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						                                                    Financial Report

I. Auditor’s Report

Whether the interim report has been audited?

□Yes √ No

The interim report of the Company has not been audited.

II. Financial Statements

The unit of the financial statements attached: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                        Item                           30 June 2018        31 December 2017

Current assets:

  Monetary assets                                                       1,704,230,864.24      1,588,264,516.05

  Settlement reserve

  Interbank loans granted

  Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                                           5,270,238.03

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable                                                      1,176,200,901.21      1,283,192,684.28

  Accounts receivable                                                   1,977,970,373.74      1,736,724,496.10

  Prepayments                                                             152,336,504.11        84,346,792.38

  Premiums receivable

  Reinsurance receivables

  Receivable reinsurance contract reserve

  Interest receivable                                                     179,688,607.69        60,943,907.98

  Dividends receivable

  Other receivables                                                        34,741,255.89        47,224,454.09

  Financial assets purchased under resale agreements

  Inventories                                                             586,403,967.09      1,980,766,196.14

  Assets classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets                                                         11,926,962,399.50   12,778,240,745.22

Total current assets                                                           17,738,534,873.47   19,564,974,030.27

Non-current assets:

  Loans and advances to customers

  Available-for-sale financial assets                                                200,000.00          200,000.00

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments

  Investment property                                                             59,769,771.00       61,695,825.00

  Fixed assets                                                                  1,064,376,016.22    1,029,668,355.84

  Construction in progress                                                        39,728,931.02       37,972,252.60

  Engineering materials

  Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Intangible assets                                                              184,434,179.99      187,045,347.27

  R&D expense


  Long-term prepaid expense                                                       26,391,575.09       22,382,020.52

  Deferred income tax assets                                                     380,061,339.65      407,151,474.64

  Other non-current assets                                                        56,029,381.55       27,331,937.53

Total non-current assets                                                        1,810,991,194.52    1,773,447,213.40

Total assets                                                                   19,549,526,067.99   21,338,421,243.67

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                                                                               81,393,672.34

  Borrowings from central bank

  Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions

  Interbank loans obtained

  Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss                        4,800,613.47

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                                                                 3,915,720,273.53    2,805,804,600.41

  Accounts payable                                                              2,809,609,738.57    3,827,025,700.10

  Advances from customers                                                        828,133,123.71     3,065,815,801.93

  Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements

  Handling charges and commissions payable

  Payroll payable                                                             257,127,334.88      349,483,844.76

  Taxes payable                                                               426,592,631.50      638,017,523.31

  Interest payable

  Dividends payable                                                              9,049,503.92        6,996,784.06

  Other payables                                                              185,057,430.91      221,120,863.48

  Reinsurance payables

  Insurance contract reserve

  Payables for acting trading of securities

  Payables for underwriting of securities

  Liabilities directly associated with assets classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current liabilities

  Other current liabilities                                                  2,476,199,672.19    2,107,700,604.61

Total current liabilities                                                   10,912,290,322.68   13,103,359,395.00

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

        Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payable                                                    10,291,652.87       12,021,620.17

  Specific payables

  Provisions                                                                     2,157,992.76        2,253,082.25

  Deferred income                                                                2,262,533.19        2,489,133.21

  Deferred income tax liabilities

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                                  14,712,178.82       16,763,835.63

Total liabilities                                                           10,927,002,501.50   13,120,123,230.63

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                                               632,487,764.00      632,487,764.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

        Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                                                  1,296,794,069.01      1,252,947,546.80

  Less: Treasury shares

  Other comprehensive income                                           28,544,268.12        40,496,366.85

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                                                    332,594,722.29       332,594,722.29

  General reserve

  Retained profits                                                  5,058,123,683.45      4,788,564,401.03

Total equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent    7,348,544,506.87      7,047,090,800.97

Non-controlling interests                                           1,273,979,059.62      1,171,207,212.07

Total owners’ equity                                               8,622,523,566.49      8,218,298,013.04

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                              19,549,526,067.99     21,338,421,243.67

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                        Item                       30 June 2018        31 December 2017

Current assets:

  Monetary assets                                                     642,107,101.53      1,030,061,384.78

  Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                                       3,724,810.47

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable                                                    730,830,976.20       938,342,347.95

  Accounts receivable                                               1,806,817,821.81      2,805,194,600.27

  Prepayments                                                         106,050,805.01        67,278,861.92

  Interest receivable                                                 117,300,028.26        32,913,208.23

  Dividends receivable

  Other receivables                                                    21,922,908.39        28,973,048.36

  Inventories                                                         365,685,219.33      1,206,334,183.68

  Assets classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets                                              7,821,975,278.04      7,259,605,039.27

Total current assets                                               11,612,690,138.57     13,372,427,484.93

Non-current assets:

  Available-for-sale financial assets                                     150,000.00           150,000.00

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments                                                958,235,041.57      958,235,041.57

  Investment property                                                            7,703,668.04        7,882,440.32

  Fixed assets                                                                559,225,207.15      532,803,209.18

  Construction in progress                                                     39,078,412.10       37,321,733.68

  Engineering materials

  Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Intangible assets                                                            88,555,717.18       89,900,867.32

  R&D expense


  Long-term prepaid expense                                                      8,692,674.82        5,905,684.35

  Deferred income tax assets                                                  242,914,956.98      225,186,332.58

  Other non-current assets                                                     29,776,415.75       17,138,349.61

Total non-current assets                                                     1,934,332,093.59    1,874,523,658.61

Total assets                                                                13,547,022,232.16   15,246,951,143.54

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                                                                            16,806,882.34

  Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss                     2,287,302.98

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                                                              2,388,399,378.38    1,678,546,630.26

  Accounts payable                                                           3,561,506,900.23    4,395,361,312.16

  Advances from customers                                                     453,158,337.38     1,862,974,982.38

  Payroll payable                                                             192,419,861.91      268,065,495.23

  Taxes payable                                                               267,379,270.73      353,920,883.93

  Interest payable

  Dividends payable                                                              9,049,503.92        6,996,784.06

  Other payables                                                              117,503,996.19      146,982,721.63

  Liabilities directly associated with assets classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current liabilities

  Other current liabilities                                                  1,459,958,436.52    1,336,384,942.60

Total current liabilities                                                    8,451,662,988.24   10,066,040,634.59

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

        Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payable

  Specific payables


  Deferred income

  Deferred income tax liabilities

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                               8,451,662,988.24   10,066,040,634.59

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                  632,487,764.00      632,487,764.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

        Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                              1,444,087,483.55    1,405,575,239.68

  Less: Treasury shares

  Other comprehensive income                      17,203,068.47       27,970,054.39

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                               319,944,578.39      319,944,578.39

  Retained profits                              2,681,636,349.51    2,794,932,872.49

Total owners’ equity                           5,095,359,243.92    5,180,910,508.95

Total liabilities and owners’ equity          13,547,022,232.16   15,246,951,143.54

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                        Item    H1 2018              H1 2017

1. Revenue                                     12,056,938,286.05   10,568,060,854.21

  Including: Operating revenue                 12,056,938,286.05   10,568,060,854.21

     Interest income

     Premium income

     Handling charge and commission income

2. Operating costs and expenses                                                  10,930,076,719.93   9,801,989,312.87

  Including: Cost of sales                                                        8,849,801,833.02   7,861,371,811.78

     Interest expense

     Handling charge and commission expense


     Net claims paid

     Net amount provided as insurance contract reserve

     Expenditure on policy dividends

     Reinsurance premium expense

     Taxes and surtaxes                                                              66,817,703.11     64,532,273.74

     Selling expense                                                              1,769,706,658.94   1,533,889,871.40

     Administrative expense                                                        451,163,055.68     328,163,105.40

     Finance costs                                                                 -231,352,118.98     -23,523,197.84

     Asset impairment loss                                                          23,939,588.16      37,555,448.39

Add: Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)                                 -10,070,851.50       4,917,873.13

  Investment income (“-” for loss)                                                76,902,741.54     181,665,882.11

     Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates

  Foreign exchange gain (“-” for loss)

  Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)                                               634,455.90

  Other income                                                                      27,971,652.00      15,806,553.77

3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                                              1,222,299,564.06    968,461,850.35

  Add: Non-operating income                                                           7,366,461.87     15,623,753.30

  Less: Non-operating expense                                                          790,740.84        3,079,657.86

4. Profit before taxation (“-” for loss)                                        1,228,875,285.09    981,005,945.79

  Less: Income tax expense                                                         225,410,775.48     148,245,695.78

5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                                1,003,464,509.61    832,760,250.01

  5.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)                  1,003,464,509.61    832,760,250.01

  5.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)

  Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as the parent                   902,047,046.42     731,540,502.47

  Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests                             101,417,463.19     101,219,747.54

6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                           -12,473,938.60     -32,416,277.72

  Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent                               -11,952,098.73     -27,421,035.91

     6.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

        6.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or assets caused by remeasurements on
defined benefit pension schemes

         6.1.2 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will not be
reclassified to profit or loss under equity method

     6.2 Items that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss                     -11,952,098.73     -27,421,035.91

         6.2.1 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will be
reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
         6.2.2 Gain/Loss on changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial
                                                                                           -11,954,415.00     -27,414,609.36
         6.2.3 Gain/Loss arising from reclassification of held-to-maturity
investments to available-for-sale financial assets

         6.2.4 Effective gain/loss on cash flow hedges

         6.2.5    Differences      arising       from    translation     of    foreign
                                                                                                 2,316.27          -6,426.55
currency-denominated financial statements

         6.2.6 Other

  Attributable to non-controlling interests                                                  -521,839.87       -4,995,241.81

7. Total comprehensive income                                                             990,990,571.01     800,343,972.29

  Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent                                     890,094,947.69     704,119,466.56

  Attributable to non-controlling interests                                               100,895,623.32      96,224,505.73

8. Earnings per share

  8.1 Basic earnings per share                                                                       1.43               1.16

  8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                                                     1.43               1.16

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                          Item                                           H1 2018             H1 2017

1. Operating revenue                                                                     8,455,200,768.71   7,759,223,092.31

  Less: Cost of sales                                                                    6,418,259,181.32   5,996,000,032.58

     Taxes and surtaxes                                                                    41,081,819.40      44,435,454.94

     Selling expense                                                                     1,201,302,691.12   1,018,772,573.33

     Administrative expense                                                               363,636,150.54     270,135,520.31

     Finance costs                                                                       -140,156,569.84      -28,038,916.25

     Asset impairment loss                                                                   4,306,909.22     15,145,318.12

  Add: Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)                                       -6,012,113.45       4,277,601.99

     Investment income (“-” for loss)                                                    47,856,987.09      93,359,516.82

         Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates

     Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)                                                  -423,677.25

     Other income                                                                            2,828,142.34

2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                                                  611,019,925.69     540,410,228.09

  Add: Non-operating income                                                             6,052,314.08        8,461,114.95

  Less: Non-operating expense                                                             662,692.00        1,598,940.52

3. Profit before taxation (“-” for loss)                                            616,409,547.77     547,272,402.52

  Less: Income tax expense                                                             97,218,306.75      85,606,709.99

4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                                    519,191,241.02     461,665,692.53

  4.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)                      519,191,241.02     461,665,692.53

  4.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)

5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                              -10,766,985.93     -15,363,138.05

  5.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

     5.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or assets caused by remeasurements on
defined benefit pension schemes
     5.1.2 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will not be
reclassified into profit or loss under equity method

  5.2 Items that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss                    -10,766,985.93     -15,363,138.05

     5.2.1 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will be
reclassified into profit or loss under equity method
     5.2.2 Gain/Loss on changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial
                                                                                       -10,766,985.93     -15,363,138.05
     5.2.3 Gain/Loss arising from reclassification of held-to-maturity investments
to available-for-sale financial assets

     5.2.4 Effective gain/loss on cash flow hedges

     5.2.5 Differences arising from translation of foreign currency-denominated
financial statements

     5.2.6 Other

6. Total comprehensive income                                                         508,424,255.09     446,302,554.48

7. Earnings per share

    7.1 Basic earnings per share

    7.2 Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                             Item                                    H1 2018             H1 2017

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services                        7,969,115,684.30   6,722,546,282.77

  Net increase in customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial

  Net increase in loans from central bank

  Net increase in loans from other financial institutions

  Premiums received on original insurance contracts

  Net proceeds from reinsurance

  Net increase in deposits and investments of policy holders

  Net increase in proceeds from disposal of financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss

  Interest, handling charges and commissions received

  Net increase in interbank loans obtained

  Net increase in proceeds from repurchase transactions

  Tax rebates                                                                          18,677,078.35      35,550,472.93

  Cash generated from other operating activities                                       65,692,959.29       46,492,111.69

Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities                                 8,053,485,721.94   6,804,588,867.39

  Payments for commodities and services                                              6,150,288,344.76   4,509,538,095.07

  Net increase in loans and advances to customers

  Net increase in deposits in central bank and in interbank loans granted

  Payments for claims on original insurance contracts

  Interest, handling charges and commissions paid

  Policy dividends paid

  Cash paid to and for employees                                                      782,742,734.50     620,865,515.47

  Taxes paid                                                                          676,009,928.86     472,145,836.29

  Cash used in other operating activities                                             271,215,691.41    1,344,450,112.80

Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                                        7,880,256,699.53   6,946,999,559.63

Net cash generated from/used in operating activities                                  173,229,022.41    -142,410,692.24

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestments                                                       7,685,000,000.00   2,895,000,000.00

  Investment income                                                                    76,902,741.54     181,837,920.52

  Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                         1,793,467.10        723,271.02
long-lived assets

  Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units                                        2,415,000.00

  Cash generated from other investing activities                                      111,282,573.06      16,802,196.35

Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities                                 7,874,978,781.70   3,096,778,387.89

  Payments for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived
                                                                                      190,893,692.74      79,751,100.92

  Payments for investments                                                           7,050,000,000.00   3,465,000,000.00

  Net increase in pledged loans granted

  Net payments for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units

  Cash used in other investing activities

Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                                        7,240,893,692.74   3,544,751,100.92

Net cash generated from/used in investing activities                                  634,085,088.96     -447,972,713.03

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received

     Including: Capital contributions by non-controlling interests to subsidiaries

  Increase in borrowings obtained                                                                         170,000,000.00

  Net proceeds from issuance of bonds

  Cash generated from other financing activities

Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities                                                      170,000,000.00

  Repayment of borrowings                                                              81,393,672.34      183,813,064.12

  Payments for interest and dividends                                                 644,659,161.07      470,510,888.90

     Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests

  Cash used in other financing activities

Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                                         726,052,833.41      654,323,953.02

Net cash generated from/used in financing activities                                 -726,052,833.41     -484,323,953.02

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                 -2,843,992.20

5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                           78,417,285.76    -1,074,707,358.29

Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period                              1,417,489,071.71   4,171,689,917.21

6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                                      1,495,906,357.47   3,096,982,558.92

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                        Item                                         H1 2018             H1 2017

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services                        6,468,247,142.50   5,000,964,767.84

  Tax rebates

  Cash generated from other operating activities                                       17,928,127.28       20,559,743.51

Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities                                 6,486,175,269.78   5,021,524,511.35

  Payments for commodities and services                                              4,428,038,167.84   3,201,385,866.98

  Cash paid to and for employees                                                      558,115,177.17      439,863,524.85

  Taxes paid                                                                          358,960,977.35      284,758,489.88

  Cash used in other operating activities                                             214,338,314.97     905,013,311.49

Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                                        5,559,452,637.33   4,831,021,193.20

Net cash generated from/used in operating activities                                  926,722,632.45     190,503,318.15

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestments                                                       3,935,000,000.00   1,625,000,000.00

  Investment income                                                                    47,856,987.09      92,023,835.23

  Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                          269,811.40         192,710.01
long-lived assets

  Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units                                        2,415,000.00

  Cash generated from other investing activities                                       55,212,504.56      13,702,196.35

Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities                                 4,038,339,303.05   1,733,333,741.59

  Payments for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived
                                                                                      129,504,678.24      31,162,375.53

  Payments for investments                                                           4,600,000,000.00   1,895,000,000.00

  Net payments for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units

  Cash used in other investing activities

Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                                        4,729,504,678.24   1,926,162,375.53

Net cash generated from/used in investing activities                                 -691,165,375.19    -192,828,633.94

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received

  Increase in borrowings obtained                                                                        135,000,000.00

  Net proceeds from issuance of bonds

  Cash generated from other financing activities

Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities                                                     135,000,000.00

  Repayment of borrowings                                                              16,806,882.34     123,943,093.80

  Payments for interest and dividends                                                 641,299,593.52     470,510,888.90

  Cash used in other financing activities

Sub-total of cash used in financing activities                                        658,106,475.86     594,453,982.70

Net cash generated from/used in financing activities                                 -658,106,475.86    -459,453,982.70

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                 -2,384,725.50

5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                         -424,933,944.10    -461,779,298.49

Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period                               945,759,061.62    2,353,708,554.75

6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                                       520,825,117.52    1,891,929,256.26

       7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

       H1 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                               H1 2018

                                                                                  Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

                                                               Other equity
                  Item                                                                                Less:                     Spec                       Gen
                                                                                                                   Other                                                              Non-controlling   Total owners’
                                                                     Perp                             Treasu                    ific                       eral
                                             Share capital                         Capital reserves            comprehensive            Surplus reserves           Retained profits      interests         equity
                                                                     etual Othe                         ry                      reser                      reser
                                                               d                                                  income
                                                                     bond   r                         shares                     ve                         ve

1. Balances as of end of prior year          632,487,764.00                        1,252,947,546.80             40,496,366.85            332,594,722.29            4,788,564,401.03 1,171,207,212.07 8,218,298,013.04

Add:    Adjustments         for   changed
accounting policies
  Adjustments for corrections of
previous errors
  Adjustments         for         business
combinations involving enterprises
under common control

  Other adjustments

2. Balances as of beginning of the
                                             632,487,764.00                        1,252,947,546.80             40,496,366.85            332,594,722.29            4,788,564,401.03 1,171,207,212.07 8,218,298,013.04

