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瓦 轴B:2012年半年度报告(英文版)2012-08-17  

						         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                     Midyear Report of 2012

                                            Midyear Report of 2012

                                            Section 1. Important notice

     The board of directors, the supervisory committee, the director, the supervisor and the top
management guaranteed no false record, false statement of misleading data or major omission in the
report, and took associated responsibilities of the truth, accuracy and completeness.
     All directors attended the meeting.
     The Midyear financial report was not audited.
    Chairman Mr. Wang Lushun, finance controller Mrs. Sun Najuan and financial charger Mrs.
Yao Chunjuan guaranteed the truth, completeness of the financial report in the Midyear report.

                            Section 2. Brief introduction of the Company

1.Brief introduction of the Company
A Code                                                             B Code                 200706
A short name                                                       B short name           瓦轴 B
Listed Security exchange
                         Shenzhen Security exchange stock
Chinese name of the
Abbreviation of Chinese
English name of the
                            Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
Abbreviation of English
Legal representative of
                            Wang Lushun
the Company:
Correspondence address      No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province, China.
Post code                   116300
Office address of the
                            No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province, China.
Post code                   116300
Website                     http://www.zwz-bearing.com
E-mail                      zwz2308@126.com

2. Correspondence
                                           Secretary of the Board of Directors of Authorized Stock and Security Affairs
                                                       the Company                           Representative

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                  Midyear Report of 2012

Name                                            Sun Najuan                                 Su Shaoli
                                                No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian         No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian
                                                City, Liaoning Province, China.            City, Liaoning Province, China.
Tel.                                            0411-39116369                              0411-39116731
Fax                                             0411-39116738                              0411-39116738
E-mail                                          zwz2308@126.com                            zwz2308@126.com

3. Information disclosure
Newspaper                                             Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Newspaper
Website for disclosing half-year report               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Preparation and liaison office of this report         Investment and Securities Department of the Company

                        Section 3. Abstract of accounting data and business data

1.Abstract of accounting data and business data

1.1Main financial indexes
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Indexes                       2012.01.01-2012.06.30 2011.01.01-2011.06.30                    +/- to previous
Operating income                                       1,617,746,695.03              1,757,865,663.28                       -7.97%
Operating profit                                             31,868,660.6              59,374,200.82                       -46.33%
Total profits                                             33,429,844.45                63,961,198.24                       -47.73%
Net profit available for shareholders
                                                          30,377,280.34                53,579,496.41                        -43.3%
of listing company
Net profit available for shareholders
of listing company with abnormal                          28,816,096.49                48,992,498.99                       -41.18%
incomes deducted
Net cash flows from operation
                                                         148,855,325.74                91,389,270.77                        62.88%
                                                     2012.06.30                   2012.01.01                   +/- to previous
Total assets                                           3,619,556,728.62              3,533,795,515.58                        2.43%
Owners’ equity (shareholders’
                                                       1,520,136,919.21              1,489,759,638.87                        2.04%
Capital stock                                                402,600,000                 402,600,000                             0%

 Main financial indicators
                   Indexes                        2012.01.01-2012.06.30          2011.01.01-2011.06.30              +/- to previous
Basic gains on per share                                                  0.08                          0.13                      -38.46%
Diluted gains on per share                                                0.08                          0.13                      -38.46%
Basic gains on per share with abnormal
                                                                          0.07                          0.12                      -41.18%
incomes deducted
Fully diluted net returns on net asset                                2.02%                         3.64%                          -1.62%
Weighted average net returns on net                                   2.02%                         3.64%                          -1.62%

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                    Midyear Report of 2012

Fully diluted net returns on net asset
                                                                          1.91%                      3.33%                               -1.42%
with abnormal incomes deducted
Weighted average net returns on net asset
                                                                          1.91%                      3.33%                               -1.42%
with abnormal incomes deducted
Net cash flow on per share gained from
                                                                             0.37                         0.23                       60.87%
operation activities
                                                            2012.06.30                  2012.01.01                    +/- to previous
Net assets on per share available for
                                                                             3.78                         3.70                           2.16%
Debt Asset ratio                                                             58%                     57.27%                              0.73%

   2. There are no differences between the CAS in aspect of financial data.
   3. The deducted abnormal profits and losses
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
              The item of the abnormal profits and losses                                         Amount
Profits and losses relating to disposal of fixed assets                                                                    644,282.54
Profits and losses relating to the debt restructure                                                                       -183,894.73
Others non-operating revenue and expense besides the above items                                                          1,100,796.04
                                   Total                                                                                  1,561,183.85

                      Section 4. The change of capital stock and stocks holding
                                                      by major shareholders
        1. Information on shareholders and actual controller
        1.1 The number of the total shareholders at the end of the report period:
        At the end of the report period, there are 8,825registered shareholders.
        1.2. The top 10 main shareholders

                                                            Top ten shareholders’ status

                                                                                        Non-circulation            Impawned and frozen shares
               Name                         Nature        Proportion     Total shares
                                                                                            shares               status                  status
Wang Fangdian Bearing Group State-owned
                                                           60.61%        244,000,000      244,000,000
Corporation                 shareholder
AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                           19.7%         79,300,000           0                  frozen             79,300,000
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                          1.82%          7,325,355           0
Huang Junyue                          Others               0.89%          3,600,000           0
Ma Yuancheng                          Others               0.18%          742,325             0
MAN,KWAI WING 文贵荣                  Others               0.18%          713,101             0
Chen Zhongwu                          Others               0.13%          532,800             0
Hei Youxin                            Others               0.13%          512,559             0
Merchant securities Hong Kong              State-owned
                                                           0.12%          483,538             0
Company                                     shareholder

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                 Midyear Report of 2012

Yang Yufei                                 Others    0.12%           466,030                0

                                  (1)Wafangdian Bearing Group Corporation(Compay’s parent company) hold 244 million shares, which takes up
                                  60.61%,(2) AKTIEBOLAGET SKF is company’s strategic investor, who held 79.3 thousand shares, takes up
Statement of shareholders         19.7%. In the report period, the frozen period of the shares purchased by the company’s strategic investor
                                  AKTIEBOLAGET SK expired in 1999, and has not dealt with the releasing-procedure in this report period.
                                  (3)The other shares are current shareholders

                                                         The top 10 current shareholders
                          Name                                             Amount                                      Type
 AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                                                      79,300,000                        B
 GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                      7,325,355                        B
 Huang Junyue                                                                           3,600,000                        B
 Ma Yuancheng                                                                              742,325                       B
 MAN,KWAI WING 文贵荣                                                                      713,101                       B
 Chen Zhongwu                                                                              532,800                       B
 Hei Youxin                                                                                512,559                       B
 Merchant securities Hong Kong Company                                                     483,538                       B
 Yang Yufei                                                                                466,030                       B
 YHG INVESTMENT, L.P.                                                                      409,218                       B
                                                             There is no relationship and consistent activities between the first big
                                                             shareholder and the top ten current shareholders in the major ten shareholders of
    The explanation on the relationship and consistent       the company, The relationship among other shareholders, top ten current
         activities between above shareholders               shareholders, top ten current shareholders and other shareholders is not
                                                             clear .strategic investor or general legal person become the top 10 shareholder
                                                             because of ration new shares.
   1.3 Introduction to the holding shareholders
   Relationship of the property right and controlling between the Company and actual Controller:

     Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                               Midyear Report of 2012

                                    Dalian MunicipalGovernment State-owned Assets
                                            Supervising and Managing committee


                                                        DalanEquipment Manufacture
      InnovationInvestmentCompany                          Investment Company                 ZhongChengCompany

9.5%shareholding                                                                                            3.5%shareholding

                                          Wafangdian Bearing Group Company

                                                                         60.6% shareholding

                                        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd

               Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                Midyear Report of 2012

                             Section 5 Information on Directors, Supervisors, senior management and employees

                                                                                   Increase   Decrea   Shares      Include:                                    Get salary in the
                                                                                   in this    se in    Holding      Limited                                    share-holding
                                                                         Holding                                              share option
                                                                                   period     this     in           shares                                     company       and
    Name                Position          Sex     Age        Term         in the                                              in the         Changing reason
                                                                                              period    the                                                    associated
                                                                         year-be                                              year-ending
                                                                                                       year-endi                                               companies(Y/N)
Wang Lushun       Chairman               Male      62   2006.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                Yes

Cong Hong         Vice-Chairman          Male      54   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                Yes
Shao Yang         General Manager        Male      46   2009.8-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                 No
Zhang Xinghai     Director               Male      44   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                Yes
                  Secretaryof                                                                                                                                         No
Sun Najuan        Session,General        Female    44   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0
Chen Jiajun       Director               Male      46   2011.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                Yes
Fang Bo           Director               Female    41   2009.6-2012.6     1500         0         0       1500          1125        0                0                Yes
Rakesh                                                                                                                                                               Yes
                  Director               Male      61   2010.10-2012.6     0           0         0         0            0          0                0
Wang Huabin       Independent Director   Male      72   2009.8-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                 No
Wang Keyi         Independent Director   Male      69   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                 No
Zhang Qiluan      Independent Director   Male      56   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                 No
Liu Yuping        Independent Director   Male      57   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                 No
                  President of                                                                                                                                       Yes
Sun Maolin        Supervisory            Male      49   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0
Wang Longjie      Supervisor             Male      51   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                 No
Qu Rongjun        Supervisor             Male      58   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                Yes
Meng Wei          Supervisor             Male      45   2011.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                Yes
Yao Chunjuan      Supervisor             Female    47   2009.6-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                NO
Gao Yongyang      Vice-G.M.              Male      60   2009.8-2012.6      0       6   0         0         0            0          0                0                NO
Hua Yuehong       Vice-GM                Male      45   2009.8-2012.6      0           0         0         0            0          0                0                NO
          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                Midyear Report of 2012

 2. Posts occupied by the directors and supervisors in the shareholding units

                                                                                                                                Get salary in
    Name                      shareholders’ units                             Position                   Beginning term        company and
                                                           Chairman of Board of Directors, General
Wang Lushun      Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp. Ltd                                                  1998.12.01                      Yes
                Board of Directors Wafangdian Bearing                    Vice-chairman                                         Yes
 Cong Hong                                                                                           2009.05.01
                Group Corp. Ltd
hang Xinghai     Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp. Ltd                   General accountant             2009.06.01                Yes
 Chen Jiajun     Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp. Ltd                          Assistant of GM         2011.06.01                Yes
 Sun Maolin      Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp. Ltd                           VGM                    2007.05.01                Yes
                                                             Vice Charger of Technique Center                                  Yes
 Qu Rongjun     Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp. Ltd                                                   2009.07.01

                                                            The Chairmen of labor union and the                                Yes
  Meng Wei       Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp. Ltd                                                  2003.03.01
                                                             Clerk of Discipline Inspection
    Rakesh                                                                   President                                         Yes
                SKF Asia Regional Headquarters                                                       2012.01.01
    Fang Bo     SKF (China) Investment Co,. Ltd.                      Financial Charger              2002.04.01                Yes

 Posts occupied by the directors and supervisors in other units
    Name              units                                                              Position        Get salary in the company (Y/N)
                Dalian SKF-Wazhou Company Limited, Dalian Koyo
                Wazhou Automobile Bearing Company Limited, DaLian
Wang Lushun                                                                          Chairman                         No
                THKWaZhou industrial company limited,Wafangdian
                Hongda CVJ Manufacturing Company Limited
                Dalian SKF-Wazhou Company Limited,                                   Director
                Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging Company
                Limited, Wa Zhou LiaoYang bearing manufacturing
 Shao Yang      company limited, WBGC Slewing Bearing Company                                                        No
                Limited. Dalian Wazhou Feng Yuan Machinery
                Company Limited and Dalian Wazhou Jin Zhou                          Chairman
                Machinery Company Limited.
Meng Wei        WBGC Precision Special Bearing Company Limited                            GM                         No

 3. Payment information of the directors, supervisors, and top management in the report period.

 Decision process of payment of the directors, supervisors, and top
 Basis of payment    of the directors, supervisors, and top management
 Actual    payment of directors, supervisors, and top management             Pay by month

 4. Employee
 Among the employees on-the-job                                                                                            5,736
 The number of retired workers whose relative expenses should                                                              3,104

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                               Midyear Report of 2012

be assumed by the Company
                                               Professional constitute
                    professional constitute                              Total number
Production                                                                                               4,619
Sales                                                                                                     271
Technical                                                                                                 204
Financial                                                                                                   82
Administrative                                                                                            560
                                                 Education degree
                   Education degree category                             Total number
High school and the following                                                                            4,496
college                                                                                                   800
Bachelor degree                                                                                           431
Master                                                                                                       9

                                 Section 6. Work report of Board meeting
     1. The summary of the business in the current period:
     1.1 The discussion and analysis on the operation situation in the current period
     Affected by mac-economy environment in this report period, the market’ performance is not good,
orders reduce and sale revenue increased slowly. Cost increase, capital employment increase and benefit
decline. At this situation, company speed up setting up sale-net actively and adjusting product structure,
which lead to an increase on product quality and operation quality to ensure the profit.
     In the first half-year of 2012, the company’s operating incomes reached up to 1,617,746,695.03 Yuan
with an decrease by 7.97% comparing with the previous period; the operating profits reached up to
31,868,660.60 Yuan with an decrease by 46.33% comparing with the previous period; the net profits
reached up to 30,377,280.34 Yuan with an decrease by 43.30% comparing with the previous period.
    1.2 Focus on the problems, company take some active measures in H2,to ensure the economy
operation quality in H2,and improve company’s gain ability and market competition ability.
    (1) Implementing market developing target and grabbing orders,developing and maintaining big
clients at same time developing new clients, implementing responsibility on developing area market and
developing export market activity.
    (2) Improving orders’ implement ratio to meet the market’s need, Reform Company’s production plan
system, implementing “E” project speedily and improving production efficiency, Implementing the short,
adaptable and fast projects and improving the production guarantee ability on key process.
    (3) Improving product quality and carrying out quality tackling and technology improvement
    (4) Implement measures on reducing cost expense, which include improving material use ratio,
planning material use reasonably, manage outsourcing strictly and controlling raw material purchasing
    (5) Compressing capital employment roundly, which to prevent operation risk. Enhancing credit
management and clearing up A/R roundly. Adjust steels inventory structure by using articles being
processed and surplus products and compressing stock funds
    1.3 The industry developing trend

              Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                  Midyear Report of 2012

      (1) develop market and product development according to national development around 16 special
   technology, organize and develop 14 important projects , and research supporting bearing for clients at the
   same time.
      (2) Ensure important strategies on import substitute for market development , such as steel industry, the
   truck engine industry, cement mechanical alternatives such as import market supporting bearing, especially
   in high speed railway, car market, big the multi-megawatt wind turbines and offshore wind power
   generation market has the very good market prospect, and common development already make into force.
      (3)Take the customer cost improvement, to provide high cost-effective products. The share in car
   industry, railway industry, the wind power industry and the industrial equipment market rise steadily
        1.4 The market competition
       At present Wazhou is in the domestic market leading position, but domestic bearing market
   competition becomes increasingly fierce, especially foreign brands enter the Chinese market, set up
   factories in China to expand investment, technology research and development center. Preempted the
   domestic market in the service and price, especially in steel, which make a great impact on machine tool
   and is wind power market to my company's market development and market sales.

   Operation performance on main subsidy and equity-holding company


                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

  Company                            Registere Nature of            Registered       Business                     Holdin Voting           Consolid
                    Company type                                                                       amount at
   name                              d address operation             capital          scope            the end of g %     %                ation

                                       Weiguo                                      Production and
                                                     and sales of
                                      road, Baita                                  sales of bearing
Liaoyang Bearing        Limited                      bearing and      19,350,000                      17,337,259.95     100%       100% Y
                                        district                                   and machinery
                                       Liaoyang                                    manufacturing

                                       Shisanli      Production
                                      yongsheng      and sales of                    Planning to
Dalian Electrical
                        Limited         street,      bearing and      10,000,000      develope        45,478,956.37     100%       100% Y
                                       free trade    machinery                         project
                                     zone Dalian manufacturing

   (2)equity-holding        company
                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan
   Investee              Enterpri Register Legal    Busines Regiser Holding      Voting     Total      Total    Total    Total   Net profits in the H1

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                           Midyear Report of 2012

                        se         ed      represe s nature            ed          %         %     assets liabilitie   net   sales               of 2012
                        nature     address ntative                 capital                          as at s as at assets revenue
                                                                                                 June 30 June 30      as at in the
                                                                                                    2012      2012 June 30 H1 of
                                                                                                                     2012    2012
Joint venture
                                    No.1,      Wang Manufactu
                                   Phrase Lushun        re and
                                      1,                sales of
Dalian SKF Wazhou                  Gongji             ball-surfac 140,000                         23,475. 4,517.8 18,957. 9,802.2
                         equity                                                 49%       49%                                                    609.18
 Bearings Co., Ltd.                 Street,            e rolling     ,000                             63        1     82        7
                                   Wafang               bearing

All of the risk factors may effect to the future development strategy and the realization of the
operation target
    1) Countries perform prudent monetary policy, the whole society of funds is tense, and the customer
the solvency is low, accounts receivable up is an important risk.
    2) Some host industries such as steel, automobiles, wind business customers transferred cost to the
component enterprise, the low price effected enterprise's profit level reduced
    3) In view of the market competition situation, SKF, FAG, NSK bearing transnational companies to
speed up to the penetration and the pace of expansion in China, put forward the development in China
"multiply plan", the acceleration of the speed of the factory in China. The product also of small and
medium-sized bearing by ever give priority to turn to auto bearing, railway bearings, overloaded bearing,
aviation bearing, wind power bearing and steel equipment and other high-end products with bearing of
production, and gradually occupied the commanding heights of the technology, ZWZ bearing industry to
the independent status puts forward a serious challenge
    4) Multinational bearing group cooperate with the large enterprise joint venture in domestic, signed a
strategic cooperation agreement, and strengthening the multinational companies in China's dominant
industry of monopoly status

2. The main business scope of the company and its actual situation
2.1 Composing of main business income and main business profit
                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

  According to
                                                                                         +/-(%) of          +/-(%) of
   industry or     Operating income           Operating cost          BOI                                                   +/-(%) of BOI
                                                                                      operating income    operating cost
according to industry
Export                  136,789,260.11        137,835,006.35                 -0.76%              48.59%           47.67%                 0.63%
Traffic bearing         495,964,564.24        440,341,915.64             11.22%               -10.21%               -9.7%                -0.5%
                        282,818,191.38        237,585,214.27             15.99%                  -1.84%           -0.76%             -0.92%
                        403,687,524.75        350,746,226.95             13.11%                  -0.31%           -0.36%                 0.04%
 Industrial work         53,811,589.56         59,693,569.81            -10.93%               -25.35%            -18.08%             -9.84%

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                  Midyear Report of 2012

according to the products
Bearing               1,319,259,540.48 1,166,508,363.21            11.58%             -1.36%               -0.5%            -0.77%
Component               53,811,589.56      59,693,569.81          -10.93%           -25.35%            -18.08%              -9.84%

     2.2. Main business from region
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

         Region                         Operating income                                Compared with previous period +/-(%)
     Export                                                          136,789,260.11                                               48.59%
     Domestic                                                      1,236,281,869.93                                               -6.17%

 Statement of main business from area: The area divide into export and home according to main business area.
 Statement of Composing of main business income: The variety divides into product, Component and Industrial work.
 Operation problems.
1)    Sales revenue increased slowly and the development on product structure adjustment is imbalanced.
2)    Order in some production line decrease, the production task dissatisfaction with the load.
 3) Capital employment is big and the contradiction of the money tense is still obviously.

