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						                         Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

Stock Code: 000505, 200505                                                             Stock Abbr.: ZJKG, ZJB
Announcement No.:2014-061

                     HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

         Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014

                               Section I. Important Reminders

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management staff of
HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that the information
carried in this report is factual, accurate and complete, without any false record, misleading statement or material
omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.
All directors have attended the board session for reviewing this report.
Zheng Qing, company principal, and Yang Daoliang, chief of the accounting work and chief of the accounting
organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in this report is factual, accurate
and complete.
This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions,
the Chinese version shall prevail.

         Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

  Section II. Financial Highlights & Change of Shareholders

I. Major accounting data and financial indexes

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to
change of the accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
                                     30 Sept. 2014                 31 Dec. 2013             Increase/decrease (%)
Total assets (RMB Yuan)                 1,451,587,923.06             1,237,713,804.04                        17.28%
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the Company                    454,106.65              116,714,215.59                       -99.61%
(RMB Yuan)
                                                            YoY                                         YoY
                                  Jul.-Sept. 2014     increase/decrease       Jan.-Sept. 2014     increase/decrease
                                                             (%)                                         (%)
Operating revenues (RMB
                                     46,972,357.01                 -0.49%      171,656,857.80                11.16%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company         -41,996,808.97                -23.52%      -118,846,568.80              -20.71%
(RMB Yuan)
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company
                                    -41,987,341.33                 2.55%       -119,966,445.60               -3.45%
after extraordinary gains and
losses (RMB Yuan)
Net     cash    flows    from
operating activities (RMB               --                   --                -177,516,941.84             -173.99%
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                    -0.10               -25.00%                 -0.28             -21.74%
Diluted EPS (RMB
                                              -0.10               -25.00%                 -0.28             -21.74%
Weighted average ROE (%)                 -268.02%             -244.20%               -202.86%              -150.89%
Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            Amount as of Jan.-Sept.
                          Item                                                                      Note
Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets
(including the offset part of asset impairment                              -311,850.01
Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises
that recorded into current gains and losses
Gain/loss on debt restructuring                                                    0.00

           Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable
financial assets and tradable financial liabilities, as well
as investment income from disposal of tradable financial
assets and tradable financial liabilities and financial
assets available for sales, except for effective hedging
related with normal businesses of the Company
Non-operating incomes and expenses other than the
Other gain/loss items that meet the definition of an
extraordinary gain/loss
Less: Income tax effects                                                      -1,996.20
        Minority interests effects (after tax)                                 -964.98
Total                                                                     1,119,876.80                  --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to
the definition in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any
extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent
gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

II. Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders
at the period-end

1. Total number of common shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten common
shareholders at the period-end

                                                                                              Unit: share
Total number of common
shareholders at the period-end
                                    Shareholdings of the top ten common shareholders
                                                                       Number of            Pledged or frozen shares
   Name of             Nature of       Shareholding Number of the
                                                                        restricted          Status of        Number of
  shareholder         shareholder     percentage (%) shares held
                                                                       shares held           shares           shares
Beijing Wanfa       State-owned              26.36%      112,479,478
LI LEON             Foreign                      1.01%     4,323,806
Xu Zhen             Domestic                     0.53%     2,250,000
Zhang Xiaoxia       Domestic                     0.46%     1,949,250
Hu Zhengxiu         Domestic                     0.43%     1,845,400
Chen Mingwei        Domestic                     0.43%     1,827,900
Liu Min             Domestic                     0.36%     1,551,300
Luo Xiaoming        Foreign                      0.35%     1,502,890
Guangzhou An Domestic                            0.35%     1,488,300
Li HongComputin non-state-own                    0.33%     1,400,500

          Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                         Shareholdings of the top ten non-restricted common shareholders
                                   Number of non-restricted common shares held                Type of shares
      Name of shareholder
                                                at the period-end                         Type            Number
Beijing Wanfa Real Estate                                                             RMB ordinary
                                                                       112,479,478                        112,479,478
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                 share
LI LEON ZHAN WEI                                                          4,323,806 listed foreign          4,323,806
                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Xu Zhen                                                                   2,250,000                         2,250,000
Zhang Xiaoxia                                                             1,949,250 listed foreign          1,949,250
                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Hu Zhengxiu                                                               1,845,400                         1,845,400
Chen Mingwei                                                              1,827,900 listed foreign          1,827,900
                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Liu Min                                                                   1,551,300                         1,551,300
                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Luo Xiaoming                                                              1,502,890                         1,502,890
Guangzhou Anyang Computin                                                             RMB ordinary
                                                                          1,488,300                         1,488,300
g Network Technology Co., L                                                           share
                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Li Hong                                                                   1,400,500                         1,400,500
                                  Among shareholders above, there exists no related-party relationship between
                                  the principal shareholder and other shareholders of the Company. Nor they are
Explanation      on   associated
                                  parties with concerted action as prescribed in the Information Disclosure
relationship or persons acting in
                                  Administrative Methods for Changes in Shareholding of Shareholders of
concert         among         the
                                  Listed Companies. And it is unknown whether there is related-party
above-mentioned shareholders
                                  relationship among other shareholders and whether they are prescribed parties
                                  with concerted action.
Did any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted common shareholders of
the Company carry out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period?

□ Yes √ No
No shareholder of the Company carried out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period.

2. Total number of preferred share holders and shareholdings of the top ten preferred share
holders at the period-end

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

         Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                          Section III. Significant Events

I. Major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators in
the reporting period, as well as reasons for the changes

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
 I. Items in the balance sheet
                                                        Increase/decrease      Main reason for the
      Item         30 Sept. 2014      31 Dec. 2013
                                                              (%)                   change
                                                                              The prepayment by
                                                                              Mudanjiang        Pearl
                                                                              River Wanjia Travel
                                                                              Investment         and
                                                                              Development Group
                                                                              Co.,      Ltd.      for
                                                                              construction of the
                   167,600,945.34    91,018,812.99           84.14%           Snow Village and the
                                                                              prepayment          by
                                                                              subsidiary       Hubei
                                                                              Pearl River       Real
                                                                              Estate Development
                                                                              Co., Ltd. for the
                                                                              Meilin     Phase     III
  Prepayments                                                                 increased.
   Dividends                                                                  The bonuses from
                    1,190,015.00       260,015.00            357.67%
   receivable                                                                 Southwest Securities
                                                                              The       development
                                                                              costs of the Meilin
                                                                              Phase III Project of
                   292,718,620.97    118,546,684.93          146.92%          subsidiary       Hubei
                                                                              Pearl River       Real
                                                                              Estate Development
  Inventories                                                                 Co., Ltd. increased.
                                                                              The interest on the
                                                                              borrowings of the
                                                                              Company      and   a
                   133,009,632.50    101,140,724.11          31.51%
                                                                              Shanghai-based real
                                                                              estate company under
    Interest                                                                  Hai Nan Pearl River
    payable                                                                   Enterprises Holdings

        Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                                                             Co., Ltd.—increased.

                                                                             Borrowings        from
    Other        736,997,412.76     555,911,820.21          32.57%           other      enterprises
   payables                                                                  increased.
                                                                             Mudanjiang       Pearl
                                                                             River Wanjia Travel
                                                                             Investment        and
                                                                             Development Group
                                                                             Co., Ltd. borrowed
                                                                             from the Mudanjiang
                                                                             Taiping          Road
                                                                             sub-branch of the
                 224,418,277.69     129,000,000.00          73.97%           Industrial        and
                                                                             Commercial Bank of
                                                                             China,      and    the
                                                                             Company secured an
                                                                             entrustment loan from
                                                                             Guotai Yuanxin AMC
                                                                             via     the     Wuhan
                                                                             Huaqiao sub-branch
 Long-term                                                                   of China Merchants
 borrowings                                                                  Bank.
                                                                             The            minority
                                                                             shareholders and the
                                                                             registered capital of
                 17,770,252.87      11,253,753.74           57.91%           subsidiary       Hubei
                                                                             Pearl River       Real
Minority                                                                     Estate Development
interests                                                                    Co., Ltd. increased.

II. Items in the income statement and the cash flow statement
                                                                            Increase/decrease      Main reason for
              Item                  Jan.-Sept. 2014      Jan.-Sept. 2013
                                                                                  (%)               the change
                                                                                                  The         sales
                                                                                                  personnel      of
                                      3,275,897.05        6,219,275.46            -47.33%         Pearl       River
                                                                                                  Wanjia     Travel
                                                                                                  Investment and
        Selling expenses                                                                          Group Co., Ltd.

       Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                 decreased.     So
                                                                                                 did the      total
                                                                                                 Some      current
                                    -4,520,566.97        -1,475,764.86          -206.32%         accounts    were
    Asset impairment loss                                                                        received.
                                                                                                 The       bonuses
                                                                                                 from Southwest
                                      494,853.77         2,355,087.76            -78.99%
      Investment gains                                                                           decreased.
                                                                                                 The same period
                                                                                                 of last year saw
                                                                                                 gains on debt
                                       67,584.70         8,892,795.37            -99.24%         with the Bank of
                                                                                                 while the current
                                                                                                 period saw no
    Non-business incomes                                                                         such gains.
                                                                                                 The       minority
                                                                                                 interests       of
                                                                                                 subsidiary Hubei
                                                                                                 Pearl River Real
                                    -4,442,699.05        -2,808,509.35           -58.19%         Development
                                                                                                 Co.,          Ltd.
                                                                                                 increased and it
                                                                                                 suffered a loss in
                                                                                                 the        current
Minority shareholders’ income                                                                   period.
                                                                                                 increased for the
                                                                                                 Qingcheng Phase
                                   -177,516,941.84      -64,788,775.13          -173.99%         III Project” of
                                                                                                 subsidiary Hubei
                                                                                                 Pearl River Real
Net cash flows from operating                                                                    Development
           activities                                                                            Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 The construction
Net cash flows from investing       -56,400,900.79       -5,094,222.55         -1007.15%         input to the
           activities                                                                            Snow Village of

         Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                   Pearl       River
                                                                                                   Wanjia     Travel
                                                                                                   Investment and
                                                                                                   Group Co., Ltd.
                                      235,003,642.10       62,907,979.91          273.57%
  Net cash flows from financing                                                                    decreased in the
             activities                                                                            current period.

II. Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis and
explanation on solutions

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
For details, please refer to related announcements.
                                                                               Index to the relevant announcement
  Overview of the significant event              Date of disclosure
                                                                                    disclosed on the website
The Company borrowed RMB 250
million from Chongqing International
Trust Co.,Ltd. (“Chongqing Trust”
for short), which expired on 28 Sep.
                                                                               China Securities Journal, Ta Kung
2014; the Company shall return RMB 10 Oct. 2014
                                                                               Pao, www.cninfo.com.cn,
196,805,306.92 to Chongqing Trust.,
after negotiation, Chongqing Trust
agreed with the Company rolling
over the above loan for 1 year.

III. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the
Company’s shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down
into the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Predict the 2014 annual operating results

Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the
period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the
same period of the last year according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons
□Applicable √Inapplicable

           Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

V. Securities investment

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company did not invest in any securities in the reporting period.
Shareholdings in other listed companies
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                             Unit:(RMB Yuan)
                                                                                                           Changes in
                                                                                             Gain/loss       owners’
                                                 Number         Stake in
   Stock                           Initial                                  Closing book       in the       equity in
               Stock abbr.                       of shares         the
   code                          investment                                    value         reporting         the
                                                   held         investee
                                                                                              period        reporting
                                 RMB 150                                                                   3,545,625.0
  600369          XNZQ            million        7,750,000       0.27%      81,685,000.00                        0
                                 RMB 150                                                                   3,545,625.0
   Total                          million        7,750,000       0.27%      81,685,000.00                        0

VI. Investments in derivatives

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company did not invest in any derivative in the reporting period.

VII. Researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                               Main discussion and
      Time               Place        Way of reception       Visitor type        Visitor       materials provided by
                                                                                                  the Company
                                                                                                  Asked about the
                                                                                             operation of all projects
                   Securities                                               Individual       in the Company and
22 Sep. 2014                          By phone           Individual
                   Department                                               investor         replied to the contents
                                                                                             of the Company’s
                   Securities                                               Individual       The Company’s
12 Sep. 2014                          By phone           Individual
                   Department                                               investor         business performance
                                                                                             Asked about the
                   Securities                                               Individual         number of the
3 Sep. 2014                           By phone           Individual
                   Department                                               investor           shareholder of the
                   Securities                                               Individual       Asked about the
4 Jul. 2014                           By phone           Individual
                   Department                                               investor         suspension of the

         Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           Company’s shares and
                                                                                           replied to the contents
                                                                                           of the Company’s
                                                                                           Asked about the
                                                                                           progress of all projects
                  Securities                                             Individual        in the Company and
12 Sep. 2014                        By phone          Individual
                  Department                                             investor          replied to the contents
                                                                                           of the Company’s
                                                                                           The Company’s
                                                                                           business performance
                  Securities                                             Individual        and replied to the
28 Aug. 2014                        By phone          Individual
                  Department                                             investor          contents of the

VIII. Influence of the newly published or revised accounting standards to the
Company’s consolidated financial statement.

