                                   5,622,948
                                                                                            domestic exchange

                                                                                            Foreign shares placed in
GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                      5,272,364                                   5,272,364
                                                                                            domestic exchange

ICBC-CCB Optimization Collocation Mixed Securities
                                                                               4,258,749 RMB Common shares                 4,258,749
Investment Fund

New Times Trust Co., Ltd.-Xiangtai One trust Securities
                                                                               3,699,452 RMB Common shares                 3,699,452
  Investment Collective    fund plan

                                                                                            Foreign shares placed in
KGI ASIA LIMITED                                                               3,655,545                                   3,655,545
                                                                                            domestic exchange

Yao Yanbin                                                                     3,422,800 MB Common shares                  3,422,800

                                                                  Among the top ten shareholders , Dongxu Group and Baoshi
                                                                  Group have relationship and constitute persons taking concerted
Notes to the related relationship between the top ten             action. The company does not know whether there is relationship
shareholders or their concerted action                            between other 8 shareholders or whether they are persons taking
                                                                  concerted action defined in Administrative Measures Relating to
                                                                  Acquisitions of Listed Companies.

Did any shareholder of the Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the reporting period?
√Yes □ No
In the report period, Yao Yanbin, one of the top 10 shareholders holding unrestricted shares, carried out agreed repurchase transaction
through the special repurchase account opened at Hua'an Securities Co., Ltd. The agreed repurchase transaction involved 7,400,000
shares, which account for 0.82% of the total shares of the Company. As of the end of the report period, Yao Yanbin held 3,422,800
shares, which account for 0.38% of total shares of the Company.

                                                      Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

                                            III Significant Events

I. Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and its

                                                   Same period of Increased/D
     Financial Index         This period(RMB)                                                  Main reason for change
                                                   last year(RMB) ecreased(%)

Consolidated Balance sheet index
Monetary capital               1,779,602,504.61 2,586,660,951.04          -31.20 Mainly due to the increase of daily operations and
                                                                                 capital expenditure in current period
Accounts receivable            1,611,448,868.73     943,285,462.11         70.83 Mainly due to the increase of accounts receivable
                                                                                 from substantial business growth
Short-term loan                  340,000,000.00     580,000,000.00        -41.38 Due to loans due to return
Bill payable                     882,820,000.00     150,000,000.00       488.55 Due to the increase of purchase expense using the
                                                                                 financing bank acceptances
Account payable                    77,593,581.37    134,665,580.06        -42.38 Due to the company paid the due payment
Advance account                     1,912,376.49       3,451,630.20       -44.59 Due to the confirmation of the advance income in
                                                                                 current period
Consolidated Profit statement index
Business income                  577,399,306.04     191,297,126.26       201.83 Mainly due to the increase of revenue growth of
                                                                                 Wuhu equipment company affiliated Xuxin
                                                                                 Optoelectronic launched a new glass substrate
                                                                                 equipment manufacturing business
Business cost                    260,675,002.58      64,628,503.35       303.34 Due to the increase of cost expenditure resulted
                                                                                 from operation revenue growth
Business tax and attach             9,136,064.55       2,075,428.17      340.20 Due to substantial increase of taxes resulted from
                                                                                 substantial growth in operating income
                                    1,647,610.56       1,186,023.55        38.92 Due to the increase of glass substrate sales
 Sales expenses
                                                                                 promotion expenditure
                                   32,665,154.25     19,483,842.27         67.65 Due to the significant increase in labor costs, office
 Administration expenses                                                         expenses and other administrative expenses resulted
                                                                                 from substantial growth in business scale
Financial expenses                 22,195,570.09       2,265,777.60      879.60 Mainly due to the increase of interest, discount
                                                                                 interest etc. resulted from the increase of variety of
                                                                                 financing receivables
Consolidated Cash flow statement index
Net Cash flow generated by      -698,231,680.50     -168,678,601.14      -313.94 Due to the increased expenditure of stocking for
business operation                                                               Wuhu equipment company for the construction of a
                                                                                 glass substrate production line
Net cash flow generated by         13,150,101.15    655,523,944.45        -97.99 Necessary funds for Wuhu optoelectronic glass
financing                                                                        substrate production line construction was raised in

                                                            Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

                                                                                              the early phase, due to the decrease of raised funds
                                                                                              in current period

II. The commitments of the Company and its shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s total shares
in the report year of extending to the report year from previous year.