        2.3 Application of non-B-share fund item:
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan
                                        First disclosure        Capital       Process              Gains
In large-scale reconstruction
                                                                                               Reforming new machines to form production
project tapered cylindrical             August18,2012             574       Complete 35%
                                                                                               line, increase big-middle bearing ability
bearings t
                                                                                               Perfect substance cage production ability and
Substance cage construction
                                        August 18,2012            108       Complete 25%       environment to improve production
                                        August 18,2012                                         Forming high level roller production ability,
Roller construction project                                       745       Complete 36%
                                                                                               improve production level
                                        August 18,2012                                         Implementing production reform on car
                                                                                               process, rubbing and assemble automatic, to
Railway Bearing construction
                                                                  391       Complete 30%       make the railway truck bearing production
                                                                                               machine and craft level reach to international
Precision    big-entad     ball         August 18,2012                         Complete        Newly increased 2 production lines, forming
bearing construction project                                                    100%           key production ability
Precision    machine      tool          August 18,2012                                         Improving matching level between
                                                                  370       Complete 80%
bearing construction project                                                                   production and detection.
                                        August 18,2012                                         Perfecting top grade car bearing production,
Trucks bearing project                                           2,036      Complete 60%
                                                                                               and product quality.
                                        August 18,2012                                         Make sure normal production installation
Others                                                            179       Complete 20%

Total                                                            5,192

                                                Statement of non-B-share fund investment project

  Company transform project with non-B-share fund which improve company’s production ability and market competition ability. At
present all projects are under process, and some of which have finished basically

      Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                              Midyear Report of 2012

   2.4 The cash distribution situation
    According to the relevant requirement of cash dividends, made in listing rules and the China securities
supervision and management committee, the company perfects the articles of association strictly, make a
positive cash share out bonus policy; ensure the implementation of the cash dividends and implementation
in system.
    Company perform strict decision procedure share out bonus, ensure the legitimacy of share out bonus
and compliance. After the end of each accounting year, the board of directors of the company proposed bill
share out bonus, and submit the shareholders' assembly vote. The company shareholders meeting on the
profit distribution plan make resolution, the board of directors of the company in the shareholders' general
meeting is completed within 2 months after the dividend (or stock) of the distributed matters. The company
accepts all shareholders, independent directors and supervisors of the company dividends advice and
supervision. According to company profit to decide whether undertake metaphase dividends or not. If
because of its need, company temporary not to cash the distribution of profits, will be in regular reports
disclosed in the mid-year report.
   2.5 Establishment and implementation of the insider inside registration management system
   The company has set up a file approved by the board of directors in 1998 issued the wafangdian bearing
Co., LTD insider information management system ", established the insider information management
system, and implemented well.
     For more than 10 years the insider's information scope and personnel change greatly, according to the
CSRC and new requirements made by Shenzhen stock department, the company from revised and with
"watts strands of hair [2011] no. 25" wen issued the wafangdian bearing Co., LTD insider information
insider management system ", in May 27, 2011 to clear the inside information, insider information the
insider's scope, procedures for registration, and confidentiality and the responsibility investigation matters,
and further strengthened the insider information management, and maintain the information disclosure of
openness, fairness and justice.
     According to the "on the listed companies to establish the inside information management system of
the registration of insider provisions and" big securities regulatory hair [2011] 229 "documentation
requirements, the company once again strengthen the insider's insider information management to put on
the important relevant units and related personnel seriously study, implement, and strictly enforced. The
company further perfected the insider information management, prevent the happening of the insider
trading effectively.
   According to the related regulations, the company truthfully and completely fill in the listed company
insider information source files, " take note of the insider information in the public record before the report
in time, the transmission, prepare, review and disclosure every link all inside information insider list, and
insider knowledge of inside information such as time related files. The directors, supervisors and senior
management, the functional departments, and their subsidiary company’s principal heads ready to
cooperate with inside information insider registration work, to notify the company insider information
insider and changes in the related. The board of directors of the company secretary specifically in charge of
inside information insider registration work

      Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                           Midyear Report of 2012

                                        Section 7 Important events

   1. Practical situation of corporation government
      The Company followed the regulations of Company Law, Corporation Government Rules, the AOA,
etc to regulate its operations and perfect its corporation government step by step.
      (1)、Perfect governance structure. The shareholders' meeting, board of directors and the board of
supervisors accordance with the requirement in “company law”, “the governance of listed company
principles” and other laws and AOA", clarify the responsibility, doing own job, mutual coordination and
balance each other, make full play of the "three meeting" and the executive decision, supervision and
management role, and to ensure the corporate governance structure of standard operation
      (2) The company made a internal control system, and forming internal control system on budget,
procurement, logistics, sales and others, and enforced strictly.
      (3) The separated situation in the business, personnel, assets and financial institutions between the
company and the controlling shareholders
      1) The company has independent operation ability, separated from controlling shareholders in
      2) The company have an independent labor personnel management system; in personnel, labor and
salary management. Expect the company's parent company Wafangdian Bearing Group chairman
concurrently the company's chairman, the general manager, deputy general manager and financial
administrator is separated from controlling shareholders.
      3) The company has separated from controlling shareholders in Production system, auxiliary
production system, supporting facilities
      4) The company has separated from controlling shareholders in financial with independent
accounting, independent pay tax in accordance with law
     5) Company set up the organization independent from the controlling shareholders.
     2. In the report period, the Company was not involved in any material lawsuits or arbitration

    3. There is no significant asset purchase, sales, disposal and enterprise purchase issues in the
report period.

     4. There are no significant items in the report period.

     5. Significant associated transactions in the report period:

    5.1 associated transactions related with daily operation

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                    Midyear Report of 2012

                                                                                                                                                                           The reason of
   Related            Related                                        Principle of               Amount       by the same                            Profit    Market price difference
                                       Type            Content                      Price                                 Account way                                      between actual
   parties          relationship                                        price                ‘0000 Yuan     transactions                          effected   ‘0000 Yuan price        and
                                                                                                                                                                           market price
Dalian SKF                                        Procurement of                                                         Pay currency or accept
Wazhou                             Procurement of finished       Negotiated
                  Associates                                                                     8,654          4.69%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
Bearing Co.,                       the products                  price
                                                  goods                                                                  negotiated date
Wafangdian        Other
Bearing           companies                      Procurement of                                                          Pay currency or accept
                                  Procurement of
Precision Ball    controlled by                  semi-finished Market price                       480           0.26%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
                                  the products
Manufacturing     the same parent                products                                                                negotiated date
Co., Ltd.         company

Wafangdian        Other
Bearing           companies                      Procurement of Negotiated                                               Pay currency or accept
                                  Procurement of
Precision         controlled by                  semi-finished price refer to                    13,485         7.3%     note in accordance with   Under 5%
                                  the products
Forging Co.,      the same parent                products       market price                                             negotiated date
Ltd.              company
                  Other                            Procurement of
                  companies                        finished       Negotiated                                             Pay currency or accept
Bearing                           Procurement of
                  controlled by                                   price refer to                  877           0.48%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
Equipment                         the products     Goods and
                  the same parent                                 market price                                           negotiated date
Manufacturing                                      labor
Co., Ltd.
Wafangdian     companies                      Procurement of Negotiated                                                  Pay currency or accept
                               Procurement of finished
Slewing        controlled by                                 price refer to                      4,746          2.57%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
                               the products
Bearing Co.Ltd the same parent                goods          market price                                                negotiated date
WBGC              Other
Precision         companies                      Procurement of Negotiated                                               Pay currency or accept
                                  Procurement of finished
transmission      controlled by                                 price refer to                   6,894          3.73%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
                                  the products
driving Bearing   the same parent                goods          market price                                             negotiated date
Co.,Ltd           company

WBGC              Other                          Procurement of Negotiated                                               Pay currency or accept
Precision         companies       Procurement of finished
                                                                price refer to                                           note in accordance with   Under 5%
transmission      controlled by the products                    market price                                             negotiated date
driving Bearing   the same parent

           Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                      Midyear Report of 2012

Co.,Ltd          company
Da Lian
Wazhou Feng
                                                Procurement of Negotiated                                      Pay currency or accept
Yuan             Other Related   Procurement of
                                                car work       price refer to          5,348          2.9%     note in accordance with   Under 5%
Machinery        party           the products
                                                piece          market price                                    negotiated date

Da Lian
Wazhou Jin
                                                Procurement of Negotiated                                      Pay currency or accept
Zhou             Other Related   Procurement of
                                                car work       price refer to          5,022          2.72%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
Machinery        party           the products
                                                piece          market price                                    negotiated date

Subtotal                                                                               45,506        24.64%

Wafangdian                                      Supply of
Bearing                                         finished         Negotiated                                    Take currency or accept
            Parent               Supply of
                                                                 price refer to         -858         -0.53%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
Group       company:             products       goods and        market price                                  negotiated date
Corporation                                     material

Dalian                                          Supply of
SKF-Wazhou                       Supply of      semi-finished Negotiated                                       Take currency or accept
Bearing          Associates      products and   products,       price refer to         2,975          1.84%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
Company                          labor          material and    market price                                   negotiated date
Limited                                         industrial work
Wafangdian       Other
Bearing          companies                                                                                     Take currency or accept
                                 Supply of      Supply of
Precision Ball   controlled by                                   Market price           437           0.27%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
                                 products       material
Manufacturing    the same parent                                                                               negotiated date
Co., Ltd         company
Wafangdian       Other
Bearing          companies                                       Negotiated                                    Take currency or accept
                                 Supply of      Supply of
Precision        controlled by                                   price refer to        18,632        11.52%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
                                 products       material
Forging Co.,     the same parent                                 market price                                  negotiated date
Ltd.             company
Dalian           Other                          Supply of
                                                finished                                                       Take currency or accept
Wafangdian       companies       Supply of
                                                                 Market price           129           0.08%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
Bearing          controlled by products         goods and                                                      negotiated date
Equipment        the same parent                material

           Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                 Midyear Report of 2012

Manufacturing company
Co., Ltd.
               Other                               Supply of semi
Wafangdian     companies                                                                                                  Take currency or accept
                               Supply of            finished
Slewing        controlled by                                      Market price                   1,053           0.64%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
                               products            goods and
Bearing Co.Ltd the same parent                     material
                                                                                                                          negotiated date
WBGC            Other                              Supply of
Precision       companies       Supply of          semi-finished                                                          Take currency or accept
transmission    controlled by products and         products,       Market price                  1,789           1.1%     note in accordance with   Under 5%
driving Bearing the same parent labor              material and                                                           negotiated date
                company                            industrial work

WBGC              Other                            Supply of
                  companies       Supply of        semi-finished                                                          Take currency or accept
                  controlled by products and       products,       Market price                   622            0.38%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
special bearing   the same parent labor            material and                                                           negotiated date
Co., Ltd          company                          industrial work
   Da Lian
  Wazhou Jin                                       Supply of
                                    Supply of                                                                             Take currency or accept
    Zhou          Other Related                    semi-finished
                                    products and                   Market price                   172            0.11%    note in accordance with   Under 5%
  Machinery       party                            products and
                                    labor                                                                                 negotiated date
  Company                                          industrial work
Subtotal                                                                                         24,949         15.14%
Total                                                                    --           --         70,455                               --                --     --   --
The details of big goods rejected                                 None
The necessary, constancy and the reason to trade with the
                                                                  Qualified quality and reasonable price
associated parties but not other companies.
influence to listing company’s independence                      No influence to listing company’s independence
The extent does company depends on the associated parties and
related measures to solve it.
The actual performance of the daily associated transactions whose
total amount has been forecasted by classes in the reporting      None
Statement of associated transactions                              Related with daily operation

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                          Midyear Report of 2012

        5.2 The sale of products (merchandise)or supply of labor and The purchase of products (merchandise)or receipt of labor
                                                                                                                                                             Unit: ‘0000 Yuan
                                                   The sale of products (merchandise)or supply of labor:                   The purchase of products (merchandise)or receipt of labor:
              Related      parties
                                                      Amount                             Percentage (%)                         Amount                             Percentage (%)
Equity-holding and ultimate actual controller
Incl: Wafangdian Bearing Group Corporation                     -8,581,155.49                               -0.53%
Joint venture enterprise
Incl:Dalian SKF Wazhou Bearing Co.,
                                                               29,748,687.88                               1.84%                         86,536,401.16                                  4.69%
Ltd.(SKF Wazhou)
under the same equity holding enterparies
Incl:Wafangdian Bearing Precision Steel
Ball Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(Precision                         4,365,001.45                               0.27%                           4,795,034.2                                  0.26%
Wafangdian Bearing Precision Forging Co.,
                                                             186,322,652.28                                11.52%                       134,851,660.65                                   7.3%
Ltd.(Precision Forging)
Dalian WBGC Bearing Equipment
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(Equipment                              1,287,960.84                               0.08%                          8,773,401.12                                  0.48%
        WBGC Slewing Bearing Co.,Ltd                           10,525,530.76                               0.64%                          47,462,221.5                                  2.57%
WBGC transmission driving Bearing Co.,Ltd                      17,888,650.88                                1.1%                         68,942,848.37                                  3.73%
WBGC Precision Specialty Bearing Co.,Ltd                        6,216,993.25                               0.38%
Other related parties
Dalian wazhou fengyuan machinery
                                                                                                                                         53,480,698.48                                   2.9%
Dalian wazhou jinzhou machinery company                         1,716,641.66                                0.11%                        50,220,644.83                                  2.72%
Total                                                        249,490,963.51                                15.14%                       455,062,910.31                                  24.64%

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                              Midyear Report of 2012

    6. Investigation, communication and interview, etc. in the report period
                 Time                   Site       Method                  Object            Content and documents supplied
                                                  Telephone                                    The general information of the
        February 2,2012               Office                           Private investor
                                                communication                                            company
                                                  Telephone                                    The general information of the
        February 24,2012              Office                           Private investor
                                               communication n                                           company
                                                  Telephone                                    The general information of the
        April 10,2012                 Office                           Private investor
                                                communication                                            company
                                                  Telephone                                    The general information of the
        May 30,2012                   Office                           Private investor
                                                communication                                            company

   7. In the report period, information on the changing or dismissing of the certified public
       The mid-year report is un-audited

    8. The disclosure information
                                                   Information disclosure
                    Item                                                                  Date                      Website
                                                   newspapers and layout
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
  Announcement of receiving the"The first                    Times , A20
                                               D50 of Securities
and second batch of New and High               of Hong Kong Commercial              March 23,2012         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
technology Enterprise of Da Lian               Newspaper
Municipality in 2011
                                               B67 of Securities
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
                                               of Hong Kong Commercial              April 21,2012         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
2011 Annual Report Abstract
                                               B67 of Securities
The First Quarterly Report for 2012
                                                     Kong Commercial
                                               of Hong                               April 21,2012        http://www.cninfo.com.cn
(Main Text)
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                           Times、A16
                                               B67 of Securities
Announcement of Resolution of the 10           of Hong Kong Commercial              April 21,2012         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Meeting of 5th Board Session                   Newspaper
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                         Times、A16
                                               B67 of Securities
Announcement of Resolution of the 9th                Kong Commercial
                                               of Hong                              April 21,2012         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Meeting of 5th Board of Supervisors            Newspaper
Announcement of the Company in 2011 the                      Times、A16
                                               B67 of Securities
implementation of related party daily
transactions and estimated related daily       of Hong Kong Commercial              April 21,2012         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
transactions in 2012                           Newspaper
Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.                              Times、A20
                                               D2 of Securities
Announcement of holding 2011 Annual                  Kong Commercial
                                               of Hong                              May 30,2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Shareholders’ Meeting                         Newspaper
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                           Times、A24
                                               D14 of Securities
Announcement of Resolution of 2011 annual      of Hong Kong Commercial              June 20,2012          http://www.cninfo.com.cn
shareholders’ meeting                         Newspaper

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                   Midyear Report of 2012

                                   Section 7 Financial Statements (un-audited)

                                                Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,Ltd
                                                      Balance Sheet

                                                         2012.06.30                                              2011.12.31
                                         Consolidated                      Parent                Consolidated                  Parent
Current assets:
 Monetary capital                            123,538,598.29                122,066,618.48            102,268,754.34             99,822,886.26
 Settlement preparation cash
 Borrowing capital
 Trading financial assets
 Notes receivables                      242,813,248.25                     239,683,248.25          134,514,385.38              133,080,700.75
 Account receivables                     1,021,519,948.21              1,032,265,592.86            948,225,066.12              986,005,682.37
 Prepayment                                 17,857,918.72                   16,925,576.92           52,716,821.34               42,733,044.64
 Interests receivables
 Dividend receivables
 Other receivables                            16,992,877.73                 11,446,642.40             15,528,274.87             10,024,049.56
 Inventories                                1,112,109,223.57           1,037,502,464.71            1,196,538,970.43           1,113,765,356.87
 Non current assets due within 1
 Other current assets                     2,862,419.12                        2,862,419.12        5,729,224.48                    5,729,224.48
Subtotal current assets               2,537,694,233.89                 2,462,752,562.74       2,455,521,496.96                2,391,160,944.93
Non-current assets:
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment                 95,064,038.62                152,258,840.19             92,489,891.01            149,684,692.58
  Investment-purpose real estate
  Fixed assets                               569,798,681.22                453,817,526.17            581,464,704.26            462,781,080.04
  Construction in process                    276,849,231.62                276,660,775.12            261,981,026.05            261,978,608.05
  Projects materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Productive biologic assets
  Petro and gas assets
  Intangible assets                          129,834,461.74                129,834,461.74            131,979,409.06            131,979,409.06
  exploitation expense
  Long-term prepaid expenses                     826,598.29                    826,598.29                869,505.00                 869,505.00
  Deferred income tax assets                    9,489,483.24                  9,489,483.24             9,489,483.24               9,489,483.24
  Other non-current assets
                                                                       1,022,887,684.75                                       1,016,782,777.97
Subtotal non-current assets
                                    1,081,862,494.73                                         1,078,274,018.62
Total assets                          3,619,556,728.62                 3,485,640,247.49       3,533,795,515.58                3,407,943,722.90

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                Midyear Report of 2012

Current liabilities :
  Short-term loans                              653,590,235.14         640,000,000.00           523,590,235.14            510,000,000.00
 Trading financial liabilities
  Notes payables                           195,714,142.09        195,714,142.09             94,100,000.00             94,100,000.00
  Account payables                        985,589,322.57         885,876,833.93         1,039,300,493.29             955,695,514.30
  Advances from customers                   42,240,461.57        40,931,048.58          50,407,895.65                 49,634,480.69
  Fees and commission payables
  Accrued payroll                           24,043,991.45        15,034,194.76              29,508,584.94             20,368,041.18
  Tax payables                              17,360,714.92        13,014,441.27              1,923,642.12               4,172,462.78
  Interests payables
  Other payables                              123,639,215.70            82,210,137.70           116,242,681.68             68,874,443.35
  Provision for the insurance
  Non-current liabilities due
                                                  8,000,000.00           8,000,000.00           138,000,000.00            138,000,000.00
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities
Subtotal current liabilities                  2,050,178,083.44      1,880,780,798.33          1,993,073,532.82           1,840,844,942.30
Non-current liabilities :
  Long-term loans
  Debenture payables
  Long-term account payables                        100,000.00                                      100,000.00
  Special account payables                          221,698.98            221,698.98                221,698.98                   221,698.98
  Predicted liabilities
  Deferred income tax liabilities                   246,635.79                                      246,635.79
  Other non-current liabilities                  48,673,391.20          48,673,391.20            50,394,009.12             50,394,009.12
Subtotal non-current liabilities          49,241,725.97                 48,895,090.18       50,962,343.89                  50,615,708.10
Total liabilities                       2,099,419,809.41         1,929,675,888.51       2,044,035,876.71                 1,891,460,650.40
Owner’s equity(shareholders’
  Capital stock                                 402,600,000.00         402,600,000.00           402,600,000.00            402,600,000.00
  Capital public reserves                       485,691,050.47         482,563,945.37           485,691,050.47            482,563,945.37
  less:stock shares
  Surplus public reserves                       123,972,268.17         123,972,268.17           123,972,268.17            123,972,268.17
  General provision for risk
  Undistributed profits                         507,873,600.57         546,828,145.44           477,496,320.23 507,346,858.96
Total owner’s equity available for
parent company                                1,520,136,919.21      1,555,964,358.98          1,489,759,638.87           1,516,483,072.50
Minority owner’s equity
Total owner’s equity                         1,520,136,919.21      1,555,964,358.98          1,489,759,638.87           1,516,483,072.50
Total liabilities and owner’s equity         3,619,556,728.62      3,485,640,247.49          3,533,795,515.58           3,407,943,722.90

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                  Midyear Report of 2012

                                                 Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,Ltd
                                                      Income statement

                                                          2012.06.30                                          2011.06.30
                                           Consolidated                   Parent               Consolidated                   Parent
1.Total operating revenue                1,617,746,695.03          1,610,534,206.84          1,757,865,663.28          1,749,590,632.89
including:operating revenue
         Interest revenue
2.Total operating cost                       1,588,856,098.95            1,572,714,129.79       1,704,793,996.96             1,695,876,782.93
including:operating cost                    1,433,460,380.71            1,426,359,883.98       1,549,779,169.18             1,548,503,038.12
         Interest payment
         Operating tax and adds                 6,385,704.89                  6,218,981.76          6,618,239.08                 6,361,293.21
         Sales expense                   104,774,136.63                     104,068,079.19        104,038,854.06               102,944,125.96
         Administrative expense                30,125,540.59                 22,269,686.56         31,813,142.30                25,779,116.76
         Financial expense                     13,815,248.96                 13,502,411.13         12,337,942.40                12,082,558.94
         Loss on depreciation of
assets                                            295,087.17                   295,087.17             206,649.94                  206,649.94
   plus:gains on the changes of
fair value (loss as “-”)

