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    26 August 2010Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

    Interim Report 2010


    Section I Impor tant Not i ce……………………………………………………………2

    Section I I Company Prof i le……………………………………………………….…..2

    Section III Changes in Share Capital and Shares Held by Principal Shareholders…...4

    Section IV Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives………….6

    Senior V Report of the Board of Directors……………………………………………6

    Section VI S i g n i f i cant Events………………………………………………………..9

    Section VII F inancial Report……………………………………………………...….13

    Section VIII Documents Available for Reference……………………………......….13

    Attachment F inancial Report………………………………………….………….….14Section I Important Notice

    The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as directors, supervisors

    and senior executives of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited (hereinafter referred to

    as the Company) warrant that this report does not contain any false or misleading

    statements or omit any material facts and collectively and individually accept the

    responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the whole

    contents.Chairman of the Board Mr. Fang Hongbo, General Manager Mr. Chai Xinjian

    and CFO Ms. Ma Junxia hereby confirm that the financial report enclosed in the

    interim report is true and complete.

    The interim financial report of the Company has not been audited.

    Section II Company Profile

    I. Basic information

    1. Legal Name of the Company in Chinese 无锡小天鹅股份有限公司

    Legal Name of the Company in English Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

    2. Legal Representative: Mr. Fang Hongbo

    3. Secretary of the Board of Directors Ms. Zhou Sixiu

    Contact Address No. 67, Huiqian Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu

    Post Code: 214035

    Tel: 0510‐81082320

    Fax: 0510‐83720879

    E‐mail: IR_littleswan@littleswan.com.cn

    Securities Affairs Representative: Mr. Yao Yanfeng

    Contact Address: No. 67, Huiqian Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu

    Post Code: 214035

    Tel: 0510‐81082280

    Fax: 0510‐83720879

    E‐mail: yaoyf@littleswan.com.cn

    4. Registered Address: No. 1 Hanjiang Road, National

    High‐Tech Industrial Zone, Wuxi

    Post Code: 214028

    Office Address: No.18 Yangtze River Road, National

    High‐Tech Industrial Zone, Jiangsu

    Post Code: 214035

    International Website of the Company: http://www.littleswan.com

    E‐mail of the Company: IR_littleswan@littleswan.com.cn

    5. Designated Newspaper for Information

    Disclosure of the Company:

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao

    Internet Website for publishing the

    Interim Report Designated by CSRC:


    Place Where the Interim Report is

    Prepared and Placed: Securities Department

    Securities Dept. of the Companyof the Company

    6. Stock Exchange Listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    Short Form of the Stock: Little swan A, Little swan B

    Stock Code: 000418, 200418

    7. Other Relevant Information

    Registration date after change: December 23, 2008

    Registration place after change: Jiangsu Wuxi Administrative Bureau

    for Industry and Commerce

    Registration code of enterprise corporate

    Business license:


    Registration code of taxation (State Tax



    Registered code of taxation (Local Tax



    II. Main accounting data and financial indices

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    At the end of report


    At the end of last


    Increase/decrease of the

    period‐end compared with the

    period‐end of last year (%)

    Total assets 5,620,319,448.05 3,878,629,773.92 44.90%

    Owners’ equity attributable to

    shareholders of the listed company

    2,026,162,967.27 1,854,911,284.10 9.23%

    Share capital 547,655,760.00 547,655,760.00 0.00%

    Net assets per share attributable to

    shareholders of the listed company


    3.70 3.39 9.14%

    The report period (Jan.


    The same period of

    last year

    Increase/decrease year‐on‐year


    Total operating income 3,634,134,845.06 1,902,488,624.24 91.02%

    Operating profit 218,854,918.52 59,481,300.05 267.94%

    Total profit 218,126,690.47 71,662,982.38 204.38%

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of

    the listed company

    168,364,330.94 67,392,307.11 149.83%

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of

    the listed company after deducting

    non‐recurring gains and losses

    169,263,710.54 55,821,900.00 203.22%

    Basic EPS (Yuan/share) 0.31 0.12 149.83%

    Diluted EPS (Yuan/share) 0.31 0.12 149.83%

    ROE (%) 8.68% 4.11% 4.57%

    Net cash flows from operating activities 502,850,482.82 103,869,295.30 384.12%

    Net cash flows per share from operating

    activities (Yuan/share)

    0.92 0.19 384.21%Items of non‐recurring gains and losses

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    Item Amount Notes (if applicable)

    Gains and losses from non‐current asset disposal ‐2,131,225.10

    Government subsidies recognized into current gains and losses,

    excluding those subsidies which are closely related to normal

    operation of the Company and are enjoyed at fixed amounts or

    proportions according to certain state standards


    Other non‐operating incomes and expenses besides the items



    Effect on income tax 232,985.58

    Effect on minority interests ‐404,137.13

    Total ‐899,379.60 ‐

    Differences between PRC GAAP and IFRS

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the

    listed company

    Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of

    the listed company

    Current period Previous period Closing amount Opening amount

    Under IFRS 168,364,330.94 67,392,307.11 2,026,162,967.27 1,854,911,284.10

    Under PRC GAAP 168,364,330.94 67,392,307.11 2,026,162,967.27 1,854,911,284.10

    Items and totals adjusted according to IFRS:

    Total difference between


    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Explanation on difference

    between PRC GAAP and


    No difference

    Supplemental income statement calculated in accordance with Editing and Reporting

    Rules Regarding Information Disclosure for Companies Publicly Issuing Securities (No.

    9) promulgated by CSRC:

    ROE (%) EPS (RMB Yuan/share)

    Profit for the report period

    Weighted average Basic EPS Diluted EPS

    Net profit attributable to shareholders holding

    ordinary shares of the Company 8.68 0.31 0.31

    Net profit attributable to shareholders holding

    ordinary shares of the Company after deducting

    non‐recurring gains and losses

    8.72 0.31 0.31Section III Changes in Share Capital and Shares Held by Principal


    I. Statement on changes in shares

    Before the change Increase/decrease during the change (+/‐) After the change





    e of







    of public


    Others Subtotal Amount



    I. Shares subject to


    8,489,520 1.55% 8,489,520 1.55%

    1. Shares held by state

    2. Shares held by

    state‐owned corporation

    3. Shares held by other

    domestic investors

    8,489,520 1.55% 8,489,520 1.55%

    Including: shares held by

    domestic non

    stated‐owned corporation

    8,296,978 1.51% 8,296,978 1.51%

    Shared held by domestic

    natural person 192,542




    4. Shares held by overseas


    Including: shares held by

    overseas corporation

    Shares held by overseas

    natural person

    5. Shares held by senior


    II. Shares not subject to








    1. RMB ordinary shares







    2. Domestically listed

    overseas shares







    3. Overseas listed foreign


    4. Others

    III. Total shares






    100.00%II. Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders and the top ten

    shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium

    Unit: Share

    Total number of shareholders 26,765

    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders

    Name of shareholders

    Nature of




    Total number of

    shares held

    Number of shares

    subject to moratorium

    Number of shares

    pledged or frozen

    Guangdong Midea Electric

    Appliances Co., Ltd.




    24.01% 131,510,011




    7.60% 41,602,180





    5.63% 30,851,714

    Wuxi Finance Bureau



    4.03% 22,057,657




    3.84% 21,005,286

    ICBC‐Penghua High Quality

    Governance Securities

    Investment Fund (LOF)




    3.12% 17,077,396

    Agricultural Bank of

    China—Bank of

    Communications Schroders

    Pioneer Stock Securities

    Investment Fund




    1.73% 9,481,400

    Agricultural Bank of

    China—Bank of

    Communications Schroders

    Selected Stock Securities

    Investment Fund




    1.39% 7,638,094

    National Social Security 604





    1.14% 6,239,192

    China Construction

    Bank—Yinhua Wealth Theme

    Stock Securities Investment





    1.13% 6,210,891

    Particulars about the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to moratorium

    Name of shareholders

    Number of shares not subject to


    Type of shares

    Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. 131,510,011 RMB ordinary share

    GAOLING FUND,L.P. 41,602,180 Domestically listed foreign shares

    TITONI INVESTMENTS DEVELOPMENT LTD. 30,851,714 Domestically listed foreign sharesWuxi Finance Bureau 22,057,657 RMB ordinary share

    BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED 21,005,286 Domestically listed foreign shares

    ICBC‐Penghua High Quality Governance

    Securities Investment Fund (LOF)

    17,077,396 RMB ordinary share

    Agricultural Bank of China—Bank of

    Communications Schroders Pioneer Stock

    Securities Investment Fund

    9,481,400 RMB ordinary share

    Agricultural Bank of China—Bank of

    Communications Schroders Selected Stock

    Securities Investment Fund

    7,638,094 RMB ordinary share

    National Social Security 604 Portfolio 6,239,192 RMB ordinary share

    China Construction Bank—Yinhua Wealth Theme

    Stock Securities Investment Fund

    6,210,891 RMB ordinary share

    Explanation on associated

    relationship among the above

    shareholders or


    Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. indirectly holds 100% equities of TITONI INVESTMENTS

    DEVELOPMENT LTD., which makes them parties acting in concert.

    III. Number of shares held by the top ten shareholders subject to moratorium and

    trading moratorium

    Unit: Share

    No. Name of shareholders

    Number of shares

    held subject to


    Date of listing for trade

    Additional shares

    could list for trade




    China Technology International Trust

    Investment Ltd.


    7 Aug. 2007

    1,080,000 Note 1

    2 Jiangyin Sanjin Computer Co., Ltd. 864,000 7 Aug. 2007 864,000 Note 1

    3 FUSHUN SPECIAL STEEL (GROUP) CO., LTD. 864,000 7 Aug. 2007 864,000 Note 1

    4 Jiangyin Shengang Hardware Casting Plant 756,000 7 Aug. 2007 756,000 Note 1


    Yangjiang Huayang Construction Development

    Co., Ltd.

    648,000 7 Aug. 2007 648,000 Note 1


    Wuxi Yuandong Cold Rolling Metal Band

    Cooperation Company

    540,000 7 Aug. 2007 540,000 Note 1


    Shenzhen Shencai Securities Business


    345,600 7 Aug. 2007 345,600 Note 1


    China Southern Securities Co., Ltd Nanjing


    324,000 7 Aug. 2007 324,000 Note 1

    9 Shenzhen Zhongxie Investment Co., Ltd. 307,440 7 Aug. 2007 307,440 Note 1

    10 Shenzhen Shuangxin Investment Co., Ltd. 270,000 7 Aug. 2007 270,000 Note 1

    Note 1: This company should ask for the approval of non‐tradable shareholders

    paying consideration in advance on behalf of it (consideration in advance would be

    repay by the relevant non‐tradable shareholders) before the Board of Directors of the

    Company put the listing and trading appliance of the said shares to Shenzhen StockExchange.Section IV Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

    I. In the report period, there was no change on shares held by directors, supervisors

    and senior executives of the Company.

    II. Particulars about engagement and dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior


    Directors, supervisors and senior executives remained unchanged in the report

    period.Section V Report of the Board of Directors

    I. Discussion and analysis on operation

    ( ) Discussion and analysis on the overall operation Ⅰ of the Company in the report


    In the first half of 2010, based on the main business of washing machines, the

    Company strengthened and expanded the full‐automatic wave‐wheel washing

    machine business and at the same time continued to expand the tumbling‐box

    washing machine business. In the report period, the Company introduced into

    market the three major high‐end tumbling‐box new products—the “ZEN Chunzhen”

    series, the frequency‐conversion washing‐drying integration series and the intelligent

    dropping series, marking its full‐scale entry into the market of high‐end tumbling‐box

    washing machines.

    During the report period, after a series of operational reforms, the Company’s

    advantage of channel integration became increasingly noticeable, the technology

    advantage played a more important role and the scale advantage started to take

    shape. In addition, thanks to the recovery in the sector as a whole and the

    government policies of “promoting household appliance consumption in rural areas”

    and “replacing old appliances with new ones”, the Company’s washing machine

    business grew significantly in the first half of 2010, generating a sales income

    reaching RMB 3,276,000,000, up by 106.63% year on year. For the report period, the

    Company achieved a total operating income amounting to RMB 3,634,000,000 and a

    net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company reaching RMB


    In order to avoid horizontal competition with the controlling shareholder and expand

    its production capacity, the Company launched significant asset reorganization in Oct.

    2009. The Company is planning to issue A‐shares to Midea Electric Appliances to

    acquire 69.47% equities of Hefei Royalstar Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co.,

    Ltd. valuing USD 94,145,000 held by Midea Electric Appliances. This project has been

    approved by the Board of Directors and the Shareholders’ General Meeting on

    relevant meetings. At present, it has been conditionally approved by CSRC and will be

    implemented upon the arrival of the final reply from CSRC.

    In the coming months, the Company will, according to the development strategy of

    “insisting on the main business of washing machines and growing bigger and

    stronger in this business”, continue to promote integration of a professional platform

    and resources, allocate internal operating responsibilities to specific entities, fully

    decentralize power and fully vitalize the main operation body. And it will also work

    on the third and fourth markets in a deeper manner, actively expand the overseas

    market and increase the proportion of export sales. Meanwhile, the Company will

    further reinforce investment to increase the production capacity so as to ensure a

    steady growth in its sales income and profit.

    Main items of accounting statements and financial indices:

    Item Current period Amount at year‐begin Rate of change

    Monetary funds 129,584.63 85,244.90 52%Notes receivable 193,260.58 60,449.97 220%

    Prepayment 17,210.83 6,624.33 160%

    Long‐term deferred expenses 2,786.75 1,677.37 66%

    Short‐term borrowings ‐ 100.00 ‐100%

    Notes payable 83,912.37 1,400.00 5894%

    Accounts payable 224,580.95 155,244.31 45%

    Estimated liabilities 1,804.01 1,121.35 61%

    Other non‐current liabilities 517.63 367.90 41%

    Item Current period

    Same period of last


    Rate of change

    Total operating income 363,413.48 190,248.86 91%

    Operating cost 306,351.89 149,654.86 105%

    Administrative expenses 12,356.32 6,768.18 83%

    Financial expenses 1,122.15 221.28 407%

    Asset impairment loss ‐402.98 467.21 ‐186%

    Investment income 43.76 ‐2,287.16 ‐102%

    Non‐operating income 1,048.63 1,942.82 ‐46%

    Non‐operating expenses 1,121.45 724.65 55%

    Income tax expenses 3,658.60 895.47 309%

    Minority shareholder income and


    1,317.63 ‐468.40 ‐381%

    Net cash flows from operating


    50,285.05 10,386.93 384%

    Net cash flows from investing


    ‐5,741.74 3,487.09 ‐265%

    Net cash flows from financing


    ‐203.58 ‐801.01 ‐75%

    Analysis to reasons for changes of the items above:

    (1) Monetary funds increased because some notes receivable were discounted for

    cash to accelerate the flow of funds and reduce financing cost in the report period.

    (2) Notes receivable increased due to a significant growth of the domestic sales


    (3) Prepayment increased because the construction was not finished and

    prepayments to relevant construction suppliers were not written off.

    (4) Long‐term deferred expenses increased because the Company strengthened new

    product development in the report period and the relevant expenses on modules

    were up.

    (5) Short‐term borrowings decreased because borrowings were paid off in the report

    period to reduce the financing cost.

    (6) Notes payable increased because notes payable in the report period werebanker’s acceptance bills drawn by the Company.

    (7) Accounts payable increased because purchases increased due to sales growth.

    (8) Estimated liabilities increased because the product quality deposits were

    estimated, upon measurement, to increase in the report period as compared with

    the previous period.

    (9) Other non‐current liabilities increased due to government subsidies for the

    Company’s technological remolding project.

    (10) Total operating income increased because the distribution network constantly

    promoted by the Company produced a good result and the channel network grew

    mature quickly.

    (11) Operating cost increased due to the income growth.

    (12) Administrative expenses increased because the income grew and the

    administrative cost and scope expanded.

    (13) Financial expenses increased because some notes receivable were discounted

    for cash in the report period and exchange rates fluctuated.

    (14) Asset impairment loss decreased because accounts receivable were collected in

    time at the year‐begin and accounts receivable within one year decreased as

    compared with the year‐begin.

    (15) Investment income decreased because at the same period of last year, a great

    loss came from subsidiary disposal and there were no such events in the current


    (16) Non‐operating income decreased because at the same period of last year, a

    great income was obtained from fixed asset disposal.

    (17) Non‐operating expenses increased because old equipments were renewed to

    improve the production efficiency and expenses increased for scrap materials.

    (18) Income tax expenses increased due to a considerable profit growth.

    (19) Minority shareholder income and loss decreased because subsidiaries achieved

    profits in the current period.

    (20) Net cash flows from operating activities increased because some notes

    receivable were discounted in the report period, which generated inflow of more

    goods payments.

    (21) Net cash flows from investing activities decreased because the invested

    companies did not distribute profit in the report period and investment into fixed

    assets grew as compared with the same period of last year.

    (22) Net cash flows from financing activities decreased because original borrowings

    were repaid and no new loans were borrowed in the report period.

    (Ⅱ) Main business scope and operation status

    1. Main businesses classified according to industries or products

    Unit: RMB Ten thousand

    Main businesses classified according to industries

    Industries/ products



    Operation cost

    Gross profit rate



    decrease of



    decrease of

    operation cost


    decrease of gross

    profit rate overincome over

    same period of

    last year (%)

    over same

    period of last

    year (%))

    same period of

    last year (%)

    Household appliances 357,869.80 301,361.91 15.79% 95.30% 109.70% ‐5.78%

    Other industries 5,543.69 4,989.98 9.99% ‐20.90% ‐16.07% ‐5.18%

    Main businesses classified according to products

    Washing machines 327,616.01 272,608.30 16.79% 106.63% 128.92% ‐8.10%

    Electric machines and

    computer boards

    4,442.49 4,336.40 2.39% ‐20.43% ‐14.09% ‐7.20%

    Others 31,354.98 29,407.19 6.21% 275.54% 283.21% 1.88%

    2. Main businesses classified according to regions

    Unit: RMB Ten thousand

    Regions Operation income

    Increase/ decrease over same period

    of last year (%)

    Domestic 284,977.00 107.66%

    Overseas 78,436.49 47.94%

    III. Actual progress and profits of investments in report period

    1. In the report period, the Company did not raise funds for use, nor there occurred

    such funds carried down from previous periods to the report period.