                                                                                                  Time of
                                                                                                                   Period of
      Commitment            Commitment maker                     Contents                         making                          Fulfillment

                                                  If plans to sell tradable stocks of
                                                  Dongxu Optoelectronic through the
                                                  bid trading system of Shenzhen
                                                  Stock Exchange and sell greater
                                                  than 5% of shares within six months
                            Shijiazhuang Baoshi after the first sales, will disclose the
Commitment on share                                                                                           Long-term          Under
                            Electronics Group     contents specified by the Form              July 23, 2009
reform                                                                                                        effective          Fulfillment
                            Co., Ltd.             Guide to Prompt Announcement of
                                                  Removing Restriction on Sales of
                                                  Non-tradable Stocks of Listed
                                                  Companies through the prompt
                                                  announcement of disclosing sales of
                                                  listed companies.

Commitment in the
acquisition report or the
report on equity changes

Commitment made
upon the assets

                                                  1.From the date of commitment
                                                  letter issued, except the managed
                                                  hosting    company      for   Dongxu
                                                  Optoelectronic , this company and
                                                  majority-owned subsidiaries do not
                            Dongxu Group,         in any way, directly or indirectly
Commitments made             Shijiazhuang         engaged in business and Dongxu                              Long-term          Under
                                                                                              April 1, 2012
upon issuance                Baoshi Electronics Optoelectronic        shares    and     its                   effective          Fulfillment
                             Group Co., Ltd.      subsidiaries are the same, or similar,
                                                  future     Dongxu      Optoelectronic
                                                  shares and its subsidiaries are not
                                                  engaged in the same or similar
                                                  2.The company assurances against

                                 Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

                      the use of precious stones share any
                      act    prejudicial         to    the     control
                      relationship of stones share interests
                      and its wholly-owned subsidiaries,
                      holding,        or     causing          Dongxu
                      Optoelectronic             shares      and    its
                      wholly-owned subsidiaries, holding
                      form         business               competition
                      3. The company will not directly
                      invest,     purchase            and     Dongxu
                      Optoelectronic         identical or similar
                      business enterprises and projects.
                      4.If the assets owned by the
                      company compete with Dongxu
                      Optoelectronic, the company will
                      adopt effective measures and give
                      up the same business.
                      5. If the company has                 horizontal
                      competition                 with        Dongxu
                      Optoelectronic and lead to lose to it,
                      the company will bear all the
                      6.According to relevant conditions
                      of the securities regulators, the
                      company promised to put all the
                      shares managed by Dongxu
                      Optoelectronic into Dongxu
                      Optoelectronic. In the period of the
                      company acts as the holding
                      company, the promise is valid.

                      Dongxu Group Co., Ltd. subscribed
                      for 25.01% of the shares privately
                                                                                         From April 18,
Dongxu Group Co., issued         by        the     Company         and                                    Under
                                                                          April 17, 2013 2013 to April
Ltd.                  promised that the period of sale                                                    Fulfillment
                                                                                         17, 2016.
                      restriction of such shares was 36
                      months from the first day of listing.

Huarong Secruities
                      Promised that the period of sale
Co., Ltd., Yimin
                      restriction of such non-public                                     From April 18,
Fund Management                                                                                           Under
                      offering of stock of Baoshi group                   April 17, 2013 2013 to April
Co., Ltd., Minsheng                                                                                       Fulfillment
                      was 12 months from the first day of                                17, 2014.
Jiayin Fund
Management , Co.,

                                                        Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014


                                                On September 18, 2006, the
                                                Company provided guarantee,
                                                together with Baoshi Group Co.,
                                                Ltd., for the application of
                                                Shijiazhuang Construction
                                                Investment Co., Ltd. for loan of
                                                RMB 70 million) with some land
                                                and houses (with appraised value of
                                                RMB 30.3018 million) (The valid
                                                guarantee value for the Company is
                                                RMB 18.80 million). The guarantee
                                                                                                                     Has signed
                                                period is one year. The type of
                                                                                                                     an agreement
                                                guarantee is mortgage guarantee. At
Other commitments        Shijiazhuang Baoshi present, the valid term of this
                                                                                       March 28,   Long-term         creditors,
made to minority         Electronics Group      guarantee has expired. The
                                                                                       2009        effective         agreed to lift
shareholders             Co., Ltd.              controlling shareholder has made
                                                                                                                     the obligation
                                                corresponding commitment in
                                                                                                                     secured of
                                                respect of the loss that may be
                                                                                                                     the company.
                                                incurred by this guarantee. On
                                                October 15, 2012, Shijiazhuang
                                                Baoshi Electronics Group Co., Ltd.
                                                made the following notes to this
                                                commitment: "The mode of
                                                commitment fulfillment by Baoshi
                                                Group: Where the Dongxu
                                                Optoelectronic    is liable to make
                                                compensation for this guarantee,
                                                Baoshi Group shall be liable for
                                                direct compensation in full amount."

