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                                 Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.   The First Quarter Report 2021

    Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co.,Ltd.

                    The First Quarter Report 2021

                                 April 2021

                               Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.                  The First Quarter Report 2021

                                                           I. Important Notice

The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of the Company and its directors, supervisors and senior
executives should guarantee the reality, accuracy and completion of the quarterly report, there are no any fictitious
statements, misleading statements or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take legal
responsibilities, individual and or joint.

All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarter Report was examined.

Mr.Zheng Renfa, Leader, Mr.Wang Chunhua, General Manager, Mr. Lu Ming, Chief of the accounting work, Ms
Zhou Fang, Chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting ) hereby confirm the authenticity and completeness
of the financial report enclosed in this report.

                                                  II. Basic Information of the Company

(1)Main financial data and financial index

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company needs to retroactively restate any of its accounting data.
√Yes □ No

Retrospective adjustment or restatement reason

Business combination under the same control

                                                                                                                   Changes of this
                                                                                                                     period over
                                                                                Same period of last year
                                                                                                                   same period of
                                                       This period
                                                                                                                   last year(%)

                                                                         Before adjustment     After adjustment

    Operating revenue(Yuan)                         1,257,975,487.27      211,215,592.28       354,680,507.03          254.68%

    Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                       399,100,166.26       -70,094,226.94        -65,790,927.23         706.62%
    of the listed company(Yuan)

    Net profit after deducting of
    non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the        395,414,595.12       -71,989,487.82        -71,989,487.82         649.27%
    shareholders of listed company(Yuan)

    Net cash generated from /used in
                                                       849,020,540.34       142,313,822.41       163,886,674.37          418.05%
    operating activities(Yuan)

    Basic earning per share(Yuan/Share)                          0.19                -0.03                 -0.03         733.33%

                               Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.                      The First Quarter Report 2021

    Diluted gains per share(Yuan/Share)                           0.19                 -0.03                   -0.03         733.33%

    Weighted average return on equity
                                                               4.89%                 -0.72%                  -0.63%               5.52%
                                                                                                                       Changes of this
                                                                                                                       period-end over
                                                                                     End of last period                     same
                                                   End of this period                                                   period-end of
                                                                                                                        last year(%)

                                                                          Before adjustment      After adjustment

    Total assets(Yuan)                           19,839,202,045.48       19,748,578,658.11    19,748,578,658.11                 0.46%

    Net assets attributable to the shareholders
                                                    8,378,704,436.23        7,933,136,499.11     7,933,136,499.11                 5.62%
    of the listed company(Yuan)

Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                     Amount (Year-beginning to
                                          Items                                                                            Notes
                                                                                     the end of the report period.)

    Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part for which
    assets impairment provision is made)

    Government subsidies recognized in current gain and loss(excluding those
    closely related to the Company’s business and granted under the state’s                        5,965,070.40

    Net amount of non-operating income and expense except the aforesaid items                             954,275.16

    Other non-recurring Gains/loss items                                                                  240,124.51

    Less :Influenced amount of income tax                                                            1,761,727.77

      Influenced amount of minor shareholders’ equity (after tax)                                   1,599,458.54

    Total                                                                                            3,685,571.14            --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public-Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item.
□ Applicable √Not applicable
None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recognized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information
disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.               The First Quarter Report 2021

II. Total Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders at the End of the Reporting Period
1. About Total Common Shareholders, Total Preference Shareholders with the Voting Power Recovered
and the Shares Held by Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                                                                          In shares
                                                         Total preference shareholders
    Total number of common                               with the voting power
                                               52,475                                                                          0
    shareholders at the period-end                       recovered at the end of the
                                                         reporting period(if any)

                                              Shares held by the top 10 shareholders

                                                                             Amount of             Pledging or freezing
     Shareholder        Properties of       Share
                                                            Quantity         shares with
           name         shareholder     proportion %                                       Status of the shares     Quantity

    Communicatio      State-owned
                                              24.56%        513,420,438     410,040,696
    n Group Co.,      legal person

    Highway           State-owned
                                              22.30%        466,325,020
    Construction      legal person
    Co., Ltd,

    Investment                                 9.68%        202,429,149
                      legal person
    Co., Ltd.

    Tibet Yingyue
    Investment        State-owned
                                               4.84%        101,214,574
    Management        legal person
    Co., Ltd.

    Provincial        State-owned
                                               2.53%         52,937,491       19,582,228
    Freeway           legal person

    China Life
    Insurance Co.,
                      Other                    1.96%         41,009,355

                                 Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.                    The First Quarter Report 2021


    China Life
    Insurance Co.,
                        Other                       1.67%         35,003,947

    Xinyue Co.,         Overseas legal
                                                    0.63%         13,201,086
    Ltd.                person

    Feng Wuchu          natural person              0.60%         12,648,625

    Happy Life
    Insurance Co.,      Other                       0.56%         11,617,747

                                      Shares held by the Top 10 Shareholders of Non-restricted shares

                                                                                                               Share type
             Shareholders’ Names              Number of the non-restricted shares held
                                                                                                        Share type           Quantity

    Guangdong Highway                                                                             RMB Common
                                                                                466,325,020                                 466,325,020
    Construction Co., Ltd,                                                                                shares

    Shangdong Expressway                                                                          RMB Common
                                                                                202,429,149                                 202,429,149
    Investment Development Co., Ltd.                                                                      shares

    Guangdong Communication                                                                       RMB Common
                                                                                103,379,742                                 103,379,742
    Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                       shares

    Tibet Yingyue Investment                                                                      RMB Common
                                                                                101,214,574                                 101,214,574
    Management Co., Ltd.                                                                                  shares

    China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-
                                                                                                  RMB Common
    Dividend -Personal dividend                                                 41,009,355                                  41,009,355
    -005L-FH002 Shen

    China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-
                                                                                                  RMB Common
    Traditional-Common insurance                                                35,003,947                                  35,003,947

    Guangdong Provincial Freeway                                                                  RMB Common
                                                                                 33,355,263                                  33,355,263
    Co.,Ltd.                                                                                              shares

                                                                                                   Foreign shares
    Xinyue Co., Ltd.                                                             13,201,086      placed in domestic          13,201,086

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.                The First Quarter Report 2021

                                                                                              RMB Common
    Feng Wuchu                                                                12,648,625       Foreign shares
                                                                                             placed in domestic        2,305,863

    Happy Life Insurance Co.,                                                                 RMB Common
                                                                              11,617,747                             11,617,747
    Ltd.-Dividend                                                                                  shares

                                        Guangdong Communication Group Co., Ltd. is the parent company of Guangdong
                                        Highway Construction Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Provincial Freeway Co.,Ltd. , It is
    Related or acting-in-concert
                                        unknown whether there is relationship between other shareholders and whether they are
    parties among shareholders above
                                        persons taking concerted action specified in the Regulations on Disclosure of Information
                                        about Change in Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.