  Gains on investment(loss as “-”)     2,978,064.52
                                                                   2,978,064.52                6,302,534.50                6,302,534.50
   Including: the gains on
investment to affiliated and joint         2,978,064.52
stock companies                                                        2,978,064.52            6,302,534.50                6,302,534.50
   Gains on currency exchange(loss
as “-”)
                                               31,868,660.60                 40,798,141.57         59,374,200.82                60,016,384.46
3.Operating profits(loss as “-”)

  plus:non-operating revenue                   3,974,650.29                  3,483,559.87          5,602,126.12                 3,902,738.40
  less:non-operating expenses                  2,413,466.44                  1,747,850.85          1,015,128.70                  455,824.73
    including:losses on disposal of
non-current assets                                                                                        33,413.92                   33,413.92
4.Total profits(loss as “-”)               33,429,844.45                 42,533,850.59         63,961,198.24                63,463,298.13
  Less: income tax                               3,052,564.11                 3,052,564.11         10,381,701.83                10,381,701.83
5.Net profits(net loss as “-”)        30,377,280.34                39,481,286.48         53,579,496.41                 53,081,596.30
  Net profits available for parent
     Minority owner’s equity
6.Gains on per share
     basic gains on per share                  0.08                         0.10                   0.13                        0.13
     diluted gains on per share                0.08                         0.10                   0.13                        0.13
7.Other comprehensive returns
8.Total comprehensive returns
 Total comprehensive returns

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                          Midyear Report of 2012

available for parent company
Total comprehensive returns
available for minority shareholders

                                                 Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,Ltd
                                                    Cash flow statement
                                                          2012.06.30                                     2011.06.30
                                          Consolidated                      Parent       Consolidated                    Parent
1 Cash flow from operating
  Cash received from sales of
                                         646,285,337.83            667,620,105.77       689,708,029.75            698,313,243.84
goods or rendering services
   Refunds of taxes
   Cash received relating to other
operating activities                       7,671,109.14                  7,671,109.14     7,890,682.24                 2,891,329.49
Sub-total of cash inflows from
operating activities                     653,956,446.97                675,291,214.91   697,598,711.99            701,204,573.33
     Cash paid for goods or
                                         270,585,561.67            325,756,259.45       346,607,556.83            379,929,312.04
receiving services
    Cash paid to and on behalf of
employees                                126,124,633.85            102,006,163.07       141,325,005.75            122,067,382.04
     Tax payments                        29,729,831.00                 27,148,770.37     51,042,443.76                47,575,932.05
     Cash paid relating to other
operating activities                     78,661,094.71                 71,161,503.32     67,234,434.88                59,132,811.67
 Sub-total of cash outflows from
operating activities                     505,101,121.23            526,072,696.21       606,209,441.22            608,705,437.80
Net Cash Flow from Operating
Activities                               148,855,325.74            149,218,518.70        91,389,270.77                92,499,135.53
2 Cash Flow from Investing
    Cash received from disposal of
                                           403,916.91                   403,916.91
    Cash received from investments

    Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets and                                  131,500.00
other long-term assets                     705,000.00                                     637,836.53
   Cash received from disposal of
subsidiary or other operating
business units
   Cash received relating to other
investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                 1,108,916.91                  535,416.91        637,836.53                   637,836.53

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                        Midyear Report of 2012

    Cash paid to acquire fixed
                                              7,289,836.61          7,116,620.11            52,070,561.57          42,023,184.89
assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets
    Cash paid to acquire
    Net increase of the mortgage
   Cash payments relating to other
investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows               7,289,836.61           7,116,620.11           52,070,561.57          42,023,184.89
Net Cash Flow from Investing
Activities                              -6,180,919.70          -6,581,203.20          -51,432,725.04         -41,385,348.36
3 Cash Flow from Financing
   Cash received by investors
   Cash received from borrowings            508,385,611.16        508,385,611.16          198,170,000.00

   Cash from issuing debenture

    Cash received relating to other
financing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                   508,385,611.16        508,385,611.16          198,170,000.00          193,000,000.00
Repayments of borrowings               600,770,466.67             599,860,466.67      193,000,000.00              193,000,000.00

   Cash payment for dividends,
                                                             19,833,117.08                                    16,810,700.70
profits and the interests              19,934,095.89                                  17,083,336.79
    Cash payments relating to other
financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows             620,704,562.56         619,693,583.75          210,083,336.79         209,810,700.70
 Net Cash Flow from Financing
Activities                            -112,318,951.40        -111,307,972.59          -11,913,336.79         -16,810,700.70
4 Effect of cash and cash
equivalents Foreign Currency
Translation                              102,513.80               102,513.80           -161,610.20              -161,610.20
5 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash
and Cash Equivalents                   30,457,968.44           31,431,856.71          27,881,598.74           34,141,476.27
  plus:the balance in the
period-beginning                       62,187,956.71           59,742,088.63          52,057,009.69           43,756,831.34
6 The balance in the period-end        92,645,925.15           91,173,945.34          79,938,608.43           77,898,307.61

The annotation is enclosed as the complement of the above statements.
The balance sheet (consolidated and parent), the income statement (consolidated and parent) and the
cash flow statement (consolidated and parent) have been approved by the board meting held on
August 16, 2012.

              Charger : Shao Yang                                                  Charger : Sun Najuan

                  Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                      Midyear Report of 2012
                                                                            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.
                                                                      The changes of owner’s equity (consolidated)
                                                                                                       June 30, 2012
                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                       Amount of this period                                                             Amount of previous period
                                                Owner’s equity attributed to parent                                                   Owner’s equity attributed to parent
          items             Paid-in                                            Reserves                 Minority Total    Paid-in                               Reserves           Minority   Total
                                                         Minus:                         Undistrib                                         Minus:                          Undistri
                            capital        Capital                    Surplus    for              Other owner’s owner’s capital Capital            Surplus       for             owner’s owner’s
                                                          stock                           uted           equity   equity (capital surplus stock reserves general buted Others equity         equity
                            (capital       surplus                    reserves general              s
                                                         shares                          profits                                          shares                           profits
                             stock)                                             risks                                     stock)                                  risks

1.Balance in the previous
                          402,600,0 485,691,0                         123,972,2            477,496,3                 1,489,75 402,600, 485,691,         116,726,0           440,320,              1,445,33
                              00.00     50.47                             68.17                20.23                 9,638.87 000.00 050.47                 55.56            203.69               7,309.72
  Plus : the changes in
  accounting standards
 Correction to previous
2.Balance in       current 402,600,0 485,691,0                        123,972,2            477,496,3               1,489,75 402,600, 485,691,           116,726,0           440,320,            1,445,33
year-beginning                 00.00     50.47                            68.17                20.23          0.00 9,638.87 000.00 050.47                   55.56            203.69        0.00 7,309.72
3.The      increase  or
decrease in this period                                                                    30,377,28                 30,377,2                           7,246,212           37,176,1              44,422,3
(decrease as -)                        -             -            -           -        -        0.34      -      -      80.34        -          -   -         .61       -      16.54   -      -      29.15

(1)Net profits                                                                             30,377,28                 30,377,2                                               60,526,3              60,526,3
                                                                                                0.34          0.00      80.34                                                  29.15          -      29.15

                                               0.00                                                                         -             0.00                                                       0.00

   Total of (1) and (2)                                                                    30,377,28                 30,377,2                                               60,526,3              60,526,3
                                               0.00                                             0.34          0.00      80.34             0.00                                 29.15       0.00      29.15
 (3) the investment or
withdrawal of the owner
    1) the investment
 2)the shares calculated
 into the owner’s equity
 (4) profits distribution
                                                                                                   -                        -                           7,246,212           -23,350,               000.00
                 Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                Midyear Report of 2012
                                                                                                                                                       .61                 212.61

1 )withdrawal of surplus
                                                                                                                                                7,246,212             -7,246,2
                                                                                                                                                      .61                12.61
2).withdrawal of reserves
    for general risks

3)distribution to owners
                                                                                                                                                                      -16,104,               -16,104,
   and shareholders
                                                                                                                     -                                                 000.00                 000.00
    (5)owner’s equity
  internally transferred

      capital reserves to
       capital (capital
 (2) transferring surplus
   reserves to capital
      (capital stock)
(3)Offsetting the loss by
    surplus reserves

  4.Balance in current                                                                                                                                                                       1,489,75
                            402,600,0 485,691,0              123,972,2              507,873,6               1,520,13 402,600, 485,691,          123,972,2             477,496,
      period-end                                                                                                                                                                             9,638.87
                                00.00     50.47                  68.17                  00.57          0.00 6,919.21 000.00 050.47                  68.17              320.23

                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.
                                                          The changes of owner’s equity (Parent Company)
                                                                                                June 30, 2012
                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMByuan
                                                                   Amount of this period                                                          Amount of previous period
                                                  Owner’s equity attributed to parent       Minority Total                         Owner’s equity attributed to parent        Minority Total
                                  Paid-in Capital     Minus: Surplus Reserve Undistri Others owner’s owner’s Paid-in         Capital   Minus: Surplus Reserve Undistri Others owner’s owner’s
                                  capital surplus     stock reserves s for    buted           equity   equity capital          surplus   stock reserves s for    buted           equity equity

                 Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                 Midyear Report of 2012
                                   (capital            shares              general   profits               (capital          shares              general   profits
                                    stock)                                  risks                           stock)                                risks

   1.Balance in the previous
                                   402,600, 482,563,            123,972,             507,346,   1,516,48 402,600, 482,563,            116,726,             458,234,    1,460,12
                                    000.00 945.37                268.17               858.96    3,072.50 000.00 945.37                 055.56               945.44     4,946.37
     Plus : the changes in
     accounting standards
    Correction to previous
2.Balance      in          current 402,600, 482,563,            123,972,             507,346,   1,516,48 402,600, 482,563,            116,726,             458,234,    1,460,12
year-beginning                      000.00 945.37                268.17               858.96    3,072.50 000.00 945.37                 055.56               945.44     4,946.37

3.The increase or decrease in                                                                                                         7,246,21
                                                                                     39,481,2   39,481,2                                                   49,111,9    56,358,1
this period (decrease as -)                                                                                                               2.61
                                                                                        86.48      86.48                                                      13.52       26.13

(1)Net profits                                                                       39,481,2   39,481,2                                                   72,462,1    72,462,1
                                                                                        86.48      86.48                                                      26.13       26.13

                                                                                                       -                                 0.00                                 0.00
                                                                                     39,481,2   39,481,2                                                   72,462,1    72,462,1
      Total of (1) and (2)                                                                                                               0.00
                                                                                        86.48      86.48                                                      26.13       26.13
    (3) the investment or
   withdrawal of the owner
       1) the investment
2)the shares calculated into the
        owner’s equity

    (4) profits distribution                                                                                                          7,246,21             -23,350,
                                                                                                                                          2.61              212.61

   1 )withdrawal of surplus
                                                                                                                                      7,246,21             -7,246,2
                                                                                                                                          2.61                12.61
 2).withdrawal of reserves for
         general risks

 3)distribution to owners and                                                                                                                                              -16,104,
         shareholders                                                                                                                                                       000.00
                Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                Midyear Report of 2012
 (5)owner’s equity internally

        (1)transferring capital
          reserves to capital
            (capital stock)
(2) transferring surplus reserves
    to capital (capital stock)
   (3)Offsetting the loss by
       surplus reserves
                                    402,600, 482,563,   123,972,   546,828,   1,555,96 402,600, 482,563,   123,972,   507,346,    1,516,48
4.Balance in current period-end
                                     000.00 945.37       268.17     145.44    4,358.98 000.00 945.37        268.17     858.96     3,072.50

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                         Midyear Report of 2012

3. General information
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited (the “Company”) is a joint stock limited company established in the People’s
Republic of China (the “PRC”) on 20 March 1997. In the opinion of the directors, its parent and ultimate holding
company is Wafangdian Bearing Group Company Limited (“Wazhou Group”).
The Company’s B shares have been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 25 March 1997.
The addresses of the registered office and principal place of business of the Company are No.1, Phrase 1, Gongji Street,
Wafangdian North, Liaoning Province, and the PRC.
The Company is principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of bearing products, engineering equipment,
automobile spare parts and relating products.
The Company together with its subsidiaries is collectively referred to as the “Group”.

4. Main accounting policy, estimation and correction of previous errors
4.1 basis for financial statements preparation
The Group prepares the financial statements on the basis of going concern and actual transactions and events, and in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s
Republic of China, and based on the accounting policies and estimates in the note 4 ‘Significant accounting policies,
accounting estimates and method for preparation of consolidated financial statements’.
4.2 Complying with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise
The financial statements are prepared by the Group according to the requirements of Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprise, and reflect the relative information for the financial position, operating performance, cash flow of the Group
truly and fully.
4.3 Accounting period
The Group adopts the Gregorian calendar year as accounting period, i.e. from Jan 1 to December 31.
4.4 Funcitonal currency
The Group adopts RMB as functional currency.
4.5 The accounting settling method of business combination
(1) Business combination under the same control
The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination under the same control should be
measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As for the balance between
the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid
by it, the capital surplus shall be adjusted. If the capital surplus is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be
(2)Business combination not under same control
For a business combination not under same control, the combination cost shall be the fair value, on the acquisition date, of
the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control
of the acquiree. The difference when combination cost exceeds the fair value of identifiable net assets of acquiree should
be recognized as goodwill. If the combination cost is less than the he fair value of identifiable net assets of acquiree, the
difference should be recognized as current profit or loss.
4.6 Method of preparation of consolidated financial statements
Recognition principle of scope of consolidation: Scope of consolidated financial statements should include all subsidiaries
of the parent and the special purpose entities.
Accounting method of consolidated financial statements
The Group’s consolidated financial statements had been prepared in accordance with  and related regulations. All material intragroup transaction and
balance had been eliminated in full. The parts of subsidiaries’ equity non-attributable to parent company shall be as
minority interest presented in the in the consolidated balance sheet within equity.
Where there are inconsistent accounting policies or accounting period, when preparing the consolidated financial
statements, the Group shall adjust the subsidiaries’ financial statements in accordance with the Group’s accounting
policies and accounting period.
For the subsidiary obtained under different control, when preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Group shall
adjust the separate financial statements based on the fair value of identifiable net assets at the purchase date; for the
subsidiaries combined by the Group under the same control, regard the subsidiaries that they have been existing since the
beginning of the period, and the assets, liabilities, operation performance and cash flows shall be consolidated into the
financial statements of the beginning of the combination period according to their original book value.
4.7 Cash and cash equivalent standard
The cash listed on the cash flow statements of the Group refers to cash on hand and bank deposit. The cash equivalents
refer to short-term (normally with original maturities of three months or less) and liquid investments which are readily
convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
4.8 Translation of foreign currency
(1) Foreign currency transaction
Foreign currency transactions are translated at the spot exchange rate issued by People’s Bank of China (“PBOC”) when
the transaction incurs. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into RMB at the exchange rate
prevailing at the balance sheet day. Exchange differences arising from the settlement of monetary items are charged as in
profit or loss for the period. Exchange differences of specific borrowings related to the acquisition or construction of a
fixed asset should be capitalized as occurred, before the relevant fixed asset being acquired or constructed is ready for its
intended uses. The foreign currency non-monetary items recorded at fair value are translated at the exchange rate issued
on the date of fair value recognized. Exchange differences are charged as profit and loss of change of fair value. The
foreign currency non-monetary items recorded at historical cost are translated at the exchange rate issued on the date when
the transaction incurs, and don’t change the RMB amount.
(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
The asset and liability items in the foreign currency balance sheet should be translated at a spot exchange rate at the
balance sheet date. Among the ower’s equity items except “undistributed profit”, others should be translated at the spot
exchange rate when they are incurred. The income and expense should be translated at spot exchange rate when the
transaction incurs. Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements should be presented separately under the
ower’s equity item. For the foreign currency monetary items that form substantially the oversea business net investment,
their exchange difference of movement of exchange rate should be presented separately as translation difference of
foreign currency financial statement under the ower’s equity item when prepare the consolidated financial statements.
When disposing an overseas business, the Group should shift the translation difference of foreign currency financial
statement related to the overseas business into the disposal profits and losses of current period. Foreign currency cash
flows are translated at the spot exchange rate on the day when the cash flows incur. The amounts resulted from change of
exchange rate are presented separately in the cash flow statement.
4.9 Financial tools
Financial tools means forming financial assets and financial liability as well as equity tools contract.

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                          Midyear Report of 2012

The Group classifies its financial assets in the following categories: at fair value through profit or loss, loans and
receivables, held-to-maturity financial assets and available-for-sale. The classification depends on the purpose for which
the financial assets were acquired. Management determines the classification of its financial assets at initial recognition.
a)Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets held for trading. A financial asset is classified in
this category if acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the short term. Derivatives are also categorised as held for
trading unless they are designated as hedges. Assets in this category are classified as current assets if expected to be
settled within 12 months; otherwise, they are classified as non-current.
b)Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
active market. They are included in current assets, except for maturities greater than 12 months after the reporting period,
which are classified as non-current assets.
c)Held-to-maturity financial assets
Held-to-maturity financial assets are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed
maturities that the Groups management has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. If the Group were to sell
other than an insignificant amount of held-to-maturity financial assets, the whole category would be tainted and
reclassified as available for sale. Held-to-maturity financial assets are included in non-current assets, except for those with
maturities less than 12 months from the end of the reporting period, which are classified as current assets.
d)Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivatives that are either designated in this category or not classified in any of
the other categories. They are included in non-current assets unless the investment matures or management intends to
dispose of it within 12 months of the end of the reporting period.
(2)Recognition and measurement
     1)Financial assets
Financial assets are recognized at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the contractual
provisions of the financial instrument. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at the fair value through profit or loss
are expensed in the income statement;Transaction costs of other financial assets are included in financial assets at initial
Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Investments inequity instruments are measured
at cost when they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured.
Loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.
A gain or loss arising from change in fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset is recognised directly in equity,
except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses arising from the translation of monetary financial
assets. When such financial asset is derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in equity is
recognised in income statement. Interest on available for sale debt instrument, calculated using effective interest method,
and cash dividends declared by the investee on available-for-sale equity instruments are recognised as investment income
in income statement.
      2)Financial liabilities
The financial liabilities are classified into the financial liability at fair value through profit or loss and other financial
liability for the initial recognition.

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                         Midyear Report of 2012

The financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include the financial liabilities held for trading and the
designated financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss when initial recognized. For this kind of financial
liabilities should be measured at fair value, variation of fair value should be recorded into the current profit or loss.
Other financial liabilities should be subsequently measured at amortization cost by adopting actual interest rate method.
(3)Recognition and measurement of financial assets derecognized
Financial assets are derecognized when: i) the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial assets have
expired; or ii) all substantial risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have been transferred; or iii) the control
over the financial asset has been waived even if the Group does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards
relating to the ownership of a financial asset.
On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the aggregate of consideration
received and the accumulative amount of changes of fair value originally recorded in the owner’s equity is recognised in
the income statement.
(4)Determined conditions of financial liability termination
The financial liability obligations have been all or part of removed, then to confirm that the termination of the
financial liability or part of it.
Enterprise will be used to pay the assets of the financial liability to an institution or the establishment of a trust, repay
debts present obligations still exists, shall not be stopped to confirm that the financial liability, also can't stop
recognizing turn out assets.
Enterprise (debtor) between the obligee and the signed an agreement to undertake to replace a new financial liabilities
existing financial liabilities, and new financial debts and the existing financial liabilities in the different of the terms of
the contract shall be terminated the confirm the existing financial liabilities, and confirmed that the new financial
Enterprise of existing financial liabilities of all or part of the identical terms to make a substantial modification,
confirm the existing financial liabilities shall be terminated or in part, at the same time will amend the terms of
financial liability for a new financial liability.
(5)Fair value measurment of financial assets and liabilities
a) If the market for a fiancial instrument is active, an entity establishes fair value by using the quoted price in the active
market. In the active market, the Group meausres the fair value of its holding financial assets and contingent financial
liabilities by using the current quoted price; the Group measures the fair value of its contingent financial assets and
holding financial liabilties by using the curent quoted price. If there are no current quoted prices for the financial assets
and liabilties, and no significant change in the economic environment after the settlement date, the quoted prices of the
recent transactions should be used to measure the fair value of the financial assets and liabilties.
b) If the market for a financial instrument is not active, an entity establishes fair value by using a valuation technique.
Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, if
available, reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow
analysis and option pricing models.
(6)Impairment of financial assets (exclude A/R)
The Group assesses the carrying amount of financial assets other than financial assets at fair value through profit or loss at
each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that the financial asset is impaired, the Group shall determine the
amount of any impairment loss accounts.
If an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortized cost has been incurred, the amount of loss is measured at the
difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future
credit losses that have not been incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value of the financial asset recovered and

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                       Midyear Report of 2012

the recovery can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously
recognized impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognized in income statement.
If objective evidence shows that impairment for available-for-sale financial assets will occur,the cumulative loss arising
from the decline in fair value that had been recognized directly in equity is removed from equity and recognized as
impairment loss. For an available for sale debt instrument, if there is objective evidence that the value of the financial
asset recovered and the recovery can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the
previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognized in income statement. For an
available for sale equity instrument, if there is objective evidence that the value recovered and the recovery can be
objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss
is reversed and directly recognized in equity.
4.10 Recognition standard and calculate method for bad debts of receivables provision
The Group shall calculate the full provision for bad debts for the following receivables: debtor has been log-out,
bankruptcy, minus net asset, significant poor cash flow and significant nature disaster leads to discontinue production and
the debtors could not pay for the debts within the foreseeable time . Other solid evidences indicates that the receivables
cound not be paid or be of a slim chance.
The allowance method is applied to the potential loss of bad debt. The Group should make the impairment test separately
or in combination and accure the bad debt provisions which      shall be recorded into current profit or loss at the end of the
period. If there is defined evidence for the receivables not to or not likely to be received, which shall be recognized as the
loss of bad debt and write off the accrued bad debts provisions after going through the approval procedure of the Group.
(1) Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision as per portfolio
                                                  The receivables with more than RMB 3 million
 Judgment basis or amount standards of
                                                  individual amount shall be recognized as the significant
 individually significant amounts
 The accruing method of the receivables with       The bad debt provisions shall be accrued based on the
 individually significant amounts                  difference between current value of future cash flow and
                                                   the carrying amounts.

