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                        Changchai Company, Limited                        Annual Report 2023


                             ANNUAL REPORT 2023

                                 April 2024

Changchai Company, Limited                                                      Annual Report 2023

            Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of Changchai Company, Limited (hereinafter referred to
as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the
contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.
Xie Guozhong, the Company’s legal representative and General Manager, and Jiang He, head
of the Company’s financial department (equivalent to financial manager) hereby guarantee
that the Financial Statements carried in this Report are factual, accurate and complete.
All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report
and its summary.
Any plans for the future and other forward-looking statements mentioned in this Report shall
NOT be considered as absolute promises of the Company to investors. Therefore, investors
are kindly reminded to pay attention to possible investment risks.
The Company has described in detail the risks it might face in “XI Prospects” in “Part III
Management Discussion and Analysis” herein.
The Board has approved a final dividend plan as follows: based on the 705,692,507 shares, a
cash dividend of RMB0.47 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is to be distributed to the shareholders,
with no bonus issue from either profit or capital reserves.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

                                                    Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions........................................................... 2

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information................................................... 6

Part III Management Discussion and Analysis..............................................................................12

Part IV Corporate Governance.......................................................................................................43

Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility.......................................................................... 65

Part VI Significant Events............................................................................................................... 66

Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information................................................................74

Part VIII Preferred Shares.............................................................................................................. 82

Part IX Bonds................................................................................................................................... 83

Part X Financial Statements............................................................................................................84

Changchai Company, Limited                                                         Annual Report 2023

                             Documents Available for Reference

1. The financial statements signed and sealed by the Company’s legal representative, General
Manager and head of the financial department.
2. The original copy of the Independent Auditor’s Report signed and sealed by the CPAs, as well as
sealed by the CPA firm.
3. The originals of all the Company’s documents and announcements which were disclosed on
Securities Time and Ta Kung Pao (HK) (newspapers designated by the CSRC for information
disclosure) during the Reporting Period.
4. The Annual Report disclosed in other securities markets.
The above-mentioned documents available for reference are all kept in the Secretariat of the Board
of Directors of the Company.
This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or
misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                            Annual Report 2023


                  Term                                             Definition
“Changchai”,    the “Company”       or Changchai Company, Limited and its consolidated
“we”                                     subsidiaries, except where the context otherwise requires
                                            Changzhou Changchai Benniu Diesel Engine Fittings Co.,
Changchai Benniu
Changchai Wanzhou                           Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.
Horizon Investment                          Changzhou Horizon Investment Co., Ltd.
                                            Changzhou Changchai Horizon Agricultural Equipment
Horizon Agricultural Equipment
                                            Co., Ltd.
                                            Changzhou Fuji Changchai Robin Gasoline Engine Co.,
Changchai Robin
Xingsheng Real Estate Management            Changzhou Xingsheng Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.
Changchai Machinery                         Jiangsu Changchai Machinery Co., Ltd.
Zhenjiang Siyang                            Zhenjiang Siyang Diesel Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                                            Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi, expressed
RMB, RMB’0,000
                                            in tens of thousands of Renminbi
The “Reporting Period” or “Current
                                            The period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

        Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

 Stock name                                 Changchai, Changchai-B        Stock code    000570, 200570
 Stock exchange for stock listing           Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Company name in Chinese                    常柴股份有限公司
 Abbr.                                      苏常柴
 Company name in English (if any)           CHANGCHAI COMPANY,LIMITED
 Abbr. (if any)                             CHANGCAHI CO.,LTD.
 Legal representative                       Xie Guozhong
 Registered address                         123 Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
 Registered addresses previously used       N/A
 Zip code                                   213002
 Office address                             123 Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
 Zip code                                   213002
 Company website                            http://www.changchai.com.cn
 Email address                              cctqm@public.cz.js.cn

II Contact Information

                                                  Board Secretary                 Securities Representative
 Name                                   He Jianjiang
                                        123 Huaide Middle Road,
                                        Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
 Tel.                                   (86)519-68683155
 Fax                                    (86)519-86630954
 Email address                          cchjj@changchai.com

III Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report Is Lodged

 Stock exchange website where this Report is
                                                       Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK)
 Media and website where this Report is disclosed      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
 Place where this Report is lodged                     Board Secretariat of the Company

IV Change to Company Registered Information

 Unified social credit code             91320400134792410W
 Change to principal activity of the
                                        No change
 Company since going public

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

                                          On 22 November 2018, the State-owned Assets Supervision and
                                          Administration Commission of Changzhou Municipal People’s
 Every change of controlling              Government transferred its entire holdings of 170,845,236 shares in the
 shareholder since incorporation          Company (a stake of 30.43%) to Changzhou Investment Group Co.,
                                          Ltd. for no compensation, which has thus become the controlling
                                          shareholder of the Company.

V Other Information

The independent audit firm hired by the Company:
 Name                                     Gongzheng Tianye Certified Public Accountants LLP
 Office address                           Yingtong Commerce Building, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
 Accountants writing signatures           Wang Wenkai, Qin Zhijun
The independent sponsor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in the
Reporting Period:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
           Name                        Office address                Representatives          Supervision period
                                                                                          5 July 2021-31
                             10/F, China Industrial                                       December 2022
 China Industrial            Securities Plaza, 36                                         (continuous supervision
                                                                 Liu Yi, Li Lihong
 Securities Co., Ltd.        Changliu Road, Pudong                                        over matters associated
                             New District, Shanghai                                       with unused raised funds
                                                                                          since 1 January 2023)
                                                                                          5 July 2021-31
                             6/F, Donghai Securities                                      December 2022
 Donghai Securities Co.,     Plaza, 1928 Dongfang                                         (continuous supervision
                                                                 Wang Jiangqin, Xu Qin
 Ltd.                        Road, Pudong New District,                                   over matters associated
                             Shanghai                                                     with unused raised funds
                                                                                          since 1 January 2023)
The independent financial advisor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in
the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
□ Yes √ No
                                      2023                   2022                                      2021
                                                                               change (%)
Operating revenue
                                  2,155,698,787.49      2,182,043,095.61               -1.21%     2,452,430,515.60
Net profit attributable to
the listed company’s              108,495,607.05         76,684,796.91                41.48%      103,006,232.54
shareholders (RMB)

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

Net profit attributable to
the listed company’s
shareholders before              -47,466,184.54       -73,636,511.02                  ——          5,329,092.87
exceptional gains and
losses (RMB)
Net cash generated
from/used in operating           137,189,827.35       364,930,277.84               -62.41%       -266,323,779.30
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share
                                         0.1537                0.1087               41.40%                 0.1657
Diluted earnings per
                                         0.1537                0.1087               41.40%                 0.1657
share (RMB/share)
Weighted average return
                                         3.19%                  2.51%                0.68%                 3.86%
on equity (%)
                                                                          Change of 31
                                                     31 December         December 2023
                             31 December 2023                                                 31 December 2021
                                                         2022           over 31 December
                                                                            2022 (%)
Total assets (RMB)            5,159,394,958.92     5,219,359,853.42                 -1.15%      4,860,382,961.26
Equity attributable to the
listed company’s             3,398,946,911.23     3,284,710,665.90                  3.48%      3,077,550,018.33
shareholders (RMB)

Indicate by tick mark whether the lower of the net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before
and after exceptional gains and losses was negative for the last three accounting years, and the latest independent
auditor’s report indicated that there was uncertainty about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
□ Yes √ No
Indicate by tick mark whether the lower of the net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before
and after exceptional gains and losses was negative.
√ Yes □ No
               Item                      2023                    2022                         Note
                                                                                Production and sales of the
                                                                                Company’s primary products of
Operating revenue (RMB)            2,155,698,787.49          2,182,043,095.61
                                                                                diesel engines, gasoline engines,
Deductions from operating                                                       Other business revenue than the
                                      45,321,867.06             36,475,111.66
revenue (RMB)                                                                   main operations
Operating revenue exclusive of                                                  Sale of diesel engines, gasoline
                                   2,110,376,920.43          2,145,567,983.95
deductions (RMB)                                                                engines, and accessories

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2023

VII Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign
Accounting Standards

1. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No difference for the Reporting Period.

2. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No difference for the Reporting Period.

VIII Key Financial Information by Quarter

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                              Q1                    Q2                   Q3                Q4
 Operating revenue                     703,102,297.70           647,415,342.15      458,557,165.00   346,623,982.64
 Net profit attributable to the
                                          23,934,592.54         108,002,732.12       24,931,699.23   -48,373,416.84
 listed company’s shareholders
 Net profit attributable to the
 listed company’s shareholders
                                           1,107,543.07           4,718,000.91      -16,029,859.81   -37,261,868.71
 before exceptional gains and
 Net cash generated from/used in
                                       -71,086,048.66           -33,710,768.09   -109,331,432.55     351,318,076.65
 operating activities
Indicate by tick mark whether any of the quarterly financial data in the table above or their summations differs
materially from what have been disclosed in the Company’s quarterly or interim reports.
□ Yes √ No

IX Exceptional Gains and Losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
          Item                     2023                   2022               2021                     Note
                                                                                          Expropriation of the
Gain or loss on disposal
                                                                                          constructions on the
of non-current assets                                                                     state-owned land of the
                              105,702,551.01          393,161.73            155,515.49
(inclusive of impairment                                                                  Changzhou Wuxing
                                                                                          branch company in the
allowance write-offs)
                                                                                          Reporting Period
                                                                                          Government grants
Government grants                                                                         recognised in current
recognised in current             3,009,573.87       3,774,298.59         4,268,950.18    profit or loss were
profit or loss (exclusive                                                                 RMB6,419,303.33, and
                                                                                          the amount recognised in

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

of those that are closely                                                              current profit or loss that
                                                                                       was exclusive of deferred
related to the Company's
                                                                                       income was
normal business                                                                        RMB3,409,729.46.
operations and given in
accordance with defined
criteria and in
compliance with
government policies, and
have a continuing impact
on the Company's profit
or loss)
                                                                                       Increase in the fair value
                                                                                       of the Company’s interest
Gain or loss on                                                                        in Jiangsu Horizon New
fair-value changes in                                                                  Energy Technology Co.,
                                                                                       Ltd., the sale of shares
financial assets and
                                                                                       held by wholly-owned
liabilities held by a                                                                  subsidiary Horizon
non-financial enterprise,                                                              Investment in Guilin Stars
as well as on disposal of                                                              Science and Technology
                                74,628,323.54      162,319,373.53    114,738,153.54    Co., Ltd., as well as
financial assets and                                                                   increased prices of the
liabilities (exclusive of                                                              shares held by
the effective portion of                                                               wholly-owned subsidiary
                                                                                       Horizon Investment in
hedges that arise in the
                                                                                       Jiangsu Liance
Company’s ordinary                                                                    Electromechanical
course of business)                                                                    Technology Co., Ltd. and
                                                                                       Kailong High Technology
                                                                                       Co., Ltd.
Reversed portions of
impairment allowances
for receivables which are           21,618.24           30,000.00         147,611.25
tested individually for
Non-operating income
and expense other than            -254,543.89        1,735,346.51       2,400,863.71
the above
Negative goodwill due
to business combination
not under common
Less: Income tax effects        27,193,473.11       19,859,063.58      24,027,164.56
interests effects (net of          -47,741.93          -24,058.57           6,789.94
Total                         155,961,791.59       150,321,307.93      97,677,139.67                --
Particulars about other items that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                    Annual Report 2023

No such cases for the Reporting Period.
Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases for the Reporting Period.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                    Part III Management Discussion and Analysis

I Industry Overview for the Reporting Period

We are a manufacturer of internal combustion engines and fittings in general equipment manufacturing. According
to the classification of fuel used, internal combustion engines are mainly divided into diesel engines and gasoline
engines. Our diesel engines and gasoline engines are mainly used in non-road mobile machinery fields such as
harvesters, tractors, plant protection machinery, small engineering machinery, and shipborne machinery.
(1) Basic information on the industry
The internal combustion engine is an important support for China's manufacturing industry security, energy
security and national defense security, and an important basic industry of national economy and national defense
construction. The internal combustion engine is the most power-dense, thermally efficient and widely used heat
engine power unit.
In order to implement the national overall development strategy of energy conservation, emission reduction,
transformation, and upgrading, the internal combustion engine industry and agricultural machinery industry will
strengthen independent innovation and research and development, accelerate the construction of a common basic
technology platform, optimize the construction of the upstream and downstream industry chain, implement
intelligent manufacturing, and actively carry out international exchange and cooperation to accelerate the
realization of industrial technology upgrading.
(2) Development pattern and trend of the industry
In terms of policies, national regulations pertaining to internal combustion engine technology have considerably
tightened, with a notable emphasis on energy conservation, emissions reduction, and reliability, thereby making
them focal points of industrial development. The rigorous enforcement of national emission standards will
expedite the development and deployment of core technologies and crucial components within internal
combustion engines. The exploration and dissemination of efficient and clean internal combustion engine products
will drive the widespread adoption of independent-brand electronic fuel injection systems, high-efficiency
superchargers, and advanced after-treatment solutions.
In recent years, the issuance of the No. 1 Document by the central government has underscored its commitment to
elevating the importance of agriculture and bolstering agricultural development. In 2024, the No. 1 Document
outlined a "road map" to vigorously and effectively propel comprehensive rural revitalization. To stimulate
demand through industrial policies, it is imperative to enhance the research and application proficiency of
agricultural machinery and equipment, promote the innovation framework for cutting-edge agricultural machinery,
vigorously address the deficiencies in agricultural machinery and equipment, bolster the information-based
capabilities and service provision of agricultural machinery and equipment, advance the intelligence and
automation levels of agricultural machinery, reinforce the synergy between technology and reform, and intensify
efforts in core technology research and development, all of which will delineate the trajectory for agricultural
As a result of the national policy of subsidies for the purchase of machinery, industrial development policies and
the impact of environmental regulations and requirements, overall market demand for single-cylinder diesel
engines for small agricultural machinery remained low, causing intense competition. Despite the gradual increase
in the use of single-cylinder engines in the non-agricultural sector, overall sales remained on a downward path.
The year 2023 is the first year of upgrading the National Emission Standard III to IV, and the agricultural

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

machinery industry has entered a drastic “reshuffle” period. From the point of view of the development of the
industry as a whole, the sales of low-quality products continued to weaken, and high-quality products continued to
take over more market share, which promoted the sustainable development of the industry as a whole. With the
full-scale implementation of National Emission Standard IV for Non-road Vehicles and the evolving market
dynamics, the pace of development for high-end agricultural machinery products in China has accelerated.
High-end and intelligent trends of agricultural machinery catalyzed a fresh wave of structural transformation
within the agricultural machinery industry. The sector has entered a phase of profound adjustments propelled by
optimization and upgrading, with agricultural machinery enterprises concurrently embarking on a trajectory of
high-quality development, hastening the integration and advancement of advanced technologies encompassing
energy conservation and emissions reduction, intelligent manufacturing, and the enhancement of product quality
and efficiency. As new opportunities for development arise in the national strategic deployment and the
accelerated transformation and upgrading process, the agricultural machinery market has a broad space for

II Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period

1. Principal Operations of the Company
We mainly specialize in the R&D, manufacture and sales of diesel engines under the brand "Changchai" and
gasoline engines under the brand "Robin". Our products are mainly used in agricultural machinery, small
engineering machinery,generator sets and shipborne machinery and other fields closely related to people's
In the Reporting Period, there were no major changes in the Company's core business and main products.
2. Main Products of the Company
Our main products are divided into two categories: diesel engines and gasoline engines. The details are as follows:
                                                                                  Product            Application
 produc        Graphic display                 Product description
                                                                                  features             fields
                                       Our diesel engine products include
                                       single-cylinder diesel engines and     High power, low        Agricultural
                                       multi-cylinder engines, covering       oil consumption,        machinery,
                                       power range from 3kW to 129kW,         low noise,             construction
                                       and cylinder diameters from 65mm       compact                 machinery,
                                       to 135mm. Besides sale in domestic     structure, low        generator sets,
                                       market, our diesel engines are sold    emission, good          shipborne
                                       to Southeast Asia, South America,      reliability             machinery
                                       the Middle East and Africa.
                                       Our gasoline engines are mainly
                                       general-purpose small gasoline                                Agricultural
                                                                              Simple structure,
 Gasolin                               engines, covering the power range                              machinery,
                                                                              good reliability,
   e                                   from 1.5kW to 9.0kW. Besides sale                                small
 engine                                in domestic market, our gasoline                              construction
                                       engines are sold to Southeast Asia,                            machinery
                                       the Middle East, Europe and

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

                                        America, Africa, Japan and other
                                        countries and regions.

3. Major Business Models
(1) R&D model
We have established an innovative technology management system for internal combustion engine based on
market demand and forward-looking technologies. Prior to the new products or new technologies development,
the marketing department first conducts market assessment and customer research, and then initiates a project
according to the forecasted market demand; the technology center conducts development according to the project
materials, and collects feedback information from the market and customers in real time during the development
process to ensure technology leadership and product suitability.
(2) Purchasing model
We adopt the "purchase-to-order" purchasing model. The ERP system converts the sales orders, the sales plan
developed by the sales department and the production plan drawn up by the production department into the
demand of parts needed, and the purchasing department organizes the purchase according to such demand.
Meanwhile, the purchasing department makes a plan to guide parts procurement according to the sales
department's sales plan, and provide it to the supplier, and urge the supplier to prepare for the goods.
(3) Production model
We adopt the "make-to-order" production management model. The sales department makes sales plans for
different stages according to the orders in hand, sales data in previous years, market demand judgment and
feedback of existing customers' purchasing intentions. The Company's production department makes the
production plan according to the sales orders displayed in the ERP system, the sales plan made by the sales
department and the reserve inventory demand, and organizes the production task in strict accordance with the plan.
During the production process, the quality assurance department arranges regular inspection to ensure the product
(4) Sale model
We adopt the sales model of "direct selling + distribution", i.e. the direct selling model for the main engine factory,
and the distribution model for the individual circulation market represented by farmers and overseas market.
4. The Company's position in the market
We mainly specialize in the R&D, manufacture and sales of diesel engines under the brand "Changchai" and
gasoline engines under the brand "Robin". Up to now, we have successfully developed a number of advanced core
technologies with independent intellectual property rights. In terms of diesel engine, according to the statistics of
China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association (CICEIA), as the largest small- and medium-sized
single-cylinder diesel engine manufacturer in the agricultural machinery industry of China, we have maintained a
high market share of single-cylinder engines, and our market share of single-cylinder diesel engines of some
power ranges has ranked first in China. For many years, in the process of achieving steady economic development
of the enterprise, we developed in a sound manner and cultivated the "Changchai" brand, a famous small diesel
engine brand of China with independent intellectual property rights.
5. Key Performance Drivers
(1) National policy driver
In recent years, the No. 1 Document issued by the central government has demonstrated the government's
intention to attach greater importance to agriculture and strengthen agricultural development, so as to promote the

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

development of agriculture and rural economy and society, and strengthen the support of agricultural technology
and equipment. China's agricultural machinery and equipment industry layout has always been based on the main
line of innovation, focused on core technology, strengthened the construction of innovation capacity, and strove to
make up for the shortcomings and weaknesses. The full implementation of National Emission Standard IV and the
high-end and intelligent trends of agricultural machinery have let the agricultural machinery industry towards a
new stage of development. The Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewals and Consumer
Goods Trade-ins in 2024 clarifies that old agricultural and industrial machinery will be renewed, subsidy policies
will be continuously implemented for agricultural machinery scrapping and renewal, the scrapping and renewal of
old agricultural machinery will be promoted, and the structural adjustment of agricultural machinery will be
accelerated. The acceleration of the replacement process of old equipment of engineering machinery has created a
favourable policy environment for the application of internal combustion engines.
(2) Industrial chain synergy empowers the sustainable development of the Company
We have built our own casting manufacturing and processing plants to meet the use requirements of some diesel
engine parts. In terms of production and quality, we have formed a significant synergy with its own internal
combustion engine assembly team. Our casting manufacturing team and internal combustion engine assembly
team work together to form a mutually reinforcing positive feedback loop to assist the Company in integrating the
internal combustion engine industry chain and building differentiated industry barriers. In terms of collaborative
production, the reduction of external purchase is of great significance for the Company to reduce process flow,
reduce intermediate loss, improve production efficiency, shorten delivery time and increase purchasing bargaining
power. In terms of quality coordination, the self-built foundry can improve our quality control of parts to improve
the yield and reliability of internal combustion engines.
(3) Stable and efficient R&D team
We have experienced technical management team and perfect technical support team. Our key technical personnel
and R&D management personnel have been engaged in internal combustion engine R&D design, production and
manufacturing for a long time. With profound professional knowledge and rich practical experience, they can
make strong forward-looking and scientific judgment in the market direction and technical route. Also, we have
established an effective training mechanism to foster talented persons for the follow-up R&D.
(4) Well-known brand with many well-known customers
The Company, formerly known as Changzhou Diesel Engine Factory, is a national industrial enterprise with a
history of a hundred years and one of the earliest professional internal combustion engine manufacturers in China.
Our diesel and gasoline engines, as power sources of agricultural machinery and commercial vehicles, show
excellent performance in power range, reliability, power per litre, noise control and emission standards, and have
been recognized by customers. We maintained a long-term partnership with major customers, with cumulative
partnership time exceeding 15 years. Many main engine plant customers of the Company are well-known
enterprises in the agricultural machinery industry, with their market shares being at the forefront of the market.

III Core Competitiveness Analysis

1. Advantages in Brand
Changchai is a national industrial enterprise with a history of over one hundred years. It is one of the earliest
professional manufacturers of internal combustion engines in China. The brand "Changchai" is the earliest
domestic trademark of production goods known as China's well-known trademarks. The diesel engine of
"Changchai" brand is China's brand-name product. The enterprise has been certified by ISO9001 and IATF16949
quality systems, ISO14001 environmental management system, IATF16949 automotive product quality

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

management system, and accessed to the national export-free enterprise qualification. Changchai was honorably
ranked among “the Top One Hundred Chinese Enterprises in Engineering Industry” and “China Pacesetter
Enterprise of Industrial Industry” for several times, and was awarded the honorary title of “State-level Enterprise
of Observing Contracts and Keeping Promise”, “China's Agricultural Machinery Parts and Components Leading
Enterprises”, “China's Agricultural Machinery AAA Credit Enterprise”, “Quality Management Excellence Award
of Jiangsu Province” and “Mayor Quality Award of Changzhou City”. The Company has been among the 10
users’ most satisfied leading brands in “Jing Geng” competition for many years. In 2023, the Company and its
products garnered prestigious accolades. The Company was recognized as one of the Top 500 Machinery Industry
Enterprises in China, a National Demonstration Enterprise of Product and Service Quality Integrity, a National
Leading Enterprise in the Quality of the Internal Combustion Engine Industry, a National Leading Brand in the
Quality of the Internal Combustion Engine Industry, and for maintaining Stable Qualified Products in National
Quality Inspections. Additionally, the Company was honoured as one of the Top 50+ Agricultural Machinery
Enterprises in China, a Large Key Outstanding Enterprise in the Mechanical Industry, and received the distinction
of being an Internationally Renowned Brand Cultivated and Developed by Jiangsu Province from 2023 to 2025.
Furthermore, the Company was recognized as an Industrial Four Star Enterprise in Changzhou. For many years, in
the process of achieving steady economic development of the enterprise, we developed in a sound manner and
cultivated the “Changchai” brand, a famous small diesel engine brand of China with independent intellectual
property rights.
2. Advantages in Technology
The Company has a state-level technology center and post-doctoral research station, and a research center of small
and medium-power internal combustion engine engineering and technology in Jiangsu Province. Currently, it is
mainly engaged in production of small and medium-power single-cylinder and multi-cylinder diesel engine. It has
a complete product range, a wide power level coverage, a high reputation and intellectual property rights for its
main products. During the Reporting Period, the Company was rated as Excellent in the performance appraisal by
the provincial engineering technology research centre in 2023, and it was awarded the first prize of the
achievements in the National Excellent Quality Management Group Activity in the Machinery Industry in 2023.
At the same time, multiple products were awarded the provincial certification of new products and new
technology, and the municipal certification of high-tech products. During the Reporting Period, the Company
obtained 19 patent authorizations. As at 2023, the Company had a total of 155 valid patents authorized
domestically and internationally, including 13 invention patents.
3. Advantages in Marketing
Changchai has built up a sales service network covering the whole country, with five marketing entities, 24 sales
service centers and 717 designated maintenance stations. In addition, in order to meet the National Emission
Standard IV for Non-Road Vehicles and provide better after-sales service for customers, a service monitoring
platform with Changchai characteristics has been put in place. With a perfect diesel sales service network system,
the Company is able to provide high quality, efficient and timely services for customers.

IV Core Business Analysis

1. Overview

In 2023, China's macroeconomic landscape demonstrated a steady recovery and exhibited a discernible upward
trajectory, although overall volatility surpassed market expectations. The internal combustion engine market
benefited from various policies, facilitating its recovery, while both upstream and downstream sectors of the

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

industry experienced improvement. With the comprehensive implementation of the National Emission Standard
IV for Non-road Vehicles and the advancement of market demand, the entire agricultural machinery market
entered a period of in-depth adjustments led by optimization and upgrading. Competition was intensifying,
terminal-side sales were weak, and high-quality operation and deceleration operation remained the focus of
development. The Company rallied its efforts from top to bottom to surmount challenges, concentrating on
aligning product development, market expansion, and production quality with annual policies and objectives. By
seizing opportunities, the Company attained commendable outcomes in market penetration, product innovation
and enhancement, as well as corporate brand promotion, thus fostering the stable and robust development of the
enterprise. During the Reporting Period, the Company sold approximately 630,000 diesel engines, gasoline
engines and generator sets, generating total sales revenue of RMB2.156 billion, almost flat with last year.
In terms of product development and support, the Company completed the certification and application of
multiple models for the National Emission Standard IV for Non-road Vehicles, and orderly promoted the
development and application of products for the National Emission Standard IV for Non-road Vehicles in the field
of engineering machinery; based on market validation and feedback, the Company strengthened the optimization
of the full series of the products for the National Emission Standard IV for Non-road Vehicles, providing powerful
support for product upgrades. The Company continuously promoted the special development of generator sets in
unmanned aerial vehicle flight defence, parking and other fields, promoted the research and development of
outboard engine projects and hybrid power products, completed performance debugging and reliability testing of
diesel engines for outboard engines of more power ranges, and achieved progress in the research and development
of hybrid power products as scheduled.
In terms of market services, the domestic market adjusted and optimized its distribution network, consolidated its
advantages in application fields, continuously deepened its support for single-cylinder engines to multiple
non-agricultural segments, and achieved the comprehensive installation and application of multi-cylinder engines
for the National Emission Standard IV for Non-road Vehicles; the generator sets were gradually moving towards
high-end and specialized development in the segmented field of the general machinery market, and light engines
were applied into scenarios of micro and unmanned equipment, further optimizing product structure and
distribution channels. At the same time, the Company strengthened the building of service resources and the
control of service processes, implemented multiple rounds of service training and systematic case studies, and
adjusted service policies during the busy farming period, effectively improving the service guarantee work of the
products for the National Emission Standard IV for Non-road Vehicles.
In terms of quality management, the Company comprehensively improved the quality building of the products for
the National Emission Standard IV for Non-road Vehicles, strengthened whole process management, promoted the
work of stabilizing and strengthening supply chains, expanded and supplemented the supply chains of core
component suppliers, and strictly controlled the quality of product spare parts. During the Reporting Period, the
Company organized an annual management review, conducted an internal audit on the quality management
system, and passed the external audits on ISO9001 and IATF16949 quality management systems.
In terms of internal management, the Company completed the election of the Board of Directors, the Board of
Supervisors, and the Management, and improved its internal control procedures and policies, continuously
improving the Company's management level. The Company effectively strengthened cost control and reduced
costs and expenses. Additionally, the Company fully implemented various policies and emergency mechanisms
such as public security and fire safety, carried out special actions on fire safety, and organized safety risk control
and hidden danger inspection and treatment. These actions effectively prevented and resolved various safety risks,
and created a safe and stable environment for enterprise production and operation. The Company carried out a
series of activities to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the establishment of the plant, with a focus on production

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

and operation, corporate culture, and brand image promotion, and strengthened the development of corporate
culture, achieving good results.
During the Reporting Period, the funds raised from the private placement investment project for relocating light
engines were effectively deployed, and the innovation capacity building project of the technology centre was
successfully concluded. Any surplus funds raised will be permanently allocated to working capital following the
completion of relevant procedures. In December 2023, the Company acquired 7.5% equity held by three natural
person shareholders of Zhenjiang Siyang. Currently the Company holds a total of 49% equity in Zhenjiang Siyang.
The houses within the expropriation scope of the bus plant areas (Phases 1 and 2), including the Company's
Wuxing Branch, and the houses within the expropriation scope of the Sanjing Branch's old city renovation project
were subject to government expropriation. The Company has signed a compensation agreement for housing
expropriation with relevant government departments. As at January 2024, the Company had received a total of
RMB117 million in compensation for housing expropriation from Wuxing Branch and RMB30 million in the first
phase of compensation for housing expropriation from Sanjing Branch.

2. Revenue and Cost Analysis

(1) Breakdown of Operating Revenue

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                  2023                                   2022
                                                                                   As % of
                                         As % of total                                          Change (%)
                   Operating revenue       operating      Operating revenue
                                         revenue (%)
                                                                                 revenue (%)
Total                 2,155,698,787.49          100%          2,182,043,095.61         100%            -1.21%
By operating division
combustion          2,110,376,920.43          97.90%          2,145,567,983.95       98.33%            -1.64%
Other                  45,321,867.06            2.10%           36,475,111.66         1.67%           24.25%
By product category
Diesel engines        1,908,040,669.16        88.51%          1,971,005,207.88       90.33%            -3.19%
                       153,677,944.53           7.13%          148,144,749.68         6.79%             3.73%
Other                   93,980,173.80           4.36%           62,893,138.05         2.88%           49.43%
By operating segment
Domestic              1,778,018,604.18        82.48%          1,857,845,869.48       85.14%            -4.30%
Overseas               377,680,183.31         17.52%           324,197,226.13        14.86%           16.50%
By marketing model
Distribution           754,228,779.91         34.99%           770,975,653.30        35.33%            -2.17%
Direct sales          1,401,470,007.58        65.01%          1,411,067,442.31       64.67%            -0.68%

(2) Operating Division, Product Category, Operating Segment or Marketing Model Contributing over 10%
of Operating Revenue or Operating Profit

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                              YoY         change in
                                                                   Gross      change in
                                                                                            change in       gross
                  Operating revenue           Cost of sales        profit     operating
                                                                                             cost of        profit
                                                                   margin      revenue
                                                                                            sales (%)      margin
By operating division
combustion          2,110,376,920.43          1,813,233,693.78     14.08%        -1.64%       -5.77%         3.76%
By product category
                    1,908,040,669.16          1,662,842,571.43     12.85%        -3.19%       -7.37%         3.93%
                      153,677,944.53           128,084,343.44      16.65%         3.73%          1.96%       1.45%
By operating segment
Domestic             1,778,018,604.18         1,475,842,943.27     17.00%        -4.30%       -9.65%         4.92%
Overseas               377,680,183.31          362,912,888.14        3.91%       16.50%       15.13%         1.14%
By marketing model
Distribution           754,228,779.91          629,617,071.82      16.52%        -2.17%       -7.18%         4.50%
Direct sales         1,401,470,007.58         1,209,138,759.59     13.72%        -0.68%       -4.82%         3.75%
Core business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Whether Revenue from Physical Sales Is Higher than Service Revenue

√ Yes □ No
                         Item                 Unit               2023               2022            Change (%)
                   Unit sales          Unit                        478,280             458,300               4.36%
Diesel engines     Output              Unit                        513,177             439,604              16.74%
                   Inventory           Unit                         99,764              64,867              53.80%
Any over 30% YoY movements in the data above and why:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The inventory changed mainly because the Company adjusted its marketing strategy and increased the inventory
of diesel engines.

(4) Execution Progress of Major Signed Sales and Purchase Contracts in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Breakdown of Cost of Sales

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

   Product           Item                      2023                             2022                    Change (%)

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2023

     category                                           As % of                          As % of
                                                       total cost                       total cost
                                    Cost of sales                     Cost of sales
                                                        of sales                         of sales
                                                          (%)                              (%)
                                  1,458,317,249.89       79.31%     1,560,381,852.91      80.07%             -6.54%
Diesel             Labor cost       225,056,024.38       12.24%       229,434,494.85      11.77%             -1.91%
                   Depreciation      58,676,870.45        3.19%        56,624,131.58       2.91%              3.63%
                   Energy            24,344,615.38        1.32%        15,340,866.19       0.79%            58.69%
Energy cost changed mainly because the Company’s foundry business was in normal operation in 2023,
consuming more energy than it was in 2022 during a relocation.

(6) Changes in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Reporting Period

 □ Yes    √ No

(7) Major Changes to the Business Scope or Product or Service Range in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Major Customers and Suppliers

Major customers:
 Total sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                             890,387,045.58
 Total sales to top five customers as % of total sales of the
 Reporting Period (%)
 Total sales to related parties among top five customers as % of
 total sales of the Reporting Period (%)
Information about top five customers:
                                         Sales revenue contributed for the
     No.           Customer                                                       As % of total sales revenue (%)
                                             Reporting Period (RMB)
 1          Customer A                                          376,215,480.62                               17.45%
 2          Customer B                                          218,582,431.48                               10.14%
 3          Customer C                                          118,884,227.95                                5.51%
 4          Customer D                                          117,597,908.00                                5.46%
 5          Customer E                                           59,106,997.53                                2.74%
 Total               --                                         890,387,045.58                               41.30%
Other information about major customers:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Major suppliers:
 Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                       318,965,836.36
 Total purchases from top five suppliers as % of total purchases
 of the Reporting Period (%)
 Total purchases from related parties among top five suppliers
 as % of total purchases of the Reporting Period (%)

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2023

Information about top five suppliers:
     No.         Supplier          Purchase in the Reporting Period (RMB)              As % of total purchases (%)
 1         Supplier A                                        110,589,895.80                                      6.01%
 2         Supplier B                                            83,433,267.64                                   4.54%
 3         Supplier C                                            60,956,732.67                                   3.32%
 4         Supplier D                                            41,071,878.77                                   2.23%
 5         Supplier E                                            22,914,061.49                                   1.25%
 Total            --                                         318,965,836.36                                     17.35%
Other information about major suppliers:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expense

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Reason for any
                                  2023                   2022                Change (%)
                                                                                                   significant change
Selling expense               99,603,282.16            102,630,223.71                  -2.95%
                             123,981,333.99            119,511,189.72                  3.74%
                                                                                                 Decreased exchange
Finance costs                -11,284,676.92            -21,589,704.63                    ——    gains and interest
R&D expenses                  90,339,104.33             81,239,597.06                  11.20%

4. R&D Investments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
 Major R&D                                                                                      Expected impact on the
                         Purpose            Progress             Specific objectives
  project                                                                                             Company

                                                         Significant optimization des
                                                         ign has been carried out o
                                                         n the structure and perfor
                                                                                            After the implementation
                                                         mance of diesel engines, r
                   Developing 390 s                                                          of the project, the engi
                                                         esulting in a significant lea
                   upercharged diesel                                                       nes will further meet the
                                                         p in the reliability, fuel co
 Development        engines with hig                                                         application requirements
                                                         nsumption, emissions and
  of 390 sup       h torque, lightwei     In progres                                         of various small and m
                                                         other indicators of the pro
 ercharged di      ght, energy-saving     s                                                 edium-sized agricultural
                                                         ducts, reaching the advance
 esel engines       and emission red                                                        machinery. The products
                                                         d level of similar foreign
                   uction for agricult                                                      have a clear target mark
                                                         products, and meeting the
                   ural machinery                                                           et positioning, with broa
                                                         emission requirements of t
                                                                                            d market prospects.
                                                         he National Emission Stan
                                                         dard IV for Non-road Vehi

 Development       Developing efficie     In progres     By developing technology,          After the implementation
  of 4L88 di       nt and environmen      s              optimizing matching, and p          of the project, the prod
 esel engines      tally-friendly diese                  ost-processing techniques, d       uct will meet the require

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                    Annual Report 2023

 with 37 K       l engines that mee                 iesel engines will meet the     ments of the original app
W and belo       t emission require                  emission requirements of       lication field and have a
w for the N      ments                              the National Emission Stan        broad market application
ational Emis                                        dard IV for Non-road Vehi         prospect.
sion Standar                                        cles.
d IV for No
n-road Vehic

                                                    Through technological rese
                 Developing engine                  arch and development, the
                 s for common rail                  Company aims to create u
                  mining pickup tr                  nderground power systems
                                                                                    After the implementation
                 ucks that meet the                 with excellent performance
                                                                                     of the project, the Com
                  power application                  indicators and characteristi
                                                                                    pany will further expand
Development       requirements of                   cs such as high reliability,
                                                                                     its product line, explore
  of engines     pickups for under                   low vibration, low noise,
                                       In progres                                    the power market, and i
for mining       ground operations                  and safety that meet the e
                                       s                                            ncrease application fields.
pickup truck     and mining, and t                  mission requirements of th
                                                                                     The products will have
s                hat are energy-sav                 e National Emission Standa
                                                                                    broad market prospects,
                 ing, emission redu                 rd IV for Non-road Vehicl
                                                                                    adding new profit growth
                 cing, and environ                  es and related requirement
                                                                                     points for the Company.
                 mentally friendly                  s. The economic and powe
                                                    r performance indicators of
                                                     the engines will reach the
                                                     leading level in China.

                                                    Significant optimization des
                                                    ign has been carried out o
                                                    n the structure and perfor
                                                                                    After the implementation
Development                                         mance of diesel engines, r
                                                                                      of the project, the prod
  of 178FA a                                        esulting in a significant lea
                                                                                    uct will meet the applica
ir-cooled die    Developing efficie                 p in the reliability, fuel co
                                                                                    tion requirements of vari
sel engines      nt and energy-savi                 nsumption, emissions and
                                       In progres                                   ous small-sized agricultur
for the Nati     ng diesel engines                  other indicators of the pro
                                       s                                            al machinery, comply wit
onal Emissio     that meet the emi                  duct, reaching the advance
                                                                                    h energy-saving and envi
n Standard I     ssion requirements                 d level of similar foreign
                                                                                    ronmental protection poli
V for Non-r                                         products and meeting the e
                                                                                    cies, and have broad mar
oad Vehicles                                        mission requirements of th
                                                                                    ket prospects.
                                                    e National Emission Standa
                                                    rd IV for Non-road Vehicl

                                                                                    After the implementation
  of L12 wat     Developing efficie                                                  of the project, the Com
er-cooled di     nt, environmentall                 Improve product reliability,    pany will expand the pro
esel engines     y-friendly, and ene                 save energy consumption,       duct application fields, e
  for the Nat    rgy-saving single-c   In progres    and the emission indicator     nrich product reserves, c
ional Emissi     ylinder diesel engi   s            s will meet the emission r      omply with national poli
on Standard      nes                                equirements of the Nationa      cies, and meet the machi
  IV for Non                                        l Emission Standard IV for      nery application requirem
-road Vehicl                                         Non-road Vehicles.             ents and market demand.

Development      Developing single-                 Improving diesel engine’s      After the implementation
                                       In progres
 project of      cylinder diesel en                 power performance, econo         of the project, the prod

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

single-cylind    gines with a mech     s             mic efficiency of fuel, and     uct will meet the require
er diesel en     anical pump that                     other performance indicato     ments of the National E
gines with a     have higher perfor                  rs, as well as service life     mission Standard IV for
 mechanical      mance and meet t                    and making the emission i       Non-road Vehicles in ter
 pump that       he National Emiss                   ndicators meet the National     ms of the emission indic
can meet th      ion Standard IV f                    Emission Standard IV for       ators and meet the suppo
e National       or Non-road Vehic                    Non-road Vehicles              rting requirements of ma
Emission St      les                                                                 chinery, bringing about n
andard IV f                                                                          ew growth points for the
or Non-road                                                                            Company’s benefits.

                                                                                     After the implementation
                                                     Improve various performan         of the project, the upgr
                                                     ce indicators of diesel engi    aded diesel engine will
                 Developing diesel
                                                     nes, meet domestically adv      meet the requirements of
Development      engines that have
                                                     anced level in terms of ec        the National Emission S
 project of      higher performanc     In progres
                                                     onomic efficiency and pow       tandard IV for Non-road
4G29 diesel      e and meet the e      s
                                                     er performance and meet t       Vehicles and drive the C
 engine          mission requireme
                                                     he requirements of the Nat      ompany’s non-road vehicl
                                                     ional Emission Standard IV      e technologies to be mor
                                                      for Non-road Vehicles.         e mature and well-develo

                                                     Making major optimization
                 Developing lightw                                                   Diversifying the Compan
                                                      of the diesel engine’s stru
Development      eight single-cylind                                                 y’s products, further expa
                                                     cture and performance to
 project of t    er, water-cooled, h                                                 nding the power market,
                                                     meet the advanced level of
he special d     igh-speed diesel e    In progres                                     and meeting non-emissi
                                                      similar products abroad as
iesel engine     ngines to meet th     s                                             on regulatory requirement
                                                      well as the requirements
 of the mot      e power requireme                                                   s can bring about new g
                                                     of the National Emission S
orcycle          nts of motor-tricyc                                                 rowth points for the Co
                                                     tandard IV for Three-wheel
                 le in the market                                                    mpany’s benefits.

                                                     By applying high-performa
                                                     nce technologies such as e
                                                     nergy-saving, noise reductio
                                       The devel                                     After the implementation
                                                     n, environmental protection,
                                       opment of                                      of the project, the prod
                                                      material saving, and longe
Development                              high-hors                                   uct has obvious advantag
                 Developing efficie                  vity enhancement of diesel
 of diesel e                           epower ou                                     es in power, safety, econ
                 nt, environmentall                   engines, energy savings h
ngines for h                           tboard en                                     omy, and environmental
                 y-friendly and ene                  as been achieved, meeting
igh-horsepo                            gine powe                                     protection, meeting the e
                 rgy-saving outboar                  the emission requirements
wer outboar                            r platform                                    mission requirements of t
                 d engines                           of the National Emission S
d engines                                has been                                    he National Emission Sta
                                                     tandard IV for Non-road V
                                         complete                                    ndard IV for Non-road V
                                                     ehicles, and meeting the a
                                       d                                             ehicles.
                                                     pplication requirements of
                                                     various small fishing machi

                                                     Conducting major design o       After the implementation
Development      Developing more
                                                     ptimization of the engine s      of the project, the prod
 of D15 die      efficient, environm   Completed     tructure and performance t      uct will meet the require
sel outboard     entally friendly an
                                                     o improve the reliability, f    ments of non-road China
 engine          d energy-saving di
                                                     uel consumption, emissions       IV vehicle emission reg
                 esel-powered prod
                                                       and other indicators of th    ulations and open up the

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                 ucts                               e product, so as to reach t       market of ship machiner
                                                    he advanced level of simil       y.
                                                    ar foreign products.

                                                    Optimization design has be
                                                    en carried out on the struc
                                                    ture and performance of th
                                                                                     After the implementation
                                                    e engines, resulting in a si
                 Developing efficie                                                   of the project, the prod
 Development                                        gnificant leap in the reliabi
                 nt, environmentall                                                  ucts meet the emission r
  of power a                                        lity, fuel consumption, emi
                 y-friendly and ene                                                  equirements of National
 nd assembly                                        ssions and other indicators
                 rgy-saving power       Completed                                    Emission Standard IV for
  for diesel                                          of the products, reaching
                 and assembly for                                                     Non-road Vehicles, and
 outboard en                                        the advanced level of simil
                 diesel outboard en                                                  have a wide range of ap
 gines                                              ar foreign products, and m
                 gines                                                               plication scenarios and br
                                                    eeting the emission require
                                                                                     oad market prospects.
                                                    ments of the National Emi
                                                    ssion Standard IV for Non
                                                    -road Vehicles.

                                                                                     After the implementation
                                                                                       of the project, the prod
                                                    Improving the emission ch        uct meets the market de
                                                    aracteristics and economic       mand and makes the goo
 Development     Developing efficie
                                                    characteristics of diesel-elec   ds quality and logistics e
  of diesel-el   nt and environmen      Completed
                                                    tric hybrid diesel engines t     fficiency of the cold chai
 ectric hybrid   tally friendly diese
                                                    o enhance the energy effici      n timely, safe and efficie
  products       l-powered products
                                                    ency, endurance and reliabi      nt, providing a whole-pro
                                                    lity.                            cedure temperature and q
                                                                                     uality management soluti

                                                                                     After the implementation
                 Developing light                                                     of the project, the prod
                 multi-cylinder dies                The structure of diesel eng      ucts meet the emission r
 Development     el engines that ha                 ine components has been o        equirements of the Natio
  of V402 di     ve higher perform      Completed   ptimized to improve produ        nal Emission Standard I
 esel engines    ance and meet em                   ct performance and reliabili     V for Non-road Vehicles,
                 ission requirement                 ty.                               and satisfy the machiner
                 s                                                                   y application requirement
                                                                                     s and market demand.

                 Developing small-
                 bore and multi-cyl
                 inder diesels to m                                                  After the implementation
 Development     eet the application                Optimize and upgrade the          of the project, the upgr
  of light lo      requirements of r                product, increase engine po      aded diesel engines have
 w-emission      ice transplanters, p               wer,and meet the emission         broad and good market
 common-rail     lant protection spr                 requirements of the Natio       application prospects, as
  series diese   ay machines, tract                 nal Emission Standard IV         well as a more competiti
 l engines       ors, small enginee                 for Non-road Vehicles.           ve advantage in the mar
                 ring machinery an                                                   ket.
                 d gardening machi

Details about R&D personnel:

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

                                                       2023                     2022                Change (%)
 Number of R&D personnel                                         225                      236                 -4.66%
 R&D personnel as % of total employees                        8.74%                     8.89%                 -0.15%
 Educational background of R&D personnel
 Bachelor’s degree                                              96                       101                 -4.95%
 Master’s degree                                                    6                      7                -14.29%
 Age structure of R&D personnel
 Below 30                                                        31                        25                 24.00%
 30~40                                                           77                        84                 -8.33%
Details about R&D investments:
                                                              2023                 2022                 Change (%)
 R&D investments (RMB)                                   90,339,104.33           81,239,597.06                11.20%
 R&D investments as % of operating revenue                           4.19%                3.72%                0.47%
 Capitalized R&D investments (RMB)                                       0.00               0.00                ——
 Capitalized R&D investments as % of total
                                                                     0.00%                0.00%                 ——
 R&D investments
Reasons for any significant change in the composition of R&D personnel and the impact:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reasons for any significant YoY change in the percentage of R&D expense in operating revenue:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reasons for any sharp variation in the percentage of capitalized R&D expense and rationale:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Cash Flows

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                          Item                                       2023                 2022           Change (%)
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities          2,169,305,862.90    2,150,597,784.38            0.87%
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                 2,032,116,035.55    1,785,667,506.54           13.80%
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities           137,189,827.35       364,930,277.84          -62.41%
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities          1,197,150,475.33      944,067,348.19           26.81%
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                 1,044,165,754.31    1,082,020,854.62           -3.50%
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities           152,984,721.02      -137,953,506.43             ——
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities                                135,437,700.65         -100.00%
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                  131,365,400.07          114,312,925.54        14.92%
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities          -131,365,400.07           21,124,775.11          ——
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                      161,278,557.41       247,948,744.46          -34.95%
Explanation of why any of the data above varies significantly:
√Applicable  Not applicable
The significant year-on-year change in net cash generated from/used in the company's increase in diesel engine
reserve inventory and the increase in procurement funds paid to supplier during the reporting period.
The significant year-on-year change in net cash generated from/used in investing activities was primarily because
the company compressed its wealth management scale, recovered some of its wealth management funds, and

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

received some land collection and storage funds from Changzhou Wuxing Branch.
The significant year-on-year change in net cash generated from/used in financing activities was primarily because
bank acceptance notes with low credit levels were discounted in the prior period, with no comparable event in the
current period.
Reason for any big difference between the net operating cash flow and the net profit for this Reporting Period
√Applicable  Not applicable
The big difference between the net operating cash flow and the net profit for this Reporting Period was mainly
because of the impact on the current income of the fair value changes of the financial assets held by the Company,
the impact on the current profit or loss of the requisition of the state-owned land of the branch company in
Wuxing, Changzhou, and the discounting of certain bank acceptance notes with high credit levels.

