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                                               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

        2023 Annual Report

                                                                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                      Chapter I. Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions

     The board of directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company shall

guarantee that the contents of the annual report are true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading

statements or major omissions, and shall bear individual and joint legal liabilities.

     Company responsible person Liu Jun, responsible person in charge of accounting work Sun Najuan and

responsible person in charge of accounting organization Sun Xinyan statement: ensure that the financial report in

this annual report is true, accurate and complete.

     All directors have attended the Board meeting at which this report was considered.

     The company describes in detail the possible risks and countermeasures in the operation of the company in

section III "Management Discussion and Analysis" and "XI, The Company's Future Development Outlook".

Please pay attention to the relevant contents.

     The company plans not to distribute cash dividend, not to send bonus shares, not to increase capital by

provident fund

                                                                                     Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text


Chapter I. Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions .......................................................... 2
Chapter II. Company Profile and Financial Highlights ............................................................................... 6
Chapter III. Management discussion and analysis .....................................................................................10
Chapter IV Corporate Governance .............................................................................................................. 23
Chapter V Environmental and social responsibility ................................................................................... 40
Chapter VI Important items ..........................................................................................................................45
Chapter VII Share changes and shareholders ............................................................................................. 49
Chapter ⅦI. About the Preferred Shares .................................................................................................. 53
Chapter IX. Related information of convertible bonds .............................................................................. 53
Chapter X Financial report .......................................................................................................................... 53

                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                           File directory for reference

1. Financial statements (bearing the stamp of the person in charge of the company, the person in charge of
accounting work and the person in charge of accounting institution)

2. Original audit report (containing seal of accounting firm and signature and seal of certified public accountant)

                                                          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text


Terms                                        Defined as    Description
Company,the Company                          Defined as    Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

Wazhou Group                                 Defined as    Wafangdian Bearing Group Company
the report period, the current period, the
                                             Defined as    January 1,2023–December 31,2023
current year
                                                           Wazhou      Liaoyang      Bearing     Manufacture
Liaozhou Co.,Ltd                             Defined as
Dalian motor                                 Defined as    Dalian motor Bearing Co.,Ltd
                                                           Wazhou Precision spherical Roller Bearing
Spherical company                            Defined as
                                                           (Wafangdian) Co., LTD
                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited The
The Board of Directors                       Defined as
                                                           Board of Directors
                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited The
The Supervisory Committee                    Defined as
                                                           Supervisory Committee
                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Co., LTD. General
General meeting of shareholders              Defined as
Shen Jiao Suo                                Defined as    Shen Zhen Stock Exchange

SRC                                          Defined as    China Securities Regulatory Commission

                                                                      Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                     Chapter II. Company Profile and Financial Highlights
I. Company Information
Abbreviated name of the stock                Wazhou B                        Stock code:                     200706
Listing location of the
                                Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company”s stock:
Chinese name of the
Abbreviation of Chinese
Legal representative of the
                                Liu Jun
Registered address              No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province, China.
P.C                             116300
Historical change of
registered address of the       Did not change
office address                  No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province, China.
office P.C                      116300
Website                         http//www.zwz-200706.com
E-mail                          zwz2308@126.com
                                                Secretary of the Board               Representative of Stock Affairs
Name                                      Sun Najuan                               Ke Xin
                                          No. 1 Beigongji Street,                  No. 1 Beigongji Street,
Correspondence address                    Wafangdian City, Liaoning                Wafangdian City, Liaoning
                                          Province, China.                         Province, China.
Consulting telephone                      0411-62198008                            0411-62198236
Fax                                       0411-62198333                            0411-62198333
E-mail                                    zwz2308@126.com                         zwz2308@126.com
III.Place for information disclosure

Web address for the annual report as
assigned by CSRC.
Information disclosure newspapers                Securities Times Newspaper
Place for inquiry of the annual report           Investment and Securities Department of the Company

IV.Change of Business Registration
No. of Taxation Registration                912102002423997128
Change of main business since listed        None
Change of controlling shareholder all
previous(if any)
V. Other relevant information
The accounting firm employed by the company
                                    Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Name of accounting firm
Address of the CPA                  4F, No.61 East Nanjing Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
The name of accountants             Cui Song, Guo Yaowu

Sponsoring institution hired by the Company, which is responsible to overseeing the Company’s operation on a
continuous basis:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable

                                                                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Financial consultancy institution hired by the Company, which is responsible to overseeing the Company’s
operation on a continuous basis:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
VI.Main accounting data and financial indicators
Whether the company needs to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years
□ Yes  No
                                                                              Compare with last
                                     2023                   2022                                            2021
Operating income (Yuan)        2,193,273,682.20        2,348,330,561.57                    -6.60%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of listed           -99,478,593.08         -139,897,498.87                   28.89%      -205,737,685.42
companies (Yuan)
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of listed
companies after deducting       -129,316,113.23         -164,201,263.44                   21.25%      -218,739,881.32
non-recurring gains and
losses (Yuan)
Net cash flow from
                                  84,322,692.15           84,265,549.90                     0.07%        77,678,162.48
operating activities (Yuan)
Basic earnings per share
                                         -0.2471                   -0.3475                28.89%                -0.5110
Diluted earnings per share
                                         -0.2471                   -0.3475                28.89%                -0.5110
Weighted average return
                                        -23.64%                 -25.99%                     2.35%              -28.93%
on equity
                                                                              More or less at the
                                                                               end of this year          At the end
                              At the end of2023      At the end of2022
                                                                              than at the end of          of2021
                                                                              the previous year
Total assets (Yuan)            3,180,391,222.98        3,324,777,599.86                    -4.34%
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of listed           371,306,068.15          470,302,993.46                  -21.05%       608,267,282.47
companies (Yuan)
The company's net profit before and after deducting non-recurring gains and losses in the last three fiscal years is
negative, and the audit report of the last year shows that the company's ability to continue operating is uncertain
□ Yes  No
After the net profit before deducting the non-recurrent gains and losses and the net profit after deducting the non-
recurrent gains and losses are compared, who is low who is negative
 Yes  No
           project                    2023                   2022                               remark
Operating income (Yuan)         2,193,273,682.20         2,348,330,561.57      -
                                                                               Deduct scrap income of
                                                                               20443565.23 yuan, deduct material
Amount deducted from                                                           income of 7634502.64 yuan, deduct
                                    99,691,310.82          242,611,882.14
operating income (Yuan)                                                        rental income of 20340623.37
                                                                               yuan, deduct commission income
                                                                               of 512,72619.58 yuan.
Amount after deduction of
                                2,093,582,371.38         2,105,718,679.43      -
operating income (Yuan)

                                                                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

VII. Differences in accounting information under IAS and domestic accounting standard
1. Differences in net profit and net asset under domestic and international accounting standards
□ Applicable  Inapplicable

2. Differences in net profit and net asset under domestic and overseas accounting standards
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
VIII. Financial Data Summary based on Quarters
                                                                                                          In RMB Yuan
                                                     In the second
                           In the first quarter                           In the third quarter    In the forth quarter
Operating revenue             605,154,931.63          646,884,417.97          520,405,589.54           420,828,743.06
Net profit attributable
to the
                              -22,736,404.65           -12,641,256.51          -5,327,783.82           -58,773,148.10
Net profit attributable
to the
                              -27,072,214.12           -17,758,189.63         -10,141,352.34           -74,344,357.14
shareholders less
the non-recurring
profit and loss
Net cash flows
arising from                  -97,995,389.08          -125,243,261.60          88,757,751.54           218,803,591.29
operating activities
Does there exist significant difference in the foregoing financial data or their total sum from the relevant financial
data as disclosed in the quarterly reports and/or semi-annual report.
□ Yes  No
IX. Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                                                                                                          In RMB Yuan
                                                                        Amount of        Amount of
                    item                          Amount of 2023                                           instructions
                                                                          2022             2021
Gain or loss on disposal of illiquid assets
(including the write-off of the asset               1,406,119.64    2,110,473.61         2,349,507.64
impairment provision)
Government subsidies included in the
profit and loss of the current period
(closely related to the normal operation of
the company, in line with national
policies and provisions, in accordance             10,623,570.13    7,068,347.57         8,117,365.44
with the defined standards, except
government subsidies that have a
continuous impact on the profit and loss
of the company)
In addition to the effective hedging
business related to the normal operation
of the company, the profit or loss of fair
value changes arising from the holding of
                                                      -29,276.17         -78,583.43        612,813.05
financial assets and financial liabilities by
non-financial enterprises and the loss or
gain arising from the disposal of financial
assets and financial liabilities

                                                                Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Allowance for impairment reversal of
receivables tested separately for             10,243,668.21      9,541,570.95
Gains and losses on debt restructuring        10,935,641.78      6,892,627.00         1,808,922.83
Other non-operating income and
expenditure other than those mentioned           158,222.87      3,271,652.69         2,694,297.36
Other items of profit and loss that
conform to non-recurring profit and loss
Less: Income tax impact                         5,500,426.31     4,502,323.82         2,580,710.42
total                                         29,837,520.15     24,303,764.57        13,002,195.90            --
Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
The Company does not have any other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and
Define the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Notice of Information Disclosure of
Companies publicly issuing Securities No. 1 -- Non-recurring Profit and loss items as the statement of the current
profit and loss items
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
The Company does not define the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Notice of
Information Disclosure for Publicly Issued Securities No. 1 -- Non-recurring Profit and loss items as recurring
profit and loss items.

                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                      Chapter III. Management discussion and analysis
I. Industry situation of the Company during the reporting period
The company is a leading listed company in domestic bearing manufacturing and has participated in the
formulation of a number of standards in the industry.
At present, the domestic high-end bearing market is still occupied by foreign brands, overseas enterprises and
domestic advanced bearing enterprises are accelerating the investment layout, and the competition situation is
further heated. However, opportunities and challenges remain, China's economy continues to maintain a steady
growth trend, macroeconomic policies continue to remain positive and stable, and the long-term fundamentals of
the economy and the factors supporting high-quality development have not changed. Fiscal, monetary, industrial
and other policies will continue to exert their strength and strengthen coordination. Driven by factors such as
increasing domestic demand, slight improvement in external demand and export, and accelerated formation of
new quality productivity, the economy is expected to further stabilize and recover.
II. Main business of the Company during the reporting period
The business scope of the company is licensed items: inspection and testing services, import and export of goods,
import and export of technology (items subject to approval according to law, business activities can be carried out
only after approval by relevant departments, specific business items subject to approval results) general items:
Bearing manufacturing, bearings, gears and transmission components manufacturing, high speed precision heavy-
duty bearing sales, sales bearings, gears and transmission parts, bearing sales, general equipment manufacturing
(excluding special equipment manufacturing), high-speed rail equipment, parts manufacturing, machinery and
equipment sales, rail transportation equipment, key system and parts sales, sales of lubricating oil, high-speed rail
equipment and accessories sales, Wind generators and spare parts sales, machinery parts, spare parts sales, railway
locomotive vehicle accessories manufacturing, railway locomotive vehicle accessories sales, auto parts and
accessories manufacturing, auto parts wholesale and retail auto parts, metal products repair, sales metal materials,
metal products sales, metal surface treatment and heat treatment processing, quenching process, Mechanical parts
and spare parts processing, land use right leasing, housing leasing, non-residential real estate leasing, mechanical
equipment leasing, computer and communication equipment leasing, transportation equipment leasing service,
office equipment leasing service, storage equipment leasing service, special equipment leasing, labor service
(excluding labor dispatch), Technical services, technology development, technology consultation, technology
exchange, technology transfer and technology popularization (except for projects subject to approval according to
law, independently carry out business activities according to law with business license)
The company has strong manufacturing capacity and quality assurance ability, widely serve railway, metallurgy,
mining and other industries and fields.

III.Analysis of core competitiveness

As the largest bearing technology and product research and development and manufacturing base in China, the
company has accumulated many years of practical experience in bearings and related fields, established a sound
bearing technology innovation system, and maintains close cooperation with domestic research institutes and
universities. As the main drafter of several standards in the bearing industry, it has mastered the latest technical
trends in the development of the industry. It has established significant advantages in technology research and
development, product manufacturing, marketing and user service.

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The company's personalized design and manufacturing process for customers can take into account cost, delivery
time and customer needs, improving the ability to respond to the market and customer personalized needs.

The company has a complete product service system, with all-weather dynamic service capabilities for product
operation site. And with the "ten value-added services" good image by the majority of customers praise. The
company has a strong manufacturing capacity and quality assurance capabilities, a wide range of services in
railway, metallurgy, mining and other industries and fields.

At present, the company has established strategic cooperative relations with key customers in the field of domestic
equipment application, and carried out in-depth marketing through the involvement of customer value engineering,
firmly established the company's brand and influence in the domestic bearing market. In the international market,
the company has obtained the certification qualification of important target markets, and the international
reputation has been preliminarily established.

IV. Analysis of main business

2023 is the year of accelerating global economic divergence. The world economic recovery is sluggish, global
inflation remains high, the spillover effects of tight monetary policies of major economies are prominent,
geopolitical conflicts are intensifying, unilateralism and trade protectionism are on the rise, and the international
environment is becoming more complex and grim. The domestic economy has been developing in waves,
zigzagging forward, and recovering to the good at the same time, it also faces insufficient effective demand, weak
social expectations and some cyclical and structural problems. For the bearing industry, multiple risk factors such
as increased volume in the industry and insufficient consumption power continue to test the enterprise's anti-risk
ability, strategic focus and development resilience.
In the face of complex external environment and severe industry competition environment, during the reporting
period, the company continued to take the sustainable development of "seeking progress in stability and quality in
stability" as the core, adhere to the high-quality development of the enterprise in the overall situation of the
construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation, in the revitalization of Northeast China and industry-
led exploration, and adhere to high-quality development.
In 2023, the company's main production and operation indicators are achieved as follows:
During the reporting period, the company achieved annual operating income of 2.19 billion yuan, down 6.6%
year-on-year. Although it did not complete the annual operating income target, it maintained the resilience of
performance and better controlled operating risks and costs and expenses. Net profit was minus 99 million yuan, a
reduction of 40 million yuan over the previous year. Total assets of 3.18 billion yuan, down 4.3% year-on-year;
Net assets of 370 million yuan, down 21.0% year-on-year.
2. Revenue and cost
(1) Composition of operating revenue
                                       2023                                          2022
                                              Proportion in the                         Proportion in the    increase/decrease
                         Amount                                       Amount
                                              operating revenue                         operating revenue
 Total operating
                    2,193,273,682.20               100%           2,348,330,561.57           100%                 -6.60%
                                                   Classified based on sectors
      exit            180,093,365.40               8.21%            216,679,504.65          11.42%               -16.88%

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 Traffic bearing        390,584,082.35             17.81%           408,899,268.24              21.54%                -4.48%
 Special bearing        797,640,051.38             36.37%           766,000,221.77              40.36%                 4.13%
Universal bearing       650,817,472.74             29.67%           654,108,114.83              34.46%                -0.50%
                         74,447,399.51              3.39%            60,031,569.94              3.16%                24.01%
 Other business          99,691,310.82             4.55%            242,611,882.14              12.78%               -58.91%
                                                   Classified based on product
    bearing             2,019,134,971.87           92.06%          2,045,687,109.49            107.79%                -1.30%
                         74,447,399.51              3.39%            60,031,569.94              3.16%                24.01%
 Other business          99,691,310.82             4.55%             242,611,882.14             12.78%               -58.91%
                                                    Classified based on regions
    domestic            2,013,180,316.80           91.79%           2,131,651,056.92           112.32%                -5.56%
     abroad              180,093,365.40            8.21%             216,679,504.65            11.42%                -16.88%
                                                     Classified by sales model
(2) The industry, product, region and sales mode accounting for more than 10% of the company's
operating revenue or operating profit
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                                                                                                Operating costs
                                                                                 income was                         Gross margin
                       Operating                              Gross profit                       increased or
                                           Operating cost                        up or down                        was up or down
                        income                                  margin                          decreased from
                                                                                 from a year                       from a year ago
                                                                                                 a year earlier
                                                    Classification by industry
      exit           180,093,365.40       162,756,753.10         9.63%            -16.88%           -20.25%              3.82%
Traffic bearing     1,839,041,606.47     1,560,781,777.11        15.13%             0.55%            7.63%              -5.58%
Special bearing      390,584,082.35       342,540,976.43         12.30%            -4.48%           11.04%             -12.25%
                    797,640,051.38         612,926,045.89       23.16%             4.13%             4.25%             -0.08%
                    650,817,472.74         605,314,754.79        6.99%             -0.50%            9.32%             -8.36%
Other business       74,447,399.51         48,814,579.53         34.43%           24.01%            -20.35%            36.51%
                                                     Classification by product
   bearing          2,019,134,971.87     1,723,538,530.21        14.64%            -1.30%            4.19%             -4.49%
                     74,447,399.51         48,814,579.53        34.43%            24.01%            -20.35%            36.51%
Other business      2,093,582,371.38     1,772,353,109.74        15.34%           762.93%           871.82%            -9.49%
                                                     Classification by regions
   domestic         1,913,489,005.98     1,609,596,356.64        15.88%           -10.23%            -4.97%            -4.66%
    abroad           180,093,365.40       162,756,753.10          9.63%           -16.88%           -20.25%             3.82%
                                                    Classified by sales model
If the statistical caliber of the company's main business data is adjusted during the reporting period, the company's
main business data in the recent year shall be adjusted according to the caliber at the end of the report
 Applicable  Inapplicable
(3) Whether the company's income from physical sales is greater than the income from labor service
 yes  no
     Industry                                                                                       Compared with
                             item              unit               2023               2022
  classification                                                                                     last year(+/-)
                            sales              Set            16,953,678          24,262,634           -30.12%
      bearing            production            Set            17,047,588          16,105,384             5.85%
                          inventory            Set            11,265,595          11,171,685             0.84%
Causes of the change in the year-on-year data by over 30%
 Applicable  Inapplicable
The structure of the type of bearings sold this year has changed

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The current production of medium and large products than major, on the other hand, to reduce inventory
(4) Implementation of Important Sale Contracts Concluded at the End of the Reporting Period
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
(5) Composition of Operating Costs
Classified based on sectors and products
                                                                                                      Unit :yuan
                                                       2023                                 2022
Product              item                                                                          Proportion in    Year-on-year
classification                         Amount                              Amount                  operating        (+/-)
bearing                                1,723,538,530.21       94.66%       1,654,249,908.29        87.16%           4.19%
                     Among them:
bearing                                1,235,251,066.43       67.84%       1,185,963,973.00        62.49%           4.16%
                     raw materials
bearing              Labor cost        204,515,259.44         11.23%       175,005,159.32          9.22%            16.86%
bearing              depreciation      46,058,646.26          2.53%        50,331,285.07           2.65%            -8.49%
bearing                                60,160,451.99          3.30%        60,813,468.10           3.20%            -1.07%
bearing              other             177,553,106.09         9.75%        182,136,022.80          9.60%            -2.52%
                                       48,814,579.53          2.68%        61,282,708.93           3.23%            -20.35%
Other business                         48,356,855.55          2.66%        182,374,798.19          9.61%            -73.48%
total                                  1,820,709,965.29       100.00%      1,897,907,415.41        100.00%          -4.07%
The main product of the company is bearings, whose cost accounts for 94.66% of operating costs. Bearing costs
are mainly composed of raw materials, labor costs, depreciation, energy consumption and other items, accounting
for 67.84%, 11.23%, 2.53%, 3.3%, 9.75%, respectively. The rising cost of bearings is mainly caused by the rising
cost of raw materials and labor costs.
(6) Is there any change in the consolidation scope in the reporting period
□ Yes  No

(7) Is there any significant change or adjustment related situation take place in the Company’s business,
products or services in the reporting period
□ Applicable  Inapplicable

(8) Major trade debtors and major suppliers
The company mainly sells customer information
Total sales amount of top five customers (Yuan)                                                                    735,492,940.02
The total sales amount of the top five customers accounts for the total annual sales                                        33.53%
Proportion of related party sales of top five customers in total annual sales                                               21.94%
Company's top 5 major customer information
                                                                                                             Percentage of total
             No.                            Customer name                       Sales (Yuan)
                                                                                                                annual sales
                                     Customer 1 (Consolidated list
                 1                   of customers controlled by               417,489,620.09                        19.03%
                                     the same actual controller)
             2                       Customer 2                               134,271,347.96                         6.12%
             3                       Customer 3                               80,909,262.72                          3.69%
             4                       Customer 4                               63,824,668.96                          2.91%
             5                       Customer 5                               38,998,040.29                          1.78%
            Total                                  --                         735,492,940.02                        33.53%

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Other information of major customers

□ Applicable  Inapplicable

Company's major suppliers

Total Purchase Amount of Top 5 Suppliers (RMB)                                                        1,123,121,914.81
The total purchase amount of the top five suppliers accounts for the
proportion of the total annual purchase
The proportion of the purchase amount of related parties in the total annual
purchase amount of the top five suppliers
Profiles of top 5 suppliers
                                                                  Amount of                     Percentage in total
      Serial number                 Supplier name
                                                               purchase(RMB)                   purchase of year(%)
                             Supplier 1 (Consolidated
                             list of customers
              1                                                      978,145,743.67                              52.43%
                             controlled by the same
                             actual controller)
              2              Supplier 2                                41,976,906.99                              2.25%
            3                 Supplier 3                                40,204,925.31                             2.16%
            4                 Supplier 4                                36,575,290.00                             1.96%
            5                 Supplier 5                                26,219,048.84                             1.41%
          total                            --                        1,123,121,914.81                            60.21%
Other information of major suppliers
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
3. Expenses
                                                                                                           In RMB Yuan
                                                                            Year-on-year           Note to significant
                                2023                    2022
                                                                          increase/decrease             changes
Sales expenses               159,770,917.31           162,537,964.38                 -1.70%
                             127,607,078.59           115,099,647.00                   10.87%
Financial expenses            36,140,344.21            31,407,471.87                   15.07%
R&D expenses                 157,836,380.65           231,245,330.98                  -31.75%

4. Investment in R & D
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                                                                                                          impact on the
 Name of main                                             Project
                            Project purpose                               The goal to be achieved           company's
 R&D project                                             progress
                                                                        Realize the structure and
                                                                        performance design
                     The development of high
                                                                        method of the main shaft
Technology           power fan spindle tapered
                                                      Implement and     bearing of more than 3
research and         bearing is currently the
                                                      complete          MW high-power fan,
manufacturing        mainstream at home and                                                              Increase
                                                      according to      break through the key
of large wind        abroad, and it is necessary to                                                      market share
                                                      the project       technologies of bearing
power spindle        complete the domestic
                                                      plan              machining, organization
bearings             replacement as soon as
                                                                        regulation and
                                                                        performance testing, form
                                                                        the design criteria and

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                                                                       manufacturing technical
                                                                       specifications, greatly
                                                                       improve the design and
                                                                       manufacturing level of
                                                                       China's fan main shaft
                                                                       bearing, and promote the
                                                                       localization of high-
                                                                       power fan main shaft
                     Steel hot rolling, cold rolling
                     bearing market demand,                            The service life of the
                     bearing capacity is large,                        main technical indicators
                     high precision requirements.                      can reach more than 7800
                     At present, the domestic          Implement and   hours; The product
Steel hot
                     bearing raceway is easy to        complete        accuracy is stable to P5
rolling, cold roll                                                                                     Increase
                     fatigue, roller fragmentation,    according to    level; The rolling line
system bearing                                                                                         market share
                     resulting in low service life,    the project     speed can reach
                     the need for technical            plan            1000m/min; Product
                     research, increase research                       quality reliability
                     and development efforts,                          increased to more than
                     improve bearing quality, to                       98%;
                     replace imported bearings.
                     The main bearing types of
Cement roller                                                          Key research directions:
                     roller bearing products are
bearing                                                                1. Improve the position
                     spherical bearings and four-      Implement and
technology                                                             and shape accuracy of the
                     row cylindrical bearings. In      complete
quality                                                                raceway size to ensure the      Increase
                     order to improve the service      according to
improvement                                                            stability of the size; 2,       market share
                     life and reliability of           the project
and research                                                           improve the heat
                     bearings, the bearing             plan
and                                                                    treatment quality of the
                     development and key parts
manufacture                                                            working surface.
                     are improved and optimized.
                     Large high-end precision
                     machine tool bearings are
                     used with high-end machine
Large high-end                                                         The dimensional accuracy
                     tools, the processing control     Implement and
precision                                                              of the product reaches P5
                     is strict, the shape and          complete
machine tool                                                           level or above, and the         Increase
                     position tolerance level is       according to
bearing research                                                       reliability and rotation        market share
                     high, the microscopic             the project
and                                                                    accuracy of the product
                     accuracy of the bearing is        plan
development                                                            are improved.
                     strict, and high-precision
                     instruments are required to
                     Rolling mill four row
                     tapered bearings are mostly
                     used for rolling mill work
Development of                                         Implement and
                     rolls, with high load bearing,                    1, the required life of
four-row                                               complete
                     high speed, fatigue                               more than 6000 hours; 2,        Increase
tapered bearing                                        according to
                     resistance, high reliability                      the product accuracy            market share
for long life                                          the project
                     requirements, long life, need                     reaches P5 level or above.
rolling mill                                           plan
                     to improve the quality of
                     bearings, domestic
                     The use of advanced heat                          Through the control of
Research and                                           Implement and
                     treatment technology, so that                     raceway curvature and
manufacture of                                         complete
                     the product stability and life                    position in grinding            Increase
precision                                              according to
                     is reliable; Through the                          process, the sorting of         market share
angular contact                                        the project
                     grinding process technology                       sealing process, and the
ball bearings                                          plan
                     research, master precision                        optimization of assembly

                                                             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                  angular contact ball bearing                    process, the precision
                  raceway grinding                                angular contact ball
                  technology, super lapping                       bearing assembly
                  technology, curing                              technology is broken
                  processing technology; The                      through.
                  micro-geometric precision
                  control technology of
                  precision angular contact
                  ball bearing raceway is
                  studied. Solve the problem
                  of cleanliness in the
                  assembly process, and study
                  the non-destructive sealing
                                                                  Through the research of
                                                                  insulation coating/locking
                                                                  technology of insulated
                                                                  bearings, the research of
                                                                  bearing insulation
                                                                  performance and life
                                                                  acceleration test methods,
                  High power track traction                       and the research of
                  motor, wind turbine and high                    bearing insulation coating
                  power industrial motor                          low-damage and high-
                  insulation bearings in the                      precision manufacturing
High                                              Implement and
                  domestic application blank,                     technology, the key
performance                                       complete
                  bearing insulation                              technologies of high-           Increase
motor insulated                                   according to
                  coating/lock layer                              performance composite           market share
bearing                                           the project
                  preparation, grinding                           insulation coating, such as
technology                                        plan
                  processing and insulation                       spraying, grinding,
                  performance test technology                     locking film and testing,
                  lack, need to fill the                          are broken through, and
                  domestic blank                                  the high-performance
                                                                  composite insulation
                                                                  coating material is
                                                                  applied to insulated
                                                                  bearings. Meet the
                                                                  application requirements
                                                                  of insulated motor
                                                                  bearing under complex
                                                                  working conditions.
                                                                  Reformulate the drawing
                                                                  of the ring quench parts to
                  Optimize the oil groove         Implement and   ensure the stability of the
                  coordinates of bearing inner    complete        quench parts, and solve
Wind power                                                                                        Increase
                  ring, improve bearing           according to    the influence of the
gearbox bearing                                                                                   market share
                  bearing capacity and prolong    the project     uneven quench parts on
                  bearing life.                   plan            the chamfer and the
                                                                  coordinate size of the oil
Company r & D personnel
                                           2023                   2022               Changes in the proportion
Number of R&D personnel (people)                  386                         295                         30.85%
The proportion of R&D personnel              15.27%                      12.18%                            3.09%
Educational structure of R&D personnel

                                                                Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

undergraduate                                      82                             34                       141.18%
Master's degree                                    10                              4                       150.00%
Age composition of R&D personnel
Under 30 years old                                 57                             30                         90.00%
30 to 40 years old                                115                             93                         23.66%
R&d investment of the company
                                               2023                    2022             Changes in the proportion
R&d investment amount (Yuan)                 157,836,380.65        231,245,330.98                           -31.75%
R&d investment as a percentage of
                                                      7.20%                   9.85%                          -2.65%
Capitalized amount of R&D
                                                        0.00                    0.00
investment (Yuan)
Capitalized R&D investment as a
                                                      0.00%                   0.00%
percentage of R&D investment
Causes and impacts of major changes in the composition of r&d personnel
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
The reason for the significant change in the proportion of total R&D investment to revenue over the previous year
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
The reason of the large change of capitalization rate of R&D investment and its rationality explanation
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
5.Cash flow
item                                          2023                    2022              Year-on-year (+/_)
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                          1,047,810,865.53       1,277,527,933.41                           -17.98%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                            963,488,173.38       1,193,262,383.51                           -19.26%
operating activities
Net cash flow from operating
                                             84,322,692.15          84,265,549.90                             0.07%
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                              2,471,723.34            1,796,661.89                           37.57%
investment activities
Subtotal cash outflow from
                                              5,430,485.57          12,861,168.20                           -57.78%
investment activities
Net cash flow from investment
                                             -2,958,762.23         -11,064,506.31                            73.26%
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                          1,362,194,933.95       1,166,898,875.78                            16.74%
financing activities
Subtotal cash outflows from
                                          1,563,267,998.54       1,225,043,749.57                            27.61%
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                           -201,073,064.59         -58,144,873.79                         -245.81%
Net increase in cash and cash
                                           -116,692,730.74          17,509,394.95                         -766.46%
Causes and impacts of major changes in the composition of r&d personnel
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
The reason for the significant change in the proportion of total R&D investment to revenue over the previous year

                                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

□ Applicable  Inapplicable
The reason of the large change of capitalization rate of R&D investment and its rationality explanation
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
V.Analysis of Non-Core Business Operations
                                                 Proportion of                                                      Whether it is
                                 Amount                                          Causes of formation
                                                  total profits                                                      sustainable
Investment income            12,935,641.78             -13.00%       Debt restructuring                             No
                                                                     The impact of changes in the market
Gain or loss on
                                 -29,276.17                 0.03%    price of Chongqing Iron and Steel              No
changes in fair value
                                                                     stocks held
                                                                     Impairment of receivables,
Asset impairment                                         24.88%      inventories, fixed assets,                     No
                                                                     construction in progress, etc
                                                                     Penalty income and unpayable
Non-operating income             603,316.44              -0.61%                                                     No
                                                                     payments are written off
                                                                     Expenditure on fines, losses from
                                 445,093.57              -0.45%      the scrapping of non-current assets,           No

VI. Situation of assets and liabilities

1. Major change in asset items
                       At the end of the year 2023            At the beginning of the year 2023            The           Notes on
                                         Percentage of                           Percentage of total   proportion         Major
                        Amount                                 Amount                                     (+/_)          Changes
                                          total assets                                  assets
Monetary funds        210,814,228.05           6.63%          330,746,706.88                  9.95%       -3.32%
                    1,086,438,008.68          34.16%         1,136,295,329.59               34.18%        -0.02%
Contract assets         5,565,143.57           0.17%                601,375.84                0.02%        0.15%
stock                 651,494,088.99          20.48%          646,619,143.91                19.45%         1.03%
Investment real
                       68,614,653.76           2.16%           67,211,806.69                  2.02%        0.14%
Fixed assets          448,651,044.66          14.11%          391,769,315.64                11.78%         2.33%
Construction in
                       37,354,969.68           1.17%           81,891,139.54                  2.46%       -1.29%
Short-term loan       598,000,000.00          18.80%          699,000,000.00                21.02%        -2.22%
                       30,546,735.85           0.96%           30,449,983.07                  0.92%        0.04%
Long-term loan         99,450,000.00           3.13%                                                       3.13%
Foreign assets account for a relatively high proportion
 Applicable  Inapplicable
2.Assets and liabilities measured at fair value
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                             Current fair
                                            Accumulated      Impairme
                                value                                       Current       Current
                  Ending                     changes in       nt of the                                 Other            The final
   item                        change                                      Purchase        Sale
                  balance                   fair value of      current                                 changes           number
                              profit and                                   Amount         Amount
                                               equity          period

                                                                            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Financial assets
al financial
               243,454.50       -29,276.17    -352,854.97                                                                  214,178.33
Subtotal of
financial      243,454.50       -29,276.17    -352,854.97                                                                  214,178.33
Receivable     30,996,930.                                                                            24,549,544.2      55,546,474.
s financing    63                                                                                     4                 87
               31,240,385.                                                                            24,549,544.2      55,760,653.
Above total                     -29,276.17   -352,854.97
               13                                                                                     4                 20
                        0.00                                                                                                     0.00
Other changes:the amount of receivables financing increase
Whether the measurement attribute of the company's main assets has changed significantly during the reporting
□ Yes  No
3.Limitation of asset rights by the end of the report
                                        End of term                                           At the end of last year
                     Book                         Restricted   Restricted       Book                           Restricte      Restricted
                                  Book value                                                  Book value
                    balance                           type        case         balance                          d type          case
                                                  Other        Bank                                           Other          Bank
Monetary           42,939,82                                                  75,389,415.     75,389,415.5
                                  42,939,828.07 monetary       acceptanc                                      monetar        acceptance
funds                   8.07                                                          51                 1
                                                  funds        e deposit                                      y funds        deposit
                                                  Other        Letter of                                      Other          Letter of
Monetary           56,400,00                                                  28,000,000.     28,000,000.0
                                  56,400,000.00 monetary       credit                                         monetar        credit
funds                   0.00                                                          00                 0
                                                  funds        deposit                                        y funds        deposit
Monetary           809,839.3                                   Guarantee
                                     809,839.35 monetary
funds                      5                                   money
                                                  Finance                                                                    Commerci
Notes              2,982,604.                     company      Pledge of      20,228,644.     20,228,644.0    Pledge         al
receivable                41                      acceptanc    bill                   00                 0    of bill        acceptance
                                                  e bill                                                                     pledge
Notes              14,770,61                      ial          Pledge of
receivable              4.03                      acceptanc    bill
Financing of       10,000,00                                   Pledge of
                                  10,000,000.00 acceptanc
receivables             0.00                                   bill
                   127,902,8                                                 123,618,059      123,618,059.
    total                        127,902,885.86
                       85.86                                                         .51                51

V. Investment

1. General situation
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
2.Significant equity investments obtained during the reporting period3. Major ongoing non-equity
investments during the reporting period
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
3.Significant non-equity investment in process in the reporting period

                                                                                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

□ Applicable  Inapplicable
4. Financial asset investment
(1) securities investment
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit :yuan
                                                            Curre                                       Profit
                     The                 Accou              nt fair                 Curre                and
                               Initial                                    ed                    Curre
Variet              abbre                 nting             value                     nt                 loss     Endin       Accou      Sourc
           Variet               cost              Initial              chang                      nt
ies of              viatio               measu              chang                   Purch               during      g          nting      es of
           ies of                of                book                 es in                    Sale
securi               n of                remen                 e                     ase                  the     book        subjec     fundin
            code               invest             value                  fair                   Amou
 ties               securi                  t               profit                  Amou                report    value          t          g
                                ment                                   value                      nt
                     ties                model               and                      nt                  ing
                                                             loss                                       period
                    Chon                 Fair                                                                                 Tradi
                    gqing                value              -          -                                -                     ng         debt-
and        60100               567,0              243,4                                                           214,1
                    iron                 measu              29,27      352,8       0.00         0.00    29,27                 financ     for-
foreig     5                   33.30              54.50                                                           78.33
                    and                  remen              6.17       54.97                            6.17                  ial        equity
                    steel                t                                                                                    assets
                                                            -          -                                -
                               567,0              243,4                                                           214,1
total                                      --               29,27      352,8       0.00         0.00    29,27                 --         --
                               33.30              54.50                                                           78.33
                                                            6.17       54.97                            6.17
(2)derivatives investment
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
There is no derivative investment during the reporting period.
5.Use of the raised funds
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
No use of the raised funds during the company's reporting period.
VIII. Sales of Significant Assets and Equity
1. Sales of Significant Assets
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
2. Sales of Significant Equity
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
IX. Analysis on Principal Subsidiaries and Mutual Shareholding Companies
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
Particulars about the principal subsidiaries and mutual shareholding companies which may affect the Company’s
net profit by over 10%.
                                                                                                 In RMB Yuan
 Company        Compa             Principal         registered                                     Operating      operating
                                                                    total assets    net asset                                       net profit
  name          ny type           business            capital                                       income          profit
                             Product and Sale                                       -                            -                 -
                Subsidi      Bearing and                          219,740,58                      178,026,16
Bearing                                            19350000                         68,235,4                     2,929,792.6       2,939,839.6
                ary          machine-electrical                   2.78                            8.54
company                                                                             28.23                        6                 3
                             Product and Sale                                       -                            -                 -
                Subsidi      Bearing and           10,000,00      141,605,92                      182,846,18
Electrical                                                                          72,171,3                     25,186,767.       25,422,020.
                ary          machine-electrical    0.00           0.95                            6.04
Equipment                                                                           52.97                        91                09
                             Product and Sale                                                                    -                 -
                Subsidi      Bearing and           194,000,0      259,924,74        131,867,      260,463,55
roller                                                                                                           23,629,785.       23,638,429.
                ary          machine-electrical    00.00          2.18              563.88        3.42
bearing(Wa                                                                                                       58                33

                                                                 Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
Description of the main holding and shareholding companies

X.A structured entity controlled by a company

□ Applicable  Inapplicable

XI.The prospect of the company's future development

The company's future development strategy is: marketing pull, starting from product application, to achieve
design, application, price differentiation, product differentiation, to create a series of high-end brands, and
ultimately to achieve high-quality development of enterprises.
XII. Statement of Such Activities as Reception of Survey, Communications, Interview, etc.
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                                                                                    The main
                                                                                    contents of the    Index of the
                                   Reception       Reception      Reception
Reception time   Reception place                                                    discussion and     basic facts of
                                   mode            object type    object
                                                                                    the information    the survey
                 Shenzhen Stock                                                                        Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                    Production and
                 Exchange                                         Individual                           Exchange
May 21, 2023                       other           Individual                       operation of the
                 interactive                                      investor                             interactive
                 platform                                                                              platform
                 Shenzhen Stock                                                                        Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                    Production and
                 Exchange                                         Individual                           Exchange
May 21, 2023                       other           Individual                       operation of the
                 interactive                                      investor                             interactive
                 platform                                                                              platform
                 Shenzhen Stock                                                                        Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                    Production and
September 8th,   Exchange                                         Individual                           Exchange
                                   other           Individual                       operation of the
2023             interactive                                      investor                             interactive
                 platform                                                                              platform
                 Shenzhen Stock                                                                        Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                    Production and
November 10,     Exchange                                         Individual                           Exchange
                                   other           Individual                       operation of the
2023             interactive                                      investor                             interactive
                 platform                                                                              platform
                 Shenzhen Stock                                                                        Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                    Production and
November 13,     Exchange                                         Individual                           Exchange
                                   other           Individual                       operation of the
2023             interactive                                      investor                             interactive
                 platform                                                                              platform
                 Shenzhen Stock                                                                        Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                    Production and
November 13,     Exchange                                         Individual                           Exchange
                                   other           Individual                       operation of the
2023             interactive                                      investor                             interactive
                 platform                                                                              platform
                 Shenzhen Stock                                                                        Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                    Production and
November 14,     Exchange                                         Individual                           Exchange
                                   other           Individual                       operation of the
2023             interactive                                      investor                             interactive
                 platform                                                                              platform
                 Shenzhen Stock                                                                        Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                    Production and
November 15,     Exchange                                         Individual                           Exchange
                                   other           Individual                       operation of the
2023             interactive                                      investor                             interactive
                 platform                                                                              platform
                 Shenzhen Stock                                                                        Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                    Production and
December 11,     Exchange                                         Individual                           Exchange
                                   other           Individual                       operation of the
2023             interactive                                      investor                             interactive
                 platform                                                                              platform
                                                                                    Production and
January 3rd,                       Telephone                      Individual
                 office                            Individual                       operation of the   none
2023                               communication                  investor
                                                                                    Production and
February 06,                       Telephone                      Individual
                 office                            Individual                       operation of the   none
2023                               communication                  investor
February 8th,                      Telephone                      Individual        Production and
                 office                            Individual                                          none
2023                               communication                  investor          operation of the

                                                            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                                                               Production and
February 15th,                Telephone                      Individual
                 office                       Individual                       operation of the   none
2023                          communication                  investor
                                                                               Production and
                              Telephone                      Individual
May 22, 2023     office                       Individual                       operation of the   none
                              communication                  investor
                                                                               Production and
                              Telephone                      Individual
July 28, 2023    office                       Individual                       operation of the   none
                              communication                  investor
                                                                               Production and
September                     Telephone                      Individual
                 office                       Individual                       operation of the   none
14th, 2023                    communication                  investor
                                                                               Production and
November 27,                  Telephone                      Individual
                 office                       Individual                       operation of the   none
2023                          communication                  investor
XIII. the implementation of the "Quality return double improvement" action plan
Whether the company disclosed the "quality return double improvement" action plan.
□ Yes  No

                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                Chapter IV Corporate Governance
I. Basic situation of corporate governance
Company in accordance with the "company law", "securities law" and other related regulations established by the
general meeting of shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors, and senior management personnel of the
company governance structure, formed the authority and decision-making body, watchdog and senior
management responsibilities clear, standardized operation mechanism of mutual coordination and mutual checks
and balances. It has established internal systems related to the operation of the "three associations", independent
directors, information disclosure, investor protection, related party transactions, and internal control. Through the
formulation of the Articles of Association and the implementation of various internal systems, the company has
clarified the responsibilities, powers, procedures and obligations of institutions at all levels in decision-making,
implementation and supervision.
Whether the actual situation of corporate governance is materially different from laws, administrative regulations
and regulations on listed company governance issued by CSRC
 yes  no
The actual situation of corporate governance is not significantly different from laws, administrative regulations
and regulations on listed company governance issued by the CSRC.

II. The company's independence from the controlling shareholders and actual controllers in ensuring the
company's assets, personnel, finance, institutions and business
In terms of business, personnel, assets, institutions and finance, the Company and the controlling shareholder are
independently accounting, undertaking responsibilities and risks independently. There is no situation in which the
company and the controlling shareholder cannot guarantee their independence and independent operation ability
in terms of business, personnel, assets, institutions and finance.