    2. Use of non‐raised funds

    Up until now, the accumulative input into the new industrial park project stands at

    about RMB 454,390,000. And the total actual investment for the project is RMB


    Section VI Significant Events

    I. Corporate governance

    The Company operated strictly in line with regulation relating to modern enterprise

    system, and there was no difference between actuality of corporate governance and

    document of relevant requirements from CSRC.

    II. The Company did not distribute profits or turn public reserves to share capital for

    the interim period of 2010.

    III. In the report period, the Company was not involved in any significant lawsuits or

    arbitrations, nor there existed such lawsuits or arbitrations carried down from

    previous periods to the report period.

    At present, the Company is in progress of assets reorganization: the Company issued

    A share to GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd to acquire 69.47% equity of Hefei Rongshida

    Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd with consideration of USD 94,145,000,

    which was approved by the board meeting and the shareholder’s general meeting.

    The acquisition has been checked and approved by CSRC with condition and will

    execute with financial approval from CSRC.V. Significant related transactions in report period

    1. The Proposal on Routine Related Transactions for 2010 was reviewed and

    approved at the 5th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors held in Wuxi on 4 Mar. 2010.

    According to the said proposal, the Company was estimated to purchase goods

    valued at RMB 1,816 million from and sell goods equal to RMB 1,238 million to its

    related parties, and receive logistic transport service totaled RMB 40 million in the

    year 2010.

    2. The Proposal on New Routine Related Transactions in 2010 and the Proposal on a

    Related Transaction Concerning Trademark License were reviewed and approved at

    the 8th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors held in Wuxi on 24 Aug. 2010. A related

    transaction involving RMB 21 million was expected to occur between the Company

    and Hefei Midea Materials Supplying Co., Ltd, related transaction with overseas

    branch companies totaled EUD 4,200,000. And the Trademark License Contract was

    signed between the Company and Little Swan (Jinzhou) Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.,

    authorizing the latter to use the Company’s trademark on its refrigerators and


    For more details of the aforesaid related transactions, please refer to the public

    notices on related transactions of the Company published on Securities Times and

    Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao.

    3. Please refer to the financial report for other related transactions.

    VI. Significant contracts and their implementation:

    1. In the report period, the Company did not hold in trust, contract or lease assets of

    other companies, or vice versa.

    2. Provisions of guarantees in report period

    Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan

    Guarantees provided for external parties (excluding guarantees provided for subsidiaries)

    Name of the


    Date and No.

    of Relevant

    public notice


    ee line

    Date of


    (Date of




    amount of


    Type of


    Term of





    d or not

    Guarantee for

    related parties

    or not

    Total external guarantees lines

    examined and approved in the

    reporting period (A1)


    Total external guarantees

    occurred in the reporting period



    Total external guarantee lines

    examined and approved at the

    period end (A3)


    Balance of actual guarantees at

    the period end (A4)


    Guarantees provided for subsidiary companies

    Name of the


    Date and No.

    of Relevant

    public notice


    ee line

    Date of


    (Date of




    amount of


    Type of


    Term of





    d or not

    Guarantee for

    related parties

    or notWuxi Little Swan

    General Electrical

    Appliance Co., Ltd.

    Mar. 2010

    No. 2010‐09

    3,600.00 8 Mar. 2010 588.20



    30 Apr. 2011

    No No

    Total guarantees lines for

    subsidiaries examined and

    approved in the reporting period



    Total guarantees for subsidiaries

    occurred in the reporting period



    Total guarantee lines for

    subsidiaries examined and

    approved at the period end (B3)


    Balance of actual guarantees at

    the period end (B4)


    Total guarantees of the Company (Total of the two above)

    Total guarantees lines examined

    and approved in the reporting

    period (A1+B1)


    Total guarantees occurred in the

    reporting period (A2+B2)


    Total guarantees lines examined

    and approved at the report period



    Total balance of actual

    guarantees at the period end



    Proportion of total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4) in net assets

    of the Company


    Among which:

    Amount of guarantees provided for shareholders, actual controller

    and other related parties (C)


    Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for

    parties with asset‐liability ratio exceeding 70% (D)


    Proportion of total guarantee amount exceeding 50% of the

    Company’s net assets (E)


    Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E) 0.00

    Explanation on possibility of taking several and joint liability

    involving immature guarantees


    VII. In the report period, Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. (herein after

    refer to as “Midea Electric Appliance”) committed that it would not sell over 5% of

    the Company’s shares via Shenzhen Stock Exchange within six months since the

    cancellation of trading moratorium on relevant shares; where Midea decreased 5% or

    over 5% shares of the Company held by it within six months since the first reduction

    of holdings, Midea would disclose the suggestive public notice on selling shares

    subject to trading moratorium through the Company two trading days before its first

    reduction of holdings.

    Commitments made in the purchase report or the report on equity changes: Midea

    Electric Appliance and actual controller will not use the control power to Wuxi Little

    Swan Co., Ltd. to carry out operating activities with harm to rights and interests of

    the Company and its other shareholders, and adopt appropriate ways to settle such

    problem as horizontal competition among Midea Electric Appliance, the actual

    controller and the Company within three years after finishing the said transaction.Commitment made in significant assets reorganization: 1) Commitment on avoid of

    horizontal competition. Midea Electric Appliance and Mr. He Xiangjian promised and

    ensured that: (1) Up to date of signature of commitment letter, Midea Electric

    Appliance, Mr. He Xiangjian and his other holding subsidiaries company didn’t

    directly or indirectly engage producing or operating activities which was the same or

    similar to current main business of Little Swan and composed material horizontal

    competition excluding Hefei Rongshida Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd &

    its subsidiary company and Little Swan & its subsidiary company. (2) After this

    transaction, when shareholders and actual controller remained unchanged, Midea

    Electric Appliance, Mr. He Xiangjian and other subsidiary companies under his control

    excluding the Company and the Company’s subordinate company will not increase

    business or establish new subsidiary company engaged in business same, similar of

    composing material horizontal competition to the Company. (3) In case that Midea

    Electric Appliance and other enterprise controlled by Mr. He Xiangjian excluding the

    Company and its subsidiary company acted against the above commitment, profit

    from relevant business will contribute to the Company.

    2) Commitment on standardize related transaction. Midea Electric Appliance and Mr.

    He Xiangjian promise that when there will be inevitable related transactions or with

    reasonable reason after the completion of the transaction, they will follow principal

    of fair, reasonable and marketization to confirm and sign relevant agreement on

    relating transaction and ensure interest of the Company and other shareholders. In

    case that Midea Electric Appliance and Mr. He Xiangjian act against the above

    promise or ensure, damaging interest of the Company and other shareholders, they

    will bear relevant responsibility according to relevant provisions.

    3) Commitment on share lock. Midea Electric Appliance committed that they will not

    transfer any shares of the Company held within 36 months since the end of

    non‐public offering shares of the Company.

    4) Commitment on attribution of gains and losses from underlying assets in transition

    period. Midea Electric Appliance committed that profit from underlying assets and

    relevant business would attribute to the Company while loss would bear by Midea

    Electric Appliance from benchmark day to the date of completion of transfer of

    underlying assets.

    VIII. In the report period, the Company, the Board of Directors and the directors

    received no investigations, administrative punishment and criticism by circular from

    CSRC, and no punishment from other administrative authorities or open criticism

    from the stock exchange.

    IX. Special explanation and independent opinions of independent directors on

    related parties’ fund occupation and external guarantees provided by the Company

    According to the Circular of CSRC on Certain Issues Concerning Regulating Capital

    Flows between Listed Companies and Their Related Parties and Provision of External

    Guarantees by Listed Companies (ZJF Zi [2003] No.56) and the Circular on Further

    Regulating Capital Flows between Listed Companies and Principal Shareholders andOther Related Parties ((SZJGS Zi [2008] No.325), the independent directors

    conducted careful examination on the related parties’ capital occupation of the

    Company and provision of external guarantees by the Company, and issued their

    relevant special explanation and independent opinions as follows:

    1. In the report period, there existed no capital occupation by the principal

    shareholder and other related parties of the Company; there existed no such capital

    flows or occupation as undisclosed by the Company; nor there occurred such capital

    flows or occupation in disguised form.

    2. As of 30 Jun. 2010, the Company didn’t provide guarantees for controlling

    shareholders or related parties.

    3. As of 30 Jun. 2010, the Company didn’t provided the debt guarantees directly or

    indirectly for parties with asset‐liability ratio over 70%.

    X. Equity of other listed companies held by the Company

    Unit: (RMB) Yuan



    Short form of


    Amount of initial


    Proportion in

    equity of the

    held party

    Book value



    Profits or


    in report


    Changes of


    equity in



    Subject of



    400038 Huaxin Gaoke 100,300.00 0.01% 315,168.00 0.00 1,999.20



    available for




    Total 100,300.00 ‐ 315,168.00 0.00 1,999.20 ‐ ‐

    XI. Researches, interviews and visits received in report period



    Reception place Reception way Visitor

    Main discussion and materials

    provided by the Company

    9 Mar. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Ping An Securities, Penghua Fund

    Management Co., Ltd., Bosera

    Funds and Shanghai Securities

    Overall operation of the


    10 Mar. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Fullgoal Fund Management Co.,

    Ltd, Xiangcai Securities, Guosen

    Securities and China Southern


    Overall operation of the


    10 Mar. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research Caitong Securities

    Overall operation of the


    11 Mar. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Morgan Stanley, Everbright

    Securities and Haitong Securities

    Overall operation of the


    11 Mar. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Guodu Securities, Northeast

    Securities and Guoyuan


    Overall operation of the


    16 Mar. 2010 Meeting Room of Field research Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Co., Ltd Overall operation of thethe Company and Haitong Securities Company

    17 Mar. 2010 By telephone



    Nezu Fund and Morgan Stanley

    Overall operation of the


    18 Mar. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research Invesco and Invesco Greatwall

    Overall operation of the


    26 Mar. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Bank of Communications

    Schroder, CICC, Western

    Securities, Cinda Securities and

    Shanghai Congrong Investment

    Overall operation of the


    2 Apr. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research China Merchants Securities

    Overall operation of the


    19 Apr. 2010 Other site Field research Och‐Ziff Capital

    Overall operation of the


    16 Apr. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research Sinolink Securities

    Overall operation of the


    28 Apr. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Donghai Securities and Oriental


    Overall operation of the


    30 Apr. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research Zeal Asset Management

    Overall operation of the


    17 May 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Bank of Communications


    Overall operation of the


    24 May 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Tocqueville Asset Management


    Overall operation of the


    1 Jun. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research Zheshang Securities

    Overall operation of the


    8 Jun. 2010

    Meeting Room of

    the Company

    Field research

    ICBC Credit Suisse Assets

    Management Co., Ltd

    Overall operation of the


    XII. Information disclosed by the Company in report period

    No. Contents of public notice

    Date of


    Newspapers for disclosure

    2010‐01 Public Notice on Earnings Estimate 5 Jan. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Suggestive Public Notice on the 1st Provisional

    Shareholders’ General Meeting 2010

    6 Jan. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Resolutions of the 1st Provisional

    Shareholders’ General Meeting

    6 Jan. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao

    2010‐04 Public Notice on Resignation of Supervisor 10 Feb. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao

    2010‐05 Public Notice on Electing Staff Representative Supervisor 10 Feb. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Application on Issuing Shares to Purchase

    Assets Being Accepted by CSRC

    10 Feb. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao2010‐07

    Public Notice on Application from GD Midea Holding Co.,

    Ltd on Postponing Submitting Acquisition Report and

    Supplementary and Correction Materials for Exemption of

    Obligation of Tender Offer

    3 Mar. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Resolutions of the 5th Meeting of the 6th

    Board of Director

    8 Mar. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Accumulative Amount of Guarantees

    Provided for Holding Subsidiaries

    8 Mar. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao

    2010‐10 Public Notice on Routine Related Transaction in 2010 8 Mar. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Withdrawal of Provisions for Assets


    8 Mar. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Summary of 2009 Annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Co.,


    8 Mar. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Notice on Holding the Annual Shareholders’ General

    Meeting 2009

    8 Mar. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Resolutions of the 4th Meeting of the 6th

    Supervisory Committee

    8 Mar. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Resolutions of the Annual Shareholders’

    General Meeting 2009

    6 Apr. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Resolutions of the 6th Meeting of the 6th

    Board of Directors

    13 Apr. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Transferring Shares of Wuxi Little Swan

    Huayin Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd & Related Transaction

    13 Apr. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Resolutions of the 7th Meeting of the 6th

    Board of Directors

    23 Apr. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao

    2010‐19 The 1st Quarterly Report 2009 23 Apr. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Terminating transfer of Equity of Wuxi

    Little Swan Huayin Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd & Progress

    in Related Transaction

    23 Apr. 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Trading Suspension for Examination and

    Check of Significant Assets Reorganization by CSRC Merger

    and Reorganization Commission.

    19 May 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao


    Public Notice on Significant Assets Reorganization Being

    Approved by CSRC Merger and Reorganization

    Commission with Condition

    24 May 2010

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta

    Kung Pao

    All the above public notices can be found at the website designated by CSRC


    Section VII Financial Report

    Please see the attachments.Sectoin VIII Documents Available for Reference

    I. Text of Interim Report 2010 with signature of Chairman of the Board of Directors.

    II. Accounting statements with signatures and seals of legal representative, chief

    financial officer and principal of accounting institute.

    III. Originals of all documents and public notices of the Company ever disclosed on

    Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao in report period.

    Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd.

    Chairman of the Board: Fang Hongbo

    26 Aug. 2010

    Attachment: Semi‐annual Financial report of 2010 (Unaudited)Balance sheet

    Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Balance at the period‐end Balance at the year‐begin


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Current assets:

    Monetary funds 1,295,846,260.40 1,133,368,149.44 852,448,970.81 743,637,877.78

    Settlement fund reserve

    Dismantle fund

    Transaction financial asset

    Notes receivable 1,932,605,807.32 1,827,894,059.72 604,499,731.15 571,266,822.03

    Account receivable 798,101,743.23 564,107,359.98 874,635,649.01 748,060,219.84

    Account paid in advance 172,108,348.25 161,580,745.13 66,243,273.07 60,519,177.91

    Premium receivables

    Receivables from reinsurers

    Reinsurance contract reserve receivables

    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable

    Other accounts receivable 18,670,194.95 15,142,437.67 25,361,277.23 17,978,669.16

    Financial assets purchased under agreements to


    Inventories 338,413,144.22 254,760,225.24 440,416,228.67 326,373,717.04

    Non‐current assets due within 1 year

    Other current assets 21,855,233.97 21,234,853.58 17,326,441.89 17,326,441.89

    Total current assets 4,577,600,732.34 3,978,087,830.76 2,880,931,571.83 2,485,162,925.65

    Non‐current assets:

    Loans and advance

    Available for sale financial assets 315,168.00 315,168.00 312,816.00 312,816.00

    Held to maturity investments

    Long‐term account receivable

    Long‐term equity investment 144,462,637.56 791,955,594.28 144,060,027.63 780,102,984.35

    Investing property

    Fixed asset 608,502,384.62 511,499,009.30 591,877,098.11 492,656,905.52

    Project in construction 26,697,578.91 22,398,224.53 23,101,817.68 23,101,817.68

    Engineering material

    Fixed asset disposal

    Bearer biological asset

    Oil assets

    Intangible assets 139,472,385.86 113,987,089.43 141,527,568.63 115,411,645.61

    Development expense


    Long‐term deferred expense 27,867,467.64 20,027,385.97 16,773,746.67 7,062,716.07

    Deferred tax assets 95,401,093.12 98,127,519.28 80,045,127.37 82,168,839.89

    Other non‐current assetsTotal of non‐current assets 1,042,718,715.71 1,558,309,990.79 997,698,202.09 1,500,817,725.12

    Total assets 5,620,319,448.05 5,536,397,821.55 3,878,629,773.92 3,985,980,650.77

    Current liabilities:

    Short‐term borrowings 1,000,000.00

    Borrowing from Central Bank

    Deposits and due to banks and other financial


    Borrowed inter‐bank funds

    Transaction financial liabilities

    Notes payable 839,123,651.32 839,123,651.32 14,000,000.00

    Account payable 2,245,809,458.82 1,838,832,017.71 1,552,443,101.69 1,293,432,088.39

    Account received in advance 170,850,155.45 130,594,596.71 135,076,044.68 107,001,841.73

    Financial assets sold under agreements to


    Handling charges and commission payable

    Employees’ compensation payable 67,353,736.34 38,237,866.97 66,748,481.77 39,463,034.59

    Tax payable 118,089,421.65 107,390,823.96 116,221,316.66 111,804,042.76

    Interest payable

    Dividend payable 2,669,154.60 2,669,154.60 2,967,922.95 2,917,374.60

    Other account payable 68,376,834.68 50,341,921.24 60,542,744.72 36,210,266.59

    Due to reinsurers

    Insurance contract reserve

    Amount for acting trading securities

    Amount payables under security underwriting

    Non‐current liabilities due within 1 year

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities 3,512,272,412.86 3,007,190,032.51 1,948,999,612.47 1,590,828,648.66

    Non‐current liabilities:

    Long‐term borrowings

    Debentures payable

    Long‐term payables

    Specific purpose account payables

    Provisions for contingent liabilities 18,040,050.02 11,213,500.02

    Deferred tax liabilities 32,230.20 32,230.20 31,877.40 31,877.40

    Other non‐current liabilities 5,176,300.00 2,100,000.00 3,679,000.00 2,400,000.00

    Total non‐current liabilities 23,248,580.22 2,132,230.20 14,924,377.42 2,431,877.40

    Total liabilities 3,535,520,993.08 3,009,322,262.71 1,963,923,989.89 1,593,260,526.06