(2)Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio
                                 The accrual method for
    The basis of portfolio        bad debt provision by                            Ground
                                                          Use the accounting aging of the receivables as the
                                accounting aging          credit risk characteristics to classify the portfolio.
Accounting aging
                                analysis method           Accrue the bad debt provision by accounting aging
                                                          analysis method
                                                          Use the amount characteristics of the receivables , if the
                                                          transaction party is related parties characteristics need
Related parties                 Other method
                                                          to classify the portfolio. Accrue the bad debt provision
                                                          by individual identification method
                                                          Use the amount characteristics of the receivables, the
                                                          credit of transaction party, the nature of the amounts
Risk-free                       Other method              and the safeguard mechanism of transaction as
                                                          characteristics to classify the portfolio. Accrue the bad
                                                          debt provision by individual identification method
In portfolio, using the accounting aging of the receivables as caculating bad debts provision
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                Midyear Report of 2012

         Accounting aging             Accrual percentage of the receivables (%)    Accrual percentage of other receivables (%)
Within 1 year                                                                1%                                             1%

1-2 years                                                                    5%                                             5%

2-3 years                                                                   20%                                            20%

Over 3 years                                                                50%                                            50%

3-4 years                                                                  50%                                            50%
4-5 years                                                                  50%                                            50%

Over 5 years                                                                50%                                            50%

The other method is applied to accrualing of bad debts provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                      Name                                                          Explanation

Related parties                                   Accrue the bad debt provision by individual identification method

Risk-free                                         Accrue the bad debt provision by individual identification method

(3)Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision as per portfolio
Accrual reason: The individual amount is not significant, but the accrued bad debt provision on the basis of portfolio can
not reflect its risk characteristic
Accrual method :The bad debt provisions should be accrued based on the difference between current value of future cash
flow and the carrying amount.
4.11 Inventories
(1) Classification of inventory: Inventories are classified as raw material, wrappage, low-valuable consumable,
working-in-progress, and finished goods etc.
(2)Pricing of inventories received and sent out:
□first-in first-out method (FIFO) √Weighted average method          □Individual determination method □Other
(3)Inventory net realizable value determination basis and inventory depreciation provision method
For the finished goods, working in progress and raw material held for sale etc which shall be sold directly, the net
realizable value should be confirmed at the estimated selling price less estimated selling expenses and related tax and
expenses. The raw material held for production, its realizable value should be confirmed at the estimated selling price of
finished goods less estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and related tax. The net realizable value of
inventories held for execution of sale contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated based on the contract price. If the
quantities of inventories in the Group are more than quantities if inventories subscribed in the sales contracts, the net
realizable value of the excessive part of the inventories should be calculated based on the general selling price.
At the balance sheet date inventory should be measured at the lower of the cost and net realizable value. For the
inventories which are damaged, fully or partly obsoleted and selling price below cost, the Group should calculate the
provision for impairment of inventories according to the estimated nonrecoverable part of cost. Finished goods and a large
amount raw materials should be calculated provision for impairment based on the difference of the cost exceed the
realizable value of single item. For raw and accessorial materials with a large quantities and lower unit price should be
calculated provison for impairment according to classify of inventory.

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                        Midyear Report of 2012

(4)Inventories processed system
√perpetual inventory system □Regular inventory system         □ Other
(5)Low-valued consumables and packaging amortize method
Low-valued consumables: amortize at one time
Packaging: amortize at one time
4.12 Long-term equity investment
(1)The initial investment cost is determined
The initial cost of long term equity investments formed in the merger of enterprise under the same control shall be
recognized at the share of the carry amounts of equity of the merged enterprise. The initial cost of long term equity
investments acquired in the merger of enterprise under the different control shall be recognized at fair value of the assets
paid, liabilities risen or charged, and equity securities issued.
Besides the long-term equity investments acquired by the merger of enterprises, the initial cost of a long-term equity
investment obtained by other means shall be ascertained in accordance with the provisions as follows:
(1) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost which
is actually paid. The initial cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtaining of the long-term equity
investment, taxes and other necessary expenses.
(2) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair
value of the equity securities issued.
(3) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stated in the investment contract or
agreement except the unfair value stated in the contract or agreement.
(4) The initial cost of a long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets and the initial cost of a
long-term equity investment obtained by debts restructuring shall be ascertained in accordance with related Accounting
Standards for Enterprises.
(2)A follow-up measurement and profit and loss confirmation
For the long-term equity investment in subsidiaries of the Group shall be measured in accordance with the cost method,
and shall be adjusted when preparing consolidated financial statements in accordance with equity method. For the
long-term equity investment of joint venture shall be measured in accordance with equity method.
For the long-term equity investment of the investing enterprise that does not do joint control or does not have significant
influences on the invested entity, and has no offer in the active market and its fair value cannot be reliably measured
should be measured in accordance with cost method. For the long-term equity investment of the investing enterprise that
does not do joint control or does not have significant influences on the invested entity, and has offer in the active market
and its fair value can be reliably measured should be measured as the assets available for sale.
(3)Bsis of the invested entity with a common control, great impact on
Joint control refers to the control over an economic activity in accordance with contract. Any party of joint venture can not
separately control the business activity of joint venture. The decision related to principal operating activities need
unanimous consent from any party
Significant influence refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of
investee, but not to control or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies. Significant
influence confirm according to the Group holds the over 20% (including 20%) but lower than 50% voteing shares. Unless
there is evidence which indicate the Group can not participate in the decision of production and operating under the
conditions above.
(4)Depreciation measure method and depreciation provision calculation method
The long-term equity investment exist the impairment signs, which should be recognized as recoverable amount.

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                Midyear Report of 2012

The recoverable amount shall be determined by the higher one, which between the assets of the fair value of the asset
minus the disposal expenses and the net amount of the assets of the current value of the expected future cash flow.
Assets of the fair value of the asset minus the disposal expenses and the net amount of the assets of the current value of
the expected future cash flow, as long as there is a more than the carrying value of the asset, it shows that no asset
impairment has occurred.
The recoverable amount of the measurement results show that the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its
carrying value, the carrying value of the asset shall be reduced to the recoverable amount, the amount of writedowns
confirm for the loss of asset impairment, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, and the
corresponding provision for impairment of assets.
Loss of asset impairment once confirmed, in the future accounting period shall not return.
4.13 Fixed assets
(1)Recognition criteria of fixed assets
Fixed assets are defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods, rendering services,
leasing or for operation & management, and have more than one year of useful life, and whose unit price is over
(2)Fixed assets depreciation method
The Group withdraws depreciation for all fixed assets except for the fixed assets which had been fully depreciated and are
still being used. The Group withdraws depreciation by adopting straight-line method and depreciation rate of unit item on
monthly basis, and brings it cost or expenses in current period. Estimated net residual value rate is 3%, useful life,
depreciation rate as follows:
           Category                    Useful life (years)   net residual value rate(%)     Annual depreciation rate (%)
Housing and Buildings           15-35                        3%                           2.77-6.47
Machinery equipments            10-15                        3%                           6.47-9.70
Electric equipments             4-8                          3%                           12.13-24.25
Transportation equipments       6                            3%                           16.17

Others equipments               7-18                         3%                           5.39-13.86
(3)Depreciation measure method and depreciation provision calculation method
The fixed assets exist the impairment signs, which should be recognized as recoverable amount.
The recoverable amount shall be determined by the higher one, which between the assets of the fair value of the asset
minus the disposal expenses and the net amount of the assets of the current value of the expected future cash flow.
Assets of the fair value of the asset minus the disposal expenses and the net amount of the assets of the current value of
the expected future cash flow, as long as there is a more than the carrying value of the asset, it shows that no asset
impairment has occurred.
The recoverable amount of the measurement results show that the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its
carrying value, the carrying value of the asset shall be reduced to the recoverable amount, the amount of writedowns
confirm for the loss of asset impairment, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, and the
corresponding provision for impairment of assets.
Loss of asset impairment once confirmed, in the future accounting period shall not return.
4.14 Construction in progress
(2)Standard and time when the CIP transfer into fixed assets.
Since the construction in progress reached the expected usable situation, according to the project budget, cost or

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                       Midyear Report of 2012

engineering cost, the estimated value of fixed assets carry forward, second month began to plan carry depreciation, to deal
with the final accounts of the completed project after formalities again to the original value of fixed assets difference
(3)Depreciation measure method and depreciation provision calculation method
The CIP exist the impairment signs, which should be recognized as recoverable amount.
The recoverable amount shall be determined by the higher one, which between the assets of the fair value of the asset
minus the disposal expenses and the net amount of the assets of the current value of the expected future cash flow.
Assets of the fair value of the asset minus the disposal expenses and the net amount of the assets of the current value of
the expected future cash flow, as long as there is a more than the carrying value of the asset, it shows that no asset
impairment has occurred.
The recoverable amount of the measurement results show that the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its
carrying value, the carrying value of the asset shall be reduced to the recoverable amount, the amount of writedowns
confirm for the loss of asset impairment, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, and the
corresponding provision for impairment of assets.
Loss of asset impairment once confirmed, in the future accounting period shall not return.
4.15. Borrowing costs
(1)Recognition principles on capitalisation of borrowing cost:
The Group should capitalizes the borrowing cost directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a
qualifying asset and record borrowing cost into cost of related asset. The Group should recognize the other borrowing cost
as the current expense and charged it as profit and loss of current period. A qualifying asset refers to fixed asset,
investment property and inventory need be constructed for so long time to its intended use or sale.
(2)Duration of capitalisation of borrowing cost:
When expenditures and borrowing cost are being incurred, and activities that are necessary to put the asset available for
use or sale are in progress, the capitalisation of borrowing costs as part of the cost of a qualifying asset should commence.
(3)Duration of capitalization suspended
Capitalisation of borrowing costs should be suspended during extended periods in which active development is interrupted
and interruption period last for over 3 month. The borrowing cost incurred during the period should be recognized as
expenses and recorded into the profit and loss in the current period. When all the activities for bringing the asset to its
intended use or sale are completed, the capitalization of borrowing costs ceases, and the borrowing costs should be
recognized as an expense in the period incurred.
(4)Measurement of borrowing cost
As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization,
the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined as the difference of the actual cost incurred of the specially
borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the
bank or as a temporary investment. Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production
of assets eligible for capitalization, the Group shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on
the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset
disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization
rate shall be calculated and determined at the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.
4.16. Intangible assets
(1)Measurement of intangible assets
The intangible assets of the Group refer to land use right, ERP system software. The cost of outsourcing intangible assets

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                        Midyear Report of 2012

shall include the purchase price, relevant taxes and other necessary expenditures directly attributable to intangible assets.
The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the stated value in the investment
contract or agreement, except for those of unfair value in the contract or agreement.
(2)Amortisation method and period
The Group shall amortise land use right on the basis of its useful life by adopting straight line method from the time of
acquiring. ERP system software and other intangible assets shall be amortised on the basis of shorter of estimated useful
life, stated beneficial year in the contract, and legal available year. The amortization amount should be recorded into the
cost or expense of relevant in the current period.
The Group shall check the estimated useful life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited useful life at the
end of each year, if any change has been made, it shall be adjusted. The Group shall check the estimated useful life of
intangible assets with uncertain useful life during the each accounting period. If there are evidences to prove the useful life
of intangible assets is limited, the Group shall estimate the useful life and amortize the intangible assets within estimated
useful life.

               Name                    Useful life                                     basis
land use right               50 Years                    Law regulation
ERP software                 10 Years                    Contract regulation
                                                         Choose the shortest one among useful life, contract
Other                        3 Years
                                                          regulation and law regulation
(3)Uncertain service life of intangible assets judgment basis
     No definite contract or law the service life of intangible assets, and the comprehensive enterprise all aspects, through
the joint efforts, still do not reasonable to be certain that the intangible assets for economic benefits to the enterprise, the
time limit for just the intangible assets as uncertain service life of intangible assets.
(4)Intangible asstes impairment
The Intangible asstes exist the impairment signs, which should be recognized as recoverable amount.
The recoverable amount shall be determined by the higher one, which between the assets of the fair value of the asset
minus the disposal expenses and the net amount of the assets of the current value of the expected future cash flow.
Assets of the fair value of the asset minus the disposal expenses and the net amount of the assets of the current value of
the expected future cash flow, as long as there is a more than the carrying value of the asset, it shows that no asset
impairment has occurred.
The recoverable amount of the measurement results show that the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its
carrying value, the carrying value of the asset shall be reduced to the recoverable amount, the amount of writedowns
confirm for the loss of asset impairment, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, and the
corresponding provision for impairment of assets.
Loss of asset impairment once confirmed, in the future accounting period shall not return.
4.17. Long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses of the Group refer to expenses which are paid and should be deferred over the future period.
The amortization period shall be more than one year (no including 1 year). The expenses should be amortized averagely
over the beneficial period. If the deferred expense can not take benefit for the future accounting period, the unamortized
balance of the deferred expenses should be transferred into the current profit or loss.
4.18. Contingent liabilities
The obligation pertinent to a contingency shall be recognized as an estimated debt when the following conditions are
satisfied simultaneously:

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                   Midyear Report of 2012

(1) The obligation is a current obligation of the Group;
(2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Group as a result of performance of the obligation; and
(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.
The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the
performance of the current obligation, and the Group shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value
of money, and other factors pertinent to the contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the best
estimate amounts shall be determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash. The Group shall check the
book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. If there is any exact evidence indicating that the book value
cannot really reflect the current best estimate amounts, the Group shall adjust the book value in accordance with the
current best estimate amounts.
4.19. Government grants
1)Fund assets;2)Non-fund assets
(2)Accounting method
A government subsidy of the Group shall be recognized if the Group can meet the conditions for the government subsidy
and also can obtain the government subsidy. If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light
of the received or receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair
value; if its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount (RMB 1).
The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within the useful
lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes
shall be treated respectively in accordance with the indications as follows: (1) those subsidies used for compensating the
related future expenses or losses of the Group shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current
profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or (2) those subsidies used for
compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the Group shall be directly included in the current profits and
4.20 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
(1) Deferred tax assets
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liability should be recognized at the differences (taxable temporary differences)
between the tax base of an asset or liability and its carrying amount. The Group shall recognize the deferred income tax
assets arising from a deductible temporary difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most
likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. At the balance sheet date, deferred
tax asset and deferred tax liability should be measured at applicable tax rate.
The Group shall recognize the deferred tax assets arising from a deductible temporary difference to the extent of the
amount of the taxable income which is most likely to obtain which can be deducted from the deductible temporary
difference. For the deferred tax assets which already have been recognized, where there is any evidence showing that the
Group is probably unable to acquire sufficient amount of taxable income tax in a future period to offset against the
deductible temporary difference, the book value of the deferred tax assets shall be deducted. Where it is likely to acquire
sufficient amount of taxable income tax, the amount deducted shall be reversed.
(2)Deferred tax liabilities
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liability should be recognized at the differences (taxable temporary differences)
between the tax base of an asset or liability and its carrying amount. The Group shall recognize the deferred income tax
assets arising from a deductible temporary difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most
likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. At the balance sheet date, deferred

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                       Midyear Report of 2012

tax asset and deferred tax liability should be measured at applicable tax rate.
4.21. Operating Lease and financing lease
(1)accounting measurement of operating lease
The leases of the Group refer to operating lease.
The rents from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee into the relevant asset costs or the profits and losses of the
current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term.

(2)accounting measurement financing lease
□ Applicable √ inapplicable

5. Taxation

5.1. The main applicable tax and rate to the Group as follows:

                   Tax                                       Tax base                           Tax rate

Value-added tax (VAT)                      Sales revenue or Purchase                              17%
Consuming tax

Business tax                               Revenue from property lease                             5%

City construction tax                      Value-added tax payables, business tax                  7%

Enterprise income tax(EIT)                 Current period taxable profit                        15%,25%

Real estate tax                            70% of cost of own property or revenue             1.2% or 12%
                                           from leasing property

Land use tax                               Land using right area                        RMB 6 per square meter

Education surcharge                        Value-added tax payables, business tax                  3%
The enterprise income tax rate of Liaoyang Bearing (the company’s subsidiary) is 25%.
The enterprise income tax rate of Dalian Electrical Equipment (the company’s subsidiary) is 25%.
5.2. Tax preference and approval
The Company obtained the qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 14 Oct 2011.The Certificate number is
GR201121200028,and the period of validity is three years. According to the provisions of the tax law the Company can
enjoy the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years (including 2011) .