V Analysis of Non-Core Businesses

√Applicable  Not applicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                            As % of gross                                             Recurrent
                             Amount                                         Source
                                               profit                                                  or not
                                                             Dividends from stocks held, income
                                                              from cash management, and the s
Return on                                                    ale of shares held by wholly-owned
                         19,102,348.95            12.54%                                                 Yes
investment                                                    subsidiary Horizon Investment in
                                                             Guilin Stars Science and Technolog
                                                             y Co., Ltd.,
                                                             Increase in the fair value of the C
                                                             ompany’s interest in Jiangsu Horizo
                                                             n New Energy Technology Co., Lt
Gains/losses on                                              d., as well as increased prices of t
changes in fair          49,816,098.68            32.70%     he shares held by wholly-owned su            No
value                                                        bsidiary Horizon Investment in Jian
                                                             gsu Liance Electromechanical Techn
                                                             ology Co., Ltd. and Kailong High
                                                             Technology Co., Ltd.
Asset impairment
                         -27,893,895.75          -18.31%     Inventory valuation loss                     No
Non-operating                                                Compensation for trademark rights
                              927,993.65           0.61%                                                  No
income                                                       of subsidiary
Non-operating                                                Loss on retirement of non-current a
                             1,182,537.54          0.78%                                                  No
expense                                                      ssets
                                                             Expropriation of the constructions o
Asset disposal                                               n the state-owned land of the Chan
                        105,702,551.01            69.39%                                                  No
income                                                       gzhou Wuxing branch company in t
                                                             he Reporting Period

VI Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                      31 December 2023                  1 January 2023             Change in     Reason for any

Changchai Company, Limited                                                              Annual Report 2023

                                      As % of                    As % of   percentage     significant
                      Amount            total     Amount           total      (%)           change
                                       assets                     assets
                                                                                        The strengthen
                                                                                        ed collection
                                                                                        of payments b
                                                                                        y customers, a
                                                                                        nd the discoun
                 1,083,867,966.87     21.01%    930,013,350.97   17.82%        3.19%    ting of certain
                                                                                          bank accepta
                                                                                        nce notes fro
                                                                                        m customers i
                                                                                        n the Reportin
                                                                                        g Period.
                   316,543,159.91      6.14%    370,322,179.77    7.10%       -0.96%
                                                                                        During the Re
                                                                                        porting Period,
                                                                                         the Company
                                                                                         adjusted its
Inventories        789,220,185.68     15.30%    571,996,881.74   10.96%        4.34%    marketing strat
                                                                                        egy and increa
                                                                                        sed the invent
                                                                                        ory of diesel
                     39,837,558.11     0.77%     42,160,779.65    0.81%       -0.04%
Fixed assets       675,596,920.95     13.09%    720,061,387.76   13.80%       -0.71%
                                                                                          subsidiary Ch
                                                                                        angchai Machi
                                                                                        nery’ lightwe
                                                                                        ight engine an
                                                                                        d casting reloc
Construction                                                                            ation project
                      4,275,622.18     0.08%     30,281,547.56    0.58%       -0.50%
in progress                                                                             was transferre
                                                                                        d from constr
                                                                                        uction in prog
                                                                                        ress to fixed a
                                                                                        ssets in the R
                                                                                        eporting Perio
                                                                                        Mainly due to
                                                                                          the terminatio
                                                                                        n of recogniti
                                                                                        on of all bank
                                                                                          acceptance bi
                               0.00    0.00%    115,437,700.65    2.21%       -2.21%    lls with lower
                                                                                          credit ratings
                                                                                          discounted in
                                                                                          the early and
                                                                                          reporting peri
                    33,352,877.66      0.65%     32,843,692.83    0.63%        0.02%

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

Indicate whether overseas assets take up a high percentage in total assets.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                         Cumulati     Impairme
                                              ve          nt      Purchase     Sold in
               Beginnin                  fair-value   allowance    d in the      the        Other        Ending
   Item                     changes
               g amount                    changes      for the   Reporting   Reporting    change        amount
                             in the
                                           charged    Reporting    Period      Period
                                          to equity     Period
Financial assets
assets         370,103,6   10,401,52                              947,071,9   1,109,608                 225,641,4
(derivativ                                    0.00         0.00                                  0.00
e                  02.57        1.88                                  04.04      ,816.74                    29.94
nt in          955,560,2                 13,927,78                                                      969,488,0
other                             0.00                     0.00        0.00        0.00          0.00
equity             40.08                      5.59                                                          25.67
of             1,325,663   10,401,52     13,927,78                947,071,9   1,109,608                 1,195,129
                                                           0.00                                  0.00
financial        ,842.65        1.88          5.59                    04.04      ,816.74                  ,455.61
               412,809,5   39,414,57                                                                    453,688,0
Other                                         0.00         0.00        0.00        0.00          0.00
                   87.93        6.80                                                                        86.55
Total of       1,738,473   49,816,09     13,927,78                947,071,9   1,109,608                 1,648,817
                                                           0.00                                  0.00
above            ,430.58        8.68          5.59                    04.04      ,816.74                  ,542.16
                    0.00                                                                                     0.00
Contents of other change: N/A
Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:
□ Yes √ No

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

3. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                               At the period-end                                  At the period-begin
    Item                                                 Reason                                              Reason
                 Gross       Carrying     Type of                      Gross     Carrying     Type of
                                                            for                                                 for
                amount       amount      restriction                  amount     amount      restriction
                                                       restriction                                         restriction
                                                       Security                                            Security
                                                       deposits                                            deposits
 Monetary                                              associate                                           associate
   assets-ot                                           d with b                                            d with b
               76,238,44     76,238,44   Security                    95,662,38   95,662,38   Security
 her mone                                              ank acce                                            ank acce
                    3.41          3.41   deposits                         4.92        4.92   deposits
 tary asset                                            ptance n                                            ptance n
 s                                                     otes, env                                           otes, env
                                                       ironment,                                           ironment,
                                                         etc.                                                etc.
                                                       As collat
 Fixed ass                                             eral for t
                                                                                                           As collat
 ets-buildi                                            he issue
                1,332,81      1,332,81   As collat                    1,530,89    1,530,89   As collat     eral for
 ngs and
                    2.48          2.48   eral          of bank            0.90        0.90   eral          bank loa
 ons                                                   acceptanc
                                                       e note
                                                       As collat
                                                       eral for t
 Intangible                                                                                                As collat
  assets-la    847,162.2     847,162.2   As collat     he issue      879,275.3   879,275.3   As collat     eral for
 nd use ri             8             8   eral          of bank               5           5   eral          bank loa
 ghts                                                                                                      n
                                                       e note
                                                       As collat
                                                       eral for t
 Fixed ass                                                                                                 As collat
 ets-plant     23,728,73     23,728,73   As collat     he issue      31,222,42   31,222,42   As collat     eral for
 and equi           3.18          3.18   eral          of bank            0.22        0.22   eral          bank loa
 pment                                                                                                     n
                                                       e note
                                                                                             Payment       d at the
 Notes rec
                                                                                             obligation    period-en
                                                                     110,000,0   110,000,0    of disco     d and un
                                                                         00.00       00.00   unted un      due at th
 undue no
                                                                                             due notes     e balance
                                                                                                             sheet da
 Notes rec                               Payment       Endorsed                              Payment       Endorsed
 eivable-tr                              obligation     at the p                             obligation      at the p
               55,979,83     55,979,83                               66,395,23   66,395,23
 ansferred                                of trans     eriod-end                              of trans     eriod-end
                    2.64          2.64                                    1.83        1.83
  undue n                                ferred un      and und                              ferred un       and und
 otes                                    due notes     ue at the                             due notes     ue at the

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                                                        balance                                                       balance
                                                      sheet dat                                                     sheet dat
                                                      e                                                             e

              158,126,9      158,126,9                                    305,690,2     305,690,2
                  83.99          83.99                                        03.22         03.22

VII Investments Made

1. Total Investment Amount

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
   Investments made in Reporting            Investments made in same period
          Period (RMB)                             of last year (RMB)
           7,170,000.00                              108,520,800.00                                   -93.39%

2. Major Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Major Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Financial Investments

(1) Securities Investments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                           Initia                    on f                  Purc               Gain/
                                    Acco                          ted f               Sold
                                             Begi    air v                 hase               loss    Endi
 Varie    Code    Nam      l inv    untin                         air v                in t                      Acco     Fund
                                             nnin    alue                  d in               in th   ng c
 ty of     of s   e of              g me                          alue                he R                       untin    ing s
                             estm            g car   chan                   the               e Re    arryi
                                    asure                         chan                eport
   sec    ecuri    sec                       rying   ges i                 Repo               porti   ng a       g titl   ource
                          ent c     ment                          ges r               ing
                                              amo    n the                 rting              ng P    mou
 urity     ty     urity              met                          ecord               Perio                       e
                                             unt       Rep                  Peri              eriod    nt
                             ost    hod                           ed in                d
                                                     ortin                 od
                                                     g Pe
 Dom                                                                                                            Inves
                                    Fair                           352,                                394,
 estic/           Foto    41,78              406,0                                                              tmen      Self-
          6001                      value                          701,                                485,
 forei            n M      4,00              45,00    0.00                  0.00       0.00    0.00             t in      fund
          66                         met                           000.                                000.
 gn st            otor     0.00               0.00                                                              other     ed
                                    hod                              00                                 00
 ock                                                                                                             equi

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                    ty in
 Dom                                                                                                t in
                  Bank              Fair                         113,                 11,4   156,
 estic/                    42,78            170,5                                                   other    Self-
          6009      of J            value                        760,                 82,3   546,
 forei                      6,00            86,00    0.00               0.00   0.00                   equi   fund
          19      iangs              met                         000.                 80.0   000.
 gn st                      0.00             0.00                                                   ty in    ed
                  u                 hod                            00                    0    00
 ock                                                                                                stru
                  Kailo                                                                             Held
                  ng H              Fair                                                     18,1   -for-t
 estic/                    20,00            13,59    4,52                             4,52          radin    Self-
          3009    igh               value                                                    19,8
 forei                      1,26             2,41    7,45        0.00   0.00   0.00   7,45          g fin    fund
          12      Tech               met                                                     61.0
 gn st                      8.00             1.00    0.00                             0.00          ancia    ed
                  nolo              hod                                                         0   l ass
 ock                                                                                                ets
 Dom              Lian                                                                              Held
                                    Fair                                                     66,8   -for-t
 estic/           ce T       7,20           60,06    6,81                             6,70          radin    Self-
          6881                      value                                                    73,6
 forei            echn       0,00            2,40    1,20        0.00   0.00   0.00   2,14          g fin    fund
          13                         met                                                     00.0
 gn st            olog       0.00            0.00    0.00                             0.38          ancia    ed
                                    hod                                                         0   l ass
 ock              y                                                                                 ets
 Dom                                                                                                Held
                                    Fair                                                            -for-t
 estic/           Lanti                                                               69,6   301,   radin    Self-
          6053             160,7    value   247,0   54,56
 forei            an G                                           0.00   0.00   0.00   83.0   560.   g fin    fund
          68               44.76     met    00.00    0.00
 gn st            as                                                                     2    00    ancia    ed
                                    hod                                                             l ass
 ock                                                                                                ets
 Dom               Scie                                                                             Held
                                    Fair                                                            -for-t
 estic/           nce        3,60            4,83   -1,23                      7,38   2,62          radin    Self-
          8328                      value
 forei            and        0,00            7,50    7,50        0.00   0.00   5,85   7,79   0.00   g fin    fund
          85                         met
 gn st            Tech       0.00            0.00    0.00                      7.60   6.19          ancia    ed
                                    hod                                                             l ass
 ock              nolo                                                                              ets
                                                                 466,                 25,4   636,
                           115,5            655,3   10,15                      7,38
                                                                 461,                 09,4   326,
 Total                     32,01     --     70,31    5,71               0.00   5,85                   --       --
                            2.76                                 000.                 49.5   021.
                                             1.00    0.00                      7.60
                                                                   00                    9    00

(2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                               Annual Report 2023

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Use of Raised Funds

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Overall Use of Raised Funds

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB’0,000

                                           Total                                      Propor                       Raised
                                                    Total         raised                                  Use
                                          raised                             Total    tion of    Total             funds
                                                   raised          funds                                  and
                                          funds                             accum       total   raised              that
                                                   funds            with                                 owner
                                           that                             ulative   accum     funds               have
  Year     Metho                                    that          altered                                 ship
                      Total    Net         have                             raised    ulative    that               been
   for      d of                                    have          purpos                                 chang
                     raised   procee       been                              funds    raised     have                left
 fund-r    fund-r               ds                  been             es                                   e of
                     funds                 used                               with     funds      not              unuse
 aising    aising                                   used          during                                 unuse
                                          in the                            altered     with     been               d for
                                                   accum            the                                     d
                                          curren                            purpos    altered    used               over
                                                   ulative        Report                                 raised
                                             t                                 es     purpos      yet               two
                                                     ly             ing                                  funds
                                          period                                         es                        years
           ublic      63,50       62,06   23,96     57,13
 2021                                                                  0         0    0.00%          0   N/A            0
           offerin     0.00        6.57    0.95      8.48
                      63,50     62,06     23,96     57,13
  Total      --                                                   0         0 0.00%           0      --          0
                       0.00      6.57      0.95      8.48
                                   Explanation of the overall use of raised funds
 On 17 December 2020, the Company received the Reply Concerning the Approval of the Non-public Offering
 of Shares of Changchai Co., Ltd. (CSRC Permit [2020] No. 3374) from the China Securities Regulatory
 Commission, which approved the non-public offering of up to 168,412,297 shares of the Company. On June 11,
 2021, the subscribers of this non-public offering have fully remitted the subscription funds to the bank account
 designated by the sponsor institution, and the total amount of funds raised was RMB634,999,996.40. After the
 capital verification by Gongzheng Tianye Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership), the Capital
 Verification Report of the Funds Raised by the Non-public Issuance of Changchai Co., Ltd. (S.G.W [2021]
 B061) was issued. With the issuance expenses deducted, the actual net funds raised were RMB620,665,733.97.
 On June 15, 2021, the aforementioned raised funds were remitted to the special account set up by the Company
 for raised funds from the non-public offering of shares. After the capital verification by Gongzheng Tianye
 Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership), the Capital Verification Report of the Funds Raised by the
 Non-public Issuance of Changchai Co., Ltd. (S.G.W [2021] B062) was issued. The raised funds have all been
 deposited in the special account for the raised funds and a tripartite supervision agreement has been signed with
 the sponsor institution and the account opening bank for the funds raised. There is no material difference
 between the tripartite supervision agreement and the model tripartite supervision agreement of Shenzhen Stock

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

 Exchange, and the Company strictly complies with it when using the raised funds.
 As at 31 December 2023, the Company had used a total of RMB571,384,800 in raised funds. The proposed
 raised funds (including interest in the special account for raised funds and net income from wealth
 management) for the Private Placement Raised Funds Investment Project of Relocation of Light Engines and
 Casting were fully utilized as planned; the R&D projects for innovation capacity building realized the planned
 R&D goals and achieved corresponding R&D results. The Company completed the innovation capacity
 building project for the fundraising project and will permanently supplement the surplus raised funds of
 RMB60,242,000 to working capital for routine production and operation activities. This project was approved
 at the third extraordinary general meeting in 2023. The special account for raised funds was cancelled and will
 no longer be used. The relevant raised funds supervision agreements signed between the Company and the
 sponsors, as well as the commercial banks that deposit the raised funds, will be terminated accordingly. For
 details, please refer to the Announcement on the Use of Surplus Raised Funds and Cancellation of Special
 Account for Raised Funds for the Private Placement Raised Funds Investment Project of Relocation of Light
 Engines (Announcement No: 2023-060), the Announcement on the Completion of the Project of Innovation
 Capacity Building of the Technology Centre in Private Placement Raised Funds Investment Project and
 Permanent Supplement of Surplus Raised Funds to Working Capital (Announcement No.: 2023-068), and the
 Announcement on Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary General Meeting in 2023 (Announcement No.:
 2023-072), which were disclosed on the http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

(2) Committed Projects of Raised Funds

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB’0,000
                      Wheth                                                                                   Wheth
                                                              mulati   Invest
                        er                                                                                       er
                                                     The         ve     ment      Date
                      projec                                                               Benefi              there
                                   Total            invest    invest   progre     when              Wheth
                        ts                 Adjust                                             ts                are
    Committed                     comm               ment      ment     ss as       the              er the
                       have                  ed                                            record             materi
     investment                    itted            amou      amou     of the    projec             estima
                       been                 total                                             ed                 al
    projects and                  invest               nt      nt as   end of     ts are              ted
                      altere               invest                                          during             chang
   investment of                   ment             during    of the      the     ready             benefi
                         d                  ment                                             the               es in
  excessive raised                 with               the     end of   Repor        for              ts are
                      (inclu               amou                                            Repor                the
        funds                     raised            Repor       the      ting      their            reache
                       ding                nt (1)                                           ting              projec
                                  funds              ting     Repor    Period    intend                 d
                      partial                                                              Period                 t
                                                    Period     ting     (3) =    ed use
                      altern                                                                                  feasibi
                                                              Period   (2)/(1)
                      ation)                                                                                    lity
 Committed investment projects
 Relocation project
                                  54,76    54,76    23,37     55,79     101.8    May        -6,00
 of light engines     No                                                                               No        No
                                   6.71     6.71     6.88      5.20       8%     2022        0.61
 and casting
 Innovation                                                                      Dece                 Not
                                  8,733.   7,299.   584.0     1,343.     18.4
 capacity building    No                                                         mber        0.00   applic       No
                                     29       86        8         28      0%
 project of the                                                                  2023                 able

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

technical center
Subtotal of
committed                       63,50    62,06     23,96     57,13                       -6,00
                        --                                             --       --                 --       --
investment                          0     6.57      0.96      8.48                        0.61
Investment of excessive raised funds
Not applicable
                                 63,50 62,06 23,96 57,13                               -6,00
Total                   --                                            --       --                  --       --
                                     0     6.57     0.96     8.48                       0.61
Explain project by    The reason why the project of relocation of light engines and casting failed to achieve
project why a         benefits during this Reporting Period: The project consisted of multiple production lines
project failed to     such as casting and single-cylinder engine assembly, with the main customer being the
meet the schedule     parent company. Due to market conditions, there was a certain degree of reduction in
or expected           internal and external orders for the casting business, and the project's main source of
returns (including    profit, the single-cylinder engine business, was not fully transferred from the parent
reason for            company to the project until the end of 2023, resulting in the project falling short of its
inputting “N/A”     expected benefits.
for “Whether the
estimated benefits
are reached”)
Explanations of
the material
                      Not applicable
changes in the
project feasibility
Amount, use, and
use progress of
                      Not applicable
excessive raised
                      Occurred in the prior year
Implementation        The Proposal on Adding Implementation Location to the Private Placement Raised Funds
of location           Investment Project of Innovation Capacity Building of the Technical Centre was approved
changes in the        at the 13th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 12th Meeting of the 9th
investment            Supervisory Committee of the Company on 22 August 2022. The Company decided to
projects with the     add the sites of certain branches of the Company as the parent and wholly-owned
raised funds          subsidiary Changchai Machinery as locations to place the R&D equipment and
                      implement the R&D project. This change will not re-purpose the raised funds and will
                      help carry forward the technical innovation project.
of method
adjustments to the
                      Not applicable
projects with the
raised funds

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

                      Prior to the availability of the raised funds, in order to ensure the smooth implementation
                      of the investment projects with raised funds, the Company used its own funds to invest in
                      part of the investment projects with raised funds and paid part of the issuance expenses.
                      As of 17 June 2021, the cumulative amount of the Company's self-financing funds
                      pre-invested in the investment projects with raised funds was RMB181,803,327.94, the
                      amount of issuance expenses advanced was RMB2,358,490.56, totaling
                      RMB184,161,818.50, and the proposed replacement amount was RMB184,161,818.50.
                      The capitals were verified by the Gongzheng Tianye Accounting Firm (Special General
Early investment
                      Partnership), and the Verification Report on the Pre-investment of Self-financing Funds
and placement
                      into the Investment Project with Raised Funds and the Payment of Issuance Expenses by
concerning the
                      Self-financing Funds of Changchai Co., Ltd. (S.G.W [2021] E1347) was issued on 25
                      June 2021. On 28 June 2021, the Third Interim Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
projects with the
                      Company in 2021 deliberated and approved the Proposal on Replacing the Funds
raised funds
                      Pre-invested in the Project and Advanced Issuance Expenses with the Raised Funds,
                      agreeing to use the raised funds from the non-public offering of shares to replace the
                      self-financing funds totaling RMB184,161,818.50 that had been pre-invested in the
                      project prior to the availability of the raised funds. In addition, Xingye Securities Co.,
                      Ltd. and Donghai Securities Co., Ltd. issued a verification opinion on the use of raised
                      funds to replace self-financing funds that had been invested in advance in the projects
                      with raised funds. For details, see the Announcement on the Use of Raised Funds to
                      Replace Pre-invested Project Funds and Advanced Issue Expenses (Announcement No.
                      2021-036) published on Cninfo (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) on 30 June 2021.
replenishment of
working capital       Not applicable
with the idle
raised funds
                      On 14 November 2023, the Third Interim Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
                      Company in 2023 deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Completion of the Project
                      of Innovation Capacity Building of the Technology Centre in Private Placement Raised
                      Funds Investment Project and Permanent Supplement of Surplus Raised Funds to
Surplus raised        Working Capital, agreeing to close the "Project of Innovation Capacity Building of the
funds for project     Technology Centre" in the Company's Private Placement Raised Funds Investment
implementation        Project and permanently supplement the surplus raised funds with working capital of
and reasons for       RMB60,236,300 (actual data is subject to bank settlement amount). As at 31 December
the surplus           2023, the Company had transferred all the above-mentioned surplus funds to its own fund
                      account, with an actual amount of RMB60,242,041.74 supplemented to working capital.
                      The main reasons for the surplus of raised funds: 1. During the implementation of
                      innovation capacity building project, the Company strictly followed the relevant
                      regulations on the use of raised funds, scientifically and prudently used the raised funds,
                      adhered to the principles of saving funds and improving asset utilization rate, and
                      integrated existing equipment and other resources while ensuring project progress, and

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                      used technological innovation to complete part of the research and development process,
                      saving some financial expenses. 2. In order to improve the using efficiency of raised
                      funds, the Company obtained certain investment returns by using some idle raised funds
                      for cash management, while ensuring that it did not affect the building of fundraising
                      projects and the safety of raised funds. Meanwhile, a certain amount of deposit interest
                      income was generated during the deposit period of the raised funds.
                      As of December 31, 2023, all funds raised for the relocation project of the company's
 Use and
                      non-public offering fundraising project have been fully utilized, and the innovation
 ownership change
                      capacity construction project of the non-public offering fundraising project has been
 of unused raised
                      completed. The quality assurance deposit and final payment to be paid after the
                      completion of the innovation capacity construction project are 2.49 million yuan.
                      On 13 July 2021, the Fourth Interim Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company in
                      2021 deliberated and approved the Proposal on Changing the Implementation Entity of
                      Some Investment Projects with Raised Funds, agreeing to change the implementation
                      entity of the Company's investment projects with funds raised through non-public
                      offering of shares, the "relocation project of light engines and casting", from Changchai
 Problems in the      Machinery, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, to the parent company of
 use of raised        Changchai Co., Ltd. The matter did not change the use and implementation of the funds
 funds and            raised and was not a significant change in the investment projects with raised funds.
 disclosure, or       The Proposal on Adding Implementation Entity to the Private Placement Raised Funds
 other cases          Investment Project of Relocation of Light Engines and Casting was approved at the 13th
                      Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 12th Meeting of the 9th Supervisory
                      Committee of the Company on 22 August 2022. As such, the Company added Changchai
                      Machinery as another operating entity with the Company as the parent to jointly operate
                      the relocation project for better operational flexibility and stronger market

(3) Altered Projects of Raised Funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VIII Sale of Major Assets and Equity Interests

1. Sale of Major Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Sale of Major Equity Interests

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

IX Major Subsidiaries

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Major fully/majority-owned subsidiaries and those minority-owned subsidiaries with an over 10% effect on the
Company’s net profit:
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
            hip with     Principal    Registere     Total                   Operating    Operating
 Name                                                          Net assets                             Net profit
               the        activity    d capital     assets                   revenue      profit
                         n of dies
Changcha    Subsidiar                 55,063,00    147,378,8   76,927,10    220,119,6    -2,783,19    -3,123,28
                         el engine
i Benniu    y                              0.00        87.22        0.64        87.04         1.08         1.26
Changcha                 Diesel en
            Subsidiar                 85,000,00    63,531,35   49,947,19    43,364,24    1,258,490    261,794.6
i Wanzh                  gine asse
            y                              0.00         3.62        8.85         6.66           .11           4
ou                       mbly
            Subsidiar    investme     40,000,00    108,778,4   91,623,43                 14,145,89    10,692,33
Investme                                                                         0.00
            y            nt and c          0.00        81.44        7.75                      7.62         6.36
                         al machi
                         nery pro
Agricultu   Subsidiar                 10,000,00    2,946,402   -16,003,0    5,762,363    -1,022,92    -948,611.
                         duct of r
ral Equip   y                              0.00          .96       77.63           .85        9.03          03
                         ice trans
                         planter et
Changcha    Subsidiar                 37,250,00    118,648,0   98,943,41    153,677,9    13,465,56    12,559,61
                         engines a
i Robin     y                              0.00        70.60        9.34        44.53         8.83         0.52
                         Internal c
            Subsidiar    n engine     300,000,0    710,909,7   217,446,0    135,924,1    -57,540,2    -60,006,1
i Machin
            y              and rela       00.00        95.88       76.75        17.06        87.98        43.72
                         ted acces
Xingshen                 Real esta
g Real E    Subsidiar    te manag     1,000,000    3,263,927   1,459,102    4,721,964    891,596.1    899,883.9
state Ma    y            ement se            .00         .91         .03           .91           0            9
nagement                 rvice

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                          uring and
Zhenjiang    Subsidiar                2,000,000    119,143,2    98,847,85   66,935,15    12,868,23    10,487,80
                          g of dies
 Siyang      y                               .00       92.70         5.74        6.33         4.45         1.85
                          el engine
                          s for shi
Subsidiaries obtained or disposed of in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other information about principal subsidiaries and joint stock companies:
In December 2023, the Company acquired 7.5% equity interests in Zhenjiang Siyang held by three natural person
shareholders, and now the Company holds a total of 49% equity interests in Zhenjiang Siyang, making it the
largest shareholder. Other shareholders are dispersed. The Company appointed four out of the seven members of
Zhenjiang Siyang's Board of Directors, including the Chairman. Therefore, the Company is the actual controller of
Zhenjiang Siyang, which constitutes the conditions for the consolidation.

X Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI Prospects

1. Development strategy of the Company
The Company’s development strategy is to base on farm machinery, become stronger in the engine business,
explore more markets and develop in a scientific way.
The state’s policies on comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating to build China into an
agricultural power will bring about significant and positive impacts for the industry. The Company will make full
use of the policy-based dividend of strong national support for agricultural production and development of
agricultural machinery and continue to promote innovative development, talent recruitment, quality improvement,
brand building, and capital boost to accelerate the technological upgrade of traditional power products, expand
new markets in new fields, and also to achieve diversified development of the industry. The Company’s main
development directions are as follows:
(1) Accelerating technological upgrading and area expansion of existing advantageous products
First, the Company will prioritize the optimization and enhancement of its core products. It will further refine
products to comply with the National Emission Standard IV for Non-road Vehicles based on market feedback,
thereby bolstering competitiveness within existing application domains. Through production and manufacturing,
supply chain management, and service capacity building, the Company will comprehensively improve the quality
level and service skills for the products of the National Emission Standard IV for Non-road Vehicles, so as to meet
the market demand for product efficiency, emission reduction, and reliability.
Second, the Company will focus on value extension and develop high-end products.
1) The Company will continuously promote the optimization of generator set products and network layout, move
towards high-end and professional development in segmented fields, develop high-end industrial chains, and
expand the application of generator sets in markets such as special vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicle defence,

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

parking, and communication.
2) Based on the electronic, networked and intelligent characteristics of the development of agricultural machinery
products, the Company will promote the application of advanced technologies such as the Internet, big data,
artificial intelligence and new materials to product development, further improve the diesel engines’ functions of
intelligent control, real-time monitoring and big data collection and analysis, accelerate the R&D of intelligent
terminals and hybrid power, and raise the added value of products to better meet user demands.
Third, existing advantageous products will be developed in the terminal direction. The Company's main products
are small and medium-power diesel engines and general gasoline engines. The market of supporting facilities is
mainly distributed in non-road fields such as agricultural machinery, plant protection machinery, engineering
machinery, and marine machinery. The Company is increasing its research and development efforts in
terminal-side fields such as generator sets, outboard engines, cold chains, fishing boats, and iron towers, and
increasing its market development efforts. Through its subsidiary Zhenjiang Siyang, the Company will continue to
improve its business structure and strengthen cooperation in the field of marine machinery, to promote long-term
development. At the same time, the research and development project of the outboard engines in the project of
innovation capacity building of the technology centre in the private placement raised funds investment project has
been successfully completed, and the development of the outboard engine power platform for the 10-20
horsepower, 30-60 horsepower, and 70-90 horsepower (80 horsepower) has been completed in steps. Some
products have passed the CCS certification of China Classification Society, the EU RCD certification, and MED
certification. For the low-power outboard engine, market validation has been completed and a sales system for
domestic and international markets has been established. For the high-power diesel engines for outboard engines,
the installation and performance debugging of the entire machine have been completed, and reliability tests have
been conducted. The Company fully utilizes the capital platform of listed companies, and accelerates the
extension of the industrial chain through joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions, to build new competitive
(2) Promoting industrial transformation and development in the direction of combination with new energy
With the rapid development of new energy technology, traditional power has been impacted in some fields, posing
a threat of industrial substitution for the development of new energy. However, the development opportunities of
traditional power still exist for a long time. The Company leverages its advantages in light power, expands new
energy products, and promotes the research and development of hybrid power projects. The research and
development project for the oil-electric hybrid platform in the project of innovation capacity building of
technology centre in the private placement raised funds investment project has been completed. The product
prototype of the project has been built, meeting the adaptive charging function with a maximum power of 15 kW,
and achieving certain research and development results. Jiangsu Horizon New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., in
which the Company invests, is mainly engaged in lithium battery wet-processed separator project products with a
good development momentum. In the future, the Company will continue to increase its exploration efforts in new
power and energy fields such as hydrogen fuel and hybrid power, and strengthen cooperation and penetration with
relevant green industries, to promote the expansion of enterprises into new fields.
2. Operation plan for the year 2024
The Company will consolidate the traditional market of agricultural machinery, explore the emerging area of
power, raise quality to create fine products with core technologies, highlight efficiency by integrating resources,
stimulate vitality by deepening reform, and leverage capital to promote development. In 2024, sales revenue is
expected to be RMB2.3 billion, with revenue of USD58 million through export.
The above operation plan does not represent the profit forecast of Y2024 by the listed company, and whether can
be realized depends on various factors on the changes of market conditions and the effort level of the management

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2023

team. There is a lot of uncertainty, and investors should pay special attention on it.
3. Possible future risks and countermeasures of the Company
(1) Market risk
With the upgrading of emission standards in the non-road field and the advancement of market demand,
competition in the existing market has intensified, and industry concentration has increased. Currently, the
industry has entered a period of in-depth adjustments led by optimization and upgrading, and most enterprises
have continuously strengthened product development and optimization, and increased market maintenance and
development efforts in response to market demand. Meanwhile, the products for the National Emission Standard
IV for Non-road Vehicles have fully entered the market, further intensifying industry competition.
Countermeasures: First, the Company will keep up with market trends, strengthen product performance
optimization, quality improvement, and supply guarantee to meet market demand. Second, the Company will
stabilize the traditional application field, further break through in advantageous fields, and extend product lines,
expanding the application of products in the high-end industrial chain market. Third, the Company will enhance
innovation awareness, actively promote the application of advanced technologies such as the Internet, big data,
artificial intelligence and new materials, further improve the intelligence and specialization of products, and
accelerate the research and development of intelligent terminals and hybrid power, to build new competitive
(2) Industrial risk
In recent years, influenced by the development of new energy application technology and relevant policy
incentives, various enterprises have accelerated their research, application, and market application in the field of
new energy power, so the market share of application fields related to diesel engines has been affected to a certain
extent. At present, new energy power still faces challenges such as high costs and complex operating
environments in the field of agricultural machinery. However, with the continuous breakthrough of new energy
technology, some application scenarios of non-road diesel engines may be replaced by new energy power.
Countermeasures: First, the Company will accelerate the optimization and upgrading of product performance,
develop efficient and environmentally-friendly products, and comply with national energy conservation and
emission reduction policies, to enhance product competitiveness. Second, the Company will accelerate the
research and analysis of new energy power and expand new energy hybrid products, to prepare for sustainable
(3) Foreign trade risk
In recent years, the international situation has become increasingly turbulent, and the global political and
economic environment has become increasingly complex, causing varying degrees of impact on foreign trade
policies of various countries. If there are significant changes in the political stability and foreign trade policies of
foreign markets, it will have a significant impact on product export sales.
Countermeasures: First, the Company will promote close collaboration among relevant departments, and enhance
overall foreign trade efficiency through complementary resources, information, and products. Second, the
Company will innovate and transform the technological route in combination with overseas market demand, and
promote more high-performance products to overseas markets. Third, the Company will accelerate the
implementation in the training of overseas service personnel, service capacity building, overseas commissioned
station construction, and the supporting enterprise overseas market channels, so as to establish a complete sales
service network in the export market.
(4) Foreign exchange risk
In recent years, the challenges and uncertainties in the international political and economic environment have
increased, leading to an increase in exchange rate fluctuation factors. The Company's products are exported

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

overseas, and exchange rate fluctuations may have adverse effects on the sales of the Company's products.
Countermeasures: First, the Company will closely monitor exchange rate fluctuations, choose appropriate
currencies for pricing and settlement, and hedge against risks through hedging and other measures. Second, the
Company will reduce risks by changing payment methods and purchasing export credit insurance. Third, the
Company will adjust product prices and payment terms in a timely manner in response to fluctuations in exchange
rates and material prices. Fourth, the Company will enhance the competitiveness of products and services to cope
with exchange rate fluctuations, to reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the Company's product
(5) Risk of fluctuations in raw material prices
The market prices of raw materials often fluctuate, influenced by factors such as macroeconomic environment,
production capacity, and changes in demand. The price fluctuations of raw materials such as steel and pig iron will
bring pressure to the Company's manufacturing costs and have a certain impact on the Company's profits.
Countermeasures: The Company will optimize the supply system and strengthen supply chain management
through measures such as technological improvement and strengthening cost management; the Company will
timely track market trends and strengthen inventory management, to alleviate the adverse effects of raw material
price fluctuations on the Company.
(6) Talent risk
Talent is one of the key factors for the development of the Company. The Company needs talent to help improve
operational efficiency and accelerate its development and building. If the Company's remuneration policies and
talent incentive and constraint policies are inadequate, it will lead to a shortage of high-end leading management
and technical talents, and a shortage of reserve talents, which will affect research and innovation capabilities and
core competitiveness.
Countermeasures: First, based on the Company's development plan and actual needs of business management, the
Company will continuously improve the talent introduction mechanism and talent cultivation system, optimize
personnel structure, and comprehensively enhance the overall quality of the employee team. Second, the
Company will continuously improve the professional abilities of employees through systematic training and other
measures based on business development needs. Third, the Company will improve talent incentive methods and
performance appraisal systems, to comprehensively enhance the contribution rate of human resources.

XII Communications with the Investment Community such as Researches, Inquiries and
Interviews during the Reporting Period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                      Place                                            Contents and
                                  Way of     Type of                                      Index to main inquiry
   Date of visit       of                                Visitor        materials
                                   visit     visitor                                          information
                      visit                                             provided
                                                                     The Company’s
                                                                     production and      Information on 000570
                     Onlin                                           operation,           Changchai’s Results
                       e           Online                            development and        Presentation and
  20 April 2023                              Other       and the
                     meeti        exchange                           construction,            Roadshow on
                      ng                                             investment and      www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                     wealth                dated 20 April 2023
                                                                     management, etc.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                   Annual Report 2023

XIII Implementation of the “Quality and Earnings Dual Improvement” Action Plan

Indicate whether the Company has disclosed the “Quality and Earnings Dual Improvement” Action Plan.
□ Yes   √ No

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                               Part IV Corporate Governance

I General Information of Corporate Governance

In the Reporting Period, the Company was strictly in line with laws, statutes such as Company Law, Securities
Laws, Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies, Guide Opinion on Establishment of Independent
Director System by Listed Companies and Guidelines on Internal Controls of Listed Companies and so on,
continuously perfected corporate governance, established and accomplished internal management and control
system, consistently and deeply put forward corporate governance activities, so as to further normalized operation
of the Company, raising corporate governance level, laying a guard for steady and healthy development of the
Company, protect legal rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders.
The Company promulgated or revised a series of internal control system through all aspects of normal operation
and management activities in accordance with each national laws and regulations, characteristics of the industry,
operation and self-managing business, and improved it continuously, and finally formed a normative management
system. And formulated a series of management system, process and standard covered each operation link and
level of the financial assets control, human resources management, quality environment management and internal
audit supervisor etc., which ensured all the work had rules to follow.
Indicate by tick market whether there is any material incompliance with the applicable laws, administrative
regulations and regulations issued by the CSRC governing the governance of listed companies.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

II The Company’s Independence from Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller in
Asset, Personnel, Financial Affairs, Organization and Business

The Company was independent from the controlling shareholder Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd in terms
of assets, business, personnel, organization and financing, with independent & complete business and capability to
operate independently.
1. Assets: The property rights relationship between the Company and the controlling shareholder is clear, assets
are clearly defined, and there are no funds, assets and other resources being occupied or used without
compensation between them.
2. Personnel: The Company and the controlling shareholder are independent of each other in terms of labor,
personnel and salary management, and each has an independent management organization, a sound management
policy, and an independent personnel appraisal and assessment system.
3. Finance: The Company has set up a special finance department, established an independent accounting system
and financial management policy, opened an independent bank account, and implemented independent accounting
and independent tax payments. There is no interference in the financial activities of the Company by the
controlling shareholder.
4. Institution: The Company has a complete and independent corporate governance structure and has established a
sound organizational system that meets its own production and operation needs, which operates independently and
well, and there is no subordinate relationship with the functional departments of the controlling shareholder.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

5. Business: The Company has an independent and complete business system with independent and autonomous
production and operational capability. The Company conducts related transactions reasonably on the principle of

III Horizontal Competition

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Annual and Special General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

                                     Investor       Date of
     Meeting          Type          participatio      the                                   Resolution
                                                                  e date
                                      n ratio       meeting
 The 2022
                 Annual                                                         All proposals were approved. See
 Annual                                            18 May        19 May         Announcement No. 2023-020 on
                 General                32.52%
 General                                           2023          2023           Resolutions of the 2022 Annual G
                 Meeting                                                        eneral Meeting.
 The 1st Extr                                                                   All proposals were approved. See
                 Extraordinary                     12 June       13 June
 aordinary G                                                                    Announcement No. 2023-035 on
                 General Meeti          32.33%
 eneral Meeti                                      2023          2023           Resolutions of the 1st Extraordinar
 ng of 2023                                                                     y General Meeting of 2023.
 The 2nd Ext
                                                                                All proposals were approved. See
 raordinary      Extraordinary                     10 August     11 August      Announcement No. 2023-054 on
 General Me      General Meeti          32.33%
                                                   2023          2023           Resolutions of the 2nd Extraordinar
 eting of 202    ng
                                                                                y General Meeting of 2023.
 The 3rd Extr                                      14            15             All proposals were approved. See
 aordinary G                                                                    Announcement No. 2023-072 on
                 General Meeti          32.29%     Novembe       Novembe
 eneral Meeti                                                                   Resolutions of the 3rd Extraordinar
                 ng                                r 2023        r 2023
 ng of 2023                                                                     y General Meeting of 2023.

2. Special General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

1. General Information

          Gend                              Incumben
Name                Age      Office title                     Start of tenure         End of tenure        shareholdin
           er                                t/Former
                                                                                                            g (share)
Li        Male       42      Chairman of                       12 June 2023              Ongoing                0

Changchai Company, Limited                                                            Annual Report 2023

Desen                        the Board
Zhang                                       Incumben
          Male      57       Chairman of                    12 June 2023    Ongoing             0
Xin                                             t
                             the Board
Xie                          Director
Guozh     Male      54       General                        12 June 2023    Ongoing             0
ong                          Manager
          Fema                              Incumben
Tan Jie             44       Director                       12 June 2023    Ongoing             0
           le                                   t
Jiang                                       Incumben
          Male      51       Chief                          16 April 2020   Ongoing             0
He                                              t
Yang                                        Incumben
          Male      51       Director                       16 April 2020   Ongoing             0
Feng                                            t
                             Independent    Incumben
Manca     Male      60                                      16 April 2020   Ongoing             0
                             director           t
Zhang     Fema               Independent    Incumben
                    53                                      16 April 2020   Ongoing             0
Yan        le                director           t
                             Independent    Incumben
Jia Bin   Male      45                                      12 June 2023    Ongoing             0
                             director           t
                             Chairman of
                             the            Incumben
Mingli    Male      56                                      12 June 2023    Ongoing             0
                             Supervisory        t
Shi       Fema                              Incumben
                    43       Supervisor                     12 June 2023    Ongoing             0
Xingyu     le                                   t
Zhong     Male      56       Supervisor                 18 October 2016     Ongoing             0
Liu Yi    Male      54       Supervisor                 18 October 2016     Ongoing             0
Lin                                         Incumben
          Male      41       Supervisor                     12 June 2023    Ongoing             0
Wei                                             t
                             Vice-general   Incumben
Jianzho   Male      51                                      16 April 2020   Ongoing             0
                             Manager            t
He                                                     13 December 2021
                             Manager        Incumben
Jianjia   Male      44                                                      Ongoing             0
                             Secretary of       t
ng                                                      18 October 2016
                             the Board
Wang                         Vice-general   Incumben
          Male      36                                      12 June 2023    Ongoing             0
Jing                         Manager            t
Wang                         Chief          Incumben
          Male      52                                      12 June 2023    Ongoing             0
Weifen                       Engineer           t

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                             Annual Report 2023

Shi                              Chairman of
            Male         59                     Former        18 October 2016           12 June 2023             0
Xinkun                           the Board
Zhang                            General
            Male         56                     Former        18 October 2016           12 June 2023             0
Xin                              Manager
            Male         60      Director       Former       17 December 2018           12 June 2023             0
Xu Yi       Male         59      Vice-general   Former            16 April 2020         12 June 2023             0
Xing                             Independent
            Male         69                     Former            16 April 2020         12 June 2023             0
Min                              director
Yin                              Vice-general
            Male         59                     Former        18 October 2016           12 June 2023             0
Lihou                            Manager
Guozh       Male         54                     Former            16 April 2020         12 June 2023             0
                                 Chairman of
Jiangua     Male         59                     Former       17 December 2020           12 June 2023             0
Chen       Fema
                         40      Supervisor     Former            16 April 2020         12 June 2023             0
Lijia       le
Ge         Fema
                         53      Supervisor     Former            16 April 2020         12 June 2023             0
Jiangli     le
Total          --        --              --       --                   --                    --                  0
Indicate whether any director, supervisor or senior management resigned before the expiry of their tenure during
the Reporting Period.
□ Yes √ No
Change of directors, supervisors and senior management:
√Applicable □ Not applicable
    Name                  Office title          Type of change              Date of change        Reason for change
Li Desen            Chairman of the Board          Elected                  12 June 2023          General election
                    Vice Chairman of the
Zhang Xin                                          Elected                  12 June 2023          General election
                    Director                       Elected                                        General election
                                                                            12 June 2023          Appointed by the
Guozhong            General Manager               Appointed
Tan Jie             Director                       Elected                  12 June 2023          General election
Jia Bin             Independent director           Elected                  12 June 2023          General election
                    Chairman of the
                    Supervisory                    Elected                  12 June 2023          General election

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                   Annual Report 2023

Shi Xingyu    Supervisor                      Elected               12 June 2023          General election
Lin Wei       Supervisor                      Elected               12 June 2023          General election
                                                                                         Appointed by the
Wang Jing     Vice-general Manager           Appointed              12 June 2023
Wang                                                                                     Appointed by the
              Chief Engineer                 Appointed              12 June 2023
Weifeng                                                                                      Board
                                           Departure on                                    Departure on
Shi Xinkun    Chairman of the Board     expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
                                                office                                          office
                                           Departure on                                    Departure on
Lin Tian      Director                  expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
                                                office                                          office
              Director                     Departure on                                    Departure on
Xu Yi                                   expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
              Vice-general Manager
                                                office                                          office
                                           Departure on                                    Departure on
Xing Min      Independent director      expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
                                                office                                          office
                                           Departure on                                    Departure on
Zhang Xin     General Manager           expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
                                                office                                          office
                                           Departure on                                    Departure on
Yin Lihou     Vice-general Manager      expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
                                                office                                          office
                                           Departure on                                    Departure on
              Vice-general Manager      expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
                                                office                                          office
              Chairman of the              Departure on                                    Departure on
              Supervisory               expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
              Committee                         office                                          office
                                           Departure on                                    Departure on
Chen Lijia    Supervisor                expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
                                                office                                          office
                                           Departure on                                    Departure on
Ge Jiangli    Supervisor                expiration of term of       12 June 2023        expiration of term of
                                                office                                          office

2. Biographical Information

Professional backgrounds, major work experience and current duties in the Company of the incumbent directors,
supervisors and senior management:
Li Desen: He successively took the posts of Director of the Office of the Qishuyan Rail Transit Industrial Park
Management Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Qishuyan Street Party Working Committee and its Office
Director, Director of the Financial Development Bureau in the Changzhou Economic Development Zone, Vice

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                   Annual Report 2023

General Manager and Party Member of the Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau in Changzhou,
Standing Committee Member, Minister of the United Front Work Department in Changzhou, Deputy District
Mayor and Party Member of the Wujin District Committee in Changzhou, and Deputy Secretary of the District
Political Consultative Conference Party Group in Changzhou. Now, he acts as Chairman and Party Committee
Secretary of Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd., as well as Party Committee Secretary and Chairman of the
Zhang Xin: He successively took the posts of Sales Manager, General Manager Assistant, Deputy General
Manager, and General Manager in the Company. Now, he acts as Vice Chairman of the Company.
Xie Guozhong: He successively took the posts of Sales Manager, General Manager Assistant, and Deputy General
Manager of the Company. Now, he acts as Deputy Party Committee Secretary,Director and General Manager of
the Company, as well as Supervisor of Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd.
Tan Jie: She successively took the posts of Deputy Director of the Accounting Department and Deputy Director of
the Personnel and Education Department of the Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Finance, Deputy Secretary and
Youth League Secretary of the Changzhou Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Director of the
Comprehensive Department, Agriculture Department, Agriculture and Rural Department, and Administrative and
Legal Department of the Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Finance, and President Assistant of Changzhou
Investment Group Co., Ltd. Now, she acts as Member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Changzhou
Investment Group Co., Ltd., as well as Director of the Company.
Jiang He: He successively took the posts of Accountant, Chief Assistant, and Deputy Chief of the Finance
Department of the Company. Now, he acts as Director, Chief Accountant, and Chief of the Finance Department of
the Company.
Yang Feng: He successively served as Business Manager of the Shanghai Investment Banking Department of
China Economic Development Trust and Investment Co., Ltd., Business Director of the Investment Banking
Department of Orient Securities Co., Ltd., General Manager of the Investment Banking Department and the
Operation Management Headquarters, as well as Chairman Assistant of AJ Securities Co., Ltd., Executive General
Manager of the Enterprise Development and Financing Department and the Investment Banking Department of
CITIC Securities Co., Ltd., and Managing Director of Daiwa Securities China Co., Ltd. Now, he acts as Executive
Director of De Xin Investment Manage Co., Limited, Independent Director of Shanghai Kindly Enterprise
Development Group Co., Ltd., and Director of the Company.
Wang Mancang: He successively served as a teacher and lecturer in the Department of Management, as well as a
financial lecturer and professor in the Department of Finance of the School of Economics and Management of
Northwest University. Now, he acts as Director of the Department of Finance of the School of Economics and
Management of Northwest University, Chairman of Shaanxi Securities Research Society, as well as Independent
Director of Focuslight Technologies Inc., Ccoop Group Co., Ltd., and Xi'an Wonder Energy Chemical Co., Ltd.,
Director of Chang'an International Trust Co., Ltd., Xi'an Guolian Quality Testing Technology Co., Ltd. and the
Zhang Yan: She successively served as Chief Accountant of Changzhou Zhengda Certified Public Accountants
Co., Ltd., and Executive Deputy Chief Accountant of Jiangsu Gongzheng Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
Now, she acts as Associate Professor of Management School of Jiangsu University of Technology, Director of
Changzhou Communications Industry Group Co., Ltd., Independent Director of Jiangsu Tianmu Lake Tourism
Co., Ltd., Independent Non-executive Director of S-Enjoy Service Group Co., Limited, and Independent Director
of the Company.
Jia Bin: He successively served as Deputy Director of the First Research Office of Tianjin Internal Combustion
Engine Research Institute, Assistant Secretary General of China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                   Annual Report 2023

(CICEIA), and Secretary General of Small Gasoline Engine Branch of CICEIA. Now, he acts as Director of the
First Research Office of Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute, Deputy Secretary General of
CICEIA, Independent Director of Lutian Machinery Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Parsun Power Machinery Co., Ltd.,
Director of Tianjin Tianbo Keda Technology Co., Ltd., and Independent Director of the Company.
Ni Mingliang: He successively served as Staff Member and Vice Chairman of the Labour Union of the Company.
Now, he acts as Deputy Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of Board of Supervisors, Secretary of the Party
Discipline Committee, Chairman of the Labour Union of the Company, Chairman of Xingsheng Real Estate
Management, and Director of Horizon Investment.
Shi Xingyu: He successively served as Staff Member, Section Chief, and Deputy General Manager of the Finance
Department of Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd. Now, he acts as General Manager of the Finance
Department of Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd., Director of Donghai Securities Co., Ltd., and Supervisor
of the Company.
Lu Zhonggui: He successively served as Staff Member of the Personnel Department, Full-time Disciplinary
Inspector of the Party Discipline Committee, and Deputy Secretary of Organ Party General Branch. Now, he acts
as Secretary of Organ Party General Branch, Chief of Political Department, Office Director, Employee Supervisor
of the Company, and Director of Xingsheng Real Estate Management.
Liu Yi: He successively took the posts of Chief Assistant of Enterprise Management Department, Deputy Chief of
the Finance Department and the Audit Department of the Company. Now, he acts as Chief of Audit Department
and Employee Supervisor of the Company, Director of Zhenjiang Siyang, Supervisor of Changchai Wanzhou,
Changchai Benniu, Horizon Investment, Horizon Agricultural Equipment, Changchai Robin, Changchai
Machinery, and Xingsheng Real Estate Management.
Lin Wei: He successively took the posts of Staff Member, Deputy Chief, Chief of the Enterprise Management
Department of the Company, and Deputy General Manager of Changchai Machinery. Now, he acts as Supervisor
and Chief of the Human Resources Department of the Company.
Sun Jianzhong: He successively took the posts of Director of the Technology Centre and Assistant General
Manager of the Company. Now, he acts as Deputy General Manager of the Company and General Manager of
Changchai Machinery.
He Jianjiang: He successively took the posts of Staff Member, Chief Assistant, and Deputy Chief of the
Investment and Development Department, and Securities Representative of the Company. Now, he acts as Deputy
General Manager, Secretary of the Board, and Chief of the Investment and Development Department of the
Company, as well as Chairman of the Board & GM of Horizon Investment, Director of Horizon Agricultural
Equipment, Chairman of Zhenjiang Siyang, Director of Jiangsu Horizon New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and
Supervisor of Donghai Securities Co., Ltd.
Wang Jing: He successively took the posts of Foreign Trade Salesperson in the Overseas Business Department of
the Company, Technician in the single-cylinder engine plant, Deputy Director of the workshop, Assistant to the
Plant Director, Deputy Director of the Plant, Secretary of the Single-cylinder Engine Plant Party Branch, and
Assistant General Manager of the Company. Now, he acts as Deputy General Manager of the Company.
Wang Weifeng: He successively took the posts of Designer in the Development Department, Designer in the
technology centre, and Deputy Chief Engineer of the Company. Now, he acts as Chief Engineer of the Company.