3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-”
                                             43,846,522.21   -11,952,098.73   269,559,282.42    102,771,847.55   404,225,553.45
for decrease)

  3.1 Total comprehensive income                             -11,952,098.73   902,047,046.42    100,895,623.32   990,990,571.02

  3.2 Capital increased and reduced
                                             43,846,522.21                                        1,876,224.23    45,722,746.43
by owners
     3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased
by shareholders
     3.2.2 Capital increased by
holders of other equity instruments
     3.2.3 Share-based payments
                                             43,846,522.21                                        1,876,224.23    45,722,746.43
included in owners’ equity

     3.2.4 Other

 3.3 Profit distribution                                                      -632,487,764.00                    -632,487,764.00

     3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus
     3.3.2 Appropriation to general
     3.3.3 Appropriation to owners
                                                                              -632,487,764.00                    -632,487,764.00
(or shareholders)

     3.3.4 Other

  3.4 Carryforwards within owners’
     3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share
capital) from capital reserves

     3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share

capital) from surplus reserves
     3.4.3 Surplus reserves used to
make up losses

     3.4.4 Other

  3.5 Specific reserve

     3.5.1 Withdrawn for the period

     3.5.2 Used during the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as of end of the period        632,487,764.00                          1,296,794,069.01            28,544,268.12            332,594,722.29             5,058,123,683.45 1,273,979,059.62 8,622,523,566.49

       H1 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                               H1 2017

                                                                                  Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

                                                               Other equity                            Less

                   Item                                        instruments                              :                      Spec                       Gener
                                                                                                                  Other                                                                Non-controlling   Total owners’
                                                                      Perp                             Trea                    ific                         al
                                           Share capital                            Capital reserves          comprehensive            Surplus reserves             Retained profits      interests         equity
                                                                      etual Othe                       sury                    reser                      reserv
                                                              ed                                                 income
                                                                      bond    r                        shar                     ve                          e
                                                                       s                                es

1. Balances as of end of prior year        632,487,764.00                           1,191,490,133.01           70,757,524.61            332,594,722.29              3,756,517,718.81    975,247,204.68 6,959,095,067.40

Add:    Adjustments       for    changed
accounting policies

  Adjustments for corrections of

previous errors
  Adjustments          for      business
combinations involving enterprises
under common control

  Other adjustments

2. Balances as of beginning of the
                                             632,487,764.00   1,191,490,133.01   70,757,524.61    332,594,722.29   3,756,517,718.81   975,247,204.68 6,959,095,067.40
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-”
                                                                61,457,413.79    -30,261,157.76                    1,032,046,682.22   195,960,007.39 1,259,202,945.64
for decrease)

  3.1 Total comprehensive income                                                 -30,261,157.76                    1,506,412,505.22   192,923,009.68 1,669,074,357.14

  3.2 Capital increased and reduced
                                                                61,457,413.79                                                           3,036,997.71    64,494,411.50
by owners
       3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased
by shareholders
       3.2.2 Capital increased by
holders of other equity instruments
       3.2.3 Share-based payments
                                                                61,953,091.84                                                           2,541,319.66    64,494,411.50
included in owners’ equity

       3.2.4 Other                                                -495,678.05                                                            495,678.05

 3.3 Profit distribution                                                                                           -474,365,823.00                     -474,365,823.00

       3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus
       3.3.2 Appropriation to general

       3.3.3 Appropriation to owners                                                                               -474,365,823.00                     -474,365,823.00

(or shareholders)

     3.3.4 Other

  3.4 Carryforwards within owners’
     3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share
capital) from capital reserves
     3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
     3.4.3 Surplus reserves used to
make up losses

     3.4.4 Other

  3.5 Specific reserve

     3.5.1 Withdrawn for the period

     3.5.2 Used during the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as of end of the period        632,487,764.00   1,252,947,546.80   40,496,366.85   332,594,722.29   4,788,564,401.03 1,171,207,212.07 8,218,298,013.04

         8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent

         H1 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                      H1 2018

                                                                 Other equity instruments                         Less:         Other
                  Item                                                                                                                      Specific
                                             Share capital      Preferred   Perpetua           Capital reserves Treasury comprehensive                 Surplus reserves Retained profits Total owners’ equity
                                                                                       Other                                                reserve
                                                                 shares     l bonds                               shares     income

1. Balances as of end of prior year            632,487,764.00                                  1,405,575,239.68            27,970,054.39                319,944,578.39 2,794,932,872.49      5,180,910,508.95

Add:      Adjustments     for   changed
accounting policies
  Adjustments for corrections of
previous errors

  Other adjustments

2. Balances as of beginning of the
                                               632,487,764.00                                  1,405,575,239.68            27,970,054.39                319,944,578.39 2,794,932,872.49      5,180,910,508.95
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-”
                                                                                                 38,512,243.87             -10,766,985.92                                 -113,296,522.98      -85,551,265.03
for decrease)

  3.1 Total comprehensive income                                                                                           -10,766,985.92                                 519,191,241.02       508,424,255.10

  3.2 Capital increased and reduced
                                                                                                 38,512,243.87                                                                                  38,512,243.87
by owners
       3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased
by shareholders
       3.2.2 Capital increased by
holders of other equity instruments
     3.2.3 Share-based payments
                                                              38,512,243.87                                                        38,512,243.87
included in owners’ equity

     3.2.4 Other

  3.3 Profit distribution                                                                                      -632,487,764.00   -632,487,764.00

     3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus
     3.3.2 Appropriation to owners
                                                                                                               -632,487,764.00   -632,487,764.00
(or shareholders)

     3.3.3 Other

  3.4 Carryforwards within owners’
     3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share
capital) from capital    reserves
     3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
     3.4.3 Surplus reserves used to
make up losses

     3.4.4 Other

  3.5 Specific reserve

     3.5.1 Withdrawn for the period

     3.5.2 Used during the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as of end of the period        632,487,764.00   1,444,087,483.55   17,203,068.47   319,944,578.39 2,681,636,349.51   5,095,359,243.92

         H1 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                            H1 2017

                                                                   Other equity instruments                        Less:         Other
                     Item                                                                                                                      Specific
                                                 Share capital     Preferred Perpetua           Capital reserves Treasury comprehensive                   Surplus reserves Retained profits Total owners’ equity
                                                                                        Other                                                  reserve
                                                                    shares   l bonds                               shares        income

1. Balances as of end of prior year               632,487,764.00                                1,350,656,531.65               37,515,343.84               319,944,578.39 2,608,364,062.12      4,948,968,280.00

Add: Adjustments for changed accounting
  Adjustments for corrections of previous

  Other adjustments

2. Balances as of beginning of the year           632,487,764.00                                1,350,656,531.65               37,515,343.84               319,944,578.39 2,608,364,062.12      4,948,968,280.00

3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for
                                                                                                  54,918,708.03                -9,545,289.45                                 186,568,810.37       231,942,228.95

  3.1 Total comprehensive income                                                                                               -9,545,289.45                                 660,934,633.37       651,389,343.92

  3.2 Capital increased and reduced by
                                                                                                  54,918,708.03                                                                                    54,918,708.03
     3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by
     3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of
other equity instruments
     3.2.3 Share-based payments included
                                                                                                  54,918,708.03                                                                                    54,918,708.03
in owners’ equity

     3.2.4 Other

  3.3 Profit distribution                                                                                            -474,365,823.00   -474,365,823.00

     3.3.1     Appropriation     to   surplus
     3.3.2 Appropriation to owners (or
                                                                                                                     -474,365,823.00   -474,365,823.00

     3.3.3 Other

  3.4      Carryforwards    within    owners’
     3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share
capital) from capital    reserves
     3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
     3.4.3 Surplus reserves used to make
up losses

     3.4.4 Other

  3.5 Specific reserve

     3.5.1 Withdrawn for the period

     3.5.2 Used during the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as of end of the period              632,487,764.00   1,405,575,239.68   27,970,054.39   319,944,578.39 2,794,932,872.49   5,180,910,508.95

III. Company Profile

Wuxi Little Swan Company Ltd. (“the Company”) was incorporated as an oriented-collection company limited

with the approval of Su-Ti-Gai-Sheng (1993) No. 253 document from Economic Reform Commission of Jiangsu

Province on 29 November 1993. Then the Company domestically and publicly issued 70,000,000 shares of

B-share and transformed to a state-collectively–owned enterprise with the approval of (1996) No. 52 document

from Jiangsu Province of the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”), Zheng-Wei-Fa (1996) No. 14 document

from China Securities Regulatory Commission of the State Council and Shen-Zheng-Ban-Han (1996) No. 4 from

Shenzhen Municipal Securities Regulatory Office on July 1996, which amounted to RMB310 million of the share

capital of the Company after the issuance.

In March 1997, the Company domestically and publicly issued 60,000,000 shares of RMB ordinary share

(including 9,000,000 shares of staff-share) with the approval of Zheng-Jian-Fa-Zi (1997) No. 55 from CSRC. And

the total raised fund from this issuance of A-share totaled RMB720.83 million, and the Company was formally

listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange in March 1997 with the short form of stock as Little Swan A and stock code as


On 20 July 2006, the proposal on the equity division reform of the Company reviewed and approved by the

relevant shareholders meeting with the consideration of the non-circulating shareholders paid for the circulating

stock shareholders of the Company for acquiring the circulation right for the non-circulating shares held by them:

regarded 4 August 2006 as the shares alternation registration date as well as executed the consideration proposal

by paying 2.5 shares of every 10 shares for the A shares circulating stock shareholders on 7 August 2006 and the

shares with consideration listed and circulated on that date. After the execution of the above consideration of the

bonus, the total amount of the shares of the Company remains the same, while the shares structure

correspondingly changed.

On 9 May 2008, the 2007 Annual General Meeting reviewed and approved the 2007 Dividend Plan: adding five

shares to every ten shares basing on the total share capital of 365,103,840 shares at the end of 2007, transferring

the public reserves to 182,551,920 shares with par value of RMB1 per share, thus the added share capital totaled

RMB182,551,920 and after which, the total share capital turned from 365,103,840 shares to 547,655,760 shares of

the Company.

According to the resolutions of the 4th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors and The 1st Extraordinary General

Meeting of 2010, having approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission of the Reply to the Approval of

the Significant Assets Reorganization and the Purchase of the Assets of GD Midea Holding by Wuxi Little Swan

Co., Ltd. (ZJXK [2010] 1577) on 9 November 2010, the company launched directional add-issuance of

84,832,000.00 A shares to buy 69.47% of the shares of Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd.(original name:

Hefei Rongshida Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd) from its shareholder GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd..

This add-issuance increased the share capital by RMB84,832,000.00

After approved by CSRC through the Reply of the Approval of the Merger of GD Midea Holding by Midea

Group Co., Ltd. (ZJXK [2013] 1014 document) that issued on 29 July 2013, Midea Group had split off as well as

consolidated and combined the original controller GD Midea Holding on 18 September 2013. After the

consolidation and combination, Midea Group inherited and undertook the whole rights and obligations of the

whole assets and liabilities etc of GD Midea Holding as the reminder enterprise and had finished the relevant

registration procedures of shares transfer on 31 December 2013, and after which, Midea Group changed to be the

first largest shareholder of the Company.

By 30 June 2018, the total amount of the outstanding common shares of the company were 632,487,764 shares,

among which the restricted exchange-traded A shares are 2,087,745 shares, accounting for 0.33% of the whole

shares; the unrestricted exchange-traded A shares are 439,364,147 shares, accounting for 69.47%; and the

unrestricted exchange-traded B shares are 191,035,872 shares, account for 30.20% of the whole shares.

Registered address of the Company and the headquarters office address is No. 18 of Changjiang South Road,

National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province.

The Company and its subsidiaries belong to household appliances so the main business scope is as follows:

manufacture and sales as well as after-sale service of household appliances, industrial ceramics, environmental

dry-cleaning equipment, cleaning mechanical equipment, subsequent finishing equipment and accessory; cleaning

service; machinery processing; import and export business of “Little Swan” or agent products and technologies

(excluding the products or technology restricted to operate, export or import in China); technical service for

household appliances; contracting foreign engineering in international bidding (operate with effective certificate);

used self-owned funds to investment in financial industry.

The financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on the date of 6 August


For the major subsidiaries that included in the consolidated scope of the Reporting Period, please refer to the

Notes IX.

IV. Basis for the Preparation of Financial Statements

1. Preparation Basis

The financial report compiled according to the ASBE-Basic Criterion issued by Ministry of Finance on 15

February 2006 and the follow-up periods, each specific accounting criterions as well as the relevant regulations

(hereinafter referred to as a whole of “ASBE) and the Compilation Rules for Information Disclosure by

Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 – General Provisions on Financial Reports (2014 Revision)

issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).

2. Continuation

The financial report compiled based on the continuation.

V. Important Accounting Policies and Estimations

1. Statement of Compliance with Enterprise Accounting Standards

The 2018 interim financial statements of the Company comply with the requirements of Accounting Standards

with the merger on 30 June 2018 and the Company’s financial conditions as well as the relevant information of the

semi-annual merger of Y2018 and the operation results and the cash flow of the Company are truly and

completely disclosed in the financial statements.

2. Accounting Period

The Company’s accounting year is from January 1st to December 31st for each calendar year.

3. Fiscal Period

The fiscal periods of an enterprise includes fiscal years and fiscal periods shorter than a complete fiscal year. The

fiscal period of the Company is 12 months.

4. Recording Currency

The recording currency of the Company is RMB. Subsidiaries of the Company confirmed the recording currency

according to their primary economic environment, among which the recording currency of the subsidiary of Little

Swan International (Singapore) Company Limited is USD. The financial statement is presented and listed by


5. Accounting Processing Method of Business Combination Under the Same Control and not Under the
Same Control

(a) The Business Combinations which are Under the Same Control

Combination consideration paid by the combining party and net assets acquired shall all be measured based on

their book value, but if the combined party was acquired by the final controlling party from the third party in

previous years, then they are based on the book value of assets and liabilities of the combined party (including the

goodwill formed from the acquisition of the combined party by the final controlling party) in the consolidated

financial statements of the final controlling party. Corresponding capital reserve (capital stock premium) shall be

adjusted according to the difference between the book value of such net assets and that of the combination

consideration; when such capital reserve (capital stock premium) cannot write them down, retained earnings shall

be adjusted. Meanwhile, relevant direct expenses resulting from such business combination shall be included in

the profit and loss for the period, and all transaction expenses resulting from issuing equity securities or debt

securities for such business combination shall be included in the initial recognition amount of such equity security

or debt security.

(b) Business Combination not Under the Same Control

Combination costs occurred to purchaser and obtained net identifiable assets shall be calculated based on the fair

value in the purchasing date. If combination costs are greater than the seller’s balance obtained from the fair value

of net identifiable assets in the purchasing date, such surplus shall be confirmed as Goodwill; if less, such balance

shall be included in current profit and loss. Meanwhile, relevant direct expenses resulting from such business

combination shall be included in the profit and loss for the period, and all transaction expenses resulting from

issuing equity securities or debt securities for such business combination shall be included in the initial

recognition amount of such equity security or debt security.

6. Consolidated Financial Statement Compilation Method

The consolidation scope of financial statement shall include the company and all subsidiaries.

From the day when the company obtained the actual control of its subsidiaries, the company could initiate

corresponding consolidation which shall be ended up to the day of losing such actual control. Subsidiaries

obtained through business combination under the same control shall be incorporated into the consideration scope

from the day when they’re put under the control of the final controlling party, and the net profit realized before the

combination day shall be individually reflected in the consolidated income statement.

When consolidated financial statement is being formulated, the company’s accounting policy and accounting

period shall be regarded as final and binding to adjust the subsidiary’s financial statement if the subsidiary’s

accounting policy is not consistent with that of the company. For the subsidiary acquired through business

combination not under the same control, its financial statement shall be adjusted based on the fair value of the net

identifiable assets in the day of purchase.

All of the major incoming and outgoing balances of the Company and its subsidiaries, transactions and unrealized

profit shall be set off during the compilation of the consolidated financial statement. The subsidiary’s shareholder

equity, net profit and loss for the period and the part of comprehensive income not belonging to the company shall

be individually indicated and shown in the consolidated financial statement under shareholder’s equity, net profit

and total comprehensive income respectively as minority equity, minority interest income and total comprehensive

income attributed to minority shareholders. All unrealized internal transaction profit and loss resulting from the

company’s sales of assets to the subsidiary shall be applied to set off the net profit attributed to the parent

company’s shareholders; all unrealized internal transaction profit and loss resulting from the subsidiary’s sales of

assets to the parent company shall be set off accordingly by the net profit attributed the parent company’s

shareholders and minority interest income based on corresponding distribution ratio (the company to the

subsidiary). All unrealized internal transaction profit and loss resulting from assets sales among subsidiaries shall

be set off accordingly by the net profit attributed the parent company’s shareholders and minority interest income

based on corresponding distribution ratio (the company to the seller’s subsidiary).

If any discrepancy exists between the recognition by regarding the company and its subsidiaries as the accounting

subject and the recognition by regarding the company or its subsidiary as the accounting subject in terms of the

same transaction, this transaction shall be adjusted from the perspective of combination.

7. Cash and Cash Equivalent Recognition Standard

The company’s cash and cash equivalent shall include cash in treasury, deposit that can be applied for any

payment at any time, cashes featuring short time limit, strong flowability and convenience in conversion into

known amount and investment of low risk in value variations.

8. Foreign Currency Transaction and Foreign Currency Statement Translation

(a) Foreign Currency Transaction

Foreign currency transaction shall be recorded in an account based on recording currency (through applying the

spot rate in the day of transaction).

On balance sheet day, foreign currency monetary items shall be converted into recording currency based on the

spot rate of exchange. The exchange difference resulting from the specific foreign currency borrowings in order to

purchase and construct the assets in conformity with corresponding capitalization conditions shall be capitalized

during the process of capitalization, and other exchange differences shall be directly included in profit and loss for

the period. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost shall be converted based on the spot

rate of exchange on balance sheet day. The amount of cash subject to the change in exchange rate shall be

individually indicated and shown in cash flow statement.