    Owner’s equity (or shareholder’s equity)

    Paid‐in capital (or share capital) 547,655,760.00 547,655,760.00 547,655,760.00 547,655,760.00

    Capital surplus 510,420,142.97 512,105,116.47 507,532,790.74 512,103,117.27

    Less: Treasury Stock

    Specific reserves

    Reserved fund 177,769,733.30 175,549,178.65 177,769,733.30 175,549,178.65General risk provision

    Retained earnings 790,317,331.00 1,291,765,503.72 621,953,000.06 1,157,412,068.79

    Foreign exchange difference

    Total equity attributable to owners of parent


    2,026,162,967.27 2,527,075,558.84 1,854,911,284.10 2,392,720,124.71

    Minority interest 58,635,487.70 59,794,499.93

    Total owner’s equity 2,084,798,454.97 2,527,075,558.84 1,914,705,784.03 2,392,720,124.71

    Total liabilities and owner’s equity 5,620,319,448.05 5,536,397,821.55 3,878,629,773.92 3,985,980,650.77

    Legal representative: Fang Hongbo

    Person in charge of accounting work: Ma Junxia

    Person in charge of accounting firm: Zeng Rui

    Income statement

    Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. Jan.‐Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan

    In current period The same period of last year


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Total operation income 3,634,134,845.06 3,157,205,366.22 1,902,488,624.24 1,242,491,343.55

    Including: Sales income 3,634,134,845.06 3,157,205,366.22 1,902,488,624.24 1,242,491,343.55

    Interest income

    Premium income

    Handling charges and commission


    II. Total operation cost 3,415,717,536.47 2,998,549,208.98 1,820,135,703.64 1,137,157,451.27

    Including: Cost of sales 3,063,518,891.21 2,702,724,369.61 1,496,548,611.22 906,621,109.85

    Interest expenses

    Handling charges and commission


    Surrender value

    Net amount of claims

    Net amount of insurance contract

    reserve withdrawn

    Expenditure on policy dividends

    Reinsurance premium expenses

    Taxes and associate charges 9,954,984.40 8,880,004.63 10,960,213.77 9,559,200.41

    Selling expenses 211,488,684.04 192,933,881.48 238,060,212.18 199,659,857.85

    Administrative expenses 123,563,218.78 90,795,587.14 67,681,769.63 42,513,239.53

    Financial expenses 11,221,531.82 13,078,376.23 2,212,812.20 ‐1,291,036.86

    Impairment loss ‐4,029,773.78 ‐9,863,010.11 4,672,084.64 ‐19,904,919.51

    Add: gain from change in fair value (“‐” means


    Gain from investment (“‐” means loss) 437,609.93 437,609.93 ‐22,871,620.55 ‐77,397,983.10

    Including: income form investment in

    affiliated enterprise and joint venturesForeign exchange difference (“‐” means loss)

    III. Operation profit (“‐” means loss) 218,854,918.52 159,093,767.17 59,481,300.05 27,935,909.18

    Add: non‐operation income 10,486,261.86 6,528,126.00 19,428,152.67 18,012,106.23

    Less: non‐business expense 11,214,489.91 7,559,028.55 7,246,470.34 5,751,425.97

    Including: loss from non‐current asset disposal

    IV. Total profit (“‐” means loss) 218,126,690.47 158,062,864.62 71,662,982.38 40,196,589.44

    Less: income tax expense 36,586,018.72 23,709,429.69 8,954,660.96 6,029,488.42

    V. Net profit (“‐” means loss) 181,540,671.75 134,353,434.93 62,708,321.42 34,167,101.02

    Attributable to owners of parent company 168,364,330.94 134,353,434.93 67,392,307.11 34,167,101.02

    Minority interest 13,176,340.81 ‐4,683,985.69

    VI. Earnings per share

    (I) Basic earnings per share 0.31 0.12

    (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.31 0.12

    VII. Other composite income 1,999.20 1,999.20 4,771,758.72 4,771,758.73

    VIII. Total composite income 181,542,670.95 134,355,434.13 67,480,080.14 38,938,859.75

    Attributable to owners of parent company 168,366,330.14 134,355,434.13 72,164,065.83 38,938,859.75

    Minority interest 13,176,340.81 ‐4,683,985.69

    Legal representative: Fang Hongbo

    Person in charge of accounting work: Ma Junxia

    Person in charge of accounting firm: Zeng Rui

    Cash flow statement

    Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. Jan.‐Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan

    In current period The same period of last year


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Cash flows from operating activities:

    Cash received from sale of commodities

    and rendering of service

    2,073,590,067.81 1,790,512,564.15 1,208,263,335.79 734,688,522.07

    Net increase of deposits from customers

    and due from banks

    Net increase of loans from the central bank

    Net increase of funds borrowed from other

    financial institutions

    Cash received from premium of original

    insurance contracts

    Net cash received from reinsurance


    Net increase of savings of policy holders

    and investment fund

    Net increase of disposal of tradable

    financial assets

    Cash received from interest, handling

    charges and commissionsNet increase of borrowed inter‐bank funds

    Net increase of buy‐back funds

    Tax refunds received 37,151,515.19 24,608,080.19 16,708,784.57 213,871.82

    Other cash received relating to operating


    14,335,417.56 7,814,217.65 34,550,122.14 20,038,257.70

    Subtotal of cash inflows from operating


    2,125,077,000.56 1,822,934,861.99 1,259,522,242.50 754,940,651.59

    Cash paid for purchase of commodities and

    reception of service

    1,090,436,431.55 971,095,390.82 744,274,270.56 326,371,287.06

    Net increase of customer lending and


    Net increase of funds deposited in the

    central bank and amount due from banks

    Cash for paying claims of the original

    insurance contract

    Cash for paying interest, handling charges

    and commissions

    Cash for paying policy dividends

    Cash paid to and for employees 153,173,392.03 110,386,480.30 100,359,470.65 62,974,956.82

    Various taxes paid 178,235,319.71 149,035,934.96 140,562,476.56 117,053,274.00

    Other cash paid relating to operating


    200,381,374.45 159,037,223.17 170,456,729.43 131,302,125.86

    Subtotal of cash outflows from operating


    1,622,226,517.74 1,389,555,029.25 1,155,652,947.20 637,701,643.74

    Net cash flows from operating activities 502,850,482.82 433,379,832.74 103,869,295.30 117,239,007.85

    II. Cash Flows from investment activities:

    Cash received from disposal of investments

    Cash received from investment income 35,000.00 35,000.00 43,134,015.29 43,134,015.29

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed

    assets, intangible assets and other long‐term


    14,480,508.13 14,116,630.95 751,780.00 335,290.00

    Net cash received from disposal of

    subsidiary or other business units

    9,321,975.82 47,740,028.84

    Other cash received relating to

    investment activities

    Subtotal of cash inflows from

    investment activities

    14,515,508.13 14,151,630.95 53,207,771.11 91,209,334.13

    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible

    assets and other long‐term assets

    60,482,869.95 46,102,972.03 18,336,868.12 13,182,142.16

    Cash paid for investment

    Net increase of pledged loans

    Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and

    other business units

    11,450,000.00 11,450,000.00Other cash paid relating to investment


    Subtotal of cash outflows from investment


    71,932,869.95 57,552,972.03 18,336,868.12 13,182,142.16

    Net cash flows from investment activities ‐57,417,361.82 ‐43,401,341.08 34,870,902.99 78,027,191.97

    III. Cash flows from financing activities:

    Cash received from absorbing investment

    Including: Cash received by subsidiaries

    from investment of minority interest

    Cash received from borrowings 23,900,000.00

    Cash received from issuance of bonds

    Other cash received relating to financing


    Subtotal of cash inflows from financing



    Cash paid to repay loans 1,000,000.00 28,910,000.00

    Cash paid for interest expenses and

    distribution of dividends or profit

    1,035,831.41 248,220.00 3,000,106.17

    Including: dividends or profit paid to

    minority shareholders by subsidiaries

    Other cash payments relating to

    financing activities

    Sub‐total of cash outflows from financing


    2,035,831.41 248,220.00 31,910,106.17

    Net cash flows from financing activities ‐2,035,831.41 ‐248,220.00 ‐8,010,106.17

    IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on

    cash and cash equivalents

    V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 443,397,289.59 389,730,271.66 130,730,092.12 195,266,199.82

    Add: beginning balance of cash and cash


    852,448,970.81 743,637,877.78 617,998,210.34 408,475,277.00

    VI. Closing balance of cash and cash


    1,295,846,260.40 1,133,368,149.44 748,728,302.46 603,741,476.82

    Legal representative: Fang Hongbo

    Person in charge of accounting work: Ma Junxia

    Person in charge of accounting firm: Zeng RuiConsolidated statement of change in owners’ equity

    Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. For the first half year of 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Amount for the current period

    Owners’ equity attributable to parent company

    Items Paid‐in capital

    (or share


    Capital reserve



    y stock



    Surplus public



    l risk


    Retained profits Others



    Total owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 547,655,760.00 507,532,790.74 177,769,733.30 621,953,000.06 59,794,499.93 1,914,705,784.03

    Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous period


    II. Balance at the beginning of this year 547,655,760.00 507,532,790.74 177,769,733.30 621,953,000.06 59,794,499.93 1,914,705,784.03

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this

    year (“‐” means decrease)

    2,887,352.23 168,364,330.94 ‐1,159,012.23 170,092,670.94

    (I) Net profit 168,364,330.94 13,176,340.81 181,540,671.75

    (II) Other composite income 1,999.20 1,999.20

    Subtotal of (I) and (II) 1,999.20 168,364,330.94 13,176,340.81 181,542,670.95

    (III) Capital input and reduction by owners 2,885,353.03 ‐14,335,353.04 ‐11,450,000.01

    1. Capital input of owners 2,885,353.03 ‐14,335,353.04 ‐11,450,000.01

    2. Amount of stock payment included in

    owners’ equity

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Withdrawing surplus public reserve

    2. Withdrawing general risk reserve

    3. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)

    4. Others

    (V) Internal carrying forward of owners’


    1. New increase of capital (or share capital)

    from capital reserves

    2. Converting surplus reserves to capital (or

    share capital)

    3. Surplus reserves make up losses

    4. Others(VI) Specific reserves

    1. Appropriated in current period

    2. Used in current period

    IV. Balance at the end of this period 547,655,760.00 510,420,142.97 177,769,733.30 790,317,331.00 58,635,487.70 2,084,798,454.97

    Consolidated statement of change in owners’ equity (continued)

    Amount of last year

    Owners’ equity attributable to parent company

    Items Paid‐in capital

    (or share


    Capital reserve






    Surplus public





    Retained profits Others



    Total owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 547,655,760.00 480,464,703.04 153,321,373.03 426,704,375.03 ‐1,829,651.98 89,480,681.83 1,695,797,240.95

    Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous period


    II. Balance at the beginning of this year 547,655,760.00 480,464,703.04 153,321,373.03 426,704,375.03 ‐1,829,651.98 89,480,681.83 1,695,797,240.95

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this

    year (“‐” means decrease)

    41,106,823.80 ‐2,487,569.73 67,392,307.11 1,829,651.98 ‐33,883,885.08 73,957,328.08

    (I) Net profit 67,392,307.11 ‐4,683,985.69 62,708,321.42

    (II) Other composite income 41,106,823.80 ‐2,487,569.73 1,829,651.98 40,448,906.05

    Subtotal of (I) and (II) 41,106,823.80 ‐2,487,569.73 67,392,307.11 1,829,651.98 ‐4,683,985.69 103,157,227.47

    (III) Capital input and reduction by owners ‐29,199,899.39 ‐29,199,899.39

    1. Capital input of owners

    2. Amount of stock payment included in

    owners’ equity

    3. Others ‐29,199,899.39 ‐29,199,899.39

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Withdrawing surplus public reserve

    2. Withdrawing general risk reserve

    3. Distribution to owners (or


    4. Others

    (V) Internal carrying forward of owners’


    1. New increase of capital (or sharecapital) from capital reserves

    2. Converting surplus reserves to capital

    (or share capital)

    3. Surplus reserves make up losses

    4. Others

    (VI) Specific reserves

    1. Appropriated in current period

    2. Used in current period

    IV. Balance at the end of this period 547,655,760.00 521,571,526.84 150,833,803.30 494,096,682.14 55,596,796.75 1,769,754,569.03

    Legal representative: Fang Hongbo Person in charge of accounting work: Ma Junxia Person in charge of accounting firm: Zeng Rui

    Statement on change in owners’ equity of parent company

    Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. For the first half year of 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Amount for the current period

    Items Paid‐in capital (or

    share capital)

    Capital reserve

    Less: treasury





    Surplus public


    General risk


    Retained profit

    Total owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 547,655,760.00 512,103,117.27 175,549,178.65 1,157,412,068.79 2,392,720,124.71

    Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous periods


    II. Balance at the beginning of this year 547,655,760.00 512,103,117.27 175,549,178.65 1,157,412,068.79 2,392,720,124.71

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this year (“‐” means


    1,999.20 134,353,434.93 134,355,434.13

    (I) Net profit 134,353,434.93 134,353,434.93

    (II) Other composite income 1,999.20 1,999.20

    Subtotal of (I) and (II) 1,999.20 134,353,434.93 134,355,434.13

    (III) Capital input and reduction by owners

    1. Capital input of owners

    2. Amount of stock payment included in owners’ equity

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Withdrawing surplus public reserve

    2. Withdrawing general risk reserve3. Distribution to owners (shareholders)


    (V) Internal carrying forward of owners’ equity

    1. New increase of capital (or share capital) from capital


    2. Converting surplus reserves to capital (or share capital)

    3. Surplus reserves make up losses

    4. Others

    (VI) Specific reserves

    1. Appropriated in current period

    2. Used in current period

    IV. Balance at the end of this period 547,655,760.00 512,105,116.47 175,549,178.65 1,291,765,503.72 2,527,075,558.84

    Statement on change in owners’ equity of parent company (continued)

    Amount of last year

    Items Paid‐in capital (or

    share capital)

    Capital reserve

    Less: treasury




    Surplus public


    General risk


    Retained profit

    Total owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 547,655,760.00 483,969,863.67 148,613,248.65 914,988,698.82 2,095,227,571.14

    Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous periods


    II. Balance at the beginning of this year 547,655,760.00 483,969,863.67 148,613,248.65 914,988,698.82 2,095,227,571.14

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this year (“‐” means


    36,856,094.70 34,167,101.03 71,023,195.73

    (I) Net profit 34,167,101.03 34,167,101.03

    (II) Other composite income 36,856,094.70 36,856,094.70

    Subtotal of (I) and (II) 36,856,094.70 34,167,101.03 71,023,195.73

    (III) Capital input and reduction by owners

    1. Capital input of owners

    2. Amount of stock payment included in owners’ equity

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Withdrawing surplus public reserve

    2. Withdrawing general risk reserve

    3. Distribution to owners (shareholders)4.Others

    (V) Internal carrying forward of owners’ equity

    1. New increase of capital (or share capital) from capital


    2. Converting surplus reserves to capital (or share


    3. Surplus reserves make up losses

    4. Others

    (VI) Specific reserves

    1. Appropriated in current period

    2. Used in current period

    IV. Balance at the end of this period 547,655,760.00 520,825,958.37 148,613,248.65 949,155,799.85 2,166,250,766.87

    Legal representative: Fang Hongbo Person in charge of accounting work: Ma Junxia Person in charge of accounting firm: Zeng RuiNOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL


    As of 30 June 2010

    Note I Corporate information

    Wuxi Little Swan Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) was formerly a

    state‐collectively–owned enterprises founded in 1958 in Jiangsu Province of the People’s Republic

    of China (the “PRC”). It was reorganized into a joint stock limited company in 1993 and registered

    in Wuxi, Jiangsu. The company and its subsidiaries are collectively referred to as the Group.

    1. Company profile

    Registered Address: No. 1 Hanjiang Road, National High‐tech Industrial Development Zone,


    Office Address: No. 18, Changjiang South Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province

    Structure of the company: Share‐holding Company

    2. Operations and business scope of the Company

    Business scope: manufacture and sales of household appliances and accessories and fittings and

    industrial ceramic. Export business of “Little Swan” products and technologies; import and export

    business of raw and accessory materials, mechanical equipments and technologies necessary for

    operation and production; development of foreign joint venture and cooperative production and

    business that “process raw materials on clients’ demands, assemble parts for the clients and

    process according to the clients’ samples; or engages in compensation trade”. Technical service

    for household appliances; contracting foreign engineering in mechanical industry and domestic

    engineering in international bidding; export of equipments and materials necessary for the said

    foreign engineering; dispatching the labors necessary for the said foreign engineering to


    3. Name of the parent company


    Ultimate controller: Mr. He Xiangjian

    4. Authorization and date of issuing the financial statements

    The financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the board of directors on

    26th August 2010.Note II Summary of Main Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimate

    1. Preparation basis of the financial statements

    The company recognizes and measures transactions occurred according to Chinese Accounting

    Standards – Basic standard and other related accounting standards, prepares the financial

    statements based on accrual accounting and the underlying assumption of going concern.

    2. Statement of compliance with Enterprise accounting standards

    The financial statements of the company comply with the requirements of Accounting Standards;

    the company's financial position, operating results, cash flows and other relevant information are

    truly and completely disclosed in financial statements.

    3. Accounting period

    The Company's accounting year is from 1st January to 31st December for each calendar year.

    4. Recording currency

    The recording currency of the company is Renminbi

    5. Accounting Processing method of business combination under the same control and not

    under the same control

    (1) The business combinations which are under the same control

    The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination shall be

    measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As

    for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party

    and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares

    issued), the additional paid‐in capital shall be adjusted. If the additional paid‐in capital is not

    sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

    (2) The business combinations which are not under the same control

    The acquirer shall recognize the initial cost of combination under the following principles:

    a) When business combination is achieved through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a

    business combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given,

    liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for

    control of the acquiree;

    b) For the business combination involved more than one exchange transaction, the cost of the

    combination is the aggregate cost of the individual transactions;c) The costs directly attributed to business combination are included in the cost of combination;

    The acquirer shall recognize the difference that the combination costs are over the fair value of

    the identifiable net assets obtained from acquiree as goodwill; if the combination costs are less

    than the fair value of the identifiable net assets obtained from acquiree, the acquirer shall

    reexamine the measurement of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent

    liabilities obtained from the acquiree as well as the combination costs; and then after the

    reexamination, the result is still the same, the difference shall be recorded in the profit and loss

    of the current period.