    Participation of top 10
    unconditional common share
    shareholders in securities margin
    trading (if any)

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a
buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company
have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2.Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by the end of
the report period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

                          Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.          The First Quarter Report 2021

                                              III Significant Events

I. Major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the reporting period, as well as
reasons for the changes
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
(I)Items of balance sheet as compared with the beginning of this year.

     1. Other payables decreased by 1,237.36 million yuan and 81.80% from the beginning of the Year, which was

     mainly due to the agreement between Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd and

     Guangdong Provincial Freeway Co.,Ltd. on the payment of cash to purchase 21% of the shares of

     Guangdong Guanghui Expressway Co., Ltd, the Company paid the second phase of equity transfer amount to

     Guangdong Provincial Freeway Co.,Ltd.

     2. Non-current liabilities due within one year

     It decreased by 93.15 million yuan from the beginning of the year, or a decrease of 34.97%, which was

     mainly due to the combined effects of the Company's repayment of due loans and the reclassification of


(II) Items of income statement as compared with the same period of the previous year

     1. Operating income

     It increased by 903.29 million yuan over the same period last year, or an increase of 254.68%. Thereinto, the

     toll income of the Fokai Expressway, the Guangzhu Section of the Jingzhu Expressway, the Guangfo

     Expressway, and the Guanghui Expressway increased YOY, which was mainly due to: in 2020, affected by

     the new coronavirus epidemic, the state issued relevant policies: the original toll-free period during the

     statutory Spring Festival holiday (January 24-January 30) was extended to February 8 and from 0:00 on

     February 17, 2020 to 24:00 on May 5, 2020, vehicle tolls on national toll roads were exempted. In the first

     quarter of 2021, the number of toll days of the above-said highways was increased by 52 days compared to

     last year.

     2. Operating costs

     It increased by 127.35 million yuan over the same period last year, an increase of 38.99%, which was mainly

     due to the increase in road property depreciation as the increase in toll income.

     3. Investment income

     It increased by 52.77 million yuan over the same period of the previous year, an increase of 3,857.59%,

     which was mainly due to the increase in the number of expressway toll days in the first quarter of 2021

                        Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.           The First Quarter Report 2021

    increased by 52 days compared with the same period last year, and the profit of the Company’s equity

    participating expressway companies increased.

    4. Income tax expenses

    It increased by 189.18 million yuan over the same period last year, an increase of 1,331.81%, which was

    mainly due to the total profit of each highway section company had increased.

    5. Net profit attributable to owners of the parent company

    It increased by 464.89 million yuan over the same period last year, an increase of 706.62%, which was

    mainly due to the combined effects of the above factors.
(III) Notes of main items of cash flow statement
    1. Cash received from the sale of goods and the provision of labor services

    It increased by 828.09 million yuan in the current period , an increase of 205.31% YOY, which was mainly

    due to the YOY increase in toll revenue in the current period.

    2. Other cash related to operating activities received

    It decreased by 42.97 million yuan or a decrease of 48.55% YOY in the current period, which was mainly

    due to: Fokai Branch, Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd, Jingzhu Expressway Guangzhu Section Company and

    Guangdong Guanghui Expressway Co., Ltd received the 55.85 million yuan in subsidies from provincial toll

    stations’ abolishment.

    3. Various taxes and fees paid

    It increased by 55.93 million yuan in the current period, an increase of 35.22% YOY, which was mainly due

    to the increase in various taxes and fees payable as the increase in toll income.

    4. Cash received from investment recovery

    It increased by 20 million yuan in the current period, an increase of 800.00% YOY, which was mainly due to

the receipt of capital reduction funds from the Ganzhou Gankang Expressway Co., Ltd- a share-participating

subsidiary of the Company.

    5. Cash received from investment income

    It decreased by 5.2 million yuan in the current period, a decrease of 77.62% YOY, as the cash dividend

    received by the Company during the current period decreased YOY.

    6. Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets

    It decreased by 66.16 million yuan in the current period, a decrease of 38.18% YOY, which was mainly due

to:The reconstruction and expansion project of the south section of Fokai expressway has been opened to traffic

                         Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.           The First Quarter Report 2021

and turned into fixed assets; and the pavement treatment project of Guangzhu section has been basically

completed. The progress payment of the project in this period has been reduced..

     7. Cash paid for debt repayment

     It decreased by 402.57 million yuan in the current period, a decrease of 64.40% YOY, The main reasons are:

the parent company paid back 375 million yuan of the Pacific bond guarantee fund in the same period of last year.

    8. Cash paid for the distribution of dividends, profits or interest payments

     It increased by 155.8 million yuan in the current period, an increase of 133.32% YOY, which was mainly due

to the impact of the epidemic in the same period of last year, the bank agreed to postpone the interest payment

until the end of the year, and the interest payment in the current period increased year on year..

     9. Other cash paid related to financing activities

     It increased by 1,221.87 million yuan in the current period, an increase of 162,915.49% YOY, which was

mainly due to the "Agreement between Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd and Guangdong

Provincial Expressway Co., Ltd on the payment of cash to purchase 21% of the shares of Guangdong Guanghui

Expressway Co., Ltd.", the Company paid the second phase of equity transfer amount to Guangdong Provincial

Freeway Co.,Ltd. in January.

II. The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving

□Applicable √ Not applicable

Progress in the implementation of share repurchase
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress in the implementation of the reduction of the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer,
directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the reporting period and commitments
unfinished in implementation at the end of the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company has no commitments completed in period and those without completed till lend of the period from
actual controller, shareholders, related parties, purchaser and companies.

                                                                                                 Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.              The First Quarter Report 2021

        IV. Financial asset investment

        1. Investment in securities
        √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                 Book value                                                     Sale
                                                                Mode       of                     Changes in                           e                Gain/los     Book value                       Sourc
                                Stock                                           balance at the                    Cumulative fair              amount
  Security        Security                 Initial investment   accounting                        fair value of                      amount             s of the    balance at the    Accountin           e of
                              Abbreviati                                         beginning of                     value changes in             in the
  category          code                   cost                 measurem                          the      this                      in the             reportin      end of the          g items         the
                                 on:                                             the reporting                        equity                    this
                                                                ent                               period                              this              g period   reporting period                   shares
                                                                                    period                                                     period

Domestic                     China                                                                                                                                                    in other
and foreign       601818     Everbright      517,560,876.80     FVM             938,667,226.56             0.00    442,279,294.72       0.00     0.00      0.00    959,840,171.52     equity
stocks                       Bank                                                                                                                                                     instrument

Total                                        517,560,876.80           --        938,667,226.56             0.00    442,279,294.72       0.00     0.00      0.00    959,840,171.52           --             --

Disclosure date for the notice of
                                           July 22,2009
approval by the Board (If any)

Disclosure date for the notice of
approval by shareholders’ Meeting (If     August 7,2009

                        Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.   The First Quarter Report 2021

2.Investment in derivatives
□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no derivative investment during the report period.