(b) Foreign Currency Statement Translation

Assets and liabilities stated in balance sheet statement (overseas operation) shall be converted based on the spot

rate of exchange on balance sheet day; in terms of shareholder’s equity, except undistributed profit, other items

shall be converted based on the spot rate of exchange. Income and cost items stated in balance sheet statement

(overseas operation) shall be converted based on the spot rate of exchange in the day of purchase. Corresponding

foreign currency statement translation differences mentioned above shall be included in other comprehensive

incomes. Cash flow items (overseas operation) shall be converted based on the spot rate of exchange in the day of

cash flow. Meanwhile, the amount of cash subject to the change in exchange rate shall be individually indicated

and shown in cash flow statement.

9. Financial Instruments

(a) Financial Assets

(i) Classification of Financial Assets

Upon initial recognition, financial assets shall be classified into financial assets at fair value through profit or loss,

account receivable, available-for-sale financial assets. However, the classification of financial assets depends on

the Company and its subsidiaries’ intention and capacity of holding such financial assets.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets held for the purpose of sale in a short


Account receivable

Account receivable refers to non-derivative financial assets with fixed or recognized recovery cost and no quoted

price in the active market.

Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets include available-for-sale non-derivative financial assets designated upon the

initial recognition and financial assets not classified into others. Within 12 months after balance sheet day, (sold)

available-for-sale financial assets shall be shown in balance sheet statement as other current assets.

(ii) Recognition and Measurement

When the Company and its subsidiaries becomes one party for the financial instrument contract, financial assets

shall be recognized based on its fair value in balance sheet statement. Transaction expenses resulting from

financial assets measured based on its fair value and its variations included in profit and loss for the period shall

be included in profit and loss for the period; other transaction expenses related to such financial assets shall be

included in the amount after initial recognition.

Follow-up measurement shall be conducted for financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and

available-for-sale financial assets based on their fair value while equity instrument investment that cannot be

reliably measured without any quoted price in the active market shall be measured based on costs; receivables and

held-to-maturity investment shall be measured based on amortized cost by means of effective interest method.

The fair value change of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss shall be included into the current profit

and loss as the fair value change’s profit and loss; interests or cash dividends from assets in holding period and the

disposal profit and loss when disposed shall be included into the current profit and loss.

Except depreciation loss and corresponding exchange profit and loss resulting from foreign currency monetary

financial assets, variations of the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets shall be directly included in

shareholder’s equity. When such financial asset is derecognized, total variation previously included in equity shall

be directly transferred to profit and loss for the period. Interests from investment into available-for-sale debt

instruments calculated by effective interest method in the holding period and cash dividends (related to

available-for-sale equity instrument investment) declared for distribution by the invested unit shall be included in

profit and loss for the period as income from investment.

(iii) Financial Assets Depreciation

Except the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, the Company and its subsidiaries shall check the

book value of corresponding financial assets on balance sheet day; if any objective evidence proves the

depreciation of certain financial assets, corresponding depreciation reserve shall be calculated and withdrawn.

Such objective evidence refers to any matter actually happened that will influence the future cash flow prediction

of such financial assets after the initial recognition, and the company is able to reliably measure such matter.

Objective evidences indicating the depreciation of available-for-sale equity instrument investment include any

sharp or permanent drop of corresponding fair value of such equity instrument investment. The Company and its

subsidiaries shall respective check various available-for-sale equity instrument investments on balance sheet day.

If such the fair value of such equity instrument investment on balance sheet day is less than its initial investment

cost (such difference exceeding 50%) or such duration exceeds 1 year (including 1 year), it shall be the sign of

depreciation; if such difference reaches 20% (including 20%) to 50%, the company shall completely take relevant

factors into consideration including price fluctuation so as to judge whether such equity instrument investment is

depreciated. The company shall apply weighted mean method to calculate the initial investment cost of such

available-for-sale equity instrument investment.

When financial assets measured based on amortized cost is depreciated, corresponding depreciation reserve shall

be calculated and withdrawn based on the difference resulting from the current value of expected future cash flow

(excluding future credit loss not occurred) less than its book value. If any objective evidence proves the recovery

of such financial assets and it’s related to the matter after the recognition of such loss, depreciation loss originally

recognized shall be restituted and included in profit and loss for the period.

When available-for-sale financial assets measured based on fair value is depreciated, the total loss previously

included in shareholder’s equity resulting from the decrease in fair value shall be restituted and included in

depreciation loss. For available-for-sale debt instrument investment whose depreciation loss is recognized,

depreciation loss previously recognized shall be restituted and included in profit and loss for the period when it is

related to the matter happened after original depreciation loss is recognized and such value increases. For

available-for-sale equity instrument investment whose depreciation loss is recognized, the increase of fair value

shall be directly included in shareholder’s equity.

When available-for-sale financial assets measured based on cost is depreciated, the difference between its book

value and its current value recognized from its future cash flow based on its market return shall be recognized as

depreciation loss and included in profit and loss for the period. Such resulting depreciation loss shall not be

restituted any longer.

(iv) Derecognition of Financial Assets

Corresponding financial assets shall be derecognized when any of the following conditions is met: (1) the

contractual right to collect the cash flow of such financial assets is terminated; (2) such financial assets is

transferred, and the Company and its subsidiaries have transferred all risks and rewards related to its ownership to

the party accepting such financial assets; or (3) such financial assets is transferred. Although the Company and its

subsidiaries do not transfer and retain all risks and rewards related to its ownership, it gives up its control of such

financial assets.

When such financial assets is derecognized, the difference between its book value and the sum of received

consideration and the total variation of fair value in shareholder’s equity shall be included in profit and loss for the


(b) Financial Liabilities

Upon initial recognition, financial liabilities shall be classified into financial assets measured based on its fair

value and its variations included in profit and loss for the period and other financial liabilities. However, the

Company and its subsidiaries’ financial liabilities are mainly other financial liabilities, including short-term

borrowing, notes payable, accounts payable, dividends payable, and other accounts payable, as well as other

current liabilities, which shall be initially measured based on fair value. Meanwhile, follow-up measurement shall

also be conducted by means of effective interest method based on amortized cost.

Borrowings shall be initially measured based on fair value and the amount deducting relevant transaction

expenses. Meanwhile, follow-up measurement shall also be conducted by means of effective interest method

based on amortized cost.

Other financial liabilities with the time limit less than 1 year (including 1 year) shall be indicated and shown as

current liabilities; if such time limit exceeds 1 year, but such financial liability will be due within (including) 1

year as of balance sheet day, such financial liability shall be indicated and shown as non-current liabilities due

within one year. Others shall be reported as non-current liabilities.

When corresponding financial liability’s current obligation is fully or partially relieved, the relieved part shall be

derecognized. The difference between the book value of the derecognized part and the consideration shall be

included in profit and loss for the period.

(c) Recognition of Fair Value of Financial Instrument

The fair value of financial instrument existing in the active market shall be recognized based on its quoted price in

the active market. The fair value of financial instrument not existing in the active market shall be recognized by

means of corresponding valuation technology. During the valuation process, the Company and its subsidiaries

shall apply appropriate valuation technology with strong support from adequate usable data and other information

and select the input value consistent with relevant assets or liabilities features considered by market participants in

conducting relevant transactions. Meanwhile, corresponding observable input value shall be first choice. When it’s

impossible or not feasible to obtain such observable input value, unobservable input value shall be put into


10. Receivables

(a) Accounts Receivable with Significant Single Amount for which the Bad Debt Provision is Made


                                            The single amount of the accounts receivable accounts for more than or equal to 10% of
Definition or amount criteria for an the total accounts receivable, or the single amount is more than or equal to
account receivable with a significant RMB10,000,000; the single amount of the other accounts receivable at the period-end
single amount                               accounts for more than or equal to 10% of the total other accounts receivable, or the
                                            single amount is more than or equal to RMB5,000,000.

Making individual bad-debt provisions for
                                            Executes the withdrawal according to the difference that the current value of the
accounts receivable with a significant
                                            expected future cash flow lowers than its book value of the accounts receivable.
single amount

(b) Accounts Receivable which the Bad Debt Provision is Withdrawn by Credit Risk Characteristics

                       Name of portfolios                                               Bad debt provision method

                       Aging group                                                      Aging analysis

In the groups, those adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
                  Aging                        Provision rate for Accounts Receivable        Provision rate for Other Receivables
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                               5.00%                                       5.00%

1-2 years                                                     10.00%                                       10.00%

2-3 years                                                     30.00%                                       30.00%

3-4 years                                                     50.00%                                       50.00%

4-5 years                                                     50.00%                                       50.00%

Over 5 years                                                  100.00%                                     100.00%

In the groups, those adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, those adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Accounts Receivable with an Insignificant Single Amount but for which the Bad Debt Provision is Made


                                        There is objective evidence indicate that the Company and its subsidiaries couldn’t
Reason for bad debt provision
                                        withdraw the accounts according to the original articles of the accounts receivable.

Withdrawal method                       Executes the withdrawal according to the difference that the current value of the
                                        expected future cash flow lowers than its book value of the accounts receivable.

11. Inventory

(a) Category

Inventory includes raw materials, products in process, stock merchandises and revolving materials that measured

according to the lower one between the cost and the net realizable value.

(b) Pricing method for distributed inventories

Inventories are measured at weighted average method when procured, while the cost of the stock merchandises

and the products in process includes the raw materials, direct labor and manufacturing expenses assigned

according to the system under the normal capacity.

(c) Recognition basis of net realizable value of inventories and withdrawal method for impairment provision of


When the net realizable value is lower than the cost, provisions for impairment of inventories shall be drawn. The

net realizable value is confirmed according to the amount after the estimated sales price of the inventory minus the

amount of the estimated cost occur when the work finished and the estimated sales expenses as well as the

relevant taxes among the daily activities.

(d) The inventory system of the Company and its subsidiaries are perpetual inventory system.

(e) The method of amortization of the low priced and easily worn articles and the wrappages

The revolving materials include the low priced and easily worn articles and the wrappages and so on, while they

both are amortized by one time write-off method.

12. Long-term Equity Investment

Long-term equity investments include the company’s long-term equity investment made to the subsidiary.

The subsidiary refers to the invested unit under the Company’s control

The investment to the subsidiary shall be shown in the company’s financial statement based on the amount

recognized through cost method, and consolidated after corresponding adjustment according to equity law when

the consolidated financial statement is being formulated.

(a) Investment Cost Recognition

Long-term equity investment resulting from business combination: for long-term equity investment resulting from

business combination under the same control, corresponding investment cost shall be determined based on the

share of book value of the owner’s equity of the combined party in the final controlling party’s consolidated

financial statements in the day of combination; for long-term equity investment resulting from business

combination not under the same control, corresponding investment cost shall be determined based on

corresponding combination cost.

Long-term equity investment obtained by other means except business combination: for long-term equity

investment obtained by paying cash, its initial investment cost shall be the actual purchasing payment; for

long-term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of such equity security shall be its

initial investment cost.

(b) Follow-up Measurement and Profit and Loss Recognition Method

Long-term equity investment calculated by using cost method shall be measured based on its initial investment

cost; cash dividends or profits declared by the invested unit for distribution shall be recognized as investment

revenue and included in profit and loss for the period.

For long-term equity investment calculated by using equity method, if initial investment cost is more than the

share of fair value of the invested unit’s net identifiable assets, such initial investment cost shall be the long-term

equity investment cost; if such initial investment cost is less than the share of fair value of the invested unit’s net

identifiable assets, such resulting difference shall be included in profit and loss for the period and the long-term

equity investment cost shall be accordingly adjusted and increased.

For long-term equity investment calculated by using equity method, the company shall recognize corresponding

profit and loss for the period according to the share of net profit and loss obtained or held from the invested unit.

In terms of the recognition of the invested unit’s net loss, the long-term equity investment’s book value and other

long-term equities constituting the net investment made to the invested unit in reality shall be written down to

Zero, but when the company is obliged to burden corresponding extra loss and relevant expected liability

recognition conditions are met, corresponding investment loss shall still be recognized and calculated as expected

liability. As for other changes in owner’s equity of the invested unit except net profit and loss, other

comprehensive revenue and profit distribution, the book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted

and included in capital reserve. Accordingly, the book value of long-term equity investment shall be reduced

based on the part attributed to the company when the profit or cash dividend is declared and distributed by the

invested unit. Meanwhile, the unrealized internal transaction profit and loss between the company and the

invested company shall be applied to determine and set off the part attributed to the company based on

corresponding shareholding ratio, on which basis, corresponding investment profit and loss shall be recognized. In

terms of the internal transaction loss resulted from the company and the invested unit, the part belonging to assets

impairment loss and corresponding unrealized loss shall not be set off.

(c) Basis for Confirming Joint Control and Important Influence on the Invested Party

Control means that the company has the right to control the invested party and enjoy variable returns through

participating in relevant activities of the invested party. In addition, the company is also able to make use of its

control right to influence such variable return.

Joint control refers to jointly control an arrangement as agreed by both parties, and activities related to the

arrangement can only be conducted with the consent from all parties involved in such joint control.

Important influence refers to the possession of the right to make decisions about the company’s financial and

business operation policies, but the establishment of these policies cannot be controlled or jointly controlled with

other parties.

(d) Long-term Equity Investment Depreciation

For long-term equity investments attributed to the subsidiary, when their recoverable amount is less than their

book value, such book value shall be written down to corresponding recoverable amount (Notes V (17)).

13. Investment property

Depreciation or amortization methods

An investment property includes the use rights of leased land and buildings for rental purposes, and is initially

recorded at cost. Subsequent expenditures related to an investment property shall be included into the cost under

conditions that relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in the company and the cost can be measured reliably.

Otherwise, they should be recorded into current profits and losses when incurred.

The Company and its subsidiaries conduct subsequent measurement of all investment properties in the model of

cost, and the depreciation of investment properties is withdrawn according to the difference of entry value minus

the net residual within the estimated useful life by the straight-line method. The estimated useful life, net residual

value and annual depreciation (amortization) rate are as follows:

              Items                 Estimate Useful Life             Net Residual Rate           Annual Depreciation Rate

          Buildings                     20-35 years                        5.00%                      2.71%-4.75%

      Land Use Rights                     50 years                            -                           2.00%

Investment properties should be transferred to fixed assets or intangible assets since the date of their being

changed for self-use. As the purposes of self-use properties are changed for generating rents or capital

appreciation, the fixed assets or intangible assets shall be transferred to investment properties from the date of

change. In time of change, the book value before transfer should be used as the recorded value after transfer.

Reviews and appropriate adjustments shall be made annually to the estimated useful life, estimated net residual

rate and depreciation (amortization) methods of the investment properties.

When an investment property is disposed or permanently out of use with the estimation that no further economic

benefits could be obtained from its proposal, it should be derecognized. The disposal revenue of an investment

property for sale, transfer, retirement or damage should be recorded into current profits and losses after deducting

book value and relevant taxes.

As the recoverable amount of an investment property is lower than its book value, its book value should be written

down as the recoverable amount (Note V (17)).

14. Fixed Assets

(a) Recognition Method

The fixed assets include the buildings, machineries and equipments, transportation tools, as well as office and

electronic equipment and so on, which are confirmed when the related economic benefits probably flow into the

Company and its subsidiaries with the cost could be reliable measured. The purchased and the newly built fixed

assets should be executed the initially measurement according to the cost when acquired. And the follow-up

expenses related to the fixed assets should be included in the fixed assets cost when the economic benefits related

to the former that probably flow into the Company and its subsidiaries with the cost could be reliable measured; as

for the part be replaced, should derecognize its book value; all of the other follow-up expenses should be included

in the current gains and losses when occur.

(b) Depreciation Method

      Categories               Depreciation method         Estimated useful life   Residual value   Annual depreciation rate

Houses & buildings      Average method of useful life          20-35 years               5.00%           2.71%-4.75%

Machineries             Average method of useful life          10-15 years               5.00%           6.33%-9.50%

Transport machine           Average method of useful life        5 years          5.00%               19.00%

Office   and   electronic
                            Average method of useful life       3-5 years         5.00%           19.00%-31.67%

Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method based on their costs less estimated residual values over

their estimated useful lives. For a fixed asset whose provision for depreciation has been made, the depreciable

amount is confirmed by book value after deducting impairment provision and its service life in future period.

 When the recoverable amount of the fixed assets lower than the book value, should reduce the amount of the

book value and include in the recoverable amount (Note V (17)).

Disposal of the fixed assets

When the fixed assets be disposed, or expected not to produce any economic benefits through usage or disposal,

should derecognize the fixed assets. The amount of the disposal revenues of the sales, transfer, scrap or damage

that deducted the book value as well as the relevant taxes should be included in the current gains and losses.

15. Construction in Progress

Construction in progress shall be measured at actual cost. The actual cost comprises construction cost, installation

cost, borrowing costs eligible for capitalization, and other expenditures necessary for the construction in progress

to reach the intended use. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their

intended use, and depreciation begins from the following month. As the recoverable amount of the construction in

progress is lower than the book value, its book value should be written down as the recoverable amount。

16. Intangible Assets

(a) Evaluation Methods, Useful Life, Impairment Test

Intangible assets comprise land use rights, and non-patented technology and software etc, which are measured at

(i) Land Use Rights
The land use right allocated by the nation is zero-cost, and there is no specific use term in the land use right

certificate, which should not be amortized. The other land use rights should be averagely amortized based in use

term of 50 years. Charges of lands and buildings purchasing which could not be reasonably allocated between

land use rights and buildings should be used as fixed assets.
(ii) Non-patented Technology
Non-patented technology should be averagely amortized based on whichever is shorter among contract period,

profits period and legally regulated period.