    6. Preparation method of consolidated financial statements

    (1) Determination of consolidation scope

    The combination scope of the consolidated financial statement will be determined on the basis

    of the control.

    The consolidated financial statements will be subject to the No. 33 Enterprise Accounting

    Standards –Consolidated Financial Statement that was issued in February 2006. In preparing

    the consolidated financial statements, all key accounts and transactions between the company

    and subcompanies, subcompanies and subcompanies will be offset. The net assets of merged

    subcompanies that are attributable to the minority of shareholder equities will be separately

    listed in the shareholder equities of consolidated financial statements

    In case the accounting policies and accounting periods of subcompanies differ from those of

    parent company, the financial statements of subcompanies will be adjusted.

    (2) Disposal of purchasing or selling the shares of subcompanies. The company confirms the date

    when the risks and rewards related to the purchase or sales of company shares actually transfer

    as the purchase date and selling date.

    7. Cash and cash equivalent

    For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash refers to all cash in hand and all deposits

    which are readily available for payment. Cash equivalents refer to short‐term, highly liquid

    investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an

    insignificant risk of changes in value.

    8. Foreign currency transactions and translations

    All foreign currency transactions during the period have been translated in to RMB at the

    exchange rates stipulated by the People’s Bank of China on the first day of the month. Monetary

    assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are translated

    into RMB at the stipulated exchange rates at the balance sheet date.

    The asset and liability items in the balance sheet will be converted at the spot exchange rate on

    the preparation date of balance sheet. The resulting exchange differences arising from thesetranslations are expensed, except for those attributable to foreign currency borrowings that have

    been taken out specifically for the construction of fixed assets, which are capitalized as part of

    fixed assets' costs.

    9. Recognition and measurement of financial instrument

    (1) Classification and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities

    Based on the investment purpose and economic essence, the Company classifies the financial

    assets into the following four categories:

    a) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, which refer to financial assets measured at

    fair value with variations accounted into current income account.

    b) sellable financial assets, which are measured on fair values at the balance sheet date, and the

    variations of fair values are accounted into “Capital reserves–other capital reserves”.

    c) loans and receivables; and

    d) held‐to‐maturity investments.

    (2) Recognition of financial instrument fair values

    When there is an active market for the financial instrument, the value quoted at the active

    market is adopted by the Company as the fair value.

    When there isn’t any active market, fair value will be recognized by evaluation techniques.

    Evaluation techniques include referencing to the prices adopted in latest voluntary transaction

    between parties with full understanding of the situation, referencing to the current fair value of

    other substantially similar financial instruments and other evaluation techniques.

    (3) Basis of recognition and accounting of finance asset transferring

    Transferring of financial assets by the Company includes the following two cases:

    a) Transfer the rights of collecting the cash flow attached to the financial asset to another party;

    b) Transfer the financial asset to another party, but reserve the rights to collect cash flow related

    to such financial asset, and is responsible to pass the cash flow over to the final beneficiary.

    (4) Impairment testing on financial assets, providing of impairment provision

    At balance sheet date, the Company performs testing on the book value of financial assets other

    than those measured by fair value and changes accounted into current income account.

    10. Accounts Receivable

    (1) Recognition and providing of bad debt provision on the individually significant receivables

    Standards of the individually significant accounts receivable: the accounts receivable whose

    individual amount accounts for over 10% (including 10%) of accounts receivable balance at the

    end of this period or amount of the individual account receivable which is greater than RMB 10millions (and including 10 millions);

    Standards of the individually significant other receivable: the other receivable whose individual

    amount accounts for over 10% (including 10%) of other receivables balance at the end of this

    period or amount of the individual other receivable which is greater than RMB 5 millions (and

    including 5 millions).

    For the individually significant receivables, the impairment test is carried on individually; the

    Company provides provision for impairment loss for the amount which is measured as the

    difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash


    (2) Recognition and providing of bad debt provisions on the receivables which are not

    individually significant, but are assessed at high risk level through credit risk combination.

    Confirmation of credit risk characteristics’ combination: the receivables which are involved in

    pending lawsuits or dissolution of the debtor company, and the receivables with the age of over

    3years (excluding the individually significant receivables).

    For the receivables which are not individually significant, but which are assessed at high risk level

    through credit risk combination, the impairment test is carried on individually; the Company

    provides provision for impairment loss for the amount which is measured as the difference

    between the asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows.

    (3) For the receivables which are not individually significant, as well as the individually tested

    receivables which the test has not recognize any impairment loss, the company categorizes them

    according to their age. On the basis of the actual loss rate of receivable account age package in

    the previous year, the company will consider the current situation to determine the percentage

    of providing the bad debt reserve for the following receivable account package at the end of this



    Provision rate for Accounts


    Provision rate for Other


    Within 1 year 5 5

    From 1‐2 years 10 10

    From 2‐3 years 20 20

    From 3‐5 years 60 60

    Over 5 years 100 100

    (4) The company does not provide bad debt provision for receivables of subsidiaries in the

    combination scope. When the subsidiaries suffer excess loss, impairment tests are carried on andimpairment provisions are provided individually.

    (5) No provision of bad debts shall be accrued for no‐risky receivables, such as export tax rebate


    11. Inventories

    (1) Categorizing of inventories

    Inventories are those under the Company’s possession for the purpose of selling, in the process

    of production, or materials and goods used in production process or providing of services,

    including materials purchased, raw materials, low‐value consumables, products in process,

    semi‐finished goods, stock merchandises (finished goods) and consigned goods.

    (2) Pricing of delivering inventory

    Inventories are measured at cost when procured, including purchase cost, processing cost, and

    other costs. Actual costs are recognized at weight average when delivered.

    (3) Recognition of inventory realizable value and providing of impairment provision

    On the balance sheet date, inventories are accounted depending on which is lower between the

    cost and the net realisable value. At overall verification of inventories at the end of year, when

    the net realisable value is lower than the cost, provisions for impairment of inventories shall be

    drawn. Provisions for impairment of inventories shall be accounted according to the difference

    between the cost of individual inventory items and the net realisable value. Including: for

    inventories such as finished products or materials which will be directly sold, in the normal

    operation, the realizable net value will be the balance of estimated selling price less sales

    expenses and relative taxations; For those inventories need further processing, in the normal

    operation, the realizable net value will be the balance of estimated sales price less costs to make

    it finished, less estimated sales expenses, and less relative taxation. At the balance sheet day,

    inventories with contract prices will be determined for realizable value separately from those

    without contract prices.

    Where certain items of inventory have similar purposes or end uses and relate to the same

    product line produced and marketed in the same geographical area, and therefore cannot be

    practicably evaluated separately from other items in that product line, costs and net realisable

    values of those items may be determined on an aggregate basis. For large quantity and low value

    items of inventories, cost and net realisable value are determined based on categories of


    (4) Inventory system

    The Company uses perpetual inventory system. Inventories are checked periodically and thegains and losses from inventory checking are accounted into current gain/loss account.

    (5) Amortizing of low‐value consumables and packaging materials

    Low‐value consumables and packaging materials are amortized on on‐off amortization basis at


    12. Long-term share equity investment

    (1)Recognition of initial investment costs

    Investments of the Company in subsidiaries are valued at investment costs. For long‐term share

    equity investment formed by shareholding and merger please see Note II(V). Retrospective or

    retrieved investments are adjusted to the cost of long term equity investment.

    For long‐term equity investment of the Company with or without common control or major

    influence on the investee, and there is no quotation in an active market, and the fair value is not

    reliably measured, values are on initial investment costs.

    (2)Subsequent measurement and recognition of gain/loss

    The Company uses cost basis in subsequent measurement of investment in subsidiaries, and

    adjusted on equity basis when preparing the consolidated financial statement. Except for the

    announced cash dividend or profit included in the practical cost or price when the investment

    was made, the investment gains are recognized at the announced cash dividend or profit


    Subsequent measurement of long‐term equity investment in investees under common control or

    significant influence is on equity basis. When the initial investment cost is larger than the share

    of fair value of net asset, the initial cost of long‐term equity investment shall not be adjusted.

    When the initial investment cost is lower than the share of fair value of net asset, the balance

    share be accounted into current gain/loss, and the long‐term investment cost shall be adjusted


    After obtaining of the long‐term equity investment, the investment gain/loss is recognized

    according to the share of the net gain/loss realized by the invested company, and the book value

    of the long‐term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly. The share of profit distributions

    or cash dividends announced by the invested company is used to reduce the book value of the

    long‐term equity investment.

    If the Company has no common control or significant influence on the investee, and there is no

    quotation in an active market, the fair value of the long‐term investment is not able to be reliably

    measured; the subsequent measurement shall on cost basis.

    (3)Basis of recognizing common control and significant influenceCommon control is the mutual control of investors over an economic action basing on a contract,

    only effective when it is agreed by all of the investors who have the share of control on the

    financial and business control power. When the investors hold common control over the investee,

    the investee is regarded as their affiliate.

    Significant influences mean an entity has the power to participate in the decision making of

    another, but cannot dominate individually or jointly with other parties. When the investor may

    significantly influence the investee, the investee is regarded as the affiliate.

    (4) Impairment examination and providing of impairment provision

    At the balance sheet day, if evidence showing that impairment occurred on the long‐term equity

    investment, the recoverable amount shall be decided by the higher one of net amount of fair

    value less disposal fees and the current value of predicted future cash flow. When the

    recoverable amount of the long‐term equity investment is lower than the book value, the book

    value will be reduced down to the recoverable amount, the reduced amount is recognized as

    asset impairment loss and counted into current gain/loss account, asset impairment provision

    shall be provided accordingly.

    Once the long‐term equity investment impairment loss is recognized, it will not be written back

    in following fiscal terms, excluding sellable financial assets, whose impairment provision can be

    written back through equity accounts.

    13. Investment properties

    Investment real estate is measured according to the initial cost. Cost of real estate purchased

    from outside includes purchasing price, tax, and other expenses directly related to the real estate;

    cost of real estate constructed by the Company itself is constructed by the essential costs to

    make the real estate usable. Investment properties invested by investors are booked at the value

    according to the investment contract, whereas when the contract value is not fairly acceptable, it

    will be booked at the fair value.

    The company employs the cost mode to calculate the investment properties, and withdraws the

    depreciation or amortization in accordance with the same depreciation or amortization policies

    of fixed assets and intangible assets in the company.

    14. Fixed assets

    (1) Conditions for fixed asset recognition

    Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods,

    providing services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one year of

    service life.

    Other than fixed assets which have already been provided depreciations in full but still in use, the

    Company provides depreciations upon all of the fixed assets. Straight‐line method is adopted bythe company in depreciation.

    (2) Categories, useful life, predicted salvage value, and annual depreciation rate of fixed assets

    are as the followings:

    Categories Useful life Salvage value Annual

    depreciation ratio

    Plant & buildings 30‐40 years 5% 2.38‐3.17%

    Machinery equipment 10‐18 years 5% 5.28‐9.00%

    Electric equipment 3‐8 years 5% 11.88‐31.67%


    vehicles 4‐12 years 5% 7.92‐23.75%

    Others 5‐8 years 5% 11.88‐19%

    Fit up fee 3‐8 years 12.50‐33%

    (3)Impairment testing and impairment provisions

    At the balance sheet day, fixed assets are accounted at the lower one of book value and

    retrievable value. If the retrievable value is lower than the book value, the book value will be

    deducted to the retrievable value, and the deducted amount will be recorded as asset

    impairment loss into current income account, and impairment provision shall be provided

    accordingly. Once the impairment loss was recognized, it will not be written back in coming fiscal


    It suggests that a fix asset may be impaired if there are any of the following indications and

    retrievable value of this asset needs to be calculated for impairment testing:

    a) during the period, a fix asset's market value has declined significantly more than it would be

    expected as a result of the passage of time or normal use during the current period;

    b) evidence is available of obsolescence or physical damage of an asset;

    c) the asset becomes idle, or the Company plans to discontinue or to dispose of an asset before

    the previously expected date;

    d) significant changes with an adverse effect on the Company have taken place during the period,

    or will take place in the near future, in the technological, market, economic or legal environment

    in which the Company operates or in the market to which an asset is dedicated;

    e) market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have increased duringthe period, and those increases are likely to affect the discount rate used by the company in

    calculating an asset's value by predicted future cash flows, and decrease the asset's recoverable

    amount materially;

    f) evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates that the economic performance of

    an asset is, or will be, worse than expected, for example, the net cash flow generated from fixed

    assets or the operating profit (or loss) realized by fixed assets is lower (higher) than the excepted

    amount, etc.; and

    g) Other evidence indicates that fixed assets may be impaired.

    (4) Recognition and measurement of fixed assets acquired under finance lease

    The Company identifies a lease of asset as finance lease when substantially all the risks and

    rewards incidental to legal ownership of the asset are transferred.

    A fixed asset acquired under finance lease shall be valued at the lower of the fair value of the

    leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of lease.

    The depreciation method of fixed assets acquired under finance lease is consistent with that for

    depreciable assets owned by the Company. If the Company can reasonably confirm that it will

    obtain the ownership of leased asset at the end of lease term, the leased asset shall be

    depreciated during the useful life of the leased asset. If the Company cannot reasonably confirm

    that it will obtain the ownership of leased asset at the end of lease term, the leased asset shall be

    depreciated during shorter of the useful life of the leased asset and the lease term.

    15. Construction in process

    Construction in process conducted by the Company itself, its actual cost consists of essential

    costs of carrying on the construction till it reaches usable status.

    Cost of fixed asset which has already become usable but not settled yet, is recognized according

    to estimated value, and depreciations share be provided. Upon completion of settlement, the

    original estimated value shall be adjusted according to the actual cost, but the depreciations

    made previously shall not be adjusted.

    At the balance sheet day, fixed assets which are suspended for a long time and not possibly

    resumed in coming 3 years, or strong evidence of impairment exists, are accounted at the lower

    one of book value and retrievable value. If the retrievable value is lower than the book value, the

    book value will be deducted to the retrievable value, and the deducted amount will be recordedas asset impairment loss into current income account, and impairment provision shall be

    provided accordingly. Once the impairment loss was recognized, it will not be written back in

    coming fiscal terms.

    16. Borrowing expenses

    (1) Capitalization of borrowing costs

    The costs of borrowings designated for acquisition or construction of qualifying assets should be

    capitalized as part of the cost of the assets. Assets satisfying the conditions of capitalization are

    referring to the fixed assets, investment properties, and inventories that need one year or more

    than one year’s construction or production process to reach the usable or sellable status.

    Borrowing expenses start to be capitalized when all of the followings are satisfied:

    ① The capital expenditures have incurred;

    ② The borrowing costs have incurred;

    ③ The acquisition and construction activities that are necessary to bring the asset to its

    expected usable condition have commenced.

    Other borrowing costs that do not qualify for capitalization should be expensed off during

    current period.

    (2)Capitalization period of borrowing costs

    Capitalization of borrowing costs should be suspended during periods in which the acquisition or

    construction is interrupted abnormally, and the interruption period is three months or longer.

    These borrowing costs should be recognized directly in profit or loss during the current period.

    Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired or constructed

    is substantially ready for its intended use. Subsequent borrowing costs should be expensed off

    during the period in which they are incurred.

    (3) Calculation method of capitalization for borrowing costs

    To the extent that funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a

    qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization on that asset is

    determined as the actual borrowing costs incurred on that borrowing during the period less any

    investment income on the temporary investment of the borrowing.

    To the extent that funds are borrowed generally and used for the purpose of acquiring or

    constructing a qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization shall be

    determined by applying a capitalization rate to the weighted average of excess of accumulated

    expenditures on qualifying asset over that on specific purpose borrowing. The capitalization rate

    is the weighted average of the borrowing costs applicable to the borrowings of the Company that

    are outstanding during the period, other than borrowings made specifically for the purpose ofacquiring or constructing a qualifying asset.

    17. Intangible assets

    (1) Recognition of intangible assets:

    The intangible assets refer to the land‐use right, patent, non‐patent technology and software.

    Intangible assets are initially measured by their costs. Intangible assets purchased are booked at

    the actual cost to purchase and relative expenses.

    Intangible assets inputted by investors are booked at the contract or agreement price, but if the

    contract or agreement price is not fairly acceptable, it will be booked at fair value.

    In case the non‐currency asset exchange is characteristic of commercial substance and the fair

    values of received or delivered assets can be reliably calculated, the book values of received

    intangible assets in the non‐currency asset exchange will normally be determined based on the

    fair values of delivered assets, except that the accurate evidences indicate that the fair values of

    received assets are more reliable. In case any non‐currency asset exchange does not meet the

    above conditions, the book values of delivered assets and the payable taxes will be deemed as

    the costs of received intangible assets. No profit and loss will be confirmed.

    In case the intangible assets are obtained by the liability restructure to write off the liabilities of

    debtors, their book values will be determined based on the fair values of this intangible asset.

    Expenditures incurred during the research phase of an internal project shall be recognized as

    expenses in the period in which they are incurred. Expenditures incurred during the

    development phase of an internal project shall be recognized as an intangible asset if, and only if,

    the Company can demonstrate all of the following:

    ①The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or


    ②Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;

    ③The method that the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. Among

    other things, the Company can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the

    intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the

    intangible asset;

    ④The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the

    development and to use or sell the intangible asset;

    ⑤ Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its


    ⑥The use of the intangible products cycle more than 1 year.

    Usage life and amortization of intangible assets:

    The land‐use rights is amortized straightly to the useful life, from the starting date, when accept

    the land‐use rights,

    The patent, non‐patent technology and other intangible assets are amortized straightly to theless number among the useful life, contract years and the effective year of the law.

