Short form of the Stock: Suchangchai A, Suchangchai B Stock Code: 000570, 200570 Notice Number: 2012-019 CHANGCHAI COMPANY, LIMITED THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT 2012 I. Important Notes The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management of Changchai Company, Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report does not contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts and will take individual and/or joint responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of all contents set forth herein. All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report. Mr. Xue Guojun, Person-in-charge of the Company, Mr. He Jianguang, Person-in-charge of the accounting work and Mr. Jiang He, Person-in-charge of the accounting department (Accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in the Quarterly Report is factual and complete. II. Company Profile (I) Major accounting data and financial indexes Any retrospective adjustment in previous financial statements? □ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable 30 Sept. 2012 31 Dec. 2011 Increase/decrease (%) Total assets (RMB Yuan) 3,075,768,564.99 2,870,088,394.73 7.17 Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB Yuan) 1,795,139,835.13 1,742,701,667.71 3.01 Share capital (share) 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 0.00 Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB Yuan/share) 3.20 3.10 3.23 YoY YoY Jul.-Sept. 2012 increase/decreas Jan.-Sept. 2012 increase/decreas e (%) e (%) Gross operating revenues (RMB Yuan) 671,172,774.03 -6.44 2,270,652,986.78 -6.17 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB Yuan) 13,019,902.39 14.77 42,822,340.86 -11.71 Net cash flow from operating activities (RMB Yuan) -- -- 249,254,713.34 -- Net cash flow per share from operating activities (RMB Yuan/share) -- -- 0.44 -- Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share) 0.02 0.00 0.08 -11.11 Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share) 0.02 0.00 0.08 -11.11 Weighted average ROE (%) 0.71 0.09 2.42 -0.25 Weighted average ROE after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (%) 0.59 0.00 2.04 -0.29 Items of non-recurring gains and losses √Applicable □Inapplicable 1 Amount during Item Jan.-Sept. 2012 (RMB Notes Yuan) Of which: RMB 2, 624,696.90 is the net Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets 2,624,696.90 gains on disposal of fixed assets. Tax rebate, reduction or exemption due to un-authorized approval or the lack of formal approval documents Government grants recognized in the current year, except for those acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted 3,200,000.00 at certain quotas or amounts according to the country’s unified standards Capital occupation fees received from non-financial 750,000.00 enterprises that are included in current gains and losses Gains generated when the investment costs of the Company’s acquiring subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are less than the fair value of identifiable net assets in the investees attributable to the Company in the acquisition of the investments Exchange gains and losses of non-monetary assets Gains and losses through entrusting others to invest or manage assets Various asset impairment provisions due to acts of God such as natural disasters Gains and losses on debt restructuring Enterprise reorganization expenses, such as expenses on employee settlement and integration Gains and losses on the parts exceeding the fair value when prices of transactions become unfair Net current gains and losses from the period-begin to the combination date of subsidiaries due to business combinations under the same control Gains and losses on contingent matters which are irrelevant to the normal operation of the Company Gains and losses on fair value changes of transactional financial assets and liabilities, and investment gains on Investment income gained from disposal of disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and 248,634.25 transactional financial assets. available-for-sale financial assets, except for the effective hedging business related to the Company’s normal operation Reversal of impairment provisions for accounts receivable which are separately tested for impairment signs Gains and losses on entrustment loans from external parties Gains and losses on fair value changes of investing properties for which the fair value method is adopted for subsequent measurement Current gain and loss effect due to a just-for-once adjustment to current gains and losses according to requirements of taxation and accounting laws and regulations Custodian fee income from entrusted operations with the Company Other non-operating incomes and expenses besides the items 1,142,523.35 above Other gain and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses Minority interests effects -13,308.64 Income tax effects -1,292,924.50 Total 6,659,621.36 -- 2 (II) Total number of shareholders and top 10 shareholders at the period-end Total number of shareholders 88,789 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding tradable shares Number of tradable Type and number of shares Name of shareholder shares held at period-end Type Number State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration 168,497,736 RMB ordinary shares 168,497,736 Commission of Changzhou Municipal Government Liu Ying 1,607,144 RMB ordinary shares 1,607,144 Wang Zhinan 1,373,040 RMB ordinary shares 1,373,040 Xi Yanping 1,092,500 RMB ordinary shares 1,092,500 Dai Ge 885,247 RMB ordinary shares 885,247 GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) Domestically listed 883,450 883,450 LIMITED foreign shares Domestically listed Li Tao 838,391 838,391 foreign shares Domestically listed Sinoauto Company,Ltd. 820,000 820,000 foreign shares Feng Yan 796,850 RMB ordinary shares 796,850 Li Weidong 747,299 RMB ordinary shares 747,299 Notes of particulars of shareholders Naught III. Significant Events (I) Significant changes in major accounting data, financial highlights and reasons for these changes √Applicable □Inapplicable 1. Accounts receivable increased 36.88% over the year-begin, which was mainly because in the sale of the first three quarters of the year, the Company properly extended credit to customers according to relevant agreements and plans so as to attract more customers. 2.Other accounts receivable increased 102.37% over the year-begin, which was mainly because the Company’s subsidiary—Changzhou Housheng Investment Co., Ltd. provided temporary loan to its supplier of Xuzhou East China Casting General Factory. 3. Inventory decreased 102.37% over the year-begin, which was mainly because some stocks prepared by the Company at the year-begin were sold during the first three quarters of the year. 4. Payroll payable decreased 61.68% over the year-begin, which was mainly because some of the salary provisions made at the period-begin were paid during the reporting period. (II) Progress of significant events and its influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on solutions 1. About non-standard audit opinion □Applicable √Inapplicable 2. The Company offers capital to the controlling shareholder or its related parties or provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedures. □Applicable √Inapplicable 3 3. Signing and execution of significant contracts concerning routine operation □Applicable √Inapplicable 4. Others □Applicable √Inapplicable (III) Commitments of the Company or shareholders with an over 5% shareholding made in or carried down into the reporting period □Applicable √Inapplicable (IV) Predict the 2012 annual operating results Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same period of the last year according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons □Applicable √Inapplicable (V) Other significant events that need to be explained 1. Securities investment √Applicable □Inapplicable Proportion in Number of Initial Closing the total Gain/loss in shares held at Serial Variety of Code of Abbr. of investment carrying closing the reporting the No. securities securities securities amount amount securities period (RMB period-end (RMB Yuan) (RMB Yuan) investment Yuan) (Share) amount (%) Other securities investments held at the period-end 0 -- 0 0 0 Gain/loss on selling securities in the reporting period -- -- -- -- 248,634.25 Total 0 -- 0 100% 248,634.25 Disclosure date of the board announcement of securities —— investment approval Disclosure date of the general meeting announcement of —— securities investment approval Notes to securities investment: Securities investment gains during the reporting period came from the new shares subscribed by Changzhou Housheng Investment Co., Ltd., the Company’s wholly-funded subsidiary. 2. Investments in derivatives □Applicable √Inapplicable 3. Derivative investments held at the period-end □Applicable √Inapplicable 4. Researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period Time of reception Place of reception Way of reception Visitor type Visitor Main discussion and 4 materials provided by the Company Main situation of the 23 Feb. 2012 The Company By phone Individual Investor Company’s operation Main situation of the 18 Apr. 2012 The Company By phone Individual Investor Company’s operation Main situation of the 24 May 2012 The Company By phone Individual Investor Company’s operation 5. Corporate bonds issued Any corporate bonds issued? □ Yes √ No 5