III. The situation of industry competition
 Applicable  Inapplicable

IV. Information about the annual and extraordinary general meetings of shareholders held during the
reporting period
1. General meeting of shareholders during the reporting period
    The meeting         The meeting                                                   Date of      The meeting
                                           participation       At the date
             time               type                                               disclosure        resolution
                                                                                                  Resolution of
    2022 Annual
                     Annual general                                                                   the 2022
         General                                 80.35%      May 31, 2023      June 01, 2023
                             meeting                                                            Annual General
2. The reinstated preferred shareholders request an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders
 Applicable  Inapplicable
V.The situation of directors, supervisors and senior managers
1. Basic information

                                                                                                                       Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
                                                                                                                 Number of        Number of
                                                                                                   number                                         Other
                                                                                         Expiry                       shares     shares to be               Ending
                positio                                Status of                                         of                                      change               Reason of
       Name               Age                                        Starting Date       Date of                increased in   sold at current               shares
                      n                    Gender     employm                                       shares                                             s                 change
                                                                      of Tenure          Tenure               current period            period             (shares)
                                                             ent                                   (shares                                       (share)
                                                                                                                    (shares)          (shares)
      Liu Jun    male      54            president                 September 06, 2019
Zhang Xinghai    male      55              director                September 16, 2015
  Chen Jiajun    male      56              director                     June 26, 2013
                                 Director, General    Incumben
 Wang Jiyuan     male      57                                           May 19, 2021
                                          manager            t
                                   Deputy general     Incumben
Tan Jianguang    male      59                                      September 06, 2019
                                          manager            t
                                Director, secretary   Incumben
  Sun Najuan    female     55                                           June 26, 2013
                                      of the board           t
 Zhao Qingtao    male      46              director                     May 19, 2022
     Fang Bo    female     51              director                     June 26, 2013                1,500                0                 0                1,500
                                      Independent     Incumben
  Liu Yuping     male      67                                           May 31, 2023
                                          director           t
                                      Independent     Incumben
     Wen Bo      male      60                                           May 19, 2022
                                          director           t
                                      Independent     Incumben
     Sun Kun    female     65                                           May 18, 2018
                                          director           t
                                      Independent     Incumben
   Wang Yan     female     60                                           May 19, 2021
                                          director           t
                                  Chairman of the     Incumben
 Sun Shicheng    male      59                                      September 16, 2015
                                supervisory Board            t
 Wang Fuxing     male      51           supervisor                      May 18, 2016
       Zhang                                          Incumben
                female     46           supervisor                      May 31, 2023
     Yinghua                                                 t
  Zhang Yihui    male      51           supervisor                   January 8th, 2021
      Luning     male      38           supervisor    Incumben     September 28, 2022
                                                                                                                             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
                                          Deputy general   Incumben
    Li Huawei     male        49                                          December 18, 2019
                                               manager               t
                                          Deputy general   Incumben
   Hu Kaiwei      male        42                                          November 29, 2023
                                               manager               t
                                            Independent        Leave                            May 31,
 Liang Shuang    female       59                                               May 18, 2017
                                                director       office                               2023
                                                               Leave                          April 10th,
    Wang Lin     female       42              supervisor                       May 19, 2022
                                                               office                               2023
         total       --        --                     --            --                   --            --   1,500               0                0                1,500              --
During the reporting period, whether any directors or supervisors leave office or senior managers are dismissed
 yes  no
Due to job changes, Ms. Wang Lin resigned as supervisor of the company
Changes of directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company
 Applicable  Inapplicable
       Name                        post                     type                     Date                                              Cause
                          Independent               Leave office at the
Liang Shuang                                                                  May 31, 2023           Leave office at the end of one's term
                          director                  end of one's term
Wang Lin                  supervisor                Leave office              April 10th, 2023       Job change

2. Position
The professional background, main work experience and main responsibilities of the current directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company

1. Resumes of non-independent directors

                                                          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Mr. Liu Jun, born in January 1970, university degree and owns a master’s degree, he jointed the
workforce in August 1992 and join the CPC in December 2000. Mr. Liu worked as the deputy GM of
DHIDCW Group Co., Ltd. , the deputy president of Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd, the
president and Party Secretary of Dalian Rubber & Plastics Machinery Co., Ltd. Currently he is the Party
Secretary and President of Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp., Ltd.
Mr. Zhang Xinghai, born in October 1968, university degree and a senior accountant at researcher level,
he jointed the workforce in July 1991. Mr. Zhang worked as the deputy chief accountant and secretary of
the Board of Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited, the director, chief accountant and secretary of the
Board of Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited. Now he is the deputy secretary of the Party Committee
and GM of Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp., Ltd.
Mr. Chen Jiajun, born in December 1967, university degree and an economist and statistician, he jointed
the workforce in August 1990. Mr. Chen worked as the section chief, assistant director, deputy director,
director of economic operation department of Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp., Ltd., the assistant GM and
head of economic operation department of Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp., Ltd.; now he is the deputy
GM of Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp., Ltd.
Mr. Wang Jiyuan, born in December 1966. he graduated from Liaoning University with a university
degree major in industrial economics. Mr. Wang worked as the vice president of management department,
director of planning & finance department and vice GM of the Company, the assistant GM of ZWZ
Corporation. Now he is the Director and GM of the Company.
Ms. Sun Najuan, born in October 1968, University degree, Master degree, senior accountant at research
level,she joined the workforce in August 1990. she worked as the account of finance department and head
of inspection section of Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp., Ltd., assistant GM of material supply company
under the Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited, the assistant GM of sales head office of Wafangdian
Bearing Company Limited and the deputy chief accountant of Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp., Ltd.; now
she is the chief accountant, director and secretary of the Board of Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited.
Mr. Tan Jianguang, born in December 1964, an assistant engineer, he jointed the workforce in August
1986. he worked as the workshop director in cage branch factory, the sales man, director, vice president,
vice GM and GM of the marketing department of Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited.; the assistant
GM and GM of the railway division and railway bearing sales company under the Wafangdian Bearing
Company Limited.; now he is the Director and Deputy GM of Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited.
Mr. Zhao Qingtao, born in July 1977, master degree. In 1999, he joined Shanghai Hongzheng Law Firm
as a lawyer; in 2005, he joined Shanghai Xieli Management Consulting Co. , Ltd. as a legal consultant; in
2006, he joined eastby Industrial Minerals Co. , Ltd. as a legal officer in China since 2008; In 2010 joined
Bekaert Business Management (Shanghai) Co. , Ltd. , 2013 as North Asia legal director; 2015 joined Valeo
Business Management (Shanghai) Co. , Ltd. as deputy director of Legal Affairs in China; Joined skf (China)
Ltd. as director of legal affairs and compliance in 2019 and has been director of legal, compliance,
environment, health and safety for Skf China and northeast subregion since March 2022.
Ms. Fang Bo, born June 1972, undergraduate. Joined pricewaterhousecoopers as an auditor in 1994. He

                                                          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

joined skf (China) Co. , Ltd. in 1997. He was the finance manager of the subsidiary company of the
Investment Company. He is the finance manager of skf (China) Co. , Ltd. . Since January 2020, he has been
in charge of skf’s Northeast Asia Financial Operation Center.
2.Resumes of independent directors

Mr. Liu Yuping, born in August 1956, is a professor and has been teaching at the School of Law of

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics since graduation. He is currently the director of the

Teaching Department of the School of Law of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, an arbitrator

of Dalian Arbitration Commission, a lawyer of Liaoning Zhonglin Law Firm, a legal consultant of

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Development Corporation, and an independent director of

Dalian Thermoelectric Co., LTD. He is the vice president of the Constitution and Administrative Law

Society of Liaoning Province and has rich legal knowledge.
Ms. Sun Kun, born in 1958, Chinese nationality, doctoral degree and professor of accounting. Since 1982,
she worked in the Northeast University of Finance and Economics, she previously worked as the assistant
professor, lecturer, associate professor, professor of the School of Accounting in Northeast University of
Finance and Economics; she served as a member of the 9th People’s Congress of Liaoning Province, the
deputy secretary general of Liaoning Internal Audit Association, Director of Liaoning Provincial Audit
Society, the Liaoning Department of Finance CPA profession administrative penalty hearing committee
moderator and Director and Academic Committee Member of China Internal Audit Association. From May
2002 to March 2008, she served as an independent director of Dalian Dayang Trands Company.
Ms. Wang Yan, born in 1963, currently she is the professor at Northeast University of Fiance and
Economics, laws school and a master’s degree advisor. In 1981, she graduated from China University of
Political Science & Law with a bachelor’s degree in law; in 1988, Ms. Wang graduated from China
University of Political Science & Law with an LLM degree in economic law; and teaching at the law
school of Northeast University of Fiance and Economics since 1988. Ms. Wang Yan served as the
independent director (retirement) of China Dalian International Cooperation (Group) Holdings Ltd.,
independent director (retirement) of CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., Ltd., independent
director (in office) of LINTON Technologies Group and independent director (in office) of Bingshan
Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Part-time job: Director of China Economic Law
Research Association, President of the Economic Law Research Society of Liaoning Law Society and
academic member of Liaoning Law Society; the executive director of the First Council of Dalian People’s
Mediation Association, member of the Expert Advisory Committee of Dalian Intermediate People’s Court,
the legal counsel of Dalian Consumers Association, Pulandian Municipal Government and Dalian
Municipal Government Office of Legal Governance; the arbitrator, part-time lawyer of Dalian, Anshan,
Benxi Arbitration Commission; She was the Director of Economic Law Teaching Department of Northeast
University of Fiance and Economics law school and vice dean of the Law School.
Mr. Wen Bo, born in 1963, he graduated from China University of Political Science and Law, majoring in
law. He worked at the Dalian Municipal Bureau of Justice and now he is the founding partner of Liaoning

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Huicheng Laws Firm and the expert advisor on local legislation to the Standing Committee of Dalian
People’s Congress.
3. Resume of supervisors

Mr. Sun Shicheng, born in December 1964, bachelor’s degree, participated in work in August 1987 and a
senior political engineer. He previously worked as head of the organization department section, Party
Organizer of Wafangdian Bearing Group, Party Branch Secretary of Northwest Sales Company, secretary
and vice GM of North China Sales Company, director of organization department, and part-time secretary
of the Party Committee and chairman of Labor Union of Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.; currently he is the
deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of labor union of Wafangdian Bearing Group.

Mr. Wang Fuxing, born in June 1972, university degree and s senior accountant, he jointed the workforce
in August 1993. he previously worked as the head of accounting & finance department and director of the
general management department of Wafangdian Bearing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the deputy
secretary, chairman of labor union and the finance manager and human resources director of Wafangdian
Bearing Precision Turntable Bearing Co., Ltd, the office director and secretary of Wafangdian Bearing
Group, head of financial management department and secretary of Wafangdian Bearing Group, and head of
strategic sourcing and secretary of Wafangdian Bearing Group. Now he is the head of the Party
Committee’s Publicity Department, head and secretary of the Corporate Culture Department of Wafangdian
Bearing Group.

Mr. Zhang Yihui, born in August 1972, started to work in August 1991, college degree, graduated from
Liaoning University in June 2000, majoring in business management. He used to be the deputy general
manager of the bearing parts branch of the company and the general manager of the Wafangdian branch of
the high-end automobile bearing company of the Waxiang Group. General manager of medium and large
bearing branch of the company.
Mr. Lu Ning, male, born in June 1985, Han nationality, started to work in July 2009, university degree,
assistant engineer, graduated from Liaoning Technical University engineering mechanics major, the current
position is the general manager of a logistics company.

Ms. Zhang Yinghua, born in February 1978, graduated from Hebei University of Science and Technology
in July 2002 with a college degree as an assistant engineer. In July 2002, he joined the work and served as
the director of human resources Department and Organization Department of Party Committee of Waxing
Group Company. He is currently the Minister of Audit Department, Discipline Inspection and Supervision
Department and Legal Affairs Department of Waxing Group Company
4.Resume of senior management
Mr. Li Huawei, born in June 1974. University degree, master degree, senior engineer. He started to work
in August 1996 and successively served as deputy director, executive deputy director, director, and deputy
chief engineer of the Group's Engineering Research Center. He is currently the vice president of the
Mr. Hu Kaiwei, born in May 1981, Han nationality, bachelor degree, graduated from Lanzhou Jiaotong

                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

University in July 2004, majoring in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and automation, started to work in
July 2004, and joined the Communist Party of China in June 2003. He has worked in Dalian Locomotive
Depot of Shenyang Railway Bureau, General Electric Transportation Systems (China) Co., LTD., SKF
(China) Sales Co., LTD., and Beijing Shenzhou High-speed Rail Investment Management Co., LTD. He is
currently the deputy general manager of the company and the general manager of the rail transit bearing
Holding positions in shareholder units
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                                                                                                Whether to receive
                                                                         Term       Term
                          Name of           A position held by a                                   remuneration
Name of officer                                                          start       end
                      shareholder unit          shareholder                                      allowance in the
                                                                         Date       Date
                                                                                                 shareholder unit
                                          Group company Party
Liu Jun            Bearing Group Co.                                                                      Yes
                                          secretary, chairman
                                          Deputy Secretary,
                   Wafangdian             General manager and
Zhang Xinghai      Bearing Group Co.      director of the Party                                           Yes
                   LTD                    Committee of the Group
                                          Deputy General manager
Chen Jiajun        Bearing Group Co.                                                                      Yes
                                          of the group company
Sun Najuan         Bearing Group Co.      MANAGEMENT                                                      No
                                          Deputy Secretary of the
                   Wafangdian             Party Committee of the
Sun Shicheng       Bearing Group Co.      group company,                                                  Yes
                   LTD                    chairman of the trade
                                          union and director
                                          Minister and Secretary
                   Wafangdian             of Corporate Culture
Wang Fuxing        Bearing Group Co.      Department (Propaganda                                          Yes
                   LTD                    Department of Party
                                          Minister of Audit,
                                          Discipline Inspection
Zhang Yinghua      Bearing Group Co.                                                                      Yes
                                          and Supervision, Legal
Position in other units
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                                                                                                     Whether     you
                                          A position held in                               Term      receive
Name of
              Name of other units         another                 Term start Date          end       remuneration
                                          organization                                     Date      allowance    in
                                                                                                     other units
              China Bearing Industry                              December          01,
Liu Jun                                   Vice president                                             No
              Association                                         2020
              Dalian Diyejikai Wazhou     Chairman         and    September         1st,
Liu Jun                                                                                              No
              Industry Co., LTD           director                2019
              Dalian         Guangyang    Chairman         and    September         1st,
Liu Jun                                                                                              No
              wazhou         automobile   director                2019

                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

            Bearing Co., LTD
Zhang       Wazhou Group (Europe)
                                         Managing director                                           No
Xinghai     Bearing Co., LTD
Chen        Dalian Diyejikai Wazhou                               September         1st,
                                         director                                                    No
Jiajun      Industry Co., LTD                                     2019
            Dalian         Guangyang
            wazhou         automobile    director                 June 01, 2014                      No
            Bearing Co., LTD
Chen        Dalian Zhongcheng Asset
                                         director                 January 1st, 2016                  No
Jiajun      Management Co. LTD
Wang        China Bearing Industry       President    of      a
                                                                  April 1st, 2021                    No
Jiyuan      Association                  council
            Shanghai         Aaimuyi
Sun         Electromechanical
                                         director                 May 1st, 2019                      No
Najuan      Equipment chain Co.,
            Wafangdian         bearing
            grinding            wheel    supervisor                                                  No
            manufacturing Co., LTD
            The       7th     Vehicle
Tan                                      Committee                December          01,
            Committee of        China                                                                No
Jianguang                                member                   2018
            Railway Society
Zhao                                     Legal, Compliance,
            SKF (China) LTD                                                                          Yes
Qingtao                                  EH S, China &
                                         Northeast Asia
Zhao        SKF (China) Sales Co.
                                         director                                                    No
Qingtao     LTD
Zhao        SKF           Distribution
                                         director                                                    No
Qingtao     (Shanghai) Co., LTD
            SKF Green Intelligent
            Technology (Shanghai)        director                                                    No
            Co., LTD
Zhao        Beijing Nankou Skifu
                                         director                                                    No
Qingtao     Railway Bearing Co. LTD
            SKF (Dalian) Bearing and
            Precision     Technology     director                                                    No
            Products Co., LTD
            SKF (Jinan) Bearing and
            Precision     Technology     director                                                    No
            Products Co., LTD
            SKF (Xinchang) Bearing
            and Precision Technology     director                                                    No
            Co., LTD
Zhao        Changshan peal Bearing
                                         director                                                    No
Qingtao     Co., LTD
Zhao        Ningbo General Bearing
                                         director                                                    No
Qingtao     Co., LTD
Zhao        Ningbo Haiyat Roller Co.,
                                         Vice chairman                                               No
Qingtao     LTD
Zhao        SKF Sealing System
                                         director                                                    No
Qingtao     (Wuhu) Co., LTD
            SKF            (Shanghai)
            Automotive Technology        director                                                    No
            Co., LTD
Zhao        SKF Sealing Technology
                                         director                                                    No
Qingtao     (Qingdao) Co., LTD

                                                     Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

          Lincoln       Lubrication
          Equipment     (Changshu)     director                                                No
          Co., LTD
Fang Bo   SKF (China) Co., LTD                                                                 Yes
                                       Manager,      SKF
          LG Hongkong Holding
Fang Bo                                director                                                No
Fang Bo   SKF China Ltd.               director                                                No
          SKF (China) Sales Co.
Fang Bo                                supervisor                                              No
          SKF           Distribution
Fang Bo                                supervisor                                              No
          (Shanghai) Co., LTD
          SKF Green Intelligent
Fang Bo   Technology (Shanghai)        supervisor                                              No
          Co., LTD
          SKF (Dalian) Bearing and
Fang Bo   Precision     Technology     supervisor                                              No
          Products Co., LTD
          SKF (Jinan) Bearing and
Fang Bo   Precision     Technology     supervisor                                              No
          Products Co., LTD
          SKF (Xinchang) Bearing
Fang Bo   and Precision Technology     supervisor                                              No
          Co., LTD
          Changshan Peal Bearing
Fang Bo                                supervisor                                              No
          Co., LTD
          Ningbo General Bearing
Fang Bo                                supervisor                                              No
          Co., LTD
          SKF Sealing System
Fang Bo                                supervisor                                              No
          (Wuhu) Co., LTD
          SKF             (Shanghai)
Fang Bo   Automotive Technology        supervisor                                              No
          Co., LTD
          SKF Marine (Shanghai)
Fang Bo                                supervisor                                              No
          Co., LTD
          SKF Sealing Technology
Fang Bo                                supervisor                                              No
          (Qingdao) Co., LTD
          Lincoln        Lubrication
Fang Bo   Equipment      (Changshu)    supervisor                                              No
          Co., LTD
Liang     Dongbei University of
                                       Professor                                               Yes
Shuang    Finance and Economics
          Dongbei University of
Sun Kun                                Professor                                               Yes
          Finance and Economics
Wang      Dongbei University of
                                       Professor                                               Yes
Yan       Finance and Economics
Wang      Dalian Liancheng CNC         Independent
Yan       Machine Co., LTD             director
Wang      Iceberg Cold & Hot           Independent
Yan       Technology Co., LTD          director
Liu       Dongbei University of
                                       Professor                                               Yes
Yuping    Finance and Economics
Liu       Liaoning Zhonglin Law        LAWYER                                                  Yes

                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Yuping        Firm
Liu           Dalian       Thermoelectric Independent
Yuping        Co. LTD                        director
Liu           Dalian           Arbitration
                                             arbitrator                                          Yes
Yuping        Commission
              Dongbei University of
              Finance and Economics
              Economic                 and Legal adviser                                         Yes
              Development Corporation
              Liaoning Huaicheng Law
Wen Bo                                       Founding partner                                    Yes
Sun           Dalian Zhongcheng Asset
                                             director                                            No
Shicheng Management Co., LTD
              Wafangdian          bearing
              Group precision forging supervisor                                                 No
              Co., LTD
Zhang         Wazhou Group (USA)
                                             supervisor                                          No
Yinghua       Bearing Co., LTD
              Wazhou            precision
Li            spherical roller bearing
                                             Executive director                                  No
Huawei        (Wafangdian)         limited
              liability company
Punishment of current and outgoing directors, supervisors and senior managers by securities regulatory
authorities in the past three years during the reporting period
 Applicable  Inapplicable
3. Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers
Decision-making procedures, basis for determination and actual payment of remuneration for directors,
supervisors and senior managers
The remuneration of independent directors of the company shall be calculated and paid according to the
standards determined by the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders. Other directors
and supervisors shall not pay remuneration for their positions as directors and supervisors. The salary of
senior executives shall be determined according to the salary level of the heads of dalian state-owned
enterprises and the completion of the business objectives determined by the board of directors at the
beginning of the year, strictly following the company's salary assessment system.
Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers during the reporting period
                                                                                                     Whether to
                                                                                   Total pre-tax       obtain
                                                                                  compensation remuneration
     The name            Gender      Age           Position          As state
                                                                                  received from     from related
                                                                                   the company      parties of the
Liu jun                   male       54    President              The current                   0 yes
                                           Director and General
Wang Jiyuan               male       57                           The current              82.03 no
                                           Director, Chief
Sun Najuan               female      55    accountant,Secretary The current                83.78 no
                                           of the board
Zhang Xinghai             male       55    Director               The current                   0 yes
Chen Jiajun               male       56    Director               The current                   0 yes
Tan Jianguang             male       59    Director               The current             112.34 no
Sun Shicheng              male       59    Chairman of the        The current                   0 yes

                                                                    Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                                 supervisory Board
Wang Fuxing                 male        51       supervisor                 The current                      0    yes
Zhang Yihui                 male        51       supervisor                 The current                   16.8    no
Zhang Yinghua              female       46       supervisor                 The current                      0    yes
Luning                      male        38       supervisor                 The current                   31.7    no
                                                 Deputy general
Li Huawei                   male        49                                  The current                  55.64    no
                                                 Deputy general
Hu Kaiwei                   male        42                                  The current                   18.1    no
Zhao Qingtao                male        46       Director                   The current                       0   yes
Fang Bo                    female       51       Director                   The current                       0   yes
Sun Kun                    female       65       Independent director       The current                       4   no
Wang Yan                   female       60       Independent director       The current                       4   no
Wen Bo                      male        60       Independent director       The current                       4   no
Liu Yuping                  male        67       Independent director       The current                       0   no
                                                                            Leave one's
Liang Shuang               female       59       Independent director                                         4   no
Total                         --         --                 --                   --                    416.39             --

Other information note

 Applicable  Not applicable

VI. Performance of directors' duties during the reporting period

1. The situation of the Board of Directors during this reporting period

                 The meeting time                  At the date     Date of disclosure            The meeting resolution
                                                                                        Resolution of the fourth meeting of      the
Fourth meeting of the ninth Board of Directors    2023/04/26       2023/04/28
                                                                                        ninth Board of Directors
                                                                                        Resolution of the fifth meeting of       the
Fifth meeting of the ninth Board of Directors     2023/07/12       2023/07/14
                                                                                        ninth Board of Directors
                                                                                        Resolution of the sixth meeting of       the
Sixth meeting of the ninth Board of Directors     2023/08/18       2023/08/22
                                                                                        ninth Board of Directors
Seventh meeting of the ninth Board of                                                   Resolution of the seventh meeting of     the
                                                  2023/10/20       2023/10/24
Directors                                                                               ninth Board of Directors
                                                                                        Resolution of the eighth meeting of      the
Eighth meeting of the ninth Board of Directors    2023/11/29       2023/12/01
                                                                                        ninth Board of Directors

2. The attendance of directors at the board of Directors and shareholders' meetings
                        Attendance of directors at the board of directors and general meetings of shareholders
                      The number                                                                       Whether two
                                                        Number of
                        of board      Number of                          Number of                      consecutive
                                                           board                                                        Attendance
                      meetings to        board                              times        Board of          board
    Director's                                           meetings                                                           of
                      be attended      meetings                         entrusted to    Directors        meetings
      name                                              attended by                                                    shareholders'
                       during the     attended on                       attend board     absence         were not
                                                       communicati                                                       meetings
                       reporting          site                            meetings                      attended in
                         period                                                                            person
 Liu jun                          5               3                2                0              0 No                            1
 Sun Najuan                       5               3                2                0              0 No                            1
 Wang Jiyuan                      5               3                2                0              0 No                            1
 Zhang Xinghai                    5               3                2                0              0 No                            1
 Chen Jiajun                      5               3                2                0              0 No                            1
 Tan Jianguang                    5               3                2                0              0 No                            1
 ZhaoQingTang                     5               3                2                0              0 No                            1
 Fang Bo                          5               3                2                0              0 No                            1
 Sun Kun                          5               1                4                0              0 No                            1
 Wang Yan                         5               1                4                0              0 No                            1

                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

 Liu Yuping                  4                1               3                0               0   No                         1
 Wen bo                      5                1               4                0               0   No                         1
 Liang Shuang                1                0               1                0               0   No                         1

Two consecutive statements of failure to attend board meetings in person
3. Objections raised by directors to matters related to the company
Whether directors raise objections to matters related to the company
 yes  no
During the reporting period, the directors raised no objection to the company's related matters.
4. Other explanations of directors' performance of duties
Whether the directors' suggestions about the company have been adopted
 yes  no
A director's statement to the Company that a proposal has been or has not been adopted
During the reporting period, the directors of the Company carried out their work in strict accordance with
the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Governance Code for Listed Companies, the Self-Regulatory
Guidelines for Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listed Companies No. 1 -- Standardized Operation of Listed
Companies on the Main Board, the Articles of Association of the Company and the Rules of Procedure of
the Board of Directors, with diligence and diligence. I put forward relevant opinions on the major
governance and operation decisions of the company, reached a consensus through full communication and
discussion, and resolutely supervised and promoted the implementation of the resolutions of the board of
directors to ensure that the decisions were scientific, timely and efficient, and to safeguard the legitimate
rights and interests of the company and all shareholders.

VII. The situation of the special committees under the Board of Directors during the reporting

                                                                                              Important     Other
 Name                     Numbe                                                                                        Details
                                                                                              comments      perfor
   of     Members of       r of                                                                                            of
                                     At the date            The meeting content                  and        mance
commit    the situation   Meetin                                                                                      objection
                                                                                              suggestion      of
  tee                       gs                                                                                         (if any)
                                                                                                  s         duties
                                                   To nominate Mr. Liu Yuping as a non-
Nomina    Wang Yan,                 2023.4.25      independent director candidate for the
  ting     Liu Jun,                                       ninth Board of Directors
commit      Wen Bo                                 Recommend Mr. Hu Kaiwei as Deputy
   tee                               2023.11.29        General manager of Wafangdian
                                                              Bearing Co., LTD
                                                   Communicate with Lixin's accountant
                                                   in the audit of the 2022 annual audit.
                                                   (1) Report on internal control and
                                                   financial audit work in 2022
         Sun Kun,                                 (2) The proposal on the forecast of
         Liang                                     related party transactions in 2023
         Shuang,                                  (3) Annual Financial Report for 2022
commit                           5
  tee    Zhuang Xing                               (audited)
         Hai                         2023.04.17
                                                   (4) Final Financial Report for the first
                                                   quarter of 2023 (unaudited)
                                                   (5) Motion on the renewal of the
                                                   appointment of accounting firms for
                                                   the year 2023
                                                   (6) The Audit Committee's concluding

                                                              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                                 report on the audit work of accounting
                                                 firms in 2022
                                                 (7) Report on the performance of the
                                                 Audit Committee in 2022
                                                 (8) Summary of internal control and
                                                 internal audit work in 2022 and
                                                 arrangement in 2023
                                                 1.2023 semi-annual daily affiliated
                                                 transaction execution report
                                                 2.2023 Semi-annual Financial Report
                                                 3. Summary of internal control and
                                                 internal audit work in the first half of
                                                 2023 and plan for the second half of
                                                 the year
                                                 (1) Financial Report for the third
                                                 Quarter of 2023 (unaudited)
                                  2023.10.19     (2) Summary of internal control and
                                                 internal audit work in the third quarter
                                                 of 2023 and the fourth quarter plan
                                                 Pre-audit communication with Lixin's
                                                 accountant on 2023 annual audit work

VIII. Work of the Board of Supervisors

The board of Supervisors shall find out whether the company has risks in its supervision activities during
the reporting period
 yes  no
The board of Supervisors has no objection to the matters supervised during the reporting period.

IX. Employee status

1. Number of employees, professional composition and education level
Number of working employees of parent company at
the end of reporting period (persons)
Number of employees in major subsidiaries at the end
of reporting period (persons)
Total number of in-service employees at the end of
reporting Period (persons)
Total number of salaried employees (persons)                                                                         2,809
Number of retired employees (persons) to be borne by
the parent company and its major subsidiaries
                                           Professional composition
            Specialty composition category                                   Number of Majors (Persons)
Production personnel                                                                                                 1,705
The sales staff                                                                                                        185
Technical personnel                                                                                                    197
Financial personnel                                                                                                     55
Administrative personnel                                                                                               386
A combined                                                                                                           2,528
                                               The degree of education
                 Education Category                                                 Quantity (person)
Postgraduate and above                                                                                                     42
University degree                                                                                                         566
college                                                                                                                   541

                                                            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Secondary school/high school and below                                                                             1,379
A combined                                                                                                         2,528
2. Salary policy
According to the relevant laws and regulations of the state and a series of relevant policies of the labor
department of the government, and combined with the actual situation of the company, the company
adheres to the principle of "pay according to the post, pay according to the performance, efficiency priority
and fairness", implements the "adaptive" organizational performance management system, and the
performance distribution is tilted to the strivers and value creators, giving full play to the incentive role of
salary. Stimulate the enthusiasm of employees.
3. Training plan
In 2024, the joint-stock company plans to carry out 127 training projects of various kinds, including 39
company-level trainings, 33 system-level trainings and 55 company-independent trainings. The training
cost is 1.9478 million yuan, more than 11,424 people are trained and 3,049 hours are trained. The training
coverage rate is 100%.
4. Labor outsourcing
 Applicable  Inapplicable

X.The company's profit distribution and the conversion of capital reserve fund into capital stock

Formulation, implementation or adjustment of profit distribution policies, especially cash dividend policies
during the reporting period

 Applicable  Not applicable
Corporate profit distribution policy
1. When formulating the profit distribution plan, the Company shall pay full attention to the reasonable
return of investors, while taking into account the long-term interests of the company, the overall interests
of all shareholders and the sustainable development of the company.
2. Adhere to the continuity and stability of the company's profit distribution. On the premise that the
company's profits and cash can meet the company's sustainable operation and long-term development, the
company's cumulative profit distributed in cash in the recent three years shall not be less than 30 percent of
the average annual distributable profit realized in the recent three years.
                                     Special explanation of cash dividend policy
 Whether it conforms to the provisions of the articles of association or the
 requirements of the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders:
 Are dividend standards and ratios clear and clear:                                   YES
 The adequacy of relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms:                  YES
 Whether the independent directors have performed their duties and played
 their due roles:
 If the company does not pay a cash dividend, it shall disclose the specific
 reasons and the next steps to enhance the return level of investors:
 Whether minority shareholders have sufficient opportunities to express their
 opinions and appeals, and whether their legitimate rights and interests are          YES
 fully protected:
 If the cash dividend policy is adjusted or changed, the conditions and
 procedures are compliant and transparent:
The company's profit during the reporting period and the parent company's profit available for distribution
to shareholders are positive, but no cash dividend distribution plan has been put forward
 Applicable  Inapplicable
Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserve fund into capital stock during the reporting period

                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

 Applicable  Inapplicable
The company plans not to distribute cash dividend, bonus shares or increase capital stock by provident

XI. The implementation of the company's equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or
other employee incentive measures

 Applicable  Inapplicable
The company has no equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentive
measures and their implementation during the reporting period.

XII. Internal control system construction and implementation during the reporting period

1. Internal control construction and implementation
In 2023, according to the requirements of the Articles of Association and other systems as well as the
needs of actual business adjustment, the company has formulated 4 new internal control systems and
revised 6 internal control systems, further clarifying the responsibilities, rights and business processes of
each organization, avoiding cross-functional, missing or overly concentrated powers and responsibilities,
and forming a working mechanism in which each has its own duties, responsibilities, mutual constraints
and coordination. The company has updated the system compilation, issued and promulgated the new
Internal Control System Compilation, which provides guidance and basis for the establishment, operation,
supervision, evaluation and maintenance of the internal control system, and ensures the unity of the
internal control system of the joint-stock company in terms of consciousness and behavior.
2. Details of major internal control defects found during the reporting period
□Yes  No

XIII. Management and control of subsidiaries during the reporting period

                                                     Problems         Solution
 The name of      Consolidatio    Integration of                                       To solve the       Follow-up
                                                    encountered      measures
 the company        n plan         the progress                                         progress         Solution Plan
                                                   in integration      taken
 None             None            None             None             None               None              None

XIV.Internal control evaluation report or internal control audit report

1. Internal control report
Disclosure date of full internal control evaluation report                2024.04.30.
Index of full-text disclosure of internal control evaluation reports      http//www.cninfo.com.cn
The proportion of total assets of units included in the evaluation
scope to total assets of the company in consolidated financial                                            100.00%
The proportion of the operating income of units included in the
evaluation scope to the operating income of the company's                                                 100.00%
consolidated financial statements
                                            Defect identification standard
              category                             Financial report                    Non-financial report
                                       The following situations shall be The following situations are
                                       identified as major defects of internal identified as non-major defects of
                                       control of financial reporting, and internal control of financial
                                       other situations shall be identified as reporting, and other situations are
The qualitative standard               major defects or general defects identified as major defects or
                                       according to the degree of impact.        general defects according to the
                                       (1) Senior management fraud, degree of impact.
                                       including financial reporting fraud; (1) The enterprise lacks
                                       Improper use of assets; False democratic decision-making
                                       revenues, expenses and liabilities; procedure;

                                                          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                    Improper acquisition of assets; Tax         (2) unscientific decision-making
                                    evasion and high-level fraud;               procedures;
                                    (2) Restatement of the issued financial     (3) Violation of national laws and
                                    report for material misstatement to         regulations, such as
                                    reflect the correction of the wrong         environmental pollution;
                                    statement, and was punished by the          (4) Frequent occurrence of
                                    regulatory authorities for this matter;     negative media news;
                                    (3) Certified public accountants find       (5) The results of internal control
                                    that there is a material misstatement in    evaluation, especially major or
                                    the financial report of the current         important defects, have not been
                                    period, while internal control fails to     corrected;
                                    find the misstatement in the operation      (6) Lack of institutional control
                                    process;                                    or systematic failure of important
                                    (4) The audit committee of the              business.
                                    Company's          internal       control
                                    supervision of the company's financial
                                    reports is invalid, including the audit
                                    committee is unable to effectively
                                    supervise the internal control of the
                                    company's financial reports or is not
                                    qualified and capable of monitoring
                                    the accuracy of financial reports;
                                    (5) The defect that the total amount of
                                    related transactions exceeds the
                                    amount of related transactions
                                    approved by the general meeting of
                                    shareholders due to the failure of
                                    internal decision-making procedures
                                    in     accordance       with     relevant
                                                                                Major defects: direct property
                                    Major defect: direct property loss of       losses of more than 500,000
                                    more than 10 million yuan;                  yuan;
                                    Major defects: direct property loss of      Major defect: direct property loss
Quantitative standard               5 million yuan (inclusive)-10 million       less than or equal to 500,000
                                    yuan;                                       yuan;
                                    General defects: less than 5 million        Defects other than major defects
                                    yuan.                                       and major defects shall be
                                                                                identified as general defects.
Number of material defects in                                                                                    0
financial reports (pieces)
Number of non-financial report                                                                                        0
material defects (PCS)
Number of significant defects in                                                                                      0
financial reports (pieces)
Number of non-financial report                                                                                        0
significant defects (PCS)
2. Internal control audit report
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                                    Review section of internal control audit report
 In our opinion, Waxshaft Corporation maintained effective internal control over financial reporting in all
 material respects as of December 31, 2023 in accordance with the Basic Practice for Internal Control of
 Enterprises and relevant provisions.
 Disclosure of internal control audit report                                           Disclosure of the
 Disclosure date of full internal control audit report                                 April 30, 2024
 Index of full-text disclosure of internal control audit reports                       http//www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                                       Standard without
 Opinion type of internal control audit report
 Whether there are material deficiencies in the non-financial reports                  no
Whether the accounting firm issues the internal control audit report of non-standard opinion
 yes  no
Whether the internal control audit report issued by accounting firm is consistent with the self-evaluation
report of the board of directors

                                                      Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

 yes  no

XV. Self-inspection and rectification of problems in the special action of governance of listed

In response to the problems identified by the company, the company has implemented and rectified them
one by one.

                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                    Chapter V Environmental and social responsibility
I. Major environmental issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant discharging units announced
by the environmental protection authorities
 yes  no
Environmental protection related policies and industry standards
The comprehensive emission standard of air pollutants is GB16297-1996, and the unorganized emission
control standard of volatile organic compounds is GB37822-2019
Environmental protection administrative licensing situation
The existing discharge permit is valid for 5 years, from June 16, 2023 to June 15, 2028.
Industry emission standards and the specific situation of pollutant emissions involved in production and
business activities
            Types of    Name of                                                     Impleme
              main       major                                                       ntation
                                                                        Emissio                                       Excessiv
            pollutant   pollutant                          Discharg                    of                  Approve
                                                Numbe                       n                                            e
              s and       s and     Discharge               e outlet                pollutant    Total      d total
 Name                                             r of                  concentr                                      emission
            character   character     mode                 distributi               discharg    emission   emission
                                                outfalls                ation/int                                     conditio
               istic       istic                               on                       e                      s
                                                                         ensity                                          n
            pollutant   pollutant                                                   standard
                 s           s                                                          s
                        Exhaust                                         16.8mg/                 587.52K               exceedin
            NMHC                    organized   1          y work                                          1920KG
                        gas                                             m3                      G                     g
                        Exhaust                                         22.6mg/                 487.68K               exceedin
            NMHC                    organized   1          y work                                          1920KG
                        gas                                             m3                      G                     g
Dalian                                                                                                                Without
                                                           Assembl                  hensive
wazhou                  Exhaust                                         8.76mg/                                       exceedin
            NMHC                    organized   1          y work                   emission    288KG      1920KG
precision               gas                                             m3                                            g
                                                           area                     standard
motor                                                                                                                 standard
                                                                                    for air
car                                                                                                                   Without
                                                           Assembl                  pollutant
bearing                 Exhaust                                         14.1mg/                 660.48K               exceedin
            NMHC                    organized   1          y work                   s                      1920KG
co., LTD                gas                                             m3                      G                     g
                                                           area                     GB1629
                        Exhaust                            Pickling     2.0mg/m                 1.266K                exceedin
            n                       organized   1                                                          78KG
                        gas                                chamber      3                       G                     g
            hydroxid    Exhaust                            Pickling     <                                            exceedin
                                    organized   1                                               1.9        231KG
            e           gas                                chamber      3mg/m3                                        g
Treatment of pollutants
After centralized collection of the collection system, four sets of oil mist purification devices are used for
processing by centrifugal and filtration separation technology.
The lathe is equipped with a mist absorber, and the filter element is replaced every six months, and the
workshop ventilation is strengthened.

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The pickling operation is equipped with acid mist neutralization processor and enhanced indoor ventilation.
Environmental self-monitoring programme
The subsidiary has developed an environmental self-monitoring program, and the self-monitoring program
and monitoring data are uploaded to the "self-monitoring information release platform of key pollutant
discharge units in Liaoning Province, which is monitored in real time by the local environmental protection
Emergency plan for environmental emergencies
The emergency plan for environmental emergencies shall be filed in the Ecological Environment Bureau of
Jinpu New District (Jinzhou) of Dalian City.
File No. 210213S2020003-L
Investment in environmental governance and protection and payment of environmental protection tax
No sewage charges are required for quarterly declarations
Measures taken to reduce its carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects

 Applicable  Not applicable
The company is an enterprise with sustainable development as its core values, and has a worldwide
influence in the field of bearing manufacturing. Our company is committed to promoting the reduction of
carbon emissions and striving to adopt sustainable production methods to contribute to environmental
protection. By collecting detailed data and actionable recommendations on the company's carbon footprint
in 2023, combined with a comprehensive assessment of the level of carbon emissions, the aim is to identify
and drive potential opportunities to reduce the carbon footprint in order to achieve sustainable development

1.Energy consumption and carbon emissions
The company's annual energy consumption of 9090.90 tons of standard coal, equivalent to carbon
emissions of 22,300 tons of carbon emissions, an increase of 0.1%, while the energy consumption of
10,000 yuan of output value is 26.08 kg of standard coal, a year-on-year decrease of 37.29%, 10,000 yuan
of output value energy consumption decreased significantly, and energy conservation has achieved
excellent results.

2.Basic energy management work
Optimize the energy management system. The company has completed the external audit and certification
of energy management system, and has obtained the international and domestic certificates of energy
management system issued by Rheinland Company, and has obtained the international mutual recognition
qualification of IAF.
Cooperated with energy supply units to conduct energy training. Participated in green power training in
China Resources Jinzhou Power Plant, further deepened the cooperation between the joint stock company
and energy supply units, and laid the foundation for future green power acquisition
Conduct knowledge training on "cloud empowerment". Use the company's knowledge sharing platform to
release the fourth phase of energy management "Cloud empowerment".

3.Energy saving and carbon reduction technical reform measures project
To the national "carbon peak, carbon neutrality" as the goal, combined with new technology, new materials,

                                                          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

new processes, new equipment of the "four new" energy-saving means, innovative ideas, the development
of energy-saving project plans.
During the year, 18 new energy-saving and carbon reduction project measures were developed, and the
implementation of each project was tracked and implemented every quarter. By the end of the year, all 18
energy-saving measures were completed and implemented, and 205.88 tons of carbon emissions were
reduced throughout the year. Among them, energy-saving lighting mining lamps cover more than 85%,
and further increase the proportion of green lighting; Continue to implement the quota control of a single
high energy consumption equipment to improve the energy efficiency of thermal processing equipment;
The green area was expanded, more than 980 trees were planted, and carbon emissions were absorbed by
green plants, achieving a reduction of 17.93 tons.

4.We will optimize the energy mix and increase the utilization rate of clean energy
In 2023, using the opportunity of power reform, we obtained 10% of the total annual electricity
consumption of wind power and 20% of nuclear power in the power market, and achieved a clean energy
utilization rate of 30%, an increase of 25% over the same period last year, refreshing the record of clean
energy utilization. At the same time, the company obtained 3 million KWH of green electricity (with green
certificate), and the company obtained the green certificate for the first time, providing strong support for
green manufacturing.

5.Work measures for 2024
First of all, the team construction was strengthened to expand the scope of carbon footprint
verification of Waxing Co., LTD
Absorb college graduates from environmental protection and energy related majors, hire experts in carbon
emission and carbon trading, strengthen the energy management team, and improve the scale and
professionalism of the team. In order to cope with the future requirements of the country in terms of carbon
emission and carbon footprint for enterprises.
At the same time, we are doing a good job in the statistics of carbon footprint scope 2, continue to deepen
the statistics of scope 1, and will extend to scope 3 in the future.
Secondly, the company will optimize the efficiency of energy use through technological innovation
and process improvement.
The company will seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the production process and achieve
reductions in energy consumption through the use of cleaner energy sources and improvements in
traditional processes.
By strengthening the annual "four new" energy-saving technical transformation project measures, the
supporting role of green and low-carbon technology continues to strengthen. In 2024, the joint-stock
company will introduce state-level energy-saving projects into the annual energy-saving technical
transformation measures, and use the favorable national policies to drive the in-depth implementation of
the joint-stock company's energy-saving transformation projects.
Among them, the green lighting work will be completed by 2024 to achieve full coverage of green lighting;
Continue to deepen the management of a single high energy consumption quota to achieve efficient
operation of thermal processing equipment; Promote single-unit lighting, single-unit circulating cooling,
single-unit compressed air, etc., to achieve energy-saving single-unit production.
Thirdly, the company will "break first and then stand" to improve the "green content" of energy

                                                         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

To promote carbon peak carbon neutrality, the energy sector is the main battlefield. The joint Stock
Company will promote the development of new and clean energy in a more prominent position, and will
actively promote the development and utilization of renewable energy in the future. In the form of
investment or cooperation, the joint-stock company will develop renewable energy projects, such as solar
power and wind power, to reduce dependence on traditional fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.
Beginning in 2024, the joint stock Company will continue to carry out rooftop distributed photovoltaic
power generation projects in the North, South and old factory areas, the project is expected to be about 40
megawatts, is expected to achieve annual photovoltaic power generation of 50 million KWH or more,
clean energy consumption continues to improve, and non-fossil energy to achieve leap-forward
In addition, the company will strengthen the monitoring and management of energy management
and carbon emission data.
The company will establish an efficient energy management system to further reduce carbon emissions by
regularly monitoring and evaluating energy consumption, timely adjusting and improving energy
The company will be guided by the national new infrastructure construction development strategy and
national energy security strategy, driven by the realization of the development goal of "carbon peak and
carbon neutrality", and establish a set of intelligent energy management information system integrating
"new management, new model and new guarantee" which is suitable for the production and operation of
joint stock companies. Comprehensively improve the intelligent, refined and intensive management level
of the company's energy use, and comply with the company's business philosophy of high-quality
Administrative punishment for environmental problems during the reporting period
                                                                              The impact on
      Name of                                                                 the production       Corrective
    company or       Penalty reason non-compliance           The penalty     and operation of measures of the
     subsidiary                                                                    listed           company
 None               None               None                None              None               None
Other environmental information that should be disclosed
Other environmental related information

II. Social responsibility

In 2023, the company will earnestly fulfill its due social responsibilities. While pursuing corporate
economic benefits, it will actively undertake the responsibilities for the comprehensive development of the
country and society, the natural environment and resources, as well as stakeholders such as shareholders,
employees, customers, consumers, suppliers and communities, and realize the social value of the company.
It has better realized the win-win cooperation between the state, society and stakeholders, strengthened
environmental protection, improved resource efficiency, influenced and driven the development of local
economy through project construction and other ways, and effectively promoted the coordinated
development of the company with society, nature and other stakeholders.
In strict accordance with the relevant national and local laws and regulations and document requirements,
the company has handled pension insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, work-related
injury insurance, maternity insurance, housing provident fund and large medical mutual insurance for

                                                          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

employees. Provide timely assistance to employees in need. The employment system, including the salary
system and incentive mechanism, has been established and improved to ensure that employees enjoy labor
rights and fulfill labor obligations according to law. The state has established and improved the system of
occupational safety and health, strictly implements the state regulations and standards on occupational
safety and health, conducts education on occupational safety and health, provides occupational protection
and health examination to employees, and provides them with a healthy and safe working and living
environment, so as to prevent accidents at work and reduce occupational disease hazards to the greatest
The company adheres to the principle of voluntariness, fairness, compensation of equivalent value, honesty
and credit in its business activities, strictly controls the quality target, and ensures the provision of
qualified products. The technical department of the company actively carries out the development of new
products and new materials, and ensures that the various products or services provided by the company
meet the relevant national quality standards or have been certified by the relevant national quality
inspection departments, and actively applies for various third-party certifications at home and abroad. The
company pays attention to customer after-sales service, and properly handles complaints and suggestions
made by customers and consumers. Strictly conduct third-party qualification review and site inspection on
suppliers, select qualified suppliers, carefully understand the needs of suppliers, and actively build a good
cooperation atmosphere.

III. Consolidating and expanding poverty alleviation efforts and rural revitalization

Send village cadres to the surrounding areas of Dalian City, support rural construction, assume social
responsibilities, and constantly build strong village party organizations and strengthen party building work.
Promote the work of strengthening villages and enriching people, implement projects benefiting
agriculture, and increase the collective income of villages. We will improve the appearance and appearance
of villages, raise the level of governance, do a good job in publicity and supervision, organize timely
cleanup of garbage sites, improve the living environment, and build beautiful villages. Carry out the
sunshine three affairs open, follow up to solve the problems left over by letters and visits, implement the
basic farmland rehabilitation work, holiday and village two committee team members, carry out the "three
prevention" work, care for the elderly, contact with hospitals and love organizations, health check-up for
the elderly and so on.