Offices held concurrently in shareholding entities:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

  Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                             n or
                                                  Office held in the                           End of    allowance
     Name           Shareholding entity                                      Start of tenure
                                                 shareholding entity                           tenure     from the
                                             Secretary of the Party
   Li           Changzhou Investment
                                             Committee, Chairman of          January 2024               Yes
   Desen        Group Co., Ltd.
                                             the Board
                                             Member of the Party
                Changzhou Investment
   Tan Jie                                   Committee, Director, Vice       April 2023                 Yes
                Group Co., Ltd.
   Shi          Changzhou Investment         General Manager of              November
   Xingyu       Group Co., Ltd.              Finance Department              2021

   Notes        N/A

  Offices held concurrently in other entities:
  √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                          Office                                                    allo
 Name                       Other entity                held in the       Start of tenure       End of tenure      wan
                                                          entity                                                     ce
Guozho       Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd.                               15 November 2022                             No
He           Donghai Securities Co., Ltd.                                18 January 2023       17 January 2026
Jianjian                                                                                                            No
             Jiangsu Horizon New Energy Technology
g                                                       Director           28 July 2023
             Co., Ltd.
             De Xin Investment Manage Co., Limited                         1 June 2022                              No
Feng         Shanghai Kindly Enterprise Development
                                                        nt                17 April 2023
             Group Co., Ltd.
             Donghai Securities Co., Ltd.               Director           20 May 2021         17 January 2026      No
Wang         Department of Finance of the School of     Head of
Mancan       Economics and Management of                Departme         1 September 2006                          Yes
g            Northwest University                       nt,

  Changchai Company, Limited                                                              Annual Report 2023

          Shaanxi Securities Research Society        Chairman     1 October 2017
          Focuslight Technologies Inc.               nt             2 May 2019                            Yes
          Ccoop Group Co., Ltd.                      nt          18 September 2020                        Yes
          Shaanxi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.   nt          16 November 2018     5 February 2024     Yes
          Xi'an Wonder Energy Chemical Co., Ltd.     nt            24 June 2020      13 September 2025    Yes

          Chang'an International Trust Co., Ltd.     Director    1 September 2018

          Xi'an Guolian Quality Testing Technology
                                                     Director       1 June 2020
          Co., Ltd.
          China Internal Combustion Engine
                                                     etary-Gen    1 January 2018                           No
          Industry Association
                                                     of the
          Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine
                                                     First         1 March 2009                           Yes
          Research Institute
Jia Bin                                              Office
          Lutian Machinery Co., Ltd.                 nt          31 December 2019     5 January 2026      Yes
          Suzhou Parsun Power Machinery Co.,
                                                     nt            31 July 2021                           Yes
          Tianjin Tianbo Keda Technology Co., Ltd.   Director      1 August 2020                           No
          Jiangsu University of Technology                         1 August 2008                          Yes
          Jiangsu Tianmu Lake Tourism Co., Ltd.      nt           8 February 2021    6 November 2026      Yes
Yan       Wuxi SAHAT Electric Technology Co.,
                                                     nt          2 November 2020     25 December 2023     Yes
          S-Enjoy Service Group Co., Limited         nt           20 October 2018                         Yes

  Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

            Changzhou Communications Industry
                                                          Director           14 April 2022           13 April 2025       Yes
            Group Co., Ltd.
Notes                                                             None
  Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulator on the incumbent directors, supervisors
  and senior management as well as those who left in the Reporting Period:
  □ Applicable √ Not applicable

  3. Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

  Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payments of remuneration for directors, supervisors
  and senior management:
  In 2023, the monthly salaries of directors, supervisors and senior executives in the Company were in line with the
  stipulations of relevant salary management and grade standards, and the benefits of the Company and assessment
  results. The incumbent director Li Desen, Tan Jie, the incumbent supervisor Shi Xingyu and the former dirctor Lin
  Tian, the former supervisor He Jianguang obtained salaries in shareholders' entities. The former supervisor Chen
  Lijia obtained salaries in both shareholders’ entities and other entities.
  Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management for the Reporting Period
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                                  Total before-tax
                                                             Incumbent/F                                 remuneration
    Name         Gender        Age         Office title                         remuneration from
                                                                ormer                                     from related
                                                                                   the Company
                                         Chairman of
  Li Desen        Male          42                               Incumbent            0.00                   Yes
                                         the Board
                  Male          57       Chairman of             Incumbent            85.47                  No
                                         the Board
  Xie                                    Director
  Guozhon         Male          54       General                 Incumbent            81.91                  No
  g                                      Manager
  Tan Jie        Female         44       Director                Incumbent            0.00                   Yes
  Jiang He        Male          51       Chief                   Incumbent            74.62                  No
                  Male          51       Director                Incumbent            0.00                   No
  Wang                                   Independent
                  Male          60                               Incumbent            10.00                  No
  Mancang                                director
  Zhang                                  Independent
                 Female         53                               Incumbent            10.00                  No
  Yan                                    director
  Jia Bin         male          45                               Incumbent            5.00                   No

Changchai Company, Limited                                                 Annual Report 2023

                                  Chairman of
Minglian       Male          56                       Incumbent   76.15         No
              Female         43   Supervisor          Incumbent    0.00         Yes
               Male          56   Supervisor          Incumbent   23.18         No
Liu Yi         Male          54   Supervisor          Incumbent   25.15         No
Lin Wei        Male          41   Supervisor          Incumbent   20.69         No
Jianzhon        male         51                       Incumbent   75.38         No
He                                Manager
               Male          44                       Incumbent   74.62         No
Jianjiang                         Secretary of
                                  the Board
Wang                              Vice-general
               Male          36                       Incumbent   65.61         No
Jing                              Manager
Wang                              Chief
               Male          52                       Incumbent   61.69         No
Weifeng                           Engineer
Shi                               Chairman of
               Male          60                        Former     42.74         No
Xinkun                            the Board
Lin Tian       Male          61   Director             Former      0.00         Yes
Xu Yi          Male          60   Vice-general         Former     71.94         No
Xing Min       Male          70                        Former      5.00         No
                                  Chairman of
Jianguan       Male          60                        Former      0.00         Yes
              Female         41   Supervisor           Former      0.00         Yes
              Female         54   Supervisor           Former     22.87         No
Yin                               Vice-general
               Male          60                        Former     71.94         No
Lihou                             Manager
  Total          --          --         --               --       903.96         --

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

VI Performance of Duty by Directors in the Reporting Period

1. Board Meetings Convened in the Reporting Period

                             Date of
      Meeting                             Disclosure date                          Resolution
                                                               The meeting deliberated on and approved the Report
                                                               on the Work of the General Manager for the Year
                                                               2022, the Business Policy Objectives of the
 The 15th Meeting      13       January                        Company for the Year 2023, the Results of the
 of the 9th Board of                      /                    Performance Appraisal of the Senior Management of
 Directors             2023                                    the Company for the Year 2022, the Proposal on the
                                                               Performance Appraisal of the Senior Management of
                                                               the Company for the Year 2023, and the Proposal on
                                                               Application for Bank Credit Line for the Year 2023
                                                               The meeting deliberated on and approved the Annual
                                                               Report for 2022 and Its Summary, the Annual Work
                                                               Report of the Board of Directors for 2022, Plan of
                                                               the Profit Distribution and Conversion of Surplus
                                                               Reserves into Share Capital for 2022, Rewards Plan
 The 16th Meeting                                              for Shareholders in Next Three Years (2023-2025),
 of the 9th Board of   10 April 2023      12 April 2023        Proposal on Provision of Reserves for Credit
 Directors                                                     Impairment and Asset Impairment, Proposal on
                                                               Subsidiaries' Planning to Sell Part of the Trading
                                                               Financial Assets, Special Report on the Deposit and
                                                               Use of Raised Funds for 2022, Annual
                                                               Self-Evaluation Report on Internal Control for 2022,
                                                               and 2022 Social Responsibility Report
 The 1st
                                                               The meeting deliberated on and approved the Report
                                                               for the First Quarter of 2023 and the Proposal on
 Meeting of the        26 April 2023      28 April 2023
                                                               Convening the Annual General Meeting of the
 Board of Directors
                                                               Company for 2022
 in 2023
                                                               The meeting deliberated on and approved the
                                                               Proposal on Signing the Wuxing Branch's Agreement
                                                               on Housing Expropriation on Changzhou
                                                               State-owned Land and Compensation, Proposal on
                                                               Amending the Articles of Association and its
 The 17th Meeting
                                                               Appendix, Proposal on the Election of the Board of
 of the 9th Board of   25 May 2023        26 May 2023
                                                               Directors and Nomination of Non-independent
                                                               Directors for the Tenth Board of Directors, Proposal
                                                               on the Election of the Board of Directors and
                                                               Nomination of Independent Directors for the Tenth
                                                               Board of Directors, and Proposal on Convening the
                                                               First Extraordinary General Meeting in 2023
                                                               The meeting deliberated on and approved the
                                                               Proposal on Electing the Chairman of the Company,
                                                               Proposal on Election of Vice Chairman of the
 The 1st Meeting of                                            Company, Proposal on Appointing the General
 the 10th Board of     12 June 2023       13 June 2023         Manager of the Company, Proposal on Appointing
 Directors                                                     the Deputy General Manager of the Company,
                                                               Proposal on Appointing the Chief Accountant of the
                                                               Company, Proposal on Appointing the Chief
                                                               Engineer of the Company, Proposal on Appointing

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                                                            Board Secretary of the Company, Proposal on
                                                            Election of Members of the Remuneration and
                                                            Evaluation Committee of the Board of Directors of
                                                            the Company, Proposal on Election of Members of
                                                            the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the
                                                            Company, and Proposal on Election of Members of
                                                            the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors of
                                                            the Company
The 2nd
Extraordinary                                               The meeting deliberated on and approved the
Meeting of the         10 July 2023     11 July 2023        Proposal on Using Idle Funds to Purchase Wealth
Board of Directors                                          Management Products
in 2023
                                                            The meeting deliberated on and approved the
                                                            Proposal on Changing the Legal Representative of
                                                            the Company and Amending the Articles of
The 3rd
                                                            Association and Rules of Procedure of the Board of
                                                            Directors, Proposal on the Re-appointment of the
Meeting of the         25 July 2023     26 July 2023
                                                            Financial Audit Institution for 2023 and Its Audit
Board of Directors
                                                            Expenses, Proposal on the Re-appointment of the
in 2023
                                                            Internal Control Audit Institution for 2023 and Its
                                                            Audit Expenses, and Proposal on Convening the
                                                            Second Extraordinary General Meeting in 2023
                                                            The meeting deliberated on and approved the
The 2nd Meeting of     22     August                        Semi-annual Report for 2023, Proposal on Provision
the 10th Board of                       24 August 2023      of Reserves for Credit Impairment and Asset
Directors              2023                                 Impairment, and Special Report on the Deposit and
                                                            Use of Raised Funds for the Half Year of 2023
                                                            The meeting deliberated on and approved the Report
                                                            of the Third Quarter of 2023, Proposal on the
                                                            Completion of the Project of Innovation Capacity
                                                            Building of the Technology Centre in Private
                                                            Placement Raised Funds Investment Project and
                                                            Permanent Supplement of Surplus Raised Funds to
                                                            Working Capital, Proposal on Amending the Articles
                                                            of Association of the Company, Proposal on
                                                            Amending the Rules of Procedure of the Board of
                                                            Directors, Proposal on Amending the Independent
                                                            Director System, Proposal on Amending the
                                                            Implementation Rules of the Audit Committee of the
The 3rd Meeting of     27     October   28     October      Board of Directors, Proposal on Amending the
the 10th Board of                                           Implementation Rules of the Remuneration and
Directors              2023             2023
                                                            Evaluation Committee of the Board of Directors,
                                                            Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the
                                                            Strategic Development Committee of the Board of
                                                            Directors, Proposal on Amending the Work System
                                                            for Annual Reports of Independent Directors,
                                                            Proposal    on Amending         the   Shareholding
                                                            Management System for Directors, Supervisors, and
                                                            Senior Management Members, Proposal on
                                                            Amending the Financial Accounting System,
                                                            Proposal on Signing the Sanjing Branch's Agreement
                                                            on Non-residential Housing Expropriation and
                                                            Compensation in Xinbei District, Changzhou City,
                                                            and Proposal on Convening the Third Extraordinary

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

                                                                General Meeting in 2023

 The 4th
 Extraordinary         15 December         16 December          The meeting deliberated on and approved the
 Meeting of the                                                 Proposal on Using Idle Funds to Purchase Wealth
 Board of Directors    2023                2023                 Management Products
 in 2023

2. Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings and General Meetings

                        Attendance of directors at board meetings and general meetings
                  Total                                                                       The
               number of                       Board                                       director
                                                                 Board        Board
                  board         Board        meetings                                      failed to
                                                               meetings     meetings                    General
                meetings      meetings      attended by                                   attend two
 Director                                                       attended   the director                 meetings
              the director   attended on       way of                                     consecutiv
                                                               through a     failed to                  attended
                   was           site       telecommu                                       e board
                                                                 proxy        attend
               eligible to                    nication                                     meetings
                 attend                                                                    (yes/no)

Li Desen           6             1              5                 0             0            No             2

Zhang Xin         10             3              7                 0             0            No             4
                   6             1              5                 0             0            No             3
Tan Jie            6             1              5                 0             0            No             3
Jiang He          10             3              7                 0             0            No             4

Yang Feng         10             1              9                 0             0            No             4

                  10             1              9                 0             0            No             4

Zhang Yan         10             2              8                 0             0            No             4

Jia Bin            6             1              5                 0             0            No             3
Shi Xinkun         4             2              2                 0             0            No             2
Lin Tian           4             0              4                 0             0            No             2
Xu Yi              4             2              2                 0             0            No             2

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Xing Min              4                  0             4               0               0              No               2
Explanation of why any director failed to attend two consecutive board meetings:

3. Objections Raised by Directors on Matters of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any directors raised any objections on any matter of the Company.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Other Information about the Performance of Duty by Directors

Indicate by tick mark whether any suggestions from directors were adopted by the Company.
√ Yes □ No
Suggestions from directors adopted or not adopted by the Company:
All directors of the Company in line with the law, rules, normative documents and obligations given by the
Company of the Company law, Article of Associations, Rules of Procedure of the Board and Independent
Directors System, comprehensively focused on the development and operation of the Company, actively attended
the general meeting of shareholder and meeting of board of directors. Independent directors given independent
opinions for the significant events of the Company, and effectively maintained the profits of the Company and all
the shareholders. The Company actively listened to the suggestions from directors upon the significant events and
adopted them. For more details, please refer to the Report on the Work of the Board of Directors for 2023
disclosed by the Company on http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 12 April 2024.

VII Special Committees under the Board of Directors during the Reporting Period

                          er of   Date                                                                                Other
Name of
                          meeti     of                                               Important comments and         performan
committ    Members                                         Contents
                           ngs    meeti                                                    suggestions                ce of
                          conve     ng                                                                                duties
                                                                                 The audit plan for the
                                                                                 Company's 2022 annual report
                                             The meeting deliberated on and      was relatively reasonable, and
Audit                             28         approved the Preliminary Review     the key communication matters
           Yan,                              of 2022 Annual Report, Audit Plan   were in line with the actual
Committ                           Febru      for 2022 Annual Report, Report on   situation of the Company. The
           Wang            3                                                                                          None
ee                                ary        Internal Audit Work for 2022 and    management and the accounting
           Mancang,                          Internal Audit Plan for 2023, and   firm are expected to continue to
                                  2023       Report on the Use of Raised Funds   closely cooperate to ensure the
           Lin Tian
                                             for 2022                            smooth completion of the
                                                                                 disclosure of the Company's
                                                                                 2022 annual report

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                                                                           The      Company's       financial
                                      The meeting deliberated on and
                                                                           statements fairly reflect the
                                      approved the 2022 Financial
                                                                           financial condition of the
                                      Statements, Proposal on Provision
                             6                                             Company as at 31 December
                                      of Reserves for Credit Impairment
                                                                           2022 in all material respects, and
                             April    and Asset Impairment, Special
                                                                           its operating results and cash
                                      Report on the Deposit and Use of
                             2023                                          flows in 2022. It was consented
                                      Raised Funds for 2022, and
                                                                           that both the proposals shall be
                                      Annual Self-Evaluation Report on
                                                                           submitted to the Board of
                                      Internal Control for 2022
                                                                           Directors for discussion
                                      The meeting deliberated on the
                                      Work Summary of the Audit
                             25       Department for the First Quarter     It was consented that both the
                                      of 2023, and approved the Report     proposals shall be submitted to
                                      of the First Quarter of 2023 and     the 1st Extraordinary Meeting of
                             2023     the Special Report on the Deposit    the Board of Directors in 2023
                                      and Use of Raised Funds in the
                                      First Quarter of 2023
                                      The meeting deliberated on and
                                      approved the Proposal on the
                             24       Re-appointment of the Financial      It was consented that both the
                                      Audit Institution for 2023 and Its   proposals shall be submitted to
                                      Audit Expenses, and Proposal on      the 3rd Extraordinary Meeting of
                             2023     the Re-appointment of the Internal   the Board of Directors in 2023
                                      Control Audit Institution for 2023
                                      and Its Audit Expenses
                                      The meeting deliberated on the
                                      Work Report of Audit Department
                                      for the Half Year of 2023, and
                             18       approved the Semi-annual Report      It was consented that both the
                                      for 2023, Proposal on Provision of   proposals shall be submitted to
                                      Reserves for Credit Impairment       the 2nd Meeting of the 10th Board
            Zhang            t 2023   and Asset Impairment, and Special    of Directors
            Yan,                      Report on the Deposit and Use of
            Wang        3             Raised Funds for the Half Year of
            Mancang,                  2023
            Tan Jie                   The meeting deliberated on and       Agree to submit the Report of
                                      approved the Work Summary of         the Third Quarter of 2023 and
                                      Audit Department for the Third       Proposal on the Completion of
                                      Quarter of 2023, Report of the
                                                                           the Project of Innovation
                                      Third Quarter of 2023, Special
                             25       Report on the Deposit and Use of     Capacity Building of the
                             Octob    Raised Funds in the Third Quarter    Technology Centre in Private
                                      of 2023, and Proposal on the         Placement       Raised     Funds
                             er       Completion of the Project of         Investment        Project    and
                             2023     Innovation Capacity Building of      Permanent      Supplement     of
                                      the Technology Centre in Private
                                                                           Surplus Raised Funds to
                                      Placement      Raised      Funds
                                      Investment Project and Permanent     Working Capital to the Third
                                      Supplement of Surplus Raised         Meeting of the Tenth Board of
                                      Funds to Working Capital             Directors for deliberation
                                      The meeting deliberated on and
Remuner     Xing                      approved the Results on the
ation and   Min,             12       Performance Appraisal of the
                                                                           It was consented that both the
Evaluati    Wang             Januar   Senior Management of the
                                                                           proposals shall be submitted to
                        1             Company for the Year 2022 and
on          Mancang,         y                                             the Board of Directors for
                                      the Contract on the Performance
Committ     Shi              2023     Appraisal of the Senior
ee          Xinkun                    Management of the Company for
                                      the Year 2023

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

VIII Performance of Duty by the Supervisory Committee

Indicate by tick mark whether the Supervisory Committee found any risk to the Company during its supervision in
the Reporting Period.
□ Yes √ No
The Supervisory Committee raised no objections in the Reporting Period.

IX Employees

1. Number, Functions and Educational Backgrounds of Employees

 Number of in-service employees of the Company as the parent at
 the period-end
 Number of in-service employees of major subsidiaries at the
 Total number of in-service employees at the period-end                                                  2,573
 Total number of paid employees in the Reporting Period                                                  2,573
 Number of retirees to whom the Company as the parent or its
 major subsidiaries need to pay retirement pensions
                             Function                                               Employees
 Production                                                                                              1,677
 Sales                                                                                                     187
 Technical                                                                                                 348
 Financial                                                                                                  41
 Administrative                                                                                            280
 Other                                                                                                      40
 Total                                                                                                   2,573
                                           Educational backgrounds
                      Educational background                                        Employees
 Junior high school graduates and below                                                                  1,094
 High school graduates                                                                                     679
 College graduates and technical secondary school graduates                                                497
 Bachelors                                                                                                 285
 Masters and above                                                                                          18
 Total                                                                                                   2,573

2. Employee Remuneration Policy

The Company always adhered to the principle of tilting the remuneration incentive mechanism towards excellent
talents, so as to display the roles of various professional technicians, management staffs and skilled backbones.
Besides, it adhered to the principle of increasing the employee’s income integrated with increasing labor
production efficiency and production & operation efficiency, so as to perfect the salary structure and further

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

increase employees’ income steadily.

3. Employee Training Plans

The Company established the Management Rules on the Education & Training for Employees, aiming to enhance
employees’ quality and try its best to cultivate a team of faithful and highly professional talents. Besides, it
innovated the training mechanism, optimized the training environment, and reinforced to encourage employees to
attend various training, so as to inspire the employees’ potential to the maximum extent and further promote the
sustainable development of the Company.

4. Labor Outsourcing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X Profit Distributions (in the Form of Cash and/or Stock)

How the profit distribution policy, especially the cash dividend policy, was formulated, executed or revised in the
Reporting Period:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
In Articles of Association, which had confirmed the specific profits distribution and cleared out the conditions,
standards and proportion of the cash bonus, stipulated the decision-making progress of the formulation and
alternation of the profits distribution policies and the chapters as well as the regulations fully ensure the
opportunities for the medium and small shareholders to exert the functions and to provide advices as well as
appeals. The cash bonus of recent 3 years of the Company met with the regulations of the Articles of Association
and during the decision-making process of the profits distribution proposal, fully respected the advices from the
medium and small shareholders. The profits distribution preplan and the turning capital reserve into share capital
preplan of the Company were both met with the relevant regulations of the Articles of Association and so on.
                                  Special statement about the cash dividend policy
 In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and resolution of general meeting      Yes
 Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                                                   Yes
 Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                                                 Yes
 Independent directors faithfully performed their duties and played their due role                Yes
 Specific reasons and the next steps it intends to take to enhance the investor return level if
 the Company did not pay cash dividend:
 Non-controlling interests are able to fully express their opinion and desire and their legal
 rights and interests are fully protected
 In case of adjusting or changing the cash dividend policy, the conditions and procedures
 involved are in compliance with applicable regulations and transparent
Indicate by tick mark whether the Company fails to put forward a cash dividend proposal despite the facts that the
Company has made profits in the Reporting Period and the profits of the Company as the parent distributable to
shareholders are positive.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Final dividend plan for the Reporting Period:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
 Bonus shares for every 10 shares (share)                                                                       0

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

 Dividend for every 10 shares (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                         0.47
 Additional shares to be converted from capital reserve for every
 10 shares (share)
 Total shares as the basis for the profit distribution proposal
 Cash dividends (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                             33,167,547.83
 Cash dividends in other forms (such as share repurchase) (RMB)                                                0
 Total cash dividends (including those in other forms) (RMB)                                      33,167,547.83
 Distributable profit (RMB)                                                                    1,002,436,724.71
 Total cash dividends (including those in other forms) as % of
 total profit distribution
                                                Cash dividend policy
                                         Particulars about the dividend plan
 The Board has approved a final dividend plan as follows: based on the total share capital of the Company at 31
 December 2023, a cash dividend of RMB0.47 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is to be distributed to the
 shareholders, with no bonus issue from either profit or capital reserves.

XI Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures for

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XII Formulation and Implementation of Internal Control System during the Reporting

1. Internal Control Formulation and Implementation

During the Reporting Period, the Company strictly complied with national laws and regulations and relevant
regulations such as the Basic Code for Internal Control of Enterprises and the Guidelines for Application of
Enterprise Internal Control, as well as the provisions and requirements of the Company's internal control standards,
and optimized important business processes and improved and perfected the internal control system through
continuous supervision and effective evaluation of the operation of the Company's internal control, so as to adapt
to the changing external environment and internal management requirements and improve the efficiency of the
Company's operation and management. By doing so, the Company effectively prevented risks in operation and
management, and promoted the achievement of internal control objectives. The Company's internal control system
can cover the major aspects of the Company's operation and management, and the internal control design is sound
and reasonable, with no material omissions.

2. Material Internal Control Weaknesses Identified for the Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                             Annual Report 2023

XIII Management of Subsidiaries by the Company during the Reporting Period

                   Integration       Progress on                        Solutions           Solution     Subsequent
 Subsidiary                                            found in
                      plan           integration                          taken             progress      solution
N/A             N/A                 N/A              N/A             N/A               N/A              N/A

XIV Self-Evaluation Report or Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control

1. Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report

 Disclosure date of the internal
                                                                         12 April 2024
 control self-evaluation report
 Index to the disclosed internal
 control self-evaluation report
 Evaluated entities’ combined assets
 as % of consolidated total assets
 Evaluated    entities’ combined
 operating revenue as % of                                                  100.00%
 consolidated operating revenue
                                 Identification standards for internal control weaknesses
                                            Weaknesses in internal control over      Weaknesses in internal control
                                                     financial reporting            not related to financial reporting
                                           The Company classified the defects
                                                                                    Defects with the following
                                           as serious defect, important defect
                                                                                    random characteristics should be
                                           and general defect according to the
                                                                                    recognized as serious defect:
                                           influence degree from the internal
                                                                                    1) Seriously violated the national
                                                                                    laws        and      administrative
                                           (1) Serious defect: refers to one or
                                                                                    regulations and the normative
                                           multiple groups with control defect
                                           which may lead the enterprise
                                                                                    2) “three significant one great”
                                           seriously deviates the control target;
                                                                                    event had not been through the
                                           (2) Important defect: refers to one or
                                                                                    collective         decision-making
                                           multiple groups with control defect
                                           with the severity and the economic
                                                                                    3) the significant events involved
 Nature standard                           results lower than the great defect
                                                                                    with      the    production    and
                                           but may still lead the enterprise
                                                                                    operation of the Company lacked
                                           seriously deviates the control target;
                                                                                    of systematic control or the
                                           (3) General defect: refers to other
                                                                                    institutional system was invalid;
                                           defect except for the great defect
                                                                                    4) the internal control of the
                                           and significant defect.
                                                                                    information      disclosure    was
                                           Nature standards:
                                                                                    invalid, which led the Company
                                           defects with the following random
                                                                                    be open condemned by the
                                           characteristics should be recognized
                                                                                    supervision department;
                                           as serious defect:
                                                                                    5) the serious defect from the
                                           1) the defect involves with the
                                                                                    assessment results of the internal
                                           malpractice of the Directors,
                                                                                    control had not been revised.
                                           Supervisors and Senior Executives;

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

                                       2) revised the disclosed financial
                                       3) CPAs discovered the great
                                       misstatement among the current
                                       financial statement while which
                                       could not be found during the
                                       operating process of the internal
                                       4) the supervision from the Audit
                                       Committee and the internal audit
                                       institution of the enterprise was
                                                                               Refer to the quantitative criteria
                                                                               of the internal control defect of
                                       Quantitative standards:
                                                                               the financial report, to recognize
                                       The quantitative standards of
                                                                               the quantitative criteria of the
                                       recognizing the significant degree of
                                                                               significant degree of the internal
                                       the misstatement (including the false
                                                                               control      defect     of     the
                                       negatives) of the consolidated
                                                                               non-financial report of the
                                       financial report of the Company
                                                                               Company as:
                                       based on the data from the
                                                                               Serious defect: possibly caused
 Quantitative standard                 2023consolidated statements was as:
                                                                               directly losses≥0.1% of the net
                                       Serious defect: misstatement≥5% of
                                       the annual profits
                                                                               Important defect: 0.05% of the
                                       Important defect: 2.5% of the annual
                                                                               net assets≤ possibly caused
                                       profits≤ misstatement < 5% of the
                                                                               directly losses < 0.1% of the net
                                       annual profits
                                       General defect<2.5% of the annual
                                                                               General defect: possibly caused
                                                                               directly losses<0.05% of the net
 Number of material weaknesses in
 internal control over financial                                                                               0
 Number of material weaknesses in
 internal control not related to                                                                               0
 financial reporting
 Number of serious weaknesses in
 internal control over financial                                                                               0
 Number of serious weaknesses in
 internal control not related to                                                                               0
 financial reporting

2. Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                    Opinion paragraph in the independent auditor’s report on internal control
 We believed that Changchai Company, Limited maintained effective internal control of the financial report in
 significant aspects according to the Basic Norms of Internal Control and relevant regulations on 31 December

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

 Independent auditor’s report on internal control disclosed or not           Disclosed
 Disclosure date                                                              12 April 2024
 Index to such report disclosed                                               S.G. W[2024]No.E1086
 Type of the auditor’s opinion                                               Unmodified unqualified opinion
 Material weaknesses in internal control not related to financial reporting   None
Indicate by tick mark whether any modified opinion is expressed in the independent auditor’s report on the
Company’s internal control.
□ Yes √ No
Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal control is consistent
with the internal control self-evaluation report issued by the Company’s Board.
√ Yes □ No

XV Remediation of Problems Identified by Self-inspection in the Special Action on the
Governance of Listed Companies


Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                  Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I Major Environmental Issues

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries was identified as a key polluter by the
environment authorities.
□ Yes √ No
Administrative punishments received in the Reporting Period due to environmental issues:
   Company or         Reason for                                             Impact on the
                                          Violation         Punishment                         measures of the
    subsidiary        punishment                                               Company
 N/A                N/A               N/A                N/A                 N/A              N/A
Other environmental information disclosed with reference to key polluters:
Actions taken during the Reporting Period to reduce carbon emissions and the impact:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
See the 2023 Social Responsibility and ESG Report of Changchai Company, Limited disclosed on
http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 12 April 2024.
The reason for not disclosing other environmental information: The Company and its subsidiaries are not listed as
key polluting units by the environmental protection department. The production and operation of the Company
and its subsidiaries strictly comply with relevant national laws and regulations. The Company will continue to
strengthen environmental supervision and management to ensure that the development of the enterprise complies
with environmental protection policies and regulations.

II Social Responsibility

See the 2023 Social Responsibility and ESG Report of Changchai Company, Limited disclosed on
http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 12 April 2024.

III Efforts in Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization


Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                Annual Report 2023

                                      Part VI Significant Events

I Fulfillment of Commitments

1. Commitments of the Company’s De Facto Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and Acquirers, as
well as the Company Itself and Other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Period or Ongoing at the

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                               Ty                                                   te
                                               pe                                                   of
                                               of                                                   co
                                               co                                                   m       Term of
     Commitment                   Promisor     m               Details of commitment                mi       commit
                                               mi                                                   tm        ment
                                               tm                                                   ent
                                               en                                                   ma
                                                t                                                   kin
                                               ar                                                   5
                                                     It will not transfer the shares it has                  5 July
                                               e                                                    Jul                On
                        Changzhou Investment         obtained in the private placement of                    2021 -5
                                                     Changchai within 36 months starting from       y                  goi
                        Group Co., Ltd.        di                                                             July
                                                     the date when the private placement of         20                 ng
                                                     A-shares is allowed for public trading.                  2024
                                               re                                                   21
Commitments made in                                  1. It undertakes not to interfere in the
                                                     Company's operation and management
                                                     activities beyond its authority and not to
                                                     encroach on the Company's interests;
                                                                                                    11      11 April
                                                     2. It undertakes not to transfer benefits to
                                               Ot                                                   Ap        2020     On
                        Changzhou Investment         other entities or individuals free of charge
                                               he                                                   ril       -31      goi
                        Group Co., Ltd.              or on unfair terms, nor to impair the
                                               r                                                    20      Decemb     ng
                                                     interests of the Company by any other
                                                                                                    20       er 9999
                                                     3. After the issuance of this Letter of
                                                     Commitment and before the completion of
                                                     the Company's non-public offering of

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

                                                         shares, if the China Securities Regulatory
                                                         Commission (CSRC) makes other new
                                                         regulatory provisions on the return filling
                                                         measures and commitments, and the
                                                         aforesaid commitments cannot meet such
                                                         provisions of the CSRC, it undertakes to
                                                         issue   supplementary   commitments      in
                                                         accordance with the latest provisions of
                                                         the CSRC;
                                                         4. It undertakes to effectively implement
                                                         the Company's measures to fill the return
                                                         and any commitments made thereon. If the
                                                         Company breaches such commitments and
                                                         causes losses to the Company or the
                                                         investors, the Company is willing to
                                                         compensate the Company or the investors
                                                         according to law.
                                                         Rewards Plan for Shareholders in Next
                                                         Three Years(2023-2025)
                                                         Under the premise of positive distributive
                                                         profit (remaining after-tax profits after
                                                         making up for the loss and extracting for
                                                         the common reserves) in this year or half
                                                         year and abundant money flow and no           18
Other commitments                                        influence on the following-up going           M      Year      On
                               Changchai Company,   di
made to minority                                         concern after cash bonus, the profits         ay     2023-20   goi
                               Limited              vi
shareholders                                             allocated by cash every year shouldn’t be    20     25        ng
                                                         lower than 10% of the allocable profits       23
                                                         from parent company. Meanwhile, the
                                                         accumulated allocable profits by cash in
                                                         the arbitrary continuous three accounting
                                                         years should not be lower than 30% of the
                                                         annual average allocable profits in those
                                                         three years.
Fulfilled on time or not       Yes
Specific   reasons      for
failing     to       fulfill
commitments on time            N/A
and plans for next step
(if any)

2. Where there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and the Reporting Period was still
within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has been reached for the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

II Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or any of Its Related
Parties for Non-Operating Purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

III Irregularities in the Provision of Guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV Explanations Given by the Board of Directors Regarding the Independent Auditor's
“Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements of the Latest Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Explanations Given by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the Independent
Directors (if any) Regarding the Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on the Financial
Statements of the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI YoY Changes to Accounting Policies, Estimates and Correction of Material Accounting

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                  Changes to the accounting policies and why                                           Remark
The Company starts to implement the “accounting treatment for deferred
income tax relating to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction that              Notes of changes
is not subject to the initial recognition exemption” stipulated in the Accounting          /     to     accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises Interpretation No. 16 issued by the Ministry                   policies
of Finance on 13 November 2022 since 1 January 2023.
Description of changes in accounting policies:
(1) The impact of implementing the Interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises on the
On 13 December 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises (CaiKuai [2022] No. 31, hereinafter referred to as "Interpretation No. 16"). Since 1 January
2023, the stipulation of "the accounting processing of initial recognition exemption is not applicable to deferred
income tax related to assets and liabilities arising from individual transactions" has been implemented, allowing
enterprises to execute it ahead of schedule for their own annual release. The accounting processing related to this
matter that was not implemented in advance by the Company in 2023 will be implemented from 1 January 2023.
Interpretation No. 16 stipulates that for single transactions that are not business combinations, that affect neither
accounting profit nor taxable income (or deductible losses) at the time when the transaction occurs, and where the

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

initial recognition of assets and liabilities results in taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary
differences of equal amounts (including lease transactions in which the lessee recognises the initial lease liability
and includes it in the right-of-use asset on the commencement date of the lease term, as well as single transactions
in which estimated liabilities are recognised and included in the costs of related assets due to fixed assets'
retirement obligations), exemption from initial recognition of deferred income tax liabilities and deferred income
tax assets shall not apply. Enterprises shall recognise the corresponding deferred income tax liabilities and
deferred income tax assets, respectively, in accordance with No. 18 of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises -- Income Taxes when the transaction is affected.
For single transactions that occurred between the beginning of the earliest period presented in the financial
statements and the date of initial application of this provision, as well as lease liabilities and right-of-use assets
recognised at the beginning of the earliest period presented in the financial statements due to the application of
this provision to single transactions, and recognised estimated liabilities related to retirement obligations and
corresponding related assets, which create taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences,
enterprises shall make adjustments in accordance with this provision.
The change in accounting policy has no impact on the Company's financial statements.

VII YoY Changes to the Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor

Current independent auditor:
                                                               Gongzheng Tianye Certified Public Accountants
 Name of the domestic independent auditor
                                                               (Special General Partnership)
 The Company’s payment to the domestic independent
 auditor (RMB’0,000)
 How many consecutive years the domestic independent
 auditor has provided audit service for the Company
 Names of the certified public accountants from the
 domestic independent auditor writing signatures on the        Wang Wenkai, Qin Zhijun
 auditor’s report
 How many consecutive years the certified public
                                                               Three years for Wang Wenkai, three years for Qin
 accountants have provided audit service for the
Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor was changed for the Reporting Period.
□ Yes √ No
Independent auditor, financial advisor or sponsor engaged for the audit of internal controls:
√Applicable □ Not applicable
In this year, the Company retained Gongzheng Tianye Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)
as the audit institution for its internal control at the audit fees of RMB140,000.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                    Annual Report 2023

IX Possibility of Delisting after Disclosure of this Report

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X Insolvency and Reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XI Major Legal Matters

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XII Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIII Credit Quality of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The de facto controller of the Company is SASAC of Changzhou People’s Government and the controlling
shareholder of it is Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd. There is no such case that the controlling shareholder
fails to perform any legally effective judgment of courts or to pay off matured debts with a large amount.

XIV Major Related-Party Transactions

1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Disposal of Assets or Equity Investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                 Annual Report 2023

4. Amounts Due to and from Related Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Transactions with Related Finance Companies

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not make deposits in, receive loans or credit from and was not involved in any other finance
business with any related finance company or any other related parties.

6. Transactions with Related Parties by Finance Companies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The finance company controlled by the Company did not make deposits, receive loans or credit from and was not
involved in any other finance business with any related parties.

7. Other Major Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XV Major Contracts and Execution thereof

1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases

(1) Entrustment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Leases

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Major Guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

(1) Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Overviews of cash entrusted for wealth management during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB’0,000
                      Capital                                                                   overdue amount
  Specific type                    Amount incurred       Undue balance        overdue
                     resources                                                                 with provision for
 Bank financial
                   Self-funded                36,070              13,070                   0                    0
 Bank financial    Raised-funde
                                              10,000                     0                 0                    0
 products          d
 financial         Self-funded              2,028.98               1,300                   0                    0
 Total                                     48,098.98              14,370                   0                    0
High-risk wealth management transactions with a significant single amount, or with low security, low liquidity:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Situation where the principal is expectedly irrecoverable or impairment may be incurred:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Entrusted Loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Other Major Contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVI Other Significant Events

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Expropriation of the Wuxing branch company’s properties on state-owned land and compensation
On 25 May 2023, the Proposal on the Intention to Sign the Agreement on the Expropriation of the Properties of
the Wuxing Branch Company on State-owned Land in Changzhou City and the Compensation was approved at
the 17th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors. Later, the said matter was approved at the First Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders in 2023 dated 12 June 2023. As such, the Company was agreed to sign a
contract with Changzhou Zhonglou District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau on the expropriation

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                   Annual Report 2023

of the Wuxing branch company’s properties on state-owned land and the compensation, with the contractual total
compensation amount being RMB117 million. On 14 June 2023, the Company signed the Agreement on the
Expropriation of the Properties of the Wuxing Branch Company on State-owned Land in Changzhou City and the
Compensation with Changzhou Zhonglou District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, and received
the first compensation payment of RMB70 million on 28 June 2023, and received the residual compensation
payment of RMB47 million on 9 January 2024.
2. Housing expropriation on state-owned land and compensation of Sanjing Branch
On 27 October 2023, the Company held the Third Meeting of the Tenth Board of Directors, deliberating on and
approving the Proposal on Signing the Sanjing Branch's Agreement on Non-residential Housing Expropriation
and Compensation in Xinbei District, Changzhou City. The matter was approved at the third extraordinary general
meeting on 14 November 2023, approving that the Company would sign agreement with the Housing and
Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Changzhou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone and the
Housing Expropriation and Compensation Service Centre of Sanjing Street, Xinbei District, Changzhou City,
regarding the housing expropriation on state-owned land and compensation of the Sanjing Branch. The total
compensation amount under the agreement was RMB99,929,900. On 29 November 2023, the Company signed the
Agreement on Non-residential Housing Expropriation and Compensation with the Housing and Urban-Rural
Development Bureau of Changzhou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone and the Housing
Expropriation and Compensation Service Centre of Sanjing Street, Xinbei District, Changzhou City. The
Company received the first compensation of RMB30 million until January 2024.