6. Business combination and consolidated financial statements

6.1. General situation of Subsidiaries

(1)Subsidiaries founded through the establishment or investments

                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                           Midyear Report of 2012

  Company                              Registere Nature of                Registered       Business                     Holdin Voting           Consolid
                    Company type                                                                             amount at
   name                                d address operation                 capital          scope            the end of g %     %                ation

                                        Weiguo                                           Production and
                                                        and sales of
                                       road, Baita                                       sales of bearing
Liaoyang Bearing       Limited                          bearing and         19,350,000                      17,337,259.95      100%         100% Y
                                         district                                        and machinery
                                        Liaoyang                                         manufacturing

                                        Shisanli           Production
                                       yongsheng        and sales of                       Planning to
Dalian Electrical
                       Limited           street,        bearing and         10,000,000      develope        45,478,956.37      100%         100% Y
                                        free trade         machinery                            project
                                       zone Dalian manufacturing

7 Notes to consolidated financial statements

7.1 Cash and cash in bank

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan
                                              2012.06.30                                                   2012.01.01
         Items            Original currency Exchan                 Amount              Original           Exchange          Amount
                                                    ge rate        (RMB)               currency             rate            (RMB)

Cash on hand                      --                  --                311,328.15         --                --                 328,678.6

      RMB                         --                  --                311,328.15         --                --                 328,678.6

Cash in bank                      --                  --                92,334,597         --                --             61,333,040.65

      RMB                         --                  --           78,482,838.24           --                --             57,150,212.26
USD                              2,190,036.01 6.3249               13,851,758.76         663,846.18          6.3009          4,182,828.39
Other cash                        --                  --           30,892,673.14           --                --             40,607,035.09

      RMB                         --                  --           30,892,673.14           --                --             40,607,035.09

Total                             --                  --          123,538,598.29           --                --            102,268,754.34

7.2 Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                                 Midyear Report of 2012

              Items                                                                   2012.06.30                            2012.01.01

              Bank      acceptance   notes                                                   210,089,816.49                        133,575,438.81

              Commercial        acceptance        notes                                        32,723,431.76                          938,946.57

              Total                                                                          242,813,248.25                        134,514,385.38

(2) Notes receivable endorsed to other parties but not mature at the end of year
                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan
       Note issuer                   Issuing date                       Maturity                     Amount                          Note
Bo fang textile Limited
                             2012-02-21                         2012-08-21                                     7,000,000
Nanfang Changjiang
vechile company              2012-05-16                         2012-11-16                                     5,500,000
changzhou branch
Qiqihaer railway
                             2012-2-22                          2012-08-21                                     5,000,000
equipment company
Tangshan railway
                             2012-04-24                         2012-10-24                                   4,863,281.9
Haerbin raileay
                             2012-03-26                         2012-09-19                                     4,000,000
equipment company
Amount                                       --                              --                             26,363,281.9              --

7.3 Accounts receivable

(1) Category of accounts receivable
                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan
                                                           2012.06.30                                                 2012.01.01
                                                                    Provision for bad and          Gross carrying           Provision for bad and
                                  Gross carrying amount
                                                                       doubtful debts                 amount                   doubtful debts
                                                    Percentage                    Percentage                Percentage                     Percentage
                                  Amount                            Amount                      Amount                      Amount
                                                          (%)                        (%)                        (%)                           (%)

Accounts receivable with
individual significant
                                                                    3,910,00                     3,910,00
amount and identification 3,910,007.43                      0.37%                      100%                      0.39% 3,910,007.43             100%
                                                                        7.43                         7.43
separately bad debt
Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

Accounting              aging 1,036,982,56                        35,775,166.                  946,195,50                  36,092,616.3
                                                      96.64%                         3.45%                      94.62%                          3.81%
                                      0.53                                64                         4.88                             2
                                20,312,554.3                                                   38,122,177
Related parties portfolio                                 1.89%              0          0%                       3.81%                0             0%
                                           2                                                          .56

Risk-free portfolio
                                1,057,295,11                      35,775,166.                  984,317,68                  36,092,616.3
Subtotal of portfolio                                 98.53%                         3.38%                      98.43%                          3.67%
                                        4.85                              64                         2.44                             2

Accounts receivable with
                                11,813,753.9                      11,813,753.                  11,813,753                  11,813,753.9
individual      insignificant                             1.1%                        100%                       1.18%                          100%
                                           4                              94                          .94                             4
amount and identification

           Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                        Midyear Report of 2012

separately       bad     debt

                                1,073,018,87               51,498,928.                1,000,041,                   51,816,377.6
Total                                             --                          --                         --                             --
                                        6.22                       01                    443.81                               9
1) Accounts receivable with individual significant amount and identification separately bad debt provision;
2) Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio with accounting aging;
3) Accounts receivable with individual insignificant amount and identification separately bad debt provision
Accounts receivable with individual significant amount and identification separately bad debt provision at the ending
√ Applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                                         Provision for bad          Provision rate         Reasons for
Company name                                    Booking balance
                                                                              debts                      (%)                provision

Baoding      North     China     Machine   &                                                                          A/R with over 5
                                                        3,910,007.43           3,910,007.43                      100% years aging, unlikely
Electronic Equipment Ltd Co.                                                                                          to be collected

Total                                                   3,910,007.43           3,910,007.43              --

Accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method
√ Applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan
                                                2012.06.30                                                    2012.01.01
                                Booking balance                                           Booking balance
        Aging                               Percentage        Provision for bad                      Percentage Provision for bad
                               Amount                               debts                Amount                       debts
                                                (%)                                                     (%)
Within 1 year
Incl:                             --               --                  --                      --                 --              --
Within 1 year                  917,883,864.44     88.52%               9,178,838.64     812,580,398.61           85.88%        8,125,803.98

Subtotal                       917,883,864.44     88.52%               9,178,838.64     812,580,398.61           85.88%        8,125,803.98

   1 to 2 years                 68,889,954.96      6.64%               3,444,497.75      82,021,197.63            8.67%        4,101,059.89

   2 to 3 years                  6,508,467.72      0.63%               1,301,693.54           6,437,339.6         0.68%        1,287,467.92

   Over 3 years                 43,700,273.41      4.21%            21,850,136.71        45,156,569.04            4.77%       22,578,284.53

  3 to 4 years                  30,590,191.39      2.95%               15,295,095.7      31,609,598.33            3.34%       15,804,799.17
4 to 5 years                    8,740,054.682      0.84%            4,370,027.342        9,031,313.808            0.95%       4,515,656.906
Over 5 years                    4,370,027.341      0.42%            2,185,013.671        4,515,656.904            0.48%       2,257,828.453
Total                       1,036,982,560.53       --               35,775,166.64       946,195,504.88            --          36,092,616.32
By portfolio, accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provisions under other method
√ Applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan
                     Name                                    Booking balance                             Provision for bad debts

Related parties portfolio                                                     20,312,554.32                                                   0

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                               Midyear Report of 2012

Risk-free portfolio
                  Amount                                             20,312,554.32                                                0
Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision separately at the end of 30 June,
√ Applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

Company name                Booking balance       Provision for bad debts                             Reasons for provision

Shenyang        Sewerage                                                                           A/R with over 5 years aging,
                                   2,706,703.13                2,706,703.13                 100%
Equipment Co.,Ltd                                                                                  unlikely to be collected

                                                                                                   A/R with over 3 years aging,
Shen     Yang     General
                                   2,452,138.58                2,452,138.58                 100% forms     a    book      difference
Bearing Co.,Ltd
                                                                                                   between both sides

                                                                                                   A/R with over 3 years aging,
 Tiefa coal sector Group
                                   2,352,760.15                2,352,760.15                 100% forms     a    book      difference
                                                                                                   between both sides

                                                                                                   A/R with over 3 years aging
Shuangyashan       Mining
                                   1,368,257.55                1,368,257.55                 100% forms a book difference.
industry Group Company
                                                                                                   between both sides

                                                                                                   A/R with over 3 years aging
Chongqing       Sailimeng
                                    650,758.88                  650,758.88                  100% forms a book difference.
electrical machine LLC
                                                                                                   between both sides

                                                                                                   A/R with over 3 years aging
Qingdao Qingte Zhongli
                                    590,898.99                  590,898.99                  100% forms     a    book      difference
axle Co.,Ltd
                                                                                                   between both sides.

Other sporadic accounts                                                                            A/R with over 5 years aging,
                                   1,692,236.66                1,692,236.66                 100%
receivable                                                                                         unlikely to be collected

Total                             11,813,753.94             11,813,753.94                   100%                  --

(2)Accounts receivable due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of the voting rights of the Company

√ Applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan
                                                  2012.06.30                                       2012.01.01

         Company name                  Amount             Provision for bad            Amount              Provision for bad

                                                                  debt                                                 debt

Wazhou Group                              7,523,401.47                        0            25,365,740.94                          0

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                 Midyear Report of 2012

Total                                          7,523,401.47                     0               25,365,740.94                        0

(3)Accounts receivable due from the five biggest debtors of the Group are as follows:

                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                            Relationship with the                                                                 Percentage
Company name                                                  Amount                    Aging
                                  Company                                                                       in the total AR(%)

China Railway Materials
                           Unrelated party                      54,672,480.56 Within 1 year                                     5.1%

Hudong vehicle section

of Daqin railway Stock Unrelated party                          26,717,017.96 Within 1 year                                   2.49%


Dalian Huarui Company
                           Unrelated party                      24,909,219.41 Within 1 year                                   2.32%
Xi’an fashite auto
                           Unrelated party                      18,131,040.86 Within 1 year                                   1.69%
transmion company
Dalian Lohui commercial
                        Unrelated party                         17,394,507.47 Within 1 year                                   1.62%
          Amount                      --                       141,824,266.26              --                                13.22%

(4)Accounts receivable due from related parties

                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                                    Relationship with the                                                Percentage in the total
Company name                                                                Amount
                                             Company                                                     accounts receivable(%)
Wazhou Group                   Biggest shareholder                                   7,523,401.47                               0.7%
Wafangdian precision forging Other companies controlled by
                                                                                     6,267,154.37                             0.58%
 company                     the same parent company
Wazhou Group Precision         Other companies controlled by
                                                                                     6,521,998.48                             0.61%
special Bearing Co., Ltd       the same parent company
             Total                             --                                   20,312,554.32                             1.89%

7.4 Other receivables

(1) The categories of other receivable
                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan
                                               2012.06.30                                            2012.01.01

                              Gross carrying           Provision for bad            Gross carrying          Provision for bad and
          Items                   amount               and doubtful debts              amount                    doubtful debts

                             Amount        Percenta Amount         Percenta Amount              Percentag       Amount       Percenta
                                               ge                      ge                            e                             ge

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                    Midyear Report of 2012

                                            (%)                         (%)                       (%)                             (%)
The receivables with
individual significant
amount and
                                       0                          0                          0                            0
separately bad debt
Other receivables accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

Accounting           aging 19,846,785.1                                            17,508,565.0
                                            96.69% 3,533,925.62         17.81%                     91.85%       3,533,925.62      20.18%
                                       6                                                      7

Related           parties
                                       0          0%              0           0%             0           0%               0             0%

Risk-free portfolio           680,018.19     3.31%                0           0% 1,553,635.42          8.15%              0             0%

                             20,526,803.3                                          19,062,200.4
Subtotal of portfolio                        100% 3,533,925.62          17.22%                         100%     3,533,925.62      18.54%
                                        5                                                     9

Other         receivables
with           individual
insignificant amount
                                       0                          0                          0                            0
and         identification
separately bad debt

Total                        20,526,803.3
                                             --        3,533,925.62      --
                                                                                                   --           3,533,925.62       --
                                        5                                                     9

1) Other accounts receivable with individual significant amount and identification separately bad debt provision;
2) Other accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio with accounting aging;
3) Other accounts receivable with individual insignificant amount and identification separately bad debt provision
Accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method
√ Applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan
                                             2012.06.30                                            2012.01.01
                                Booking balance                                       Booking balance
         Aging                  Amount        Perce            Provision for          Amount      Perce Provision for bad
                                              ntage             bad debts                         ntage       debts
                                                (%)                                                (%)
Within 1 year
Within 1 year                        12,424,811.9      62.6%          124,248.12       10,059,941.26 57.46%              100,599.41
Subtotal                             12,424,811.9      62.6%          124,248.12       10,059,941.26 57.46%              100,599.41

      1 to 2 years                     535,550.85      2.71%           26,777.54          518,270.58    2.96%             25,913.53

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                    Midyear Report of 2012

    2 to 3 years                            201,037.5   1.01%            40,207.5         192,546.46     1.1%              38,509.29

    Over 3 years                     6,685,384.91 33.68%           3,342,692.46         6,737,806.77 38.48%             3,368,903.39

      3 to 4 years                  4,679,769.437 23.58%          2,339,884.722        4,716,464.739 26.94%            2,358,232.373
     4 to 5 years                   1,337,076.982       6.74%      668,538.492         1,347,561.354     7.7%           673,780.678
    Over 5 years                      668,538.491       3.37%      334,269.246          673,780.677     3.85%           336,890.339
         Total                      19,846,785.16        --        3,533,925.62        17,508,565.07     --             3,533,925.62
By portfolio, accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provisions under other method
√ Applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan
                         Name                                     Booking balance                      Provision for bad debts

Related parties portfolio                                                                    0                                      0

Risk-free portfolio                                                                 680,018.19                                      0
                       Amount                                                       680,018.19                                      0
Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision separately at the end of 30 June,
□Applicable √ inapplicable

(2)Other receivables due from the five biggest debtors of the Group are as follows:

                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                           Relationship with the                                                                % of the total OR
Company name                                                    Amount                    Aging
Dalian Jinhua steel             Unrelated party                          800,000 Over 3 years                                    3.9%
material sales company
Dalian Steel company            Unrelated party                     736,160.12 Over 3 years                                   3.59%
Yingkou general use             Unrelated party                     547,402.41 1-2years                                       2.67%
bearing company
Baita xinghuo company           Unrelated party                     457,529.25 Over 3 years                                   2.23%
Shenyang electricity
                                Unrelated party                     366,591.88 Over 3 years                                   1.79%
          Total                        --                         2,907,683.66              --                               14.17%

7.5 Advances to suppliers

(1)The aging of advance to suppliers are analyzed below:

                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                        2012.06.30                                                2012.01.01

                            Amount                       Percentage(%)                  Amount                   Percentage(%)

Within 1 year                      12,590,093.84                    70.5%                    46,097,537.36                   87.44%

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                    Midyear Report of 2012

1 to 2 years                        3,661,391.41                    20.5%                    4,567,917.29                             8.67%

2 to 3 years                           20,516.45                    0.12%                        52,493.34                             0.1%

Over 3 years                        1,585,917.02                    8.88%                    1,998,873.35                             3.79%

Total                              17,857,918.72             --                             52,716,821.34                    --

(2)As at 30 June 2012, the five largest advances to supplies are set out below

                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                               Relationship with the
Company name                                                       Amount                 Time               Pending reason

Daye Special Steel
                                  Unrelated party                        6,213,882.3      2012-5-10       Goods not yet reached
Company Limited

Fushun Special Steel
                                  Unrelated party                      2,407,922.57       2012-5-13       Goods not yet reached
Company Limited

Bengang panel Stock
                                  Unrelated party                      2,253,536.36        2012-6-5       Goods not yet reached

Luoyang heavy steel
                                  Unrelated party                        1,917,700.3      2012-6-11       Goods not yet reached

China railway material
                                  Unrelated party                        453,452.55        2012-5-9       Goods not yet reached
Tianjin company

Total                            Unrelated party                      13,246,494.08         --                        --

Explanation for advances to suppliers:They are mass material supplier, and the product are hot sales.
(3)Explanation for the amount for advances to suppliers: The material has not been received and settled in accounting.

7.6 Inventories

(1)Categories of inventories

                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                           2012.06.30                                             2012.01.01
        Item               Booking         Provision for      Net book           Booking         Provision for              Net book
                           balance            decline          value             balance            decline                  value
Raw materials             157,772,316.27     2,658,311.39    155,114,004.88    138,653,860.31       2,658,311.39           135,995,548.92
Working in progress       162,698,056.72       602,496.86    162,095,559.86    210,631,984.02            602,496.86        210,029,487.16
Finished goods            850,709,503.52 56,358,265.81       794,351,237.71    906,387,958.99      56,358,265.81           850,029,693.18

Turnover material             548,421.12                 0        548,421.12       484,241.17                     0               484,241.17

Consumable material

Total                    1,171,728,297.63 59,619,074.06 1,112,109,223.57 1,256,158,044.49          59,619,074.06 1,196,538,970.43

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                        Midyear Report of 2012
(2)Provision for decline in the value of inventories

                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                          Booking balance at                                                                         Booking balance at
          Item            the period-begining
                                                       Increase                                     Others           the period-ending
                                                                               Reverse            transferred
Raw materials                       2,658,311.39                                                                               2,658,311.39
Working in progress                  602,496.86                                                                                  602,496.86
Finished goods                     56,358,265.81                                                                              56,358,265.81

Turnover material                              0                                                                                          0

Consumable material

Total                              59,619,074.06                      0                    0                     0            59,619,074.06
Explanation for inventories: raw material, warppage, low-value consumable, working in process an finished goods.

7.7 Other current assets

                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                       Item                                       2012.06.30                                    2012.01.01

Rental                                                                          368,893.69                                       255,384.29

Income tax                                                                     2,493,525.43                                    5,473,840.19

                       Total                                                   2,862,419.12                                    5,729,224.48

7.8 Investment in Joint Venter

                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                 Total       Total
                                                                                                       Total     Net
                                                                               Total              net     sales
                        Enterp Registe Legal                   Registe                liabiliti                 profits
                                               Business         Holdin Voting assets             assets revenue
        Investee         rise    red represe              red                  as at es as at                   in the
                                                nature          g   %    %    June 30            as at in the
                        nature address ntative          capital                       June 30                   H1 of
                                                                               2012             June 30 H1 of
                                                                                        2012                     2012
                                                                                                 2012     2012
Jonit venter
                                    No.1,    Wang Manufactu
                                   Phrase Lushun     re and
                                     1,             sales of
 Dalian SKF Wazhou                 Gongji          ball-surfac 140,000                         23,475. 4,517.8 18,957. 9,802.2
                         equity                                           49%        49%                                       609.18
  Bearings Co., Ltd.               Street,          e rolling     ,000                             63        1     82        7
                                   Wafang           bearing

7.9 Long-term equity investments

      Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                              Midyear Report of 2012

                                   Original                     Increase/decre                                                                                     depreciation in
   Investee           Method                     2012.01.01                      2012.06.30       Holding %       Voting %        hodling and   depreciation                         dividend
                                   Amounts                           ase                                                                                             the period
Shanghai ME
                Cost method          2,000,000      2,000,000                0      2,000,000             4.76%           4.76%                                0                                0
cal equipment
chain Ltd.
Dalian     SKF
                   Equity method    68,600,000 90,079,035.89      2,985,002.73 93,064,038.62               49%             49%                                 0                                0
Bearings    Co.,

                   Equity method      400,000      410,855.12      -410,855.12                0            40%             40%                                 0                                0
Machinery and
Electricity Co.,

Total                    --         71,000,000 92,489,891.01      2,574,147.61 95,064,038.62         --              --               --                       0                0               0

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                      Midyear Report of 2012
       Shanghai Zhenxin Wazhou Machinery and Electricity Co., Ltd (the"Shanghai Zhenxin") is out of business
temporarily due to its poor operating performance and leasehold has expired. Since 2010, it began to close business, and
the liquidation is over. The Company has taken back RMB 400 thousand at the balance sheet date. Becasue the investment
10,855.12 Yuan according to equity method has taken back 3,916.91 Yuan, the difference 6,938.21 Yuan has been
calculated into the investment loss in the period.

7.10 Fixed assets


                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan
                                                                                                       Booking balnce as
                             Booking balnce as
           Items                                            Increase                   Decrease         at the 30 June
                             at the 1 Jan 2012
Cost                          1,431,530,695.72                         42,232,963.77   19,205,611.79     1,454,558,047.7
Incl: Buildings                 317,596,891.85                          2,356,501.14    2,332,191.14      317,621,201.85

  Machinery                     767,351,847.19                         37,324,958.96   14,820,004.46      789,856,801.69

  Transportation equipment       20,426,769.01                          1,568,244.85    1,854,232.49       20,140,781.37

  Electrical equipment            29,895,241.5                            679,052.32          18,643       30,555,650.82

  Others                        296,259,946.17                             304,206.5       180,540.7      296,383,611.97

                                                                                                       Booking balnce as
                             Booking balnce as
              --                                 Increase              caculate        Decrease         at the 30 June
                             at the 1 Jan 2012

Accumulated deprecation          846,581,051.8    50,001,670.3                    0    15,280,134.28      881,302,587.82

Incl: Buildings                 154,942,793.68    5,590,000.64                            784,814.79      159,747,979.53

  Machinery                     460,458,736.38   32,547,390.82                          12,536,783.7       480,469,343.5

  Transportation equipment       14,529,418.04       977,201.29                         1,795,479.74       13,711,139.59

  Electrical equipment           25,693,265.62       870,075.83                            17,363.22       26,545,978.23

  Others                        190,956,838.08   10,017,001.72                            145,692.83      200,828,146.97

                              Booking balance                                                          Booking balance
              --               as at the 1 Jan                             --                          as at the 30 June
                                    2012                                                                      2012

Net book value                  584,949,643.92                             --                             573,255,459.88

Incl: Buildings                 162,654,098.17                             --                             157,873,222.32

  Machinery                     306,893,110.81                             --                             309,387,458.19

  Transportation equipment        5,897,350.97                             --                               6,429,641.78

  Electrical equipment            4,201,975.88                             --                               4,009,672.59

  Others                        105,303,108.09                             --                                 95,555,465

Provision for impairment          3,484,939.66                             --                               3,456,778.66

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                 Midyear Report of 2012

Inc: Buildings                                    0                             --                                                0

  Machinery                             3,283,780.15                            --                                  3,255,619.15

  Transportation equipment                  200,000                             --                                       200,000

  Electrical equipment                            0                             --                                                0

  Others                                   1,159.51                             --                                      1,159.51

Booking value                      581,464,704.26                               --                                569,798,681.22

Incl: Buildings                    162,654,098.17                               --                                157,873,222.32

  Machinery                        303,609,330.66                               --                                306,131,839.04

  Transportation equipment              5,697,350.97                            --                                  6,229,641.78

  Electrical equipment                  4,201,975.88                            --                                  4,009,672.59

  Others                           105,301,948.58                               --                                 95,554,305.49

     In the period, the increase includes the assets which were transferred from construction in progress amounted to
     RMB25,614,951, and in the increase of accumulated depreciation, the amount accrued for current period was RMB

(2)Fixed assets leisured temporary

                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan
                                                   Accumulated         Provision for
        Items                    Cost                                                      Booking value           remarks
                                                   deprecation          impairment

Incl: Buildings                    9,151,839            6,425,627.57                   0       2,726,211.43

  Machinery                     30,324,495.15          24,925,089.51       3,212,255.32        2,187,150.32

                                  419,596.42             329,181.67                    0          90,414.75
                                  420,565.56             402,955.62            1,009.51           16,600.43

(3)Fixed assets of renting out under operating lease

√ Appilcable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                Items                                                       Book value
Buildings                                                                                                          40,210,815.34
Transportation equipment

7.11 Construction in progress

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                  Midyear Report of 2012