    The amortization assigned to the related assets and current profit and loss.

    For the intangible assets with the uncertain usage life, such as trade mark, no amortization will

    be made.

    (2) Depreciation of intangible assets:

    Intangible assets without certain useful life are not amortized. They will be reconsidered in each

    accounting period, if strong evidence showing that the useful life became limited, then it will be

    estimated, and amortized on straight basis. On the balance sheet date, the Company measures

    intangible assets according to the lower of book value and retrievable value, intangible asset

    impairment provisions shall be provided at the difference of retrievable value lower than the

    book value, and the corresponding impairment loss shall be recorded to current income account.

    Once intangible asset impairment losses are recognized, they will not be written back in

    successive fiscal periods.

    ① It has been replaced by other new technologies, and significantly decreased the economic

    interests of the Company's ability;

    ② The price fell sharply in the current market, and the price is not expected to resume in the

    remaining period;

    ③ Over the period of legal protection, but still has some value;

    ④ Other things that prove the assets actually impaired.

    18. Long-term deferred expenses

    The Company recognizes all expenses which have occurred during the period but shall be

    amortized beyond one year, such as improvement expenditures of operating leased fixed assets,

    as long‐term deferred expenses. The Company amortizes long‐term deferred expenses using

    straight‐line method according to relevant beneficial periods or its usage life in five years if can’t

    estimate the periods.

    19. Expected liabilities

    When responsibilities occurred in connection to contingent issues, and all of the following

    conditions are satisfied, they are recognized as expected liability in the balance sheet:

    ① This responsibility is a current responsibility undertaken by the Company;

    ② Execution of this responsibility may cause financial benefit outflow from the Company;

    ③ Amount of the liability can be reliably measured.

    Expected liabilities are initially measured at the best estimation on the expenses to exercise the

    current responsibility, and with considerations to the relative risks, uncertainty, and periodic

    value of currency. When the periodic value of currency is with major influence, then the best

    estimation will be determined at the discount of future cash outflow. The book value of expectedliability is revised at balance sheet day, and adjustment will be made to reflect current best

    estimation. Increasing of book value over time will be recognized as interest expenses

    20. Revenue recognition

    (1) Sales of goods

    When all of the following conditions are satisfied, the sales of goods are recognized as sales

    income according to the contract amount received or receivable from the buyer:

    ① Main risks and rewards attached to the ownership of the goods have been transferred

    to the buyer;

    ② No succeeding power of administration or effective control is reserved which are

    usually attached to ownership;

    ③ Amount received can be reliably measured;

    ④ Related financial benefit may inflow to the Company;

    ⑤ Relative costs, occurred or will occur, can be reliably measured;

    ⑥ When collection of contract payment is by differed way, and practically with financing

    characters, sales income shall be recognized at the fair value of the receivable contract


    (2) Providing of labor service

    Labor service started and completed in a same fiscal year is recognized as income at completion.

    If they are not in the same year, then use the estimation on percentage basis when it is possible.

    When the labor cost occurred is expectable to be covered, the labor service income is recognized

    at the cost already occurred, and recorded to labor cost as well. When the labor cost occurred is

    not expectable to be covered, the cost will be recorded to current gain/loss account without

    recognizing as labor service income.

    (3) Demising of asset using rights

    Income is recognized when the financial benefit in connection with the demising of asset using

    right was received and the amount can be reliably measured.

    21. Government grant

    The income approach for government grants, to retrieve expense or loss of the Company in

    further period, the government grants are recognized as deferred income, and shall be recorded

    in profit and loss when that expense or loss occurred. To retrieve expense or loss of the Company

    in current period, the government grants shall be recorded directly in current profit and loss. If

    related assets were disposed before using period ended, undistributed deferred income shall be

    shift to current profit and loss at once.

    The Capital approach for government grants, the grant is recognized as deferred income when it

    is acquired. Since the related assets achieve its intended using status, the deferred income is

    amortized and recognized in profit and loss during asset’s using period.22. Differed income tax assets/ differed income tax liabilities

    Based on the differences between the book values of assets and liabilities and taxation basis (for

    the items that have not been confirmed as the assets and liabilities, if their taxation basis may be

    determined in accordance with the taxation provisions, the difference between such taxation

    basis and their book values will be applied), the deferred income tax assets or deferred income

    tax liabilities will be confirmed at the applicable tax rate during the expected periods of returning

    such assets or settling such liabilities.

    The company will confirm the deferred income tax assets generated by the deductible temporary

    difference within the limit of taxable income amount that may be obtained and used to deduct

    such difference. On the preparation date of balance sheet, if enough evidences prove that the

    taxable income amounts that maybe probably obtained in the future periods may be used to

    deduct the deductible temporary differences, they will be confirmed as the deferred income tax

    assets that have not been confirmed in the previous accounting periods.

    On the preparation date of balance sheet, the company will recheck the book values of deferred

    income tax assets. If the taxable income amounts cannot be obtained in the future periods to be

    used to deduct the benefits of deferred income tax assets, the company will reduce the book

    values of deferred income tax assets. If there is great possibility to obtain enough taxable income

    amounts, the reduced amounts may be reversed.

    23. Change of main accounting policies and estimations

    (1) Change of accounting policies

    No change of accounting policies occurred in the year.

    (2) Change of accounting estimations

    No change of accounting estimations occurred in the year.

    24. Correction of previous accounting faults

    No correction of previous accounting faults occurred in the report term.

    NoteⅢ. Taxation

    1. Operation tax and rate

    Items Tax basis tax rate

    VAT deducting value added input tax. 17%

    Business tax operating revenue 5%Urban

    maintenance and


    Payable circulating tax amount 7%

    Educational fee Payable circulating tax amount 1% or 4%

    Corporate income

    tax Payable income tax amount 25% or 15%

    Flood Control

    Security Fund operating revenue 0.1%

    Levee fee Payable circulating tax amount 2%

    2. Notes

    During the march of 2009, the company and Wuxi Little Swan GE Co., Ltd were filed as the high

    technology qualification, and the qualification number is GR200932000077 and


    During may of 2009, Wuxi Filin Electronics Co., Ltd was filed the high technology qualification,

    and the qualification number is GR200932000397.

    According to document guoshuifa 〔2008 〕111 issued by National Tax Bureau, and

    guoshuihan[2008]985, the company and two subsidiaries ,Wuxi Little Swan GE Co. , Ltd and Wuxi

    Filin Electronics Co., Ltd, was approved to enjoy income tax rate 15%.NOTE IV:Business combination and consolidated financial statements

    1. Subsidiaries

    (1) The subsidiaries obtained through the establishment or investment Unit:RMB(0’000)

    Subsidiaries Categories
















    of holding

    shares (%)



    of voting

    rights (%)

    Included in








    Balance of parent

    company’s equity

    after deducting

    the difference

    that loss of

    minority interests

    exceed equity

    obtained by



    Wuxi Little





    Co. , Ltd.



    Wuxi Production 2,800.00


    and sale of


    machine and




    70.00 Yes


    Wuxi Little

    Swan Driving

    & Control



    Co. , Ltd.



    Wuxi R&D 500


    & research of

    driving &




    100.00 Yes


    Wuxi Filin


    Co. , Ltd.



    Wuxi Production USD



    and sales of




    for washing




    73.00 Yes


    Wuxi Huayin




    Wuxi Production USD 600 Manufacture

    and sale of



    100.00 Yes -Subsidiaries Categories
















    of holding

    shares (%)



    of voting

    rights (%)

    Included in








    Balance of parent

    company’s equity

    after deducting

    the difference

    that loss of

    minority interests

    exceed equity

    obtained by




    Co. , Ltd.


    engines for



    and digital


    Wuxi Little




    Co. , Ltd.



    Wuxi Production 4967.95


    and sale of



    machine ,

    dryers and

    spare parts



    75.00 Yes

    - 0.00

    Wuxi Meitian



    Co., Ltd.



    Wuxi Marketing USD 400 Sales of




    99.91 Yes

    - -0.02

    Jiangsu Little



    Co. , Ltd.



    Wuxi Marketing 41,950.00

    Sales of





    99.64 Yes

    - -0.25

    Wuxi Little

    Swan Import

    & Export

    Co. , Ltd




    Import &

    Export 6,500.00

    Import &

    export of






    88.46 Yes

    - -32.74Subsidiaries Categories
















    of holding

    shares (%)



    of voting

    rights (%)

    Included in








    Balance of parent

    company’s equity

    after deducting

    the difference

    that loss of

    minority interests

    exceed equity

    obtained by



    Midaqi Little


    Industry Co.,




    Malaysia Marketing USD 100


    of washing

    machine and





    51.00 No

    (2) The subsidiaries obtained through business combination under the common control

    Subsidiaries Categories
















    of holding

    shares (%)



    of voting

    rights (%)

    Included in








    Balance of parent

    company’s equity

    after deducting the

    difference that loss

    of minority

    interests exceed


    obtained by



    Little Swan





    Co., Ltd



    Jingzhou Production 1,107.02


    of washing




    100.00 Yes

    - -2. Changing of Consolidation Scope

    L.S.M. Corporation (M) SDN BHD has been stopped operation for years; the full impairment of

    provisions for the company has been accrued and it has been excluded in the consolidated scope for


    3. The companies which are excluded from consolidation scope

    No change.

    4. Minority interests purchased in the reporting period

    During the reporting period, the Company purchased all minority interests of Wuxi Little Swan

    Huayin Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. with total payment of the price amounting to RMB 11,450,000,Note V:Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Unit: RMB yuan)

    1. Monetary fund

    Original currency Exchange

    rate Translated to RMB Original currency Exchange

    rate Translated to RMB

    Cash RMB 3 20,820.66 1.00 320,820.66 2 99,347.70 1.00 2 99,347.70

    USD - 6.82 - 2,549.00 6.83 1 7,405.08

    JPY 8 60.78 0.08 6 6.01 4 0,885.99 0.07 3 ,016.65

    Sub-total 3 20,886.67 3 19,769.43

    Bank savings RMB 3 77,711,103.71 1.00 3 77,711,103.71 2 05,382,647.88 1.00 2 05,382,647.88

    USD 16,521,064.62 6.82 1 12,593,592.74 1 2,337,795.05 6.83 8 4,244,932.16

    GBP - 1 4.09 10.98 1 54.68

    EUR 1 2.64 8.29 1 04.83 1 2.63 9.80 1 23.74

    Sub-total 4 90,304,801.28 2 89,627,858.46

    Other monetary

    capital RMB 8 05,000,000.00 1.00 8 05,000,000.00 5 61,619,249.35 1.00 5 61,619,249.35

    USD 3 2,365.00 6.82 2 20,572.45 1 29,183.91 6.83 8 82,093.57

    Sub-total 8 05,220,572.45 5 62,501,342.92

    Total 1 ,295,846,260.40 8 52,448,970.81


    30 June 2010 31 December 2009

    2. Notes receivable

    Categories 30 June 2010 31 December 2009

    Bank acceptance 1,932,605,807.32 6 04,499,731.15

    3. Account receivable

    (1) Account receivable is categorized as:

    Amount (%) Amount (%)

    Individually significant accounts

    receivable 630,978,715.12 75.09% 3 1,548,935.75 74.75% 599,429,779.37

    Accounts receivable which are not

    individually significant, but are

    assessed at high risk level through

    credit risk combination

    53,644.68 0.01% 3 2,186.81 0.08% 2 1,457.87

    Other non-material receivables 209,277,458.22 24.90% 1 0,626,952.23 25.18% 198,650,505.99

    Total 840,309,818.02 100.00% 4 2,208,074.79 100.00% 798,101,743.23

    30 June 2010


    book value

    Book balance Provision for bad debtAmount (%) Amount (%)

    Individually significant accounts

    receivable 950,308,642.23 81.55% 1 23,089,717.71 42.35% 827,218,924.52

    Accounts receivable which are not

    individually significant, but are

    assessed at high risk level through

    credit risk combination

    158,298,434.02 13.58% 1 58,298,199.62 54.47% 2 34.40

    Other non-material receivables 56,657,946.10 4.86% 9 ,241,456.01 3.18% 4 7,416,490.09

    Total 1,165,265,022.35 100.00% 2 90,629,373.34 100.00% 874,635,649.01

    31 December 2009

    Items Book balance Provision for bad debt

    book value

    (2) Aging analysis:

    Book balance % provision for bad debts Book value

    Within 1 year 838,884,614.78 99.83% 4 1,944,230.74 7 96,940,384.03

    1-2 years 899,051.66 0.11% 8 9,905.17 8 09,146.49

    2-3 years 472,506.90 0.06% 1 41,752.07 3 30,754.83

    3-5 years 53,644.68 0.01% 3 2,186.81 2 1,457.87

    Over 5 - 0.00% - -

    Total 840,309,818.02 100.00% 42,208,074.79 798,101,743.23


    30 June 2010

    Book balance % provision for bad debts Book value

    Within 1 year 919,108,641.37 78.88% 4 6,538,757.11 8 72,569,884.26

    1-2 years 30,247,357.50 2.60% 2 8,609,418.05 1 ,637,939.45

    2-3 years 40,287,639.16 3.46% 3 9,878,446.43 4 09,192.73

    3-5 years 22,905,700.37 1.97% 2 2,887,067.80 1 8,632.57

    Over 5 152,715,683.95 13.11% 1 52,715,683.95 -

    Total 1,165,265,022.35 100.00% 290,629,373.34 874,635,649.01


    31 December 2009

    (3) Foreign currencies are:

    Original currency Exchange

    rate Translated to RMB Original currency Exchange

    rate Translated to RMB

    USD 55,152,138.60 6 .82 3 75,870,294.96 37,053,560.88 6.83 2 53,009,124.40

    EUR 5,003,988.60 8.29 41,500,642.80 1,444,323.99 9.80 1 4,150,186.56

    Total 417,370,937.76 267,159,310.96

    30 June 2010 31 December 2009


    (4) There was no accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of

    the voting shares of the Company. For details of accounts receivable due from related parties,

    please see Note VI: Related parties and related parties transaction.(5) Accounts receivable written-off actually in the reporting period

    Client Number Amount % Reason

    Zhejiang Hangzhou Little

    Swan Business


    1 40,914,407.37 16.74% The company has gone

    into liquidation

    RUSSIA EVGO CORP. 1 40,247,490.68 16.47% Bankrupt

    Shanghai Little Swan

    Marketing Service Center 1 28,624,001.32 11.71% The company has gone

    into liquidation

    Sichuan Chengdu Little

    Swan Business


    1 15,112,714.24 6.18% The company has gone

    into liquidation


    CORP. 1 11,917,418.07 4.88% The company has gone

    into liquidation

    Other 1159 107,578,363.60 44.02% Confirmed to be

    definitely uncollectible

    Total 1164 244,394,395.28 100.00%

    (6) The information list for the top 5 customers:

    Book balance Aging %

    GEA PRODUCTS Non-related party 167,558,758.64 Within 1 year 19.94%

    Hefei Rongshida Washing Machine

    Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Related party 123,437,289.27 Within 1 year 14.69%

    Belgium Electrolux Home Produc Non-related party 103,662,351.57 Within 1 year 12.34%

    Suning Appliance Co.,Ltd., Nanjing

    Purchasing Station Non-related party 73,441,241.79 Within 1 year 8.74%

    Shanghai Midea Refrigeration Product

    Marketing Co., Ltd. Non-related party 32,261,674.37 Within 1 year 3.84%

    Total 500,361,315.64 59.54%


    Relationship with the 30 June 2010


    4. Advances to the supplier

    (1) Aging analysis:

    Aging 30 June 2010 % 31 December 2009 %

    Within 1 year 171,852,024.40 99.85% 65,696,005.50 99.17%

    1-2 years 256,323.85 0.15% 497,676.87 0.75%

    2-3 years - 0.00% 11,469.00 0.02%

    3-5 years - 0.00% 36,121.70 0.05%

    Over 5 years - 0.00% 2 ,000.00 0.00%

    Total 172,108,348.25 100.00% 66,243,273.07 100.00%(2) The information list for the top 5 suppliers

    Book balance Aging % Reason for carrying


    Jiangsu Chengda Construction Co Ltd Non-related party 43,940,219.23 Within 1 year 25.53% The project failed to be


    Beijing ZhongTian Riyue Advertising Co.,Ltd Non-related party 38,226,342.71 Within 1 year 22.21%

    The business failed to be


    Shanghai United Structures Co., Ltd. Non-related party 25,884,000.00 Within 1 year 15.04% The project failed to be


    Jiangsu Jinsha Construction Group Ltd. Non-related party 20,523,200.00 Within 1 year 11.92% The project failed to be


    Jiangsu Suyang Construction Co., Ltd. Non-related party 9,296,320.00 Within 1 year 5.40% The project failed to be


    Total 137,870,081.94 80.11%

    Clients Relationship with the



    (3) There were no advances to the supplier due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%)

    of the voting shares of the Company. For details of advances to the supplier due from related

    parties, please see Note VI: Related parties and related parties transaction.