XVII Significant Events of Subsidiaries

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Acquisition of 7.5% equity held by natural person shareholders of Zhenjiang Siyang
In December 2023, the Company acquired 7.5% equity held by three natural person shareholders of its
partially-owned subsidiaries Zhenjiang Siyang with RMB7.17 million. As at 31 December 2023, the Company
had held a total of 49% equity in Zhenjiang Siyang and remained its largest shareholder.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

             Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information

I Share Changes

1. Share Changes

                                                                                                      Unit: share
                  Before              Increase/decrease in the Reporting Period (+/-)            After
                       Percenta     New      dividend                                                 Percenta
            Number                                       converte     Other     Subtotal   Number
                        ge (%)     issues    converte                                                  ge (%)
                                                          d from
                                              d from
            56,818,1                                                                       56,818,1
Restricte                  8.05%                                                       0                 8.05%
                  81                                                                             81
d shares
held by            0       0.00%                                                       0         0       0.00%
held by
            56,818,1                                                                       56,818,1
state-ow                   8.05%                                                       0                 8.05%
               81.00                                                                          81.00
held by
                   0       0.00%                                                       0         0       0.00%
                   0       0.00%                                                       0         0       0.00%
held by

Changchai Company, Limited                    Annual Report 2023

c legal
held by
                  0      0.00%        0         0      0.00%
c natural
held by
                  0      0.00%        0         0      0.00%
held by           0      0.00%        0         0      0.00%
held by
                  0      0.00%        0         0      0.00%
Unrestri    648,874,                      648,874,
                       91.95%         0              91.95%
cted            326                            326
nominat     498,874,                      498,874,
                       70.69%         0              70.69%
ed              326                            326
cally       150,000,                      150,000,
                       21.26%         0              21.26%
listed          000                            000

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

listed             0      0.00%                                                        0          0      0.00%
                   0      0.00%                                                        0          0      0.00%
3. Total   705,692,      100.00                                                            705,692,     100.00
shares         507           %                                                                  507         %
Reasons for the share changes:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Approval of share changes:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Transfer of share ownership:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Effects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the
Company’s ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior accounting period,
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

1. Securities (Exclusive of Preferred Shares) Issued in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes to Total Shares, Shareholder Structure and Asset and Liability Structures

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Existing Staff-Held Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Shareholders and Actual Controller

                                                                                                       Unit: share

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

                                                                                      Number of
                             Number of
                             ordinary                     Number of
                                                                                      shareholders with
Number of                    shareholders at              preferred
                                                                                      resumed voting
ordinary            58,653   the month-end         56,686 shareholders          0                            0
                                                                                      rights at the
shareholders                 prior to the                 with resumed
                                                                                      month-end prior
                             disclosure of this           voting rights
                                                                                      to the disclosure
                                                                                      of this Report
                                 5% or greater shareholders or top 10 shareholders
                                                        Increase/d                          Shares in pledge
                                           Total shares ecrease in                             or frozen
    Name of             Nature of   lding                           Restricted Unrestricted
                                            held at the     the
   shareholder         shareholder percent                         shares held shares held
                                           period-end Reporting                              Status Shares
Investment Group                     32.26% 227,663,417              0 56,818,181 170,845,236
                 legal person
Co., Ltd
Chen Jian             natural       0.49%         3,478,600                          3,478,600
KGI ASIA              Foreign legal
                                    0.44%         3,101,695          0               3,101,695
LIMITED               person
Wu Chunhua            natural       0.35%         2,442,200 2,442,200                2,442,200
China International
Capital             State-owned
                                 0.27%            1,921,527 1,921,527                1,921,527
Corporation         legal person                                                                  N/A        0
                    Domestic                                                   0
Lu Zhang            natural      0.26%            1,836,643 1,836,643                1,836,643
Li Suinan           natural      0.23%            1,593,800     24,700               1,593,800
Zhang Wenbing       natural      0.22%            1,556,700 1,556,700                1,556,700
Huang Guoliang natural           0.22%            1,528,891          0               1,528,891
Huatai Securities     State-owned
                                   0.21%          1,509,155 1,509,155                1,509,155
Co., Ltd.             legal person
Strategic investor or general legal
person becoming a top-10
ordinary shareholder due to rights
issue (if any)
Related or acting-in-concert It is unknown whether there is among the top 10 public shareholders and the
parties among the shareholders top 10 unrestricted public shareholders any related parties or acting-in-concert

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

above                             parties as defined in the Administrative Measures for Information Regarding
                                  Shareholding Alteration.
Above shareholders involved in
entrusting/being entrusted with
voting rights and giving up voting
Special account for share
repurchases (if any) among the N/A
top 10 shareholders
                                         Top 10 unrestricted shareholders
                                  Unrestricted shares held at the                   Shares by type
        Name of shareholder
                                            period-end                       Type                    Shares
Changzhou Investment Group                                          RMB-denominated
                                                    170,845,236                                       170,845,236
Co., Ltd                                                            ordinary share
Chen Jian                                              3,478,600                                        3,478,600
                                                                    ordinary share
                                                                    Domestically listed
KGI ASIA LIMITED                                       3,101,695                                        3,101,695
                                                                    foreign share
Wu Chunhua                                             2,442,200                                        2,442,200
                                                                    ordinary share
China International Capital                                         RMB-denominated
                                                       1,921,527                                        1,921,527
Corporation Limited                                                 ordinary share
                                                                    Domestically listed
Lu Zhang                                               1,836,643                                        1,836,643
                                                                    foreign share
                                                                    Domestically listed
Li Suinan                                              1,593,800                                        1,593,800
                                                                    foreign share
Zhang Wenbing                                          1,556,700                                        1,556,700
                                                                    ordinary share
                                                                    Domestically listed
Huang Guoliang                                         1,528,891                                        1,528,891
                                                                    foreign share
Huatai Securities Co., Ltd.                            1,509,155                                        1,509,155
                                                                    ordinary share
Related or acting-in-concert
parties among top 10 unrestricted It is unknown whether there is among the top 10 public shareholders and the
public shareholders, as well as top 10 unrestricted public shareholders any related parties or acting-in-concert
between top 10 unrestricted parties as defined in the Administrative Measures for Information Regarding
public shareholders and top 10 Shareholding Alteration.
Top 10 ordinary shareholders
                                  Shareholders Chen Jian and Wu Chunhua held 2,952,800 and 2,442,200 shares
involved in securities margin
                                  respectively in the Company through their margin accounts.
trading (if any)
Top 10 shareholders involved in refinancing shares lending
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

Changes in top 10 shareholders compared with the prior period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: share
                   Changes in top 10 shareholders compared with the end of the prior period
                                           Newly                                          Shares in the common
                                          added or       Shares lent in refinancing     account and credit account
                                          existing       and not yet returned at the         plus shares lent in
                                          from top              period-end                refinancing and not yet
      Full name of shareholder                10                                        returned at the period-end
                                          rs in the                       As % of                       As % of
                                         Reporting      Total shares     total share   Total shares    total share
                                           Period                          capital                       capital
Wu Chunhua                                                         0          0.00%       2,442,200         0.35%
China International Capital              Newly
                                                                   0          0.00%       1,921,527         0.27%
Corporation Limited                      added
Lu Zhang                                                           0          0.00%       1,836,643         0.26%
Zhang Wenbing                                                      0          0.00%       1,556,700         0.22%
Huatai Securities Co., Ltd.                                        0          0.00%       1,509,155         0.21%
                                         Exiting                   0          0.00%        694,573          0.10%
Yang Xuee                                Exiting                   0          0.00%               0         0.00%
China Minsheng Bank-Goldstate
Yuanqi Dynamic Asset Allocation
                                         Exiting                   0          0.00%               0         0.00%
Mixed Type Securities Investment
CLSA Asset Management
                                         Exiting                   0          0.00%        938,641          0.13%
Limited-Clients’ Capital
Dai Wenping                              Exiting                   0          0.00%               0         0.00%
Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary
shareholders of the Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Controlling Shareholder

Nature of the controlling shareholder: Controlled by a local state-owned legal person
Type of the controlling shareholder: Legal person
    Name of controlling       representati            Date of           Unified social credit
                                                                                                 Principal activity
       shareholder             ve/person           establishment               code
                               in charge
 Changzhou Investment                                                                            Property
                              Li Desen             20 June 2002        91320400467283980X
 Group Co., Ltd                                                                                  investment and

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

 Controlling shareholder’s
 holdings in other listed
 companies at home or         None
 abroad in the Reporting
Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Actual Controller and Its Acting-in-Concert Parties

Nature of the actual controller: Local institution for state-owned assets management
Type of the actual controller: Legal person
                              representativ       Date of
 Name of actual controller                                       Unified social credit code    Principal activity
                               e/person in     establishment
 State-owned Assets
 Supervision and
                              Shi Jiangshui                      11320400014110251M           Not applicable
 Commission of
 Changzhou Municipal
 People’s Government
 Other listed companies at
 home        or    abroad
 controlled by the actual                                           None
 controller     in     the
 Reporting Period
Change of the actual controller during the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company:

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Indicate by tick mark whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Number of Accumulative Pledged Shares held by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder or the Largest
Shareholder as well as Its Acting-in-Concert Parties Accounts for 80% of all shares of the Company held
by Them

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Other 10% or Greater Corporate Shareholders

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

6. Limitations on Shareholding Decrease by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder, Actual Controller,
Reorganizer and Other Commitment Makers

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company, participated in the
non-public offering of shares of the Company and was allotted 56,818,181 shares with a subscription amount of
RMB249,999,996.40. The shares were listed on 5 July 2021, with a 36-month lock-up period and a release date of
5 July 2024.

IV Specific Implementation of Share Repurchase during the Reporting Period

Progress on any share repurchase
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                      Annual Report 2023

                                  Part VIII Preference Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preference shares in the Reporting Period.

Changchai Company, Limited                        Annual Report 2023

                                  Part IX Bonds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

                                   Part X Financial Statements

I Independent Auditor’s Report
 Type of the independent auditor’s opinion                 Unmodified unqualified opinion
 Date of signing this report                                10 April 2024
                                                            Gongzheng Tianye Certified Public Accountants
 Name of the independent auditor
                                                            (Special General Partnership)
 No. of the auditor’s report                               S.G. W[2024]No.A250
 Name of the certified public accountants                   Wang Wenkai, Qin Zhijun
                                        Text of the Independent Auditor’s Report
To the Shareholders of Changchai Company, Limited,
I Opinion
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Changchai Company, Limited. (together with its
consolidated subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statements, the “Company”), which comprise the
parent’s and consolidated balance sheets as at 31 December 2023, the parent’s and consolidated income statements,
the parent’s and consolidated cash flow statements, the parent’s and consolidated statements of changes in owners’
equity for the year then ended, as well as the notes to the financial statements.
In our opinion, the financial statements attached were prepared in line with the regulations of Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises in all significant aspects which gave a true and fair view of the consolidated
and parent financial position of Changchai Company, Limited. As at 31 December 2023 and the consolidated and
parent business performance and cash flow for 2023.
II Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audits in accordance with the Audit Standards for Chinese Registered Accountants. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for Audit of Financial
Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the China Code of
Ethics for Certified Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with
the said Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our opinion.

III Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of
the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on
these matters. And key audit matter identified in our audit is summarized as follows:
(I) Recognition of revenue
1. Description of the item
For details and analysis of the accounting policies for revenue recognition, please refer to accounting policies
stated in the notes to financial statements “III. 30. Revenue” and “V. 39. Operating income and operating cost”. In
2023, the operating income of Changchai Company amounted to RMB2,155,698,800.
Since the operating revenue is one of key performance indicators of the Company, and there is the inherent risk
that the management may manipulate the timing of revenue recognition for the purpose of achieving certain goals
or expectations, so we identify the revenue recognition as a key audit item.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

2. Response for audit
(1) Know the key internal control related to revenue recognition, evaluate whether its design and execution are
valid or not, and test the operation effectiveness of the related internal control.
(2) Interview the management, know about the recognition policies regarding revenue of the Company, get and
check contracts or agreements of the Company signed with customers, identify contract terms related to the
recognition of sales revenue of products and evaluate whether the revenue recognition of the Company meets the
requirements of accounting standards for business enterprises.
(3) For sales revenue, conducting sampling tests on supporting documents related to revenue recognition, so as to
check supporting documents such as terms associated with control transfer of commodities in sales contracts and
documentation collected and acknowledged by auxiliary manufacturers (including but not limited to sales
contracts, orders, sales invoices, delivery notes, export customs declarations, etc.);
(4) Check the operating revenue recognized before and after the balance sheet date to the supporting documents,
such as shipping order, declaration for exportation, and etc by sampling method to assess whether the operating
revenue is recognized within appropriate period.
(5) Implement the confirmation by drawing sample to recognize the balance of accounts receivable and the
amount of sales revenue according to the features and natures of customer transaction.
(II) Bad debt provision for accounts receivable
1. Description of the item
As accounting policies stated in the notes to financial statements “III. 10. Impairment of financial instruments”
and “V. 4. Accounts receivable”. On 31 December 2023, the book balance of accounts receivable of Changchai
Company stood at RMB464,310,500, the bad debt provision amounted to RMB147,767,300, and the book value
was RMB316,543,200, accounting for 6.13% of the total assets at the end of the reporting period. As the balance
of accounts receivable is significant and the judgement of the Management is involved in the withdrawal of bad
debt provision of accounts receivable, we consider this as a key audit matter.
2. Response for audit
(1) Access Changchai’s internal control systems of sales and accounts receivable management to understand and
evaluate the design of internal control, and carry out walk-through test to confirm the implementation of internal
control systems.
(2) Analyze and confirm the reasonableness of Changchai’s accounting estimates of bad debt provision for
accounts receivable, including the basis for determining the combination of accounts receivable, the expected
credit loss rate and the judgment of impairment test of accounts receivable evaluated individually.
(3) Combined bad debt provision policy for accounts receivable, verifying the accuracy of the basis for
determining accounts receivable portfolio and the reasonableness of bad debt provision separately accrued;
(4) Access and check the account receivable details, aging schedule, statement of provisions for bad debts, and
confirm the reasonableness of bad debt provision for accounts receivable by combining with the request of
confirmation of balance and subsequent collection inspection;
(5) For accounts receivable with bad debt provision by single item, referring to corresponding contracts and other
information to obtain an understanding of sales and repayments and determine whether the bad debt provision by
single item is adequately withdrawn.
(6) Send request for confirmation of balance, and confirm the authenticity and accuracy of the amount of accounts
receivable on the balance sheet date by combining with subsequent inspection and other procedures.
IV Other Information
The Company’s management (hereinafter referred to as “management”) is responsible for the other information.
The other information comprises all of the information included in the Company’s 2023 Annual Report other than

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

the financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in
doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our
knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have
performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information; we are required to report
that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
V Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for Financial Statements
The management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements that give a fair view in accordance
with CAS, and for designing, implementing and maintaining such internal control as the management determines
is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether
due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, matters related to going concern (if applicable) and using the going
concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations,
or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.
VI Auditor’s Responsibilities for Audit of Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance
with CAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error
and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with CAS, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional
skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
(1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error,
design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from
fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
(2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances.
(3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and
related disclosures made by the management.
(4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based
on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast
significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material
uncertainty exists, we are required by CAS to draw users’ attention in our auditor’s report to the related
disclosures in the financial statements. If such disclosures are inadequate, we need to modify our opinion. Our
conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events
or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
(5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the financial

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
(6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business
activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the
direction, supervision and performance of the Company audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding the planned scope and timing of the audit and
significant audit findings, including any noteworthy deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of
most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit
matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure
about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be
communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to
outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

Gongzheng Tianye Certified Public Accountants                     Chinese CPA:
    (Special General Partnership)                                 (Engagement Partner)
                                                                       Chinese CPA:
       Wuxi  China                                                 10 April 2024

II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited
                                               31 December 2023
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                  Item                        31 December 2023                       1 January 2023
Current assets:
  Monetary assets                                      1,083,867,966.87                        930,013,350.97
  Settlement reserve
  Interbank loans granted
  Held-for-trading financial assets                      225,641,429.94                        370,103,602.57
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                       161,632,567.94                        297,125,872.54
  Accounts receivable                                    316,543,159.91                        370,322,179.77
  Accounts receivable financing                          195,875,948.92                        242,813,392.79
  Prepayments                                               12,333,310.85                        6,330,202.69
  Premiums receivable

Changchai Company, Limited                                   Annual Report 2023

  Reinsurance receivables
   Receivable reinsurance contract
  Other receivables                         49,699,753.61     32,938,305.16
     Including: Interest receivable
   Financial assets purchased under
resale agreements
  Inventories                           789,220,185.68       571,996,881.74
  Contract assets
  Assets held for sale
  Current portion of non-current
  Other current assets                      20,910,504.84     49,279,022.49
Total current assets                   2,896,498,338.31     2,870,922,810.72
Non-current assets:
  Loans      and       advances   to
  Investments in debt obligations                             39,309,587.93
  Investments in other debt
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments
   Investments in other equity
                                        969,488,025.67       955,560,240.08
  Other non-current financial
                                        412,914,576.80       373,500,000.00
  Investment property                       39,837,558.11     42,160,779.65
  Fixed assets                          675,596,920.95       720,061,387.76
  Construction in progress                   4,275,622.18     30,281,547.56
  Productive living assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets
  Intangible assets                     148,458,185.68       157,392,217.54
  Development costs
  Long-term prepaid expense                  8,227,958.66      3,279,970.32
  Deferred income tax assets                 1,518,995.79     26,220,575.93
  Other non-current assets                   2,578,776.77        670,735.93
Total non-current assets               2,262,896,620.61     2,348,437,042.70

Changchai Company, Limited                                     Annual Report 2023

Total assets                             5,159,394,958.92     5,219,359,853.42
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                        115,437,700.65
  Borrowings from the central
  Interbank loans obtained
   Held-for-trading financial
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                           528,139,582.33       471,876,397.72
  Accounts payable                        641,484,184.05       747,010,098.88
  Advances from customers                      1,647,441.22        837,425.55
  Contract liabilities                        33,352,877.66     32,843,692.83
  Financial assets sold         under
repurchase agreements
  Customer deposits and interbank
  Payables for acting trading of
  Payables for underwriting of
  Employee benefits payable                   47,738,883.57     49,351,022.47
  Taxes payable                                6,231,169.74      8,570,175.39
  Other payables                          159,023,382.81       160,046,882.93
     Including: Interest payable
                 Dividends payable             3,891,433.83      3,891,433.83
  Handling      charges            and
commissions payable
  Reinsurance payables
  Liabilities directly associated
with assets held for sale
   Current portion of non-current
  Other current liabilities                   67,069,965.96     78,645,741.16
Total current liabilities                1,484,687,487.34     1,664,619,137.58
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserve
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
     Including: Preferred shares
                 Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities

Changchai Company, Limited                                                      Annual Report 2023

  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits
  Deferred income                                  32,795,896.48                 36,205,625.94
  Deferred income tax liabilities              171,843,455.52                   161,360,251.33
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                  204,639,352.00                   197,565,877.27
Total liabilities                             1,689,326,839.34                1,862,185,014.85
Owners’ equity:
  Share capital                                705,692,507.00                   705,692,507.00
  Other equity instruments
     Including: Preferred shares
                    Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserves                             640,509,675.84                   640,133,963.01
  Less: Treasury stock
  Other comprehensive income                   667,180,321.82                   655,341,704.07
  Specific reserve                                 19,432,089.52                 18,848,856.75
  Surplus reserves                             363,695,592.34                   349,197,725.72
  General reserve
  Retained earnings                           1,002,436,724.71                  915,495,909.35
Total equity attributable to owners
                                              3,398,946,911.23                3,284,710,665.90
of the Company as the parent
Non-controlling interests                          71,121,208.35                 72,464,172.67
Total owners’ equity                         3,470,068,119.58                3,357,174,838.57
Total liabilities and owners’ equity         5,159,394,958.92                5,219,359,853.42
Legal representative: Xie Guozhong                                 General Manager: Xie Guozhong
Head of the accounting department: Jiang He

Changchai Company, Limited                                                      Annual Report 2023

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                  Item                    31 December 2023             1 January 2023
Current assets:
  Monetary assets                                  971,143,382.52               792,744,709.77
  Held-for-trading financial assets                100,437,916.67               280,354,111.11
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                 152,906,979.84               282,556,327.54
  Accounts receivable                              291,996,837.94               329,060,940.50
  Accounts receivable financing                    193,679,203.92               291,837,385.00
  Prepayments                                           5,850,589.29              3,097,586.07
  Other receivables                                399,142,024.92               179,596,495.57
     Including: Interest receivable
  Inventories                                      475,538,711.10               397,626,837.43
  Contract assets
  Assets held for sale
  Current portion of non-current
  Other current assets                                  5,839,708.73             15,594,949.05
Total current assets                              2,637,308,864.68            2,572,469,342.04
Non-current assets:
  Investments in debt obligations                                                39,309,587.93
  Investments in other debt
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                     576,443,530.03               569,273,530.03
   Investments in other equity
                                                   969,488,025.67               955,560,240.08
  Other non-current financial
                                                   412,914,576.80               373,500,000.00
  Investment property                                  39,837,558.11             42,160,779.65
  Fixed assets                                     229,931,726.27               249,558,305.21
  Construction in progress                              2,166,940.74             18,366,604.84
  Productive living assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets
  Intangible assets                                    58,781,756.11             64,783,364.89
  Development costs

Changchai Company, Limited                                    Annual Report 2023

  Long-term prepaid expense
  Deferred income tax assets                   920,609.18      19,860,262.43
  Other non-current assets                     830,991.15
Total non-current assets                2,291,315,714.06     2,332,372,675.06
Total assets                            4,928,624,578.74     4,904,842,017.10
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                       108,437,700.65
   Held-for-trading financial
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                          524,671,742.33       518,918,596.58
  Accounts payable                       526,544,716.02       541,911,517.64
  Advances from customers                     1,647,441.22        837,425.55
  Contract liabilities                       26,149,334.52     24,129,579.35
  Employee benefits payable                  40,766,429.54     41,558,489.86
  Taxes payable                               2,069,482.65       3,119,171.69
  Other payables                         151,919,473.64       151,206,684.89
     Including: Interest payable
                    Dividends payable         3,243,179.97      3,243,179.97
  Liabilities directly associated
with assets held for sale
   Current portion of non-current
  Other current liabilities                  53,417,011.96     67,810,395.33
Total current liabilities               1,327,185,631.88     1,457,929,561.54
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
     Including: Preferred shares
                    Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits
  Deferred income                            32,795,896.48     36,205,625.94
  Deferred income tax liabilities        157,053,077.87       149,039,152.68
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities            189,848,974.35       185,244,778.62
Total liabilities                       1,517,034,606.23     1,643,174,340.16
Owners’ equity:

Changchai Company, Limited                                                     Annual Report 2023

  Share capital                               705,692,507.00                   705,692,507.00
  Other equity instruments
     Including: Preferred shares
                  Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserves                            659,418,700.67                   659,418,700.67
  Less: Treasury stock
  Other comprehensive income                  667,180,321.82                   655,341,704.07
  Specific reserve                                19,010,793.43                 18,848,856.75
  Surplus reserves                            363,695,592.34                   349,197,725.72
  Retained earnings                           996,592,057.25                   873,168,182.73
Total owners’ equity                        3,411,589,972.51                3,261,667,676.94
Total liabilities and owners’ equity        4,928,624,578.74                4,904,842,017.10
Legal representative: Xie Guozhong                                General Manager: Xie Guozhong
Head of the accounting department: Jiang H

Changchai Company, Limited                                                         Annual Report 2023

3. Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                 Item                             2023               2022
1. Revenue                                                     2,155,698,787.49   2,182,043,095.61
  Including: Operating revenue                                 2,155,698,787.49   2,182,043,095.61
               Interest income
               Insurance premium income
               Handling charge and commission income
2. Costs and expenses                                          2,156,452,273.22   2,247,441,538.64
  Including: Cost of sales                                     1,838,755,831.41   1,948,677,036.52
               Interest expense
               Handling charge and commission expense
               Net insurance claims paid
               Net amount provided as insurance contract
               Expenditure on policy dividends
               Reinsurance premium expense
               Taxes and surcharges                              15,057,398.25      16,973,196.26
               Selling expense                                   99,603,282.16     102,630,223.71
               Administrative expense                           123,981,333.99     119,511,189.72
               R&D expense                                       90,339,104.33      81,239,597.06
               Finance costs                                     -11,284,676.92     -21,589,704.63
                  Including: Interest expense                     1,825,195.98       1,993,453.71
                               Interest income                    9,008,657.82      12,804,077.19
Add: Other income                                                  6,788,111.97      7,184,028.05
       Return on investment (“-” for loss)                     19,102,348.95       7,969,467.19
        Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures
and associates
           Income from the derecognition of financial assets
at amortized cost (“-” for loss)
       Exchange gain (“-” for loss)
       Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
       Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)            49,816,098.68     145,243,457.17
       Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss)                     -172,171.65       -2,953,740.73
       Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)                    -27,893,895.75     -14,367,197.27
       Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)                   105,702,551.01         393,161.73
3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                            152,589,557.48      78,070,733.11
Add: Non-operating income                                           927,993.65       4,257,942.65
Less: Non-operating expense                                       1,182,537.54         618,463.56
4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                           152,335,013.59      81,710,212.20

Changchai Company, Limited                                                              Annual Report 2023

Less: Income tax expense                                                37,636,658.03     2,464,079.74
5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                     114,698,355.56    79,246,132.46
  5.1 By operating continuity
        5.1.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net
                                                                       114,698,355.56    79,246,132.46
        5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net
  5.2 By ownership
   5.2.1 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                       108,495,607.05    76,684,796.91
Company as the parent
        5.2.1 Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests       6,202,748.51     2,561,335.55
6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                               11,838,617.75   149,330,204.52
  Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent                   11,838,617.75   149,330,204.52
        6.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss       11,838,617.75   149,330,204.52
        6.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined
benefit schemes
        6.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be
reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
        6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other
                                                                        11,838,617.75   149,330,204.52
equity instruments
       6.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes
in own credit risk
          6.1.5 Other
        6.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
        6.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
       6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other
debt obligations
        6.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the
reclassification of financial assets
       6.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in
other debt obligations
          6.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges
       6.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of
foreign currency-denominated financial statements
          6.2.7 Other
  Attributable to non-controlling interests
7. Total comprehensive income                                          126,536,973.31   228,576,336.98
  Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent                  120,334,224.80   226,015,001.43
  Attributable to non-controlling interests                              6,202,748.51     2,561,335.55
8. Earnings per share
  8.1 Basic earnings per share                                                0.1537            0.1087

Changchai Company, Limited                                      Annual Report 2023

  8.2 Diluted earnings per share                   0.1537               0.1087
Legal representative: Xie Guozhong                 General Manager: Xie Guozhong
Head of the accounting department: Jiang He

Changchai Company, Limited                                                             Annual Report 2023

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                 2023               2022
1. Operating revenue                                               2,057,120,913.33   1,988,473,044.55
Less: Cost of sales                                                1,788,129,884.67   1,784,345,704.10
     Taxes and surcharges                                             8,602,178.79      11,846,885.20
     Selling expense                                                 92,935,731.73      97,601,117.35
     Administrative expense                                          87,122,617.94      90,150,661.31
     R&D expense                                                     79,855,291.69      72,372,647.10
     Finance costs                                                   -19,194,141.71     -22,274,862.27
        Including: Interest expense                                   1,562,299.35       1,531,942.32
                      Interest income                                17,311,210.31      15,122,552.35
Add: Other income                                                     6,016,229.41       6,504,428.46
       Return on investment (“-” for loss)                         15,102,581.80      36,604,658.62
        Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures
and associates
           Income from the derecognition of financial assets
at amortized cost (“-” for loss)
       Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
       Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)                39,852,493.47     186,354,111.11
       Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss)                        3,495,307.23       -8,854,137.91
       Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)                        -20,288,104.38     -11,526,145.82
       Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)                       105,727,630.80       4,181,548.77
2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                                169,575,488.55     167,695,354.99
Add: Non-operating income                                               319,236.80         345,409.40
Less: Non-operating expense                                              51,648.54         102,766.76
3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                               169,843,076.81     167,937,997.63
Less: Income tax expense                                             24,864,410.60      17,405,625.04
4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                  144,978,666.21     150,532,372.59
  4.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)    144,978,666.21     150,532,372.59
   4.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net
5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                            11,838,617.75     149,330,204.52
  5.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss          11,838,617.75     149,330,204.52
    5.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined
benefit schemes
     5.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be
reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
     5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other
                                                                     11,838,617.75     149,330,204.52
equity instruments
     5.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in

Changchai Company, Limited                                                            Annual Report 2023

own credit risk
     5.1.5 Other
  5.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
     5.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
     5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other
debt obligations
     5.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the
reclassification of financial assets
     5.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in
other debt obligations
     5.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges
     5.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign
currency-denominated financial statements
     5.2.7 Other
6. Total comprehensive income                                    156,817,283.96       299,862,577.11
7. Earnings per share
   7.1 Basic earnings per share
   7.2 Diluted earnings per share
Legal representative: Xie Guozhong                                       General Manager: Xie Guozhong
Head of the accounting department: Jiang He

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                  Annual Report 2023

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                       2023                2022
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services           2,031,067,538.52   2,089,127,900.17
  Net increase in customer deposits and interbank deposits
  Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
  Net increase in loans from other financial institutions
  Premiums received on original insurance contracts
  Net proceeds from reinsurance
  Net increase in deposits and investments of policy holders
  Interest, handling charges and commissions received
  Net increase in interbank loans obtained
  Net increase in proceeds from repurchase transactions
  Net proceeds from acting trading of securities
  Tax rebates                                                             98,155,472.59      38,479,590.77
  Cash generated from other operating activities                          40,082,851.79      22,990,293.44
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities                    2,169,305,862.90   2,150,597,784.38
  Payments for commodities and services                                 1,533,814,952.73   1,312,012,931.69
  Net increase in loans and advances to customers
  Net increase in deposits in the central bank and in interbank loans
  Payments for claims on original insurance contracts
  Net increase in interbank loans granted
  Interest, handling charges and commissions paid
  Policy dividends paid
  Cash paid to and for employees                                         310,775,202.76     313,119,839.28
  Taxes paid                                                              33,394,657.94       52,344,111.33
  Cash used in other operating activities                                154,131,222.12     108,190,624.24
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                           2,032,116,035.55   1,785,667,506.54
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities                     137,189,827.35     364,930,277.84
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from disinvestment                                           1,101,955,152.04    914,060,767.00
  Return on investment                                                    23,632,366.98      17,913,476.59
  Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                          71,562,956.31         692,980.99
and other long-lived assets
  Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business
  Cash generated from other investing activities                                             11,400,123.61
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities                    1,197,150,475.33    944,067,348.19
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                          97,110,602.27      48,439,287.62
other long-lived assets
  Payments for investments                                               947,055,152.04    1,033,581,567.00
  Net increase in pledged loans granted

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                  Annual Report 2023

  Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business
  Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                           1,044,165,754.31   1,082,020,854.62
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities                     152,984,721.02    -137,953,506.43
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Capital contributions received
     Including: Capital contributions by non-controlling interests to
  Borrowings raised                                                                           7,000,000.00
  Cash generated from other financing activities                                            128,437,700.65
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities                                        135,437,700.65
  Repayment of borrowings                                                  7,000,000.00      12,000,000.00
  Interest and dividends paid                                              7,195,400.07      18,689,380.47
     Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling
  Cash used in other financing activities                                117,170,000.00      83,623,545.07
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                            131,365,400.07     114,312,925.54
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities                    -131,365,400.07      21,124,775.11
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash
                                                                            2,469,409.11       -152,802.06
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             161,278,557.41     247,948,744.46
Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period                  810,350,966.05     562,402,221.59
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                          971,629,523.46     810,350,966.05
Legal representative: Xie Guozhong                                            General Manager: Xie Guozhong
Head of the accounting department: Jiang He

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                  Annual Report 2023

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                       2023                2022
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services           2,151,742,371.58   2,040,092,339.55
  Tax rebates                                                             40,874,390.40      27,588,745.34
  Cash generated from other operating activities                          21,935,914.65      21,378,587.89
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities                    2,214,552,676.63   2,089,059,672.78
  Payments for commodities and services                                 1,636,385,419.97   1,330,893,073.67
  Cash paid to and for employees                                         212,298,042.01     243,134,907.26
  Taxes paid                                                               8,731,121.51      39,870,320.72
  Cash used in other operating activities                                302,274,673.41     222,082,917.91
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                           2,159,689,256.90   1,835,981,219.56
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities                      54,863,419.73     253,078,453.22
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from disinvestment                                           1,010,000,000.00    855,000,000.00
  Return on investment                                                    18,887,391.07      45,708,640.27
  Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                          71,055,306.33      38,250,224.61
and other long-lived assets
  Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business
  Cash generated from other investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities                    1,099,942,697.40    938,958,864.88
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                           7,558,187.67       8,002,707.77
other long-lived assets
  Payments for investments                                               837,170,000.00     983,520,800.00
  Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other
business units
  Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                            844,728,187.67     991,523,507.77
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities                     255,214,509.73      -52,564,642.89
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Capital contributions received
  Borrowings raised
  Cash generated from other financing activities                                            128,437,700.65
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities                                        128,437,700.65
  Repayment of borrowings
  Interest and dividends paid                                              7,056,925.07      18,348,005.18
  Cash used in other financing activities                                110,000,000.00      80,503,408.97
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                            117,056,925.07      98,851,414.15
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities                     -117,056,925.07     29,586,286.50
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash
                                                                           2,008,960.07       -1,851,060.10
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             195,029,964.46     228,249,036.73

Changchai Company, Limited                                                    Annual Report 2023

Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period     704,659,776.14    476,410,739.41
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period             899,689,740.60    704,659,776.14
Legal representative: Xie Guozhong                               General Manager: Xie Guozhong
Head of the accounting department: Jiang He

                        Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                           Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent
                                                Other                     L
                                                equity                    e
                                             instruments                  s
                                             P                            T
                                                     P                                                           e
                                             re                           r
                                                     er                                                         n
                                             fe                           e    Other                                                             Non-cont        Total
             Item                                    p                                                          er              Ot
                                  Share      rr                 Capital   a   compre     Specific    Surplus         Retained                     rolling      owners’
                                                     et                                                         al              he    Subtotal
                                  capital    e            O    reserves   s   hensive    reserve     reserves        earnings                    interests      equity
                                                     u                                                          re               r
                                             d            th              u   income
                                                     al                                                         se
                                              s           er              r
                                                     b                                                          rv
                                             h                            y
                                                     o                                                           e
                                             ar                           s
                                             e                            t
                                              s                           o
1. Balance as at the end of the   705,692,                     640,133        655,341    18,848,    349,197,         915,495,        3,284,71    72,464,1      3,357,17
prior year                         507.00                       ,963.01        ,704.07    856.75     725.72           909.35         0,665.90       72.67      4,838.57
Add: Adjustment for change in
accounting policy
  Adjustment for correction of

                           Changchai Company, Limited                                                   Annual Report 2023
previous error
  Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning       705,692,           640,133    655,341    18,848,   349,197,   915,495,       3,284,71    72,464,1   3,357,17
of the year                           507.00             ,963.01    ,704.07    856.75    725.72     909.35        0,665.90       72.67   4,838.57
3. Increase/ decrease in the                            375,712    11,838,6   583,232   14,497,8   86,940,8        114,236,   -1,342,9   112,893,
period (“-” for decrease)                                 .83       17.75       .77      66.62      15.36         245.33       64.32    281.01
  3.1 Total       comprehensive                                    11,838,6                        108,495,       120,334,    6,202,74   126,536,
income                                                                17.75                         607.05         224.80         8.51    973.31
  3.2 Capital increased and                             375,712                                                   375,712.    -7,545,7   -7,170,0
reduced by owners                                           .83                                                         83       12.83      00.00
     3.2.1 Ordinary shares
increased by owners
     3.2.2 Capital increased by
holders of other equity
     3.2.3 Share-based
payments included in owners’
                                                        375,712                                                   375,712.    -7,545,7   -7,170,0
    3.2.4 Other
                                                            .83                                                         83       12.83      00.00
                                                                                        14,497,8   -21,554,       -7,056,9               -7,056,9
 3.3 Profit distribution
                                                                                           66.62     791.69          25.07                  25.07
     3.3.1 Appropriation        to                                                      14,497,8   -14,497,
surplus reserves                                                                           66.62     866.62
    3.3.2 Appropriation         to
general reserve
    3.3.3 Appropriation         to                                                                 -7,056,9        -7,056,9              -7,056,9
owners (or shareholders)                                                                              25.07           25.07                 25.07
    3.3.4 Other
  3.4 Transfers within owners’
                           Changchai Company, Limited                                                                    Annual Report 2023
     3.4.1 Increase in capital (or
share capital) from capital
     3.4.2 Increase in capital (or
share capital) from surplus
     3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus
     3.4.4 Changes in defined
benefit schemes transferred to
retained earnings
     3.4.5 Other comprehensive
income transferred to retained
     3.4.6 Other
                                                                                        583,232                                    583,232.                  583,232.
  3.5 Specific reserve
                                                                                            .77                                          77                        77
                                                                                        5,136,9                                    5,136,98                  5,136,98
     3.5.1 Increase in the period
                                                                                          88.70                                        8.70                      8.70
                                                                                        4,553,7                                    4,553,75                  4,553,75
     3.5.2 Used in the period
                                                                                          55.93                                        5.93                      5.93
  3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the      705,692,                 640,509        667,180    19,432,    363,695,        1,002,43        3,398,94    71,121,2      3,470,06
period                                507.00                   ,675.84        ,321.82    089.52     592.34         6,724.71        6,911.23       08.35      8,119.58
                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                          Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent
                                                                                                                                               Non-cont        Total
              Item                                 Other                 L    Other                            G              Ot
                                     Share                     Capital                  Specific    Surplus        Retained                     rolling      owners’
                                                   equity                e   compre                            e              he    Subtotal
                                     capital                  reserves                  reserve     reserves       earnings                    interests      equity
                                                instruments              s   hensive                           n               r

                        Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023
                                                                          s   income                          er
                                                                          :                                   al
                                             P                            T                                   re
                                             re                           r                                   se
                                             fe                           e                                   rv
                                             rr                           a                                    e
                                             e            O               s
                                             d            th              u
                                              s           er              r
                                             h                            y
                                             ar                           s
                                             e                            t
                                              s                           o
1. Balance as at the end of the   705,692,                     640,676        506,011,   18,812,   334,144,        872,212,       3,077,55    19,424,2   3,096,97
prior year                         507.00                       ,218.40        499.55     950.04    488.46          354.88        0,018.33       30.98   4,249.31
Add: Adjustment for change in
accounting policy
  Adjustment for correction of
previous error
  Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning    705,692,                     640,676        506,011,   18,812,   334,144,        872,212,       3,077,55    19,424,2   3,096,97
of the year                        507.00                       ,218.40        499.55     950.04    488.46          354.88        0,018.33       30.98   4,249.31
3. Increase/ decrease in the                                   -542,25        149,330    35,906.   15,053,2        43,283,5       207,160,    53,039,9   260,200,
period (“-” for decrease)                                       5.39         ,204.52       71       37.26           54.47        647.57        41.69    589.26
  3.1 Total     comprehensive                                                 149,330                              76,684,7       226,015,    2,561,33   228,576,
income                                                                         ,204.52                                96.91        001.43         5.55    336.98
  3.2 Capital increased and                                    -542,25                                                              -542,25   50,478,6   49,936,3
reduced by owners                                                 5.39                                                                 5.39      06.14      50.75

                           Changchai Company, Limited                                   Annual Report 2023
     3.2.1 Ordinary shares
increased by owners
     3.2.2 Capital increased by
holders of other equity
     3.2.3 Share-based
payments included in owners’
                                                        -542,25                                     -542,25   50,478,6   49,936,3
     3.2.4 Other
                                                           5.39                                        5.39      06.14      50.75
                                                                        15,053,2   -33,401,        -18,348,              -18,348,
 3.3 Profit distribution
                                                                           37.26     242.44          005.18                005.18
     3.3.1 Appropriation        to                                      15,053,2   -15,053,
surplus reserves                                                           37.26     237.26
    3.3.2 Appropriation         to
general reserve
    3.3.3 Appropriation         to                                                 -18,348,        -18,348,              -18,348,
owners (or shareholders)                                                             005.18          005.18                005.18
     3.3.4 Other
  3.4 Transfers within owners’
     3.4.1 Increase in capital (or
share capital) from capital
     3.4.2 Increase in capital (or
share capital) from surplus
     3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus
    3.4.4 Changes in defined
benefit schemes transferred to
                         Changchai Company, Limited                                                    Annual Report 2023
retained earnings
     3.4.5 Other comprehensive
income transferred to retained
    3.4.6 Other
                                                                             35,906.                             35,906.7               35,906.7
  3.5 Specific reserve
                                                                                  71                                    1                      1
                                                                             4,877,2                             4,877,23               4,877,23
    3.5.1 Increase in the period
                                                                               32.12                                 2.12                   2.12
                                                                             4,841,3                             4,841,32               4,841,32
    3.5.2 Used in the period
                                                                               25.41                                 5.41                   5.41
  3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the      705,692,         640,133     655,341    18,848,   349,197,   915,495,       3,284,71    72,464,1   3,357,17
period                                507.00           ,963.01     ,704.07    856.75    725.72     909.35        0,665.90       72.67   4,838.57
Legal representative: Xie Guozhong                     General Manager: Xie Guozhong                 Head of the accounting department: Jiang He

                         Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023
8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                      Other equity
                                                      instruments                   Le
                                                            Pe                      ss:
                                                            rp                      Tr      Other
                                                      efe                                                                                          O       Total
              Item                                          et          Capital     eas   comprehe      Specific      Surplus         Retained
                                    Share capital     rre        O                                                                                 th    owners’
                                                            ua         reserves     ur      nsive       reserve       reserves        earnings
                                                       d         th                                                                                er     equity
                                                             l                       y     income
                                                      sh         er
                                                            bo                      sto
                                                            nd                      ck
1. Balance as at the end of the     705,692,507.0                     659,418,70    0.0   655,341,7   18,848,856.    349,197,725    873,168,182.        3,261,667,6
prior year                                      0                           0.67      0       04.07            75            .72              73              76.94
Add: Adjustment for change in
accounting policy
  Adjustment for correction of
previous error
  Other adjustments                                                                                                                                           0.00
2. Balance as at the beginning of   705,692,507.0                     659,418,70    0.0   655,341,7   18,848,856.    349,197,725    873,168,182.        3,261,667,6
the year                                        0                           0.67      0       04.07            75            .72              73              76.94
3. Increase/ decrease in the                                                              11,838,61                  14,497,866.    123,423,874.        149,922,29
period (“-” for decrease)                                                                    7.75                          62               52              5.57
  3.1  Total      comprehensive                                                           11,838,61                                 144,978,666.        156,817,28
income                                                                                         7.75                                           21              3.96
  3.2 Capital increased      and
reduced by owners
    3.2.1 Ordinary shares
                            Changchai Company, Limited            Annual Report 2023
increased by owners
     3.2.2 Capital increased by
holders of other equity
     3.2.3 Share-based payments
included in owners’ equity
     3.2.4 Other
                                                               14,497,866.   -21,554,791.   -7,056,925.
  3.3 Profit distribution
                                                                       62             69            07
     3.3.1 Appropriation          to                           14,497,866.   -14,497,866.
surplus reserves                                                       62             62
    3.3.2 Appropriation           to                                         -7,056,925.0   -7,056,925.
owners (or shareholders)                                                                7           07
     3.3.3 Other
  3.4 Transfers within owners’
     3.4.1 Increase in capital (or
share capital) from capital
     3.4.2 Increase in capital (or
share capital) from surplus
     3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus
     3.4.4 Changes in defined
benefit schemes transferred to
retained earnings
     3.4.5 Other comprehensive
income transferred to retained

                         Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023
    3.4.6 Other
  3.5 Specific reserve                                                                                 161,936.68                                      161,936.68
                                                                                                      4,598,473.0                                      4,598,473.0
    3.5.1 Increase in the period
                                                                                                                4                                                4
                                                                                                      4,436,536.3                                      4,436,536.3
    3.5.2 Used in the period
                                                                                                                6                                                6
  3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the     705,692,507.0                     659,418,70    0.0   667,180,3   19,010,793.   363,695,592    996,592,057.        3,411,589,9
period                                          0                           0.67      0       21.82            43           .34              25              72.51
                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                      Other equity
                                                      instruments                   Le
                                                            Pe                      ss:
                                                            rp                      Tr      Other
                                                      efe                                                                                         O       Total
              Item                                          et          Capital     eas   comprehe      Specific     Surplus         Retained
                                    Share capital     rre        O                                                                                th    owners’
                                                            ua         reserves     ur      nsive       reserve      reserves        earnings
                                                       d         th                                                                               er     equity
                                                             l                       y     income
                                                      sh         er
                                                            bo                      sto
                                                            nd                      ck
1. Balance as at the end of the     705,692,507.0                     659,418,70          506,011,4   18,812,950.   334,144,488    756,037,052.        2,980,117,1
prior year                                      0                           0.67              99.55            04           .46              58              98.30
Add: Adjustment for change in
accounting policy
  Adjustment for correction of
previous error
  Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of   705,692,507.0                     659,418,70          506,011,4   18,812,950.   334,144,488    756,037,052.        2,980,117,1
the year                                        0                           0.67              99.55            04           .46              58              98.30
                            Changchai Company, Limited                                    Annual Report 2023
3. Increase/ decrease in the                                   149,330,2               15,053,237.   117,131,130.   281,550,47
period (“-” for decrease)                                        04.52                       26              15         8.64
  3.1  Total       comprehensive                               149,330,2                             150,532,372.   299,862,57
income                                                             04.52                                       59         7.11
  3.2 Capital increased        and
reduced by owners
     3.2.1 Ordinary shares
increased by owners
     3.2.2 Capital increased by
holders of other equity
     3.2.3 Share-based payments
included in owners’ equity
     3.2.4 Other
                                                                                       15,053,237.   -33,401,242.   -18,348,00
  3.3 Profit distribution
                                                                                               26             44          5.18
     3.3.1 Appropriation          to                                                   15,053,237.   -15,053,237.
surplus reserves                                                                               26             26
    3.3.2 Appropriation           to                                                                 -18,348,005.   -18,348,00
owners (or shareholders)                                                                                      18          5.18
     3.3.3 Other
  3.4 Transfers within owners’
     3.4.1 Increase in capital (or
share capital) from capital
     3.4.2 Increase in capital (or
share capital) from surplus
     3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus

                         Changchai Company, Limited                                                         Annual Report 2023
     3.4.4 Changes in defined
benefit schemes transferred to
retained earnings
     3.4.5 Other comprehensive
income transferred to retained
    3.4.6 Other
  3.5 Specific reserve                                                                      35,906.71                                      35,906.71
                                                                                          4,877,232.1                                    4,877,232.1
    3.5.1 Increase in the period
                                                                                                    2                                              2
                                                                                          4,841,325.4                                    4,841,325.4
    3.5.2 Used in the period
                                                                                                    1                                              1
  3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the    705,692,507.0           659,418,70         655,341,7   18,848,856.   349,197,725    873,168,182.      3,261,667,6
period                                         0                 0.67             04.07            75           .72              73            76.94
Legal representative: Xie Guozhong                    General Manager: Xie Guozhong                      Head of the accounting department: Jiang He

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

III. Company Profile

Changchai Company, Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) was founded on 5 May 1994, which is a
company limited by shares promoted solely by Changzhou Diesel Engine Plant through the approval by the State
Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems with document TGS [1993] No. 9 on 15 January 1993 by
way of public offering of shares. With the approved of the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province SZF [1993]
No. 67, as well as reexamined and approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) through
document ZJFSZ (1994) No. 9, the Company initially issued A shares to the public from 15 March 1994 to 30
March 1994. As approved by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange through document SZSFZ (1994) No. 15, such
tradable shares of the public got listing on 1 July 1994 at Shenzhen Stock Exchange with “Su Changchai A” for
short of stock, as well as “0570” as stock code (present stock code is “000570”).
In 1996, with the recommendation of the Office of the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province SZBH [1996]
No. 13, as well as first review by Shenzhen Municipal Securities Administration Office through SZBZ [1996] No.
24, and approval of the State Council Securities Commission ZWF [1996] No. 27, the Company issued 100
million B shares to qualified investors on 27 August 1996 to 30 August 1996, getting listed on 13 September
On 9 June 2006, the Company held a shareholders’ general meeting related to A shares market to examine and
approve share merger reform plan, and performed the share merger reform on 19 June 2006.
As examined and approved at the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2009 in September 2009, based on the
total share capital of 374,249,551 shares as at 30 June 2009, the Company implemented the profit distribution plan,
i.e. to distribute 5 bonus shares and cash of RMB0.80 for every 10 shares, with registered capital increased by
RMB187,124,775.00, as well as registered capital of RMB561,374,326.00 after change, which verified by Jiangsu
Gongzheng Tianye Certified Public Accountants Company Limited with issuing Capital Verification Report SGC
[2010] No. B002.
A non-public offering of up to 168,412,297 new shares was deliberated on and approved as a resolution of the
2020 Annual General Meeting held on 7 May 2021 and approved by the Approval of the Non-public Offering of
Shares of Changchai Co., Ltd. (CSRC Permit [2020] No. 3374) issued by Changchai Company Limited the China
Securities Regulatory Commission. On 16 June 2021, the capital verification report "S.G. W [2021] B062" was
issued by Gongzheng Tianye Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership), confirming that the Company had
issued 144,318,181 RMB ordinary shares (A shares) in a non-public offering, with an additional paid-in capital
(share capital) of RMB144,318,181. The total share capital of the Company after the capital increase was
Credibility code of the Company’s License of Business Corporation: 91320400134792410W.
The Company’s registered address is situated at No. 123 Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu, as well as its
head office located at No. 123 Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu.
The Company belongs to manufacturing with business scope including manufacturing and sale of diesel engine,
diesel engines part and casting, grain harvesting machine, rotary cultivators, walking tractor, mould and fixtures,
assembling and sale of diesel generating set and pumping unit. The Company mainly engaged in the production
and sales of small and medium-sized single cylinders and multi-cylinder diesel engine with the label of Changchai
Brand. The diesel engine produced and sold by the Company were mainly used in tractors, combine harvest
models, light commercial vehicle, farm equipment, small-sized construction machinery, generating sets and
shipborne machinery and equipment, etc. The Company’s main business remained unchanged in the Reporting

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

The Company established the Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory
Committee, Corporate office, Financial Department, Political Department, Investment and Development
Department, Audit Department, Human Recourses Department, Production Department, Procurement Department,
Sales Company, Chief Engineer Office, Technology Center, QA Department, Foundry, Machine Processing Plant,
Single-cylinder Engine Plant, Multi-cylinder Engine Plant, Machine Set Business Department and Overseas
Business Department in the Company.
The financial report has been approved to be issued by the Board of Directors on 10 April 2024.
The consolidated scope of the Company of the Reporting Period includes the Company as the parent and 8
subsidiaries. For the details of the consolidated scope of the Reporting Period and the changes situation, please
refer to the changes of the consolidated scope of the notes to the financial report and the notes to the equities
among other entities.