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan
                                                 2012.06.30                                          2012.01.01
              Items                 Book         Provision for                                      Provision for
                                                                     Book value     Book balance                           Book value
                                   balance       impairment                                         impairment
Truck bearing factory
                                  23,359,087.6                       23,359,087.6 19,117,461.62                            19,117,461.62
Truck bearing factory
                                 16,029,166.59                      16,029,166.59     13,427,695                             13,427,695
electirity installment
Truck taper bearing reform       44,949,993.67                      44,949,993.67 32,264,417.46                            32,264,417.46
Auto colunmn bearing reform      10,181,529.52                      10,181,529.52    9,883,798.23                           9,883,798.23
Medium sized deep groove
                                 43,897,784.29                      43,897,784.29    44,552,487.1                           44,552,487.1
ball bearing product line
Special-large factory reform      3,721,026.15                       3,721,026.15    3,564,271.89                           3,564,271.89
Dalian industry park project     14,741,838.68                      14,741,838.68    5,784,723.29                           5,784,723.29
Improvement of
                                  2,921,193.17                       2,921,193.17    1,702,070.07                           1,702,070.07
seven-finished products
precision roller reform           4,728,484.78                       4,728,484.78     26,253,182                             26,253,182
Improvement of plant             10,254,374.59                      10,254,374.59    8,968,944.08                           8,968,944.08
Improvement of finished
                                 10,125,944.03                      10,125,944.03    9,834,744.03                           9,834,744.03
goods storage
Carbonization line               14,016,114.99                      14,016,114.99 14,016,114.99                            14,016,114.99
Heat treatment product line       1,598,665.57                       1,598,665.57    1,456,147.57                           1,456,147.57
Grinding product line            13,501,558.83                      13,501,558.83 16,848,631.43                            16,848,631.43
Improvement of grinding
                                 14,466,961.01                      14,466,961.01 10,321,267.77                            10,321,267.77
Digital Boring machine            3,335,501.54                       3,335,501.54    4,793,544.27                           4,793,544.27
Crane Project                     3,250,186.34                       3,250,186.34    3,250,186.34                           3,250,186.34
Computer Project                  2,241,942.02                       2,241,942.02    1,475,745.59                           1,475,745.59
Improvement of exploration
                                   803,190.72                         803,190.72      654,858.57                             654,858.57
Installation of super finish
                                  1,675,291.99                       1,675,291.99     1,141,642.9                            1,141,642.9
Assembling line                  16,045,874.21                      16,045,874.21 16,025,784.87                            16,025,784.87
Forked truck                      1,613,954.92                       1,613,954.92    1,613,954.92                           1,613,954.92
Instruments                        741,366.81                         741,366.81      674,896.65                             674,896.65
M250Grinding Machine
                                   130,730.53                         130,730.53      130,730.53                             130,730.53
New plant of liaoning bearing           2,418                               2,418           2,418                                    2,418

Others                           18,515,051.07                      18,515,051.07 14,221,306.88                            14,221,306.88

Total                           276,849,231.62                   0 276,849,231.62 261,981,026.05                    0    261,981,026.05

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                             Midyear Report of 2012

(2)Change in the significant construction in progress

                                                                                                                                                                      单位: 元

                                                            Transfrerred                    % of                    Accumulated Accumulated Interest
Construction                 Period-beginni                                                            Construction                                             Source of
                 Budget                       Increase       into fixed    Decrease      investment                  capitalized   capitalized capitalization               Period-ending
   name                            ng                                                                  progress (%)                                              funds
                                                               assets                                                                            rate(%)
                                                                                        against budget                 interest  interest in the
Medium sized                                                                                                                                                  raise money
deep groove
                62,672,000 44,552,487.1 47,946,677.19                      48,601,380          76.5% 76.5%              56,272.66      18,629.49        4.79% by self or    43,897,784.29
ball bearing
product line                                                                                                                                                  loan

Truck taper                                                                                                                                                   raise money
bearing         51,311,483 32,264,417.46 41,293,828.13        103,076.92   28,505,175          80.5% 80.5%             489,076.18     148,010.24        4.79% by self or    44,949,993.67
reform                                                                                                                                                        loan
                                                                                                                                                              raise money
                 4,419,065      26,253,182 2,649,778.46 23,421,871.45      752,604.23              60% 60%            2,789,335.11    929,778.37        4.79% by self or     4,728,484.78
roller reform
Truck bearing                                                                                                                                                 raise money
factory         31,886,787 19,117,461.62 8,282,305.98                       4,040,680              26% 26%              279,006.2      76,916.24        4.79% by self or     23,359,087.6
construction                                                                                                                                                  loan
                                                                                                                                                              raise money
                44,635,500 16,848,631.43      4,610,827.4                   7,957,900          10.3% 10.3%             440,646.87      15,973.47        4.79% by self or    13,501,558.83
product line
                                                                                                                                                              raise money
                21,644,000 16,025,784.87 15,595,089.34           108,000   15,467,000          72.1% 72.1%              53,845.97      17,251.35        4.79% by self or    16,045,874.21
                                                                                                                                                              raise money
                14,922,000 14,016,114.99                                                                                 22,181.9       7,036.72        4.79% by self or    14,016,114.99
Truck bearing                                                                                                                                                 raise money
                16,714,940      13,427,695 2,601,471.59                                        15.6% 15.6%             194,724.11      52,780.45        4.79% by self or    16,029,166.59
installment                                                                                                                                                   loan

Improvement     20,381,500 10,321,267.77 8,589,493.24                       4,443,800          42.1% 42.1%              36,746.78      11,264.27        4.79% raise money   14,466,961.01

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                            Midyear Report of 2012
of grinding                                                                                                                                                 by self or
machine                                                                                                                                                     loan
Auto colunmn                                                                                                                                                raise money
bearing            18,804,498 9,883,798.23 7,847,731.29                       7,550,000         41.7% 41.7%           138,006.74    33,525.49         4.79% by self or    10,181,529.52
reform                                                                                                                                                      loan
Improvement                                                                                                                                                 raise money
of finished       11,608,368.6 9,834,744.03       1,625,200                   1,334,000          14% 14%              193,390.96    29,029.27         4.79% by self or    10,125,944.03
goods storage                                                                                                                                               loan
                                                                                                                                                            raise money
                   12,619,796 8,968,944.08        6,379,360    104,549.49     4,989,380         50.6% 50.6%           889,729.94   176,068.46         4.79% by self or    10,254,374.59
of plant
DaLian                                                                                                                                                      raise money
Industry Plant     30,234,980 5,784,723.29 10,342,183.78       220,068.39     1,165,000         34.2% 34.2%         8,031,503.05    25,173.53         4.79% by self or    14,741,838.68
Poject                                                                                                                                                      loan
                                                                                                                                                            raise money
Digital Boring
                   15,803,000 4,793,544.27       563,857.27                   2,021,900          3.6% 3.6%            510,044.97    11,090.32         4.79% by self or     3,335,501.54
                                                                                                                                                            raise money
                    3,315,000 3,564,271.89        1,410,344    243,589.74     1,010,000         42.5% 42.5%             1,615.55       538.52         4.79% by self or     3,721,026.15
factory reform
                                                                                                                                                            raise money
Crane Project       3,723,136 3,250,186.34                                                                            182,414.31     5,583.21         4.79% by self or     3,250,186.34
                                 238,907,254.3 159,738,147.6               127,838,819.2                                                                                  246,605,426.8
Total            364,696,053.6                               24,201,155.99                 --                 --    14,308,541.3   1,558,649.4   --               --
                                             7             7                           3                                                                                              2

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                               Midyear Report of 2012

7.12 Intangible assets


                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan
            Items                  2012.01.01                 Increase                 Decrease                     2012.06.30
Cost                                  154,344,084.79                          0                           0           154,344,084.79

  Land use right                       148,782,429.5                                                                   148,782,429.5

  ERP software                          4,985,843.33                                                                    4,985,843.33

  Others                                 575,811.96                                                                       575,811.96

Amortization                           22,364,675.73              2,144,947.32                            0            24,509,623.05

  Land use right                       18,875,135.79              1,859,757.72                                         20,734,893.51

  ERP software                          2,991,505.65               249,292.14                                           3,240,797.79

  Others                                 498,034.29                 35,897.46                                            533,931.75

Net book value                        131,979,409.06                          0                 2,144,947.32          129,834,461.74

  Land use right                      129,907,293.71                                            1,859,757.72          128,047,535.99

  ERP software                          1,994,337.68                                             249,292.14             1,745,045.54

  Others                                    77,777.67                                             35,897.46                41,880.21

Provision for impairment                           0                          0                           0                         0

  Land use right

  ERP software


Book value                            131,979,409.06                          0                 2,144,947.32          129,834,461.74

  Land use right                      129,907,293.71                                            1,859,757.72          128,047,535.99

  ERP software                          1,994,337.68                                             249,292.14             1,745,045.54

  Others                                    77,777.67                                             35,897.46                41,880.21

Note: The increased accumulated amortization of this year is including normal amortization of intangible assets for RMB 2,144,947.32.

7.13 Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses
                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

        Items            2012.01.01           Increase       Amortization     Other decrease       2012.06.30          Reason

Right      to   use
                               860,513.47                         33,915.18                           826,598.29
Heat fee etc                     8,991.53                          8,991.53                                     0
Total                             869,505                0        42,906.71                 0         826,598.29          --

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                             Midyear Report of 2012

7.14 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

 (1)    Recognized deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
√ Applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan
                       Item                                 2012.06.30                               2012.01.01
Deferred tax assets
Provision for impairment of assets                                       9,489,483.24                               9,489,483.24
Total                                                                    9,489,483.24                               9,489,483.24
Deferred tax liabilities

Unrealized intragroup loss                                                246,635.79                                  246,635.79

Total                                                                     246,635.79                                  246,635.79

7.15 Details of provision for impairment of assets
                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan
              Items                  2012.01.01       Increase                                                     2012.06.30
                                                                          Reversal          Others transfer
Provision for bad debts               55,350,303.31                                               317,449.68       55,032,853.63
Provision for decline in value
                                      59,619,074.06              0                      0                     0    59,619,074.06
of inventories
Provision for impairment of
                                                                 0                                                              0
long-term equity investments
Provision for impairment of
                                       3,484,939.66                                                   28,161        3,456,778.66
fixed assets
Provision for impairment of
                                                  0              0                                                              0
construction in progress
Provision for impairment of
                                                  0              0                                                              0
intangible assets
Total                                118,454,317.03              0                      0         345,610.68 118,108,706.35

7.16 Short-term loan

(1)Category of short-term loan

                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

Loan category                                             2012.06.30                                2012.01.01
Mortgage      loan                                                    13,590,235.14                                13,590,235.14
Guarantee loan                                                           90,000,000

Credit loan                                                            550,000,000                                   510,000,000

Total                                                                653,590,235.14                               523,590,235.14

             Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                           Midyear Report of 2012
(2)Short-term loan due but not repaid

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan
        Creditor               Amount       Interest rate               Purpose                                           Expected paymentdate
Industrial           and
                                                                                       Transferredtoassets managemen
Commercial Bank of          13,590,235.14             5.31%Production                                                         Uncertainty
China Liaoyang Branch

Total                       13,590,235.14        --                       --                        --                               --

A Pursuant to the loan contract signed between Liaoyang Bearings and Liaoyang Zhanqian Branch, the Industrial and
Commercial Bank of China, for the one year current loan of RMB 13,590,235.14 with annual interest rate of 5.31% for the
period from 21 August 2001 to 16 August 2002. The borrowing has been transferred into the Great Wall Capital
Management Company due to overdue.
The above short-term loan due but not repaid are still overdue at the balance sheet date.

7.17 Notes payable

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                        Items                                      2012.06.30                                          2012.01.01
Commercial        acceptance    notes                                                           0                                                      0
Bank     acceptance notes                                                         195,714,142.09                                           94,100,000
Total                                                                             195,714,142.09                                           94,100,000

7.18 Accounts payable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                        Items                                      2012.06.30                                          2012.01.01
Within 1 year                                                                       868,817,203                                  937,328,476.94
over 1 year                                                                       116,772,119.57                                 101,972,016.35
Total                                                                             985,589,322.57                               1,039,300,493.29

(2)Accounts payable is due to shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the Company’s shares at the end
of period.
□applicable √ inapplicable
Note: Accounts payable with age over 1 year arise mainly due to the fact that the accounts payable related to materials
purchase and construction project has not been paid in time.

7.19 Advances from customers


                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                           Items                                         2012.06.30                                     2012.01.01
Within 1 year                                                                       38,751,138.66                                   44,267,968.08

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                              Midyear Report of 2012
over 1 year                                                                 3,489,322.91                          6,139,927.57
Total                                                                      42,240,461.57                         50,407,895.65

(2)Advances from customers is due to shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the Company’s shares at
the end of period.

□applicable √ inapplicable

7.20 Employee benefits payable

                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

Items                      2012.01.01                 Increase                     Decrease                   2012.06.30

Salary,        bonus,

allowance          and          3,839,463.02             90,227,259.13                     93,209,155.47            857,566.68


Employee welfare                            0             9,713,333.19                      9,713,333.19                        0

Social insurance               10,588,126.47             31,014,738.91                     31,637,649.32          9,965,216.06

Including:    Medical
                                   19,885.64              7,523,920.59                      7,518,597.57             25,208.66

  Basis pension                 9,963,797.07              19,474,125.9                     20,065,907.31          9,372,015.66

                                  315,390.13              1,840,379.29                      1,865,606.98            290,162.44

Compo insurance                    219,758.7                1,412,103.3                     1,419,423.29            212,438.71

                                   69,294.93                764,209.83                       768,114.17              65,390.59
Maternity insurance
Housing fund                    3,040,791.86                5,128,631.4                      5,236,088.8          2,933,334.46
Compensation for
cancellation of                             0                    725,515                        725,515
labour relationship
Other                          12,040,203.59                 96,182.98                      1,848,512.32         10,287,874.25
Labour union
expenditure &
                               12,040,203.59                 96,182.98                      1,848,512.32         10,287,874.25
employee education
Total                          29,508,584.94            136,905,660.61                     142,370,254.1         24,043,991.45
The amount in employee benefits payable is behind in payment
Labour union expenditure & employee education expenditure is 1,848,512.32 Yuan; non-cash fund amount is 7,856,666.5 Yuan; termination
compensation is 725,515 Yuan.
The employee benefits payable allocated by month.

7.21 Taxes payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                 Midyear Report of 2012

                         Items                             2012.06.30                     2012.01.01
Value-added tax                                                    15,229,637.04                           90,995.2
Consumer tax
Business tax                                                            181,705.12                     281,249.63
Enterprise income tax
Individual income tax                                                    70,047.44                     851,553.59
City maintenance and construction tax                               1,042,035.82                          272,928.4
Real estate tax                                                          -58,891.1                          28,600
Land use tax                                                               -78,052                          39,280

Stamp tax                                                                137,597.6                     135,645.48

Education surcharge                                                     744,823.76                     189,416.97

River toll fee                                                           91,811.24                         2,373.89

Others                                                                            0                       31,598.96
Total                                                              17,360,714.92                    1,923,642.12

7.22 Other payables


                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan
                        Items                        2012.06.30                           2012.01.01

Within 1 year                                                      70,834,734.6                    67,402,130.71

Over 1 year                                                        52,804,481.1                    48,840,550.97

Total                                                             123,639,215.7                   116,242,681.68

(2)Other payables due to shareholders who hold more than 5% (including 5%) of the Group’s shares

√applicable □inapplicable

                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

Company name                                         2012.06.30                           2012.01.01

Wazhou Group                                                      29,796,527.28                    25,923,909.17

Total                                                             29,796,527.28                    25,923,909.17

(3)Expalnation on the other payables with age over 1 year
The other payables with age over 1 year are mainly due to Wazhou Group,and accounts payable of the company’s
subsidiary—Liaoyang Bearing with Liaoyang Baolin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

(4)Significant other payables at the end of the period

                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                  Item                     Amount                       Aging          Nature or contents
                                            32,500,000.00      Within1 year,1-2years   Current account
Liaoyang Baolin Real Estate Development

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                      Midyear Report of 2012

Co., Ltd.
                                                         29,796,527.28           1-3 years and above        Current account
Wazhou Group
Shen Yang town and country Building                       5,952,436.61                                      Construction fee
                                                                                    within 1 year
Engineering Company
Liaoyang Baotai Building Engineering                      3,107,486.66                                      Construction fee
                                                                                    within 1 year
Dalian Meishanglian international logistics               2,915,979.81                                      Current account
                                                                                    within 1 year
                 Total                                   74,272,430.36

7.23 Non-current liabilities due within one year


                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan
                        Item                                    2012.06.30                                    2012.01.01
Long-term loan due within one year                                               8,000,000                                   138,000,000
Long-term security due within one year
Long-term payable account due within one year
Total                                                                            8,000,000                                   138,000,000

(2)Long-term loan due within one year

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                      Category                                  2012.06.30                                    2012.01.01
Mortage loan

Guarantee loan                                                                   8,000,000                                   138,000,000

Credir loan

Total                                                                            8,000,000                                   138,000,000

As at 30 June 2012, the five largest long-term loan due within 1 year are set out below

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan
                                                                                        2012.06.30                     2012.01.01
                                                             Interest rate
  Creditor     Starting date     Maturity      Currency          (%)            Currency                      Currency
                                                                                             RMB amount                     RMB amount
                                                                                 amount                        amount
development 2007-9-7           2012-10-20     CNY                     7.05%                     8,000,000                     48,000,000
Amount                 --           --              --               --            --           8,000,000         --          48,000,000

7.24 Special payables
                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

               Item                  2012.01.01           Increase            Decrease        2012.06.30                   Note

Special pollution treatment              221,698.98                       0              0       221,698.98

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                    Midyear Report of 2012

Total                                   221,698.98                    0                 0       221,698.98                --

        Note: Special pollution treatment is the environmental protection subsidy granted by Wafangdian Bureau of Finance and Wafangdian

Bureau of Environment Protection for the treatment of waste water pursuant to the circular No.[2004]217.