(iii) Software
Software should be recorded based on the actual payment, and averagely amortized according to an estimated

useful life of 3 to 5 years.
(iv) Regular Review of Useful Life and Amortization Method
The estimated useful life and amortization methods of intangible assets with limited service life should be

reviewed and appropriately adjusted at the end of each year.
(b) Research and Development
Internal research and development project expenditure could be divided into research expenditures and

development expenditures based on their nature and whether the intangible assets created by the R&D activities

have high level of uncertainty.

Expenditures of planned surveys, assessment and selections for the purpose of researching production process are

research expenditures and are recorded in current profits and losses in occurrence; expenditures of relevant

designs and tests in production process before mass production are development expenditures, and can be

capitalized if they meet all of the following conditions:

          The development of production process has been fully verified by technology team;

          The management has approved the budget of production process development;

          Studies and analyses of pre-market researches show that the products produced based on production

          process have marketing abilities.

          There are sufficient technology and funds support to conduct development of production process and

          follow-up large scale production;

          Expenditures of production process development could be reliably merged.

Development expenditures failing to meet the above conditions would be recorded into current profits and losses.

Previously recorded development expenditures would not be reaffirmed as assets in subsequent periods.

Capitalized expenditures in development phase should be listed as development expenditures on balance sheet,

and would be transferred to intangible assets since the date of the project achieving its intended use.

(c) Impairment of Intangible Assets

As the recoverable amount of the intangible assets is lower than the book value, its book value should be written

down as the recoverable amount (Note V (17)).

17. Impairment of Long-term Assets

Fixed assets, intangible assets with limited life, investment properties measured at cost, and long-term

unamortized expenses, other non-current assets, and long-term equity investment in subsidiaries should go

through impairment test as there are signs of impairment on balance sheet; intangible assets not reaching useful

status should go through impairment tests at least annually whether there is sign of impairment or not. As the

impairment test results show that the recoverable amount of assets is lower than the book value, provision for

impairment based on the difference would be prepared and included in impairment losses. The fair value of assets

deducted by the higher one between the net value after disposal and the present value of the expected future cash

flow is the recoverable amount. Assets impairment preparation should be calculated and confirmed based on

single assets, and the assets group where the assets belong should confirm its recoverable amount in case that the

recoverable amount of single assets is hard to estimate. Assets group is the minimum assets unit to produce cash

flow independently.

Intangible assets with uncertain useful life and development expenditures of capitalization should go through

impairment tests at least annually whether there is sign of impairment or not. The above assets impairment losses

cannot be recovered in subsequent period once confirmed.

18. Long-term Unamortized Expenses

Long-term unamortized expenses include operating rented fixed assets and other expenses which already happen

and should be amortized over a year and undertaken by current and subsequent phases, and they would be

averagely amortized according to benefit period and listed in the net amount of actual expenses deducted by

accumulated amortization.

19. Employee Remuneration

(a) Accounting Treatment of Short-term Remuneration

Short-term remuneration includes salary, bonus, allowance and subsidy, welfare, medical insurance, industrial

injury insurance, maternity insurance, housing funds, labor union and education funding. In the accounting period

of employees providing service, the Company and its subsidiaries recognizes the actual short-term remuneration

as reliabilities and records it in current profits and losses and relevant asset cost.

(b) Accounting Treatment of Post-employment Benefits

The post-employment benefits of the Company and its subsidiaries are divided into defined contribution plan and

defined benefit plan. Defined contribution plan refers to the post-employment welfare plan that the Company and

its subsidiaries does not undertake further liabilities after depositing fixed expenses in an independent fund;

Defined benefit plan refers to the post-employment welfare plan excluding defined construction plan. Within the

period of this report, the post-employment welfare plan of the Company and its subsidiaries refer to the basic

old-age pension insurance and unemployment insurance deposit for employees, both of which belong to the

defined contribution plan.

Basic old-age pension insurance

Employees of the Company and its subsidiaries have joined the social basic old-age pension insurance organized

and implemented by local labor and social security departments. The Company and its subsidiaries pay old-age

pension insurance premiums monthly to local social basic old-age pension insurance agencies according to local

social basic old-age pension insurance contribution base and proportion. After employees retire, local labor and

social security departments are responsible for payment of basic old-age pension to employees. In the accounting

period of employees providing service, the Company and its subsidiaries recognize the payable amount regulated

by social security departments as reliabilities and records it in current profits and losses and relevant asset cost.

(c) Accounting Treatment of Termination Benefits

As the Company and its subsidiaries terminate labor contract with employees before the expiration date, or

encourages employees to accept layoff voluntarily by providing certain compensation, liabilities caused by the

compensation to employees for terminating labor contract with them would be confirmed on whichever is earlier

between that the Company and its subsidiaries could not withdraw the labor relationship or layoff suggestions

unilaterally and costs related to paying termination benefits are confirmed, and should be recorded in current

profits and losses.

(d) Accounting Treatment of Other Long-term Employees Benefits

(i) Early retirement welfare

Subsidiaries of the Company provide early retirement welfare for employees accepting early retirement

arrangement. Early retirement welfare refer to salary and social insurance premiums paid to employees who

haven’t reached the retirement age regulated by the country and have stepped down their posts voluntarily after

being approved by the management of the Company and the subsidiary they belong to. The subsidiaries should

pay early retirement welfare to these early retired employees from the first date of early retirement till their

normal retirement age.    As for early retirement welfare, subsidiaries should conduct accounting treatment. As the

conditions of early retirement welfare are confirmed, the to-be-paid salary and social insurance premiums for

employees from the date when employees stop providing service till the date when they reach legal retirement

date should be confirmed as reliabilities and recorded into current profits and losses at one time. Difference

caused by changes in actuarial assumptions and adjustments of welfare standards for early retirement welfare

should be recorded into current profits and losses.

The estimated termination benefits within a year since the date of balance sheet date should be listed as flowing


20. Estimated liabilities

Current obligations in the form of product quality guarantee and onerous contract should be confirmed as

anticipation liabilities as fulfilling these obligations may lead to flowing out of economic benefits and the amounts

could be measured reliably.

The anticipated liabilities should be initially measured according to the best estimate of fulfilling related current

obligations, and comprehensive considerations should be taken in relevant risks, uncertainty and time value of

money etc. If the time value of money has significant impacts, relevant future cash flow could be discounted to

confirm the best estimate; the increased amount to the book value of anticipated liabilities caused by discount

reduction along with time would be confirmed as interest expenses. On balance sheet date, the book value of

anticipated liabilities should be reviewed and appropriately adjusted to reflect the best current estimates.

The estimated liabilities that need to pay within one year from the balance sheet date are listed as current


21. Share-based Payment

(a) Categories of Share-based Payment

The term "share-based payment" refers to a transaction in which an enterprise grants equity instruments or

undertakes equity-instrument-based liabilities in return for services from employees. The equity instruments

include the equity instruments of the Company itself, the Company as the parent or other accounting entity in the

same group. The share-based payments shall consist of equity-settled share-based payments and cash-settled

share-based payments.

Equity-settled share-based payments

The equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services of the Company and its subsidiaries’ stock

option plan and restricted stock incentive plan shall be measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted

to the employees. As for an equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services, the right cannot

be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the prescribed performance conditions are met.

Within the vesting period, the services obtained in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of the

number of vested equity instruments, be included in the relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of the equities

instruments on the date of the grant, and the capital reserves shall be increased accordingly. If the subsequent

information indicates that the number of vested equity instruments is different from the previous estimate, an

adjustment shall be made and on the vesting date, the estimate shall be adjusted to equal the number of the

actually vested equity instruments. On the vesting date, an enterprise shall, based on the number of the equity

instruments of which the right is actually exercised, calculate and confirm the amount of the capital stock to be

transferred in, and transfer it in the stock capital.

(b) Recognition Method of Fair Value of Equity Instruments

The Company and its subsidiaries confirm the fair value of stock option by adopting options pricing model, and

confirm the fair value of stock appreciation right by adopting options pricing model of Black Scholes.

(c) Recognition Basis of the Best Estimate of the Vested Equity Instruments

On every balance sheet date in the waiting period, the Company and its subsidiaries shall reason out the best

course to estimate according to the newly information of the vested employee variation and revise the amounts of

expected vested equity instruments. On the vesting date, final estimated number of vested equity instruments is

same as the actual number of vested equity instruments.

(d) Relevant Accounting Treatment of Executing, Revising and Terminating the Share-based Payment


On the vesting date of stock option, the Company and its subsidiaries confirmed the share capital and stock

premium, and carry forward the recognized capital reserves within the vesting period according to the vesting


22. Revenue

Revenue amount should be confirmed by the fair value of received and receivable contracts or agreements as the

Company and its subsidiaries sells goods and provides services in daily operation activities. Revenue is shown as

the net amount after deducting sales discount and returns.

As economic benefits related to transactions could flow into the Company and its subsidiaries, and relevant

revenue could be measured reliably and also meet the standards for various operation activities as listed below,

relevant revenue is confirmed:

(a) Sales of Goods

The company manufactures and sells washing machines. As the products are delivered, main risks and

remuneration of the ownership of the goods would be transferred to the purchaser, and the Company would not

conduct continuing management and control over the products. The sales revenue is realized as related income or

price credential has been obtained, and relevant cost could be calculated reliably. The Company and its

subsidiaries’ main sales are realized from dealers, large-scale chain home appliance retailers and e-commerce

platforms as well as export. Sales revenue obtained from dealers, large-scale chain home appliance retailers and

non-proprietary e-commerce platforms should be confirmed as products have been delivered to them and accepted

by them. After accepting the products by dealers, large-scale chain home appliance retailers and non-proprietary

e-commerce platforms, they need to undertake the risk of possible damage and price fluctuation of the products,

and also have the right to sell the products by themselves. Sales revenue obtained from proprietary e-commerce

platform should be confirmed as the products have been delivered to and accepted by end users. Sales revenue

obtained from export should be confirmed as the products have been declared to customs, crossed the ship’ s side

at designated loading port and got the bill of landing according to the contract agreement.

The Company sells materials. As the products are delivered, main risks and remuneration of the ownership of the

goods would be transferred to the purchaser, and the Company would not conduct continuing management and

control over the products. The sales revenue is realized as related income or price credential has been obtained,

and relevant cost could be calculated reliably.

(b) Transfer of Assets Use Rights

Interest income would be confirmed by actual interest rate in accordance with the time of other parties using

monetary fund of the company.

Operating lease income would be confirmed within the lease period on straight-line basis.

23. Government Subsidy

A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by the Company and its

subsidiaries from the government, including tax refund and fiscal subsidies, and etc.

No government subsidy may be recognized unless the attached conditions are met and the subsidy can be obtained

by the Company and its subsidiaries. If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light

of the received or receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its

fair value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount.

(a) Judgment Basis and Account Treatment Methods of Assets Related Government Subsidy

Assets related government subsidy refers to government support acquired by the company to be used in

purchasing and building or forming long-term assets in other ways. Benefits related government subsidy refer to

the government support except for assets relate government subsidy.

Assets related government subsidy would be confirmed as deferred benefits, averagely allocated within the useful

life of relevant assets, and recorded in current profits and losses. Government subsidy measured at nominal

amount would be recorded to current profits and losses directly.

(b) Judgment Basis and Account Treatment Methods of Benefits Related Government Subsidy

Benefits related government subsidy, used to compensate expenses and losses of subsequent periods, would be

confirmed as deferred benefits, and recorded into current profits and losses during the period of establishing

relevant costs; those used to compensate relevant expenses and losses that already happened would be recorded

directly to current profits and losses.

24. Deferred Income Tax Assets/ Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities should be confirmed based on the difference

(temporary difference) between tax basis of assets and liabilities and their book values. Corresponding deferred

income tax income assets should be confirmed in accordance with the tax provisions for deductible losses which

could deduct the taxable income in subsequent years. The temporary difference caused by initial confirmation of

goodwill could not confirm the deferred income tax liabilities. Temporary differences formed by initial

confirmation of assets and liabilities generated from non-corporate merging transactions having no influences on

accounting profits or taxable income (deductible losses) could not confirm corresponding deferred income tax

assets and deferred income tax liabilities. In the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred

income tax liabilities should be measured based on the appropriate tax rate in the period of expected recovery of

the assets or settlement of the liabilities.

Deferred income tax assets should be confirmed by the possible taxable income used to deduct temporary

difference, deductible losses and tax deduction.

The taxable temporary difference related to investment of subsidiaries could confirm the deferred income tax

liabilities, unless the Company could control the time of reverse of temporary difference or the temporary

difference would not reverse in the foreseeable future. The deductible temporary difference related to investment

of subsidiaries could confirm the deferred income tax assets, as the temporary difference could possibly reverse in

foreseeable future and obtain taxable income which could be used to deduct deductible temporary difference.

Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities meeting all of the following conditions could be

listed as the net amount after deduction:

            Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to the income tax collected by

            the same tax bureau from the same taxpayer of the company.

            The taxpayer of the company owns the legal rights of settle the current income tax assets and income tax

            liabilities in net amount.

25. Lease

Financing lease is the lease that virtually transfers all risks and remuneration related to assets ownership other

 leases are operating leases.

The rent income of operating lease during the lease period should be confirmed on a straight-line basis.

The rent payment of operating lease during the lease period should be recorded in related asset cost or current

profits and losses on a straight-line basis.

26. Segment Information

The Company and its subsidiaries confirm the operating segment according to internal organizational structure,

management requirement, and internal reporting system, which is the base to confirm reportable segment and

disclose the segment information.

Operating segment refers to the component that the Company and its subsidiaries both can meet following

conditions simultaneously:

(a) The component can give rise to income and expenditure on daily activities.

(b) Management can assess the operating results of this component regularly to decide to allocate resources to it

    and value its performance.

(c) Related accounting information, such as financial status, operating results, and cash flow of this component

    can be obtained. Two or more operating segments that have similar economic characteristics and can meet

    certain conditions can be combined into one operating segment.

27. Other Critical Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

Based on historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations of future events, the Company

and its subsidiaries conduct continuous evaluation of critical accounting estimates and key judgments adopted.

The following critical accounting estimates and key assumptions will lead to important risks of significant

adjustment in the book value of assets and liabilities of next fiscal year:

(a) Provision of Sales Rebates

The Company and its subsidiaries apply sales rebates policy to their clients of sales. The Company and its

subsidiaries conduct regular estimates and withdraw sales rebates in advance in accordance with regulations of

sales agreement, review of specific transactions, market conditions and level of channel inventories historical

experience, and by reference of the completion status of agreed assessment indicators of sales clients. In case of

significant changes of previous estimates, the above difference would have impacts on sales rebates during the

period of estimates changes.

(b) Income Taxes

The Company and its subsidiaries pay corporate income taxes in multiple jurisdictions. In normal operations,

uncertainty exists in the final tax treatment of some transactions and events. Significant judgments are required

from the Company and its subsidiaries in the provision of income taxes in each jurisdiction. If the final identified

outcome of these tax matters differs from the initially recorded amount, the difference would have impacts on the

income taxes and deferred income taxed during the period of making the above mentioned identification.

28. Changes in Critical Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

(1) Changes in Critical Accounting Policies

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Changes in Critical Accounting Estimates

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Taxation

1. Main Taxes and Tax Rate

   Category of taxes                                      Tax basis                                            Tax rate

                        Taxable added value (tax amount payable should be measured according to
VAT                     the balance after the taxable sales multiply the applicable tax rate then deduct 16% or 10% or 5%
                        the input tax which allowed to be deduct at the Reporting Period)

Urban maintenance and
                        Paid VAT                                                                      7% or 5%
construction tax

Enterprise income tax   Payable income tax amount                                                     15% or 17% or 25%

2. Tax Preference

Based on the relevant regulations of the No. 28 articles of the Enterprise Income Law of the People’s Republic of

China, the payment of the corporate income tax of the Company, Wuxi Little Swan GE Co., Ltd. and Wuxi Filin

Electronics Co. Ltd. should be measured according to the 15% of the tax rate.

In July 2015, the Company got the High Technology Enterprises Certificate (certificate No.: GR201532000606)

issued by Jiangsu Science and Technology Development, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu

Provincial Office, SAT and Jiangsu Local Taxation Bureau after the re-examination with the period of validity

from 2015 to 2018 lasting for 3 years.

In July 2015, the subsidiary Wuxi Little Swan GE Co., Ltd. got the High Technology Enterprises Certificate

(certificate No.: GR201532000557) issued by Jiangsu Science and Technology Development, Department of

Finance of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Provincial Office, SAT and Jiangsu Local Taxation Bureau after the

re-examination with the period of validity from 2015 to 2018 lasting for 3 years.

In July 2015, the subsidiary Wuxi Filin Electronics Co., Ltd. got the High Technology Enterprises Certificate

(certificate No.: GR201532000917) issued by Jiangsu Science and Technology Development, Department of

Finance of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Provincial Office, SAT and Jiangsu Local Taxation Bureau after the

re-examination with the period of validity from 2015 to 2018 lasting for 3 years.

The applicable Singapore corporate income tax rate of the subsidiary Little Swan International (Singapore) Co.,

Ltd is 17%.

VII. Notes on Major items in Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company

1. Monetary Funds

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                           Item                                Ending balance             Beginning balance

Bank deposits                                                        1,495,906,357.47            1,417,489,071.71

Other monetary funds                                                   208,324,506.77              170,775,444.34

Total                                                                1,704,230,864.24            1,588,264,516.05

  Of which: total amount of the accounts deposited abroad                  495,192.03                  503,115.69

On 30 June 2018, other monetary funds included RMB195,786,014.31 of deposit for bank acceptance bills,

RMB1,862,014.85 of deposit for forward foreign exchange contracts and RMB10,676477.61 of deposit for letters

of credit. (On 31 December 2017, other monetary funds included RMB166,791,807.67 of deposit for bank

acceptance bills and RMB3,983,636.67 of deposit for letters of credit.)