Executed timely or not? Yes

III.Prediction of Business performance for January- June 2014

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the
warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation of reason.
□Applicable   √Not applicable

IV. The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report period

                                                                                                        Content of discussion and
     Date            Place               Mode                  Type                     Visitor
                                                                                                            materials provided

January 6,      The Company       Onsite investigation Organization            Fortune SG Fund         Visit the company s

                                                 Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

2014                                                              Management Co., Ltd.,       showroom, understand the
                                                                  Boshi Fund Management       progress of the equity
                                                                  Co., Ltd.                   investment project and
                                                                                              business scope and R& D
                                                                                              in 2014.

                                                                  Guangfa Securities,Xinhua
                                                                     Assets, CCB Fund ,
                                                                     Haifutong Fund, Huaxia
                                                                     Fund, ICBC Credit        Understand the progress
                                                                     Suisse Asset              ofthe equity investment
January 17,
              The Company   Onsite investigation Organization        Management Co., Ltd.,     project of the company
                                                                     Manulife Teda Fund        and main business cases in
                                                                     Management Co., Ltd.,     2014.
                                                                     Huashang Fund, Invesco
                                                                     Great Wall     and
                                                                     Dacheng Fund .

                                                    Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

                                        IV. Financial Statements

I.Financial Statements

1.Consolidated Balance sheet

Prepared by: Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                   Items                            Year-end balance                       Year-beginning balance

Current asset:

  Monetary fund                                                 1,779,602,504.61                           2,586,660,951.04

  Settlement provision

  Outgoing call loan

 Trading financial assets

 Bill receivable                                                   12,000,000.00

 Account receivable                                             1,611,448,868.73                             943,285,462.11

  Prepayments                                                   3,588,469,225.87                           2,788,962,137.94

 Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable

 Provisions of Reinsurance contracts

  Interest receivable

  Dividend receivable

 Other account receivable                                          34,699,507.02                              29,300,640.49

Repurchasing of financial assets

  Inventories                                                     258,244,539.36                             298,619,165.08

Non-current asset due in 1 year

  Other current asset                                              58,019,211.84                              75,632,804.57

Total of current assets                                         7,342,483,857.43                           6,722,461,161.23

Non-current assets:

Loans and payment on others behalf

  Disposable financial asset

  Expired investment in possess

 Long-term receivable

 Long term share equity investment

                                        Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

 Property investment                                   12,088,008.82                              12,216,614.26

  Fixed assets                                       170,089,135.64                              141,108,554.36

  Construction in progress                          2,221,546,729.28                           1,914,118,112.98

Engineering material                                  140,143,160.11                             112,687,660.04

  Fixed asset disposal

  Production physical assets

 Gas & petrol

 Intangible assets                                    112,191,282.16                             112,787,665.77

 R & D petrol                                             512,483.84


  Long-germ expenses to be amortized

Differed income tax asset                              22,724,905.58                              17,598,632.50

 Other non-current asset

Total of non-current assets                         2,679,295,705.43                           2,310,517,239.91

Total of assets                                    10,021,779,562.86                           9,032,978,401.14

Current liabilities

  Short-term loans                                   340,000,000.00                              580,000,000.00

  Loan from Central Bank

 Deposit received and hold for others

 Call loan received

  Trade off financial liabilities

  Bill payable                                       882,820,000.00                              150,000,000.00

  Account payable                                      77,593,581.37                             134,665,580.06

 Advance payment                                        1,912,376.49                               3,451,630.20

  Selling of repurchased financial

 Fees and commissions receivable

 Employees wage payable                                19,033,938.00                              17,885,009.53

 Tax payable                                         -158,495,588.04                            -168,850,322.26