V. Progress of investment projects with raised funds

□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                                                                               Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.                      The First Quarter Report 2021
    VI. Prediction of the performances from January to June 2021
    Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change
    compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason

    √ Applicable □ Not applicable

      Estimated earnings: Year-on-Year increase

    Data type filled in the performance forecast: Interval number
                                                                               Same period of                                                    Same period
                                                                                the previous                                                        of the
                                 From the beginning of the year to the end                                    Increase /Decrease(%)                                          Increase /Decrease(%)
                                                                                    year                                                        previous year
                                        of the next reporting period                                          (After adjustment)                                           (After adjustment)
                                                                                  (After                                                         (Before
                                                                                adjustment)                                                    adjustment)

Net profit attributable to the
                                                                                                                              -                                   Incre
shareholders of the listed            71,663.39     --         105,387.33             2,461.43     Increase      2,811.45%        4,181.55%            -583.03              12,391.63%     --     18,175.93%
                                                                                                                              -                                    ase
company(RMB 10,000)

Basic earning per                                                                                                             -                                   Incre
                                            0.34    --                 0.50                 0.01   Increase      3,300.00%        4,900.00%             -0.003              11,433.33%     --     16,766.67%
share(Yuan/Share)                                                                                                             -                                    ase
                                 1. The business performance of the same period of the previous year (before adjustment) in the above table was the data disclosed in the 1st half of 2020 that was before
                                 the major asset restructuring carried out by the company; the data of the same period of the previous year (after adjustment) was done after the retrospection and
                                 restatement for the 1st half of 2020 financial data of the same period in the previous year, according to the relevant corporate merge rules under the common control.

Note on performance              2.In2020,The sudden new coronavirus epidemic (hereinafter referred to as the "epidemic"), the first-level response to nationwide emergency was launched, and the origin
forecasts                        al toll-free period during the holidays (January 24 to January 30)-legal Spring Festival was extended to February 8,According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of
                                 Transport, From 0:00 on February 17, 2020 to 24:00 On May 5,2020 the toll fees for vehicles on roads across the country previously toll charged shall be exempted. This
                                 policy resulted in a decrease in the company's operating income for the 1st half of 2020. In the 1st half of 2021, the number of toll days the company participated in the
                                 holding expressway increased YOY , and the company's operating income and investment income increased.

                        Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.          The First Quarter Report 2021

VII. Major contracts for daily operations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Entrusted Financial Management
□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no Entrusted Financial Management during the report period.

IX. External guarantee get out of line

□ Applicable √Not applicable
The Company has no external guarantee get out of the line in the Period

X. Controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company

□ Applicable √Not applicable
There are no controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company
in Period

                                                                                 Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.               The First Quarter Report 2021

 XI. The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report period for future reference

 √ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                    Types of
                        Place of     Way of                                                                Main contents discussed and           Index of Basic Information on the
   Reception time                                   visitors                   Visitors received
                       reception     reception                                                                 information provided                  Investigation and Survey

                                                                Zhejiang Securities Telephone Research
                                                                Association:Kuang Peiqin, Zhejiang
                                                                Securities;Feng Siqi Zhejiang
                                                                Securities;Liu Peiyi Huaxia Fund;Yao    1. The main content of
                                                                Shuang,       China Merchants Fund; He    research:1. the daily operation;
                                                                Jinyang, Invesco Great Wall Fund; Lin    2. the company's financial data
                      Meeting                                   Shenglan, Danshui Investment;Hong        analysis;3. development             Investor Relations Activity Record
March 26,2021         Room of the   By Phone     Organization   Mei, Xingshi Invesment;Guo Zhe,          strategy; 4. analysis on the       March 26,2021
                      Company                                   Eastern self-employed;Lin                industry. 2.Primary data           (2021001)www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                Xiaying,Huatai Securities;Yin Jiaqi,     investigation: Public
                                                                Guotai Junan;Luo Yuejiang,Haitong         information company regularly
                                                                Securities;Zhang Yibo, Changjiang        reports
                                                                Securities;Feng Qibin, Changjiang
                                                                Securities;Li Chengpeng, Huaxi

                               Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.   The First Quarter Report 2021

                                                   IV. Financial Statement
I. Financial statement

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by:Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.
                                                          March 31,2021
                     Items                             March 31,2021                   December 31,2020

 Current asset:

             Monetary fund                                       3,123,156,071.04                 2,847,398,003.89

          Settlement provision

 Outgoing call loan

 Transactional financial assets

         Derivative financial assets

       Notes receivable

     Account receivable                                            216,803,564.01                   168,907,517.56

       Financing receivable

     Prepayments                                                       3,945,681.83                   3,607,538.01

 Insurance receivable

 Reinsurance receivable
 Provisions of Reinsurance contracts
         Other account receivable                                   38,678,576.29                    60,925,367.64

       Including:Interest receivable

              Dividend receivable                                      1,205,472.90                   2,705,472.90

               Other account receivable                             37,473,103.39                    58,219,894.74

       Repurchasing of financial assets

       Inventories                                                      178,097.34                        53,761.06

       Contract assets                                                 5,407,716.90                   5,452,813.90

       Assets held for sales

 Non-current asset due within 1 year                                      51,745.32                       51,745.32

       Other current asset                                              205,436.51                        27,051.69

 Total of current assets                                         3,388,426,889.24                 3,086,423,799.07

 Non-current assets:

 Loans and payment on other’s behalf

                                Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.   The First Quarter Report 2021

                    Items                               March 31,2021                   December 31,2020

 Creditor's Investment

        Other Creditor's Investment

      Long-term receivable

      Long term share equity investment                           2,436,142,526.33                 2,382,381,165.60

 Other equity instruments investment                              1,758,188,473.25                 1,737,015,528.29

 Other non-current financial assets

      Property investment                                               3,055,102.27                   3,110,381.89

        Fixed assets                                             11,202,817,589.95                11,540,075,929.69

                Including: Fixed assets                         11,202,817,589.95                11,540,075,929.69