IV. Basis for Preparation of the Financial Report

1. Basis for Preparation

With the going-concern assumption as the basis and based on transactions and other events that actually occurred,
the Group prepared financial statements in accordance with The Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises—Basic Standard issued by the Ministry of Finance with Decree No. 33 and revised with Decree No.
76, the various specific accounting standards, the Application Guidance of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other regulations issued and
revised from 15 February 2006 onwards (hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises”, “China Accounting Standards” or “CAS”), as well as the Rules for Preparation Convention of
Disclosure of Public Offering Companies No.15 – General Regulations for Financial Reporting (revised in 2023)
by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
In accordance with relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Group adopted
the accrual basis in accounting. Except for some financial instruments, where impairment occurred on an asset, an
impairment reserve was withdrawn accordingly pursuant to relevant requirements.

2. Continuation

The Company comprehensively evaluated the information acquired recently that there would be no such factors in
the 12 months from the end of the Reporting Period that would obviously influence the continuation capability of
the Company and predicted that the operating activities would continue in the future 12 months of the Company.
The financial statement compiled base on the continuous operation.

V. Important Accounting Policies and Estimations

Notification of specific accounting policies and accounting estimations:
The Company and each subsidiary according to the actual production and operation characteristics and in accord
with the regulations of the relevant ASBE, formulated certain specific accounting policies and accounting
estimations, which mainly reflected in the financial instruments, withdrawal method of the bad debt provision of
the accounts receivable, the measurement of the inventory and the depreciation of the fixed assets etc.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2023

1. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Group are in compliance with in compliance with the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises, which factually and completely present the Company’s and the Group’s
financial positions, business results and cash flows and other relevant information.

2. Fiscal Period

The fiscal periods are divided into fiscal year and metaphase, the fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31
and as the metaphase included monthly, quarterly and semi-yearly periods.

3. Operating Cycle

A normal operating cycle refers to a period from the Group purchasing assets for processing to realizing cash or
cash equivalents. An operating cycle for the Group is 12 months, which is also the classification criterion for the
liquidity of its assets and liabilities.

4. Currency Used in Bookkeeping

Renminbi is functional currency of the Company.

5. Methods for Determining Materiality Standards and Selection Criteria

Applicable □ Not applicable

                           Item                                               Materiality criteria
  Account receivable with bad debt provision by major
                                                               Amount greater than or equal to RMB1,000,000.00
  single item
  Other receivables with bad debt provision by major
                                                               Amount greater than or equal to RMB1,000,000.00
  single item
  Significant construction in progress                         Amount greater than or equal to RMB3,000,000.00

6. Accounting Methods for Business Combinations under the Same Control and Business Combinations not
under the Same Control

(1) Business combinations under the same control:
A business combination under the same control is a business combination in which all of the combining
enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or the same parties both before and after the business
combination and on which the control is not temporary.
For the merger of enterprises under the same control, if the consideration of the merging enterprise is that it makes
payment in cash, transfers non-cash assets or bear its debts, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the share of the
book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment.
The difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the payment in cash, non-cash
assets transferred as well as the book value of the debts borne by the merging party shall offset against the capital
reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
If the consideration of the merging enterprise is that it issues equity securities, it shall, on the date of merger,
regard the share of the book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

long-term equity investment. The total face value of the stocks issued shall be regarded as the capital stock, while
the difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and total face value of the shares issued
shall offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be
All direct costs for the business combination, including expenses for audit, evaluating and legal services shall be
recorded into the profits and losses at the current period. The expenses such as the handling charges and
commission etc, premium income of deducting the equity securities, and as for the premium income was
insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be written down.
Owning to the reasons such as the additional investment, for the equity investment held before acquiring the
control right of the combined parties, the confirmed relevant gains and losses, other comprehensive income and
the changes of other net assets since the date of the earlier one between the date when acquiring the original equity
right and the date when the combine parties and combined ones were under the same control to the combination
date, should be respectively written down and compared with the beginning balance of retained earnings or the
current gains and losses during the statement period.
(2) Business combinations not under the same control
A business combination not under the same control is a business combination in which the combining enterprises
are not ultimately controlled by the same party or the same parties both before and after the business combination.
The combination costs of the acquirer and the identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business
combination shall be measured at the fair values. The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance between the
combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains forms the acquiree as business
reputation. The direct relevant expenses occurred from the enterprise combination should be included in the
current gains and losses when occurred. The combination costs of the acquirer and the identifiable net assets
obtained by it in the combination shall be measured according to their fair values at the acquiring date. The
difference between the fair value of the assets paid out by the Company and its book value should be included in
the current gains and losses. The purchase date refers to the date that the purchaser acquires the control right of the
For the business combinations not under the same control realized through step by step multiple transaction, as for
the equity interests that the Group holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date, they shall be re-measured
according to their fair values at the acquiring date; the positive difference between their fair values and carrying
amounts shall be recorded into the investment gains for the period including the acquiring date. The equity holed
by the acquiree which involved with the other comprehensive income and the other owners’ equities changes
except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the profits distribution and other related
comprehensive gains and other owners’ equities which in relation to the equity interests that the Group holds in
the acquiree before the acquiring date should be transferred into the current investment income on the acquiring
date, except for the other comprehensive income occurred from the re-measurement of the net profits of the
defined benefit plans or the changes of the net assets of the investees.

7. Criteria for Judging Control and Methods for Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Criteria for determining control
Control refers to the authority held by the investor over the investee, entailing participation in its relevant
activities to yield variable returns and the capability to influence the investee's returns through exercising power
over it.
The Company will judge whether these entities have been controlled by the investee based on its comprehensive

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

consideration of relevant facts and circumstances. Should any changes in such facts and circumstances alter the
elements defining control, a reassessment is promptly conducted.
Relevant facts and circumstances primarily encompass:
① The purpose of the investee's establishment.
② The investee's pertinent activities and decision-making processes therein.
③ Whether the rights held by the investor currently enable it to dominate the investee's relevant activities.
④ Whether the investor gains variable returns through participating in the investee's relevant activities.
⑤ The investor's capacity to influence the investee's returns through exercising power over it.
⑥ The relationship between the investor and other entities.
(2) Consolidation scope
The consolidation scope of the Company's consolidated financial statements is determined based on control,
encompassing all subsidiaries (including separately controlled entities by the Company) in the consolidated
financial statements.
(3) Combination procedure
The Company prepares consolidated financial statements based on its own and each subsidiary's financial
statements, along with other relevant information.
When the Company prepares the consolidated financial statements, it shall regard the entire Group as an
accounting entity, and shall reflect the overall financial status, operating results and cash flows of the Group in
accordance with the requirements for recognition, measurement and presentation of the relevant accounting
standard for business enterprises, as well as unified accounting policies.
All subsidiaries included in the consolidation scope of the consolidated financial statements apply accounting
policies and accounting periods consistent with the Company.
The accounting policy or accounting period of each subsidiary is different from which of the Company, which
shall be adjusted as the Company; or subsidiaries shall prepare financial statement again required by the Company
when preparing the consolidated financial statements.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, as well
as among subsidiaries themselves, are offset to reflect their impact on the consolidated balance sheet, consolidated
income statement, consolidated cash flow statement, and consolidated statement of changes in equity. If there are
differences in the recognition of the same transaction when viewed from the perspective of the corporate group's
consolidated financial statements compared to when viewed from the standpoint of the Company or a subsidiary
as the accounting entity, adjustments are made from the perspective of the corporate group.
The portion of a subsidiary’s shareholders’ equity and the portion of a subsidiary’s net profits and losses for the
period are recognized as minority interests and minority shareholder profits and losses respectively and presented
separately under shareholders’ equity and net profits in the consolidation financial statements. The portion of a
subsidiary’s net profits and losses for the period that belong to minority interests is presented as the item of
“minority shareholder profits and losses” under the bigger item of net profits in the consolidated financial
Where the loss of a subsidiary shared by minority shareholders exceeds the portion enjoyed by minority
shareholders in the subsidiary’s opening owners’ equity, minority interests are offset.
For subsidiaries acquired through business combinations under common control, adjustments to their financial
statements are based on their assets, liabilities (including goodwill arising from the acquisition by the ultimate
controller), and their carrying value in the financial statements of the ultimate controller.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

For subsidiaries acquired through business combinations not under common control, adjustments to their financial
statements are based on the fair value of identifiable net assets as of the acquisition date.
① Addition of subsidiaries or businesses
If subsidiaries or businesses are added through business combinations under common control during the Reporting
Period, adjustments are made to the opening balances of the consolidated balance sheet. The income, expenses,
and profits of the subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of the current period to the end of the Reporting
Period are included in the consolidated income statement. The cash flows of the subsidiaries or businesses from
the beginning of the current period to the end of the Reporting Period are included in the consolidated cash flow
statement. Comparative items in the financial statements are adjusted accordingly, treating the reporting entity
after the combination as if it had existed since the date when control was obtained by the ultimate controller.
If control over an investee under common control is achieved due to the reasons such as the additional investment,
adjustments are made as if all parties participating in the merger existed in their current state from the date when
control was obtained by the ultimate controller. For the equity investment held before acquiring the control right
of the combined parties, the confirmed relevant gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the changes of
other net assets since the date of the earlier one between the date when acquiring the original equity right and the
date when the combine parties and combined ones were under the same control to the combination date, should be
respectively written down and compared with the beginning balance of retained earnings or the current gains and
losses during the statement period.
During the Reporting Period, if there is an increase in subsidiaries or businesses due to business combinations not
under common control, the opening balances of the consolidated balance sheet are not adjusted. The income,
expenses, and profits of the subsidiary or business from the acquisition date to the end of the Reporting Period are
included in the consolidated income statement. The cash flows of the subsidiary or business from the acquisition
date to the end of the Reporting Period are included in the consolidated cash flow statement.
In the event of acquiring control over an investee previously not under common control due to additional
investments or similar reasons, as for the equity interests that the Group holds in the acquiree before the acquiring
date, they shall be re-measured according to their fair values at the acquiring date; the positive difference between
their fair values and carrying amounts shall be recorded into the investment gains for the period including the
acquiring date. The equity holed by the acquiree which involved with the other comprehensive income and the
other owners’ equities changes except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the profits
distribution and other related comprehensive gains and other owners’ equities which in relation to the equity
interests that the Group holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date should be transferred into the current
investment income on the acquiring date, except for the other comprehensive income occurred from the
re-measurement of the net profits of the defined benefit plans or the changes of the net assets of the investees.
② Disposal of subsidiaries or businesses
A. General disposal methods
During the Reporting Period, if the Company disposes of a subsidiary or business, the income, expenses, and
profits of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the period to the disposal date are included in the
consolidated income statement. The cash flows of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the period to
the disposal date are included in the consolidated cash flow statement.
Where the Group losses control on its original subsidiaries due to disposal of some equity investments or other
reasons, the residual equity interests are re-measured according to the fair value on the date when such control
ceases. The summation of the consideration obtained from the disposal of equity interests and the fair value of the
residual equity interests, minus the portion in the original subsidiary’s net assets measured on a continuous basis

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

from the acquisition date that is enjoyable by the Group according to the original shareholding percentage in the
subsidiary, is recorded in investment gains for the period when the Group’s control on the subsidiary ceases. Other
comprehensive incomes in relation to the equity investment and the other owners’ equities changes except for the
net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and profits distribution in the original subsidiary are treated on
the same accounting basis as the acquiree directly disposes the relevant assets or liabilities (that is, except for the
changes in the net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan resulted from re-measurement of the original
subsidiary, the rest shall all be transferred into current investment gains) when such control ceases.
B. Disposal of subsidiaries step by step
If the clauses, conditions, and economic impact, by which the equity investments of a subsidiary were disposed of
step by step through multiple transactions until the control was lost, and the various transactions in the equity
investments of a subsidiary were disposed of, fell under one or more of the following circumstances, the multiple
transactions were generally regarded as a "Package Deal":
a. These transactions are reached concurrently or after the impact thereof on each other is taken into consideration.
b. These transactions might achieve a complete business result only as a whole;
c. The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of, at a minimum, one another transaction; and/or
d. A transaction is considered uneconomical separately but is considered economical when other transactions are
also taken into consideration.
For the disposal of equity investment belongs to a package deal, should be considered as a transaction and conduct
accounting treatment. However, before losing control, every disposal cost and corresponding net assets balance of
subsidiary of disposal investment are confirmed as other comprehensive income in consolidated financial
statements, which together transferred into the current profits and losses in the loss of control, when the Group
losing control on its subsidiary.
For the disposal of the equity investment not belongs to a package deal, should be executed accounting treatment
according to the relevant policies of partly disposing the equity investment of the subsidiaries under the situation
not lose the control right before losing the control right; when losing the control right, the former should be
executed accounting treatment according to the general disposing method of the disposal of the subsidiaries.
③ Acquisition of minority equity of subsidiaries
The balance existed between the long-term equity investment increased by acquiring shares of minority interest
and the attributable net assets on the subsidiary calculated by the increased shares held since the purchase date (or
combination date), the share premium of capital reserves within the consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted,
if the capital reserves are not sufficient to offset, the retained profits shall be adjusted.
④ The Company disposed part of the long-term equity investment on subsidiaries without losing its controlling
right on them
In the case of partial disposal of long-term equity investments in a subsidiary without loss of control, the
difference between the disposal proceeds obtained and the proportionate share of net assets of the subsidiary
continuously calculated from the purchase date or merger date corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity
investments is adjusted in the share premium within the consolidated balance sheet. If the share premium in the
capital reserve is insufficient to offset the difference, adjustments are made to retained earnings.

8. Classification of Joint Arrangements and Accounting Treatment of Joint Operations

The Group classifies joint arrangements into joint operations and joint ventures.
A joint operation refers to a joint arrangement where the Group is the joint operations party of the joint

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

arrangement and enjoys assets and has to bear liabilities related to the arrangement. The Company confirms the
following items related to the interests share among the joint operations and executes accounting treatment
according to the regulations of the relevant ASBE:
(1) Recognizes the assets that it holds and bears in the joint operation and recognizes the jointly-held assets
according to the Group’s stake in the joint operation;
(2) Recognizes the liabilities that it holds and bears in the joint operation and recognizes the jointly-held liabilities
according to the Group’s stake in the joint operation;
(3) Recognizes the income from sale of the Group’s share in the output of the joint operation
(4) Recognizes the income from sale of the joint operation’s outputs according to the Group’s stake in it
(5) Recognizes the expense solely incurred to the Group and the expense incurred to the joint operation according
to the Group’s stake in it.

9. Recognition Standard for Cash and Cash Equivalents

In the Group’s understanding, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, any deposit that can be used for
cover, and short-term (usually due within 3 months since the day of purchase) and high circulating investments,
which are easily convertible into known amount of cash and whose risks in change of value are minimal.

10. Foreign Currency Businesses and Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements

(1) Foreign currency business
Concerning the foreign-currency transactions that occurred, the foreign currency shall be converted into the
recording currency according to the middle price of the market exchange rate disclosed by the People’s Bank of
China on the date of the transaction. Among the said transactions that occurred, those involving foreign exchanges
shall be converted according to the exchange rates adopted in the actual transactions.
On the balance sheet date, the foreign-currency monetary assets and the balance of the liability account shall be
converted into the recoding currency according to the middle price of the market exchange rates disclosed by the
People’s Bank of China on the Balance Sheet Date. The difference between the recording-currency amount
converted according to the exchange rate on the Balance Sheet Date and the original book recording-currency
amount shall be recognized as gains/losses from foreign exchange. And the exchange gain/loss caused by the
foreign-currency borrowings related to purchasing fixed assets shall be handled according to the principle of
capitalizing borrowing expenses; the exchange gain/loss incurred in the establishment period shall be recorded
into the establishment expense; others shall be recorded into the financial expenses for the current period.
On the balance sheet date, the foreign-currency non-monetary items measured by historical cost shall be converted
according to the middle price of the market exchange disclosed by the People’s Bank of China on the date of the
transaction, with no changes in the original recording-currency amount; while the foreign-currency non-monetary
items measured by fair value shall be converted according to the middle price of the market exchange disclosed by
the People’s Bank of China on the date when the fair value is recognized, and the exchange gain/loss caused
thereof shall be recognized as the gain/loss from fair value changes and recorded into the gain/loss of the current
(2) Translation of foreign currency
The assets and liabilities items among the balance sheet of the foreign operation shall be translated at a spot
exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Among the owner’s equity items, except for the items as “undistributed
profits”, other items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time when they are incurred. And the

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

revenues and expenses items among the balance sheet of the foreign operation shall be translated at the
approximate exchange rate of the transaction date. The difference caused from the above transaction of the foreign
currency statement should be listed in the other comprehensive income among the owners’ equities.

11. Financial Instruments

(1) Classification of Financial Instruments
The Company classifies the financial assets when initially recognized into the following three categories based on
the business model for financial assets management and characteristics of contractual cash flow of financial assets:
financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
(debt instruments) and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial liabilities were classifies when initially recognized into financial liabilities at fair value through profit or
loss and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost.
(2) Recognition Basis and Measurement Method for Financial Instruments
① Financial assets measured at amortized cost
Financial assets at amortized cost include notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, long-term
receivables, and investment in debt obligations which are initially measured at fair value and related transaction
cost shall be recorded into the initial recognized amount. For accounts receivable excluding significant financing
and accounts receivable that the Company decides not to consider financing components less than one year, the
initial measurement shall be made at the contract transaction price. The interest calculated with actual rates for the
holding period shall be recorded into the current profit or loss. When recovered or disposed, the difference
between the price obtained and the carrying value of the financial assets shall be recorded into the current profit or
② Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments)
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments) include accounts receivable
financing and investment in other debt obligations which are initially measured at fair value and related
transaction cost shall be recorded into the initial recognized amount. The subsequent measurement of the financial
assets shall be at fair value and changes of fair value except for interest calculated with actual rates, impairment
losses or gains and exchange gains or losses shall be recorded into other comprehensive income. When
derecognized, the accumulated gains or losses originally recorded into other comprehensive income shall be
transferred into the current profit or loss.
③ Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments)
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments) include investment in
other equity instruments, etc. which are initially measured at fair value and related transaction cost shall be
recorded into the initial recognized amount. The subsequent measurement of the financial assets shall be at fair
value and changes of fair value shall be recorded into other comprehensive income. The dividends obtained shall
be recorded into the current profit or loss. When derecognized, the accumulated gains or losses originally recorded
into other comprehensive income shall be transferred into retained earnings.
④ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial
assets and other non-current financial assets which are initially measured at fair value and the related transaction
cost shall be recorded into the current profit or loss. The subsequent measurement of the financial assets shall be
at fair value and the changes of fair value shall be recorded into the current profit or loss.
⑤ Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

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Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include held-for-trading financial liabilities and derivative
financial liabilities which are initially measured at fair value and the related transaction cost shall be recorded into
the current profit or loss. The subsequent measurement of the financial liabilities shall be at fair value and the
changes of fair value shall be recorded into the current profit or loss. When derecognized, the difference between
the carrying value and the paid consideration shall be recorded into the current profit or loss.
⑥ Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Financial liabilities at amortized cost include short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable, other
payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payable and long-term payables which are initially measured at fair value
and the related transaction cost shall be recorded into the initial recognized amount. The interest calculated with
actual rates for the holding period shall be recorded into the current profit or loss. When derecognized, the
difference between the paid consideration and the carrying value of the financial liabilities shall be recorded into
the current profit or loss.
(3) Recognition Basis and Measurement of Transfer of Financial Assets
Where the Company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial
asset to the transferee, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset and separately recognize the rights and
obligations generated retained from the transfer as assets or liabilities. If it retained nearly all of the risks and
rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset, it shall continue to recognize the transferred financial asset.
Where the Company does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a
financial asset, it shall deal with it according to the circumstances as follows, respectively: (1) If it gives up its
control over the financial asset, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset and separately recognize the rights and
obligations generated retained from the transfer as assets or liabilities; (2) If it does not give up its control over the
financial asset, it shall, according to the extent of its continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset,
recognize the related financial asset and recognize the relevant liability accordingly.
If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the difference between
the amounts of the following 2 items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The
carrying value of the transferred financial asset on the derecognition date; (2) The sum of consideration received
from the transfer of financial assets, and derecognition amount among the accumulative amount of the changes of
the fair value originally recorded in the other comprehensive income (the financial assets involve transfer are
investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income. If the transfer of partial
financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the entire carrying value of the transferred financial
asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not
been stopped, be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value on the transfer date, and the
difference between the amounts of the following two items shall be included into the profits and losses of the
current period: (1)The carrying value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped; (2)The sum of
consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and derecognition amount among the
accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally recorded in the other comprehensive income (the
financial assets involve transfer are investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive
(4) Derecognition Basis of Financial Liabilities
A financial liability or part of it can be derecognized after its current obligation has been relieved in full or in part.
(5) Recognition of Fair Value of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
The fair value of financial instruments with an active market is determined by the quoted price in the active
market. For financial instruments without active market, the fair value is determined by valuation techniques. The
Company adopts the valuation techniques applicable to the current conditions which are supported by sufficient

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

data and other information for valuation, and selects the input values consistent with the characteristics of assets
or liabilities considered by market participants in asset or liability transactions, with priority to observable input
values. Unobservable input values are used only when relevant observable input values are not available or
(6) Impairment of financial instrument
① Impairment measurement and accounting handling of financial instrument
Based on expected credit loss, the Company conducts impairment handling and confirms credit impairment loss
for financial assets which is measured by amortized cost, debt instrument investment which is measured by fair
value and whose change is calculated into other comprehensive profits, financial guarantee contract.
Expected credit loss refers to weighted average of credit loss of financial instrument which takes the risk of
contract breach occurrence as the weight. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contract cash flow which
is converted into cash according to actual interest rate and receivable according to contract and all cash flow
which to be charged as expected, i.e. current value of all cash shortage. Among it, as for financial asset purchased
or original which has had credit impairment, it should be converted into cash according actual interest rate of this
financial asset after credit adjustment.
Lifetime expected credit losses refer to those caused by possible defaults during the entire expected duration of a
financial instrument.
The expected credit losses in the next 12 months refers to those caused by the default events of the financial
instrument that may occur within 12 months (or the expected duration if the expected duration of the financial
instrument is less than 12 months) after the balance sheet date, and is part of the expected credit losses in the
entire duration.
On each balance sheet date, the Company respectively measured the expected credit losses of financial
instruments in different stages. If the credit risk of a financial instrument has had no significant increase since its
initial recognition, the instrument shall fall in the first stage, for which the Company would measure the loss
reserves according to the expected credit losses in the future 12 months. If the credit risk of a financial instrument
has had a significant increase since its initial recognition but no credit impairment has occurred, the instrument
shall fall in the second stage, for which the Company would measure the loss reserves according to the expected
credit losses in the entire duration of the instrument. If the credit impairment has occurred since its initial
recognition, the financial instrument shall fall in the third stage, for which the Company would measure the loss
reserves according to the expected credit losses in the entire duration of the instrument.
As for a financial instrument with low credit risks on the balance sheet date, the Company measured the loss
reserves according to the expected credit losses in the future 12 months, assuming that its credit risk has had no
significant increase since its initial recognition.
For financial instruments with low credit risks in stages 1 and 2, the Company calculated the interest income at the
effective interest rate and on the carrying amount of the instruments without deductions for provisions for asset
impairment. For financial instruments in stage 3, interest income was calculated at the effective interest rates and
on the amortized cost by reducing the provisions for asset impairment from the carrying amount.
For notes receivables, accounts receivables, and financing receivables, whether there was a significant financial
component or not, the Company measured the loss reserves based on the expected credit losses for the entire
A. Accounts receivable
For notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables and accounts receivable financing with objective
evidence indicating impairment and those suitable for individual evaluation, the Company carries out impairment
test separately to confirm expected credit loss and prepare provision for impairment of single items. For notes
receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, accounts receivable financing, contract assets and long-term

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receivables without objective evidence of impairment, or a single financial asset with expected credit loss
impossible to be assessed at a reasonable cost, the Company divides the notes receivable, accounts receivable,
other receivables and accounts receivable financing into groups according to the characteristics of credit risk, and
calculates the expected credit loss based on receivable groups. The basis for recognizing groups is as follows:
      Item                         Recognition basis               Method of measuring expected credit losses
 Group 1        of   notes                                   Consulting historical experience in credit losses,
                                 All commercial bills
 receivable                                                  combining current situation and prediction for future
                                Bank’s acceptance bills     economic situation, the expected credit loss shall be
 Group 2        of   notes
                                 with low credit rating      accounted through exposure at default and the expected
                                                             credit loss rate over the entire life
                                Bank’s acceptance bills     Consulting historical experience in credit losses,
                                with high credit rating      combining current situation and prediction for future
 Accounts       receivable
                                                             economic situation, the expected credit loss shall be
                                                             accounted through exposure at default and the expected
                                                             credit loss rate over the entire life
                                                             Prepare the comparative list between aging of accounts
                                                             receivable and expected credit loss rate over the entire
                                                             life and calculate the expected credit loss by consulting
 Accounts                        Accounts receivable
                                                             historical experience in credit losses, combining current
 receivable-credit risk          portfolio with credit
                                                             situation and prediction for future economic situation.
 characteristics group                  period
                                                             The Company takes aging as credit risk characteristics
                                                             groups and calculates the expected credit loss for
                                                             accounts receivable.
 Accounts                                                    Consulting historical experience in credit losses,
 receivable-intercourse                                      combining current situation and prediction for future
                                Related party within the
 funds among related                                         economic situation, the expected credit loss shall be
                                 consolidation scope
 party group within the                                      accounted through exposure at default and the expected
 consolidation scope                                         credit loss rate over the entire life

Basis for recognizing groups of other receivables is as follows:
   Item                           Recognition basis          Method of measuring expected credit losses
                                                             Consulting historical experience in credit losses,
                                     Other receivables       combining current situation and prediction for future
                                   excluding those from      economic situation, the expected credit loss shall be
 Group 1 of other receivables
                                   related parties-aging     accounted through exposure at default and the expected
                                           group             credit loss rate within the next 12 months or over the
                                                             entire life
                                                             Consulting historical experience in credit losses,
                                                             combining current situation and prediction for future
                                   Related party within
                                                             economic situation, the expected credit loss shall be
 Group 2 of other receivables       the consolidation
                                                             accounted through exposure at default and the expected
                                                             credit loss rate within the next 12 months or over the
                                                             entire life

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12. Accounts Receivable

See “11. Financial Instruments”.

13. Accounts Receivable Financing

See “11. Financial Instruments”.

14. Other Receivables

See “11. Financial Instruments”.

15. Contract Assets

Contract Assets means that the Company is endowed with the right to charge the consideration through
transferring any commodity or service to the client, and such right depends on other factors except the passing of
time. The Company’s unconditional right (only depending on the passing of time) of charging the consideration
from the client shall be separately presented as receivables.

The recognition method and accounting treatment method of the estimated credit loss of contract assets are
consistent with that specified in Notes V.11.

16. Inventory

(1) Category of Inventory
Inventory refers to the held-for-sale finished products or commodities, goods in process, materials consumed in
the production process or the process providing the labor service etc. Inventory is mainly including the raw
materials, low priced and easily worn articles, unfinished products, inventories and work in process–outsourced
(2) Pricing method
Purchasing and storage of the various inventories should be valued according to the planed cost and the dispatch
be calculated according to the weighted average method; carried forward the cost of the finished products
according to the actual cost of the current period and the sales cost according to the weighted average method.
(3) Determination basis of the net realizable value of inventory and withdrawal method of the provision for falling
price of inventory
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of the costs and net realizable value. When all the
inventories are checked roundly, for those which were destroyed, outdated in all or in part, sold at a loss, etc, the
Company shall estimate the irrecoverable part of its cost and withdrawal the inventory falling price reserve at the
year-end. Where the cost of the single inventory item is higher than the net realizable value, the inventory falling
price reserve shall be withdrawn and recorded into profits and losses of the current period. Of which: in the
normal production and operating process, as for the commodities inventory directly for sales such as the finished
products, commodities and the materials for sales, should recognize the net realizable value according to the
amount of the estimated selling price of the inventory minuses the estimated selling expenses and the relevant
taxes; as for the materials inventory needs to be processed in the normal production and operating process, should
recognize its net realizable value according to the amount of the estimated selling price of the finished products

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minuses the cost predicts to be occur when the production completes and the estimated selling expenses as well as
the relevant taxes; on the balance sheet date, for the same inventory with one part agreed by the contract price
and other parts not by the contract price, should be respectively recognized the net realizable value. For items of
inventories relating to a product line that are produced and marketed in the same geographical area, have the same
or similar end users or purposes, and cannot be practicably evaluated separately from other items in that product
line provision for decline in value is determined on an aggregate basis; for large quantity and low value items of
inventories, provision for decline in value is made based on categories of inventories.
(4) The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.
(5) Amortization method of low-value consumables and packages
One time amortization method is adopted for low-value consumables and packages.

17. Assets Held for Sale

(1) Classification under held for sale recognition criteria
The Company confirms certain non-current assets or disposal groups as held for sale when they simultaneously
meet the following conditions:
① They can be sold immediately in their current condition, following the customary practices observed in similar
transactions; and
② The sale is highly probable, meaning the Company has resolved to execute a sales plan, obtained regulatory
approval (where applicable), secured definite purchase commitments, and anticipates completion of the sale
within one year.
A definite purchase commitment refers to a legally binding purchase agreement between the Company and
another party. This agreement encompasses essential terms such as the transaction price, timing, and sufficiently
stringent penalty clauses for breach, minimizing the likelihood of significant adjustments or cancellation.
(2) Accounting treatment for held for sale assets
The Company does not depreciate or amortize non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale. If
their carrying amount exceeds the net amount derived from subtracting the fair value less selling costs, the
carrying amount should be written down to the net amount. The written-down amount is recognized as an
impairment loss, reflected in the current period's income statement, while also establishing a provision for
impairment of held for sale assets.
Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held-for-sale on the date of acquisition shall be measured at the
lower of net amount of initial measurement amount minus sales cost and that of fair value minus selling expenses,
assuming they were not classified as held-for-sale during initial measurement.
The aforementioned principles apply to all non-current assets, excluding investment properties measured using the
fair value model, biological assets measured at fair value less selling costs, assets arising from employee benefits,
deferred tax assets, financial assets governed by accounting standards related to financial instruments, and rights
arising from insurance contracts regulated by accounting standards related to insurance contracts.

18. Long-term Equity Investments

(1) Judgment standard of joint control and significant influences
Joint control, refers to the control jointly owned according to the relevant agreement on an arrangement by the
Company and the relevant activities of the arrangement should be decided only after the participants which share
the control right make consensus. Significant influence refers to the power of the Company which could anticipate
in the finance and the operation polices of the investees, but could not control or jointly control the formulation of
the policies with the other parties.

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(2) Recognition for initial investment cost
The initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be recognized by adopting the following ways
in accordance with different methods of acquisition:
1) As for those forms under the same control of the enterprise combine, if the combine party takes the cash
payment, non-cash assets transformation, liabilities assumption or equity securities issuance as the combination
consideration, should take the shares of the book value by the ultimate control party in the consolidate financial
statement of the owners’ equities of the combiners acquired on the merger date as the initial investment cost. The
difference between the initial investment cost and the book value of the paid combination consideration or the
total amount of the issued shares of the long-term equity investment should be adjusted the capital reserve; If the
capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. To include each direct relevant
expense occurred when executing the enterprise merger into the current gains and losses; while the handling
charges and commission occurs from the issuing the equity securities or the bonds for the enterprise merger
should be included in the initial measurement amount of the shareholders’ equities or the liabilities.
2) As for long-term equity investment acquired through the merger of enterprises not under the same control, its
initial investment cost shall regard as the combination cost calculated by the fair value of the assets, equity
instrument issued and liabilities incurred or undertaken on the purchase date adding the direct cost related with the
acquisition. The identifiable assets of the combined party and the liabilities (including contingent liability)
undertaken on the combining date shall be measured at the fair value without considering the amount of minority
interest. The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the
identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as business reputation. The acquirer shall record the negative
balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree
into the consolidated income statement directly. The agent expense and other relevant management expenses such
as the audit, legal service and evaluation consultation occurs from the enterprise merger, should be included in the
current gains and losses when occur; while the handling charges and commission occurs from the issuing the
equity securities or the bonds for the enterprise merger should be included in the initial measurement amount of
the shareholders’ equities or the liabilities.
3) Long-term equity investment obtained by other means
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost
which is actually paid.
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair
value of the equity securities issued.
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the investment
contract or agreement, the unfair value stipulated in the contract or agreement shall be measured at fair value.
As for long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets, where it is commercial in nature,
the fair value of the assets surrendered shall be recognized as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment
received; where it is not commercial in nature, the book value of the assets surrendered shall be recognized as the
initial cost of the long-term equity investment received.
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be recognized at
fair value of long-term equity investment.
(3) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profits and losses
1) An investment in the subsidiary company shall be measured by employing the cost method
Where the Company hold, and is able to do equity investment with control over an invested entity, the invested
entity shall be its subsidiary company. Where the Company holds the shares of an entity over 50%, or, while the
Company holds the shares of an entity below 50%, but has a real control to the said entity, then the said entity

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shall be its subsidiary company.
2) An investment in the joint enterprise or associated enterprise shall be measured by employing the equity
Where the Company hold, and is able to do equity investment with joint control with other parties over an
invested entity, the invested entity shall be its joint enterprise. Where the Company hold, and is able to have
equity investment with significant influences on an invested entity, the invested entity shall be its associated
After the Company acquired the long-term equity investment, should respectively recognize investment income
and other comprehensive income according to the net gains and losses as well as the portion of other
comprehensive income which should be enjoyed or be shared, and at the same time adjust the book value of the
long-term equity investment; corresponding reduce the book value of the long-term equity investment according
to profits which be declared to distribute by the investees or the portion of the calculation of cash dividends which
should be enjoyed; for the other changes except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the
owners’ equity except for the profits distribution of the investees, should adjust the book value of the long-term
equity investment as well as include in the owners’ equity .
The investing enterprise shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when
it obtains the investment, recognize the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after it
adjusts the net profits of the invested entity.
If the accounting policy adopted by the investees is not accord with that of the Company, should be adjusted
according to the accounting policies of the Company and the financial statement of the investees during the
accounting period and according which to recognize the investment income as well as other comprehensive
For the transaction happened between the Company and associated enterprises as well as joint ventures, if the
assets launched or sold not form into business, the portion of the unrealized gains and losses of the internal
transaction, which belongs to the Company according to the calculation of the enjoyed proportion, should
recognize the investment gains and losses on the basis. But the losses of the unrealized internal transaction
happened between the Company and the investees which belongs to the impairment losses of the transferred assets,
should not be neutralized.
The Company shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise according to the following sequence: first of
all, to write down the book value of the long-term equity investment. Secondly, if the book value of the long-term
equity investment is insufficient for written down, should be continued to recognized the investment losses limited
to the book value of other long-term equity which forms of the net investment of the investees and to written
down the book value of the long-term accounts receivable etc. Lastly, through the above handling, for those
should still undertake the additional obligations according to the investment contracts or the agreements, it shall
be recognized as the estimated liabilities in accordance with the estimated duties and then recorded into
investment losses at current period. If the invested entity realizes any net profits later, the Company shall, after the
amount of its attributable share of profits offsets against its attributable share of the un-recognized losses, resume
recognizing its attributable share of profits.
In the preparation for the financial statements, the balance existed between the long-term equity investment
increased by acquiring shares of minority interest and the attributable net assets on the subsidiary calculated by
the increased shares held since the purchase date (or combination date), the capital reserves shall be adjusted, if
the capital reserves are not sufficient to offset, the retained profits shall be adjusted; the Company disposed part of
the long-term equity investment on subsidiaries without losing its controlling right on them, the balance between
the disposed price and attributable net assets of subsidiaries by disposing the long-term equity investment shall be

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recorded into owners’ equity.
For other ways on disposal of long-term equity investment, the balance between the book value of the disposed
equity and its actual payment gained shall be recorded into current profits and losses.
For the long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method, if the remained equity after disposal
still adopts the equity method for measurement, the other comprehensive income originally recorded into owners’
equity should adopt the same basis of the accounting disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed
by the investees according to the corresponding proportion. The owners’ equity recognized owning to the changes
of the other owners’ equity except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the profits
distribution of the investees, should be transferred into the current gains and losses according to the proportion.
For the long-term equity investment which adopts the cost method of measurement, if the remained equity still
adopt the cost method, the other comprehensive income recognized owning to adopting the equity method for
measurement or the recognition and measurement standards of financial instrument before acquiring the control of
the investees, should adopt the same basis of the accounting disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities directly
disposed by the investees and should be carried forward into the current gains and losses according to the
proportion; the changes of the other owners’ equity except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive
income and the profits distribution among the net assets of the investees which recognized by adopting the equity
method for measurement, should be carried forward into the current gains and losses according to the proportion.
For those the Company lost the control of the investees by disposing part of the equity investment as well as the
remained equity after disposal could execute joint control or significant influences on the investees, should change
to measure by equity method when compiling the individual financial statement and should adjust the
measurement of the remained equity to equity method as adopted since the time acquired; if the remained equity
after disposal could not execute joint control or significant influences on the investees, should change the
accounting disposal according to the relevant regulations of the recognition and measurement standards of
financial instrument, and its difference between the fair value and book value on the date lose the control right
should be included in the current gains and losses. For the other comprehensive income recognized by adopting
equity method for measurement or the recognition and measurement standards of financial instrument before the
Company acquired the control of the investees, should execute the accounting disposal by adopting the same basis
of the accounting disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the investees when lose the
control of them, while the changes of the other owners’ equity except for the net gains and losses, other
comprehensive income and the profits distribution among the net assets of the investees which recognized by
adopting the equity method for measurement, should be carried forward into the current gains and losses
according to the proportion. Of which, for the disposed remained equity which adopted the equity method for
measurement, the other comprehensive income and the other owners’ equity should be carried forward according
to the proportion; for the disposed remained equity which changed to execute the accounting disposal according to
the recognition and measurement standards of financial instrument, the other comprehensive income and the other
owners’ equity should be carried forward in full amount.
For those the Company lost the control of the investees by disposing part of the equity investment, the disposed
remained equity should change to calculate according to the recognition and measurement standards of financial
instrument, and difference between the fair value and book value on the date lose the control right should be
included in the current gains and losses. For the other comprehensive income recognized from the original equity
investment by adopting the equity method, should execute the accounting disposal by adopting the same basis of
the accounting disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the investees when terminate the
equity method for measurement, while for the owners’ equity recognized owning to the changes of the other
owner’s equity except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the profits distribution of the

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investees, should be transferred into the current investment income with full amount when terminate adopting the
equity method.

19. Investment Real Estate

Measurement mode of investment real estate:
Measurement of cost method
Depreciation or amortization method
The investment real estate shall be measured at its cost. Of which, the cost of an investment real estate by
acquisition consists of the acquisition price, relevant taxes, and other expense directly relegated to the asset; the
cost of a self-built investment real estate composes of the necessary expenses for building the asset to the hoped
condition for use. The investment real estate invested by investors shall be recorded at the value stipulated in the
investment contracts or agreements, but the unfair value appointed in the contract or agreement shall be entered
into the account book at the fair value.
As for withdrawal basis of provision for impairment of investment real estates, please refer to withdrawal method
for provision for impairment of fixed assets.

20. Fixed Assets

(1) Recognition Conditions
Fixed assets refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows: (a) they are held for
the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; and (b) their useful
life is in excess of one fiscal year. The fixed assets are only recognized when the relevant economic benefits
probably flow in the Company and its cost could be reliable measured.
(2) Depreciation Method
  Category of fixed assets             Method                      Useful life             Annual deprecation
 Housing and building         Average     method      of
                                                             20-40 years               2.50%-5%
                              useful life
 Machinery equipment          Average     method      of
                                                             6-15 years                6.67%-16.67%
                              useful life
 Transportation               Average     method      of
                                                             5-10 years                10%-20%
 equipment                    useful life
                              Average     method      of
 Other equipment                                             5-10 years                10%-20%
                              useful life
(3) Recognition Basis, Pricing and Depreciation Method of Fixed Assets by Finance Lease
The Company recognizes those meet with the following one or certain standards as the fixed assets by finance
1) The leasing contract had agreed that (or made the reasonable judgment according to the relevant conditions on
the lease starting date) when the lease term expires, the ownership of leasing the fixed assets could be transferred
to the Company;
2) The Company owns the choosing right for purchasing and leasing the fixed assets, with the set purchase price
which is estimated far lower than the fair value of the fixed assets by finance lease when executing the choosing
right, so the Company could execute the choosing right reasonably on the lease starting date;
3) Even if the ownership of the fixed assets not be transferred, the lease period is of 75% or above of the useful
life of the lease fixed assets;

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4) The current value of the minimum lease payment on the lease starting date of the Company is equal to 90% or
above of the fair value of the lease fixed assets on the lease starting date; the current value of the minimum lease
receipts on the lease starting date of the leaser is equal to 90% or above of the fair value of the lease fixed assets
on the lease starting date;
5) The nature of the lease assets is special that only the Company could use it if not execute large transformation.
The fixed assets by finance lease should take the lower one between the fair value of the leasing assets and the
current value of the minimum lease payment on the lease starting date as the entry value. As for the minimum
lease payment which be regarded as the entry value of the long-term accounts payable, its difference should be
regarded as the unrecognized financing expense. For the initial direct expenses occur in the lease negotiations and
the signing process of the lease contracts that attribute to the handling expenses, counsel fees, travel expenses and
stamp taxes of the lease items, should be included in the charter-in assets value. The unrecognized financing
expenses should be amortized by adopting the actual interest rate during the period of the lease term.
The fixed assets by finance lease shall adopt the same depreciation policy for self-owned fixed assets. If it is
reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain the ownership of the leased asset when the lease term expires,
the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over its useful life. If it is not reasonable to be certain that the lessee will
obtain the ownership of the leased asset at the expiry of the lease term, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated
over the shorter one of the lease term or its useful life

21. Construction in Progress

(1) Valuation of the progress in construction
Construction in progress shall be measured at actual cost. Self-operating projects shall be measured at direct
materials, direct wages and direct construction fees; construction contract shall be measured at project price
payable; project cost for plant engineering shall be recognized at value of equipments installed, cost of installation,
trail run of projects. Costs of construction in process also include borrowing costs and exchange gains and losses,
which should be capitalized.
(2) Standardization on construction in process transferred into fixed assets and time point
The construction in process, of which the fixed assets reach to the predicted condition for use, shall carry forward
fixed assets on schedule. The one that has not audited the final accounting shall recognize the cost and make
depreciation in line with valuation value. The construction in process shall adjust the original valuation value at its
historical cost but not adjust the depreciation that has been made after auditing the final accounting.

22. Borrowing Costs

(1) Recognition principle of capitalization of borrowing costs
The borrowing costs shall include the interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on
borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. Where the borrowing
costs occurred belong to specifically borrowed loan or general borrowing used for the acquisition and construction
of investment real estates and inventories over one year (including one year) shall be capitalized, and record into
relevant assets cost. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount
incurred, and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses. The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized
unless they simultaneously meet the following three requirements: (1) The asset disbursements have already
incurred; (2) The borrowing costs have already incurred; and (3) The acquisition and construction or production
activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started.
(2) The period of capitalization of borrowing costs
The borrowing costs arising from acquisition and construction of fixed assets, investment real estates and

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inventories, if they meet the above-mentioned capitalization conditions, the capitalization of the borrowing costs
shall be measured into asset cost before such assets reach to the intended use or sale, Where acquisition and
construction of fixed assets, investment real estates and inventories is interrupted abnormally and the interruption
period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended, and recorded
into the current expense, till the acquisition and construction of the assets restarts. When the qualified asset is
ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased, the borrowing costs
occurred later shall be included into the financial expense directly at the current period.
(3) Measurement method of capitalization amount of borrowing costs
As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual cost incurred of
the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing
loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment.
Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization, the enterprise shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general
borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset
disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The
capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general

23. Intangible Assets

(1) Useful Life and the Basis for its Determination, Estimation, Amortization Methodology or Review

(1) Pricing method of intangible assets
Intangible assets purchased should take the actual payment and the relevant other expenses as the actual cost.
For the intangible assets invested by the investors should be recognized the actual cost according to the value of
the investment contracts or agreements, however, for the value of the contracts or agreements is not fair, the actual
cost should be recognized according to the fair value.
For the intangible assets acquires from the exchange of the non-currency assets, if own the commercial nature,
should be recorded according to the fair value of the swap-out assets; for those not own the commercial nature,
should be recorded according to the book value of the swap-out assets.
For the intangible assets acquires from the debts reorganization should be recognized by the fair value.
(2) Amortization method and term of intangible assets
As for the intangible assets with limited service life, which are amortized by straight-line method when it is
available for use within the service period, shall be recorded into the current profits and losses. The Company
shall, at least at the end of each year, check the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets with
limited service life. When the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets are different from those
before, the years and method of the amortization shall be changed.
Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be amortized. However, the Company shall check the service
life of intangible assets with uncertain service life during each accounting period. Where there are evidences to
prove the intangible assets have limited service life, it shall be estimated of its service life, and be amortized
according to the above method mentioned.
The rights to use land of the Company shall be amortized according to the rest service life.