2. Financial Assets Measured by Fair Value with its Changes Recorded into Current Profit or Loss.

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                              Item                                          Ending balance                    Beginning balance

Derivative financial assets                                                                                                 5,270,238.03

Total                                                                                                                       5,270,238.03

3. Notes Receivable

(1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                   Item                                      Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                      1,176,200,901.21                              1,283,192,684.28

Total                                                                     1,176,200,901.21                              1,283,192,684.28

(2) Notes Receivable which Had Endorsed by the Company or Had Discounted and not Due on the Balance
Sheet Date at the Period-end

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                              Amount of recognition termination at the        Amount of not terminated recognition at
                                                               period-end                                  the period-end

Bank acceptance bill                                                      1,176,200,901.21

Total                                                                     1,176,200,901.21

4. Accounts Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB’0,000
                                      Ending balance                                                Beginning balance

                   Carrying amount        Bad debt provision                    Carrying amount          Bad debt provision

  Category                                          Withdra
                                                                 Carrying                                                       Carrying
                               Proporti                wal                                   Proporti            Withdrawal
                  Amount                  Amount                  value         Amount                  Amount                    value
                                 on                 proporti                                   on                proportion

                 208,207.41 100.00% 10,410.37          5.00%     197,797.04    182,813.10 100.00% 9,140.66              5.00%   173,672.45

withdrawn bad
debt provision
according     to
credit      risks

Total               208,207.41 100.00% 10,410.37     5.00%    197,797.04    182,813.10 100.00% 9,140.66          5.00%    173,672.45

Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to accrue bad debt provision:

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                           Ending balance
                                        Accounts receivable            Bad debt provision             Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year                                   2,082,074,077.64                  104,103,703.90                            5.00%

Total                                           2,082,074,077.64                  104,103,703.90                            5.00%

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Accounts Receivable Withdrawn, Reversed or Collected during the Reporting Period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the reporting period was of RMB12,697,151.58;the

amount of the reversed or collected part during the reporting period was of RMB 0.00.

(3) Top 5 Accounts Receivable in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                    Balance of the bad debt     Proportion to the total balance of
                    Item                        Balance
                                                                            provision               the accounts receivable

 Total amount of balance of the top 5
                                               1,341,328,505.12                 67,066,425.26                             64.42%
 accounts receivable

5. Prepayment

(1) List by Aging Analysis

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                 Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
                                      Amount                      Proportion                     Amount                    Proportion

Within 1 year                           147,898,021.12                       97.08%               79,671,655.89                        94.46%

1 to 2 years                                2,586,749.99                       1.70%                4,675,136.49                        5.54%

2 to 3 years                                1,851,733.00                       1.22%

Total                                   152,336,504.11                --                          84,346,792.38                --

The reason why the prepayments with significant amount and aging over one year had not settled in time:

As of 30 June 2018, the prepayments aging over one year were RMB4,438,482.99, which were mainly the

unsettled prepayments not reaching conditions stipulated in contracts.

(2) Top 5 Prepayments in Ending Balance Collected according to the Prepayment Target

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                      Item                                 Balance                  Proportion to the total amount of the prepayments

 Total amount of the top 5 of the balance
                                                                51,322,929.69                                                        33.69%
 of the prepayments

6. Interest Receivable

(1) Category of Interest Receivable

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                      Item                                      Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Structured deposits                                                            179,050,047.95                                  60,096,246.58

Bank deposits                                                                       638,559.74                                      847,661.40

Total                                                                          179,688,607.69                                  60,943,907.98

7. Other Accounts Receivable

(1) Other Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB’0,000
                                               Ending balance                                          Beginning balance

                             Carrying amount     Bad debt provision                     Carrying amount       Bad debt provision
        Category                                                           Carrying                                 Withdrawa Carrying
                                     Proportio             Withdrawal                             Proporti
                         Amount                  Amount                     value       Amount               Amount     l      value
                                        n                  proportion                                on

Other          accounts 3,745.66 100.00%          271.53         7.25%      3,474.13     5,057.52 100.00%      335.07       6.63% 4,722.45

receivable withdrawn
bad debt provision
according to credit
risks characteristics

Total                    3,745.66 100.00%    271.53        7.25%   3,474.13    5,057.52 100.00%    335.07    6.63% 4,722.45

Other accounts receivable at the period-end that is individually significant and provisions for bad debts


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to accrue bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                         Ending balance
                                    Other accounts receivable          Bad debt provision           Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year                                     34,926,315.62                    1,746,315.79                          5.00%

1 to 2 years                                          985,908.00                       98,590.80                         10.00%

2 to 3 years                                          621,400.00                    186,420.00                           30.00%

Over 3 years                                          922,930.77                    683,971.90                           74.11%

Total                                             37,456,554.39                    2,715,298.50                          7.20%

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to accrue bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Other Accounts Receivable Withdrawn, Reversed or Collected during the Reporting Period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB0.00;the amount of the

reversed or collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMB635,414.59.

(3) Other Accounts Receivable Classified by the Nature of Accounts

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                   Nature                             Ending carrying amount                 Beginning carrying amount

Funds in third parties’ accounts                                      29,328,243.46                            44,740,888.28

Borrowings by employees                                                 4,376,288.38                             2,875,802.98

Margin &cash pledge                                                            3,267,721.48                                      2,515,443.83

Other                                                                            484,301.07                                       443,032.08

Total                                                                         37,456,554.39                                     50,575,167.17

(4) Top 5 Other Accounts Receivable in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        Proportion to total        Ending
                                                                            Ending                       ending balance of       balance of
               Name of units                       Nature                                  Aging
                                                                            balance                       other accounts          bad debt
                                                                                                            receivable            provision

Alipay (China) Network Technology       Deposits in the third-party                      Within one
                                                                      19,920,884.60                                  53.18%       996,044.23
Co., Ltd.                                   payment platform                                year

Shenzhen Midea Payment Technology Deposits in the third-party                            Within one
                                                                       6,706,867.80                                  17.91%       335,343.39
Co., Ltd.                               payment platform                                    year

                                        Deposits in the third-party                      Within one
Chinabank Payments                                                     1,668,076.64                                     4.45%      83,403.83
                                        payment platform                                    year

Nanjing Suning Yifubao Network          Deposits in the third-party                      Within one
                                                                       1,032,414.42                                     2.76%      51,620.72
Technology Co., Ltd.                    payment platform                                    year

Wuxi China Resources Gas Co., Ltd. Margin &cash pledge                      820,800.00 1 to 2 years                     2.19%      82,080.00

Total                                                   --            30,149,043.46           --                     80.49% 1,548,492.17

8. Inventory

(1) Category of Inventory

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                        Ending balance                                                Beginning balance
        Item                             Falling price                                                  Falling price
                     Carrying amount                          Carrying value     Carrying amount                           Carrying value
                                             reserves                                                     reserves

Raw materials           24,203,708.86         570,442.41        23,633,266.45         35,127,847.81         570,442.41          34,557,405.40

Goods in process        15,014,293.01                           15,014,293.01         14,237,995.55                             14,237,995.55

Inventory goods        577,520,400.93       29,763,993.30      547,756,407.63 1,995,530,607.75           63,559,812.56 1,931,970,795.19

Total                  616,738,402.80       30,334,435.71      586,403,967.09 2,044,896,451.11           64,130,254.97 1,980,766,196.14

(2) Falling Price Reserves of Inventory

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
        Item            Beginning balance                Increased amount                   Decreased amount               Ending balance

                                                       Withdrawal         Other         Reverse or write-off      Other

Raw materials                         570,442.41                                                                                   570,442.41

Inventory goods                     63,559,812.56      11,877,851.17                           45,673,670.43                     29,763,993.30

Total                               64,130,254.97      11,877,851.17                           45,673,670.43                     30,334,435.71

9. Other Current Assets

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                      Item                                        Ending balance                               Beginning balance

Financial products                                                           1,093,193,150.68                                 3,792,871,097.59

Structured deposits                                                         10,700,000,000.00                                 8,650,000,000.00

Input tax to be deducted and certified                                            88,353,636.04                                283,158,673.31

Other                                                                             45,415,612.78                                 52,210,974.32

Total                                                                       11,926,962,399.50                                12,778,240,745.22

10. Available-for-sale Financial Assets

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                    Ending balance                                      Beginning balance
           Item                     Carrying         Depreciation                        Carrying        Depreciation
                                                                     Carrying value                                           Carrying value
                                     amount            reserves                           amount            reserves

Available-for-sale equity
                                     300,300.00        100,300.00       200,000.00        300,300.00            100,300.00         200,000.00

      Measured at cost               300,300.00        100,300.00       200,000.00        300,300.00            100,300.00         200,000.00

Total                                300,300.00        100,300.00       200,000.00        300,300.00            100,300.00         200,000.00

11. Investment Property

(1) Investment Property Adopted the Cost Measurement Mode

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         Construction in
                         Item                               Houses and buildings       Land use right                              Total

I. Original carrying value

1. Beginning balance                                                 88,189,256.96       22,949,959.07                          111,139,216.03

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Outsourcing

(2)       Transfer           from         inventory\fixed

assets\construction in progress

(3) Enterprise combination increase

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1) Disposal

(2) Other

4. Ending balance                                         88,189,256.96      22,949,959.07                    111,139,216.03

II. Accumulative depreciation and accumulative

1. Beginning balance                                      29,852,095.86       7,015,229.88                     36,867,325.74

2. Increased amount of the period                          1,650,141.54         275,912.46                      1,926,054.00

(1) Withdrawal or amortization                             1,650,141.54         275,912.46                      1,926,054.00

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1) Disposal

(2) Other

4. Ending balance                                         31,502,237.40       7,291,142.34                     38,793,379.74

III. Depreciation reserves

1. Beginning balance                                      12,576,065.29                                        12,576,065.29

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Withdrawal

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1) Disposal

(2) Other

4. Ending balance                                         12,576,065.29                                        12,576,065.29

IV. Carrying value

1. Ending book value                                      44,110,954.27      15,658,816.73                     59,769,771.00

2. Beginning book value                                   45,761,095.81      15,934,729.19                     61,695,825.00

12. Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                       Houses and      Machinery        Transportation Office & Electronic
                 Item                                                                                            Total
                                        buildings       equipment         equipment          equipment

I. Original carrying value

  1. Beginning balance                735,906,249.69 1,053,086,342.85     28,536,914.16      139,927,818.59 1,957,457,325.29

  2. Increased amount of the period                     52,764,489.72      3,538,087.27       54,112,985.37   110,415,562.36

     (1) Purchase                                       37,437,395.70      3,538,087.27       54,112,985.37    95,088,468.34

     (2) Transfer from construction
                                                                15,327,094.02                                            15,327,094.02
in progress

     (3) Enterprise combination

  3. Decreased amount of the
                                                                18,196,176.73        337,264.94          2,445,391.05    20,978,832.72

     (1) Disposal or Scrap                                      18,196,176.73        337,264.94          2,445,391.05    20,978,832.72

  4. Ending balance                    735,906,249.69 1,087,654,655.84          31,737,736.49          191,595,412.91 2,046,894,054.93

II. Accumulative depreciation

  1. Beginning balance                  227,391,811.31      556,756,002.40      23,111,726.15           99,321,819.31   906,581,359.17

  2. Increased amount of the period      15,624,330.54          45,341,385.52        608,730.53         11,795,470.17    73,369,916.76

     (1) Withdrawal                      15,624,330.54          45,341,385.52        608,730.53         11,795,470.17    73,369,916.76

  3. Decreased amount of the
                                                                12,804,858.29        302,089.08          1,170,190.22    14,277,137.59

     (1) Disposal or Scrap                                      12,804,858.29        302,089.08          1,170,190.22    14,277,137.59

  4. Ending balance                    243,016,141.85       589,292,529.63      23,418,367.60          109,947,099.26   965,674,138.34

III. Depreciation reserves

  1. Beginning balance                    3,918,452.47          17,168,643.32         30,622.40             89,892.09    21,207,610.28

  2. Increased amount of the period

     (1) Withdrawal

  3. Decreased amount of the
                                                                 4,318,221.04         19,389.79             26,099.07      4,363,709.90

     (1) Disposal or Scrap                                       4,318,221.04         19,389.79             26,099.07      4,363,709.90

  4. Ending balance                       3,918,452.47          12,850,422.28         11,232.61             63,793.02    16,843,900.38

IV. Carrying value

  1. Ending carrying value             488,971,655.37       485,511,703.94       8,308,136.28           81,584,520.63 1,064,376,016.22

  2. Beginning carrying value          504,595,985.91       479,161,697.13       5,394,565.61           40,516,107.19 1,029,668,355.84

13. Construction in Progress

(1) List of Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                  Ending balance                                   Beginning balance
              Item                 Carrying        Depreciation                         Carrying        Depreciation
                                                                   Carrying value                                       Carrying value
                                   amount            reserves                            amount           reserves

Automatic stamping riveting       39,078,412.10                      39,078,412.10     37,167,679.63                      37,167,679.63

line of roller cabinet

Other                                     650,518.92                              650,518.92        804,572.97                            804,572.97

Total                                  39,728,931.02                         39,728,931.02       37,972,252.60                         37,972,252.60

(2) Changes in Significant Construction in Progress during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                                   Proportion                              Of which: Capitaliz
                                                              Other                    of                   Accumulat amount of        ation
                                                  Transfer                                                                                       Capit
                           Beginnin                          decrea               accumulated               ed amount capitalized rate of
                                      Increased    red in              Ending                      Job                                             al
     Item      Budget         g                                sed                 investment               of interest    interests interests
                                      amount       fixed               balance                   schedule                                        resou
                           balance                           amoun                      in                  capitalizati    for the   for the
                                                   assets                                                                                         rces
                                                                t                 construction                  on         Reporting Reportin
                                                                                   s to budget                              Period    g Period

riveting       5,902.00 3,716.77        191.07                         3,907.84        98.00% 98.00%                                             Other
line of

Other          2,436.30       80.46 1,517.30 1,532.71                    65.05         65.58% 65.58%                                             Other

Total          8,338.29 3,797.23 1,708.38 1,532.71                   0 3,972.89         --          --                                             --

14. Intangible Assets

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                           Item                             Land use right        Patent right   Non-patents          Others             Total

I. Original carrying value

       1. Beginning balance                                  242,666,890.39                                          1,395,014.56     244,061,904.95

       2. Increased amount of the period                             7,947.17                                                                  7,947.17

            (1) Purchase                                             7,947.17                                                                  7,947.17

            (2) Internal R&D

            (3) Business combination increase

     3. Decreased amount of the period

            (1) Disposal

       4. Ending balance                                     242,674,837.56                                          1,395,014.56     244,069,852.12

II. Accumulated amortization

       1. Beginning balance                                   55,621,543.12                                          1,395,014.56      57,016,557.68

     2. Increased amount of the period                 2,619,114.45                                                     2,619,114.45

        (1) Withdrawal                                 2,619,114.45                                                     2,619,114.45

     3. Decreased amount of the period

        (1) Disposal

     4. Ending balance                                58,240,657.57                                  1,395,014.56      59,635,672.13

III. Depreciation reserves

     1. Beginning balance

     2. Increased amount of the period

        (1) Withdrawal

     3. Decreased amount of the period

     (1) Disposal

     4. Ending balance

IV. Carrying value

     1. Ending carrying value                        184,434,179.99                                                   184,434,179.99

     2. Beginning carrying value                     187,045,347.27                                                   187,045,347.27

15. Long-term Prepaid Expense

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                         Amortization        Other decreased
        Item             Beginning balance       Increased amount                                                   Ending balance
                                                                      amount of the period       amount

Fixed assets
                              21,318,606.65           8,819,217.24            4,685,773.66                             25,452,050.23

Other                           1,063,413.87            126,572.19             250,461.20                                 939,524.86

Total                         22,382,020.52           8,945,789.43            4,936,234.86                             26,391,575.09

16. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred Income Tax Assets Had Not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                            Ending balance                            Beginning balance
                     Item                      Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary        Deferred income
                                                    difference               assets             difference             tax assets

Provision for impairment of assets                   145,786,037.32          21,824,399.10       171,883,829.48        25,782,574.43

Internal unrealized profit                            29,913,702.45           4,487,055.37       107,345,624.86        16,101,843.73

Remuneration and dismissal expense                    11,520,236.25           1,728,035.44        13,089,160.95         1,963,374.14

Other current liabilities                            2,476,196,552.18           355,800,208.12           2,107,686,604.61         370,746,106.98

Provisions                                                2,157,992.76              323,698.90               2,253,082.26              337,962.34

Deferred income                                           2,262,533.19              339,379.98               2,489,133.21              373,369.98

Investment differences                                    8,782,955.88            1,317,443.38               8,782,955.88            1,317,443.38

Changes in fair value-trading financial
                                                          4,800,613.47              720,092.02

Total                                                2,681,420,623.50           386,540,312.31           2,413,530,391.25         416,622,674.98

(2) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Had Not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                 Ending balance                                    Beginning balance

                     Item                        Deductible temporary Deferred income tax                                      Deferred income
                                                         difference               liabilities                                    tax liabilities

Changes in fair value of available-for-sale
                                                           43,193,150.68            6,478,972.60            57,871,097.59            8,680,664.64
financial assets

Changes in fair value of financial assets at
                                                                                                             5,270,238.03              790,535.70
fair value through profit or loss

Total                                                      43,193,150.68            6,478,972.60            63,141,335.62            9,471,200.34

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Off-set

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                            Mutual set-off amount of          Ending balance of          Mutual set-off amount of        Beginning balance of
                               deferred income tax           deferred income tax           deferred income tax            deferred income tax
                             assets and liabilities at     assets or liabilities after    assets and liabilities at     assets or liabilities after
                                    the period-end                    off-set                   the period-begin                 off-set

Deferred income tax
                                          6,478,972.60                380,061,339.65                   9,471,200.34               407,151,474.64

(4) List of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                    Item                                       Ending balance                                      Beginning balance

Deductible temporary difference                                                  27,199,560.02                                     27,153,908.99

Deductible losses                                                                81,634,128.03                                     81,636,690.06

Total                                                                           108,833,688.05                                    108,790,599.05

