CHANGCHAI COMPANY, LIMITED SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2010 August 2010Important Notes The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the Changchai Company, Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report does not contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts and shall take individual and joint responsibility for the accuracy, truth and completeness of its contents. Director He jianguang were absent from the Board meeting due to some reasons, and respectively entrusted Director Shi Jianchun to vote on his behalf. Person in charge of the Company Mr. Xue Guojun, person in charge of the accounting work Mr. He Jianguang and person in charge of accounting organization Mr. Jiang He hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in this Semi-Annual Report was true and complete. The Semi-annual Report 2010 of the Company has not been audited.Contents I. Company Profile-------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 II. Major Financial Highlights and Indices---------------------------------------------------5 III. Changes in Share Capital and Shares Held by Principal Shareholders---------------7 IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ---------------------9 V. Discussion and Analysis of the Management ------------------------------------------10 VI. Significant Events -------------------------------------------------------------------------11 VII. Financial Report---------------------------------------------------------------------------14 VIII. Documents Available for Reference --------------------------------------------------65I. Company Profile (I). Legal Name of the Company In Chinese: 常柴股份有限公司 In English: CHANGCHAI COMPANY, LIMITED Abbr.: CHANGCHAI CO., LTD. (II) Legal Representative: Mr. Xue Guojun (III) Secretary of the Board of Directors: Mr. Shi Jianchun Securities Affairs Representative: Mr. He Jianjiang Contact Address: No. 123, Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China Tel: (86)519-68683155, (86)519-86610041 Fax: (86) 519-86630954 E-mail: (IV) Registered Address and Office Address: No. 123, Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China Post Code: 213002 Internet Website: E-mail: (V) Newspapers Chosen for Disclosing Information of the Company: Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao The Place Where the Semi-annual Report is Prepared and Placed: Secretariat of the Board Internet Website Designated by CSRC for Publishing the Semi-annual Report of the Company: (VI) Stock Exchange Listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange Short Form of the Stock: Suchangchai A Stock Code: 000570 Suchangchai B 200570 (VII) Other Relevant Information of the Company 1. Initial registration date: May 5, 1994; The registered institution with: Changzhou Municipal Administration Bureau for Industry and Commence 2. The changed registration date: Mar. 8, 2010 The registered institution with: Changzhou Municipal Administration Bureau for Industry and Commence 3. Registered number of the business license: 320400000004012 4. Registered number of tax: 320401137155863 5. Name of the Certified Public Accountants engaged by the Company: Domestic: Jiangsu Gongzheng Tianye Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. Office address: 10/F, Yingtong Business Bldg., Changzhou, JiangsuII. Major Financial Highlights and Indices 1. Major accounting data and financial indices: (Unit: RMB Yuan) At the end of this report period At the period-end of last year Increase/decrease of the end of this report period compared with the period-end of last year (%) Total assets 3,007,912,252.62 2,940,087,431.89 2.31 Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company 1,802,931,811.62 1,797,529,734.74 0.30 Share capital 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 0.00 Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of the listed company (Yuan/share) 3.21 3.20 0.31 The report period (Jan. -Jun.) The same period of last year Increase/decrease of current period year-on-year (%) Total operating income 1,486,675,455.65 1,247,512,762.60 19.17 Operating profit 74,247,231.87 217,621,227.57 -65.88 Total profit 76,052,323.60 218,623,563.05 -65.21 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company 62,560,326.88 188,720,466.26 -66.85 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses 60,930,569.42 60,359,887.38 0.95 Basic EPS (Yuan/share) 0.11 0.50 -78.00 Diluted EPS (Yuan/share) 0.11 0.50 -78.00 ROE (%) 3.47% 12.06% -8.59 Net cash flows from operating activities 73,577,854.63 279,337,848.92 -73.66 Net cash flows per share from operating activities (Yuan/share) 0.13 0.75 -82.67 Item Amount Remark Gains and losses from non-current asset disposal 1,579,785.08 Including: a net income of RMB 1,579,785.08 from fixed asset disposal Government subsidies recognized into current gains and losses (excluding those subsidies which are closely related to the Company’s business and are enjoyed at fixed amounts or proportions according to unified state standards) 623,730.84 Gains and losses from fair value changes in transactional financial assets and liabilities, and investment incomes from disposing transactional financial assets and liabilities and financial assets available for sale, excluding the effective hedging business related to the normal operation of the Company 242,847.27 Other non-operating incomes and expenses besides the items above -398,424.19Effect on income tax -345,796.31 Effect on minority interests (after tax) -72,385.23 Total 1,629,757.46 2. Impact on net profit and net assets after the adjustment under IFRS: (Unit: RMB Yuan) Items Net profit Net assets Under PRC GAAP 62,560,326.88 1,802,931,811.62 Under IFRS 62,560,326.88 1,802,931,811.62 Difference No difference 3. Calculating the return on equity and earnings per share according to No. 9 Guidelines on Contents and Format for Information Disclosure of Companies That Make Public Offering of Securities issued by CSRC (Revised in 2007) Supplementary Statement to Income Statement Return on Equity (%) Earnings per Share Profit in report period Fully (Yuan/share) diluted Weighted average Basic Diluted Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares of the Company 3.47 3.48 0.11 0.11 Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares of the Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses 3.38 3.38 0.11 0.11III. Changes in Share Capital and Shares Held by Principal Shareholders (I) Changes in share capital The share capital of the Company remained unchanged in the report period. (II) Particulars about shareholders 1. Number of shareholders and shares held by them Total number of shareholders 114,543 shareholders in total (92,952 shareholders of A-share and 21,591 shareholders of B-share) Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders Name of shareholder Nature of shareholders Proportion in total shares Total number of shares held Increase/decrease in the report period Shares subject to moratorium held Shares pledged or frozen 1. State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Changzhou Municipal Government State-owned shareholder 30.02% 168,497,736 0 0 28,068,716 2. NORGES BANK Foreign corporation 0.16% 898,350 0 0 3. Li Tao Domestic natural person 0.15% 838,391 0 0 4. Tong Chunxia Domestic natural person 0.15% 821,900 0 0 5. Wei Xianming Domestic natural person 0.15% 820,000 0 0 6. GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED Foreign corporation 0.15% 817,350 0 0 7. Yu Xiaoping Domestic natural person 0.14% 790,000 0 0 8. Shenzhen Huarong Century Investment Co., Ltd. Domestic corporation 0.13% 740,250 0 0 9. Ma Zeqi Domestic natural person 0.13% 712,500 0 0 10. Zhou Nan Domestic natural person 0.12% 670,141 0 0 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium Name of shareholders Number of shares not subject to trading moratorium held by the shareholder Type of shares 1. State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Changzhou Municipal Government 168,497,736 Renminbi ordinary shares 2. NORGES BANK 898,350 Domestically listed foreignshares 3. Li Tao 838,391 Domestically listed foreign shares 4. Tong Chunxia 821,900 Domestically listed foreign shares 5. Wei Xianming 820,000 Renminbi ordinary shares 6. GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED 817,350 Domestically listed foreign shares 7. Yu Xiaoping 790,000 Domestically listed foreign shares 8. Shenzhen Huarong Century Investment Co., Ltd. 740,250 Renminbi ordinary shares 9. Ma Zeqi 712,500 Domestically listed foreign shares 10. Zhou Nan 670,141 Renminbi ordinary shares Explanation on associated relationship and action-in-concert among the top ten shareholders It is unknown whether there was any associated relationship among the top ten tradable shareholders and among the top ten shareholders not subject to moratorium, or whether there is any action-in-concert among them as described by Measures for the Administrative of Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes. Note: 28,068,716 shares held by State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administrative Commission of Changzhou Municipal Government has been pledged to Bank of Jiangsu Co., Ltd Changzhou branch. 2. Particulars about changes in the controlling shareholder and actual controller During the report period, the controlling shareholder and actual controller remained unchanged. IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives 1. In the report period, there was no change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company. 2. Engagement or dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior executives in the report period The 2009 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting was convened on 17 May 2010, at which the proposal on re-electing the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee were reviewed and approved to form the 6th Board of Directors and the 6th Supervisory Committee. New members of the Board of Directors are Xue Guojun, He Jianguang, Lu Jiaxiang, Shi Jianchun, Xu Zhenping, Zhuang Rongfa, Shen Ningwu, Zhu Jianming, and Cao Huiming. And new members of the Supervisory Committee are Lu Weimin, Yuan Xiaodong, Wu Keyun, Ni Mingliang and Lu Zhonggui. At the 1st Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors, Xue Guojun was elected as Chairman of the Board, He Jianguang as GM, Shi Jianchun, Xu Zhenping, Yin Lihou, Xu Yi and Ni Shiyuan as vice GMs, Shi Jianchun as Secretary to the Board, and He Jianjiang as Securities Affair Representative. And Lu Weimin was elected as Chairman of the Supervisory Committee at the 1st Meeting of the 6th Supervisory Committee. Details were published on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated 18 May 210.V. Discussion and Analysis of the Management 1. Overall operation of the Company in the report period For the first half of 2010, the Company accumulatively sold various diesel engines and power generation sets amounting to 635,600 in total, an increase of 18.49% year-on-year, including 80,700 sets of multi-cylinder diesel engines, up 32.51% year-on-year. The Company realized sales revenues of RMB 1,486,675,500, an increase of 19.17% year-on-year and realized a net profit of RMB 62,560,300, down 66.85% year-on-year. In the report period, the operating results were better than last year mainly due to the government subsidy policy for the farm machinery. Sales in the first half of this year also increased significantly when compared with the same period of last year, especially sales of multi-cylinder diesel engines. However, in the first half of 2009, 35,117,105 “Kama B” shares held by the Company were transferred to China Hengtian Group Co., Ltd. at the price of RMB 5.33 Yuan per share, which generated a just-for-once before-tax income of RMB 155,467,758.02. And the Company had no such just-for-once investment incomes in the first six months of 2010. As such, the net profit achieved in the report period registered a considerable year-on-year decrease. 2. Analysis on operation of the Company in the report period The Company belongs to the industry of machinery manufacturing, which is mainly engaged in manufacturing and sales of single-cylinder diesel engines, multi-cylinder diesel engines, fittings of diesels and power generation sets and etc. (1) In the report period, the composing of the Company’s income from main operations classified according to product was as follows: Index Operating income Operating cost Gross profit rate Product Amount (RMB) Amount (RMB) (%) Diesel engines and fittings 1,486,675,455.65 1,287,727,677.72 13.38 Total 1,486,675,455.65 1,287,727,677.72 13.38 (2) In the report period, the composing of the Company’s income from main operations classified according to area was as follows: Area Operating income (RMB) Year-on-year increase/decrease (%) East China 650,369,442.54 12.18 Northeast 82,168,972.27 10.86 Southwest 152,663,729.41 13.22 Central China 164,595,954.58 34.65 North China 83,109,036.01 -6.47 Northwest 45,818,139.69 11.61 South China 105,523,972.70 31.71 Export 94,597,420.27 59.22 (3) During the report period, no significant change occurred in profitability (gross profit rate) of the main business when compared with the same period of last year. (4) In the report period, there were no other businesses that had a significant influenceon the net profit. (5) Problems and difficulties in operation Price fluctuation of raw and auxiliary materials might create some difficulties for cost control of the Company. And the product structure of the Company still needed to be further adjusted. 3. Investments made by the Company in the report period (1) The Company had not raised any funds during the previous three years. (2) The Company did not launch any project invested with non-raised funds in the report period.VI. Significant Events 1. Corporate governance in report period In strict compliance with regulatory documents such as the Company Law and the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the Company kept perfecting its corporate governance structure and operating in a regulated way. At present, the corporate governance structure of the Company is considered basically in line with the regulatory documents concerning the corporate governance of listed companies issued by CSRC. 2. Neither profit distribution plan, capitalization plan of public reserves or plan on issue of new shares were drawn out in previous period nor executed in the report period. 3. In the report period, the accumulative capital in relation to the lawsuits and arbitrations in which the Company was involved reached RMB 14.36 million. And the said lawsuits and arbitrations were all cases carried down from the previous years to the report period. For more details, please refer to the notes of the financial statements in this report. 4. In the report period, there are no significant asset acquisition or sales 5. In the report period, the Company did not conduct any significant related transaction with its actual controller or its subsidiaries. 6. In the report period, the Company provided loan guarantees of RMB 14.50 million for its holding subsidiary—Changchai Benniu Diesel Engine Fittings Co., Ltd, with the term from 20 Oct. 2009 to 29 Oct. 2010. there are no other guarantees. 7. Securities investment in report period (1) Transactional financial assets Sequ ence No. Securities variety Stock code Short form of stock Initial investment amount (RMB) Number of shares held (share) Book value at period-end (RMB)) Proportion in total securities investment at period-end (%) Profits or losses in report period (RMB) 1 Convertibl e debt 113001 Convertible debt from BOC 473000.00 4730 478534.10 83.61 5534.10 2 Stock 601000 Tangshan Port 16400.00 2000 16400.00 2.87 0.00 3 Stock 002441 Zhong Yeda 19950.00 500 19950.00 3.49 0.00 4 Stock 002440 Runtu 31200.00 1000 31200.00 5.45 0.00 5 Stock 300094 Guolian Aquatic Products 7190.00 500 7190.00 1.26 0.00 6 Stock 300093 Golden glass 8100.00 500 8100.00 1.42 0.007 Stock 002443 Kingland Pipeline 11000.00 500 11000.00 1.92 0.00 Other securities investment held at period-end 0 0 0 0 0 Profits or losses from securities investment sold in report period — — — — 237313.17 Total 566840.00 — 572374.10 242847.27 (2) Equity held by the Company of other listed companies Stock code Short form of stock Initial investment amount (RMB) Proportio n of sharehold ing Book value at period-end (RMB) Profits or losses in report period (RMB) Change of owner’ s equity in report period Accounti ng item Source of stock 600166 Foton Motor 41784000.00 3.94% 620988750.00 0.00 -67192500.00 Financial assets available for sale Exchange assets of Changcai Group in 1999 600377 Ninghu Expressway 90500.00 304500.00 0.00 -52500.00 Financial assets available for sale Transfer by agreement Total 41874500.00 — 621293250.00 0.00 -67245000.00 (3) Equity held by the Company of non-listed financial enterprises and companies to be listed Name of the held party Initial investment amount (RMB) Number of shares held (share) Proportio n in equity of the held party Book value at period-end (RMB) Profits or losses in report period (RMB) Change of owner’ s equity in report period Accounti ng item Name of the held party Bank of Jiangsu 38000000.00 38000000 0.48% 38000000.00 0 0 Long-ter m equity investme nt Sponsor’s shares Total 38000000.00 38000000 0.48% 38000000.00 0 0 8. In the report period, the Company did not sign any significant contract. 9. There were no reception of researches, interviews and visits in the report period. 10. No Commitments that greatly affect operating results or financial status of theCompany made by shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) shares in the previous period or carried down to the report period. 11. No shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares made any further commitments concerning the trading moratorium on shares in 2010. 