               Liquidation of fixed assets

 Construction in progress                                           409,556,230.30                   340,611,095.47

     Including:Construction in progress                            409,556,230.30                   340,611,095.47

                    Construction materials

        Production physical assets

        Oil & gas assets

        Use right assets                                             21,212,197.66                    Not applicable

        Intangible assets                                           292,781,789.32                   302,381,356.52

      Development expenses


 Long-germ expenses to be amortized                                     2,366,718.75                   3,462,122.00

      Deferred income tax asset                                     306,850,158.96                   330,755,418.39

      Other non-current asset                                        17,804,369.45                    22,361,861.19

 Total of non-current assets                                     16,450,775,156.24                16,662,154,859.04

 Total of assets                                                 19,839,202,045.48                19,748,578,658.11

 Current liabilities

      Short-term loans                                              200,192,500.00                   200,192,500.00

     Loan from Central Bank

      Borrowing funds

        Transactional financial liabilities

      Derivative financial liabilities

 Notes payable

        Account payable                                             302,316,914.90                   369,773,342.71

      Advance receipts                                               11,111,216.60                    11,309,007.41

                               Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.   The First Quarter Report 2021

                     Items                             March 31,2021                   December 31,2020

 Contract liabilities                                                   309,734.51                        309,734.51

     Selling of repurchased financial

      Deposit taking and interbank

     Entrusted trading of securities

 Entrusted selling of securities

     Employees’ wage payable                                       17,501,125.68                    16,726,198.13

     Tax payable                                                   201,326,722.77                   217,748,392.78

           Other account payable                                   275,259,174.56                 1,512,619,359.78

         Including:Interest payable

                 Dividend payable                                   22,260,485.37                    22,262,804.39

                   Other payable                                   252,998,689.19                 1,490,356,555.39

         Fees and commissions payable

         Reinsurance fee payable

         Liabilities held for sales

 Non-current liability due within 1
                                                                   173,180,082.32                   266,328,017.47

 Other current liability                                               1,020,874.08                       648,581.64

 Total of current liability                                      1,182,218,345.42                 2,595,655,134.43

 Non-current liabilities:

         Reserve fund for insurance

      Long-term loan                                             6,002,013,800.00                 4,977,438,800.00

     Bond payable                                                1,426,720,543.48                 1,426,488,336.65

      Including:preferred stock

      Sustainable debt

           Lease liability                                          19,665,747.30                    Not applicable

      Long-term payable                                                3,461,832.74                  40,406,172.37

          Including:Long-term payable                                 3,461,832.74                  40,406,172.37

                 Special accounts payable

 Long-term remuneration payable to

     Expected liabilities

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.   The First Quarter Report 2021

                      Items                           March 31,2021                   December 31,2020

        Deferred income                                            84,184,950.52                    89,170,569.64

      Deferred income tax liability                               385,350,675.80                   387,103,060.74

 Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities                                  7,921,397,549.84                 6,920,606,939.40

 Total of liability                                             9,103,615,895.26                 9,516,262,073.83

 Owners’ equity

      Share capital                                             2,090,806,126.00                 2,090,806,126.00

      Other equity instruments

      Including:preferred stock

      Sustainable debt

     Capital reserves                                             676,937,614.08                   645,969,210.48

      Less:Shares in stock

 Other comprehensive income                                       318,829,104.33                   302,895,877.65

        Special reserve

      Surplus reserves                                          1,167,785,965.63                 1,167,785,965.63

 Common risk provision

 Retained profit                                                4,124,345,626.19                 3,725,679,319.35

 Total of owner’s equity belong to the
                                                                8,378,704,436.23                 7,933,136,499.11
 parent company

 Minority shareholders’ equity                                 2,356,881,713.99                 2,299,180,085.17

 Total of owners’ equity                                      10,735,586,150.22                10,232,316,584.28

 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                      19,839,202,045.48                19,748,578,658.11

Legal Representative: Zheng Renfa

General Manager: Wang Chunhua

Person in charge of accounting:Lu Ming

Accounting Dept Leader: Zhou Fang

                                Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.   The First Quarter Report 2021

2.Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                                              In RMB

                      Items                             March 31,2021                   December 31,2020

 Current asset:

 Monetary fund                                                    2,092,076,619.45                 1,781,764,519.09

 Transactional financial assets

 Derivative financial assets

        Notes receivable

      Account receivable                                            32,988,950.93                    27,004,827.41

        Financing receivable

        Prepayments                                                     1,404,802.00                  2,181,215.03

      Other account receivable                                      30,589,927.62                    54,148,114.53

        Including:Interest receivable

             Dividend receivable                                        1,205,472.90                  2,705,472.90

             Other account receivable                               29,384,454.72                    51,442,641.63


        Contract assets

        Assets held for sales

 Non-current asset due within 1 year                               261,477,446.44                   256,279,340.60

        Other current asset                                              205,436.51                        27,051.69

 Total of current assets                                          2,418,743,182.95                 2,121,405,068.35

 Non-current assets:

        Creditor's right investment                                277,903,684.98                   287,903,684.98

        Other Creditor's right investment

      Long-term receivable

      Long term share equity investment                           5,607,667,220.99                 5,529,362,536.53

 Other equity instruments investment                              1,758,188,473.25                 1,737,015,528.29

 Other non-current financial assets

      Property investment                                               2,802,964.02                  2,858,243.64

      Fixed assets                                                6,071,703,906.46                 6,245,462,940.39

             Including:Fixed assets                              6,071,703,906.46                 6,245,462,940.39

               Liquidation of fixed assets

     Construction in progress                                       46,283,986.18                    43,086,545.58

     Including:Construction in progress                            46,283,986.18                    43,086,545.58

                                Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.   The First Quarter Report 2021

                    Items                               March 31,2021                   December 31,2020

                    Construction materias

        Production physical assets

        Oil & gas assets

        Use right assets                                            19,768,377.85

        Intangible assets                                          147,247,855.39                   150,582,241.22

      Development expenses


 Long-germ expenses to be amortized

      Deferred income tax asset                                    298,851,931.62                   322,365,911.10

      Other non-current asset                                           8,038,963.07                   7,089,990.48

 Total of non-current assets                                     14,238,457,363.81                14,325,727,622.21

 Total of assets                                                 16,657,200,546.76                16,447,132,690.56

 Current liabilities

        Short-term loans                                           200,192,500.00                   200,192,500.00

        Transactional financial liabilities

        Derivative financial liabilities

          Notes payable

        Account payable                                            108,272,985.52                   105,919,984.52

      Advance receipts

        Contract Liabilities

     Employees’ wage payable                                           6,172,906.20                   6,472,802.81