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(2) The Scope of R&D Expenditure Collection and the Related Accounting Treatment

The internal research and development projects of an enterprise shall be classified into research phase and
development phase: the term “research” refers to the creative and planned investigation to acquire and understand
new scientific or technological knowledge; the term “development” refers to the application of research
achievements and other knowledge to a certain plan or design, prior to the commercial production or use, so as to
produce any new material, device or product, or substantially improved material, device and product.
The Company collects the costs of the corresponding phases according to the above standard of classifying the
research phase and the development phase. The research expenditures for its internal research and development
projects of an enterprise shall be recorded into the profit or loss for the current period. The development costs for
its internal research and development projects of an enterprise may be capitalized when they satisfy the following
conditions simultaneously: it is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale; it is intended to
finish and use or sell the intangible assets; the usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic
benefits shall be proved, including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products
manufactured by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the
intangible assets will be used internally; it is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to
use or sell the intangible assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources;
the development costs of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.

24. Impairment of Long-term Assets

For non-current financial Assets of fixed Assets, projects under construction, intangible Assets with limited
service life, investing real estate with cost model, long-term equity investment of subsidiaries, cooperative
enterprises and joint ventures, the Company should judge whether decrease in value exists on the date of balance
sheet. Recoverable amounts should be tested for decrease in value if it exists. Other intangible Assets of reputation
and uncertain service life and other non-accessible intangible assets should be tested for decrease in value no
matter whether it exists.
If the recoverable amount is less than book value in impairment test results, the provision for impairment of
differences should include in impairment loss. Recoverable amounts would be the higher of net value of asset fair
value deducting disposal charges or present value of predicted cash flow. Asset fair value should be determined
according to negotiated sales price of fair trade. If no sales agreement exists but with asset active market, fair
value should be determined according to the Buyer’s price of the asset. If no sales agreement or asset active
market exists, asset fair value could be acquired on the basis of best information available. Disposal expenses
include legal fees, taxes, cartage or other direct expenses of merchantable Assets related to asset disposal. Present
value of predicted asset cash flow should be determined by the proper discount rate according to Assets in service
and predicted cash flow of final disposal. Asset depreciation reserves should be calculated on the basis of single
Assets. If it is difficult to predict the recoverable amounts for single Assets, recoverable amounts should be
determined according to the belonging asset group. Asset group is the minimum asset combination producing cash
flow independently.
In impairment test, book value of the business reputation in financial report should be shared to beneficial asset
group and asset group combination in collaboration of business merger. It is shown in the test that if recoverable
amounts of shared business reputation asset group or asset group combination are lower than book value, it should
determine the impairment loss. Impairment loss amount should firstly be deducted and shared to the book value of
business reputation of asset group or asset group combination, then deduct book value of all assets according to
proportions of other book value of above assets in asset group or asset group combination except business

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After the asset impairment loss is determined, recoverable value amounts would not be returned in future.

25. Long-term Deferred Expenses

Long-term deferred expanses of the Company shall be recorded in light of the actual expenditure, and amortized
averagely within benefit period. In case of no benefit in the future accounting period, the amortized value of such
project that fails to be amortized shall be transferred into the profits and losses of the current period.

26. Contract Liabilities

Contract liabilities refer to the Company’s obligations in transferring commodities or services to the client for the
received or predicted consideration. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract shall be
presented based on the net amount.

27. Employee Benefits

(1) Accounting Treatment of Short-term Compensation

Short-term compensation mainly including salary, bonus, allowances and subsidies, employee services and
benefits, medical insurance premiums, birth insurance premium, industrial injury insurance premium, housing
fund, labor union expenditure and personnel education fund, non-monetary benefits etc. The short-term
compensation actually happened during the accounting period when the active staff offering the service for the
Company should be recognized as liabilities and is included in the current gains and losses or relevant assets cost.
Of which the non-monetary benefits should be measured according to the fair value.

(2) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare after Demission

The Company classifies the welfare plans after demission into defined contribution plans and defined benefit
plans. Welfare plans after demission refers to the agreement on the welfare after demission reaches between the
Company and the employees, or the regulations or methods formulated by the Company for providing the welfare
after demission for the employees. Of which, defined contribution plans refers to the welfare plans after demission
that the Company no more undertake the further payment obligations after the payment of the fixed expenses for
the independent funds; defined benefit plans, refers to the welfare plans after demission except for the defined
contribution plans.
Defined contribution plans
During the accounting period that the Company providing the service for the employees, the Company should
recognize the liabilities according to the deposited amount calculated by defined contribution plans, and should be
included in the current gains and losses or the relevant assets cost.

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(3) Accounting Treatment of the Demission Welfare

The Company should recognize the payroll payment liabilities occur from the demission welfare according to the
earlier date between the following two conditions and include which in the current gains and losses when
providing the demission welfare for the employees: the Company could not unilaterally withdraw the demission
welfare owning to the relieve plans of the labor relationship or reduction; when the Company recognizing the
costs or expenses related to the reorganization involves with the demission welfare payments.

28. Provisions

(1) Criteria of provisions
Only if the obligation pertinent to a contingencies shall be recognized as an estimated debts when the following
conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
1) That obligation is a current obligation of the Company;
2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Company as a result of performance of the
3) The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.
(2) Measurement of provisions
The Company shall measure the provisions in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the
performance of the current obligation.
The Company shall check the book value of the provisions on the Balance Sheet Date. If there is any conclusive
evidence proving that the said book value can’t truly reflect the current best estimate, the Company shall, subject
to change, make adjustment to carrying value to reflect the current best estimate.

29. Revenue

Accounting policies for recognition and measurement of revenue:
When the Company fulfills its due performance obligations (namely when the client obtains the control over
related commodities or services), revenues shall be recognized based on the obligation’s amortized transaction
price. Performance Obligation refers to the Company’s promise of transferring commodities or services that can
be clearly defined to the client. Transaction Price refers to the consideration amount duly charged by the Company
for transferring commodities or services to the client, excluding any amount charged by the third party and any
amount predicted to be returned to the client. Control Over Relevant Commodities means that the use of
commodities can be controlled and almost all economic interests can be obtained.
On the contract commencement day, the Company shall evaluate the contract, recognize individual performance
obligation and confirm that individual performance obligation is fulfilled in a certain period. When one of the
following conditions is met, such performance obligation shall be deemed as fulfilled in a certain period, and the
Company shall recognize it as revenue within a certain period according to the performance schedule: (1) the
client obtains and consumes the economic interests resulting from the Company’s performance of contract while
performing the contract; (2) the client is able to control the commodities under construction during the
performance; (3) commodities produced by the Company during the performance possess the irreplaceable
purpose, and the Company has the right to charge all finished parts during the contract period; otherwise, the
Company shall recognize the revenue when the client obtains the control over relevant commodities or services.
The Company shall adopt the Input Method to determine the Performance Schedule. Namely, the Performance
Schedule shall be determined according to the Company’s input for fulfilling performance obligations. When the

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Performance Schedule cannot be reasonably determined and all resulting costs are predicted to be compensated,
the Company shall recognize the revenue based on the resulting cost amount till the Performance Schedule can be
reasonably determined.
When the contract involves two or more than two performance obligations, the transaction price shall be
amortized to each single performance obligation on the contract commencement day according to the relative
proportion of the independent selling price of commodities or services under each single performance obligation.
If any solid evidence proves that the contract discount or variable consideration only relates to one or more than
one (not all) performance obligation under the contract, the Company shall amortize the contract discount or
variable consideration to one or more than one related performance obligations. Independent selling price refers to
the price adopted by the Company to independently sell commodities or services to the client. However,
independent selling price cannot be directly observed. The Company shall estimate the independent selling price
by comprehensively considering all related information that can be reasonably obtained and maximally adopting
the observable input value.
Variable Consideration
If any variable consideration exists in the contract, the Company shall determine the optimal estimation of the
variable consideration based on the expected values or the most possible amount. The variable consideration’s
transaction price shall be included without exceeding the total revenue amount recognized without the risk of
significant restitution when all uncertainties are eliminated. On each balance sheet day, the Company shall
re-estimate the variable consideration amount to be included in the transaction price.
Consideration Payable to the Client
If any consideration payable to the client exists in the contract, the Company shall use such consideration to offset
the transaction price unless such consideration is paid for acquiring other clearly-defined commodities or services
from the client, and write down the current revenue at the later time between the time of recognizing relevant
revenues and the time of paying (or promising the payment) the consideration to the client.
Sales with the Quality Assurance
For sales with the Quality Assurance, if the Quality Assurance involves another separate service except for the
guarantee of all sold commodities or services meeting all established standards, the Quality Assurance shall
constitute a single Performance Obligation; otherwise, the Company shall make corresponding accounting
treatment to the Quality Assurance according to ASBE No.13--Contingency.
Main Responsibility Person/Agent
According to whether the control over commodities or services is obtained before they are transferred to the client,
the Company can judge whether it is Main Responsibility Person or Agent based on its status during the
transaction. If the Company can control commodities or services before they are transferred to the client, the
Company shall be Main Responsibility Person, and revenues shall be recognized according to the total
consideration amount received or to be received; otherwise, the Company shall be Agent, and revenues shall be
recognized according to the commission or service fees predicted to be duly charged. However, such amount shall
be determined based on the net amount after deducting other amounts payable to other related parties from the
total consideration received or to be duly received or the fixed commission amount or proportion.
Specific methods
The specific methods of the Company's revenue recognition are as follows:
The sale contract between the Company and its customers usually contains only the performance obligation for
the transfer of goods, which is satisfied at a point in time.
The following requirements must be met to confirm the revenue of domestic products: The Company has

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delivered the goods to the customer in accordance with the contract and the customer has accepted the goods. The
payment has been recovered or the receipt voucher has been obtained, and the relevant economic benefits are
likely to flow in. The customer has obtained control of the relevant goods. The main risks and rewards of product
ownership have been transferred. The legal ownership of the goods has been transferred.
The following requirements must be met to confirm the revenue of export products: The Company has declared
the products in accordance with the contract, obtained the bills of lading, and received the payment or obtained the
receipt voucher and the related economic benefits are likely to flow in. The main risks and rewards of product
ownership have been transferred. The legal ownership of the goods has been transferred.
Interest Revenue
Interest Revenue shall be determined according to the time of the Company’s use of monetary capital and the
actual interest rate.
30. Contract Costs
(1) Costs from Acquiring Contract
If the incremental cost resulting from the Company’s acquiring of contract (namely costs merely resulting from
the acquiring of contract) is predicted to be retrieved, it shall be recognized as an assets, amortized by adopting
the same basis with the recognition of commodities or service revenues related to the assets and included into the
current profit and loss. If the assets’ amortization period does not exceed one year, it shall be immediately
included into the current profit and loss. Other expenses resulting from the Company’s acquiring of contract shall
also be included into the current profit and loss unless it is explicitly borne by the client.
(2) Costs from Executing Contract
The Company’s costs from executing contract is not covered by other ASBE except for Revenue Standards, and
when the following situations are met, such costs can be recognized as an assets: ① the costs are directly related
to a current or predicted contract; ② the costs increase the Company’s resources applied to fulfill performance
obligations in the future; ③ the costs are predicted to be retrieved. The recognized assets shall be amortized by
adopting the same basis with the recognition of commodities or service revenues related to the assets and included
into the current profit and loss.

If the book value of contract costs is higher than the difference of the following two items, corresponding
depreciation reserves shall be counted and withdrawn and it shall be recognized as the assets depreciation loss: ①
the residual consideration predicted to be acquired by transferring commodities related to the assets; ② the costs
predicted to occur due to the transfer of related commodities.

If the difference between ① and ② is higher than the book value of contract costs due to any change in various
factors causing depreciation in previous periods, it shall be restituted to the withdrawn assets depreciation reserves
and included in the current profit and loss. However, the book value of restituted contract costs shall not exceed
the book value of the assets on the day of restitution based on the hypothesis that depreciation reserves are not
counted and withdrawn.

31. Government Grants

(1) Type
A government grant means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by an enterprise from the
government. Government grants consist of the government grants pertinent to assets and government grants
pertinent to income according to the relevant government documents.

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For those the government documents not definite stipulate the assistance object, the judgment basis of the
Company classifies the government grants pertinent to assets and government subsidies pertinent to income is:
whether are used for purchasing or constructing or for forming the long-term assets by other methods.
(2) Recognition of Government Subsidies
The government subsidies should be recognized only when meet with the attached conditions of the government
grants as well as could be acquired.
If the government grants are the monetary assets, should be measured according to the received or receivable
amount; and for the government grants are the non-monetary assets, should be measured by fair value.
(3) Accounting Treatment
The government grants pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, and included in the current
gains and losses or offset the book value of related assets within the useful lives of the relevant assets with a
reasonable and systematic method. Government grants pertinent to income used to compensate the relevant costs,
expenses or losses of the Company in the subsequent period shall be recognized as deferred income, and shall be
included in the current profit and loss during the period of confirming the relevant costs, expenses or losses; those
used to compensate the relevant costs, expenses or losses of the Company already happened shall be included in
the current gains and losses or used to offset relevant costs directly.
For government grants that include both assets-related and income-related parts, they should be distinguished
separately for accounting treatment; for government subsidies that are difficult to be distinguished, they should be
classified as income-related.
Government grants related to the daily activities of the Company shall be included into other income or used to
offset relevant costs by the nature of economic business; those unrelated shall be included into non-operating
The government grants recognized with relevant deferred income balance but need to return shall be used to offset
the book balance of relevant deferred income, the excessive part shall be included in the current gains and losses
or adjusting the book value of assets for the government grants assets-related that offset the book value of relevant
assets when they are initially recognized; those belong to other cases shall be directly included in the current gains
and losses.

32. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Basis of recognizing the deferred income tax assets
According to the difference between the book value of the assets and liabilities and their tax basis, a deferred tax
asset shall be measured in accord with the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is
realized or the liability is settled.
The recognition of the deferred income tax assets is limited by the income tax payable that the Company probably
gains for deducting the deductible temporary differences. At the balance sheet date, where there is strong evidence
showing that sufficient taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be
utilized, the deferred tax asset unrecognized in prior period shall be recognized.
The Company assesses the carrying amount of deferred tax asset at the balance sheet date. If it’s probable that
sufficient taxable profit will not be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the
Company shall write down the carrying amount of deferred tax asset, or reverse the amount written down later
when it’s probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.
(2) Basis of recognizing the deferred income tax liabilities
According to the difference between the book value of the assets and liabilities and their tax basis, A deferred tax

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liability shall be measured in accord with the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is
realized or the liability is settled.

33. Lease

(1) Accounting treatment for leases as the lessee
On the beginning date of the lease term, the Company will recognize the lease with a lease term not exceeding 12
months and exclude the purchase option as a short-term lease. Leases with lower value when a single leased asset
is a brand-new asset are identified as low-value asset leases. If the Company sublets or expects to sublet the leased
assets, the original lease shall not be deemed as a low-value asset lease.
The Company records the payments of short-term and low-value asset leases incurred during each period of the
lease term in the relevant asset costs or the profit or loss for the current period by the straight-line method.
The Company will recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities on the inception date of the lease term,
excluding the above short-term and low-value asset leases.
① Right-of-use assets
The right-of-use asset is measured at cost and the cost shall comprise:
A. the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liabilities;
B. any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives received;
C. any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee;
D. an estimate of costs to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying asset, restoring the
site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of
the lease.
The Company depreciates the right-of-use asset using the straight-line method. If it is reasonably certain that
ownership of the leased asset(s) will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Company depreciates the leased
asset(s) over its/their remaining service life. If it is not reasonably certain that the ownership of the leasehold
property will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Company will depreciate the leased asset(s) over the
lease term or the remaining service life, whichever is shorter.
② Lease liabilities
At the commencement date, the Company measures the lease liabilities at the present value of the lease payments
that are not paid at that date, The Company uses the interest rate implicit in lease as the rate of discount when
calculating the present value of the lease payments. The incremental interest rate on borrowing of the lessee will
be used as the rate of discount, if the interest rate implicit in lease cannot be determined. The difference between
the lease payment and its present value is regarded as an unrecognized financing expense. Interest expense is
recognized at the discount rate of the present value of the recognized lease payment during each period of the
lease term and is recorded in the profit and loss for the current period. Variable lease payments that are not
covered in the measurement of the lease liabilities are included in current profit or loss when actually incurred.
After the commencement date, if there is a change in the following items: (a) actual fixed payments; (b) amounts
expected to be payable under residual value guarantees; (c) an index or a rate used to determine lease payments;
(d) assessment result or exercise of purchase option, extension option or termination option., the Company
remeasures the lease liabilities based on the present value of lease payments after changes, and adjusts the
carrying amount of the right-of-use asset accordingly. If the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset is reduced to
zero but there shall be a further reduction in the lease liabilities, the remaining amount shall be recognized into
profit or loss.

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(2) Accounting treatment of leases as the lessor
The Company as lessor
On the start date of the lease term, the Company divides the lease that substantially transfers almost all risks and
rewards related to the ownership of the leased assets into finance leases, except for operating leases.
① Operating lease
The Company recognizes the lease payments receivable as rental earnings in each period within the lease term on
a straight-line basis. The initial direct costs related to the operating lease are capitalized, amortized within the
lease term on the same basis as the recognition of rental earnings, and included in the profit or loss for the current
period. Variable lease payments obtained by the Company in relation to operating leases that are not included in
the lease receivable are included in the profit or loss for the current period when they are actually incurred.
②Financial lease
At the commencement date, the Company recognizes the finance lease payment receivable based on the net
investment in the lease (sum of the present value of unguaranteed residual value and lease receipts that are not
received at the commencement date, discounted by the interest rate implicit in the lease), and derecognizes assets
held under the finance lease. The Company calculates and recognizes interest income using the interest rate
implicit in the lease over the lease term.
Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the net investment in the lease are charged as profit or
loss in the periods in which they are incurred.

34. Other Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

The Company evaluates the important accounting estimates and key assumptions adopted on an ongoing basis,
based on historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations of future events. Important
accounting estimates and critical assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next fiscal year are listed as follows:
(1) Classification of financial assets
The significant judgments involved when the Company determines the classification of financial assets include
analysis of business models and contractual cash flow characteristics. The Company determines the business
model for managing financial assets at the level of the financial asset portfolio, taking into account factors such as
the approach of evaluating and reporting the performance of financial assets to key management personnel, the
risks affecting the performance of financial assets and the manner in which they are managed, and way in which
the relevant business management personnel are compensated.
The following main judgments exist in assessing whether the contractual cash flows of financial assets are
consistent with the basic lending arrangements:
Whether the time distribution or amount of the principal amount during the duration may change due to early
repayment or for other reasons; whether the interest includes only the time value of money, credit risk, other basic
lending risks and consideration against costs and profits. For example, whether the amount of early repayment
reflects only the outstanding principal and interest based on the outstanding principal, as well as reasonable
compensation paid for early termination of the contract.
(2) Measurement of expected credit losses of accounts receivable
The Company calculates the expected credit loss of accounts receivable using the exposure to default risk of
accounts receivable and the expected credit loss ratio, and determines the expected credit loss ratio based on the
probability of default and the default loss ratio. When determining the expected credit loss ratio, the Company
uses data such as internal historical credit loss experience and adjusts historical data to take into account current

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conditions and forward-looking information. When considering forward-looking information, the Company uses
indicators such as the risk of economic downturn and changes in the external market environment, technological
environment and customer profile. The Company regularly monitors and reviews the assumptions related to the
calculation of expected credit losses.
(3) Inventory falling price reserves
The Company follows the inventory accounting policy and carries out measurement based on which is smaller
between the cost and the net realizable value. If the cost of inventories is higher than its net realizable value, then
the inventory falling prices reserves were implemented. The impairment of inventories to net realizable value is
based on an assessment of the marketability of the inventories and their net realizable value. The management
shall determine the impairment of inventories after obtaining reliable evidence while taking into account the
purpose of holding inventories, the effect of items after the balance sheet date, and other factors. Differences
between actual results and original estimates will affect the carrying value of inventories and the provision or
reversal of reverses for falling prices of inventories in the period in which the estimates are changed.
(4) Determination of fair value of unlisted equity investment
The fair value of unlisted equity investment is the expected future cash flows discounted at the current discount
rate for items with similar terms and risk characteristics. Such valuation requires the Company to estimate
expected future cash flows and discount rates and is therefore subject to uncertainty. Under limited circumstances,
if the information used to determine fair value is insufficient, or if the range of possible estimates of fair value is
wide and the cost represents the best estimate of fair value within that range, the cost may represent its appropriate
estimate of fair value within that range of distribution.
(5) Reserves for long-term assets impairment
The Company determines at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication that a non-current asset, other
than a financial asset, may be impaired. For intangible assets with an uncertain useful life, impairment tests shall
be conducted when there is an indication of impairment besides the annual impairment test. Other non-current
assets other than financial assets shall be tested for impairment when there is an indication that the carrying
amount is irrecoverable.
An impairment is indicated when the carrying amount of an asset or asset group is greater than the recoverable
amount, which is the higher of the fair value minus disposal expenses and the present value of estimated future
cash flows.
The net value of the fair value minus disposal expenses is determined by referring to the negotiable sale price or
observable market price of similar assets in a fair transaction and deducting incremental costs directly attributable
to the disposal of the asset.
Estimating the present value of future cash flows requires significant judgments with respect to the production
volume of the asset (or asset group), the selling price, the related operating costs and the discount rate used in
calculating the present value. The Company uses all available relevant information in estimating recoverable
amounts, including projections of volumes, selling prices and related operating costs based on reasonable and
supportable assumptions.
(6) Depreciation and amortization
The Company depreciates and amortizes investment properties, fixed assets and intangible assets on a straight-line
basis within their service lives after taking into account their residual values. The Company regularly reviews
service lives to determine the amount of depreciation and amortization expenses to be included in each reporting
period. The service life is determined by the Company based on past experience with similar assets and expected
technological updates. Depreciation and amortization expenses will be adjusted in the future period if there is a

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2023

significant change in previous estimates.
(7) Deferred income tax assets
To the extent that it is probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to offset the losses, the Company
recognizes deferred income tax assets for all unused tax losses. This requires the Company's management to use
many judgments to estimate the timing and amount of future taxable profits, taking into account tax planning
strategies, so as to determine the amount of deferred income tax assets to be recognized.
(8) Income tax
In the normal operating activities of the Company, the ultimate tax treatment and calculation of certain
transactions are subject to certain uncertainties. Whether some items can be disbursed before tax requires the
approval of the tax authorities. If the final determination of these tax matters differs from the amounts initially
estimated, the difference will have an impact on current and deferred income taxes in the period in which they are
finally determined.

35. Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Change of Accounting Policies

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Name of report
                                                                                        items that are     Affected
                   Changes to the accounting policies and why
                                                                                         significantly     amount
The Company starts to implement the “accounting treatment for deferred
income tax relating to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction that
is not subject to the initial recognition exemption” stipulated in the Accounting            N/A        0.00
Standards for Business Enterprises Interpretation No. 16 issued by the Ministry
of Finance on 13 November 2022 since 1 January 2023.
Description of changes in accounting policies:
(1) The impact of implementing the Interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises on the
On 13 December 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises (CaiKuai [2022] No. 31, hereinafter referred to as "Interpretation No. 16"). Since 1 January
2023, the stipulation of "the accounting processing of initial recognition exemption is not applicable to deferred
income tax related to assets and liabilities arising from individual transactions" has been implemented, allowing
enterprises to execute it ahead of schedule for their own annual release. The accounting processing related to this
matter that was not implemented in advance by the Company in 2023 will be implemented from 1 January 2023.
Interpretation No. 16 stipulates that for single transactions that are not business combinations, that affect neither
accounting profit nor taxable income (or deductible losses) at the time when the transaction occurs, and where the
initial recognition of assets and liabilities results in taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary
differences of equal amounts (including lease transactions in which the lessee recognises the initial lease liability
and includes it in the right-of-use asset on the commencement date of the lease term, as well as single transactions
in which estimated liabilities are recognised and included in the costs of related assets due to fixed assets'
retirement obligations), exemption from initial recognition of deferred income tax liabilities and deferred income

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

tax assets shall not apply. Enterprises shall recognise the corresponding deferred income tax liabilities and
deferred income tax assets, respectively, in accordance with No. 18 of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises -- Income Taxes when the transaction is affected.
For single transactions that occurred between the beginning of the earliest period presented in the financial
statements and the date of initial application of this provision, as well as lease liabilities and right-of-use assets
recognised at the beginning of the earliest period presented in the financial statements due to the application of
this provision to single transactions, and recognised estimated liabilities related to retirement obligations and
corresponding related assets, which create taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences,
enterprises shall make adjustments in accordance with this provision.
The change in accounting policy has no impact on the Company's financial statements.

(2) Changes in Accounting Estimates

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Adjustments to Financial Statement Items at the Beginning of the Year of the First Implementation of
the New Accounting Standards Implemented since 2023

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Taxation

1. Main Taxes and Tax Rate

          Category of taxes                     Tax basis                               Tax rate
 VAT                                    Payable to sales revenue    13%, 9%, 6%, 5%
 Urban maintenance and                                              Tax paid in accordance with the tax
                                        Taxable turnover amount
 construction tax                                                   regulations of tax units location
 Enterprise income tax                  Taxable income              25%, 15%, 5%
 Education surcharge                    Taxable turnover amount     5%
Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate
                                      Name                                                  Income tax rate
 Changchai Company, Limited                                                         15%
 Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.                                          15%
 Changzhou Changchai Benniu Diesel Engine Fittings Co., Ltd.                        25%
 Changzhou Horizon Investment Co., Ltd.                                             25%
 Changzhou Changchai Horizon Agricultural Equipment Co., Ltd.                       25%
 Changzhou Fuji Changchai Robin Gasoline Engine Co., Ltd.                           15%
 Jiangsu Changchai Machinery Co., Ltd.                                              25%
 Changzhou Xingsheng Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.                               5%
 Zhenjiang Siyang Diesel Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                             15%

2. Tax Preference

On 30 November 2021, the Company obtained the Certificates for High-tech Enterprises again, and it stil

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                 Annual Report 2023

l enjoys 15-percent preferential rate for corporate income tax during the Reporting Period; the Company’s
 controlling subsidiary-Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., the controlling subsidiary company, s
hall pay the corporate income tax at tax rate 15% from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2030 in accord
ance with the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs of PRC and the
 National Administration of Taxation about the Preferential Tax Policies for the Western Development an
d Ministry of Finance Announcement No. 23 [2020] Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the State
 Administration of Taxation and the National Development and Reform Commission on Continuing the E
nterprise Income Tax Policy for the Great Western Development. On 6 November 2023, the wholly-owne
d subsidiary Changzhou Fuji Changchai Robin Gasoline Engine Co., Ltd. obtained again the "High-tech
Enterprise Certificate" and enjoyed a 15% preferential corporate income tax rate during the Reporting Per
iod; The wholly-owned subsidiary Changzhou Xingsheng Real Estate Management Co., Ltd. is eligible s
mall enterprise with low profits and shall pay the corporate income tax at tax rate 5% for small enterpri
ses with low profits during the Reporting Period; The subsidiary Zhenjiang Siyang Diesel Engine Manufa
cturing Co., Ltd. has obtained the "High-tech Enterprise Certificate" and enjoyed a 15% preferential corp
orate income tax rate during the Reporting Period.

VII. Notes to Major Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company

1. Monetary Assets

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                 Item                         Ending balance                    Beginning balance
 Cash on hand                                                157,238.05                        251,965.06
 Bank deposits                                            999,604,998.68                   830,914,999.19
 Other monetary assets                                     84,105,730.14                    98,846,386.72
 Total                                               1,083,867,966.87                      930,013,350.97
Other notes: At the period-end, the restricted monetary assets of the Company was RMB76,238,443.41, of which
RMB74,453,641.92 was the cash deposit for bank acceptance bills, RMB897,966.00 was cash deposit for L/G,
and RMB886,835.49 was cash deposit for environment.

2. Trading Financial Assets

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                 Item                         Ending balance                     Beginning balance
Financial assets at fair value
                                                          225,641,429.94                   370,103,602.57
through profit or loss
  Of which:
             Stocks                                        85,295,021.00                    78,739,311.00
             Financial products                           140,346,408.94                   291,364,291.57
  Of which:
Total                                                     225,641,429.94                   370,103,602.57

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

3. Notes Receivable

(1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Ending balance                        Beginning balance
 Bank acceptance bill                                        161,632,567.94                      297,125,872.54
 Total                                                       161,632,567.94                      297,125,872.54

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                 Ending balance                                  Beginning balance
                                        Bad debt                                           Bad debt
                  Carrying amount                                   Carrying amount
                                        provision                                         provision
                                                         Carryi                                             Carry
   Category                                   Withdr                                            Withdr
                                                          ng                                                 ing
                  Amou Propor Amou             awal                 Amoun Proport Amoun          awal
                                                         value                                              value
                    nt      tion       nt     propor                  t        ion       t      proport
                                                tion                                              ion
 receivable for
 which bad
 Of which:
 receivable for
 which bad         161,63                                161,63      297,12                                 297,1
                             100.00                                           100.00
 debt              2,567.                                2,567.     5,872.5                                 25,87
                                 %                                                %
 provision             94                                    94           4                                  2.54
 accrued by
 Of which:
 Bank             161,63                                  161,63 297,12                                     297,1
                            100.00                                           100.00
 acceptance        2,567.                                  2,567. 5,872.5                                   25,87
                                %                                                 %
 bills                 94                                      94       4                                    2.54
                  161,63                                  161,63 297,12                                     297,1
                            100.00                                           100.00
  Total            2,567.                                  2,567. 5,872.5                                   25,87
                                %                                                 %
                       94                                      94       4                                    2.54
If adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of notes receivable:
□Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end: None

(4) Notes Receivable which Had Endorsed by the Company or had Discounted but had not Due on the
Balance Sheet Date at the Period-end

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                       Amount of recognition termination          Amount of not terminated
                                              at the period-end                 recognition at the period-end

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

 Bank acceptance bill                                                                                        55,979,832.64
 Total                                                                                                       55,979,832.64

4. Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by Aging

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                  Aging                            Ending carrying amount                    Beginning carrying amount
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                               313,597,375.85                              343,017,134.79
1 to 2 years                                                     1,873,298.19                                25,903,580.29
2 to 3 years                                                     4,436,548.28                                 6,917,677.75
Over 3 years                                                    144,403,241.11                             146,329,907.31
   3 to 4 years                                                  5,278,022.33                                 3,465,761.24
   4 to 5 years                                                  1,815,570.52                                 3,840,453.02
   Over 5 years                                                137,309,648.26                              139,023,693.05
Total                                                          464,310,463.43                              522,168,300.14

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                  Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
                        Carrying         Bad debt                             Carrying          Bad debt
                         amount          provision                              amount         provision
                                               Withd           Carryi                                 Withd
    Category                                                                                                        Carryin
                      Amou Propo Amou rawal                     ng          Amou Propor Amou rawal                  g value
                       nt     rtion     nt     propo                         nt      tion     nt     propor
                                                rtion                                                  tion
 withdrawal of         33,80               33,80                             51,75             34,367
                                                      100.0                                               66.40     17,389,
 Bad         debt     5,182.      7.28%   5,182.                    0.00    7,257.   9.91%      ,361.8
 provision                                              0%                                                 %        896.16
                          71                  71                                99                   3
 Of which:
 receivable               430,5           113,9                 316,5       470,4              117,47
 withdrawal of                    92.72               26.47                          90.09                24.97     352,932
                          05,28           62,12                 43,15       11,04              8,758.
 bad         debt                    %                   %                            %                    %         ,283.61
 provision of by           0.72            0.81                  9.91        2.15                  54
 Of which:

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2023

 receivable for
 which bad debt      430,5              113,9                316,5     470,4             117,47
                              92.72                26.47                         90.09              24.97      352,932
 provision           05,28              62,12                43,15     11,04             8,758.
                                 %                    %                           %                  %          ,283.61
 accrued by           0.72               0.81                 9.91      2.15                 54
 credit risk
 features group
                     464,3              147,7                316,5     522,1             151,84
                              100.0                31.83                        100.00              29.08      370,322
 Total               10,46              67,30                43,15     68,30              6,120.
                                0%                    %                           %                  %          ,179.77
                      3.43               3.52                 9.91      0.14                  37
Number of categories of bad debt provision by individual item: 1
Bad debt provision separately accrued: RMB33,805,182.71, of which: RMB31,609,904.23 for large impairment
items, the breakdown is as follows:
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                        Beginning balance                                       Ending balance
    Name           Carrying            Bad debt             Carrying           Bad debt         al
                   amount              provision            amount             provision     proportio
 Customer 1        1,470,110.64        1,470,110.64        1,470,110.64        1,470,110.64   100.00%
                                                                                                             to recover
 Customer 2        1,902,326.58        1,902,326.58        1,902,326.58        1,902,326.58   100.00 %
                                                                                                             to recover
 Customer 3        6,215,662.64        6,215,662.64        6,215,662.64        6,215,662.64   100.00%
                                                                                                             to recover
 Customer 4        2,797,123.26        2,194,980.28        2,797,123.26        2,797,123.26   100.00%
                                                                                                             to recover
 Customer 5        3,633,081.23        2,122,165.73        2,322,278.50        2,322,278.50   100.00%
                                                                                                             to recover
 Customer 6        2,584,805.83        2,584,805.83        2,584,805.83        2,584,805.83   100.00%
                                                                                                             to recover
 Customer 7        1,731,493.71        1,731,493.71        1,726,935.65        1,726,935.65   100.00%
                                                                                                             to recover
 Customer 8        2,025,880.18        2,025,880.18        2,025,880.18        2,025,880.18   100.00%
                                                                                                             to recover
 Customer 9        5,972,101.90        5,972,101.90        5,972,101.90        5,972,101.90   100.00%
                                                                                                             to recover
 Customer                                                                                                    Difficult
                   4,592,679.05        4,592,679.05        4,592,679.05        4,592,679.05   100.00%
 10                                                                                                          to recover
 Total            32,925,265.02       30,812,206.54    31,609,904.23       31,609,904.23           --             --
Number of categories of bad debt provision by group: 1
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: Provision for bad debts by credit risk characteristic group was
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2023

                                                                  Ending balance
                                   Carrying amount               Bad debt provision        Withdrawal proportion
 Within 1 year                          313,597,375.85                    6,271,947.50              2.00%
 1 to 2 years                               1,873,298.19                     93,664.91              5.00%
 2 to 3 years                               3,894,285.62                    584,142.84              15.00%
 3 to 4 years                               5,278,022.33                  1,583,406.70              30.00%
 4 to 5 years                               1,083,349.67                    650,009.80              60.00%
 Over 5 years                           104,778,949.06                  104,778,949.06              100.00%
 Total                                  430,505,280.72                  113,962,120.81                 --
Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if
adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision:
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                Changes in the current period
   Category                                        Reversed or                                       Ending balance
                    balance          Withdrawal                      Verification          Others
 Bad      debt
                  34,367,361.83        177,368.28           37,668.24       701,879.16                33,805,182.71
 of bad debt
                 117,478,758.54        294,284.60     3,395,028.39          415,893.94               113,962,120.81
 provision by
 Total           151,846,120.37        471,652.88     3,432,696.63         1,117,773.10              147,767,303.52
Of which bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount in the Reporting Period: No.

(4) Accounts Receivable Written-off in Current Period

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                          Item                                                Written-off amount
Accounts receivable with actual verification                                                             1,117,773.10

Of which the verification of significant accounts receivable:
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                  Nature                                                                      Arising
                                   of the                                                                      from
                                  account      Verified                                                     related-pa
     Name of the entity                                          Reason for verification    procedure
                                      s        amount                                                           rty
                                  receiva                                                                   transactio
                                    ble                                                                      ns or not
Customer 1                        Accoun        42,099.41         Debt reorganisation                          Not

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                             Annual Report 2023

                                    ts                                                         agreement
                                 receiva                                                       Reorganiz
Customer 2                                     659,779.75          Debt reorganisation           ation
                                 ble for
                                                                With accounts receivable
                                                                  aging over 5 years, the
                                                                debtors have no assets for
                                                                 debt extinguishment due        Minutes
Long term receivables from                                                                       of the
                                               415,893.94           to the counterpart
94 customers                                                                                   Executive
                                                                 company being revoked          Office
                                                                   or cancelled, or debt
                                                                   bankruptcy clearing.
Total                                      1,117,773.10

(5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable and the Contract Assets Collected according to
Arrears Party

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Ending balance
                                                                                  Proportion to         of bad debt
                                                             Ending balance        total ending        provision of
                   Ending balance      Ending balance
  Name of the                                                  of accounts          balance of           accounts
                    of accounts          of contract
    entity                                                   receivable and          accounts         receivable and
                     receivable             assets
                                                             contract assets     receivable and         impairment
                                                                                 contract assets       provision for
                                                                                                      contract assets
Customer 1         155,981,057.12             0.00           155,981,057.12         33.59%               3,119,621.14
Customer 2             35,865,520.31          0.00              35,865,520.31        7.72%                 717,310.41
Customer 3             30,056,545.72          0.00              30,056,545.72        6.47%                 601,130.91
Customer 4             18,140,927.66          0.00              18,140,927.66        3.91%                 362,818.55
Customer 5             13,769,193.20          0.00              13,769,193.20        2.97%                 275,383.86
        Total      253,813,244.01             0.00           253,813,244.01         54.66%               5,076,264.87

5. Accounts Receivable Financing

(1) Accounts Receivable Financing Listed by Category

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                Item                                 Ending balance                          Beginning balance
 Bank acceptance bills                                          195,875,948.92                         242,813,392.79
                Total                                           195,875,948.92                         242,813,392.79

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
 Catego                      Ending balance                                        Beginning balance

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

   ry                                 Bad debt                                           Bad debt
            Carrying amount                                      Carrying amount
                                      provision                                          provision
                                            Withdr    Carryin                                  Withdr     Carryin
           Amoun        Proport   Amoun       awal    g value   Amoun      Proport   Amoun       awal     g value
             t            ion       t       proport               t          ion       t       proport
                                               ion                                                ion
 provisi    195,87                                     195,87     242,81                                    242,81
                        100.00                                             100.00
 on        5,948.9                                    5,948.9    3,392.7                                   3,392.7
                            %                                                  %
 accrued         2                                          2          9                                         9
            195,87                                     195,87     242,81                                    242,81
 accepta                100.00                                             100.00
           5,948.9                                    5,948.9    3,392.7                                   3,392.7
 nce                        %                                                  %
                 2                                          2          9                                         9
            195,87                                     195,87     242,81                                    242,81
                        100.00                                             100.00
 Total     5,948.9                                    5,948.9    3,392.7                                   3,392.7
                            %                                                  %
                 2                                          2          9                                         9

(3) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end: None

(4) Accounts receivable financing which had endorsed by the Company or had discounted but had not due
at the period-end

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                       Amount of recognition termination at       Amount of not terminated
                                                 the period-end                 recognition at the period-end
Bank acceptance bill                                          567,763,410.38
                Total                                         567,763,410.38

6. Other Receivables

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                             Annual Report 2023

                   Item                              Ending balance                        Beginning balance
 Interest receivable
 Dividend receivable
 Other receivables                                                49,699,753.61                         32,938,305.16
 Total                                                            49,699,753.61                         32,938,305.16

(1) Other Receivables

1) Other Receivables Classified by Accounts Nature

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                  Nature                          Ending carrying value                 Beginning carrying value
 Margin and cash pledge                                              595,723.55                          2,028,096.87
 Intercourse funds                                                69,845,564.95                         48,701,034.90
 Petty cash and borrowings by
                                                                     922,370.54                            742,075.76
 Other                                                            13,638,079.94                         13,635,867.60
 Total                                                            85,001,738.98                         65,107,075.13

2) Disclosure by Aging

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                  Aging                           Ending carrying amount                Beginning carrying amount
 Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                 56,704,032.54                         16,050,004.29
 1 to 2 years                                                       115,776.00                          15,783,825.92
 2 to 3 years                                                         12,802.00                          1,164,476.00
 Over 3 years                                                     28,169,128.44                         32,108,768.92
   3 to 4 years                                                      30,000.00                             420,716.17
   4 to 5 years                                                                                            338,457.65
   Over 5 years                                                   28,139,128.44                         31,349,595.10
 Total                                                            85,001,738.98                         65,107,075.13

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

√Applicable □Not applicable
Provision for bad debts based on general model of expected credit losses
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                    First stage           Second stage            Third stage
                                                         Expected loss in      Expected loss in
                                Expected credit
    Bad debt provision                                 the duration (credit       the duration             Total
                                loss of the next
                                                         impairment not       (credit impairment
                                  12 months
                                                            occurred)              occurred)
 Balance of 1 January
                                      373,682.65             2,908,755.15         28,886,332.17         32,168,769.97

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2023

 Balance of 1 January
 2023 in the Current
 --Transfer to Second
 -- Transfer to Third stage
 -- Reverse to Second
 -- Reverse to First stage
 Withdrawal of the
                                        20,686.21                 118.44     3,488,275.48        3,509,080.13
 Current Period
 Reversal of the Current
                                       182,697.13          193,167.60                                375,864.73
 Write-offs of the Current
 Verification of the
 Current Period
 Other changes
 Balance of 31 December
                                       211,671.73        2,715,705.99       32,374,607.65       35,301,985.37
The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision: None
Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision:
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                   Changes in the current period
                        Beginning                                                                    Ending
    Category                                           Reversed or      Charged-off    Other
                         balance         Withdrawal                                                  balance
                                                        recovered       /Written-off     s
 Bad        debt
                        5,536,285.44                           254,122.09                        5,282,163.35
 Withdrawal of
 bad        debt
                       26,632,484.53      3,387,337.49                                          30,019,822.02
 provision   by
 Total                 32,168,769.97      3,387,337.49         254,122.09                       35,301,985.37

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

5) There Were No Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Reporting Period

6) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Proportion to
                                                                                   total ending        Ending
    Name of the entity          Nature        Ending balance           Aging        balance of     balance of bad
                                                                                       other       debt provision
                                                                                  receivables %
 Changzhou Zhonglou          ion for land
 District Housing and        acquisition
                                               47,000,000.00     Within 1 year          55.29%                 0.00
 Urban-Rural                 of Wuxing
 Development Bureau          bus plant
                             area plot
 Changzhou Compressor        Intercourse
                                                2,940,000.00     Over 5 years           3.46%       2,940,000.00
 Factory                     funds
 Changchai Group Imp. &      Intercourse
                                                2,853,188.02     Over 5 years           3.36%       2,853,188.02
 Exp. Co., Ltd.              funds
 Changzhou New District      Intercourse                                                            1,626,483.25
                                                1,626,483.25     Over 5 years           1.91%
 Accounting Center           funds
 Changchai Group             Intercourse                                                            1,128,676.16
                                                1,128,676.16     Over 5 years           1.33%
 Settlement Center           funds
 Total                                         55,548,347.43                            65.35%      8,548,347.43

7. Prepayments

(1) Prepayment Listed by Aging Analysis

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Ending balance                                Beginning balance
                             Amount                Proportion                  Amount             Proportion
 Within 1 year               11,196,498.47                   90.78%            5,941,708.21                  93.86%
 1 to 2 years                   840,617.01                     6.82%             289,373.60                   4.57%
 2 to 3 years                   289,345.37                     2.35%              71,654.18                   1.13%
 Over 3 years                      6,850.00                    0.05%              27,466.70                   0.44%
 Total                       12,333,310.85             --                      6,330,202.69            --
Notes of the reasons of the prepayment aging over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time: There
was no prepayment with significant amount aging over one year as of the period-end.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

(2) Top 5 Prepayment in Ending Balance Collected according to the Prepayment Target

At the period-end, the total top 5 of the ending balance of the prepayments collected according to the prepayment
target was RMB8,775,900 accounting for 71.16% of the total ending balance of prepayments.

8. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements for the real estate industry
(1) Category of Inventory
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                          Ending balance                                     Beginning balance
                                           Depreciation                                        Depreciation
                                             reserves of                                        reserves of
                                            inventories                                         inventories
     Item                                         or                                                 or
                           Carrying                           Carrying         Carrying                           Carrying
                                            impairment                                          impairment
                           amount                              value           amount                              value
                                           provision for                                       provision for
                                               contract                                           contract
                                           performance                                         performance
                                                costs                                              costs
 Raw                      199,751,010.                      192,221,131.      163,954,131.                       157,971,844.
                                           7,529,878.82                                        5,982,286.51
 materials                         25                                   43              27                                 76
                          12,422,107.0                      12,422,107.0      12,299,968.9                       12,299,968.9
 processed on                                      0.00                                                0.00
                                      2                                  2               8                                  8
 Goods          in        90,202,210.0                      83,441,080.9      110,883,778.     10,725,860.4      100,157,918.
 process                              5                                  1              58                3                15
 Finished                 527,412,149.     27,690,142.4     499,722,006.      322,959,181.     22,755,460.8      300,203,720.
 goods                             21                 2                 79              08                0                28
 Low priced
 and    easily            1,413,859.53             0.00     1,413,859.53      1,363,429.57             0.00      1,363,429.57
 worn articles
                          831,201,336.     41,981,150.3     789,220,185.      611,460,489.     39,463,607.7      571,996,881.
                                   06                 8                 68              48                4                74

(2) Falling Price Reserves of Inventory and Impairment Reserves for Contract Performance Costs

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                          Increase                    Decrease
                              Beginning                                        Transferred-ba
         Item                                                                                  Other       Ending balance
                               balance           Withdrawal          Others         ck or
 Raw materials                 5,982,286.51      4,292,094.21                    2,744,501.90                    7,529,878.82
 Goods               in                            466,905.79
                              10,725,860.43                                     4,431,637.08                     6,761,129.14

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2023

 Finished goods       22,755,460.80      23,134,895.75                    18,200,214.13                   27,690,142.42
 Total                39,463,607.74      27,893,895.75                    25,376,353.11                   41,981,150.38

(3) There Was No Capitalized Borrowing Expense in the Ending Balance of Inventories.