    5. Other receivables

    (1) category analysis:

    Amount % Amount %

    Individually significant accounts receivable 15,859,950.16 57.85% 8,151,176.07 93.21% 7 ,708,774.09

    Accounts receivable which are not

    individually significant, but are assessed at

    high risk level through credit risk


    28,810.00 0.11% 17,286.00 0.20% 1 1,524.00

    Other non-material receivables 11,526,207.22 42.04% 576,310.36 6.59% 10,949,896.86

    Total 27,414,967.38 100.00% 8,744,772.43 100.00% 18,670,194.95


    30 June 2010

    Book balance Provision for bad debt

    Book value

    Amount % Amount %

    Individually significant accounts receivable 39,987,246.38 33.11% 33,235,039.06 34.83% 6 ,752,207.32

    Accounts receivable which are not

    individually significant, but are assessed at

    high risk level through credit risk


    59,930,748.05 49.62% 58,315,136.45 61.11% 1 ,615,611.60

    Other non-material receivables 20,868,853.33 17.28% 3,875,395.02 4.06% 16,993,458.31

    Total 120,786,847.76 100.00% 95,425,570.53 100.00% 25,361,277.23


    31 December 2009

    Book balance Provision for bad debt

    Book value(2) aging analysis:

    Book balance % Provision for bad debt Book value

    Within 1 year 9,496,735.98 34.64% 474,836.80 9 ,021,899.18

    1-2 years 6,929,418.56 25.28% 692,941.85 6 ,236,476.71

    2-3 years 2,197,293.26 8.01% 439,458.65 1 ,757,834.61

    3-5 years 4,134,961.12 15.08% 2,480,976.67 1 ,653,984.45

    Over 5 4,656,558.46 16.99% 4,656,558.46 -

    Total 27,414,967.38 100.00% 8,744,772.43 1 8,670,194.95


    30 June 2010

    Book balance % Provision for bad debt Book value

    Within 1 year 11,891,854.42 9.85% 602,070.90 1 1,289,783.52

    1-2 years 17,740,983.67 14.69% 10,740,363.73 7 ,000,619.94

    2-3 years 9,694,301.01 8.03% 5,845,558.22 3 ,848,742.79

    3-5 years 30,967,277.74 25.64% 29,315,171.98 1 ,652,105.76

    Over 5 50,492,430.92 41.80% 48,922,405.70 1 ,570,025.22

    Total 120,786,847.76 100.00% 9 5,425,570.53 2 5,361,277.23


    31 December 2009

    (3) There was no other receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the

    voting shares of the Company. For details of other receivable due from related parties, please

    see Note VI: Related parties and related parties transaction

    (4) The information list for the top 5 customers:

    Book balance Aging %

    Wuxi Little Swan Ceramic Co., Ltd. Non-related party 8,396,444.38 Within 1 year 30.63%

    BSW Household Appliances Co., Ltd. Related party 4,566,705.78 Over 5 years 16.66%

    Jiangsu Little Swan Sanjiang Electric Appliance

    Manufacturing Co., Ltd Non-related party 2,896,800.00 Within 1 year 10.57%

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited,

    Beijing Branch Assets Custody Account Non-related party 900,000.00 Within 1 year 3.28%

    Wuxi China Resources Natural Gas Co., Ltd. Non-related party 893,728.33 Within 1 year 3.26%

    Total 17,653,678.49 64.39%

    Clients Relationship with

    the Company

    30 June 2010(5) Other receivable written-off actually in the reporting period

    Client Number Amount % Reason

    Wuhan Washing Machine

    Factory 1 21,707,997.30 25.04% The company has gone into


    Changchun Luolan Electric

    Appliances Corp. 1 13,235,685.32 15.27% The company has gone into


    Wuxi Lianye Digital

    Technology Co., Ltd. 1 8,270,171.26 9.54% The company has gone into


    Chen Yang (H.K.) Ltd. 1 3,554,634.15 4.10% The company has gone into


    Shannxi Machine Tool Works 1 3,000,000.00 3.46% Bankrupt

    Other 431 36,909,439.56 42.58% Confirmed to be definitely


    Total 436 86,677,927.59 100.00%

    6. Inventory

    (1) Category

    Book balance Province for bad debt Book value Book balance Province for bad debt Book value

    Raw materials 112,394,296.40 10,861,354.75 101,532,941.65 101,385,347.94 13,387,393.90 87,997,954.04

    OEM materials 1,639,427.85 - 1,639,427.85 896,432.94 896,432.94

    Low price

    consumables 141,949.93 815,486.54 -673,536.61 1,822,359.00 815,486.54 1,006,872.46

    Product in process 18,223,245.50 72,500.00 18,150,745.50 16,227,836.04 72,500.00 16,155,336.04

    Finished goods in

    stock 241,731,756.01 23,968,190.18 217,763,565.83 358,327,823.37 23,968,190.18 334,359,633.19

    Total 374,130,675.69 35,717,531.47 338,413,144.22 478,659,799.29 38,243,570.62 440,416,228.67

    30 June 2010


    31 December 2009

    (2) Change of inventory impairment provisions

    31 December 2009 30 June 2010

    Book balance written back written off Book balance

    Raw materials 13,387,393.90 - 2,526,039.15 10,861,354.75

    OEM materials - -

    Low price consumables 815,486.54 - 815,486.54

    Product in process 72,500.00 - 72,500.00

    Finished goods in stock 23,968,190.18 - 23,968,190.18

    Total 38,243,570.62 - - 2,526,039.15 35,717,531.47

    Items Provided in current


    Decrease in current period7. Other current asset

    Items 30 June 2010 31 December 2009

    Deferred expenses 21,855,233.97 17,326,441.89

    8. Sellable financial assets

    30 June 2010 31 December 2009

    Fair value Fair value

    1) Equity instrument available for sale 315,168.00 3 12,816.00

    Wuhan Huaxin Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.(400038) 315,168.00 3 12,816.00

    Total 315,168.00 3 12,816.00


    9. Co‐operative & Joint‐operative subsidiaries investments

    BSW Household Appliances

    Co., Ltd. limited liability Wuxi



    Production of

    washing-machines and

    kitchen appliances

    USD 2927.5 40

    Wuxi Indesit Home Appliances

    Co. , Ltd. limited liability Wuxi GIUSEPPE


    Production of

    dishwashers USD 1360 30

    Guangzhou Antaida Logistical

    Co., Ltd. limited liability Wuxi Ye Weilong Logistics service USD 1000 20

    Invested entities Type Reg. Add. Legal representative Shareholding


    Business scope Registered capital


    Total assets Total liabilities Total net assets Operation revenue Net profit

    BSW Household Appliances

    Co., Ltd. 40 499,373,777.09 192,122,306.98 307,251,470.11 398,121,536.29 11,948,744.80

    Wuxi Indesit Home Appliances

    Co. , Ltd. 30 57,644,545.80 5,808,320.95 51,836,224.85 -200,180.67 -14,356,753.35

    Guangzhou Antaida Logistical

    Co., Ltd. 20 38,404,046.25 19,848,135.95 18,555,910.30 11,822,221.86 -349,309.94

    Invested entities Voting rights


    30 June 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2010

    According to the eleventh board of directors’ resolution of Wuxi Indesit Home Appliances Co., Ltd.,

    the joint venture contract was terminated at the end of year 2009, then dissolution and liquidation

    proceedings of the company commenced.10. Long‐term equity investment

    BSW Household Appliances Co., Ltd. Equity method 97,482,661.00 118,121,090.12 4,779,497.92 122,900,588.04

    Wuxi Indesit Home Appliances Co. , Ltd. Equity method 33,768,120.00 19,857,893.46 -4,307,026.01 15,550,867.46

    Guangzhou Antaida Logistical Co., Ltd. Equity method 2,000,000.00 3,781,044.05 -69,861.99 3,711,182.06

    Hengtai Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd. Cost method 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

    Suzhou Renmin Department Store Co., Ltd. Cost method 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00

    Bank of Jiangsu Cost method 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00

    Inner Mongolia Baotou Department Store Co., Ltd. Cost method 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00

    (Malaysia) Midaqi Little Swan Industry Co., Ltd. Cost method 4,224,744.00 - -

    Total 139,775,525.00 144,060,027.63 402,609.93 144,462,637.56

    Invested entities Method Amount of Initial 31 Dec. 2009 Increase/decrease 30 Jun. 2010


    Accurred impairment

    provision Cash dividends

    BSW Household Appliances Co., Ltd. 40.00 40.00 -

    Wuxi Indesit Home Appliances Co., Ltd. 30.00 30.00

    Guangzhou Antaida Logistical Co., Ltd. 20.00 20.00

    Hengtai Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd. 3.33 3.33 10,000.00

    Suzhou Renmin Department Store Co., Ltd. - - 25,000.00

    Bank of Jiangsu - -

    Inner Mongolia Baotou Department Store Co., Ltd. - -

    (Malaysia) Midaqi Little Swan Industry Co., Ltd. 51.00 51.00 4,224,744.00

    Total 4,224,744.00 - 35,000.00

    Jan.-Jun. 2010

    Invested entities Proportions of

    shareholding (%)

    Proportion of voting

    rights (%) Impairment provision11. Fixed assets

    (1) Details:

    Items 31 Dec. 2009 Increased this period Decreased this period 30 Jun. 2010

    Cost of the fixed assets 773,271,787.40 65,281,782.59 59,612,871.54 791,180,636.04

    Property and buildings 420,343,766.30 10,614,277.94 20,423,852.25 410,534,191.99

    Machineries 252,100,920.62 48,448,374.99 22,974,657.85 277,574,637.76

    Vehicles 14,736,000.85 1,703,494.24 2,748,506.08 13,690,989.01

    Electronic and other

    equipment 86,091,099.63 4,515,635.42 13,465,855.36 77,140,879.69

    Decoration 12,239,937.59 12,239,937.59


    depreciation 166,667,340.88 21,235,648.12 20,511,330.14 167,957,177.33

    Property and buildings 27,306,222.56 5,761,093.58 2,435,818.54 30,631,497.60

    Machineries 99,341,427.56 13,647,058.99 15,430,186.48 97,558,300.07

    Vehicles 5,942,945.93 674,299.28 2,257,186.44 4,360,058.77

    Electronic and other

    equipment 34,076,744.83 1,153,196.27 388,138.68 34,841,802.42

    Decoration 565,518.47 565,518.47

    The net book value 606,604,446.52 55,720,553.59 39,101,541.40 623,223,458.71

    Property and buildings 393,037,543.74 4,853,184.36 17,988,033.71 379,902,694.39

    Machineries 152,759,493.06 34,801,316.00 7,544,471.37 180,016,337.69

    Vehicles 8,793,054.92 1,029,194.96 491,319.64 9,330,930.24

    Electronic and other

    equipment 52,014,354.80 3,362,439.15 13,077,716.68 42,299,077.27

    Decoration - 11,674,419.12 - 11,674,419.12

    Provision for

    impairment loss 14,727,348.41 - 6,274.32 14,721,074.09

    Property and buildings 12,576,065.29 12,576,065.29

    Machineries 2,114,112.60 2,114,112.60

    Vehicles 2,240.00 2,240.00

    Electronic and other

    equipment 34,930.52 6,274.32 28,656.20


    Carrying amount: 591,877,098.11 55,720,553.59 39,095,267.08 608,502,384.62

    Property and buildings 380,461,478.45 4,853,184.36 17,988,033.71 367,326,629.10

    Machineries 150,645,380.46 34,801,316.00 7,544,471.37 177,902,225.09

    Vehicles 8,790,814.92 1,029,194.96 491,319.64 9,328,690.24

    Electronic and other

    equipment 51,979,424.28 3,362,439.15 13,071,442.36 42,270,421.07

    Decoration - 11,674,419.12

    (2) Details of temporarily idle fixed assets are as follows:Items Cost Accumulated depreciation Impairment loss Carrying amount

    Property and buildings 18,278,815.09 5,383,708.70 12,576,065.29 3 19,041.10

    Machineries 3,544,245.33 909,582.69 2,114,112.60 5 20,550.04

    Vehicles 54,800.00 52,060.00 2,240.00 5 00.00

    Electronic and other

    equipment 287,524.00 273,147.80 12,107.20 2 ,269.00

    Decoration -

    Total 2 2,165,384.42 6 ,618,499.19 1 4,704,525.09 8 42,360.14

    12. Construction in progress

    (1) Construction in process:

    Book balance Provision for

    impairment Net book value Book balance Provision for

    impairment Net book value

    Little Swan

    Industrial Park 22,398,224.53 22,398,224.53 23,101,817.68 2 3,101,817.68

    Other 4,299,354.38 4,299,354.38 -

    Total 26,697,578.91 - 2 6,697,578.91 2 3,101,817.68 - 23,101,817.68


    30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    (2) Profiles of main construction in process and changes:

    Transferred to fixed

    assets this period Other

    Little Swan

    Industrial Park 0.5 billion 23,101,817.68 1 4,213,788.21 14,827,381.36 9 0,000.00 2 2,398,224.53

    Total - 23,101,817.68 1 4,213,788.21 14,827,381.36 9 0,000.00 22,398,224.53

    Items Budget 31 Dec. 2009 Increase this period 30 Jun. 2010

    Decrease this period

    Little Swan

    Industrial Park Self-raised


    Items Capital source

    - -

    Interest capitalization

    Interest capitalization

    Jan.-Jun. 2010

    13. Intangible assetsItems 31 Dec. 2009 Increase this period Decrease this period 30 Jun. 2010

    Cost of the intangible

    assets: 165,572,075.40 256,913.48 676,229.09 165,152,759.79

    Land use right 151,428,657.35 - - 151,428,657.35

    Know how 11,928,000.00 256,913.48 676,229.09 11,508,684.39

    Software 2,215,418.05 2,215,418.05


    amortization: 24,044,506.77 2,283,869.59 648,002.43 25,680,373.93

    Land use right 11,661,924.51 1,702,304.39 - 13,364,228.90

    Know how 11,380,200.00 581,565.20 648,002.43 11,313,762.77

    Software 1,002,382.26 1,002,382.26

    Provision for impairment


    - - - -

    Land use right - -

    Know how - -

    Software - -

    Carrying amount: 141,527,568.63 -2,026,956.11 28,226.66 139,472,385.86

    Land use right 139,766,732.84 -1,702,304.39 - 138,064,428.45

    Know how 547,800.00 -324,651.72 28,226.66 194,921.62

    Software 1,213,035.79 - - 1,213,035.79

    14. Long‐term deferred expenses

    Amortization Other

    Moldings 9 ,384,948.38 19,402,240.82 7,253,214.92 2 1,533,974.29

    IT consulting fee 1 ,856,480.84 162,667.95 241,231.41 1 ,777,917.38

    Expenditure on



    5 ,532,317.45 - 976,741.48 4 ,555,575.97

    Total 16,773,746.67 1 9,564,908.77 8,471,187.81 - 2 7,867,467.64

    Items 31 Dec. 2009 Increase this period 30 Jun. 2010

    Decrease this period

    15. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Deferred income tax assets

    Asset impairment provision 1 3,394,270.58 4 0,611,352.14

    Payroll and dismissal expenses 5 ,735,680.05 5 ,864,987.65

    Accrued expenses 7 0,917,109.07 2 9,510,843.54

    Internal unrealized profits 7 75,012.53 6 26,625.66

    Provisions for foreseeable liabilities 2 ,706,007.50 1 ,682,025.00

    Deferred revenue (government subsidies) 5 55,570.00 4 31,850.00

    Investment differences 1 ,317,443.38 1 ,317,443.38

    Total 95,401,093.12 8 0,045,127.37

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Deferred income tax liabilities

    Change of fair value 3 2,230.20 3 1,877.40

    Total 32,230.20 31,877.40

    16. Provisions for impairment lossDecrease this period

    Reversal Written off

    Provision for bad debts 386,054,943.87 10,736,423.61 14,766,197.38 331,072,322.87 50,952,847.23

    Provision for

    impairment of


    38,243,570.62 - 2,526,039.15 35,717,531.47

    Provision for

    impairment of long-term

    equity investments

    4,224,744.00 4,224,744.00

    Provision for

    impairment of fixed


    14,727,348.41 6,274.32 14,721,074.09

    Total 443,250,606.90 10,736,423.61 14,766,197.38 333,604,636.34 105,616,196.79

    Items 31 Dec. 2009 Accured this period 30 Jun. 2010

    17. Short‐term loans

    (1) Categories of Short-term loans:

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Mortgaged loan


    Guaranteed loan 1 ,000,000.00

    Credit loan

    Total - 1 ,000,000.00

    18. Notes payable

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Bank acceptance bill 8 39,123,651.32 1 4,000,000.00

    Notes payable of RMB 15,833.68 was due between January and March, and RMB 68,078.69 was due

    between April and June.

    19. Accounts payable

    (1) Details of accounts payable

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Accounts payable 2,245,809,458.82 1 ,552,443,101.69

    (2) For details of accounts payable due to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the

    voting shares of the Company and related parties, please see Note VI: Related parties and related

    parties transaction.

    20. Advance from customers

    (1) Advance from customers

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Advance from customers 1 70,850,155.45 135,076,044.68(2) There was no advance from customers due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%)

    of the voting shares of the Company. For details of advance from customers due from related

    parties, please see Note VI. Related parties and related parties transaction.

    21. Employees’ wage payable

    Items 31 Dec. 2009 Increase this period Decrease this period 30 Jun. 2010

    Wage, bonus, allowance and

    subsidies 40,341,271.93 118,241,948.03 121,611,032.26 36,972,187.70

    Employee welfare 7,596,162.69 5,491,004.07 4,046,971.99 9,040,194.77

    Social insurance 3,128,978.05 21,219,140.58 18,955,522.35 5,392,596.28

    Housing fund 4,608,451.64 7,066,665.03 6,275,752.83 5,399,363.84

    Non-monetary welfare -

    Trade union and education

    allowance 4,360,561.81 1,084,237.13 1,071,389.00 4,373,409.94

    Compensations for disengagement

    other than dismissing policy 6,713,055.65 6,000.00 591,932.00 6,127,123.65

    Others - 669,651.76 620,791.60 48,860.16

    Total 66,748,481.77 153,778,646.60 153,173,392.03 67,353,736.34

    22. Tax payable

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    VAT 44,283,286.69 31,968,476.77

    Business tax 1,862,515.01 2,140,214.68

    Enterprise income tax 62,404,123.96 71,149,430.87

    Personal income tax 248,298.29 835,933.67

    Property tax 842,029.56 1,712,100.16

    Land using tax 1,241,512.53 541,103.54

    Stamp tax 249,980.66 564,185.09

    Urban maintenance and construction tax 2,691,478.42 2,391,172.40

    Education surtax 961,693.58 1,684,869.10

    Other 3,304,502.95 3,233,830.38

    Total 118,089,421.65 116,221,316.66

    23. Dividend payable

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Reason

    Little Swan shares of restricted

    sale of corporate 2,669,154.60 2,917,374.60 unable to pay

    Shareholders of Huayin - 50,548.35

    Total 2,669,154.60 2,967,922.95

    24. Other payablesItems 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Other payables 68,376,834.68 60,542,744.72

    (1) There was no amount due to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting

    shares of the Company in other payables. For details of other payables due to related parties,

    please see Note VI. Related parties and related parties transaction.