12. In the report period, the Company, the Board of Directors of the Company and its directors received no investigations, administrative punishment, criticism by circular from CSRC, and no official criticism from the stock exchange; meanwhile, the directors and management staff of the Company were not adopted any judicial compulsory measure on. 13. Special explanation and independent opinion from independent directors on the capital occupation by the Company’s related parties and its provision of external guarantees There were no non-operational occupation of the Company’s capital by the holding shareholder or other related parties. In the report period, the Company provided external guarantees and controlled the relevant risks in strict compliance with relevant regulations. There existed no violation of the Circular on Regulating Provision of External Guarantees by Listed Companies. The Company only provided guarantees for the funds needed in the normal production and operation of its holding subsidiaries, with a legal and reasonable decision-making procedure for the said guarantees, which thus did no harm to the interests of the Company and its shareholders. 14. Subsequent events As reviewed and approved by the 19th Meeting of the 4th Board of Directors, the Company set up Nanjing Changli Agro-engine Fitting Market Co., Ltd, whose business scope are sales of various agricultural machinery products, electromechanical products and fittings as well as maintenance service. As the local government didn’t establish agro-engine market all through, this company neither had not operate normally nor occurred any operating activities. The Company finished procedure of cancellation of Nanjing Changli Agro-engine Fitting Market Co., Ltd in Jul. 2010. Register capital of RMB 5 million had no loss .VII. Financial Report (I) Financial statement Balance Sheet Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Items ConsolidatCiolons i ng balPaanrceen t company ConsolidOatpioenni n g bPalaarnecnet company Current assets: Monetary funds 800,969,743.08 773,682,332.19 770,721,154.44 732,773,854.30 Settlement fund reserve Dismantle fund Transaction financial asset 572,374.10 Notes receivable 67,834,743.30 60,004,743.30 83,834,240.00 76,174,240.00 Account receivable 403,658,371.80 369,873,054.48 255,668,271.46 218,589,252.04 Account paid in advance 16,886,791.62 15,069,974.73 23,512,432.19 24,502,835.32 Premium receivables Receivables from reinsurers Reinsurance contract reserve receivables Interest receivable Dividend receivable Other account receivable 18,799,047.07 7,408,289.89 15,656,250.31 14,418,443.89 Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell Inventories 307,865,529.22 234,977,061.34 370,423,764.66 312,897,677.55 Non-current assets due within 1 year Other current assets 135,131.40 133,419.55 Total current assets 1,616,721,731.59 1,461,015,455.93 1,519,949,532.61 1,379,356,303.10 Non-current assets: Loans and advance Available for sale financial assets 621,293,250.00 621,293,250.00 688,538,250.00 688,538,250.00 Held to maturity investments 10,000,000.00 Long-term account receivable Long-term equity investment 60,708,368.14 142,048,168.14 60,708,368.14 112,048,168.14 Investing property 69,426,904.43 69,426,904.43 70,531,074.83 70,531,074.83 Fixed asset 432,064,197.53 377,628,125.73 430,555,693.45 374,070,571.63 Project in construction 105,999,675.85 105,358,344.12 65,803,686.54 65,543,304.34 Engineering material Fixed asset disposal Bearer biological asset Oil assets Intangible assets 91,115,616.76 88,861,899.03 103,418,318.00 101,134,909.93 Development expense Goodwill Long-term expense to be apportioned Deferred tax assets 582,508.32 582,508.32 582,508.32 582,508.32 Other non-current assets Total of non-current assets 1,391,190,521.03 1,405,199,199.77 1,420,137,899.28 1,412,448,787.19 Total assets 3,007,912,252.62 2,866,214,655.70 2,940,087,431.89 2,791,805,090.29 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 31,500,000.00 41,500,000.00 Borrowing from Central Bank Deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions Placements from banks and other financial institutions Transaction financial liabilities Notes payable 335,289,100.00 318,170,000.00 323,666,300.00 294,380,000.00 Account payable 445,489,176.80 407,098,751.50 459,360,350.72 422,014,864.70 Account received in advance 60,493,742.68 57,546,332.70 37,892,215.77 36,868,917.59Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase Handling charges and commission payable Employee’s compensation payable 28,512,794.67 24,560,704.13 49,743,183.62 44,412,398.41 Tax payable -3,849,824.71 213,550.77 -6,934,188.05 -1,294,677.52 Interest payable dividend payable 3,891,433.83 3,243,179.97 3,891,433.83 3,243,179.97 Other account payable 167,061,268.94 159,874,419.63 119,130,766.55 120,169,477.26 Due to reinsurers Insurance contract reserve Customer deposits Amount payables under security underwriting Non-current liabilities due within 1 year Other current liabilities 1,727,834.71 334,297.88 Total current liabilities 1,070,115,526.92 970,706,938.70 1,028,584,360.32 919,794,160.41 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 Debentures payable Long-term payables Specific purpose account payables Provisions for contingent liabilities Deferred tax liabilities 86,912,812.50 86,912,812.50 96,999,562.50 96,999,562.50 Other non-current liabilities 6,333,000.00 6,333,000.00 6,060,000.00 6,060,000.00 Total non-current liabilities 123,245,812.50 123,245,812.50 103,059,562.50 103,059,562.50 Total liabilities 1,193,361,339.42 1,093,952,751.20 1,131,643,922.82 1,022,853,722.91 Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity) Paid-in capital (or share capital) 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 Capital surplus 665,871,061.26 675,550,247.45 723,029,311.26 732,708,497.45 Less: Treasury Stock Specific reserves Reserved fund 262,059,351.41 262,059,351.41 262,059,351.41 262,059,351.41 General risk provision Retained earnings 313,627,072.95 273,277,979.64 251,066,746.07 212,809,192.52 Foreign exchange difference Total owners' equity attributable to holding company 1,802,931,811.62 1,772,261,904.50 1,797,529,734.74 1,768,951,367.38 Minority interest 11,619,101.58 10,913,774.33 Total owner’s equity 1,814,550,913.20 1,772,261,904.50 1,808,443,509.07 1,768,951,367.38 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 3,007,912,252.62 2,866,214,655.70 2,940,087,431.89 2,791,805,090.29Income Statement Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited Jan.-Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Items ConsolidaItnio cnu r rent pPerairoedn t company CoTnshoel isdaamtieo np e riodP oafr elnats tc yoemapr any I. Total operation income 1,486,675,455.65 1,498,628,361.73 1,247,512,762.60 1,255,320,258.61 Including: Sales income 1,486,675,455.65 1,498,628,361.73 1,247,512,762.60 1,255,320,258.61 Interest income Premium income Handling charges and commission income II. Total operation cost 1,419,173,571.05 1,434,391,178.32 1,201,087,846.36 1,214,002,985.79 Including: Cost of sales 1,287,727,677.72 1,315,285,655.58 1,083,838,249.11 1,106,419,500.15 Interest expenses Handling charges and commission expenses Surrender value Net amount of claims Net amount of insurance contract reserve withdrawn Expenditure on policy dividends Reinsurance premium expenses Taxes and associate charges 174,893.55 111,622.19 Selling expenses 51,194,531.22 47,503,047.78 55,539,292.48 53,477,331.68 Administrative expenses 81,383,842.99 74,136,284.41 61,026,897.65 54,740,529.53 Financial expenses -1,307,374.43 -2,533,809.45 -3,217,766.99 -4,533,199.69 Impairment loss 3,789,551.92 3,898,824.12 Add: gain from change in fair value (“-” means loss) 5,534.10 -16,440,300.00 -16,440,300.00 Gain from investment (“-” means loss) 6,739,813.17 6,502,500.00 187,636,611.33 187,636,611.33 Including: income form investment in affiliated enterprise and joint ventures Foreign exchange difference (“-” means loss) III. Operation profit (“-” means loss) 74,247,231.87 70,739,683.41 217,621,227.57 212,513,584.15 Add: non-operation income 5,984,057.24 5,532,540.35 6,169,392.10 3,377,541.64 Less: non-business expense 4,178,965.51 4,108,049.91 5,167,056.62 5,167,056.62 Including: loss from non-current asset disposal IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 76,052,323.60 72,164,173.85 218,623,563.05 210,724,069.17 Less: income tax expense 12,786,669.47 11,695,386.73 27,909,581.78 27,440,194.03 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 63,265,654.13 60,468,787.12 190,713,981.27 183,283,875.14 Attributable to owners of parent company 62,560,326.88 60,468,787.12 188,720,466.26 183,283,875.14 Minority interest 705,327.25 1,993,515.01 VI. Earnings per share (I) Basic earnings per share 0.11 0.50 (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.11 0.50 VII. Other composite income -57,158,250.00 -57,158,250.00 228,691,375.50 228,705,375.50 VIII. Total composite income 6,107,404.13 3,310,537.12 419,405,356.77 411,989,250.64 Attributable to owners of parent company 5,402,076.88 3,310,537.12 417,415,341.76 411,989,250.64 Minority interest 705,327.25 1,990,015.01Cash Flow Statement Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited Jan.-Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Items ConsolidIant icounr rent Ppearrieondt company CoTnshoel isdaamtieo np eriodP oafr elnats tc yoemapr any I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service 1,505,587,808.41 1,503,082,113.31 1,381,845,211.20 1,362,060,681.86 Net increase of deposits from customers and due from banks Net increase of loans from the central bank Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial institutions Cash received from premium of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of savings of policy holders and investment fund Net increase of disposal of tradable financial assets Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions Net increase of borrowed inter-bank funds Net increase of buy-back funds Tax refunds received 8,197,024.83 5,794,682.48 Other cash received relating to operating activities 12,585,252.55 11,928,811.41 3,436,274.54 2,970,907.40 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 1,518,173,060.96 1,515,010,924.72 1,393,478,510.57 1,370,826,271.74 Cash paid for purchase of commodities and reception of service 1,254,234,969.24 1,257,962,515.57 975,548,726.70 1,006,219,223.95 Net increase of customer lending and advance Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank and amount due from banks Cash for paying claims of the original insurance contract Cash for paying interest, handling charges and commissions Cash for paying policy dividends Cash paid to and for employees 121,374,684.34 108,737,449.09 99,411,807.47 89,838,515.04 Various taxes paid 23,288,817.95 19,871,179.06 9,855,748.36 4,997,007.37 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 45,696,734.80 40,822,295.89 29,324,379.12 24,909,039.56 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 1,444,595,206.33 1,427,393,439.61 1,114,140,661.65 1,125,963,785.92 Net cash flows from operating activities 73,577,854.63 87,617,485.11 279,337,848.92 244,862,485.82 II. Cash Flows from investment activities: Cash received from disposal of investments 36,911,141.63 36,911,141.63 Cash received from investment income 6,739,813.17 6,502,500.00 187,339,903.02 187,339,903.02 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 26,045,985.49 26,031,054.23 177,877.01 177,877.01 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary or other business units Other cash received relating to investment activities Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities 32,785,798.66 32,533,554.23 224,428,921.66 224,428,921.66 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 82,785,627.24 78,162,015.84 67,712,080.24 63,680,764.75Cash paid for investment 10,566,840.00 30,000,000.00 Net increase of pledged loans Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units Other cash paid relating to investment activities Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities 93,352,467.24 108,162,015.84 67,712,080.24 63,680,764.75 Net cash flows from investment activities -60,566,668.58 -75,628,461.61 156,716,841.42 160,748,156.91 III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from absorbing investment Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from investment of minority interest Cash received from borrowings 51,500,000.00 30,000,000.00 57,700,000.00 20,000,000.00 Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash received relating to financing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 51,500,000.00 30,000,000.00 57,700,000.00 20,000,000.00 Cash paid to repay loans 31,500,000.00 41,400,000.00 Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit 2,762,597.41 1,080,545.61 4,033,686.23 2,213,344.50 Including: dividends or profit paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries Other cash payments relating to financing activities 1,112,800.00 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 34,262,597.41 1,080,545.61 46,546,486.23 2,213,344.50 Net cash flows from financing activities 17,237,402.59 28,919,454.39 11,153,513.77 17,786,655.50 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 30,248,588.64 40,908,477.89 447,208,204.11 423,397,298.23 Add: beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents 770,721,154.44 732,773,854.30 400,278,967.15 378,820,707.08 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 800,969,743.08 773,682,332.19 847,487,171.26 802,218,005.31Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited For the first half year of 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Amount for the current period Amount for the previous period Owners’ equity attributable to parent company Owners’ equity attributable to parent company Items Paid-in capital (or share capital) Capital reserve Less: treasur y stock Specifi c reserve s Surplus public reserve Genera l risk reserve Retaine d profit Other s Minority interests Total owners ’ equity Paid-in capital (or share capital) Capital reserve Less: treasur y stock Specifi c reserve s Surplus public reserve Genera l risk reserve Retaine d profit Others Minorit y interest s Total owners ’ equity I. Balance at the end of last year 561,374, 326.00 723,02 9,311.2 6 262,05 9,351.4 1 251,06 6,746.0 7 10,913,7 74.33 1,808,4 43,509. 07 374,249, 551.00 272,484,1 86.26 240,36 9,344.9 2 260,78 3,005.9 4 7,335,0 74.29 1,155,2 21,162. 41 Add: change of accounting policy Correction of errors in previous periods Others II. Balance at the beginning of this year 561,374, 326.00 723,02 9,311.2 6 262,05 9,351.4 1 251,06 6,746.0 7 10,913,7 74.33 1,808,4 43,509. 07 374,249, 551.00 272,484,1 86.26 240,36 9,344.9 2 260,78 3,005.9 4 7,335,0 74.29 1,155,2 21,162. 41 III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this year (“-” means decrease) -57,158 ,250.00 62,560, 326.88 705,327. 25 6,107,4 04.13 228,694,8 75.50 188,72 0,466.2 6 1,990,0 15.01 419,40 5,356.7 7 (I) Net profit 62,560, 326.88 705,327. 25 63,265, 654.13 188,72 0,466.2 6 1,993,5 15.01 190,71 3,981.2 7 (II) Gain/loss recorded in owners’ equity directly -57,158 ,250.00 -57,158 ,250.00 228,694,8 75.50 -3,500. 00 228,69 1,375.5 0 1. Net amount on changes in fair value of financial assets available for sale -57,158 ,250.00 -57,158 ,250.00 304,940,5 00.50 304,94 0,500.5 0 2. Effect on changes in other owners’ equity of invested units under equity method -10,500.0 0 -10,500 .00 3. Effect of income tax recorded in owners’ equity -76,235,1 25.00 -76,235 ,125.00 4. Other -3,500. 00 -3,500. 00Subtotal of (I) and (II) -57,158 ,250.00 62,560, 326.88 705,327. 25 6,107,4 04.13 228,694,8 75.50 188,72 0,466.2 6 1,990,0 15.01 419,40 5,356.7 7 (III)Input and reduced capital of owners 1. Capital input by owners 2. Amount of shares-based payment recorded in owner’s equity 3. Other (IV) Profit distribution 1. Appropriating surplus reserve 2. Appropriating general risk reserve 3. Distribution to owners (shareholders) 4. Other (V) Internal carry-over of owner’s equity 1. Transferring capital reserve into capital (share capital) 2. Transferring surplus reserve into capital (share capital) 3. Making up losses with surplus reserve 4. Other IV. Balance as at the period-end 561,374, 326.00 665,87 1,061.2 6 262,05 9,351.4 1 313,62 7,072.9 5 11,619,1 01.58 1,814,5 50,913. 20 374,249, 551.00 501,179,0 61.76 240,36 9,344.9 2 449,50 3,472.2 0 9,325,0 89.30 1,574,6 26,519. 18Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity of Parent Company Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited For the first half year of 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Amount for the current period Amount for the previous period Items Paid-in capital (or share capital) Capital reserve Less: treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus public reserve General risk reserve Retained profit Total owners’ equity Paid-in capital (or share capital) Capital reserve Less: treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus public reserve General risk reserve I. Balance at the end of last year 561,374,326. 00 732,708,49 7.45 262,059,35 1.41 212,809,19 2.52 1,768,951,3 67.38 374,249,55 1.00 282,163,372.4 5 240,369,34 4.92 234,663,87 3.15 1,131,446,1 41.52 Add: change of accounting policy Correction of errors in previous periods Others II. Balance at the beginning of this year 561,374,326. 00 732,708,49 7.45 262,059,35 1.41 212,809,19 2.52 1,768,951,3 67.38 374,249,55 1.00 282,163,372.4 5 240,369,34 4.92 234,663,87 3.15 1,131,446,1 41.52 III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this year (“-” means decrease) -57,158,25 0.00 60,468,787 .12 3,310,537.1 2 228,705,375.5 0 183,283,87 5.14 411,989,25 0.64 (I) Net profit 60,468,787 .12 60,468,787. 12 183,283,87 5.14 183,283,87 5.14 (II) Gain/loss recorded in owners’ equity directly -57,158,25 0.00 -57,158,250 .00 228,705,375.5 0 228,705,37 5.50 1. Net amount on changes in fair value of financial assets available for sale -57,158,25 0.00 -57,158,250 .00 304,940,500.5 0 304,940,50 0.50 2. Effect on changes in other owners’ equity of invested units under equity method 3. Effect of income tax recorded in owners’ equity -76,235,125.0 0 -76,235,125 .00 4. Other Subtotal of (I) and (II) -57,158,25 0.00 60,468,787 .12 3,310,537.1 2 228,705,375.5 0 183,283,87 5.14 411,989,25 0.64 (III)Input and reduced capital of owners 1. Capital input by owners 2. Amount of shares-based payment recorded in owner’sequity 3. Other (IV) Profit distribution 1. Appropriating surplus reserve 2. Distribution to owners (shareholders) 3. Other (V) Internal carry-over of owner’s equity 1. Transferring capital reserve into capital (share capital) 2. Transferring surplus reserve into capital (share capital) 3. Making up losses with surplus reserve 4. Other IV. Balance as at the period-end 561,374,326. 