                                                              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                   Chapter VI Important items
I. Performance of commitments

1. Commitments made by the company's actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirer and
related parties committed by the Company have been fulfilled during the reporting period or have not been
fulfilled by the end of the reporting period
 Applicable  Inapplicable
During the reporting period, the company does not have commitments that have been fulfilled by the actual
controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirers, the company and other committed parties within the
reporting period or have not been fulfilled by the end of the reporting period.
2. If there is a profit forecast for the assets or projects of the company and the reporting period is still in the
profit forecast period, the company shall explain why the assets or projects meet the original profit forecast
 Applicable  Inapplicable

II.Non-operational appropriation of funds by controlling shareholders and other related parties to
the listed company

 Applicable  Inapplicable
During the reporting period, there is no non-operational appropriation of funds by controlling shareholders
and other related parties to the listed company.

III. Violation of external guarantee

 Applicable  Inapplicable
The company has no violation of external guarantee during the reporting period.

IV. Explanation of the Board of Directors on the latest "Non-standard audit Report"

 Applicable  Inapplicable

V.Explanation of the Board of Directors, supervisory Board and independent directors (if any) to the
"non-standard audit report" of the accounting firm during the reporting period
 Applicable  Inapplicable

Ⅵ.Description of changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates or correction of significant
accounting errors compared with the previous year's financial report
 Applicable  Inapplicable
There is no change in accounting policies, accounting estimates or correction of major accounting errors
during the reporting period.

VII. Explanation of changes in the scope of consolidated statements as compared with the financial
statements of the previous year

 Applicable  Inapplicable
There is no change in the scope of consolidated statements during the reporting period.

VIII.Employment and dismissal of accounting firms
Now employed accounting firm

                                                                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                                                                    LiXin Certified Public Accountants
  Name of domestic accounting firm
                                                                                    (Special General Partnership)
  Remuneration of domestic accounting firm (ten thousand yuan)                                                                 70
  The number of consecutive years of audit services provided by
  domestic accounting firms
  Name of certified public accountant of domestic accounting firm           Cui Song Guo Yao Wu
  The number of consecutive years of audit services provided by
  certified public accountants of domestic accounting firms
 Whether to hire an accounting firm for the current period
  yes  no
 Internal control of audit and accounting firms, financial consultants or sponsors
  Applicable  Inapplicable

 IX. Delisting after the disclosure of the annual report
  Applicable  Inapplicable

 X. Matters related to bankruptcy reorganization
  Applicable  Inapplicable
 No bankruptcy reorganization related matters occurred during the reporting period.

 Ⅺ.Major litigation and arbitration matters
  Applicable  Inapplicable
                                Amount                    Progress       Litigation
                                          Whether an                                     Execution
                               involved                        of       (arbitration)
  Litigation (arbitration)                estimated                                     of litigation    Date of      Disclosure
                                 (Ten                     litigation    adjudication
    basic information                     liability is                                  (arbitration)   disclosure      index
                               thousand                  (arbitratio     result and
                                            formed                                       judgments
                                 yuan)                         n)        influence
     Summary of other
  litigation that occurred
during the reporting period                                             At the end of
 and was settled as of the                                Closed        the reporting
                                 51.7        none                                            of
end of this reporting period                               case            period
    and did not meet the                                                 Closed case
      material litigation
     disclosure standard
     Summary of other
  litigation that occurred
                                                                        At the end of
during the reporting period
                                                                        the reporting
 that was not settled as of                               Closed
                               198.51        none                          period       Up to report
 the end of this reporting                                 case
period and did not meet the
      material litigation
     disclosure standard

 Ⅻ.Punishment and rectification
  Applicable  Inapplicable
 There is no punishment or rectification during the reporting period.
 XIII. Integrity status of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers
 □ Applicable  Not applicable

 XIV. Major connected transactions
 1. Related transactions related to daily operations
 □ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

During the reporting period, there were no related transactions related to the company's daily operations.
2. Related transactions arising from the acquisition or sale of assets or equity
□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, there were no related transactions involving the acquisition or sale of assets or
3. Related transactions for joint foreign investment
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No related transactions of joint foreign investment occurred during the reporting period.
4. Related creditor's rights and debts
Applicable □ Not applicable
Whether there are non-operational related creditor and debt transactions
□ Yes  No
The company does not have non-operational related debt transactions during the reporting period.
5. Dealings with related financial companies
□ Applicable  Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit granting or other financial business between the Company and the finance
company and the related parties.
6. Transactions between the financial company controlled by the company and related parties
□ Applicable  Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the finance company controlled by the
Company and the related parties.
7. Other significant connected transactions
 Applicable  Not applicable
For the routine related party transactions, please refer to "Wafangdian Bearing Co., LTD. 's Announcement
on the Expected Routine Related Party Transactions in 2024" disclosed by the Company on Juchao
Information Website on April 30, 2024 and Section 10, Section 12, "Related Parties and Related
Transactions" 5 "Related Party Transactions" of this report.
Major related transaction interim report disclosure website related inquiries

XV.Major contracts and their performance
1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing
(1) Custody
 Applicable  Inapplicable
There is no custody during the reporting period.
(2) Contracting situation
 Applicable  Inapplicable
There is no contracting during the reporting period.
(3) Lease situation
 Applicable  Inapplicable
Lease Information
The Company does not have any major lease contracts.
Projects that bring profit and loss for the company to reach more than 10% of the total profit of the
company during the reporting period
 Applicable  Inapplicable

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During the reporting period, there is no leasing project whose profit and loss of the company reaches more
than 10% of the total profit of the company during the reporting period.
2. Major Guarantee
 Applicable  Inapplicable
There is no material guarantee during the reporting period.
3. Cash asset management by entrusting others
(1) Entrusted financial management
 Applicable  Inapplicable
There is no entrusted financial management during the reporting period.
(2) Entrusted loans
 Applicable  Inapplicable
There is no entrusted loan during the reporting period.
4. Other major contracts
 Applicable  Inapplicable
There are no other major contracts during the reporting period.
XVI.Explanation of other important matters
 Applicable  Inapplicable
There is no other major event that needs to be explained during the reporting period.
Xvii. Major events of the company's subsidiaries
 Applicable  Inapplicable

                                                                 Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                           Chapter VII Share changes and shareholders

I. Changes in shares
1. Changes in shares
                             Prior to this change             This change is more or less (+, -)             After this change
                                                                Send       ion of
                              number       ratio      new                              other       total    number      ratio
                                                               shares     provide
                                                                          nt fund
 I.Unlisted and tradable     244,000,0                                                                      244,000
                                          60.61%                                                                       60.61%
 shares                             00                                                                         ,000
                             244,000,0                                                                      244,000
 1. Shares of sponsors                    60.61%                                                                       60.61%
                                    00                                                                         ,000
 Among them: the state       244,000,0                                                                      244,000
                                          60.61%                                                                       60.61%
 holds shares                       00                                                                         ,000
 Domestic legal persons
 hold shares
 Overseas legal persons
 hold shares
 2. Raise corporate
 3. Internal work unit
 4. Preferred stock or
 II.Shares already listed    158,600,0                                                                      158,600
                                          39.39%                                                                       39.39%
 and circulating                    00                                                                         ,000
 1. Renminbi common
 2. Domestically listed      158,600,0                                                                      158,600
                                          39.39%                                                                       39.39%
 foreign capital stocks             00                                                                         ,000
 3. Foreign capital stocks
 listed abroad
 4, other
 III.Total number of         402,600,0     100.00                                                           402,600     100.00
 shares                             00         %                                                               ,000         %

Reasons for changes in shares
 Applicable  Inapplicable
Approval of changes in shares
 Applicable  Inapplicable
Transfer of shares
 Applicable  Inapplicable
The impact of share changes on basic and diluted earnings per share, net asset per share attributable to
common shareholders of the company and other financial indicators in the latest year and the latest period
 Applicable  Inapplicable
Other contents that the company deems necessary or required by the securities regulatory authority
 Applicable  Inapplicable
2. Changes in the shares limited for sale
 Applicable  Inapplicable
II. Securities issuance and listing
1. Securities issuance (excluding preferred stock) during the reporting period

                                                                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

□ Applicable  Inapplicable
2. Description of the changes in the total number of shares and the structure of shareholders, and the
structure of assets and liabilities of the company
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
3. Existing internal job shares
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
III. Shareholders and Actual Controlling Shareholder
1. Number of Shareholders and Shares
                                                                                                                Unit: Share
Total common       5,20    Total               common 5,196         Total        preference 0       Total preference shareholders with     0
shareholders          0    shareholders at the end of               shareholders with the           the voting power not recovered at
in                         the month                                voting power recovered          the end of the month before the day
the reporting              before     the     date    of            at the end of the               of disclosing the annual report(if
period                     disclosing     the    annual             reporting period (if            any)(See Note 8)
                           report                                   any)(See Note 8)
Shares held by the shareholders holding over 5% shares or the top ten shareholders(excluding shares lent through refinancing)
                                                                                                        The number      Pledge or freeze
                                                         Number of
                                            The                         Changes in      The number      of
                                                         holdings at
Shareholder           Nature of the         number of                   the             of unlisted     outstanding                The
                                                         the end of                                                     Shares
names                 shareholders          shares in                   reporting       outstanding     shares held                number
                                                         reporting                                                      in state
                                            proportion                  period          shares held     on the                     of
                      State-owned                         244,000,00                                                    inapplic
Bearing Group                                  60.61%                   0                244,000,000                0                    0
                      shareholder                                   0                                                   ability
AKTIEBOLAGE           Foreign                                                                                           inapplic
                                               19.70%     79,300,000 0                              0     79,300,000                     0
T SKF                 shareholder                                                                                       ability
China merchants
                      Foreign                                                                                           inapplic
securities Hong                                 2.23%      8,995,895 0                              0      8,995,895                     0
                      shareholder                                                                                       ability
Kong limited
                      Domestic                                                                                          inapplic
Huang Junyue                                    1.81%      7,302,709 0                              0      7,302,709                     0
                      shareholder                                                                                       ability
                     Domestic                                                                                          inapplic
Hu Xiaofeng                                   0.47%       1,879,277    0                           0      1,879,277                       0
                     shareholder                                                                                       ability
                     Foreign                                                                                           inapplic
SECURITIES                                    0.33%       1,310,000    0                           0      1,310,000                       0
                     shareholder                                                                                       ability
SECURITIES(HO        Foreign                                                                                           inapplic
                                              0.26%       1,037,111    0                           0      1,037,111                       0
NGKONG)              shareholder                                                                                       ability
                      Domestic                                                                                         inapplic
Meng Qingliang                                 0.24%        966,048    0                           0        966,048                       0
                      shareholder                                                                                      ability
                      Domestic                                                                                         inapplic
Jin Yunhua                                     0.18%        727,900    0                           0        727,900                       0
                      shareholder                                                                                      ability
MAN,KWAI              Foreign                                                                                          inapplic
                                               0.18%        713,101    0                           0        713,101                       0
WING 文贵荣           shareholder                                                                                      ability
Where a strategic investor or general legal person
becomes a top 10 shareholder as a result of the         none
placement of new shares (if any) (see Note 3)
                                                        Among the top ten shareholders of the company, there is no correlation
                                                        relationship or concerted action between the largest shareholder and other
A description of such shareholder association or        shareholders, or between the top ten shareholders of tradable shares, while the
concerted action                                        correlation relationship and concerted action between other shareholders,
                                                        between the top ten shareholders of tradable shares, or between the top ten
                                                        shareholders of tradable shares and other shareholders are unknown.

                                                                     Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

  Explanation of the aforesaid shareholders'
  involvement in entrustment /fiduciary voting rights     none
  and abandonment of voting rights
  Special notes for the repo account among the top 10
  shareholders (see Note 10)
  Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares
                                                                        Quantity of unrestricted shares         Share type
  Shareholder’s Name                                                   held
                                                                                                                Share type        Quantity
                                                                        at the end of there porting period
  AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                                                               79,300,000 B-shares               79,300,000
  China merchants securities Hong Kong limited                                                     8,995,895 B-shares               8,995,895
  Huang Junyue                                                                                     7,302,709 B-shares               7,302,709
  Hu Xiaofeng                                                                                      1,879,277 B-shares               1,879,277
  BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                                          1,310,000 B-shares               1,310,000
  GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONG KONG) LIMITED                                                       1,037,111 B-shares               1,037,111
  Meng Qingliang                                                                                     966,048 B-shares                 966,048
  Jin Yunhua                                                                                         727,900 B-shares                 727,900
  MAN,KWAI WING 文贵荣                                                                               713,101 B-shares                 713,101
  Jiang Guangsen                                                                                     687,900 B-shares                 687,900
                                                                            There was no relationship and consistent activities between the
  Explanation to the associated relationship or consistent action among
                                                                            first big shareholder and other shareholders or the top ten
  the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted negotiable shares and that
                                                                            common stock holders; The relationship among other
  between the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted negotiable shares
                                                                            shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders, top ten
  and top 10 shareholders.
                                                                            circulation shareholders and other shareholders was not clear.
  Description of Top 10 Common Shareholders' Participation in Margin
  and Short Selling Business (if any) (see Note 4)
  The lending of shares by the top ten shareholders in the refinancing business
   Applicable  Not applicable
  The top ten shareholders changed from the previous period
   Applicable  Not applicable
  Whether the top 10 common shareholders of the Company and the top 10 common shareholders with
  unlimited conditions conducted agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period
  □Yes  No
  The top 10 common shareholders of the Company and the top 10 common shareholders with unlimited
  conditions did not enter into agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period.

  2. Controlling Shareholder
  Nature of the controlling shareholder: State-owned holding directly under the Dalian government

                       Legal        Date of
   Name of the       Represen     incorporati    Organizati
                                                                                        Main Business
   Controlling       tative/Le        on          on code
   Shareholder          ader
                                                               Bearing, bearing spare parts, bearing special tools, tooling,
                                                               equipment, mechanical equipment, abrasives, abrasives, casting,
Wafangdian                                       91210200      auto parts, locomotive parts and related industrial products
Bearing     Group    Liu Jun      1995.10.22     24238666      manufacturing and sales; Bearing design, repair, maintenance
Corporation                                      3D            and technical services; Procurement and sales of bearing raw
                                                               materials and auxiliary materials; House leasing and equipment
The shareholding of the
controlling shareholder of
other listed companies at        none
home and abroad during the
reporting period

                                                                       Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

    Type of the controlling shareholder: corporate Legal Person
    Change of Controlling Shareholder in the Report Period
    □ Applicable  Inapplicable
    The controlling shareholder of the company has not changed during the reporting period.
    3. Actual Controller
    Nature of the actual controller: State-owned assets regulatory agency directly under the Dalian government
    Type of the actual controller: corporate
                                       Legal            Establishing   Organization                             Register
    Name of the actual controller
                                       Representative       Date          Code                                   Capital
                                                                                      On behalf of the people's government of Dalian, the
Dalian Municipal Government State-
                                                                                      people's government shall perform the functions and
owned Assets Supervising and             Cao De Jun     2004.09.30     No
                                                                                      responsibilities of the state-owned assets, and supervise
Managing committee
                                                                                      and administer the state-owned assets.
Equity in other domestic and foreign
listed companies held by the actual
                                       Other domestic and foreign listed companies controlled by the actual controller during the reporting
controller by means of control and
                                       period include: Dalian Heavy Industry (002204)
mutual shareholding in the reporting
    Actual controller changes during the reporting period
     Applicable  Inapplicable
    The actual controller of the company has not changed during the reporting period.
    A block diagram of the property rights and control relationship between the company and the actual

    Actual Controller controlled the Company by trust or other asset management method.
    □ Applicable  Inapplicable
    4. The total amount of shares pledged by the controlling shareholder or the largest shareholder and
    the person acting in concert accounts for 80% of the company's shares held by them
     Applicable  Inapplicable

    5.Other shareholders with more than 10% shares

                                                        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

 Applicable  Inapplicable
                     Legal                        Date of
    Name                                                                   Capital               Main Business
                  Representative               establishment
                                                                                         Bearings, seals and
AKTIEBOLAGET                                                        1,138,000,000        relative products,
                     Rickard Gustafson      1907.01.01
SKF                                                                 (SKR)              and relative
6. Shareholding Reduction Restriction on the Controlling Shareholder, the Actual Controller, the
Reorganizing Party and other Commiting Party
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
Iv. Specific implementation of share repurchase during the reporting period
The implementation progress of share repurchase
 Applicable  Inapplicable
The implementation progress of reducing repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding
 Applicable  Inapplicable
                            Chapter VIII. About the Preferred Shares
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
                Chapter IX. Related information of convertible bonds
□ Applicable  Inapplicable

                                Chapter X Financial report

I.Financial report

Types of Audit opinions                                Standard unreserved opinion
Date of audit report signing                           April 26, 2024
                                                       Lipan Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Name of audit institution
Audit report number                                    Xin Kuai Shi Bao Zi [2024] No. ZE10289
Name of auditor                                         Cui Song,Guo Yaowu
                                        Auditor's Report

To the Shareholders of Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited:


We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
(“Wafangdian Bearing Company”), which comprise the consolidated and company's balance sheets as
at 31 December 2023, the consolidated and company's income statements, the consolidated and
company's statements of cash flows, and the consolidated and company's statements of changes in
owners' equity for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the
consolidated and company's financial position as at 31 December 2023 and the consolidated and
company's financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the
requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

                                                       Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing (“CSAs”). Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the
Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of Wafangdian Bearing
Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of the Chinese Institute
of Certified Public Accountants (“CICPA Code”), and we have fulfilled our other ethical
responsibilities in accordance with the CICPA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have
obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in
our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context
of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not
provide a separate opinion on these matters.

We identified the following key audit matters in our audit:
1. [Revenue recognition]
2. [Recoverability of accounts receivable]

                                                       How these matters were addressed in the audit
                Key Audit Matters
1. [Revenue recognition]
                                                    The audit procedures we performed on revenue
                                                    recognition consisted primarily of:
                                                    1. Pnderstanding, evaluating and testing the
                                                    effectiveness of the design and implementation
                                                    of management's key internal controls related to
                                                    revenue recognition;
                                                    2. Performing analytical review procedures to
For details of the accounting policy for revenue    analyze the reasonableness of changes in revenue
recognition and analysis of revenue, please refer   and gross profit margin;
to the accounting policy described in Note (22) of 3. Select a sample to examine sales contracts,
the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements      identify contractual provisions related to the
"III. Significant Accounting Policies and           transfer of control of goods, and evaluate
Accounting Estimates" and Note (36) of the Notes whether the revenue recognition point of
to Consolidated Financial Statements.               Wafangdian Bearing Company Corporation
                                                    meets the requirements of the Enterprise
Revenue from sales of various types of bearings in Accounting Standards;
the consolidated statements of operations of 4. Selecting samples of revenue transactions
Wafangdian Bearing Company for fiscal 2023 recorded during the year, verifying whether the
amounted to CNY 2,093,582,371.38.                   book revenue, sales invoices and customer
                                                    confirmation sheets are consistent, and
Since revenues and profits from bearing sales       evaluating whether the relevant revenue
have a significant impact on the Company's          recognition is in accordance with the revenue
results, the recognition of revenues depends on the recognition accounting policy of Wafangdian
ability to properly assess whether the product      Bearing Company;
sales satisfy the agreement on the conditions for   5. Implementing correspondence to customers.
the transfer of control in the sales contract. The  The correspondence procedure includes
complexity of the commercial agreements,            correspondence on the balance of accounts
however, requires separate judgment. For this       receivable at the end of the customer's period as
reason, we identified revenue as a key audit        well as sales during the reporting period;
matter.                                             6. For shipment records around the balance sheet

                                                         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                                        How these matters were addressed in the audit
                Key Audit Matters
                                                       date, select samples and check the supporting
                                                       documents such as shipment records and
                                                       customer acknowledgement slips to evaluate
                                                       whether revenues are included in the appropriate
2. [Recoverability of accounts receivable]
For details of the accounting policies and analysis
of accounts receivable, please refer to the
accounting policies described in Note (ix) to the
consolidated financial statements under "III.          The audit procedures we performed on the
Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates"         collectability of accounts receivable consisted
and Note (iv) to the consolidated financial            primarily of:
statements under "V. Notes to Consolidated             1. understanding, evaluating and testing the
Financial Statements".                                 effectiveness of management's design and
                                                       implementation of internal controls related to the
The balance of accounts receivable in the              aging analysis of accounts receivable and the
consolidated financial statements as of December       determination of the allowance for bad debts on
31, 2023 was CNY 1,217,457,042.95 and the              accounts receivable;
allowance     for   bad     debts     was   CNY        2. reviewing management's consideration and
131,019,034.27,         net        of       CNY        objective evidence related to the impairment
1,086,438,008.68.The balance of contractual            testing of accounts receivable and focusing on
assets was CNY 5,858,045.86, provision for             whether management has adequately identified
impairment of contract assets was CNY                  items that have been impaired;
292,902.29, net of contractual assets was CNY          3. for accounts receivable for which management
5,565,143.57.                                          has provided for bad debts according to a
                                                       combination of credit risk characteristics,
We identified the collectability of accounts           evaluating whether the percentage of provision
receivable as a key audit matter because               for bad debts determined by management is
estimating the collectability of accounts receivable   reasonable;
and testing for impairment involves significant        4. Implemented the correspondence procedure
accounting estimates and judgments by                  and reconciled the results of the correspondence
management, and the impact on the financial            with the amounts recorded by management;
statements if the accounts receivable is not           5. Evaluating the reasonableness of the provision
collected on time or are uncollectible is more         for bad debts reserves by management in
significant.                                           conjunction with the post-period payback

Other Information

Management of Wafangdian Bearing Company (“Management”) is responsible for the other
information. The other information comprises all of the information included in the 2023 annual report
of Wafangdian Bearing Company, other than the financial statements and our auditor's report thereon.

Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express
any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially

                                                        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of the
other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in
accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for such
internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial
statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing Wafangdian Bearing
Company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, if applicable, matters related to going
concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate
Wafangdian Bearing Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing Wafangdian Bearing Company’s
financial reporting process.

Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that
includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an
audit conducted in accordance with CSAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in aggregate,
they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of
these financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with CSAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain
professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

    (1)     Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether
    due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain
    audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not
    detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error,
    as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override
    of internal control.

    (2)   Obtain an understand of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
    procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.

    (3)   Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
    accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.

                                                        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

    (4)     Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of
    accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related
    to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on Wafangdian Bearing Company's ability
    to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to
    draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if
    such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit
    evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may
    cause Wafangdian Bearing Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

    (5)    Evaluate the overall presentation (including the disclosures), structure and contents of the
    financial statements, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions
    and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

    (6)     Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the
    entities or business activities within Wafangdian Bearing Company to express an opinion on the
    consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and
    performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned
scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in
internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant
ethical requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other
matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence and, where applicable, related

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that
were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are
therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report unless law or
regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we
determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences
of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such

II. Financial statements

The unit of the statements in the financial notes is: yuan
1. Consolidate balance sheets
Compiled by: Wafangdian Bearing Co., LTD
                                              26 April 2024
                      project                             2023.12.31                         2023.1.1
Current assets:

                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

  Monetary funds                                    210,814,228.05                              330,746,706.88
  Settlement of provisions
  Loan funds
  Trading financial assets                               214,178.33                                 243,454.50
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                  450,721,512.23                              469,784,593.61
  Accounts receivable                              1,086,438,008.68                           1,136,295,329.59
  Financing of receivables                            55,546,474.87                              30,996,930.63
  prepayment                                          16,939,892.67                              52,901,066.01
  Premium receivable
  Reinsurance accounts receivable
  Reserves receivable for reinsurance contracts
  Other receivables                                    9,403,175.09                              10,555,282.33
     Among them: interest receivable
              Dividends receivable
  Buy and resell financial assets
  inventory                                         651,494,088.99                              646,619,143.91
  Contractual assets                                   5,565,143.57                                 601,375.84
  Holding assets for sale
  Non-current assets due within one year
  Other current assets                                47,560,917.19                              15,681,599.83
Total current assets                               2,534,697,619.67                           2,694,425,483.13
Non-current assets:
  Make loans and advances
  Debt investment
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment
  Investment in other equity instruments              11,910,077.43                              11,926,856.64
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment real estate                              68,614,653.76                              67,211,806.69
  Fixed assets                                      448,651,044.66                              391,769,315.64
  Construction in progress                            37,354,969.68                              81,891,139.54
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Use right assets
  Intangible assets                                   74,319,876.46                              77,438,618.71
  Development expenditure
  Long-term deferred expenses                          4,842,981.32                                 114,379.51
  Deferred tax assets
  Other non-current assets

                                                 Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Total non-current assets                           645,693,603.31                              630,352,116.73
Total assets                                      3,180,391,222.98                           3,324,777,599.86
Current liabilities:
  Short-term loan                                  598,000,000.00                              699,000,000.00
  Borrow from the central bank
  Borrowed funds
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liability
  Notes payable                                    460,840,218.52                              462,446,562.00
  Accounts payable                                1,269,200,269.48                           1,300,975,034.72
  Advances received
  Contractual liability                              30,546,735.85                              30,449,983.07
  Selling repurchase funds of financial assets
  Deposit-taking and interbank deposits
  Agent to buy and sell securities
  Agent underwrites securities
  Employee compensation payable                      47,130,138.90                              46,797,303.83
  Taxes payable                                      20,327,848.00                              26,467,193.95
  Other payables                                   185,396,158.28                              180,459,153.26
     Among them: interest payable
               Dividends payable
  Commissions and commissions payable
  Reinsurance accounts payable
  Holding liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one year
  Other current liabilities                           4,574,730.79                               4,294,078.63
Total current liabilities                         2,616,016,099.82                           2,750,889,309.46
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserve
  Long-term loan                                     99,450,000.00
  Bonds payable
     Among them: preferred stock
               Perpetual debt
  Lease liability
  Long-term payables                                    344,974.84                                 344,974.84
  Long-term employee compensation payable
  Projected liability                                49,598,202.66                              54,288,933.94
  Deferred income                                    43,100,180.40                              48,324,479.14
  Deferred income tax liabilities                       575,697.11                                 626,909.02
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                      193,069,055.01                              103,585,296.94
Total liabilities                                 2,809,085,154.83                           2,854,474,606.40
Owner's equity:

                                                             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

  Capital stock                                                402,600,000.00                                402,600,000.00
  Other equity instruments
    Among them: preferred stock
            Perpetual debt
  Capital reserve                                              485,691,050.47                                485,691,050.47
  Minus: Treasury stocks
  Other comprehensive income
  Special reserve                                                   2,414,877.63                               1,933,209.86
  Surplus reserve                                              136,770,391.01                                136,770,391.01
  General risk reserve
  Undistributed profit                                         -656,170,250.96                            -556,691,657.88
Total owner's equity attributable to parent company             371,306,068.15                             470,302,993.46
  Minority shareholders' interests
Total owners' equity                                            371,306,068.15                             470,302,993.46
Total liabilities and equity                                  3,180,391,222.98                           3,324,777,599.86

 Chairman: Liu Jun                General Accountant : Sun Najuan       Accounting charger:Sun Xinyan
2. Balance Sheet Of Parent Company
                       project                             2023.12.31                             2023.1.1
Current assets:
  Monetary funds                                               202,953,597.29                                318,183,659.51
  Trading financial assets                                           214,178.33                                  243,454.50
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                             448,340,987.89                                364,368,224.60
  Accounts receivable                                         1,083,227,562.84                           1,091,791,757.46
  Financing of receivables                                       55,246,474.87                                29,782,015.63
  prepayment                                                     16,088,770.08                                50,382,150.52
  Other receivables                                            302,051,507.57                                326,487,410.20
    Among them: interest receivable
            Dividends receivable                                 11,843,105.36                                11,843,105.36
  inventory                                                    409,679,963.66                                372,399,880.38
  Contractual assets                                                5,565,143.57                                 601,375.84
  Holding assets for sale
  Non-current assets due within one year
  Other current assets                                           47,560,917.19                                15,681,599.83
Total current assets                                          2,570,929,103.29                           2,569,921,528.47
Non-current assets:
  Debt investment
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment                                  226,488,897.67                                225,693,897.67
  Investment in other equity instruments                         11,910,077.43                                11,926,856.64
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment real estate                                         62,796,748.61                                61,104,869.06
  Fixed assets                                                 284,111,056.47                                246,219,058.48

                                                Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

  Construction in progress                          37,233,550.11                              50,350,325.78
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Use right assets
  Intangible assets                                 59,940,265.41                              62,341,050.02
  Development expenditure
  Long-term deferred expenses                        4,842,981.32                                 114,379.51
  Deferred tax assets
  Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                          687,323,577.02                              657,750,437.16
Total assets                                     3,258,252,680.31                           3,227,671,965.63
Current liabilities:
  Short-term loan                                 598,000,000.00                              699,000,000.00
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liability
  Notes payable                                   460,840,218.52                              462,446,562.00
  Accounts payable                               1,173,929,299.34                           1,086,746,790.62
  Advances received
  Contractual liability                             30,499,770.66                              30,055,311.74
  Employee compensation payable                     39,558,601.86                              39,688,497.98
  Taxes payable                                     14,791,557.01                              17,639,022.52
  Other payables                                  168,205,349.94                              162,798,263.19
     Among them: interest payable
             Dividends payable
  Holding liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one year
  Other current liabilities                          4,568,625.32                               4,244,919.76
Total current liabilities                        2,490,393,422.65                           2,502,619,367.81
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan                                    99,450,000.00
  Bonds payable
     Among them: preferred stock
             Perpetual debt
  Lease liability
  Long-term payables                                   244,974.84                                 244,974.84
  Long-term employee compensation payable
  Projected liability                               49,566,496.84                              54,260,539.91
  Deferred income                                   15,525,886.47                              19,864,106.94
  Deferred income tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                     164,787,358.15                               74,369,621.69

                                                             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Total liabilities                                             2,655,180,780.80                           2,576,988,989.50
Owner's equity:
 Capital stock                                                 402,600,000.00                              402,600,000.00
 Other equity instruments
   Among them: preferred stock
          Perpetual debt
 Capital reserve                                               485,678,443.26                              485,678,443.26
 Minus: Treasury stocks
 Other comprehensive income
  Special reserve                                                                                              441,390.04
  Surplus reserve                                               136,770,391.01                             136,770,391.01
  Undistributed profit                                         -421,976,934.76                            -374,807,248.18
Total owners' equity                                            603,071,899.51                             650,682,976.13
Total liabilities and equity                                  3,258,252,680.31                           3,227,671,965.63

3. Consolidated income statement
                               project                                       2023                          2022
I. Gross operating income                                                     2,193,273,682.20           2,348,330,561.57
  Among them: operating income                                                2,193,273,682.20           2,348,330,561.57
          Interest income
          Earned premium
Fee and commission income
Ii. Total operating costs                                                     2,316,003,617.97           2,450,935,364.34
  Among them: operating cost                                                  1,820,709,965.29           1,897,907,415.41
Interest expense
Commission and commission expenses
          Surrender premium
          Net claims disbursement
          Net reserve for insurance liability contracts
          Policy dividend payout
          Reinsurance expense
          Taxes and surcharges                                                    13,938,931.92             12,737,534.70
          Selling expense                                                        159,770,917.31            162,537,964.38
          Administrative expenses                                                127,607,078.59            115,099,647.00
          Research and development expenses                                      157,836,380.65            231,245,330.98
          Financial expense                                                       36,140,344.21             31,407,471.87
             Among them: interest expense                                         40,071,255.06             36,216,652.32
                    Interest income                                                1,532,778.11              1,197,047.65
  Plus: Other earnings                                                            33,490,766.62              7,068,347.57
        Investment income (loss marked with "-")                                  12,935,641.78              6,892,627.00
          Among them: income from investment in joint
venture and joint venture
                    Financial assets measured at amortized

                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

cost cease to recognize income
       Exchange gain (loss marked with "-")
       Net exposure hedge gain (loss marked with "-")
       Gain on changes in fair value (loss marked with "-")                              -29,276.17                  -78,583.43
       Credit impairment loss (loss marked with "-")                                  -8,190,595.50              14,149,185.05
       Asset impairment loss (marked with "-")                                       -16,570,748.46             -70,762,726.02
       Gain on disposal of assets (loss marked with "-")                               1,406,119.64               2,110,473.61
Iii. Operating profit (loss marked with "-")                                         -99,688,027.86            -143,225,478.99
  Plus: non-operating income                                                             603,316.44               3,927,967.83
  Less: non-operating expenses                                                           445,093.57                 656,315.14
Iv. Total Profit (total loss marked with "-")                                        -99,529,804.99            -139,953,826.30
  Less: Income tax expense                                                               -51,211.91                  -56,327.43
V. Net profit (marked with "-" for net loss)                                         -99,478,593.08            -139,897,498.87
   (1) Classification by business continuity
      1. Net profit from continuing operations (marked with "-"
                                                                                     -99,478,593.08            -139,897,498.87
for net loss)
      2. Net profit of discontinued operations (marked with "-"
for net loss)
   (2) Classification according to ownership
      1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent
                                                                                     -99,478,593.08            -139,897,498.87
      2. Profit and loss of minority shareholders
Vi. Net of other comprehensive income after tax
   Net of other comprehensive income attributable to the
owner of the parent company after tax
      (1) Other comprehensive income that cannot be
reclassified into profit or loss
         1. Remeasure and set the variation of benefit plan
         2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be
transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
         3. Changes in fair value of investments in other equity
         4. Changes in the fair value of the enterprise's own
credit risk
         5. Others
      (2) Other comprehensive income reclassified into profit or
         1. Other comprehensive income that can be
transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
         2. Changes in the fair value of other creditor's rights
         3. The amount of financial assets reclassified into other
comprehensive income
         4. Reserve for credit impairment of other creditor's
rights investments
         5. Cash flow hedge reserve
         6. Difference in translation of foreign currency financial
         7. Others
   Net of other comprehensive income attributable to minority
shareholders after tax
Vii. Total comprehensive income                                                      -99,478,593.08            -139,897,498.87
   Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner of                           -99,478,593.08            -139,897,498.87

                                                               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

the parent company
  Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
Viii. Earnings per share
  (1) Basic earnings per share                                                           -0.2471                      -0.3475
  (2) Diluted earnings per share                                                         -0.2471                      -0.3475
 Chairman: Liu Jun                 General Accountant : Sun Najuan       Accounting charger:Sun Xinyan
4. Income Sheet of Parent Company.
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                              item                                         2023                             2022
I. Operating income                                                         2,220,459,530.92               2,391,189,210.72
  Less: operating costs                                                     1,839,008,209.00               1,938,358,741.32
       Taxes and surcharges                                                    10,941,033.02                  10,972,553.48
       Selling expense                                                        150,633,675.33                 153,124,248.33
       Administrative expenses                                                101,958,194.37                  91,238,538.03
       Research and development expenses                                      152,103,642.61                 225,860,513.24
       Financial expense                                                       36,168,494.80                  31,180,257.00
          Among them: interest expense
                 Interest income
  Plus: Other earnings                                                         32,292,962.05                   5,641,327.34
       Investment income (loss marked with "-")                                10,260,371.82                   4,115,928.61
         Among them: income from investment in joint
venture and joint venture
Financial assets measured at amortized cost cease to
recognize income (loss marked with "-")
       Net exposure hedge gain (loss marked with "-")
       Gain on changes in fair value (loss marked with "-")                       -29,276.17                       -78,583.43
       Credit impairment loss (loss marked with "-")                           -8,280,898.36                  14,020,645.51
       Asset impairment loss (marked with "-")                                -12,436,058.16                 -47,759,299.50
       Gain on disposal of assets (loss marked with "-")                          964,764.68                   2,110,473.61
II. Operating profit (loss marked with "-")                                   -47,581,852.35                 -81,495,148.54
  Plus: non-operating income                                                      577,544.94                   3,172,630.58
  Less: non-operating expenses                                                    165,379.17                       620,179.18
III. Total Profit (total loss marked with "-")                                -47,169,686.58                 -78,942,697.14
  Less: Income tax expense
Iv. Net Profit (marked with "-" for net loss)                                 -47,169,686.58                 -78,942,697.14
   (1) Net profit from continuing operations (marked with "-
                                                                              -47,169,686.58                 -78,942,697.14
" for net loss)
   (2) Net profit from discontinued operations (marked with
"-" for net loss)
V.Net of other comprehensive income after tax
      (1) Other comprehensive income that cannot be
reclassified into profit or loss
        1. Remeasure and set the variation of benefit plan
        2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be
transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
        3. Changes in fair value of investments in other
equity instruments

                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

        4. Changes in the fair value of the enterprise's own
credit risk
        5. Others
     (2) Other comprehensive income reclassified into
profit or loss
        1. Other comprehensive income that can be
transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
        2. Changes in the fair value of other creditor's rights
        3. The amount of financial assets reclassified into
other comprehensive income
        4. Reserve for credit impairment of other creditor's
rights investments
        5. Cash flow hedge reserve
        6. Difference in translation of foreign currency
financial statements
        7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive income                                                   -47,169,686.58                 -78,942,697.14
VII. Earnings per share
   (1) Basic earnings per share                                                         -0.1172                         -0.1961
   (2) Diluted earnings per share                                                       -0.1172                         -0.1961
5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement.
                           Item                                                2023                            2022
I. Cash flows generated from operating activities:
   Cash received from sales of goods and services
                                                                                 984,173,942.11               1,209,679,135.22
  Net increase in customer deposits and interbank
  Net increase in borrowing from the Central bank
  Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial
  Cash from receipt of premiums from the original
insurance contract
  Net cash received from reinsurance operations
  Net increase of depository and investment funds
  Cash for interest, charges and commissions
  Net increase in borrowed funds
  Net increase in repurchase funds
  Net cash received from agents buying and selling
  Tax refunds received                                                             28,855,027.41                 23,491,073.28
  Other cash received in connection with operating
                                                                                   34,781,896.01                 44,357,724.91
Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities                               1,047,810,865.53              1,277,527,933.41
  Cash paid for goods purchased or services received                             368,564,412.78                 622,977,120.31
  Net increase in customer loans and advances
  Net increase in central bank and interbank deposits
  Cash payable on the original insurance contract
  Net increase of funds sold out
  Cash to pay interest, fees and commissions
  Cash to pay dividends on policies

                                                              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

    Cash paid to and for employees                                           379,563,765.00                 380,144,468.90
    All taxes paid                                                            75,682,959.24                  47,043,087.07
    Disburse other cash in connection with operating
                                                                             139,677,036.36                 143,097,707.23
Subtotal of cash outflow from operating activities                           963,488,173.38               1,193,262,383.51
Net cash flow from operating activities                                       84,322,692.15                  84,265,549.90
Ii. Cash Flows generated from investment activities:
    Recovery of cash received from investment
    Cash received from investment income                                        2,003,723.34                      23,851.89
    Net cash recovered from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                                  468,000.00                  1,772,810.00
intangible assets and other long-term assets
    Net cash received on disposal of subsidiaries and other
operating units
    Other cash received in connection with investment
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                              2,471,723.34                  1,796,661.89
    Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed
                                                                                5,430,485.57                 12,861,168.20
assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets
    Cash paid by investment
  Net increase in pledged loans
    Obtain net cash paid by subsidiaries and other business
    Disburse cash in connection with other investment
Subtotal cash outflow from investment activities                                5,430,485.57                 12,861,168.20
Net cash flow from investing activities                                        -2,958,762.23                -11,064,506.31
Iii. Cash Flows generated by financing Activities:
    Absorb cash received from investments
    Among them: subsidiaries absorb minority shareholders
investment received cash
    Obtain cash received on loan                                             848,000,000.00               1,018,000,000.00
    Other cash received in connection with fund-raising
                                                                             514,194,933.95                 148,898,875.78
Subtotal cash inflow from financing activities                              1,362,194,933.95              1,166,898,875.78
  Cash to pay off debts                                                      849,550,000.00                 996,000,000.00
   Cash disbursed to distribute dividends, profits, or
                                                                               34,675,404.85                 29,831,754.10
interest payments
   Among them: dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries
to minority shareholders
   Disburse cash in connection with other fundraising
                                                                             679,042,593.69                 199,211,995.47
Subtotal cash outflow from financing activities                             1,563,267,998.54              1,225,043,749.57
Net cash flows from financing activities                                     -201,073,064.59                -58,144,873.79
IV. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash and
                                                                                3,016,403.93                  2,453,225.15
cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 -116,692,730.74                 17,509,394.95
   Plus: Starting cash and cash equivalents balance                           227,357,291.37                209,847,896.42
Vi. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the
                                                                             110,664,560.63                 227,357,291.37
6. Cash Flow Statement Of Parent Company.
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan
                           ITEM                                            2023                          2022
I. Cash flows generated from operating activities:
   Cash received from sales of goods and services
                                                                              966,994,345.88              1,174,553,672.55

                                                                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

    Tax refunds received                                                            28,851,520.11                 19,041,056.13
    Other cash received in connection with operating
                                                                                    31,636,985.03                 52,254,951.21
Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities                                1,027,482,851.02              1,245,849,679.89
    Cash paid for goods purchased or services received                             467,383,945.58                625,427,237.31
    Cash paid to and for employees                                                 307,534,709.71                300,379,827.56
    All taxes paid                                                                  55,656,359.99                 36,122,880.68
    Disburse other cash in connection with operating
                                                                                   107,140,110.20                114,758,167.09
Subtotal of cash outflow from operating activities                                 937,715,125.48              1,076,688,112.64
Net cash flow from operating activities                                             89,767,725.54                169,161,567.25
Ii. Cash Flows generated from investment activities:
    Recovery of cash received from investment
    Cash received from investment income                                             2,003,723.34                      23,851.89
    Net cash recovered from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                                       468,000.00                  1,772,810.00
intangible assets and other long-term assets
    Net cash received on disposal of subsidiaries and other
operating units
    Other cash received in connection with investment
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                   2,471,723.34                  1,796,661.89
    Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed
                                                                                     5,378,102.35                  7,104,306.36
assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets
    Cash paid by investment                                                            795,000.00                  4,110,000.00
    Obtain net cash paid by subsidiaries and other business
    Disburse cash in connection with other investment
Subtotal cash outflow from investment activities                                     6,173,102.35                 11,214,306.36
Net cash flow from investing activities                                             -3,701,379.01                 -9,417,644.47
Iii. Cash Flows generated by financing Activities:
    Absorb cash received from investments
    Obtain cash received on loan                                                   848,000,000.00              1,018,000,000.00
    Other cash received in connection with fund-raising
                                                                                   514,047,683.95                 69,878,631.34
Subtotal cash inflow from financing activities                                   1,362,047,683.95              1,087,878,631.34
    Cash to pay off debts                                                          849,550,000.00                996,000,000.00
    Cash disbursed to distribute dividends, profits, or interest
                                                                                    34,675,404.85                 29,831,754.10
    Disburse cash in connection with other fundraising
                                                                                   678,895,343.69                199,211,995.47
Subtotal cash outflow from financing activities                                  1,563,120,748.54              1,225,043,749.57
Net cash flows from financing activities                                          -201,073,064.59               -137,165,118.23
IV. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash and
                                                                                     3,016,403.93                  2,453,225.15
cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                      -111,990,314.13                 25,032,029.70
    Plus: Starting cash and cash equivalents balance                               214,794,244.00                189,762,214.30
Vi. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the
                                                                                   102,803,929.87                214,794,244.00