 Interest payable                                       5,605,015.09

 Dividend payable

  Other account payable                                60,352,322.66                              46,922,065.04

 Reinsurance fee payable

 Insurance contract provision

                                                    Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

 Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

Non-current liability due in 1 year

Other current liability                                            60,989,000.00                              60,989,000.00

Total of current liability                                      1,289,810,645.57                             825,062,962.57

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loan                                                2,600,000,000.00                           2,300,000,000.00

 Bond payable

  Long-term payable

 Special payable

 Expected liabilities

Differed income tax liability

 Other non-current liabilities                                     37,214,000.00                              33,714,000.00

Total of non-current liabilities                                2,637,214,000.00                           2,333,714,000.00

Total of liability                                              3,927,024,645.57                           3,158,776,962.57

Owners equity

  Share capital                                                  903,000,000.00                              903,000,000.00

 Capital reserves                                               4,936,613,311.80                           4,936,613,311.80

  Less:Shares in stock

 Special reserves

  Surplus reserves                                                 27,454,788.05                              27,454,788.05

 Common risk provision

  Undistributed profit                                           154,257,969.39                              -53,394,384.81

Different of foreign currency translation

Total of owners equity belong to the
                                                                6,021,326,069.24                           5,813,673,715.04
parent company

  Minority shareholders equity                                     73,428,848.05                              60,527,723.53

Total of owners equity                                          6,094,754,917.29                           5,874,201,438.57

Total of liabilities and owners equity                         10,021,779,562.86                           9,032,978,401.14

2. Balance sheet of the Parent Company

Prepared by: Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                       Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

                   Items               Year-end balance                       Year-beginning balance

Current asset:

       Monetary fund                                  19,601,253.49                              29,805,307.79

Trading financial assets

 Bill receivable                                          1,000,000.00

 Account receivable                                   18,866,016.32                              16,547,491.42

  Prepayments                                         23,420,029.47                              25,310,796.89

  Interest receivable

  Dividend receivable

 Other account receivable                            433,035,187.30                             432,062,236.88

 Inventories                                          18,340,943.99                              19,766,175.81

  Non-current asset due in 1 year

  Other current asset                                       19,211.84                                  19,211.84

Total of current assets                              514,282,642.41                             523,511,220.63

Non-current assets:

  Disposable financial asset

  Expired investment in possess

 Long-term receivable

 Long term share equity investment                 4,728,458,306.96                           4,728,458,306.96

 Property investment                                      4,148,927.22                            4,203,586.44

  Fixed assets                                        30,987,775.19                              31,342,639.14

  Construction in progress                            23,712,084.39                              23,712,084.39

Engineering material

  Fixed asset disposal

  Production physical assets

 Gas & petrol

 Intangible assets                                    10,765,787.59                              10,847,178.52

 R & D petrol


  Long-germ expenses to be amortized

Differed income tax asset                                 8,034,510.33                            8,034,510.33

 Other non-current asset

Total of non-current assets                        4,806,107,391.68                           4,806,598,305.78

Total of assets                                    5,320,390,034.09                           5,330,109,526.41

                                      Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

Current liabilities

  Short-term loans

  Trade off financial liabilities

  Bill payable

  Account payable                                    14,154,527.38                              16,158,244.45

 Advance payment                                      1,501,741.79                               6,702,336.70

 Employees wage payable                               3,791,716.72                               3,964,746.75

 Tax payable                                            450,962.02                               1,676,183.24

 Interest payable

 Dividend payable

  Other account payable                             105,798,362.69                             105,904,670.83

Non-current liability due in 1 year

Other current liability                                  20,000.00                                  20,000.00

Total of current liability                          125,717,310.60                             134,426,181.97

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loan

 Bond payable

  Long-term payable

 Special payable

 Expected liabilities

Differed income tax liability

  Other non-current liabilities                          45,000.00                                  45,000.00

Total of Non-current liabilities                         45,000.00                                  45,000.00

Total of liability                                  125,762,310.60                             134,471,181.97

Owners equity

  Share capital                                     903,000,000.00                             903,000,000.00

 Capital reserves                                 4,799,360,997.35                           4,799,360,997.35

  Less:Shares in stock

 Special reserves

Surplus reserves                                     32,204,150.60                              32,204,150.60

     Commonly risk Reserves

  Undistributed profit                             -539,937,424.46                            -538,926,803.51