00 675,550,24 7.45 262,059,35 1.41 273,277,97 9.64 1,772,261,9 04.50 374,249,55 1.00 510,868,747.9 5 240,369,34 4.92 417,947,74 8.29 1,543,435,3 92.16Semi-Annual Report 2010 23 Statement to the Provision for Impairment of Assets Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Items Opening book Decrease in the reporting period balance Withdrawn amount in this period Switching back Writing-off Closing book balance I. Provision for bad debts 303,183,615.15 11,947,576.38 291,236,038.77 II. Provision for falling price of inventory 5,709,240.20 5,709,240.20 III. Provision for impairment of financial assets available for sale IV. Provision for impairment of held-to-maturity investment V. Provision for impairment of long-term equity investment 8,646,389.00 8,646,389.00 VI. Provision for impairment of investment real estate VII. Provision for impairment of fixed assets 15,042,619.76 15,042,619.76 VIII. Provision for impairment of project materials IX. Provision for impairment of construction in progress X. Provision for impairment of productive biological assets Of which: Provision for impairment of mature productive biological assets XI. Provision for impairment of oil–gas assets XII. Provision for impairment of intangible assets XIII. Provision for impairment of goodwill XIV. Other 14,000,000.00 14,000,000.00 Total 346,581,864.11 0.00 0.00 11,947,576.38 334,634,287.73Semi-Annual Report 2010 24 (II) Notes to Financial Statement Note 1: Company status Changchai Company, Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) was founded on 5 May 1994, who is a company limited by shares promoted by only Changzhou Diesel Engine Plant through the approval by the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems with document TGS [1993] No. 9 on 15 Jan. 1993 by way of public offering of shares. With the approved of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province SZF [1993] No. 67, as well as reexamined and approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) through document ZJFSZ (1994) No. 9, the Company initially issued A shares to the public from 15 Mar. 1994 to 30 Mar. 1994. As approved by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange through document SZSFZ (1994) No. 15, such tradable shares of the public got listing on 1 Jul. 1994 at Shenzhen Stock Exchange with “Su Changchai A” for short of stock, as well as “0570” as stock code (present stock code is “000570”). In 1996, with the recommendation of the Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province SZBH [1996] No. 13, as well as first review by Shenzhen Municipal Securities Administration Office through SZBZ [1996] No. 24, and approval of the State Council Securities Commission ZWF [1996] No. 27, the Company issued 100 million B shares to qualified investors on 27 Aug. 1996 to 30 Aug. 1996, getting listed on 13 Sep. 1996. On 9 Jun. 2006, the Company held a shareholders’ general meeting related to A share market to examine and approve share merger reform plan, and performed the share merger reform on 19 Jun. 2006. As examined and approved at the 2009 2nd Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting in Sep. 2009, based on the total share capital of 374,249,551 shares as at 30 Jun. 2009, the Company implemented the profit distribution plan, i.e. to distribute 5 bonus shares and cash of RMB 0.8 for every 10 shares, with registered capital increased by RMB 187,124,775.00, as well as registered capital of RMB 561,374,326.00 after change. As at 31 Dec. 2009, the total share capital of the Company is 561,374,326 shares, as well as registered capital of RMB 561,374,326.00, which verified by Jiangsu Gongzheng Tianye Certified Public Accountants Company Limited with issuing Capital Verification Report SGC [2010] No. B002. The Company had registered the change with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce, and obtained the renewed the business license as legal person with No. 320400000004012. The Company’s registered address is situated at No. 123 Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu, as well as its head office located at No. 123 Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu. The Company belongs to manufacturing with business scope including manufacturing and sale of diesel engine, diesel engines part and casting, grain harvesting machine, rotary cultivators, walking tractor, mould and fixtures, assembling and sale of diesel generating set and pumping unit. The Company mainly engaged in the production and sales of small and medium-sized single cylinders and multi-cylinder diesel engine with the label of Changchai Brand. The diesel engine produced and sold by the Company were mainly used in tractors, combine harvest models, light commercial vehicle, farm equipment, small-sized construction machinery, generating sets and shipborne machinery and equipment, etc.. The Company’s main business remained unchanged in the reporting period. The Company established the Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors,Corporate office, Financial Department, Political Department, Investment and Development Department, Enterprise Management Department, Human Recourses Department, Production Department, Procurement Department, Sales Company, Market Department, Chief Engineer Office, Technology Center, QA Department, Foundry Branch, Machine Processing Branch,Semi-Annual Report 2010 25 Single-cylinder Engine branch, Multi-cylinder Engine Branch and Overseas Business Department in the Company. Note 2: Main accounting policies, accounting estimates and prior period errors 1. Basis of preparation With going-concern assumption as the basis, the Company prepares its financial statement in light of the actual transactions and matters, as well as the accounting standard for business enterprise promulgated by the Ministry of Finance of PRC on 15 Feb. 2006 and the following important accounting policies and accounting estimates. 2. Statement on following Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises The Company declared that the Financial Report prepared by the Company was in line with requirements of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises, which reflected the financial status, operating results and cash flow of the Company truly and objectively. 3. Fiscal period The fiscal periods are divided into fiscal year and metaphase, the fiscal year is from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 and as the metaphase included monthly, quarterly and semi-yearly periods. 4. Currency used in bookkeeping Renminbi is functional currency of the Company. 5. Accounting methods for business combinations under the same control and business combinations not under the same control 1) Business combinations under the same control: The combination consideration paid by the combining party and net assets obtained by the combining party in a business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amount. As for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), the additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The direct cost for the business combination of the combining party shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period. The handling fees, commissions and other expenses for the issuance of equity securities or bonds for the business combination shall be recorded into the amount of initial measurement of the shareholders’ equity or liabilities. 2) Business combinations not under the same control The combination costs of the acquirer and the identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business combination shall be measured at the fair values. The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as business reputation. The balance that the combination costs are less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets the acquirer obtains from the acquiree in a business combination shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period. All relevant direct costs incurred to the acquirer for the business combination shall also be recorded into the cost of business combination. The handling fees, commissions and other expenses for the issuance of equity securities or bonds for the business combination shall be recorded into the amount of initial measurement of the shareholders’ equity or liabilities. 6. Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements The Company shall start consolidating the subsidiary companies since the date the Company obtained the actual control right of the subsidiaries and stop consolidating since the date theSemi-Annual Report 2010 26 Company lost the actual control right of the subsidiaries. All significant current balance, investment, transactions and unrealized profits between the Company and subsidiary company or among the subsidiaries shall be offset when preparing the consolidated financial statement. As for the shares in the owner’s equity of subsidiary company not belong to the Company, shall be indicated in the item of “minority shareholders’ equity” belonging the owner’s equity in the consolidated balance sheet. The accounting policy or accounting period of each subsidiary is different from which of the Company, which shall be adjusted as the Company; or subsidiaries shall prepare financial statement again required by the Company when preparing the consolidated financial statement. As for the added subsidiary company not controlled by the same enterprise preparing the consolidated financial statement, shall adjust individual financial statement based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets on the acquisition date; as for the added subsidiary companies controlled by the same enterprise preparing the financial statement, shall not adjust the financial statement of the subsidiaries, namely current status of each party participating in the consolidation when the final control party starts implementing control. 7. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents The term “cash” refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time. The term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term ( within 3 months from the purchase date) and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. 8. Business of foreign currencies and the translation of foreign currency statements Concerning the foreign-currency transactions that occurred, the foreign currency shall be converted into the recording currency according to the middle price of the market exchange rate disclosed by the People’s Bank of China on the date of the transaction. Among the said transactions that occurred, those involving foreign exchanges shall be converted according to the exchange rates adopted in the actual transactions. On the balance sheet date, the foreign-currency monetary assets and the balance of the liability account shall be converted into the recording currency according to the middle price of the market exchange rates disclosed by the People’s Bank of China on the balance sheet date. The difference between the recording-currency amount converted according to the exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the original book recording-currency amount shall be recognized as gains/losses from foreign exchange. And the exchange gain/loss caused by the foreign-currency borrowings related to purchasing fixed assets shall be handled according to the principle of capitalizing borrowing expenses; the exchange gain/loss incurred in the establishment period shall be recorded into the establishment expense; others shall be recorded into the financial expenses for the current period. On the balance sheet date, the foreign-currency non-monetary items measured by historical cost shall be converted according to the middle price of the market exchange disclosed by the People’s Bank of China on the date of the transaction, with no changes in the original recording-currency amount; while the foreign-currency non-monetary items measured by fair value shall be converted according to the middle price of the market exchange disclosed by the People’s Bank of China on the date when the fair value is recognized, and the exchange gain/loss caused thereof shall be recognized as the gain/loss from fair value changes and recorded into the gain/loss of the current period. 9. Financial instruments 1) Recognition of the financial assetsSemi-Annual Report 2010 27 When an enterprise becomes a party to a financial instrument, it shall recognize a financial asset or financial liability. Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it shall be terminated: (1) Where the contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial assets are terminated; (2) Where the said financial asset has been transferred and meets the conditions for recognizing the termination of financial assets as provided for in Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 23 – Transfer of Financial Assets. Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. 2) The classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities The financial assets or financial liabilities got or born by the Company are measured according to the following classifications: (1) The financial assets or financial liabilities which are measured at their fair value and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period The interest rate or cash dividend which was gained in the period when the financial assets held by the Company are measured at its fair value and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses in the current period shall be recognized as investment income. On balance sheet date, the in change in the fair value of the financial asset or financial liability which is measured at its fair value and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period; When the said financial assets of financial liabilities are on disposal, the difference between the fair value and the amount in initial account shall be recognized as investment income, meanwhile, the profits and losses arising from the change in fair value shall be adjusted. (2) The investments which will be held to their maturity The investments which will be held to their maturity will regard the sum between the gained fair value and the transaction expense thereof as the initially recognized amount. The interest on bonds in payment, of which the mature interest is not drawn, shall be solely recognized as the receivables. The interest revenue which is measured and recognized by the amortized cost and actual interest rate during the period of the investments which will be held to their maturity shall be recorded into investment income. The actual interest rate which is recognized in the period of gaining the investments which will be held to their maturity, shall maintain unchanged within the predicted term of existence or within a shorter applicable term of the said investment which will be held to their maturity. The little difference between actual interest rate and coupon rate of which interest revenue can be measured at the coupon rate shall be recorded into the profits of losses in the current period. When the investments which will be held to their maturity are on disposal, the difference between the obtained price and investment book value shall be recorded into the profits and losses in the current period. (3) The accounts receivablesSemi-Annual Report 2010 28 The creditor’s right receivable formed during the Company selling commodity outside or offering labor shall be regarded as the initially recognize amount in according with the receivable price stipulated in the contract or agreement signed between the Company and the buyers. When the Company recovers or disposes the accounts receivable, the difference between the obtained price and the book value of the accounts receivable shall be recorded into the profits and losses in the current period. (4) Financial assets available for sale The financial assets available for sale will be regarded as the initial recognized amount in according with the sum between the fair value obtained from the said financial assets and the transaction expense thereof. The interest on bonds of which the mature interest rate is not drawn in the payment or the cash dividend which is declared but not extended in the payment shall be solely recognized as the receivables. The interest rate or cash dividend gained during the period of holding the financial assets available for sale shall be recorded into investment income. On balance sheet date, the financial assets shall be measured through fair value, while the change in fair value is recorded into capital reserves (other capital reserves). When the financial assets are on disposal, the difference between the obtained price and the book value of the financial assets shall be recorded into investment income, meanwhile, the amount on proposal transferring out from the accumulated amount which is directly recorded into shareholders’ equity and arises from the variation of the fair value, shall be recorded into investment income. (5) Other financial liabilities Other financial liabilities are regarded as the initial recognized amount in accordance with the sum between the fair value and the transaction expense thereof. The Company shall make subsequent measurement on other financial liabilities on the basis of the post-amortization costs. 3) Main recognition method for the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities (1) The quotation in the active market shall be used to recognize the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities existing in active market. (2) If the financial instruments do not exist in the active market, the fair value shall be recognized by value appraisal techniques. (3) As for the financial assets initially obtained of produced at source and the financial liabilities assumed, the fair value thereof shall be determined on the basis of the transaction price of the market. 