    25. Estimated liabilities

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Quality guarantee payable 18,040,050.02 11,213,500.02

    The washing machine, produced by Wuxi Little Swan General Electric Co., Ltd., owned by the

    company, has some risks especially sold to the United States and other foreign markets. In the

    washing machine where quality problems occur, the insurance company paid less than risks, as well

    as General Electric Company agreed in the contract of more than FCR (failure rate) in compensation

    risk. As of June 30, 2010 the company expected that for the sold products, the FCR payables and the

    amount of loss which exceeded insurance limit was 18.04 million yuan.

    26. Other non‐current liabilities

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Deferred revenue 5,176,300.00 3,679,000.00

    27. Share capital

    Capitalization of

    share capital

    Termination of

    restrictive Other

    A shares–restrictive 8,489,520.00 8,489,520.00

    A shares–common 348,130,368.00 348,130,368.00

    B shares 191,035,872.00 191,035,872.00

    Total 547,655,760.00 547,655,760.00


    Increase/Decrease (+/-)

    31 Dec. 2009 30 Jun. 2010

    28. Capital surplus

    Items 31 Dec. 2009 Increase this period Decrease this period 30 Jun. 2010

    Share premium 466,534,204.40 2,885,353.03 469,419,557.43

    Capital surplus transferred in 39,179,385.00 39,179,385.00

    Loss/profit from fair value 180,638.60 1,999.20 182,637.80

    Provision of equity investment 1,638,562.74 1,638,562.74

    Total 507,532,790.74 2,887,352.23 - 510,420,142.9729. Surplus reserves

    Items 31 Dec. 2009 Increase this

    period Decrease this period 30 Jun. 2010

    Statutory reserve 177,769,733.30 177,769,733.30

    30. Retained earnings

    Items 30 Jun. 2010 Proportion of withdrawing or


    Retained profit at the end of previous year before adjustment 621,953,000.06

    Adjusting: Total retained profit at the beginning of the year

    Retained profit at the beginning of the year after adjustment 621,953,000.06

    Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of parent company in the

    reporting period 168,364,330.94

    Less: Appropriating statutory reserve 10%

    Appropriating discretionary reserve

    Appropriating general risk provisions

    Dividend of common shares payable

    Dividend of common shares transferred to share capital

    Retained profit at the end of the period 790,317,331.00

    31. Operational turnover and costs

    (1) Details of business turnover and costs:

    Revenue Cost Revenue Cost

    Main business

    Washing machines 3,276,160,133.43 2,726,083,000.31 1,585,532,471.28 1,190,849,657.63

    Refrigerator 177,632,340.06 178,482,187.27

    Others 44,424,921.84 43,363,954.77 55,831,127.69 50,478,235.32

    Subtotal 3,320,585,055.27 2,769,446,955.08 1,818,995,939.03 1,419,810,080.22

    Other business

    Sales materials 308,146,606.69 293,034,869.76 79,246,724.32 73,867,427.83

    Rent 447,962.40

    Other 4,955,220.70 1,037,066.37 4,245,960.89 2,871,103.17

    Subtotal 313,549,789.79 294,071,936.13 83,492,685.21 76,738,531.00

    Total 3,634,134,845.06 3,063,518,891.21 1,902,488,624.24 1,496,548,611.22

    Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009


    (2) Turnover from top 5 clients:Operation revenue Proportion in total revenue

    No. 1 302,182,380.47 8.32%

    No. 2 322,977,012.56 8.89%

    No.3 125,789,632.27 3.46%

    No.4 97,377,087.18 2.68%

    No.5 89,102,289.79 2.45%

    Total 937,428,402.28 25.80%

    Name of clients

    Jan.-Jun. 2010

    32. Business tax and surcharge

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    City maintenance and construction tax 6,685,633.19 6,731,662.70

    Education surtax 3,006,321.63 3,768,928.19

    Business tax 34,215.34 102,334.33

    Other 228,814.24 357,288.55

    Total 9,954,984.40 10,960,213.77

    33. Financial expenses

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Interest expenses 8,301,932.98 3,821,070.93

    Less: Interest income 6,578,590.80 3,292,046.69

    Plus: Exchange losses 7,976,976.35 658,396.50

    Plus: Other 1,521,213.29 1,025,391.46

    Total 11,221,531.82 2,212,812.20

    34. Impairment provisions of assets

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Bad debt losses -4,029,773.78 4,672,084.64

    Inventory impairment losses

    Fixed assets impairment losses

    Total - 4,029,773.78 4,672,084.64

    35. Investment incomeItems Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Long-term equity investment income at cost method-cash

    dividend from non-subsidiaries 35,000.00 25,000.00

    Long-term equity investment income at equity method 402,609.93 6,567,743.43

    Gains from disposal of long-term equity investment -30,639,756.48

    Investment gains from disposal of financial assets available for

    sales 1,175,392.50

    Investment gains during holding financial assets available for


    Total 437,609.93 -22,871,620.55

    36. Non‐operating income

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Gains from disposal of fixed assets 5,029,001.68 1 4,568,429.91

    Gains from debt reorganization

    Gains from governmental subsidy 5,045,748.88 3,010,000.00

    Penalty income 235,859.78 883,046.55

    Other 175,651.52 966,676.21

    Total 10,486,261.86 19,428,152.67

    Details of gains from government subsidies:

    Items Occurred this period Occurred last period

    Rewards from the foreign trade and economic development

    project funds 458,500.00 126,400.00

    Subsidies for technological upgrading of enterprises 1,155,000.00

    National New Product subsidies 400,000.00

    National Enterprise Technology Center innovation project

    grants 300,000.00

    Support for general trade export 163,000.00 1,008,500.00

    Incubation enterprise subsidies 25,200.00

    VAT refund upon collection 2,944,048.88 1,330,100.00

    Other 145,000.00

    Total 5,045,748.88 3,010,000.00

    37. Non‐operating expensesItems Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Loss on disposal of fixed assets 7,160,226.78 5,569,535.94

    Loss on disposal of intangible assets

    Reduction of fixed asset 2,299.23

    Penalties paid 93,884.64 70,264.92

    Compensation expenses

    Donations expenses 401,332.00 250,000.00

    Losses on re-organization of debts

    Local fees 1,515,413.37 712,837.75

    Other 2,043,633.12 641,532.50

    Total 11,214,489.91 7,246,470.34

    38. Income tax expenses

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Income tax expense of current period 51,941,984.48 11,061,130.54

    Deferred income tax expense - 15,355,965.75 - 2,106,469.59

    Total 36,586,018.73 8,954,660.96

    39. Calculation formula of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

    (1) Calculation outcome

    Net profit attributable to common

    shareholders of the Company(Ⅰ)

    0.31 0.31 8.68% 0.12 0.12 4.11%

    Net profit attributable to common share

    holders of the Company after deducting

    of non-recurring gain/loss(Ⅱ)

    0.31 0.31 8.72% 0.10 0.10 3.40%

    Profit of the report period

    Jan.-Jun. 2010




    Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Basic EPS Diluted EPS Basic EPS Diluted EPS
































    0.31 0.12

    15% 15%

    - -

    - -


    0.31 0.10

    - -






    6.00 6.00




    Jan.-Jun. 2010

    169,263,710.54 55,821,900.00

    547,655,760.00 547,655,760.00

    Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Amount of shares increased by capitalizing of common

    reserves or share dividend

    Amount of shares increased by issuing of new shares or

    transforming of debt to shares


    Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the


    Non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the net profit of

    common shareholders of the parent company after deducting

    of income tax influences

    Net profit attributable to common share holders of the

    Company after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss


    Total of shares at beginning of year




    Number of months from the next month of new share

    issuing or converting of debt to shares to the end of report


    Amount of shares decreased by repurchasing of shares in the

    report term

    Number of months from the next month of share decreasing

    to the end of report term

    Amount of shares reduced


    Weighted average of common shares issued outside adjusted

    for merger under common control (II)

    Basic earnings per share (I)

    Basic earnings per share (II)

    Diluting potential common share interests recognized as


    Income tax rate

    Transformation fees

    Number of months in the report term

    Weighted average of common shares issued outside (I)

    Amount of shares increased by transforming or exercising of

    company bond, subscription certificate, or share option

    Diluted earnings per share (I)

    Diluted earnings per share (II) 0.31

    40. Other misc. incomesItems Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    1. Gains (losses) from sellable financial assets 2,352.00 6,996,648.50

    Less: Income tax influence of sellable financial assets 352.80 1,049,497.28

    Net amount written into other gains and transferred into

    gain/loss in previous terms 1,175,392.50

    Sub-total 1,999.20 4,771,758.73

    2. Shares in other gains of investees on equity basis

    Less: Income tax influence of shares in other gains of investees

    on equity basis

    Net amount written into other gains and transferred into

    gain/loss in previous terms

    Sub-total - -

    3. Amount of gains (or losses) from cash flow hedge instrument

    Less: Income tax influence of cash flow hedge instruments

    Net amount written into other gains and transferred into

    gain/loss in previous terms

    Adjusted amount transferred to initial amount of the target


    Subtotal - -

    4. Difference from translating of foreign currency financial


    Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business and

    transferred to current gain/loss

    Sub-total - -

    5. Others

    Less: Income tax influence by other accounted into other misc.


    Net amount accounted into other misc. income and transferred

    into current gain/loss in previous terms

    Sub-total - -

    Total 1,999.20 4,771,758.73

    41. Notes to the Cash Flow Statement

    (1) Other cash inflow related to operation

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Revenue from fines 235,859.78 -

    Subsidies 5,045,748.88 3,010,000.00

    Penalty 883,046.55

    Revenues from insurance claim of current assets -

    Interest income 6,578,590.80 3,017,930.53

    Other non-operating-related cash income 2,027,255.70 27,639,145.06

    The rentals from Operating lease 447,962.40 -

    Total 14,335,417.56 34,550,122.14

    (2) Other cash paid related to operationItems Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Sales expense 1 24,813,451.08 1 47,949,873.09

    Administrative expense 56,277,212.91 19,701,002.57

    The amount of fee expenditures in financial expenses 1,521,213.29 1,128,919.37

    Others 17,769,497.17 1,676,934.40

    Total 200,381,374.45 170,456,729.43

    42. Appendix of Cash Flow Statement

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    1.Net profit adjusted to cash flow of operation:

    Net profit 1 81,540,671.74 6 2,708,321.42

    Plus: Asset impairment provision -4,029,773.78 4 ,672,084.64

    Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation, production

    goods depreciation 2 1,235,648.12 2 3,978,072.55

    Amortizing of intangible assets 2 ,283,869.59 2 ,476,700.53

    Amortizing of long-term expenses 8 ,471,187.81 2 ,141,547.99

    Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other longterm

    assets 2 ,131,225.10 5 ,569,535.94

    Loss from fixed asset discard - -

    Loss from fluctuation of fair value - -

    Financial expenses 7 87,611.41 3 ,000,106.17

    Investment loss -437,609.93 2 2,871,620.55

    Decrease of deferred income tax asset -15,355,965.75 - 2,048,718.64

    Increase of deferred income tax liabilities - -

    Decrease of inventory 1 04,529,123.59 204,220,280.68

    Decrease of operational receivable items -1,324,130,685.90 -202,496,061.92

    Increase of operational payable items 1 ,525,825,180.82 -23,224,194.61

    Others - -

    Net cash flow generated by business operation 5 02,850,482.82 103,869,295.30

    2. Investment and financing activities not involving in cash flow

    Liabilities converted to capital

    Convertible bond expire within 1 year

    Fixed assets acquired under finance leases

    3. Change of cash and cash equivalents

    Balance of cash at end of year

    Less: Balance of cash at beginning of year

    Plus: Balance of cash equivalents at end of term 1 ,295,846,260.40 748,728,302.46

    Less: Balance of cash equivalents at beginning of term 8 52,448,970.81 617,998,210.34

    Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 4 43,397,289.59 130,730,092.12

    NOTE VI:Relationship and Related party transactions

    1. Details of the parent party:

    Name of the parent

    company Relationship Enterprise Nature Registered place Legal representative Business Nature

    Guangdong Midea Electric

    Appliances Co., Ltd. Parent Company Joint stock company Foshan,Guangdong Fang Hongbo

    Manufacture and sales of commercial air


    and compressors, after-sale

    service of productionsName of the parent

    company Registered Capital

    Proportions of parent


    shareholding to the

    company (%)

    Proportions of parent

    company’s voting

    right to the company


    Ultimate controller of

    the company Organization Code

    Guangdong Midea Electric

    Appliances Co., Ltd. 3,120,270,000 29.64 29.64 He Xiangjian 19033709-2

    2. Related parties

    Fo Shan Midea Materials Supply Co., Ltd.

    He Fei Midea Materials Supply Co., Ltd.

    Fo Shan Wei Ling Washing Motor Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company's parent company

    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company's parent company

    Under control of the company’s ultimate controlling shareholder’s direct relative

    Jiangsu Midea Chunhua Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company's parent company

    Wuhu Andde Logistical Co., Ltd.

    Hefei Century Molding Development Co., Ltd.

    He Fei Hua Ling Share Holding Co. , Ltd.

    He Fei Rongshida Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

    Guangzhou Antaida Material Distribution Co. , Ltd.

    Wuxi Indesit Home Appliances Co. , Ltd.

    Joint – operative

    Joint – operative

    Name of the parties Relationship

    BSW Household Appliances Co. , Ltd. Joint – operative

    3. Related Party Transactions

    (1) Buying and selling goods, providing and receiving services among the related-party

    Amount (RMB'0000) % Amount (RMB'0000) %

    Wuhu Andde Logistical Co., Ltd. 1,552.90 0.53% 648.20 0.43% Market price

    He Fei Rongshida Washing Equipment

    Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 27,709.70 9.43% 15,007.54 9.92% Market price

    Fo Shan Wei Ling Washing Motor Co., Ltd. 15,590.42 5.31% 1,547.97 1.02% Market price

    Fo Shan Midea Materials Supply Co., Ltd. 12.96 0.00% 1,248.46 0.83% Market price

    He Fei Midea Materials Supply Co., Ltd. 665.26 0.23% Market price

    Hefei Century Molding Development Co.,

    Ltd. 876.45 0.30% 56.44 0.04% Market price

    Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co.,

    Ltd. 4,879.97 1.66% Market price

    Hefei Midea Royalstar Refrigerator Co., Ltd. 0.00% 2,220.85 1.47% Market price

    Total 51,287.66 17.46% 20,729.46 13.71%

    Pricing policy

    Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Name of related parties

    Jan.-Jun. 2010Amount (RMB'0000) % Amount (RMB'0000) %

    Hefei Century Molding Development Co.,

    Ltd. 608.76 0.17% 57.21 0.03% Market price

    He Fei Rongshida Washing Equipment

    Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 36,988.71 10.18% 2,045.27 1.08% Market price

    Hefei Midea Royalstar Refrigerator Co., Ltd. 16,116.13 8.47% Market price

    Hefei Rongshida Midea Electrical Appliance

    Sales Co., Ltd. 108.77 0.06% Market price

    He Fei Hua Ling Share Holding Co. , Ltd. 1,037.36 0.35% 5.79 0.00% Market price

    Jiangsu Midea Chunhua Electrical Appliance

    Co., Ltd. 61.37 0.02% Market price

    Total 38,696.20 10.72% 18,333.16 9.64%

    Name of related parties

    Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Pricing policy

    Pricing policy

    Amount (RMB'0000) % Amount (RMB'0000) %

    Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co.,

    Ltd. 121.02 121.02 Market price

    Name of related parties

    Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    (2) Guarantees among the related parties

    As at 30 June 2010, the Company did not provide security of guaranty for the subsidiaries’ bank loan

    and bank acceptance bill.

    As at 30 June 2010, the Company provided the guarantee for the Letter of Credit of subsidiary

    (Wuxi Little Swan General electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.). The details are USD 863,072.24.

    (3) Details of Property Transfer and Debt Restructuring between related parties.

    Ongoing significant asset reorganization project: the Company purchased the equity of USD

    94,145,000.00 of He Fei Rongshida Washing Machinery Co., Ltd from the parent company

    Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. by issuing A‐shares to the parent company. At

    present, relevant matters have been approved by the Board of Directors and the Shareholders’

    General Meeting, and obtained conditional approval from CSRC. The said asset reorganization shall

    be implemented after obtaining official reply from CSRC.

    4. Amount due to/from related partiesName of entities 30 June 2010 31 December 2009

    Accounts Receivable

    He Fei Rongshida Washing Equipment

    Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 12,343.72 5,642.13

    He Fei Hua Ling Share Holding Co. , Ltd. 595.95

    Jiangsu Midea Chunhua Electrical Appliance

    Co., Ltd. 56.79

    Total 12,996.46 5,642.13

    Other Accounts Receivable

    BSW Household Appliances Co. , Ltd. 456.67 516.68

    Total 456.67 516.68


    Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co.,

    Ltd. - 121.02

    Hefei Century Molding Development Co.,

    Ltd. - 2.10

    Total - 123.12

    Accounts payable

    Fo Shan Wei Ling Washing Motor Co., Ltd. 7,029.61 4,347.74

    He Fei Midea Materials Supply Co., Ltd. 687.25 -

    He Fei Rongshida Washing Equipment

    Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 7,592.04 6,046.34

    Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co.,

    Ltd. 635.06 1,013.93

    Hefei Century Molding Development Co.,

    Ltd. 246.04 305.94

    Total 16,190.00 11,713.95

    Advances from the customers

    Wuhu Andde Logistical Co., Ltd. 15.58 4.89

    He Fei Rongshida Washing Equipment

    Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 16.83

    Total 15.58 21.72

    Other payables:

    Wuhu Andde Logistical Co., Ltd. 66.72 391.54

    Total 66.72 391.54

    Note VII:Contingent events

    As of June 300, 2010, no other significant contingent events should be disclosed.

    Note VIII:Commitment issues

    As of June 300, 2010, no other significant commitment issues should be disclosed.