     Tax payable                                                        5,501,677.05                   9,165,801.86

          Other account payable                                    179,679,339.02                  1,431,814,861.38

        Including:Interest payable

                Dividend payable                                    22,260,485.37                    22,262,804.39

               Other account payable                               157,418,853.65                  1,409,552,056.99

        Liabilities held for sales

 Non-current liability due within 1
                                                                   104,734,806.45                   190,331,701.48

 Other current liability                                           753,235,424.75                   539,618,124.00

 Total of current liability                                       1,357,789,638.99                 2,483,515,776.05

 Non-current liabilities:

      Long-term loan                                              5,448,063,800.00                 4,389,653,800.00

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.   The First Quarter Report 2021

                      Items                           March 31,2021                   December 31,2020

     Bond payable                                               1,426,720,543.48                 1,426,488,336.65

      Including:preferred stock

      Sustainable debt

           Lease liability                                        19,182,760.52                    Not applicable

         Long-term payable                                            3,461,832.74                 40,406,172.37

         Including:Long-term payable                                 3,461,832.74                 40,406,172.37

                 Special accounts payable

 Long-term remuneration payable to

     Expected liabilities

         Deferred income                                          12,582,715.25                    13,403,327.12

      Deferred income tax liability                              110,930,999.36                   105,636,866.50

 Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities                                  7,020,942,651.35                 5,975,588,502.64

 Total of liability                                             8,378,732,290.34                 8,459,104,278.69

 Owners’ equity

      Share capital                                             2,090,806,126.00                 2,090,806,126.00

      Other equity instruments

      Including:preferred stock

      Sustainable debt

      Capital reserves                                           938,969,546.79                   938,969,546.79

      Less:Shares in stock

 Other comprehensive income                                      318,829,104.33                   302,895,877.65

         Special reserve

      Surplus reserves                                           987,813,698.07                   987,813,698.07

         Retained profit                                        3,942,049,781.23                 3,667,543,163.36

 Total of owners’ equity                                       8,278,468,256.42                 7,988,028,411.87

 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                      16,657,200,546.76                16,447,132,690.56

Legal Representative: Zheng Renfa

General Manager: Wang Chunhua

Person in charge of accounting:Lu Ming

Accounting Dept Leader: Zhou Fang

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.    The First Quarter Report 2021

3.Consolidated Income statement

                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Items                          Amount in this period             Amount in last period

       I. Income from the key business                           1,257,975,487.27                    354,680,507.03

           Incl:Business income                                 1,257,975,487.27                    354,680,507.03

               Interest income

             Insurance fee earned

        Fee and commission received

 II. Total business cost                                           570,136,785.32                    429,194,827.40

 Incl:Business cost                                               453,933,058.22                    326,587,735.13

         Interest expense

     Fee and commission paid

       Insurance discharge payment

      Net claim amount paid

 Net amount of withdrawal of insurance
 contract reserve

 Insurance policy dividend paid

      Reinsurance expenses

        Business tax and surcharge                                   5,050,365.54                       2,021,737.28

        Sales expense

     Administrative expense                                         46,769,450.53                      39,030,434.80

             R & D costs

        Financial expenses                                          64,383,911.03                      61,554,920.19

        Including:Interest expense                                 75,370,473.37                      68,721,795.87

                     Interest income                                11,272,327.50                       7,988,119.51

      Add: Other income                                              6,205,194.91                       1,678,147.16

 Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                   54,141,702.19                       1,368,048.23

      Incl: investment gains from affiliates                        54,141,702.19                        -888,526.62

      Financial assets measured at
 amortized cost cease to be recognized
 as income

           Gains from currency exchange

        Net exposure hedging income

           Changing income of fair value

                                Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.    The First Quarter Report 2021

                     Items                            Amount in this period             Amount in last period

          Credit impairment loss

       Impairment loss of assets

     Assets disposal income                                                                                       4.37

 III. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                            748,185,599.05                     -71,468,120.61

     Add :Non-operational income                                      1,052,152.87                       3,047,414.52

     Less: Non-operating expense                                         210,590.33                         169,083.98

 IV. Total    profit(“-”for loss)                                  749,027,161.59                     -68,589,790.07

     Less:Income tax expenses                                       174,979,322.91                     -14,205,040.44

 V. Net profit                                                       574,047,838.68                     -54,384,749.63

     (I) Classification by business

 1.Net continuing operating profit                                   574,047,838.68                     -54,384,749.63

 2.Termination of operating net profit

     (II) Classification by ownership

 1.Net profit attributable to the owners
                                                                     399,100,166.26                     -65,790,927.23
 of parent company

 2.Minority shareholders’ equity                                    174,947,672.42                      11,406,177.60

 VI. Net after-tax of other
                                                                      15,933,226.68                    -136,431,142.69
 comprehensive income

 Net of profit of other comprehensive in
                                                                      15,933,226.68                    -136,431,142.69
 come attributable to owners of the pare
 nt company.

 (I)Other comprehensive income
 items that will not be reclassified into
                                                                      15,879,708.72                    -141,152,966.40
 gains/losses in the subsequent
 accounting period

 1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
 ans of changes in net debt or net assets

 2.Other comprehensive income under t
 he equity method investee can not be re
 classified into profit or loss.

 3. Changes in the fair value of
                                                                      15,879,708.72                    -141,152,966.40
 investments in other equity instruments

 4. Changes in the fair value of the
 company’s credit risks

                               Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.    The First Quarter Report 2021

                     Items                           Amount in this period             Amount in last period


 Other comprehensive income that will                                    53,517.96                       4,721,823.71
 be reclassified into profit or loss.

 1.Other comprehensive income under t
                                                                         53,517.96                       4,721,823.71
 he equity method investee can be reclas
 sified into profit or loss.

 2. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other debt obligations

 3. Other comprehensive income arising
 from the reclassification of financial

 4.Allowance for credit impairments in
 investments in other debt obligations

 5. Reserve for cash flow hedges

 6.Translation differences in currency fi
 nancial statements


 Net of profit of other comprehensive in
 come attributable to Minority
 shareholders’ equity

 VII. Total comprehensive income                                    589,981,065.36                    -190,815,892.32

 Total comprehensive income
 attributable to the owner of the parent                            415,033,392.94                    -202,222,069.92

     Total comprehensive income
                                                                    174,947,672.42                      11,406,177.60
 attributable minority shareholders

 VIII. Earnings per share

 (I)Basic earnings per share                                                0.19                              -0.03

     (II)Diluted earnings per share                                           0.19                              -0.03

The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved ne
t profit of RMB 0.00, last period the combined party realized RMB0.00.