4) Main impairment test method of the financial assets and impairment provision method The recognition standard for impairment provision of the financial assets: the Company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial assets other than those measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made. The withdrawal method for impairment provision of the financial assets: as for the impairment provision of the financial assets is measured on the basis of post-amortization costs, if the currentSemi-Annual Report 2010 29 value of the predicted future cash flow of the financial assets is below the difference in the carrying amount of the said financial asset, the impairment provision of the financial assets shall be made; as for the impairment provision of the financial assets available for sale, if the recoverable amount is below the difference in the carrying amount, the impairment provision shall be made. Where a sellable financial asset is impaired, even if the recognition of the financial asset has not been terminated, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the owners’ equity which was directly included shall be transferred out and recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. 10. Accounts receivable 1) Recognition standard for the bad debt provision of accounts receivable Receivables are considered uncollectible after liquidation with statutory procedures for debtors are in canceling or bankrupt, due death of debtors who has no bequest and no undertaker on obligation, or caused by debtors fail to perform their obligation to pay a debt over three years, and it will be recognized as bad debt. 2) Withdrawal method of bad debt provision (1) The recognition standard and the withdrawal method for the bad debt provision of the accounts receivable with significant single amounts The recognition standard for the bad debt provision of the accounts receivable with significant single amounts: significant single amount refers to an accounts receivable (including accounts receivable and other receivables) with the single amount more than RMB 1,000,000 (including RMB 1,000,000). Withdrawal method of bad debt provision of the accounts receivable with significant single amounts: an independent impairment test shall be made on the accounts receivable with significant single amounts, and provision for bad debts shall be withdrawn on the basis of the balance between the current values of the predicted future cash flow lower than book value. Upon independent impairment test, the accounts receivable with significant single amounts has not been impaired, it shall be withdrawn bad debt provision based on ending balance by adopting aging analysis method. (2) The recognition standard and the withdrawal method for the bad debt provision of the accounts receivable with insignificant single amounts The recognition standard for the bad debt provision of the accounts receivable with insignificant single amounts: insignificant single amount refers to an accounts receivable (including accounts receivable and other receivables) with the single amount less than RMB 1,000,000 (excluding RMB 1,000,000). Withdrawal method of bad debt provision of the accounts receivable with insignificant single amounts: the accounts receivable with insignificant single amounts shall be withdrawn bad debt provision based on ending balance by adopting aging analysis method. (3) Withdrawal Proportion of bad debts provision of the accounts receivable by aging analysis method: Aging Ratio of the bad debt provision of the accounts receivable (%) Ratio of the bad debt provision of the other receivables (%) Within one year 2 2 1-2 years 5 5 2-3 years 15 15 3-4 years 30 30Semi-Annual Report 2010 30 4-5 years 60 60 Over 5 years 100 100 Withdrawal policies for bad debt reserves of related parties: according to the 9th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors, as for the accounts receivable of the related party of the Company with continuous operation ability, the withdrawal of bad debt reserves could not excess 60% at most. 11. Inventory 1) Classification of the inventories Inventories of the Company include raw material, material purchasing, Self-manufactured goods, unfinished products, finished products and low-value consumption. 2) Pricing method The cost of various inventories shall be measured in light of planned cost when buying in and putting in storage, while the cost shall be recorded in light of weighted average when issuing from the storage; the cost of good manufactured shall be carried forward at actual cost of the current period, while sales cost shall be carried forward at weighted average method. 3) Determination basis of the net realizable value of inventory and withdrawal method of the provision for falling price of inventory The inventories at the end of the report period will be priced according to the lower of the product cost and the net realizable value. When all the inventories are checked roundly, those which were destroyed, outdated in all or in part, sold at a loss, etc, shall be withdrawn the inventory falling price reserve. Where the coat of the single inventory item is higher than the net realizable value, the inventory falling price reserve shall be withdrawn and recorded into profits and losses of the current period. The net realizable inventory falling price reserve refers to the value minus the predicted expense needed in the process of completing the production and sales from the predicted price for sale when the Company runs normally. If the value of the inventory with inventory falling price reserve can be resumed, the inventory falling price reserve and the current income shall be adjusted in line with the increase amount by being resumed (the increase amount should be limited by the original withdrawal amount). (4) The inventory system is on the basis of perpetual inventory method. (5) Amortization method of low-value consumption and packing materials Low value consumables shall be amortized by employing the one-off write-off method when claiming. 12. Long-term equity investment 1) Recognition initial investment cost The initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be recognized by adopting the following ways in accordance with different methods of acquisition: (1) As for long-term equity investment acquired through the merger of enterprises under the same control, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the share of the book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. The difference between acquisition cost and initial investment cost shall offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. (2) As for long-term equity investment acquired through the merger of enterprises not under theSemi-Annual Report 2010 31 same control, its initial investment cost shall regard as the combination cost calculated by the fair value of the assets, equity instrument issued and liabilities incurred or undertaken on the transaction date adding the direct cost related with the acquisition. The identifiable assets of the combined party and the liabilities (including contingent liability) undertaken on the combining date shall be measured at the fair value without considering the amount of minority interest. The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as business reputation. The acquirer shall record the negative balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree into the consolidated income statement directly. (3)Long-term equity investment obtained by other means ① The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost which is actually paid. ② The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued. ③ The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the investment contract or agreement, the unfair value stipulated in the contract or agreement shall be measured at fair value. ④ As for long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets, where it is commercial in nature, the fair value of the assets surrendered shall be recognized as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment received; where it is not commercial in nature, the book value of he assets surrendered shall be recognized as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment received. ⑤ The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be recognized at fair value of long-term equity investment. 2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profits and losses (2) A investment in the subsidiary company shall be measured by employing the cost method Where the Company hold, and is able to do equity investment with control over an invested entity, the invested entity shall be its subsidiary company. Where the Company holds the shares of an entity over 50%, or, while the Company holds the shares of an entity below 50%, but has a real control to the said entity, then the said entity shall be its subsidiary company (2) A investment in the joint enterprise or associated enterprise shall be measured by employing the equity method. Where the Company hold, and is able to do equity investment with joint control with other parties over an invested entity, the invested entity shall be its joint enterprise. Where the Company hold, and is able to have equity investment with significant influences on an invested entity, the invested entity shall be its associated entity. Where the Company holds the shares of an entity between 20% and 50%, and has no real control to the said entity, or, while the Company holds the shares of an entity below 20%, but has a significant influence to the said entity, then the said entity shall be the joint enterprise or associated enterprise of the Company. The Company shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when it obtains the investment, recognize the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after it adjusts the net profits of the invested entity. If the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the invested entity are different from those adopted by the Company, an adjustment shall be made to the financial statements of the invested entity in accordance with the accounting policies and accounting periods of the Company and recognize the investment profits or losses.Semi-Annual Report 2010 32 As for other change of owners’ equity excluding net gains and losses of the investing enterprise, the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and measured into the owner’s equity. (3) Long-term equity investment without control, joint control and significant influences Long-term equity investment for which there is no offer in the active market and of which the fair value cannot be reliably measured shall be measured by employing the cost method. Long-term equity investment for which there is offer in the active market and of which the fair value can be reliably shall be showed in the item “available-for-sale financial assets”, and recorded at fair value. Change in its fair value shall be included in the shareholders’ equity. 3) Recognition basis of joint control and significant influences to the investing enterprise Joint control to the investing enterprise refers to the control over an economic activity in accordance with the contracts and agreements, which does not exist unless the investing parties of the economic activity with one an assent on sharing the control power over the relevant important financial and operating decisions. Significant influences to the investing enterprise refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not to control or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies. 4) Method of impairment test of long-term equity investment and withdrawal method of impairment provision Method of impairment test of long-term equity investment: Where the long-term equity investment with a sign of impairment, its recoverable amount shall be tested. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the selling fair value of the long-term equity investment and the current value of the expected future cash flow of the long-term equity investment. . At the end of reporting period, the Company shall check the long-term equity investment. Where there is a sign of impairment exists, the recoverable amount shall be estimated. Where its recoverable amount is lower than its book value, the impairment of long-term investment shall be made in light of the difference that its recoverable amount is less than its book value. As for Long-term equity investment for which there is no offer in the active market and of which the fair value cannot be reliably measured, where the amount that its book value is lower than the current value due to impact upon the discount for the expected future cash flow the current market earnings yield of similar financial assets shall be recognized as impairment loss recording into the profits and losses of the current period. As for other long-term equity investment except for the available-for-sales financial assets, once any provision for impairment is recognized, it shall not be switched back within the asset’s useful life. The impairment loss of available-for-sales financial asset shall be switched back through equity. 13. Investment real estates The investment real estate shall be measured at its cost. Of which, the cost of an investment real estate by acquisition consists of the acquisition price, relevant taxes, and other expense directly relegated to the asset; the cost of a self-built investment real estate composes of the necessary expenses for building the asset to the hoped condition for use. The investment real estates invested by investors shall be recorded at the value stipulated in the investment contracts or agreements, butSemi-Annual Report 2010 33 the unfair value appointed in the contract or agreement shall be entered into the account book at the fair value. The Company shall make a follow-up measurement to the investment real estate by adopting the cost pattern. The depreciation or amortization for investment real estate shall be made in the light of such relevant policies as depreciation or amortization of fixed assets and intangible assets. As for withdrawal basis of provision for impairment of investment real estates, please refer to withdrawal method for provision for impairment of fixed assets. 14. Fixed Assets 1) Recognition of fixed assets Fixed assets refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows: a. They are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; b. Their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year; and c. Their unit value is higher. The fixed assets shall be measured at its cost when obtaining. Its depreciation shall be withdrawn by adopting straight line since the next month that bring the fixed asset to the expected conditions for use. 2) Depreciation method of various fixed assets Type depreciable life(Year) Yearly depreciation rate (%) Houses and buildings 20-40 2.50-5 Machine equipments 6-15 6.67-16.67 Transportation equipments 5-10 10-20 Other 5-10 10-20 For a fixed asset, the provision for depreciation has been made, the depreciable amount shall be measured on the basis of deducting the accumulative amount of the provision for impairment of the depreciated fixed asset. The Company shall, at the end of each fiscal year, have a check on the useful life, expected net salvage and depreciation method of the fixed assets. 3) Methods for impairment test of fixed assets and withdrawal method of provision for impairment The Company shall make inspection to fixed assets at the end of reporting period. Where there is any evidence indicates that the recoverable amount of fixed assets is lower than its book value, such fixed asset shall be subject to an impairment test on the balance sheet date. As for the fixed assets that its recoverable amount is lower than its book value, its provision for impairment shall be withdrawn at the difference that recoverable amount of assets is lower than its book value. Where the provision for impairment shall be withdrawn on the basis of single item assets. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall be withdrawn on the basis of the asset group to which the asset belongs. Once any loss of asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods. 15. Construction in process 1) Pricing The engineering cost shall be recognized at the actual expenditure. Self-operating projects shall be measured at direct materials, direct wages and direct construction fees; construction contract shall be measured at project price payable; project cost for plant engineering shall be recognized at valueSemi-Annual Report 2010 34 of equipments installed, cost of installation, trail run of projects. Costs of construction in process also include borrowing costs and exchange gains and losses, which should be capitalized. 2) Standardization on construction in process transferred into fixed assets and time point The construction in process, of which the fixed assets reach to the predicted condition for use, shall carry forward fixed assets on schedule. The one that hasn’t audit the final accounting shall recognize the cost and make depreciation in line with valuation value. The construction in process shall adjust the original valuation value at its historical cost but not adjust the depreciation that has been made after auditing the final accounting. 3) Method of impairment test of construction in process and withdrawal method of impairment Where a sign of impairment exists, recoverable amount of construction in process shall be tested. The recoverable amount of construction in process shall be recognized according to the high one between the net amount of fair value after deducting disposal costs and the current value of the expected future cash flow of construction in process. At the end of fiscal year, the Company shall check the construction in process roundly. Where there is a sign of impairment occur, the recoverable amount shall be estimated, and impairment of construction in process shall be made in light of the difference that its recoverable amount is less than its book value. Once any provision for impairment is recognized, it shall not be switched back within the asset’s useful life. 16. Borrowing costs 1) Recognition principle of capitalization of borrowing costs The borrowing costs shall include the interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. Where the borrowing costs occurred belong to specifically borrowed loan or general borrowing used for the acquisition and construction of investment real estates and inventories over one year (including one year) shall be capitalized, and record into relevant assets cost. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount incurred, and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses. The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following three requirements: (1) The asset disbursements have already incurred; (2) The borrowing costs has already incurred; and (3) The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started. 2) The period of capitalization of borrowing costs The borrowing costs arising from acquisition and construction of fixed assets, investment real estates and inventories, if they meet the above-mentioned capitalization conditions, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be measured into asset cost before such assets reach to the intended use or sale, Where acquisition and construction of fixed assets, investment real estates and inventories is interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended, and recorded into the current expense, till the acquisition and construction of the assets restarts. When the qualified asset is ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased, the borrowing costs occurred later shall be included into the financial expense directly at the current period. 3) Measurement method of capitalization amount of borrowing costs As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light ofSemi-Annual Report 2010 35 the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment. Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, the enterprise shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing. 17. Intangible assets 1) Pricing of the intangible assets The intangible assets shall be initially measured according to its cost. (1) The cost of outsourcing intangible assets shall include the purchase price, relevant taxes and other necessary expenditure directly attributable to intangible assets for the expected purpose. (2) The cost of self-developed intangible assets shall include the total expenditures incurred during the period from the time when it meets the following conditions to the time when the expected purposes of use are realized, except that the expenditures which have already been treated prior to the said period shall not be adjusted. ① It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale; ② It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets; ③ The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufacturing by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally. ④ It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources; ⑤ The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured. (3) The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the conventional value in the investment contract or agreement. (4) The costs of intangible assets acquired from non-monetary assets transaction, debt recombination, government subsides, and merger of enterprises shall be determined respectively according to the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 7 - Non-monetary Assets, Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 12 – Debt Restructurings, Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 16 – Government Grants and Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 20 – Business Combinations. 2) Amortization of the intangible assets (1) As for the intangible assets with limited service life, which are amortized by straight-line method when it is available for use within the service period, shall be recorded into the current profits and losses. The Company shall, at least at the end of each year, check the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets with limited service life. When the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets are different from those before, the years and method of the amortization shall be changed. (2) Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be amortized. However, the Company shall check the service life of intangible assets with uncertain service life during each accounting period. Where there are evidences to prove the intangible assets have limited service life, it shall be estimated of its service life, and be amortized according to the above method mentioned in (1). (3) The rights to use land of the Company shall be amortized according to the rest service life.Semi-Annual Report 2010 36 3) Test method on impairment and provision for impairment of intangible assets. Intangible assets trending to impairment can be tested by its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount of intangible assets shall be recognized according to the high one between the net amount of fair value after deducting disposal costs and the current value of the expected future cash flow of intangible assets. At the end of fiscal year, the Company shall check the intangible assets roundly. Where there is a sign of impairment occur, the recoverable amount shall be estimated, and impairment of intangible assets shall be made in light of the difference that its recoverable amount is less than its book value. Once any provision for asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be switched back within the asset’s useful life. 18. Long-term deferred expenses The long-term deferred expenses occurred in the Company shall be priced at its historical cost and conducted average amortization at the expected beneficial period. As for the long-term deferred expenses item that cannot bring benefit in the afterward accounting period, the amortized value in the said item shall be recorded into the current profits and losses in total when it is recognized. 19. Estimated debts 1) Recognition basis The obligation pertinent to Contingencies shall be recognized as estimated debts when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: (1) That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise; (2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance of the obligation; (3) The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way. 2) Measurement method The estimated debts recognized by the Company shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation. The Company shall check the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. If there is any exact evidence indicating that the book value cannot really reflect the current best estimate, the enterprise shall adjust the book value in accordance with the current best estimate. 20. Revenues 1) The recognition of the revenue from selling goods: the revenue from selling shall be recognized by the following conditions: The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer by the Company; the Company retains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the ownership nor effective control over the sold goods; the relevant amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; the relevant revenue and costs of selling goods can be measured in a reliable way. 2) The recognition of the revenue from providing labor services: When the total revenue and costs from providing labor can be measured in a reliable way; the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; the schedule of completion under the transaction can be measured in a reliable way, the revenue from providing labor shall be recognized. 3) The recognition of the revenue from abalienating the right to use assets: When the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprises and the amount of revenues can beSemi-Annual Report 2010 37 measured in a reliable way, the revenue from abalienating the right to use assets shall be recognized. 21. Government Subsidies The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: (1) Those subsidies used for compensating the related future expenses or losses of the Company shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or (2) Those subsidies used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. But the government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included in the current profits and losses. 22. Deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities Where there is difference (temporary difference) between the carrying amounts of the assets or liabilities and its tax base, the deferred income tax assets or the deferred income tax liabilities shall be determined. According to tax law, the deductible loss and tax deduction which can deduct the taxable amount in the subsequent years, regarding as temporary difference, shall be recognized as the corresponding deferred income tax assets. As for the temporary difference arising from the initial recognition of the goodwill, the corresponding deferred income tax liabilities. When the temporary difference is arisen from the initial recognition of the assets or liabilities incurring in the transaction which is not business combination and does not affect the accounting profits or the taxable amount (or the deductible loss), the corresponding deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall not recognized. On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled. The Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference, deductible loss and tax deduction. The deferred income tax liabilities arising from the temporary differences related to the investments of subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises shall be recognized. However, the deferred tax income assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall not recognized which meet the conditions that the Company can control the time of the reverse of temporary differences which are likely to be reversed in the expected future. 23. Change in main accounting policies and accounting estimates 1) Change in accounting policies Main accounting policies remained unchanged in the reporting period. 2) Change in accounting estimates Main accounting estimates remained unchanged in the reporting period. 24. Correction of previous accounting errors No correction of previous accounting errors occurred in the reporting period. Note 3: Tax and tax preference 1. Main taxes and tax rate in the reporting period Type of tax Taxation basis Tax ratesSemi-Annual Report 2010 38 VAT Payable to sales revenue 13%、17% Sales tax Payable to operating revenue 5% Tax for maintaining and building cities Payable circulating tax amount Tax paid in accordance with the tax regulations of tax units location Taxable income of parent company and subsidiary company Changwan 15% Corporate income tax Taxable income of other subsidiary companies 25% Income from leasing out property 12% Housing property tax 70% of original value of independent properties 1.2% Educational surtax Payable circulating tax amount Tax paid in accordance with the tax regulations of tax units location As for full name of the subsidiaries, please see Note 4.1 for details. 2. Tax preference and official documents In 2009, parent company has been identified as High-tech Enterprises, therefore, it enjoys 15-percent preferential rate for corporate income tax; Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., the controlling subsidiary company, paid the corporate income tax at tax rate 15% from 2001 to 2010 in accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the National Administration of Taxation and the General Administration of Customs of PRC about the Preferential Tax Policies for the Western Development. Note 4. Business Combinations and consolidated financial statement 1. Subsidiary As at 30 June 2010, the Company set up four controlling subsidiaries through investment: Full name Type Registration place nature of the business Registered capital (RMB’0000) Business scope Actual investment at the period-end (RMB’0000) Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. (Changwan) Limited Liability Company No. 1101, Xiamen Road, Wanzhou District, Chongqing Industry 3,500 Production and sales of diesel engine 2,100 Changzhou Changchai Benniu Diesel Engine Fittings Co., Ltd. (Benniu) Limited Liability Company Nanguan Village, Benniu Town, Wujin District Industry 3,378.64 Production and sales of diesel engine fittings 2,533.98 Nanjing Changli Agricultural Machinery Fittings Co., Ltd. (Changli) Limited Liability Company North factory district, Economy Development Zone of Lishui County, Nanjing Industry 500 Agricultural mechanization production, electromechanical product, spare parts and maintenance service 500 Changzhou Housheng Investment Co., Ltd. Limited Liability Company 123 Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou Financing 3000 Foreign industrial investment, investment & management and consulting service 3000Semi-Annual Report 2010 39 (Con.) Full name Other essential investment The proportion of holding shares(%) The proportion of voting rights(%) Included in consolidated statements Minority Interest (RMB’0000) Deductible minority interest Balance of parent company’s equity after deducting the difference that loss of minority interests exceed equity obtained by minority shareholders Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. (Changwan) 60 60 Yes 1,332.14 Changzhou Changchai Benniu Diesel Engine Fittings Co., Ltd. (Benniu) 75 75 Yes 1161.91 Nanjing Changli Agricultural Machinery Fittings Co., Ltd. (Changli) 100 100 Yes Changzhou Housheng Investment Co., Ltd. 100 100 Yes 2. Change in consolidation scope As at 30 June 2010, the Company increased a controlling subsidiary, namely, Changzhou Housheng Investment Co., Ltd. 3. As at 30 June 2010, no joint venture company exists in the Company. Note 5:Notes to major items of the consolidated financial statement (the following amount is expressed in RMB unless otherwise special explanation) 1. Monetary funds Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Original currency Exchange rate Translated to RMB Original currency Exchange rate Translated to RMB Cash: 350,578.05 411,084.77 RMB 350,578.05 411,084.77 Bank savings: 700,432,314.57 679,507,775.72 RMB 693,458,749.86 657,271,920.02 USD 575,154.64 6.7909 3,905,817.64 3,256,473.99 6.8282 22,235,855.70 EUR 370,904.01 8.2710 3,067,747.07 Other monetary capital 100,186,850.46 90,802,293.95 RMB 100,186,850.46 90,802,293.95Semi-Annual Report 2010 40 USD Total 800,969,743.08 770,721,154.44 2. Notes receivable (1) Classification of notes receivable Type 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Bank acceptance bills 67,834,743.30 83,834,240.00 Total 67,834,743.30 83,834,240.00 (2) No pledged notes receivable existed in the notes receivable at the end of reporting period. (3) Note that the endorsement has been made but not due yet (the top five) Entities Date of draft Due date Amount Changzhou Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Group Co., Ltd. 2010-5-22 2010-11-22 3,500,000.00 Guangdong Fudi Motor Co., Ltd. 2010-5-20 2010-11-20 3,000,000.00 Changzhou Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Group Co., Ltd. 2010-4-27 2010-8-27 3,000,000.00 Beijing Automobile Factory Shunyi Branch 2010-4-8 2010-10-8 2,000,000.00 Wuxi Mingji Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd. 2010-3-1 2010-9-1 2,000,000.00 Total 13,500,000.00 3. Accounts receivable (1) Classified by account nature 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision Type Amount Proporti on (%) Amount Proporti on (%) Amount Proporti on (%) Amount Propo rtion (%) Significant single amount 532,800,703.24 81.55 206,282,503.23 38.72 399,429,340.88 77.22 216,213,030.99 54.13 Other insignificant accounts receivable 120,526,694.44 18.45 43,386,522.65 36.00 117,855,532.84 22.78 45,403,571.27 38.52 Total 653,327,397.68 100.00 249,669,025.88 38.21 517,284,873.72 100.00 261,616,602.26 50.57 An accounts receivable with the loan balance over one million (including one million) is recognized as an account receivable with significant single amount. The Company conducts independent impairment tests on the accounts receivable with significant single amount and withdraws bad debt provisions by the account age analysis method on those accounts receivable of which there is no objective evidence to indicate the possible occurrence of impairment. (2)Bad debt provisions for closing accounts receivable with significant single amounts or insignificant but being conducted an independent impairment test on: Content Book balance Amount of bad debt Withholding proportion Reason Customer 1 12,343,782.28 12,343,782.28 100% No current for a long time Customer 2 14,234,302.79 14,234,302.79 100% In bankruptcy Total 26,578,085.07 26,578,085.07 (3) Aging analysisSemi-Annual Report 2010 41 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Aging Book balance Book balance Amount Proportion (%) Bad debt provision Amount Proportion (%) Bad debt provision Within 1 year 401,131,232.74 61.40 8,049,161.78 251,035,283.79 48.53 5,154,238.98 1-2 years 3,287,458.44 0.50 985,458.96 4,315,569.65 0.83 1,887,726.16 2-3 years 4,205,008.43 0.64 1,501,453.44 3,865,398.23 0.75 1,991,394.69 3-4 years 3,455,124.86 0.53 1,464,584.39 10,458,928.79 2.02 5,885,044.75 4-5 years 9,586,456.33 1.47 6,006,250.43 18,609,570.07 3.60 17,698,074.49 Over 5 years 231,662,116.88 35.46 231,662,116.88 229,000,123.19 44.27 229,000,123.19 Total 653,327,397.68 100.00 249,669,025.88 517,284,873.72 100.00 261,616,602.26 (4)Accounts receivable – foreign currency Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Amount of foreign currency Conversion rate RMB Amount of foreign currency Conversion rate RMB USD 3,165,844.47 6.7909 21,498,913.21 2,574,538.97 6.83 17,331,865.99 Total 3,165,844.47 21,498,913.21 2,574,538.97 17,331,865.99 (5)Accounts receivable actually canceled in the report period Name of entity Nature of the account receivable Amount canceled after verification Reasons for cancellation Whether caused by related transactions Xinghua Feida Model Company Payment for goods 1,034,847.84 Close of bankruptcy No Suining Dayu Co., Ltd. Payment for goods 638,586.50 Close of bankruptcy No Guoyang Zhongyuan Trading Co., Ltd. Payment for goods 665,760.00 Debt restructuring No Xuchang Machinery Manufacturing Factory Payment for goods 4,938,735.92 Close of bankruptcy No Guantao County Chaoyuan Agricultural Machinery Company Payment for goods 1,956,944.00 Close of bankruptcy No Gansu Tiantai Agricultural Machinery Electromechanical Co.,Ltd. Payment for goods 2,000,000.00 Debt restructuring No Yunnan Zhang’an Trading Co., Ltd. Payment for goods 712,702.12 Debt restructuring No Total 11,947,576.38 (6) There was no accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company in the reporting period (7)Top five entities of the accounts receivable Name of entity Relationship with the Company Amount Useful life Ratio to the total accounts receivable (%) Dongfeng Motor Group Co Ltd Customer 56,332,842.79 Within 1 year 8.62 Shandong Wuzheng Group Co., Ltd. Customer 44,506,116.80 Within 1 year 6.81 Changzhou Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Group Co., Ltd. Customer 41,251,658.42 Within 1 year 6.31 Chengdong Jifeng Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd. Customer 26,273,044.06 Within 1 year 4.02 Shenyang Jinbei Vehicles Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Customer 17,212,149.33 Within 1 year 2.63Semi-Annual Report 2010 42 Total 185,575,811.40 28.40 (8) No debts owned by the related parties among the accounts receivable in the reporting period. 