                                                                                                                                              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
          7. Consolidated Sheet Of Changes In Shareholder’s Equity
              This amount
                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                                                           The year in2023
                                                                         Owner’s equity attributable to parent company
                                    Other equity instruments                     Less:        Other                              Genera
      Item                                                                                                  The                                                                 Minority       Total owners'
                                    Prefer Sustai                  Capital      invento comprehe                      Surplus     l risk   Undistribute   oth
                    Capital stock                                                                         special                                                 subtotal       equity           equity
                                     red     nable     other      reserves         ry         nsive                   reserves   provisi     d profit      er
                                    stock     debt                               stocks      income                                 on
   I.Ending                                                                                                                                          -
                    402,600,000.                                                                        1,933,20     136,770,3                                  470,302,993.
balance of last                                                485,691,050.47                                                              556,691,657                                          470,302,993.46
     year                    00                                                                             9.86         91.01                                            46
Plus: changes
in accounting
Advance error
Merger of
under the same
II.Balance at
the beginning       402,600,000.                                                                        1,933,20     136,770,3                                  470,302,993.
                                                               485,691,050.47                                                              556,691,657                                          470,302,993.46
of the current               00                                                                             9.86         91.01                                            46
III. Amount of
increase or
                                                                                                                                                     -                     -
decrease in                                                                                             481,667.
                                                                                                                                           99,478,593.          98,996,925.3                    -98,996,925.31
current period                                                                                               77
                                                                                                                                                   08                      1
(marked with "-
" for decrease)
(1) Total                                                                                                                                            -                     -
comprehensive                                                                                                                              99,478,593.          99,478,593.0                    -99,478,593.08
income                                                                                                                                             08                      8
(2) capital input
or reduction by
the owner
1. Common
                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
stock invested
by the owner
2. Capital
invested by
holders of other
3. Amount of
share payments
credited to
owners' equity
4. Other
(3) Profit
1. Withdraw
surplus reserve
2. Extract
general risk
3. Distribution
to owners (or
4. Other
carryover of
owners' equity
1. Conversion
of capital
reserves to
capital (or
capital stock)
2. Conversion
of surplus
reserves to
capital (or
3. The surplus
                                                                                                                                Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
reserves make
up the losses
4. Set changes
in benefit plan
to carry
5. Carry-over
of other
income to
6. Other
(5) Special                                                                                 481,667.
                                                                                                                                                    481,667.77                        481,667.77
reserve                                                                                           77
1. Current                                                                                  14,207,6                                              14,207,667.8
extraction                                                                                     67.88                                                         8
                                                                                            13,726,0                                              13,726,000.1
2. Current use                                                                                                                                                                     13,726,000.11
                                                                                               00.11                                                         1
(6) Others
4. Ending                                                                                                                              -
                 402,600,000.                                                               2,414,87   136,770,3                                  371,306,068.
balance of                       0.00   0.00    0.00   485,691,050.47                                                0.00    656,170,250                                          371,306,068.15
                          00                                                                    7.63       91.01                                            15
current period                                                                                                                       .96
          The amount of the previous
                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                               The year in2022
                                                              Owner’s equity attributable to parent company
                                     Other equity
                                                                         Less:     Other                           Gener
     Item                            instruments                                              The                                                                 Minority      Total owners'
                   Capital                                Capital       invent   compreh                Surplus    al risk   Undistribut   oth
                               Prefe Susta                                                  special                                                 subtotal       equity          equity
                    stock                                reserves         ory      ensive              reserves    provis     ed profit    er
                                rred    inable other                                        reserve
                                                                        stocks    income                            ion
                               stock     debt
    I.Ending                                                                                                                      -
                  402,600,00                           485,691,050.                                    136,770,                                   608,267,28
balance of last                                                                               0.00                           416,794,15                                        608,267,282.47
                     0.00                                   47                                          391.01                                       2.47
      year                                                                                                                      9.01
Plus: changes
in accounting
                                                                    Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
Advance error
Merger of
under the
same control
II.Balance at
the beginning    402,600,00   485,691,050.             136,770,                        608,267,28
                                                                  416,794,15                                        608,267,282.47
of the current         0.00            47                391.01                              2.47
III. Amount of
increase or
decrease in                                                                -                    -
current period                                                    139,897,49           137,964,28                  -137,964,289.01
(marked with                                                            8.87                 9.01
"-" for
(1) Total                                                                  -                    -
comprehensiv                                                      139,897,49           139,897,49                  -139,897,498.87
e income                                                                8.87                 8.87
(2) capital
input or
reduction by
the owner
1. Common
stock invested
by the owner
2. Capital
invested by
holders of
other equity
3. Amount of
credited to
owners' equity
                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
4. Other
(3) Profit
1. Withdraw
2. Extract
general risk
3. Distribution
to owners (or
4. Other
carryover of
owners' equity
1. Conversion
of capital
reserves to
capital (or
capital stock)
2. Conversion
of surplus
reserves to
capital (or
3. The surplus
make up the
4. Set
changes in
benefit plan to
carry forward
5. Carry-over
                                                                                                                                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
of other
e income to
6. Other
(5) Special                                                                                       1,933,2                                            1,933,209.8
reserve                                                                                             09.86                                                      6
1. Current                                                                                        11,704,                                            11,704,037.
extraction                                                                                         037.42                                                    42
                                                                                                  9,770,8                                            9,770,827.5
2. Current use                                                                                                                                                                        9,770,827.56
                                                                                                    27.56                                                      6
(6) Others
4. Ending                                                                                                                               -
                    402,600,00                              485,691,050.                          1,933,2     136,770,                                 470,302,99
balance of                                                                                                                     556,691,65                                          470,302,993.46
                          0.00                                       47                             09.86       391.01                                       3.46
current period                                                                                                                       7.88

        8. Sheet Of Changes In Shareholder’s Equity Of Parent Company.
        This amount
                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan
                                                  Other equity instruments                                                     The
                                                                                                     Less:        Other       speci
             Item                  Capital                                          Capital                                               Surplus        Undistributed               Total owners'
                                                Preferred    Sustainab     othe                    inventor    comprehensi      al                                         other
                                    stock                                          reserves                                              reserves           profit                      equity
                                                  stock       le debt        r                     y stocks     ve income    reserv
                                 402,600,000.                                     485,678,443.2                              441,39    136,770,391.0                  -
I.Ending balance of last year                                                                                                                                                        650,682,976.13
                                           00                                                 6                                 0.04               1     374,807,248.18
Plus: changes in accounting
Advance error correction
II.Balance at the beginning      402,600,000.                                     485,678,443.2                              441,39    136,770,391.0                  -
of the current year                        00                                                 6                                0.04                1     374,807,248.18
III. Amount of increase or
decrease in current period
                                                                                                                             441,39                      -47,169,686.58              -47,611,076.62
(marked with "-" for
(1) Total comprehensive                                                                                                                                  -47,169,686.58              -47,169,686.58

                                       Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
(2) capital input or reduction
by the owner
1. Common stock invested
by the owner
2. Capital invested by
holders of other equity
3. Amount of share
payments credited to
owners' equity
4. Other
(3) Profit distribution
1. Withdraw surplus reserve
2. Distribution to owners (or
3. The other
(4)Internal carryover of
owners' equity
1. Conversion of capital
reserves to increased capital
(or capital stock)
2. Conversion of surplus
reserves to increased capital
(or equity)
3. Surplus reserves to cover
4. Set changes in benefit
plan to carry forward
retained earnings
5. Carry-over of other
comprehensive income to
retained earnings
6. Other
(5) Special reserve              441,39                                                     -441,390.04
1. Current extraction             9,573,                                                   9,573,422.66

                                                                                                                              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
2. Current use                                                                                                           ,812.7                                                  10,014,812.70
(6) Others
IV. Ending balance of            402,600,000.                                  485,678,443.2                                      136,770,391.0                  -
current period                             00                                              6                                                  1     421,976,934.76

        The amount of the previous
                                                  Other equity instruments                                                The
                                                                                                 Less:       Other       speci
             Item                  Capital                                       Capital                                             Surplus        Undistributed               Total owners'
                                                Preferred   Sustainab   othe                   inventor   comprehensi      al                                         other
                                    stock                                       reserves                                            reserves           profit                      equity
                                                  stock      le debt      r                    y stocks    ve income    reserv
                                 402,600,00                                    485,678,443.                                       136,770,391.                                 729,184,283.2
I.Ending balance of last year                                                                                             0.00                     295,864,551.0
                                       0.00                                              26                                                01                                              3
Plus: changes in accounting
Advance error correction
II.Balance at the beginning      402,600,00                                    485,678,443.                                       136,770,391.                                 729,184,283.2
                                                                                                                          0.00                     295,864,551.0
of the current year                    0.00                                              26                                                01                                              3
III. Amount of increase or
decrease in current period                                                                                              441,3                                  -                           -
(marked with "-" for                                                                                                    90.04                      78,942,697.14               78,501,307.10
(1) Total comprehensive                                                                                                                                        -                           -
income                                                                                                                                             78,942,697.14               78,942,697.14
(2) capital input or reduction
by the owner
1. Common stock invested
by the owner
2. Capital invested by
holders of other equity
3. Amount of share
                                                                 Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text
payments credited to
owners' equity
4. Other
(3) Profit distribution
1. Withdraw surplus reserve
2. Distribution to owners (or
3. The other
(4)Internal carryover of
owners' equity
1. Conversion of capital
reserves to increased capital
(or capital stock)
2. Conversion of surplus
reserves to increased capital
(or equity)
3. Surplus reserves to cover
4. Set changes in benefit
plan to carry forward
retained earnings
5. Carry-over of other
comprehensive income to
retained earnings
6. Other
(5) Special reserve                                                                                                   441,390.04
1. Current extraction                                        265.2                                                  7,186,265.21
2. Current use                                               875.1                                                  6,744,875.17
(6) Others
IV. Ending balance of           402,600,00   485,678,443.   441,3    136,770,391.                                 650,682,976.1
current period                        0.00             26   90.04             01                                              3

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III.The basic information of company

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited (the “Company”, the “Group” is referred to
“Company” together with its subsidiaries) is a joint stock limited company established in the
People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) on 16 July, 1996. In the opinion of the directors, its
parent and ultimate holding company is Wafangdian Bearing Group Company Limited
(“Wazhou Group”).

  The Company’s B shares have been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 19 February,

  The Company’s founding meeting and the first meeting of the first board of directors decided
  that the effective date of the shareholding system reorganization in the accounting of the
  Company (that is, the date of the establishment of the Company's accounts) was determined as
  April 1, 1997 on March 19, 1997.

  The Company has obtained the business license of the enterprise legal person on March 20,
  1997, and the registration number is DaGongShangQiFaZi24239971-2. The business scope
  includes the manufacture and sale of bearings, mechanical equipment, auto parts and related

  The Company's B shares were officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on March 25,
  1 997, raising funds of CNY406.58 million. After the issuance, the Company's registered
  capital was CNY330 million.

  In accordance with the Supplementary Notice on Issues Concerning the Equity Distribution of
  Listed Companies under the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks of the Shenzhen Stock
  Exchange ( hereinafter referred to as the “ Supplementary Notice” ) issued by the Shenzhen
  Stock Exchange on August 30, 2006, based on the audited financial report on September 30,
  2006, the Company implemented the conversion of capital reserve into share capital, giving 2.2
  shares for every 10 shares, and the total share capital increased from 330 million shares to 402.6
  million shares, of which Wazhou Group owned the legal person shares increased from 200
  million shares to 244 million shares, accounting for 60.6% of the total share capital; the Swedish
  SKF Company increased from 65 million shares to 79.3 million shares, accounting for 19.7%
  of the total share capital; public shares increased from 65 million shares to 79.3 million shares,
  accounting for 19.7% of the total share capital. After the implementation of this plan, the
  Company's shareholding structure meets the requirements of the "Supplementary Notice" of the
  Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  The parent company is Wazhou Group. General shareholders meeting is the company’s
  authority and have the resolution power over company’s business policy, financing,
  investment and profit appropriation etc. significant events in accordance with relevant law.
  Board of directors is responsible for general meeting and has the power over the company’s
  decision making. Management is in charge of implementation of resolution made by general

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  meeting and board meeting and is responsible for operation management.

  The company belongs to the bearing manufacturing industry, mainly engaged in the production
  and sales of various types of bearings. The addresses of the registered office and principal place
  of business of the Company are No. 1, Phrase 1, North Gongji Street, Wafangdian, Liaoning
  Province, and the PRC Legal representative is Liu Jun. Registered according to law, the
  business scope of the company is as follows: Licensed items: inspection and testing services,
  import and export of goods, import and export of technologies (for items subject to approval
  according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant
  departments, and the specific business items shall be subject to the approval result)Bearing
  manufacturing, bearings, gears and transmission components manufacturing, high speed
  precision heavy-duty bearing sales, sales bearings, gears and transmission parts, bearing sales,
  general equipment manufacturing (excluding special equipment manufacturing), high- speed rail
  equipment, parts manufacturing, machinery and equipment sales, rail transportation equipment,
  key system and parts sales, sales of lubricating oil, high-speed rail equipment and accessories
  sales, Wind generators and spare parts sales, machinery parts, spare parts sales, railway
  locomotive vehicle accessories manufacturing, railway locomotive vehicle accessories sales,
  auto parts and accessories manufacturing, auto parts wholesale and retail auto parts, metal
  products repair, sales metal materials, metal products sales, metal surface treatment and heat
  treatment processing, quenching process, machinery parts and spare parts processing, land
  use right leasing, housing leasing, non- residential real estate leasing, mechanical equipment
  leasing, computer and communication equipment leasing, transportation equipment leasing
  service, office equipment leasing service, storage equipment leasing service, special equipment
  leasing, labor services (excluding labor dispatch), Technology service, technology development,
  technology consultation, technology exchange, technology transfer, technology popularization
  (with the exception of the projects subject to approval according to law, independently carry out
  business activities according to law with the business license).

  These financial statements were approved by the Company's Board of Directors on April 26,

IV.The basis for the preparation of financial statements
(1) Basis of preparation
  The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the "Accounting Standards for
  Business Enterprises - Basic Standards" and various specific accounting standards, guidelines
  for the application of accounting standards for business enterprises, interpretations of
  accounting standards for business enterprises and other related regulations (hereinafter
  collectively referred to as "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises") issued by the
  Ministry of Finance, as well as the relevant provisions of the "General Provisions on Financial
  Reporting, No. 15 of the Rules Governing the Preparation of Information Disclosures by
  Companies Issuing Public Securities" of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

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(2) Going concern

  This financial statements are prepared on the assumption of going concern.
V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

  The group established the accounting policy and estimate, such as operation cycle, bad debt
  recognition and measurement, dispatched inventory measurement and classification of fixed
  assets and FA’ s depreciation, intangible asset’s amortization, capitalization condition of
  research and development expenses, revenue recognition and measurement based on the actual
  characters of business operation.

(1)Declaration for compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

  The financial statements are prepared by the Group according to the requirements of Accounting
  Standards for Business Enterprises, and reflect the relative information for the financial
  position, operating performance, cash flow of the Group truly and fully.

(2)Accounting period

  The Group adopts the Gregorian calendar year as accounting period, i.e. from Jan 1 to Dec 31.
(3)Operating cycle

  Normal operating cycle refers to the duration starting from purchasing the assets for manufactuing
  up to cash or realization of cash equivalents. The group sets twelve months for one operating
  cycle and as the liquidity criterion for assets and liability.

(4)Funcitonal currency

  The Group adopts CNY as functional currency.

(5)Accounting for business combination under same control and not under same control

  Business combinations under common control: Assets and liabilities acquired by the consolidating
  party in a business combination (including goodwill resulting from the acquisition of the
  consolidated party by the ultimate controlling party) are measured at the carrying value of the
  consolidated party's assets and liabilities in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
  controlling party at the date of the combination. The difference between the book value of the net
  assets acquired in the merger and the book value of the merger consideration paid (or the total
  nominal value of shares issued) is adjusted against the equity premium in capital surplus, and if
  the equity premium in capital surplus is not sufficient for elimination, retained earnings are

  Business combinations not under common control: The cost of the combination is the fair value of
  the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed and equity securities issued by the purchaser to
  obtain control of the acquiree at the date of acquisition. The difference between the cost of the

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 combination and the share of the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets acquired in the
 combination is recognized as goodwill; the difference between the cost of the combination and the
 share of the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets acquired in the combination is
 recognized in profit or loss for the period. Each identifiable asset, liability and contingent liability
 of the acquiree acquired in a merger that meets the recognition criteria is measured at fair value at
 the date of acquisition.

  Directly related costs incurred for a business combination are recognized in profit or loss as
 incurred; transaction costs for issuing equity securities or debt securities for a business
 combination are included in the initial recognition amount of the equity securities or debt

( 6 ) Criteria for determining control and Method of preparation of consolidated financial

  1. Criteria for determining control

  The scope of consolidation in the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of
 control, and the scope of consolidation includes the Company and all of its subsidiaries. Control
 means that the Company has power over the investee, enjoys variable returns through its
 participation in the investee's related activities, and has the ability to use its power over the
 investee to influence the amount of its returns.

  2. Consolidation procedures

  The Company considers the entire enterprise group as one accounting entity and prepares
 consolidated financial statements in accordance with uniform accounting policies to reflect the
 financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the enterprise group as a whole. The
 effects of internal transactions that occur between the Company and its subsidiaries and between
 subsidiaries are eliminated. If an internal transaction indicates an impairment loss on the related
 asset, the full amount of such loss is recognized. If the accounting policies and accounting periods
 adopted by a subsidiary are not consistent with those of the Company, the necessary adjustments
 are made in accordance with the Company's accounting policies and accounting periods when
 preparing the consolidated financial statements.

  The share of ownership equity, net profit or loss for the period and comprehensive income for the
 period attributable to minority shareholders of the subsidiaries are presented separately in the
 consolidated balance sheet under the item of ownership equity, in the consolidated income
 statement under the item of net profit and in the consolidated statement of total comprehensive
 income, respectively. The balance resulting from the subsidiary's minority share of current loss
 exceeding the minority's share of the subsidiary's opening ownership interest is eliminated to
 reduce shareholders' equity.

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(1) Increase number of subsidiaries or operations

During the reporting period, if a subsidiary or business is added as a result of a business
combination under the same control, the operating results and cash flows of the subsidiary or
business from the beginning of the period in which the subsidiary or business is combined to the
end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated financial statements, while the
opening balance of the consolidated financial statements and the relevant items in the comparative
statements are adjusted as if the consolidated reporting entity had existed since the point when the
ultimate controlling party began to control it.

If control over an investee under the same control can be exercised due to additional investment,
equity investments held prior to the acquisition of control over the investee are eliminated from
the opening retained earnings or current profit or loss for the comparative statement period,
respectively, for the relevant gains or losses, other comprehensive income and other changes in
net assets recognized between the later of the date of acquisition of the original equity interest and
the date when the consolidated party and the investee are under the same control and the date of

During the reporting period, the addition of subsidiaries or operations as a result of a business
combination not under common control is included in the consolidated financial statements from
the date of acquisition based on the fair value of each identifiable asset, liability and contingent
liability determined at the date of acquisition.

If, for example, additional investments enable the exercise of control over an investee not under
common control, the equity interest in the investee held prior to the date of acquisition is
remeasured at the fair value of that equity interest at the date of acquisition, and the difference
between the fair value and its carrying amount is recognized as investment income for the current
period. The difference between the fair value and its carrying amount is recognized as investment
income for the period. The equity interest in the investee held prior to the date of acquisition is
transferred to investment income for the period to which the equity interest is transferred under
the equity method.

(2) Disposal of subsidiaries

①General treatment

When control over an investee is lost due to disposal of part of the equity investment or other
reasons, the remaining equity investment after disposal is remeasured at its fair value at the date of
loss of control. The difference between the sum of the consideration received for the disposal of
the equity interest and the fair value of the remaining equity interest, less the sum of the share of

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the net assets of the original subsidiary calculated on a continuing basis from the date of
acquisition or the date of consolidation in proportion to the original shareholding and goodwill, is
recognized as investment income in the period in which control is lost. Other comprehensive
income and other changes in owners' equity under the equity method of accounting related to the
equity investment in the original subsidiary that can be reclassified to profit or loss in the future
are transferred to investment income in the current period when control is lost.

②Step-by-step disposal of subsidiaries

Disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries through multiple transactions in steps until the loss
of control, the terms and conditions of the disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries and the
economic impact of each transaction is consistent with one or more of the following, usually
indicating that the multiple transactions are a package deal:

i. The transactions are entered into simultaneously or after taking into account their mutual effects;

ⅱ. These transactions as a whole to achieve a complete business result;

ⅲ. The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction;

ⅳ. A transaction is not economical when viewed alone, but is economical when considered
together with other transactions.

If each transaction is a package transaction, each transaction is accounted for as a disposal of a
subsidiary and loss of control; the difference between the disposal price and the share of the net
assets of the subsidiary corresponding to the disposal of the investment before the loss of control
is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as other comprehensive income and is
transferred to profit or loss in the period is lost when control is lost.

If each transaction is not a package transaction, the accounting treatment is based on partial
disposal of the equity investment in the subsidiary without loss of control before the loss of
control; upon the loss of control, the accounting treatment is based on the general treatment of
disposal of subsidiaries.

(3) Purchase of minority interests in subsidiaries

The difference between the newly acquired long-term equity investment due to the purchase of
minority interest and the share of net assets of the subsidiary calculated in proportion to the newly
acquired shareholding on an ongoing basis from the date of acquisition or the date of
consolidation is adjusted to the equity premium in capital surplus in the consolidated balance
sheet; if the equity premium in capital surplus is not sufficient for elimination, it is adjusted to

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 retained earnings.

  (4) Partial disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries without loss of control

  The difference between the disposal price and the share of net assets of the subsidiary calculated
 on a continuing basis from the date of acquisition or the date of consolidation corresponding to the
 disposal of the long-term equity investment is adjusted to the equity premium in capital surplus in
 the consolidated balance sheet, and if the equity premium in capital surplus is not sufficient to
 offset it, retained earnings are adjusted.

(7)Cash and cash equivalent

  The cash listed on the cash flow statements of the Group refers to cash on hand and bank deposit.
 The cash equivalents refer to short-term (normally with original maturities of three months or less)
 and liquid investments which are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to an
 insignificant risk of changes in value.

(8)Translation of foreign currency

  1.Foreign currency transaction

  Foreign currency transactions are translated at the spot exchange rate issued by People’s Bank of
 China (“PBOC”) when the transaction incurs. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies
 are translated into RMB at the exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet day. Exchange
 differences arising from the settlement of monetary items are charged as in profit or loss for the
 period. Exchange differences of specific borrowings related to the acquisition or construction of a
 fixed asset should be capitalized as occurred, before the relevant fixed asset being acquired or
 constructed is ready for its intended uses.

  2.Translation of foreign currency financial statements

  Assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are translated using the spot rate of exchange at the
 balance sheet date; items in owners' equity, except for "undistributed earnings", are translated
 using the spot rate of exchange at the time of occurrence. Income and expense items in the income
 statement are translated using the spot exchange rate at the date of the transaction.

  Upon disposal of a foreign operation, the difference in translation of the foreign currency financial
 statements relating to the foreign operation is transferred from owners' equity to profit or loss in
 the period of disposal.

(9)Financial instrument

  The Company recognizes a financial asset, a financial liability or an equity instrument when it
 becomes a party to a financial instrument contract.

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1. Classification of financial instruments

Based on the Company's business model for managing financial assets and the contractual cash
flow characteristics of financial assets, financial assets are classified at initial recognition as
financial assets carried at amortized cost, financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income, and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

The Company classifies financial assets at amortized cost that are not designated as financial
assets at fair value through profit or loss if they both meet the following criteria:

- (a) The business model is to collect the contractual cash flows;

- The contractual cash flows are only payments of principal and interest based on the outstanding
principal amount.

The Company classifies financial assets as financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income (debt instruments) that are not designated as at fair value through profit or
loss if they also meet the following criteria:

- Operating model with the objective of both collecting the contractual cash flows and selling the
financial asset;

- The contractual cash flows are only payments on the principal and interest based on the
outstanding principal amount.

For investments in non-trading equity instruments, the Company may irrevocably designate them
at initial recognition as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity
instruments). This designation is made on an individual investment basis and the related
investment meets the definition of an equity instrument from the perspective of the issuer.

Except for the above-mentioned financial assets measured at amortized cost and financial assets at
fair value through other comprehensive income, the Company classifies all remaining financial
assets as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. On initial recognition, the Company
may irrevocably designate financial assets that would otherwise be classified as financial assets at
amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income as financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss if it can eliminate or significantly reduce the accounting mismatch.

Financial liabilities are classified at initial recognition as financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss and financial liabilities at amortized cost.

A financial liability may be designated as a financial liability at fair value through profit or loss at

                                                       Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

initial measurement if one of the following conditions is met:

(1) The designation eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch.

2) The management and performance evaluation of a portfolio of financial liabilities or a portfolio
of financial assets and financial liabilities is performed on a fair value basis in accordance with the
enterprise's risk management or investment strategy as set out in formal written documentation
and reported to key management personnel on this basis within the enterprise.

(3) The financial liability contains embedded derivatives that are subject to separate splitting.

2. Recognition basis and measurement method of financial instruments

(1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost

Financial assets measured at amortized cost, including notes receivable, accounts receivable, other
receivables, long-term receivables and debt investments, are initially measured at fair value, with
related transaction costs included in the initial recognition amount; accounts receivable that do not
contain significant financing components and those that the Company has decided not to consider
financing components that do not exceed one year are initially measured at contractual transaction

Interest calculated using the effective interest rate method during the holding period is recognized
in profit or loss.

On recovery or disposal, the difference between the acquisition price and the carrying amount of
the financial asset is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

(2) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments)

Financial assets (debt instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income include
receivables financing and other debt investments, which are initially measured at fair value, with
related transaction costs recognized in the initial recognition amount. The financial assets are
subsequently measured at fair value, and changes in fair value are recognized in other
comprehensive income, except for interest, impairment loss or gain and exchange gain or loss
calculated using the effective interest rate method.

Upon derecognition, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive
income is transferred from other comprehensive income and recognized in profit or loss for the
current period.

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(3) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments)

Financial assets (equity instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income, including
investments in other equity instruments, are initially measured at fair value, with related
transaction costs recognized in the initial recognition amount. The financial assets are
subsequently measured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in other comprehensive
income. Dividends received are recognized in current profit or loss.

Upon derecognition, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive
income is transferred from other comprehensive income and recognized in retained earnings.

(4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets held for trading,
derivative financial assets and other non-current financial assets, which are initially measured at
fair value, with related transaction costs recognized in profit or loss. The financial assets are
subsequently measured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in profit or loss for the

(5) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading
and derivative financial liabilities, which are initially measured at fair value, with related
transaction costs recognized in profit or loss. The financial liabilities are subsequently measured at
fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in profit or loss for the period.

Upon derecognition, the difference between the carrying amount and the consideration paid is
recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

(6) Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost include short-term borrowings, notes payable,
accounts payable, other payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payable and long-term payables,
which are initially measured at fair value, with related transaction costs included in the initial
recognition amount.

Interest calculated using the effective interest rate method during the holding period is recognized
in profit or loss.

Upon derecognition, the difference between the consideration paid and the carrying amount of the
financial liability is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

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3. Basis of recognition and measurement of financial asset derecognition and financial asset

The Company derecognizes a financial asset when one of the following conditions is met:

- The contractual rights to receive cash flows from the financial asset are terminated;

- The financial asset has been transferred and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership
of the financial asset have been transferred to the transferring party;

- A financial asset has been transferred and control over the financial asset is not retained,
although the Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset.

When the Company modifies or renegotiates a contract with a counterparty and the modification
constitutes a material change, the original financial asset is derecognized and a new financial asset
is recognized in accordance with the modified terms.

A financial asset is not derecognized if substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the
financial asset are retained when a transfer of the financial asset occurs.

In determining whether a transfer of financial assets meets the above conditions for derecognition
of financial assets, the principle of substance over form is applied.

The Company distinguishes between transfers of financial assets as a whole and partial transfers
of financial assets. If the transfer of a financial asset as a whole meets the derecognition condition,
the difference between the following two amounts is recognized in profit or loss for the current

(1) The carrying amount of the financial asset transferred;

(2) The sum of the consideration received for the transfer and the cumulative amount of changes
in fair value previously recognized directly in owners' equity (in the case where the transferred
financial asset is a financial asset (debt instrument) measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income).

If a partial transfer of a financial asset satisfies the derecognition condition, the carrying amount
of the financial asset transferred as a whole is apportioned between the derecognized portion and
the unrecognized portion according to their respective relative fair values, and the difference
between the following two amounts is recognized in profit or loss:

                                                      Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

(1) The carrying amount of the derecognized portion;

(2) The sum of the consideration for the derecognized portion and the amount corresponding to
the derecognized portion of the cumulative amount of changes in fair value previously recognized
directly in owners' equity (in the case where the financial asset involved in the transfer is a
financial asset (debt instrument) measured at fair value through other comprehensive income).

If the transfer of a financial asset does not meet the derecognition condition, the financial asset
continues to be recognized and the consideration received is recognized as a financial liability.

4. Derecognition of financial liabilities

A financial liability or a portion thereof is derecognized when the present obligation of the
financial liability is discharged in whole or in part. If the Company enters into an agreement with
a creditor to replace an existing financial liability by assuming a new financial liability, and the
contractual terms of the new financial liability are materially different from those of the existing
financial liability, the existing financial liability is derecognized and a new financial liability is
recognized at the same time.

If all or part of the contractual terms of an existing financial liability are substantially modified,
the existing financial liability or part of it is derecognized, and the modified financial liability is
recognized as a new financial liability at the same time.

When a financial liability is derecognized in whole or in part, the difference between the carrying
amount of the derecognized financial liability and the consideration paid (including non-cash
assets transferred or new financial liabilities assumed) is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

If the Company repurchases a portion of a financial liability, the carrying amount of the financial
liability as a whole is allocated on the repurchase date based on the relative fair values of the
portion that continues to be recognized and the portion that is derecognized. The difference
between the carrying amount allocated to the derecognized portion and the consideration paid
(including non-cash assets transferred or new financial liabilities assumed) is recognized in profit
or loss for the period.

5. Methods to determine the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

The fair value of financial instruments for which there is an active market is determined by quoted
prices in an active market. The fair value of financial instruments for which no active market
exists is determined using valuation techniques. In valuation, the Company uses valuation
techniques that are applicable in the current circumstances and supported by sufficient available
data and other information, selects inputs that are consistent with the characteristics of the asset or

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liability considered by market participants in transactions for the relevant asset or liability, and
gives preference to the use of relevant observable inputs. Unobservable inputs are used only if the
relevant observable inputs are not available or not practicable to obtain.

6. Methods of testing and accounting for impairment of financial instrument

The Company estimates the expected credit losses on financial assets measured at amortized cost,
financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments) and financial
guarantee contracts, etc.

The Company recognizes expected credit losses by calculating the probability-weighted amount
of the present value of the difference between the cash flows receivable under the contract and the
cash flows expected to be received, taking into account reasonable and substantiated information
about past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions, weighted by the
risk of default.

For receivables and contract assets resulting from transactions governed by ASBE No. 14,
Revenue, the Company always measures its allowance for losses at an amount equal to the
expected credit losses over the entire duration, regardless of whether or not there is a significant
financing component.

For lease receivables resulting from transactions regulated by ASBE No. 21, "Leases," the
Company has elected to always measure its allowance for losses at an amount equal to the
expected credit losses over the entire duration.

For other financial instruments, the Company assesses at each balance sheet date the change in
credit risk of the related financial instruments since initial recognition.

The Company assesses whether the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly
since initial recognition by comparing the risk of default of the financial instrument at the balance
sheet date with the risk of default at the date of initial recognition to determine the relative change
in the risk of default over the expected life of the financial instrument. The Company generally
considers that the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly if it is more than
30 days past due, unless there is conclusive evidence that the credit risk of the financial instrument
has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

If the credit risk of a financial instrument is low at the balance sheet date, the Company considers
that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial

If the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition, the

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  Company measures the allowance for losses at an amount equal to the expected credit losses over
  the entire life of the financial instrument; if the credit risk of a financial instrument has not
  increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company measures the allowance for losses at
  an amount equal to the expected credit losses of the financial instrument in the next 12 months.
  The resulting increase or reversal amount of the loss allowance is recognized as an impairment
  loss or gain in profit or loss. For financial assets (debt instruments) that are measured at fair value
  through other comprehensive income, the allowance for losses is recognized in other
  comprehensive income and the impairment loss or gain is recognized in profit or loss for the
  current period and does not reduce the carrying amount of the financial asset as stated in the
  balance sheet.

  If there is objective evidence that a accounts receivable is credit impaired, the Company provides
  for impairment of that accounts receivable on a stand-alone basis.

  For receivables and contract assets resulting from transactions governed by ASBE No. 14 -
  Revenue (2017), the Company consistently measures its allowance for losses at an amount equal
  to the expected credit loss over the entire life of the asset, regardless of whether it contains a
  significant financing component.

  For lease receivables, the Company has elected to always measure the allowance for losses at an
  amount equal to the expected credit loss over the entire life of the receivables.

  In addition to certain financial assets that are assessed for past due credit losses on an individual
  basis, the Group also assesses expected credit losses on financial assets measured at amortized
  cost on the basis of an aging portfolio.

  In addition to the above receivables that are individually provided for bad debts, the Company
  classifies the remaining financial instruments into portfolios based on credit risk characteristics
  and determines expected credit losses on a portfolio basis. The categories of portfolio and the
  basis for determining expected credit losses for notes receivable, accounts receivable, accounts
  receivable financing, and other receivables are described below:

Items                     Portfolio Type                            Basis of determination
                                                                    Expected      credit    losses    are
                                                                    calculated by referring to historical
                                                                    credit loss experience and preparing
                                                                    a table of accounts receivable aging
Receivable 1              Ageing portfolio                          against the expected credit loss rate
                                                                    over the entire life of the accounts
                                                                    receivable, taking into account
                                                                    current conditions and forecasts of
                                                                    future economic conditions.

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                                                                     Provision for bad debts is not made
                                                                     in principle, unless there is clear
Receivable 2               Related party portfolio
                                                                     evidence of a genuine impossibility
                                                                     of recovery in whole or in part
Note receivable 1          Bank acceptance
Note receivable 2          Trade acceptance
Note receivable 3          Finance company acceptance
Financing receivable       Bank acceptance

                                                                     Provision for bad debts is not made
                                                                     in principle, unless there is clear
Other receivable 1         Related party portfolio
                                                                     evidence of a genuine impossibility
                                                                     of recovery in whole or in part

Other receivable 2         Aging portfolio                        Expected      credit    losses      are
                                                                  calculated by reference to historical
                                                                  credit loss experience, taking into
                           Risk free portfolio (according to account current conditions as well
                           couterparty ’ s credit, nature of the as forecasts of future economic
Other receivable 3
                           payment and transactions secure conditions              through        default
                           facility)                              exposures and expected credit loss
                                                                  rates over the entire duration.

  If the Company no longer has a reasonable expectation that the contractual cash flows from a
  financial asset will be fully or partially recovered, the carrying amount of the financial asset is
  written down directly.

(10) Inventory

  1.Category and cost of inventory

  Inventories are classified as: raw materials, packaging, low-value consumables, work in process,
  and finished goods.

  Inventory is initially measured at cost, and the cost of inventory includes the cost of purchase,
  processing costs and other expenses incurred in bringing the inventory to its current location and

  2.Valuation method of issued inventory

  Inventories are valued on a real-time moving weighted-average basis when they are issued.

  3. inventory system

  Adoption of perpetual inventory system

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  4.Amortization method of low-value consumables and packaging

  (1) Low-value consumables are amortized using the one-time reversal method;

  (2) The one-time reversal method is used for packaging.

  5. Recognition criteria and accrual method for provision for decline in value of inventories

  At the balance sheet date, inventories should be measured at the lower of cost or net realizable
  value. When the cost of inventories is higher than their net realizable value, a provision for the
  impairment of inventory should be made. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price of
  inventories in the ordinary course of activities, less the estimated costs to be incurred to
  completion, estimated selling expenses and related taxes.

  The net realizable value of finished goods, inventory and materials for sale, which are directly
  used for sale, is determined in the normal course of production and operation as the estimated
  selling price of the inventory, less estimated selling expenses and related taxes; the net realizable
  value of materials subject to processing is determined in the normal course of production and
  operation as the estimated selling price of the finished goods produced, less estimated costs to be
  incurred to completion, estimated selling expenses and related taxes, The net realizable value of
  inventories held for the execution of sales contracts or labor contracts is calculated on the basis of
  the contract price, and if the quantity of inventories held exceeds the quantity ordered in the sales
  contract, the net realizable value of the excess inventories is calculated on the basis of the general
  sales price.

  After the provision for the impairment of inventory, if the factors affecting the previous write-
  down of inventory value have disappeared, resulting in the net realizable value of inventory higher
  than its book value, the amount of the provision for the impairment of inventory is reversed
  within the original provision, and the reversed amount is included in the current profit and loss.

(11) Contract assets

  1. Methods and criteria for recognition of contract assets

  The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on the
  relationship between the performance obligations and payments from customers. The right to
  receive consideration for goods transferred or services provided by the Company to the customer
  (and which is dependent on factors other than the passage of time) is presented as a contract asset.
  Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are shown on a net basis. The
  Company's unconditional (depending only on the passage of time) right to receive consideration
  from customers is shown separately as receivables.

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  2. Method of determining expected credit losses on contract assets and accounting treatment

  The methods of determining expected credit losses on contract assets and the accounting
 treatment are described in detail in Note "(ix) 6. Methods of testing and accounting treatment for
 impairment of Financial instrument" in this Note.

(12) Long-term equity investments

  1. Criteria for determining joint control and significant influence

  Joint control refers to the control shared by an arrangement in accordance with the relevant
 agreement, and the relevant activities of the arrangement can only be decided with the unanimous
 consent of the participants sharing the control. If the Company exercises joint control over an
 investee together with other joint venture parties and has rights to the investee's net assets, the
 investee is a joint venture of the Company.

  Significant influence means having the power to participate in the financial and operating
 decisions of the investee, but not being able to control or exercise joint control with other parties
 over the formulation of those policies. Where the Company is able to exercise significant
 influence over an investee, the investee is an associate of the Company.

  2. Determination of initial investment

  (1) Long-term equity investments resulting from business combinations

  For long-term equity investments in subsidiaries formed by business combinations under common
 control, the initial investment of long-term equity investments is determined at the date of
 consolidation based on the acquisition of the share of the ownership interest of the consolidated
 party in the book value of the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party.
 The difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the
 carrying value of the consideration paid is adjusted against the equity premium in capital surplus;
 if the equity premium in capital surplus is not sufficient for elimination, retained earnings are
 adjusted. If the Company is able to exercise control over an investee under the same control due to
 additional investment, the difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
 investment recognized in accordance with the above principle and the sum of the book value of
 the long-term equity investment before reaching the consolidation plus the book value of the
 consideration paid for further acquisition of shares at the date of consolidation is adjusted against
 equity premium, and if the equity premium is not sufficient for elimination, it is reduced against
 retained earnings.

  For long-term equity investments in subsidiaries formed through business combinations not under

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common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is based on the
cost of the combination determined at the date of acquisition. If it is possible to exercise control
over the investee under non-same control due to additional investment, the sum of the book value
of the equity investment originally held plus the cost of the additional investment is used as the
initial investment cost.

(2) Long-term equity investments acquired through other means instead of business combination

Long-term equity investments acquired by cash payment are recorded at initial investment cost
based on the actual purchase price paid.

Long-term equity investments acquired by issuing equity securities are recorded at the initial
investment cost based on the fair value of the equity securities issued.

3. Subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition methods

(1) Long-term equity investments accounted for under the cost method

The Company accounts for its long-term equity investments in subsidiaries using the cost method
unless the investments meet the conditions of being held for sale. Except for the declared but
unpaid cash dividends or profits included in the actual price or consideration paid for the
investment, the Company recognizes investment income for the current period based on the
Company's entitlement to the declared cash dividends or profits of the investee.

(2) Long-term equity investments accounted for under the equity method

Long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity
method. The difference between the initial investment cost and the share of the fair value of the
identifiable net assets of the investee at the time of investment is not adjusted to the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment; the difference between the initial investment
cost and the share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the investee at the time of
investment is recognized in profit or loss for the current period and the cost of the long-term
equity investment is also adjusted.

The Company recognizes investment income and other comprehensive income according to the
share of net profit or loss and other comprehensive income realized by the investee, respectively,
and adjusts the carrying value of the long-term equity investment at the same time; the portion to
which the Company is entitled according to the profit or cash dividends declared by the investee is
calculated, and the carrying value of the long-term equity investment is reduced accordingly; for
the investee's ownership interest other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and
profit distribution For changes in the equity of the investee other than net profit or loss, other

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comprehensive income and profit distribution ("changes in other owners' equity"), the carrying
amount of the long-term equity investment is adjusted and recognized in owners' equity.

In recognizing the share of the investee's net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and other
changes in owners' equity, the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of
acquisition is used as the basis for recognition, and the net profit and other comprehensive income
of the investee are adjusted in accordance with the Company's accounting policies and accounting

Unrealized gains or losses on internal transactions between the company and associate and joint
ventures that are attributable to the Company on the basis of their proportionate share are offset
and investment income is recognized on this basis, except when the assets invested or sold
constitute a business. Unrealized losses on internal transactions with investees are recognized in
full if there are impairment losses on assets.

The net loss incurred by the company in a joint venture or an associate, except for the obligation
to assume additional losses, is limited to a write-down to zero of the carrying amount of the long-
term equity investment and other long-term interests that substantially constitute the net
investment in the joint venture or associate. If the joint venture or associate subsequently realizes
net profit, the Company resumes recognition of revenue sharing after the revenue sharing amount
makes up for the unrecognized loss sharing amount.

(3) Disposal of long-term equity investments

The difference between the carrying amount and the actual acquisition price of a long-term equity
investment is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

If a long-term equity investment accounted for under the equity method is partially disposed of
and the remaining equity interest is still accounted for under the equity method, the other
comprehensive income recognized under the former equity method is carried forward in
proportion to the corresponding percentage using the same basis as the direct disposal of the
related assets or liabilities by the investee, and other changes in owners' equity are carried forward
in proportion to the current profit or loss.

If the common control or significant influence over the investee is lost due to the disposal of
equity investments, etc., other comprehensive income recognized as a result of the adoption of the
equity method of accounting for the original equity investment is accounted for on the same basis
as the direct disposal of the related assets or liabilities of the investee upon the termination of the
adoption of the equity method of accounting, and all changes in other owners' equity are
transferred to current profit or loss upon the termination of the adoption of the equity method of

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  If control over the investee is lost due to disposal of part of the equity investment, the remaining
  equity interest that can exercise joint control or significant influence over the investee is
  accounted for under the equity method in the preparation of individual financial statements, and
  the remaining equity interest is adjusted as if it had been accounted for under the equity method
  from the time of acquisition, and other comprehensive income recognized prior to the acquisition
  of control over the investee is accounted for on the same basis as if the investee had directly
  disposed of the related assets or liabilities. If the remaining equity interest cannot exercise joint
  control or significant influence over the investee, it is recognized as a financial asset, and the
  difference between its fair value and its carrying amount at the date of loss of control is
  recognized in profit or loss for the current period, and for other comprehensive income and other
  owner's equity recognized prior to the acquisition of control of the investee, the remaining equity
  interest is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. All other comprehensive income and
  other changes in owners' equity recognized prior to the acquisition of control of the investee are
  carried forward.

  If the disposal of an equity investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions until the loss
  of control is a package transaction, each transaction is accounted for as a disposal of an equity
  investment in a subsidiary and the loss of control; the difference between the disposal price and
  the carrying value of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the equity interest
  disposed of before the loss of control is recognized as other comprehensive income in the
  individual financial statements, and then recognized as other comprehensive income when control
  is lost. The difference between the disposal price and the carrying amount of the long-term equity
  investment before the loss of control is recognized as other comprehensive income in the
  individual financial statements, and then transferred to profit or loss in the period in which control
  is lost. If it is not a package transaction, each transaction is accounted for separately.

(13) Investment properties

  Investment properties are real estate held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, or both, and
  include land use rights that have been leased out, land use rights that are held and intended to be
  transferred after appreciation, and buildings that have been leased out (including buildings that are
  used for leasing after completion of self-construction or development activities and buildings that
  are under construction or development that will be used for leasing in the future).

  Subsequent expenditures related to investment properties are included in the cost of investment
  properties when the inflow of related economic benefits is probable and their costs can be
  measured reliably; otherwise, they are recognized in current profit or loss when incurred.

  The Company uses the cost model to measure existing investment properties. The same

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  depreciation policy as that for the Company's fixed assets is applied to investment properties -
  buildings for lease that are measured under the cost model, and land use rights for lease are
  subject to the same amortization policy as that for intangible assets.

(14) Fixed assets

  1. Recognition and initial measurement of fixed assets

  Fixed assets are tangible assets held for the production of goods, provision of services, rental or
  management, and with a useful life of more than one fiscal year and a unit value of more than
  CNY2,000. A fixed asset is recognized when both of the following conditions are met:

  (1) It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed asset will flow to the

  (2) The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.

  Fixed assets are initially measured at cost (taking into account the effect of expected disposal

  Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets are included in the cost of fixed assets when it is
  probable that the economic benefits associated with them will flow to the enterprise and their cost
  can be measured reliably; for the replaced part, the carrying amount is derecognized; all other
  subsequent expenditures are charged to current profit or loss when incurred.

  2.Depreciation Method

  Depreciation of fixed assets is provided using the average annual method, and the depreciation
  rate is determined based on the category of fixed assets, estimated useful life and estimated net
  residual value rate. For fixed assets with provision for impairment, the depreciation amount is
  determined in future periods based on the carrying amount after deducting the provision for
  impairment and based on the remaining useful life. If each component of fixed assets has different
  useful lives or provides economic benefits to the enterprise in different ways, different
  depreciation rates or depreciation methods are selected and depreciated separately.

  The depreciation methods, useful lifes, residual value rate and annual depreciation rates of various
  types of fixed assets are as follows:

                                                                     Estimated net residual
            Category                      Useful life (years)                                         depreciation
                                                                         value rate (%)
                                                                                                        rate (%)

Housing and Buildings

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Including: Houses, factories, cubicles,
                                                30                       3                         3.23
pipelines, roads
Waste storage                                   20                       3                         4.85
Machinery equipment                             10                       3                          9.7
Transportation equipment                        5                        3                         19.4
Electronic equipment
Including: Computer                             5                        3                         19.4
Instrumentation                                 10                       3                          9.7
Others equipment
Including:Transmission equipment               10                       3                          9.7
Specialized equipment                           10                       3                          9.7
Office equipment                                5                        3                         19.4
       Other Ffixed assets                      5                        3                         19.4

  3. Disposal of fixed assets

  Fixed assets are derecognized when they are disposed of, or when no economic benefits are
  expected to arise from their use or disposal. The disposal proceeds from the sale, transfer,
  scrapping or destruction of fixed assets, net of their book value and related taxes and fees, are
  recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

(15) Construction in progress

  Construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred. Actual costs include construction
  costs, installation costs, borrowing costs eligible for capitalization and other necessary
  expenditures incurred to bring the construction in progress to its intended useable condition.
  Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets and depreciated from the following month
  when it reaches its intended useable state.