□Applicable √Inapplicable

           Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                      Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited
                                             Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                          30 Sep 2014
                                                                                                Expressed in Renminbi
                           Items                         Notes            30-Sep-14                    31-Dec-13
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                             V.1                  63,448,042.16             62,362,242.69
Financial assets held for trading
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable                                        V.2                  12,191,496.14             13,143,175.36
Prepayments                                                V.3                 167,600,945.34             91,018,812.99
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable                                        V.4                   1,190,015.00               260,015.00
Other receivables                                          V.5                 271,204,575.93            287,625,206.34
Inventories                                                V.6                 292,718,620.97            118,546,684.93
Non-current asset due within 1 year
Other current assets                                                             2,000,000.00
                 Total current assets                                          810,353,695.54            572,956,137.31
Non-current assets:
Available-for-sale financial assets                        V.7                  81,685,000.00             76,957,500.00
Held-to-maturity securities
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments                               V.9                  47,693,182.40             48,179,838.13
Investment real estates                                   V.10                  22,888,338.86             23,984,418.97
Fixed assets                                              V.11                 430,158,526.42            452,747,443.22
Construction in progress                                  V.12                  10,244,104.09             10,188,964.09
Engineering material                                      V.13                    606,206.60                606,206.60
Disposal of fixed assets
Bearer biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Intangible assets                                         V.14                  30,917,181.51             31,185,913.86
Expense on research and development
Long-term prepayments                                     V.15                  17,041,687.64             20,907,381.86
Deferred income tax assets
Other non-current asset
               Total non-current assets                                        641,234,227.52            664,757,666.73
                      Total assets                                        1,451,587,923.06             1,237,713,804.04
Corporate representative:Zheng Qing           Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang       Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

           Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                     Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited
                                               Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                          30 Sep 2014
                                                                                              Expressed in Renminbi
                             Items                                Notes           30-Sep-14             31-Dec-13
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans
Financial liabilities held for trading
Notes payable
Accounts payable                                                  V.19            35,493,645.57          34,758,922.28
Accounts received in advance                                      V.20            24,833,562.73          23,843,858.07
Accrued payroll                                                   V.21             9,774,172.82          10,764,089.33
Taxes payable                                                     V.22             7,457,467.27           8,600,877.07
Interest payable                                                  V.23           133,009,632.50        101,140,724.11
Dividend payable                                                  V.24             3,213,302.88           3,213,302.88
Other payables                                                    V.25           736,997,412.76        555,911,820.21
Non-current liabilities due within 1 year                         V.26           242,471,973.56        228,000,000.00
Other current liabilities
                   Total current liabilities                                    1,193,251,170.09       966,233,593.95
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings                                              V.27           224,418,277.69        129,000,000.00
Bonds payable
Long-term payables
Special payables
Accrued liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities                                   V.16            15,694,115.76          14,512,240.76
Other non-current liabilities
                Total non-current liabilities                                    240,112,393.45        143,512,240.76
                        Total liabilities                                       1,433,363,563.54     1,109,745,834.71
Owner's equity:
Share capital                                                     V.28           426,745,404.00        426,745,404.00
Capital surplus                                                   V.29           334,260,190.02        334,260,156.98
      Less:treasury stock
Surplus reserves                                                  V.30           109,487,064.39        109,487,064.39
Other comprehensive income                                                        56,830,720.63          53,285,095.63
Undistributed profits                                             V.31           -926,869,272.39       -807,063,505.41
Total owner's equity attributable to parent company                                  454,106.65        116,714,215.59
Minority interests                                                                17,770,252.87          11,253,753.74
                     Total owner's equity                                         18,224,359.52        127,967,969.33
           Total liabilities and owner's equity                                 1,451,587,923.06     1,237,713,804.04
Corporate representative:Zheng Qing            Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang       Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

           Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                      Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited
                                                     Balance Sheet
                                                                                                           30 Sep 2014
                                                                                                 Expressed in Renminbi
                           Items                          Notes               30-Sep-14                 31-Dec-13
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                                                      78,248.83               1,650,620.37
Financial assets held for trading
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable                                        XI.1                  3,177,070.48               2,437,957.05
Prepayments                                                                     50,240,000.00             50,000,000.00
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable                                                              1,190,015.00                260,015.00
Other receivables                                          XI.2                601,116,693.62            599,990,581.53
Inventories                                                                      4,824,035.45               4,824,035.45
Non-current asset due within 1 year
Other current assets
                 Total current assets                                          660,626,063.38            659,163,209.40
Non-current assets:
Available-for-sale financial assets                                             81,685,000.00             76,957,500.00
Held-to-maturity securities
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments                               XI.3                298,475,626.76            298,915,199.18
Investment real estates                                                          7,064,149.88               7,290,977.33
Fixed assets                                                                    14,984,140.18             16,056,715.04
Construction in progress
Engineering material
Disposal of fixed assets
Bearer biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Intangible assets                                                                1,469,629.23               1,505,376.96
Expense on research and development
Long-term prepayments                                                              923,562.08               9,127,521.96
Deferred income tax assets
Other non-current asset
               Total non-current assets                                        404,602,108.13            409,853,290.47
                       Total assets                                           1,065,228,171.51          1,069,016,499.87
Corporate representative:Zheng Qing          Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang         Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

            Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                           Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited
                                                         Balance Sheet
                                                                                                                30 Sep 2014
                                                                                                      Expressed in Renminbi
                            Items                             Notes            30-Sep-14                     31-Dec-13
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans
Financial liabilities held for trading
Notes payable
Accounts payable                                                                      2,482,949.70               2,482,949.70
Accounts received in advance                                                            165,770.30                  61,875.00
Accrued payroll                                                                         833,488.96                781,412.78
Taxes payable                                                                         7,119,233.38               6,966,593.30
Interest payable                                                                     83,780,236.64              61,988,940.20
Dividend payable                                                                      3,213,302.88               3,213,302.88
Other payables                                                                      395,024,797.15             403,455,124.29
Non-current liabilities due within 1 year                                           196,805,306.92             197,000,000.00
Other current liabilities
                  Total current liabilities                                         689,425,085.93             675,950,198.15
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings                                                                 30,001,611.00
Bonds payable
Long-term payables
Special payables
Accrued liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities                                                      14,957,500.00              13,775,625.00
Other non-current liabilities
              Total non-current liabilities                                          44,959,111.00              13,775,625.00
                       Total liabilities                                            734,384,196.93             689,725,823.15
Owner's equity:
Share capital                                                                       426,745,404.00             426,745,404.00
Capital surplus                                                                     337,276,529.56             337,276,496.52
Other comprehensive income                                                           56,830,720.63              53,285,095.63
Surplus reserves                                                                    109,487,064.39             109,487,064.39
Undistributed profits                                                               -599,495,744.00           -547,503,383.82
                   Total owner's equity                                             330,843,974.58             379,290,676.72
          Total liabilities and owner's equity                                  1,065,228,171.51             1,069,016,499.87
Corporate representative:Zheng Qing                Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang        Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

           Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                           Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited
                                                   Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                          Year ended 30 September 2014
                                                                                                     Expressed in Renminbi

                                  Items                                     Notes   Jul.-Sep. 2014          Jul.-Sep. 2013