4. Payment to suppliers (1) Aging analysis Aging 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%) Within 1 year 15,773,854.82 93.41 22,450,320.67 95.48 1-2 years 56,459.36 0.33 167,595.44 0.71 2-3 years 165,342.59 0.98 11,968.52 0.05 3-4 years 16,543.55 0.10 17,821.73 0.08 4-5 years 9,865.47 0.06 Over 5 years 864,725.83 5.12 864,725.83 3.68 Total 16,886,791.62 100.00 23,512,432.19 100.00 (2) Top five entities of prepayment in advance Name of entity Relationship with the Company Amount Useful life Reason for unsettlement Xuzhou East China Casting General Factory Supplier 5,387,895.66 Within 1 year Normal settlement period Changzhou Baolei Crankshaft Co., Ltd. Supplier 5,322,960.37 Within 1 year Normal settlement period Ningbo Jingxin Die-casting Model Research Company Supplier 1,233,000.00 Within 1 year Normal settlement period Changchun Yidong Clutch Co., Ltd. Supplier 463,829.28 Within 1 year Normal settlement period Changzhou Tongji Tools Factory Supplier 218,007.35 Within 1 year Total 12,625,692.66 (3) There was no prepayment due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company in the reporting period. 5. Other receivable (1) Other receivables disclosed according to categories : 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision Categories Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%) Significant single amount 40,064,133.10 66.37 25,416,554.38 63.44 39,253,700.96 68.60 28,150,645.06 71.71 Other insignificant accounts receivable 20,301,926.86 33.63 16,150,458.51 79.55 17,969,562.24 31.40 13,416,367.83 74.66 Total 60,366,059.96 100.00 41,567,012.89 68.86 57,223,263.20 100.00 41,567,012.89 72.64 The other receivables with the loan balance over one million (including one million) is recognized as one with significant single amount. The Company made independent impairment tests on the other receivables with significant single amount and withdraws bad debt provisions by the account aging analysis method on those other receivables of which there is no objective evidence to indicate the possible occurrence of impairment. (2) Aging analysis 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Book balance Book balance Aging Amount Proportion Bad debt provision Amount Proportion Bad debt provisionSemi-Annual Report 2010 43 (%) (%) Within 1 year 19,050,555.54 31.56 812,659.67 15,194,342.64 26.55 303,886.84 1-2 years 225,689.36 0.37 15,499.58 569,260.00 0.99 28,463.00 2-3 years 498,778.31 0.83 450,005.64 3,076,433.68 5.38 3,029,866.55 3-4 years 2,965,487.55 4.91 2,682,496.68 460,176.08 0.80 294,021.70 4-5 years 320,756.84 0.53 301,558.96 103,768.18 0.18 91,492.18 Over 5 years 37,304,792.36 61.80 37,304,792.36 37,819,282.62 66.10 37,819,282.62 Total 60,366,059.96 100.00 41,567,012.89 57,223,263.20 100.00 41,567,012.89 (3)There was no other receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company in the reporting period. (4) Top five entities of other receivables Name of entity Relationship with the Company Amount Useful life Nature Ratio to the total other receivables (%) Changzhou Jinhui Guaranty Co., Ltd. Customer 10,000,000.00 Within 1 year Current payment 16.57 Changzhou Vehicle Co., Ltd. Customer 9,499,480.81 Over 5 years Borrowing 15.74 Changzhou Compressor Co., Ltd. Customer 2,940,000.00 Over 5 years Current payment 4.87 Changchai Properties Company Customer 1,642,110.97 Within 1 year Current payment 2.72 Changzhou New District Accounting Center Customer 1,626,483.25 Over 5 years Current payment 2.69 Total 25,708,075.03 42.59 (5) No debts owned by the related parties among the other receivables in the reporting period. 6. Inventory (1) Classification of inventory Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Book balance Provision for falling price Book value Book balance Provision for falling price Book value Raw material 81,155,999.36 3,385,967.39 77,770,031.97 93,826,839.63 3,385,967.39 90,440,872.24 Consigned materials for processing 1,229,659.10 1,229,659.10 811,293.70 811,293.70 Goods in process 74,992,540.86 74,992,540.86 75,051,615.94 75,051,615.94 Finished products 155,571,728.28 2,323,272.81 153,248,455.47 205,704,515.00 2,323,272.81 203,381,242.19 Low-value consumption 624,841.82 624,841.82 738,740.59 738,740.59 Total 313,574,769.42 5,709,240.20 307,865,529.22 376,133,004.86 5,709,240.20 370,423,764.66 (2) Provision for falling price of inventory Decreased in current period Category Opening book balance Accrued in current period Reversal Writing off Ending book balance Raw materials 3,385,967.39 3,385,967.39 Finished goods 2,323,272.81 2,323,272.81 Total 5,709,240.20 5,709,240.20 (3) Provision for falling price of inventory Items Basis of withdrawing provision for falling price of inventory Reason for switching back provision for falling price of inventory in current period Ratio of amount switched back in current period to ending balance of such inventory Raw materials Book cost is more than net realizable valueSemi-Annual Report 2010 44 Finished goods Book cost is more than net realizable value (4) Ending balance of inventory excluded the amount of capitalization of borrowing costs. (5) No right such as mortgage was restricted in the ending balance of inventory at the end of the reporting period. 7. Other current assets Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Deferred expense 135,131.40 133,419.55 Total 135,131.40 133,419.55 8. Available-for-sale financial assets Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Available-for-sale equity instrument 621,293,250.00 688,538,250.00 Total 621,293,250.00 688,538,250.00 The above-mentioned available-for-sale equity instrument includes the shares of Foton Motor and of Jiangsu Expressway held by the Company. The ending fair market price of the shares is closing price on the last trading day at the securities exchange. 9. Long-term equity investment (1) Details for long-term equity investment Name of investee entities Accounting method Initial investment amount Opening balance Change of increase and decrease Ending balance Changzhou Fuji Changchai Robin Gasoline Engine Co., Ltd. Equity method 12,294,546.00 17,664,185.64 17,664,185.64 Beijing Tsinghua Industrial Investment Management Co., Ltd. Equity method 2,500,000.00 44,182.50 44,182.50 Shenzhen Drgama Network System Co., Ltd. Equity method 2,388,157.00 0.00 0.00 Jiangsu Bank Cost method 38,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 Lanzhou Northwest Vehicle Corporation Cost method 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Chengdu Changwan Diesel Engine Markeing Corp. Cost method 510,000.00 0.00 0.00 Chongqing Wanzhou Changwan Diesel Engine Fitting Corp. Cost method 290,000.00 0.00 0.00 Other Cost method 410,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total 61,392,703.00 60,708,368.14 60,708,368.14 Con. Name of investee entities Proportion of shareholdin g (%) Proportion of voting rights (%) Note for difference between proportions of voting rights and shareholding hold Provision for impairment Provision for impairme nt withdrawn in current period Cash dividendsSemi-Annual Report 2010 45 Changzhou Fuji Changchai Robin Gasoline Engine Co., Ltd. 33 33 Beijing Tsinghua Industrial Investment Management Co., Ltd. 25 25 Shenzhen Drgama Network System Co., Ltd. 34 34 7,436,389.00 Jiangsu Bank Lanzhou Northwest Vehicle Corporation 5 5 Chengdu Changwan Diesel Engine Markeing Corp. 510,000.00 Chongqing Wanzhou Changwan Diesel Engine Fitting Corp. 290,000.00 Other 410,000.00 Total 8,646,389.00 ①Notes: Others include RMB 20,000 invested in Changzhou Economic and Technology Development Company, RMB 100,000 invested in Changzhou Tractor Plant, RMB 200,000 invested in Industry Fund Fraternity of Changzhou Economic & Trade Commission, RMB 90,000 invested in Beijing Project Machine Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd.. The above four items were hard to take back fully withdrawn impairment provision. ②Shenzhen Drgama Network System Co., Ltd. failed to do annual inspection for industry and commerce administration for several years. It is in disorganization actually, so the Company withdrawn impairment provision fully. (2) Investment in joint venture enterprises and associated enterprises Name of invested entities Type Registration place Legal representative Nature of the business Registered capital (RMB’0000) Proportion of shareholding (%) Proportion of voting right (%) I. The Company has no joint venture enterprise. II. Associated enterprises Changzhou Fuji Changchai Robin Gasoline Engine Co., Ltd. LLC Changzhou Shijing Qijie Industry USD 450 33 33 Beijing Tsinghua Industrial Investment Management Co., Ltd. LLC Beijing Chen Zhangwu Service 1000 25 25 (3) There is no situation for the capacity that the invested enterprise transfers capital to investing enterprise is subjected to restriction. 10. Investment real estate Investment real estate measured at cost Items Opening book balance Increased in current period Decreased in current period Ending book balance I. Total costs 87,632,571.14 87,632,571.14 Houses & buildings 87,632,571.14 87,632,571.14 II. Accumulated depreciation 17,101,496.31 1,104,170.40 18,205,666.71 Houses & buildings 17,101,496.31 1,104,170.40 18,205,666.71 III. Total net book value 70,531,074.83 69,426,904.43 Houses & buildings 70,531,074.83 69,426,904.43 IV. Total provision for impairment lossSemi-Annual Report 2010 46 Houses & buildings V. Total book value 70,531,074.83 69,426,904.43 Houses & buildings 70,531,074.83 69,426,904.43 In the reporting period, the depreciation is RMB 1,104,170.40. In the reporting period, there is no investment real estate that measurement model is changed and the certificate of title failed to be completed. 11. Fixed assets (1) Fixed assets Items Opening amount Increased in current period Decreased in current period Ending amount I. Total costs 910,045,486.75 27,667,609.48 11,459,860.08 926,253,236.15 Of which: Houses & buildings 373,295,111.07 1,930,301.20 371,364,809.87 Machinery equipment 476,453,669.72 24,787,121.01 6,276,551.21 494,964,239.52 Vehicles 22,826,004.56 1,891,822.59 2,161,120.42 22,556,706.73 Other 37,470,701.40 988,665.88 1,091,887.25 37,367,480.03 II. Accumulated depreciation 464,447,173.54 23,528,876.25 8,829,630.93 479,146,418.86 Of which: Houses & buildings 155,329,677.40 5,147,813.46 449,848.80 160,027,642.06 Machinery equipment 268,261,739.61 15,942,320.91 5,548,406.85 278,655,653.67 Vehicles 13,854,622.32 799,856.44 1,905,433.84 12,749,044.92 Other 27,001,134.21 1,638,885.44 925,941.44 27,714,078.21 III. Total net book value 445,598,313.21 447,106,817.29 Of which: Houses & buildings 217,965,433.67 211,337,167.81 Machinery equipment 208,191,930.11 216,308,585.85 Vehicles 8,971,382.24 9,807,661.81 Other 10,469,567.19 9,653,401.82 IV. Total provision for impairment loss 15,042,619.76 15,042,619.76 Of which: Houses & buildings 11,344,597.44 11,344,597.44 Machinery equipment 3,698,022.32 3,698,022.32 Vehicles Other V. Total book value 430,555,693.45 432,064,197.53 Of which: Houses & buildings 206,620,836.23 199,992,570.37 Machinery equipment 204,493,907.79 212,610,563.53 Vehicles 8,971,382.24 9,807,661.81 Other 10,469,567.19 9,653,401.82 In the reporting period, the depreciation is RMB 23,528,876.25. In the reporting period, the original price that the construction in progress transferred into fixed assets is RMB 24,976,952.75. (2) Mortgage of the fixed assets Items Original carrying value Net carrying value Loan balance Houses & buildings 12,506,000 8,754,500 Machinery equipment 6,976,200 1,219,200 Changwan Company borrowed RMB 5.5 million form Chongqing Sanxia Bank Gaosuntang Sub-branch Houses & buildings 20,993,400 9,161,100 Benniu Company borrowed RMB 2 million from Jiangsu Wujin Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., and RMB 5 million from Agricultural Bank Wujin Sub-branchSemi-Annual Report 2010 47 (3) During the reporting period, the provision for impairment of fixed assets remained unchanged. 12. Construction in progress (1) Projects Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Book balance Provision for impairment Net book value Book balance Provision for impairment Net book value Expansion capacity of multi-cylinder 11,956,006.35 11,956,006.35 11,229,229.07 11,229,229.07 Experimental workshop of technology center 30,622,925.50 30,622,925.50 12,371,688.94 12,371,688.94 Renovation of casting 37,817,868.14 37,817,868.14 21,122,871.29 21,122,871.29 Equipment to be installed and payment for projects 25,602,875.86 25,602,875.86 21,079,897.24 21,079,897.24 Total 105,999,675.85 105,999,675.85 65,803,686.54 65,803,686.54 (2) Change in main project of construction in progress Name of projects Opening amount Increased in current period Transferring into fixed assets Other decrease Amount of interest capitalized in current period Resource of capital Ending amount Expansion capacity of multi-cylinder 11,229,229.07 2,261,478.16 1,534,700.88 Self-financing 11,956,006.35 Experimental workshop of technology center 12,371,688.94 21,337,009.69 3,085,773.13 Self-financing 30,622,925.50 Renovation of casting 21,122,871.29 35,051,475.59 18,356,478.74 Self-financing 37,817,868.14 Total 44,723,789.30 58,649,963.44 22,976,952.75 Self-financing 80,396,799.99 (3) Among the ending balance of the construction in progress, there is no situation that its net realizable value is lower than its book value, therefore, the Company did not made the provision for impairment. (4) At the end of reporting period, there is no situation that the construction in progress was used for mortgage guarantee. 13. Intangible assets (1) Intangible assets Items Opening book balance Increased in current period Decreased in current period Ending book balance I. Total costs 131,201,684.40 12,200,316.00 119,001,368.40 Land use right 131,158,184.40 12,200,316.00 118,957,868.40 Proprietary technology 43,500.00 43,500.00 II. Accumulative amortization 27,783,366.40 1,322,416.86 1,220,031.62 27,885,751.64 Land use right 27,741,291.40 1,320,991.86 1,220,031.62 27,842,251.64 Proprietary technology 42,075.00 1,425.00 43,500.00 III. Total net book value 103,418,318.00 91,115,616.76 Land use right 103,416,893.00 91,115,616.76 Proprietary technology 1,425.00 IV. Total provision for impairment Land use right Proprietary technologySemi-Annual Report 2010 48 V. Total book value 103,418,318.00 91,115,616.76 Land use right 103,416,893.00 91,115,616.76 Proprietary technology 1,425.00 0 The amortization amount is RMB 1,322,416.86 in the reporting period. (2) Among the ending balance of the intangible assets, there is no situation that its net realizable value is lower than its book value, therefore, the Company did not made the provision for impairment. 14. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities (1) Recognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income liabilities Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Deferred income tax assets Provision for assets impairment 582,508.32 582,508.32 Subtotal 582,508.32 582,508.32 Deferred income tax liabilities Change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets measured into capital reserve 86,912,812.50 96,999,562.50 Subtotal 86,912,812.50 96,999,562.50 (2) Temporary differences due from assets and liabilities Items Amount of temporary differences Provision for assets impairment 3,883,388.80 Change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets measured into capital reserve 579,418,750.00 Total 583,302,138.80 15. Provision for assets impairment Items Opening book Decreased in current period balance Increased in current period Reversal Writing off Ending book balance Bad debt provision 303,183,615.15 11,947,576.38 291,236,038.77 Provision for falling price of inventory 5,709,240.20 5,709,240.20 Provision for impairment of long-term equity investment 8,646,389.00 8,646,389.00 Provision for impairment of fixed assets 15,042,619.76 15,042,619.76 Provision for impairment of entrusted loan 14,000,000.00 14,000,000.00 Total 346,581,864.11 11,947,576.38 334,634,287.73 16. Short-term borrowings (1) Varieties of short-term borrowings Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Guaranteed loan 14,000,000.00 24,000,000.00 Loan in mortgage 17,500,000.00 17,500,000.00 Consigned loan Total 31,500,000.00 41,500,000.00 (2) Short-term borrowings that have been due up until the period-end but have not been paid off. 17. Notes payable Type 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Bank acceptance bills 335,289,100.00 323,666,300.00 Total 335,289,100.00 323,666,300.00Semi-Annual Report 2010 49 18. Accounts payable (1) Accounts payable classified according to natures Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Operating accounts payable 441,940,517.35 454,897,462.79 Accounts payable for engineering 3,548,659.45 4,462,887.93 Total 445,489,176.80 459,360,350.72 (2) No accounts which were payable to shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) voting-power shares of the Company or related parties existed in the accounts payable as at the period-end. (3) There was no large-amount accounts payable with an aging over one year among the closing balance. 