(5) Deductible Losses of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets will Due in the Following Years

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                Years                    Ending amount                 Beginning amount                         Notes

Y2018                                            16,300,604.68                         57,917.22

Y2019                                            49,620,940.42                   16,303,166.71

Y2020                                             9,576,983.63                   49,620,940.42

Y2021                                             5,618,761.45                    9,576,983.63

Y2022                                               516,837.85                    5,618,761.45

Total                                            81,634,128.03                   81,177,769.43                   --

17. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                        Item                             Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Prepayment for equipment                                               56,029,381.55                                  27,331,937.53

Total                                                                  56,029,381.55                                  27,331,937.53

18. Provision for Impairment of Assets

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                   Item                  31 December 2017         Increase                                        30 June 2018
                                                                                 Reverse        Write-off

 Bad debt provision                          94,757,265.40       12,061,736.99           -                  -     106,819,002.39

 Of which: bad debt provision for
                                             91,406,552.32       12,697,151.58                                    104,103,703.90
 accounts receivable

          Bad debt provision for other
                                              3,350,713.08         -635,414.59                                         2,715,298.49
 accounts receivable

 Inventory falling price reserves            64,130,254.97       11,877,851.17                45,673,670.43           30,334,435.71

 Provision for impairment of
                                                100,300.00                                                              100,300.00
 available-for-sale financial assets

 Provision for impairment of
                                             12,576,065.29                                                            12,576,065.29
 investment property

 Provision for impairment of fixed
                                             21,207,610.28                                     4,363,709.90           16,843,900.38

 Total                                      192,771,495.94       23,939,588.16           -    50,037,380.33       166,673,703.77

19. Short-term Borrowings

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                     Item                       Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Discount financing of notes receivable                                                                  81,393,672.34

Total                                                                                                   81,393,672.34

20. Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                     Item                       Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Trading financial liabilities                                    4,800,613.47

           Derivative financial liabilities                      4,800,613.47

Total                                                            4,800,613.47

21. Notes Payable

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                  Category                      Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Bank acceptance bill                                      3,915,720,273.53                           2,805,804,600.41

Total                                                     3,915,720,273.53                           2,805,804,600.41

22. Accounts Payable

(1) List of Accounts Payable

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                     Item                       Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Material                                                  2,778,165,944.92                           3,803,318,504.56

Other                                                        31,443,793.65                              23,707,195.54

Total                                                     2,809,609,738.57                           3,827,025,700.10

(2) Significant Accounts Payable Aging over One Year

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                     Item                       Ending balance                    Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

Material                                                     54,501,046.83 Unsettled due to the agreement of contract

Total                                                        54,501,046.83                      --

23. Advances from Customers

(1) List of Advances from Customers

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                      Item                             Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Advances from customers                                            828,133,123.71                          3,065,815,801.93

Total                                                              828,133,123.71                          3,065,815,801.93

(2) Significant Advances from Customers Aging over One Year

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                      Item                             Ending balance                    Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

           Advance from goods                                       42,618,060.31 Unsettled advance from goods

                      Total                                         42,618,060.31                     --

24. Payroll Payable

(1) List of Payroll Payable

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                      Item                  Beginning balance           Increase          Decrease         Ending balance

I. Short-term salary                            320,914,272.91          619,671,080.97   697,918,140.10     242,667,213.78

II. Post-employment benefit-defined
                                                 25,775,609.10           66,505,577.92    80,486,126.29       11,795,060.73
contribution plans

III. Termination benefits                         2,793,962.75            4,209,565.73     4,338,468.11        2,665,060.37

                     Total                      349,483,844.76          690,386,224.62   782,742,734.50     257,127,334.88

(2) List of Short-term salary

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                      Item                  Beginning balance           Increase          Decrease         Ending balance

1. Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy            282,471,135.34          508,925,266.35   583,695,741.92     207,700,659.77

2. Employee welfare                               8,331,772.70           40,159,306.08    36,854,249.27       11,636,829.51

3. Social insurance                              12,297,766.43           34,607,681.11    41,028,639.38        5,876,808.16

     Of which: Medical insurance
                                                  9,960,643.80           27,659,647.95    32,851,023.62        4,769,268.13

            Work-related injury insurance         1,540,246.23            4,553,613.97     5,363,858.42           730,001.78

            Maternity insurance                     796,876.40            2,394,419.19     2,813,757.34           377,538.25

4. Housing fund                                8,897,498.05           25,356,868.92    25,532,130.72       8,722,236.25

5. Labor union budget and employee
                                               8,916,100.39           10,621,958.51    10,807,378.81       8,730,680.09
education budget

Total                                        320,914,272.91          619,671,080.97   697,918,140.10    242,667,213.78

(3) List of Defined Contribution Plans

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                   Item                  Beginning balance           Increase         Decrease         Ending balance

1. Basic pension benefits                     24,835,787.74           64,937,837.37    78,368,996.77      11,404,628.34

2. Unemployment insurance                        939,821.36            1,567,740.55     2,117,129.52          390,432.39

Total                                         25,775,609.10           66,505,577.92    80,486,126.29      11,795,060.73

25. Taxes Payable

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                   Item                             Ending balance                        Beginning balance

Corporate income tax                                            367,523,892.84                          538,655,891.42

Urban maintenance and construction tax                               4,962,554.32                         10,431,895.61

VAT                                                              14,469,621.44                            43,514,198.41

House appliance recycling funds                                  25,064,569.00                            24,202,458.00

Education Surcharge                                                  3,425,481.66                          7,895,593.79

Other                                                            11,146,512.24                            13,317,486.08

Total                                                           426,592,631.50                          638,017,523.31

26. Dividends Payable

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                   Item                             Ending balance                        Beginning balance

Ordinary share dividends                                             9,049,503.92                          6,996,784.06

Total                                                                9,049,503.92                          6,996,784.06

27. Other Accounts Payable

(1) Other Accounts Payable Listed by Nature of Account

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                   Item                             Ending balance                        Beginning balance

Payment for equipment                                            86,017,107.85                          119,000,776.50

Payment for mold                                                     59,934,550.67                              66,898,435.10

Margin & cash pledged                                                11,821,035.99                               3,027,766.49

Payment made on behalf                                                   8,979,515.65                            3,831,550.67

Third party payment                                                      8,690,052.55                            5,278,489.39

Energy-saving subsidy                                                                                            6,140,000.00

Other                                                                    9,615,168.20                           16,943,845.33

Total                                                               185,057,430.91                             221,120,863.48

(2) Significant Other Accounts Payable Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                    Item                                Ending balance                      Unpaid/Un-carry-over reason

Payment for mold                                                     32,314,272.98 unsettled due to the agreement of contract

Payment for equipment                                                17,822,442.22 unsettled due to the agreement of contract

Total                                                                50,136,715.20                      --

28. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                           Item                                    Ending balance                    Beginning balance

Accrued expenses-sale rebate                                                 1,134,694,687.20                1,190,189,575.45

Accrued expenses-sales promotional expense                                     535,362,600.86                  276,458,030.09

Accrued expenses-shipping and handling charges                                 224,935,439.82                  169,965,392.33

Accrued expenses-maintenance and installation charges                          392,472,038.07                  312,536,901.29

Accrued expenses-brand royalty                                                    7,921,114.16

Accrued expenses-waste household appliance
maintenance funds

Accrued expenses-other                                                         180,813,792.08                  142,912,728.45

Total                                                                        2,476,199,672.19                2,107,700,604.61

29. Long-term Payroll Payable

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                    Item                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Termination benefits                                                     10,291,652.87                          12,021,620.17

Total                                                                    10,291,652.87                          12,021,620.17

 30. Provisions

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                    Item                      Ending balance                       Beginning balance                     Formed reason

  Product quality assurance                               2,157,992.76                         2,253,082.25

  Total                                                   2,157,992.76                         2,253,082.25                        --

 31. Share Capital

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                         Increase/decrease (+/-)
                      Beginning balance New shares                            Bonus issue                                           Ending balance
                                                          Bonus shares                             Other           Subtotal
                                             issued                            from profit

  The sum of
                           632,487,764.00                                                                                           632,487,764.00

 32. Capital Reserves

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                             Item                              Beginning balance                Increase          Decrease       Ending balance

  Capital premium (premium on stock)                                     1,055,182,718.57                                        1,055,182,718.57

  Other capital reserves                                                  197,764,828.23       43,846,522.21                        241,611,350.44

  Of which: equity incentive                                              163,325,332.37       43,846,522.21                        207,171,854.58

            Other                                                             34,439,495.86

  Total                                                                  1,252,947,546.80      43,846,522.21                     1,296,794,069.01

 33. Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                            Reporting Period

                                                          Less: recorded
                                                              in other
                                                          comprehensive                                            Attributable
                                                                                               Attributable to
                            Beginning   Income before income in prior                                                   to
           Item                                                                Less: Income     owners of the                       Ending balance
                             balance    taxation in the     period and                                             non-controll
                                                                                tax expense    Company as the
                                        Current Period     transferred in                                          ing interests
                                                                                               parent after tax
                                                          profit or loss in                                          after tax
                                                            the Current

I. Other                   40,496,366.85 43,195,466.96     57,871,097.59 -2,201,692.03          -11,952,098.73 -521,839.87 28,544,268.12

income that may
subsequently be
reclassified to profit
or loss

  Gain/Loss on
changes in fair value
                          42,711,851.32 43,193,150.68       57,871,097.59 -2,201,692.03    -11,954,415.00 -521,839.87 28,544,268.12
of available-for-sale
financial assets

arising from
translation of
foreign                    -2,215,484.47       2,316.27                                          2,316.27                 -2,213,168.20
ed financial

Total of other
comprehensive             40,496,366.85 43,195,466.96       57,871,097.59 -2,201,692.03    -11,952,098.73 -521,839.87 28,544,268.12

 34. Surplus Reserves

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
               Item                Beginning balance               Increase                  Decrease               Ending balance

  Statutory              surplus
                                           332,594,722.29                                                                332,594,722.29

  Total                                    332,594,722.29                                                                332,594,722.29

 35. Retained Profits

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                           Item                                           Reporting Period      Same period of last year

  Beginning balance of retained profits before adjustments                                   4,788,564,401.03          3,756,517,718.81

  Beginning balance of retained profits after adjustments                                    4,788,564,401.03          3,756,517,718.81

  Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as the parent                          902,047,046.42            731,540,502.47

  Less: dividend of ordinary shares payable                                                    632,487,764.00            474,365,822.97

  Ending retained profits                                                                    5,058,123,683.45          4,013,692,398.30

36. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                         Reporting Period                                   Same Period of last year
                            Operating revenue          Cost of sales           Operating revenue              Cost of sales

Main operations                11,213,772,811.33            8,049,680,720.75           9,694,560,835.56         7,052,479,498.41

Other operations                  843,165,474.72             800,121,112.27             873,500,018.65            808,892,313.37

Total                          12,056,938,286.05            8,849,801,833.02       10,568,060,854.21            7,861,371,811.78

37. Taxes and Surtaxes

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                   Item                              Reporting Period                           Same Period of last year

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                 30,884,900.17                               29,091,665.44

Education Surcharge                                                    24,140,924.03                               22,058,158.72

Other                                                                  11,791,878.91                               13,382,449.58

Total                                                                  66,817,703.11                               64,532,273.74

38. Selling Expense

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                   Item                              Reporting Period                           Same Period of last year

Selling expense                                                     1,769,706,658.94                            1,533,889,871.40

Total                                                               1,769,706,658.94                            1,533,889,871.40

39. Administrative Expense

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                   Item                              Reporting Period                           Same Period of last year

Administrative expense                                               451,163,055.68                               328,163,105.40

Total                                                                451,163,055.68                               328,163,105.40

40. Finance Costs

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                   Item                              Reporting Period                           Same Period of last year

Interest expense                                                       31,353,226.28                                   5,897,953.01

Interest income                                                      -246,342,976.78                              -63,840,314.80

Foreign exchange gains or losses                                           -18,665,871.63                                30,775,819.93

Other                                                                           2,303,503.16                              3,643,344.03

Total                                                                     -231,352,118.98                               -23,523,197.84

41. Asset Impairment Loss

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                     Item                                    Reporting Period                         Same Period of last year

I. Bad debt loss                                                           12,061,736.99                                  7,560,737.61

II. Inventory falling price loss                                            11,877,851.17                                26,185,813.40

III. Fixed assets impairment losses                                                                                       3,808,897.38

Total                                                                      23,939,588.16                                 37,555,448.39

42. Gain on Changes in Fair Value

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                               Sources                                    Reporting Period               Same period of last year

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                                                                     4,917,873.13

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss                           -10,070,851.50

Total                                                                                -10,070,851.50                       4,917,873.13

43. Investment Income

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                Item                                      Reporting Period               Same Period of last year

Investment income from disposal of financial assets at fair
                                                                                       8,050,775.00                       2,654,220.00
value through profit or loss

Investment income from available-for-sale financial assets                            68,851,966.54                     179,011,662.11

Total                                                                                 76,902,741.54                     181,665,882.11

44. Asset Disposal Income

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                   Sources                                   Reporting Period                         Same Period of last year

Fixed assets disposal income                                                     634,455.90

45. Other Income

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                  Sources                                Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Specialized return                                                       18,631,803.79                        15,806,553.77

Other subsidies                                                             9,339,848.21

Total                                                                    28,308,152.00                        15,806,553.77

46. Income Tax Expense

(1) List of Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                     Item                                Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Current income tax expense                                              196,118,948.51                       191,867,580.15

Deferred income tax expense                                              29,291,826.97                       -43,621,884.37

Total                                                                   225,410,775.48                       148,245,695.78

(2) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                         Item                                                 Reporting Period

Profit before taxation                                                                                     1,228,875,285.09

Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable tax rate                                        215,323,762.35

Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                                        2,283,020.72

Influence of not deductable costs, expenses and losses                                                           7,275,617.33

Influence of deductable loss of unrecognized deferred income tax assets in prior period                           528,375.08

Income tax expense                                                                                           225,410,775.48

47. Other Comprehensive Income

Refer to Note 33 for details.

48. Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash Generated from Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                     Item                                Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Interest income                                                          19,741,871.26                        18,617,988.30

Specialized subsidies                                                    10,686,348.21                           8,072,556.77

Claim & fine income                                                         1,872,681.61                         1,264,590.80

Other                                                                         33,392,058.21                                   18,536,975.82

Total                                                                         65,692,959.29                                   46,492,111.69

(2) Cash Used in Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                    Item                                   Reporting Period                               Same Period of last year

Cash for payments                                                            261,375,812.90                                1,343,311,634.84

Other                                                                          9,839,878.51                                    1,138,477.96

Total                                                                        271,215,691.41                                1,344,450,112.80

(3) Cash Generated from Other Investing Activities

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                    Item                                   Reporting Period                               Same Period of last year

Interest income from structured deposits                                     111,282,573.06                                   16,802,196.35

Total                                                                        111,282,573.06                                   16,802,196.35

49. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                           Supplemental information                                  Reporting Period               Same period of last year

1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating
                                                                                               --                              --

Net profit                                                                                    1,003,464,509.61               832,760,250.01

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                                             23,939,588.16             37,555,448.39

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets, and productive living assets                          75,295,970.76             64,952,458.10

Amortization of intangible assets                                                                    2,619,114.45              2,619,069.42

Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                                                           4,936,234.86              1,681,848.52

Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived
                                                                                                      -634,455.90             -2,324,085.53
assets (gains: negative)

Losses from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                               10,070,851.50             -4,917,873.13

Finance costs (gains: negative)                                                               -227,392,382.23                -10,904,243.34

Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                               -76,902,741.54              -181,665,882.11

Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative)                                            30,082,362.69            -44,359,565.36

Increase in deferred income tax liabilities                                                           -790,535.70                   737,680.97

(“-” means decrease)

Decrease in inventory (gains: negative)                                                1,428,158,048.36            614,201,149.52

Decrease in accounts receivable generated from operating activities
                                                                                       -229,740,644.12            -728,452,220.93
(gains: negative)

Increase in accounts payable used in operating activities (decrease:
                                                                                      -1,915,599,644.90           -748,672,061.46

Others                                                                                       45,722,746.41          24,377,334.69

Net cash generated from/used in operating activities                                    173,229,022.41            -142,410,692.24

2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of
                                                                                        --                           --
cash receipts and payments

3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash equivalent:                                   --                           --

Ending balance of cash                                                                 1,495,906,357.47          3,096,982,558.92

Less: beginning balance of cash                                                        1,417,489,071.71          4,171,689,917.21

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                    78,417,285.76      -1,074,707,358.29

(2) Cash and Cash Equivalent

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                         Ending balance                Beginning balance

I. Cash                                                                                1,495,906,357.47          1,417,489,071.71

     Of which: bank deposits on demand                                                 1,495,906,357.47          1,417,489,071.71

II. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                                        1,495,906,357.47          1,417,489,071.71

50. Foreign Currency Monetary Items

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
            Item             Ending foreign currency balance          Exchange rate              Ending balance converted to RMB

Monetary capital

Including: USD                                      8,666,576.26                      6.6166                        57,343,268.48

            EUR                                     1,151,914.59                      7.6515                         8,813,874.49

Accounts receivable

Including: USD                                    164,135,696.04                      6.6166                     1,086,020,246.42

            EUR                                     9,094,964.00                      7.6515                        69,590,117.05

            JPY                                        378,500.00                 0.05991                                  22,677.45

Accounts payable

Including: USD                                         386,975.97                     6.6166                         2,560,465.20

            EUR                                         61,072.31                     7.6515                              467,294.78

             JPY                                         5,236,912.00                       0.05991                                 313,764.35

VIII. Changes of Consolidation Scope

No such case in Reporting Period.

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiary

(1) Subsidiaries

                                         Main operating Registration        Nature of     Holding percentage (%)
               Name                                                                                                       Way of gaining
                                                 place          place        business       Directly    Indirectly

Wuxi Little Swan General Electric
                                         Wuxi               Wuxi           Production        100.00%                  Setting-up
Appliances Co. , Ltd.

Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd.        Wuxi               Wuxi           Production          73.00%                 Setting-up

Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing and
                                         Wuxi               Wuxi           Trading             99.54%         0.09% Setting-up
Sales Co. , Ltd.

 Wuxi Little Swan Import & Export                                          Import &
                                         Wuxi               Wuxi                               88.46%                 Setting-up
Co. , Ltd.                                                                 Export

Little       Swan        International
                                         Singapore          Singapore      Investment        100.00%                  Setting-up
(Singapore) Co., Ltd.

Little Swan (Jingzhou) Electronic                                                                                     Business combination
                                         Jingzhou           Jingzhou       Production        100.00%
Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                                                                  under same control

Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co.,                                                                                      Business combination
                                         Hefei              Hefei          Production          69.47%
Ltd.                                                                                                                  under same control

(2) Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                          Shareholding proportion             The profit or loss          Declaring dividends
                                                                                                                        Ending balance of
         Name                 of non-controlling                attributable to              distributed to
                                                                                                                     non-controlling interests
                                    interests              non-controlling interests    non-controlling interests

Wuxi Filin Electronics
                                                27.00%                  31,561,769.44                                         304,090,289.33
Co. , Ltd.

Hefei Midea Washing
                                                30.53%                  69,855,693.75                                         969,888,770.32
Machine Co., Ltd.

 (3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                            Ending balance                                                                            Beginning balance

                         Current      Non-current                      Current      Non-current         Total          Current     Non-current                        Current      Non-current      Total
                                                     Total assets                                                                                  Total assets
                          assets        assets                        liabilities     liability       liabilities      assets        assets                          liabilities    liability     liabilities

Wuxi Filin Electronics
                         160,369.02      6,783.01      167,152.03       54,515.58            10.42     54,526.00      159,685.46        6,493.23     166,178.69       65,449.77          15.58     65,465.35
Co. , Ltd.

Hefei Midea Washing
                         661,267.77     73,451.72      734,719.49      415,538.14          1,497.51 417,035.65        785,372.27     67,388.46       852,760.73 556,889.47            1,314.69   558,204.16
Machine Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                          Reporting Period                                                                         Same period of last year

                                                                    Total comprehensive     Cash flows from                                                       Total comprehensive     Cash flows from
                         Operating revenue          Net profit                                                      Operating revenue         Net profit
                                                                          income           operating activities                                                         income           operating activities

Wuxi Filin Electronics
                                    49,822.87           11,689.54              11,689.54              -1,525.98             45,315.85               11,171.12                11,171.12              -7,281.50
Co. , Ltd.

Hefei Midea Washing
                                   537,543.71           22,881.00              22,710.07             -72,991.19            446,674.46               23,274.72                21,638.55            -35,564.58
Machine Co., Ltd.

X. Segment Information

Since the Company’s operating revenue, cost of sales, assets and liabilities are mainly related to the manufacturing

and sales of washing machines and relevant products, after considering some factors such as the internal

organizational structure, management requirements and internal report systems, the management holds the opinion

that various companies’ business has obvious similarity within the scope of consolidation. Thus, the segment

report is not prepared.

The total income of the Company and its subsidiaries from external transactions in domestic and other countries

or regions, the total non-current assets excluding financial assets and deferred income tax assets in domestic and

other countries or regions are listed as follows:

(1) Income from External Transactions

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                  Region                            Reporting Period                 Same period of last year

China                                                          9,593,374,628.71                      8,375,128,927.45

Other countries                                                2,463,563,657.34                      2,192,931,926.76

Total                                                         12,056,938,286.05                     10,568,060,854.21

(2) Total Non-current Assets

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                  Region                             30 June 2018                         30 June 2017

China                                                          1,430,729,854.87                       1,366,095,738.76

Other countries

Total                                                          1,430,729,854.87                       1,366,095,738.76

XI. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments

The financial risks the Company faced during operation are: credit risk, market risk (mainly exchange risk and

interest rate risk) and liquidity risk. The overall risk management plan of the Company and its subsidiaries,

considering the unpredictability of financial market, aims to reduce the potential negative influence to the

financial results of the Company and its subsidiaries.

(1) Market Risk

(a) Foreign Exchange Risk

The main operation of the Company and its subsidiaries was within the state, which settled by RMB. The foreign

assets, liabilities and foreign trade in future (the foreign assets, liabilities and foreign trade in future mainly settled

by USD) the Company and its subsidiaries had recognized existed foreign exchange risk. The financial

department of the Company’s headquarter supervised the scope of foreign assets, liabilities and foreign trade in

future of the Company and its subsidiaries to maximally reduce foreign exchange risk , thus the Company and its

subsidiaries might avoid foreign exchange rate in a way of signing forward foreign exchange contracts or currency

exchange contracts.

On 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, the list of foreign financial assets and foreign financial liabilities

converted into RMB held by the Company and its subsidiaries taking RMB as the recording currency was

presented as follows:

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                    Ending balance
                                          USD                    Other foreign curency                  Total

Foreign financial assets

Monetary capital                              57,343,268.48                   8,813,874.49                  66,157,142.97

Accounts receivable                        1,086,020,246.42                  69,612,794.50               1,155,633,040.92

Total                                      1,143,363,514.90                  78,426,668.98               1,221,790,183.88

Foreign financial liabilities

Accounts payable                                2,560,465.20                    781,059.13                      3,341,524.33

Total                                           2,560,465.20                    781,059.13                      3,341,524.33

                                                                  Beginning balance
                                          USD                    Other foreign curency                  Total

Foreign financial assets

Monetary capital                             191,071,173.12                  14,916,914.11                 205,988,087.23

Accounts receivable                          531,578,236.13                  76,367,051.71                 607,945,287.84

Total                                        722,649,409.25                  91,283,965.82                 813,933,375.07

Foreign financial liabilities                                                                                           0.00

Accounts payable                              36,668,878.79                   6,033,971.28                  42,702,850.07

Other accounts payable                                                       37,060,925.00                  37,060,925.00

Total                                         36,668,878.79                 43,094,896.28                  79,763,775.07

On June 30, 2018, when RMB appreciates or depreciates by 6% without any changes in other factors, for all kinds

of US financial assets and liabilities, there will be an decrease or increase in net profit of about RMB58,180,955

(about RMB34,980,000 on 31 December 2017) for the Company.

(b) Interest Rate Risk
On 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, there were no short-term and long-term interest-bearing debt contracts
with floating interest rates in the Company and its subsidiaries, thus the management believed that there was not
existing significant interest rate risk.

(2) Credit Risk
The Company and its subsidiaries adopt group classification to manage the credit risk. Credit risk mainly incurred
in bank deposit, accounts receivable, other accounts receivable, notes receivable, structured deposits, and financial
products recorded into other current assets, etc.
The bank deposits and structured deposits of the Company and its subsidiaries were deposited in the state-owned
banks and other large and medium-sized commercial banks, the Company believed that there was not existing
significant credit risk, and won't lead to any significant losses due to break a contract to the entity.
The Company and its subsidiaries entrust commercial bank, trust company, assets management company and
other financial institutions to conduct short term low risk finance investment, participate in bank financial
products, trust plan of trust company, assets management plan of assets management company, the main
investment direction was financial instrument with the high credit rating, better fluidity, trust products and assets
management plan with prospective earnings, and conducting commercial bank guaranteed finance business with
low risk, stable interest and no more than 1 year investment period in our inter-bank market. The idle fund of the
Company and its subsidiaries used for trust investment was not used to invest in stock and its derivative product,
security investment fund and trust investment for security investment purpose and investment relevant to other
Besides, as for accounts receivable, other accounts receivable and notes receivable, the Company and its
subsidiaries set relevant policy to control credit risk exposure. The Company and its subsidiaries , based on the
financial situation of the clients, possibility of obtaining guarantee from third party, credit record, and other factors
such as the recent market situation etc. to evaluate the credit qualification of client and set relevant credit period.
The Company and its subsidiaries regularly supervise the credit record of client, as for the client with bad credit
records, the Company and its subsidiaries will adopt reminder letters, shorten the credit period or cancel credit
period etc. to ensure the overall credit risk of the Company within control. On 30 June 2018n and 31 December
2017, there were no significant overdue accounts receivable.

(3) Liquidity Risk

The Company and its subsidiaries were responsible for their respective cash flow prediction. The head financial

department continuously supervised short-term and long-term capital demands at combination level based on

collecting cash flow prediction of all subsidiaries to ensure to maintain plenty of cash reserve and securities

available for realization at any time.

On balance sheet date, each financial liabilities listed by un-discounted contract cash flow according to the due

date were demonstrated as follows:

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                     30 June 2018
                                Within 1 year          1-2 years          2-5 years        Over 5 years         Total

Notes payable                    3,915,720,273.53                                                            3,915,720,273.53

Accounts payable                 2,809,609,738.57                                                            2,809,609,738.57

Dividends payable                     9,049,503.92                                                               9,049,503.92

Other current-liabilities        2,476,199,672.19                                                            2,476,199,672.19

Other accounts payable             185,057,430.91                                                             185,057,430.91

Provisions                            2,157,992.76                                                              2,157,992.76

Total                             9,397,794,611.88                                                           9,397,794,611.88

                                                                   31 December 2017
                                Within 1 year          1-2 years          2-5 years        Over 5 years         Total

Short-term borrowings                81,393,672.34                                                             81,393,672.34

Notes payable                    2,805,804,600.41                                                            2,805,804,600.41

Accounts payable                 3,827,025,700.10                                                            3,827,025,700.10

Dividends payable                     6,996,784.06                                                               6,996,784.06

Other current-liabilities        2,107,700,604.61                                                            2,107,700,604.61

Other accounts payable             221,120,863.48                                                             221,120,863.48

Provisions                            2,253,082.25                                                               2,253,082.25

Total                            9,052,295,307.25                                                            9,052,295,307.25

XII. The Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                    Ending fair value
              Item            Fair value measurement   Fair value measurement       Fair value measurement
                                  items at level 1         items at level 2             items at level 3

I. Consistent fair value
                                               --            --                     --                    --

         Other                                                                   1,093,193,150.68 1,093,193,150.68

         Derivative financial
                                                              4,800,613.47                             4,800,613.47

II. Inconsistent fair value
                                               --            --                     --                    --

2. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters for
Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 2

On 30 June 2018, financial liabilities with fair value measurement items at level 2 were all forward foreign

exchange contracts whose fair value were determined based on the current market prices.

3. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters for
Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3

On 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, financial assets with fair value measurement items at level 3 were all the

break-even floating income financial product investment, whose fair values were recognized through valuation


4. Explain the Reason for Conversion and the Policy Governing when the Conversion Happens if
Conversion Happens among Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Different Levels

The incurred date leading to events of conversion between different levels was recognized as the time-point of

conversion between different levels. There was no conversion between level 1 and level 2 in the Current Period.

5. Change in Financial Assets at Level 3

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                              Item                               Financial product investment

 1 January 2018                                                                                 3,792,871,097.59

 Purchase                                                                                                       -

 Sale                                                                                          -2,685,000,000.00

 Total current gains                                                                              -14,677,946.91

        -gains recorded into profit or loss                                                       -57,871,097.59

        -gains recorded into other comprehensive income                                            43,193,150.68

 30 June 2018                                                                                   1,093,193,150.68

 Changes in unrealized gains or losses arising from the recording of assets still held on
 30 June 2018 in profit or loss of 2017
 Gain on changes in fair value                                                                                                    -
                                              Item                                           Financial product investment

 1 January 2017                                                                                                 5,994,142,671.24

 Purchase                                                                                                       4,745,000,000.00

 Sale                                                                                                         -6,900,000,000.00

 Total current gains                                                                                              -46,271,573.65

        -gains recorded into profit or loss                                                                     -104,142,671.24

        -gains recorded into other comprehensive income                                                           57,871,097.59

 31 December 2017                                                                                               3,792,871,097.59
 Changes in unrealized gains or losses arising from the recording of assets still held on
 31 December 2017 in profit or loss of 2016
 Gain on changes in fair value                                                                                                    -

Relevant information on fair value measurement at level 3

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                        Fair value on 30       Valuation   Unobservable input                Relationship with Observable/unob
         Item                                                                      Scope
                           June 2018           technique         value                          fair value            servable

Available-for-sale financial assets

                                              Discounted    Expected annual
Financial products      1,093,193,150.68                                          4.7%-5%        Positive          Unobservable
                                               cash flow         yield
                        Fair value on 31       Valuation     Unobservable                      Relationship        Observable/un
        Item                                                                       Scope
                        December 2017          technique      input value                     with fair value        observable

 Available-for-sale financial assets

 Financial                                    Discounted    Expected annual
                       3,792,871,097.59                                         4.2%-5.25%       Positive          Unobservable
 products                                      cash flow         yield

6. Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities Not Measured at Fair Value

Financial assets and liabilities of the Company and its subsidiaries measured at amortized cost mainly include:
notes receivable, accounts receivable, other current assets-structured deposits, other accounts receivable, notes
payable, accounts payable, other accounts payable and other current liabilities.
Available-for-sale financial assets measured at cost was the unlisted share investment with no offer in active
market and larger variation range of its reasonable valuation and each fair value probability cannot be reasonably
recognized, thus, the fair value cannot be reliably measured.
There is no significant variance between the carrying value and fair value of financial assets and liabilities for the
Company and its subsidiaries on 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017. .

XIII. Capital Management

The objective of the capital management policy of the Company and its subsidiaries is to guarantee continuing

operation of the Company and its subsidiaries, and then to offer returns to shareholders and benefit other

stakeholders when maintaining the optimized capital structure to reduce the capital cost.

To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company and its subsidiaries may adjust the amount of dividends

paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to reduce liabilities.

The Company and its subsidiaries, not subject to external compulsory capital requirement, supervised the capital

via the asset-liabilities ratio (ratio of total liabilities and total assets).

                        Item                                   30 June 2018                              31 December 2017

Asset-liability ratio                                                               55.89%                                       61.49%

XIV. Connected Party and Connected Transaction

1. Information Related to the Company as the Parent of the Company

                                                                                              Proportion of share Proportion of voting
                                                                                                 held by the        rights owned by the
    Name                                  Nature of business             Registered capital    Company as the        Company as the
                                                                                              parent against the     parent against the
                                                                                                Company (%)           Company (%)

MIDEA                            Operating consumer appliances,
GROUP CO.,                       HVAC, robots and automatic              6,628,613,347.00                 52.67%                 52.67%
LTD.                             system, intelligent supply chain etc.

Notes of the Company as the parent of the Company:

The ultimate controller of the Company is He Xiangjian.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Refer to Note IX for details.

3. Information on Other Connected Parties

                                   Name                                                              Relationship

Ningbo Midea United Material Supply Co., Ltd                                  Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Ningbo Beautiful Homeland Electric Appliance Service Co., Ltd.                Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Midea Group E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                              Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Zhejiang Meizhi Compressor Co. Ltd.                                   Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Guangdong Midea Hicks Electronics Co., Ltd.                           Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Guangdong Midea Precise Mould Technology Co., Ltd.                    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Midea Smart Home Technology Co., Ltd                                  Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Hefei Hua Ling Share Holding Co. , Ltd.                               Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Wuhu Midea Household Electric Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd.       Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Midea Electric Trading (Singapore) Co. Pte. Ltd.                      Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

MIDEA SCOTT & ENGLISH ELECTRONICS SDN BHD                             Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

MIDEA CONSUMER ELECTRIC (VIETNAM) CO., LTD.                           Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

PT. MIDEA PLANET INDONESIA                                            Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

ORIENT HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES LTD.                                      Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Hefei Midea Material Supply Co., Ltd.                                 Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Guangdong Midea Household Electric Appliance manufacturing Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd                      Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Chongqing Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd                      Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Guangdong Midea Group Wuhu Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.          Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Hubei Midea Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                                    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Hefei Midea Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                                    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Guangdong Midea Environmental Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd.       Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Midea Group Finance Co., Ltd.                                         Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Foshan Midea Qinghu Water Purification Equipment Co., Ltd.            Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Wuhu Welling Motor Marketing Co., Ltd.                                Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Huai'an Welling Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                         Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Midea Welling Motor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                   Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Shenzhen Midea Payment Technology Co., Ltd.                           Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Annto Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.                                    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

TOSHIBA LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS&SERVICES CORPORATION                       Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Toshiba Home Appliances Manufacturing ( South China Sea) Co., Ltd.    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Ningbo Annto Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.                             Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Jiangxi Midea Guiya Lighting Co., Ltd.                                Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Midea Group Wuhan Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                   Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

MIDEA MIDDLE EAST                                                     Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Wuhu Midea Kitchen & Bathroom Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd.       Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Guangzhou Hualing Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                   Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

MIDEA AUSTRALIA PTY LTD                                                Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

CARRIER MIDEA INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED                                    Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

MIDEA ELECTRIC TRADING (THAILAND) CO., LTD.                            Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

4. List of Connected Transactions

(1) Information on Acquisition of Goods and Reception of Labor Service (Unit: Ten Thousand Yuan)

Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                The approval trade                   Same period of
              Connected party                  Content       Reporting Period                        exceed trade
                                                                                      credit                            last year
                                                                                                     credit or not

Wuhu Welling Motor Marketing Co., Ltd.                         513,218,519.99 1,410,000,000.00                 No     501,214,171.41

Ningbo Midea United Material Supply Co.,
                                            Materials          982,391,580.79 2,900,000,000.00                 No     824,485,276.15

Ningbo Annto Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.                       61,694,435.77                                         366,086,063.48
                                            & logistics
                                                                                 1,100,000,000.00              No
Annto Zhilian Technology Share Holding Co., Warehousing
                                                               336,696,450.38                                          54,675,276.23
Ltd.                                        & Logistics

Zhejiang Meizhi Compressor Co. Ltd.         Compressor           9,461,525.70       20,000,000.00              No       7,043,483.25

                                            Promotion &
Midea Group E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                22,297,851.57      125,000,000.00              No      22,380,192.57

Ningbo Midea United Material Supply Co.,    Chip & HIFI
                                                                17,884,517.65       65,000,000.00              No      33,583,425.56
Ltd                                         module

Ningbo Beautiful Homeland Electric          After-sales
                                                               196,390,679.14      395,000,000.00              No     132,504,096.51
Appliance Service Co., Ltd.                 service

Toshiba Home Appliances Manufacturing       Washing
                                                                31,458,756.25      280,000,000.00              No
( South China Sea) Co., Ltd.                machine

Guangdong Midea Precise Mould Technology
                                            Mould                9,698,119.68       25,000,000.00              No
Co., Ltd.