(16) Intangible assets

  1.Valuation method of intangible assets

  (1) The company initially measures intangible assets at cost when they are acquired;

   The cost of an externally acquired intangible asset includes the purchase price, related taxes and
  other expenses directly attributable to bringing the asset to its intended use.

  (2)Subsequent measurement

  The useful life of an intangible asset is analyzed and determined at the time of acquisition.

  For intangible assets with finite useful lives, they are amortized over the period in which they
  bring economic benefits to the enterprise; if the period in which the intangible assets bring
  economic benefits to the enterprise cannot be foreseen, they are considered to be intangible assets

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with indefinite useful lives and are not amortized.

2.Estimation of useful lives of intangible assets with finite useful lives

For intangible assets with finite useful lives, they are amortized over the period that they will
bring economic benefits to the enterprise; if it is not possible to foresee the period that the
intangible assets will bring economic benefits to the enterprise, they are regarded as intangible
assets with indefinite useful lives and are not amortized.

Land use rights are amortized equally over their useful lives from the date of grant; ERP software
and other intangible assets are amortized equally over the shortest of their estimated useful lives,
contractual beneficial lives and effective lives as prescribed by law. The amortization amount is
charged to the cost of the related assets and to current profit or loss according to the target
beneficiary. The estimated useful lives and amortization methods for intangible assets with finite
useful lives are reviewed at the end of each year, and any changes are treated as changes in
accounting estimates.

3.Scope of Research and Development Expenditures

The Company's expenses incurred in the process of conducting research and development include
related staff salaries, materials consumed, related depreciation and amortization expenses and
other related expenses of the personnel engaged in research and development activities, and are
summarized as follows:

The relevant employee compensation of the personnel engaged in R&D activities mainly refers to
the relevant employee compensation of the personnel directly engaged in R&D activities, the
management personnel closely related to R&D activities and the direct service personnel.

Depreciation expense refers to the expense of depreciation of instruments, equipment and
buildings in use for research and development activities. Long-term deferred expenses refer to
long-term deferred expenses incurred in the course of alteration, modification, renovation and
repair of research and development facilities.

Direct input expense refers to the related expenditure actually incurred by enterprises for the
implementation of research and development activities. Including direct consumption of materials,
fuel and power costs; Expenses for the operation, maintenance, adjustment, inspection, inspection
and repair of instruments and equipment used in research and development activities, as well as
lease fees for fixed assets rented through business leasing for research and development activities.

4.Specific criteria for classifying research and development phases

Expenditures on in-house research and development projects are categorized into research stage
expenditures and development stage expenditures.

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  Research stage: the stage of original and planned investigation and research activities for the
  purpose of acquiring and understanding new scientific or technological knowledge.

  Development phase: the stage of applying research results or other knowledge to a plan or design
  to produce new or substantially improved materials, devices, products and other activities before
  commercial production or use.

  5.The specific conditions for capitalization of development stage expenditures

  Expenditures in the research stage are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred.
  Expenditures in the development phase are recognized as intangible assets if the following
  conditions are met. Expenditures in the development phase that do not meet the following
  conditions are recognized in the current period's profit or loss:

  (1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it can be used or sold;

  (2) There is an intention to complete the intangible asset for use or sale;

  (3) The manner in which the intangible asset will generate economic benefits, including the ability
  to demonstrate the existence of a market for the products produced by applying the intangible
  asset or the existence of a market for the intangible asset itself, and the usefulness of the
  intangible asset if it will be used internally;

  (4) The availability of sufficient technical, financial and other resources to support the completion
  of the development of the intangible asset and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset;

  (5) Expenditures attributable to the development phase of the intangible asset can be measured

  If it is not possible to distinguish between research-phase expenditures and development-phase
  expenditures, all research and development expenditures incurred are recognized in the current
  period's profit or loss.

(17) Impairment of long term assets

  Long-term equity investments, investment properties measured using the cost model, fixed assets,
  construction in progress, right-of-use assets, intangible assets with finite useful lifes, oil and gas
  assets and other long-term assets are tested for impairment if there is an indication of impairment
  at the balance sheet date. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount
  of an asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment is made for the difference
  and an impairment loss is recorded. The recoverable amount is the higher of the asset's fair value
  less costs of disposal and the present value of estimated future cash flows of the asset. The

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  provision for asset impairment is calculated and recognized on an individual asset basis. If it is
  difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of the
  asset group is determined using the asset group to which the asset belongs. An asset group is the
  smallest combination of assets that can generate cash inflows independently.

  For goodwill resulting from business combinations, intangible assets with indefinite useful lives,
  and intangible assets that have not yet reached a serviceable status, impairment tests are
  performed once a year at the end of each year, regardless of whether there is an indication of

  The Company conducts goodwill impairment tests and apportions the carrying value of goodwill
  formed as a result of a business combination to the relevant asset group from the date of purchase
  in accordance with a reasonable method; if it is difficult to apportion to the relevant asset group, it
  is apportioned to the relevant asset group combination. A relevant asset group or a combination of
  asset groups is an asset group or a combination of asset groups that can benefit from the
  synergistic effect of a business combination.

  When impairment test of the relevant asset group or combination of asset groups that contain
  goodwill, if there is an indication of impairment of the asset group or combination of asset groups
  related to goodwill, the asset group or combination of asset groups that do not contain goodwill is
  first tested for impairment, the recoverable amount is calculated and compared with the relevant
  carrying amount, and a corresponding impairment loss is recognized. If the recoverable amount is
  less than the carrying amount, the impairment loss is first reduced by the carrying amount of
  goodwill apportioned to the asset group or group of assets, and then reduced by the carrying
  amount of each asset group or group of assets other than goodwill in proportion to its
  proportionate share of the carrying amount of the other assets. The carrying value of each asset is
  then reduced by the carrying value of each asset other than goodwill.

  Once the above impairment loss is recognized, it will not be reversed in subsequent accounting

(18) Long-term amortization

  Long-term amortization is an expense that has been incurred but should be borne by the current
  and future periods and is apportioned over a period of more than one year. These costs are
  amortized evenly over the period of benefit. If an item of long-term amortization does not benefit
  subsequent accounting periods, the unamortized amortized value of the item is transferred to
  current profit or loss.

(19) Contract liability

  An entity’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the entity has received

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 consideration (or the amount is due) from the customer. Contract asset and contract liability
 originate from same contact shall be listed at net amount.

(20) Employee compensation
  1.Accounting for short-term compensation

 The Company recognizes actual short-term compensation incurred by employees as a liability in
 the accounting period in which the employees provide services to the Company, and recognizes it
 in the current profit or loss or the cost of related assets.

 The social insurance premiums and housing fund paid by the Company for its employees, as well
 as the labor union funds and employee education funds withdrawn in accordance with regulations,
 are used to determine the corresponding amount of employee compensation in accordance with
 the prescribed accrual basis and accrual ratio during the accounting period in which the employees
 provide services to the Company.

 Employee benefit expenses incurred by the Company are charged to current profit or loss or the
 cost of related assets based on the actual amount incurred when incurred, of which non-monetary
 benefits are measured at fair value.

  2.Accounting for post-employment benefits

 (1) Defined contribution plan

 The Company contributes to basic pension and unemployment insurance for employees in
 accordance with the relevant local government regulations. During the accounting period in which
 the employees provide services to the Company, the amount payable is calculated based on the
 contribution base and ratio set by the local regulations, recognized as a liability, and charged to
 current profit or loss or cost of related assets. In addition, the Company participates in an
 enterprise annuity plan/supplemental pension fund approved by the relevant state authorities. The
 Company contributes a certain percentage of the employees' total salaries to the annuity
 plans/local social insurance agencies, and the corresponding expenses are recognized in the
 current profit or loss or cost of related assets.

 (2) Defined benefit plans

 The Company attributes the benefit obligations arising from the defined benefit plans to the period
 in which the employees render services in accordance with the formula determined by the
 expected accumulated benefit unit method, and recognizes them in current profit or loss or cost of
 related assets.

 The deficit or surplus resulting from the present value of the defined benefit plan obligation less

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  the fair value of the defined benefit plan assets is recognized as a net defined benefit plan liability
  or net asset. If a defined benefit plan has a surplus, the Company measures the net defined benefit
  plan asset at the lower of the surplus or asset limit of the defined benefit plan.

  All defined benefit plan obligations, including those expected to be paid within twelve months
  after the end of the annual reporting period in which employees render services, are discounted
  based on market yields on treasury bonds or high-quality corporate bonds in active markets that
  match the maturity and currency of the defined benefit plan obligations as of the balance sheet

  The service cost incurred by the defined benefit plan and the net interest on the net liabilities or
  net assets of the defined benefit plan are recognized in profit or loss or the cost of the related
  assets; changes resulting from the remeasurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the defined
  benefit plan are recognized in other comprehensive income and are not reversed to profit or loss in
  subsequent accounting periods, and the entire portion previously recognized in other
  comprehensive income is carried forward to unrecognized earnings to the extent of equity upon
  termination of the original defined benefit plan. The portion of other comprehensive income
  within equity is transferred to unappropriated earnings upon termination of the defined benefit

  Upon settlement of a defined benefit plan, a gain or loss on settlement is recognized as the
  difference between the present value of the defined benefit plan obligation and the settlement
  price determined at the settlement date.

  3.Accounting for termination benefits

  If the Company provides termination benefits to employees, it recognizes employee compensation
  liabilities arising from termination benefits and recognizes them in profit or loss at the earlier of:
  when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw termination benefits provided as a result of a
  termination plan or a proposed reduction in force; and when the Company recognizes costs or
  expenses related to a restructuring involving the payment of termination benefits.

(21) Accrued liabilities

  The Company recognizes an obligation related to a contingent event as an accrued liabilities when
  the following conditions are simultaneously mets:

  (1) The obligation is a present obligation assumed by the Company;

  (2) It is probable that the performance of the obligation will result in an outflow of economic
  benefits to the Company;

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 (3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

 A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the
 related present obligation.

 In determining the best estimate, the risks associated with the contingency, uncertainty and the
 time value of money are considered. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the
 best estimate is determined by discounting the related future cash outflows.

 Where a continuous range of expenditures required exists and it is equally probable that various
 outcomes will occur within that range, the best estimate is determined at the mid-point of the
 range; in other cases, the best estimate is treated separately as follows:

 - Where the contingency relates to a single item, the best estimate is determined in accordance
 with the most probable occurrence amount.

 - If the contingency involves multiple items, it is determined on the basis of various possible
 outcomes and related probabilities.

 If all or part of the expenditure required to settle the estimated liability is expected to be
 reimbursed by a third party, the amount of reimbursement is recognized separately as an asset
 when it is substantially certain that it will be received, and the amount of reimbursement
 recognized does not exceed the carrying amount of the estimated liability.

 The Company reviews the carrying amount of the estimated liability at the balance sheet date, and
 if there is conclusive evidence that the carrying amount does not reflect the current best estimate,
 the carrying amount is adjusted in accordance with the current best estimate.

(22) Revenue

 1.Accounting policies used for revenue recognition and measurement

 The Company recognizes revenue when it has fulfilled its performance obligations under a
 contract, i.e., when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services. The acquisition
 of control of the relevant goods or services is defined as the ability to dominate the use of the
 goods or services and derive substantially all of the economic benefits therefrom.

 If a contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company apportions the
 transaction price to each individual performance obligation on the contract commencement date in
 proportion to the relative share of the individual selling price of the goods or services promised by
 each individual performance obligation. The Company measures revenue based on the transaction
 price apportioned to each individual performance obligation.

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The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled
as a result of the transfer of goods or services to the customer, excluding amounts collected on
behalf of third parties and amounts expected to be refunded to the customer. The Company
determines the transaction price in accordance with the terms of the contract, taking into account
its past customary practices, and considers the impact of variable consideration, the existence of
significant financing components in the contract, non-cash consideration, and consideration
payable to the customer in determining the transaction price. The Company determines the
transaction price that includes variable consideration by an amount that does not exceed the
amount for which it is highly probable that there will be no material reversal of the cumulative
recognized revenue at the time the relevant uncertainty is removed. If there is a significant
financing component in the contract, the Company determines the transaction price based on the
amount payable in cash assuming that the customer will pay for the goods or services as soon as
control is obtained, and amortizes the difference between this transaction price and the contract
consideration using the effective interest rate method over the term of the contract. Performance
obligations are fulfilled within a certain period of time if one of the following conditions is met,
otherwise, performance obligations are fulfilled at a certain point in time:

- The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits resulting from the Company's
performance at the same time as the Company's performance.

- The customer is able to control the goods under construction in the course of the Company's

- The goods produced in the course of the Company's performance have irreplaceable use and the
Company is entitled to receive payment for the portion of the performance that has been
completed to date in the aggregate throughout the term of the contract.

For performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company recognizes
revenue in accordance with the progress of performance during that period, except when the
progress of performance cannot be reasonably determined. The Company uses the output method
or input method to determine the progress of performance, taking into account the nature of the
goods or services. When the progress of performance cannot be reasonably determined, the
Company recognizes revenue in the amount of costs already incurred until the progress of
performance can be reasonably determined, if the costs already incurred are expected to be

For performance obligations performed at a point in time, the Company recognizes revenue at the
point in time when the customer obtains control of the related goods or services. In determining
whether the customer has acquired control of the goods or services, the Company considers the
following indications:

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  - The Company has a present right to receive payment for the goods or services, i.e., the customer
 has a present obligation to pay for the goods or services.

  - The Company has transferred legal title to the goods to the customer, i.e., the customer has legal
 title to the goods.

  - The Company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer, i.e. the customer
 has taken physical possession of the goods.

  - The Company has transferred the principal risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the
 customer, i.e., the customer has acquired the principal risks and rewards of ownership of the

  - The customer has accepted the goods or services, etc.

  The Company determines whether its status is that of a principally liable person or an agent at the
 time of engaging in a transaction based on whether it has control over the goods or services prior
 to transferring them to the customer. If the Company is able to control the goods or services prior
 to transferring them to the customer, the Company is the principal and recognizes revenue based
 on the total consideration received or receivable; otherwise, the Company is the agent and
 recognizes revenue based on the amount of commissions or fees it expects to be entitled to receive.

  2.Disclosure of specific revenue recognition and measurement methods by business type

  Revenue from the sale of goods: The Group recognizes revenue from the sale of goods when the
 major risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the purchaser, the
 Group has neither retained the right of continued management normally associated with
 ownership nor exercised effective control over the goods sold, the amount of revenue can be
 measured reliably, it is probable that the related economic benefits will flow to the enterprise, and
 the related costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably. Revenue from the sale of
 goods is realized.

  Revenue from the transfer of assets: Revenue from the transfer of the right to use assets is
 recognized when it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow
 to the Group and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably.

(23) Contract Costs

  Contract costs include contract performance costs and contract acquisition costs.

  Costs incurred by the Company to perform a contract that are not regulated by the relevant
 standards, such as inventories, fixed assets or intangible assets, are recognized as contract

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 performance costs as an asset when the following conditions are met:

 - The cost is directly related to a contract that is currently or expected to be acquired.

 - The cost increases the Company's resources available to meet future performance obligations.

 - The cost is expected to be recovered.

 Incremental costs incurred by the Company to acquire a contract that are expected to be recovered
 are recognized as a contract acquisition cost as an asset.

 Assets related to contract costs are amortized using the same basis as revenue recognition for the
 goods or services to which the asset relates; however, for contract acquisition costs that are
 amortized over a period of less than one year, the Company recognizes them in profit or loss as
 incurred. If the carrying value of an asset related to the contract cost is higher than the difference
 between the following two items, the Company provides for impairment of the excess and
 recognizes an impairment loss on the asset:

 1. the remaining consideration expected to be received for the transfer of the goods or services
 related to the asset

 2. the estimated costs to be incurred for the transfer of such related goods or services.

 If there is a subsequent change in the factors impaired in prior periods that causes the
 aforementioned difference to be higher than the carrying amount of the asset, the Company
 reverses the original provision for impairment and recognizes it in profit or loss, provided that the
 carrying amount of the asset after the reversal does not exceed the carrying amount of the asset at
 the date of reversal assuming no provision for impairment was made.

(24) Government grants

 1. Types

 Government grants, which are monetary or non-monetary assets acquired by the Company from
 the government without compensation, are classified as asset-related government grants and
 revenue-related government grants.

 Government grants related to assets are obtained by the Company for the acquisition and
 construction or otherwise forming long-term assets. Revenue-related government grants refer to
 government grants other than asset-related government grants.

 The specific criteria for the Company to classify government grants as asset-related are:

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  government grants obtained by the Group and used for the acquisition and construction or
  otherwise forming long-term assets

  The Company's specific criteria for classifying government grants as revenue-related are:
  government grants other than those related to assets

  For those government grants for which the government documents do not specify the objects of
  the grants, the Company classifies the government grants as asset-related or revenue-related based
  on the following judgment: the Group makes judgment in accordance with the above-mentioned
  principles of differentiation, and if it is difficult to differentiate, the whole is classified as revenue-
  related government grants.

  2. Recognition point

  Government grants are recognized when the Company is able to meet the conditions attached to
  them and when they can be received.

  3、Accounting treatment

  Government grants related to assets are reduced to the carrying amount of the relevant assets or
  recognized as deferred income. If recognized as deferred income, it is recognized in profit or loss
  in accordance with a reasonable and systematic method in installments over the useful life of the
  relevant assets (if it is related to the Company's daily activities, it is recognized in other income; if
  it is not related to the Company's daily activities, it is recognized in non-operating income);

  Government grants related to revenue, which are used to compensate the Company for relevant
  costs and expenses or losses in subsequent periods, are recognized as deferred revenue and
  charged to current profit or loss (to other income if they are related to the Company's ordinary
  activities; to non-operating income if they are not related to the Company's ordinary activities) or
  offset against relevant costs and expenses or losses in the period in which the relevant costs and
  expenses or losses are recognized; to compensate the Company for If it is used to compensate the
  Company for the related costs or losses incurred, it is directly recognized in profit or loss (other
  income if it is related to the Company's daily activities; non-operating income if it is not related to
  the Company's daily activities) or reduced by the related costs or losses.

(25) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

  Income taxes consist of current income taxes and deferred income taxes. The Company
  recognizes current income tax and deferred income tax in profit or loss, except for income tax
  arising from business combinations and transactions or events directly recognized in owners'
  equity (including other comprehensive income).

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Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are recognized based on the
difference between the tax basis of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary

Deferred tax assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is
probable that taxable income will be available in future periods against which the deductible
temporary differences can be utilized. For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried
forward to future years, deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that
future taxable income will be available against which the deductible losses and tax credits can be

Deferred income tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences, except under
special circumstances.

The special circumstances under which deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities are not
recognized include

- Initial recognition of goodwill;

- Transactions or events that are neither business combinations nor, at the time of their occurrence,
affect accounting profit and taxable income (or deductible losses), and for which the initial
recognition of assets and liabilities does not result in taxable temporary differences and deductible
temporary differences of an equivalent amount.

Deferred income tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences associated with
investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, unless the Company is able to control
the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary
difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred income tax assets are recognized for
deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures when it is probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the foreseeable future
and it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which the deductible
temporary differences can be utilized.

At the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are
measured at the tax rates applicable to the periods when the related assets are expected to be
recovered or the related liabilities settled, in accordance with the tax laws.

At the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the carrying amount of deferred tax assets. The
carrying amount of deferred tax assets is written down if it is more likely than not that sufficient
taxable income will not be available in future periods to offset the benefit of the deferred tax
assets. To the extent that it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be available, the written

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  down amount is reversed.

  When there is a legal right to settle on a net basis and the intention is to settle on a net basis or to
  acquire assets and settle liabilities simultaneously, current income tax assets and current income
  tax liabilities are stated at the net amount after offsetting.

  At the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are
  presented on a net basis after offsetting when both of the following conditions are met:

  - The taxable entity has the legal right to settle current income tax assets and current income tax
  liabilities on a net basis;

  - Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by
  the same tax authority on the same taxable entity or to different taxable entities, but in each future
  period in which it is significant that the deferred income tax assets and liabilities reverse, the
  taxable entities involved intend to settle the current income tax assets and liabilities on a net basis
  or to acquire the assets and The reversal of deferred income tax assets and liabilities is a
  significant transaction.

(26) Lease

  A lease is a contract in which the lessor cedes the right to use an asset to the lessee for a certain
  period of time for consideration. At the inception date of the contract, the Company assesses
  whether the contract is a lease or contains a lease. A contract is a lease or contains a lease if one
  party to the contract cedes the right to control the use of one or more identified assets for a certain
  period of time in exchange for consideration.

  If a contract contains several separate leases, the Company splits the contract and accounts for
  each separate lease separately. If a contract contains both lease and non-lease components, the
  lessee and the lessor split the lease and non-lease components.

  1. The Company as lessee

  (1) Right-of-use assets

  At the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes right-of-use assets for
  leases other than short-term leases and leases of low-value assets. Right-of-use assets are initially
  measured at cost. This cost includes:

  - the initial measurement amount of the lease liability;

  - the amount of lease payments made on or before the commencement date of the lease term, net

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of amounts related to lease incentives taken if lease incentives exist;

- the initial direct costs incurred by the Company;

- costs that the Company expects to incur to disassemble and remove the leased asset, restore the
site where the leased asset is located, or restore the leased asset to the condition agreed upon
under the terms of the lease, excluding costs that are part of the costs incurred to produce the

The Company subsequently depreciates right-of-use assets using the straight-line method. If it is
reasonably certain that ownership of the leased asset will be obtained at the end of the lease term,
the Company depreciates the leased asset over its remaining useful life; otherwise, the leased asset
is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term or the remaining useful life of the leased asset.

The Company determines whether a right-of-use asset is impaired and accounts for the identified
impairment loss in accordance with the principles described in Note 3(17), "Impairment of Long-
lived Assets".

(2) Lease liabilities

The Company recognizes a lease liability for leases other than short-term leases and leases of low-
value assets at the commencement date of the lease term. Lease liabilities are initially measured at
the present value of the outstanding lease payments. Lease payments consist of

- fixed payments (including material fixed payments), net of amounts related to lease incentives, if
lease incentives exist;

- variable lease payments that are dependent on an index or rate;

- payments expected to be payable based on the residual value of the guarantee provided by the

- the exercise price of the purchase option, provided that the company reasonably determines that
it will exercise the option;

- the amount to be paid upon exercise of the option to terminate the lease, provided that the lease
term reflects that the Company will exercise the option to terminate the lease.

The Company uses the interest rate embedded in the lease as the discount rate, but if the interest
rate embedded in the lease cannot be reasonably determined, the Company's incremental
borrowing rate is used as the discount rate.

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The Company calculates the interest expense on the lease liability for each period of the lease
term based on a fixed periodic interest rate, which is included in the current profit or loss or the
cost of the related asset.

Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the lease liability are charged
to current profit or loss or the cost of the related assets when they are actually incurred.

After the commencement date of the lease term, the Company remeasures the lease liability and
adjusts the corresponding right-of-use asset if the carrying value of the right-of-use asset has been
reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, the difference is
recognized in profit or loss for the current period:

- When there is a change in the valuation of the purchase option, lease renewal option or
termination option, or when the actual exercise of the aforementioned options is not consistent
with the original valuation, the Company remeasures the lease liability at the present value
calculated by the changed lease payments and the revised discount rate;

- When there is a change in the substantive fixed payment amount, a change in the amount
expected to be payable for the guaranteed residual value, or a change in the index or rate used to
determine the lease payment amount, the Company remeasures the lease liability at the present
value calculated from the changed lease payment amount and the original discount rate. However,
if the change in the lease payment amount results from a change in the floating interest rate, the
present value is calculated using the revised discount rate.

(3) Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets

The Company has elected not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term
leases and leases of low-value assets, and to recognize the related lease payments in current profit
or loss or the cost of the related assets on a straight-line basis over each period of the lease term.
Short-term leases, which are leases with a lease term of not more than 12 months at the
commencement date of the lease term and do not include a purchase option. Low-value asset
leases, which are leases with a lower value when the single leased asset is a brand-new asset. If
the company subleases or expects to sublease the leased assets, the original lease is not a low-
value asset lease.

(4) Change of lease

If a lease is changed and the following conditions are met at the same time, the company will
account for the lease change as a separate lease:

- the lease modification expands the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more

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leased assets;

- The increased consideration is equivalent to the separate price of the expanded portion of the
lease adjusted for the circumstances of that contract.

If a lease modification is not accounted for as a separate lease, at the effective date of the lease
modification, the company reapportioned the consideration of the modified contract, redetermined
the lease term, and remeasured the lease liability based on the present value of the modified lease
payments and the revised discount rate.

If a lease change results in a reduction in the scope of the lease or a shortening of the lease term,
the Company reduces the carrying value of the right-of-use asset accordingly and recognizes the
gain or loss related to partial termination or complete termination of the lease in profit or loss for
the current period. If other lease changes result in the remeasurement of the lease liability, the
Company adjusts the carrying value of the right-of-use asset accordingly.

2. The Company as lessor

At the commencement date of the lease, the Company classifies leases into finance leases and
operating leases. A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards
associated with ownership of the leased asset, regardless of whether ownership is ultimately
transferred. Operating leases refer to leases other than finance leases. When the Company acts as a
sublease lessor, it classifies the sublease based on the right-to-use assets arising from the original

(1) Accounting for operating leases

Lease receipts under operating leases are recognized as rental income on a straight-line basis over
each period of the lease term. The Company capitalizes the initial direct costs incurred in
connection with operating leases and apportions them to current profit or loss over the lease term
on the same basis as rental income is recognized. Variable lease payments that are not included in
the lease receipts are recognized in current profit or loss when they are actually incurred. If a
change in an operating lease occurs, the Company accounts for it as a new lease from the effective
date of the change, and the amount of lease payments received in advance or receivable in
connection with the lease before the change is regarded as the amount of payments received under
the new lease.

(2) Accounting for finance leases

On the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes finance lease receivables for
finance leases and derecognizes finance lease assets. When the Company makes initial

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measurement of the finance lease receivable, the net lease investment is used as the recorded
value of the finance lease receivable. The net lease investment is the sum of the unguaranteed
residual value and the present value of the lease receipts not yet received at the commencement
date of the lease term discounted at the interest rate embedded in the lease.

The Company calculates and recognizes interest income for each period of the lease term based
on a fixed periodic interest rate. Derecognition and impairment of finance lease receivables are
accounted for in accordance with Note 3 (ix) "Financial Instruments" of this note.

Variable lease payments that are not included in the net lease investment measurement are
recognized in profit or loss when they are actually incurred.

If a change in a finance lease occurs and the following conditions are met, the Company accounts
for the change as a separate lease:

- the change expands the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more leased assets;

- the increased consideration is equivalent to the separate price of the expanded portion of the
lease adjusted for the circumstances of that contract.

If a change in a finance lease is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Company treats the
changed lease separately in the following circumstances:

- If the change becomes effective on the lease commencement date and the lease would be
classified as an operating lease, the Company accounts for it as a new lease from the effective date
of the lease change and uses the net investment in the lease prior to the effective date of the lease
change as the carrying amount of the leased asset;

- If the change becomes effective on the lease commencement date and the lease is classified as a
finance lease, the Company accounts for the lease in accordance with the policy on modification
or renegotiation of contracts as described in Note 3 (ix) Financial Instruments.

3. Sale and leaseback transactions

The Company assesses whether the transfer of assets in sale-and-leaseback transactions is a sale in
accordance with the principles described in Note 3(22) "Revenue".

(1) As a lessee

If the transfer of assets in a sale-and-leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company, as the lessee,
measures the right-of-use asset resulting from the sale-and-leaseback at the portion of the carrying

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  value of the original asset that relates to the right-of-use acquired by the leaseback and recognizes
  a gain or loss only for the right transferred to the lessor; if the transfer of assets in a sale-and-
  leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company, as the lessee, continues to recognize the
  transferred asset and at the same time recognizes a financial liability equal to the transfer proceeds.
  The company continues to recognize the transferred asset as a lessee and at the same time
  recognizes a financial liability equal to the transferred revenue. For details of the accounting
  treatment of financial liabilities, please refer to Note 3 (9) "Financial Instruments".

  (2) As lessor

  If the transfer of assets in a sale-and-leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company accounts for the
  purchase of the assets as a lessor and accounts for the lease of the assets in accordance with the
  aforementioned policy "2. If the transfer of assets in a leaseback transaction is not a sale, the
  Company, as the lessor, does not recognize the transferred asset, but recognizes a financial asset
  equal to the transferred revenue. For details of the accounting treatment of financial assets, please
  refer to Note 3 (9) "Financial Instruments".

(27) Debt restructuring

  1. The Company as a creditor

  The Company derecognizes a claim when the contractual right to receive cash flows from the
  claim is terminated. If a debt restructuring is carried out by settling the debt with assets or
  converting the debt into an equity instrument, the Company recognizes the related assets when
  they meet the definition and recognition criteria.

  For debt restructuring by means of settlement of debts with assets, the Company initially
  recognizes the transferred non-financial assets at cost. The cost of inventories includes the fair
  value of the relinquished claims and other costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to its
  present location and condition, such as taxes, transportation, handling and insurance. The cost of
  an investment in an associate or joint venture includes the fair value of the relinquished claim and
  other costs such as taxes directly attributable to the asset. The cost of investment property,
  including the fair value of the relinquished claims and other costs such as taxes directly
  attributable to the asset. The cost of property, plant and equipment includes the fair value of the
  relinquished claim and other costs directly attributable to the asset, such as taxes, transportation,
  loading and unloading, installation, and professional services, incurred before the asset is brought
  to its intended useable condition. The cost of biological assets, including the fair value of the
  relinquished claim and other costs directly attributable to the asset, such as taxes, transportation,
  and insurance. The cost of intangible assets, including the fair value of the relinquished claims and
  other costs directly attributable to taxes incurred in bringing the asset to its intended use. If a debt
  restructuring by way of conversion of debt into an equity instrument results in the creditor

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converting the claim to an equity investment in an associate or a joint venture, the Company
measures the initial investment cost of the claim at the fair value of the relinquished claim and
other costs, such as taxes, that are directly attributable to the asset. The difference between the fair
value of the relinquished claim and its carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss.

If debt restructuring is carried out by modifying other terms, the Company recognizes and
measures the restructured claims in accordance with "III. (IX) Financial Instruments" in this note.

For debt restructuring using multiple assets or a combination of assets, the Company first
recognizes and measures the transferred financial assets and restructuring claims in accordance
with "III. (IX) Financial instruments" in this note, and then, in proportion to the fair value of each
asset other than the transferred financial assets, recognizes a net gain or loss on the fair value of
the claims net of the amount recognized for the transferred financial assets and restructuring
claims. The fair value of each asset other than the transferred financial assets is then allocated to
the net amount after deducting the recognized amount of the transferred financial assets and the
restructuring claim in proportion to the fair value of each asset, and the cost of each asset is
determined separately on this basis in accordance with the aforementioned method. The difference
between the fair value and the carrying amount of the abandoned claims shall be recognized in
profit or loss for the current period.

2. The Company as debtor

The Company derecognizes a debt when the present obligation of the debt is discharged.

For debt restructuring by way of settlement of debts with assets, the Company derecognizes the
relevant assets and debts settled when the conditions for derecognition are met, and the difference
between the carrying amount of the debts settled and the carrying amount of the assets transferred
is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

For debt restructuring by converting debt to equity instruments, the Company derecognizes the
debt when the debt settled meets the conditions for derecognition. The Company initially
recognizes an equity instrument at the fair value of the equity instrument. If the fair value of the
equity instrument cannot be reliably measured, it is measured at the fair value of the debt settled.
The difference between the carrying amount of the debt settled and the amount recognized for the
equity instrument shall be recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

If debt restructuring is carried out by modifying other terms, the Company recognizes and
measures the restructured debt in accordance with "III (IX) Financial Instruments" in this note.

When debt restructuring is carried out by using multiple assets to settle debts or by combining
them, the Company recognizes and measures equity instruments and restructured debts in

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  accordance with the aforementioned method, and the difference between the carrying amount of
  the debt settled and the sum of the carrying amount of the transferred assets and the amounts
  recognized for equity instruments and restructured debts is recognized in profit or loss for the
  current period.

(28) Methodology for determining materiality criteria and basis for selection

                           Items                                               Materiality criterion
                                                         Where there is solid evidence that a credit impairment has
                                                         occurred on an account receivable, the amount is not
    Significant single provision for bad debt accounts
                                                         expected to be recovered or is unlikely to be recovered, a
                                                         single provision is made for doubtful debts and expected
                                                         credit losses are recognized
                                                         If there is solid evidence that the credit risk of the accounts
                                                         receivable separately accrued in the previous period has
    Accounts receivable The amount of provision for      decreased significantly, the future cash flow of the accounts
    recovery or repatriation of current doubtful         receivable shall be predicted according to the reassessed
    accounts is significant                              credit risk, and the increased cash flow difference shall be
                                                         reversed, and the amount of the reversal shall be included
                                                         in the current profit or loss.
                                                         For receivables which have solid evidence that they cannot
                                                         be recovered in whole or in part, the portion which cannot
                                                         be recovered shall be regarded as bad debt loss and the
    Write off significant receivables for the period     provision for bad debts already drawn shall be written off;
                                                         If the provision for bad debts is insufficient to be written
                                                         off, the difference in bad debt losses shall be included in the
                                                         current profit or loss.

(29) Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

  1. Changes in significant accounting policies

  Implementation of ASBE Interpretation No. 16, "Accounting for Deferred Taxes on Assets and
  Liabilities Arising from a Single Transaction to Which the Initial Recognition Exemption Does
  Not Apply".

  The Ministry of Finance issued "Interpretation No. 16 of the Accounting Standards for Business
  Enterprises" ("Interpretation No. 16") on November 30, 2022 (Caijing [2022] No. 31, hereinafter
  referred to as "Interpretation No. 16"), which stipulates that the "Accounting treatment of deferred
  income taxes related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction that are not exempt
  from initial recognition" shall be implemented from November 30, 2022 onwards. The
  "Accounting Treatment for Deferred Taxes on Assets and Liabilities Arising from Individual
  Transactions that are not Subject to the Initial Recognition Exemption" is effective from January 1,
  2023 onwards.

  Interpretation No. 16 stipulates that for a single transaction that is not a business combination and
  does not affect either accounting profit or taxable income (or deductible losses) at the time the
  transaction occurs, and for which the initial recognition of assets and liabilities results in the

                                                            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

  creation of taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences in equal amounts
  (including lease transactions in which the lessee initially recognizes a lease liability on the
  commencement date of the lease term and includes it in the assets with the right of use, and
  transactions in which the lessee initially recognizes a lease liability for a fixed asset or other asset
  and includes it in the assets with the right of use), and in which there is an abandonment
  obligation for a fixed asset or other asset, the initial recognition of an asset or a liability is
  excluded. The exemption from initial recognition of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets
  does not apply to individual transactions (including lease transactions in which the lessee initially
  recognizes a lease liability and credits it to the right-of-use asset on the commencement date of the
  lease term, as well as individual transactions in which the lessee recognizes a projected liability
  and credits it to the cost of the relevant asset due to the existence of an abandonment obligation
  for a fixed asset, etc.), and the enterprise shall recognize the corresponding When the transaction
  occurs, the enterprise should recognize the corresponding deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax
  assets in accordance with the relevant provisions of "ASBE No. 18 - Income Taxes" and other
  relevant regulations.

  If taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences arise from a single
  transaction to which this provision applies that occurs between the beginning of the earliest period
  for which the financial statements are presented for the first time and the date of its application, as
  well as lease liabilities and right-of-use assets recognized at the beginning of the earliest period
  for which the financial statements are presented as a result of a single transaction to which the
  provision applies and the recognition of projected liabilities related to abandonment obligations
  and the corresponding related assets, enterprises shall make adjustments in accordance with this
  provision. companies should make adjustments in accordance with this provision.

  The Company implemented this provision from January 1, 2023, and the implementation of this
  provision did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position and results of

  2. Changes in significant accounting estimates

  There were no changes in the Company's significant accounting estimates during the reporting
   1. The main applicable tax and rate to the Group as follows:
             Tax                                        Tax base                                        Tax rate
                             The output tax is calculated on the basis of the income from the
                             sale of goods and taxable services calculated in accordance with
Value-added tax (VAT)        the provisions of the tax law, and after deducting the input tax      13%,9%,6%,5%
                             allowed to be deducted in the current period, the difference is the
                             value-added tax payable
City construction tax        Value-added tax payables                                              7%

                                                               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

               Tax                                          Tax base                                     Tax rate
Education surcharge               Value-added tax payables                                           3%
Local education surcharge         Value-added tax payables                                           2%
Enterprise income tax (EIT)       Current period taxable profit                                      15% or 25%
Real estate tax                   70% of cost of own property or revenue from leasing property       1.2% or 12%
                                                                                                     CNY 6 per
Land use tax                      Land using right area
                                                                                                     square meter

 Notes: EIT rate for different tax payer
                                     Tax principles                                                 EIT rate
Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd                                                                 15%
Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing construction Co., Ltd                                               15%
Dalian Wazhou Precision Motor Car Bearing Company Limited                                   25%
Wazhou Precision of Spherical Roller Bearings (Wafangdian) Co., Ltd                         25%

    2.Tax preference

  On December 3, 2020, the Company obtained the qualification of high-tech enterprise
  certification, high-tech enterprise certification certificate number is GR202021200656, valid for 3
  years, according to the tax law, can enjoy the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax
  levied at a tax rate of 15% within 3 years.

  The subsidiary Waxiang Liaoyang Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd. obtained the qualification of
  high-tech enterprise identification on December 20, 2023, and the high-tech enterprise
  identification certificate number is GR202321002020, valid for 3 years, and can enjoy the
  preferential tax policy of levying enterprise income tax at a tax rate of 15% within 3 years
  according to the tax law.

 VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    i.          Monetary Funds

                     Items                                   Closing balance                     Opening balance

Cash on hand                                                                                                       292.91

Cash in bank                                                          110,664,560.63                     227,356,998.46

Other cash and cash equivalents                                       100,149,667.42                     103,389,415.51

                     Total                                            210,814,228.05                     330,746,706.88

   ii.          Transactional financial assets

                     Items                                   Closing balance                     Opening balance

1. Financial asset measured at fair value through
                                                                          214,178.33                         243,454.50

Among them: Debt instrument investment                                                                                  -

Equity instrument investment                                              214,178.33                         243,454.50

                                                               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                         Items                             Closing balance                     Opening balance

Others                                                                                                                    -

                         Total                                             214,178.33                         243,454.50

  iii.           Note receivable

         1. Types of notes

                         Items                             Closing balance                     Opening balance

Bank acceptance                                                        354,777,692.67                     445,227,090.19

Finance company acceptance                                              16,933,056.95

Trade acceptance                                                        83,169,223.80                      65,722,577.37

Total                                                                  454,879,973.42                     510,949,667.56

Less: Provision for impairment                                           4,158,461.19                       2,978,533.87

                         Total                                         450,721,512.23                     507,971,133.69

         2. Category of note receivable
                                                                        Closing Balance

                 Items                        Booking balance                      Provision
                                                                                                          Booking value
                                             Amount                %           Amount          %

Notes receivable with bad debt
provision based on the characters of          454,879,973.42        100       4,158,461.19         0.91   450,721,512.23
credit risk portfolio
Bank acceptance                               354,777,692.67      77.99                                   354,777,692.67
Finance company acceptance                     16,933,056.95       3.72
Trade acceptance                               83,169,223.80      18.28       4,158,461.19           5     79,010,762.61
               Total                          454,879,973.42        100       4,158,461.19                450,721,512.23

                                                                        Opening balance
                 Items                        Booking balance                      Provision
                                                                                                          Booking value
                                             Amount                %           Amount          %
Notes receivable with bad debt
provision based on the characters of         474,064,980.02         100      4,280,386.41           0.9   469,784,593.61
credit risk portfolio
Bank acceptance                              415,924,381.54       87.74                                   415,924,381.54
Finance company acceptance
Trade acceptance                               58,140,598.48      12.26      4,280,386.41          7.36    53,860,212.07
               Total                         474,064,980.02         100      4,280,386.41                 469,784,593.61

         Notes receivable with bad debt provision based on the characters of credit risk portfolio:
                                                                           Closing Balance
                                                      Booking balance                     Amount                %
Bank acceptance                                                 354,777,692.67

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Finance company acceptance                                             16,933,056.95
Trade acceptance                                                       83,169,223.80            4,158,461.19                    5
                      Total                                           454,879,973.42            4,158,461.19

     3. Provision for bad debts charged off, reversed or recovered during the period:
                                                                         Change during the year                       Closing
           Category                Opening balance
                                                           Accrued         Collect/carry over     Written-off         Balance
Provision for bad debt                  4,280,386.41     2,021,131.95        2,143,057.17                           4,158,461.19
             Total                      4,280,386.41     2,021,131.95        2,143,057.17              -            4,158,461.19

     4. Pledged notes receivable up to the end of year:

                               Items                                              Closing amount of pledged

Finance company acceptance                                                                                          2,982,604.41

Trade acceptance                                                                                                   14,770,614.03

                               Total                                                                               17,753,218.44

     5. Notes receivable endorsed or discounted but not mature at the end of year

                                                   Closing amount no more                   Closing amount still
                                                         recognized                             recognized

Bank acceptance                                                                                        302,155,516.10

Finance company acceptance                                                                                 12,011,143.08

Trade acceptance                                                                                           43,099,544.33

                     Total                                                                             357,266,203.51

   iv.            Account receivable

     1.      Category of accounts receivable listed by age

                     Aging                             Closing Balance                       Opening balance

                Within1 year                                      962,345,577.17                      1,007,255,429.21

                  1-2 years                                           80,034,862.45                    169,054,402.12

                  2-3 years                                           96,451,169.89                        36,587,357.00

                  3-4years                                            32,592,645.89                         8,448,563.73

                  4-5years                                             6,535,792.15                        14,065,231.25

                Over 5 years                                          39,496,995.40                        36,192,353.92

                     Total                                      1,217,457,042.95                      1,271,603,337.23

         Less: Provision for bad debt                             131,019,034.27                       135,308,007.64

                     Total                                      1,086,438,008.68                      1,136,295,329.59

     2. Category of accounts receivable

                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                                                       Closing Balance

              Items                       Booking balance                      Provision

                                        Amount              %              Amount           %           Booking value

Accounts      receivable      with
                                        72,346,024.97           5.94       72,346,024.97    100.00
individual bad debt provision

Accounts receivable with bad

debt provision based on the           1,145,111,017.98       94.06         58,673,009.30        5.12    1,086,438,008.68

characters of credit risk portfolio


-Aging portfolio                       889,317,987.55        73.05         58,673,009.30        6.60      830,644,978.25

-Related party portfolio               255,793,030.43        21.01                                        255,793,030.43

              Total                   1,217,457,042.95      100.00        131,019,034.27                1,086,438,008.68


                                                                       Opening Balance

              Items                       Booking balance                      Provision

                                         Amount             %              Amount           %          Booking value

Accounts      receivable      with
                                         77,765,538.08          6.12        77,765,538.08   100.00
individual bad debt provision

Accounts receivable with bad

debt provision based on the           1,193,837,799.15       93.88          57,542,469.56     4.82     1,136,295,329.59

characters of credit risk portfolio


-Aging portfolio                        937,128,769.48       73.70          57,542,469.56     6.14       879,586,299.92

-Related party portfolio                256,709,029.67       20.18                                       256,709,029.67

              Total                   1,271,603,337.23      100.00         135,308,007.64              1,136,295,329.59

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     Bad debt provision for accounts receivable at the end of year based on individual:
                                                                                                    Closing Balance                                     Opening balance
                                      Debtors name                                  Accounts       Provision for bad            Reasons for        Accounts       Provision for
                                                                                   receivable            debts                   provision        receivable       bad debts
Heilongjiang Longmei Logistics Co., Ltd                                            11,277,327.79       11,277,327.79    100    uncollectable      2,134,140.98     2,134,140.98
Liaoning Yinheng Galvanized Colored Coated Steel Sheet Co. Ltd                      3,213,308.67        3,213,308.67    100    uncollectable      3,213,308.67     3,213,308.67
Shenzhen Geesun Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                                    2,296,400.00        2,296,400.00    100    uncollectable        133,560.00       133,560.00
Shandong Yuanda Board Technology Co., Ltd                                           1,804,722.77        1,804,722.77    100    uncollectable      1,804,722.77     1,804,722.77
Yingkou Iron & Steel Co. Ltd                                                        1,696,318.44        1,696,318.44    100    uncollectable      1,696,318.44     1,696,318.44
Liaoning Wazhou Bearing Sales Co.,Ltd                                               1,611,795.99        1,611,795.99    100    uncollectable
HBIS Company Limited Handan Branch                                                  1,608,611.42        1,608,611.42    100    uncollectable      1,608,611.42     1,608,611.42
An Gang steel Co.,Ltd                                                               1,595,050.69        1,595,050.69    100    uncollectable      1,595,050.69     1,595,050.69
Bazhou Tianli Tube Co., Ltd                                                         1,325,600.76        1,325,600.76    100    uncollectable      1,325,600.76     1,325,600.76
Zhejiang Yesheng New Material Co. Ltd                                               1,301,760.00        1,301,760.00    100    uncollectable      1,301,760.00     1,301,760.00
CITIC Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd                                                      1,126,828.28        1,126,828.28    100    uncollectable      1,128,791.54     1,128,791.54
Donghai New Material Co. Ltd                                                          942,558.20          942,558.20    100    uncollectable       942,558.20        942,558.20
Shanghai Jieru Heavy Industry Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd                           923,603.80          923,603.80    100    uncollectable       923,603.80        923,603.80
Tangshan Guofeng Iron and Steel Co. LTD                                               883,297.41          883,297.41    100    uncollectable       883,297.41        883,297.41
Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd                                             877,123.18          877,123.18    100    uncollectable        59,329.56         59,329.56
Jilin Chengzhong Auto Parts Co., Ltd                                                  872,874.22          872,874.22    100    uncollectable       872,874.22        872,874.22
Wanxin(Deyang) Engineering & Equipment Co., Ltd. of China National Erzhong Group      795,887.92          795,887.92    100    uncollectable       795,887.92        795,887.92
Benxi Beiying Steel (Group) Co. Ltd                                                   775,804.98          775,804.98    100    uncollectable       775,804.98        775,804.98
Zhongguang Keji(Fujian)Co.,Ltd.                                                       761,374.62          761,374.62    100    uncollectable       761,374.62        761,374.62
Shandong Yuntong New Material Technology Co. Ltd                                      711,438.94          711,438.94    100    uncollectable       711,438.94        711,438.94
Dongfeng Transmission Co.,Ltd                                                         704,098.23          704,098.23    100    uncollectable       704,098.23        704,098.23
Shanghai Weiqiang Heavy Industry Mechanic Co.,Ltd                                     673,595.42          673,595.42    100    uncollectable       673,595.42        673,595.42
Dalian Tianyuan Motor Co.,Ltd                                                         666,383.31          666,383.31    100    uncollectable       666,383.31        666,383.31
Shanxi Hongda Iron&Steel Co.,Ltd                                                      657,373.00          657,373.00    100    uncollectable       657,373.00        657,373.00
Dandong Shuguang Heavy Axle Co., Ltd                                                  642,833.42          642,833.42    100    uncollectable       642,833.42        642,833.42