  Different of foreign currency

                                                    Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

Total of owners equity                                          5,194,627,723.49                           5,195,638,344.44

Total of liabilities and owners equity                          5,320,390,034.09                           5,330,109,526.41

3. Consolidated Profit statement

Prepared by: Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                    Item                             Report period                     Same period of the previous year

I. Income from the key business                                  577,399,306.04                              191,297,126.26

Incl:Business income                                            577,399,306.04                              191,297,126.26

     Interest income

 Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission received

II. Total business cost                                          326,321,239.23                               89,636,724.94

Incl:Business cost                                              260,675,002.58                               64,628,503.35

      Interest expense

 Fee and commission paid

    Insurance discharge payment

  Net claim amount paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

  Reinsurance expenses

     Business tax and surcharge                                       9,136,064.55                              2,075,428.17

     Sales expense                                                    1,647,610.56                              1,186,023.55

 Administrative expense                                              32,665,154.25                            19,483,842.27

    Financial expenses                                               22,195,570.09                              2,265,777.60

 Asset impairment loss                                                    1,837.20                                 -2,850.00

  Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

  Investment gain(“-”for loss)

  Incl: investment gains from affiliates

     Gains from currency exchange
(“-”for loss)

III. Operational profit(“-”for loss                           251,078,066.81                              101,660,401.32

 Add:Non-business income                                             2,003,010.00                            24,084,798.44

 Less:Non business expenses                                              7,080.00                               507,958.00

                                                    Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current

IV.Total   profit(“-”for loss)                                 253,073,996.81                              125,237,241.76

 Less:Income tax expenses                                           32,520,518.09                            35,147,665.00

V. Net profit(“-”for net loss                                 220,553,478.72                               90,089,576.76

  Including: Net profit realized by the
entity taken over before the takeover

  Net profit attributable to the owners
                                                                 207,652,354.20                               61,882,386.28
of parent company

  Minority shareholders equity                                       12,901,124.52                            28,207,190.48

VI. Earnings per share:                                  --                                          --

(I)Basic earnings per share                                                 0.23                                        0.16

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                               0.23                                        0.16

VII. Other comprehensive income

VIII. Total comprehensive income                                 220,553,478.72                               90,089,576.76

Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the parent                          207,652,354.20                               61,882,386.28

 Total comprehensive income
                                                                     12,901,124.52                            28,207,190.48
attributable minority shareholders

4. Profit statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                    Items                            Report period                     Same period of the previous year

I. Income from the key business                                      10,407,766.52                              2,932,757.24

  Incl:Business cost                                                 9,025,195.82                              3,041,605.70

Business tax and surcharge                                              -44,952.08                                 38,573.94

     Sales expense                                                      59,139.64                                  80,259.26

 Administrative expense                                               3,897,891.28                              6,129,942.57

    Financial expenses                                                  -19,879.39                                   -649.43

 Asset impairment loss                                                    1,837.20                                 -2,850.00

  Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

  Investment gain(“-”for loss)

  Incl: investment gains from affiliates

                                                    Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

II. Operational profit(“-”for loss                                -2,511,465.95                             -6,354,124.80

 Add:Non-business income                                            1,500,845.00                               1,500,400.00

 Less:Non business expenses

    Incl:Loss from disposal of
non-current assets

III.Total profit(“-”for loss)                                      -1,010,620.95                             -4,853,724.80

 Less:Income tax expenses

IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss)                                  -1,010,620.95                             -4,853,724.80

V. Earnings per share:                                   --                                          --

(I)Basic earnings per share

 (II)Diluted earnings per share

VI. Other comprehensive income

VII. Total comprehensive income                                      -1,010,620.95                             -4,853,724.80

5. Consolidated Cash flow statement

Prepared by: Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                   Items                             Report period                     Same period of the previous year

I.Cash flows from operating activities

  Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                                 105,039,195.89                              250,072,131.56
rending of services

    Net increase of customer deposits
and capital kept for brother company

        Net increase of loans from central

    Net increase of inter-bank loans
from other financial bodies

Cash received against original insurance

 Net cash received from reinsurance

       Net increase of client deposit and

        Net increase of trade financial
asset disposal

  Cash received as interest, processing

                                             Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

fee and commission

Net increase of inter-bank fund received

 Net increase of repurchasing business

  Tax returned                                               5,945,613.86                              17,480,966.28