    Note IX.:Events after balance sheet date

    As of June 300, 2010, no other events after balance sheet date should be disclosed.

    Note X: Other significant events

    As of June 300, 2010, no other significant events should be disclosed.Note Ⅺ:Notes to the financial statements of parent Company

    1. Accounts receivable

    (1) category analysis:

    Amount (%) Amount (%)

    Individually significant accounts

    receivable 450,343,777.48 73.15% 2 2,517,188.87 43.69% 4 27,826,588.61

    Accounts receivable which are not

    individually significant, but are assessed

    at high risk level through credit risk


    9,818,239.97 1.59% 9 ,818,239.97 19.05% -

    Other non-material receivables 155,479,859.02 25.25% 1 9,199,087.65 37.25% 1 36,280,771.37

    Total 615,641,876.47 100.00% 5 1,534,516.49 100.00% 5 64,107,359.98


    30 June 2010

    Book balance Provision for bad debt

    book value

    Amount (%) Amount (%)

    Individually significant accounts

    receivable 748,265,677.82 84.36% 1 29,337,709.89 93.11% 6 18,927,967.93

    Accounts receivable which are not

    individually significant, but are assessed

    at high risk level through credit risk


    2,466,242.62 0.28% 2 ,466,242.62 1.78% -

    Other non-material receivables 136,233,322.39 15.36% 7 ,101,070.48 5.11% 1 29,132,251.91

    Total 886,965,242.83 100.00% 1 38,905,022.99 100.00% 7 48,060,219.84


    31 December 2009

    Book balance Provision for bad debt

    book value

    (2) aging analysis:

    Book balance % provision for bad debts Book value

    Within 1 year 605,431,906.49 99.94% 4 1,677,103.52 5 63,754,802.98

    1-2 years 391,730.00 0.06% 3 9,173.00 3 52,557.00

    2-3 years - 0.00% - -

    3-5 years - 0.00% - -

    Over 5 - 0.00% - -

    Total 605,823,636.49 100.00% 41,716,276.52 5 64,107,359.98


    30 June 2010

    Book balance % provision for bad debts Book value

    Within 1 year 799,308,410.83 90.12% 5 1,703,176.06 7 47,605,234.77

    1-2 years 539,466.45 0.06% 8 4,481.38 4 54,985.07

    2-3 years - 0.00% -

    3-5 years 2,413,477.83 0.27% 2 ,413,477.83 -

    Over 5 84,703,887.72 9.55% 8 4,703,887.72 -

    Total 886,965,242.83 100.00% 1 38,905,022.99 7 48,060,219.84


    31 December 2009(3) There was no accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%)

    of the voting shares of the Company.

    2. Other receivables

    (1) category analysis:

    Amount % Amount %

    Individually significant accounts

    receivable 76,876,517.15 90.13% 6 5,201,452.23 92.95% 11,675,064.92

    Accounts receivable which are not

    individually significant, but are assessed at

    high risk level through credit risk


    4,656,558.46 5.46% 4 ,656,558.46 6.64% -

    Other non-material receivables 3,758,539.45 4.41% 2 91,166.70 0.42% 3,467,372.75

    Total 85,291,615.06 100.00% 7 0,149,177.39 100.00% 15,142,437.67


    30 June 2010

    Book balance Provision for bad debt

    Book value

    Amount % Amount %

    Individually significant accounts

    receivable 92,748,647.83 58.18% 8 6,524,272.83 61.17% 6,224,375.00

    Accounts receivable which are not

    individually significant, but are assessed at

    high risk level through credit risk


    51,220,980.12 32.13% 5 1,209,456.12 36.20% 11,524.00

    Other non-material receivables 15,457,995.73 9.70% 3 ,715,225.57 2.63% 11,742,770.16

    Total 159,427,623.68 100.00% 1 41,448,954.52 100.00% 17,978,669.16


    31 December 2009

    Book balance Provision for bad debt

    Book value

    (2) aging analysis:

    Book balance % Provision for bad debt Book value

    Within 1 year 7,202,024.35 8.44% 3 60,101.22 6 ,841,923.13

    1-2 years 26,273,864.34 30.80% 2 1,385,168.86 4 ,888,695.48

    2-3 years 17,482,800.62 20.50% 1 5,724,966.01 1 ,757,834.61

    3-5 years 12,959,892.91 15.19% 1 1,305,908.46 1 ,653,984.45

    Over 5 21,373,032.84 25.06% 2 1,373,032.84 -

    Total 85,291,615.06 100.00% 70,149,177.39 15,142,437.67


    30 June 2010

    Book balance % Provision for bad debt Book value

    Within 1 year 8,754,928.53 5.49% 4 41,180.08 8 ,313,748.45

    1-2 years 27,606,307.57 17.32% 2 1,317,264.85 6 ,289,042.72

    2-3 years 19,947,014.83 12.51% 1 8,189,180.22 1 ,757,834.61

    3-5 years 37,959,191.99 23.81% 3 6,341,148.61 1 ,618,043.38

    Over 5 65,160,180.76 40.87% 6 5,160,180.76 -

    Total 159,427,623.68 100.00% 1 41,448,954.52 17,978,669.16


    31 December 2009(3) There was no other receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the

    voting shares of the Company.

    3. Long-term equity investment

    BSW Household Appliances Co., Ltd. Equity method 97,482,661.00 1 18,121,090.12 4 ,779,497.92 1 22,900,588.04

    Wuxi Indesit Home Appliances Co., Ltd. Equity method 33,768,120.00 1 9,857,893.46 - 4,307,026.01 1 5,550,867.46

    Guangzhou Antaida Logistical Co., Ltd. Equity method 2,000,000.00 3 ,781,044.05 - 69,861.99 3 ,711,182.06

    Wuxi Little Swan Import & Export Co. , Ltd Cost method 57,500,000.00 5 7,500,000.00 5 7,500,000.00

    Wuxi Huayin Electric Appliances Co. , Ltd. Cost method 3 7,313,630.00 3 7,313,630.00 1 1,450,000.00 4 8,763,630.00

    Wuxi Little Swan Washing Machine Co. ,

    Ltd. Cost method 37,259,587.50 3 7,259,587.50 3 7,259,587.50

    Wuxi Meitian Refrigerator Marketing and

    sale Co., Ltd. Cost method 24,840,000.00 2 4,840,000.00 2 4,840,000.00

    Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing and Sales

    Co. , Ltd. Cost method 4 17,550,000.00 4 17,550,000.00 4 17,550,000.00

    Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd. Cost method 19,620,041.50 2 5,660,308.10 2 5,660,308.10

    Wuxi Little Swan General Electric

    Appliances Co. , Ltd. Cost method 19,600,000.00 1 9,600,000.00 1 9,600,000.00

    San Jin (Jing Zhou) Electrical Appliances

    Co. , Ltd. Cost method 11,869,431.12 1 1,869,431.12 1 1,869,431.12

    Wuxi Little Swan Driving & Control

    Development Technology Co. , Ltd. Cost method 4,500,000.00 4 ,500,000.00 4 ,500,000.00

    (Malaysia) Midaqi Little Swan Industry Co.,

    Ltd. Cost method 4,224,744.00 - -

    Hengtai Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd. Cost method 1,000,000.00 1 ,000,000.00 1 ,000,000.00

    Suzhou Renmin Department Store Co.,

    Ltd.(150,000 shares) Cost method 1 50,000.00 150,000.00 1 50,000.00

    Bank of Jiangsu (2,092,564 shares) Cost method 1,100,000.00 1 ,100,000.00 1 ,100,000.00

    Total 7 69,778,215.12 780,102,984.35 11,852,609.93 791,955,594.28

    Amount of Initial Increase/decrease 30 Jun. 2010

    Invested entities Method investment 31 Dec. 2009Accurred impairment

    provision Cash dividends

    BSW Household Appliances Co., Ltd. 40.00 4 0.00

    Wuxi Indesit Home Appliances Co., Ltd. 30.00 3 0.00

    Guangzhou Antaida Logistical Co., Ltd. 20.00 2 0.00

    Wuxi Little Swan Import & Export Co. , Ltd 88.46 8 8.46

    Wuxi Huayin Electric Appliances Co. , Ltd. 75.00 7 5.00

    Wuxi Little Swan Washing Machine Co. ,

    Ltd. 75.00 7 5.00

    Wuxi Meitian Refrigerator Marketing and

    sale Co., Ltd. 75.00 7 5.00

    Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing and Sales

    Co. , Ltd. 99.54 9 9.54

    Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd. 73.00 7 3.00

    Wuxi Little Swan General Electric

    Appliances Co. , Ltd. 70.00 7 0.00

    San Jin (Jing Zhou) Electrical Appliances

    Co. , Ltd. 1 00.00 1 00.00

    Wuxi Little Swan Driving & Control

    Development Technology Co. , Ltd. 90.00 9 0.00

    Jan.-Jun. 2010

    Proportion of voting

    Invested entities Proportions of rights (%) Impairment provision

    shareholding (%)

    Accurred impairment

    provision Cash dividends

    Jan.-Jun. 2010

    Proportion of voting

    Invested entities Proportions of rights (%) Impairment provision

    shareholding (%)

    (Malaysia) Midaqi Little Swan Industry Co.,

    Ltd. 51.00 5 1.00 4,224,744.00

    Hengtai Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd. 3.33 3 .33 10,000.00

    Suzhou Renmin Department Store Co.,

    Ltd.(150,000 shares) - - 25,000.00

    Bank of Jiangsu (2,092,564 shares) - -

    Total 4,224,744.00 - 35,000.00

    4. Operational turnover and costs

    Revenue Cost Revenue Cost

    Main business

    Washing machines 2,871,024,907.96 2,422,448,147.00 1,120,109,866.45 783,970,165.17

    Refrigerator 60,408,181.17 58,822,399.45

    Others -

    Subtotal 2,871,024,907.96 2,422,448,147.00 1,180,518,047.62 842,792,564.62

    Other business

    Sales materials 284,138,937.85 279,513,021.18 59,850,721.71 61,391,578.38

    Rent 447,962.40

    Other 1,593,558.01 763,201.44 2,122,574.22 2,436,966.85

    Subtotal 286,180,458.26 280,276,222.62 61,973,295.93 63,828,545.23

    Total 3,157,205,366.23 2,702,724,369.61 1,242,491,343.55 906,621,109.85


    Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 20095. Investment income

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Long-term equity investment income at cost method-cash dividend

    from non-subsidiaries 35,000.00 2 5,000.00

    Long-term equity investment income at cost method-cash dividend

    from subsidiaries

    Long-term equity investment income at equity method 402,609.93 6,567,743.43

    Gains from disposal of long-term equity investment -85,166,119.03

    Investment gains from disposal of financial assets available for

    sales 1,175,392.50

    Investment gains during holding financial assets available for sales

    Total 437,609.93 - 77,397,983.10

    6. Appendix of Cash Flow Statement

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    1.Net profit adjusted to cash flow of operation:

    Net profit 134,353,434.93 34,167,101.02

    Plus: Asset impairment provision - 9,863,010.11 - 19,904,919.51

    Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation,

    production goods depreciation 18,584,463.21 14,756,817.74

    Amortizing of intangible assets 1,424,556.18 1,458,057.58

    Amortizing of long-term expenses 5,840,044.69 2,141,547.99

    Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other

    long-term assets 680,493.51 3,342,892.37

    Loss from fixed asset discard - -

    Loss from fluctuation of fair value - -

    Financial expenses - -

    Investment loss - 437,609.93 7 7,397,983.10

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Decrease of deferred income tax asset - 15,958,679.39 -854,771.29

    Increase of deferred income tax liabilities - -

    Decrease of inventory 71,613,491.80 1 22,463,926.83

    Decrease of operational receivable items - 1,138,590,789.54 35,946,475.65

    Increase of operational payable items 1,365,733,437.39 - 153,676,103.63

    Others -

    Net cash flow generated by business operation 433,379,832.74 1 17,239,007.85

    2. Investment and financing activities not involving in cash flow

    Liabilities converted to capital

    Convertible bond expire within 1 year

    Fixed assets acquired under finance leases

    3. Change of cash and cash equivalents

    Balance of cash at end of year

    Less: Balance of cash at beginning of year

    Plus: Balance of cash equivalents at end of term 1,133,368,149.44 6 03,741,476.82

    Less: Balance of cash equivalents at beginning of term 743,637,877.78 4 08,475,277.00

    Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 389,730,271.66 1 95,266,199.82

    Note XII.:Supplementary Info.

    (3) Details of non-recurring gain/loss of current termItems Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    1. Gain/loss from disposal of non-working capital - 2,131,225.10 8 ,998,893.97

    2. Refunding and exemption of taxes in excess of authority or without official

    approval documents

    3. Government subsidies accounted into current income account (except for those

    government subsidies closely related to the Company’s business, and received at

    national statutory standard and amount)

    5,045,748.88 3,010,000.00

    4. Capital adoption fee collected from non-financial organizations and accounted into

    current gain/loss

    5. Gain/loss from differences between the cost of enterprise merger and the fair value

    of recognizable net asset of the invested entities

    6. Gain/loss from non-monetary assets

    7. Gain/loss from commissioned investment or assets

    8. Asset impairment provisions provided for force-majeure

    9. Gain/loss from debt reorganization -

    10. Enterprise reorganizing expenses, such as employee placement fee and integration


    11. Gain/loss from trade departing from fair value

    12. Current net gain/loss of subsidiaries under same control from beginning of term till

    date of consolidation

    13. Gain/loss generated by contingent liabilities without connection with main


    14. Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset and liabilities, and

    investment gains from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and

    sellable financial assets, other than valid period value instruments related to the

    Company’s common businesses


    15. Restoring of receivable account impairment provision tested individually

    16. Gain/loss from commissioned loans

    17. Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property measured at fair value

    in follow-up measurement

    18. Influence of one-time adjustment made on current gain/loss account according to

    the laws and regulations regarding tax and accounting

    19. Consigning fee received for consigned operation

    20. Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above -3,642,751.83 1 72,788.36

    21. Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of nonrecurring gain/loss account

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2010 Jan.-Jun. 2009

    Total of non-recurring gain/loss (influence on gross profit) -728,228.05 1 3,357,074.83

    Less: Influenced amount of income tax -232,985.58 1 ,897,285.87

    Less: Influenced amount of minor shareholders’ equity 404,137.13 - 110,618.15

    Influence amount of net profit attributable to common shareholders of the

    Company -899,379.60 1 1,570,407.11

    Net profit attributable to common share holders of the Company after deducting

    of non-recurring gain/loss 169,263,710.54 5 5,821,900.00

    (4) Explanations for abnormal situations of main accounting statements items Unit:

    (RMB 0’000)Monetary fund 129,584.63 8 5,244.90 4 4,339.73 52%

    some notes receivable were discounted

    for cash to accelerate the flow of

    funds and reduce financing cost in

    the report period

    Note receivables 193,260.58 6 0,449.97 1 32,810.61 220% a significant growth of the domestic

    sales income

    Advances to suppliers 17,210.83 6,624.33 1 0,586.51 160%

    the construction was not finished and

    prepayments to relevant construction

    suppliers were not written off

    Long-term deferred expenses 2,786.75 1,677.37 1 ,109.37 66%

    the Company strengthened new product

    development in the report period and

    the relevant expenses on modules were


    Short-term loan - 1 00.00 - 100.00 -100%

    borrowings were paid off in the

    report period to reduce the financing


    Notes payable 83,912.37 1,400.00 8 2,512.37 5894%

    notes payable in the report period

    were banker’s acceptance bills drawn

    by the Company

    Accounts payable 224,580.95 1 55,244.31 6 9,336.64 45% purchases increased due to sales


    Estimated liabilities 1,804.01 1,121.35 6 82.66 61%

    the product quality deposits were

    estimated, upon measurement, to

    increase in the report period as

    compared ith the pre ious period

    Other non-current liabilities 517.63 3 67.90 1 49.73 41% government subsidies for the Company

    ’s technological remolding project

    Turnover 363,413.48 190,248.86 1 73,164.62 91%

    the distribution network constantly

    promoted by the Company produced a

    good result and the channel network

    gre mature uickl

    Operation cost 306,351.89 149,654.86 1 56,697.03 105% the income growth

    Administrative expense 1 2,356.32 6 ,768.18 5 ,588.14 83%

    the income grew and the

    administrative cost and scope


    Financial expense 1 ,122.15 2 21.28 9 00.87 407%

    some notes receivable were

    discounted for cash in the report

    period and exchange rates fluctuated

    Assets impairment loss -402.98 4 67.21 - 870.19 -186%

    accounts receivable were collected in

    time at the year-begin and accounts

    receivable within one year decreased

    as compared with the year begin

    Investment income 4 3.76 -2,287.16 2 ,330.92 -102%

    at the same period of last year, a

    great loss came from subsidiary

    disposal and there were no such

    e ents in the current period

    Non-operation income 1 ,048.63 1 ,942.82 - 894.19 -46%

    at the same period of last year, a

    great income was obtained from fixed

    asset disposal

    Non-operation expense 1 ,121.45 7 24.65 3 96.80 55%

    old equipments were renewed to

    improve the production efficiency and

    expenses increased for scrap


    Income tax expense 3 ,658.60 8 95.47 2 ,763.14 309% considerable profit growth

    Items Amount this period Amount last period Note



    %Items Amount this period Amount last period Note




    Gains and losses of minority

    shareholders 1 ,317.63 -468.40 1 ,786.03 -381% subsidiaries achieved profits in the

    current period

    Net cash flow arising from

    operating activities 5 0,285.05 1 0,386.93 3 9,898.12 384%

    some notes receivable were

    discounted in the report period,

    which generated inflow of more goods

    pa ments

    Net cash flow arising from

    investing activities -5,741.74 3 ,487.09 - 9,228.83 -265%

    the invested companies did not

    distribute profit in the report

    period and investment into fixed

    assets gre as compared ith the same

    Net cash flow arising from

    financing activities -203.58 -801.01 5 97.43 -75%

    original borrowings were repaid and

    no new loans were borrowed in the

    report period