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Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd                      626,952.30   626,952.30    100    uncollectable       634,135.80        634,135.80
Wolong Electric Huai 'an Qingjiang Motor Co. Ltd             601,859.03   601,859.03    100    uncollectable       601,859.03        601,859.03
Xingtai Iron and Steel Co., Ltd                              590,148.98   590,148.98    100    uncollectable       590,148.98        590,148.98
Qinghai Lufeng New Material Co., Ltd                         525,743.44   525,743.44    100    uncollectable       525,743.44        525,743.44
Jiangsu Leche Heavy Industry Machinery Co. LTD               506,477.77   506,477.77    100    uncollectable       506,477.77        506,477.77
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd                                487,064.68   487,064.68    100    uncollectable       487,064.68        487,064.68
Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd                         486,019.87   486,019.87    100    uncollectable       486,019.87        486,019.87
Mudanjiang Reduction Gears Factory                           467,905.65   467,905.65    100    uncollectable       467,905.65        467,905.65
Shandong Zhangqiu Blower Co.,Ltd.                            461,708.13   461,708.13    100    uncollectable       461,708.13        461,708.13
07-256 Factory                                               460,854.77   460,854.77    100    uncollectable       460,854.77        460,854.77
Hunan Chaoyang Mechanic & Electric Co.,Ltd                   446,627.60   446,627.60    100    uncollectable       446,627.60        446,627.60
Liaoyang Sudong Trade Co.,Ltd                                444,946.96   444,946.96    100    uncollectable       444,946.96        444,946.96
XEMC                                                         416,549.65   416,549.65    100    uncollectable       416,549.65        416,549.65
Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co.,Ltd.                      402,332.21   402,332.21    100    uncollectable       402,332.21        402,332.21
Chengdu Gaoyuan Electromechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd.         383,615.52   383,615.52    100    uncollectable       383,615.52        383,615.52
Ningbo Netjia Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd                383,370.79   383,370.79    100    uncollectable
Boshan Motor Group Co.,Ltd                                   373,700.65   373,700.65    100    uncollectable       373,700.65        373,700.65
Xuzhou Xugong Material Supply Co., Ltd                       373,237.55   373,237.55    100    uncollectable       373,237.55        373,237.55
Tai'an Tianhua Economic and Trade Co., Ltd                   364,189.79   364,189.79    100    uncollectable       346,554.01        346,554.01
Liaohe Mechanic Co.,Ltd                                      362,280.30   362,280.30    100    uncollectable       362,280.30        362,280.30
Min Metals Yingkou Medium Plate Co.,Ltd.                     351,890.29   351,890.29    100    uncollectable       351,890.29        351,890.29
Northeast Special Steel Group Beiman Special Steel Co. Ltd   315,004.72   315,004.72    100    uncollectable       315,004.72        315,004.72
Taicang Hu Tai Chang’e Paper Equipment Co. Ltd              310,361.32   310,361.32    100    uncollectable       310,361.32        310,361.32
Pangang Group Chengdu Iron&Steel Co.,Ltd.                    303,305.45   303,305.45    100    uncollectable       303,305.45        303,305.45
Hebei Jinxi Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd                       301,978.67   301,978.67    100    uncollectable       301,978.67        301,978.67
Harbin Hakuo Electric Power Technology Co. Ltd               297,905.32   297,905.32    100    uncollectable       297,905.32        297,905.32
Zhongcai Zibo Heavy Machinery Co.,Ltd                        293,817.58   293,817.58    100    uncollectable
ZHUZHOU GEAR CO.,LTD.                                        290,587.00   290,587.00    100    uncollectable       270,087.40        270,087.40
NINGBO FAN CO.,Ltd                                           287,783.07   287,783.07    100    uncollectable
Jiangsu Xinrui Gear System Co. Ltd                           286,949.88   286,949.88    100    uncollectable       286,949.88        286,949.88

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China erzhong group (deyang)jingheng driving equipment co.ltd                286,935.03   286,935.03    100    uncollectable       286,935.03        286,935.03
Siemens Electric Motor (China) Co., Ltd                                      284,110.82   284,110.82    100    uncollectable       284,110.82        284,110.82
Baofeng Xianglong Stainless Steel Co.,Ltd                                    273,900.00   273,900.00    100    uncollectable
Baotou Tianli Huanfa Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd                         273,597.27   273,597.27    100    uncollectable
Hengfengtai Precision Machinery Co., Ltd                                     270,886.98   270,886.98    100    uncollectable       318,948.38        318,948.38
Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Co., Ltd. Light Commercial Vehicle Branch   264,521.67   264,521.67    100    uncollectable       264,521.67        264,521.67
Baoji Zhongyi Industry and Trade Co. Ltd                                     256,372.12   256,372.12    100    uncollectable       256,372.12        256,372.12
Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co., Ltd                                              254,016.66   254,016.66    100    uncollectable       275,596.93        275,596.93
Baoji Huawei Mine Machinery Co.,Ltd.                                         248,758.75   248,758.75    100    uncollectable       200,000.00        200,000.00
Yanggu Dangyu Sheet Co., Ltd                                                 243,280.00   243,280.00    100    uncollectable       243,280.00        243,280.00
Tonghua Iron & Steel Co. Ltd                                                 240,568.39   240,568.39    100    uncollectable       240,568.39        240,568.39
Shijiazhuang Qiangda Slurry Pump Co.,Ltd                                     238,749.98   238,749.98    100    uncollectable       238,749.98        238,749.98
Inner Mongolia Hongji Technology New Energy Co., Ltd                         231,610.81   231,610.81    100    uncollectable       231,610.81        231,610.81
Taizhong Coal Machine Co.,Ltd                                                215,142.12   215,142.12    100    uncollectable       215,142.12        215,142.12
Qinhuangdao Shouqin Metal Material Co. Ltd                                   213,911.48   213,911.48    100    uncollectable       213,911.48        213,911.48
Chongqing Iron Horse Industry Group Co., Ltd                                 211,196.98   211,196.98    100    uncollectable       211,196.98        211,196.98
SAIC IVECO Hongyan Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd                               210,860.60   210,860.60    100    uncollectable       210,860.60        210,860.60
Hubei Tongfang High-tech Pump Co., Ltd                                       207,567.06   207,567.06    100    uncollectable       121,727.00        121,727.00
Panzhihua Steel Group Panzhihua Steel Vanadium Co.,Ltd.                      203,004.70   203,004.70    100    uncollectable         2,652.78          2,652.78
Tianjin Rongtai Advanced Composite Material Co.,Ltd                          200,000.00   200,000.00    100    uncollectable       200,000.00        200,000.00
Hebei Wenfeng Iron & Steel Co. Ltd                                           197,979.65   197,979.65    100    uncollectable       197,979.65        197,979.65
Suzhou Zhanwang Mechanic & Electric Co.,Ltd                                  192,173.26   192,173.26    100    uncollectable       192,173.26        192,173.26
Guangzhou Motor Co.,Ltd                                                      189,128.68   189,128.68    100    uncollectable       189,128.68        189,128.68
Jiangsu Xuzhou Forging Machine Tool Factory Group Co., Ltd                   188,906.34   188,906.34    100    uncollectable       188,906.34        188,906.34
Hubei Wazhou Xinsheng Technology Co., Ltd                                    188,136.00   188,136.00    100    uncollectable       188,136.00        188,136.00
Handan Sida Electric Co., Ltd                                                186,191.80   186,191.80    100    uncollectable       186,191.80        186,191.80
Nanjing Light Industry Machinery Factory                                     185,079.54   185,079.54    100    uncollectable       185,079.54        185,079.54
Shanghai Sule Textile Machinery Co., Ltd                                     176,984.10   176,984.10    100    uncollectable       176,984.10        176,984.10
Taiyuan Tongze Heavy Industry Co., Ltd                                       170,178.79   170,178.79    100    uncollectable       170,178.79        170,178.79
Beijing Jingcheng Star Technology Development Co., Ltd                       170,010.00   170,010.00    100    uncollectable       450,000.00        450,000.00

                                                                                                      Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Shandong Huali Motor Group Suzhou Manufacturing Co., Ltd                    164,801.28   164,801.28    100    uncollectable       244,801.28        244,801.28
Xuzhou Meichi Vehicle and Bridge Co., Ltd                                   163,037.45   163,037.45    100    uncollectable       163,037.45        163,037.45
Siping Blower Co., Ltd                                                      160,053.21   160,053.21    100    uncollectable       160,053.21        160,053.21
Anyang Coal Mine Electrical Machinery Factory                               159,537.60   159,537.60    100    uncollectable       159,537.60        159,537.60
Xiangdian Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd                                          158,854.17   158,854.17    100    uncollectable       158,854.17        158,854.17
Shanxi Electric Machinery Factory                                           158,021.97   158,021.97    100    uncollectable       158,021.97        158,021.97
Hubei Quanli Machinery Group Co. Ltd                                        152,489.82   152,489.82    100    uncollectable       152,489.82        152,489.82
Steel Butler (Shanghai) Technology Co.,Ltd                                  151,927.34   151,927.34    100    uncollectable
Shandong Kerui Steel Plate Co.,Ltd.                                         151,411.57   151,411.57    100    uncollectable       156,702.16        156,702.16
Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.                                             150,734.55   150,734.55    100    uncollectable       150,734.55        150,734.55
Wafangdian Hongda Constant Velocity Joint Manufacturing Co., Ltd            148,466.32   148,466.32    100    uncollectable       148,466.32        148,466.32
Bei Shang Guang (Guangzhou) Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd                     135,345.75   135,345.75    100    uncollectable
J.S. Corrugating Machinery Co.,Ltd                                          132,087.65   132,087.65    100    uncollectable
Anhui Anfeng Fan Co., Ltd                                                   131,355.36   131,355.36    100    uncollectable       131,355.36        131,355.36
Shanghai Sule Textile Machinery Co., Ltd                                    126,752.70   126,752.70    100    uncollectable       176,984.10        176,984.10
Zhejiang Zhonghong Motor Co.                                                126,348.05   126,348.05    100    uncollectable       126,348.05        126,348.05
Shenyang Qunding Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd                               126,286.35   126,286.35    100    uncollectable       126,286.35        126,286.35
Tangshan Dunshi Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd                             124,474.60   124,474.60    100    uncollectable       124,474.60        124,474.60
Guangxi Tianyang Huamei Paper Co. Ltd                                       122,629.00   122,629.00    100    uncollectable       122,629.00        122,629.00
NFC Shenyang Metallurgical Machinery Co.,Ltd.                               121,909.54   121,909.54    100    uncollectable       121,909.54        121,909.54
Harbin First Machinery Manufacturing Group Co., Ltd                         121,033.33   121,033.33    100    uncollectable       121,033.33        121,033.33
Anhui Foma Auto Parts Group Co.,Ltd                                         119,386.14   119,386.14    100    uncollectable
ANSHAN ANZHONG MINING MACHINERY CO. LTD                                     116,819.89   116,819.89    100    uncollectable        83,746.30         83,746.30
Nantong Electric Machinery Factory                                          113,634.74   113,634.74    100    uncollectable       113,634.74        113,634.74
Shanghai Yaotai Engineering Technology Co., Ltd                             113,054.61   113,054.61    100    uncollectable       113,054.61        113,054.61
Qinhuangdao Huaye Motor Co., Ltd                                            111,564.44   111,564.44    100    uncollectable       111,564.44        111,564.44
Beijing Research Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry Co., Ltd.   111,484.00   111,484.00    100    uncollectable
Shandong Baoding Coal Coking Co. Ltd                                        110,528.29   110,528.29    100    uncollectable       110,528.29        110,528.29
Dalian Dalma Motor Co., Ltd                                                 109,553.86   109,553.86    100    uncollectable       109,553.86        109,553.86
Wuhan Autopilot Motor Co.,Ltd                                               109,112.60   109,112.60    100    uncollectable

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TISCO Group Dongfang Steel Co.                            108,997.44      108,997.44     100    uncollectable       108,997.44        108,997.44
YINGKOU JIACHEN COKING & CHEMICAL INCORPORATION           108,451.55      108,451.55     100    uncollectable       108,451.55        108,451.55
Lingyuan Iron&Steel Co.,Ltd.                              108,446.16      108,446.16     100    uncollectable       110,000.00        110,000.00
SHOUGANG CHANGZHISTEEL&IRON CO.,LTD                       107,819.72      107,819.72     100    uncollectable
Tianma Automobile Group Co.,Ltd.                          107,121.10      107,121.10     100    uncollectable       107,121.10        107,121.10
Shenyang Sanming Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd        105,807.39      105,807.39     100    uncollectable       105,807.39        105,807.39
Tongchuan Explosion-Proof Electric Machine Factory        105,476.07      105,476.07     100    uncollectable       105,476.07        105,476.07
Weichai Medium-Sized Diesel Engine (Weifang) Co., Ltd     104,548.21      104,548.21     100    uncollectable       104,548.21        104,548.21
Jiangsu Aerospace Power Co., Ltd                          104,257.06      104,257.06     100    uncollectable        82,187.55         82,187.55
DBI USA, Inc.                                             102,568.64      102,568.64     100    uncollectable       102,568.64        102,568.64
Datong Risheng Jingrui Bearing Co.,Ltd                    100,520.79      100,520.79     100    uncollectable
Yangmei Xinzhou General Machinery Co., Ltd                100,447.88      100,447.88     100    uncollectable       100,447.88        100,447.88
Others                                                   8,453,966.80    8,453,966.80    100    uncollectable    30,021,623.98    30,021,623.98
Total                                                   72,346,024.97   72,346,024.97                            77,765,538.08    77,765,538.08

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        Notes receivable with bad debt provision based on the characters of credit risk portfolio:

        Combined accrual items:
                                                                  Closing Balance
                                   Accounts receivable           Provision for bad debts           Proportion (%)

Within 1 year                                  784,002,240.34                  39,234,462.24                        5.00

1-2 years                                       69,545,383.46                   6,954,538.35                    10.00

2-3 years                                       23,076,562.45                   4,615,312.49                    20.00

3-4years                                         9,116,525.49                   4,558,262.75                    50.00

4-5years                                         1,334,211.66                   1,067,369.33                    80.00

Over 5 years                                     2,243,064.15                   2,243,064.15                   100.00

Related Party Portfolio                        255,793,030.43

Total                                        1,145,111,017.98                  58,673,009.30

        3. Provision for bad debts charged off, reversed or recovered during the period:
                                                        Change during the year
    Category         Opening balance                        Collect/carry                            Closing Balance
                                                Accrued                        Written-off
  Provision for
                          135,308,007.64       7,732,014.97     1,249,854.25      10,771,134.09        131,019,034.27
    bad debt
     Total                135,308,007.64       7,732,014.97     1,249,854.25      10,771,134.09        131,019,034.27

        4. Accounts receivable written off in current period:
                Item                                                     Written-off Amount
Accounts receivable written off                                                                         10,771,134.09

            Significant amount written off:
                                             Nature of                                         Procedure to   Related
             Company name                                       Amount          Reason
                                             receivable                                        be performed    party
Wafangdian Bearing Group Special                                               Unable to   Internal
                                           Trade payment      5,092,669.00                                          N
Steel Co.,Ltd                                                                  recover     approval
Shandong Hengji New Material                                                   Unable to   Internal
                                           Trade payment      2,284,666.96                                          N
Co.,Ltd                                                                        recover     approval
Henan      Taihang          Vibration                                          Unable to   Internal
                                           Trade payment        989,207.41                                          N
Machinery Co.,Ltd                                                              recover     approval
                                                                               Unable to   Internal
Shaanxi Hande Axle Co.,Ltd                 Trade payment        309,157.59                                          N
                                                                               recover     approval
Shandong Guanpeng Sheet Metal                                                  Unable to   Internal
                                           Trade payment        273,748.84                                          N
Co.,Ltd                                                                        recover     approval
                                                                               Unable to   Internal
Shaanxi Hande Axle Co.,Ltd                 Trade payment        261,036.63                                          N
                                                                               recover     approval
Zibo Boshan Qianjin           Reducer                                          Unable to   Internal
                                           Trade payment        244,579.32                                          N
Factory Co.,Ltd                                                                recover     approval
Taizhou Luqiao Meitian Motorcycle                                              Unable to   Internal
                                           Trade payment        200,562.00                                          N
Co.,Ltd                                                                        recover     approval

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Shijiazhuang Electric Machinery                                               Unable to     Internal
                                         Trade payment          172,543.31                                        N
Co.,Ltd                                                                       recover       approval

Shenyang SAIC Jinbei Automobile                                               Unable to     Internal
                                         Trade payment          109,908.15                                        N
Transmission Co.,Ltd                                                          recover       approval

                 Total                                        9,938,079.21

5、The top five significant accounts receivable categorized by debtors:
                                                      Closing Balance                     Proportion       Receivable
                                                                                           of total        bad debts &
         Debtors name                                   Contractu                          closing         contractual
                                      Receivable                           Total           balance            assets
                                                         al assets
                                                                                             (%)           impairment
Wafangdian Bearing Group
                                   255,377,958.78                       255,377,958.78         20.98
Corporation and subsidiaries
China National Railway Group
                                      65,328,867.27                      65,328,867.27             5.37    3,315,586.02
Corporation and subsidiaries
China       Railway    Group
Corporation        (CRGC)and          46,806,964.33                      46,806,964.33             3.84    2,640,533.11
Dalian Heavy Industry Crane
Group      Corporation   and          38,058,776.35                      38,058,776.35             3.13    2,022,930.49
China Shipbuilding Industry
                                      23,949,683.21                      23,949,683.21             1.97    1,276,968.12
Materials Southwest Co.,Ltd
            Total                  429,522,249.94                       429,522,249.94         35.29       9,256,017.74

   v.            Financing receivable

           1.Receivables financing
                Items                       Closing Balance                              Opening Balance
 Bank acceptance                                             55,546,474.87                                30,996,930.63
           Total                                             55,546,474.87                                30,996,930.63

           2.Changes in receivables financing during the period and changes in fair value

                                                                                                      provision for
                                                             Derecognition                                losses
                          Opening         New in this                                Closing
        Items                                                 during the                              recognized in
                          Balance           period                                   Balance
                                                                period                                     other
 Bank acceptance         30,996,930.63     45,546,474.87        30,996,930.63      45,546,474.87
      Total              30,996,930.63     45,546,474.87        30,996,930.63      45,546,474.87

           3.Pledged receivable financing up to the end of year
                              Items                                                       Amount
Bank acceptance                                                                                           10,000,000.00
                              Total                                                                       10,000,000.00

           4.Receivable financing endorsed or discounted but not mature at the end of year
                                         Amount derecognized at end                Amounts not derecognized at
                                                 of period                            the end of the period

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                                          Amount derecognized at end            Amounts not derecognized at
                                                  of period                        the end of the period
Bank acceptance                                             356,497,666.90
             Total                                          356,497,666.90

  vi.             Prepayment

             1.Aging of advances to suppliers
                                          Closing Balance                            Opening Balance
                                    Amount          Percentage (%)           Amount              Percentage (%)
 Within 1 year                      14,347,294.97                84.70          52,055,924.36                98.40

  1 to 2 years                       2,423,315.53                14.30              543,392.56                1.03

 2 to 3 years                         169,282.17                  1.00              301,749.09                0.57

 More than 3 years

            Total                   16,939,892.67               100.00          52,901,066.01               100.00

             2.The top five significant advances to suppliers categorized by debtors

                    Company name                          Closing Balance           Proportion of receivable (%)

Daye Special Steel co.,Ltd                                           7,130,802.81                            42.09
Fushun Special Steel Co., Ltd                                        3,039,178.58                            17.94
Wafangdian Bearing Power Co., Ltd                                    1,367,700.54                             8.07
Ben Steel Plate Co., Ltd                                             1,058,384.41                             6.25

Northeast Special Steel Group Co., Ltd                               1,010,862.63                             5.97

                            Total                                  13,606,928.97                             80.32

 vii.             Other receivables
              Items                           Closing Balance                         Opening Balance

 Interest receivable                                                     -                                        -
 Dividend receivable                                                     -                                        -
 Other receivable                                           9,403,175.09                             10,555,282.33

                 Total                                      9,403,175.09                             10,555,282.33

             1.Other receivables

                  (1) Disclosure by aging:
                    Aging                            Closing Balance                    Opening Balance

 Within 1 year (including 1year)                                 5,467,667.70                         8,149,792.09

1-2 years                                                        3,088,808.31                         3,131,360.53

2-3 years                                                        2,110,239.68                           520,211.96

3-4years                                                          302,195.88                            254,121.72

4-5years                                                            89,830.61                           119,264.25

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Over 5 years                                                 6,046,915.80                            5,508,712.55

Total                                                       17,105,657.98                           17,683,463.10

                                                             7,702,482.89                            7,128,180.77
 Less:Provision for bad debt
                                                             9,403,175.09                           10,555,282.33

               (2) Categories of other receivable
                                                                          Closing Balance
                                   Booking balance                       Provision                  Booking
                                   Amount            %            Amount                %
 Provision for bad debts is         5,558,491.59       32.50      5,558,491.59            100.00
 made on an individual basis

 Provision for bad debts by
                                   11,547,166.39       67.50      2,143,991.30              18.57    9,403,175.09


 Account        receivable          9,385,366.49       54.87      2,143,991.30              18.62    7,241,375.19
 aging portfolio

 Risk-free portfolio                  912,254.08         5.33                                         912,254.08

 Related party portfolio            1,249,545.82         7.30                                        1,249,545.82

               Total               17,105,657.98     100.00       7,702,482.89                       9,403,175.09

                                                  Opening Balance
                                   Booking balance            Provision                             Booking
 Items                                                                                              balance
                                  Amount             %            Amount                %

 Provision for bad debts is         4,667,065.27       26.39      4,667,065.27            100.00
 made on an individual basis                                                                                      -

 Provision for bad debts by        13,016,397.83       73.61      2,461,115.50              18.91   10,555,282.33


 Account        receivable         11,512,069.85       65.10      2,461,115.50 11,512,069.85               65.10
 aging portfolio

 Risk-free portfolio                1,450,322.45         8.20
                                                                                -               -
 Related party portfolio               54,005.53         0.31
                                                                                -               -
               Total               17,683,463.10     100.00       7,128,180.77                      10,555,282.33

        Provision for bad debts is made on an individual basis:
                                   Closing Balance                                       Opening Balance
   Items           Booking                     Accrual          Reason for           Booking
                                 Bad debts                                                          bad debts
                   balance                      rate(%)          accrual             balance
with              5,558,491.59   5,558,491.59      100.00       uncollectable       4,667,065.27    4,667,065.27
bad debt

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                                       Closing Balance                                    Opening Balance
   Items              Booking                      Accrual        Reason for          Booking
                                     Bad debts                                                       bad debts
                      balance                       rate(%)        accrual            balance
  Total             5,558,491.59    5,558,491.59                                   4,667,065.27     4,667,065.27

     Provision for bad debts by portfolio:

     Combined accrual items:
                                                               Closing Balance
                                Other receivables                 Bad debts                Accrual rate(%)
 Within      1     year                  3,885,989.47                    194,299.47                         5.00
 (including 1year)
1-2 years                                3,023,808.31                    302,380.83                        10.00

2-3 years                                  841,853.86                    168,370.77                        20.00

3-4years                                   281,014.09                    140,507.05                        50.00

4-5years                                    71,337.90                     57,070.32                        80.00

Over 5 years                             1,281,362.86                  1,281,362.86                       100.00

Risk-free portfolio                        912,254.08

Provision for bad debts
is made on an                            1,249,545.82
individual basis
            Total                       11,547,166.39                  2,143,991.30

          (3) Categories of other receivable:
                                          1 st stage              2 nd stage           3 rd stage
                                         Expected                 Expected            Expected
                                         credit loss             credit loss          credit loss
 Provision for bad debt                                                                                   Total
                                           within                within life          within life
                                         following                  time                 time
                                         12 months              (unimpaired)          (impaired)
 Balance on January 1, 2022                   7,128,180.77                     -                    -     7,128,180.77

 On January 1, 2022
 Other receivable carrying
 amount on the book

 --transfer to 2nd stage

 -- transfer to 3rd stage

 --reverse to 2nd stage

 --reverse to 1st stage
 Accrued                                        580,505.75                                                 580,505.75



 Written off                                        6,203.63                                                 -6,203.63


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 Closing Balance                                 7,702,482.89                                               7,702,482.89

          (4) Provision for bad debts charged off, reversed or recovered during the period
                                                 Change during the year
                             Opening                                                    Closing
         Category                                      Collected/
                            balance       Accrued                     Written-off     Balance
    Bad debts                   7,128,180.77       580,505.75                             6,203.63     7,702,482.89
         Total                  7,128,180.77       580,505.75                             6,203.63     7,702,482.89

          (5) Other receivable written off in current period
                       Items                                                        written off

Other receivable written off in current period                                                             6,203.63

          (6) The categories of other receivable by nature
 Nature                                            Closing Balance                      Opening Balance
 Security deposit                                                 7,020,101.19                         7,570,216.18

 Personal petty cash                                              1,329,521.48                         1,464,007.16

 Others                                                           8,756,035.31                         8,649,239.76

                    Total                                        17,105,657.98                        17,683,463.10

          (7) Other receivables from the top 5 debtors
                                                     closing                          Rate of other
         Company name               Category                           Againg                           Bad debts
                                                     balance                           receivables
Anhui Conch Cement Co              Guarantee       1,300,000.00    within 2 year               7.6      130,000.00
Materials Procurement Office
                                   Guarantee       1,118,900.00    within 2 year              6.54       63,395.00
of Daqin Railway Co.
China Railway Logistics Co.        Guarantee         800,000.00    within 2 year              4.68       80,000.00
Wafangdian Bearing Precision       Quality
                                                     794,027.00    within 1 year              4.64
Forging Co.                        claims
China Coal Pingshuo Group
                                   Guarantee         557,000.00    within 1 year              3.26       27,850.00
            Total                                  4,569,927.00                              26.72      301,245.00

 viii.            Inventories

     1、Categories of inventories

                                                                Closing Balance
                                                    Provision for decline in value of
          Items                                         inventories / provision for                   Net book
                             Book value
                                                  impairment of contract performance                    value

 Raw materials                  90,477,315.78                                      11,998,678.48      78,478,637.30

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                                                             Closing Balance
                                                   Provision for decline in value of
       Items                                            inventories / provision for                Net book
                             Book value
                                                 impairment of contract performance                   value

                                    536,891.65                                                         536,891.65

 Finished goods                     972,398.14                                                         972,398.14

 Goods on transit            496,719,489.87                                     77,903,530.66     418,815,959.21

 Semi-finished goods            3,041,708.28                                                          3,041,708.28

        Total                159,190,692.02                                      9,542,197.61     149,648,494.41


                                                             Closing Balance
                                                   Provision for decline in value of
       Items                                            inventories / provision for                Net book
                             Book value
                                                 impairment of contract performance                   value

 Raw materials                65,513,831.20                                    14,443,357.39        51,070,473.81

                                    507,593.55                                                         507,593.55

 Finished goods

 Goods on transit            554,976,127.46                                   121,372,831.96      433,603,295.50

 Semi-finished goods                476,795.20                                                         476,795.20

        Total                189,136,443.02                                    28,175,457.17      160,960,985.85

     2 、 Provision for decline in value of inventories and provision for impairment of contract
     performance costs

                                             Increase                          Decrease
                    Opening                                                                Others       Closing
  Items                                                           Reverse/Written
                    Balance              Accrual         Other                            transferr
                                                                       -off                                Balance
                    14,443,357.39         639,258.73                       3,083,937.64                  11,998,678.48
                  121,372,831.96       14,416,285.49                    57,885,586.79                    77,903,530.66
finished            28,175,457.17        1,062,726.27                   19,695,985.83                     9,542,197.61
   Total          163,991,646.52       16,118,270.49                    80,665,510.26                    99,444,406.75

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  ix.          Contract assets

          1.Contract assets detail
                              Closing Balance                                          Opening balance
     Items                         Provision  Net book                      Book          Provision    Net book
                 Book value
                                  for decline  value                        value        for decline    value
contract to be
                      5,858,045.86     292,902.29      5,565,143.57       633,027.20       31,651.36     601,375.84
     Total            5,858,045.86     292,902.29      5,565,143.57       633,027.20       31,651.36     601,375.84

           2.Disclosure of contract assets categorized by impairment methodology
                                                                      Closing Balance
                 Items                        Booking balance                 bad debts
                                             Amount          Rate (%)      Amount          Rate     Booking value
Notes receivable with bad debt
provision based on the characters of         5,858,045.86        100        292,902.29          5       5,565,143.57
credit risk portfolio
Contract performance payments                5,858,045.86        100        292,902.29          5       5,565,143.57
                Total                        5,858,045.86        100        292,902.29                  5,565,143.57

                                                                    Opening Balance
                 Items                         Booking balance                      bad debts            Booking
                                              Amount          Rate (%)       Amount         Rate(%)       value
Notes receivable with bad debt
provision based on the characters of            633,027.20          100       31,651.36             5    601,375.84
credit risk portfolio
Contract performance payments                   633,027.20          100       31,651.36             5    601,375.84
                Total                           633,027.20          100       31,651.36                  601,375.84

Contract assets with bad debt provision based on the characters of credit risk portfolio:
                                                                  Closing balance
                                         Contract assets             Provision for decline               Rate (%)
Contract performance payments                        5,858,045.86                         292,902.29
             Total                                   5,858,045.86                         292,902.29

           3.Provision for decline of contract assets of current period
                              Opening                                                                   Closing
         Items                                   Accrual         Reverse            Written-off
                              balance                                                                   Balance
contract to be performed         31,651.36       292,902.29         31,651.36                            292,902.29
         Total                   31,651.36       292,902.29         31,651.36                            292,902.29

   x.          Other current assets

 Items                                               Closing Balance                        Opening Balance
 VAT to be verified                                                   29,702,672.39                         12,418,324.43

 VAT to be deducted                                                   14,421,412.35                          3,257,445.02

 Advance income tax                                                     3,436,832.45                             5,830.38
                 Total                                                47,560,917.19                         15,681,599.83

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     xi.          Other equity instrument investment

                    Investments in other equity instruments
    Items                                                  Closing Balance               Opening Balance
    Shanghai   ME     Mechanical       &    Electrical                   2,000,000.00                2,000,000.00
    Equipment Chain Co., Ltd
    Qian’an Zhayi Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd                            2,486,987.74                2,503,766.95

    Dalian Huilong Industry& Trade Company’s share                      7,423,089.69                7,423,089.69

    Total                                                            11,910,077.43                  11,926,856.64

    xii.          Investment property
                    Investment property measured as cost method
                                                                              Land use
                         Item                             Property
                                                                                 right                  Total
  1.Initial Cost
  (1)Opening Balance                                   84,454,019.02          52,861,118.81     137,315,137.83
  (2) Increase                                         14,268,584.28                             14,268,584.28
     —Transferred from FA                               14,268,584.28                             14,268,584.28
     —Increase in business combinations
  (3)Decrease                                           1,795,076.49                              1,795,076.49
     —Disposal                                             247,757.37                                247,757.37
     —Transfer to others                                 1,547,319.12                              1,547,319.12
  (4)Closing Balance                                   96,927,526.81          52,861,118.81     149,788,645.62
  2.Accumulated Depreciation
  (1)Opening Balance                                   48,860,526.58          21,242,804.56      70,103,331.14
  (2)Opening Balance                                   11,016,031.61           1,321,511.87      12,337,543.48
     —Accrued                                           11,016,031.61           1,321,511.87      12,337,543.48
     —Transfer from others
  (3)Decrease                                           1,266,882.76                              1,266,882.76
     —Disposal                                             244,528.27                                244,528.27
     —Transfer to others                                 1,022,354.49                              1,022,354.49
  (4)Closing Balance                                   58,609,675.43          22,564,316.43      81,173,991.86
  3.Impairment Reserve
  (1)Opening Balance
  (2) Increase
  (4)Closing Balance
  4.Book Value
  (1)Closing book value                                38,317,851.38          30,296,802.38      68,614,653.76
  (2)Opening book value                                35,593,492.44          31,618,314.25      67,211,806.69

   xiii.          Fixed assets

               1.1.Fixed assets and fixed assets liquidation

                  Item                             Closing Balance                       Opening Balance
Fixed assets                                                 448,651,044.66                      391,769,315.64
                 Total                                       448,651,044.66                      391,769,315.64

               2.Fixed assets detail

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                                                     Machinery          Transportation
             Item                  Property                                                   Electronic Device          Other Equipment                  Total
                                                     Equipment           Equipment
   1.Initial Cost
(1)Opening Balance                277,999,210.75   1,005,957,103.34        21,403,612.37         48,062,629.71             220,675,446.76             1,574,098,002.93
(2)Increase                        19,108,634.02      85,101,340.59         1,216,629.08         11,775,080.12              47,994,471.57               165,196,155.38
    —Purchase                          342,693.34       4,353,264.06           395,227.33          2,173,245.78                 482,888.07                 7,747,318.58
    —Transferred from
construction- in-progress            17,218,621.56      43,952,467.31           821,401.75           2,245,170.45              47,511,583.50              111,749,244.57
    — Investment real estate
transfer                              1,547,319.12                                                                                                           1,547,319.12
    — Changes in fixed asset
                                                        36,795,609.22                                7,356,663.89                                          44,152,273.11
(3)Decrease                        10,336,065.63      29,827,913.96         6,339,558.41           3,526,152.29              38,341,734.79               88,371,425.08
    —Disposal                          432,323.64      29,827,913.96           146,426.05           3,526,152.29               1,026,119.77               34,958,935.71
    —Transfer out to investment      9,260,216.26                                                                                                          9,260,216.26
    — Changes in fixed asset
                                        643,525.73                            6,193,132.36                                      6,193,132.36                 6,193,132.36
(4)Closing Balance                286,771,779.14   1,061,230,529.97        16,280,683.04         56,311,557.54             230,328,183.54             1,650,922,733.23
(1)Opening Balance                198,847,353.39     732,582,937.65        16,693,054.45         37,304,780.10             163,740,773.04             1,149,168,898.63
(2)Increase                         8,458,612.64      78,263,695.10           857,314.12          8,374,759.92               8,878,148.28               104,832,530.07
    —Accrued                         7,436,258.15      41,468,085.88           786,210.59          3,027,934.44               8,878,148.28                61,596,637.35
    —Transferred           from      1,022,354.49
construction- in-progress
  — Changes in fixed asset                             36,795,609.22             71,103.53          5,346,825.48                                          42,213,538.23
(3)Decrease                         9,192,169.31      29,630,447.70         4,489,678.42           3,411,098.36              38,304,048.13               85,027,441.92
    —Disposal                          233,280.32      29,630,447.70           142,034.05           3,411,098.36                 988,433.11               34,405,293.54
    —Transfer out to investment
                                      8,408,610.15                                                                                                           8,408,610.15
    — Changes in fixed asset
                                        550,278.84                            4,347,644.37                                     37,315,615.02               42,213,538.23
(4)Closing Balance                198,113,796.72     781,216,185.05        13,060,690.15         42,268,441.66             134,314,873.19             1,168,973,986.77

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 3.Impairment Reserve
(1) Opening Balance      1,063,718.18    31,389,664.20     17,101.18      575,038.53                 114,266.57               33,159,788.66
(2) Increase                51,769.24        12,160.69      7,925.82       54,093.59                  33,626.34                  159,575.68
  —Accrued                   51,769.24        12,160.69      7,925.82       54,093.59                  33,626.34                  159,575.68
(3)Decrease                                  12,313.11                        288.12                   9,061.31                   21,662.54
  —Disposal                                   12,313.11                        288.12                   9,061.31                   21,662.54
(4)Closing Balance       1,115,487.42    31,389,511.78     25,027.00      628,844.00                 138,831.60               33,297,701.80
 4.Book value
(1)Closing book value   87,542,495.00   248,624,833.14   3,194,965.89   13,414,271.88             95,874,478.75              448,651,044.66
( 2 ) Opening book
                          78,088,139.18   241,984,501.49   4,693,456.74   10,182,811.08             56,820,407.15              391,769,315.64

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                    3.Temporary idle fixed assets
        Items                                      Initial Cost        Accumulated                 Provision       Book Value
        Property                                 34,491,553.06           30,671,406.90                             3,820,146.16
        Machinery euipment                       84,394,401.55            57,213,587.40          23,119,767.18     4,061,046.97
        Transportation equipment                     784,016.69                741,428.79           17,101.18         25,486.72
        Electronic device                            805,541.56                697,921.99           84,825.01         22,794.56
        Others equipment                          2,186,842.90             1,728,085.80             234,820.61       223,936.49
                    Total                       122,662,355.76            91,052,430.88          23,456,513.98     8,153,410.90

                    4.Fixed assets lease out under operating lease

                                         Machinery         Transportation         Electronic         Other
      Item              Property                                                                                     Total
                                                                                   Device          Equipment
                                         Equipment          Equipment
  1.Initial Cost
( 1 ) Opening
                       105,564,237.77    227,002,531.20      1,499,980.60         5,942,876.86     2,033,551.36   342,043,177.79
construction- in-
   —Disposal            8,636,710.95     75,698,769.76           235,415.19       426,080.81       818,897.91     85,815,874.62
( 4 ) Closing
                        96,927,526.82    151,303,761.44      1,264,565.41         5,516,796.05     1,214,653.45   256,227,303.17

( 1 ) Opening
                        63,989,258.85    147,359,119.50      1,298,139.37         4,598,660.07     1,135,688.48   218,380,866.27
(2)Increase                                                                      298,299.83                         298,299.83
   —Accrued                                                                       298,299.83                         298,299.83
(3)Decrease            5,379,583.42     43,840,280.75            71,510.95                        461,052.17     49,752,427.29
                         5,379,583.42     43,840,280.75            71,510.95                        461,052.17     49,752,427.29
( 4 ) Closing
                        58,609,675.43    103,518,838.75      1,226,628.42         4,896,959.90      674,636.31    168,926,738.81

 3 . Impair
( 1 ) Opening
                            818,737.82    24,687,643.98            17,101.18       202,623.20          5,072.99    25,731,179.17
(2) Increase
(3)Decrease               818,737.82    19,079,284.32            17,101.18         81,608.38         5,072.99    20,001,804.69
   —For personal
                            818,737.82    19,079,284.32            17,101.18         81,608.38         5,072.99    20,001,804.69
( 4 ) Closing
                                           5,608,359.66                            121,014.82                       5,729,374.48

 4.Book value
( 1 ) Closing         38,317,851.39     42,176,563.03            37,936.99       498,821.33       540,017.14     81,571,189.88
book value
(     2     )         40,756,241.10     54,955,767.72           184,740.05      1,141,593.59      892,789.89     97,931,132.35
Opening book

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                   5.Fixed assets as pending certificate of ownership
        Items                                                                      Book value                  Reason
        Dalian Wazhou Precision Electric Motor Car Bearing factory                  24,886,879.85               In process
        WaZhou Liaoyang Bearing Co. New Precision Plant                              7,544,705.80              In process
        Seven finished products car loading plant                                    1,993,611.71              In process

        xiv.          Construction-in-progress

                   1.Construction in progress and construction materials
                                        Closing Balance                                      Opening Balance
         Items          Booking           provision for   Net book            Booking          provision for       Net book
                        balance            impairment      value              balance           impairment          value
                        44,446,291.93      7,091,322.25   37,354,969.68      88,985,374.41      7,094,234.87      81,891,139.54
    in progress
         Total          44,446,291.93      7,091,322.25   37,354,969.68      88,985,374.41      7,094,234.87      81,891,139.54

                   2.Construction in progress details
                                                                                          Closing Balance
                                                                   Book Balance               Provision         Book Value
    Dalian precision automatic assembly line
    Precision Bearing Factory Remodeling                                   1,763,716.80                             1,763,716.80
    1250 salt bath martensitic heat treatment production
    line pressure bed investment transformation
    Angular contact ball bearing production line
    Bearing Parts Manufacturing Branch Plant Remodeling
    Newly built factory building project
    Seven finished products remodeling                                     3,555,799.28        3,453,144.41          102,654.87
    Tirenhaus Super Precision Machine
    Second finished product remodeling
    Plant remodeling project
    Liaoyang Remodeling Project
    Spherical roller bearing assembly line                                 1,198,862.55        1,110,842.55            88,020.00
    Grinding and machining production line repair and
                                                                            741,000.00          741,000.00
    Double push plate type railroad bearing carburizing
    production line
    Railroad renovation                                                     665,647.85           24,854.40           640,793.45
    Super Finishing Machine Installation Project                            456,878.68          456,878.68
    Overhaul Sub-plant Rehabilitation
    Passage II construction project                                         256,249.27          222,849.70             33,399.57
    Crane project
    Precision Rolling Body Remodeling                                         13,091.45                                13,091.45
    Grinding production line                                                  38,957.26                                38,957.26
    Computer project                                                          25,623.93                                25,623.93
    Dalian Industrial Park Project                                             5,590.45                                 5,590.45
    Equipment to be installed                                             18,647,555.39        1,081,752.51        17,565,802.88
    Workshop Plant Remodeling Project                                      8,310,795.48                             8,310,795.48
    Overhaul of very large equipment                                       5,594,399.60                             5,594,399.60
    Railroad Bearing Overhaul Branch Railway Bearing
                                                                           1,035,398.25                             1,035,398.25
    Automatic Assembly Line and Supporting Project
    Medium and Large Branch Component CNC
                                                                           2,136,725.69                             2,136,725.69
    Production Line Renewal Project
                               Total                                      44,446,291.93        7,091,322.25        37,354,969.68

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                                                                                   Opening Balance
                                                               Book Balance            Provision             Book Value
Dalian precision automatic assembly line                            12,179,730.00                                12,179,730.00
Precision Bearing Factory Remodeling                                 9,962,216.12                                 9,962,216.12
1250 salt bath martensitic heat treatment production
                                                                        9,601,769.92                              9,601,769.92
line pressure bed investment transformation
Angular contact ball bearing production line                            8,849,557.51                              8,849,557.51
Bearing Parts Manufacturing Branch Plant Remodeling                     7,835,712.44                              7,835,712.44
Newly built factory building project                                    6,717,773.55                              6,717,773.55
Seven finished products remodeling                                      4,190,539.28        3,735,902.11            454,637.17
Tirenhaus Super Precision Machine                                       2,123,893.74                              2,123,893.74
Second finished product remodeling                                      1,847,681.42                              1,847,681.42
Plant remodeling project                                                1,470,077.93                              1,470,077.93
Liaoyang Remodeling Project                                             1,426,189.39                              1,426,189.39
Spherical roller bearing assembly line                                  1,321,112.55        1,110,842.55            210,270.00
Grinding and machining production line repair and
                                                                         741,000.00           741,000.00
Double push plate type railroad bearing carburizing
                                                                         712,389.38                                712,389.38
production line
Railroad renovation                                                       625,647.85           24,854.40            600,793.45
Super Finishing Machine Installation Project                              456,878.68                                456,878.68
Overhaul Sub-plant Rehabilitation                                         348,672.56                                348,672.56
Passage II construction project                                           259,161.89          225,762.32             33,399.57
Crane project                                                             255,382.52                                255,382.52
Precision Rolling Body Remodeling                                         166,937.61                                166,937.61
Grinding production line                                                   38,957.26                                 38,957.26
Computer project                                                           25,623.93                                 25,623.93
Dalian Industrial Park Project                                              5,590.45                                  5,590.45
Equipment to be installed                                               9,000,426.10        1,255,873.49          7,744,552.61
Workshop Plant Remodeling Project                                       8,024,222.21                              8,024,222.21
Overhaul of very large equipment
Railroad Bearing Overhaul Branch Railway Bearing
                                                                         798,230.12                                798,230.12
Automatic Assembly Line and Supporting Project
Medium and Large Branch Component CNC
                                                                    12,179,730.00                                12,179,730.00
Production Line Renewal Project
                                                                    88,985,374.41           7,094,234.87         81,891,139.54