(4) There Was No Inventory Pledged for Guarantee at the Period-end

9. Current Portion of Non-current Assets

                     Item                                  Ending balance                       Beginning balance
Investments in debt obligations due within
one year
Total                                                                40,773,509.75

(1) Investments in Debt Obligations Due within One Year

√Applicable □Not applicable

1)Investments in Debt Obligations Due within One Year

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                  Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
Group name         Carrying                                               Carrying      Falling price       Carrying
                                      price         Carrying value
                   amount                                                 amount          reserves           value
fixed term        40,773,509.75                      40,773,509.75             0.00                                 0.00
Total             40,773,509.75                      40,773,509.75             0.00                                 0.00

2) Significant Investments in Debt Obligations Due within One Year at the Period-end

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                 Actual interest rate           Overdue principal
                                Coupon      Maturity
   Item        Par value                                        Ending       Beginning        Ending        Beginning
                                 rate        date
                                                                balance       balance         balance        balance
              37,000,000                       26 April
fixed term                        3.80%                           3.72%          0.00%             0.00             0.00
                      .00                       2024
Total                                                                                              0.00             0.00

10. Other Current Assets

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

                Item                               Ending balance                          Beginning balance
 The VAT tax credits                                            19,940,871.92                          47,682,930.23
 Prepaid corporate income tax                                       908,233.33                           1,505,424.80
 Prepaid expense                                                       61,399.59                             90,667.46
 Total                                                          20,910,504.84                          49,279,022.49

11. Investments in Debt Obligations

(1) List of Investments in Debt Obligations

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                     Ending balance                                 Beginning balance
     Item           Carrying          Impairmen                            Carrying    Impairmen      Carrying
                                                    Carrying value
                    amount             t provision                         amount      t provision     value
 fixed term                   0.00                              0.00     39,309,587.93                  39,309,587.93
 Total                        0.00                              0.00     39,309,587.93                  39,309,587.93

12. Other Equity Instrument Investment

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                        Accumul      Accumul
                                             Gains        Losses           ative        ative
                                           recorded     recorded          gains        losses
                                                                                                 Dividend     measure
                                            in other     in other       recorded     recorded
                                                                                                  income        in fair
               Ending        Beginnin     comprehe     comprehe          in other     in other
                                                                                                 recognize    value of
   Item                                      nsive         nsive       comprehe     comprehe
               balance       g balance                                                              d in        which
                                          income in    income in          nsive         nsive
                                                                                                  current     changes
                                               the          the        income in    income in
                                                                                                    year      included
                                            current      current            the          the
                                             period       period         current      current
                                                                          period       period
              418,457,0      378,929,2    39,527,78                    318,457,0                             ng equity
 n Private
                  25.67          40.08         5.59                        25.67                             investme
 Other        551,031,0      576,631,0                 25,600,00       466,461,0                 11,482,38   Non-tradi

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

 equity             00.00         00.00                     0.00          00.00                     0.00      ng equity
 instrumen                                                                                                    investme
 t                                                                                                                nt
 by fair
                969,488,0    955,560,2    39,527,78    25,600,00    784,918,0                11,482,38
                    25.67        40.08         5.59         0.00        25.67                     0.00
Non-trading equity instrument investment disclosed by category
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Reason for
                                                                                      assigning to
                                                                                                           Reason for
                                                                      Amount of        measure by
                                                                          other       fair value of
                      Dividend                                                                           comprehensi
                                     Accumulativ      Accumulativ    comprehensi          which
     Item              income                                                                              ve income
                                       e gains          e losses     ve transferred    changes be
                     recognized                                                                          transferred to
                                                                      to retained      included to
                                                                        earnings          other
                                                                                        ve income
 Foton Motor                         352,701,000.
 Co., Ltd.                                     00
 Bank          of   11,482,380.0     113,760,000.
 Jiangsu                       0               00
 Innovation                                                                           Non-trading
 Private                                                                                equity
 Equity Fund                                                                          investment
Other notes:
The corporate securities of accommodation business still on lending at the period-end: 931,800 shares of Foton
Motor Co., Ltd.

13. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
Invest     Begin    Begin                             Increase/decrease                               Endin     Endin
  ees      ning     ning     Addit    Redu    Gain     Adjus    Chan       Cash   Withd   Other         g         g

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

         balan     balan       ional    ced        or    tment    ges in   bonus    rawal          balan      balan
                    ce of
            ce                invest   invest    loss       of    other      or       of             ce        ce of
         (carry    ciatio      ment     ment    recog     other   equity   profit   depre          (carry     depre
           ing        n                         nized     comp             annou    ciatio          ing       ciatio
         value)    reserv                       under     rehen             nced       n           value)        n
                                                  the      sive              to     reserv                    reserv
                                                equity   incom             issue      es                        es
                                                metho        e
I. Joint venture
           0.00     0.00                                                                             0.00      0.00
II. Associated enterprises
                   44,18                                                                                      44,18
Invest     0.00                                                                                      0.00
                    2.50                                                                                       2.50
Subto              44,18                                                                                      44,18
           0.00                                                                                      0.00
tal                 2.50                                                                                       2.50
                   44,18                                                                                      44,18
Total      0.00                                                                                      0.00
                    2.50                                                                                       2.50

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
tests in prior years or external information: Not applicable
The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company's impairment tests in prior years and
the actual situation of those years: Not applicable

14. Other Non-current Financial Assets

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                       Item                                  Ending balance                  Beginning balance

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Jiangsu   Horizon       New Energy Technology
                                                                412,914,576.80                   373,500,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Total                                                           412,914,576.80                   373,500,000.00

15. Investment Property

(1) Investment Property Adopting the Cost Measurement Mode

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                      Item                         Houses and buildings                      Total
 I. Original carrying value
 1. Beginning balance                                            93,077,479.52                  93,077,479.52
 2. Increased amount of the period
 (1) Outsourcing
 (2) Transfer from inventories/fixed
 assets/construction in progress
 (3) Enterprise combination increase
 3. Decreased amount of the period
 (1) Disposal
 (2) Other transfer
 4. Ending balance                                               93,077,479.52                  93,077,479.52
 II. Accumulative depreciation         and
 accumulative amortization
 1. Beginning balance                                            50,916,699.87                  50,916,699.87
 2. Increased amount of the period                                2,323,221.54                   2,323,221.54
 (1) Withdrawal or amortization                                   2,323,221.54                   2,323,221.54
 3. Decreased amount of the period
 (1) Disposal
 (2) Other transfer
 4. Ending balance                                               53,239,921.41                  53,239,921.41
 III. Depreciation reserves
 1. Beginning balance
 2. Increased amount of the period
 (1) Withdrawal
 3. Decreased amount of the period
 (1) Disposal
 (2) Other transfer
 4. Ending balance
 IV. Carrying value
 1. Ending carrying value                                        39,837,558.11                  39,837,558.11
 2. Beginning carrying value                                     42,160,779.65                  42,160,779.65

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
tests in prior years or external information: Not applicable
The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company's impairment tests in prior years and
the actual situation of those years: Not applicable

16. Fixed Assets

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                   Item                           Ending balance                    Beginning balance
 Fixed assets                                                 675,596,920.95                    720,061,387.76
 Disposal of fixed assets
 Total                                                        675,596,920.95                    720,061,387.76

(1) List of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                          Houses and        Machinery         Transportation     Other
         Item                                                                                         Total
                           buildings        equipment           equipment      equipment
 I. Original
 carrying value
 1. Beginning
                      710,604,039.88      1,118,697,686.65    19,132,190.47    57,025,921.99    1,905,459,838.99
 2. Increased
 amount of the             1,834,818.27     38,989,742.83       1,987,770.58    8,118,776.09       50,931,107.77
 (1) Purchase                26,548.67       2,982,332.29        174,778.77      658,300.25         3,841,959.98
 (2) Transfer
                           1,808,269.60     36,007,410.54       1,812,991.81    7,460,475.84       47,089,147.79
 construction in
 (3) Enterprise
 3. Decreased
 amount of the            28,465,330.35     40,568,592.59       4,592,712.12    3,324,523.35       76,951,158.41
 (1) Disposal or
                          28,465,330.35     40,568,592.59       4,592,712.12    3,324,523.35       76,951,158.41
 4. Ending
                      683,973,527.80      1,117,118,836.89    16,527,248.93    61,820,174.73    1,879,439,788.35

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                 Annual Report 2023

 1. Beginning
                    330,845,140.13     803,945,702.56      13,446,223.77   36,738,140.74   1,184,975,207.20
 2. Increased
 amount of the       22,013,333.90      57,662,526.29       1,228,111.91    5,752,924.77      86,656,896.87
 (1) Withdrawal      22,013,333.90      57,662,526.29       1,228,111.91    5,752,924.77      86,656,896.87
 (2) Transfer
 3. Decreased
 amount of the       21,079,535.16      39,127,527.89       4,572,617.88    3,306,776.44      68,086,457.37
 (1) Disposal or
                     21,079,535.16      39,127,527.89       4,572,617.88    3,306,776.44      68,086,457.37
 4. Ending
                    331,778,938.87     822,480,700.96      10,101,717.80   39,184,289.07   1,203,545,646.70
 1. Beginning
                                            423,244.03                                           423,244.03
 2. Increased
 amount of the
 (1) Withdrawal
 3. Decreased
 amount of the                              126,023.33                                           126,023.33
 (1) Disposal or
                                            126,023.33                                           126,023.33
 4. Ending
                                            297,220.70                                           297,220.70
 IV. Carrying
 1. Ending
                    352,194,588.93     294,340,915.23       6,425,531.13   22,635,885.66     675,596,920.95
 carrying value
 2. Beginning
                    379,758,899.75     314,328,740.06       5,685,966.70   20,287,781.25     720,061,387.76
 carrying value

(2) List of Temporarily Idle Fixed Assets

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                            Original        Accumulative            Depreciation
         Item                                                                           Carrying value              Note
                         carrying value     depreciation              reserves
                          309,407.50          12,186.80              297,220.70

17. Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                  Item                                 Ending balance                            Beginning balance
 Construction in progress                                            4,253,721.78                               30,259,647.16
 Engineering materials                                                     21,900.40                                    21,900.40
 Total                                                               4,275,622.18                               30,281,547.56

(1) List of Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                      Ending balance                                      Beginning balance
     Item            Carrying          Depreciatio       Carrying              Carrying         Depreciati         Carrying
                     amount            n reserves         value                amount           on reserves         value
                     981,532.17                           981,532.17          5,443,764.33                       5,443,764.33
 project     of
                               0.00                                 0.00     11,155,119.70                      11,155,119.70
 light engine
 and casting
 Equipment to
 be installed
                    3,272,189.61                        3,272,189.61         13,660,763.13                      13,660,763.13
 and payment
 for projects
 Total              4,253,721.78                        4,253,721.78         30,259,647.16                      30,259,647.16

(2) Changes in Significant Construction in Progress during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                           Transf     Other                             Accu        Of        Capita
                    Begin       Increa                          Endin                                                     Capita
                                           erred     decrea                    Job     mulate     which:      lizatio
           Budge     ning        sed                              g                                                          l
 Item                                        in        sed                   schedu        d      Amou         n rate
             t      balanc      amoun                           balanc                                                    resour
                                           fixed     amoun                      le     amoun       nt of         of
                       e           t                               e                                                        ces
                                           assets       t                                t of     capital     interes

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                Annual Report 2023

                                                                                      interes     ized    ts for
                                                                                         t      interes    the
                                                                                      capital    ts for   Report
                                                                                      ization      the     ing
                                                                                                Report    Period
 ity                                                                                                                Self-ra
           96,066                                                                                                   ised
 constr               5,443,     4,245,    8,707,              981,53      Compl
            ,200.0                                                                                                  and
 uctio               764.33     219.52    451.68                 2.17        eted                                   raised
 n of                                                                                                               funds
 ct of     474,70    11,155               13,568                                                                    ised
                                 7,427,              5,014,                Compl
 light      6,000.    ,119.7               ,085.5                   0.00                                            and
                                088.87              123.04                   eted                                   raised
 engin          00         0                    3
 e and
           570,77    16,598     11,672    22,275
                                                     5,014,    981,53
 Total      2,200.    ,884.0    ,308.3     ,537.2                            --                                       --
                                                    123.04       2.17
                00         3         9          1

(3) Impairment Test of Construction in Progress

□Applicable Not applicable

(4) Engineering Materials

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                  Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
    Item             Carrying                        Carrying              Carrying         Impairment        Carrying
                     amount                           value                amount            provision         value
                      21,900.40                        21,900.40            21,900.40                          21,900.40
 g materials
 Total                21,900.40                        21,900.40            21,900.40                          21,900.40

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                    Annual Report 2023

18. Intangible Assets

(1) List of Intangible Assets

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                              Trademark use
          Item               Land use right     Software       License fee                           Total
 I. Original carrying
 1. Beginning balance        214,187,775.71    17,847,202.14   5,538,000.00    1,650,973.47     239,223,951.32
 2. Increased amount of
                                                2,572,402.01                                       2,572,402.01
 the period
 (1) Purchase                                   2,572,402.01                                       2,572,402.01
 (2) Internal R&D
 (3) Business
 combination increase
 3. Decreased amount of
                                9,000,000.00                                                       9,000,000.00
 the period
 (1) Disposal                   9,000,000.00                                                       9,000,000.00
 4. Ending balance           205,187,775.71    20,419,604.15   5,538,000.00    1,650,973.47     232,796,353.33
 II. Accumulated
 1. Beginning balance         63,832,525.74    14,396,059.27   3,246,750.17      356,398.60      81,831,733.78
 2. Increased amount of
                                4,215,896.42    2,145,112.60    553,382.93       167,041.92        7,081,433.87
 the period
 (1) Withdrawal                 4,215,896.42    2,145,112.60    553,382.93       167,041.92        7,081,433.87
 (2) Combination
 3. Decreased amount of
                                4,575,000.00                                                       4,575,000.00
 the period
 (1) Disposal                   4,575,000.00                                                       4,575,000.00
 4. Ending balance            63,473,422.16    16,541,171.87   3,800,133.10      523,440.52      84,338,167.65
 III. Depreciation
 1. Beginning balance
 2. Increased amount of
 the period
 (1) Withdrawal
 3. Decreased amount of
 the period
 (1) Disposal
 4. Ending balance
 IV. Carrying value

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

 1. Ending carrying
                              141,714,353.55       3,878,432.28      1,737,866.90      1,127,532.95     148,458,185.68
 2. Beginning carrying
                              150,355,249.97       3,451,142.87      2,291,249.83      1,294,574.87     157,392,217.54
Intangible assets formed through internal R&D accounted for 0% of the intangible asset balance at the end of the

19. Long-term Prepaid Expenses

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                             Beginning                             Amortized                               Ending
         Item                                   Increase                              Decrease
                              balance                               amount                                 balance
 Trademark renewal
                              201,970.32         92,108.91            25,871.11                            268,208.12
 External power line
                             3,078,000.00                            324,000.00                          2,754,000.00
 access project
 Processing reserved
 floor paving and
                                               5,205,750.54                                              5,205,750.54
 lighting installation
         Total               3,279,970.32      5,297,859.45          349,871.11                          8,227,958.66

20. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred Income Tax Assets that Had not Been Off-set

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                         Ending balance                              Beginning balance
                               Deductible                                      Deductible
         Item                                     Deferred income                                Deferred income
                               temporary                                       temporary
                                                     tax assets                                     tax assets
                               difference                                      difference
 Bad debt provision              6,427,652.90               967,779.48           6,853,948.19           1,048,165.04
 Deductible loss                                                               149,230,051.55          24,713,867.00
 Inventory     falling
                                 2,707,033.40               506,633.20           2,633,715.26             395,057.29
 price reserves
 Impairment of fixed
                                   297,220.70                44,583.11            423,244.03                63,486.60
 Total                           9,431,907.00              1,518,995.79        159,140,959.03          26,220,575.93

(2) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Had Not Been Off-set

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
         Item                            Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2023

                         Taxable temporary          Deferred income        Taxable temporary     Deferred income
                             difference              tax liabilities           difference         tax liabilities
 Assets evaluation
 appreciation  for
                                  5,489,891.06             823,483.65             5,677,718.36           851,657.75
 combination   not
 under the same
 Changes of fair
 value   of   other
                             1,102,931,935.12          171,019,971.87        1,039,472,114.80        160,508,593.58
 equity instrument
 Total                       1,108,421,826.18          171,843,455.52       1,045,149,833.16         161,360,251.33

(3) List of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                Item                                 Ending balance                       Beginning balance
 Bad debt provision                                              176,641,635.99                      177,160,942.15
 Falling     price     reserves      of
                                                                  39,274,116.98                       36,829,892.48
 Deductible loss                                                 137,917,562.93                       22,257,409.96
 Total                                                           353,833,315.90                      236,248,244.59

(4) Deductible Losses of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets will Due in the Following Years

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
            Years                    Ending amount                 Beginning amount                  Note
 2023                                                                      1,146,746.13
 2024                                       3,605,384.25                   3,605,384.25
 2025                                       5,250,820.81                   5,250,820.81
 2026                                       9,546,495.23                   7,372,277.94
 2027                                      68,877,350.74                   4,882,180.83
 2028                                      50,637,511.90
 Total                                    137,917,562.93                  22,257,409.96

21. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                   Ending balance                                   Beginning balance
                                     Depreciati                                         Depreciati
     Item            Carrying                                            Carrying
                                         on         Carrying value                          on       Carrying value
                     amount                                              amount
                                      reserves                                           reserves

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2023

 payment of       2,578,776.77                          2,578,776.77        670,735.93                         670,735.93
 Total            2,578,776.77                          2,578,776.77        670,735.93                         670,735.93

22. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                   Period-end                                          Period-beginning
    Item       Carrying      Carrying       Type of        Status of    Carrying    Carrying       Type of        Status of
               amount         value       restriction     restriction   amount       value       restriction     restriction
                                                         Bank                                                   Bank
                                                         acceptanc                                              acceptanc
                                                         e deposit,                                             e deposit,
 funds --                                 Occupied                                               Occupied
              76,238,44      76,238,44                   environm       95,662,38   95,662,38                   environm
 other                                    as cash                                                as cash
                   3.41           3.41                   ental               4.92        4.92                   ental
 monetary                                 deposit                                                deposit
                                                         performa                                               performa
                                                         nce bond,                                              nce bond,
                                                         etc.                                                   etc.
 Fixed ass
                                                         d       for                                            Mortgage
 ets – ho
              1,332,812      1,332,812    Mortgage       issuing        1,530,890   1,530,890    Mortgage       d     for
 uses and
                    .48            .48    d              bank                 .90         .90    d              bank
                                                         acceptanc                                              loans
                                                         e bills
 Intangible                                              d       for                                            Mortgage
  assets --   847,162.2      847,162.2    Mortgage       issuing        879,275.3   879,275.3    Mortgage       d     for
  land use            8              8    d              bank                   5           5    d              bank
  rights                                                 acceptanc                                              loans
                                                         e bills
 Fixed ass
                                                         d       for                                            Mortgage
 ets -- ma
              23,728,73      23,728,73    Mortgage       issuing        31,222,42   31,222,42    Mortgage       d     for
 chinery a
                   3.18           3.18    d              bank                0.22        0.22    d              bank
 nd equip
                                                         acceptanc                                              loans
                                                         e bills
                                                                                                                d by the
 Notes rec                                                                                       Obligatio      Company
 eivable --                                                                                      n to pay       at the
  outstand                                                              110,000,0   110,000,0    bills          period-en
 ing disco                                                                  00.00       00.00    discounte      d and not
 unted not                                                                                       d before       due on
 es                                                                                              maturity       the
                                                                                                                sheet date
                                                         Endorsed                                               Endorsed
 Notes rec                                               by the                                                 by the
                                          Obligatio                                              Obligatio
 eivable --                                              Company                                                Company
                                          n to pay                                               n to pay
  outstand    55,979,83      55,979,83                   at the         66,395,23   66,395,23                   at the
                                          unexpired                                              unexpired
 ing transf        2.64           2.64                   period-en           1.83        1.83                   period-en
                                          transferre                                             transferre
 erred not                                               d and not                                              d and not
                                          d notes                                                d notes
 es                                                      due on                                                 due on
                                                         the                                                    the

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

                                                    balance                                              balance
                                                    sheet date                                           sheet date

              158,126,9      158,126,9                             305,690,2   305,690,2
                  83.99          83.99                                 03.22       03.22

23. Short-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Short-term Borrowings

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                Item                             Ending balance                        Beginning balance
 Mortgage loans                                                         0.00                         7,000,000.00
 Obligation to pay bills discounted
                                                                        0.00                      108,437,700.65
 before maturity
 Total                                                                  0.00                      115,437,700.65

24. Notes Payable

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
              Category                           Ending balance                        Beginning balance
 Bank acceptance bill                                         528,139,582.33                      471,876,397.72
 Total                                                        528,139,582.33                      471,876,397.72
At the end of the current period, there were no notes payable due and not paid.

25. Accounts Payable

(1) List of Accounts Payable

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                Item                             Ending balance                        Beginning balance
 Payment for goods                                            641,484,184.05                      747,010,098.88
 Total                                                        641,484,184.05                      747,010,098.88

(2) Significant Accounts Payable Aging over One Year or Overdue

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                Item                             Ending balance                   Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason
                                                                               Suspending cooperation with
 Payment for goods                                             38,821,047.06
                                                                               suppliers to liquidate the payment
 Payment for equipment                                          4,684,372.75   Equipment warranty
 Total                                                         43,505,419.81

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                   Annual Report 2023

26. Other Payables

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                  Item                          Ending balance                    Beginning balance
 Interest payable
 Dividends payable                                            3,891,433.83                      3,891,433.83
 Other payables                                             155,131,948.98                   156,155,449.10
 Total                                                      159,023,382.81                   160,046,882.93

(1) Dividends Payable

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                  Item                          Ending balance                     Beginning balance
 Ordinary share dividends                                     3,243,179.97                      3,243,179.97
 Interest of preferred shares/
 perpetual bond classified as equity
 Dividends for non-controlling
                                                                648,253.86                        648,253.86
 Total                                                        3,891,433.83                      3,891,433.83
The reason for non-payment for over one year: Not gotten by shareholders yet.

(2) Other Payables

1) Other Payables Listed by Nature of Account

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                  Item                          Ending balance                    Beginning balance
 Margin & cash pledged                                        2,671,042.33                      4,293,474.88
 Intercourse funds among units                               11,107,514.80                      7,831,477.01
 Intercourse funds among
                                                               398,761.04                         397,761.04
 Sales    discount       and     three
                                                            125,096,632.36                   126,787,544.75
 Other                                                       15,857,998.45                     16,845,191.42
 Total                                                      155,131,948.98                   156,155,449.10

2) Significant Other Payables Aging over One Year

The significant other payables aging over one year at the period-end mainly referred to the unsettled temporary
credits and charges owned.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                             Annual Report 2023

27. Advances from Customers

(1) List of Advances from Customers

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                  Item                             Ending balance                            Beginning balance

 Rent received in advance                                          647,441.22                               837,425.55
 Land compensation received in
 Total                                                           1,647,441.22                               837,425.55

(2) There were no significant advances from customers aging over one year or overdue.

28. Contract Liabilities

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                  Item                            Ending balance                         Beginning balance
 Contract liabilities                                           33,352,877.66                            32,843,692.83
 Total                                                          33,352,877.66                            32,843,692.83
There were no significant contract liabilities aging over one year at the end of the period.

29. Payroll Payable

(1) List of Payroll Payable

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
         Item            Beginning balance           Increase                Decrease                Ending balance
 I. Short-term salary         49,151,022.47         276,664,221.67          278,076,360.57              47,738,883.57
 benefit-defined                                     32,642,608.82              32,642,608.82
 contribution plans
 III. Termination
                                200,000.00                                        200,000.00
 IV. Current portion
 of other benefits
 Total                        49,351,022.47         309,306,830.49          310,918,969.39              47,738,883.57

(2) List of Short-term Salary

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
           Item                                         Increase                  Decrease            Ending balance

Changchai Company, Limited                                                              Annual Report 2023

 1.    Salary,    bonus,
                               40,883,518.77   230,395,729.07          231,082,308.43     40,196,939.41
 allowance, subsidy
 2.Employee welfare                 1,592.74     3,770,067.21            3,770,067.21          1,592.74
 3. Social insurance                            17,930,988.64           17,930,988.64
 Of which: Medical
                                                14,582,048.07           14,582,048.07
 insurance premiums
 Work-related       injury
                                                 1,822,382.77            1,822,382.77
 Maternity insurance                             1,526,557.80            1,526,557.80
 4. Housing fund                                19,978,775.41           19,978,775.41
 5.Labor union budget
 and employee education         8,265,910.96     4,476,279.74            5,201,839.28      7,540,351.42
 6. Short-term absence
 with salary
 7. Short-term profit
 sharing scheme
 Other short-term
                                                   112,381.60              112,381.60
 Total                         49,151,022.47   276,664,221.67          278,076,360.57     47,738,883.57

(3) List of Defined Contribution Plans

                                                                                              Unit: RMB
           Item                                Increase                Decrease         Ending balance
 1. Basic pension
                                                31,658,782.33           31,658,782.33
 2. Unemployment
                                                  983,826.49              983,826.49
 3. Enterprise annuities
 Total                                          32,642,608.82           32,642,608.82

30. Taxes Payable

                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                        Item                          Ending balance              Beginning balance
 VAT                                                            189,045.23                 2,240,512.82
 Corporate income tax                                          1,686,812.32                1,272,876.86
 Personal income tax                                            312,930.09                    68,629.73
 Urban maintenance and construction tax                         881,885.27                 1,151,395.75
 Property tax                                                  1,678,590.95                1,172,973.71
 Land use tax                                                   943,261.64                 1,041,594.39
 Stamp duty                                                     349,554.08                   286,018.61

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2023

 Education Surcharge                                                           36,841.50                     229,345.14
 Comprehensive fees                                                           120,291.58                   1,075,134.76
 Environmental protection tax                                                  31,957.08                      31,693.62
 Total                                                                   6,231,169.74                      8,570,175.39

31. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                   Item                              Ending balance                          Beginning balance
 Sale service fee                                                   393,790.53                               806,555.29
 Transportation storage fee                                         830,881.27                               597,090.12
 Electric charge                                                   1,457,500.39                            1,467,332.18
 Tax to be transferred                                             2,830,696.17                            2,821,340.54
 Estimated share value added tax                                   2,230,084.52                            1,909,715.09
 Obligation to pay bills transferred
                                                                 55,979,832.64                            66,395,231.83
 before maturity
 Other withholding expenses                                        3,347,180.44                            4,648,476.11
 Total                                                           67,069,965.96                            78,645,741.16

32. Deferred Income

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                          Beginning                                                                        Reason for
         Item                                 Increase             Decrease        Ending balance
                           balance                                                                         formation
 Government                                                                                              Government
                          36,205,625.94                            3,409,729.46      32,795,896.48
 grants                                                                                                  appropriation
 Total                    36,205,625.94                            3,409,729.46      32,795,896.48             --
Liability items involving government grants
                                                                     recorded into
                                                                                                           Related to
                                      Beginning       Amount of      other income
                Item                                                               Ending balance         assets/related
                                       balance       new subsidy         in the
National major project
special allocations- Flexible
processing production line         11,521,101.00                      1,519,266.00     10,001,835.00 Related to assets
for cylinders of diesel
Remove compensation                17,847,790.36                       665,973.62      17,181,816.74 Related to assets
Research and development
and industrialization                 6,836,734.58                    1,224,489.84         5,612,244.74 Related to assets
allocations of national III/IV

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                Annual Report 2023

standard high-powered
efficient diesel engine for
agricultural use
Total                            36,205,625.94                       3,409,729.46        32,795,896.48

33. Share Capital

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                       Increase/decrease (+/-)
                 Beginning                                     Bonus                                             Ending
                               New shares      Bonus
                  balance                                    issue from          Other         Subtotal          balance
                                 issued        shares
 The sum of      705,692,50                                                                                   705,692,50
 shares                7.00                                                                                         7.00

34. Capital Reserves

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
          Item                Beginning balance           Increase               Decrease               Ending balance
 Capital premium
                                 620,338,243.21                                                           620,338,243.21
 (premium on stock)
 Other capital reserves           19,795,719.80             375,712.83                                     20,171,432.63
 Total                           640,133,963.01             375,712.83                                    640,509,675.84
Other notes, including changes and reasons thereof:
Increase in this period: The parent company acquired 7.5% equity of its subsidiary Zhenjiang Siyang Diesel
Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The difference of RMB375,712.83 between the long-term equity investment cost
newly acquired by the parent company and the identifiable net asset share that should be enjoyed by the subsidiary
from the purchase date (or merger date) calculated based on the new shareholding percentage was debited to
capital reserve.

35. Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                     Reporting Period
                                                           Less:       Less:                             Attri
                                                        Recorded      Record                             butab
                                            Income                                           table to
                                                         in other       ed in                            le to
                                             before                               Less:         the
                                 Beginni                comprehe        other                            non-
                                            taxatio                              Income      Compa                Ending
              Item                 ng                      nsive      compre                             contr
                                            n in the                               tax        ny as               balance
                                 balance                income in      hensiv                            ollin
                                            Curren                               expens         the
                                                           prior          e                                g
                                                t                                   e         parent
                                                          period      income                             inter
                                             Period                                            after
                                                            and       in prior                            ests
                                                        transferre     period                            after

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

                                                          d in       and                          tax
                                                       profit or   transfe
                                                        loss in    rred in
                                                          the      retaine
                                                       Current         d
                                                        Period     earning
                                                                   s in the
I. Other comprehensive                                                                                    667,18
                                 655,341,   13,927,7                          2,089,1   11,838,
income that will not be                                                                                   0,321.8
                                  704.07       85.59                            67.84   617.75
reclassified to profit or loss                                                                                  2
Of which: Changes caused
by re-measurements on
defined benefit pension
Share         of        other
comprehensive income of
investees that will not be
reclassified to profit or loss
under equity method
Changes in fair value of                                                                                  667,18
                                 655,341,   13,927,7                          2,089,1   11,838,
other equity instrument                                                                                   0,321.8
                                  704.07       85.59                            67.84   617.75
investment                                                                                                      2
Changes in fair value of
corporate credit risk
II. Other comprehensive
income         that       may
subsequently                be
reclassified to profit or loss
Of which: Share of other
comprehensive income of
investees that will be
reclassified to profit or loss
under equity method
Changes in fair value of
investment in other debt
Amount of financial assets
reclassified  to     other
comprehensive income
Credit        depreciation
reserves of investment in

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                               Annual Report 2023

 other debt obligations
 Reserves for cash flow
 Differences arising from
 translation    of    foreign
 financial statements
 Total      of       other          655,341,   13,927,7                             2,089,1   11,838,
 comprehensive income                704.07       85.59                               67.84   617.75
Other notes, including the adjustment of the effective gain/loss on cash flow hedges to the initial recognized
amount: None

36. Specific Reserve

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
          Item             Beginning balance                Increase            Decrease                Ending balance
 Safety      production
                                   18,848,856.75             5,136,988.70           4,553,755.93           19,432,089.52
 Total                             18,848,856.75             5,136,988.70           4,553,755.93           19,432,089.52

37. Surplus Reserves

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
          Item             Beginning balance                Increase            Decrease                Ending balance
 Statutory       surplus
                                  336,040,867.82            14,497,866.62                                 350,538,734.44
 Discretional surplus
                                   13,156,857.90                                                           13,156,857.90
 Total                            349,197,725.72            14,497,866.62                                 363,695,592.34

38. Retained Earnings

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                           Item                                  Reporting Period             Same period of last year
 Beginning balance of retained earnings            before
                                                                       915,495,909.35                    872,212,354.88
 Total retained earnings at the beginning of the
 adjustment period (“+” means up, “-” means
 Beginning balance of retained earnings             after
                                                                       915,495,909.35                    872,212,354.88

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

 Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                      108,495,607.05                 76,684,796.91
 Company as the parent
 Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves                        14,497,866.62                 15,053,237.26
       Withdrawal of discretional surplus
         Withdrawal of general reserve
         Dividend of ordinary shares payable                             7,056,925.07                18,348,005.18
       Dividends of ordinary shares transferred as
 share capital
 Ending retained earnings                                            1,002,436,724.71               915,495,909.35
List of adjustment of beginning retained earnings:
(1) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
(2) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in accounting policies.
(3) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
(4) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same
(5) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected totally by other adjustments.

39. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                        Reporting Period                          Same period of last year
                             Operating revenue       Cost of sales         Operating revenue       Cost of sales
 Main operations              2,110,376,920.43      1,813,233,693.78        2,145,567,983.95      1,924,209,350.48
 Other operations                45,321,867.06         25,522,137.63           36,475,111.66         24,467,686.04
 Total                        2,155,698,787.49      1,838,755,831.41        2,182,043,095.61      1,948,677,036.52
Whether the lower of the audited net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gains and losses is
√ Yes □ No
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
           Item                      2023           Specific deduction            2022           Specific deduction
                                                    The main business                            The main business
                                                    of the Company is                            of the Company is
                                                    the production and                           the production and
 Operating revenue              2,155,698,787.49                             2,182,043,095.61
                                                    sales of diesel                              sales of diesel
                                                    engines and                                  engines and
                                                    gasoline engines                             gasoline engines
 Total           operating                          Other business                               Other business
 income              with          45,321,867.06    income other than           36,475,111.66    income other than
 deduction                                          main operations                              main operations
 The proportion of
 total operating income
                                            2.10%                                        1.67%
 with deduction in
 operating revenue
 I. Business income not

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                    Annual Report 2023

 related to the main
 1. Other business
 income           outside
 normal business. E.g.,
 income from the lease
 of      fixed     assets,
 intangible        assets,
 packaging materials,
 sales         materials,
                                                Income from sales                          Income from sales
 non-monetary       asset
                                                of materials,                              of materials,
 exchange            with       45,321,867.06                              36,475,111.66
                                                housing rental                             housing rental
 materials            and
                                                fees, property and                         fees, property and
 operation of entrusted
                                                utility charges                            utility charges
 management business,
 and income that is
 included      in      the
 income from primary
 business but is outside
 the normal business of
 the listed company.
                                                Income from sales                          Income from sales
 Subtotal of business                           of materials,                              of materials,
 income not related to          45,321,867.06   housing rental             36,475,111.66   housing rental
 the main business                              fees, property and                         fees, property and
                                                utility charges                            utility charges
 II. Income without
 commercial substance
 Subtotal of income
 without commercial                      0.00   None                                0.00   None
 III. Other income not
 related to the main
                                         0.00   None                                0.00   None
 business or without
 commercial substance
                                             Sales of diesel and                           Sales of diesel and
 Operating      revenue                      gasoline engines                              gasoline engines
                          2,110,376,920.43                              2,145,567,983.95
 after deduction                             and other products                            and other products
                                             and accessories                               and accessories
Breakdown information of operating income and operating cost:
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
    Category of                       Segment 1                                       Total
     contracts          Operating Revenue     Operating cost         Operating Revenue      Operating cost
 Business Type
 Of which:
                             898,804,550.09      777,396,329 47          898,804,550.09        777,396,329 47
 diesel engines
                             796,114,105.16       713,613,118.19         796,114,105.16        713,613,118.19
 diesel engines
 Other products              246,884,141.39      189,693,819.70          246,884,141.39        189,693,819.70
 Fittings                    124,949,724.48      132,530,426.42          124,949,724.48        132,530,426.42
 Classification by
 operating region

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

 Of which:
 Sales in domestic
                         1,732,696,737.12        1,465,335,809.67        1,732,696,737.12        1,465,335,809.67
 Export sales                377,680,183.31        347,897,884.11          377,680,183.31          347,897,884.11
 Total                    2,110,376,920.43       1,813,233,693.78         2,110,376,920.43       1,813,233,693.78

Information in relation to the transaction price apportioned to the residual contract performance obligation:
The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not
fully performed yet was RMB0 at the period-end.

40. Taxes and Surtaxes

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                 Item                            Reporting Period                   Same period of last year
 Urban maintenance and
                                                                1,195,680.92                         2,905,289.19
 construction tax
 Education surcharge                                             854,061.84                          2,073,990.11
 Property tax                                                   7,027,411.47                         6,312,819.28
 Land use tax                                                   4,209,985.02                         4,474,736.13
 Vehicle and vessel use tax                                         2,803.52                             3,092.64
 Stamp duty                                                     1,546,467.17                           898,751.20
 Environment tax                                                 204,264.65                            293,572.90
 Other                                                             16,723.66                            10,944.81
 Total                                                         15,057,398.25                        16,973,196.26

41. Administrative Expense

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                 Item                            Reporting Period                   Same period of last year
 Employee benefits                                             51,674,294.80                        62,242,258.03
 Office expenses                                               10,787,236.38                         9,510,389.69
 Depreciation and amortization                                 24,825,227.36                        16,116,539.74
 Safety expenses                                                4,782,552.29                         4,877,232.12
 Repair charge                                                   741,750.01                          1,736,442.58
 Inventory scrap and inventory loss
                                                                6,291,477.71                          -333,858.14
 Other                                                         24,878,795.44                        25,362,185.70
 Total                                                        123,981,333.99                       119,511,189.72

42. Selling Expense

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                 Item                            Reporting Period                   Same period of last year
 Employee benefits                                             42,024,752.56                        41,414,480.36

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                Annual Report 2023

 Office expenses                                         10,212,761.75                       9,191,582.99
 Three guarantees                                        45,920,031.28                      50,709,187.02
 Other                                                    1,445,736.57                       1,314,973.34
 Total                                                   99,603,282.16                     102,630,223.71

43. Development Costs

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                Item                         Reporting Period                Same period of last year
 Direct input expense                                    51,504,815.69                      43,996,939.37
 Employee benefits                                       24,744,156.04                      24,608,063.95
 Depreciation and amortization                            4,895,983.48                       4,570,577.95
 Entrusted development charges                              684,195.77                       6,509,898.89
 Other                                                    8,509,953.35                       1,554,116.90
 Total                                                   90,339,104.33                      81,239,597.06

44. Finance Costs

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                Item                         Reporting Period                Same period of last year
 Interest expense                                         1,825,195.98                       1,993,453.71
 Less: Interest income                                    9,008,657.82                      12,804,077.19
 Net foreign exchange gains or
                                                          -4,234,188.82                    -10,929,750.57
 Other                                                      132,973.74                         150,669.42
 Total                                                   -11,284,676.92                    -21,589,704.63

45. Other Income

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
               Sources                       Reporting Period                Same period of last year
 Government      grants     directly
 recorded into the current profit or                      3,009,573.87                       3,749,273.00
 Government grants       related   to
                                                          3,409,729.46                       3,409,729.46
 deferred income
 Others                                                     368,808.64                          25,025.59
List of other income:
                   Category                      Reporting Period             Same period of last year

 Subsidies for stabilizing, increasing and
                                                                771,481.00                   2,396,713.00
 retaining job positions

Changchai Company, Limited                                                          Annual Report 2023

                 Category                     Reporting Period          Same period of last year

Membership dues return                                       4,860.00                     4,760.00

Special funds for high-quality industrial

Subsidies for skill enhancement training
                                                            20,000.00                    50,000.00
and technical improvement reward

Special funds for promoting high-quality
development through technological                          513,000.00

Special funds for talents                                   60,000.00                   170,000.00

Incentives and subsidies for earlier
phase-out     and       scrapping   of                      19,500.00                    59,800.00
high-emission old cars in Changzhou

Employment         and       apprenticeship
                                                            49,706.25                    11,000.00

High-tech enterprise recognition bonus
                                                            80,000.00                   247,000.00
and R&D investment incentives

Municipal science and technology
innovation and incentive funds, Science                    543,026.62                   341,000.00
and Technology Program Funding

Subsidies for high-quality invention                        30,000.00                     2,000.00

Special funds for business development                     841,500.00                   104,300.00

Intellectual   property      funding   and

Rewards for district engineering
technology research centre in 2023

Support   Funds     for   Agricultural
Machinery Guild in Zhonglou District of                                                 250,000.00
Changzhou in 2022

Municipal     special    funds          for
environmental protection

Incentives for provincial technology
transfer acceptor

Tax Contribution Award                                                                   30,000.00

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

                 Category                           Reporting Period                  Same period of last year

 Subsidies for work-based training                                                                     45,000.00

 Demolition compensation (replacing Zou
                                                                   267,333.48                         267,333.48
 Village with Hehai Road)

 Demolition compensation - main
                                                                   398,640.14                         398,640.14
 workshops in the base in Hehai Road

 The national major special project - the
 flexible processing production line for                        1,519,266.00                        1,519,266.00
 diesel engine cylinder blocks

 National III/IV Appropriation for the
 research     and      development       and
 industrialization        of       standard                     1,224,489.84                        1,224,489.84
 high-horsepower             high-efficiency
 agricultural diesel engine

 Value Added Tax (VAT) Deductions and

 Individual tax handling fees                                       74,552.51                          25,025.59

 Total                                                          6,788,111.97                        7,184,028.05

46. Gain on Changes in Fair Value

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
               Sources                          Reporting Period                  Same period of last year
 Held-for-trading financial assets                          10,401,521.88                         -40,756,542.83
 Other non-current financial assets                         39,414,576.80                         186,000,000.00
 Total                                                      49,816,098.68                         145,243,457.17

47. Investment Income

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                         Item                               Reporting Period            Same period of last year
 Long-term equity investment income accounted by
 equity method
 Investment income from disposal of long-term
 equity investment
 Investment income from holding of trading
 financial assets
 Investment income from disposal of trading
                                                                       3,820,476.37                     12,262.47
 financial assets

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

 Dividend income from holding of other equity
                                                                        11,482,380.00               9,360,000.00
 instrument investment
 Income from re-measurement of residual stock
 rights at fair value after losing control power
 Interest income from holding of investment in debt
                                                                         1,463,921.82               1,411,361.54
 Interest income from holding of investment in
 other debt obligations
 Investment income from disposal of investment in
 other debt obligations
 Income from debt reorganization
 Dividend income from holding of held-for-trading
                                                                           343,730.00                 296,740.00
 financial assets
 Income from refinancing operations                                         28,498.48                 136,003.96
 Investment income from financial products                               7,673,218.19               5,995,552.35
 Accounts receivable financing-discount interest of
                                                                        -5,709,875.91              -9,242,453.13
 bank acceptance bills
 Total                                                                  19,102,348.95               7,969,467.19

48. Credit Impairment Loss

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                Item                               Reporting Period                 Same period of last year
 Bad debt loss of other receivables                             -3,133,215.40                         172,411.52
 Bad debt loss of accounts
                                                                 2,961,043.75                      -3,126,152.25
 Total                                                            -172,171.65                      -2,953,740.73

49. Asset Impairment Loss

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                        Item                                   Reporting Period         Same period of last year
 I. Loss on inventory valuation and contract
                                                                       -27,893,895.75             -14,367,197.27
 performance cost
 Total                                                                 -27,893,895.75             -14,367,197.27

50. Asset Disposal Income

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
              Sources                              Reporting Period                 Same period of last year
 Disposal income of fixed assets
                                                               105,702,551.01                         393,161.73
 and intangible assets
Other notes: The People's Government of Zhonglou District, Changzhou City has decided to expropriate the
houses within the expropriation scope of the bus plant area (Phases 1 and 2) project, including Changzhou Wuxing

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

Branch of Changchai Co., Ltd., in accordance with the Announcement of the People's Government of Zhonglou
District, Changzhou City on the Decision on the Housing Expropriation on State-owned Land
(ChangZhongZhengGao [2023] No. 10). On 14 June 2023, the Company signed the Agreement on Housing
Expropriation on Changzhou State-owned Land and Compensation with the Housing and Urban-Rural
Development Bureau of Zhonglou District, Changzhou City, with a total compensation amount of RMB117
million. The Company received compensation of RMB70 million on 28 June 2023 and RMB47 million on 9
January 2024, respectively. The Company transferred a net fixed asset value of RMB7,761,500 (including
RMB7,376,600 for real estate property and RMB384,900 for equipment), a net intangible asset value of
RMB4,425,000, and a revenue of RMB571,800 from equipment sales due to the demolition project, resulting in a
disposal income of RMB105,385,300.

51. Non-operating Income

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Amount recorded in the
            Item                Reporting Period             Same period of last year    current non-recurring
                                                                                             profit or loss
 Income from disposal of
                                         222,436.80                       236,284.29                222,436.80
 fixed assets
 Income from penalty                      10,840.00                        93,140.00                 10,840.00
 Accounts not required to
                                         263,791.00                     1,714,502.08                263,791.00
 be paid
 Negative goodwill
 generated from                                                         1,904,132.58
 consolidated subsidiaries
 Other                                   430,925.85                       309,883.70                430,925.85
 Total                                   927,993.65                     4,257,942.65                927,993.65

52. Non-operating Expense

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Amount recorded in the
            Item                Reporting Period             Same period of last year    current non-recurring
                                                                                             profit or loss
 Loss on disposal of fixed
                                         206,219.59                       148,926.11                206,219.59
 Compensation for quality                                                 208,884.78
 Donation                                150,000.00                       168,300.00                150,000.00
 Other                                   826,317.95                        92,352.67                826,317.95
 Total                                  1,182,537.54                      618,463.56              1,182,537.54

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                  Annual Report 2023

53. Income Tax Expense

(1) List of Income Tax Expense
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                 Item                            Reporting Period              Same period of last year
 Current income tax expense                                     3,737,806.63                   1,267,934.70
 Deferred income tax expense                                   33,095,616.49                   1,930,017.97
 Adjustment of income tax of prior
                                                                 803,234.91                     -733,872.93
 Total                                                         37,636,658.03                   2,464,079.74

(2) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                          Reporting Period
 Profit before taxation                                                                      152,335,013.59
 Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable tax rate                        22,850,252.04
 Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries                                    -4,659,894.28
 Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                       803,234.91
 Influence of non-taxable income                                                              -1,824,729.50
 Influence of non-deductable costs, expenses and losses                                        3,084,261.69
 Influence of deductable losses of unrecognized deferred income tax at the
 beginning of the Reporting Period
 Influence of deductable temporary difference or deductable losses of
 unrecognized deferred income tax assets in the Reporting Period
 Tax preference from eligible expenditures                                                    -6,123,723.10
 Income tax expense                                                                           37,636,658.03

54. Other Comprehensive Income

See Note 35 for details.

55. Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash Related to Operating Activities

Cash Generated from Other Operating Activities
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                 Item                            Reporting Period              Same period of last year
 Subsidy and appropriation                                      3,084,694.38                   3,751,451.59
 Other intercourses in cash                                     2,744,200.31                   4,962,530.66
 Interest income                                                9,008,657.82                  12,804,077.19

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

 Recovery of time deposits at
 Other                                                             1,245,299.28                    1,472,234.00
                 Total                                            40,082,851.79                   22,990,293.44
Cash Used in Other Operating Activities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                 Item                             Reporting Period                 Same period of last year
 Selling and administrative expense
                                                                 113,682,364.61                   89,311,871.19
 paid in cash
 Handling charges                                                  1,235,742.92                    1,212,912.33
 Other                                                             1,632,848.89                   16,260,652.67
 Time deposits withdrawn                                          36,000,000.00
 Other transactions                                                1,580,265.70                    1,405,188.05
                 Total                                           154,131,222.12                  108,190,624.24

(2) Cash Related to Investing Activities

Cash Generated from Other Investing Activities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                 Item                             Reporting Period                 Same period of last year
Cash and cash equivalents from
consolidated subsidiary
                Total                                                                              11,400,123.61

(3) Cash Related to Financing Activities

Cash Generated from Other Financing Activities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                 Item                             Reporting Period                 Same period of last year
Discount of bank acceptance bills
with low credit rating
                 Total                                                                             128,437,700.65
Cash Used in Other Financing Activities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                  Item                             Reporting Period                Same period of last year
Cash paid for acquiring equity of
minority shareholders of subsidiaries
Discount of bank acceptance bills with
                                                                 110,000,000.00                     83,623,545.07
low credit rating
                  Total                                          117,170,000.00                     83,623,545.07
Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                              Increase                           Decrease
                    Beginning                                                                               Ending
     Item                                              Non-cash                            Non-cash
                     balance       Cash changes                        Cash changes                         balance
                                                       changes                             changes
 Short-term        115,437,700.                                        117,138,475.
 borrowings                  65                                                 00
                  3,891,433.83                        7,056,925.07     7,056,925.07                       3,891,433.83
                   119,329,134.                                        124,195,400.
 Total                                                8,757,699.42                                        3,891,433.83
                             48                                                  07

(4) Significant Activities and Financial Impact that Do Not Involve Current Cash Receipts and
Disbursements but Affect the Company's Financial Position or May Affect the Company's Cash Flows in
the Future

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Item                                  Reporting Period              Same period of last year
 Amount of endorsed and transferred notes
                                                                     389,860,848.07                    464,117,398.34
   Of which: payment for goods                                       374,911,776.69                    454,244,525.52
              Payment for acquisition            of
                                                                      14,949,071.38                       9,872,872.82
 long-term assets including fixed assets

56. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Same period of
                       Supplemental information                              Reporting Period
                                                                                                        last year
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
                                                                                      --                    --
 operating activities
 Net profit                                                                     114,698,355.56          79,246,132.46
 Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                         28,066,067.40          17,320,938.00
 Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil and gas assets, of productive
                                                                                 88,980,118.41          79,926,656.97
 living assets
 Depreciation of right-of-use assets
 Amortization of intangible assets                                                 7,081,433.87          5,824,591.44
 Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                          349,871.11           175,893.01
 Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                -105,702,551.01           -393,161.73
 long-term assets (gains by “-”)
 Losses on the scrapping of fixed assets (gains by “-”)                             -16,217.21           -87,358.18

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

 Losses on the changes in fair value (gains by “-”)                          -49,816,098.68   -145,243,457.17
 Financial expenses (gains by “-”)                                             -644,213.13       2,146,237.77
 Investment losses (gains by “-”)                                            -24,812,224.86    -17,211,920.32
 Decrease in deferred income tax assets (increase by “-”)                    24,701,580.14     -15,400,115.80
 Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (decrease by “-”)                8,394,036.35      17,330,133.77
 Decrease in inventory (increase by “-”)                                    -245,117,199.69     89,813,152.96
 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (increase
                                                                               27,662,484.38     -33,140,187.50
 by “-”)
 Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease by “-”)           263,364,384.71     286,526,874.74
 Other                                                                                            -1,904,132.58
 Net cash flows generated from operating activities                           137,189,827.35     364,930,277.84
 2. Investing and financing activities that do not involving cash
 receipts and payment:
 Debt transferred as capital
 Convertible corporate bond due within one year
 Fixed assets from financing lease
 3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents
 Ending balance of cash                                                       971,629,523.46     810,350,966.05
 Less: Beginning balance of cash                                              810,350,966.05     562,402,221.59
 Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents
 Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    161,278,557.41     247,948,744.46

(2) Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                        Item                               Ending balance                Beginning balance
 I. Cash                                                            971,629,523.46               810,350,966.05
 Including: Cash on hand                                               157,238.05                    251,965.06
 Bank deposit on demand                                             963,604,998.68               806,914,999.19
 Other monetary assets on demand                                      7,867,286.73                 3,184,001.80
 Accounts deposited in the central bank
 available for payment
 Deposits in other banks
 Accounts of interbank
 II. Cash equivalents
 Of which: Bond investment expired within
 three months
 III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                    971,629,523.46               810,350,966.05

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

 Of which: Cash and cash equivalents with
 restriction in use for the Company as the
 parent or subsidiaries of the Group

(3) Monetary Assets Not Classified as Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                  Amount during
                                                                              Reason for not classifying the item as
             Item                  the current         Previous period
                                                                                   cash and cash equivalents
                                                                          Time deposits in banks not held to meet
 Bank deposits-fixed time
                                    36,000,000.00        24,000,000.00    short-term cash requirements for external
 deposits over 3 months
 Other monetary assts-cash                                                Banker's acceptance deposit,
                                    76,238,443.41        95,662,384.92
 deposit                                                                  environmental performance bonds, etc.
 Total                             112,238,443.41       119,662,384.92

57. Foreign Currency Monetary Items

(1) Foreign Currency Monetary Items
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                  Ending foreign currency                                       Ending balance
             Item                                                   Exchange rate
                                          balance                                              converted to RMB
 Monetary assets                            --                           --
 Of which: USD                             13,417,315.17                          7.0827               95,030,818.16
           HKD                                   330,722.07                       0.9062                  299,700.34
 Accounts receivable
 Of which: USD                              7,812,701.09                          7.0827               55,335,018.01
           GBP                                   -67,212.27                       9.0411                 -607,672.85
 Accounts payable
 Of which: USD                                      302.60                        7.0827                     2,143.23
 Contract liabilities
 Of which: USD                                   521,382.67                       7.0827                3,692,797.06
           EUR                                   117,145.84                       7.8592                  920,672.58

(2) Notes to Overseas Entities Including: for Significant Oversea Entities, Main Operating Place, Recording
Currency and Selection Basis Shall Be Disclosed; if there Are Changes in Recording Currency, Relevant
Reasons Shall Be Disclosed.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

58. Lease

(1) The Company Was Lessee:

√Applicable Not applicable
Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
Applicable √Not applicable
Simplified handling of short-term leasing or leasing costs for low value assets
√Applicable Not applicable
The simplified leasing method adopted by our company is mainly for leased properties. Due to the short lease
term and low individual leasing costs, in accordance with the new leasing standards, our company has not
recognized the right of use assets and leasing liabilities for the aforementioned leasing activities.
Situations involving after-sales leaseback transactions:Not applicable

(2) The Company Was Lessor:

Operating leases with the Company as lessor
√Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Of which: income related to
                Item                             Rental income                    variable lease payments not
                                                                                   included in lease receipts
Lease income                                                  3,279,654.67
Total                                                         3,279,654.67
Finance leases with the Company as lessor
Applicable √Not applicable
Undiscounted lease receipts for each of the next five years
Applicable √Not applicable
Reconciliation of undiscounted lease receipts to net investment in leases: Not applicable

(3) Recognition of Gain or Loss on Sales under Finance Leases with the Company as a Manufacturer or

□Applicable    √Not applicable

VIII. Research and Development Expenditure

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                 Item                      Amount for the current period          Amount for the previous period
 Direct input                                                 51,504,815.69                         43,996,939.37
 Employee remuneration                                        24,744,156.04                         24,608,063.95
 Depreciation and amortization                                 4,895,983.48                          4,570,577.95
 Outsourcing development fees                                    684,195.77                          6,509,898.89
 Others                                                        8,509,953.35                          1,554,116.90
 Total                                                        90,339,104.33                         81,239,597.06

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

 Of which: Expensed research and
                                                             90,339,104.33                        81,239,597.06
 development expenditure
            Capitalized research
 and development expenditure

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiary

(1) Subsidiaries

                                                                 Natur   Holding percentage
                                           Main      Registrat
                             Registered                           e of          (%)                 Way of
          Name                            operatin     ion
                              capital                            busin              Indirectl       gaining
                                          g place     place              Directly
                                                                  ess                  y
 Changchai Wanzhou           85,000,00    Chongq     Chongqi     Indus
                                                                          60.00%                 Set-up
 Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.          0.00    ing        ng          try
 Changzhou Changchai
                             55,063,00    Changz     Changzh     Indus
 Benniu Diesel Engine                                                     99.00%      1.00%      Set-up
                                  0.00    hou        ou          try
 Fittings Co., Ltd.
 Changzhou Horizon           40,000,00    Changz     Changzh     Servi
                                                                         100.00%                 Set-up
 Investment Co., Ltd.             0.00    hou        ou          ce
 Changzhou Changchai
                             10,000,00    Changz     Changzh     Indus
 Horizon Agricultural                                                     75.00%     25.00%      Set-up
                                  0.00    hou        ou          try
 Equipment Co., Ltd.
 Changzhou Fuji
 Changchai Robin             37,250,00    Changz     Changzh     Indus
                                                                         100.00%                 not under the
 Gasoline Engine Co.,             0.00    hou        ou          try
                                                                                                 same control
 Jiangsu Changchai           300,000,0    Changz     Changzh     Indus
                                                                         100.00%                 Set-up
 Machinery Co., Ltd.             00.00    hou        ou          try
 Changzhou Xingsheng
                             1,000,000.   Changz     Changzh     Servi
 Property Management                                                     100.00%                 Set-up
                                    00    hou        ou          ce
 Co., Ltd.
 Zhenjiang Siyang Diesel     2,000,000.                                                          Combination
                                          Zhenjia    Zhenjian    Indus
 Engine Manufacturing                                                     49.00%                 not under the
                                    00    ng         g           try
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                       same control

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

Explanation: the Company originally holds 41.5% of the shares in Zhenjiang Siyang Diesel Engine Manufacturing
Co., Ltd., and currently holds 49% of shares in it after acquisition of 7.5% of shares originally held by other
shareholders in this year. Our company is the largest shareholder, and the other shareholders are relatively
scattered. Among the 7 members of the board of directors of Zhenjiang Siyang, 4 are dispatched by our company.
The chairman of Zhenjiang Siyang is dispatched by our company, and our company is the actual controller of
Zhenjiang Siyang, which constitutes the conditions for merger.

(2) Significant Non-wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                              Shareholding          The profit or loss                                   Balance of
                              proportion of         attributable to the                                non-controlling
          Name                                                                 distributed to
                             non-controlling         non-controlling                                   interests at the
                                interests                 interests                                      period-end
 Wanzhou Diesel                 40.00%                       104,717.86                                     19,810,361.11
 Engine Co., Ltd.
 Zhenjiang Siyang
 Diesel Engine
                                51.00%                     6,098,030.65                                     51,310,847.24
 Manufacturing Co.,
Holding proportion of non-controlling interests in subsidiary different from voting proportion: Not applicable

(3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                             Ending balance                                            Beginning balance
                                                  Non-                                                       Non-
                    Non-               Curre                                  Non-               Curre
           Curre                                  curre     Total    Curre                                   curre     Total
 Name               curre     Total       nt                                  curre     Total       nt
             nt                                     nt     liabili     nt                                      nt     liabili
                      nt      assets   liabili                                  nt      assets   liabili
           assets                                liabili     ties    assets                                 liabili     ties
                    assets               ties                                 assets               ties
                                                    ty                                                         ty
 hou       41,17    22,35     63,53    13,58               13,58     47,13    23,22      70,36   21,09                21,09
 Diese     9,375    1,977     1,353    4,154               4,154     3,617    8,110.     1,727   7,619                7,619
 l           .84      .78        .62     .77                  .77       .16      09        .25      .13                 .13
 e Co.,

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

 l        94,74    26,46      121,2       20,29             20,60      82,69     28,04     110,7     20,23              20,55
                                                  310,8                                                        322,7
 Engin    7,199    8,620      15,82       5,436             6,316      7,983     5,494     43,47     5,256              7,957
 e                                                79.17                                                        01.42
            .90      .63       0.53         .96                .13        .58      .39      7.97        .17               .59
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                               Reporting Period                                        Same period of last year
                                                            Cash                                                      Cash
                                              Total                                                    Total
                                                            flows                                                     flows
   Name      Operating                      comprehe                    Operating                    comprehe
                             Net profit                     from                       Net profit                     from
              revenue                         nsive                      revenue                       nsive
                                                          operating                                                 operating
                                             income                                                   income
                                                          activities                                                activities
 Wanzhou     43,364,24       261,794.6      261,794.6     -8,451,01     34,281,25        -652,107.    -652,107.     650,437.0
 Diesel            6.66               4             4          3.52             2.72           80             80             3
 Co., Ltd.
 g Siyang
 Diesel      66,935,15       10,423,98      10,423,98     1,349,693     35,440,98      4,824,237     4,824,237      -9,291,53
 Manufact          6.33           4.02            4.02           .24            3.37           .05            .05        7.82
 Co., Ltd.

2. The Transaction of the Company with Its Owner's Equity Share Changing but the Company Still
Controls the Subsidiary

(1) Note to the Owner's Equity Share Changed in Subsidiary

The Company’s shareholding in Zhenjiang Siyang Diesel Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was originally 41.5%,
and now stands at 49% after acquiring 7.5% of other shareholders’ equity during the Reporting Period.

(2) The Transaction’s Influence on the Equity of Non-controlling Interests and the Owner's Equity
Attributable to the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                           Item                                                            Amount
Purchase cost/disposal consideration                                                                            7,170,000.00
-Cash                                                                                                           7,170,000.00

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

-Fair value of non-cash assets
Total purchase cost/disposal consideration                                                          7,170,000.00
Less: Share of net assets of subsidiaries based on
percentage of equity acquired/disposed of
Difference                                                                                           -375,712.83
Of which: Adjusting capital reserve                                                                  -375,712.83
Adjusting surplus reserve
Adjusting retained earnings

3. Equity in the Structured Entity Excluded in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements

Notes to the structured entity excluded in the scope of consolidated financial statements:
In 2017, the Company set up Changzhou Xietong Private Equity Fund (Limited Partnership) together with
Synergetic Innovation Fund Management Co., Ltd. through joint investment. On 18 October 2018 and 3
December 2020, new partners were respectively added. Partnership Shares transfer was made on 29 December
2022 and 10 October 2023. In line with the revised Partnership Agreement, the general partner is Synergetic
Innovation Fund Management Co., Ltd., and the limited partners are Changchai Company, Limited, Changzhou
Zhongyou Petroleum Sales Co., Ltd., Changzhou Fuel Co., Ltd., Tong Yinzhu, Tong Yinxin, Anhui Haiyunzhou
Equity Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited), Shenzhen Jiaxin One Venture Capital Partnership (limited
partnership),Zhong Wende and Qingdao Yinjiahui Industrial Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited
Partnership). In accordance with the Partnership Agreement, the limited partner does not execute the partnership
affairs. Thus, the Company does not control Changzhou Xietong Private Equity Fund (Limited Partnership) and
did not include it into the scope of consolidated financial statements.

X. Government Grants

1. Government Grants Recognized at the End of the Reporting Period at the Amount Receivable

□Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for failing to receive government grants in the estimated amount at the estimated point in time
□Applicable Not applicable

2. Liability Items Involving Government Grants

Applicable □Not applicable
                              Amount of                    into other                                 Related to
Accounting     Beginning                   non-operati                    Other         Ending
                                 new                       income in                                  assets/relat
  items         balance                    ng income                     changes        balance
                               subsidy                         the                                    ed income
                                              in the
Deferred       36,205,625                                  3,409,729.                 32,795,896     Related to

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

income                  .94                                           46                           .48   assets

3. Government Grants Recognized as Current Profit or Loss

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
          Accounting items                   Amount for the current period          Amount for the previous period
 Other income                                                   6,419,303.33                          7,159,002.46

XI. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments

1. Various Types of Risks Arising from Financial Instruments

The goal of the Company’s risk management was gaining the balance between the risk and income, and reduced
the negative impact to the operation performance of the Company in the lowest level and maximized the interests
of shareholders and other equity investors. Base on the risk management goal, the basis strategy of the Company’s
risk management was to recognized and analyze all kinds of risk that the Company faced, set up suitable risk
bottom line and conduct risk management, and supervised the risks timely and reliably and control the risk within
the limited scope.

The main risks of the Company due to financial instruments were credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The
management level had reviewed and approved the policies to manage the risks, which summarized as follows:
(I) Credit Risk
Credit risk was one party of the contract failed to fulfill the obligations and causes loss of financial assets of the
other party.
The credit of risk of the Company mainly was related to account receivable, in order to control the risk, the
Company conduct the following methods.
The Company only conducts related transaction with approved and reputable third party, in line with the policy of
the Company, the Company need to conduct credit-check for the clients adopting way of credit to conduct
transaction. In addition, the Company continuously monitors the balance of account receivable to ensure the
Company would not face the significant bad debt risk.
(II) Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is referred to the risk of incurring capital shortage when performing settlement obligation in the way
of cash payment or other financial assets. The policies of the Company are to ensure that there was sufficient cash
to pay the due liabilities.
The liquidity risk was centralized controlled by the financial department of the Company. The financial
departments through supervising the balance of the cash and securities can be convert to cash at any time and the
rolling prediction of cash flow in future 12 months to ensure the Company has sufficient cash to pay the liabilities
under the case of all reasonable prediction.
(III) Market Risk
Market risk is refer to risk of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument changed due to the change
of market price, including foreign exchange rate risk, interest rate risk.
1. Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk is refers to fluctuation risk of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument change due
to the change of market price.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

2. Foreign Exchange Risk
Foreign exchange rate risk is referred to the risk incurred form the change of exchange rate. As for the Company’s
export business, customers will be given a certain credit term, if the RMB appreciates against the dollar, the
company's accounts receivable will incur foreign currency exchange loss.

2. Financial Assets

(1) Classification of Transfer Methods

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Basis for
   Transfer         Nature of transferred      Amount of transferred       Recognition
   method             financial assets           financial assets       termination or not
                                                                                               The Company
                                                                                               retains substantially
 Endorsement                                                                                   all of the risks and
                 Notes receivable                      55,979,832.64   Not derecognized
 /discount                                                                                     rewards, including
                                                                                               the risk of default
                                                                                               associated with its
                                                                                               The Company
 Endorsement     Accounts receivable                                                           transfers almost all
                                                     567,763,410.38    Derecognized
 /discount       financing                                                                     the risks and
     Total                                           623,743,243.02

(2) Financial Assets Derecognized due to Transfer

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                          Transfer method of             Amount of derecognized           Gains or losses related to
                            financial assets                financial assets                  derecognization
 receivable           Endorsement                                      163,147,260.38
 receivable           Discount                                         404,616,150.00                 -5,709,875.91
       Total                                                           567,763,410.38                 -5,709,875.91

(3) Continued Involvement in the Transfer of Assets Financial Assets

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                        Transfer method of      Amount of assets resulting from    Amount of liabilities resulting
                              assets               continued involvement           from continued involvement
 Notes receivable     Endorsement                                 55,979,832.64                      55,979,832.64
       Total                                                      55,979,832.64                      55,979,832.64

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                Annual Report 2023

XII. The Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                           Ending fair value
                             Fair value           Fair value             Fair value
                         measurement items    measurement items      measurement items        Total
                             at level 1           at level 2             at level 3
 I. Consistent fair
                                 --                  --                        --              --
 value measurement
 (I) Trading financial
                              85,295,021.00      140,346,408.94                            225,641,429.94
 1. Financial assets
 at fair value through        85,295,021.00      140,346,408.94                            225,641,429.94
 profit or loss
 (1) Debt instrument
 (2) Equity
 instrument                   85,295,021.00                                                 85,295,021.00
 (3) Derivative
 financial assets
 management                                      140,346,408.94                            140,346,408.94
 2. Financial assets
 designated to be
 measured at fair
 value and the
 changes included
 into the current
 profit or loss
 (1) Debt instrument
 (2) Equity
 (II) Other
 investments in debt
 (III)Other equity
 instrument                  551,031,000.00                              418,457,025.67    969,488,025.67
 (IV) Investment

Changchai Company, Limited                                                        Annual Report 2023

1. Land use right
for lease
2. Buildings leased
3. Land use right
held and planned to
be transferred once
(V) Living assets
1. Consumptive
living assets
2. Productive living
Accounts receivable
                                                                195,875,948.92     195,875,948.92
Other non-current
                                                                412,914,576.80     412,914,576.80
financial assets
Total assets
                             636,326,021.00   140,346,408.94   1,027,247,551.39   1,803,919,981.33
measured by fair
(VI) Trading
financial liabilities
Of which: Issued
trading bonds
financial liabilities
(VII) Financial
designated to be
measured at fair
value and the
changes recorded
into the current
profit or loss
Total liabilities
measured by fair
II. Inconsistent fair
                                 --               --                --                 --
value measurement
(1) Assets held for

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

 Total assets
 measured by fair
 Total liabilities
 measured by fair

2. Market Price Recognition Basis for Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level

For the listed company stocks held by the company in the held-for-trading financial assets measured at fair value,
the closing market price on the balance sheet date was the basis for the measurement of fair value.

3. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters for

Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 2

Wealth management and investment: The underlying assets of investment in wealth management products include
bond assets, deposit assets, fund assets, etc. The portfolio of investment assets should be dynamically managed.
The fair value of wealth management products should be adjusted according to the yield of similar products
provided by the counterparty.

4. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters for
Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3

(1) Accounts receivable financing: Accounts receivable financing is a bank acceptance with high credit rating,
short maturity and low risk. The par amount is close to the fair value and is used as the fair value.
(2) Among the other non-current financial assets: for the investments in equity instrument of Jiangsu Horizon New
Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Horizon New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. entrusted an appraisal agency to
evaluate the value of all its shareholders’ equity due to the need for capital increase and share expansion in 2023,
and confirmed the premium rate of capital increase based on the appreciation rate of the equity value. The
company’s new investors signed the capital increase agreements on 27 September 2023. Therefore, the fair value
of the equity investment had been adjusted and confirmed accordingly based on the premium rate of the new
round of financing. And an appraisal agency was hired to conduct an appraisal to confirm
(3) Among other equity investment instruments, the total investment in Chengdu Changwan Diesel Engine
Distribution Co., Ltd., Chongqing Wanzhou Changwan Diesel Engine Parts Co., Ltd., Changzhou Economic and
Technological Development Company, Changzhou Tractor Company, Changzhou Economic Commission
Industrial Capital Mutual Aid Association, Beijing Engineering Machinery Agricultural Machinery Company was
RMB 1.21 million, and the fair value was RMB 0.00 due to the difficulty in recovering the investment.
Since its establishment in October 2017, Changzhou Synergetic Innovation Private Equity Fund (Limited
Partnership) had increased the equity of partners at the end of the year due to the change in fair value of the equity
held by it. In addition, the company's business environment, operating conditions, and financial status had not
undergone major changes. Therefore, the company determined its fair value on the basis of the net book assets of

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

the partnership at the end of the period.

5. Sensitiveness Analysis on Unobservable Parameters and Adjustment Information between Beginning and

Ending Carrying Value of Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3

Not applicable

6. Explain the Reason for Conversion and the Governing Policy when the Conversion Happens if

Conversion Happens among Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Different Levels

Not applicable

7. Changes in the Valuation Technique in the Current Period and the Reason for Such Changes

Not applicable

8. Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities Not Measured at Fair Value

The financial assets and liabilities measured at amortization cost mainly include notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other receivables, short-term borrowings, accounts payable, other payables, etc. The difference
between the carrying value and fair value for financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value is small.

9. Other

During the year, there was no conversion between Level 1 and Level 2, nor was there any transfer to or from
Level 3 for the fair value measurement of the Company's financial assets and financial liabilities.

XIII. Related Party and Related-party Transactions

1. Information Related to the Company as the Parent of the Company

                                                                                   Proportion of    Proportion of
      Name                                                                         share held by     voting rights
                       Registration           Nature of             Registered   the Company as     owned by the
                          place               business               capital         the parent    Company as the
                                                                                    against the     parent against
                                                                                     Company        the Company
                                            Investment and
 Changzhou                                   operations of
 Investment          Changzhou                state-owned       RMB1.2 billion          32.26%             32.26%
 Group Co., Ltd.                             assets, assets

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

                                       consulting on
                                       investment in
                                       securities and
                                       options), etc.
Notes: Information on the Company as the parent
The parent company of the Company is Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd. According to the guiding
principle of the Notice of Provincial Government on Issuing the Implementation Plan for Transferring Part of
State-owned Capital to Boost Social Security Fund in Jiangsu Province (SZF [2020] No. 27), the Notice on
Transferring Part of State-owned Capital to Cities and Counties to Boost Social Security Fund (SCGM [2020] No.
139) from the Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province and other five departments and the Notice on
Transferring Part of State-owned Capital at Urban (District) Level to Boost Social Security Fund (CCGM [2020]
No. 4) from Changzhou Finance Bureau and other four departments, the 10% state-owned equity of the
Investment Group held by Changzhou Municipal People's Government is transferred to the Department of
Finance of Jiangsu Province free of charge. After the share transfer, Changzhou People’s Government holds 90%
state-owned equity of the Investment Group and the Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province holds 10%
state-owned equity of the Investment Group. In accordance with Changzhou People’s Government Document
(CZF [2006] No. 62), Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd. is an enterprise which Changzhou People’s
Government authorizes Changzhou Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
to perform duties of investors. Thus, Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd. is the controlling shareholder of the
Company and Changzhou Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is still
the actual controller of the Company. The final controller of the Company is Changzhou Government State-owned
Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Refer to Note IX for details.

3、Situation of joint ventures and associated enterprises of the company


4. Information on Other Related Parties

                          Name                                          Relationship with the Company
 Changzhou Synergetic Innovation Private Equity               Participated in establishing the industrial investment
 Fund (Limited Partnership)                                                            fund
 Jiangsu Horizon New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.                    Shareholding enterprise of the Company

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

5. Related Party Transactions

(1)Compensation for key management personnel

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                Amount incurred in the previous
                 Item                        Current amount incurred
 Compensation      for           key
                                                                7,820,700.00                         7,110,100.00
 management personnel

XIV. Commitments and Contingency

1. Significant Commitments

Significant commitments on balance sheet date
As of 31 December 2023, there was no significant commitment for the Company to disclose.

2. Contingency

(1) Significant Contingency on Balance Sheet Date


(2) In Despite of no Significant Contingency to Disclose, the Company Shall Also Make Relevant Statements

There was no significant contingency in the Company.

XV. Events after Balance Sheet Date

1. Profit Distribution
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
 Dividend to be distributed for every 10 shares (RMB)                                                         0.47
 Bonus shares to be distributed for every 10 shares
 Additional shares to be converted from capital reserve
 for every 10 shares (share)
 Dividend for every 10 shares (RMB) declared after
 review and approval
 Bonus shares to be distributed for every 10 shares
 (share) declared after review and approval
 Additional shares to be converted from capital reserve
 for every 10 shares (share) declared after review and                                                            0
                                                            Based on the total share capital of the company as of
 Profit distribution plan                                   December 31, 2023, a cash dividend of RMB0.47
                                                            (including tax) will be distributed to all shareholders

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                   Annual Report 2023

                                                       for every 10 shares. A total of RMB33167547.83
                                                       (including tax) will be distributed without bonus
                                                       shares or conversion of reserve funds to share capital.
                                                       The above plan still requires approval from the
                                                       shareholders' meeting.

2. Sales Return


3. Notes to Other Events after Balance Sheet Date

There was no other event after balance sheet date.

XVI. Other Significant Events

1. The Accounting Errors Correction in Previous Period

(1) Retrospective Restatement


(2) Prospective Application


2. Debt Restructuring

Not applicable

3. Assets Replacement

Not applicable

4. Pension Plans

Not applicable

5. Discontinued Operations

Not applicable

6. Segment Information

(1) Determination Basis and Accounting Policies of Reportable Segment

Due to the operation scope of the Company and subsidiaries were similar, the Company conducts common

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

management, and did not divide business unit, so the Company only made single branch report.

7. Other Significant Transactions and Events with Influence on Investors’ Decision-making

The People's Government of Xinbei District, Changzhou City decided to expropriate the houses within the
expropriation scope of the old city renovation project on the land of the single-cylinder engine plant of Changchai
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), namely, Changzhou Sanjing Branch of Changchai Co., Ltd.,
in accordance with the Announcement of the People's Government of Xinbei District, Changzhou City on the
Decision on the Housing Expropriation on State-owned Land (ChangZhongZhengGao [2022] No. 6). On 29
November 2023, the Company signed the compensation agreement with the Housing and Urban-Rural
Development Bureau of Changzhou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone and the Housing
Expropriation and Compensation Service Centre of Sanjing Street, Xinbei District, Changzhou City (hereinafter
referred to as "Sanjing Street"). The total compensation amount under the agreement was RMB99,929,868.
According to the payment method stipulated in the compensation agreement, the Company received the first
compensation payment (30% of the compensation) of RMB30,000,000 (including RMB1,000,000 received on 29
December 2023 (Presented in advance receipts on account) and RMB29,000,000 received on 3 January 2024).

XVII. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

1. Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by Aging

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
              Aging                         Ending carrying amount                Beginning carrying amount
 Within one year (including 1 year)                       289,665,029.12                         304,249,429.01
 One to two years                                              1,642,898.19                       25,731,843.18
 Two to three years                                            4,274,309.13                        4,391,594.73
 More than three years                                    103,238,762.39                        105,760,358.81
 Three to four years                                           4,376,325.51                        2,917,847.46
 Four to five years                                            1,398,123.34                        2,658,953.02
 Over 5 years                                                 97,464,313.54                     100,183,558.33
 Total                                                    398,820,998.83                        440,133,225.73

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                  Ending balance                                  Beginning balance
                         Carrying        Bad debt                      Carrying           Bad debt
                         amount          provision                     amount            provision
                                               Withd     Carryi                                 Withd
     Category                                                                                           Carryin
                       Amou   Propo Amou rawal            ng        Amou      Propor Amou rawal         g value
                        nt    rtion     nt     propo                 nt        tion     nt     propor
                                                rtion                                            tion

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

 withdrawal of       21,05             21,05                           27,36             21,607
                                                  100.0                                            78.96     5,756,6
 Bad        debt    8,702.   5.28%    8,702.                          4,067.    6.22%     ,429.5
 provision                                         0%                                               %          37.84
                        18                18                              34                   0
 Of which:
 receivable          377,7             85,76                291,9     412,7              89,464
 withdrawal of               94.72                22.70                          93.78             21.67     323,304
                     62,29            5,458.                96,83     69,15               ,855.7
 bad         debt             %                    %                              %                 %         ,302.66
 provision of by      6.65                71                 7.94      8.39                    3
 Of which:
 receivable for
 which bad debt      377,7             85,76                291,9     412,7              89,464
                             94.72                22.70                          93.78             21.67     323,304
 provision           62,29            5,458.                96,83     69,15               ,855.7
                              %                    %                              %                 %         ,302.66
 accrued by           6.65                71                 7.94      8.39                    3
 credit risk
 features group
                     398,8             106,8                291,9     440,1              111,07
                             100.0                26.78                         100.00             25.24     329,060
 Total               20,99             24,16                96,83     33,22              2,285.
                              0%                   %                              %                 %         ,940.50
                      8.83              0.89                 7.94      5.73                  23
Number of categories of bad debt provision by individual item: 1
Bad debt provision separately accrued: RMB21,058,702.18, of which: RMB19,019,243.10 for large impairment
risk items
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                        Beginning balance                                       Ending balance
     Name            Carrying         Bad debt             Carrying            Bad debt         al
                     amount           provision            amount              provision     proportio
 Customer 1         1,470,110.64     1,470,110.64         1,470,110.64         1,470,110.64   100.00%
                                                                                                           to recover
 Customer 2         1,902,326.58     1,902,326.58         1,902,326.58         1,902,326.58   100.00%
                                                                                                           to recover
 Customer 3         6,215,662.64     6,215,662.64         6,215,662.64         6,215,662.64   100.00%
                                                                                                           to recover
 Customer 4         2,797,123.26     2,194,980.28         2,797,123.26         2,797,123.26   100.00%
                                                                                                           to recover
 Customer 5         3,633,081.23     2,122,165.73         2,322,278.50         2,322,278.50   100.00 %
                                                                                                           to recover
 Customer 6         2,584,805.83     2,584,805.83         2,584,805.83         2,584,805.83   100.00%
                                                                                                           to recover

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                               Annual Report 2023

 Customer 7          1,731,493.71        1,731,493.71     1,726,935.65       1,726,935.65      100.00%
                                                                                                              to recover
 Total              20,334,603.89       18,221,545.41   19,019,243.10       19,019,243.10           --              --
Number of categories of bad debt provision by group: 1
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: the bad debt provision of RMB85,765,458.71 withdrawn according to
credit risk characteristic group, as shown below
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                   Ending balance
                                      Carrying amount             Bad debt provision        Withdrawal proportion
 Within 1 year                             289,665,029.12                  5,793,300.58                  2.00 %
 1 to 2 years                                1,642,898.19                    82,144.91                   5.00 %
 2 to 3 years                                3,732,046.47                   559,806.97                   15.00%
 3 to 4 years                                4,376,325.51                  1,312,897.65                  30.00%
 4 to 5 years                                  821,721.89                   493,033.13                   60.00%
 Over 5 years                               77,524,275.47                 77,524,275.47               100.00%
 Total                                     377,762,296.65                 85,765,458.71
Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if
adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                   Changes in the current period
   Category                                          Reversed or                                         Ending balance
                     balance            Withdrawal                     Verification        Others
 Bad      debt
                   21,607,429.50          190,820.08        37,668.24       701,879.16                    21,058,702.18
 accrued by
 of bad debt
                   89,464,855.73                        3,283,503.08        415,893.94                    85,765,458.71
 provision by
 Total             111,072,285.23         190,820.08    3,321,171.32      1,117,773.10                   106,824,160.89
Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period: None

(4) Accounts Receivable Written-off in Current Period

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                             Item                                                Written-off amount
 Accounts receivable with actual verification                                                              1,117,773.10
Of which the verification of significant accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                         Amount                                                     Performan       Whet
   Name of the entity        Nature                                     Reason
                                         verified                                                    ce of          her

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                  verificatio    gener
                                                                                                       n          ated
                                                                                                  procedures     from
 Customer 1                               42,099.41    Debt reorganisation                        ation
                             Accou                                                                Reorganiz
 Customer 2                    nts       659,779.75    Debt reorganisation                        ation
                                                       With accounts receivable aging over 5                      Not
                                                       years, the debtors have no assets for      Minutes of
 Long term receivables                                 debt extinguishment due to the             the
                             goods       415,893.94
 from 94 customers                                     counterpart company being revoked or       executive
                                                       cancelled, or debt reorganisation,         office
                                                       bankruptcy clearing.
 Total                                1,117,773.10                          --                        --           --

(5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Accounts Receivable Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Ending balance
                                                                                     Proportion to      of bad debt
                                                                  Ending balance      total ending     provision of
                     Ending balance        Ending balance
   Name of the                                                      of accounts        balance of        accounts
                      of accounts            of contract
     entity                                                       receivable and        accounts      receivable and
                       receivable               assets
                                                                  contract assets   receivable and      impairment
                                                                                    contract assets    provision for
                                                                                                      contract assets
 Customer 1             155,981,057.12          0.00              155,981,057.12       39.11%              3,119,621.14
 Customer 2              35,865,520.31          0.00               35,865,520.31        8.99%                717,310.41
 Customer 3              30,056,545.72          0.00               30,056,545.72        7.54%                601,130.91
 Customer 4              18,140,927.66          0.00               18,140,927.66        4.55%                362,818.55
 Customer 5              13,769,193.20          0.00               13,769,193.20        3.45%                275,383.86
 Total                  253,813,244.01          0.00              253,813,244.01       63.64%              5,076,264.87

2. Other Receivables

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                 Item                                 Ending balance                       Beginning balance
 Other receivables                                                399,142,024.92                      179,596,495.57
 Total                                                            399,142,024.92                      179,596,495.57

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2023

(1) Other Receivable

1) Other Receivables Classified by Account Nature

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                 Nature                      Ending carrying amount                 Beginning carrying amount
 Cash deposit and Margin                                            1,300.00                             1,300.00
 Intercourse funds among units                                433,589,441.68                      214,624,107.53
 Petty cash and borrowings by
                                                                 884,233.75                           671,817.84
 Other                                                         13,638,079.94                       13,635,256.64
 Total                                                        448,113,055.37                      228,932,482.01

2) Disclosure by Aging

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
              Aging                          Ending carrying amount                 Beginning carrying amount
 Within one year (including 1 year)                        308,824,779.36                          182,815,353.08
 One to two years                                          113,974,034.71                          16,778,473.11
 Two to three years                                               12,802.00                            99,076.00
 More than three years                                        25,301,439.30                        29,239,579.82
 Three to four years                                              30,000.00                           420,716.17
 Four to five years                                                                                   333,939.40
 Over 5 years                                                 25,271,439.30                        28,484,924.25
 Total                                                     448,113,055.37                         228,932,482.01

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by adopting the general mode of expected credit loss:
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                             First stage        Second stage                  Third stage
                                             Expected loss in the
                          Expected credit                               Expected loss in the
 Bad debt provision                            duration (credit                                      Total
                          loss in the next                                duration (credit
                                               impairment not
                            12 months                                  impairment occurred)
 Balance of 1
                                26,186.99              209,876.70               49,099,922.75      49,335,986.44
 January 2023
 Balance of 1
 January 2023 in the           ——                 ——                         ——                ——
 Current Period
 --Transfer to
 Second stage
 -- Transfer to Third

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

 -- Reverse to
 Second stage
 -- Reverse to First
 Withdrawal of the
                                20,686.21                                                             20,686.21
 Current Period
 Reversal of the
                                                       193,167.60              192,474.60            385,642.20
 Current Period
 Write-offs of the
 Current Period
 Verification of the
 Current Period
 Other changes
 Balance of 31
                                46,873.20               16,709.10           48,907,448.15        48,971,030.45
 December 2023
Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the Current Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Information of bad debt provision withdrawn:
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                 Changes in the Reporting Period
    Category                                             Reversal or     Write-of               Ending balance
                         balance        Withdrawal                                   Other
                                                          recovery          f
 Bad debt
                       25,757,409.37                     3,912,775.31                            21,844,634.06
 Bad debt
                       23,578,577.07    3,547,819.32                                             27,126,396.39
 withdrawn by
 Total                 49,335,986.44    3,547,819.32     3,912,775.31                            48,971,030.45
Of which the bad debt provision recovered or transferred-back with significant amount during the current period:
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   Basis and
                                                                                                 rationality of
                          Amount reversed or                                                   determining the
  Name of the entity                           Reason for reversal      Way of recovery
                             recovered                                                       original withdrawal
                                                                                              proportion of bad
                                                                                                debt provision
 Changzhou                      3,679,061.18       Repayment                 Cash            Subsidiary is

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                      Annual Report 2023

 Changchai Horizon                                                                         insolvent
 Equipment Co.,
         Total                 3,679,061.18

5) There Were No Other Receivables with Actual Verification during the Reporting Period

6) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                Proportion to
                                                                                 total ending
                                                                                                   balance of
    Name of the entity       Nature     Ending balance             Aging          balance of
                                                                                                    bad debt
                                                               Within 1 year:
 Jiangsu      Changchai                                        245703369.25;
                             urse       340,703,369.25                            76.03%
 Machinery Co., Ltd.                                             1-2 years:
                             for land
 Changzhou    Zhonglou       acquisit
 District Housing and        ion of
                                         47,000,000.00         Within 1 year      10.49%
 Urban-Rural                 Wuxin
 Development Bureau          g bus
                                                               Within 1 year:
 Changzhou Changchai         Interco
 Horizon    Agricultural     urse        16,542,062.75                             3.69%         16,542,062.75
                                                                 1-2 years:
 Equipment Co., Ltd.         funds
 Changzhou     Changniu
                             urse         9,000,000.00           1-2 years         2.01%
 Machinery Co., Ltd.
 Changzhou Compressors
                             urse         2,940,000.00          Over 5 years       0.66%          2,940,000.00
 Total                          --      416,185,432.00                            92.88%         19,482,062.75

3. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2023

                                  Ending balance                                  Beginning balance
     Item           Carrying       Depreciation     Carrying         Carrying       Depreciation          Carrying
                    amount           reserves        value           amount          reserves              value
 Investment to     583,443,530.                    576,443,530.    576,273,530.                        569,273,530.
                                   7,000,000.00                                     7,000,000.00
 subsidiaries                03                              03              03                                  03
 Investment to
 joint ventures
 and                 44,182.50        44,182.50                       44,182.50          44,182.50
                   583,487,712.                    576,443,530.    576,317,712.                        569,273,530.
 Total                             7,044,182.50                                     7,044,182.50
                             53                              03              53                                  03
(1) Investment to Subsidiaries
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                             Increase/decrease for the current period
                               Beginnin                                                                     Ending
                  Beginning                                        Withdra
                               g balance                                                     Ending         balance
                   balance                 Addition                 wal of
                                   of                 Reduced                                balance           of
   Investee                                   al                   impairm
                  (carrying    depreciat              investme                  Others      (Carrying      depreciat
                                           investme                  ent
                                  ion                    nt                                   value)          ion
                    value)                    nt                   provisio
                                reserve                                                                     reserve
                  51,000,00                                                                 51,000,00
                       0.00                                                                      0.00
 Engine Co.,
                  96,466,50                                                                 96,466,50
                       0.00                                                                      0.00
 Fittings Co.,
 Horizon          40,000,00                                                                 40,000,00
 Investment            0.00                                                                      0.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Horizon                       7,000,00                                                                     7,000,00
                       0.00                                                                        0.00
 Agricultural                      0.00                                                                         0.00
 Co., Ltd.

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2023

                    47,286,23                                                                47,286,23
                         0.03                                                                     0.03
 Engine Co.,
 Changchai          300,000,0                                                                300,000,0
 Machinery              00.00                                                                    00.00
 Co., Ltd.
                    1,000,000.                                                               1,000,000.
                            00                                                                      00
 t Co., Ltd.
 Diesel             33,520,80                7,170,00                                        40,690,80
 Engine                  0.00                    0.00                                             0.00
 ng Co., Ltd.
                    569,273,5    7,000,00    7,170,00                                        576,443,5       7,000,00
                        30.03        0.00        0.00                                            30.03           0.00

(2) Investment to Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                            Increase/decrease for the current period
                    Begin                       Gains                                                          Endin
                                                        Adjus              Cash
         Begin       ning                        and                                                Endin         g
                                                        tment             bonus Withd
          ning      balan                      losses                                                  g       balan
                                                           of                or     rawal
         balan       ce of   Addit     Redu recog                 Chan                              balan       ce of
Invest                                                   other             profit     of
            ce      depre     ional     ced     nized            ges of                     Other     ce       depre
  ee                                                     comp                 s     impai
         (carry     ciatio   invest   invest under                other                       s     (Carr      ciatio
                                                         rehen            annou rment
           ing         n      ment     ment      the             equity                              ying         n
                                                          sive             nced provis
         value)     reserv                     equity                                               value)     reserv
                                                        incom                to      ion
                       e                       metho                                                              e
                                                            e              issue
I. Joint ventures
           0.00       0.00                                                                            0.00      0.00
II. Associated enterprises
                     44,18                                                                                     44,18
Tsing      0.00                                                                                       0.00
                      2.50                                                                                      2.50

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2023

Subto               44,18                                                                                   44,18
             0.00                                                                                  0.00
tal                  2.50                                                                                    2.50
                    44,18                                                                                   44,18
Total        0.00                                                                                  0.00
                     2.50                                                                                    2.50

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
tests in prior years or external information: Not applicable
The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company's impairment tests in prior years and
the actual situation of those years: Not applicable

4. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                       Reporting Period                       Same period of last year
                            Operating revenue      Cost of sales     Operating revenue          Cost of sales
 Main operations             1,978,548,527.91     1,726,267,965.41     1,937,402,949.98         1,743,767,173.55
 Other operations               78,572,385.42        61,861,919.26        51,070,094.57           40,578,530.55
 Total                  2,057,120,913.33      1,788,129,884.67         1,988,473,044.55         1,784,345,704.10
Breakdown information of operating income and operating cost:
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
   Category of                        Segment 1                                       Total
     contracts          Operating Revenue     Operating cost         Operating Revenue      Operating cost
 Business Type
   Of which:
                            1,099,244,653.24       938,065,401.52      1,099,244,653.24           938,065,401.52
 diesel engines
                             796,114,105.16        713,613,118.19        796,114,105.16           713,613,118.19
 diesel engines
 Other products               47,669,282.15         41,574,102.80         47,669,282.15            41,574,102.80
 Fittings                     35,520,487.36         33,015,342.90         35,520,487.36            33,015,342.90

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2023

 Classification by
 operating region
   Of which:
 Sales in domestic
                          1,695,721,360.88        1,458,279,907.37       1,695,721,360.88          1,458,279,907.37
 Export sales                282,827,167.03        267,988,058.04          282,827,167.03           267,988,058.04
 Total                    1,978,548,527.91        1,726,267,965.41       1,978,548,527.91          1,726,267,965.41

Information in relation to the transaction price apportioned to the residual contract performance obligation:
The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not
fully performed yet was RMB0 at the period-end.

5. Investment Income

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Item                                   Reporting Period           Same period of last year
 Dividend income from holding of other equity
                                                                        11,482,380.00                 9,360,000.00
 instrument investment
 Income from refinancing operations                                         28,498.48                   136,003.96
 Dividends under cost accounting                                                                     28,800,000.00
 Interest income from holding of debt obligation
                                                                         1,463,921.82                 1,411,361.54
 Investment      income      from   disposal     of
                                                                         7,022,401.48                 5,408,606.17
 held-for-trading financial assets
 Accounts receivable financing-discount interest of
                                                                        -4,894,619.98                -8,511,313.05
 bank acceptance bills
 Total                                                                  15,102,581.80                36,604,658.62

XVIII. Supplementary Materials

1. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Item                               Amount                            Note
                                                                         Due to the expropriation of houses on
                                                                         the state-owned land of Changzhou
 Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets        105,702,551.01
                                                                         Wuxing Branch during the Reporting
                                                                         Government grants charged to current
 Government subsidies charged to current profit
                                                                         profit and loss amounted to
 or loss (exclusive of government subsidies
                                                                         RMB6,419,303.33, the amount
 given in the Company’s ordinary course of              3,009,573.87
                                                                         deducting deferred income and charged
 business at fixed quotas or amounts as per the
                                                                         to current profit and loss was
 government’s uniform standards)

Changchai Company, Limited                                                                             Annual Report 2023

                                                                               Increase in the fair value of the stocks
                                                                               of Jiangsu Horizon New Energy
                                                                               Technology Co., Ltd. held by the
 Gain/loss from change of fair value of trading
                                                                               Company, sales of stocks of Guilin
 financial assets and liabilities, and investment
                                                                               Stars Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
 gains from disposal of trading financial assets
                                                                               by the Company’s wholly-owned
 and liabilities, and derivative financial assets         74,628,323.54
                                                                               subsidiary Horizon Investment and
 and liabilities, and available-for-sale financial
                                                                               price rising of stocks of Jiangsu Liance
 assets, other than valid hedging related to the
                                                                               Electromechanical Technology Co.,
 Company’s common businesses
                                                                               Ltd. and Kailong High Technology Co.,
                                                                               Ltd. held by the Company during the
                                                                               Reporting Period
 Reverse of provision for impairment of accounts
 receivable individually conducting impairment                     21,618.24
 Other non-operating income and expenses other
 than the above
 Less: Income tax effects                                    27,193,473.11
 Non-controlling interests effects (after tax)                  -47,741.93

                        Total                            155,961,791.59                           --
Others that meets the definition of non-recurring gain/loss:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Non-recurring Gains and Losses as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share

                                          Weighted average ROE                          EPS (Yuan/share)
    Profit as of Reporting Period
                                                   (%)                          EPS-basic              EPS-diluted
 Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                     3.19%                        0.1537                 0.1537
 shareholders of the Company
 Net profit attributable to ordinary
 shareholders of the Company after
                                                     -1.40%                      -0.0676                 -0.0676
 deduction of non-recurring profit
 or loss

Changchai Company, Limited                                                          Annual Report 2023

3. Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

(1) Differences between Disclosed Net Profits and Net Assets in Financial Report in accordance with
International Accounting Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Differences between Disclosed Net Profits and Net Assets in Financial Report in accordance with
Overseas Accounting Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Explain Reasons for the Differences between Accounting Data Under Domestic and Overseas
Accounting Standards; for Any Adjustment Made to the Difference Existing in the Data Audited by the
Foreign Auditing Agent, Such Foreign Auditing Agent's Name Shall Be Clearly Stated

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                 The Board of Directors

                                                              Changchai Company, Limited

                                                                      12 April 2024