  Other cash received from business
                                                          712,248,625.48                               49,762,433.03

  Sub-total of cash inflow                                823,233,435.23                              317,315,530.87

    Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                         1,177,792,633.78                             158,879,682.42
merchandise and services

  Net increase of client trade and

  Net increase of savings n central
bank and brother company

  Cash paid for original contract claim

 Cash paid for interest, processing fee
and commission

  Cash paid for policy dividend

 Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                     55,924,693.74                              41,169,640.41

  Taxes paid                                                76,163,532.52                              49,823,485.04

    Other cash paid for business
                                                           211,584,255.69                             236,121,324.14

     Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                         1,521,465,115.73                             485,994,132.01
business activities

 Cash flow generated by business
                                                          -698,231,680.50                            -168,678,601.14
operation, net

II.Cash flow generated by investing

 Cash received from investment

  Cash received as investment gains

    Net cash retrieved from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
long-term assets

 Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units

 Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units

    Sub-total of cash inflow due to

                                            Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

investment activities

  Cash paid for construction of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                      121,976,867.08                              129,427,052.62
long-term assets

  Cash paid as investment

  Net increase of loan against pledge

Net cash received from subsidiaries and
other operational units

 Other cash paid for investment

    Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                         121,976,867.08                              129,427,052.62
investment activities

 Net cash flow generated by investment                   -121,976,867.08                            -129,427,052.62

  III.Cash flow generated by financing

 Cash received as investment

  Incl: Cash received as investment
from minor shareholders

  Cash received as loans                                 350,000,000.00                              775,000,000.00

  Cash received from bond placing

 Other financing –related ash received                     3,157,967.69

    Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                         353,157,967.69                              775,000,000.00
financing activities

     Cash to repay debts                                 290,000,000.00                              100,000,000.00

 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                           50,007,866.54                              19,256,055.55

  Incl: Dividend and profit paid by
subsidiaries to minor shareholders

 Other cash paid for financing activities                                                                220,000.00

    Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                         340,007,866.54                              119,476,055.55
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by financing                       13,150,101.15                             655,523,944.45

IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash equivalents

V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                         -807,058,446.43                             357,418,290.69

  Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                        2,586,660,951.04                             110,770,070.84
equivalents at the beginning of term

                                                    Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

VI.Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                1,779,602,504.61                             468,188,361.53
at the end of term

6. Cash flow statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                   Items                             Report period                     Same period of the previous year

I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                                        113,527.37                              9,386,742.25
rending of services

        Tax returned

  Other cash received from business
                                                                      3,030,719.82                              1,351,996.92

  Sub-total of cash inflow                                            3,144,247.19                            10,738,739.17

Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                                         24,420.09                              2,876,440.38
merchandise and services

 Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                               3,414,079.76                              3,304,833.95

  Taxes paid                                                          1,224,262.54                               839,419.88

    Other cash paid for business
                                                                      8,685,539.10                              1,695,232.81

     Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                                     13,348,301.49                              8,715,927.02
business activities

 Cash flow generated by business
                                                                     -10,204,054.30                             2,022,812.15
operation, net

II.Cash flow generated by investing

 Cash received from investment

  Cash received as investment gains

    Net cash retrieved from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units

  Other cash receivable for investment

    Sub-total of cash inflow due to
investment activities

                                            Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

  Cash paid for construction of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets

  Cash paid as investment

Net cash received from subsidiaries and
other operational units

 Other cash paid for investment

    Sub-total of cash outflow due to
investment activities

 Net cash flow generated by investment

III.Cash flow generated by financing

  Cash received from capital

     Cash received as loans

  Cash received from bond placing

 Other financing –related ash received

    Sub-total of cash inflow from
financing activities

     Cash to repay debts

 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or

 Other cash paid for financing activities

    Sub-total of cash outflow due to
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by financing

IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash equivalents

V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                          -10,204,054.30                               2,022,812.15

  Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                           29,805,307.79                               1,602,670.30
equivalents at the beginning of term

VI.Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                                           19,601,253.49                               3,625,482.45
at the end of term

II. Auditor’ report

Is the First Quarterly Report be audited?

                                                   Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd The First Quarterly Report 2014

□ Yes    √No

This 1st Quarterly Report is not audited.

                                                     Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                        Chairman of the Board:Li Zhaoting
                                            Issue day approved by the Board of Directors: April 27,2014.