Midea Smart Home Technology Co., Ltd        Service charge         559,969.12                                             144,785.68

Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment
                                            Service charge       9,854,722.96
Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Midea Payment Technology Co.,                                              25,000,000.00              No
                                            Service charge          88,088.80

Shenzhen Shuzhi Scene Position Technology
                                            Service charge         916,147.89
Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Midea Intelligent Robot Co., Ltd. Service charge            25,042.57

Guangdong Midea Hicks Electronics Co.,        Chip & HIFI
Ltd.                                          module

Midea Group Co., Ltd.                         Service charge                                                                19,999.98

Total                                                          2,192,636,408.26                                     1,942,650,105.74

Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                  The approval                    Same period of
            Connected party                    Content         Reporting Period                   exceed trade
                                                                                  trade credit                       last year
                                                                                                  credit or not

Midea Electric Trading (Singapore) Co.    Washing machine                                                         1,594,543,430.93
                                                               1,727,394,796.55   4,250,000,000             No
Pte. Ltd.                                 & Fittings

MIDEA SCOTT&ENGLISH                       Washing machine
                                                                  53,263,471.91      80,000,000             No      45,312,856.38
ELECTRONIICS SDN.BHD                      & Fittings

                                          Washing machine                                                           15,461,735.27
PT.Midea Planet Indonesia                                         23,579,838.36      50,000,000             No
                                          & Fittings

MIDEA CONSUMER ELECTRIC                   Washing machine
                                                                  16,073,292.50      50,000,000             No        6,144,209.34
(VIETNAM)COM.,LTD                         & Fittings

                                          Washing machine                                                           18,771,850.49
Orient Household Appliances Ltd.                                  12,206,159.82      40,000,000             No
                                          & Fittings

Ningbo Beautiful Homeland Electric                                                                                  18,416,401.64
                                          Fittings                13,930,794.77      25,000,000             No
Appliance Service Co., Ltd.

Toshiba Home Appliances Manufacturing                                                                                  548,124.87
                                          Materials                7,552,897.23      25,000,000
( South China Sea) Co., Ltd.

                                          Washing machine          9,133,040.59                                     20,757,917.67

Annto Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.        Washing machine          2,768,102.02
                                                                                     30,000,000             No
Midea Group E-commerce Co., Ltd.          Washing machine            605,688.19

Guangdong Midea Zhilian Home
                                          Washing machine             64,659.49
Technology Co., Ltd.

                                          Washing machine                                                             1,921,564.33
Midea Middle East
                                          & Fittings

Ningbo Annto Zhilian Technology Co.,                                                                                  1,855,571.90
                                          Washing machine

                                          Washing machine                                                              161,538.46
Hefei Hua Ling Share Holding Co. , Ltd.
                                          & Fittings

Total                                                          1,866,572,741.43                                   1,723,895,201.28

(2) Information on Connected Lease

The Company was lessor:

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                   The lease income                                   Whether            The lease income
                                 Category of                              The approval trade
        Name of lessee                             confirmed in the                              exceed trade       confirmed in the same
                                 leased assets                                  credit
                                                   Reporting Period                              credit or not        period of last year

Hefei Hua Ling Share                                                           15,000,000.00
                               House renting             6,305,409.36                                       No                  5,641,036.82
Holding Co., Ltd.

5. Accounts Receivable and Payable of Connected Party

(1) Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                           Ending balance                         Beginning balance
          Item                       Connected party                                      Bad debt          Carrying             Bad debt
                                                               Carrying amount
                                                                                          provision             amount          provision

                         Midea Electric Trading (Singapore)
Accounts receivable                                               808,990,082.77         40,449,504.14 589,756,109.51 29,487,805.48
                         Co. Pte. Ltd.

                         MIDEA SCOTT&ENGLISH
Accounts receivable                                                   27,689,915.81       1,384,495.79      7,962,102.83          398,105.14
                         ELECTRONILCS SDN.BHD

Accounts receivable PT MIDEA PLANET INDONESIA                         19,444,985.13        972,249.26       9,792,445.24          489,622.26

                         MIDEA CONSUMER ELECTRIC
Accounts receivable                                                   16,078,525.03        803,926.25      11,868,764.19          593,438.21

Accounts receivable Orient Household Appliances Ltd.                  11,902,760.39        595,138.02       2,078,970.94          103,948.55

                         Ningbo Beautiful Homeland Electric
Accounts receivable                                                    3,293,563.20        164,678.16       4,748,685.08          237,434.25
                         Appliance Service Co., Ltd.

                         Toshiba Home Appliances
Accounts receivable Manufacturing ( South China Sea)                   1,115,712.81          55,785.64
                         Co., Ltd.

Accounts receivable Midea Group E-commerce Co., Ltd.                    208,234.95           10,411.75          125,900.58          6,295.03

Accounts receivable Annto Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.                     1,000.00              50.00           52,895.00          2,644.75

                         TOSHIBA LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS
Accounts receivable                                                                                         8,103,283.44          405,164.17
                         & SERVICES CORPORATION

Total                                                             888,724,780.09         44,436,239.00 634,489,156.81 31,724,457.84

Other accounts           Shenzhen Midea Payment Technology
                                                                       6,706,867.80        335,343.39      10,520,299.96          526,015.00
receivable               Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                  6,706,867.80        335,343.39      10,520,299.96          526,015.00

                    Ningbo Midea United Material
Prepayments                                                    26,999,276.18                    7,407,695.59
                    Supply Co., Ltd

Prepayments         Midea Group E-commerce Co., Ltd.            4,553,229.49                    3,354,919.77

                    Shenzhen Shuzhi Scene Position
Prepayments                                                     1,050,000.00
                    Technology Co., Ltd.

Total                                                          32,602,505.67                  11,072,455.36

(2) Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                           Ending carrying      Beginning
         Item                                     Connected party
                                                                                              balance        carrying balance

Accounts payable         Wuhu Welling Motor Marketing Co., Ltd.                            146,638,887.47      146,551,812.62

                         Toshiba Home Appliances Manufacturing ( South China Sea) Co.,
Accounts payable                                                                             21,718,943.46      38,171,577.41

Accounts payable         Guangdong Midea Precise Mould Technology Co., Ltd.                  15,315,177.94       5,995,300.00

Accounts payable         Ningbo Midea United Material Supply Co., Ltd.                       45,879,499.32       7,300,152.98

Accounts payable         Zhejiang Meizhi Compressor Co. Ltd.                                  3,984,880.19       5,500,676.15

Accounts payable         Annto Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.                                    174,836.38

Accounts payable         Foshan Midea Qinghu Water Purification Equipment Co., Ltd.              88,452.00          88,452.00

Accounts payable         Ningbo Beautiful Homeland Electric Appliance Service Co., Ltd.          79,899.40          51,350.00

Accounts payable         Ningbo Annto Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.                               69,785.77              68.38

Accounts payable         Wuhu Midea Household Electric Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd.          6,800.00           6,800.00

Accounts payable         Midea Smart Home Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   1,216,403.00

Accounts payable         Guangdong Midea Environmental Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                            13,951.00

Total                                                                                      233,957,161.93      204,896,543.54

Other accounts payable Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                        119,866.94        351,404.33

Other accounts payable Midea Welling Motor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                     840,075.83           90,387.26

Other accounts payable Guangdong Midea Precise Mould Technology Co., Ltd.                                         100,000.00

                         Guangdong Midea Household Electric Appliance Manufacturing Co.,
Other accounts payable                                                                                              61,458.90

Total                                                                                          959,942.77         603,250.49

XV. Stock Payment

1. Summary

Midea Group has implemented five stock options and two restricted stock incentive plans for middle and senior

management and technical backbones of the Group and its subsidiaries. At present, three exercise period of the

first and second period of the stock option incentive plan, the first and second exercise period of the third period

of the stock option incentive plan, the first exercise period of the fourth period of the stock option incentive plan

and the first lifting restriction on the first restricted stock have reached the right condition.

By the end of the Reporting Period, 33 personnel from the Company and its subsidiaries participated in the first

phase of stock option incentive plan with a total of 7.47 million stock options, 38 personnel participated in the

second phase of stock option incentive plan with a total of 5.985 million stock options, 61 personnel participated

in the third phase of stock option incentive plan with a total of 8.325 million stock options, 117 personnel

participated in the fourth phase of stock option incentive plan with a total of 7.44 million stock options, 125

personnel participated in the fifth phase of stock option incentive plan with a total of 4.84 million stock options,

14 personnel participated in the first phase of restricted stock incentive plan with a total of 2.07 million restricted

stocks, and 21 personnel participated in the second phase of restricted stock incentive plan with a total of 1.34

million restricted stocks.

2. Influence of Stock Payment on Financial Situation and Operating Result

As of 30 June 2018, the total amount of expense for equity-settled stock payment was recognized as

RMB45,722,746.41 (as of 30 June 2017: RMB24,377,334.69). As of 30 June 2018, the accumulated amount of

capital reserve used for equity-settled stock payment was RMB207,171,854.58 (31 December 2017:


XVI. Commitments and Contingency

1. Significant Commitments

As of 30 June 2018, there were no significant commitments to be disclosed.

2. Contingency

There was no contingency to be disclosed.

XVI. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

1. Accounts Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB’0,000
                                              Ending balance                                        Beginning balance

                                                      Bad debt                                                Bad debt
                              Carrying amount                                        Carrying amount
                                                      provision                                               provision
         Category                                                      Carrying                                                Carrying
                                                             Withdr                                                  Withd
                                                               awal     value                    Proporti            rawal       value
                             Amount      Proportion Amount                           Amount                 Amount
                                                             propor                                on                propor
                                                               tion                                                   tion

Accounts receivable
with         significant
single     amount     for
                             46,907.02     24.99%                      46,907.02    143,493.46 49.87%                          143,493.46
which       bad      debt
provision separately

Accounts receivable
withdrawn bad debt
provision     according 140,815.54         75.01% 7,040.78 5.00% 133,774.76         144,237.89 50.13% 7,211.89 5.00% 137,026.00
to       credit     risks

Total                       187,722.56    100.00% 7,040.78 5.00% 180,681.78         287,731.35 100.00% 7,211.89 2.51% 280,519.46

Accounts receivable with single significant amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the end of

the period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, accounts receivable adopted aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                Ending balance
                                            Accounts receivable             Bad debt provision               Withdrawal proportion

Within one year                                     1,408,155,396.79                    70,407,769.85                              5.00%

Total                                               1,408,155,396.79                    70,407,769.85                              5.00%

In the groups, accounts receivable adopted balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB0.00; the amount of

the reversed or collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMB1,711,175.28.

(3) Top 5 Accounts Receivable in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
              Name of customer                                Balance                  Bad debt provision              Proportion (%)

Total of top 5 accounts receivable in ending
                                                              1,138,136,736.87                 56,906,836.84                            60.63%

2. Other Accounts Receivable

(1) Other Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                Ending balance                                              Beginning balance

                             Carrying amount        Bad debt provision                     Carrying amount      Bad debt provision
        Category                                                           Carrying                                    Withdrawa Carrying
                                        Proportio             Withdrawal                             Proporti
                             Amount                 Amount                     value      Amount                Amount     l      value
                                           n                  proportion                               on

Other             accounts
receivable           with
significant         single
                             7,578.75    76.31% 7,545.67          99.56%         33.08     7,627.85 71.55% 7,545.57         98.92%       82.28
amount      for     which
bad debt provision
separately accrued

Other             accounts
receivable withdrawn
bad debt provision 2,341.88              23.69%      182.68        7.80%       2,159.21    3,032.33 28.45%       217.30         7.17% 2,815.03
according to credit
risks characteristics

Total                        9,920.63 100.00% 7,728.34            77.90%       2,192.29 10,660.18 100.00% 7,762.87          72.82% 2,897.30

Other receivable with single significant amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the end of the


                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                             Ending balance
          Other accounts receivable (unit)
                                                              Other accounts              Bad debt          Withdrawal      Withdrawal reason

                                                        receivable             provision       proportion

Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing and Sales Co. ,
                                                           74,295,013.55       74,295,013.55        100.00% Irrecoverable

Wuxi Little Swan Import & Export Co., Ltd.                  1,161,652.95        1,161,652.95        100.00% Irrecoverable

Little Swan International (Singapore) Co., Ltd.               330,830.00

Total                                                      75,787,496.50       75,456,666.50        --                  --

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopted aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                           Ending balance
                                      Other accounts receivable        Bad debt provision                Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year                                      22,006,622.30                     1,100,331.12                            5.00%

1 to 2 years                                          426,008.00                       42,600.80                             10.00%

2 to 3 years                                          160,400.00                       48,120.00                             30.00%

Over 3 years                                          825,800.00                      635,700.00                             76.98%

Total                                              23,418,830.30                     1,826,751.92                            7.80%


In the groups, other accounts receivable adopted balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopted other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB0.00; the amount of
the reversed or collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMB346,288.40.

(3) Other Account Receivable Classified by Account Nature

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                    Nature                             Ending carrying amount                  Beginning carrying amount

Intercourse funds with subsidiaries                                        75,787,496.50                             76,278,456.92

Deposits in third-party payment platforms                                  16,939,293.28                             26,047,303.64

Margin & Cash pledge                                                        2,244,821.48                              1,404,000.00

Borrowings by employees                                                     4,155,862.28                              2,439,630.53

Other                                                                         78,853.27                                 432,364.08

Total                                                                            99,206,326.81                                  106,601,755.17

(4) Top 5 Other Accounts Receivable in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Proportion to total        Ending balance
        Name of the entity               Nature            Ending balance           Aging         ending balance of other         of bad debt
                                                                                                    accounts receivable            provision

Jiangsu Little Swan
                                 Intercourse funds          74,295,013.55 Over five years                              74.89% 74,295,013.55
Marketing and Sales Co. , Ltd.

Alipay (China) Network           Deposits in third-party
                                                            11,300,245.09 Within one year                              11.39%       565,012.25
Technology Co., Ltd.             payment platforms

Shenzhen Midea Payment           Deposits in third-party
                                                                3,891,703.86 Within one year                            3.92%       194,585.19
Technology Co., Ltd.             payment platforms

Wuxi Little Swan Import &
                                 Intercourse funds              1,161,652.95 Over five years                            1.17%      1,161,652.95
Export Co., Ltd.

                                 Deposits in third-party
Chinabank Payments                                              1,038,920.97 Within one year                            1.05%         51,946.06
                                 payment platforms

Total                                      --               91,687,536.42             --                                          76,268,210.00

3. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                         Ending balance                                               Beginning balance
        Item                              Depreciation                                                  Depreciation
                     Carrying amount                            Carrying value    Carrying amount                               Carrying value
                                             reserve                                                         reserve

Investment to
                      1,433,285,041.57    475,050,000.00        958,235,041.57 1,433,285,041.57         475,050,000.00          958,235,041.57

Total                 1,433,285,041.57    475,050,000.00        958,235,041.57 1,433,285,041.57         475,050,000.00          958,235,041.57

Investment to subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                             Depreciatio Ending balance of
                Investee                 Beginning balance Increase Decrease               Ending balance     n reserve         depreciation
                                                                                                             withdrawn             reserve

Wuxi Little Swan Import & Export
                                                57,500,000.00                                57,500,000.00                        57,500,000.00
Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing and
                                            417,550,000.00                                  417,550,000.00                      417,550,000.00
Sales Co. , Ltd.

Wuxi FILIN Electronics Co., Ltd.                25,660,308.10                                25,660,308.10

Wuxi Little Swan General Appliance
                                               89,062,000.00                              89,062,000.00
Co., Ltd.

Little Swan (Jingzhou) Sanjin
                                               11,869,431.12                              11,869,431.12
Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.

Little Swan International (Singapore)
                                                  681,050.00                                 681,050.00
Co., Ltd.

Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co.,
                                              830,962,252.35                             830,962,252.35

Total                                      1,433,285,041.57                             1,433,285,041.57                   475,050,000.00

4. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                Reporting Period                                     Same period of last year
                                 Operating revenue              Cost of sales            Operating revenue             Cost of sales

Main operations                       7,979,065,489.12            5,959,888,669.74           7,187,874,729.64            5,451,504,491.74

Other operations                       476,135,279.59               458,370,511.58             571,348,362.67              544,495,540.84

Total                                 8,455,200,768.71            6,418,259,181.32           7,759,223,092.31            5,996,000,032.58

5. Investment Income

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                         Item                                        Reporting Period                       Same period of last year

Investment income generated from disposal of
                                                                                      5,554,875.00                              1,507,720.00
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Investment income generated from
                                                                                     42,302,112.09                          91,851,796.82
available-for-sale financial assets

Total                                                                                47,856,987.09                          93,359,516.82

XVIII. Supplementary Materials

1. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                                  Amount                     Explanation

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets                                                   634,455.90

Profit/loss on fair value changes of transactional financial assets and
liabilities & investment income from disposal of trading financial assets and                   -2,020,076.50
liabilities as well as financial assets available-for-sale, except for effective

hedges related to routine operations of the Company

Other                                                                             16,252,069.24

Less: Income tax effects                                                           2,956,041.69

    Non-controlling interests effects                                              1,654,422.90

Total                                                                             10,255,984.05           --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share

                                                           Weighted average            EPS (Yuan/share)
              Profit as of Reporting Period
                                                              ROE (%)          EPS-basic             EPS-diluted

Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
                                                                     12.21%                1.43                    1.43

Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
                                                                     12.07%                1.41                    1.41
Company after deduction of non-recurring profit and loss

                                                                              Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

                                                                                           8 August 2018