7.25 Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

Item                                                                2012.06.30                               2012.01.01

Improvement subsidy*                                                               4,053,500                                   4,422,000

Compensation for plants moving**                                                 44,619,891.2                             45,972,009.12

Total                                                                            48,673,391.2                             50,394,009.12

Note: The improvement subsidy is the railway transportation bearing technologic improvement subsidy granted by Bureau
of Finance Liaoning province. The subsidy should be deferred over the useful life of related asset (i.e. 10 years). In 2011
the revenue should be recognized at RMB 737,000.00.
The compensation for Dalian plants moving is RMB 59,820,000.00, which is paid by Dalian State-owned Assets
Investment Business Group Company Limited. And the amount of making up for the removal loss of the current period is
RMB48,676,244.95;The rest is the removal compensation related with assets, which is amortized 18 years according to
the new fixed assets formed after the Dalian branch removal. The income confirmed in this year is RMB 2,704,235.80

7.26 Share capital
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan
                                                              Increase/ decrease(+、-)

                    2012.01.01     Issuing new       Distributing                                                              2012.06.30
                                                                     capital reserves to s        Others       Subtotal
                                    shares                shares

Total shares         402,600,000                                                                                          0     402,600,000

7.27 Capital reserves
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

Items                                    2012.01.01                   Increase                  Decrease                  2012.06.30

Share premium                                201,956,446.52                                                                    201,956,446.52

Other capital reserves                       283,734,603.95                                                                    283,734,603.95

Total                                        485,691,050.47                             0                      0               485,691,050.47

7.28 Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

Items                                    2012.01.01                   Increase                  Decrease                  2012.06.30

Statutory surplus reserve                    103,381,649.26                                                                    103,381,649.26
Discretionary surplus reserve                 20,590,618.91                                                                     20,590,618.91
Total                                        123,972,268.17                                                                    123,972,268.17

7.29 Undistributed profit

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                               Midyear Report of 2012
                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                                           2012.06.30                                             2012.01.01
                                                    Provision or                                                  Provision or
                                   Amount                                              Amount
                                                   distribution %                                                distribution %
Undistributed profit as at 30
                                  507,873,600.57          --                                477,496,320.23                --
June, 2012

7.30 Operating revenue & cost

(1)Operating revenue & cost
                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan
                       Item                        2012.01.01-2012.06.30                           2011.01.01-2011.06.30

Revenue from main operation                                         1,373,071,130.04                                1,409,588,079.02

Revenue from other operation                                          244,675,564.99                                    348,277,584.26

Operation cost                                                      1,433,460,380.71                                1,549,779,169.18

(2)Main operation - classified according to operation
√ applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan
                                           2012.01.01-2012.06.30                                  2011.01.01-2011.06.30
                                  Sales revenue                Cost of sales           Sales revenue             Cost of sales
Export                               136,789,260.11               137,835,006.35           92,059,807.51                 93,338,365.04

Transportation vehicle bearings      495,964,564.24               440,341,915.64          552,386,739.64                487,643,937.89

Special use bearings                 282,818,191.38               237,585,214.27          288,116,927.78                239,407,962.19

General use bearings                 403,687,524.75               350,746,226.95          404,943,846.52                352,000,103.57

Industrial Operations                 53,811,589.56                59,693,569.81           72,080,757.57                  72,863,731.1

Total                              1,373,071,130.04             1,226,201,933.02        1,409,588,079.02            1,245,254,099.79

(3)Main operation - classified according to products

√applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan
                                           2012.01.01-2012.06.30                                  2011.01.01-2011.06.30
                                  Sales revenue                Cost of sales           Sales revenue             Cost of sales
Bearings                           1,319,259,540.48             1,166,508,363.21        1,337,507,321.45            1,172,390,368.69
Components                            53,811,589.56                59,693,569.81           72,080,757.57                  72,863,731.1
Total                              1,373,071,130.04             1,226,201,933.02        1,409,588,079.02            1,245,254,099.79

(4)Main operation - classified according to region

√ Applicable □ inapplicable
                                                                                                                  Unit : Yuan
               Items                       2012.01.01-2012.06.30                                2011.01.01-2011.06.30

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                             Midyear Report of 2012

                                   Sales revenue            Cost of sales            Sales revenue              Cost of sales
Export                                136,789,260.11            137,835,006.35             92,059,807.51           93,338,365.04
Domestic                            1,236,281,869.93           1,088,366,926.67        1,317,528,271.51         1,151,915,734.75
Total                               1,373,071,130.04           1,226,201,933.02        1,409,588,079.02         1,245,254,099.79

(5)Sales revenue from top 5 customers
                                                                                                                    Unit : Yuan

               Items                       Sales revenue                          Accounting for proportion of total
China railway material company                          67,267,798.32                                                      4.16%
China Heavy Vehicle Group Jinan
                                                         56,538,065.5                                                      3.49%
Qiaoxiang Company Limited
China shenhua engery company
railway locomotive transport                            31,837,377.78                                                      1.97%
Gangzhou wazhou railway
                                                        30,019,104.99                                                      1.86%
bearing sales company
Tian Jin municipality Hua Mei
                                                        24,615,160.65 1.52%
Wazhou selling Co.,Ltd

Total                                                  210,277,507.24                                                           13%

7.31 Operating taxes and surcharges
                                                                                                                     Unit : Yuan
                 Item                 The period amount        Previous period amount           Applicable tax rate (%)
Consumer tax

Business tax                                       392,064.6                 263,731.81 5%

City construction tax                          3,474,108.43                 3,753,470.16 7%

Education surcharge                            2,491,918.85                 2,583,297.72 4%

Resource tax
Other                                              27,613.01                  17,739.39
Total                                          6,385,704.89                 6,618,239.08                   --

7.32 Investment income

(1)Sources of investment income

                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan
                        Item                               The period amount                    Previous period amount

Long-term equity investment income under cost


Long-term equity investment income under equity
                                                                            2,985,002.73                              6,302,534.5

Investment income from disposal of long-term
                                                                               -6,938.21                                          0
equity investment

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                 Midyear Report of 2012
Total                                                                          2,978,064.52                             6,302,534.5
(3)Long-term equity investment income under equity method
                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan
                                                                         Previous period
                  Items                        The period amount                                      Reason for change

Incl: Dalian SKF Wazhou Bearings Co.,
                                                        2,985,002.73            6,302,534.5 The associates profits decreased
Total                                                   2,985,002.73            6,302,534.5                    --

7.33 Assets impairment losses
                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                            Items                                   The period amount                Previous period amount

Loss of bad debts                                                                 295,087.17                            206,649.94

Loss of long-term equity investment
Total                                                                             295,087.17                            206,649.94

7.34 Non-operating income


                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan
Item                                                               2012.01.01-2012.06.30             2011.01.01-2012.06.30

Gains on disposal of non-current assets                                           644,282.54                            4,558,735.3

Including: gains on disposal of fixed assets                                      644,282.54                            4,558,735.3
         gains on disposal of intangible asst\ets
Income from debt restructuring                                                   1,448,127.73                           342,225.97
Government grants                                                                1,720,617.92                                  5,100

Penalty income                                                                     22,599.15                                   1,499

Others                                                                            139,022.95                            694,565.85

Total                                                                            3,974,650.29                         5,602,126.12


                                                                                                                      Unit :Yuan
                 Item                     2012.01.01-2012.06.30     2011.01.01-2012.06.30                    Note
Improvement subsidy                                      368,500
Compensation for plants moving                      1,352,117.92
Booth fees                                                                              5,100
Total                                               1,720,617.92                        5,100                  --

7.35 Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan
Item                                                                   2012.01.01-2012.06.30             2011.01.01-2012.06.30

Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                                                                     33,413.92

           Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                      Midyear Report of 2012

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                                                      33,413.92

         Loss on disposal of intangible asst\ets
Income from debt restructuring                                              1,632,022.46                       213,436.55

Others                                                                       781,443.98                        768,278.23

Total                                                                       2,413,466.44                       1,015,128.7

7.36 Income tax expenses
                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan
Item                                                         2012.01.01-2012.06.30              2011.01.01-2012.06.30

Current income tax expenses                                                 3,052,564.11                     10,381,701.83

Deferred income tax expenses

Total                                                                       3,052,564.11                     10,381,701.83

7.37 Calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

Items                                                No.       The period                            Previous period
                                                     1                      30,377,280.34                  53,579,496.41
Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent

                                                     2                       1,561,183.85                   4,586,997.42
Non-operating profit and loss attributable to

shareholders of parent company
                                                     3=1-2                  28,816,096.49                  48,992,498.99
Net profit after deducting non-operating profit

and loss attributable to shareholders of parent
                                                     4                   402,600,000.00                  402,600,000.00
Total number of shares at the period begin
                                                     5                                     —                              —
The number of shares increased due to

transferring capital reserve into share capital or

dividend distribution of shares during report

period (Ⅰ)
                                                     6                                     —                              —
The number of shares increased due to issuance

of new shares or debt for equity swap during the

report period (Ⅱ)
                                                     7                                     —                              —
the number of shares (Ⅱ)from the next month

to the end of the report period for increase of

                                                     8                                     —                              —
The number of months decreased due to stock

           Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                             Midyear Report of 2012

repurchase or draw back stock during the report

                                                  9                              —                             —
The number of months from the next month to

the end of the report period for decrease of

                                                  10                             —                             —
The number of shares for decrease of shares
                                                  11                             —                             —
Duration of the period in terms of month
                                                  12=4+5+6×7÷11     402,600,000.00            402,600,000.00
Weighted average number of ordinary shares

issued out                                        -8×9÷11-10

EPS – basis (Ⅰ)
                                                  13=1÷12                      0.08                        0.13
EPS – basis (Ⅱ)
                                                  14=3÷12                      0.07                        0.12
Potential diluted interests of ordinary shares

recognized as expense
                                                  15                             —                             —
Transfer fee
                                                  16                             —                             —
EIT rate
                                                  17                             —                             —
Weighted average amount of ordinary shares

increased due to warrant, share options
                                                  18                             —                             —
EPS – diluted (Ⅰ)
                                                  19=[1+(15-16)×(1             0.08                        0.13
EPS – diluted (Ⅱ)
                                                  19=[3+(15-16)×(1             0.07                        0.12
Duration of the period in terms of month

7.38 Notes to cash flow statement

(1)Cash receipt/payment of other operating/financing activities

                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                                       Item                                        Amount

Return of reserve fund, deposit etc.                                                                    6,650,395.2

Interest income                                                                                       1,020,713.94

                                       Total                                                          7,671,109.14

(2)Other cash paid relating to operating activities

                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

             Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                 Midyear Report of 2012
                                            Item                                                          Amount
Trademark use fee                                                                                                                9,000,000

Travel expenses                                                                                                              13,986,192.34

Rent expense                                                                                                                  9,941,172.13

Freight service expense                                                                                                      14,306,806.02

Conference expense                                                                                                             9,955,624.8

Collection and payment for others                                                                                             3,116,016.35

Office expense                                                                                                                 3,909,744.1
Market developing expenses                                                                                                    1,158,248.67
Guard and fire fighting expense                                                                                                  1,620,000

Business promotion expense                                                                                                    2,129,419.62
Total                                                                                                                         9,537,870.68
                                            Total                                                                            78,661,094.71

7.39 Supplementary information of consolidated cash flow statement

(1)Supplementary information

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan
                                   Item                                   Amount in the period           Amount in the previous period

1. Adjusting net profit into cash flows of operating
                                                                                   --                                 --

Net profit                                                                              30,377,280.34                        53,579,496.41

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                                    295,087.17                           206,649.94

              Depreciation of fixed assets                                              39,206,790.74                        42,261,896.82

              Amortization of intangible assets                                          2,144,947.32                         2,154,705.03

              Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                   42,906.71                           120,402.96

      Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                          -644,282.54                        -4,525,321.38
      long-term assets (income listed with”-”)

              Financial expense (income listed with”-”)                               13,815,248.96                         12,337,942.4

             Investment loss (income listed with”-”)                                   -2,978,064.52                        -6,302,534.5

             Decrease of deferred tax assets(increase listed with”-”)

             Increase of deferred tax liabilities(decrease listed


             Decrease of inventories (increase listed with”-”)                        84,429,746.86                       -54,940,815.54

             Decrease of operating receivables (increase listed
                                                                                        -191,225,781.9                     -212,387,652.92

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                              Midyear Report of 2012

          Increase of operating payables (decrease listed with”-”)             173,391,446.6                      258,884,501.55


    Net cash flows arising from operating activities                            148,855,325.74                          91,389,270.77

2. Significant investment and financing activities
                                                                           --                                  --
unrelated to cash income and expenses

         Liabilities transferred to capital

   Convertible bonds within 1 year

         Financing leased fixed assets

3. Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalent                     --                                  --

Ending balance of cash                                                           92,645,925.15                          79,938,608.43

Less: Opening balance of cash                                                    62,187,956.71                          52,057,009.69

Add: Ending balance of cash equivalent

Less: Opening balance of cash equivalent

Net increase of cash and cash equivalent                                         30,457,968.44                          27,881,598.74

(3)Cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan
                               Item                                    2012.06.30                          2012.01.01

Cash                                                                             92,645,925.15                          62,187,956.71

Including: Cash on hand                                                             311,328.15                             328,678.6

                   Bank deposit used for paying at any moment                    91,807,975.27                          61,333,040.65

                   Other cash used for paying at any moment                         526,621.73                            526,237.46

Cash equivalents

Including: Bond investment due within 3 months

Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                     92,645,925.15                          62,187,956.71

8 Related parties relationship and transactions

8.1 Parent company and ultimate controller

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

Parent                                        Legal
              Relatiobn Enterpris Registere            Business        Registere     Holding     Voting    ultimate Organization
                ship                                                   d capital      (%)         (%)     controller   code
company                 e nature d address      tiv     nature

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                   Midyear Report of 2012

                                       No. 1
                                       North                                                                    g and
                                                                 re and
                                      Gongji                                                                 Committee
 Wazhou                                                         sales of
                Parent State-owne                     Wang               413,793,10                           of Dalian
                                      Street,                   bearing                60.61%     60.61%                    24238666-3
               company                               Lushun                  0                               Governme
  Group                 d Limited                              and other
                                                                                                                nt for
                                     Wafangdia                equipment
                                      n City,                                                                  Owned

    Note: Wafangdian Bearing Group Corporation is a state-owned sole venture company, the actual controller is
supervising and Managing Committee of Dalian Government for Stated Owned Assets, the office Address is No.576,
Zhongshan Road, Shahekou District Dalian City. And the director is Wang Chun.

8.2 Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan
Subsidiarie Relatiobns Enterprise Registered                         Business     Registered    Holding                   Organizati
                                             representat                                                   Voting (%)
     s         hip                                                                 capital       (%)                       on code
                        nature     address       iv                   nature

                                          No.61,                    Manufactur
                                         Weiguo                     e and sales
  Liaoyang        Stock                 road, Baita                  of bearing
                           Limited                      Shao Yang                 19,350,000     100%        100%       12199127-7
  Bearing        holding                  district                      and
                                         Liaoyang                    machine
                                           city                     manufacture

                                                                    e and sales
   Dalian                               yongsheng
                  Stock                                              of bearing
  Electrical               Limited        street,       Shao Yang                 10,000,000     100%        100%       55980608-0
                 holding                                                and
 Equipment                              free trade
                                       zone Dalian

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                              Midyear Report of 2012

8.3 Information on Joint venture

                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                                        Total net Total sales
              Enterprise Registered    Legal                                     Holding      Voting       Total assets liabilities as assets as at revenue in Net profits
                                                       Business   Registered                                                                                                Relationshi Organizati
 Investee                           representat                                                             as at June        at                               in the H1 of
               nature     address                       nature     capital         %           %                                        June 30      the H1 of                   p       on code
                                        ive                                                                  30 2012
                                                                                                                           June 30                                 2012
                                                                                                                                          2012         2012
                  --           --            --            --          --          --           --             --           --           --          --           --           --           --
                             No.1,      Wang Lushun
                            Phrase 1,                 Manufacture
Dalian SKF Chinese-for
                                                      and sales of
Wazhou                       Gongji
            eign equity                               ball-surface 140,000,000          49%          49%     23,475.63     4,517.81   18,957.82     9,802.27      609.18 联营企业     70218806-0
Bearings                     Street,                  rolling
Co., Ltd.  joint venture
                           Wafangdian                 bearing

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                   Midyear Report of 2012

8.4 Other Related parties relationship information

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan
                      Name                                          relationship                            Organization code
Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing Equipment Other companies controlled by the same parent
Co., Ltd                              company and ultimate controlling party
Dalian Manufacturing Equipment                 Other companies controlled by the same parent
investment Company Limited                     company and ultimate controlling party
                                               Other companies controlled by the same parent
Wazhou Steel Ball Company                                                                              76078283-4
                                               company and ultimate controlling party
                                               Other companies controlled by the same parent
Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.                                                                                76079407-7
                                               company and ultimate controlling party
Wazhou Group Turnplate Bearing Ltd             Other companies controlled by the same parent
                                               company and ultimate controlling party
Wazhou        Group    Exact   Transmission Other companies controlled by the same parent
Bearing Co., Ltd                            company and ultimate controlling party

Wazhou Group Precision special-use             Other companies controlled by the same parent
Bearing Company Limited                        company and ultimate controlling party
Da Lian Wazhou Jin Zhou Machine The GM of the WBC served as chairman of the
Co.,Ltd                         company

Da Lian Wazhou Fengyuan Machine The GM of the WBC served as chairman of the
Co.,Ltd                         company

8.5 Related party transactions

(1) Purchase of goods or labors

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                              2012.06.30                       2011.06.30
Relative parties               Content           Principle of price
                                                                          Amount               %           Amount               %

Including: Dalian        Procurement of
SKF Wazhou               finished                Negotiated price          86,536,401.16       4.69%       104,807,746.88       5.58%
Bearings Co., Ltd.       goods
Other companies
controlled by the
same parent company
                         Procurement of semi
Including: Wazhou         finished               Market price                4,795,034.2       0.26%         9,665,059.82       0.51%
Steel Ball Company
                         Procurement of semi
Wazhou Exact Forge        finished               Market price             134,851,660.65       7.3%        239,449,854.41      12.74%
Dalian Wazhou            Procurement of
Manufacturing            finished                Market price               8,773,401.12       0.48%         9,978,761.83       0.53%
Equipment Co., Ltd       Goods
                      Procurement of
Wazhou Group          finished                   Market price               47,462,221.5       2.57%        20,305,363.08       1.08%
Turnplate Bearing Ltd
                      Goods and labors
Wazhou Group Exact Procurement of                Market price              68,942,848.37       3.73%        49,600,148.62       2.64%

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                              Midyear Report of 2012
Transmission Bearing finished
Co., Ltd             goods
Wazhou Group             Procurement of
Precision special        finished               Market price                                          12,274,987.53       0.65%
Bearing Company
Limited                  goods

Other related parties
Da Lian Wazhou
Fengyuan Machine         Procurement of lathes Market price               53,480,698.48     2.9%                 0           0%
Da Lian Wazhou Jin
Zhou Machine             Procurement of lathes Market price               50,220,644.83    2.72%                 0           0%
Total                                                                    455,062,910.31    24.64%    446,081,922.17      23.73%

 (2).Sales of goods and supply of labors

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                                         Principle            2012.06.30                   2011.06.30
Relative parties                  Content
                                                          of price         Amount           %
Parent company:
Including: Wazhou       Sales of finished goods and
                                                      Market price        -8,581,155.49    -0.53%     13,825,465.42           0.79%
Group                   materials

Associates:                                                                                     0%                                 0%

Including: Dalian
                        Sales of semi finished goods
SKF Wazhou                                           Negotiated price     29,748,687.88    1.84%      41,977,744.41           2.39%
                        and materials
Bearings Co., Ltd.
Other companies
controlled by the
same parent
Including: Wazhou
                   Sales of materials                 Negotiated price     4,365,001.45    0.27%       6,120,820.86           0.35%
Steel Ball Company
Wazhou Exact Forge
                   Sales of materials                 Negotiated price   186,322,652.28    11.52%    212,642,796.07          12.09%
Dalian Wazhou
                   Sales of finished goods and
Manufacturing                                         Market price         1,287,960.84    0.08%        904,108.71            0.05%
Equipment Co., Ltd
Wazhou Group
                        Sales of semi finished goods
Turnplate Bearing                                    Market price         10,525,530.76    0.64%      51,948,101.86           2.96%
                        and materials
Wazhou Group            Sales of semi finished goods
Exact Transmission      and materials and industrial Market price         17,888,650.88     1.1%      19,107,417.33           1.09%
Bearing Co., Ltd        work

Wazhou Group
                        Sales of semi finished goods
Precision special
                        and materials and industrial Market price          6,216,993.25    0.38%        9,106,614.9           0.51%
Bearing Company

Other related parties                                                                           0%
Da Lian Wazhou Jin
                   Sales of materials and
Zhou Machine                                          Market price         1,716,641.66     0.11%                0                 0%
                   industrial work
Total                                                                    249,490,963.51    15.14%    355,633,069.56          20.23%

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                     Midyear Report of 2012
 (3) Assets rent out

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                                                                       Mature                                       Lease income
                          Category of                                    Starting
  Lessor       Lessee                       Proportion   Amount                                       Basis of lease pricing      recognized in the        Influence to the company
                         assets rent out                                   date         date                                       current period
The         Wazhou Exact
                         Land              7,811m2          3,163,455 2012.01.01    2012.12.31    8Yuan/ m2 per year                                  00
Company     Forge Ltd.,
The         Wazhou Steel
                         Land              13,171 m2        5,597,675 2012.01.01    2012.12.31    8Yuan/ m2 per year                                  00
Company     Ball Company
                                                                                                  Lease expense=(lease assets
                                                                                                  annual deprecation + estimate
The         Wazhou Exact                                                                          value* asset return
                         Building          9,177 m2         4,775,500 2012.01.01    2012.12.31                                                        00
Company     Forge Ltd.,                                                                           rate)/(1-operite tax rate-
                                                                                                  rate*tax and additional tax
                                                                                                  Lease expense=(lease assets
                                                                                                  annual deprecation + estimate
The                                                                                               value* asset return
            special      Building          6,534.4 m2        5,116,000 2012.01.01   2012.12.31                                                        00
Company                                                                                           rate)/(1-operite tax rate-
                                                                                                  rate*tax and additional tax
                                                                                                  Lease expense=(lease assets
            Da Lian
                                                                                                  annual deprecation + estimate
The                                                                                               value* asset return
            Fengyuan     Building          1,791 m2       1,473,350.87 2012.01.01   2012.12.31                                                53,730 Take up0.16% of the total profit
Company                                                                                           rate)/(1-operite tax rate-
                                                                                                  rate*tax and additional tax
                                                                                                  Lease expense=(lease assets
            Da Lian                                                                               annual deprecation + estimate
The         Wazhou Jin                                                                            value* asset return
                         Building          8,118 m2       8,887,474.07 2012.01.01   2012.12.31                                               243,540 Take up0.73% of the total profit
Company     Zhou Machine                                                                          rate)/(1-operite tax rate-
            Co.,Ltd                                                                               rate*tax and additional tax
Total                                                    29,013,454.94                                                                       297,270 Take up0.89% of the total profit

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                               Midyear Report of 2012