I.Total operating income                                                                46,972,357.01          47,202,742.92
  Including:operating income                                               V.32        46,972,357.01          47,202,742.92
II.Total operating cost                                                                 90,001,936.72          91,267,715.61
    Including:operating cost                                               V.32        41,230,238.81          39,178,126.18
    Operating taxes and extras                                              V.33         2,719,104.56           3,259,795.48
    Sales expenses                                                          V.34           852,944.57           1,612,330.26
    General and administrative expenses                                     V.35        22,396,268.46          23,184,600.41
    Financial expenses                                                      V.36        24,976,938.18          24,473,683.01
    Loss of devaluation of assets                                           V.38        -2,173,557.86            -440,819.73
Add:Changing income of fair value
  Investment income                                                         V.37           101,504.43            -201,429.17
  Including: investment income on affiliated company and joint
III.Operating profit                                                                   -42,928,075.28         -44,266,401.86
Add: Non-operating income                                                   V.39            -3,763.51           8,819,519.77
Less: Non-operating expenses                                                V.40           328,712.23               4,119.85
           Including: disposal loss of non-current asset                                                            3,193.42
IV.Total profit                                                                        -43,260,551.02         -35,451,001.94
Less: income tax                                                            V.41               248.51              33,134.28
V.Net profit                                                                           -43,260,799.53         -35,484,136.22
Net profit attributable to parent company's owner                                      -41,996,808.97         -34,001,104.90
Profit and loss of minority interests                                                   -1,263,990.56           -1,483,031.32
VI.Other comprehensive income                                               V.43        11,566,875.00          31,023,131.63
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:                          11,566,875.00          31,023,131.63
i.Available for sale financial assets                                                   11,566,875.00          31,023,131.63
VII.Total comprehensive income                                                         -31,693,924.53           -4,461,004.59
 Including: Total comprehensive income attributed to the owners of
                                                                                       -30,429,933.97           -2,977,973.27
parent company
Total comprehensive income attributed to miniority interests                            -1,263,990.56           -1,483,031.32
VIII.Earnings per share
i.Basic earnings per share                                                  V.42                -0.10                   -0.08
ii.Diluted earnings per share                                               V.42                -0.10                   -0.08
Corporate representative:Zheng Qing               Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang        Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

            Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                        Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited
                                                       Income Statement
                                                                                            Year ended 30 September 2014
                                                                                                    Expressed in Renminbi

                                    Items                                      Notes          Jul.-Sep. 2014    Jul.-Sep. 2013

I.Total operating income                                                           XI.4           256,035.63       290,872.20
Less:Operating costs                                                               XI.4            88,898.40         88,898.40
    Operating taxes and extras                                                                     10,978.01         16,288.84
    Sales expenses
    General and administrative expenses                                                         2,921,519.16      5,385,677.19
    Financial expenses                                                                         15,406,762.60    16,490,490.12
    Loss of devaluation of assets                                                                  11,671.80       -431,920.19
Add:Changing income of fair value
   Investment income                                                               XI.5            -92,929.94      -170,780.17
   Including: investment income on affiliated company and joint venture
II.Operating profit                                                                           -18,276,724.28    -21,429,342.33
Add: Non-operating income                                                                                         8,644,350.59
Less: Non-operating expenses                                                                          846.74           523.93
            Including: disposal loss of non-current asset
III.Total profit                                                                              -18,277,571.02    -12,785,515.67
Less: income tax
IV.Net profit                                                                                 -18,277,571.02    -12,785,515.67
V.Other comprehensive income                                                                   11,566,875.00    31,023,131.63
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:                                 11,566,875.00    31,023,131.63
i.Available for sale financial assets                                                          11,566,875.00    31,023,131.63
VI.Totalcomprehensive income                                                                    -6,710,696.02   18,237,615.96
VII.Earnings per share
i.Basic earnings per share
ii.Diluted earnings per share
Corporate representative:Zheng Qing               Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang          Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

           Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                        Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited
                                                Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                             Year ended 30 September 2014
                                                                                                     Expressed in Renminbi

                                        Items                                      Notes      Jan.-Sep. 2014    Jan.-Sep. 2013