Legal Representative: Zheng Renfa

General Manager: Wang Chunhua

Person in charge of accounting:Lu Ming

Accounting Dept Leader: Zhou Fang

                                  Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.     The First Quarter Report 2021

4. Income statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                     Items                             Amount in this period              Amount in last period

     I. Income from the key business                                  363,024,875.64                       96,834,013.49

              Incl:Business cost                                     195,651,672.79                      138,349,439.05

        Business tax and surcharge                                       1,905,294.74                         982,137.56

                 Sales expense

         Administrative expense                                         22,946,844.98                      19,008,010.33

              R & D expense

       Financial expenses                                               62,233,471.58                      57,156,264.13

          Including:Interest expenses                                  72,356,582.17                      64,517,846.96

              Interest income                                           10,369,222.62                       7,384,203.28

     Add:Other income                                                   1,295,831.52                         251,296.73

     Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                 216,505,664.30                       18,442,347.73

 Including: investment gains from
                                                                        53,685,025.92                       5,259,044.40

 Financial assets measured at
 amortized cost cease to be recognized
 as income

          Net exposure hedging income

          Changing income of fair value

          Credit impairment loss

       Impairment loss of assets

     Assets disposal income                                                                                            4.37

 II. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                              298,089,087.37                      -99,968,188.75

       Add :Non-operational income                                        366,266.02                             67,487.91

     Less:Non -operational expenses                                                                          101,882.97

 III. Total     profit(“-”for loss)                                 298,455,353.39                     -100,002,583.81

       Less:Income tax expenses                                        23,514,876.10                     -26,425,570.81

 IV. Net profit                                                       274,940,477.29                      -73,577,013.00

 1.Net continuing operating profit                                    274,940,477.29                      -73,577,013.00

 2.Termination of operating net profit

 V. Net after-tax of other
                                                                        15,933,226.68                    -136,431,142.69
 comprehensive income

 (I)Other comprehensive income                                        15,879,708.72                    -141,152,966.40

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.      The First Quarter Report 2021

                    Items                          Amount in this period               Amount in last period

 items that will not be reclassified into
 gains/losses in the subsequent
 accounting period

 1.Re-measurement of defined benefit
 plans of changes in net debt or net ass

 2.Other comprehensive income under
 the equity method investee can not b
 e reclassified into profit or loss.

 3. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other equity                                        15,879,708.72                     -141,152,966.40

 4. Changes in the fair value of the
 company’s credit risks


 (II)Other comprehensive income that                                       53,517.96                     4,721,823.71
 will be reclassified into profit or loss

 1.Other comprehensive income under
                                                                           53,517.96                     4,721,823.71
 the equity method investee can be re
 classified into profit or loss.

 2. Changes in the fair value of
 investments in other debt obligations

 3. Other comprehensive income
 arising from the reclassification of
 financial assets

 4.Allowance for credit impairments
 in investments in other debt

 5. Reserve for cash flow hedges

 6.Translation differences in currency
 financial statements


 VI. Total comprehensive income                                   290,873,703.97                      -210,008,155.69

 VII. Earnings per share

 (I)Basic earnings per share

     (II)Diluted earnings per share

                            Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.             The First Quarter Report 2021

Legal Representative: Zheng Renfa

General Manager: Wang Chunhua

Person in charge of accounting:Lu Ming

Accounting Dept Leader: Zhou Fang

5. Consolidated Cash flow statement

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                  Items                          Amount in this period            Amount in last period

 I. Cash flows from operating

 Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                               1,231,428,067.53                           403,334,741.11
 rending of services

     Net increase of customer deposits
 and capital kept for brother company

 Net increase of loans from central

 Net increase of inter-bank loans from
 other financial bodies

 Cash received against original
 insurance contract

 Net cash received from reinsurance

 Net increase of client deposit and

     Cash received from interest,
 commission charge and commission

 Net increase of inter-bank fund

 Net increase of repurchasing business

     Net cash received by agent in
 securities trading

      Tax returned

 Other cash received from business
                                                                  45,538,110.74                            88,510,929.16

      Sub-total of cash inflow                                 1,276,966,178.27                           491,845,670.27

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.               The First Quarter Report 2021

                    Items                          Amount in this period              Amount in last period

 Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                                    90,798,153.15                              71,858,890.83
     merchandise and services

 Net increase of client trade and

 Net increase of savings in central
 bank and brother company

        Cash paid for original contract

      Net increase for Outgoing call loan

     Cash paid for interest, processing
 fee and commission

     Cash paid for policy dividend

 Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                            102,471,251.72                              87,989,063.42

     Taxes paid                                                    214,739,144.18                             158,804,182.91

 Other cash paid for business activities                            19,937,088.88                               9,306,858.74

 Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                                   427,945,637.93                             327,958,995.90
      business activities

 Net cash generated from /used in
                                                                   849,020,540.34                             163,886,674.37
 operating activities

 II. Cash flow generated by investing

 Cash received from investment
                                                                    22,500,000.00                               2,500,000.00

 Cash received as investment gains                                   1,500,000.00                               6,702,526.90

 Net cash retrieved from disposal of
 fixed assets, intangible assets, and                                      7,300.00                                 6,300.00
 other long-term assets

 Net cash received from disposal of
 subsidiaries or other operational units

 Other investment-related cash

 Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                                                    24,007,300.00                               9,208,826.90
 investment activities

 Cash paid for construction of fixed
        assets, intangible assets and                              107,120,724.56                             173,285,117.84
        other long-term assets

 Cash paid as investment                                                                                        2,500,000.00

 Net increase of loan against pledge

                            Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.             The First Quarter Report 2021

                  Items                          Amount in this period            Amount in last period

 Net cash received from subsidiaries
 and other operational units

 Other cash paid for investment

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                                 107,120,724.56                            175,785,117.84
 investment activities

 Net cash flow generated by
                                                                 -83,113,424.56                           -166,576,290.94

 III.Cash flow generated by financing

 Cash received as investment

 Including: Cash received as
 investment from minor shareholders

      Cash received as loans                                   1,166,930,000.00                           1,060,000,000.00

 Other financing –related cash
                                                                  60,722,360.00                             13,180,600.00

 Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                               1,227,652,360.00                           1,073,180,600.00
 financing activities

 Cash to repay debts                                             222,535,000.00                            625,100,000.00

 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                                 272,650,246.88                            116,855,056.95

 Including: Dividend and profit paid
                                                                 147,000,000.00                             40,369,392.46
 by subsidiaries to minor shareholders

 Other cash paid for financing
                                                               1,222,616,161.75                                750,000.00