19. Accounts from customers Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Accounts from customers 60,493,742.68 37,892,215.77 Total 60,493,742.68 37,892,215.77 There was no large-amount account from customers with an account age over one year among the closing balance. There was no account collected in advance from shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) voting-power shares of the Company or related parties among the accounts collected in advance as at the period-end. 20. Payroll payable Items Opening book balance Increased in current period Decreased in current period Ending book balance 1. Wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies to employees 43,220,153.82 89,122,199.00 108,562,262.50 23,780,090.32 2. Welfare expense for employees 3,534,391.07 3,362,390.85 172,000.22 3. Trade union funds and staff training expense 6,216,029.80 1,765,454.50 3,420,780.17 4,560,704.13 4. Social insurances 307,000.00 20,438,146.77 20,745,146.77 Of which: endowment insurance 13,180,051.37 13,180,051.37 Basic medical insurance 307,000.00 5,026,097.07 5,333,097.07 Unemployment insurance 1,104,213.78 1,104,213.78 Work injury insurance 626,546.51 626,546.51 Maternity insurance 501,238.04 501,238.04 5. Housing accumulation funds 6,252,683.81 6,252,683.81 6. Compensation for employee dismissal 261,809.19 261,809.19 Total 49,743,183.62 121,374,684.34 142,605,073.29 28,512,794.67 There were no such amounts that the Company should pay but did not pay among the payroll payable. 21. Taxes and fares payable Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 VAT -16,502,121.72 -29,024,764.10 Business tax 905,485.24 1,557,483.75 City maintenance construction tax 63,383.97 939,860.86 Corporate income tax 3,905,626.13 17,259,686.79 Housing property tax 355,684.26 343,677.10 Individual income tax 5,592,090.07 84,270.71 Educational surcharges 36,219.41 62,718.63 Synthesis fee 1,793,807.93 1,842,878.21 Total -3,849,824.71 -6,934,188.05 22. Dividend payableSemi-Annual Report 2010 50 Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Reason for unpaid dividend exceeding one year Common stock dividends payable 3,243,179.97 3,243,179.97 To fail to draw Dividends for minority shareholders 648,253.86 648,253.86 To fail to draw Total 3,891,433.83 3,891,433.83 23. Other payables (1) Other payables Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Other payables 167,061,268.94 119,130,766.55 Total 167,061,268.94 119,130,766.55 (2) There were no accounts owed to shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) voting-power shares of the Company or related parties among the other payables as at the period-end. (3) There were no large-amount other payables with an account age over one year among the closing balance. (4) The large-amount other payable as at the period-end were mainly selling concessions and claim expenses for three guarantees of quality. 24. Other current liabilities Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Charges for disposing pollutants 250,000.00 300,000.00 Other 1,477,834.71 34,297.88 Total 1,727,834.71 334,297.88 25. Long-term borrowings (1) Category of long-term borrowings Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Loan in credit 30,000,000.00 Total 30,000,000.00 (2) Breakdown of long-term borrowings Bank Beginning Currency Ending amount Opening amount date Ending date Interest rate (%) Foreign-currency amount RMB amount Foreign-currency amount RMB amount Wenhuagong Subbranch of Jiangsu Bank 2010.3.29 2012.3.28 RMB 4.86 30,00,000.00 Total 30,00,000.00 26. Other non-current liabilities Items 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Government subsidy for technology item 6,333,000.00 6,060,000.00 Total 6,333,000.00 6,060,000.00 27. Share capital Increase/decrease of this change Opening amount Issuance of new share Bonus share Capitalization of public reserves Others Subtotal Ending amount Total shares 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00Semi-Annual Report 2010 51 28. Capital public reserves Items Opening amount Increased in current period Decreased in current period Ending amount Premium of share capital 153,053,986.32 153,053,986.32 Other 569,975,324.94 57,158,250.00 512,817,074.94 Total 723,029,311.26 57,158,250.00 665,871,061.26 Capital reserves has increased RMB 57,158,250.00 in the reporting period, which was mainly because RMB 57,158,250.00, which was a amount both net amount from changes in fair value of financial assets available for sales--stocks of Foton Motor and Ninghu Express held by the Company and impact on relevant deferred income tax, was recorded into the capital reserve. 29. Surplus reserves Items Opening amount Increased in current period Decreased in current period Ending amount Statutory surplus reserves 248,902,493.51 248,902,493.51 Discretionary surplus reserves 13,156,857.90 13,156,857.90 Total 262,059,351.41 262,059,351.41 30. Retained profit Items Amount Withholding or distribution proportion Retained profit at the end of previous year before adjustment 251,066,746.07 Adjustment of retained profit at the beginning of year retained profit at the beginning of year after adjustment 251,066,746.07 Add: Net profit attributable to owners of parent company in this period 62,560,326.88 Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves Withdrawal of discretionary surplus reserves Withdrawal of general risk provisions Dividend of common shares payable Dividend of common shares transferred to share capital Retained profit at the period-end 313,627,072.95 31. Operating revenue and operating cost (1) Operating revenue Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Income from main business 1,473,185,173.95 1,233,742,110.79 Income from other business 13,490,281.70 13,770,651.81 Operating cost 1,287,727,677.72 1,083,838,249.11 (2) Main business classified according to products Products Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Operating income Operating cost Operating income Operating cost Diesels engines and foundry fittings 1,473,185,173.95 1,280,563,603.04 1,233,742,110.79 1,069,130,141.92 Total 1,473,185,173.95 1,280,563,603.04 1,233,742,110.79 1,069,130,141.92 (3) Operating revenue of the top five clients of the Company Name of clients Operating revenue Proportion in operating revenue of the Company (%) Shandong Wuzheng (Group) Co., Ltd 121,305,923.94 8.16 DongFeng Automobile Co.,Ltd 99,083,436.37 6.66 Changzhou Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Group Co., Ltd 94,637,825.43 6.37Semi-Annual Report 2010 52 Liuzhou Gongxing Agricultural Machinery Corporation 55,626,659.11 3.74 Burma GOOD BROTHERS CO LTD 52,679,162.28 3.54 Total 423,333,007.13 28.48 32. Business tax and surcharges Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Urban maintenance and construction tax 111,295.90 62,012.34 Educational surcharge 63,597.65 49,609.85 Total 174,893.55 111,622.19 33. Loss on assets impairment Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Loss on bad debt 12,113,276.86 Loss on falling price of inventory -10,354,852.74 Loss on impairment of fixed assets 2,031,127.80 Total 3,789,551.92 34. Income from changes in fair value Source of income from changes in fair value Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Transaction financial assets 5,534.10 -16,440,300.00 Of which: income from changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments Total 5,534.10 -16,440,300.00 35. Investment income Breakdown of investment income Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Long-term equity investment income measured with cost method Long-term equity investment income measured with equity method 296,708.31 Investment income from transaction financial assets or financial assets available for sale held 6,502,500.00 722,500.00 Income from disposal of long-term equity investment 155,467,728.02 Investment income from disposal of transaction financial assets 237,313.17 31,149,675.00 Other Total 6,739,813.17 187,636,611.33 36. Non-operating income (1) Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Total gains from disposal of non-current assets 1,678,604.36 280,205.15 Including: gains from disposal of fixed assets 1,678,604.36 280,205.15 Insurance compensation 14,408.25 45,031.58 Penalty income 33,711.55 Government subsidy 623,730.84 2,502,342.35 Gains from disposal of current assets 3,043,862.81 3,155,621.35 Payables that need not to be paid Others 623,450.98 152,480.12 Total 5,984,057.24 6,169,392.10Semi-Annual Report 2010 53 (2) Breakdown of government subsidy Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Refund of value-added tax 2,402,342.35 Other rewards and subsidies 623,730.84 100,000.00 Total 623,730.84 2,502,342.35 Government subsidy has decreased, which was caused by no refund of VAT received by Benniu in the reporting period. 37. Non-operating expenses Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Total loss on disposal of non-current assets 98,819.28 22,899.97 Including: loss on disposal of fixed assets 98,819.28 22,899.97 Subsidy funds for crop risk and commodity prices 409,228.83 Donation Penalty expense Loss from debts restructuring Expense on flood prevention and security 1,469,089.73 847,122.60 Loss on disposal of current assets 1,316,129.05 1,436,882.62 Others 1,294,927.45 2,450,922.60 Total 4,178,965.51 5,167,056.62 38. Income tax expense Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Current income tax calculated at the Law of Tax and relevant regulations 12,786,669.47 32,552,305.30 Adjustment of deferred income tax -4,642,723.52 Total 12,786,669.47 27,909,581.78 39. Calculation process of basic EPS and diluted EPS The calculation process of basic EPS of the Company for the first half year 2010 is specified in the following table: Item Amount Calculation of basic EPS and diluted EPS (Ⅰ) Numerator Net profit after tax 63,265,654.13 Adjustment: influence of preference share dividends and other tools Gains/losses attributable to ordinary share holders of parent company in the calculation of basic EPS 62,560,326.88 Adjustment: dividends and interest related to dilution potential ordinary shares Gain/loss changes caused by conversion of dilution potential ordinary shares Gains/losses attributable to ordinary share holders of parent company in the calculation of diluted EPS 62,560,326.88 (Ⅱ) Denominator Weighted average number of common shares issued in the report period in the calculation of basic EPS 561,374,326.00 Add: weighted average number of common shares converted from all delusion potential common shares Weighted average number of common shares issued in the report period in the calculation of diluted EPS 561,374,326.00 (Ⅲ) EPSSemi-Annual Report 2010 54 Basic EPS Net profit attributable to common share holders of the Company 0.11 Net profit attributable to common share holders of the Company after deducting non-recurring gains/losses Diluted EPS Net profit attributable to common share holders of the Company 0.11 Net profit attributable to common share holders of the Company after deducting non-recurring gains/losses 40. Other comprehensive incomes Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 1. Gain/loss from the financial assets available for sale -67,245,000.00 269,048,677.05 Minus: income tax impact caused by the financial assets available for sale -10,086,750.00 40,357,301.55 Net amount previously included in other comprehensive earnings and transferred into gain/loss in the report period Subtotal -57,158,250.00 228,691,375.50 2. Amount enjoyed by the Company in the invested unit’s other comprehensive earnings and calculated by the equity method Minus: the income tax impact caused by the amount enjoyed by the Company in the invested unit’s other comprehensive earnings and calculated by the equity method Net amount previously included in other comprehensive earnings and transferred into gain/loss in the report period Subtotal 3. Others Minus: income tax impact caused by other items included in other comprehensive earnings Net amount previously included in other comprehensive earnings and transferred into gain/loss in the report period Subtotal Total -57,158,250.00 228,691,375.50 The gain/loss from financial assets available for sale in the report period came from the income from the fair value changes of the financial assets available-for-sale—shares of Foton Automobile and Ninghu Expressway— held by the parent company. 41. Notes to items in the Cash Flow Statement (1) Other cash received related to operating activities The amount that occurred in the report period stood at RMB 12,585,300 with those important items detailed as follows: (Unit: ten thousand Yuan) Item Amount Cash received from other activities 513.03 Subsidies and grants 300.47 Interest income 167.87 (2) Other cash paid related to operating activities The amount that occurred in the report period stood at RMB 45,696,700 with those important items detailed as follows: (Unit: ten thousand Yuan) Item Amount Various kinds of office expenses and operating outlay 1186.64 Travel expenses 779.31 Expenses for transportation and repair 795.48 Expenses for promotion and guarantee of repair 183.49 Expense on trial development 228.75 Other 168.78 42. Supplementary information to the Cash Flow StatementSemi-Annual Report 2010 55 (1) Supplementary information to the Cash Flow Statement Supplementary information Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating activities Net profit 63,265,654.13 190,713,981.27 Add: Provision for impairment of assets 3,789,551.92 Depreciation of fixed assets 24,633,046.65 22,358,451.97 Amortization of intangible assets 1,322,416.86 1,360,310.86 Amortization of long-term deferred expense Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and other long-term assets -179,785.08 -257,305.18 Loss on retirement of fixed assets Losses from variation of fair value -5,534.10 16,440,300.00 Financial cost 1,875,545.65 1,922,468.08 Investment loss -6,739,813.17 -187,636,611.33 Credit item of deferred tax -532,648.52 Debit item of deferred tax -10,086,750.00 -4,110,075.00 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative) 62,558,235.44 71,220,449.21 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities -126,448,954.32 -110,860,564.01 Increase in payables from operating activities 63,383,792.57 274,929,539.65 Other Net cash flows generated from operating activities 73,577,854.63 279,337,848.92 2. Investing and financing activities that do not involving cash receipts and payment: Conversion of debt into capital Convertible bond due within one year Fixed assets financed by finance leases 3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents: Closing balance of cash 800,969,743.08 847,487,171.26 Less: Opening balance of cash 770,721,154.44 400,278,967.15 Add: closing balance of cash equivalents Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 30,248,588.64 447,208,204.11 (2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents Items 30 June 2010 31 Dec. 2009 I. Cash 800,969,743.08 770,721,154.44 Including: Cash on hand 350,578.05 411,084.77 Bank deposit on demand 700,432,314.57 679,507,775.72 Other monetary funds on demand 100,186,850.46 90,802,293.95 II. Cash equivalent Including: Bond investment due in three months III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 800,969,743.08 770,721,154.44 Note 6: Related parties and related parties transactions 1. Particulars about the parent company of the CompanySemi-Annual Report 2010 56 The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Changzhou Municipal Government is the actual controller of the Company, which held 30.02% equities of the Company (state-owned equities) as at 30 Jun. 2010. 2. Particulars about subsidiaries of the Company Full name of subsidiary Type of subsidiary Type of enterprise Registered place Legal representative Business nature Registered capital (RMB 0’000) Shareholding ratio (%) Voting power ratio (%) Code of organization Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. Controlling subsidiary Company with limited liability Chongqing City Yin Lihou Industry 3,500 60 60 20793370-5 Changzhou Changchai Benniu Diesel Engine Fittings Co., Ltd. Controlling subsidiary Company with limited liability Changzhou City Qiang Jinlong Industry 3,378.64 75 75 25083232-8 Nanjing Changli Agricultural Machinery Fittings Co., Ltd. Wholly-funded subsidiary Company with limited liability Nanjing City Xue Guojun Industry 500 100 100 66065240-X Changzhou Housheng Investment Co., Ltd. Wholly-funded subsidiary Company with limited liability Changzhou Shi Jianchun Financing 3000 100 100 55027547-1 3. Joint ventures and jointly-run enterprises of the Company Name of the invested entity Type of enterprise Registered place Legal representative Business nature Registered capital (RMB 0’000) Shareholding ratio of the Company (%) Voting power ratio of the Company in the invested entity (%) 1. The Company had no joint ventures. 2. Jointly-run enterprises Changzhou Fuji Changchai Robin Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. Company with limited liability Changzhou Shijing Qijie Industry USD 4.5 million 33 33 Beijing Tsinghua Investment Management Co., Ltd. Company with limited liability Beijing Chen Zhangwu Service 1000 25 25 4. No other related parties existed in the Company. 5. The Company has no related transactions in the report period that needed to be disclosed. Note 7: Contingent Events (I) Lawsuits and arbitrations in the report period Name of defendant Date of accepting & hearing Names of lawsuits & arbitration organs Involved sum (RMB 0’000) Remarks Pending lawsuits carried down to the report period from the previous periods 1. Nanjing Jinwa Share-holding Co., Ltd. 9 Jul. 2002 Changzhou Intermediate People’s Court 1,419.00 In the process of execution 2.Shandong Hongli Group Co., Ltd. 27 Jun. 2001 Changzhou Intermediate People’s Court 1,436.00 During bankruptcy liquidation Total 2855.00 1. About the lawsuit case of Nanjing Jinwa Share-holding Co., Ltd.: The Company has signed a settlement agreement where Lishui County Public-owned Assets Operation Co., Ltd. shall pay the debt of RMB 14.19 million owed by Nanjing Jinwa Share-holding Co., Ltd. with 80 mu of land. On 31 May 2010, through executionSemi-Annual Report 2010 57 made by the Count, Lishui County Public-owned Assets Operation Co., Ltd. had repaid the said debt with a cash of RMB 9 million instead of Nanjing Jinwa Share-holding Co., Ltd.. This case has been settled. 