I.Total operating income                                                                      171,656,857.80    154,425,764.05
  Including:operating income                                                      V.32       171,656,857.80    154,425,764.05
II.Total operating cost                                                                       294,539,856.73    266,654,230.88
    Including:operating cost                                                      V.32       132,986,396.81    117,018,038.63
    Operating taxes and extras                                                     V.33        10,024,253.71       9,620,082.67
    Sales expenses                                                                 V.34         3,275,897.05       6,219,275.46
    General and administrative expenses                                            V.35        76,954,289.37     69,925,679.95
    Financial expenses                                                             V.36        75,819,586.76     65,346,919.03
    Loss of devaluation of assets                                                  V.38         -4,520,566.97     -1,475,764.86
Add:Changing income of fair value
  Investment income                                                                V.37           494,853.77       2,355,087.76
  Including: investment income on affiliated company and joint venture                           -439,572.42        -708,925.24
III.Operating profit                                                                         -122,388,145.16    -109,873,379.07
Add: Non-operating income                                                          V.39            67,584.70       8,892,795.37
Less: Non-operating expenses                                                       V.40           832,523.16          75,427.15
           Including: disposal loss of non-current asset                                            2,311.83          18,727.23
IV.Total profit                                                                              -123,153,083.62    -101,056,010.85
Less: income tax                                                                   V.41           136,184.23        208,612.05
V.Net profit                                                                                 -123,289,267.85    -101,264,622.90
Net profit attributable to parent company's owner                                            -118,846,568.80     -98,456,113.55
Profit and loss of minority interests                                                           -4,442,699.05     -2,808,509.35
VI.Other comprehensive income                                                      V.43         3,545,625.00       2,068,208.78
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:                                  3,545,625.00       2,068,208.78
i.Available for sale financial assets                                                           3,545,625.00       2,068,208.78
VII.Total comprehensive income                                                               -119,743,642.85     -99,196,414.12
 Including: Total comprehensive income attributed to the owners of parent
                                                                                             -115,300,943.80     -96,387,904.77
Total comprehensive income attributed to miniority interests                                    -4,442,699.05     -2,808,509.35
VIII.Earnings per share
i.Basic earnings per share                                                         V.42                 -0.28             -0.23
ii.Diluted earnings per share                                                      V.42                 -0.28             -0.23

Corporate representative:Zheng Qing               Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang           Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

             Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                        Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited

                                                        Income Statement
                                                                                     Year ended 30 September 2014
                                                                                              Expressed in Renminbi

                                  Items                                    Notes    Jan.-Sep. 2014       Jan.-Sep. 2013

I.Total operating income                                                     XI.4          764,493.39            872,616.60

Less:Operating costs                                                         XI.4          266,695.20            266,695.20

    Operating taxes and extras                                                              32,731.67             48,866.52

    Sales expenses

    General and administrative expenses                                                 12,262,413.57         16,407,806.60

    Financial expenses                                                                  46,476,199.37         46,074,535.80

    Loss of devaluation of assets                                                        -5,792,278.88       -10,660,882.71

Add:Changing income of fair value

   Investment income                                                         XI.5          490,427.58          2,392,715.76

   Including: investment income on affiliated company and joint venture                    -439,572.42          -671,297.24

II.Operating profit                                                                     -51,990,839.96       -48,871,689.05

Add: Non-operating income                                                                                      8,644,350.78

Less: Non-operating expenses                                                                  1,520.22             6,790.16

            Including: disposal loss of non-current asset

III.Total profit                                                                        -51,992,360.18       -40,234,128.43

Less: income tax

IV.Net profit                                                                           -51,992,360.18       -40,234,128.43

V.Other comprehensive income                                                              3,545,625.00         2,068,208.78

Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:                            3,545,625.00         2,068,208.78

i.Available for sale financial assets                                                     3,545,625.00         2,068,208.78

VI.Totalcomprehensive income                                                            -48,446,735.18       -38,165,919.65

VII.Earnings per share

i.Basic earnings per share

ii.Diluted earnings per share

Corporate representative:Zheng Qing               Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang    Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

            Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                             Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited
                                                 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                       Year ended 30 September 2014
                                                                                                                Expressed in Renminbi
                                          Items                                           Notes        Jan.-Sep. 2014      Jan.-Sep. 2013
I.Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                                            168,677,691.27     150,363,104.72
  Refunds of taxes
  Cash received relating to other operating activities                                    V.44(1)        46,522,309.71      31,350,987.80
                               Subtotal of cash inflows                                                 215,200,000.98     181,714,092.52
  Cash paid for goods and services                                                                      216,093,878.66      63,227,126.91
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                               110,506,572.34      90,916,572.94
  Payments of all types of taxes                                                                         14,998,983.36      16,193,706.56
  Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                        V.44(2)        51,117,508.46      76,165,461.24
                              Subtotal of cash outflows                                                 392,716,942.82     246,502,867.65
                      Net cash flows from operating activities                            V.45(1)      -177,516,941.84      -64,788,775.13
II.Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash received from return of investments                                                               36,060,000.00      35,000,000.00
   Cash received from return on investments                                                                  37,638.27        3,064,013.00
   Net cash received from the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets                                                                                          1,431,297.50         629,757.00
   Net cash received from selling subsidiary company and joint venture
  Cash received relating to other investing activities                                    V.44(3)            13,871.23        5,647,661.11
                               Subtotal of cash inflows                                                  37,542,807.00      44,341,431.11
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets                        74,743,707.79      16,435,653.66
  Cash paid to acquire investments                                                                        8,000,000.00      33,000,000.00
  Net cash paid to purchase subsidiary company and joint venture
  Cash paid relating to other investing activities                                                       11,200,000.00
                              Subtotal of cash outflows                                                  93,943,707.79      49,435,653.66
                      Net cash flows from investing activities                                          -56,400,900.79       -5,094,222.55
III.Cash flows from financing activities:
  Cash received from investments by others                                                               10,000,000.00        2,100,000.00
  Cash received from borrowings                                                                         360,251,611.00     379,000,000.00
  Cash received relating to other financing activities                                                                        1,300,000.00
                               Subtotal of cash inflows                                                 370,251,611.00     382,400,000.00
  Cash repayments of amounts borrowed                                                                    81,561,359.75     262,000,000.00
  Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and for interest expenses                           27,395,486.41      40,650,248.94
  Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                        V.44(4)        26,291,122.74      16,841,771.15
                              Subtotal of cash outflows                                                 135,247,968.90     319,492,020.09
                      Net cash flows from financing activities                                          235,003,642.10      62,907,979.91
IV.Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash
V.Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                               1,085,799.47       -6,975,017.77
Add:balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                                    62,362,242.69      65,762,871.33
VI.Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                                           63,448,042.16      58,787,853.56
Corporate representative:Zheng Qing                      Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang             Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

            Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                         Hainan Pearl River Holding Company Limited
                                                          Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                  Year ended 30 September 2014
                                                                                                         Expressed in Renminbi
                                         Items                                            Notes       Jan.-Sep. 2014      Jan.-Sep. 2013

I.Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services
                                                                                                         1,072,726.00          885,215.20
  Refunds of taxes
  Cash received relating to other operating activities
                                                                                                         9,706,686.76       57,930,297.95
                               Subtotal of cash inflows                                                 10,779,412.76       58,815,513.15
  Cash paid for goods and services

  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees
                                                                                                         3,664,015.28        4,332,624.69
  Payments of all types of taxes                                                                           586,046.67          865,562.55
  Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                                      44,209,303.65       17,887,380.95
                              Subtotal of cash outflows                                                 48,459,365.60       23,085,568.19
                      Net cash flows from operating activities                            XI.6          -37,679,952.84      35,729,944.96
II.Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash received from return of investments                                                              36,060,000.00       35,000,000.00
  Cash received from return on investments                                                                                   3,064,013.00
   Net cash received from the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets
  Net cash received from selling subsidiary company and joint venture
  Cash received relating to other investing activities
                               Subtotal of cash inflows                                                 36,060,000.00       43,711,674.11
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets                            6,560.00          277,435.00
  Cash paid to acquire investments                                                                      29,500,000.00      103,329,500.00
  Net cash paid to purchase subsidiary company and joint venture
  Cash paid relating to other investing activities
                              Subtotal of cash outflows                                                 29,506,560.00      103,606,935.00
                      Net cash flows from investing activities                                           6,553,440.00      -59,895,260.89
III.Cash flows from financing activities:
  Cash received from investments by others
  Cash received from borrowings                                                                         65,401,611.00      322,000,000.00
  Cash received relating to other financing activities

                               Subtotal of cash inflows                                                 65,401,611.00      322,000,000.00
  Cash repayments of amounts borrowed
                                                                                                        17,194,693.08      250,000,000.00
  Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and for interest expenses                          11,956,273.88       30,607,788.83
  Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                                       6,696,502.74       12,641,771.15
                              Subtotal of cash outflows                                                 35,847,469.70      293,249,559.98
                      Net cash flows from financing activities                                          29,554,141.30       28,750,440.02
IV.Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash
V.Net increase in cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                         -1,572,371.54       4,585,124.09
Add:balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                                    1,650,620.37        2,641,297.45
VI.Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                                              78,248.83        7,226,421.54

Corporate representative:Zheng Qing                      Chief Accountant:Yang Daoliang           Accounting Supervisor: Yang Daoliang

Abstract of the Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.