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                               1,717,801,408.63                            742,705,056.95
 financing activities

 Net cash flow generated by financing                           -490,149,048.63                            330,475,543.05

 IV. Influence of exchange rate
 alternation on cash and cash

 V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                 275,758,067.15                            327,785,926.48

 Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                               2,846,176,803.89                           3,052,977,164.15
 equivalents at the beginning of term

 VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                               3,121,934,871.04                           3,380,763,090.63
 equivalents at the end of term

                             Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.     The First Quarter Report 2021

Legal Representative: Zheng Renfa

General Manager: Wang Chunhua

Person in charge of accounting:Lu Ming

Accounting Dept Leader: Zhou Fang

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                               In RMB

                    Items                         Amount in this period              Amount in last period

 I.Cash flows from operating activities

 Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                                  366,616,254.19                     113,507,357.25
 rending of services

     Tax returned

 Other cash received from business
                                                                  252,174,679.47                      86,723,417.53

 Sub-total of cash inflow                                         618,790,933.66                     200,230,774.78

 Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                                    3,368,975.06                       3,452,081.46
 merchandise and services

 Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                            32,576,497.85                      26,023,676.00

 Taxes paid                                                        15,318,003.35                       9,893,866.80

 Other cash paid for business activities                           34,425,290.28                      30,499,503.45

 Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                                   85,688,766.54                      69,869,127.71
      business activities

 Net cash generated from /used in
                                                                  533,102,167.12                     130,361,647.07
 operating activities

 II. Cash flow generated by investing

 Cash received from investment

 Cash received as investment gains                                154,711,770.84                      31,318,703.34

 Net cash retrieved from disposal of
 fixed assets, intangible assets, and                                                                        6,300.00
 other long-term assets

 Net cash received from disposal of
 subsidiaries or other operational units

 Other investment-related cash

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.     The First Quarter Report 2021

                    Items                          Amount in this period              Amount in last period

     Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                                                   192,211,770.84                      31,325,003.34
 investment activities

 Cash paid for construction of fixed
        assets, intangible assets and                               34,226,195.85                     104,578,459.51
        other long-term assets

        Cash paid as investment                                  1,246,839,292.00

 Net cash received from subsidiaries
 and other operational units

 Other cash paid for investment

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                                 1,281,065,487.85                     104,578,459.51
 investment activities

 Net cash flow generated by
                                                                -1,088,853,717.01                     -73,253,456.17

 III. Cash flow generated by financing

      Cash received as investment

        Cash received as loans                                   1,166,930,000.00                   1,000,000,000.00

 Other financing –related ash received

     Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                                 1,166,930,000.00                   1,000,000,000.00
 financing activities

      Cash to repay debts                                          181,200,000.00                     625,100,000.00

 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                                   118,889,480.00                      59,022,402.54

 Other cash paid for financing
                                                                       776,869.75                         750,000.00

     Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                                   300,866,349.75                     684,872,402.54
 financing activities

 Net cash flow generated by financing                              866,063,650.25                     315,127,597.46

 IV. Influence of exchange rate
 alternation on cash and cash

 V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                   310,312,100.36                     372,235,788.36

 Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                                 1,780,543,319.09                   2,790,163,301.78
 equivalents at the beginning of term

 VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                                 2,090,855,419.45                   3,162,399,090.14
 equivalents at the end of term

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.          The First Quarter Report 2021

Legal Representative: Zheng Renfa

General Manager: Wang Chunhua

Person in charge of accounting:Lu Ming

Accounting Dept Leader: Zhou Fang

II Adjustments to the Financial Statements

1. Adjustment of the relevant items of the financial statements at the current year beginning according to the new
standards for financial instruments, the new standards for revenues and the new standards for lease implemented
commencing from year 2021

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Whether to adjust the balance sheet account at the beginning of the year
√ Yes □No

Consolidated balance sheet

                                                                                                                  In RMB

              Items                   December 31,2020               January 1,2021                 Adjustments

 Current asset:

        Monetary fund                        2,847,398,003.89             2,847,398,003.89

       Account receivable                     168,907,517.56               168,907,517.56

     Prepayments                                3,607,538.01                  2,831,124.98                  -776,413.03

 Other account receivable                      60,925,367.64                 60,925,367.64

       Dividend receivable                      2,705,472.90                  2,705,472.90

     Other account receivable                  58,219,894.74                 58,219,894.74

       Inventories                                 53,761.06                     53,761.06

       Contract assets                          5,452,813.90                  5,452,813.90

 Non-current asset due
                                                   51,745.32                     51,745.32
 within 1 year

       Other current assets                        27,051.69                     27,051.69

 Total of current assets                     3,086,423,799.07             3,085,647,386.04                  -776,413.03

 Non-current assets:

 Long-term equity
                                             2,382,381,165.60             2,381,947,306.18                  -433,859.42

 Other equity instruments                    1,737,015,528.29             1,737,015,528.29

                               Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.          The First Quarter Report 2021

               Items                   December 31,2020               January 1,2021                 Adjustments


     Property investment                          3,110,381.89                 3,110,381.89

      Fixed assets                           11,540,075,929.69            11,540,075,929.69

      Construction in progress                 340,611,095.47               340,611,095.47

        Use right assets                        Not applicable                23,154,055.78                23,154,055.78

      Intangible assets                        302,381,356.52               302,381,356.52

 Long-term expenses to be
                                                  3,462,122.00                 2,454,375.00                 -1,007,747.00

        Deferred tax assets                    330,755,418.39               330,755,418.39

     Other non-current asset                    22,361,861.19                 22,361,861.19

 Total of non-current assets                16,662,154,859.04             16,683,867,308.40                21,712,449.36

 Total of assets                             19,748,578,658.11            19,769,514,694.44                20,936,036.33

 Current liabilities

        Short-term loans                       200,192,500.00               200,192,500.00

 Account payable                               369,773,342.71               369,773,342.71

      Advance payment                           11,309,007.41                 11,309,007.41

      Contract liabilities                         309,734.51                   309,734.51

     Employees’ wage payable                   16,726,198.13                 16,726,198.13

     Tax payable                               217,748,392.78               217,748,392.78

      Other account payable                   1,512,619,359.78             1,512,619,359.78

               Dividend payable                 22,262,804.39                 22,262,804.39

        Other account payable                 1,490,356,555.39             1,490,356,555.39

 Non-current liability due
                                               266,328,017.47               266,328,017.47
 within 1 year

 Other current liability                           648,581.64                   648,581.64

 Total of current liability                   2,595,655,134.43             2,595,655,134.43

 Non-current liabilities:

        Long-term loan                        4,977,438,800.00             4,977,438,800.00

      Bond payable                            1,426,488,336.65             1,426,488,336.65

        Lease liability                         Not applicable                21,369,895.75                21,369,895.75

 Long-term payable                              40,406,172.37                 40,406,172.37

 Deferred income                                89,170,569.64                 89,170,569.64

        Deferred income tax
                                               387,103,060.74               387,103,060.74

                              Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.          The First Quarter Report 2021

              Items                   December 31,2020               January 1,2021                 Adjustments

 Total of current liability                  6,920,606,939.40             6,941,976,835.15                21,369,895.75

 Total of liabilities                        9,516,262,073.83             9,537,631,969.58                21,369,895.75

 Owners’ equity

     Share capital                           2,090,806,126.00             2,090,806,126.00

        Capital reserves                      645,969,210.48               645,969,210.48

 Other comprehensive
                                              302,895,877.65               302,895,877.65

        Surplus reserves                     1,167,785,965.63             1,167,785,965.63

 Retained profit                             3,725,679,319.35             3,725,245,459.93                  -433,859.42

 Total of owner’s equity
 belong to the parent                        7,933,136,499.11             7,932,702,639.69                  -433,859.42

 Minority shareholders’
                                             2,299,180,085.17             2,299,180,085.17

 Total of owners’ equity                  10,232,316,584.28             10,231,882,724.86                  -433,859.42

 Total of liabilities and
                                            19,748,578,658.11            19,769,514,694.44                20,936,036.33
 owners’ equity

Adjustment statement
On December 7, 2018, the Ministry of Finance issued the notice on revising and printing the accounting standards
for Business Enterprises No. 21 - leasing (CK [2018] No. 35). Through the resolution of the 16th meeting of the
9th board of directors of the company on March 26, 2021, the company began to implement the above-mentioned
new lease criteria from January 1, 2021. In this accounting policy change, the company adjusts the amount of
retained earnings at the beginning of the period and other relevant items in the financial statements according to
the cumulative impact of the first implementation of the standard.

Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                                                  In RMB

              Items                   December 31,2020               January 1,2021                 Adjustments

 Current asset:

 Monetary fund                               1,781,764,519.09             1,781,764,519.09

        Account payable                        27,004,827.41                 27,004,827.41

        Prepayments                              2,181,215.03                 1,404,802.00                  -776,413.03

      Other account receivable                 54,148,114.53                 54,148,114.53

 Dividend receivable                             2,705,472.90                 2,705,472.90

      Other account receivable                 58,219,894.74                 58,219,894.74

 Non-current asset due                        256,279,340.60               256,279,340.60

                               Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.          The First Quarter Report 2021

               Items                   December 31,2020               January 1,2021                 Adjustments

 within 1 year

      Other current assets                          27,051.69                     27,051.69

 Total of current assets                      2,121,405,068.35             2,120,628,655.32                  -776,413.03

 Non-current assets:

      Creditor's rights
                                               287,903,684.98               287,903,684.98

      Long term share equity
                                              5,529,362,536.53             5,528,928,677.11                  -433,859.42

      Other equity instruments
                                              1,737,015,528.29             1,737,015,528.29

     Property investment                         2,858,243.64                  2,858,243.64

      Fixed assets                            6,245,462,940.39             6,245,462,940.39

      Construction in progress                  43,086,545.58                 43,086,545.58

      Use right assets                          Not applicable                21,927,040.99                21,927,040.99

      Intangible assets                        150,582,241.22               150,582,241.22

        Deferred tax assets                    322,365,911.10               322,365,911.10

     Other non-current asset                     7,089,990.48                  7,089,990.48

 Total of non-current assets                14,325,727,622.21             14,347,220,803.78                21,493,181.57

 Total of assets                            16,447,132,690.56             16,467,849,459.10                20,716,768.54

 Current liabilities

      Short-term loans                         200,192,500.00               200,192,500.00

 Account payable                               105,919,984.52               105,919,984.52

     Employees’ wage payable                    6,472,802.81                  6,472,802.81

 Tax payable                                     9,165,801.86                  9,165,801.86

      Other account payable                   1,431,814,861.38             1,431,814,861.38

        Dividend payable                        22,262,804.39                 22,262,804.39

      Other account payable                   1,409,552,056.99             1,409,552,056.99

 Non-current liability due
                                               190,331,701.48               190,331,701.48
 within 1 year

 Other current liability                       539,618,124.00               539,618,124.00

 Total of current liability                   2,483,515,776.05             2,483,515,776.05

 Non-current liabilities:

        Long-term loan                        4,389,653,800.00             4,389,653,800.00

      Bond payable                            1,426,488,336.65             1,426,488,336.65

                            Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.          The First Quarter Report 2021

               Items                December 31,2020               January 1,2021                 Adjustments

       Long-term payable                      40,406,172.37                40,406,172.37

       Lease liabilities                     Not applicable                21,150,627.96                21,150,627.96

       Deferred income t                      13,403,327.12                13,403,327.12

     Deferred income tax
                                             105,636,866.50              105,636,866.50

 Total of Non-current
                                           5,975,588,502.64             5,996,739,130.60                21,150,627.96

 Total of liability                        8,459,104,278.69             8,480,254,906.65                21,150,627.96

 Owners’ equity

          Share capital                    2,090,806,126.00             2,090,806,126.00

     Capital reserves                        938,969,546.79              938,969,546.79

     Other comprehensive
                                             302,895,877.65              302,895,877.65

 Surplus reserves                            987,813,698.07              987,813,698.07

       Retained profit                     3,667,543,163.36             3,667,109,303.94                  -433,859.42

 Total of owners’ equity                  7,988,028,411.87             7,987,594,552.45                  -433,859.42

 Total of liabilities and
                                         16,447,132,690.56             16,467,849,459.10                20,716,768.54
 owners’ equity

Adjustment statement
On December 7, 2018, the Ministry of Finance issued the notice on revising and printing the accounting standards
for Business Enterprises No. 21 - leasing (CK [2018] No. 35). Through the resolution of the 16th meeting of the
9th board of directors of the company on March 26, 2021, the company began to implement the above-mentioned
new lease criteria from January 1, 2021. In this accounting policy change, the company adjusts the amount of
retained earnings at the beginning of the period and other relevant items in the financial statements according to
the cumulative impact of the first implementation of the standard.

2. Note to the retroactive adjustment of the previous comparative data according to the new standards for
financial instruments and the new standards for lease implemented commencing from year 2021

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Auditors’Report

Is the First Quarterly Report be audited?
□ Yes       √No

The First Quarterly report is not audited.