2. About the lawsuit case of Shandong Hongli Group Co., Ltd.: The accused company owed accumulatively RMB 14.36 million to the Company. The Company sued to Changzhou Intermediate People’s Court in 2001 and sued for compulsory execution in April, 2002. Currently, the defendant has started the bankruptcy procedure. (II) Guarantees In the report period, the Company provided a loan guarantee of RMB 11.50 million for its controlling subsidiary—Changchai Benniu Diesel Engine Fittings Co., Ltd. with the guarantee term from 29 Oct. 2009 to 29 Oct. 2010. Note 8: Commitment Events The Company has no commitment events that needed to be disclosed. Note 9: Notes to the main items of the parent company’s financial statements (If not specified, the monetary units of the items below are set at RMB Yuan.) 1. Accounts receivable (1) Classified by account nature 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision Categories Amount Proporti on (%) Amount Proporti on (%) Amount Proportio n (%) Amount Propor tion (%) Significant single amount 510,229,537.69 82.29 193,705,394.28 37.96 400,500,232.81 83.31 203,635,922.04 50.85 Other insignificant accounts receivable 109,831,322.36 17.71 56,482,411.29 51.43 80,224,401.18 16.69 58,499,459.91 72.92 Total 620,060,860.05 100.00 250,187,805.57 40.35 480,724,633.99 100 262,135,381.95 54.53 An accounts receivable with the loan balance over one million (including one million) is recognized as an account receivable with significant single amount. The Company conducts independent impairment tests on the accounts receivable with significant single amount and withdraws bad debt provisions by the account age analysis method on those accounts receivable of which there is no objective evidence to indicate the possible occurrence of impairment. (2)Bad debt provisions for closing accounts receivable with significant single amounts or insignificant but being conducted an independent impairment test on: Content Book balance Amount of bad debt Withholding proportion Reason Customer 1 50,170,093.11 29,714,026.76 Within 5 years: withholding at the aging, Over 5 year: withholding at 60% Through the resolution made by the Board of Directors, related parties adopted withholding proportion not exceeding 60% Customer 2 12,343,782.28 12,343,782.28 100% No current for a long time Customer 3 14,234,302.79 14,234,302.79 100% In bankruptcy Total 76,748,178.18 56,292,111.83 (3) Aging analysis 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Book balance Book balance Aging Amount Proportion (%) Bad debt provision Amount Proportion (%) Bad debt provision Within 1 year 339,633,433.47 54.77 7,908,055.55 195,562,891.43 40.68 5,154,093.98 1-2 years 349,633,433.47 56.39 7,908,055.55 195,562,891.43 40.68 5,154,093.98 2-3 years 2,510,008.97 0.40 958,864.54 4,310,615.25 0.90 1,887,726.16 3-4 years 3,953,455.27 0.64 1,741,187.52 3,717,294.41 0.77 1,969,179.12 4-5 years 3,459,254.82 0.56 1,924,367.97 9,970,299.15 2.07 5,738,455.86Semi-Annual Report 2010 58 Over 5 years 8,056,487.93 1.30 5,795,459.36 16,803,976.01 3.50 16,614,718.05 Total 252,448,219.59 40.71 231,859,870.63 250,359,557.74 52.08 230,771,208.78 (4)Accounts receivable actually canceled in the report period Name of entity Nature of the account receivable Amount canceled after verification Reasons for cancellation Whether caused by related transactions Xinghua Feida Model Company Payment for goods 1,034,847.84 Close of bankruptcy No Suining Dayu Co., Ltd. Payment for goods 638,586.50 Close of bankruptcy No Guoyang Zhongyuan Trading Co., Ltd. Payment for goods 665,760.00 Debt restructuring No Xuchang Machinery Manufacturing Factory Payment for goods 4,938,735.92 Close of bankruptcy No Guantao County Chaoyuan Agricultural Machinery Company Payment for goods 1,956,944.00 Close of bankruptcy No Gansu Tiantai Agricultural Machinery Electromechanical Co.,Ltd. Payment for goods 2,000,000.00 Debt restructuring No Yunnan Zhang’an Trading Co., Ltd. Payment for goods 712,702.12 Debt restructuring No Total 11,947,576.38 (5)There was no accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company in the reporting period (6)Top five entities of the accounts receivable Name of entity Relationship with the Company Amount Useful life Ratio to the total accounts receivable (%) Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. Customer 56,332,842.79 Within 1 year 9.09 Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. Controlling subsidiary 50,033,686.61 Within 4 years and over 5 years 8.07 Shandong Wuzheng Group Co., Ltd. Customer 44,506,116.80 Within 1 year 7.18 Changzhou Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Group Co., Ltd. Customer 41,251,658.42 Within 1 year 6.65 Chengdong Jifeng Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd. Customer 26,273,044.06 Within 1 year 4.24 Total 218,397,348.68 35.22 (7) Other debts owed by related parties among the accounts receivable in the report period Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.: RMB 50,033,686.61 2. Other receivable (1) Other receivables disclosed according to categories: 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision Categories Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportio n (%) Amount Proporti on (%) Amount Proporti on (%) Significant single amount 33,547,946.37 72.06 27,058,441.58 80.66 39,253,700.96 73.28 28,150,645.06 71.71 Other insignificant accounts receivable 13,005,483.24 27.94 12,086,698.14 92.94 14,309,882.65 26.72 10,994,494.66 76.83 Total 46,553,429.61 100.00 39,145,139.72 84.09 53,563,583.61 100 39,145,139.72 73.08Semi-Annual Report 2010 59 The other receivables with the loan balance over one million (including one million) is recognized as one with significant single amount. The Company made independent impairment tests on the other receivables with significant single amount and withdraws bad debt provisions by the account aging analysis method on those other receivables of which there is no objective evidence to indicate the possible occurrence of impairment. (2) Aging analysis 30 Jun. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Book balance Book balance Aging Amount Proportion (%) Bad debt provision Amount Proportion (%) Bad debt provision Within 1 year 7,085,623.75 15.22 191,582.62 13,953,610.08 26.05 279,072.20 1-2 years 218,885.49 0.47 14,574.23 569,260.00 1.06 28,463.00 2-3 years 498,778.31 1.07 250,005.64 3,064,183.68 5.72 3,028,029.05 3-4 years 2,819,556.42 6.06 2,777,589.47 460,176.08 0.86 294,021.70 4-5 years 320,756.84 0.69 301,558.96 75,078.18 0.14 74,278.18 Over 5 years 35,609,828.80 76.49 35,609,828.80 35,441,275.59 66.17 35,441,275.59 Total 46,553,429.61 100 39,145,139.72 53,563,583.61 100 39,145,139.72 (3)There was no other receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company in the reporting period. (4) Top five entities of other receivables Name of entity Relationship with the Company Amount Useful life Nature Ratio to the total other receivables (%) Changzhou Vehicle Co., Ltd. Customer 9,499,480.81 Over 5 years Borrowing 20.41 Changzhou Compressor Co., Ltd. Customer 2,940,000.00 Over 5 years Current payment 6.32 Changchai Properties Company Customer 1,642,110.97 Within 1 year Current payment 3.53 Changzhou New District Accounting Center Customer 1,626,483.25 Over 5 years Current payment 3.49 Settlement center of Changchai Group Customer 1,000,000.00 Over 5 years Current payment 2.15 Total 16,708,075.03 35.89 (5) No debts owned by the related parties among the other receivables in the reporting period. 3. Long-term equity investment (1) Breakdown of long-term equity investment Name of investee entities Accounting method Initial investment amount Opening balance Change of increase and decrease Ending balance Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd Cost method 21,000,000.00 21,000,000.00 21,000,000.00 Changchai Benniu Diesel Engine Fittings Co., Ltd Cost method 25,339,800.00 25,339,800.00 25,339,800.00 Nanjing Changli Agro-engine Fitting Market Co., Ltd Cost method 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Changzhou Fuji Changchai Robin Gasoline Engine Co., Ltd. Equity method 12,294,546.00 17,664,185.64 17,664,185.64 Beijing Tsinghua Industrial Investment Management Co., Ltd. Equity method 2,500,000.00 44,182.50 44,182.50Semi-Annual Report 2010 60 Shenzhen Drgama Network System Co., Ltd. Equity method 2,388,157.00 0.00 0.00 Jiangsu Bank Cost method 38,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 Lanzhou Northwest Vehicle Corporation Cost method 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Changzhou Housheng Investment Co., Ltd. Cost method 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 Others Cost method 410,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total 141,932,503.00 112,048,168.14 0.00 142,048,168.14 Con. Invested unit Proportion of shareholdin g in invested units (%) Proportion of voting right in invested units (%) Explanation on differ of proportion between shareholding and voting right in invested units Impairment provision Impairme nt provision withdrawn in current period Cash dividend in current period Changchai Wanzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd 60 60 Changchai Benniu Diesel Engine Fittings Co., Ltd 75 75 Nanjing Changli Agro-engine Fitting Market Co., Ltd 100 100 Changzhou Fuji Changchai Robin Gasoline Engine Co., Ltd. 33 33 Beijing Tsinghua Industrial Investment Management Co., Ltd. 25 25 Shenzhen Drgama Network System Co., Ltd. 34 34 7,436,389.00 Jiangsu Bank Lanzhou Northwest Vehicle Corporation 5 5 Changzhou Housheng Investment Co., Ltd. 100 100 Others 410,000.00 Total 7,846,389.00 Notes: ① Others: RMB 20,000 was invested to Changzhou Economic and Technology Development Company, RMB 100,000 was invested to Changzhou Tractor Plant, RMB 200,000 was invested to Industry Fund Fraternity of Changzhou Economic & Trade Commission, RMB 90,000 was invested to Beijing Project Machine Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd.. The above four items were hard to take back fully withdrawn impairment provision. ② Shenzhen Drgama Network System Co., Ltd. failed to do annual inspection for industry and commerce administration for four years. It is in disorganization actually, so the Company withdrawn impairment provision fully. 4. Operating revenue and operating cost (1) Operating revenue Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Income from main business 1,485,138,080.03 1,242,540,082.16Semi-Annual Report 2010 61 Income from other business 13,490,281.70 12,780,176.45 Operating cost 1,315,285,655.58 1,106,419,500.15 (2) Main business classified according to products Products Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Operating income Operating cost Operating income Operating cost Diesels engines 1,485,138,080.03 1,308,121,577.30 1,242,540,082.16 1,091,941,451.32 Total 1,485,138,080.03 1,308,121,577.30 1,242,540,082.16 1,091,941,451.32 (3) Operating revenue of the top five clients of the Company Name of clients Operating revenue Proportion in operating revenue of the Company (%) Shandong Wuzheng (Group) Co., Ltd 106,222,350.21 7.09 DongFeng Automobile Co.,Ltd 86,763,079.13 5.79 Changzhou Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Group Co., Ltd 82,870,249.94 5.53 Liuzhou Gongxing Agricultural Machinery Corporation 48,709,859.12 3.25 GOOD BROTHERS CO LTD1 46,128,863.64 3.08 Total 370,694,402.04 24.74 5. Investment income Breakdown of investment income Items Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 Long-term equity investment income measured with cost method 722,500.00 Long-term equity investment income measured with equity method 296,708.31 Investment income from transaction financial assets or financial assets available for sale held 6,502,500.00 Income from disposal of long-term equity investment 155,467,728.02 Investment income from disposal of transaction financial assets 31,149,675.00 Total 6,502,500.00 187,636,611.33 6. Supplementary information to the Cash Flow Statement Supplementary information Jan. –Jun. 2010 Jan. –Jun. 2009 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating activities Net profit 60,468,787.12 183,283,875.14 Add: Provision for impairment of assets 3,898,824.12 Depreciation of fixed assets 21,055,648.96 18,798,994.00 Amortization of intangible assets 1,292,726.52 1,329,195.52 Amortization of long-term deferred expense Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and other long-term assets -138,445.67 -141,574.40 Loss on retirement of fixed assets Losses from variation of fair value 16,440,300.00 Financial cost 1,095,665.07 Investment loss -6,502,500.00 -187,636,611.33 Credit item of deferred tax -532,648.52 Debit item of deferred tax -10,086,750.00 -4,110,075.00 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative) 77,920,616.21 79,201,291.22 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities -128,289,654.33 -118,965,026.36 Increase in payables from operating activities 70,801,391.23 253,295,941.43Semi-Annual Report 2010 62 Other Net cash flows generated from operating activities 87,617,485.11 244,862,485.82 2. Investing and financing activities that do not involving cash receipts and payment: Conversion of debt into capital Convertible bond due within one year Fixed assets financed by finance leases 3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents: Closing balance of cash 773,682,332.19 802,218,005.31 Less: Opening balance of cash 732,773,854.30 378,820,707.08 Add: closing balance of cash equivalents Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 40,908,477.89 423,397,298.23 Notes 10: Supplementary information 1. Statement on extraordinary gains and losses Items Amount Notes Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 1,579,785.08 Of which: net income from disposal of fixed assets was RMB 1,579,785.08 Government subsidies recorded into the current profit and loss, except for those closely related with the normal operation of the company and constantly received by the Company at a fixed amount or quantity according to certain standards of state policies 623,730.84 Profit or loss from changes in fair value of tradable financial assets and liabilities held by the Company, and investment income from disposal of tradable financial assets and liabilities as well as available-for-sale financial assets, excluding the effective hedging businesses related with the normal operations of the company 242,847.27 Other non-operating income and expenses besides the above items -398,424.19 Amount affected by income tax -345,796.31 Amount affected by minority interest (after tax) -72,385.23 Total 1,629,757.46 Note: Extraordinary gains and losses items were listed at the amount before tax 2. Return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS) Earnings per share Profit in current period Weighted average return on equity(%) Basic EPS Diluted EPS Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company 3.48 0.11 0.11 Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses 3.38 0.11 0.11 3. Abnormity of major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company and explanation on reasons (1) Ending balance increased by RMB 147,990,100 comparing with the opening balance, 57.88% up, which was caused by increase of sales volume, as well as undue sale on account according to the contract. (2) Ending balance increased by RMB 40,456,400 comparing with the opening balance, an increaseSemi-Annual Report 2010 63 of 61.08%, which was caused by increase of technological renovation inputs, adding some new equipment. (3) Accounts from customers Ending balance increased by RMB 22,601,600 comparing with the opening balance, up by 59.65%, mainly because dealer prepaid part accounts for goods to the Company, which was prepared fittings stock for production midseason. (4) Payroll payable Ending balance decreased by RMB 21,230,400 comparing with the opening balance, 42.68% down, which was caused by increase of sales volume, and operating performance of the Company was better, and salary and bonus increased accordingly. (5) Taxes payable Ending balance increased RMB 3,084,400 comparing with the opening balance, an increase of 44.48%, mainly due to increase of sales volumes and adjustment of products structure, and VAT increased accordingly. (6) Financial expenses Ending balance increased by RMB 1,910,400 comparing with the opening balance, 58.37% up, mainly because of increase of interest expenses paid on the borrowing and decrease of sales promotion expenses deducted from suppliers. (7) Net income form investment Ending balance decreased by RMB 180,896,800 comparing with the opening balance, 96.41% down, mainly because the Company disposed the part of tradable financial assets and equities at the same period of last year, but noting in this reporting period. (8) Income tax Ending balance decreased by RMB 15,122,900 comparing with the opening balance, 54.19% down, mainly because the income as of this reporting period is less than that of last year.Semi-Annual Report 2010 64 VIII. Documents Available for Reference The following documents are available for reference: 1. Text of 2010 Semi-Annual Report carrying the signature of Chairman of the Board; 2. Accounting statements carrying the signatures and seals of the person-in-charge of the Company, the person-in-charge of accounting and the person-in-charge of the accounting agency; 3. Originals of all the Company’s documents and public notices ever disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao designated by CSRC in the report period; 4. Articles of Association of the Company. The above-mentioned documents for reference are readily available in the Secretariat of the Board of Directors of the Company. This Semi-Annual Report was prepared both in Chinese and English. Should there be any difference in interpretation of the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. Board of Directors Changchai Company, Limited 19 Aug. 2010