Assets under lease

                                                                                                                       Lease expense
                       Category Proportio                                    Mature                                    confirmed in       Influence to the
 Lessor      Lessee                           Amount     Starting date                     Basis of lease pricing
                       of assets   n                                          date                                      the current          company
Wazhou      The                   51,302.2
                    Land                       7,182,308 2012.01.01      2012.12.31     8Yuan/ m2 per year                  410,417.6 0
Group       Company               m2
            Da Lian
            dynamo Land           28,210 m2 11,735,360 2012.01.01        2012.12.31     8Yuan/ m2 per year                  52,893.75 0
                                                                                        Lease expense=(lease assets
                                                                                        annual deprecation +
           The                                                                          estimate value* asset return
Steel Ball         Building       2,592 m2     2,721,600 2012.01.01      2012.12.31                                                 00
           Company                                                                      rate)/(1-operite tax rate-
                                                                                        rate*tax and additional tax
                                                                                        Lease expense=(lease assets
                                                                                        annual deprecation +
Wazhou      The                   65,832.99   149,933,30                                estimate value* asset return
                    Building                             2012.01.01      2012.12.31                                         6,200,000 0
Group       Company               m2                   0                                rate)/(1-operite tax rate-
                                                                                        rate*tax and additional tax
Total                                                                                                                    6,663,311.35

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                            Midyear Report of 2012

(4). Guarantee to associate parties

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan
        Guarantor         Guarantee              Amount        Beginning date          Mature date       The guarantee is over or not
WBGC                   The company          300,000,000.00      2007-3-7               2015-3-7               No(record: 1)
WBGC                   The company          46,460,000.00      2012-03-16              2013-3-15              No(record: 2)
WBGC                   The company          43,540,000.00      2012-03-23              2013-3-15              No(record: 2)
     Statement 1: The guarantee is WBGC provide to the company, since the company borrowed 300 million Yuan
from Country Development Bank, at the end of 2012.06.30, the loan is with amount of 8000 thousand Yuan.
     Statement 2: The guarantee is WBGC provide to the company, since the company borrowed 90 million Yuan
from Import and Export Bank, at the end of 2012.06.30, the loan is with amount of 90 million Yuan.
8.6 Accounts receivable and payable due to related parties

(1)Accounts receivable due from related parties

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

           Items                   Related parties               2012.06.30                              2012.01.01
Accounts receivable     Wazhou Group                                    7,523,401.47                                   25,365,740.94
Accounts receivable     Wazhou Group Turnplate Bearing Ltd                                                                8,170,254.23
Accounts receivable     Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd                          6,267,154.37                                                   0
Accounts receivable     Wazhou Special precision Co., Ltd               6,521,998.48                                      3,956,619.13
                        Dalian wazhou Feng Yuan machinery
Accounts receivable                                                                                                        629,563.26
                        Co., LTD
Total                                                                  20,312,554.32                                   38,122,177.56

 (2) payable due to related parties

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

            Items                         Related parties                   2012.06.30                       2012.01.01
Accounts payable         Dalian SKF Wazhou Bearings Co., Ltd                    102,228,644.99                        129,040,585.45
Accounts payable         Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.                                                                       83,997,441.08
Accounts payable         Wazhou Group Turnplate Bearing Ltd                      21,292,462.65
Accounts payable         Wazhou Steel Ball Company                                1,502,986.51                            4,068,575.67
Accounts payable         Wazhou Group Precision Transmission Bearing
                                                                                  62,997,342.9                         79,800,622.41
                         Company Limited
Accounts payable         Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing Equipment Co.,
                                                                                  5,937,310.76                            7,922,351.43
Accounts payable         Dalian wazhou Feng Yuan machinery Co., LTD              14,568,076.92
Accounts payable         Dalian wazhou JinZhou machinery Co., LTD                                                         7,545,880.44
Other payable            Wazhou Group                                            29,796,527.28                         25,923,909.17

9. Notes to the main items of the financial statements of parent company

9.1 Accounts receivable

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                        Midyear Report of 2012

(1)Accounts receivable

                                                         2012.06.30                                                 2012.01.01

Items                                     Booking balance              Provision                  Booking balance                    Provision

                                         Amount           %         Amount          %            Amount             %          Amount                 %

Other       receivables       with

individual              significant

amount and identification                3,910,007.43     0.36%    3,910,007.43    100%           3,910,007.43     0.38%       3,910,007.43       100%

separately        bad         debt


Other receivables accrued

bad      debt    provision      by

Accounting aging portfolio                              94.77%     31,504,358.6    3.08%        932,091,668.42    90.18%      31,821,808.28      3.41%

Related parties portfolio               40,730,376.61     3.77%                                  85,735,822.23       8.3%

Risk-free portfolio
Subtotal of portfolio                                   98.54%     31,504,358.6    2.96% 1,017,827,490.65         98.48%      31,821,808.28      3.13%

Other       receivables       with

individual         insignificant

amount and identification               11,813,753.94     1.09% 11,813,753.94      100%          11,813,753.94     1.14%      11,813,753.94       100%

separately        bad         debt

Total                                                     --      47,228,119.97    --       1,033,551,252.02        --        47,545,569.65       --

1)Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provision separately at the end of

                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                              Provision for bad           Proportion
 Debtors name                                           Booking balance                                                      Reasons for provision
                                                                                        debts                (%)

 Baoding        North     China       Machine   &

 Electronic Equipment Ltd Co.
                                                               3,910,007.43          3,910,007.43           100.00          A/R with over 5 years

                                                                                                                            aging,   unlikely    to       be


 Total                                                         3,910,007.43          3,910,007.43            —                         —

           Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                    Midyear Report of 2012

2) Other receivable accrued the bad debt provisions in the portfolio as accounting aging analysis method
                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

 Items                                                         2012.06.30                                           2012.01.01

                                                Amount              %             Provision          Amount            %           Provision

Within 1 year                                  914,359,248.9      89.38%       9,143,592.49      807,014,942.85      86.58%         8,070,149.43

 Subtotal within 1 year                        914,359,248.9      89.38%       9,143,592.49      807,014,942.85      86.58%         8,070,149.43

1-2 years                                      66,741,929.89       6.52%       3,337,096.49         81,916,697.71     8.79%         4,095,834.89

2-3 years                                       6,485,094.71       0.63%       1,297,018.94          6,413,966.59     0.69%         1,282,793.32

Over 3 years                                   35,453,301.35       3.47%      17,726,650.68         36,746,061.27     3.94%       18,373,030.64

3-4 year                                       24,817,310.95       2.43%      12,408,655.48         25,722,242.89     2.76%       12,861,121.45

 4-5 year                                       7,090,660.27       0.69%      3,545,330.136         7,349,212.254     0.79%       3,674,606.128

Over 5 years                                   3,545,330.135       0.35%      1,772,665.068         3,674,606.127     0.39%       1,837,303.064

 Total                                    1,023,039,574.85          --         31,504,358.6      932,091,668.42        --         31,821,808.28

3) Other receivable accrued the bad debt provisions in the portfolio as accounting other method

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

Items                                                              Booking balance                                    Provision
Related parties portfolio                                                           40,730,376.61                                                   0
Risk-free portfolio                                                                             0                                                   0
Total                                                                               40,730,376.61                                                   0

4) Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision separately at the end of
                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                                Booking           Provision for          Proportion
 Company name                                                                                             Reasons for provision
                                balance             bad debts               (%)

 Shenyang           Sewerage
                                2,706,703.13        2,706,703.13             100%      A/R with over 5 years aging, unlikely to be collected
 Equipment Co.,Ltd

 Shen       Yang     General                                                           A/R with over 3 years aging, forms a book difference
                                2,452,138.58        2,452,138.58             100%
                                                                                       between both sides.
 Bearing Co.,Ltd

  Tiefa      coal      sector                                                          A/R with over 3 years aging, forms a book difference
                                2,352,760.15        2,352,760.15             100%
                                                                                       between both sides.
 Group Company
                                                                                       A/R with over 3 years aging, forms a book difference
 Shuangyashan Mining            1,368,257.55        1,368,257.55             100%
                                                                                       between both sides.

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                   Midyear Report of 2012

 industry          Group


 Chongqing      Sailimeng                                                            A/R with over 3 years aging, forms a book difference
                                  650,758.88             650,758.88         100%
                                                                                     between both sides.
 electrical machine LLC

 Qingdao           Qingte                                                            A/R with over 3 years aging, forms a book difference
                                  590,898.99             590,898.99         100%
                                                                                     between both sides.
 Zhongli axle Co.,Ltd

 Other sporadic accounts
                                1,692,236.66          1,692,236.66          100%     A/R with over 5 years aging, unlikely to be collected

 Total                         11,813,753.94         11,813,753.94          100%

(2)Accounts receivable due from shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the Company’s shares

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                              2012.06.30                                                 2012.01.01

Debtor name                       Amount              Provision for bad            Amount                     Provision for bad debt


Wazhou Group                          7,523,401.47                      0          25,365,740.94                                                 0

Total                                 7,523,401.47                      0          25,365,740.94                                                 0

(3)Accounts receivable for the top 5 companies

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                        Relationship with the
 Company name                                                          Amounts                 Aging                   % in the total AR

 China        Railway     Materials
                                       Unrelated party                 54,672,480.56    Within 1 year                                        5.06%

 Daqin railway Stock Co.,Ltd           Unrelated party                 26,717,017.96    Within 1 year                                        2.47%

 Dalian Huarui Company Limited         Biggest shareholder             24,909,219.41    Within 1 year                                        2.31%

 Shanxi Fast Gearing Company
                                       Unrelated party                 18,131,040.86    Within 1 year                                        1.68%

 Dalian Long Hui Industrial and
                                       Unrelated party                 17,394,507.47    Within 1 year                                        1.61%
 Business Company Limtied

 Total                                                                141,824,266.26                                                     13.14%

9.2 Other receivables
(1) The category of other receivable

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                         Midyear Report of 2012
                                                       2012.06.30                                                   2012.01.01

Items                                 Booking balance                    Provision                Booking balance                     Provision

                                     Amount            %          Amount              %          Amount             %         Amount                %

Other       receivables     with

individual            significant

amount and identification                      0            0%                0            0%               0            0%               0              0%

separately       bad        debt


Other receivables accrued

bad     debt    provision     by


Accounting aging portfolio          11,760,123.06     94.53%        993,498.85       8.45%       10,216,033.67    92.73%          993,498.85        9.72%

Related parties portfolio                      0            0%                0            0%

Risk-free portfolio                   680,018.19       5.47%                  0            0%      801,514.74       7.27%

Subtotal of portfolio               12,440,141.25       100%        993,498.85       7.99%       11,017,548.41      100%          993,498.85        9.02%

Other       receivables     with

individual        insignificant

amount and identification                      0            0%                0            0%               0            0%               0              0%

separately       bad        debt


Total                               12,440,141.25      --           993,498.85        --         11,017,548.41      --            993,498.85        --

1) Other receivable accrued the bad debt provisions in the portfolio as accounting aging analysis method

                                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

 Items                                                      2012.06.30                                               2012.01.01

                                            Amount                  %             Provision          Amount               %             Provision

Within 1 year                                       9,311,114     79.18%             93,111.14       7,826,406.81        76.62%            78,264.07

 Subtotal within 1 year                             9,311,114     79.18%             93,111.14       7,826,406.81        76.62%            78,264.07

1-2 years                                           586,234.6       4.98%            29,311.73         492,921.58         4.82%            24,646.08

2-3 years                                           201,037.5       1.71%             40,207.5         192,546.46         1.88%            38,509.29

Over 3 years                                   1,661,736.96       14.13%           830,868.48        1,704,158.82        16.68%           852,079.41

3-4 year                                      1,163,215.872         9.89%         581,607.936       1,192,911.174        11.68%           596,455.59

 4-5 year                                      332,347.392          2.83%         166,173.696         340,831.764         3.34%           170,415.88

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                       Midyear Report of 2012

Over 5 years                               166,173.696     1.41%     83,086.848        170,415.882    1.67%             85,207.94

 Total                                11,760,123.06        --        993,498.85    10,216,033.67       --           993,498.85

2) Other receivable accrued the bad debt provisions in the portfolio as accounting other method

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

Items                                                       Booking balance                           Provision
Related parties portfolio
Risk-free portfolio                                                       680,018.19                                                  0
Total                                                                     680,018.19                                                  0

(2) Other receivables from the top 5 debtors

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                   Relationship with the                                                      % of the
Detor name                                                         Amounts             Aging
                                           Company                                                            total OR
Xi’an Railway Bureau                Unrelated party                   100,000 Within 1 year                                  0.8%

Wu Han Railway Bureau                Unrelated party                    99,200 Within 1 year                                  0.8%

Lan Zhou Railway Bureau              Unrelated party                    90,000 Within 1 year                                 0.72%

Mei Shan Vehivle                     Unrelated party                    30,000 Within 1 year                                 0.24%
Nan Vehicle car company in Shi       Unrelated party                    20,000 Within 1 year                                 0.16%
Jia Zhuang
Total                                                                  339,200                                               2.73%

          Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                  Midyear Report of 2012
9.3 Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan
                                                                                                                                 Reason of
                                                                                                                                 Difference     Provision       Provision          for
                                                                                               Ending     Share        Voting                                   impairment             Cash bonus
                                        Invest cost at the   Beginning
        Investee          Calculate                                                                                                between         for          calculated             in reporting
                                           beginning          balance         alteration       balance    holding       %
                                                                                                                                shareholding   impairment                                 period
                                                                                                            %                                                    in reporting period
                                                                                                                                  and voting
Shanghai ME
machine-electrical                                                                             2,000,00
                        cost method             2,000,000         2,000,000                0               4.76% 4.76% 0                                    0                       0             0
equipment chain                                                                                       0
Liaoyang Bearing        cost method         17,337,259.95     17,337,259.95                0                100%       100% 0                               0                       0             0
Dalian Wazhou
Precision Motor Car                                                                            45,478,9
                    cost method             10,478,956.37     45,478,956.37                0                100%       100% 0                               0                       0             0
Bearing Company                                                                                   56.37

Dalian SKF Wazhou                                                             2,985,002.7 87,442,6
                        equity method          68,600,000     84,457,621.14                                      49%    49% 0                               0                       0             0
                                                                                        3    23.87
Bearings Co., Ltd.

Shanghai      Zhenxin

Wazhou      Machinery
                        equity method             400,000       410,855.12 -410,855.12               0           40%    40% 0                               0                       0             0
and Electricity Co.,

                                                                              2,574,147.6 152,258,
Total                         --            98,816,216.32    149,684,692.58                                 --          --           --                     0                       0             0
                                                                                        1 840.19

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                             Midyear Report of 2012

9.4 Operating revenue and cost
(1) Operating revenue, cost

                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

Items                                                             2012.06.30                                  2011.06.30

Revenue from main operation                                            1,363,566,348.39                                  1,382,011,740.04

Revenue from other operation                                             246,967,858.45                                    367,578,892.85

Cost from operation                                                    1,426,359,883.98                                 1,548,503,038.12

Total                                                                  3,036,894,090.82                                 3,298,093,671.01

(2) Main operation - classified according to industry

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                    2012.06.30                                            2011.06.30
                                     Sales revenue               Cost of sales            Sales revenue                Cost of sales

 Export                                    136,789,260.11         137,835,006.35             92,059,807.51                  93,338,365.04

 Transportation vehicle bearings           488,355,468.26         432,201,256.81            552,386,739.64                 477,264,199.14

          Special use bearings             282,818,191.38         237,585,214.27            288,116,927.78                  234,312,047.1

          General use bearings             400,426,483.61         347,257,373.16            373,091,397.99                 344,507,609.91

 Industrial Operations                      55,176,945.03          61,162,035.12             76,356,867.12                  76,129,542.38

 Total                                 1,363,566,348.39          1,216,040,885.71          1,382,011,740.04             1,225,551,763.57

(3) Main operation - classified according to product

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                    2012.06.30                                            2011.06.30
                                     Sales revenue               Cost of sales            Sales revenue                Cost of sales

 Bearings                              1,308,389,403.36          1,154,878,850.59         1,305,654,872.92              1,149,422,221.19

 Component                                  55,176,945.03          61,162,035.12             76,356,867.12                  76,129,542.38

 Total                                 1,363,566,348.39          1,216,040,885.71         1,382,011,740.04              1,225,551,763.57

(4) Main operation - classified according to region

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                    2012.06.30                                            2011.06.30
                                     Sales revenue               Cost of sales            Sales revenue                Cost of sales

 Export                                    136,789,260.11         137,835,006.35             92,059,807.51                  93,338,365.04

         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                   Midyear Report of 2012

                                                      2012.06.30                                              2011.06.30
                                          Sales revenue             Cost of sales            Sales revenue                 Cost of sales

 Domestic                                  1,226,777,088.28        1,078,205,879.36           1,289,951,932.53              1,132,213,398.53

 Total                                     1,363,566,348.39        1,216,040,885.71           1,382,011,740.04              1,225,551,763.57

(5) Sales revenue from top 5 customers

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

 Items                                                                          Sales revenue                 Accounting for proportion of


 China Heavy Vehicle Group Jinan Qiaoxiang Company Limited                               67,267,798.32                                     4.18%

 China Railway Materials Company                                                            56,538,065.5                                   3.51%

 Guang Zhou Wazhou Bearing selling Company                                               31,837,377.78                                     1.98%

 FAW Car Limited Company                                                                 30,019,104.99                                     1.86%

 China Railway Materials Company                                                         24,615,160.65                                     1.53%

 Total                                                                                  210,277,507.24                                 13.06%

9.5 Investment income
(1) Details of investment income

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

 Items                                                                     2012.06.30                                2011.06.30

 Income from long-term equity investments under cost method                                      0                                                 0

 Income from long-term equity investments under equity
                                                                                    2,985,002.73                                    6,302,534.5

 Income on disposal of long-term assets                                                 -6,938.21                                                  0

 Total                                                                              2,978,064.52                                    6,302,534.5

(2) Long-term equity investment income under equity method

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

 Items                                         2012.06.30                      2011.06.30                        Reason for change

 Dalian SKF Wazhou Bearings Co.,
                                                     2,985,002.73                     6,302,534.5      The associates profits decreased

 Total                                               2,985,002.73                     6,302,534.5

9.6 Supplementary information of consolidated cash flow statement
                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                           Midyear Report of 2012

Items                                                                              2012.06.30                  2011.06.30

1. Adjusting net profit into cash flows of operating activities:

Net profit                                                                            39,481,286.48                    53,081,596.3

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                                  295,087.17                         206,649.94

          Depreciation of fixed assets                                                34,454,208.48                    38,557,132.9

          Amortization of intangible assets                                            2,144,947.32                    2,154,705.03

          Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                     42,906.71                         120,402.96

     Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and long-term assets
                                                                                           -642,321                   -3,405,658.21
     (income listed with”-”)

     Losses on write-off of fixed assets (income listed with”-”)

          Financial expense (income listed with”-”)                                 13,502,411.13                   12,082,558.94

         Investment loss (income listed with”-”)                                    -2,978,064.52                    -6,302,534.5

         Decrease of deferred tax assets(increase listed with”-”)

         Increase of deferred tax assets (decrease listed with”-”)

         Decrease of inventories (increase listed with”-”)                          76,262,892.16                  -24,162,208.48

         Decrease of operating receivables (increase listed with”-”)              -162,988,482.94                 -202,164,931.31

         Increase of operating payables (decrease listed with”-”)                  149,643,647.71                  222,331,421.96


     Net cash flows arising from operating activities                                 149,218,518.7                   92,499,135.53

2. Significant investment and financing activities unrelated to cash

income and expenses

        Liabilities transferred to capital                                                      —                                 —

   Convertible bonds within 1 year                                                              —                                 —

        Financing leased fixed assets                                                           —                                 —

3. Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalent

Ending balance of cash                                                                91,173,945.34                   77,898,307.61

Less: Opening balance of cash                                                         59,742,088.63                   43,756,831.34

Add: Ending balance of cash equivalent

Less: Opening balance of cash equivalent

Net increase of cash and cash equivalent                                              31,431,856.71                   34,141,476.27

        Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd.                                                                     Midyear Report of 2012

10. Supplementary information
10.1 Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                                                                    Weighted average return           Earnings per share (EPS)

                            Profit of report period                                     on net assets (%)            Basic          Diluted EPS


Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                                                2.02%           0.08                 0.13

Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses attributable to
                                                                                                         1.91%           0.07                 0.12
shareholders of parent company

                           Chapter Eight.                   List of reference documents

                                                      List of reference documents
1. The Accounting statements of the first half year of 2012 which is with the signatures and seals of the legal representative, finance
controller and the director of accounting department of the Company.
2. Original documents and notices of the Company disclosed in newspapers designated by the Security Supervisory Committee of
China in report period.

                                                                                                    Chairman of the Board: Wang Lushun
                                                                     The delivery date approved by Board Meeting: August 16, 2012