3、Significant construction in progress
                                         Opening                              Transfer to           Other            Closing
       Items            Budget                           Increase
                                          Balance                            fixed assets         decrease           Balance
New Plant Project        7,358,120.12    6,717,773.55    1,638,831.62          8,356,605.17
Dalian Precision
Automatic               14,539,900.00   12,179,730.00       70,796.46         12,250,526.46
Assembly Line
Angular contact ball
bearing production      10,000,000.00    8,849,557.51    1,972,769.50         10,822,327.01
1250 heat treatment
salt bath martensitic
production line         15,500,000.00    9,601,769.92                          9,601,769.92
Precision Bearing
                                         9,962,216.12    4,175,817.99          9,468,368.45       2,905,948.86      1,763,716.80
Factory Remodeling
Equipment to be
                                         9,000,426.10   35,597,704.77         23,953,449.43       1,997,126.05     18,647,555.39
Workshop plant
                                         8,024,222.21   17,058,093.76          9,260,762.34       7,510,758.15      8,310,795.48
remodeling project
Extra large
                                                         5,594,399.60                                               5,594,399.60
equipment overhaul
        Total                           64,335,695.41   66,108,413.70       83,713,808.78       12,413,833.06      34,316,467.27

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4、Provision for impairment of construction in progress during the period
                                 Opening                Change during the year                     Closing
           Items                                                                                                     Reason
                                 Balance           Accrued     transfer out    Others              Balance
Provision for impairment of
                                7,094,234.87                          2,912.62                   7,091,322.25
construction in progress
            Total               7,094,234.87                          2,912.62                   7,091,322.25

  xv.             Intangible assets
                  Items                    Land use right               ERP software                         Total
1.Initial cost

(1)Opening balance                                123,328,608.93               11,842,255.70                135,170,864.63

(2)Increase                                         1,246,641.42                  34,905.66                   1,281,547.08

   — Purchase                                        1,246,641.42                  34,905.66                   1,281,547.08
(3) Decrease
(4) Closing balance                               124,575,250.35               11,877,161.36                136,452,411.71

(1)Opening balance                                 50,856,731.62                6,875,514.30                 57,732,245.92

(2)Increase                                         3,129,037.86                1,271,251.47                  4,400,289.33

   —Accrual                                          3,129,037.86                1,271,251.47                  4,400,289.33
(4)Closing balance                                 53,985,769.48                8,146,765.77                 62,132,535.25

3.Provision for impairment
(1)Opening balance

(4)Closing balance
4.Book value

(1) Closing Book value                             70,589,480.87                3,730,395.59                 74,319,876.46

(2)Opening Book value                              72,471,877.31                4,966,741.40                 77,438,618.71

 xvi.             Long-term unamortized expense

                                 Opening                                                         Other        Closing
  Items                                             Increase         Amortization
                                  Balance                                                  Decrease           Balance

Building          improvement         114,379.51                            67,830.36                            46,549.15

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Fixed     asset   improvement
                                                3,570,339.37          268,284.96                   3,302,054.41
Building           maintenance
                                                1,542,762.04           48,384.28                   1,494,377.76

              Total                 114,379.51 5,113,101.41           384,499.60                   4,842,981.32

xvii.             Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

        1、Deferred tax assets before offsetting

                                             Closing Balance                         Opening Balance
              Items                                                                                Deferred
                                   Taxable temporary   Deferred income    Taxable temporary
                                                                                                  income tax
                                      differences       tax liabilities      differences
Asset evaluation increment in
business combination without            3,837,980.74        575,697.11          4,179,393.43          626,909.02
the same control
              Total                     3,837,980.74        575,697.11          4,179,393.43          626,909.02

        2、Unrecognized deferred tax assets details

 Items                                            Closing Balance                   Opening Balance
                                                               430,976,118.37                   406,214,774.41
 Deductible temporary difference
                                                               805,391,478.16                   838,843,796.79
 Deductible loss
                                                            1,236,367,596.53                   1,245,058,571.20

        3、Unrecognized deductible loss of deferred tax assets expired next period

 Year                                Closing Balance           Opening Balance                 Memo
2023                                                                   96,027,224.19             —
2024                                        14,645,709.83              14,645,709.83             —
2025                                        82,495,762.79              82,495,762.79             —
2026                                        14,116,432.63              14,116,432.63             —
2027                                        75,136,503.79              75,136,503.79             —
2028                                       103,469,846.02             103,469,846.02             —
2029                                        82,648,926.07              82,648,926.07
2030                                       150,374,473.29             150,374,473.29
2031                                       127,716,833.64             127,716,833.64
2032                                        92,212,084.54              92,212,084.54
2033                                        62,574,905.56

 Total                                     805,391,478.16             838,843,796.79

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xviii.           Assets with restricted ownership or use
                                                   Closing Balance                                                            Opening Balance
         Items                                                                                           Book                           Restricted
                         Book Balance       Book Value        Restricted assets      Restrictions                         Book Value                             Restrictions
                                                                                                        Balance                           assets
                                                              Other     monetary   Bank acceptance                                          Other monetary     Bank acceptance
Monetary funds              42,939,828.07     42,939,828.07                                             75,389,415.51      75,389,415.51
                                                              funds                deposit                                                  funds              deposit
                                                              Other     monetary   Letter of Credit                                         Other monetary     Letter of Credit
Monetary funds              56,400,000.00     56,400,000.00                                             28,000,000.00      28,000,000.00
                                                              funds                Deposit                                                  funds              Deposit
                                                              Other     monetary   Letter         of
Monetary funds                 809,839.35        809,839.35
                                                              funds                Guarantee Deposit
                                                              Finance company                                                               Trade
Note receivable              2,982,604.41      2,982,604.41                        Pledge of notes      20,228,644.00      20,228,644.00                       Pledge of notes
                                                              acceptance                                                                    acceptance
Note receivable             14,770,614.03     14,770,614.03   Trade acceptance     Pledge of notes

Financing receivable        10,000,000.00     10,000,000.00   Bank acceptance      Pledge of notes
         Total             127,902,885.86    127,902,885.86                                            123,618,059.51     123,618,059.51

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 xix.               Short-term loan

              1.     Short-term borrowing situation:

                   Classification                        Closing balance                    Opening banalce
Credit loan                                                       598,000,000.00                     699,000,000.00

                       Total                                      598,000,000.00                     699,000,000.00

     xx.            Note payable

                         Classification                            Closing balance                Opening balance
Bank acceptance notes                                                      178,010,089.72            322,446,562.00

Bank letter of credit                                                      282,218,015.20            140,000,000.00

Trade acceptancenotes                                                         612,113.60

                               Total                                       460,840,218.52            462,446,562.00

 xxi.               Accounts payable

       1. Accounts payable

                               Items                               Closing balance                Opening balance
Goods payments                                                          1,203,819,196.29            1,266,080,898.13

Project payments                                                            61,341,461.77             30,528,086.00

Others                                                                       4,039,611.42              4,366,050.59

                               Total                                    1,269,200,269.48            1,300,975,034.72

xxii.               Contract liability

       1. Details

                               Items                               Closing balance            Opening balance
Contract obligation to be fulfilled                                         30,546,735.85             30,449,983.07

                               Total                                        30,546,735.85             30,449,983.07

xxiii.              Employee’s payable

       1. Category of employee’s payables

              Items                                        Increase            Decrease           Closing balance
1.     Short-term       employee’s
                                         40,889,276.33    346,106,630.93       344,617,432.03         42,378,475.23

2.Post-employment           benefit
                                          5,431,700.50     37,572,539.05        38,288,461.88          4,715,777.67
–defined contribution plan

3. Redundancy pay                          476,327.00         707,248.00           1,147,689.00           35,886.00

               Total                     46,797,303.83    384,386,417.98       384,053,582.91         47,130,138.90

       2. Short-term employee’s payables

                                                         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

               Items                                       Increase            Decrease         Closing balance
1.Salaries,bonus, allowance, and
                                         35,350,531.29    267,844,487.05      265,639,542.49        37,555,475.85

2. Welfare                                1,698,260.88     22,503,415.26       22,512,308.03         1,689,368.11

3. Social insurance                            510.00      24,070,104.29       24,049,139.71            21,474.58

Include: Medical insurance                     510.00      18,951,225.91       18,930,881.41            20,854.50

On-duty injury insurance                                    2,941,476.95        2,940,856.87                620.08

Maternity insurance                                         2,177,401.43        2,177,401.43

4. Housing funds                          2,723,387.67     28,733,167.44       28,808,651.12         2,647,903.99

5. Labour union and training
                                          1,116,586.49      2,955,456.89        3,607,790.68           464,252.70

               Total                     40,889,276.33    346,106,630.93      344,617,432.03        42,378,475.23

      3. Defined contribution plan

                                    Opening                                                         Closing
               Items                                      Increase             Decrease
                                        balance                                                     balance
1. Pension                              5,361,841.68       36,437,339.06        37,154,322.19        4,644,858.55

2. Unemployment insurance                  69,858.82        1,135,199.99         1,134,139.69           70,919.12

               Total                    5,431,700.50       37,572,539.05        38,288,461.88        4,715,777.67

xxiv.             Tax payables

                       Item                              Closing balance                 Opening balance
Value-added tax                                                    17,442,505.31                    22,583,213.56

Vehicle and vessel tax                                                      523.35                          277.11

Individual income tax                                                 179,264.27                       151,164.11

City maintenance and construction tax                                 380,958.28                       905,007.18

Real estate tax                                                       729,276.40                       761,554.52

Land Value Added Tax                                                   79,628.63

Education surcharge                                                   144,555.47                       611,185.48

Land use tax                                                          533,535.19                       608,428.81

local education surcharge                                             125,323.46                        23,861.56

Stamp duty                                                            712,277.64                       822,501.62

                       Total                                       20,327,848.00                    26,467,193.95

xxv.              Other payables

                        Items                             Closing balance                 Opening balance

Other payables                                                    185,396,158.28                   180,459,153.26

                        Total                                     185,396,158.28                   180,459,153.26

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      1. Other accounts payable

      (1)Other payables categorized by payments nature

            Payments nature                      Closing balance                      Opening balance
 Bid security deposits                                        2,180,298.75                           744,408.75

 Trademark fees and lease premium to
                                                             35,122,060.78                        29,201,965.04

 Authorization deposit of seller                             95,780,977.48                        85,246,975.76

 Others                                                      52,312,821.27                        65,265,803.71

                     Total                                  185,396,158.28                       180,459,153.26

 xxvi.          Other current liabilities

                         Items                        Closing balance                   Opening balance
 Output VAT to be transferred                                      4,574,730.79                    4,294,078.63

                          Total                                    4,574,730.79                    4,294,078.63

xxvii.          Long-term Borrowings

                         Items                        Closing balance                   Opening balance
 Credit borrowing                                                 99,450,000.00

                          Total                                   99,450,000.00

xxviii.         Long-term payables

                         Type                         Closing balance                   Opening balance
 Long-term payables                                                  100,000.00                      100,000.00

 Special payables                                                    244,974.84                      244,974.84

                          Total                                      344,974.84                      344,974.84

      1. Long-term payables

                    Payments nature                       Closing balance                 Opening balance

 Equipment payments                                                  100,000.00                      100,000.00

                          Total                                      100,000.00                      100,000.00

      2. Special payables
                         Opening                            Closing
      Items                           Increase Decrease                             Formation Basis
                         Balance                            Balance

                                                                            Granted by Wafangdian Bureau of
 Special pollution                                                          Finance and Wafangdian Bureau of
                       169,974.84                          169,974.84
 treatment                                                                  Environment Protection with approval
                                                                            with “WaCaiZhiQi No.[2004]217”

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                                                                                    Dalian    Financial    Bureau    and
                                                                                    Municipal Office of Economic and
Informatization                                                                     Information Technology Committee
                        75,000.00                                    75,000.00
construction                                                                        with approval with “Da CaiZhiQi No.
                                                                                    [2012]917” and “DaJing XinFa No.

        Total          244,974.84                                   244,974.84

xxix.             Projected liability

                             Opening                                                Closing
          Items                                Increase           Decrease                                   Reason
                             balance                                                balance
                                                                                                      Accrual for wind
Accrued warranty              829,233.94       5,821,814.18       5,042,042.88      1,609,005.24       power product
                                                                                                        quality claim

                                                                                                    Customer claimed
Wind power product
                            53,459,700.00      3,505,223.17 13,212,885.40 43,752,037.77               compensation for
quality claim
                                                                                                      quality problem

Railroad          Bearing                                                                             Bearing Overhaul
Overhaul        Business                                                                                Compensates
                                               4,237,159.65                         4,237,159.65
Compensates                                                                                            Customers for
Customers for Losses                                                                                       Losses

          Total             54,288,933.94 13,564,197.00 18,254,928.28 49,598,202.66

xxx.              Deferred income

                        Opening                                              Closing
        Items                            Increase         Decrease                                 Formation Basis
                        balance                                              balance
                        23,668,478.95       205,869.15     4,476,942.29     19,397,405.80
                                                                                            Grant from government

                                                                                            Old factory removal and

                                                                                            new    factory    and    land
Compensation for
                        24,656,000.19                         953,225.60    23,702,774.60
                                                                                            compensation for Liaoyang
land removal
                                                                                            Bearing          Construction

                        48,324,479.14       205,869.15     5,430,167.89     43,100,180.40

xxxi.             Share capital
                                                          Change forcurrent period
Shareholders’          Opening         Issuing                                                                  Closing
                                                   Distributing        capital
name/category           Balance          new                                         Others    Subtotal          Balance
                                                     shares          reservesto

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   Shares under
  restriction for
   legal person         244,000,000.00                                                                 244,000,000.00
   Total shares
                        244,000,000.00                                                                 244,000,000.00
  restriction for
  Shares without
  restriction for
   listed foreign       158,600,000.00                                                                 158,600,000.00
   Total shares
                        158,600,000.00                                                                 158,600,000.00
  restriction for
   Total shares          402,600,000.00                                                         -       402,600,000.00

xxxii.                Capital Reserve
           Items                Opening balance          Increase            Decrease           Closing balance
 Share premium                     201,956,446.52                                                     201,956,446.52
 Other capital reserves            283,734,603.95                                                     283,734,603.95
           Total                   485,691,050.47                                                     485,691,050.47

xxxiii.               Special reserve
           Items                Opening balance          Increase            Decrease           Closing balance
 Safety production fee                    1,933,209.86   14,207,667.88          13,726,000.11           2,414,877.63

              Total                       1,933,209.86   14,207,667.88          13,726,000.11           2,414,877.63

xxxiv.                Surplus reserves

           Items                Opening balance          Increase            Decrease           Closing balance
 Statutory            surplus
                                    116,179,772. 10                                                   116,179,772. 10

 Discretionary        surplus
                                     20,590,618.91                                                     20,590,618.91

           Total                    136,770,391.01                                                    136,770,391.01

xxxv.                 Undistributed profits

                                     Item                                 Current year              Prior year

   Closing balance of prior year                                           -416,794,159.01          -211,056,473.59

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  Add: Adjustments to the opening balance of
          undistributed profits

         Including: additional retrospective adjustments according
         to the new accounting standards                                                   -

         Change on accounting policy                                                       -

         Correction of prior period significant errors                                     -

         Change on combination scope under same control                                    -

         Other factors                                                                     -

  Opening balance of current year                                           -416,794,159.01         -211,056,473.59

  Add: net profit attributable to shareholders of parent
                                                                            -139,897,498.87        -205,737,685.42
  company in the year

  Less: Provision for statutory surplus reserves                                           -

           Provision for any surplus reservesC                                             -

           Provision of general risk                                                       -

           Dividends payable for common shares                                             -

           Share dividends                                                                 -

         Closing balance of current year                                    -556,691,657.88           -416,794,159.01

xxxvi.            Operating revenue and cost

         1. Operating revenue and cost

                                               Current year                                    Prior year
                                  Sales revenue          Cost of sales       Sales revenue           Cost of sales

  Revenue from principle          2,093,582,371.38       1,772,353,109.74     2,105,718,679.43       1,715,532,617.22

  Revenue      from    other           99,691,310.82        48,356,855.55       242,611,882.14        182,374,798.19

              Total               2,193,273,682.20       1,820,709,965.29     2,348,330,561.57       1,897,907,415.41

      2. Revenue from principle operation details

                                             Current year                                Prior year

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               Items               Sales revenue          Cost of sales        Sales revenue         Cost of sales

  Export                               180,093,365.40       162,756,753.10        216,679,504.65       204,095,685.61

  Domestic                          1,839,041,606.47       1,560,781,777.11     1,829,007,604.84      1,450,154,222.68
  Transportation       vehicle         390,584,082.35       342,540,976.43        408,899,268.24       308,496,639.53

  Special use bearings                 797,640,051.38       612,926,045.89        766,000,221.77       587,952,935.71

  General use bearings                 650,817,472.74       605,314,754.79        654,108,114.83       553,704,647.44

  Industrial Operations                 74,447,399.51        48,814,579.53           60,031,569.94      61,282,708.93

               Total                2,093,582,371.38       1,772,353,109.74     2,105,718,679.43      1,715,532,617.22

xxxvii.            Taxes and surcharges
                       Items                                  Current year                       Prior year
  City construction tax                                                 2,971,995.83                      2,295,223.89
  Education surcharge                                                   1,250,772.70                        975,487.12
  Local Education surcharge                                               852,244.05                        650,324.75
  Stamp duty                                                            2,913,780.62                      2,986,079.48
  Property tax                                                          3,186,145.79                      3,234,052.32
  Tax on land use                                                       2,750,658.28                      2,592,538.39
  Others                                                                   13,334.65                          3,828.75
                           Total                                      13,938,931.92                     12,737,534.70

xxxviii.           Selling expenses
                  Items                                 Current period                       Previous period
  Employee benefit                                                  75,860,278.63                       80,232,961.93
  Compensation for quality default                                    6,177,806.01                      15,147,919.63
  Transportation expense                                              3,709,993.80                        3,861,365.52
  Travel expense                                                    19,759,828.73                       19,576,148.62
  Trademark use fee                                                 19,540,783.38                       19,059,025.84
  Business activity                                                 21,253,511.98                       10,559,616.69
  Leasing                                                               665,324.40                        2,534,638.96
  Conference expense                                                  1,786,663.26                          434,107.43
  Others                                                            11,016,727.12                       11,132,179.76
                   Total                                           159,770,917.31                      162,537,964.38

 xxxix.            Administrative expenses
                               Items                                  Current year                   Prior year
  Employee benefit                                                         104,663,763.07               92,568,569.30
  Intangible assets amortization                                              4,436,782.70                5,184,998.40
  Guide and fire fighting expense                                             2,776,700.02                2,064,799.94

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Depreciation expense                                                3,976,081.49                 5,647,387.71
Travel expense                                                      3,737,729.34                 1,694,654.96
Business entertaining expense                                         410,823.18                    86,907.86
Other expense                                                       7,605,198.79                 7,852,328.83
                           Total                                  127,607,078.59              115,099,647.00

   xl.            R&D expenses
                           Items                             Current year                  Prior year
Materials input                                                   112,308,644.43              182,464,582.97
Design, new process development fee                                21,227,451.57               17,068,312.85
Labor cost                                                         16,158,279.14                 7,860,803.17
Depreciation and amortization of long term expense                  2,116,871.69               13,837,137.30
Fuel power                                                          2,845,982.54                 2,795,182.25
         R&D equipment repair and leasing fee                         830,561.34                 1,728,751.60
Processing fee                                                         71,405.34                 4,156,235.94
Testing fee                                                         1,284,691.44                   150,000.00
Others fee                                                            992,493.16                 1,184,324.90
                           Total                                  157,836,380.65              231,245,330.98

  xli.            Financial expenses
                           Items                             Current year                  Prior year
Interest expenses                                                   40,071,255.06              36,216,652.32
Less: Interest income                                                1,532,778.11                1,197,047.65
Exchange losses                                                     -2,879,743.90               -4,577,289.79
Add: Others expenditure                                                481,611.16                  965,156.99
                           Total                                    36,140,344.21              31,407,471.87

 xlii.            Other income
                           Items                             Current year                  Prior year
Government grant                                                   10,623,570.13                 7,068,347.57
Input tax credits                                                  22,781,130.77
Withholding of personal income tax handling fee                         86,065.72
                           Total                                   33,490,766.62                 7,068,347.57

xliii.            Investment income
                            Items                              Current year                Prior year
Dividend income from other equity instrument
investments during the holding period
Debt restructuring                                                  10,935,641.78                6,892,627.00
                            Total                                   12,935,641.78                6,892,627.00

xliv.             Gain on FV movement
              Source of Gain on FV change                      Current year                Prior year
Tradable financial asset                                               -29,276.17                  -78,583.43

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                               Total                                         -29,276.17                -78,583.43

  xlv.            Loss on credit impairment (loss listed as “-”)
                              Items                               Current year                 Prior year
 Bad debt loss of notes receivable                                           121,925.22             -1,301,852.54
 Bad debt loss of receivable                                            -7,732,014.97              13,483,629.05
 Bad debt loss of other receivable                                          -580,505.75              1,967,408 54
                              Total                                     -8,190,595.50              14,149,185.05

 xlvi.            Loss on asset impairment (loss listed as “-”)
                          Items                              Current year                    Prior year
 Inventory impairment loss & Impairment loss on                   -16,118,270.49                   -54,398,890.99
 contract performance costs
 Contract asset impairment loss                                      -292,902.29                       -31,651.36
 Fixed asset impairment loss                                         -159,575.68                   -14,019,262.53
 Construction in progress loss                                                                      -2,312,921.14
                          Total                                   -16,570,748.46                   -70,762,726.02

xlvii.            Gain on assets disposal

                                                                            Amounts recognized into current
                  Item                 Current year        Prior year
                                                                              non-recurring profit or loss
 Gain on non-current assets disposal      1,406,119.64       2,110,473.61                            1,406,119.64

                  Total                   1,406,119.64       2,110,473.61                            1,406,119.64

xlviii.           Non-operating income

      1. Non-operating income list

                                                                            Amounts recognized into current
                  Item                 Current year        Prior year
                                                                              non-recurring profit or loss

 Penalty income                             303,323.42      2,877,785.15                              303,323.42

 Written off unsettled payable              236,575.70      1,023,075.78                              236,575.70

 Gains on destruction and retirement
                                               512.39                                                      512.39
 of non-current assets

 Others                                      62,904.93         27,106.90                                62,904.93

                  Total                     603,316.44      3,927,967.83                              603,316.44

 xlix.            Non-operating expenses

                                                                            Amounts recognized into current
                  Item                 Current year        Prior year          non-recurring profit or loss

 Public beneficial donation

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                                                  291,140.93         279,322.28                              291,140.93
Loss on disposal of non- current
asset scrapped
                                                  129,153.50         123,972.75                              129,153.50
Penalty loss
                                                   24,799.14           8,060.11                               24,799.14
                                                  445,093.57         656,315.14                              445,093.57

    l.             Income tax expense

         1. Income tax expense breakdown

                            Items                                        Current year                 Prior year

Current income tax expenses

Deferred income tax expenses                                                      -51,211.91                 -56,327.43

                            Total                                                 -51,211.91                 -56,327.43

         2.Accounting profit and income tax expense adjustment process
                                          Items                                                     Current year
Total profit
Income tax expense at the statutory [or applicable] tax rate
Effect of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries

Effect of adjustments to income taxes of prior periods
Impact of non-taxable income
Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses

Effect of deductible losses on the use of deferred income tax assets not recognized
in prior periods

Effect of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses on deferred income                       25,569,673.10
tax assets not recognized in the period
Other (additive deductions)
Income tax expense

   li.             Earnings per share

         1.Basic earnings per share

  Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing consolidated net income attributable to
  ordinary shareholders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares of
  the Company in issue:
                       Items                                            Current period             Previous period
  Consolidated net income attributable to
                                                                             -99,478,593.08             -139,897,498.87
  ordinary shareholders of the parent
  Weighted average number of common shares
                                                                            402,600,000.00              402,600,000.00
  of the Company issued and outstanding

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 Basic earnings per share                                                   -0.25                        -0.35
 Include: Basic earnings per share from
                                                                            -0.25                        -0.35
 continuing operations
     Basic earnings per share from discontinued

         2.Diluted earnings per share

  Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the consolidated net income
  attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent (diluted) by the weighted average
  number of ordinary shares of the Company in issue (diluted)
                                                                            Current            Previous
                                                                            period              period
Consolidated net income attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
                                                                          -99,478,593.08     -139,897,498.87
parent (diluted)
Weighted average number of common shares of the Company issued and
                                                                         402,600,000.00       402,600,000.00
outstanding (diluted)
Diluted earnings per share                                                          -0.25               -0.35
Include: Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations                      -0.25               -0.35
    Diluted earnings per share from discontinued operations

  lii.             Notes on Cash Flow

         1. Cash related to operating activities

             (1)       . Other cash received in connection with operating activities
                        Items                         Current period             Previous period
Interest income                                                   930,938.31                      160,520.69
Government Grants                                               4,502,681.93                    1,135,700.85
Current payments                                               19,680,468.66                   25,104,985.62
Refund of deposits and reserve funds                               31,095.23                    1,526,175.87
Others                                                          9,636,711.88                   16,430,341.88
                     Total                                     34,781,896.01                   44,357,724.91

             (2)       Other cash paid in connection with operating activities
                       Items                         Current period                   Previous period
Selling expenses                                               42,765,692.93                   43,467,830.64
Administrative costs                                           40,560,213.64                   38,974,117.03
Financial expenses                                              5,726,394.12                    2,239,823.14
Others                                                         50,624,735.67                   58,415,936.42
                        Total                                 139,677,036.36                  143,097,707.23

         2. Cash related to financing activities

             (1)       Other cash received in connection with financing activities
                       Items                         Current period             Previous period
Note Discounting                                              499,694,933.95                  148,898,875.78
Recovery of deposits due                                       14,500,000.00
                     Total                                    514,194,933.95                  148,898,875.78

             (2)       Other cash paid in connection with financing activities
                       Items                         Current period            Previous period
Notes due for payment                                         432,726,848.20

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Deposit                                                                246,315,745.49                   199,211,995.47
                          Total                                        679,042,593.69                   199,211,995.47

              (3)        Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
                                               Increase                          Decrease
  Items         Opening balance                            Non-cash                         Non-cash     Closing balance
                                     Cash movements                    Cash movements
                                                          movements                         movements
Short term
                    699,000,000.00    748,000,000.00                    849,000,000.00                    598,000,000.00
Long term
                                      100,000,000.00                        550,000.00                     99,450,000.00

  liii.             Notes on Cash Flow Statement Items

          1. Supplementary Information on Cash Flow Statement

                      additional materials                            Current period             Previous period
1. Adjust net profit to cash flow from operating

Net profit                                                                  -99,478,593.08              -139,897,498.87

Add: Provision for asset impairment                                           8,190,595.50               -14,149,185.05

Credit asset impairment loss                                                 16,570,748.46               70,762,726.02

Depreciation of fixed assets                                                 61,747,539.66               82,180,235.85

Amortization of intangible assets                                             4,400,289.33                 3,863,486.53

Amortization of long-term deferred expenses

Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                             -1,406,119.64                -2,110,473.61
other long-term assets

Loss from scrapped fixed assets                                                 291,140.93                  279,322.28

Loss from changes in fair value                                                  29,276.17                    78,583.43

Financial expenses                                                           36,140,344.21               31,407,471.87

Investment loss                                                             -12,935,641.78                -6,892,627.00

Decrease in deferred income tax assets

Increase in deferred income tax liabilities                                     -51,211.91                   -56,327.43

Inventory reduction                                                          59,672,294.69               59,703,097.70

Decrease in operating receivables                                            80,095,716.44               -88,903,900.28

Increase in operating payables                                              -68,943,686.83               88,000,638.46


Net cash flow from operating activities                                      84,322,692.15               84,265,549.90

2. Major investment and financing activities that do
not involve cash receipts and expenditures:

Conversion of debt into capital

Convertible corporate bonds due within one year

Financing lease of fixed assets

                                                            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                   additional materials                            Current period              Previous period
3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:

Year-end balance of cash                                                  110,664,560.63             227,357,291.37

Less: cash balance at the beginning of the year                           227,357,291.37             209,847,896.42

Plus: the year-end balance of cash equivalents

Less: the beginning balance of cash equivalents

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                -116,692,730.74              17,509,394.95

   2.Cash and cash equivalents

                             Items                                    Closing balance          Opening balance
1. Cash                                                                      110,664,560.63          227,357,291.37

Including: cash on hand                                                                                       292.91

Bank deposits that can be used for payment at any time

Other currency funds that can be used for payment at any time                110,664,560.63          227,356,998.46

2. Cash equivalents

Of which: bond investments due within three months

3. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year               110,664,560.63          227,357,291.37

Among them: the restricted use of cash and cash equivalents
by the parent company or subsidiary within the group
  liv. Foreign currency monetary items
                                                                    Converted                 Closing balance
             Items                    Closing balance
                                                                  exchange rate               converted CNY
Money funds                                                                                           41,500,073.57

Include:USD                                   3,592,075.05                   7.0827                  25,441,589.96

     Euro                                      2,043,272.04                   7.8592                  16,058,483.62

Accounts Receivable                                                                                   14,070,748.81

Include:USD                                   1,649,693.46                   7.0827                  11,684,283.87

     Euro                                         303,652.40                  7.8592                    2,386,464.94

   lv.            Leases

      1. As lessee
                           Items                                 Current period                Previous period
Simplified treatment of short-term lease charges
recognized in the cost of the related asset or in current                18,503,295.33                18,573,716.43
profit or loss

      2. As lessor

            (1)       Operating lease
                           Items                                 Current period                Previous period

                                                          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                        Items                                  Current period               Previous period
Operating lease income                                                 20,273,010.89                25,755,096.14
Of which: Income related to variable lease payments
not included in lease receipts

 VIII. Research and development expenditure
                  Items                     Current period                                  Previous period
Material inputs                                                       112,308,644.43               182,464,582.97
Technical service fee, design fee, new process protocol
development fee (equipment commissioning fee and                       21,227,451.57                17,068,312.85
new product tooling)
Labor costs                                                            16,158,279.14                 7,860,803.17
Depreciation and amortization of long-term expenses                     2,116,871.69                13,837,137.30
Fuel and power                                                          2,845,982.54                 2,795,182.25
R&D equipment repair and rental fees                                      830,561.34                 1,728,751.60
Processing costs                                                           71,405.34                 4,156,235.94
Testing costs                                                           1,284,691.44                   150,000.00
Other expenses                                                            992,493.16                 1,184,324.90
Total                                                                 157,836,380.65               231,245,330.98
Of which: Expensed R&D expenditures                                   157,836,380.65               231,245,330.98
   Capitalized R&D expenses

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 IX. Interest in other entity

     1. Equity of subsidiaries

        (1) Organization structure of group company

                                                        Principal place of                                                            Shareholding (%)
     Name of Subsidiary         Registered capital                              Place of Registration      Business Nature                                         Acquisition method
                                                                                                                                   Direct         Indirect

                                                                               Wangshuitai     Street,   Manufacture and sale
Wazhou Liaoyang      Bearing      19.35 million       Liaoyang         City,
                                                                               Taizihe       District,   of   bearings   and            100                     Business Merger
Manufacturing Co.                    dollars          Liaoning Province
                                                                               Liaoyang City, China      machinery

                                                                               No.12,     Yongsheng
                                                                                                         Manufacture and sale
Dalian Wazhou       Precision                         Dalian,      Liaoning    Street, Thirteen Mile,                                                           Investment           and
                                10 million dollars                                                       of   bearings   and            100
Motor Bearing Co.                                     Province                 Dalian Free Trade                                                                establishment

Wazhou Precision Spherical                                                     No.1, Section 1, North    Manufacture and sale
                                                      Wafangdian, Liaoning
Roller Bearing (Wafangdian)     194 million dollars                            Gongji          Street,   of   bearings   and            100                     Business combination
Co.                                                                            Wafangdian                machinery

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 X. Government Grants
    i.            Government grants recognized in profit or loss

            (1)       Asset-related government grants
  Balance sheet                            Amounts recognized in profit or loss            Items recognized
  presentation                                 Current period      Previous period          in profit or loss
Deferred income           109,604,063.31           5,430,167.88           5,809,136.96    Other gains
         Total            109,604,063.31           5,430,167.88           5,809,136.96

            (2)       Revenue-related government grants
                                                                   Amounts recognized in profit or loss
                     Items                         Amount
                                                                   Current period           Previous period
Subsidies for stabilizing jobs                    1,254,878.14              182,460.53              1,072,417.61
Project Funding for Special Funds for Dalian
                                                  2,420,000.00            2,420,000.00
Manufacturing Innovation Center
Dalian Science and Technology Bureau Key
R&D 2022 Interim Acceptance Subsidy               1,134,700.00            1,134,700.00
Dalian Allocation of R&D Post-subsidy
                                                  1,000,000.00            1,000,000.00
Dalian Bureau of Commerce allocated 2021
                                                    295,106.03              295,106.03
open fund allocation
Special Funds for Digital Liaoning and Smart
                                                    200,000.00              200,000.00
Manufacturing Province
Subsidies for work-based training                    47,690.00                                         47,690.00
Others                                              151,128.98               12,026.04                139,102.94
                     Total                        6,503,503.15            5,244,292.60              1,259,210.55

                                                                    Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

            ii.            Liability items involving government grants
Liability     Opening                           in      non-   Transferred to   Charged    Other     Closing
                                  New grants                                                                          related/revenue-
items         Balance                           operating      other gains      to costs   changes   Balance
                  48,324,479.14    205,869.15                   5,430,167.89                          43,100,180.40   Asset-related

       XI. Risk Related to Financial Instruments
             i.            Types of risks arising from financial instruments

            The Company is exposed to a variety of financial risks in the course of its operations:
            credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk (including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk
            and other price risks).

            1. Credit risk

            Credit risk is the risk that the counterparty will fail to fulfill its contractual obligations and
            cause the Company to incur a financial loss.

            The carrying amount of recognized financial assets in the consolidated balance sheet; for
            financial instruments measured at fair value, the carrying amount reflects the risk exposure,
            but not the maximum risk exposure, which will change with future changes in fair value.

            In order to reduce credit risk, the Group has set up a special department to determine credit
            limits, conduct credit approvals and perform other

            The Group has established a special department to determine credit limits, conduct credit
            approvals and implement other monitoring procedures to ensure that necessary measures
            are taken to recover overdue claims. In addition, the Group reviews the collection status of
            each individual receivable at each balance sheet date to ensure that adequate provision for
            bad debts is made for uncollectible amounts. As a result, the management of the Group
            considers that the Group's exposure to credit risk is significantly reduced.

            The Group's liquidity is placed with banks with high credit ratings, therefore, the credit risk
            of liquidity is low.

            The Group has adopted necessary policies to ensure that all sales customers have good
            credit history. Except for the accounts receivable amount

            The Group has no other significant credit concentration risk except for the top five
            amounts of accounts receivable.

                                                               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

  The total amount of the top five accounts receivable: RMB314 million.IX. Fair value

  2. Liquidity risk

  Liquidity risk is the risk that an enterprise will experience a shortage of funds to meet its
  obligations that are settled by delivery of cash or other financial assets.

  The Group manages liquidity risk by ensuring that there is sufficient liquidity to meet
  obligations as they fall due without incurring unacceptable losses or causing damage to the
  enterprise's reputation. The Group regularly analyzes the structure and maturity of its
  liabilities to ensure adequate funding. The management of the Group monitors the
  utilization of bank borrowings and ensures compliance with the borrowing agreements. It
  also negotiates with financial institutions for financing in order to maintain a certain credit
  line and minimize liquidity risk.

  The undiscounted contractual cash flows of each of the Company's financial liabilities by
  maturity date are set out below:
                                                                 Closing Balance
    items                                                                          Over
                   Immediate                                              2-5              undiscounted
                                    Within1 year        1-2 years                    5                            Book value
                 reimbursement                                           years               contract
                                    598,000,000.00                                          598,000,000.00        598,000,000.00
Notes payable                       460,840,218.52                                          460,840,218.52        460,840,218.52
                                                       99,450,000.00                         99,450,000.00         99,450,000.00
    Total                          1,058,840,218.52    99,450,000.00                       1,158,290,218.52     1,158,290,218.52

                                                              Opening Balance
 items                                                 1-2        2-5     Over            Total
                                 Within1 year         years      years      5         undiscounted              Book value
                                                                          years      contract amount
term                             699,000,000.00                                       699,000,000.00           699,000,000.00
                                 462,446,562.00                                       462,446,562.00           462,446,562.00
  Total                     1,161,446,562.00                                        1,161,446,562.00          1,161,446,562.00

  3. Market risk

  Market risk of a financial instrument is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of
  the financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices, including
  exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks.

                                                      Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

  (1) Interest rate risk

  Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument
  will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates.

  The Group's risk of changes in cash flows from financial instruments due to changes in
  interest rates relates mainly to variable-rate bank borrowings. The Group's policy is to
  maintain floating interest rates on these borrowings.

  (2) Exchange rate risk

  Exchange rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial
  instrument will fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates.

  The Group's exposure to foreign exchange risk relates primarily to the U.S. dollar, and the
  Group's major export operations are settled in U.S. dollars. As at December 31, 2023,
  except for the balances of monetary items in foreign currencies in this Note V. (54), the
  Group's assets and liabilities were in RMB. The foreign exchange risk arising from these
  assets and liabilities with foreign currency balances may have an impact on the Group's
  results of operations.

  The Company's exposure to exchange rate risk mainly arises from financial assets and
  financial liabilities denominated in U.S. dollars, and the amounts of foreign-currency
  financial assets and foreign-currency financial liabilities translated into Renminbi are set
  out below:
                               Closing Balance                                 Opening Balance
                                     Other                                           Other
                   US dollar        foreign          Total         US dollar        foreign           Total
                                   currency                                        currency
Currency funds     25,441,589.96   16,058,483.62   41,500,073.57   40,360,595.18   16,970,554.13   57,331,149.31
                   11,684,283.87    2,386,464.94   14,070,748.81    6,119,680.29    1,346,740.61    7,466,420.90
      Total        37,125,873.83   18,444,948.56   55,570,822.38   46,480,275.47   18,317,294.74   64,797,570.20

  (3) Other price risks

  As of December 31, 2023, the Group's purchased bearing components may be subject to
  price fluctuations.

  Other price risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument
  will fluctuate because of changes in market prices other than exchange rate risk and

                                                         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

  interest rate risk.

   ii.             Transfer of financial assets

         1.ransfers of financial assets
     Method of transferring                 Transferred financial assets                                   Basis of
        financial assets                      Nature          Amount                                      judgment
Notes endorsed and outstanding            Bank acceptance      302,155,516.10       Non-derecognition
                                          Finance company
Notes endorsed and outstanding                                    12,011,143.08     Non-derecognition
Notes endorsed and outstanding            Trade acceptance        43,099,544.33     Non-derecognition

                   Total                                       357,266,203.51

         2.Financial assets derecognized due to transfers
                          Modalities for the transfer                                     Associated gains or
           items                                                     Amount
                              of financial assets                                               losses
Receivables financing                                                 356,497,666.90
           Total                                                      356,497,666.90

 XII. Fair value disclosures

  The inputs used in fair value measurements are divided into three levels:

  Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or
  liabilities that are available at the measurement date.

  Level 2 inputs are inputs other than Level 1 inputs that are directly or indirectly observable
  for the related asset or liability.

  Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the relevant asset or liability.

  The level to which the fair value measurement results belong is determined by the lowest
  level to which the inputs that are significant to the fair value measurement as a whole

    i.             Closing fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
                                                                         F V at the year end
                       items                       1st Level FV     2nd Level FV      3rd Level FV
                                                   Measurement      Measurement       Measurement
I. Continuously measured at FV
◆Tradable financial asset                           214,178.33                                           214,178.33
 1.Financial assets at fair value through profit
                                                     214,178.33                                           214,178.33
or loss
 (1)Equity instrument investment                   214,178.33                                           214,178.33
◆Receivables financing                                             55,546,474.87                       55,546,474.87
Total assets measured at fair value on an
                                                     214,178.33     55,546,474.87                       55,760,653.20
ongoing basis

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 ii.         Basis for determining the market value of continuing and discontinued Level 1

          fair value measurement items

The Group obtains the unadjusted closing price on the public stock exchange at December
31, 2023 for its investment in certain equity instruments included in financial assets held
for trading.

XIII .Related Parties Relationship and Transactions

  i.         Status of the Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited's parent company
                 Registered                                 Registered
 Parent                                                                      Shareholding       Voting power
                                    Business nature
company            address
                                                             capital          percentage        percentage

                No. 1 North       Manufacture and
Wazhou          Gongji Street,     sales of bearing
                                                            519,869,400.       60.61           60.61
Group           Wafangdian                                  00
                                        and other
                City, Dalian

 ii.         Status of the Company's subsidiaries

For details of the Company's subsidiaries, please refer to "VIII. Interests in other entities"
in this note.

iii.         Other related parties

               Name of related party                                     Related party relationship
Dalian Wazhou Bearing Manufacturing Equipment Co., Ltd        Other entity controlled by the same parent
                                                              company and ultimate controlling party

                                                              Other entity controlled by the same parent
Wazhou Exact Forge Co., Ltd
                                                              company and ultimate controlling party

Wazhou Group Precision Turnplate Bearing Co., Ltd             Other entity controlled by the same parent
                                                              company and ultimate controlling party

Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Bearing Co., Ltd              Other entity controlled by the same parent
                                                              company and ultimate controlling party

Wazhou Group Special Precision Bearing Co. , Ltd.             Other entity controlled by the same parent
                                                              company and ultimate controlling party

Liaoning North Metal Materials Supply Chain Co., Ltd          Other entity controlled by the same parent
                                                              company and ultimate controlling party

                                                              Other entity controlled by the same parent
Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing Co., Ltd.
                                                              company and ultimate controlling party

                                                        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                                                Other entity controlled by the same parent
 Wazhou Group High-End Auto Bearing Co.,Ltd
                                                                company and ultimate controlling party

                                                                Other entity controlled by the same parent
 Wazhou Group Precision Roller Co.,Ltd
                                                                company and ultimate controlling party

                                                                Other entity controlled by the same parent
 Wazhou Group Precision Retainer Co.,Ltd
                                                                company and ultimate controlling party

                                                                Other entity controlled by the same parent
 Kugel- und Rollenlagerwerk Leipzig GmbH
                                                                company and ultimate controlling party

 Wafangdian Bearing Power Co.,Ltd                               Other entity controlled by the same parent

 Wazhou Group National Bearing Engineering Technology Other entity controlled by the same parent
 Research Centre Co.,Ltd

 Wafangdian Bearing Group Dalian Wind Power Spindle Other entity controlled by the same parent
 Bearing Co.

 Wafangdian Bearing Group Shanghai R&D Center Co.               Other entity controlled by the same parent

 Waxaxhaft Group (Europe) Bearing Co.                           Other entity controlled by the same parent

 Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd                       Ceases to be a related party in 2023

 Wafangdian Tongda Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd
                                                                Other related party

 Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery Co., Ltd                       Cease to be an associated party after September

 ZWZ Bearing Europe GmbH                                        Other related party

 Dalian koyo Wazhou shaft auto bearing co., Ltd
                                                                Other related party

 Wafangdian Bearing Education and Training Center
                                                                Other related party

 Dalian Tiye Gikai Wax Shaft Industry Co., Ltd
                                                                Other related party
 Wafangdian Bearing Hospital                                    Cease to be an associated party after November

 Dalian Heavy Industries Crane Group Co.
                                                                Other related party

  iv.           Related party transactions

     1. Purchase and sale of goods, provision and acceptance of labor related transactions
      (1) Purchase of goods, provide, and receive labour services
                                                 Contents of related
               Related Party                                                  current year             prior year
                                           Purchase of goods and
Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.               equipment and lease of            212,860,871.10       393,790,502.66
                                           tangible assets
Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging       Purchase of      goods      and
                                                                             431,442,008.76       267,204,511.61
Co.                                        equipment
Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision
                                           Purchase of goods                  32,332,151.84        41,439,350.46
Rolling Body Co.

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Wafangdian Bearing Group High-end
                                           Purchase of goods                     262,590.26       70,167,080.09
Automobile Bearing Co.
Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision
                                           Purchase of goods                143,138,262.93       167,849,331.81
Retainer Co.
Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co..       Purchase of goods.
Dalian    Wazhou    Group    Bearing
                                           Purchase of goods                   1,827,042.37       17,863,540.42
Equipment Manufacturing Co.
Dalian    Wazhou    Group    Bearing
                                           Purchase of equipment               2,197,787.61
Equipment Manufacturing Co.
Wafangdian Bearing Power Co.               Remodeling                          5,046,278.07        1,410,483.03
Wafangdian Bearing Power Co.               Purchase of land                    1,208,571.43
Wazhou Group Precision Transmission
                                           Purchase of goods                     500,314.63         210,946.05
Bearings Co.
Dalian Wazhou Fengyuan Machinery
                                           Purchase of goods                  18,731,852.51        5,575,226.43
                                           Purchase       of     power,
Wafangdian Bearing Power Co.                                                  55,333,523.93       50,025,218.68
                                           acceptance of labor
Wafangdian Bearing Group National
Bearing    Engineering    Technology       Acceptance of labor                19,186,671.38       19,005,108.68
Research Center Co.
Wafangdian Bearing Hospital                Acceptance of labor                                      295,063.19
Wafangdian Bearing Education and
                                           Acceptance of labor                                         5,000.00
Training Center
Dalian    Wazhou     Group   Bearing
                                           Acceptance of labor                 7,082,869.93        5,952,915.64
Equipment Manufacturing Co.
Wafangdian        Tongda     Bearing
                                           Acceptance of labor                 3,494,085.67        4,477,173.00
Manufacturing Co.
Wafangdian Bearing Power Co.               Acceptance of labor                14,222,406.31
Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.               Accepting Labor                     4,244,881.79        5,416,319.71
Wafangdian Bearing Group Equipment
                                           Purchase of equipment                                    145,299.15
Technology Engineering Co.
Dalian Heavy Industry Crane Group Co.      Accepting Labor                       396,756.21

     (2) Sales of goods/provide labour services
               Related Party                 Contents of related               current year        prior year
Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging Co.            Sales of goods                 291,292.20     101,061,836.66

Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing Co.                      Sales of goods                                 56,813,588.09

Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Rolling
                                                    Sales of goods                   79,095.60         81,168.58
Body Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group Wind Power Bearing
                                                    Sales of goods             164,397,468.93      91,883,093.95

Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                        Products for sale          116,104,897.25     143,574,285.73

Wafangdian Bearing Group High-end Automobile
                                                    Products for sale            3,836,824.53       8,980,219.56
Bearing Co.

Leipzig Roller Ball Bearing Co.                     Products for sale           13,762,885.32

Wafangdian      Bearing      Group      Precision
                                                    Products for sale            1,631,936.17       2,288,278.55
Transmission Bearing Co.

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ZWZBearingEuropeGmbH                                 Products for sale

Wafangdian Bearing Group Special Precision
                                                     Products for sale          1,432,219.75       2,173,637.95
Bearing Co.

Wafangdian Tongda Bearing Manufacturing Co.          Products for sale              52,686.32        160,129.79

Dalian Waxial Group        Bearing      Equipment
                                                     Products for sale            110,611.87         147,844.82
Manufacturing Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Retainer Co.      Products for sale              67,199.03        329,011.91

Wafangdian Bearing Group Dalian Wind Power
                                                     Products for sale          3,846,722.70
Spindle Bearing Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group National Bearing
                                                     Products for sale              17,440.66
Engineering Technology Research Center Co.

Dalian Heavy Industry Crane Group Co.                Sales of goods            63,824,668.96

Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Rolling
                                                     Provision of labor         3,911,509.61       2,996,939.24
Bodies Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group High-end Automobile
                                                     Provide labor              6,912,599.42       6,077,422.19
Bearing Co.

Wafangdian      Bearing     Group        Precision
                                                     Provision of labor        50,689,051.70     42,787,233.68
Transmission Bearing Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group Special Precision
                                                     Provision of labor           709,523.90         565,061.65
Bearing Co.

Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co..                 Provision of labore                              45,757.32

Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging Co.             Provision of labor         6,627,657.25         298,456.28

Dalian Waxial Group        Bearing      Equipment
                                                     Provide labor                576,038.71         471,453.81
Manufacturing Co.

Wafangdian Tongda Bearing Manufacturing Co.          Provide labor              4,629,258.25       4,776,402.46

Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Retainer Co.      Provide labor                109,425.26

Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                         Provide labor             32,238,366.30     23,569,290.84

Wafangdian Bearing Group Wind Power Bearing
                                                     Provide labor              3,968,017.62       2,686,114.36

Wafangdian Bearing Group National Bearing
                                                     Provide labor                169,018.87
Engineering Technology Research Center Co.

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Wafangdian Bearing Group Dalian Wind Power
                                                  Provision of labor              847,320.36
Spindle Bearing Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                      Sales of equipment                 3,552.51

Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Retainer Co.   Selling equipment               132,000.00       2,609,505.52

Wafangdian Bearing Group High-end Automobile
                                                  Selling equipment               335,000.00          35,482.35
Bearing Co.

     2. Related Leases
       1) As a lessor
                                                           Contents of
                  Related Party                               related           current year       prior year
Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging Co.                Factory for rent          1,173,050.00     1,173,050.00

Waxaxial Group High-end Automobile Bearing Co.          Rent factory              1,557,509.06     1,019,845.20

Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Retainer Co.         Rent factory                919,956.60       885,456.60

Dalian Wazhou Fengyuan Machinery Co.                    Plant for rent              313,573.20       128,520.00
Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Transmission
                                                        Plant for rent              277,764.00
Bearings Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                            Plant for rent            1,736,191.66     1,168,056.00

Wafangdian Bearing Group National Bearing
                                                        Plant for rent                                18,000.00
Engineering Technology Research Center Co.

Waxaxial Group High-end Automobile Bearing Co.          Rental equipment          2,688,319.27     9,374,624.30
Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Retainer Co.         Rental equipment            504,098.12       561,318.25
Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging Limited
                                                        Rental equipment            852,805.09     1,111,341.52
Liability Company
Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                            Rental equipment          7,661,238.12
Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Rolling Body
                                                        Rental equipment            342,483.12       359,088.14
Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                            Rental equipment                           7,880,951.13
Wafangdian     Bearing   Precision    Steel     Ball
                                                        Land for rent                58,677.65
Manufacturing Co.
Wafangdian Bearing Group Limited Liability
Company Precision Roller Manufacturing Branch           Land for rent               197,565.00
Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging Limited
                                                        Land for rent             1,328,730.00     1,328,730.00
Liability Company
Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                            Land for rent               395,595.00       480,660.00
Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Retainer Co.         Land for rent               265,455.00       265,455.00

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            2) Assets under lease
                                                                 current year                                                                            prior year
                               Rental costs      Variable                                                          Rental costs      Variable
                              for short-term        lease                                                         for short-term        lease
                  Category                                                        Interest
                                leases and     payments not                                                         leases and     payments not                            Interest
   Lessor         of assets                                                     expense on
                                 low-value      included in                                    Increased right-      low-value      included in                          expense on        Increased right-
                   rent in                                        Rent paid         lease                                                              Rent paid
                                asset leases         the                                         to-use assets      asset leases         the                           lease liabilities     to-use assets
                                    with       measuremen                                                               with       measuremen                             assumed
                                 simplified      t of lease                                                          simplified      t of lease
                                processing       liabilities                                                        processing       liabilities
Bearing Group    Land                                                                                             287,930.24                         287,930.24

Bearing Group    Houses       1,537,692.55                     1,537,692.55                                       1,645,770.40                       1,645,770.40

Bearing Group    Land         261,199.78                       261,199.78                                         159,618.06                         159,618.06

Bearing Group    House                                                                                            913,426.07                         913,426.07

Bearing Group    Equipment                                                                                        250,370.00                         250,370.00

Bearing Group    Land         574,350.00                       574,350.00                                         169,350.00                         169,350.00

Bearing Group    House        2,111,133.60                     2,111,133.60                                       783,720.00                         783,720.00

Bearing Group    Equipment    457,777.66                       457,777.66                                         107,095.50                         107,095.50

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Bearing Group   Land                                   31,305.95        31,305.95

Bearing Group   Houses                                 181,081.60       181,081.60

Bearing Group   Houses   543,360.00     543,360.00     475,860.00       475,860.00

Bearing Group   Land     174,555.00     174,555.00     174,555.00       174,555.00

Bearing Group   Houses                                 54,000.00        54,000.00

Bearing Group   Land                                   13,500.00        13,500.00

Bearing Group   Land     441,900.00     441,900.00     441,900.00       441,900.00

Bearing Group   House    389,470.80     389,470.80     389,470.80       389,470.80

Bearing Group   Land     84,150.00      84,150.00      84,150.00        84,150.00

Bearing Group   House    2,346,098.40   2,346,098.40   2,346,098.40     2,346,098.40

                                                                         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Bearing Group   Equipment   917,077.75     917,077.75     917,241.91       917,241.91

Bearing Group   Houses      1,646,677.20   1,646,677.20   1,646,677.20     1,646,677.20
Bearing Group   Land        311,646.43     311,646.43     311,646.43       311,646.43

Bearing Group   Equipment   88,891.46      88,891.46      148,641.28       148,641.28

Bearing Group   Land        455,700.00     455,700.00     455,700.00       455,700.00

Bearing Group   Houses      2,426,992.80   2,426,992.80   2,426,992.80     2,426,992.80

Bearing Group   Land        2,802,400.80   2,802,400.80   2,802,400.80     2,802,400.80

Bearing Group   Land                                      380,835.00       380,835.00

Bearing Group   Equipment   932,221.10     932,221.10     932,221.10       932,221.10

Bearing Group   Houses                                    40,565.00        40,565.00

Bearing Group   Land                                      1,592.89         1,592.89

                                                      Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

     3. Related party assets transfer and debt structure reconstruction
Related party                            Type of transaction             current year          prior year

Dalian  Wazhou     Group    Bearing
                                         Gain on debt restructuring                68,850.00
Equipment Manufacturing Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group High-end
                                         Gain on debt restructuring                10,000.00
Automobile Bearing Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group National
Bearing    Engineering Technology        Gain on debt restructuring               325,981.60
Research Center Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision
                                         Gain on debt restructuring               179,764.26           58,202.03
Retainer Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision
                                         Gain on debt restructuring               216,494.85
Transmission Bearings Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision
                                         Gain on debt restructuring                40,204.08           80,808.08
Rolling Body Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.             Gain on debt restructuring                41,619.58

Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.             Gain on debt restructuring                28,840.00

Wafangdian Bearing Group Equipment
                                         Gain on debt restructuring                13,517.58
Technology Engineering Co.

Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging
                                         Gain on debt restructuring          1,521,938.73            177,962.26
& Pressing Co.

     4. Management remuneration

Item                                                  current year                        prior year
Management remuneration                                           3,049,300.64                      2,116,355.84

   v.        Unsettled receivables and payables from related parties
        1) Items receivable
                                                      Closing Balance                   Opening balance
   Items               Related party
                                                      Book                             Book
                                                                      Provision                      Provision
                                                    balance                           balance
                Wafangdian     Bearing   Group
                                                  38,930,017.91                     51,601,405.24
                Wind Power Bearing Co.
                Wafangdian     Bearing   Group
                                                  93,090,154.73                     84,978,681.79
                Precision Rolling Bodies Co.
                Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing
                                                  17,975,305.27                     16,834,162.48
                Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                                           418,776.87

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                Wafangdian     Bearing     Group
                Precision Transmission Bearing       28,758,673.80                    30,335,154.70
                Wafangdian     Bearing     Group
                Special Precision Bearing Co.
                Leipzig Roller Ball Bearing
                                                      2,319,865.06                       274,528.41
                Manufacturing Co.
                Wafangdian     Bearing     Group
                Dalian Wind Power Spindle             4,221,822.96
                Bearing Co.
                Wafangdian Bearing Precision
                                                     70,082,119.05                    38,999,730.40
                Forging & Pressing Co.
                Wafangdian Bearing Precision
                Forging      Limited     Liability        702,000.00
                Wafangdian Bearing Power Co.          1,367,700.54                       149,056.71
                Dalian Waxial Group Bearing
                                                          223,806.65                      99,477.71
                Equipment Manufacturing Co.
                Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.               26,445.41                      54,005.53
                Wafangdian Bearing Precision
                Forging & Pressing Co.

          2) Items payable
                                                                               Closing                Opening
   Item                           Related party
                                                                               Balance                balance
              Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                                    158,795,885.06       132,706,895.33
              Dalian   Wazhou          Group    Bearing      Equipment
                                                                                4,163,412.40          10,821,238.70
              Manufacturing Co.
              Wafangdian Tongda Bearing Manufacturing Co.                       3,346,653.01             80,793.56
              Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd                                                 8,868,481.13
              Dalian Wazhou Fengyuan Machinery Co.                                                     8,834,110.73
              Wafangdian Bearing Group National                Bearing
              Engineering Technology Research Center                           13,557,749.01          12,560,399.01
              Wafangdian Bearing Group

              Wafangdian Bearing Group Precision Retainer Co.                  27,598,313.78          27,868,567.48

              Wafangdian Bearing Power Co.                                      6,870,562.45           3,061,174.63
              Wafangdian Bearing Group High-end Automobile
                                                                               47,640,882.48          32,490,015.05
              Bearing Co.
              Wafangdian Bearing Group Special Precision Bearing
                                                                                1,944,242.12           2,972,132.13

                                                    Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

            Wazhou Bearing Group (USA) Bearing Co.                           40,651.15
            Leipzig Roller Ball Bearing Production Co.                          946.44
            Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging Co.                        323,075.21
            Wafangdian Bearing Group Co.                                 33,381,575.49        29,201,965.04
            Wafangdian Bearing Power Co.                                  1,542,455.15          1,027,263.84

 XIV. Commitments and contingencies

  As of December 31, 2023, the Group has significant commitments or material
  contingencies that do not require disclosure.

 XV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

  Until the financial report date, there is no significant post balance sheet event for

 XVI.Other Significant Events
    i.      Major impact of the implementation of the "Rules Governing the Preparation
  of Information Disclosure by Publicly Offered Securities Companies No. 15 - General
  Provisions on Financial Reporting (Revised in 2023

  In preparing these financial statements, the Company disclosed the relevant financial
  information in accordance with the requirements of "No. 15 Rules for Information
  Disclosure Preparation and Reporting of Companies with Publicly Issued Securities -
  General Provisions on Financial Reporting (Revised in 2023)" issued by the China
  Securities Regulatory Commission on December 22, 2023, except for financial instruments,
  inventories, operating income, cash flow, research and development expenditure,
  government grants and other items, the implementation of this provision did not have a
  significant impact on the format of disclosure of key financial data for comparable
  accounting periods for other items.
   ii.      Others

  In addition to the above matters, as of December 31, 2023, there are other important
  matters that the Group is not required to disclose.

 XVII.Notes to the Main Items of the Financial Statements of Parent Company

                                                          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

   i.            Accounts receivable

  (1). Accounts receivable with the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis
                  Aging                             Closing Balance                       Opening balance
                Within1 year                                       951,468,006.08                    976,123,178.58
                  1-2 years                                         89,650,544.04                    155,623,006.95
                  2-3 years                                         94,460,492.42                     36,568,253.07
                  3-4years                                          32,573,541.99                      8,448,563.73
                  4-5years                                           6,535,792.15                     14,050,235.17
                Over 5 years                                        35,455,349.81                     26,190,802.12
                      Total                                       1,210,143,726.49                 1,217,004,039.62
        Less: Provision for bad debt                               126,916,163.65                    125,212,282.16
                      Total                                       1,083,227,562.84                 1,091,791,757.46

        (1)     .Category of accounts receivable
                                                                  Closing Balance
              Items                      Booking balance                   Provision
                                                                                                  Booking value
                                         Amount           %             Amount           %
 Accounts receivable
 with individual bad                    68,299,555.07      5.64        68,299,555.07     100.00
 debt provision

 Accounts receivable
 with       bad    debt
 provision based on the            1,141,844,171.42       94.36        58,616,608.58       5.13    1,083,227,562.84
 characters of    credit
 risk portfolio

 -Aging portfolio

 -Related party
                                       888,360,748.35     73.41        58,616,608.58       6.60     829,744,139.77
              Total                    253,483,423.07     20.95                                     253,483,423.07

                                                                                     Opening Balance
              Items                                       Booking                    Provision
                                                          balance                                  Booking
                                                                                             %     value
                                                        Amount         %      Amount
 Accounts receivable with individual bad
 debt provision                                   68,147,261.25      5.60 68,147,261.25 100.00

                                                Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Accounts receivable with bad debt
provision based on the characters of
credit risk portfolio                  1,148,856,778.37 94.40 57,065,020.91      4.97 1,091,791,757.46

-Aging portfolio

-Related party
                                        935,284,105.16 76.85 57,065,020.91       6.10    878,219,084.25

            Total                       213,572,673.21 17.55                             213,572,673.21

                                                                                                                Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

 Bad debt provision for accounts receivable at the end of year based on individual
                                                                                           Closing Balance                             Opening Balance
                             Debtors name                                              Provision                                                Provision
                                                                      Accounts                     Proportion                       Accounts
                                                                                        for bad                    Reasons                       for bad
                                                                      receivable                       (%)                          receivable
                                                                                         debts                                                    debts
Heilongjiang Dragon Coal Logistics Co.                                11,277,327.79   11,277,327.79       100   uncollectable        2,134,140.98     2,134,140.98
Liaoning Yinheng Galvanized Color Coated Steel Sheet Co.               3,213,308.67    3,213,308.67       100    uncollectable       3,213,308.67     3,213,308.67
Shenzhen Jiyang Intelligent Technology Co.                             2,296,400.00    2,296,400.00       100    uncollectable         133,560.00       133,560.00
Shandong Yuanda Plate Technology Co.                                   1,804,722.77    1,804,722.77       100    uncollectable       1,804,722.77     1,804,722.77
Yingkou Steel Co.                                                      1,696,318.44    1,696,318.44       100    uncollectable       1,696,318.44     1,696,318.44
Liaoning Waxaxial Bearing Sales Co.                                    1,611,795.99    1,611,795.99       100    uncollectable
Handan Branch of Hesteel Co.                                           1,608,611.42    1,608,611.42       100    uncollectable       1,608,611.42     1,608,611.42
Anshan Steel Co.                                                       1,595,050.69    1,595,050.69       100    uncollectable       1,595,050.69     1,595,050.69
Bazhou Tianli Tube Manufacturing Co.                                   1,325,600.76    1,325,600.76       100    uncollectable       1,325,600.76     1,325,600.76
Zhejiang Yesheng New Material Co.                                      1,301,760.00    1,301,760.00       100    uncollectable       1,301,760.00     1,301,760.00
CITIC Heavy Industry Machinery Co.                                     1,126,828.28    1,126,828.28       100    uncollectable       1,128,791.54     1,128,791.54
Donghai New Material Co.                                                942,558.20      942,558.20        100    uncollectable         942,558.20       942,558.20
Shanghai Jieru Heavy Industry Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co.     923,603.80      923,603.80        100    uncollectable         923,603.80       923,603.80
Tangshan Guofeng Iron & Steel Co.                                       883,297.41      883,297.41        100    uncollectable         883,297.41       883,297.41
Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co.                                    877,123.18      877,123.18        100    uncollectable          59,329.56        59,329.56
Jilin Chengzhong Auto Parts Co.                                         872,874.22      872,874.22        100    uncollectable         872,874.22       872,874.22
China Second Heavy Machinery Group (Deyang) Wanxin Engineering
                                                                        795,887.92      795,887.92        100    uncollectable         795,887.92       795,887.92
Benxi Beiyang Iron & Steel (Group) Co.                                  775,804.98      775,804.98        100    uncollectable         775,804.98       775,804.98
Fujian Zhongguang Environmental Protection Technology Co.               761,374.62      761,374.62        100    uncollectable         761,374.62       761,374.62
Shandong Yuntong New Material Technology Co.                            711,438.94      711,438.94        100    uncollectable         711,438.94       711,438.94
Dongfeng Motor Gearbox Co.                                              704,098.23      704,098.23        100    uncollectable         704,098.23       704,098.23
Shanghai Weiqiang Heavy Industry Machinery Co.                          673,595.42      673,595.42        100    uncollectable         673,595.42       673,595.42

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Dalian Tianyuan Electric Co.                             666,383.31   666,383.31   100    uncollectable         666,383.31       666,383.31
Shanxi Hongda Steel Co.                                  657,373.00   657,373.00   100    uncollectable         657,373.00       657,373.00
Dandong Shuguang Heavy Duty Axle Co.                     642,833.42   642,833.42   100    uncollectable         642,833.42       642,833.42
Hangzhou Qianjin Gearbox Group Co.                       626,952.30   626,952.30   100    uncollectable         634,135.80       634,135.80
Wolong Electric Huaian Qingjiang Motor Co.               601,859.03   601,859.03   100    uncollectable         601,859.03       601,859.03
Xingtai Iron & Steel Co.                                 590,148.98   590,148.98   100    uncollectable         590,148.98       590,148.98
Qinghai Lufeng New Material Co.                          525,743.44   525,743.44   100    uncollectable         525,743.44       525,743.44
Jiangsu Loesche Heavy Industry Machinery Co.             506,477.77   506,477.77   100    uncollectable         506,477.77       506,477.77
Bensteel Plate Co.                                       487,064.68   487,064.68   100    uncollectable         487,064.68       487,064.68
Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co.                          486,019.87   486,019.87   100    uncollectable         486,019.87       486,019.87
Mudanjiang Reducer Factory                               467,905.65   467,905.65   100    uncollectable         467,905.65       467,905.65
Shandong Province Zhangqiu Blower Co.                    461,708.13   461,708.13   100    uncollectable         461,708.13       461,708.13
07-256 Factory                                           460,854.77   460,854.77   100    uncollectable         460,854.77       460,854.77
Hunan Chaoyang Electromechanical Co.                     446,627.60   446,627.60   100    uncollectable         446,627.60       446,627.60
Xiangtan Electric Machinery Co.                          416,549.65   416,549.65   100    uncollectable         416,549.65       416,549.65
Shanxi TISCO Stainless Steel Co.                         402,332.21   402,332.21   100    uncollectable         402,332.21       402,332.21
Chengdu Gaoyuan Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co.    383,615.52   383,615.52   100    uncollectable         383,615.52       383,615.52
Ningbo Naitjia Machinery Manufacturing Co.               383,370.79   383,370.79   100    uncollectable
Xuzhou Xugong Material Supply Co.                        373,237.55   373,237.55   100    uncollectable         373,237.55       373,237.55
Taian Tianhua Economic and Trade Co.                     364,189.79   364,189.79   100    uncollectable         346,554.01       346,554.01
Nippon Steel Yingkou Medium Plate Co.                    351,890.29   351,890.29   100    uncollectable         351,890.29       351,890.29
Northeast Special Steel Group Beiman Special Steel Co.   315,004.72   315,004.72   100    uncollectable         315,004.72       315,004.72
Taicang Hutai Chang'e Paper Equipment Co.                310,361.32   310,361.32   100    uncollectable         310,361.32       310,361.32
Pangang Group Chengdu Iron & Steel Co.                   303,305.45   303,305.45   100    uncollectable         303,305.45       303,305.45
Hebei Jinxi Iron and Steel Group Co.                     301,978.67   301,978.67   100    uncollectable         301,978.67       301,978.67
Harbin Harbin Power Technology Co.                       297,905.32   297,905.32   100    uncollectable         297,905.32       297,905.32
Sinoma Zibo Heavy Machinery Co.                          293,817.58   293,817.58   100    uncollectable

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Zhuzhou Gear Co.                                                         290,587.00   290,587.00   100    uncollectable         270,087.40       270,087.40
Ningbo Fan Co.                                                           287,783.07   287,783.07   100    uncollectable
Jiangsu Xinrui Gear System Co.                                           286,949.88   286,949.88   100    uncollectable         286,949.88       286,949.88
Erzhong Group (Deyang) Jingheng Transmission Equipment Co.               286,935.03   286,935.03   100    uncollectable         286,935.03       286,935.03
Siemens Electric (China) Co.                                             284,110.82   284,110.82   100    uncollectable         284,110.82       284,110.82
Baofeng Xianglong Stainless Steel Co.                                    273,900.00   273,900.00   100    uncollectable
Baotou Tianli Huanfa Mechanical & Electrical Co.                         273,597.27   273,597.27   100    uncollectable
Hengfengtai Precision Machinery Co.                                      270,886.98   270,886.98   100    uncollectable         318,948.38       318,948.38
Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Co.                                     264,521.67   264,521.67   100    uncollectable         264,521.67       264,521.67
Baoji Loyalty Industry & Trade Co.                                       256,372.12   256,372.12   100    uncollectable         256,372.12       256,372.12
Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co.                                               254,016.66   254,016.66   100    uncollectable         275,596.93       275,596.93
Baoji Huawei Mining Machinery Co.                                        248,758.75   248,758.75   100    uncollectable         200,000.00       200,000.00
Yanggu Danyu Sheet Co.                                                   243,280.00   243,280.00   100    uncollectable         243,280.00       243,280.00
Tonghua Iron and Steel Co.                                               240,568.39   240,568.39   100    uncollectable         240,568.39       240,568.39
Shijiazhuang Mighty Slurry Pump Co.                                      238,749.98   238,749.98   100    uncollectable         238,749.98       238,749.98
Inner Mongolia Hongji Technology New Energy Co.                          231,610.81   231,610.81   100    uncollectable         231,610.81       231,610.81
Tai Heavy Coal Machinery Co.                                             215,142.12   215,142.12   100    uncollectable         215,142.12       215,142.12
Qinhuangdao Shouqin Metal Materials Co.                                  213,911.48   213,911.48   100    uncollectable         213,911.48       213,911.48
Chongqing Tiema Industrial Group Co.                                     211,196.98   211,196.98   100    uncollectable         211,196.98       211,196.98
SAIC Iveco Hongyan Commercial Vehicle Co.                                210,860.60   210,860.60   100    uncollectable         210,860.60       210,860.60
Hubei Tongfang Gaoke Pump Industry Co.                                   207,567.06   207,567.06   100    uncollectable         121,727.00       121,727.00
Chengdu Sales Center (Panzhihua Steel & Vanadium Co., Ltd., Pangangang
                                                                         203,004.70   203,004.70   100    uncollectable
Tianjin Rongtai New Composite Material Co.                               200,000.00   200,000.00   100    uncollectable         200,000.00       200,000.00
Hebei Wenfeng Steel Co.                                                  197,979.65   197,979.65   100    uncollectable         197,979.65       197,979.65
Jiangsu Xuzhou Forging & Pressing Machine Tool Factory Group Co.         188,906.34   188,906.34   100    uncollectable         188,906.34       188,906.34
Hubei Waxaxial Xinsheng Technology Co.                                   188,136.00   188,136.00   100    uncollectable         188,136.00       188,136.00
Nanjing Light Industry Machinery Factory Co.                             185,079.54   185,079.54   100    uncollectable         185,079.54       185,079.54

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Taiyuan Tongze Heavy Industry Co.                                          170,178.79   170,178.79   100    uncollectable         170,178.79       170,178.79
Beijing Jingcheng Star Technology Development Co.                          170,010.00   170,010.00   100    uncollectable         450,000.00       450,000.00
Shandong Huali Motor Group Suzhou Manufacturing Co.                        164,801.28   164,801.28   100    uncollectable         244,801.28       244,801.28
Xuzhou Meritor Axle Co.                                                    163,037.45   163,037.45   100    uncollectable         163,037.45       163,037.45
Siping Blower Co.                                                          160,053.21   160,053.21   100    uncollectable         160,053.21       160,053.21
Xiangdian Heavy Equipment Co.                                              158,854.17   158,854.17   100    uncollectable         158,854.17       158,854.17
Hubei Quanli Machinery Group Co.                                           152,489.82   152,489.82   100    uncollectable         152,489.82       152,489.82
Steel Butler (Shanghai) Technology Co.                                     151,927.34   151,927.34   100    uncollectable
Shandong Kerui Steel Plate Co.                                             151,411.57   151,411.57   100    uncollectable         156,702.16       156,702.16
Anshan Steel Machinery Development Metallurgical Electric Repair Factory   150,734.55   150,734.55   100    uncollectable         150,734.55       150,734.55
Wafangdian Hongda Constant Velocity Universal Joint Manufacturing Co.      148,466.32   148,466.32   100    uncollectable         148,466.32       148,466.32
Beishangguang (Guangzhou) Machinery Equipment Co.                          135,345.75   135,345.75   100    uncollectable
Hubei Jingshan Light Industry Machinery Co.                                132,087.65   132,087.65   100    uncollectable
Anhui Anfeng Fan Co.                                                       131,355.36   131,355.36   100    uncollectable         131,355.36       131,355.36
Zhejiang Zhonghong Motor Co.                                               126,348.05   126,348.05   100    uncollectable         126,348.05       126,348.05
Shenyang Qunding Machinery Equipment Co.                                   126,286.35   126,286.35   100    uncollectable         126,286.35       126,286.35
Tangshan Dunshi Machinery Manufacturing Co.                                124,474.60   124,474.60   100    uncollectable         124,474.60       124,474.60
Guangxi Tianyang Huamei Paper Co.                                          122,629.00   122,629.00   100    uncollectable         122,629.00       122,629.00
Shenye Heavy Equipment (Shenyang) Co.                                      121,909.54   121,909.54   100    uncollectable         121,909.54       121,909.54
Harbin First Machine Manufacturing Group Co.                               121,033.33   121,033.33   100    uncollectable         121,033.33       121,033.33
Anhui Foma Auto Parts Group Co.                                            119,386.14   119,386.14   100    uncollectable
Anshan Anzhong Mining Machinery Co.                                        116,819.89   116,819.89   100    uncollectable          83,746.30        83,746.30
Shanghai Yaotai Engineering Technology Co.                                 113,054.61   113,054.61   100    uncollectable         113,054.61       113,054.61
Beijing Machinery Industry Automation Research Institute Co.               111,484.00   111,484.00   100    uncollectable
Shandong Baoding Coal Coking Co.                                           110,528.29   110,528.29   100    uncollectable         110,528.29       110,528.29
Wuhan Autopilot Motor Co.                                                  109,112.60   109,112.60   100    uncollectable
TISCO Group Dongfang Iron & Steel Co.                                      108,997.44   108,997.44   100    uncollectable         108,997.44       108,997.44

                                                                                      Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Yingkou Jiachen Fuel Chemical Co.                 108,451.55      108,451.55    100    uncollectable         108,451.55       108,451.55
Lingyuan Iron and Steel Co.                       108,446.16      108,446.16    100    uncollectable         110,000.00       110,000.00
Shougang Changzhi Iron & Steel Co.                107,819.72      107,819.72    100    uncollectable
Tianma Automobile Group Co.                       107,121.10      107,121.10    100    uncollectable         107,121.10       107,121.10
Shenyang Sanming Heavy Industry Machinery Co.     105,807.39      105,807.39    100    uncollectable         105,807.39       105,807.39
Weichai (Weifang) Medium Diesel Engine Co.        104,548.21      104,548.21    100    uncollectable         104,548.21       104,548.21
Jiangsu Aerospace Power Electromechanical Co.     104,257.06      104,257.06    100    uncollectable          82,187.55        82,187.55
DBI Corporation                                   102,568.64      102,568.64    100    uncollectable         102,568.64       102,568.64
Yang Coal Xinzhou General Machinery Co.           100,447.88      100,447.88    100    uncollectable         100,447.88       100,447.88
Other individual accruals                        7,317,964.82    7,317,964.82   100    uncollectable      23,266,178.46    23,266,178.46
                                 Total          68,299,555.07   68,299,555.07                             68,147,261.25    68,147,261.25

                                                         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

          Provision for bad debts by portfolio
          Portfolio accruals items
                                                           Closing Balance
         Name                                              Provision for bad
                         Accounts Receivable                                               Proportion (%)
Within 1 year                         783,068,065.44                 39,187,753.50                           5.00

1-2 years                              69,540,783.04                   6,954,078.30                         10.00

2-3 years                              23,076,562.45                   4,615,312.49                         20.00

3-4years                                 9,098,061.61                  4,549,030.81                         50.00

4-5years                                 1,334,211.66                  1,067,369.33                         80.00

Over 5 years                             2,243,064.15                  2,243,064.15                        100.00
Related Party
        Total                        1,141,844,171.42                58,616,608.58

  (2)     Provision for bad debts charged off, reversed or recovered during the
  period Related party portfolio
               Opening               Amount during the period         Closing
               Balance         Accrued     Received        Charge off balance
Provision for
                    125,212,282.16        7,777,293.68       1,257,209.05       4,816,203.14      126,916,163.65
bad debts
    Total           125,212,282.16        7,777,293.68       1,257,209.05       4,816,203.14      126,916,163.65

   (3)          Accounts receivable written off in current period

 Item                                                                         Written-off Amount
 Accounts receivable written off                                                                     4,816,203.14

                                                                                                            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

       Significant amount written off
                                                                                                                         Whether arising from
             Debtors name                        Nature       Amounts          Reasons        Write-off procedures           connected
Shandong Hengji New Material Co.          payment for goods   2,284,666.96   uncollectable Internal approvals                        N

Henan Taihang Vibration Machinery Co.     payment for goods    989,207.41    uncollectable Internal approvals                        N

Shaanxi Hande Axle Co.                    payment for goods    309,157.59    uncollectable Internal approvals                        N

Shandong Guanpeng Sheet Metal Co.         payment for goods    273,748.84    uncollectable Internal approvals                        N

Shaanxi Hande Axle Co.                    payment for goods    261,036.63    uncollectable Internal approvals                        N

Zibo Boshan Advance Reducer Factory Co.   payment for goods    244,579.32    uncollectable Internal approvals                        N

                  Total                                       4,362,396.75

                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

         (4)    The top five significant accounts receivable categorized by debtors
                                                      Closing Balance                     Proportion     Receivable
                                                                                           of total      bad debts &
           Debtors name                                Contractual                         closing       contractual
                                      Receivable                           Total           balance          assets
                                                                                             (%)         impairment
Wafangdian Bearing Group
                                     253,088,686.58                     253,088,686.58         20.91
Corporation and subsidiaries

China National Railway Group
                                      65,328,867.27                      65,328,867.27          5.40     3,315,586.02
Corporation and subsidiaries

China      Railway    Group
Corporation       (CRGC)and           46,806,964.33                      46,806,964.33          3.87     2,640,533.11
Dalian Heavy Industry Crane
Group      Corporation  and           38,058,776.35                      38,058,776.35          3.14     2,022,930.49
China Shipbuilding Industry
                                      23,949,683.21                      23,949,683.21          1.98     1,276,968.12
Materials Southwest Co.,Ltd
               Total                 427,232,977.74                     427,232,977.74         35.30     9,256,017.75

   ii.           Other receivables

                           Items                                     Closing Balance           Opening Balance
Interest receivable
Dividends receivable                                                         11,843,105.36              11,843,105.36
Other receivables                                                           290,208,402.21             314,644,304.84
                           Total                                            302,051,507.57             326,487,410.20

         (1) Dividend receivable
                          Investee                                   Closing Balance           Opening Balance
Wazhou Precision of Spherical             Roller Bearings
                                                                             11,843,105.36              11,843,105.36
(Wafangdian) Co., Ltd
Subtotal                                                                     11,843,105.36              11,843,105.36
Less: provision for bad debts
                           Total                                             11,843,105.36              11,843,105.36

         (2) Other receivable

          1) Other receivable based on aging
                     Aging                                           Closing Balance           Opening Balance
Within 1 year                                                               286,347,894.82             312,488,558.21
1-2 years                                                                     3,028,808.31               2,909,616.92
2-3 years                                                                     2,110,239.68                504,211.96
3-4years                                                                        287,195.88                254,121.72
4-5years                                                                           89,830.61              119,264.25
Over 5 years                                                                  4,914,986.54               4,363,179.66
Subtotal                                                                    296,778,955.84             320,638,952.72
Related Party Portfolio                                                       6,570,553.63               5,994,647.88
                           Total                                            290,208,402.21             314,644,304.84

                                                     Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

             2) The categories of other receivable

                                                              Closing Balance
                                    Booking balance                Provision
                                                                                         Booking balance
                                    Amount         %          Amount             %

Other    receivables   with
individual       bad       debt     4,605,722.33      1.55     4,605,722.33     100.00


Other receivables identified
bad debt provision based          292,173,233.51     98.45     1,964,831.30       0.67        290,208,402.21
on the characters of credit
risk portfolio

-Aging combination                  9,206,206.49      3.10     1,964,831.30      21.34           7,241,375.19

-Risk-free portfolio                 505,121.61       0.17                                         505,121.61

-Related party portfolio          282,461,905.41     95.18                                    282,461,905.41

              Total               296,778,955.84   100.00      6,570,553.63                   290,208,402.21

                                                              Opening Balance
                                    Booking balance                Provision
                                                                                         Booking balance
                                    Amount         %          Amount             %

Other    receivables   with
individual       bad       debt     4,047,178.65      1.26     4,047,178.65     100.00


Other receivables identified
bad debt provision based          316,591,774.07     98.74     1,947,469.23       0.62        314,644,304.84
on the characters of credit
risk portfolio

-Aging combination                 10,998,423.58      3.43     1,947,469.23      17.71           9,050,954.35

-Risk-free portfolio                1,160,078.82      0.36                                       1,160,078.82

-Related party portfolio          304,433,271.67     94.95                                    304,433,271.67

              Total               320,638,952.72   100.00      5,994,647.88                   314,644,304.84

       Other receivables with individual bad debt provision
                               Closing Balance                                   Opening Balance
   Items          Book                    Rate                                 Book
                            bad debts               Reasons                               bad debts
                balance                   (%)                                 balance

                                                            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

                                       Closing Balance                                  Opening Balance
    Items               Book                     Rate                                 Book
                                     bad debts                    Reasons                        bad debts
                       balance                    (%)                                balance
                4,605,722.33 4,605,722.33 100.00 uncollectable     4,047,178.65     4,047,178.65
bad debt
    Total       4,605,722.33 4,605,722.33                          4,047,178.65     4,047,178.65
       Provision for bad debts by portfolio
                                                    Closing Balance
                             Other receivables         bad debts              Proportion (%)
Within 1 year                          3,885,989.47           194,299.47                    5.00
1-2 years                              3,023,808.31           302,380.83                   10.00
2-3 years                                841,853.86           168,370.77                   20.00
3-4years                                 281,014.09           140,507.05                   50.00
4-5years                                  71,337.90            57,070.32                   80.00
Over 5 years                           1,102,202.86         1,102,202.86                  100.00

 -Risk-free portfolio                               505,121.61

 -Related partyportfolio
             Total                          292,173,233.51                    1,964,831.30
             3) Bad debt provision of other receivable

                                   1 st stage              2 nd stage            3 rd stage
 Provision for bad                credit loss         Expected credit         Expected credit
 debt                               within             loss within life        loss within life
                                 following 12        time(unimpaired)         time(impaired)
Balance on January 1st,
2023                                5,994,647.88                                                          5,994,647.88

On January 1, 2023 Other
receivable        carrying                             -                  -                           -                  -
amount on the book

 --get into 2nd stage                           -                         -                       -                  -

 --get into 3rd stage                           -                         -                       -                  -
 --reverse into 2 stage
                                                -                         -                       -                  -

 -reverse into 1st stage                        -                         -                       -                  -
Accrual for the period               575,905.75                                                            575,905.75

Write-offs    during       the
Write-offs    during       the

                                                          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

Other changes

Closing balance                      6,570,553.63                                                     6,570,553.63

         4) Provision for bad debts charged off, reversed or recovered during the period
                   Opening                Amount during the period                  Closing
                   Balance          Accrued         Received      Charge off       Balance
bad debt                     5,994,647.88        575,905.75                                           6,570,553.63
     Total                   5,994,647.88        575,905.75                                           6,570,553.63
               5) No other receivables were actually written off during the period
               6) The categories of other receivable by nature
                    Nature                           Closing Balance                    Opening Balance
 Loans from related parties                                        281,651,433.00                   304,433,271.67

 Secured fund & Deposit                                               7,005,101.19                    7,260,746.37

 Petty cash                                                           1,279,521.48                    1,464,007.16

 Electricity bill                                                      495,121.67                     1,155,078.82

 Others                                                               6,347,778.50                    6,325,848.70

                    Total                                          296,778,955.84                   320,638,952.72

               7) The top significant other receivable categorized by debtors
                                                                                       Rate of
         Company name                  Category                        Againg           other         Bad debts
Dalian Waxial Precision Motor         Related                          Within 4
                                                     133,593,120.52                         45.01
Automobile Bearing Co.                Party Loans                      years
Waxaxial Liaoyang Bearing             Related                          Within 4
                                                     102,381,156.58                         34.50
Manufacturing Co.                     Party Loans                      years
Waxaxial Precision Spherical
                                      Related                          Within 4
Roller Bearing (Wafangdian)                           45,677,155.90                         15.39
                                      Party Loans                      years
                                                                       Within 2
Anhui Conch Cement Co.                Margin           1,300,000.00                          0.44       130,000.00
                                                                       Within 2
Daqin Railway Co.                     Margin           1,118,900.00                          0.38        63,395.00
                 Total                               284,070,333.00                         95.72       193,395.00

  iii.             Long-term equity investments

                                    Closing Balance                               Opening Balance
                               Book         Provision Book Value          Book        Provision Book Value
                             balance                                    balance

Investment           in
                          226,488,897.67             226,488,897.67 225,693,897.67                  225,693,897.67

Investment in JV,
                          226,488,897.67             226,488,897.67 225,693,897.67                  225,693,897.67

                                                                                                           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text

          1) Investment in subsidiaries
                                                                                     Changes during the period
                                                                                                       Provision for                     Closing
            Investee                Opening Balance        Provision                                                                                    Provision
                                                                       Additional    Reduced          impairment for       Others        Balance
                                                                                                         the period
Wazhou        Liaoyang    Bearing
                                           31,447,259.95                795,000.00                                                     32,242,259.95
Manufacturing Co.
Dalian Wazhou Precision Motorized
                                           45,478,956.37                                                                               45,478,956.37
Automotive Bearing Co.
Wazhou Precision Spherical Roller
                                          148,767,681.35                                                                              148,767,681.35
Bearing (Wafangdian) Co.
               Total                      225,693,897.67                795,000.00                                                    226,488,897.67

Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text ( The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

     iv.         Operating revenue and cost
1.         Situation of operating revenue and cost
                                                             current year                                       prior year
                                                    Revenue                    Cost               Revenue                    Cost
Revenue from main operation                        2,078,051,298.96      1,788,578,899.29      2,103,804,100.56           1,759,630,657.07

Revenue from other operation                         142,408,231.96         50,429,309.71        287,385,110.16              178,728,084.25

                   Total                           2,220,459,530.92      1,839,008,209.00      2,391,189,210.72           1,938,358,741.32

           Principle operation - classified according to Industries

                                             current year                                               prior year
                               Sales revenue                 Cost of sales               Sales revenue                Cost of sales

 Export                                180,093,365.40               168,510,025.21               216,679,504.65              204,095,685.61

 Domestic                            1,806,168,825.45             1,558,520,183.89             1,809,614,890.05           1,478,420,717.56

 Transportation                        357,711,301.33               340,912,594.57               389,506,553.45              336,763,134.41

 vehicle bearings

  Special use
                                       797,640,051.38               612,926,045.89               766,000,221.77              587,952,935.71

 General use
                                       650,817,472.74               604,681,543.43               654,108,114.83              553,704,647.44

                                         91,789,108.11               61,548,690.19                77,509,705.86               77,114,253.90

                                       142,408,231.96                50,429,309.71               287,385,110.16              178,728,084.25
 Other operating income

 Total                               2,220,459,530.92             1,839,008,209.00             2,391,189,210.72           1,938,358,741.32

2.         Breakdown information of operating revenues and operating costs
           Revenues generated from customer contracts during the period were as follows:

                                                                                       Current year
                                                                Sales revenue                                  Cost of sales
Export                                                                          180,093,365.40                               168,510,025.21

Domestic                                                                      1,806,168,825.45                            1,558,520,183.89

                                                                                357,711,301.33                               340,912,594.57
Transportation vehicle bearings

Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text ( The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

Special use bearings                                                            797,640,051.38                             612,926,045.89

General use bearings                                                            650,817,472.74                             604,681,543.43

Industrial Operations                                                             91,789,108.11                             61,548,690.19
                     Total                                                    2,078,051,298.96                           1,788,578,899.29

   v.           Investment income
                               Items                                                       Current year                 Prior year
Dividend income earned during the holding period of investments in other
equity instruments
Investment income from debt restructuring                                                          8,260,371.82              4,115,928.61
                                   Total                                                          10,260,371.82              4,115,928.61

 XVIII. Supplementary Information

    i.          Non-operating profit or loss in current year
                                          Items                                                    Amounts               Instruction

Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets, including the offsetting portion of
the provision for asset impairment already made

Government grants recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for
government grants that are closely related to the Company's normal business
operations, in compliance with national policies and in accordance with defined
criteria, and that have a sustainable impact on the Company's profit or loss

Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of financial assets and financial
liabilities held by non-financial enterprises and gains and losses arising from the
disposal of financial assets and financial liabilities, except for effective hedging
business related to the Company's normal business operations

Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables individually tested for

Gains and losses on debt restructuring                                                               10,935,641.78

Non-operating income and expenses other than those listed above                                         158,222.87
                                                                                                                      Other         equity
Others                                                                                                2,000,000.00    instruments
                                                                                                                      investment dividends
Subtotal                                                                                             35,337,946.46
Income tax effect                                                                                     5,500,426.31

Minority interests impact amount (after tax)

                                          Total                                                      29,837,520.15

   ii.          Return on equity and earnings per share

Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. 2023 annual report full text ( The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

                                                                      Weighted average                Earnings per share (EPS)
                    Profit of report period                              return on net
                                                                           assets (%)              Basic EPS           Diluted EPS

 Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                             -23.65                -0.2471           -0.2471

 Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses                             -30.70                -0.2471           -0.2471
 attributable to shareholders of parent company

iii. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards
(1) The difference between net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed under both international
accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards
□ Applicable Not applicable
(2) The difference between net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed under both foreign accounting
standards and Chinese accounting standards
 Applicable Not applicable
(3) Explanation of the reasons for the difference of accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting
standards, the name of the overseas audit institution should be indicated if the difference adjustment is made to
the data audited by the overseas audit institution
4. Others
